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1. Read the notice on the picture below!
The notice tells that we should ....
A. slow down, anytime the animals cross the road
B. drive fast, the animals can attack you
C. take care of the animals in that area
. drive carelessly for ne!t 1"# km.
This text fo !"#$e 2 % &
2' The shot #ess()e is *itte! to ''''
A' te++ *h(t h(, h(ppe!e, i! the +esso!
B. inform the cancellation of the lesson
C' s(y th(t the pofesso *i++ !ot -o#e to the +esso!
.' i!fo# th(t the se!,e $(, /"st (i0e, fo# 1(p(!
&' 2o# the text *e "!,est(!, th(t ''''
A' the se!,e -(!3t (tte!, the +esso!
B' the pofesso *i++ *(it the +esso! th(t ,(y
C' At( *(s i! 1(p(! *he! he se!t the #ess()e
D. the professor was away when the message was sent
[Type text]
A0( ''''/"st to i!fo# yo" th(t the E!)+ish +esso! *i++ $e -(!-e++e, fo
to#oo* 4e,5 1(! 67th 2862 (t 89'88 ('#' (s the pofesso *i++
(i0e fo# 1(p(! to!i)ht'

[Type text]
This text fo !"#$e > % ;
>' A,ity( (!, Mi-h(e+ -o!)(t"+(te ?(e+ $e-("se he h(s /"st ''''
A. finished from his study
B' -e+e$(te, his $ith,(y
C' *o! to the -o!test
.' )ot ( !e* /o$
;' 4h(t (e the e+(tio!ship (#o!) ?(e+ (!, the *ites@
A' f(#i+y
B' e+(ti0es
C' -+(ss #(tes
D. school mates
Read the te!t and answer $uestion number %.
%. &hen will the 'raduation party be held(
A. )n the mornin'
B. At noon
C. )n the afternoon
. )n the evenin'
[Type text]
ear students,
The class of *#1* is closin' on 'raduation. &e are proud
of our seniors because of their success. &e are lookin' forward to
havin' you in a celebration which will be held on
date + ,aturday, *
-une *#1*
time + at #..## a.m.
place + at the school hall of Bun'a Ban'sa -unior
/i'h ,chool.
0lease come and 1oin.
.e(est ?(e+
Co!)(t"+(tio!s O! Ao" G(,"(tio!
4e B!o* yo" -(! ,o it'
2o# :
A,ity( (!, Mi-h(e+
Ao" fie!,s o! )(,e 7A
[Type text]
This text is fo !"#$es ='
=' C4e (e +ooBi!) fo*(, to h(0i!) yo" i! ( -e+e$(tio!'D
4h(t ,oes the "!,e+i!e, *o, efe to@
A' The se!ios of B"!)( B(!)s( 1"!io Hi)h S-hoo+'
B' The te(-hes of B"!)( B(!)s( 1"!io Hi)h S-hoo+'
C' The pi!-ip(+ of B"!)( B(!)s( 1"!io Hi)h S-hoo+'
D. The students of of Bunga Bangsa Junior High School.
Read the te!t to answer $uestions 1# and 11
Get ready
for speed, excitement
and fun!
Waterbom Bali
1+ K(tiB( PO Box 68;;
T"$(!5 K"t(5 B(+i 78&<65
Pho!e: E<2 &<6 =;;<=<
2(x: E<2 &<6 =;&;6=
E#(i+: i!foF*(te$o#'-o'i,
)t2s A 3reat ay
4.. /ectares of Balinese
Tropical 3ardens
15 &orld6class &ater ,lides
7ive6star ive Center 8 ,cuba
9iddy 0ark
Bombastic A$uatic
:uro bun'y Trampoline
)nternational 7ood Court
&all Climbin'
The ome and &:T Caf; 8
General Info
<peration hours+
<pen daily from = a.m. > % p.m.
?e!cept on ,eclusion ay@
C,D 1.."# net ?adultB
C,D =."# net ?child 461* y@oB
Temperature+ *. > 44 Celcius
ry season April6 <ctober
&et season Aovember6Earch
For your safety
Always observe life'uards2
instructions and park si'na'e
&aterslides are not recommended for
'uests who have recently under'one
sur'ery, women durin' pre'nancy and
'uests with chronic back or heart
3uests ridin' the waterslides are not
permitted to wear 1ewelry, shirts@bathin'
suits with metal decorations, cut6off
1eans, sun'lasses, eye'lasses or 'o''les
Children ?461* years oldB must be
accompanied by an adult
o not leave your valuables
unattended in the park, lockers are
available for hire
Ao refunds will be 'iven due to
stormy or severe weather conditions
Eana'ement reserves the ri'ht to
refuse entry
7or security reasons, transportation
vehicles and personal items will be
inspected upon entry
1#. The waterboom closes onF
A. &aisak ay
B. Christmas ay
C. Gebaran ay
. Seclusion Day
11. H3uests ridin' the waterslides are not permitted F.I
The underlined word means F.
