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Esoteric Healing

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul

Esoteric Healing
Introductory Remarks
The entire subject o Healing is as old as the ages themsel!es" and has e!er been
the subject o in!estigation and e#$eriment% But as to the right use o the healing
aculty and orces" the knowledge is in its inancy% &nly in this age and generation
is it at last $ossible to im$art the laws o magnetic healing" and to indicate the
causes o those diseases ' originating in the three inner bodies ' which today
de!astate the human rame" cause endless suering and $ain" and usher man
through the $ortal which leads to the world o bodiless e#istence% &nly today is
man at the $oint in the e!olution o his consciousness where he can begin to
reali(e the $ower o the subjecti!e worlds" and the new and !ast science o
$sychology is his res$onse to this growing interest% )rocesses o adjustment" o
elimination and o cure engage the minds o all thoughtul $eo$le as well as o all
suering $eo$le% *e ha!e much to do" and I ask thereore or $atience on your
*hen one enters the realm o healing" one enters a world o much esoteric
knowledge" and o an ininity o conclusions" and one is aced with the
ormulations o many minds" who" through the ages" ha!e sought to heal and to
hel$% The why and the whereore o disease ha!e been the subject o endless
in!estigations and s$eculations" and much deinite deduction has been made as
to the cures o such com$laints+ there has been also much ormulation o
methods" o techni,ues" o ormulae" o $rescri$tion" o !aried mani$ulations and
o -./ theories% All these ser!e to ill the mind with many ideas ' some correct"
some erroneous ' and this makes it most diicult or new ideas to enter and or
the student to assimilate the hitherto unknown%
As$irants lose much by reusing to let go o that which the lower mind cherishes%
*hen they do succeed in being entirely o$en minded and are ready to acce$t the
new theories and hy$otheses" they disco!er that the old and dearly held truth is
not really lost" but only relegated to its rightul $lace in a larger scheme%
All initiates o the Ageless *isdom are necessarily healers" though all may not
heal the $hysical body% The reason or this is that all souls that ha!e achie!ed any
measure o true liberation are transmitters o s$iritual energy% This automatically
aects some as$ect o the mechanism which is used by the souls they contact%
*hen I em$loy the word 0mechanism0 in these instructions I reer to dierent
as$ects o the instrument" the body or orm nature" through which all souls seek
maniestation% I reer" thereore" to1
2% The dense physical body, which is the sumtotal o all the organisms which
com$ose it+ these $ossess the !arying unctions which enable the soul to
e#$ress itsel on the $hysical or objecti!e $lane as $art o a greater and
more inclusi!e organism% The $hysical body is the res$onse a$$aratus o
the indwelling s$iritual man and ser!es to $ut that s$iritual entity en
ra$$ort with the res$onse a$$aratus o the $lanetary 3ogos" the 3ie in
which we li!e and mo!e and ha!e our being%
Esoteric Healing
.% The etheric body, which has one main objecti!e% This is to !itali(e and
energi(e the $hysical body and thus integrate it into the energy body o
the Earth and o the solar system% It is a web o energy streams" o lines
o orce and o light% It constitutes $art o the !ast -4/ network o energies
which underlies all orms whether great or small 5microcosmic or
macrocosmic6% Along these lines o energy the cosmic orces low" as the
blood lows through the !eins and arteries% This constant" indi!idual '
human" $lanetary and solar ' circulation o lie'orces through the etheric
bodies o all orms is the basis o all maniested lie" and the e#$ression o
the essential non'se$arateness o all lie%
4% The astral or desire body 5sometimes called the emotional body6 is the
eect o the inter$lay o desire and o sentient res$onse u$on the sel at
the center" and the resultant eect ' in that body ' is e#$erienced as
emotion and as $ain and $leasure and the other $airs o o$$osites% In
these two bodies" the etheric and astral bodies" ninety $ercent o the
causes o $hysical disease and troubles is to be ound%
7% The mental body, or that much o the chitta or mind stu which an
indi!idual human unit can use and im$ress" constitutes the ourth o the
series o mechanisms at the dis$osal o the soul% At the same time let it
not be orgotten that these our constitute one mechanism% 8i!e $ercent o
all modern disease originates in this body or state o consciousness" and
here I wish to enunciate the truth that the constant reiteration by certain
schools o healers that the mind is the cause o all sickness is not as yet a
act% A million years hence" when the ocus o human attention has shited
rom the emotional nature to the mind" and when men are essentially
mental as today they are essentially emotional" then the causes o disease
must be sought in the mind realm% They are today to be ound 5e#ce$t in a
ew rare cases6 in lack o !itality or in too much stimulation" and in the
realm o eeling" o desires 5thwarted or o!er'indulged6 and in the moods"
su$$ressions" or e#$ressions o the dee$ seated -7/ longings" irritations"
secret delights and the many hidden im$ulses which emanate rom the
desire lie o the subject%
This urge to be and to ha!e has irst o all built" and is building" the outer $hysical
res$onse a$$aratus" and is today orcing a mechanism that has been constructed
essentially or $hysical ends" to ser!e more subjecti!e $ur$oses% This again
$roduces trouble" and only when man reali(es that within the outer $hysical
sheath there e#ist other bodies which ser!e more subtle res$onse $ur$oses will
we see the gradual readjustment and health o the $hysical body% *ith these
more subtle sheaths we shall later deal%
9ou naturally ask here1 *hat is the general $lan which I shall seek to ollow as I
instruct you in the laws o healing" those laws which guide the initiates and must
gradually su$ersede the more $hysical methods o the $resent art o healing: 9ou
naturally also seek to know what is the s$ecial techni,ue which you ' as healers '
must learn to em$loy" both as regards yoursel!es and as regards those you seek
to heal% I will briely outline the teaching I shall endea!or to gi!e and $oint out
where you must lay the em$hasis" as you commence the study o this subject%
I shall endea!or irst o all to touch u$on the causes o disease" or the occult
student must e!er begin in the world o origins and not in the world o eects%
In the second $lace" I shall elaborate the se!en methods o healing which go!ern
the 0work o restitution0 5as it is called in the occult terminology6 as $racticed by
the initiates o the world% These determine the techni,ues which must be
Esoteric Healing
em$loyed% 9ou will note that these methods and techni,ues are conditioned by
the rays 5o which I ha!e written elsewhere1 A Treatise on the ;e!en Rays" <ol% I
and II%6 and that thereore the healer has to take into -=/ consideration not only
his own ray but also the ray o the $atient% There are thereore se!en ray
techni,ues" and these re,uire elucidation beore they can be a$$lied intelligently%
In the third $lace" I shall lay em$hasis u$on $sychological healing and u$on the
need to deal with the $atient in his inner lie" or the basic law underlying all
occult healing may be stated to be as ollows1
Law I
All disease is the result o inhibited soul lie" and that is true o all orms in all
kingdoms% The art o the healer consists in releasing the soul" so that its lie can
low through the aggregate o organisms which constitute any $articular orm%
It is interesting to note that the attem$t o the scientist to release the energy o
the atom is o the same general nature as the work o the esotericist when he
endea!ors to release the energy o the soul% In this release the nature o the true
art o healing is hidden% Herein lies an occult hint%
In the ourth $lace" we will consider the $hysical body" its diseases and ills" but
only ater we ha!e studied that $art o man which lies behind and surrounding
the dense $hysical body% In that way we shall work rom the world o inner
causes to the world o outer ha$$enings% *e shall see that all that concerns the
health o man originates rom1
2% The sumtotal o orces" eelings" desires and occasional mental $rocesses
which characteri(es the three subtler bodies and determines the lie and
e#$erience o the $hysical body%
.% The eect u$on the $hysical body o the condition o humanity as a whole.
A human being is an integral $art o humanity" an organism in a greater
organism% >onditions e#isting in the whole will be relected in -?/ the unit
sel" and many o the ills rom which man suers today are the eect u$on
him o conditions e#isting in the ourth kingdom in nature as a whole% 8or
these he is not held res$onsible%
4% The eect u$on his $hysical body o the $lanetary lie" which is the
e#$ression o the lie o the $lanetary 3ogos" *ho is an e!ol!ing Entity%
The im$lications o this are largely beyond our ken" but the eects are
I am not interested $rimarily in training indi!iduals in order to make them more
eicient healers% It is group healing at which I aim" and it is the work which is
done in ormation which interests me at this time% But no grou$ o $eo$le can
work as a unit unless they lo!e and ser!e each other% The healing energy o the
s$iritual Hierarchy cannot low through the grou$ i there is disharmony and
criticism% The irst work" thereore" o any grou$ o healers" is to establish
themsel!es in lo!e and to work towards grou$ unity and understanding%
I would like to $oint out here the need or $atience as a healing grou$ integrates
and the auras o the grou$ members blend% It takes a little time or $eo$le to
learn to work together in $erect understanding and impersonality, and at the
same time to achie!e" during their work" a one'$ointedness which will $roduce
the needed grou$ rhythm ' a rhythm o such unity and intensity that the work
can synchroni(e internally% As$irants and students as they work along these lines
must train themsel!es to think as a grou$" and to gi!e to the grou$ 5without a
Esoteric Healing
niggardly or reticent s$irit6 the best that is in them" and also the ruit o their
meditation u$on these matters%
I might also add that these instructions must be as concise as $ossible% I shall
ha!e to endea!or to $ut much truth -@/ and inormation into a brie s$ace" so as
to make each sentence con!ey some real idea and gi!e some real light on the
$roblems which conront a healing grou$% That which I ha!e to say will all into
two $arts1
8irst" we will deal with the general work o healing and teaching" and this
will in!ol!e the im$artation by me o laws" o techni,ues and methods%
;econdly" we will consider the healer and how he can $erect himsel in
the art o healing%
Is it not true that the $rime re,uisite o all healers is a sym$athetic ra$$ort with
the $atient" so that the healer achie!es insight into the trouble and establishes
the conidence o the $atient:
Two words I gi!e you which embody the re,uirements o all true healers" and
towards which you must work% They are Magnetism and Radiation. A healer must
be magnetic abo!e e!erything else" and he must attract to him1
a% The $ower o his own soul+ this in!ol!es alignment through indi!idual
b% Those whom he can hel$+ this in!ol!es a decentrali(ed attitude%
c% Those energies" when need arises" which will stimulate the $atient to the
desired acti!ity% This in!ol!es occult knowledge and a trained mind%
The healer must understand also how to radiate" or the radiation o the soul will
stimulate to acti!ity the soul o the one to be healed and the healing $rocess will
be set in motion+ the radiation o his mind will illumine the other mind and
$olari(e the will o the $atient+ the radiation o his astral body" controlled and
selless" will im$ose a rhythm u$on the agitation o the $atientAs astral body" and
so enable the $atient to take right action" whilst the radiation o the !ital body"
working through the s$lenic center" will aid in -B/ organi(ing the $atientAs orce'
body and so acilitate the work o healing% Thereore" the healer has the duty o
rendering himsel eecti!e" and according to what he is" so will be the eect u$on
the $atient% *hen a healer works magnetically and radiates his soul orce to the
$atient" that $atient is enabled more easily to achie!e the end desired ' which
may be com$lete healing" or it may be the establishing o a state o mind which
will enable the $atient to li!e with himsel and with his com$laint" unhandica$$ed
by the karmic limitations o the body% &r it may be enabling the $atient to
achie!e 5with joy and acility6 the right liberation rom the body and" through the
$ortal o death" to $ass to com$lete health% -C/
Esoteric Healing
Part One
The Basic Causes of Disease
This is the $roblem with which all medical $ractice down the ages has wrestled% In
our $resent mechanistic age we ha!e wandered ar to the surace o things and
away rom the $artially true $oint o !iew o earlier centuries which traced
disease back o the 0e!il humors0 bred and estering in the inner subjecti!e lie o
the $atient% In the e!olution o knowledge on e!ery hand we are now on the
surace o things 5note I do not use the word 0su$ericial06" and the hour has
struck in which knowledge can again re'enter the realm o the subjecti!e and
transmute itsel into wisdom% There is today a dawning recognition on the $art o
the best minds in the medical and allied $roessions" that in the subjecti!e and
hidden attitudes o the mind and o the emotional nature" and in the lie o
inhibited or e#cessi!e se# e#$ression" must be sought the causes o all disease%
8rom the beginning o our studies" I would like to $oint out that the ultimate
cause o disease" e!en i known to me" would ail to be com$rehended by you%
The cause lies back in the history o the distant $ast o our $lanet" in the career
5occultly understood6 o the $lanetary 3ie" and that it has its roots in what is
largely designated 0cosmic e!il%0 This is a $erectly meaningless $hrase" but one
that is symbolically descri$ti!e o a condition in consciousness which is that o
-2D/ certain o the 0im$erect Eods%0 Ei!en the initial $remise that Deity itsel is
working towards a $erection $ast our com$rehension" it may be inerred that
there may e#ist or the Eods Themsel!es and or Eod 5as the 3ie o the solar
system6" certain limitations and certain areas or states o consciousness which
still await mastering% These limitations and relati!e im$erections may cause
deinite eects in Their bodies o maniestation ' the !arious $lanets as
e#$ressions o 3i!es" and the solar system as the e#$ression o a 3ie% Ei!en also
the hy$othesis that these outer bodies o di!inity" the $lanets" are the orms
through which certain Deities e#$ress Themsel!es" it may be a true and logical
deduction that all li!es and orms within those bodies may be necessarily subject
also to these limitations" and to the im$erections growing out o these
uncon,uered areas o consciousness and these states o awareness" hitherto
unreali(ed by the Deities" incarnated in $lanetary and solar orm% Ei!en the
$ostulate that e!ery orm is a $art o a still greater orm" and that we do indeed
0li!e and mo!e and ha!e our being0 within the body o Eod 5as ;t% )aul e#$resses
it6 we" as integral $arts o the ourth kingdom in nature" share in this general
limitation and im$erection%
Fore than this general $remise is beyond our $owers to gras$ and to e#$ress" or
the general mental e,ui$ment o the a!erage as$irant and disci$le is inade,uate
to the task% ;uch terms as 0cosmic e!il" di!ine im$erection" limited areas o
consciousness" the reedom o $ure s$irit" di!ine mind"0 which are so reely
bandied about by the mystical and occult thinkers o the time1 *hat do they
really mean: The airmations o many schools o healing as to ultimate di!ine
$erection" and the ormulation o their belies in the real reedom o humanity
rom ordinary ills o the lesh" are they not re,uently high sounding $hrases"
embodying an ideal" and based oten on selish desire: Do they not constitute
-22/ utterly meaningless sentences in their mystical im$lications: How can it be
otherwise" when only the $erected man has any real idea o what constitutes
Esoteric Healing
It is surely better or us to admit that it is not $ossible or man to understand the
dee$ seated causes o that which can be seen emerging in the e!olution o orm
lie% Is it not wise to ace the issue and the acts" as they e#ist or our $resent
reali(ation" and understand that just as man can enter more intelligently into the
mind o Eod than can the lesser mind o the animal" so there may e#ist other and
greater Finds" unctioning in other and higher kingdoms in nature which will
surely see lie more truly and more accurately than does mankind: It is $ossible"
is it not" that the objecti!e o e!olution 5as outlined and em$hasi(ed by man6
may 5in the last analysis6 be only that $artial ragment o a greater objecti!e than
he" with his inite understanding" can gras$% The whole intent" as it lies hid in the
mind o Eod" may be !ery dierent to what man may concei!e today" and cosmic
e!il and cosmic good" reduced to terminologies" may lose their signiicance
altogether" and are only to be seen through the glamor and the illusion with
which man surrounds all things% The best minds o this age are only just
beginning to see the irst dim ray o light which is $iercing this glamor" and
ser!ing irst o all to re!eal the act o illusion% Through the light thus cast" the
ollowing truth may stand re!ealed to those who ha!e the e#$ectant attitude and
the o$en mind1 Deity itself is on the road towards perfection. The im$lications o
that statement are many%
In dealing with the causes o disease" we will take the $osition that the
oundational and ultimate cosmic cause lies beyond our com$rehension" and that
only as the kingdom o Eod is re!ealed on earth shall we enter into some real
understanding o the general wides$read disease to be ound u$on our $lanet in
all the our kingdoms in nature% A ew -2./ basic statements can be made"
howe!er" which will be ound true e!entually in the macrocosmic sense" and can
already be demonstrated to be true where the microcosm is intelligently
2% All disease 5and this is a $latitude6 is caused by lack o harmony ' a
disharmony to be ound e#isting between the orm as$ect and the lie%
That which brings together orm and lie" or rather" that which is the result
o this intended union" we call the soul" the sel where humanity is
concerned" and the integrating $rinci$le where the subhuman kingdoms
are concerned% Disease a$$ears where there is a lack o alignment
between these !arious actors" the soul and the orm" the lie and its
e#$ression" the subjecti!e and the objecti!e realities% >onse,uently" s$irit
and matter are not reely related to each other% This is one mode o
inter$reting 3aw I" and the entire thesis is intended to be an e#$osition o
that 3aw%
.% This lack o harmony" $roducing what we call disease" runs through all the
our kingdoms in nature" and causes those conditions which $roduce $ain
5where the sentiency is e#,uisite and de!elo$ed6 and e!erywhere
congestion" corru$tion and death% )onder on these words1 Inharmony"
Disease" )ain" >ongestion" >orru$tion" Death" or they are descri$ti!e o
the general condition go!erning the conscious lie o all orms"
macrocosmic and microcosmic% They are not causes%
4% All these conditions" howe!er" can be regarded as $uriicatory in their
eects" and must be so regarded by humanity i the right attitude towards
disease is to be assumed% This is ot orgotten by the anatical healer and
by the radical e#$onent o an idea" initely gras$ed and in most cases only
$art o a greater idea% -24/
7% Fethods o healing and techni,ues o alle!iation are $eculiar to humanity
and are the result o manAs mental acti!ity% They indicate his latent $ower
as a creator" and as one who $rogresses towards reedom% They indicate
his discriminati!e ability to sense $erection" to !ision the goal" and hence
to work towards that ultimate liberation% His error at this time consists in1
Esoteric Healing
a% His inability to see the true uses o $ain%
b% His resentment at suering%
c% His misunderstanding o the law o non'resistance%
d% His o!er'em$hasis o the form nature%
e% His attitude to death" and his eeling that the disa$$earance o the
lie out o !isual $erce$tion through the medium o orm" and the
conse,uent disintegration o that orm" indicates disaster%
=% *hen human thought re!erses the usual ideas as to disease" and acce$ts
disease as a act in nature" man will begin to work with the law o
liberation" with right thought" leading to non'resistance% At $resent" by the
$ower o his directed thought and his intense antagonism to disease" he
only tends to energi(e the diiculty% *hen he reorients his thought to
truth and the soul" $hysical $lane ills will begin to disa$$ear% This will
become a$$arent as we study later the method o eradication% Disease
e#ists% 8orms in all kingdoms are ull o inharmony and out o alignment
with the indwelling lie% Disease and corru$tion and the tendency towards
dissolution are ound e!erywhere% I am choosing my words with care%
?% Disease is not" thereore" the result o wrong human thought% It e#isted
among the many orms o lie long beore the human amily a$$eared on
earth% I you seek !erbal e#$ression" and i you want to talk within the
limits o the human mind" you can say with a measure o accuracy1 Eod"
-27/ the $lanetary Deity" is guilty o wrong thinking% But you will not be
e#$ressing the truth" but only a tiny raction o the cause" as it a$$ears to
your eeble inite mind" through the medium o the general world glamor
and illusion%
@% 8rom one angle" disease is a $rocess o liberation" and the enemy o that
which is static and crystalli(ed% Think not" rom what I say" that thereore
disease should be welcomed" and that the $rocess o death should be
cherished% *ere that the case" one would culti!ate disease and $ut a
$remium on suicide% 8ortunately or humanity" the whole tendency o lie
is against disease" and the reaction o the orm lie u$on the thought o
man osters the ear o death% This has been rightly so" or the instinct o
sel'$reser!ation and the $reser!ation o orm integrity is a !ital $rinci$le
in matter" and the tendency to sel'$er$etuation o the lie within the orm
is one o our greatest Eod'gi!en ca$acities and will $ersist% But in the
human amily this must e!entually gi!e $lace to the use o death as the
organi(ed" reeing $rocess in order to conser!e orce and gi!e to the soul a
better instrument o maniestation% 8or this liberty o action" mankind as a
whole is not yet ready% The disci$les and as$irants o the world should
now" howe!er" begin to gras$ these newer $rinci$les o e#istence% The
instinct to sel'$reser!ation go!erns the relation o s$irit and matter" o lie
and orm as long as the Deity Himsel wills to incarnate within His body o
maniestation ' a $lanet" or a solar system% I ha!e in the abo!e statement
gi!en to you a hint as to one o the basic causes o disease" and to the
endless ight between the im$risoned s$irit and the im$risoning orm% This
ight uses or its method that innate ,uality which e#$resses itsel as the
urge to $reser!e and the urge to $er$etuate ' both the $resent orm and
the s$ecies% -2=/
B% The law o cause and eect" called Karma in the East" go!erns all this%
Karma must be regarded in reality as the eect 5in the orm lie o our
$lanet6 o causes" dee$ seated and hidden in the mind o Eod% The causes
that we may trace in relation to disease and death are in reality only the
working out o certain basic $rinci$les which go!ern ' rightly or wrongly"
who shall say: ' the lie o Eod in orm" and they must e!er remain
incom$rehensible to man until such time as he takes the great initiation
which is symboli(ed or us in the Transiguration% All along in our studies"
we shall be dealing with secondary causes and their eects" with the
Esoteric Healing
$henomenal results o those subjecti!e eects which emanate rom causes
too ar away or us to gras$% This should be admitted and gras$ed% This is
the best man can do with his $resent mental a$$aratus% *hen the
intuition rarely works" and the mind is seldom illumined" why should man
arrogantly e#$ect to understand e!erything: 3et him work at the
de!elo$ment o his intuition and at achie!ing illumination% Gnderstanding
may then come his way% He will ha!e earned the right to di!ine
knowledge% But the abo!e recognition will suice or our work and will
enable us to lay down those laws and $rinci$les which will indicate the way
humanity may gain release rom the orm consciousness and conse,uent
immunity rom the !ictory o death and those disease'dealing conditions
which go!ern today our $lanetary maniestation%
*e will di!ide our consideration o the causes o disease into three $arts"
eliminating rom our ,uest or truth the ,uite understandable but e,ually utile
desire to a$$rehend the mind o Deity%
I% The $sychological causes%
II% >auses emanating rom grou$ lie%
III% &ur karmic liabilities" the karmic causes% -2?/
In all this we shall but gain a general idea 5all that is now $ossible6 as to the
$resence o disease in the human amily" and o that to be ound also" in $art" in
the animal kingdom% *hen this general idea is gras$ed" we shall ha!e a clearer
understanding o our $roblem and can then $roceed with our consideration o the
methods which will enable us to handle the undesirable eects with greater
acility% ;tudents o the Art o Healing should likewise remember that there are
three ways in which healing can be brought about" and that all three ways ha!e
their $lace and !alue" de$endent u$on the $oint in e!olution o the subject being
8irst" there is the a$$lication o those $alliati!es and ameliorating methods which
gradually cure disease and eliminate undesirable conditions+ they build u$ the
orm lie and oster the !itality" so that disease can be thrown o% & these
methods the allo$athic and the homeo$athic schools and the !arious osteo$athic
and chiro$ractic and other thera$eutic schools are good e#$onents% They ha!e
done much good and constructi!e work" and the debt o humanity to the wisdom"
skill and unselish attentions o the $hysicians is great% They are dealing all the
time with urgent conditions and dangerous eects o causes which are not
a$$arent on the surace% Gnder these methods" the $atient is in the hands o an
outside $arty" and should be $assi!e" ,uiescent and negati!e%
;econdly" there is the a$$earance o the work and methods o the modern
$sychologist" who seeks to deal with subjecti!e conditions and to straighten out
those wrong attitudes o mind" those inhibitions" $sychoses and com$le#es which
bring about the outer states o disease" the morbid conditions and neurotic and
mental disasters% Gnder this method" the $atient is taught to coo$erate as much
as he can with the $sychologist" so that he may arri!e at a $ro$er -2@/
understanding o himsel" and so learn to eradicate those inner com$elling
situations which are res$onsible or the outer results% He is trained to be $ositi!e
and acti!e" and this is a great ste$ in the right direction% The tendency to
combine $sychology with the outer $hysical treatment is sound and right%
Thirdly" the highest and the newest method is that o calling into $ositi!e acti!ity
a manAs own soul% The true and the uture healing is brought about when the lie
o the soul can low without any im$ediment and hindrance throughout e!ery
as$ect o the orm nature% It can then !itali(e it with its $otency" and can also
Esoteric Healing
eliminate those congestions and obstructions which are such a ruitul source o
This gi!es you much to $onder u$on% I we go slowly as regards the $ractical
a$$lication o techni,ues and methods" it is because I seek to lay a sound
oundation or that which I shall later im$art%
The Training of the Healer
As regards the training o the healer" I will gi!e rom time to time the si# rules
which go!ern 5or should go!ern6 his acti!ity% Bear in mind the two words which I
earlier ga!e% They sum u$ the healerAs story1 Magnetism and Radiation% They are
dierent in their eects as we shall later see%
Rule one
The healer must seek to link his soul" his heart" his brain and his hands% Thus can
he $our the !ital healing orce u$on the $atient% This is magnetic work% It cures
disease" or may increase the so'called e!il state" according to the knowledge o
the healer%
The healer must seek to link his soul" his brain" his heart and auric emanation%
Thus can his $resence eed the -2B/ soul lie o the $atient% This is the work of
radiation. The hands are needed not% The soul dis$lays its $ower% The $atientAs
soul res$onds through the res$onse o his aura to the radiation o the healerAs
aura" looded with soul energy%
In considering the >auses o Disease" I ind it necessary to s$eak a word in
connection with conditions ' e#ternal and internal% It will be a$$arent to the
casual thinker that many diseases and many causes o death are due to
en!ironing conditions or which he is in no way res$onsible% These range all the
way rom $urely e#ternal occurrences to hereditary $redis$ositions% They might
be listed as ollows1
2% Accidents, which may be due to $ersonal negligence" grou$ ha$$enings"
the carelessness o other $eo$le" and the results o ighting" as in labor
strikes or war% They can also be brought about by attacks rom the animal
or the snake world" accidental $oisonings and many other causes%
.% Infections coming to a man rom outside and not as the result o his own
$eculiar blood condition% ;uch inections are the !arious so'called
inectious and contagious diseases" and $re!alent e$idemics% These may
come to a man in the line o duty" through his daily contacts" or through a
wides$read condition o disease in his en!ironment%
4% Diseases due to malnutrition, $articularly when ound in the young% This
state o undernourishment $redis$oses the body to disease" lowers the
resistance and the !itality" and osets the 0ighting $owers0 o the man"
leading to $remature death%
7% Heredity. There are" as you well know" certain orms o hereditary
weaknesses" which either $redis$ose a $erson to certain illnesses and
conse,uent death" or $roduce in him those conditions which lead to a
steady weakening -2C/ o his hold on lie+ there are also those tendencies
which constitute a orm o dangerous a$$etite" which lead to undesirable
habits" a letting down o the morale" and are dangerous to the will o the
Esoteric Healing
$erson" rendering him utile to ight these $redis$ositions% He succumbs to
them and $ays the $rice o such habits" which is disease and death%
These our ty$es o disease and causes o death account or much that we see
ha$$ening around us in $eo$leAs li!es" but they are not to be classed deinitely
under any o the $sychological causes o disease" and will only be considered" and
that !ery briely" under the section dealing with grou$ lie and its $redis$osing
causes o disease% Inectious diseases are there dealt with" but such situations as
arise out o an automobile or railroad accident" or instance" are not to be
considered as coming under the heading o causes $roducing disease% That the
work o the healer may be in!ol!ed in these cases is ,uite true" but the work to
be done is somewhat dierent to that accom$lished when dealing with those
diseases which ha!e their roots in some subtle body or other" or in the results o
grou$ disease" etc% The ills growing out o malnutrition and the wrong eeding o
our modern lie and ci!ili(ation will not here be considered% 8or these no child is
indi!idually res$onsible% I am concerned with the diseases arising in wrong
internal conditions%
The res$onsibility o a child or his li!ing conditions is $ractically nil" unless you
admit karma as a $redis$osing actor" and its $ower to $roduce those
readjustments which emerge out o the $ast and aect the $resent% I shall deal
with this more ully under our third $oint" dealing with our karmic liabilities% I
would only suggest here that the whole subject o disease could be treated rom
the angle o karma and be deinite and conclusi!e in its !alue -.D/ had there been
right teaching on this abstruse subject rom the time that it was gi!en out in the
*est% But the truth as it has come to us rom the East has been as much
distorted by the Eastern theologian as the doctrines o the At'one'ment and o
the <irgin Birth ha!e been misinter$reted and taught by the *estern theologian%
The real truth bears little resemblance to our modern ormulations% I am"
thereore" seriously handica$$ed when dealing with the subject o disease rom
the angle o karma% It is diicult or me to con!ey to you anything o the truth" as
it really e#ists" owing to the $reconcei!ed ideas as to the ancient 3aw o >ause
and Eect which are necessarily in your mind% *hen I say to you that the
doctrine o Emergent E!olution and the modern theories o the work o a catalyst
u$on two substances which ' when brought into relation with each other under
the eect o the catalyst $roduce a third and dierent substance ' carry in them
much o the truth anent karma" will you understand: I ,uestion it% *hen I say to
you that the em$hasis gi!en to the 3aw o Karma as it e#$lains a$$arent
injustices and stresses always the a$$earance o $ain" disease" and suering
gi!es only a $artial $resentation o the basic cosmic truth" is your mind in any
way clariied: *hen I $oint out that the 3aw o Karma" rightly understood and
rightly wielded" can bring that which $roduces ha$$iness" good" and reedom
rom $ain more easily than it brings $ain" with its chain o conse,uences" do you
eel able to gras$ the signiicance o what I am saying:
The world o glamor is at this time so strong and the sense o illusion so $otent
and !ital that we ail to see these basic laws in their true signiicance%
The 3aw o Karma is not the 3aw o Retribution" as one would surmise as one
reads the current books u$on the subject+ that is but one as$ect o the working o
the -.2/ 3aw o Karma% The 3aw o >ause and Eect is not to be understood as
we now inter$ret it% There is" to illustrate" a law called the 3aw o Era!itation"
which has long im$osed itsel u$on the minds o men+ such a law e#ists" but it is
only an as$ect o a greater law" and its $ower can be" as we know" relati!ely
oset" or each time that we see an air$lane soaring o!erhead" we see a
demonstration o the osetting o this law by mechanical means" symboli(ing the
Esoteric Healing
case with which it can be surmounted by human beings% I they could but reali(e
it" they are learning the ancient techni,ue o which the $ower to le!itate is one o
the easiest and sim$lest initial e#ercises%
The 3aw o >onse,uences is not the ine!itable and set aair which modern
thought surmises" but is related to the 3aws o Thought ar more closely than has
been belie!ed+ towards an understanding o this" mental science has been
gro$ing% Its orientation and $ur$oses are right and good and ho$eul o results+
its conclusions and modes o work are at $resent woeully at ault" and most
I ha!e reerred to this misunderstanding o the 3aw o Karma as I am an#ious to
ha!e you set out on this study o the 3aws o Healing with a ree and o$en mind
as ar as may be" reali(ing that your understanding o these laws is limited by1
2% &ld theologies" with their static" distorted" and erroneous $oints o !iew%
The teaching o theology is most misleading" but is" alas" generally
.% *orld thought" strongly tinged with the desire element" and with little in it
o real thought% Fen inter$ret these dimly sensed laws in terms o inality
and rom their little $oint o !iew% The idea o retribution runs through
much o the teaching on Karma" or instance" because men seek a
$lausible e#$lanation o things as -../ they a$$ear to be" and are
themsel!es ond o dealing out retribution% 9et there is ar more general
good karma than bad" little as you may think it when immersed in such a
$eriod as the $resent%
4% The world illusion and glamor" which $re!ents the a!erage and ignorant
man rom seeing lie as it truly is% E!en the ad!anced man and the
disci$les are only beginning to get a leeting and inade,uate glance at a
glorious reality%
7% Gncontrolled minds and unreleased and unawakened brain cells also
hinder man rom correct reali(ation% This act is oten unrecogni(ed% The
a$$aratus o reali(ation is as yet inade,uate% This $oint needs
=% Hational and racial tem$eraments" with their $redis$osing tem$eraments"
and $rejudices% These actors again $re!ent a just a$$reciation o these
I ha!e gi!en enough here to indicate to you the stu$idity o attem$ting to state
that you understand these laws towards which you are gro$ing and which you
seek to understand% Howhere in human thought is the darkness greater than in
connection with the laws concerning disease and death%
It is necessary" thereore" to reali(e that" rom the start" in all I ha!e to say"
under the heading The sychological !auses of Disease, I am not dealing with
those com$laints or $redis$ositions to disease which emerge out o the
en!ironment" or with those deinitely $hysical taints which are inherited rom
$arents who ha!e carried in their bodies and transmitted to their children disease
germs which they" in their turn" may ha!e inherited rom their $arents% I would
like to $oint out that these inherited diseases are ar ewer than is at $resent
surmised+ o these" the $redis$osition -.4/ to tuberculosis" to sy$hilis and to
cancer are the most im$ortant where our $resent humanity is concerned+ they
are inherited and also can be im$arted by contact% These I will deal with under
our second major heading on the diseases emanating rom the grou$% -.7/
Esoteric Healing
CHAPTER I - The Psychological Causes of Disease
The Psychological Causes of Disease
The $oint I would like to make here" beore $roceeding urther" is that I shall seek
to a!oid" as ar as $ossible" all technicalities% &ur theme is the esoteric
consideration o disease and its orms+ it seeks to elucidate the subject o and the
!ital causes o such diseases" and to indicate the general laws with which the
healer must work and the si# rules which he must im$ose u$on himsel ' and to
which he gi!es obedience" through disci$line and understanding%
9ou will ha!e noted that I listed the $sychological causes under our headings1
2% Those arising out o the emotional'eeling nature%
.% Those which ha!e their origin in the etheric body%
4% Those which are based on wrong thought%
7% The $eculiar com$laints and $sychological troubles o disci$les%
It may ha!e interested you to see that I $lace the ills o the etheric body in the
second $lace and not the irst% The reason or this is that the group ills and
diseases which ha!e astened u$on the race" work $rimarily through the etheric
body and ind their way out into maniestation !ia the etheric bodies o all orms%
But I ha!e $laced them second" e!en though they are in the last analysis the
most numerous" owing to the act that humanity cannot as yet deal with -.=/
these en masse% The a$$roach has to be through indi!iduals" and men must clear
their astral or emotional bodies o those conditions which $redis$ose them to
disease" as indi!iduals% At $resent" the race is astrally $olari(ed% The emotional
sentient nature is all'$owerul in the masses% This leads to a relati!ely negati!e
etheric body which is tuned in on the entire etheric substance o the $lanet% This
substance" which underlies all orms" is sim$ly a transerring and transmitting
agency or !ital energy to the outer dense $hysical body% Energy swee$s through
this etheric substance" ree rom all control by the indi!idual human being" and
,uite unreali(ed by him because his ocus o attention is astral% 8rom the astral or
emotional state o consciousness" much concerning indi!idual $hysical conditions
can be deduced% *e must" howe!er" eliminate those ills which are grou$ ills and
which ha!e swe$t into and through all mankind rom the world o etheric orce"
lea!ing him in some way de$leted" or o!er'stimulated" or in such a condition that
Death naturally su$er!enes% It might be stated as a basic generali(ation that
$ersonal $hysical trouble has its seat at $resent in the emotional body" and that
that !ehicle o e#$ression is the one $redominant $redis$osing agent in the ill
health o the indi!idual" just as grou$ ills and the swee$ o e$idemics o any kind
through the masses are ounded in some condition in the etheric substance o the
$lanet% Those diseases which are general" national" racial and $lanetary ind their
way to an indi!idual !ia his etheric body" but are not so $ersonal in their
im$lications% G$on this I will later enlarge% Today I but lay down the general
I would also like to $oint out that the diseases or the masses" or the a!erage
citi(en" or the intelligentsia" and or the disci$les o the world may" and do" dier
widely ' not so much in their e#$ression as in their ield o e#$ression% -.?/ This
is a $oint most diicult or the a!erage healer to recogni(e+ it is not easy or
$ossible or him to gras$ these distinctions and to gauge the $oint in e!olution
Esoteric Healing
which a man may ha!e reached% ;ome diseases must be dealt with rom the
mental $lane" and will call in the mind o the healer+ others re,uire a
concentration o emotional energy by the healing agent+ and again" in other
cases" the healer should seek to be only a transmitter o $ranic energy to the
etheric body o the $atient" !ia his own etheric body% How many healers are really
consciously aware o the ocus o the consciousness or the lie orce in the $atient
with whom they may be concerned: How many reali(e anything o the ty$e o
healing which it is $ossible and necessary to a$$ly to a disci$le: How ew reali(e
that no disci$le" or instance" can $lace himsel in the hands o the a!erage
magnetic healer or radiatory worker" or $sychological e#$ert o any kindI A
disci$le dare not subject himsel to the auric emanations o any chance healer"
nor $ut himsel in the $ower o the ine#$erienced academic $sychologist" no
matter how $rominent he may be% He may" howe!er" subject himsel to the wise
skill o the $hysical $lane $hysician or surgeon" as ' or him ' the $hysical body is
but an automaton% He can thereore a!ail himsel o $hysical means or its
beneiting% Fuch o the ailure o the healing methods at $resent em$loyed
consists in the inability o the healer to1
2% Eauge the e#tent o the trouble" where it may be located basically" and in
what body it $rinci$ally arises and lies%
.% Know where the $atient stands u$on the ladder o e!olution" and where"
thereore" he must look irst or the source o the diiculty%
4% Dierentiate between the diseases which are due to inner $ersonal
conditions" or to inherited tendencies" or to grou$ distribution% -.@/
7% To know whether the disease should be handled"
a% All o$athically or homeo$athically" or both can $lay their $art at
times" or through any o the other media o modern skill and
b% Through radiation or magneti(ation" or both%
c% Through right inner $sychological adjustment" aided by true insight
on the $art o the healing agent%
d% Through calling in the $ower o a manAs own soul ' a thing that is
not $ossible e#ce$t to ad!anced $eo$le%
e% Through deinite occult means" such as orming a healing triangle
o ' Faster ' )atient ' Healer
This method in!ol!es much knowledge and a high $oint o s$iritual
attainment on the $art o the healer+ ' it also $resu$$oses the
healerAs link with a Faster and the FasterAs grou$" $lus the earned
right to call u$on that grou$ or energy on behal o the $atient ' a
thing as yet rarely granted%
I would like irst o all to $oint out that my $ur$ose and intent is not to write a
medical treatise% I shall not" thereore" deal with the anatomy o the body" nor
shall I discuss the sym$toms o diseases" e#ce$t ,uite incidentally% I do not
intend to elaborate sym$toms or consider the many -.B/ diseases with long
names which distinguish the race at this time+ all such inormation you can gather
Esoteric Healing
rom the ordinary te#tbooks" i you so choose" and these you can study" i you
care to do so% I ind it $ersonally not $articularly satisying% *e will start with the
$remise that there is disease+ that disease is an eect o inner causes+ that man
has made as !ast strides in the understanding o the eect o these causes as
they $roduce changes in the outer garment o man" as science has made in the
understanding o the outer garment o Eod" the world o $henomenal nature%
The ameliorati!e and $alliati!e and curati!e work o medicine and surgery are
$ro!ed beyond all contro!ersial discussion% The methods em$loyed" such as the
!i!isection o animals" may rightly cause distress% In s$ite o all this the
indebtedness o mankind to the medical $roession is great" and the ser!ice
rendered to humanity by the $roession does largely oset the e!il% That they
know not e!erything is true+ that there is a small $ercentage o $hysicians and
surgeons 5less than in any other $roession6 who are sel'seeking and no credit to
their crat is e,ually true+ that they already know enough to be willing to admit
how !ery much more there is to be known is also correct% But that it is a great
and good and sel'sacriicing grou$ within the human amily" is e,ually true%
8orget this not%
I deal with the subjecti!e as$ect o man" and with the secondary causes which
ha!e their roots in manAs inner bodies and in the subjecti!e side o nature itsel%
The major $rimary causes" as I earlier e#$lained" are im$ossible or you to gras$%
They lie beyond the ca$acity o the concrete mind% I seek to make clear what
man may do to ree himsel increasingly rom the accumulation o the $ast" both
indi!idually and as a grou$" and in so doing to clear his $hysical body o the
germs o disease% It must" howe!er" be borne in mind that many diseases are o
a grou$ -.C/ nature" and are conse,uently inherent in humanity itsel% Just as the
insect world de!astates and destroys the !egetable kingdom" as any chance
walker through the woods can note" so germs ' indi!idual and grou$ ' today
de!astate and destroy the human kingdom% They are agents o destruction and
are $erorming a deinite oice and duty in the great scheme o things at $resent%
The intent is or men to die" as e!ery man has to die" at the demand of his own
soul. *hen man has reached a higher stage in e!olution" with deliberation and
deinite choice o time" he will consciously withdraw rom his $hysical body% It will
be let silent and em$ty o the soul+ de!oid o light" yet sound and whole+ it will
then disintegrate" under the natural $rocess" and its constituent atoms will $ass
back into 0the $ool o waiting units"0 until they are again re,uired or the use o
incarnating souls% Again" on the subjecti!e side o lie" the $rocess is re$eated"
but many ha!e already learnt to withdraw rom the astral body without being
subject to that 0im$act in the og"0 which is the symbolic way o describing the
death o a man u$on the astral $lane% He then withdraws on to the mental le!el"
and lea!es his astral carcass to swell the og and increase its density%
I seek to $oint out" thereore" that my a!oidance o medical technicalities will be
deliberate" though we shall reer oten to the $hysical body and to the diseases o
which it is a $rey%
;econdly" I seek today to gi!e you another o the 3aws o Healing" as well as one
o the Rules or the Healer% ;tudy these with care%
Law II
Disease is the $roduct o" and subject to" three inluences% 8irst" a manAs $ast"
wherein he $ays the $rice o -4D/ ancient error% ;econd" his inheritance" wherein
he shares with all mankind those tainted streams o energy which are o grou$
origin% Thirdly" he shares with all the natural orms that which the 3ord o 3ie
Esoteric Healing
im$oses on His body% These three inluences are called 0The Ancient 3aw o E!il
;haring%0 This must gi!e $lace some day to that new 3aw o Ancient Dominating
Eood which lies behind all that Eod made% This law must be brought into acti!ity
by the s$iritual will o man%
*hat is a law" my brother: It is the im$osition 5u$on both the lesser and the
more im$ortant6 o the will and $ur$ose o that which is su$erlati!ely great%
Thereore" it lies beyond manAs ken% Fan has some day to learn that all the laws
o nature ha!e their higher" s$iritual counter$arts" and o these we shall shortly
be in search% &ur laws today are but secondary laws% They are the laws o grou$
lie and they go!ern the kingdoms o nature and ind their e#$ression 5or the
human kingdom6 through the medium o the mind" o the emotional nature" and
through a $hysical $lane agent% It is not my intention in this $resent short
treatise to elucidate the $rimary laws% I but state them" and at a uture time
5de$endent u$on certain actors yet unde!elo$ed6 I may deal with them%
In this treatise" the third $art o it is stated to deal with the basic laws o Healing%
These deal not with the 3aws reerred to abo!e" but with the $ractical as$ects o
the healing art%
The second rule or the healer is as ollows1
Rule two
The healer must achie!e magnetic $urity through $urity o lie% He must attain
that dis$elling radiance which shows itsel in e!ery man when he has linked the
centers in the head% *hen this magnetic ield is established" the radiation too
goes orth% -42/
The signiicance o this will be somewhat a$$arent to the ad!anced esoteric
student% As you know" the magnetic ield is established when the $owerul
!ibration o the center in ront o the $ituitary body" and the center around and
abo!e the $ineal gland" swing into each otherAs orbit% The only contro!ersial $oint
in connection with the abo!e rule 5which we shall ha!e later to consider6 is how
and in what manner magnetic $urity is to be achie!ed" and how the two centers
in the head can orm together one magnetic ield% 3ater" in our conclusion" which
is intended to be intensely $ractical" I will touch u$on these two $oints%
&ne o the things which should deinitely emerge in our studies is the act that
disease is seldom o indi!idual origin" unless a man miss$ends his lie and
deinitely misuses his body 5through drink or se#ual dissi$ation6" and that the
bulk o the disease to be ound in the world today is almost entirely o grou$
origin" is inherited" is the result o inection" or the result o undernourishment%
The last named cause is $rimarily an e!il o ci!ili(ation+ it is the result o
economic maladjustment or the corru$tion o ood% As I earlier $ointed out" these
latter causes o disease are not $rimarily the result o inner subtle orces" but are
the $ouring u$wards" into the etheric body" o energies rom the $hysical $lane
itsel and rom the outer world o orces%
3ittle attention has been $aid by occult teachers to these orces which come rom
without" which originate u$on the $hysical $lane" and which aect the inner
bodies% There are $hysical energy and streams o orce entering into the etheric
bodies o all orms" just as the world illusion and the miasmas o the astral $lane
ot ha!e their causes in $hysical $lane conditions% The energies entering into the
centers o man rom the subtler le!els ha!e ot been considered in occult books"
but the orces which ind their way into the centers rom the world o $hysical
Esoteric Healing
$lane lie -4./ are seldom reali(ed or discussed% This is a somewhat new thought
which I oer or your consideration%
I ha!e asked A%A%B% to insert a !ery brie syno$sis o some o the $oints I ha!e
already made under the heading" *hat is Disease: I suggest the ollowing1
2% All disease is disharmony and lack o alignment and control%
a% Disease is ound in all the our kingdoms in nature%
b% Disease is $uriicatory in eect%
c% Deinite methods o healing are $eculiar to humanity" and mental in
.% Disease is a act in nature%
a% Antagonism to disease sim$ly energi(es it%
b% Disease is not the result o wrong human thought%
4% Disease is a $rocess o liberation and the enemy o that which is static%
7% The law o cause and eect go!erns disease as it go!erns all else in
*e ound also that healing is brought about in three ways1
2% Through the a$$lication o the methods o the many schools o medicine
and surgery" and allied grou$s%
.% Through the use o $sychology%
4% Through the acti!ity o the soul%
I ha!e also stated that the major causes o disease are three in number1
they are $sychological in nature+
they are inherited through grou$ contact+ and
they are karmic%
Remember" howe!er" that these are the secondary causes and with the irst o
these we will now deal% -44/
1. Causes Arising in the Emotional-Desire Nature
In A Treatise on "hite Magic, I ga!e the world or the irst time inormation as to
the nature and the control o the astral body% This book is $ractically the irst one
e!er gi!en out to the $ublic on this theme% Fuch has been gi!en in the $ast on
the subject o the $hysical body and its care" both by e#oteric and esoteric
science% Fuch o it is true" and some o it is illusion% It is illusion because it is
based on alse $remises% Fodern esotericist ha!e dealt with the subject o the
etheric body" and this too has been $artially true and $artially alse" but it is more
generally true rom the occult $oint o !iew than it is e#oterically% I may sur$rise
you here i I tell you that A Treatise on "hite Magic is also true as ar as it goes"
but it is necessarily limited" and because o these limitations it is also $artially
incorrect% Does the abo!e statement astonish you: Remember" how can it be
entirely true when we consider the limitations o your $ower to com$rehend: It is
im$ossible or me to con!ey to you the truth" because there e#ist neither the
terminology nor an ade,uate groundwork o knowledge on your $art% This makes
my task diicult% This teaching on healing is likewise the hardest I ha!e yet
undertaken" and this or two reasons% 8irst 5the real nature o6 the $hrase
Esoteric Healing
0subtler bodies0 is somewhat meaningless" is it not: They are not bodies like the
$hysical body% They can be regarded as centers or reser!oirs o $articular ty$es
o orce" attached to each indi!idual" and $ossessing their $ro$er inlets and
outlets% They are collections o atoms" !ibrating at high s$eed and colored
5according to some schools o occultism6 by certain deinite hues+ they emit a
certain tone" and are at !arying $oints o e!olution% According to others" they are
states o consciousness and some regard them as made in the likeness o a man%
*hat is your deinition" Brother o mine: -47/
The astral body is" or the majority o mankind" the major determining actor to
be considered% It is an outstanding cause o ill health% The reason or this is that it
has a $otent and $redis$osing eect u$on the !ital and etheric body% The $hysical
body is an automaton o whiche!er inner body is the strongest% *hen you
remember that the !ital body is the reci$ient o the streams o energy" and is in
act com$osed and ormed o such streams" and that the $hysical body is dri!en
into acti!ity by these streams" it is a$$arent that that stream which is the most
$otent is the one which will control the action o the $hysical body u$on the
$hysical $lane% There are" howe!er" two streams o energy which must be
considered in studying the actors leading to $hysical $lane actions% I would
remind you in this connection that disease is an acti!ity o the $hysical $lane%
2% The stream o lie itsel" anchored in the heart" which determines the
!itality o the man" his ca$acity or work" and the term o his e#istence%
.% The $redominating stream o energy coming rom the astral" mental or
soul bodies% These control his e#$ression u$on the $hysical $lane%
*ith the masses o $eo$le throughout the world" and those whom we call the
!ast unthinking $ublic" the dominating actors are the stream o lie and the
stream o astral or desire energy% This can be either o a low or medium caliber%
*ith the thinking $ublic" the dominating actors are these two streams" $lus a
steady inlowing and increasing tide o mental energy%
*ith the intelligentsia o the world and the as$irant 5those ready or" or already
on" the $robationary $ath6 -4=/ we ind the abo!e three streams reaching a $oint
o e,uilibrium" and thus $roducing an integrating or coordinating $ersonality%
These number amongst them also the mystics o the world and the creati!e
workers" who are conscious o the ins$iration and the s$iritual contact which
indicates a beginning o the inlow o soul energy%
*ith the disci$les o the world" we ind a grou$ o men and women coming under
the control o soul energy" whilst the other three energies are being increasingly
subordinated to this higher ty$e o control%
It should be borne in mind that there are two other ty$es o energy with which to
reckon" when considering intelligent man%
2% The energy which is com$osed o the used and blended orces o a
coordinated $ersonality%
.% The energy o the $hysical $lane itsel" which is inally identiied by the
as$irant or disci$le" and becomes so utterly negated that e!entually it
constitutes one o the major actors in the release o the centers%
8inally the time comes when the initiate works sim$ly with three ty$es o energy
whilst e#$ressing himsel in incarnation1 the energy o lie itsel" the negati!e
Esoteric Healing
energy o the $ersonality" and the $ositi!e energy o the soul% Thus he is an
e#$ression in conscious maniestation o the three as$ects o the Trinity%
>ertain things should be established as occult acts in the consciousness o the
healer beore he is able to work constructi!ely%
2% 8irst o all" that there is nothing but energy and this energy maniests
itsel as many diering and !arying -4?/ energies% & these many
energies" the uni!erse is com$osed% 3ikewise manAs bodies or !ehicles o
maniestation are without e#ce$tion constituted o energy units% These we
call atoms" and these atomic units are held together in body orm by the
coherent orce o more $otent energies%
.% The major ocal $oint o energy to be ound in human beings is that o the
soul" but its $otency as an agent o cohesion and o integration is as yet
greater than its ,uality $otency% In the earlier stages o human e!olution"
it is the coherence as$ect that demonstrates% 3ater as manAs res$onse
a$$aratus" or bodies" becomes more de!elo$ed" the #uality as$ect o the
soul begins to demonstrate increasingly%
4% ;een rom the inner side where time is not" the human creature
demonstrates as an ama(ing kaleidosco$ic mutable $henomenon% Bodies"
so called" or rather aggregates o atomic units" ade out and disa$$ear" or
lash again into maniestation% ;treams o colors $ass and re$ass+ they
twine or intertwine% >ertain areas will then suddenly intensiy their
brightness and bla(e orth with brilliance+ or again they can be seen dying
out and the $henomenon in certain areas will be colorless and a$$arently
non'e#istent% But always there is a $ersistent o!er'shadowing light" rom
which a stream o lights $ours down into the $henomenal man+ this can be
seen attaching itsel in two major localities to the dense inner core o the
$hysical man% These two $oints o attachment are to be ound in the head
and in the heart% There can also be seen" dimly at irst but with increasing
brightness" se!en other $ale disks o light which are the early e!idence o
the se!en centers% -4@/
7% These centers" which constitute the ,uality as$ects and the consciousness
as$ects" and whose unction it is to color the a$$earance or outer
e#$ression o man and use it as a res$onse a$$aratus" are 5during the
e!olutionary $rocess6 subject to three ty$es o unoldment%
a% That unoldment which takes $lace as a $hysical $lane child grows
rom an inant to a man% By the time he is twenty'one" the centers
should normally ha!e reached the same ,uality o e#$ression as
they had attained when he $assed out o lie in a $re!ious
incarnation% The man then takes u$ lie where he had $re!iously
let it o%
Esoteric Healing
b% The awakening o the centers through lie e#$erience% &ccasionally
only one center may be dealt with in any one lie+ sometimes
se!eral are brought into greater unctioning consciousness%
c% There is" inally" the awakening o these centers through the
$rocess o initiation% This o course only ha$$ens when the man is
consciously u$on the )ath%
=% The centers determine the manAs $oint o e!olution as far as his
phenomenal e$pression is concerned% they work directly u$on the $hysical
body through the -4B/ medium o the endocrine system% This $oint should
be borne in mind" or the uture occult healer will a$$roach his $atient with
this knowledge% He will then work through those centers and glands which
go!ern the $articular area o the body wherein the disease or discomort is
located% The time" howe!er" or this has not yet come" or manAs ignorance
is great% &!er'stimulation o the centers" and conse,uently o the glands"
could easily be brought about" and the diseased condition might be
stimulated also and increased" instead o dissi$ated or healed%
A. Uncontrolle an Ill-Regulate E!otion
Ei!en these basic acts" it can be seen how wrong emotional attitudes and a
general unhealthy condition o the astral body must be $otent actors in
$roducing discomort and disease% This is due to the act that the !ital or etheric
bodies o the masses o humanity are go!erned $rimarily and swe$t into acti!ity
through the action o the astral body% Agitation in that body" any !iolent acti!ity
under stress o tem$er" intense worry or $rolonged irritation will $our a stream o
astral energy into and through the solar $le#us center" and will gal!ani(e that
center into a condition o intense disturbance% This ne#t aects the stomach" the
$ancreas" the gall duct and bladder% 8ew $eo$le 5and I might well ask who is
e#em$t at this $articular time in the worldAs history6 are ree rom indigestion"
rom undesirable gastric conditions" or rom trouble connected with the gall
The tendency to criticism" to !iolent dislikes" and to hatreds based on criticism or
a su$eriority com$le#" $roduces much o the acidity rom which the majority o
$eo$le suer% I would like to add in $assing that I am here generali(ing% ;o many
$eo$le are $rone to an ineriority com$le# -4C/ in relation to themsel!es" but to a
su$eriority com$le# where their relation to other $eo$le is concernedI ;tomachic
$hysical $lane eects are closely tied u$ with the desire aspect o the $hysical
body" which inds e#$ression in the eating and drinking o that which is desired"
leading subse,uently to those attacks o biliousness to which so many are $rone%
I oer these abo!e illustrations to demonstrate the eect o the $re!alent wrong
attitudes to lie and $eo$le which today distinguish mankind and $roduce the
abo!e mentioned conditions%
The ills which are based on criticism" u$on hatred" and u$on the ca$acity to judge
each other 5usually unkindly6 work through rom the throat center to the solar
$le#us% This interrelation e#isting between the centers is one that has ne!er been
$ro$erly considered% The centers in the etheric body $ass !arying kinds o
energies amongst themsel!es" and a great deal o the energy transmitted rom
one center to another is undesirable" lowing rom the centers below the
dia$hragm to those abo!e%
Esoteric Healing
The $hysical body 5etheric and dense6 can be $ictured as a house with two
tele$honic installations ' one bringing in energies rom without the house and the
other being in the nature o a house tele$hone rom room to room% The analogy is
ar more accurate than a$$ears to the casual thinker% In e!ery modern house"
light and water and gas and tele$honic interchange are brought%
3ight" the symbol o the soul+
water" the symbol o the emotions+
tele$honic interchange" the symbol o mind with its inter'communication
o knowledges+
and gas" the symbol o the etheric nature%
It is interesting and saddening to note that that which at $resent goes out o the
a!erage house is the reuse that is undesirable ' this is the corres$ondence to
that which is -7D/ selish and sad and the demand or the satisaction o $ersonal
needs and desires%
It can be seen" thereore" why I ha!e so em$hatically im$ressed the need o
harmlessness u$on all o you" or it is the scientiic method" $ar e#cellence and
esoterically s$eaking" o cleaning house and o $uriying the centers% Its $ractice
clears the clogged channels and $ermits the entrance o the higher energies%
The emotional causes o disease and the mental attitudes which $roduce $hysical
discomort are at this $articular time those which are the most $re!alent% *hen
they are $ersisted in o!er a long $eriod o time" and are carried o!er rom lie to
lie" they cause the more !iolent as$ects o the conditions reerred to abo!e" and
rom them serious and destructi!e diseases can emerge" necessitating" or
instance" the remo!al o the gall bladder or those o$erations incident to the
a$$earance o chronic gastric ulcers% &ther diseases grow rom a constant
$andering to the desire nature" though se#ual diseases come under another
category% It can be seen rom the abo!e how desirable it is that the true healer
should combine in himsel" not only a measure o esoteric knowledge" but ' until
he is an initiate ' something o $sychology" something o the work o a magnetic
healer" and also be a trained medical man or surgeon%
Fuch o the healing now done is worse than useless" because the three abo!e
mentioned conditions are lacking% Fost doctors" es$ecially those who are called
general $ractitioners" are good $sychologists and they ha!e also a sound
knowledge o sym$toms and o anatomy and o curati!e measures which are
usually lacking in the a!erage meta$hysical healer% But they are entirely ignorant
o one great ield o knowledge ' that concerning the energies which meet and
war within the human rame and o the -72/ $otencies which can be set in motion
i certain esoteric truths are admitted in $lace% Gntil they work with the etheric
body and study the science o the centers" they can make little urther $rogress%
The esoteric healer knows much about the inner orces and energies and has
some understanding o the basic causes o the e#oteric diseases" but his
ignorance o manAs mechanism is de$lorable" and he ails to reali(e two things1
8irst" that disease is sometimes the working out into maniestation o
undesirable subjecti!e conditions% These" when e#ternali(ed and brought
to the surace o the human body" can then be known" dealt with and
eliminated% It is well to remember also that sometimes this working out
and elimination may well bring about the death o that $articular body% But
the soul goes on% &ne short lie counts or !ery little in the long cycle o
the soul" and it is counted well worthwhile i a $eriod o ill health 5e!en i it
Esoteric Healing
e!entuates in death6 brings about the clearing away o wrong emotional
and mental conditions%
;econd" disease is sometimes incident u$on and $art o the $rocess o the
withdrawal o the soul rom its habitation% This we call death" and it can
come ,uickly and une#$ectedly when the soul withdraws with suddenness
rom its body% &r death can s$read itsel o!er a long $eriod o time" and
the soul may take se!eral months or years or its slow and gradual
emergence rom the body" with the body dying by inches all the time%
There is not suicient knowledge yet among healers to enable them to deal with
wisdom in these matters% *e might thereore conclude that1 -7./
2% Disease is a $uriicatory $rocess" carried out in order to $roduce a $urer
e#$ression" lie aroma" inluence and soul useulness% *hen this is the
case" a cure is $ossible%
.% Disease can be a gradual and slow $rocess o dying and o thus releasing
the soul% A cure then will not be $ossible" though $aliati!e and
ameliorati!e measures are needed and should most certainly be used% The
length o the lie can be $rolonged" but a $ermanent and inal cure is out
o the ,uestion% This the a!erage mental healer ails to reali(e% They make
a horror out o death" whereas death is a beneicent riend%
4% Disease can be the sudden and inal call to the body to relin,uish the soul
and set it ree or other ser!ice%
In all these cases e!erything $ossible should be done rom the stand$oint o
modern medical and surgical science and the allied sciences o which there are
today so many% Fuch too can be done rom the angle o mental and s$iritual
healing" aided by the science o $sychology% ;ome day there must come
coo$eration in these !arious ields and a synthesi(ing o their eorts%
I ha!e earlier $ointed out that the astral body is the $rime moti!ating actor in
the li!es o the majority% This is caused by the act that1
2% It is the body in which the bulk o human beings are today centering their
.% It is the most de!elo$ed o the bodies at this time" and thereore recei!es
the bulk o the lie energy as it comes down the lie stream" rom the soul"
and likewise recei!es the energy o the stream o consciousness% -74/
4% It is oriented" i I may so e#$ress it" outwards or towards the $lane o
$hysical e#$erience% That orientation shits at times and" tem$orarily in
the case o the as$irant" turns inwards% Just as the centers in man" the
0lotuses o lie"0 are de$icted as turned downwards and with the stalk
u$wards in the unde!elo$ed man" but are turned u$wards in the case o
the de!elo$ed" so there are conditions in the astral body analogous to this%
In the case o the highly e!ol!ed man" o the initiate or the Faster" the
astral body is steadily oriented towards the soul% In the mystic" the
as$irant and the disci$le" the $rocess o thus deinitely changing the
direction o the orces is going on and $roducing" thereore" a tem$orary
7% The astral body o man" being the latest to de!elo$ 5the $hysical and the
etheric being the irst two in order o time6 is still the most ali!e and
$otent% It reached its acme o de!elo$ment in late Atlantean days and its
$otency is still great" constituting the mass $otency" the mass em$hasis"
and the mass $olari(ation% This is also augmented by energies coming
rom the animal kingdom" which is entirely astral in its $oint o
Esoteric Healing
I would remind you here that the use o the word 0body0 is most misleading and
unortunate% It $roduces in the consciousness the idea o a deined orm and a
s$eciic sha$e% The astral body is an aggregate o orces" working through into
the consciousness in the orm o desires" im$ulses" longings" wishes"
determinations" incenti!es" and $rojections" thus laying the basis or much o the
truth o the teachings o modern $sychology% )sychologists ha!e disco!ered 5or
rather unco!ered6 the nature o some o these orces" and their terminology in
this connection is re,uently more truly occult and accurate than is that o -77/
the orthodo# esotericist and theoso$hist%
It may be o interest to you i I do two things%
8irst o all" gi!e you some technical inormation in connection with the
working through o the orces rom the astral $lane into the $hysical body"
and then gi!e you the eects o that working through" as they take the
orm ' owing to manAs wrong use o them ' o disease and the many
!arying disorders to which man is $rone%
*ith their cure we are not at this time concerned% I am here sim$ly laying down
the structure o act u$on which we can later base our conclusions% *e shall" in
this connection" only consider the a!erage man% The $roblems o the disci$le will
be dealt with under )art I%7%
I $ointed out earlier that the three major grou$s o diseases or the masses are
2% Tuberculosis%
.% The social diseases" as they are called1 the !enereal diseases and sy$hilis%
4% >ancer%
To these we must add two other grou$s o disease which $redominantly aect
those who are a little abo!e the a!erage and whose general le!el o intelligence is
higher than that o the mass+ this includes also the as$irants o the world%
7% Heart diseases" but not what is called heart ailure%
=% The ner!ous diseases so $re!alent at this time%
These i!e grou$s o disease" and their !arious subdi!isions are res$onsible or
the bulk o the $hysical ills which attack humanity% A right gras$ o their
$re$onderating causes will be o deinite assistance to uture medicine% How much
will be acce$ted is at this time doubtul%
I would like to $oint out here that" as you well know" there are $hysical
corres$ondences to the se!en centers o -7=/ orces located in the etheric body"
and ed rom the astral body% These we call the endocrine glands% These glands
are eects o or testiying e!idence to" the centers" and are in their turn initiating
causes o lesser eects in the $hysical body% It will be o !alue i we here tabulate
some o the things we know" and aid com$rehension%
Center Gland Physical
Type of Force Origin Body
Occultist - Initiate - Master - Dominant after 3rd Initiation
Esoteric Healing
1. ead
$ineal %##er &rain
'i("t e)e
*#iritual +ill
Monad -ia
/ausal &od)
0e+el in t"e
,s#irant - Disci#le - M)stic - Dominant after 2nd Initiation
2. /enter
&et+een t"e
,1na center
2o+er &rain
2eft e)e
*oul force
$etals of e(oic
lotus5 as a
/ausal &od)
i("er mental
,ll t)#es of *#iritual $eo#le - Dominant after 1st Initiation
3. eart
6")mus eart
,lso 4a(us
2ife force
2o-e #etals i("er mental
/ausal &od)
/reati-e ,rtists - ,ll ad-anced "umanit) - 6"e Intelli(entsia
4. 6"roat
6")roid !reat"in(
Mental &od)
,-era(e "umanit) - Ordinar) #eo#le
5. *olar
$ancreas *tomac"
7all &ladder
,stral force
,stral centers ,stral &od)
2o+ (rade animal t)#e of men
6. *acral
7onads *e9 or(ans 2ife force
$")sical #lane
4ital ener()
,nimal life
$")sical #lane :t"eric &od)
7. !ase of
,drenals 8idne)s
*#inal column
.ill :ner()
%ni-ersal life
6"e Mot"er of
t"e .orld
Esoteric Healing
Mulad"ara 8undalini
This tabulation is sim$ly an outline and" like the tabulation o the $rinci$les and
their corres$ondences" as gi!en by H%)%B% in <ol% III" o The &ecret Doctrine, its
inter$retation will be de$endent u$on the $oint o !iew o the student% *e shall
em$loy it later and add urther columns to it and urther corres$ondences% In all
our considerations" what we ha!e to say will ha!e the ollowing synthesis o
structure behind it1
2% The soul%
.% The subtler bodies o the mind and the emotions" which are sim$ly
,ualiied energy centers%
4% The !ital body with its se!en major centers o orce%
7% The endocrine system" which is an eect o the se!en centers" and the
determining controlling actor in the $hysical body o man%
=% The ner!ous system in its three di!isions%
?% The blood stream%
All the subsidiary organs o man are eects+ they are not $redetermining causes%
The determining causes in man" and that which makes him what he is" are the
glands% They are e#ternali(ations o the ty$es o orce $ouring through the etheric
centers rom the subtler worlds o being% They e#$ress the $oint in e!olution
which the man has reached+ they are !ital and acti!e or non'!ital and inacti!e"
according to the condition o the centers% They demonstrate a suiciency" an
o!er'suiciency or a deiciency" according to the condition o the etheric !ortices%
Again" the $rocess o control may be stated to be !ia the ner!ous system+ the
close interlocking directorate o the ner!ous system" the brain and the blood
stream 5as a carrier o the lie $rinci$le6 go!erns the acti!ities o the man '
conscious" subconscious" sel'conscious" and inally" -7@/ su$erconscious% The
three centers in su$reme control today or the majority are1
2% The ajna center" the center between the eyebrows%
.% The solar $le#us%
4% The sacral center%
E!entually" when man will ha!e 0become that which he is0 5that $arado#ical
esoteric $hrase6" the centers o control will be1
2% The head center" the brahmarandra%
.% The heart center%
4% The center at the base o the s$ine%
Between the $resent and the uture" the em$hasis will be laid u$on a constantly
shiting tri$licity" and each man will be dierent rom his ellowmen as to
em$hasis" as to the conditions o his centers" as to their glandular
corres$ondences in the $hysical body" and thereore as to the diseases and the
ills" inhibitions" and diiculties to which his lesh will all heir% It is in this
connection that it becomes ob!ious that the work o the $hysician and o the
$sychologist must e!entually go hand in hand% The three most im$ortant as$ects
o all diagnoses are1
Esoteric Healing
2% The psychological, or the gauging o the inner bodies o man rom the
angle o their de!elo$ment" their integration and the total coordination o
the $ersonality" as these subtler as$ects o the human being e#$ress
themsel!es in consciousness%
.% The work of the endocrinologist, as he deals with the endocrine glands"
!iewing them as $ower stations through which energy ' dynamic and
illuminating ' can $our through rom the centers%
4% The physician, who" taking into consideration the conclusions o the two
abo!e e#$erts" diagnoses the -7B/ disease" and treats it in collaboration
with the other two%
These three may call in other e#$erts and s$ecialists in electro'thera$y"
osteo$athy and chiro$ractic" but it is in the combination o the knowledge o the
$hysician" the $sychologist and the endocrinologist that the medical $roession
can take on a new e#$ression o useulness" and enter the new age e,ui$$ed to
deal with the $eo$le who will gradually assume the new ty$es and a changing
$hysical organism% Electricity" in relation to human ills" is as yet an inant science"
but it has in it the germs o the new techni,ues and methods o healing% The work
done by the chiro$ractors is good and needed but should" with osteo$athy"
constitute a deinite subsidiary techni,ue to that o the other three% The work o
the chiro$ractors and o the osteo$aths orms two hal!es o one whole" little as
their $ractitioners may like to recogni(e it% The ormer grou$ need a more careul
and lengthy training" and a higher standard o technical knowledge should be
Fedicine is entering slowly into a new useulness% &nce the cause o disease is
shited out o an organ or bodily system into a more subtle and !ital realm" we
shall see radical and needed changes" leading to sim$liication and not to a
greater com$le#ity and diiculty%
8rom the abo!e remarks it will be seen that disease emerges into the $hysical
body rom the world o the unseen" and rom the use" or misuse" o the subtler
orces on the inner $lanes% It must be remembered" howe!er" that disease ' as it
e#$resses itsel in man ' can be generally regarded as due to the ollowing
causes" and students would do well to ha!e this most careully in mind as they
$onder on these matters1
2% Indi!idual disease" due to interior conditions in a manAs own e,ui$ment" to
his mental state" or to an emotional -7C/ condition which can $roduce
serious ills% This is inherited rom the $ast%
.% Disease inherent in humanity as a whole% There are certain diseases to
which all men are $rone+ the germs o these diseases are latent in the
$hysical !ehicles o the majority o men" only awaiting $redis$osing
conditions in order to maniest% They might be regarded as grou$
4% Diseases which are" curiously enough" accidental% To these a man alls heir
when" or instance" he succumbs to some inectious or contagious
7% Diseases inherent in the soil% & these as yet but little is known% The soil o
our earth" howe!er" is !ery ancient" and is im$regnated with disease
germs which take their toll o the !egetable" animal and human kingdoms"
maniesting dierently in each" yet being due basically to the same
=% Diseases which are the diiculties o mysticism% These are the $eculiar ills
and com$laints which attack the disci$les and as$irants o the world%
Esoteric Healing
These can be traced in e!ery case to the $ouring in o energy through
centers which are not $ro$erly e,ui$$ed" or ade,uately de!elo$ed" to
handle the orce%
The abo!e is a generali'ation which may be ound useul%
The method whereby these astral orces 5which are" as we know" $re'eminently
the determining lie orces or the majority o men at this time6 work out into
maniestation is a relati!ely sim$le matter% In the astral !ehicle o e#$ression
there are" as you may reali(e" the corres$ondences o the se!en centers in the
etheric body% These are essentially the se!en major ocal $oints o orce" and
each o them is e#$ressi!e o one o the se!en ray energies% 3et me irst o all
make clear which centers e#$ress these se!en ray ty$es1 -=D/
Center Ray Quality Origin
1. ead /enter 1st 6"e Di-ine .ill Monadic
2. ,1na /enter 7t" Or(ani;ation
3. eart /enter 2nd 2o-e-.isdom
7rou# lo-e
4. 6"roat /enter 5t" /reati-it) Mental
5. *olar $le9us 6t" :motion - Desire ,stral
6. *acral /enter 3rd 'e#roduction :t"eric
7. !ase of *#ine 4t" armon)
%nion t"rou("
Hote1 In the ourth kingdom" the human" it is the energy o the ourth ray which"
coo$erating with the irst ray" e!entually brings synthesis% There is a close
relation between the highest center 5the head center6" and that at the base o the
s$ine% This ourth ty$e o energy thus e#$resses itsel in coo$eration with the irst
ty$e because we are still Atlantean in our $olari(ation" and that ci!ili(ation was
the ourth in order% It is !ery largely the work done in our ith ci!ili(ation" our
$resent Aryan race" which will" in coo$eration with the ith $rinci$le o the mind"
bring a shit into a higher le!el o consciousness% This will $roduce a harmoni(ing
o all the centers through an act o the will" intellectually and intelligently a$$lied"
with the objecti!e o $roducing harmony% This $oint warrants thought%
&n the astral $lane there will also be ound in e!ery astral body se!en
corres$onding ocal $oints through which energy can enter" raying orth then into
the !ital centers in the etheric $hysical body as se!en dierentiated ty$es o
orce% These ty$es o orce $roduce both bad and good eects" according to the
,uality o the negati!e dense $hysical body% These dier according to the ty$e o
Esoteric Healing
ray or orce" and it may be interesting i I here indicate to you the good and the
bad eects and the corres$onding diseases% -=2/
Astral Force Center Bad Aspect Disease Good Aspect

<irst ra).
.ill or $o+er.
ead *elf-#it).
6"e dramatic I.
/ancer. *acrifice.
Dedication of
t"e I.

*econd ra).
eart *elf-lo-e.
eart trou&le.
*oul lo-e.
7rou# lo-e.

6"ird ra).
*acral *e9ualit).
$arental lo-e.
7rou# life.

<ourt" ra).
,1na *elfis"ness.
Insanities. M)sticism.

<ift" ra).
6"roat 2o+er #s)c"ism. .ron(

*i9t" ra).
*olar #le9us :motionalism. 3er-ous
2i-er trou&le.
'i("t direction.

*e-ent" ra).
of t"e s#ine
$ure selfis"ness.
!lac= Ma(ic.
."ite Ma(ic.
-=./ )lease remember in studying this tabulation that it is a generali(ation" and
only a $artial listing o the ty$es o disease which can be the result o the inlow
o energy% It is only intended to be suggesti!e+ the com$le#ity o the human
e,ui$ment and the intricacy o the ray energies are such that no hard and ast
rules can be laid down% The ray orces maniest dierently" according to ray ty$e
and $oint in e!olution% There is thereore no contradiction here to the $re!ious
tabulations% I you bear in mind that e!ery human being is basically an e#$ression
o i!e ray orces1
2% The ray o the soul"
.% The ray o the $ersonality"
4% The ray go!erning the mental body"
7% The ray go!erning the astral e,ui$ment"
=% The ray o the $hysical nature"
it will become a$$arent that or the a!erage $erson two such tabulations would
ha!e to be drawn u$%
Esoteric Healing
2% There would be re,uired the positi(e analysis o the astral orces as they
e#$ress the $ersonality%
.% An analysis o the soul orces as they are aintly indicated% A negati!e
analysis concerning what is not $resent in the e,ui$ment can be o little
!alue here%
It will again be necessary to ha!e an analysis o the orces" $laying through into
the $hysical body rom the astral $lane" which are recei!ed directly rom the soul
and are thereore a combination o soul'orce $lus the highest ty$e o astral
energy% This would be in the nature o a synthetic analysis and would only be
$ossible in the case o a disci$le or an initiate% 9ou will thereore e!entually ha!e
or each $erson1 -=4/
2% A $ositi!e analysis o the $ersonality orces" $rimarily o the astral orce as
that is the $redominating orce $ouring into the etheric centers%
.% A negati!e analysis o those as$ects o soul energy which are not $resent%
4% A synthetic analysis" based on both the abo!e" but combining also the
record o positi(e soul e#$ression%
In these tabulations and statements I ha!e gi!en you much ood or thought%
". Desire# Inhi$ite or Ra!%ant
It would be o !alue to you here i I made clear that one o the irst things a
student has to remember is that ' or the majority o human beings" or the huge
majority ' the inluences and im$ulses which emanate rom the astral $lane are a
$redis$osing actor in all matters with which the indi!idual concerns himsel"
a$art rom those conditions which 5being im$osed u$on him rom his en!ironment
and the $eriod in which he li!es6 are" or him" una!oidable% The astral $lane is a
center o dynamic emanating orce" which is undamentally conditioning in its
eect because o the stage o the indi!idual consciousness at which that majority
inds itsel% Fen are swayed by the im$ulse o desire o a high or low caliber% This
is" o course" a broad generali(ation" or that basic condition is becoming steadily
modiied by im$ulses coming rom the mental $lane% This necessarily com$licates
the $roblem% Inluences emanating rom the soul are also becoming a$$reciably
$resent" and still urther com$licate the $roblem o the ad!anced human being%
This 0$roblem o com$lication0 5i I might so call it6 constitutes a 0hard saying0 or
the student to understand in relation to his own $hysical condition or to that o
any one whom he may be seeking to hel$% -=7/
I should like here" in this connection" to gi!e you the third o the 3aws which
go!ern the sacred art o healing%
Diseases are an eect o the basic centrali(ation o a manAs lie energy% 8rom the
$lane whereon those energies are ocused" $roceed those determining conditions
which $roduce ill health" and which" thereore" work out as disease or as reedom
rom disease%
It will be a$$arent to you" thereore" that a shit o the inner attention 5the
mental attitude6 o the $atient can and will $roduce either real reedom rom
$hysical ills or an intensiication o those reactions which $roduce discomort"
disease or death%
Esoteric Healing
In the three laws which I ha!e gi!en you and which you now ha!e beore you or
consideration" it is ob!ious that the ollowing acts emerge% These should orm the
basis o your relection1
2% Disease is the result o the blocking o the ree low o the lie o the &oul.
.% It is the $roduct" or the result" o three inluences1
a% Ancient error" emanating rom the $ast history o the $erson
b% Human taints" inherited because one is a member o the human
c% )lanetary e!il" im$osed u$on all orms on earth by the basic
condition" and by time%
4% It is conditioned by the orces emanating rom that $lane whereon a manAs
consciousness is $rimarily centered%
To the abo!e statements should be added a urther act" already mentioned" that1
7% There are i!e major grou$s o diseases" with their allied com$laints and
subsidiary diseases%
a% Tuberculosis%
b% The sy$hilitic diseases%
c% >ancer%
d% Heart diiculties%
e% Her!ous diseases%
I am not di!iding what I ha!e to say into organic and unctional troubles" nor do I
here reer to illnesses induced by e$idemics or by accidents% I reer to those basic
taints or $redis$ositions that are the dubious heritage o humanity as a whole"
and to those diiculties which are incident to those stages in e!olutionary
de!elo$ment which are characteristic o those u$on the more ad!anced stages o
the )ath% It will be seen" thereore" that man comes into incarnation ha!ing
inherited $redis$ositions to disease which come1
2% 8rom his own $ast+ i%e%" eects which are the result o causes initiated in
earlier incarnations%
.% 8rom the general racial heritage o humanity%
4% 8rom the condition o the $lanetary lie% These latter causes lit the whole
$roblem out o the usual com$rehension o the a!erage man%
A human being is also $redis$osed to trouble i he has succeeded 5as a result o a
long e!olutionary history6 in awakening in some ashion" howe!er slight" the
centers abo!e the dia$hragm% The moment that that occurs he becomes subject"
or a long cycle o li!es" to diiculties connected with the heart or with the
ner!ous system in its !arious branches% 8re,uently an ad!anced human being"
such as an as$irant or a disci$le" may ha!e reed himsel rom the inherited
taints" but will succumb to heart trouble" to ner!ous disorders" mental imbalance"
and o!er'stimulation% They are -=?/ classiied occasionally as the 0diseases o the
I would like to make it clear that it is not my intention to enter into the realm o
$hysiological discussion" to elaborate the sym$toms o disease" or to deal with
the lesions" the $athological conditions" and the distressing details attendant
u$on the breakdown o any human organism% I am not going to write a treatise
on anatomy or on the !arious sciences which ha!e grown u$ rom a study o the
mechanism o the human being" connected as they are with the ramework and
Esoteric Healing
structure" the organs" ner!es" brain tissue and interrelated systems which
com$ose that intricate $iece o machinery" the human body% As ar as the
e#oteric science is concerned" two things would successully deter me1
2% The whole subject is mar!elously dealt with in the many books which
embody the literature o medicine and o surgery% There is little that I
could add which would be o $roit in such a discussion as this%
.% The readers o my words are not" with ew e#ce$tions" !ersed in the
construction and constitution o the human body+ and $athological details"
the descri$tion o diseases" and the !arious un$leasant sym$toms o
human degeneration are unwholesome reading or the a!erage man or
woman% A little knowledge along these lines can be a most dangerous
I seek to deal $rimarily with causes, with the inner sources o disease and deal
with those states o consciousness 5I do not say states o mind only6 which induce
wrong unctioning" and e!entually wrong conditions%
The $roblem o the healer" thereore" is twoold1
8irst" he must know whether the diiculty lies abo!e or below the
dia$hragm+ this takes him deinitely into the realm o occult as well as o
$sychological knowledge%
;econdly" he must -=@/ ha!e a clear gras$ o the $atientAs inner em$hasis+
this last aids him in the diagnosis o the irst%
This statement brings me to the ormulation o the third Rule or Healers%
Rule three
3et the healer train himsel to know the inner stage o thought or o desire o the
one who seeks his hel$% He can thereby know the source rom which the trouble
comes% 3et him relate the cause and the eect" and know the $oint e#act through
which relie must come%
I would like to call your attention to those last ew words" and would em$hasi(e
to you the act that disease $rimarily is an eort on the $art o the natural
$hysical body to seek relie and achie!e release rom inner $ressures" rom
subjecti!e inhibitions and hidden retentions% )rimarily" rom the $oint o !iew o
esotericism" all $hysical disease is the result o1
2% *rong stimulation" or o!er'stimulation" or wrongully $laced stimulation
and o inner tensions in some $art o the mechanism%
.% Inhibitions" $sychical star!ation" and those accumulated subjecti!e orces
which dam the low o the lie orces%
9ou will see" thereore" that again 5in the domain o health6 all $roblems resol!e
themsel!es into the right use and the correct handling o orce" in order to eect
the ree low o energy%
The ollowing ,uestions will ine!itably arise1 8rom whence come these inherited
taints: Is it $ossible to arri!e at their source: The $roblem o the $ast" and the
$resent eects o that $ast" is too !ast or consideration" nor can any statements
anent the situation $ossibly hel$ humanity% -=B/ &ne generali(ation I can"
howe!er" make" and e!en that may con!ey but little to your understanding%
Esoteric Healing
& the three major diseases which ha!e been inherited rom the $ast" it might be
said that the sy$hilitic or so'called social diseases are remainders o the e#cesses
indulged in 3emurian times+ they are o such ancient origin that the !ery soil is
$ermeated with the germs o these diseases ' a act ,uite unknown to modern
science% Down the ages" men ha!e suered rom these grou$s o inections+ they
ha!e died and been buried and in their millions ha!e contributed their ,uota o
inection to the earth% In 3emurian times" the em$hasis o the lie orce was u$on
the $hysical body" u$on its de!elo$ment" its use and control" and also u$on its
$er$etuation or re$roduction% It was in 3emurian times that troubles connected
with the misuse o the se# lie began+ this was" in a $eculiar sense" the essential
$rime!al e!il" and concerning this act" ancient legends and hints are ound
throughout the earliest records and writings% There is much misinter$reted
testimony to this eect" and when men can read the records more correctly and
with right inter$retation" they will understand the way out" because they will see
more clearly the underlying causes%
>ancer is a git to modern man rom the Atlantean humanity" and the scourge o
this disease was the major actor which de!astated the inhabitants o old Atlantis%
The roots o this dire e!il are dee$ seated in the emotional or desire nature" and
are grounded in the astral body% >ancer is $artially the result o a reaction to the
diseases connected with the se# lie which became so ram$ant in later 3emurian
times and early Atlantean days% The $eo$le o those times" seeing the earul e!ils
and the e#tent o the disease which grew u$ out o the ertile 3emurian lie"
resulting rom the $romiscuous se# lie on e!ery hand" or the sake o sel'
$reser!ation dammed back the natural low o desire 5the -=C/ low o lie as it
e#$resses itsel through the centers o re$roduction and $rocreation6" and this in
due time $roduced other e!ils% >ancer is $rimarily a disease o inhibition" just as
the sy$hilitic diseases are those o o!er'e#$ression and o!eruse o one as$ect o
the mechanism o man%
Today" owing to the !ast reaches o time in!ol!ed and to the untold generations
o those who ha!e died u$on the earth" the 0germs0 5so'called by the unlearned
thinker6 o the dread com$laint o cancer are to be ound in the !ery soil on which
we li!e" inecting the !egetable kingdom and also the human amily% A
corres$ondence to the sy$hilitic com$laints o man is to be ound in the mineral
Tuberculosis" which was de!astatingly ram$ant at a certain stage in Atlantean
times" is ne!ertheless a disease which has been generated $rinci$ally in our
Aryan race" and one which we are be,ueathing to the animal kingdom and are
sharing with them% This is beginning to be reali(ed% ;o close" howe!er" is the
relation between men and animals 5$articularly the domestic animals6 that they
today share with men $ractically all his ailments in some orm or another"
sometimes recogni(able and sometimes not% >uriously enough" the cause o this
great white scourge is to be ound in the act o the shit o the lie em$hasis
away rom the emotional nature into that o the mind nature" $roducing a
tem$orary star!ation o the emotional nature% It is largely a disease o de$letion%
>ancer" in its turn" was based similarly on a $re!ious shit o the lie orce rom
the $hysical body into that o the emotional nature" $roducing an o!er'
de!elo$ment o the cellular lie" through o!er'stimulation% I reali(e the diiculty o
gras$ing these statements% I can only gi!e you these unsubstantiated hints% 3ater
disco!eries alone can $ro!e the truth o my suggestions% 3et us here tabulate our
conclusions1 -?D/
Disease Race Body Kingdom Organ
Esoteric Healing
*)#"ilitic 2emurian $")sical Mineral *e9 or(ans
*acral center
/ancer ,tlantean ,stral 4e(eta&le *olar #le9us
6u&erculosis ,r)an Mental ,nimal !reat"in(
6"roat center
In reerring abo!e to the centers I am reerring to the center or the distribution
o the lie orce" wherein the em$hasis or the mass will be ound% 8rom the abo!e
it will be a$$arent where the em$hasis o the $ossible cure will ha!e to lie%
Already" and because it is the latest" and thereore the least dee$ seated o the
three major diseases inherited by modern man" we ha!e learnt how to cure
tuberculosis% It has been disco!ered 5when the mind was intelligently a$$lied to
the $roblem6 that sunshine and good ood could cure" or at any rate arrest" the
disease% It is an interesting item in the ield o esoteric corres$ondence that just
as the light o the soul" $ouring into the mind" can be de$ended u$on to sol!e
any $roblem" so that light o the sun and its $ro$hylactic rays can dis$el the
dread sym$toms o tuberculosis%
;imilarly" as the race de!elo$s right emotional control we shall see the gradual
disa$$earance o the $henomena o cancer% I said right emotional control+
inhibition and the su$$ression o the desire im$ulses by the orce o the will is not
right control% It is interesting also to note that though both men and women
suer rom the disease o cancer" the general cause is not identical" though the
basic cause 5reaction rom an o!er'e#$ression o the se# lie through the
culti!ation o the desire nature6 remains the same% *omen" owing to the risks
they run in childbearing" through the turning o the lie em$hasis to the se#
as$ect o lie" ha!e re!olted on a large scale 5as did the Atlanteans6 against this
orm o lie e#$ression" and it is along this line ' the se# -?2/ line ' that their
major inhibitions are ound% They do not suer so much rom the general
inhibition o the emotional'desire'eeling e#$ression% Fen do suer rom this
latter inhibition and ha!e a tradition or a marked tendency to greater emotional
control in the handling o lie than ha!e women% Fen do not re,uire or ac,uire so
marked a se# control% The general ield o their inhibited lie tendency is thereore
o greater e#tent" and conse,uently 5i statistics can be trusted6 more men suer
rom cancer than do women" though it is a dread disease" eared by all%
In the secret o right transmutation lies the cure o cancer" and this will
e!entually be reali(ed% I am using this $hrase not only symbolically but also
technically and scientiically% This again will later be seen% In the secret o right
rhythmic li(ing and in a right $ro$ortional accent u$on all $hases o lie will come
5and it is ra$idly coming6 com$lete immunity rom tuberculosis% In the secret o
right understanding of times and cycles, and o $eriodic re$roducti!e creation" will
come the emergence o the race rom the e!ils o the social diseases%
It will be a$$arent to you" thereore" that the sy$hilitic diseases will be the last to
disa$$ear" just as they were the irst to de!astate the race% Tuberculosis is
disa$$earing% The attention o the e#$erts is now being gi!en to the cure o
I would like to add one or two comments which will be o general or rather
modern interest% I ha!e said that these taints to which humanity is $rone are
Esoteric Healing
ound in the soil" and that their $resence there is largely due to the burial" down
the ages" o millions o cor$ses% By the increased use o the $rocesses o
cremation" this condition will be steadily im$ro!ed% Eradually" !ery gradually" the
taint will thus die out% It is thereore highly desirable that there be as much
$ro$aganda as $ossible or the use o this method o -?./ dis$osing o the
discarded $hysical !ehicles o the souls who are $assing out o incarnation% As the
soil becomes less tainted" and as soul contact is established" we can ho$e to see
a steady decrease in the number o those who succumb to the inherited taints%
>uriously enough" the ree use o salt sea bathing has a deinite eect on the
healthiness o the $hysical body% The water" incidentally absorbed through the
medium o the skin and by the mouth" has a !itally $ro$hylactic eect%
&ne o the major $roblems today to the $sychologist and in a lesser degree to the
medical man" is the growth o homose#uality" both emale and male% ;$ecious
arguments are brought orth in order to $ro!e that this abnormal de!elo$ment
5and the conse,uent interest in this morbid tendency6 is due to the act that the
race is slowly becoming androgynous in its de!elo$ment" and that the uture
herma$hroditic man or woman is gradually making its a$$earance% This" again" is
not true% Homose#uality is what you call a 0let'o!er0 rom the se#ual e#cesses o
3emurian times" an inherited taint" i you like% Egos who indi!iduali(ed and
incarnated in that !ast $eriod o time are the ones who today demonstrate
homose#ual tendencies% In those days" so urgent was the se#ual a$$etite" the
normal $rocesses o human intercourse did not satisy the insatiable desire o the
ad(anced man o the $eriod% ;oul orce" lowing in through the $rocesses o
indi!iduali(ation" ser!ed to stimulate the lowest centers% Hence" orbidden
methods were $racticed% Those who thus $racticed them are today" in great
numbers" in incarnation" and the ancient habits are too strong or them% They are
now ar enough ad!anced u$on the e!olutionary $ath so that the cure lies ready
at this time ' i they choose to em$loy it% They can" with relati!e ease" transer
the se# im$ulse to the throat center" and thus become creati!e in the higher
sense" em$loying the energy -?4/ sensed and circulating in right and constructi!e
ways% Fany o them are beginning automatically to do this% Howe!er" it is well
known that" among the so'called artistic ty$es" homose#uality is !ery $re!alent% I
say 0so'called0 or the truly creati!e artist is not the !ictim o these ancient e!il
$redis$osing habits%
It might be $ointed out here that homose#uality is o three kinds1
2% That which is the result o ancient e!il habits% This is the major cause
today and indicates1
a% Indi!iduali(ation u$on this $lanet+ or those who indi!iduali(ed
u$on the moon chain are not susce$tible to these dangerous
b% A relati!ely ad!anced stage u$on the e!olutionary $ath which was
achie!ed by the 3emurian egos who succumbed to this desire'
c% A conse,uent study o se# magic" $lus a constant insatiable
$hysical and se#ual urge%
.% Imitati!e homose#uality% A number o $ersons o all classes imitated their
betters 5i I might use so $arado#ical a term6 and so de!elo$ed e!il habits
in se#ual intercourse rom which they might otherwise ha!e remained
ree% This is one o the $re!alent reasons today" among many men and
women" and is based u$on a too acti!e imagination" $lus a $owerul
$hysical or se# nature" and a $rurient curiosity% This I say with
ad!isement% This category accounts or many o our ;odomites and
Esoteric Healing
4% A ew rare" !ery rare" cases o herma$hroditism% These $eo$le" combining
in themsel!es both as$ects o the se# lie" are aced with a !ery real
$roblem% It is a $roblem which is greatly increased by human ignorance"
human reusal to ace acts" wrong early training and teaching" -?7/ and a
wides$read misunderstanding% These cases are to be ound in small
numbers e!erywhere" e!en though their numbers" in relation to the world
$o$ulation" is still negligible% But that they e#ist is o real interest to the
medical $roession and a subject o dee$ $ity and commiseration to the
humanitarian and the understanding $sychologist% They ace a diicult
I ha!e somewhat elaborated this matter as it is o use or you to know such acts
and the inormation is o !alue to you% It ser!es to throw light u$on a $roblem
which an increasingly large number o $eo$le are called u$on to ace%
)sychologists" social workers" $hysicians" and all those occu$ied with grou$
training constantly meet with this $roblem" and it is just as well that some
distinction is made between the ty$es which must be considered" thus clariying
the issue% 5The )roblem o ;e#% $% .?B'4D@ o A Treatise on the &e(en Rays" <ol%
9ou will ind in these instructions many hints which" though they may not be
classiied deinitely as instructions in healing" yet all into that category" or they
will make those o you who read more eicient in understanding%
9ou will note also rom the abo!e how this taint" as might well be e#$ected" has
its roots in the astral or sentient body" the body o sensation% It is or this reason
that I ha!e included it% It would be an interesting e#$eriment in analysis i these
!arious well'known diiculties" diseases and com$laints could be classiied under
their originating im$ulses% ;o ew o them ha!e a mental origin" in s$ite o all that
>hristian ;cience or Fental ;cience may say to the contrary% )erha$s I should
say" rather" that they are not based on wrong human thought" though all e!il can
be aggra!ated and intensiied by wrong thought% Fany or $erha$s most o the
-?=/ com$laints rom which a!erage man suers are based u$on astral causes or
u$on some clearly deined desire% A ormulated desire is one that inds e#$ression
in some orm o acti!ity% & these homose#uality is one o the clearest to deine%
The other diseases to which humanity is heir are sometimes not so easy to clariy
and deine% The man or woman is a !ictim but the cause $roducing the illness or
diiculty ' $hysical or $sychological ' lies hid in a long $ast which the !ictim 5with
his limited knowledge6 is unable to in!estigate" nor can he arri!e at the cause
$roducing the eect% All that he can airm is that" in all $robability" desire was
the initiating im$ulse% *hat human beings are today and what they suer is the
result o their long $ast" and the $ast $resu$$oses long and well'established
habits% ;uch habits are ine!itably the result o one o two actors1
2% Desire" dominating and controlling action" or
.% Fental control which substitutes or desire a $lanned cam$aign which will
run counter in many cases to the normally sensed" deined desire%
9ou will note rom the abo!e that it is my wish that you gras$ the im$ortance o
the emotional sentient body and its $ower to initiate those secondary causes
which" in this lie" demonstrate as disease%
9ou will note conse,uently the em$hasis I ha!e laid u$on the astral body as a
$romoter o wrong $hysical conditions" and the necessity or astral understanding
and control on the $art o the $atient" i there is to be a true o!ercoming o
disease% *ill you understand me i I say that the true o!ercoming may mean an
Esoteric Healing
acce$tance o the *ay o Death as the way out" should it come normally" or o
healing" i the causes -??/ which are the initial im$ulses are e#hausted: )onder
on this%
In all the abo!e" e!en in connection with what I ha!e said concerning
homose#uality" I ha!e considered either ram$ant or inhibited desire" but I ha!e
only considered it in general terms and in a broad outline% *ill you misunderstand
i I $oint out to you that where desire is inhibited 5which is the case with many
as$irants today6 all kinds o diseases ' cancer" congestion o the lungs and certain
li!er com$laints ' become $ossible" as well as the dread malady o tuberculosis:
The diseases o inhibition are numerous and serious" as you will note rom the
abo!e enumeration% It should be noted that where desire is ram$ant and
uncontrolled and no inhibition is $resent" such diseases as the sy$hilitic disorders"
homose#uality and inlammations and e!ers a$$ear% According to the
tem$erament so will be the ty$es o disease" and the tem$erament is de$endent
u$on the ray ,uality% )eo$le on the dierent rays are $redis$osed to certain
disorders% The $sychologists are right in their basic dierentiation o human
beings into the two major ty$es ' e#tro!erts and intro!erts% These two ty$es
$roduce their own ,ualities o disease" which demonstrate as ill health through
o!er'e#$ression or inhibition%
*e ha!e considered our second $oint under the healing o diseases which arise in
the emotional or desire nature% &ur irst $oint deals with uncontrolled emotion% I
would remind you o our $remise that we would only consider the ills to which
ad!anced humanity" the as$irants and disci$les o all degrees are $rone% *e will
not deal 5in this short treatise6 with the whole gamut o diseases which aect
humanity as a whole" or down the ages% The more ad!anced the as$irant" the
greater $robability there is that the diseases rom which he suers will be
$ronounced and $owerully demonstrating" on account o the inlow to a greater
-?@/ or less degree o the stimulating orce o the soul% ;ubsidiary to the i!e
major grou$s o diseases to which I earlier reerred" and working out in
connection with them in the human rame" are a grou$ o sym$toms which are
loosely co!ered by the terms1 e!ers" tumors" congested areas" $lus general
debility and the auto'into#ication which lies behind so many sym$toms% I would
ha!e you remember this with care and bear steadily in mind that I am here only
generali(ing" but that this generali(ation is basic and thereore o im$ortance%
C. Diseases of &orry an Irritation
The third category o com$laints which arise in the emotional or astral body is
synthesi(ed esoterically under the term1 diseases o irritation% These are the
insidious $oisons which lurk behind the $henomena o disease%
It might be said that all diseases can be co!ered by two deinitions" rom the
stand$oint o occultism1
2% Diseases which are the result o auto'into#ication% These are the most
.% Diseases which are the result o irritation% These are !ery common
amongst disci$les%
*e hear much today about auto'into#ication" and many eorts are made to cure
this by diet and the regulation o the lie in terms o rhythmic li!ing% All this is
good and o hel$" but it does not constitute a basic cure" as its $rotagonists would
Esoteric Healing
lead us to belie!e% Irritation is a basic $sychological com$laint and has its roots in
the intensiication o the astral body" which deinitely $roduces abnormal eects
u$on the ner!ous system% It is a disease o sel'interest" o sel'suiciency" and
o sel'satisaction% Again I would say" $onder on these terms" or these three
as$ects o irritation are o general disco!ery% *e will thereore -?B/ deal with
irritation" 0im$eril"0 as it is called by e#$onents o the irst ray" such as the Faster
*e ha!e nearly com$leted our irst section under the heading )sychological
>auses o Disease" and ha!e !ery briely" yet I belie!e suggesti!ely" considered
those $roblems which arise rom the o!er'acti!ity and wrong condition o the
astral body% All I can do in this short treatise is to generali(e" because most o the
statements I may make are" in any case" so new and re!olutionary 5rom the
stand$oint o orthodo# medicine6 that it will take time or e!en this irst inner
structure o ideas and this somewhat new ormulation o truth to make its im$act
u$on the thinkers o the race% Then" i acce$ted as hy$othetical $ossibilities by
the o$en'minded among them" a long $eriod o time must ela$se beore there
has been enough in!estigation" leading to deinitely ormulated conclusions"
which will make the ideas o $o$ular recognition and use% In saying this" I am not
relecting critically u$on the medical $roession% The money'gras$ing s$ecialist
and the charlatan are rare+ they o course e#ist" as do the corru$t and the
undesirable in e!ery $roession% *here are they not to be ound: The closed
minds are many+ but again" where are they not ound: The $ioneers along the
new lines o thought and the man who has gras$ed some o the Hew Age
conce$ts ha!e oten e,ually dosed minds and see nothing but the new ways"
modes and methods" and throw o!erboard all the old" losing much thereby% The
medical $roession has one o the greatest and most beautiul records in the
world o its $ur$ose and ield o acti!ity" and has de!elo$ed some o the greatest
o the soul ,ualities ' sel'sacriice" com$assion and ser!ice% But the ways and the
techni,ues o the Hew Age are hard to gras$% Fuch o the old ways ha!e to be
gi!en u$ and much sacriiced beore the new art o healing becomes $ossible%
Gntil the act o the subtler bodies is $ro$erly recogni(ed by the world thinkers"
and their e#istence is established through a right and true science o $sychology
and the de!elo$ment o the aculty o clair!oyance" the tracing o the causes o
disease back to the subtler bodies is relati!ely meaningless% The best reaction
which the most o$en'minded $hysician can 5I say can and not will6 $roduce or
admit is that the $sychological attitude" the mental state" and the emotional
condition o the $atient do either hel$ or hinder% Fany are already admitting that%
That in itsel is much%
*hen" thereore" I say that cancer" or instance" has its roots in an astral
condition and began its career in Atlantean times" it means but little to the
a!erage man today% He does not reali(e that large numbers o $eo$le today are
Atlantean in their consciousness%
I want briely to touch u$on the most common o all causes o trouble1 *orry and
Irritation% They are more $re!alent at this time than e!er beore" and or the
ollowing reasons1
2% The world situation is such" the $roblems and uncertainty are such" that
scarcely a $erson in the world at this time is e#em$t% E!eryone is more or
less in!ol!ed in the $lanetary situation%
.% The inter'communication between $eo$le has increased so much" and men
li!e so much in massed grou$s ' large or small ' that it is ine!itable that
Esoteric Healing
they $roduce an eect u$on each other as ne!er beore% 0I one member
suers" all the members suer with it0 is a statement o truth" ancient but
new in a$$lication and today reali(ed or the irst time%
4% The increased sensiti!ity o the human mechanism is also such that men
0tune in0 on each otherAs emotional conditions and mental attitudes in a
new and more -@D/ $otent manner% To their own engrossing concerns and
worries are added those o their ellowmen with whom they may be en
7% Tele$athically" and also with a de!elo$ed sense o $re!ision" men are
today adding the diiculties that belong to someone else" or to some other
grou$ o thinkers and o $eo$le" to the difficulties that may be. It is not
sure that they will be.
These $roblems will demonstrate to you how intensely diicult it is or men to
ace u$ to lie% It will be ob!ious that the $roblems o worry and irritation 5called
by the Faster Forya 0im$eril06 are many and must be considered%
*hy are these diiculties o the astral body so 0$erilous0 and so serious: *orry
and Irritation are dangerous because1
2% They lower the !itality o the man to such a $oint that he becomes
susce$tible to disease% The scourge o inluen(a has its roots in ear and
worry" and once the world settles down to reedom rom the $resent
0earul0 condition" we shall see the disease die out%
.% They are so highly inectious rom the astral $oint o !iew that they lower
in a $eculiar manner the astral atmos$here" and thus make it hard or
$eo$le ' in the astral sense ' to breathe reely%
4% Because the astral conditions o ear" worry and irritation are so
wides$read today that they might be regarded as epidemic, in a $lanetary
7% Because irritation 5I s$eak not here o worry6 is inlammatory in its eects
' and inlammation is hard to bear ' and leads to much diiculty% It is
interesting to note that certain orms o eye trouble are caused by this%
=% Because worry and irritation $re!ent true !ision% They shut out the !iew%
The man who is the !ictim o these conditions sees nothing but the cause
o his com$laints and is so submerged through sel'$ity" sel'
consideration" or in a ocused negati!e condition" that his !ision is
narrowed and his grou$ hindered% Remember that there is grou$
selishness as well as indi!idual selishness%
I ha!e cited suicient reasons or the eects o *orry and Irritation to
demonstrate to you the wideness o the diiculty% It is not much use at this time
to talk o the remedy% &ne does not say to an inluen(a $atient 5when the worst
throes o the disease are u$on him6" 0There is nothing the matter% )ay no
attention% Eet u$ and go about your business%0 It is no use saying to men today"
0Do not ear% 3ea!e o worrying% All will be well%0 They will not belie!e you" or
one thing ' and that is ortunate" or it is not true% Things are not well and
humanity and the $lanetary lie are not well% This" the Hierarchy knows" and is
working or the amelioration o the conditions% *hen the throes o the 0$lanetary
inluen(a0 are o!er 5and the $atient will not die6" then in!estigation can be made
and eort $roduced which can $re!ent a recurrence% At $resent" all that can be
done is to kee$ the $atient ,uiet and also kee$ the e!er down% This is the work
o the Hew Erou$ o *orld ;er!ers and the intelligent men o goodwill% Their
name is 3egion%
Esoteric Healing
2. Causes Arising in the Etheric Body
It will be wise or you to bear in mind that I am not here going to deal with those
causes which" $roducing eects in the $hysical body" arise in the mind or in the
astral body% Hecessarily they $ass through the etheric body% The etheric body is a
transmitter o all energies to the $hysical body" -@./ and all ty$es o orce $ass
through it to dierent $arts o the $hysical orm" $roducing good and bad results"
negati!e or $ositi!e results" as the case may be% This is a act which we acce$t% I
am here considering the diseases" $roblems and $hysical diiculties which arise in
the etheric body itsel and work out in its relations to the $hysical body% These
are ,uite wides$read and usual% It is essential that you kee$ these two lines o
orce'acti!ity clearly dierentiated in your mind% Both $ass through and rom the
etheric body into the $hysical body" but only one o them originates in or is
concerned with diiculties which ha!e an etheric origin%
The etheric body is a body com$osed entirely o lines o orce and o $oints where
these lines o orce cross each other and thus orm 5in crossing6 centers o
energy% *here many such lines o orce cross each other" you ha!e a larger
center o energy" and where great streams o energy meet and cross" as they do
in the head and u$ the s$ine" you ha!e se!en major centers% There are se!en
such" $lus twenty'one lesser centers and orty'nine smaller centers known to the
esotericists% Howe!er" we will conine oursel!es at this time to the etheric body as
a whole and to the se!en major centers% It might be o interest to you"
ne!ertheless" to be told where the twenty'one minor centers are to be ound%
They can be located at the ollowing $oints1
There are two o them in ront o the ears close to where the jaw bones
are connected%
There are two o them just abo!e the two breasts%
There is one where the breast bones meet" close to the thyroid gland%
This" with the two breast centers" makes a triangle o orce%
There are two" one each in the $alms o the hands% -@4/
There are two" one each in the soles o the eet%
There are two" just behind the eyes%
There are two also connected with the gonads%
There is one close to the li!er%
There is one connected with the stomach+ it is related" thereore" to the
solar $le#us" but is not identical with it%
There are two connected with the s$leen% These orm one center in reality"
but such a center is ormed by the two being su$erim$osed one on the
There are two ' one at the back o each knee%
There is one $owerul center which is closely connected with the !agus
ner!e% This is most $otent and is regarded by some schools o occultism as
a major center+ it is not in the s$ine" but is no great distance rom the
thymus gland%
There is one which is close to the solar $le#us" and relates it to the center
at the base o the s$ine" thus making a triangle o the sacral center" the
solar $le#us" and the center at the base o the s$ine%
The two triangles reerred to in this tabulation are o real im$ortance% &ne is
abo!e and the other below the dia$hragm%
Esoteric Healing
It is o course a$$arent that where there is a ree low o orce through the
etheric body into the dense $hysical body there will be less likelihood o disease
or sickness% There may" howe!er" be increased tendency to diiculties arising
rom o!er'stimulation and its conse,uent results o o!er'acti!ity o the ner!ous
system" with all the attendant $roblems% These orces" seeking inlet into the
dense !ehicle" are emanations rom three directions 5i I may use such a term61
2% 8rom the $ersonality !ehicles ' the astral and mental bodies%
.% 8rom the soul" i contact" recogni(ed or unrecogni(ed" has been
4% 8rom the en!ironing world to which the !ehicles o the soul and o the
$ersonality ha!e acted as 0doors o entrance%0 Incidentally" in connection
with this last $hrase" I would call your attention to a $ossible relation
between these 0doors o entrance0 and the $hrase 0door o initiation%0
In the case where these centers" through which the inlowing energy rom these
sources o su$$ly low" are ,uiescent" unawakened or only unctioning $artially or
too slowly 5as ar as their !ibratory rhythm is concerned6" then you will ha!e a
condition o blocking% This will $roduce congestion in the etheric !ehicle" and
conse,uent and subse,uent diiculties in the unctioning o the $hysical body%
&ne o the most common o these is congestion o the lungs which ' though it
may be e#oterically traced to certain and deinite $hysical causes ' is in reality
those causes" $lus an inner condition o etheric congestion% It is the bringing
together o the outer a$$arent cause and the inner true cause which is
res$onsible or the outbreak o the trouble% *hen these two conditions are
brought into conjunction with each other" and you ha!e a $hysical handica$ and
an etheric situation which is undesirable" then you will ha!e disease" illness" or
weakness o some kind% E!ery outer congestion can always be traced to these
two causes ' an inner and an outer cause% In these cases" the outer cause is not
an eect o the indi!idual inner cause" which is interesting% 9ou will note"
thereore" that all ills are not $urely subjecti!e or $sychological in origin as ar as
an indi!idual is concerned" -@=/ but are sometimes both e#oteric and esoteric%
Hence the com$lication o the $roblem%
The abo!e statement o$ens u$ the whole ,uestion o the acti!ity o the se!en
centers o orce in the etheric body% These can be regarded as dormant or
unawakened" awakening but only as yet sluggishly ali!e" or unctioning normally"
which means that some o the energies which $roduce the orm o the center are
mo!ing rhythmically" and are thereore rece$ti!e to inlow" while others are still
entirely inacti!e and unres$onsi!e% &ther centers will be ully acti!e" and
thereore $redominantly attracti!e to any inlowing orces+ still others will be only
$artially so% 8or the majority o $eo$le" the centers below the dia$hragm are
more acti!e than those abo!e the dia$hragm 5I am reerring here to the se!en
major centers and not to the twenty'one minor centers6% 8or as$irants" centers
below the dia$hragm are acti!e and the heart and throat centers are slowly
coming into acti!ity" while in the case o disci$les" the ajna center" $lus those
centers below it in the body" are ra$idly awakening% In the initiate" the head
center is coming into !ibrant acti!ity" thus swinging all the centers into real and
coordinated rhythm% Each $atient or human being" being on some ray" res$onds
dierently+ the time actor also diers+ the $attern o the unoldment !aries" and
the res$onse to the inlowing orces is slightly dierentiated%
All o this we will consider with due care when we deal with >ha$ter IK" which
concerns itsel with the se!en modes o healing% I sim$ly mention it here so as to
lay the oundation or what must later be considered" and thus show you how the
Esoteric Healing
whole ,uestion o the relation o the etheric body to the $hysical body is
connected with the $roblem o healing% It will be a$$arent" thereore" how
im$ortant it is ' beore real healing can take $lace ' that the healer should know
the $oint in e!olution reached by -@?/ the $atient" and should also know his ray
ty$e" both $ersonality and egoic% I to this you add some knowledge o his
astrological inclinations and indications" a ar more accurate diagnosis can be
$roduced% The key to all release 5either through the $hysical cure o disease or
through death6 lies in the understanding o the condition o the centers in the
etheric body% These determine the rate o the bodily !ibratory acti!ity and the
general res$onsi!eness o the $hysical body% They e!en condition the acti!ity and
accuracy o the instinctual nature and its relation to the outer $lane lie and the
0wholeness0 and general health o the sym$athetic ner!ous system%
A. Congestion
Fuch real diiculty can be traced to congestion or to the lack o the ree $lay o
the orces% In this connection it might be $ointed out that the etheric body is a
mechanism or intake and or outlet% There is conse,uently a curious and intimate
relation between it and such organs as the lungs" the stomach" and the kidneys%
The symbology here $resent" when correctly understood" will tend to show that
there is a dee$ underlying esoteric relation between1
2% The mind and the lungs% The $rocess o breathing" with its stages o
inhalation" the interlude" and e#halation" works out in connection with
both as$ects o orce" mental and $hysical%
.% The desire nature and the stomach% Here again is the $rocess o intake" o
assimilation" and o elimination%
4% The etheric body itsel and the kidneys" with the $rocesses clearly deined
in both cases o absor$tion" chemicalisation" and transmission%
There is no symbol so relati!ely accurate to the whole -@@/ creati!e $rocess as
the human rame%
>ongestion in the etheric body" $roducing much distress in the $hysical body" can
e#ist" thereore" at the $oint o intake rom the astral body or rom the astral
$lane 5Hote the $hrasing and the dierence%6 or at the $oint o outlet" in relation
to the center to which the $articular ty$e o etheric orce most easily lows and
through which it most easily $asses% *here there is no ree $lay between the
etheric body and the astral body" you will ha!e trouble% *here there is no ree
$lay between the etheric body and the $hysical body" in!ol!ing also the ner!e
ganglia and the endocrine system" you will also ha!e trouble% The close relation
between the se!en major centers and the se!en major glands o the $hysical
system must ne!er be orgotten% The two systems orm one close interlocking
directorate" with the glands and their unctions determined by the condition o the
etheric centers% These" in their turn" are conditioned by the $oint in e!olution and
gained e#$erience o the incarnate soul" by the s$eciic $olari(ation o the soul in
incarnation" and by the rays 5$ersonality and soul6 o the man% 8orget not" that
the i!e as$ects o man 5as he unctions in the three worlds6 are determined by
certain ray orces+ you ha!e the ray o the soul" the ray o the $ersonality" and
the rays o the mental" the astral and the $hysical bodies% All these will" in the
coming Hew Age" be deinitely considered and disco!ered" and this knowledge will
re!eal to the healer the probable condition o the centers" the order o their
awakening" and their indi!idual and basic note or notes% The new medical science
will be outstandingly built u$on the science o the centers" and u$on this
knowledge all diagnosis and $ossible cure will be based% The endocrinologist is
only beginning to glim$se $ossibilities" and much that he is now considering has
Esoteric Healing
in it the seeds o uture truth% The 0balancing o the glandular system0 -@B/ and
the relation o the glands to the blood stream" and also to character and
$redis$ositions o many kinds" are considerations o real !alue and worth
ollowing% Fuch" howe!er" remains to be disco!ered beore it will be really sae to
work with the glands" making them a major subject o attention 5as some day will
be the case in all orms o illness6%
Throughout this short treatise I will gi!e many hints which will ser!e to guide the
o$en minded in!estigator in the right direction% Beore $assing on to the
consideration o the relation o the etheric body" as a unit" to the $hysical body" I
would like to $oint out that I $lace the com$lications o congestion irst u$on the
list o diseases arising in the etheric body" because it is at this time ' and will be
or a cou$le o centuries ' the major cause o diiculty or the bulk o humanity or
o those $eo$le whom we esoterically call 0solar'sacral0 $eo$le% This is $artly due
to the agelong habits o su$$ression and o inhibition which the race" as a whole"
has de!elo$ed% It is this congestion at the $oint o intake and o outlet in the
etheric body which is res$onsible or the im$eding o the ree low o the lie
orce" with the results o a ra$id succumbing to diseases% Hence" also" you will
see how careully assigned breathing e#ercises" with their subtle eects o
reorgani(ing and readjusting the subtler bodies 5$articularly the etheric and astral
bodies6 will become more and more generally used% The wides$read interest in
breathing today e!idences a subjecti!e recognition o this act" though not
enough is yet known about methods and eects%
&ne other thing I would like to call to your attention is that the $oints o
congestion may e#ist either in the astral body center or in the etheric body" and
this situation the healer will ha!e to in!estigate% -@C/
". Lac' of Coorination an Integration
*e come now to a brie consideration o our second $oint o diiculty to be ound
in the etheric body" which in our tabulation we ha!e called lack of coordination or
integration. This is e#ceedingly $re!alent today and is res$onsible or a good deal
o trouble% The etheric body is the inner 0substantial0 orm u$on which the
$hysical body is built or constructed% It is the inner scaolding which underlies
e!ery $art o the whole outer man+ it is the ramework which sustains the whole+
it is that u$on which the outer orm is $atterned+ and it is the network o nadis
5ininitely intricate6 which constitutes the counter$art or the du$licate as$ect o
the entire ner!ous system which orms such an im$ortant $art o the human
mechanism% It is thus deinitely" with the blood stream" the instrument o the lie
orce% I" thereore" there is weakness in the relation between this inner structure
and the outer orm" it will be immediately a$$arent to you that real diiculty is
bound to su$er!ene% This diiculty will take three orms1
2% The $hysical orm in its dense as$ect is too loosely connected with the
etheric orm or counter$art% This leads to a de!itali(ed and debilitated
condition" which $redis$oses man to sickness or ill health%
.% The connection is $oor in certain directions or as$ects o the e,ui$ment%
Through certain ocal $oints or centers the lie orce cannot ade,uately
low" and thereore you ha!e a deinite weakness in some $art o the
$hysical body% 8or instance" im$otence is such a diiculty and a tendency
to laryngitis is another ' to mention two widely dierent disorders%
4% The connection can also be so basically loose and $oor that the soul has
!ery little hold u$on its !ehicle -BD/ or outer maniestation" and obsession
or $ossession is easily established% This is an e#treme e#am$le o the
Esoteric Healing
diiculties incident to this condition% &thers are certain orms o ainting or
loss o consciousness and 0$etit mal%0
There are also" as will be a$$arent" the e#actly re!erse conditions when the
etheric body is so closely knit or integrated with the $ersonality ' whether it is o
a highly e!ol!ed nature or sim$ly an e#am$le o an ordinary etheric body ' that
e!ery $art o the $hysical body is in a constant condition o stimulation" o
gal!anic eort" with a resultant acti!ity in the ner!ous system which ' i not
correctly regulated ' can lead to a great deal o distress% It is to this that I reer in
the third heading" )*(er+stimulation of the !enters.) Too loose a connection or
too close a connection leads to trouble" though the irst kind o diiculty is usually
more serious than the others% I ha!e here gi!en enough to show how interesting
and how im$ortant a study o the etheric body may be% The whole theme o
healing is 0tied u$0 5to use a modern $hrase which I ind diicult6 with the
de!elo$ment" unoldment and control o the se!en major centers%
C. O(er-sti!ulation of the Centers
There is much that I could add to what I ha!e said on the cause o disease arising
in the etheric body" but in )art II 5when dealing with the section on certain basic
re,uirements6 I shall elaborate the theme much urther% >ongestion" lack o
integration and o!er'stimulation o the centers" are ob!iously undamental causes
as ar as the dense $hysical body is concerned" but they themsel!es are
re,uently eects o subtler causes" hidden in the lie o the astral and mental
bodies and" in the case o -B2/ o!er'stimulation" the result sometimes o soul
contacts% The etheric body reacts normally" and by design" to all the conditions
ound in the subtler !ehicles% It is essentially a transmitter and not an originator
and it is only the limitations o the obser!er which lead him to ascribe the causes
o bodily ills to the etheric body% It is a clearing house or all the orces reaching
the $hysical body" $ro!ided the $oint in e!olution has brought the !arious orce
centers to a condition wherein they are rece$ti!e to any $articular ty$e o orce%
Esoterically s$eaking" the centers can be in one o i!e conditions or states o
being% These can be described in the ollowing terms1
2% >losed" still and shut" and yet with signs o lie" silent and ull o dee$
.% &$ening" unsealed" and aintly tinged with color+ the lie $ulsates%
4% Luickened" ali!e" alert in two directions+ the two small doors are o$en
7% Radiant and reaching orth with !ibrant note to all related centers%
=% Blended they are and each with each works rhythmically% The !ital orce
lows through rom all the $lanes% The world stands o$en wide%
Related to these i!e stages" wherein the etheric body e#$ands and becomes the
(ital li(ingness o all e#$ression u$on the $hysical $lane" are the i!e races o
men" beginning with the 3emurian race" the i!e $lanes o human and
su$erhuman e#$ression" the i!e stages o consciousness and the !arious other
grou$ings o i!e with which you meet in the esoteric $hiloso$hy% Incidentally it
might be o !alue and o interest to $oint out that the i!e'$ointed star is not only
the sign and symbol o initiation and inally o $erected man" but it is also the
basic symbol o the etheric -B./ body and o the i!e centers which control
$erected man ' the two head centers" the heart center" the throat center and the
center at the base o the s$ine% *hen these centers are ully awakened and
unctioning in right rhythm with each other" the !arious ,uintu$lets to which I
ha!e reerred abo!e orm an integral $art o the consciousness o the $erected
Esoteric Healing
Though this $articular $iece o inormation is not deinitely related to the ;cience
o Healing" yet the entire subject is related to energy" and energy in some orm
or another is related to the causes and the eects o disease" because disease is
the undesirable eect o energy u$on the energy unit which we call the atom%
It should be remembered that the etheric body o the human being is an integral
$art o the etheric body o the $lanetary 3ogos and is" thereore" related to all
orms ound within that body in any and all the kingdoms in nature% It is $art o
the substance o the uni!erse" coordinated with $lanetary substance" and hence
$ro!ides the scientiic basis or unity%
I you were to ask me what" in reality" lies behind all disease" all rustrations"
error and lack o di!ine e#$ression in the three worlds" I would say it was
separati(eness which $roduces the major diiculties arising in the etheric body"
$lus the inability o the outer tangible orm to res$ond ade,uately to the inner
and subtler im$ulses% Here is ound the cause 5the secondary cause" as I $ointed
out abo!e6 o the bulk o the trouble% The etheric body o the $lanet does not yet
reely transmit and circulate the orces which are seeking entrance into the
consciousness and the e#$ression o man u$on the $hysical $lane% These orces
emanate rom within himsel as he unctions on the subtler le!els o
consciousness and rom the soul+ they come also rom associated and contacted
grou$s" rom the $lanetary lie" -B4/ and e!entually" in the last analysis" rom the
entire uni!erse% Each o the centers can" when ully awakened and consciously
and scientiically em$loyed" ser!e as an o$en door through which awareness o
that which lies beyond the indi!idual human lie can enter% The etheric body is
undamentally the most im$ortant res$onse a$$aratus which man $ossesses"
$roducing not only the right unctioning o the i!e senses and conse,uently
$ro!iding i!e major $oints o contact with the tangible world" but it also enables
a man to register sensiti!ely the subtler worlds" and" when energi(ed and
controlled by the soul" the s$iritual realms stand wide o$en also%
The etheric body is a $otent recei!er o im$ressions" which are con!eyed to the
human consciousness through the medium o the awakened centers% There is" or
instance" no true clair!oyance until either the solar $le#us or the ajna center is
awakened% These transmitted im$ressions and inormation become the incenti!e
whereby conscious acti!ity is initiated% There are many words used to describe
these orces and their actuating eects1 such as im$ulses" incenti!es" inluences"
$otencies" desires" as$irations" and many such terms which are only synonyms
or orce or energy and thus con!ey the same general idea% All o these words
reer to orms o acti!ity o the etheric body" but only as the $hysical body
registers them and acts under their im$ression% The whole theme o moti!ating
orce is one o great interest%
The !astness o the subject is" howe!er" so real that only little by little can
humanity gras$ the situation and come to the reali(ation that man is essentially
5through his etheric body6 an integral $art o a great and !ibrant *hole+ only in
time will he learn that" through the $rocesses o e!olution" can he ho$e to
register all the dierent areas o di!ine e#$ression% &nly when the etheric body is
swe$t into -B7/ acti!ity under the inluence and through the 0im$ressed orces0 o
the soul" the mind" and tem$orarily" o the astral body" can man become aware o
all worlds" all $henomena" and all states o consciousness" and so achie!e that
omniscience which is the birthright o all the sons o Eod%
But" during the $eriod wherein this state o being is in $rocess o achie!ement"
the lack o de!elo$ment" the ailure to register" the lie work o awakening and
organi(ing the !arious centers and o then correctly relating them to each other"
Esoteric Healing
$roduces much diiculty% It is this condition which is the ruitul source o those
diiculties which" when carried down into the $hysical body" $roduce disease o
!arious kinds" the many tensions and congestions" the o!er'stimulation o the
centers in one $art o the etheric !ehicle and their underde!elo$ment in another"
$lus the une,ual unoldment and wrong balance o the centers%
Fuch is said today in modern medical in!estigation anent the 0imbalance0 o the
endocrine glands" and many $hysical diiculties are ascribed to this re,uent
imbalance% But behind this condition o the glandular system lies the basic
imbalance o the centers themsel!es% &nly when there is a right understanding o
orce and its rece$tion and conse,uent use" will right balance be achie!ed and the
human endocrine system control the $hysical man in the manner that is intended%
There is much need today or the study o the ollowing $roblems1
2% The $roblem o the right rece$tion o orce through the a$$ro$riate center%
An instance o this might be ound in the correct control o the solar $le#us
center as the one in which astral sensiti!ity can be registered and $ro$erly
handled% -B=/
.% The $roblem o the right relation o a $articular center to its related gland"
$ermitting the ree $lay o the orce $ouring through the center to the
allied glandular corres$ondence" thus conditioning its $eculiar hormone
and e!entually conditioning the blood stream% I you gras$ this se,uence
o contact" you will understand more clearly the occult signiicance o the
words in the &ld Testament that 0the blood is the lie%0 It is the !itality
coming rom the etheric body which works through into the blood stream"
!ia the center which is res$onsi!e to one o the se!en $eculiar ty$es o
orce" and its allied gland% It will be a$$arent" thereore" that there is a
close relation between1
a% The etheric body as a transmitter o a !ast aggregate o energies
and orces%
b% The endocrine system whose !arious glands are in reality the
e#ternali(ation or materiali(ation o the centers" major and minor%
c% The heart" which is the center o lie as the brain is the center o
consciousness% 8rom the heart" the blood circulates and is
controlled% Thus these three great systems are related%
d% The entire glandular system to the ner!ous system through the
medium o the network o ner!es and the 0nadis0 which underlie
this network% These nadis are the threads o lie orce which
underlie e!ery $art o the body and $articularly the ner!ous system
in all its as$ects%
To these $roblems and relationshi$s another might be added% This is the
interrelation which must be established between all the centers" $ermitting the
ree $lay o orce in correct rhythm throughout the $hysical !ehicle% -B?/
9ou ha!e" thereore" certain great interlocking directorates which control or ail to
control the $hysical body% *here there is lack o control it is due to the ailure to
establish right relations within the body" or to lack o de!elo$ment% These
interlocking grou$s are1
2% That o the etheric body" which works $rimarily through its se!en major
centers but also through many other centers%
.% That o the endocrine system" which works $rimarily through the se!en
major glandular grou$s" but also through many other less im$ortant
Esoteric Healing
4% That o the ner!ous system 5the sym$athetic and the cerebro's$inal6 with
a $eculiar em$hasis laid u$on the !agus ner!e with its eect u$on the
heart and conse,uently u$on the blood stream%
All these $oints ha!e to be considered and correlated in any system o occult
healing" and the technical matter to be co!ered is" in the last analysis" less
intricate than the !ast system built u$ by orthodo# medicine and surgery% It is
because o the lack o coordination o these three systems that the healing art is
at this time ailing to achie!e all that it desires% It has done much" but must mo!e
another ste$ onto the etheric $lane beore the real clue to disease and its cure
can be ascertained%
8or instance" lack o !itality and the common subnormal conditions with which we
are so amiliar" indicate the inertia o the etheric body and its lack o !itality% The
results o this inertness o the !ital body can be both $hysical and $sychological"
because the glands in the $hysical body will not unction normally and" as is well
known" they condition the $hysical e#$ression o man as well as his emotional
and mental states" in so ar as those are able or not able to -B@/ ind e#$ression
through the medium o the $hysical !ehicle% The glands do not condition the inner
man or his states o consciousness" but they can and do $re!ent those inner
states inding maniestation outwardly% In the re!erse situation" too $owerul an
etheric body and the o!er'stimulation o the centers concerned" may $ut too
great a strain u$on the ner!ous system and $roduce" as a conse,uence" deinite
ner!ous trouble" migraine" mental and emotional imbalance and" in some cases"
lead to insanity%
I ha!e elaborated this matter somewhat because the relation o the etheric body
to the $hysical body and its rece$ti!ity to the inner energies most decidedly
condition the man% It will be necessary or us to ha!e this e!er in mind as we
study the causes o the diseases arising in the mental body" or due to the acti!ity
o the soul in the lie o the disci$le" or as we in!estigate the $rocesses whereby a
man is $re$ared or initiation% The etheric body must always" and in!ariably does"
act as the transmitting agent o the inner energies to the outer $lane" and the
$hysical body has to learn to res$ond to and recogni(e that which is transmitted%
The eecti!eness o the transmission and the resultant $hysical acti!ity de$end
always u$on the centers" which" in their turn" condition the glands+ these" later"
determine the nature and the e#$ressed consciousness o the man% I the centers
are awakened and rece$ti!e" there will be ound a $hysical a$$aratus which will
be res$onsi!e to the orces lowing through% I the centers are aslee$" and thus
little orce can be transmitted" you will ind a $hysical a$$aratus which will be
e,ually slow and unres$onsi!e% I the centers below the dia$hragm are awakened
and those abo!e are not" you will ha!e a man whose consciousness will be
ocused in the animal and the emotional natures" and much o his $hysical
disease will lie below the dia$hragm also% 9ou will see" thereore" how intricate
and com$le# -BB/ this whole matter is ' so com$le# that it will only be truly
understood when human beings regain the lost $ower to 0see the light0 o the
etheric body and o its se!en major centers and" through a de!elo$ed sense o
touch in the hands and ingers" to ascertain the rate o !ibration in the !arious
centers% *hen these two means o knowledge are a!ailable" the entire subject o
the etheric body will take on a new im$ortance and be correctly understood%
. Causes Arising in the !ental Body
I started this section o our study with the causes arising in the astral and etheric
bodies because they are the major sources o trouble" owing to the act that the
Esoteric Healing
bulk o humanity is astrally ocused" just as the bulk o the orms in the animal
kingdom are etherically ocused% The orces $ouring into the animal kingdom
come $redominantly rom etheric le!els and rom the dense $hysical le!els o lie%
The higher animals" howe!er" owing to the de!elo$ment brought about through
their contact with human beings" are becoming susce$tible to orces coming rom
the astral $lane" and they thus de!elo$ actions and reactions which are not $urely
Today" owing to the de!elo$ment o the mind in the Aryan race" certain
diiculties may arise in the $hysical body% Their origin is not basically mental but
$rimarily due to the act that the mental body is the transmitter 5when acti!e and
rightly aligned6 o soul energy and this soul energy" $ouring into the $hysical
body" can $roduce certain conditions o o!er'stimulation and diiculties
connected with the ner!ous system% But it is the transmitted energy which causes
the trouble and not the actor arising rom the mind itsel% I will elaborate this a
little later% -BC/
A. &rong )ental Attitues
I would like to deal" irst o all" with the basic $remise that disease and $hysical
liabilities are not the result o wrong thought% They are ar more likely to be the
result o no thought at all" or are caused by the ailure to ollow those
undamental laws which go!ern the Find o Eod% &ne interesting instance o this
ailure is the act that man does not ollow the basic 3aw o Rhythm" which
go!erns all the $rocesses o nature" and man is a $art o nature% It is to this
ailure to work with the 3aw o )eriodicity that we can trace much o the diiculty
inherent in the use and the misuse o the se# urge% Instead o man being
go!erned by the cyclic maniestation o the se# im$ulse" and his lie" thereore"
being ruled by a deinite rhythm" there e#ists at this time no such thing" e#ce$t in
the cycles through which the emale $asses" and little attention is $aid to these%
The male" howe!er" is not go!erned by any such cycles" and has broken in also
on the rhythm to which the emale body should be subordinated" and which '
rightly understood ' would determine the use o the se# relationshi$" including
naturally the male im$ulse also% This ailure to li!e by the 3aw o )eriodicity and
to subordinate the a$$etites to cyclic control is one o the major causes o
disease+ and as these laws are gi!en orm on the mental $lane" one might
legitimately say that their inringement has a mental basis% This might be the
case i the race were working mentally" but it is not% It is in the modern world o
today that there is beginning a wides$read inringement o these mental laws"
$articularly o the 3aw o >ycles" which determines the tides" controls world
e!ents and should also condition the indi!idual and so establish rhythmic lie
habits ' one o the major $redis$osing incenti!es to good health% -CD/
By breaking this 3aw o Rhythm" man has disorgani(e the orces which" rightly
used" tend to bring the body into a sound and healthy condition+ by so doing" he
has laid the oundation or that general debility and those inherent organic
tendencies which $redis$ose a man to ill health and which $ermit entrance into
the system o those germs and bacteria which $roduce the outer orms o
malignant disease% *hen humanity regains an understanding o the right use o
time 5which determines the 3aw o Rhythm on the $hysical $lane6" and can
determine the $ro$er cycles or the !arious maniestations o the lie orce u$on
the $hysical $lane" then what was earlier an instinctual habit will become the
intelligent usage o the uture% This will constitute an entirely new science" and
the rhythm o the natural $rocesses and the establishing" as habits" the correct
Esoteric Healing
cycles o $hysical unctioning" will bring about a new era o health and o sound
$hysical conditions or the entire race% I used the word 0establishing"0 or as the
ocus o racial attention shits into the region o the higher !alues the $hysical
!ehicle will gain enormously" and good health ' through right rhythmic li!ing" $lus
correct thinking and soul contact ' will become $ermanently established%
There are" thereore" !ery ew ills to which lesh is heir which are mentally based%
It is e#ceedingly diicult to establish what they are% There are two reasons or
this statistical ailure1
2% The act that !ery ew" relati!ely s$eaking o the race are mentally
$olari(ed and thereore thinking%
.% The act that the bulk o diseases are etheric or astral%
Another actor $roducing this diiculty is that the thinking and the emotional
reactions o man are so closely interrelated that it is not easy at this stage in
e!olution to -C2/ se$arate eeling and thought" or to say that such or such ills
arise in the astral or the mental body" or that certain ills are due to wrong eeling
and others to wrong thinking% ;$eaking in terms o the entire human amily" the
thinking that is done in the world o today" is done by the relati!ely ew% The rest
are occu$ied with eeling" with sensuous $erce$tion and with the many and
diering as$ects o emotionalism such as irritability" worry" acute an#iety"
as$iration towards some desired end or goal" de$ression" $lus the dramatic lie o
the senses and o the 0I in the center0 consciousness% 8ew li!e in the world o
thought and ewer still in the world o reality% *hen they do" the result is
ine!itably a better a!erage o health" because there is better integration" and as a
result a reer $lay o the lie orces throughout the !ehicles o e#$ression%
". )ental *anaticis! - The Do!inance of Thought-for!s
I would $oint out here that the diseases and diiculties which arise rom what I
ha!e called wrong mental attitudes" anaticisms and rustrated idealisms and
thwarted ho$es" all into three categories" and a study o these will show you
that" in the last analysis" they are not o mental origin at all" but $rimarily are the
result o emotionalism entering in%
2% Those incident to the im$osed $hysical $lane acti!ity and work which ind
their incenti!e in these mental conditions% They lead" or instance" to
urious acti!ity and o!erwork" due to the determination not to be
rustrated but to make the $lan work% The result is re,uently the breaking
down o the ner!ous system" which could ha!e been a!oided had the
mental condition been changed and right rhythm on the $hysical $lane
achie!ed% But it was the work o a $hysical nature which caused the
trouble ar more than the mental condition% -C./
.% Those brought about by the state o rebellion which colors all the lie" and
the registering o !iolent emotional reactions% These may be based u$on a
mental reali(ation o the )lan" or instance" $lus a recognition that those
$lans are not materiali(ing" owing oten to the inade,uacy o the $hysical
e,ui$ment+ but the basic cause o the disease is the emotional rebellion"
and thereore not the mental condition% Bitterness" disgust" hatred and a
sense o rustration can and do $roduce many o the $re!alent to#ic
conditions and a state o general $oisoning and ill health rom which many
$eo$le habitually suer% Their !ision is bigger than their accom$lishment"
and this causes emotional suering% The cure or this condition is to be
ound in the sim$le word acceptance. This is not a negati!e state o
settling down to a submissi!e non acti!e lie" but it is a $ositi!e
Esoteric Healing
acce$tance 5in thought and in $ractical e#$ression6 o a condition which
seems at $resent una!oidable% This leads to an a!oidance o the waste o
time in attem$ting the im$ossible and to right eort to carry orward that
which is $ossible%
4% Those diiculties which are caused by the ailure o the $hysical a$$aratus
to measure u$ to the demands o the thought lie o the indi!idual% These
are" naturally and usually" a $art o the $hysical inheritance" and where
this is the case there is normally nothing much to do" though where the
as$iration is real and $ersistent" a great deal might be accom$lished in
bringing about im$ro!ement and laying the ground or better unctioning
in another lie cycle%
It is necessary here that I should deal" as briely as $ossible" with the $roblem o
mental healing and with the teaching that all disease is the $roduct o wrong
thought% 9ou are starting out to work" and I would ha!e clear thinking on this
$oint% The two $roblems which I ha!e $osited -C4/ are closely related% *e could
e#$ress them in the orm o two ,uestions1
2% Is disease the result o thought:
.% >an the $ower o thought $roduce healing eects when used by an
indi!idual or a grou$:
In !iew o the act that many diseases are" as I ha!e told you" latent in the !ery
material o the $lanet itsel" it is ob!ious that human thought is not res$onsible
or disease% It antedates the arri!al o humanity u$on the $lanet% There is disease
in the mineral world" in the !egetable kingdom" and also among animals" e!en in
their wild states and in their natural habitat" uncontaminated by man% Hence"
man cannot be held res$onsible or this" nor is it the result o human wrong
thinking% It $ro!ides no answer to the ,uestion to say that it must thereore be
due to the wrong thinking o the $lanetary 3ogos or o the solar 3ogos% This is
only a begging o the ,uestion and an e!asion o the issue%
I would here remind you o the two deinitions o the causes o disease which I
earlier ga!e% 3et me call them to your careul attention1
0All disease is the result o inhibited soul lie% This is true o all orms in all
0Disease is the $roduct o and subject to three inluences%
8irst" a manAs $ast wherein he $ays the $rice o ancient error%
;econd" his inheritance wherein he shares with all mankind those tainted
streams o energy which are o grou$ origin%
Thirdly" he shares with all the natural orms that which the 3ord o 3ie
im$oses on those orms%
Those three inluences are called the Ancient ,aw of e(il &haring. This
must gi!e $lace some day to that new ,aw of Ancient Dominating -ood.
