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genocide [jen-uh-sahyd] Noun

the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural grou
Origin: 194045; < Greek gno ( s ) race + -cide

Classification; we are us, and they are them. We are different.
Symbolization; we are us, and they are the enemies. (ex. We
shall call them Jews)
Dehumanization; we are us, they are not us. They are not normal.
They will not be tolerated.
Organization; we are us, and we have a problem with them. We
shall do something about it.
Polarization; they are different. We dont like them. They are now
known as very different.
Preparation; they are different. We shall do something about it.
Lets start with (ex. determine who is going to die first).
Extermination; we shall really start to get rid of them. They are
different. They must die.
Denial; we shall not let anyone remember what we did. Lets hide
the evidence and make the different people think that they
brought it onto themselves in the first place.
Started in Canada
Was created to destroy aboriginal culture
Death toll is over 3000
Mental, Physical and Sexual abuse was common
Targeted aboriginal children

Verna Flanders was 6 years old when she got sent
Mother had died in childbirth; she was being taken care
of by her aunt.
Felt lonely and isolated as a boarding student at St.
Michaels Indian Residential School in Alert Bay.
Left residential school at age of 16.
Had a very rotten life between ages of 16-40
Found it hard to talk to anyone about experiences.
Has her children as her companions and is happy with
her life at the age of 72.
Occupied 15 different countries
Was one of the genocides that was very prominent in
developing the Aryan race.
Death toll is recently estimated up to 15 million .
Gas chambers, malnutrition and poor living conditions
were used by Nazis
Jews, gays, gypsies, Slavs and asiatics were targeted
Abraham Bomba was born in 1919 in
Czestochowa, Poland.
Occupation; barber
Deported to Treblinka Extermination Camp
on September 22,1942.
Selected for forced labour at camp.
Cut womens hair and sorted clothing.
Escaped in 1943 and found his way back
to Czestochowa.

Occupied Bosnia Herzegovina and 6 other counties ; former
republic of Yugoslavia, (FRY)
Result of the fail of communism
At least 105,000 died
Rape, castration, and imprisonment in concentration camps
was used commonly by the Serbs.
Mainly targeted Muslim Bosnians (Bosniaks) and Croats that
were situated in Serbia

Nidzara Ahmetasevic was born in 1975
17years old when war started
Her apartment was close to the center of the
city and was shot at by Serbs
Her leg was wounded
Went to a hospital, along with many others
that have been wounded
After her leg wound recovered , she spent a
year outside of her country.
She is now the editor of BIRN, a news agency
based in Sarajevo


What our
governments have
What we can do
Verna Flanders:
Flanders, V. (2013, September 21). Residential school survivors share their
stories at Truth and Reconciliation event in Vancouver. Retrieved April 15,
2014, from
Abraham Bomba:
Kues, T. (2009, October 20). Abraham Bomba's Memoirs. Retrieved April 22,
2014, from
Bomba, A. (1990). Oral History. Retrieved April 15, 2014, from
Nidzara Ahmetashevic :
News. (2008, August 29). Retrieved April 21, 2014, from

Thomas, J. (2001). Healing the legacy of the
residential schools. Retrieved April 17,
2014, from

Hanson, E. (2009). The Residential
School System. Retrieved April 13, 2014,
Which countries did the Nazis occupy?
(n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2014, from
Paulsson, S. (n.d.). The Enemy. Retrieved
April 15, 2014, from

Ching, J. (2009). Genocide and the Bosnian
war. New York, NY: Rosen Pub. Group.
Genocide in Bosnia. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11,
2014, from
Matson, C. (2013, July 3). Bosnian Genocide
World Without Genocide - Working to create a
World Without Genocide. Retrieved April 16,
2014, from

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