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Gargoyles Noun Decorations

Ex: What was most noticeable about the cathedral was the
gargoyles on top of the roof.
Grief Noun Intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by
Ex: Her death was a great grief to John
Sanity Noun Normal or sound powers of mind
Ex: This experience often causes people to question their
Ponder Verb Reflect deeply on a subject; think over
Ex: Many mourners ponder their reason for living
Pathology Noun The branch of medical science that studies the causes and
nature and effects of diseases
Any deviation from a healthy or normal condition
Ex: When do they cross the line to pathology
Consensus Noun Agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as
a whole
Ex: The lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical
Pining A feeling of deep longing
Have a desire for something or someone who is not present
Ex: I am pining for my lover
Ex2: Powerful pining for the deceased
Bereaved Noun A person who has suffered the death of someone they loved
Ex: bereaved person
Abnormal Not normal
Ex: abnormal grief
Intrude Enter uninvited
Ex: Pining and intrusive thoughts about the deceased
Yearning Noun Prolonged unfulfilled desire or need
Ex: An intense daily yearning
Spate + Of A large number or amount or extent
Ex: A spate of studies
Nub Noun A small piece
Contentious Adj Involving or likely to cause controversy
Ex: A central and contentious element of the book
Insomnia An inability to sleep; Sleep disorder
Bout A period of illness
Ex: A bout of clinical depression; a bout of fever
Backlash Backfire
Vitriolic Harsh or corrosive in tone
Ex: vitriolic debates
Accentuate To stress, single out as important
Ex: Accentuate the positive
Detrimental (sometimes followed by to) Causing harm or injury
Ex: Optimism can be detrimental under certain
Rosy Reflecting optimism
Ex: a rosy future
Fret Worry unnecessarily or excessively,
Be agitated or irritated
Ex: dont fret over these small details
Unhinged Affected with madness or insanity
Ex: It can become unhinged from reality
Attune Adjust or accustom to
Pollyannaish Pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic
Ex: Pollyannaish attitude
Complacency The feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself.
Ex: His complacency was absolutely disgusting
Disguising Make unrecognizable; masking
Kvetching Express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness
Ex: Especially those for whom worrying and kvetching come
naturally as coping mechanisms.
Blithely In a joyous manner
Ex: Blithely ignore lifes dangers
Pervasive Spreading or spread throughout
Ex: The pervasive assumption
Chipper Having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
Ex: for not being more chipper
Virility Manliness
Ex: Improve male virility
Formally With official authorization
Vetted Inspected
Ex: Both the newly vetted elements have higher atomic
numbers than any element.
Conservative Resistant to change
Ex: But IUPAC operates conservatively
Decay The process of gradually becoming inferior; decomposition
Culmination A final dramatic stage
Ex: Their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of
Intricate Complex
Ex: Intricate issues
Ordinal Being or denoting a numerical order in a series
Ex: Ordinal numbers
Acrimonious Marked by strong resentment or cynicism
Ex: An Acrimonious dispute
Contention A point asserted as part of an argument
Ex: A second point of contention
Gobble Eat hastily without proper chewing
Ex: Companies and individuals gobbled up nearly every
Internet protocol address available
Dazzle To cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from
intense light
Ex: She was dazzled by the bright headlights.
Heuristics A set of rules
Ex: People tend to rely on heuristics in their decision
Frugal Avoiding waste
Ex: Fast and Frugal
Bogged down Get stuck while doing something
Ex: The proposal has become bogged down
Crony A close friend who accompanies his buddies in their
activities; buddy
Ex: a crony capitalists
Civil war A war between factions in the same country
Ex: American civil war
Factions An exclusive circle of people with common purpose
Underpinning Support from beneath
Support with evidence or authority or make more certain or
Ex: The underpinnings of autism are turning out to be even
more varied than the diseases diverse manifestations.
