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A Project Report On
Sales And Advertising Department of
Submitted By
Under the guaidence of
Prof .Gopal Krishna M.
In the partrialFullfillment of the
The degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration
University of Pune.
College Of Commerce Science
And Information Technology
Pune 411019
I the undersigned , sintu Kumar , hereby declare that the project work
entitled , A PRO!"# O$ #%! &#'() O* &A+!& A$(
*OR!"A&#I$, (!PAR#-!$# O* #%! !.I(! has been
completed under the guidance o/ pro/ 0 ,opal Krishna -0
#his project is my original research work and the data collected by me is
original and not copied /rom any other source0

1 Introduction 2 to 4
2 Objectives 5 to 6
3 Scope
(a) Organization point of view
(b) esearc!er point of view
" to #
4 $!eoretica% &ac'ground 1( to15
5 )o*pan+ profi%e
a, -istor+ of Organization
b, Organizationa% structure
c, .roducts .rofi%e
d, /c!ieve*ents and awards

16 to 36
6 esearc! 0et!odo%og+
a, 1ata co%%ection
b, Sa*p%ing tec!ni2ues
c, Sa*p%e size
d, universe
3" to3#
" 1ata /na%+sis and Interpretation 4( to56
3 4indings 5" to 53
# Suggestions 5# to 6(
1( 5i*itations 61 to 62

63 to "(
- &ib%iograp!+
- /nne6ure

)-/.$7 81
Exide Industries Ltd is the countrys largest anu!acturer o! lead acid storage "atteries and
#o$er storage solutions #ro%ider. &ith se%en international standard !actories s#read across the
nation' the co#any o!!ers one o! the $idest ranges o! "atteries !or e%ery concei%a"le
a##lication in industrial as $ell as autooti%e segents. Exide also has a anu!acturing
su"sidiary in Sri Lan(a and does "usiness glo"ally through its su"sidiaries and a!!iliates in
South)East Asia' Australia and Euro#e. Exides #roducts are sold glo"ally' #articularly in
de%elo#ed ar(ets li(e Australia' *a#an and &estern Euro#e' under its o$n "rand nae.
Exides strong "rand #ull' esta"lished in India !or close to hundred years' is su##leented "y
its nation$ide dealer net$or( and a %ery strong R+, center. &ith the hel# o! t$o o! its
*a#anese colla"orators - Shin .o"e and /uru(a$a ) Exide has consistently reained at the
cutting edge o! international "attery technology and introduced %arious #ioneering #roducts
and #o$er storage solutions in the Indian and glo"al ar(ets.
Exides #roducts !ind a##lication in autooti%e' t$o)$heelers' in%erters' 0PS' #o$er'
teleco' rail$ays and su"arines' aong others. Exide is also #resent in the non)con%entional
energy "usiness $here it designs and integrates solar and $ind #o$er solutions.
Exide Technologies' $ith o#erations in 12 countries and !iscal 3224 net sales o! a##roxiately
56.6 "illion' is one o! the $orld7s largest #roducers' distri"utors and recyclers o! lead)acid
"atteries. The Co#any7s !our glo"al "usiness di%isions - Industrial Energy Aericas'
Industrial Energy Euro#e' Trans#ortation Aericas' and Trans#ortation Euro#e - #ro%ide a
co#rehensi%e range o! stored electrical energy #roducts and ser%ices !or industrial and
trans#ortation a##lications. In addition' Exides Asia Paci!ic8 Rest o! &orld o#erations
contri"ute si9ea"le re%enues to the Co#any' di%ided e%enly "et$een the Industrial Energy
and Trans#ortation #roducts and ser%ices.
Exide Technologies is a glo"al "usiness organi9ed to ser%e custoers co#lex stored energy
systes needs. .ey strengths o! the Co#any are that its #roducts and ser%ices s#an glo"al
ar(ets and geogra#hic "orders' elding t$o signi!icant "ases o! ex#erience and technology
ex#ertise !ro its Trans#ortation and Industrial "attery di%isions. The Co#any shares
ex#ertise across "usiness segents. /or exa#le' Exide esta"lished a glo"al net$or( o!
"attery testing centers and design i#ro%eent centers in North Aerica' /rance' S#ain'
Australia and the 0... This glo"al !oot#rint ena"les "etter and !aster eans o! introducing
inno%ations in #roducts and ser%ices' changing the $ay the $orld uses and stores electrical
Exide Technologies extends its custoer o!!erings "y selling ser%ices and systes that
enhance %ehicle #er!orance and !leet utili9ation or reduce ris( o! loss o! #o$er #ro"les.
Exide is #ro%iding energy solutions - not erely "atteries.
Exide Industries Ltd' the countrys largest lead acid storage "attery anu!acturer and stored
energy solutions #ro%ider' today declared its annual results !or the year 3221)24. &hile net
turno%er during the :3)onth #eriod rose :4 #er cent to Rs 6'646 crore' net #ro!it during the
sae #eriod increased :; #er cent to Rs 31; crore.
,uring the !ourth <uarter o! the !inancial year 21)24' the co#any cloc(ed a net turno%er o!
Rs =41 crore $hich sho$s a arginal gro$th. >o$e%er' the Pro!it "e!ore Tax at Rs :2? crore
and Net Pro!it at Rs ?1 crore sho$s a gro$th o! :4 #er cent and 4 #er cent res#ecti%ely.
Exide industries #ro%ide a co#rehensi%e range o! stored electrical energy #roducts and
ser%ices !or industrial and trans#ortation a##lications.
Trans#ortation ar(ets include original)e<ui#ent and a!terar(et autooti%e' hea%y)
duty truc(' agricultural and arine a##lications' and ne$ technologies !or hy"rid %ehicles
and autooti%e a##lications. Industrial ar(ets include net$or( #o$er a##lications such
as telecounications systes' electric utilities' railroads' #hoto%oltaic @solar)#o$er
relatedA and uninterru#ti"le #o$er su##ly @0PSA' and oti%e)#o$er a##lications
including li!t truc(s' ining and other coercial %ehicles.
The #roBect $as carried out !or study and analysis the dealers net$or( and consuers
#erce#tion a"out Exide "atteries in Pune.
It $as done ainly to (no$ the satis!action le%el o! the dealers against the di!!erent
ser%ices #ro%ided "y the co#any and also to (no$ the consuers satis!action against
the #roduct and ser%ices #ro%ided "y the dealers.
For consumers & dealers
Researcher has carried out research !or custoer + dealer. The o"Becti%e o! custoer
and dealer are as !ollo$ingC)
4or custo*ers =8
To !ind out the consuers satis!action le%el !or ser%ices #ro%ided "y the Exide
To (no$ the s#eci!ic reasons !or $hich custoers #urchase Exide "atteries.
4or dea%ers=8
To !ind out the satis!action le%el o! the dealers !or co#any.

AA Organi9ation #oint o! %ie$
DA Researcher #oint o! %ie$
AA Organi9ation #oint o! %ie$

Dene!icial !or organi9ation !or sales !orecasting.
>el#s the co#any to (no$ a"out their co#etitor in ar(et.
Ea(e clari!ications a"out dealers.
Eo%es organi9ation to e%aluate S&OT analysis.
>el#s in the #lanning o! ar(eting strategies !or the #roduct.
Ea(es co#any to (no$ ore a"out current trend and re<uireent o! ar(et.
>el# to (no$ that really consuers are satis!ied $ith the #roduct OR not.
DA Researcher #oint o! %ie$
Get the #ractical i#leentation o! the research.
Learns the #racticality o! the ar(eting conce#ts.
Get ore con!idence "y interacting $ith others.
Enhances the a"ility o! o"ser%ing.
I#ro%es the analytical thin(ing.
Get the (no$ledge o! ar(eting en%ironent.