This law will be brought into acti!ity by the s$iritual will o man%0 -C7/
I you analy(e the our causes o disease here gi!en" you will note that disease
will e!entually be controlled by the release o the soul in all orms" and that this
will be done by the acti!e use by man o his s$iritual will% *e could word this
otherwise and say that when soul energy and the right use o the will 5which in
the indi!idual is the relection and the agent o the will energy o the soul6 is
released and rightly directed by the mind" then disease can be handled and
brought e!entually to an end% It is thereore by the im$osition o a higher energy
and o a higher rhythm u$on the lower orces that disease can be controlled%
Disease is thereore the result in the $hysical body o the ailure to bring in these
Esoteric Healing
higher energies and rhythms" and that" in its turn" is de$endent u$on the $oint in
It is the dim sensing o this ailure and the reali(ation o these acts that has
brought so many grou$s to belie!e in the cure o disease by thought $ower and
to ascribe the a$$earance o disease to wrong thinking% But in reality" humanity
must some day learn that it is only the higher consciousness o the soul" working
through the mind" that can inally sol!e this diicult $roblem%
*e cannot conse,uently airm that disease" as a general rule" has any relation to
thought% It is sim$ly the misuse o the orces o the etheric" the astral and o the
dense $hysical le!els% The majority o $eo$le are hel$less to do anything about it"
as the orces which constitute the $hysical body" or instance" and which $ass
through and $lay u$on it" are inherited rom a !ery ancient $ast" are a
constituent $art o the en!ironment and o the grou$ lie into which they are
integrated and which they share with all their ellowmen% ;uch orce'matter is
colored with the results o ancient wrong rhythms" misused orces and inherited
,ualities% ;oul energy" e#$ressed through right thinking" can cure diseases to
which man is $rone% It is ailure to think and to register -C=/ and e#$ress the
higher states o consciousness which leads to wrong rhythms% >onse,uently" I
re$eat that disease is not the result o thought%
C. *rustrate Iealis!
There are" howe!er" certain diseases which a$$ear in the $hysical mechanism
and which are deinitely rooted in the act that acti!ity 5which is the result o
thinking s$eciically6 has been colored and conditioned by the emotional lie o the
indi!idual" and the emotional lie is a ruitul source o disease and o establishing
wrong rhythms% It is thereore the $redominance o the astral orce" and not o
the mental energy" which really causes the $hysical trouble% I am not reerring
here to the diseases o the ner!ous system and o the brain" which are the result
o o!er'stimulation and o the im$act o energy 5oten rom the mind and the
soul6 u$on an instrument unitted to handle it% These we will consider later% I
reer sim$ly to the ollowing se,uence o e!ents in the $sychological lie and the
conse,uent resultant acti!ities1
Disease is a orm o acti!ity%
2% Fental acti!ity and energy $roduces 5through the $ower o thought6
certain registration o $lans" idealisms and ambitions%
.% This energy" blended with astral energy" becomes dominated and
controlled by astral reactions o an undesirable kind" such as worry o!er
non'accom$lishment" the ailure to materiali(e the $lans" etc% The lie
becomes conse,uently embittered%
4% Disease then a$$ears in the $hysical body" according to the $redis$osing
tendencies o the body and its inherent" inherited weaknesses% -C?/
9ou will note that" in reality" the mental body" and the $ower o thought" ha!e in
no case been the cause o trouble% It has been caused by the obliteration o the
original thought and its ste$$ing down to the le!el o emotionalism% *hen this
ste$$ing down and e!entual control by astral orces does not take $lace" and the
thought remains clear and untouched u$on the mental $lane" there may be
trouble o another kind" due to a ailure to 0carry through0 the thought into
eecti!e action u$on the $hysical $lane% This ailure $roduces not only the
clea!age in the $ersonality so well known to the $racticing $sychologist" but also
a cutting o o a much needed stream o energy% As a conse,uence" the $hysical
Esoteric Healing
body is de!itali(ed and alls heir to bad health% *hen the thought can be carried
through to the $hysical brain and there becomes a directing agent o the lie
orce" you will usually ha!e a condition o good health" and this has $ro!ed true
whether the indi!idual thought has been good or bad" rightly moti!ated or
wrongly oriented% It is sim$ly the eect o integration" because saints and
sinners" the selish and the unselish and all kinds o $eo$le" can achie!e
integration and a thought'directed lie%
The second ,uestion asks whether an indi!idual or a grou$ can heal by thought
Fost certainly the generali(ation can be made that an indi!idual and a grou$ can
heal and that thought can $lay its $otent $art in the healing $rocess" but not
thought alone and unaided% Thought can be the directing agency of forces and
energies which can disru$t and dis$el disease" but the $rocess must be aided by
the $ower to !isuali(e" by an ability to work with $articular orces as is deemed
ad!isable" by an understanding o the rays and their ty$es o energies" and also
by a ca$acity to handle light substance, as it is called% To these $owers must be
added the ability to be en ra$$ort with the one to be healed" $lus a lo!ing heart%
In -C@/ act" once these conditions are met" too much use o the thinking aculty
and too $otent a use o the mind $rocesses can arrest and hinder the healing
work% Thought has to condition the initial incenti!e" bringing the intelligence o
the man to bear u$on the $roblem o healing and a com$rehension o the nature
o the one to be healed+ but once it has aided in ocusing the attention o the
healer and the healing grou$" it should become a steady but subconscious
directi!e agent and nothing more than that%
The healing is accom$lished" when $ossible" by the use o energy rightly directed
and by detailed !isuali(ation+ lo!e also $lays a great $art" as does the mind in the
early stage% )erha$s I should say that a lo!ing heart is one o the most $otent o
all the energies em$loyed%
I ha!e brought these two ,uestions to your attention because I am an#ious or
your minds to be clear u$on these $roblems beore you start any grou$ work in
Thought neither cures disease nor causes it% Thought must be em$loyed in the
$rocesses" but it is not the sole or the most im$ortant agent% It is on this $oint
that many grou$s and healers go astray% The mind can direct energy and this
energy can" in its turn" $roduce o!er'stimulation o the brain and o the body cells
and so cause ner!ous trouble and sometimes brain disease" but the mind itsel
and thinking" $er se" cannot cause disease and trouble in the $hysical body% As
the race learns to think clearly and deinitely" and as the laws o thought begin to
control the racial consciousness" disease ' as we now know it ' will be greatly
lessened and more and more $eo$le will achie!e integration% *here there is
integration there is the ree $lay o orce and o energy throughout the material
body% The $roblems o stimulation will" howe!er" steadily increase with the
growing sensiti!ity o the $hysical man and the de!elo$ing ocus o his
consciousness in the mind nature% This will go on until -CB/ man learns how to
handle the higher energies and to recogni(e the need or a rhythmic lie" $aying
attention to the 3aw o )eriodicity%
In healing work" certain rules should be mastered and ollowed by the healer% I
ha!e gi!en three im$ortant rules already% Briely they are as ollows" and I am
di!iding the irst one into its com$onent $arts or the sake o clarity%
Esoteric Healing
2a% The healer must seek to link his soul" his heart" his brain" and his hands% Thus
can he $our the !ital orce with healing $ower u$on his $atient% This is magnetic
2b% The healer must seek to link his soul" his brain" his heart and auric
emanation% Thus can his $resence eed the soul lie o the $atient% This is the
work of radiation. The hands are needed not% The soul dis$lays its $ower%
.% The healer must achie!e magnetic $urity" through $urity o lie% He must
achie!e that dis$elling radiance which shows itsel in e!ery man once he has
linked the centers in the head% *hen this magnetic ield has been established" the
radiance then goes orth%
4% 3et the healer train himsel to know the inner stage o thought or o desire o
the one who seeks his hel$% He can thereby know the source rom which the
trouble comes% 3et him relate the cause and the eect" and know the $oint e#act
through which relie must come%
I would here gi!e you" as a grou$" another rule" making our major rules1
Rule four
The healer and the healing grou$ must kee$ the will in leash% It is not will that
must be used" but lo!e%
This last rule is o great im$ortance% The concentrated will o any indi!idual and
the directed will o a united grou$ -CC/ should ne!er be em$loyed% The ree will o
the indi!idual must ne!er be subjected to the im$act o a $owerully ocused
grou$ or indi!idual+ it is ar too dangerous a $rocedure to be $ermitted% *ill
energy 5$articularly that o a number o $eo$le simultaneously $laying u$on the
subtle and $hysical bodies o the one to be healed6 can greatly increase the
trouble instead o curing it% It can stimulate the disease itsel to dangerous
$ro$ortions and disru$t instead o coo$erating with natureAs healing orces" and
can e!en e!entually kill the $erson concerned by so increasing the disease that
the $atientAs normal resistance can $ro!e utile% I would ask you" thereore" in
any grou$ work o healing" to kee$ the will 5and e!en keen desire6 in abeyance%
&nly initiates o high degree are $ermitted to cure by the $ower o the will"
ocused in the" "ord of ower" and this only because they can test the ca$acity o
the $atient" the tension o the disease" and know also whether or no it is the will
o the soul that the disease should be cured%
*e ha!e co!ered much ground o im$ortance in this section and it will warrant
your careul study% In the ne#t one we will take u$ the $eculiar $roblems o the
disci$le+ I would ask you" in $re$aration or this" to study with attention" the
teaching which I ga!e earlier on the diseases o the mystics% 5A Treatise on the
se(en Rays, <ol% II" $ages =.D'?.=%6 Fuch said there need not be re$eated by
me" but should be incor$orated in our teachings on healing% I suggest that you
read them and know something o the $roblems themsel!es" both theoretically
and rom an understanding o yoursel% 9ou should be aware o some o these
diiculties in your own e#$erience" at least to some degree%
Esoteric Healing
The +acre Art of Healing
I do not intend" in this treatise" to deal with the $athology o disease" with its
systems and their maleicent -2DD/ indications% These are ully co!ered in any
ordinary medical treatise and te#tbook and I" my brothers" am no trained
$hysician or medical authority" nor ha!e I the time to be engrossed with the
technicalities% *hat I am concerned with is to gi!e the world some idea o the
true and occult causes o disease and their hidden origins" and with the work o
healing" as it is carried on and sanctioned by the Ereat *hite 3odge%
The work is" in reality" that o the judicious use o energy" a$$lied with lo!e and
science% All that I tell you is the result o e#$eriment% ;uch healing alls into two
2% In magnetic healing, the healer" or the healing grou$" does two things1
a% He attracts to the healing center that ty$e o energy which will
counteract the disease%
This is necessarily a !ast subject and one o dee$ scientiic im$ort%
>ertain ty$es o ray orce can be used with certain ty$es o disease"
necessitating the use o certain s$eciic centers or the distribution%
These we shall consider and outline when we come to the section
entitled The &e(en Modes of Healing.
b% He attracts to himsel and absorbs those orces which are
$roducing the disease" drawing it orth rom the $atient%
This latter $rocess necessitates a careul guarding o the healer
rom all contamination by the disease" so that the orces can ind
no $lace in his body% There must also be the su$$lying o resh
energy to the $atient" in order to take the $lace o that which has
been withdrawn% This $rocess sets u$ a deinite inter$lay between
the healer and the $atient% There is conse,uently some real -2D2/
danger in this work o occult healing" and or this reason the
healers in training should bear in mind that they will work as a
grou$ and not as indi!iduals% The ree circulation o orce $roduces
good health in the indi!idual or grou$% The ree circulation o orce
between a healer or a healing grou$ and the $erson to be healed
can $roduce the cure o disease" $ro!ided it is the destiny o the
man to be healed at any gi!en time and his coo$eration is gi!en
when $ossible" though this is not really essential% It acilitates more
ra$id results in many cases% In others" the $atientAs an#iety can
negate the desired eects%
.% In radiatory healing, the $rocess is sim$ler and saer or the healer sim$ly
gathers $ower into himsel and then radiates it out on to the $atient in the
orm o a steadily outlowing stream o radiant energy% This stream o
energy should be directed to the center nearest to the location o the
In this work there is no risk to the healer" but i the element o will enters
into his thought or the stream o energy $rojected is too strong" there may
be danger to the $atient% The im$act o the orce which is being radiated
u$on him may not only $roduce ner!ous tension" but may lead to an
increase in the $ower o the disease and its intensiication by stimulating
the atoms and cells in!ol!ed in the acti!ity o the orce res$onsible or the
trouble% 8or this reason beginners must a!oid any concentration u$on the
disease itsel or the area in the $hysical body in!ol!ed and careully kee$
all thought in abeyance" once the $reliminary work has been done" or
energy e!er ollows thought and goes where the thought is ocused% -2D./
The healers ha!e to determine the eecti!eness o what they are
Esoteric Healing
attem$ting and the $otency o their united grou$ work and o the orce
which they can wield% They ha!e also to disco!er their ability to kee$ the
will in the background and to send the healing radiance out u$on a stream
o lo!e'energy% Ha!e e!er in mind that lo!e is energy and that it is a
substance as real as dense matter% That substance can be used to dri!e
out diseased tissue and $ro!ide a healthy substitute in $lace o the
diseased material which has been eliminated%
They will" thereore" in the irst cycle o work" attem$t the radiatory method% It is
sim$ler and ar more easily mastered% 3ater" they can e#$eriment with the
method o magnetic healing%
9ou will now see the $ur$ose o the rules anent the modes o healing which I
ga!e early in this series o instructions% 9ou will reali(e why" in this radiatory
work" the linking $rocess in!ol!es the soul" the brain and the entire aura or the
magnetic ield o indi!idual or grou$ acti!ity% The mind is not mentioned or
in!ol!ed" and the brain acts solely as the ocusing $oint o the lo!e and the
healing orce to be $rojected into the stream o energy which issues rom the
ajna center%
The healer will" thereore" kee$ all the orces ocused in the head" and his
attention must be concentrated there also% The heart will be automatically
in!ol!ed" as he will be using the energy o lo!e ' at irst entirely%
3et us now tabulate the rules under which all healing grou$s must work% I would
like to inter$olate here that it is not always necessary or $ossible to meet and
work together in grou$ ormation% This work can be carried orward eiciently and
$otently" i the members work as a sub.ecti(e group% each should then ollow the
instructions each day -2D4/ and as i he were working in his grou$ in tangible
orm% This real linking is brought about by imagining himsel as in the $resence o
his brothers% I they were to meet as a grou$ u$on the $hysical $lane" it would be
hard to $re!ent the dissi$ation o orce through discussion" through the ordinary
$leasantries o meeting" and through the $hysical inter$lay between $ersonalities%
It would be ine!itable that there would be too much con!ersation" and the work
done would not be ade,uately eecti!e% 8rom the $hysical stand$oint" they work
alone+ rom the true inner stand$oint" they work in the closest coo$eration%
Here are the irst rules which I would ha!e the student master1
Preli!inary Rules for Raiatory Healing
2% By an act o the will" ater making your own ,uick" conscious alignment"
link u$ as a soul with the souls o your grou$ brothers% Then link u$ with
their minds" and then with their emotional natures% Do this by the use o
the imagination" reali(ing that energy ollows thought and that the linking
$rocess is ine!itable" i correctly done% 9ou can then unction as a grou$%
Then orget about the grou$ relation and concentrate u$on the work to be
.% *ithin yoursel" then" link soul and brain and gather together the orces o
lo!e that are to be ound in your aura and ocus yoursel and all that you
ha!e to oer within the head" $icturing yoursel as a radiant center o
energy or a $oint o !i!id light% This light is to be $rojected u$on the
$atient through the ajna center between the eyes%
4% Then say the ollowing grou$ mantram1
Esoteric Healing
0*ith $urity o moti!e" ins$ired by a lo!ing heart" we oer oursel!es or this work
o healing% This oer we make as a grou$ and to the one we seek to heal%0 -2D7/
As you do this" !isuali(e the linking $rocess going on% ;ee it as mo!ing lines o
li!ing light substance" linking you to your brothers on the one hand" and to the
$atient on the other% ;ee these lines going out rom you to the heart center o the
grou$ and to the $atient% But work e!er rom the ajna center until instructed to
do dierently% In this way" the ajna center and the heart center o all the $ersons
in!ol!ed will be closely interrelated% 9ou see here where the !alue o !isuali(ation
comes in% It is in reality the etheric e#ternali(ation o the creati!e imagination%
Think this last sentence out%
7% Then use thought" directed thought" or a brie moment and think o the
one you seek to heal" linking u$ with him" and ocusing your attention on
him so that he becomes a reality in your consciousness and close to you%
*hen you are aware what the $hysical diiculty is" then sim$ly recall it to
your mind and then dismiss it% 8orget now the details o the work" such as
the grou$" yoursel and the diiculty o the $atient" and concentrate u$on
the ty$e o orce you are going to handle" which is" in this case and or the
$resent" second ray orce" the orce o lo!e% *hat I am here gi!ing out is
an ada$tation o the second ray method o healing" arranged or
=% 8eel a dee$ lo!e $ouring into you% Regard it as substantial light which you
can and will mani$ulate% Then send it out as a stream o radiant light rom
the ajna center and direct it through the medium o your hands to the
$atient% In doing this" hold the hands beore the eyes" $alms outward and
with the backs o the hands ne#t to the eyes and about si# inches away
rom the ace% In this way" the stream which is issuing rom the ajna
center" becomes di!ided into two and $ours out through the two hands% It
is thus directed on to the $atient% <isuali(e it as $ouring out -2D=/ and
sense the $atient recei!ing it% As you do this" say aloud in a low !oice1
0Fay the lo!e o the &ne ;oul" ocused in this grou$" radiate u$on you" my
brother" and $ermeate e!ery $art o your body ' healing" soothing"
strengthening+ and dissi$ating all that hinders ser!ice and good health%0
;ay this slowly and deliberately" belie!ing in the results% ;ee that no thought'
$ower or will'$ower enters into the stream o healing energy" but only a
concentrated radiating lo!e% The use o the !isuali(ing aculty and o the creati!e
imagination" $lus a sense o dee$ and steadast lo!e" will kee$ the mind and the
will in abeyance%
I would em$hasi(e the urgent necessity or complete silence and reticence in
relation to all healing work% He!er let it be known by anyone that you are working
in this manner" and ne!er mention to anyone the names o those you are seeking
to aid% Do not discuss the $atient under treatment e!en among yoursel!es% I this
basic rule o silence is not ke$t" it will indicate that you are not yet ready or this
work and should discontinue it% This injunction is ar more im$ortant than you can
reali(e+ or s$eech and discussion not only tend to delect and dissi$ate orce" but
!iolate a undamental rule which all healers are trained to kee$" and e!en the
medical $roession on the $hysical $lane ollows the same general $rocedure%
Esoteric Healing
Three )a,or Laws of Health
There are three major laws o health and se!en minor laws% These work out in the
three worlds" which is all that concerns you at this time% In all teaching to be
gi!en in the immediate uture" the main em$hasis will e!entually be laid u$on the
techni,ue o the etheric body" or that is the ne#t ste$ orward% The three major
laws are1 -2D?/
2% The law controlling the will to li!e" a maniestation o the irst as$ect o the
3ogos" will or $ower%
.% The law controlling e,uality o rhythm" a maniestation o the second
as$ect o the 3ogos" lo!e or wisdom%
4% The law controlling crystalli(ation" a maniestation o the third as$ect o
the 3ogos" the acti!ity or oundational as$ect%
These three go!erning actors or laws maniest themsel!es through the three
major di!isions o the human entity%
2% The will aspect maniests through the organs o res$iration% Another o its
e#$ressions is the aculty o slee$% In both o these you ha!e a re$etition
or an analogy in the microcosm o 3ogoic maniestation and 3ogoic
.% The lo(e aspect shows itsel through the heart" the circulatory system and
the ner!ous system% This is in many ways most im$ortant or you to
understand" or it controls $aramountly the etheric body and its
assimilation o $rana or !itality% This $rana works through both the blood
and the ner!es" or the lie orce uses the blood stream and $sychic orce
works through the ner!ous system% These two de$artments o the human
organism are those which cause the greatest amount o trouble at this
time and will e!en more in the uture% The race learns through suering"
and only dire need dri!es man to seek solution and relie% 8rom the
$resent stand$oint o healing" man orms again a lesser trinity o
a% The dense $hysical body" o which science and medicine know
much% -2D@/
b% The etheric body" which is the ne#t ield o endea!or" o e#$eriment
and o disco!ery%
c% The astral body which" simultaneously with the etheric" is the ne#t
object or scientiic control% The science o $sychology will work
4% The acti(ity aspect, which maniests $rimarily through the organs o
assimilation and elimination% I seek here to em$hasi(e one $oint% Just as
our solar system is de!elo$ing the lo!e as$ect" which is the second as$ect"
and just as the human being is $olari(ed in the astral body" which is the
relection o that second as$ect" so the second o the three abo!e
mentioned de$artments o the human organism" the etheric" is the one o
$aramount im$ortance% G$ to date it has been the transmitter $rimarily o
astral energy to the $hysical body% This is now in $rocess o changing%
The whole trend o medical science should now be awake to the concrete acts o
the dense $hysical body and mo!ing towards the study o !itali(ation and
circulation" or these two are closely related% The ner!ous system is controlled
$rinci$ally today rom the astral body" !ia the etheric" and the basis o all ner!ous
trouble lies hidden in the emotional body wherein humanity at this time is
$olari(ed% The circulatory system o the $hysical body is controlled $rinci$ally
rom the etheric body% *hen you ha!e an etheric body that is not unctioning
Esoteric Healing
$ro$erly and does not transmit $rana suiciently" and when you ha!e an astral or
emotional body that is not ade,uately or $ro$erly controlled" you ha!e in these
two the source o the majority o the diseases and ner!ous and mental conditions
that are annually increasing% The rele# action o inade,uate circulation u$on the
$hysical brain 5again due to the etheric body6 leads to mental strain and e!entual
colla$se% 8rom this you can see the im$ortance o the etheric !ehicle% -2DB/
The first aspect" which has or its e#$ression and ield o control the organs o
res$iration and the aculty o slee$" when not unctioning $ro$erly" $roduces
death" insanity and some o the diseases o the brain%
The third aspect" when not unctioning $ro$erly" causes stomach troubles" bowel
com$laints and the !arious diseases that are located beneath and below the solar
$le#us in the abdomen%
9ou see" thereore" how medical science must e!entually seek solution in a
sim$liication o methods and a return rom a com$le#ity o drugs and o$erations
to an understanding o the right use o the energies which $our through rom the
inner man" !ia the etheric body" to the $hysical%
The ollowing suggestions may hel$1
2% /y the de(elopment of goodwill" which is the will o good intention and
moti!e" will come the healing o diseases o the res$iratory tract" lungs
and throat" the stabili(ing o the cells o the brain" the cure o insanities
and obsessions" and an attainment o e,uilibrium and o rhythm%
3onge!ity will ensue" or death should be the recognition by the soul o
work consummated and $ralaya earned% It will only take $lace later at long
and se$arated $eriods" and will be controlled by the will o the man% He
will cease to breathe when he has inished his work" and then will send the
atoms o his body into $ralaya% That is the slee$ o the $hysical" the end o
maniestation" and the occult signiicance o this is not yet com$rehended%
.% /y a comprehension of the laws of (itality ' and in this $hrase are
com$rehended the laws go!erning $rana" radiation and magnetism ' will
come the healing o the diseases in the blood" o the arteries and !eins" o
certain ner!ous com$laints" lack o !itality" senile decay" $oor circulation
and similar ills% This too will result in the -2DC/ $rolongation o lie% The
laws o electrical energy will also be better understood in this connection%
4% /y the understanding of right methods of assimilation and elimination will
come the healing o diseases connected with the bodily tissues" the
stomach and bowels and the male and emale organs o generation% It will
some day be understood that these latter are only another system o
assimilation and elimination" centered this time in the eminine as$ect or
woman" or again remember that this is the second or lo!e system% The
order is thus1
a% The irst system was masculine%
b% The $resent system" the second" is eminine%
c% The third system will be herma$hroditic%
EAen though the e!ol!ing human Hierarchy is masculine or $ositi!e" yet that is no
guarantee that all that is ound in the $resent system is masculine too% The act is
that the negati!e aculty or the eminine as$ect dominates" e!en though this may
be unrecogni(ed by you% 3et me demonstrate and gi!e some indication by igures
o this hy$othesis1
Esoteric Healing
2% In the irst solar system there was one dominant e!olution" and it
consisted o one hundred thousand million monads%
.% In the $resent system" the second" there are two dominant e!olutions" the
human and the de!a+ there are ' as earlier stated ' si#ty thousand million
human monads% Add to this the eminine e!olution o the de(as" consisting
o 27D thousand million" and you ha!e the necessary two hundred
thousand million% This elucidates my statement anent this being a eminine
system% -22D/
4% In the third solar system" the total number in e!olution will be the needed
three hundred thousand million that $erection re,uires o the threeold
&ur discussion has necessarily been sketchy" or all that I am here attem$ting to
do is to gi!e indications as to the lines along which the new art o healing must
e!entually run" and to gi!e certain hints which will $oint the way to the cause o
the $re!alent diseases" and so enable the wise to negate eects% This bre!ity and
this system o im$arting knowledge through the medium o hints is essentially
occult" and will be the only mode o dealing with this relati!ely dangerous subject
until such time as a sound medical" surgical and neurological training o a
technical nature is combined with an e,ually sound $sychological understanding"
$lus a measure o s$iritual !ision% The ideal $hysician and surgeon is the man
who is also a meta$hysician+ to the lack o this combination much o the $resent
diiculty and conusion can be ascribed% The meta$hysical healer today is so
engrossed by that which is not the body that he is ar less useul to the sick"
diseased and damaged human being than is the $ractical $hysician% The a!erage
meta$hysician" no matter by what label he calls himsel" has a closed mind+ he
o!er'em$hasi(es the di!ine $ossibilities to the e#clusion o the material or
$hysical $robabilities% >om$lete s$iritual healing will be di!inely $ossible
ultimately+ but this is not materially $ossible at certain gi!en moments in time
and s$ace and with $eo$le at widely diering $oints on the ladder o e!olution%
Right timing and a sound knowledge o the working o the 3aw o Karma" $lus a
large measure o intuiti!e $erce$tion" are essential to the high art o s$iritual
healing% To this must be added the knowledge that the orm nature and the
$hysical -222/ body are not essentially the major considerations or o the !ast
im$ortance that some may think%
<arious cultists and healers usually take the $osition that it is o major
im$ortance that the $hysical !ehicle be rendered ree rom disease and clutched
away rom the $rocesses o death% It might" howe!er" be desirable 5and it oten
is6 that the disease be $ermitted to do its work and death o$en the door to the
esca$e o the soul rom im$risonment% The time comes ine!itably to all incarnated
beings when the soul demands liberation rom the body and rom orm lie" and
nature has her own wise ways o doing this% Disease and death must be
recogni(ed as liberating actors when they come as the result o right timing by
the soul% It must be reali(ed by students that the $hysical orm is an aggregate o
atoms" built into organisms and inally into a coherent body" and that this body is
held together by the will o the soul% *ithdraw that will on to its own $lane or 5as
it is occultly e#$ressed6 0let the soulAs eye turn in another direction0 and" in this
$resent cycle" disease and death will ine!itably su$er!ene% This is not mental
error" or ailure to recogni(e di!inity" or succumbing to e!il% It is" in reality" the
resolution o the orm nature into its com$onent $arts and basic essence% Disease
is essentially an as$ect o death% It is the $rocess by which the material nature
and the substantial orm $re$ares itsel or se$aration rom the soul%
Esoteric Healing
It must be borne in mind howe!er that where there is illness or discomort or
disease which is not related to the inal dissolution" the causes thereo are to be
ound in many actors+ they can be ound in the surroundings" or a number o
diseases are en!ironmental and e$idemic+ in the tuning in o the indi!idual to
streams o $oison emanating rom world hate" or rom $sychological com$le#es
with some o which we ha!e already dealt" and in the diseases -22./ 5i I might
so call them6 which are indigenous to the matter o which humanity has chosen to
construct its $hysical !ehicle" isolating it and se$arating it rom the general
substance o maniestation" and thus creating a ty$e o matter which is
consecrated to the task o orming the outer e#$ression o the inward reality% This
constitutes" thereore" a uni,ue and $eculiar as$ect o the uni!ersal substance"
$erected to a certain $oint in the last solar system and o a necessarily higher
order than the substance which !ibrates creati!ely to the call o the three
subhuman kingdoms in nature%
The Causes of Disease +u!!ari-e
In e!ery occult consideration o disease it must be acce$ted as a basic $ro$osition
that all disease is a result o the misuse o orce in some earlier lie or in this% This
is undamental% In connection with this I would remind you o some statements I
ha!e earlier made on this matter%
2% Hinety $er cent o the causes o disease are to be ound in the etheric and
astral bodies% *rong use o mental energy and misa$$lied desire are
$aramount actors" yet with the bulk o humanity still in the Atlantean
stages o consciousness" only i!e $er cent o the $re!alent diseases are
due to mental causes% The $ercentage !aries with the de!elo$ment o the
race and its e!olution% Disease is thereore the working out into
maniestation o undesirable" subjecti!e conditions ' !ital" emotional and
.% E!erything concerning the health o man can be a$$roached rom three
a% That o the $ersonality lie ' o this we are learning much% -224/
b% That o humanity as a whole ' this is beginning to be a$$reciated%
c% That o the $lanetary lie ' o this we can know little%
4% All disease is caused by lack o harmony between orm and lie" between
soul and $ersonality+ this lack o harmony runs through all the kingdoms
in nature%
7% The bulk o diseases are o1
a% Erou$ origin%
b% The result o inection%
c% Falnutrition" $hysically" subjecti!ely and occultly understood%
=% Diseases or the masses" or the a!erage citi(en" or the intelligentsia and
or disci$les dier widely and ha!e diering ields o e#$ression%
a% The three major grou$s o diseases or the irst two classes are1
The social diseases%
b% The two major diseases or the intelligentsia and or disci$les are1
Heart com$laints%
Her!ous diseases%
?% Disease is a act in nature% *hen this is acce$ted" men will begin to work
with the 3aw o 3iberation" with right thought" leading to right attitudes
and orientation" and with the $rinci$le o non'resistance% & this non'
Esoteric Healing
resistance" the o!er$owering willingness to die which is so re,uently a
characteristic o the inal stage immediately $receding death is the lowest
maniestation% It is non'resistance which $sychologically go!erns coma%
@% The 3aw o >ause and Eect" or o Karma" go!erns all disease% This
embraces indi!idual" grou$" national and total human karma%
I you will $ause at this $oint and re!iew what I ha!e restated" and i you will
reread and relect u$on the our 3aws and the our Rules you will $ossess the
needed groundwork u$on which to $roceed with our uture studies" beginning
with the diseases incident to the lie o disci$leshi$% ;ome o this I ha!e already
dealt with in A Treatise on the &e(en Rays, <ol% II. $ages =.D'?.=% There the
a$$roach was largely rom the angle o the mystic" whereas I am here going to
touch u$on the $roblems o the acce$ted disci$le%
". Diseases due to the #ife of Disci$leshi$
Earlier I told you that disease originated in the our ollowing causes1
2% It is the result o blocking the ree lie o the soul%
.% It is caused by three inluences or sources o contamination1
a% Ancient mistakes" so'called sins and errors o the indi!idual
concerned" committed in this lie or another earlier incarnation%
b% Human taints and $redis$ositions" inherited in common with all the
rest o humanity%
c% )lanetary e!il" incident to the $oint achie!ed by the $lanetary
3ogos and conditioned by $lanetary Karma%
4% It is conditioned by the orces emanating rom the $lane u$on which the
manAs consciousness is $rimarily ocused% -22=/
7% The i!e major ty$es o disease" with their allied and subsidiary eects"
can and do $roduce results where the disci$le is concerned+ he is not
immune until ater the third initiation%
A. The Diseases of )ystics
Howe!er" the disci$le is seldom tubercular 5e#ce$t when karmatically
conditioned6" nor is he $rone to succumb to the social diseases e#ce$t as they
may aect him $hysically through his sacriicial lie o ser!ice% >ontagion can
aect him but not seriously so% >ancer may claim him as a !ictim" but he is more
liable to succumb to heart com$laints" and to ner!ous trouble o some kind or
another% The straight mystic succumbs more to $urely $sychological situations
connected with the integrated $ersonality" and thereore incident to his being
ocused largely on the astral $lane% The disci$le is more $rone to mental
diiculties and to those com$laints which are concerned with energy and are due
to usion ' either com$leted or in $rocess ' o soul and $ersonality%
The irst cause which I listed earlier in this treatise was summed u$ in the
statement that disease is the result o the blocking o the ree lie and the
in$ouring energy o the soul% This blockage is brought about by the mystic when
he succumbs to his own thought'orms" created constantly in res$onse to his
mounting as$iration% These become barriers between him and the ree lie o the
soul and block his contact and the conse,uent resulting inlow o soul energy%
Esoteric Healing
The disci$le re!erses the entire situation and alls a !ictim 5$rior to the third
initiation6 to the terriic inlow o soul energy ' the energy o the second as$ect '
coming to him rom1 -22?/
a% His own soul" with which center o energy usion is ra$idly taking $lace%
b% His grou$ or the Ashram with which he" as an acce$ted disci$le" is
c% His Faster" with *hom he has s$iritual relation and to *hose !ibratory
inluence he is e!er susce$tible%
d% The Hierarchy" the energy o which can reach him through the medium o
all the three abo!e actors%
All these streams o energy ha!e a deinite eect u$on the centers o the disci$le"
according to his ray and his s$eciic $olari(ation in this incarnation% As each
center is related to one or other o the glands" and these in their turn condition
the blood stream" and also ha!e a s$eciic eect u$on the organic structure
within the range o their !ibratory inluence 5i%e% the stomach" close to the solar
$le#us" and the heart" close to the heart center" etc%6" you will see how it is
$ossible that the major diseases rom which a disci$le can suer 5which are
uni,ue and conined $rimarily to ad!anced humanity6 will be the result o o!er'
stimulation or the inlow o energy to one $articular center" $roducing e#cessi!e
and locali(ed trouble%
To these conditions the mystic is not so $rone unless he is ra$idly becoming the
$ractical mystic or occultist% This is a deinite transitional cycle between the
mystical attitude and that more deinite $osition which the occultist assumes% I
shall not thereore deal with the diseases to which mystics all heir" e#ce$t that I
would like to $oint out one interesting act1 The mystic is e!er conscious o
duality% He is the seeker in search o light" o the soul" o the belo!ed" o that
higher something which he senses as e#isting and as that which can be ound% He
stri!es ater recognition o and by the di!ine+ he is the ollower o the -22@/
!ision" a disci$le o the >hrist" and this conditions his thinking and his as$iration%
He is a de!otee and one who lo!es the a$$arently unattainable ' the &ther than
&nly when he becomes the occultist does the mystic learn that all the time the
magnet which attracted him" and the dualism which colored his lie and thoughts
and which ga!e moti!e to all he sought to do" was his true sel" the one Reality%
He recogni(es then that assimilation into and identiication with that one reality
enables duality to be transmuted into unity and the sense o search to be
transormed into the eort to become what he essentially is ' a ;on o Eod" one
with all ;ons o Eod% Ha!ing accom$lished that" he inds himsel one with the *ne
in *hom we li!e and mo!e and ha!e our being%
He#t" I would $oint out that the lowest e#$ression o the mystical condition" and
one with which we are becoming increasingly amiliar" is that which is called a
0s$lit $ersonality0+ when this condition is $resent" the $ersonal lower sel
e#$resses itsel through a basic condition o duality and two $ersons e#$ress
themsel!es" a$$arently" instead o the integrated $ersonality'soul% This
necessarily creates a dangerous $sychological condition and one which warrants
trained scientiic handling% That is largely lacking at this time" as so ew trained
$sychologists and $sychiatrists recogni(e the act o the soul% I mention this as it
is o !alue today" and will be increasingly so in the later years when it will be
necessary to trace and com$rehend the analogies e#isting in the human
consciousness to great une#$lored areas o awareness% The s$lit $ersonality and
the mystic are two as$ects o one whole ' the as$ect which is right" and along the
Esoteric Healing
line o high s$iritual unoldment" and the as$ect which is a relection and a
distortion o that grade o de!elo$ment which $recedes that o trained occultist%
There are many conditions $re!alent in humanity -22B/ at this time which can be
subjected to the same reasoning" and one o the modes o healing which will be
worked out later is the disco!ery o the higher corres$ondences to the lower
diiculties and diseases" and the recognition that they are but distortions o a
great reality% This leads to the transerence o the attention o the one under the
care o the healer to that recogni(ed higher as$ect%
The whole ;cience o Integration is in!ol!ed in this matter% This science" i
$ro$erly understood" will o$en u$ an entirely new ield o $sychological a$$roach
to disease" whether $hysiological or ner!ous% A small beginning has already been
made along this line by s$iritually minded $sychologists and educators% The
system o hel$ing $eo$le $sychologically is deinitely along these new lines" and
might be e#$ressed as ollows1 the a!erage $sychologist em$loys the method
5when dealing with ner!ous cases" with those on the borderland" and with
neurotically inclined $eo$le6 o disco!ering the dee$ seated com$le#es" the scars"
the ancient shocks or the ears which lie behind the e#$erience o the $resent and
which ha!e made the man what he is today% These conditioning actors can
usually be traced back to the subconscious by the $rocess o unearthing the $ast"
o taking into consideration the $resent en!ironment" o reckoning with heredity"
and o studying the eects o education ' either academic or based u$on lie
itsel% Then the actor which has been a major handica$" and which has turned
the man into a $sychological $roblem" is brought 5with his assistance" i $ossible6
to the surace o his consciousness" is then intelligently e#$lained and related to
the e#isting condition" and the man is conse,uently brought to an understanding
o his $ersonality" its $roblems and its im$ending o$$ortunity%
The s$iritual techni,ue" howe!er" is entirely dierent% The $ersonality $roblem
and the $rocess o del!ing into -22C/ the subconscious are ignored" because the
conditions which are undesirable are regarded as the result o lack o soul contact
and o soul control% The $atient 5i I might so call him6 is taught to take his eyes"
and conse,uently his attention" away rom himsel" his eelings" his com$le#es
and his i#ed ideas and undesirable thoughts" and to ocus them u$on the soul"
the di!ine Reality within the orm" and the >hrist consciousness% This could well
be called the $rocess o scientiic substitution o a resh dynamic interest or that
which has hitherto held the stage+ it brings into unctioning acti!ity a coo$erati!e
actor whose energy swee$s through the lower lie o the $ersonality and carries
away wrong $sychological tendencies" undesirable com$le#es" leading to
erroneous a$$roaches to lie% This e!entually regenerates the mental or thought
lie" so that the man is conditioned by right thinking under the im$ulse or the
illumination o the soul% This $roduces the 0dynamic e#$ulsi!e $ower o a new
aection0+ the old id0es fi$es, the old de$ressions and miseries" the hindering
and handica$$ing ancient desires ' these all disa$$ear" and the man stands ree
as a soul and master o his lie $rocesses%
I ha!e discussed these two conditions at length because it is essential that
another law anent healing be understood beore we $roceed any urther% The
discussion about the s$lit $ersonality" the $roblems o the mystic and the new
mode o a$$roach to disease 5rom the soul angle and the realm o causes"
instead o rom the $ersonality angle and the realm o eects6 can clariy this law
in your minds and indicate at least its reasonableness and its !aluable a$$lication
to human need%
Law I.
Disease" both $hysical and $sychological" has its roots in the good" the beautiul
Esoteric Healing
and the true% It is but a distorted -2.D/ relection o di!ine $ossibilities% The
thwarted soul" seeking ull e#$ression o some di!ine characteristic or inner
s$iritual reality" $roduces within the substance o its sheaths a $oint o riction%
G$on this $oint the eyes o the $ersonality are ocused" and this leads to disease%
The art o the healer is concerned with the liting o the downward ocused eyes
unto the soul" the Healer within the orm% The s$iritual or third eye then directs
the healing orce" and all is well%
". Diseases of Disci%les
*e will di!ide what we ha!e to say anent the diseases o disci$les into two $arts1
the s$eciic $roblems o all disci$les" and
the diiculties incident to soul contact%
*e need here to remember that all disci$les are susce$tible to the major
categories o disease% They are attem$ting to be one with all humanity" and this
includes" thereore" all the ills to which lesh is heir% They may not" howe!er"
succumb to the railties o the ordinary man" and should remember that diseases
o the heart and o the ner!es constitute their major $roblem% In this connection
it might be $ointed out that the disci$les are ound in two major grou$s1 Those
who li!e abo!e the dia$hragm and who are" thereore" $rone to heart diseases" to
thyroid and throat troubles" and those who are in $rocess o transerring the
energies o the centers below the dia$hragm into the centers abo!e the
dia$hragm% Fost o these at this time are transerring solar $le#us energies into
the heart" and the world agony is $rooundly hastening the $rocess% ;tomachic"
li!er and res$iratory troubles accom$any this transerence%
1. The %$ecific Pro&lems of Disci$les
These s$ecial $roblems are" as you know" $eculiar to those who ha!e lited
themsel!es in consciousness out o the lie o the $ersonality into that o the soul%
They -2.2/ are $rimarily related to energy" its inlow" its assimilation or non'
assimilation" and its rightly directed use% The other ills to which all lesh is heir at
this time in human e!olution 5or it must be remembered that diseases !ary
according to the $oint in e!olution and are also cyclic in their a$$earance6" and to
which disci$les can and do succumb" are not dealt with here+ suice it to say that
the three major diseases o humanity to which reerence has been made take
their toll o disci$les" $articularly in bringing about the liberation o the soul rom
its !ehicle% They are" howe!er ' little as it may a$$ear ' controlled in these cases
rom soul le!els" and the de$arture is $lanned to take $lace as a result o soul
decision" and not as a result o the eiciency o the disease% The reason that
these three major diseases" indigenous to the $lanetary lie in which we li!e and
mo!e and ha!e our being" ha!e this $ower o!er disci$les is that disci$les are
themsel!es an integral $art o the $lanetary lie" and in the earlier stages o their
recognition o this unity they are $rone to all a ready $rey to the disease% This is
a act little known or reali(ed" but e#$lains why disci$les and ad!anced $eo$le are
susce$tible to these diseases%
*e could di!ide these $roblems into our categories1
2% Those which are connected with the blood or with the lie as$ect" or 0the
blood is the lie%0 These ha!e s$eciic eect u$on the heart" but usually o
Esoteric Healing
a unctional nature only% &rganic disease o the heart arises in more
dee$ly seated causes%
.% Those which are a direct eect o energy" $laying u$on and through the
ner!ous system" !ia the directing brain%
4% Those which are related to the res$iratory system and ha!e an occult
7% Those which are s$eciically due to the rece$ti!ity or the non'rece$ti!ity"
to the unctioning or the non'unctioning" -2../ and to the inluence o the
center% Hecessarily" these all into se!en grou$s" aecting se!en major
areas o the body% 8or the a!erage disci$le" beore there is com$lete soul
control and monadic direction" the major directing agent" !ia the brain" is
the !agus ner!e" along which the energies 5entering !ia the head center6
are distributed to the rest o the body% A deinite science o the centers
and their relation to kundalini has been built u$ by a certain $owerul
esoteric school in the orient% It has in it much truth" but also much error%
I ha!e dierentiated between $roblems and $hysical reactions and disease
because the inlow" distribution and direction o energy do not necessarily
$roduce disease% Always" howe!er" during the no!itiate which $recedes all the
initiations" they do $roduce diiculties and $roblems o some kind or another"
either within the consciousness o the disci$le or in his relation to those around
him% Hence his en!ironment is aected" and conse,uently his own reci$rocal
It should be remembered in this connection that all disci$les are energy centers in
the body o humanity and are in $rocess o becoming $oints o ocused" directed
energy% Their unction and acti!ity always and ine!itably $roduce eects" results"
awakenings" disru$tions and reorientations in the li!es o those around them% In
the early stages" they $roduce this unconsciously" and hence re,uently the
results on those they contact is not desirable" nor is the energy wisely directed"
delected or retained% Intelligent intent must lie behind all wise direction o
energy% 3ater" when they are learning consciously to be and are becoming
radiatory centers o healing orce" consciously directed" this inorming and then
transmitted energy is more constructi!ely em$loyed along both $sychological and
$hysical lines% He!ertheless" in any case" the disci$le -2.4/ becomes an eecti!e
inluence and can ne!er be what is esoterically called 0unnoticed in his $lace and
minus im$act on other souls%0 His inluence" emanation and orceul energy
ine!itably $roduce $roblems and diiculties or him+ these are based on the
human relations which he has karmatically established and the reactions o those
he contacts" either or good or or ill%
Essentially the inluence o a disci$le o the Ereat *hite 3odge is undamentally
good and s$iritually conditioning+ su$ericially and in its outer eects '
$articularly where the disci$le is concerned ' diicult situations" a$$arent
clea!ages and the emergence o aults as well as !irtues u$on the $art o those
aected make their a$$earance" and oten $ersist or many li!es" until the $erson
thus inluenced becomes what is called 0occultly reconciled to the emanating
energy%0 )onder on this% The adjustment has to come rom the side o those
inluenced" and not rom the disci$le%
3et us now consider the our $roblems rom the $sychological angle" not the
a% The problems arising from the awakened heart center of the disciple are
$erha$s the commonest and re,uently some o the most diicult to handle%
These $roblems are based on li!ing relationshi$s and the inter$lay o the energy
Esoteric Healing
o lo!e with the orces o desire% In the early stages" this inlowing lo!e'orce
establishes $ersonality contacts which !eer between the stages o wild de!otion
and utmost hate on the $art o the $erson aected by the disci$leAs energy% This
$roduces constant turmoil in the disci$leAs lie" until he has become adjusted to
the eects o his energy distribution" and also re,uent disru$tion o relationshi$s
and re,uent reconciliations% *hen the disci$le is o suicient im$ortance to
become the organi(ing center o a grou$" or is in a $osition to begin to orm"
esoterically" his own ashram 5$rior to taking some o the major initiations6" -2.7/
then the diiculty can be !ery real and most disturbing% There is" howe!er" little
that can be done by the disci$le" e#ce$t to attem$t to regulate the outgoing
energy o lo!e% The $roblem remains undamentally that o the one aected+ the
adjustments" as I ha!e remarked abo!e" ha!e to be made rom the other side"
with the disci$le standing ready to coo$erate at the irst indication o a willingness
to recogni(e relationshi$ and intention to coo$erate in grou$ ser!ice% This is a
$oint which both $arties ' the disci$le and the $erson reacting to his inluence '
need to consider% The disci$le stands ready+ the res$onsi!e $arty usually
withdraws or a$$roaches according to the urge o his soul or o his $ersonality '
$robably the latter in the early stages% E!entually" howe!er" he stands with the
disci$le in ull coo$erati!e understanding" and the trying time o diiculty is
It is not $ossible or me to enter into e#$licit detail in considering these $roblems
connected with the heart and the lie energy o the disci$le% They are conditioned
by his ray" the initiation or which he is being $re$ared" and the ,uality"
e!olutionary status and the ray o those aected%
There are also diiculties and $roblems o a more subtle nature arising rom the
same cause" but not locali(ed in certain deinite human relationshi$s% A disci$le
ser!es+ he writes and s$eaks+ his words and inluence $ermeate into the masses
o men" arousing them to acti!ity o some kind ' oten good and s$iritual"
sometimes e!il" antagonistic and dangerous% He has thereore to deal not only
with his own reactions to the work he is doing" but also" in a general and s$eciic
sense" to deal with the masses whom he is beginning to aect% This is not an
easy thing to do" $articularly or an ine#$erienced worker with the )lan% He
luctuates between the mental $lane" where he normally -2.=/ attem$ts to
unction" and the astral $lane" where the masses o men are ocused" and this
brings him into the realm o glamor and conse,uent danger% He goes out in
consciousness towards those he seeks to hel$" but it is sometimes as a soul 5and
then he re,uently o!er'stimulates his hearers6" and sometimes as a $ersonality
5and then he eeds and enhances their $ersonality reactions6%
As time goes on he learns ' through the diiculties brought about by the
necessary heart a$$roach ' to stand irm at the center" sending orth the note"
gi!ing his message" distributing directed lo!e energy" and inluencing those
around him" but he remains im$ersonal" a directing agency only and an
understanding soul% This im$ersonality 5which can be deined as a withdrawing o
$ersonality energy6 $roduces its own $roblems" as all disci$les well know+ there is
nothing" howe!er" that they can do about it but wait or time to lead the other
$erson orward into clear understanding o the signiicance and esoteric meaning
o right human relations% The $roblem o workers with indi!iduals and with grou$s
is basically connected with the energy o the heart and with the !i!iying orce o
its embodied lie% In connection with this $roblem and its reactions u$on the
disci$le" certain deinite $hysical diiculties are a$t to occur" and with these I will
shortly deal%
Esoteric Healing
It should also be $ointed out that diiculties o rhythm are a$t to occur" and
$roblems connected with the cyclic lie o the disci$le% The heart and the blood
are esoterically related" and symbolically deine the $ulsating lie o the soul
which demonstrates u$on the $hysical $lane in the outgoing and the withdrawing
dual lie o disci$leshi$" each $hase o which $resents its own $roblems% &nce a
disci$le has mastered the rhythm o his outer and inner lie" and has organi(ed
his reactions so that he e#tracts the utmost meaning rom them but is not
conditioned by them" he then -2.?/ enters u$on the relati!ely sim$le lie o the
initiate% Does that $hrase astonish you: 9ou need to remember that the initiate
has reed himsel" ater the second initiation" rom the com$le#ities o emotional
and astral control% Elamor can no longer o!er$ower him% He can stand with
steadastness in s$ite o all that he may do and eel% He reali(es that the cyclic
condition is related to the $airs o o$$osites and is $art o the lie maniestation o
e#istence itsel% In the $rocess o learning this" he $asses through great
diiculties% He" as a soul" subjects himsel to a lie o outgoing" o magnetic
inluence and o e#tro!ersion% He may ollow this immediately with a lie o
withdrawal" o a$$arent lack o interest in his relationshi$s and en!ironment" and
with an intense intros$ecti!e" intro!erted e#$ression% Between these two
e#tremes he may lounder distressingly ' sometimes or many li!es ' until he
learns to use and blend the two e#$ressions% Then the dual lie o the acce$ted
disci$le" in its !arious grades and stages" becomes clear to him+ he knows what
he is doing% >onstantly and systematically" both outgoing and withdrawing"
ser!ing in the world and li!ing the lie o relection" $lay their useul $art%
Fany $sychological diiculties arise whilst this $rocess is being mastered" leading
to $sychological clea!ages" both dee$ seated and su$ericial% The goal o all
de!elo$ment is integration ' integration as a $ersonality" integration with the
soul" integration into the Hierarchy" integration with the *hole" until com$lete
unity and identiication has been achie!ed% In order to master this science o
integration whose basic goal is identity with the *ne Reality" the disci$le
$rogresses rom one uniication to another" making mistakes" arri!ing oten at
com$lete discouragement" identiying himsel with that which is undesirable until"
as soul $ersonality" he re$udiates the earlier relationshi$s+ he $ays -2.@/ the
$enalty again and again o mis$laced er!or" distorted as$iration" the
o!er$owering eect o glamor" and the many conditions o $sychological and
$hysical disarrangement which must arise whilst clea!ages are being healed" right
identiication achie!ed and correct orientation established%
*hilst this basic" inesca$able and necessary $rocess is taking $lace" a deinite
work is going orward in the etheric body% The disci$le is learning to lit the
energies" gathered rom the lower centers" into the solar $le#us and rom that
center into the heart center" thus bringing about a reocusing o the energies
abo!e the dia$hragm instead o $utting the em$hasis below% This leads re,uently
to $roound com$lications" because ' rom the $ersonality angle ' the solar $le#us
center is the most $otent" being the clearing house or the $ersonality orces% It is
that $rocess o decentrali(ation and 0ele!ation0 o the lower consciousness to the
higher which $roduces the main diiculties to which the disci$le is subjected% It is
this $rocess also which is going on in the world as a whole today" causing the
a$$alling disru$tion o human aairs" culture and ci!ili(ation% The entire ocus o
humanityAs consciousness is being changed+ the selish lie 5characteristic o the
man centered in his desires and conse,uently in the solar $le#us center6 is gi!ing
$lace to the decentrali(ed lie o the man who is unselish 5centered in the ;el or
soul6" aware o his relationshi$s and res$onsibility to the *hole and not to the
$art% This sublimation o the lower lie into the higher is one o dee$est moment
to the indi!idual and to the race% &nce the indi!idual disci$le" and humanity as
well" symboli(ing the world disci$le" ha!e mastered the $rocess o transerence in
Esoteric Healing
this res$ect" we shall see the new order o indi!idual ser!ice and o world ser!ice
established" and thereore the coming in o the awaited new order% -2.B/
& all these $rocesses" the circulation o the blood stream is the symbol" and the
clue to the establishment o the world order lies hid in this symbology ' ree
circulation o all that is needed to all $arts o the great ramework o humanity%
The blood is the lie" and ree interchange" ree sharing" ree circulation o all that
is re,uired or right human li!ing will characteri(e the world to be% Today these
conditions do not e#ist" the body o humanity is diseased and its internal lie
disru$ted% Instead o ree circulation between all $arts o the lie as$ect" there
has been se$aration" blocked channels" congestion and stagnation% It has needed
the terriic crisis o the $resent to arouse humanity to its diseased condition" to
the e#tent o the e!il which is now disco!ered to be so great" and the diseases o
the 0blood o humanity0 5symbolically understood6 so se!ere that only the most
drastic measures ' $ain" agony" des$air and terror ' can suice to establish a
Healers would do well to remember this" and to ha!e in mind that disci$les and all
good men and as$irants share in this uni!ersal disease o humanity which must
take its toll $sychologically or $hysically or both% The trouble is o ancient origin
and o long established habit and ine!itably aects the $hysical !ehicle o the
soul% E#em$tion rom the eects o human ills is no indication o s$iritual
su$eriority% It might sim$ly indicate what one o the Fasters has called 0the
de$ths o s$iritual selishness and sel'satisaction%0 The initiate o the third
degree can hold himsel e#em$t" but this is only because he has com$letely reed
himsel rom glamor and no as$ect o the $ersonality lie has any urther $ower
o!er him% All the ray ty$es are e,ually subjected to these $articular $roblems%
The se!enth ray" howe!er" is more susce$tible to the $roblems" diiculties and
diseases incident to the blood stream than are any o the other ray ty$es% The
reason is that this is the ray which has -2.C/ to do with the e#$ression and
maniestation o lie u$on the $hysical $lane and with the organi(ation o the
relationshi$ between s$irit and matter into orm% It is concerned thereore today"
as it seeks to create the new order" with ree circulation and with a conse,uently
intended reedom o humanity rom the ills and $roblems o the $ast% This is o
interest to remember" and students would ind it hel$ul at this time" i they want
to coo$erate intelligently with the ha$$enings o the day" to collect and study all
that I ha!e written about the se!enth ray o ceremonial order and magic%
b% Diseases of the ner(ous system, due to the low o energy to all $arts o the
body" directed by either the $ersonality" some as$ect o the $ersonal lower sel"
or by the soul" !ia the brain" are many and become acute as the disci$le nears
initiation or becomes an initiate% A$art rom the $hysiological ills which this
$roduces" there are many other conditions brought about by this inlow o orce%
The disci$le becomes" or instance" o!er'stimulated" and thereore o!er'acti!e+
he becomes unbalanced" and when I say this I do not reer to mental imbalance
5though that can ha$$en6" but to o!er'de!elo$ment and o!er'e#$ression in some
$art o his nature% He can become e#tra!agantly o!er'organi(ed through the
medium o some o!er'acti!e center" or underorgani(ed and inacti!e% He is
thereore subject to the imbalance o the glandular system" with all its attendant
diiculties% His o!er'stimulation or his unde!elo$ment" where the centers are
concerned" normally aects the glands" and they in their turn $roduce character
diiculties which necessarily" in their turn" $roduce en!ironmental $roblems as
well as $ersonality handica$s%
It is then a !icious circle" and is all due to wrong direction o orce and the inlow
o orce rom one or other o the -24D/ $ersonality !ehicles to its related center
Esoteric Healing
5i%e%" the astral orce and its relation to the solar $le#us6" and then the
a$$earance o the $roblems o health" o character and o inluence% &!er'
radiatory acti!ity" through the medium o some center" attracts attention and the
disci$le becomes the !ictim o his own achie!ement% I shall deal with these at
greater length when I take u$ the diseases which de!elo$ rom the our
These diiculties are o a most general kind but do aect $rimarily second and
si#th ray disci$les% The one because the second ray is the building ray" and is
thereore concerned $redominately with outer maniestation and with the
utili(ation o all the centers" and the other because it is $rimarily the ray o
tension ' a tension which can work out in the orm o the most e!il anaticism or
the most altruistic de!otion% All the rays $resent the same $roblems" needless to
say" but the second ray deals largely with the soulAs acti!ity through all the
centers 5those abo!e and those below the dia$hragm6 but with the heart as the
$rime center o attention% The si#th ray has a close relation to the solar $le#us
center as the clearing house and the $lace o reorientation o the lie orce in the
$ersonality% Bear this constantly in mind%
c% The problems connected with the respiratory or breathing system are all
related to the heart" and thereore concerned with the establishing o right
rhythm and right contact with the en!ironment% The drawing in o the lie breath"
the sharing o the air with all other human beings" denotes both an indi!idual
center o lie and $artici$ation also in the general lie o all% To these $roblems o
indi!idual or se$arati!e e#istence and o its o$$osite" the ;acred *ord" the &F" is
intimately related% It might be said -242/ in the words o an occult manual on
healing" gi!en to ad!anced disci$les" that
0He who li!es under the sound o the AGF knows himsel% He who li!es sounding
the &F knows his brother% He who knows the &ound knows all%0
Then" in the cry$tic and symbolic language o the initiate" the manual goes on1
0The breath o lie becomes the cause o death to the one who li!es within a shell%
He e#ists but he is not+ the breath then lea!es and s$irals to the whole%
0He who breathes orth the &F knows not himsel alone% He knows the breath is
$rana" lie" the luid o connection% The ills o lie are his because they are the lot
o man ' not generated in a shell" because the shell is not%
0He who is the &ound and sounding orth knows not disease" knows not the hand
o death%0
In these ew words the whole $roblem o the third grou$ o $roblems and
diseases is summed u$% They are concerned with the circulation o soul energy"
which is the energy o lo!e" and they are not concerned with the circulation o the
lie essence% These two basic energies" as they $lay u$on the orces o the
$ersonality" bring about the bulk o the $roblems to which humanity alls heir%
These are lack o lo!e" lack o lie" ailure to sound orth correctly the note o the
soul and o the ray" and ailure to transmit% The secret o constituting a $ure
channel 5to use mystic but not occult $hraseology6" is considered in the irst
grou$ o $roblems+ and the establishing o right relation by right sounding orth
o the attracti!e note o the soul" is considered in the last two grou$s% -24./
This third grou$ o diiculties" $roblems and diseases are o course those o
$eo$le u$on all the rays" but irst ray $eo$le ha!e a deinite $redis$osition to
Esoteric Healing
these s$eciic troubles% At the same time" when they rightly utili(e their latent
$owers" they can o!ercome by the right use o the &F" and inally o the &ound"
the incidental $roblems and diiculties ar more easily than those on other rays%
9ou ha!e here a reerence to the 3ost *ord o Fasonry and to the &ound o the
Ineable Hame%
The sound o the AGF" the sound o the &F" and the &ound itsel" are all related
to !ibration and its diering and !aried eects% The secret o the 3aw o <ibration
is $rogressi!ely re!ealed as $eo$le learn to sound orth the "ord in its three
as$ects% ;tudents would do well to $onder on the distinction between the breath
and the sound" between the $rocess o breathing and the $rocess o creating
!ibratory acti!ity% They are related but distinct rom each other% &ne is related to
Time and the other to ;$ace and 5as the *ld !ommentary $uts it6 0the sound" the
inal and yet initiating sound" concerns that which is neither Time nor ;$ace+ it
lies outside the maniested All" the ;ource o all that is and yet is naught0 5or no'
thing% A%A%B%6%
8or this reason" disci$les on the ourth ray usually can de!elo$ by the $ower o
the intuition an understanding o the &F% This ray o harmony through conlict
5the conlict o the $airs o o$$osites6 is necessarily concerned with the bringing
in o that !ibratory acti!ity which will lead to unity" to harmony and to right
relations" and to the release o the intuition%
d% The problems incident to the acti(ity or inacti(ity of the centers are $erha$s
the most im$ortant rom the stand$oint o disease" because the centers go!ern
the glandular -244/ system and the glands ha!e a direct relation to the blood
stream and they condition also the major and most im$ortant areas in the human
body+ they ha!e both a $hysiological and a $sychological eect u$on the
$ersonality and its interior and e#terior contacts and relations% The reaction is
$rimarily $hysical but the eects are largely $sychological" and it is thereore this
ourth grou$ u$on which I shall $rinci$ally enlarge" dealing with the diseases o
disci$les and gi!ing some deinite instructions u$on the centers% This will indicate
more clearly than elsewhere the causes o the many human ills and $hysical
Beore $roceeding to our ne#t $oint" try to gras$ somewhat more ully the 3aws
o Healing and the Rules gi!en thus ar and re$eated here to acilitate your
Law I
All disease is the result o inhibited soul lie and this is true o all orms in all
kingdoms% The art o the healer consists in releasing the soul so that its lie can
low through the aggregate o organisms which constitute any )articular orm%
Law II
Disease is the $roduct o" and subject to" three inluences1 irst" a manAs $ast"
wherein he $ays the $rice o ancient error+ second" his inheritance" wherein he
shares with all mankind those tainted streams o energy which are o grou$
origin+ third" he shares with all the natural orms that which the 3ord o 3ie
im$oses on His body%
These three inluences are called 0The Ancient 3aw o E!il ;haring%0 This must
gi!e $lace some day to that new 03aw o Ancient Dominating Eood0 which lies
behind all that Eod made% This law must be brought into acti!ity by the s$iritual
will o man%
Esoteric Healing
Diseases are an eect o the basic centrali(ation o a manAs lie energy% 8rom the
$lane whereon those energies -247/ are ocused" $roceed those determining
conditions which $roduce ill health" and which" thereore" work out as disease or
as reedom rom disease%
Law I.
Disease" both $hysical and $sychological" has its roots in the good" the beautiul
and the true% It is but a distorted relection o di!ine $ossibilities% The thwarted
soul" seeking ull e#$ression o some di!ine characteristic or inner s$iritual reality"
$roduces within the substance o its sheaths a $oint o riction% G$on this $oint
the eyes o the $ersonality are ocused" and this leads to disease% The art o the
healer is concerned with the liting o the downward ocused eyes unto the soul"
the Healer within the orm% The s$iritual or third eye then directs the healing
orce" and all is well%
Rule one
The healer must seek to link his soul" his heart" his brain and his hands% Thus can
he $our the !ital healing orce u$on the $atient% This is magnetic work. It cures
disease" or increases the e!il state" according to the knowledge o the healer%
The healer must seek to link his soul" his brain" his heart and auric emanation%
Thus can his $resence eed the soul lie o the $atient% This is the work of
radiation. The hands are needed not% The soul dis$lays its $ower% The $atientAs
soul res$onds through the res$onse o his aura to the radiation o the healerAs
aura" looded with soul energy%
Rule two
The healer must achie!e magnetic $urity" through $urity o lie% He must attain
that dis$elling radiance which shows itsel in e!ery man when he links the centers
in the head% *hen this magnetic ield is established" the radiation too goes orth%
Rule three
3et the healer train himsel to know the inner stage o thought or o desire o the
one who seeks his hel$% He -24=/ can thereby know the source rom which the
trouble comes% 3et him relate the cause and the eect" and know the $oint e#act
through which the hel$ must come%
Rule four
The healer and the healing grou$ must kee$ the will in leash% It is not will that
must be used but lo!e%
1. Difficulties incident to &oul !ontact
Today we begin a study o the diiculties" the diseases and the $sychological
troubles 5neurological and mental6 o the as$irants and o the disci$les o the
world% These we shall study deinitely rom the angle o the se!en centers" as well
as considering the results o the orces and energies 5I use these distincti!e
words ad!isedly6 which $our through them% Fuch that I shall say will be o$en to
,uestion rom the !iew$oint o orthodo# medicine" yet" at the same time"
orthodo# medicine has been steadily driting towards the occult $oint o !iew% I
shall not attem$t to relate the esoteric attitude o healing" its $ro$ositions and
methods" to the modern schools o thera$y% The two are gradually a$$roaching
each other" in any case% The lay reader" or whom these teachings are intended"
Esoteric Healing
will get a clearer com$rehension o my thesis i it is ke$t relati!ely ree rom the
technical terms and the academic attitudes o the medical sciences% They would
but ser!e to conuse" and my eort is to gi!e a general $icture o the underlying
causes o outer $hysical ills% I seek to $resent certain as$ects o occult thera$y
or which mankind is now ready" reminding you that the $resentation is naturally
inade,uate and $artial" and or that reason may a$$ear incorrect and to be
challenging to those who look e!er or outlets or human credulity% That"
howe!er" concerns me not% Time will $ro!e the accuracy o my statements% -24?/
The new medicine will deal with actors which are dimly recogni(ed at $resent and
which are not" as yet" brought into any real or actual relationshi$ to man and his
body% The basic theory u$on which the new medical teaching will rest can best be
summed u$ in the statement that there is in reality nothing but energy to be
considered" and the orces which are resistant to or assimilati!e o higher or
dierent ty$es o energy% 3et me thereore start by gi!ing you a new 3aw to add
to the our already communicated% The $re!ious 3aws ha!e been in the nature o
abstract $ro$ositions" and unless related to this ith 3aw will remain somewhat
!ague and meaningless%
Law .
There is naught but energy" or Eod is lie% Two energies meet in man" but other
i!e are $resent% 8or each is to be ound a central $oint o contact% The conlict o
these energies with orces and o the orces twi#t themsel!es $roduce the bodily
ills o man% The conlict o the irst and second $ersists or ages until the
mountain to$ is reached ' the irst great mountain to$% The ight between the
orces $roduces all disease" all ills and bodily $ain" which seek release in death%
The two" the i!e" and thus the se!en" $lus that which they $roduce" $ossess the
secret% This is the ith 3aw o Healing within the world o orm%
This 3aw can be resol!ed into certain basic statements which can be tabulated as
2% *e li!e in a world o energies and are a constituent $art o them
.% The $hysical !ehicle is a usion o two energies and se!en orces%
4% The irst energy is that o the soul" the ray energy% It is the $roducer o
conlict as the soul energy seeks to control the orces% -24@/
7% The second energy is that o the threeold $ersonality ' the $ersonality ray
as it is resistant to the higher energy%
=% The orces are the other energies or ray $otencies which control the se!en
centers and are dominated either by the energy o the $ersonality or by
that o the soul%
?% Two conlicts" thereore" $roceed between the two major energies and
between the other energies" ocused through the se!en centers%
@% It is the inter$lay o these energies which $roduces good health or bad%
There has been much teaching gi!en anent the agelong struggle between
$ersonality and soul" but it has always been $resented in the language o s$iritual
a$$roach" o mysticism and o religion" or else in terms o character reaction" o
abstract as$iration and o $urity or non'$urity% *ith these I shall not deal% Fy
theme is the eects o this conlict in the $hysical body% I wish" thereore" to
conine mysel only to the $hysiological and $sychological $roblems incident to
the struggle which" in the main" make hard the lot o the disci$le% It might be
$osited that1
Esoteric Healing
A% All diseases and $hysical diiculties are caused by one or more o three things
or conditions1
2% A de!elo$ed soul contact" thus $roducing the !itali(ation o all the centers
in ordered rhythm" according to the soul ray% This necessarily $roduces
stress and strain in the $hysical !ehicle%
.% )ersonality lie and ocus" which attem$ts to negate this soul control" and
which is largely e#$ressed through the acti!ity o the throat center
5$redis$osing an acti!ity o the thyroid gland6 and o the centers below the
dia$hragm% -24B/
4% A cycle in the lie o the as$irant wherein $ersonality control begins to
weaken and in which the em$hasis and conse,uent acti!ity shits into the
centers abo!e the dia$hragm ' again causing trouble and readjustment%
B% >ertain objecti!es $resent themsel!es to the as$irant at !arious stages" and
each in!ol!es $rogress" but at the same time certain attendant diiculties%
2% The ob.ecti(e before the initiate is to ha!e e!ery center in the etheric body
res$onsi!e to the ray energy o the soul and with all the other se!en ray
energies subsidiary to it% This $rocess o stimulation" o readjustment" and
the attainment o established control goes on until ater the third initiation%
Then" when that initiation has been taken" the $hysical !ehicle is o a
totally dierent caliber and ,uality" and the Rules and 3aws o Health no
longer a$$ly%
.% The ob.ecti(e before the disciple is to $romote control o the centers in the
body" !ia the soul" through stimulation" elimination and e!entual
stabili(ation% This ine!itably $roduces diiculty" and the !itali(ation or
ins$iration 5either o these words would be a$$ro$riate6" or their lack or
deiciency" aect the bodily organs within the areas around the centers
and aect all substances surrounding the centers%
4% The ob.ecti(e before the aspirant or the $robationary disci$le is to transer
the orces rom the centers below the dia$hragm" !ia the solar $le#us
center" to the centers abo!e the dia$hragm% The energy o the base o the
s$ine has to be transerred to the head+ the energy o the sacral center
must be lited to the throat" whilst the energy o the solar $le#us must be
transerred to the heart% This is done in res$onse to the magnetic 0$ull0 o
the soul ray as it begins to dominate the $ersonality ray% It is a long and
$ainul -24C/ $rocess" co!ering many li!es and carrying" as the result"
many $hysical ills%
7% The ob.ecti(e before the a(erage man 5unconsciously eecti!e6 is to
res$ond ully to $ersonality orce" ocused $rimarily at the middle $oint"
the solar $le#us" and then steadily and intelligently to coordinate these
orces so that an integrated $ersonality is $resented e!entually to the soul
or control and use%
=% The ob.ecti(e before the primiti(e or unde(eloped man 5again
unconsciously eecti!e6 is to li!e a ull animal and emotional lie" thereby
gaining e#$erience o growth" o contact" and e!entually o understanding%
By this means the res$onse a$$aratus o the soul in the three worlds is
I would also call attention to the thought which I ha!e here interjected" that the
objecti!es intrinsically in themsel!es ha!e an eect u$on that towards which man
is stri!ing% This is a thought warranting careul consideration%
These generali(ations will be useul only i you remember that they are
generali(ations% Ho as$irant at any stage is $erectly clear cut in his endea!or
Esoteric Healing
until ater the third initiation" nor is he entirely $articulari(ed in his lie and eort%
Fen are at all imaginable stages o de!elo$ment" and many o these stages are
intermediate to the i!e stages abo!e mentioned% These all merge and blend into
each other" and oten constitute a ormidable and conusing arena or thought
and acti!ity% It is only in the lie o the unde!elo$ed indi!idual that clear sim$licity
is to be ound% In between ' rom the stage o inancy o the race or o the man to
that o the state o liberation rom $ersonality lie ' there is nothing but
com$le#ity" the o!erla$$ing o states o consciousness" diiculty" disease"
$sychological $roblems" illness and death% -27D/
This must ob!iously be so when the !ast number o energies and orces which
constitute manAs being and orm his en!ironment are brought into relation with
each other% E!ery human being is" in reality" like a miniature whirl$ool in that
great ocean o Being in which he li!es and mo!es ' ceaselessly in motion until
such time as the soul 0breathes u$on the waters0 5or orces6 and the Angel o the
)resence descends into the whirl$ool% Then all becomes still% The waters stirred
by the rhythm o lie" and later stirred !iolently by the descent o the Angel"
res$ond to the AngelAs healing $ower and are changed 0into a ,uiet $ool into
which the little ones can enter and ind the healing which they need%0 ;o says the
*ld !ommentary.
The Centers an the /lanular +yste!
It will thereore be a$$arent to you that disease 5when not o a grou$ origin" or
the result o $lanetary karma or based on accident6 takes its rise in the acti!ity or
the non'acti!ity o the centers% This is a statement o a basic truth" gi!en in the
sim$lest manner% The centers" as you know" go!ern the endocrine system which"
in its turn" controls the se!en major areas o the $hysical body and is res$onsible
or the correct unctioning o the entire organism" $roducing both $hysiological
and $sychological eects%
The im$ortance o this glandular system cannot be o!er'estimated% It is a re$lica
in miniature o the se$tenary constitution o the uni!erse and the medium o
e#$ression and the instrument o contact or the se!en ray orces" the se!en
;$irits beore the Throne o Eod% Around this at $resent unrecogni(ed truth the
medicine and the healing methods o the uture ci!ili(ation will be built%
The glands constitute a great relating system in the body+ they bring all $arts o
the $hysical !ehicle into relation with each other+ they also relate the man to the
etheric -272/ body ' both indi!idual and $lanetary ' and likewise to the blood
stream" the carrier o the lie $rinci$le to all $arts o the body% There are
conse,uently our major agents o distribution to be ound in the $hysical body%
They are all com$lete in themsel!es" all contributory to both the unctional and
the organic lie o the body" all closely interrelated and all $roducing both
$hysiological and $sychological results according to their $otency" the res$onse o
the centers to the higher inlow" the $oint in e!olution achie!ed" and the ree
e#$ression" or the re!erse" o the incoming energies% These our agents o
distribution o energy are1
2. The etheric (ehicle itself. This with its myriads o lines o orce and o energy"
the incoming and the outgoing energies" its res$onsi!eness to energy im$acts
coming rom the en!ironment as well as rom the inner s$iritual man and the
subtle bodies" underlies the entire $hysical body% In it are to be ound the se!en
centers as ocal $oints o rece$tion and o distribution+ they are the reci$ients o
Esoteric Healing
se!en ty$es o energy" and they distribute these se!en energies through the
entire little human system%
.. The ner(ous system and its !arious interlocking directorates% This is a
relati!ely tangible network o energies and orces which are the outer e#$ression
o the inner" !ital" dynamic network o the etheric body and the millions o nadis
or the $rototy$e o the ner!es which underlie the more substantial body% These
ner!es and $le#i and their many ramiications are the negati!e as$ects o the
$ositi!e energies which condition or are attem$ting to condition the man%
4. The endocrine system. This is the tangible and e#oteric e#$ression o the
acti!ity o the !ital body and its se!en centers% The se!en centers o orce are to
be ound in the same region where the se!en major glands are located" and -27./
each center o orce $ro!ides" according to the esoteric teaching" the $ower and
the lie o the corres$onding gland which is" in act" its e#ternali(ation%
>enters Elands
Head center )ineal gland
>enter between eyebrows )ituitary body
Throat center Thyroid gland
Heart center Thymus gland
;olar $le#us center )ancreas
;acral center The gonads
>enter at base o s$ine Adrenal glands
These three systems are !ery closely related to each other and constitute an
interlocking directorate o energies and orces which are essentially !ital"
gal!anic" dynamic and creati!e% They are basically interde$endent" and u$on
them the entire interior health o the $hysical organism de$ends% They are
res$onsi!e irst to one or other o the bodies 5emotional or mental6" then to the
integrated $ersonality and its ray" and inally to the soul ray as it begins to
assume control% They are" in reality" res$onsible or the $roduction o the $hysical
body and ' ater birth ' they condition its $sychological ,uality" and this in its turn
$roduces the de!elo$ing $hysical man% They are the agents or the three di!ine
as$ects o all maniestation1 lie ' ,uality ' a$$earance%
7. The blood stream. This is the carrier o the lie $rinci$le and o the combined
energies and orces o the three abo!e systems% This will be an idea o some
no!elty to the orthodo#% The relationshi$ o the circulatory system o the blood to
the ner!ous system has not been as yet ade,uately de!elo$ed in modern
medicine% Fuch" howe!er" has been done to relate the glandular system to the
&nly when these our interrelated systems are !iewed as one integrated whole
and as the our as$ects o one !ital circulatory system will the truth emerge% &nly
as they are acknowledged to be the our major distributing agents o the
combined rays o the indi!idual man will the true nature o material $henomena
be gras$ed% It might be added here that1
Esoteric Healing
2% The etheric !ehicle rom the circulatory angle" is go!erned by the Foon" as
it !eils <ulcan%
.% The ner!ous system is ruled by <enus%
4% The endocrine system is go!erned by ;aturn%
7% The blood stream is go!erned by He$tune%
These our systems are in reality the maniestation o the our as$ects o matter
in its lowest or $urely $hysical e#$ression% There are other as$ects o e#$ression
o the undamental substance" but these are the our o greatest im$ortance%
Each o these is essentially dual" and each duality corres$onds to the ray o the
soul or o the $ersonality% Each is thereore both $ositi!e and negati!e+ each can
be described as a unit o resistant orce and o dynamic energy+ each is a
combination o certain as$ects o matter and substance ' the matter being the
relati!ely static as$ect" and the substance the relati!ely luid or ,uality'endowing
agent% Their inter$lay" relationshi$ and uniied unction are an e#$ression o the
&ne 3ie )rinci$le" and when they ha!e reached a $oint o $erected usion or
synthesis or coordinated acti!ity there then a$$ears that 0lie more abundantly0
o which >hrist s$oke and o which we" as yet" know nothing% The our as$ects o
matter $roduce the corres$ondence also to the our di!ine attributes as well as to
the three di!ine as$ects% -277/
The analogy o the basic dualism o all maniestation is also $reser!ed" thus
making the nine o initiation ' the three" the our and the two% This
corres$ondence to the initiatory $rocess is" howe!er" in the re!erse direction" or
it is initiation into the creati!e third as$ect" the matter as$ect and the world o
intelligent acti!ity% It is not initiation into the second or soul as$ect" as is the case
with the hierarchical initiations or which the disci$le is $re$aring% It is the
initiation o the soul into the e#$erience o $hysical incarnation" into $hysical
$lane e#istence" and into the art o unctioning as a human being% The door into
this e#$erience is the 0Eate o >ancer%0 Initiation into the kingdom o Eod is
entered through the 0Eate o >a$ricorn%0 These our attributes and the three
as$ects o matter" $lus their dual acti!ity" are the corres$ondence to the our
as$ects o the $ersonality and the ;$iritual Triad and their dual acti!e
relationshi$% In this statement is hidden the key to liberation%
The +e(en )a,or Centers
It would be o !alue here i we consider or a moment the nature o the centers
themsel!es" summari(ing somewhat the teaching already gi!en in my other
books" and so $resenting a clear $icture o the energy body which underlies the
dense $hysical !ehicle%
There are many ocal $oints o orce within the body" but we shall deal only with
the major se!en which control in some degree or other all the remaining% In that
way we shall not be conused% *e shall consider the i!e centers ound u$on the
s$inal column and the two which are ound in the head%
1. The Head Center.
This is located at the !ery to$ o the head% It is re,uently called 0the thousand'
$etalled lotus0 or the Brahmarandra% -27=/
Esoteric Healing
a% It corres$onds to the central s$iritual sun%
b% It is brought into unctioning acti!ity ater the third initiation and is the
organ or the distribution o monadic energy" o the will as$ect o di!inity%
c% antahkarana" which disci$les and initiates are in $rocess o constructing
and which reaches its ull useulness only ater the destruction o the
causal body at the ourth initiation%
d% It is the ;hamballa center in the $hysical body and the agent o the 8ather
or o the irst di!ine as$ect%
e% It registers $ur$ose" corres$onds to the 0electric ire0 o the solar system"
and is dynamic in ,uality%
% Its dense $hysical e#ternali(ation is the $ineal gland in the head% This
remains acti!e during inancy and until the will'to'be is suiciently
established so that the incarnating $erson is irmly anchored in $hysical
incarnation% In the inal stages o di!ine e#$ression in man it again comes
into acti!ity and useulness as the agent or the accom$lishment on earth
o the will energy o established Being%
g% It is the organ o synthesis because" ater the third initiation and $rior to
the destruction o the causal body" it gathers into itsel the energies o all
the three as$ects o maniested lie% *here man is concerned" this means
the energies o the ;$iritual Triad" o the threeold egoic lotus and o the
tri$le $ersonality" thus again making the nine o initiation% The energies
thus synchroni(ed and ocused in" around and abo!e -27?/ the head are o
great beauty and e#tensi!e radiation" $lus dynamic eecti!eness% They
ser!e to relate the initiate to all $arts o the $lanetary lie" to the Ereat
>ouncil at ;hamballa" and to the 3ord o the *orld" the inal Initiator ' !ia
the Buddha and one o the three Buddhas o Acti!ity% The Buddha" in a
most $eculiar sense" relates the initiate to the second as$ect o di!inity '
that o lo!e ' and thereore to the Hierarchy+ the Buddhas o Acti!ity
relate him to the third as$ect o di!inity" that o acti!e intelligence% Thus
the energy o will" o consciousness and o creati!ity meet in him"
$ro!iding the synthesis o the di!ine as$ects%
h% This is the only one o the se!en centers which at the time o $erected
liberation retains the $osition o an in!erted lotus" with the stem o the
lotus 5the antahkarana" in reality6 reaching u$ into 0the se!enth Hea!en"0
thus linking the initiate with the irst major $lanetary center" ;hamballa%
All the other centers start by being in!erted" with all the $etals turned
downwards towards the base o the s$ine+ all" in the $rocess o e!olution"
gradually unold their $etals and then slowly turn u$wards 0towards the
summit o the rod"0 as it is called in the *ld !ommentary. The abo!e is a
$iece o inormation which is o small !alue" e#ce$t in so ar as it $resents
a truth" com$letes a $icture" and gi!es the student a symbolic idea o that
which is essentially a distributing agent o the will energy o Deity%
2. The A'na Center. This is the center between the eyebrows and is ound in
the region o the head just abo!e -27@/ the two eyes" where it 0acts as a screen
or the radiant beauty and the glory o the s$iritual man%0
a% It corres$onds to the $hysical sun and is the e#$ression o the $ersonality"
integrated and unctioning ' irst o all as the disci$le" and inally as the
initiate% This is the true $ersona or mask%
b% It achie!es this unctioning acti!ity ully by the time the third initiation is
taken% I would remind you that this initiation is regarded by the Hierarchy
as the irst major initiation" a act which I ha!e already communicated% It
is the organ or the distribution o the energy o the third as$ect ' the
energy o acti!e intelligence%
c% It is related to the $ersonality by the creati!e thread o lie" and is
thereore closely connected with the throat center 5the center o creati!e
acti!ity6" just as the head center is related to the center at the base o the
Esoteric Healing
s$ine% An acti!e inter$lay" once established between the ajna center and
the throat center" $roduces a creati!e lie and a maniested e#$ression o
the di!ine idea on the $art o the initiate% In the same way" the acti!e
inter$lay between the head center and the center at the base o the s$ine
$roduces the maniestation o the di!ine will or $ur$ose% The orces o the
ajna and the throat centers" when combined" $roduce the highest
maniestation o 0ire by riction"0 just as the energies o the head center
and the basic center $roduce the indi!idual 0electric ire0 which" when ully
e#$ressing itsel" we call the kundalini ire%
d% It is the center through which the ourth >reati!e Hierarchy on its own
$lane inds e#$ression" -27B/ and here also this Hierarchy and ourth
kingdom in nature" the human amily" are used and blended% The head
center relates the monad and the $ersonality% The ajna center relates the
;$iritual Triad 5the e#$ression o the monad in the ormless worlds6 to the
$ersonality% )onder on this statement" because you ha!e here ' in the
symbolism o the head center" $hysically considered ' the relection o the
s$iritual will" atma" and s$iritual lo!e" buddhi% Here also comes in the
teaching on the $lace o the eyes in the de!elo$ment o conscious
e#$ression" creati!ely carrying orward the di!ine $ur$ose%
The Third 2ye ' the head center ' *ill% Atma%
The eye o the 8ather ' the Fonad ' ;HAFBA33A%
The irst as$ect o will or $ower and $ur$ose%
Related to the pineal gland.
The Right 2ye ' the ajna center ' 3o!e% Buddhi%
The eye o the ;on ' the ;oul ' HIERAR>H9%
The second as$ect o lo!e'wisdom%
Related to the pituitary body.
The ,eft 2ye + the throat center ' Acti!e Intelligence%
The eye o the Fother ' the $ersonality ' HGFAHIT9%
The third as$ect o intelligence%
Related to the carotid gland.
*hen these three eyes are unctioning and all o them 0seeing0 simultaneously"
you will then ha!e insight into di!ine $ur$ose 5the initiate6" intuiti!e !ision o the
$lan 5the disci$le6" and a s$iritual direction o the resulting creati!e acti!ity 5the
e% The ajna center registers or ocuses the intention to create% It is not the
organ o creation in the -27C/ same sense that the throat center is" but it
embodies the idea lying behind acti!e creati!ity" the subse,uent act o
creation $roducing e!entually the ideal orm or the idea%
% Its dense $hysical e#ternali(ation is the $ituitary body+ the two lobes o
this gland corres$ond to the two multi$le $etals o the ajna center% It
e#$resses imagination and desire in their two highest orms" and these are
the dynamic actors lying behind all creation%
g% It is the organ o idealism thereore" and ' curiously enough ' it is closely
related to the si#th ray" just as the head center is essentially related to the
irst ray% The si#th is $eculiarly linked to the third ray and the third as$ect
o di!inity as well as to the second ray and the second as$ect% It uses"
anchors and e#$resses% This is a act which I ha!e not hitherto
em$hasi(ed in my other writings% The ajna center is the $oint in the head
where the dualistic nature o maniestation in the three worlds is
symboli(ed% It uses the creati!e energies o the throat and the sublimated
energies o desire or the true lo!e o the heart%
Esoteric Healing
h% This center" ha!ing only two real $etals" is not a true lotus in the same
sense as are the other centers% Its $etals are com$osed o C? lesser $etals
or units o orce 57B M 7B N C?6 but these do not assume the lower sha$e
o the other lotuses% They s$read out like the wings o an air$lane to the
right and let o the head" and are symbolic o the right hand $ath and the
let hand $ath" o the way o matter and the way o s$irit% They constitute
symbolically" thereore" the two -2=D/ arms o the >ross u$on which the
man is cruciied ' two streams o energy or light $laced athwart the
stream o lie descending rom the monad to the base o the s$ine and
$assing through the head%
The idea o relati!ity is one that must e!er be held in mind as the student seeks
to com$rehend the centers" interiorly related within the etheric body" related at
the same time to the subtler bodies" to the states o consciousness which are
synonymous to states o being and o e#$ression" to ray energies" to en!ironing
conditions" to the three $eriodical !ehicles 5as H%)%B% calls the $ersonality" the
threeold soul and the ;$iritual Triad6" to ;hamballa and to the totality o
maniested 3i!es% The com$le#ity o the subject is e#treme" but when the disci$le
or initiate is unctioning in the three worlds and the !arious energies o the whole
man are 0grounded0 in the earth bound man" then the situation becomes clearer%
I use the e#$ression 0grounded0 in its true and correct sense" and not as the
descri$tion o a man who has discarded his $hysical body as the s$iritualists use
the term% >ertain recognitions in time and s$ace become $ossible+ certain eects
can be noted" certain ray inluences a$$ear more dominant than others+ certain
0$atterns o being0 a$$ear+ an e#$ression o a s$iritual Being at a certain $oint o
conscious e#$erience emerges into clarity and can then be s$iritually diagnosed%
Its as$ects and attributes" its orces and energies" can be determined at that time
and or a $articular created e#$ression o lie% This must be borne in mind" and
the thoughts o the student must not be $ermitted to ro!e too ar aield but must
be concentrated u$on the appearance o the man 5himsel or another6 and u$on
the emerging #uality. *hen that student is a disci$le or an initiate" he will be able
also to study the life as$ect% -2=2/
&ur study will" howe!er" be somewhat dierent" or we shall attem$t to disco!er
the diseases and diiculties incident to the energy stimulation or the lack o
stimulation o the centers" and so arri!e at some o the eects which this energy
inlow and conlict with orces will $roduce%
. The Throat Center. This center is to be ound at the back o the neck"
reaching u$ into the medulla oblongata" thus in!ol!ing the carotid gland" and
down towards the shoulder blades% It is an e#ceedingly $owerul and well
de!elo$ed center where a!erage humanity is concerned% It is interesting to note
in this connection that
a% The throat center is ruled by ;aturn just as the two head centers are ruled
res$ecti!ely by Granus 5ruling the head center6 and Fercury 5ruling the
ajna center6% This is only where the disci$le is concerned+ the rulershi$
changes ater the third initiation or beore the irst% These three $lanets
constitute a most interesting triangle o orces and in the ollowing
tri$licities and their ine!itable interrelations you ha!e ' again only in the
case o disci$les ' a most ama(ing $icture story or symbol o the nineold
o initiation1
2% The head center
The ajna center
The throat center
Esoteric Healing
.% The third eye
The right eye
The let eye
4% The $ineal gland
The $ituitary body
The carotid gland
thus $resenting the mechanism through which the ;$iritual Triad" the soul and
the $ersonality work% -2=./ The key to a right understanding o $rocess lies in the
relation o the three $lanets1 Granus" Fercury and ;aturn" as they $our their
energies through these nine 0$oints o s$iritual contact0 u$on the $hysical $lane
into the 0grounded s$here o light and $ower which is the man in time and
b% This center is related to the irst initiation and de!elo$s great acti!ity when
that $oint in e#$erience is achie!ed" as it has been achie!ed by the !ast
majority o men who are at this time the as$irants and the $robationary
disci$les o the world% 58orget not that" technically s$eaking" the irst
major initiation rom the hierarchical angle is the third% The irst initiation
is regarded by the Fasters as signiying admission to the )ath% It is called
an initiation" by humanity" because in 3emurian days" it was then the irst
initiation" signiying entrance into com$lete $hysical control6% It is the
organ or the distribution o creati!e energy" o the energy o the third
as$ect by souls at the abo!e $oint o e!olution% There are three centers in
the human being which are related to and the major e#$ression o the
third ray or as$ect at certain diering stages o de!elo$ment u$on the
2% The sacral center or the unde!elo$ed and the a!erage man%
.% The throat center or the as$irant and $robationary disci$le%
4% The ajna center or disci$les and initiates%
Here again you ha!e a great tri$licity o energies" containing great $otencies
today" owing to the act that the e#$ression o the third as$ect o acti!e
intelligence -2=4/ has reached such heights through human de!elo$ment and
c% It is related to the $ersonality by the creati!e thread" to the soul by the
thread o consciousness" and to the monad by the sutratma or lie thread%
It is not related to any o the di!ine as$ects by the antahkarana because
that thread which links monad and $ersonality directly 5and inally
inde$endently o the soul6 sim$ly anchors the monadic e#$ression o lie in
the head" at the head center% Then direct consciousness is established
between the monad and the $ersonality" and a great duality comes into
being% 3ie" consciousness and orm are then all ocused creati!ely and
acti!ely in the head" and their acti!ity is directed rom the head !ia the
two head centers% The ajna center only comes into creati!e acti!ity when
the antahkarana has been built% In the earlier stages it is the throat center
which is the creati!e agent" and in the earliest $eriod o all the sacral
center is acti!e% 9ou ha!e" howe!er" one interesting thing to remember%
The building o the antahkarana only becomes genuinely $ossible when the
creati!e lie o the as$irant shits rom the sacral center into the throat
and is becoming actual and e#$ressi!e% & this connecting 0bridge"0 the
neck itsel is the symbol" as it relates the head ' alone and isolated ' to
the dual torso" consisting o that which lies abo!e the dia$hragm and that
which lies below ' the symbol o the soul and the $ersonality united" used
Esoteric Healing
and blended into one% The head is the symbol o what )atanjali describes
as the state o 0isolated unity%0
d% It is the center through which the intelligence as$ect o humanity ocuses
creati!ely% It is thereore the -2=7/ center through which the creati!e
energy o that great $lanetary center called Humanity lows% The three
major $lanetary centers are ;hamballa" Hierarchy and Humanity% *hen
$erection has been achie!ed" the ;hamballa energy o will" $ower and
$ur$ose will $our reely through the head center" the lo!e'wisdom
energies o the Hierarchy will low through the heart center" and the
energy o humanity will ocus through the throat center" with the ajna
center acting as the agent o all three% Then will take $lace a new acti!ity
on the $art o mankind% It is the task o relating the three su$erhuman
kingdoms to the three subhuman kingdoms" and thus establishing the new
hea!ens and the new earth% Then humanity will ha!e reached the summit
o its e!olutionary goal on this Earth%
e% The throat center is the organ s$eciically o the creati!e *&RD% It
registers the intention or creati!e $ur$ose o the soul" transmitted to it by
the inlow o energy rom the ajna center+ the usion o the two energies"
thus brought about" will lead to some ty$e o creati!e acti!ity% This is the
higher corres$ondence to the creati!ity o the sacral center% In that center
the negati!e and the $ositi!e creati!e energies are embodied in the
se$arate male and emale organisms and are brought into relation in an
act o creation" consciously undertaken" though as yet without much
deinite $ur$ose%
% The dense $hysical e#ternali(ation o this center is the thyroid gland% This
gland is regarded as o su$reme im$ortance in the well'being o the
a!erage human being o today% Its $ur$ose is to guard health" to balance
the bodily e,uilibrium in certain im$ortant as$ects o the $hysical nature"
and it symboli(es -2==/ the third as$ect o intelligence and o substance
im$regnated with mind% It is in reality connected with the Holy Ehost" or
the third di!ine as$ect in maniestation" 0o!er'shadowing0 5as the Bible
e#$resses it6" the Fother" the <irgin Fary% The $ara'thyroids are symbolic
o Fary and Jose$h and the relation they hold to the o!er'shadowing Holy
Ehost% It will e!entually be determined that there is a close $hysiological
relation e#isting between the thyroid gland and the $ineal gland" and
between the $ara'thyroids and the two lobes o the $ituitary body" thus
bringing into one related system the entire area o the throat and o the
g% Just as the head symboli(es the essentially dualistic nature o the
maniested Eod" so the throat center symboli(es the tri$le nature o the
di!ine e#$ression% The dualistic nature a$$ears used and blended in the
head in the relation between the two centers and their two dense $hysical
relections% The three great energies which are brought into $lay during
the di!ine creati!e acti!ity are uniied in acti!ity by the ull e#$ression o
the energy lowing through the throat center" through the a$$aratus o
s$eech and the two lungs% 9ou ha!e in this relation1 3ie or Breath" the
*ord or the ;oul" and the throat center o ;ubstance in acti!ity%
h% This lotus o the throat is in!erted in the early stages o e!olution" and its
$etals reach out towards the shoulders and include the two lungs or $arts
o them% During the lie cycle o the soul" it slowly re!erses itsel" and its
$etals then reach out towards the two ears and include the medulla
oblongata and the carotid gland% This gland is more closely related -2=?/
to the thyroid gland than it is to the two other glands in the head%
Thus it will be a$$arent to you how whole areas o the $hysical organism can be
brought into acti!e and correct unctioning" can be !itali(ed and ke$t in good and
true condition by the acti!ity in some orm or another o the center nearest to the
Esoteric Healing
area o the body under consideration% It will also be a$$arent to you that
deiciency and disease can result rom the inacti!ity o a center%
". The Heart Center. This is located between the shoulder blades and is ' in
this day and age ' the center which is recei!ing the most attention rom Those
*ho are res$onsible or the unoldment o the human consciousness% It might be
truly said" brother o mine" that the ra$id unoldment o this lotus is one o the
reasons why the world war could not be a!oided% In one sense" it was a
necessary ha$$ening 5gi!en the blind selishness o the bulk o humanity6
because it had become necessary to do away with all the old orms o
go!ernment" o religion and o the crystalli(ed social order% Humanity has now
reached a $oint o grou$ awareness and o grou$ inter$lay o a dee$ly s$iritual
kind" and new orms were re,uired through which this new s$irit could unction
more ade,uately%
a% The heart center corres$onds to the 0heart o the ;un"0 and thereore to
the s$iritual source o light and lo!e%
b% It is brought into unctioning acti!ity ater the second initiation% That
initiation marks the com$letion o the $rocess whereby the emotional
nature 5with its outstanding ,uality o desire6 is brought under soul
control" and the desire o the $ersonal lower sel has been transmuted into
lo!e% It is the organ or the distribution o hierarchical energy" $oured out
-2=@/ !ia the soul into the heart center o all as$irants" disci$les and
initiates+ in this way this energy is made a!ailable and brings about two
2% The regeneration o humanity through lo!e%
.% The relationshi$" irmly established" between a ra$idly de!elo$ing
humanity and the Hierarchy% In this way two great $lanetary
centers ' the Hierarchy and Humanity ' are brought into a close
contact and relationshi$%
As the Bible says1 0the lo!e o Eod is shed abroad0 in the human heart" and its
transorming" magnetic and radiatory $ower is essential or the reconstruction o
the world and or the establishment o the new world order% G$on the unoldment
o the heart center" and on an intelligent relation o mankind to the Hierarchy"
with the conse,uent res$onse o man to the energy o lo!e" all disci$les are asked
at this time to $onder and relect" or as a 0man thinketh in his heart, so is he%0
Thinking in the heart becomes truly $ossible only when the mental aculties ha!e
been ade,uately de!elo$ed and ha!e reached a airly high stage o unoldment%
8eeling in the heart is oten conused with thinking% The ability to think in the
heart is the result o the $rocess o transmuting desire into lo!e during the task
o ele!ating the orces o the solar $le#us into the heart center% Heart thinking is
also one o the indications that the higher as$ect o the heart center" the twel!e'
$etalled lotus ound at the !ery center o the thousand'$etalled lotus" has
reached a $oint o real acti!ity% Thinking as a result o correct eeling is then
substituted or $ersonal sensiti!ity% It gi!es us the irst aint indications" likewise"
o -2=B/ that state o being which is characteristic o the monad and which cannot
be called consciousness ' as we understand the term%
c% The heart center becomes essentially related to the $ersonality when the
$rocess o alignment with the soul is being mastered% This $rocess is today
being taught in all the newer and sounder esoteric schools" and has been
em$hasi(ed in the Arcane ;chool rom the start+ it is that $rocedure
5distinguished by right orientation" concentration and meditation6 which
relates the $ersonality to the soul" and thus to the Hierarchy% Relationshi$
to the Hierarchy automatically takes $lace as this alignment goes orward
and direct soul contact is thereby established% )ersonality consciousness is
Esoteric Healing
su$erseded by grou$ consciousness" and the inlow o hierarchical energy
ollows as a natural conse,uence" or all souls are only as$ects o the
Hierarchy% It is this established relationshi$" with its subse,uent inter$lay
5magnetic and radiatory6" which brings about the inal destruction o the
soul body or causal body as the relationshi$ reaches its highest $oint o
intensiied recognition%
d% It is that center" thereore" in the $hysical body through the medium o
which the Hierarchy works+ it is also the agent o the soul% *hen I here
use the word 0soul0 I reer not only to the indi!idual soul o man but to the
soul also o the $lanetary 3ogos" both o which are the result o the union
o s$irit and matter" o the 8ather as$ect and the Fother as$ect% This is a
great mystery which only initiation can re!eal%
e% The heart center registers the energy o lo!e% It might here be stated that
when the antahkarana has been inally constructed" the three as$ects o
the -2=C/ ;$iritual Triad will each ind a $oint o contact within the etheric
mechanism o the initiate who is unctioning u$on the $hysical $lane% The
initiate is now a usion o soul and $ersonality through which the ull lie o
the monad can be $oured%
2% The head center becomes the $oint o contact or the s$iritual will"
.% The heart center becomes the agent or s$iritual lo!e" Buddhi%
4% The throat center becomes the e#$ression o the uni!ersal mind"
In the work o the initiate" as he works out the di!ine $ur$ose according to the
$lan" the ajna center becomes the directing agent or the distributor o the
blended energies o the di!ine man% The heart center corres$onds to 0solar ire0
within the solar system" and is magnetic in ,uality and radiatory in acti!ity% It is
the organ o the energy which brings about inclusi!eness%
% Its dense $hysical e#ternali(ation is the thymus gland% & this gland little
is known at $resent" though much will be learned as in!estigators acce$t
and e#$eriment with the hy$otheses which the occult sciences $resent"
and as the heart center de!elo$s and the thymus gland is returned to
adult unctioning acti!ity% This is not as yet the case% The nature o its
secretion is not yet established" and the eects o this gland are better
known rom their $sychological angle than rom the $hysical% Fodern
$sychology" when allied to medicine" recogni(es that this gland when o!er'
acti!e will $roduce the irres$onsible and amoral $erson% As the race o
men learns the nature o res$onsibility we shall ha!e -2?D/ the irst
indications o soul alignment" o $ersonality decentrali(ation and o grou$
awareness" and then ' $aralleling this de!elo$ment ' we shall ind the
thymus gland becoming correctly acti!e% At $resent" the general imbalance
o the endocrine system militates against the sae and ull unctioning o
the thymus gland in the adult% There is as yet an unrecogni(ed relation
e#isting between the $ineal gland and the thymus gland" as well as
between both o these and the center at the base o the s$ine% As the
;$iritual Triad becomes acti!e through the medium o the $ersonality"
these three centers and their three e#ternali(ations will work in synthesis"
go!erning and directing the whole man% As the $ineal gland is returned to
ull adult unctioning 5as is not the case with adult man6 the di!ine will'to'
good will make itsel elt and di!ine $ur$ose be achie!ed+ when the
thymus gland similarly becomes acti!e in the adult" goodwill will become
a$$arent and the di!ine $lan will begin to work out% This is the irst ste$
towards lo!e" right human relations and $eace% This goodwill is already
making its $resence elt in the world today" indicating the coming into
acti!ity o the heart center" and $ro!ing that the heart center in the head
Esoteric Healing
is beginning to unold as a result o the growing acti!ity o the heart center
u$ the s$ine%
g% It is the organ o usion" just as the head center is the organ o synthesis%
As the heart center becomes acti!e" the indi!idual as$irant is slowly drawn
into an increasingly closer relation to his soul" and then two e#$ansions o
consciousness take $lace which are inter$reted by him as e!ents or
ha$$enings1 -2?2/
2% He is drawn into the Ashram o one o the Fasters" according to his
soul ray" and becomes an acce$ted disci$le in the technical sense%
The Faster is Himsel the heart center o the Ashram and He can
now reach His disci$le" !ia the soul" because that disci$le" through
alignment and contact" has $ut his heart into close ra$$ort with the
soul% He then becomes res$onsi!e to the heart o all things which"
as ar as humanity is at $resent concerned" is the Hierarchy%
.% He is drawn into close ser!ice relationshi$ with humanity% His
growing sense o res$onsibility" due to heart acti!ity" leads him to
ser!e and work% E!entually he too becomes the heart o a grou$ or
o an organi(ation ' small at irst but becoming worldwide as his
s$iritual $ower de!elo$s and he thinks in terms o the grou$ and o
humanity% These two relationshi$s on his $art are reci$rocal% Thus
the lo!e as$ect o di!inity becomes acti!e in the three worlds" and
lo!e is anchored on earth and takes the $lace o emotion" o desire
and o the material as$ects o eeling% Hote that $hrase%
h% In the early stages o unoldment" o both the indi!idual and the race" the
in!erted heart lotus with its twel!e $etals reaches downwards towards the
solar $le#us center% This last center" since Atlantean days" has been
re!ersed" and its $etals are now reaching u$wards towards the ne#t center
u$ the s$ine" the heart center" owing to the slowly mounting energies
rom the solar $le#us center which are seeking to esca$e rom the 0$rison
o the lower regions0 through a $rocess o transmutation% -2?./
As a result the heart center is beginning slowly to unold and also to re!erse
itsel% The re!ersal o the 0lotus centers0 is always brought about as the result o
a dual action ' the $ushing rom below and the $ull rom abo!e%
The re!ersal o the heart lotus and its u$ward unolding is due to the ollowing
2% The growing $otency o the hierarchical a$$roach%
.% A ra$idly establishing soul contact%
4% The res$onse o the unolding heart lotus to the $ull o the FasterAs
7% The surging u$wards o the transmuted energies rom below the
dia$hragm" !ia the solar $le#us" in res$onse to s$iritual 0$ull0%
=% The growing understanding by man as to the nature o lo!e%
There are other actors but these are the ones you will most easily understand i
you will regard them as symbolic and not too literally% Gntil the year" 27DD A%D%"
the relation o the solar $le#us center to the heart center might be $ictorially
e#$ressed as indicated in the diagram on $age @2=%
E!entually" at the close o the ne#t root race" you will ha!e the ull e#$ression o
lo!e and the lotuses u$ the s$ine will a$$ear ' all i!e o them ' diering only in
the number o $etals ound in each%
Esoteric Healing
8inally at the close o the great world cycle when all the lotuses ha!e re!ersed
themsel!es" all will be o$ening and $resenting ree channels or the inlow and
the transmission o the three major di!ine energies and the our lesser orces%
To this constant mo!ement o the centers and to the constant inlow o energies
we can trace much o the discomort o humanity in its !arious bodies+ it is the
inability o the centers to res$ond or to unold which in many cases $roduces
disease and diiculty+ it is the unbalanced unoldment o the centers" their
arrested de!elo$ment and their lack o res$onse which creates $roblems in other
cases+ it is their $remature unoldment and their o!er'acti!ity which in other
cases brings about danger+ it is the ailure o the $hysical mechanism to measure
u$ to the inner unoldment which causes so much trouble% Thus again you can
see the com$le#ity o the subject% The stage of theory is a sim$le one" e#ce$t in
so ar as it sets orces in motion which e!entually lead to diiculty% The stage of
reaction to res$onse and o adjustment to the theory also institutes a cycle o
intense diiculty and com$le#ity" because it leads to a cycle o e#$eriment and
e#$erience during which the disci$le learns much and suers much% Then as
e#$erience is gained" the stage of spiritual e#$ression su$er!enes and reedom
rom danger and emanci$ation rom diiculty and liberation rom disease takes
$lace% ;im$licity is restored% -2?4/
The "oy - Pheno!enal A%%earance
Hot much need be written here anent this" or the body nature and the orm
as$ect ha!e been the object o in!estigation and the subject o thought and
discussion o thinking men or many centuries% Fuch at which they ha!e arri!ed is
basically correct% The modern in!estigator will admit the 3aw o Analogy as the
basis o his $remises and recogni(es" sometimes" that the Hermetic theory" 0As
abo!e" so below"0 may throw much light on the $resent $roblems% The ollowing
$ostulates may ser!e to clariy1
2% Fan" in his body nature" is a sumtotal" a unity%
.% This sumtotal is subdi!ided into many $arts and organisms%
4% 9et these many subdi!isions unction in a uniied manner" and the body is
a correlated whole%
7% Each o its $arts diers in orm and in unction" but all are interde$endent%
=% Each $art and each organism is" in its turn" com$osed o molecules" cells
and atoms" and these are held together in the orm o the organism by the
lie o the sumtotal%
?% The sumtotal called man is roughly di!ided into i!e $arts" some o greater
im$ortance than others" but all com$leting that li!ing organism we call a
human being%
a% The head
b% The u$$er torso" or that $art which lies abo!e the dia$hragm%
c% The lower torso" or that $art lying below the dia$hragm%
d% The arms
e% The legs -2?7/
@% These organisms ser!e !aried $ur$oses" and u$on their due unctioning
and $ro$er adjustment the comort o the whole de$ends%
B% Each o these has its own lie" which is the sum total o the lie o its
atomic structure" and is also animated by the uniied lie o the whole"
directed rom the head by the intelligent will or energy o the s$iritual
Esoteric Healing
C% The im$ortant $art o the body is that tri$le di!ision" the head" u$$er and
lower torso% A man can unction and li!e without his arms and legs%
2D% Each o these three $arts is also tri$le rom the $hysical side" making the
analogy o the three $arts o manAs nature and the nine o $erected
monadic lie% There are other organs" but those enumerated are those
which ha!e an esoteric signiicance o greater !alue than the other $arts%
a% *ithin the head are1
2% The i!e !entricles o the brain" or what we might call the
brain as a uniied organism%
.% The three glands" carotid" $ineal and $ituitary%
4% The two eyes%
b% *ithin the u$$er body are1
2% The throat
.% The lungs
4% The heart
c% *ithin the lower body are1
2% The s$leen
.% The stomach
4% The se# organs
22% The sumtotal o the body is also tri$le1
a% The skin and bony structure% -2?=/
b% The !ascular or blood system%
c% The threeold ner!ous system%
2.% Each o these tri$licities corres$onds to the three $arts o manAs nature1
a% )hysical nature1 The skin and bony structure are the analogy to the
dense and etheric body o man%
b% ;oul nature1 The blood !essels and circulatory system are the
analogy to that all $er!ading soul which $enetrates to all $arts o
the solar system" as the blood goes to all $arts o the body%
c% ;$irit nature1 The ner!ous system" as it energi(es and acts
throughout the $hysical man is the corres$ondence to the energy
o s$irit%
24% In the head we ha!e the analogy to the s$irit as$ect the directing will" the
monad" the &ne%
a% The brain with its i!e !entricles is the analogy to the $hysical orm
which the s$irit animates in connection with man" the i!eold
sumtotal which is the medium through which the s$irit on the
$hysical $lane has to e#$ress itsel%
b% The three glands in the head are closely related to the soul or
$sychic nature 5higher and lower6%
c% The two eyes are the $hysical $lane corres$ondences to the
monad" who is will and lo!e'wisdom or atma buddhi" according to
the occult terminology%
27% In the u$$er body we ha!e an analogy to the tri$le soul nature%
a% The throat" corres$onding to the third creati!e as$ect or the body
nature" the acti!e intelligence o the soul%
b% The heart" the lo!e'wisdom o the soul" the buddhi or >hrist
$rinci$le% -2??/
c% The lungs" the analogy or the breath o lie" is the corres$ondence
to s$irit%
2=% In the lower torso again we ha!e this tri$le system carried out%
a% The se# organs" the creati!e as$ect" the ashioner o the body%
b% The stomach as the $hysical maniestation o the solar $le#us is the
analogy to the soul nature%
c% The s$leen" the recei!er o energy and thereore the $hysical $lane
e#$ression o the center which recei!es this energy" is the analogy
to the energi(ing s$irit%
Esoteric Healing
I reali(e well the technicalities which I ha!e gi!en here and their diiculty and
a$$arent uselessness% It might be asked1 *hy should it be necessary to be so
meticulous in enumerating the $hysical" $sychological and systemic details o a
$urely academic nature when" by an act o the will and o di!ine $ower" and by
the use o certain *ords o )ower" healing can be accom$lished: These ideas are
basically true" but are based u$on a misa$$rehension ' in time and s$ace% If all
healers were Fasters o the *isdom" if they were all clair!oyant" if they
com$rehended the 3aw o Karma and its working out in the lie o the $atient" if
they had the ull coo$eration o the $atient" and if they had the ability to add to
all the abo!e re,uirements the use o certain *ords and Fantrams" then the
academic knowledge would indeed be needless% But these re,uirements are not
and can not be met% Healers" as a rule" ha!e none o these $owers% That they
re,uently heal 5though not as oten as they think they do6 is true" but when
successul they ha!e succeeded in doing one or other o the ollowing1 -2?@/
Healed the $atient when his destiny and ate so willed it and his soul had
thereore drawn its !ehicle 5the $hysical man6 into the radiatory aura o a
healer or a healing grou$% The $robability is that the $atient would ha!e
reco!ered in any case but that the $rocess was hastened by the a$$lied
eort and attention" $lus aith%
Interered with the immediate design or $attern o the $atientAs lie" and
so $ost$oned certain $rocesses o s$iritual tuition which were needed% This
is !ery a$t to be orgotten% It is too intricate a subject to be dealt with
here" but I may be able to make it somewhat clearer as we deal with our
inal section%
Thereore 5until there is ull knowledge6 it is !itally necessary that the structure o
$ower and !itality and the network o energies and orces which com$ose the
human organism should be studied% A mental gras$ o the $rocesses o healing is
needed+ and the reasons which make them seem diicult and com$licated"
unnecessary and wasteul o time" are as ollows1
The inability o e!en the most ad!anced human mind to gras$ themes and
subjects as a whole. The synthetic element is as yet lacking% At $resent"
the teaching and $rocesses in!ol!ed must be mastered ste$ by ste$" detail
by detail" $rece$t by $rece$t" a$$lication by a$$lication% But the uture
holds the $romise clear" and the ability o the human eye to unction
synthetically" to gras$ a landsca$e" or instance" in its broad and salient
outlines and to do this simultaneously and in a lash o !ision is the
guarantee o the uture techni,ue o the race% &ne look by the illumined
mind" one great radiation o lo!e" and the healer or the healing grou$
-2?B/ will know whether to heal" to aid the eort o the $atient ' a much
slower $rocess ' or to rerain rom healing%
The inertia o the a!erage man or woman" which rebels against the eort
needed to master the technical side o healing% It is so much easier to all
back on di!inity 5a di!inity in reality latent but not e#$ressi!e6 and 0let
Eod do it%0 It is so much easier to recogni(e lo!e and the out$ouring o
lo!e than to master the $rocesses whereby it can be made eecti!e ' or
the nature o that which must be aected%
These are $oints re,uiring careul attention and consideration% They merit
relection% The synthetic $ower o the mind" aided by true lo!e" will some day be
the instrument o all true healers% In the meantime" or the sake o the uture and
in order to aid the ormulation o the coming healing art ' based on the
understanding o energy" its inlow and circulation ' this treatise will deal
somewhat with the academic side% Ater all" the acts gi!en are acts in e#istence
and are truly $resent" as are those emotions which the a!erage healer calls lo!e%
Esoteric Healing
The +e(en )a,or Centers 0continue1
3et us now continue with our consideration o the centers% *e ha!e dealt with the
our abo!e the dia$hragm ' the three centers through which the ;$iritual Triad
must e!entually work" and the synthetic center" the ajna center" which inally
e#$resses the integrated $ersonality and becomes the direct agent o the soul%
*e now ha!e three more centers to consider" all o them to be ound below the
dia$hragm ' the solar $le#us center" the sacral center" -2?C/ and the center at
the base o the s$ine% The most im$ortant or all as$irants at this time is the solar
$le#us center+ the most acti!e ' generally s$eaking ' in humanity as a whole" is
still the sacral center+ the most ,uiescent center in the body 5rom the angle o
the s$iritual man6 is the basic center%
(. The %olar Ple)us Center. This is located well below the shoulder blades
in the s$ine and is e#ceedingly acti!e% In Atlantean days" it was brought to a high
stage o de!elo$ment" just as in Aryan days" the throat center is being ra$idly
awakened% This center is $eculiarly related to two other centers1 The heart and
the ajna center" and they orm at this time an interesting triangle o energies in
the human body and one which is recei!ing much attention rom the Hierarchy%
There is a downlow o energy rom the ajna center to the heart rom the soul"
just in so ar as the as$irant is in touch with his soul% This leads to three things1
A stimulation o the heart center%
A res$onsi!e reaction rom the heart which e!okes a stimulation o the
ajna center and $roduces e!entually the recognition o grou$
consciousness by the $ersonality%
The e!ocation o the heart center in the head%
All this" howe!er" is acilitated by the ad!anced de!elo$ment o the solar $le#us
in the as$irant" which has its own eect u$on the heart and a reci$rocal eect
u$on the ajna center% There are" conse,uently" two im$ortant triangles to
consider1 -2@D/
Just as there is" astrologically" a ;cience o Triangles" so there will later be
de!elo$ed a science o triangles in relation to the human system% But the time is
Esoteric Healing
not yet% I but gi!e occasional indications o such a science u$on which the
intuition o disci$les may $lay%
a% The solar $le#us is a relection in the $ersonality o the 0heart o the sun"0
just as the heart center is% It is the central actor in the lie o the
$ersonality or all humanity below the grade o $robationary disci$le% At
that $oint the mind deinitely begins to unction" howe!er aintly% It is the
outlet ' i such a word can be used ' o the astral body into the outer
world" and the instrument through which emotional energy lows% It is the
organ o desire% It is o su$reme im$ortance in the lie o the a!erage
man" and its control is a !ital goal or the as$irant% He must transmute
desire into as$iration%
b% The solar $le#us came into ull unctioning in Atlantean times" during the
$eriod wherein the second great human race was de!elo$ing% These lower
centers are not so s$eciically related to initiations as are the centers
abo!e the dia$hragm" or they are $ersonality centers and ha!e -2@2/ to
be under the ull control o the soul when initiations o a certain degree are
c% The solar $le#us center is the great clearing'house or all energies below
the dia$hragm% This reers to the three major centers and the minor
centers which were enumerated on $age 31. The relation o this center to
the astral $lane is 5to use a $eculiar but most e#$ressi!e word6 acute. It is
the reci$ient o all emotional reactions and o desire im$ulses and energies
and" because humanity is today becoming acti!e in a grou$ sense and is
more inclusi!e than e!er beore in human history" the situation is one o
acute and e#treme diiculty% Fankind" through the indi!idual and also
through the collecti!e solar $le#us" is being subjected to almost
unendurable $ressure% ;uch are the tests o initiationI It is not my
intention to deal here with the $rocesses o attracting the lower energies"
the mode o centrali(ing them in the solar $le#us" and there transmuting
them and reining them to the $oint where transerence into the heart
center becomes $ossible% Fuch o this is connected with the training gi!en
to acce$ted disci$les" $rior to the second initiation% It would be too
intricate a matter to discuss" as well as carrying with it certain $eculiar
dangers or those not ready or the $rocess+ it is" howe!er" one that '
under li(ing eort ' goes orward almost automatically% The solar $le#us is
thus the most se$arate o all the centers 5e#ce$t the ajna center" in the
case o the man on the let'hand $ath6 because it stands at the midway
$oint" between the throat and the heart centers ' abo!e the dia$hragm '
and the sacral and basic centers ' below the dia$hragm% This is a
consideration o major im$ortance%
d% The solar $le#us is the center in the etheric !ehicle through which
humanity 5a!erage" unenlightened humanity6 -2@./ li!es and mo!es and
has its being% Humanity is conditioned by desire ' good desire" selish
desire" wrong desire" and s$iritual desire% It is the center through which
most o the energies low which make a man $rogressi!e because he is
ambitious" selish because his $ersonal desires are o im$ortance" and
luidic because astrally $olari(ed% Through it the 0bright light generated in
Atlantis0 is $oured" and the astral light is contacted% It is thereore the
center through which most mediums work and clair!oyants unction% 3ater"
these $eo$le will learn to work as intermediaries" consciously and
intelligently using their $owers+ they will $ossess clear $erce$tion" and this
will su$ersede clair!oyance% They will then be $olari(ed in the ajna center%
It is conse,uently a most disturbing center in the body" and is a basic
cause o the majority o stomach com$laints and troubles connected with
the li!er% The entire area immediately below the dia$hragm is in a
Esoteric Healing
constant state o turmoil" where a!erage man is concerned+ this is due to
indi!idual and collecti!e causes%
It is interesting to note here that just as the ajna center 5the synthesis o the
$ersonality orces" when highly de!elo$ed6 is a great directing and distributing
agent" so the solar $le#us center 5the synthesis o the a!erage de!elo$ed
$ersonality energies" $rior to the $rocess o integration6 is a center or collection"
or a gathering'in o all the lower energies" and is inally a ocal $oint or the
direction and distribution o these collected energies ' remitting them to their
rece$ti!e higher centers1
2% The energies o the solar $le#us center itsel ha!e to be directed to the
heart center%
.% The energies o the sacral center ha!e to be transmitted to the throat
center% -2@4/
4% The energies o the center at the base o the s$ine ha!e to be transerred
to the head center% Ater the third initiation" these basic energies are
raised" controlled or distributed by an act o the will o the ;$iritual Triad%
Then 0the light generated in 3emuria0 5the sacral light6 and 0the light
generated in Atlantis0 5solar $le#us light6 will die out" and those two
centers will sim$ly be reci$ients o s$iritual energies rom on high+ they
will $ossess no direct" inherent light o their own+ the light which they will
transmit will come to them rom collecti!e sources on etheric $lanes%
The dense $hysical e#ternali(ation o this center is the $ancreas" with a
secondary e#ternali(ation in the stomach% There is" in relation to the solar $le#us
center" a curious relation which is symbolic both in orm and in im$lication% 9ou
Here again a$$ears the theme o a center o s$iritual orce 5or astral orce is
s$iritual in essence6 and its three maniestations% All these three dense
materiali(ations are ed and nurtured by the orces and energies o the solar
$le#us center% I ha!e here gi!en a !ery im$ortant act to those who are
interested in the study o medicine rom the esoteric angle+ rightly a$$reciated" it
will lead to an understanding -2@7/ o the healing art% >ontrol o the solar $le#us
center" and the right rece$tion and release o the energies ocused in that center
would bring about a major $uriication" an intensi!e strengthening and a !ital
$rotection o the three !ital organs to be ound in that area o the human $hysical
As I ha!e earlier $ointed out" this center is an organ o synthesis and gathers into
itsel all the lower energies at a certain $oint in the higher de!elo$ment o the
human being% It is actually then an instrument 5when rightly understood and
Esoteric Healing
rightly directed6 or aiding in the integration o the $ersonality lie% The major
$roblem o the man who is highly de!elo$ed but not yet s$iritually inclined is that
o desire% *hat are his goals: To what are his aims directed: *hat is the nature
o his reali(ed ambitions: To what does he as$ire: According to the nature o the
orces and the energies which his thought lie brings to bear u$on the solar $le#us
center" so will be his decision to mo!e orward along the $ath o light" to remain
statically sel'centered" or to take the lower way which leads to the blotting out o
the soul light%
As we ha!e seen" the $etals o the solar $le#us center are reaching u$wards
towards the heart center% This" in reality" means that emotional energy" desire
and ambition 5in the race o men as a whole6 are stri!ing u$wards towards the
higher way%
It should be noted here that the transerence o solar $le#us energy per se is the
task o all as$irants to the )ath o Disci$leshi$ at this $articular time" $lus the
gradual awakening o the heart center% The irst members o the human amily to
become grou$ conscious are naturally the as$irants and the disci$les" and these
set the $ace or the rest o humanity% This they achie!e through the $ressure o
lie itsel and o circumstances" and not by the ollowing -2@=/ o set rules or
s$eciic meditations% 3ater" $rior to a certain major initiation" such rules and
measures may be a$$lied so as to gi!e the initiate immediate and conscious
control o!er the astral body and its ocal $oint o entry into the $hysical
organism" the solar $le#us center" and again at the time that certain major
transerences are consciously made% & these transerences there are three o
$rimary im$ortance1
2% 8rom the three centers below the dia$hragm into the heart" throat and
ajna centers%
.% 8rom the two centers abo!e the dia$hragm ' the heart and throat centers
' into the ajna center and the thousand'$etalled lotus o the head%
4% 8rom the ajna center into the head center" signiying the com$lete
uniication o all the energies throughout the entire etheric body into one
central ocal $oint o distribution ' under direct control o the ;$iritual
The $rocesses in!ol!ed in these three great e#$eriences 5each $receded by much
testing and e#$eriment6 naturally $ut a strain u$on the $hysical body and are the
cause o many o the ills to which disci$les all heir%
It will be ob!ious to you" or instance" that the transerence o all the
accumulated energies in the solar $le#us center into the heart center will cause
diiculty" !ery re,uently o a serious nature+ this is the reason why today so
many ad!anced $eo$le die o heart disease% In the long cycle o the soul lie and
e#$erience" this is o relati!ely small moment+ in the short cycle o the indi!idual
disci$leAs lie it is o great diiculty and ot o tragedy% ;imilarly" the transerence
o the energies o the i!e centers u$ the s$ine into the head centers will carry
with it its own $roblems% The stimulation o the ajna center by the ocusing o
these energies may lead to disastrous $sychological $roblems% -2@?/ A man may
become an ego'maniac tem$orarily 5all is tem$orary in the long lie o the soulI6
and become such a human monster as Hitler and others o his ilk" though in
lesser degree+ there may be also !iolent conditions o e$ile$sy" or the eyesight
may be aected and a man may become blind% All these $oints warrant careul
Esoteric Healing
*. The %acral Center. This center is located in the lower $art o the lumbar
area and is a !ery $owerul center" controlling as it does the se# lie% &ne o the
interesting things about this center is that it must always remain a $owerul
center until two'thirds o mankind ha!e taken initiation" or the generati!e
$rocesses must go on and remain acti!e in order to $ro!ide bodies or incoming
souls% But as the race $rogresses" this center will be controlled and its acti!ities
will be carried orward intelligently and as the result o knowledge" o insight and
o higher and subtler contacts" and not as the result o unlimited and uncontrolled
desire" as is now the case% I cannot enlarge urther u$on this matter as the theme
is too big% I can" howe!er" bring to your attention what I ha!e already written"
and suggest that someone with the interest and the time should collect all I ha!e
said in all my books anent the subject o se# so that a $am$hlet on the subject
may be com$iled%
a% The sacral center corres$onds to the $hysical sun" the source o !itality"
and the lie'gi!ing agent on our $lanet%
b% The symbolism o the sacral center is concerned $rimarily with the
gestation $eriod $rior to birth" and in its right understanding can be traced
and e#$anded the whole story o conce$tion" o orm'building" and this
whether it is the $hysical orm o a human being" the orm o an idea" an
organi(ation -2@@/ built around a central truth" the orm o a $lanet or o a
solar system% It is $erha$s abo!e e!erything else the center through which
the orces o Impersonality must e!entually e#$ress themsel!es" and the
whole $roblem o dualism must be sol!ed% This solution and inter$retation
o the symbol must come rom the realm o the mind" thereby controlling
the $hysical reaction and occu$ying itsel with $ur$oses and not with
desire% )onder on this% *hen it is thus understood" then we shall be
reaching the $oint where a great transerence can take $lace into the
higher center o creation" the throat center%
c% The sacral center is thereore closely related to matter" and there is a low
o energy between three $oints in the lower $art o the human body1
2% The s$leen" the organ o $rana or o $hysical !itality coming rom
the sun%
.% The sacral center" the $redis$osing agent towards $hysical
4% The center at the base o the s$ine which 5until the will as$ect is
aroused in man6 eeds the lie'gi!ing $rinci$le" the will'to'li!e" to
all $arts o the human rame%
These create a great triangle o orce" concerned with matter" with substance"
orm'building" creation" !itality and $ersistence in orm% This triangle is a
relection o a much higher one" com$osed o
2% The throat center" corres$onding to the sacral center%
.% The $ituitary body" corres$onding to the s$elling center% -2@B/
4% The $ineal gland" corres$onding to the basic center%
In the relation o these two triangles lies the clue to the instinct o sel'
$reser!ation" the sur!i!al o the subtle bodies ater death" and the $rinci$le o
immortality which is seated in the soul and unctions when sel'$reser!ation and
sur!i!al no longer hold sway% This constitutes a tri$licity o ideas which re,uires
most careul study and which ' i I might so e#$ress it ' gi!es the key to the
s$iritualistic mo!ement%
d% The sacral center is also connected with the ajna center in the last
analysis+ the two together create a unctioning duality which is $roducti!e
o that subtle ,uality which we call personality. There is a wide ield or
Esoteric Healing
in!estigation in the theme o $ersonality as an integrated whole and in the
,uality o $ersonality" which is the aroma" the inluence" the eect and the
radiation o a $ersonality% I throw out these ideas to students" ho$ing that
some research may ollow which will relate this subject o the centers to
the recogni(ed acts o coordination" integration and their eects in
$roducing greatness%
8or those o you who are students o The &ecret Doctrine, there is much to
be unolded anent the relation o the 0lunar 3ords"0 the Barhishad )itris" to
the solar 3ord or Angel% The ield o work o the ormer is the sacral
center" $ar e#cellence+ that o the solar Angel is the throat center%
e% The sacral center registers the energy o the third as$ect o di!inity" just
as the solar $le#us center registers that o the second as$ect and the basic
center e#$resses the energy o the irst as$ect% Here -2@C/ again you ha!e
the lower centers relecting the throat" heart and head centers and thus
com$leting the higher and the lower maniestation o the di!ine Trinity in
man% This center was brought into ull unctioning acti!ity in old 3emuria"
the irst human race+ its energy is that o the Holy ;$irit" o!er'shadowing
!irgin substance% Here again we ind also another di!ine relection in the
E!entually" in the Di!ine Herma$hrodite 5later to a$$ear6 you will ha!e another
Again you will note" my brother" how the ;cience o Triangles go!erns the human
rame in all its as$ects" as well as the rame o a solar system% This is to be
Esoteric Healing
% The dense $hysical e#ternali(ation o this center is to be ound in the
gonads" the human organs o -2BD/ generation ' !iewing them as a basic
unity" though tem$orarily se$arated in the $resent dualistic e#$ression o
the human being% It must be remembered that this se$aration osters a
$owerul im$ulse towards usion" and this urge to blend we call se#% ;e#
is" in reality" the instinct towards unity1 irst o all" a $hysical unity% It is
the innate 5though much misunderstood6 $rinci$le o mysticism" which is
the name we gi!e to the urge to union with the di!ine% 3ike all else that
unde!elo$ed man has touched" we ha!e $er!erted and distorted a di!ine
idea and $rostituted an immaterial urge to material desire% *e ha!e
re!ersed the direction o the sacral energy" hence the o!er'de!elo$ed
animal nature and unctions o a!erage humanity%
There is necessarily much more that I could add to the abo!e" but the theme
would re,uire much careul analysis" elucidation and wording that time $ermits
not" or the established balance o this Treatise would not be $reser!ed%
There is also little that I can say anent the center at the base o the s$ine%
Beore" howe!er" I take u$ whate!er inormation is ruitul or $ossible" I would
like to $oint out that the diagram on $age @2= $ortrays the $oint in e!olution o a
disci$le and not o an ad!anced initiate% It is not a descri$tion either o the
e!eryday" a!erage human being% This is indicated by the act that the relection o
the heart center in the head is turning u$wards in res$onse to an increased
acti!ity o the heart center itsel" and that the deinition o the ajna center is clear
and e#act" demonstrating an integrated" coordinated $ersonality% This is not
thereore the diagram o the centers o the ordinary or unde!elo$ed $erson% It is
im$ossible or such diagrams to do more than gi!e some $oint o consummation"
but it should be -2B2/ remembered that these $oints o consummation are not
static attainments but are each o them $receded by $hases and stages o acti!ity
which $roduce constantly changing results and !arying as$ects o the centers+
these" in their turn" are succeeded by other cycles o mo!ement" o change and o
a renewed release o energies% The effects o the dee$ underlying causes
themsel!es become causes, or in the cycle o maniestation there is nothing
static or i#ed or inally determined% This is a $oint o e#treme im$ortance% Be not
thereore misled by a$$arent moments o achie!ement% They are but $reaces to
change" or such is the 3aw o Being%
+. The Center at the Base of the %$ine.
