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Minerals Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 501-509, 1998
@ 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd
All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
0892-6875/98 $19.004-0.00
De Beers Diamond Research Laboratory, Mineral Processing Division,
P.O. Box 1770, Southdale 2135, Johannesburg, South Africa. E-mail: jsvoboda@global. co. za
t Potchefstroom University, School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering,
Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa
(Received 24 November 1997; accepted 20 March 1998)
The density differential between the overflow and underflow streams is one of the critical
measurable parameters in the operation of dense medium cyclones. Our investigation of
the application of a magnetic cyclone to dense medium separation showed that by a
judicious positioning of a solenoid magnet along the axis of the cyclone, and by adjusting
the strength of the magnetic field, it is possible to control the density differential in the
cyclone. It is also possible to influence the cut-point density and the sharpness of the
Tromp curve and the selectivity of separation. Typically, it was possible to vary the
density differential in a wide range from -0. 1 to 0.8 g/cm 3. The cut-point density was
controlled between 2.8 and 3.2 g/cm 3 f or 270D ferrosilicon, at a f eed density of 2.35
g/cm 3, and between 3.1 and 3.4 g/cm3 f or Cyclone 60, at a feed density of 2.45 g/cm 3.
The Ep of separation was observed to decrease from 0.05 to 0.01 by the application of
the magnetic field, accompanied by reduced cut-point density. 1998 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved
Dense medium separation; hydrocyclones; magnetic separation
The magnetic cycl one was developed in the late sixties as a natural extension of a conventional
hydrocycl one with the aim of providing an additional external (magnetic) force to supplement the
gravitational and centrifugal forces that cause classification and separation. By providing such an external
force, which can vary in a wide range of values, it is, in principle, possible to manipulate the matter more
efficiently under a wide spectrum of experimental conditions. More specifically, attempts were made to
apply the magnetic cycl one to the beneficiation of strongly and feebly magnetic ores and the recovery of
magnetisable heavy media.
Probably the first magnetic cycl one was developed and applied on a production scale in ex-Soviet Union
[ 1,2]. The permanent-magnet based cyclone was applied to beneficiation of roasted magnetite ore and was
reported to efficiently remove fine low-grade material into the tailings [3]. Somewhat more sophisticated
systems were developed in the early eighties [4,5]. These magnetic cyclones empl oyed electromagnets to
separate a sand-magnetite mixture.
~ r ' ) l
502 J. Svoboda et aL
Boxmag-Rapid Ltd. have improved the above designs by employing a quadrupole electromagnet [6], in
contrast to the dipole arrangement of the Watson and Fricker magnetic cyclones. The quadrupole
arrangement generates a higher magnetic field gradient, which results in a higher magnetic force acting on
particles. The Boxmag-Rapid magnetic cyclone was intended for fine iron-ore circuits and for dewatering
a dilute heavy medium. (Recently, a magnetic cyclone system, similar to the original Russian design, this
time equipped with rare-earth magnets, was tested [7].) A review of various designs of magnetic cyclones
was published in [8].
It appears that the magnetic cyclone has not found desired acceptance by the mining industry. Apparently
insufficient understanding of the theoretical principles of magnetic cycloning and a rather unsophisticated
design of the magnetic circuits are the main reasons for the disappointing performance of such cyclones.
Typically, the performance of magnetic cyclones was characterised by insufficient mineral recovery,
undesirable flocculation of magnetic particles, poor concentrate grades and product accumulation in the
A feature common to all known magnetic cyclones is the use of a horizontally oriented magnetic field. It
was proposed [9] to replace the horizontally oriented magnets by a simple solenoid wound around the
cyclone, with its axis in the vertical direction. The arrangement is shown in Figure 1. The forces acting on
a particle of, for example, heavy medium in such a magnetic cyclone are depicted in Figure 2. It can be
seen that the resultant net force acting on a particle will be directed towards the central plane of the
solenoid. The angle of this resultant force, with respect to the vertical, can be adjusted by varying the
magnetic field strength.
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a magnetic cyclone for the control of density differential.
Application of magnetic cyclone for dense medium separation 503
Sol e noi d
Part i cl e
F v l ~ Fc
F v 2 / F c
Fc - cent ri f ugal f orce
Fv - vert i cal f orce
Ft - t ot al f orce
Fg - f orce o f gravi t y
Fb - buoyancy f orce
Fd - hydr odynami c drag
F m - magne t i c f orce
F v l - Fi n + Fg - Fb - Fd
Fv2 = Fm + Fb + F d - F g
Fig.2 Forces in a magnetic cyclone with vertical magnetic field.