Mayhem Violent and needless disturbance
Alight To come to rest, settle; come down
Ex: The birds alighted
Muse The source of an artists inspiration
Ex: Hussains Muses
Proliferation Growth by the rapid multiplication of parts
Ex: The proliferation led to the passage of XYZ
Squatter Someone who settles on land without right or title
Ex: Cyber squatters
Subtle Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze
Ex: Its a subtle difference
Conduit A passage (a pipe or tunnel) through which water or electric
wires can pass
Ex: The computers were connected through a system of
Presage A sign that something bad is about to happen
Nirvana Is a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven
Ex: Its a digital nirvana
Shaft A column of light
The shaft of sunlight was striking almost level into my eyes.
Scourge Noun
(Pro: skurj)
Something causing misery or death
Ex: Scourge that still affects many societies in Europe
Guile Shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception;
Ex: Acting like you have a job on Wall Street when youre
actually unemployed would take a lot of guile.
Cloying Noun Overly sweet
Enormity The quality of being outrageous
Luxuriant Produced or growing in extreme abundance
Rabid Of or infected with rabies;
Marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to
a cause or idea
Ex: A rabid cricket fan
Reproach Disgrace or shame
Ex: It would be a reproach to her for ever
Somnambulist Noun Someone who walks about in their sleep
Ruse A deceptive maneuver
Maneuver A military training course
Eccentric Adj Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
A person with an unusual or odd personality
Debauch Diboch A wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
Porous Adj Allowing passage in and out; Full of pores or holes
Ex: Defenses at large organizations prove porous and
attackers elude detection
Thwart Hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Ex: I do this to thwart information harvesting
Sophisticated Ahead in development; advanced
Ex: Sophisticated attack
Exploit Verb Use or manipulate to ones advantage
Ex: He exploit the new taxation system
Denigrated Cause to seem less serious; play down
Ex: Women who cry tend to be denigrated, whereas men
who cry are not.
Fright Fear; An emotion experienced in anticipation of some
specific pain or danger
Ex: Researchers get a rare glimpse at life without fright
Daunting Discouraging through fear; cause to lose courage
Ex: While complex argumentation may sound daunting at
Incarceration Noun The state of being imprisoned
Resort Have recourse to; fall back
Stark Sheer, utter, downright, or complete
Ex: Stark physical changes
Gamut A complete extent or range; scope
Ex: A face that expressed a gamut of emotions
Awry Turned or twisted toward one side;
Not functioning properly
Lurk Wait in hiding to attack
Ex: Cheap Internet cafes lurk around the corner on most
Plop Drop with the sound of something falling into water
Ex: All of the subjects were then plopped into an MRI
Inhibition Prohibition
Ex: Reduced inhibition
Prune Cultivate
Tone Change to a color image
Ex: Then we start pruning and toning areas to work more
Labyrinthine Mazy
Ex: Years memorizing a labyrinthine system of 25,000 streets
Murky Dark or gloomy
Ex: The changes in both white and gray matter indicate are
Tandem One behind the another
Quandary Kwo()nd(u)ree Dilemma
Ex: Its the source of a long standing cosmological quandary
Tango Dance
Ex: They didnt identify a leader of this cosmic tango
Epoch Era
Adjudicate Bring to an end; settle conclusively
Ex: A lot more data is needed before we can adjudicate
between two models
Surrogate Providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not
related by blood or legal ties
Ex: Surrogate father
Innards Internal organs collectively (especially those in the
abdominal cavity)
Metabolism The organic processes (in a cell or organism) that are
necessary for life
Quintessential Representing the perfect example of a class or quality
Ex: Ravi is the quintessential model of the extreme version of
Genome Jeenowm A full set of chromosomes
Divulged Disclosed
Imperil Verb Pose a threat to, Endanger, threaten
Ex: It is spreading across the Pacific in sufficient quantities to
imperil the lives of children.