This center is" abo!e e!erything else" controlled and go!erned by the 3aw o
Being" abo!e reerred to" and is established where s$irit and matter meet and
where matter" the <irgin Fary ' under the inluence o the Holy ;$irit" the energy
o the etheric !ehicle ' is translated 0into Hea!en"0 there 5as the >hristian
$hraseology $uts it6 0to be seated beside her ;on in the house o the 8ather%0
This center is ound at the !ery base o the s$ine" and supports all the other
centers% It is relati!ely ,uiescent at this time" or it is only roused into ull acti!ity
by an act o the will" directed and controlled by the initiate% It is res$onsi!e only
to the will as$ect" and the will'to'be in incarnation is the actor which at $resent
controls its lie and $roduces its eects as it eeds and directs the lie $rinci$le in
matter and orm% Just as we are told that the lie $rinci$le is 0seated in the
heart"0 so the will'to'be is seated in the base o the s$ine% There has been much
Esoteric Healing
idle and dangerous talk anent this center" and the whole subject o the 0kundalini
ire0 has $ro!ed an e#citing and enticing tale by the $seudo'occultists o the
world% The true occultist in training has naught to do with the kundalini ire ' as
usually -2B./ understood% It is not $ossible or me to do more than make certain
acts somewhat clearer to you" and yet at the same time I must rerain rom
indicating modes and methods o arousing the acti!ity o this center" on account
o the e#treme danger in!ol!ed in any $remature work on the basic center% The
best I can do is to make a series o statements which will be com$rehended in
the right way by those who know 5and these are as yet ew and ar between6"
which will aid the thinking o those who are in training and gi!e them a somewhat
more com$lete $icture" but which will $rotect the ignorant rom disaster% I shall
make these statements as clearly and briely as $ossible" but shall gi!e $ractically
no e#$lanatory matter with them%
2% This basic center is the $oint where" under the e!olutionary law" s$irit and
matter meet" and lie is related to orm%
.% It is thereore the center where the essential dualism o the maniested
di!inity ' man or $lanetary 3ogos ' meet and $roduce orm%
4% The nature o this di!inity is only re!ealed when the second as$ect has
accom$lished its work" through the medium o the third as$ect" but under
the directing will o the irst as$ect%
7% It is the center where the 0ser$ent o Eod0 undergoes two
a% The ser$ent o matter lies coiled%
b% This ser$ent is transormed into the ser$ent o wisdom%
c% The ser$ent o wisdom is translated and becomes the 0dragon o
li!ing light%0
=% These three stages are nurtured by the lie and energy $ouring down
through the entire length o the s$inal -2B4/ column" !ia the etheric
corres$ondence o the s$inal cord" and ' in time and s$ace ' this
down$ouring 5$lus the simultaneously u$rising lie6 $roduces1
a% The awakening in a gradual and orderly manner o the centers"
according to ray ty$es%
b% The re!ersal o the centers so that the consciousness o the
indwelling man is ade,uate to his en!ironment%
c% The synthesis o the lie energies o all the centers" and ade,uacy
to the demands o the initiate and the ser!ice o the Hierarchy and
o Humanity%
?% The s$inal column 5rom the angle o the esoteric sciences6 houses a
threeold thread% This is the e#ternali(ation o the antahkarana" com$osed
o the antahkarana $ro$er" the sutratma or lie thread" and the creati!e
thread% This threeold thread within the s$inal column is thereore
com$osed o three threads o energy which ha!e channeled or themsel!es
in the substance o the interior o the column a 0threeold way o a$$roach
and o withdrawal%0 These are called in the Hindu terminology1 the ida, the
pingala and the sushumna $aths" and they together orm the $ath o lie
or the indi!idual man and are awakened into acti!ity se,uentially and
according to ray ty$e and the $oint o e!olution% The sushumna $ath is not
used correctly and saely until the antahkarana has been built and the
Fonad and )ersonality are thereby related" e!en i it is only by the most
tenuous thread% Then the Fonad" the 8ather" the will as$ect" can reach the
$ersonality in a direct manner" and can arouse the basic center" and with
it blend" uniy and raise the three ires% -2B7/
@% &ne o these $aths is the one along which the energy which eeds matter
is $oured% Another is related to the $ath o consciousness and o sensiti!e
$sychic unoldment% The third is the $ath o $ure s$irit% Thus in e!ery
li!ing orm the work o the 8ather" o the Fother and o the ;on is carried
Esoteric Healing
on% 3ie'consciousness'orm and lie',uality'a$$earance are blended" and
the res$onse a$$aratus o the di!ine man is $erected" enabling him to
contact and recogni(e the major di!ine as$ects in the kingdoms in nature"
in the $lanet and in the solar system ' e!entually%
Be not betrayed into $lacing these interlaced s$heres o li!ing energy on the right
or the let o the s$inal cord% >onstantly a mo!ement" an inter$lay and a re!ersal
is going on% I can but $ortray the nature o a symbol which will indicate the
s$ecial $ath o the three energies o the di!ine Trinity% I indicate not a fact in
location or place, or it is this materiali(ing and locali(ing o the main conce$t
which has $roduced so much danger% The initiate'student seeks to gras$ the
relation o the three basic energies" the three $aths o li!ing ire" their relation
and interrelation and their se,uential $olari(ation% He seeks not to narrow the
teaching down to $oints and lines and $lace until such -2B=/ time when these
terms mean little to him and he knows more%
B% These three $aths o lie are the channels or electric ire" solar ire and
ire by riction" and are related in their usage to the three stages o the
$ath o e!olution1 the $ath o e!olution in the material" earlier stages+ the
)ath o )robation" and the early stages o the )ath o Disci$leshi$ until the
third initiation+ and the )ath o Initiation itsel%
C% The Kundalini 8ire" about which so much is taught and written in the East"
and increasingly in the *est" is in reality the union o these three ires"
which are ocused by an act o the enlightened will" under the im$ulse o
lo!e" in the basic center% This uniied ire is then raised by the use o a
*ord o )ower 5sent orth by the will o the Fonad6 and by the united
authority o the soul and $ersonality" integrated and ali!e% The human
being who can do this in ull consciousness is thereore an initiate who has
let the third initiation behind him% He" and he alone" can saely raise this
tri$le ire rom the base o the s$ine to the head center%
2D% As usually inter$reted by the ignorant esotericist in the !arious occult
grou$s" the kundalini ire is something which must be 0raised"0 and when
it is raised all the centers will then come into unctioning acti!ity and the
channels u$ and down the s$ine will be cleared o all obstruction% This is a
dangerous generali(ation and a re!ersal o the acts% The kundalini ire will
be raised and carried u$ into hea!en when all the centers are awakened
and the channels u$ the s$ine are unim$eded% This remo!al o all
obstruction is the result o the li!ingness o the indi!idual centers which"
-2B?/ through the $otency o their lie" themsel!es are eecti!e in
destroying all hindrances and obstructions% They can 0burn u$0 all that
hinders their radiation% *hat usually ha$$ens in those accidental cases
5which do so much harm6 is that the as$irant" through his ignorant
Esoteric Healing
curiosity and by an eort o the mind 5not o the s$iritual will" but $urely
as an e#$ression o $ersonality will6" succeeds in arousing the lowest o
the three ires" the ire o matter" ire by riction+ this $roduces a
$remature burning and destroys the etheric web in the etheric body%
These circular disks or webs are to be ound between each $air o the
centers u$ the s$ine and also in the head% They are normally dissi$ated as
$urity o lie" the disci$line o the emotions and the de!elo$ment o the
s$iritual will are carried orward% -2B@/
There are our o these webs% *hen the ourold $ersonality is highly de!elo$ed
and the ajna center is awakening" then these webs slowly and gradually" normally
and automatically disa$$ear% The webs in the head are o much higher ,uality
and bisect the skull hori(ontally and !ertically% Thus they symboli(e the >ross
u$on which a ;on o Eod is cruciied%
22% The three channels u$ the s$ine are res$onsi!e in their totality to the
three major centers1
a% To the solar $le#us center" $ro!iding thus the im$ulse o desire and
eeding the $hysical lie and the creati!e urge%
b% To the heart center" $ro!iding the im$ulse to lo!e and to conscious
contact with e!er widening areas o di!ine e#$ression%
c% To the head center" $ro!iding the dynamic im$ulse o the will to
I do not indicate which channel is res$onsi!e to which center" e#ce$t in the case
o the sushumna channel which is res$onsi!e only to the energy o the head
center and the directing will" centered in the 2DDD'$etalled lotus% This can be
saely stated" as the s$iritual will is as yet unde!elo$ed in those who seek to
arouse kundalini% *hen it is aroused" they will know what they can saely do%
Esoteric Healing
2.% The three centers in the head are also related to this tri$le channel1
a% The medulla oblongata area 5the alta major center6 and the carotid
b% The ajna center and the $ituitary" body%
c% The 2DDD'$etalled lotus and the $ineal gland%
;tudents will ind it interesting to relate all these tri$licities to the three major
rays1 -2BB/
a% The irst ray o will or $ower"
b% The second ray o lo!e'wisdom"
c% The third ray o acti!e intelligence"
and also to the three human races which are endowed with the $ower to unold
the seed o these di!ine as$ects1 3emuria" Atlantis and the Aryan race% These can
be linked" as seed, to the two inal races which will use and synthesi(e all the
abo!e $owers" ,ualities" achie!ements and goals into one $erected $lanetary lie%
Another synthesis is also $ossible and o im$ortance1
a% )ath o E!olution ' centers below the dia$hragm%
b% )ath o Disci$leshi$ ' centers abo!e the dia$hragm%
c% )ath o Initiation ' centers in the head%
These grou$s and tri$licities are all related in time and s$ace to the tri$le s$inal
24% There is also ' again in relation to all the abo!e $oints o synthesis in the
body ' one consummating $oint o com$lete usion% I gi!e each o these in
the se,uence o their work o usion1
a% The solar $le#us center" using the centers below the dia$hragm%
b% The ajna center" using centers both abo!e and below the
c% The base o the s$ine" using all si# centers%
d% The thousand'$etalled lotus o the head" using all the se!en
Bear in mind" in connection with all the abo!e" that we are dealing entirely with
orces and energies" unctioning through the etheric body+ that we are dealing
with -2BC/ the tertiary world o causes" which is res$onsible or the organic world
o the dense $hysical maniestation% This $hysical maniestation is itsel subject to
the inluence o the secondary world o conscious lie" which in its turn is
res$onsi!e in time and s$ace to the dynamic world o $ur$ose and o Being%
The key to the ull lie o the soul lies hidden in my words" but it takes the
dedicated lie and the illumined mind to $roit by the knowledge con!eyed" and to
see behind the orm o words the key thought which gi!es it lie and ' occultly
s$eaking ' generati!e warmth%
Ha!e clearly in mind the conce$ts o stimulation or lack o stimulation" o
inter$lay or o se$arati!eness" o ,uiescence or o acti!ity" or in these dualities
are to be ound the causes o health or o disease%
Esoteric Healing
The Etheric "oy# 2er(ous an Enocrine +yste!s
*hat I ha!e to say here is based u$on certain remarks in the $re!ious $ages
wherein I $ointed out that
2% The etheric body itsel
.% The ner!ous system
4% The endocrine system
are closely 0related to each other and constitute an interlocking directorate o
energies and orces which are essentially !ital" gal!anic" dynamic and
creati!e%%%G$on them" the entire interior health o the body de$ends%0 To these
three I then added the blood stream as the con!eyor throughout the body o
2% The 3ie )rinci$le"
.% The combined energies o the three abo!e systems"
and $ointed out that the great combination o orces which we call the $airs o
o$$osites or the major dualities" go!ern -2CD/ the underlying causes o health
and disease% In making these statements" I am endea!oring to reduce our entire
theme to one o the utmost sim$licity% In so doing" some o the truth is lost" but it
is essential that certain broad generali(ations are gras$ed by the student beore
he begins to study the e#ce$tions and to deal with minutiae and the detail o
bodily deects or their o$$osites%
It has become a truism with students o the occult that the etheric body
conditions" controls and determines the lie e#$ression o the incarnated
indi!idual% It is a secondary truism that this etheric body is the con!eyor o the
orces o the $ersonality" through the medium o the centers" and thereby
gal!ani(es the $hysical body into acti!ity% These orces" routed through the
centers" are those o the integrated $ersonality as a whole" or are sim$ly the
orces o the astral or emotional body and the mind body+ they also transmit the
orce o the $ersonality ray or the energy o the soul ray" according to the $oint in
e!olution reached by the man% The $hysical body" thereore" is not a $rinci$le% It
is conditioned and does not condition + a $oint ot orgotten% It is a !ictim o
$ersonality lie or the trium$hant e#$ression o soul energy% It is or this reason
that the science o $sychology will" during the ne#t two centuries" dominate
modern medical science" e#ce$t in the category o those diseases with which we
will deal in our ne#t section ' those emanating rom grou$ lie" such as
tuberculosis" !enereal diseases and cancer% Gntil the race is more deinitely grou$
conscious 5something as yet ar distant6 it will not be $ossible to a$$ly broad
$sychological generali(ations to the diseases indigenous to our $lanet% *e can"
howe!er" consider the handling o similar diiculties which arise in the indi!idual
unit+ these are based on the conlict o the $airs o o$$osites and u$on the lack o
harmony to be ound in the three major interlocking" directing systems% -2C2/
9ou ha!e" thereore" three systems to carry in your minds" and one carrier or
con!eying agent" $lus the basic occult act that certain great o$$osing energies"
working within the body" $roduce what we call disease% To the abo!e actors I
would add another needed correlation% I would remind you that we are concerned
with orms o lie" and that all these orms are creati!e within themsel!es" and
can create $otentially more orms or can $ro!ide en!ironments in which these
orms can li!e% )lease note this mode o e#$ressing a undamental truth% The
basis o all the occult teaching as regards maniestation is that the building orces
e#ist" and that this statement is true whether you are concerned with the 3ie o a
solar system or only with the consciousness o that body in which the human
Esoteric Healing
being mo!es and li!es ' along sound or unsound lines+ we are dealing with the
world body in which a human being li!es%
&wing to this" we come u$ against another great natural 3aw which can be
e#$ressed sim$ly as ollows1
Law .I
*hen the building energies o the soul are acti!e in the body" then there is
health" clean inter$lay and right acti!ity% *hen the builders are the lunar lords
and those who work under the control o the moon and at the behest o the lower
$ersonal sel" then you ha!e disease" ill health and death%
This is a $rooundly sim$le rule" but it gi!es the clue to the causes o disease and
to the reason or an established immortality+ it will be understood with great
clarity and com$rehension in a ew yearsA time and will then su$ersede those
idealistic but actually unsound and untrue systems to which we gi!e the name
Gnity" Fental ;cience and >hristian ;cience% These systems $resent as
immediate" demonstrable $ossibilities the stage o inal liberation -2C./ rom the
natural and material limitations which today control all orms+ they ignore the
time actor" and o!erlook the e!olutionary $rocess and also the $oint o
de!elo$ment o the $erson concerned+ their $osition is based on wishul thinking
and on the innate desire o the a!erage human being or comort and $hysical
harmony" and gloss the innate selishness o their $resentation o truth with the
conce$t that all is to the eternal glory o Eod% Gn,uestionably" disease and
$hysical limitations o any kind will !anish" but this will only ha$$en when the
soul o the indi!idual controls and the lower $ersonal sel becomes as much an
automaton o the soul as the $hysical body is at this time the automaton o the
emotional nature" o the mind" and occasionally 5and only !ery occasionally or
the majority o $eo$le6 o the soul%
&nly when the soul" consciously and with the coo$eration o the $ersonality"
builds the tem$le o the body" and then kee$s it ull o light" will disease
disa$$ear+ this building is" howe!er" a scientiic $rocess" and in the early stages
o disci$leshi$ 5which is the time wherein the soul begins to gras$ its instrument"
the $ersonality6 this leads ine!itably to conlict" increased strain and re,uently
aggra!ated disease and disharmony% This dis'harmony and dis'ease lead to much
necessary trouble and conse,uent undesirable eects% These eects will be
o!ercome but ' in the interim o adjustment ' whilst they are registering and
e#$ressing themsel!es" there will be much distress" $hysical and $sychological"
and all the major and minor diiculties to which humanity seems heir%
In unde!elo$ed humanity" the conlict 5rom the angle o consciousness6 is
$ractically nil+ you ha!e less susce$tibility to the subtler diseases emanating rom
the three interlocking systems" but at the same time a much greater
res$onsi!eness to the three indigenous diseases" to inectious -2C4/ and
contagious diseases" and to the great e$idemics which swee$ through nations and
great $lanetary areas% As humanity de!elo$s" diseases become more $ersonal 5i
I might e#$ress it in this manner6 and are not so deinitely related to the herd or
mass condition" They arise within the $ersons themsel!es" and though they may
be related to the mass diseases" they are based on indi!idual causes%
*hen a man ste$s out o the general mass and ste$s u$on the $robationary $ath"
and thus becomes a candidate or disci$leshi$" then the diseases o the lesh and
the inharmony o his entire threeold system" $lus the con!eying stream"
constitute a conscious problem and one which the as$irant must himsel tackle '
thus re!ealing to him the need or conscious" creati!e building%
Esoteric Healing
It is at this $oint that the doctrine o reincarnation becomes o su$reme !alue+
the disci$le begins to institute those conditions" to create those orms and build
those !ehicles which" in another lie" will $ro!e more suitable or soul control and
more ade,uate instruments with which to carry orward the $erecting $rocess
which the soul demands% 3et me $oint out that the disci$le does not concentrate
u$on the $hysical body at any time" or begin with any $hysical em$hasis to work
at the elimination o disease or disharmony% He begins with the $sychology which
the soul teaches and commences with the causes which are $roducing the eects
u$on the $hysical $lane% It is a slower process, but endures. Fuch o the !iolent
autosuggestion o the systems allied to >hristian ;cience and Gnity are only
tem$orary in their eects and are based u$on a $rocess o scientiic su$$ression"
$lus a reusal to recogni(e e#istent actors% They are not based on truth% In a
later lie" the su$$ressed condition will again emerge in e!er greater $otency and
will continue so to do until such time as it is ignored altogether and the lie
em$hasis is laid on soul contact -2C7/ and the lie e#$ression is e#tro!erted into
ser!ice to others%
In connection with $hysical disease and its relation to the centers 5regarding
these as ocal $oints or incoming energies rom some source or another6 it might
be useul i certain broad generali(ations were made here" remembering that to
all o these there may be e#ce$tions" $articularly in the case o the health or the
non'health o disci$les%
2% Each o the se!en major centers go!erns or conditions ' rom the material
angle as well as rom that o the soul and o the lie $rinci$le ' the area o
the $hysical body in which it is ound" including the multitude o lesser
centers o energy and $le#i o orce which may be ound therein%
.% The three great basic and maniesting di!isions o di!inity are to be ound
symbolically $resent in e!ery center1
a% The lie $rinci$le" the irst as$ect" discloses itsel when the entire
center is esoterically unolded or awakened% It is $resent all the
time in latency" but it is not a dynamic actor $roducing monadic
stimulation until the end o the great cycle o e!olution%
b% The ,uality or soul as$ect is gradually disclosed in the $rocess o
e!olutionary unoldment and $roduces" in time and s$ace" the
deinite eect which the center has u$on its en!ironment% This
,uality is de$endent u$on the ray 5either o the $ersonality or the
soul6 which is the source o the incoming energy" or u$on the ray
go!erning the astral body in the case o the little e!ol!ed+ it is also
de$endent u$on the $oint in e!olution and u$on the radiatory
inluence o other centers%
c% The a$$earance in the etheric body o a de!elo$ed or a de!elo$ing
center indicates the $lace o the man u$on the ladder o e!olution"
his racial ailiations" and his conscious goal+ this latter can range
all the -2C=/ way rom an em$hasis u$on the se# lie" and
conse,uent acti!ity o the sacral center" to the goal o the initiate"
which brings the head center into acti!ity% All this $roduces a
conse,uent eect u$on the surrounding tissue" substance and
organic orms within the radius o inluence o the center% The area
o this inluence is !ariable according to the acti!ity o the center
and this is de$endent u$on the $oint o de!elo$ment reached by
the indi!idual and the $re$onderant ty$e o energy to which the
indi!idual reacts%
4% The incoming energy is transmuted within the center into orces% This
in!ol!es a $rocess o dierentiation into secondary energies o the $rimary
energy in!ol!ed" and is an automatic ha$$ening+ the rate o transmutation
$rocess" the strength o the resultant aggregation o orces" and the
Esoteric Healing
subse,uent radiatory acti!ity 5$roducing conditioning results u$on the
dense $hysical body6 are de$endent u$on the e#tent o the unoldment o
the $articular center in!ol!ed and its awakened or unawakened state%
7% The outgoing orces rom a center $lay u$on the etheric counter$art o the
entire intricate network o ner!es which constitute the ner!ous system%
These counter$arts o identical subjecti!e corres$ondences are called in
the Hindu $hiloso$hy" the 0nadis0+ they constitute an intricate and most
e#tensi!e network o luid energies which are an intangible" interior"
$aralleling system to that o the bodily ner!es" which latter system is in
act an e#ternali(ation o the inner $attern o energies% There is as yet no
word in the English language or in any Euro$ean tongue or the ancient
word 0nadi"0 because the e#istence o this subjecti!e system is not yet
recogni(ed" and only the materialistic conce$t o the ner!es as a system
built u$ in res$onse to a -2C?/ tangible en!ironment yet holds sway in the
*est% The idea o these ner!es being the dense $hysical result o an inner
sensiti!e res$onse a$$aratus is still undeined and unrecogni(ed by
modern *estern science% *hen recognition is accorded to this subtle
substance 5com$osed o threads o energy6 underlying the more tangible
ner!es" we shall ha!e mo!ed orward in our a$$roach to the entire
$roblem o health and disease" and the world o causes will be that much
nearer% This network o nadis orms a deinite lie $attern which !aries
according to the personality ray.
=% The nadis" thereore" determine the nature and the ,uality o the ner!ous
system with its e#tensi!e network o ner!es and $le#i co!ering the entire
$hysical body% The nadis" and conse,uently the network o ner!es" are
related $rimarily to two as$ects o manAs $hysical e,ui$ment ' the se!en
major centers in the etheric body 5the substantial body which underlies
the dense $hysical body6" and the s$inal column with the head% It must
always be remembered that the etheric body is a $hysical body" though
com$osed o subtler material than the one we can see and touch% It is
made o substance or o that which 0substands"0 or underlies" e!ery $art
and $article o the dense $hysical !ehicle% This is a $oint which will later
recei!e attention rom healers and rom enlightened medical men in the
Hew Age% *hen this relationshi$ e#isting between the nadis and the
ner!es" and their joint relationshi$ to the centers and s$inal column is
recogni(ed" we shall see a great re!olution in medical and $sychiatric
methods% E#$erience will tend to show that the more closely the inter$lay
between these two ' the nadis and the ner!es ' can be brought about" the
more ra$idly will the control o disease also be im$lemented% -2C@/
?% The nadis in the $hysical body corres$ond to the lie or s$irit as$ect+ the
ner!es are the corres$ondence to the soul or ,uality as$ect% That which
demonstrates as their united e#ternali(ation is the endocrine system which
corres$onds to the orm or matter as$ect% These three ' the nadis" the
ner!ous system and the glands ' are the material corres$ondences to the
three di!ine as$ects+ they are esoterically res$onsi!e to these three
as$ects and they make the man u$on the $hysical $lane what he is% These
three grou$s are themsel!es conditioned 5!ia the se!en centers" as we
ha!e earlier seen6 by the astral or mental !ehicles" or by the integrated
$ersonality" or by the soul which begins to use the $ersonality as a
transmitting and transmuting agency" and ' at the close o the )ath o
Disci$leshi$ ' by the monad" !ia the antahkarana" using that sel'created
$ath as a direct channel o communication to the se!en centers and rom
there to the threeold system o nadis" ner!es and glands%
@% These three major systems within the human being e#$ress through the
medium o the $hysical body the condition or the state o de!elo$ment o
the centers% The lie" the ,uality and the energy which they re$resent are
con!eyed to e!ery $art o the $hysical !ehicle !ia the blood stream% This"
Esoteric Healing
modern science is already recogni(ing as a act" indicating that the blood
stream con!eys certain elements released by the glands% It does not yet
recogni(e the act o the relationshi$ o the glands to the centers" with the
intermediate systems o nadis" and ner!es% The ne#t great mo!e in
medicine will be to recogni(e the act o the etheric body" the $hysical
substance which underlies dense matter%
B% *hen the centers are awakened throughout the body" there will then be
$resent a highly electric ner!ous system" res$onsi!e with immediacy to
the energy carried by -2CB/ the nadis+ the result o this will be a well'
balanced endocrine system% The !itality and lie $ouring through the entire
body will then be o such $otency that automatically the $hysical body will
be resistant to disease" either innate" hereditary" or o grou$ origin% In
these words I e#$ress or you a uture $robability but not an immediate
$ossibility% Fan will some day ha!e the three systems $erectly
coordinated" $sychically res$onsi!e to the inner $attern o nadis and
centers" and consciously integrated with the soul" and later ' !ia the
antahkarana ' with the 3ie $rinci$le%
C% Today as there is une!en de!elo$ment" with some centers unawakened"
others o!er'stimulated" and with the centers below the dia$hragm o!er'
acti!e" you ha!e conse,uently" whole areas o the body where the nadis
are in an embryonic state" other areas where they are highly energi(ed
but with their low arrested because some center along the $ath o their
acti!ity is still unawakened or ' i awakened ' is still non'radiatory% These
une!en conditions $roduce $otent eects u$on the ner!ous system and
u$on the glands" leading to o!er'stimulation in some cases" subnormal
conditions in others" lack o !itality" o!er'acti!ity" and other undesirable
reactions which ine!itably $roduce disease% ;uch diseases either arise
rom within the body itsel as the result o inherent 5or should I say
indigenous6 or hereditary tendencies or $redis$ositions" $resent in the
bodily tissue+ or they arise as the result o the radiation or the non'
radiation o the centers" which work through the nadis+ they can also arise
as a result o e#ternal im$acts or contact 5such as inectious or contagious
diseases and e$idemics6% These" the subject is unable to resist" owing to
the lack o de!elo$ment o his centers%
2D% To sum all u$1 Disease" $hysical disability o any kind 5e#ce$t o course
those due to accidents and" to some -2CC/ e#tent" to $lanetary conditions
inducing e$idemics o a $eculiarly !irulent nature such as war ot
$roduces6" and the many diering as$ects o ill health can be directly
traced to the condition o the centers" as they determine the acti!ity or the
non'acti!ity o the nadis+ these" in their turn" aect the ner!ous system"
making the endocrine system what it is in the indi!idual man" and the
blood stream is res$onsible or this condition reaching e!ery $art o the
Effects Prouce in +%ecific Areas
3et us now consider certain o the eects o the abo!e acts" and their eect u$on
the areas go!erned by the centers and in which disease a$$ears%
It will be a$$arent to you that as the energy $ours through the centers" !ia the
nadis and the ner!es and $otently aecting the glandular system and the blood
stream" the areas o the body become !itally in!ol!ed and res$onsi!e% This
co!ers" o course" the head" the throat and the torso% The energy thus dis$atched
$enetrates to e!ery $art o the $hysical !ehicle" to e!ery organism and to e!ery
Esoteric Healing
cell and atom% It is the working o the ,uality o energy u$on the body which
induces" stimulates" remo!es or $alliates disease% I am not here reerring to the
three major indigenous diseases 5i I may call them that6 ' cancer" sy$hilis and
tuberculosis% *ith these I will deal later because they are $lanetary in sco$e"
$resent in the substance o which all orms are made" and are res$onsible or
$roducing a host o lesser diseases which are sometimes recogni(ed as ailiates
but are re,uently not so known%
Those diseases which are loosely called mental diseases" and which are related to
the brain" are little understood as yet% There was !ery little mental trouble in the
last root'race" the Atlantean+ the mind nature was then ,uiescent and little
stimulation was con!eyed through mental -.DD/ le!els !ia the head center to the
$ineal gland and the brain% There was !ery little eye trouble either" and no nasal
diiculties" or the ajna center was unawakened and the third eye ra$idly
becoming inacti!e% The ajna center is the organ o the integrated $ersonality" the
instrument o direction" and is closely related to the $ituitary body and the two
eyes" as well as to all the rontal areas o the head% In Atlantean days" $ersonality
integration was largely unknown" e#ce$t in the case o disci$les and initiates" and
the goal o the initiate then" and the sign o his achie!ement" was this tri$le
integration% Today" the goal is that o a still higher usion ' that o the soul and
$ersonality% ;$eaking in terms o energy" this in!ol!es the ormation" acti!ity and
related inter$lay o the ollowing triangles o orce1
The soul" the s$iritual man on his own $lane%
The $ersonality" the threeold integrated man in the three worlds%
The head center%
The head center" the $oint o the second usion%
The ajna center" the $oint o the irst usion%
The center in the medulla oblongata" controlling the s$ine%
The $ineal gland" the e#ternali(ation o the head center%
The $ituitary body" related to the ajna center%
The carotid gland" the e#ternali(ation o the third head center%
All these tri$licities" $resent within the circumerence o the head" constitute the
mechanism through which1
2% The soul controls its instrument" the $ersonality%
.% The $ersonality directs the acti!ities o the $hysical body% -.D2/
The s$inal column 5esoterically" the ida" $ingala and sushumna channels6" the
two eyes and the total brain tissue are rece$ti!e to" stimulated by" or non'
rece$ti!e to these energies in the head% In the latter case" the entire area is in a
,uiescent state" s$iritually s$eaking" and% the ocus o energy is elsewhere%
This deiciency or this stimulation" i unbalanced or i misa$$lied" will $roduce
some deinite ty$e o trouble" re,uently o a $hysiological nature as well as
$sychological" and in our Aryan times we shall see an increasing amount o
diseases o the brain 5a constantly increasing mental imbalance6" and o eye
diiculties" until the nature o the centers and the ty$e o incoming orce and
their regulation are recogni(ed and careully and scientiically studied% Then we
shall see the science o the regulation o energy" as it conditions the human
being" de!elo$ed% In the meantime" there is much diiculty e!erywhere" and
mental diseases" neurotic conditions" insanities and" $erha$s e!en more
Esoteric Healing
$re!alent" glandular imbalance" are on an e#$anding arc% To date" in the *est"
little is known as to the methods o control or cure" and in the East" where some
knowledge can be ound" nothing is done" owing to the a$athy there $resent%
The s$inal column is $rimarily intended to be the channel through which the
energi(ing o the centers and the distribution o energy to the surrounding areas
o the body is carried orward by the intelligent" integrated $ersonality" acting
under the conscious direction o the soul% I reer not here to the bony structure o
the s$inal column" but to the cord" its esoteric counter$art" and to the ner!es
which issue rom the s$ine% Today this $lanned" directed esoteric control o
energy is not $resent" e#ce$t in the case o those with the initiate consciousness
and certain ad!anced disci$les% There are inhibitions" blockages" unawakened
areas" deiciency o !itality" lack o ree low and conse,uent lack -.D./ o
de!elo$ment within the whole man+ or else there is too much stimulation" a too
ra$id !ibratory acti!ity" a $remature awakening o the centers" leading to the
o!er'acti!ity o the atoms and cells go!erned by any $articular center% All these
conditions" along with others not mentioned" aect the ner!ous system" condition
the glands and $roduce $sychological diiculty and disease in some orm or
another% 9ou ha!e the ollowing sim$le yet suggesti!e and symbolic diagram o
the s$inal column and the head" looking at both rom the angle o the centers and
the glands1 -.D4/
Esoteric Healing
9ou will note that the s$leen is not included in this diagram% Its unction is a
$eculiar one" being the center o !itality in relation to the $lanetary !itality and
the radiation rom the sun% It is not controlled in any way rom the s$inal column%
It must be borne in mind that this diagram is sim$ly an eort to relate in $ictorial
orm the centers" the glands which they condition" and the organs which are
aected by both% It is not intended to be a true $icture o any $hysiological
organic relations%
The center at the base o the s$ine has a uni,ue unction% It is to the substance
o the body" to the $hysical tissue and to all matter not included in the organs
mentioned abo!e" the source o lie% In the $erected man" the two centers 5the
highest head center and the basic center6 re$resent the great duality o s$irit and
matter" and they then control and go!ern" in $erect unison" the entire direction
o the !ehicle o the soul% 8inally" you will ha!e the s$iritual as$ect o the human
being e#$ressing itsel $erectly through the related monad and $ersonality
5which is brought about by a third great major usion6% The material man is then
res$onsi!e to these two" !ia the head center 5the monad6 and the basic center
5the s$iritually energi(ed $ersonality6% These two centers will then be in com$lete
ra$$ort" e#$ressing the ull nature o the s$iritual man%
It is essential that s$iritual healers should get clearly in their minds the $icture o
the areas in the body which are go!erned by the head centers and the other
centers" because within those areas are the !arious organs which react to
disease% The health o these organs is largely de$endent u$on the centers" as
they condition the glands and as the energy is distributed throughout the body% A
ull and balanced low o energy rom the center into the area which it controls
leads to resistance to so'called disease+ -.D7/ where there is lack o de!elo$ment
and an unbalanced situation" where the centers are concerned" there will be no
$ower to resist% The healing $rocess in the Hew Age will start with deinitely
$lanned work with the centers" and the general trend o the healing art will then
be ' as you can easily see ' $re!enti!e in nature rather than curati!e% The whole
em$hasis will be u$on the energy centers" energy currents and the direction o
energy to the organs within the radius o the inluence o any $articular center%
8rom a study o the glands 5a study so much in its inancy that it hardly merits
the word 0embryonic06 much will be later learned o their relationshi$ to the
centers" and much e#$erimental work will be done% 8rom the stand$oint o the
esotericist who admits the fact o the centers" the glands are" $ar e#cellence" the
major determining actor in connection with the general health o an indi!idual+
they indicate not only his $sychological de!elo$ment ar more than is today
gras$ed" but they ha!e 5as is sus$ected by the orthodo# medical science6 a most
$otent eect u$on the whole organic system+ their inluence" !ia the blood
stream" reaches into e!ery $art o the body and to the e#tremities% The glands
are the result o the acti!ity o the centers+ they are irst" last" and all the time
effects of inner predisposing causes, and it is through the centers and their
ailiated glands that the soul builds the a$$aratus u$on the $hysical $lane which
we call the $hysical man%
Thereore" the grou$ o related actors with which we ha!e been dealing must be
careully studied and gras$ed by any $racticing healer" or he will e!entually ha!e
to work through his own centers in relation to the $atient whose ills he is
endea!oring to heal% He must remember" conse,uently" three actors1 The
centers" their related glands" and the grou$ o organs or which these two are
res$onsible% 9ou ha!e in the se!en areas o the body" go!erned by the -.D=/
se!en major centers and their ailiated glands" the a$$earance again o the basic
trinity o maniestation1
Esoteric Healing
2% 3ie or s$irit ' the energy center%
.% ;oul or ,uality ' the gland%
4% 8orm or matter ' the organs in any $articular area go!erned by any one
This brings us to another law which the healer must e!er ha!e in mind%
Law .II
*hen lie or energy lows unim$eded and through right direction to its
$reci$itation 5the related gland6" then the orm res$onds and ill health
This is a basic law in healing and concerns the true art o relating s$iritual energy
with orm lie" and u$on this the health and the !itality o the organs de$end%
Thereore we come to the ne#t rule which the healer has to master% This is
concisely e#$ressed" and those $hrases which con!ey instruction must be
understood and a$$lied intelligently%
Rule fi(e
3et the healer concentrate the needed energy within the needed center%
3et that center corres$ond to the center which has need%
3et the two synchroni(e and together augment orce%
Thus shall the waiting orm be balanced in its work%
Thus shall the two and the one" under right direction" heal%
It will be ob!ious to you" thereore" that healers at the $resent time 5I reer not
here to the medical $roession but to the multitude o the many schools o
thought6 ha!e not yet got back to the basic actor" in s$ite o all their talk anent
lo!e being the healing orce% They are in reality -.D?/ em$hasi(ing and dealing
with the moti!e which im$els the healer to $ly his healing art% They are concerned
with the instrumentality whereby contact can be made with the $atient to be
healed% That contact must e!er be established in ,o(e ' resh" com$elling and
selless% But once that relation is established" the healer must gras$ the act that"
as ar as he is concerned" he must work scientiically+ he must a$$ly knowledge
and ' ater right diagnosis" ater right modern thera$eutic methods" ater due
common sense" which includes the best that the tried science o medicine can
gi!e ' he must then begin to work through his own center" $utting it en ra$$ort
with the center in the $atient which go!erns the distressed area or diseased
As he thus works" the energy which lo!ing intent and skilled knowledge has
ta$$ed and brought in is not $ermitted 5during the healing $rocess6 to stimulate
or aect the healerAs own related glands or $roduce action in the connected area
o his own body% The healer must learn to insulate himsel rom the energy to be
used on behal o the $atient% He blends it with the energy o the $atientAs center"
go!erning the diseased area+ the allied gland is then doubly energi(ed 5or
lessened" as the case may be and diagnosis re,uires6" and the blood stream
releases into the diseased tissue that which is needed to cure or $re!ent the
growth o the disease%
In this instruction I ha!e gi!en you much ood or thought% I ha!e em$hasi(ed an
as$ect o scientiic esoteric healing which has not beore been brought to the
attention o students% I would ha!e you gras$ the general $icture and get the
outlines o $rocess clear+ I would ha!e you study the relation between the healer
and the $atient as he $asses out o the stage o just lo!ing and sending out lo!e
or o seeing the $atient in the light o lo!e" and goes on to the scientiic work o
Esoteric Healing
augmenting the $atientAs own s$iritual -.D@/ energy% He thus enables him to
eect his own cure" consciously or unconsciously%
9ou ha!e" thereore" the healer" the $atient and the reser!oir o s$iritual energy"
$lus the scientiic $rocess o bringing all three into a close and healing ra$$ort%
This is done !ia the center concerned in the e,ui$ment o the $atient" the
corres$onding center in the e,ui$ment o the healer" and the direction 5by an act
o the will o the healer or o the healing grou$6 o the united streams o re,uired
s$eciic energy to the area diseased% This is usually done !ia the related gland"
though it is not always so%
)onder on these things and see" i you can" the sim$licity o the $rocess which is
based on lo!ing intent" which isolates the s$eciic area in which the trouble e#ists"
which identiies itsel with the s$iritual center o energy in the $atient" and which
then a$$lies and directs the used and blended energies%
Effects of Unersti!ulation an O(er-sti!ulation of the Centers
*e ha!e been or some time studying the centers and their relation to the dense
$hysical body% *e ha!e also noted the areas which are conditioned by these
centers and the mediating work o the ductless glands% *e ha!e seen that two
major $redis$osing causes o $hysical trouble" arising within the $hysical
organism" are the understimulation or the o!er'stimulation o the centers% There
are also" as you will recall" three diseases which are inherent in substance itsel"
and which thereore create basic $redis$ositions within the human body1 cancer"
sy$hilis and tuberculosis% *ith these three we are not at this time dealing% But
the condition o the centers $roduces" basically" all the diiculties" $ermitting
entrance to inections and germs which might not otherwise cause trouble"
$roducing those -.DB/ situations where the diseases inherent in the orm nature
can be ostered" and making undesirable tendencies $owerul% *e might
conse,uently lay down the $remise 5one which the medical $roession will later
acce$t in its entirety6 that diseases which are sel'engendered 5i I may use so
curious and inade,uate a $hrase6" and which are not the result o contagion or
inection or o accidents" are caused by the ailure" the limitation" the deiciency
or the e#cess" and by the o!er'de!elo$ment or the underde!elo$ment" o the
endocrine system% This ductless glandular system" !ia the hormones" aects
e!ery $art o the $hysical organism ' !ia the blood stream ' and it may thereore
be truly $osited that when the ductless glands are $erectly balanced and
unctioning correctly" there will be no diseased areas in the body% The blood
stream will then be ke$t also in $erect condition% The clue to $erect $hysical
health as it is e#$ressed by a Faster o the *isdom can conse,uently be directly
traced to His ull control o the centers" to their balanced state o energy
rece$tion and distribution" and to the eect which they $roduce u$on the entire
ductless glandular system% By this means e!ery area o the body is $ro$erly
su$$lied with the needed orces and is thus ke$t in $erect condition%
>oming midway between the centers and the corres$onding endocrine glands"
and acting as the agent or the distribution o energy" is the ner!ous system%
Here" howe!er" diiculty is usually to be ound% There is a lack o ade,uate low
o energy+ the energy distributed by its means to the body" !ia the centers" is
une!enly distributed+ some centers recei!e an undue su$$ly+ others recei!e an
inade,uate amount+ some centers are still unawakened" and thereore are non'
rece$ti!e+ others are $rematurely de!elo$ed and transmit too much orce to the
areas they go!ern% In esoteric medicine and its $hiloso$hical inter$retation 5which
Esoteric Healing
is in the last analysis the eecti!e and $ractical a$$lication -.DC/ o the known
acts6 it is the cerebro's$inal as$ect which conditions and go!erns the entire
ner!ous system" or it is by means o this as$ect and through its agency that the
centers work and aect the bodily organism" su$$lying the body with the needed
!ital energy+ thus the ner!ous system becomes e!entually res$onsi!e" !ia the
se!en centers" to the se!en major energies or the se!en ray orces%
In no human being" e#ce$t a Faster" are all the centers $ro$erly awakened and
unctioning in a balanced manner" nor are they $ro$erly related through intensi!e
radiation+ in no human being is the ner!ous system correctly res$onsi!e to the
centers% There are two reasons or this" and both are related to the cerebro's$inal
2% The head center is not yet awakened" or is only slowly being de!elo$ed" as
the disci$le submits himsel to training%
.% The low o energy through the head to the centers u$ the s$ine is
une!en" owing to the act that the inlow is une!en" and that the etheric
web ' between the centers ' $ermits as yet only a !ery little energy to low
through to all the centers%
It must be remembered that the lie o the centers is ounded" in the initial stage"
u$on the inherent lie o the organism itsel" with the ocus o the emanating lie
to be ound in the center at the base o the s$ine% This is a $oint ot orgotten by
esotericist% This basic center is the one through which the lie o matter itsel
works+ this is the lie or energy o the Holy ;$irit as$ect" the third as$ect%
Through its lie each atom in the body is ed% This $rocess o animating the
substance o the $hysical orm is started in the $renatal stage+ ater birth" this
ty$e o orce is aided and $aralleled by the inlow o $lanetary $rana or !ital
energy rom the $lanetary lie itsel" !ia the s$leen% -.2D/ This is the essential
relating organ between the inherent lie o matter itsel" as $resent in the
microcosm" and the inherent lie in the $lanet%
As e!olution $roceeds" there is gradually added to this inherent orce an inlow o
0,ualiied0 energy which is e#$ressi!e o the consciousness as$ect o di!inity" and
indicates to the esotericist the state o awareness o the man and also the ray
ty$e o his soul% This inlow comes rom the second di!ine as$ect" rom the soul
or the indwelling >hrist% It might thereore be stated anent the two head centers
2% The ajna center" or the $ersonality center" ocused between the eyebrows
and conditioning the $ituitary body" is related to the entire lie o the
integrated threeold organism% Through this organism the consciousness
must $erorce e#$ress itsel" and the $hysical" emotional and mental
!ehicles demonstrate its $oint in e!olution%
.% The head center 5called in the Hindu $hiloso$hy" the thousand'$etalled
lotus6 conditions the $ineal gland and is related to the lie o the soul and '
ater the third initiation ' to the lie o the monad+ it con!eys to the
centers the energy o the three major ty$es o s$iritual being o which the
three orces o the $ersonality are the relections or $hysical counter$arts%
3ater" energy rom the s$irit as$ect" the irst or 8ather as$ect" will become
a!ailable and will $our down through the head center to the ajna center"
combining $ersonality energy and soul energy% Then" by an act o the will" it is
$rojected down the s$inal column" !ia the alta major center" which conditions the
carotid gland% As it $asses down the s$inal column it !itali(es two as$ects o the
centers+ when -.22/ it reaches the basic center" it combines with the latent
Esoteric Healing
energy o substance itsel" and you ha!e" thereore" the union o all three di!ine
energies and the maniestation in man o the three di!ine as$ects% These
combined energies then rush u$ the central channel in the s$inal column" and the
third or highest rece$ti!e as$ect o the centers is energi(ed% All the centers are
thus brought into ull e#$ression+ all limitations are destroyed+ e!ery $art o the
body is !itali(ed and material $erection is $roduced" $lus the ull $lay o the
enlightened consciousness and also o the lie as$ect%
The ner!ous system then comes under the com$lete control o the s$iritual man"
and the blood stream is $uriied and becomes an unim$eded and satisactory
channel or the circulation o that which the energi(ed glands discharge% This is
the esoteric signiicance o the Biblical words" 0The blood is the lie"0 and also o
the words 0sa!ed by the blood o >hrist%0 It is not by the blood o a >hrist dying
two thousand years ago u$on the cross in )alestine that man is sa!ed" but by the
li!ingness o the blood o those in whom the >hrist lie and consciousness" and
the ,uality o the >hrist" is $erectly demonstrating and e#$ressed% Then" when
the nature o the indwelling >hrist is ully" s$ontaneously and automatically
e#$ressing itsel in and through the $ersonality" the three ires o the creati!e
$rocess ' the ire o matter" the ire o the soul" and the electric ire o s$irit ' are
blended" and there is then a $erect maniestation on Earth o $hysical li!ing" o
the emotional and mental lie" and also o the s$iritual lie o an incarnated ;on o
Eod" a >hrist%
It is on this $oint o understanding that so many worthy $eo$le go astray"
$articularly in the mental science mo!ements" in the Gnity mo!ement" and in
>hristian ;cience% Instead o ocusing their eort on achie!ing the $ure lie -.2./
o >hrist in e!ery day lie" and acting as consecrated ser!ers o their ellowmen
and as channels or lo!e" and becoming aware only o the consciousness o the
whole" they are ocused on airming a uture $erection ' mentally and !ocally '
in order to ha!e good health and $hysical comort% They regard it as their right
and due" to be gained by airmation" and orget the hard work necessary to bring
about within themsel!es those conditions which will make the di!ine maniested
>hrist $resent% They need to bear in mind that good health will be normal and
declarati!e i the inner consciousness is harmless 5and the majority o these
$eo$le are guilty o a su$erior s$irit o criticism6" i they are decentrali(ed rom
the lower sel in the three worlds" and i they are 0ocused in hea!en" thereby
enabling the hea!enly ;on o Fan *ho is the ;on o Eod to lead the hea!enly lie
when ar rom the hea!enly realm0 ' as an old >hristian mystic" long orgotten"
used to say% His words ha!e been remembered by the Faster F ' and thus
recalled to my attention%
Another school o thought" branding themsel!es untruthully as occultists" are
e,ually in error% They work" or rather $roess to work" with the centers" only
ortunately or them nature $rotects them oten rom themsel!es% They endea!or
consciously to !itali(e the centers" to burn away the $rotecti!e web" and to raise
the ires o matter beore the ire o s$irit has combined with the ire o the soul%
They then all !ictims to $remature stimulation o the ires o substance beore
the balancing o the orces can take $lace% Disease" insanities" and many neurotic
conditions" $lus serious $athological conditions" then occur% ;ome o the glands
become o!er'acti!e+ others are o!erlooked" and the entire glandular system and
the de$endent ner!ous system are in a state o com$lete imbalance% -.24/
Disci$les need to learn to ocus their attention u$on the reality and u$on the
actors o $rimary s$iritual im$ortance% *hen they do this" the energies in the
head" the correct use o the s$inal area with its 0beaded centers"0 and the
Esoteric Healing
awakening o the basic center and its conse,uent usion with the higher energies
will be an automatic and $erectly sae ha$$ening%
The orderly rhythm o the glandular system and the ree" sae use o the
controlled ner!ous system will then be $ossible+ the energies" $rojected rom the
center" !ia the nadis" will be saely related and brought into a synthetic
unctioning within the body" and the disci$le will e#$erience not only a ully
awakened consciousness" and a brain which is e!er intelligently rece$ti!e" but a
constant inlow o s$iritual lie% There will then be that $erect balance and $erect
health which characteri(e a Faster o the *isdom%
Knowledge concerning the endocrine or ductless glands is as yet in an embryonic
state% Fuch is known anent the glands connected with the sacral center and
about the thyroid gland" but to date" naturally" the medical $roession does not
admit that they are eects o the acti!ity or the non'acti!ity o the centers" or
that a line o least resistance e#ists between the sacral center and the throat
center% ;omething is known 5not much6 about the $ituitary body" but its e#treme
im$ortance as it aects the $sychological res$onse o the $erson is not
ade,uately gras$ed% Hothing is known" actually s$eaking" about the $ineal or the
thymus glands" and this because neither the head center nor the heart center is
awakened in unde!elo$ed man" or e!en in the a!erage citi(en% That there is a
considerable wealth o knowledge anent the sacral center 5as the source o
$hysical creation6 and the conditioning eects o the thyroid gland is due to the
act that both these centers are awakened in the a!erage man" and when the
unctioning is ade,uate -.27/ and the necessary inter$lay is established" you then
ha!e a highly se#ed indi!idual who is also a creati!e artist along some artistic
line% This is !ery re,uently seen" as you well know% *hen the ajna center and its
e#ternali(ation" the $ituitary body" are also acti!e" and the relation between the
three centers ' sacral" throat and ajna center ' is awakened and beginning to
unction" and deinite conscious relationshi$ is being set u$ between it and the
other centers 5de$endent u$on ray" u$on conscious objecti!e and training6" then
you will ha!e the $ractical mystic" the humanitarian and the occultist%
;tudents should remember that there is both an u$ward and a downward trend o
energy within the entire structure o centers" where the as$irant and the disci$le
are concerned1
2% The upward trend + $roducing Transmutation%
8rom the sacral center to the throat center%
)hysical creation is transmuted into artistic creati!ity%
8rom the solar center to the heart center%
Indi!idual" emotional consciousness is transmuted into grou$
8rom the base o the s$ine to the head center%
Faterial orce is transmuted into s$iritual energy%
8rom any or all o the i!e s$inal centers to the ajna center%
Gncoordinated li!ing is transmuted into $ersonality integration%
8rom the si# centers in relationshi$ into the highest head center%
)ersonality acti!ity is transmuted into s$iritual li!ing%
This is a wide generali(ation" and the $rocess is not carried orward in any
se,uential ashion or smoothly and in order as the tabulation abo!e might
suggest% The $rocess in!ol!ed is s$read o!er many li!es o unconscious
transmutation in -.2=/ the earlier stages" and as a result o bitter e#$erience and
o conscious eort in the later stages" and becomes increasingly dynamic and
eecti!e as the !arious stages u$on the )ath are trodden by the as$irant% The
Esoteric Healing
i!e rays with which a disci$le has to work 5two major conditioning rays and three
subsidiary rays6 ha!e a deinite acti!e eect+ karmic adjustments $ro!ide
o$$ortunity or hindrance" and the intricacies o the entire $rocess 5within the
relati!ely limited e#$erience o the disci$le6 are so conusing whilst in $rocess
that all that he can do is to gras$ the general outline as here gi!en and not $ay
too much attention to the immediate actual detail%
.% The downward trend ' $roducing Transormation%
&nce the head center is awakening and the disci$le is consciously acti!e in the
work o directing the energies to the centers and thereby go!erning his
$ersonality lie" there is a scientiic undertaking o energi(ing the centers in a
certain ordered rhythm which is again determined by the rays" by circumstance
and by karma+ thus all the bodily energies are swung into correct s$iritual
acti!ity% *ith the $rocess in!ol!ed we cannot here deal" beyond $ointing out that
this downward trend can be roughly regarded as alling into three stages1
2% The stage o energi(ing the creati!e lie" !ia the throat center" thus
a% The head center and the throat center"
b% These two and the sacral center"
c% All three" consciously and simultaneously" into conscious relation%
This relation" when $ro$erly established" will sol!e the indi!idual $roblem o se#"
and without recourse to either inhibition or su$$ression" but by bringing -.2?/
about right control and making the disci$le" at the same time" creati!e in a
worldly sense" and thereore o use to his ellowmen%
.% The stage o energi(ing the conscious lie o relationshi$ !ia the heart
center" thus bringing1
a% The head center and the heart center"
b% These two and the solar $le#us center"
c% All three" simultaneously and consciously" into close coo$eration%
This ser!es to establish right human relations" right grou$ relations" and right
s$iritual relations throughout a manAs entire lie e#$ression% Just as the stage o
regulating the creati!e lie has a $aramount eect u$on the $hysical body" so this
stage aects the astral !ehicle with great $otency+ emotional reactions are
transormed into as$iration and ser!ice+ selish indi!idual lo!e is transormed into
grou$ lo!e" and then di!inity rules the lie%
4% The stage o energi(ing the entire man" !ia the basic center thus bringing1
a% The head center and the basic center"
b% These two and the ajna center"
c% All the three" simultaneously and consciously" into rhythmic"
coordinated e#$ression% This is a inal stage o great im$ortance"
and only takes $lace in its com$leteness at the time o the third
initiation" that o the Transiguration%
9ou can see" thereore" how three im$ortant words con!ey the $ur$ose o the
scientiic unoldment and the right direction o the centers1
Transmutation + Transformation + Transfiguration. -.2@/
Esoteric Healing
This $rocess is wisely and saely carried out o!er a long $eriod o time and '
returning to our theme o health and o disease ' when consummated" $erect
$hysical health is the result+ in the interim $rocess o adjustment and o change"
the re!erse is re,uently the case% The danger in!ol!ed in a large number o
$hysical ills can be traced to the condition o the centers" to their inter$lay or
their lack o inter$lay" to an unde!elo$ed condition" unawakened and sluggish"
and to an o!er'stimulation or an unbalanced acti!ity% I one center is $rematurely
awakened" it is re,uently at the e#$ense o other centers% The rude health o the
sa!age or o the unskilled and unintelligent laborer or $easant 5a state o being
which is ra$idly $assing as the mind de!elo$ment and the $rocess o e!olution
take eect6 is largely due to the ,uiescent state o $ractically all the centers" with
the e#ce$tion o the sacral center% The act o their alling easy $rey to the
inectious diseases can also be traced to the same ,uiescence% As the emotional
nature is de!elo$ed and the mind begins to unction" the centers then become
more acti!e% Deinite trouble then ensues" largely because $sychological
conditions begin to a$$ear% The man is no longer sim$ly an animal% The wear and
tear o the emotional lie 5the major $redis$osing actor in ill health6 loods the
lower nature with ill'directed energy 5or should I say misdirected:6% The solar
$le#us center then becomes unduly acti!e and this acti!ity alls into our stages1
2% The stage o its awakening" as the astral body becomes steadily more
.% The stage o its $otency when" or li!es" it is the conditioning center in the
etheric or !ital body and the man is conse,uently entirely conditioned by
his emotional'astral lie% -.2B/
4% The stage wherein the solar $le#us center becomes the clearing house or
all the centers 5major and minor6 below the dia$hragm%
7% The stage wherein the solar $le#us energies are raised to the heart%
All these stages bring" tem$orarily" their own $hysical ills%
9ou will note that" beyond certain generali(ations" I am not relating s$eciic
diseases to s$eciic centers% I ha!e indicated the areas conditioned by the
centers" and ar more $owerully conditioned than you ha!e any means yet o
ascertaining+ I ha!e said that undamentally the ductless glands ' as
e#ternali(ations o the centers ' are the determining actors in the health o the
body" and that where there is imbalance" o!er'de!elo$ment or underde!elo$ment
you will ha!e trouble+ I ha!e suggested that the medical $roession in the Hew
Age will deal increasingly with the theory o energy direction and its relation to
the ductless glands" and that it will admit" at least hy$othetically and or the
$ur$ose o e#$erimentation" that the theory o the energy centers may be correct
and that they are the $rimary conditioning actors" working through the ductless
glands which" in their turn" guard the body" $roduce the necessary resistance"
kee$ the blood stream su$$lied with the essentials to health and ' when rightly
interrelated ' $roduce a balanced e#$ression o the s$iritual man throughout the
entire $hysical body ' $hysiological and $sychological balance% *hen this
desirable condition is not the case" then the ductless glands" through wrong
relationshi$ and incorrect and unbalanced de!elo$ment" are not ade,uate to the
task+ they cannot $rotect the body rom disease" and are unable to $our into the
blood stream what the $hysical !ehicle needs% &wing to their inade,uacy" the
body is unable to resist inections" is in a constant state o ill health" -.2C/ and
cannot co$e with disease coming rom without or latent within the organism o
the body+ this weakness oten $roduces mortal disease%
Fedicine in the ne#t century will be built around certain major $remises1
Esoteric Healing
2% )re!enti!e medicine will be the goal" $roducing the attem$t to kee$ the
body in $ro$er balanced order%
.% ;ound sanitation and the $ro!iding o healthy conditions will be regarded
as essential%
4% The su$$ly o the right chemical $ro$erties to the $hysical body will be
studied ' a science o chemistry which is yet in its inancy" though it is
becoming a lourishing inant%
7% An understanding o the laws o !itality will be regarded as o $rime
im$ortance" and o this the em$hasis today on !itamins and the inluence
o the sun are wholesome indications%
=% The use o the mind will be regarded" abo!e e!erything else" as a actor o
major im$ortance+ the mind will be seen as the $rime inluence as regards
the centers" or $eo$le will be taught to work on their centers through
mental $ower and thus $roduce a right reaction rom the endocrine
system% This will necessarily in!ol!e the right directing o thought to a
center" or the withdrawal o attention rom a center" with conse,uent
eect u$on the glandular system% This will all be based u$on the occult law
that 0Energy ollows thought%0
&wing to the act that disci$les ha!e a greater de!elo$ment o mental $ower than
the a!erage man" and also to the act that ray ty$e is more easily ascertained"
in!ol!ing conse,uently a more correct determination o the condition o the
glandular system" they will be the irst to coo$erate -..D/ with the medical
$roession and to demonstrate the relation o the centers to the glands" and
thereore to the body as a whole% Through concentration and right meditation"
carried on in the head center" and directed towards some one or other o the
centers" disci$les will demonstrate such deinite changes in the ductless glands
that the medical $roession will be con!inced o the im$ortance and the actual
e#istence o the centers and o their $ower" and also o the $ossibility o
controlling the $hysical organism through the $ower o thought% This all lies in the
uture% I am but $ointing the way and indicating a uture techni,ue whereby
disease will be o!ercome% The !arious mental schools o thought" Gnity and
>hristian ;cience" ha!e been antastic and anciul in their claims and deinitely
unscientiic in their a$$roach% But they ha!e had hold o at least one thread in the
great $rocess o right adjustment to lie and to right relationshi$s% They had the
dream and the !ision+ they lacked $erce$tion and common sense and ignored the
e!olutionary $rocess%
)hysiological science and $sychological $ower" $lus the coo$eration o the trained
disci$le with the trained medical man 5$articularly with the o$en'minded
endocrinologist6" will e!entually succeed in sol!ing many human ills and will bring
about the cure o the bulk o the diseases now troubling humanity%
*e ha!e" thereore" studied to some $ur$ose our irst section1 The sychological
!auses of Disease. *e ha!e carried the idea down rom the inner and more
subtle causes o disease to the major $hysical conditioning actor" the ductless
glands% *e can now briely consider certain ar more occult causes and deal with
those which emanate rom the grou$ lie o humanity and rom the karmic
liabilities o mankind% Here we shall enter the realm o occult knowledge and o
esoteric inormation" and this will be ar more diicult or the orthodo# thinker to
acce$t% -..2/
Esoteric Healing
CHAPTER II - Causes E!anating fro! /rou% Life
Causes Emanating from ,rou$ #ife
In considering disease and its basic causes" we ha!e dealt $articularly with those
which concern our Aryan race and modern humanity+ these are largely astral in
origin and might be described as Atlantean in nature% *e ha!e briely considered
also the !arious diseases which originate u$on the mental )lane+ these are more
strictly Aryan and in!ol!e also the ills to which disci$les are $rone% Inectious
diseases and those which are undamental in the $lanetary substance ha!e a
$otent eect u$on those races 5still among us6 which are the oldest on our
$lanet" and which are related to the ast dying out 3emurian ty$es+ Hegroes are
s$ecially $rone to inectious e$idemics%
I ha!e not attem$ted in this treatise to deal $athologically with any o the
diseases touched u$on" nor ha!e I $aid attention to the $hysiology o the $atient%
That is entirely out o my $ro!ince% I ha!e" howe!er" attem$ted to indicate the
origins o some o the diseases" to call attention to the $aramount im$ortance o
the glandular system" and to relate" as ar as is just and wise" some o the
oriental theories anent the centers and western wisdom% 3ater I shall $oint out
some basic human conditions which must be changed i the true healing work is
to be correctly a$$lied" and then I ho$e to gi!e some o the methods whereby
healers can accom$lish work which will be in line -.../ with the acts o the case
and which will aid in the $rocesses o restoration%
The $roblem o disease is today greatly enhanced" owing to the act that in this
race" the Aryan" which now dominates the $lanet" you ha!e the irst true
a$$earance outwardly on the $hysical $lane o the basic synthesis o humanity
which will be ' in its better orm ' so strikingly signiicant o the ne#t major root'
race" the si#th% Intermarriage between nations and races" the usion o bloods or
hundreds o years ' due to migration" tra!el" education and mental unity ' has led
to there being no really $ure racial ty$es today% This is ar more certainly the case
than the most enlightened think" i the long" long history o mankind is
considered% ;e#ual intercourse knows no im$enetrable barriers" and $eo$le today
ha!e in them all the strains and the blood o all the races" and this 5as a result o
the world war" 2C27'2C7=6 will be increasingly the case% This de!elo$ment is
deinitely a $art o the di!ine $lan" no matter how undesirable it may a$$ear to
those who ideali(e $urity o relationshi$" or how ruthless its a$$lication is at the
$resent moment% ;omething intended is being brought about and it cannot be
a!oided% The urge to mate becomes $eculiarly strong when men are remo!ed
rom their amiliar settings and e#$erience the no!elty o com$lete loneliness"
when the normal inhibitions and customs im$osed by amily relationshi$s and
national standards are remo!ed" when danger o death is constantly aced and
the larger !alue submerges the lesser !alues and the usual con!entional
attitudes" and when the $hysical organism has been trained and brought by
scientiic treatment and hea!y eeding to the height o $hysical eiciency% I am
s$eaking in terms o $hysical eecti!eness and not o mental eiciency" which
may or may not $arallel the ormer% -..4/
The animal instincts are thereore $otent+ the centers below the dia$hragm
become $eculiarly energi(ed+ the emotional demands enormously !itali(e the
solar $le#us center" and the center at the base o the s$ine increases the acti!ity
o the adrenal glands as the will o the man is called into $lay to surmount
Esoteric Healing
danger+ the will'to'li!e" with its adjunct" the will'to'$er$etuate and to li!e in
oneAs children" is $owerully ostered% To this must also be added" as a major
adjunct o war" the will o Hature itsel working 5under certain di!ine laws6 to
oset the loss o lie and the casualties o war by a resh inlow o lie into orm"
thus $reser!ing the human race" $ro!iding the bodies or the ne#t tide o egos
and thus $eo$ling the earth%
In saying this I seek only to e#$lain the $henomena which can be noted at all
times when war is $resent and which in the world war can be noted on a large
scale% The armies o the world are e!erywhere and are s$read o!er e!ery
country+ racial transmigration is a uni!ersal actor" both rom the angle o military
necessity and rom the $light o the ci!ilians who ind themsel!es in the $ath o
war% This mo!ement o millions o men e!erywhere is one o the $aramount
actors which will condition the new ci!ili(ation" and its im$ortance is based u$on
the act that in twenty'i!e yearsA time men and women will be a hybrid race
whose athers and mothers will be o e!ery imaginable nation+ white athers will
ha!e had $hysical relation with women o e!ery Asiatic or Arican origin" thus
$roducing a usion o blood which ' i recogni(ed and rightly handled and
de!elo$ed" rom the educational angle and with understanding ' will e#$ress in
embryo the nature o the si#th root'race" and which will be in act Humanity
without any racial or national barriers" with no so'called $ure blood and e#clusi!e
castes" and with a new and !irile sense o lie because o the inusion o stronger
stocks with the weaker -..7/ or worn'out ty$es and o the newer racial strains
with the older and more de!elo$ed% I hold no brie or the manner in which this is
being brought about% It could ha!e ha$$ened without war and through a
con!iction that all men are e,ual and human" and that the mi#ture o races would
sol!e many $roblems+ war" howe!er" has hastened the $rocess and the soldiers
o all the armies o the world are ha!ing $hysical relations with women o all
races" all ci!ili(ations and all colors% This must" whether regarded as right or
wrong according to the code o ethics and standards o the obser!er" $roduce an
entirely new situation with which the world o the uture will ha!e to co$e+ it must
ine!itably break down national $rejudices and racial barriers ' the irst $roducing
more eect than the latter during the initial stages% Ine!itably a more
homogeneous humanity will a$$ear during the changes o the ne#t one hundred
years% Fany attitudes and many customary reactions which today hold sway will
!anish" and ty$es and ,ualities and characteristics or which we ha!e as yet no
$recedent will a$$ear u$on a large scale%
*hether the conser!ati!e and the so'called strictly 0moral0 $eo$le dislike this
worldwide ha$$ening has no bearing on the case% It has ha$$ened and is
ha$$ening daily and will materially bring about ar'reaching changes% These
interracial and mi#ed relationshi$s ha!e always ha$$ened u$on a small and
indi!idual scale+ they are now ha$$ening on a large scale% 8or the results o this
due $re$aration must be made%
As is well known to you" there are certain diseases which are numerically
dominant in the world today% They are1
2% Heart diseases o !arious kinds" $articularly alicting ad!anced humanity%
.% Insanities% -..=/
4% >ancer" so widely $re!alent among e!ery ty$e o man today%
7% The social diseases ' sy$hilitic in nature%
=% Tuberculosis%
In a subtle and occult manner" these diseases are due to two basic causes1 &ne is
the close inter$lay between $eo$le" li!ing under modern conditions" and the
Esoteric Healing
massing o $eo$le into cities and towns+ the other is the age o the soil u$on
which man li!es 5a act little recogni(ed or considered6" or it is dee$ly
im$regnated with the germs and the residue incident to $ast ages% The immunity
o man is an ama(ing matter" could you but reali(e it+ he resists and throws o
constantly and continuously e!ery kind o disease ' those which are the result o
contact with others" those which are $re!alent in the !ery atmos$here at e!ery
time" those which are latent within his own bodily organism" and those which are
inherited and to which he has a constant $redis$osition% FanAs ight or health is
ceaseless and unending" ranging all the way rom ordinary atigue and tiredness
5$lus the uni!ersal tendency to take cold6" to mortal disease" ending in death%
To the trained occult obser!er" it is as i humanity ' as a whole ' is walking $artly
in a dense shadow which enguls the race" and some $art o which in!ol!es an
area o the body o e!ery human being% &ne o the aims o the Hew Age will be
0to lighten this shadow and bring $eo$le out into the itness o true health%0 This
same shadow $enetrates also into the mineral kingdom" aects the !egetable
kingdom" and in!ol!es also the animals+ it is one o the major causes o all that
can be considered under the name o 0sin"0 which may sur$rise you% It is also the
ertile seed o crime% This is a act to be acce$ted" to be $ro$erly considered and
dealt with rationally" sanely" intelligently and -..?/ s$iritually+ it will re,uire all
the actors mentioned to lit humanity out o the darkness o disease into
established and radiant health% >ertain o the Fasters are dealing with this
$roblem in relation to the other kingdoms in nature" or there will be no true
esca$e or man whilst his en!ironment is still under the shadow o disease%
Fuch that I could tell you in this connection would sound anciul and would call
orth the scoing amusement o the hard'boiled scientist% The theories held by
mankind as to the origin o diseases" and the recognition o bacteria and germs
and similar intruding organisms are largely correct" but this is so only i you bear
in mind that they are in reality eects o causes u$on which the in!estigator has
not touched and which are hidden in the !ery history o the $lanet itsel and also
in the racial history o the $ast ' o which little or $ractically nothing is known%
;urmise and conjecture rule here%
1. Diseases of Humanity- .nherited from the Past
History" as studied today" goes back but a little way and although the enlightened
historian and scientist may e#tend the story o humanity to millions o years"
there is naught known about the races o men who li!ed those millions o years
ago+ naught is known o the ci!ili(ation which lourished in early Atlantean times
twel!e million years ago+ naught is known at all o the still more ancient 3emurian
ci!ili(ation which goes back more than iteen million years+ still less is known o
that twilight $eriod which e#isted twenty'one million years ago when men were
scarcely human and when they were so closely related to the animal kingdom
that we call them by the cumbersome name o 0animal'man%0
During the !ast $eriod between then and now" myriads o $eo$le ha!e li!ed and
lo!ed and e#$erienced+ their bodies ha!e been absorbed into the dust o the
earth and -..@/ each has contributed something which they ha!e gained during
lie e#$erience ' something dierent" howe!er" to that which they contribute to
the lie o the soul on its own $lane% This something contributed has altered in
some way the atoms and cells o the $hysical body" and that gained something
has in due time been released again into the soil o the $lanet% Each soul"
Esoteric Healing
withdrawn rom the body" has come to the earth re$eatedly" and many millions
are here today" $articularly those who were $resent in later Atlantean times and
who are" thereore" the lower and the highest $roduct o that highly emotional
race% They bring with them the $redis$ositions and the innate tendencies with
which their $ast history has endowed them%
It should thereore be borne in mind that the $hysical bodies in which humanity
now dwells are constructed o !ery ancient matter and that the substance
em$loyed is tainted or conditioned by the history o the $ast% To this conce$t
must be added two others1 8irst" that incoming souls draw to themsel!es the ty$e
o material" with which they must construct their outer sheaths" and that this will
be res$onsi!e to some as$ect o their subtler natures+ i" or instance" $hysical
desire conditions them" the material o their $hysical !ehicle will be largely
res$onsi!e to that $articular urge% ;econdly" each $hysical body carries within
itsel the seeds o ine!itable retribution" i its unctions are misused% The great
original sin in 3emurian times was se#ual in nature" and due largely not only to
inherent tendencies" but to the e#traordinarily dense $o$ulation o its ci!ili(ation
and to the close relation o the animal kingdom% The origin o the sy$hilitic
diseases traces back to these times%
There is a beautiul idea in the minds o the ignorant that $rimiti!e races are ree
rom that ty$e o contamination and that the many se#ual diseases and their
results are $redominantly the diseases o ci!ili(ation% This is not so -..B/ rom
the occult angle o !ision% True knowledge dis$ro!es it% In the inancy o the race"
a great mismating" $romiscuity and series o $er!ersions took $lace" and in the
language o some o the most ancient books in the FastersA Archi!es we read1
0earth took its toll and earth to earth" $olluted and im$ure" returned to earth+
thus e!il lie entered the $ristine cleanliness o the ancient mother% Dee$ in the
soil the e!il lies" emerging into orm rom time to time" and only ire and suering
can cleanse the mother o the e!il which her children ha!e gi!en unto her%0
The 3emurian race $ractically destroyed itsel" owing to its misuse o the sacral
center" which was at that time the most acti!e and the dominant center% In
Atlantean days it was the solar $le#us center which was the $rime objecti!e o
the 0entering ire%0 The work o the Hierarchy in 3emurian days was" as I ha!e
told you elsewhere" to teach inant humanity the nature" meaning and
signiicance o the $hysical !ehicle" just as in the ne#t race" the emotional was
ostered and the major object o attention" and in our race" it is the mind which is
subjected to stimulation% The initiate in 3emurian times was one who had
com$letely mastered the control o the body" and hatha'yoga was then the
outstanding s$iritual $ractice% This" in time" was su$erseded by laya'yoga" which
brought all the centers in the etheric body 5e#ce$t the throat and head centers6
into unctioning acti!ity% This is not the ty$e o acti!ity which is now $ossible"
because it must be remembered that the Faster in those days had not the
de!elo$ment or the understanding o the Fasters o today" the only e#ce$tions
being Those *ho had come rom other schemes and s$heres to aid animal'man
and $rimiti!e humanity%
A. .enereal an +y%hilitic Diseases
)aralleling all the acti!ity o the Ereat *hite 3odge -..C/ 5as was always the case
and is the case today6 was the acti!ity o the dark orces% Their eects had to be
brought about through the medium o the sacral center" and thus a most !icious
situation came about which weakened the stamina o the human body" which
greatly increased the demands o the se# nature through the stimulation o the
Esoteric Healing
sacral center" artiicially brought about by the Black 3odge" and which $roduced
many unholy alliances and wides$read e!il relations%
A great new law o nature was then im$osed by the $lanetary 3ogos which has
been e#$ressed 5!ery inade,uately6 by the words" 0The soul that sinneth" it shall
die%0 This law could be better e#$ressed by saying" 0He that misuses that which
he hath built will see it all rom orces within itsel%0
As the centuries sli$$ed away and the 3emurian race submitted to the e!il
im$ulses o the animal nature" gradually the earliest ty$e o !enereal disease
made its a$$earance+ e!entually the entire race was riddled with it and died out"
nature taking its toll and e#acting its ine#orable $rice% 9ou might here ask how
these early inhabitants o our $lanet could be held res$onsible or there is no sin
where there is no sense o res$onsibility and no consciousness o wrong doing%
The Hierarchy in those days had its own methods o teaching these inant
$eo$les" just as the smallest child can be taught today to rerain rom certain
$hysical habits% Humanity then knew well what was e!il" because the e!idences o
that e!il were $hysically a$$arent and ,uite easily $ercei!ed% The $enalty was
ob!ious and the results immediate+ the Teachers o the race saw to it that cause
and eect were ,uickly to be noted%
At this time there also arose the irst tendencies to marriage" as dierentiated
rom $romiscuity+ the ormation o amily units became the subject o attention
and -.4D/ a goal or the most highly e!ol!ed% This was one o the irst tasks
undertaken by the Hierarchy and the irst eort toward any orm o grou$
acti!ity" con!eying the irst lesson in res$onsibility% The amily unit was not stable
as it can be now" but e!en its relati!ely brie tenure was a tremendous ste$
orward+ the segregation o the amily unit and the growth o the sense o
res$onsibility has gone steadily orward until it has culminated in our $resent
system o marriage and our stress in the &ccident u$on monogamy+ it has led to
the western $ride in amily strains and $edigrees" our interest in genealogies and
relationshi$s" and the com$lete horror o the occidental thinker o!er the sy$hilitic
diseases as they aect amilies and their os$ring%
Two most interesting things are" howe!er" ha$$ening today% The amily unit" on a
worldwide scale" is being broken u$" owing to the ortunes o war and ' on a
smaller scale ' owing to the more modern !iews concerning marriage and di!orce%
;econdly" deinite and ra$id cures or the se#ual diseases are being disco!ered"
and these may tend to make $eo$le more reckless% *hen" howe!er" they are
$erected" they will in the long run saeguard the race and will return bodies to
the soil ater death reed rom the $lague which has contaminated the earth or
endless ages% There will thus be brought about a gradual $uriying o the soil% The
growth o the $ractice o cremation will also aid this $rocess o $uriication%
Destruction by ire and the intensity o the heat engendered by a$$lied military
methods are also hel$ing" and during the ne#t one million years we shall see
sy$hilis 5inherited rom 3emuria6 stam$ed out" both in the human amily and in
the soil o the $lanet%
As the ages $assed away" humanity entered into the Atlantean stage o
de!elo$ment% The conscious control o the $hysical body dro$$ed below the
threshold o consciousness+ the etheric body became conse,uently more $otent
-.42/ 5a act not ot considered6" and the $hysical body reacted increasingly like
an automaton to the im$ression and the direction o a steadily de!elo$ing desire
nature% Desire became something more than sim$ly res$onse to animal $hysical
urges and to the $rimiti!e instincts" but was directed to objects and objecti!es
e#traneous to the body" towards material $ossessions and towards that which
Esoteric Healing
5when seen and co!eted6 could be a$$ro$riated% Just as the major sins o
3emurian times 5i they could be called sins in any true sense" because o the low
intelligence o the race6 were through the misuse o se#" so the major sin o the
Atlantean $eo$le was thet ' wides$read and general% The seeds o aggression
and o $ersonal ac,uisiti!eness began to show themsel!es" culminating in the
great war 5as related in The &ecret Doctrine4 between the 3ords o the ;hining
>ountenance and the 3ords o the Dark 8ace% To $rocure what they co!eted and
elt they needed" the most highly e!ol!ed o that race began to $ractice magic% It
is not $ossible or me to outline to you the nature and $ractices o Atlantean
magic with its control o elemental and o orms o lie which ha!e now been
dri!en back into retreat and are inaccessible to humanity+ neither can I indicate
to you the $articular methods used to ac,uire what was desired" the *ords o
)ower em$loyed and the careully $lanned rituals which were ollowed by those
who sought to enrich themsel!es and to take what they wanted" no matter what
the cost to others% This magical work was the misdirected tra!esty o the *hite
Fagic so o$enly used in those days" $rior to the great war between the 8orces o
3ight and the 8orces o E!il% Fagic o the right kind was !ery amiliar to the
Atlantean $eo$le" and was used by those Fembers o the Hierarchy *ho were
entrusted with the guidance o the race and *ho were combating ram$ant e!il in
high $laces% That same e!il is again u$on the war$ath and is being -.4./ ought
by the men o goodwill" under the direction o the Ereat *hite 3odge% Heights o
lu#ury were reached in Atlantis o which we" with all our boasted ci!ili(ation"
know nothing and ha!e ne!er achie!ed% ;ome aint traces o it ha!e come to us
rom legends and rom ancient Egy$t" rom archeological disco!ery and old airy
tales% There was a recurrence o $ure Atlantean mischie and wickedness in the
decadent days o the Roman Em$ire% 3ie became tainted by the miasma o
unadulterated selishness and the !ery s$rings o lie itsel became $olluted% Fen
only li!ed and breathed in order to be in $ossession o the utmost lu#ury and o a
!ery $lethora o things and o material goods% They were smothered by desire
and $lagued by the dream o ne!er dying but o li!ing on and on" ac,uiring more
and more o all that they desired%
". Tu$erculosis
It is in this situation that we ind the origin o tuberculosis% It originated in the
organs whereby men breathe and li!e" and was im$osed ' as a $enalty ' by the
Ereat *hite 3odge+ the Fasters $romulgated a new law or the Atlantean $eo$le
when 3emurian !ice and Atlantean cu$idity were at their most ruthless height%
This law can be translated into the ollowing terms1
0He who li!es only or material goods" who sacriices all !irtue in order to gain
that which cannot last" will die in lie" will ind breath ailing him" and yet will
reuse to think o death until the summons comes%0
It is diicult or us in these days to a$$reciate or to com$rehend the Atlantean
state o consciousness% There was no mental $rocess whatsoe!er e#ce$t among
the leaders o the race+ there was only ram$ant" ruthless" insatiable desire% This
action o the Ereat *hite 3odge orced two issues and conronted the race with
two hitherto unreali(ed -.44/ $roblems% The irst was that $sychological attitudes
and states o consciousness can and do bring about $hysiological conditions"
these being both good and bad% ;econdly" or the irst time the $eo$le aced with
recognition the $henomenon o death ' death which they themsel!es brought
about in a new way and not just by $hysical means% This had to be dramati(ed or
them in some deinitely objecti!e manner" or as yet the masses did not res$ond
to !erbal teaching but only to !isual e!ents% *hen" thereore" they saw a
$articularly $redatory and ra$acious $erson begin to suer rom a dire disease
Esoteric Healing
which seemed to arise rom within himsel and ' whilst suering ' hold on to his
lo!e o lie 5as tubercular $eo$le do today6" they were aced with another as$ect
or orm o the original law 5im$osed in 3emurian times6 which said1 0The soul that
sinneth" it shall die%0 Death had hitherto been acce$ted without ,uestioning as
the ate o all li!ing things" but now" or the irst time" mental relationshi$
between indi!idual action and death was recogni(ed ' as yet in a dim and eeble
way ' and a great ste$ orward was made in the human consciousness% Instinct
ailed to handle this situation%
Death" brother o mine" is a great and uni!ersal heritage+ all orms die" or such is
the law o lie" to s$eak in $arado#es% The time had arri!ed when the race could
be taught the lesson that death can either be the ending o a cycle and an
automatic res$onse to the great 3aw o >ycles which continually institutes the
new and ends the old" or it can be brought about by the misuse o the $hysical
body" by misa$$lied energy and by the deliberate action o the man himsel% The
man who deliberately sins" and who is $sychologically wrong in his attitudes and
conse,uent actions" commits suicide just as truly as the man who deliberately
blows out his brains% This is seldom reali(ed" but the truth will become
increasingly a$$arent% -.47/
The Biblical injunction to remember that the sins o the athers will be !isited
u$on the children is a literal statement anent the human heritage o disease rom
3emuria and Atlantis% ;y$hilis and tuberculosis ha!e been e#tensi!ely $re!alent in
the irst hal o the Aryan race" in which we now ind oursel!es" and today they
not only aect the organs o generation or the lungs 5as they did in the early
stages o their a$$earance6" but now ha!e in!ol!ed the blood stream and
conse,uently the entire organism o the human body%
Fuch has been done in the last ity years to bring the great Atlantean disease o
tuberculosis under control by sim$licity o li!ing" $ure and am$le ood and good
air% Fuch is being done to control" inally" the sy$hilitic diseases" and both will
e!entually be stam$ed out" not only by sound treatment and the disco!eries o
medical science" but because the race ' as it becomes more mentally $olari(ed '
will itsel deal with the $roblem rom the angle o common sense" will decide that
the $hysical sins e#act too hea!y a $enalty and that the $ossession o that which
you ha!e not earned or needed" and which conse,uently is not rightully yours" is
not worth while%
It is around these basic ideas that the world war 52C27'2C7=6 was ought% *e call
the unlawul $ossession o other $eo$leAs land" territories" goods and chattels"
aggression+ but this is the same thing in $rinci$le as stealing" thet and ra$e%
Today these e!ils are not only indi!idual sins and aults" but can be national
characteristics+ the world war has brought the whole $roblem to the surace o
the human consciousness and the ancient Atlantean struggle is being bitterly
waged" with the $robability that this time the Ereat *hite 3odge will trium$h%
That was not the case in the earlier conlict% Then the war was ended by the
inter!ention o the $lanetary 3ogos Himsel" and that -.4=/ ancient ci!ili(ation
went down into the dee$s and was enguled in water ' the symbol o $urity"
sanitation and uni!ersality" and thereore a$$ro$riate as an ending or what one
o the Fasters has called 0a tubercularly oriented race%0 Death by drowning and
death by obscure $hysical means which I am not at liberty to describe ha!e both
been tried in the eort to sal!age humanity% Today" death by ire is the a$$lied
techni,ue" and it $romises to be successul% In contradistinction to the great
3emurian and Atlantean crises" humanity is now ar more mentally alert" the
causes o the trouble are recogni(ed" moti!es are seen more clearly" and the will'
to'good and to change $ast e!il conditions is stronger than e!er beore% *hat is
Esoteric Healing
beginning to maniest now in the $ublic consciousness is something utterly good
and new%
The subjecti!e reasons gi!en to account or the a$$earance o these two most
ancient racial diseases may well a$$ear to the non'esotericist as $ossible but not
$robable and as anciul and too general in nature% This cannot be hel$ed% These
two grou$s o diseases are o such e#ceedingly ancient origin that I ha!e called
them inherent in the $lanetary lie itsel and the heritage o all humanity" or in
all" the breaking o certain laws will bring about these diseases% I I cared to do
so" I could take you still urther back into the realm o cosmic e!il as it $re!ails in
our solar system and aects the $lanetary 3ogos" *ho is still numbered among
0the im$erect Eods%0 The outer orm o the $lanet through which He e#$resses
Himsel is im$regnated to a certain de$th with the seeds and germs o these two
diseases+ as immunity is built u$" howe!er" as methods o cure are de!elo$ed" as
$re!enti!e medicine comes into its own" and as man himsel arri!es at increasing
mental and soul control o the animal and desire natures" these orms o human
suering will disa$$ear" and 5no matter what -.4?/ statistics may say6 they are
disa$$earing among the more controlled areas o the human amily% As the lie o
Eod 5e#$ressing itsel as indi!idual di!inity and uni!ersal di!inity6 $ulsates more
$owerully through the kingdoms o nature" these two $enalties o e!il'doing will
ine!itably no longer be re,uired and will disa$$ear or three reasons1
2% The orientation o humanity towards the light is steadily changing and
0light dis$els all e!il%0 The light o knowledge and the recognition o causes
will bring about those careully $lanned conditions which will make the
sy$hilitic diseases and tuberculosis things o the $ast%
.% The centers below the dia$hragm will be subjected to a cleansing" liting
$rocess+ the lie o the sacral center will be controlled and the energy
usually ocused there will be e#$ended in creati!e li!ing" through the
medium o the throat center+ the solar $le#us center will ha!e its energy
lited to the heart" and the trend o human selishness will then die out%
4% >om$lete cures" im$lemented by science" will bring about a gradual ading
out o contagion%
Another reason which will bring about the cessation o those $ractices and modes
o li!ing and desiring which account or these diseases is one little recogni(ed as
yet+ it was reerred to by the >hrist when He s$oke o the time when nothing
secret would remain hidden and when all secrets would be shouted aloud rom
the houseto$s% The growth o tele$athic registration and o the $sychic $owers
such as clair!oyance and clairaudience will e!entually tend to stri$ humanity o
the $ri!acy in which to sin% The $owers whereby the Fasters and the higher
initiates can ascertain the $sychic state and $hysical condition o humanity" its
,uality and consciousness" are already beginning to show -.4@/ themsel!es in
ad!anced humanity% )eo$le will sin" commit e!il deeds and satisy inordinate
desire" but they will be known to their ellowmen and nothing that they do will be
carried out in secret% ;ome one or some grou$ will be aware o the tendencies in
the lie o a man" and e!en o the incidents in which he satisies some demand o
his lower nature" and the act o this $ossibility will act as a great deterrent ' a ar
greater deterrent than you can imagine% Fan is indeed his brotherAs kee$er" and
the kee$ing will take the orm o knowledge and o 0boycott and sanctions0 ' as it
is called today in reerence to the $enali(ing o nations% I would ha!e you $onder
on these two modes o treating wrong doing% They will be $ractically
automatically a$$lied as a matter o good taste" right eeling and hel$ul intention
by indi!iduals and grou$s to other indi!iduals and grou$s" and in this way crime
and the tendency to e!il doing will gradually be stam$ed out% It will be reali(ed
that all crime is ounded u$on some orm o disease" or u$on a glandular lack or
o!er'stimulation" based in turn u$on the de!elo$ment or the underde!elo$ment
o some one or other o the centers% An enlightened $ublic o$inion ' inormed as
Esoteric Healing
to manAs constitution and aware o the great 3aw o >ause and Eect ' will deal
with the criminal through medical means" right en!ironmental conditions" and the
$enalties o boycott and sanctions% I ha!e no time to enlarge u$on these matters"
but these suggestions will gi!e you ood or thought%
C. Cancer
*e come now to a consideration o the ra$idly increasing and ty$ical Atlantean
disease which we call cancer% *e ha!e s$oken o one basic wides$read disease
related to the $hysical body+ we ha!e dealt su$ericially with another which is a
$roduct o the desire nature% >ancer" in our -.4B/ $resent cycle" the Aryan" is
deinitely a result o the acti!ity o the lower concrete mind and o the stimulation
o the etheric body which the mind can bring about% It is a major disease incident
to stimulation" as ar as the Aryan masses are concerned" just as heart disease is
also a disease o stimulation" aecting !ery largely the ad!anced ty$es o
humanity who ' through interest in business and leadershi$ ' oten sacriice their
li!es and $ay the $enalty o misused and o!er'concentrated energy by de!elo$ing
!arious orms o acute heart trouble%
Disci$les and initiates are $rone also to suer rom this disease" owing to the
awakening into !iolent acti!ity o the heart center% In the one case" the lie
energy lowing through the heart is em$loyed $ast all human tolerance in
handling human aairs+ in the other" the heart center o$ens u$ and the strain $ut
u$on the organ o the heart is too great" and heart disease su$er!enes% A third
cause o heart disease is due to the $remature or deliberately $lanned liting o
the energy o the solar $le#us to the heart" thus $utting an une#$ected strain
u$on it%
I am dealing naturally in broad generali(ations+ later e!idence will go to show the
ty$es o acti!ity which will e!oke corres$onding diiculty within the heart% Heart
disease will increase greatly as we enter into the new root'race" $articularly
during the interim wherein the act o the centers" their nature and ,ualities" is
admitted and they conse,uently become the objecti!e o trained attention%
Energy ollows thought" and this mental ocusing u$on the centers will ine!itably
$roduce o!er'stimulation o all the centers" and this in s$ite o care and a
careully de!elo$ed ;cience o the >enters% It is something which cannot be
a!oided" owing to the ner!ous and une!en unoldment o man% 3ater" this
stimulation will be regulated and -.4C/ controlled" and the heart will be subjected
only to a general strain" along with all the other centers%
>ancer is a disease most deinitely related to the centers" and it will be ound that
the center in the area wherein the cancer e#ists is o!er'acti!e" with a conse,uent
increase o energy $ouring through the related bodily substance% This energy and
the o!er'stimulation o a center can be due not only to the acti!ity o the center
and its conse,uent radiation" but also the su$$ression im$osed by the mind u$on
any acti!ity o a $articular center% This brings about a damming u$ o energy" and
again we ha!e the creation o too much concentrated energy in any $articular
area% &ne o the main sources o cancer as related to the sacral center" and
thereore to the se# organs" has been the well'intentioned su$$ression o the se#
lie" and o all thought connected with the se# lie" by misguided as$irants+ they
are those who ind the teaching ' monastic and celibate ' o the Fiddle Ages the
line o least resistance% In that $eriod o time" good $eo$le taught that se# was
e!il and wicked" something not to be mentioned" and a $otent source o trouble%
Hormal reactions" instead o being controlled and transmuted into creati!e
Esoteric Healing
acti!ity" were !iolently su$$ressed and all thoughts anent the se# lie were
reused e#$ression% He!ertheless" energy ollows the direction o thought" with
the result that that $articularly magnetic ty$e o energy attracted an increasing
number o cells and atoms to itsel+ therein is ound the source o the tumors"
growths and cancers so $re!alent today% The same thing can be said about the
!iolent inhibition im$osed by an as$irant u$on all emotional reactions and
eelings% In their eort to control the astral body" these $eo$le resort to a $rocess
o direct inhibition and su$$ression% That su$$ression makes o the solar $le#us
center a great reser!oir o drastically retained energy% Transmutation o the
emotions into as$iration and lo!e and directed -.7D/ control is not $resent" and
the e#istence o this !ibrant reser!oir o $ower brings about cancer o the
stomach" o the li!er" and sometimes o the entire area o the abdomen% I sim$ly
mention these causes 5o!er'acti!ity o a center and the retention o energy"
une#$ressed and inhibited6 as ruitul sources o cancer%
*e come back in e!ery case" as you can see" to the act o the e#istence o the
centers and their $hysiological eects% ;o much em$hasis has been laid u$on the
,ualities and characteristics which man will de!elo$ when the centers are all
$ro$erly organi(ed and directed" that the eects o the energy which they recei!e
and distribute into the $hysical organism ha!e been largely o!erlooked% Two
actors in connection with the centers and the blood stream thereore warrant
re$etition and attention1
2% The blood stream is the agent o the glandular system as it" in its turn" is
an eect o the centers+ the blood stream carries to e!ery $art o the body
those essential elements o which we know so little and which are
res$onsible or making man $sychologically what he is" and thus $hysically
control his e,ui$ment%
.% The blood stream is also the lie" and carries throughout the organism an
as$ect o the energy stored u$ by the centers which is not directly related
to the endocrine system+ it $enetrates" by its radiation" into the blood
stream and into all the !eins" arteries and ca$illaries within the area
controlled by the center under consideration% This $ermeating energy o
lie itsel" locali(ed and ,ualiied" can be either lie'gi!ing or death
All diseases ' e#ce$t those due to accidents" wounds resulting in inections" and
e$idemics ' can in the last analysis be -.72/ traced to some condition o the
centers" and thereore to energy running wild" to energy o!er'acti!e and
misdirected or insuicient and lacking altogether" or retained instead o used and
transmuted into a higher corres$onding center o energy% The mystery o the
blood still remains to be sol!ed" and will recei!e increasing attention as time goes
on% The anemias" so $re!alent today" are also due to e#cess o energy%
I can only lay down general indications" state causes" and then lea!e to the
intelligent in!estigators the task o studying eects" ater acce$ting as a $ossible
hy$othesis the suggestions I ha!e made% A $ro$er study o the ductless glands
5and later o the entire glandular structure o the body6 and o the blood stream
will establish them as the $aramount source o $hysical diiculty+ ine!itably"
though slowly and $atiently" the in!estigators will be orced back u$on the
centers and will come to include in their calculations a subjecti!e ner!ous system
5the entire subjecti!e system o nadis which underlie the ner!es throughout the
body6" and will demonstrate that these actors are res$onsible or the major
diseases and the many subsidiary diseases and obscure com$laints which $lague
humanity% The o$en'minded in!estigator" howe!er" who starts with an
acce$tance o the act o the centers" regarding them as $ossibly $resent and
Esoteric Healing
e!entually ca$able o demonstration" will make ar more ra$id $rogress+ diseases
will then be brought under control by a system o laya'yoga 5the science o the
centers6 which will be the sublimated orm o the laya'yoga o Atlantean days%
Then the ad!anced student will control the centers by the $ower o thought% In
the yoga o the uture" through meditation and alignment and right $ractices" the
centers will be brought under the direct control o the soul ' a !ery dierent thing
to the control o the centers by the mind and one or which the masses o men
are not yet ready% To this the -.7./ ;cience o the Breath will be added ' not
breathing e#ercises as now taught" with oten such dangerous results" but a
breathing rhythm im$osed by the mind through which the soul can work" and
which will not re,uire anything more than the sim$le rhythmic $hysical breath but
which will reorgani(e the subtler bodies and bring the centers into ordered
acti!ity" according to ray and $oint in e!olution%
I deal not with the $athology o these diseases% That has been well considered
and dealt with by ordinary medicine% I seek only in this $art o our discussions to
em$hasi(e the subjecti!e causes and the objecti!e eects% The two must be
related% The acti!ity ' e#cessi!e or inade,uate ' o the centers is the subjecti!e
cause" but remains yet unrecogni(ed e#ce$t by esotericist% The causes 5the
a$$arent causes which are themsel!es the result o a true subjecti!e cause6 are
initiated by the $hysical man himsel" either in this lie or an earlier one ' a $oint
which we will discuss later%
I ha!e gi!en you in the abo!e much to consider" and as you $onder and think" as
you study cases and ty$es" as you watch the characteristics and ,ualities o those
you know and which work out in some orm o e!entual disease" light will come%
It is only the necessity o indicating the major sources o diseases and not
o!erlooking them" e!en i the subject is too esoteric or the a!erage intelligence
to gras$" that has led me to include our second $oint1
2. Diseases Arising from /&scure Planetary Conditions
It is ob!iously im$ossible or me to enlarge u$on this subject" or it is not $ossible
to gi!e e!en a slight indication which could lead" at $resent" to any $rocess o
!eriication% *hat I say will ha!e to be taken on trust and is de$endent u$on
what I belie!e is recogni(ed as my $ro!ed !eracity and -.74/ integrity% I shall"
and can" say but little ' only enough to indicate one ruitul cause o disease and
one o such great age that it is inherent in the lie o the $lanet itsel% These
diseases ha!e no subjecti!e or subtle origin+ they are not the result o emotional
conditions or o undesirable mental $rocesses% They are not $sychological in
nature and thereore cannot be traced to any acti!ity o the centers% They
originate rom within the $lanetary lie itsel and rom its lie as$ect" ha!ing a
direct emanatory eect u$on the indi!idual atoms o which the dense $hysical
body is com$osed% This is a $oint o im$ortance to remember% The source o any
disease o this nature induced by the $lanet itsel" is due $rimarily" thereore" to
an e#ternal im$act o certain !ibratory emanations coming rom the surace o
the $lanet" engendered dee$ within the $lanet" and im$inging u$on the dense
$hysical body% These radiations $lay u$on the units o energy which" in their
totality" constitute the atomic substance o the body+ they are unconnected in
any way with the blood stream or with the ner!ous system% They are
conse,uently im$ossible to trace or isolate" because man is today so highly
Esoteric Healing
organi(ed and integrated that these e#ternal im$acts immediately e!oke a
res$onse rom the ner!ous system+ the modern $hysician is at $resent unable to
distinguish between the diseases arising rom within the $atientAs own interior
mechanism ' tangible or intangible ' and those which are in the nature o
e#traneous irritants" $roducing immediate eects u$on the sensiti!e organism o
manAs body% I am not here reerring to inectious or contagious diiculties%
)erha$s one $oint which I might hel$ully em$hasi(e is that it is this obscure
$lanetary eect 5obscure to us" at this time6 u$on the $hysical body which is the
major cause o death where the $urely animal orm nature is concerned" or the
orms o lie $resent in the animal and !egetable -.77/ kingdoms" and to a lesser
and slower degree in the mineral kingdom likewise% Death" as ar as the human
being is concerned" is increasingly due to the planned intent and planned
withdrawal o the soul" under the $ressure o its own ormulated intent% This is
true to some degree o all who die" e#ce$t those who are o so low a grade o
intelligence that the soul is $ractically little more than an o!er'shadowing agency%
& all who die" highly de!elo$ed or not" the later stages o dissolution" eecti!e
ater the conscious withdrawal o the soul 5conscious on the $art o the soul and
becoming increasingly conscious on the $art o the dying $erson6" are taken o!er
by this death'bestowing $ower o the $lanetary lie itsel%
In the case o the subhuman kingdoms in nature" death is the direct result o this
obscure acti!ity o the $lanet% The only idea as to its unctioning which I can gi!e
you is that the soul o all non'human orms o lie is an inherent as$ect o the
substance o which the $lanet is itsel constructed+ this soul can be withdrawn
according to cycles" undetermined yet by science but i#ed and certain in their
working ' a$art rom great $lanetary accidents or the direct action o the ourth
kingdom in nature% This innate $lanetary $ower leads to the death o an animal
and ' in the larger swee$ o e!olution ' to the e#tinction o a s$ecies+ it leads also
in time to the death o the orms o the !egetable kingdom and is also one o the
causes which leads to the autumnal cycle in the year" $roducing the 0sere" the
yellow lea"0 the loss o !erdure in the grass" and those cyclic maniestations
which indicate not alone death" u$on a tem$orary and $assing scale" but the
com$lete cessation o !itality within a orm% 0Times o $erishing0 are cyclic
maniestations o the 0destroyer as$ect0 within the $lanet itsel% These are
necessarily diicult matters or you to gras$% -.7=/
This radiatory acti!ity o the $lanetary lie" cyclic in nature and eternally $resent"
is closely related to the inluence o the irst ray% It is that as$ect o the Ray o
*ill or )ower which $roduces the dissolution o the orm" and the corru$tion and
dissi$ation o the bodily !ehicle until it has been again com$letely reabsorbed into
the substance o the $lanet% A ocused use o the imagination will aid you in
disco!ering how !itally constructi!e this agency o di!inity can be% Death has
been $resent u$on our $lanet rom the !ery night o time itsel+ orms ha!e come
and gone+ death has o!ertaken $lants and trees" animals and the orms o human
beings or untold aeons" and yet our $lanet is not a charnel house as it well might
be in the ace o this act" but is still a thing o beauty" uns$oiled e!en by man%
The $rocesses o dying and o dissolution and the dissi$ation o orms goes on
e!ery moment without $roducing contagious contamination or the disiguring o
the surace o the earth% The results o dissolution are beneicent in eect% )onder
on this beneicent acti!ity and on the beauty o the di!ine $lan o death and
*ith man" death takes on two as$ects o acti!ity+ the human soul diers rom the
soul in the non'human orms in that it is itsel a ull and ' on its own $lane ' an
eecti!e e#$ression o the three di!ine as$ects+ it determines within certain limits
Esoteric Healing
' based on time conditions and s$atial necessity ' its entrance into human orm
and its e#it thererom% &nce this e#it has been made and the soul has withdrawn
the thread o consciousness rom the brain and its lie thread rom the heart"
certain lie $rocesses still $ersist+ they are now under the inluence o the
$lanetary lie" howe!er" and to these the $hysical elemental 5the sumtotal o the
li!ing atoms o the body nature6 is res$onsi!e% I would ha!e you note the occult
$arado# that death is the result o li!ing $rocesses% Death" or the death'
$roducing energy emanating -.7?/ rom the $lanet" brings about the com$lete
disru$tion o the bodily organism and its reduction to its essential elements '
chemical and mineral" $lus certain inorganic substances which are susce$tible o
absor$tion into the soil o the $lanet itsel% Death" as the result o soul acti!ity
$roduces" thereore" the withdrawing rom the body o the 0light body and o the
subtle bodies"0 lea!ing the dense orm and its com$onent $arts to the benign
$rocesses o $lanetary control% This dual acti!ity $roduces death ' as we know it
rom the human angle%
It is necessary here to $oint out that this ability o the $lanetary 3ogos to e#tract
the lie essence innate in each atom" $roduces what might be called deterioration
in the structure o the orm at any $oint rom whence this lie essence is emitted%
This brings about conditions which e!entually become a$$arent !isually+ thus
disease and the 0tendency to die0 become recogni(able% Thereore" the withering
o a lower" death rom old age in an animal or a tree" and the many diseases o
the human being are all brought about by the $ull o the $owerul lie o the
$lanet" s$eaking esoterically+ this is an as$ect o what is called" erroneously" the
3aw o Era!itation% This law is ' again s$eaking esoterically ' an as$ect o the 3aw
o Return" which go!erns the relation o a unit o lie in orm to its emanating
source% 0Dust thou art+ unto dust thou shalt return0 is a statement o occult law%
In the curious e!olution o words ' as any good dictionary will show ' the word
0dust0 comes rom two roots" one meaning 0wind0 and the other 0alling to
$ieces%0 The signiicance o both these meanings will be a$$arent and the
se,uence o ideas is arresting% *ith the withdrawing o the wind or breath" a
alling to $ieces e!entuates" and this is a true and signiicant statement% As the
greater lie absorbs the lesser lie" the disa$$earance o that which the lie has
inormed takes $lace+ this is true o all orms in the -.7@/ subhuman kingdoms as
they res$ond to the drag or $ull o the $lanetary lie+ it is true also o the human
orm as it reacts to the call o the soul to return its lie $rinci$le to the soul" !ia
the sutratma" and to return as consciousness to its registering source%
In this $rocess and interaction" the orm shows the results o being either the
recei!er o the tide o lie rom the $lanet or as the releaser o that lie" under
cyclic law" to its general reser!oir o li!ing energy% G$on these two reactions
de$ends the health or the disease o the orm in !arious stages and states o
res$onse and under the action o other contributing and conditioning actors%
There are three major stages in the lie cycle o all subhuman orms" and in the
human orm likewise when the soul is sim$ly an o!er'shadowing orce and not an
integrated energy1
2% The stage of inflowing, o !itali(ation and o growth%
.% The stage of resistance, wherein the orm $reser!es its own integrity or a
tem$orary cycle" determined by its s$ecies and en!ironment" thus
resisting successully any 0$ull0 o the all'en!elo$ing lie and any
reabsor$tion o its !itality%
4% The stage of emission, wherein the $ull o the greater lie o the $lanet
draws out and absorbs the weakening lesser lie% This weakening $rocess
is a $art o a cyclic law" as the old adage 0the days o a man are three
score years and ten0 hints% *hen the a!erage o a general cyclic $eriod is
Esoteric Healing
normally run" a $oint o weakening in the bodily tissue will surely and
gradually arise% Disease or deterioration o some $art o the orm usually
e!entuates and death su$er!enes% The length o the cycles and their
determining cause are a dee$ mystery and are s$eciically related to the
!arious kingdoms in nature" and to the s$ecies and ty$es and orms within
those -.7B/ aggregates o li!ing $rocesses% These cycles are known as yet
only to the Fasters and to those initiates to whom is gi!en the task o
$romoting the e!olutionary $rocess within the subhuman kingdoms" and
to the de!as whose task it is to control the $rocess%
As you well know" the great distinction between the human kingdom in the three
worlds and the other kingdoms in nature is the actor o ree will% In the matter o
death" this ree will has" in the last analysis" a deinite relation to the soul+ the
will o the soul is either consciously or unconsciously ollowed" where the decision
o death is concerned" and this idea carries with it many im$lications which
students would do well to $onder%
*e ha!e arri!ed now at another major generali(ation as to disease and death in
relation to humanity1
Law .III
Disease and death are the result o two acti!e orces% &ne is the will o the soul
which says to its instrument1 I draw the essence back% The other is the magnetic
$ower o the $lanetary 3ie which says to the lie within the atomic structure1 The
hour o reabsor$tion has arri!ed% Return to me% Thus" under cyclic law" do all
orms act%
The reerence here is to the normal dissolution o the orm at the close o a cycle
o reincarnation% As we well know" this cycle is determined in the case o man by
major $sychological actors which can hasten or $rolong the 0hour o the end"0
but only u$ to a certain $oint% The dictum o the soul and the iat o the $lanetary
3ie are the inal determining actors" e#ce$t in the cases o war" accident" suicide
or e$idemics%
The $ower o absor$tion with which the $lanet is endowed is !ery great within
certain limitations+ it is these limitations" -.7C/ or instance" which $romote
e$idemics as the atermath o war% ;uch e$idemics ha!e a serious eect u$on the
human race ater the war cycle is o!er and ater the conse,uent e$idemic has
s$ent itsel% Humanity" $articularly in Eastern Euro$e" had not com$letely
reco!ered rom the e$idemics" incident to the irst $art o the world war" when
the second $art took $lace% The $sychological eects continue+ the scars and the
results o the second $hase o that world war will $ersist or ity years" e!en
though ' owing to manAs greater scientiic knowledge ' the e$idemic actor may
be ke$t sur$risingly within bounds% This" howe!er" still remains uncertain% Time
alone will demonstrate how successul humanity is in osetting the $enalties
which outraged nature is a$t to e#act%
Fuch good will be brought about through the growing custom to cremate those
orms which the indwelling lie has !acated+ when it is an uni!ersal custom" we
shall see a deinite minimi(ing o disease" leading to longe!ity and increased
!itality% The actor o resistance or the $rocess whereby a orm renders itsel
immune or non'res$onsi!e to the $lanetary $ull and urge towards reabsor$tion
re,uires the e#$enditure o much energy% *hen the lie increases in $otency
within the orm and there is less reaction to disease'con!eying actors" the soul
within the orm will ha!e uller sway and greater beauty o e#$ression and
useulness in ser!ice% This will be true some day o all the kingdoms in nature"
Esoteric Healing
and thus we shall ha!e a steady radiance shining orth in the mounting glory o
the 3ie o Eod%
. 0acial and National Diseases
It must be a$$arent to you by now that I am $rinci$ally concerned with indicating
actors which are the result o the $ast history o the race rather than with gi!ing
you a s$eciic and detailed account o the diseases which are allied -.=D/ to the
!arious nations% This" in act" it would not be $ossible to do" owing to the
o!erla$$ing and $aralleling which goes on in e!ery de$artment o natural lie%
Abo!e e!erything else" I seek to make clear what must be done along the line o
$re!enti!e healing and what should be accom$lished in the diicult task o
osetting conditions already $re!alent on earth as the result o past misuse of
the natural powers. There must thereore be brought about a healing o those
conditions which are $resent u$on our $lanet on a large scale" and conse,uently
my em$hasis will not be u$on the s$eciic and the indi!idual% I am laying a
oundation also or a discussion o our ne#t theme ' the relation o the 3aw o
Karma to disease and death and to humanity as a whole%
In the consideration o racial and national diseases" I do not intend to $oint out
that tuberculosis is distincti!ely a disease o the middle classes in e!ery country"
that diabetes is a major trouble among the rice'eating $eo$les o the world" and
that cancer is ram$ant in Ereat Britain" whilst heart disease is a $rime cause o
death in the Gnited ;tates% ;uch generali(ations are both as true and as alse as
statistics usually are" and nothing is gained by laboring these $oints% These
diiculties will all be oset in due time through the growth o understanding" by
the intuiti!e diagnosis o disease" and by the magniicent work o scientiic and
academic medicine" $lus a truer com$rehension o right li!ing conditions%
I $reer rather to gi!e still wider generali(ations which will indicate causes and will
not em$hasi(e the conse,uences o these causes% I seek" thereore" to $oint out
2% The soil of the planet itsel is a major cause o disease and o
contamination% 8or untold aeons" the bodies o men and o animals ha!e
been laid away in the ground+ that soil is conse,uently im$regnated with
the germs and -.=2/ the results o disease and this in a ar subtler orm
than is surmised% The germs o ancient known and unknown diseases are
to be ound in the layers o the soil and the subsoil+ these can still $roduce
!irulent trouble i $resented with $ro$er conditions% 3et me state that
Hature ne!er intended that bodies would be buried in the ground% The
animals die and their bodies return to the dust" but return $uriied by the
rays o the sun and by the bree(es which blow and dis$erse% The sun can
cause death as well as lie" and the most !irulent germs and bacteria
cannot retain their $otency i submitted to the dry heat o the sunAs rays%
Foisture and darkness oster disease as it emanates rom and is nourished
by bodies rom whence the lie as$ect has been drawn% *hen" in all
countries throughout the world" the rule is to submit dead orms to the
0ordeal by ire"0 and when this has become a uni!ersal and $ersistent
habit" we shall then see a great diminution o disease and a much
healthier world%
.% The psychological condition o a race or o a nation" as we ha!e seen"
$roduces a tendency to disease and to a lowered resistance to the causes
Esoteric Healing
o disease+ it can engender an ability to absorb e!il contamination with
acility% &n this I need not urther enlarge%
4% ,i(ing conditions in many lands also oster disease and ill health% Dark and
crowded tenements" underground homes" undernourishment" wrong ood"
e!il habits o lie and !arious occu$ational diseases ' all contribute their
,uota to the general ill health o humanity% These conditions are
uni!ersally recogni(ed and much has been done to oset them" but much
remains to be done% &ne o the good eects o the world war will be to
orce the needed changes" the re,uired rebuilding" and the scientiic
nourishment o the youth o the race% Hational $hysical -.=./ ills !ary
according to the $redis$osing occu$ations o the $eo$le+ the diseases o
an agricultural race will dier widely rom those o a highly industriali(ed
race+ the $hysical $redis$ositions o a sailor !ary greatly rom those o an
oice worker in one o our large cities% These items o inormation are
again but the $latitudes o the social worker in the many cities and lands%
>ertain diseases a$$ear to be $urely local+ others seem uni!ersal in their
eects+ certain diseases are gradually dying out" and new diseases are
a$$earing+ certain orms o disease are ore!er with us+ others seem to be
cyclic in their a$$earance+ some diseases are endemic whilst others are
How can this !ast array o disease and orms o bodily ills come to be: How is it
that some races are $rone to succumb to one orm o $hysical ill whilst other
races are resistant to it: >limatic conditions $roduce certain ty$ical diseases
which remain strictly local and are not ound elsewhere in the world% >ancer"
tuberculosis" sy$hilis" s$inal meningitis" $neumonia and heart disease" as well as
scroula 5using that term in its old sense to indicate certain orms o skin
disease6" arc ram$ant throughout the world" taking their toll o millions+ e!en
though these diseases can be traced to certain great racial $eriods" they are now
general in their eect% The clue to this can be ound i students will remember
that though the Atlantean racial $eriod lies thousands o years away" a great
majority o $eo$le today are basically Atlantean in their consciousness" and are
thereore $rone to the diseases o that ci!ili(ation%
I a ull re!iew o the health o the world were to be undertaken and $resented to
the thinking $ublic ' taken in normal conditions and not in war time ' the ,uestion
arises whether there are one hundred thousand $erectly healthy -.=4/ $eo$le to
be ound out o the billions now inhabiting the earth: I think not% I no actual and
acti!e disease is $resent" ne!ertheless the condition o the teeth" the hearing and
the sight lea!e re,uently much to be desired+ inherited tendencies and acti!e
$redis$ositions cause gra!e concern" and to all this must be added $sychological
diiculty" mental diseases and deinite brain trouble% All this $resents an a$$alling
$icture% Against the ills which it discloses" medicine is today battling+ scientists
are searching or alle!iations and cures and or sound and lasting methods o
eradication" research students are in!estigating the latent germs" and health
e#$erts are seeking new ways to meet the onslaught o disease% ;anitation"
com$ulsory inoculation" re,uent ins$ection" $ure ood laws" legal re,uirements
and better housing conditions are all brought into this battle by the arseeing
humanitarian% 9et still disease is ram$ant+ more hos$itals are re,uired and the
death rate soars%
To these $ractical agencies" Fental ;cience" Hew Thought" Gnity and >hristian
;cience oer their aid" and seek ,uite honestly to bring the $ower o the mind to
bear u$on the $roblem% At the $resent stage" these agencies and grou$s largely
are in the hands o anatics and de!oted" unintelligent $eo$le+ they reuse all
com$romise and seem unable to recogni(e that the knowledge accumulated by
Esoteric Healing
medicine and by those who work scientiically with the human body is as Eod'
gi!en as their" as yet" un$ro!ed ideal% 3ater" the truths or which these grou$s
stand will be added to the work o the $sychologist and the $hysician+ when this
has been done" we shall see a great im$ro!ement% *hen the work o the doctor
and the surgeon in relation to the $hysical body is recogni(ed as essential and
good" when the analysis and conclusions o the $sychologist su$$lement their
work" and when the $ower o right thought comes likewise as an -.=7/ aid" then
and only then" shall we enter u$on a new era o well'being%
To the !arious categories o trouble must also be added a whole grou$ o
diseases which are more strictly mental in their eect ' the clea!ages" the
insanities" the obsessions" the mental breaks" the aberrations and the
hallucinations% To the !arious healing agencies mentioned abo!e should be added
the work undertaken by Fembers o the s$iritual Hierarchy and Their disci$les+ it
takes soul $ower and knowledge" $lus the wisdom o the other healing grou$s" to
$roduce health among $eo$le" to em$ty our sanatoriums" to rid humanity o the
basic diseases" o lunacy and obsession" and to $re!ent crime% This is inally
brought about by the right integration o the whole man" through a right
com$rehension o the nature o energy" and through a correct a$$reciation o the
endocrine system" its glands and their subtle relationshi$s%
At $resent there is little coherent and integrated work done in unison by the our
2% )hysicians and surgeons ' orthodo# and academic%
.% )sychologists" neurologists and $sychiatrists%
4% Fental healers and Hew Thought workers" $lus Gnity thinkers and
>hristian ;cientists%
7% Trained disci$les and those who work with the souls o men%
*hen these our grou$s can be brought into close relation" and can work together
or the release o humanity rom disease" we shall then arri!e at an
understanding o the true wonder o the human being% *e shall some day ha!e
hos$itals in which the our $hases o this one medical and remedial work will
$roceed side by side and in the ullest coo$eration% Heither grou$ can do a
com$lete task without the others+ all are interde$endent% -.==/
It is the inability o these grou$s to recogni(e the good in the other grou$s
stri!ing or the $hysical well'being o humanity which makes it almost im$ossible
or me to do more s$eciic teaching and more direct talking on these matters%
Ha!e you any idea o the wall o antagonistic thinking and s$eech against which a
new or $ioneering idea has to batter itsel: Ha!e you e!er seriously considered
the aggregated and crystalli(ed thought'orms with which all such new ideas 5and
shall I call them hierarchical $ro$osals6 ha!e to contend: Do you a$$reciate the
dead weight o $reconcei!ed and ancient determinations which ha!e to be mo!ed
beore the Hierarchy can cause a new and needed conce$t to $enetrate into the
consciousness o the a!erage thinking 5or again should I say" unthinking:6 $ublic%
The ield o medicine is a most diicult ield in which to work" or the subject is so
intimate" and ear enters so strongly into the reactions o those who must be
reached% The gul between the old and established and the new and the s$iritually
demanded" needs much long and careul bridging% A great deal o the diiculty is"
curiously enough" to be ound ostered by the newer schools o thought% &rthodo#
medicine is slow" and rightly slow" in ado$ting new techni,ues and methods+ it is
at times too slow" but the case o the new mode o treatment or diagnosis must
be rightly $ro!en and statistically $ro!en beore it can be incor$orated in the
medical curriculum and method+ the risks to the human subject are too great"
Esoteric Healing
and the good humanitarian $hysician will not make his $atient the subject o
e#$erimentation% Howe!er" within the last ew decades" medicine has ad!anced
by lea$s and bounds" the science o electricity and light thera$y and many other
modern techni,ues and methods ha!e already been added to the !arious other
sciences o which medicine a!ails itsel% The demands o the intangible and the
treatment o the nebulous ' i such -.=?/ $eculiar terms are in order ' are being
recogni(ed increasingly and are known to $lay an orthodo# and recogni(ed $art in
the newer a$$roaches to disease%
The a$$roach o the mental schools and cults" as they erroneously call
themsel!es" has not $roceeded so hel$ully% This is largely their ault% ;chools o
thought such as Fental ;cience" Hew Thought" Gnity" >hristian ;cience"
>hiro$ractic enter$rise" the eorts o the Haturo$aths and many others" hurt
their cause" owing to the large claims which they make and to their unceasing
attacks u$on orthodo# medicine and other channels o $ro!en hel$ulness and
u$on the knowledge 5ac,uired o!er centuries o e#$erimentation6 o the academic
schools o medicine and surgery% They orget that many o their claims to success
5and they are oten irreutable6 can be classed under the general heading o aith
cures" and this can be done correctly or incorrectly% ;uch cures ha!e long been
recogni(ed by the academic thinker and known to be actual% These cults which
are in act the custodians o needed truths" need abo!e e!erything else to change
their a$$roach and to learn the s$iritual nature o com$romise in these days o
e!olutionary unoldment% Their ideas cannot come into ull and desired useulness
a$art rom the already Eod'gi!en knowledge which medicine down the ages has
accumulated+ they need also to kee$ a record o their numerous ailures" as well
as the successes which they loudly $roclaim% I would here $oint out that these
successes are in no way so numerous as those o orthodo# medicine and o the
beneicent work done by the clinics o our hos$itals which ' in s$ite o ailures and
oten gross stu$idity ' greatly ameliorate the $ains and ills o the masses o men%
These cults omit to state" or e!en to recogni(e" that in cases o e#treme illness or
accident" the $atient is $hysically unable to airm or claim di!ine healing and is
de$endent u$on the work o some healer who works with no knowledge -.=@/ o
the karma o the $atient% Fany o their so'called cures 5and this is the case also
with orthodo# medicine6 are cures because the hour o the end has not yet
arri!ed or the $atient and he would ha!e reco!ered in any case" though he oten
does so more ra$idly" owing to the remedial measures o the trained $hysician%
In cases o serious accident" where the injured $erson will bleed" the cultist 5no
matter what his cult may be called6 will $erorce a!ail himsel o the methods o
the orthodo# $hysician+ he will a$$ly a tourni,uet" or instance" and take the
measures which orthodo# medicine enjoins" rather than stand by and see the
injured $erson die because these methods are not used% *hen he is ace to ace
with death" he will re,uently turn to the tried and $ro!ed methods o hel$ and
will usually call in a $hysician rather than be charged with murder%
All the abo!e is said in no s$irit o dis$aragement" but in an eort to $ro!e that
the many schools o thought ' orthodo#" academic" ancient" material or s$iritual"
new" $ioneering or mental ' are interde$endent+ they need to be brought
together into one great healing science% This will be a science which will heal the
whole man and bring into $lay all the resources ' $hysical" emotional" mental and
s$iritual ' o which humanity is ca$able% &rthodo# medicine is more o$en to
coo$eration with the newer cults than are the neo$hytes o the science o mental
control o disease+ they cannot" howe!er" $ermit their $atients to be turned into
guinea $igs 5is not that the term used in these cases" brother o mine:6 or the
satisaction o the $ioneering cultist and the $ro!ing o his theories ' no matter
how correct when a$$lied in conjunction with what has already been $ro!ed% The
Esoteric Healing
middle way o com$romise and o mutual coo$eration is e!er the wisest" and this
is a lesson much needed today in e!ery de$artment o human thinking% -.=B/
*e shall now $roceed to deal with our third and inal section o thoughts around
the basic causes o disease% The theme o karma has been little considered and I
shall deal with it in a way larger than our $articular subject $erha$s warrants%
Esoteric Healing
CHAPTER III - Our 3ar!ic Lia$ilities
.ntroductory 0emar1s
*e ha!e reached now the concluding $hase o our a$$roach to the $roblem o
disease% In our ne#t $art we shall deal with the attitudes and tem$eraments o
the $atient" taking into consideration his ray and also the state o mind o the
healer+ all these $oints are o $rime im$ortance when one comes to the
consideration o the ine art o healing% It is" howe!er" essential that ill health"
acute disease" and death itsel should ind their $lace in the o!erall $icture% A
$articular incarnation is not an isolated e!ent in the lie o the soul" but is a $art
and an as$ect o a se,uence o e#$eriences which are intended to lead to one"
clear" deinite goal ' the goal o ree choice and a deliberate return out o matter
to s$irit and e!entual liberation%
There has been much talk among esotericist 5$articularly in the Eastern
$resentation o the )ath to Reality6 anent liberation% The goal held beore the
neo$hyte is liberation" reedom" emanci$ation+ this" by and large" is the keynote
o lie itsel% The conce$t is a transiting out o the realm o the $urely selish and
o $ersonal liberation into something much wider and more im$ortant% This
conce$t o liberation lies behind the modern use o the word 0liberty0 but is ar
wiser" better and dee$er in its connotation% 3iberty" in the minds o many" is
reedom rom the im$osition o any manAs -.?D/ rule" reedom to do as one
wishes" to think as one determines and to li!e as one chooses% This is as it should
be" $ro!ided that oneAs wishes" choices" thoughts and desires are ree rom
selishness and are dedicated to the good o the whole% This is" as yet" !ery
seldom so%
3iberation is much more than all this+ it is reedom rom the $ast" reedom to
mo!e orward along certain $redetermined lines 5$redetermined by the soul6"
reedom to e#$ress all the di!inity o which one is ca$able as an indi!idual" or
which a nation can $resent to the world%
There ha!e been in the history o the $ast two thousand years" our great
symbolic ha$$enings which ha!e se,uentially $resented 5to those who ha!e eyes
to see" ears to hear and minds to inter$ret6 the theme o liberation ' and not
sim$ly o liberty%
2% The life of !hrist Himself. He" or the irst time" $resented the idea o the
sacriice o the unit" consciously and deliberately oered or the ser!ice o
the whole% There had been other *orld ;a!iors" but the issues in!ol!ed
had not so clearly been e#$ressed" because the mind o man had not been
ready to gras$ the im$lications% ;er!ice is the keynote o liberation% >hrist
was the ideal ;er!er%
.% The signing of the Magna !harta. This document was signed at
Runnymede" during the reign o King John on June 2=th" 2.2=" A%D% Here
the idea o liberation rom authority was $resented with the em$hasis
u$on the $ersonal liberty and rights o the indi!idual% The growth and
de!elo$ment o this basic idea" mental conce$t and ormulated $erce$tion
alls into our $hases or cha$ters1
Esoteric Healing
a% The signing o the Fagna >harta" em$hasi(ing $ersonal liberty
b% The ounding o the 8rench Re$ublic with its em$hasis u$on human
c% The Declaration o Inde$endence and the Bill o Rights" determining
national $olicy%
d% The Atlantic >harter and the 8our 8reedoms" bringing the whole
,uestion into the international ield" and guaranteeing to men and
women e!erywhere in the world liberty and reedom to de!elo$ the
di!ine reality within themsel!es%
The ideal has gradually become clariied so that today the mass o men
e!erywhere know what are the basic essentials o ha$$iness%
4% The 2mancipation of the &la(es. The s$iritual idea o human liberty" which
had become a recogni(ed ideal" became a demanding desire" and a great
symbolic ha$$ening took $lace ' the sla!es were reed% 3ike all things
which human beings enact" $erection is non'e#istent% The Hegro is not
ree in this land o the ree" and America will ha!e to clean house in this
res$ect+ to $ut it in clear concise words" the G%;%A% must see to it that the
>onstitution and the Bill o Rights are acts and not a dream% &nly thus
can the ine!itable working o the 3aw o Karma 5which is our theme today6
be oset% The Hegroes are Americans" as well as the Hew Englanders and
all other stocks which are not indigenous in this country" and the
>onstitution is theirs also% As yet the $ri!ileges it coners are withheld by
those who are the sla!es o selishness and ear%
7% The ,iberation of Humanity by the 5nited 6ations. *e are $artici$ating in
a great s$ectacular and symbolic ha$$ening and are watching it in
$rocess% The liberation o the indi!idual has mo!ed onward through the
symbolic liberation o a section o humanity 5the remnants -.?./ o the
irst two races" the 3emurian and the Atlantean6 to the liberation o
millions o human beings" ensla!ed by the orces o e!il" by millions o
their ellow men% The ideal has worked through into a $ractical worldwide
eort u$on the $hysical $lane and has demanded worldwide sacriice% It
has in!ol!ed the entire three worlds o human e!olution" and or this
reason the >hrist can now lead His orces and aid human beings to liberate
*hat has really been ha$$ening" thereore" in the li!es o indi!iduals" in the li!es
o nations and in the lie o humanity: A tremendous mo!e to $ut right most
ancient e!il" to oset consciously the 3aw o >ause and Eect by a recognition o
the causes in the $ersonal" national and international worlds which ha!e $roduced
the eects under which humanity today suers%
The 3aw o Karma is today a great and incontro!ertible act in the consciousness
o humanity e!erywhere% They may not call it by that name" but they are well
aware that in all todayAs e!ents the nations are rea$ing what they sowed% This
great law ' at one time a theory ' is now a $ro!en act and a recogni(ed actor in
human thinking% The ,uestion 0*hy:0 so re,uently asked brings in the actor o
cause and eect with constant ine!itability% The conce$ts o heredity and o
en!ironment are eorts to e#$lain e#isting human conditions+ ,ualities" racial
characteristics" national tem$eraments and ideals $ro!e the act o some initiating
world o causes% Historical conditions" the relationshi$s between nations" social
taboos" religious con!ictions and tendencies can all be traced to originating
causes ' some o them most ancient% E!erything that is ha$$ening in the world
today and which is so $otently aecting humanity ' things o beauty and o
Esoteric Healing
horror" modes o li!ing -.?4/ and ci!ili(ation and culture" $rejudices and likings"
scientiic attainment and artistic e#$ression and the many ways in which
humanity throughout the $lanet colors e#istence ' are as$ects o eects" initiated
somewhere" on some le!el at some time" by human beings" both indi!idually and
en masse%
Karma is thereore that which Fan ' the Hea!enly Fan in whom we li!e"
humanity as a whole" mankind in grou$s as nations" and indi!idual man ' has
instituted" carried orward" endorsed" omitted to do or has done right through the
ages until the $resent moment% Today" the har!est is ri$e and mankind is rea$ing
what it has sown" $re$aratory to a resh $lowing in the s$ringtime o the Hew
Age" with a resh sowing o the seed which will 5let us $ray and ho$e6 $roduce a
better har!est%
The outstanding e!idence o the 3aw o >ause and Eect is the Jewish race% All
nations pro(e this ,aw, but I choose to reer to the Hebrew $eo$les because their
history is so well known and their uture and their destiny are subjects o
worldwide" uni!ersal concern% The Jews ha!e always had a symbolic signiicance+
they sum u$ in themsel!es ' as a nation" down the ages ' the de$ths o human
e!il and the heights o human di!inity% Their aggressi!e history as narrated in the
&ld Testament is on a $ar with $resent'day Eerman accom$lishment+ yet >hrist
was a Jew and it was the Hebrew race which $roduced Him% 3et this ne!er be
orgotten% The Jews were great aggressors+ they des$oiled the Egy$tians and
they took the )romised 3and at the $oint o the sword" s$aring neither man"
woman nor child% Their religious history has been built around a materialistic
Jeho!ah" $ossessi!e" greedy and endorsing and encouraging aggression% Their
history is symbolic o the history o all aggressors" rationali(ing themsel!es into
the belie that they are carrying out di!ine $ur$ose" wresting away rom $eo$le
their $ro$erty in a s$irit o sel'deense and inding some -.?7/ reason" ade,uate
to them" to e#cuse the ini,uity o their action% )alestine was taken by the Jews
because it was 0a land lowing with milk and honey"0 and the claim was made
that the act was undertaken in obedience to di!ine command% 3ater" the
symbolism gets most interesting% They di!ided into two hal!es1 the Israelites with
head,uarters at ;amaria" and the Jews 5meaning two or three s$ecial tribes out
o the twel!e6 locating around Jerusalem% Dualism ran through their religious
belies+ they were schooled by the ;adducees or the )harisees" and these two
grou$s were in constant conlict% >hrist came as a member o the Jewish race and
they renounced Him%
Today the law is working" and the Jews are $aying the $rice" actually and
symbolically" or all they ha!e done in the $ast% They are demonstrating the ar'
reaching eects o the 3aw% 8actually and symbolically" they stand or culture and
ci!ili(ation+ actually and symbolically" they are humanity+ actually and
symbolically" they stand as they ha!e e!er chosen to stand" or se$aration% They
regard themsel!es as the chosen $eo$le and ha!e an innate consciousness o that
high destiny" orgetting their symbolic role and that it is Humanity which is the
chosen $eo$le and not one small and unim$ortant raction o the race% 8actually
and symbolically" they long or unity and coo$eration" yet know not how to
coo$erate+ actually and symbolically" they are the 0Eternal )ilgrim0+ they are
mankind" wandering through the ma(es o the three worlds o human e!olution"
and ga(ing with longing eyes towards a $romised land+ actually and symbolically"
they resemble the mass o men" reusing to com$rehend the underlying s$iritual
$ur$ose o all material $henomena" rejecting the >hrist within 5as they did
centuries ago the >hrist within their borders6" gras$ing or material good and
steadily rejecting the things o the s$irit% They demand the so'called restitution o
)alestine" -.?=/ wresting it away rom those who ha!e inhabited it or many
Esoteric Healing
centuries+ and by their continued em$hasis u$on material $ossession they lose
sight o the true solution" which is that" symbolically and actually again" they
must be assimilated into all the nations" and used with all the races" thus
demonstrating recognition o the &ne Humanity%
It is interesting to note that the Jews who inhabited southern )alestine" and
whose chie city was Jerusalem" ha!e succeeded in doing this and ha!e used with
and been assimilated by the British" the Dutch and the 8rench in a way that the
Israelites" ruled rom ;amaria" ha!e ne!er done% I commend this to you or your
I the Jewish race would recall" thereore" their high symbolic destiny" and i the
rest o humanity would see themsel!es in the Jewish $eo$le" and i both grou$s
would em$hasi(e the act o human stock and cease thinking o themsel!es in
terms o national and racial units" the karma o humanity would radically change
rom the retributi!e karma o the $resent to the recom$ensing good karma o the
Regarding this ,uestion rom the long range !ision 5looking backward historically
as well as orward ho$eully6" the $roblem is one to which the Jews themsel!es
must make the larger contribution% They ha!e ne!er yet aced candidly and
honestly 5as a race6 the $roblem o why the many nations" rom the time o the
Egy$tians" ha!e neither liked nor wanted them% It has always been the same
down the centuries% 9et there must be some reason" inherent in the $eo$le
themsel!es" when the reaction is so general and uni!ersal% Their a$$roach to
their direul $roblem has been one o su$$lication" or o distressed com$laint" or
o unha$$y des$air% Their demand has been or the Eentile nations to $ut the
matter right" and many Eentiles ha!e attem$ted to do so% Gntil" howe!er" the
Jews themsel!es -.??/ ace u$ to the situation and admit that there may be or
them the working out o the retributi!e as$ect o the 3aw o >ause and Eect"
and until they endea!or to ascertain what it is in them" as a race" which has
initiated their ancient and dire ate" this basic world issue will remain as it has
been since the !ery night o time% That within the race there are and ha!e been
great" good" just and s$iritual men is unalterably true% A generali(ation is ne!er a
com$lete e#$ression o the truth% But" !iewing the $roblem o the Jews in time
and s$ace" in history and today" the $oints which I ha!e made will bear careul
consideration by the Jews%
*hat I ha!e said in no way mitigates the guilt o those who ha!e so sorely
abused the Jews% 9ou ha!e a $ro!erb" ha!e you not: that 0two blacks do not
make a white%0 The beha!ior o the nations towards the Jews" culminating in the
atrocities o the second ,uarter o the twentieth century" ha!e no e#cuse% The law
must ine!itably work% Though much that has ha$$ened to the Jews originated in
their $ast history and in their $ronounced attitude o se$arateness and non'
assimilability" and in their em$hasis u$on material good" yet the agents who ha!e
brought the e!il karma u$on them e,ually incur the retributi!e as$ect o the
same law+ the situation has now assumed the orm o a !icious circle o error and
wrong doing" o retribution and re!enge" and in !iew o this the time must come
when together the nations will coner u$on this $roblem" and together they will
coo$erate to bring to an end the wrong attitudes on both sides. All karma o e!il
nature is sol!ed by the $resentation o an acce$ting will" a coo$erati!e lo!e" a
rank acknowledgement o res$onsibility and a skillul adjustment o united joint
acti!ity to bring about the good o humanity as a whole" and not just the good o
an indi!idual nation or $eo$le or race% The Jewish $roblem will not be sol!ed
-.?@/ by taking $ossession o )alestine" by $laint and demand and by inancial
mani$ulations% That would be but the $rolongation o ancient wrong and material
Esoteric Healing
$ossessi!eness% The $roblem will be sol!ed by the willingness o the Jew to
conorm to the ci!ili(ation" the cultural background and the standards o li!ing o
the nation to which ' by the act o birth and education ' he is related and with
which he should assimilate% It will come by the relin,uishment o $ride o race
and o the conce$t o selecti!ity+ it will come by renouncing dogmas and customs
which are intrinsically obsolete and which create $oints o constant irritation to
the matri# within which the Jew inds himsel+ it will come when selishness in
business relations and the $ronounced mani$ulati!e tendencies o the Hebrew
$eo$le are e#changed or more selless and honest orms o acti!ity%
The Jew" owing to his rays and $oint o de!elo$ment" is outstandingly creati!e
and artistic% This he must recogni(e and not seek as he now does to dominate in
all ields" to gras$ all o$$ortunities away rom other $eo$le" and so better himsel
and his own $eo$le at the e#$ense o others% Release rom the $resent situation
will come when the Jew orgets that he is a Jew and becomes in his inmost
consciousness an Italian" an American" a Britisher" a Eerman or a )ole% This is not
so at this time% The Jewish $roblem will be sol!ed by intermarriage+ that o the
Hegro will not% This will mean concession and com$romise on the $art o the
orthodo# Jews ' not the concession o e#$ediency but the concession o
3et me $oint out also that just as the Kabalah and the Talmud are secondary lines
o esoteric a$$roach to truth" and materialistic in their techni,ue 5embodying
much o the magical work o relating one grade o matter to the substance o
another grade6" so the &ld Testament is em$hatically a secondary ;cri$ture" and
s$iritually does not rank -.?B/ with the Bhaga!ad Eita" the ancient ;cri$tures o
the East and the Hew Testament% Its em$hasis is material and its eect is to
im$ress a $urely materialistic Jeho!ah u$on world consciousness% The general
theme o the &ld Testament is the reco!ery o the highest e#$ression o the
di!ine wisdom in the first solar system% that system embodied the creati!e work
o the third as$ect o di!inity ' that o acti!e intelligence" e#$ressing itsel
through matter% In this solar system, the created world is intended to be the
e#$ression o the second as$ect" o the lo!e o Eod% This the Jew has ne!er
gras$ed" or the lo!e e#$ressed in the &ld Testament is the se$arate" $ossessi!e
lo!e o Jeho!ah or a distinct unit within the ourth or human kingdom% ;t% )aul
summed u$ the attitude which humanity should assume in the words1 0There is
neither Jew nor Eentile%0 The e!il karma o the Jew today is intended to end his
isolation" to bring him to the $oint o relin,uishing material goals" o renouncing a
nationality that has a tendency to be somewhat $arasitic within the boundaries o
other nations" and to e#$ress inclusi!e lo!e" instead o se$arate unha$$iness%
And what o the Eentile attitude: It is absolutely necessary that the nations meet
the Jew more than hal way when he arri!es at altering ' slowly and gradually '
his nationalistic orthodo#y% It is essential that they cease rom ear and
$ersecution" rom hatred and rom $lacing barriers to coo$eration% The growing
anti';emitic eeling in the world is ine#cusable in the sight o Eod and man% I
reer not here to the abominable cruelties o the obsessed Eerman $eo$le% Behind
that lies a history o Atlantean relationshi$s into which it is needless or me to
enter because I could not $ro!e to you the truth o my statements% I reer to the
history o the $ast two thousand years and to the e!eryday beha!ior o Eentile
$eo$le e!erywhere% There must be a deinite eort u$on the $art o the nationals
o -.?C/ e!ery country to assimilate the Jews" to intermarry with them" and to
reuse to recogni(e as barriers old habits o thought and ancient bad relations%
Fen e!erywhere must regard it as a blot u$on their national integrity i there is
the a$$earance within their borders o the old duality ' Jew and Eentile% There is
neither 7ew nor -entile% there is only Humanity. This war 52C27'2C7=6 should be
Esoteric Healing
regarded as ha!ing brought to a conclusion the ancient enmity between Jew and
Eentile" and the two grou$s ha!e now the o$$ortunity to originate a newer and
ha$$ier measure o li!ing and a truly coo$erati!e relation on either side% The
$rocess o assimilation will be slow" or the situation is o so ancient a date that
habits o thought" customary attitudes and se$arate customs are well established
and hard to o!ercome% But the needed changes can be made i goodwill directs
the s$oken word" the written $resentation and the mode o li!ing together% The
Hierarchy sees no distinction% The Head o the Hierarchy" though not in a Jewish
body at this time" achie!ed the highest s$iritual goal or humanity whilst in a
Jewish !ehicle% The Hierarchy is also sending into Jewish bodies certain disci$les
who will work with ull intent at the changing o the situation% There are Jews
today" a ew in number" who do not think in terms o being Jews+ who are not
$reoccu$ied with the Jewish $roblem to the e#clusion o all else" and who are
endea!oring to use all $eo$le into one humanity" thus bridging the ga$%
Again" I say" that the Fasters o the *isdom see neither Jew nor Eentile" but only
souls and sons o Eod%
In dealing with the subject o karma as a actor ' decisi!e and lasting in both
disease and health ' one o the criticisms to which my a$$roach is subjected is
that I deal too much with generalities and that I gi!e no s$eciic and detailed
analysis o $articular diseases" $articularly o the great -.@D/ basic diseases
which today take such a toll o humanity and which are not undamentally being
curbed% I do not deal with their sym$toms or their cure" and I indicate not
techni,ues whereby they may be handled% This I eel is a criticism with which I
should deal" so that you may $roceed with your study under no misa$$rehension%
This is an a$$ro$riate $oint at which to sto$ and meet this contention% Karma is
necessarily a to$ic which is general and not s$eciic+ it is not yet acce$ted in the
occult sense by the general $ublic% It must be considered along broad lines until
such time that the 3aw o >ause and Eect is acce$ted as a major conditioning
actor in the human consciousness" not only on a large scale but in relation to
indi!idual li!es% & this 3aw" the $ublic is yet" as a whole" ignorant%
It will be ob!ious to you that it is entirely needless or me to deal with the
sym$tomatic as$ect o diseases and with the acts that ha!e been so ably
ascertained by orthodo# medical science% *e ha!e been or some time
considering the causes o such diseases" and I $ro$ose to deal with occult
methods o $roducing cures ' where such cures are $ermissible under the 3aw o
Karma and where the healer is willing to work in an occult manner% I ha!e
attem$ted to make clear to you that the undamental cause is related to energy"
to its $resence in e#cess as it $ours through the centers" or to its deiciency% Here
lie the two main actors in the $roduction o disease% It is essential that those o
you who are interested in the study o disease and its healing should admit this
and $ermit it to orm the basis o your a$$roach% I ha!e indicated that medicine
and medical treatments o the uture will start with this act as their $rime
determination% The actual nature o medical disco!ery is not disowned by me% I
seek to carry the matter orward rom that $oint" and it is no $art o my $rogram
to ignore the wise disco!eries o modern medical science" nor am I -.@2/ on the
side o those grou$s o $eo$le who run down and reuse to admit the indings o
modern medicine% This I ha!e earlier em$hasi(ed% I want to indicate the trend o
uture medical research" which will be to seek or the seat o the trouble in the
realm o !itality 5as it may be called by orthodo# in!estigators6" and which we
would regard as in the realm o the etheric body%
3et me here make a $ractical statement which might be regarded as the ne#t
Rule in this treatise1
Esoteric Healing
Rule si4
A careul diagnosis o the disease" based on the ascertained outer sym$toms" will
be sim$liied to this e#tent that" once the organ in!ol!ed is known and thus
isolated" the center in the etheric body which is in closest relation to it will be
subjected to methods o occult healing" though the ordinary" ameliorati!e"
medical or surgical methods will not be withheld%
It is here that the anatical cultist or healer o today so oten goes astray% The old
a$$roach to medicine" with its $hysical in!estigation and its successul or
unsuccessul diagnosis" will still be re,uired until such time that $hysicians and
surgeons ha!e clair!oyant aculty" intuiti!e $erce$tion and s$iritual insight" and
also until they ha!e worked out a techni,ue or handling energy in relation to the
$atient% To this will some day be added correct astrological inter$retation"
immediate recognition o ray ty$es" and then the a$$lication o the right healing
techni,ues" as re,uired by the ray which conditions the $atientAs lie e#$ression"
$lus his $oint in e!olution%
I am handica$$ed greatly as a I seek to lay the oundation or this new a$$roach
to medicine% I am handica$$ed by the idealistic $ronouncements o the $ioneers
in the new ields o nature healing" by the naturo$aths" and by the -.@./
$remises o >hristian ;cience and the Gnity ;chools% All that I can do 5i you are
to $roit by my $resentation6 is to lay down certain broad and general
assum$tions which will go!ern the medical men o the uture% But in the interim
$eriod between the old and the new eras" men will wander in a og o
s$eculation+ a great conlict will be engineered between the undamentalist
schools and the s$eculators and the in!estigators o the new ideas" and
tem$orarily the 0noble middle $ath0 o the Buddha will be orgotten%
There is $resent today" in the science o medicine" a situation $aralleling that to
be ound in the realm o religion% The old a$$roach suices or the masses and is
re,uently successul both in its ameliorati!e and $re!enti!e as$ects" and in its
$rocess o diagnosis% This is all that is $ossible at this time% In the same manner"
the old religious $resentation suices to guide the unthinking masses along
certain broad lines o controlled li!ing" and to kee$ clearly in the consciousness o
the a!erage man certain uncontro!ertible" s$iritual acts% Both in the guidance
and $rotection o the masses in their s$iritual natures and in the guidance and
$rotection o their $hysical !ehicles" doctors and $riests can be di!ided into
!arious grou$s ' some adhering to old $ro!ed techni,ues" some so
undamentalist in $osition that they reuse to in!estigate that which is new and
un$ro!en" and some so idealistic" s$eculati!e and anatical that they rush ahead
and enter into a world o s$eculati!e e#$eriment which may or may not gi!e them
the key to the medicine o the uture but which certainly $uts their $atients into
the category o what you call 0guinea $igs%0
The surest and least s$eculati!e ield in medical $ractice is that which is
concerned with the surgical relief o the $atient+ it is ounded on a sure
knowledge o anatomy" its diagnosis o re,uirements can be intelligently
controlled" and -.@4/ its $ractice 5when in the hands o a sound and re$utable
surgeon6 can and re,uently does $roduce a cure or a real $rolongation o lie%
Howe!er" e!en in that ield little is known about the results o an o$eration as it
may aect the etheric body and 5conse,uently6 the ner!ous system through the
intermediate system o the 0nadis0 or the etheric counter$art o the ner!es% I
would instance the remo!al o some organ% Deinite results must necessarily be
$resent and a $eriod o diicult adjustment must ine!itably take $lace within the
subtle mechanism o the $atient% The area o the body which has recei!ed
surgical treatment" and $articularly the center in closest relation to it" must be
Esoteric Healing
aected" or the circulatory low o energy" emanating rom the center" will ind
itsel 0short circuited"0 i I could use such a $hrase% This low" which has hitherto
$assed through the area o surgical attention" must work its way to all $arts o
the body" !ia the 0nadis0+ these" as you know" underlie and eed the needed
energy to the ner!ous system% &ld channels or the low o energy will ha!e been
remo!ed" as the result o o$erati!e measures" major or minor% Hew channels or
lines o orce" bridging the 0mutilated0 area" will ha!e to be established and a
basic adjustment will ha!e to be made within the !ital mechanism o the $atient%
Along this line there is $ractically nothing as yet known% It is not e!en yet in the
ield o ad!anced research%
The new medicine cannot be scientiically ormulated or intelligently $resented
until such time as the fact o the etheric body is acce$ted and its e$istence, as a
mechanism of energy supply and as the (ital aspect of the outer form, is
generally recogni'ed. The shit o the attention o the medical $roession will then
be away rom the outer" tangible" $hysical eects and to the inner causes" as
they are to be ound in the centers and their related ields o acti!ity% -.@7/
*ithin the areas where a disease is maniested" certain esoteric acts anent the
general subject ha!e already been $osited by me1
2% That disease" in its immediate cause" can be traced to the indi!idual
etheric body when the diiculty is $urely local" or to the $lanetary etheric
body 5in $articular the etheric body o the ourth kingdom in nature6
where e$idemics are in!ol!ed" or to such a condition as war" aecting
large masses o men%
2. That the etheric body has not hitherto been considered as an e#istent act"
rom the angle o orthodo# medicine" though there is a modern drit
towards em$hasis u$on (itality" u$on the !ital ,ualities in ood" and the
gi!ing o !itamin $roducts in order to build u$ a !ital res$onse% This is the
irst indication o an unreali(ed need to increase the $otency o the !ital
4% That the condition o the etheric body $redis$oses the subject to disease
or $rotects it rom disease" making man resistant to the im$act o
deteriorating or e$idemic actors" or ailing to do so because o inherent
etheric weakness%
7% That the etheric body is the mechanism o !ital" $ranic lie" and
0substands0 or underlies the outer" amiliar e,ui$ment o the ner!ous
system" which eeds and actuates all $arts o the $hysical organism% The
relationshi$ e#isting between the centers" the nadis and the entire ner!ous
system com$rises the ield o the new medicine and indicates the new
major ield o research%
=% That the main causes o all disease are two in nature1
a% They are to be ound" irst o all" in the stimulation or the non'
stimulation o the centers% This sim$ly im$lies the o!er'acti!ity or
the underacti!ity o -.@=/ any center in any $art o the body%
*here the low o energy is commensurate to the demands o the
$hysical body at any $articular stage o de!elo$ment" then there
will be relati!e reedom rom disease%
b% They are to be ound" secondly" in the karmic eect o the three
$lanetary diseases1 >ancer" Tuberculosis" ;y$hilitic diseases% ;ome
day medicine will reali(e that behind e!ery single disease
5irres$ecti!e o the results o accident or war6 lie these three main
tendencies in the human body% This is a basic and im$ortant
?% That the etheric body is a ocusing $oint or all the interior energies o the
body" and thereore the energy transmitted will not be $ure !ital energy or
sim$le $lanetary $rana but will be ,ualiied by orces coming rom the
Esoteric Healing
astral or the emotional a$$aratus" rom the mind or rom the soul body%
These 0,ualiications o orce"0 indicating as they do the karma o the
indi!idual" are in the last analysis the major conditioning orces% They
indicate the $oint o de!elo$ment o the indi!idual and the areas o control
in his $ersonality% They thereore indicate the state o his karma% This lits
the whole subject o medicine into the $sychological ield and $osits the
entire $roblem o karmic eects and o ray ty$es%
@% That these conditioning actors make the etheric body what it is in any one
incarnation+ these actors are" in their turn" the result o acti!ities initiated
and carried through in $re!ious incarnations" and thus constitute the
$atientAs karmic liabilities or his karmic reedoms%
B% That the basic energies $ouring into the etheric body and conditioning the
$hysical body will be o two major -.@?/ ty$es1 the ray energy o the soul
and the ray energy o the $ersonality" ,ualiied by the three minor orces
or the rays o the mental nature" the astral body and the $hysical !ehicle%
This thereore in!ol!es i!e energies which are $resent in the etheric body
which the $hysician o the uture will ha!e to consider%
C% That diagnoses" based u$on the recognition o these subjecti!e actors"
are not in reality the in!ol!ed and com$licated matter they a$$ear to be
today to the student o the ad!anced occult theories% Fedical men in the
Hew Age will e!entually know enough to relate these !arious ray orces to
their a$$ro$riate centers+ hence they will know which ty$e o orce is
res$onsible or conditions ' good or bad ' in any $articular area o the
body% ;ome day" when more research and in!estigation ha!e been carried
orward" the science o medicine will be built u$on the act o the !ital
body and its constituent energies% It will then be disco!ered that this
science will be ar sim$ler and less com$licated than $resent medical
science% Today" medicine has reached such a $oint o com$le#ity that
s$ecialists ha!e $erorce been needed who can deal with one area o the
body and with its eect u$on the entire $hysical !ehicle% The a!erage
general $ractitioner cannot co$e with the mass o detailed knowledge now
gathered re the $hysical body" its !arious systems" their interrelation and
their eect u$on the many organisms which constitute the whole man%
;urgery will remain occu$ied with the anatomical necessities o the human
rame+ medicine will shit its ocus o attention" beore long" to the etheric
body and its incident circulatory systems o energy" its interlocking
relationshi$s and the low between the se!en centers" between the centers
themsel!es and the areas which they control% -.@@/ This will mark a
tremendous ad!ance in wise and useul a$$roach+ it will $roduce a basic
sim$liication+ it will lead to more correct methods o healing" $articularly
as clair!oyant !ision is de!elo$ed and becomes recogni(ed by science" and
known to be an e#tension o a normal sense%
2D% As the true astrology comes into its own and is de!elo$ed into a re$utable
science" the charts o the soul and o the $ersonality can be related to
each other+ then the etheric body will be checked by correct astrological
conclusions" and the $hysician will be on ar surer ground than he now is%
The astrology o the $ast concerned the lie o the $ersonality+ the
astrology o the uture will indicate the $ur$ose o the soul" and will
com$letely re!olutioni(e medicine 5among other things6% It must"
howe!er" be lited out o the hands o those interested in $redictional
astrology" out o the hands o the thousands who at this time s$end much
time 0casting0 horosco$es 5seeking to inter$ret their usually erroneous
conclusions6" and $laced in the hands o trained mathematical scientists
and in the hands o those who ha!e gi!en as much time to scientiic
training along astrological lines as is now gi!en to training a re$utable
$hysician" a chemist or a biologist%
Esoteric Healing
22% These astrological indings will not only be related to the $ersonality and
the soul charts" but will also enter the ield o medicine" $articularly in
relation to the etheric body% Today" any astrological in!estigation done in
the ield o medicine has relation to $hysical disease within the $hysical
body+ in the uture" it will concentrate u$on the condition o the etheric
!ehicle% This is a new and imminent de!elo$ment in astrological research%
Another diiculty which I ha!e to ace 5as I seek to $resent to you the medicine
o the uture6 is that I think in terms o cycles and you think in terms o a ew
brie years% *hat I am in reality attem$ting to do is to indicate the lines along
which medical research will trend during the ne#t two hundred years% The eort
o the $resent day a$$roach is how to cure a $erson here and now+ this is a
natural reaction" and ad!anced thinkers seek to be able to do this at this time
through the medium o so'called esoteric and mental modes o healing% 9et little
is known o the makeu$ o the !ital body and $ractically no background o
research in this ield e#ists% Fodern medicine is o !ery ancient origin% &!er the
centuries it has grown and de!elo$ed until modern skill" modern research"
modern techni,ues and modern methods o healing and o cure are ama(ingly
successul% This is ot orgotten in the em$hasis laid by the adherents o new and
untried schools u$on the ailures to cure" which they attribute to wrong methods
and ail to allow or karmic limitations% The success o modern medicine is today
so great that millions o $eo$le are ke$t ali!e ' i not cured ' who in earlier days
and with less scientiic a$titude would normally ha!e died% In this de!elo$ed skill
and knowledge" and in this a$titude in the care o the $hysical mechanism" is
today to be ound a major world $roblem ' the $roblem o the o!er'$o$ulation o
the $lanet" leading to the herd lie o humanity and the conse,uent economic
$roblem ' to mention only one o the incidental diiculties o this success% This
0unnatural0 $reser!ation o lie is the cause o much suering and is a ruitul
source o war" being contrary to the karmic intent o the $lanetary 3ogos%
*ith this !ast $roblem" I cannot here deal% I can only indicate it% It will be sol!ed
when the ear o death disa$$ears and when humanity learns the signiicance o
time and -.@C/ the meaning o cycles% It will be sim$liied when true astrological
indings become $ossible" when man knows the hour o his de$arture rom this
outer $lane" and masters the techni,ue o 0withdrawal0 and the methods o
abstracting himsel consciously rom the $rison o the body% But much research
has to take $lace irst% The act" howe!er" that the $roblem is recogni(ed and that
s$eculation and in!estigation are rie" indicate that the time has come '
karmatically and rom the angle o human e!olutionary de!elo$ment ' or a study
o the etheric body" o the conditioning rays which go!ern its maniestation in
space, and o astrology" which go!erns its maniestation in time.
