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Normas del Espaol

1. Reflexive verbs are always written with reflexive pronouns. Eg. Me cepillo
los dientes todos los das. The verb + the reflexive pronoun indicates the
same person or thing is the subject
2. When using the present perfect tense, the present form of haber MUST be
used followed by the past participle verb. Eg. Carlos ha pintado refratos
3. When using the present perfect tense, the past participle MUST include the
endings ado and ido. Eg. He bailado, han pintado
4. Para should only be used to express a specific time limit or deadline in the
future, to express a purpose, to express a comparison or an opinion and to
indicate destination for something or someone. Eg. Los astronautas van
para la luna, Estudiamos para aprender, Juliet es muy alto para su
5. Direct object pronouns are always placed immediately before the conjugated
verb or attached directly to the infinitive. Eg. Yo te amo
6. When the direct object pronoun of a verb is a specific person(s), you MUST
place an a directly before the person(s) mentioned. Eg. Ellos aman a sus
7. Tener is only used to show possession, age, obligation and in
expressionions. Eg. Yo tengo cinco dolares, Juanita tiene que estudiar,
Yo tengo mucha hambre, Yo tengo quince aos.
8. When using the past perfect tense, the imperfect forms haber is followed the
past participle of verb conjugated Eg. Mara haba salido cuando yo entr
9. Adjective MUST follow the noun. Eg. El concierto animado
10. Formal commands are only used when giving direct instructions to a
11. The letter v is pronounced as b.
12. Letters with accents are stressed.
13. The verb ser is used to describe physical characteristics and personality
traits as well as to state ones occupation, nationality and the time of day and
date. Eg. Soy Venezuelan , Somos medicos, Las chicas son muy altas, es
14. Adjectives should always agree in gender and number with the nouns they
15. When speaking about the future, always use the present subjunctive after the
adverbs such as: cuando, antes de que, hasta que and despues de.
16. Demonstrative pronouns such as: ste, sos and stos replace nouns.
17. When ms and menos are used with numbers, they are followed by de. Eg.
Ese collar cuesta ms de veinte mil dlares.
18. The conditional tense is used to express what would happen given the right
conditions, wishes and desires and indirect speech.
19. Si + imperfect subjunctive is used when expressing remote possibilities.
20. If si is used with the present tense, the future tense is used instead of the
21. The word se is used as reflexive pronoun, as an alternative to the passive
voice and in impersonal constructions.
22. After despues de is infinitive.
23. Gustar cant be pluralized in front of verbs.
24. Tanto is used in comparison of a quality with nouns.
25. Ayudar is followed by personal a .
26. Se + conjugated verb means speaking generally.
27. Gente should NEVER be pluralized.
28. Commands are used when ordering, or telling someone to do something
29. The preterite tense is used to refer to actions that occurred at a fixed point in
30. the present subjunctive is formed by first starting with the yo form of the
present indicative, then drop the -o ending, finally, add the following
endings:-ar verbs:-e, -es, -e, -emos, -is, en, -er and -ir verbs: -a, -as, -a, -
amos, -is, -an
31. Tener dolor is used to describe ailments
32. To make a verb negative, place a no before the verb.
33. Tan is used to add emphasis and when comparing nouns
34. When making requests, puedes/puede usted + infinitive are used.
35. The present subjunctive is used after verbs that express fear, joy, sorrow and
other emotions.
36. The verb estar is used to describe certain emotions, state the location of
places, persons and things, describe the state of things, persons or places and
describe continuous action.
37. When pluralizing adjectives, those ending with a vowel, add s
38. When pluralizing adjectives, those ending with a z, change the z to c
and add -es
39. Impersonal expressions which convey certainty are followed by the
40. Infinitive is used if no subject is expressed.
41. Qu followed by a noun means what
42. Qu followed by an adjective means how
43. The imperfect tense describes an action in progress in the past.
44. The letter z is pronounced like a c
45. When the letter l is doubled in a word, it is pronounced as y
46. When making suggestions, the verb sugerir is used along with the noun.
47. The pluperfect or past perfect tense is used to express an action that
occurred further in the past than another action.
48. Por is used when expressing duration of time.
49. The verb gustar is combined with indirect object pronoun instead of a
subject pronoun.
50. Relatives in Spanish do not refer to direct family members such as parents
and siblings, it refers to aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

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