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May Prayer

In April we were praying for the Lord to make us fruitful. It has already been a fruitful month in
ministry, we have seen the Lord do great works. We have had the pleasure of ministering to
marriages that were losing life, just breathing the life of God back into them through word of
knowledge and prophecy. Many were blessed by this move of the Holy Spirit. We have also made
significant progress in preparation for the launch of Equip a woman Foundation, we are still
praying and working on it. To God be the glory. Our reach has also further expanded, as it does
month to month. The month of June will see us launching a new program that should also be a
blessing to many. It is still being cooked, when it is ready it will be made available through our
website. Keep an eye open for that. I also encourage you to go and sign up to our newsletters on our
website, so we can keep you updated on all that God is doing.
This month we will be praying together for God to enlarge our territory. We want to reach greater
heights for his glory. God bless you, and welcome to this edition of the Prayer Relay, take your
marks, lets go!
Father I commit this month into your hands. We bless these prayer points in the mighty name of
Jesus. We bless those who have taken time to prepare them. We thank you for every individual who
will pray with us this month. May you meet them at their point of need. We know no prayer goes
unanswered. We bless your name for your faithfulness king of kings. In the mighty name of Jesus.
1 Chronicles 4:10 10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, " Oh, that you would bless me and
enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be
free from pain." And God granted his request.

00:00 to 01:00 PRAYER RELAY
Father we thank you for what you have built in these short 2 years that this ministry has
We commit every single individual that you will minister to through this ministry into your
hand. Show yourself strong Lord.
We thank you for all the labourers in this ministry, bless them abundantly for their work.

01:00 to 02:00 100 DAILY DECLARATIONS
Thank you Lord for every country and home that you have taken this book
We pray that your word that is contained within it will continue to touch and impact loves
across the world
We ask that you would continue to enlarge its reach for your glory
02:00 to 03:00 CHILDREN Psa 127:3
Father we thank you for the gift that children are
We ask that you would equip us, to equip them to lead
We thank you for territories that you have called them to take
03:00 to 04:00 FATHERS
Lord we thank you for all men, we bless them in Jesus name. Pro 14:26
Father raise a generation of fathers that will lead your way. Psa 103:13
Enlarge the territory that is covered by fatherhood and husbands. In Jesus name. 1 Cori
Lord we bless every Christian business. Isaiah 9:3
May they expand for your glory. Isaiah 9:3
We declare your covering from any attack from anyone in Jesus name. They are built on
solid rock. They will stand. Psalm 12:7
05:00 to 06:00 DREAMS Numbers 12:6
Lord we thank you for continuing to speak to your people through dreams. Joel 2:28
We speak a covering over all dreams that you give us. No dream will be forgotten in Jesus
We rebuke all negative dreams, any evil dreams will not stand in Jesus name.
06:00 to 07:00 EDUCATION
Lord we ask that you would continue to equip us to reach far and wide for you.
Give us the grace to learn.
I speak a blessing into every individual seeking your knowledge and wisdom. Proverb 4:5
07:00 to 08:00 AMBITION TO EXPAND
Lord I speak an awakening into every sleeping giant in the mighty name of Jesus.
I speak your ambition in any life that it is not present.
Lord open eyes and expand horizons so we may see beyond ourselves.
08:00 TO 09:00 HEALTH 3 John 1:2
Lord we thank you for good health. 3John 1:2
Any disease in our bodies is dying right now by your anointing.
We thank you for sound minds
09:00 to 10:00 SUSTAINANCE Philippians 4:19
Lord grant us the grace to keep what you have given.
We thank you for sustaining us always.
Give us the heart and grace to sustain others as you sustain us.
10:00 to 11:00 DOMINION Genesis 1:28
Lord we thank you for the call of dominion.
We thank you that we will possess every place that we set our foot for you.
We thank you that you are raising us to dominate and lead our spheres.
11:00 to 12:00 FAITHFULNESS
Lord grant us the wisdom to always follow you
Grant us the grace to never leave you as you never leave us
I am faithful to you in Jesus name. Amen
12:00 to 13:00 STEWARDSHIP Matt 25:14-30
Lord we thank you for everything that you have entrusted in us.
Grant us the wisdom and grace to develop and expand all you have entrusted with us.
Teach us to be great stewards of our wives, children, families, businesses, communities and
everything else that you have given us
Thank you Lord for securing me in the spiritual realm even when I do not see it
Thank you for declaring me victor even in wars that I have not seen or fought in
Grant us the grace to man our posts in the spirit and in prayer
14:00 to 15:00 SNAKES
Lord open our eyes to see those who mean us ill
Any poisonous individual in my life will be exposed in Jesus name. Amen
Grant us the strength to walk away from those you tell us to, even when it hurts
Thank you for the companions that you are and will surround me with in this walk
Send me the right people, who will build me
Any person who seeks my distraction will meet disappointment in Jesus name.
16:00 to 17:00 MISSION WORK
Lord we thank you for every person taking your word out there. Be it in schools, at work or
across the world. Bless and keep them.
We thank you for providing for them as they carry the gospel.
Brighten up the light within them as they walk into darkness.
17:00 to 18:00 FOUNDATIONS
Lord I ask that you would search our hearts, and remove and wickedness.
Heal our foundations, so we can build structures that stand forever.
Anything that was not built with you, we commit to you. Have your way
18:00 to 19:00 COMMIT ALL TO GOD
Father I commit my life to you. Let every breath speak of you.
I commit my household. We will serve you. Joshua 24:15
I commit my ambitions and endeavours, they will bring you glory.
19:00 to 20:00 MARRIAGES
Lord we thank you for every marriage that you have touched through our ministry this
We speak a full healing and restoration.
May your love in these marriages become contagious. Enlarge your loves territory in them.
Make their hearts receptive.
20:00 to 21:00 PERSECUTED Psa 91
Lord we commit the children who have been abducted in Nigeria into your hands.
We plead you grace over each of their lives, watch over them oh Lord.
We pray for their families. Comfort them in this tough period.
21:00 to 22:00 LOVE FOR ANOTHER John 13:35
Lord, teach us to love like you do.
Teach us to freely give your love as you do.
May they know us by that love.
22:00 to 23:00 BITTERNESS
Root I uproot any bitterness, any seed of bitterness in my own heart.
I forgive any person who has angered or hurt me.
I release any grudges that I may be holding, knowingly or unknowingly.
23:00 to 00:00 THANKSGIVING
Lord I thank you for another day in your presence.
I thank you for the gift of family.
I thank you for your ultimate love.

Thank you for taking your time to be part of this Movement. I assure you that God is doing mighty
things and has even more amazing things planned for us. Let me take this moment to invite you to
our Facebook page The Prayer Relay Movement
We are now also on InstaPray @PrayerRelay. On twitter @PrayerRelayMvt Let us stay connected
and support each other on this journey of life. In the next couple of month we will be launching
more and more exciting things. If youd like to be a part of this, please dont hesitate to be in touch.
Contact us on

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