Specious Speeshus Plausible but false
Ex: Specious statistical scaremongering
Scaremongering Spreading (often false) alarm and stirring up trouble
Pathogenic Able to cause disease
Ex: Pathogenic bacteria
Benign BinIn Not dangerous to health
Ex: But the fungi are not entirely benign
Dwell Inhabit or live in
Ex: This kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the Ocean.
Naught Not Complete failure
Ex: All my efforts led to naught
Choke Breathe with great difficulty
Ex: But sometimes all that studying is for naught when a test
or a big performance rolls around and you choke.
Harp Verb, Come back to
haarp Ex: She is always harping on the same old things
Rugged Rugid Sturdy and strong in constitution or construction; enduring
Ex: We want our devices rugged but also inexpensive.
Turkey An event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual
Ex: The first experiment was a real turkey.
Folklore Fowklor Traditional Knowledge; an unwritten lore of a culture
Ex: A common bit of parenting folklore holds that babies
Putative Pyootutiv Purported; Commonly put forth or accepted as true on
inconclusive grounds
Ex: putative father
Cuckold Kukuld Be sexually unfaithful to ones partner in marriage; Betrayed;
Puddle Pudl A small body of standing water (rainwater)
Ex: There were puddles of muddy water in the road after the
Beseech Biseech Ask or request earnestly
Earnestly Urnistlee In a serious manner
Ex: Talking earnestly with his son
Heed Pay close attention to
Ex: Pay heed to Ravis every word
Lumber Move heavily or clumsily
Ex: The heavy man lumbered across the room
Ramification Ramufukeyshun A development that complicates a situation
Ex: The courts decision had many unforeseen ramifications.
Rupture Rupchur Separate or cause to separate abruptly
Ex: The rupture in the Democratic Party
Untangle Untaanggul Release from entanglement of difficulty
Ex: Trying to untangle the country from
Dismay Dismey The feeling of despair in the face of obstacles
Gospel gospul Unquestionable truth
Ex: His word was gospel
Incarnation Avatar
Ex: These words have 2 incarnations
Ascendancy Usendunsee The state that exists when one person or group has power
over another
Knit Tie or link together
Fling Throw with force or recklessness
Sling Hang loosely or freely
Sting A kind of pain; something as sudden and painful as being
Sediments Matter that has been deposited by some natural process
Precipitation The quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place
within a specified period of time; downfall
Prudent Prood(u)nt Careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment
Ex: A prudent manager
Historiography The writing of history
Triage The process of sorting victims, as of battle or disaster, to
determine medical priority in order to increase the number
of survivors
Sporadically Spuradik(u)lee Periodically
Ex: He only works sporadically
Dissemination The property of being diffused or dispersed
Deer Ticks Noun Some species
Recreational Engaged in as a pastime
Ex: Recreational golfers
Commensurate Corresponding in size or degree or extent
Ex: Pay should be commensurate with the time worked
Ethics Motivation based on ideas of right and wrong
Exemplifies Be characteristic of, Represents
Imposing Impressive in appearance
Ex: An imposing Residence
Grime Anything regarded as making something unclean
Ex: See his face covered in grime
Exemplify Clarify by giving an example of
Ex: The passage makes a general observation to be
Terrestrial Of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea
or air.
Ex: Terrestrial snakes
Durable Existing for a long time
Ex: Ravis approach has proved more durable than his actual
Egalitarian igalitehreeun Favoring social equality; a person who belongs in the
equality of all people
Ex: Had the most egalitarian relation with men.
Foreshadowed Indicate by signs
Eusocial Animal Behavior;
Of or pertaining to a form of insect society, as that of ants,
characterized by specialization of tasks and cooperative care
of the young.
Altruism The quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
Ovulate Produce and discharge eggs
Ex: Women ovulate about once every month
Carcass Kaarkus

The dead body of an animal especially one slaughtered and
dressed for food
Ex: A high rate of carcass theft due to relatively high
predator densities.
