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Secton by Secton Summary of Murphy Bill (H.R. 3717) Helping Familie in MH !

rii "c# of $%13& an' (emocratc (icuion Bill ent#le'

S#reng#hening Men#al Heal#h in )ur !ommunite "c#&
Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act (Murphy Bill) Strengthening Mental Health in Our Communites Act
Title I: Assistant Secretary or Mental Health Title I
Sec! "#"! *oul' crea#e an "i#an# Secre#ary for Men#al Heal#h +
Sub#ance ,e (ior'er- .ho mu# ha/e an un'er#an'ing of biological-
pychoocial an' pharmaceutcal #rea#men# of men#al illne an' ei#her a
'oc#oral 'egree in pychology .i#h clinical an' reearch e0perience or a
'oc#oral 'egree in me'icine or o#eopa#hic me'icine .i#h clinical an'
reearch e0perience in pychia#ry. 1he "i#an# Secre#ary .oul' be
charge' .i#h2
1. coor'inatng #he .or3 of 'epar#men#- agencie an'
organi4aton 'ealing .i#h #he problem of in'i/i'ual u5ering
from ub#ance abue an' men#al illne6
$. o/ereeing S"MHS"6
3. .i#hin HHS- o/ereeing an' coor'inatng all program an'
act/ite relatng #o #he pre/enton an' #rea#men# of an'
rehabili#aton for men#al heal#h or ub#ance abue er/ice6
7. re/ program an' act/ite acro #he Fe'eral
go/ernmen#- i'entfying 'uplicat/e program an' act/ite- an'
formulatng recommen'aton for coor'inaton6
8. uper/iing 'a#a collecton for an' 'ieminatng be#
practce by a crea#e' 9atonal Men#al Heal#h :olicy
;abora#ory (9H:;)6
<. priorit4ing #he in#egraton of men#al heal#h or ub#ance
abue er/ice .i#h primary care er/ice6
7. priorit4ing early 'iagnoi an' in#er/enton er/ice6 an'
=. o/ereeing #he 9MH:; in i# .or3 of i'entfying an'
implementng policy change an' #ren' li3ely #o ha/e #he mo#
igni>can# impac# on men#al heal#h er/ice an' e/aluatng an'
collectng an' 'ieminatng gran#ee 'a#a- e/i'ence?bae'
practce- an' er/ice 'eli/ery mo'el.
9MH:;- in electng e/i'ence?bae' practce an' er/ice 'eli/ery mo'el-
.oul' be re@uire' #o gi/e preference #o mo'el #ha# impro/e coor'inaton-
Sec! "#"! $hite House O%ce o Mental Health &olicy
!rea#e *hi#e Houe )Ace on Men#al Heal#h :olicy in #he B0ecut/e )Ace.
1he )Ace- le' by a (irec#or .ho .oul' be appoin#e' by #he :rei'en# .i#h #he
a'/ice an' conen# of #he Sena#e- .oul' be charge' .i#h2
1. moni#oring Fe'eral act/ite .i#h regar' #o men#al heal#h- eriou
men#al illne(SMC)- an' eriou emotonal 'i#urbance6
$. ma3ing recommen'aton #o #he HHS Secre#ary on change #o #hoe
act/ite- inclu'ing recommen'aton on natonal #ra#egy6
3. 'e/eloping an' annually up'atng a 9atonal S#ra#egy for Men#al Heal#h
#o ma0imi4e acce #o communi#y?bae' er/ice- #reng#hen #he
impac# of er/ice- an' mee# #he compreheni/e nee' of in'i/i'ual
.i#h men#al illne6
7. ma3ing recommen'aton #o #he HHS Secre#ary on public partcipaton
in 'eciion?ma3ing on men#al heal#h- SMC- an' eriou emotonal
8. re/ an' ma3ing recommen'aton on bu'ge# for #he Fe'eral
men#al heal#h er/ice agencie #o enure a'e@uacy of #hoe bu'ge#6
<. ubmiDng #he 9atonal S#ra#egy an' any up'a#e #o !ongre6
7. coor'inatng men#al heal#h er/ice pro/i'e' by Fe'eral agencie an'
coor'inatng Fe'eral in#eragency men#al heal#h er/ice6
=. conultng- coor'inatng .i#h- an' facili#atng Eoin# e5or# on impro/ing
communi#y?bae' an' o#her men#al heal#h er/ice .i#h #a#e- local-
an' #ribal go/ernmen#- 9FB- an' in'i/i'ual .i#h a men#al illne-
partcularly in'i/i'ual .i#h an SMC6
G. 'e/eloping an' annually up'atng a ummary of a'/ance in men#al
illne an' eriou emotonal 'i#urbance reearch rela#e' #o caue-
pre/enton- #rea#men#- early creening- 'iagnoi or rule ou#-
in#er/enton- an' acce #o er/ice an' uppor#.
@uali#y an' eAciency of heal#h care er/ice furnihe' #o in'i/i'ual .i#h a
eriou men#al illne (SMC). C# coul' inclu'e clinical pro#ocol an'
practce ue' in #he Reco/ery "Her Cnital Schi4ophrenia Bpio'e (R"CSB)
proEec# an' #he 9or#h "merica :ro'rome ;ongi#u'inal S#u'y (9":;S) for
1he 9MH:; 'irec#or .oul' be re@uire' #o e/alua#e gran# program-
inclu'ing analye of #he @uali#y of care furnihe'- paten#?le/el ou#come-
an' public heal#h ou#come- a .ell a change in pen'ing. 1he 'irec#or-
#a3ing in#o accoun# #he reul# of #he e/aluaton- .oul' be au#hori4e' #o
e0pan' #he ue of peci>c 'eli/ery mo'el fun'e' un'er #he Bloc3 Fran#
for !ommuni#y Men#al Heal#h Ser/ice- a long a @uali#y can be impro/e'
.i#hou# increaing pen'ing or pen'ing can be re'uce' .i#hou# re'ucing
1he 9MH:; 'irec#or .oul' begin implemen#aton Ianuary 1- $%1<.

Sec! "#'! Appointment an( )utes o the )irector
*oul' re@uire #he (irec#or- in a''iton #o helming #he abo/e 'ute of #he
)Ace- #o2
1. ai# #he :rei'en# in e#ablihing policie- goal- obEect/e- an'
priorite .i#h repec# #o men#al heal#h- partcularly SMC- #o impro/e
ou#come- an' #o ma0imi4e #he eAciencie an' e5ect/ene of #he
communi#y?bae' men#al heal#h program an' er/ice6
$. .or3 .i#h Fe'eral 'epar#men# an' agencie pro/i'ing men#al heal#h
er/ice #o #reng#hen coor'inaton of er/ice in or'er #o ma0imi4e
acce- partcularly for in'i/i'ual .i#h an SMC- #o communi#y?bae'
er/ice- #reng#hen #he impac# of er/ice- an' mee# #he
compreheni/e nee' of in'i/i'ual .i#h a men#al illne6
3. coor'ina#e an' o/eree #he 'e/elopmen#- coor'inaton-
implemen#aton- e/aluaton- an' promoton of #he 9atonal S#ra#egy6
7. ma3e recommen'aton #o #he :rei'en# regar'ing #he organi4aton-
managemen#- an' bu'ge# of Fe'eral 'epar#men# an' agencie
pro/i'ing men#al heal#h er/ice- inclu'ing change in peronnel6
8. appear before !ongreional commiJee #o repreen# #he policie of
#he :rei'en# on men#al heal#h an' #he 9atonal S#ra#egy6 an'
<. ubmi# an annual repor# #o !ongre 'e#ailing ho. #he (irec#or ha
conul#e' an' coor'ina#e' .i#h #he 9atonal Men#al Heal#h !ouncil-
#he 9atonal Men#al Heal#h "'/iory Boar' crea#e' un'er Secton <
(belo.)- S#a#e- local- an' #ribal go/ernmen#- 9FB- an' in'i/i'ual
.i#h a men#al illne- partcularly in'i/i'ual .i#h an SMC;- an' chil'ren
an' a'olecen# .i#h eriou emotonal 'i#urbance.
1he (irec#or .oul' alo ha/e #he reponibili#y of moni#oring implemen#aton
of #he 9atonal S#ra#egy- an' con'uctng program an' performance e/aluaton
.i#h #he ai#ance of #he )CF. Bach Fe'eral agency an' 'epar#men# pro/i'ing
men#al heal#h er/ice .oul' be re@uire' #o #ranmi# #o #he (irec#or annually a
copy of i# propoe' bu'ge# for #he (irec#orK bu'ge# recommen'aton #o
)MB an' #he :rei'en#.
Title * + Impro,ing Mental Health -esearch an( Coor(inaton
Sec! "#'! *oul' crea#e an Cn#eragency SMC !oor'inatng !ommiJee #o
ai# #he "i#an# Secre#ary in moni#oring Fe'eral act/ite .i#h repec# #o
SMC an' 'e/elop an' annually up'a#e a ummary of a'/ance in SMC
reearch. 1he Cn#eragency !ommiJee .oul' alo e/alua#e #he impac# on
public heal#h of proEec# a''reing priori#y men#al heal#h nee' of regional
an' natonal igni>cance- inclu'ing .he#her each proEec# ha re'uce'
mor#ali#y ra#e- pre/alence an' emergency room /ii# an' #he e5ec# of
#hoe /ii# on public heal#h reource- .hile alo i'entfying 'uplicat/e
program. 9o# more #han 8 percen# of communi#y men#al heal#h bloc3
gran# monie for FL $%17 #hrough FL $%1G .oul' be e# ai'e #o fun' #he
!oor'inatng !ommiJeeK "ct/ite.
!ommiJee memberhip .oul' inclu'e #he a'mini#ra#or of S"MHS" an'
#he ne. "i#an# Secre#ary- a .ell a #he 'irec#or of !(! an' 9CH. "#
lea# one member .oul' be re@uire' #o be from each of #he
ca#egorie2 an in'i/i'ual .i#h a 'iagnoi of SMC6 a paren# or legal guar'ian
of an in'i/i'ual .i#h SMC6 a repreen#at/e of lea'ing reearch- a'/ocacy
an' er/ice organi4aton for in'i/i'ual .i#h SMC6 a pychia#ri#6 a clinical
pychologi#6 a Eu'ge .i#h e0perience in applying ai#e' ou#paten#
#rea#men#6 a la. enforcemen# oAce6 an' a correcton oAcer.
Sec! .#"! /atonal Insttute o Mental Health -esearch &rogram on SMI!
*oul' re@uire #he (irec#or of 9CMH #o con'uc# or uppor# reearch on SMC-
inclu'ing #he caue- pre/enton- an' #rea#men# of SMC an' in#er/enton #o
impro/e early i'ent>caton of in'i/i'ual .i#h SMC an' referral of #hoe
in'i/i'ual #o men#al heal#h profeional for #rea#men#.
1he bill .oul' au#hori4e M7% million in each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for #hi
Sec! "#0! *oul' crea#e a 7?year "i#e' )u#paten# 1rea#men# (")1) Fran#
pilo# program. 1hi ecton .oul' re@uire #he "i#an# Secre#ary- in
conul#aton .i#h #he 9CMH 'irec#or an' #he ,S "Jorney Feneral #o'
no# more #han 8% gran# each year #o counte- cite- men#al heal#h
y#em- men#al heal#h cour# an' o#her entte #ha# ha/e no# pre/iouly
implemen#e' ")1 program #o implemen#- moni#or an' o/eree uch
program. Fran# .oul' be ue' #o ee3 ou# an' e/alua#e eligible
in'i/i'ual .ho coul' bene># from ")1- prepare an' e0ecu#e #rea#men#
plan- >le petton in appropria#e cour#- pro/i'e cae managemen#
er/ice un'er a cour# or'er- carry ou# referral an' me'ical e/aluaton-
an' #o pay legal counel. 1he "i#an# Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o
ubmi# an annual repor# #o !ongre on co# a/ing an' public heal#h
ou#come- ra#e of incarceraton of paten#- ra#e of employmen# of
paten# an' ra#e of homelene.
1he la. .oul' 'e>ne ")1 a ei#her (") me'ically precribe' #rea#men#
#ha# an eligible paten# mu# un'ergo .hile li/ing in a communi#y un'er #he
#erm of a la. au#hori4ing a #a#e or local cour# #o or'er uch #rea#men#- or
(B) a cour# or'ere' #rea#men# plan #ha# re@uire #he paten# #o ob#ain
#rea#men# .hile li/ing in #he communi#y #ha# i 'eigne' #o impro/e acce
an' a'herence #o in#eni/e beha/ioral heal#h er/ice #o a/er# relape-
repea#e' hopi#ali4aton- arre#- incarceraton- uici'e- proper#y
'e#ructon- or /iolen# beha/ior an' pro/i'e #he paten# .i#h an
oppor#uni#y #o li/e in a le re#rict/e eDng #ha# incarceraton or
in/olun#ary hopi#ali4aton.
"n eligible paten#& .oul' be 'e>ne' a an a'ul#- men#ally ill peron .ho2
1. i 'e#ermine' by #he cour# #o ha/e a hi#ory of /iolence-
incarceraton- or me'ically unneceary hopi#ali4aton6
$. .i#hou# uper/iion an' #rea#men# may be a 'anger #o elf or
o#her in #he communi#y6
3. i ub#antally unli3ely #o /olun#arily partcipa#e in #rea#men#6
7. may be unable- for reaon o#her #han in'igence- #o pro/i'e for any
of hi or her baic nee'6
8. ha a hi#ory of men#al illne or a con'iton li3ely #o ub#antally
'e#eriora#e if #he paten# i no# pro/i'e' .i#h tmely #rea#men#6 an'
<. 'ue #o men#al illne- lac3 capaci#y #o fully un'er#an' or lac3
Eu'gmen# #o ma3e informe' 'eciion regar'ing #he nee' for
#rea#men#- care- or uper/iion.