Ear(eting research #lays an i#ortant role in the #rocess o! ar(eting.Starting $ith
ar(et co#onent o! the total ar(eting tal(s. It hel#s the !ir to ac<uire a "etter understanding
o! the consuers' the co#etition and the ar(eting en%ironent.
@0ar'eting researc! is a systeatic gathering' recording and analysis ar(eting #ro"le to
!acilitate decision a(ing.F
) Coundi!! + Still.
@0ar'eting researc! is a systeatic #ro"le analysis' odel "uilding and !act !inding !or
the #ur#ose o! i#ortant decision a(ing and control in the ar(eting o! goods and ser%ices.
- Philli# .otler.
7S7/)- I9S$:079$ :S71 8 17$/I5S A B-CD
I! one $ants to (no$ $hat ty#e o! denti!rice #eo#le use' $hat they thin( o!' tele%ision
coercials' or $hy they "uy #articular "rands o! cars' the natural #rocedure is to as( the.
Thus' the <uestionnaire ethod has coe to "e the ore $idely used o! the t$o data
collection ethod. Eany consuers are no$ !ailiar $ith the tele#hone caller $ho greets
the $ith G&e are a(ing a sur%eyF' and then #roceeds to as( a series o! <uestions. Soe
inter%ie$s are conducted in #erson' others "y tele#hone' and others "y ail. Each o! these has
its s#ecial ad%antages and disad%antages and liitations. The <uestionnaire ethod in general'
ho$e%er' has a nu"er o! #er%asi%e ad%antages and disad%antages. ,iscussion o! #articular
%ariations $ill "e ore eaning!ul i! these characteristics o! the general ethods are "rought
out !irst.
A <uestionnaire consists o! list o! <uestions to "e as(ed !ro the res#ondents and the s#ace
#ro%ided to record the ans$er 8 res#onses. Huestionnaire can "e used !or the #ersonal
inter%ie$s' !ocus grou#s' ails and tele#honic inter%ie$s. The choice aong these
alternati%es is largely deterined "y the ty#e o! in!oration to "e o"tained and "y the ty#e o!
res#ondents !ro $ho it is to "e o"tained.
The coon !actor in all %arieties o! the <uestionnaire ethod is this reliance on %er"al
res#onses to <uestion' $ritten or oral.
Huestionnaire in the #roBect consists o!C 3(
Eulti#le choice <uestions
0:5$I.57 )-OI)7 E:7S$IO9S=
Huestions o! this ty#e o!!er the res#ondents an alternati%e to choose the right ans$er aong
others. It is !aster' tie sa%ing and less "iased. It also si#li!ies the ta"ulating #rocess.
O.79 791 E:7S$IO9S=
In this ty#e res#ondents are !ree to ans$er in their o$n $ords and ex#ress the ideas they thin(
are rele%ant' such <uestions are good as !irst <uestions or o#ening <uestions. They introduce
the su"Bect and o"tain general reaction.
These are the <uestions $hich are Doolean in nature. These ans$ers are straight!or$ard and
res#ondents ha%e to ans$er the in a straight $ay. That eans the ans$er can only "e either
IJesF or INo.
):S$.07 S/$IS4/)$IO9=8
It is a custoers !eeling o! #leasure OR disa##ointent that result !ro co#aring a
#roducts #ercei%ed #er!orance @outcoesA to their ex#ectations.
&hether the "uyer is satis!ied a!ter #urchase de#ends on the o!!ers #er!orance in
relationshi# to "uyers ex#ectations' and $hether the "uyer inter#rets any de%iations "et$een
the t$o.
I! the #er!orance atches the ex#ectations' the custoer is satisfied,
I! the #er!orance !alls short ex#ectations' custoer is dissatisfied,
I! the #er!orance exceeds ex#ectations' the custoer is de%ig!ted,
A nu"er o! ex#erts ha%e atte#ted to de!ine the ser%ices "ut no single de!inition has "een
acce#ted uni%ersally. Ser%ices are huan e!!orts $hich #ro%ides succor to the needy. It ay
"e education to a student.
IISer%ices can also "e de!ined as an action o! organi9ation that aintains and i#ro%es the
$ell "eing and !unction o! #eo#le.
Custoer e#o$erent has "ecoe a $ay o! li!e !or any co#anies that ha%e had to adBust
to a shi!t in #o$er $ith their custoer relationshi#.
)usto*er re%ations!ip *anage*ent is the #rocess o! care!ully anaging detailed
in!oration a"out indi%idual custoer and all custoers IItouch #oint to axii9e custoer
A oti%ated #erson is ready to act. >o$ she8 he is in!luenced "y her8his %ie$ o! situation. In
ar(eting #erce#tions are ore i#ortant than reality' "ecause its #erce#tion that a!!ects
consuers actual "eha%ior.
.erception is the #rocess "y $hich $e select' organi9e' and inter#ret in!oration in#uts to
create a eaning!ul #icture o! the $orld.
)O9S:07 &7-/<IO:=8
Success!ul ar(eting re<uires that co#anies !ully connect their custoers. Consuer
"eha%ior is the study o! ho$ indi%idual' grou#s' and organi9ation select' "uy' use' and dis#ose
o! goods' ser%ices' ideas to satis!y their needs and $ants.

/&O:$ 7FI17=8

Exide Technologies is the $orld7s second)largest #roducer o! autooti%e lead acid "atteries
!or autooti%e and industrial a##lications. The Co#anys !our glo"al "usiness grou#s -
Trans#ortation Aericas' Trans#ortation Euro#e and Rest o! &orld' Industrial Energy