It is or this reason that the world today is ull o grou$s in re!olt against
orthodo# medicine ' wrongly in re!olt" because in their anatical enthusiasm or
their $articular a$$roach to the $roblem o healing" they ignore the beneicent
as$ects o de!elo$ed medical science% They thus attem$t to throw o!erboard the
contribution o the ages to manAs knowledge o the human organism" its
interrelations and its care" cure and $reser!ation+ they ail to $roit rom $ast
wisdom" but $reer to set sail u$on the sea o research in a s$irit o re!olt" ull o
$rejudice and totally une,ui$$ed or the task in hand% Haturo$aths o many kinds"
$roessors o methods o healing by electricity or light and color" ood dietitians
with inallible cures or all diseases" the many who $ractice systems ounded on
the Abrams mode o diagnosis" and many ad!ocates o the chiro$ractic methods"
as well as the !arious healing systems which are com$letely di!orced rom
medicine but which undertake to bring about cures" are all indicati!e o new and
Esoteric Healing
ho$eul trends+ they are ne!ertheless e#tremely e#$erimental in nature" and are
so anatically endorsed" so e#clusi!e o all recogni(ed methods o healing aid
5e#ce$t their own6" so !iolently o$$osed to all the indings -.BD/ o the $ast" and
so unwilling to coo$erate with orthodo# medicine that" in many cases" they
constitute a deinite and real danger to the $ublic% It is largely their own aulty
a$$roach which is res$onsible or this+ their undoubted ignorance o the nature o
the human body" their attack on e#istent medical $ractices 5e!en o $ro!en
!alue6" and their biassed belie in the inallibility o their e#$erimental techni,ues"
ha!e brought them under the attack o the rigidly orthodo# medical $ractitioners
and o the undamentalists within the ring'$ass'not o academic medicine% 9et
within the ranks o medicine are many enlightened men who would gladly
coo$erate i the small and !ocierous cults would relin,uish their e#clusi!eness
and be willing to coo$erate and acce$t that which the di!ine instinct in man down
the ages has taught in connection with the healing o the human body% It will be
through the collaboration o the new e#$erimental schools and the older and
$ro!en methods that the medicine o the uture will be de!elo$ed% The !alue o all
the many grou$s ' good and indierent ' lies in the act that they $oint the way
towards new trends and indicate the lines along which the medicine o the uture
can enrich itsel and become better ada$ted to manAs need% They are too
e#$erimental as yet to be trustworthy" and are not yet scientiically $ro!ed% They
are $ioneering grou$s" and ha!e a real contribution to make" but this will only be
$ossible i they reuse to di!orce themsel!es rom the $ast and are willing to
com$romise in the $resent% Academic medicine is the result o the Eod'gi!en gits
o the human mind+ it is a $ro!en di!ine e#$ression and a most beneicent orce
in the world" in s$ite o human weakness" commercial e#$loitation and many
mistakes% It is the same with religion% Both o these great sciences must eliminate
the reactionary and undamentalist $ositions" and then $roceed with an -.B2/
o$en mind into the new ways o a$$roach to di!inity and o a$$roach to $hysical
It might thereore be said that the main contribution which I am making at this
time is to indicate the causes o disease and ill health which are not recogni(ed by
orthodo# medicine" which deals with the eects o these subtle causes as they
work out in the $hysical body and the ner!ous system% I am not dealing 5as I
ha!e earlier warned you6 with the sym$toms o disease" with medical diagnosis or
with systems o a$$lied $hysical means to bring about cures or to ameliorate
conditions% These ha!e ke$t $ace with manAs growing ca$acity to disco!er and to
3et me reiterate that I am laying the oundation or an a$$roach to the subject o
the $hysical body in health and disease which will deal $rimarily with the etheric
body% This should e!entually lead to an accumulation o knowledge anent energy"
its ocal $oints and distribution in the etheric body" which will e,ual that already
gained in the ield o e#act $hysical knowledge" and that e#act knowledge is a
The study o inherited disease indicates a aint recognition o manAs karmic
liabilities and karmic tendencies% A mistake lies howe!er in the belie that these
tendencies are to be ound in the germs o lie and o substance" brought
together at the moment o conce$tion" and thereore that the ather or the
mother is res$onsible or the transmission% ;uch is not the case% The subject in
incarnation has ' rom the angle o the soul ' deinitely and consciously chosen
his $arents or what they can contribute to his physical makeu$ whilst in
incarnation% The !ital body is thereore o such a nature that the man is
$redis$osed to a $articular ty$e o inection or o disease+ the $hysical body is o
such a nature that its line o least resistance $ermits o the a$$earance and
Esoteric Healing
control o that which the -.B./ !ital body makes $ossible+ the incarnating soul
$roduces" in its creati!e work and in its !ital !ehicle" a $articular constitution to
which the $arents chosen contribute a deinite tendency% The man is thereore
non'resistant to certain ty$es o disease% This is determined by the karma o the
It is well known to students o the esoteric sciences that the $hysical body is
sim$ly an automaton" res$onsi!e to and actuated by a subtler body o energies
which are a true e#$ression o the $oint in e!olution% This $oint in e!olution may
be that o $ersonality control" through one or other o its bodies" or o soul
control% These are acts which the medical $roession must gras$" and when it
does a great ste$ orward will ha!e been made% Esoteric students are willing to
recogni(e that the $hysical body is automatic in its res$onse to emotional" mental
or soul im$ression+ so closely" howe!er" is the etheric body interwo!en with the
$hysical !ehicle that it is well nigh im$ossible to se$arate the two in
consciousness+ this will not be $ro!en or $ossible until the science o etheric
energy and the de!elo$ment o clair!oyant $erce$tion demonstrate the truth o
what I say% This is again a needed re$etition%
Fedical science" through its study o the ner!ous system and its recognition o
the $ower o thought o!er the $hysical body" is mo!ing ra$idly in a right
direction% *hen it admits" in relation to the $hysical body" that 0energy ollows
thought"0 and then begins to e#$eriment with the conce$t o thought currents 5as
they are erroneously called6 which are directed to certain areas o the etheric
body ' where the esotericist $osit the e#istence o energy $oints or centers '
much will then be disco!ered% >hristian ;cience had a sound conce$tion in its
original basic conce$t o the mind as a $ermanently e#istent actor+ its o!er'
em$hasis u$on the mind" its idealistic $resentation o human nature" -.B4/ its
e#$ectancy o manAs ca$acity to demonstrate today and immediately as a ully
maniested son o Eod 5with no intermediate or necessary unoldments6" and its
contradictory $osition o using the energy o the mind or mainly $hysical
re,uirements ha!e soundly negated its basic tenets% &therwise Fan might ha!e
been $ermanently deluded% Had >hristian ;cience uliled the original intention o
the grou$ o initiates who sought to inluence humanity through its agency" and
had it de!elo$ed the idea correctly that energy ollows thought" medical science
would ha!e greatly beneited%
Its $resentation was both too high and too low" and a great o$$ortunity was lost%
>hristian ;cience has ailed rom the angle o the Hierarchy" and its useulness
has been largely negated%
Healers and healing grou$s work as yet at a great disad!antage+ but they can
begin now to work" and their work is o a twoold nature1
2% They can" through the $ower o directed thought" $our energy into the
center which is the determining actor in that area o the $hysical body
where the trouble lies% I" or instance" the $atient is suering rom such a
diiculty as gastric ulcer" the stimulation o the solar $le#us center may
$roduce a cure" $ro!ided that the work done is purely mental and that the
results e#$ected are purely physical. &therwise the emotional nature will
share in the stimulation and real diiculty will arise%
.% They can stimulate a center higher than the one controlling a $articular
area and thus ' by the intensiication o the higher center ' reduce the
!itality o the lower% I" or instance" there is disease or trouble in
connection with the organs o generation -.B7/ 5as or instance disease o
the $rostate gland6" then the throat center should recei!e attention% It is
Esoteric Healing
that center which must e!entually be the reci$ient o the energy o the
lower creati!e as$ect or corres$ondence% This is called 0the techni,ue o
the withdrawal o the ire0+ by its means what you call o!er'stimulation in
certain cases" or inlammation in others" can be sto$$ed%
These two ways o using energy and thought control orm the occult basis or the
two undamental methods used in directing energy in diseased areas% They
$roduce" in the one case" an intensiication o the lie o the associated center"
with a conse,uent deinite eect u$on the diseased area+ or they lessen the
inlow o orce in the other case" and thus weaken the ,uality o the disease% It
will be a$$arent" thereore" that much must be known o the eects o these two
basic and dierent techni,ues beore a healer dare work% &therwise he might
greatly increase the trouble in the diseased area and e!en succeed 5which
re,uently ha$$ens6 in killing the $atient%
There is another $oint which I would seek to em$hasi(e% In all healing methods o
an esoteric nature" it is essential that sound medical $ractices o an orthodo# kind
accom$any the subtler modes o hel$% It is in the wise combination o the two
a$$roaches" and in the coo$erati!e work o the orthodo# $hysician and o the
occult healer or healing grou$" that the soundest results will be $roduced%
;tudents who attem$t to heal will thereore need to reali(e two things1 the nature
o the disease" as diagnosed by a good $hysician" and the center which controls
the area o the disease% The saest $lan or the a!erage student o healing or or
a healing grou$ is to work in coo$eration with some re$utable doctor and in
relation to the center -.B=/ which controls the diseased area% Initiates" in their
healing work" deal with the higher corres$ondence o the controlling center"
working always through the analogous emotional and mental centers% This is
neither possible nor permissible to the ordinary healing grou$% The higher the
centers considered" in!ol!ed and dealt with" the more $otent the results" and
thereore the greater care re,uired%
The whole $rocess is one o either stimulating acti!ity or o withdrawing energy"
o making more acti!e an allied center and thus abstracting attention rom the
center go!erning the diseased area or organ" or o balancing the energies lowing
between two centers and thus $roducing an e,uable and e!en inter$lay% The
more the neo$hyte studies this subject o healing the more com$le# it will
a$$ear" until the time comes when he can work in collaboration with some
$hysician who has the inner !ision and can see the centers" or with $atients who
know within themsel!es their own destiny and can collaborate with some grou$
which has sound occult knowledge" which can ascertain the $atientAs rays and
which knows at least the nature o his dis$osition or his 0indis$osition"0 through
consulting his natal chart%
9ou might ask" thereore" in !iew o all this" i it is $ossible or you to do deinite
healing work that will be eecti!e" sound" right and $ermissible% The risks o
o!er' or understimulation seem too great+ the knowledge o the healer seems too
small to $ermit e#$eriment" and the karma o the $atient is necessarily 5or the
a!erage healer6 not yet ascertainable%
To this I would re$ly that all work o a $ioneering and e#$erimental nature has
always its own s$ecial risks% Fany ha!e been the casualties o science" and
$articularly o medical science" in the early days o modern medicine and surgery%
But this ne!er deterred the sincere in!estigator or slackened the growth o
knowledge+ in these days o $ioneering -.B?/ in the ield o occult healing" the
same courage must be shown and the same risks assumed% The saeguard rom
Esoteric Healing
the strictly legal and human angle will be that the $atient will be in the hands o a
re$utable $hysician or diagnosis and medical care during the time that the occult
healer is endea!oring to be o !ital hel$ulness%
The work o the healer and o the healing grou$s will thereore be su$$lementary
to the orthodo# care+ results will ha!e to be careully watched and noted on both
sides% Any grou$ which is ormed or healing should work under certain
determined $olicies" and here are a ew which I would suggest as essential to
success in this transitional $eriod1
2% The $atient to be healed 5or hel$ed" i healing is not $ossible6 should
always be in the hands o a good and re$utable doctor" and i not" should
be encouraged to consult one%
.% The nature o the disease should be known to the grou$" and should be
determined by careul" orthodo# medical diagnosis%
4% The age o the $atient" his birth date and some inormation anent his
circumstances should also be known" so as to $ro!ide a ocal $oint o
interest" and a magnetic area should be constructed around the $atient
which will attract the thought'directed energy o the grou$%
7% The healer or the healing grou$ should ha!e a general gras$ o the nature
and the anatomy o the body" the $lacement o the !arious organs in the
body and the $osition and nature o the centers go!erning the diseased
area or areas% >harts gi!ing this inormation should be studied%
=% The aculty o imagination and the $ower o !isuali(ation should be
em$hasi(ed in a healing grou$" and the -.B@/ ability should be de!elo$ed
to send streams o energy to the $atient and to the area in the $atientAs
body where the trouble lies%
?% The healer or the healing grou$ must remember that it is not mental
energy only with which he works% He" or himself,
a% >reates a thought o healing $ower%
b% That created ocal $oint o concentrated attention becomes the
directing agent or the healing orce or $rana%
c% This $rana is neither mental nor astral in nature% It is $ure
$lanetary substance or li!ing essence" and is that substance o
which the !ital body o the $lanet is made%
d% The healer or the healing grou$ a$$ro$riates as much o this
substance as is $ossible" and by the $ower o their united thought
they direct it to and through the center in!ol!ed% Healing work is
circulatory, and this must not be orgotten% The $ranic energy
5thought'directed6 is not sent to the center and there $ermitted to
accumulate% It is passed through the center" irst o all to the organ
in!ol!ed or the area where diiculty is to be ound" and then is sent
out to the body as a totality% It might be regarded as a system o
flushing, with a $uriicatory and stimulating eect%
It is only $ossible in these early days o e#$eriment and work along these lines to
gi!e certain sim$le rules% &ut o the results achie!ed e#$erience will come" and
the healing grou$ will learn gradually how to work" when to change its methods"
and what to notice% -.BB/
8rom the start o work along these lines" records should be ke$t% In this as$ect o
the work the $atient will re,uently coo$erate% Dates" incidental $henomena"
changes or the better or the worse should be rioted" along with inormation as is
$ossible anent the $atientAs general condition% 8or this reason" I recommend that
in the early stages o this work healing be attem$ted only in connection with
Esoteric Healing
those who are well known to the members or who are $ut in the hands o the
healing grou$ by $hysicians or by those willing to gi!e ull inormation%
)eo$le who are so ill that they are not e#$ected to li!e" or who are suering rom
diseases which $reclude ultimate reco!ery" should not be taken into the healing
grou$ or treatment" e#ce$t with ameliorati(e results in mind% Ho neo$hyte knows
enough o karma to work with conidence either at the task o health or o release
by death% I" howe!er" a $atient gets worse whilst the grou$ is working u$on his
case" he should not be dro$$ed" but a deinite and dierent techni,ue can then
be used to ease the $ath o death% In the ne#t section I intend to touch u$on the
karma o death%
I you will bear in mind that work in connection with the etheric body 5as an
instrument o !itality6 is today as little known as the science o modern medicine
was known in the year 2.DD A%D%" you will be enabled to work without
discouragement and without that undue e#$ectation which today handica$s the
neo$hyte% Assume consciously the $osition that nothing is as yet really known
anent the centers" the areas o energy in the body" and thought direction+ reali(e
also that you are engaging u$on a great research $roject% Hothing" literally
nothing" has been done in relation to medicine and the science o the centers in
any $ractical way" though certain books u$on the relation o the centers to
$sychological research and e,ui$ment and the glandular -.BC/ or endocrine
system ha!e $layed tentati!ely with the subject% The ield o research which I
$ro$ose to you is an entirely new one% Those among you who enter it may not
see the results o what you are attem$ting to do% 9our im$atience and your
eagerness to hel$ may handica$ you+ your ignorance may cause you to make
mistakes% But" go on+ $erse!ere+ kee$ careul records and $reser!e all
corres$ondence% Then the results will be sure%
1. 2armic #ia&ilities of the .ndi3idual
*e ha!e already studied 5$erha$s without reali(ing its im$lications6 our irst $oint
under this heading% This concerns the karmic liabilities o the indi!idual" emerging
rom the subjecti!e !ehicles and rom the $ersonality as a whole%
As we discussed the $sychological causes o disease as they arise in the subtle
!ehicles in the three worlds or rom the disci$leAs tension as he endea!ors to
tread the )ath" we were in reality concerned entirely with karma or the eect o
the inner causes o e!ents" e,ui$ment and circumstances u$on the $hysical
$lane% *e saw how the inner bodies" !ia the etheric body" conditioned the manAs
outer maniestation" and that disease or health was largely de$endent u$on
them% They are the immediate karmic cause o $hysical $lane e#istence% I the
idea is then e#tended to include $re!ious incarnations ' as must ine!itably be the
case ' then we arri!e at the conclusion that the condition o these inner bodies"
their limitations and their richness" their deects and their assets" and their
general $sychic and $sychological tendencies are inherited rom $re!ious li!es"
and are thereore res$onsible or the $resent earthly situation% *e ha!e"
conse,uently" sim$ly $ushed the causes o $resent day conditions still urther
back" and we could ' i we so desired ' enter a ield o such intricacy and detail
that nothing $roitable would e!entuate% The whole $roblem o the reco!ery -.CD/
o $ast incarnations is one o ininite $ossibility" and when I use this word
0ininite0 I immediately $ut the whole subject out o the control o the inite mind%
*e are then dealing with something which it is not $ossible to handle rationally%
Esoteric Healing
Karma was" or inant humanity and or the unde!elo$ed indi!idual" a grou$
matter% The man was a member o a grou$ but without any thought as to the
im$lications and the res$onsibilities entailed% 3ater" as the $rocess o
indi!iduali(ation became more eecti!e in character and $ur$ose and more
$ronounced in tem$erament" karma became also more $ersonal and deinite" and
the man in a $osition to make or work o more causes and eects% The
$ersonality not being thoroughly unolded and integrated" the man was still
in!ol!ed in grou$ lie and the interrelations became more e#tensi!e% 3ater on" the
$ersonality became the conscious creator o its own causes and the conscious
$artici$ator in the eects% G$on the )ath" the karma o the chosen grou$" o the
indi!idual" and o those with whom the man chooses association through unity o
s$iritual $ur$ose in!ol!es him" and another actor is added to the $re!ious
categories o karmic res$onsibility% 3ater still" karma in the three worlds is met"
o!ercome and negated+ at the same time karma connected with the initiating o
causes through world ser!ice is added to that which the indi!idual has already
e#$erienced" and he shares in the karmic res$onsibility o the Hierarchy itsel% All
these stages1
2% Elementary grou$ karma ' o the $rimiti!e man"
.% Indi!idual karma o the sel'conscious de!elo$ing man"
4% Karma" related to the lie o the disci$le"
7% Hierarchical karma" -.C2/
must be added to the well known 8arma of Retribution with which the disci$le is
already amiliar+ to it must also be added national and racial karma" $lus the
educational karma which all disci$les bring u$on themsel!es when they are
desirous o entering an Ashram to $re$are or initiation%
There is also the 8arma of Reward in contradistinction to that o Retribution% this
is a ty$e o karma ot orgotten" but one which will become better known in the
coming world cycle% Humanity has worked o much e!il karma" and the karma
based on causes later to be initiated will not generate such dire eects as that o
the $ast% Hot all karma is bad" in s$ite o what man thinks% Fuch o it is
necessarily $uniti!e and distressing" owing to humanityAs ignorance and low stage
o de!elo$ment% *hen karmic retribution becomes acute and terrible" as it is in
todayAs a$$alling world e#$erience" it indicates that humanity has reached a $oint
where conse,uences can be meted out on a large scale and with justice% <ery
little suering is attached to karma where there is ignorance" leading to
irres$onsibility and com$lete lack o thought and there is attached to aairs but
little true sense o guilt% There may be unha$$y conditions and distressing
circumstances" but the ability to res$ond to such conditions with commensurate
$ain is lacking+ there is little mental reaction to the $rocesses o karmic
retribution% This should be borne in mind% The Aryan race is now" howe!er" so
de!elo$ed mentally and on a large scale that karma is truly horrible and
agoni(ing and can e#$ress itsel through world conditions% At the same time" the
$resent wides$read distress indicates the e#tent and success o human
unoldment and is a most ho$eul and $romising sign% In this idea" you ha!e the
clue as to why the good" the holy and the saintly ser!ers o the race carry ' in
this world cycle ' such a hea!y load o karmic ill% -.C./
It is conse,uently ,uite im$ossible in the sco$e o this treatise to deal more ully
with this subject o karma as it $roduces the many ty$es o human ills" including
disease ' only one o its maniestations% The theme is too !ast" too com$licated
and too widely diusing in its eect% All that one can do is to $osit the act that
$ast actions and reactions ha!e established in $re!ious li!es such a karmic
rhythm" that today all the as$ects o the lower nature are in!ol!ed+ and among
Esoteric Healing
the commonest and most ordinary eects" and one in which the great 3aw o
Retribution takes eect" is that o disease% This is a $oint which healers and
meta$hysicians" so'called" should most careully consider%
2. The %e3en 0ay Causes of 2arma
These carry the cause o all human diiculties" including ill health and disease '
indi!idual" national and racial ' still urther back to the !ery origin o creation
itsel% Karma demonstrates in those streams o energy and o $rimordial
substance which $our into and through the created world" including the lower
three worlds where work the lunar $itris and the elemental essences o all orms%
This $rimordial karma 5i I may so call it6 is contributory to the e#istence o
disease% *e are told in the ancient books" to which the Fasters ha!e access" that
the world is constructed o substance which is already tainted with the karma o a
$re!ious solar system%
It will be a$$arent to you that these streams o orce" emanating rom the 3ords
o the ;e!en Rays" are colored" thereore" and 0tainted0 ' i I may use such a
word ' by the limitations o these same great Beings+ They are Eods" rom our
$oint o !iew" but in reality" Eods in the making" e!en though much nearer solar
di!inity than the most ad!anced human being is near to $lanetary di!inity% They
are the 0im$erect Eods0 s$oken o in The &ecret Doctrine -.C4/ and are the
$lanetary 3ogoi o the sacred and non'sacred $lanets% I the great inorming 3i!es
o the $lanets within our solar system are im$erect" the eect o this
im$erection must ine!itably aect Their $lanetary creations" Their bodies o
maniestation" and thus introduce a karmic condition o!er which the indi!idual
human being has absolutely no control" but within which he mo!es and which he
shares% It is ob!iously im$ossible or me to elucidate this theme% All I can do or
am $ermitted to do is to gi!e you se!en stan(as rom one o the most ancient
!olumes in the world+ it deals with the se!en ray causes o im$erections in our
$lanetary maniestations% To these should be added 5i it were only $ossible6 the
stan(as which con!ey the signiicance o the deects emerging rom astrological
conditions and $roducing eects o a $lanetary nature and in!ol!ing" thereore"
the horosco$e o our $articular $lanetary 3ogos% But these are ar too abstruse"
elaborate and ar'reaching in their theme" and can be studied and considered
only when humanity has reached such a stage o intuiti!e de!elo$ment that men
can 0a$$reciate causes and eects as whole $rocesses and can see both the
beginning and the end in one lash o time in s$ace%0 In these words the Faster
;era$is once summed u$ the matter when endea!oring to train a grou$ o
initiated disci$les in this mode o a$$roaching !ast subjects%
The 0Book o Karma0 has in it the ollowing stan(as" and these can ser!e as an
introduction to those dealing with the ;e!en Ray causes o inharmonic and
disease% To the intuiti!e as$irant some meaning will emerge" but he must e!er
bear in mind that all that I am attem$ting to do is to $ut into words '
unsatisactory and ,uite inade,uate ' stan(as concerning the conditioning actors
in the e,ui$ment o those great Beings *hose lie orce 5which we call energy6
creates all that is" colors and sha$es all -.C7/ maniestations within the worlds"
and adds its ,uota o orce to the e,ui$ment o e!ery single human being% E!ery
man a$$ro$riates this energy to the measure o his need" and his need is the sign
o his de!elo$ment% The stan(as I ha!e selected are rom The /ook of
Imperfections. )art 8ourteen1
0The se!en im$erections issued orth and tainted substance rom the highest
s$here unto the lowest% The se!en $erections ollowed ne#t" and the two ' that
Esoteric Healing
which is whole and sound and that which is known as detail and unwholesome in
an awul sense ' met u$on the $lane o $hysical lie% 5The etheric $lane% A%A%B%6
And there they ought" swinging into the conlict all that they were and had" all
that was seen and all that was unseen within the tri$le ring% 5The three lower
worlds% A%A%B%6
The se!en im$erections entered the se!en races o men" each in their own $lace+
they colored the se!en $oints within each race% 5The se!en $lanetary centers"
transmitting im$erect energy% A%A%B%6
The se!en $erections ho!ered oAer each race" o!er each man within each race
and o!er each $oint within each man%
And thus the conlict grew rom the outermost to the innermost" rom the
greatest &ne to the littlest ones% ;e!en the im$erections% ;e!en the $erect
wholes+ se!en the ways to oust the dark o im$erection and demonstrate the
clear cold light" the white electric light o $erect wholeness%0
All that you can gain rom the abo!e" my brother" is a conce$t o agelong conlict"
o se!en great energies which maniest as dualities and which $roduce when
anchored within one body 5whether that o a $lanet" a man or an -.C=/ atom6 an
area or cycle o distress" as it is called+ this distress $roduces the e!olutionary
urge and is itsel the cause o maniestation" whilst its effect 5which is karma6 is
the liberation ultimately o the $erect and the good% These things are not easy to
com$rehend% It must be remembered that the se!en im$erections are related to
the se!enold nature o the &ne in *hom we li!e and mo!e and ha!e our being"
and that these se!en im$erect energies hold within themsel!es the $erect will'
to'good" more $otent in the long run than the will'to'harm%
These energies $our through the se!en centers o the $lanetary body and are ' as
ar as we are concerned ' the se!en ray energies% In relation to the will'to'harm
which can and does demonstrate as disease in all the our kingdoms in nature"
you ha!e the reason why I instituted" among the esoteric students or whom I
ha!e made mysel res$onsible" the de!elo$ment o harmlessness% It is the major
agent or the osetting o karma%
I will here gi!e you 3aw IK" and thus com$lete a grou$ o laws which" when
ollowed" will be ound essential to the curing o disease and the maintenance o
Law I5
)erection calls im$erection to the surace% Eood dri!es e!il always rom the orm
o man in time and s$ace% The method used by the )erect &ne and that
em$loyed by Eood is harmlessness% This is not negati!ity but $erect $oise" a
com$leted $oint o !iew and di!ine understanding%
9ou will ha!e noticed that what I ha!e said in this connection remo!es the whole
subject o disease into a distant world o origins ' a world into which man is as
yet unable to $enetrate% It is or this reason that I ha!e de!oted so much time to
the consideration o the causes o disease+ more than hal o what I ha!e to say
is to be -.C?/ ound in this irst $art o our discussion% *e ha!e nearly concluded
this" and ace what many will regard as the more useul and $ractical $art o the
teaching anent this subject% It has ne!er been my intention to deal with the
$athology o disease or the sym$toms o the many orms o ill health which
ra!age mankind% I seek mainly to lay the stress u$on the subjecti!e reasons or
Esoteric Healing
the majority o ills which attack the human rame% Fy $ur$ose is" howe!er"
sound% The o!er'em$hasis which $eo$le $ut u$on disease is bewildering to the
soul" or it $laces the transient" constantly changing orm'nature in a $osition o
undue $rominence" whereas ' rom the angle o the soul ' the !icissitudes o the
body are only o im$ortance just in so ar as they contribute to the enrichment o
soul e#$erience%
The actor that is o im$ortance is the causes" initiated by man rom lie to lie+
these work out in the a$$earance o disease" in the emergence o some
disastrous conse,uence in circumstance and in e!ent" and in the general
conditioning o some $articular incarnation% It is with these causes that man must
learn to deal" to recogni(e them" and to trace the conditioning energy to the
a$$ro$riate eect" dealing $rimarily then with the task o negating the cause by
the o$$osition o a trained will% Karma is not an ine!itable" inesca$able and dire
ha$$ening% It can be oset+ but this osetting" $articularly where disease is
concerned" will include our lines o acti!ity1
2% Determining the nature o the cause and the area in consciousness where
it originated%
.% De!elo$ing those ,ualities which are the $olar o$$osite o the eecti!e
4% )racticing harmlessness so as to arrest the e#$ression o the cause and to
$re!ent any urther im$lementing o the unortunate condition% -.C@/
7% Taking the necessary $hysical ste$s which will $roduce the conditions
which the soul desires% These ste$s will include1
a% A mental ac,uiescence and an acce$tance o the fact o the eect '
in the case which we are considering in relation to karma ' disease%
b% *ise action along the lines o orthodo# medical $rocedure%
c% The assistance o a healing grou$ or a healer or aid in inner
s$iritual healing%
d% >lear !ision as to the outcome% This may lead to $re$aration or a
more useul $hysical $lane lie or $re$aration or the great
transition called death%
But behind all wise thinking and wise acti!ity must be the acce$tance o the
e#istence o certain general conditions which work out as $hysical ill health during
this world cycle" and not only or the human kingdom but also or the three
subhuman kingdoms% The 3aw o Im$erection e#ists because the Ereat Realities
5to be ound in all the $henomenal world6 are likewise in $rocess o de!elo$ment
and o e!olutionary unoldment% Thereore" until They" as s$iritual Beings" ha!e
de!elo$ed 0sublime control0 ' as it is called ' o!er the substance o Their
$henomenal orms" those orms will all short o di!ine $erection% Disease is only
a orm o transient im$erection" and death is just a method or reocusing
energy" $rior to a orward mo!ing acti!ity" leading steadily and always towards
The com$rehension o the se!en stan(as which I now $ro$ose to gi!e you will
lead e!entually to the isolation o the se!en $sychological causes o disease"
inherent in the substance o all orms in this world cycle" because all orms are
inused with the lie energy o the 0im$erect Eods%0 -.CB/
The se!en ;$irits" we are told in the ;cri$tures o the world" are 0beore the
Throne o Eod0+ this signiies that They are not yet in a $osition to mount the
Throne" symbolically s$eaking" owing to the act that They ha!e not yet achie!ed
com$lete di!ine e#$ression% These 3ords o the ;e!en Rays are greater and more
ad!anced in the s$iritual scale than are those great 3i!es who orm the >ouncil o
Esoteric Healing
the 3ord o the *orld in ;hamballa% They are the Re$resentati!es o the se!en
ray Energies *ho inorm the se!en sacred $lanets but are not yet as di!inely
de!elo$ed as They are% The $roblem o humanity in res$ect to im$erection is
com$licated" not only by the act that the se!en inorming !itali(ing Energies are
0tainted with im$erection"0 but also by the act that the 3ord o the *orld is
Himsel" rom the angle o a ;olar 3ogos or instance" ar rom $erect+ this is the
reason why our $lanet" the Earth" is not a sacred $lanet% *e are told that ;anat
Kumara is the di!ine $risoner o this $lanet" held here until the 0last weary
$ilgrim has ound his way home%0 This is His hea!y karma e!en whilst it is an
e#$ression o His desire and o His joy+ the 0weary $ilgrims0 are the atoms
5human or otherwise6 in His body" and they are tainted with im$erection because
o His im$erections+ their com$lete 0healing0 will set the term or His release%
Bear in mind" thereore" that the stan(as ' se!en in number ' now to be gi!en"
indicate the ,uality o the descending energies and the taints which these
energies carry and con!ey to all orms which are !itali(ed by the lie o our
$lanetary 3ogos%
The %e3en 0ay Causes of .nharmony and Disease
I% 0The Ereat &ne set Himsel to ollow by Himsel alone His chosen $ath% He
brooked no intererence% He hardened in His courses% 8rom $lane -.CC/ to
$lane" this hardening $roceeded+ it grew and stiened% His will was set"
and crystal'like" brilliant" brittle and hard% The $ower to crystalli(e was
His% He brought not will'to'li!e but will'to'die% Death was His git to lie%
Inusion and diusion $leased Him not% He lo!ed and sought abstraction%0
As ar as we can understand the signiicance o this stan(a in relation to our
theme o disease" the im$erection o this di!ine energy $roduces a $eculiar
attitude which e#$resses itsel in the $ower to crystalli(e" to harden" to bring
about attrition and cause the great abstracting $rocess which we call death% &ther
results are the many crystalli(ing $rocesses going on in the $hysical orm" all
atro$hying $rocesses" and old age%
II% 0The Ereat &ne $oured His lie throughout all $arts and e!ery as$ect o
maniestation% 8rom the center to the $eri$hery and rom the $eri$hery to
the center He rushed" carrying abundance o lie" energi(ing all orms o
Himsel" $roducing e#cess o mo!ement" endless e#tension" abundant
growth and undue haste% He knew not what He wanted because He
wanted all" desired all" attracted all and ga!e to all too much%0
The im$erection o this great energy with its building" !itali(ing and cohering
$otency" was and is the $ower to o!er'stimulate" to $roduce accretion" to $ile
together" to build too many orms" to attract too many atoms and to bring about
those conditions which lead to what has been called 5esoterically6 0the suocation
o the lie0 ' another orm o dying" but dying this time as a result o e#cessi!e
!itality" aecting the blood stream" $roducing building within the orms already
built" and re,uently creating an -4DD/ etheric !ehicle which is too $otent or the
outer e#oteric $hysical orm% &ther results are" or instance" the a$$earance o
tumors" o cancers" o growths" and the o!er'de!elo$ment o bodily as$ects"
o!er'large organs and su$er'numerary bodily $arts%
Esoteric Healing
III% 0The Ereat &ne gathered here and there% He chose and He rejected% This
$ower He reused and this $ower He acce$ted% He had no $ur$ose linked
to the si# $ur$oses o His si# Brothers% He ac,uired a orm and liked it
not+ threw it away and chose another% He had no settled $oint or $lan but
li!ed in glamor and liked it well% He smothered both the good and the bad"
though using both% E#cess in one direction could be seen and star!ation in
another% Both these e#tremes go!erned His choice o li!ing substance" He
threw together those that suited not each other" then saw the end was
sorrow and deceit% )atterns He made" but $ur$ose suited not% He ga!e u$
in des$air%0
The main eect o this im$erect 0maneu!ering0 and mani$ulation" as it has been
called" is largely astral in nature" $roducing conse,uent $hysical ill health and the
undesirable eects which we ha!e already studied in this treatise% It is because
this third ray energy is the energy o substance itsel that its im$erections
demonstrate $rousely in the human tendency to disease% Elamor results rom the
e#cessi!e use o this third ray energy or selish and $ersonal ends and maniests
$rimarily u$on the si#th or astral $lane% As a result o this mani$ulation o desire"
and the wild maneu!ering or its satisaction along material lines" you ha!e such
diseases as the gastric and intestinal disorders and the !arious stomach troubles
which de!astate -4D2/ ci!ili(ed humanity ' ar more than the sa!age races%
>ertain brain disorders also are eects" and low !itality%
I<% 0The Ereat &ne ought and entered into combat% All that He met a$$eared
to Him a subject or dis$lay o $ower% *ithin the ourth He ound a ield o
battle and settled down to ight% He saw the right and knew the wrong and
!ibrated between the two" ighting irst one and then the other" but
missing all the time that midway $oint where battle is not known% There
harmony" ease" rest and $eaceul silence will be ound% He weakened all
the orms which used His strength and $ower% 9et all the time He sought
or beauty+ searched or lo!eliness+ and yearned or $eace% Des$air
o!ertook Him in His courses" and with des$air the will'to'li!e could not
sur!i!e% 9et all the time the lo!eliness was there%0
Here we ha!e a strong indication as to the reason why humanity 5the ourth
kingdom in nature6 succumbs with such ra$idity and such ease to disease% The
conlicts to which humanity is so constantly summoned" both in grou$ orm and
as indi!iduals" lead ' until understood and used as a means to trium$h and
$rogress ' to a condition o constant de!itali(ation% *here this is $resent"
resistance to disease ades out and $ractically all orms o ill health and bodily ills
become $ossible% Diusion o energy leads to a constant lessening o this
resistance% As a result you ha!e debility" ,uick and bad reaction to the disease
indigenous in the $lanet itsel" and a ra$id taking on o inections and o
contagious diseases% It is this energy which lies behind what we call e$idemics"
and inluen(a is one o its main e#$ressions% -4D./
<% 0The Ereat &ne arose in His wrath and se$arated Himsel% He swe$t aside
the great dualities and saw $rimarily the ield o multi$licity% He $roduced
clea!age on e!ery hand% He wrought with $otent thought or se$arati!e
action% He established barriers with joy% He brooked no understanding+ He
knew no unity" or He was cold" austere" ascetic and ore!er cruel% He
stood between the tender" lo!ing center o all li!es and the outer court o
writhing" li!ing men% 9et He stood not at the midway $oint" and naught He
did suiced to heal the breach% He widened all clea!ages" erected barriers"
and sought to make still wider ga$s%0
Esoteric Healing
It has been most diicult to describe the nature o the im$erection o the energy
o the 3ord o the ith ray% In the acti!ity o this energy which demonstrates
$rimarily u$on the ith or mental $lane will be ound e!entually the source o
many $sychological disorders and mental trouble% >lea!age is the outstanding
characteristic ' clea!age within the indi!idual or between the indi!idual and his
grou$" rendering him anti'social% I ha!e dealt with this in an earlier $art o this
treatise and need not urther enlarge u$on the diiculties here 5In 2soteric
sychology, <ol. II" A Treatise on the &e(en Rays4. &ther results are certain
orms o insanities" brain lesions and those ga$s in the relation o the $hysical
body to the subtle bodies which show as imbecilities and $sychological troubles%
Another orm o disease" emerging as a result o this ith ray orce is migraine"
which is caused by a lack o relationshi$ between the energy around the $ineal
gland and that around the $ituitary body%
<I% 0The Ereat &ne lo!ed Himsel in others and in all orms% &n e!ery hand"
He saw objects o His -4D4/ de!otion and e!er they $ro!ed to be Himsel%
Into these others He e!er $oured Himsel" asking res$onse and ne!er
getting it% ;urely and with certainty the outlines o the orms so lo!ed
were lost" grew dim and disa$$eared% The objects o His lo!e slowly aded
out% &nly a world o shadows" o mist and og remain% And as He looked
u$on Himsel" He said1 3ord o Elamor" that am I" and the Angel o
Bewilderment% Haught is clear to me% I lo!e yet all seems wrongI I know
that lo!e is right and the s$irit o the uni!erse% *hat then is wrong:0
>uriously enough" it is the $otency o this si#th ray orce 5as it eeds desire6
which is res$onsible or much o the ills and diseases o humanity which are
based u$on the misuse o the mission and unction o se#% Desire" bewilderment"
weakness" $er!ersions and the one'$ointed de!elo$ment o se#ual and other
satisactions grow out o the misuse o this energy% The bewilderment growing
out o desire leads to a !iolently demanded satisaction and the taking o those
ste$s ' some right and some wrong ' which lead to satisaction% The results co!er
a wide ield" all the way rom sadistic cruelty and lust to those marriages which
are based on $hysical desire and to those conditions which lead to the many
orms o se#ual disease% A clue to this whole worldwide $roblem lies in the words
o an ancient writing which says that 0the im$erection o the 3ord o the ;i#th
Ray o$ened the door to an erroneous marriage between the $oles%0
<II% 0The Ereat &ne gathered to Himsel His orces and airmed His intention
to create% He created that which is outer and can be seen% He saw His
creations and liked them not and so withdrew His attention+ then the
creations He had made died -4D7/ and disa$$eared% He had no lasting
success and saw naught but ailure as He tra!eled on the outer $ath o
lie% He com$rehended not the need o orms% To some He ga!e an o!er'
$lus o lie" to some too little+ and so both kinds died and ailed to show
the beauty o the 3ord *ho ga!e them lie but ailed to gi!e them
understanding% He knew not then that lo!e sustains%0
The eects o this ray orce are most $eculiar and will be a great deal more
$re!alent than heretoore" as this ray is now coming into $ower% It is this energy
which is largely res$onsible or inections and contagious diseases% The keynote o
the work o the se!enth ray is to bring together lie and matter u$on the $hysical
$lane% This" howe!er" when !iewed rom the angle o im$erection" is a bringing
together 5i you can understand the im$lications6 o 3ie" the li!es and the general
li!ingness o the creati!e $rocess% This is symboli(ed by the $romiscuity and the
endless mo!ing inter$lay o all lie within all li!es% The result is thereore the
acti!ity o all germs and bacteria within the medium which will best nurture them%
Esoteric Healing
These are abstruse and diicult conce$ts" but they should be $ondered u$on" and
dee$ relection will lead to understanding% All disease and ill health are the result
o the acti!ity or the inacti!ity o one or other o the se!en ty$es o energy as
they $lay u$on the human body% All $hysical ills emerge out o the im$act o
these im$erect energies as they make their im$act u$on" enter into and $ass
through the centers in the body% All de$ends u$on the condition o the se!en
centers in the human body+ through these the im$ersonal energies $lay" carrying
lie" disease or death" stimulating the im$erections in the body or bringing
healing to the body% All de$ends" as ar as the human being is -4D=/ concerned"
u$on the condition o the $hysical body" the age o the soul and the karmic
I would ask you not to misinter$ret the signiicance o the word 0im$erection0
which I ha!e used so constantly in relation to the great Beings *ho e#$ress a
di!inity unattainable by humanity at any time u$on this $articular $lanet% 9ou
must bear in mind that this solar system is the second" and that in the irst solar
system the em$hasis was laid u$on intelligent materiality+ the goal o the highest
initiate was to attain com$lete control o!er matter" to unold the mind $rinci$le
and to e!idence a deinite materialism% In these so distant aeons that marked
attainment" whereas in this solar system it marks deeat or humanity% This
system" including all the $lanets along with our Earth" has a dierent goal" and
the second di!ine as$ect" that o lo!e" has to be maniested" and maniested
through the medium o matter im$regnated with the ,ualities de!elo$ed in
system one% *hat was $erection at that time is not so now% Thereore" the Ereat
Beings which are the sumtotal o all that is" are working through and in
substance" which is already tinged or tainted with that which must be let behind
and subjected to no urther unoldment%
These are the im$erections which we are considering ' the se!en as$ects o
intelligent materiality+ it is here that disease has its seat and e#$ression% *e are
told that the $hysical body is not a $rinci$le+ in the last solar system it was% In
this" the $rinci$les are dierent and it is in the clash between what is and what
will be 5what wills'to'be6 that we ha!e" u$on the $hysical $lane" the causes o
disease and death% )onder on these matters and bear in mind that you must see
the $icture u$on a large scale" as large a scale as $ossible" i there is to be a true
understanding o some o the causes o $hysical ills and disease% -4D?/
Esoteric Healing
CHAPTER I. - +o!e 6uestions Answere
Fost ,uestions asked by the neo$hyte would remain unasked i he had more
$atience and understood better what he was studying% Beginners need to await
de!elo$ments in themsel!es and e#$and their consciousness normally under
instruction% Howe!er" the teacher may in!ite the asking o ,uestions and or
2% Because where a grou$ is in!ol!ed and the members are !ery intelligent"
through their ,uestionings they could make much $rogress in learning to
know and understand each other% Threads o intercourse could be set u$
which would link them more closely together%
.% Because through the ,uestions" the teacher himsel can enter into a closer
ra$$ort with the studentsA !iew$oint% 8or e#am$le" mysel" and the
*estern $oint o !iew as regards the healing art%
8orget not that I am an &riental in the last analysis" and such is my background
and training% I may know $rooundly more about the healing art than you do and
about the energies which constitute the human body" but your $oint o !iew" your
terminologies" and your attitudes o mind are still somewhat oreign to me% 9our
,uestions would hel$ me to understand your background and your limitations"
and so enable me to aid you with greater intelligence% -4D@/
4% Because asking o intelligent ,uestions is the occult method o ocusing the
mind" o synthesi(ing knowledge" and o becoming aware o the ield o
in,uiry" and o $ossible e#$ansions o consciousness%
/n the Nature of Congestion
How can I deine congestion or you when the understanding o orce and energy
and their relation to each other in the human body is still as yet an embryonic
study: To say that congestion is congealed orce is misleading+ to say that it is
static energy means little+ to say that it is irregular or non'rhythmic !ibration
hardly makes sense% Fy $roblem is lack o words and o correct terms in which to
carry to you esoteric truth%
>ongestion is $erha$s best deined as the arresting o the ree low o the orce
through the centers or center and throughout the body% It e#ists in two orms1
2% That congestion which $roduces its eect within the center itsel" and
thereore and conse,uently" u$on the gland% It is inhibited" either as it
$ours into the center 5when it does not aect the gland e#ce$t in a
negati!e sense6" or as it lea!es it 5when its eect will be $ositi!e in some
way or another6% *hen the diiculty takes $lace as it $ours into the
center" then the energy is thrown back u$on its originating source ' either
the astral or mental bodies ' and you ha!e a $sychological inhibition%
There is no im$etus rom within to which the allied gland can res$ond%
*hen the diiculty is in the outlet into the $hysical body" you will ha!e no
ree low o orce" the gland related to the center will be deinitely
aected" and either be o!er'stimulated by the non'rhythmic low or
undernourished% This in turn aects the glandular secretion and later the
blood stream% -4DB/
Esoteric Healing
.% That congestion which takes $lace as the energy or the lie orce lows
throughout the $hysical body" and as it lows inds there certain orms o
weakness" !arious diseased areas and regions where its low is im$eded or
too ra$idly circulated% The low o energy can be arrested in certain areas
and can nourish also diseased areas in the body" or can also cure and
cleanse them% A tem$orary congestion can be o beneicent !alue as well
as a maleic orce% This may sur$rise you:
Again" I ha!e to re$eat how !ast is the subject with which we are dealing" and all
these earlier instructions and the answers which I gi!e to the ,uestions only
ser!e to show how abstruse the matter is% But i you will ha!e $atience and will
be willing to learn by absor$tion more than by analysis" you will later disco!er
that you know much ' intuiti!ely and discriminately%
/n Ascertaining the #ocation of Congestion
There are three ways whereby the healer can ascertain the $resence and the
location o congestion and any other orm o diiculty'$roducing objecti!e
2% There is" irst o all" clair!oyance which enables the healer to see !isually
where the diiculty lies% This orm o diagnosis is not always accurate and
can be 0colored0 by conditions $resent in the healer himsel%
.% There is a orm o direct $erce$tion" a $rocess o 0clear knowing"0 which is
a soul aculty and inallible" once a $erson has been rightly trained in its
use% It is a blend o mental and s$iritual $erce$tion and is deinite
knowledge" or an intuition" i you like" which enables the healer unerringly
to $ut his inger on the $lace o diiculty and to know its cause" its eect
and its end% -4DC/
4% There is also a more $hysical method" which is based on sensiti!ity in the
lower nature" which enables the healer to register in his own body the
same diiculty o which the $atient is aware% This is called 0occult
transerence0 and should only be em$loyed by those who know how to
absorb and to dissi$ate% In this case" the healer can also eel the cause o
the disease through the $ouring in o energy to the etheric counter$art o
the $hysical $lane disease" or as an e#treme emotionalism or sensiti!e
res$onse in the astral counter$art%
/n the Dual Cause of Congestion
3et me make one or two concise statements and then e#$lain%
8irst" subjecti!e condition alone cannot cause an outer congestion% The
soul has arranged to e#$ress itsel through the medium o a body which
has certain predispositions.
;econd" the subjecti!e is a causati!e actor when in collaboration with the
inherited tendencies o the $hysical body+ thereore" all congestion cannot
be a!oided" or the subjecti!e lie determines the condition and the
$hysical body is $redis$osed to certain diseases% This is the will o the
soul% Fight I $oint out that at this stage o human e!olution" no subjecti!e
conditions are e!er right:
Third" an outer condition alone cannot be a causati!e actor% I I am right
in my major $remises 5and this the new and coming science will $ro!e6"
Esoteric Healing
then the obser!ations o the medical world will need to be readjusted to
the acts% The causati!e actor e#ists in the meeting o the inner and the
outer e#isting actors%
3et me make the matter a little clearer" or conusion may be caused by the idea
that disease is the result o two causes ' an inner cause and an outer cause% The
subjecti!e -42D/ situation is the initiating cause% ;ome $sychological actor"
leading to a wrong use o energy" sets in motion those inner tendencies which
ind their way out" as !ital determining actors" on to the $hysical $lane% There
they come into contact with the $hysical body or e#$ression which has certain
$redis$ositions" certain inherited weaknesses" certain glandular deiciencies ' all
o which were $art o the needed e,ui$ment whereby the soul determined that
certain needed lessons should be mastered% The relation established between the
outer and the inner orces is the basic cause 5e#$ressing itsel in two causes6
which $roduces some orm o disease% It is again the negati!e and the $ositi!e
as$ects brought into a relation which $roduces a third actor1 the maniestation o
some orm o disease%
I you s$eak o $erect $hysical conditions" I know o no such conditions or o any
$hysical body or $hysical en!ironment to which such a term could be a$$lied%
There must be both the inner $sychological situation and cause" which is the
subjecti!e reality 5on a tiny scale6" and the outer $hysical condition" maniesting
as a weakness or as im$erections+ these" in their turn" are a tendency rom a
$re!ious lie" a $redis$osition" an hereditary lesion or a latent diiculty" based on
earlier lie interests or mal$ractice% Bring these two major determining actors
together and ' under the law ' you will ine!itably ha!e some !isible maniestation
o $hysical disease or diiculty+ this can be serious or relati!ely unim$ortant+ it
can be dangerous to lie or ca$able o $ro!iding only tem$orary discomort% Ho
outer condition alone is ade,uate to $roduce disease" but the diiculty is that
modern medicine does not yet $ermit the hy$othesis o hidden cause e#ce$t
those su$ericial ones such as" or instance" that worry and intense an#iety can
aggra!ate e#isting heart trouble% It does not yet $ermit o those actors which
trace back to an earlier lie% In the case o contagious -422/ diseases" the inner
cause is o group origin, and has thereore an outer grou$ eect and is an
e#$ression o grou$ karma% The diiculty o the matter is conse,uently great%
There must be" as you $ercei!e" two e#isting actors" and these" when related
and stimulated" $roduce the a$$earance o disease% It should be remembered
that the ,uestion o the soulAs choosing o a body and the ty$e o !ehicle wherein
certain ty$es o lessons can be learned and certain educati!e e#$eriences
mastered" is a little'understood theme% In connection with this" I would remind
you that disease is oten a mode o clearance and ultimately beneicent in its
eects% It is the working out into maniestation o an inner undesirable actor" and
when the inner and the outer causes are brought out into the clear light o day
they can be handled" understood and oten dissi$ated and ended through the
tribulation o disease and suering% But this is a hard saying%
/n Certain Ty$es of Disease
Arthritis and diabetes are both diseases which ha!e their origin in the astral body"
but i I might $ut it so inade,uately" arthritis is $rimarily more objecti!e than
diabetes" being the result o the satisaction o $hysical desire as it e#$resses
itsel through ood" either in this lie or the $re!ious one% There would be little or
no arthritis i the race ate with correctness and understood the $ro$er ood !alues
and eects% Diabetes is more deinitely the result o wrong inner desires" and is
Esoteric Healing
not so deinitely the result o wrong outer desires% These may originate in this lie"
as I ha!e said abo!e" or be inherited rom a $re!ious e#istence% In this latter
case" the incarnating soul chooses a amily in which to be born" which will endow
it with a body ha!ing a tendency or a natural $redis$osition to this disease% -42./
There lies here a !ast ield o in!estigation+ isolation must be made o the ty$es
which easily all a $rey to certain grou$ diseases%
;y$hilis and arthritis all into the category o diseases which are largely based
u$on the satisaction o $hysical desire% >ancer and diabetes are more deinitely
in the class o diseases which are connected with inner emotional desires and the
!iolent su$$ressed wish'lie o many% The inectious diseases" such as measles
and scarlet e!er" small$o# or cholera are" curiously enough" deinitely grou$
diseases and are deinitely allied with the mental nature% This will sur$rise you
but so it is%
A student with some insight into occult causes might su$$ose that when $eo$le
are changing their ocus o attention rom the $hysical nature to the emotional" or
rom the emotional to the mental" that they become liable to ac,uire the ancient
diseases" such as sy$hilis and cancer" which the 3emurians ac,uired% This is not
I would remind you that $eo$le do not incur these diseases because they made a
shit in their consciousness" but through misuse o certain Eod'gi!en $owers% The
shit in awareness and the disease are not remotely related to each other% I would
remind you" as well" that today $eo$le are a blend o the three states o energy
which we call $hysical" emotional and mental" which are the 3emurian" the
Atlantean and the Aryan states o consciousness% ;carcely anyone today is a $ure
ty$e" i%e%" $redominantly one or the other% They are usually a mi#ture o all three%
9ou will ind it diicult to ind a $erson or a $atient 0changing his ocus o
attention rom $hysical to emotional%0 He will be either emotional or mental" and
at brie times" and rom a $urely $hysiological stand$oint" $hysical% The clearest
lines o demarcation are to be seen in the case o disci$les who are deinitely and
consciously endea!oring to -424/ shit their ocus o attention on to the mental
$lane% He!ertheless" they li!e $redominantly in a region which we call kama'
manasic" which means both astral and mental% It is an intermediate le!el o
consciousness% &nly broad generali(ations are thereore $ossible% ;uch a
generali(ation is that sy$hilitic conditions are more generally $hysical in their
origin than cancer% >lear lines o demarcation are not $ossible" and you must
always remember that certain diseases may work out in a $articular incarnation
which ha!e their origin in a !ery distant $ast+ the seeds o the condition ha!e lain
dormant in the so'called $ermanent atom or ages% They may not be rooted in
the tenor or ,uality o the $resent lie at all% ;uddenly they s$ring to lie and
inluence the $resent incarnation" and incidentally" $roer o$$ortunity or release%
/n 4e3er
8e!er is sim$ly indication o trouble and is a basic way o $uriication and o
elimination% It is an indicator and not a disease in itsel% )onder on this" and a$$ly
it on all $lanes" or $hysical $lane e!er has its astral and mental counter$arts% It
is o!er'e#cessi!e energy which burns u$ and" in burning" relie!es and cures
5either through the subjugation o the germ or grou$ o energies which caused it
or by the releasing $ower o death6% *here $ossible" and when the $hysical body
is strong enough to stand the strain" it is well to let the e!er ha!e its way or a
time" or it is natureAs cure o certain undesirable conditions% 8e!ers not only gi!e
Esoteric Healing
warning o the $resence o that which causes distress" but ha!e in themsel!es
deinite thera$eutic !alue% But careul watching and balancing will be re,uired '
balancing against the energies o the body% *hilst the e!er is ram$ant" the body
is rendered relati!ely utile" and its normal acti!ities are aected% As to the cure
and the correct -427/ treatment o e!ers" much is known by the orthodo#
medical $roession" and this knowledge will suice until such time as the causes
o e!ers are better understood and $hysicians can work with the cause and not
with the eect%
&!er'emotionalism is an astral corres$ondence o $hysical e!er and indicates a
ram$ant germ o desire which must be dealt with beore the e!er can subside%
An o!er'acti!e mind which is ill'regulated" !ery busy but utile accom$lishment" is
the mental corres$ondence%
/n the Cure of Cancer
In all disease o malignant nature" there is a !ital core or a li!ing s$ot o energy
which is absorbing" slowly or ,uickly" as the case may be" the lie orce in the
man% In the early stages o such a disease as cancer" the !ital core is not ound
until the malignant condition is established $otently that it is e#ceedingly diicult
to do anything hel$ul% 9et the cure is only $ossible in these early de!elo$ments
then the cure can be eected" but only again i the will o the $atient is in!oked%
3ittle can be done in cancer cases unless there is the intelligent coo$eration o the
one to healed" or the only method 5which I may later elaborate6 is to blend the
directed will o the $atient and o the healing grou$ together into one unctioning
unit o orce% *hen this has been done" then the in!oked and concentrated
energy will ollow thought" under the ancient law" and so stimulate the area
surrounding the cancer 5that is" the healthy tissue6 that the absor$tion o the
weakened" diseased tissue by the stronger tissue can take $lace% I the energy is
directed to the cancer itsel" the cancerous condition will stimulated and the
trouble many times increased% The curing o cancer in the early stages alls
thereore into two $arts1 -42=/
2% The stimulating o the healthy tissue%
.% The building in o new tissue to re$lace the diseased tissue which is being
gradually absorbed and dri!en out%
>ancer always makes its a$$earance beore there is transmutation o the
emotional orce" or the reason that there are ew disci$les 5and thereore still
ewer o the ordinary and majority o $eo$le6 who ha!e so transmuted emotion%
This condition o reedom rom emotion is so seldom to be ound that ' at this
stage o the worldAs history ' it may be said that it does not e#ist%
Ho one who is an integrated and acti!ely unctioning $erson is e!er as $rone to
such a disease as >ancer" or any disease" as is the emotional ty$e+ he is ar more
$rone to heart trouble% A ull acti!e lie $re!ents such a disease as cancer" but not
always% As the orces o lie run more slowly" as old age cree$s on" cancer oten
a$$ears" $ro!ing the truth o my $rimary contention% In days such as these"
wherein cancer is the second great agent o destruction and mortality 5and i I am
right that cancer is a $lanetary disease6" then almost anyone is liable to it% 8ear is
the great $redis$osing actor% Inertia and emotionalism are" likewise%
Esoteric Healing
/n Dementia Praeco)
*hat is dementia $raeco#: Does the $henomenon e!idence a amily grou$
tradition: Is there any clue in the act that it irst maniests itsel in early
adolescence: Is the general $ractitioner correct in $lacing it in the category o
ho$eless cases: These and similar ,uestions are constantly asked by students
and $ractitioners o healing%
These orms o $hysical diseases which come under the general head o insanities
are ar more abstruse than is -42?/ generally reali(ed% 8rom the stand$oint o the
esotericist" they all into the ollowing relati!ely sim$le categories1
2% Those where the diiculty is due to the breaking down o the brain tissue%
8ar more o these are deinitely sy$hilitic in origin than is generally
admitted" and I would remind you that" occultly s$eaking" that would
naturally be the case" or the $hysical se# organs are a lower
corres$ondence o the negati!e'$ositi!e relation e#isting in the brain
between the two head centers and the $ituitary and $ineal glands%
.% Those where the diiculty is due to the o!er'stimulation o the brain cells
by some orms o energy which o!er'balance other orms and $roduce
certain serious orms o insanity%
4% Those where there is no real $hysical diiculty" no lesions" or diseased
tissues" but sim$ly a loose connection between the etheric body and the
dense $hysical !ehicle% Then obsession or $ossession can occur% ;uch
cases are re,uently 5I might say" usually6 regarded by the orthodo#
$sychiatrist and medical man as orms o insanity+ yet they are not truly
so% I the alicted $erson can be $ut again 0in $ossession o himsel0 by
some understanding $sychologist" and this is entirely $ossible" then the
trouble is ended% There is a $ronounced tendency among the most
orward'looking $sychologists today" to handle these cases on the
hy$othesis which I ha!e $osited" and that is a deinite im$ro!ement%
7% Those wherein certain hereditary orms o mental imbalance occur% These
orms o imbalance are caused by ha$$enings in other li!es and are in the
nature o $unishment or retributi!e karma% To bring this about" the soul
deliberately chooses or a $hysical !ehicle that orm which will ha!e in it
certain inherited taints" dri!en -42@/ thereto by the 3ords o Karma when
the soul is unable to gri$ its !ehicle ' as is the case in the une!ol!ed+ or
with $ur$ose and intent" when the body can be under soul direction
because highly e!ol!ed% I am not listing these dierent orms o insanity
or imbalance under the !arious headings" as the theme is too com$licated"
and oten there are se!eral $redis$osing actors" and oten only indications
o trouble which may ne!er come to anything serious% I am only gi!ing the
categories" lea!ing to the research scholar the task o e!entually listing
sym$toms and assigning due cause" ater much e#$erimental work% That
time is only just arri!ing%
=% Those in which the mind is unduly i#ed and static and controls the brain
so unreasonably that there seems only one $oint o !iew" one attitude to
lie" and no luidity and ca$ability o adjustment% ;uch indi!iduals may
suer" or instance" rom what is called id0e fi$e, or they may be
com$letely the !ictim o some obsessing mental thought% ;uch mental
obsessions can range all the way rom a mild anaticism to religious
mania" with its accom$anying characteristics o sadism" ruthlessness and
general morbidity%
Dementia $raeco# comes under the irst and the ourth grou$ings and is a blend"
usually" o the actors descri$ti!e o both% It is inherited in e!ery case and" i not
Esoteric Healing
a$$arently $hysically so" is then based on inherited astral conditions" which in
their turn aid in determining the $hysical condition% It is sy$hilitic in origin 5oten
carried o!er rom another lie6 and is" in this $articular lie" ,uite incurable% Its
se#ual basis is demonstrated by the act that it maniests itsel in early
adolescence% The $atient can" howe!er" be greatly hel$ed" in the early stages" i
the sym$toms are duly recogni(ed and his thought lie directed" and the -42B/
dynamic eecti!eness o new interests is em$loyed% A s$iritual moti!ation and
like interests can sometimes retard the de!elo$ment o the disease+ where this is
the case and the matter is handled rom early lie onwards" the worst clima#es
can be ob!iated% To the e#tent that the $atient intelligently tries to hel$ himsel"
and is $rotected also by the intelligent care o the $hysician" he can oset the
trouble a great deal" and $articularly as ar as its re$etition in another lie is
Fany o these $roblems are intrinsically tied u$ with the $ast" and until the laws
which go!ern rebirth are gi!en to the world it is diicult or me e!en to e#$lain
the $rocesses go!erning $hysical inheritance" karmic results" and also what is
called retributi!e karma% The recognition o the subtler orms o disease" and the
aid o the $sychologist in collaboration with orthodo# medicine 5which
undoubtedly has its $lace" as" or instance" in the administration o glandular
correcti!es6" $lus right hygienic handling rom childhood onward" will accom$lish
much and gradually stam$ out the mental and brain diseases which are today so
numerous and so distressing%
/n Euthanasia
;ome students are concerned o!er the organi(ed eort to legalese euthanasia"
and wonder about the $lacing o $ower o lie and death in the hands o the
$hysician% At the same time" they are aware that there is in!ol!ed also the
humane actor" in cases where no surcease can be gi!en to $rolonged suering%
To them I would say1
The $roblem which a consideration o the $ro$osed $ractice o euthanasia
in!ol!es will not e#ist when continuity o consciousness 5which negates death6 is
achie!ed% That means that the time will come" in the racial de!elo$ment" when
the soul will know that its term o $hysical -42C/ lie is o!er and will $re$are itsel
to withdraw" in ull consciousness" rom the orm% It will know that the ser!ice o
the orm is no longer re,uired and that it must be discarded% It will know that its
sense o awareness" being ocused in the mind nature" is strong enough and !ital
enough to carry it through the $rocess and the e$isode o abstraction% *hen that
consciousness has been de!elo$ed in man" and the $rocess has come to be
recogni(ed by the medical $roession and the scientiic students o the human
mechanism" then the whole attitude to death and its $rocesses" in!ol!ing as they
do $ain and suering" will be altered materially% Then the man whose time has
come to die may a!ail himsel o certain methods o release which" rom the
a!erage $oint o !iew" might be regarded as in!ol!ing euthanasia% Fodes o
abstraction will be studied and a$$lied when death is near" and the $rocess will
be regarded as soul withdrawal" as a $rocess o liberation and release% That time
is not so ar away as you might think%
Today" gra!e dangers attend the $rocess o hastening withdrawal" and the legal
saeguards will re,uire most careul working out" and e!en then gra!e and
serious issues might de!elo$% But some hastening o the $rocesses o death is in
order and must be worked out% )rimarily" howe!er" the will'to'die o the $atient is
not based at this time on knowledge and on mental $olari(ation" or u$on an
Esoteric Healing
achie!ed continuity o consciousness" but on emotional reactions and a shrinking
rom $ain and rom ear%
*here" howe!er" there is terrible suering and absolutely no ho$e o real hel$ or
o reco!ery" and where the $atient is willing 5or i too ill" the amily is willing6"
then" under $ro$er saeguards" something should be done% But this arranging o
the time to go will not be based on emotion and u$on com$assion" but on the
s$iritual sciences and -4.D/ u$on a right understanding o the s$iritual
$ossibilities o death%
/n ,erms
How inade,uately do words meet the need o truth% *e use the word 0germ0 to
indicate the source o some disease or the origin o some orm% *e talk o a germ
or seed o lie+ we reer to the germ o an idea+ we indicate that intangible $oint
o energy which results later in some kind o maniested orm% It may be a
thought'orm" a human being" or a disease" yet the same word has to suice or
all three% How ot ha!e I told you that all is energy and that there is naught else%
A germ is a $oint o energy ha!ing within it certain li!ing $otentialities" causing
certain eects u$on the surrounding ield o energy" and $roducing certain orms
o e#$ression which are recogni(able u$on the $hysical $lane% But all that is
reerred to is" in the last analysis" some orm o acti!e energy that orms $art o
the energy a!ailable u$on and within and around the $lanet Earth%
In relation to disease" a germ still remains a $oint o energy" but it might be
regarded as energy which is not unctioning correctly in relation to the $articular
orm which has become susce$tible to its acti!ity or aware o its $resence%
Eerms are the irst eect o an original cause% ;ome ew orm a $art o the
$lanetary e!il" which means that they ha!e a dee$ seated and mental origin and
one o such magnitude that the inite minds o men cannot yet gras$ them% ;uch
causes" or instance" may ha!e their eects as a ierce and iery and hot de!otion
to an idea or a $erson" or they may work out as an e,ually ierce and iery e!er
in the $hysical body" and to this e!er" according to its sym$toms" a technical
name will be gi!en by the medical - 4.2/ $roession% The originating cause is the
same" and the eects in the $ersonality will dier according to the ocus o the
attention or where the em$hasis o the lie is laid% )onder on this or I ha!e gi!en
a hint here o real im$ortance%
*hen I used these words" 0the ocus o attention"0 I did not reer to any mental
attitude or to an attenti!e mind" but to the im$act o lie orce in any gi!en
direction" any locality and any as$ect o the human body" where the directed lie
energy goes% Eerms are li!ing organisms" great or small% They ind their way into
the human mechanism through the medium o the lie orce which" in its turn"
uses the heart and the blood stream as its agents o distribution% In the same
way" the energy o consciousness uses the ner!ous system and the brain as its
distributing agency% *here there is inherent or inherited weakness" there the lie
orce is not $ro$erly ocused" and there will be ound some orm o congestion" or
some orm o arrested de!elo$ment" or some orm o $redis$osition to disease%
*hen this is the case" germs can ind a ruitul $lace in which to dis$lay their
malignant acti!ity% *hen the !itality is great and the lie orce has ree and
unim$eded circulation" then there will not be these $redis$ositions" the germ
cannot ind a lodging" and there will not be the risk o inection%
Esoteric Healing
8or instance" scarlet e!er is contagious" but not all those e#$osed to it succumb%
The ability to throw o inection and immunity rom contagious diseases is largely
a matter o !itality 5$erha$s !itality in $articular areas o the body where the
ocus o the attention and the em$hasis o the lie orce may be ound6% It can
also be based u$on the acti!ity o the blood cor$uscles%" which ser!es to kee$ the
blood stream in good condition% -4../
This ocus and em$hasis is the same in connection wit animals" or it is not the
ocus o the mind but o the lie energy within the $hysical body% This" when
$resent and $ositi!e" $rotects% *hen it is negati!e and weak" it lea!es the
$hysical body 5human and animal6 o$en to the dangers o inection%
I cannot e#$lain more ully than this" or the $roblem o origin and method
remains an insoluble $roblem just a long as man remains e,ui$$ed with his
$resent mental a$$roach and emotional reaction to $ain and disease" and just as
long as he $laces the same e#aggerated em$hasis u$on form lie% *hen a better
sense o $ro$ortion has bee de!elo$ed" and men are beginning to think in terms
o the soul and $ur$oses and destiny" then disease" as we know it" will all into
two major categories1
2% Those which $roduce $uriication and necessitate $eriod o returning and
o rest or the body" $re$aratory to continued lie on earth%
.% Those which $roduce the withdrawal or abstraction o the soul in its two
as$ects ' li!ingness and consciousness%
/n .noculations
0*hat is the standing or !alue o inoculation or !accination rom an occult or
esoteric stand$oint:0 This ,uestion is oten in the minds o healers as they ask
the urther ,uestion which is the real basis o their interest" 0Does it aect the
subtler bodies: How:0
There is no occult standard or !alue in inoculation" any more than there is an
occult standard or !alue in gi!ing a hy$odermic injection% The entire ,uestion
concerning serums and inoculations has been tremendously o!er'em$hasi(ed by
the so'called occult students% The human body" -4.4/ the $resent time" is the
reci$ient o such a !ast amount o substance" e#traneously $reci$itated into the
interior o the body" that the whole subject is o !aster im$ort" yet o lesser
im$ortance" than men think% ;uch is the $arado# which I $resent to you% *rong
ood o e!ery kind" the inhalation o smoke down the centuries" the breathing in
o tainted air" the taking o medicines and $ills and tablets o e!ery $ossible
descri$tion" the riling o the !egetable and mineral kingdoms in search o their
ingredients" and the injection o mineral substances" o drugs and o serums" till
one wonders sometimes at the remarkable assimilati!e $owers o the human
In all airness" howe!er" I would remind you that" as ar as the $hysical well'
being o man is concerned" these methods and techni,ues o the *est ha!e
resulted in the $roduction o a healthier race than in the East" in a !ery deinite
$rolongation o human lie" and in the elimination o many dire $hysical scourges
which used to take their toll o man% This I" an &riental" do admit% I ha!e stated
the situation thus in order to e#$and your !iew rom the s$eciic to the whole%
Esoteric Healing
In relation to disease and inoculation" I would remind you that there are three
grou$s o diseases which are not $eculiar to man" but which are indigenous in the
$lanet itsel% These diseases are ound in widely diering orms" in all the
kingdoms in nature% These three amilies or grou$s o diseases are1
2% The great cancer grou$ o diseases%
.% The sy$hilitic grou$%
4% Tuberculosis%
Fost o the objections made by doctors with occult tendencies are based
unconsciously on a eeling that there -4.7/ should be higher methods o
controlling diseases in man than by injecting into the human body substance
taken rom the bodies o animals% That is most surely and deinitely correct" and
some day it will be demonstrated% Another reaction on their $art is one o
sensiti!e disgust" again largely unrecogni(ed% A more !ital objection should be
based on the suering entailed on the animals $ro!iding the !accine and other
The eect on the inner bodies is $ractically nil" and ar less than the diseases
themsel!es% Herein lies or the uture a most interesting ,uestion% How ar do
diseased conditions in the human body carry through and aect the inner bodies
rom the structural angle: It is a ,uestion I do not intend to answer% The
controlling o modern disease is being handled by modern medicine $rimarily in
three ways1
through the science o sanitation"
through $re!enti!e medicine" and
through inoculation%
These are the lower corres$ondences to methods o acti!ity emanating rom the
astral $lane" rom the etheric le!els" and rom the earth itsel%
The science o sanitation" the use o water" and the growing knowledge o
hydrothera$y are the $reci$itation on earth o certain inner acti!ities on the astral
$lane o a most deinite nature% 8rom the angle o the as$irant" these methods
are called $uriication%
The science o $re!ention 5both o diseases and o death6 is the $reci$itation on
earth o certain modes o $rocedure on the etheric $lane whereby orces are
correctly used and certain destructi!e agencies are controlled and $re!ented rom
going the destructi!e way%
The science o inoculation is $urely $hysical in origin and concerns only the
animal body% This latter science will shortly be su$erseded by a higher techni,ue"
but the time is not yet% -4.=/
/n ,lands
0Is it $ossible by certain ty$es o meditation to stimulate either one o the $ost or
ante lobes o the $ituitary body" when there is a minus unctioning: *ill a
meditation designed to integrate the $ersonality automatically adjust the trouble
and bring about $ro$er $ituitary acti!ity: *ill this also adjust and balance the
acti!ity o the other im$ortant glands:0
Esoteric Healing
9ou ha!e here se!eral ,uestions+ the whole matter is too !ast or $ro$er handling
within the a!ailable time and limits%
I would say" howe!er" !ery briely" that the stimulation o either lobe o the
$ituitary body" and e,ually the stimulation o any o the glands by meditation"
undertaken by neo$hytes" is a most dangerous undertaking% It can be done" but
it is not an ad!isable $roceeding e#ce$t under the e#$ert su$er!ision o some o
those who know more than you know and who can see more than you can see%
The glands are the result o the acti!ity or the inacti!ity o the centers or chakras
in the body" and $arallel their de!elo$ment% This de!elo$ment is de$endent u$on
the ray and the $oint in e!olution% The subject is !ast and diicult" and I would
ha!e you all remember that constant dwelling u$on the physical actors to be
ound in the $ersonality e,ui$ment is not the way o the disci$le% He must aim" as
you suggest" at $ersonality integration and at the goal o being a $ure channel or
the soul% ;uch an integration is the result" normally achie!ed" o
2% >haracter'building%
.% ;oul contact through meditation%
4% 3ie e#$ression through ser!ice% -4.?/
The $ractice o these three" o!er a long $eriod o years" will ine!itably $roduce
the desired results as ar as the glandular e,ui$ment is concerned" and as ar as
the total mechanism can stand the $ressure o the soul re,uirements" as they
must be met in each s$eciic lie%
/n the 5ital Body
0*hat are the $rinci$al actors that can be com$lied with in order to build a
strong healthy !ital body: Is it $ossible or a $erson with a rather weak !ital body
to strengthen it: Fay not a so'called weak !ital body be a healthy one at the
same time" the weakness maniesting in non'staying $ower and a slowness in
reco!ery rom atigue:0
This ,uestion is concise and can be briely answered% In act it must be" or
otherwise a long discussion will be necessary u$on the subject o the !ital body"
and that is too !ast a one with which to deal here" and the im$lications are too
many% I ha!e gi!en you much in the !arious books I ha!e written%
*hen you say a weak !ital body I $resume you mean one which is loosely
coordinated with the $hysical !ehicle and loosely connected" and which has
thereore a weak hold u$on the outer orm" or it is the close integration o the
etheric body with the $hysical orm which is the cause o all its staying $ower%
9ou are right in your belie that one can be $erectly healthy but ha!e little
resistance to atigue%
The $rinci$al actors in re'establishing or making a better etheric control are1
2% ;unshine%
.% >areul diet" with the em$hasis u$on the $roteins and !itamins%
4% The a!oidance o atigue and worry% -4.@/
Against all the abo!e" at this time" climate" world conditions" en!ironment and
our ci!ili(ation militate" and the indi!idual has thereore to resign himsel to a
state o aairs which lies outside his indi!idual control%
Esoteric Healing
A normal" sane" regulated lie is the best means or establishing a better measure
o !itality% This is" I $resume" what you mean% 9ou need to remember" howe!er"
that where there is a de!itali(ed etheric body" and conditions are such that a re'
establishment o a !ital control seems diicult or im$ossible" there must be
recognition o karmic limitations and a willingness to submit to them and lea!e
aairs to work themsel!es out% This $articular lie is not the only one there is%
8re,uently" thereore" in any $articular incarnation" conditions cannot be
changed" and are $rolonged by inner rebellion and re!olt% A disci$le has to learn
the lesson o going on" as the e#$ression is" in s$ite o and not because o
/n Prana
9ou can disco!er much on the nature o $rana i you use the books which you
$ossess and should $ossess% In my book A Treatise on !osmic 9ire, $ages @@'
22?, and in A%A%B%As book The ,ight of the &oul, $ages @@" .2@'..=" .BD'.B."
4.B'44D" 44." the whole subject is considered%
;uice it to say that1
2% There is nothing in maniestation e#ce$t energy" taking orm" using and
actuating orms and dissi$ating orms%
.% This energy is di!ided into three ty$es o so'called electrical $henomena"
called in The &ecret Doctrine and in A Treatise on !osmic 9ire, ire by
riction, solar ire, and electrical ire. -4.B/
4% )rana is the name gi!en to the energy which is drawn u$on the $hysical
$lane rom the etheric as$ect o all $henomenal lie% That etheric as$ect o
the di!ine energy is a synthesis o energies% I the energy in which an
indi!idual $rimarily li!es and mo!es and has the ocus o his being is" or
instance" $redominantly astral" then the major e#$ression o energy in his
e,ui$ment will be astral or emotional eeling energy% He will react all the
time to $hysical energy or $rana and to astral energy or the many sentient
emotional orces% These work out $re'eminently through the s$leen" the
solar $le#us and the throat" and aect in dierent ways the $hysical
s$leen" the stomach and the thyroid gland%
7% Interest in these two ty$es o energy" when e!idenced by an indi!idual" is
based on the act that they are the two in which he himsel is habitually
immersed and to which he most easily and normally res$onds%
=% The current o energy used in healing will be a synthesis o the energies
with which the healer normally works" with that ty$e o energy
$redominating which is" or him" the $aramount energy o his lie% The
a!erage unintelligent healer is usually sim$ly a transmitter o $rana itsel"
which is the energy o the $lanet% This combines with the etheric $hysical
energies o the $atient" $assing through the healerAs body% These
stimulate the $atient suiciently so that he is enabled to throw o the
eneebling disease% ;ome healers can work with that ty$e o orce and
with emotional energy blended" and $roduce acti!ity" thereore" not only in
the $atientAs $hysical body but also in his astral body% This brings about
serious diiculties at times and oten hinders true $hysical healing" on
account o the astral turmoil $roduced% &n this matter" I cannot here
enlarge" and there is no time or a longer elucidation at this time% -4.C/
Fental healers 5true mental healers who are rare indeed6 blend soul
energy with the two abo!e mentioned orces and this $roduces a synthesis
o the $ersonality orces% >arried orward intelligently" this synthesis
Esoteric Healing
brings about the healing o the $erson through the $roduction o deinite
organi(ation and alignment%
;oul healing su$ersedes the three abo!e mentioned methods" and $roduces the
$ouring into and through the mechanism o the $atient o $ure soul energy% It
was in this way that >hrist worked" and there are ew today to work this way% It
must be held beore you" howe!er" as an objecti!e%
)hysical healing by $rana is !ery common% It is oten tem$orarily eecti!e" but it
concerns and deals only with eects and ne!er touches causes% The disease can
thereore be abated" but ne!er cured% The $ower to heal mentally is on the
increase and $roduces relati!ely $ermanent eects% But astral healing is rare and
!ery seldom successul% The $otency o the astral nature o the healer and also o
the $atient" and its usually unregulated condition" is too great or eecti!e work"
owing to the $olari(ation o humanity at this time and to the lack o correct
emotional $oise and control%
/n /riental and /ccidental Bodies
The ,uestion is also oten in the minds o some healers whether there is a
dierence in the causes o disease and the eects as e#$erienced in oriental or
occidental bodies% To them I would say1
Humanity is one and the same all o!er the world" and both eastern and western
bodies are $rone to the same diseases and maniest the same sym$toms+ all
suer rom tuberculosis" rom cancer and the se#ual taints+ all die re,uently
-44D/ rom $neumonia and inluen(a% Through sanitation and other curati!e
methods" carried out on a large scale" ancient diseases 5inherited rom old
Atlantis6 such as bubonic $lague and cholera" are being slowly stam$ed out% They
still cro$ out in the East owing to the strength o the ancient ci!ili(ations" the lack
o ood" o sanitation" and the dense crowding% They are also climatic diseases
and $erish in the colder air o the north% >ertain diseases are the result o wrong
diet" used o!er unnumbered centuries%
&ne o the main reasons or the a$$arent dierence 5i there is any6 may lie also
in the greater age o the oriental races% The diseases o old age" and those o
youth or middle age" ha!e their !ariations" and Asia and its $eo$les are !ery"
!ery old% The body stock is wearing out ast% 9et the Ja$anese show no sign o
that old age% India is ar older than Euro$e" but the >hinese and Ja$anese stock is
older still" yet they demonstrate no such sign o eete old age% The reason or
this lies in the !ery dierent ty$e o emotional body as ound in the Aryan or
Atlantean% The whole ,uestion is incalculably diicult%
I might answer your ,uestion" howe!er" !ery briely" by saying that there is no
dierence whate!er in the basic causes o disease in the East and the *est% They
are the same or the whole human amily%
/n the Ner3ous %ystem
In the right understanding o the relationshi$ o the etheric or !ital body 5with its
major and minor centers and its network o nadis6 to the ner!ous system o the
human body" two great as$ects o soul acti!ity can be gras$ed%
Esoteric Healing
8irst" that as$ect o soul lie which enables the soul to moti!ate and orce
into incarnation and acti!ity the $hysical -442/ mechanism" the body"
through the gal!ani(ing acti!ity o what we call ,ife.
;econd" that as$ect o soul lie which $reser!es the $hysical !ehicle in
health through the ree $lay o the $ranic currents% The abo!e is an
attem$t to e#$ress a great truth in as sim$le a ashion as $ossible% The
true signiicance o the abo!e statement embodies the ne#t great ste$ in
the ield o true $sychology and o healing% The whole subject is $rooundly
interesting% ;ome o it I ha!e dealt with in the $ages o A Treatise on
"hite Magic, $ages 2B'=D" and you would ind it o !alue to study the
matter there outlined%
The general situation in this connection might be outlined !ery briely as ollows1
A human being is a combination o !arious ty$es o orce% There is the orce or
energy o matter itsel which might be regarded as the energy as$ect" in its
totality" o the cells or atoms o the body% The word 0cell0 itsel suggests" in its
usual connotation" an im$risoned lie" and lie and energy are" or the esotericist"
synonymous terms% This is the third as$ect o di!inity" e#$ressing itsel in
humanity% There is also the dual energy which the soul embodies or transmits+
this might be likened to two streams o energy" which merge and blend to orm
one stream when detached rom the body" and which di!ide into two when they
enter into matter and orm% They bring to matter" or to the aggregated cell li!es"
the contribution o ,uality ' consciousness and $ure lie% It might be stated also
a% The stream o lie'energy inds its way to the heart" the $hysical heart"
and there 5!ia the $hysical $ermanent atom6 it energi(es coherently the
entire $hysical body" using the blood stream as its major agency and
channel o contact and communication between this central $owerhouse
-44./ o lie and the $eri$hery% As we well know" the blood is the lie% This
lie acti!ity is the actor which gathers together and holds in orm all the
li!ing atoms and cells o the body% *hen that lie thread is withdrawn by
the soul at death" the li!ing atoms se$arate" the body alls a$art and
disintegration ensues" with the atomic li!es returning to the reser!oir o
$ower" to the bosom o li!ing matter rom whence they came%
b% The stream o energy which con!eys the soul ,uality o intelligence" $lus
lo!e'wisdom" and which constitutes what we understand as the
consciousness" with its $owers to contact" to sense and to rationali(e" only
$enetrates as ar as the $hysical brain% There this second as$ect
concentrates itsel or anchors itsel in the region o the $ineal gland% 8rom
there in e!er increasing $otency" as the $rocesses o incarnation and
e#$erience are $ursued" the soul begins to control" gal!ani(e into
$ur$oseul acti!ity" and to use the $hysical body% Remember that" to the
soul" the body is only its res$onse a$$aratus on the $hysical $lane and a
medium o e#$ression%
It might also be $ointed out" as a third necessary statement" that the soul $ours
its consciously directed energy into the dense $hysical body through the medium
o the etheric or !ital body% This instrument is com$osed o1
2% ;e!en major centers o orce and orty'nine minor centers% The major
centers are ound in the head and u$ the s$inal column% The minor centers
are to be ound scattered all o!er the body%
Esoteric Healing
.% The etheric network which is com$osed o streams o energy" connects all
the centers into two systems ' one major and one minor ' and radiates out
rom these centers all o!er the entire body% -444/
4% The nadis are ininitesimally small threads o energy or orce ibers which
radiate out rom e!ery $art o the network and underlie e!ery $art o the
tri$le ner!ous system% They are ound in their millions" and $roduce the
sensiti!e res$onse a$$aratus through which we work and o which the
mechanism o the i!e senses is one o the e#ternali(ations%
The controlling $ower station will be ound to !ary according to the $oint in
e!olution reached1
2% 3ow'grade humanity uses the solar $le#us as the $oint where the basic
energy is locali(ed tem$orarily% There will also be ound a slight acti!ity in
the ajna center%
.% A!erage humanity works $artly through the solar $le#us center but largely
through the ajna center and the throat center%
4% High'grade human beings" the intelligentsia and world as$irants use the
head center" $lus the ajna center" the throat" heart" and solar $le#us%
8inally it might be said that the $hysical a$$aratus which is the direct result o
the inner acti!ity o the centers" network and nadis" is the heart" the endocrine
system and the brain% Into this general $lan" !ery sketchily outlined abo!e" all
ancient medicine 5$articularly the Tibetan" the >hinese" and the Hindu6" with our
modern western science" its% The correlation o the western and eastern
techni,ues still remains to be made" and much will be gained thereby% 8urther
than this I cannot here enlarge" but the abo!e will suice to show that the
methods which you may disco!er in your reading 5and their name is 3egion6 can
all be brought into relation to this general scheme o energy $rocesses in the
human body% -447/
/n Diet
Ho set diet could be entirely correct or a grou$ o $eo$le on diering rays" o
dierent tem$eraments and e,ui$ment and at !arious ages% Indi!iduals are e!ery
one o them unlike on some $oints+ they re,uire to ind out what it is that they"
as indi!iduals" need" in what manner their bodily re,uirements can best be met"
and what ty$e o substances can enable them best to ser!e% Each $erson must
ind this out or himsel% There is no group diet% Ho enorced elimination o meat
is re,uired or strict !egetarian diet com$ulsory% There are $hases o lie and
sometimes entire incarnations wherein an as$irant subjects himsel to a disci$line
o ood" just as there may be other $hases or an entire lie wherein a strict
celibacy is tem$orarily enorced% But there are other lie cycles and incarnations
wherein the disci$leAs interest and his ser!ice lie in other directions% There are
later incarnations where there is no constant thought about the $hysical body"
and a man works ree o the diet com$le# and li!es without concentration u$on
the orm lie" eating that ood which is a!ailable and u$on which he can best
sustain his lie eiciency% In $re$aration or certain initiations" a !egetable diet
has in the $ast been deemed essential% But this may not always be the case" and
many disci$les $rematurely regard themsel!es as in $re$aration or initiation%
Esoteric Healing
/n the %$leen
The s$leen is the most im$ortant agent o the lie orce" but it is the lie orce
inherent in matter itsel" inde$endently o orm% It is thereore closely related to
the $lanetary $hysical body% It is the e#ternali(ation o a !ery im$ortant center%
There are three centers in the body 5with allied e#ternali(ations6 which are
basically essential to lie%
2% The heart center and the $hysical heart itsel% In these the lie $rinci$le
5the &pirit as$ect6 is located% 3ie and ;$irit are one%
2. The head center and the brain in which the consciousness $rinci$le 5the
&oul as$ect6 is located%
4% The $ranic center and the s$leen" in which the lie o matter itsel 5the
Matter as$ect6 is located%
9ou must bear in mind that" as H%)%B% $oints out" the dense $hysical body is not a
$rinci$le% It is atomic matter which is held in orm by etheric substance" under the
control o the soul% It is automatic in its res$onse" and reacts to the outer world
o im$acts and inner im$ulses" but has no initiatory lie o its own% It is com$osed
o units o energy" as is all else in nature" and has its own indi!idual lie+ its ocus
or the distribution o energy or this lie is the s$leen%
In the s$leen" the negati!e lie o matter and the li!ing energy o the $ositi!e
etheric body" are brought together" and then a 0s$ark"0 as it is called" is made
between the inner li!ing bodies o man 5through the medium o the etheric body6
and the $hysical $lane% It is a relection on the lowest rung o the e!olutionary
ladder" as ar as man is concerned" and corres$onds to the relation o soul and
body or ' on a higher turn o the s$iral ' o s$irit and matter%
/n the 5agus Ner3e
There are two $owerul centers connected with the !agus ner!e1 the heart center
and the center at the base o the s$ine% These two" when brought under the
control o the soul" unctioning through the head center 5the -44?/
brahmarandra6" $roduce the raising o the kundalini ire% This" when taking $lace"
swings the entire ner!ous system into a s$ecial orm o rhythmic acti!ity and
res$onsi!eness" and it is through the stimulation and the control o the !agus
ner!e that this is accom$lished% It is not the !agus ner!e which is instrumental in
raising the kundalini ire" but the re!erse situation% *hen the head" the heart and
the center at the base o the s$ine are in magnetic and dynamic ra$$ort"
$roducing a radiatory eect" then they aect the !agus ner!e and the ires o the
body are uniied and raised" $roducing $uriication and the 0o$ening o all doors%0
/n the Eye
There is a certain school o scientiic theorists who are working on the theory that
the eye is the declarati!e actor in the human body and the rule or the key to its
right understanding% They ha!e already demonstrated much in connection with its
declarati!e $owers" where disease is concerned% They are on right lines%
He!ertheless" the science with which they are working is so embryonic as yet that
their conclusions are not ully demonstrated nor entirely reliable%
Esoteric Healing
In the immediate uture" when our $lanetary lie is somewhat calmer" the whole
subject o <ision and the registration by the eye o the inner worlds will recei!e
an enormous im$etus" and conditions ' hitherto undreamed o ' will be re!ealed%
Fan will enter into a new lie and a higher era o understanding% The teaching
concerning the iris o the eye is an indication o this%
*hy not read u$ on the eye a little and note its occult corres$ondences to the
created world" and to the whole $roblem o light: The eyes and the soul are
closely related and ' s$eaking in the language o occultism ' the right -44@/ eye is
the re$resentati!e o the soul" and thereore the agent o buddhi" whilst the let
eye is the re$resentati!e o the $ersonality" and the agent o the lower concrete
mind% 9ou will ind it interesting to read what can be ound in The &ecret Doctrine
and other books 5including mine6 on this subject+ it will com$el the conclusion
that here is a ield o in!estigation hitherto uno$ened and a teaching which will
warrant careul study or the sake o the grou$" i or no other reason%
/n Psychological Causes of Disease
Do 0$sychological causes o disease0 register in brain sym$toms beore rele#ing
to other $arts o the body: A sentence in The ,ight of the &oul has a bearing
0The brain" or instance" is the AshadowA or the e#ternal organ o the mind" and it
will be ound by the in!estigator that the contents o the brain ca!ity ha!e a
corres$ondence to the as$ects o the human mechanism ound u$on the mental
Bear in mind that the lie orce works through the heart" utili(ing the blood
stream" whilst the consciousness as$ect works through the brain" using the
ner!ous system% This is the irst and most im$ortant $oint to gras$%
)sychological causes o disease register in the brain or 5i o a !ery low order6 in
the solar $le#us% They do not" howe!er" make their $resence elt as sym$toms o
disease in these $laces where they thus register% They are energies or orces
which ' when brought into contact with the energies o the body ' $roduce" as a
result 5and not beore this $oint6 those conditions to which we gi!e the name o
disease% The $sychological causes are orms o energy" working out through the
a$$ro$riate centers in the body" and these" in their turn" condition the glandular
system% -44B/ The secretion or hormone" generated under this esoteric
stimulation" inds its way into the blood stream" and the result o all this
interaction can be either good health" as it e#$resses sound $sychological causes"
or $oor health" as it e#$resses the re!erse%
It is the internal relation between the subtler energies" working through certain
centers" $lus the related endocrine system" with its relation to the blood stream"
that constitutes both the $ossibility o disease and its cure% But this recognition is
still academically lacking% Fuch o the inherent $sychology is gras$ed" but a ga$
still e#ists between the $hysical and the etheric bodies" and little recognition o
the etheric body is yet academically accorded% There is yet no real understanding
o the relation between the inner $syche and the outer orm" !ia the etheric body%
The study o the glands has somewhat hel$ed" but medical science must go a
ste$ urther and relate the glandular system to the inner centers%
Esoteric Healing
/n Pro&lems of !elancholia
These $roblems o melancholia are diicult to $lace and are due to a wide !ariety
o causes% I will list them here" and the list may at some time ser!e you%
2% A sense o rustration" a thwarted wish'lie" or a recognition o a basic lie
.% A sense o dramatics" and a desire to igure im$ortantly on the little stage
o a $ersonAs lie% This can oten be ,uite unreali(ed and ha!e a truly
subconscious origin" or it can be a careully culti!ated habit or attitude%
4% A de!itali(ed condition" largely o an etheric nature" which robs lie o all
joy and desire and $resents always a sense o utility% Fany women
$assing through the meno$ause e#$erience this% -44C/
7% A certain orm o breakdown in the cells ound in a $articular area o the
=% Based on ear o insanity and o death ' a baseless ear which has ne!er
materiali(ed but which does constitute an id0e fi$e, so that the $erson is
the !ictim o a well de!elo$ed thought'orm%
?% A tuning'in" through o!er'sensiti!ity" on the suering and massed $ain o
the world% Disci$les can be tem$orarily o!ercome by this%
@% This condition is !ery seldom brought about by any orm o obsession such
as 0an earth bound entity or a li!ing !am$ire'like $erson%0 A !ery ew such
cases ha!e been known" but they are too rare to be considered a actor%
B% ;ometimes a $erson tunes in on a state o massed melancholia" such as
can be ound in our sanitariums or asylums% The condition has then
nothing really to do with him" but being sensiti!e" he identiies himsel
with those who are suering rom acute melancholia%
C% Felancholia" as a sym$tom o disease 5not o brain disease6 is also airly
re,uent and will disa$$ear when the disease is under $ro$er treatment%
A $erson may be suering rom a combination o such causes" as or instance a
combination" let us say o the causes in 2" ." ?%
/n 4ull !oon and Psychoses
&ne o the de$artments o esoteric medicine in the uture will concern itsel with
the law o cycles" lunar and solar% It will then be demonstrated as a act" what
has always been sus$ected and is now generally recogni(ed" that the $eriod o
the ull moon has a deinite eect u$on unbalanced $eo$le" u$on the dreaming
state and re,uently conditions ,uite -47D/ drastically" the neurotic and erotic
conditions so $re!alent at this time%
The tremendous increase in insanity and imbalance today is due to three major
2% The transitional $eriod o today $roducing a clash between the A,uarian
and the )iscean orces" has led to a condition which makes it !ery diicult
or sensiti!e $eo$le to li!e normally at all% To e#$ress the idea in symbol1
It is almost as i the race" ater habituating itsel to li!e on the earth" had
now to accustom itsel to li!e in water% I am talking rom the stand$oint o
the orm%
.% The intense s$iritual and mental stimulation which is being a$$lied today
to the masses by the $lanetary Hierarchy% The intent is to bring to an end
old orms o li!ing" to create new orms through the $rocess o
Esoteric Healing
adjustment" and thus bring in a new ci!ili(ation based on a more
subjecti!e culture. I would ask you to $onder on this last sentence%
4% The $ouring in o more light rom the astral $lane 5at $resent
unrecogni(ed6 and also the tremendous increase o ordinary $hysical $lane
illumination% This $roduces o!er'sensiti!ity% The work done by the
$re!ailing use o electric light and the general glare in which humanity
now li!es" will e#act its toll rom the race until the human mechanism has
adjusted itsel to light. Remember that this general use o light is less than
one hundred years old and is an occult eect with ar reaching results%
I mention these three things because they are res$onsible or much o the
$redis$osition to sensiti!ity o an abnormal kind% &ccult students well know that
at the time o the ull moon certain high contacts are easier than at other -472/
times" but it is right here" my brother" that the diiculty lies%
At the time o the ull moon 5o!er a $eriod o i!e days6 the moon and the $lanet
are the reci$ients o more relected light rom the sun than at any other time% 8or
this there is a subjecti!e cause% I can only e#$lain it to you by a symbol which
may con!ey truth to you or which may act as a blind% ;ymbolically s$eaking" the
$eriod o intensest meditation o our $lanetary 3ogos comes around at the ull
moon $eriod each month+ just as you ha!e your daily meditation so He in His
high $lace" has His cyclic $oint o contact% This $roduces the $ouring in o
radiance and the entering in o energy both subjecti!e and objecti!e% 8or all true
students" thereore" their work on the mental $lane is acilitated+ they are
enabled then to meditate more successully and to attain reali(ation with greater
ease% They deinitely share in the achie!ement o the 3ord o ;hamballa%
The moon" as you know" is a shell" an ancient orm through which the $lanetary
3ogos at one time sought e#$ression% It is slowly disintegrating $hysically but not
astrally as yet" and is thereore still closely linked with the astral body o the
$lanetary 3ogos and thereore with the astral bodies o all $eo$le% Its inluence is
conse,uently more $otent at the time o the ull moon u$on all who are
unbalanced% This lack o e,uilibrium" which it really is" will e!entually be ound to
e#ist between the astral body" the etheric body and the $hysical mechanism%
)eo$le who are deinitely as$irants and $eo$le who are deinitely mental" can
$roit by these ull moon cycles+ those who are deinitely unbalanced" $ositi!ely
astral" and emotional" and re,uently swe$t by uncontrolled desire" are hindered"
o!er'stimulated" and $sychically u$set by these same cycles% The !eil o illusion is
lit u$ at that time with a conse,uent result o hallucination" astral !isions" -47./
$sychic urges" and those misinter$retations o lie" o o!er'em$hasis u$on
as$ects o lie which we call $hobias" lunacy" etc%
I would like to make a suggestion here" which is not $ossible or me to $ro!e to
you" but which the uture will substantiate% The major diseases called mental"
seldom ha!e anything to do with the mind itsel% They are1
2% Diseases o the brain%
.% Disorders o the solar $le#us%
4% Astral domination%
7% )remature clair!oyance and clairaudience%
=% &bsession%
?% Absence o mind%
@% ;oullessness%
Esoteric Healing
This is" o course" a wide generali(ation and has no reerence to that category o
diseases in which both mind and brain are in!ol!ed% The diseases o mystics are
also in a dierent category% These latter diseases in!ol!e the brain o course"
indicate mental imbalance" $roduce !arious ty$es o heart disease and the
di!erse neurotic tendencies with which the saints o the world were so oten
&ne thing I will add" howe!er" or your encouragement% As the race" as a whole"
becomes go!erned by the solar 3ord" the sun god" the ;oul" then the cycles o
the moon will steadily lose their baleul eect and there will be a dying out o the
!arious neurotic com$laints and mental diseases today so $re!alent% The time is
not yet% It is not easy or me to gi!e more inormation concerning the moon and
its $hases" as it constitutes one o the major mysteries to be re!ealed at the third
initiation% -474/
/n Distri&ution of 4orce6 Blood Transfusion
Instead o two ,uestions" you ha!e se!eral% 3et me list them or you so that you
will see what I mean" and or clarity in re$lying% ;e!eral o these ,uestions are
inerred and not deinitely $osited" but i I am to deal with them they must be $ut
in the orm o ,uestions and e!en then the subject is so !ast that there will not
be time%
2% How can a more harmonious distribution o orce be accom$lished or the
beneic o all:
.% >an you gi!e us some more s$eciic instructions and indicate to us some
esoteric methods" suitable to our stage o de!elo$ment in connection with
this $roblem o distribution:
4% Has the act o blood transusion%%%any corres$ondence in some $rocess o
the transusion o subtle energies on the inner $lanes:
7% Are there some s$ecial means" besides what we are already trying to do"
by which those o us who are on the second ray could more eecti!ely
transuse our lo!e ,uality into brothers on the irst ray" and !ice !ersa:
=% *hat is the interrelation and the coo$eration among the ray li!es and
$articularly between the irst and second ray entities:
?% How can the e#am$le o the close coo$eration and riendshi$ between the
Faster F% and the Faster K% H% be o $ractical hel$ and ins$iration to us:
9ou will see rom the abo!e how im$ossible it will be to deal with this wide range
o subjects% I will" howe!er" gi!e you the brieest answers to some o them" or
indicate the line along which your ideas may low%
2% A harmonious distribution o orces !aries in its arrangement and
conse,uently in its outer eect not only -477/ according to ray ty$es but
according to the age o the soul" and the indi!idual status u$on the )ath%
There is a dierence in this arrangement in the subtle bodies o the
$robationary disci$le and o the acce$ting disci$le" and o the acce$ted
disci$le and or each grade u$on the $ath o initiation% This arrangement is
brought about in three ways or is subject to three orms o de!elo$ing
a% Through the lie o as$iration" as registered in the $hysical brain
b% Through the s$ontaneous awakening o the centers and in their
right geometrical $rogression% This I ha!e reerred to in some o
my books" but more cannot be gi!en as it is one o the secrets o
Esoteric Healing
the irst initiation% The rearranging and the readjustment $roceeds
during the whole $eriod o the )ath" technically understood%
c% Through the decentrali(ation o the whole inner conscious lie% The
ser!er becomes1
2% The mystical e#tro!ert%
.% The 0one who ste$s aside rom the center%0
4% The 0one who li!es u$on the $eri$hery o the heart%0
7% The 0one who ho!ers o!er the central lotus%0
=% The 0distant one who sees rom ar away" yet li!es within
the orm o all that is%0
A study o these descri$ti!e $hrases may gi!e you the clue
to the right distribution o energy%
.% The second ,uestion is somewhat answered in the abo!e brie statement%
I am doing what I can in my $ersonal instructions 5Discipleship in the 6ew
Age" <ol% I% and II%6 to all o you to bring about two things1
a% >lear the ield o the $ersonality lie so that the higher energies can
ha!e reer $lay% -47=/
b% Bring about those conditions and orientations which will $roduce
harmony within" and conse,uently and e,ually" harmonious
relations without% I would remind you" howe!er" that the inner
harmony o one brother in a grou$ may not be ade,uate to $roduce
harmony in another brother or in the grou$%
4% Blood transusion is symbolic o two things1 8irst" that the blood is the lie"
and secondly" that there is but one 3ie $ermeating all orms" and
thereore transerable under right conditions% It is also a synthetic act o
ser!ice% )onder on this%
7% 9our ,uestion gi!es me an o$$ortunity to $oint out that e!en an
understanding o" and interest in" the ray ty$es 5as re$resented or
instance in a grou$6 may itsel lead to a subtle se$arati!e attitude% There
is no necessity or any ;on o Eod in incarnation u$on the $hysical $lane
or in the three worlds to 0transuse0 his ray ,uality into his brother% These
ray ,ualities are shared by all alike" and a brotherAs own soul ' diering in
no way rom another soul ' will eect the needed transmutation or
transusion into the $ersonality lie% &ne may acilitate the $rocess by
$ro!iding those conditions o harmony and $eace wherein a brother is
aced with as ew contrary attitudes as $ossible" and where the inter$lay
o lo!e may $roduce an eecti!e stimulation% But this is not transusion%
*hat e#ists in you e#ists in all" and the lo!e ,uality 5abo!e all other
,ualities6 is the dominant characteristic o all rays%
=% This ,uestion is not only one o the mysteries o the occult sciences" but it
is o ar too !ast a nature in its im$lications and too com$licated a $roblem
or me to deal with in this $lace%
?% The relationshi$ o the two Fasters you mention can be studied in two
ways1 -47?/
a% Through a consideration o the eecti!e working relation which
e#ists between the grou$s o disci$les working under Them%
b% Through a study o those $eo$le 5and they are many6 who ha!e a
irst ray $ersonality and a second ray ego" or !ice !ersa%
In the last analysis" my brother" we bring about the correct distribution o orce"
leading to harmonious relations" when we seek to li!e sellessly% 8or the
$robationer" this means an imposed selless acti!ity u$on the $hysical $lane% 8or
the acce$ted disci$le" it in!ol!es a lie ree rom all selish" sel'centered emotion"
and o these sel'$ity and sel'dramati(ation are outstanding e#am$les+ or the
initiate it means a mental attitude which is de!oid o selish thought" and ree
rom the dramati(ations in thought o the ego%
Esoteric Healing
/n %uffering
;uering" in the last analysis" is only $ossible when the soul is identiied with the
body" or rather" when the s$iritual as$ect o the soul 5in the body6 is identiied
with the animal soul" which inorms and !itali(es the orm and constitutes its
tem$orary lie% During unconsciousness" the animal soul is aware o $ain and
suering" and those who nurse and watch know this well" but there is no real $ain
or true distress because the real man" the s$iritual soul" has been dri!en away
either by e#cessi!e $ain 5as in true unconsciousness6 or by narcotics%
The suering o the soul" when the $ersonality goes astray" is only a symbolic
orm o words% There is no $ain or true suering" and re,uently no knowledge o
the ha$$ening" or the !ibration is not high enough to $enetrate into that high
$lane where dwells the soul% *here" howe!er" -47@/ there is such knowledge" the
soul e#$eriences" i I might so e#$ress it" a sense o lost o$$ortunity" and
thereore a sense o rustration" but it is not more than that" or the $atience o
the soul" as o the Hierarchy" is illimitable% Just because we s$eak symbolically
and say the soul suers" you must not inter$ret it in ordinary terms%
The suering o >hrist or o the $lanetary 3ogos or o Eod Himsel" is not
com$rehensible in terms o $ersonality reaction% *e use the words" but they
really mean 0detached and isolated identiication%0 Does that con!ey aught to
you" my brother:
*rong identiication is the cause o $ain and leads to suering" distress and
!arious eects% Right identiication leads to understanding and com$rehension o
the $sychological attitudes o the suerer" but to no true $ain or distress as we
normally understand it%
/n Planetary Energy
The sumtotal o energy remains the same or as long as a $lanet $ersists" with its
orms and lie e#$ression% It is $art o the great storehouse o energy% It is the
use and the eect o this energy" as it is a$$ro$riated by a orm or orms o some
kind" which we note as it is attracted rom its own $lace to a $lace where
normally it would not be unctioning% There it creates situations and $roduces
diiculties which are closely connected with a manAs karma and destiny% There is
a great abstracting energy which we call Death" whose inluence at a gi!en time
$ro!es more $otent than the united inluences o the body atoms and cells% It
$roduces the tendency to withdraw and inally to abstract the soul energy which
a!ails itsel o these $otencies in the $rocess o discarding a !ehicle on some
$lane or another% It might be said that the seeds o death 5the germ o death6 are
latent in the $lanet and in the orms% -47B/ *hen $owerul enough to be
recogni(ed" we call them germs, but this connotes a deinite stage o almost
tangible $roo% *hen unduly $otent" they $roduce acute disease and conse,uent
death+ when more eeble in eect" we call them illness and note their $uriicatory
eect% These contaminations 5as they can be called" though it is by no means a
good name6 are only such when that aggregate o energies which we call a man
is brought in contact with these contaminating inluences or ty$es o ancient
energies" and the reaction or the res$onse is" rom the angle o the comort o the
$hysical body" bad%
Esoteric Healing
/n Transmutation of Desire
The $oint to be borne in mind is that desire dominates and controls action when
the lie orce is ocused in the desire nature" as it $redominantly is with the
majority o $eo$le% But $lanned mental control is only $ossible when the lie is
ocused on the mental $lane% *hen this is the case" desire will not re,uire
su$$ression" because the $ower o the ocused attention will be elsewhere and
there will conse,uently be no urious desire to su$$ress% ;u$$ression is an eort
by the man ocused in the astral body to bring in the will as$ect o the mind% But
this he seldom does% The desire may $ass o through the intense eort the man
is making to achie!e some mental consciousness" but no su$$ression takes $lace
really" nor is the will e!oked% *hen a manAs lie is run and controlled by the mind
rom mental le!els" then transmutation does take $lace+ transmutation 5whereby
the astral nature is changed and altered6 may be o a s$iritual nature or sim$ly o
an e#$edient nature% Desire may be transmuted into s$iritual as$iration or into an
attitude which is in conormity to the will o the mind which is e#$ressing it%
Hence the necessity or careul analysis o moti!e and o objecti!es% -47C/
/n 2arma
I ha!e already suggested to you that the entire ,uestion o karma is as yet
im$erectly com$rehended% A great 3aw o >ause and Eect e#ists" but one
$articular as$ect o it has ne!er been em$hasi(ed" and the knowledge o
humanity on the subject o karma is !ery elementary% Karma has always been
inter$reted in terms o disaster" and conse,uences that are $ainul" o error" o
$enalty" and o e!il ha$$enings" both or the indi!idual and or the grou$% 9et"
such is the beauty o human nature" and much that is done is o such a ine
,uality and so selless and so ha$$ily oriented" that the e!il is re,uently oset by
the good% There is e!erywhere" little as it may be reali(ed" an abundance o good
karma o a $otency 5under the same 3aw6 e,ual to that which is regarded as bad%
& this" small mention is e!er made% This good karma brings into acti!ity orces
which may work out as healing energies in any s$eciic case% G$on these energies
or good" which ha!e been earned and are o$erating" the healer can always
count% This is my irst $oint% )onder u$on it%
Karma is a determining actor" but unless a healer is an ad!anced initiate and so
able to work eecti!ely and intelligently on the causal le!els whereon souls dwell"
it is im$ossible or him to decide whether any s$eciic case will yield to healing
treatment or not% Thereore" the healer or $racticing disci$le assumes in his mind
the $ossibility o cure 5which may be $ossible or not6 and o the $atientAs good
karma" and $roceeds to a$$ly all $ossible aid% This is my second $oint%
Fy third $oint is to suggest to you and to all engaged in the healing art that much
o the so'called disaster" in!ol!ed in disease and in death 5$articularly the latter6
is to be ound in a wrong attitude toward death" and to an -4=D/ o!er'estimation
o the beneicence o orm lie% The release o a soul through disease and death is
not necessarily an unha$$y occurrence% A new and better attitude to the
$henomenon o death is essential" is $ossible and near% G$on this I need not here
enlarge% But I do seek to gi!e you a new slant on the subject o sickness and o
*ill you be astonished also i I state that under the 3aw it is ,uite $ossible to
0interere with karma0: The great 3aws can be transcended and re,uently ha!e
been in the $ast" and increasingly will be in the uture% The 3aw o Era!itation is
re,uently oset and daily transcended when an air$lane is in light% The energy
Esoteric Healing
o aith can set in motion su$erior energies which can negate or retard disease%
The whole subject o aith" and its !ital signiicance and $otency" is as little
understood as is the 3aw o Karma% This is a tremendous subject" and I cannot
urther enlarge u$on it% But I ha!e said enough to oer you ood or thought%
As regards the lengthening o the s$an o lie during the $ast century o scientiic
attainment" I would $oint out that true techni,ues and the $ossibilities o
organi(ed soul action are always $arodied and alsely demonstrated on the
$hysical $lane by the earlier scientiic acti!ities which are right in moti!e but
which are only a symbol" on the outer s$here o lie" o coming and usually uture
soul action% The lie s$an will e!entually be shortened or lengthened at will by
souls who consciously ser!e" and use the mechanism o the body as the
instrument whereby the )lan is ser!ed% 8re,uently" today" li!es are $reser!ed in
orm ' both in old age and in inancy ' that could be well $ermitted liberation%
They ser!e no useul $ur$ose and cause much $ain and suering to orms which
nature 5let to hersel6 would not long use" and would e#tinguish% Hote that word%
Through our o!er'em$hasis on the !alue o orm -4=2/ lie" and through the
uni!ersal ear o death ' that great transition which we must all ace ' and
through our uncertainty as to the act o immortality" and also through our dee$
attachment to orm" we arrest the natural $rocesses and hold the lie" which is
struggling to be ree" conined to bodies ,uite unitted to the $ur$oses o the
soul% Fisunderstand me not% I desire to say naught that could $lace a $remium on
suicide% But I do say" and I say with em$hasis" that the 3aw o Karma is ot set
aside when orm are $reser!ed in coherent e#$ression which should be discarded"
or they ser!e no useul $ur$ose% This $reser!ation is" in the majority o cases"
enorced by the subjectAs grou$ and not by the subject himsel ' re,uently an
unconscious in!alid" an old $erson whose res$onse a$$aratus o contact and
res$onse is im$erect" or a baby who is not normal% These cases constitute
deinite instances o an osetting o the 3aw o Karma%
The soul" through alignment" enters into a right use o time+ or rather the brain"
which is the only time'conscious actor in man" is no longer the dominant
attribute+ the mind" as the agent o the soul 5whose consciousness is inclusi!e o
the $ast" $resent" and the uture6" sees lie and e#$erience as it truly is% Death"
thereore" is reerred to as an e$isode" and as a transitional $oint in a !ast series
o transitions% *hen this attitude o the soul is gras$ed" our entire techni,ue o
li!ing" and incidentally o dying" is utterly altered%
In conclusion" howe!er" and in a$$arent but no real negation o all that I ha!e
said abo!e" let me re$eat that the healer will gi!e o his best to the one he seeks
to heal% Ha!ing no clair!oyant $ower in the majority o cases" and being time'
conscious and under the inluence o karma" he will do his utmost along the lines
o his own training and in accordance with the instructions gi!en in this treatise
-4=./ on healing% I suggest that you gras$ that the objecti!e beore any healer at
this time and at this gi!en $oint in the e!olutionary unoldment o the race is the
need" when so asked" to aid in the bringing about o health to the body and its
sustained e#$erience in lie% 9ou need also to reali(e that much that is belie!ed"
acce$ted and taught by the meta$hysicians today is based on wrong $remises"
such as the nature o matter" the time e,uation" the !alue o orm e#istence" and
the ear o death% ;eek to eliminate these attitudes rom your consciousness" and
you will arri!e at a truer $ers$ecti!e as to the healing art%
3ater" in a ew yearsA time" we can $robably begin to deal with s$eciic cases% I
seek" howe!er" at this time to hold you to wide generali(ations" and to basic laws
and $ro$ositions" and not to cloud the issues with $urely $hysical $lane
occurrences" tem$orary or chronic" or with death and destiny%
Esoteric Healing
Ho re,uest or real aid must e!er be reused" howe!er% A dea ear must not be
turned to trouble" either $hysical" mental or $sychological% But I would call to
your attention the act that success in healing may not always mean release rom
disease and the so'called $hysical cure o the $atient% It might sim$ly in!ol!e" i
$hysically successul" the $ost$onement o the $lan o the soul or the $erson%
;uccess might mean the correction o wrong inner attitudes" o erroneous lines o
thought" and at the same time lea!e the $hysical body as it was% It might mean
the $lacing o the $atient 5through wise teaching and $atience6 en ra$$ort with
his soul and the conse,uent reorienting o the lie to the eternal !erities% It might
consist in the $ro$er $re$aration o the $erson or the tremendous $ur$ose which
we call Death" and thus bring about the relie o $ain in this way% -4=4/
The whole science o healing will shit e!entually and increasingly into the realm
o $re!enti!e medicine and the $sychological adjustment o the indi!idual within
his grou$" and the $ro!iding o right li!ing conditions" correct dieting and housing
or the $eo$les% That" howe!er" takes much time" and whilst the race is on its
way to the newer modes o li!ing" with their resultant eects o better health and
a more correct com$rehension o the laws o health" all who stand in the world as
magnetic centers must $roceed" according to the light that is in them" to work
with $eo$le" in order to hel$ them" to heal them" and to aid them in making
needed adjustments% Hothing should sto$ your ser!ice along this line" not e!en
the reali(ation o limitation and o ignorance% Do all you can to encourage and to
sym$athi(e" to $oint out undesirable attitudes" to end wrong ways o li!ing" and
change $oor modes o $sychological e#$ression as ar as you see them and to the
best o your ability% Remember" ne!ertheless" that your best way may be ar
short o your uture ca$acities" and remain ready e!er to change your $oint o
!iew when a higher and a better way is $resented to you% Abo!e e!erything else
in lie" gi!e to all who seek your aid the ullest measure o lo(e, or lo!e releases"
lo!e adjusts and inter$rets" and lo!e heals" on all three $lanes%
/n ,rou$ .llnesses
In the last analysis" most o the ills o the body are rooted in some res$onse to
grou$ acti!ity% It will be necessary or us to gras$ the act that the $hrase 0grou$
lie and acti!ity0 must include not only $ast heredity" or inherited grou$
tendencies" but also may indicate $resent world contacts" which weaken or
increase resistance ar more than is generally belie!ed $ossible% &ne o the
causes o cancer" which was not so $re!alent in the earlier and more leisured
-4=7/ days o the racial lie ' or then the herd instinct was not so $owerul as it is
today ' is due to the increased stimulation o the body% This stimulation is caused
by our close contact in our daily li!es with each other through our massed grou$
e#istence" $articularly in our urban centers% I cells are li!ing organisms 5which
they are6" they res$ond to grou$ lie" to massed cell emanation and radiation%
This constant stream o energy $ouring rom the aggregate o bodily cells in
massed humanity may $roduce in certain ty$es o $eo$le an o!er'stimulation in
some $art o bodily cell structure% This usually occurs where there is a weakness
in the etheric or !ital body" which means that cell deenses are im$aired and the
result is re,uently a cancer or a general cancerous condition% This is the
undamental cause" though modern in!estigation is occu$ied with secondary
causes and eects o this etheric weakness% I shall consider this later in more
detail% It will be ob!ious to you that when we begin to deal with the !ital body
and to consider it with greater understanding and knowledge" we shall be able to
handle such diseases as cancer ar more eecti!ely%
Esoteric Healing
/n 7sing the !ind and the .magination to De3elo$ ,rou$ Consciousness
*hen a member o a grou$" such as a grou$ or healing" s$eaks o de!elo$ing
grou$ consciousness" he reers to his $articular grou$ o brothers" and to his
grou$ as a unit o se!eral souls% 8orget not that such a unit is in itsel a
se$arati!e conce$t rom the angle o the greater whole" but it ser!es a useul
$ur$ose in training the grou$ members to think in those wider terms% It ser!es as
a ste$$ing stone away rom the consciousness o the isolated $ersonality%
I you can indeed eel" think and unction as one com$lete unit ' se!eral
$ersonalities and one soul ' it will then be relati!ely easy to e#tend the conce$t to
a broader -4==/ inclusi!eness" to broaden your hori(on and thus become inclusi!e
in a much wider sense%
The using o the mind to this end in!ol!es an a$titude to learn the distinction
between analysis and criticism% This is a hard and well'nigh im$ossible thing or
many to learn% Traces o illumination o this subject will show themsel!es i the
grou$ $ersists in all earnestness% The members ha!e to learn to res$ond" as a
grou$" to the same s$iritual" mental and human ideas" and thus swing ' as a
0tele$athic unit0 ' into one united train o thought% They ha!e" as a grou$" to be
$reoccu$ied with the same things which are indicated by the soul o the grou$"
and not by one $erson in the grou$" as is a$t to be the case% They ha!e to learn"
as a grou$" to hold the mind steady in the light ' the grou$ mind" and not their
indi!idual minds%
In using the imagination to this end" you ha!e to culti!ate the $ower to ignore
the outer orms and to concentrate on the inner lines o light which unite brother
to brother" grou$ to grou$" and kingdom to kingdom in the e#$ression o the 3ie
o Eod Himsel% It is the creati!e use o the imagination which $roduces an
integrated grou$ etheric body and which enables you to see this grou$ body o
orce and light as one com$lete orm and as one e#$ression o the grou$
intelligence" will and $ur$ose ' but not the will or $ur$ose o the dominant mind
or minds in the grou$% Thus these can work out on the $hysical $lane in right
e#$ression% Howe!er" when the grou$ members are $rimarily occu$ied with their
own ideas" their $lans" their $roblems" and how they can use whate!er light and
knowledge may be recei!ed" they negate any $ossibility o such creati!e use o
the united imagination% To become entirely ree rom this will take much careul
culti!ation and sel'surrender to the soul% -4=?/
/n Healing Energy
The ,uestion is sometimes asked by beginners1 0>an we clearly distinguish
between the healing energy" as e#$ressed by the soul and by the $ersonality:
>an we ha!e some understanding o the $art that lo!e has to $lay in the art o
healing:0 I can answer with bre!ity%
*hen we come to work as a grou$ with indi!iduals whom we shall seek to aid" we
shall then learn to use the !arious ty$es o energy according to the need o the
indi!idual to be healed% It would ser!e a real grou$ $ur$ose i all o you would
study what is said by Rama )rasad in his book" 6ature:s 9iner 9orces, and by
)atanjali in The ,ight of the &oul on the subject o the $ranas with which and
within which we work+ you should be somewhat amiliar with the matter%
Esoteric Healing
To answer the ,uestion s$eciically1 An initiate or e!en a low'grade clair!oyant
can easily distinguish between soul and $ersonality healing energies" but the
a!erage intelligent as$irant as yet cannot% The initiate knows the source rom
which any ty$e o healing energy may come% He senses its !ibration and can
ollow it to its emanating source by an eort o the will" directed by the intuition%
The clair!oyant can see the center rom which the healing energy can low" and
the center then indicates the ty$e and ,uality o the $rojected orce% All energy is
rom the soul in the secondary instance" but in the $rimary sense all energy is
sim$ly lie" unctioning under direction o some kind%
As to the $art lo!e has to $lay in the healing $rocess1 3o!e is the lie e#$ression
o Eod Himsel+ lo!e is the coherent orce which makes all things whole 5I would
ha!e you $onder u$on this $hrase6" and lo!e is all that is% The main characteristic
o the distinction between soul energy and $ersonality orce" as a$$lied to
healing" lies in -4=@/ the region o the a$$lication and the e#$ression o lo!e%
)ersonality orce is emotional" ull o eeling" and ' when in use ' the $ersonality
is e!er conscious o itsel as the healer" and is the dramatic center o the stage
u$on which are two $layers" the healer and the one to be healed% ;oul energy
unctions unconsciously and is wielded by those who are in contact with their
souls and who are conse,uently decentrali(ed+ they are 0o the stage0
themsel!es" i I might use that e#$ression" and they are com$letely occu$ied with
grou$ lo!e" grou$ acti!ity and grou$ $ur$ose%
*hy then is it so e#tremely diicult" i not altogether im$ossible" or earnest
would'be healers to work together" as a grou$" with the sacred science o
healing: Because as indi!iduals and as a grou$ they are $redominantly $ersonal
in their indi!idual and inter'grou$ relations% This may show itsel in intense
criticism o each other" or o onesel+ in a !i!id sureness o $ersonal rectitude and
sound judgment which does not $ermit those who hold it to see that there is
$erha$s a chance that they are not as correct in their ideas as they deem
themsel!es to be+ it may show itsel in a dee$ satisaction o!er $ersonal
subjecti!e contacts% Any or all the abo!e hindrances may be $resent and make
the grou$ demonstration a $ersonality demonstration which negates constructi!e
work" and any attem$t only intensiies $ersonality reactions and would greatly
5and ad!ersely6 aect the $ersonalities o those they might seek to hel$%
How" then" should they $roceed: I would $oint out that any grou$ member who"
as an indi!idual" is ree rom the abo!e railties o the $ersonality and rom these
attitudes" ne!ertheless knows 5and rightly rejoices6 that he $artici$ates" as a
grou$ member" in the grou$ ,uality% That is one o the incidental diiculties o
grou$ work% To $artici$ate and yet stand ree rom weakness+ to recogni(e that
-4=B/ the achie!ements or ailures o the indi!idual grou$ members are entirely
their own aair+ to share and yet not be dominated by the $owerul thoughts and
ideas o the more $otent members in the grou$ is e!er a $roblem% I $oint this out
because" in this coming Age wherein grou$ work will be greatly de!elo$ed" it will
be o !alue to understand grou$ situations and $roblems" and then to go orward
to the grou$ work together with those who are yours to work with% 9ou will then
be the better and wiser or $ast e#$eriences" and used as a grou$ through shared
suering and limitations and the gained ability o ailure rightly met%
;o let true lo!e" silent" uncom$laining" non'critical and steadast" be your goal
and the ,uality o your grou$ lie% Then" when there is some deinite work to do"
you will work as a unit with hearts and minds as one%
Esoteric Healing
/n .nstantaneous Healing
Instantaneous healing may be o !arious kinds% *e might cite the ollowing rom
among se!eral $ossibilities which account or the ha$$ening1
2% The healing which is the result o a deinite $ractice" conscious or
unconscious" o Hatha 9oga% This is brought about by a $rojection o
$urely $hysical magnetism" which" added to the ,uota o a!ailable $hysical
magnetism at the $atientAs dis$osal within his own $hysical body" suices
to eect an immediate cure% The magnetism in the body o the $atient"
instead o being outgoing and radiating" becomes in!erted and turns
inward to make its contribution to the reser!oir o $hysical orce held in a
static condition within the body% The more low grade human ty$es $roduce
this kind o healing with acility% This is e,ually so in relation to the $atient
and the healer% The case cited is a case in $oint% The healing was more
easily brought about -4=C/ by the 0sheik0 concerned because the wound
5a bite in the arm ' A%A%B%6 was sel'inlicted and beore inlicting it" the
$atient 5i I may so call him6 held the outgoing orce in abeyance by an act
o the will" thus creating a reser!oir o energy which was a!ailable to
su$$lement that o the sheik which was" in its turn" released by a
mantram% This is deinitely not s$iritual healing%
.% There is also that orm o healing which can be instantaneous because the
disease is largely $sychological and hallucinatory% The healer is then in the
$osition to enable the $atient to throw o illusion and so stand ree% The
will o the healer when added to that o the $atient" aids in the breaking o
the illusion and o the glamorous thought'orm and the $atient then
stands ree% This is a $sychological healing and only one illustration o it%
4% Then there is a ty$e o healing which is brought about in two ways" and
this is the true s$iritual healing1
a% *hen the $atient makes a sudden and re,uently une#$ected
contact with his soul" and in which the soul energy is so great and
so $otent that it swee$s through the !ehicles and deinitely
$roduces eects% Thus cures are brought about in some !ehicle or
another and re,uently in the $hysical !ehicle% The $hysical
condition or disease retains" so ot" the undi!ided attention o the
consciousness o the human being in!ol!ed" and the soul $ours
through to the $oint o concentrated attention% In this thought lies"
or many o you" a clear hint%
b% *hen the $atientAs e!il $hysical karma is e#hausted" and $hysical
$lane illness is not" at this $articular time" his destiny% Then the
healer can begin to bear u$on the situation" i he is s$iritual and ull
o wisdom" enough s$iritual energy to ensure a cure% -4?D/
I trust you will ind these answers suggesti!e% )onder dee$ly u$on the
/n the 7se of the #ord8s .mage
Here we touch u$on a $oint o real interest% The use o the 3ordAs image is
re,uently o !ital im$ortance" but ' and it is here that I seek to lay the em$hasis
' it must be the image arri!ed at by onesel through the medium o the e#$ansion
o the >hrist consciousness in oneAs own lie" and by arri!ing at the stage o
conscious disci$leshi$% At that $articular stage" when a man is deinitely linked
with a Faster and His grou$" he is then" automatically and as an indi!idual" linked
with the Faster o all Fasters% He can then" !ia his own soul and the soul o his
Esoteric Healing
$articular grou$" draw on the orce o Faitreya Buddha% *hy" think you" is there
no good and true $icture o the Blessed &ne% There are only a ew s$eculations by
the de!otees o the early church and none by those who knew Him% The reason is
a deinite one% There is no true image o Him because it must be u$on our hearts
and not u$on our can!ases% *e arri!e at knowledge o Him because He is ours"
as we are His% Do you understand that whereo I s$eak: He is the world Healer
and ;a!ior% He works because He is the embodied soul o all Reality% He works
today" as He worked in )alestine two thousand years ago" through groups. There
He worked through the three belo!ed disci$les" through the twel!e a$ostles"
through the chosen se!enty" and the interested i!e hundred% )onder on this act"
little em$hasi(ed% How He works through His Fasters and Their grou$s" and
thereby greatly intensiies His eorts% He can and will work through all grou$s
just in so ar as they it themsel!es or $lanned ser!ice" or the distribution o
lo!e" and come into conscious alignment with the greater $otency o the inner
grou$s% -4?2/
9ou will ind 5airly soon $erha$s6 that healing grou$s will em$loy mantrams o a
deinite kind" and that in those mantrams the name o the Blessed &ne will
a$$ear% But the mantram or His coming age is not yet or use% The world is not
yet ready or the $otency which it would release% Today" is there a more $otent
mantram than the ot s$oken word1 08or >hristAs sake and or the glory o His
Hame0: But these words must be s$oken with lo!e and will behind them or else
they are but an em$ty symbol and a sounding cymbal% 8orget this not%
/n the Christ
;ome as$irants and disci$les may e#$erience an almost constant recollection o
the >hrist+ that is due to their increasing sensiti!ity to the inner $lanes and
$articularly to the act that so much o the matter in the astral body o the
ad!anced as$irant is taken rom 5and is thereore sensiti!e to6 the highest
sub$lane o the astral $lane% It is also due to the act that the 3ord Faitreya with
His workers is a$$roaching nearer all the time to the $hysical $lane% The ocus o
His attention in the year 2C4? was" or the irst time" $redominantly on the irst
sub$lane o the astral $lane% Hence the sensiti!eAs correct and immediate
res$onse to His energy there e#$ressed% He is coming nearer in His thought and
acti!ity% ;hould the $eo$les o the world res$ond to the $resented o$$ortunity"
His orces and attention could $enetrate more dee$ly and be $redominantly on
etheric le!els with all that is im$lied in such a situation%
This" many sense subjecti!ely and know+ and great" thereore" is their
o$$ortunity and yours to constitute increasingly a channel or this orce%
Remember that the work or which He comes and to which the attendant
Hierarchy is $ledged is to hel$ Him in the 0healing o the nations0 as it is
e#$ressed in -4?./ the Bible% This is a true statement o an imminent act% This
healing will be brought about i men o goodwill e!erywhere measure u$ to their
o$$ortunity+ i the work o the >hrist and o His hel$ers is brought more deinitely
to the attention o the general $ublic" and i there is an inner rela#ation in the
world o men which will $ermit the de!as to work% It is their readiness and their
res$onse to the near a$$roach to the >hrist which many consecrated ser!ers are
subjecti!ely sensing" and which has somewhat $er$le#ed them% The de!as can
only be sensed and elt+ they cannot be a$$roached by humanity as yet through
the medium o the thought world and the use o the mechanism o thought in
man% There is no danger in!ol!ed or the ser!er i he becomes aware o these
Esoteric Healing
de!a orces and their acti!ities" !ia the >hrist and through their res$onsi!eness to
His work and imminent a$$earance%
/n the Phrase 9!other of the :orld9
The !arious ways in which the $hrase can be used can mean ,uite a number o
diering things% It can mean1
2% The eminine as$ect in maniestation" symboli(ed or us in many o the
world religions as a !irgin mother and in the >hristian religion as the <irgin
Fary% It is that substance which enables Deity to maniest%
.% Hature itsel" the mother o all orms%
4% The moon also" who is the symbol o the generati!e" creati!e lie which
gi!es birth to orms and is thereore the symbol o the orm nature%
7% The concentration o the eminine orce in nature in some indi!idual in
emale orm who is then called the 0*orld Fother%0 ;uch an indi!idual has
ne!er e#isted in our $articular $lanetary lie" though the a!atars o a
$re!ious solar system" e#$ressing itsel through -4?4/ $lanetary lie"
always took this orm% But not in this solar system% The tradition o such
a$$earances is $urely symbolic" inherited rom the $re!ious solar system
rom which we inherited the matter o which all maniested orms are
made% This symbolism has come down rom the ar'o $eriod o the
Fatriarchate" which had a religion that recalled the ancient ways o the
earlier system and in which $eriod o time 3ilith symboli(ed the *orld
Fother" until E!e took her $lace%
/n the %ense of 4utility
In connection with the work o the healer with $atients at the gate o death" he
may e#$erience a sense o utility% Is it $ossible to know just what he can do:
;hould he continue his eort to hel$ the newly reed soul to go orward into the
light: In the ace o all his knowledge 5and he may ha!e much6" and in s$ite o
his yearning desire to aid the de$arting one" there seems naught to do but to
ste$ aside" with a sense o utter utility" whilst the lo!ed one $asses through the
gate which leads to what" my brother: *e can go u$ to the gates" but it seems as
yet that we can go no urther% E!en the dee$ seated belie in the $ersistence o
the immortal soul $ro!es inade,uate" and only ser!es to comort the ser!ing
healer $ersonally" but suices not to re!eal to him what hel$ he can gi!e%
There is little I can say as we wait" at this signiicant time" or the coming
re!elation% That re!elation is ine!itable and sure" and such ,uestions will not be
raised two hundred years hence% To this emerging act" the growing sensiti!ity o
the race to the subtler angles o lie" and the !ast amount o in!estigation carried
orward on e!ery side" is the $hysical $lane guarantee% This great truth and its
guarantee is held steadily beore us in the history o the 0glorious resurrection o
the >hrist0 and His ater death -4?7/ a$$earance" and in the $owerul but little
understood ritual o the sublime degree in Fasonry" wherein the Faster is raised%
Aid at the time o the 0$assing into the light0 de$ends largely u$on two things1
8irst" the amount o close contact between the dying $erson and the one
who watches" and the le!el u$on which that contact is strongest%
Esoteric Healing
;econdly" u$on the ca$acity o the watcher to detach and dissociate
himsel rom his own eelings and to identiy himsel" through an act o
$ure unselish will" with the dying $erson%
Hone o this is really $ossible when the bond between the two is $urely emotional
or based u$on a $hysical $lane relation% The contact must be dee$er and stronger
than that% It must be a $ersonal contact u$on all $lanes% *here there is true soul
and $ersonality contact" there is then little $roblem% But this is rare to ind%
He!ertheless I ha!e here gi!en you a hint%
There should also be as little deinite thought $rocess as $ossible on the $art o
the watcher% All that is re,uired and $ossible at $resent is sim$ly to carry the
dying $erson orward on an e!er'dee$ening stream o lo!e% Through the $ower o
the creati!e imagination" and not through intellectual conce$ts 5no matter how
high6" must the dying man be aided to discard the outer garment in which he has
been encased and in which he has labored during lie% This in!ol!es an act o $ure
sel'orgetulness" o which ew as yet are ca$able% Fost $eo$le are swe$t by
ear" or by a strong desire to hold the belo!ed $erson back" or are sidetracked in
their aim by the acti!ities in!ol!ed in assuaging $ain and deadening agony+ they
are dismayed also by the de$ths o their ignorance o the 0techni,ue o death0
when aced with the emergency% They ind themsel!es unable to see what lies
beyond the doors o death" and are swe$t by the mental uncertainty which is $art
o the great -4?=/ illusion% There is as we know no sure touch in this $rocess o
dying% All is uncertainty and bewilderment% But this will end beore long" and man
will know and also see.
