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Date June 2^, 1972

Name in full Dianne VIood
Complete address on field Box 117
Chiredzi, Rhodesia Africa
Complete forwarding address Mrs. Sheldon Thomas
1700 Central, Dodge City, Kansas 67801
Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:
First Christian Church
Strfifit. Fifth & Vine Street,
City Podge City Rfgfp Kansas City, _Zone, .State..
Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:
Many Southwest Kansas churches supplied travel funds.
BtT-epf- Street,
7,nnp RtntP City. 7nnP_ RtfltP
Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage
other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a
visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos
sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon
sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value
of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about
your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3)
and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the
credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their
conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help
convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to
spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom
mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of
each letter, thanks.)
Bfrppt Street,
City Zone Stater.Hy. State,
Name and address of hometown npwRpapRr Dodge City Daily Globe
Podge City. Kansas
Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:
Kutchinson NeVrs
Pity Hutcliinson xone State
Dodge City
Zone. State.
Place of PTRTH. Trinity Hospital
Day ofhirtTi ^8 Month. Vpar_ 19^8
Where haptiaoH?. First Christian Church
nity Podge City
PfltA October 21. 19'SS
StatA Kansas
On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to
MarriAd, Single,
Date of marrfng-A
Who solemnized your wedding?
Where married?
List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:
(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)
Name Place of their birth day, month, and year
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:
.FCC Dodge Citv
Choir, Organ, Piano
Youth Activities
1957 - 1968
OBC Jonlin,
Concert Choir 5f y^s.
Trio 2 yrs. &: other 1966 - 1971
St. James Methodist Joplin Organist Choir Director 1970 - 1971
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mex. MissionarT,'- intern Summers - 1969, 1970 , 1971
SCHOOLING (high school and later):
Name of school Location Number of years Degrees and date granted
Dodge City High .Dodge Citv. Kans. k
.Ozark Bible College. rTonlin. I-nRsmir-i T^i 2-'-, 1972
What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope
to accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leading
others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):
Ashland Christian Service Camp, Ashland, Kansas, ms a big influence on Marilyn's
decision to become a missionary. From the time she ^ra.s in junior high school, her
mind was made iip. She is seanring temporarily in Rhodesia while Marcia Kay Thonpson
is on furlough but hopes to go back to Mexico. She has worked with Bill Burr in
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:
Keeps books for Central African >assion dealing mainly with schools in the Chiredzi
and Mashoko areas. Has charge of pajrroll and book store inventories for five
schools with an enrollment of about ifflOO students. Helped with Junior Camp at
Salisbury. ^
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
FvangAlist. Bible College Tp-flnhftr. Public School Teacher^
Homemaker_ nr.ntnr Nurse__ Social worker. Music teacher.
Radio miniatrv. Radio fnllownp , nhriRtian Service Camp ^ Linguistics.
Maintenance of mission pgnipmpnt Benevolence. Office work,.,..X Name other:
Vathpr'g namp anH hamp nHHyAcg- TTnT-raT-ri T-JonH T.iving Y Deceased^
- 220^ Fifth Ave. Rt-pppt. Dodg-e Citv r.i^r Kansas Zone State,
His nrnnpatmn truck driver Tg he a Christian? yes^JL-.no_
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?
What Christian service does he now do? Elder
Mother's full maiden name: Tcvl Baldx-dn Living^JL^Deceased.
