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28/11/2013 Template: Identifying performance measure attributes | NSW Environment & Heritage 1/1
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natural resource management > Evaluation tools > Template: Identifying performance measure
Template: Identifying performance measure
Once the performance measures for an evaluation have been confirmed, the template
identifying their attributes can be used to answer a number of questions. These include
who might hold the necessary information, its format and whether a monitoring gap
An ideal outcome would be to derive multiple benefits from a single monitoring program,
which provides information that can be aggregated or disaggregated across various
scales. However it is more likely that a range of specific performance information will be
required at a catchment scale.
The template can be used to record the information required in evaluating a project or
Identifying performance measure attributes template (0975perfmeasureattributes.doc;
44 KB)
Note: The attached template file is in Word format. Click on the link to view the
document on screen. To download it, right click on the link and select 'Save target as'.
Using the template
The attributes template may be completed with the help of a range of stakeholders,
such as agencies, local government and industry, thus ensuring that thorough
knowledge of current monitoring and possible monitoring needs is identified. Collecting
and recording this information will highlight and form the basis of a comprehensive
information access and collection system.
Complete the template as follows:
Complete the first two columns of the template using the hierarchy and performance
measure information from the program logic table.
Determine potential attributes for each performance measure and record in Column 3.
Advice from those experienced in collecting and managing information in the specific
field will be helpful. Where an index or statistical analysis is to be used, it may be
useful to consider the relationships between criteria.
Determine whether monitoring of each attribute is currently occurring and, if so,
what, when and by whom. Also determine whether historic information that could be
used as the basis for comparison is available. Record this information in Column 4.
Assess whether a monitoring program needs to be developed or a current monitoring
program supplemented and record recommendations in Column 5.
In Column 6, record an outline of any new monitoring programs that need to be
developed to inform measurement of performance and consider who is best able to
undertake this monitoring.
In Column 7, record comment on the decisions reached in completing the template.
In particular, record any ideas on how effort may best inform performance and
whether there are additional issues to consider, such as information management,
data analysis, etc.
Completing the table might indicate that the performance measures need to be
reviewed, particularly if the identified monitoring programs are inappropriate to needs.

Page last updated: 27 February 2011

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