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Grade Low Brass Lesson

Central Focus: The students will learn and apply knowledge of the musical staff. They will display abilities of both naming and playing
musical notes on piano as well as their wind band instrument.
Illinois State Content Standards: 26.A.3d
Specific Objectives
1) Students will demonstrate ability to determine name notes within the staff
2) Students will demonstrate ability to name and play any note within their range
Materials: White board, worksheet, instruments, Standard of Excellence book 2

3 min

15 min

10 min

2 min

8 min

Warm-up: Major Scales: Bb, F, C, Eb, and Ab.

The Musical Alphabet: Discuss with students what the musical alphabet is. Have they
heard of it before? What might it be? How can we use it?

Worksheet: As a class, we will fill in the musical alphabet on the worksheet. We will then
discuss how the musical alphabet transfers over to the musical staff. Students will then
individually finish the worksheet.

Play the worksheet: Individually, students will be asked to name a note on the worksheet
and then play the note, demonstrating their ability to read the staff as well as play the
note shown.

Standard of Excellence: # 53 Habanera. The remainder of the period will be spent on
practicing and learning the next assignment from the Standard of Excellence book.

Actively listen for correct
notes. Look around the room
to make sure that each
student is sitting with good
posture and taking a good

Call on various students to
answer questions to assess
current knowledge.

Call on various students to
answer questions to assess
understanding of new
concept. Walk around the
room and visually assess
responses on worksheet.

Listen for proper naming of
note name and proper pitch

Grade Low Brass Lesson

Central Focus: The students will learn and apply knowledge of the musical staff. They will display abilities of both naming and playing
musical notes on piano as well as their wind band instrument.
Illinois State Content Standards: 26.A.3d
Specific Objectives
1) Students will demonstrate understanding of enharmonic notes
2) Students will be able to name any note above or below the staff by using the musical alphabet
Materials: White board, worksheet, instruments

3 min

10 min

10 min

15 min


Warm-up: Major Scales: Bb, F, C, Eb, and Ab.

Review worksheet: In order to ensure understanding, we will review the worksheet that
was given as homework. Any questions or misunderstandings will be addressed.

Writing notes on the staff: We will discuss how to write note names on the staff. Being
sure to cover the importance of careful writing so that notes are clearly on a line or space.

Reading ledger lines with accidentals: Tying lesson 1 in with lesson 2, we will discuss how
to read notes far above or below the staff that are both natural and have accidentals. To
practice, there will be another worksheet handed out where students have to both name
and write notes anywhere within or away from the staff.


Actively listen for correct
notes. Look around the room
to make sure that each
student is sitting with good
posture and taking a good

Each student will have an
opportunity to answer a
question from the worksheet
as well as ask questions.

Each student will have an
opportunity to answer a
question on the worksheet.

Grade Low Brass Lesson

Central Focus: The students will learn and apply knowledge of the musical staff. They will display abilities of both naming and playing
musical notes on piano as well as their wind band instrument.
Illinois State Content Standards: 26.A.3d
Specific Objectives
1) Students will identify any note on a piano keyboard
2) Students will demonstrate understanding of enharmonic notes
3) Students will play any note that they are told, demonstrating their knowledge of enharmonic notes
Materials: White board, worksheet, instruments

3 min

10 min

15 min

10 min

Warm-up: Major Scales: Bb, F, C, Eb, and Ab.

Piano keyboard white keys: Fill in a blank piano keyboard on worksheet. Show students
how they can first find C, then use the musical alphabet from the previous lesson to fill in
all the white keys.

Piano keyboard black keys: Explain that that each key across a piano is a step. Fill in
blanks on keyboard worksheet for black notes. Define a sharp as raised step and flat as
lowered step. Explain that there are notes that sound the same because they are the
same key on piano, but that they have different names, enharmonic notes.

Enharmonic note worksheet: Begin filling out the enharmonic note worksheet, giving each
student an opportunity to answer. Send the remainder of the worksheet home as

Actively listen for correct
notes. Look around the room
to make sure that each
student is sitting with good
posture and taking a good

Give each student a chance to
walk up to the piano and find
a given white key note.

Give each student a chance to
walk up to the piano and find
a given black key note.
Demonstrates understanding
of the concept as well as the
process of finding a note on
the keyboard.

As each student has an
opportunity to answer I will
assess their understanding by
their response.

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