RtrPPt 22.0h- Fifth Ave. nity Dodge Ditv TinrP Rf-ate Kanee.q
Is she a Christian? YesJL-No.^ Her occupation if employed outside the hnme bookkeeper
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church.?,
Teacher 8 \rrs. Jr. Dept. Suet. 7 vrs. MeT-jsletter Secretary - Bill ^urr 7 -^.rrs
Name Mrs. Sheldon ThoTnas Rtra.Pt 1700 Central
Citv. Dodge City Zone, State. Kansas Telephone:. 3l6 227-7^1-00
Where attend nhnreh?. First Christian Church Rtreet Fifth Vine
Citv, Dodge Citv. Kansas 7:nnp State
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent-. Keeps records of income & expenses
Does the forwarding agent receive a Ralary?. No
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent nnly?. Ypr
In what form should funds be gent? Cash or check
If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how to
do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other Information which you think
might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:
Since Marilyn is on a temporary assignment in Africa, we are not sure you will want
to include her name on your 1973 list. She plans to come back to the states in
February, 1973. There is a possibility that she may fill in for another Rhodesian
^ missionary when Marcia Kay Thompson returns to Rhodesia but at present her plans are
not definite.
August 18, 1972
Dear Christian Friends,
"Winter's come and siunmer's movin' on" to paraphrase a popular song of a
few years ago. The people here in Hipno Valley are very thankful that summer is on
its way. vfe experienced the coldest -.-rinter in over 30 years in Rhodesia. Temper
atures wore below freezing several times here in Chiredzi T-jhich is quite unusual.
The one good thing about the ^Tintor here is that it is short.
Even though it has bee^^. a cold iTinter, the work of the Lord all over Rhodesia
has not suffered, but has made very good gains. Most of you i-jill rer.err.ber I
wrote rabout Greg Van EK'ke's being seriously injured in a car wreel:. A week .after
I wrote to you last time, Greg recovered consciousness. This was a short tine after
the doctors had told the Van Eykes that Grog would not live through the night. Greg
continued steadily.' to improve in the hospital in Salisbury until f5.nally the doctors
allowed hi:.i to go home. He has been home since the first part of August and tlie Van
Dykes say that he is imnroving by leaps and bounds since he has been hone. They
vdsh to thank all 01 you for the prayers that have been offered on their behalf.
Anotlier missionary also became seriously ill. Tliis time it i-jas Gay Anmerman
whose parents, Bruce and Karolyn, are missionaries at Chidamoyo. One night in June
Gay started ha'^dn'^ convulsions. Dr. Bill I'lice, at Cliida-ioyo, couldn't do anything
for her, so he fleiT her into SaJ-isbuip/. The doctors there were mystified, too.
Gay had been hemcrrhaging, so she head to have some blood tr?,nsfusions. At one time
the Arnmormans - ere told tlia.t Gay wcidd not live. Then miraculously Gay started to
recover. Within ten days aftershe had been adltted to the hospital, she t-ias released,
One doctor told the Amnermans, "You folk sure do believe in the power of prayer, don't
"y^?" So what had been near tragedy for two families has turned into great victories
for the Lord and nrcvided an invaluable ^luness to the doctors and medical staff at
Salisbury' General Hospital.
Another event tha.t has helped to fi.irther the cause of Christ in Rhodesia has
been the arrival of the Reggie Thomas team. They arrived in the countr:;- on June 2
and have wcn'od all over Rhodesi<a. They are finishing their last owo weeks nere in
Bulawayo. Host of them will be back in the States by th.e end of Augi.ust, The
victories for the Lord have been tremendous in the meeting that the team has held.
The team consisted of Reggie and Thomas and their four cliildrcn, Janice and
Faye Rostvit, Janet ard Gail Todd (Cecil Todd's daughters), a^d Doug Willis, ^
evangelist from Australia. Because of t^ie large number and ouustanaing talev.u, tne
teajn solit up into three sr-aller, thus making it possible to caripr on three
meetiiig simultaneously. During the two and a hnlweeks t rat tne team was here in
Giiiredzi, scrvd.ces Tjerc held in at least te" difforcnt areas. One new Airican wor*:
was started. A Buronean congregation was esteblis':ed in the Helsettcr area whore
John and Slierman Pemborton ta'^e turns f-oing every other week-er-d to hold services.
