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7T7, exp ( - fpt) {[1/2 - f [j (l - r

/ !
+ r ] 1
wo (i - r-r
X exp [i2irg - ipt( 1 - f
) '
- 47rgf(l - W^jE,
+ [1/2 - j f [ - j ( i - r-y
+ m exP ^ +iPi - n
, A
- 47T?f(i - r-y
/ !
- [1/2 - ( - 7( 1 - n
'- + f ] exp [-i2w<j + ipl( 1 - n '
+ 4ir
f(l - W^E,
- [1/2 - i\ i{l - n '
+ f ] exp [i2irq - - f
+ 47Tryf(l - f
)'A] (11)
Ex =
E, =
/[to/p + (1
exp (iiTT
/ 2)dT
- if]
( 29 ) V . [ - ( l - f
A - ,-fl
/. (29)'A[co/?9 - (1
I exp (?Vr
>7 COnVA
F or most purposes the envel ope of the response functi on rather
than the particular ti me-dependent response is desired. The
fol l owi ng upper bound on the envel ope, whi ch greatl y simplifies
the results, may be readi l y found after reducing equation (11) to
a tri gonometri c form.
, {( N + N ) ex p [- 2t r sf l w/ p + d - f
/ ;
2(1 _ $)/.
+ + \ I2\ ) exp [-27rryf[co/p - (1 - r
/ 2
+ 2f(2?i
+ L
/*[f + (1 - $!)'/]
X exp [ - a ^f l w/ p + (1 - f
+ 2f(Z?2
+ 72
)'A[f + (1 - f
X exp [ - 2t t f f f [ / p - (1 - f
)'/=]]} (14)
Resul ts
Equati on (14) is the principal result of this study. Thi s ex-
pression may be di rectl y compared wi th the exact results of Lewi s
[1] for the case of zero dampi ng where the two forci ng functi ons
are identical. The response envelopes obtai ned from (14) with
f = 0 are everywhere indistinguishable from Lewi s' curves i ndi -
cating that this upper bound is qui te close to the exact response
envel ope if the dampi ng is small. I n both analyses, after passing
through resonance the response envel ope oscillates with decayi ng
ampl i tude around an ampl i fi cati on factor of 7rtf''
. Note that
increasing accel erati on rates result in a smaller val ue for q and
that q = co represents a steady forced vi brati on.
The influence of dampi ng on the response envel ope is evident
from Fi g. 1 where the acceleration rates have been held constant.
The attenuati on of peak response at the resonant poi nt is ap-
proxi matel y proporti onal to the attenuation achi eved with the
same dampi ng ratio when the exci tati on is stati onary. I n gen-
eral, the effect of an accelerating forci ng functi on is to increase the
resonant frequency and reduce the ampl i tude of the response
envel ope in compari son wi th equi val ent .stationary forced vi bra-
Ref erences
1 F. M. Lewis, "Vibration During Acceleration Through a Critical
Speed," TRANS. ASME , vol . 54, AP M, 1932, pp. 253-261.
2 C. W. Martz, "Tables of the Complex Fresnel I ntegrals," Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Administration Report SP-3010, Wash-
ington, D. C 1964.
3 W. J . Stronge, "Vibrations of a Mechanical System Traveling
Over a Stationary Wave Form," Master's Thesis, University of
California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif., 1964, p. 40.
O n t h e N o n l i n e a r O s c i l l a t i o n o f a n
A x i a l l y M o v i n g S t r i n g
C. D. MOTE, J R.
THE linear vi brati on of axially movi ng strings has been exten-
sively studi ed; for example, see [14],
I n all of these i nvesti ga-
tions the writers correct!}' state or i mpl y that the linear analysis is
applicable to smal l -ampl i tude transverse vi brati ons. J ust how
small is small for an axially movi ng string? Since this question
has not been investigated, one usually associates linearity condi -
tions of the axially movi ng string with the familiar linearity
condi ti ons of the stati onary string. The purpose of this Note is
to show that this association is i ncorrect. Where a tensi on-
amplitude relationship characterizes the linear oscillation of a
stationary string, a tension-amplitude-axial vel oci ty relationship
characterizes the linear oscillation of the axially movi ng string.
