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CARMA Research Matrix - 3477

Wolters Kluwer
Placement (Mandatory Code only one
1. Headline
2. Prominent mention
3. Passing mention
Cli! ori"in (Mandatory
112. Proactively-generated
113. Press release (sub issue to issue 112 if
114. Tird-party generated
11!. "pontaneous
11#. $ter%&ndefined source
4. H' ()$ *uote
!. H' spo+esperson *uote
#. H' ,anagement intervie-
11.. /ivisional%0usiness &nit ()$ (or ,/1
President1 2ice President) *uote
123. /ivisional%0usiness &nit spo+esperson
121. /ivisional%0usiness &nit ,anagement
122. 4en not clear 5 "po+esperson *uote
Article dynamics (Mandatory
(,andatory - (ode as appropriate)
6. 7ront Page
8. ,a9or article (1333: -ords)
.. ,oderate article (633 5 ... -ords)
13. "mall article (333 - #.. -ords)
11. ;<n brief= article (&p to 333 -ords)
12. 2isual
$uality o% !lacement (Mandatory Code
only one
116. $ne mention of coded competitor
118. T-o or more mentions of coded
Wolters Kluwer mentions &'nly code in
Wolters Kluwer or Wolters Kluwer di(ision
articles mandatory in such articles not
%or com!etitors)
414. ,ention of >Wolters Kluwer?
41!. @o mention of >Wolters Kluwer? (e.g.
only reference to CC*1 '(id1 #ntelliConnect
or oter brands % divisions)
Customer Mentions
3!!. ,ention of customers (of 4A1 divisions or
a competitor 5 can be private individual1 oter
companies etc.)
Article %ocus (Mandatory - Code only one
21. (orporate issues % commercial
22. 7inance B value
23. ,anagement B "trategy
123. (orporate governance
264. Human capital
26!. Cesearc % tougt-leadersip % industry
24. Products1 "ervices B "olutions (P"")
2#. $ter
Analyst monitor
26. Positive analyst comment
28. @egative analyst comment
2.. @eutral analyst comment
Cor!orate + Commercial DIssues linked with
Article focus with same name but not
33. Foint ventures % alliances
344. "upplier % partner relations % operations
32. ,ar+et sare % industry competition
3!. "ales % contracts
3#. Pricing
266. "ubscription revenue
26#. (@on) cyclical revenue
128. Gro-t (general)
12.. <nternational gro-t
38. $rganic Gro-t 5 as opposed to gro-t
from ac*uisitions
12!. ,ention of customer -ins% partnersips
issues % customer orientation Dalso code 3!!.E
124. DWolters Kluwer onlyE ,ention of tag lineH
;Te professional=s first coice=
268. I-ards % recognition
33. 0randing % ,ar+eting % advertising % PC
,inance - .alue DIssues linked with Article
focus with same name but not exclusivelyE
4!. )arnings and revenues % overall financial
4#. "toc+ performance % stoc+ issues
26.. Half % full-year results
283. Trading update
281. $utloo+%guidance
48. <nvestments
4.. /ivestments
34. ,ergers % ac*uisitions
3!#. Portfolio (of businesses%products)
.3. Hedging % debt
#3. "areolder or stoc+older issues
(including sare buy bac+s and%or refinancing)
46. (ost control (cost reductions)(includesH
"pringboard (program))
133. $utsourcing
Mana"ement - /trate"y DIssues linked with
Article focus with same name but not
!1. (orporate vision % strategy ((ode tis issue
for all >strategy?)
