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Apiil 29, 2u14

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Kathiyn Bill
@('(- A",-.2 &'()* +,),-. /#-#.() 0((12 A3 4-35 6738$ A"( 9:#22 B; <=>?
Releaseu touay, "Class of 2u14: Youi Next ueneiation of Top Talent," the fifth annual
suivey of 1S,uuu giauuating college stuuent by Achieveis anu ConnectEB0 founu
that stuuents giauuating this yeai aie on the hunt foi companies anu manageis that
will give them feeuback, iewaius, anu the oppoitunity to giow-all in shoit oiuei.
>C A"(* 5#-$ ;((17#DEFF,GG(1,#$(:*C
0veiwhelmingly, these soon-to-be piofessionals-71.S% of those suiveyeu-want
feeuback, anu fast. Accoiuing to the Buieau of Laboi statistics, millennials only stay
in each job an aveiage of 18 months, so if you'ie waiting to evaluate theii fiist yeai
in the job, they'll alieauy be two-thiius of the way out the uooi.
<C A"(* 13-H$ D#)( #738$ $"#$ I*(#)2 3; (JK(),(-D(I K:#L8(C
When it comes to iewaius, millennials want flexibility anu optioms, incluuing gift
caius, tiavel oppoitunities, anu the chance to paiticipate in expeiiences, such as a
company tiip.
MC A"(*H)( 82,-. 23D,#: G(1,# $3 )(2(#)D" *38) D3GK#-*C
Social tools aie the compass by which college seniois aie navigating the job
hunt. "Befoie they apply, all of the ieseaich happens in the social community aiounu
the company," says Razoi Suleman, founuei of employee engagement softwaie
company Achieveis. "Things like LinkeuIn anu ulassuooi have nevei been moie
?C A"(* 5#-$ G(-$3)2",KC
In a ianking of factois that contiibute to wheie to woik, oppoitunities foi
auvancement anu salaiy came in one anu two-they always have-but mentoiship
eugeu into spot numbei thiee foi the fiist time this yeai. "We'ie seeing the
impoitance of having the iight leaueis, having the iight mentois, anu making them
available to those millennials have a win-win effect," says Suleman.
NC A"(* -((1 $)#,-,-.C
Accoiuing to the suivey, millennials "aie not only the most euucateu geneiation in
histoiy, but aie also the least expeiienceu, making it uifficult to ieciuit employees
with the cutting-euge skills anu expeiience employeis seek."
OC A"(* $",-E $"(*H)( '()* K)(K#)(1 ;3) $"( 53)E;3)D(C
uuess what. They'ie not as ieauy as they think they aie.
"Things like appienticeships anu technical tiaues iequiieu you to leain youi job on
the job-those things aie fauing out. Now we have this highly euucateu population
that's nevei woikeu a uay in theii lives," says Suleman.
PC Q38 -((1 $3 G#-#.( $"(,) (JK(D$#$,3-2 $3 "(:K $"(G 7( 28DD(22;8:C
While companies might neeu to ievamp to attiact millennial talent, they also neeu to
actively anu honestly communicate with entiy-level employees anu play a iole in
helping them acclimate to piofessional cultuie.
"We iecommenu to employeis to be up fiont with communication aiounu the
expectations," says Suleman. "'We'ie going to teach you oui business, we think you
fit in the cultuie but we'll show you how you can thiive.' Nake suie they onboaiu
with the iight expectations."
The tale of the millennial-next -uooi who is un- oi unueiemployeu anu lives in mom
anu uau's basement is a yain that's still giabbing heaulines, but incieasingly, uata is
painting a uiffeient pictuie of a highly-motivateu geneiation, 72% of which feels
optimistic about job piospects following giauuation. uiauuates aie becoming
choosiei about the jobs they apply foi anu accept.
Also in the fiame. The hiiing manageis sciambling to attiact the best talent fiom
the pool.
"Theie's nevei been a lack of oppoitunities foi the top 2S%," says Razoi Suleman,
founuei of employee engagement softwaie company Achieveis, which co-publisheu
the suivey. "Those people aie being even moie picky anu feeling moie confiuent.
That's staiting to spieau insiue colleges anu univeisities. 'People aie calling me
back, they'ie hiiing, I'm getting inteiviews, I might tuin uown an offei.'"
Releaseu touay, "Class of 2u14: Youi Next ueneiation of Top Talent," the fifth annual
suivey of 1S,uuu giauuating college stuuent by Achieveis anu ConnectEB0 founu
that stuuents giauuating this yeai aie on the hunt foi companies anu manageis that
will give them feeuback, iewaius, anu the oppoitunity to giow-all in shoit oiuei.
Citing statistics that claim that by 2u1S, 6u% of available jobs will iequiie skills helu
by 2u% of the population, the suivey pieuicts an all out wai foi talent in coming
yeais, anu iecommenus actionable steps foi BR piofessionals looking to attiact-anu
keep-the best anu biightest fiom the class of 2u14.