The analysis consists of the numerical solution of the funda-
mental period of oscillation of stati onary and axially movi ng
strings. The maxi mum ampl i tude of oscillation is specified small
O/2 percent of the l ength) so that an ampl i tude-dependent ten-
sion is the onl y nonlinearity considered in each case. The string
fundamental period is determined for various combi nati ons of
initial tension and axial vel oci ty. The strings are homogeneous
with fixed ends.
For mul at i on
The transverse equati on of moti on is easily determined from
variational principles. String kinetic and potential energies are
T = bpA f [(, + cx)
+ (it, + c)
]cfe (l a)
J o
Nomencl at ur e
A = string cross-sectional area
c = string constant axial vel oci ty
E = elastic modul us
1 = string free length between supports
P = string initial tension
t = ti me
u = axial di spl acement wi th respect to coordinates translating
at vel oci ty c
v = transverse di spl acement wi th respect to fixed coordinates
tv = nondimensional transverse displacement
x = fixed axial coordi nate
a = nondi mensi onal initial tension
ft = nondi mensi onal axial vel oci ty
e = strain
77 = nondimensional ti me
= nondimensional axial coordi nate
r = nondimensional period
V = | Pedx + iEA I e
dx (lb) f Pedx + iEA f
J o J o
where v and u are transverse and axial displacements, v, =
bv/ dt, c is the string axial vel oci ty, and the remaining terms are as
expected. The acti on then becomes
2cut + c
/ ( nil fi
I Ldt = I (ip.4{t>,
+ 2cvxv, + c V + 7(,
J t 1 J li J o
- P {[(1 + m,)
+ ^
/ 2
- 1} - iEA {[1 + ux]* + *' + 1
-2[(l +i Lxy + vX'*})dxdt (2)
For ux <<C 1, vx
< 1, and vx
<SC vx
, the equation of moti on,
whi ch is an Eul er equati on of (2), is
pAv + 2pAcvxl + (pAc
- P)vxx + | vI xvx\ P AE) = 0 (3)
Assistant Professor, Carnegie I nstitute of Technology, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pa. Assoc. Mem. ASME.
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of Note.
Manuscript received by ASME Applied Mechanics Division,
J uly 22, 1965; final draft November 22, 1965.
J o u r n a l o f A p p l i e d M e c h a n i c s J U NE 1 9 6 6 / 4 6 3
Copyright 1966 by ASME
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I n terms of the fol l owi ng nondimensional numbers:
" l
= (
< 1
V =
I <
0 =
P \ V:
p i ,
the equation of moti on and the boundary conditions are
w + 20w(l - (1 - 13* + ) wi( = 0 ( 4)
and w(0, rj) = !(1, j ;) = 0. The equati on of moti on (4) is seen
to be always hyperbol i c for velocities less than critical (/S < 1).
F rom a practical standpoi nt, the factor (3 will always be less than
1. Numeri cal solutions of the quasi-linear equation (4) can best
be determined by the method of characteristics. A detailed di s-
cussion of the method of characteristics as applied to this probl em
will not be given because no special techniques are required (for
a clear discussion of the procedure see [6, 7]). Di fferences be-
tween the stationary and movi ng string analyses, both linear and
nonlinear, are easily seen in the characteristics in the ij-tj plane.
I n terms of standard notati on, the slopes of the characteristics
are given by
/ =
<7 =
1 +
+ 0
The slopes of the characteristics of the linear, stati onary string
are constants equal to +1 and 1 as expected. The slopes of the
linear, movi ng string are constants equal to 1/ ( 1 + /3) and
1/(1 / 3). As /3 approaches 1, the slope of the (/-character-
istic becomes large. The nonlinear characteristics are not
straight; the slopes i nvol ve a (usual l y) small correcti on (3/2a
due to tension-amplitude dependence. As (3 increases, the si g-
nificance of the slope correcti on term increases as seen in equa-
tions (5). For large the correcti on term may not be small even
for "smal l -di spl acement" oscillations. I n fact, as 0 approaches 1,
a linear vi brati on theory becomes meaningless.
