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Dr. Carlos F. Gmez Daz

Ms. e!!" #. Ro$r%&'ez Or(%z
Este valor nuevo atribuido a la transitoriedad,
a lo elusivo y efmero, la celebracin del dinamismo,
revela una nostalgia por un presente inmaculado y estable.
In our opinion, the behaviour of Chilean organizations subordinates itself to a cultural
pattern that can be traced to a Hispanic origin, and that can be explained through
human resources management practices in Chile. Certain modes characterize
organizational behaviour in Chile such as: short-term perspective in which realities are
analysed and assessed, double discourse that intends to hide obvious realities using
discursive explanations, and the privilege of individual obectives and interests over
those of groups or even !ational society. "his leads to the sacrifice of #ociety in terms
of growth and development. $ recurrence of actions can be found in the Chilean
%anager: privileges paternalistic managerial styles, does not encourage the
development of employees& competencies, is tas'-oriented, manipulative and does not
ta'e responsibility for the conse(uences of his actions.
In )*** we carried on exploratory research in Chile&s %etropolitan +egion, on a sample
of ),,** cases, with the obective of identifying the cultural bac'ground of human
resources management. -e used a survey to collect information about material and
symbolic elements, as well as patterns of social interaction that are empirically observed
in organizations. "he research allows us to describe some characteristic parameters of
human resources management in Chile, as follows:
Selection process and entrance to organizations: In the process of entrance to
organizations we recognize the force of mechanisms of family and friendship contacts.
"his phenomenon, 'nown in Chile as .pituto/, could explain an operating labour
segregation that wor's as an initial factor that determines not only organizational
inclusion but also the space assigned and assumed within organizational dynamics.
Organizational characteristics: "hree dimensions were assessed: flexibility, stability
and wor'ing environment. 01,12 estimated organizations are not flexible, 13,42
estimated organizations are not stable and 5*,62 estimated the environment is not a
nice one to wor' at. Internal environment is perceived in a negative way given the little
existence of predictability in ob stability and the open exclusion in decision ma'ing, all
associated to informal mechanisms that rule organizational environments. "his is
complemented with rigid organizational designs that are strongly regulated, vertical
structures that operate for the elites within they reproduce, managerial and leadership
Previous version of this paper was presented in The Social Representations Conference at Stirling, U. K. 2002
octor en !ilosof"a, Universidad de #iverpool $Reino Unido%& #ic. 'ntropolog"a Social, Universidad de Chile.
)agister 'd*inistraci+n , irecci+n de Recursos -u*anos, Universidad de Santiago de Chile& #ic.
'd*inistraci+n de .*presas, Universidad /0eroa*ericana $Rep10lica o*inicana%.
styles legitimised with formal authority, and mechanisms that preserve rigid disciplinary
Relevant changes perceived in the last five years: **,4% of individuals recognized
changes in the environment in the last five years. #ignificant changes, both within
organizations as web as in relation with the external environment, ma'e reference to the
significant rise of labour instability7 the introduction of new technologies has forced
challenges that are not always addressed on time. "his relates to the emergence of new
opportunities of professional development7 the changes in the composition and
characteristics of benefits and pay have signified a very significant decrease of the
(uality of life and the magnitude of financial compensations for accomplished wor', and
important changes are perceived neither in the magnitude nor in the means of
participation of wor'ers. dare
Organizational stay: %ost of the individuals estimate that wor'ers stay in organizations
mainly because of the inexistence of another labour option. 8ther reasons stated ma'e
reference to 'eeping their salary and, in a less extent, an opportunity to learn and
escalate, associated with a sense of belonging that expresses itself in the recognition of
the .(uality/ of the wor' environment.
Growth and development of organizations: "he population perceives that growth and
development in organizations are a conse(uence of the favourable global economic
conditions, and, in a less extent, a conse(uence of the introduction of new technologies
as well as the stability of the political system. "here was an irrelevant presence of the
consideration of the existence of cultural capital to sustain organizations.
