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International Symposium on

Cognition/Knowledge Science and Engineering: CKSE 2013

In the context of The 7th International Conference on
Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2013
Main Purposes
l!in Goldman affirm" that #e$i"temolog% &which' i" concerned with the $ro"$ect" of human (nowledge)
mu"t wor( hand in hand with cogniti!e "cience*+ ,Goldman, 1---, #.$i"temolog% and cognition,+ in /il"on
0 Keil ,.d"*1, The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences, The MIT 2re"", $* 2301*
Thi" "tatement need" further attention, and "uch i" one of the main $ur$o"e" for organi4ing the 5%m$o"ium on
Cognition6Knowledge 5cience and .ngineering: CK5. 2013, in the context of the The 7th International
Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2013* 7ther $ur$o"e" are
to: 11 to ex$lore the $o""i8ilit% of organi4ing CK5. 2019 a" a collocated conference 8% it" own, not in the
context of another one: 21 to identif% the intere"t that there might 8e regarding "$ecial i""ue" in the ;ournal of
5%"temic, C%8ernetic", and Informatic" ,;5CI1 on CK5.: 31 to examine with CK5. 2013 $artici$ant" the
fea"i8ilit% of $u8li"hing a multi$le author 8oo( on the CK5. to$ic" or on a clu"ter of them: and 91 to anal%4e
the de"ira8ilit% and fea"i8ilit% of organi4ing an international a""ociation on CK5. and6or of $u8li"hing a
related ;ournal* 7ther moti!ation" and $ur$o"ed are 8riefl% re"umed 8elow, along with a""ociated reference"
related to thi" i""ue*
Motiations! Intellectual Perspectie! and "ims
Cogniti!e 5cience and .ngineering ,C5.1 ha!e ex$anded and di!er"ified into an increa"ing num8er of
di"ci$line", mainl%"ome ma<or one" including Cogniti!e =euro"cience, and 2"%cholog%, Com$lexit% Theor%,
rtificial Intelligence, Modeling and 5imulation, >ingui"tic", and 2hilo"o$h%* Con"e?uentl%, C5. i", 8%
nature, a multi@di"ci$linar% domain oriented and re?uiring inter-disciplinary communication* 7n the other
hand, the notion of A(nowledgeB i", 8% nature, a tran"@di"ci$linar% one* lmo"t all ,if not all1 academic
di"ci$line" and tran"@di"ci$line", and $rofe""ional acti!itie" are 8a"ed on "ome (ind of (nowledge* Cognition
i" one of the mo"t im$ortant ingredient" in (nowledge generation, and !ice@!er"a:, $re!iou" (nowledge
"u$$ort" and, to "ome degree, determine" cognition* Knowledge and cognition are c%8erneticall% related
,Cigure 11 !ia co@regulati!e ,negati!e feed8ac( and feedforward loo$"1 and co@am$lif%ing, "%nergic loo$"
,$o"iti!e feed8ac(1* more detailed de"cri$tion of thi" (ind of relation"hi$" and the conce$t" in!ol!ed with
them can 8e found at =* Callao", 2013, Cognition and Knowledge*
ACognition and KnowledgeB are integrated and integrative* Doth, inde$endentl% or <ointl%, ha!e "hown a
great $otential of integrating Science and Engineering acti!itie" and, con"e?uentl%, integrating 8oth of them
Society* " it i" (nown, "cience and engineering $roduce different ,e!en com$lementar% or $olar o$$o"ite1
(ind" of (nowledge* Co@regulati!e and "%nergic c%8ernetic" loo$" would 8e generated with ade?uate
relation"hi$" among "cience, engineering, and "ociet% ,Cigure 21* detailed de"cri$tion regarding thi" i""ue
can 8e found in Callao", 2011, The Essence of Engineering and Meta-Engineering*
To c%8erneticall% relate cognition6(nowledge and "cience6engineering would generate co@regulati!e and co@
am$lificator% ,"%nergic1 meta@loo$", which will 8enefit 8oth $air": cognition6(nowledge and
"cience6engineering and each com$onent of them* To o$en the $o""i8ilitie" of "uch c%8ernetic loo$" and
meta@loo$", through di"ci$linar% and inter@di"ci$linar% $re"entation" and to fo"ter inter-disciplinary
communication for cro""@di"ci$linar% fertili4ation !ia analogical thin(ing i" the main $ur$o"e of the
7rgani4ing Committee of CK5. 2013*
Main #$emes
It i" ho$ed that thi" e!ent will "eed future conference" and $u8lication" in "uch an integrated and meta@
integrated intellectual domain* Con"e?uentl%, the main theme", or trac(", of CK5. 2013 will 8e the following
,categorie" are not rigid 8ut are $re"ented for heuri"tic $ur$o"e", onl%1:
The process - generator of knowledge the mind
Cognitive Science : Cogniti!e 2"%cholog%, rtificial Intelligence, Cogniti!e >ingui"tic",
5ocial Cognition, 5ocial =euro"cience, Cogniti!e 5cience and the >earning 5cience", nthro$olog%
and Cogniti!e 5cience, =aturali"tic Eeci"ion Ma(ing, 5%nthetic 2"%cholog%, =euro"cience,
2erce$tion, Inference, nalogical Thin(ing, etc*