Sec! "#1! *oul' crea#e a 3?Lear 1ele?:ychia#ry + :rimary !are :hyician
1raining Fran# :rogram #o pro/i'e gran# of no# more #han M1M o/er 3
year #o 1% eligible #a#e- utli4ing a #o#al of MG million in gran# money- #o
#rain primary care phyician in #he ue of appro/e' beha/ioral heal#h
creening #ool an' for er/ice furnihe'- uing inno/at/e paymen#
mo'el #ha# can be replica#e' in o#her #a#e. Fran# alo coul' be ue' by
#a#e #o pay for conul#aton by a pychia#ri# or pychologi# #o a primary
care phyician #hrough #he ue of @uali>e' #eleheal#h #echnology for #he
i'ent>caton- 'iagnoi- mitgaton- or #rea#men# of a men#al heal#h
'ior'er #ha# i pro/i'e' one?'ay a primary care oAce /ii#.
Nuali>e' #eleheal#h #echnology& .oul' be 'e>ne' #o mean #he ue of
in#eract/e au'io- /i'eo- or o#her #elecommunicaton #echnology by a
heal#h care pro/i'er #o 'eli/er er/ice .i#hin #he cope of #he pro/i'erK
practce a# a i#e o#her #han #he i#e .here #he paten# i loca#e'. C# .oul'
no# inclu'e #he ue of au'io?only #elephone con/eraton- elec#ronic mail
meage- or fa0e.
Nualifying #a#e .oul' ha/e #o agree #o ma#ch $%O of #he fe'eral money
pro/i'e' un'er a gran#. 1he "i#an# Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o
enure a geographic balance in #he 'i#ributon of gran# an' repor#e'
annually #o !ongre.
Sec! "#0! /atonal Strategy or Mental Health
1he (irec#or .oul' be re@uire' #o ubmi# #o #he :rei'en# an' !ongre annually-
no la#er #han February 1- a 9atonal S#ra#egy for Men#al Heal#h. 2Compare to Sec.
2, which specifes a Natonal Strategy with updates, a beter approach.3 Cn
preparing #he S#ra#egy- #he (irec#or .oul' be re@uire' #o act/ely conul# an'
.or3 in coor'inaton .i#h2 Fe'eral 'epar#men# an' agencie #ha# pro/i'e men#al
heal#h er/ice6 #he 9atonal Men#al Heal#h !ouncil6 #he 9atonal Men#al Heal#h
"'/iory Boar'6 e0itng Fe'eral in#eragency e5or#6 9FB6 #a#e- local- an' #ribal
go/ernmen#6 an' in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al illne- partcularly #hoe .i#h an SMC-
an' chil'ren an' a'olecen# .i#h eriou emotonal 'i#urbance.
1he #ra#egy .oul' be re@uire' #o con#ain compreheni/e- reearch?bae' goal
an' @uant>able performance meaure for2
1. impro/ing ou#come of an' acceibili#y #o e/i'ence?bae' program an'
$. promotng communi#y in#egraton6
3. increaing acce #o pre/enton an' early in#er/enton er/ice6
7. promotng men#al heal#h a.arene an' re'ucing tgma6 an'
8. a'/ancing men#al heal#h reearch.
1he (irec#or .oul' alo be re@uire' #o repor# on Fe'eral e5ect/ene in
coor'inatng men#al heal#h er/ice- meetng obEect/e for #he prece'ing year-
an' #he eAciency an' a'e@uacy of Fe'eral program. 1he S#ra#egy .oul' be
re@uire' #o con#ain >gure on men#al heal#h 'iagnoe- #he @uali#y an' @uant#y of
men#al heal#h er/ice- an' #he allocaton of Fe'eral reource- all aggrega#e' by
age- race- gen'er- geographic locaton- populaton 'eni#y- ocioeconomic #a#u-
an' o#her appropria#e #arge# populaton.
Cn a''iton- #he S#ra#egy .oul' be re@uire' #o repor# coor'inaton act/ite-
pro/i'e gui'ance on aeing an' impro/ing #he @uali#y of men#al heal#h er/ice-
con#ain #he /ie. an' perpect/e of in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al illne- inclu'ing
SMC- an' chil'ren an' a'olecen# .i#h a eriou emotonal 'i#urbance. Cn
a''iton- i# .oul' ha/e #o inclu'e peci>c recommen'aton for #he coming year-
inclu'ing recommen'aton on program an' bu'ge# priorite neceary #o achie/e
performance meaure- recommen'aton for impro/e' Fe'eral in#eragency
coor'inaton an' in#ergo/ernmen#al coor'inaton- an' a #ra#egic reearch-
inno/aton- an' 'emon#raton agen'a.
1he S#ra#egy .oul' alo be re@uire' #o inclu'e recommen'aton 'eigne' #o
promo#e communi#y in#egraton- a .ell a recommen'aton #o enhance
pre/enton an' early in#er/enton er/ice for chil'ren an' a'olecen#. C# .oul'
ha/e #o recommen' .ay #o promo#e e0panion of Me'icai'?>nance' in#eni/e
communi#y?bae' er/ice- uch a uppor#e' houing- "!1- mobile crii-
uppor#e' employmen#- peer?uppor# er/ice- inclu'ing #hrough enhance'
Fe'eral reimburemen# ra#e- a .ell a .ay #o promo#e #he e0panion of
in#eni/e ou#paten# er/ice un'er #he Me'icare :rogram- uch a #hrough "!1-
in#eni/e cae managemen#- an' pychia#ric rehabili#aton.
Sec! "#1! Coor(inaton 4ith Fe(eral )epartments an( Agencies
*oul' re@uire #he (irec#or in collaboraton .i#h Fe'eral 'epar#men#al an' agency
hea'- #o #reng#hen #he coor'inaton of Fe'eral men#al heal#h er/ice #hrough
alignmen#- inclu'ing .here appropria#e- #hrough (1) hare' gran# applicaton an'
aligne' reportng procee6 ($) Eoin# #raining an' #echnical ai#ance6
($) impro/ing oppor#unite #o main#ain er/ice 'uring #raniton6 (3)
recommen'aton for legilat/e change- 'e>niton- an' eligibili#y re@uiremen#6
an' (7) reearch- e/aluaton- an' 'a#a collecton.
*oul' alo au#hori4e #he (irec#or- in conul#aton .i#h #he hea' of Fe'eral
'epar#men# an' agencie- #o o/eree #he 'e/elopmen# an' a'mini#raton of
initat/e in/ol/ing multple Fe'eral 'epar#men# an' agencie- inclu'ing
initat/e #o in#egra#e fun'ing #o e0#en# permiJe' by la..
1he ecton .oul' alo crea#e an )Ace of #he 9atonal Men#al Heal#h !ouncil #ha#
i chaire' by #he :rei'en#- an' inclu'e #he (irec#or- HHS Secre#ary- (irec#or of
9CMH- "Jorney Feneral- #he P" Secre#ary- "i#an# Secre#ary of Cn'ian "5air-
(irec#or of #he !en#er for (ieae !on#rol an' :re/enton (!(!)- (irec#or of 9CH-
'irec#or of natonal reearch int#u#e- S"MHS" "'mini#ra#or- #he (efene
Secre#ary- an' o#her Fe'eral agency oAcial from agencie o#her #han HHS. 1he
!ouncil .oul' be re@uire' #o mee# a# lea# once annually.
1he !ouncil .oul' be charge' .i#h2 (1) aitng #he (irec#or in coor'inaton of
'epar#men#- agencie- an' men#al heal#h er/ice6 an' ($) aitng #he (irec#or in
olicitng an' 'ocumentng inpu# an' recommen'aton from public an' pri/a#e
#a3ehol'er an' in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al illne- partcularly in'i/i'ual .i#h an
SMC- an' a'olecen# an' chil'ren .i#h a eriou emotonal 'i#urbance.
Sec! "#.! /atonal Mental Health A(,isory Boar(
*oul' crea#e an "'/iory Boar' appoin#e' by #he (irec#or- .i#h a# lea# 1$
member or one?half of #he #o#al memberhip (.hiche/er i grea#er) being
in'i/i'ual .i#h a 'iagnoi of SMC- a# lea# one member being a paren# or legal
guar'ian of an in'i/i'ual .i#h SMC- a# lea# one member being a repreen#at/e of
a lea'ing reearch organi4aton- a# lea# one member being a repreen#at/e of a
lea'ing a'/ocacy organi4aton- a# lea# one member being a repreen#at/e of
lea'ing communi#y er/ice organi4aton- at least one mem5er 4ho ha,ing ser,e(
a senior positon in a state mental health system- a# lea# one member .ho
er/e' a enior poiton in a local men#al heal#h y#em- a# lea# one member .ho
i a paren# or guar'ian of a chil' or a'olecen# .i#h a eriou emotonal
'i#urbance- a# lea# one member .ho i a primary care pro/i'er an' a# lea# one
pychia#ri#- one clinical pychia#ri#- one la. enforcemen# oAcer- an' one chil' or
a'olecen# pychia#ri#.
Member .oul' er/e $?year #erm- .i#h no member er/ing more #han 3 #erm.
Member .oul' be re@uire' #o mee# in peron no# #han 7 tme annually.
1he Boar' .oul' be man'a#e' #o2
1. a'/ie #he :rei'en#- #he hea' of Fe'eral 'epar#men# an' agencie
pro/i'ing men#al heal#h er/ice- an' o#her enior Fe'eral Fo/ernmen#
oAcial on propoe' an' pen'ing legilaton- bu'ge# e0pen'i#ure- an'
o#her men#al illne policy maJer6
$. .or3 in par#nerhip .i#h local organi4aton #o olici# #he /ie. an'
perpect/e on men#al heal#h er/ice from in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al
illne- partcularly in'i/i'ual .i#h eriou men#al illne- an' paren# or
legal guar'ian of in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al illne6
3. prepare a ecton of #he 9atonal S#ra#egy ou#lining #he /ie. an'
perpect/e of in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al illne on men#al heal#h er/ice6
7. e/alua#e #a5 uppor# an' #raining an' #echnical ai#ance.
Title II 6 F7CBHCs
Sec. $%1. *oul' crea#e a 8?Lear- M8% million (emon#raton :rogram #o
enable no# more #han 1% #a#e #o impro/e beha/ioral heal#h er/ice
pro/i'e' by fe'erally @uali>e' communi#y beha/ioral heal#h clinic
(FN!BH!). 1o @ualify- a #a#e .oul' ha/e #o certfy #ha# no# more #han 78
percen# of #he #o#al number of beha/ioral heal#h pro/i'er pro/i'ing
ai#ance are partcipatng Me'icai' pro/i'er an' 'emon#ra#e #he
ac#uarial oun'ne of #he propoe' program. 1he Secre#ary of HHS .oul'
be au#hori4e' #o .ai/e #he Me'icai' #a#e.i'e'ne re@uiremen# #o enure
#ha# FN!BH! are loca#e' in rural or o#her men#al heal#h profeional
hor#age area. " a con'iton of recei/ing a gran#- a #a#e .oul' be
re@uire' #o pay FN!BH! un'er a propect/e paymen# y#em. 9o
paymen# coul' be ue' for in?paten# care- rei'ental #rea#men#- room an'
boar' e0pene- or any o#her non?ambula#ory er/ice- an' no paymen#
coul' be ma'e #o a#elli#e facilite of crea#e' clinic.
1he bill .oul' re@uire a long li# of peci>c con'iton #ha# a partcipatng
clinic .oul' ha/e #o mee#2
(1) inclu'e primary heal#h er/ice6
($) pro/i'e er/ice in locaton #ha# enure er/ice .ill be a/ailable
an' acceible promp#ly- in a manner #ha# preer/e human 'igni#y
an' aure contnui#y of care6
(3) pro/i'e er/ice in a mo'e of er/ice 'eli/ery appropria#e for #he
#arge# populaton6 (7) pro/i'e a choice of er/ice opton .here
#here i more #han one e/i'ence?bae' #rea#men#6
(7) employ a core #a5 #raine' in chil' an' a'olecen# pychia#ry or
pychology an' chil' an' a'olecen# pychia#ry- a .ell a 'ual
'iagnoi iue- crii managemen#- an' #abili4aton- .i#h
in#er/enton .i#h paten# a# high ri3 for /iolence6
(8) pro/i'e er/ice #o any in'i/i'ual rei'ing or employe' in #he
er/ice area- regar'le of #he abili#y #o pay- .i#hin #he limi# of #he
cen#erK capacite6
(<) ue an' hare elec#ronic heal#h recor'6
(7) be a/ailable #o pro/i'e ai#e' ou#paten# #rea#men# or'ere' by a
#a#e cour#6
(=) be a/ailable #o partcipa#e in 9CMH reearch proEec#6
(G) pro/i'e ou#reach an' engagemen#6 an'
(1%)pro/i'e- 'irec#ly or #hrough con#rac#Q#o #he e0#en# co/ere' by
Me'icai' for a'ul# an' #o #he e0#en# co/ere' for chil'ren un'er
B:S(1 er/iceQcreening- aemen# an' 'iagnoi- peron?
cen#ere' #rea#men# planning- ou#paten# men#al heal#h an'
ub#ance ue er/ice- in#egra#e' #rea#men# for men#al illne an'
ub#ance abue .hich i e/i'ence?bae'- ou#paten# clinic primary
care creening an' moni#oring of 3ey heal#h in'ica#or an' heal#h
ri3- crii men#al heal#h er/ice- #arge#e' cae managemen#-
pychia#ric rehabili#aton- peer uppor# an' counelor er/ice an'
uppor#- uppor#e' e'ucaton an' uppor#e' employmen# for
in'i/i'ual .i#h SMC aHer an inital pychotc epio'e- an' cae
managemen# er/ice for in'i/i'ual .i#h SMC aHer an inital
pychotc epio'e.
