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Child abuse

By Jude

Child abuse is when a parent or adult hurt a child by beating them up or calls them
names or just not treating them fairly. Child abuse is when a child is hurt by feelings
or physically by someone. Child abuse is a big problem in the world and many
people live are affected by it. This is our question that we made for child abuse 1.
What kinds of child abuse are there? 2.What causes child abuse? 3.How does child
abuse affect a childs life?

We found some good sources that answered are lines of inquiry. There are many
causes child abuse. This is what causes child abuse poverty, does not have very good
education or access to education, not good material, conflict from family, does not
have a job and hatred in family. This is how some people do child abuse ,expecting
too much from a child , the parent has been abused when he was a child , not
knowing how to take care of a child , low self confidence , depression , alcohol ,
drugs , not good health and work pressure. This is may cause child abuse from a
community using violence , beating them up when they do something bad ,racism
and not treating someone fairly as someone else.
causes-of-child-abuse. if kids have been abuse they have trouble sleeping and eating
and concentrating

We had 2 online interviews on with the frauen haus and one with Mrs. Hughes. We
found out that the frauen haus had 41 children lived there in 2013. 2012 there were
56 children and in 2011 there were 47 children were living in the frauen haus in a
year. This is something that we learned from Mrs. Hughes We learned that your
teacher could abuse you and we did not know that neglect is a type of child abuse
and we learned that most kids die from physical abuse and neglect.

This is what we are doing for our action we are going to make a book on child abuse
that is a choice book so you learn you might do if you are abused. If we make a book
people can read the book in the library. Another idea is we make a film on child

I am not for child abuse because it hurts kids by feelings and by emotions and it will
affect them for their rest of their lives and there is a lot of aftermath if they are

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