Work norms in organizations: 1,,92 of the surveyed estimated that organizations
treat employees in the frame of what is strictly established by the law, but even that
does not invalid the presence of an arbitrary and discretional frame of labour relations
used in the application of norms, in accordance with the level of relation with
organizational property and authority. "he discourse expresses passivity, lac' of
motivation, resignation and conformism, associated to a learned hopelessness. "his
discourse refers to an external locus of control that turns the future into an uncertain
destiny for those not associated with power elites within organizations.
Rewards and compensations: 43 2 of wor'ers estimated that the compensation
systems in organizations are lin'ed directly to productive processes, the achievement of
goals and operational results7 an important group :about ),2; estimated that loyalty and
obedience to organizational power elites is rewarded. "his valuation of human resource
seems as an important model of individual behaviour in order to stay in the organization
through the creation of a significant internal image :i.e., leaving ob post late at night,
establishing mechanisms of internal visualization for bosses and superiors;.
Training: $round 132 estimated that training occurring in organizations has an
immediate context and not a long-term one7 it is tas'-oriented and does not represent a
development opportunity in the form of learning of new things. "his can be understood
as an empirical estrangement from the concept of employability :both internal and
external;. <urthermore, the social construction that rises upon training activities puts on
view another one of vindictive terms in relation with a labour contract that is sustained
on legal terms.
Decision making and expectations: +efers to both the real and ideal dynamics of
decision ma'ing. 8ver 90,2 of the surveyed sample estimated that decisions are made
by the people with higher authority and that wor'er participation does not have a space
even to state their opinion regarding their own wor'.
Discrimination: =iscrimination is recognized on different dimensions7 94,92 estimated
that organizations discriminate wor'ers by gender :59,42 estimated that there is
discrimination towards women;, but other dimensions were recognized as well: socio-
economical level :05,42;, educational level :04,92; y physical appearance :59,)2;.
Worker relations: <or more than 0) 2, relations between people are extended outside
of the formal wor' schedule, 162 estimated that wor'ers help each other, and 44,*2
estimated that wor'ers treat each other with respect. In general, there is a recognized
tendency to sustain interpersonal relations that are not limited to labour environment and
limited by labour hierarchies. "hese relations include discussions about difficulties and
bothers that derive from wor' in organizations :1),12;, personal problems :50,62;,
tas's to do :56,*2;, and the situation inside the organization :56,52;. 8ther topics
include the country :6,,,2;, and football, sex, children and television :)),,2;.
reedom of expression: $ restrained freedom of expression is identified :this variable
understood as a verbal expression of ideas and opinions; limited to a frame that does
not imply ris' or transgression, and narrowed by the fear of punishment or revenges,
given the strong presence of control mechanisms. 49,12 estimated that people spea'
with fear and scepticism, this is, they ust say certain things or watch what they say, and
sometimes they ust don&t spea' their minds at all. 8nly 5,52 estimated that wor'ers
spea' out freely. lessened
!hilean workers: +esults indicate that Chilean wor'ers are perceived as ris'-evasive
:402;, lazy :042;, do not accept criticism well :462;, and don&t li'e to be told what to do
:09,92;. In addition, the idea of a .good employee/ relates with someone who is
motivated to contribute with the best of him>herself, give opinions and suggestions
:59,42;7 being trustworthy and complying with what is established :,5,12;7 and worried
about his>her own development and the development of others and willing to learn
"anager profile and expectations regarding managers: %anagers in organizations
are perceived as being strict :45,,2;, not considerate :10,12;, improper or overbearing
:16,52;, indifferent :01,52;, and not participative :1*,52;. "heir leadership style is
recognized as a mechanism of perpetuation of the autocratic dynamic that has ruled
"anagers# perception of workers: It is perceived that managers have the need to
persistently control all wor'ers& activities under the assumption that if not doing so, wor'
will not get done. $ wor'er&s obligation is to comply all orders and be available for all of
his>her supervisor&s re(uirements. "here is the perception among wor'ers that superiors
thin' that there is a need to tell wor'ers what to do because they .would not be able to
do so by themselves/. 8ther things are recognized as well, such as distrust on their
performance, indifference and abuse of power, negative feedbac' in the face of errors
and mista'es, the assumption that the only thing that motivates employees is money,
and the perceived need that they should neither thin' nor tal' in order to avoid conflict
with superiors. $lso, they thin' themselves to be considered with a low learning ability,
that they do not produce what is expected of them, that they do not have initiative or
autonomy, that they do not thin', are not intelligent, don&t 'now how to do their ob, are
incompetent, not efficient, dependent on their superiors and lac' training. It is estimated
that Chilean wor'ers are lazy, .sacadores de vuelta/
7 irresponsible7 useless,
individualistic, opportunist, ris' avoidant, who ta'e advantage of situations, do not li'e
wor', are conformist automatons and, in general, dumb individuals who wor' to the
minimum effort, and in whom one cannot trust.