As regards those who ha!e $assed into the light" whom you want to hel$" ollow
them with your lo!e" remembering that they are still the same $eo$le" minus the
outer limiting shroud o body% ;er!e them" but seek not that they should ser!e
your need o them% Eo to them" but seek not to bring them back to you%
It is $hysical $lane lie that is the $urgatory" and lie e#$erience that is the school
o drastic disci$line% 3et us not ear death" or that which lies beyond it% The wise
disci$le labors in the ield o ser!ice but looks orward steadily to the dawn o the
0clear cold light0 into which he will some day enter" and so close the cha$ter or a
while u$on the e!er and the riction and the $ain o earth e#istence% But there
are other $hases o lie e#$erience wherein the sense o utility and rustration
meets the ser!er in the world today%
8rom the angle o !ision o a disci$le" we might di!ide intelligent human beings
into three grou$s" at the same time eliminating in our thought the dead weight o
the unthinking masses who register desire but who as yet e#$erience no sense o
utility or rustration% They desire and are satisied+ or they desire and are
thwarted or jealous or angry at those who a$$ear to ha!e that which they want
and demand" and which a$$eals to the lie o the senses% The three grou$s are1
2% Those personalities, integrated and intelligent" who are ambitious and
$ushing consciously orward" yet who meet with rustration% This
rustration is due either to world conditions which are too strong or them"
or to the im$osition u$on them o their own watchul souls -4??/ which
throw obstructions in their way in order to lead them into the light%
2. Those mystically inclined $eo$le and those rightly oriented !isionaries who
ha!e not yet built in that mental scaolding which will enable them
$ro$erly to materiali(e their !ision" through right thought $rocesses% They
are many in number today" and their case is not an easy one%
Esoteric Healing
3. Those disciples and aspirants who are attem$ting to work in the ield o
the world" yet who through karmic limitation" misa$$lication o the law" or
some basic $ersonality weakness" ne!er achie!e in this lie their goal" and
so are swe$t by an o!erwhelming sense o utility%
Beyond these three classes" acting as the o$$osite $ole to the struggling masses"
are the integrated unctioning disci$les o the world" who are achie!ing" and who
are too occu$ied and too one'$ointed to waste much time o!er eeling inerior or
o!er mistakes and ailures%
Thereore" by wisely $lacing the $eo$le who come to you or hel$ in one or other
o these three categories 5allowing in your mind or the $ossibility o their $assing
into another and higher one6 you will be able to hel$ them more intelligently%
A large measure o the ineriority com$le# which aects so many $eo$le today is
due most deinitely to their reaction to the inlowing s$iritual inluences% They
know themsel!es to be greater than their achie!ements+ they reali(e
unconsciously and wordlessly their di!inity" but the limitation o circumstance and
the hindrances o the body nature are as yet too great or right res$onse to
o$$ortunity and to reality% 3ook or these souls and aid them by true
understanding and by a$$reciation and coo$eration" -4?@/ and thus dis$el the
illusion o non'accom$lishment which haunts their ootste$s%
But e#hibitionism and neurasthenic hallucinations ha!e to be cured $rimarily
through indi!idual sel'eort" through decentrali(ation" transerence o interest"
and unselishness% Heurasthenic tendencies are likely to increase instead o
decrease or some time yet" such is the strain under which man labors today% The
$resent world condition orces him to ind a!enues o esca$e" and to re!ert to the
curati!e $ower o his own creati!e imagination% Release comes through
acce$tance o the drama o the whole and not o the $art" and through steady
occu$ation in creati!e work on the $hysical $lane%
Fethods o training will later be used and are already coming into their
elementary stages through the work o the $sychologists o the world%
/n %cientific Parallels
;tudents seem to think that we" the teachers on the inner side" ha!e read e!ery
book that may be written" $articularly those embodying the new and ad!anced
truths" and that we are also in touch with the $ersonalities o those who are the
dis$ensers o the growing body o new knowledge in the world% ;uch is not the
case% How can I e#$lain to you the true state o aairs: &nly symbolically" I think%
As we look out o!er the world o the intellect and carry our thoughts rom the
$oints o li!ing knowledge there to be ound" we may become aware o areas o
light 5as we understand it6 shining orth u$on the $hysical $lane% ;uch areas
indicate the shining light o some worker in the ield" o some disci$le" or o some
member o the Hew Erou$ o *orld ;er!ers% I know" or instance" that such areas
are to be ound 5as regards the Gnited ;tates6 in Baltimore" >hicago" >le!eland
and Rochester% By a $eculiar -4?B/ mode o shining this indicates to me that
there is to be ound a center where the newer knowledges anent manAs body are
to be ound% I know that there are other areas o light e#isting all o!er the world%
Fy work and the work o all the teachers in this transition $eriod is to stimulate
them and ertili(e their minds with ideas% E!ery theory they orm in their search
Esoteric Healing
or truth" e!ery book they write" and e!ery conclusion they reach is not known to
us% They must carry their own res$onsibility and ail or succeed in arri!ing at the
truth through their own sel'initiated eort%
H%)%B% $ro$hesied the work now being done many years ago when she s$oke o
the recognition ultimately to be accorded by science to an uni!ersally diused
omni$resent Deity 5the ether o s$ace is an entity" she also tells us6 and that the
mystery o electricity" when sol!ed" holds or us the solution o most o our
$roblems% Fany o the theories o modern science are laid down in A Treatise on
!osmic 9ire, though scientists ha!e not gone ar enough yet to recogni(e this
act+ there the electrical nature o man is $osited% 9ou would ind it interesting
and hel$ul to search out such $assages% ;cience" howe!er" gi!es no $lace to the
electrical orce o the soul" which is steadily growing in $otency% A ew o the
scientists among the most ad!anced are beginning to do this% The ne#t ste$
ahead or science is the disco!ery o the soul" a disco!ery which will re!olutioni(e"
though not negate" the majority o their theories%
Indi!idual students might aid in this i they took some o the basic $ostulates o a
scientist whose researches a$$ealed to them" and endea!ored to disco!er in my
books" or instance" or in The &ecret Doctrine, those $aragra$hs which will throw
occult light u$on what he says" or which may negate his hy$othesis% Then they
would be growing -4?C/ and using the analytical mind as a bridging actor
between the world o human science and the occult sciences%
/n .ons and 0adiation
;cientists ha!e made statements to the eect that the air we breathe contains
electriied $articles $ositi!ely or negati!ely charged" and they are able to $roduce
artiicially electriied air+ that e!en an o$en lame in a ire$lace ioni(es the air+
that with suitable a$$aratus one may e#tract either the negati!e or the $ositi!e
ions" and that $atients e#$osed to the $ositi!ely electriied ions de!elo$ed
eelings o atigue" di((iness and headache" while i e#$osed to negati!ely
charged ions a eeling o e#hilaration was e#$erienced+ that $ositi!e ions
increased the blood $ressure and $roduced general discomort" and negati!e ions
lowered the $ressure and brought a eeling o comort and rela#ation%
The ,uestion arises whether the healerAs radiation has the eect o ioni(ing the
atmos$here surrounding the $atient% I must $oint out that to answer such a
,uestion accurately would necessitate two things1 the re!elation o one o the
mysteries or which mankind is not yet ready" and at the same time the gi!ing o
an answer which would be ,uite ine#$licable to you" or there is no terminology
ade,uate to the latent truth% In this truth is embodied the whole story o duality '
which is the story o the relation o the negati!e and $ositi!e as$ects o the li!ing
$rocess% >ertain things" howe!er" I can $oint out1
2% The negati!e and $ositi!e ions with which the scientist deals are etheric in
nature and" thereore" o the $hysical $lane% These unseen $articles o
substance which can only be traced through their eects and through
intererence with their acti!ities" are ra$idly mo!ing $articles in relation to
each other and" at the same time" -4@D/ are themsel!es aected by a
greater controlling actor which kee$s them so mo!ing%
.% In dealing with disease" the $atient can only truly be hel$ed when the
$ositi!e radiation o the healer o!ercomes the negati!e condition o the
Esoteric Healing
4% The radiation o the healer has to $ermeate and o!ercome the resistance
o the $atientAs disease ' not o the $atient" who may be mentally and
emotionally negati!e to the healer" and thereore in a $osition to be
hel$ed% This is done through the more $owerul radiation o the healer%
The magnetism o the healer is then brought into $lay and" consciously
and with intent" he can draw out and dis$erse those atoms o substance
which are the seat and source o the $atientAs discomort% A hint is here
gi!en o one o the uture $hysical $lane modes o dis$ersing a disease%
The $ower o directing deinitely the magnetic currents radiating rom a
source outside the $hysical body is not yet reali(ed" but it will embody one
o the new modes o healing%
The healing radiation" thereore" naturally aects the atmos$here around the
$atient% As yet" howe!er" that radiation is une!en and not rightly directed% ;ome
$eo$le radiate $hysical or animal magnetism+ others astral or mental magnetism+
still others radiate the energy o a ully integrated $ersonality% A ew radiate the
magnetism o the soul" the major attracti!e energy in all orms% In the uture the
true healer must work through the radiation o the entire $ersonality or o the
soul% I say 0or0 ad!isedly" or there are ew as yet who can work with soul energy"
but many who could work as integrated $ersonalities i they so desired% And when
a man has achie!ed this $ower to radiate" what about the $atient: How is he to
be brought into a condition wherein he will res$ond accurately to magnetic
radiation: I he is an astral ty$e" as are so many" will he be able to res$ond to
the magnetism o a mental healer: >an he be hel$ed by the radiation o such a
healer i he is himsel a ully integrated human being: I you say to me that >hrist
healed all ty$es" I would here suggest that I am not considering in this short
treatise the laws o healing as they are wielded by a Faster o the *isdom or by
an initiate% Fy book would otherwise be a utile eort% I am writing or interested
as$irants and or those who can heal on some le!el below that o the soul" but
who as yet know not how to do it% 3ater all this will be more ully elucidated%
/n 5i&ration
;ome students make demand that I deine what is the meaning o the word
0!ibration0 and state e#actly what a !ibration is% I I tell you that !ibration is an
illusion" as sensory $erce$tion is known by the soul to be" do you com$rehend
5limited as all human beings are by the reactions o a series o !ehicles" all o
them instruments o $erce$tion6: I I tell you that !ibratory reaction is due to our
$ossessing a mechanism which is res$onsi!e to im$act" I am answering your
,uestion in $art" but i this is true" what does it mean to you and rom whence
comes the im$act: I I gi!e you the scientiic deinition 5which you can disco!er in
any good te#tbook on light" color or sound6" I am doing work that you can do
yoursel" and or that I ha!e no time% In my books are se!eral deinitions o
!ibration" either by inerence or deined" and these you might search or" and
u$on them you might meditate% I I elucidated or you here the relation between
the ;el and the not';el" between awareness" that which is aware" and that o
which it is aware" I am co!ering ground which a careul study o the Eita would
aid you in com$rehending% -4@./
3et sim$licity be your guide and one'$ointed lo!e your major objecti!e% >hoose a
ield o ser!ice which has its deinite limits 5or all disci$les are limited and cannot
co!er a $lanetary range in their thoughts6" and work ' mentally and $hysically '
within those limits% The com$letion o some sel'a$$ointed task within the ield o
karmic limitation and o en!ironment where your destiny has cast you is all that is
Esoteric Healing
re,uired o you% *hat are you accom$lishing really at this time: 3et your ser!ice
lie within the ield o contact where you ind yoursel" and reach not out o!er the
entire $lanet% Is there any greater or more im$ortant task than to ulil your task
and carry it to com$letion in the $lace where you are and with your chosen
Belie!e me when I assure you that I am not seeking to e!ade answering any
,uestions" but i I can awaken you to the reali(ation o the necessity or 0s$iritual
limitation0 5as it is esoterically called when deining the career o a disci$le within
the limits o his task6 and bring to your attention the need or achie!ing the goal
you set yoursel when you started to work" I shall ha!e aided you ar more than i
I had deined !ibration or $ointed out to you just how much $rogress" through
what $rocess" you or others had made%
/n the 4uture %chools of Healing
These schools o healing are not to be de!elo$ed in the near uture" not beore
the close o this century% &nly the $re$aratory work is now being done" and the
stage set or uture unoldment% Things do not mo!e so ra$idly% There has to be a
growing synthesis o the techni,ues o such schools" which embody1
2% )sychological adjustments and healing"
.% Fagnetic healing" -4@4/
4% The best o the allo$athic and homeo$athic techni,ues" with which we
must not dis$ense"
7% ;urgical healing in its modern orms"
=% Electro'thera$eutics"
?% *ater'thera$y"
@% Healing by color and sound" and radiation"
B% )re!enti!e medicine"
C% The essential $ractices o osteo$athy and chiro$ractic"
2D% ;cientiic neurology and $sychiatry"
22% The cure o obsessions and mental diseases"
2.% The care o the eyes and ears"
24% <oice culture" which is a deinitely healing agency"
27% Fental and aith healing"
2=% ;oul alignment and contact"
and many other $rocesses and $rocedures which belong to the healing art% ;ome
o the more ancient schools" such as the allo$athic" call or a $rocess o
elimination in order to arri!e at the !ital and true contribution which they ha!e to
gi!e% &thers o a modern and tentati!e e#$erimental kind must be lited out o
the hands o the anatics+ or until anaticism with its blindness and lack o
intelligent synthesis dies out 5as it ine!itably will as the si#th ray recedes and the
)iscean Age $asses out6" the new schools cannot e#ist as they should+ there must
be a keener understanding o the underlying and undamental good in all the
schools and a better gras$ o the $rinci$les which underlie the true healing art"
beore the schools" reerred to in ,etters on *ccult Meditation, can come into
being% *hen" as is the case today" some healer or school lays the entire em$hasis
u$on some $atent cure'all and des$ises all other systems o diet or method" it
will not be $ossible to establish the true schools% -4@7/
The $eriod is coming in which we will $ass through a cycle in which we will garner
the ruit o the ages+ in which we will skim 5i I may so e#$ress it6 the cream o
the milk o human e#$erience+ and then" with the best that the $ast can coner
Esoteric Healing
u$on us" we will inaugurate those new enter$rises which will s$eed humanity
u$on its way% Among these new enter$rises the healing art will be the oremost"
because the most necessary%
*e shall ind that the work which is engaging our attention will all into three
categories+ these will work out se,uentially and not simultaneously%
2% The training in the $rinci$les o the healing art" as we
a% 3ay the oundation or later e#$ansion in the Hew Age%
b% ;eek to $reser!e that which is good and useul in the shit o the
em$hasis rom the outer e#ternal man to the more subtle etheric
and !ital body%
c% ;tudy this Treatise on the new healing which will meet with a
measure o res$onse" but which will only later enter into its true
useulness and mission%
.% 3ater" when a grou$ can unction together with im$ersonality as a unit and
with true inter$lay o lo!e" such a grou$ can then begin to do some
deinite healing work" taking some case" or instance" o known $hysical
illness" o obsession" or o mental diiculty and ' working under soul
direction or some initiated chela and in conormity with the teaching
outlined in this Treatise ' seek to cure and aid% The study o the art o
dying is also to attract your attention and later that o the world at large%
4% 8inally" there will come the orming o subsidiary grou$s to be taught and
de!elo$ed by the members o the $ioneer healing grou$s" under soul
instruction" or under -4@=/ that o some initiated chela% These subsidiary
grou$s will work under grou$ direction or the healing o $eo$le% This will
not be or some years yet" and not until the initiating grou$ 5or grou$s6
can work with a measure o success and the grou$ members ha!e an
intelligent gras$ o the techni,ue and $rinci$les in!ol!ed in healing% The
e#oteric de!elo$ments o the Hew Age healing will grow out o the abo!e%
There is no school in e#istence today which should be retained% All o them
embody some useul truth" $rinci$le or idea% I would $oint out that a synthetic
grou$ would still be a se$arati!e and se$arated entity" and no such grou$ is our
goal% It is the synthesis of the life and of the knowledge which is desirable, and
not a synthesis o $eo$le% There will be e!entually" let us ho$e" hundreds and
thousands o grou$s all o!er the world who will e#$ress this new attitude to
healing" who will be bound together by their common knowledge and aims" but
who will all e#$ress this to the best o their ability in their own $eculiar ield" in
their own $eculiar way and with their own $eculiar terminology% It is the
subjecti!e lie unity that is o interest to the teachers on the inner side o lie" and
the $roduction o a network o true healers all o!er the world%
A resh start is now being made% *e shall and do inherit the wonder o the $ast
ac,uired knowledges and the use o much o it will $ersist+ all that is needed is
the elimination o the undesirable and the misunderstood inter$retations o
known acts" and the misa$$lied inormation" also the cessation o selish interest"
inancial e#$loitation and greed% Fodern surgery" modern sanitary methods" and
modern medical science are ull o wonder and useulness% -4@?/
#etter to a %cientist
Fy brother1
Esoteric Healing
I ha!e a ew minutes to s$are this morning ater dictating to A%A%B% and will
attem$t to throw some orward light u$on the ,uestions which you ha!e $osited%
I do not" as you will note" say that I will answer the ,uestions%
The disco!eries o science are as yet inade,uate or the ulilment o the
$ro$hecies I made in A Treatise on the &e(en Rays. Towards the close o this
century and when the world situation has clariied and the $eriod o
reconstruction is drawing to a close" disco!eries will be made which will re!eal
some hitherto unreali(ed electrical $otencies% I know not what other word to use
or these electrical rays which will make their $resence elt and lead to
$ossibilities beyond the dreams o in!estigators today% The coming science o
electricity will be as dierent ne#t century as the modern usages o electricity
dier rom the understanding o the <ictorian scientist%
In connection with your ,uery anent the $hotogra$hy which concerns itsel with
de$arted souls" I would ad!ise you that understanding o $rocess will come rom
a study o the $hotogra$hing o thought'orms% A beginning was made in this
connection by the great 8rench scientist" dAArson!al" o )aris% A%A%B% can tell you
something o this i you do not already know% 3ight on the subject will come
through this" through the $erecting o the $lates o rece$tion and their greatly
increased sensiti!ity" and through the relating o electricity to $hotogra$hy% 9ou
may deem it well'nigh im$ossible to make $lates o much greater sensiti!ity than
those in use in the best e,ui$$ed laboratories% But this is not so% Along this line o
thought'$hotogra$hy and electrical e,ui$ment" will come the solution% It is the
thought o those on the other side" and their ability to $roject -4@@/ thought'
orms o themsel!es" $lus the $ro!iding o ade,uately sensiti!e $lates or their
e,ui!alent" which will mark a new era in so'called 0s$irit $hotogra$hy%0 )eo$le
re,uently are so $reoccu$ied with the tangible instrument on this side o the !eil
that they neglect the actor o what must be contributed rom the other side by
those who ha!e $assed o!er%
The work will be done rom there" with the material aid which as yet has not been
$ro!ided in the outer scientiic ield%
To bring this about" collaboration o a conscious medium 5not a trance medium"
but someone who is consciously clair!oyant and clairaudient6 will be re,uired%
There are many such growing u$ among the children o today" and the ne#t
generation ater them will $ro!ide still more% The se$arating !eil will disa$$ear
through the testimony o the thousands o those who can see $henomena and
hear sounds which lie outside the range o the tangible%
9ou say that the s$irits state that they cannot stand electricity% *hat is meant is
that they cannot stand electricity as it is at $resent a$$lied% This is an instance o
the inaccurate statements $assed on by ignorant mediums or by those who on
the other side ha!e no more understanding o the laws o electricity than they
$robably had in the $hysical body% There is nothing but electricity in
maniestation" the 0mystery o electricity0 to which H%)%B% reerred in The &ecret
Doctrine. E!erything in Hature is electrical in nature+ lie itsel is electricity" but all
that we ha!e contacted and used today is that which is only $hysical and related
to and inherent in the $hysical and etheric matter o all orms%
It must be remembered that the so'called 0s$irits0 are unctioning in the illusory
astral body" while ad!anced 0s$irits0 are only unctioning as minds" and can
thereore -4@B/ be reached solely by minds and in no other way% It will ne!er be
$ossible to $hotogra$h the mental !ehicle+ only the astral body will be susce$tible
o $hotogra$hing% The grosser the $erson in the body" desire and a$$etite" the
Esoteric Healing
more easily will he be $hotogra$hed ater $assing o!er 5i any one wants to
$hotogra$h himI6" and the more ad!anced the $erson" the more diicult it will be
to get a $hotogra$h%
As regards the use o radio as a means o communication with the 0s$irit world"0
the $resent electrical instruments are too slow in !ibratory acti!ity 5i I may use
such an unscientiic term6 to do the work+ i astrally clothed 0s$irits0 a$$roach
them" they are a$t to ha!e a shattering eect% 9et the irst demonstration o
e#istence ater death" in such a way that it can be registered u$on the $hysical
$lane" will come !ia the radio" because sound always $recedes !ision% Think on
this% Howe!er" no radio now e#ists which is suiciently sensiti!e to carry sound
wa!es rom the astral $lane%
8uture scientiic disco!eries" thereore" hold the secret% This is no e!asion on my
$art" but a sim$le statement o act% Electrical disco!ery is only in the initial stage
and all that we ha!e is sim$ly a $relude to the real disco!ery% The magic o the
radio would be com$letely unbelie!able to the man o the eighteenth century% The
disco!eries and de!elo$ments lying ahead in the twenty'irst century will be
e,ually unbelie!able to the man o this century% A great disco!ery in relation to
the use o light by the $ower and the directi!e agency o thought will come at the
end o this century or the beginning o the ne#t% Two small children ' one li!ing in
this country 5G%;%A%6 and one in India ' will work out a ormula along scientiic
lines which will ill in some o the e#isting ga$s in the scale o light !ibration"
carrying on rom the high re,uency rays and -4@C/ wa!es as you now ha!e
them% This will necessitate instruments hitherto undreamed o but really ,uite
$ossible% They will be so sensiti!e that they will be set in motion by the $ower o
the human eye under the ocused direction o thought% 8rom then on tangible
ra$$ort with the s$irit world will be $ossible% I cannot do more than gi!e you the
I am also handica$$ed by the com$lete ignorance o A%A%B% on these matters
which in!ol!e electrical knowledge and terms% There is no seed thought in her
mind on which I can work or rom which I can e#$and the idea% ;he can e#$lain
what I mean i you ask her to do so% But e!en i she had a training such as you
ha!e" I could not e#$lain clearly" as the disco!ery must irst be made" and this
will re!olutioni(e all $resent ideas" e!en whilst growing out o them% An ordinary
treatise on electricity such as is studied by electrical engineers would ha!e been
com$letely incom$rehensible to e!en the most highly educated man two hundred
years ago" or e!en one hundred" and so it is now% In the meantime" work with
thought $hotogra$hy as a $relude to the coming science" or out o that and the
gradual de!elo$ment o more sensiti!e modes o registering and recording subtle
$henomena will come the new idea and $ossibilities% Does it mean anything to
you when I say that electricity and $hotogra$hy are closely related because the
human being is electrical in origin and nature: This must be demonstrated on the
$hysical $lane by the aid o the needed sensiti!e a$$aratus%
8ebruary 2C77 -4BD/
Esoteric Healing
Part Two
The Basic 0e;uirements for Healing
*e are now entering u$on a new section o our discussion on the Rays and
Disease% It is essentially ar more $ractical in sco$e than the highly s$eculati!e
section 5s$eculati!e to all o you6 which we ha!e just concluded% Fuch that I ha!e
there told you is" or you" in the nature o ,uestionable truth 5using this word
0,uestionable0 in its real sense+ i%e%" as $romoting ,uestions6% 8or the most
intuiti!e o you" it was at its best a 0$ossibly accurate0 hy$othesis% I would here
ask you to note this $hrasing" $arado#ical as it may a$$ear% 9ou ha!e no direct
means o knowing how true it may be% A great deal o the mystery o lie and o
li!ing will clariy as more and more as$irants in the world begin to unction
consciously in the realm o causes% There is no ,uestioning in the Hierarchy"
e#ce$t u$on those matters which touch u$on the un$redictable nature o human
reactions% E!en in connection with the uncertain acti!ities o mankind" the
Fasters can usually gauge what will occur" but esoterically They reuse 0to $onder
on the energies released u$on the $lane o earthly li!ing" or ear that counter'
energies" issuing rom the >enter where They dwell may negate the truth o
manAs ree will%0 I am here ,uoting one o the Fasters" s$eaking at a conerence
held in 2@.=% -4B2/
*hat I ha!e told you in the $re!ious section is to me un,uestionable truth and
actually $ro!en+ to you it may be an ade,uate hy$othesis or a ,uestionable and
non'acce$table inter$retation o the underlying causes o disease%
Behind humanity lies a !ery ancient $ast" wherein so'called sins and errors"
wrongdoing and wrong attitudes ha!e $iled u$ a !ery hea!y karma which
5ortunately or the race o menI6 is being ra$idly worked o at this time% The
immense interest in disease which is dis$layed today" the ocusing o all the
resources o medical and surgical science on behal o the ighting orces '
5resources later to be mobili(ed in aid o the ci!ilian $o$ulations o the de!astated
countries in both hemis$heres6 ' the wides$read research being carried on in our
hos$itals and centers o learning" and the ra$id disco!eries o science" $lus a
steady trend towards a much needed sim$liication" will beore long bring about
major changes in the a$$roach to disease%% These will lead to the eradication o
many o the dreaded inherited diseases%
The ins$iration and inlow o occult knowledge" !ia the disci$les and initiates o
the world" will bring about many alterations in techni,ue+ the coming re!elation
o new" yet most sim$le" laws o health" and the blending which will ine!itably
come o orthodo# medicine" $sychology and s$iritual methods o healing" will
$roduce an entirely new a$$roach to the entire subject+ the increasing use o fire
as a means o $uriication 5both in relation to the soil o the $lanet and to the
human rame6 will do much% & this" the techni,ue o inducing e!er as a means
o curing certain orms o disease" and the method 5re,uently em$loyed by
nature6 o subjecting large areas o the soil to the im$act o ire" will be
de!elo$ed into a new and most hel$ul science% This" howe!er" will come later% I
indicate sim$ly aint trends in that direction% Fan stands ' in all ields o -4B./
knowledge ' at a clima#ing $oint+ this has been induced by the ra$id unoldment
o the human consciousness" and it $reaces a great e#$ansion o the
understanding and a new insight into the conditioning causes which are
res$onsible or much that today distresses manAs $hysical body%
Esoteric Healing
The new learning and the coming knowledge will arise as a result o an awakening
intuition" o the $resence u$on earth o a !ery great number o ad!anced and
de!elo$ed souls" and the coming o the Hierarchy and Humanity into a closer
relationshi$% The blending 5slowly going orward6 o the energies o those two
$lanetary centers will bring about major changes and unoldments" and this not
only in the $erce$ti!e aculties o man but in the $hysical mechanism also% There
will be a much greater resistance to the indigenous and inherited diseases and a
real ability to resist inections+ this will eliminate much $ain and suering% The
reduction o the sum o human karma through the e#$erience o this $lanetary
war 52C27'2C7=6 will enable the souls seeking incarnation to create bodies ree
rom tendencies to morbid de!elo$ments% The Fasters are entirely ree rom
disease because they ha!e entirely o!ercome the karma o the three worlds and
are liberated%
The ability ' de!elo$ed during the $ast ity years ' to co$e with the planetary
disease of tuberculosis will, when e#tended into the densely $o$ulated areas o
the &rient and to districts suering hitherto rom inade,uate medical attention"
stam$ it out altogether% The syphilitic diseases are already being brought under
ra$id control through the use o the newly disco!ered drugs" though these are
regarded as ameliorati!es only by the Fasters" and as su$ericial in time and
s$ace% ;uch diseases will be slowly and correctly stam$ed out in toto as humanity
shits its consciousness on to the mental $lane and away rom the ield o astral
and se#ual desire with their rele# action u$on -4B4/ the automatic and
res$onsi!e $hysical body% The third great planetary disease, cancer, is as yet
basically uncontrollable" and the relati!e sim$licity o surgery seems at $resent
the only mode o $ossible cure% The mode o $re!enting the occurrence o cancer
and the nature o its cause are still unknown" and the entire ield is largely
s$eculati!e and still subject to ininite research and in!estigation% Fany minor
ailments" inections and a wide range o allied $hysical ills will e!entually be ound
traceable to one or other o these three basic diseases+ they" in their turn" are
related to a deinite misuse o the energy o the three major rays% It might be
stated that1
2% The sy$hilitic diseases are due to the misuse o third ray energy" that o
the creati!e" intelligent energy o substance itsel%
.% Tuberculosis is the result o the misuse o the energy o the second ray%
4% >ancer is a mysterious and subtle reaction to the energy o the irst ray"
the will'to'li!e" which is one o the as$ects o this ray% It works out"
thereore" in an o!er'acti!ity and growth o the body cells whose will'to'
li!e becomes destructi!e to the organism in which they are to be ound%
I ha!e here only gi!en you a hint" and one that is not o wide useulness at this
time% A great deal o occult research remains to be done by the medical
$roession along these lines" but this will only be $ossible when the ;cience o the
Rays is better understood and when the e!idence substantiating the $resence o
i!e basic energies in e!ery human being 5the energies o his i!e conditioning
rays6 can be ascertained+ men will learn some day to determine with ease their
ray ty$e" and the rays which go!ern their threeold $ersonality% -4B7/
Along e!ery line o manAs e#$anding understanding" the o$$ortunity or that
which is new to make entrance and control is becoming increasingly e!ident% The
door o ad!enture 5in its highest sense6 stands wide o$en" and nothing yet has
e!er succeeded in sto$$ing humanity rom $assing through that door+ down the
ages man has $assed through its $ortals and has entered into new and richer
realms o in!estigation" o disco!ery and o subse,uent $ractical a$$lication%
Esoteric Healing
Today" the door which is o$ening will admit man into a world o meaning ' a
world which is the antechamber to the world o causes% Eect+ Feaning+ >ause%
In these three words you ha!e the key to the growth o manAs consciousness%
Fost men li!e today in the world o eects" and ha!e no idea that they are
eects% ;ome ew are now beginning to li!e in the world o meaning" whilst
disci$les and those unctioning in the world o the Hierarchy are aware" or are
steadily becoming aware" o the causes which $roduce the eects which meaning
re!eals% It is or this reason that we can now start considering the basic
re,uirements which man must meet beore he can mo!e orward along the $ath
o uture enlightenment% This enlightenment will most necessarily remo!e all ear
o death and deal with that subject which has or so long a time dri!en humanity
into the de$ths o des$air and o ear% I reer also to the re,uired attitudes which
those seeking healing" the surmounting o disease and the cure o bodily ills"
must reali(e" and with which they must co$e" $rinci$ally along mental lines%
These re,uirements will e!oke the mental attention o both the healing agency
and the $atient% They ha!e reerence also to man as a whole%
It has generally been surmised that the main $rere,uisite to the art o healing is
aith% But this is not so% 8aith has little to do with it% Healing is de$endent u$on
-4B=/ certain !ital and basic actors into which aith enters not at all% The eort o
the $atient to achie!e aith is re,uently a great detriment to his reedom rom
the diiculties which lie between him and com$lete healing% *hen >hrist so
re,uently em$hasi(ed aith 5or rather that ,uality which is translated as aith in
our *estern ;cri$tures6 He reerred in reality to acce$tance o law" to a
recognition abo!e all o karma" and to a knowledge o di!ine destiny% This" i
gras$ed" will bring about a new attitude both to Eod and to circumstance% The
$rere,uisites which I would like to em$hasi(e might be enumerated as ollows1
2% A recognition o the great 3aw o >ause and Eect" i $ossible% This is not
always $ossible when dealing with the totally unenlightened%
.% >orrect diagnosis o the disease by a com$etent $hysician" and later by a
s$iritual clair!oyant" when that ca$acity is de!elo$ed by the initiate healer%
4% A belie in the law o immediate Karma% By that I mean an ability on the
$art o the $atient or o the healer to know whether it is the destiny o the
$atient to be healed or else be hel$ed to make the great transition%
7% A willingness to recogni(e that healing might be detrimental and basically
undesirable rom the stand$oint o the soul% )eo$le are sometimes healed
by the $otency o the healer when it is not their destiny to resume acti!e
$hysical $lane li!ing%
=% The acti!e coo$eration o healer and $atient ' a coo$eration based u$on
mutual understanding%
?% A determined ac,uiescence on the $art o the $atient to acce$t whate!er
may be the demonstrated will o the soul% It might be called an e#$ression
o di!ine indierence% -4B?/
@% An eort u$on the $art o both healer and $atient to e#$ress com$lete
harmlessness% The !alue o this will re$ay careul thought% This has
basically a reerence to the relation o both $arties to their associates%
B% An eort on the $art o the $atient 5unless too ill6 to adjust and $ut right
those as$ects o the nature and those characteristics which might militate
against the right s$iritual $erce$tion% This is one o the meanings hidden in
the $hrase" the 0work o restitution"0 though not the most im$ortant
C% The deliberate eliminating o ,ualities" lines o thought and o desires
which could hinder the inlow o s$iritual orce ' a orce which might
integrate the soul more closely with the body in the three worlds and
inaugurate a renewed lie'e#$ression" or which might integrate the soul
Esoteric Healing
with its emanating source and initiate renewed lie on soul le!els% This"
thereore" aects the relation o the $atient to his soul%
2D% The ca$acity o both healer and $atient to integrate into the soul grou$
with which they are subjecti!ely ailiated" to integrate in other cases both
$ersonality and soul" and" i they are at a needed $oint o de!elo$ment"
both to integrate more closely into the FasterAs ashramic grou$%
These ten re,uirements may a$$ear sim$le but are not so by any means%
;u$ericially" they may a$$ear to deal with character and ,uality and ca$acity+
undamentally" they concern the relation o soul and body" and deal with
integration or abstraction% The objecti!e underlying them in any case is to set u$
an unbroken ra$$ort between the healer -4B@/ or the healing grou$ and the
$atient who is recei!ing the scientiic attention o the healing agent ' grou$ or
&ne o the irst things that any healing agent will ha!e to do will be the drawing
u$ o a sim$le outline o instruction which should go!ern the attitude o the one
to be healed% These instructions must be sim$le" because where real illness is
$resent it is not $ossible or the $atient to make the sim$lest $hysical eort in
order to institute any changed attitude% This is ot orgotten%
There are one or two things which I would like to make clear and which you must"
in your turn" make clear to the $atient%
2% >ure is not guaranteed% )atients must reali(e that continuance o lie in
the $hysical body is not the highest $ossible goal% It may be so i the
ser!ice to be rendered is o real im$ort" i obligations remain still to be
carried out" and i other lessons must still be learned% Bodily e#istence is
not" howe!er" the summum bonum o e#istence% 8reedom rom the
limitations o the $hysical body is o real beneicence% )atients must learn
to recogni(e and acce$t the 3aw o Karma%
.% 8ear is needless% &ne o the irst objecti!es o the healing agent should be
to aid the $atient to achie!e a ha$$y" sane" e#$ectant outlook u$on his
uture ' no matter what that uture may bring%
It will be ob!ious too that there lies beore you the o$$ortunity to bring a new
attitude to the whole $roblem o disease and healing and to train humanity in a
better and ha$$ier sense o $ro$ortion where disease and health are concerned%
It will also be ob!ious to you that the word 0restitution0 concerns the high art o
restoring to the $atient that which he needs in order correctly to ace lie ' lie in
a $hysical body and on the $hysical $lane or the continuity o lie on the other
le!els" unseen by the a!erage man and regarded as $roblematical and intangible%
Restitution may also in!ol!e the righting o wrongs by the $atient" $rior to
recei!ing what he will regard as successul treatment" but it $rimarily concerns
the eect o the healing grou$ when it irst establishes contact with the one to be
healed% This must not be orgotten% ;ometimes" when the $atientAs karma
indicates it" the will'to'li!e must be restored to him+ in other cases" the rejection
o ear 5ear o lie or ear o death6 must be induced" bringing with it the
restoration o courage+ the restoration o an airmati!e attitude in all
circumstances may be the ,uality needed" bringing with it the restitution o the
willingness to take" with understanding and with joy" whate!er the uture may
bring+ it may also in!ol!e the restitution o harmonious relations with the
$atientAs surroundings" with amily and riends" and the conse,uent result o
Esoteric Healing
renewed correct adjustments" an u$rising o a s$irit o lo!e and the negation o
what may ha!e been dee$ seated wrong thinking%
It will be a$$arent to you" thereore" that the $rocess o ollowing a healing ritual
is only one $hase o the work to be done" and that the relation o healer and
$atient is basically an educational one+ it must be an education tem$ered by the
$hysical condition o the sick $erson% 9ou will ind" as you work along these lines"
that it will be necessary to ha!e short e#$ositions o the work to be done" o the
restitutions which the $atient must be $re$ared to make in order to acilitate the
inlow o the healing orce% He must be induced to 0clean the slate0 5i I may use
such a symbolic -4BC/ $hrase6 i the work o healing is to be successul under the
3aw o Karma%
This $hase o the $re$aratory work is not easy% *ith $atients who may be
grie!ously ill" it may not be $ossible% It will be ound by all healing agencies that
when working with those who are s$iritually'minded and those whose li!es ha!e
or a long time been based u$on right eort and a correct 0rendering unto >aesar
the things which are >aesarAs and unto Eod the things which are EodAs"0 that the
work o healing will be greatly accelerated or" on the other hand" that the task o
smoothing the way through the gates o death will be greatly sim$liied% Ater all"
death is in itsel a work o restitution% It in!ol!es the work o rendering back o
substance to the three worlds o substance" and doing it willingly and gladly+ it
in!ol!es also the restoration o the human soul to the soul rom whence it
emanated" and doing this in the joy o reabsor$tion% 9ou must all learn to look
u$on death as an act o restitution+ when you can do this it will take on new light
and true meaning and become an integral $art ' recogni(ed and desired ' o a
constant li!ing $rocess%
I I were asked to say what is the major task o all healing grou$s" such as the
Hierarchy seeks to see unctioning in the uture" I would say it is to $re$are
human beings or what we should regard as the restorati!e as$ect o death" and
thus gi!e to that hitherto dreaded enemy o mankind a new and ha$$ier
signiicance% 9ou will ind that i you work along these indicated lines o thought"
the entire theme o death will constantly recur" and that the result o this will be
new attitudes to dying and the inculcation o a ha$$y e#$ectancy where that
ine!itable and most amiliar e!ent occurs% Healing grou$s must $re$are to deal
with this basic condition o all li!ing" and a major $art o their work will be the
elucidating o the $rinci$le o death% The -4CD/ soul" we are told" must return to
the one who ga!e it% To date that has been an enorced and dreaded restitution"
one which engenders ear and which leads men and women e!erywhere to clamor
or the healing o the $hysical body" o!er'em$hasi(ing its im$ortance and making
them regard the $rolongation o earthly e#istence as the most im$ortant actor in
their li!es% During the ne#t cycle" these wrong attitudes must come to an end+
death will become a normal and understood $rocess ' as normal as the $rocess o
birth" though e!oking less $ain and ear% This comment o mine is in the nature o
a $ro$hecy and should be noted as such%
I would" thereore" enjoin u$on you the elementary act that any healing grou$
seeking to work along the new lines must 5as a $reliminary eort6 seek to
understand something about the actor o death to which is gi!en the a$$ellation
o 0the great restorati!e $rocess0 or 0the great restitution%0 It concerns the art o
wisely" correctly and with due timing" gi!ing back the body to the source o its
constituent elements and o restoring the soul to the source o its essential being%
I am wording this with care because I seek to ha!e you $onder most careully
and sanely u$on the so'called enigma o death% It is an enigma to man" but not
an enigma to disci$les and knowers o the wisdom%
Esoteric Healing
Healing grou$s and indi!idual healers will ind it necessary at times to conront
their $atients with the act o death+ one o the undertakings o disci$les in my
Ashram and in the Ashram o the Faster K%H% is to interject the theme o death
into their con!ersation with other seekers or truth" into their thinking and into
their discussions with each other" and $articularly with those they seek to heal% It
will not be easy and it must not be done in a $reci$itate manner" but it is a
subject which cannot and must not be a!oided or e!aded% Healing grou$s working
out rom an Ashram lay not the em$hasis u$on bodily healing" but u$on -4C2/
timing and u$on the cycles o work or o $hysical $lane li!ing" and the cycles o
restitution or $hysical $lane death%
This entire section with which we are now engaged" called The Basic
Re,uirements" has reerence in reality to the $rocesses o dying" to the conditions
o the material world or the three worlds o incarnated ser!ice% The restitution o
the body to the general reser!oir o substance" or to ser!ice in the outer world o
daily $hysical li!ing" the restoration o the soul to its source" the soul u$on its
own $lane or ' in re!erse ' to ull res$onsibility within the body" are dealt with in
this irst $oint% The elimination o the lie $rinci$le and the consciousness as$ect
is dealt with in the second $oint" and the theme is not that o character building"
as some might surmise% I touched u$on character and $ersonal ,ualities in my
o$ening remarks in this section because all true understanding o the basic
$rinci$les o death and lie is acilitated by right action" based on right thinking"
which e!entuates in right character building% I seek not" howe!er" to enlarge
u$on these elementary $rere,uisites% The $rocesses o integration as I seek to
consider them here concern the integration o the soul into the threeold body" i
karma so decides" or into the kingdom o souls" i karma decrees that what we
call death lies ahead o the man%
*e are thereore considering" in this second section" the $roblem o death or the
art o dying% This is something which all seriously ill $eo$le must ine!itably ace"
and or which those in good health should $re$are themsel!es through correct
thinking and sane antici$ation% The morbid attitude o the majority o men to the
subject o death" and their reusal to consider it when in good health" is
something which must be altered and deliberately changed% >hrist demonstrated
to His disci$les the correct attitude when reerring to His coming and immediate
decease at the hand -4C./ o His enemies+ He chided them when they e!idenced
sorrow" reminding them that He was going to His 8ather% Being an initiate o high
degree" He meant that He was" occultly s$eaking" 0making restitution to the
Fonad0+ ordinary $eo$le and those below the grade o an initiate o the third
degree make 0restitution to the soul%0 The ear and the morbidness which the
subject o death usually e!okes" and the unwillingness to ace it with
understanding are due to the em$hasis which $eo$le lay u$on the act o the
$hysical body and the acility with which they identiy themsel!es with it+ it is
based also u$on an innate ear o loneliness and the loss o the amiliar% 9et the
loneliness which e!entuates ater death" when the man inds himsel without a
$hysical !ehicle" is as nothing com$ared to the loneliness o birth% At birth" the
soul inds itsel in new surroundings and immersed in a body which is at irst
totally incom$etent to take care o itsel or to establish intelligent contact with
surrounding conditions or a long $eriod o time% The man comes into incarnation
with no recollection as to the identity or the signiicance to him o the grou$ o
souls in bodies with which he inds himsel in relationshi$+ this loneliness only
disa$$ears gradually as he makes his own $ersonality contacts" disco!ers those
who are congenial to him and e!entually gathers around him those whom he calls
his riends% Ater death this is not so" or the man inds on the other side o the
!eil those whom he knows and who ha!e been connected with him in $hysical
$lane lie" and he is ne!er alone as human beings understand loneliness+ he is
also conscious o those still in $hysical bodies+ he can see them" he can tune in
Esoteric Healing
on their emotions" and also u$on their thinking" or the $hysical brain" being non'
e#istent" no longer acts as a deterrent% I $eo$le but knew more" birth would be
the e#$erience which they would dread" and not -4C4/ death" or birth establishes
the soul in the true $rison" and $hysical death is only the irst ste$ towards
Another ear which induces mankind to regard death as a calamity is one which
theological religion has inculcated" $articularly the )rotestant undamentalists and
the Roman >atholic >hurch ' the ear o hell" the im$osition o $enalties" usually
out o all $ro$ortion to the errors o a lietime" and the terrors im$osed by an
angry Eod% To these man is told he will ha!e to submit" and rom them there is
no esca$e" e#ce$t through the !icarious at'one'ment% There is" as you well know"
no angry Eod" no hell" and no !icarious at'one'ment% There is only a great
$rinci$le o lo!e animating the entire uni!erse+ there is the )resence o the
>hrist" indicating to humanity the act o the soul and that we are sa!ed by the
li!ingness o that soul" and the only hell is the earth itsel" where we learn to
work out our own sal!ation" actuated by the $rinci$le o lo!e and light" and
incited thereto by the e#am$le o the >hrist and the inner urge o our own souls%
This teaching anent hell is a remainder o the sadistic turn which was gi!en to the
thinking o the >hristian >hurch in the Fiddle Ages and to the erroneous teaching
to be ound in the &ld Testament anent Jeho!ah" the tribal Eod o the Jews%
Jeho!ah is not Eod" the $lanetary 3ogos" the Eternal Heart o 3o!e *hom >hrist
re!ealed% As these erroneous ideas die out" the conce$t o hell will ade rom
manAs recollection and its $lace will be taken by an understanding o the law
which makes each man work out his own sal!ation u$on the $hysical $lane" which
leads him to right the wrongs which he may ha!e $er$etrated in his li!es on
Earth" and which enables him e!entually to 0clean his own slate%0
I seek not here to im$ose u$on you a theological discussion% I seek only to $oint
out that the $resent ear o death must gi!e $lace to an intelligent com$rehension
o the reality -4C7/ and to the substitution o a conce$t o continuity which will
negate disturbance" and em$hasi(e the idea o one lie and one conscious Entity
in many e#$eriencing bodies%
It might be stated" in order to sum u$ my general $ro$osition" that the ear and
horror o death is ounded u$on the lo!e o orm ' our own orm" the orms o
those we lo!e and the orm o our amiliar surroundings and en!ironment% 9et
this ty$e o lo!e runs counter to all our teaching anent the s$iritual realities% The
ho$e o the uture" and the ho$e o our release rom this ill'ounded ear" lie in
the shiting o our em$hasis to the act o the eternal soul and to the necessity or
that soul to li!e s$iritually" constructi!ely and di!inely within the material
!ehicles% Into this conce$t again enters the thought o restitution% *rong
conce$ts are thereore orgotten+ the idea o elimination also enters in so that
right ocus is attained% Integration demands consideration" so that absor$tion in
the lie o the soul will take the $lace o absor$tion in the lie o the body% ;orrow"
loneliness" unha$$iness" decay" loss ' all these are ideas which must disa$$ear as
the common reaction to the act o death also !anishes% As men learn to li!e
consciously as souls" as they also learn to ocus themsel!es on soul le!els and
begin to regard the orm or orms as sim$ly modes o e#$ression" all the old
sorrowul ideas anent death will gradually disa$$ear" and a new and more joyul
a$$roach to that great e#$erience will take their $lace%
9ou will note that the !arious words I ha!e chosen in considering the basic
re,uirements ha!e been so chosen or their s$eciic meanings1
2% The "ork of Restitution signiies the returning o the orm to the basic
reser!oir o substance+ or o the soul" the di!ine s$iritual energy" returning
Esoteric Healing
to its source ' either on soul or monadic le!els" according to the $oint
-4C=/ in e!olution% This restitution is $redominantly the work o the human
soul within the $hysical body and in!ol!es both the heart and the head
.% The Art of 2limination. This reers to two acti!ities o the inner s$iritual
man+ i%e%" the elimination o all control by the threeold lower man" and
the $rocess o reocusing itsel u$on the concrete le!els o the mental
$lane as a $oint o radiant light% This concerns $rimarily the human soul%
4% The rocesses of Integration. These deal with the work o the liberated
s$iritual man as he blends with the soul 5the o!ersoul6 u$on the higher
le!els o the mental $lane% The $art returns to the whole" and the man
com$rehends the true meaning o the words o Krishna" 0Ha!ing $er!aded
this whole uni!erse with a ragment o mysel" I remain%0 He" too" the
conscious e#$eriencing ragment which has $er!aded the little uni!erse o
the orm in the three worlds" still remains% He knows himsel to be a $art
o the whole%
These three $rocesses are Death%
It will be ob!ious to you that when humanity attains this outlook u$on the act o
death or the art o dying" the entire attitude o the race o men will undergo
beneicent change% This will be $aralleled" as time ela$ses" by a ra$$ort between
men u$on tele$athic le!els+ men will be steadily growing in intelligence" and
humanity will be increasingly ocused u$on mental le!els% This tele$athic ra$$ort
will be a common and ordinary $henomenon o which modern s$iritualism is the
guarantee" though the distortion 5and a !ery serious distortion6 is largely based
on humanityAs wishul thinking" with !ery little true tele$athy to be ound in it%
The tele$athy which is $resent today between the -4C?/ medium 5in or out o
trance6 and the berea!ed relati!e or riend is not between the one who has
e#$erienced the release o death and the one who is still in orm% This should be
remembered% In the interim where mind is not normally tele$athic" there may be
5though there !ery seldom is6 the inter$osition o a mediumshi$ based u$on
clair!oyance and clairaudience" but not u$on trance% This will still necessitate a
contact !ia a third $arty" and will be entirely astral+ it will thereore be ull o
glamor and error% It will" howe!er" be a ste$ orward rom the $resent
mediumistic $erormances which sim$ly ignore the man who is dead and gi!e to
the en,uirer only what the medium reads in his aura ' his recollection o the
$ersonal a$$earance" signiicant remembrances stored in the en,uirerAs
consciousness" and wishul thinking anent ad!ice demanded because the en,uirer
belie!es that because a man is dead he must be more wise than heretoore%
*hen the medium at times succeeds in establishing true communication" it is
because the en,uirer and the dead $erson are mental ty$es" and there is
thereore a true tele$athic ra$$ort between them which the medium interce$ts%
The race is $rogressing" de!elo$ing and becoming increasingly mental% The
relation between the dead and the li!ing must and will be u$on mental le!els"
$rior to the $rocesses o integration+ the true se!erance o communication will
come when the human soul is reabsorbed into the o!ersoul" $rior to again
reincarnating% The act o communication u$ to that time will" howe!er"
com$letely destroy the ear o death% In the case o disci$les working in a
FasterAs Ashram" e!en this $rocess o integration will constitute no barrier% In the
ne#t ew $ages I will gi!e some teaching on what might be called the art o dying
and so e#$and what I said in A Treatise on "hite Magic. -4C@/
Esoteric Healing
Present Attitudes to Death
I undertook to take u$ with you the $rocesses o dying and to consider a little
more ully the actor o death ' the most amiliar e#$erience 5could the $hysical
brain but recall it and reali(e it6 in the lie o the reincarnating entity or soul% 3et
me make some comments as to the attitude o man to the e#$erience o
0restitution%0 This is a $eculiarly occult word" largely used by the initiate when
s$eaking o death% The outstanding attitude associated with death is one o ear%
This ear is based u$on the ' at $resent ' mental uncertainty as to the act o
immortality% Beyond the $ro!en act o some orm o sur!i!al" established by the
$sychical research grou$s" immortality or the $ermanent e#istence o what we
usually mean when we s$eak o the 0I0 remains as yet in the realm o wishul
thinking or o belie% This belie can be ounded on >hristian $remises" u$on
religious airmation based on rationali(ing the matter" and on the more scientiic
a$$roach which argues that economic necessity re,uires that that which has been
so long in e!ol!ing and which is the culminating result o the e!olutionary $rocess
cannot be lost% It is interesting to note that there is no e!idence u$on our $lanet
o any higher e!olutionary $roduct than that o the human kingdom+ e!en or the
materialistic thinker" the uni,ueness o man is to be ound in his !arious stages o
consciousness and in his ca$acity to $resent or in!estigation all stages o
consciousness" rom that o the illiterate sa!age" through all the intermediate
stages o mental eecti!eness u$ to the most ad!anced thinkers and geniuses"
ca$able o creati!e art" scientiic disco!ery and s$iritual $erce$tion%
)utting it !ery sim$ly" the ,uestion which the theme o death arouses is1 *here
is the 0I"0 the occu$ying tenant o the body" when that body is relin,uished and
disintegrates: Is there" in the last analysis" an occu$ying tenant: -4CB/
Human history records the endless search or assurance u$on this subject+ this
search culminates today in the numerous societies which are occu$ying
themsel!es with the attem$t to $ro!e immortality and to $enetrate into those
astnesses o the s$irit which a$$arently gi!e sanctuary to that 0I0 which has
been the actor on the $hysical $lane and which has hitherto baled the most
earnest seeker% The incenti!e o ear lies behind this rantic search+ it is an
unortunate act that the majority o the $eo$le 5a$art rom a ew enlightened
scientists and similar intelligent seekers6 who engage in the usually ,uestionable
techni,ues o the seance room" are emotional ty$es" easily con!inced and only
too ready to acce$t as e!idence that which the more intelligent seeker would
immediately re$udiate%
3et me here make my $osition clear as regards the great s$iritualistic mo!ement
which has done so much in the $ast to $ro!e the act o sur!i!al" and which has
also" in certain o its $hases" done so much to mislead and decei!e mankind%
Gnder this general term" I class also the !arious $sychical research grou$s and
e#em$t all sincere scientiic work% Hone o these grou$s has as yet $ro!en their
case% The mystery and the oolishness o the a!erage seance room" and the work
o the mediums" ha!e ne!ertheless demonstrated the $resence o an ine#$licable
actor+ the laboratories o the scientiic research worker ha!e scarcely $ro!ed
e!en that% 8or e!ery case o the deinitely acce$table a$$earance o a discarnate
$erson there are thousands o cases which can be e#$lained u$on the grounds o
gullibility" tele$athic ra$$ort 5with the berea!ed $erson" but not with anyone who
has $assed o!er6" the seeing o thought'orms by the clair!oyant and the hearing
o !oices by the clairaudient" and also by trickery% Hote that I reer to 0acce$table
a$$earances0 o a returning s$irit% There is enough e!idence to warrant belie in
sur!i!al and to $ro!e its actual nature% G$on the grounds o the ine#$licable
$henomena -4CC/ o contact with the su$$osedly dead which ha!e been noted"
Esoteric Healing
in!estigated and $ro!en" and u$on the character o the men who testiy to the
act o these $henomena" we can airm that something" sur!i!es the 0restitution0
o the material body to the eternal reser!oir o substance% It is on this $remise
that we $roceed%
Today the $henomenon o death is becoming increasingly amiliar% The world war
has launched millions o men and women ' ci!ilians and those in the !arious
branches o the armed orces o all the nations ' into that unknown world which
recei!es all those who discard the $hysical orm% >onditions are at this time such
that in s$ite o the ancient and dee$ seated ear o death" there is emerging in
the consciousness o mankind the reali(ation that there are many worse things
than death+ men ha!e come to know that star!ation" mutilation" $ermanent
$hysical inca$acity" mental disability as the result o war and the strain o war"
the obser!ation o $ain and agony which cannot be relie!ed" are indeed worse
than death+ also" many know and belie!e 5or such is the glory o the human
s$irit6 that the relin,uishing o the !alues or which men ha!e ought and died
down the ages and which are deemed essential to the lie o the ree human s$irit
is o greater signiicance than the $rocess o death% This attitude" characteristic o
the sensiti!e and the right thinking $eo$le at this time" is now emerging u$on a
large scale% This means the recognition" alongside o the ancient ear" o an
uncon,uerable ho$e o better conditions to be ound elsewhere" and this need not
necessarily be wishul thinking but an indication o a latent subjecti!e knowledge"
slowly coming to the surace% ;omething is on its way as a result o human
distress and human thinking+ this is today sensed+ this act will be later
demonstrated% &$$osing this inner conidence and subjecti!e reali(ation are old
habits o thought" the de!elo$ed materialistic attitude -7DD/ o the $resent" the
ear o dece$tion" and the antagonism o both the scientist and the religious man
or churchman% The ormer rightly reuses to belie!e that which remains still
un$ro!en and seems also not to be susce$tible o $roo" whilst religious grou$s
and organi(ations ha!e no conidence in any $resentation o truth which they
ha!e not ormulated in their own terms% This lays an undue em$hasis u$on belie
and thus stultiies all enthusiastic in!estigation% The disco!ery o the fact o
immortality will come rom the $eo$le+ it will e!entually then be acce$ted by the
churches and $ro!en by science" but this not until the atermath o the war is
o!er and this $lanetary disturbance has subsided%
The $roblem o death" needless to say" is ounded u$on the lo!e o lie which is
the dee$est instinct in human nature% The determination that nothing is lost
under di!ine law is a recognition o science+ eternal $ersistence in some orm or
another is uni!ersally held to be a truth% &ut o the welter o theories" three
major solutions ha!e been $ro$osed+ these are well known to all thinking $eo$le%
They are1
2% The strictly materialistic solution, which $osits the e#$erience and
e#$ression o conscious lie as long as the $hysical" tangible orm e#ists
and $ersists" but also teaches that ater death and the subse,uent
disintegration o the body there is no longer any conscious" unctioning"
sel'identiied $erson% The sense o the 0I"0 the awareness o a $ersonality
in contradistinction to all other $ersonalities" !anishes with the
disa$$earance o the orm+ $ersonality is belie!ed to be only the sumtotal
o the consciousness o the cells in the body% This theory relegates man to
the same state as any o the other orms in the three other kingdoms in
nature+ -7D2/ it is based on the non'sensiti!ity o the a!erage human
being to lie" withdrawn rom a tangible !ehicle+ it ignores all e!idence to
the contrary and says that because we cannot see 5!isually6 and $ro!e
5tangibly6 the $ersistence o the 0I0 or the immortal entity ater death" it is
non'e#istent% This theory is not held by so many as it was in earlier years"
$articularly during the materialistic <ictorian age%
Esoteric Healing
.% The theory of conditional immortality. This theory is still held by certain
undamentalist and theologically narrow schools o thought and also by a
ew o the intelligentsia" $rimarily those o egoistic tendency% It $osits that
only those who reach a $articular stage o s$iritual awareness" or who
acce$t a $eculiar set o theological $ronouncements" can recei!e the git o
$ersonal immortality% The highly intellectual also argue at times that the
crowning git to humanity is a de!elo$ed and cultured mind" and that
those who $ossess this git are likewise endowed with eternal $ersistence%
&ne school dismisses those who are what they regard as s$iritually
recalcitrant or negati!e to the im$osition o their $articular theological
certainties" either to com$lete annihilation as in the materialistic solution"
or to a $rocess o eternal $unishment" thus at the same time arguing or a
orm o immortality% &wing to the innate kindness o the human heart"
!ery ew are !indicti!e or unthinking enough to regard this $resentation as
acce$table" and o course among those we must class the unthinking
$eo$le who esca$e rom mental res$onsibility into a blind belie in
theological $ronouncements% The >hristian inter$retation as gi!en by the
orthodo# and the undamentalist schools $ro!es untenable when
submitted to clear reasoning+ among the arguments which negate its
accuracy lies the act that -7D./ >hristianity $osits a long uture but no
$ast+ it is likewise a uture entirely de$endent u$on the acti!ities o this
$resent lie e$isode and accounts in no way or the distinctions and
dierences which distinguish humanity% It is only tenable u$on the theory
o an anthro$omor$hic Deity *hose will ' as it works out in $ractice '
gi!es a $resent that has no $ast but only a uture+ the injustice o this is
widely recogni(ed" but the inscrutable will o Eod must not be ,uestioned%
Fillions still hold this belie" but it is not so strongly held as it was one
hundred years ago%
4% The theory of reincarnation, so amiliar to all my readers" is becoming
increasingly $o$ular in the &ccident+ it has always been acce$ted 5though
with many oolish additions and inter$retations6 in the &rient% This
teaching has been as much distorted as ha!e the teachings o the >hrist or
the Buddha or ;hri Krishna by their narrow'minded and mentally limited
theologians% The basic acts o a s$iritual origin" o a descent into matter"
o an ascent through the medium o constant incarnations in orm until
those orms are $erect e#$ressions o the indwelling s$iritual
consciousness" and o a series o initiations at the close o the cycle o
incarnation" are being more readily acce$ted and acknowledged than e!er
;uch are the major solutions o the $roblems o immortality and o the
$ersistence o the human soul+ they aim to answer the eternal ,uestioning o the
human heart as to *hence" *hy" *hither and *here: &nly the last o these
$ro$osed solutions oers a truly rational re$ly to all o them% Its acce$tance has
been delayed because" e!er since the time o H% )% Bla!atsky" who ormulated
this ancient truth or the modern world in the last ,uarter -7D4/ o the nineteenth
century" it has been so unintelligently $resented+ it has been handica$$ed owing
to the act that the Eastern races ha!e always held it" and ' rom the *estern
angle ' they are heathen and the heathen 0in their blindness bow down to wood
and stone"0 to ,uote one o your undamentalist hymns% How curious it is to
reali(e that" to the man rom Eastern countries" the religious $eo$le in the *est
do likewise" and can be seen on their knees beore the >hristian altars bearing
statues o the >hrist" o the <irgin Fary and o the A$ostles%
The occultists o the world" through the theoso$hical societies and other occult
bodies" so'called" ha!e greatly damaged the $resentation o the truth anent
reincarnation through the unnecessary" unim$ortant" inaccurate and $urely
Esoteric Healing
s$eculati!e details which they gi!e out as truths anent the $rocesses o death and
the circumstances o man ater death% These details are largely de$endent u$on
the clair!oyant !ision o astral $sychics o $rominence in the Theoso$hical
;ociety% 9et in the ;cri$tures o the world these details are not gi!en" and H%)%B%
in The &ecret Doctrine ga!e none% An instance o this inaccurate and oolish
attem$t to throw light u$on the theory o rebirth can be seen in the time limits
im$osed u$on de$arted human souls between incarnations on the $hysical $lane
and the return to $hysical rebirth ' so many years o absence are $roclaimed"
de$endent u$on the age o the de$arted soul and its $lace u$on the ladder o
e!olution% I" we are told" the soul is !ery ad!anced" absence rom the $hysical
$lane is $rolonged" whereas the re!erse is the case% Ad!anced souls and those
whose intellectual ca$acity is ra$idly de!elo$ing come back with great ra$idity"
owing to their sensiti!e res$onse to the $ull o obligations" interests and
res$onsibilities already established" u$on the $hysical $lane% )eo$le are a$t to
orget that time is the se,uence o e!ents and o states o -7D7/ consciousness as
registered by the $hysical brain% *here no $hysical brain e#ists" what humanity
understands by time is non'e#istent% The remo!al o the barriers o the orm"
stage by stage" brings an increasing reali(ation o the Eternal How% In the case o
those who ha!e $assed through the door o death and who still continue to think
in terms o time" it is due to glamor and to the $ersistence o a $owerul thought'
orm% It indicates $olari(ation u$on the astral $lane+ this is the $lane u$on which
leading Theoso$hical writers and $sychics ha!e worked" and u$on which they
ha!e based their writings% They are ,uite sincere in what they say" but omit to
recogni(e the illusory nature o all indings based on astral clair!oyance% The
recognition o a $ronounced time actor" and the constant em$hasis laid u$on
timing" are characteristic o all highly de!elo$ed $eo$le in incarnation and o
those whose lower" concrete minds are $owerul in caliber% >hildren and child'
races on the one hand" and those highly ad!anced $eo$le whose abstract minds
are unctioning 5through the medium o the inter$reti!e lower mind6" usually
ha!e no sense o time% The initiate uses the time actor in his relations and his
dealings with those li!ing u$on the $hysical $lane" but is detached within himsel
rom all recognition o it elsewhere in the uni!erse%
Thereore the use o the term 0immortality0 iners timelessness and teaches that
this timelessness e#ists or that which is not $erishable or conditioned by time%
This is a statement re,uiring careul consideration% Fan reincarnates under no
time urge% He incarnates under the demands o karmic liability" under the $ull o
that which he" as a soul" has initiated" and because o a sensed need to ulil
instituted obligations+ he incarnates also rom a sense o res$onsibility and to
meet re,uirements which an earlier breaking o the laws go!erning right human
relations ha!e -7D=/ im$osed u$on him% *hen these re,uirements" soul
necessities" e#$eriences and res$onsibilities ha!e all been met" he enters
$ermanently 0into the clear cold light o lo!e and lie0 and no longer needs 5as ar
as he himsel is concerned6 the nursery stage o soul e#$erience on earth% He is
ree rom karmic im$ositions in the three worlds" but is still under the im$ulse o
karmic necessity which e#acts rom him the last $ossible ounce o ser!ice that he
is in a $osition to render to those still under the 3aw o Karmic 3iability% 9ou ha!e"
thereore" three as$ects o the 3aw o Karma" as it aects the $rinci$le o rebirth1
2% The ,aw of 8armic ,iability, go!erning lie in the three worlds o human
e!olution" and which is ended altogether at the ourth initiation%
.% The ,aw of 8armic 6ecessity. This go!erns the lie o the ad!anced disci$le
and the initiate rom the time o the second initiation until a certain
initiation higher than the ourth+ these initiations enable him to $ass on to
the *ay o the Higher E!olution%
4% The ,aw of 8armic Transformation, a mysterious $hrase go!erning the
$rocesses undergone u$on the Higher *ay% These it the initiate to $ass
Esoteric Healing
o the cosmic $hysical $lane altogether" and to unction u$on the cosmic
mental $lane% It is concerned with the release o those like ;anat Kumara"
and His Associates in the >ouncil >hamber at ;hamballa" rom the
im$osition o cosmic desire which demonstrates u$on our cosmic $hysical
$lane as s$iritual will% This should be to you an arresting thought% It will be
ob!ious" howe!er" that there is little that I can say u$on this subject% The
knowledge in!ol!ed is not yet mine% -7D?/
To turn now to another as$ect o our theme% There are" s$eaking in the larger
sense" three major death e$isodes%
There is" irst o all" the constant recurrence o the act o $hysical death% This is
amiliar to all o us through its e#treme re,uency" could we but reali(e it% This
recognition would ra$idly eliminate the $resent ear o death% There is then the
0second death0 s$oken o in the Bible" which is in this $resent $lanetary cycle
associated with the death o all astral control o!er the human being% In the larger
sense" this second death is consummated at the ourth initiation" when e!en
s$iritual as$iration dies" being no more needed+ the *ill o the initiate is now
i#ed and immo!able" and astral sensiti!ity is no longer re,uired%
There is a curious counter$art to this e#$erience u$on a much lower le!el in the
death o all astral emotion which takes $lace or the indi!idual as$irant at the
time o the second initiation% It is then a com$lete e$isode and is consciously
registered% Between the second and the third initiations" the disci$le has to
demonstrate a continuity o non'res$onse to astralism and emotionalism% The
second death" to which I am here reerring" has to do with the death or the
disa$$earance o the causal body at the time o the ourth initiation+ this marks
the com$letion o the building o the antahkarana and the institution o direct"
unim$eded continuity o relationshi$ between the Fonad and the $ersonality%
The third death takes $lace when the initiate lea!es behind him" inally and with
no $ros$ect o return" all relation with the cosmic $hysical $lane% This death"
necessarily" lies ar ahead or all in the Hierarchy and is at $resent only $ossible
and $ermissible or a ew in the >ouncil >hamber at ;hamballa% It is not"
howe!er" a $rocess through which ;anat Kumara will $ass% He underwent this
0transormation0 many aeons ago" during the great cataclysm -7D@/ which
inaugurated the 3emurian Age" and which was induced by His cosmic e#$erience
and the need or an inlow o energy rom e#tra'$lanetary Beings%
I ha!e gi!en these brie summations so as to enlarge your general understanding
o what the Fasters call 0the e#tension o death in s$ace%0 He!ertheless" in the
ollowing $ages we shall conine oursel!es to the theme o the death o the
$hysical body and o the subtler bodies in the three worlds+ we shall deal also
with the $rocesses which bring about the reabsor$tion o the human soul into the
s$iritual soul u$on its own $lane" the higher mental $lane+ we shall consider the
reassimilation o substance and the a$$ro$riation o matter in order again to
*e shall thereore consider the three major $rocesses to which I earlier reerred+
these co!er three $eriods and lead" e!entually" to other $rocesses under the 3aw
o Rebirth% They are1
2% The rocess of Restitution, go!erning the $eriod o withdrawal o the soul
rom the $hysical $lane and rom its two $henomenal as$ects" the dense
$hysical body and the etheric body% This concerns the Art o Dying%
.% The rocess of 2limination. This go!erns that $eriod o the lie o the
human soul ater death and in the two other worlds o human e!olution% It
Esoteric Healing
concerns the elimination o the astral'mental body by the soul" so that it is
0ready to stand ree in its own $lace%0
4% The rocess of Integration, dealing with the $eriod wherein the liberated
soul again becomes conscious o itsel as the Angel o the )resence and is
reabsorbed into the world o souls" thus entering into a state o relection%
3ater" under the im$act o -7DB/ the 3aw o Karmic 3iability or Hecessity"
the soul again $re$ares itsel or another descent into orm%
The ield o e#$erience 5in which is death" as the a!erage $erson knows it6 is the
three worlds o human e!olution ' the $hysical world" the world o emotion and
desire" and the mental $lane% This world is" in the last analysis twoold" rom the
angle o death" and hence the $hrase 0the second death%0 This I ha!e earlier
a$$lied to the death or destruction o the causal body" in which the s$iritual soul
has hitherto unctioned% It can be a$$lied" howe!er" in a more literal sense" and
may be reerred to the second $hase o the death $rocess in the three worlds% It
then concerns orm only" and is related to those !ehicles o e#$ression which are
ound below the ormless le!els o the cosmic $hysical $lane% These orm le!els
are 5as you know well" or the knowledge constitutes the a%b%c% o the occult
theory6 the le!els on which the concrete" lower mind unctions" the emotional
nature reacts to the so'called astral $lane" and the dual $hysical $lane% The
$hysical body consists o the dense $hysical body and the etheric !ehicle% *e
ha!e conse,uently" when considering the death o a human being" to em$loy the
word death in relation to two $hases in which it unctions1
hase *ne; The death o the $hysical'etheric body% This $hase alls into
two stages1
a% That in which the atoms which constitute the $hysical body are restored to
the source rom whence they came% This source is the sumtotal o the
matter o the $lanet" constituting the dense $hysical body o the $lanetary
b% That in which the etheric !ehicle" com$osed o an aggregation o orces"
returns these orces to the -7DC/ general reser!oir o energy% This dual
phase co(ers the rocess of Restitution.
hase Two1 The 0rejection0 5as it is sometimes called6 o the mental'
emotional !ehicles% These orm" in reality only one body+ to it the early
theoso$hists 5correctly+ ga!e the name o the 0kama'manasic body0 or the
!ehicle o desire'mind% I ha!e said elsewhere that there is no such thing
as the astral $lane or the astral body% Just as the $hysical body is made u$
o matter which is not regarded as a $rinci$le" so the astral body ' as ar
as the mind nature is concerned ' is in the same category% This is a
diicult matter or you to gras$" because desire and emotion are so real
and so de!astatingly im$ortant% But ' s$eaking literally ' rom the angle o
the mental $lane" the astral body is 0a igment o the imagination0+ it is
not a $rinci$le% The massed use o the imagination in the ser!ice o desire
has ne!ertheless constructed an illusory glamorous world" the world o the
astral $lane% During $hysical incarnation" and when a man is not u$on the
)ath o Disci$leshi$" the astral $lane is !ery real" with a !itality and a lie
all its own% Ater the irst death 5the death o the $hysical body6 it still
remains e,ually real% But its $otency slowly dies out+ the mental man
comes to reali(e his own true state o consciousness 5whether de!elo$ed
or unde!elo$ed6" and the second death becomes $ossible and takes $lace%
This phase co(ers the rocess of 2limination.
Esoteric Healing
*hen these two $hases o the Art o Dying are o!er" the discarnate soul stands
ree rom the control o matter+ it is $uriied 5tem$orarily by the $hases o
Restitution and Elimination6 rom all contamination by substance% This is
achie!ed" not through any acti!ity o the soul in orm" -72D/ the human soul" but
as a result o the acti!ity o the soul on its own $lane abstracting the raction o
itsel which we call the human soul% It is $rimarily the work o the o!er'shadowing
soul which eects this+ it is not carried orward by the soul in the $ersonality% The
human soul" during this stage" is only res$onsi!e to the $ull or the attracti!e
orce o the s$iritual soul as it ' with deliberate intent ' e#tracts the human soul
rom its im$risoning sheaths% 3ater on" as the e!olutionary $rocesses $roceed and
the soul increasingly controls the $ersonality" it will be the soul within the
im$risoning sheaths which will bring about ' consciously and with intention ' the
$hases o dying% In the earlier stages" this release will be brought about with the
aid o the o!er'shadowing s$iritual soul% 3ater on" when the man is li!ing u$on
the $hysical $lane as the soul" he will himsel ' with ull continuity o
consciousness ' carry out the $rocesses o abstraction" and will then 5with
directed $ur$ose6 0ascend to the $lace rom whence he came%0 This is the
relection in the three worlds o the di!ine ascension o the $erected ;on o Eod%
;ome o the inormation I ha!e already gi!en anent the subject o Death in my
other writings might well be a$$ended here% I ha!e a deinite $ur$ose in
suggesting this% Death is all around you at this time+ the demand o the human
s$irit or light u$on this matter has reached a crisis o $otency+ it is e!oking the
ine!itable res$onse rom the Hierarchy% It is also my ho$e that students will do
something o major im$ortance to aid in bringing orth the light u$on the
$rocesses o death which humanity is today demanding%
/n Death - E)cer$ts from other :ritings
A Treatise on the &e(en Rays, <ol% I1
0*hy this blind $ower: *hy Death: *hy this decay -722/ o orms: *hy the
negation o the $ower to hold: *hy death" D Fighty ;on o Eod:0
8aintly the answer comes1 0I hold the keys o lie and death% I bind and loose
again% I the Destroyer am%0
' )age ?4%
The intent o the 3ord o the irst Ray is to stand behind the other di!ine As$ects"
and when They ha!e achie!ed Their $ur$ose" to shatter the orms They ha!e
He is the controller o the death drama in all kingdoms ' a destruction o orms
which brings about release o $ower and $ermits 0entrance into light through the
gateway o death%0
' )age ?7%
a% 0*ithhold thy hand until the time has come% Then gi!e the git o death" D
&$ener o the Door%0
' )age ?=%
b% 0;e$arate the robe rom That which hides behind its many olds% Take o the
!eiling sheaths% 3et Eod be seen% Take >hrist rom o the >ross%0
' )age ?C%
Esoteric Healing
The irst ste$ towards substantiating the act o the soul is to establish the act o
sur!i!al" though this may not necessarily $ro!e the act o immortality%%%That
something sur!i!es the $rocess o death" and that something $ersists ater the
disintegration o the $hysical body is steadily being $ro!ed% I that is not so" then
we are the !ictims o a collecti!e hallucination" and the brains and minds o
thousands o $eo$le are untrue and decei!ing" are diseased and distorted% ;uch a
gigantic collecti!e insanity is more diicult to credit than the alternati!e o an
e#$anded consciousness%
' )age CB'CC% -72./
a% The growth o etheric !ision and the largely increased numbers o clairaudient
and clair!oyant $eo$le is steadily re!ealing the e#istence o the astral $lane and
the etheric counter$art o the $hysical world% Fore and more $eo$le are
becoming aware o this subjecti!e realm1 they see $eo$le walking around who
are either the so'called 0dead0 or who" in slee$" ha!e dro$$ed the $hysical
' )age CB%
b% The ne#t two hundred years will see the abolition o death" as we now
understand that great transition" and the establishing o the soulAs e#istence% The
soul will be known as an entity" as the moti!ating im$ulse and the s$iritual center
back o all maniested orms%%%&ur essential immortality will be demonstrated and
reali(ed to be a act in nature%
' )age C?%
*ithin the ne#t ew years the act o $ersistence and o the eternity o e#istence
will ha!e ad!anced out o the realm o ,uestioning into the realm o
certainty%%%There will be no ,uestion in anyoneAs mind that the discarding o the
$hysical body will lea!e a man still a conscious li!ing entity% He will be known to
be $er$etuating his e#istence in a realm lying behind the $hysical% He will be
known to be still ali!e" awake and aware% This will be brought about by1
a% The de!elo$ment o a $ower within the $hysical eye o a human being%%%will
re!eal the etheric body%%%men will be seen occu$ying that body%
b% The growth o the number o $eo$le who ha!e the $ower to use the
0reawakened third eye0 will demonstrate immortality" or they will with acility see
the -724/ man who has discarded his etheric body as well as his $hysical body%
c% A disco!ery in the ield o $hotogra$hy will $ro!e sur!i!al%
d% Through the use o the radio by those who ha!e $assed o!er will
communication e!entually be set u$ and reduced to a true science%
e% Fan will e!entually be keyed u$ to a $erce$tion and to a contact which will
enable him to see through, which will re!eal the nature o the ourth dimension"
and will blend the subjecti!e and objecti!e worlds together into a new world%
Death will lose its terrors and that $articular ear will come to an end%
' )age 2B4'2B7%
Discipleship in the 6ew Age, <ol. I1
9ou must always bear in mind that the consciousness remains the same whether
in $hysical incarnation or out o incarnation" and that de!elo$ment can be carried
on with e!en greater ease than when limited and conditioned by the brain
Esoteric Healing
' )age B2%
A Treatise on !osmic 9ire;
The 3aw o ;acriice and Death is the controlling actor on the $hysical $lane% The
destruction o the orm" in order that the e!ol!ing lie may $rogress" is one o the
undamental methods in e!olution%
' )age =?C
a% The 3aw o Disintegration is an as$ect o the 3aw o Death% This is the law that
go!erns the destruction o the orm in order that the indwelling lie may shine
orth in ullness%%%This law breaks u$ the orms and the 3aw o Attraction draws
back to $rimal sources the material o those orms%
' )age =BD% -727/
b% The 3aw o Death controls in the three worlds%
' )age =C?%
c% The 3aw o ;acriice is the 3aw o Death in the subtle bodies" whilst what we
call death is the analogous thing in the $hysical body%
' )age =C=%
d% The 3aw o Death and ;acriice go!erns the gradual disintegration o concrete
orms and their sacriice to the e!ol!ing lie%%%
' )age =C?%
e% *hen all the units or cells in the body o the $lanetary 3ogos ha!e achie!ed"
He too is set ree rom dense maniestation and $hysically dies%
' )age =DC%
The $rocess o Death is occultly as ollows1
a. The irst stage is the withdrawal o the lie orce in the etheric !ehicle rom the
dense $hysical body and the conse,uent 0alling into corru$tion0 and becoming
0scattered to the elements%0 &bjecti!e man ades out and is no more seen by the
$hysical eye" though still in his etheric body% *hen etheric !ision is de!elo$ed"
the thought o death will assume !ery dierent $ro$ortions% *hen a man can be
seen unctioning in his etheric $hysical body by a majority o the race" the
dro$$ing o the dense body will be considered just as a release%
' )age @4=%
b% The second stage is the withdrawal o the lie orce rom the etheric body" and
its de!itali(ation%%%
' )age @4=%
c% The third stage is the withdrawal o the lie orce rom the astral or emotional
orm so that it disintegrates in a similar manner and the lie is centrali(ed
elsewhere% It has gained an increase o !itality -72=/ through $hysical $lane
e#istence and added color through emotional e#$erience%
' )age @4='@4?%
d. 6"e final sta(e for t"e "uman &ein( is its +it"dra+al from t"e mental -e"icle. 6"e
life forces after t"is fourfold a&straction are centrali;ed entirel) in t"e soul...
- $a(es 735-736.
Esoteric Healing
6"e 2a+ of ,ttraction &rea=s u# t"e forms and dra+s &ac= to #rimal sources t"e
material of t"ose forms5 #rior to re&uildin( t"em ane+. On t"e #at" of e-olution t"e
effects of t"is la+ are +ell-=no+n5 not onl) in t"e destruction of discarded -e"icles5
&ut in t"e &rea=in( u# of t"e forms in +"ic" (reat ideals are em&odied...,ll e-entuall)
&rea= under t"e +or=in( of t"is la+.
- $a(e 581.
Its +or=in(s are more a##arent to t"e a-era(e "uman mind in its manifestations at t"is
time on t"e #")sical #lane. .e can trace t"e connection &et+een t"e atmic >s#iritual?
and t"e #")sical #lane - demonstratin( on t"e lo+er #lane as t"e 2a+ of *acrifice and
Deat" - &ut its effect can &e seen on all fi-e #lanes as +ell. It is t"e la+ +"ic"
destro)s t"e final s"eat" t"at se#arates t"e #erfected soul.
- $a(e 581.
."en t"e @+ill to li-e@ -anis"es5 t"en t"e @*ons of 3ecessit)@ cease from o&1ecti-e
manifestation...."en t"e 6"in=er on "is o+n #lane +it"dra+s "is attention from "is
little s)stem +it"in t"e t"ree +orlds and (at"ers +it"in "imself all "is forces5 t"en
#")sical #lane e9istence comes to an end and all returns +it"in t"e causal
consciousness...6"is demonstrates on t"e #")sical #lane in t"e +it"dra+in( from out
of t"e to# of t"e "ead of t"e radiant et"eric &od) and t"e conseAuent disintegration o
the -72?/ $hysical% The ramework goes and the dense $hysical orm alls a$art%
' )age B=%
a. The etheric body is in reality a network o ine channels which are the
com$onent $arts o one interlacing ine cord ' one $ortion o this cord being the
magnetic link which unites the $hysical and the astral bodies and which is
sna$$ed or broken ater the withdrawal o the etheric body rom the dense
$hysical body at the time o death% 5;ee Ecc1 KII%?%6
' )age CB%
b% 3ater 0deinite methods o demonstrating the act that lie $ersists ater the
death o the $hysical body will be ollowed and the etheric web will be recogni(ed
as a actor in the case%0
' )age 7.C%
A Treatise on the &e(en Rays, <ol% I1
Death is 0initiation" or the entering into a state o liberation%0
' )age 2C@%
Death and the Etheric Body
A Treatise on !osmic 9ire;
It is not our $ur$ose to gi!e acts or !eriication by science" or e!en to $oint the
way to the ne#t ste$ onward or scientiic in!estigators+ that we may do so is but
incidental and $urely secondary% *hat we seek mainly is to gi!e indications o the
de!elo$ment and corres$ondence o the threeold whole that makes the solar
system what it is ' the !ehicle through which a great cosmic 2ntity" the solar
3ogos" maniests acti!e intelligence with the $ur$ose in !iew o demonstrating
Esoteric Healing
$erectly the lo!e side o His nature% Back o this design lies a yet more esoteric
and ulterior $ur$ose" hid in the *ill >onsciousness o the -72@/ ;u$reme Being"
which $erorce will be later demonstrated when the $resent objecti!e is attained%
The dual alternation o objecti!e maniestation and o subjecti!e obscuration" the
$eriodic outbreathing" ollowed by the inbreathing o all that has been carried
orward through e!olution" embodies in the system one o the basic cosmic
!ibrations" and the keynote o that >osmic 2ntity whose body we are% The heart
beats o the 3ogos 5i it might be so inade,uately e#$ressed6 are the source o all
cyclic e!olution" and hence the im$ortance attached to that as$ect o
de!elo$ment called the 0heart0 or 0lo!e as$ect"0 and the interest that is
awakened by the study o rhythm% This is true" not only cosmically and
macrocosmically" but likewise in the study o the human unit% Gnderlying all the
$hysical sense attached to rhythm" !ibration" cycles and heartbeat" lie their
subjecti!e analogies ' lo!e" eeling" emotion" desire" harmony" synthesis and
ordered se,uence ' and back o these analogies lies the source o all" the identity
o that ;u$reme Being *ho thus e#$resses Himsel%
Thereore the study o $ralaya" or the withdrawal o the lie rom out o the
etheric !ehicle" will be the same whether one studies the withdrawal o the
human etheric double" the withdrawal o the $lanetary etheric double" or the
withdrawal o the etheric double o the solar system% The eect is the same and
the conse,uences similar%
*hat is the result o this withdrawal" or rather" what causes that something which
we call death or $ralaya: As we are strictly $ursuing the te#t book style in this
treatise" we will continue our method o tabulation% The withdrawal o the etheric
double o a man" a $lanet" and a system is brought about by the ollowing
a% The cessation of desire. This should be the result o all e!olutionary $rocess%
True death" under the law" is -72B/ brought about by the attainment o the
objecti!e" and hence by the cessation o as$iration% This" as the $erected cycle
draws to its close" will be true o the indi!idual human being" o the Hea!enly
Fan" and o the 3ogos Himsel%
b% By the slowing down and gradual cessation o the cyclic rhythm" the ade#uate
(ibration is achie(ed and the work accom$lished% *hen the !ibration or note is
$erectly elt or sounded" it causes 5at the $oint o synthesis with other
!ibrations6 the utter shattering o the orms%
Fotion is characteri(ed" as we know" by three ,ualities1
2% Inertia
.% Fobility
4% Rhythm
These three are e#$erienced in just the abo!e se,uence and $resu$$ose a $eriod
o slow acti!ity" succeeded by one o e#treme mo!ement% This middle $eriod
$roduces incidentally 5as the true note and rate are sought6 cycles o chaos" o
e#$eriment" o e#$erience and o com$rehension% 8ollowing on these two degrees
o motion 5which are characteristic o the atom" Fan" o the Hea!enly Fan or
grou$" and o the 3ogos or the Totality6 comes a $eriod o rhythm and
stabili(ation wherein the $oint o balance is achie!ed% By the orce o balancing
the $airs o o$$osites" and thus $roducing e,uilibrium" $ralaya is the ine!itable
Esoteric Healing
c% /y the se(ering of the physical from the subtler body on the inner $lanes"
through the shattering o the web% This has a threeold eect1
9irst. The lie that had animated the $hysical orm 5both dense and etheric6 and
which had its starting $oint in the $ermanent atom" and rom thence 0$er!aded
the mo!ing and the unmo!ing0 5in Eod" the Hea!enly Fan" and the human being"
as well as in the atom o matter6" is -72C/ withdrawn entirely within the atom
u$on the $lane o abstraction% This 0$lane o abstraction0 is a dierent one or the
entities in!ol!ed1
a% 8or the $hysical $ermanent atom" it is the atomic le!el%
b% 8or man" it is the causal !ehicle%
c% 8or the Hea!enly Fan" it is the second $lane o monadic lie" His habitat%
d% 8or the 3ogos" it is the $lane o Adi%
All these mark the $oints or the disa$$earance o the unit into $ralaya% *e need
here to remember that it is always $ralaya when !iewed rom below. 8rom the
higher !ision" that sees the subtler continuously o!er'shadowing the dense when
not in objecti!e maniestation" $ralaya is sim$ly subjecti!ity" and is not that
0which is not"0 but sim$ly that which is esoteric%
&econd. The etheric double o a man" a $lanetary 3ogos" and a solar 3ogos" being
shattered" becomes non'$olari(ed as regards its indweller" and $ermits thereore
o esca$e% It is 5to word it otherwise6 no longer a source o attraction" nor a
actual magnetic $oint% It becomes non'magnetic" and the great 3aw o Attraction
ceases to control it+ hence disintegration is the ensuing condition o the orm% The
Ego ceases to be attracted by its orm on the $hysical $lane" and $roceeding to
inbreathe" withdraws its lie rom out o the sheath% The cycle draws to a close"
the e#$eriment has been made" the objecti!e 5a relati!e one rom lie to lie and
rom incarnation to incarnation6 has been achie!ed" and there remains nothing
more to desire+ the Ego" or the thinking entity" loses interest" thereore" in orm"
and turns his attention inward% His $olari(ation changes" and the $hysical is
e!entually dro$$ed% -7.D/
The $lanetary 3ogos likewise in His greater cycle 5the synthesis or the aggregate
o the tiny cycles o the cells o His body6 $ursues the same course+ He ceases to
be attracted downward or outward" and turns His ga(e within+ He gathers inward
the aggregate o the smaller li!es within His body" the $lanet" and se!ers
connection% &uter attraction ceases" and all gra!itates towards the center instead
o scattering to the $eri$hery o His body%
In the system the same $rocess is ollowed by the solar 3ogos+ rom His high
$lace o abstraction" He ceases to be attracted by His body o maniestation% He
withdraws His interest and the $airs o o$$osites" the s$irit and the matter o the
!ehicle" dissociate% *ith this dissociation the solar system" that 0;on o
Hecessity"0 or o desire" ceases to be" and $asses out o objecti!e e#istence%
Third. This leads inally" to the scattering o the atoms o the etheric body into
their $rimordial condition% The subjecti!e lie" the synthesis o will and lo!e taking
acti!e orm" is withdrawn% The $artnershi$ is dissol!ed% The orm then breaks u$+
the magnetism that has held it in coherent sha$e is no longer $resent" and
dissi$ation is com$lete% Fatter $ersists" but the orm no longer $ersists%
The work o the second 3ogos ends" and the di!ine incarnation o the ;on is
concluded% But the aculty or inherent ,uality o matter also $ersists" and at the
end o each $eriod o maniestation" matter 5though distributed again into its
Esoteric Healing
$rimal orm6 is acti!e intelligent matter $lus the gain o objecti!ity" and the
increased radiatory and latent acti!ity which it has gained through e#$erience%
3et us illustrate1 The matter o the solar system" when undierentiated" was
acti!e intelligent matter" and that is all that can be $redicated o it% This acti!e
intelligent matter was matter ,ualiied by an earlier e#$erience" and colored by
an earlier -7.2/ incarnation% How this matter is in orm" the solar system is not in
$ralaya but in objecti!ity ' this objecti!ity ha!ing in !iew the addition o another
,uality to the logic content" that o lo!e and wisdom% Thereore" at the ne#t solar
$ralaya" at the close o the one hundred years o Brahma" the matter o the solar
system will be colored by acti!e intelligence and by acti!e lo!e% This means
literally that the aggregate o solar atomic matter will e!entually !ibrate to
another key than it did at the irst dawn o maniestation%
*e can work this out in connection with the $lanetary 3ogos and the human unit"
or the analogy holds good% *e ha!e a corres$ondence on a tiny scale in the act
that each human lie $eriod sees a man taking a more e!ol!ed $hysical body o a
greater res$onsi!eness" tuned to a higher key" o more ade,uate reinement" and
!ibrating to a dierent measure% In these three thoughts lies much inormation" i
they are careully studied and logically e#tended%
d% /y the transmutation of the (iolet into the blue. This we cannot enlarge on% *e
sim$ly make the statement" and lea!e its working out to those students whose
karma $ermits and whose intuition suices%
e% /y the withdrawal of the life, the form should gradually dissipate. The rele#
action here is interesting to note" or the greater Builders and De!as who are the
acti!e agents during maniestation" and who hold the orm in coherent sha$e"
transmuting" a$$lying and circulating the $ranic emanations" likewise lose their
attraction to the matter o the orm" and turn their attention elsewhere% &n the
$ath o outbreathing 5whether human" $lanetary or logic6 these building de!as
5on the same Ray as the unit desiring maniestation" or on a com$lementary Ray6
are attracted by his will and desire" and $erorm their oice o construction% &n
the $ath o inbreathing 5whether human" $lanetary -7../ or logoic6 they are no
longer attracted" and the orm begins to dissi$ate% They withdraw their interest"
and the orces 5likewise entities6 who are the agents o destruction" carry on their
necessary work o breaking u$ the orm+ they scatter it ' as it is occultly
e#$ressed ' to 0the our winds o Hea!en"0 or to the regions o the our breaths '
a ourold se$aration and distribution% A hint is here gi!en or careul
Though no $ictures ha!e been drawn o death bed scenes nor o the dramatic
esca$e o the $al$itating etheric body rom the center in the head" as might ha!e
been antici$ated" yet some o the rules and $ur$oses go!erning this withdrawal
ha!e been mentioned% *e ha!e seen how the aim o each lie 5whether human"
$lanetary or logoic6 should be the eecting and the carrying out o a deinite
$ur$ose% This $ur$ose is the de!elo$ment o a more ade,uate orm or the use o
s$irit+ and when this $ur$ose is achie!ed" then the indweller turns his attention
away" and the orm disintegrates" ha!ing ser!ed his need% This is not always the
case in e!ery human lie" nor e!en in each $lanetary cycle% The mystery o the
moon is the mystery o ailure% This leads" when com$rehended" to a lie o
dignity and oers an aim worthy o our best endea!or% *hen this angle o truth is
uni!ersally recogni(ed" as it will be when the intelligence o the race suices" then
e!olution will $roceed with certainty" and the ailures be less numerous%
+ )ages 2.B'244%
Discipleship in the 6ew Age, <ol% I1
Esoteric Healing
All se!ering o links $roduces se!ere reactions% 9et i you could but reali(e it" the
se!ering o the outer $hysical $lane links is the least se!ere and the most
im$ermanent o all such e!ents% Death itsel is a $art o the great illusion and
only e#ists because o the !eils which we ha!e gathered around oursel!es% All o
us" as workers in the ield o -7.4/ glamor 5the new ield in which humanity must
learn consciously to work6" ha!e been honored and trusted% Death comes to all"
but or disci$les there should be none o the usual glamor and distress% I would
say to you" look not back at the $ast% In that direction lie glamor and distress% It
is the usual direction and the line o least resistance or the majority% But such is
not the way or you% 3ook not either to re!elation or to the im$arted illusory
comort o those who ho!er on the di!iding line between the seen and the
unseen% Again" that is not the way or you% 9ou are not a distressed and berea!ed
disci$le looking an#iously at the se$arating !eil and ho$ing or some sign to come
through which will con!ince you that all is well%%%
Reach u$ to the heights o the soul" and ha!ing sought and ound that $innacle o
$eace and that altitude o joy whereon your soul immo!ably stands" then look
into the world o li(ing men ' a threeold world in which all men ' incarnate and
discarnate ' are to be ound% 8ind there that which your soul can and will
recogni(e% The glamors o oneAs own distress" the maya o the $ast" distort e!er
oneAs $oint o !iew% &nly the soul stands clear rom illusion" and only the soul
sees things as they are% Fount" thereore" to the soul%
' )age 7?4% -7.7/
Esoteric Healing
CHAPTER . - The Process of Restitution
The Process of 0estitution
The theme o death" which we are now considering" must be a$$roached by us
with as much o the s$irit o normalcy and o scientiic in!estigation as we can
manage% The ear com$le# o humanity inds its $oint o entrance into manAs
consciousness through the act o dying+ ailure to sur!i!e is the basic ear+ and
yet it is the commonest $henomenon u$on the $lanet% Bear that in mind% The act
o dying is the great uni!ersal ritual which go!erns our entire $lanetary lie" but
only in the human amily and aintly" !ery aintly" in the animal kingdom is the
reaction to ear ound% >ould you but see the etheric world as Those on the inner
side o lie e#$erience and see it" you would see 5going on ceaselessly and
without any $ause6 the great $lanetary act o restitution% 9ou would see a great
acti!ity $roceeding within the etheric world in which the anima mundi" the animal
soul and the human soul are constantly restoring the substance o all $hysical
orms to the great reser!oir o essential substance% This essential substance is as
much a !ital" directed unity as the world soul o which one hears so much% This
inter$lay o the $rinci$le o death with the $rinci$le o lie $roduces the basic
acti!ity o creation% The im$ulsi!e" directi!e orce is the mind o Eod" o the
$lanetary 3ogos" as He $ursues His di!ine $ur$oses" carrying -7.=/ with Him in
this $rocess all the media through which He maniests%
The human ear o death is $rimarily caused because the orientation o the
kingdom o souls" the ith kingdom in nature" has been 5until relati!ely late in the
worldAs cycle6 towards orm e#$ression and towards the necessity o seeking
e#$erience through matter" in order e!entually reely to control it% The
$ercentage o the souls o those who are oriented away rom e#$ression in the
three worlds is relati!ely so small" in $ro$ortion to the total number o souls
demanding e#$erience in the three worlds" that" until the cycle or era which we
call the >hristian" it might be stated that death reigned trium$hant% Today"
howe!er" we are on the e!e o seeing a com$lete change in this condition" owing
to the act that humanity ' on a much larger scale than e!er known beore ' is
achie!ing a needed reorientation+ the higher !alues and the lie o the soul" as
entered u$on through the insistence o the mind in its higher and lower as$ects"
is beginning to control% This will $erorce bring in a new attitude towards death+ it
will be regarded as a natural and desirable $rocess" cyclically undergone% Fen will
e!entually understand the signiicance o >hristAs words when He said" 0Render
unto >aesar the things that are >aesarAs and unto Eod the things that are EodAs%0
In the incident where those words occur He was reerring to the great act o
restitution which we call death% )onder that story and see the symbolism o the
soul" contained within the uni!ersal soul" as the ish within the water" and holding
a coin o metal" the symbol o matter%
In one o the ancient writings the ollowing symbolic words occur1
&aid the 9ather to the son; Eo orth and take unto thysel that which is not
thysel" and that which -7.?/ is not thine own" but which is Fine% Regard it as
thine own and seek the cause o its a$$earance% 3et it a$$ear to be thysel%
Disco!er thus the world o glamor" the world o dee$ illusion" the world o alsity%
Then learn that thou hast taken that which is not the goal o soul endea!or%
Esoteric Healing
And when that moment comes in each cycle and a$$earance o dece$tion and o
thet" a !oice will then be heard% &bey that !oice% It is the !oice o that within
thysel which hears Fy !oice" a !oice unheard by those who lo!e to thie!e% The
order will go orth again and yet again1 0Fake restitution o the stolen goods.
3earn they are not or thee%0 At greater inter!als will come that !oice again1
0Fake restitution o the borrowed goods% $ay back thy debt%0
And then" when all the lessons ha!e been learnt" the !oice once more will s$eak1
0Restore with joy that which was Fine" was thine and now again is ours% Thou
hast no longer need o orm% ;tand ree%0
The im$lication o the abo!e words is clear%
Two major thoughts will ser!e to clariy the issue o death with which we are now
8irst1 the great dualism e!er $resent in maniestation% Each o the dualities has
its own e#$ression" is go!erned by its own laws" and seeks its own objecti!es% But
' in time and s$ace ' they merge their interests or the beneit o both" and
together $roduce the a$$earance o a unity% ;$irit'matter" lie'a$$earance"
energy'orce ' each ha!e their own emanating as$ect+ they each ha!e a relation
to each other+ each ha!e a mutual tem$orary objecti!e" and thus in unison
$roduce the eternal lu#" the cyclic ebb and low o lie in maniestation% -7.@/
In this $rocess o relationshi$ between 8ather';$irit and Fother'Fatter the son
comes into being" and during the child stage carries on his lie $rocesses within
the aura o the mother" identiied with her yet ore!er seeking to esca$e rom her
domination% As maturity is reached" the $roblem intensiies" and the 0$ull0 o the
8ather begins slowly to oset the $ossessi!e attitude o the mother" until inally
the hold o matter" or o the mother" o!er her son 5the soul6 is inally broken% The
son" the >hrist'child" released rom the guardianshi$ and clinging hands o the
mother" comes to know the 8ather% I am talking to you in symbols%
;econd1 All the $rocesses o incarnation" o lie in orm and o restitution 5by the
acti!ity o the $rinci$le o death6" o matter to matter" and soul to soul" are
carried orward under the great uni!ersal 3aw o Attraction% >an you $icture the
time when the $rocess o death" clearly recogni(ed and welcomed by the man"
could be described by him in the sim$le $hrase" 0The time has come when my
soulAs attracti!e orce re,uires that I relin,uish and restore my body to the $lace
rom whence it came0: Imagine the change in the human consciousness when
death comes to be regarded as an act o sim$le and conscious relin,uishing o
orm" tem$orarily taken or two s$eciic objecti!es1
a% To gain control in the three worlds%
b% To gi!e o$$ortunity to the substance o the orms thus 0stolen or borrowed
or rightly a$$ro$riated"0 according to the stage o e!olution" to reach a
higher $oint o $erection through the im$act u$on it o lie" !ia the soul%
These are signiicant thoughts% They ha!e been e#$ressed beore" but ha!e been
discarded as symbolic" as comorting or as wishul thinking% I $resent them to you
as actual in nature" as una!oidable in $ractice" and as amiliar a -7.B/ techni,ue
and $rocess as those acti!ities" 5rhythmic and cyclic in nature6 which go!ern the
a!erage manAs lie ' rising and retiring" eating and drinking" and all the $eriodic
aairs which he is accustomed to $ursue%
Esoteric Healing
I dealt with the subject o death in A Treatise on "hite Magic, ocusing therein
$rimarily u$on the $hysical $rocesses o dying and doing so rom the $oint o
!iew o the onlooker or obser!er% I sought there to indicate what the attitude o
the onlooker should be% Here I would like to $resent a somewhat dierent $icture"
indicating what is known by the de$arting soul% I this in!ol!es re$etition o what
you already know" there are howe!er certain basic re$etitions and statements I
wish to make% 3et me tabulate them with bre!ity% *ill you regard them as
oundational and actual%
2% The time or the de$arture o an incarnating soul has come% The soul has
in the $ast1
a% A$$ro$riated a $hysical body o a certain caliber" ade,uate to the
re,uirements and age o that soul%
b% Energi(ed that $hysical body through the medium o the etheric
body" thus gal!ani(ing it into lie acti!ity or the duration o the
soulAs set term o $hysical enter$rise%
.% Two major streams o energy enter the $hysical body and $roduce its
acti!ity" its ,uality and ty$e o e#$ression" $lus the im$ression it makes
u$on its en!ironment%
a% The stream of dynamic life. This is anchored in the heart% This
stream o dynamic energy enters the body" !ia the head" and
$asses down to the heart" where it is ocused during the lie cycle%
A smaller stream o the uni!ersal energy or $rana" distincti!e rom
the indi!iduali(ed lie orce" enters the $hysical body" !ia the
s$leen% It then rises to the heart to -7.C/ join the larger and more
im$ortant lie stream% The lie stream energi(es and holds in
coherency the integrated $hysical body% The stream o $ranic
energy !itali(es the indi!idual atoms and cells o which that body is
b% The stream of indi(idual consciousness. This is anchored in the
head" is an as$ect o the soul" re!eals the ty$e o consciousness
which is" in its turn" indicati!e o the $oint attained in e!olution%
This stream o energy likewise unctions in connection with a
stream o $ersonality orce+ and this orce is characteri(ed by
desire 5emotional or astral sentiency6 and enters into the $hysical
body" !ia the solar $le#us center% This relates the man to the entire
astral $lane" and thereore to the world o glamor% *ith
unde!elo$ed $eo$le and with the a!erage ty$e o man" the solar
$le#us is the ocus o consciousness and the energy is registered by
the ocal $oint o consciousness in the head without any recognition
whatsoe!er% It is or this reason that 5at the time o death6 the soul
lea!es the body" !ia the solar $le#us and not !ia the head% In the
case o the de!elo$ed man" the mental ty$e o indi!idual" the
as$irant" disci$le or initiate" the thread o consciousness will
withdraw rom the body !ia the head%
4% The grou$ soul o all orms in the animal kingdom ' under the 3aw o
Attraction ' withdraws the lie $rinci$le rom any s$eciic $hysical orm !ia
the solar $le#us" which is the brain o the a!erage animal% Highly
de!elo$ed and domesticated animals are beginning to utili(e the brain to a
greater or to a less degree" but the lie $rinci$le and the sentient as$ect"
or animal consciousness" is still withdrawn !ia the solar $le#us% 9ou ha!e"
-74D/ thereore" in all stages o the e!olutionary $rocess" certain
interesting triangles o energy%
a% In the case o the animals and o those human beings who are little
more than animals" o imbeciles and certain men who a$$ear to be
born with no centrali(ed $oint o indi!idual consciousness" the
ollowing tri$licity is o im$ortance1
The grou$ soul
Esoteric Healing
The solar $le#us
The s$leen or $ranic center%
b% In low grade" but ne!ertheless indi!iduali(ed human beings and
with the a!erage emotional ty$e o $erson" the ollowing tri$licity
must be noted1
The soul
The head center
The solar $le#us%
c% 8or highly de!elo$ed $eo$le and or those u$on the )ath o
Disci$leshi$ you ha!e the ollowing triangle acti!e at the time o
The soul
The head center
The ajna center%
In connection with all these tri$licities there e#ists a dual relationshi$ to the lie
a% The heart" in which is ocused the lie o the soul in orm%
b% The s$leen through which $asses constantly and rhythmically the uni!ersal
lie essence or $rana%
The whole subject is o course most obscure" and or those on strictly human
le!els" as yet un!eriiable% Howe!er" an acce$tance o the abo!e three $oints"
hy$othetical today" -742/ will hel$ to clariy your minds concerning this entire
theme o restitution with which we are occu$ied%
7% The ne#t $oint needs no $ro!ing" or it is generally acce$ted% It is that
desire go!erns the $rocess o death" as it also go!erns the $rocesses o
lie e#$erience% *e say constantly that when the will'to'li!e is lacking"
death is the ine!itable result% This will'to'li!e" whether it is the tenacity o
the $hysical body" unctioning as an elemental being or as the directed
intention o the soul" is an as$ect o desire" or rather" it is a reaction o the
s$iritual will u$on the $hysical $lane% There is thereore an interlocking
relation between1
a% The soul on its own $lane%
b% The astral body%
c% The solar $le#us center%
This relationshi$ has hitherto recei!ed little attention in connection with the Art o
Dying% He!ertheless it warrants careul thought%
9ou will note that I am here dealing with the theme o death as it makes its
$resence elt through disease or through old age% I am not reerring to death as it
comes through war or accident" through murder or through suicide% These causes
o death" and other causes" come under a totally dierent directi!e $rocess+ they
may not e!en in!ol!e the karma o a man or his indi!idual destiny" as in the case
o war% Then !ast numbers o $eo$le are killed% This has nothing to do with the
3aw o >ause and Eect as a actor in the soul career o any indi!idual% It is not
an act o restitution" $lanned by a $articular soul as it works out its indi!idual
destiny% Death" through the destructi!e $rocesses o war" is under the directi!e
and cyclic intention o the $lanetary 3ogos" working through the >ouncil >hamber
at ;hamballa% The Beings *ho there direct world $rocesses -74./ know that a
time has come when the relation between $lanetary e!il and the 8orces o 3ight
or o Eood ha!e reached a $oint o 0e#$losi!e antagonism0 5as it is called6% This
must be gi!en ree rein i the di!ine $ur$ose is to work out unarrested% The
Esoteric Healing
e#$losion is thereore $ermitted+ ne!ertheless" all the time a controlling actor is
$resent" e!en though unreali(ed by man% Because these Beings 5*ho work out
the will o Eod6 are in no way identiied with orm lie" they ha!e conse,uently a
just a$$reciation o the relati!e im$ortance o lie in orm+ the destruction o
orms is" to Them" not death in the sense that we understand it" but sim$ly and
solely a $rocess o liberation% It is the limited !ision o those identiied with orm
which has so consistently nurtured the ear o death% The cycle in which we now
li!e has seen the greatest destruction o human orms in the entire history o our
$lanet% There has been no destruction of human beings. I would ha!e you note
this statement% Because o this wholesale destruction" humanity has made a !ery
ra$id ad!ance towards a more serene attitude in connection with death% This is
not yet a$$arent but ' in a ew yearsA time ' the new attitude will begin to be
marked and the ear o death will begin to die out in the world% This will also be
largely due to the increased sensiti!ity o the human res$onse a$$aratus" leading
to a turning inward or to a new orientation o the human mind" with un$redictable
The basis o all wars is undamentally the sense o se$arateness% This
undamental indi!idualism or $leased recognition o isolationism leads to all the
secondary causes o war1 greed" $roducing economic disaster+ hatred" $roducing
national and international riction+ cruelty" $roducing $ain and death% The roots o
death are thereore dee$ seated+ it is the destruction o the cycle o se$arateness
as an indi!idual u$on the $hysical $lane which we call death -744/ in the usual
sense+ conse,uently death is a $rocess o at'one'ment% >ould you but see a little
urther into the matter" you would learn that death releases the indi!iduali(ed lie
into a less cram$ed and conined e#istence" and e!entually ' when the death
$rocess has been a$$lied to all the three !ehicles in the three worlds ' into the
lie o uni!ersality% This is a $oint o ine#$ressible bliss%
The 3aw o Attraction go!erns the $rocess o dying" as it go!erns all else in
maniestation% It is the $rinci$le o coherency which" under the balanced
integration o the whole body" $reser!es it intact" stabili(es its rhythm and cyclic
lie $rocesses and relates its !aried $arts to each other% It is the major
coordinating $rinci$le within all orms" or it is the $rimary e#$ression 5within the
soul6 o the irst as$ect o di!inity" the will as$ect% This statement may sur$rise
you" accustomed as you are to regard the 3aw o Attraction as an e#$ression o
the second as$ect" lo!e'wisdom% This attracti!e $rinci$le is ound in all orms"
rom the tiny orm o the atom to that orm" the $lanet Earth" through which our
$lanetary 3ogos e#$resses Himsel% But i it is the $rinci$le o coherency and the
cause o integration" it is also the medium through which 0restitution0 is brought
about and by which the human soul is $eriodically reabsorbed into the o!er'
shadowing soul% This as$ect o the 3aw o Attraction has" as yet" recei!ed little
attention% The reason is that it concerns the highest e#$ression o that 3aw" and
is thereore related to the will as$ect o Deity" as also the will as$ect o the
Fonad% &nly as the ;hamballic orce $roceeds with its more direct work in the
coming cycle" and men begin to discriminate 5as they must and will6 between
sel'will and the s$iritual will" between determination" intention" $lan" $ur$ose"
and i#ed $olari(ation" will clariication come% The 3aw o Attraction has 5as all
else in -747/ maniestation6 three $hases or as$ects" each related to the three
di!ine as$ects1
2% It relates lie and orm" s$irit and matter ' the third as$ect%
.% It go!erns the coherent integrati!e $rocess which $roduces orms ' the
second as$ect%
Esoteric Healing
4% It brings about the imbalance which results in the act o disintegration"
thus o!ercoming orm ' as ar as the human being is concerned ' and
brings this about in three $hases to which we ha!e gi!en the names1
a% Restitution, resulting in the dissolution o the body and the return
o its elements" atoms and cells" to their originating source%
b% 2limination, in!ol!ing the same basic $rocess in relation to the
orces which ha!e constituted the astral body and the mental
c% Absorption, the mode whereby the human soul is integrated into its
originating source" the o!er'shadowing" uni!ersal soul% This is an
e#$ression o the irst as$ect%
All these $hases" rightly understood" illustrate or demonstrate the uni,ue $otency
o the 3aw o Attraction and its relation to the 3aw o ;ynthesis" which go!erns
the irst di!ine as$ect% Integration e!entually $roduces synthesis% The many cyclic
integrations which are carried orward in the great lie cycle o an incarnating soul
lead to the inal synthesis o s$irit and soul" which is the goal o the e!olutionary
$rocess where humanity is concerned% Ater the third initiation" this results in the
com$lete liberation o the man rom the 0$ull0 o substance in the three worlds
and in his conse,uent ability to wield" with ull understanding" the 3aw o
Attraction in its !arious $hases" as ar as -74=/ the creati!e $rocess is in!ol!ed%
&ther $hases will then be later mastered%
&ne $oint must be borne in mind% The words 0earth to earth and dust to dust"0 so
amiliar in the burial rituals o the &ccident" reer to this act o restitution and
connote the return o the $hysical body elements to the original reser!oir o
matter" and o the substance o the !ital orm to the general etheric reser!oir+
the words 0the s$irit shall return unto Eod who ga!e it0 are a distorted reerence
to the absor$tion o the soul by the uni!ersal soul% The ordinary rituals" howe!er"
ail to em$hasi(e that it is that indi!iduali(ed soul" in $rocess o reabsor$tion"
which institutes and orders" by an act o the s$iritual will" that restitution% It is
orgotten in the *est that this 0order to restore0 has been gi!en with great
re,uency down the ages by e!ery soul within a $hysical orm+ in so doing"
steadily and ine!itably" the irst di!ine as$ect ' the Fonad on its own $lane ' is
tightening its hold u$on its body o maniestation" !ia its relection" the soul% Thus
the will as$ect comes increasingly into $lay until" u$on the )ath o Disci$leshi$"
s$iritual determination is brought to its highest $oint o de!elo$ment and" u$on
the )ath o Initiation" the will begins to unction consciously% It is worth
remembering" is it not" that it is in the deliberate issuing o the command by the
soul u$on its own $lane to its shadow in the three worlds that the soul learns to
e#$ress the irst and highest as$ect o di!inity" and this at irst" and or a !ery
long time" solely through the $rocess o death% The diiculty at $resent is that
relati!ely ew $eo$le are soul'conscious" and conse,uently most men remain
unaware o the 0occult commands0 o their own souls% As humanity becomes
soul'conscious 5and this will be one o the results o the agony o the $resent
war6" death will be seen as an 0ordered0 $rocess" carried out in ull consciousness
and with understanding o -74?/ cyclic $ur$ose% This will naturally end the ear at
$resent ram$ant" and will also arrest the tendency to suicide" e!idenced
increasingly in these diicult times% The sin o murder is in reality based u$on the
act that it intereres with soul $ur$ose" and not really u$on the killing o a
$articular human $hysical body% That is also why war is not murder" as many
well'meaning anatics consider it+ it is the destruction o orms with the
beneicent intent 5i one could scrutini(e di!ine $ur$ose6 o the $lanetary 3ogos%
Howe!er" it is the moti!es o the originators o war on the $hysical $lane which
make them e!il% I war did not take $lace" the $lanetary lie would" through what
we call 0acts o Eod"0 call back the souls o men on a large scale in line with His
lo!ing intention% *hen e!il men $reci$itate a war" He brings good out o e!il%
Esoteric Healing
9ou can see" thereore" why the occult sciences lay the em$hasis u$on cyclic law"
and why there is a growing interest in the ;cience o >yclic Faniestation% Death
a$$ears re,uently to be so $ur$oseless+ that is because the intention o the soul
is not known+ $ast de!elo$ment" through the $rocess o incarnation" remains a
hidden matter+ ancient heredities and en!ironments are ignored" and recognition
o the !oice o the soul is not yet generally de!elo$ed% These are matters"
howe!er" which are on the !ery !erge o recognition+ re!elation is on its way" and
or that I am laying the oundation%
I am an#ious or you to gras$ the teaching I ha!e already gi!en beore we
$roceed to that which is e#$lanatory or new% ;tudy it with care so that the theme
o death can more surely and more sanely take sha$e in your mind% ;eek to
arri!e at a new slant u$on the subject and see law and $ur$ose and the beauty o
intention in what has hitherto been a terror and a major ear% -74@/
3ater I shall endea!or to gi!e you some glim$se o the death $rocess as the soul
registers it" when undertaking the act o restitution% To you" what I say may
a$$ear as s$eculati!e or hy$othetical+ in any case it will be a statement o which
ew o you will be in a $osition to $ro!e the accuracy% But surely" brother o mine"
it may be more sane and wholesome" more sound and beautiul" than the $resent
darkness and sick ho$e" and the unha$$y s$eculation and ot des$air which o!er'
shadows e!ery death bed at this time%
1. The Nature of Death
E4cer%ts fro! other &ritings
A Treatise on the &e(en Rays;
The whole must be seen as o more !ital im$ortance than the $art" and this not
as a dream" a !ision" a theory" a $rocess o wishul thinking" a hy$othesis or an
urge% It is reali(ed as an innate necessity and as ine!itable% It connotes death"
but death as beauty" as joy" as s$irit in action" as the consummation o all good%
' <ol% <%
A Treatise on "hite Magic;
Death" i we could but reali(e it" is one o our most $racticed acti!ities% *e ha!e
died many times and shall die again and again% Death is essentially a matter o
consciousness% *e are conscious one moment on the $hysical $lane" and a
moment later we ha!e withdrawn onto another $lane and are acti!ely conscious
there% Just as long as our consciousness is identiied with the orm as$ect" death
will hold or us its ancient terror% Just as soon as we know oursel!es to be souls"
and ind that we are ca$able o ocusing our consciousness or sense o awareness
in any orm or on any $lane at will" or in any direction within the orm o Eod" we
shall no longer know death%
' )age 7C7% -74B/
A Treatise on the &e(en Rays;
Esoteric Healing
)onder" thereore" u$on this doctrine o abstraction% It co!ers all lie $rocesses
and will con!ey to you the eternally lo!ely secret o Death which is entrance into
+ <ol% <%
In this Rule" two main ideas are to be ound" both o them connected with the
irst di!ine as$ect1 the thought o Death and the nature o the "ill% In the coming
century" death and the will most ine!itably will be seen to ha!e new meanings to
humanity and many o the old ideas will !anish% Death to the a!erage thinking
man is a $oint o catastro$hic crisis% It is the cessation and the ending o all that
has been lo!ed" all that is amiliar and to be desired+ it is a crashing entrance into
the unknown" into uncertainty" and the abru$t conclusion o all $lans and
$rojects% Ho matter how much true aith in the s$iritual !alues may be $resent"
no matter how clear the rationali(ing o the mind may be anent immortality" no
matter how conclusi!e the e!idence o $ersistence and eternity" there still
remains a ,uestioning" a recognition o the $ossibility o com$lete inality and
negation" and an end o all acti!ity" o all heart reaction" o all thought" emotion"
desire" as$iration and the intentions which ocus around the central core o manAs
being% The longing and the determination to $ersist and the sense o continuity
still rest" e!en to the most determined belie!er" u$on $robability" u$on an
unstable oundation and u$on the testimony o others ' who ha!e ne!er in reality
returned to tell the truth% The em$hasis o all thought on this subject concerns
the central 0I0 or the integrity o Deity%
9ou will note that in this Rule" the em$hasis shits rom the 0I0 to the constituent
$arts which orm the garment o the ;el" and this is a $oint worth noting% The
inormation gi!en to the disci$le is to work or the dissi$ation o this garment and
or the return o the lesser li!es to the general -74C/ reser!oir o li!ing substance%
The ocean o Being is nowhere reerred to% >areul thought will here show that
this ordered $rocess o detachment" which the grou$ lie makes eecti!e in the
case o the indi!idual" is one o the strongest arguments or the act o continuity
and or indi!idual" identiiable $ersistence% Hote these words% The ocus o acti!ity
shits rom the acti!e body to the acti!e entity within that body" the master o his
surroundings" the director o his $ossessions and the one who is the breath itsel"
dis$atching the li!es to the reser!oir o substance or recalling them at will to
resume their relation to him%
' <ol% <%
8irst o all that the Eternal )ilgrim" o his own ree will and accord" chose
0occultly0 to die and took a body or series o bodies in order to raise or ele!ate
the li!es o the orm nature which he embodied+ in the $rocess o so doing" he
himsel 0died0 in the sense that" or a ree soul" death and the taking o a orm
and the conse,uent immersion o the lie in the orm" are synonymous terms%
;econdly" that in so doing" the soul is reca$itulating on a small scale what the
solar 3ogos and the $lanetary 3ogos ha!e likewise done" and are doing% The great
3i!es come under the rule o these laws o the soul during the $eriod o
maniestation" e!en though They are not go!erned or controlled by the laws o
the natural world" as we call it% Their consciousness remains unidentiied with the
world o $henomena" though ours is identiied with it until such time that we
come under the rule o the higher laws% By the occult 0death0 o these great
3i!es" all lesser li!es can li!e and are $roered o$$ortunity%
' <ol% <%
7une Message, <=>?;
The orces o death are abroad today" but it is the death o liberty" the death o
ree s$eech" the death o -77D/ reedom in human action" the death o truth and
Esoteric Healing
o the higher s$iritual !alues% These are the !ital actors in the lie o humanity%
The death o the $hysical orm is a negligible actor in relation to these and is
easily righted again through the $rocesses o rebirth and o resh
o$$ortunity%%%The destruction o the orm in battle is o small im$ortance to those
who know that reincarnation is a basic law o nature and that there is no death.