This work in lielscttcr was begun by a couple who were converted Reggie was here
four years ago. In "i he Cniredzi area alone, there ^-lere over decisions made for
th.e Lord. The majority o.f people want to be baptized. The Africaai eva'^gcD.isi/S
have been ke^^t busy studyina :-7ith these pecole sn tiiat tlie;/" will l:now for sure wnat^
they are doing. As a result, severaJ. hundred have n.o.-r been, baptized a^.d the rest 0^
them i-jill bo in th.e near future.
The da7/ after the team a.rrivGd here we got up at five in the morning, loaded
picnic gear and other supmlies into our vehicles, a*;d town by six. DGSoinaoicn.
Gona-Re-Ziiou game eeserve located south of Chiredzi on the Mozambique border. :Je
had our picnic lunc}i on th.e cli-'M's next to the Huanetsi l^iver. We could hear the
hinpos dov.Ti in tf-sc rivor. Tliero were at least six of them, but they kent themselves
submerged most of the ti'ViO, coining up only for air. Some o- tho team wont down to
the river to get a closer look, but x preferred ti'.e view through binoculiars from a
safer distarco. After lunch we wo?it back towards the housing area where they had
SEP 7 Wg
thirty baby elephants in peris waiting for shipment to zoos. VJe got a ver7,r close look,
and Alice Thomas even got to feed one xd-th a baby bottle type contraption. After
looking at the elephants, \:e all loaded up into our two pick-ups anrlwent on a game
run. Even though the grass was high and it was getting late, we were quite successful.
We saw an elepha-it family, impala, laida, several other animals belonging to the
antelope family, and zebra. By the time we were through with the game lain, xie were
covered from head to toe vjith dirt. We all looked a sight, but we did have a verj''
enjoyable tien.
Two days later, we took the team out to the Ray &)arrow ranch, Ih*, Sparrow got
all of us into the bad; of a Toyota jeep a^d took us on another game run. This time
we saw zebra, eland, inpala, a hartebeest, a xdldebeest, bush buck, water buck, and
wart hogs. He has sevora.! ostriches near his house, too. In a paddock close to
the house, there are a water buffalo, a sable, and a Kuc'u. They are all tame and
can be petted. Yes, even the x-r.tor buffalo. After lunch, we had a short service
xfith the Sparr'^w family before returning to Chiredzii As a result of those two trips
I can nox-r say I have seen some x-rild animals - ot'ier thaii insects and lizards,
T'Jhile the tean was here, I had the privlloge of going to my first African
service. It x-zas held at night under a tree in the center of an African compound.
Tony Thomas x-zas the preacher, Watson Mabona, one of our African preo-chers, was his
interpreter. Ligt.ting was provided by one kerosene lamp placed in the tree. The
/one thing that really impressed me was the x-ray the Africans, sing, Idon't know how
to describe it other than tosay that it x-ras just beautiful. The song leader starts
the song and they all join in. Thejr sing in four part harmcrr,'- x-jithout looking at
any notes. As 1 said, it x-ras just beautiful.
On July 16, the dedication scr\'-ices for the Tshovni Church of Qirist x-ras hold.
This is our church in the African location in Ohirodzi. Watson Mabona is the preacher.
Several members of the Reggie Tlionas team took part - gi\'lng greeting from the
churches in Austrrolia and U.S. and singing special music. Special music x-ras also
presented by -a group from a church in Triangle and our African Bible college in
Fort Victoria. Dr. Dennis Pruett gave the main dedicator^.'' address.