It is estimated that they are perceived as individuals destined to perform within the
productive context defined by the organization. #ome of the answers displayed
regarding this idea are .they must produce, ust produce/, .they must do the wor'/,
.they&re ust good for production/, .they wor' little, produce little and below what&s
expected/, .they&re slow/, .they&re useful as long as they produce or do the wor' o'/.
Findings: Interpretation y conclusions
+esults come to confirm much of what previous research :indicated in the bibliography;
had indicated on an exploratory level, and for each of the dimensions already described.
8rganizational and human resources management practices can be typified, in the
Chilean case, as an epi-phenomenon of an manic-pragmatic :or fatalist-bureaucratic;
organizational culture7 this according to the proposals of ?omez :)**4;. "his means that
administrative procedures are currently in what could be labelled as pre-"aylorist and
"aylorist dynamics, complemented with a discourse that sustains the forced rise of
modern practices and import of models in an urge for global inclusion, and in the middle
of a denial of organizational and cultural reality in which they are immerse and in which
they have operated historically.
@ven when public discourse of organizational leaders and politicians presents itself
different, given that they feel capable of accepting ideas and ta'ing on new challenges,
it is evident that they are no able to be operational them and assume the responsibilities
of a long-term commitment. Aeople are managed with a short-term mentality and this is
evidenced on the lac' of trust between all the different sectors that can lead to change
and be change agents.
8rganizations are subordinated to the environment7 this is, they are reactive and
respond to the pressures imposed by the mar'et, rather than operating on the base of
differentiation that generates long-time sustainability. $n example of this is the
implementation of imported models and the use of organizational practices of the .fad of
the moment/ type. #tructure is vertical and managed through informal mechanisms that
respond to normative structures which have been validated by social culture. <or
example, the strong power of .compadrazgo/
mechanisms for organizational entrance,
rather than the use of rational structures7 or training activities that operate only as social
or legal mechanisms of adaptation.
Internally, organizations move on the base of an informal structural order, mar'ed by a
strong insecurity. "his can be explained upon managerial styles rather than upon
structure or flexibility > factic stability of organizations as part of the mar'et. "his is, more
than to consider the use of information to generate unity of purpose, organizations move
3sacadores de vuelta4 se dice de las personas 5ue evita el tra0a6o *ediante la si*ulaci+n de estar haciendolo.
3co*padra8go4 corresponde a un tipo de parentesco ficticio.
on a scheme of .directed mass/ and a contrasting directing group, where the ones who
define and dictate courses of action without maor explanations are the .organizational
gurus/. "his is complemented with controlled, hierarchies, stratified environments, where
importance is given to positions in virtue of the authority associated with them, there is
an authoritarian leadership, and distinctions are made in treatment to people, according
to whether they are lin'ed to those with power or not.