A. allowed
B. forbid
C. refused
. prohibit
[Type text]
.e( st",e!ts5
The -+(ss of 2862 is -+osi!) o! )(,"(tio!' 4e (e po", of o" se!ios $e-("se of
thei s"--ess' 4e (e +ooBi!) fo*(, to h(0i!) yo" i! ( -e+e$(tio! *hi-h *i++ $e he+, o!
,(te : S(t",(y5 2!, 1"!e5 2862
ti#e : (t 7'88 ('#
p+(-e : (t s-hoo+ h(++ of B"!)( B(!)s( 1"!io Hi)h S-hoo+'
P+e(se -o#e (!, /oi!'
St",e!ts Co#ittee
[Type text]
Read the te!t below to answer the $uestions number 15 8 1".
ear Aanda,
&e are havin' a 'reat holiday here, on the 3old Coast. Jesterday, we went to the Eovie
&orld. &hen we 'ot up in the mornin', it looked like a rain. After a while, the cloud
disappeared. And it became a sunny day. &e then decided to 'o to the Eovie &orld.
The first ride ) went on was Gethal &eapon. Ae!t, ) saw the 0olice Academy show. After
that, ) had lunch as ) was really hun'ry. Eeanwhile, Eum and 9elly $ueued for the Batman ride.
About one o2clock, we 'ot a li'ht shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. &e then went
on all the other rides. )t was a top day. ,ee you when you 'et back.
15. &hat is the purpose of the te!t above(
A. To tell Nanda about Tonys holiday.
B. To ask Aanda to 1oin Tony2s holiday.
C. To tell Aanda about Eovie &orld.
. To ask Aanda to see 0olice Academy show.
6;' 4h(t ,i, they )et (t o!e o3-+o-B @
A' B(t#(! i,e'
B' Sho*e '
C' A ,iGG+e'
.' L"!-h'
The text is for questions number ! " #.
)ou will need*
a packet of petunia seeds
a seed tray or small pots
loamy friable soil or pottin' mi!
1. 7ill seed tray with soil.
*. )ncorporate fertiliser into soil.
4. ,catter seeds on the surface of the soil.
5. Cover seeds with a 4 mm layer of soil. 0ress firmly.
". ,pray water to moisten the seed bed.
%. 0lace it in warm, sunny position ?at least *" de'ree CB.
K. 9eep soil moist by waterin' 'ently while seeds are 'erminatin'. Then seeds will 'erminate
in appro!imately 15 days.
!. Indi,ator*
HPlace it in warm, sunny position...I ?step %B.
&hat does the underlined word refer to(
A. soil
B. tray
C. seed bed
. seed tray
*#. 7rom the te!t we may conclude that...
A. &e must keep the soil dry.
[Type text]
[Type text]
B. The seeds will 'row in about two weeks.
C. &e must press ti'htly the cover layer of the soil.
. 0lacin' the seed tray in sunny position makes the seeds 'row fast.
*1. &hat should we do to moistern the seed bed(
A. ,pray it with water.
B. ,catter the seeds on it.
C. 0lace it in sunny position.
. Cover it with a layer of soil.
This text is for questions #- .
Today was a really hot day. After ) had had my lunch, ) went to the town s$uare to watch
a local sin'in' contest. ) went there alone.
Arrivin' there, ) chose a place under a bi' tree. ) thou'ht it could save me from the stron'
sunli'ht. ) actually did not really pay attention to the contest. ) 1ust went there to avoid a borin'
time at home.
,uddenly, ) found myself behind a youn' boy. ) was really sure that he was my
classmate, Andi. ) pinched him a little and called his name. The boy was surprised. &hen he
turned around, ) finally realiLed that he was not my classmate. ) could not say a word. That
moment was 1ust embarrassin'.
*". &hat does the te!t tell us about(
A. The writer2s 'ood day.
B. The writer2s sin'in' contest.
C. The writer2s daily activities.
. The writers embarrassin. ex+erience.