)O0./9C .O4I57
a) -IS$OC O4 $-7 O?/9IS/$IO9
b) O?/9IS/$IO9 )-/$
c) .O1:)$ .O4I57
d) /)-I7<7079$S /91 /B/1S

Aericas and Industrial Energy Euro#e and Rest o! &orld - #ro%ide a co#rehensi%e range
o! stored electrical energy #roducts and ser%ices !or industrial and trans#ortation a##lications.
Trans#ortation ar(ets include original)e<ui#ent and a!terar(et autooti%e' hea%y)duty
truc(' agricultural and arine a##lications' and ne$ technologies !or hy"rid %ehicles and
autooti%e a##lications. Industrial ar(ets include net$or( #o$er a##lications such as
telecounications systes' electric utilities' railroads' #hoto%oltaic @solar)#o$er relatedA
and uninterru#ti"le #o$er su##ly @0PSA' and oti%e)#o$er a##lications including li!t truc(s'
ining and other coercial %ehicles.
Exide $as !ounded "y &.&. Gi""s in :111 and $as then called Electric Storage Dattery
Co#any. Gi""s #urchased the ideas and #atents o! in%entor Cleent Payen to a(e the
storage "attery a coercial #roduct. Gi""s targeted electric lighting co#anies so they could
use the storage "atteries to #ro%ide ser%ices to their custoers.
In :422' the co#any de%elo#ed a #roduct o! greater ca#acity and less $eight !or electric
taxica"s. This "attery $as the !irst to "ear the nae Exide' short !or KExcellent OxideK.
&hen the 0nited States entered &orld &ar I' Exide "atteries $ere used to o#erate air#lane
radio sets and #o$er radio stations. In :461' Exide ac<uired Giant Storage Dattery Co#any'
and ex#anded into "attery chargers and testers.
Exide "ought out the dry "attery "usiness o! a co#any called Dritannia Datteries Ltd. ,uring
&orld &ar II' Exide $as a aBor su##lier o! "atteries !or 0.S. Na%y su"arines and #riary
contractor !or "atteries used in the Ear( :1 electric tor#edo.
Exide entered the dry)cell "attery industry in :4L= $hen it ac<uired the Ray)O)Mac Co#any'
then the second largest #roducer o! dry)cell "atteries in the 0S. /ollo$ing the ac<uisition o!
the &isconsin Dattery Co#any' Exide started #roducing otorcycle and s#ecialty "atteries.
In :41=' it ac<uired General Dattery Cor#oration.
Ro"ert A. Lut9' !orer #resident and %ice chairan at Chrysler Cor#oration' $as a##ointed
Exide7s Chairan o! the Doard in :441. >e reorgani9ed the $orld$ide anageent structure
into Glo"al Dusiness 0nits and sold o!! non)"attery units to allo$ the co#any to concentrate
on its #riary "usiness. In 3222' Exide ac<uired GND Technologies' a leading North
Aerican su##lier o! autooti%e "atteries. T$o years later Exide !iled !or "an(ru#tcy a!ter
co#iling a de"t o! 53.L "illion as a result o! the recent ac<uisitions.
Exide is a s#onsor o! the Cornell Autooti%e N)Pri9e Tea. Exide Technologies has signed
an agreeent to "e to "e the sole lead)acid "attery su##lier !or the REMA @Re%olutionary
Electric Mehicle Alternati%eA car)a(ing #roBect in Dangalore' India.
The co#any $as incor#orated as Associated Dattery Ea(ers @EasternA Ltd.' on 6: *anuary'
:4;= under the Co#anies Act' :4:6 to #urchase all or any o! the assets o! the "usiness o!
anu!acturers' "uyers and sellers o! and dealers in and re#airers o! electrical and cheical
a##liances and goods carried on "y the Chloride Electric Storage Co#any @IndiaA Ltd' in
India' since :4:? $ith a %ie$ thereto to enter into and carry into e!!ect @either $ith or $ithout
odi!icationA an agreeent $hich had already "een #re#ared and $as ex#ressed to "e ade
"et$een the Chloride Electric Storage Co @IndiaA Ltd on the one #art and the co#any o! the
other #art. The nae o! the co#any $as changed to Chloride India Ltd on 3 August' :4=3.
The nae o! the co#any $as again changed to Chloride Industries Ltd. %ide !resh Certi!icate
Incor#oration dated :3 Octo"er' :411. The nae o! the co#any $as !urther changed to Exide
Industries Ltd. on 3L August' :44L.
The co#any anu!actures the $idest range o! storage "atteries in the $orld !ro 3.L Ah to
32';22 Ah ca#acities' co%ering the "roadest s#ectru o! a##lications. The co#any has six
!actories strategically located across the country - t$o in Eaharashtra' one in &est Dengal'
t$o in TailNadu and one in >aryana. The co#anys #redecessor carried on their o#erations
as i#ort house !ro :4:? under the nae Chloride Electrical Storage Co#any. Therea!ter'
the co#anies started anu!acturing storage "atteries in the country and ha%e gro$n to
"ecoe one o! the largest anu!acturer and ex#orter o! "atteries in the su")continent today.
Exide se#arated !ro its 0.)"ased #arent' Chloride Grou# Plc.' in :414' a!ter the latter
di%ested its o$nershi# in !a%or o! a grou# o! Indian shareholders. The co#any has gro$n
steadily' odernised its anu!acturing #rocesses and ta(en initiati%es on the ser%ice !ront.
Constant inno%ations ha%e hel#ed the co#any to #roduce the $orlds largest range o!
industrial "atteries extending !ro 3.L Ah to :L222 Ah and co%ering %arious technology
)O0./9CGS -IS$OC =8
1#16 Chloride Electrical Storage Co. @CESCOA' 0.' set u# trading o#erations in India as an
i#ort house.
1#46 /irst !actory set u# in Shanagar' &est Dengal.
1#4" T$o Indian Co#anies $ere !oredC Associated Dattery Ea(ers @EasternA Ltd. -
ADEEL too( o%er the anu!acturing o#erations.
1#6( ADEEL "ecae a listed #u"lic liited co#any.
1#6# Second /actory set u# in Chinch$ad' Pune.
1#"2 ADEELs nae changed to Chloride India Liited.
1#"6 R+, Centre esta"lished in .ol(ata.
1#31 Third !actory set u# in >aldia' &est Dengal.
1#33 Chloride India Liited $as renaed as Chloride Industries Liited.
1##2 /irst Su"arine "atteries deli%ered to the Indian Na%y.
1##4 Technical colla"oration $ith Shin .o"e Electric Eachinery Co. Ltd. o! *a#an' a
su"sidiary o! the >itachi Grou#.
1##5 Chloride Industries Ltd renaed Exide Industries Liited. @EILA
1##" /ourth !actory set u# at >osur' Tail Nadu.
1##3 Exide ac<uires the Industrial O#erations o! Standard Datteries Ltd as a going concern'
there"y adding !our ore !actories' ta(ing the total nu"er o! !actories to eight.
1### /oundation stone !or 4th !actory laid at Da$al' >aryana.
2((( Ac<uisition o! :22O sta(e in Chloride Datteries South East Asia Pte Ltd.' @CDSEAA'
Singa#ore + ;4O in Associated "attery Eanu!acturers' Ceylon' @ADEELA' Sri Lan(a.
2((( I#leentation o! SAP Enter#rise Resource Planning integrating Cor#orate O!!ice' Nine
/actories' R+, Centre and Eore than 62 Sales O!!ices across India.
2((1 Launch o!' a !ull !ledged auto #ortal.
2((3 Coissioning o! Eighth !actory at Da$al' >aryana
Ne$ *M co#any in 0.) ESPEN Datteries Ltd !ored $ith L:O EIL holding.
Strategic Alliance $ith IDG in Netherlands !or Ear(eting in Euro#e.
2((4 Associated Dattery Eanu!acturers @CeylonA Liited' Sri Lan(a "ecae a su"sidiary
conse<uent to ac<uiring !urther :3.L2O E<uity holding.
2((5 In%estent in L2O shareholding o! ING Mysya Li!e Insurance Co#any Liited.
2((6 Launch o! SAP)CRE in Industrial SD0.
2((" Caldyne Autoatics Ltd "ecoes :22O su"sidiary conse<uent to ac<uiring the "alance
;4O shareholding.
2((" In%estent $ith 3?O CEIL Eoti%e Po$er Pty Ltd. A *oint Menture in
2((" Ac<uired :22O sta(e in Tandon Eetals Ltd.
2((3 Ac<uired L:O sta(e in Lead Age Alloys India Ltd.
2((# Sta(eo%er Standard /uru(u$a o! *a#an.
Standard /uru(a$a @S/A
Associated Dattery Eanu!acturers @CeylonA Liited @GADELFA
Es#ex Datteries Liited @GESPENFA
Chloride Datteries S E Asia Pte Liited @GCDSEAFA
Leadage Alloys India Liited @LeadageA
Tandon Eetals Ltd. @GTELFA
Caldyne Autoatics Liited @GCaldyneFA
Chloride International Liited @GCILFA

O?/9IH/$IO9 45OB
S.D Ganguly' Chairan Eeritus
R.G. .a#adia' Chairan + Non Executi%e ,irector
R.D. RaheBa' Mice Chairan+ Non)Executi%e ,irector
T.M. Raanathan' Eanaging ,irector+ Chie! Executi%e O!!icer
G. ChatterBee' ,irector - Industrial
P... .ata(y' ,irector - Autooti%e
S.. .Eittal' ,irector - Research + ,e%elo#ent
A... Eu(herBee' ,irector - /inance + Chie! /inancial O!!icer
MiBay Aggar$al' Non Executi%e ,irector
>. E. .othari' Non Executi%e ,irector
Dhas(ar Eitter' Non Executi%e ,irector
S.N. Eoo(herBee' Non Executi%e ,irector
A.>. Par#ia' Non Executi%e ,irector
S.D. RaheBa @Alternate , S Pare(hA' Non Executi%e ,irector
&. &ong' Non Executi%e ,irector
.O1:)$ .O457=8

7nerg+ neit!er can be created nor destro+ed, It can be c!anged fro* one
4or* to anot!er, I 5aw of conservation of energ+,
A "attery is #erha#s the only gi!t o! science $here eclectic energy is stored "y eans o!
electrocheical #otential generated "y electro) cheical reactions. @Cheical reactions
initiated "y electric $hich ta(es #lace $ith the eans o! electron exchange "et$een the
reactantsA. As and $hen re<uired' the stored energy can "e con%erted "ac( to electrical energy
through siilar electro cheical reactions. In certain cases' the electrocheical reaction
con%erting the energy trans!oration is not re%ersi"le. Such "atteries are called #riary cells'
$here the electro cheical reactions go%erning the energy trans!oration is re%ersi"leP the
cells are turned as secondary cells. Se%eral cells' $hen connected in a designed anner gi%e a
set o! a "attery. In this electrical energy can "e stored through charging the. This energy can
"e extracted as and $hen needed till the entire charge is exhausted through a cheical
reaction. The #rocess o! "attery anu!acturing is concerned $ith creating and sustaining
electro cheical #otential di!!erences .the #otential di!!erence is aintained "et$een t$o
sur!aces called electrodes or #lates. These electrodes or #lates are surrounded in an
en%ironent' $hich connects the and hel#s the to sustain the #otential di!!erence. This
usually consists o! a ediu called electrolyte. In case o! lead acid "atteries' $hich are the
#roducts o! the organi9ation' the electrodes or #lates are ade o! lead and diluted sul#huric
acid is used as electrolyte.