A Treatise on "hite Magic;
9ou say there are as yet only belies as to immortality" and no sure e!idences% In
the accumulation o testimony" in the inner assurances o the human heart" in the
act o belie in eternal $ersistence as an idea in the minds o men" lie sure
indication% But indication will gi!e $lace to con!iction and knowledge beore
another hundred years has ela$sed" or an e!ent will take $lace and a re!elation
be gi!en the race which will turn ho$e into certainty and belie into knowledge% In
the meantime" let a new attitude to death be culti!ated and a new science o
death be inaugurated% 3et it cease to be the one thing we cannot control and
which ine!itably deeats us" and let us begin to control our $assing o!er to the
other side" and to understand somewhat the techni,ue o transition%
' )age =DD%
All I $lead or is a sane a$$roach to death+ all I seek to make is a suggestion that
when $ain has worn itsel out and weakness has su$er!ened" the dying $erson be
$ermitted to $re$are himsel" e!en i a$$arently unconscious" or the great
transition% 8orget not that it takes strength and a strong hold on the ner!ous
a$$aratus to $roduce $ain% Is it im$ossible to concei!e o a time when the act o
dying will be a trium$hant inale to lie: Is it im$ossible -772/ to !ision the time
when the hours s$ent on the death bed may be but a glorious $relude to a
conscious e#it: *hen the act that the man is to discard the handica$ o the
$hysical sheath may be or him and those around him the long'waited'or and
joyous consummation: >an you not !isuali(e the time when" instead o tears and
ears and the reusal to recogni(e the ine!itable" the dying $erson and his riends
would mutually agree on the hour" and that nothing but ha$$iness would
characteri(e the $assing: That in the minds o those let behind the thought o
sorrow will not enter and death beds shall be regarded as ha$$ier occasions than
births and marriages: I tell you that" beore so !ery long" this will be dee$ly so
or the intelligent o the race" and little by little or all%
' )age 7CC%
It is interesting here to note that death is go!erned by the )rinci$le o 3iberation
and not by that o 3imitation% Death is only recogni(ed as a actor to be dealt with
by sel'conscious li!es and is only misunderstood by human beings" who are the
most glimmered and deluded o all incarnated li!es%
' )age =47%
*hen the nature o true ;er!ice is com$rehended" it will be ound that it is an
as$ect o that di!ine energy which works always under the destroyer as$ect" or it
destroys the orms in order to release% ;er!ice is a maniestation o the )rinci$le
o 3iberation" and o this $rinci$le" death and ser!ice constitute two as$ects%
;er!ice sa!es" liberates and releases" on !arious le!els" the im$risoned
consciousness% The same statements can be made o death% But unless ser!ice
can be rendered rom an intuiti!e understanding o all the acts in the case"
inter$reted intelligently" and a$$lied -77./ in a s$irit o lo!e u$on the $hysical
$lane" it ails to ulil its mission ade,uately%
+ )age =4@%
Esoteric Healing
*ear of Death
A Treatise on "hite Magic;
The ear o death is based u$on1
a% A terror o the inal rending $rocesses in the act o death itsel%
b% Horror o the unknown and the indeinable%
c% Doubt as to inal immortality%
d% Gnha$$iness at lea!ing lo!ed ones behind or o being let behind%
e% Ancient reactions to $ast !iolent deaths" lying dee$ in the consciousness%
% >linging to orm lie" because $rimarily identiied with it in consciousness%
g% &ld erroneous teaching as to Hea!en and Hell" both e,ually un$leasant in
$ros$ect to certain ty$es%
' )age 4DD%
As time $rogresses and beore the close o the ne#t century" death will be
inally seen to be non'e#istent in the sense in which it is now understood%
>ontinuity o consciousness will be so widely de!elo$ed" and so many o
the highest ty$es o men will unction simultaneously in the two worlds"
that the old ear will go and the intercourse between the astral $lane and
the $hysical $lane will be so irmly established and so scientiically
controlled that the work o the trance mediums will rightly and merciully
come to an end% The ordinary common trance mediumshi$ and
materiali(ations under controls and Indian guides are just as much
$er!ersions o the intercourse between the two $lanes as are se#
$er!ersions and the distortions o the -774/ true relationshi$ and
intercourse between the se#es% I reer not here to the work o
clair!oyants" no matter how $oor" nor to the taking $ossession o the body
by entities o high caliber" but o the un$leasant $henomena o the
materiali(ation seance" o ecto$lasm and the blind unintelligent work done
by the old Atlantean degenerates and earth bound souls" the a!erage
Indian chie and guide% There is nothing to be learned rom them" and
much to be a!oided%
The reign o the ear o death is well'nigh ended and we shall soon enter
u$on a $eriod o knowledge and o certainty which will cut the ground
rom under all our ears% In dealing with the ear o death" there is little to
be done e#ce$t to raise the whole subject onto a more scientiic le!el" and
' in this scientiic sense ' teach $eo$le to die% There is a techni,ue o dying
just as there is o li!ing" but this techni,ue has been lost !ery largely in
the *est" and is almost lost e#ce$t in a ew centers o Knowers in the
East% Fore o this can $erha$s be dealt with later" but the thought o the
needed a$$roach to this subject can rest in the minds o students who
read this" and $erha$s as they study and read and think" material o
interest will come their way which could be gradually assembled and
+ )ages 4D2'4D.%
8ear o death and de$ression constitute or man the Dweller on the
Threshold in this age and cycle% Both o them indicate sentient reaction to
$sychological actors and cannot be dealt with by the use o another actor
such as courage% They must be met by the omniscience o the soul"
working through the mind ' not by its omni$otence% In this is to be ound
an occult hint%
+ )age 4DC%
Esoteric Healing
The instinct o sel'$reser!ation has its roots in an innate ear o death+
through the $resence o this ear" the -777/ race has ought its way to its
$resent $oint o longe!ity and endurance%
' )age ?.?%
Definition of Death
A Treatise on the &e(en Rays;
Death itsel is a $art o the Ereat Illusion" and only e#ists because o the !eils we
ha!e gathered around oursel!es%
' <ol% <%
A Treatise on "hite Magic;
But $eo$le are a$t to orget that e!ery night in the hours o slee$ we die to the
$hysical $lane and are ali!e and unctioning elsewhere% They orget that they
ha!e already achie!ed acility in lea!ing the $hysical body+ because they cannot
as yet bring back into the $hysical brain consciousness the recollection o that
$assing out" and o the subse,uent inter!al o acti!e li!ing" they ail to relate
death and slee$% Death is" ater all" only a longer inter!al in the lie o $hysical
$lane unctioning+ one has only 0gone abroad0 or a longer $eriod% But the
$rocess o daily slee$ and the $rocess o occasional dying are identical" with the
one dierence that in slee$ the magnetic thread or current o energy along which
the lie orce streams is $reser!ed intact" and constitutes the $ath o return to the
body% In death" this lie thread is broken or sna$$ed% *hen this has ha$$ened"
the conscious entity cannot return to the dense $hysical body" and that body"
lacking the $rinci$le o coherence" then disintegrates%
' )age 7C7%
A Treatise on the &e(en Rays;
The $rocesses o abstraction are 5as you may thus see6 connected with the lie
as$ect" are set in motion by an act o the s$iritual will" and constitute the
0resurrection $rinci$le which lies hidden in the work o the Destroyer"0 as an old
esoteric saying e#$resses it% The lowest maniestation -77=/ o this $rinci$le is to
be seen in the $rocess o what we call death + which is in reality a means of
abstracting the life principle, inormed by consciousness" rom the orm o the
bodies in the three worlds%
Thus" the great synthesis emerges and destruction" death" and dissolution are" in
reality" naught but lie $rocesses% Abstraction is indicati!e o $rocess" $rogress
and de!elo$ment% It is this as$ect o the 3aw o 3ie 5or the 3aw o ;ynthesis as it
is called in certain larger connotations6 with which the initiate s$eciically deals%
' <ol% <%
3ie is a$$roached rom the angle o the &bser!er" and not rom that o a
$artici$ator in actual e#$eriment and e#$erience in the three worlds 5$hysical '
emotional ' mental6%%%i they are initiated disci$les they are increasingly unaware
o the acti!ities and reactions o their $ersonalities" because certain as$ects o the
lower nature are now so controlled and $uriied that they ha!e dro$$ed below the
threshold o consciousness and ha!e entered the world o instinct+ thereore"
there is no more awareness o them than a man aslee$ is conscious o the
rhythmic unctioning o his slee$ing $hysical !ehicle% This is a dee$ and largely
unreali(ed truth% It is related to the entire $rocess o death" and might be
Esoteric Healing
regarded as one o the deinitions o death+ it holds the clue to the mysterious
words 0the reser!oir o lie%0 Death is in reality unconsciousness o that which
may be unctioning in some orm or another" but in a orm o which the s$iritual
entity is totally unaware% The reser!oir o lie is the $lace o death" and this is the
irst lesson the disci$le learns%%%
' <ol% <%
Pur%oses of Death
A Treatise on the &e(en Rays;
Through death" a great at'one'ing $rocess is carried -77?/ orward+ in the 0all o
a lea0 and its conse,uent identiication with the soil on which it alls" we ha!e a
tiny illustration o this great and eternal $rocess o at'one'ing" through becoming
and dying as a result o becoming%
' <ol% II" $age 2@4%
A Treatise on "hite Magic;
I s$eak about Death as one who knows the matter rom the outer world
e#$erience and the inner lie e#$ression1 There is no death. There is" as you
know" entrance into uller lie% There is reedom rom the handica$s o the leshly
!ehicle% The rending $rocess so much dreaded does not e#ist" e#ce$t in the cases
o !iolent and sudden death" and then the only true disagreeables are an instant
and o!erwhelming sense o imminent $eril and destruction and something closely
a$$roaching an electric shock% Ho more% 8or the une!ol!ed" death is literally a
slee$ and a orgetting" or the mind is not suiciently awakened to react" and the
storehouse o memory is as yet $ractically em$ty% 8or the a!erage good citi(en"
death is a continuance o the li!ing $rocess in his consciousness and a carrying
orward o the interests and tendencies o the lie% His consciousness and his
sense o awareness are the same and unaltered% He does not sense much
dierence" is well taken care o" and ot is unaware that he has $assed through
the e$isode o death% 8or the wicked and cruelly selish" or the criminal and or
those ew who li!e or the material side only" there e!entuates that condition
which we call 0earth'bound%0 The links they ha!e orged with earth and the
earthward bias o all their desires" orce them to remain close to the earth and
their last setting in the earth en!ironment% They seek des$erately and by e!ery
$ossible means to recontact it and to re'enter% In a ew cases" great $ersonal lo!e
or those let behind" or the non'ulilment o a recogni(ed and urgent duty" holds
the good and beautiul in a somewhat similar -77@/ condition% 8or the as$irant"
death is an immediate entrance into a s$here o ser!ice and o e#$ression to
which he is well accustomed and which he at once recogni(es as not new% In his
slee$ing hours he has de!elo$ed a ield o acti!e ser!ice and o learning% He now
sim$ly unctions in it or the entire twenty'our hours 5talking in terms o $hysical
$lane time6 instead o or his usual ew hours o earthly slee$%
' )ages 4DD'4D2%
A Treatise on !osmic 9ire;
True death" under the 3aw" is brought about by the attainment o the objecti!e"
and hence by the cessation o as$iration% The etheric double o a man" a
$lanetary 3ogos" and a solar 3ogos" being shattered" becomes non'$olari(ed as
regards its indweller" and $ermits thereore o esca$e% It is 5to word it otherwise6
no longer a source o attraction" nor a ocal magnetic $oint% It becomes non'
magnetic" and the great 3aw o Attraction ceases to control it+ hence
Esoteric Healing
disintegration is the ensuing condition o the orm%
' )ages 2.C'24D%
A Treatise on the &e(en Rays;
0The 3aw demands the entrance o that which can eect a change%0
Bearing in mind what I ha!e elsewhere gi!en" it is ob!ious that that which must
ind entrance is that !ital concentrated will which" when set in motion in an
indi!idual" in a grou$" in a nation" in a kingdom o nature 5a $lanetary center6"
and in the $lanet as a whole" i%e%" in all the $lanetary centers simultaneously" will
cause a stirring" a changed measure" a new mo!ement and momentum" an
u$rising and a conse,uent abstraction% The changes wrought in the centers when
the death o the $hysical body is taking $lace ha!e ne!er yet been obser!ed or
recorded+ they are" howe!er" deinitely $resent to the eye o the initiate and
$ro!e most interesting and inormati!e% It is the recognition o the condition o
the centers which enables the -77B/ initiate to know ' when in $rocess o
bestowing healing ' whether the $hysical healing o the body is $ermissible or
not% He can see" by looking" whether the will $rinci$le o abstraction" to which I
ha!e been reerring" is acti!ely $resent or not% The same $rocess can be seen
taking $lace in organi(ations and in ci!ili(ations in which the orm as$ect is being
destroyed in order that the lie may be abstracted and later again rebuild or itsel
a more ade,uate orm% It is the same under the great $rocesses o initiation"
which are not only $rocesses o e#$anding the consciousness but are rooted in
the death or the abstraction $rocess" leading to resurrection and ascension%
That which eects a change is a discharge 5to use a totally inade,uate $hrase6 o
directed and ocused will'energy% This is so magnetic in ,uality that it draws to
itsel the lie o the centers" bringing about the dissolution o the orm but the
release o the lie% Death comes to the indi!idual man in the ordinary sense o the
term when the will'to'li!e in a $hysical body goes and the will'to'abstract takes
its $lace% This we call death% In cases o death in war" or instance" it is not then a
case o the indi!idual will'to'withdraw" but an enorced $artici$ation in a great
grou$ abstraction% 8rom its own $lace" the soul o the indi!idual man recogni(es
the end o a cycle o incarnation" and recalls its lie% This it does through a
discharge o the will'energy that is strong enough to bring about the
change%%%>hrist reerred to this work o abstraction as regards the third great
$lanetary center" Humanity" when He said 5and He was s$eaking as the
Re$resentati!e o the Hierarchy" the second $lanetary center" into which all
human beings achie!ing initiation are 0withdrawn0 esoterically6" 0I" i I be lited
u$" will draw all men unto Fe%0 A dierent word to this word o His will be s$oken
at the end o the age when the 3ord o the *orld will s$eak rom ;hamballa -77C/
5the irst $lanetary center6" will abstract the lie $rinci$le rom the Hierarchy" and
all lie and consciousness will then be ocused in the $lanetary head center ' the
Ereat >ouncil >hamber at ;hamballa%
0The 3aw demands that the changes thus eected remo!e the orm" bring ,uality
to light" and lay the em$hasis u$on lie%0
Here the three great as$ects ' orm" ,uality" and lie ' are brought into relation"
and the $oint o the e!olutionary objecti!e is seen in its true light ' ,ife% Hote this
$hrasing% 8orm or a$$earance" ha!ing ser!ed its $ur$ose" disa$$ears% Death o
the orm takes $lace% Luality" the major di!ine attribute being de!elo$ed in this
$lanet" becomes dominant" is 0conscious o itsel0 ' as the ancient writings $ut it%
It is identiied and indi!idual" but has no im$lementing orm" e#ce$t that o the
greater whole in which it inds its $lace% Heither orm nor ,uality 5body nor
consciousness6 are $aramount in the new state o being" only the lie as$ect" the
Esoteric Healing
s$irit on its own $lane becomes the dominating actor% ;ome aint dim light on
the signiicance o this may come i you bear in mind that our se!en $lanes are
only the se!en sub$lanes o the cosmic $hysical $lane% The $rocess o de!elo$ing
sensiti!ity in this se!enold e!olution has been undergone in order to enable the
initiate to unction u$on the cosmic astral $lane" when withdrawn or abstracted
ater the higher initiations% He is abstracted rom our $lanetary lie altogether%
&nly one actor could $re!ent this" and that might be his $ledge to ser!e
tem$orarily within the $lanetary ring'$ass'not% ;uch members o the Hierarchy
*ho $ledge Themsel!es to this work are stated to ha!e Buddhic consciousness"
and the line o Their descent 5occultly understood6 is rom the Eternal )ilgrim" the
3ord o the *orld" then the Buddha" and then the >hrist% They remain identiied
through ree choice with the 0,uality seen -7=D/ within the light0 and" or the
term o Their reely rendered ser!ice" work with the consciousness as$ect in order
to lay the em$hasis later u$on the lie as$ect%%%
+ <ol% <%
A Treatise on the &e(en Rays;
The eighteen ires must die down+ the lesser li!es 5embodying the $rinci$le o
orm" o desire and o thought" the sumtotal o creati!ity" based u$on magnetic
lo!e6 must return to the reser!oir o lie and naught be let but that which caused
them to be" the central will which is known by the eects o its radiation or
This dis$ersal" death or dissolution" is in reality a great eect $roduced by the
central >ause" and the injunction is conse,uently1 )This they must bring about by
the e(ocation of the "ill)%%% The disci$le inds his grou$ in the FasterAs Ashram
and consciously and with ull understanding masters death ' the long'eared
enemy o e#istence% He disco!ers that death is sim$ly an eect $roduced by lie
and by his conscious will" and is a mode whereby he directs substance and
controls matter% This becomes consciously $ossible because" ha!ing de!elo$ed
awareness o two di!ine as$ects ' creati!e acti!ity and lo!e ' he is now ocused in
the highest as$ect and knows himsel to be the "ill" the 3ie" the 8ather" the
Fonad" the &ne%
' <ol% <%
A great u$hea!al in all the kingdoms in nature has characteri(ed this day and
generation+ a stu$endous destruction o all orms o di!ine lie and in e!ery
kingdom has been the outstanding note o this u$hea!al% &ur modern ci!ili(ation
has recei!ed a death blow rom which it will ne!er reco!er" but which will be
recogni(ed some day as the 0blow o release0 and as the signal or that which is
better" new and more suitable or the e!ol!ing s$irit" to make its a$$earance%
Ereat and $enetrating energies and their -7=2/ e!oked orces ha!e met in conlict
which has" igurati!ely s$eaking" ele!ated the mineral kingdom into the skies and
which has brought down ire rom hea!en% I am talking to you actually and not
just symbolically% The bodies o men" women and children" as well as animals"
ha!e been destroyed+ the orms o the !egetable kingdom and the $otencies o
the mineral kingdom ha!e been disintegrated" distributed and de!astated% The
coherent lie o all the $lanetary orms has been tem$orarily rendered incoherent%
As an ancient $ro$hecy has $ut it1 0Ho true united ;ound goes out rom orm to
orm" rom lie to lie% &nly a cry o $ain" a demand or restitution and an
in!ocation or relie rom agony" des$air and ruitless eort goes out rom here to
All this u$hea!al o the 0soil0 o the world ' s$iritual" $sychological and $hysical '
all this disru$tion o the orms and o the amiliar contours o our $lanetary lie"
had to take $lace beore there could come the emergence o the Hierarchy into
the $ublic consciousness+ all this had to do its work u$on the souls o men beore
Esoteric Healing
the Hew Age could come in" bringing with it the Restoration o the Fysteries and
the rehabilitation o the $eo$les o the Earth% The two go together% This is one o
the major $oints which I am seeking to make% The disru$tion" disintegration and
the com$letely chaotic conditions e#isting or the $ast i!e hundred years within
all the kingdoms o nature ha!e at last worked their way out into $aralleling
$hysical conditions% This is good and desirable+ it marks the $relude to a better
building o a better world" and the construction o more ade,uate orms o lie
and o more correct human attitudes" $lus a sounder orientation to reality% The
best is yet to be%
E!erything is being ra$idly brought to the surace ' the good and the bad" the
desirable and the undesirable" the -7=./ $ast and the uture 5or the two are
one6+ the $low o Eod has nearly accom$lished its work+ the sword o the s$irit
has se!ered an e!il $ast rom the radiant uture" and both are seen as
contributory in the Eye o Eod+ our material ci!ili(ation will be seen as gi!ing
$lace ra$idly to a more s$iritual culture+ our church organi(ations" with their
limiting and conusing theologies" will soon gi!e $lace to the Hierarchy with its
emerging teaching ' clear" actual" intuiti!e and non'dogmatic%
+ <ol% <%
The ,ight of the &oul;
Intense desire or sentient e#istence or attachment% This is inherent in e!ery
orm" is sel'$er$etuating and known e!en to the !ery wise%
*hen the lie or ;$irit withdraws itsel" the orm dies" occultly% *hen the thought
o the ego or higher sel is occu$ied with its own $lane" there is no energy
outgoing towards the matter o the three worlds" and so no orm'building and
orm'attachment is there $ossible% This is in line with the occult truism that
0energy ollows thought"0 and is in line" too" with the teaching that the body o
the >hrist $rinci$le 5the Buddhic !ehicle6 only begins to coordinate as the lower
im$ulses ade out%%%Attachment to orm or the attraction o orm or ;$irit is the
great in!olutionary im$ulse% Re$ulsion o orm and conse,uent orm
disintegration is the great e!olutionary urge%
' )ages 24@'24B%
*hen the cause" desire" has $roduced its eect" the $ersonality or orm as$ect o
man" then as long as the will to li!e e#ists" so long will the orm $ersist% It is ke$t
in maniestation through mental !itality% This has been demonstrated time and
again in the annals o medicine" or it has been $ro!en that as long as the
determination to li!e $ersists" so will be the $robable duration o the $hysical
$lane -7=4/ lie+ but that the moment that will is withdrawn" or the interest o the
dweller in the body is no longer centered u$on $ersonality maniestation" death
ensues and the disintegration o that mind'image" the body" takes $lace%
' )age 4C@%
There are two main lines o e!olution" that which concerns matter and orm" and
that which concerns the soul" the consciousness as$ect" the thinker in
maniestation% 8or each o these the $ath o $rogress diers" and each $ursues its
course% As has been noted" or a long $eriod o time the soul identiies itsel with
the orm as$ect and endea!ors to ollow the 0)ath o Death"0 or that is what the
dark $ath is in act to the thinker% 3ater" through strenuous eort" this
identiication ceases+ the soul becomes aware o itsel" and o its own $ath" or
dharma" and ollows then the way o light and o lie% It should e!er be borne in
mind" howe!er" that or the two as$ects their own $ath is the right $ath" and that
the im$ulses which lie hidden in the $hysical !ehicle or in the astral body are not
in themsel!es wrong% They become wrong rom certain angles when twisted rom
their right use" and it was this reali(ation that led the disci$le in the Book o Job
Esoteric Healing
to cry out and say" 0I ha!e $er!erted that which was right%0 The two lines o
de!elo$ment are se$arate and distinct" and this e!ery as$irant has to learn%
' )ages 7D.'7D4
The Art of Dying
A Treatise on "hite Magic;
The soul" seated in the heart" is the lie $rinci$le" the $rinci$le o sel'
determination" the central nucleus o $ositi!e energy by means o which all the
atoms o the body are held in their right $lace and subordinated to the 0will'to'
be0 o the soul% This $rinci$le o lie utili(es the blood stream -7=7/ as its mode o
e#$ression and as its controlling agency" and through the close relation o the
endocrine system to the blood stream" we ha!e the two as$ects o soul acti!ity
brought together in order to make man a li!ing" conscious" unctioning entity"
go!erned by the soul" and e#$ressing the $ur$ose o the soul in all the acti!ities
o daily li!ing%
Death, therefore, is literally the withdrawal from the heart and from the head of
these two streams of energy, producing conse#uently complete loss of
consciousness and disintegration of the body. Death diers rom slee$ in that
both streams o energy are withdrawn% In slee$" only the thread o energy which
is anchored in the brain is withdrawn" and when this ha$$ens the man becomes
unconscious% By this we mean that his consciousness or sense o awareness is
ocused elsewhere% His attention is no longer directed towards things tangible and
$hysical" but is turned u$on another world o being and becomes centered in
another a$$aratus or mechanism% In death" both the threads are withdrawn or
uniied in the lie thread% <itality ceases to $enetrate through the medium o the
blood stream and the heart ails to unction" just as the brain ails to record" and
thus silence settles down% The house is em$ty% Acti!ity ceases" e#ce$t that
ama(ing and immediate acti!ity which is the $rerogati!e o matter itsel and
which e#$resses itsel in the $rocess o decom$osition% 8rom certain as$ects"
thereore" that $rocess indicates manAs unity with e!erything that is material+ it
demonstrates that he is a $art o nature itsel" and by nature we mean the body
o the one 3ie in *hom 0we li!e and mo!e and ha!e our being%0 In those three
words ' li!ing" mo!ing and being ' we ha!e the entire story% /eing is awareness"
sel'consciousness and sel'e#$ression" and o this manAs head and brain are the
e#oteric symbols% ,i(ing is energy" desire in orm" coherence and adhesion to an
idea" and o this the heart and the blood are the e#oteric -7==/ symbols% Mo(ing
indicates the integration and res$onse o the e#isting" aware" li!ing entity into the
uni!ersal acti!ity" and o this the stomach" $ancreas and li!er are the symbols%
It must be noted also that death is, therefore, undertaken at the direction of the
2go, no matter how unaware a human being may be of that direction. The
$rocess works automatically with the majority" or 5when the soul withdraws its
attention6 the ine!itable reaction on the $hysical $lane is either death" by the
abstraction o the dual threads o lie and reason energy" or by the abstraction o
the thread o energy which is ,ualiied by mentality" lea!ing the lie stream still
unctioning through the heart" but no intelligent awareness% The soul is engaged
elsewhere and occu$ied on its own $lane with its own aairs%
' )ages 7C?'7C@%
Beore I take u$ this subject in greater detail I would like to make some reerence
to the 0web in the brain"0 which is intact or the majority but is non'e#istent or
the illumined seer%
In the human body" as you know" we ha!e an underlying" e#tensi!e !ital body
Esoteric Healing
which is the counter$art o the $hysical" which is larger than the $hysical and
which we call the etheric body or double% It is an energy body and is com$osed o
orce centers and nadis or orce threads% These underlie or are the counter$arts
o the ner!ous a$$aratus ' the ner!es and the ner!e ganglia% In two $laces in the
human body there are oriices o e#it" i I may use so cumbersome a $hrase% &ne
o$ening is in the solar $le#us and the other is in the brain at the to$ o the head%
)rotecting both is a closely wo!en web o etheric matter" com$osed o interlacing
strands o lie energy%
During the $rocess o death the $ressure o the lie energy beating against the
web $roduces e!entually a -7=?/ $uncturing or o$ening% &ut o this the lie orce
$ours as the $otency o the abstracting inluence o the soul increases% In the
case o animals" o inants and o men and women who are $olari(ed entirely in
the $hysical and astral bodies" the door o e#it is the solar $le#us" and it is that
web which is $unctured" thus $ermitting the $assing out% In the case o mental
ty$es" o the more highly e!ol!ed human units" it is the web at the to$ o the
head in the region o the ontanel which is ru$tured" thus again $ermitting the
e#it o the thinking rational being%
In the $rocess o death these are" thereore" the two main e#its1 the solar $le#us
or the astrally $olari(ed" $hysically biased human being" and thereore o the
!ast majority" and the head center or the mentally $olari(ed and s$iritually
oriented human being% This is the irst and most im$ortant actor to remember"
and it will easily be seen how the trend o a lie tendency and the ocus o the lie
attention determine the mode o e#it at death% It can be seen also that an eort
to control the astral lie and the emotional nature" and to orient oneAs sel to the
mental world and to s$iritual things" has a momentous eect u$on the
$henomenal as$ects o the death $rocess%
I the student is thinking clearly" it will be a$$arent to him that one e#it concerns
the s$iritual and highly e!ol!ed man" whilst the other concerns the low grade
human being who has scarcely ad!anced beyond the animal stage% *hat then o
the a!erage man: A third e#it is now in tem$orary use+ just below the a$e# o
the heart another etheric web is ound co!ering an oriice o e#it% *e ha!e"
thereore" the ollowing situation1
2% The e#it in the head" used by the intellectual ty$e" by the disci$les and
initiates o the world% -7=@/
.% The e#it in the heart" used by the kindly" well'meaning man or woman
who is a good citi(en" an intelligent riend and a $hilanthro$ic worker%
4% The e#it in the region o the solar $le#us" used by those whose animal
nature is strong%
This is the irst $oint in the new inormation which will slowly become common
knowledge in the *est during the ne#t century% Fuch o it is already known by
thinkers in the East and is in the nature o a irst ste$ towards a rational
understanding o the death $rocess%
' )age =DD%
A Treatise on "hite Magic;
In relation to the techni,ue o dying" it is only $ossible or me at this time to
make one or two suggestions% I deal not here with the attitude o the attendant
watchers" I deal only with those $oints which will make or an easier $assing o!er
o the transient soul%
8irst" let there be silence in the chamber% This is" o course" re,uently the case%
It must be remembered that the dying $erson may usually be unconscious% This
unconsciousness is a$$arent but not real% In nine hundred cases out o a
thousand the brain awareness is there" with a ull consciousness o ha$$enings"
Esoteric Healing
but there is a com$lete $aralysis o the will to e#$ress and com$lete inability to
generate the energy which will indicate ali!eness% *hen silence and
understanding rule the sick room" the de$arting soul can hold $ossession o its
instrument with clarity until the last minute" and can make due $re$aration%
3ater" when more anent color is known" only orange lights will be $ermitted in the
sick room o a dying $erson" and these will only be installed with due ceremony
when there is assuredly no $ossibility o reco!ery% &range aids the ocusing in the
head" just as red stimulates the solar -7=B/ $le#us and green has a deinite eect
u$on the heart and lie streams%
>ertain ty$es o music will be used when more in connection with sound is
understood" but there is no music as yet which will acilitate the work o the soul
in abstracting itsel rom the body" though certain notes on the organ will be
ound eecti!e% At the e#act moment o death" i a $ersonAs own note is sounded"
it will coordinate the two streams o energy and e!entually ru$ture the lie
thread" but the knowledge o this is too dangerous to transmit as yet and can
only later be gi!en% I would indicate the uture and the lines along which uture
occult study will run%
It will be ound also that $ressure on certain ner!e centers and on certain arteries
will acilitate the work" and this science o dying is held in custody" as many
students know" in Tibet% )ressure on the jugular !ein and on certain big ner!es in
the region o the head and on a $articular s$ot in the medulla oblongata will be
ound hel$ul and eecti!e% A deinite science o death will ine!itably later be
elaborated" but only when the act o the soul is recogni(ed and its relation to the
body has been scientiically demonstrated%
Fantric $hrases will also be em$loyed and deinitely built into the consciousness
o the dying $erson by those around him" or em$loyed deliberately and mentally
by himsel% The >hrist demonstrated their use when He cried aloud" 08ather" into
Thy hands I commend Fy s$irit%0 And we ha!e another instance in the words"
03ord" now lettest Thou Thy ser!ant de$art in $eace%0 The steady use o the
;acred *ord" chanted in an undertone or on a $articular key 5to which the dying
man will be ound to res$ond6" may later constitute also a $art o the ritual o
transition" accom$anied by the anointing with oil" as $reser!ed in the >atholic
>hurch% E#treme Gnction has an occult" scientiic basis% The to$ o the head o the
dying -7=C/ man should also symbolically $oint towards the East" and the eet
and hands should be crossed% ;andalwood only should be burned in the room"
and no incense o any other kind $ermitted" or sandalwood is the incense o the
8irst or Destroyer Ray" and the soul is in $rocess o destroying its habitation%
' )age =D=%
I there is one actor as$irants recogni(e" it is the need o reeing themsel!es
rom the Ereat Illusion% Arjuna knew this" yet succumbed to des$air% 9et in his
hour o need" Krishna ailed him not" but laid down in the Eita the sim$le rules
whereby de$ression and doubt can be o!ercome% They may be briely
summari(ed as ollows1
a% Know thysel to be the undying &ne%
b% >ontrol thy mind" or through that mind the undying &ne can be known%
c% 3earn that the orm is but the !eil which hides the s$lendor o Di!inity%
d% Reali(e that the &ne 3ie $er!ades all orms" so that there is no death" no
distress" no se$aration%
e% Detach thysel thereore rom the orm side and come to Fe" so dwelling in
the $lace where 3ight and 3ie are ound% Thus illusion ends%
+ )age 4DB%
,etters on *ccult Meditation;
Esoteric Healing
A Faster learns the meaning o each conining orm+ then He assumes control
and wields the law u$on the $lane consistent with the orm% He has then
outgrown the orm and discards it or other and higher orms% Thus" He has
$rogressed always by means o the sacriice and death o the orm% Always" it is
recogni(ed as im$risoning" always it must be sacriiced and die so that the lie
within may s$eed e!er on and u$% The $ath o resurrection $resu$$oses -7?D/
crucii#ion and death" and then leads to the mount whence Ascension may be
' )age .?2%
2. The Act of 0estitution
In considering the consciousness o the de$arting soul 5note that $hrase6 as it
undertakes the act o restitution" I would again $oint out that I am dealing with a
subject o which there is no tangible $hysical $roo% &ccasionally men are brought
back again into $hysical $lane e#istence when at the e#act $oint o com$lete
$hysical restitution% This can only be done as long as the conscious entity is still
occu$ying the etheric !ehicle" though the discarding o the dense $hysical body
has to all intents and $ur$oses been com$leted% Though the etheric body
inter$enetrates the entire $hysical body" it is much larger than that body" and the
astral body and the mental nature can still remain etherically $olari(ed e!en i the
death o the $hysical body ' the cessation o all heart acti!ity and the
concentration o the basic etheric ocus in the region o the head" or the heart" or
the solar $le#us ' has been eecti!e and the withdrawal is already well under
The etheric orces are irst o all withdrawn into the surrounding e#tension o the
etheric ring'$ass'not" $rior to that inal dissi$ation which lea!es the man ree to
stand as a human soul within the ring'$ass'not o his astral !ehicle% 9ou ha!e
here a somewhat new as$ect o the death $rocess% The withdrawal o the etheric
body rom occu$ation o the dense $hysical body has ot been $osited and
$resented% But e!en when that has been accom$lished" death is not yet
com$lete+ it still awaits a secondary acti!ity o the will o the soul% This secondary
acti!ity will result in all the etheric orces dissol!ing into an emanating source
which is the -7?2/ general reser!oir o orces% 8orget not that the etheric body
has no distincti!e lie o its own% It is only an amalgamation o all the orces and
energies which animated the $hysical body and which gal!ani(ed it into acti!ity
during the outer lie cycle% Remember also that the i!e centers u$ the s$ine are
not within the $hysical body" but are ound at certain distincti!e $oints in the
$aralleling etheric substance+ they are 5e!en in the case o the unde!elo$ed man"
and still more in the case o the a!erage man6 at least two inches away rom the
$hysical s$ine% The three head centers are also outside the dense $hysical body%
The recollection o this will acilitate your understanding o the statement that the
$hysical body is" per se, !acated when death is assumed by the watching
authorities" but that" ne!ertheless" the man may not be truly dead% I would
remind you also that this is e,ually true o the many minor centers as well as o
the major centers" with which we are so amiliar%
The last o the minor centers to 0ade out into nothingness"0 in order to be
resol!ed into the totality o etheric substance" are two which are closely related to
and in the region o the lungs% It is on these two centers that the soul works i
recalled into the dense $hysical body or some reason% It is when they swing into
a returning or a resh ingoing acti!ity that the breath o lie returns to the !acated
Esoteric Healing
$hysical orm% It is an unconscious reali(ation o this which constitutes the
$rom$ting cause o the $rocess which is normally carried out in all cases o
drowning or o as$hy#iation% *hen a man has succumbed to disease and the
$hysical body is conse,uently weakened" such restorati!e e#ercises are not
$ossible and should not be em$loyed% In cases o sudden death through accident"
suicide" murder" une#$ected heart attacks or through the $rocesses o war" the
shock is such that the somewhat leisurely $rocess o soul withdrawal is entirely
oset" and the !acating o the $hysical -7?./ body and the com$lete dissolution
o the etheric body are $ractically simultaneous% In normal cases o death rom
disease" the withdrawal is slow" and 5where the malignancy o the disease has
not caused too great deterioration o the $hysical organism in!ol!ed6 there is the
$ossibility o a return or a shorter or a longer $eriod o time% This re,uently
ha$$ens" es$ecially when the will to li!e is strong or the lie task remains as yet
unaccom$lished and is not correctly concluded%
There is another $oint u$on which I wish to touch and which has relation to the
eternal conlict being waged between the dualities o the dense $hysical body and
the etheric !ehicle% The $hysical elemental 5which is the name gi!en to the
integrated lie o the $hysical body6 and the soul" as it seeks to withdraw and
dissol!e the sumtotal o the combined energies o the etheric body" are in !iolent
conlict and the $rocess is oten ierce and long+ it is this battle which is being
waged during the long or short $eriod o coma which characteri(es so many death
beds% >oma" esoterically s$eaking" is o two kinds1 there is the 0coma o battle0
which $recedes true death+ there is also the 0coma o restoration0 which takes
$lace when the soul has withdrawn the consciousness thread or as$ect" but not
the lie thread" in an eort to gi!e the $hysical elemental time to regain its gri$
u$on the organism and thus to restore health% As yet" modern science does not
recogni(e the distinction between these two as$ects o coma% 3ater" when etheric
or clair!oyant !ision is more common" the ,uality o the coma $re!ailing will be
known" and the elements o ho$e or o des$air will no longer control% The riends
and relations o the unconscious $erson will know e#actly whether they are
watching a great and inal withdrawal rom $resent incarnation or sim$ly looking
on at a restorati!e $rocess% In the latter case" the soul is still retaining its hold
u$on -7?4/ the $hysical body" !ia the centers" but is withstraining tem$orarily all
energi(ing $rocesses% The e#ce$tions to this withstraint are the heart center" the
s$leen" and two minor centers connected with the breathing a$$aratus% These will
remain normally energi(ed" e!en i somewhat weakened in their acti!ity+ and
through them control is retained% *hen true death is the soulAs intention" then
control o!er the s$leen irst o all takes $lace+ then control o!er the two minor
centers ollows" and inally control o!er the heart center su$er!enes and the man
The abo!e will gi!e you some idea o the many $oints connected with dying that
still remain to be disco!ered by orthodo# medicine" and which will be re!ealed as
the race o men reaches an increasing sensiti!ity%
I would ask you to remember that in all our $resent considerations we are dealing
with the reactions and acti!ities o the soul which is deliberately recalling its
incarnated as$ect because a lie cycle has been concluded% The term o that lie
cycle may be long or short" according to the $ur$oses in!ol!ed+ it may co!er only
a !ery ew short years" or a century% )rior to the se!enth year" the !itality o the
$hysical elemental is largely the determining actor% The soul is then ocused in
the etheric body" but is not ully utili(ing all the centers+ it has sim$ly a gently
$ulsating control and a gentle im$ulsi!e acti!ity ' suicient to $reser!e
consciousness" to !itali(e the !arious $hysical $rocesses" and to initiate the
demonstration o character and o dis$osition% These become increasingly marked
Esoteric Healing
until the twenty'irst year" when they stabili(e into what we call the $ersonality%
In the case o disci$les" the gri$ o the soul u$on the etheric centers will be more
$owerul rom the !ery start o the $hysical e#istence% By the time the ourteenth
year is reached" the ,uality and the nature o the incarnated soul and its
a$$ro#imate age or e#$erience are determined" the -7?7/ $hysical" astral and
mental elemental are under control" and the soul" the indwelling s$iritual man"
already determines the lie tendencies and choices%
In the case o the ordinary man" where death is intended" the battle between the
$hysical elemental and the soul is a distincti!e actor+ it is occultly called a
03emurian de$arture0+ in the case o the a!erage citi(en" where the ocus o the
lie is in the desire nature" the conlict is between the astral elemental and the
soul" and this is gi!en the name 0the death o an Atlantean0+ where disci$les are
concerned" the conlict will be more $urely mental and is ot ocused around the
will'to'ser!e and the determination to ulil a $articular as$ect o the )lan and the
will'to'return in ull orce to the ashramic center% *here initiates are concerned"
there is no conlict" but sim$ly a conscious and deliberate withdrawal% >uriously
enough" i there a$$ears to be a conlict" it will be between the two elemental
orces then remaining in the $ersonality1 the $hysical elemental and the mental
lie% There is no astral elemental to be ound in the e,ui$ment o an initiate o
high standing% Desire has been com$letely transcended as ar as the indi!idualAs
own nature is in!ol!ed%
*actors Confronting the &ithrawing +oul
In $hysical death" thereore" and in the act o restitution" the withdrawing soul
has to deal with the ollowing actors1
2% The $hysical elemental" the integrated and coordinated lie o the $hysical
body" which is ore!er seeking to hold together under the attracti!e orces
o all its com$onent $arts and their mutual interaction% This orce works
through a number o minor centers%
.% The etheric !ehicle" which has a $owerul coordinated lie o its own"
e#$ressed through the se!en -7?=/ major centers which react under
astral" mental and soul im$ulsi!e energy% It works also through certain o
the minor centers which are not dedicated to a res$onse to that as$ect o
the manAs e,ui$ment which H%)%B% states is not a $rinci$le ' the dense
$hysical mechanism%
The minor centers are thereore to be ound e#isting in two grou$s1 Those
res$onsi!e to the lie o dense matter" to the mother as$ect" and which are
deinitely u$on the in!olutionary arc+ these are an inheritance rom the $re!ious
solar system wherein the entire man was controlled !ia these minor centers" with
only a !ery ew o the major centers dimly indicated in the case o initiates and
ad!anced disci$les o that time+ secondly" those centers which are res$onsi!e to
energies reaching them !ia the major centers+ these then come under the control
o the astral body and the mental a$$aratus% 9ou will see conse,uently why"
earlier in this treatise" I made the ollowing reerence to the minor centers% It
might be o interest to you" ne!ertheless" to be told where the twenty'one minor
centers are to be ound% They can be located at the ollowing $oints1
2% There are two in ront o the ears" close to where the jaw bones are
.% There are two just abo!e the two breasts%
Esoteric Healing
4% There is one where the breast bone connects" close to the thyroid gland%
This" with the two breast centers" makes a triangle o orce%
7% There are two" one each in the $alms o the hands%
=% There are two" one each in the soles o the eet%
?% There are two" just behind the eyes%
@% There are two" also" connected with the gonads%
B% There is one close to the li!er% -7??/
C% There is one connected with the stomach+ it is related" thereore" to the
solar $le#us" but is not identical with it%
2D% There are two connected with the s$leen% These orm one center in reality"
but such a center is ormed by the two being su$erim$osed one on the
22% There are two ' one at the back o each knee%
2.% There is one $owerul center which is closely connected with the !agus
ner!e% This is most $otent and is regarded by some schools o occultism as
a major center+ it is not in the s$ine" but is no great distance rom the
thymus gland%
24% There is one which is close to the solar $le#us" and relates it to the center
at the base o the s$ine" thus making a triangle o the sacral center" the
solar $le#us" and the center at the base o the s$ine%
The two triangles reerred to in this tabulation are o real im$ortance% &ne is
abo!e and the other below the dia$hragm%
Again" the death $rocess can be seen as a dual acti!ity and one which $rimarily
concerns the etheric body% There is irst o all the collecting and the withdrawing
o the etheric substance" so that it no longer inter$enetrates the dense $hysical
organism" and its subse,uent densification 5a word I deliberately choose6 in that
area o the etheric body which has always surrounded" but not $enetrated" the
dense !ehicle% This has been sometimes erroneously called the health aura" and it
can be $hotogra$hed more easily and successully during the $rocess o dying
than at any other time" owing to the accumulation o the withdrawn orces or
se!eral inches e#ternal to the tangible body% It is at this $oint in the e#$erience o
the withdrawing soul that the 0word o death0 is s$oken" and it is $rior to this
-7?@/ enunciation o this word that a return to $hysical li!ing can be $ossible and
the withdrawn etheric orces can again inter$enetrate the body% Relationshi$ with
all the withdrawn orces is" u$ to this $oint" retained !ia the head or the heart or
the solar $le#us" as well as !ia the two minor chest centers%
All this time the consciousness o the dying man is ocused in either the emotional
5or astral6 body or the mental !ehicle" according to the $oint in e!olution% He is
not unconscious as the onlooker might iner" but is ully aware within himsel o
what is occurring% I he is strongly ocused on $hysical $lane lie" and i that is the
dominating desire o which he is the most aware" he may then intensiy the
conlict+ you will then ha!e the $hysical elemental battling uriously or e#istence"
the desire nature ighting to retard the $rocesses o death" and the soul" intent
u$on the work o abstraction and o restitution% This can and re,uently does
occasion a struggle which is ,uite a$$arent to the onlookers% As the race o men
$rogresses and de!elo$s" this tri$le struggle will become much rarer+ desire or
$hysical $lane e#istence will not a$$ear so attracti!e" and the acti!ity o the
astral body will die out%
I wish you could get a $icture 5symbolically considered6 o a man who is in ull
incarnation and rooted in his $hase o e#$erience" and o a man who is
withdrawing rom that e#$erience% It connotes a re$etition on a tiny scale o the
great $lanetary $rocesses o in!olution and e!olution+ it concerns those acti!ities
Esoteric Healing
which $roduce a ocusing or a $olari(ation in one o two directions+ it resembles
what might be regarded as a $rocess o $ouring in lie and light into a !essel
u$on the $hysical $lane" or an intensiication o the radiation o that lie and light
o so $otent a nature that under the e!ocati!e $ower o the soul they are both
withdrawn and gathered u$ into the center o lie and light rom whence they
originally came% I ha!e here gi!en you -7?B/ 5could you but recogni(e it6 a
deinition o initiation" but one o a somewhat unusual $hrasing% )erha$s some
lines rom the Manual of Death which is to be ound in the hierarchical archi!es
would $ro!e e#$lanatory to you" and might aid you in gaining a new $ers$ecti!e
u$on death% This manual has in it what are called the 08ormulas $receding
)ralaya%0 These deal with all the death or abstraction $rocesses" co!ering the
death o all orms" whether it be the death o an ant" a man or a $lanet% The
ormulas concern only the two as$ects o lie and light ' the irst conditioned by
;ound and the second by the *ord% The writing which I ha!e in mind concerns
the light" and the *ord which abstracts it rom the orm or ocuses it within the
0Bear in mind" & >hela" that within the known s$heres naught is but light
res$onsi!e to the "ord% Know that that light descends and concentrates itsel+
know that rom its $oint o chosen ocus" it lightens its own s$here+ know too that
light ascends and lea!es in darkness that which it ' in time and s$ace ' illumined%
This descending and ascension men call lie" e#istence and decease+ this *e *ho
tread the 3ighted *ay call death" e#$erience and lie%
3ight which descends anchors itsel u$on the $lane o tem$orary a$$earance%
;e!en threads it outward $uts" and se!en rays o light $ulsate along these
threads% Twenty'one lesser threads are radiated thence" causing the orty'nine
ires to glow and burn% G$on the $lane o maniested lie" the word goes orth1
BeholdI A man is born%
As lie $roceeds" the ,uality o light a$$ears+ dim and murky it may be" or
radiant" bright and shining% Thus do the $oints o light within the -7?C/ 8lame
$ass and re$ass+ they come and go% This men call lie+ they call it true e#istence%
They thus delude themsel!es yet ser!e the $ur$ose o their souls and it into the
greater )lan%
And then a *ord sounds orth% The descended" radiating $oint o light ascends"
res$onsi!e to the dimly heard recalling note" attracted to its emanating source%
This man calls death and this the soul calls lie%
The *ord retains the light in lie+ the *ord abstracts the light" and only That is
let which is the *ord Itsel% That *ord is 3ight% That 3ight is 3ie" and 3ie is
The maniestation o the etheric body in time and s$ace has in it what has been
esoterically called 0two moments o brilliance%0 These are" irst" the moment $rior
to $hysical incarnation" when the descending light 5carrying lie6 is ocused in all
its intensity around the $hysical body and sets u$ a ra$$ort with the innate light
o matter itsel" to be ound in e!ery atom o substance% This ocusing light will be
ound to concentrate itsel in se!en areas o its ring'$ass'not" thus creating se!en
major centers which will control its e#$ression and its e#istence u$on the outer
$lane" esoterically s$eaking% This is a moment o great radiance+ it is almost as i
a $oint o $ulsating light burst into lame" and as i within that lame se!en $oints
o intensiied light took sha$e% This is a high $oint in the e#$erience o taking
incarnation" and $recedes $hysical birth by a !ery short $eriod o time% It is that
which brings on the birth hour% The ne#t $hase o the $rocess" as seen by the
Esoteric Healing
clair!oyant" is the stage o inter$enetration" during which 0the se!en become the
twenty'one and then the many0+ the light substance" the energy as$ect o the
soul" begins to $ermeate -7@D/ the $hysical body" and the creati!e work o the
etheric or !ital body is com$leted% The irst recognition o this u$on the $hysical
$lane is the 0sound0 uttered by the newborn inant% It clima#es the $rocess% The
act o creation by the soul is now com$lete+ a new light shines orth in a dark
The second moment o brilliance comes in re!erse o this $rocess and heralds the
$eriod o restitution and the inal abstraction o its own intrinsic energy by the
soul% The $rison house o the lesh is dissol!ed by the withdrawing o the light
and lie% The orty'nine ires within the $hysical organism die down+ their heat
and light are absorbed into the twenty'one minor $oints o light+ these" in their
turn" are absorbed by the major se!en centers o energy% Then the 0*ord o
Return0 is uttered" and the consciousness as$ect" the ,uality nature" the light and
energy o the incarnating man" are withdrawn into the etheric body% The lie
$rinci$le withdraws" likewise" rom the heart% There ollows a brilliant laring'u$ o
$ure electric light" and the 0body o light0 inally breaks all contact with the dense
$hysical !ehicle" ocuses or a short $eriod in the !ital body" and then disa$$ears%
The act o restitution is accom$lished% This entire $rocess o the ocusing o the
s$iritual elements in the etheric body" with the subse,uent abstraction and
conse,uent dissi$ation o the etheric body" would be greatly hastened by the
substitution o cremation or burial%
Two )ain Reasons for Cre!ation
&ccultly s$eaking" cremation is needed or two main reasons% It hastens the
release o the subtle !ehicles 5still enshrouding the soul6 rom the etheric body"
thus bringing about the release in a ew hours instead o a ew days+ it also is a
much needed means or bringing about the -7@2/ $uriication o the astral $lane
and or arresting the 0downward mo!ing0 tendency o desire which so greatly
handica$s the incarnating soul% It can ind no $oint o ocus" because essentially
ire re$els the orm'making as$ect o desire and is a major e#$ression o di!inity
with which the astral $lane has no true relation" being created entirely by the
human soul and not the di!ine soul% 0&ur Eod is a consuming ire0 is the
statement in the Bible which reers to the irst di!ine as$ect" the as$ect o the
destroyer" releasing the lie% 0Eod is lo!e0 connotes the second as$ect and
$ortrays Eod as incarnated e#istence% 0Eod is a jealous Eod0 is an e#$ression
indicating Eod as orm" circumscribed and limited" sel'centered and not
outgoing% The destroying ;ound+ the attracting *ord+ the indi!iduali(ed ;$eechI
At the time o death" s$eech ades out as the *ord sounds orth and restitution is
enorced+ later" the *ord is no longer heard as the ;ound obliterates or absorbs
it" and there is then com$lete elimination o all that intereres with ;ound% ;ilence
then su$er!enes and the ;ound itsel is no longer heard+ com$lete $eace ollows
the act o inal integration% Here" in esoteric $hraseology" the entire $rocess o
death is described%
It is im$ortant to note that it is under the basic and undamental 3aw o
Attraction that the Art o Dying is carried orward" and that it is the lo!e as$ect"
the second as$ect o di!inity" which does the attracting% I e#clude cases o
sudden death% There the acti!ity is the result o the destroyer" or the irst di!ine
as$ect% There the condition is dierent+ indi!idual karmic necessity may not be
in!ol!ed at all" and reasons o grou$ conditioning and o great obscurity may lie
Esoteric Healing
behind such a ha$$ening% ;o obscure is the subject at this time that I shall not
attem$t to elucidate% 9ou do not know enough about the 3aw o -7@./ Karma"
about karmic grou$ in!ol!ement" or about relationshi$s and obligations
established in $ast li!es% *hen I say" or instance" that on occasion the 0soul may
lea!e the door o $rotection o$en so that the orces o death itsel may enter
anew" ha!ing no ocal $oint behind the door0 in order 0more ra$idly to obliterate
$ast $enalties due"0 you can see how obscure this whole matter can be%
In all that I am here writing" I am dealing sim$ly with normal death $rocesses '
death which comes as the result o disease" old age" or the im$osed will o the
soul which has com$leted a designed cycle o e#$erience and is using normal
channels to attain $rojected ends% Death in these cases is normal" and this
humanity needs to gras$ with greater $atience" understanding and ho$e%
Gnder the 3aw o Attraction" the soul" at the close o a lie cycle" and with ull
intention" e#erts its attracti!e $ower in such a manner that it osets the
attracti!e $ower inherent in matter itsel% This is a clear deinition o the basic
cause o death% *here no soul contact has been consciously established" as in the
case o the majority o $eo$le at this time" death comes as an une#$ected or
sadly antici$ated e!ent% 9et ' it is a true soul acti(ity% This is the irst great
s$iritual conce$t to be $roclaimed as the ear o death is combated% Death is
carried orward under this 3aw o Attraction" and consists in the steady and
scientiic abstraction o the !ital body out o the dense $hysical body" leading
e!entually to an elimination o all soul contact in the three worlds%
+e7uence of E(ents at Death
I eel that the best that I can do" in order to clariy this subject more com$letely"
is to describe the se,uence o e!ents which ha$$ens at a death bed" reminding
you that the $oints o inal abstraction are three in number1 -7@4/
the head or disci$les and initiates and also or ad!anced mental ty$es+
the heart or as$irants" or men o goodwill" and or all those who ha!e
achie!ed a measure o $ersonality integrity and are attem$ting to ulil" as
ar as in them lies" the law o lo!e+
and the solar $le#us or the unde!elo$ed and emotionally $olari(ed
All I can do is to tabulate the stages o the $rocess" lea!ing you to acce$t them
as an interesting and $ossible hy$othesis awaiting !eriication+ to belie!e them
un,uestioningly because you ha!e conidence in my knowledge" or to reject them
as antastic" un!eriiable and o no moment anyway% I recommend the irst o the
three" or it will enable you to $reser!e your mental integrity" it will indicate an
o$en mind" and at the same time it will $rotect you rom gullibility and rom
narrow'mindedness% These stages" thereore" are1
2% The soul sounds forth a )word of withdrawal) rom its own $lane" and
immediately an interior $rocessing and reaction is e!oked within the man u$on
the $hysical $lane%
a% !ertain physiological e(ents take $lace at the seat o the disease" in
connection with the heart" and aecting also the three great systems
which so $otently condition the $hysical man1 the blood stream" the
ner!ous system in its !arious e#$ressions" and the endocrine system% *ith
these eects I shall not deal% The $athology o death is well known and
has recei!ed much study e#oterically+ much still remains to be disco!ered
Esoteric Healing
and will later be disco!ered% I am concerned" irst o all" with the
subjecti!e reactions which 5in the last analysis6 bring about the
$athological $redis$osition to death%
b% A (ibration runs along the nadis% The nadis are" as you well know" the
etheric counter$art o the -7@7/ entire ner!ous system" and they underlie
e!ery single ner!e in the entire $hysical body% They are the agents $ar
e#cellence o the directing im$ulses o the soul" reacting to the !ibratory
acti!ity which emanates rom the etheric counter$art o the brain% They
res$ond to the directing *ord" react to the 0$ull0 o the soul" and then
organi(e themsel!es or abstraction%
c% The blood stream becomes affected in a $eculiarly occult manner% The
0blood is the lie"0 we are told+ it is interiorly changed as a result o the
two $re!ious stages" but $rimarily as the result o an acti!ity hitherto
undisco!ered by modern science" or which the glandular system is
res$onsible% The glands" in res$onse to the call o death" inject into the
blood stream a substance which in turn aects the heart% There the lie
thread is anchored" and this substance in the blood is regarded as 0death'
dealing0 and is one o the basic causes o coma and o loss o
consciousness% It e!okes a rele# action in the brain% This substance and
its eect will be ,uestioned as yet by orthodo# medicine" but its $resence
will later be recogni(ed%
d% A psychic tremor is established which has the eect o loosening or
breaking the connection between the nadis and the ner!ous system+ the
etheric body is thereby detached rom its dense sheath" though still
inter$enetrating e!ery $art o it%
.. There is fre#uently a pause at this $oint o a shorter or longer $eriod o time%
This is allowed in order to carry orward the loosening $rocess as smoothly and as
$ainlessly as $ossible% This loosening o the nadis starts in the eyes% This $rocess
o detachment oten shows itsel in the rela#ation and lack o ear which -7@=/
dying $ersons so oten show+ they e!idence a condition o $eace" and a
willingness to go" $lus an inability to make a mental eort% It is as i the dying
$erson" still $reser!ing his consciousness" gathers his resources together or the
inal abstraction% This is the stage in which ' the ear o death once and or all
remo!ed rom the racial mind ' the riends and relati!es o the de$arting $erson
will 0make a esti!al0 or him and will rejoice with him because he is relin,uishing
the body% At $resent this is not $ossible% Distress rules" and the stage $asses
unrecogni(ed and is not utili(ed" as it will some day be%
@. 6e$t, the organi'ed etheric body, loosened rom all ner!ous relationshi$
through the action o the nadis" begins to gather itself together or the inal
de$arture% It withdraws rom the e#tremities towards the re,uired 0door o e#it0
and ocuses itsel in the area around that door or the inal 0$ull0 o the directing
soul% All has been $roceeding under the 3aw o Attraction u$ to this $oint ' the
magnetic" attracti!e will o the soul% How another 0$ull0 or attracti!e im$ulse
makes itsel elt% The dense $hysical body" the sumtotal o organs" cells and
atoms" is steadily being released rom the integrating $otency o the !ital body by
the action o the nadis+ it begins to res$ond to the attracti!e $ull o matter itsel%
This has been called the 0earth0 $ull and is e#erted by that mysterious entity
whom we call the 0s$irit o the earth0+ this entity is on the in!olutionary arc" and
is to our $lanet what the $hysical elemental is to the $hysical body o man% This
$hysical $lane lie orce is essentially the lie and light o atomic substance ' the
matter o which all orms are made% It is to this reser!oir o in!olutionary and
material lie that the substance o all orms is restored% Restitution o -7@?/ the
commandeered matter o the orm occu$ied by the soul during a lie cycle
consists in returning to this 0>aesar0 o the in!olutionary world what is his" whilst
the soul returns to the Eod *ho sent it orth%
Esoteric Healing
It will thereore be a$$arent that a dual attracti!e $rocess is at this stage going
a% The !ital body is being $re$ared or e#it%
b% The $hysical body is res$onding to dissolution%
It might be added that a third acti!ity is also $resent% It is that o the conscious
man" withdrawing his consciousness" steadily and gradually" into the astral and
mental !ehicles" $re$aratory to the com$lete abstraction o the etheric body
when the right time comes% The man is becoming less and less attached to the
$hysical $lane and more withdrawn within himsel% In the case o an ad!anced
$erson" this $rocess is consciously undertaken" and the man retains his !ital
interests and his awareness o relationshi$ to others e!en whilst losing his gri$ on
$hysical e#istence% In old age this detachment can be more easily noted than in
death through disease" and re,uently the soul or the li!ing" interested" inner
man can be seen losing his gri$ on $hysical and" thereore" illusory reality%
7. Again a pause ensues. This is the $oint where the $hysical elemental can at
times regain its hold u$on the etheric body" i that is deemed desirable by the
soul" i death is not $art o the inner $lan" or i the $hysical elemental is so
$owerul that it can $rolong the $rocess o dying% This elemental lie will
sometimes ight a battle lasting or days and weeks% *hen" howe!er" death is
ine!itable" the $ause at this $oint will be e#ceedingly brie" sometimes only or a
matter o seconds% The $hysical elemental has lost its hold" and the etheric -7@@/
body awaits the inal 0tug0 rom the soul" acting under the 3aw o Attraction%
=. The etheric body emerges from the dense physical body in gradual stages and
at the chosen $oint o e#it% *hen this emergence is com$lete" the !ital body then
assumes the !ague outline o the orm that it energi(ed" and this under the
inluence o the thought'orm o himsel which the man has built u$ o!er the
years% This thought'orm e#ists in the case o e!ery human being" and must be
destroyed beore the second stage o elimination is inally com$lete% *e will touch
u$on this later% Though reed rom the $rison o the $hysical body" the etheric
body is not yet reed rom its inluence% There is still a slight ra$$ort between the
two" and this kee$s the s$iritual man still close to the body just !acated% That is
why clair!oyants oten claim to see the etheric body ho!ering around the death
bed or the coin% ;till inter$enetrating the etheric body are the integrated
energies which we call the astral body and the mental !ehicle" and at the center
there is a $oint o light which indicates the $resence o the soul%
?% The etheric body is gradually dispersed as the energies o which it is com$osed
are reorgani(ed and withdrawn" lea!ing only the $ranic substance which is
identiied with the etheric !ehicle o the $lanet itsel% This $rocess o dis$ersal is"
as I ha!e earlier said" greatly aided by cremation% In the case o the unde!elo$ed
$erson" the etheric body can linger or a long time in the neighborhood o its
outer disintegrating shell because the $ull o the soul is not $otent and the
material as$ect is% *here the $erson is ad!anced" and thereore detached in his
thinking rom the $hysical $lane" the dissolution o the !ital body can be
e#ceedingly ra$id% &nce it is accom$lished" the $rocess o restitution is o!er+ the
man -7@B/ is reed" tem$orarily at least" rom all reaction to the attracti!e $ull o
$hysical matter+ he stands in his subtle bodies" ready or the great act to which I
ha!e gi!en the name 0The Art o Elimination%0
&ne thought emerges as we conclude this inade,uate consideration o the death
o the $hysical body in its two as$ects1 that thought is the integrity o the inner
man% He remains himself. He is untouched and untrammelled+ he is a ree agent
Esoteric Healing
as ar as the $hysical $lane is concerned" and is res$onsi!e now to only three
$redis$osing actors1
2% The ,uality o his astral'emotional e,ui$ment%
.% The mental condition in which he habitually li!es%
4% The !oice o the soul" oten unamiliar but sometimes well known and
Indi!iduality is not lost+ the same $erson is still $resent u$on the $lanet% &nly
that has disa$$eared which was an integral $art o the tangible a$$earance o our
$lanet% That which has been lo!ed or hated" which has been useul to humanity or
a liability" which has ser!ed the race or been an ineectual member o it" still
$ersists" is still in touch with the ,ualitati!e and mental $rocesses o e#istence"
and will ore!er remain ' indi!idual" ,ualiied by ray ty$e" $art o the kingdom o
souls" and a high initiate in his own right%
. T<o =uestions of .m$ortance
I ha!e sought" in the $receding $ages" to gi!e an insight into the true nature o
that which we call death% Death is the withdrawal" consciously or unconsciously"
o the inner li!ing entity rom its outer shell" its inner !ital corres$ondence" and
inally it is the relin,uishing o the subtle body or bodies" according to the $oint in
e!olution o the $erson% I ha!e also sought to show the normality o this amiliar
-7@C/ $rocess% The horror which attends death u$on the battleield or by accident
consists in the shock which it $reci$itates within the area o the etheric body"
necessitating a ra$id rearrangement o its constituent orces and a sudden and
une#$ected reintegration o its com$onent $arts in res$onse to deinite action
which has $erorce to be taken by the man in his kama'manasic body% This action
does not in!ol!e the re$lacing o the inner man again within the etheric !ehicle"
but re,uires a coming together o the dissi$ated as$ects o that body under the
3aw o Attraction" in order that its inal and com$lete dissolution can take $lace%
Beore taking u$ our theme 5which is the Art o Elimination6" I want to answer
two ,uestions which seem to me o im$ortance+ they are re,uently asked by
earnest and intelligent students%
The irst ,uestion is" in reality" the e#$ression o disa$$ointment in this series o
instructions% It can be ramed as ollows1 *hy does not the Tibetan Teacher take
u$ deinite or basic diseases" and deal with their $athology" gi!e their cures or
suggested treatment" indicate their direct causes and gi!e" in detail" the
$rocesses o reco!ery: Because" my brothers" there is little that I can add
technically to what has already been ascertained by medical science anent the
sym$toms" the localities and the general trends in which diseased conditions are
ound% &bser!ation" e#$erimentation" trial and error" success and ailure ha!e
gi!en to modern man a wide and deinitely accurate knowledge o the outer
as$ects and eects o disease% Time" and constant trained obser!ation" ha!e
e,ually deinitely indicated cures or ameliorati!e $rocesses or $re!enti!e
measures 5such as !accination or small$o#6" and these ha!e $ro!ed ater many
years to be hel$ul% In!estigation and e#$eriment and the steadily growing
acilities which science $ro!ides are adding to manAs ca$acity to hel$" to cure at
times" to ameliorate -7BD/ re,uently" and to lessen the reactions o $ain% Fedical
science and surgical skill ha!e ad!ance by lea$s and bounds ' so much so that
Esoteric Healing
what is today known and somewhat gras$ed is o so !ast a nature and so
intricate in its scientiic and thera$eutic as$ects that they ha!e gi!en rise to
s$ecialists ' to those who concentrate u$on a $articular ield" and who thereore
deal only with certain conditions o ill health and disease" thereby attaining much
skill" knowledge and re,uent success% All this is good" in s$ite o what cranks and
$eo$le with a $et method o cure may say" or e!en those who ha!e no use or the
medical $roession and $reer some cult or some o the newer a$$roaches to the
$roblem o health%
The reason that these newer a$$roaches e#ist is that medical science has made
such $rogress that it has now reached the limits o its $urely $hysical area or ield
and is now on the !erge o ad!ancing into the realm o the intangible and is thus
drawing nearer to the world o causes% It is or this reason that I ha!e wasted no
time with the details o disease" with enumerating or considering s$eciic
diseases" their sym$toms or their treatment because that is ully co!ered in the
te#tbooks a!ailable+ they can likewise be seen in their many and !arious stages
in our great hos$itals%
I ha!e" howe!er" dealt with the latent causes o disease ' such as tuberculosis"
sy$hilis and cancer ' inherent in the indi!idual man" in humanity as a whole" and
also in our $lanet% I ha!e traced the $sychological basis o disease and ha!e
indicated a $ractically new ield wherein disease ' $articularly in its earlier stages
' can be studied%
*hen the $sychological basis o disease can be reali(ed and its actual nature is
admitted by the orthodo# $hysician" the surgeon" the $sychologist and the $riest"
then all will work together in this de!elo$ing area o understanding" and what is
today !aguely called 0$re!enti!e medicine0 will come into its own% I $reer to
deine this $hase o medical -7B2/ a$$lication as the organi(ation o those
methods whereby disease will be a(oided, and the de!elo$ment o those
techni,ues whereby correct $sychological training will be gi!en ' rom youth u$ '
and by right em$hasis u$on the inner s$iritual man" those conditions will be
negated and those habits a!oided which today lead ine!itably to ill health"
deinitely sym$tomatic disease and e!entual death%
In the abo!e statement" I reer to no airmati!e or s$eculati!e science such as
>hristian ;cience or those schools o thought which trace all disease to the $ower
o thought% I am concerned with the immediate necessity o right $sychological
training" based u$on a knowledge o the constitution o man" u$on the science o
the se!en rays 5the orces which condition man and make him what he is6" and
u$on esoteric astrology+ I am concerned with the a$$lication o the knowledges"
hitherto regarded as $eculiar and esoteric" which are slowly coming under general
consideration" and " which ha!e made great $rogress during the $ast twenty'i!e
years% I am not concerned with the abolition o medical treatment" nor am I
concerned with endorsing the newer modes o treatment ' all o which are still in
the e#$erimental stage and all o which ha!e somewhat to contribute to medical
science as a whole+ out o the united contribution should come a richer and more
luid medical a$$roach to the $atient%
The $icture I ha!e outlined o the $sychological background o all diseases will be
long in $ainting+ in the meantime" the contribution o medicine is indis$ensable%
In s$ite o mistakes" aulty diagnosis and much error" humanity cannot do
without its doctors" its surgeons and its hos$itals% They are urgently needed" and
will be or centuries to come% In this statement is no cause or discouragement%
Humanity cannot be brought into a condition o $erect $hysical health
immediately" though correct $sychological training rom inancy will do much in
Esoteric Healing
the course o a ew decades% *rong -7B./ conditions ha!e been long de!elo$ing%
Fodern medicine must become ar more o$en'minded" more ready to endorse
5ater due $roessional $roo6 that which is new" which is in the nature o
inno!ation and which is unusual% The barriers erected by s$eciali(ed medicine
must come down" and the new schools must be sought" instructed and
in!estigated" and inally be included in the orthodo# ranks% The new schools" such
as those concerned with electro'thera$y" the chiro$ractic schools" the dieticians
who claim to cure all diseases through right oods" and the rather eccentric
naturo$aths" $lus many other cults and schools" must not be so arrogantly sure
that they ha!e the whole story" that their a$$roach is the only one or that they
ha!e a uni!ersal cure ' all which is uni,ue and deinitely sure% These grou$s"
$articularly the chiro$ractors" ha!e deinitely damaged their cause and cri$$led
their eort by their loudly shouted surety 5in a ield which is yet e#$erimental6"
and by their constant attack u$on orthodo# medicine% The latter" in its turn" has
limited itsel by its ailure to recogni(e what is good and right in the newer
schools+ it has been antagoni(ed by their clamor or recognition" and by their lack
o scientiic methods% The desire o orthodo# medicine is to $rotect the general
$ublic% This they needs must do in order to a!oid the disasters which anatics and
untried methods would bring about" but they ha!e gone too ar in this res$ect%
The school o thought which I ha!e s$onsored in these instructions will also be
challenged" and this or a long time% Howe!er" the mental and $sychological
eects o the world war will greatly hasten the recognition o the $sychological
basis or disease and other troubles+ modern medicine" thereore" aces its major
A combination o true medical science 5as $roduced by man down the ages under
the ins$iration o his di!ine nature6" o the newer as$ects o treatment as
ormulated by -7B4/ the many emerging schools o thought" o $ractice and
e#$eriment" the recognition o the energies which condition man" working
through the se!en centers in his !ital body" and o the astrological inluences
which e,ually condition him" (ia the inner man, will e!entually $roduce the new
medical a$$roach which will kee$ man in good health" which will arrest disease in
its earliest stages" and which will inally inaugurate that cycle in human aairs
wherein disease and ill health will be e#ce$tions and not the rule" as is the case
today" and wherein death will be regarded as a ha$$y and destined release and
not" as is the case today" a dreaded enemy%
The second ,uestion is deinitely concerned with the $rocesses o death% It has
been asked1 *hat is the TibetanAs attitude towards cremation" and under what
conditions should cremation be ollowed: It is a ortunate and ha$$y thing that
cremation is becoming increasingly the rule% Beore so !ery long" burial in the
ground will be against the law and cremation will be enorced" and this as a
health and sanitation measure% Those unhealthy" $sychic s$ots" called
cemeteries" will e!entually disa$$ear" just as ancestor worshi$ is $assing out"
both in the &rient ' with its ancestor cults ' and in the &ccident ' with its e,ually
oolish cult o hereditary $osition%
By the use o ire" all orms are dissol!ed+ the ,uicker the human $hysical !ehicle
is destroyed" the ,uicker is its hold u$on the withdrawing soul broken% A great
deal o nonsense has been told in current theoso$hical literature about the time
e,uation in relation to the se,uential destruction o the subtle bodies% It should
be stated" howe!er" that the moment that true death is scientiically established
5by the orthodo# doctor in charge o the case6" and it has been ascertained that
no s$ark o lie remains in the $hysical body" cremation is then $ossible% This
com$lete or true -7B7/ death e!entuates when the thread o consciousness and
the thread o lie are com$letely withdrawn rom the head and the heart% At the
Esoteric Healing
same time" re!erence and an unhurried attitude ha!e their rightul $lace in the
$rocess% The amily o the dead $erson need a ew hours in which to adjust
themsel!es to the act o the imminent disa$$earance o the outer and usually
lo!ed orm+ due care must also be gi!en to the ormalities re,uired by the state
or the munici$ality% This time element has reerence mainly to those who are let
behind" to the li!ing and not to the dead% The claim that the etheric body must
not be rushed into the cremating lames" and the belie that it must be let to drit
around or a stated $eriod o se!eral days" ha!e also no true basis at all% There is
no etheric need or delay% *hen the inner man withdraws rom his $hysical
!ehicle he withdraws simultaneously rom the etheric body% It is true that the
etheric body is a$t to linger or a long time on the 0ield o emanation0 when the
$hysical body is interred" and it will re,uently $ersist until com$lete
disintegration o the dense body has taken $lace% The $rocess o mummiying" as
$ractised in Egy$t" and o embalming" as $ractised in the *est" ha!e been
res$onsible or the $er$etuation o the etheric body" sometimes or centuries%
This is $articularly the case when the mummy or embalmed $erson was o an e!il
character during lie+ the ho!ering etheric body is then oten 0$ossessed0 by an
e!il entity or e!il orce% This is the cause o the attacks and the disasters which
oten dog the ste$s o those who disco!er ancient tombs and their inhabitants"
ancient mummies" and bring them and their $ossessions to light% *here
cremation is the rule" there is not only the immediate destruction o the $hysical
body and its restitution to the ount o substance" but the !ital body is also
$rom$tly dissol!ed and its orces swe$t away by the current o lame into the
reser!oir o !ital energies% & that -7B=/ reser!oir it has e!er been an inherent
$art" either in orm or in a ormless condition% Ater death and cremation these
orces still e#ist but are absorbed into the analogous whole% )onder on this
statement" or it will gi!e you the clue to the creati!e work o the human s$irit% I
delay is necessary rom amily eeling or munici$al re,uirements" cremation
should ollow death within thirty'si# hours+ where no reason or delay e#ists"
cremation can be rightly $ermitted in twel!e hours% It is wise" howe!er" to wait
twel!e hours in order to ensure true death% -7B?/
Esoteric Healing
>HA)TER <I- The Art of Eli!ination
The Art of Elimination
To take u$ again the thread o our instruction" we will now consider the acti!ity o
the inner s$iritual man who has discarded his $hysical and etheric bodies and now
stands within the shell o the subtle body ' a body com$osed o astral or sentient
substance and o mental substance% &wing to the strongly emotional and sentient
$olari(ation o the a!erage man" the idea has taken hold that man withdraws"
ater true death" irst o all into his astral body" and then" later" into his mental
!ehicle% But this is not actually the case% A body constructed $redominantly o
astral matter is the basis o this idea% 8ew $eo$le are as yet so de!elo$ed that
the !ehicle in which they ind themsel!es ater death is largely com$osed o
mental substance% &nly disci$les and initiates who li!e mostly in their minds ind
themsel!es" ater death" immediately u$on the mental $lane% Fost $eo$le
disco!er themsel!es u$on the astral $lane" clothed in a shell o astral matter and
committed to a $eriod o elimination within the illusory area o the astral $lane%
As I ha!e earlier told you" the astral $lane has no actual e#istence" but is an
illusory creation o the human amily% 8rom now on" howe!er 5through the deeat
o the orces o e!il and the disastrous setback suered by the Black 3odge6" the
astral $lane will slowly become a dying creation" -7B@/ and in the inal $eriod o
human history 5in the se!enth root'race6" it will become non'e#istent% Today this
is not the case% The sentient substance which constitutes the astral $lane is still
being gathered into orms o illusion and still orms a barrier in the $ath o the
soul seeking liberation% It still 0holds $risoner0 the many $eo$le who die whilst
their major reaction to lie is that o desire" o wishul thinking and o emotional
sentiency% These are still the !ast majority% In Atlantean days the astral $lane
came into being+ the mental state o consciousness was then $ractically non
e#istent" though the 0sons o mind0 had their $lace on what is today the higher
le!els o that $lane% The mental $ermanent atom was also $ractically ,uiescent
within each human orm" and there was conse,uently no attracti!e 0$ull0 rom
the mental $lane" as is the case today% Fany $eo$le are still Atlantean in
consciousness" and when they $ass out o the $hysical state o consciousness and
discard their dual $hysical body" they are aced with the $roblem o elimination o
the astral body" but they ha!e little to do to release themsel!es rom any mental
$rison o the soul% These are the unde!elo$ed and a!erage $ersons who" ater the
elimination o the kamic or desire body" ha!e little else to do+ there is no mental
!ehicle to draw them into a mental integration because there is no mentally
ocused $otency+ the soul on the higher mental le!els is as yet 0in dee$
meditation0 and ,uite unaware o its shadow in the three worlds%
The art o elimination alls" thereore" into three categories1
2% As $racticed by those $eo$le who are $urely astral in ,uality and
constitution% These we call 0kamic0 $eo$le%
.% As $racticed by those balanced $eo$le who are integrated $ersonalities
and who are called -7BB/ 0kama'manasic0 indi!iduals%
4% As $racticed by ad!anced $eo$le and disci$les o all grades who are mainly
mental in their 0li!ing ocus%0 These are called 0manasic0 subjects%
Esoteric Healing
The same basic rules control them all" but the em$hasis diers in each case% I
would ha!e you bear in mind that where there is no $hysical brain and where the
mind is unde!elo$ed" the inner man inds himsel $ractically smothered in an
en!elo$e o astral matter and is or a long time immersed in what we call the
astral $lane% The kama'manasic $erson has what is called the 0reedom o the
dual lie"0 and inds himsel $ossessed o a dual orm which enables him to
contact at will the higher le!els o the astral $lane and the lower le!els o the
mental $lane% I would again remind you that there is no $hysical brain to register
these contacts% Awareness o contact is de$endent u$on the innate acti!ity o the
inner man and his $eculiar state o a$$rehension and o a$$reciation% The
manasic $erson is $ossessed o a translucent mental !ehicle with a light density
which is in $ro$ortion to his reedom rom desire and emotion%
These three ty$es o $eo$le all use an eliminati!e $rocess o a similar nature" but
em$loy a dierent techni,ue within the $rocess% 8or the sake o clarity" it might
be stated that1
2% The kamic person eliminates his astral body by means o attrition" and
!acates it !ia the astral corres$ondence to the solar $le#us center% This
attrition is brought about because all the innate desire and inherent
emotion are" at this stage" related to the animal nature and the $hysical
body ' both o which are now non'e#istent%
.% The kama+manasic indi(idual uses two techni,ues% This would naturally be
so because he eliminates" irst o all" his astral body" and then his mental
!ehicle% -7BC/
a% He eliminates the astral body by means o his growing desire or
mental lie% He withdraws gradually and steadily into the mind
body" and the astral body esoterically 0dro$s away0 and inally
disa$$ears% This takes $lace usually unconsciously and may re,uire
,uite a long time% *here" howe!er" the man is abo!e the a!erage"
and on the !erge o becoming a manasic $erson" the disa$$earance
is brought about suddenly and dynamically" and the man stands
ree in his mental body% This takes $lace consciously and ra$idly%
b% He shatters the mental body by an act o the human will" and also
because the soul is beginning to be slowly aware o its shadow% The
inner man is thereore attracted towards the soul" though still only
in a somewhat eeble manner% This $rocess is relati!ely ,uick and is
de$endent u$on the e#tent o the manasic inluence%
4% The manasic man, ocused now in his mental body" has also two things to
a% To dissol!e and rid himsel o any astral sediment which may be
discoloring his translucent mental body% The so'called astral body is
now $ractically non'e#istent as a actor o e#$ression% This he does
by calling in increased light rom the soul% It is soul light which" at
this stage" dissol!es the astral substance" just as it will be the
combined light o the soul o humanity 5as a whole6 which will
dissol!e inally the astral $lane ' again so'called%
b% To destroy the mental body through the use o certain *ords o
)ower% These *ords are communicated to the disci$le !ia the
Ashram o his Faster% They bring in soul $ower to a greatly
enhanced e#tent" and $roduce conse,uently such an -7CD/
e#$ansion o consciousness within the mental body that it is broken
u$ and no longer constitutes a barrier to the inner man% He can
now stand" a ree son o mind" within the Ashram o his Faster and
0shall no more go out0%
Esoteric Healing
Acti3ities .mmediately After Death
Immediately ater death" and $articularly i cremation has taken $lace" the man"
in his kama'manasic body" is as much aware and alert to his en!ironment as he
was u$on the $hysical $lane when ali!e% This $hrasing $ermits latitude as to the
e#tent o the awareness and o obser!ation" or a similar latitude must be allowed
or those on the $hysical $lane% )eo$le are not all e,ually awake or e,ually
conscious o circumstances or immediate e#$erience% Howe!er" as most $eo$le
are more conscious emotionally than they are $hysically" and li!e to a great
e#tent ocused in their astral !ehicles" the man is ,uite amiliar with the state o
consciousness in which he inds himsel% 8orget not that a $lane is essentially a
state o consciousness and not a locality" as so many esotericism seem to think%
It is recogni(ed by the ocused reaction o the sel'conscious $erson who '
constantly and distinctly aware o himsel ' is sentient to the theme o his
en!ironment and o his outgoing desires" or 5where ad!anced $eo$le are
concerned" unctioning u$on the more ad!anced le!els o the astral $lane6
sentient o outgoing lo!e and as$iration+ the man is engrossed with what
engrossed his attention and in!ol!ed the kamic $rinci$le during his incarnated
e#$erience% Fay I again remind you that there is now no $hysical brain to
res$ond to im$acts generated by the inner man" and also that se#" as it is
$hysically understood" is non'e#istent% ;$iritualists would do well to remember
this and so gras$ the oolishness as well as the im$ossibility o those s$iritual
-7C2/ marriages which certain schools o thought in the mo!ement teach and
$ractice% The man" in his astral body" is now ree rom the strictly animal
im$ulses which" u$on the $hysical $lane" are both normal and right" but which
now ha!e no meaning to him in his kamic body%
Thereore" taking the a!erage man" what are his irst reactions and acti!ities ater
the restitution o the $hysical body to the uni!ersal reser!oir o substance: 3et
me enumerate some o these reactions1
2% He becomes consciously aware o himsel% This in!ol!es a clarity o
$erce$tion unknown to the a!erage man whilst in $hysical incarnation%
.% Time 5being the succession o e!ents as registered by the $hysical brain6
is now non'e#istent as we understand the term" and ' as the man turns
his attention to his more clearly deined emotional sel ' there ensues
in(ariably a moment o direct soul contact% This is due to the act that
e!en in the case o the most ignorant and unde!elo$ed man" the moment
o com$lete restitution does not $ass unnoticed by the soul% It has a
deinite soul eect" something like a long and strong $ull at a bell ro$e" i I
might use so sim$le a simile% 8or a brie second the soul res$onds" and the
nature o the res$onse is such that the man" standing in his astral body" or
rather in his kama'manasic !ehicle" sees the e#$erience o the $ast
incarnation s$read beore him like a ma$% He records a sense o
4% As a result o the recognition o these e#$eriences" the man isolates those
three which were the three major conditioning actors in the lie which has
gone and which also hold the keys to his uture incarnation which he will
ne#t initiate% All else is orgotten" and all the lesser e#$eriences ade out o
his memory" lea!ing nothing in -7C./ his consciousness but what are
esoterically called 0the three seeds or germs o the uture0% These three
seeds are in a $eculiar manner related to the $ermanent $hysical and
Esoteric Healing
astral atoms" and thus $roduce the i!eold orce which will create the
orms later to a$$ear% It might be said that1
a% &eed *ne determines later the nature o the $hysical en!ironment
in which the returning man will ind his $lace% It is related to the
,uality o that uture en!ironment and thus conditions the needed
ield or area o contact%
b% &eed Two determines the ,uality o the etheric body as a !ehicle
through which the ray orces can make contact with the dense
$hysical body% It delimits the etheric structure or !ital web along
which the incoming energies will circulate and is related in
$articular to the s$ecial one o the se!en centers which will be the
most acti!e and ali!e during the coming incarnation%
c. &eed Three gi!es the key to the astral !ehicle in which the man will
be $olari(ed in the ne#t incarnation% 8orget not" I am dealing here
with the a!erage man and not with the ad!anced human being"
disci$le or initiate% It is this seed which ' through the orces it
attracts ' brings the man again into relation with those he
$re!iously lo!ed or with whom he had close contact% It can be
acce$ted as a act that the grou$ idea go!erns subjecti!ely all
incarnations" and that reincarnated man is brought into incarnation
not only through his own desire or $hysical $lane e#$erience" but
also under grou$ im$ulse and in line with the grou$ karma as well
as with his own% This is a $oint which should recei!e more
em$hasis% &nce this is truly gras$ed and understood" a great deal
o the -7C4/ ear engendered by the thought o death would
disa$$ear% The amiliar and the lo!ed will still remain the amiliar
and the lo!ed" because the relation has been closely established
o!er many incarnations and ' as the *ld !ommentary e#$resses it1
0These seeds o determining recognition are not uni,ue to me and you"
but also or the grou$+ within the grou$ they relate one to the other in
time and s$ace% &nly in the lower three shall those related ind their true
e#istence% *hen soul knows soul and in the meeting'$lace within the
FasterAs call" these seeds shall disa$$ear%0
It will be a$$arent" thereore" how necessary it is to train children to
recogni(e and $roit by e#$erience" or this" once learnt" will greatly
acilitate this third acti!ity u$on the astral $lane ater death%
7% Ha!ing com$leted this 0isolating o e#$erience"0 the man will then seek
and automatically ind those whom the third seed inluence indicates as
$ossessing a constant $art in the grou$ e#$erience o which he is an
element" consciously or unconsciously% The relation once again established
5i those sought ha!e not yet eliminated the $hysical body6" the man acts
as he would on earth in the com$any o his intimates and according to his
tem$erament and $oint in e!olution% I those who are closest to him and
whom he dee$ly lo!es or hates are still in $hysical incarnation" he will also
seek them out and ' just again as he did on earth ' he will remain in their
neighborhood" aware o their acti!ities" though 5unless highly e!ol!ed6
they will not be aware o his% I can gi!e no detail as to reci$rocal gi!e and
take or to the modes and methods o contact% Each $erson diers+ each
tem$erament is largely uni,ue% I only seek to make -7C7/ clear certain
basic lines o beha!ior $ursued by man $rior to the act or acts o
Esoteric Healing
These our acti!ities co!er !arying $eriods o time ' rom the angle o 0those who
li!e below"0 though there is no time recogni(ed on the $art o the man on the
astral $lane% Eradually the lure and glamor 5o a low or high order6 wears o" and
the man enters into the stage where he knows ' because the mind is now more
incisi!e and dominating ' that he is ready or the second death and or the entire
elimination o the kamic body or o the kama'manasic !ehicle%
&ne o the things to remember here is that once restitution o the $hysical in its
two as$ects has taken $lace" the inner man is" as I ha!e earlier said" ully
conscious% The $hysical brain and the swirl o etheric orces 5mostly somewhat
disorgani(ed in the case o the majority o men6 are no longer $resent% These are
the two actors which ha!e led students to belie!e that the e#$eriences o the
man on the inner $lanes o the three worlds are those o a !ague driting" o a
semi'conscious e#$erience" or indicate a re$etiti!e lie" e#ce$t in the case o !ery
ad!anced $eo$le or disci$les and initiates% But this is not the case% A man on the
inner $lanes is not only as conscious o himsel as an indi!idual ' with his own
$lans" lie and aairs ' as he was on the $hysical $lane" but he is also conscious
in the same manner o the surrounding states o consciousness% He may be
glamored by astral e#istence or subject to the tele$athic im$ression o the
!arying thought currents emanating rom the mental $lane" but he is also
conscious o himsel and o his mind 5or o the measure o manasic lie
de!elo$ed6 in a ar more $otent manner than when he had to work through the
medium o the $hysical brain" when the ocus o his consciousness was that o the
as$irant" but anchored in the -7C=/ brain% His e#$erience is ar richer and uller
than he e!er knew when in incarnation% I you will think this out or a little" you
will reali(e that this necessarily would be so%
It may thereore be assumed that the Art o Elimination is $racticed more
deinitely and more eecti!ely than was the restitution o the $hysical !ehicle%
Another $oint must also be considered% &n the inner side" men know that the 3aw
o Rebirth go!erns the e#$erience'$rocess o $hysical $lane li!ing" and they
reali(e then that" $rior to the elimination o the kamic" kama'manasic or manasic
bodies" they are only $assing through an interlude between incarnations and that
they conse,uently ace two great e#$eriences1
2% A moment 5long or short" according to the attained $oint in e!olution6
wherein contact will be made with the soul or with the solar angel%
.% Ater that contact" a relati!ely !iolent reorientation to earth lie takes
$lace" leading to what is called 0the $rocess o descent and calling"0
wherein the man1
a% )re$ares or $hysical incarnation again%
b% ;ounds his own true note into the substance o the three worlds%
c% Re!itali(es the $ermanent atoms" which orm a triangle o orce
within the causal body%
d% Eathers together the needed substance to orm his uture bodies o
e% >olors them with the ,ualities and characteristics he has already
achie!ed through lie'e#$erience%
% &n the etheric $lane arranges the substance o his !ital body so
that the se!en centers take sha$e and can become the reci$ients o
the inner orces%
g% Fakes a deliberate choice o those who will $ro!ide him with the
needed dense $hysical co!ering" and then awaits the moment o
incarnation% Esoteric -7C?/ students would do well to remember
that $arents only donate the dense $hysical body% They contribute
naught else sa!e a body o a $articular ,uality and nature which
Esoteric Healing
will $ro!ide the needed !ehicle o contact with the en!ironment
demanded by the incarnating soul% They may also $ro!ide a
measure o grou$ relationshi$" where the soul e#$erience is long
and a true grou$ relation has been established%
These two critical moments are consciously aced by the discarnate man and he
knows what he is doing within the limits set by his $oint in e!olution%
The De3achan E)$erience
I would also $oint out that this conscious undertaking o the art o elimination"
and this awareness o $rocess and $ur$ose" in reality constitute the state o
consciousness which has been called de(achan by the orthodo# theoso$hist%
There has been a great deal o misunderstanding o this e#$erience% The general
idea has been that" ater the $rocess o ridding himsel o the astral and mental
bodies" the man enters into a sort o dream state wherein he ree#$eriences and
reconsiders $ast e!ents in the light o the uture and undergoes a sort o rest
$eriod" a kind o digesti!e $rocess" in $re$aration or the undertaking o renewed
birth% This somewhat erroneous idea has arisen because the conce$t o time still
go!erns theoso$hical $resentations o truth% I" howe!er" it is reali(ed that time is
not known a$art rom $hysical $lane e#$erience" the entire conce$t o de!achan
clariies% 8rom the moment o com$lete se$aration rom the dense $hysical and
etheric bodies" and as the eliminati!e $rocess is undertaken" the man is aware of
past and present% when elimination is com$lete and the hour o -7C@/ soul
contact e!entuates and the manasic !ehicle is in $rocess o destruction" he
becomes immediately aware of the future, or $rediction is an asset o the soul
consciousness and in this the man tem$orarily shares% Thereore" $ast" $resent
and uture are seen as one+ the recognition o the Eternal How is gradually
de!elo$ed rom incarnation to incarnation and during the continuous $rocess o
rebirth% This constitutes a state o consciousness 5characteristic o the normal
state o the ad!anced man6 which can be called de!achanic%
It is not my intention to elaborate the techni,ue o the eliminati!e $rocess%
Humanity is at so many dierent stages ' intermediate between the three already
outlined ' that it would be im$ossible to be deinite or concise% Attrition is
relati!ely easy to understand+ the kamic body dies out because" there being no
call rom $hysical substance" e!oking desire" there is nothing with which to eed
this !ehicle% The astral body comes into being through the reci$rocal inter$lay
between the $hysical $lane" which is not a $rinci$le" and the $rinci$le o desire+ in
the $rocess o taking rebirth" this $rinci$le is utili(ed with dynamic intent by the
soul in the mental !ehicle to re!erse the call" and matter then res$onds to the call
o the reincarnating man% Kamic man" ater a long $rocess o attrition" is let
standing ree within an embryonic mental !ehicle" and this $eriod o semi'mental
lie is e#ceedingly brie and is brought to an end by the soul who suddenly
0directs his eye to the waiting one"0 and by the $ower o that directed $otency
instantaneously reorients the indi!idual kamic man to the downward $ath o
rebirth% The kama'manasic man $ractices a $rocess o withdrawal and res$onds
to the 0$ull0 o a ra$idly de!elo$ing mental body% This withdrawal becomes
increasingly ra$id and dynamic until it reaches the state where the $robationary
disci$le ' under steadily growing soul contact ' shatters the kama'manasic body"
as a unit" by an act o the mental will" -7CB/ im$lemented by the soul% 9ou will
note that the 0de!achanic0 e#$erience will necessarily be brieer in connection
with this majority than with the kamic minority" because the de!achanic
Esoteric Healing
techni,ue o re!iew and recognition o the im$lications o e#$erience is slowly
controlling the man on the $hysical $lane so that he brings the signiicance o
meaning and learns constantly through e#$erience whilst incarnating% Thus you
will reali(e also that continuity o consciousness is also being slowly de!elo$ed"
and the awareness o the inner man begin to demonstrate on the $hysical $lane"
through the medium o the $hysical brain at irst" and then inde$endently o that
material structure% I ha!e here con!eyed a deinite hint on a subject which will
recei!e wide attention during the ne#t two hundred years%
The manasic $erson" the integrated $ersonality" works" as we ha!e seen" in two
ways which are necessarily de$endent u$on the integration achie!ed% This
integration will be o two kinds1
2% That o the integrated $ersonality ocused in the mind and achie!ing a
constantly growing ra$$ort with the soul%
.% The disci$le" whose integrated $ersonality is now being ra$idly integrated
into and absorbed by the soul%
In this stage o mind de!elo$ment and o constant mental control 5based on the
act that the manAs consciousness is now deinitely ocused and $ermanently
centered in the mental !ehicle6" the earlier $rocesses o the destruction o the
astral body through attrition and by 0dynamic negation0 are carried on whilst in
$hysical incarnation% The incarnated man reuses to be ruled by desire+ what is
let o the illusory astral body is dominated now by the mind" and the urges
towards the satisaction o desire are reused with ull and -7CC/ conscious
deliberation" either because o the selish ambitions and mental intentions o the
integrated $ersonality" or under the ins$iration o soul intention which
subordinates the mind to its $ur$oses% *hen this $oint in e!olution is attained"
the man can then dissol!e the last remaining !estiges o all desire by means o
illumination. In the early stages o $urely manasic or mental lie" this is done
through the illumination which knowledge brings and in!ol!es mainly the innate
light o mental substance% 3ater" when soul and mind are establishing a close
ra$$ort" the light o the soul hastens and su$$lements the $rocess% The disci$le
now uses more occult methods" but u$on these I may not here enlarge% The
destruction o the mental body is no longer brought about by the destructi!e
$ower o light itsel" but is hastened by means o certain sounds" emanating rom
the $lane o the s$iritual will+ these are recogni(ed by the disci$le" and
$ermission to use them in their $ro$er word'orms is gi!en to him by some senior
initiate within the Ashram or by the Faster Himsel" towards the close o the cycle
o incarnation%
Tenth #a< of Healing
I would like now to lay down certain $ostulates which we shall need to consider in
our study o )art Three where we take u$ the 8undamental 3aws o Healing%
These 3aws and Rules" I ha!e already gi!en you" but I seek now to elaborate%
*e ha!e studied at some length the immediate $rocesses which take $lace when
the $rinci$le o lie withdraws or is withdrawn rom the body% There is a
distinction" based on e!olutionary de!elo$ment" in these two $rocesses% *e ha!e
traced the withdrawal o the lie $rinci$le" $lus the consciousness" rom the subtle
bodies in the three worlds" and ha!e now reached the $oint where we are no
longer dealing -=DD/ with a!erage man or with unde!elo$ed man% *e shall be
concerned with the conscious acti!ity o the soul in relation to its orm as$ect%
Esoteric Healing
*ith the unde!elo$ed or the a!erage man" the soul $lays a !ery small $art in the
death $rocess" beyond the contribution o a sim$le soul determination to end the
cycle o incarnated lie" $rior to another return to the $hysical $lane% The 0seeds
o death0 are inherent in the orm nature and demonstrate as disease or as
senility 5using that word in its technical and not in its collo,uial sense6" and the
soul $ursues its own interests on its own $lane until such time as the e!olutionary
$rocess has brought about a situation wherein the integration or close relation
between soul and orm is so real that the soul is dee$ly and $rooundly identiied
with its maniesting e#$ression% It might be said that when this stage is reached"
the soul is" or the irst time" truly incarnated+ it is truly 0descending into
maniestation0 and the entire soul nature is thereby in!ol!ed% This is a $oint little
em$hasi(ed or reali(ed%
In the earlier li!es o the incarnating soul and or the majority o the cycles o lie
e#$erience" the soul is !ery slightly concerned in what is going on% The
redem$tion o the substance o which all orms are made goes orward under
natural $rocess and the 0karma o matter0 is the initial go!erning orce+ this is
succeeded in time by the karma generated by the usion o soul and orm" though
5in the earlier stages6 !ery little res$onsibility is engendered by the soul% That
which occurs within the threeold soul'sheath is necessarily the result o the
innate tendencies o substance itsel% Howe!er" as time goes on and incarnation
ollows u$on incarnation" the eect o the indwelling soul ,uality gradually e!okes
conscience" and ' through the medium o conscience" which is the e#ercise o the
discriminati!e sense" de!elo$ed as the mind assumes increasing control ' an
-=D2/ awakening and inally an awakened consciousness is e!oked% This
demonstrates in the irst instance as the sense o res$onsibility+ it is this which
gradually establishes a growing identiication o the soul with its !ehicle" the
lower tri$le man% The bodies become then steadily more reined+ the seeds o
death and o disease are not so $otent+ sensiti!ity to inner soul reali(ation grows
until the time is reached when the initiate'disci$le dies by an act of his spiritual
will or in response to group karma or to national or planetary karma.
Disease and death are essentially conditions inherent in substance+ just as long
as a man identiies himsel with the orm as$ect" so will he be conditioned by the
3aw o Dissolution% This law is a undamental and natural law go!erning the lie o
the orm in all the kingdoms o nature% *hen the disci$le or the initiate is
identiying himsel with the soul" and when the antahkarana is built by means o
the lie $rinci$le" then the disci$le $asses out o the control o this uni!ersal"
natural law and uses or discards the body at will ' at the demand o the s$iritual
will or through recognition o the necessities o the Hierarchy or the $ur$oses o
*e come now to the enunciation o a new law which is substituted or the 3aw o
Death and which has reerence only to those u$on the later stages o the )ath o
Disci$leshi$ and the stages u$on the )ath o Initiation%
Law 5
Hearken" D >hela" to the call which comes rom the ;on to the Fother" and then
obey% The *ord goes orth that orm has ser!ed its $ur$ose% The $rinci$le o
mind 5the ith $rinci$le% A%A%B%6 then organi(es itsel" and then re$eats the *ord%
The waiting orm res$onds and dro$s away% The soul stands ree% -=D./
Res$ond" & Rising &ne" to the call which comes within the s$here o obligation+
recogni(e the call emerging rom the Ashram or rom the >ouncil >hamber where
waits the 3ord o 3ie Himsel% The ;ound goes orth% Both soul and orm together
must renounce the $rinci$le o lie and thus $ermit the Fonad to stand ree% The
soul res$onds% The orm then shatters the connection% 3ie is now liberated"
Esoteric Healing
owning the ,uality o conscious knowledge and the ruit o all e#$erience% These
are the gits o soul and orm combined%
I ha!e wished to make clear in your minds the distinction between disease and
death as e#$erienced by the a!erage man" and certain corres$onding $rocesses
o conscious dissolution as $racticed by the ad!anced disci$le or initiate% These
later $rocesses in!ol!e a slowly de!elo$ing techni,ue in which 5in the earlier
stages6 the disci$le is still the !ictim o disease'$roducing tendencies o the orm"
as o all orms in nature% This tendency $roduces subse,uent death" through the
stages o modiied disease and $eaceul" conse,uent death" on to the other
stages where death is brought about by an act o the will ' the time and the mode
being determined by the soul and consciously recorded and registered in the
brain% )ain is demonstrated in both cases" but u$on the )ath o Initiation $ain is
largely negated" not because the initiate endea!ors to a!oid $ain" but because
the sensiti!ity o the orm to undesirable contacts disa$$ears" and with it $ain
also disa$$ears+ $ain is the guardian o the orm and the $rotector o substance+
it warns o danger+ it indicates certain deinite stages in the e!olutionary $rocess+
it is related to the $rinci$le whereby the soul identiies itsel with substance%
*hen the identiication ceases" $ain and disease and also death lose their hold
u$on the disci$le+ the soul is no longer subject to their re,uirements" and the
man is ree because disease and death are ,ualities inherent in orm" and subject
to the !icissitudes o orm lie% -=D4/
Death is to man e#actly what the release o the atom a$$ears to be+ this the
great scientiic disco!ery o the release o atomic energy has demonstrated% The
nucleus o the atom is s$lit in two% 5This wording is scientiically incorrect%6 This
e!ent in the lie e#$erience o the atom releases a great light and a great
$otency+ u$on the astral $lane" the $henomenon o death has a somewhat similar
eect and has a close $arallel in the $henomena brought about by the release o
atomic energy% E!ery death" in all the kingdoms o nature" has to some e#tent
this eect+ it shatters and destroys substantial orm and thus ser!es a
constructi!e $ur$ose+ this result is largely astral or $sychic and ser!es to
dissi$ate some o the en!elo$ing glamor% The wholesale destruction o orms
which has been going on during the $ast ew years o war has $roduced
$henomenal changes u$on the astral $lane and has shattered an immense
amount o the e#isting world glamor" and this is !ery" !ery good% These
ha$$enings should result in less o$$osition to the inlow o the new ty$e o
energy+ it should acilitate the a$$earance o the ideas embodying the needed
recognitions+ the new conce$ts will now be seen" and their emergence into the
realm o human thinking will be de$endent u$on the ormulation o the new
0lanes or channels o im$ression0 whereby the minds o men can become
sensiti!e to hierarchical $lans and to the $ur$oses o ;hamballa%
This" howe!er" is by the way% Fy $ro$osition will ser!e to show you some o the
relationshi$s between death and constructi!e acti!ity" and the wide useulness o
death as a $rocess in reconstruction% It will con!ey to you the idea that this great
3aw o Death ' as it go!erns substance in the three worlds ' is a beneicent and
correcti!e e!ent% *ithout enlarging u$on it" I would remind you that this 3aw o
Death" which go!erns in such $otency in the three worlds o human e!olution" is
a relection o a cosmic $ur$ose which -=D7/ go!erns the cosmic etheric $lanes o
our solar system" the cosmic astral $lane and the cosmic mental $lane% The
death'dealing energy emanates as an e#$ression o the lie $rinci$le o that
greater ,ife which enolds all the se!en $lanetary systems which in Themsel!es
e#$ress the 3ie o our solar system% *hen" in our thinking and in our eort to
understand" we enter this realm o $ure abstraction" it is time to call a halt and
Esoteric Healing
draw our minds back to the more $ractical ways o $lanetary li!ing and to the
laws go!erning the ourth kingdom in nature" the human%
*e are now in a $osition 5ater this attem$t to argue rom the uni!ersal to the
$articular" which is e!er the occult way6" to take u$" in )art Three" the last $oint
which deals with the Basic Re,uirements" and must now consider the use o the
death $rinci$le by the disci$le or the initiate% I would ha!e you note my way o
e#$ressing this conce$t% This is dealt with under the title o The rocesses of
Integration. -=D=/
Esoteric Healing
>HA)TER <II- The Processes of Integration
The Processes of .ntegration
In considering this intelligently utili(ed e!ent as it is em$loyed by the soul"
unctioning consciously in the three worlds" we shall ind it hel$ul to consider it
under two main headings1
9irst; The $rocesses whereby the cycle o incarnation is brought to an end
through the com$lete integration o soul and $ersonality% This we will
a$$roach rom three $oints o !iew1
The signiicance o integration%
The state o mind o the soul%
The elimination o the thought'orm o the $ersonality%
&econd; The results o this1
*ithin the Ashram o the Faster" as ar as the disci$le is concerned%
In the mode whereby the liberated disci$le can now create a body or
$hysical $lane contact and or ser!ice in the three worlds ' this time not
under the 3aw o Hecessity but under the 3aw o ;er!ice" as understood
by the initiate%
9ou will by now ha!e reali(ed that we ha!e discussed the act o death as it has
aected the $hysical body 5a most -=D?/ amiliar ha$$ening6 and also the astral
or mental sheaths ' those aggregations o conditioned energy with which we are
not so objecti!ely amiliar but which e!en $sychology admits e#ist and which we
belie!e must disintegrate or disa$$ear with the death o the $hysical body% Has it"
howe!er" occurred to you that the major as$ect o death with which a human
being is ultimately concerned is the death o the $ersonality: I am not here
s$eaking in abstract terms" as do all esotericists when they work at the negation
o ,uality or o the ,ualities which characteri(e the $ersonal sel% They s$eak o
0killing out0 this or that ,uality" o com$letely su$$ressing the 0lower sel"0 and
similar $hrases% Here I am s$eaking o the literal destruction" dissolution"
dissi$ation or inal dis$ersal o that belo!ed and well'known $ersonal sel%
It must be borne in mind that the lie o a $ersonality alls into the ollowing
2% Its slow and gradual construction o!er a long $eriod o time% 8or many
cycles o incarnations" a man is not a $ersonality% He is just a member o
the mass%
.% The conscious identiication o the soul with the $ersonality during this
stage is $ractically non'e#istent% The as$ect o the soul which is concealed
within the sheaths is or a long" long $eriod dominated by the lie o those
sheaths" only making its $resence elt through what is called 0the !oice o
conscience%0 Howe!er" as time goes on" the acti!e intelligent lie o the
$erson is gradually enhanced and coordinated by the energy which
streams rom the knowledge $etals o the egoic lotus" or rom the
intelligent $erce$ti!e nature o the soul on its own $lane% This $roduces
Esoteric Healing
e!entually the integration o the three lower sheaths into one unctioning
whole% The man is then a $ersonality% -=D@/
4% The $ersonality lie o the now coordinated indi!idual $ersists or a large
number o li!es" and also alls into three $hases1
a% The $hase o a dominant aggressi!e $ersonality lie" basically
conditioned by its ray ty$e" selish in nature and !ery
b% A transitional $hase wherein a conlict rages between $ersonality
and soul% The soul begins to seek liberation rom orm lie and yet '
in the last analysis ' the $ersonality is de$endent u$on the lie
$rinci$le" conerred by the soul% *ording it otherwise" the conlict
between the soul ray and the $ersonality ray starts and the war is
on between two ocused as$ects o energy% This conlict terminates
at the third initiation%
c% The control by the soul is the inal $hase" leading to the death and
destruction o the $ersonality% This death begins when the
$ersonality" the Dweller on the Threshold" stands beore the Angel
o the )resence% The light o the solar Angel then obliterates the
light o matter%
The 0control0 $hase is conditioned by the com$lete identiication o the
$ersonality with the soul+ this is a re!ersal o the $re!ious identiication o the
soul with the $ersonality% This also is what we mean when s$eaking o the
integration o these two+ the two are now one% It was o this $hase that ;t% )aul
was s$eaking when he reerred 5in the E$istle to the E$hesians6 to >hrist making
0out o two" one new man%0 It is $rimarily the $hase o the inal stages o the
)robationary )ath 5where the work consciously begins6 and its carrying orward to
com$letion u$on the )ath o Disci$leshi$% It is the stage o the $ractical and
successul ser!er+ it is that wherein the entire ocus -=DB/ and out$ut o the lie
o the man is dedicated to the ulilment o hierarchical intent% The man begins to
work on and rom le!els not included in the three worlds o ordinary e!olution"
but which ne!ertheless ha!e their eects and their $lanned objecti!es within
those three worlds%
The %ignificance of .ntegration
The em$hasis laid by most teachers and as$irants is u$on the integration o the
$ersonality and its correct orientation towards the world o s$iritual !alues% It
should be remembered that this is an earlier stage and rightly so% The integration
o the mind" the emotional nature and the brain is the major characteristic o all
ad!anced human beings ' the bad" the !ery bad" the good and the !ery good% It
is" howe!er" no sign o s$iritual lie" and is re,uently ,uite the re!erse% A 0Hitler0
or an ambitious $erson with a dee$ly selish or cruelly directed lie is a
$ersonality" with all the $owers o his mind dedicated to e!il $ur$oses" with the
emotional nature so constituted that it $resents no obstacle to the urthering o
these selish intentions" and with a high'$owered brain rece$ti!e to the $lans and
methods o the two !ehicles" carrying out the behests o the $ersonality%
I would $oint out that the majority o $eo$le are not $ersonalities" no matter how
glibly they may talk about their $ersonalities% 8or e#am$le" the initial objecti!e
beore the mass o as$irants and students is" irst o all" to integrate the lower
threeold man" so that they may become unctioning $ersonalities" $rior to
becoming unctioning souls+ the work is dedicated to the $ur$ose o $roducing a
conscious $ersonality ocus" whilst a!oiding that cycle o incarnations wherein the
$ersonality is dedicated to lower and selish ends% ;tudents who are more
Esoteric Healing
ad!anced are dedicated to the $ur$ose o $roducing a still higher integration o
soul and -=DC/ $ersonality" leading to that inal integration which brings in the
highest as$ect o all" that o monadic lie%
There are in the world today many truly integrated $ersonalities% These" because
soul and $ersonality are integrated" can tread the )ath o Acce$ted Disci$leshi$%
This is a most ho$eul de!elo$ment" i you could but reali(e its im$lications and
signiicance" and the ,uestion arises as to how the others who are as yet only in
the $rocess o reorientation can de!elo$ an ade,uate $ersonality integration% This
they will ne!er do i they o!er'estimate themsel!es or de$reciate themsel!es%
Fany are a$t to regard themsel!es as $ersonalities because o their natural sel'
will" or because they are occult students% They orget that an occult student is
one who is in search o that which is hidden ' in their case o that hidden"
integrating thread which will enable them to blend the three bodies and thus truly
merit the name o $ersonality% ;ome o them cannot become $ersonalities during
this lie" but they can de!elo$ the mental conce$t o its $ossibility and its nature+
they need to remember that 0as a man thinketh in his heart" so is he%0 It is not
waste o time" but a !ery necessary $rocess and one through which e(ery
Member of the Hierarchy has passed.
;tudy and meditation combined are the actors which all as$irants should em$loy
i they seek to $roduce this needed integration and a conse,uent lie o ser!ice%
Thus the as$irant can test out both his $oint o integration and the e#tent o the
ser!ing ,uality $roduced by this integration% I as$irants would study their
$hysical $lane lie with care" they would disco!er that they are either working
automatically in res$onse to $hysical $lane con!entional ideas o goodwill or o
being kind" or they are working emotionally because they like to hel$" they like to
be liked" they like to relie!e suering 5owing to their hatred o the discomort
which suering brings to them6" they belie!e in ollowing -=2D/ the ste$s o the
>hrist *ho went about doing good" or because o a natural" dee$ seated lie
tendency% This is a ho$eul and inali(ing unoldment%
As$irants will e!entually ind out 5when the $hysical and emotional $hases o the
integration are o!er6 that there ollows a $hase o intelligent ser!ice" moti!ated in
the irst instance by mercy" then by con!iction o its essentiality" then by a stage
o deinitely s$iritual ambition" then by a submissi!e ollowing o the e#am$le o
the Hierarchy" and inally by the acti!ity o the ,uality o $ure lo!e+ this $ure lo!e
increasingly e#$resses itsel as the higher integration o soul and $ersonality
$roceeds% All these $hases o intention and o techni,ues are right in their own
$lace" just as long as they ha!e teaching !alue" and whilst the higher ne#t $hases
remain !ague and nebulous% They become wrong when they are $er$etuated and
carried on when the ne#t stage is clearly seen but not ollowed% )onder on this% It
is o !alue to you to reali(e the true signiicance o these !arying $hases o
integration" carried orward ' as they are ' under e!olutionary law%
All these ste$s u$on the way o integration lead to that culminating stage wherein
the $ersonality ' rich in e#$erience" $owerul in e#$ression" reoriented and
dedicated ' becomes sim$ly the mediator o soul lie between the Hierarchy and
Humanity% Again ' $onder on this%
The %tate of !ind of the %oul
And whilst all these $hases" stages and reali(ations are taking $lace in the lie o
the $ersonality" what is the attitude o the soul u$on its own $lane: A
Esoteric Healing
consideration o this in!ol!es" irst o all" a recognition o the three as$ects o
mind which are to be ound u$on what we call the mental $lane1 -=22/
2% The lower concrete mind, which is the attitude o thought held by the tiny
as$ect o the soul which was initially 0$ut down0 into maniestation at the
time o indi!iduali(ation% This ' during the long cycle o incarnations ' has
become increasingly sensiti!e to its o!er'shadowing ;el% This o!er'
shadowing ;el says to its incarnated as$ect1 0Ha!ing $er!aded this entire
uni!erse with a ragment o mysel" I remain%0 The $ull o that o!er'
shadowing 0remaining ;el0 is what draws the little ragment back to its
originating source%
.% The &on o Mind, the soul" the $roduct o the thought o the Gni!ersal
Find" the thinking" $ercei!ing" discriminating" analy(ing Identity or
s$iritual Entity% This as$ect o the &ne 3ie is characteri(ed by $ure mind"
$ure reason" $ure lo!e and $ure will% A 03ord o ;acriice0 *ho" through
incarnating e#$erience" integration and e#$ression" has undertaken the
task o redeeming matter" and o raising substance into Hea!enI These are
amiliar truths and ancient $latitudes" but they still remain largely theory
to you% 9ou can test their theoretical nature by asking yoursel1 *hat am I
doing" as a soul 5i I unction as a soul at all6" to raise my matter as$ect"
my three !ehicles and the substance out o which they are made" on to
higher $lanes o e#$ression:
4% The higher abstract mind which is to the soul what the lowest as$ect o
the soul" embodied in the knowledge $etals" is to the concrete mind% This
abstract mind is the lowest as$ect o the ;$iritual Triad%
&nce integration has taken $lace between the $ersonality and the soul" then the
soul ' in its own body and nature and on its own $lane ' can begin to attend to a
higher integration or linking relation which it must e!entually bring about
between itsel and the ;$iritual Triad% Accom$lishment -=2./ u$on a lower le!el
e!er makes $ossible accom$lishment u$on a higher% There is no true higher
accom$lishment until" ste$ by ste$" the lower relected as$ect is mastered" used
and recogni(ed as an instrument or bringing about still higher acti!ities%
The state o mind o the soul during the $rocesses o lower integration can be
briely summari(ed as ollows1
1. That o a com$lete disinterest during the earlier stages o the cycle o
incarnation% Its 0embedded as$ect0 5as it has been called6 is ,uite
ade,uate to the slow and tedious task o e!ol!ing the bodies" de!elo$ing
their characteristics and buying the bitter e#$erience o blindness and
ignorance% This $eriod is by ar the longest" and whilst it is $roceeding the
soul goes orward with its own lie interest u$on its own le!el o
e#$erience" u$on its own ray and under the inluence o the Faster *ho
will e!entually guide the thinking 5through gladly acce$ted im$ression6 o
the de!elo$ing $ersonality% 8orget not that this kingdom or this aggregate
o souls is what the >hristian calls the Kingdom o Eod and the occultist
calls the s$iritual Hierarchy o our $lanet% Remember also that the $ur$ose
o its aggregated lie is to induce reali(ation in consciousness o the
s$iritual $olari(ation o the $lanetary ,ife%
.% As e!olution $roceeds" the three !ehicles ' now created and de!elo$ed '
become $otent" and their !ibration becomes strong enough to attract a
measure o attention rom the $reoccu$ied soul% The irst reaction is
irritation. &ccult irritation is not crossness" as human beings e#$ress it"
but res$onse to contact ' a res$onse which does not $lease% In other
words" it is riction% 9ou will" thereore" better understand the meaning o
Esoteric Healing
the statement that the last etter which the Faster casts o is -=24/
irritation% The $ersonality no longer attracts attention+ riction thereore
ceases" and there is nothing let but a $ure channel through which s$iritual
energy can $our% Irritation" as you understand it" takes $lace when your
$ersonal" sel'will" sel'esteem" ideas and $lans are inringed u$on by
those o another $erson% It is not this orm o irritation which the Faster
casts o%
The second reaction is that o a meditation $rocess or the generation o
$ower" later to be used in the three worlds to enhance soul energy within
the orm and to create the ield o knowledge" $eo$led by the thought'
orms into which the $ersonality will later !enture% The soul is thereore
$re$aring or its own reorientation towards 3ie and its e#$ression in the
three worlds" and not to the gaining o lie e#$erience%
4% *hen the $ersonality becomes dominant" the soul introduces a new actor
into the lie o its relection" the incarnating soul% It mobili(es and ocuses
the energy o the soul ray" and by an act o the will brings it into direct
contact with the ray o the $ersonality% This has a rele# action on the rays
o the threeold lower man" stimulating them" awakening them" and
conditioning the etheric body so that the centers" through which the
$ersonality rays are $ouring" and the head center which is res$onsi!e to
the soul ray" can become more acti!e% The ajna center" through which the
$ersonality works" intensiies its acti!ity" and two things occur1
a% The $ersonality lie becomes increasingly $otent and the man
de!elo$s into an intense indi!idual%
b% The head center begins to e#ert an inluence u$on the ajna center"
and slowly and gradually u$on the center at the base o the s$ine%
;el'will grows as do all the ,ualities% -=27/
7% The soul is now in what esotericists call 0a $rocess o re!ersal%0 This
$roduces a great interest in its relection in the three worlds" and three
things then ha$$en1
a% The lower concrete mind becomes subject to illumination rom the
b% The energy o the soul ray increasingly $ours into the $ersonality"
intensiying its conlict%
c% The $ath o the man around the (odiac rom Aries !ia )isces to
Taurus is re!ersed and he then $roceeds anti'clockwise%
All these actors $roduce !iolent conlict u$on the )robationary )ath" which
increases as the man ste$s u$on the )ath o Disci$leshi$% The $otency o the
$ersonality" dominant and being dominated" is that which induces an intense
karmic acti!ity% E!ents and circumstances $ile ast and uriously into the
e#$erience o the disci$le% His en!ironment is o the highest ,uality a!ailable in
the three worlds+ his e#$erience luctuates between the e#tremes+ he works o
his karmic obligations and $ays the $enalty o $ast mistakes with great ra$idity%
All this time" incarnation succeeds incarnation and the amiliar $rocess o death"
inter!ening between cycles o e#$erience" goes on% Howe!er" all the three deaths
' $hysical" astral and mental ' are carried out with a steadily awakening state o
awareness" as the lower mind de!elo$s+ the man no longer drits ' aslee$ and
unknowing ' out o the etheric" astral and mental !ehicles" but each o them
becomes as much an e!ent as is $hysical death%
8inally the time comes when the disci$le dies with deliberation and in ull
consciousness" and with real knowledge relin,uishes his !arious !ehicles% ;teadily
the soul takes control" and then the disci$le brings about death through an act o
the soul'will and knows e#actly what he is doing% -=2=/
Esoteric Healing
The Elimination of the Personality Thought-form
In dealing with this subject 5and it can only be done !ery briely6 two things must
be borne in mind1
2% That we are considering solely an idea in the mind o the soul and dealing
with the basic act o the illusion which has controlled the entire cycle o
incarnation and so held the soul a $risoner to orm% To the soul" the
$ersonality connotes two things1
a% The soulAs ca$acity or identiication with orm+ this is irst o all
reali(ed by the soul when the $ersonality is beginning to react to a
measure o real integration%
b% An o$$ortunity or initiation%
.% That the elimination o the thought'orm o the $ersonality" which is
consummated at the third initiation" is a great initiation or the soul on its
own $lane% 8or this reason" the third initiation is regarded as the irst
major initiation" since the two $re!ious initiations ha!e !ery little eect
u$on the soul and only aect the incarnated soul" the 0ragment0 o the
These are acts which are little reali(ed and seldom em$hasi(ed in any o the
literature hitherto $ublished% The em$hasis u$ till now has been u$on the
initiations as they aect the disci$le in the three worlds% But I am s$eciically
dealing with the initiations as they aect or do not aect the soul, o!er'
shadowing its relection" the $ersonality" in the three worlds% *hat I ha!e said"
thereore" will ha!e little meaning or the a!erage reader%
8rom the angle o the $ersonal sel" regarding itsel as the Dweller on the
Threshold" the attitude or state o mind has been inade,uately $ortrayed as one
o com$lete obliteration in the light o the soul+ the glory o the )resence" -=2?/
transmuted by the Angel" is such that the $ersonality com$letely disa$$ears" with
its demands and its as$irations% Haught is let but the shell" the sheath" and the
instrument through which the solar light can $our or the hel$ing o humanity%
This is true to a certain degree" but is only ' in the last analysis ' manAs attem$t
to $ut into words the transmuting and the transiguring eect o the third
initiation" which cannot be done%
Ininitely more diicult is the attem$t I am here making to de$ict the attitude and
the reactions o the soul" the one sel" the Faster in the heart" as it recogni(es
the stu$endous act o its own essential liberation and reali(es" once and or all"
that it is now inca$able o res$onding in any way to the lower !ibrations o the
three worlds" as transmitted to the soul by its instrument o contact" the
$ersonality orm% That orm is now inca$able o such transmission%
The second reaction o the soul" once this reali(ation has been ocused and
admitted" is that ' ha!ing achie!ed reedom ' that reedom now con!eys its own
2% 8or a lie o ser!ice in the three worlds" so amiliar and now so com$letely
.% An o!er'shadowing sense o outgoing lo!e towards those who are" as yet"
seeking liberation%
4% A recognition o the essential triangle which has now become the center o
the conce$tual lie o the soul -=2@/
Esoteric Healing
The soul now !ibrates between the two $oints or $airs o o$$osites and acts as an
in!ocati!e and e!ocati!e center%
Hone o the abo!e reali(ations may be registered in the brain consciousness or in
the mind o the illumined $ersonality% Theoretically" some dim !ision o the
inherent $ossibilities may be sensed" but the consciousness is no longer that o
the ser!ing disci$le in the three worlds" using mind" emotions and $hysical body
to carry out behest and hierarchical intent" as ar as may be% That has
disa$$eared with the death o the $ersonality consciousness% The consciousness
is now that o the soul itsel" aware o no se$aration" instincti!ely acti!e"
s$iritually obsessed by the $lans o the Kingdom o Eod" and com$letely ree rom
the lure or the aintest control o matter'orm+ the soul is" howe!er" still
res$onsi!e to and immersed in substance'energy" and its higher corres$ondence
is still unctioning on the le!els o the cosmic $hysical $lane ' the buddhic" atmic"
monadic and logoic $lanes%
*hat then must take $lace i the lie o the soul is to be ull and com$lete and so
thoroughly inclusi!e that the three worlds orm $art o its area o awareness and
its ield o ser!ice: The only way in which I can make clear to you what the soul
must do ater the third initiation is to sum it u$ in two ways1
9irst; The soul now becomes a conscious creator because the third as$ect
' de!elo$ed and mastered through e#$erience in the three worlds during
the long cycle o incarnations ' has reached a $oint o $erected acti!ity%
)utting it technically1 the energy o the knowledge $etals and the energy
o the lo!e $etals are now so acti!ely used and blended that two o the
inner $etals" surrounding the jewel in the lotus" are no longer acting -=2B/
as !eils to that jewel% I am here s$eaking symbolically% Because o this
ha$$ening" the death or the elimination o the $ersonality is the irst
acti!ity in the drama o conscious creation" and the irst orm created by
the soul is a substitute or the $ersonality% Thus an instrument or ser!ice
in the three worlds is created% This time" howe!er" it is an instrument with
no lie" no desire" no ambition and no $ower o thought o its own% It is
only a sheath o substance" animated by soul lie but ' at the same time '
res$onsi!e to and suited to the $eriod" race and the en!ironing conditions
wherein the creating soul chooses to work% Think this statement out and
em$hasi(e the words 0suited to%0
&econd1 The soul then $re$ares itsel or the coming ourth initiation% This
is basically a monadic e#$erience and results ' as you know ' in the
disa$$earance or destruction o the soul !ehicle or causal body" and the
establishment" thereore" o a direct relation between the monad on its
own $lane and the newly created $ersonality" !ia the antahkarana%
Esoteric Healing
These two $oints are gi!en to you or the irst time in the se,uential gi!ing out o
the occult teaching+ hints ha!e" howe!er" $re$ared the way or these two acts%
Inormation has also been gi!en anent the maya!iru$a through which the Faster
works and contacts the three worlds and which He deliberately creates in order to
ser!e His $ur$oses and $lans% It is a deinite substitute or the $ersonality and
can only be created when the old $ersonality 5built and de!elo$ed during the
cycle o incarnation6 has been eliminated% I $reer the word 0eliminated0 to the
word 0destroyed%0 The structure ' at the time o elimination ' $ersists" but its
se$arate lie has gone% -=2C/
I you will think clearly about this statement" you will see that a !ery com$lete
integration is now $ossible% The $ersonality lie has been absorbed+ the
$ersonality orm is still let" but it $ersists without any real lie o its own+ this
means that it can now be the reci$ient o energies and orces" needed by the
working initiate or Faster in order to carry on the work o sal!aging humanity%
;tudents would ind it o !alue to study the three 0a$$earances o the >hrist0 as
recorded in the Eos$el story1
2% His transigured a$$earance u$on the Fount o Transiguration% That
e$isode de$icts symbolically the radiant soul" and also the three !acated
bodies o the $ersonality" and hints also at a uture building o a !ehicle o
maniestation% ;t% )eter says" 03ord" let us here build three huts0 or
.% His a$$earance as truth itsel 5silent yet $resent6 beore the bar or
judgment seat o )ilate ' re$udiated by the world o men but recogni(ed
by the Hierarchy%
4% His radiant a$$earances ater the resurrection initiation1
a% To the woman at the se$ulchre ' symboli(ing His contact with
b% To the two disci$les on the way to Emmaus ' symboli(ing His
contact with the Hierarchy%
c% To the twel!e disci$les in the u$$er chamber ' symboli(ing His
contact with the >ouncil >hamber o the 3ord o the *orld at
9ou can thus see the actual nature o the results to which I earlier reerred in
this instruction% The disci$le who has eliminated 5in the technical sense as well as
in the mystical sense6 the hold o the $ersonality has now the 0reedom o the
Ashram"0 as it is called+ he can mo!e at will among his ellow disci$les and
initiates% There will be nothing in his -=.D/ !ibratory lie or his ,uality which can
disturb the rhythm o the Ashram+ there will be nothing to call orth the 0calming
inter!ention0 o the Faster" as is re,uently the case during the earlier stages o
disci$leshi$+ nothing can now interere with those higher contacts and s$heres o
inluence which ha!e hitherto been sealed to the disci$le because o the intrusion
o his own $ersonality% -=.2/
Esoteric Healing
)art Three
The 4undamental #a<s of Healing
*e ha!e now com$leted two sections o our consideration o the art o healing%
*e ha!e dealt somewhat cursorily with the causes o disease and ha!e noted that
they emanate as a whole rom three main sources1 the $sychological state o the
$atient" his karmic liabilities" and those which are incurred through his grou$
relationshi$" en!ironal" national or $lanetary% I then dealt with certain basic
re,uirements o conditions and attitudes which must be established between the
healer and the $atient" and inally I took u$ the subject o death% I considered it
as it aected the three transitory !ehicles" em$hasi(ing its di!ine nature and its
constructi!e $ur$ose% *e now reach the section in which the 3aws o Healing and
the Rules which should condition the healing $rocess must be briely considered%
*e ha!e ound that there are ten laws and si# rules% The tenth law will be ound
too abstruse or much elucidation+ it concerns the lie $rinci$le" o which we as
yet know nothing" and is in!ol!ed with monadic $ur$ose% All occult teaching"
which emanates directly rom the Hierarchy" contains within it the li!ing seed o
that which will ollow later% In The &ecret Doctrine, or instance" H%)%B% 5under my
instruction6 made occasional reerence" !ery briely and obscurely" to the
antahkarana+ she thus let the seed which" -=../ when ull grown" will indicate
the re,uirements or those who ' ha!ing achie!ed the higher initiations ' can
enter u$on the *ay o the Higher E!olution% In this tenth law" thereore" I
embody also the seed or a much later a$$roach to the $roblems o 3ie and
I would here remind you that a law is in reality the eect o the lie o a greater
entity as it encloses a lesser within its li!ing $rocesses% It embodies that
ormulated $ur$ose or organi(ed will o an enolding lie" against which the
e#$ressed $ur$ose or determined will o that which is enolded is entirely
hel$less% 9ou might argue" brother o mine" that this statement negates the ree
will o the indi!idual unit thus enclosed or enolded% It assuredly does militate
against the orm as$ect o maniestation ' that as$ect" or instance" o which a
human being is $re'eminently conscious% Thereore" this relationshi$ o the higher
or greater and the lower or lesser" will e,ually and assuredly dominate and
e!entually render utile the lesser laws o the orm nature" those which today are
called the laws o nature%
E,ually essentially" howe!er" the soul within all orms is at war with those orms"
and in its own integral lie is conditioned by the higher laws which are the laws o
its own being+ these it reely obeys and ollows" ha!ing no slightest wish to do
otherwise% There is" thereore" no essential inringement o the ree will o the
subject+ there is only resistance rom that which we call the 0not'sel0 or the
material as$ect% This might be called the basic cause o all disease%
*hat we call the 3aws o Hature were the highest $hase o the di!ine lie $ossible
in the irst solar system% They are $rimarily the laws inherent in the lie as$ect o
the orm" and ha!e in them" thereore" the seeds o death% The 3aws o the ;oul"
as they subordinate and render negati!e the 3aws o Hature" are the highest laws
to which humanity -=.4/ 5the highest kingdom in nature at $resent6 can res$ond"
and these ' when uliled ' will conclude the $ur$ose o the second solar system%
The 3aws o 3ie itsel will inally su$ersede the 3aws o the ;oul and will
Esoteric Healing
com$letely oset and negate the 3aws o Hature+ these laws will be distincti!e o
the third solar system ' the last $ersonality e#$ression o the solar 3ogos through
the medium o the se!en $lanetary 3ogoi with their !arying orms and soul
Three ,rou$s of #a<s
*e ha!e" thereore" three grou$s o laws which go!ern the e#$ression o the
li!ing $ur$ose in this second solar system ' one de!elo$ed and another
de!elo$ing" with the third latent and relati!ely ,uiescent%
2% The 3aws o Hature ' the se$arate laws o the orm nature%
.% The 3aws o the ;oul ' the blending laws o grou$ integrity%
4% The 3aws o 3ie ' the dynamic laws o Being itsel%
It is with certain as$ects o the 3aws o the ;oul that we shall now deal" or they
concern the integrity and acti!ity o the soul in orm% This must be most careully
borne in mind% Disease is something which attacks the integrity or the harmony
o the orm nature which the inner s$iritual man must use in order to make his
contacts in the three worlds which constitute his en!ironment when in
incarnation% The ten laws which we shall consider might" thereore" be regarded
as ten subsidiary laws o the undamental ,aw of 2ssential Integrity. They
constitute nine elaborations or as$ects o that one law" and this you must ha!e
most careully in mind% It is with these laws that the true healer must e!er work%
The si# rules deal only with the a$$lication o this reali(ed integrity to the
conditions and situation with which the healer is conronted% Integrity in!ol!es
ocus" tension and e#$ression 5simultaneously reali(ed" consciously generated
and dynamically used6%
=ualities 0e;uired of the Healer
In the laws and rules which I ha!e gi!en" certain necessary characteristics o the
healer are mentioned and certain needed re,uirements are indicated% These we
should register irst o all as they not only $resent ,ualities and attitudes which
are essential to the successul $ractice o the healing art" but they indicate also
why ' u$ till the $resent time ' there has been $ractically no successul or
systemati(ed healing o any $atient under any o the current healing schools%
There has been what I might call 0accidental healing"0 due to the act that the
$atient would ha!e been healed anyway" or his hour to $ass o!er had not yet
arri!ed% Deliberate conscious healing" with ull understanding" has only occurred
when the healer was an initiate o high degree" $atterning himsel u$on the lie
and the nature o the >hrist%
3et us now look at the indicated ,ualities and attitudes% I will briely enumerate
and comment%
2% The power to contact and work as a soul. 0The art o the healer consists in
releasing the soul%0 Think or a moment what this $ower in!ol!es% The
healer is not only in immediate and conscious touch with his own soul" but
through that soul contact he can easily contact the soul o his $atient%
Esoteric Healing
.% The power to command the spiritual will. The $articular law in!ol!ed in the
healing act must be 0brought into acti!ity by the s$iritual will%0 This
necessitates the ca$acity to make contact with the ;$iritual Triad% -=.=/
Thereore" the antahkarana must be somewhat in $rocess o construction%
4% The power to establish telepathic rapport. The healer must 0know the
inner stage o thought and o desire0 o his $atient%
7% He must ha(e e$act knowledge. *e read that he must 0know the $oint
e#act through which relie must come%0 This is a most im$ortant $oint and
one entirely o!erlooked by the so'called healers in such mo!ements as
>hristian ;cience" Gnity and others% Healing does not come through an
intense airmation o di!inity" or by sim$ly $ouring out lo!e and the
e#$ression o a !ague mysticism% It comes through mastering an e#act
science o contact" o im$ression" o in!ocation" $lus an understanding o
the subtle a$$aratus o the etheric !ehicle%
=% The power to re(erse, reorient and )e$alt) the consciousness o the
$atient% The healer has to 0lit the downward ocused eyes unto the soul%0
This reers to the eyes o the $atient% This statement im$lies limitation"
because i the $atient is not at the stage in e!olution where this is
$ossible" and at the $oint in e!olution where he can contact his own soul"
the work o the healer is rendered ine!itably utile% The s$here o action"
thereore" o the s$iritual healer is strictly limited to those who ha!e aith%
8aith" howe!er" is the 0e!idence o things not seen0+ that e!idence is
largely lacking in the majority% 8aith is not wishul thinking or an
engineered ho$e% It is e!idence o a well'grounded con!iction%
?% ower to direct soul energy to the necessary area% 0The s$iritual or the
third eye then directs the healing orce%0 This $resu$$oses a scientiic
techni,ue on the healerAs $art and the right unctioning o the mechanism
o recei!ed and directed orce within the head% -=.?/
@% ower to e$press magnetic purity and the needed radiance. 0The healer
must achie!e magnetic $urity%%%and attain dis$elling radiance%0 This
in!ol!es great $ersonal disci$line in the daily lie" and the habit o $ure
li!ing% )urity ine!itably and automatically results in radiance%
B% ower to control the acti(ity of the mechanism of the head. The healer
must ha!e 0linked the centers in the head%0 The true healer has
established a magnetic area within his head which $resents itsel or
e#$resses itsel through a deinitely recogni(able radiation%
C% ower o(er his own centers. The healer has to 0concentrate the needed
energy within the needed center%0 The center in the $atientAs orm which is
nearest to the seat o the $hysical trouble has to be made rece$ti!e to the
energy discharged into it by the corres$onding center in the healerAs body%
It will be ob!ious to you" thereore" how much knowledge and energy'
control is re,uired by the true healer%
2D% ower to utili'e both e$oteric and esoteric methods of healing. The healer
will em$loy 0methods o occult healing though the ordinary medical and
surgical methods will not be withheld%0 I ha!e constantly em$hasi(ed the
Eod'gi!en nature o e#$erimental medicine ' which is a $hrase ,ualiying
medicine today" and ,ualiying still more meta$hysical healing% There is no
need to call in a s$iritual healer or broken bones or or those diiculties
which orthodo# medicine has already mastered% Howe!er" the $atientAs
general morale and condition can be justiiably hel$ed whilst wise surgery
and ameliorating medical knowledge are a$$lied% This the usual so'called
meta$hysical healer is a$t to ignore% Healers will be di!ided e!entually into
two grou$s1 -=.@/
a% Those com$rising deinitely trained s$iritual healers%
b% Healers with less de!elo$ed $ower but with enough radiation and
magnetism to aid in the ordinary healing $rocess% These will usually
work under the guidance o the s$iritual healer%
Esoteric Healing
22% ower to work magnetically. 0Thus he can $our the !ital healing orce
u$on the $atient%0 This the healer does through a scientiic coordination o
his e,ui$ment" using the hands as a directing agent% In this way the
disease can be healed" ameliorated or worsened" e!en to the $oint o
death% The res$onsibility o the healer is thereore great%
2.% ower to work with radiation. 0Thus can his $resence eed the soul lie o
the $atient%0 This again is brought about through a system o coordination"
but the agent o radiation is then the aura and not the hands%
24% ower to practice at all times complete harmlessness. 0The method used
by the )erect &ne%%%is harmlessness%0 This" we are told" in!ol!es a
$ositi!e e#$ression o $oise" an inclusi!e $oint o !iew" and di!ine
understanding% How many healers combine these three ,ualities and also
work through lo!e:
27% ower to control the will and work through lo(e. 0The healer%%%must kee$
the will in leash%0 This is one o the most diicult ,ualities to be de!elo$ed"
or the will o the healer is re,uently so $otent in its determination to
bring about a healing that it renders the eort to a$$ly that healing
$rocess entirely utile% 8rom the re!erse angle" re,uently the sentimental
and mystical desire to lo!e the $atient negates all eorts to hold the will in
leash% Remember" brother o mine" the s$iritual will must be $resent as a
,uiet -=.B/ dee$ $ool o $ower behind all e#$ression o the energy o lo!e%
2=% ower e(entually to wield the ,aw of ,ife. & this little can be said" or it
can only be wielded by those who ha!e de!elo$ed or who are ra$idly
de!elo$ing the consciousness o the ;$iritual Triad ' a !ery rare thing as
In the study o these re,uirements there is no need or discouragement% ;uch a
study will ser!e to set a needed goal or all healers in the Hew Age% It will also
e#$lain why the !arious healing systems which are $racticed today throughout
the world 5$articularly in the Anglo'American countries6 ha!e hitherto notably
ailed" in s$ite o their claims% Hone o them ' i they ke$t $ro$erly certiied
records which would be scientiically accurate 5and $ractically none o them do6 '
would register more than the tiniest $ercentage o cures based u$on $ure
s$iritual healing% The $ercentage cured is less than one in a million 0cures%0 These
cures would ha!e reco!ered in any case in due time" i let to nature or to
ordinary medical and surgical science%
But today" so great is the s$iritual stimulation in the world" and so !ast are the
numbers res$onding to it" that the mo!ing orward o a large grou$ out o the
ranks o a!erage humanity on to the )ath o Disci$leshi$ is ine!itable% This
mo!ing orward will $ro!ide ' during the ne#t i!e hundred years ' many healers
who will ulil to some degree the re,uirements which I ha!e listed abo!e%
The $hiloso$hies endorsed by the !arious systems such as Gnity and >hristian
;cience are basically sound and state the undamental $latitudes 5the essential
truths" ne!ertheless6 which underlie all that I ha!e said abo!e% )eo$le" howe!er"
are not healed by the enunciation o $latitudes" by -=.C/ the airmation o
di!inity or by the statement o abstract theories% They will be healed when the
right time comes because o the ability o the healer in the Hew Age to e#$ress in
himsel and in his daily lie the #uality of di(inity, to be s$iritually ca$able o
in!oking the soul o his $atient" and also to be magnetically $ure" and through
the $ower o a $articular ty$e o radiated energy to stimulate the $atient to heal
himsel ' through the medium o his own inner mechanism% The healer in the Hew
Age will $ossess the ability to make the ollowing contacts with both ease and
Esoteric Healing
2% *ith his own soul%
.% *ith the soul o the $atient%
4% *ith the $articular ty$e o energy which is to be ound either in the soul or
the $ersonality ray o the $atient%
7% *ith any one o his own centers which is needed by him in order to act as
a transmitting agency or energy to be sent into an area go!erned by
some center in the body o the $atient%
=% *ith the center in the $atientAs etheric body which controls the area where
the disease is located%
This" as you can a$$reciate" connotes much technical knowledge% Added to this"
the healer must also $ossess that s$iritual $erce$tion which will enable him to
intuit the 0karma o the moment"0 as it is esoterically called" and thereore to
know i a cure is $ermissible" $racticable" or im$ossible% This is a orm o
knowledge which no healer in the world at this time $ossesses" no matter what
his claim may be% Again I say" this is no cause or discouragement%
*hat is truly needed" and what will be brought about as the decades ela$se" will
be that disci$les and men and women o s$iritual orientation will enter the
medical -=4D/ $roession and $erect themsel!es in the techni,ues o orthodo#
medicine and in an e#oteric knowledge o $hysical anatomy and o $athological
sym$toms" $lus the orthodo# remedies and modes o handling disease% To this
technical knowledge and understanding they will add a measure o esoteric
learning" and they will then begin to combine" whilst $ractising their $roession"
both the e#oteric and the esoteric wisdom which is theirs% This will at irst be
$urely e#$erimental" but out o the e#$erience gained in utili(ing both ields o
knowledge a new medical science will emerge" based u$on two $aramount
recogni(ed actors1
2% A cumulati!e mass o knowledge and inormation anent the dense $hysical
!ehicle% This has been accumulated by men o science down the ages and
is largely $ro!en and true%
.% A constantly growing understanding o the nature o the etheric body" o
the centers" and o the transmission and circulation o certain controlled
This combination o two as$ects o truth will be greatly acilitated by the
increasing sensiti!ity and almost clair!oyant $erce$tion o de!elo$ing humanity%
&ne o the outstanding results o the recent world war will be ound to be a
tremendously increased ca$acity or ner!ous reaction% This ner!ous rece$ti!ity is
at $resent abnormal and the results are sad% The reason or this is that the
ner!ous a$$aratus o the a!erage human being 5and by that I mean his ner!ous
system" $lus the nadis which underlie it6 is not yet ade,uate to the demands
u$on it% Time" howe!er" will adjust all this%
Both meta$hysical healers and orthodo# medical men at this time are a$t to
re$udiate each other with much !iolence% Taking it as a whole" the orthodo#
$hysician is less rabid and e#clusi!e than the modern meta$hysician% They -=42/
know too well the limitations o their $resent medical attainments% But the so'
called s$iritual healer recogni(es at $resent no limitations" and this deinitely
constitutes a weakness% Both grou$s" in time" must become collaborators with
each other and not o$$onents% Both ha!e much to learn rom each other" and
both must recogni(e that the $articular ields o knowledge or which they stand
are e,ually a di!ine e#$ression and indicate the ability o the human mind to
search" to record" to disco!er and to ormulate truth" so that others may beneit
Esoteric Healing
I would recall to your attention the act that both grou$s ha!e much to do ' the
one in $enetrating into the realm o the subtle and the intangible 5and this is
ra$idly being done6" and the other in descending rom its !ague abstractions and
im$ractical generali(ations in order to learn to recogni(e the facts anent the
objecti!e and the tangible+ this is not as yet being done+ meta$hysical healing"
so'called" is lost amidst a mist o words and high'sounding airmations%
The sincerity o the majority o those who belong to these schools o thought is
un,uestioned+ their moti!es are almost uniormly sincere and good% In both
grou$s charlatans are to be ound and also a small ' a !ery small ' minority o
sel'seeking and ignorant e#$loiters o men% Among them are numbered both
$hysicians and meta$hysicians who are commercially oriented+ they are"
howe!er" a minority% In the sincere in!estigator and lo!er o humanity in both
grou$s will be ound the uture ho$e o medical science as it seeks to meet the
need o humanity ' a humanity which is becoming increasingly sensiti!e and
subjecti!ely oriented% -=4./
Esoteric Healing
CHAPTER .III-The Laws an Rules Enu!erate an A%%lie
The #a<s and 0ules Enumerated and A$$lied
6ote; >ertain o the Rules are related to certain o the 3aws and will be
considered by me in their rightul relationshi$% I ha!e asked A%A%B% to gi!e here a
list o the ten laws and ' where a rule is related to a $articular law ' to gi!e it with
that law% The rules are renumbered and do not ollow in the order earlier gi!en%
Law I
All disease is the result o inhibited soul lie% This is true o all orms in all
kingdoms% The art o the healer consists in releasing the soul so that its lie can
low through the aggregate o organisms which constitute any $articular orm%
Law II
Disease is the $roduct o and subject to three inluences1 irst" a manAs $ast"
wherein he $ays the $rice o ancient error+ second" his inheritance" wherein he
shares with all mankind those tainted streams o energy which are o grou$
origin+ third" he shares with all the natural orms that which the 3ord o 3ie
im$oses on His body% These three inluences are called the 0Ancient 3aw o E!il
;haring%0 This must gi!e $lace some day to that new 03aw o Ancient Dominating
Eood0 which lies behind all that Eod has made% This law must be brought into
acti!ity by the s$iritual will o man% -=44/
Rule One
3et the healer train himsel to know the inner stage o thought or o desire o the
one who seeks his hel$% He can thereby know the source rom whence the trouble
comes% 3et him relate the cause and the eect and know the $oint e#act through
which relie must come%
Disease is an eect o the basic centrali(ation o a manAs lie energy% 8rom the
$lane whereon those energies are ocused $roceed those determining conditions
which $roduce ill health% These thereore work out as disease or as reedom rom
Law I.
Disease" both $hysical and $sychological" has its roots in the good" the beautiul
and the true% It is but a distorted relection o di!ine $ossibilities% The thwarted
soul" seeking ull e#$ression o some di!ine characteristic or inner s$iritual reality"
$roduces" within the substance o its sheaths" a $oint o riction% G$on this $oint
the eyes o the $ersonality are ocused and this leads to disease% The art o the
healer is concerned with the liting o the downward ocused eyes unto the soul"
the true Healer within the orm% The s$iritual or third eye then directs the healing
orce and all is well%
Rule Two
The healer must achie!e magnetic $urity" through $urity o lie% He must attain
that dis$elling radiance which shows itsel in e!ery man when he has linked the
centers in the head% *hen this magnetic ield is established" the radiation then
goes orth%
Esoteric Healing
Law .