A! A--i,e!t
O!e e0e!i!) I *e!t o"t *ith #y fie!, A(!to fo ( ,i!!e i! ( est("(!t' Afte h(0i!) ,i!!e5 *e
*e!t ho#e (t 9'&8 (!, I offee, to t(Be A(!to3s ho#e' 4e *ee ,i0i!) (+o!) *he!5 s",,e!+y5
( -( ,o0e 0ey f(st "s o"t of -o!to+' The -( -(she, (!, (fte th(t it $"st i!to f+(#es'
H"ie,+y *e (! to the $"!i!) -(' 4he! *e )ot thee5 *e s(* thee peop+e t(ppe, i!si,e'
They *ee s-e(#i!) (!, *e h(, to )et the# o"t' It *(s i!-e,i$+y hot *he! *e ope! the
The ,i0e *(s sitti!) i!si,e5 "!-o!s-io"s' 4e )ot hi# o"t (!, the! *e!t $(-B fo the othe t*o
peop+e' I h(, to -+i#$ o0e the fo!t se(ts to )et to the#' S"pisi!)+y5 they *ee ($+e to *(+B
(*(y fo# the -(' Me(!*hi+e5 so#e peop+e *ho *ee *(t-hi!) fo# ( !e($y -(#psite5 -(++e,
the e#e)e!-y se0i-es'
2<' 4h(t is the #(i! i,e( of the thi, p(()(ph@
A' The ,i0e )ot o"t of the -( fee+y'
B. The writer helped the victims out of the car.
C' A(!to he+pe, the peop+e (+o!e'
.' The po+i-e -(++e, e#e)e!-y se0i-es'
[Type text]
[Type text]
Read the te!t and answer $uestion number *. to 4#.
&hat is the avera'e diameter of tornado(
A. *## to 4## yard.
B. 4## to 5## yard.
C. 5## to "## yard.
. %## to K## yard.
The main idea of the first para'raph is F
A. the effect of tornado.
B. the definition of tornado.
C. the type of tornado.
. the causes of tornado.
&hat is the te!t about(
A. The speed of tornado.
B. The effect of tornado.
C. Tornado.
. The victim of tornado.
Read the te!t and answer $uestions number 45 to 4%.
<ne day a crow found a piece of meat on the 'round. /e picked it up and flew to the top
of a tree. &hile he was sittin' there eatin' his meat, a small bird passed by. ,he was carryin' a
dead rat, and she was flyin' very fast.
The crow called her, but the small bird did not answer. ,he flew on her way. /e was very
an'ry and determined to have the rat by any means. /e left the meat he was eatin', and flew
after the small creature. /owever, he could not catch her.
[Type text]
To!(,oes (e B!o*! (s o!e of the #ost ,(#()i!) ,is(stes' 4h(t is
the ,efi!itio! of to!(,oes@ A to!(,o is ( 0ey po*ef"+ -o+"#! of *i!,s
*hi-h spi(+s (o"!, ( -e!te of +o* (t#osphei- pess"e' A to!(,o *i++
+ooB +iBe ( +()e $+(-B f"!!e+ *hi-h h(!)s ,o*! fo# ( sto# -+o",'
The !(#e Hto!(,oH ,ei0es fo# the L(ti! Hto!(eH' It #e(!s Hto
th"!,e'H 4hi+e the Sp(!ish ,e0e+ope, the *o, i!to Hto!e(H *hi-h #e(!s
Hto t"! o t*istH' This is *hy ( to!(,o is so#eti#es -(++e, t*iste o
-y-+o!e' The *i!,s i!si,e ( t*iste -(! spi! (o"!, (t spee,s "p to ;88
#i+es (! ho"5 $"t it "s"(++y t(0e+s (t o")h+y &88 #i+es (! ho"' This spee,
t*isti!) #(Bes ( to!(,o the #ost ,(!)eo"s sto#' The (0e()e to!(,o
h(s ( ,i(#ete of ($o"t 288 to &88 y(,s' The s#(++e to!(,oes (e B!o*!
(s s(te++ite to!(,oes' These s#(++ off spi!)5 ($o"t ;8 y(,s (-oss5 -(! $e
0ey fie-e (!, ,o +ots of ,(#()e'
The fo#i!) of ( to!(,o -(! $e 0ey I"i-B' So#eti#es it -(! fo# i! (
#i!"te o +ess' A to!(,o -(! t(0e+ (-oss the )o"!, (t hi)h spee,s5 the! it
-(! s",,e!+y 0(!ish' Most to!(,oes +(st +ess th(! t*e!ty #i!"tes (!,
t(0e+ +ess th(! 6; #i+es' Ho*e0e5 the s"pe sto#s so#eti#es t(0e+ o0e
688 #i+es $efoe they (e exh("ste,'
Co#pose, fo#:+i$(y'thi!BI"est'o)JC88&<8&Je!)+ishJto!(,oesJ*h(tis(to!(,o'sht#+
[Type text]
,uddenly, a hawk happened to pass by the tree where the crow had left his meat. The
hawk saw the meat, and at once seiLed it in his claws and flew away.