&:SI97SS .O4I57=8
1, /uto*otive &atteries,
In the doestic ar(et' the Co#any sells its #roducts under ENI,E' S/' SONIC and
Standard /uru(a$a Drands. ENI,E and IS/F are its !lagshi# "rands. In the international
ar(et the #roducts are sold ainly under ,JNEN' IN,EN + SONIC "rands. The Co#any
su##lies "atteries to alost all the car and t$o)$heeler anu!acturers in the country.
The Co#any has a distri"ution net$or( co#rising o%er ;222 dealer outlets. These outlets
are su##orted "y ; regional o!!ices and 31 "ranch o!!ices. The Co#any also ex#orts "atteries
to the Eiddle East' *a#an and CIS countries.
The Co#any has a ar(et share o! =3O in case o! Autooti%e OEE and =2O in case o!
Organi9ed Retail. The Co#any also anu!actures su"arine "atteries.
2, Industria% &atteries,
The Co#any designs and anu!acture its industrial "atteries in a $ide range !ro 3.L Ah to
32'?22 Ah in con%entional !looded and Mal%e Regulated Lead Acid @MRLAA design. In
doestic ar(et' the Co#any sell its #roducts ainly under ENI,E' IN,EN' S/' CEIL +
PO&ER SA/E "rands and in the international ar(ets ainly under CEIL' C>LORI,E and
IN,EN "rands.
Industrial "atteries are o! three ty#es' Con%entional lead acid "atteries' MRLA @Mal%e
regulated lead acid "atteriesA "atteries and Nic(el)Cadiu "atteries.
Doth organi9ed and unorgani9ed #layers co#ete in the OEE and retail industrial "attery
ar(ets. Industrial "atteries cater ostly to the in!rastructure sector such as rail$ays' teleco'
#o$er #lants' solar cells and other industrial segents such as uninterru#ted #o$er su##ly'
in%erters and traction "atteries. Exides In%a tu"ular "atteries !or In%erter a##lications $ere
introduced in 3222 and Tele tu"ular !or Teleco Sector introduced in the year 322= has
created %olue gro$th.. The Co#any also anu!actures industrial "atteries !or niche
segents such as iners ca# la# "atteries and su"arine "atteries.
3, Sub*arine &atteries,
The Co#any also anu!actures high)end su"arine "atteries @Ty#e :' 3 + 6A. The
Co#any anu!actures t$o to three su"arine "atteries a year to eet the countrys de!ence
re<uireents. The Co#any is one o! the !i%e co#anies in the &orld $hich has the
ca#a"ility to a(e su"arine "atteries !or "oth Russian and Geran ty#es. &ith the
go%ernents #erission' in recent years' the Co#any has ex#orted to Algeria.
0/9:4/)$:I9? 4/)I5I$I7S I9 I91I/

/, $/9S.O$C)
Q oad= Datteries !or cars' otorcycles' light and hea%y duty' coercial Mehicles'
"uses and road rollers.
Q ai%wa+s= Datteries !or starting diesel engines' train lighting' air conditioning'
Signaling' teleeter control e<ui#ent etc.
Q /ir= Datteries !or aircra!t ground starting and auxiliary #o$er during /light.
Q Sea= Datteries !or counication' stand"y #o$er systes' su"arine'And other
&, 0I9I9?= ) Einors ca# la# Datteries.
), )O00:9I)/$IO9=)Datteries !or telecounication' tele#hone exchange and
icro$a%e stations.
1, .OB7=)Datteries !or #o$er station tri# circuit "rea(ers' contractors' eergency
#o$er control roo' indicating la#s and alar systes.
7, 17479)7= Eain #ro#ulsion "atteries !or >,& su"arines ,e!ense
trans#ortation' ared ilitary %ehicles @trans#ortA. Datteries !or control systes on
hea%y artillery Datteries !or under $ater #ro#ulsion o! tor#edoes. Datteries !or !ighter
air cra!ts @EIGA
4) 0O$I<7 .OB7=)
/or( -li!ts' Elect) %ehicles @D>ELA' #lat!or truc(s' #allet truc(s and Stac(ers.
?) SO5/=)
S#ecially designed' lo$ aintenance "atteries !or SPM a##lications.
Q Reote a##licationsC Relia"le and eco) !riendly solar #hoto %oltaic @SPM A Systes !or
counication' health centers' schools' radios and sets and counity lighting syste.
Q Street lighting systeC /or areas $here a%aila"ility o! electricity is non existing or
interittent' solar #o$er street systes
Q Rail$ay signaling systeC S#eci!ically designed SPM systes !or rail$ay signaling.

-) S$/91&C .OB7= ) 0PS' teleco' #o$er #lants + su"stations.

I) .O$/&57 .OB7=) Search light' eergency light' edical electronic' %ideo
caeras' testing and easuring' arine and o!! shore e<ui#ents.
;) .OB7 757)O9I)S= 8 IPo$er Gen In%erters C Eergency stand"y #o$er
su##ly !or doestic users and institutional "uyers. Dattery chargersC
aA /lexi chargers
"A Personal chargers
cA Traction chargers
dA SEPS "ased MRLA charger !or teleco
eA Eini chargers !or otor cycles @ENA

Gol! cart "atteries Ta"ular !or in%erter22=6 MRLA !or 0PS

Rail$ay Starter Einer7s Ca# La# Plante
O: ?5O&/5 .7S79)7

/uto*otive e6ports
Q Exide Industries India is o! the largest anu!acturers o! Lead Acid Storage Datteries in
&orld' ar(eting its #roducts to &estern Euro#e' Eiddle East' A!rica' South Aerica'
SAARC and South East Asian Countries.
Q ENI,ER' C>LORI,E' IN,EN' ,JNEN' Standard /uru(a$a' S/ SONIC' *0PITER'
CONREN are all "rands in $hich $e ar(et our #roducts glo"ally.
Q The co#any has a technical colla"oration $ith Shin .o"e ,en(i' *a#an' the a(ers
o! the >itachi "rand o! "atteries' and /uru(a$a Dattery Co#any' *a#an
Q Exide India has its o$n R+, Centre' $hich is continuously designing and de%elo#ing
"atteries !or International and ,oestic ar(et.
Q ISO8TS - :?4;4 - gi%e the entire literature.
Q Exide are the OEE su##liers to alost e%ery car anu!acturer o! re#ute ) E.g.C
General Eotors' Toyota' >yundai' TATA Eotors' Earuti' /IAT' Leyland' Renault' >onda to
nae a !e$. Alost 12O o! car anu!actured in India are !itted $ith a "attery anu!actured
"y us.
/wardsJ )ertificates and ecognitions=8
Exide >aldia had a rich haul at the )II awards cereony in .ol(ata !or 21)24 $inning !i%e
a$ards in di!!erent categories.
At the CII @Eastern RegionA a$ards cereony in .ol(ata !or 21)24 Exide Shyanagar $on
)II .roductivit+ /ward ):ST Pri9e in category GAF !or Signi!icant I#ro%eent in
Producti%ity during the year
)II Eua%it+ /ward - Certi!icate o! A##reciation !or Coenda"le e!!ort in the area o! Total
Huality at the CII@ERA Huality A$ard 3221)24
4or Industria% .%ant
(/) Co#anys Plant at Shanagar' &est Dengal is an ISO8#((1 A ISO814((1 Certi!ied "y
T0M)NOR,' Gerany. It has secured the !ollo$ing a$ards and recognitionsC
Certi!icate o! A##reciation !or Coenda"le E!!ort in Total Huality - "y CII - 3226
Certi!icate o! A##reciation !or Coenda"le E!!ort in Energy Conser%ation - "y CII - 3226
Certi!icate o! Eerit !or Eost Signi!icant Achie%eent in Total Huality Eanageent- "y CII)
322; + 322L
Certi!icate o! A##reciation !or Dest Practice in Industrial Relations - "y CII -322L)2?
:st Position !or Sustaining a >igh le%el o! Producti%ity A$ard Contest - "y CII - 322?)2=
Eost Signi!icant I#ro%eent in $E0 Huality A$ard Contest - "y CII - 322?)322=
(&) Co#anys Plant at >aldia' &est Dengal is an ISO)422: and ISO :;22: certi!ied "y
T0M)NOR,' Gerany. It has secured the !ollo$ing a$ards and recognitionsC
Huality A$ard "y CII)3226 + 322?
Producti%ity A$ard !ro CII ICategory A)3226
Sa!ety A$ard !ro CII) 3226
A$ard !or Dest Practices in Industrial Relations - "y CII )322;
Indal Tro#hy !or >R,) "y CII) 322L + 322=
.roductivit+ /ward) "y CII)322L
Certi!icate o! A##reciation !or Energy Conser%ation) "y CII) 322L
7nviron*ent 76ce%%ence /ward8 "y &est Dengal Pollution Control Doard + Indian
Cha"er o! Coerce ) 322L
I$) $rop!+ !or Sa!ety' >ealth + En%ironent ) "y CII - 322=
()) Co#anys Plant at >osur' Tailnadu is an ISO)422:' ISO 8 TS):?4;4 and ISO):;22:
certi!ied "y T0M)NOR, o! Gerany. It has secured the !ollo$ing a$ards and recognitionsC
:22 PPE a$ard !ro OEE custoer Aerican Po$er Cor#oration -*anuary 26
Huality a$ard !ro OEE custoer Toyota ) A#ril 26 + A#ril I2;
Sa!ety a$ard !ro Go%ernent o! Tailnadu ) A#ril26
:22 PPE a$ard !ro OEE custoer >yundai ) *une26
Sero PPE A$ard !ro OEE custoer Toyota - A#ril2;
?reen award !ro OEE custoer Toyota ) A#ril2;
Dest Huality su##lier a$ard !ro OEE custoer Toyota - A#ril2L
Sero PPE a$ard !ro OEE custoer Toyota) A#ril2L
Eua%it+ 1e%iver+ /ward !ro OEE custoer Toyota ) A#ril2L
/irst Pri9e in Dest Garden Co#etition @Industrial CategoryA a$arded "y Eysore >orticulture
Society - 322L
5eaders!ip and 76ce%%ence /ward in Sa!ety' >ealth + En%ironent "y CII -322?
Indian Eanu!acturing Excellence - GGoldF A$ard -!or Autooti%e Ancillary Category !ro
/rost + Sulli%an in 322?
CII)ENIE Dan( A$ard !or Strong Coitent to Excel "y CII in 322?
?th TERI Cor#orate En%ironental A$ard) Eay 2=
(1) Co#anys Plant at TaloBa' Eaharashtra is an ISO 8 TS):?4;4 + ISO :;22: Certi!ied. It
has secured the !ollo$ing a$ards and recognitionsC
Su##lier A$ard - Certi!icate o! A##reciation) "y >onda Siel Cars India Liited in 3223.
:st Co#any to "e #ut on EPCD &e"site !or using secured land!ill in 3226.
Eua%it+ Si%ver /ward b+ &ajaj in 2((6,
(7) Co#anys Plants at Chinch$ad' Eaharashtra and Da$al' >aryana are ISO 8 TS - :?4;4
and ISO - :;22: certi!ied "y T0M - NOR, and the one at .anBurarg' Eaharashtra is an
ISO - 422: certi!ied "y T0M - NOR,.
(4) The Co#any also secured Dest SE/ Dattery A$ard !or three consecuti%e years -322L)
The !ollo$ing ta"le de#icts the ISO certi!ications o! the
Co#anys %arious PlantsC)
*A"#ORI!& I&O122134222 I&O1522131116 #&615134224