There is naught but energy" or Eod is 3ie% Two energies meet in man" but other
i!e are $resent% 8or each is to be ound a central $oint o contact% The conlict o
these energies with orces and o orces twi#t themsel!es -=47/ $roduce the
bodily ills o man% The conlict o the irst and second $ersists or ages until the
mountain to$ is reached ' the irst great mountain to$% The ight between the
orces $roduces all disease" all ills and bodily $ain which seek release in death%
The two" the i!e and thus the se!en" $lus that which they $roduce" $ossess the
secret% This is the ith 3aw o Healing within the world o orm%
Rule Three
3et the healer concentrate the needed energy within the needed center% 3et that
center corres$ond to the center which has need% 3et the two synchroni(e and
together augment orce% Thus shall the waiting orm be balanced in its work% Thus
shall the two and the one" under right direction" heal%
Law .I
*hen the building energies o the soul are acti!e in the body" then there is
health" clean inter$lay and right acti!ity% *hen the builders are the lunar lords
and those who work under the control o the moon and at the behest o the lower
$ersonal sel" then you ha!e disease" ill health and death%
Law .II
*hen lie or energy lows unim$eded and through right direction to its
$reci$itation 5the related gland6" then the orm res$onds and ill health
Rule *our
A careul diagnosis o disease" based on the ascertained outer sym$toms" will be
sim$liied to this e#tent ' that once the organ in!ol!ed is known and thus
isolated" the center in the etheric body which is in closest relation to it will be
subjected to methods o occult healing" though the ordinary" ameliorati!e"
medical or surgical methods will not be withheld%
Law .III
Disease and death are the results o two acti!e orces% &ne is the will o the soul"
which says to its instrument1 -=4=/ I draw the essence back% The other is the
magnetic $ower o the $lanetary lie" which says to the lie within the atomic
structure1 The hour o reabsor$tion has arri!ed% Return to me% Thus" under cyclic
law" do all orms act%
Rule *i(e
The healer must seek to link his soul" his heart" his brain and his hands% Thus can
he $our the !ital healing orce u$on the $atient% This is magnetic work% It cures
disease or increases the e!il state" according to the knowledge o the healer%
The healer must seek to link his soul" his brain" his heart and auric emanation%
Thus can his $resence eed the soul lie o the $atient% This is the work o
radiation% The hands are needed not% The soul dis$lays its $ower% The $atientAs
soul res$onds through the res$onse o his aura to the radiation o the healerAs
aura" looded with soul energy%
Law I5
)erection calls im$erection to the surace% Eood dri!es e!il rom the orm o
man in time and s$ace% The method used by the )erect &ne and that em$loyed
by Eood is harmlessness% This is not negati!ity but $erect $oise" a com$leted
$oint o !iew and di!ine understanding%
Esoteric Healing
Rule +i4
The healer or the healing grou$ must kee$ the will in leash% It is not will that
must be used" but lo!e%
Law 5
Hearken" & Disci$le" to the call which comes rom the ;on to the Fother" and
then obey% The *ord goes orth that orm has ser!ed its $ur$ose% The $rinci$le o
mind then organi(es itsel and then re$eats that *ord% The waiting orm res$onds
and dro$s away% The soul stands ree%
Res$ond" & Rising &ne" to the call which comes within the s$here o obligation+
recogni(e the call emerging rom the Ashram or rom the >ouncil >hamber where
waits the 3ord -=4?/ o 3ie Himsel% The ;ound goes orth% Both soul and orm
together must renounce the $rinci$le o lie and thus $ermit the Fonad to stand
ree% The soul res$onds% The orm then shatters the connection% 3ie is now
liberated" owning the ,uality o conscious knowledge and the ruit o all
e#$erience% These are the gits o soul and orm combined%
6ote; This last law is the enunciation o a new law which is substituted or the
3aw o Death" and which has reerence only to those u$on the later stages o the
)ath o Disci$leshi$ and the stages u$on the )ath o Initiation%
A$$lication of the #a<s and 0ules
In the last ew $ages I greatly clariied the issue by indicating ' e!en at the risk o
somewhat discouraging you ' certain o the essential re,uirements o the healer
in the Hew Age" and also certain o the contacts which he will ha!e to make with
acility and $rom$tness when attem$ting to heal% I likewise deined or you the
nature o 3aw% This was $reliminary to a consideration o the 3aws to which the
healer must conorm and the Rules which he will automatically and intuiti!ely
obey% *e might consider these 3aws and Rules in relation to the healer and also
in relation to each other" or se!eral o the Rules are closely related to a 3aw
which controls the healer%
8rom the deinition o law" as gi!en abo!e" it will be a$$arent to you that in the
last analysis disease" death" untruth" alsity and des$air are inherent in the $lanet
itsel" because our $lanetary 3ogos 5as I earlier stated when aiding H%)%B% in
writing The &ecret Doctrine4 is an 0im$erect Eod%0 Ater the $resent great world
crisis" incident to our $lanetary 3ogos ha!ing mo!ed orward u$on the cosmic
)ath" and thereore ha!ing taken a cosmic initiation" His im$erections are
demonstrably lessened+ there will be less distress and disease on earth once the
necessary $lanetary -=4@/ adjustments ha!e been made% This you yoursel!es will
not see take $lace" or adjustments on such a large scale take centuries to eect%
*hat I ha!e" thereore" to say u$on the uture healing o disease will not be o
$ractical !alue or a long time to come" but the theory and the indications o
$ossibility must be considered and discussed% Also" or a long time" medical
$ractice and surgical knowledge will $lay their useul $arts in $re!enti!e
medicine" alle!iati!e $ractices and curati!e $rocesses% To these increasingly will
be added many $sychological methods o healing" and these will go hand in hand
with the two abo!e+ to these again the ser!ices o the s$iritual healers will be
added% In this way" a rounded'out a$$roach to the whole man will be steadily
de!elo$ed" and the need or this is today recogni(ed by orward thinking
$hysicians e!erywhere% Thus" and also through the method o trial and error"
much will be learnt%
Esoteric Healing
The healing $rocesses I outline and indicate through these 3aws and Rules are
basically new% They are not based on airmations" as in >hristian ;cience and
other mental healing cults+ they are not $osited on airmed origins and on
claiming results which will only be $ossible when the race has reached a ar
higher standard o $erection than is at $resent seen or that is immediately
ca$able o de!elo$ment% As I ha!e se!eral times said in this treatise" there is
nothing undamentally wrong in the claims made by these grou$s and
organi(ations anent the man who has arri!ed at soul e#$ression and at reali(ation
o the >hrist consciousness% *hat is wrong is the claim that the ordinary man
5ob!iously not at this ad!anced $oint in e!olution6 can $erorm these miracles o
healing either in himsel or or others% <ery ew $eo$le ha!e as yet reached this
$oint" and the healer in these cults and organi(ations who has done so is a rarity
indeed% The healer in the Hew Age will recogni(e limitation and conditioning
circumstances" $lus destiny% This $redis$oses the -=4B/ de!elo$ment within him
o knowledge'gi!ing $owers% He is also s$iritually aware that the healing o the
$hysical body is not always the highest s$iritual good+ the o!er'estimation and
serious" an#ious care o the orm lie" o the $hysical !ehicle" is not o major
The healer in the Hew Age does not and will not work directly with the $hysical
body at all+ being an occultist" he will regard that body as not a $rinci$le% He
works $ractically entirely with the etheric body and with the !ital energies"
lea!ing those energies to make their im$act on the automaton o the $hysical
body according to directed intent+ they will then $roduce their eect according to
the res$onse o that body" conditioned as it will be by many actors% These
energies" directed !ia the etheric body o the $atient" or emanating rom that
body" may bring about a cure if the destiny o the $atient $ermits" or they may so
stimulate the area o the disease that the disease will be brought to a crisis and
the $atient will die% This oten ha$$ens under the ministrations o cultist healers
who are ignorant o the laws o healing and who base their acti!ities on a
reali(ation o a $resent 5though usually une#$ressed6 di!inity%
A much higher measure o s$iritual $erce$tion and o mental understanding is
re,uired beore the system I $ro$ose becomes eecti!e% All that I gi!e in my
writings is largely o a $ioneer nature" and this should be remembered%
3et us now study 3aw &ne+ it has no Rule attached or related to it" as it is a basic
statement" indicating the major underlying theory u$on which the healer will
Law I
All disease is the result o inhibited soul lie% This is true o all orms in all
kingdoms% The art o the healer consists in releasing the soul so that its lie can
low through the aggregate o organisms which constitute any $articular orm%
This law indicates that" owing to the act that the threeold lower man is not
under control o his soul" disease can destroy him% Because the ree low o the
energy $ouring rom the soul is inhibited and limited" disease can ind $lace in the
$hysical body% The $hysical organism is correctly su$$lied with the creati!e
regenerating energy o the true man" the soul on its own $lane% *here there is
com$lete unobstructed inlow rom the soul to the se!en !itali(ing centers" you
ha!e the $erect health which the initiate o the ourth degree demonstrates"
unless some disci$linary" e#$erimental or initiating karma is being tried out in his
Esoteric Healing
case% Howe!er" as a general rule a$art rom these or $lanetary conditions" an
initiate o high degree needs no healer+ there is nothing in him re,uiring healing%
*hat must the healer do when" aced with a $atient" he reali(es the inhibited
condition which the disease e!idences: Does he" under the law" work with the
soul o the $atient: Does he seek to get that soul 5on its own $lane6 to aect
deinitely the man" su$erintending the transer o energy rom the soul to the
mind" and rom the mind to the astral body" and rom thence to the etheric
!ehicle: By no means% In cases o real and serious illness" the condition o the
$atient is usually such that it is not $ossible or him to make the needed res$onse
to such attem$ted ministrations o the healer" either consciously or
unconsciously% Any mental e#ertion is ,uite beyond his $ower" and he could not"
thereore" coo$erate with the eort o his soul to transer energy+ the acti!ity o
his astral body is usually concentrated in the ormulation o a great desire to li!e
and to get rid o the disease" unless the illness is so acute that the $atient has
reached the stage where he sim$ly does not care and the will'to'li!e is ra$idly
lea!ing him% To these diiculties must be added the act that !ery ew $eo$le are
so com$letely integrated that they can unction as whole $ersonalities" in -=7D/
res$onse to soul stimulation% They are usually $olari(ed in one or another o their
three bodies" and this act again $resents a $otent limiting condition to the
healer% Again" and !ery re,uently" the man is so intensely $reoccu$ied with
discomort and $ain $resent in the dense $hysical body" that the higher
im$ressions which might come through rom mind or soul bodies are ,uite unable
to do so% *hat then must the trained and instructed healer do:
He must reali(e" irst o all" that the etheric body is the actor o major
im$ortance and the main !ehicle with which he must deal% He thereore
concentrates u$on that body o energy% This in!ol!es the necessity o ascertaining
certain acts" and then making certain $oints o contact eecti!ely useul%
The irst act to be ascertained is the $otency with which the soul has gri$$ed and
is still gri$$ing its $ersonality% The healer is aware that because the $atient is still
ali!e" the soul is deinitely $resent through the medium o the head and heart
centers o the etheric body" thus anchoring both the consciousness and the lie
$rinci$les% I the $atient is unconscious" the diiculties o the healer are greatly
increased in some cases" though lightened in others% I the $rinci$le o
consciousness is withdrawn rom the head center in the !ital body" then the
healer knows that death may su$er!ene and his way is this much clearer"
$articularly i there is a dimming o the light o lie in the heart% I consciousness
is still $owerully $resent" he reali(es that there is still the $ossibility o cure" and
can then" with greater conidence" $roceed with the work to be done% In this
statement" I am dealing with the a!erage $erson% In the case o initiates" it is
somewhat dierent" because they re,uently remain ully conscious through the
death $rocess%
9ou will" thereore" reali(e the basic necessity or the healer in the Hew Age to be
either clair!oyant or ' ar -=72/ better still ' to ha!e true s$iritual $erce$tion with
its ,uality o inallibility% His irst task is to in!estigate or 0occultly see0 the etheric
body o the $atient" and thus arri!e at the ollowing knowledge1
2% The $otency with which the soul inluences its etheric body% This is
indicated by the $oint o light in the head center and the area which it
.% The condition o the etheric center which controls or go!erns the area
within which the $hysical trouble is to be ound%
Esoteric Healing
4% The relation o the centers abo!e the dia$hragm to those below" because
this will gi!e him a general indication o the $oint in e!olution o the man
to be healed%
Ha!ing ascertained these $oints to the best o his ability" he will then" under the
law o 0inhibited soul lie"0 seek by the $ower o his own soul 5working on the
higher le!els o the mental $lane and through his head center6 to stimulate the
$oint o soul lie in the etheric body o the $atient% He will do this with a !iew o
attracting" i $ossible" a uller inlow o the soul energy o the $atient into the
head center" in order that the lie thread may carry a uller su$$ly o lie to the
heart% In this manner" the $atientAs own 0li!ingness0 will bring about the desired
cure+ he will be healed a$$arently by nature itsel" or by the natural and normal
way o ade,uate !itality" and so enabled to throw o the disease%
*hen the healer" thereore" recogni(es and works with this law" the ollowing
$oints o contact are recogni(ed and used1
2% The soul o the $atient" anchored within his etheric body% -=7./
.% The soul o the healer" occu$ied with the stimulation o that $oint o soul
contact" !ia the ollowing triangle o energy1

This relates the !ital body o the healer to that o the $atient" !ia both their head
centers and the heart o the $atient" because there the lie $rinci$le is ocused
and is closely in!ol!ed and aected by whate!er occurs%
4% *hen this triangle o energy is unctioning smoothly and a measure o
res$onse is coming rom the head center o the $atient" e!oking greater
soul contact and $roducing a resultant inlow o soul energy into the head
center and rom thence to the heart center" then ' by an act o the will and
the use o an in!ocati!e mantram ' the healer will seek to im$lement this
increased low o lie" !ia the heart" to the diseased area" using the center
which controls that area o the $hysical body" whiche!er this may be% This
has to be done with the greatest $ossible care" so that the low is not too
sudden" and thereore destructi!e in its eects+ $articular care has also to
be e!idenced in the cases o disease o the heart+ embolisms" or instance"
which $ro!e atal are re,uently due to a !iolent e#$ression on the $art o
the $atient o the will'to'li!e" bringing on a looding inlow o the lie
$rinci$le% This makes its im$act too suddenly u$on the heart" causing
e,ually sudden mo!ement in the blood stream" and thus o the embolism"
$roducing death% I am $utting this into entirely untechnical terms -=74/
and laying mysel o$en to e#$ert criticism" but I am doing so in order to
con!ey to the lay reader a general idea o the risks in!ol!ed" and thus
$roduce caution in the enthusiast%
Esoteric Healing
This law co!ers certain undamental $remises" and there is little more than I can
$roitably say anent its im$lications% Fuch will be learnt by acce$ting the
$remises and working u$on their im$lications% *hat I ha!e said is !ery ar rom
being what I could ha!e said" but I ha!e here gi!en the student a sim$le and
working understanding o certain essential and basic conce$ts%
Esoteric Healing
*e will now $ass on to a consideration o the second 3aw and o Rule &ne%
Law II
Disease is the $roduct o and subject to three inluences1 irst" a manAs $ast"
wherein he $ays the $rice o ancient error+ second" his inheritance" wherein he
shares with all mankind those tainted streams o energy which are o grou$
origin+ third" he shares with all natural orms that which the 3ord o 3ie im$oses
on His body% These three inluences are called the 0Ancient 3aw o E!il ;haring%0
This must gi!e $lace some day to the new 03aw o Ancient Dominating Eood0
which lies behind all that Eod has made% This law must be brought into acti!ity by
the s$iritual will o man%
This 3aw is most com$rehensi!e in its statements and really constitutes a
summation o two laws" one o which is controlling at this time and one which will
e!entually control% 3et us" or the sake o clarity" and because $eo$le usually read
so carelessly" di!ide this law u$ into its !arious statements" and thus gain a
better idea o its im$lications1
2% Disease is a $roduct o and subject to three inluences1 -=77/
a% A manAs $ast" wherein he $ays the $rice o ancient error%
b% His inheritance" wherein he shares with all mankind those tainted
streams o energy which are o grou$ origin%
c% His sharing with all natural orms that which the 3ord o 3ie
im$oses on His body%
.% These three ty$es o energy are called the 0Ancient 3aw o E!il ;haring%0
4% The 03aw o Ancient Dominating Eood0 lies be hind all that Eod has made%
7% This law will some day su$ersede the 0Ancient 3aw o E!il ;haring%0
=% It will be brought into acti!ity by the s$iritual will o man%
This law throws a man in his thinking back to the basic law o karma which" as
you know" there is no a!oiding" and which the modern healer in the $resent
healing cults and organi(ations consistently o!erlooks% *ith these inluences and
$redis$osing causes we ha!e already dealt" and there is no need urther to
elaborate them here" beyond remarking that one o the most hel$ul things or a
$atient to remember and or the healer to bear in mind is that disease has its
roots in the $ast 5a grou$ $ast or an indi!idual $ast6 and may" in the last
analysis" be a beneicent way o $aying o ancient debts% This induces in the
$atient a constructi!e attitude o ac,uiescence ' not an ac,uiescence which leads
to non'action" but one which $roduces a sense o res$onsibility or right action%
This right action will lead either to ull $ayment o the $enalty through the well'
known $rocess o death or to the success o the ste$s taken to induce health% In
the case o the healer" it will lead to a recognition o $otent orces working
through the $atient and a willingness -=7=/ or the destined ate to take $lace+ in
both cases the e!erish an#iety so oten $resent will not inter!ene between the
healerAs intention and the $atient" $re!enting sound ha$$enings%
The second im$ortant thing is or the $atient to remember" i his condition
$ermits" that what he is enduring is the ate and the lot o the majority" and that
he is not alone% A right handling o ill health is a major actor in breaking down
se$arateness and a sense o aloneness and isolation+ that is why the eects o
bad health" when rightly handled" lead to a sweetening o the dis$osition and a
broadening o the sym$athies% ;haring and a sense o general $artici$ation has
usually to be learnt the hard way ' such again is the law%
In this law we ha!e the clue to that which will ultimately swee$ disease rom the
earth% 3et me $ut it ,uite sim$ly% *hen the majority o the inhabitants o the
Esoteric Healing
earth are being ra$idly oriented towards good" towards righteousness" as the
Bible e#$resses it" and when the bulk o human beings are inclined towards
goodwill 5the second major e#$ression o soul contact and inluence in the
indi!idualAs lie and in the lie o mankind ' the irst being the sense o
res$onsibility6" then ill health will $ersistently" e!en i only gradually" disa$$ear
and die out and inally be non'e#istent% ;lowly" !ery slowly" this is already
ha$$ening ' not yet in the disa$$earance o disease" but in the bringing about o
a more correct orientation% *hat this really means is that the channel o contact
between the indi!idual and his soul and the soul o humanity is becoming more
direct and unim$eded% Alignment is being brought about% 9ou can see again"
thereore" why the em$hasis in the lie o the healer must be laid u$on contact
and alignment" and why so ew succeed% There is little i any contact to be ound
among healers today" and little direct consciousness o the necessity" -=7?/ and
no real understanding o the techni,ues to be ollowed%
It is wise to gras$ this im$ortant $oint" or it will negate disa$$ointment% Disease
is not going to disa$$ear miraculously and suddenly rom a world in the
immediate $eriod" heralding the Hew Age% I it did" the im$lications would be that
the 3aw o Karma no longer controlled" and this is not the case%
The inal sentence o this second law gi!es a basic indication o the time $eriod1
the 3aw o Dominating Eood will be brought into acti!ity by the s$iritual will o
man% *hat does this mean: It means that only when truly large numbers o men
are controlled by the ;$iritual Triad" ha!e built the antahkarana and can thereore
use the s$iritual will" can disease be stam$ed out and only good control% It will o
course be a gradual $rocess" and in the early stages almost im$erce$tible% Again"
why is this: Because e!il" crime and disease are the result o the great heresy o
se$arateness" and because hate and not lo!e controls% 8orget not that he who
lo!eth not his brother is a murderer ' e!er the symbol o hate% As yet" the sense
o uni!ersality and o identity with all is not to be ound" e#ce$t in ad!anced
disci$les and initiates+ the mass consciousness and the demonstration o the herd
instinct must not be conounded with the sense o &neness which marks the
rightly oriented $erson% In the Hew Age" teaching anent the antahkarana and the
constitution o man" $rinci$ally rom the angle o the 0three $eriodical bodies"0
and not so much rom that o the lower threeold man" will be em$hasi(ed"
$articularly in the higher schools o learning" thereby laying a sound oundation
or the esoteric schools which will be slowly emerging% A new $ers$ecti!e u$on
humanity will be thereby attained% The nature o the s$iritual will will be taught in
contradistinction to that o the selish $ersonal will+ -=7@/ by its means
tremendous new $otencies will be released" and saely released" into daily lie%
G$ to the $resent time" e!en disci$les ha!e little idea o the e#ceeding $ower o
the triadal will% It might be here airmed that those healers who ha!e triadal
consciousness and can e#ercise the $otency o the monadic lie and will" !ia the
;$iritual Triad" will always be successul healers+ they will make no mistakes" or
they will ha!e accurate s$iritual $erce$tion+ this will gi!e them knowledge as to
the $ossibility o cure" and by the use o the will they can then work saely and
with $ower on the head center o the $atient% They will necessarily conine their
healing $owers to those who li!e ocused in the head% They will stimulate the
soul" there anchored" into eecti!e acti!ity" thus $romoting a true sel'healing%
9ou will note rom all the abo!e how relati!ely sim$le these 3aws are when
careully considered" and how beautiully they are related to each other% The
mastering and gras$ing o one acilitates the understanding o the ne#t%
Esoteric Healing
8orget not that the head center is the one through which the will works" and with
this in your mind" relate the inormation gi!en you anent 3aw &ne in the early
$art o this instruction to that which I ha!e here gi!en you% I these laws are
studied dee$ly by those who seek to learn to heal s$iritually" and i the healer
endea!ors to make his lie conorm to the rules" a deinite $attern o healing and
an emerging techni,ue will take sha$e in his mind and greatly increase his
eecti!e ser!ice% 9ou will note also that I am not gi!ing rules and laws which deal
with s$eciic diseases% This" I ear" will greatly disa$$oint many earnest workers%
They would like me to indicate what should be done" or instance" to cure cancer
o the li!er" or $neumonia or gastric ulcer or orms o heart disease% This I do not
intend to do% Fy work is ar more basic than that% I am concerned -=7B/ with
causes" and $rimarily with the etheric body as the distributor o energies or as
the withholder o these energies when transormed into orces+ I deal with the
state o consciousness o the healer and with the theories which he should
embrace" with his understanding o the relationshi$ o the soul to its !ehicles o
e#$ression 5$articularly" in the case o healing" to the !ital body6" and with the
controlling act o the centers ound in e!ery area o the body" either reely
distributing energy and $reser!ing the body in good health or ' through
unde!elo$ment and inhibited acti!ity ' bringing about those conditions in which
disease becomes $ossible and $robable%
9ou can see" thereore" how the healing $rocess is sim$liied when we recogni(e
causes and reali(e that they are res$onsible or the unctioning o the body on the
outer $lane% The healer has always to remember the ollowing se,uence o acts1
2% The act o the soul" working through
.% The mind and the astral body" whose energies condition
4% The etheric !ehicle" a !orte# o energies ocused through numerous
centers" both major and minor%
7% The se!en major centers" controlling deinite areas o the body !ia
a% The nadis%
b% The ner!es%
c% The endocrine system%
d% The blood stream%
These our grou$s o conditioned as$ects o the man concern lie and
consciousness" or the two major as$ects o the soul when in maniestation u$on
the $hysical $lane% -=7C/
&rthodo# medicine has been to date necessarily conined to the objecti!e
sym$toms and their immediate a$$arent cause" and thereore to eects and not
to real causes% The healing with which I am concerned is directed towards the
reorgani(ing and the re!itali(ing o the etheric body" with the intent o getting
behind the outer ormal indications o wrong conditions to that !ehicle o energies
which ' i correctly unctioning and in right alignment ' will $reser!e the $hysical
body in good condition and kee$ it ree rom disease% The knowledge re,uired by
the healer in the Hew Age is thereore more basic and less detailed% He deals with
areas and not with organs+ he is concerned with energies and their distributing
$oints" and not with the details o the $hysical body" with the construction o the
organs and their malunctioning% He will deal with the se!en etheric centers" with
the nadis through which they aect and stimulate 5a$art rom radiation6 the
ner!ous system+ he will watch with care the ner!ous system and the blood
stream which the centers aect through radiation on to and through the
hormones there to be ound% But the keynote o all his work will be directed
distribution" and the center o his attention will be the channels o this distribution
' the entire system o etheric centers%
Esoteric Healing
I would beg you to relect u$on all this inormation with studious care% The
keynote to good health" esoterically s$eaking" is sharing or distribution, just as it
is the keynote to the general well'being o humanity% The economic ills o
mankind closely corres$ond to disease in the indi!idual% There is lack o a ree
low o the necessities o lie to the $oints o distribution+ these $oints o
distribution are idle+ the direction o the distribution is aulty" and only through a
sane and worldwide gras$ o the Hew Age $rinci$le o sharing will human ills be
cured+ only by the right distribution of energy will the ills of the physical body of
indi(idual -==D/ man also be cured. This is a undamental 5I would say the
undamental $rinci$le6 o all s$iritual healing% In the last analysis also this
$resu$$oses an e!entual and scientiic recognition o the etheric body o the
$lanet" and conse,uently o man%
Esoteric Healing
*e come now to a consideration o Rule &ne%
Rule One
3et the healer train himsel to know the inner stage o thought or o desire o the
one who seeks his hel$% He can thereby know the source rom whence the trouble
comes% 3et him relate the cause and the eect and know the $oint e#act through
which relie must come%
It will be a$$arent to you that the irst rule which the healer has to master must
necessarily be im$ortant% It is basic and essential in its im$lications i a cure is to
be eected or i the healer is not to waste time in attem$ting the im$ossible%
There are our injunctions in this rule1
2% The healer must train himsel to know whether the $atient is mentally or
astrally 5emotionally6 ocused%
.% He can and must" thereore" ascertain the $sychological basis o the
e#istent trouble%
4% He will be able then to ascertain the location o the eect 5the disease6
through $erce$tion o the underlying cause%
7% This will enable him to know
a% The area aected%
b% The center in the etheric body controlling that area%
9ou will also reali(e why I started my analysis o disease and healing by a
$resentation o the $sychological causes% -==2/ This irst rule is related to that
entire section o the teaching and is" as you can see" intensely $ractical%
*hen the $ersonality $olari(ation is known" two major acts emerge1 the $oint o
a$$roach will be either through the head center or the heart center if the $atient
is highly de!elo$ed ' which $resumably the healer can be su$$osed to know rom
character indications and the eecti!eness o his lie% &r the a$$roach can be
through the throat center or the solar $le#us center if the $atient is an ordinary
and a!erage ad!anced $erson+ i he is ,uite unde!elo$ed and relati!ely a low
grade human being" the e#act $oint through which relie will come will be the
solar $le#us center or the sacral center% It is interesting to note that when a man
is so low in the e!olutionary scale that he must be ethically reached !ia the sacral
center" he is oten ,uite easily cured and will res$ond more ra$idly to what is ot
called 0etheric mani$ulation0 than will other ty$es% &ne reason or this is that his
mind and his emotions $resent no real obstacles" and all a!ailable energies can
be directed unim$eded to the diseased area%
I the healer is clair!oyant" he can with acility ascertain the $oint o entry o the
healing orces" because the 0entering light0 will then be the brightest" the light o
the center itsel will con!ey the needed inormation% I he is a !ery ad!anced
healer" he will not use any orm o $sychic $erce$tion but will react immediately
u$on contact to an im$ression so $owerul" coming rom the $atient" that it
cannot be denied and is $robably entirely correct and to be de$ended u$on% It
must be remembered" howe!er" that owing to the integrity o the human soul"
and to the act that e!ery soul is in its own nature a Faster" there will be always
a margin o error where the healer is concerned" e!en i he is an initiate'healer+
there will be e!idence to him o a $oint where the s$iritual man 5o which the
$atient is only -==./ a relection6 controls" and beyond which ' e#ce$t as a soul
on an e,ual basis with the $atientAs soul ' he cannot and dare not go% There are
conditions" or instance" in which an ad!anced disci$le or a high initiate 5or
deinite $ur$ose o !acating his $hysical !ehicle6 may be $ermitting the orces o
disintegration" o limitation and o destruction to be breaking down and
Esoteric Healing
destroying his $hysical outer orm% *hen this is the case" the healer may not be
aware o the intention+ he will" howe!er" be aware o o$$osition and will be orced
to desist rom his eorts to heal%
*hen the $atient is a strictly mental ty$e" and the a$$roach to the healing
$rocess must be through a higher center" the head center" the healer will be wise
to gain the conscious coo$eration o the $atient so that their two wills will
unction in unison+ this will entail a $ositi!e relationshi$ between the two% *hen
the $atient is not so highly de!elo$ed" the healer will ha!e to stri!e or a s$irit o
ho$eul ac,uiescence in the man+ the emotional nature will be stronger in this
case than in the more ad!anced ty$e and the task o the healer conse,uently
harder% He will ha!e" !ery re,uently" to combat an#iety" emotional reactions o
di!erse kinds" ear and orebodings% The $sychological condition will thereore be
luid" and the healer will ha!e much to do to aid the $atient to $reser!e a
constancy o emotional reaction and to become calm and ,uiescent% This ,uiet
reaction has to be attained i the healing energies are to $ass eecti!ely to the
right center and its controlled area% This can be brought about by the establishing
o a harmonious ra$$ort between the healer and the $atient" $rior to any healing
$rocess% Healers in the Hew Age will also establish their own clientele" just as
$hysicians do today" and so learn to know the constitution and the tem$erament
o those they may be called u$on to hel$+ they will also educate them in certain
healing $rocesses and techni,ues -==4/ in $re$aration or their use later" i
needed+ this time" howe!er" still lies ar ahead%
*hen the $atient is an unde!elo$ed human being and low down in the
e!olutionary scale" he will be controlled $sychologically by the consecrated
$ersonality o the healer and by the imposition of the healer:s will u$on the
etheric body o the $atient% This does not mean the im$osition o the energy o
the will u$on a negati!e $erson" thereby im$elling the $atient to action and
im$erilling e!en the !ery small measure o ree will which he $ossesses+ it means
the im$osition o the authority o knowledge and o s$iritual stabili(ation u$on the
$atient" thereby instilling conidence and a willingness to be obedient%
9ou ha!e here the irst ste$s which the healer must take in dealing with the
$atient and with the $syche" the lower $syche o the $atient% They are three in
2% Eaining the coo$eration o the $ersonality o the ad!anced man+ it is only
the $ersonality which re,uires healing%
.% Bringing about a condition o ho$eul ac,uiescence on the $art o the
$ersonality o the a!erage man+ he is not as yet ca$able o intelligent
coo$eration" but he can so handle himsel that he reduces $ersonality
hindrances to a minimum%
4% Inducing confident obedience to the suggestions o the healer% This is all
that the unde!elo$ed man can do%
It will be ob!ious to you that broad generali(ations such as the abo!e do not
co!er e!ery ty$e o man and the many intermediate ty$es and stages% The healer
will need to be a true lo!er o his ellowmen and a trained $sychologist as well+
this means that he will ha!e to $ractice as a soul and also as a $erce$ti!e mind%
Another $oint should here be noted% &ne $roblem which the healer will ha!e to
ace with mental ty$es will be the tendency to $reser!e all energies coming rom
the soul either in the head" or at least abo!e the dia$hragm+ this does not mean
that all the areas o the body below the dia$hragm are not habitually su$$lied
Esoteric Healing
with the needed energies" but that there the unctioning is largely automatic and
the man is not in the habit o consciously directing energy to the center and the
area it controls" when below the dia$hragm% It may be necessary to instruct him
so to do" i he is attem$ting to collaborate with the healer and seeks to bring
about a cure% His mental ocus and the acti!ity o the head center will be a great
hel$" $ro!ided he acce$ts instruction in the art o energy direction% This he can
usually do i not too ill or too $reoccu$ied with the $reser!ation o a conscious
contact with his body% *hen he is unable to ocus his attention" either through
$ain or through lack o $hysical consciousness or $roound weakness" the healer
will ha!e to work $rimarily as soul with soul" and trust that the ra$$ort between
the $atientAs soul and the etheric body will be ade,uate to $romote a cure" i that
is the destiny o the man%
*here the source o the trouble lies in the emotional or astral body" the task o
the healer is not so easy+ he has then to work" ocused as a soul in his head
center" but directing the needed energy and controlling the $atientAs emotional
nature !ia his correctly oriented solar $le#us center% I reer here to the healerAs
solar $le#us center" which is one which he does not as a general rule em$loy as a
$oint o ocus or attention in his own lie% The healer has a gained acility in the
use o all his centers at will" regarding them as distributing $oints o directed
energy% This directed energy" I would ha!e you note" is not directed towards
healing" but is the soul energy o the healer directed towards -===/ bringing some
center in the $atientAs body under control" owing to the emotionalism which the
$atient dis$lays" and towards reorgani(ing it as a center or rece$tion o the
healing energies emanating rom the $atientAs soul ' a !ery dierent matter and
one which must be most careully borne in mind%
The healer" thereore" uses two centers" normally s$eaking1 his own head center
and that center in his own body which corres$onds to the area which is diseased
and its controlling center% There has to be in e!ery successul healing the
establishing o a sym$athetic relationshi$% As an ancient book in the FastersA
Archi!es $uts it1 0;oul to soul" the two are one+ $oint to $oint" together must
they suer+ $lace to $lace" they ind themsel!es allied" and thus the dual stream
o energy results in cure%0
&ne o the major diiculties with which the healer is aced" $articularly i
relati!ely ine#$erienced" is the result o this established sym$athetic relation%
There is a$t to occur what we might call 0transerence%0 The healer takes on or
takes o!er the condition o disease or discomort" not in act but sym$tomatically%
This can inca$acitate him or at least interce$t the ree acti!ity o the healing
$rocess% It is a glamor and an illusion and is based on the healerAs achie!ed
ca$acity to identiy himsel with his $atient+ it also is ounded on his an#iety and
great desire to bring relie% The healer has become so $reoccu$ied with the
$atientAs need" and so decentrali(ed rom his own identiied and $ositi!e
consciousness" that inad!ertently he has become negati!e and tem$orarily
un$rotected% The cure or this" i the healer disco!ers in himsel this tendency" is
to work through the heart center as well as the head center" and thus kee$ a
steady low o the $ositi!e energy o lo!e $ouring out towards the $atient% This
will insulate him rom the disease" but not rom the $atient% He can do this by
working -==?/ through the heart center within the brahmarandra 5the head
center6 and greatly increase the $otency o his healing work+ howe!er" it
$resu$$oses a high degree o de!elo$ment on the healerAs $art% The a!erage
s$iritual healer will ha!e to link u$ head and heart centers by a deinite act o the
will% He will then reali(e that the lo!e $ouring rom him to the $atient will $re!ent
any return o the undesirable emanations rom the $atient which ha!e been
Esoteric Healing
lowing towards him+ this because i such a low e#isted" it would militate against
the $atient being healed%
The healer who res$onds to the inner urge to heal will ace" as you can see" a
!ery se!ere course o training beore his own e,ui$ment ' $ersonality" etheric
body and its centers ' are brought into such submission to the soul that they oer
no obstruction to the healing art% He has thereore to learn in connection with
2% Ra$id alignment between soul" mind" head center and $hysical brain%
.% The use o the mind" illumined by the soul" in the $sychological diagnosis
o the causes o the disease which he $ro$oses to handle%
4% Fethods or establishing a sym$athetic ra$$ort with the $atient%
7% Fodes o $rotecting himsel rom any transerence brought about through
this ra$$ort%
=% The establishing o a right relation with the $atient o either coo$eration"
ac,uiescence or s$iritual control%
?% )hysical diagnosis and the locating o the area to which relie must come"
!ia the controlling center%
@% The art o coo$eration with the $atientAs soul so that his etheric body
ocuses all its inlowing energies in order to bring relie to the diseased
area% This in!ol!es the direct acti!ity o the healerAs etheric body in -==@/
connection with a renewed acti!ity on the $art o the $atientAs etheric
B% The techni,ue o withdrawing his healing $ower when that o the $atient is
ade,uate to the undertaking%
I eel that I ha!e here gi!en you all that you need or immediate study and
relection% I ha!e shown you that the healing art is not a !ague mystical $rocess"
or wishul thinking and sim$le good intentions% I ha!e indicated that it
$resu$$oses the mastering o the science o soul contact" irst o all+ the constant
$ractice o alignment" and the com$rehension o the ;cience o the >enters" or '
literally ' a modern orm o 3aya'9oga% Healers in the uture will undergo years o
drastic training" and this need cause no sur$rise" or the ordinary medical
$roession calls or years o hard study and work% Fany healers in the Hew Age
will combine orthodo# study and knowledge with the art o s$iritual healing%
*hen trained healers" with $erce$tion" with a ull working knowledge o the
etheric body" with an understanding o the energies which com$ose it or which it
does or can transmit" o the subtle constitution o man and o the methods o
directing energies rom one $oint and location to another" can work with ull
medical knowledge or in ull collaboration with the orthodo# $hysician or surgeon"
then tremendous changes will be brought about% Ereat enlightenment will reach
the race o man%
It is or this that we must $re$are ' not $rimarily or the healing o the $hysical
body" but because o the e#$ansion o the consciousness o the race that this new
and esoteric study will bring about%
*e ha!e dealt with a number o undamental realities which it is essential that all
healers ' endea!oring to work with the new ty$e o esoteric healing ' must
master+ what -==B/ I said" thereore" is o major im$ortance% Each $oint made by
me could orm the basis o $rolonged discussion" but 5in this treatise6 that is not
$ossible" or 2 seek only to gi!e indication o uture $ossibilities% I seek also to
oment distrust in the $resent a$$roach o the meta$hysical world to this subject
o disease and its cure" and to undermine ' i I may use so drastic an e#$ression '
Esoteric Healing
the conidence o the $ublic in the so'called Hew Age modes o healing" in the
methods o the >hristian ;cientist" o Fental ;cience" and o all those schools o
thought which deal with healing rom the angle o airmation ' airmation o
manAs di!inity and the claim that that inherent and innate di!inity guarantees his
healing% This claim is a glamor and a delusion" as I ha!e ot sought to show%
Esoteric Healing
Today we deal with a law which 5i $ro$erly understood6 $ro!es how inade,uate
is the a$$roach o the modern meta$hysician to this subject and ' though it $uts
our instructions on healing on a sound basis ' it $ost$ones the era o truly occult
healing ,uite deinitely to a more distant time% This third law runs as ollows1
Disease is an eect o the basic centrali(ation o a manAs lie energy% 8rom the
$lane whereon those energies are ocused $roceed those determining conditions
which $roduce ill health% These" thereore" work out as disease or as reedom
rom disease%
This law indicates that one o the $rimary determinations at which the healer
must arri!e is that o the le!el o consciousness rom which the $redominating
energy in the etheric body emanates% I would remind you here that in The &ecret
Doctrine, H%)%B% states that a $lane and a state o consciousness are synonymous
terms" and entirely interchangeable+ in all my writing I seek to em$hasi(e not
-==C/ the le!el o matter or substance 5a $lane" as it is called6" but the
consciousness which e#$resses itsel in that en!ironing area o conscious
*e are assured in this ancient law that disease is an eect o the basic
centrali(ation o a manAs lie energy% This lie energy is not the same as the
energy or orce o consciousness" but consciousness is e!er the directing actor in
e!ery e#$ression o the indwelling lie" or there is basically only one major
energy ' lie energy% *here the consciousness o the man is ocused" there the
lie energy will gather its orces% I the consciousness is ocused on the mental
$lane or u$on the astral $lane" the lie energy will not be so strongly ocused and
anchored in the heart center 5the center where the lie $rinci$le is ound6" but
only a $art o its !ital energy will ind its way into the $hysical body" !ia the
etheric !ehicle% The greater $art will be retained 5to use an inade,uate word6
u$on the $lane where the consciousness is $redominantly unctioning or ' to word
it otherwise ' it will be conditioned in e#$ression by the state o consciousness"
corres$onding to that le!el o awareness or $lace o contact with the di!ine *hole
or the di!ine >onsciousness which the $oint in e!olution o the man makes
The task o the healer is thereore to ind out where this ocus o consciousness is
to be ound+ this brings us back to a $oint I made anent the $atient being
essentially either a mental or an emotional ty$e" and !ery" !ery rarely indeed
$urely $hysical in his consciousness% *here the consciousness is stabili(ed in that
o the soul" there will be little disease $resent and the $hysical diiculties o the
highly de!elo$ed $atient will then be associated with the im$act o the soul
energy u$on an unready $hysical !ehicle+ at that stage only certain o the major
diseases will aect him% He will not be susce$tible to the little com$laints and the
-=?D/ constant small inections which render the lie o the a!erage man or o the
unde!elo$ed man so trying and diicult% He may suer rom heart trouble" rom
ner!ous diseases" and rom com$laints aecting the u$$er $art o the body and
those areas which are controlled by the centers abo!e the dia$hragm+ howe!er"
the diiculties brought about through the minor etheric centers 5o which there
are many6" or by the centers below the dia$hragm" will not usually be $resent '
unless 5as can be the case in a !ery ad!anced disci$le6 he is deliberately taking
on conditions engendered by his world ser!ice or men%
As the majority o human beings are at this time centrali(ed on the astral $lane
5or in the astral body6" a clue to one o the greatest sources o disease
immediately becomes a$$arent% *hen the consciousness o the race shits on to
Esoteric Healing
the mental $lane ' and this is slowly taking $lace ' then the more widely known
and $re!alent diseases will die out and only the diseases o mental ty$es or the
diseases o disci$les will remain to disturb the $eace o indi!idual man% *ith
these I ha!e dealt in an earlier !olume o this treatise% 5A Treatise on the &e(en
Rays" <ol% II" )age =.D'?.=%6
Fental ;cience is right in its recognition that it is the emotions o men 5as
e#$ressed in that eeble imitation o reality which they call thought6 which are
res$onsible or much disease% They are right in their eort to make the $atient
change his emotional attitudes and to react to lie and circumstances and $eo$le
along a dierent line% But they are ho$elessly wrong in belie!ing that that is
suicient+ in their ignoring o all scientiic $rocedures connected with the etheric
body" they ha!e nothing which relates the emotional nature to the $hysical
!ehicle" and thereore there is a ga$ in their reasoning and a conse,uent ault in
their -=?2/ techni,ue% This renders their acti!ities utile" e#ce$t rom the
character angle% *hen they do bring about a healing" it is because in any case
the $atient was $redestined to reco!er" but they ha!e ser!ed a useul $ur$ose in
correcting a character condition in which he was in constant danger o disease%
They ha!e not wrought a cure" and in claiming it both the healer and the $atient
are decei!ed% All dece$tion is dangerous and hindering%
It might be o ser!ice here i I indicate along broad and general lines some o the
ty$es o disease which a centrali(ation o the lie orce u$on the astral $lane" or
instance" could $roduce% I shall but list them+ I will not deal with them in any
detail or until the modern healer recogni(es the fact of the etheric body, and
works scientiically and intelligently with it and its controlling centers o orce"
anything I could say o $rocedure would be utile% I am endea!oring at this time
to $romote certain basic acce$tances ' such as the act o the e#istence o the
etheric body%
2% >onstant intros$ection" all orms o morbid su$$ression and a too
drastically enorced silence where undamental emotions are concerned
can lead to serious li!er trouble" to constant gastric diiculties and to
.% *here hatreds and dee$ dislike are $resent in the consciousness" or where
the man li!es in a constant state o irritation against a $erson or a grou$"
or again where the sense o being abused is $resent" there is a real
$ossibility that the blood stream will be aected+ the man then will be
susce$tible to constant inections" to boils" to running sores and to the
!arious blood conditions which are deinitely se$tic in nature%
4% An irritable nature and one which is always in a state o ussiness" o bad
tem$er" one which reacts uriously when things do not go as desired" may
lead to -=?./ disastrous e#$losions which can be diagnosed as brain
diiculties and tem$orary insanities+ they may lead to constant headaches
which undermine the constitution and bring about an ine!itably debilitated
7% A rustrated se# lie or a state wherein an unmarried $erson has had no
normal e#$ression o a natural and uni!ersal $rocess" and to whom
thereore se# remains a mystery 5and at the same time a constant inner
unrecorded subject o thought6 will lead1
a% To a condition o great de!itali(ation with a conse,uent and
una!oidable ill health which attends that ty$e o $erson ' the so'
called ob!ious old maid or bachelor% Heedless to remark" there are
many such unmarried $eo$le who ace lie wholesomely and do not
come under this category%
Esoteric Healing
b% To a constant eort to attract the attention o the o$$osite se# until
it reaches a $oint where it becomes a ner!ous and most
unwholesome tendency%
c% To the de!elo$ment o homose#ual habits or to those $er!ersions
which war$ the lie o many intelligent $eo$le%
d% To the tumors ' malignant or otherwise ' which attack the organs
o generation and which re,uently make the subject an o$erati!e
There are other $ossible de!elo$ments but u$on them I do not $ro$ose to dwell% I
ha!e here indicated enough to show the danger o a sense o rustration and a
morbid 5e!en i at the time an unrecogni(ed6 interest in se#% This can e!idence
itsel also in a dream lie which links the brain" the mind and the organs o
generation closely together and $ro!es the act o astral desire e!oking the
$hysical a$$etite+ this demonstrates my contention that the $hysical body
automatically -=?4/ res$onds ' e!en when unconscious in the hours o slee$ ' to
astral control% The cure" as you o course know" is a ull creati!e outer lie"
$articularly one which is o beneit to oneAs ellowmen and is not sim$ly a
transmutation o the se# urge into some orm o creati!e thinking which sim$ly
remains thinking" but takes no sha$e or orm on the outer $lane o human lie%
=% ;el'$ity" so $re!alent a trouble" leads to acute indigestion" to intestinal
trouble" to catarrh and head colds in the a!erage $erson" whilst in the
more ad!anced man it leads to chronic bronchial diiculties" gastric ulcers
and unhealthy conditions connected with the teeth and the ears%
I could go on enumerating other emotional conditions which $roduce disease in
the $erson where these conditions are $resent" but this will suice to gi!e the
e#$erimenting healer a clue to certain $ossibilities which are res$onsible or the
$hysical diiculties with which he is called u$on to deal% He will ha!e also 5as I
ha!e $ointed out elsewhere6 to bear in mind conditions which ha!e been inherited
rom $re!ious incarnations or de!elo$ed as a result o en!ironing grou$" national
or $lanetary karma%
There is no rule connected with this law because we are still dealing with the
deinition o causes $roducing the objecti!e disease+ these ha!e to be gras$ed
and acce$ted as working theories beore the healer can eiciently deal with the
Esoteric Healing
*e come now to the consideration o a law which is so inclusi!e in its signiicance
and in its deining $ower that it might be regarded as stating the reason or all
disease o any nature and at any time in the lie history o the race or o
indi!idual man% It is stated here and is only regarded as 3aw I< because o the
necessity or the main contentions -=?7/ o the three $receding laws being
admitted" considered and studied+ also because it is the major law conditioning
the a$$earance o disease in the ourth kingdom in nature" the human kingdom%
It is essentially a law related to the ourth >reati!e Hierarchy" and it was
deinitely im$osed and recogni(ed as a law" go!erning humanity $redominantly"
by initiates working in the ourth root'race" the Atlantean% >uriously enough also"
when humanity can unction with its consciousness centered u$on the ourth or
buddhic $lane" disease will die out and the ourth >reati!e Hierarchy will inally be
reed rom that great limitation%
Law I.
Disease" both $hysical and $sychological" has its roots in the good" the beautiul
and the true% It is but a distorted relection o di!ine $ossibilities% The thwarted
soul" seeking ull e#$ression o some di!ine characteristic or inner s$iritual reality"
$roduces ' within the substance o its sheaths ' a $oint o riction% G$on this $oint
the eyes o the $ersonality are ocused" and this leads to disease% The art o the
healer is concerned with the liting o the downward ocused eyes unto the soul"
the true Healer within the orm% The s$iritual or third eye then directs the healing
orce" and all is well%
This law starts o with the statement o one o the $arado#es o the occult
teaching1 that good and e!il are one and the same thing" though in re!erse" or
constituting the o$$osite sides o the one Reality%
Because man is a soul" and is s$iritually determined to unction as a soul" a state
o riction is established between soul and $ersonality+ this riction is a major
cause 5i it is not the major cause6 o all disease% Here is a clue to the
understanding o the $hrase" 0ire by riction"0 the third as$ect o the di!ine 0iery
nature0 o Eod" or 0our Eod is a consuming ire%0 His nature" we are told also" is
-=?=/ e#$ressed through electric fire, through solar fire and through fire by
friction. These three ires I dealt with at length in A Treatise on !osmic 9ire and
hinted at earlier in The &ecret Doctrine.
This law states that because man is di!ine" the urge to di!inity $roduces
resistance in the !ehicles o e#$ression+ this resistance will locali(e itsel in some
area o the $hysical body and $roduce a $oint o riction+ this riction" in its turn"
$roduces a condition or an area o inlammation% This e!entually leads to disease
o some kind or another% It is $ossible" is it not" that you ha!e here another clue '
a clue to a $roblem which has caused so much concern in the meta$hysical
world1 *hy do ad!anced $eo$le" s$iritual leaders and those oriented to the
s$iritual lie" suer so re,uently rom $hysical diiculties: It is $robably because
they are at the stage where the energy o the soul" $ouring through the $hysical
body" meets resistance rom that body o a corres$ondingly intense kind% This
riction set u$ is so acute that disease is $rom$tly the result% This is not true o
disci$les who ha!e taken the second initiation+ their $roblem o ill health is
otherwise de!elo$ed%
3et us take this ourth law sentence by sentence and attem$t somewhat to
analy(e the meaning1
<. Disease, both physical and psychological, has its roots in the good, the
beautiful and the true. This is but a distorted reflection of di(ine
Esoteric Healing
I ha!e shown that disease is undamentally $sychological in nature+ there are"
howe!er" diseases which are inherent in the resistance o the dense $hysical body
5and not only the subtler bodies6 to the im$act o the higher energies" or which
are inherent in the $lanetary substance or matter o the Earth itsel% 8orget not
that the $hysical body is constructed o such matter% This irst clause o the ourth
-=??/ law tells us that three as$ects o di!inity $roduce disease% This sounds
im$ossible u$on irst reading the statement" but a careul study will re!eal its
essential truthulness% How can the good" the beautiul and the true" cause
disease o any kind: 3et us see%
a% The -ood. *hat is the good: Is it not the e#$ression o the will'to'good:
Does not and should not this will'to'good work out on the $hysical $lane in
what we call goodwill among men: Is it not $ossible that the soul" seeking
constantly 5on its own $lane6 to conorm to the )lan which im$lements the
di!ine will'to'good" endea!ors to im$el its threeold e#$ression" the
$ersonality" to e#$ress goodwill ' doing this at the right stage o
e!olutionary unoldment and when it is acti!e and unctioning: 9et"
because o the resistance o the orm nature" as yet inade,uate to the
desired di!ine e#$ression" riction is immediately set u$ and disease
e!entuates% I think that e!en a brie consideration o the abo!e ,uestions
will demonstrate to you how $robable it is that the soulAs inclination to
0the good0 can bring about resistance u$on the $hysical $lane so that the
turmoil thus engendered in the consciousness o man can and does
$roduce disease% This ty$e o disease is res$onsible or many o the
diiculties o ad!anced $eo$le" as$irants and disci$les% This 0riction0
$roduces then a secondary reaction and leads to those $sychological
conditions to which we gi!e the name 0de$ression" an ineriority com$le#"
and the sense o ailure%0 This $articular source o disease" 0the Eood"0 is
one that $rimarily aects the mental ty$es%
b% The /eautiful. Here you ha!e a word ,ualiying the desire o all men or
what they consider a desirable objecti!e or their lie $attern and that or
which they -=?@/ choose to struggle% The beautiul" rom the angle o a
di!ine as$ect" concerns the #uality o lie% I would reer you here to our
initial deinition in the irst !olume o this treatise o the words s$irit'soul'
body+ we deined them as lie',uality'a$$earance% 3ie is the energy in
e#$ression o the di!ine will'to'good+ ,uality is the energy in e#$ression o
the soul" and this energy works at this time $redominantly through the
desire lie and the determination o all men at e!ery stage in e!olution to
$ossess" own and enjoy that which they regard as the beautiul% A
deinition o 0the beautiul0 and the range o manAs desires are widely
dierent and de$endent u$on the $oint in e!olution+ it is all de$endent
howe!er" u$on the outlook on lie o the one who is desiring and the $lace
where he stands u$on the ladder o e!olution% The inability o man to
achie!e at any time what he considers 0the beautiul0 determines his
$redis$osition to disease" based u$on the internal riction thus $roduced%
At the $resent $oint in racial de!elo$ment" the majority o $eo$le are
swe$t into diseased conditions as a result o the riction brought about by
their stri!ing ater 0the beautiul0 ' a stri!ing enorced as an e!olutionary
urge because they are souls and under the inluence o the ,uality o the
second di!ine as$ect%
c% The True. It has been said that the true or the truth is that much o the
di!ine e#$ression as any man can demonstrate at his $articular $oint in
e!olution and at any gi!en stage in his incarnated history% This e#$ression
o the truth $resu$$oses that behind what he does manage to e#$ress
there is much that he is unable to maniest+ o this his soul remains
$ersistently aware% This inability to li!e u$ to the highest ideal o which the
man ' at his $articular le!el ' is aware and can concei!e" in his clearest
Esoteric Healing
and best moments" $roduces -=?B/ ine!itably a $oint o riction" e!en i
the man remains unaware o it% &ne o the major maniestations o this
$articular riction and the diseased condition which it brings about is
rheumatism+ this is wides$read today and has been or centuries+ rom
the medical stand$oint" there is no ascertained or attributable cause or it"
though there are many s$eculations and conclusions among the orthodo#%
It aects $rimarily the bony structure and is in reality the result o the
inability o the soul to $roduce an e#$ression o 0the true0 within the man"
the instrument o the soul in the three worlds% The man" in his turn" no
matter how low his $osition on the ladder o e!olution" is conscious e!er o
the unattainable+ he is constantly aware o an urge to betterment% These
urges are not related to the e#$ression o the will'to'good or to 0the
beautiul0 5though he may be conscious o them also to a greater or less
degree6" but they are deinitely related to the e#$ression o something
closer to the manAs ideal as he sees it" and u$on the $hysical $lane%
8riction" thereore" takes $lace and disease o some kind ollows%
It is interesting to note that this inability to e#$ress 0the true0 or to 0be the
Truth0 is the real cause o death among men who are below the stage o
disci$leshi$ and who ha!e not yet taken the irst initiation% The soul tires o the
rictional res$onse o its instrument and determines to end the e#$eriment o that
$articular incarnation% Death" thereore" su$er!enes as a result o the riction
In studying these ideas" it should be remembered that1
a% The good controls the man" !ia the head >enter" and the riction
engendered is due to the inacti!ity o the >enter at the base o the s$ine%
This >enter controls the -=?C/ e#$ression o the irst di!ine as$ect in a
man by its inter$lay with the head center% This inter$lay only takes $lace
when the man has reached the stage o disci$le or initiate%
b% The beautiful controls" !ia the heart center" and riction is brought about
by the ailure o the solar $le#us >enter to res$ond% A condition o riction
is thereore set u$% The ending o this condition and the e!ocation o the
right res$onse rom the solar $le#us come when the orces o the solar
$le#us >enter are raised and blended with the energy o the heart >enter%
c% The true, as an e#$ression o the di!ine" inds its $oint o centrali(ation in
the throat >enter+ the ailure o the $ersonality to res$ond" and its
inability to e#$ress the true" is to be seen in the relation o the sacral
>enter to the throat >enter% This relation" when lacking" $roduces riction%
There will be no real e#$ression o 0the true0 until the orces o the
creati!e >enter below the dia$hragm are raised to the creati!e >enter o
the throat% Then 0the *ord"0 which is man essentially" 0will be made lesh0
and a true e#$ression o the soul u$on the $hysical $lane will be seen%
d. The thwarted soul, seeking full e$pression of some di(ine characteristic or
inner spiritual reality, produces within the substance of its sheaths a point
of friction.
Fuch o this statement I ha!e co!ered abo!e% I would" howe!er" call your
attention to the act that in this sentence the em$hasis is laid u$on the act that it
is the soul which is res$onsible or $roducing the riction% In the analysis o the
$re!ious sentence" the em$hasis was laid u$on the $ersonality" because its ailure
to res$ond $roduced the riction and conse,uent disease% Is it not $ossible that in
this -=@D/ sentence we ha!e the clue to the entire $ur$ose o $ain" o distress"
and e!en o war: I would commend this to your careul and" i $ossible" illumined
Esoteric Healing
@. 5pon this point, the eyes of the personality are focused, and this leads to
*e ha!e here a most interesting hint as to the medium o orce direction% The
occult signiicance o the eye and the nature o its symbolism are little
understood% The reerence here has nothing to do in reality with eyes in the
$hysical body% Here the words" 0the eyes o the $ersonality"0 reer to the ocused
attention o the $ersonality" emanating rom the mental and astral bodies which
are essentially the two eyes o the soul in incarnation% The use o these two
windows or eyes o the soul leads to a concentration o energy 5in this case
strictly $ersonality energy6 in the etheric !ehicle% This energy is then directed to
the area o discomort" and thereore to the $oint o riction% This riction is
sustained and increased by the orces which are ocused u$on it% )eo$le ha!e
little idea how much ' objecti!ely s$eaking ' they increase the $otency o the
disease by the constantly directed thought which they e#$end u$on it and by the
attention they $ay to that area wherein the trouble is located% Energies" mental
and emotional" are brought to bear u$on the diseased area" and the 0eyes o the
$ersonality0 are a $otent actor in sustaining the disease%
In this sentence you ha!e" moreo!er" a clear and une,ui!ocal e#$ression o the
act that mental and emotional conditions lead to disease% The acti!ity o the soul
and the im$act o soul energy ha!e to $enetrate into the $hysical body" !ia the
subtler bodies" and the $oint o riction 5the outcome o resistance6 is ound irst
o all in the mental body" then is re$eated e!en more $otently in the astral body"
and is relected into the $hysical body+ these 5and this is -=@2/ the a'b'c o
occultism but is sometimes orgotten6 constitute the $ersonality" and the riction
is necessarily to be ound throughout%
It might be o interest to you to correlate what I ha!e said in my other writing
anent the eyes with the $oint made abo!e% As you well know" and as stated in
The &ecret Doctrine, the right eye is the 0eye o buddhi0 and the let eye is the
0eye o manas0 ' this 5when in relation to buddhi6 reerring to the higher mind
and to man as he inally will a$$ear% In the a!erage human being" and beore
reaching $erection" the right eye transmits the energy o the astral body when
directed consciously towards an object o attention" and the let eye directs the
energy o the lower mind%
In between these two directing eyes is to be ound the ajna center" which is like a
third eye or directing agent or the blended and used energies o the $ersonality+
related to this third eye as it awakens and comes into unctioning acti!ity is what
we call 0the eye o the soul0+ this is a $oint within the highest head center% This
eye o the soul can and does transmit energy to the ajna center and is itsel the
agent 5beore the ourth initiation6 o the energy o the ;$iritual Triad% This
esoteric relationshi$ is only set u$ when the soul is dominating its instrument" the
$ersonality" and is bringing all the lower acti!ities u$on the $hysical $lane under
soul direction%
In the $erected man" there is to be ound" thereore" the ollowing distributors or
distributing agents o energy1
2% The eye o the soul ' agent o the ;$iritual Triad ' *ill%
.% The third eye ' agent o the soul ' 3o!e%
4% The right eye ' distributor o buddhic energy%
7% The let eye ' con!eyor o $ure manasic energy%
=% The ajna center ' ocusing and directing $oint or all these energies% -=@./
Esoteric Healing
In the disci$le and the man who is beginning to unction as a soul" you will ha!e1
2% The third eye ' distributor o soul energy%
.% The right eye ' agent or astral energy%
4% The let eye ' agent or lower mental energy%
7% The ajna center ' ocusing $oint o these three energies%
In the a!erage man" the situation will be as ollows1
2% The right eye ' agent or astral energy%
.% The let eye ' agent or mental energy%
4% The ajna center ' distributing station%
As occult knowledge increases a whole science o energy distribution will be built
u$ around the eyes and their symbolic unction" and their esoteric use will be
understood% The time has not yet arri!ed or this" though already the $ower o
the human eye when ocused on a $erson" or instance" is known to attract
attention% &ne hint I can gi!e you1 the o$tic ner!e is a symbol o the
antahkarana" and the entire structure o the eye ball is one o the most beautiul
symbols o the threeold deity and the threeold man%
>. The art of the healer is concerned with the lifting of the downward focused
eyes unto the soul, the true healer within the form.
In its most ob!ious and lowest connotation this $hrase sim$ly says that the
healer must hel$ the $atient to look away rom himsel" that he must aid him to
raise and reorient the directed energy so that the 0$oint o riction0 is no longer
the object o attention and a new $reoccu$ation is $resented% This has long been
the attem$ted $ractice o all healers but it has a ar more esoteric meaning than
-=@4/ they ha!e reali(ed and one which I ind it somewhat diicult to e#$lain%
*e ha!e seen that the $oint o riction 5res$onsible or the disease6 has been
caused by the good" the beautiul and the true in conlict with the orces o the
lower man% This" we ha!e also seen" is a undamental law and one which he
knows he must acce$t and with which he must intelligently work% How" thereore"
can he a$$ly this law and $roduce the results or which he is stri!ing:
These down$ouring energies o the soul enter the $hysical body" !ia the etheric
!ehicle" and are res$onsible or the rictional trouble and its conse,uence"
disease+ they ha!e 0descended into contact0 !ia the sutratma and are anchored in
three main centers" major centers" as you well know% 8rom these" according to a
manAs nature" ray" de!elo$ment and weaknesses and limitations" they are
distributed to the !arious areas o the $hysical body and either cause $oints o
riction or maniest themsel!es as di!ine ,ualities% *here riction and resultant
disease are $resent" and the $atient is ortunate to ha!e a trained occult healer
a!ailable 5either an initiate or an ad!anced disci$le6" these energies will be sent
back ' either with or without the coo$eration o the $atient ' to their distributing
$oints" the three higher centers" and this according to the ty$e o energy which is
$roducing the trouble% They cannot be sent out o the body altogether" !ia the
head center" or in that case the man would die+ but they can be esoterically
0dri!en to their $oint o emanation" rom the $oint o riction" but not to their
;ource"0 as an ancient book on healing states%
The energy is sent rom the inected area 5to use an unsuitable word but we lack
the correct words or these new sciences6 into the $oint o riction and rom
thence to the center which controls that area and by means o which soul energy
Esoteric Healing
entered the dense $hysical body% The -=@7/ healer is thereore working with the
two as$ects o the $hysical body simultaneously ' the dense and the etheric%
8rom that center" the energy in!ol!ed is gathered u$ and returned to one or
other o the three major centers" or 5i one o these higher centers is itsel
in!ol!ed6 the energy is gathered u$ and dri!en into the head center and there
retained% It must thereore be borne in mind that this $hase o the healerAs work
alls into two $arts1
2% The stage o esoteric 0liting u$0 or 0dri!ing orth%0
This itsel alls into two $hases1
a% The $hase o gathering the energy%
b% The $hase o reocusing it in its distributing center%
.% The stage after the healerAs work has been accom$lished and the $atient is
either better or the work has not been successul% In this stage" the
energy which has been 0dri!en orth0 is returned to the center and the
locality where the $oint o riction had been%
It will be ob!ious to you that this orm o healing work is $ossible only to the
highly trained $erson" and it is thereore needless or me to elaborate urther on
this techni,ue% It is useul ne!ertheless to see at times the distant goals%
All that is at $resent $ossible in reerence to this statement is to turn the $atientAs
attention 5i he is ca$able o res$onding to suggestions6 towards the soul" and
hel$ him" with sim$licity" to hold his consciousness as close to the soul as he can%
This will aid in clearing the channels down which energy can low" and also along
which energy can be automatically withdrawn" because energy ollows thought%
In the last analysis" true esoteric healing is a sim$le matter in com$arison with
the intricate and com$le# detail -=@=/ anent the human mechanism and its
diseases with which the modern $hysician has to co$e% The s$iritual healer
concerns himsel with the area in which the disease is to be ound" with its
controlling etheric center and its higher corres$ondence" and with the three
energies coming rom the soul which are res$onsible or $roducing the $oint or
$oints o riction% The remainder o his work in!ol!es the use o the creati!e
imagination" the $ower to !isuali(e and a knowledge o scientiic thinking" based
u$on the undamental and uni!ersal law that 0energy ollows thought%0 This
!isuali(ation and this scientiic thinking do not 5where healing is concerned6
in!ol!e the construction o thought'orms% It in!ol!es the ability to mo!e and
direct energy currents%
5. The third eye then directs the healing force, and all is well.
The third eye reerred to here is that o the healer and not that o the a!erage
$atient+ this the healer uses in conjunction with the eye o the soul% In the case o
the healing o a !ery ad!anced $erson who is consciously able to coo$erate" the
third eye o the $atient can also be acti!e" and by this means two !ery $otent
streams o directed energy can $enetrate into the area where the $oint o riction
is located% In ordinary cases" howe!er" and where no occult knowledge is $resent
on the $art o the $atient" the healer does all the work" and this is desirable% The
coo$eration o the unskilled and those emotionally in!ol!ed in their trouble is o
no true assistance%
The ew hints gi!en in the analysis o the sentences com$osing 3aw I< will
$ro!ide much ood or thought" and we will now $roceed to consider the rule
connected with this law%
Esoteric Healing
It should be remembered" as we study these laws and rules" that the laws are
im$osed u$on the healer and -=@?/ $ro!ide the unalterable conditions under
which he must work+ he may not and cannot e!ade them% The rules" howe!er" he
im$oses u$on himsel" and they constitute the conditions which he is ad!ised to
ollow i he seeks success% Fuch de$ends u$on his understanding o the rules and
on his ability to inter$ret them correctly% They are a translation or an ada$tation
o the ancient rules which ha!e" since time began" conditioned all occult healers"
working under hierarchical im$ression% In the early days o their use they were
submitted to and acce$ted by members o the Hierarchy at that time ' the time
or age o ancient 3emuria ' and had then to be inter$reted dierently to the
modern inter$retation+ the modern meaning is only now in $rocess o emerging%
It might be said that1
2% In ,emurian times these rules were acce$ted by members o the
Hierarchy% Gnless you were a member you could not ascertain them or
work with them%
.% In Atlantean times they were e#ternali(ed to the e#tent that disci$les who
were not yet initiates or who had taken only the irst initiation were gi!en
them and $ermitted to use them% It is their Atlantean inter$retation which
largely colors the modern a$$roach to their com$rehension" but it is not
ade,uate to the o$$ortunity and the more mental ty$e o human being%
4% Today" in our Aryan race, a new signiicance is emerging" and it is that
signiicance and the new inter$retation which I shall endea!or to im$art%
Rule I was not subjected to the new inter$retation because it was so ob!iously
modern in its im$lications% In act" the irst rule was not $art o the original
ancient te#t rom which these im$ortant rules ha!e been taken" but is relati!ely
!ery modern" being ormulated early in the >hristian -=@@/ era% It is a clear and
concise rule and im$lies what should be the nature o the healerAs thinking%
2% He must know the ty$e o thought which conditions the $atient%
.% He must be able to $enetrate to the source o the diiculty" or to its
$sychological background+ thereore" he must use thought $ower%
4% He must be able to relate cause and eect+ the relating agent is e!er the
In old 3emuria and Atlantis the mind was $ractically entirely ,uiescent and not
really unctioning at all+ it is only in this $resent race that the mental nature o
man is becoming dominant" and thereore the new and modern inter$retation o
these rules 5based on the mind $rinci$le6 is now in order" and with this we shall
$roceed to deal%
Esoteric Healing
Rule Two
The healer must achie!e magnetic $urity" through $urity o lie% He must attain
that dis$elling radiance which shows itsel in e!ery man when he has linked the
centers in the head% *hen this magnetic ield is established the radiation then
goes orth%
The East has e!er em$hasi(ed magnetic $urity but has totally ignored $hysical
$urity as the &ccident understands it+ the *est has em$hasi(ed e#ternal $hysical
$urity but knows nothing about magnetic $urity+ this latter is largely based
5somewhat erroneously though not entirely so6 on the eect o the auric
emanation and its $urity or non'$urity% The healer" in this rule" is ad!ised to1
2% Achie!e magnetic $urity through $urity o lie%
.% Attain a dis$elling radiance through linking the centers in the head% -=@B/
4% Establish a radiatory ield through the utili(ation o this magnetic ield%
Result1 Radiation%
The interesting $art o this rule is its linking the two $ossible orms o s$iritual
healing ' radiatory and magnetic ' into one acti!ity% The true healer automatically
blends both modes o healing and uses both methods simultaneously and
automatically because he works through the magnetic area" contained within the
radius o inluence o the three head centers" or within the triangle which is
ormed by so linking them%
In 3emurian days" the healer achie!ed his ends by the use o drastic $hysical
disci$lines" thus gaining the needed $urity% The goal" as you know" o hierarchical
eort in those days was to teach $rimiti!e man the uses and $ur$ose o the
$hysical body and its intelligent control+ the man who mastered the body and was
in control o it as a machinist is in control o a machine" was then regarded as an
initiate% Today" it is the mastering o the $ersonality which makes a man an
initiate% >elibacy" careul modes o eating and a measure o bodily cleanliness"
$lus the rudiments o Hatha 9oga 5embryonic $hysical" athletic control ' muscular
control $rimarily6 were strictly em$hasi(ed% This achie!ed" so'called $urity
$ermitted the ree low o the $ranic currents rom the healer to the $atient" !ia
the sacral center and the throat center ' the s$iritual healer working through the
throat center" and the $oint o rece$tion in the $atient being the sacral center+
neither the heart nor the head centers were used% )rana" to deine it or your
$ur$oses" is the !itality o the $lanet" its !ital emanation+ it is this $rana which is
distributed or transerred by a natural healer 5one without any training" without
much essential knowledge or with little" i any" s$iritual -=@C/ orientation6% He
heals but does not know how or why+ $rana sim$ly lows through him in the orm
o a strong current o animal !itality" usually rom the s$lenic center and not rom
any o the se!en centers%
These drastic $hysical disci$lines are oten attem$ted today by well'intentioned
as$irants+ they $ractice celibacy" strict !egetarianism" rela#ation e#ercises and
many kinds o $hysical e#ercises" in the ho$e o bringing the body under control%
These orms o disci$line would be !ery good or the unde!elo$ed and the lowest
ty$e o human being" but they are not the methods which should be em$loyed by
the a!erage man or the $racticing as$irant% >oncentration u$on the $hysical body
only ser!es to enhance its $otency and to eed its a$$etites and bring to the
surace o consciousness that which should be securely secluded below the
threshold o consciousness% The true as$irant should be occu$ied with emotional"
not $hysical" control and with the eort to ocus himsel u$on the mental $lane"
$rior to achie!ing a stabili(ed contact with the soul%
Esoteric Healing
In Atlantean times" the shit o the attention rom the dense $hysical body to the
emotional !ehicle began slowly to be made% The initiate o that time began to
teach his disci$les that the $hysical body was in reality only an automaton" and
that it was the desire body" and the nature and ,uality o their habitual desires
which should be considered i $urity was to be attained% It was in this race"
thereore" that $ersonal magnetism irst began slowly to show itsel% The early
and the $rimiti!e 3emurian was not in the least magnetic as we understand the
word" but in Atlantean days a certain measure o magnetic radiation showed
itsel" though not to the e#tent which is now re,uent and $ossible% The irst dim
outline o the halo could be seen around the heads o ad!anced Atlanteans%
Fagnetic $urity became a $ossibility and a goal" but was de$endent u$on
emotional -=BD/ control and the $uriication o the desire nature+ this $roduced
automatically a much greater measure o $urity in the dense $hysical !ehicle than
the 3emurian initiate e!er achie!ed% Diseases o the body became more subtle
and com$le#" and the irst $sychological diseases a$$eared and the !arious ills
which are deinitely based u$on the emotions% *ith this ty$e o diiculty we ha!e
dealt in an earlier $art o this treatise% The healer in those days worked through
the solar $le#us center and 5i an initiate6 through the heart% There was still no
magnetic area or ield o energy in the head%
Today" in our Aryan race" magnetic $urity is not de$endent u$on the $hysical
disci$lines+ it is still ' or the mass o the $eo$le ' de$endent u$on emotional
disci$lines" but in the case o the true healer in the Hew Age it is de$endent u$on
the 0lighted magnetic area in the head%0 This $ro!ides a ield o acti!ity or the
soul" working through the head centers and ocusing itsel in the magnetic ield
which they enclose% *hen all the $owers o the body and the directed attention o
the healer are centered in the head" and when the astral body is ,uiescent and
the mind is acti!e as a transmitter o soul energy to the three head centers" you
then ha!e an established radiance" or energy emanation which is a $otent orce in
healing% The radiation is intense" not so much rom the amiliar as$ect o light"
but rom the e#tent o its emanating rays o acti!e energy which can reach the
$atient and energi(e the needed center% All the centers in the body o the $atient
can be rece$ti!e to this energy" and not just one" as in the $re!ious two ty$es o
*hen the karma or lie'$attern o the $atient $ermits" these energy rays
5emanating rom the magnetic ield in the healerAs head6 become what is called a
0dis$elling radiance0+ they can dri!e away the orces which create or -=B2/
aggra!ate the disease% *hen this dis$elling radiance is unable 5because o the
destiny o the $atient6 to bring about a $hysical cure" it can ne!ertheless be
turned to the dis$elling o subtler diiculties" such as ear in some orm or other"
emotional imbalance and certain $sychological diiculties which greatly enhance
the $roblem with which the $atient is aced%
Healers would do well to remember that when the three centers in the head are
linked u$ and the magnetic ield is thereore set u$ and the radiance is $resent"
the healer can then use the ajna center as the directing agent or this 0dis$elling
radiance%0 It is interesting to note that the two major centers in the head
5corres$onding to atma'buddhi" or the soul6 are the head center and the alta
major center" and that these corres$ond esoterically to the distributing agents o
the right and the let eyes" as do the two glands in the head1 the $ineal gland and
the $ituitary body% 9ou ha!e" thereore" in the head three triangles" o which two
are distributors o energy and the third is a distributor o orce%
Esoteric Healing
-=B./ It is with these triangles that the trained healer e!entually works and which
he consciously em$loys% The time when this will be $ossible still lies !ery ar
ahead% At $resent the healer must work through !isuali(ation and the $ower o
the creati!e imagination% As he imagines" through !isuali(ation" the relationshi$
o these interlaced triangles" su$erim$osing them the one u$on the others"
beginning with the irst" he is doing a deinite work o creati!e placing, then o
creati!e (itali'ing and inally o creati!e directing. In these three words1 $lacing"
!itali(ing" directing" you ha!e the results indicated as to what obedience to this
rule will enable the healer to accom$lish% The attention is $laced" the magnetic
ield is s$iritually !itali(ed+ the generated !ital radiance is then distributed and
directed correctly through the medium o the third triangle% This sounds a
somewhat com$licated $rocedure but ater a little $ractice this healing e#ercise o
$lacing" !itali(ing and directing becomes an almost instantaneous and automatic
Esoteric Healing
*e come now to the consideration o a long and somewhat com$licated law and
one which attem$ts to co!er so much ground that at irst reading it is a$t to be
Law .
There is naught but energy" or Eod is 3ie% Two energies meet in man" but other
i!e are $resent% 8or each is to be ound a central $oint o contact% The conlict o
these energies with orces and o orces twi#t themsel!es $roduce the bodily ills
o man% The conlict o the irst and second $ersists or ages until the mountain
to$ is reached ' the irst great mountain to$% The ight between the orces
$roduces all disease" all ills and bodily $ain which seek release in death% The two"
the i!e and thus the se!en" $lus that which they $roduce" $ossess the secret%
This is the ith law o healing within the world o orm% -=B4/
It has been im$ossible hitherto to gi!e the subject'matter o this law because it is
only today that teaching anent ,ife 5and lie as energy6 has been $ossible% Also
the teaching anent the i!e and the two energies which meet in man ha!e only
lately been gi!en out by me" or the irst time in any detail" although they were
hinted at in The &ecret Doctrine. I wonder sometimes i any o you reali(e the
e$och'making im$ortance o the teaching which I ha!e gi!en out anent the se!en
rays as maniesting energies% ;$eculations as to the nature o the di!ine Trinity
ha!e e!er been $resent in the discussions and thinking o ad!anced men ' and
that since time began and the Hierarchy started its agelong task o inluencing
and stimulating the human consciousness ' but inormation anent the se!en
;$irits beore the Throne o the Trinity has not been so usual and only a ew
writers" ancient or modern" ha!e touched u$on the nature o these Beings% How"
with all that I ha!e gi!en you concerning the se!en rays and the se!en Ray 3ords"
much more can be disco!ered+ these se!en great 3i!es can be seen and known as
the inorming essences and the acti!e energies in all that is maniested and
tangible u$on the $hysical $lane as well as on all the $lanes o di!ine e#$ression+
in saying this" I include not only the cosmic $hysical $lane 5com$osed o our
se!en systemic $lanes6 but the cosmic astral and the cosmic mental $lanes also%
In this rule the healer is e#$ected to acce$t certain basic ideas which will ser!e to
de!elo$ his understanding+ certain broad and general a#ioms are laid down which
will orm a sound oundation or all uture work% The main $oint to bear in mind is
that this rule relates entirely to the $hysical $lane 5dense and etheric6 and to the
eects which the conlict between the energies and the orces $roduces within the
$hysical body% The orces are those energies which are limited and im$risoned
within a orm o any kind ' a body" -=B7/ a $lane" an organ" a center+ the
energies are those streams o directed energy which make im$act u$on these
im$risoned orces 5i I may so call them6 rom within a greater or more inclusi!e
orm" rom a subtler $lane" thus making contact with a grosser !ibratory orce% An
energy is subtler and more $otent than the orce u$on which it makes im$act or
establishes contact+ the orce is less $otent but is anchored. In these last two
words you ha!e the key to the $roblem o the relationshi$ o energies% 9ree
energy" rom the angle o the anchored $oint o contact" is in some ways less
eecti!e 5within a limited s$here6 than the energy already anchored there% It is
essentially more $otent but not eecti!e% )onder on this and let me illustrate my
$oint% In the lie o the as$irant" the energy o the solar $le#us center 5rom long
use" centrali(ation and habit6 is more $otent in its eect u$on the lie o the
as$irant than is the energy o the heart center" which is only slowly" !ery slowly"
coming into eecti!e action% To illustrate urther1 the energies o the $ersonality
are ar more $otent in conditioning the lie o the a!erage man than is the energy
o the soul" which or aeons has tried to gras$ eecti!ely its $oint o
maniestation" the $ersonality" but has ailed until !ery late in the cycle o
Esoteric Healing
incarnations% 9et" in the last analysis" heart energy and soul energy are ininitely
more $otent than those o the solar $le#us center or the $ersonality% 8or aeons"
howe!er" the energy o the heart center and the energy o the soul ha!e lacked
res$onsi!e !ehicles in the three worlds%
In a way" this sim$liies the $roblem o the healer" because the irst thing he has
to decide is whether soul energy or $ersonality energy is in control+ that is a
matter !ery sim$ly disco!ered% The lie trend o the $atient" his mode o li!ing or
o ser!ice" the character he dis$lays" are all indicati!e o the $otencies which
control his maniested e#$ression% I the man is a true as$irant and is aiming
-=B=/ consciously to tread the )ath o Disci$leshi$" he will aid the disco!ery by
rank admission+ howe!er" i there is no res$onse rom the $ersonality orces to
the soul im$act o the healer" the $ersonality will remain unaware o the
o$$ortunity and ,uite unconscious o the im$act% These conditions the healer can
thereore easily ascertain%
This law is a long one and contains statements o major im$ortance% It would be
$roitable or us" in the interests o our subject" to study them with the utmost
care and so become aware o their signiicance and true meaning+ this
understanding must be rom the stand$oint o the initiate'consciousness" and not
rom the angle o !ision o the a!erage or unillumined man% *e will" thereore"
take each sentence by itsel and seek its meaning% There are se!en statements
contained in this law" and much o their im$ort is e#oterically amiliar to you" but
can be restated in relation to the healing art%
1. There is naught but energy, for -od is ,ife
This is a broad generali(ation which may con!ey much to the initiate but
assuredly con!eys !ery little to the a!erage thinker" to whom lie means
essentially and sim$ly that which calls into maniestation a orm" which sustains it
in being and constantly demonstrates its $resence by acti!ity o some kind or
another ' an acti!ity which demonstrates its li!ingness% *e" howe!er" erroneously
a$$ly the term li(ing to the ability o a orm to maniest and e#$ress its ,uality
and nature% 9et li!ingness and ,uality e#ist a$art rom orm and oten come into
major e#$ression and useulness through the a$$lication o the 3aw o Death%
The act o di!inity and o di!ine origin is $ro!ed by the act o lie% This is ot
o!erlooked" and the em$hasis is $ut u$on the conce$t that lie e!okes and
su$$orts a orm -=B?/ which anchors the lie'essence and $ro!es the reality o its
It is the lie o the &ne ;ource o all maniesting orms which creates relationshi$s
and essential ,ualities" and though this has been airmed ceaselessly it still
remains a meaningless $latitude% As men" howe!er" begin to recogni(e Eod as
energy and themsel!es as as$ects o that energy" as they begin consciously to
work with energies and recogni(e the distinction in time and s$ace between
energies and orces" and then as the soul comes into greater unctioning acti!ity"
the act o lie will be recogni(ed in a new and almost ormidable manner% It
should be remembered that the soul is a secondary energy" which $ro!es the
e#istence o the $rimary energy and is res$onsible or the a$$earance o the third
orm o energy ' the tangible and the objecti!e% 3ie will e!entually be known as
ca$able o being in!oked by the soul in the interests o the orm% Here lies a clue
to our general theme%
G$ till now the mechanism o a$$roach to the lie as$ect ' the antahkarana and
the agent" the s$iritual will ' has not been understood in any useul sense% Today"
Esoteric Healing
the irst aint hints as to the use o the antahkarana" and its $ur$ose in relation to
the $ersonality and the ;$iritual Triad" are being studied by a ew students in the
world" and their numbers will steadily increase as both $ersonality and soul
establish contact and usion and more $eo$le take initiation% The purpose,
conse,uently" or the !ery e#istence o the ourth kingdom in nature 5as a
transmitting agent or the higher s$iritual energies to the three lower kingdoms6
will begin to a$$ear" and men" in grou$ ormation" will consciously begin this
work o 0sa!ing0 ' in the esoteric sense" needless to say ' these other grou$ed
li!es% The Facrocosm with its $ur$ose and incenti!es will or the irst time begin
to relect itsel into the human kingdom in a new -=B@/ and more $otent manner"
and this in its turn will become the macrocosm o the three lesser states o
conscious li!es ' the animal" the !egetable and the mineral kingdoms%
All this is a dee$ mystery" but has remained so only on account o the lack o
de!elo$ment o the ourth kingdom% There had been a de!iation rom the original
intent% Its unction and ield o ser!ice could" howe!er" be reali(ed and e#$ressed
only when this highest as$ect" the will as$ect" had been brought into conscious
e#$ression in mankind through the building and the utili(ation o the
antahkarana% Along the rainbow bridge the lie as$ect can low" and it is to this
that the >hrist reerred when He states that He had come so that there might be
$resent u$on the Earth" 0lie more abundantly%0 Always there has been lie" but
when the >hrist consciousness is radiantly $resent 5as is the case today" though
on a small scale6 and the numbers o those e#$ressing it are !ast indeed" the
inerence is that the antahkarana is irmly established+ the rainbow bridge can
then be tra!ersed and crossed" and lie in abundance and in a new and im$elling
sense" and a resh im$ulsing sense can also low through humanity into the
subhuman kingdoms in nature% This is e!idence o di!inity" and outstanding
testimony o manAs di!ine origin" and the ho$e" the sa!ing ho$e" o the world%
The energy and the orces constitute the sumtotal o all that is% This is another
basic truism or $latitude u$on which the science o occultism is built and which
the healing art must recogni(e% There is" in maniestation" nothing else o any
kind whatsoe!er% Disease itsel is a orm o acti!e energy" demonstrating in orces
which destroy or $roduce death% Thereore" i our basic $remise is correct"
disease is also a orm o di!ine e#$ression" or what we know to be e!il is also the
re!erse side o that which we call good% ;hall we belittle the subject or cause a
alse im$ression -=BB/ i we regard e!il 5at least as ar as disease is concerned6
as mis$laced or maladjusted good: *ill you misunderstand i I say that disease is
energy which is not unctioning as desired or according to $lan: In$ouring
energies are brought into relation with orces" and good health" strong and
ade,uate orms and !ital acti!ity result+ the same in$ouring energies can"
howe!er" be brought into relation with the same orces and a $oint o riction be
set u$" $roducing a diseased area" $ain" suering and $erha$s death% The
energies and the orces remain o the same essentially di!ine nature" but the
relationshi$ established has $roduced the $roblem% I this sentence is studied it
will be ob!ious that a deinition such as that can be used to co!er all orms o
diiculty" and that the ultimate $roducer o the situation 5either good or e!il6 is
the relationshi$ as$ect% This statement is o major im$ortance in all your thinking%
1. Two energies meet in man but other fi(e are present. 9or each is to be
found a central point of contact.
The two energies which meet in man are the two as$ects o the monad" o the
&ne in maniestation+ the monad maniests essentially as a duality+ it e#$resses
itsel as will and lo!e" as atma'buddhi and these two energies when brought into
relation with the $oint o mind" with the third as$ect o di!inity" $roduce the soul
Esoteric Healing
and then the tangible maniested world+ then there is demonstrated in the $lanet
will" lo!e" and mind or intelligence+ or atma'buddhi'manas%
As the soul anchors itsel as consciousness and lie within the human being" that
human being contributes the third something which is latent or karmically $resent
in all substance" manas or mind+ this is inherited or held in solution in substance
rom a $re!ious solar system% In that system intelligence was unolded and was
retained within -=BC/ substance in order to orm the basis o the e!olutionary
de!elo$ment o this" the second solar system% 8orget not that the se!en $lanes o
our solar system constitute the se!en sub$lanes o the cosmic $hysical $lane and
that" thereore" s$irit is matter at its highest $oint o e#$ression" and matter is
s$irit at its lowest% 3ie dierentiates itsel into will and lo!e" into great im$ulsing
energies which underlie the entire e!olutionary $rocess and moti!ate its
ine!itable consummation%
Atma'buddhi" as energies" anchor themsel!es in the soul !ehicle" in the egoic
lotus" and their used acti!ity e!okes a res$onse rom the substance o the
mental $lane which then makes its own contribution% Its reaction $roduces what
we call the higher mind" which is o so subtle a nature and so tenuous an
emanation that it must $erorce relate itsel to the two higher as$ects and
become $art o the ;$iritual Triad% The !orte# o orces established under the
im$act o the di!ine will" e#$ressing di!ine $ur$ose and uniied with Being 5as
identity and not as a ,uality6" $roduces the egoic lotus" the !ehicle o that
0identiied soul0 which has been swe$t into e#$ression by the third result o the
atmic'buddhic im$act on the three worlds+ the concrete mind and the human
intellect come into e#$ression% There is" thereore" a curious resemblance
between the three di!ine as$ects in maniestation and the s$iritual man u$on the
mental $lane% The corres$ondence is as ollows1
The monad ' Abstract mind%
The soul ' Egoic lotus%
The $ersonality ' 3ower or concrete mind%
That !ague abstraction" the monad" or aeons o time seems unrelated in any way
to the soul and the $ersonality+ these two ha!e been and are occu$ied with the
task o establishing" in due time and under the e!olutionary urge" a close usion
-=CD/ or at'one'ment% The abstract mind remains also or aeons o time
something inconcei!able and outside the modes o e#$ression and o thinking o
the man who is kama'manasic 5or emotion and lower mind6 and then inally soul
and concrete mind 5or the illuminator and the transmitter o illumination6% These
corres$ondences can be ound most enlightening i due consideration is gi!en to
In the human being you ha!e" thereore" two major energies anchored+ one
unreali(ed" to which we gi!e the name o the resence" the other reali(ed" to
which we gi!e the name o the Angel o the resence% These are the soul 5the
solar angel6 and the monad% &ne embodies the monadic ray and the other the
soul ray" and both o these energies acti!ely or subtly condition the $ersonality%
The other i!e energies which are $resent are the ray o the mind or the
conditioning orce o the mental body+ the ray o the emotional nature" and the
ray o the $hysical body" $lus a ourth ray which is that o the $ersonality% The
ray o the $hysical body esoterically 0ascends u$ward towards juncture" whereas
the others all mo!e down"0 to ,uote an ancient writing% The ray o the $ersonality
is a conse,uence or result o the !ast cycle o incarnations% 9ou ha!e thereore1
Esoteric Healing
2% The monadic ray%
.% The soul ray%
4% Ray o the mind%
7% Ray o the emotions%
=% Ray o the $hysical body%
?% Ray o the $ersonality%
@% The $lanetary ray%
The $lanetary ray is always the third Ray o Acti!e Intelligence because it
conditions our Earth and is o great $otency" enabling the human being to
0transact his business in the -=C2/ world o $lanetary $hysical lie%0
I ha!e made only casual reerence to these rays elsewhere and ha!e said little
anent the $lanetary ray+ I ha!e laid the em$hasis u$on another analysis o the
conditioning rays" and in this analysis recogni(ed only i!e rays or $ractical
useulness to the man% These are1
2% The soul ray%
.% The $ersonality ray%
4% The mental ray%
7% The astral ray%
=% The ray o the $hysical body%
Howe!er" with the creation and de!elo$ment o the antahkarana" the ray o the
monad must also be brought into line" and then that which is its $olar o$$osite"
the $lanetary 0li!ingness"0 the third ray" will ha!e to be recogni(ed% I ha!e here
im$arted a $oint o much im$ortance to you% All these energies $lay an acti!e
$art in the lie cycle o e!ery man and cannot be totally ignored by the healer"
e!en though the inormation may be relati!ely useless at this time%
3. The conflict of these energies with forces and of forces twi$t themsel(es
produce the bodily ills of man.
9ou will note here that diseases are $roduced" according to this law" in two ways1
2% By the conlict o energies with orces%
.% By the conlict o the orces twi#t themsel!es%
It will be a$$arent on the surace that this dual warare is to be e#$ected% Gnder
the irst category there is the warare which takes $lace in the $ersonality lie
when the soul deinitely turns its attention to its !ehicles and attem$ts to take
-=C./ control% The more determined the $erson is to submit his $ersonality to
soul control" the more intense will be the conlict" with conse,uent $hysical
conditions o a serious kind as a result% Gnder this category would come the
majority o the diseases o disci$les and mystics" largely o a ner!ous nature and
oten aecting the heart or the blood stream% They will" in the majority o cases"
be conined to the area abo!e the dia$hragm" and thereore to those areas
conditioned by the head" the throat and the heart centers% A number o what we
might call 0borderline0 cases come under this heading also" but these are
conined to the transer o energies 5under soul im$act6 rom the solar $le#us
center to the heart" and the 0line0 in!ol!ed is sim$ly the dia$hragm%
Gnder this irst category also would come those diiculties which are brought
about" or instance" when the energy o the astral body makes its im$act u$on
the orces o the etheric !ehicle" setting u$ an emotional turmoil" and thus
Esoteric Healing
$roducing serious solar $le#us diiculty with resultant gastric" intestinal and li!er
disturbances% These are all the result o the conlict between energy and orces%
All I can do at this $oint is to gi!e indication o the ty$e o $roblem which is
related to one or other o these two categories+ the subject is unsuitable or the
brie handling which I $ur$ose here to gi!e%
Gnder the second category" which concerns the conlict between orces and
orces" you ha!e the etheric body in!ol!ed" and the orces concerned are those to
be ound in the major and the minor centers" in!ol!ing their relation to each other
and their internal reaction to the im$act o energies coming rom without the
etheric body% These orces and their inter$lay $roduce the common ills o man
and control the disturbances in the $hysical organs and the areas o the $hysical
body which are ound around these centers% -=C4/
These in reality constitute the major conditioning actors or the mass o human
beings or long aeons or until such time as the soul 0$ays attention0 to the
a$$ro$riation in ull control o its mechanism in the three worlds% These
secondary diiculties" due to the inter$lay between the centers" all into three
categories" and these should be careully noted1
2% The inter$lay between1
a% The centers abo!e the dia$hragm" i%e%" the head" the throat and
the heart" and !ery occasionally the ajna center%
b% The centers below the dia$hragm and their relation to each other%
.% The relation o certain centers to each other" such as takes $lace under
the 3aw o Transmutation" or the $rocess o liting u$ o the orces rom
one center to another1
a% 8rom the sacral center to the throat center%
b% 8rom the solar $le#us center to the heart center%
c% 8rom the center at the base o the s$ine to the head center%
4% The im$act o the 0energy0 5note the technical accuracy o my $hrasing6 o
the centers abo!e the dia$hragm on those below the dia$hragm%
This is a re!erse $rocess to that which takes $lace when the orces below the
dia$hragm are raised to the centers abo!e the dia$hragm% In this third ty$e o
relation you ha!e the e#ercise o the $otency o magnetism" and in the other you
ha!e the e#$ression o radiation% These two are closely allied at a certain stage o
unoldment% -=C7/
Gnder all these relationshi$s there are $ossibilities o diiculties" resulting in an
undesirable eect u$on the $hysical organs ound within the area in!ol!ed% In the
early stages o the relation o the centers abo!e the dia$hragm to those below"
the man is usually ,uite unaware o what is going on and is then sim$ly the
!ictim o the stimulation a$$lied by the center emanating energy to the center
which recei!es its im$act+ or he is the !ictim o de!itali(ation 5$roducing
conse,uently many orms o $hysical ills6 as the centers res$ond to the
stimulation% It is all a ,uestion o balance or o e,uilibrium" and it is or this that
the intelligent man and the as$irant must stri!e%
*e come now to a !ery ambiguous statement and one that is $ur$osely meant to
be so1
>. The conflict of the first and second persists for ages until the mountain top
is reached + the first great mountain top.
This reers !aguely 5and again $ur$osely so6 to the conlict between the energies
abo!e the dia$hragm ' which normally come rom the soul on its own $lane ' and
Esoteric Healing
the orces below the dia$hragm% This is a major and $ersistent conlict+ it begins
when the solar $le#us center becomes dominant and $owerul" $roducing crises
as in Atlantean days% As the mass o men are still Atlantean in consciousness"
being swayed mainly by their emotional natures" these crises arise today%
E!entually" and meta$hysically s$eaking" the solar $le#us center begins to ha!e a
radiatory eect in res$onse to the magnetic 0call0 o the heart center% *hen the
irst initiation is taken the irst great inter$lay is set u$ between the two and the
irst coordinated acti!ity is established% 0That which is abo!e is now related to
that which is below" but that which is below loses its identity in that which is
abo!e"0 as the *ld !ommentary e#$resses it% The -=C=/ mother is lost to sight
because the >hrist'>hild assumed the $lace o interest% The soul is taking control
and leading the as$irant rom mountain to$ to mountain to$%
At the irst initiation" and increasingly at all initiations" energy is brought into a
major conlict with the orces+ soul energy swee$s into the etheric body and all
the centers become 0ighting areas"0 with one center being em$hasi(ed more
than the others% The nature o the battle is no longer that 0twi#t the orces and
each other"0 but is now between the energies and the orces" and it is this which
creates the acuteness o the tests or initiation+ it is this which $roduces so many
$hysical ills among those who ha!e taken or are $re$aring to take the irst and
second initiations% And it accounts or the diseases o the saintsI
A great science o the centers will some day emerge" and this will clariy the
entire com$le# $roblem+ the time" howe!er" is not yet% At $resent" i this science
were taught o$enly" the result would be that the thoughts o men would be
turned to the act o the centers and to the areas which they control" and not to
the energies which $our through them% There would be an unwholesome and
undesirable stimulation or de!itali(ation o the substance o the centers" with
conse,uent acute disease% The law ore!er holds good that 0energy ollows
thought"0 and that energy can be either radiatory or magnetic" but must not be
statically contained within a center% The true science o the centers will only be
$ermitted ree circulation when ' and only when ' men know the rudiments at
least o thought direction and the control o energy im$acts%
=% The fight between the forces produces all disease, all ills and bodily pains
which seek release through death. -=C?/
There is here an interesting distinction which should be noted% Death" when it
comes" is the result o two things1
2% The ight between the orces" and not between energy and the orces% The
area o conlict is the etheric body and the $hysical body" and no energies
are coming in rom without because the man is too ill%
.% The loss o the will'to'li!e% The $atient has gi!en in+ the internal ight is
too much or him+ he can bring in no outside energy to combat the
warring orces" and he has reached the $oint where he does not want to
do so%
These two $hases o the $rocess o dying are indicati!e o the destiny o the
$atient" and should be immediately noted by the healer who 5when he inds them
$resent6 will then a$$ly his skill in aiding the man to die and will not attem$t to
eect a cure% The door o entry or the lie'gi!ing energies is sealed+ nothing can
enter to aid the healer in his work" and the conlict between the orces ' o a
general nature or conined to a bitter ight in a $articular area ' $roduces so
much riction that there is no ho$e anywhere" e#ce$t in death% In this sentence" it
might be $ointed out that disease reers to the $oint o riction or o acute
Esoteric Healing
trouble+ all ills has reerence to the general reaction o the man to the area o
diiculty and to the general disability $roduced by the disease" whilst bodily pain
reers to the discomort o the area where the disease is located and which is
indicati!e o its nature% All words in these laws and rules are most careully
chosen" and e!en i inade,uate rom the translatorAs $oint o !iew" are not
redundant but e#$ress dierent meanings%
?% The two, the fi(e and then the se(en, plus that which they produce,
possess the secret. -=C@/
The enumeration is in the nature o a summation o what has been $re!iously
gi!en" and its most su$ericial meaning and the one o the most use to the healer
could be sim$ly e#$ressed as ollows1
The healer must bear in mind the act o the two major energies which are
$resent in e!ery $ersonality1 the soul and the $ersonality rays% He must then
bear in mind that to these two he must add three conditioning rays" making the
i!e abo!e mentioned1 the mind ray" the ray o the astral body and the ray o the
$hysical body%
This enumeration will usually $ro!e ade,uate or all ordinary or a!erage $eo$le%
I" howe!er" the $atient is a !ery ad!anced $erson" another orm o enumeration
will be in order+ it will be necessary to add two more energies which will then be
$resent in real $otency1 the ray o the monad and the ray o the $lanet" which is
the third ray% This $lanetary ray when !ery acti!e 5as is the case with !ery
ad!anced $ersons and those who ha!e attained a high $oint o general
integration6 has a $otent eect+ $lanetary $rana comes in $owerully on the
$lanetary ray" and this can be used to bring about a cure% &ne reason why the
general health o all !ery ad!anced $eo$le is usually good is that $ranic energy
rom the $lanet has a ree low through the mechanism% It is this energy which
the Faster" working through a relati!ely $erect body" de$ends u$on to kee$ it in
good health% This is a somewhat new $iece o inormation and one which ' when
recogni(ed ' will a$$ear both sim$le and reasonable% 0That which they $roduce0
in this case" and to the healer" means the outer tangible orm+ there are other
signiicances" but with these we need not here deal%
The 0secret0 reerred to is the re!elation o the manner in which good health may
be $reser!ed% It is not the secret -=CB/ o how to cure the $hysical !ehicle when
0bodily ills0 are $resent% But there is a secret o good health which is known to all
initiates abo!e the third initiation+ and this they can sim$ly em$loy" i they so
choose% Howe!er" they may not so choose always unless they are working with
other $arts o the )lan which ha!e nothing to do with humanity% I they are
among those who are occu$ied with the unolding consciousness in man and who
are workers or and in the human kingdom" they may know the secret but may"
at the same time" choose not to $roit by it because o the need they eel to be
com$letely identiied with mankind+ they thereore choose to share consciously all
human e#$erience and to die along lines which are common to the rest o men%
The entire ,uestion o identiication lies behind all maniestation+ it is
identiication with or o s$irit and matter which is the secret o di!ine a$$earance+
one o the main causes o disease" as well you know" is the acility with which
men identiy themsel!es with the orm as$ect 5with the many locali(ed forces '
locali(ed within the $ersonality ring'$ass'not6% Fan neglects to identiy himsel
with the $roducer o the orm" the true s$iritual man" and with the energies which
he seeks to direct" and which ' later in the e!olutionary cycle ' he is insistent
u$on directing%
Esoteric Healing
There is also a secret meaning here which relates to the se!en rays as they
e#$ress themsel!es in the human kingdom+ the knowledge o this secret enables
a Faster to control e$idemics and wides$read diseases+ with this you are not at
this time concerned% Incidentally" the relati!e reedom rom the $lagues and
e$idemics which usually ollow in the wake o war has been $artly due to the use
o this se!enold knowledge by the Hierarchy" $lus the scientiic knowledge o
humanity itsel%
In this connection also 5and I mention it sim$ly rom the angle o its interest6
there are two hierarchical -=CC/ oicials ' the Fahachohan and His
Re$resentati!e u$on the se!enth ray ' *ho are today in $ossession o this secret
in its entirety" and They are aided by i!e other Fasters in a$$lying the gained
knowledge% These i!e Fasters are working $rimarily with the de!a e!olution" and
this is" as you know" connected with orm" and in this $articular case with the
healing de!as% These se!en Fembers o the Hierarchy are aided in Their turn by
one o the Buddhas o Acti!ity" and also by the re$resentati!e o the ;$irit o the
Earth% This again makes the two" the i!e" and then the se!en ' a dierent
enumeration" and one which when brought together e,uals nine" which is the
number o initiation% This numerical relationshi$ brings man to the $oint where he
is 0initiated into the realm o $erection and knows no urther aches or $ains" and
his mind is thus delected rom that which is below to that which is abo!e%0
I ha!e mentioned this $hase o mankindAs relation to the subject o health so as
to show you how subtle and esoteric are the matters with which we are dealing"
and so gi!e to the indi!idual $atient a sense o $ro$ortion" where his bodily ills or
e!en his death are concerned%
7. This is the fifth ,aw of Healing within the world of form.
This ith law is $rimarily concerned with the ith $rinci$le o mind or manas+ it is
this $rinci$le which makes a human being what he is+ it is this $rinci$le which
makes him a $risoner within the orm and u$on the $lanet" and thus makes him
!ulnerable and o$en to attacks u$on the orm as$ect+ these constitute $art o the
agelong action o e!il !ersus good% It is this ith $rinci$le" when controlled and
used by the ;on o Find" *ho is a ;on o Eod" which will enable the s$iritual man
to ree himsel rom orm o e!ery kind" and thereore rom disease and death%
It will be ob!ious that the healer" as he trains himsel in the healing art" has to
gras$ clearly and candidly certain e#ceedingly sim$le yet esoteric acts1
2% That healing is sim$ly and essentially the mani$ulation o energies%
.% That he must careully dierentiate between energies and orces%
4% That i he seeks real success" he must learn to $lace the $atient as
accurately as $ossible u$on the correct rung o the ladder o e!olution%
7% That knowledge o the centers is im$erati!e%
=% That he himsel must work as a soul through his $ersonality%
?% That his relation to the $atient 5unless the latter is highly e!ol!ed6 is a
$ersonality one%
@% That he must locate the center controlling the area which in!ol!es the
$oint o riction%
B% That" as with all else in the occult sciences" disease and healing are both
o them as$ects o the great 0relationshi$0 system which go!erns all
Esoteric Healing
I the healer will take these eight $oints and relect and brood u$on them" he will
lay a sound oundation or all work to be done+ their relati!e sim$licity is such
that it will be ob!ious that anyone can be a healer i he so chooses and is willing
to conorm to the re,uirements% The current idea that a $erson is a 0born0 healer"
and thereore uni,ue" in reality indicates only that it is one o his main directed
interests% Thereore" because o this interest" his attention has been turned
towards the healing art and conse,uently towards contact with $atients+ owing to
the ine!itable working o the law which go!erns thought" he disco!ers that energy
ollows his thought and lows through him to the -?D2/ $atient% *hen he does this
with deliberation" a healing will oten ollow% Any man or woman ' gi!en real
interest and $rom$ted by the incenti!e to ser!e ' who thinks and lo!es" can be a
healer" and it is time that $eo$le gras$ed that act% The entire $rocess o healing
is thought'directed+ it concerns the direction o energy currents or their
abstraction" and this is another way o s$eaking about radiation and magnetism%
E!ery initiate is a healer" and the more ad!anced the initiate the less is he
occu$ied with the intricacies o centers and orces" energies and their direction%
He heals automatically" as was the case with the initiate" )eter+ o him we read
that 0the shadow o )eter $assing by healed e!eryone o them%0
The major dierence to be seen in the interim 5an interim o many" many
thousands o years6 between the ty$e o healing mentioned abo!e and the work
o a less ad!anced healer" will be that those healers who are trained $hysicians
and accredited medical men as well as s$iritual healers will ha!e a great
ad!antage o!er the untrained healer" because their diagnosis o the disease will
be more a$t to be correct and their $owers o !isuali(ation will be greater" owing
to their trained amiliarity with the structure o the body and their knowledge o
morbid $athology% It will be wise" or a !ery long time to come" or the s$iritual
healer to work always in collaboration with a trained $hysician% The healer will
$ro!ide the re,uired occult knowledge% The time when any nice" kindly and
s$iritually minded $erson sets u$ as a healer should be well'nigh o!er+ any
healing $ractice should be $receded by years o careul study anent the nature o
energy" o the ray ty$es" o the centers+ a minimum o at least three years should
be gi!en to this+ when to this is added the science o the trained medical man"
graduating rom our best medical colleges" you will then ha!e a new and much
better treatment o the human !ehicle than is now -?D./ the case% Then the
healerAs orthodo# and occult knowledge" his !isuali(ing ca$acity and his $ower o
thought direction will be real and $ractically eecti!e%
The rule connected with 3aw < makes clear the need or this occult knowledge"
or it states !ery deinitely certain undamental injunctions%
Rule Three
3et the healer concentrate the needed energy within the needed center% 3et the
center corres$ond to the center which has need% 3et the two synchroni(e and
together augment orce% Thus shall the waiting orm be balanced in its work% Thus
shall the two and the one" under right direction" heal%
This rule $resu$$oses a knowledge o the centers" and this knowledge is" as you
well know" still embryonic+ all that is known in most cases is the location o a
center% This" howe!er" es$ecially with untrained healers" is suicient% Too detailed
a knowledge o the ormation" condition and res$onsi!eness o a center would
handica$ the healer" or his thought would be delected to the detail o the orm
and away rom the energy and its mo!ements%
Esoteric Healing
The rule here re,uires that the healer" ha!ing aligned himsel with the soul and
0ta$$ed0 soul energy 5thereby making himsel a channel or s$iritual orce6"
directs this energy into that one o his own centers which corres$onds to the
center conditioning the area o the $oint o riction% I the disease or $hysical
trouble is stomachic" or instance" or related to the li!er" the healer will direct his
soul energy into the solar $le#us center" situated in the etheric s$inal column% I
the $atient should be suering rom diiculty in the heart or the lungs the healer
will use the heart center" em$loying the throat center or diseases o the
bronchial tract" the throat" the mouth or the ears% -?D4/
Two things" thereore" become o im$ortance in connection with the healer
himsel 1
2% He must know as accurately as $ossible his own $oint o de!elo$ment" or
that will indicate to him ca$acity or non'ca$acity to work with any or with
all the centers% In order to use any o his centers in the healing work" the
healer must ha!e awakened them in some measure and be able"
consciously and by the $ower o thought" under the agency o the will" to
ocus energy in whiche!er center he chooses% This does not mean that all
the centers are awakened and truly unctioning% It should" howe!er" mean
5i he is to heal at all6 that he is not conined to the sole use o the centers
below the dia$hragm but that" by an eort o the s$iritual will" thought
can be channeled into the higher centers% Fany as$irants can do this with
greater acility than they belie!e%
.% The healer" as he channels energy into some center" $rior to directing it to
a center in the $atientAs body" must run no risk o his $ersonal o!er'
stimulation% This is a !ery im$ortant $oint% ;o much disease and $hysical
diiculty among ordinary $eo$le is abdominal" necessitating the constant
use o the solar $le#us center by the healer+ this could bring about a gra!e
condition o o!er'emotionalism and e!en acute astralism on the $art o the
healer% He would then be the !ictim o his good intentions and o his
s$iritual ser!ice" or the conse,uences would all the same be bad+ energy
is an im$ersonal orce and a $urely im$ersonal agency% )urity o intention"
selless ser!ice and goodwill are no true $rotection" in s$ite o the
$latitudes o the sentimental occultist% In act" the $resence o these
desirable conditions only increases the diiculty" or soul energy will $our
in with -?D7/ great orce% An understanding o the risks in!ol!ed" a sane
a$$raisal o $ossibility and a scientiic and technical understanding o
$rotecti!e measures will be gi!en to the healer towards the latter end o
his training% 8or the $resent" and because the danger is not at this time so
great 5owing to lack o $otency in $eo$leAs thinking and their inability to
direct thought6 the major $rotecti!e measure consists in the ability o the
healer to hold his consciousness steady in the head center with the 0eye o
direction0 turned to the needed center% This in!ol!es a dual ocus" and or
the ability to do this the healer must stri!e%
It is here that the healer distinguishes between the $rocesses o radiation and
magneti(ation% Ha!ing concentrated soul energy in the a$$ro$riate center"
through the $ower o direction rom the head 5the seat o soul energy6 and by the
$otency o thought" the $rocess o radiation ends% This radiation has $assed
through two stages1
2% The stage wherein the soul radiated energy into the head center%
.% The stage wherein the healer directs a ray o that energy rom the head
center into the 0needed center0+ it is there ocused and held steady%
Esoteric Healing
8rom that a$$ro$riate center the stage o synchroni(ation with the corres$onding
center in the $atientAs body is established+ this is done" not by the healer sending
a ray into that center" but because the $otency o the healerAs center e!okes
res$onse rom that o the $atient+ it acts like a magnet" drawing orth a deinite
radiation rom the $atient% This radiation" esoterically" 0lights u$0 the $oint o
riction in the surrounding area and ' were the healer clair!oyant ' would thus
enable him to see more clearly the seat o the -?D=/ trouble and" thereore" to
arri!e at a more accurate diagnosis% &rdinarily" the s$iritual healer is de$ending
u$on the diagnosis o the medical man in attendance" i he is not one himsel%
An inter$lay is now established between the healer and the $atient and u$on
etheric le!els% The energy o their two synchroni(ed centers is now en ra$$ort"
and the healer has at this $oint to determine whether the treatment re,uires an
e#$ulsi!e techni,ue or a stimulating one% He has thereore to ascertain whether
the $atientAs center is o!er'stimulated and i some o the sur$lus energy should
conse,uently be dri!en out or abstracted" or whether there is a condition o
de!itali(ation and the energy o the center in!ol!ed re,uires a deliberate
There is" howe!er" a third $ossibility mentioned here which is slower" but in
$ractically e!ery case is more desirable+ it is the attainment o that balance o
energies 5between the healer and the $atient6 which will hold the energy in the
area o the $oint o riction and $ermit nature itsel to bring about an unassisted
cure% This is $ossible only when the ra$$ort between the $atient and the healer is
com$lete% Then the sole task o the healer is to hold the situation steady" gi!e the
$atient conidence in the $owers inherent within him" and encourage a $eriod o
$atient waiting% The cure then is more lasting" and there is no sense or $eriod o
$sychic shock" which can be the case i sudden stimulation or drastic e#$ulsion is
*e ha!e noted here" as you see" three modes whereby the healer em$loys the
orce ocused" by direction" in his centers1
2% 8or the e#$ulsion o sur$lus energy in an o!er'stimulated center% -?D?/
.% 8or deinite $rocesses o stimulation o the $atientAs centers%
4% To $reser!e a state o e,uilibrium wherein natural healing can take $lace%
In the irst case" the healer deliberately increases the $otency o the energy
stored in his center" so that it becomes e#ceedingly magnetic and abstracts the
o!er'su$$ly o energy in the $atientAs center+ in the second case" the healer
sends a $owerul ray o his own energy into the corres$onding center in the
$atientAs body% This is an act o radiation and is !ery eecti!e+ in the third case"
an inter$lay is set u$ which $reser!es balance" and urthers steady and normal
acti!ity in the center controlling the area o trouble%
9ou will note also how all these $rocesses 5and they are relati!ely sim$le when
gras$ed6 are de$endent u$on the decision o the healer% It is here that mistakes
can be made" and the man who is seeking to work along the lines I indicate would
be well'ad!ised to mo!e slowly and with due caution e!en at the e#$ense o
being ineectual and unsuccessul% It is better to ha!e no eect u$on the $atient
and his condition than by the $otency o oneAs unwise decision" the $ower o
oneAs thought and the ocus o oneAs direction" to hasten the $atientAs death by
the sudden abstraction o needed energy or by the stimulation o a center already
o!er'stimulated and o!er'acti!e%
Esoteric Healing
In the last analysis the aim in the three modes o aiding the $atient by direct
work with the centers in!ol!ed" is to bring about a balanced and wholesome
acti!ity% This is more easily achie!ed in the case o an ad!anced $erson than in
the case o the indi!idual in whom the center is normally inacti!e and
unawakened and where the diiculty is more a$t to be due to the action o some
o the twenty'one minor centers situated in the body than to that o the se!en
major -?D@/ centers% In these cases" the $atient can ar more easily be hel$ed by
orthodo# medicine and surgery than by any $rocesses o s$iritual healing% It is or
this reason that the s$iritual healer is only now becoming im$ortant and his work
in any way $ossible% This is owing to the ra$id s$iritual de!elo$ment o humanity"
which enables men" or the irst time and on any substantial scale" to take
ad!antage o these laws and rules%
In the last sentence in Rule Three" the meaning o the two and the one is that the
combined energy within the healer ' soul energy ocused in the head center and
the energy o the 0needed center"0 $lus the energy o the center which controls
the $oint o riction in the $atientAs body ' is res$onsible or the healing" $ro!iding
it is the destiny o the $atient to be healed%
Esoteric Healing
Law .I
*hen the building energies o the soul are acti!e in the body" then there is
health" clean inter$lay and right acti!ity% *hen the builders are the lunar lords
and those who work under the control o the moon and at the behest o the lower
$ersonal sel" then you ha!e disease and ill health and death%
This is a most interesting law" because it deals basically with causes" $rimarily
with causes o!er which the a!erage $erson has no conscious control" and because
it occultly gi!es a $icture in miniature or microcosmically o the uni!ersal or
macrocosmic situation% It deals with the entire $roblem o e!il" or $ain and
suering 5the great mysteries o our little $lanet6 in a ew sentences" but they are
sentences con!eying !ast im$lications% The !ery sim$licity o this great natural
law !eils the ar'reaching signiicances o its normal working% It says the ollowing
things ,uite sim$ly" and I enumerate them because the breaking down o a -?DB/
$aragra$h into its clear and sim$le statements is a sound way to arri!e at
2% *hen the soul controls the orm in!ol!ed" there is health%
.% The soul is the builder o the orm" the constructi!e orce in maniestation%
4% This is true o both the microcosm and the macrocosm%
7% The results are wholeness" right relation and correct acti!ity%
=% *hen the soul is not in control" and the orces o the orm nature are
thereore the controlling actors" there will be ill health%
?% The builders o the orm are the 0lunar lords"0 the $hysical" astral and
mental elementals%
@% These" in their tri$le totality" com$ose the $ersonality%
B% They are occultly under the direction o the moon" the symbol o orm"
called oten the 0mother o the orm%0
C% The emanation coming rom the moon has in it the seeds o death and
disease" because the moon is a 0dead $lanet%0
It all comes back again" as you will note" to the source o the major energy
controlling the body% Though the soul is the source o all lie and consciousness"
or aeons all the soul does is to $reser!e the orm in lie and in consciousness"
until such time that it has reached the stage in e!olution where it is a useul and
suitable instrument 5and will become increasingly so6 or the soul to em$loy as a
medium o e#$ression and ser!ice% Karma determines then the ,uality and nature
o the $hysical body% It can be healthy because it has not been misused in the
$articular lie or li!es conditioning a $articular incarnation" or unhealthy because
it is $aying the $rice o error% Eood health is not necessarily de$endent u$on
conscious soul contact% -?DC/ That can and does $roduce good health" but it is
also de$endent" in the majority o a!erage cases" u$on the lie and intentions o
the $ersonality ' in this lie and in $re!ious li!es+ it is not until the will o the
$ersonality is towards s$iritual betterment and a cleaner" $urer lie that the soul
can be o real assistance%
This law carries also the im$lications o that basic relation which makes the
threeold orm o the man an integral $art o the macrocosmic whole% All orms in
all kingdoms are built by the lunar lords under an im$ulse emanating rom the
$lanetary 3ogos" working in coo$eration with the ;$irit o the Earth ' the sumtotal
o all the lunar lords and o the three ty$es o energi(ed substance which go to
the creation o the $hysical" astral and mental bodies% The relation o the
$lanetary 3ogos to this ;$irit o the Earth 5the relation o an e!olutionary Being to
an in!olutionary entity6 is a relection 5distorted and under the inluence o
glamor6 in the three worlds o the relation o the soul to the $ersonality
Esoteric Healing
elemental% It is most useul or the healer to reali(e that in handling disease he is
in reality handling in!olutionary li!es and attem$ting to work with elementals%
The natural trend o these elemental li!es" all o them u$on the in!olutionary arc"
is to block and to rustrate his eorts and the eorts o the soul" and this ' or
them ' is their way o e!olution+ it is that which will e!entually bring them on to
the e!olutionary arc%
*hen the time comes that the soul can assume conscious control within and o!er
the orm" and can e!entually create a orm which is ade,uate to its s$iritual
needs" it will be because the elementals which are the sumtotal o the $ersonality
elemental ha!e reached a $oint in their de!elo$ment where they are ready to
mo!e on to the $ath o return% The work o the soul is ne!er the $urely selish
one o ha!ing a medium o e#$ression in the three worlds" as might -?2D/
sometimes a$$ear to the casual and su$ericial thinker% That is entirely incidental
rom the angle o the soul+ it is a needed acti!ity" but it in!ol!es also the
sacriicial work o sal!aging substance and orwarding the e!olution o matter% As
the *ld !ommentary e#$resses it1 0the Fother 5substance'matter6 is sa!ed by
the birth o her ;on 5the >hrist within" the s$iritual consciousness6%0 This is true
o the macrocosm as well as o the microcosm%
Here lies the secret o $lanetary suering and o death% &ur $lanetary 3ogos
5!iewing the truth rom the angle o the macrocosm6 is" as you know" one o the
0im$erect Eods0 o The &ecret Doctrine, although $erect $ast our human
com$rehension ' the com$rehension o a unit in one o the kingdoms which
constitute His body o maniestation% There is still no true balance between s$irit
and matter" though the $oint o balance has almost been achie!ed+ the
in!olutionary orces are still $otent and the s$iritual energies are still rustrated"
though ar less so than earlier in human history+ the ne#t great human race"
ollowing on our $resent one" will see a $oint o balance reached which will usher
in the so'called golden age% )oints o riction will then be ar ewer u$on the
$lanet and thereore in indi!idual man+ areas o rustration and o utile acti!ity
will die out% This can be seen working out in the body o an ad!anced $erson or
an initiate to a great e#tent and or long $eriods in their incarnations+ $aralleling
corres$ondences are as a general rule accurate%
This law gi!es an ama(ing $icture" and one too which is ull o ho$e" $articularly i
one considers certain acts which are $resent in the world today and com$ares
them with conditions hundreds o years ago% The consciousness o humanity is
awakened e!erywhere+ the most unde!elo$ed races are in $rocess o achie!ing
education" in!ol!ing necessarily the disco!ery o the mind+ goodwill is being
recogni(ed -?22/ as necessary to world unoldment" and men are inding that 0no
man li!eth unto himsel0 ' or any nation either+ they are registering the act that
it is sim$ly common sense and the $art o wisdom to better conditions or all men
e!erywhere% This is a new attitude and a resh and most ho$eul a$$roach% Fen
are learning to know and understand each other+ nations are arri!ing at a closer
contact with one another+ statesmen o all nations are wrestling together and in
joint concla!e with the $roblem o bettering human li!ing conditions+ e!erywhere
there is thought" there is a$$raisal" and there is the struggle or reedom and or
the truer !alues% *hat is all this but the eort o the soul o humanity to kill out
disease" restore unhealthy areas to health and eliminate $oints o riction: Is not
this what the s$iritual man who is ill is seeking to bring about in his own body"
and what the healer is attem$ting to aid him to do:
In so doing" the 0lunar lords0 and the orces o substance must e!entually yield to
the energy o the soul" and are beneited" whether they are microcosmic orces or
Esoteric Healing
&ne o the things which re,uently $u((le students is the statement that the
dense $hysical body is not a $rinci$le% H%)%B% states this act with em$hasis+
$eo$le are a$t to think 5unless they are theoso$hical anatics6 that he was
incorrect or was intentionally misleading students% &ne o the $oints" little
understood" is the nature o a $rinci$le% 9et only by understanding what a
$rinci$le is can the beauty and accuracy o his statement be gras$ed% *hat" in
the last analysis" is a $rinci$le: A $rinci$le is that which" macrocosmically
s$eaking" is being de!elo$ed u$on each $lane o our se!en $lanes ' the se!en
sub$lanes o the cosmic $hysical $lane% It is the germ or the seed on each
sub$lane which embodies some as$ect o the di!ine unolding consciousness+
-?2./ it is that which is undamentally related to some orm o sensiti!ity+ it is
that to which the bodies" as they e!ol!e" ind that they can res$ond% A $rinci$le is
a germ o awareness" carrying all the $otentiality o ull consciousness on some
$articular le!el o di!ine acti!ity% It is that which makes knowledge and conscious
res$onse to en!ironment $ossible+ it is that which connotes a se,uential and
0unrolling0 sensiti!e acti!ity" resulting in di!ine understanding" $ossible and
The $hysical body" and to a ar less e#tent the astral and mental bodies" are
automatic in their acti!ity as as$ects o a di!ine res$onse a$$aratus" o a
mechanism which enables the Hea!enly Fan" the $lanetary 3ogos and the
s$iritual man to register conscious res$onse to that which is to be contacted
under the di!ine $lan and through the medium o a mechanism% At $resent" the
$hysical body is the only one which is as yet so ully de!elo$ed that it has in this
$lanetary scheme o ours no urther e!olutionary de!elo$ment" e#ce$t in so ar
as the s$iritual man can aect it ' and most o the eect is $roduced in the
etheric body and not in the dense $hysical% This is a $oint little gras$ed but o
major im$ortance%
The dense $hysical body reached its high $oint o de!elo$ment and o interest
5rom the angle o mental attention and o hierarchical action6 in the $re!ious
solar system% It was then the di!ine goal o the entire e!olutionary $rocess% This
is not an easy $oint or humanity today to gras$% It is not $ossible or ad!isable
or me to indicate the e!olutionary stages through which this di!ine mechanism
$assed in $re$aration or the task to be undertaken in the $resent solar system%
In this di!ine incarnation o our $lanetary 3ogos through the medium o this little
$lanet" the Earth" the $hysical body is not a goal" but sim$ly something which
e#ists and must be acce$ted" and which must be ada$ted and -?24/ incor$orated
into the general e!olutionary $lan% That $lan has to do entirely with
consciousness% The $hysical body is sim$ly 5no more and no less6 the !ehicle o
consciousness u$on the $hysical $lane" but the em$hasis o attention is the
etheric body as an e#$ression o the subtler !ehicles and their state o embodied
consciousness% The $hysical body is im$ortant because it has to house and
res$ond to e!ery ty$e o conscious res$onse" rom that o the lowest ty$e o
human being u$ to and inclusi!e o the consciousness o an initiate o the third
degree% The bodies and orms o the indwelling conscious lie in the three
subhuman kingdoms ha!e an analogous but less diicult $roblem+ I am here"
howe!er" considering only the $hysical body o a human being" which is not a
$rinci$le because it is not in any way a goal+ it is not the seed or germ o
anything% Any changes wrought in the $hysical body are secondary to the goal o
conscious res$onse to the re!elation o an emerging di!inity% I ha!e elt it
necessary to em$hasi(e this because o the conusion in menAs minds anent the
To sum u$1 the $hysical body is not a $rinci$le+ it is not a main object o
attention o the as$irant+ it automatically res$onds to the slowly unolding
Esoteric Healing
consciousness in all the kingdoms o nature+ it constantly remains that which is
worked u$on and not that which has an innate inluence o its own+ it is not
im$ortant in the acti!e $rocess" or it is a reci$ient and not that which initiates
acti!ity% That which is im$ortant is the unolding consciousness" the res$onse o
the indwelling s$iritual man to lie" circumstances" e!ents and en!ironment% The
$hysical body res$onds% *hen the $hysical body becomes" in error" the object o
attention" retrogression is indicated+ and this is why all $roound attention to the
$hysical disci$lines" to !egetarianism" to diet and to asting" and to the $resent
modes o 5so'called6 mental and di!ine healing" are -?27/ undesirable and not in
line with the $rojected $lan% Thereore undue consideration and e#cessi!e
em$hasis u$on the $hysical body is reactionary and is like the worshi$ o the
golden cal by the children o Israel+ it is re!ersion to that which at one time was
o im$ortance but today should be relegated to a minor $osition and below the
threshold o consciousness%
I ha!e dealt with this here because in 3aw <II the act o the endocrine glands is
brought to our attention" and it is necessary that we a$$roach this subject rom
the right $oint o !iew% The endocrine glands are a tangible $art o the $hysical
body+ they are thereore a $art o that created maniestation which is not
regarded as a $rinci$le% They are" howe!er" eecti!e and $otent and may not be
ignored% It is essential that students regard these glands as eects and not
causes o e!ents and ha$$enings and conditions in the body% The physical body '
no matter what its !ictims may belie!e and declare ' is always conditioned by
inner causes% it is ne(er, intrinsically, itself a cause% It is" in this solar system and
on our $lanet" automatic and aected by causes generated on the inner $lanes or
by the action o the soul% )lease note the im$ortance o this statement% The
$hysical body has no true lie o its own" but is sim$ly ' in this cycle ' res$onsi!e
to im$ulses emanating rom elsewhere% Its achie!ement and its trium$h is that it
is an automaton% I you can gras$ this ade,uately" we can saely $roceed to the
consideration o 3aw <II and Rule 8our%
Esoteric Healing
Law .II
*hen lie or energy lows unim$eded and through right direction to its
$reci$itation 5the related gland6" then the orm res$onds and ill health
&ne o the interesting actors which students should note is the doctrine of
intermediaries which is to be ound -?2=/ in such rich abundance and is regarded
as o such !ital im$ortance in all occult teaching% It has been em$hasi(ed 5though
erroneously inter$reted6 in the >hristian teaching anent the >hrist+ >hristianity
has $resented Him as acting as the intermediary between an angry Eod and a
$itiul and ignorant humanity% ;uch was by no means the intent o His coming or
o His work" but into the real meaning I need not enter here% I ha!e dealt with
this theme elsewhere in connection with the Hew *orld Religion% 5The roblems
of Humanity" >ha$ter <I+ The Reappearance of the !hrist" >ha$ter <%6 It has
been taught also in the esoteric $resentation 5and this is closely allied with the
>hristian doctrines6 that the soul is the intermediary between the monad and the
$ersonality+ the same idea is also ound in many other religious $resentations"
i%e%" the Buddha is shown as the intermediary between ;hamballa and the
Hierarchy" acting in this ca$acity once a year+ the Hierarchy itsel is the
intermediary between ;hamballa and Humanity+ the etheric $lane 5and by this I
mean the cosmic" $lanetary and indi!idual etheric !ehicles6 is the intermediary
between the higher $lanes and the dense $hysical body% The whole system o
occult or esoteric re!elation is based on this wonderul doctrine o
interde$endence" o a $lanned and arranged conscious linking" and o the
transmission o energy rom one as$ect o di!ine maniestation to another+
e!erywhere and through e!erything is circulation" transmission" and modes o
$assing energy rom one orm to another orm" and always through an
a$$ro$riate mechanism% This is true in the in!olutionary sense" in the
e!olutionary sense" and in a s$iritual sense also+ this latter is slightly dierent to
the other two" as all initiates o the higher degrees know well% An entire thesis
u$on transmitting agencies could be written" and it would include" inally" the
doctrine o A!atars% An A!atar is one -?2?/ who has a $eculiar acility or ca$acity
5besides a sel'initiated task and a $reordained destiny6 to work with energies"
transmitted !ia the etheric body o a $lanet or o the solar system+ this" howe!er"
is a dee$ mystery% It was demonstrated in a $eculiar manner" and in relation to
cosmic energy" by the >hrist *ho" or the irst time in $lanetary history"
transmitted the cosmic energy o lo!e directly to the $hysical $lane o our $lanet"
and also in a $eculiar manner to the ourth kingdom in nature" the human% This
should indicate to you that though the lo!e energy is the second as$ect o
di!inity" the >hrist embodied and transmitted our ,ualities o this as$ect to
humanity" and conse,uently to the other kingdoms in nature ' the only our which
humanity could absorb% &nly one o these our is as yet beginning to e#$ress
itsel ' the ,uality o goodwill% The other three will later be re!ealed" and one is
related in a $eculiar sense to the healing ,uality o lo!e% According to The 6ew
Testament, this ,uality was called by the >hrist 0!irtue0 5a somewhat inaccurate
translation o the word originally used6+ >hrist em$loyed it when healing orce
had been taken rom Him and He said 0!irtue has gone out o me%0
I ha!e called this to your attention because this truth is directly related to this
se!enth law% *e ha!e seen" in connection with all the healing $rocesses" that the
dense $hysical body is regarded esoterically as sim$ly an automaton+ it is only a
reci$ient o transmitted energies% *e ha!e seen that the etheric body in or
0substanding0 e!ery orm is itsel a structure or the transmission o energies
coming rom some source or another ' the source being $rimarily the $oint where
the lie within the orm lays its basic em$hasis% 8or the a!erage human being" this
Esoteric Healing
is usually the astral body" rom which astral or emotional energy emanates and
inds anchorage" $rior to transmission into the -?2@/ etheric body% There will be"
howe!er" in the majority o cases" a greater or less admi#ture o mental energy%
3ater" soul energy" reinorced 5i I may use such a word6 by the $uriied mind and
transmitted through the $ersonality" will condition the etheric body and control"
conse,uently" the acti!ities o the $hysical !ehicle%
This law brings to our attention the act that the dense $hysical body" under the
im$act o subjecti!e energies" in its turn $roduces a 0structure or transmission0
and automatically re$eats the acti!ity o the etheric body% It creates 5in res$onse
to the inlow o energies rom the etheric body" !ia the se!en major centers6 a
dense $hysical interlocking structure" to which we ha!e gi!en the name 0the
endocrine glandular system%0 These glands ' in their turn and in res$onse to the
inlowing energy rom the etheric body ' $roduce a secretion which is called a
secretion o hormones" and this the glands transmit directly into the blood
It is not my intention to be o!er'technical in my consideration o this subject+ I
write or the lay reader" and not or the medical $roession" who are rank to
admit how little they know" as yet" anent this subject% The medical research
worker knows little anent the relation o the endocrine glands to the blood and to
the total $hysiology o the human being+ he knows little anent the relation o the
!arious glands to each other+ these constitute an interlocking directorate o !ital
im$ortance" linked and united" animated and directed by the se!en etheric
centers% This is a actor naturally o!erlooked by the orthodo# scientist in this
ield" and until he recogni(es that which $roduces the endocrine glands he will
remain totally at sea as to cause and true results% The glands are direct
$reci$itations o the se!en ty$es o energy lowing through the se!en etheric
centers% They control all the areas o the body% In their creation -?2B/ you ha!e a
deinite e#$ression o the radiatory and the magnetic acti!ity o all energies" or
they are $roduced by radiation rom the se!en centers" but their eect '
indi!idual and combined ' is magnetic% The radiation abstracts dense $hysical
atoms and ocuses them in the correct area in the $hysical body" so that they can
act as distributors into the blood stream" and thereore into the dense $hysical
body" o one as$ect o the inlowing energy% I would ha!e you note that only one
as$ect o the energy is thus distributed ' that which corres$onds to the third
as$ect o acti!e intelligent substance+ the other two latent as$ects are distributed
as $ure energy" aecting areas but not aecting any locali(ed ocal $oint% A gland
is such a locali(ed ocal $oint%
I am an#ious or this subject o the glands and their relation to the centers to be
correctly understood% The entire subject is closely related to the art o healing+
one o the eects o the a$$lication o the healing energy 5through the medium o
any center conditioning the area wherein the $oint o riction is located6 is the
stimulation o the related gland and its increased acti!ity% The glands are
intermediaries" in the last analysis" between the healer and the $atient" between
the center and the dense $hysical body" and between the etheric body and its
automaton" the recei!ing dense $hysical !ehicle%
In continuing our consideration o the immediate transmitting agency o the
centers into the blood stream 5the endocrine glands6 I would like to $oint out that
the centers work through this endocrine system through direct im$act" through a
ray or stream o energy" emanating rom the central $oint within the center%
Through this medium they condition and control entire areas o the body and they
do this through those as$ects o the centers which we symbolically call the 0$etals
o the lotus%0 In a $oint at the !ery center o the lotus the lie orce is ocused"
Esoteric Healing
and as -?2C/ it $asses outward into the related gland" it takes on the ,uality o
the energy or which the center is res$onsible" because lie orce is essentially
un,ualiied% The ray o lie" i one may call it so" which is ound at the heart o
each center" is identiied monadically with its source" and $ossesses 5when
brought in contact with its $etals6 one major innate ,uality o attracti!e energy+
all energy emanating rom the one source in this solar system" is related to the
energy which we call 3o!e" and this energy is magnetic attraction% The $etals o
the lotus" and the area o surrounding energy which constitutes the orm o the
lotus" are ,ualiied by one o the se!en subsidiary ty$es o energy+ these
emanate rom the se!en Rays which emerge out o the one ;ource" as
Re$resentati!es o the maniold >reator%
*ithin the solar system" as you know" are to be ound the se!en sacred $lanets"
which are the custodians or the e#$ression o these se!en rays" o these se!en
,ualities o di!inity+ within our $lanet" the Earth 5which is not a sacred $lanet6"
there are likewise se!en centers which become" as e!olution $roceeds" the
reci$ients o the se!en ray ,ualities rom the se!en sacred $lanets" thus $ro!iding
5within the solar ring'$ass'not6 a !ast interlocking system o energies% Three o
these centers" re$resenting the three major rays" are well known to you1
2% ;hamballa
The ray o $ower or $ur$ose
The irst as$ect
The energy o will%
.% The Hierarchy
The ray o lo!e'wisdom
The second as$ect
The energy o lo!e%
4% Humanity
The ray o acti!e intelligence
The third as$ect
The energy o mind or thought% -?.D/
There are our other centers" and these" with the abo!e three" constitute the
se!en centers" or the se!en $lanetary ocal $oints o energy" which condition the
bodily maniestation o our $lanetary 3ogos% Through them the 3ord o the *orld"
working rom His &wn le!el on a cosmic $lane and through His di!ine )ersonality"
;anat Kumara" carries out His $ur$oses u$on our $lanet%
;imilarly" within the microcosm" man" the corres$ondences to these se!en
centers are to be ound% Therein likewise are se!en major centers" and they are
the reci$ients o the energy emanating rom the se!en $lanetary centers" the
custodians o the se!en as$ects o ray orce+ these se!en energies ' at !arious
stages o $otency ' condition the manAs e#$ression in the three worlds" make him
what he is at any gi!en moment whilst in incarnation" and indicate 5by their eect
or lack o eect u$on the centers6 his $oint in e!olution%
Two o these centers in the human being are to be ound in the head" and the
other i!e are to be ound u$ the s$inal column% This s$inal column is the $hysical
symbol o that essential alignment which is the immediate goal o directed
Esoteric Healing
relationshi$s" carried orward in consciousness by the s$iritual man and brought
about as a result o right meditation%
Feditation is a techni,ue o the mind which e!entually $roduces correct"
unim$eded relationshi$+ this is another name or alignment% It is thereore the
establishment o a direct channel" not only between the one source" the monad"
and its e#$ression" the $uriied and controlled $ersonality" but also between the
se!en centers in the human etheric !ehicle% This is ' $erha$s astonishingly to you
' $utting the results o meditation on the basis o $hysical" or rather o etheric"
eects" and may be regarded by you as indicating the !ery lowest $hase o such
results% This is due to the -?.2/ act that you lay the em$hasis u$on your mental
reaction to the $roduced alignment" on the satisaction you ac,uire rom such an
alignment" in which you register a new world or worlds o $henomena" and on the
new conce$ts and ideas which conse,uently im$inge u$on your mind% But the
true results 5as di!ine and as esoterically desirable6 are correct alignment" right
relationshi$" and clear channels or the se!en energies in the microcosmic
system" thereby bringing about e!entually a ull e#$ression o di!inity% All the
se!en centers in the etheric !ehicle o the >hrist were rightly adjusted" correctly
aligned" truly awakened and unctioning" and $ro$erly rece$ti!e o all the se!en
streams o energy coming rom the se!en $lanetary centers+ these $ut Him en
ra$$ort" thereore" and in ull reali(ed contact" with the &ne in *hom He li!ed
and mo!ed and had His being% The $hysiological result o this com$lete 0esoteric
surrender o the se!en0 5as it is sometimes called6 to the incoming s$iritual
energies" in their right order and rhythm" was the a$$earance in the >hrist o a
$erect endocrine system% All His glands 5both major and minor6 were unctioning
correctly+ this $roduced a 0$erect man0 ' $hysically $erect" emotionally stable
and mentally controlled% In modern terms" the 0$attern o the beha!ior0 o the
>hrist ' due to the $erection o His glandular system" as an eect o correctly
awakened and energi(ed centers ' made Him an e#$ression o di!ine $erection
to the entire world+ He was the irst o our humanity to arri!e at this $oint in
e!olution" and 0the Eldest in a great amily o brothers"0 as ;t% )aul e#$resses it%
The current $ictures o the >hrist testiy to their own com$lete inaccuracy" or
they bear no witness to any glandular $erection+ they are ull o weakness and
sweetness" but show little strength" alert $ower and ali!eness% And the $romise
has gone orth that as He is" so may we be in this world% -?../
This is a $romise which lies behind the right understanding o the science o the
centers+ the actual reality o the centers will be $ro!en to all men when the
centers are gradually brought under control o the soul" are correctly and
scientiically energi(ed and brought to a condition o true 0li!ingness"0 and begin
to condition the entire area o the body in which a center is ound" and ' between
them ' bringing e!ery $art o the human body under their radiatory and magnetic
It is the centers which hold the body together and make it a coherent" energi(ed
and acti!e whole% As you know" when death takes $lace" the consciousness
thread withdraws rom the head center and the lie thread withdraws rom the
heart center% *hat has not been em$hasi(ed is that this dual withdrawal has an
eect u$on e!ery center in the body% The consciousness thread" anchored in the
head center" ,ualiies the $etals o the lotus called in the oriental literature the
0thousand'$etalled lotus"0 and the $etals o that lotus ha!e a relationshi$ and a
deinitely ,ualiying eect 5both radiatory and magnetic6 u$on the $etals in e!ery
one o the other major centers within the etheric body+ the head center $reser!es
them in ,ualiying acti!ity" and when this ,uality o conscious res$onse is
withdrawn rom the head center an immediate eect is elt in all the $etals o all
the centers+ the ,ualiying energy is withdrawn" lea!ing the body !ia the head
Esoteric Healing
center% The same general techni,ue is true o the lie thread which is anchored in
the heart" ater $assing 5in alliance with the consciousness thread6 into and
through the head center% As long as the lie thread is anchored in the heart it
energi(es and $reser!es in li!ingness all the centers in the body" sending out its
threads o lie into a $oint which is ound at the e#act center o the lotus" or at
the heart o the center% This is sometimes called 0the jewel in the lotus"0 though
the $hrase -?.4/ is more re,uently a$$lied to the monadic $oint at the heart o
the egoic lotus on its own $lane% *hen death takes $lace and the lie thread is
gathered u$ by the soul and withdrawn rom the heart into the head and rom
thence back into the soul body" it carries with it the lie o each center in the
body+ thereore" the body dies and disintegrates" and no longer orms a coherent"
conscious" li!ing whole%
Related to these centers" and reacting in strict unison with them" is the endocrine
or glandular system" through which system ' during incarnation ' lie or energy
lows unim$eded and under right direction in the case o the highly de!elo$ed
man" or im$eded and im$erectly directed in the case o the a!erage or
unde!elo$ed human being+ through this system o glandular control" the human
orm res$onds or does not res$ond to the surrounding world energies% In
connection with our $resent theme o healing" a man can be sick and ill or well
and strong" according to the state o the centers and their $reci$itation" the
glands% It must e!er be remembered that the centers are the major agency u$on
the $hysical $lane through which the soul works" e#$resses lie and ,uality"
according to the $oint reached under the e!olutionary $rocess" and that the
glandular system is sim$ly an eect ' ine!itable and una!oidable ' o the centers
through which the soul is working% The glands thereore e#$ress ully the $oint in
e!olution o the man" and according to that $oint are res$onsible or deects and
limitations or or assets and achie!ed $erections% The manAs conduct and
beha!ior u$on the $hysical $lane is conditioned" controlled and determined by the
nature o his glands" and these are conditioned" controlled and determined by the
nature" the ,uality and the li!ingness o the centers+ these" in their turn are
conditioned" controlled and determined by the soul" in increasing eecti!eness as
e!olution $roceeds% )rior to soul control" they are conditioned" -?.7/ ,ualiied and
controlled by the astral body" and later by the mind% The goal o the e!olutionary
cycle is to bring about this control" this conditioning" and this determining $rocess
by the soul+ human beings are today at e!ery imaginable stage o de!elo$ment
within this $rocess%
I reali(e that much o the abo!e is well known and in the nature o re$etition% But
I ha!e elt it essential to re$eat the story so that there may be a resh clarity in
your thinking%
It will be a$$arent to you also that the karmic $rocess in any indi!idual lie must
thereore work out through the medium o the glands" which condition the
reaction o the $erson to circumstance and e!ents% The results o all $re!ious
li!es and o all acti!ities carried on during those li!es ha!e been registered by the
3ords o Karma+ karmic law works in close coo$eration with the lunar 3ords" who
build and construct the bodies which constitute the $ersonality+ later" the law
works in an e!en closer coo$eration with the soul $ur$ose% The whole $roblem is
necessarily most intricate and diicult% All I can do is to gi!e certain indications%
It is with this system o centers and their e#ternali(ed eects" the glands" that
the healer has to work and which he has to take into most careul consideration+
all stimulation which he may be able" or instance" to con!ey to a center in the
$atientAs body" or all abstraction o energy rom a center" will ha!e a most
Esoteric Healing
deinite eect u$on the allied or related gland" and thereore u$on the secretion
which that gland is in the habit o $ouring into the blood stream%
As again you know" the se!en major centers and their allied glands are as
2% The head center ' The $ineal gland%
.% The ajna center ' The $ituitary gland%
4% The throat center ' The thyroid gland%
7% The heart center ' The thymus gland% -?.=/
=% The solar $le#us center ' The $ancreas%
?% The sacral center ' The gonads%
@% The center at base o s$ine ' The adrenal glands%
There are also other centers and many other glands in the body" but these are
the se!en with which the healer works+ the minor or subsidiary glands are
conditioned by the center controlling the area in which they are located% The
healer" howe!er" reuses to com$licate his thinking with the multi$licity and detail
o the other lesser glandular system and with the intricacies o lesser interior
relationshi$s% The abo!e list gi!es also the centers and glands which basically
determine the state o health ' good" indierent or bad ' and the $sychological
e,ui$ment o a man% ;tudents should bear in mind that the $rimary eect o the
acti!ity o the glands and o their secretions is $sychological% A man is" u$on the
$hysical $lane" emotionally and mentally what his glandular system makes him"
and incidentally what they make him $hysically" because that is re,uently
determined by his $sychological state o mind and emotions% The em$hasis o the
sel'centered ordinary man is largely u$on the $hysical !ehicle" and he $ays little
or no attention to the balance or the imbalance o his endocrine system or set'u$
5i I may use that word6 rom the angle o its determining his $sychological eect
u$on his ellow men% It is not my intention to analy(e the !arious glands" noting
how they res$ond to the awakened or the unawakened condition o the centers"
or how they limit or im$lement the res$onsi!eness o the man to his en!ironment
or determine his inter$retation o lie and the $assi!ity or the acti!ity o his daily
reactions to e!ents and circumstance% A man" it may em$hatically be stated" is
what his glands make him" but they" in their turn" are only the eects o certain
inner $otent -?.?/ sources o energy% Again" as you see" I re$eat this !ital truth%
It is or this reason that medical science will e!entually ind the truth 5and already
they are sensing it6 that it is im$ossible to undamentally change the $ersonality
and the $hysical e,ui$ment o a man through treating the glands themsel!es+
little real $rogress has been made along this line during the thirty or orty years
during which the endocrinologists ha!e considered and in!estigated this subject%
>ertain things ha!e been ound out+ certain results o the acti!ity or the inacti!ity
o the glands ha!e been noted+ certain ty$es o $eo$le ha!e been recogni(ed as
illustrati!e o glandular acti!ity or $assi!ity+ ameliorati!e measures ha!e been
a$$lied and the action o a gland has been stimulated or retarded 5with good or
bad eects6 through !arious methods and ty$es o medication% Beyond this little
is known" and the best minds in this $articular ield are conscious o the act that
they are ace to ace with a terra incognita% This situation will remain as it is until
modern medical science recogni(es that the world o causes 5as ar as the
endocrine glands are concerned6 is the etheric body with its se!en centers+ they
will then register the act that all work in relation to the glands must be shited
away rom the se!en eects or $reci$itations o the centers on to the centers
Esoteric Healing
The healer" thereore" ignores the gland in!ol!ed and deals directly with the
center which conditions the 0$oint o riction0 and controls the area under its
inluence+ this necessarily includes the gland which the center has created"
ormed or $reci$itated and energi(ed%
The conce$t in the mind o the healer should be" as this law indicates" that an
unim$eded channel or a clear $assage must be ormed along which health'gi!ing
lie may low rom the 0needed center0 in the healerAs etheric body -?.@/ to the
allied center in the body o the $atient and rom thence into the blood stream" !ia
the related gland% 8orget not" the truth remains eternally right that the 0blood is
the lie0 ' e!en i as yet ine#$licable in its im$lications rom the angle o the
esotericist as well as rom the angle o medical science%
Healers ha!e to learn to work with the lie $rinci$le" and not with some !ague
energy which is set in motion by the $ower o thought or by the $otency o lo!e"
as is the case $resented today by the !arious healing systems o the world which
mankind has e!ol!ed% This lie $rinci$le is contacted and set in motion by the
mode o clearing certain etheric channels within the etheric structure which
underlies e!ery $art o the $atientAs body% This clearance is not brought about by
thinking health or by airming di!inity or by eliminating 0error0 in the mental
a$$roach" but by the much more $rosaic method o directing streams o energy"
!ia certain centers" and thus aecting certain glands in the area o the $hysical
body which is diseased and the seat o trouble" $ain and distress%