131. Cestructuring % portfolio transformation
!6. Jay-offs % 9ob cuts % 7T) reduction
13!. (ore versus non-core activities
CARMA Research Matrix - 3477
Wolters Kluwer
134. $perational eKcellence
!3. (risis
!!. ,anagement % +ey personnel canges
28!. ,anagement % leadersip
284. ,anagement succession
#1. (orporate citiLensip % community relations
% corporate social responsibility
14!. "ustainability % environmental action and
283. <nnovation% digitaliLation % online
28#. Tecnology % conteKtual design
282. )merging mar+ets
3!6. "trategy for (global) eKpansion
Mana"ers discussed (not necessarily
13#. @ancy ,cAinstry (()$ Wolters Kluwer)
13#. @ancy ,cAinstry as ;4oman=
136. @ancy ,cAinstry as one of leading
females in business
136. )ri+ )ngstrom (()$ Reed 1lse(ier)
24!. Tom Glocer (()$ 2homson Reuters)
143. Harold Mc3raw1 <<< ((airman1 President
and ()$ Mc3raw-*ill)
141. ,ar9orie "cardino (()$ Pearson)
24#. /avid Jevin (()$ 4nited 5usiness
Cor!orate 3o(ernance DIssues linked with
Article focus with same name but not
.2. (orporate governance
.3. )Kecutive remuneration
.4. T-o-tier boards
.!. (ompliance % codes (e.g. Taba+sblat1
"arbanes $Kley1 0asel <<)
.8. <7C" (<nternational 7inancial Ceporting
!.. Jegislation % regulation % patents %
compliance % reform % government relations
!8. Jegal issues
!#. (rime % corporate espionage % scandals
43. ,onopoly situation (negative discussion)
*uman ca!ital DIssues linked with Article
focus with same name but not exclusivelyE
!4. Jabor % HC % -or+place environment %
employee relations
132. /iversity % company culture
133. "taff development % training
2.#. Jeadersip development
2.6. 7emale management
3!8. Talent management
3!.. Jeadersip % talent forums
3#3. @eKt generation of leaders
Research + 2hou"ht-leadershi! + #ndustry
issues DIssues linked with Article focus with
same name but not exclusivelyE
12#. ,ention of company researc (Tougt-
36. )Kecutive as industry eKpert % eKecutive
13!. (ompany (e.g. Wolters Kluwer1 Reed
1lse(ier or 2homson) as industry
2.8. <ndustry evolvement (evolution)
3#1. Cegulatory reform issues (in conteKt of
3#2. (ompleKity of regulation issues (in
conteKt of Cesearc%TJ)
3#3. Healtcare reform issues (in conteKt of
3#4. Point of use (in conteKt of Cesearc%TJ)
3#!. Productivity (in conteKt of Cesearc%TJ)
3##. (ompliance (in conteKt of Cesearc%TJ)
3#6. ,obility (in conteKt of Cesearc%TJ)
3#8. Tecnology (in conteKt of Cesearc%TJ)
3#.. Globalisation (in conteKt of Cesearc%TJ)
413. $ter (in conteKt of Cesearc%TJ)
Products6 /er(ices - /olutions (P//
DIssues linked with Article focus with same
name but not exclusivelyE
#2. Products1 "ervice B "olutions (generic)
#3. Fournals
#4. (/-C$,s
#!. $ter publications
##. Professional boo+s
#6. @e-sletters
#8. Joose leafs
#.. /irectories online
63. (<nternet) services
61. Handeld deliver content%devices (pones1
P/Is1 iPone1 iPad1 etc)
246. 4or+flo- tools%solutions
248. "oft-are solutions
363. "oft-are-as-a-service
361. "mart carts
362. Global platforms
286. e-boo+s
288. Ipplications (Ipps)
28.. "ervices (training on eKisting products1
add-ons to eKisting P"")
2.3. @eKt-generation (searc) platforms
2.1. <nformation-enabled % intelligent solutions
2.2. /atabase
2.3. 0logs
2.4. @et-or+% community
62. (ustomer service Dalso code issue 3!!.E
63. Tecnology % researc B development
64. Ivailability of products online
.#. $pen Iccess
.6. "elf-publising
14#. Product innovation % investments
2.!. Product launc % upgrade % ne- version
Peer 7i(ision #ssues
&'nly use %or !eers6 not Wolters Kluwer)
CARMA Research Matrix - 3477
Wolters Kluwer
41#. Healt
416. TaK B Iccounting
418. 7inancial services
41.. Publising (e.g. boo+s1 magaLines etc.)