:artcipatng clinic .oul' alo be re@uire' #o main#ain lin3age or- if
poible- formal con#rac# .i#h fe'erally @uali>e' heal#h cen#er (FNH!)-
inpaten# pychia#ric facilite- ub#ance ue 'e#o0i>caton an' po#?
'e#o0i>caton er/ice an' rei'ental program- a'ul# an' you#h peer
uppor# an' couneling er/ice- family uppor# er/ice- an' o#her
communi#y or regional er/ice- inclu'ing chool- chil' .elfare agencie-
Eu/enile an' criminal Eutce agencie an' facilite- houing agencie an'
program an' o#her ocial er/ice. Cn a''iton- #hey .oul' be e0pec#e' #o
in#egra#e care .i#h primary er/ice #hrough- #o #he e0#en# feaible- a
common 'eli/ery i#e- pro/i'e enabling er/ice uch a #ranpor#aton an'
#ranlaton er/ice- pro/i'e heal#h an' .ellne er/ice- inclu'ing er/ice
for #obacco ceaton- an' a'op# mo'el of >r#?epio'e pychoi #raining-
uper/iion- an' coor'inaton.
:artcipatng #a#e .oul' recei/e #he enhance' fe'eral ma#ch a/ailable
un'er !HC: of #he number of percen#age poin# e@ual #o 3% percen# of #he
number of percen#age poin# by .hich #he Fe'eral me'ical ai#ance
percen#age for #he #a#e i le #han 1%% percen#- no# #o e0cee' an
enhance' FM": of =8 percen#.
1he Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o ma3e an annual repor# #o !ongre
aeing #he impac# of #he 'emon#raton program on #he co# of #he full
range of men#al heal#h er/ice an' a peer?re/ie.e' aemen# of #he
public heal#h impac#. 9o# la#er #han (ecember 31- $%1G- #he Secre#ary
.oul' be re@uire' #o recommen' .he#her #o contnue #he 'emon#raton
program an' ma3e #hem natonal.
Title III6HI&AA an( F8-&A
Sec! 0#"! *oul' re@uire #ha# a caregi/er of an a'ul# in'i/i'ual .i#h an SMC
.ho 'oenK# pro/i'e conen# be #rea#e' a a peronal repreen#at/e- .i#h
acce #o #he in'i/i'ualK pro#ec#e' heal#h informaton- if #he pro/i'er
furnihing #he er/ice reaonably belie/e i# i neceary for #ha#
informaton #o be ma'e a/ailable #o #he caregi/er #o pro#ec# #he heal#h-
afe#y- or .elfare of #he in'i/i'ual or #he afe#y of one or more o#her
in'i/i'ual. " caregi/er& .oul' be 'e>ne' #o inclu'e (1) an imme'ia#e
family member- ($) an in'i/i'ual .ho aume primary reponibili#y for
pro/i'ing a baic nee'- or (3) a peronal repreen#at/e a 'e#ermine' by
#he la. of #he #a#e in .hich #he in'i/i'ual rei'e. "n a'ul# in'i/i'ual .i#h
an SMC #o .hom #hi .oul' apply .oul' be one .ho- in #he year
imme'ia#ely prior #o #he 'icloure- ha been e/alua#e'- 'iagnoe'- or
#rea#e' for a men#al- beha/ioral or emotonal 'ior'er #ha# i of uAcien#
'uraton #o mee# (SM 'iagnotc cri#eria an' #ha# reul# in functonal
impairmen# #ha# ub#antally in#erfere .i#h or limi# one or more maEor
life act/ite.
Sec! 0#'! *oul' gi/e caregi/er acce #o e'ucatonal recor' main#aine'
by e'ucatonal agencie or int#uton un'er #he ame circum#ance a
heal#h recor' are #o be ma'e a/ailable un'er Sec. 3%1.
Title I*6)O9 -eorms Title *II69ustce an( Mental Health Colla5oraton
Sec! 1#"! *oul' au#hori4e #he ue of gran# fun' un'er 1i#le C of #he
)mnibu !rime !on#rol an' Safe S#ree# "c# of 1G<= #o2
(i) ma3e gran# #o S#a#e an' uni# of local go/ernmen# for #hem #o
pro/i'e a''itonal peronnel- e@uipmen#- upplie- con#rac#ual
uppor#- #raining- #echnical ai#ance- an' informaton y#em for
criminal Eutce #o men#al heal#h program an' operaton6
(ii) pro/i'e peciali4e' #raining #o la. enforcemen# oAcer in
recogni4ing in'i/i'ual .ho ha/e a men#al illne an' ho. #o
properly in#er/ene .i#h #hoe in'i/i'ual6
(iii) e#ablih program #ha# enhance #he abili#y of la. enforcemen#
agencie #o a''re #he men#al heal#h- beha/ioral- an' ub#ance
abue problem of in'i/i'ual encoun#ere' in #he line of 'u#y6 an'
(i/) pro/i'e peciali4e' #raining #o enhance #he abili#y of correcton
oAcer #o a''re #he men#al heal#h of in'i/i'ual un'er #he care
an' cu#o'y of Eail an' prion.
1hi ecton alo .oul' au#hori4e #he ue of S#aAng for "'e@ua#e Fire an'
Bmergency Repone Fran# #o pro/i'e peciali4e' #raining #o parame'ic-
emergency me'ical er/ice .or3er- an' o#her >r# repon'er in
recogni4ing in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al illne an' ho. #o properly in#er/ene
.i#h #hoe in'i/i'ual.
Sec! :#"! Assistng *eterans!
*oul' au#hori4e #he "Jorney Feneral- in conul#aton .i#h #he P" Secre#ary- #o' gran# #o e#ablih or e0pan' /e#eranK #rea#men# cour# program an' peer
#o per er/ice or program for @uali>e' /e#eran- a .ell a practce #ha# i'entfy
an' pro/i'e #rea#men#- rehabili#aton- legal- #ranitonal- an' o#her appropria#e
er/ice #o @uali>e' /e#eran .ho ha/e been incarcera#e'. 1he "F an' P"
Secre#ary .oul' alo be au#hori4e' #o e#ablih #raining program #o #each criminal
Eutce- la. enforcemen#- correcton- men#al heal#h- an' ub#ance abue
peronnel ho. #o i'entfy an' appropria#ely repon' #o inci'en# in/ol/ing
@uali>e' /e#eran. Pe#eran 'ihonorably 'icharge' .oul' no# @ualify #o
1he peer #o peer er/ice or program .oul' ue o#her /e#eran for #he purpoe
of pro/i'ing uppor# an' men#orhip #o ai# /e#eran in ob#aining #rea#men#-
reco/ery- #abili4aton- or rehabili#aton.
1he /e#eranK #rea#men# cour# program .oul' in/ol/e collaboraton .i#h criminal
Eutce- /e#eran- men#al heal#h an' ub#ance abue agencie #o pro/i'e2
(1) in#eni/e Eu'icial uper/iion an' cae managemen#- .hich coul' inclu'e
ran'om an' fre@uen# 'rug #etng6 ($) a full contnuum of #rea#men# er/ice-
inclu'ing men#al heal#h er/ice- ub#ance abue er/ice- me'ical er/ice- an'
er/ice #o a''re #rauma6 (3) al#ernat/e #o incarceraton6 an' (7) o#her
appropria#e er/ice- inclu'ing houing- #ranpor#aton- men#oring- employmen#-
Eob #raining- e'ucaton- an' ai#ance in applying for an' ob#aining bene>#.
Cn'ing gran#- #he "F .oul' be re@uire' #o gi/e priori#y #o applican# #ha#
'emon#ra#e collaboraton an' Eoin# in/e#men# by criminal Eutce- men#al
heal#h- ub#ance abue an' /e#eranK er/ice agencie- promo#e e5ect/e
#ra#egie #o i'entfy an' re'uce #he ri3 of harm- an' propoe in#er/enton .i#h
empirical uppor# for impro/ing ou#come among /e#eran.
Sec! 1#'! *oul' reau#hori4e #he Men#ally Cll )5en'er 1rea#men# an' !rime
Re'ucton "c# (MC)1!R"- a''ing au#hori4aton #o ue /ali'a#e' aemen#
#ool #o #arge# for #rea#men# a'ul# or Eu/enile &preliminarily @uali>e'
o5en'er& .i#h a mo'era#e or high ri3 of reci'i/im an' a nee' for
#rea#men# an' er/ice. Such o5en'er .oul' be #hoe 'iagnoe' by a
@uali>e' men#al heal#h profeional a ha/ing a men#al illne or ub#ance
abue 'ior'er- manifetng ob/iou ign of ha/ing a men#al illne or
ub#ance abue 'ior'er 'uring arre# or con>nemen# or before any cour#-
an' unanimouly appro/e' for partcipaton in a MC)1!R"?fun'e' program
by #he proecutng aJorney- 'efene aJorney- probaton or correcton
oAcial- Eu'ge- an' a repreen#at/e from #he rele/an# men#al heal#h
agency. Cn 'e#ermining .he#her #o 'eigna#e a 'efen'an# a a
preliminarily @uali>e' o5en'er-& #hoe ma3ing #he 'e#erminaton .oul'
be re@uire' #o coni'er #he in'i/i'ualK criminal hi#ory an' #he na#ure an'
e/eri#y of #he o5ene .i#h .hich he or he i charge'- .he#her
partcipaton in #he #rea#men# program .oul' poe a ub#antal ri3 of
/iolence #o #he communi#y- #he /ie. of /ictm- co# a/ing #o #he
communi#y- an' #he e0#en# #o .hich #he 'efen'an# .oul' bene># from
partcipaton. 1he in'i/i'ualK o5ene coul' no# ha/e- a an elemen#- #he
ue- aJemp#e' ue- or #hrea#ene' ue of phyical force again# peron or
proper#y of ano#her- or be a felony #ha#- bu# i# na#ure- in/ol/e a
ub#antal ri3 #ha# phyical force may be ue' in #he coure of commiDng
#he o5ene.
1he bill alo .oul' au#hori4e #he ,.S. "Jorney Feneral #o' gran#
uing no more #han $% percen# of #he fun' a/ailable un'er 1i#le C of #he
)mnibu !rime !on#rol an' Safe S#ree# "c# #o e#ablih or e0pan'2
Sec! :#'! Correctonal Facilites!
*oul' au#hori4e #he "F #o' gran# #o enhance #he capabilite of correctonal
facilite #o i'entfy an' creen hel'- 'e#aine'- or incarcera#e' inma#e .ho
manife# ob/iou ign of a men#al illne or .ho ha/e been 'iagnoe' by a
@uali>e' men#al heal#h profeional a ha/ing a men#al illne.
" gran#ee .oul' be re@uire' #o plan an' pro/i'e inital an' perio'ic aemen#
of #he clinical- me'ical- an' ocial nee' of inma#e- an' appropria#e #rea#men#
an' er/ice. Fran#ee .oul' alo be re@uire' #o 'e/elop- implemen#- an'
enhance po#?releae- compreheni/e #rea#men# plan #ha# coor'ina#e heal#h-
houing- me'ical- employmen#- an' o#her appropria#e er/ice an' public bene>#-
#he a/ailabili#y of men#al heal#h an' ub#ance abue #rea#men# er/ice- an'
al#ernat/e #o oli#ary con>nemen# an' egrega#e' houing- .i#h men#al heal#h
creening an' #rea#men# for inma#e of oli#ary con>nemen# an' egrega#e'
Fran#ee .oul' alo be re@uire' #o #rain each correctonal facili#y employee #o
i'entfy an' appropria#ely repon' #o inci'en# in/ol/ing inma#e .i#h men#al
heal#h or co?occurring men#al heal#h an' ub#ance abue 'ior'er.
(1) /e#eranK #rea#men# cour# program-
($) peer?#o?peer er/ice or program 'eigne' #o connec# /e#eran #o
o#her /e#eran for uppor# an' men#orhip in ob#aining #rea#men#-
reco/ery #abili4aton- or rehabili#aton6
(3) practce #ha# i'entfy an' pro/i'e #rea#men#- rehabili#aton- legal-
#ranitonal- an' o#her appropria#e er/ice #o pre/iouly
incarcera#e' /e#eran- an'
(7) program #o #rain criminal Eutce- la. enforcemen#- correcton-
men#al heal#h an' ub#ance abue peronnel ho. #o i'entfy an'
appropria#ely repon' #o inci'en# in/ol/ing /e#eran.
1he "Jorney Feneral .oul' be re@uire' #o priorit4e gran# applicaton #ha#
'emon#ra#e collaboraton- promo#e e5ect/e #ra#egie #o i'entfy an'
re'uce #he ri3 of harm #o #he /e#eran an' public afe#y- an' propoe
in#er/enton .i#h empirical uppor# #o impro/e ou#come.