1ata co%%ection
Priary data
Secondary data
Sa*p%ing tec!ni2ue
Sa*p%e size
1/$/ )O557)$IO9=8
The tas( o! data collection "egins a!ter a research #ro"le has "een de!ined and research
design8 #lan chal(ed out. &hile deciding a"out the ethod o! data collection to "e used !or
study' the researchers should (ee# in ind t$o ty#es o! data %ia .#riary and secondary.
.ri*ar+ data=
Priary data are o"tained "y a study s#eci!ically designed to !ul!ill the data o! the #ro"le at
hand .#riary data is collected during the course o! doing ex#erient "y using %arious ethod
o! data collection such as inter%ie$ ethod <uestionnaires ethod .Marious ethods o!
collections o! #riary data
:. O"ser%ation ethod
3. Inter%ie$ ethod
6. Huestionnaires ethod
;. Collection o! data through schedules
esearc!er !as used 2uestionnaires *et!od as co%%ection of pri*ar+ data,

Another ty#e o! data collected is secondar+ data,
Secondar+ data=
Secondary data eans in!oration that is already a%aila"le. Secondary data eans $hich are
not originally collected "ut rather o"tained !ro #u"lished data are a%aila"le inC
aA Marious #u"lications o! central' state and local go%ernents
"A Marious #u"lications o! !oreign go%t. or o! international "odies and their su"sidiary
cA Technical and trade Bournals.
dA Doo(s and aga9ines.
Secondar+ data is co%%ected b+ researc!er wit! t!e !e%p of=8
Co#any docuents'
Pu"lished in!oration
S/0.5I9? $7)-9IE:7=8
In research uni%erse re!ers to total no. o! #articular ites in a de!ined area on a #articular tie.
In research generally it is not #ossi"le to select $hole #o#ulation !or sur%ey. So researcher
uses sa#ling techni<ue !or research. The selection #rocess o! sa#ling is called sa*p%ing
$+pes of sa*p%ing tec!ni2ue=8
1, .robabi%it+ sa*p%ing
Si#le rando sa#ling
Cluster sa#ling
Systeatic sa#ling
Strati!ied sa#ling
2, 9on probabi%it+ sa*p%ing
Huota sa#ling
*udgent sa#ling
Con%enience sa#ling
,eli"erate sa#ling
esearc!er !as used convenience sa*p%ing,
S/0.57 SIH7
Part o! the uni%erse $hich is selected !or sur%ey is called SAEPLE SISE. Researcher ust
#re#are a sa#le design !or his study i.e.' he ust #lan ho$ a sa#le should "e selected and
o! $hat si9e such a sa#le $ould "e.
Sa*p%e size of researc! is=8
:2 in case o! dealer sur%ey
32 in case o! custoer sur%ey

In research uni%erse re!ers to total no. o! #articular ites in a de!ined area on a #articular tie.
Researchers uni%erse is ,a#odi' Dhosari' Mishal nagar' Tatha$ade' Nigdi.
1ata /na%+sis and
1ata /na%+sis and
Analysis o! Custoer Huestionnaire
Eue,1 !ow wou%d +ou rate +our %eve% of satisfaction wit! co*pan+ in regards to priceA
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
76ce%%ent 1 5
<er+ good # 45
?ood 6 3(
4air 3 15
.oor 1 5
LO custoers are greatly satis!ied $ith #roduct #rice.
;LOcustoers are !ully satis!ied $ith #roduct #rice.
62O custoers are satis!ied $ith #roduct #rice.
Eue2. -ow wou%d +ou rate t!e product of co*pan+D
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
/air 3 15
Good 13 65
Excellent 3 15
Su#er" 1 5
?LO custoers rate the #roduct as good.
:LO custoers rate the #roduct as excellent.
:LO custoers rate the #roduct as !air.
Eue3, 76ideLs product !ave to i*prove on 2ua%it+D
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
Strongly agree 3 15
Agree 12 6(
Neither agree nor disagree 5 25
strongly disagree
?2O 2! custoers are agree that co#any should i#ro%e <uality o! #roduct.
3LO 2! custoers ha%e no idea a"out <uality i#ro%eent.
No custoer is in !a%or o! not to i#ro%eent the <uality o! #roduct.
Eue4, -ow wou%d +ou rate t!e services of 76ide Industries 5td,
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
76ce%%ent 1 5
<er+ good 6 3(
?ood 4 2(
4air " 35
.oor 2 1(
:2O custoer says that co#any #ro%ides #oor ser%ice.
LO custoer thin(s that co#any #ro%ides excellent ser%ice.
6LO custoers are in !a%or o! !air ser%ice.
Eue5, -ow wou%d +ou rate +our %eve% of overa%% satisfaction wit! )o*pan+
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
76ce%%ent 1 5
<er+ good 12 6(
?ood 1 5
4air 5 25
.oor 1 5
Total satis!action $ith co#any o! custoers is ?2O
LO are not satis!ied $ith co#any.
Eue6, -ow did +ou !ear about co*pan+Ls productD
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
Ad%ertiseent :2 L2
Sales re#resentati%e : L
Colleague8 !riend L 3L
Other ; 32
Ad%ertiseent is aBor source o! a$areness to custoers. @L2OA
Colleague 8!riend #lays 3LO role in a$areness o! #roduct.
Eue", -ow %i'e%+ are +ou to reco**end 76ide Industries 5td, to a friend or re%ativeD
Bou%d +ou sa+ t!e c!ances are MD
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
76ce%%ent 3 15
<er+ good 5 25
?ood 11 55
.oor 1 5
Norally LLO custoers $ill recoend to their !riend OR relati%e to "uy the
The chances not to recoend relati%e are %ery !e$ are LO.
Excellency !or this is only :LO.