423. )ducation (services and products etc.)
421. "tandard B Poor=s (Mc3raw-*ill only)
422. )Kibitions
#ssues to code i% Wolters Kluwer
7i(isions+5usiness 4nit mentioned
D,andatory to code as applicable from issues
343-3431 146E
343. Wolters Kluwer Healt B Parma
"olutions D/ivision % business typeE
341. Wolters Kluwer 7inancial B (ompliance
"ervices D/ivision % business typeE
342. Wolters Kluwer TaK BIccounting
D/ivision % business typeE
343. Wolters Kluwer Jegal B Cegulatory
D/ivision%business typeE
146. /ivision%0usiness &nit as main focus of
423. Wolters Kluwer (Group) as main focus of
148. /ivisional%0usiness &nit customer
testimony % comment
14.. /ivisional%0usiness &nit industry gro-t %
mar+et siLe
68. (o-developing products
6.. (o-selling products
2!1. Partnersips
Wolters Kluwer 7i(isions+4nits (code as
Wolters Kluwer *ealth - Pharma /olutions
:;;. Wolters Kluwer Healt B Parma
"olutions D/ivision levelE
3<<. Wolters Kluwer Healt (group brand)
=>3. (linical "olutions brands (group brand)
(Healt 5 (linical "ol)H
3.1. Parmacy $ne"ource
1!4. 7acts B (omparisons (Healt 5 (linical
1!!. Medi-/!an (Healt 5 (linical "ol)
1!#. Pro.ation ,edical (Healt 5 (linical "ol)
332. 4!2o7ate (Healt 5 (linical "ol)
424. ?exicom! (Healt 5 (linical "ol)
42!. Medicom (Healt 5 (linical "ol)
=>@. ,edical Cesearc brands (group brand)
(Healt 5 ,ed researc)H
1#3. '(id (Healt 5 ,ed researc)
=A:. Professional B )ducation brands (group
brand) (Healt 5 Prof B )ducation)H
1#3. ?i!!incott Williams - WilBins (Healt 5
Prof B )ducation)
=A>. Wolters Kluwer Parma "olutions
brands (group brand) (Wolters Kluwer
Parma "olutions)H
1##. Adis (Healt 5 Parma)
1#6. /ource (Healt 5 Parma)
42#. Pro,etis (Healt 5 Parma)
Wolters Kluwer ,inancial - Com!liance
3<3. Wolters Kluwer 7inancial B (ompliance
"ervices D/ivision levelE
=7>. Wolters Kluwer 7inancial "ervices
brands (group brand)H
16#. 0an+ers "ystems (7B("5 7in services)
166. (apital (anges (7B("5 7in services)
334. A!!'neM (17B("5 7in services)
183. GainsAeeperM (7B("5 7in services)
181. PCi (7B("5 7in services)
3.2. (ompliance Cesource @et-or+
182. 2,PM ,ortgage "olutions (7B("5 7in
33!. Iutentic4ebN (7B("5 7in services)
33#. &niform 7ormsN. (7B("5 7in services)
2!.. @<J" (7B("5 7in services)
3.3. ,R/3lo8al (7in services)
394. ARC Jogics for 7inancial "ervices (7in
3<7. ARC Jogics (7B(" 5 GC() (group
338. Team,ate (7B(" 5 GC()
33.. "-ord (7B(" 5 GC()
313. IKentis (7B(" 5 GC()
3<=. Wolters Kluwer Transport "ervices
(group brand)H
23.. Teleroute (Transport)
243. @olis (Transport)
241. Trans-ide (Transport)
242. Trivios
Wolters Kluwer ?e"al - Re"ulatory
=A@. (orporate Jegal "ervices brands (group
brand) ((orp legal services)H
1#.. C2 ((orp legal services)
163. 2yMetrix ((orp legal services)
161. Corsearch ((orp legal services)
162. "ummation ((orp legal services)
163. 5iC,ilin"s ((orp legal services)