By a judicious positioning of the solenoid along the axis of the cyclone it is then possible to affect the
distribution of the particles of the magnetic medium within the cyclone. Thus, by adjusting the magnetic
field strength and by a suitable positioning of the magnet, it should be possible to control the density
distribution of the heavy media and to set an optimum density differential, cut-point density and Ep of the
Tromp curve of the cyclone.
One of the critical parameters that can be measured in the operation of dense medium cyclones is the
density differential between the overflow and undert ow streams produced by the cyclone. It is generally
accepted that the density differential should have a value of between 0.2 and 0.5 g/cm 3. If the density
differential is too high, there is a wide range of densities present in the cyclone and excessive middlings
fraction with a high retention time is generated. If the density differential is too low, inadequate recovery
of the valuable components is achieved.
In order to investigate the possibility of controlling the distribution of ferrosilicon in a dense medium
cyclone, and thus to optimise operation of the cyclone by applying a magnetic field, an extensive
experimental programme was undertaken. Results of this research project are described in the subsequent
MI~ | I:6-B
504 J. Svoboda e t a l .
Fi gure 3 details the dimensions of the dense medi um cyclone and the location of the test solenoid, referred
to in the text as ' t op' , ' mi ddl e' and ' bot t om' positions. All the tests were conducted with a scaled-down
dense medi um cycl one unit devel oped by the De Beers Di amond Research Laborat ory for the concentration
of batch kimberlite samples.
t O O m m
, ~ I t , ,
43 mm I
i J i
' ' i
I ~ ~ "|DMS C y c l o n e r ' ~ ' , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ( S . . . . . . .
s l o p Posi t i on
/ / Sol enoi d = ~
i = : n e e g i n = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]
~ " ~ ~ ' " I ~ ' ~ = ~ - - ~ M id d ie P o sitio n
, ~ L , , ' - - ' ~ ' ~ ' " " " " ~ 2 0 m m / ' " ' " . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ 0 ; ~ i
Bottom Position
: . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ' . ' ~ " " . " ~ . / . . . . . :
' ' 125mm
, , ~ ~ ,
' J l [ 320 mm ) ,
Fig.3 Schematic diagram of the experimental arrangement of the magnet i c cyclone.
Th e cycl one is gravi t y-fed from a constant head mixing box to ensure a steady medi um flow and pressure
at the cycl one inlet. The cycl one axis is inclined toward the apex at an angle of 12 to horizontal to
discharge the contained medi um when the plant is stopped.
The plant includes a wet drum magnetic separator to remove non-magnetic fine solids from the circulating
medi um and return clean ferrosilicon to the correct medi um storage tank to mi ni mi se medi um viscosity. The
density of the circulating medi um is maintained at the pre-set operating density by an automatic density
controller and clean water dilution valve.
Two different grades of ferrosilicon were used: a finely milled 270D and a coarser atomised Cycl one 60.
Twent y 2- mm density tracers, from 2.0 g/ cm 3 to 3.7 g/ cm 3, at 0.1 g/ cm 3 steps, were added into the syst em
in each run. The tracers were retrieved by a 1-mm laboratory sieve from the overflow and underflow
streams of the cyclone.
The response of the cyclone with 270D ferrosilicon was tested at three different feed densities, namel y 2.35,
2.45 and 2.55 g/ cm 3. For Cyclone 60 the feed densities tested were 2.45, 2.55 and 2.65 g/ cm 3 . Tests were
done at each solenoid position and at different settings of the coil current representing different values of
the magnet i c field. These settings were varied from 0 to 120 Gauss. Each test was repeated three times to
ensure reproducibility.
Paramet ers recorded during each run were: the cyclone feed, under t ow and overflow densities, the
under t ow and overflow flow rates and the distribution of density tracers. The partition curves were
constructed from the density tracer data, from which the cut-point densities and the mean probabl e errors
were calculated.