I n order to obtai n more quanti tati ve confi rmati on of the fore-
going observati on, the fundamental period of oscillation was
calculated for the movi ng and stati onary string by the method of
characteristics. An outline of the procedure particular to this
probl em is as fol l ows: (a) The string initial transverse vel oci ty
J )(>0), is zero and the initial di spl acement corresponds to the
particular f3 linear fundamental mode wi th wmax = 0.005; (b) the
characteristics are constructed; (c) the string di spl acement and
transverse vel oci ty are determined on -q = constant lines in the
plane. I nitially, the determi nati on of one period was based
upon observing when the string returned to its original configura-
tion. Since the string never exactl y returns to its initial con-
figuration, and since the string spends a l ong ti me in close
proxi mi ty of the initial confi gurati on, this method of period de-
termination was abandoned. I nstead, the period was determined
by observing when the RMS transverse velocit3
was mi ni mum
and, at the same time, checking the final configuration. Modern
computi ng facilities are requisite for these calculations.
The linear nondimensional period, obtai ned by a periodic solu-
tion substitution w(, 77) = I F exp [i(wr] + ?i)] in the linearized
equation (4), is
= dV *
The linear fundamental periods can be compared with the non-
linear peri ods in Fi g. 1. The reduced period observed in the figure
Fig. 1 Fund amental period of oscillation for wma x = 0.005 as a function
of nond imensional initial tension a. (Period pred icted by linear theory
is ind icated by a tick on the ord inate at the particular siring velocity /3.)
is, of course, expected, but the figure also illustrates the increase.!
significance of the nonlinear correcti on term wi th increasing
string vel oci ty /3. The maxi mum string axial vel oci ty examined
was (3 = 0.4 since numerical error increases wi th f3. The vel oci ty
13 = 0.4 is sufficiently large to show the i mportance of nonlinear
terms in the small-amplitude, axially movi ng string vi brati on.
Concl usi ons
The relationship between smallness of displacement and linear-
i ty for the stati onary string cannot be extrapolated to the axially
movi ng string. As the string axial vel oci ty increases, the effect of
tension vari ati on during oscillation becomes increasingly sig-
nificant. As the vel oci ty approaches critical, i.e., as (3 * 1, linear
oscillations are not meaningful even for small amplitudes.
The foregoi ng observations indicate that linear analyses of
axially movi ng strings are of limited value, limited to the hi gh-
tension, l ow-vel oci ty regime. Note that the high-tension, l ow-
vel oci t}' linear natural frequency analysis has been verified ex-
perimentally for a nei ghbori ng probl em [5], but the linear
analysis in general has received no experimental attenti on.
Ac k nowl edgment
The author sincerely thanks the Nati onal Science Foundati on
for partially fundi ng this study and the Carnegie I nsti tute of
Technol ogy Computati on Center for the use of computati on
facilities. The author also thanks Mi ss E. J . Stiles for aiding in
the preparati on of the manuscript.
Ref erences
1 Rudolf Skutch, "Ueber die Bewegung eines gespannten Fadens,
welcher gezwungen ist, durch, zwei feste Punkte, mit einer constanten
Geschwindigkeit zu gehen, und Zwischen denselben in Transversal-
Schwingungen von gerlinger Amplitude versetzt wi rd," Annalen der
Physik iind Chemie, vol. 61, 1897, pp. 190-195.
2 R. A. Sack, "Transverse Oscillations in Traveling Strings,"
British J ournal o] Applied Physics, vol. 5, 1954, pp. 224-226.
3 F. R. Archibald and A. G. Emslie, "The Vibration of a String
Having a Uniform Motion Along I ts Length," TRANS. ASME, vol. 80,
1958, pp. 347-34S.
4 R. D. Swope and W. F. Ames, "Vibration of a Movi ng Thread-
line," TheJ ournal of the Franklin I nstitute, vol. 275, 1963, pp. 36-55.
5 C. D. Mote, J r., and S. Naguleswaran, "Theoretical and Ex-
perimental Band Saw Vibrations," J ournal of Engineering for I ndus-
try. TRANS. ASME, vol. 88, Series B, 1966, pp. 163-168.
6 W. Fliigge, Handbook of Engineering Mechanics, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, I nc., New York, N. Y., 1962, chapter 11, pp. 8-10.
7 Modern Computing Methods, Her Majesty's Stationary Office,
London, England, 1961, Chapter 11, pp. 101-111.
4 6 4 / J U NE 1 9 6 6 T r a n s a c t i o n s o f t h e A S i V I E
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