164. C2 Jien "olutions ((orp legal services)
323. C2 (orporation ((orp legal services)
=@>. Wolters Kluwer Ja- B 0usiness brands
(group brand)H
18#. Ispen Publisers (Ja- B 0usiness)
186. CC* (&") (Ja- B 0usiness)
188. CC* (&A) (Ja- B 0usiness)
18.. Croner (Ja- B 0usiness)
1.3. Alu-er Ja- <nternational (Ja- B
1.1. Joisla- (Ja- B 0usiness)
438. ,ediCegs (Ja- B 0usiness)
CARMA Research Matrix - 3477
Wolters Kluwer
4=:D Wolters Kluwer Jegal B Cegulatory
0usiness brands (group brand)H
2#!. Wolters Kluwer "pain (JBC)
1.!. )special /irectivos ("pain) ((JBC)
1.#. JI J)O ("pain) (JBC)
2##. Wolters Kluwer )ducacion ("pain) (JBC)
426. Jiaisons sociales (7rance) (JBC)
428. Parmagora (7rance) (JBC)
233. Jamy (7rance) (JBC)
2#6. Wolters Kluwer Portugal (JBC)
231. Fus@et (Portugal) (JBC)
232. FusFornal (Portugal) (JBC)
233. I+elius ("candinavia) (JBC)
234. ,agnus <nformati+ ("candinavia) (JBC)
23!. @orstedts Furidi+ ("candinavia) (JBC)
236. Alu-er (@eterlands) ((JBC)
238. Alu-er (0elgium) (JBC)
321. Jin+Po-er (0elgium) JBC
213. (4 Haarfeld (Germany) (JBC)
211. (arl Jin+ (JBC)
212. (arl Heymanns 2erlag (Germany) (JBC)
213 ./eutscer 4irtscaftsdienst (Germany)
214 .Jucterand (Germany) (JBC)
218. 2erlag C.". "culL (Germany) (JBC)
223. 4erner 2erlag (Germany) (JBC)
23.. In@oTeKt (Germany) (JBC)
322. Wolters Kluwer (es+a republi+a (JBC)
323. Wolters Kluwer Pols+a
42.. Wolters Kluwer <talia (<taly) (JBC)
222. ()/I, (<taly) (JBC)
224. &T)T Giuridica (<taly) (JBC)
263. Jeggi d=<talia Professionale (<taly) (JBC)
431. <P"$I (<taly) (JBC)
433. <P"$I "cuola di 7ormaLione (<taly) (JBC)
432. <l 7isco (<taly) (JBC)
433. 0ig (<taly) (JBC)
434. Pluris (<taly) (JBC)
43!. $I "<"T),< (<taly ) (JBC)
43#. <ndicitalia (<taly) (JBC)
436. &tet "cienLe Tecnice (<taly) (JBC)
438. "0G "impledo (<taly) (JBC)
324. I+ademiai Aiado (Hungary) (JBC)
22#. (ompJeK (Hungary) (JBC)
226. I0( (Poland) (JBC)
228. J)P (Poland) (JBC))
22.. $ficyna (Poland(JBC)
233. <&CI ("lova+ia) (JBC)
262. Wolters Kluwer Comania (JBC)
263. Wolters Kluwer Cussia (JBC)
43.. Wolters Kluwer &A (JBC)
413. Wolters Kluwer 7rance (JBC)
411. Wolters Kluwer Germany (JBC)
Wolters Kluwer 2ax - Accountin"
=@3. Wolters Kluwer TaK BIccounting (group
brand) (TBI)H
184. CC*1 a Wolters Kluwer business (TBI)
3.!. CC* Iustralia
3.#. CC* (anadian
3.6. CC* <ndia
3.8. CC* ,alaysia
3... CC* @e- Qealand
433. CC* "ingapore
431. CC* "out Isia
432. CC* "oft-are
433. CC* (anadian
2#3. Pro"ystem fK (TBI)
2#1. ITP (TBI)
2#2. Aleinroc+ (TBI)
2#3. (I@TIP (TBI)
2#4. TaK4ise (TBI)
311. TaKprep (TBI)
312. (orp"ystem (TBI)
313. CC* (ina (TBI)
314. Wolters Kluwer (ina (TBI)
31!. CC* "mall 7irm "ervices (TBI)
31#. 0est (aseM (TBI)
434. Pragma "oft-are
43!. (ompleteTaK
43#. Irtel
436. #ntelliConnect
2#.. Wolters Kluwer <talia (<taly) (TBI)
0-Point (<taly) (TBI)
221. <P"$I (<taly) (TBI)
261. $"CI (<taly) (TBI)