Application of magnetic cyclone for dense medium separation
Figures 4 and 5 summarise the effect of the magnetic field on the density differential in the cyclone, for
270D and Cycl one 60 ferrosilicon, respectively. It can be seen that by applying the magnetic field, the
density differential between the overflow and underflow decreases until it reaches a minimum. With a
further increase of the magnetic field strength the density differential begins to rise. This pattern is common
to both grades of ferrosilicon, to all three feed densities and to all positions of the solenoid magnet
investigated in this study. It can, however, be seen that the greatest reduction in the density differential is
achieved with the magnet close to the overflow. It can be easily understood by realising that the closer the
magnet is to the overflow, the more uniform the distribution of ferrosilicon within the cyclone. It can be
seen in Figure 5 that it is even possible to induce inversion of density resulting in a negative density
~ 0.o
Feed 2.35 g/cm a, bottom magnet
Feed 2 . 3 5 g/cm 3, magnet middle
F e e d 2 . 3 5 g/cm 3, magnet top
v Feed 2.55 g/cm 3, magnet bottom
Feed 2 . 5 5 g/cm 3, magnet middle
I eonem raagaet ~ a Feed 2.55 g/cm 3, magnet top
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
M a g n e t i c F i e l d S t r e n g t h [ G ]
Fig.4 Density differential as a function of magnetic field strength for various positions of the magnet and
for two feed densities. Ferrosilicon: 270D.
The results also show that the pattern of the density differential is practically independent of the feed
density, in the range investigated (i.e. between 2.35 and 2.65 g/cm3). It can also be seen from Figures 4 and
5 that the mi ni mum density differential was achieved at approximately 80 G for 270D ferrosilicon, while
for Cycl one 60 the minimum was observed at 40 G. After reaching the minimum, the density differential
begins to rise with increasing magnetic field. This is the result of the onset of magnetic flocculation [10]
of the ferrosilicon particles, increased settling of the magnetic floes and distortion of the flow pattern within
the cyclone.
506 J. Svoboda e t a l .
, , V"
= _ -
o r e
0 . 8
Feed 2 . 4 5 g/cm 3, bottom magnet
Feed 2 . 4 5 g/cm 3, magnet middle
Feed 2 . 4 5 g/cm 3, magnet top
Feed 2 . 6 5 g/cm 3, magnet bottom
; e e d 2 . 6 5 g/cm 3, magnet middle
Feed 2. 65 g/cm 3, magnet top
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
M a g n e t i c F i e l d S t r e n g t h [ G ]
Fig.5 Density differential as a function of magnetic field strength for various positions of the magnet and
for two feed densities. Ferrosilicon: Cyclone60.
The difference in the behaviour of 270D and Cyclone 60 ferrosilicon can be explained by realising that
Cycl one 60 is coarser and more magnetic than 270D ferrosilicon, as can be seen in Table 1. Coarser and
more magnetic Cycl one 60 requires a lower magnetic field to manipulate the distribution of the ferrosilicon
particles within the cyclone. The onset of magnetic flocculation of the Cyclone 60 particles also occurs at
a l ower magnetic field than that for 270D.
TABLE 1 Physi cal characteristics of 270D and Cycl one 60 ferrosi l i con [11]
Ferrosilicon Particle size Saturation Remanent Coercive
- 45 l a r n magnetisation magnetisation force
Bs(kG ) B r (G) H c (Oe)
270D 85-93% 7.6 117 36
Cycl one 60 65-78% 9.4 187 40
Figure 6 summarises the effect of the magnetic field on the mean probable error Ep. It can be seen that the
application of the magnetic field reduces the Ep; for instance with 270D ferrosilicon the Ep decreased from
0.06 at zero magnetic field, to less than 0.02 at about 35 G. A further rise in the magnetic field strength
increases the mean probable error, the increase being more dramatic for Cyclone 60 ferrosilicon, for reasons
discussed above. Figure 7 depicts the dependence of the mean probable error and of the density differential
on the magnetic field strength. Such a chart offers, for the first time in DMS practice, a tool for
determination of the optimum density differential, at which the selectivity of separation is maximum. It is
of interest to note that the minimum value of Ep, for 270D, occurred at a density differential of 0.25 g/cm 3,
in agreement with plant experience [12].
Application of magnetic cyclone for dense medium separation
0.20 --r
t l , I
t _
, . 0
0 .
FeSi 270D t
FeSi Cyclone 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I i
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / - - i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-m-- i . . . . . . . . - - ~
.2.... . . . . . - : - . . . . . ~ . . . . . .
M a g n e t i c F i e l d S t r e n g t h [ G]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Fi g. 6 Mean pr obabl e error Ep as a funct i on of the magnet i c field.