#omething relevant is the constant use of mechanisms of control and supervision under
the assumption that people need to be directed and told what to do. "he value assigned
to people draws upon the conviction of their bad and non-perfectible nature. In general,
there is no evidence of any concern toward the development of people and behaviour
predictability is expected on the base of tas' orientation, valuing results. $s a final point,
discrimination presents itself as a relevant factor, because it operates with patterns that
do not offer opportunity or narrow possibilities under certain assumptions, for instance,
the lac' of ac'nowledgement of family spaces as spaces of shared responsibilities
between men and women, or not considering individuals& potential and only privileging
certain .elites/ inside organizations.
In response to the needs of e(uality and more access to organizational ongoing
dynamics as well as all subacent benefits, protection nets articulate in order to .protect/
oneself from the internal dynamic of the organization. "his could explain why individuals
distance themselves, identifying organizational reality as different from their own reality.
"his leads to a vision of an organization that is far from them, a lac' of conscience in
relation with their organizational inclusion or affiliation.
"here is a temporal orientation towards the past and individuals persist in loo'ing at it
and over-valuing it as a better time. "his ustifies why they do not perceive the gains
obtained in the present. "his conception associates with a degree of cultural
inconsistency that could be explained upon organizations perpetual behaviour patterns
oriented to submission to authority and wor'ers not being included in greater
participation structures and organizational benefits.
@ven if there is the tal' of a presence of the human resources management unit in most
of the organizations in Chile, the first main consideration is the fact that human
resources management is not considered as strategic within organizations, with some
counted exceptions in which the selection process is given importance unconnectedly
and only because of the benefits it represents in terms of public image.
$lso, Chilean organizational environment faces aspects so dysfunctional such as
discrimination of different 'ind, mainly those generated by the use of influences through
the use of mechanisms of .compadrazgo/ and .cha(ueteo/
, that, as has been stated,
generates exclusion to those not associated with power groups. $ll this is somehow very
related to the psychosocial profile of Chilean individuals. Chileans have been
characterized as parvenu upstart, inhibited, envious, lac'ing spontaneity, with a limited
level of self-demand, of un-systematic doing and giving more importance to positions
than to people. "hese characteristics can be identified in the way things are carried on
organizations and the roles people assume within them. $nother relevant factor is the
fact that, to organizational structures and practices underlie other characteristics such as
3cha5ueteo4 es una conducta a traves de la cual se pretende i*pedir el desarrollo de otra, *ediante e: uso de
*ecanis*os de descalificaci+n infor*ales.
evasion, reactivity towards change, pragmatism, not being preventive, instability, and
searching for security on the base of remaining static.
$lso, the dynamics of social relations extrapolates to organizations in what can be
identified as an incapacity to differentiate both scenarios. -e find, then, the
development of uniform behavioural patterns oriented to acceptance and permanence in
reference groups, reecting diversity.
Bastly, we thin' it is appropriate to ma'e two important considerations:
:); In Chile, it is necessary that cultural phenomenon be recognized and understood as
a description and explanation of both social and organizational realities, rather than as
good or bad ways of doing things. $lso, it must serve as base for the generation of more
ade(uate organizational policies and procedures. It is necessary to assume
organizational culture as a descriptive approach that can give plausible explanations as
to how or why. In this sense, a first step is to recognize reality. If foreign strategies of
change and models do not wor' is simply because they are not culturally viable, they do
no ma'e sense to individuals because they do not fit in the constructs that underlie their
:,; It is recognized the weight of culture in perpetuating patterns of distrust among
wor'ers and managing sectors. "he romantic idea of the encounter between the two
cannot be based on the hope for the good will to generate trust mechanisms or facilitate
the open ac'nowledgement of differences and an enthusiastic approach. ?eneral
unconsciousness does not allow to develop a critical vision of history, and generates a
permanence on the discursive level.
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En$o%ue Empresarial, Conferencia Alenaria #eminario Aercade, #antiago de Chile, ), y
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