1he "Jorney Feneral alo .oul' be au#hori4e' #o' gran# #o enhance
#he capabilite of a correctonal facili#y #o i'entfy- creen- an' #rea#
inma#e .i#h a men#al illne or ub#ance abue iue- a .ell a 'e/elop
an' implemen# po#?releae #raniton plan #ha# coor'ina#e heal#h-
houing- me'ical- employmen#- an' o#her appropria#e er/ice an' public
bene>#. 1hee gran# .oul' be e0pec#e' #o fun' al#ernat/e #o oli#ary
con>nemen# an' egrega#e' houing.
Sec! 1#0! *oul' au#hori4e #he "Jorney Feneral #o ma3e gran# #o #a#e-
#a#e cour#- local cour#- uni# of local go/ernmen#- an' Cn'ian #ribal
go/ernmen#- actng 'irec#ly or #hrough agreemen# .i#h o#her public or
nonpro># entte- for program #ha# in/ol/e #he coor'ina#e' 'eli/ery of
cour#?or'ere' ")1 .hen #he cour# 'e#ermine ")1 #o be neceary.
Sec! :#0! High ;tli<ers!
*oul' au#hori4e #he "F #o ma3e < gran# per year for #he purpoe of re'ucing ue
of public er/ice by high utli4er& .ho manife# ob/iou ign of men#al illne or
ha/e been 'iagnoe' by a @uali>e' men#al heal#h profeional a ha/ing a men#al
illne an' conume a igni>can#ly 'iproportona#e @uant#y of public reource-
inclu'ing emergency- houing- Eu'icial- correcton- an' la. enforcemen# er/ice.
Fran#ee .oul' be e0pec#e' #o 'e/elop or uppor# mult?'iciplinary #eam #ha#
coor'ina#e- implemen#- an' a'mini#er communi#y?bae' crii repone an'
long?#erm plan for high utli4er- or pro/i'e #raining for public er/ice peronnel
on appropria#e repone #o #he uni@ue iue of high utli4er. Fran#ee coul' alo
'e/elop or uppor# al#ernat/e #o hopi#al an' Eail a'miion for high utli4er
#ha# pro/i'e #rea#men#- #abili4aton- an' o#her appropria#e uppor# in #he lea#
re#rict/e- appropria#e en/ironmen#- or 'e/elop pro#ocol an' y#em among la.
enforcemen#- men#al heal#h- ub#ance abue- houing- correcton- an' BMS
operaton #o pro/i'e coor'ina#e' ai#ance #o high utli4er.
Fran# recipien# .oul' be re@uire' #o ubmi# #o #he "F a repor# #ha# meaure #he
performance of #he gran#ee in re'ucing #he ue of public er/ice by high utli4er
an' pro/i'e a mo'el e# of practce- y#em- or proce'ure #ha# o#her
Euri'icton can a'op# #o re'uce #he ue of public er/ice by high utli4er.
Sec! 1#1! *oul' re@uire any 'a#a prepare' by or ubmiJe' #o #he "Jorney
Feneral or #he (irec#or of #he Fe'eral Bureau of Cn/etgaton (FBC) .i#h
repec# #o homici'e- la. enforcemen# oAcer 3ille' an' aaul#e'- or
in'i/i'ual 3ille' by la. enforcemen# oAcer #o inclu'e 'a#a abou# #he
in/ol/emen# of any men#al illne in uch inci'en#.
Sec! 1#.! *oul' 'irec# #he Feneral "ccoun#abili#y )Ace (F")) #o 'e#ail #he
co# of fe'eral- #a#e- or local imprionmen# for peron .ho ha/e an SMC-
inclu'ing #he number an' #ype of crime commiJe' by in'i/i'ual .i#h an
SMC each year- an' 'e#aile' #ra#egie for pre/entng crime by in'i/i'ual
.i#h an SMC from occurring.
Sec! :#1! Aca(emy Training!
*oul' au#hori4e #he "F #o ma3e "'ul# an' Iu/enile Iutce !ollaboraton gran#
un'er #he )mnibu !rime !on#rol an' Safe S#ree# "c# #o S#a#e- uni# of local
go/ernmen#- Cn'ian #ribe- an' #ribal organi4aton #o pro/i'e uppor# for aca'emy
curricula- la. enforcemen# oAcer orien#aton program- contnuing e'ucaton
#raining an' o#her program on ho. #o i'entfy an' repon' #o inci'en# in/ol/ing
in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al illne or co?occurring men#al illne an' ub#ance abue
'ior'er. :riori#y in'ing gran# .oul' be gi/en #o program #ha#
'emon#ra#e a cooperat/e& approach be#.een la. enforcemen# peronnel an'
member of #he men#al heal#h an' ub#ance abue profeion in 'e/elopmen#
an' a'mini#raton.
Sec! :#.! 8,i(ence6Base( &ractces!
*oul' re@uire #ha# #he "F- in'ing "'ul# an' Iu/enile Iutce !ollaboraton
gran# un'er #he )mnibu !rime !on#rol an' Safe S#ree# "c#- gi/e priori#y #o
applicaton #ha# propoe in#er/enton #ha# ha/e been ho.n by empirical
e/i'ence #o re'uce reci'i/im an'- .hen appropria#e- ue /ali'a#e' aemen#
#ool #o #arge# preliminarily @uali>e' o5en'er .i#h a mo'era#e or high ri3 of
reci'i/im an' a nee' for #rea#men# an' er/ice.
Sec! :#=! Sae Communites!
*oul' amen' #he "'ul# an' Iu/enile Iutce !ollaboraton gran# un'er #he
)mnibu !rime !on#rol an' Safe S#ree# "c# #o re'e>ne non?/iolen# o5ene& for
purpoe of 'e#ermining .he#her an o5en'er can partcipa#e in a gran#eeK
program. 1he o5en'er coul' no# ha/e been in/ol/e' in an o5ene #ha# in/ol/e
#he ue- aJemp#e' ue- or #hrea#ene' ue of phyical force again# #he peron or
proper#y of ano#her or #ha# i a felony #ha# by i# na#ure in/ol/e a ub#antal ri3
#ha# phyical force again# peron or proper#y coul' be ue' in #he coure of
commiDng #he o5ene.
)5en'er .oul' ha/e #o be unanimouly appro/e' for partcipaton in a gran#?
fun'e' program by- .hen appropria#e- #he rele/an# proecutng an' 'efene
aJorney- probaton or correcton- oAcial- Eu'ge- an' a repreen#at/e from #he
rele/an# men#al heal#h agency. " 'e#erminaton of partcipaton .oul' be bae'
on .he#her #he in'i/i'ual poe a ub#antal ri3 of /iolence #o #he communi#y-
#he criminal hi#ory of #he in'i/i'ual an' #he na#ure an' e/eri#y of #he o5ene
.i#h .hich he or he .a charge'- #he e0#en# #o .hich #he in'i/i'ual .oul' bene>#
from partcipaton- #he e0#en# #o .hich #he communi#y .oul' reali4e co# a/ing
from #he in'i/i'ualK partcipaton- an' .he#her #he in'i/i'ual at>e
eligibili#y cri#eria for program partcipaton e#ablihe' by #he rele/an# proecutng
an' 'efene aJorney- probaton or correcton- oAcial- Eu'ge- an' repreen#at/e
from #he rele/an# men#al heal#h agency. Pe#eran @ualifying un'er R7%1 of #he bill
.oul' ha/e #o be 'iagnoe' .i#h- or manife#- ob/iou ign of men#al illne or a
ub#ance abue 'ior'er or co?occurring men#al illne an' ub#ance abue
'ior'er #o @ualify.
Sec! :#:! -eauthori<aton o Appropriatons!
*oul' reau#hori4e pen'ing un'er #he "'ul# an' Iu/enile Iutce !ollaboraton
gran# un'er #he )mnibu !rime !on#rol an' Safe S#ree# "c# of M7% million for
each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G. 9o more #han $% percen# of #he fun' au#hori4e'
coul' be ue' for #he /e#eranK cour# program.
Title *6Me(icare > Me(icai( -eorms Title III + Impro,ing Me(icai( an( Me(icare Mental Health Ser,ices
Sec! .#". *oul' amen' #he Me'icai' la. #o prohibi# a #a#e Me'icai' plan
from prohibitng paymen# for a ame?'ay @ualifying men#al heal#h er/ice
or primary care er/ice furnihe' #o an in'i/i'ual a# an FN!BH! or an FNH!
on #he ame 'ay a #he o#her 3in' of er/ice. (Language identcal to the
Strengthening Mental ealth in !ur Communites "ct.#
1hi ecton alo .oul' alo permi# #a#e #o pro/i'e me'ical ai#ance for
inpaten# pychia#ric hopi#al er/ice an' pychia#ric rei'ental #rea#men#
facili#y er/ice for in'i/i'ual age $1?<8 in #a#e?opera#e' pychia#ric
hopi#al .i#h a facili#y?.i'e a/erage leng#h of #ay (calcula#e' on an
annual bai) of le #han 3% 'ay. 1hi partal eliminaton of #he CM(
e0cluion .oul' be permiJe' beginning #he >r# 'ay of #he >r# calen'ar
year aHer #he 'a#e of enac#men# of #he bill- or #he >r# 'ay aHer #he cloe
of #he ne0# regular eion of #he #a#eK legila#ure in .hich conforming
au#hori4ing legilaton mu# be enac#e'.
Sec! 0#'! Me(icai( Co,erage o Mental Health Ser,ices an( &rimary Care Ser,ices
Furnishe( on the Same )ay! *oul' amen' #he Me'icai' la. #o prohibi# a #a#e
Me'icai' plan from prohibitng paymen# for a ame?'ay @ualifying men#al heal#h
er/ice or primary care er/ice furnihe' #o an in'i/i'ual a# an FN!BH! or an FNH!
on #he ame 'ay a #he o#her 3in' of er/ice. (Language identcal to .$. %&'&.#
N! (M) pro*isions in the Strengthening Mental ealth in !ur Communites
"ct. +ut see Sec. %,-, below.
Sec! .#'! *oul' prohibi# #he Me'icare an' Me'icai' program from
e0clu'ing co/erage or re#rictng acce #o co/ere' ou#paten# 'rug ue'
for #he #rea#men# of a men#al heal#h 'ior'er. " #a#e Me'icai' program
coul' tll utli4e a prior au#hori4aton program #o manage #hoe
Sec! 0#"! Access to Mental Health &rescripton )rugs ;n(er Me(icare
*oul' re@uire co/erage of all ant'eprean# an' ant?pychotc un'er Me'icare
:ar# (.
Sec! 0#0! 8liminaton o "?#6)ay @ietme @imit on Inpatent &sychiatric Hospital
*oul' elimina#e #he 1G%?'ay limi# on co/erage of inpaten# pychia#ric hopi#al
er/ice un'er #he Me'icare program- e5ect/e Ianuary 1- $%18.
Sec! 0#1! )ischarge &lanning in &sychiatric Facilites!
*oul'- beginning one year aHer 'a#e of enac#men# of #he legilaton- ubEec# any
pychia#ric hopi#al or pychia#ric uni# #ha# 'oe no# ha/e a 'icharge planning
proce #o a ci/il mone#ary penal#y of no# more #han M1%-%%%. 1he Secre#ary
.oul' ha/e au#hori#y #o re@uire a pychia#ric hopi#al or uni# 'e#ermine' on
multple occaion no# #o ha/e a 'icharge planning proce #o en#er in#o an
agreemen# un'er .hich #he hopi#al or uni# .oul' be re@uire' #o un'ergo an
in'epen'en# re/ie. of policie an' proce'ure for purpoe of e#ablihing a
'icharge planning proce- re#ain an in'epen'en# compliance oAcer- ubmi#
perio'ic impro/emen# repor# #o #he HHS Secre#ary- an' un'er#a3e o#her acton
#he Secre#ary 'eem neceary. " hopi#al or uni# #ha# en#er in#o uch an
agreemen# an' 'oe no# ha/e a 'icharge planning proce in place .i#hin 78 'ay
coul' be ubEec#e' #o #emporary managemen# by an appoin#ee of #he Secre#ary #o
o/eree #he hopi#al or uni#- aure #he heal#h an' afe#y of inpaten#- an' enure
compliance. 1he #emporary managemen# .oul' be #ermina#e' .hen #he
Secre#ary 'e#ermine #he hopi#al or uni# ha #he managemen# capabili#y #o enure
contnue' compliance.
Sec! 0#.! 8Apan(ing the Me(icai( HCBS $ai,er to Inclu(e Bouth In /ee( o
Ser,ices &ro,i(e( in a &sychiatric -esi(ental Treatment Facility!
*oul' e0pan' #he H!BS .ai/er #o permi# H!BS er/ice #o any in'i/i'ual un'er
#he age of $1 nee'ing #he le/el of care pro/i'e' on an inpaten# bai in a
pychia#ric rei'ental #rea#men# facili#y un'er #he S#a#e :lan. ,n'er uch a
.ai/er- #he #o#al number of Me'icai' inpaten# be' 'ay a# pychia#ric rei'ental
#rea#men# facilite 'uring each >cal year coul' no# e0cee' #he #o#al number of
Me'icai' inpaten# be' 'ay for #he pre/iou >cal year plu #he etma#e'
percen#age increae of in'i/i'ual un'er age $1 rei'ing in #he #a#e o/er #he
prece'ing 1$?mon#h perio'.
Sec! 0#C! Co,erage o Marriage an( Family Therapist Ser,ices an( Mental Health
Counselor Ser,ices ;n(er Me(icare &art B!