Severe?.! of you have probabl;/ xTOndered about the school system in this country,
One of the most noticeable differences in toe school year. It begins in January.'" and ^
ends in December. There are throe school holidays of anpro:dLraately a month -
April-May, the second in August-Sen-tenber, and the t bird in December-January/. It
^is the lax-r in t'.is countiy that the Bible be taught in the scl-iools - both public and
^//private. The govcrment school here in Chiredzi has set aside one hoxor on Tuesda;ys
^ and Thu.'sdays x-rhen the Bibl i lessons aro taught. Any church xdxo has children from
its congrega.tion in the school ma;/ come 'and t^acii those children during the time set
aside. As a result, tlxc scrioturo classes are taugh.t by people from the Catholic,
Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Qiurch of Clirist churches. In tlxe two classes
taugh.t by Marjo-'ie Penberton there are over ^0 stx'dents ex-i .^oll-ed* I have had the
privilege of sxxbstituting for her x-nie:-: she x-ras ill or out o.f toxm.- As xrith all teaching
it is hard work, but it also has its rex-rards, I t'xinl: the greates t Ixing a,bout it is
that the goverrmeot sees the necessity for a spiritual education for the poop3.e
of Rhodesia. I hope this idea x-iill contimxe.
Another pri\u.lege that I had in those last tx-jo months was directing th.e choxais
for a comedy re^axe t al was yrat on at tlie club a couple ox' x-reeks ago I also played
the for i.lie shox-r. The shox7 x-zas much like a variety shoxx that x-rc see on TV in
the States, I had 22 singers to x-7orlc -with, and at times, tlxings xrere a. little hectic,
but overj'-tlxin.g x-rent x-rell x-rixen x-re final!?/ performed. Worlcing in the shox-r gave me an
opnortxxnity to meet more of the noople in Chii^edzi and to get to knoxr them a little
better. As a result, I have r,.made one good contact for the Ixerd, axxd one or tx-xo
otliers are possibilities for th.e future.
In closing t'.xis letter, I xxoxild li!ce to make cn-trqy.nT prnver recuests. The first
is a pra?'cr of rejoicing for Greg Van D^/l-re's and G'gv/Sn-eman'.toi^co^rios.. .Mso a
prayer of rejoicing for th.o xxictorics x-xon tliroxxgh the Reggie Thomas carapalgns. ?3.ease
pray tliat the ncx-x converts xxill be strengthened in the faith and that those xxho re-
dedicated themselves to the Lord idll renain stronf^ in Him. Several of us have been
ill ^.Tith flu, malaria, an^i oth^r diseases, ^ay that ue might remain in good health
so that the work of the Lord cari continue Tjithout interruption. I-Iarjorie Pemberton
will have surger^r at the e-d of this month. Pray that she mil have a quick recovery
and be able to return to her work quickly.
The final prayer request is for me porsonall^^. Most of you loiow that I have
worked in Mexico for three surim<>rs and have a deep love for the country, people, an(^
the work there. It ha.s beer, my plaji to return there if possible. Bil3^and Robertt^
ThiT'r. the missionari'">s with whom I have tjorked, are having to leave Mexico because
they do not have residence permits. To get them would cost at least $l^,OOO.fC and^
there wouls still be no guarantee that they could sta:,^ in the country. Their plans
are to move to SL Paso, Texas, and carr^'' on the work from there. They will also work
in Juarez, the city across the river from EL Paso. Tliey have invited i;:g to -rome and
work mth t'^em in EL Paso. Please pra;/ for me that. I wiD.l do the Lord's imLll in
this matter. pra:' for the dnristia^s in ChmLhualiua, where the Rirrs h^ve been
wor'iing, that tiiis -lill be a tine for grovrbh for them instead of a setback.
Thanlc you so much for the cont-irued support ^rou give me through your prayers.
I really appreciate it. May God bless each one of jrou as you serve Him wherever you
Love in Christ,
November 2, 1972
Dear Christian Friends,
Greetings from hot Rhodesia. Actually, it's not too bad yet, but within the
next few weeks, it will get quite hot and stay that way for several months. Since
it's starting to get cold there, you might think of us over here suffering in the
heat, euid maybe it will keep you from getting too cold.