Philosophy of Cognition : Con"ciou"ne"", Mind 2hilo"o$h%, Cognition and Moral Eeci"ion
Ma(ing, Innatene"" and Cognition, Criti?uing Thought a" Com$utation, >ogical 5tructure", Cogniti!e
rchitecture, Mind and Com$uter, rtificial Con"ciou"ne""F, Cognition, Moralit%, and Cree /ill,
.thical and 5ocietal I""ue" of 5ocial Cognition and =euro"cience, etc*
Cognitive Engineering and Technologies: Cogniti!e 5%"tem" .ngineering, Go8otic",
rtificial 2erce$tion, rtificial Inference, Com$utational Model", Com$utational, Cogniti!e, and
=eural Model" of Eeci"ion@Ma(ing, nal%"i" and Ee"ign of Human@Machine 5%"tem", utomation,
Cognition 5imulation, 5%nthetic .n!ironment", 5%nthetic $"%cholog%, Ee"ign of Com$lex and
H%8rid Cogniti!e 5%"tem"*
The object - product of t$e mind - knowledge
Knowledge Engineering: Knowledge@Da"ed 5%"tem" .ngineering, Knowledge Management
5%"tem" .ngineering, Colla8orati!e /or(, Knowledge@Da"e" and .x$ert 5%"tem", /e8, Text and
Eata Mining, /e8@Da"ed Knowledge Management, Eeci"ion 5u$$ort 5%"tem", 5emantic /e8,
Intelligent 2ro8lem 5ol!ing, Knowledge c?ui"ition and Ge$re"entation, Human@Machine
Coo$eration, Knowledge Geengineering, .nter$ri"e 7ntolog%, Knowledge Iualit% ""e""ment,
Knowledge@8a"ed "oftware engineering, Content, Eata mining and (nowledge di"co!er%, etc*
Knowledge Science: Cogniti!e Coundation" of Knowledge, Methodologie" for Meta@
Knowledge c?ui"ition, Knowledge Ge$re"entation and Gea"oning, Cormal anal%"i" of (nowledge,
Knowledge com$lexit% and (nowledge metric", Common"en"e (nowledge and uncertaint% in
(nowledge, Knowledge in com$lex "%"tem"*
Knowledge Philosophy: .e$i"temolog%, >ogic" of Knowledge, Theor% of Knowledge, 2lural
.$i"temologie", 5%"temic .$i"temolog%, =ature of Knowledge, Criteria for Knowledge, 78<ect of
Knowledge, .xtent of Knowledge, T%$e" of Knowledge, 5cientific and .ngineering Knowledge,
Theorie" of Knowledge, 2hilo"o$h% of "cience, 2hilo"o$h% of .ngineering, 2hilo"o$h% of >anguage,

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