*oul' re@uire co/erage- beginning Ianuary 1- $%18- of Marriage an' Family
1herapi# Ser/ice an' Men#al Heal#h !ounelor Ser/ice un'er Me'icare :ar# B.
1he bill .oul' 'e>ne Smarriage an' family #herapi# er/iceK a er/ice
performe' by a licene' or cert>e' marriage an' family #herapi# for #he 'iagnoi
an' #rea#men# of men#al illnee- .hich #he marriage an' family #herapi# i
legally au#hori4e' #o perform un'er #he S#a#e la. or regulaton of #he S#a#e in
.hich #he er/ice are performe' an' #he #herapi# i licene' or cert>e'- a
.oul' be co/ere' if furnihe' by a phyician or inci'en# #o a phyicianK
profeional er/ice- bu# only if no facili#y or o#her pro/i'er charge or i pai' any
amoun# .i#h repec# #o #he furnihing of #he er/ice. " marriage an' family
#herapi# .oul' ha/e #o poe a @ualifying ma#er or 'oc#ora#e 'egree an' ha/e
a# lea# #.o year of clinical uper/ie' e0perience in marriage an' family #herapy.
1he ecton .oul' 'e>ne men#al heal#h counelor er/ice imilarly #o #he
'e>niton of marriage an' family #herapy er/ice- an' .oul' 'e>ne men#al heal#h
counelor imilarly #o #he 'e>niton of marriage an' family #herapi#- in each cae
lea/ing #he 'e>niton #o #a#e la. or regulaton.
Marriage an' family #herapi# an' men#al heal#h counelor .oul' be pai' a# =%
percen# of #he leer of #he ac#ual charge for er/ice or 78 percen# of a
pychologi#K paymen# ra#e. 1hey .oul' be e0clu'e' from #he 3ille' nuring
facili#y propect/e paymen# y#em. 1hey .oul' be permiJe' #o pro/i'e er/ice
in a rural heal#h clinic an' FNH!- a .ell a in hopice. 1hey .oul' alo be
au#hori4e' #o 'e/elop 'icharge plan for po# hopi#al er/ice if #hey mee#
@uali>caton #an'ar' e#ablihe' by #he HHS Secre#ary.
Title *I6-esearch 5y /IMH
Sec! =#"! *oul' pro/i'e M7% million annually for FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for
reearch on ei#her (1) #he 'e#erminan# of elf? an' o#her?'irec#e' /iolence
in men#al illne- inclu'ing #u'ie on re'ucing #he ri3 of elf?harm- uici'e-
an' in#erperonal /iolence- or ($) brain reearch.
Title *II6 CMHS BlocD Erant -eorm Title II + Strengthening an( In,estng in SAMHSA &rograms
Sec! :#"! *oul' #ranfer reponibili#y for #he !ommuni#y Men#al Heal#h
Bloc3 Fran# from #he (irec#or of #he !en#er for Men#al Heal#h Ser/ice #o
#he crea#e' "ctng Secre#ary for Men#al Heal#h an' Sub#ance ,e
Sec! '#"! Community Mental Health Ser,ices BlocD Erant -eauthori<aton
*oul' reau#hori4e fun'ing for #he MHBF for FL $%18 a# M7=3.777 million an' uch
um a may be neceary for FL $%1< #hrough $%1G.
Sec! :#'! *oul' re/ie re@uiremen# for #he fun'ing agreemen# un'er a
!ommuni#y Men#al Heal#h Bloc3 Fran# #o re@uire #he reportng of peci>e'
Sec! '#'! -eportng -eFuirements or BlocD Erants -egar(ing Mental Health an(
Su5stance ;se )isor(ers
*oul' re@uire #ha# each MHBF fun'ing agreemen# re@uire #ha# #he #a#e recei/ing
a communi#y men#al heal#h bloc3 gran# prepare an' ubmi# #o #he Secre#ary an
annual repor# on act/ite fun'e' by #he gran#- #he e0#en# #o .hich e0pen'i#ure
.ere coni#en# .i#h #he #a#eK applicaton- an' #he e0#en# #o .hich #he #a#e
mee# goal an' obEect/e e# ou# in #he #a#e plan. 1he repor# .oul' ha/e #o be
in a #an'ar'i4e' form #ha# inclu'e2 #he number of in'i/i'ual er/e'6 #he
proporton of each cla of in'i/i'ual .ho ha/e heal#h co/erage6 #he #ype of
er/ice pro/i'e' .i#hin each cla6 #he amoun# pen# for each #ype of er/ice by
cla of in'i/i'ual6 informaton on #he #a#u of men#al heal#h in #he #a#e-
inclu'ing a brea3'o.n by racial an' e#hnic group of #he proporton of a'olecen#
.i#h eriou emotonal 'i#urbance an' a'ul# .i#h SMC- inclu'ing maEor
'epreion6 #he proporton .i#h co?occurring men#al heal#h an' ub#ance ue
'ior'er an' .ha# proporton of #hoe ee3 an' recei/e #rea#men#6 #he
proporton of chil'ren an' a'olecen# an' #he proporton of a'ul# .ho ee3 an'
recei/e #rea#men#6 #he proporton of homele a'ul# .ho recei/e #rea#men#6 #he
number of primary care facilite #ha# pro/i'e men#al heal#h creening an'
#rea#men# on?i#e or by pai' referral6 #he number of primary care pro/i'er oAce
/ii# #ha# inclu'e men#al heal#h creening6 #he number of Eu/enile rei'ental
facilite #ha# creen a'miion for men#al heal#h 'ior'er6 an' #he number of
'ea#h aJribu#able #o uici'e. Fran#ee .oul' alo be re@uire' #o repor# #he
number an' #ype of pro/i'er licene' in #he #a#e .ho pro/i'e men#al heal#h?
rela#e' er/ice.
Fun'ing agreemen# for bloc3 gran# for pre/enton an' #rea#men# of ub#ance
ue 'ior'er .oul' alo re@uire annual repor# from #a#e in a #an'ar'i4e' form
#ha# inclu'e2 an accura#e 'ecripton of act/ite fun'e' an' #he e0#en# #o .hich
#hoe act/ite .ere coni#en# .i#h #he #a#eK applicaton6 #he number of
in'i/i'ual er/e'6 #he proporton of each cla of in'i/i'ual .ho ha/e heal#h
co/erage6 #he #ype of er/ice pro/i'e' .i#hin each cla6 #he amoun# pen#6 #he
proporton of a'olecen# an' a'ul# by racial an' e#hnic group uing alcohol or
a''ict/e 'rug- inclu'ing nicotne- an' precripton 'rug for non?me'ical
purpoe6 #he number of in'i/i'ual- inclu'ing peci>cally pregnan# .omen-
a'miJe' #o #rea#men# program- inclu'ing group home6 an' #he number of
'ea#h aJribu#e' #o alcohol- illici# 'rug- an' precripton 'rug. Fran#ee .oul'
alo be re@uire' #o repor# #he number an' #ype of pro/i'er licene' in #he #a#e
.ho pro/i'e ub#ance ue 'ior'er?rela#e' er/ice.
Sec! :#0! *oul' permi# #he ue of !ommuni#y Men#al Heal#h Bloc3 Fran#
money for pro/i'er er/ice .i#hou# >cal year limi#aton on .hen #he
money mu# be ue'.
Sec! '#0! EarreG @ee Smith Memorial Act -eauthori<aton! See belo..
Sec! :#1! *oul' re@uire #ha# a !ommuni#y Men#al Heal#h Bloc3 Fran#
fun'ing agreemen# re@uire #ha# #he #a#e ha/e a la. in e5ec# re@uiring a
cour# #o or'er a men#ally ill in'i/i'ual #o un'ergo inpaten# or ou#paten#
#rea#men# if #he cour# >n' by clear an' con/incing e/i'ence #ha# #he
in'i/i'ual i a 'anger #o elf- i a 'anger #o o#her- peri#en#ly or acu#ely
'iable' or gra/ely 'iable' an' in nee' of #rea#men# an' i ei#her un.illing
or unable #o accep# /olun#ary #rea#men#. 1he ecton .oul' 'e>ne
peri#en#ly or acu#ely 'iable'& a ha/ing an SMC #ha#2
1. if no# #rea#e'- ha a ub#antal probabili#y of cauing #he in'i/i'ual
#o u5er e/ere an' abnormal men#al- emotonal- or phyical harm
#ha# igni>can#ly impair Eu'gmen#- reaon- beha/ior- or #he
capaci#y #o recogni4e reali#y6
$. ub#antally impair #he in'i/i'ual capaci#y #o ma3e an informe'
'eciion regar'ing #rea#men# an' #hi impairmen# caue #he
in'i/i'ual #o be incapable of un'er#an'ing an' e0preing an
un'er#an'ing of #he a'/an#age an' 'ia'/an#age of acceptng
#rea#men# or #he al#ernat/e #o a partcular #rea#men# aHer #hoe
a'/an#age- 'ia'/an#age- an' al#ernat/e are e0plaine'6 an'
3. ha a reaonable propec# of being #rea#able by ou#paten#-
inpaten# or combine' inpaten#?ou#paten# #rea#men#.
Sec! :#.! *oul' te !ommuni#y Men#al Heal#h Bloc3 Fran# fun'ing #o #he
"i#an# Secre#ary certfying #ha# #he #a#e ha in e5ec# an ")1 la. un'er
.hich a #a#e cour# coul' or'er ou#paten# men#al heal#h #rea#men# for an
a'ul#- men#ally ill eligible paten#& .hile #he paten# li/e in #he
communi#y. "n eligible paten#& .oul' be one foun' by #he cour# #o mee#
#he 'e>niton un'er R 1%3 of #he bill.
1he ")1 .oul' ha/e #o be 'eigne' #o impro/e #he in'i/i'ualK acce an'
a'herence #o in#eni/e beha/ioral heal#h er/ice for #he purpoe peci>e'
in R 1%3 of #he bill.
Sec! :#=! *oul' crea#e a 8 percen# !MHBF e#?ai'e for #he 9MH:; #o
enure #ha# e/i'ence?bae' me'icine an' be# practce in clinical care
mo'el are being implemen#e'. 1he ecton peci>cally reference #he
Reco/ery "Her an Cnital Schi4ophrenia Bpio'e (R"CSB) an' #he 9or#h
"merican :ro'ome ;ongi#u'inal S#u'y a be# practce.
Secton .#0 (contnue( rom 5elo4)! Bouth Mental Health -esearch /et4orD!
*oul' re@uire #ha#- in ma3ing' un'er #he Lou#h Men#al Heal#h Reearch
9e#.or3- #he 9CH (irec#or enure #han an appropria#e number of' are'e' #o entte #ha#2
1. focu primarily on #he early 'e#ecton of an' in#er/enton for eriou
emotonal 'i#urbance in chil'ren an' a'olecen#6
$. con'uc# or coor'ina#e one or more multi#e clinical #rial of #herapie for-
or approache #o- #he pre/enton- 'iagnoi- or #rea#men# of early eriou
emotonal 'i#urbance in a communi#y eDng6
3. rapi'ly an' eAcien#ly 'iemina#e cient>c >n'ing reultng from uch
#rial6 an'
7. a'here #o #he gui'eline- pro#ocol- an' practce ue' in #he 9or#h
"merican :ro'rome ;ongi#u'inal S#u'y (9":;S) an' #he Reco/ery "Her an
Cnital Schi4ophrenia Bpio'e (R"CSB) initat/e.
1he (irec#or .oul' be re@uire' #o e#ablih a 'a#a coor'inatng cen#er #o
'i#ribu#e cient>c >n'ing- pro/i'e ai#ance in #he 'eign an' con'uc# of
collaborat/e reearch proEec# an' #he managemen#- analyi an' #orage of 'a#a-
organi4e an' con'uc# mult?i#e moni#oring- an' pro/i'e ai#ance #o #he !(! in
e#ablihing paten# regi#rie.
Sec! :#:! *oul' re@uire #he "i#an# Secre#ary #o e/alua#e #he combine'
paper.or3 bur'en of communi#y men#al heal#h cen#er an' FN!MH! an'
ma3e a'mini#rat/e an' #a#u#ory recommen'aton #o !ongre on
re'ucing paper.or3 bur'en.
Title *III6Beha,ioral Health A4areness &rogram
Sec! C#"! *oul' 'irec# #he Secre#ary of B'ucaton- along .i#h #he "i#an#
Secre#ary- #o organi4e a natonal a.arene campaign #o ai# econ'ary
chool #u'en# an' po#econ'ary #u'en# in2
(1) re'ucing #he tgma aocia#e' .i#h SMC6
($) un'er#an'ing ho. #o ai# an in'i/i'ual 'emon#ratng ign of an
SMC6 an'
(3) un'er#an'ing #he impor#ance of ee3ing #rea#men# from a
phyician- clinical pychologi#- or licene' men#al heal#h
profeional .hen a #u'en# belie/e #he #u'en# may be u5ering
from an SMC or beha/ioral heal#h 'ior'er.
Sec! '""! /atonal Me(ia Campaign to -e(uce the Stgma Associate( 4ith Mental
*oul' au#hori4e M1% million for each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for #he S"MHS"
"'mini#ra#or #o pro/i'e for #he pro'ucton- broa'catng- an' e/aluaton of a
natonal me'ia public er/ice campaign #o re'uce #he tgma aocia#e' .i#h
men#al illne- 'eigne' #o reach a .i'e an' 'i/ere an au'ience a poible-
partcularly #argetng #he populaton be#.een #he age of 1< an' $7. Men#al
heal#h profeional an' paten# a'/oca#e .oul' ha/e #o be conul#e' in carrying
ou# #he me'ia campaign.