Trivial Small and of little importance
Ex: The fluctuations are often temporary and trivial
Snout Informal term for the nose
Ex: anteaters snout
Impinge Advance beyond usual limit
Ex: History may impinge on unexpected ways on public
Carny A travelling show
Ex: You are just a carny
Buttress A support usually of stone or brick
Ex: To buttress their case
Mounds A collection of objects laid on top of each other
Ex: Schools leaving it as radioactive mounds in the corners of
school playgrounds.
Prefect Preefekt A chief officer or chief magistrate; administrator
Ex: The prefect of Paris police
Prefecture The district administered by a prefect
Miniature A copy that reproduces a person or thing in greatly reduced
Ex: Mice implanted with a miniature human livers
Fossils Fo()sul The remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that
existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated
from the soil
Cretaceous End of age of reptiles
Ex: The more we sample the upper cretaceous the more we
are finding that
Hauling Noun The activity of transporting good by truck
Ex: Haul stones from the quarry in a truck
Symbiotic Living together but not necessarily in a relation beneficial to
(In telugu): sahajeevi
Endodermic The inner germ layer
Ex: The algae present in the corals endodermic tissues
(In Telugu) Lopali pora
Tissue Part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having
a similar structure and function.
Secrete Generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids
Photosynthesis Chemical Reaction
Tentacles (in telugu) Aaadrusya Hastham
Deluge An overwhelming number or amount
Ex: The current deluge of genomic data
Know-how The (technical) knowledge and skill required to do something
Ex: Technical know-how to cope with the current deluge of
genomic data.
Churn Stir (cream) vigorously in order to make butter
Ex: Churn out
Scour Skaw(u)r Examine minutely
Ex: The police scoured the country for the fugitive.
Massacre Kill a large number of people indiscriminately

Scowl Skawl A facial expression of dislike or displeasure
Wrought Rot Shaped
Ex: The wrought silver bracelet
Contagious Easily diffused or spread as from one person to another
Ex: Enthusiasm is contagious
Preaching An address of a religious nature
Choked Chowkt Stopped up; clogged up
Ex: Streets choked with traffic
Ex: She almost choked on her apple.
Grapple Come to terms with
Ex: Grappling for parking spaces with other people
Errand A short trip that is taken in the performance of a necessary
task or mission
Ex: People who ignore errands until the weekend.
Anecdote Short account of an incident (especially biographical one)
Pun A humorous play on words
Ex: I do it for the pun of it
Innate Being talented through inherited qualities
Ex: an innate talent
Elucidate Make clear and (more) comprehensible
Manslaughter Homicide without malice aforethought
Aforethought Planned in advance
Malice Feeling a need to see others suffer
Snooze Sleeping for short period of time (usually not in bed)
Doze off Change from a walking to a sleeping state.
Paltry Not worth considering, Contemptibly small in amount
Ex: A paltry wage
Resentment A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
Ubiquitous Being present everywhere at once
Ex: The ubiquitous presence of potatoes on the dinning table
Pervaded Spread or diffuse through
Ex: Loneliness pervaded the city.
Picturesque Suggesting or suitable for a picture; pretty as a picture
Ex: a picturesque village
Appalled Upold Struck with fear, dread, or consternation
Prudent Careful and sensible; marked by sound judgement
Ex: A prudent Manager
Backlash An adverse reaction to some political or social occurrence.
Pummel Strike, usually with the fist
Drawl A slow speech pattern with prolonged vowels
Ex: Trademark southern drawl
Dwelling Housing that someone is living in
Ex: Income from any dwelling or house built on the
agricultural land
Vagary An unexpected and inexplicable change in something
Ex: The vagaries of the weather

Happen, occur
Ex: These things befell
Encroachment Entry to anothers property without right or permission
Ex: Illegal encroachment
Stereotyped Lacking spontaneity or originality or individuality
Ex: stereotyped phrases of condolence
Apposition A grammatical relation between a word and a noun phrase
that follows
Ex: Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is an example of
Thy Pronoun Your; belonging to you
Ex: For thy servant Ravis sake
Archaic Adjective So extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period
Insidious Adjective Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
Ex: most insidious of human tragedies
Prodigious Adjective So great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe
Ex: at a prodigious rate
Senility Noun Mental infirmity as a consequence of old age;
Conceit, Vanity Noun
Feelings of excessive pride
Modesty Noun Freedom from vanity or conceit
Solitude Noun The state of social isolation
Amorous Adjective Expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance
Ex: Did I tell you about my latest amorous conquest?
