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Alphabet / l'alfabeto
a ah q koo
b bee r ehr-reh
c chee s ehs-seh
d dee t teh
e eh u oo
f eff-eh v voo
g zhee z dzeh-tah
h ahk-kah
i ee Foreign Letters
l ehl-eh j ee loon-gah
m ehm-eh k kahp-pah
n ehn-eh w dohp-pyah voo
o oh x eeks
p pee y ee greh-kah (or) eep-see-lohn
Italian Grammar
armadillo # !bi"
bisonte $ !ci"
cinghiale % !di"
dinosauro & !e"
elefante F !effe"
farfalla G !gi"
giraffa I !i"
ippopotamo L !elle"
leone ' !emme"
maiale ( !enne"
nottola ) !o"
orso * !pi"
pinguino + !cu"
quaglia , !erre"
rinoceronte - !esse"
scorpione . !ti"
tigre / !u"
usignolo 0 !vu"
visone 1 !zeta"
2. Pronnc!at!on / la pronnc!a
"tal!an !s a very phonet!c langage# so pronnc!at!on shold be easy. $ost %ords are
prononced e&actly l!ke they are spelled. 'here are only seven pre vo%els# bt several
d!phthongs and tr!phthongs. 'he (ngl!sh samples g!ven are not prononced e&actly as !n
"tal!an becase (ngl!sh vo%els tend to be d!phthong!zed (there's an e&tra yh or %h after the
actal vo%el). $ake sre to only say the pre vo%el and not the d!phthong %hen prononc!ng
Italian 0owels English Pronunciation
2i3 v!ta ee as in meet
2e3 ved! ay as in bait
[ ] era eh as in bet
2a3 cane ah as in father
2u3 va oo as in boot
2o3 sole oh as in boat
23 modo aw as in law

2w3 )ando# omo wuh as in won
2j3 p!ano# !er!# p!ove yuh as in yes
"n spell!ng# the letter e !s sed to represent both *e+ and [ ] , %h!le the letter o !s sed to
represent both *o+ and *+. "f the vo%el !s stressed# then the pronnc!at!on !s al%ays closed *e+
and *o+. "f the vo%el !s not stressed# !t !s al%ays open [ ] and *+. 'h!s can change accord!ng
to reg!onal d!alects !n "taly# of corse# bt th!s !s the standard rle. "tal!an sem!-vo%els are
al%ays %r!tten ua5 ue5 uo5 ui for *%+ and ia5 ie5 io5 iu for *-+. "f another vo%el precedes or !#
then !t !s a d!phthong. ai5 ei5 oi5 au5 eu. 'he comb!nat!on ! / another vo%el creates a
Italian consonant 6 vowel combinations
c 6 a5 o5 u5 he5 hi k am!ca# am!co# am!che
ah-mee-kah, ah-mee-koh, ah-mee-
c 6 ia5 io5 iu5 e5 i ch bac!o# celebre# c!nema bah-cho, cheh-leh-breh, chee-neh-
g 6 a5 o5 u5 he5 hi g gara# gsto# spaghett! gah-rah, goo-stoh, spah-geh-tee
g 6 ia5 io5 iu5 e5 i d- 0!otto# gelato# mag!co
djoh-toh, djeh-lah-toh, mah-djee-
sc 6 a5 o5 u5 he5 hi sk scala# scola# scheda skah-lah, skoo-oh-la, skeh-dah
sc 6 ia5 io5 iu5 e5 i sh sc!arpa# sc!pato# scemo shar-pah, shoo-pah-toh, sheh-moh
'he consonant h !s al%ays s!lent. 1oble consonants mst be prononced !nd!v!dally. il
nonno (eel nohn-noh) !s prononced d!fferently from il nono (eel noh-noh).
-tress falls on the second-to-last syllable !n "tal!an. "f stress falls on the last syllable# the
vo%el !s %r!tten %!th an accent mark (la c!tt2). 3o%ever# !t !s also poss!ble for the stress to
fall on the th!rd-to-last syllable (Amer!ca# telefono) and even the forth-to-last syllable
(telefonano) !n th!rd person plral verb con-gat!ons.

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