Sec! =#"! School6Base( Mental Health &rograms!
*oul' re/ie- increae fun'ing for- an' e0pan' #he cope of #he Safe School?
Heal#hy #u'en# program #o pro/i'e acce #o more compreheni/e chool?bae'
men#al heal#h er/ice an' uppor#- increae acce #o chool?employe' men#al
heal#h profeional- pro/i'e for compreheni/e #a5 'e/elopmen# for chool an'
communi#y er/ice peronnel .or3ing in #he chool- an' pro/i'e for
compreheni/e #raining for chil'ren .i#h men#al heal#h 'ior'er- #heir paren#-
ibling- an' o#her family member- an' concerne' member of #he communi#y.
1he ecton .oul' au#hori4e M$%% million in each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for
man'a#e' program un'er .hich #he HHS Secre#ary- in collaboraton .i#h #he
B'ucaton Secre#ary an' in conul#aton .i#h #he "F- .oul' be re@uire' #o- 'irec#ly
or #hrough <?year gran#- con#rac#- or cooperat/e agreemen#'e' #o public
entte an' local e'ucaton agencie- ai# local communite an' chool in
applying a public heal#h approach #o men#al heal#h er/ice in chool an' #he
communi#y. 1he approach .oul' ha/e #o pro/i'e compreheni/e- age?appropria#e
er/ice an' uppor#- be linguitcally an' cul#urally appropria#e an' #rauma?
informe'- an' ue age?appropria#e #ra#egie of poit/e beha/ioral in#er/enton
an' uppor#.
1he Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o enure #ha# gran#- con#rac#- or cooperat/e
agreemen# are 'i#ribu#e' e@ui#ably among #he region of #he coun#ry an' among
urban an' rural area. 9o ent#y coul' recei/e more #han one'- al#hough an
ent#y pro/i'ing er/ice an' uppor# on a regional bai coul' recei/e a''itonal
1he Secre#ary .oul' be au#hori4e' #o2 (1) pro/i'e >nancial uppor# an'Tor
#echnical ai#ance #o local communite6 ($) pro/i'e ai#ance #o #hoe
communite in #he 'e/elopmen# of policie #o a''re chil' an' a'olecen#
#rauma- men#al heal#h iue an' /iolence6 (3) facili#a#e communi#y par#nerhip
among familie- #u'en#- la. enforcemen# agencie- e'ucaton y#em- chool?
bae' heal#h cen#er- men#al heal#h an' ub#ance ue 'ior'er er/ice y#em-
family?bae' men#al heal#h er/ice y#em- .elfare agencie- heal#h care er/ice
y#em (inclu'ing phyician)- fai#h?bae' program- #rauma ne#.or3- an' o#her
communi#y?bae' y#em6 an' (7) e#ablih mechanim for chil'ren an'
a'olecen# #o repor# inci'en# of /iolence or plan by o#her chil'ren- a'olecen#-
or a'ul# #o commi# /iolence.
1o be eligible for a gran#- con#rac#- or cooperat/e agreemen#- an applican# .oul'
ha/e #o be a par#nerhip be#.een an ;B" an' a# lea# one communi#y program or
agency in/ol/e' in men#al heal#h. 1he ;B" .oul' be re@uire' #o en#er in#o an
M), .i#h a# lea# one public or pri/a#e men#al heal#h ent#y- heal#h care ent#y-
la. enforcemen# or Eu/enile Eutce ent#y- chil' .elfare agency- family?bae'
men#al heal#h ent#y- family or family organi4aton- #rauma ne#.or3- or o#her
communi#y?bae' ent#y. 1he M), .oul' ha/e #o #a#e ho. chool?employe'
men#al heal#h profeional .oul' be utli4e'- an' #he reponibilite an' in?3in'
or non?Fe'eral cah con#ributon of each par#ner #o #he e5or#.
Cn'i/i'ual gran# coul' no# e0cee' M1 million for each of gran# year FL $%18
#hrough $%1G. " gran#ee coul' no# ue more #han 1% percen# of gran# monie #o
carry ou# re@uire' e/aluaton act/ite.
School?bae' program coul' a''re (1) #he promoton of #he ocial emotonal
an' beha/ioral heal#h of all #u'en# in an en/ironmen# con'uct/e #o learning6
($) re'ucton in #he li3elihoo' of a#?ri3 #u'en# 'e/eloping ocial- emotonal or
beha/ioral heal#h problem or ub#ance ue 'ior'er6 (3) early i'ent>caton an'
early in#er/enton6 (7) #rea#men# an' referral6 an' (8) #he 'e/elopmen# an'
implemen#aton of program #o ai# chil'ren in 'ealing .i#h #rauma an' /iolence.
:rogram .oul' be re@uire' #o pro/i'e for in?er/ice #raining of all chool
peronnel- inclu'ing ancillary #a5 an' /olun#eer- a .ell a paren#- ibling- an'
family member of chil'ren .i#h men#al heal#h 'ior'er an' concerne' member
of #he communi#y in2
1. #he #echni@ue an' uppor# nee'e' #o i'entfy early chil'ren .i#h #rauma
hi#orie an' chil'ren .i#h- or a# ri3 of- men#al illne6
$. #he ue of referral mechanim #ha# e5ect/ely lin3 uch chil'ren #o
appropria#e #rea#men# an' in#er/enton er/ice in #he chool an' in #he
communi#y an' #o follo.?up .hen er/ice are no# a/ailable6 an'
3. #ra#egie #ha# promo#e a chool?.i'e poit/e en/ironmen#.
1raining for chool peronnel .oul' alo ha/e #o inclu'e #ra#egie for promotng
#he ocial- emotonal- men#al- an' beha/ioral heal#h of all chil'ren- an' #ra#egie
for increaing 3no.le'ge an' 3ill of chool an' communi#y lea'er abou# #he
impac# of #rauma an' /iolence an' on #he applicaton of a public heal#h approach
#o compreheni/e chool?bae' men#al heal#h program.
1he ;B" .oul' be re@uire' #o enure #he u#ainabili#y of #he program aHer
Fe'eral fun'ing en'- an' #he program .oul' ha/e #o be bae' on #rauma?
informe' an' e/i'ence?bae' practce. 1he program .oul' be re@uire' #o
inclu'e a broa' nee' aemen# of you#h .ho 'rop ou# of chool 'ue #o 4ero
#olerance policie an' an inabili#y #o ob#ain appropria#e er/ice. Men#al heal#h
er/ice .oul' ha/e #o be pro/i'e' by @uali>e' men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h
profeional- cert>e' or licene' in #he #a#e in/ol/e' an' practcing .i#hin #heir
area of e0perte.
Sec! =#'! Impro,ing Mental Health an( Beha,ioral Health Outcomes on College
*oul' au#hori4e um in an un'e#ermine' amoun#- a neceary for FL $%18
#hrough $%1G- #o increae acce #o men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h er/ice on
college an' uni/eri#y eDng- fo#er an' impro/e #he pre/enton of men#al heal#h
an' beha/ioral heal#h 'ior'er an' #he promoton of men#al heal#h- impro/e
i'ent>caton an' #rea#men# for a#?ri3 #u'en#- impro/e collaboraton an' #he
'e/elopmen# of appropria#e le/el of men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h care- re'uce
#he tgma for #u'en# .i#h men#al heal#h 'ior'er- an' impro/e ou#reach
1he S"MHS" "'mini#ra#or- in collaboraton .i#h #he (epar#men# of B'ucaton-
.oul' be re@uire' #o' 3?year compett/e gran# #o int#uton of higher
e'ucaton #o impro/e men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h er/ice an' ou#reach on
college an' uni/eri#y campue #hrough #he ue of fun'ing upplemen#al #o #ha#
alrea'y in place. 1he "'mini#ra#or .oul' be re@uire' #o gi/e pecial
coni'eraton #o program #ha#2 (1) 'emon#ra#e #he grea#e# nee' for ne. or
a''itonal men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h er/ice- bae' on #he rato of #u'en# #o
men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h profeional6 ($) #arge# #ra'itonally un'erer/e'
populaton an' populaton mo# a# ri36 (3) propoe #o e0pan' er/ice uing
e/i'ence?bae' practce6 (7) 'emon#ra#e an a.arene of an' .illingne #o
coor'ina#e .i#h a communi#y men#al heal#h cen#er or o#her communi#y men#al
heal#h reource #o uppor# creening an' referral of #u'en# re@uiring in#eni/e
er/ice6 i'entfy ho. #o a''re pychia#ric emergencie- inclu'ing ho.
informaton i #o be communica#e' #o familie6 an' (8) 'emon#ra#e #he grea#e#
po#ental for replicaton an' 'ieminaton.
Fran# coul' be ue' #o pro/i'e er/ice- pro/i'e #u'en# ou#reach- e'uca#e an'
increae a.arene of men#al heal#h iue- employ #raine' #a5- #rain #u'en# an'
facul#y on repone #echni@ue- e0pan' men#al heal#h #raining- 'e/elop an'
uppor# e/i'ence?bae' an' emerging be# practce- e/alua#e an' 'iemina#e
be# practce #o o#her college an' uni/erite- an' uppor# #u'en# group on
campu #ha# e'uca#e- .or3 #o re'uce tgma- an' promo#e men#al heal#h .ellne.
1he S"MHS" "'mini#ra#or .oul' alo be re@uire' un'er #hi ecton #o
collabora#e .i#h #he !(! (irec#or in con/ening an in#eragency- public?pri/a#e
ec#or .or3ing group #o plan- e#ablih- an' coor'ina#e a #arge#e' public
e'ucaton campaign 'eigne' #o focu on men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h on college
campue. 1he campaign .oul' be e0pec#e' #o impro/e #he general
un'er#an'ing of men#al heal#h an' men#al heal#h 'ior'er- encourage help?
ee3ing beha/ior- promo#e pre/enton an' #rea#men#- ma3e #he connecton
be#.een men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h an' aca'emic ucce- an' ai# #he
general public in i'entfying early .arning ign an' re'ucing #he tgma of men#al
Sec! =#0! 8Aamining Mental Health Care or Chil(ren!
*i#hin 1 year of enac#men# of #he bill- #he F") .oul' be re@uire' #o con'uc# an
e/aluaton for ubmiion #o !ongre on #he utli4aton of men#al heal#h er/ice
for chil'ren- inclu'ing #he precripton an' fre@uency of ue of pycho#ropic 'rug
an' .he#her #he precripton of pycho#ropic 'rug er/e a a barrier #o acceing
non?pharmaceutcal in#er/enton. 1he repor# .oul' be re@uire' #o re/ie. an'
ae #he .ay in .hich chil'ren acce men#al heal#h care- inclu'ing .he#her
#hey are creene' an' #rea#e' by primary care or pecial#y pro/i'er- .ha# #ype
of referral are recommen'e'- an' any barrier #o acce. Cn a''iton- #he repor#
.oul' be e0pec#e' #o re/ie. #ool- aemen#- an' me'icaton #ha# are
a/ailable an' ue' #o 'iagnoe an' #rea# chil'ren .i#h men#al heal#h 'ior'er.
Title IH + Beha,ioral Health Inormaton Technology Title *III6 Beha,ioral Health Inormaton Technology
Sec! ?#"! *oul' amen' #he :ublic Heal#h Ser/ice "c# (:HS") #o inclu'e in
#he 'e>niton of heal#h care pro/i'er& beha/ioral an' men#al heal#h
profeional- ub#ance abue profeional- pychia#ric hopi#al- cer#ain
communi#y men#al heal#h cen#er (inclu'ing #hoe opera#e' by a coun#y
beha/ioral heal#h agency)- FN!BH! cert>e' un'er Sec. $%1 of #he bill- an'
rei'ental or ou#paten# men#al heal#h or ub#ance abue #rea#men#
facilite for purpoe of a5or'ing #hoe pro/i'er acce #o #he elec#ronic
heal#h recor' (BHR) meaningful ue incent/e.
Sec! C#"! 8Atension o Health Inormaton Technology Assistance or Beha,ioral
an( Mental Health an( Su5stance A5use!
1hi ecton i i'entcal #o Sec. G%1 of H.R. 3717- e0cep# #ha# i# 'oe no# reference
#he FN!BH! #ha# .oul' be cert>e' un'er H.R. 3717 an' are inclu'e' in #he pilo#
au#hori4e' un'er #he SFR >0 legilaton.
Sec! ?#'! *oul' amen' #he Me'icare #a#u#e .i#h repec# #o #he BHR
meaningful ue incent/e #o inclu'e a a''itonal eligible profeional
clinical pychologi# pro/i'ing @uali>e' pychologi# er/ice an' clinical
ocial .or3er. Cnpaten# pychia#ric hopi#al alo .oul' be eligible for
incent/e un'er Me'icare.
1he ecton alo .oul' ubEec# cer#ain a''itonal eligible profeional-
inclu'ing #hoe employe' or con#rac#e' .i#h a Me'icare "'/an#age (M")
plan- #o re'ucton or incent/e paymen# for meaningful BHR ue.
Cn a''iton- #he ecton .oul' ma3e incent/e a/ailable #o Me'icai'?
enrolle' public an' pri/a#e pychia#ric hopi#al- clinical pychologi#- an'
communi#y men#al heal#h cen#er- a .ell a accre'i#e' rei'ental or
ou#paten# men#al heal#h or ub#ance abue #rea#men# facilite .i#h a
paten# /olume #ha# i a# lea# 1% percen# Me'icai' enrollee.