That thought or correct thinking is in!ol!ed is necessarily true+ the healer has to
think clearly beore he can bring about the desired results" but the energy $oured
into the $atientAs !ehicle is not mental energy" but one o the se!en orms o
$ranic or lie energy% This tra!els along the line o orce or the channel which
relates and links all the centers and connects those centers with the glands%
8orget not that this constitutes an interlinking and interlocking directorate o the
ollowing systems" and that ' rom the $oint o !iew o the esotericist ' these
systems are symbols o great cosmic $rocesses1
2% The etheric body" as a whole" with its channels and communicating lines o
energy which underlie e!ery $art -?.B/ o the human body%
.% The se!en related centers" each s$eciically ,ualiied and each in touch"
!ia the etheric ibers or threads o orce" with each and e!ery center%
4% The nadis" that system o slightly denser etheric channels or tiny threads
o orce which underlie the entire ner!ous system+ they underlie e!ery
ty$e o ner!e and e!ery ty$e o ner!e $le#us%
7% The ner!ous system itsel" which is ound e#tending its radius o inluence
throughout the entire body o a man%
=% The endocrine or glandular system%
?% The blood stream" the reci$ient o streams o li!ing energy rom the
endocrine system" !ia what are called the hormones%
@% The interrelated sumtotal" which is the di!ine maniestation o the s$iritual
man in any incarnation and at any $oint in e!olution%
Thereore" two great streams o energy $ermeate and animate this entire
aggregation o systems1 the lie stream and the consciousness stream% &ne works
through the ner!ous system 5the consciousness stream6 and the other through
the blood stream% Both are in act so closely related and allied that" in action" it is
not easy or the ordinary man to dierentiate between them%
The healer" howe!er" does not work with the consciousness as$ect+ he works
entirely with the lie as$ect+ the $erect healer 5something at $resent non'
Esoteric Healing
e#istent6 works through the closed and sealed $oint within the center 5the !ery
heart o the center6% There the $oint o lie is to be ound% 8rom this $oint within
the center" lie rays out into the $etals o the lotus" and the combination o the
lie at the center and the consciousness" inherent in the $etals" is the source o
the li!ing" breathing" sensiti!e human -?.C/ being ' rom the $hysical angle ' and
this the healer must recogni(e%
Behind this li!ingness and this consciousness is the Being" the s$iritual man" the
actor" the one who eels 5in !arying degrees6" and the thinker% The sim$licity o
the abo!e statement is somewhat misleading" as there are other actors and
relationshi$s and other energies which must be considered" but it is ne!ertheless
basically true" and u$on this truth the healer can act%
It is interesting to $oint out that the Ereat In!ocation now being distributed in the
world is based u$on this same undamental conce$t o great systems"
conditioning humanity as a whole" which can be energi(ed by the inlow o
streams o energy" bringing new lie and health to the entire body o humanity !ia
the $lanetary centers o di!ine li!ingness and consciousness%
Rule 8our which accom$anies 3aw <II is o major im$ortance% This is because o
its e#treme sim$licity" and because" i com$rehended and ollowed" it orms a
bridging rule between the subjecti!e and the objecti!e methods o handling
disease% The law which we ha!e just considered was also e#ceedingly sim$le and
direct" and in its im$lications related to the subjecti!e nature and the objecti!e
orm% ;tudents should not be decei!ed by sim$licity and by $lain" direct
statements% There is a tendency to regard esoteric teaching as necessarily
abstruse and indirect" re,uiring always the use o the 0esoteric sense0 5whate!er
is meant by that6 in order to arri!e at understanding% 9et the more ad!anced the
teaching" !ery re,uently the more sim$ly is it e#$ressed% Abstruseness is related
to the ignorance o the student ' not to the mode o $resentation o the teacher%
This rule runs as ollows1 -?4D/
Rule *our
A careul diagnosis o disease" based on the ascertained outer sym$toms" will be
sim$liied to this e#tent ' that once the organ in!ol!ed is known and thus
isolated" the center in the etheric body which is in closest relation to it will be
subjected to methods o occult healing" though the ordinary ameliorati!e" medical
or surgical methods will not be withheld%
This rule re,uires little elucidation" or it is com$osed o clear" concise
instructions% 3et us list these instructions1
2% There must be careul diagnosis" based on the ascertained outer
.% The organ which is the seat o the trouble must be located% Both these
acti!ities concern the dense $hysical body%
4% The center in the etheric body closest to the area o the trouble will ne#t
recei!e attention%
7% Fethods o occult healing are then em$loyed" directed to the stimulation"
or the re!erse" o the center in!ol!ed%
=% ;imultaneously" all outer orthodo# methods are em$loyed%
It is on this ,uestion o careul diagnosis that most modern so'called healers go
astray% They do not know enough about the $hysical body" about the $athology o
disease" about the $rimary or secondary sym$toms" to determine the nature o
Esoteric Healing
the diiculty+ this is because the usual healer has not had medical training" and
at the same time he is not $sychically e,ui$$ed to arri!e at a true diagnosis in an
occult manner% He thereore alls back on the general assum$tion that the $atient
is sick" that the seat o the trouble a$$ears to be in such or such an area o the
$hysical body" that the $atient com$lains o certain $ains and aches" and that i
the $atient can be rendered ac,uiescent enough" -?42/ i he can gras$ 5along
with the healer6 the act o his di!inity ' and who can" my brother: ' then i he
has aith in the healer" he can assuredly be healed%
The outstanding thing usually to note is the ignorance o both the $atient and the
healer+ the thing to be de$lored is the assum$tion o the healer that" i a healing
does ollow" it is due entirely to the healing methods ollowed" whereas the
$atient would" in all $robability" ha!e reco!ered in any case% The healing may
ha!e been hastened by the actor o aith" and aith is sim$ly the ocusing o the
$atientAs energy in line with the injunction o the healer" and a conse,uent
0dis$lay0 o that energy in the diseased area in obedience to the law that 0energy
ollows thought%0 The 0e#$losion0 5i I may use so orcible a word6 o the energy
o aith on the $art o the two $eo$le in!ol!ed ' the healer and the $atient '
occultly and occasionally $roduces suicient energy stimulation to bring about a
cure where a cure in any case was ine(itable. It has sim$ly been a hastening
$rocess% This is not" howe!er" a true occult healing and no true occult healing
methods were em$loyed or in!ol!ed% )sychologically" the same thing can be seen
taking $lace in the case o a 0con!ersion"0 as the 8undamentalist ;chool o
>hristianity calls it% The aith o the $erson and the aith o the e!angelist" $lus
the aith o the audience 5where there is one6 bring about a $sychological healing
along the line o resol!ing clea!ages" or $roduce an at'one'ment" e!en i only o
a tem$orary nature%
It must be increasingly borne in mind that there is nothing in the created world
but energy in motion" and that e!ery thought directs some as$ects o that
energy" though always within the s$here o inluence o some greater thinking"
directing energy% The healerAs aith and the $atientAs aith are both e#am$les o
energy in motion" and at $resent usually the only energies em$loyed in e!ery
case -?4./ o healing% &rthodo# medicine also works with the same energies"
su$$lementing its orthodo# methods with the $atientAs aith in the $hysician and
in his scientiic knowledge%
I am not here going to enlarge urther on the injunction to use medical and
surgical methods whene!er $ossible% I ha!e touched u$on this subject se!eral
times in the course o this teaching u$on healing% It is essential that $eo$le
should reali(e that the ascertained knowledges o medicine and surgery are just
as much an e#$ression o di!ine e#$erience and understanding as the ho$eul"
asserti!e" yet umbling methods o so'called di!ine healing ' i not more so at
$resent% Though much o the orthodo# methods remain e#$erimental" they are
less so than the methods o the modern healers" and much o their scientiic
knowledge is $ro!en and real% It should be used" and conidence can be
e#$ressed in it% The $erect healing combination is that o the medical man and
the s$iritual healer" each working in his own ield" and both ha!ing aith in each
other+ this is not now the case% There is no need to call in di!ine aid to set bones
which the surgeon is well e,ui$$ed to do" or to clear u$ inection which the
$hysician knows well how to handle% The healer can hel$ and can hasten the
healing $rocess" but the orthodo# $hysician can also hasten the work o the
healer% Both grou$s need each other%
I reali(e that what I ha!e said here will $lease neither the s$iritual healer nor the
orthodo# medical man% It is time" howe!er" that they learn to a$$reciate each
Esoteric Healing
other and to work in coo$eration% In the last analysis" the s$iritual healer and the
new modes o mental healing ha!e relati!ely little to contribute in com$arison
with the work and the knowledge o the member o the orthodo# $roession% The
debt o the world to its doctors and surgeons is !ery great% The debt to healers is
decidedly not so great+ they ot also $oison the channel by bitterness and
constant -?44/ criticism o the $hysician and o orthodo# medicine% ;urety o
knowledge and e#$erience $re!ents a similar attitude in the orthodo# grou$" $lus
the reali(ation that e!en the s$iritual healer will call in the doctor in times o
Esoteric Healing
The law and the rule now to be considered will carry us into realms o real
abstraction+ it will not be easy or you to understand much o what I may say%
This 3aw <III takes us back to the !ery source o all $henomena as ar as the
human being is concerned ' the will o the immortal soul to incarnate on earth or
to withdraw rom incarnation% It in!ol!es also the consideration o the actor o
the *ill in $roducing disease as the direct means o bringing about that
withdrawal% ;o little is as yet understood anent the *ill that it is $articularly hard
to e#$lain%
Law .III
Disease and death are the result o two acti!e orces% &ne is the will o the soul"
which says to its instrument1 0I draw the essence back%0 The other is the
magnetic $ower o the $lanetary lie" which says to the lie within the atomic
structure1 0The hour o reabsor$tion has arri!ed% Return to me%0 Thus" under
cyclic law" do all orms act%
Two as$ects in the nature o the di!ine *ill are called into $lay where disease and
death are concerned1 one is the will o the soul to bring an incarnation to an end+
another is the will o the s$irit o the earth 5the basic elemental orce6 to draw
back into itsel the released and tem$orarily isolated substance o which the soul
had a!ailed itsel during the cycle o incarnation%
The actor o time" the actor o the inter$lay between the $oint o will which is
that o the soul" and the diused e!er $resent will o the elemental s$irit o
substance are in!ol!ed" $lus their cyclic relation% These we shall attem$t to
consider% -?47/
*hat I ha!e here to say is o major im$ortance and will throw a new and strange
light u$on the entire subject o disease% I will deal" irst o all" with the second
hal o the law" which reers to the 0magnetic $ower o the $lanetary lie"0 which
says to the lie within the atomic structure1 0The hour o reabsor$tion has arri!ed%
Return to me%0
To understand the reerence" I would remind you that a human being is a
s$iritual entity" occu$ying or inorming 5which is the occult word I $reer6 a dense
$hysical !ehicle% This dense $hysical body is $art o the general structure o the
entire $lanet" com$osed o li!ing atoms which are under the control o" and are
$art o the lie o the $lanetary entity% This dense $hysical !ehicle is released into
a tem$orary and directed reedom by the will o the inorming soul" but remains
at the same time an intrinsic $art o the sumtotal o all atomic substance% This
$hysical !ehicle ' ha!ing its own lie and ha!ing a measure o intelligence which
we call its instinctual nature ' is called by esotericists the $hysical elemental%
During incarnated lie" it is the coherent orce or agency by means o which the
$hysical body $reser!es its $articular orm" under the im$act o etheric
li!ingness+ this aects all the li!ing atoms and brings them into relation with each
other% The $hysical body is the great symbol 5within the one 3ie6 o the many o
which it is constituted+ it is the demonstrated act o innate coherency" o unity"
o synthesis and o relationshi$% )hysical or $lanetary $rana 5the lowest orm o
$ranic energy6 is the lie o the sumtotal o the atoms 5o which all outer orms
are com$osed6 as they are brought into relation to the se$arated atomic structure
o the dense $hysical body o an indi!idual inorming soul in any kingdom o
nature ' $articularly" rom our $oint o study" the human kingdom%
*hat is true in this connection o the indi!idual or o -?4=/ man" the microcosm"
is true also o the $lanet" which ' like man ' is a coherent whole% This wholeness
is due to the relation o two as$ects o lie1 the lie o the $lanetary 3ogos and the
Esoteric Healing
lie o the s$irit o the earth" which is the lie o the sumtotal o all the atoms
which com$ose all orms% To this sumtotal o li!ing substance" o elemental lie"
manAs dense $hysical body conorms and is thereore the symbol% These two
li!es" unctioning microcosmically and also macrocosmically" create that li!ing
$ranic energy which circulates throughout the etheric bodies o all orms" which
$roduces coherency or a synthetic holding'together and which can be discerned
when the densest as$ect o the etheric body is seen" creating thus the health
aura in $lants" trees" sea lie" animals and man% &ther energies and $otencies
circulate through and condition the etheric !ehicle" but I reer here only to the
lowest $hysical as$ect% This is indicati!e o the lie o the elemental o our $lanet"
the s$irit o the earth ' a di!ine lie" making its own $rogress u$on the
in!olutionary arc o maniestation%
This s$irit o the earth $reser!es its hold u$on the atomic structures o which all
orms are made" including the $hysical body o man+ it gathers them together
again e!entually and reabsorbs those elements o its lie which were tem$orarily
isolated rom it during any incarnated e#$erience o any soul in any o the
kingdoms in nature% These atoms" it must be noted" are imbued or conditioned by
two actors or which the s$irit o the earth is solely res$onsible1
2% The actor o the Karma o the lie o the elemental o the $lanet% This is
an in!olutionary" $reci$itating karma" entirely dierent to that o the
$lanetary 3ogos" *ho is a s$iritual 3ie u$on the e!olutionary arc% This
in!olutionary karma" thereore" conditions the lie -?4?/ e#$erience rom
the $urely physical angle o all orms com$osed o atomic substance%
.% The actor o limitation% A$art rom the karma" resulting in $hysical e!ents"
aecting all $hysical orms com$osed o this elemental essence" the
$hysical !ehicles o all li!es in all the kingdoms o nature are also
conditioned by the $oint in time o the cyclic inluence o the $lanetary
s$irit and by its $oint in e!olution% This in!olutionary s$irit has not yet
attained a $oint o $erection" but is $rogressing towards a s$eciic goal
which will be attained when the e!olutionary arc o e#$erience is reached%
This lies !ery ar ahead% &ur $lanetary 3ogos" that great di!ine 3ie in
*hom we li!e and mo!e and ha!e our being" is one o the 0im$erect
Eods0 as yet" rom the $oint o !iew o the goal set beore all $lanetary
3ogoi% His body o e#$ression" our $lanet" the Earth" is not yet a sacred
$lanet% The s$irit o the earth is yet !ery ar rom e!en the relati!e
$erection o which a conscious human being is aware%
The $oint in e!olution o the s$irit o the earth aects e!ery atom in his body '
the body o an in!olutionary entity% The result o this im$erection" which is not
that o the $lanetary 3ogos but that o the s$irit o the earth" shows itsel in the
$resence o disease in all orms in all the kingdoms o nature% Finerals are
subject to disease and decay+ e!en the 0atigue0 o metals is a registered
scientiic act+ $lants and animals all react to disease within the structure o their
orms" and disease and death are inherent in the atom o which all organisms are
com$osed% Fan is not e#em$t% Disease" thereore" is not brought about by wrong
thinking" as ot I ha!e told you" or by any ailure to airm di!inity% It is inherent
in the orm nature itsel" being indicati!e o the im$erections rom which the
s$irit o the earth -?4@/ suers+ it is the mode $ar e#cellence whereby this
elemental lie retains integrity and the ca$acity to reabsorb that which is his but
which has been brought under other direction by the attracti!e $otency o the lie
o that which inorms e!ery other kingdom in nature during a cycle o incarnation%
This will gi!e you surely a new idea anent disease% Fan creates" under soul
im$ulsion and the will to incarnate" a orm which is com$osed o substance
Esoteric Healing
already subjected to conditioning+ it is already im$regnated with the lie im$ulses
o the s$irit o the earth% Fan" in so doing" assumes res$onsibility or that
elemental orm but ' at the same time ' limits himsel deinitely by the nature o
the atoms o which that orm is com$osed% The atomic substance through which
the s$irit o the earth e#$resses itsel has in it e!er the 0seeds o return"0
$ermitting a reabsor$tion% This substance is also com$osed o all grades and
,ualities o matter" rom the !ery coarsest u$ to the !ery inest" as or instance
the ,uality o the substance which makes the a$$earance o the Buddha or o the
>hrist $ossible% The 3ord o the Earth" the $lanetary 3ogos" cannot ind substance
animated by the s$irit o the earth o a ,uality and nature $ure enough+ He
cannot" thereore" materiali(e or make an a$$earance" as can the Buddha or the
>hrist% 8ew o Those *ho orm the >ouncil >hamber at ;hamballa can ind the
needed or ade,uate substance by means o which to a$$ear+ They cannot take a
dense $hysical body" and ha!e to be content with an etheric !ehicle%
There are thereore three ty$es o lie" aecting the dense a$$earance o a
human being during his restricted maniestation or incarnation1
2% The lie o the s$iritual man himsel" transmitted rom the Fonad" !ia the
soul or the greater $art o maniested e#istence% -?4B/
.% The lie o that sumtotal which is the elemental lie o the ourth kingdom
in nature" the human+ this lie is still an as$ect 5under the 3aw o Isolation
or 3imitation6 o the lie o the s$irit o the earth%
4% The sumtotal o the lie which is innate in atomic substance itsel ' the
substance out o which all orms are made% This is the lie o the s$irit o
the earth%
*e are not here reerring to the soul in an atom or the soul o any orm" great or
small+ we are reerring e#clusi!ely to the lie or irst as$ect% This e#$resses itsel
as the will'to'be+ it is only acti!e" though e!er $resent" during orm lie or the
$hase o created maniestation% It is here that the *ill actor makes its
a$$earance and the relation between will" orm and incarnation is to be ound%
&ne o the actors go!erning incarnation is the $resence o what is called the will'
to'li!e+ when that is to be ound" and when it is $owerul in man" he is strongly
anchored u$on the $hysical $lane+ when that is not strongly $resent or is
withdrawn" the man dies% 3ie in the $hysical body is $reser!ed" technically and
occultly" under the im$ulse o the $owerul will'to'be o the incarnated s$iritual
man u$on the magnetic $ower o the $lanetary lie" inherent in e!ery atom o the
orm nature+ by means o these atoms ' isolated and held by the 3aw o
Attraction in orm ' he has come into being u$on the $hysical $lane% This
magnetic $ower is the e#$ression o the will 5i such a word can be a$$lied to the
sense o coherency which distinguishes the s$irit o the earth6 o the $lanetary
entity% It is a $rojection o his $eculiar state o consciousness into an isolated
orm" created" occu$ied and indwelt by a soul" by a li!ing man% -?4C/
I ha!e se!eral times used the e#$ression 0isolated orm"0 or it is this $eculiar
as$ect o isolation which conditions the $hysical body o a man 5or o any li!ing
orm" or that matter6" rendering it detached" coherent and tem$orarily li!ing its
own lie in res$onse to the im$osition o the li!ingness o the incarnating soul%
Tem$orarily" the united $ower o the segregated and isolated atoms ' $articularly
the $lanetary structure o the s$irit o the earth ' is in abeyance as regards
indi!idual reaction to the $lanetary lie% &nly the coherent" magnetic ,ualities
$ersist in any orm o acti!ity and in conjunction with the will'to'li!e o the
s$iritual man or o any ensouling entity% This creates a coherent orm" held
together by two as$ects o li!ingness1 that o the s$irit o the earth and that o
Esoteric Healing
the s$iritual man% Thereore ' to use words in an eort to arri!e at understanding
' two as$ects o lie and two orms o will or $ur$ose are brought together% The
higher is e!olutionary+ the lower is in!olutionary in nature% It is this which creates
the conlict% &ne ty$e o energy is e!olutionary and the other is in!olutionary% It
is these conlicting orces which $resent the $roblem o dualism ' a dualism o the
higher and the lower at many diering and !arying stages% The inal $hase o the
conlict is ought out" or rather wrought out" when the Dweller on the Threshold
and the Angel o the )resence ace each other% It is in that consummating e!ent
that the $ull or conlict between the in!olutionary lie and the e!olutionary lie"
between the inchoate" magnetic will o the elemental orces 5inherent in the
atoms o which all three bodies o the $ersonality are made6 and the will o the
s$iritual man" on the !erge o liberation rom the magnetic control o substance"
is brought to the issue%
The s$irit o the earth has its corres$ondence in the created e#$ression o the
s$iritual man+ it is to be ound in the e#istence o the $ersonality elemental+ this
$ersonality -?7D/ elemental can be and re,uently is an inchoate orce" swayed
entirely by desire" and no true $ersonality integration is $resent+ it can" howe!er"
be a highly organi(ed and $otent actor" $roducing what is called a high grade
$ersonality and an eecti!e instrument or the s$iritual man in the three worlds
o his e!olution% This is ollowed later by the conlicts u$on the )ath o
Disci$leshi$ and the )ath o Initiation% Then the li!ingness o the s$iritual man"
and his will to maniest di!inely" dominate to such an e#tent that the death o the
$ersonality is brought about+ this culminates at the time o the third initiation% At
that e#$erience the monadic will comes in with such dynamic $otency that the will
o the elemental li!es o the threeold $ersonality is com$letely negated%
But 5to return to our theme6 the atomic substance" im$regnated with the lie o
the s$irit o the earth and with the dri!ing orce o its inchoate will" demonstrates
as magnetic $ower and is constantly in conlict" within the body o maniestation
o the inorming soul" with the lie o the soul% This conlict or riction is the main
cause o what you call disease%
Disease is inharmony+ it is the ault o ire by riction+ diseased areas are areas o
riction wherein the atomic substance is tem$orarily asserting its own ty$e o
li!ingness and res$onding 5sometimes to the $oint o death6 to the magnetic $ull
o the will o the s$irit o the earth% I that $ull $ro!es ade,uately strong" the
riction within the atomic structure" locali(ed in the area o some etheric center"
will be o such a nature that the ,uality o the disease increases" the lie o the
s$iritual man is slowly or ra$idly withdrawn+ the desire or e#istence" the s$iritual
will'to'be is not then as strong as the will to be reabsorbed ' the will o the atoms
constituting the $hysical body+ the man" thereore" dies" in the usual sense o the
term% -?72/
The $lanetary lie says" 0The hour o reabsor$tion has arri!ed% Return to me%0 The
urge to return is at $resent the dominant note in the substance o the bodies o
humanity+ it is res$onsible or the uni!ersal ill health which distinguishes the
mass o human beings+ this tendency has been dominant or centuries+ the
attitude is" howe!er" slowly changing" and the time will e!entually come when the
atoms o the bodies" or the elemental orces" will be sent back along the $ath o
reabsor$tion only at the will o the s$iritual man and in res$onse to his e#$ress
command" and not in res$onse to the magnetic $ower o the s$irit o the earth%
*e ha!e seen ' as we considered the 3aws and Rules to date ' that
undamentally" disease and death are due to the withdrawal o solar lie 5the
energy o the soul" sometimes called solar ire6 either rom some $articular area
Esoteric Healing
o the $hysical body or rom the entire body% This act should remind students o
the need to distinguish between the orce or lie o the 0lunar lords"0 inherent in
e!ery atom o which all organs and orms are made" and the energy o the soul
which $ermeates the entire body as an integrating actor% ;$eaking symbolically"
thereore" there are times in which the lie o these lunar lords are so dominant
that the lie o the soul is o!er$owered in some $articular area" and the
conse,uent withdrawal o the solar lie $roduces disease+ or ' $utting it another
way ' the riction which ensues when the lunar lords are not com$liant $roduces
disease% 9et death is not indicati!e o a ull !ictory o the lunar lords" but rather
that under the $lan o the soul" and because the lie cycle is com$lete" the energy
o the soul is entirely withdrawn" lea!ing the lunar lords alone% At times 5because
it is also in the $lanning o the soul6 the lunar lords tem$orarily are the !ictors"
though death does not ollow+ con!alescence is signiicant o the gradual re'entry
o soul energy and its subse,uent control -?7./ o the lunar lords% This as$ect o
soul energy is not that o those energies which re$resent and lead to the
e#$ression o soul ,uality% It is life energy" coming rom the Fonad which $asses
through the soul as a channel and medium o contact+ its direct channel is"
needless to say" the sutratma% It is not the antahkarana" or the creati!e thread or
the thread o consciousness% These are re,uently rendered inacti!e when acute
disease is $resent" and the lie as$ect is weakening or ra$idly or slowly
withdrawing itsel%
9ou can see" thereore" why it is that those who ha!e succeeded in building the
antahkarana" the rainbow bridge between the Fonad and the $ersonality" ha!e
established a contact 5non'e#istent in the a!erage man6 between the Fonad" the
;ource o 3ie" and the $ersonality ' the e#$ression o that 3ie in objecti!ity% The
Fonad then" and not the soul" controls the cycles o outward e#$ression" and the
initiate then dies at will and according to $lan or the necessities o the work% This"
o course" reers only to initiates o high degree% I elt these $oints to be
interesting and also useul or you to know% Another $oint" growing out o all the
abo!e" indicates the all'inclusi!eness o the di!ine 3ie" or the lunar lords are
as$ects o that 3ie as much as is the energy o the soul%
It is thereore o $rime im$ortance that cremation should be encouraged" and not
the $resent method o burial% >remation returns the lie o the lunar lords more
ra$idly to the central reser!oir o lie than any other method" or 0our Eod is a
consuming 8ire0 and all ires ha!e ainity with the central 8ire%
3et us now study the rule which goes with 3aw <III%
Rule *i(e
The healer must seek to link his soul" his heart" his brain and his hands% Thus can
he $our the !ital healing orce u$on the $atient% This is magnetic work. It cures
-?74/ disease or increases the e!il state" according to the knowledge o the
The healer must seek to link his soul" his brain" his heart and auric emanation%
Thus can his $resence eed the soul lie o the $atient% This is the work of
radiation. The hands are needed not% The soul dis$lays its $ower% The $atientAs
soul res$onds through the res$onse o his aura to the radiation o the healerAs
aura" looded with soul energy%
8rom just casually reading this Rule it will be ob!ious that its signiicance is !ital
to all successul healing work% It sums u$ the two modes o healing" based on two
ca$acities o the healer" ounded on two grou$s o related as$ects in the healerAs
$ersonality" and indicating two dierent $oints in e!olution on the $art o the
Esoteric Healing
healer% An analysis o this Rule will con!ey a still greater idea o its im$ortance"
or it indicates not only the lines along which the healer must train himsel" but
also certain interior relationshi$s must be $resent" and these are de$endent u$on
the $oint in e!olution o the healer% Again" in one case the $atientAs $hysical body
is the objecti!e o the healing art" whilst in the other it is the $atientAs soul which
eels the eect o the healing energy% In the irst case the healer works with the
$rana or !ital $lanetary luid" and in the other with soul energy%
*e can thereore" on the basis o this Rule" di!ide healers into two grou$s1 one
grou$ wielding the !ital etheric luid which we call $rana" and the second grou$
working on a much higher le!el and em$loying an ability to draw down soul
energy into the body 5or rather" the $ersonality6 o the healer and ' rom the
re,uired center ' to send it orth again into the a$$ro$riate center in the $atientAs
body" but this time through the stimulation o the $atientAs aura controlled by the
$atientAs soul% The two ty$es o energy are o a widely dierent ,uality" or one is
$urely o the $ersonality and is sometimes called animal -?77/ magnetism, and
the other is o the soul" in!ol!ing a ty$e o work called radiation%
It should be noted here that in reality we ha!e three ty$es o healers1
2% The healer who works $urely through magnetism and brings to bear the
healing !ital lie o the $lanetary etheric body as it uses his indi!idual
etheric body as a channel whereby $rana can $our into the !ital body o
the $atient%
.% The healer who works on a higher le!el" and necessarily thereore with a
higher ty$e o $atient+ he uses the energy o his own o!er'shadowing soul
in conjunction with the energy o his indi!iduali(ed soul" and thereby
radiates it orth into the soul o the $atient" !ia both o the auras%
4% The healer who can em$loy both techni,ues and whose range o contacts
and $ossibilities o useulness are ar greater than the other two% He can
em$loy with e,ual acility the energy o the soul or the !ital $ranic orce"
and has thereore mastered the two techni,ues which go!ern the two sets
o related aculties% This class o healer is much rarer than the other two%
At $resent" in the modern world" there is no true system o s$iritual healing
taught to would'be healers% There is instead an eort to base the whole
$rocedure" $lus the techni,ues em$loyed" on $urely mental le!els" on systems o
airmation" modes o $rayer" stimulation o the $atientAs will'to'li!e" and
occasionally the use o magnetic or hy$notic $asses in relation to the etheric
body+ !arious orms o a$$lied subjecti!e thinking are taught" but no true ormula
or an intelligent and e#$ected cure" only the !ague aith o the healer and o the
$atient and a blind autosuggestion -?7=/ as to what the recognition and
airmation o di!inity ought to $roduce%
True healing" howe!er" is based on certain broad $rinci$les which re,uire deinite
mental acce$tance+ the methods" ne!ertheless" which are em$loyed are as
deinitely $hysical" using the etheric currents and the centers in the etheric body"
as the laying on o hands and the establishing o relations which aect the
$hysical body" and which are not at all o a mental nature and do not re,uire to
be a$$ro$riated and held by the mind o the $atient% The etheric body is $hysical
in nature" and this must not be orgotten and needs re,uent reiteration% As we
ha!e earlier seen" there are three basic $rinci$les" airmed and belie!ed by the
healer who is greatly aided i the $atient acce$ts them also1
Esoteric Healing
2% There is no reality in se$aration% The $lanetary etheric body is a whole"
unbroken and continuous+ o this etheric body" those o the healer and the
$atient are integral" intrinsic $arts%
.% There is an unbreakable 5though $robably unreali(ed6 relationshi$
between the healerAs etheric body and that o the $atient" which can be
used when once contact has been induced" or a deinite circulation o
4% The channels o relationshi$ can be conductors o many dierent ty$es o
energy" transmitted by the healer to the $atient% In this act lies both ho$e
and danger%
There are other $rinci$les" but in connection with this Rule these three are
essential and e#$lanatory% Fuch conse,uently de$ends u$on the knowledge" the
understanding and the $erce$ti!eness o the healer% The danger in both radiatory
healing and magnetic healing consists in the act that -?7?/ where there is no
trained healer" the amount o $rana brought in or o soul energy distributed may
$roduce death" as well as lie% A healer may charge his etheric body with so much
$rana and $roject it so !iolently into the etheric body o the $atient that he may
do ar more harm than good% &nly long $ractice can teach the healer the right
amount o energy to emit" and to learn this he would do well to use as little
energy as $ossible" gradually increasing the ,uantity as he attains skill in action%
;$eaking in a broad and general way" and with the reminder that there are many
e#ce$tions to all rules" the magnetic healer will work with less de!elo$ed $eo$le
than will the s$iritual healer using soul radiation" and he will deal $rimarily with
those diseases which are ound below the dia$hragm% ;$iritual healers work
$rimarily with the u$$er $art o the body" through the centers abo!e the
dia$hragm and with the head center" thereby controlling all centers in the entire
body% Their work is most delicate and subtle and in!ol!es ar greater risks% The
true healer who is an initiate em$loys both methods with e,ual acility%
It is interesting" though not $articularly useul to you" to $oint out that there are
two other classes o healers who are sometimes ound% They work ,uite
dierently to either o the methods mentioned abo!e% They are1
2% >ertain healers ' ew and ar between ' who ha!e set u$ a relation with
the s$irit o the earth" the Ruler o all the lunar lords% Gnder certain
ormulas and gi!en a certain amount o $ractice" these healers can in!oke
his aid and ' in act ' command it% I do not ad!ise any interested student
to $onder o!ermuch along this line or to endea!or to set u$ a contact or to
in!oke his aid% &nly initiates o high degree can deal saely with this
$owerul in!olutionary Elemental+ they do so -?7@/ only in connection with
e$idemics and international catastro$hes such as the world war" in which
thousands and thousands o bodies were in!ol!ed% An indi!idual not highly
de!elo$ed who endea!ored to establish ra$$ort would $robably only
succeed in stimulating the lunar lords o his own little system to such an
e#tent that his lower nature would be unduly energi(ed ' sometimes e!en
to the $oint o death%
.% &ther healers" not as ew as in the abo!e grou$ but relati!ely ew" work in
coo$eration with a healing de!a% ;uch de!as e#ist and ha!e the $ower o
bestowing lie% They are to the in!olutionary lunar lords what the great
3i!es at ;hamballa are to us% They are not a menace to humanity but are
not readily reached" e#ce$t at a certain stage u$on the )ath where"
symbolically s$eaking" a door or $oint o contact e#ists between the two
e!olutions" or the de!as are not u$on the in!olutionary arc% Relations are
established through ainity" but this can be brought about only by the
de!a" and not by the healer% I the healer is !ery ad!anced" his Faster
Esoteric Healing
may instruct one o the ser!ing de!as to aid him% &nly healers o great
$urity and o com$letely selless moti!e can attract these angels" and
when they do" the $otency o their healing is much greater+ they make
ewer mistakes% They do not" or instance" attem$t to heal $atients or
whom there is no healing $ossibility% The Angel o Death 5and this time I
am not s$eaking symbolically but am reerring to an e#isting de!a6 will not
$ermit a healing de!a to collaborate+ they are only $ermitted to a$$roach
where healing is indicated%
*e might now take the sentences in this Rule and study their meaning" as there
are more signiicances in them than a$$ear u$on the surace% The irst sentence
in each -?7B/ $aragra$h o this Rule starts with an im$ortant injunction to the
The healer must seek to link his soul" his heart" his brain and his hands% Thus can
he $our the !ital healing orce u$on the $atient%
This is the techni,ue o the lowest ty$e o true s$iritual healer" and or this
reason two o the as$ects o the dense $hysical body are included1 the brain and
the hands% The healer works" thereore" through a triangle and two lines o
energy% The situation can be de$icted in the ollowing diagram1
The triangle is com$leted when the healing work is done and the energy is
withdrawn rom the hands to the brain again and rom thence returned by an act
o the will to the soul% *hen the healer 5through $racticed alignment6 has linked
u$ with his soul" he then draws the soul energy down into his heart center" rom
whence he transers it to the brain" where it is deinitely ocused% Gsing the ajna
center as a distributing center" he then uses his hands as the agency through
which the directed energy can reach that area in the $atientAs body where the
seat o the trouble is to be ound% He $asses the energy into the $atientAs
a$$ro#imate center which go!erns the distressed area" rom which it -?7C/
$ermeates the surrounding $art o the body" $enetrating both to the center o the
trouble and to the limits o the distressed area%
There are two ways in which he uses his hands" and two methods which he
2% The laying on of hands. This method is em$loyed when the diseased area
is strictly locali(ed% The hands are laid on the center in s$ine or head
which may go!ern that area ' the right hand being laid u$on the s$inal
center and the let hand on the $art o the body immediately in ront o
Esoteric Healing
the s$ecial area and o!er the $art o the abdomen" chest or head in which
the $atient com$lains o distress% They are held in this $osition as long as
the healer can hold the triangle o soul" heart and brain clearly in
.% The use of the hands in action. Here the healer" ha!ing ascertained the
diiculty and then located the needed center u$ the s$ine or in the head"
creates a circulation o energy 5through the action o his hands6 through
the center in the $atientAs body controlling the distressed area" and thence
outwards through that area towards himsel% He uses the right hand irst"
holding it momentarily o!er the diseased organ or area and slowly
withdraws it towards himsel+ he ollows this ra$idly with the let hand
which works in the same manner% Both hands" you will note" are now
being used positi(ely. Ho $art or as$ect o the healerAs body or bodies is
e!er $ermitted to be negati!e" and the iction that the right hand is
$ositi!e and the let hand is negati!e will ha!e to be discarded% I one
hand was negati!e" the healer would be liable to absorb into himsel those
diseased atoms which" when successul" he draws out o the area o
distress% These do not res$ond to the action o his -?=D/ hands through
the medium o the center in the $atientAs body nearest to the seat o
trouble" but are drawn out through the area which has res$onded to the
In the irst case" through the laying on o hands" o silent hands" o ,uiet hands"
the energy low is between the two hands" back and orth within the diseased
area+ the s$inal center is used all the time" and the acti!ity set u$" when
successul" burns u$ and absorbs the orces causing the trouble without
$enetrating the body o the healer% In the second case" the orces are withdrawn
by the action o the energy $assing through the hands" a$$lied one ater the
other in a regular time rhythm% They $ass through the hands" but are unable to
ocus themsel!es there" owing to the concentration o the healing energies within
the hands%
Healers on the second" third and ith rays use more generally the mode o laying
on o hands or magnetic healing. This term a$$lies to the direct act o laying on
o hands u$on the $atientAs $hysical body" and not to the action o the hands in
the second method" when the hands are immersed in the etheric body o the
$atient and are deinitely working in etheric matter% Healers on the irst" ourth
and se!enth rays use the mode o 0hand immersion"0 as it is sometimes called%
The si#th ray healer is rare and is successul only when highly de!elo$ed+ he will
then use both methods interchangeably%
All s$iritually ad!anced healers use both hands% Healers are" howe!er" ad!ised
irst o all to ascertain their ray" and then to $erect themsel!es in the ty$e or
mode o healing best suited to that ray+ then" when ade,uately eicient and able
to use acility and skill" they can add the mode o healing which is not so
ada$table to their ray ty$e% )eo$le on the si#th ray are ad!ised to abstain rom
the healing art until they ha!e arri!ed 5consciously6 at the -?=2/ initiate stage%
*hen both modes o magnetic healing ha!e been mastered" the healer may
em$loy both alternately in the act o healing" or he may use the mode o
magnetic $asses irst so as to set u$ a changed acti!ity in the diseased area" and
then inally use a deinite laying on o hands%
At the close o the healing $eriod the 0sealing o the triangle0 takes $lace% The
energy" hitherto $assing into the hands through the ajna center rom the brain" is
withdrawn into the ajna center" and rom thence directed ' by an act o the will '
Esoteric Healing
to the soul% The healing orce is literally 0turned o0 and redirected+ it is no longer
During the entire $eriod o healing the healer says nothing% He is making no
airmation and uses no healing mantram% The $rocess outlined here is that o the
eect o energy or soul $otency $laying u$on orce% This is a $oint to be
em$hasi(ed% The task o the healer is to $reser!e an attitude o intense
concentration u$on the triangle 0e#isting in li!ing lines o energy0 5as it has been
called6 within his own ourold aura ' health aura" etheric body" astral body and
mental body% This he must $reser!e intact and stable or the entire $eriod o
healing% ;oul'heart'brain must be linked in such a 0lighted0 manner that a true
clair!oyant would see a brilliant triangle in the healerAs aura+ the highest $oint o
the triangle 5that o the soul6 he might ail to see unless he were himsel highly
de!elo$ed" but he could not ail to see the signs o it in the inlowing energy to
the heart and rom the heart to the brain% The work done is silent work% There is
thereore no loss o $ower at any time" as there always is through the s$oken
word or airmation% It is not $ossible to hold the triangle geometrically correct
and magnetically $olari(ed i there is any sound made by the healer% This
$resu$$oses an ad!anced stage o alignment and o concentration and will -?=./
indicate to you some o the lines along which the healerAs training should go%
This mode o healing 0cures disease or increases the e!il state" according to the
knowledge o the healer%0 In some res$ects 5though this is a stage o healing
which is not the highest6 it is ne!ertheless the one most res$onsible because" in
the case o radiatory healing" the soul o the $atient is working in coo$eration
with the healer and it is the soul then which has the major res$onsibility% In
magnetic healing" the healer needs to coo$erate closely with the $atientAs
$hysician or surgeon dealing with the case+ he will su$$ly the technical
knowledge" and thus $re!ent the healer rom making mistakes%
*here death is deinitely indicated and the 0signs o death0 are noted by both the
doctor and the healer" the healer has not need to sto$ his work% By continuing it"
he may increase the e!il condition" but will ne!ertheless be aiding the $atient by
hastening normally the act o dying% The old $ro!erb is basically not true in all
cases" that 0where there is lie there is ho$e%0 3ie can and oten is $rolonged
ater the will o the soul is towards the withdrawal o the soul lie+ the lie o the
atoms o the lunar lords can be ostered or a long time" and this greatly
distresses the s$iritual man who is aware o the $rocess and the intent o his
soul% *hat is ke$t ali!e is the $hysical body" but the interest o the true man is
no longer ocused there%
There ine!itably comes a $oint" or instance in the case o malignant disease"
where the $hysician knows that it sim$ly is a ,uestion o time" and the s$iritual
healer can learn to recogni(e the same signs% Then" instead o the $resent silence
on the $art o both healer and doctor" where the $atient is concerned" this
remaining time will be em$loyed 5i the $atientAs aculties $ermit6 with due
$re$aration or the 0beneicent and ha$$y withdrawal0 o the soul+ the -?=4/
$atientAs amily and riends will share in the $re$aration% In the early stages o
the new world religion" this attitude towards death will be inculcated% An entirely
new conce$t o death" with the em$hasis u$on conscious withdrawal" will be
taught" and uneral ser!ices" or rather the crematory ser!ices" will be joyous
e!ents because their em$hasis will be u$on release and return%
The magnetic work" howe!er" will cure i the $atientAs destiny indicates it" i the
soul intends to $rolong the lie cycle une#$ectedly in order to ulil some duty" or
Esoteric Healing
i the $atient is !ery ar ad!anced s$iritually and the Hierarchy re,uires his
ser!ices or a longer term%
3et us now consider radiatory healing%
*e shall now be dealing with a !ery dierent situation than that o the one we
ha!e just been considering% In radiatory healing" the $atient 5either consciously
or unconsciously6 is working with the healer and is coo$erating with him% The
basic $remise in radiatory healing is that the $atient is a $erson who has" at least
to some degree" established ra$$ort with his soul% This ha!ing been brought
about" the healer knows that a channel o contact can be counted u$on and that
the soul interest can be e!oked in its re$resentati!e" the man u$on the $hysical
$lane% He knows also that success in radiatory healing is de$endent" to a great
e#tent" u$on the ability o his own soul to establish a irm relation with the soul o
the $atient% *hen the $atient is conscious and able to coo$erate" the work is
greatly hel$ed+ according to the healerAs ca$acity to a!ail himsel o alignment
and recogni(ed contact will be the ,uality o the aid he will be able to gi!e to the
one who needs his assistance% *hen the $atient is unconscious" e!en that
$ro!ides no real hindrance" $ro!ided the healer can bring his soul and the
$atientAs soul into relationshi$+ in -?=7/ act in some cases the unconsciousness
o the $atient can be a hel$" or too earnest" em$hatic and im$atient hel$ can
oset the work ' ,uiet" silent and controlled ' by the healer%
&nce" howe!er" the ra$$ort is established" the work o the healer sim$ly consists
in holding the relationshi$ steady+ no intererence must be $ermitted in the work
being done by the $atientAs soul" set in motion by the aid o the healer% The
Faster Jesus on the >ross could not res$ond to any sa!ing $rocess 5e!en had He
desired to do so6 because the soul body ' as is always the case at the ourth
initiation ' was destroyed+ there was nothing to res$ond to the e!ocati!e $ower
o an outside $erson" interested or lo!ing% As an ade$t and as one in whom
monadic consciousness was irmly established" the $owers then a!ailable to Jesus
could not be used in the sa!ing o His $hysical body% At the same time" it must be
remembered that He would ha!e no desire to sa!e it" because He now $ossessed
the $ower 5demonstrated later in the Eos$el story6 to create a body at will in
order to meet His needs% The subtle and subjecti!e sin o the a$ostles was that
they were not interested in e!oking the li!ing acti!ity o the Faster on His &wn
behal 5e!en though He would ne!er do so+ this they did not know6" but were
entirely $reoccu$ied with their own grie% The e!ocation" had they attem$ted it"
would ha!e been useless" but the good that might ha!e come to them and the
re!elation they might ha!e recei!ed as to the deathlessness o the soul would
ha!e greatly illuminated them and might ha!e $roduced a >hristianity built
around a li!ing >hrist and not around a dead >hrist%
In radiatory healing" we are told that
0the healer must seek to link his soul" his brain" his heart and auric emanation%0
9ou will note two $oints connected with this $articular instruction which dier
rom that gi!en in the case o magnetic healing1 -?==/
2% The order o the triangle o energies created is dierent%
.% The means o contact are subtle and not tangible%
The energy released ollows a direct line o contact with the brain" and the healer
starts with a closed triangle and not with an o$en one" as in the case o magnetic
Esoteric Healing
healing% The triangle created is a sim$le one" and there is no $hysical contact and
outlet as in magnetic healing1
The brain o the healer is in!ol!ed" but there is no $hysical contact o any kind
with the $atient% The result is a constant circulation o orce rom the soul back
again to the soul% This causes necessarily an augmenting and an energi(ing o the
threeold $ersonality o the healer" and thereore o his auric emanation% His aura
would be seen by a clair!oyant as greatly e#tended" in ra$id motion" and
energi(ed by light rom his own soul" but with all its radiation turned in the
direction o the $atient% By this means the healing orce o the healer stimulates
all the three $ersonality !ehicles o the $atient+ the $atientAs soul is aided in the
work it has to do% The healer will conse,uently ind it necessary to stand at that
side o the $atient in which the trouble is located" so that the radiation o his aura
can more easily $enetrate% This is the easiest way" but not the most eecti!e%
*here the $atientAs !itality is strong" he -?=?/ should lie on the side" and the
healer should stand behind the $atient so that the energy $ouring through" which
the healer may be using and which is $otently energi(ing his aura with soul
energy" may aect the $atientAs aura and thus acilitate the entry o the healing
radiation" which the healer is contributing" to the center or centers needed%
*here the $atient is !ery highly de!elo$ed" the healer should stand at the
$atientAs head% His $ersonal eect is not then so great" but that does not matter
because it is not needed+ the soul o the $atient will be ade,uate to the task% All
that is needed is that the aura o the healer" blending with that o the $atient"
creates a (one o ,uiet rhythmic acti!ity around the head center% Ho $hysical
contact by the hands is now re,uired" and the healer must on no account touch
the $atient%
The situation is summed u$ or us in the words1
0Thus can his $resence eed the soul lie o the $atient% This is the work o
radiation% The hands are needed not%0
;$eaking symbolically" it is almost as i a great !orte# o $ower were set u$ by
the contact between the two auras and by their high !ibration+ by its means the
soul o the $atient can work more easily% An initiate" i $resent" would see a
golden stream o energy $ouring straight down through the energi(ed bodies o
the $atientAs $ersonality into the center nearest to the area o trouble% A$$roach
is made !ia the head center directly to the $oint o diiculty" and towards this
$oint the aura o the healer is also directed% The mental attitude o the $atient is
strengthened and clariied by the mental emanation o the healerAs aura+ his
emotional reaction" oten !ery $owerul" is e,ually aided to attain dis$assion and
,uiet" and the etheric and health auras ha!e a deinite eect u$on the
corres$onding as$ects o the $atientAs aura% -?=@/
Esoteric Healing
Radiatory healing is brought about by the mingling o the two auras" both o them
res$onsi!e to soul contact+ the soul as$ect o both $ersons 5under control o the
soul6 is then directed towards some area o the $atientAs $hysical body% This
$roduces a tremendous eect u$on the diseased area" and the center in that
same locality becomes e#ceedingly energi(ed% The work o the healer during this
$rocess is one o intense ,uiescence% Ha!ing made his contact" he sim$ly waits
and has nothing more to do but to hold his soul alignment steady and $ermit
nothing to disturb his $ersonality !ehicles% His task was accom$lished when he
made his own soul contact and then reached out and contacted the $atientAs soul%
This he could do because he knows all souls are one+ e!entually the art o healing
will be one o the demonstrating actors in $ro!ing the unity o all souls%
This rule" thereore" concludes with the words1
0The $atientAs soul res$onds through the res$onse o his aura to the radiation o
the healerAs aura" looded with soul energy%0
It is conse,uently a ,uestion o the soul energy o both $arties meeting on all
three le!els o human awareness% The e#$ression 0the soul0 is here in the singular
because unity 5i only or a moment6 has been reached% The soul o the $atient
recogni(es this unity by the 0occult ,uickening0 o his own aura and by its
res$onsi!eness to the entering radiations rom the healerAs aura% This looding
with soul energy through the medium o related auras is" all o it" directed as one
uniied eort towards the area o disease in the $atientAs body% 9ou can see"
thereore" that ' consciously or unconsciously ' the work can go orward and
$roduce either healing or that 0,uickening o atoms which leads by soul direction
unto release"0 as the *ld !ommentary calls the act o dying%
*hen it becomes e!ident that it is the $atientAs destiny to die" the techni,ue o
the healer alters somewhat% He -?=B/ then takes his $lace at the $atientAs head"
and rom that $oint delects all his own radiations to the seat o the disease"
causing necessarily a great acceleration o !ibratory acti!ity% The $atient" in the
meantime" consciously through brain recognition or unconsciously under soul
direction" begins the $rocess o withdrawing all consciousness rom the body% This
is why so many $eo$le are in a coma $rior to death% *hen this act o the
withdrawal o consciousness has been started" the work o the healer ends% He
0shuts o0 his soul contact and reassumes control o his aura as a medium o his
own s$iritual e#$ression+ it becomes no longer an instrument or healing by
radiatory acti!ity" and lea!es the $atient alone automatically to com$lete the
withdrawal o the consciousness thread and the lie thread" rom the head and
heart centers%
This is a broad and general outline o the $rocesses ollowed in magnetic and
radiatory healing% I ha!e here gi!en you the skeleton structure o the idea" but
not the details+ more can be inerred and gi!en when we study the se!en
methods o healing with their ray im$lications%
This teaching has been gi!en in such a manner that the student will ha!e to hunt
through its $ages and gather together the acts needed" and thus ormulate the
irst stage o the $rocedure o s$iritual healing+ unless he is himsel a s$iritual
healer and ready to read between the lines and to distinguish between symbolism
and act" he will be misled and his work rendered useless% This is intended+ or
the healing art ' when $erectly a$$lied under correct ormulas ' can be
dangerous% It must be remembered that although energy is thought" it is also"
rom a higher $oint o !iew" ire% The entire techni,ue" $rocedure" and ormulas
will ha!e to be disco!ered" subjected to e#$eriment and the results noted beore
Esoteric Healing
the true s$iritual healing can take $lace+ -?=C/ by the time this in!estigation has
been com$leted" it will be saer matter than it is today%
In the meantime" much good can be accom$lished and a great deal learnt i those
interested read" study" meditate" careully e#$eriment" and thus gradually build
u$ this much needed science as a co$artner in the medical science o modern
Esoteric Healing
3et us now consider 3aw IK%
In 3aw IK and Rule ;i# we shall be dealing with such basic undamentals that our
$roblem will be to ormulate the teaching in such a concise manner that !ast
themes may be briely handled" and at the same time a$$ear clear and sim$le%
This law is in reality a deinition o the 3aw o E!olution" but gi!en rom the
s$iritual angle% The 3aw o E!olution ' as commonly understood ' concerns the
e!olution o the orm as$ect as it is gradually itted to be an e#$onent or an
e#$ression o soul energy" and later o monadic energy%
This law" which might be termed the 3aw o )erection" deals with the interior
energies which are res$onsible or the working o the 3aw o E!olution% It is the
higher as$ect or the determining cause o the lower+ the laws subsidiary to the
3aw o )erection are loosely called 5by the neo$hyte6 the s$iritual laws" but o
these he knows little and uniies them all in his mind under the general idea that
they are an e#$ression o the lo!e as$ect o Deity% That is essentially true" rom
the ,uality angle" i it is recogni(ed at the same time that the lo!e as$ect is
essentially $ure reason and not an emotional sentiment e#$ressing itsel through
kind actions%
The rule which accom$anies this law deals with the relation o lo!e and will" and
is conse,uently o high im$ortance to the initiate% I would remind you here that
the -??D/ only true healer is the initiate" and thereore the last two laws 53aw IK
and 3aw K6 can only be truly understood by the initiated disci$le% They are"
howe!er" $rooundly interesting intellectually to the beginner" the en,uirer and
the as$irant" because 5theoretically at least6 he can gras$ some o their meaning
though he is as yet ,uite inca$able o 0kee$ing the law0 ' s$iritually understood%
Law I5
)erection calls im$erection to the surace% Eood dri!es e!il rom the orm o
man in time and s$ace% The method used by the )erect &ne and that em$loyed
by Eood" is harmlessness% This is not negati!ity" but $erect $oise" a com$leted
$oint o !iew" and di!ine understanding%
This law is $rooundly sim$le and means e#actly what it says% It can be
inter$reted in two ways1
2% It concerns the s$iritual de!elo$ment o man through the medium o orm"
and the mode or law whereby the latent hold o matter ' im$regnated by
selishness and by all that is recogni(ed as e!il ' is remo!ed" and man
stands ree%
.% It can also be inter$reted in terms o healer and $atient% &t the eect o
the acti!ity and knowledge o the true healer is to bring to the surace 5in
an acute orm6 the e!il 5disease6 within the orm% The result o this can
either be the elimination o the disease and the securing o health" or the
orm will succumb to the increase o the diiculty and the $robability is
that the $atient will die% It is thereore ortunate that the a!erage healer is
so utile that such a dire $ossibility is not $resentI
The method em$loyed under the 3aw o )erection is called 0$erect
harmlessness"0 and that was e!er the method used -??2/ by the >hrist" the
)erect &ne% It is not the harmlessness enjoined so oten by me as I s$eak to
as$irants" but a harmlessness im$osed by the s$iritual man and by his natural
destiny% It is an ignoring o the eect or the result u$on the orm nature%
8re,uently I ha!e told you that the Hierarchy works only with the s$iritual nature
or with the soul o humanity" and that ' to the Faster ' the orm is regarded as
Esoteric Healing
relati!ely o no im$ortance% Release rom the threeold orm is e!er regarded by
the s$iritual man as the greatest $ossible good" $ro!ided it comes to him under
law" as the result o his s$iritual destiny and o karmic decision+ it must not come
as an arbitrary act" or as an esca$e rom lie and its conse,uences u$on the
$hysical $lane" or as sel'im$osed% & this strange working o the 3aw o
)erection 5strange to manAs limited $oint o !iew6" the war 52C27'2C7=6 was a
striking instance% Fillions died+ more millions suered cruelly in their orm nature"
and many more millions underwent 5and are still undergoing6 the mental agony
o insecurity" sus$ense and $o!erty% He!ertheless" two major results o a s$iritual
nature" working under the 3aw o )erection" resulted1
2% ;ouls were released rom a backward and decaying ci!ili(ation ' or such is
your !aunted ci!ili(ation rom the angle o the Hierarchy ' and will return
in better bodies to a ci!ili(ation and a culture more in conormity with the
needs o the s$iritual man% The main reason why there has been such a
com$lete destruction o the old orms 5$hysical" emotional and mental6 is
that they constituted a com$lete im$risonment o the soul and negated all
true growth or the masses o men%
.% 8rom the rich to the $oor" rom the intelligent to the ignorant" one thing is
now clearly gras$ed and will increasingly color human thinking1 ha$$iness
and -??./ success are not de$endent u$on the $ossession o things or
u$on material good% That idea is the mistake o organi(ed labor as it ights
and strikes or more money in order to li!e more richly+ it is also the
mistake o the general $ublic as it reacts to the action o labor" or it rebels
against the curtailment o the steady inlow o material goods% Humanity
has made this mistake or untold ages" and has erred grie!ously in its
em$hasis u$on that which beneits the orm% This is the good in the
Russian $osition as it wars on ca$italism and lays an em$hasis u$on
education% Howe!er" its ruthlessness and cruelty and 5abo!e all else6 its
su$$ression o the rights o the indi!idual citi(en to certain o the essential
reedoms may e!entually negate the beauty and the ho$e o the initial
idealism% Russia is right in her idealism" but terribly and basically wrong in
her techni,ues% The Gnited ;tates and Ereat Britain are at a midway $oint%
They ha!e a !ision but know not how to materiali(e it and make it true" or
they a!or not 5and rightly6 a totalitarian regime% The ca$italistic s$irit and
the latent ascism o the Gnited ;tates are at this time a deinite menace
to world $eace" and the ca$italists are blocking the eorts o the men o
goodwill% Ereat Britain is at $resent im$otent" inancially ruined" her old
im$erialistic $olicies entirely in the discard" and her $eo$le discouraged+
she is thereore so $reoccu$ied with the struggle to li!e 5and she will li!e6
that there is little time" interest or energy let to make the !ision true%
There is" as you know" always a corres$ondence between the indi!idual man and
the world o men as a whole% Just as today $ractically e!ery human being has
something wrong with him $hysically ' eyes" ears" teeth or bodily ills o some
-??4/ nature ' so humanity is sick and awaiting healing% The healing will be
brought about through the medium o the Hew Erou$ o *orld ;er!ers and by
the men o goodwill" aided by the Hierarchy" rom which $lanetary center the
healing energies will be drawn% Im$erection has been drawn to the surace+ the
e!ils to be eliminated are known to e!erybody" and this has all taken $lace under
the inluence o the 3aw o )erection% I am dealing here with the general
situation rather than with the indi!idual relation between the healer and a
$atient% I do so or the sim$le reason that only an initiate o e#$erience and o
understanding can kee$ this law or obey this rule" and o such there are only a
!ery ew on earth today% The sickness o humanity as a race" and as a result o
aeons o wrong li!ing" o selish $ur$ose and o greed" has $roduced a mass o
$hysical ills+ today millions o children are born either o$enly diseased or with the
Esoteric Healing
seed o disease in them% *hen the e!il which has made its $resence elt" and
when the im$erections which ha!e been drawn to the surace ha!e been cured or
dri!en back to their own $lace" then ' and only then ' will $hysical disease come
to an end or yield easily to treatment%
In considering the general subject o im$erection and o e!il" we are dealing here
with causes 5and this the initiate must e!er do6+ when these causes are
themsel!es remo!ed" then the eects will also disa$$ear% >hristian ;cience and
Gnity are thereore right in their general theory and $remises" but totally wrong
in their em$hases and methods% In the long run" all the work they do today is
relati!ely utile" e#ce$t in so ar that they $reser!e and enunciate the 3aw o
)erection" e!en though they do so in a muddled manner and their teaching is
tainted with the uni!ersal selishness% -??7/
9ou ha!e ot been told that there are two modes o achie!ement+ the long hard
way o e!olution" in which aeons are taken to arri!e at relati!ely small results" or
the short" still harder but much more ra$id way o initiation% 8or ages it remained
a ,uestion 5a moot $oint" do you not call it:6 whether the world o men would
choose 5and had better choose6 the slow but sae method% It is a method in which
im$erection is only !ery gradually eliminated" without much strain and with small
eort on the $art o man% It is a mode whereby good is only slowly reali(ed and
e!il only slowly" !ery slowly" dri!en out% The will'to'good o ;hamballa is" under
the usual e!olutionary system" only aintly $resent" and many" many aeons would
still lie ahead o humanity beore e!en the $resent $oint o human de!elo$ment
could ha!e been attained%
But something ha$$ened which had not been oreseen e!en by the Hierarchy%
During the $ast two hundred years the entire $icture has been altered% Indi!idual
men" in ade,uate numbers" achie!ed initiation and entered the Ashrams o the
Fasters" and through the decision o these successul as$irants" and subject to
their continued acti!ity" it was decided by them but or humanity that the ra$id
hard way was to be tried% ;ince that time three actors ha!e been $resent1
2% The actor o tremendous $rogress in raising the consciousness o
mankind" en masse" to much higher intellectual le!els% To this the growth
o education" the disco!eries o science and the control o the material
$lane and o the air bear testimony%
.% The actor o worldwide distress" o economic disaster" o world wars" o
natural cataclysms and o the myriad occurrences and diiculties which
make indi!idual lie" national lie and $lanetary lie so hard these days% Ho
one is e#em$t and there is no distinction shown% -??=/
4% The actor o the growth o knowledge anent the Hierarchy and" abo!e all
else" o the s$iritual )lan% This has necessitated the $resentation o a goal
to man by the working as$irants and disci$les" $lus the outlining o the
techni,ues o the )ath whereby that goal can be reached% This has not
been accom$lished by the religious church grou$s throughout the world"
but by members o the Ashrams% All that the churches ha!e done is to
$reser!e in the $ublic mind the act o Eod Transcendent" whilst ignoring
the act o Eod Immanent" to testiy to the e#istence o the >hrist whilst
tra!estying His teaching" and to teach the act o immortality" whilst
ignoring the 3aw o Rebirth%
Humanity is" thereore" $rogressing ra$idly u$on the G$ward *ay" and two things
can be looked or as a conse,uence1 irst" that the im$erections and e!il 5one
latent and the other acti!e though retreating6 will become increasingly a$$arent
Esoteric Healing
to intelligent man" and secondly" that the mode o their elimination will also
become known%
I deal not here with the nature o im$erection or the $ur$ose o e!il% Do I need
to $oint out to any o my readers how inesca$ably both are $resent: I might
$oint out that im$erection is inherent in the nature o matter itsel and
constitutes an inheritance rom a $re!ious solar system% I might indicate that e!il
emanates rom that hierarchy o e!il 8orces which are the material
corres$ondence to the s$iritual Hierarchy+ this is related to the act that all our
$lanes are com$osed o substance o the cosmic $hysical $lane% It might also be
stated that when the im$erection o matter is reali(ed and corrected" and when
the interest and em$hasis o humanity is turned away rom material conditions"
then the 8orces o E!il will ha!e nothing in the three worlds 5the three lower
le!els o the cosmic $hysical $lane6 -???/ u$on which to work+ there will be
nothing they can inluence" and no mode o inluencing man will then e#ist as ar
as e!il is concerned% I cannot e#$ect you at this time to com$rehend the meaning
o my words% They are" howe!er" related to the words in the Ereat In!ocation
which say" 0and seal the door where e!il dwells%0 There is a door into an e!il
realm and into blackness" just as there is a door into a world o goodness and
light+ the de!il is to man who is dedicated and consecrated to e!il what the
Dweller on the Threshold is to the s$iritual as$irant%
The main task o the s$iritual Hierarchy has e!er been to stand between the
8orces o E!il and humanity" to bring im$erection into the light so that e!il can
0ind no $lace0 or action" and to kee$ the door o$en into the s$iritual realm% This
the Hierarchy has done" with small hel$ rom humanity+ this situation is now
changed and the world war was the symbol and the guarantee o that change+ in
it the 8orces o 3ight" the massed Gnited Hations" ought the 8orces o E!il upon
the physical plane and routed them% There has been a ar greater s$iritual
signiicance to the war than has yet been reali(ed% It marked a world turning
$oint+ it reoriented humanity towards the good+ it dro!e back the 8orces o E!il
and made deinitely clear 5and this was new and needed6 the true distinction
between good and e!il" and this not in a theological sense ' as stated by the
church commentators ' but $ractically and ob!iously% It is e!idenced by the
disastrous economic situation and by the greed o $rominent men in e!ery
country% The world o men 5through the ob!iousness o the distinction between
good and e!il6 has awakened to the act o materialistic e#$loitation" to the lack
o real reedom and to the rights" as yet unclaimed" o the indi!idual% FanAs ability
to resist sla!ery has become a$$arent e!erywhere% That the strugglers towards
reedom are em$loying wrong methods and are -??@/ endea!oring ot to ight e!il
with e!il is entirely true" but this indicates only transitional techni,ues and a
tem$orary $hase+ it is tem$orary rom the $oint o !iew o the Hierarchy 5though
$ossibly long rom the angle o men in the three worlds6" but it need not
necessarily be long today%
;o great has been the $rogress o man during the $ast two hundred years that
the >ouncil >hamber at ;hamballa was orced to take notice% As a result o this
attention by the Ereat 3i!es around ;anat Kumara and Their interest in the aairs
o men" two things ha$$ened1
2% The will as$ect o di!inity made its irst deinite and direct contact with the
human mind% The im$act was direct and not delected ' as had hitherto
been the case ' to the Hierarchy and rom thence to humanity% According
to the ty$e o man or grou$ who res$onded or reacted to this contact" so
were the results+ they were !ery good or e#ceedingly bad% Ereat and good
men a$$eared and enunciated the truths needed or the Hew Age" and o
these 3incoln" Roose!elt" Browning" Briand and a host o lesser men could
Esoteric Healing
be cited% E!il and $ernicious men also emerged" such as Hitler and the
grou$ he gathered around him" bringing much e!il u$on the Earth%
.% At the same time" the will'to'good rom ;hamballa e!oked the latent
goodwill in man" so that today and increasingly o!er the $ast one hundred
years" goodness o heart" kindness in action" consideration or others and
mass action to $romote human welare ha!e s$read o!er the Earth%
The emergence o im$erection and the $lanned eort o e!il ha!e been $aralleled
by the a$$earance o the Hew Erou$ o *orld ;er!ers and by the $re$aration
which the Hierarchy is making towards its e#ternali(ation u$on the -??B/ $hysical
$lane% The Hierarchy is at this time e#ceedingly $owerul+ its Ashrams are ull o
initiates and disci$les" and its $eri$hery or magnetic ield is drawing countless
thousands o as$irants towards it% The war struck a mortal blow to material e!il"
and its hold on humanity is greatly weakened%
>onound not e!il with the acti!ities o the gangster or the criminal% >riminals and
gangsters are the result o the emerging massed im$erections+ they are the
!ictims o ignorance" mishandling when children and misunderstanding down the
ages o right human relations+ the 3aw o Rebirth will e!entually lead them on the
way to good% Those men are truly e!il who seek to enorce a return to the bad old
ways" who endea!or to kee$ their ellowmen in sla!ery o some kind or another"
who block the e#$ression o one or all o the 8our 8reedoms" who gain material
riches at the e#$ense o the e#$loited" or who seek to hold or themsel!es and or
gain the $roduce o the earth" and thus make the cost o lieAs necessities
$rohibiti!e to those not richly endowed% Those who thus work" think and $lan are
to be ound in e!ery nation" and are usually o $rominence because o their riches
and inluence+ howe!er" they sin against light and not through ignorance+ their
goals are material and not s$iritual% They are relati!ely ew com$ared to the
countless millions o men" but are e#ceedingly $owerul+ they are highly
intelligent but unscru$ulous" and it is through them that the 8orces o E!il work"
holding back $rogress" $romoting $o!erty" breeding hatred and class distinctions"
ostering racial dierences or their own ends" and kee$ing ignorance in $ower%
Their sin is great and it is hard or them to change" because $ower and the will'
to'$ower 5as it militates against the will'to'good6 is a dominant all'controlling
actor in their li!es+ these men are today working against the unity o the Gnited
Hations" -??C/ through their greed" their determination to own the resources o
the earth 5such as oil" mineral wealth and ood6 and thus kee$ the $eo$le weak
and with inade,uate ood% These men" who are ound in e!ery nation" thoroughly
understand each other and are working together in great combines to e#$loit the
riches o the earth at the e#$ense o humanity%
Russia is today singularly ree o such men" so I reer not here to that !ast
country" as many o her enemies might surmise% Russia is making great mistakes"
but they are the mistakes o a anatical ideologist or o a gangster who sins
because o ignorance" through immaturity or in ury at the e!il things with which
he is surrounded% This is something totally dierent to the e!il with which I ha!e
been dealing" and it will not last" because Russia will learn+ these others do not
I ha!e used the abo!e illustration so as to make my theme somewhat clearer%
The whole $roblem o e!il is" howe!er" too !ast to contem$late here" nor is it
ad!isable or wise to discuss the source o e!il 5not o im$erection6" the Black
3odge% Energy ollows thought" and the s$oken word can be $otently e!ocati!e+
thereore" until one is a member o the Ereat *hite 3odge" it is the $art o
wisdom to a!oid consideration o orces $otent enough intelligently to use the
latent im$erection in humanity and to im$ose the !ast e!il o war" with all its
Esoteric Healing
results and ar'reaching eects" u$on humanity% The Black 3odge is the $roblem
o the *hite 3odge" and not the $roblem o humanity+ or aeons the Hierarchy
has handled this $roblem" and is now in $rocess o sol!ing it% It is essentially"
howe!er" the main consideration and $roblem o ;hamballa" or it is connected
with the will as$ect" and only the will'to'good will suice to blot out and
annihilate the will'to'e!il% Eoodwill will not suice" though the united and
in!ocati!e a$$eal o the -?@D/ men o goodwill throughout the world '
increasingly !oiced through the Ereat In!ocation ' will ser!e 0to seal the door
where e!il dwells%0
It is behind that door and in dealing with the orces there concealed 5and
mobili(ed6 that the Hierarchy is eecti!e+ the methods and modes whereby They
$rotect humanity rom mobili(ed e!il" and are gradually dri!ing the e!il back"
would not be understood by you who ha!e not yet $assed through the door which
leads to the *ay o the Higher E!olution%
*hat shall I say concerning harmlessness: It is not easy or me to show or $ro!e
to you the eecti!eness o the higher as$ect" s$iral or $hase o harmlessness as
em$loyed by the Hierarchy" under the direction o the )erect &ne" the >hrist%
The harmlessness with which I ha!e earlier dealt has relation to the im$erections
with which humanity is wrestling" and is diicult or you to a$$ly in and under all
circumstances" as well you know% The harmlessness to which I reer in connection
with you is not negati!e" or sweet or kindly acti!ity" as so many belie!e+ it is a
state of mind and one which in no way negates irm or e!en drastic action+ it
concerns moti!e and in!ol!es the determination that the moti!e behind all
acti!ity is goodwill% That moti!e might lead to $ositi!e and sometimes
disagreeable action or s$eech" but as harmlessness and goodwill condition the
mental a$$roach" nothing can e!entuate but good%
&n a higher turn o the s$iral" the Hierarchy also em$loys harmlessness" but it is
related to the will'to'good and in!ol!es the use o dynamic" electric energy under
intuiti!e direction+ this ty$e o energy is ne!er brought into acti!ity by man+ it is
energy which he cannot yet handle% This ty$e o harmlessness is based on
com$lete sel'sacriice" wherein the will'to'sacriice" the will'to'good and the will'
to'$ower 5three $hases o the will as$ect" as e#$ressed through the -?@2/
;$iritual Triad6 are all used into one dynamic energy o a dee$ly s$iritual nature%
This energy is the e$itome o com$lete or $erect harmlessness" where humanity
and the subsidiary kingdoms in nature are concerned" but it is e#$ulsi!e in its
eect and dynamic in its annihilating im$act" where the 8orces o E!il are
A close but esoteric study o the three tem$tations o the >hrist will re!eal three
major occasions when the )erect &ne" e#$ressing this higher harmlessness"
orced the e#$onent o e!il to retreat% This tri$le e$isode is symbolically related"
but is actual in nature% 3ittle thought has e!er been gi!en to what would ha!e
been the worldwide eect down the centuries i the >hrist had not reacted as He
did+ s$eculation is o little use" but it might be stated that the entire course o
history and o the e!olutionary $rogress o humanity would ha!e been altered"
and in a dire and awul manner% But the dynamic harmlessness" the e#$ression o
the will'to'good and the demonstration o the will'to'$ower 5orcing e!il to lea!e
Him6 marked a most im$ortant crisis in the lie o the >hrist%
The Eos$el story 5with its resume o the i!e initiations6 concerns the $rogress
and trium$h o the Faster Jesus+ the story o the three tem$tations indicated the
taking o a still higher initiation" the si#th" by the >hrist+ this conerred on Him
Esoteric Healing
com$lete mastery o!er e!il" and not mastery o!er im$erection+ it was because
He was the 0)erect &ne0 that He could take this initiation%
I ha!e gi!en you much or mature consideration and thrown some light u$on an
initiation o which little" naturally" can be known% I would call your attention also
to the three undamental re,uirements or a successul a$$roach to this initiation1
$erect $oise" a com$leted $oint o !iew" and di!ine understanding% 9ou would
ind it o interest to see how these three ,ualities work out in relation to the -?@./
three tem$tations+ in so doing much light would be thrown on the lie" nature and
character o the >hrist%
Gnder the 3aw o )erection we are gi!en the key to the ci!ili(ation and cycle o
e!olution which He inaugurated ' the ideal o which is not lost" though the
a$$lication o the teaching He ga!e has been neglected by the churches and by
mankind% 9ou will note also that one tem$tation takes $lace on the summit o a
high mountain+ rom that ele!ation both time and s$ace are totally negated" or
the !ision o >hrist ranged rom the $ast" through the $resent and on into the
uture% This state o awareness 5I cannot call it consciousness" and awareness is
almost as inaccurate a word6 is only $ossible ater the ith initiation" reaching a
high $oint o e#$ression at the si#th initiation%
I would like to consider with you the nature o the three re,uirements $resented
as essential or a certain initiation" because they $ro!ide the link between 3aw IK
and Rule ;i#% The rule is so clear and concise that it needs but little e#$lanation"
em$hasi(ing" as it does" energy which must be used and that which must not% It
Rule +i4
The healer or the healing grou$ must kee$ the will in leash% It is not will which
must be used" but lo!e%
These three basic re,uirements concern attainment on !arious $lanes o the
uni!erse+ though I dealt with them in connection with the a$$roach to the si#th
initiation" they ha!e ' on a lower turn o the s$iral ' their corres$ondences" and
are thereore o $ractical a$$lication by the initiated disci$le" $articularly one who
has taken the third initiation% 3et us take them" one by one" into our thinking1
erfect oise indicates com$lete control o the astral body" so that
emotional u$hea!als are o!ercome" or at -?@4/ least are greatly
minimi(ed in the lie o the disci$le% It indicates also" on the higher turn o
the s$iral" an ability to unction reely on buddhic le!els" owing to
com$lete liberation 5and conse,uent $oise6 rom all the inluences and
im$ulses which are moti!ed rom the three worlds% This ty$e or ,uality o
$oise connotes ' i you will think dee$ly ' an abstract state o mind+
nothing which is regarded as non'$erection can create disturbance% 9ou
can reali(e surely that" i you were entirely ree rom all emotional
reactions" your clarity o mind and your ability to think clearly would be
enormously increased" with all that that in!ol!es%
Haturally" the $erect $oise o an initiated disci$le and that o the initiated
Faster are dierent" or one concerns the eect o the three worlds or
their non'eect" and the other concerns ada$tability to the rhythm o the
;$iritual Triad+ ne!ertheless" the earlier ty$e o $oise must $recede the
later achie!ement" hence my consideration o the subject% This $erect
Esoteric Healing
$oise 5which is a $ossible achie!ement or you who read6 is arri!ed at by
ruling out the $ulls" the urges" im$ulses and attractions o the astral or
emotional nature" and also by the $ractice o what I ha!e earlier
mentioned1 Di!ine Indierence%
A !ompleted oint o Aiew. This necessarily and $rimarily reers to the
uni!ersal outlook o the Fonad" and thereore to an initiate o the higher
degrees% It can" howe!er" be inter$reted on a lower rung o the ladder o
e!olution and reers to the unction o the soul as an &bser!er in the three
worlds and the com$leted all'round $icture such an obser!er gradually
attains% This is brought about by the de!elo$ment o the two ,ualities o
detachment and discrimination% These two -?@7/ ,ualities" when
e#$ressed on the *ay to the Higher E!olution" become Abstraction and
the *ill'to'good%
A com$leted $oint o !iew ' as e#$erienced on soul le!els ' indicates the
remo!al o all barriers and the reedom o the disci$le rom the great
heresy o se$arateness+ he has thereore created an unclogged channel or
the inlow o $ure lo!e% )erect $oise" !iewed rom the same le!el" has
remo!ed all im$ediments and those emotional actors which ha!e hitherto
blocked the channel" thus $re$aring the way or the &bser!er to see truly+
the disci$le then unctions as a clear channel or lo!e%
Di(ine 5nderstanding must also be studied rom two $oints o !iew% As a
soul ,uality" it indicates a mind which can be held steady in the light" and
can thereore relect the $ure reason 5$ure lo!e6 which ,ualiies the
relections o the ;on o Find" the soul on its own $lane% &n the higher
*ay o the Faster" it relates to that identiication which su$ersedes the
indi!idualistic consciousness+ all barriers ha!e gone" and the initiate sees
things as they are+ he knows the causes o which all $henomena are the
e$hemeral eects% This" conse,uently" enables Him to understand the
)ur$ose" as it emanates rom ;hamballa" just as the lesser initiate
understands the )lan as it is ormulated by the Hierarchy%
All three o these di!ine attributes are" in some measure" essential in the
de!elo$ment o the initiate'healer+ he must work at their unoldment as $art o
his necessary e,ui$ment+ he must know that all reactions o an emotional nature
create a wall or barrier between the ree low o healing orce and the $atient"
and that the barrier is created by him and not by the $atient% The emotions o the
-?@=/ $atient should ha!e no eect u$on the healer and should ail to de!iate him
rom the intense concentration needed or his work+ these emotions o the $atient
cannot in themsel!es create a barrier strong enough to delect the healing orce%
A com$leted $oint o !iew in!ol!es at least the attem$t by the disci$le to
$enetrate into the world o causes" and thus learn 5i $ossible6 what it is that is
res$onsible or the disease o the $atient% This need not in!ol!e $enetration into
$re!ious incarnations" nor is that essential" in s$ite o what some modern and
generally raudulent healers may claim% There is usually enough $sychological
e!idence" or indications o inherited tendencies" to gi!e the healer his clue and to
enable him to get a somewhat com$lete $icture o the situation% It is ob!ious that
this 0$enetration0 into the causes o the trouble will only be $ossible i the healer
lo(es enough+ because he lo!es" he has achie!ed a $oise which brings negation
to the world o illusion and o glamor% Di!ine understanding is sim$ly the
a$$lication o the $rinci$le o $ure lo!e 5$ure reason6 to all men and to all
circumstances" $lus right inter$retation o the e#isting diiculties o the $atient"
or o those which may e#ist between $atient and healer%
To these re,uirements I would like to add another actor1 that o the doctor"
$hysician or surgeon who is $hysically res$onsible or the $atient% In the coming
Esoteric Healing
new era" the healer will work always with the scientiic aid o the trained medical
man+ this is a actor which causes bewilderment" at $resent" to the a!erage
modern healer belonging to some cult or e#$ressing some unorthodo# $hase o
It will thereore be a$$arent how these three di!ine re,uirements 5when ste$$ed
down or the use o the disci$le in the modern world6 indicate a line o training or
o sel -?@?/ disci$line to which all should a$$ly themsel!es% *hen they ha!e
mastered e!en some o the earliest $hases o this tri$le achie!ement" they will
ind that they can a$$ly Rule ;i# with ease%
*hat is meant by the words 0to kee$ the will in leash0:
The will as$ect here considered is not that o the will'to'good and its lower
e#$ression goodwill% The will'to'good signiies the stable" immo!able orientation
o the initiated disci$le" whilst goodwill can be regarded as its e#$ression in daily
ser!ice% The will'to'good" as e#$ressed by a higher initiate" is a dynamic energy
ha!ing $redominantly a group eect+ or this reason" the higher initiates seldom
concern themsel!es with the healing o an indi!idual% Their work is too $otent and
too im$ortant to $ermit them to do so" and the will energy" embodying as it does
di!ine )ur$ose" might $ro!e destructi!e in its eects u$on an indi!idual% The
$atient would not be able to recei!e or absorb it% It is" howe!er" assumed that
goodwill colors the entire attitude and thinking o the healing disci$le%
The will which must be ke$t in leash is the will o the $ersonality which" in the
case o the initiated disci$le" is o a !ery high order% It also relates to the will o
the soul" emanating rom the $etals o sacriice in the egoic lotus% All true healers
ha!e to create a healing thought'orm" and through this they consciously or
unconsciously work% It is this thought'orm which must be ke$t ree rom a too
$owerul use o the will" or it can 5unless held in leash" ste$$ed down" modiied
or" i needed" eliminated altogether6 destroy not only the thought'orm created
by the healer" but it can also build a barrier between healer and $atient+ the
initial ra$$ort is thus broken% &nly a >hrist can heal by the use o the will" and He
seldom in reality healed at all+ in the cases where He is re$orted to ha!e done so"
His reason was to $ro!e the $ossibility o healing+ but ' as you will -?@@/ note i
you are amiliar with the Eos$el story ' He ga!e no instructions to His disci$les
u$on the art o healing% This is signiicant%
The sel'will 5no matter o how high a ,uality6 o the healer" and his determined
eort to heal the $atient" create a tension in the healer which can seriously
delect the healing current o energy% *hen this ty$e o will is $resent" as it
re,uently is in the ine#$erienced healer or the non'initiated healer" the healer is
a$t to absorb the $atientAs diiculty and will e#$erience sym$toms o the trouble
and the $ain% His wilul determination to be o hel$ acts like a boomerang and he
suers" whilst the $atient is not really hel$ed%
;o the instruction is to use lo!e" and here a major diiculty emerges% How can
the healer use lo!e" reed rom its emotional or lower ,uality" and bring it through
in its $ure state or the healing o the $atient: &nly as the healer has culti!ated
the three re,uirements" and has thereore de!elo$ed himsel as a $ure channel%
He is a$t to be so $reoccu$ied with himsel" with the deinition o lo!e" and with
the determination to heal the $atient that the three re,uirements are neglected%
Then both he and the $atient are wasting each otherAs time% He need not brood or
worry about the nature o $ure lo!e" or endea!or too ardently to understand how
$ure reason and $ure lo!e are synonymous terms" or whether he can show
suicient lo!e to eect a healing% 3et him $onder on the three re,uirements"
Esoteric Healing
$articularly the irst" and let him ulil within himsel these three re,uirements as
ar as in him lies and his $oint in e!olution $ermits% He will then become a $ure
channel and the hindrances to the inlow o $ure lo!e will be automatically
remo!ed or 0as a man thinketh in his heart so is he0+ then" without obstruction
or diiculty" $ure lo!e will $our through him and the $atient will be healed ' i
such is the law or him% -?@B/
Esoteric Healing
*e come now to the inal and the most mysterious law o all that I ha!e gi!en
you% I called your attention to it earlier" and there $ointed out that this
0last law is an enunciation o a new law which is substituted or the 3aw o Death"
and which has reerence only to those ound u$on the later stages o the )ath o
Disci$leshi$ and the stages u$on the )ath o Initiation%0
By these later stages I reer to the $eriod ater the second initiation and $rior to
taking the third% This law does not a$$ly in any way as long as the emotional
nature can disturb the clear rhythm o the $ersonality as it res$onds to the
im$act o soul energy" and later to monadic% There is not" thereore" a great deal
that I can make clear to you as regards the ull working o this law" but I can
indicate certain most interesting ideas and corres$ondences+ these will oster in
you constructi!e s$eculati!e thinking" yet at the same time they embody $ro!en
acts or those o us who are initiated disci$les o the >hrist or o ;anat Kumara%
Law 5
Hearken" & Disci$le" to the call which comes rom the ;on to the Fother" and
then obey% The *ord goes orth that orm has ser!ed its $ur$ose% The $rinci$le o
mind then organi(es itsel and then re$eats the *ord% The waiting orm res$onds
and dro$s away% The soul stands ree%
Res$ond" & Rising &ne" to the call which comes within the s$here o obligation+
recogni(e the call" emerging rom the Ashram or rom the >ouncil >hamber where
waits the 3ord o 3ie Himsel% The ;ound goes orth% Both soul and orm together
must renounce the $rinci$le o lie" and thus $ermit the Fonad to stand ree% The
soul res$onds% The orm then shatters the connection% 3ie is now liberated"
owning the ,uality o conscious knowledge and the ruit o all e#$erience% These
are the gits o soul and orm combined% -?@C/
This 3aw K is the orerunner o many new laws concerning the relation o soul to
orm or o s$irit to matter+ this one is gi!en irst or two reasons1
2% It can be a$$lied by disci$les and thus $ro!en to be true to the mass o
men" and abo!e all" to the scientiic world%
.% In the mass o testimony and in the ty$e o death 5called at this stage
0transerence06 the act o the Hierarchy and o ;hamballa can be
There are three sources o the abstraction which we call 0death0 i we e#clude
accident 5which may be incident to other $eo$leAs karma6" war 5which in!ol!es
$lanetary karma6 and natural catastro$hes 5which are connected entirely with the
body o maniestation o the &ne in *hom we li!e and mo!e and ha!e our being6%
I might $ause here at this thought and make somewhat clearer to you the
distinction between this 0unknown Eod"0 who e#$resses himsel through the
$lanet as a whole" and ;anat Kumara in His high $lace at ;hamballa% ;anat
Kumara is in Himsel the essential Identity" res$onsible or the maniested worlds"
but so great is His command o energies and orces ' owing to His cosmic
unoldment ' that He re,uires the entire $lanet through which to e#$ress all that
He is% Ha!ing the ull consciousness o the cosmic astral $lane and o the cosmic
mental $lane" He can a$$ly energies and orces ' under cosmic law ' which
create" sustain and utili(e" or the ends o His di!ine )ur$ose" the entire $lanet%
He animates the $lanet with His lie+ He sustains the $lanet and all that is in or on
it through His soul ,uality" which He im$arts in !arying measure to e!ery orm+
He creates continuously the new orms needed to e#$ress the 0lie more
abundantly0 and the 0increasing $ur$ose o His will0 which the $rogress o the
Esoteric Healing
ages makes -?BD/ cyclically $ossible% *e li!e at this time in a cycle wherein His
intense acti!ity is utili(ing the techni,ue o di!ine destruction or the release o
the s$iritual lie" and He is simultaneously creating the new structure o
ci!ili(ation which will e#$ress more ully the e!olutionary attainment o the $lanet
and the kingdoms in nature" leading e!entually to the $erect e#$ression o His
di!ine lie and $ur$ose%
It would $erha$s be wise i we took this tenth 3aw somewhat in detail" where
$ossible" so as to arri!e at the synthesis which it is intended to con!ey1 we will
thus gain some reali(ation that death itsel is a $art o the creati!e $rocess o
synthesi(ing% It is essential that new ideas and a new a$$roach to the entire
$roblem o dying are inaugurated%
Hearken, * Disciple, to the call which comes from the &on to the Mother, and
then obey.
E!en whilst we reali(e rom the conte#t that this reers to the discarding o the
$hysical body" it is useul to remember that this orm o wording can signiy much
more than that% It can be inter$reted to mean the entire relation o soul and
$ersonality" and to in!ol!e the $rom$t obedience o the Fother 5the $ersonality6
to the ;on 5the soul6% *ithout his $rom$t obedience" in!ol!ing as it does the
recognition o the inorming <oice" the $ersonality will remain dea to the call o
the soul to relin,uish the body% Ho habitual res$onse has been de!elo$ed% I would
ask you to $onder on the im$lications%
I am" I know" reca$itulating when I $oint out that the Fother as$ect is the
material as$ect and the soul ' on its own $lane ' is the ;on% This injunction"
thereore" concerns the relation o matter and soul" and thus lays the oundation
or all the relationshi$s which the disci$le has to learn to recogni(e% &bedience is
not here enorced+ -?B2/ it is contingent u$on hearing+ then obedience ollows as
the ne#t de!elo$ment% This is an easier $rocess" little as you may think it% This
distinction" relati!e to the $rocess o obedience" is interesting because the
$rocess o learning by hearing is always slow and is one o the ,ualities or
as$ects o the stage o orientation% ,earning by sight is deinitely connected with
the )ath o Disci$leshi$" and any who wish to become wise and true workers must
learn to distinguish between the hearers and those who see% A reali(ation o the
dierence would lead to basic changes in techni,ue% In the one case" you are
working with those who are deinitely under the inluence and control o the
Fother" and who need to be trained to see% In the other" you are dealing with
those who ha!e heard and who are de!elo$ing the s$iritual corres$ondence o
sight% They are thereore susce$tible to the !ision%
The "ord goes forth that form has ser(ed its purpose.
This word" or this 0s$iritual $roclamation0 o the soul" may ha!e a twoold
$ur$ose1 it may $roduce death" or it may sim$ly result in a withdrawal o the soul
rom its instrument" the threeold $ersonality% This might conse,uently result in
lea!ing the orm uninormed and without any dweller in the body% *hen this
ha$$ens the $ersonality 5and by this I mean the $hysical" astral and mental man6
will continue to unction% I it is o a high grade ,uality" !ery ew $eo$le will
reali(e that the soul is absent% This re,uently ha$$ens in old age or serious
illness" and it may $ersist or years% It sometimes ha$$ens where inants are
concerned" and you then ha!e either death or imbecility" as there has been no
time to train the lower $ersonality !ehicles% A little thinking along the lines o this
0orthgoing *ord0 will throw much light on circumstances which are -?B./
Esoteric Healing
regarded as baling" and on states o consciousness which ha!e hitherto
constituted almost insoluble $roblems%
The principle of mind then organi'es itself and then repeats the "ord. The
waiting form responds and drops away.
In the as$ect o death here dealt with it is the mind which acts as the agent o
authority" transmitting to the brain 5where the thread o consciousness is located6
the instructions to !acate% This is then $assed on by the man in the body to the
heart 5where the lie thread is anchored6" and then ' as you well know ' the
$rocess o withdrawal begins% *hat trans$ires in those timeless moments $rior to
death no one as yet knows" or no one has returned to tell us% I they had done
so" the ,uestion is1 *ould they ha!e been belie!ed: The $robability is that they
would not%
The irst $aragra$h o this 3aw K deals with the $assing out rom the body
5meaning the orm as$ect o the threeold lower man6 o the a!erage intelligent
as$irant" looking at this law rom one o its lowest corres$ondences+ howe!er"
under the same 3aw o >orres$ondences" the death o all men" rom the lowest
ty$e o man u$ to and inclusi!e o the as$irant" is basically distinguished by the
same identical $rocess+ the dierence e#ists in the degree o consciousness
e!idenced ' consciousness o $rocess and intention% The result is the same in all
The soul stands free.
This moment o true reedom can be brie and leeting as in the case o the
unde!elo$ed man" or it can be o long duration" according to the useulness o the
as$irant u$on the inner $lanes+ with this I ha!e earlier dealt and ha!e no need to
re$eat mysel here% )rogressi!ely" as the urges and inluences o the three lower
le!els o consciousness -?B4/ weaken their hold" the $eriod o dissociation
becomes longer and longer" and is characteri(ed by a de!elo$ing clarity o
thought and by a recognition o essential being" and this in $rogressi!e stages%
This clarity and $rogress may not be brought through into ull reali(ation or
e#$ression when rebirth again takes $lace" or the limitations im$osed by the
dense $hysical body are e#cessi!e+ ne!ertheless" each lie sees a steady growth
in sensiti!ity" and also the storing'u$ o esoteric inormation" using the word
0esoteric0 to signiy all that does not concern normal orm lie or the a!erage
consciousness o man in the three worlds%
Esoteric li!ing 5as it de!elo$s6 alls into three stages" broadly s$eaking+ these are
carried orward within the consciousness o the man and $arallel the recognition
and ordinary as$ects o orm lie on the three le!els o e#$erience1
2% The stage o rece$tion o conce$ts" o ideas and o $rinci$les" thus
gradually asserting the e#istence o the abstract mind%
.% The stage o 0light rece$tion"0 or that $eriod when s$iritual insight is
de!elo$ed" when the !ision is seen and acce$ted as true" and when the
intuition or 0buddhic $erce$tion0 is unolded% This carries with it the
assertion as to the e#istence o the Hierarchy%
4% The stage o abstraction" or the $eriod wherein com$lete orientation is
brought about" the way into the Ashram is made clear" and the disci$le
begins to build the antahkarana between the $ersonality and the ;$iritual
Triad% It is in this stage that the nature o the will is dimly seen" carrying
with its recognition the im$lication that there is a 0center where the will o
Eod is known%0 -?B7/
Esoteric Healing
;tudents are a$t to think that death ends things" whereas rom the angle o
termination we are dealing with !alues which are $ersistent" with which there is
no intererence" nor can there be any" and which hold within themsel!es the
seeds o immortality% I would ha!e you $onder on this and know that e!erything
that is o true s$iritual !alue is $ersistent" ageless" immortal and eternal% &nly
that dies which is !alueless" and ' rom the stand$oint o humanity ' that means
those actors which em$hasi(e and assume im$ortance where the orm is
concerned% But those !alues which are based on $rinci$le and not u$on the detail
o a$$earance ha!e in them that undying $rinci$le which leads a man rom the
0gates o nati!ity" through the gates o $erce$tion" to the gates o $ur$ose0 ' as
the *ld !ommentary e#$resses it%
I ha!e endea!ored to show you how the irst $art o this 3aw K has a sim$le
a$$lication to mankind" as well as an abstract and abstruse meaning or
The last $aragra$h in this 3aw K cannot be inter$reted in this same manner nor
a$$lied in this way+ it concerns only the 0$assing o!er0 or the 0discarding o
hindrances0 by !ery ad!anced disci$les and initiates% This is made clear by the
use o the words" 0& Rising &ne0 ' a term a$$lied only to those who ha!e taken
the ourth initiation and who are thereore held by no as$ect whatsoe!er o the
orm nature" e!en so high or transcendental a orm as the soul in its own !ehicle"
the causal body or the egoic lotus% 9et again" acility in res$onse to this law must
be and is de!elo$ed in the earlier stages o disci$leshi$" where listening"
res$onsi!eness and occult obedience are de!elo$ed and ha!e their e#tensions in
the higher le!els o s$iritual e#$erience%
Here we must again consider words and $hrases i we are to understand their
true meaning% -?B=/
Respond, * Rising *ne, to the call which comes within the sphere of obligation.
*hat is this s$here o obligation to which the initiate o high standing must $ay
attention: The whole o lie e#$erience" rom the s$here o nati!ity u$ to the
highest limits o s$iritual $ossibility" are co!ered by our words" a$$licable at
!arious stages o e!olution% They are1 Instinct" Duty" Dharma" &bligation+ an
understanding o the dierences ser!es to bring illumination" and conse,uently"
right action%
2% The sphere of instinct. This reers to the ulilment" under the inluence o
sim$le animal instinct" o the obligations which any assumed res$onsibility
brings" e!en when assumed with no true understanding% An illustration o
this is the instinctual care o a mother or her os$ring or the relation o
male and emale% *ith this we need not deal in any detail" as it is well
recogni(ed and understood" at least by those who ha!e $assed out o the
s$here o elementary instinctual obligations% To them no $articular calls
come" but this instinctual world o gi!e and take is su$erseded by a higher
s$here o res$onsibility e!entually%
.% The sphere of duty. The call that comes rom this s$here comes rom a
realm o consciousness which is more strictly human and not so
$redominantly animal as is the instinctual realm% It swee$s into its ield o
acti!ity all classes o human beings and demands rom them ' lie ater lie
' the strict ulilment o duty% The 0doing o oneAs duty"0 or which one gets
small $raise and little a$$reciation" is the irst ste$ towards the
unoldment o that di!ine $rinci$le which we call the sense o
res$onsibility" and which ' when unolded ' indicates a steadily growing
Esoteric Healing
soul control% The -?B?/ ulilment o duty" the sense o res$onsibility" and
the desire to ser!e are three as$ects o one and the same thing1
disci$leshi$ in its embryonic stage% This is a hard saying or those who are
caught in the seemingly ho$eless toils o duty ulilment+ it is hard or
them to reali(e that this duty which seems to kee$ them chained to the
humdrum" a$$arently meaningless and thankless duties o daily lie" is a
scientiic $rocess leading them to higher $hases o e#$erience" and
e!entually into the FasterAs Ashram%
4% The sphere of dharma. This is the outcome o the two $re!ious stages+ it
is that in which the disci$le recogni(es" or the irst time with clarity" his
$art in the whole $rocess o world e!ents and his inesca$able share in
world de!elo$ment% Dharma is that as$ect o karma which digniies any
$articular world cycle and the li!es o those im$licated in its working out%
The disci$le begins to see that i he shoulders his $hase or $art in this
cyclic dharma and works understandingly at its right ulilment" he is
beginning to com$rehend grou$ work 5as the Fasters com$rehend it6 and
to do his just share in liting the world karma" working out in cyclic
dharma% Instinctual ser!ice" the ulilment o all duty" and a sharing in
grou$ dharma are all blended in his consciousness and become one great
act o li!ing aithul ser!ice+ he is then at the $oint o mo!ing orward
u$on the )ath o Disci$leshi$" in which the )ath o )robation is com$letely
lost to sight%
These three as$ects o li!ing acti!ity are the embryonic e#$ression in the
lie o the disci$le o the three di!ine as$ects1
a% Instinctual li!ing ' intelligent a$$lication%
b% Duty ' res$onsible lo!e% -?B@/
c% Dharma ' will" e#$ressed through the )lan%
7% The sphere of obligation. The initiate" ha!ing learnt the nature o the three
other s$heres o right action" and ' through the acti!ity o those s$heres '
ha!ing unolded the di!ine as$ects" $asses now into the s$here o
obligation% This s$here" which can be entered only ater a large measure o
liberation has been achie!ed" directs the reactions o the initiate in two
$hases o his lie1
a% In the Ashram" where he is go!erned by the )lan+ this )lan is
recogni(ed by him as e#$ressing his major obligation to lie% I use
the word 0lie0 in its dee$est esoteric sense%
b% In ;hamballa" where the emerging )ur$ose o ;anat Kumara 5o
which the )lan is an inter$retation in time and s$ace6 begins to
ha!e meaning and signiicance according to his $oint in e!olution
and his a$$roach to the *ay o the Higher E!olution%
In the Ashram" the lie o the ;$iritual Triad gradually su$ersedes the lie o the
soul'controlled $ersonality% In the >ouncil >hamber at ;hamballa" the lie o the
Fonad su$ersedes all other e#$ressions o the essential Reality% Fore I may not
Recogni'e the call, emerging from the Ashram or from the !ouncil !hamber
where waits the ,ord of ,ife Himself.
Here again we come u$ against the whole underlying" e!olutionary theme o
In!ocation and E!ocation% Here" it is the two higher centers o the di!ine
E#istence which are in!oking ceaselessly the lower center+ one o the actors
go!erning the whole creati!e $rocess is de$endent u$on the -?BB/ skill o the
Ereat 3i!es in e!oking res$onse rom the human and subhuman kingdoms or
grou$ed li!es within the three worlds o orm lie% Fen are so $reoccu$ied with
their own $roblems that they are a$t to think that ' in the long run ' what
Esoteric Healing
ha$$ens is entirely due to their beha!ior" conduct" and in!ocati!e $owers% There
is" howe!er" another side to the $icture+ this in!ol!es the skill in action" the
understanding hearts and the clear unim$eded will o both the Hierarchy and
It will be a$$arent to you" thereore" how essential it is that all disci$les and
initiates should know e#actly where they stand on the )ath" the inal as$ect o the
ladder o e!olution+ otherwise" they will misinter$ret the call and ail to recogni(e
the source o the outgoing sound% How easily this can ha$$en becomes a$$arent
to e!ery ad!anced teacher o occultism and esotericism when he $ercei!es how
easily unim$ortant $eo$le and beginners inter$ret calls and messages they hear
or recei!e as coming to them rom some high and ele!ated source" whereas they
are in all $robability hearing that which emanates rom their own subconscious"
rom their own souls" or rom some teacher 5not a Faster6 who is attem$ting to
hel$ them%
The call reerred to here" howe!er" comes rom the highest $ossible sources and
must not be conused with the little !oices o little men%
The &ound goes forth.
It is not my intention here to deal with the creati!e sound" beyond calling to your
attention the act that it is creati(e. The ;ound which was the irst indication o
the acti!ity o the $lanetary 3ogos is not a word" but a ull re!erberating sound"
holding within itsel all other sounds" all chords and certain musical tones 5which
ha!e been gi!en the name o the 0music o the s$heres06 and -?BC/ dissonances"
unknown as yet to the modern ear% It is this ;ound which the 0Rising &ne0 must
learn to recogni(e" and to which he must res$ond not only by means o the sense
o hearing and its higher corres$ondences" but through a res$onse rom e!ery
$art and as$ect o the orm nature in the three worlds% I would remind you also
that rom the angle o the ourth initiation e!en the egoic !ehicle" the soul body"
is regarded and treated as a $art o the orm nature%
Though the 0shattering o the Tem$le o ;olomon0 takes $lace at the time o the
ourth initiation" those ,ualities o which it was com$osed ha!e been absorbed
into the !ehicles which the initiate is using or all His contacts in the three worlds%
He is now essentially the essence o all His bodies" and ' rom His $oint o !iew
and technical understanding ' it must be borne in mind that the entire mental
$lane is one o the three $lanes which constitute the cosmic dense $hysical $lane+
this is a $oint ot orgotten by students" who almost in!ariably $lace the soul
body and the mental $ermanent atom outside the orm limits and what they call
the three worlds% Technically and rom higher angles" this is not so" and this act
deinitely changes and conditions the thinking and work o the initiate o the
ourth and higher degrees% It accounts also or the need or the egoic body to
The ;ound re!erberates throughout the our higher sub$lanes o the cosmic
$hysical $lane+ these are the higher corres$ondence o the our etheric le!els o
the $hysical $lane in the three worlds ' the three dense $hysical and the our
etheric $lanes% It must be remembered" thereore" that our $lanes" with which we
are so amiliar" are the cosmic $hysical" and that the one we know the best is the
densest o the se!en ' hence so much o our struggle and diiculty% -?CD/
8rom 0the silence which is sound" the re!erberating note o ;hamballa"0 the
sound ocuses itsel either in the ;$iritual Triad or in the Ashram" according to the
status o the initiate and whether he is high in the ashramic circles" or still higher"
Esoteric Healing
in the circles through which radiates the light rom the >ouncil >hamber% In the
irst case" it will be the heart center which res$onds to the sound" and rom
thence the whole body+ in the second case" consciousness has been su$erseded
by a still higher ty$e o s$iritual recognition" to which we ha!e gi!en the
inade,uate name o identiication% *here the sound has been registered in the
heart o the initiate" he has unolded all $ossible ty$es o knowledge which the
orm nature ' soul and body ' can make $ossible+ when the registration is in the
head" identiication has $roduced such com$lete unity with all s$iritual
e#$ressions o lie" the word 0more0 5meaning increased6 must $erorce gi!e way
to the word 0dee$"0 in the sense o $enetration% Ha!ing said this" brother o mine"
how much ha!e you com$rehended:
It is at this $oint that the initiate is conronted or the irst time with the ;e!en
)aths" because each )ath constitutes a mode o $enetrating into realms o
reali(ation beyond our $lanet altogether%
In order to do this" the initiate has to demonstrate his mastery o the 3aw o
Dierentiation and arri!e at a knowledge o the ;e!en )aths through
dierentiating the se!en sounds which make u$ the one ;ound" but which are not
related to the se!en sounds which com$ose the threeold AGF%
/oth soul and form together must renounce the principle of life, and thus permit
the Monad to stand free. The soul responds. The form then shatters the
connection. -?C2/
9ou can see here why I em$hasi(ed the act that the initiate is the reci$ient o the
essential ,uality or ,ualities which orm has re!ealed and de!elo$ed" and which
the soul has absorbed% At this $articular crisis" the initiate within the Ashram or
0on His way o glory to the )lace where dwells the 3ord0 5;hamballa6 summari(es
or contains within himsel all the essential good which was stored in the soul $rior
to its destruction at the ourth initiation% He e$itomi(es in himsel the knowledge
and the wisdom o aeons o struggle and o $atient endurance% Hothing urther is
to be gained by adhering either to the soul or to the orm% He has taken all they
had to gi!e which throws light on the s$iritual 3aw o ;acriice% It is interesting to
note how the soul becomes at this $oint sim$ly the intermediary between the
$ersonality and the initiate o high degree% But now there is nothing more to
relate" to re$ort or to transmit" and ' as the ;ound re!erberates ' the soul
disa$$ears" as testimony o res$onse% It is now but an em$ty shell" but its
substance is o so high an order that it becomes an integral $art o the buddhic
le!el" and its unction there is etheric% The $rinci$le o lie is renounced and
returns to the reser!oir o uni!ersal lie%
I would ha!e you take notice o the im$ortance o orm acti!ity% It is the 9orm
which shatters the connection 5the usually des$ised" belittled" rustrated orm is
that which $erorms the inal act6" bringing com$lete liberation% The 03unar 3ord0
o the $ersonality has achie!ed his goal" and those elements which ha!e
com$osed his three !ehicles 5$hysical" astral" mental6" together with the lie
$rinci$le" will constitute the atomic substance o the irst body o maniestation o
some soul seeking incarnation or the irst time% This is closely related to the
abstruse subject o the $ermanent atoms% It marks a moment o high initiation
or this 3unar 3ord when he shatters the connection -?C./ and se!ers all relation
with the hitherto inorming soul% He is no longer just a shadow" but has now
those ,ualities which make him 0substantial0 5in the esoteric sense6 and a new
actor in time and s$ace%
Esoteric Healing
The remaining words o this law need no e#$lanation and mark a itting inish or
this section o our studies1
,ife is now liberated, owning the #ualities of conscious knowledge and the fruit of
all e$perience. These are the gifts of soul and form combined. -?C4/
Esoteric Healing
>HA)TER IK- The ;e!en Fodes o Healing
The %e3en !odes of Healing
It will be ob!ious to you that e!en i the techni,ues or the se!en modes o
healing ' relating as they do to the energies o the se!en rays ' were e#actly
im$arted to you" it would be rare indeed to ind a healer who was com$etent to
use them in this interim $eriod in world aairs% *e are $assing out o one age
into another" and this necessarily creates diiculties which ha!e hitherto not been
recogni(ed% This is the irst time in human history wherein humanity is intelligent
enough to register understanding o the im$lications o this ha$$ening" and
arsighted enough to be able to !ision" imagine and $lan or the new uture% 8or
another thing" the soul ray o the a!erage as$irant is seldom in control to such an
e#tent that it can bring ade,uate illumination and ray $otency+ until it is in
control" these ray methods and techni,ues" determining the use and direction o
the ray energies" are useless% This should not bring to you disa$$ointment" but
sim$ly an attitude o e#$ectancy" $articularly where the younger students and
readers are concerned% All things considered" this hiatus between e#$ectancy and
$ossibility is e#ceedingly good%
There has been so much gi!en out during the $ast century along the lines o
magical work" that more at this time would not be wise+ so many mantrams and
*ords o )ower ha!e been communicated" and so wide a use o the -?C7/ &m
has $re!ailed" that a great deal o damage might be looked or as a result% ;uch
damage has not" howe!er" occurred% The relati!ely low $oint in e!olution o the
a!erage student and e#$erimenter has ser!ed as a $rotection" and little has been
set in motion ' either good or bad ' by what they ha!e attem$ted to do% Healings
ha!e re,uently taken $lace 5at least tem$orary healings6" owing largely to the
susce$tibility o the $atient to suggestion and his conidence in the healer% Hone
o these healings can be traced esoterically to the scientiic methods o occultism%
In s$ite o this $rotection" or rather because o it" I am communicating no Ray
*ords at this time" such as the trained initiate em$loys when engaged in the
healing work% These *ords ha!e to be accom$anied by a trained use o the
s$iritual will" and 5where the ordinary man and healer is concerned6 e!en the
lowest as$ect o the will remains as yet unde!elo$ed" and only sel'will 5which is
determined" selish desire6 is e#$ressed% It would thereore be a waste o my time
to gi!e instruction along these lines%
I ha!e elt it necessary to e#$lain this" so that there will be no undue e#$ectancy
that I shall im$art the mysterious and the hitherto unknown% I seek only to lay
the oundation or a uture structure o knowledge" when it will be sae" wise and
right to con!ey those 0ocusing )oints"0 those 0organi(ing *ords"0 and those
0e#$ressed Intentions0 o the correctly trained occult healer% I seek to generate in
you also a wise and searching e#$ectancy which will use the little that I am able
to im$art" and the symbolic words I may dictate" and so $re$are or a greater
understanding later%
In the meantime there are certain things I can teach you which will be $roitable%
They may $erchance enhance the !isional and reali(ed diiculties" but may
ne!ertheless $ro!e useul in indicating the ground which must still be -?C=/
co!ered beore the healer arri!es at correct and sustained healing%
Esoteric Healing
This section will be !ery short indeed" com$ared with the rest o this !olume+ it
will consist sim$ly o a series o summari(ed and condensed statements which will
$ro!ide a te#tbook or the healer" a reerence book or guidance to which he can
reer% These statements will be under three classiications1
I% The ;e!en Ray Energies%
II% The Rays o the Healer and the )atient%
III% The ;e!en Healing Techni,ues%
These statements will com$lete <olume I< o A Treatise on the &e(en Rays and
will carry much inormation to the initiated disci$le" and e!en in $art to the
intelligent as$irant+ they should make their healing work more eectual" e!en
though only the $reliminary work and elementary rules are gi!en% Heedless to
add" the healer has to $erect himsel in this initial acti!ity and ' as he works ' he
may himsel 5alone and unaided6 $enetrate into the dee$er meanings o this
$hase o the Ageless *isdom%
.. The %e3en 0ay Energies
9ifteen &tatements.
2% The se!en rays embody and e#$ress the totality o energies which
circulate throughout our $lanetary orm%
.% These se!en ray energies are the se!en orces which unitedly com$ose the
$rimary Ray o 3o!e'*isdom% This is the second ray o our solar system
and the dominating ray in e!ery $lanetary e#$ression within the solar
system% The se!en rays are" all o them" subsidiary rays o this great
cosmic ray% -?C?/
4% Ho matter u$on which ray the healer may be ound" he must always work
through the second subray o that ray ' the ray o lo!e'wisdom in each
ray% By means o this" he becomes connected with or related to the
go!erning soul and $ersonality rays% The second ray has the ca$acity o
7% The second ray and the second subray on all rays are themsel!es dual in
e#$ression% The healer must learn to work through the lo!e as$ect and not
through the wisdom as$ect% This takes much training in the $ractice o
s$iritual dierentiation%
=% Those !ehicles in the orm nature which are on the line o .'7'? must be
used by the healer when $racticing the healing art% I he has no !ehicles or
bodies on this line o basic energy" he will not be able to heal% This is
seldom reali(ed% It is rare" howe!er" to ind an e,ui$ment lacking all
second ray energy outlets%
?% Those healers who are on the second ray" or who are e,ui$$ed with a
$owerul second ray !ehicle" are usually great healers% The >hrist" being
the truest e#$onent o the second ray e!er known on earth" was greatest
o all the healing sons o Eod%
@% The ray o the soul conditions and determines the techni,ue to be
em$loyed% The ray in the $ersonality !ehicles most closely related to the
second ray 5or which all the subrays act as channels6 is the one through
which the healing energy must low%
B% The second subray o the soul ray determines the a$$roach to the healing
$roblem immediately conronting the healer+ this energy is transmuted
into healing orce when $assing through the a$$ro$riate $ersonality
!ehicle% To be a$$ro$riate it must be on the line o .'7'?% -?C@/
Esoteric Healing
C% The a$$ro$riate !ehicle can be either the mental body or the emotional
body% *ith the mass o men being centered in the astral nature" the
healing will usually be most successul i the healerAs channel o
transmission is that body also%
2D% A triangle o energies is thereore ormed+ it is com$osed o1
a% The energy o the soul%
b% The a$$ro$riate !ehicle%
c% The etheric body" through either the heart or the solar $le#us
22% *ithin the etheric body" a secondary triangle is ormed or the circulation
o energy between1
a% The head center" the center o rece$tion%
b% The ajna center" the center or directed distribution%
c% The center which registers ' as the line o least resistance ' the
energy o the soul ray" whiche!er o the se!en rays that may be%
2.% This secondary triangle is related to the $rimary triangle by an 0act o
deliberation%0 This is a $art o the techni,ue which I am withholding%
24% The healer who is sincere and e#$erienced can 5in deault o the esoteric
ormula $roducing connection between the two triangles6 do much to bring
about some deinite relation by a deliberate act o aith and by the irm
statement o his fi$ed intention.
27% The greater triangle is that which aects the healer and makes him a
transmitting agent+ the lesser triangle is the one which $roduces the eect
u$on the $atient and through which the healer ' on the $hysical $lane '
2=% The $rocedure o the healer will thereore all into three $arts" $rior to the
conscious act o healing1 -?CB/
rocess *ne.
a% The healer will deinitely and consciously link u$ with his own soul%
b% He will then determine which o his $ersonality !ehicles is to be used+ this
will be based u$on its reaction to energies" channeling along the line .'7'
c% By an act o the will he will then relate the soul energy" !ia the desired
!ehicle" with the a$$ro$riate center in the etheric body+ the heart or the
solar $le#us" always $reerably the ormer%
rocess two.
a% He will ne#t create the secondary triangle by ocusing his attention in the
center o rece$tion" the head center%
b% He will then connect this head center" through the $ower o the creati!e
imagination" with the center between the eyebrows" and will hold the
energy there because it is the directing agency%
c% He will endea!or to gather into this ajna center the energy o that center
within his etheric body which is related to his soul ray%
rocess three.
He then" with deliberation" $erorms the act o linking the two triangles+ once this
is done" he is ready or the healing action%
Esoteric Healing
... The 0ays of Healer and of Patient
It will be a$$arent to the most su$ericial reader that the !ariation or the identity
between the rays o the healer -?CC/ and his $atient constitutes a actor o
im$ortance1 many conditioning actors will be $resented+ there will also be
$resent a contrast between the soul rays and the $ersonality rays o both $arties
concerned% 9ou may ha!e" thereore" conditions in which1
2% The soul rays are identical and the $ersonality rays are dierent%
.% The $ersonality rays are the same but the soul rays are not%
4% The rays are similar in both cases%
7% The rays o neither soul nor $ersonality are the same%
=% The soul ray is not known but the $ersonality ray is a$$arent% The ray o
the $ersonality is easily ascertained" but there is oten no indication as to
the soul ray% This can a$$ly to both healer and $atient%
?% Hothing is known anent the rays o either $arty%
I am not bringing into this discussion any reerence to the rays o the mental"
astral or $hysical !ehicles" though they ha!e a deinite and sometimes a decisi!e
eect and the knowledge is most useul when known% The trained healer" when in
$ossession o this knowledge" can use a secondary techni,ue as an aid to the
basic method" and use the a$$ro$riate lower !ehicle 5either his own or that o the
$atient6 through which to $our a secondary stream o healing energy" thus
enhancing the work o the $rimary stream% The addition o this secondary stream
im$lies ,uite ad!anced knowledge on the $art o the healer" or accurate
inormation gi!en by the $atient% This is" as you may surmise" somewhat rare to
ind% )eo$le can" by careul study and the assembling o known analogous
instances" ascertain with a air degree o success the nature o the two major
-@DD/ rays+ it takes" howe!er" an initiate o some standing to recogni(e and work
through the rays o one o the lower bodies" and thereore be in a $osition to
distribute the healing orce through two centers simultaneously% *e will not
conse,uently consider more than the relation o the rays controlling the healer
and the $atient rom the angle o soul and $ersonality%
It is not $ossible or me to take each o the rays o both healer and $atient and
trace or you the a$$ro$riate techni,ue+ this will become clearer i you consider
the great number o diiculties which are $resented when both the rays o the
two $arties concerned are brought into relationshi$% In Discipleship in the 6ew
Age the rays are gi!en o a large number o disci$les% 9ou might" as an
e#$erimental e#ercise" take these !arious rays" as assigned" and $lace each o
these disci$les in the $art o either healer or $atient" and see what centers would
be em$loyed in the case o some disease 5each based in a dierent location in the
human body6" and then attem$t to decide what method" mode or $rocedure the
healer would be wise to ollow% At the same time you should remember two
things1 irst" that all these $eo$le are members o a second ray Ashram+ also that
they are disci$les" and conse,uently their rays are a$$arent and ob!ious to the
healer" which greatly hel$s% 9ou could determine also what ray energy should be
em$loyed in the healing $rocess" through what center in yoursel" as the healer"
and the disci$le as a $atient" you should work and whether you are in a $osition
to use a secondary techni,ue% Then" ha!ing through the use o the imagination
worked at an imaginary healing" look around among your riends and
ac,uaintances or those whom you belie!e $ossess similar ray conditions and ' i
they are ailing or ill ' seek to hel$ them in the same way as you attem$ted to aid
an imaginary $atient+ note then what ha$$ens% A!oid the use -@D2/ o a
secondary techni,ue" or you are more liable to be entirely wrong where the three
lower !ehicles are in!ol!ed than with the two major e#$ressions o lie%
Esoteric Healing
The rest o this subject can $erha$s be clariied by certain statements which will
become clearer as esoteric $sychology emerges as a deinite educational subject
in the decades which lie ahead%
2% The healer should ascertain his rays" and then $roceed with his work on
the basis o that inormation% *hen that knowledge is not a!ailable" he
should rerain rom the attem$t to heal%
.% *hen unable ' rom lack o this knowledge ' to carry orward the healing
work" let him conine himsel to the task o acting as a channel or the
energy o lo!e to the $atient%
4% The healer will ind it easier in most cases to ascertain his rays" or one o
them at least" than to know the rays o the $atient%
There are two reasons or this1
a% The act that he seeks to heal and hel$ indicates a air measure o
ad!ancement u$on the s$iritual way% ;uch ad!ancement is re,uired
or correct inding o the ray ,uality% A little study o himsel and o
the $ossible rays $resent should in time show him the nature o the
energies controlling him%
b% The $atient" i ad!anced" is liable not to seek his hel$" but will
handle his own $roblem" through the soul and through the Ashram"
i ailiated with one% I he is not ad!anced" the $ersonality ray will
be more easily ascertained than the soul ray" and will thereore
$ro!ide the $oint o contact% -@D./
7% The healer" ha!ing to his satisaction determined u$on the rays or ray
conditioning him" should then $re$are himsel or the healing task by a
minimum o i!e hours o most careul $re$aration" related to his mind"
the thinking a$$aratus% I mean not i!e hours o consecuti!e mental
control and relection" but a $eriod o ,uiet thought" carried on ' when
$ossible ' wherein the healer studies the $atient and amiliari(es himsel
a% The $roblem o the disease and its $articular nature%
b% Its location in the $hysical body%
c% The center in!ol!ed and 5when he is an enlightened disci$le6 with
its condition%
d% The acuteness o the diiculty and the chance o a cure%
e% The danger o death or not%
% The $sychological condition o the $atient%
g% The rays o the $atient" i easible+ these" i known" will condition
his a$$roach%
=% Thus $re$ared" the healer ocuses his attention in his own ray% *hen he
only $ossesses general and not s$eciic knowledge o his own ray or rays
and those o the $atient" the healer may $roceed u$on the surmise that
one or both are along the line o 2'4'='@ or .'7'? and act u$on that
general assum$tion% To $ossess s$eciic and $articulari(ed knowledge is
useul" but where it e#ists not" and $articular rays cannot be assigned" it is
oten $ossible to determine whether the general trend o the character is
along the line o lo!e or o the will" and then to act accordingly% The
$roblem then is whether the relation between healer and -@D4/ $atient will
be rom $ersonality to $ersonality" rom soul to soul" or rom $ersonality
to soul and !ice !ersa%
?% *hen the relation is that o $ersonality to $ersonality 5and this will be the
most usual6" the energy with which the healer will work is sim$ly that o
$lanetary $rana+ the eect o this will be to stimulate the natural
$rocesses o the $hysical body and 5in coo$eration with nature and so in
line with the $atientAs karma6 so ortiy his $hysical !ehicle that he can
cast o the disease or can be aided to ace with conidence the $rocesses
o death" and with calm and intelligent understanding $ass out to the
subtler realms o being%
Esoteric Healing
@% *here the relation is that o the soul o the healer to the $ersonality o the
$atient" the healer will work with ray energy" $ouring his own ray energy
through the center which is controlling the diseased area% *hen both the
soul o the healer and that o the $atient are working in coo$eration there
can be the blending o two energies or 5where similar rays are $resent6
the strengthening o one energy and a greatly hastened work o healing or
o dissolution%
B% The healer must e!er bear in mind that his task is either to heal ' under
the karmic law ' or to aid in the $rocesses o dissolution" bringing about"
thereore" a higher orm o healing%
C% Gnless the healer is a higher initiate and can work in ull awareness o
circumstances and go!erning conditions" sudden healings and dramatically
arrested disease will not occur% I they do occur" it will be due to three
a% The destiny o the $atient whose time has not yet come%
b% The inter$osition o the $atientAs own soul" who is" in the last
analysis" the agent o karma% -@D7/
c% The aid o the healer which $ro!ed ade,uate enough to gi!e the
$atient the necessary conidence and added strength to bring about
his own healing%
2D% Hobody is e!er brought back rom the 0gates o death0 whose karma
indicates that his time has come+ the lie cycle on the $hysical $lane then
ends unless he is a worker in an Ashram" a disci$le o some standing
whose work and $resence is still needed on earth to com$lete his assigned
task% Then the Faster o the Ashram may add His knowledge and energy
to that o the healer or to that o the $atient" and bring about a tem$orary
$ost$onement o de$arture% G$on this the healer may not count" or the
$atient either" or they know not the ull and warranting circumstances%
22% There are certain elementary re,uirements or conditions in which the
healer should work and which are necessary% These are1
a% >om$lete ,uiet in the sickroom" as ar as $ossible%
b% As ew $eo$le in the $atientAs room as wisdom may dictate% The
thinking and thought'orms o the $eo$le $resent can either be
distracting or distracted" and thereby delect the currents+ on the
other hand" they can sometimes strongly aid the healerAs work%
c% The $atient ' again when $ossible ' should lie on his back" or on his
side so that centers u$ the s$ine are turned towards the healer% In
some cases 5and these the healer must himsel determine6 he
should lie in such a $osition that the healer can hold his hands
abo!e the area o disease" though in no case must the healer touch
the $atientAs body%
2.% *hen ,uiet" $eace and silence ha!e been reached" the healer will $roceed
with the a$$ro$riate techni,ue% The -@D=/ ,uiet" $eace and silence
mentioned abo!e reer not only to $hysical conditions" but to the
emotional and mental states o the healer and the $atient as well as o
those $resent+ this is not always easy to attain%
*here the healer has not the a$$ro$riate techni,ue or does not understand the
ormulas gi!en later in this instruction" he can assemble his own techni,ue and
rules ater a close study o these healing instructions" which contain enough
material and suggestions or such an action%
Esoteric Healing
III. The &e(en Healing Techni#ues
The techni,ues I shall ha!e to gi!e in the orm o se!en ancient symbolic
statements or ormulas" gathered out o the /ook of Rules for Initiated Disciples.
I dare not yet gi!e the sim$le $hysical a$$lication o these ray techni,ues" as it
would be too dangerous% *hen rightly used and understood they carry terriic
orce and ' in the wrong hands ' could work real damage% Fay I remind you here
that the Black 3odge initiates likewise heal or $roduce death and disease" and
em$loy !ery similar techni,ues+ the dierence lies in the act that they can work
only with the $ersonality rays o both healer and $atient" and because they are
more $otent on the physical plane than are the Fembers o the Ereat *hite
3odge" their work is re,uently most eecti!e% The s$iritual healer" working with
the energies o light whene!er $ossible" is seldom as eecti!e $hysically%
The members o the Black 3odge" or healers working under its inluence" are"
howe!er" totally unable to work on a $atient who is s$iritually oriented to the
slightest degree" and is thereore coming under the control o his soul+ neither
can they work through a healer who is s$iritually oriented% *hen they attem$t to
do so they ind themsel!es combated by energy coming rom the Ashram towards
-@D?/ which either the healer or the $atient is mo!ing or with which he is
ailiated" e!en i he has his $lace only u$on the $eri$hery% *here the a!erage
unthinking man is concerned" the danger o 0black0 intererence is nil+ the dark
orces do not interest themsel!es in any unim$ortant $erson" sa!e with those o
$otency and inluence who can ser!e their ends% Also their e!il work is only
$ossible at the moment 5or cycle6 wherein the man is making decision as to
whether he will mo!e in s$iritual li!ing" remain static where he is" or turn with
deliberation 5which is e#ceedingly rare6 to the $ath o $ure selishness% This $ath
leads to the Black 3odge%
;ome disci$le in the early $art o ne#t century will take these techni,ues or
magical statements" relating to the healing work" and inter$ret them and
elucidate them% They are susce$tible o three signiicances" the lowest o which
the modern student may succeed in inter$reting or himsel i he relects
ade,uately and li!es s$iritually% Here are the se!en statements%
The +e(en +tate!ents
2. The first ray techni#ue.
3et the dynamic orce which rules the hearts o all within ;hamballa come to my
aid" or I am worthy o that aid% 3et it descend unto the third" $ass to the ith
and ocus on the se!enth% These words mean not what doth at sight a$$ear% The
third" the ith" the se!enth lie within the irst and come rom out the >entral ;un
o s$iritual li!ingness% The highest then awakens within the one who knows and
within the one who must be healed and thus the two are one% This is mystery
dee$% The blending o the healing orce eects the work desired+ it may bring
death" -@D@/ that great release" and re'establish thus the ith" the third" the irst"
but not the se!enth%
This dynamic irst ray energy is usually em$loyed by the trained s$iritual healer
when it is a$$arent to him that the $atientAs hour has come and release
a$$roaches% In cases where the irst ray is the soul ray o either healer or $atient"
this a$$lication o irst ray energy must mo!e rom head center to head center"
and rom thence to the area o distress and to the center allied with the location%
This may cause 5when healing is $ossible and karmically correct6 a tem$orary
increase o the trouble+ this is owing to the act that the incoming energy 0e#$els
Esoteric Healing
dynamically0 the !ery seed or roots o the disease% There may be a rise in
tem$erature" or a colla$se o some kind or another" and or this the healer" the
$atient and the attendant $hysician must be $re$ared and should take the
needed $hysical ste$s or amelioration ' ste$s as ordained by the orthodo#
medical $roession" which will oset the $urely $hysical reaction% *here the soul
ray o the $atient is not on the irst ray" but the irst ray is the ray o the
$ersonality" the healer must use great caution in a$$lying irst ray energy" and
should $roceed !ery slowly and gradually through the center on the line o 2'4'='
@ which is nearest to the seat o trouble" $assing the energy through that center
and thence to the center 5whiche!er that may be6 ound in the locality o the
disease% I that $articular center ha$$ens to be on the line o 4'='@" the healer
will ha!e to e#ercise s$ecial care" or else the dynamic irst ray energy will destroy
and not heal%
.. The second ray techni#ue.
3et the healing energy descend" carrying its dual lines o lie and its magnetic
orce% 3et that magnetic li!ing orce withdraw and su$$lement that -@DB/ which is
$resent in the se!enth" o$$osing our and si# to three and se!en" but dealing not
with i!e% The circular" inclusi!e !orte# ' descending to the $oint ' disturbs"
remo!es and then su$$lies and thus the work is done%
The heart re!ol!es+ two hearts re!ol!e as one+ the twel!e within the !ehicle" the
twel!e within the head and the twel!e u$on the $lane o soul endea!or" coo$erate
as one and thus the work is done% Two energies achie!e this consummation and
the three whose number is a twel!e res$ond to the greater twel!e% The lie is
known and the years $rolonged%
I this ancient statement is read in the light o any knowledge you may ha!e 5and
you $robably ha!e more than you reali(e6" $articularly knowledge anent the
centers" the $rimary or easiest inter$retation will a$$ear%
4. The third ray techni#ue.
The healer stands and wea!es% He gathers rom the three" the i!e" the se!en
that which is needed or the heart o lie% He brings the energies together and
makes them ser!e the third+ he thus creates a !orte# into which the one
distressed must descend and with him goes the healer% And yet they both remain
in $eace and calm Thus must the angel o the 3ord descend into the $ool and
bring the healing lie%
The 0$ool o waters0 igures here and may cause much ,uestioning as to its
signiicance% Its elementary inter$retation relates in reality to the central and
major cause o much disease 5as we ha!e earlier seen6" the emotional nature"
which it is the task o the third as$ect o di!inity -@DC/ to control% )onder on this"
or much enlightenment may come%
The ne#t healing techni,ue is longer and ar more abstruse% There is little o it
that you will understand+ it is entirely related" as ar as our theme is concerned"
to man himsel and to the a$horism1 0Fan" know thysel%0
7. The fourth ray techni#ue.
The healer knows the $lace where dissonance is ound% He also knows the $ower
o sound and the sound which must be heard% Knowing the note to which the
ourth great grou$ reacts and linking it to the great >reati!e Hine" he sounds the
note which brings release" the note which will bring absor$tion into one% He
Esoteric Healing
educates the listening ear o him who must be healed+ he likewise trains the
listening ear o him who must go orth% He knows the manner o the sound which
brings the healing touch+ and also that which says1 De$art% And thus the work is
This ourth techni,ue is one that ' in deault o true ray knowledge ' can be o
general useulness" because this ourth ray go!erns the ourth kingdom in nature"
the human% The healer along this line o work 5and such healers are $ractically
non'e#istent at this time because the ourth ray is not in incarnation6 heals
$rimarily through the use o the a$$ro$riate sound or sounds% In the early stages
when this techni,ue comes into demonstration" music will be largely used by the
healer to bring about a cure or to acilitate the $rocess o death or de$arture% It
will" howe!er" be music with one constantly recurring chord" which will embody
the note o the ourth ray and o the human kingdom% Healing by the means o
sound will be one o the irst healing unoldments -@2D/ to be noted at the close
o the ne#t century% Fore teaching along this line would be useless until the
ourth ray again cycles into maniestation%
=. The fifth ray techni#ue.
That which has been gi!en must be used+ that which emerges rom within the
gi!en mode will ind its $lace within the healerAs $lan% That which is hidden must
be seen and rom the three" great knowledge will emerge% 8or these the healer
seeks% To these the healer adds the two which are as one" and so the ith must
$lay its $art and the i!e must $lay its $art and the i!e must unction as i one%
The energies descend" $ass through and disa$$ear" lea!ing the one who could
res$ond with karma yet to dissi$ate and taking with them him who may not thus
res$ond and so must likewise disa$$ear%
The ob!ious and sim$lest meaning o the ith ray mode o healing is that the
healer" working scientiically and largely on concrete le!els" em$loys all aids to
bring about a cure" starting with a$$ro$riate $hysical care and $assing on to
subtler modes o healing% Again I would $oint out that $hysical aid can be as
di!inely used as the more mysterious methods which the meta$hysical healer o
the $resent time belie!es to be so $rooundly more eecti!e% Just as all modern
knowledge" de!elo$ed on the $hysical $lane" through the $ersonalities o men
and women o insight and genius e!erywhere" is useul to the disci$le and initiate"
in time and s$ace" so it is with the medical sciences% Just as right a$$lication o
these !arying sciences has to be made by the disci$le or the initiate in order to
bring about s$iritual results" so must it be when the healer is at work%
All work becomes s$iritual when rightly moti!ated" when wise discrimination is
em$loyed and soul $ower is -@22/ added to the knowledge gained in the three
worlds% The dynamic use o energy in one o its se!en streams" added to the sane
understanding and work o the modern $hysician" aided by the healer 5who works
as does a catalyst6" can $roduce miracles when destiny so ordains% The
meta$hysical healer who works solely on the subtler le!els is like the s$iritual
worker who ails so constantly to $reci$itate the needed inancial assets on the
$hysical $lane% This is caused re,uently by a subtle ' though usually
unrecogni(ed ' sense o su$eriority with which the a!erage healer and the
esotericist !iews his $roblem o materiali(ation o either $hysical health or
money% )onder on this and reali(e that ith ray methods carry through to the
$hysical $lane+ there they engender conlict and e!entually $roduce a $hysical
$reci$itation o the desired nature% In what I ha!e said anent the ith ray
techni,ues" I ha!e gi!en more hints and inormation than in any o the others%
Esoteric Healing
?. The si$th ray techni#ue.
>lea!ing the waters" let the $ower descend" the healer cries% He minds not how
the waters may res$ond+ they ot bring stormy wa!es and dire and dreadul
ha$$enings% The end is good% The trouble will be ended when the storm subsides
and energy has uliled its charted destiny% ;traight to the heart the $ower is
orced to $enetrate" and into e!ery channel" nadi" ner!e and s$leen the $ower
must seek a $assage and a way and thus conront the enemy who has eected
entrance and settled down to li!e% Ejection ' ruthless" sudden and com$lete ' is
undertaken by the one who sees naught else but $erect unctioning and brooks
no intererence% This $erect unctioning o$ens thus the door to lie eternal or to
lie on earth or yet a little while% -@2./
This techni,ue is curiously $otent and sudden when the healer is on the si#th ray+
the results are drastic and ull o $ain" but the results are sure ' healing or death"
and ot the latter% The si#th ray healer is seldom disci$lined or wise at this time"
owing to this being the end o the si#th ray cycle% *hen again the si#th ray
comes into maniestation" humanity will ha!e $rogressed ar along the )ath and
the $resent aggressi!e" too sure" anatical si#th ray healer will not rea$$ear%
Today they are the majority" and their work is not good+ it is well'intentioned" but
the techni,ue is ignorantly a$$lied and the end justiies not the assurance o the
healer" leading to re,uent dece$tion o the $atient%
@. The se(enth ray techni#ue.
Energy and orce must meet each other and thus the work is done% >olor and
sound in ordered se,uence must meet and blend and thus the work o magic can
$roceed% ;ubstance and s$irit must e!oke each other and" $assing through the
center o the one who seeks to aid" $roduce the new and good% The healer
energi(es thus with lie the ailing lie" dri!ing it orth or anchoring it yet more
dee$ly in the $lace o destiny% All se!en must be used and through the se!en
there must $ass the energies the need re,uires" creating the new man who has
or e!er been and will or e!er be" and either here or there%
In this techni,ue you ha!e the clue to them all" or the work o the se!enth ray
healer is to bring together the lie and the substance which will take the $lace o
the substance which is diseased and bring new lie to aid the reco!ery% The glory
o lie lies in consummation and in emergence% This is the $rime task and the
$rime reward o all true -@24/ healers% It is this techni,ue o attraction and
substitution which will be brought to a ine $oint o scientiic e#$ression in the
coming new age wherein the se!enth ray will dominate our $lanet" $roducing that
which is new and needed and determining the coming culture" ci!ili(ation and
In conclusion I would like to tell you the reasons I am reraining rom more
detailed inormation and rom a clear analysis o the wording o these ancient
ormulas o healing% A$art rom the reason" earlier stated" that men are not yet
ready to be gi!en e#$licit instructions" or the time being anything I might say
would a$$ear to you $uerile% That is the curious word which seems to be
descri$ti!e o $ossible immediate reaction% *e are on the !erge o entering a new
era in scientiic unoldment" owing to the disco!ery o how to release the energy
o the atom% Hot e!en the scientists res$onsible or the disco!ery ha!e the
aintest idea o the ar'reaching eects o this momentous ha$$ening% 8rom the
angle o our subject and the theme o this !olume" an entirely new language
related to energy and orce is already in the making+ the use o the disco!ery in
Esoteric Healing
the handling o disease will" in almost the immediate uture 5rom the occult
angle6 be regarded as little short o miraculous%
This disco!ery o atomic liberation has been brought about by the acti!ity o the
irst ray in relation to the incoming se!enth ray and has its analogous situation in
the liberation o the Faster at the ith initiation 5when the door o the tomb
bursts wide o$en6 and in the act o dying" when the im$risoned soul inds release%
In the light o uture scientiic ha$$enings" these ancient techni,ues will become
much clearer" and in the meantime any e#$lanation o their true 0energetic
im$ort0 would be meaningless% The -@27/ new and coming terminology will throw
light on the ancient ormulas" and in time you will see how much can be con!eyed
to the intelligent healer o that new generation by what seems to you both
disa$$ointing" without use or signiicance" and needlessly abstruse%
In this interim $eriod between the $ast and that which is on its way" it is not easy
or e!en a Faster o the *isdom to s$eak or teach" $articularly in connection with
the theme o healing% The $hysical body is not yet generally recogni(ed as an
electrical unit+ its nature as $ure atomic energy is not yet reali(ed+ the act o the
energy body" the etheric !ehicle" is not at this time recogni(ed in the teachings o
the modern medical schools" though the act has been discussed+ the e#$losi!e
nature o energy" when in contact with orce" or o the soul in relation to
substance" is com$letely unknown or !eiled in mystical language% Gntil such time
as the new scientiic ormulas and the new a$$roach 5which the disco!ery o the
release o atomic energy has made $ossible6 ha!e become more generally
understood" are a amiliar subject o discussion and couched in amiliar language"
the coming science o healing must remain behind a !eil o unsuitable language
and hidden by ina$$ro$riate words%
This act" as I ha!e ot told you" handica$s all new $resentations o truth+ the
language o the electrical engineer or o the automobile dratsman" or instance"
would ha!e been entirely meaningless to the a!erage man a hundred years ago%
;o it is with the new themes and the great disco!eries which are on their way and
which will e!entually aect e!ery de$artment o human lie" including the Art o
I sign mysel" because it has been gi!en out who I am" as the Faster D.whal
The Tibetan -@2=/

Relection o the ;$iritual Triad in the )ersonality
Esoteric Healing
The relection o the ;$iritual Triad in the $ersonality is com$lete when the Ajna
>enter is entirely under the control o the soul% There is no attem$t in this
diagram to $icture the correct number o $etals in each lotus%
Esoteric Healing
Introductory Remarks ..................................................................................................1
Part One ........................................................................................................................5
The Basic Causes of Disease...............................................................................................5
The Training of the Healer ...............................................................................................9
CHAPTER I - The Psychological Causes o !isease................................................1"
The Psychological Causes of Disease...............................................................................12
1. Causes Arising in the Emotional-Desire ature ........................................................1!
,. %ncontrolled and Ill-'e(ulated :motion .................................................................................19
!. Desire5 In"i&ited or 'am#ant ....................................................................................................28
/. Diseases of .orr) and Irritation ...............................................................................................35
2. Causes Arising in the Etheric Bo"y ............................................................................#$
,. /on(estion ................................................................................................................................40
!. 2ac= of /oordination and Inte(ration .......................................................................................41
/. O-er-stimulation of t"e /enters ................................................................................................42
#. Causes Arising in the %ental Bo"y ............................................................................&5
,. .ron( Mental ,ttitudes ...........................................................................................................46
!. Mental <anaticism - 6"e Dominance of 6"ou("t-forms ..........................................................47
/. <rustrated Idealism ...................................................................................................................49
6"e *acred ,rt of ealin( .............................................................................................................52
$reliminar) 'ules for 'adiator) ealin( ......................................................................................53
6"ree Ma1or 2a+s of ealt" .........................................................................................................55
6"e /auses of Disease *ummari;ed .............................................................................................58
&. Diseases "ue to the 'ife of Disci(leshi( ......................................................................59
,. 6"e Diseases of M)stics ...........................................................................................................59
!. Diseases of Disci#les ................................................................................................................62
6"e /enters and t"e 7landular *)stem .........................................................................................72
6"e *e-en Ma1or /enters ..............................................................................................................74
6"e !od) - $"enomenal ,##earance ............................................................................................83
6"e :t"eric !od)5 3er-ous and :ndocrine *)stems ....................................................................97
:ffects $roduced in *#ecific ,reas .............................................................................................101
:ffects of %nderstimulation and O-er-stimulation of t"e /enters ..............................................106
CHAPTER II - Causes Emanating rom #rou$ %ie..............................................11&
Causes Emanating from )rou( 'ife.............................................................................11#
1. Diseases of Humanity* +nherite" from the Past .......................................................115
,. 4enereal and *)#"ilitic Diseases ...........................................................................................116
!. 6u&erculosis ............................................................................................................................118
/. /ancer .....................................................................................................................................121
2. Diseases Arising from ,-scure Planetary Con"itions ............................................12#
#. .acial an" ational Diseases ....................................................................................12/
CHAPTER III - Our 'armic %ia(ilities...................................................................1&"
+ntro"uctory .emar0s....................................................................................................1#2
1. 1armic 'ia-ilities of the +n"i2i"ual .........................................................................1&!
2. The 3e2en .ay Causes of 1arma ..............................................................................1&$
The 3e2en .ay Causes of +nharmony an" Disease ......................................................151
CHAPTER I) - *ome +uestions Ans,ered.............................................................155
,n the ature of Congestion.........................................................................................155
Esoteric Healing
,n Ascertaining the 'ocation of Congestion................................................................15!
,n the Dual Cause of Congestion..................................................................................15!
,n Certain Ty(es of Disease..........................................................................................15/
,n 4e2er.......................................................................................................................... 15$
,n the Cure of Cancer...................................................................................................159
,n Dementia Praeco5.....................................................................................................1!6
,n Euthanasia................................................................................................................ 1!1
,n )erms........................................................................................................................ 1!2
,n +noculations...............................................................................................................1!#
,n )lan"s.......................................................................................................................1!&
,n the 7ital Bo"y...........................................................................................................1!5
,n Prana.........................................................................................................................1!!
,n ,riental an" ,cci"ental Bo"ies...............................................................................1!/
,n the er2ous 3ystem..................................................................................................1!/
,n Diet............................................................................................................................ 1!9
,n the 3(leen.................................................................................................................. 1/6
,n the 7agus er2e........................................................................................................1/6
,n the Eye.......................................................................................................................1/6
,n Psychological Causes of Disease..............................................................................1/1
,n Pro-lems of %elancholia..........................................................................................1/2
,n 4ull %oon an" Psychoses.........................................................................................1/2
,n Distri-ution of 4orce8 Bloo" Transfusion..............................................................1/&
,n 3uffering....................................................................................................................1/!
,n Planetary Energy......................................................................................................1/!
,n Transmutation of Desire..........................................................................................1//
,n 1arma.......................................................................................................................1//
,n )rou( +llnesses.........................................................................................................1/9
,n 9sing the %in" an" the +magination to De2elo( )rou( Consciousness...............1$6
,n Healing Energy.........................................................................................................1$6
,n +nstantaneous Healing..............................................................................................1$2
,n the 9se of the 'or":s +mage.....................................................................................1$2
,n the Christ................................................................................................................... 1$#
,n the Phrase ;%other of the <orl";.........................................................................1$&
,n the 3ense of 4utility..................................................................................................1$&
,n 3cientific Parallels....................................................................................................1$!
,n +ons an" .a"iation...................................................................................................1$/
,n 7i-ration................................................................................................................... 1$$
Esoteric Healing
,n the 4uture 3chools of Healing..................................................................................1$9
'etter to a 3cientist.........................................................................................................196
Part T,o ...................................................................................................................1-&
The Basic .e=uirements for Healing.............................................................................19#
Present Attitu"es to Death ............................................................................................261
,n Death - E5cer(ts from other <ritings....................................................................26/
Death an" the Etheric Bo"y ..........................................................................................216
CHAPTER ) - The Process o Restitution.............................................................."15
The Process of .estitution..............................................................................................215
1. The ature of Death ..................................................................................................221
<ear of Deat" ...............................................................................................................................224
Definition of Deat" ......................................................................................................................225
$ur#oses of Deat" ........................................................................................................................226
6"e ,rt of D)in( .........................................................................................................................230
2. The Act of .estitution ................................................................................................2##
<actors /onfrontin( t"e .it"dra+in( *oul ................................................................................235
6+o Main 'easons for /remation ..............................................................................................238
*eAuence of :-ents at Deat" .......................................................................................................239
#. T>o ?uestions of +m(ortance ...................................................................................2&2
CHAPTER )I- The Art o Elimination..................................................................."./
The Art of Elimination...................................................................................................2&!
Acti2ities +mme"iately After Death...............................................................................2&$
The De2achan E5(erience..............................................................................................251
Tenth 'a> of Healing.....................................................................................................252
CHAPTER )II- The Processes o Integration........................................................"5/
The Processes of +ntegration..........................................................................................25!
The 3ignificance of +ntegration......................................................................................25/
The 3tate of %in" of the 3oul........................................................................................25$
The Elimination of the Personality Thought-form.......................................................2!1
Part Three.................................................................................................................."/.
The 4un"amental 'a>s of Healing...............................................................................2!&
Three )rou(s of 'a>s....................................................................................................2!5
?ualities .e=uire" of the Healer...................................................................................2!5
CHAPTER )III-The %a,s and Rules Enumerated and A$$lied..........................."01
The 'a>s an" .ules Enumerate" an" A((lie"............................................................2/6
A((lication of the 'a>s an" .ules................................................................................2/2
CHAPTER I2- The *e3en 4odes o Healing..........................................................&55
The 3e2en %o"es of Healing..........................................................................................#5$
+. The 3e2en .ay Energies.............................................................................................#59
Esoteric Healing
++. The .ays of Healer an" of Patient............................................................................#!1
+++. The 3e2en Healing Techni=ues...............................................................................#!&


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