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For t he V-FAS3000, V-FAS60x 0,V30x 0, SA300 and SA600 Pr oduc t Fami l i es

1. Locate the appliance (node) you were dispatched to work on and verify by a serial number check.
2. The Activity you were dispatched on will require the node to be in a failover (offline) or "halted" state.
3. LCD panel messages toggle about every 3-6 seconds. Observe all panel messages until the cycle repeats
4. If the LCD panel for the serial number dispatched on displays what is in Fig 1 or 2, then proceed with action plan.
For HA
6. If the serial number node dispatched on is not clustered as detailed in Fig 3 and is UP and Online it will have to be 'halted'
If the LCD messages indicate the node is clustered as detailed in Fig 4, 5, 6, you will have to look at the partner node's LCD panel to
determine if its the partner node that requires service. See WARNING for Clustered Nodes.
This " Check Document" is designed to make sure you are working on the correct node and it is ready for
servicing. It is designed for visual observations to determine the state of the node or cluster prior to
executing your action plan or working in guided hands mode with NGS. Questions, problems call NGS for
In a HA configuration, if the part failure has caused a controller failover, you may have been dispatched on the
surviving node's serial number, not the one that is failed. If the serial number node you were dispatched on is UP and
Online and the partner node's LCD matches Fig 1 or 2, the partner node is the one that requires service. Follow the
text detail in the figures carefully.
V-FAS3000-V-FAS6000, SA300, SA600 LCD Panel Check
For NetApp Authorized Service Engineers-2
Fig 3: LCD panel displays its <hostname>(fas3050b) and
ops per second (ops) and no second message is displayed
indicating a "partner host name" as detailed in Fig 4. This
node is UP and not clustered! The console response will
be a login, password or display the <system prompt>.
This node will have to be 'halted'.
Fig 4: LCD panel toggles its hostname and partner
hostname which is prefaced with an asterisk pre.
(*fas3050a) If no message indicates "takeover", this
node is UP and controller failover is enabled
The console response same as in Fig 3.
Fig 5: LCD panel toggles a message that includes the word
" takeover" , the node is UP and has taken over it's partner
node. This is not the correct node to work on. Look at the
partner node's LCD panel and see if it displays what is
shown in Fig 1 or Fig 2.
Fig 1: LCD panel displays " Waiting for MB giveback" or
" Waiting for user input" . This node is down (running from
prom) and is ready for servicing.
The console response would be " Waiting for giveback" .
Proceed with action plan.
Fig 2: LCD displays the word " HALTED" . The node is
down and is readytfor servicing. The console
response will be " LOADER>" .
Proceed with action plan.
Fig 6: LCD panel toggles a message " cf disabled" and
the word " takeover" is never displayed. This node is
UP! Check the partner node' s LCD panel to see what
is displayed.
Notice the Status (!) LED
is Amber in this mode
Notice the Status (!) LED is
Green if no other fault
conditions are present.
Notice the Status (!) LED
is Amber in this mode

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