A few days after I wrote ray last letter to you, Sherman Pemberton, Marilyn
Richards and I left for Chidamoypv in the^orthern part of Rhodesia, to attend
the African Churches of Christ conference/ The meeting started on Saturday night
""ahd ended oh Monday night. African Cliristians from all over Rhodesia came to
take psirt in this conference, many of them having saved their money for a year
60 that they would be able to attend this meeting. This year, for the first time,
the Tonga people from the Binga area came. Since many of them have no dealings
at all with any Shona people, it v/as necessary for some one to interpret the
messages into Tonga as well as Shona. This was quite confusing for the mission
aries who were used to one interpreter. They waited for the Shona interpreter
but half of the time for got the Tonga interpreter. It was rather amusing at
^^-The m6^ impressive thing to me about the African and his worship to God is
singing.' So many of them have never had any musical training, but they sing
f four part harmony just beautifully. No matter how large or small the congregation,
people will sing in harmony and with such joy that it puts many of us to shame.
This conference is much like our conventions. The people meet for fellowship
and spiritual food. The total registrations were around 1,000, but at least one
of the services had around 1,500 people there. For the first time, an African was
elected as chairman for the next conference, which will be in 197^ at Dadaya where
the New Zealand missionaries work. By 197^, the work at Dadaya will be totally
under the authority of the African church, and there will no longer be any
missionaries there. The dream of setting up an indigenous church in Rhodesia is
becoming a reality. ^ -
September was a relatively quiet month for me. We did keep busy, though,
helping Sherman sind Judi Pemberton get ready for Senior csirap which was held
during the middle of the month. The camp was quite successful. Since then, at
least two of the boys who attended have decided to go into the ministry. We
praise the Lord for this.
After camp, Sherman and Judi had just one v/eek to get ready to leave for the
thier two daughters le|i;-.on,.Sapten^3^!25'* They are
making their home at Kentucky Christian College in Grayson, Kentucky, for this
next year.
Next v/eek the community choir of Chiredzi will begin practicing the cantata
which will be presented about a week before Christmas. This year we are presenting
"The Night the Angels Sang" by John Peterson. I have the privilege of directing
the choir for this cantata. I am looking forward to v/orking with the choir and
presenting this cantata to the whole community. It is one of the ways of showing
to all the real meaning of Christmas.
A couple of weeks ago, I attended a"conferenca'of missionaries from Zambia
and Rhodesia ^at "ResthavenJ'. Resthaven^^-^JTew miles north of Salisbury was built
for missionaries'-^i'^b'give them a place to "get away from it all". It is truly a
"rest haven". At the conference, we discussed various problems that confront us
on the mission field. We women met for one session and joined the men for the
other sessions. The greatest lesson was presented by Mrs. Jack Pennington. It
concerned love lo^ for husband and wife, love for the people we work with,
and love for the fellow missionaries. We all felt that this session was very
worthwhile sind left the conference with a prayer in our hearts that we would be
more loving and that we would show this love to each other. We had discussions,
recreation periods and an evening service. This conference was quite similar to
a church camp. Next year it will probably expand into a family camp with special
classes plainned for the children. Le^^iJ&oSaadaH from Lusaka, Zambia is in charge
of the program and ]^ VanDyka ffom Fort Victoria is in charge of local
arrangements. We juit give thanks to God that we were all able to meet for this
time of sharing and fellowship.
I want to thank all of you for your prayers in my behalf these^last few months.
My year here in Rhodesia is rapidly drawing to a close. I have decided to go to
El Paso when I return to the States. Next fall, a new Bible College will open
there and I hope to help with this. . I will be working with Spanish American
Evangelism, an organization which has a large radio ministry and correspondence
courses available to the people in Mexico and the Spanish speaking people in
Texas and New Mexico. I have enjoyed working in Rhodesia, but I look forward to
returning to work among the Mexican people whom I love very dearly.
I would ask that you continue to pray for me especially that I would
continue to let the Lord lead me in the paths that He would have me go. Also, ^
pray for us"as we labor for Him here in Rhodesia and for the Africap leaders in
the churches that they would have the courage to stick to their convictions and
follow the Lord whole heartedly.
May God bless each one of you as you serve Him each day where you are.
In Christ,
Marilyn Wood

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