45. &hat is the story above about(
A. The crow and the small bird
0. The crow and a +iece of meat
C. The small bird and a dead rat
. The small bird and the hawk
4". /ow is the character of the crow(
A. Greedy
B. &ise
C. 9ind
. Arro'ant
4%. &hat can we learn from the story(
A. &e should be loyal with our friends.
B. o not like disturbin' others.
1. Greediness can lead you to lose.
. o not take one2s thin's.
This text is fo I"estio!s &< to &7
&<' I!,i-(to : .is(/iB(! se$"(h teBs !((ti0e Kfo+Bt(+eL5 sis*( ,(p(t #e!e!t"B(! piBi( "t(#(
p(()(ph Be,"('
4h(t ,oes the se-o!, p(()(ph te++ ($o"t@
A. Hung ung let his brothers and sisters ta!e the pears first
B' His $othes (!, sistes p"t the pe(s o! the t($+e
C' A++ the -hi+,e! h(, the $i))est (!, !i-est pe(s
.' The f(the )(0e his -hi+,e! ( pe( fo e(-h
&=' I!,iB(to : .is(/iB(! se$"(h teBs !((ti0e Kfo+Bt(+e L5 sis*( ,(p(t #e!e#"B(! i!fo#(si
i!-i tes"(t ,(i teBs tese$"t'
4hy ,i, H"!) A"!)3s f(the fee+ s"pise, to*(, hi#@ Be-("se H"!) A"!)M '
A' -hose the $i))est pe(
B' (te (++ pe(s o! the t($+e
C' p"t the pe(s i! the $(sBet
D. stood bac! away from his sister and brother
&7' I!,iB(to: .is(/iB(! se$"(h teBs !((ti0e Kfo+Bt(+eL5 sis*( ,(p(t #e!e!t"B(! pes(! #o(+
,(i teBs tese$"t'
4h(t -(! *e +e(! fo# the text ($o0e@
A' .o e0eythi!) th(t *e +iBe
B' .o!3t $e ( se+fish peso!
C' .o!3t -(e to e(-h othe
[Type text]
Lo!) ti#e ()o i! Chi!(5 thee +i0e, ( +itt+e $oy !(#e, H"!) A"!)' He
*(s the yo"!)est -hi+, i! the f(#i+y (!, h(, #(!y e+,e $othes (!, sistes'
O!e ,(y5 thei f(the $o")ht ho#e ( $i) $(sBet of pe(s' He p"t the
$(sBet o! the t($+e (!, to+, his -hi+,e! th(t they -o"+, e(-h t(Be o!e pe( to
e(t' A++ the -hi+,e! ex-ept H"!) A"!) -(#e "p to t($+e (!, $e)(! to -hoose
the $i))est (!, !i-est pe(' H"!) A"!) (+o!e stoo, $(-B (*(y fo# his
$othes (!, sistes'
4he! thei f(the s(* this5 he *(s s"pise, (!, (sB5D H"!) A"!)5
*hy ,o!3t yo" -hoose yo"se+f ( $i) pe(@D
The +itt+e $oy (!s*ee,5 C Let #y $othes (!, sistes h(0e the $i))est
pe(s $e-("se they (e $i))e th(! I (#' I *i++ t(Be the s#(++est o!e'D
His f(the *(s 0ey p+e(se, *ith this ep+y $e-("se H"!) A"!) *(s
the o!+y thee ye(s o+,' He B!e* th(t his so! o!e ,(y *o"+, )o* "p to $e (
)e(t #(!' Ae(s +(te5 H"!) A"!) e(++y )e* "p to $e ( )e(t #(!'
A h"i-(!e is (! i!te!se5 ot(ti!) o-e(!i- *e(the syste# th(t h(s #(xi#"#
-o!ti!"e, *i!,s ex-ee,i!) 669 B#Jh K=> #phL' It fo#s (!, i!te!sifies o0e
topi-(+ o-e(!i- e)io!s'
H"i-(!es (e )e!e(++y s#(++e th(! sto#s i! #i,N+(tit",es5 typi-(++y ($o"t ;88
B# K&66 #i+esL i! ,i(#ete' At the o-e(!3s s"f(-e5 the (i spi(+s i!*(, i! (
-o"!te-+o-B*ise ,ie-tio!' This -y-+o!i- -i-"+(tio! $e-o#es *e(Be *ith
hei)ht5 e0e!t"(++y t"!i!) i!to -+o-B*ise K(!ti-y-+o!i-L o"tf+o* !e( the top of the
sto#'4he! ( h"i-(!e hits +(!,5 it -(! ,o )e(t ,(#()e tho")h its sto!)