Obnoxious Adjective Causing disapproval or protest
Ad nauseam Adverb To a sickening extent
Ex: He played the song ad nauseam
Whisked Verb Move somewhere quickly
Ex: His black Mercedes whisked us away from the crowded
Rumble Verb Make a low noise
Ex: My stomach rumbled for food
Retch Verb Make an unsuccessful effort to vomit;
Ex: He retched
Temple Noun The flat area on either side of the forehead
Ex: The veins in his temple throbbed
Throb Verb Pulsate or pound with abnormal force
Ex: My head is throbbing. Her heart was throbbing
Bing Verb Overheat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
Ex: Here the director had binged on alcohol, not student
Scowl Verb Frown with displeasure
Ex: If I eat only a bit, she will get to know, I scowled
Electrode Noun A conductor used to make electrical contact with some part
of a circuit.
Weed Noun Any plant that crowds out cultivated plants
Contend Verb Maintain or assert
Ex: He contended that Communism had no future
Persecuted Verb Cause to suffer
Propagate Verb Transmit
Fortified Verb/Adjective Having something added to increase the strength
Ex: Fortified wine
Inducement A positive motivational influence
Provenance Where something originated or was nurtured in its early
existence; birthplace
Reconciled Made compatible or consistent
Exemplified Illustrated
Terrestrial Of this earth
Ex: Terrestrial environment
Cardiovascular Of or pertaining to or involving the heart and blood vessels
Confront Oppose, as in hostility or a competition
Ex: The problem confronting terrestrial snakes
Assertion A declaration that is made emphatically; statement
Adaptation A written work that has been recast in a new form;
Ex: The play is an adaptation of a short novel
Sow Verb Place (seeds) in or on the ground for future growth
Ex: She sowed sunflower seeds
Plow Verb To break and turn over earth especially with a plough
Ex: Rye sown in the fall and plowed into the soil in early
spring leaves a residue that is highly effective
Residue Noun Remainder; Matter that remains after something has been
Herbicides Noun Weed killer
Exoplanet Noun A planet orbiting a star other than the sun
Tug Verb Pull Hard
Ex: The prisoner tugged at the chains
Calibration Noun The act of checking or adjusting the accuracy of a measuring
instrument; standardization
Ex: Now a group of researchers has developed a calibration
technique to make radial-velocity searches more sensitive to

Mores Noun The conventions that embody the fundamental values of a
Hover Verb Be undecided about something; waver between conflicting
positions or courses of action
Ex: A peculiar odor seems to hover in the air nearby
Stale Adj Lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration
from age
Musty Adj Covered with or smelling of mould; Stale and unclean
Acrid Adj Strong and sharp
Mothball Verb Put into long-term storage
Ex: A stale, musty odor tinged with something as acrid as
Aroma Noun Any property detected by the olfactory system
A distinctive odour that is pleasant
Linger Verb Remain present although waning or gradually dying
Latent Adj Potentially existing but not presently evident or realized
Ex: Latent talent
Sebaceous Adj Containing an unusual amount of grease or oil
Puberty Noun The time of life when sex glands become functional
Exude Verb Release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities
Ex: Exude sweat through the pores
Emanate Verb Proceed or issue forth, as from a source
Ex: Water emanates from this hole in the ground
Musk Noun Scent; Secretion
Stigma Noun A symbol of disgrace or infamy
Ex: may largely be a social stigma
Nexus Noun The means of connection between things linked in series
Ex: Nexus of two competing elements

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