Sec! C#'! 8Atension o 8ligi5ility or Me(icare an( Me(icai( Health Inormaton
Technology Implementaton Assistance!
1hi ecton i i'entcal #o Sec. G%$ of H.R. 3717.
Title H + 8Apan(ing Access to Care Through Health Care &roessional
Sec! "##"! *oul' amen' #he :HS" #o accor' licene' or cert>e' heal#h
care profeional /olun#eer a# communi#y men#al heal#h cen#er an'
FN!BH! #he liabili#y pro#ecton pro/i'e' :ublic Heal#h Ser/ice employee
for #ortou ac# or omiion. 1he profeional- cen#er- or o#her ent#y
.oul' be re@uire' #o po# a clear an' conpicuou notce a# #he i#e .here
er/ice i pro/i'e' of #he e0#en# #o .hich legal liabili#y i limi#e'.
Title HI6SAMHSA -eauthori<aton an( -eorms
Su5ttle AIOrgani<aton an( Eeneral Authorites
Sec! ""#"! *oul' pu# #he "i#an# Secre#ary for Men#al Heal#h an'
Sub#ance ,e (ior'er in charge of S"MHS" an' elimina#e S"MHS"K
reponibili#y for men#al illne?rela#e' iue. 1he ecton alo .oul'
re@uire #ha# S"MHS" gi/e .riJen notce #o #he Houe Bnergy an'
!ommerce !ommiJee an' #he Sena#e HB;: !ommiJee a# lea# 3% 'ay
before'ing a gran#- cooperat/e agreemen#- or con#rac#. "# lea# 8%
percen# of any peer re/ie. group re/ a propoal or gran# rela#e' #o
men#al illne .oul' ha/e #o be in'i/i'ual .i#h a me'ical 'egree or
e@ui/alen# 'oc#oral 'egree in pychology or clinical e0perience. Cn a''iton-
#he ecton .oul' re'uce- from $.8 percen# of all amoun# appropria#e' for
#he >cal year #o 1.8 percen# of all amoun# appropria#e' for #he >cal year-
money #ha# coul' be ue' by #he Secre#ary #o ma3e noncompett/e
gran#- con#rac#- or cooperat/e agreemen# #o public entte #o enable
#hoe entte #o a''re emergency ub#ance abue or men#al heal#h
nee' in local communite.
Sec! ""#'! *oul' re@uire #ha# a# lea# 8% percen# of #he member of any
S"MHS" or Sub#ance "bue or Men#al Heal#h a'/iory council ha/e a
me'ical 'egree- e@ui/alen# 'oc#oral 'egree in pychology- or er/e a a
licene' men#al heal#h profeional.
Sec! ""#0! *oul' re@uire #ha# a# lea# half #he member of any peer re/ie.
group re/ gran#- cooperat/e agreemen#- or con#rac# ha/e a
'egree in me'icine or an e@ui/alen# 'oc#oral 'egree in pychology. Before
ma3ing #he'- #he Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o pro/i'e a li# of peer
re/ie. group member #o #he Houe Bnergy an' !ommerce an' Sena#e
HB;: commiJee.
Sec! ""#1! *oul' re@uire #he Secre#ary #o re@uire #he "i#an# Secre#ary #o
#ranfer all functon an' reponibilite of #he !en#er for Beha/ioral
Heal#h S#attc an' Nuali#y #o #he crea#e' 9MH:; an' a'' #o #he
re@uii#e area of 'a#a collecton on men#al heal#h #he number of
in'i/i'ual .i#h an SMC- #he number of in'i/i'ual a'miJe' #o hopi#al
emergency room .i#h an SMC- #he number of in'i/i'ual recei/ing
inpaten# care an' ube@uen#ly rea'miJe' #o #he hopi#al a a reul# of
#heir con'iton .i#hin #.o year- an' o#her public heal#h ou#come-
inclu'ing mor#ali#y ra#e for in'i/i'ual .i#h an SMC.
Su5ttle BICenter or Mental Health Ser,ices
Sec! """"! *oul' re/ie #he reponibilite of #he !en#er for Men#al
Heal#h Ser/ice (!MHS)- remo/ing #he reponibili#y #o a'mini#er #he Bloc3
Fran# program. 1he ecton .oul' charge !MHS .i#h aitng 9CMH in
'eploying me#ho' of #reatng in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al heal#h problem
ra#her #han ha/ing #he curren# reponibili#y for 'e/eloping #rea#men#
me#ho'. Cn a''iton- i# .oul' no longer ha/e reponibili#y for aeing
conumer?run program. 1he clearinghoue of men#al heal#h informaton i#
main#ain .oul' be re@uire' #o con#ain e/i'ence?bae' practce re/ie.e'
an' appro/e' by a panel of pychia#ri# an' clinical pychologi#.
Reponibili#y for ur/ey alo .oul' be #ranferre' #o #he "i#an#
Secre#ary an' #he !en#er for (ieae !on#rol an' :re/enton.
Sec! """'! *oul' reau#hori4e #he Secre#ary #o a''re priori#y men#al
heal#h nee' of regional an' natonal igni>cance- re@uiring #ha# #echnical
ai#ance program be e/i'ence?bae' an' #ha# #he Houe Bnergy an'
!ommerce an' Sena#e HB;: commiJee be pro/i'e' prior notce of an' of a gran#- cooperat/e agreemen#- or con#rac#. :riori#y .oul' ha/e
#o be aigne' #o program promotng primary an' beha/ioral heal#h care
in#egraton. M18% million .oul' be au#hori4e' for appropriaton for FL $%17
#hrough $%1=.
Sec! '#1 &riority Mental Health /ee(s o -egional an( /atonal SigniJcance
Sec! '#.! Erants or 9ail )i,ersion &rograms -eauthori<aton!
Sec! '#=! &roKects or Assistance in Transiton rom Homelessness!
*oul' peci>cally reau#hori4e #he Secre#ary #o fun'Qa# amoun# #o be
'e#ermine'- for #he mo# par# for each of >cal year $%18 #hrough $%1GQ#he program2
1. :riori#y an' Men#al Heal#h 9ee' of Regional an' 9atonal Signi>cance a#
amoun# #o be 'e#ermine'6
$. Fran# for Iail (i/erion- a# M7.$= million in FL$%18- an' um a neceary
in FL $%1< #hrough $%1G (a re'ucton from #he original $%%1 au#hori4aton
of M8.7$ million)6
3. :roEec# for "i#ance in 1raniton from Homelene- a# M<7.= million in
FL $%18 an' a neceary in FL $%1< #hrough $%1G (a re'ucton from #he
original $%%1 au#hori4aton of M1%.$ million.
Sec! """0! *oul' amen' #he :HS" #o reau#hori4e an' re/ie re@uiremen#
for a you#h in#eragency reearch- #raining- an' #echnical ai#ance cen#er
#o pre/en# uici'e (#he Suici'e :re/enton 1echnical "i#ance !en#er).
1he ecton .oul' e0pan' #he programU focu from you#h uici'e #o
uici'e among all age- partcularly among group #ha# are a# high ri3 for
uici'e. C# .oul' repeal au#hori#y for gran# #o e#ablih reearch- #raining-
an' #echnical ai#ance cen#er rela#e' #o men#al heal#h- ub#ance abue
an' #he Eutce y#em.
Cn a''iton- i# .oul' reau#hori4e #he gran#Tcooperat/e agreemen# program
for #he 'e/elopmen# of #a#e or #ribal you#h uici'e early in#er/enton an'
Sec! '#0! Earret @ee Smith Memorial Act -eauthori<aton
*oul' au#hori4e #he HHS Secre#ary #hrough #he S"MHS" "'mini#ra#or #o' a
gran# for operaton an' main#enance of one Suici'e :re/enton reearch- #raining-
an' #echnical ai#ance Reource !en#er pro/i'ing reearch- #raining- an'
#echnical ai#ance for #a#e- politcal ub'i/iion- Cn'ian #ribe an' #ribal
organi4aton- int#uton of higher e'ucaton- public organi4aton- an' pri/a#e
nonpro># on #he pre/enton of uici'e among all age- partcularly among group
a# high ri3 for uici'e. 1he bill .oul' au#hori4e M7.G7= million in each of FL $%18
#hrough $%1G.
pre/enton #ra#egie- bu# re@uire collaboraton .i#h #he Secre#ary of
B'ucaton. C# .oul' au#hori4e M$G.73= million for appropriaton in each of
FL$%17 #hrough $%1=.
1hi .oul' replace #he curren# au#hori#y #o fun' no# more #han >/e cen#er
focue' on you#h.
1hi ecton alo .oul' reau#hori4e an' re/ie a gran# program #o enhance
er/ice for #u'en# .i#h men#al heal#h or ub#ance ue 'ior'er a#
int#uton of higher e'ucaton. C# .oul' re@uire #he Secre#ary (.ho
curren#ly i merely au#hori4e')- actng #hrough #he !MHS (irec#or- #o'
gran# #o enhance uch er/ice an' #o 'e/elop be# practce for #he
'eli/ery of uch er/ice. C# .oul' permi# gran# fun' #o be ue' for #he
pro/iion of er/ice #o #u'en# an' #o employ appropria#ely #raine' #a5.
1he Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o gi/e pecial coni'eraton #o
applicaton for gran# for program #ha# 'emon#ra#e #he grea#e# nee' for
ne. or a''itonal men#al an' ub#ance ue 'ior'er er/ice an' #he
grea#e# po#ental for replicaton. 1he recipien# int#uton .oul' be
re@uire' #o ma#ch #he Fe'eral fun' gran#e' on a 121 bai- in cah or in?
3in'6 #he Secre#ary coul' .ai/e #hi re@uiremen# for e0#raor'inary nee'.
1he ecton au#hori4e for appropriaton M7.G78 million per year for Fical
Lear $%17 #hrough $%1=.
1hi .oul' replace #he curren# #a#u#ory au#hori#y for fun'ing no# more #han >/e
cen#er focue' on you#h uici'e pre/enton.
1he !en#er .oul'- for #he mo# par#- ha/e #he ame reponibilite a pre/iouly
re@uire' of #he >/e cen#er- bu# for all age an' no# Eu# you#h. C# .oul' be
charge' .i#h2
1. aitng in #he 'e/elopmen# or contnuaton of #a#e.i'e an' #ribal
uici'e early in#er/enton an' pre/enton #ra#egie for all age- partcularly
among group #ha# are a# high ri3 for uici'e6
$. enuring ur/eillance of uici'e early in#er/enton an' pre/enton
#ra#egie for all age- partcularly among high?ri3 group6
3. #u'ying #he co# an' e5ect/ene of #a#e.i'e an' #ribal uici'e early
in#er/enton an' pre/enton #ra#egie in or'er #o pro/i'e informaton
concerning rele/an# iue of impor#ance #o S#a#e- #ribal- an' natonal
7. i'entfying an' un'er#an'ing caue an' aocia#e' ri3 fac#or for you#h
8. analy4ing #he eAcacy of ne. an' e0itng you#h uici'e early in#er/enton
an' pre/enton #echni@ue an' #echnology6
<. enuring #he ur/eillance of uici'al beha/ior an' nonfa#al uici'al
7. #u'ying #he e5ect/ene of S#a#e?ponore' #a#e.i'e an' #ribal you#h
uici'e early in#er/enton an' pre/enton #ra#egie on #he o/erall .ellne
an' heal#h promoton #ra#egie rela#e' #o uici'e aJemp#6
=. promotng #he haring of 'a#a regar'ing uici'e .i#h Fe'eral agencie
in/ol/e' .i#h uici'e early in#er/enton an' pre/enton- an' S#a#e?ponore'
#a#e.i'e an' #ribal uici'e early in#er/enton an' pre/enton #ra#egie for
#he purpoe of i'entfying pre/iouly un3no.n men#al heal#h caue an'
aocia#e' ri3 fac#or for uici'e6 an'
G. e/aluatng an' 'ieminatng ou#come an' be# practce of men#al an'
beha/ioral heal#h er/ice a# int#uton of higher e'ucaton.
1he bill .oul' au#hori4e M7.G7= million in each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for #hi
Bouth Suici(e 8arly Inter,enton an( &re,enton Strategies
1he bill .oul' alo au#hori4e M$G.<=$ million for each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for
#he S"MHS" "'mini#ra#or #o' gran# or cooperat/e agreemen# #o #a#e-
public organi4aton or pri/a#e nonpro># 'eigna#e' by a #a#e- or Cn'ian #ribe or
#ribal organi4aton un'er an e0itng #a#u#ory program #o2
1. 'e/elop an' implemen# #a#e?ponore' Lou#h Suici'e Barly Cn#er/enton
an' :re/enton S#ra#egie in chool- Eu/enile Eutce y#em- ub#ance ue
'ior'er program- men#al heal#h program- fo#er care y#em- an' o#her
chil' an' you#h uppor# organi4aton6
$. uppor# public organi4aton an' pri/a#e nonpro># organi4aton act/ely
in/ol/e' in S#a#e?ponore' #a#e.i'e or #ribal you#h uici'e early
in#er/enton an' pre/enton #ra#egie an' in #he 'e/elopmen# an'
contnuaton of S#a#e?ponore' #a#e.i'e you#h uici'e early in#er/enton
an' pre/enton #ra#egie6
3. pro/i'e gran# #o int#uton of higher e'ucaton #o coor'ina#e #he
implemen#aton of #a#e?ponore' #a#e.i'e or #ribal you#h uici'e early
in#er/enton or pre/enton #ra#egie6
7. collec# an' analy4e 'a#a on S#a#e?ponore' #a#e.i'e or #ribal you#h
uici'e early in#er/enton an' pre/enton er/ice #ha# can be ue' #o
moni#or #he e5ect/ene of uch er/ice an' for reearch- #echnical
ai#ance- an' policy 'e/elopmen#6 an'
8. ai# eligible entte- #hrough S#a#e?ponore' #a#e.i'e or
#ribal you#h uici'e early in#er/enton an' pre/enton #ra#egie- in achie/ing
#arge# for re'ucton in you#h uici'e. (more)
Sec! .#'! Suici(e &re,enton an( Brain -esearch!