0.09 0.5
l a .
. . . . . ~ . . . . l . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . 0 . 4
ii ~ " ii I e D e n s i t y d i f f e r e n t i a l ~ . . N _ ~ ED ,
. . . . . - ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 0 . 3 . = .
', \ i F-\ o ' , /
, i
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Magnetic Fi el d Strength [G]
Fi g. 7 Mean pr obabl e error Ep and densi t y differential, as a funct i on of t he magnet i c field, for 270D
ferrosi l i con.
Fi gur es 8 and 9 depi ct t he dependence of the cut -poi nt densi t y on the magnet i c field strength. It can be seen
that t he cut -poi nt densi t y decr eases with an increasing magnet i c field, the maxi mum r educt i on amount i ng
t o about 5 per cent at t he opt i mum magnet i c field (where Ep is t he l owest ). The decr ease in the cut - poi nt
densi t y is t he resul t of t he fact that t he application of t he magnet i c field r educes t he densi t y di fferent i al and
508 J. Svoboda e t a i .
t hus t he d e n s i t y o f t he unde r f l ow. I t a l s o t r a ns pi r e s f r o m Fi gur e s 8 a nd 9 t hat t he d e c r e a s e i n t he c u t - p o i n t
d e n s i t y s e e ms t o be mo r e p r o n o u n c e d f o r l o we r f e e d dens i t i es , a l t hough t he r e duc t i on i n t he d e n s i t y
di f f e r e nt i a l i s i n d e p e n d e n t o f t he f e e d de ns i t y.
i 3.1
"~ 2.9
Feed 2.35 g/cm s, magnet bottom
F e e d 2.35 g/cm s, magnet middle
& Feed 2.35 g/cm 3, magnet top
v Feed 2.55 g/cm a, magnet bottom
Feed 2.55 g/cm s, magnet middle
~ . Feed 2.55 g/cm3, magnet top
. . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . .
i i
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
M a g n e t i c F i e l d S t r e n g t h [ G]
Fi g. 8 T h e c u t - p o i n t de ns i t y as a f unc t i on o f t he ma g n e t i c f i el d f o r 2 7 0 D f e r r os i l i c on.
..L~ 3.30
"O0. 3.20
U 3.15
I Feed 2.45 g/cm s, magnet bottom
l F e e d 2.45 g/cm 3, magnet middle
Feed 2.45 g/cm 3, magnet top
. ! v Feed 2.65 g/cm 3, magnet bottom
. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . t Feed 2.65 g/cm 3, magnet middle
:; Feed 2.65 g/cm 3, magnet top
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
M a g n e t i c F i e l d S t r e n g t h [ G]
Fi g . 9 Th e c u t - p o i n t de ns i t y as a f unc t i on o f t he ma g n e t i c f i el d f o r Cy c l o n e 6 0 f e r r os i l i c on.
Application of magnetic cyclone for dense medium separation 509
It has been confirmed experimentally that the distribution of ferrosilicon in a cyclone can be manipulated
by a weak, externally applied, vertically oriented magnetic field. This manipulation enables control of the
density differential and the mean probable error. It was also determined that the field strength required to
achieve optimum results is dependent on the type of ferrosilicon used.
It was also possible, for the first time, to establish an experimental procedure that allows to relate the
density differential to the mean probable error. By determining the minimum Ep it is possible to identify
the density differential at which the cyclone should operate to provide the highest selectivity of separation.
Although more work is needed to evaluate the full potential of the magnetic cyclone technique for dense
medium separation, it is apparent that the approach described in this paper offers a tool for determination
of the optimum operating conditions of a cyclone and for maintaining such conditions. A magnetic field can
also efficiently assist in rectification of operational problems often experienced at DMS plants. In view of
the very low magnetic field strength required to optimise the operation of the cyclone, the capital cost is
low and the running costs are negligible. In the case of our 100 mm cyclone, the input power did not exceed
15 W, under optimum conditions.
This paper is published by permission of De Beers Diamond Research Laboratory. Numerous fruitful
discussions with E. Hyland are gratefully acknowledged.
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Cor r espondence on papers publ i shed in Mi ne r al s Engi ne e r i ng is invited, preferabl y by e-
mai l to mi n. eng@net mat t er s. co. uk, or by Fax to +44-(0)1326-318352

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