1.3. (<"" ("pain) (TBI)
316. Wolters Kluwer )mpresas ("pain) (TBI)
1.2. I3 "oft-are ("pain) (TBI
318. Alu-er (0elgium1 @eterlands) (TBI)
2#8. Wolters Kluwer /eutscland (Germany)
31.. Iddison (Germany) (TBI)
CARMA Research Matrix - 3477
Wolters Kluwer
#ssues to code only %or Wolters Kluwer and
only when com!any s!oBes!ersons and +
or di(isions (8usinesses + 8rands are
mentioned in an article
Wolters Kluwer s!oBes!erson (Code as
Wolters Kluwer Cor!orate /!oBes!ersons
82. @ancy ,cAinstry (()$ and (airman)
83. 0oude-i9n 0eer+ens ((ief 7inancial
88. (aroline 4outers (2P (orporate
24.. Fac+ Jync (,ember of te )Kecutive
2!3. Fon Teppo (2P <nvestor Celations)
363. Aaty 0a+er ("enior 2ice President1
Human Cesources)
364. Feroen ,uste ("enior 2ice President1
36!. )liLabet "atin ("enior 2ice President1
,BI @ort Imerica)
36#. Indres "adler ("enior 2ice President1
366. Fon 0ar+er (/irector1 "trategic Product
Wolters Kluwer 7i(isions 7i(isional C1'
32!. 0rian Jonge ()$ Wolters Kluwer
7inancial B (ompliance "ervices
2!4. Aevin Cobert (()$ Wolters Kluwer TaK
B Iccounting
2!!. Cobert (0ob) 0ec+er (()$ Wolters
Kluwer Healt B Parma "olutions)
32#. Tom Jesica (()$ Wolters Kluwer Global
"ared "ervices)
368. "tacey (ay-ood (()$ Wolters Kluwer
Wolters Kluwer 7i(isions - /!oBes!ersons
331. 7inancial B (ompliance "ervicesH <an
Cind (governance ris+ compliance)
33!. "asa (ang (()$ Wolters Kluwer
326. Healt B Parma "olutionsH Aaren
328. Healt B Parma "olutionsH Irvind
333. Healt B Parma "olutionsH "usan
381. TaKB IccountingH 0arbara Aroll
382. TaKB IccountingH Cussell )vans
333. TaK B IccountingH ,i+e "abbatis
334. TaK B IccountingH Feff Gramlic
33#. TaK B IccountingH /ave Jampert
36.. TaK B IccountingH Henri 2an )ngelen
43.. TaK B IccountingH ,assimo 0oano
332. Jegal B CegulatoryH Cicard 7lynn ((J")
336. Jegal B CegulatoryH &lric Hermann
338. Jegal B CegulatoryH "alvador 7ernandeL
383. Jegal B CegulatoryH 7ran+ 2ranc+en
383. Jegal B CegulatoryH,ar+ /orman
384. Jegal B CegulatoryH (aty ((aterine)
38!. Jegal B CegulatoryH ,arco $ngaro
38#. Jegal B CegulatoryH Giulietta Jemmi
386. Jegal B CegulatoryH ,icael Aoc
388. Jegal B CegulatoryH Petr Aral
38.. Jegal B CegulatoryH 4lode+ Ilbin
3.3. Jegal B CegulatoryH $lov "undstrom
CARMA Research Matrix - 3477
Wolters Kluwer
Positi(e messa"es
?eadershi! messa"es
1. D(ompanyE is a mar+et-leading global information services company focused on professionals
2. D(ompanyE is innovative
2!. D(ompanyE is te professional=s (first) coice
2#. D(ompanyE is a tougt leader in its fields % generates ne- ideas
6. D(ompanyE is aead of its competitors (in any given field)
26. D(ompanyE is a leader in its +ey mar+ets % divisions
!3. D(ompanyE is a strategic partner
!4. D(ompanyE is responsive to customers
!!. D(ompanyE is improving (e.g. on productivity1 management)
!#. D(ompanyE is broadening its portfolio