Eue3, Bou%d +ou %i'e to purc!ase t!e product of co*pan+ in futureD
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
,e!initely 6 3(
Pro"a"ly # 45
De unsure 5 25
Pro"a"ly not
,e!initely not
,e!initely 62O custoer $ill "uy the #roduct in !uture.
Pro"a"ly ;LO custoer $ill "uy the #roduct in !uture.
3LO custoers are unsure !or their !uture #urchasing.
Eue#, Cou be%ieve )o*pan+ deserves +our %o+a%t+,
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
Strongly agree 3 15
Agree 1( 5(
Neither agree nor disagree 5 25
,isagree 2 1(
strongly disagree
:LO o! custoers are strongly agreed on co#any loyalty.
3L O are neither agree nor disagree on co#any loyalty.
L2O are agreed on co#any loyalty.
Eue1(, 1o +ou t!in' co*pan+ is fo%%owing custo*ize so%utionD
Alternati%e Custoer res#onse Kage
Strongly agree 6 3(
Agree 1( 5(
Neither agree nor disagree 2 1(
,isagree 1 5
strongly disagree 1 5
>al! o! the custoers thin( that co#any is !ollo$ing custoi9e solution.
:2O custoers thin( that co#any is not !ollo$ing custoi9e solution.
/na%+sis of 1ea%er Euestionnaire
Eue1, -ow wou%d +ou rate t!e overa%% 2ua%it+ of +our re%ations!ip wit! co*pan+N
considering a%% of +our e6periences wit! t!e*D Bou%d +ou sa+ it isD
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
76ce%%ent 5 5(
<er+ good 3 3(
?ood 1 1(
.oor 1 1(
L2O o! the dealers are ha%ing excellent relationshi# $ith co#any.
:2O dealers do not "elie%e in co#any relationshi#.
:2O dealers are ha%ing good relationshi# $ith co#any.
Eue2, -ow wou%d +ou rate +our %eve% of satisfaction wit! )o*pan+ in regards to
custo*er serviceD
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
76ce%%ent 3 3(
<er+ good 6 6(
4air 1 1(
62O dealers "elie%e in excellent ser%ice o! co#any..
:2O dealers "elie%es in !air ser%ice o! co#any
Alost ?2O dealers "elie%e in %ery good ser%ice o! co#any
Eue3, /re t!e profit *argin given to +ou is,
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
Satis!actory ; ;2
Good ; ;2
/air 3 32
Eargin #ro%ided "y co#any could satis!y only ;2O dealers.
;2O dealers thin( that argin is good.
62O dealers thin( that argin is !air.
Eue4, 1o +ou t!in' t!e de%iver+ ti*e is too *uc! for productD
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
Strongly agree
Agree 1 1(
Neither agree nor disagree 2 2(
,isagree 3 3(
strongly disagree 4 4(
There is no single dealer $ho says that deli%ery tie is too uch.
;2O are strongly disagree that deli%ery tie is too uch
32O are neither agree nor disagree $ith deli%ery tie.
Eue5, $!ere are no bonus JincentiveJgifts for dea%er
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
Strongly agree 1 1(
Agree 2 2(
Neither agree nor disagree 3 3(
,isagree 1 1(
strongly disagree 3 3(
:2O dealers says that there is "onus OR incenti%e !or the.
62O are neither agree nor disagree $ith "onus OR incenti%e.
62O strongly "elie%e in "onus + incenti%e o! co#any..
Eue6, $!e co*pan+ does not %isten to co*p%aint and grievance,
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
Strongly agree 1 1(
Agree 2 2(
Neither agree nor disagree 1 1(
strongly disagree 6 6(
:2O dealers "elie%e that co#any do not listen any co#laint.
:2O dealers are neither agree nor disagree $ith this.
?2O dealers strongly "elie%e that co#any listen their co#any.
Eue", $!e co*pan+ is ab%e to survive because of t!e
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
Huality o! the #roduct " "(
Price o! #roduct 1 1(
No co#etitor
Drand nae 2 2(
Custoer satis!action
=2O dealers "elie%e that co#any is sur%i%ing in ar(et "ecause o! <uality.
According to sur%ey 32O dealers thin( co#any is sur%i%ed "ecause o! Drand nae.
:2Odealers "elie%e that co#any is "ecause o! its #roduct.
Eue3, $!e organization does not ta'e suggestion fro* dea%er
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
Strongly agree 2 2(
Neither agree nor disagree 4 4(
,isagree 3 3(
strongly disagree 1 1(
Strongly suggestions ta(en "y are only :2O dealers.
32O dealers thin( that co#any do not ta(e any suggestion..
;2O are neither agree nor disagree !or the sae
Eue#, Cou be%ieve )o*pan+ deserves +our %o+a%t+,
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
Strongly agree 5 5(
Agree 3 3(
Neither agree nor disagree 1 1(
,isagree 1 1(
strongly disagree
>al! o! dealers strongly say that co#any deser%es their loyalty.
:2Odealers are not in !a%or o! co#any loyalty.
:2O dealers are neither agree nor disagree $ith this.
Eue1(, Bou%d +ou %i'e to continue for t!e co*pan+ in futureD
alternati%e ,ealer res#onse Kage
,e!initely # #(
,e!initely not 1 1(
De unsure
Pro"a"ly not
dealers $ant to "e continuing !or the co#any.
:2O dealers do not $ant to "e continuing !or co#any.

Observation and 4indings

Observation and 4indings
Custoer #oint o! %ie$
12 O o! custoers are satis!ied $ith #rice o! the "atteries o! co#any.
1L Oo! the custoers are satis!ied $ith #roduct.
=L O o! custoers $ant to i#ro%eent in <uality.
LL O o! custoers are satis!ied $ith ser%ice o! co#any.
Totally =2O custoers are satis!ied $ith co#any at all.
A total o! L2O custoers hear a"out co#any "y ad%ertiseent + 32O "y
relati%e O!riend OR college
In !uture 4LO o! custoer $ill recoend to his relati%e OR !riend.
=LO o! #resent custoers $ant to "e continuing !or co#any.
?L O custoers thin( that co#any deser%es their loyalty.
12 O custoers thin( that co#any custoi9es their solution.
,ealer #oint o! %ie$P)
42 O dealers ha%e good relationshi# $ith co#any.
42O dealers are satis!ied $ith ser%ice #ro%ided "y co#any.
12O dealers are satis!ied $ith argin gi%en "y co#any.
42O dealers are satis!ied $ith deli%ery tie ta(en "y co#any.
=2O dealers are satis!ied $ith "onus and incenti%e gi%en "y co#any.
?2O dealers say that co#any listen their co#laintT grie%ances.
=2O dealers say that co#any is sur%i%ing in ar(et "ecause o! Huality
32O dealers say that co#any is sur%i%ing in ar(et "ecause o! Drand Nae.
;2O dealers say that co#any ta(es their suggestions.
42O dealer says that co#any deser%es their loyalty.
42O dealers $ant to reain in !uture.



Recoendations + Suggestions
Custoer oriented
Co#any should #ro%ide "etter custoer ser%ice.
Co#any should i#ro%e $arranty #eriod.
Co#any ay #ro%ide hoe deli%ery ser%ice.
Prices should "e !air.
Detter ser%ice $ith no addition o! extra cost.
Should #ro%ide !ree ser%ice ca#.
Eaintain continue custoer relationshi#.
Target the custoer according to their need.
,ealer oriented
Co#any should #ro%ide ore ser%ice ca#s.
Scra# "attery should #urchase at ore #rice.
Should i#ro%e ser%ice.
,o not #ro%ide dealershi# in near"y area.
Should i#ro%e <uality.
Co#any can gi%e ore argins to dealers.
Pro%ide ore !lexi "oard to dealers.
Pro%ide ore !lexi "oard to dealers.
Co#any should %isit the dealers a!ter regular inter%al.
Gi%e ore attention on #rootion acti%ity o! dealers.


