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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

A (tedious) Brief Summary of Scenes

Act 1, Scene 1 A street in Athens

Theseus, Duke of Athens, prepares to wed Hipployta, Queen of the Amazons.

Egeus enters with his daughter Hermia and her two suitors, Lysander and Demetrius. Egeus
requests Theseus' permission to force Hermia to wed Demetrius. Theseus grants Egeus request
and exits with Egeus and Demetrius. Hermia and Lysander make plans to elope, meeting in the
woods at night. Helena, who loves Demetrius, enters, and the lovers divulge their plan to her,
then leave. Helena leaves, intent on telling Demetrius of their plans.

Act 1, Scene 2 A street in Athens

A group of local workers meet, intent on putting forth a play. After assigning parts, they
arrange to meet in the woods, at night.

Act 2, Scene 1 A wood near Athens

Two fairies meet in the woods, revealing that Oberon and Titania are both coming there.
Oberon and Titania meet, quarrel and part again. Oberon devises a scheme to win from Titania
the Indian boy he wants, and sends Puck to find the flower for his plan.

Demetrius enters the woods looking for Hermia and Lysander. Helena follows
him, professing affection. Demetrius exits, Helena following, while Oberon watches.

Oberon sets Puck to anointing Demetrius' eyes with a potion made from the flower
Oberon has found, so that Demetrius will fall in love with Helena.

Act 2, Scene 2 Another part of the wood

Titania, attended by fairies, lays down to sleep in the woods. Oberon, finding her there,
anoints her eyes with the potion and leaves her sleeping.

Lysander and Hermia enter the woods, and tired, both sleep, somewhat apart
from each other. Puck stumbles upon the pair, and misinterpreting Oberon's instruction, anoints
Lysander's eyes with the potion and leaves him sleeping. Demetrius, enters, chased by Helena,
and leaves. Helena stumbles over Lysander, who is stricken with love for her. Helena leaves,
Lysander following. Hermia wakes, frightened, and not finding Lysander begins to search for him
in the wood.

Act 3, Scene 1 The wood

The workers meet within the wood, near where Titania sleeps, to rehearse their play.
Puck, spying their rehearsal, gives Bottom the head of an ass, and the workers scatter in fear.
Bottom, singing, wakes Titania, who promptly falls in love with him, and makes off with him to her

Act 3, Scene 2 Another part of the wood

Oberon and Puck meet in the woods, and talk about matters so far. Demetrius enters,
Hermia following. Hermia demands Demetrius tell her what has happened to Lysander.
Demetrius maintains his ignorance, and Hermia leaves Demetrius, who lies down to sleep.
Oberon, seeing what Puck has done, sends Puck to find Helena. Oberon, meanwhile, anoints
Demetrius' eyes with the potion. Helena enters, followed by Lysander, still professing his love for
her. Their discussion wakes Demetrius who then professes his love for Helena. Hermia enters,
looking for Lysander, and discovers his love for Helena. A quarrel ensues. Demetrius and
Lysander leave to fight. Helena leaves, Hermia following. Oberon orders Puck to lead the lovers
through the woods til they sleep, so that he can remove the charm from Lysander's eyes, while
Oberon goes to win from Titania the Indian boy. Puck and Oberon exit the scene.



A brief recap of the action so far, as provided by: The Rude Mechanicals

Act 3, Scene 2, continued Back in the woods

Puck begins to lead the lovers through the woods, where, exhausted, they fall asleep.
Puck anoints Lysander's eyes with another potion, removing his affection for Helena. Puck exits.
The lovers sleep.

Act 4, Scene 1 The wood

Titania and Bottom arrive at her bower, attended by fairies. Titania and Bottom sleep.
Oberon, entering Titania's bower with Puck, removes the enchantment from Titania's eyes, and
wakes her from her sleep. After showing Titania her paramour for the evening, they exit, leaving
Bottom asleep in the woods. Puck removes the enchantment from Bottom's head.

Theseus, Egeus and Hippolyta enter the woods, hunting. Stumbling upon the
lovers, they wake them. The lovers explain their current affections, and Theseus delcares they
shall all be married that day. They all return to Athens. At Titania's bower, Bottom wakes, and
finding himself alone, hurries to Athens to perform the play.

Act 4, Scene 2 A street in Athens

The workers meet, bemoaning the loss of Bottom, without whom they cannot perform their
play. Snug tells the workers that the Duke and the other couples have wed. Bottom appears, and
the workers depart to prepare their play for Theseus.

Act 5, Scene 1 The palace of Theseus

The couples, now wed, meet at the palace to prepare for their revels. A play is
introduced, featuring the Athenian workers. The play commences, The Most Lamentable
Comedy and Cruel death of Pryamus and Thisby. After the play, all the couples exit, leaving the
palace empty. Puck enters, followed by Oberon, Titania, and the other fairies who also revel
briefly before exiting.

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