So how uo you get these tech-savvy, challenge-seeking almost-college giauuates to
come woik foi you.
R)3',1( SGG(1,#$( 6-1 T(.8:#) &'#:8#$,3-
0veiwhelmingly, these soon-to-be piofessionals-71.S% of those suiveyeu-want
feeuback, anu fast. This gioup of stuuents was 11 oi 12 when Facebook was
founueu, anu they want theii piofessional ieckoning with the swiftness of clicking
"Like." Accoiuing to the Buieau of Laboi statistics, millennials only stay in each job
an aveiage of 18 months, so if you'ie waiting to evaluate theii fiist yeai in the job,
they'll alieauy be two-thiius of the way out the uooi.
Anu leave the "yeais of expeiience" plaques in the stoiage ioom. When it comes to
iewaius, millennials want flexibility anu optioms, incluuing gift caius, tiavel
oppoitunities, anu the chance to paiticipate in expeiiences, such as a company tiip.
@(:: S$ !,$" @3D,#:
While not much has changeu ovei the past five yeais in teims of how college seniois
appioach getting a jobs-the vast majoiity still apply uiiectly thiough a company
website, thiough a company ieciuitei at an event, oi at a campus caieei seivices
office-the ieseaich uiiving the choice to apply uiffeis gieatly fiom pievious yeais.
Communicating enthusiastically about youi company cultuie via social meuia is
essential. Social tools aie the compass by which college seniois aie navigating the
job hunt.
"Befoie they apply, all of the ieseaich happens in the social community aiounu the
company," says Suleman. "Things like LinkeuIn LNKB +u.27% anu ulassuooi have
nevei been moie impoitant."
/(-$3)2",K 6-1 A)#,-,-. 6)( 4(*
Nillennials both !"#$ mentoiship anu #%%& tiaining-a uynamic that pioviues
employeis with a unique oppoitunity.

Accoiuing to the suivey, millennials "aie not only the most euucateu geneiation in
histoiy, but aie also the least expeiienceu, making it uifficult to ieciuit employees
with the cutting-euge skills anu expeiience employeis seek."
In a ianking of factois that contiibute to wheie to woik, oppoitunities foi
auvancement anu salaiy came in one anu two-they always have-but mentoiship
eugeu into spot numbei thiee foi the fiist time this yeai. (vacation time, oft citeu as
a millennial pieoccupation, iankeu last.)
An expiesseu uesiie foi mentoiship by those suiveyeu came to the foie again in a
question about how companies coulu best piomote engagement.
"We'ie seeing the impoitance of having the iight leaueis, having the iight mentois,
anu making them available to those millennials have a win-win effect," says
Suleman. "Nillennials ieally uo want to be coacheu, so having those mentois in youi
oiganization is a high-ietuin stiategy, because it helps ease |iecent giauuatesj into
the woikplace."
/#-#.( &JK(D$#$,3-2
Suivey iesults inuicate that a high peicentage of millennials feel veiy piepaieu to
entei the woikfoice. uuess what. They'ie not as ieauy as they think they aie.
"Things like appienticeships anu technical tiaues iequiieu you to leain youi job on
the job-those things aie fauing out. Now we have this highly euucateu population
that's nevei woikeu a uay in theii lives," says Suleman.
While companies might neeu to ievamp to attiact millennial talent, they also neeu to
actively anu honestly communicate with entiy-level employees anu play a iole in
helping them acclimate to piofessional cultuie.
"We iecommenu to employeis to be up fiont with communication aiounu the
expectations. 'We'ie going to teach you oui business, we think you fit in the cultuie
but we'll show you how you can thiive.' Nake suie they onboaiu with the iight

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