,i!!erence in ethodology.
Lac( o! counication
Consuer "eha%ior.
A##lying sae techni<ue to consuer as $ell as industrial goods.
O"Becti%e is not deterined.
Huestionnaire is not designed according to o"Becti%e.
Al$ays res#ondent is not correct.
Researcher itsel! has used "iasness.
&ithin a tie s#an o! t$o onths it $as di!!icult to co%er $hole o! Nashi(
Huestionnaire !illed in t$o onths $as only :22 in nu"er so analysis #art
ay indulge soe $rong analysis.
&hole #roBect $as liited to area o! Nashi( district so it ay "e #ossi"le that
res#onse o! another district or area ay "e di!!erent.
&rong res#onse "y custoer $hile !illing <uestionnaire ay result in $rong
:. The study $as liited carried out in Pune and its %icinity $ith sa#le si9e o!
3. Tie $as a constraint in study as only L2 day allotted.
6. The in!oration gathered $as "ased on custoers res#onse to <uestionnaire.
E%en then a genuine atte#t has "een ade to get correct data !ro the.
;. Sa#le dra$n need not "e true re#resentati%e and ay ha%e led to sae
Sa#ling error.
L. /inancial !actors are not considered.
?. Suggestions are not %eri!ied.
i0 AREA LIMITATION: #he study was limited to Pune city only0 %ence /indings may di//er
/rom other parts o/ India where I ha9e not 9isited
ii. NON-RESPONSE ERROR: It is almost impossible to obtain data /rom each : e9ery
respondent co9ered in sample0 #here are always some respondents who re/use to gi9e
iii. LIMITED SOURCE OF DATA COLLECTION: &ources o/ data /or collection o/ secondary
data were limited
iv0 TIME CONSTRAINT: #here was time constraint to this project0 #he project has to be
completed within 4 months0
v0 BUSY RESPONDENT: -any times respondents were so busy that they didn;t t gi9e reply0
#here were biased replies also0
vi0 OTHER REASONS: #here were hea9y rains during the period o/ sur9ey0 &o there was
many times problem in conducting sur9ey : transportation0
5ocating t!e target Sub 1ea%ers of Sa*sung 7%ectronics is ver+ ti*e
Sa*p%e size is %i*ited due to t!e %i*ited period for surve+,
$!e %ocation of Sub 1ea%ers to cover t!e various areas of t!e cit+ is tedious
and ti*e consu*ing,
?etting accurate response fro* t!e respondents due to t!eir in!erent
prob%e* is difficu%t, $!e+ *a+ be partia% or refuse to cooperate,
espondents *a+ not be at s!op and *a+ !ave to re contact or rep%ace b+
$!e stud+ was %i*ited to .i*pri8)!inc!wad A .une cit+ on%+,
/s t!e Surve+ ref%ects on%+ one ti*e fra*e of t!e &usiness +ear t!e findings
t!at we get *a+ not stand for t!e w!o%e +ear, -ence t!e resu%ts are on%+ for
t!e ti*e period fro* 0a+8;u%+ and do not tota%%+ ref%ect t!e annua%
perfor*ance of t!e co*pan+,
#he /indings and suggestions ha9e been based on the obser9ations
made during the two months0
A more detailed study could not be carried out due to the time constraint
o/ two months
#he /acts /igures are not completely accurate as they are updated
regularly0 )et I ha9e tried my best to collect as updated data as possible0
Anoth! on
#he sur9ey was limited /or Pune region only0
Random sampling o/ chemists was done under the market sur9ey0
(ue to the restricted time /rame the sample si<e was small0 8igger sample si<e would
ha9e made /ew aspects more clear0
&ales accounts /or (octor;s prescription as well as over the counter sale0
7hile inter9iewing, the response to each =uestion was not possible /or /ew chemists,
so it is not possible to get per/ect perception o/ inter9iewee0
A/ternoon time is only the time when retailers entertain, /or rest o/ the time is
considered as rush hours> so researcher can target ma?imum o/ @AB retailers per day0
*indings are representati9e o/ sample si<e and composition0
Since the sa#le si9e $as sall "ut re#resentati%e' care should still "e ta(en $hile
generali9ing the !indings. @Sa#le si9e $as :L2A.
,ata collected !ro sall and ediu ad agencies.
Results likely to 9ary i/ either o/ two Ccomposition or sample si<eD changes0
1D #he sur9ey was restricted to selected areas in Pune "ity only0
4D #he time duration o/ this sur9ey was E2 days only0
FD Rainy season was main hurdle /or this sur9ey0
5D #he response /rom the respondents was /air enough but not up to the mark or good
ED #his project was only restricted to the residential properties o/ K8" : not commercials
: others0
6D #he sur9ey area were too /ar as the city is big enough which caused many
transportation problem0
1D #he project has been restricted /or only "I("O area0
4D &ome customers re/use to coAoperate and do not disclose their
,uanine opinion0
FD "ustomer in/ormation is highly con/idential, so organi<ation doesn;t disclose it
5D #he outlet is newly setup so the system and the processes are not at par0
ED Respondent;s answers might ha9e in/luence or bias0
6D In/ormation is collected /rom the &ubhiksha customers only0
@D -aking appointments to the -anagement personnel is tough job, because they are
9ery busy0
BD #he weather in these months was 9ery bad so customers were a9oiding to interact0
In market research , the collection o/ correct data and other rele9ant
materials are re=uired but the data collection depends upon the researcher and the
respondents0 %ence some drawbacks or limitations are bound to e?ist in the study0 #hese
limitations were as /ollows3
1D -ostly the ci9il industry was targeted0
Out o/ all the major industries, mostly the ci9il and the construction industry was
targeted, as this sector has been the most lucrati9e sector /or the company till date
4D &tudy was limited only upto Pune city
#his study was limited to Pune industrial areas but the /indings may di//er /or other
parts o/ India where I ha9e not 9isited0
FD #elephonic inter9iews were conducted in some cases
Places where the respondents were not physically met, telephonic inter9iews were
carried out0
5D $o Proper In/ormation
In some cases I ha9e obser9ed that a/ter asking =uestions to concerned person, he
gi9es wrong answer to the =uestion or says that he does not know0
!0g0 A In some company e9en maintenance manager does not know KGA rating at
the diesel generator and the year o/ purchase0
ED $onAcooperati9e respondents3
&ome times it happens that e9en a/ter taking appointment they re/use to meet due to
work o9erload, lack o/ time or any other reasons0 In some case it happened that
respondents denied gi9ing in/ormation0 Also some may gi9e purpose/ully wrong
6D %uman /actors3
&ome times it also happened that researcher asks =uestion something else and the
respondent percei9es something else0 #his happens due to human limitations like
beha9ior, attitude and perception are not stable at all point o/ time which will lead to

@D Resources3
#o conduct the research, one o/ many resources is time : money0 %owe9er the
limitation had been e//ecti9ely counter balanced as /ar as possible0 8ut still this
limitation may a//ect the judgments0
In(")&(t in%o!*(tion: -any "orporate did not re9eal business related in/ormation
like their competitors, the new projects, so due to which some o/ the =uestions were
not answeredH/illed properly or accurately0
(ue to limitations o/ &econdary data, many consultants who work /or many $#P"s ,
industries, many projects etc0, were not being /ound out0
S(*+, -i.: As a number o/ respondents in Pune : -umbai were widely spread all
o9er the city, so it was di//icult to co9er all the areas in such a short span o/ time so /or
the con9enience I took 4@ as my sample si<e0
-any respondents could not gi9e su//icient time to answerH/ill the =uestionnaire0
(ue to rainy season during duration o/ my project it was 9ery di//icult to approach the
corporate> as a result I was short to 9isit no0 o/ corporate in a day0
&ome o/ them asked why should they gi9e in/ormation and they are a/raid to gi9e the
in/ormation because i/ the company mis utili<e the in/ormation0
#he address o/ many respondents had changed, so it was di//icult to contact those
As I was not gi9en any in/ormation on price by the company so some o/ the
respondents didn;t entertain me as they wanted to know /irst the price o/ the barrier0
#he Railway Authority : the Airport Authority were mostly reluctant in gi9ing any
-any o/ the respondents were reluctant in gi9ing any appointment so were not able to
be inter9iewed0
!ight weeks period was not su//icient to go through the entire topic0 *or thorough study
it needs more time0 It was also di//icult to make /ield study or sur9ey under the scorching sun
o/ une0 8ut the major di//iculty /aced was the e?treme non Acooperation o/ the o//icials about
the data0 #hey were 9ery much reluctant about this matter, which made the study more
tiresome0 -oreo9er, it was =uite impossible to conduct sur9ey o/ each and e9ery outlet in
such a short span o/ time0 O9ercoming the odds, I tried my le9el best to synchroni<e all the
/acts, reali<ations and in/ormation gathered in an orderly way within the course o/ this project0
In!oration gi%en "y anageent is "iased.
Researcher is not gi%ing true #icture.
In!oration is isused.
/orcing the res#ondent to gi%e #ersonal ans$er.
Pseudo search "y researcher @PreBudiceA.