*i!,s5 he(0y (i!s5 i!+(!, f+oo,i!)5 (!, h")e *(0es' A po*ef"+ h"i-(!e -(!
Bi++ #oe peop+e (!, ,estoy #oe popety th(! (!y othe !(t"(+ ,is(ste'
H"i-(!es (e -(te)oiGe, (--o,i!) to the ste!)th of thei *i!,s' It is
#e(s"e, $y "si!) the S(ffiNSi#pso! H"i-(!e S-(+e' A C(te)oy 6 sto# h(s
the +o*est *i!, spee,s5 *hi+e ( C(te)oy ; h"i-(!e h(s the sto!)est' These
(e e+(ti0e te#s5 $e-("se +o*e -(te)oy sto#s -(! so#eti#es -("se )e(te
,(#()e th(! hi)he -(te)oy sto#s5 ,epe!,i!) o! *hee they stiBe (!, the
p(ti-"+( ,(!)es they $i!)' I! f(-t5 topi-(+ sto#s -(! (+so po,"-e si)!ifi-(!t
,(#()e (!, +oss of +ife5 #(i!+y ,"e to f+oo,i!)'
[Type text]
.' Be ( -(e+ess peso!
Read the te!t and answer $uestions 5* to 5%!
5*. &hat does the te!t mainly discuss(
A' The dan'erous waves.
B' The power of the winds.
C' The description of hurricane.
.' The condition in oceanic re'ion.
54. &hat is the main idea of the last para'raph(
A' &e need a special device to measure hurricanes.
B' The lowest cate'ory of hurricane can cause hu'e waves.
C' &e classify hurricanes based on the stren'th of their winds.
.' The dan'ers of hurricanes come from the winds2 movement.
"". And # butterflies # there $ once upon a time # a # two $ wise frog # lived
% & ' " ( ) * +
A. "$&$+$%$($*$)$'
B. "$($&$+$'$%$)$*
,. "$'$+$($*$%$)$&
D. "$'$+$($*$%$&$)
"(. A(!)e the *o,s to #(Be ( #e(!i!)f"+ se!te!-e'
to % *e!t % #y % I % #othe % +(st % B(+i is+(!, % 0(-(tio! N (!,
6 2 & > ; < = 7 9
A' > % 9 % & % ; % 2 % 6 % = % < % 7
[Type text]
[Type text]
B' & % ; % 9 % > % 2 % 6 % = % < % 7
C' < % 7 % & % ; % 9 % > % 2 % 6 % =
.' & % < % 7 % > % 9 % ; % 2 % 6 % =
>=' %e2arran.e these scrambled sentences into .ood +ara.ra+h.
1. They have to breathe air or they will die.
*. olphins have smooth skin.
4. <nly baby dolphins are born with a few bristly hairs on their snouts.
5. olphins are sea mammals.
". The female dolphins have a thick layer of fat under their skin to keep them warm when
they dive very deep.
%. They are members of the olphindeae family.
K. These hairs soon fall out.
.. They have lon' tail and the fin on the top of their backs keep the dolphin from rollin'
A. .6564616K6"6*6%
B. 5616%6*646K6.6"
C. %64616*6K6.6"65
. *6K6"6.6561646%
-or .uestions no "/ to (01 choose the best option to complete the te2t3
The pi(!o is ( #"si-(+ i!st"#e!t *hi-h is p+(ye, $y #e(!s of ( Bey$o(,' 4i,e+y "se, i!
*este! #"si- fo so+o pefo#e!-es5 e!se#$+e "se5 -h(#$e #"si-5 (!, (--o#p(!i#e!t5 the
pi(!o is (+so 0ey ''K>9L''(s (! (i, to -o#posi!) (!, ehe(s(+'
Pessi!) ( Bey o! the pi(!o3s Bey$o(, -("ses ( fe+t -o0ee, h(##e to stiBe''K;8L''' The
h(##e e$o"!,5 (++o*i!) the sti!)s to -o!ti!"e 0i$(ti!) (t thei eso!(!t feI"e!-y' This
0i$(tio!s (e t(!s#ite, to")ht ( $i,)e to ( so"!,i!) $o(, th(t -o"p+es the (-o"sti-
e!e)yto the (i so th(t it -(! $e he(, ( so"!,'
>9'A' pop"+(
B' i!teesti!)
C' (tt(-ti0e
.' i#pot(!t
;8'A' Bey$o(,
B' stee+ sti!)s
C' $e(t $(!B
.' to!e $(!B
:. K"!-i /(*($(! : B
[Type text]

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