!6. D(ompanyE is accelerating electronic products migration
3. D(ompanyE as a top *uality management % a strong management team
4. D(ompanyE as a coerent strategy % plan for te future
33. Tree-year plan successfully accomplised to deliver sustainable gro-t -it customer focus
(Wolters Kluwer only)
!2. "trategy 2313-2312 focused on maKimiLing value for customers
13. D(ompanyE conducts its business in an etical % responsible -ay
11. D(ompanyE is a good employer % ta+es its social responsibilities seriously
12. D(ompanyE is improving corporate governance
34. D(ompanyE as successfully transformed % is successfully transforming
3!. D(ompanyE as a good momentum to maKimiLe value for customers
44. D(ompanyE as is focusing on % as good information-enabled solutions
4!. D(ompanyE is focusing on % as intelligent solutions
4#. D(ompanyE is a strategic partner to customers
#3. D(ompanyE is driving cange management governance to-ards digitaliLation
!. D(ompanyE is committed to generating strong sareolder value
.. D(ompanyE=s financial ealt is good % improving % solid financial positions
1!. D(ompanyE=s operational eKcellence % cost saving program is satisfactorily carried out
18. D(ompanyE=s is delivering continuing organic gro-t momentum
1.. D(ompanyE=s divisions so-ing progress year-over-year
46. D(ompanyE as a solid balance seet
48. D(ompanyE as strong free cas flo-
4.. D(ompanyE as improving operating margins
Cor!orate + strate"y
#. D(ompanyE understands its clients= % customers= needs % is focused on its clients % (ompany as
deep customer insigt%+no-ledge
21. (ustomer orientation% insigt% +no-ledge affirms D(ompanyE=s strategy
22. D(ompanyE is building integrated businesses % global operating divisions(troug continued
investments B re-structuring)
13. D(ompanyE is focusing -ell on its core activities
14. D(ompanyE=s strategy is good %strong
16. D(ompanyE=s strategy is being delivered (>proof points? tat strategy is carried out)
23. D(ompanyE is eKtending% eKpanding mar+et positions by strong investments in tools B solutions
and selective strategic ac*uisitions %entering ad9acent mar+ets % eKpanding emerging mar+et
28. D(ompanyE adds value to customers businesses
2.. D(ompanyE as strong global reac % global operating divisions
33. D(ompanyE=s strategy is maKimiLing value for customers
&Com!anyEs) strate"ic im!erati(es are9
3#. To gro- its leading positions
CARMA Research Matrix - 3477
Wolters Kluwer
36. To capture +ey ad9acencies
38. To eKploit global scale and scope
3.. To institutionalise operational eKcellence
43. To provide information1 tools1 and solutions to elp professionals deliver *uality results more
41. To partner -it customers
!3. (ustomer promise around being te preferred global provider of information-enabled solutions to
elp professionals manage processes and drive results effectively.