Exide Technologies is the Indias largest #roducer o! autooti%e lead)acid "atteries !or
autooti%e and industrial a##lications. Exide industries #ro%ide a co#rehensi%e range
o! stored electrical energy #roducts and ser%ices !or industrial and trans#ortation
The #roBect $as carried out !or study and analysis the dealers net$or( and consuers
#erce#tion a"out Exide "atteries in Pune.
It $as done ainly to (no$ the satis!action le%el o! the dealers against the di!!erent
ser%ices #ro%ided "y the co#any and also to (no$ the consuers satis!action against
the #roduct and ser%ices #ro%ided "y the dealers.
/or o%er 1L years' Exide Industries Liited has #ioneered "attery technology in India. It is the
only co#any in the country to design and anu!acture "atteries !ro 3.L A> ) 32?22 A> in
con%entional !looded and MRLA design.
Exide is only co#any $hich anu!actures sub*arine batter+ in Asia. Exide has
res#onded to de!ense needs $ith our indigenous "atteries !or the Indian Na%ys Geran
design >,M su"arines.
Autoo"ile anu!acturers are aong the largest co#anies in the $orld. These cor#orations
are o!ten ultinational' eaning they ha%e su"sidiaries and anu!acturing #lants in any
di!!erent countries. These co#anies o!ten share #arts' use #arts ade in !oreign !actories' or
asse"le entire cars in !oreign countries. The three aBor autoo"ile anu!acturers in the
0nited StatesUGeneral Eotors Cor#oration' /ord Eotor Co#any' and Chrysler' !orerly
,ailerChrysler AGU#ro%ide uch o! the industry7s total direct e#loyent in the 0nited
States' "ut increasingly !oreign autoa(ers' such as Toyota Eotor Cor#oration and Nissan
Eotor Co.' Ltd.' are "uilding autoo"ile asse"ly #lants in the 0nited States.
In 3221' ore than =2 illion otor %ehicles' including cars and coercial %ehicles $ere
#roduced $orld$ide. In 322=' a total o! =:.4 illion ne$ autoo"iles $ere sold $orld$ideC
33.4 illion in Euro#e' 3:.; illion in Asia)Paci!ic' :4.; illion in 0SA and Canada' ;.;
illion in Latin Aerica' 3.; illion in the Eiddle East and :.; illion in A!rica.
The Indian autooti%e co#onent industry is doinated "y around L22 #layers $hich account
!or ore than 1LO o! the #roduction. The turno%er o! this industry has "een gro$ing at a
aoth 31.2LO #er annu !ro 3223)26 on$ards as illustrated in /ig. $hich clari!ies its
eergence as one o! India7s !astest gro$ing anu!acturing sectors.
The glo"al "attery ar(et is estiated at around 0S 5::"n and is highly consolidated' $ith
the To#)6 #layers constituting a"out LLO o! the ar(et - *ohnson Controls @62OA' Exide Tech
@:;OA and GS Juasa @::OA.The Co#any has a ar(et share o! =3O in case o! Autooti%e
OEE and =2O in case o! Organi9ed Retail. The Co#any also anu!actures su"arine
Exide >aldia had a rich haul at the CII a$ards cereony in .ol(ata !or 21)24 $inning !i%e
a$ards in di!!erent categories. Co#anys Plant at Shanagar' &est Dengal is an ISO)422: +
ISO):;22: Certi!ied "y T0M)NOR,' Gerany.
$!e surve+ resu%ted into fo%%owing conc%usions=8
=L O o! custoers $ant to i#ro%eent in <uality.
Totally=2O custoers are satis!ied $ith co#any at all.
=LO o! #resent custoers $ant to "e continuing !or co#any.
LL O o! custoers are satis!ied $ith ser%ice o! co#any.
42 O dealers ha%e good relationshi# $ith co#any.
42O dealers are satis!ied $ith deli%ery tie ta(en "y co#any
=2O dealers say that co#any is sur%i%ing in ar(et "ecause o! Huality Product.
12O dealers are satis!ied $ith argin gi%en "y co#any.
Co#any should i#ro%e $arranty #eriod.
Co#any ay #ro%ide hoe deli%ery ser%ice
Pro%ide ore !lexi "oard to dealers.
Co#any should %isit the dealers a!ter regular inter%al.
Gi%e ore attention on #rootion acti%ity o! dealers.
Ear(eting anageent @Pearson educationA' IIcreating va%ueN satisfaction and
%o+a%t+ and ana%+zing consu*er *ar'ets.
Ser%ice ar(eting @S.E.*haA >ialaya Pu"lishing >ouse PPt!e foundation of
services *ar'eting,GG
Eatheatics and statistics @"usinessA E%erest Pu"lishing >ouse IIpopu%ation and
Research ethodology @C.R. .othariA
10 Philip Kotler A -arketing -anagement
40 Philip Kotler and Armstrong A Principles o/ -arketing
F0 R0"0 Kothari A Research -ethodology
50 &tation, 0 7illiam A Introduction to -arketing
10 8usiness #oday and
40 8usiness India
10 #imes o/ India and,
40 %industan C%indi !ditionD
01 Sit
10 http3HHwww0pepsi<one0com
40 http3HHwww0comHcurrentcompanyIin/oHionde?0html
F0 http3HHwww0pepsi0comHcurrentHdietIpepsiHproduct0html
50 http3HHwww0pepsi<one0yahoo0com

Euestionnaire for )usto*er
Eue1, 4or w!at purpose +ou are using t!e 76ide batter+D
aA 38$heeler "A 68$heeler cA ;8$heeler
dA Other #ur#ose
Eue2, In tota%N !ow %ong !ave +ou been a custo*er of 76ide industries %td,D
aA Less than one year "A One to under three years cA Three to under !i%e years
dA /i%e to !e$er than ten years eA ten years or ore
Eue3. -ow wou%d +ou rate +our %eve% of satisfaction wit! )o*pan+ in regards to priceA va%ueD
aA Excellent "A Mery Good cA Good
dA /air eA Poor
Eue4. -ow wou%d +ou rate t!e product of co*pan+D
aA /air "A Good cA Excellent
dA Su#er"
Eue5, 76ideLs product !ave to i*prove on 2ua%it+D
aA Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue6, -ow wou%d +ou rate t!e services of 76ide Industries 5td,
aA Excellent "A Mery Good cA Good
dA /air eA Poor
Eue", -ow wou%d +ou rate +our %eve% of overa%% satisfaction wit! )o*pan+
aA Excellent cA Good eA Poor
"A Mery Good dA /air
Eue3, -ow did +ou !ear about co*pan+Ls productD
aA Ad%ertiseent "A Sales re#resentati%e cA Colleague8!riend dA Other
Eue#, )o*pan+ va%ues peop%e and re%ations!ips a!ead of s!ort8ter* goa%s,
aA Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue1(, -ow %i'e%+ are +ou to reco**end 76ide Industries 5td, to a friend or re%ativeD Bou%d
+ou sa+ t!e c!ances are MD
aA Excellent "A Mery Good cA Good
dA /air eA Poor
Eue11, Bou%d +ou %i'e to purc!ase t!e product of co*pan+ in futureD
aA ,e!initely "A Pro"a"ly cA De unsure
cA Pro"a"ly not eA ,e!initely not
Eue12, Cou be%ieve )o*pan+ deserves +our %o+a%t+,
aA Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue13, 1o +ou t!in' co*pan+ is fo%%owing custo*ize so%utionD
aA Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue14, .%ease %ist t!e top t!ree reasons +ou initia%%+ beca*e a custo*er of )o*pan+ in
order of i*portance D(Open ended 2uestion)
Eue15, Is t!ere an+t!ing specifica%%+ t!at )o*pan+ cou%d !ave done different%+ to 'eep +ouD
(Open8ended co**ents)
Euestionnaire for 1ea%er
Eue1, In tota%N !ow %ong !ave +ou been a dea%er of )o*pan+D
"A Less than one year "A One to under three years cA Three to under !i%e years
dA /i%e to !e$er than ten years eA ten years or ore
Eue2, -ow wou%d +ou rate t!e overa%% 2ua%it+ of +our re%ations!ip wit! co*pan+N considering a%%
of +our e6periences wit! t!e*D Bou%d +ou sa+ it isD
aA Excellent "A Mery Good cA Good
dA /air eA Poor
Eue3, -ow wou%d +ou rate +our %eve% of satisfaction wit! )o*pan+ in regards to custo*er
aA Excellent "A Mery Good cA Good
dA /air eA Poor
Eue4, /re t!e profit *argin given to +ou is,
aA Satis!actory "A Good cA /air dA Poor
Eue5, 1o +ou t!in' t!e de%iver+ ti*e is too *uc! for productD
"A Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue6, $!ere are no bonus JincentiveJgifts for dea%er
aA Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue", $!e co*pan+ does not %isten to co*p%aint and grievance
aA Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue3, $!e co*pan+ is ab%e to survive because of t!e
aA Huality o! the #roduct "A Price o! #roduct cA No co#etitor
dA Drand nae eA Custoer satis!action
Eue#, $!e organization does not ta'e suggestion fro* dea%er
aA Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue1(, , Cou be%ieve )o*pan+ deserves +our %o+a%t+,
aA Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue11, )o*pan+ va%ues peop%e and re%ations!ips a!ead of s!ort8ter* goa%s,
aA Strongly agree "A Agree cA Neither agree nor disagree
dA ,isagree eA strongly disagree
Eue12, , Bou%d +ou %i'e to continue for t!e co*pan+ in futureD
"A ,e!initely "A Pro"a"ly cA De unsure
dA Pro"a"ly not eA ,e!initely not
Eue13, B!+ do +ou sa+ t!atD B!at specifica%%+ are +ou satisfied or dissatisfied wit! )o*pan+D
7nter response be%ow M (open8ended response)
Eue14, Is t!ere an+t!ing specifica%%+ t!at )o*pan+ cou%d !ave done different%+ to 'eep +our
businessD (Open8ended response)

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