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21 Interesting and Useful Water Facts

1. 90% of an adult bodys weight is mostly water.

2. Roughly 70 percent of an adults body is made up of water.
3. t birth! water accounts for appro"imately #0 percent of an infants body weight.
$. healthy person can drin% about three gallons &$# cups' of water per day.
(. )rin%ing too much water too *uic%ly can lead to water into"ication. +ater into"ication occurs when
water dilutes the sodium le,el in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brain.
-. +ater into"ication is most li%ely to occur during periods of intense athletic performance.
7. +hile the daily recommended amount of water is eight cups per day! not all of this water must be
consumed in the li*uid form. .early e,ery food or drin% item pro,ides some water to the body.
#. /oft drin%s! coffee! and tea! while made up almost entirely of water! also contain caffeine. 0affeine
can act as a mild diuretic! pre,enting water from tra,eling to necessary locations in the body.
9. 1ure water &solely hydrogen and o"ygen atoms' has a neutral p2 of 7! which is neither acidic nor
10. +ater dissol,es more substances than any other li*uid. +here,er it tra,els! water carries chemicals!
minerals! and nutrients with it.
11. /omewhere between 70 and 7( percent of the earths surface is co,ered with water.
12. 3uch more fresh water is stored under the ground in a*uifers than on the earths surface.
13. 4he earth is a closed system! similar to a terrarium! meaning that it rarely loses or gains e"tra matter.
4he same water that e"isted on the earth millions of years ago is still present today.
1$. 4he total amount of water on the earth is about 32- million cubic miles of water.
1(. 5f all the water on the earth! humans can used only about three tenths of a percent of this water. /uch
usable water is found in groundwater a*uifers! ri,ers! and freshwater la%es.
1-. 4he 6nited /tates uses about 3$-!000 million gallons of fresh water e,ery day.
17. 4he 6nited /tates uses nearly #0 percent of its water for irrigation and thermoelectric power.
1#. 4he a,erage person in the 6nited /tates uses anywhere from #07100 gallons of water per day.
8lushing the toilet actually ta%es up the largest amount of this water.
19. ppro"imately #( percent of 6./. residents recei,e their water from public water facilities. 4he
remaining 1( percent supply their own water from pri,ate wells or other sources.
20. 9y the time a person feels thirsty! his or her body has lost o,er 1 percent of its total water amount.
21. 4he weight a person loses directly after intense physical acti,ity is weight from water! not fat.

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