Product messa"es
8. D(ompanyE=s products % services are of ig *uality
1#. D(ompanyE=s products soft-are and services are available online
23. D(ompanyE as strong gro-t in online products
!.. D(ompanyE=s products provide solutions to problems
31. D(ompanyE=s products are innovative %tecnologically advanced
32. D(ompanyE=s products and services are ;smarter=
42. D(ompanyE as solutions at te point of care
43. D(ompanyE as critical information and -or+flo- tools
!1. D(ompanyE as gro-t in electronic products
#1. D(ompanyE is integrating researc and soft-are
#2. D(ompanyE is closing agreements% is a supplier of government1 public institutions
#3. D(ompanyE is a pioneer in innovative products
#4. D(ompany=sE customer assistance%elpdes+ function -ell
Fe"ati(e messa"es
?eadershi! messa"es
1. D(ompanyE is no longer a global leader in publising
2. D(ompanyE is not innovative
2!. D(ompanyE is not te professional=s coice
2#. D(ompanyE is not a tougt leader in its fields % does not generate ne- ideas
6. D(ompanyE lags competitors
26. D(ompanyE is not a leader in its +ey mar+ets % divisions
4#. D(ompanyE is failing in its role as a strategic partner (is not a strategic partner)
46. D(ompanyE is not responsive to customers 5 slo- to respond
48. D(ompanyE is regressing (e.g. on productivity1 management)
4.. D(ompanyE is losing parts of its portfolio
!3. D(ompanyE is failing to +eep up -it electronic products migration
3. D(ompanyE management is -ea+ % not capable of dealing -it callenges
4. D(ompanyE does not ave a coerent strategy % strategy does not appear to be -or+ing
33. "trategy is not on trac+ % does not deliver sustainable gro-t -it customer focus (Wolters
Kluwer only)
13. D(ompanyE conducts its business in an unetical % irresponsible -ay
11. D(ompanyE is a poor employer % does not ta+e its social responsibilities seriously
12. D(ompanyE is slo- in improving corporate governance
34. D(ompanyE as not successfully transformed % is not successfully transforming
3!. D(ompanyE does not ave a good momentum to accelerate gro-t
38. D(ompanyE is not focusing on % does not ave good information-enabled solutions
3.. D(ompanyE is not focusing on % does not ave intelligent solutions
43. D(ompanyE is not a strategic partner to customers
!3. D(ompanyE is not driving cange management governance to-ards digitaliLation
!. D(ompanyE does not deliver sareolder value
.. D(ompanyE=s financial ealt is poor % deteriorating
1!. D(ompanyE=s cost cutting is not satisfactorily carried out.
18. D(ompanyE is not delivering continuing organic gro-t
1.. D(ompanyE divisions are not so-ing progress year-over-year
41. D(ompanyE does not ave a solid balance seet
CARMA Research Matrix - 3477
Wolters Kluwer
42. D(ompanyE does not ave a strong free cas flo-
43. D(ompanyE does not improve operating margins
Cor!orate + strate"y
#. D(ompanyE does not understand its clients % customers
21. (ustomers are not adapting
22. D(ompanyE is not managing to build integrated business (troug continued investments B re-
13. D(ompanyE is not focusing -ell on its core activities
14. D(ompanyE=s strategy is not good enoug
16. D(ompanyE=s strategy is not being delivered (no >proof points? tat strategy is carried out)
23. D(ompanyE is not managing to eKtend mar+et positions despite investments in tools B solutions
and selective strategic ac*uisitions
28. D(ompanyE does not adds value to customers businesses
2.. D(ompanyE does not ave a strong global reac
33. D(ompanyE=s strategy is not accelerating profitable gro-t
!1. D(ompanyE=s strategy is not maKimiLing value for customers
44. D(ompanyE is not meeting its strategic imperatives (as outlined in positive messages 3# 5 411 !3)
Product messa"es
8. D(ompanyE=s products % services are criticised
1#. D(ompanyE=s products are not available online
23. D(ompanyE do not ave a strong on-line gro-t
!2. D(ompanyE=s products fail to solve problems
31. D(ompanyE=s products are not innovative
32. D(ompanyE=s products and services are not ;smarter=
3#. D(ompanyE does not ave solutions at te point of care
36. D(ompanyE does not ave critical information and -or+flo- tools
4!. D(ompanyE does not ave gro-t in electronic products
!4. D(ompanyE is lagging on researc and soft-are integration
!!. D(ompanyE as failed to close agreements%become a supplier of government1 public institutions
!#. D(ompanyE trails te competition on innovative products
!6. D(ompany=sE customer assistance and elpdes+ are inade*uate

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