*oul' au#hori4e M7% million in each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for #he (irec#or of
9CMH #o con'uc# an' uppor#2 (1) reearch of #he 'e#erminan# of elf?'irec#e'
an' o#her /iolence aocia#e' .i#h men#al illne- inclu'ing #u'ie 'eigne' #o
re'uce #he ri3 of elf?harm- uici'e- an' in#erperonal /iolence- .i#h emphai on
rural communite .i#h a hor#age of men#al heal#h er/ice6 an' ($) #he BR"C9
Sec! .#1! /atonal *iolent )eath -eportng System!
*oul' re@uire #he (irec#or of #he !(! #o impro/e- partcularly #hrough #he
incluion of a''itonal #a#e- #he 9atonal Piolen# (ea#h Reportng Sy#em.
:artcipaton by #a#e .oul' contnue #o be /olun#ary.
Su5ttle CIChil(ren 4ith Serious 8motonal )istur5ances
Sec! ""'"! *oul' re@uire #ha#- before ma3ing a gran# #o a public ent#y
un'er #he !ompreheni/e !ommuni#y Men#al Heal#h Ser/ice for !hil'ren
.i#h Seriou Bmotonal (i#urbance program- #he "i#an# Secre#ary
conul# .i#h #he (irec#or of 9CH #o enure #he gran# recipien# .ill ue
e/i'ence?bae' practce.
Sec! ""''! *oul' re?au#hori4e for appropriaton for #he !ompreheni/e
!ommuni#y Men#al Heal#h Ser/ice for !hil'ren .i#h Seriou Bmotonal
(i#urbance program M117 million for FL$%18- M1$% million for FL$%1<-
M1$3 million for FL $%17- M1$< million for FL$%1=- an' M13% million for
Sec! '#:! Comprehensi,e Community Mental Health Ser,ices or Chil(ren 4ith
Serious 8motonal )istur5ances
*oul' re?au#hori4e !ompreheni/e !ommuni#y Men#al Heal#h Ser/ice for
!hil'ren .i#h Seriou Bmotonal (i#urbance- a# M117.318 million in FL$%18 an'
a neceary in FL $%1< #hrough $%1G (an increae in #he original $%%1
au#hori4aton of M17.318 million).
Sec! .#0! Bouth Mental Health -esearch /et4orD
*oul' au#hori4e M$8 million in each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for #he 9CMH
(irec#or #o e#ablih a Lou#h Men#al Heal#h Reearch 9e#.or3 #o con'uc# an'
uppor# bo#h rele/an# reearch an' you#h men#al heal#h in#er/enton er/ice.
1he program .oul' ha/e #o be collabora#e .i#h o#her appropria#e natonal
reearch int#u#e an' natonal cen#er focuing on act/ite in/ol/ing you#h
men#al heal#h reearch. 1he program coul' be carrie' ou# #hrough cooperat/e
agreemen#- gran#- an' con#rac# .i#h #a#e- local an' #ribal go/ernmen# an'
pri/a#e nonpro># entte uing conorta #o con'uc# baic- clinical- beha/ioral- or
#ra'itonal reearch an' #raining for reearcher. 9CMH .oul' be e0pec#e' #o
pro/i'e or par#ner .i#h non?reearch int#uton or communi#y?bae' group #o
pro/i'e you#h men#al heal#h in#er/enton er/ice. Fur#her- 9CMH .oul' be
e0pec#e' #o ma3e ue of an' buil' on cient>c >n'ing an' clinical #echni@ue
from earlier program- #u'ie- an' 'emon#raton.
1he (irec#or .oul' ha/e #o enure #ha# each recipien# of an' con'uc# or
uppor# a# lea# one ca#egory of reearch an' #ha# collect/ely all recipien#
con'uc# or uppor# all ca#egorie- an' #ha# one or more recipien# pro/i'e #raining.
1here coul' no# be more #han 7%'ee- an' uppor# coul' no# be for more
#han 8 year- .i#h an e0#enion of no# more #han 8 a''itonal year. 1he uppor#
coul' no# upplan# any e0itng public or pri/a#e uppor#- bu# .oul' ha/e #o
upplemen# e0itng uppor#.
Su5ttle )I&roKects or Chil(ren an( *iolence
Sec! ""0"! *oul' repeal au#hori#y for #he Secre#ary of B'ucaton an' #he
"Jorney Feneral #o ma3e gran#- con#rac#- or cooperat/e agreemen#
.i#h public entte #o ai# local communite in 'e/eloping .ay #o ai#
chil'ren in 'ealing .i#h /iolence.
Sec! =#"! School6Base( Mental Health &rograms!
*oul' re/ie- increae fun'ing for- an' e0pan' #he cope of #he Safe School?
Heal#hy #u'en# program #o pro/i'e acce #o more compreheni/e chool?bae'
men#al heal#h er/ice an' uppor#- increae acce #o chool?employe' men#al
heal#h profeional- pro/i'e for compreheni/e #a5 'e/elopmen# for chool an'
communi#y er/ice peronnel .or3ing in #he chool- an' pro/i'e for
compreheni/e #raining for chil'ren .i#h men#al heal#h 'ior'er- #heir paren#-
ibling- an' o#her family member- an' concerne' member of #he communi#y.
1he ecton au#hori4e M$%% million in each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for man'a#e'
program un'er .hich #he HHS Secre#ary- in collaboraton .i#h #he B'ucaton
Secre#ary an' conul#aton .i#h #he "Jorney Feneral- .oul' be re@uire' #o-
'irec#ly or #hrough <?year gran#- con#rac#- or cooperat/e agreemen#'e'
#o public entte an' local e'ucaton agencie- ai# local communite an'
chool in applying a public heal#h approach #o men#al heal#h er/ice in chool
an' #he communi#y. 1he approach .oul' ha/e #o pro/i'e compreheni/e- age?
appropria#e er/ice an' uppor#- be linguitcally an' cul#urally appropria#e-
#rauma?informe'- an' ue age?appropria#e #ra#egie of poit/e beha/ioral
in#er/enton an' uppor#.
1he Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o enure #ha# gran#- con#rac#- or cooperat/e
agreemen# are 'i#ribu#e' e@ui#ably among #he region of #he coun#ry an' among
urban an' rural area. 9o ent#y coul' recei/e more #han one'- al#hough an
ent#y pro/i'ing er/ice an' uppor# on a regional bai coul' recei/e a''itonal
1he Secre#ary .oul' be au#hori4e' #o2 (1) pro/i'e >nancial uppor# an'Tor
#echnical ai#ance #o local communite6 ($) ai#ance #o #hoe communite in
#he 'e/elopmen# of policie #o a''re chil' an' a'olecen# #rauma- men#al heal#h
iue an' /iolence6 (3) facili#a#e communi#y par#nerhip among familie-
#u'en#- la. enforcemen# agencie- e'ucaton y#em- chool?bae' heal#h
cen#er- men#al heal#h an' ub#ance ue 'ior'er er/ice y#em- family?bae'
men#al heal#h er/ice y#em- .elfare agencie- heal#h care er/ice y#em
(inclu'ing phyician)- fai#h?bae' program- #rauma ne#.or3- an' o#her
communi#y?bae' y#em6 an' (7) e#ablih mechanim for chil'ren an'
a'olecen# #o repor# inci'en# of /iolence or plan by o#her chil'ren- a'olecen#-
or a'ul# #o commi# /iolence.
1o be eligible for a gran#- con#rac#- or cooperat/e agreemen#- an applican# .oul'
ha/e #o be a par#nerhip be#.een an ;B" an' a# lea# one communi#y program or
agency in/ol/e' in men#al heal#h. 1he ;B" .oul' be re@uire' #o en#er in#o an
M), .i#h a# lea# one public or pri/a#e men#al heal#h ent#y- heal#h care ent#y-
la. enforcemen# or Eu/enile Eutce ent#y- chil' .elfare agency- family?bae'
men#al heal#h ent#y- family or family organi4aton- #rauma ne#.or3- or o#her
communi#y?bae' ent#y. 1he M), .oul' ha/e #o #a#e ho. chool?employe'
men#al heal#h profeional .oul' be utli4e'- an' #he reponibilite an' in?3in'
or non?Fe'eral cah con#ributon of each par#ner #o #he e5or#.
Cn'i/i'ual gran# coul' no# e0cee' M1 million for each of gran# year FL $%18
#hrough $%1G. " gran#ee coul' no# ue more #han 1% percen# of gran# monie #o
carry ou# re@uire' e/aluaton act/ite.
School?bae' program coul' a''re (1) #he promoton of #he ocial emotonal
an' beha/ioral heal#h of all #u'en# in an en/ironmen# con'uct/e #o learning6 ($)
#he re'ucton in #he li3elihoo' of a#?ri3 #u'en# 'e/eloping ocial- emotonal or
beha/ioral heal#h problem or ub#ance ue 'ior'er6 (3) early i'ent>caton an'
early in#er/enton6 (7) #rea#men# an' referral6 an' (8) #he 'e/elopmen# an'
implemen#aton of program #o ai# chil'ren in 'ealing .i#h #rauma an' /iolence.
:rogram .oul' be re@uire' #o pro/i'e for in?er/ice #raining of all chool
peronnel- inclu'ing ancillary #a5 an' /olun#eer- a .ell a paren#- ibling- an'
family member of chil'ren .i#h men#al heal#h 'ior'er an' concerne' member
of #he communi#y in2
1. #he #echni@ue an' uppor# nee'e' #o i'entfy early chil'ren .i#h
#rauma hi#orie an' chil'ren .i#h- or a# ri3 of- men#al illne6
$. #he ue of referral mechanim #ha# e5ect/ely lin3 uch chil'ren
#o appropria#e #rea#men# an' in#er/enton er/ice in #he chool an' in #he
communi#y an' #o follo.?up .hen er/ice are no# a/ailable6 an'
3. #ra#egie #ha# promo#e a chool?.i'e poit/e en/ironmen#.
1raining for chool peronnel .oul' alo ha/e #o inclu'e #ra#egie for promotng
#he ocial- emotonal- men#al- an' beha/ioral heal#h of all chil'ren- an' #ra#egie
for increaing 3no.le'ge an' 3ill of chool an' communi#y lea'er abou# #he
impac# of #rauma an' /iolence an' on #he applicaton of a public heal#h approach
#o compreheni/e chool?bae' men#al heal#h program.
1he ;B" .oul' be re@uire' #o enure #he u#ainabili#y of #he program aHer
Fe'eral fun'ing en'- an' #he program .oul' ha/e #o be bae' on #rauma?
informe' an' e/i'ence?bae' practce. 1he program .oul' be re@uire' #o
inclu'e a broa' nee' aemen# of you#h .ho 'rop ou# of chool 'ue #o 4ero
#olerance policie an' an inabili#y #o ob#ain appropria#e er/ice. Men#al heal#h
er/ice .oul' ha/e #o be pro/i'e' by @uali>e' men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h
profeional- cert>e' or licene' in #he #a#e in/ol/e' an' practcing .i#hin #heir
area of e0perte.
Sec! =#'! Impro,ing Mental Health an( Beha,ioral Health Outcomes on College
*oul' au#hori4e um in an un'e#ermine' amoun#- a neceary for FL $%18
#hrough $%1G- #o increae acce #o men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h er/ice on
college an' uni/erite- fo#er an' impro/e #he pre/enton of men#al heal#h an'
beha/ioral heal#h 'ior'er an' #he promoton of men#al heal#h- impro/e
i'ent>caton an' #rea#men# for a#?ri3 #u'en#- impro/e collaboraton an' #he
'e/elopmen# of appropria#e le/el of men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h care- re'uce
#he tgma for #u'en# .i#h men#al heal#h 'ior'er- an' impro/e ou#reach.
1he S"MHS" "'mini#ra#or- in collaboraton .i#h #he B'ucaton Secre#ary- .oul'
be re@uire' #o' 3?year compett/e gran# #o int#uton of higher e'ucaton
#o impro/e men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h er/ice an' ou#reach on college an'
uni/eri#y campue #hrough #he ue of fun'ing upplemen#al #o #ha# alrea'y in
place. 1he "'mini#ra#or .oul' be re@uire' #o gi/e pecial coni'eraton #o
program #ha#2 (1) 'emon#ra#e #he grea#e# nee' for ne. or a''itonal men#al
an' beha/ioral heal#h er/ice- bae' on #he rato of #u'en# #o men#al an'
beha/ioral heal#h profeional6 ($) #arge# #ra'itonally un'erer/e' populaton
an' populaton mo# a# ri36 (3) propoe #o e0pan' er/ice uing e/i'ence?bae'
practce6 (7) 'emon#ra#e an a.arene of an' .illingne #o coor'ina#e .i#h a
communi#y men#al heal#h cen#er or o#her communi#y men#al heal#h reource #o
uppor# creening an' referral of #u'en# re@uiring in#eni/e er/ice6 (8) i'entfy
ho. #o a''re pychia#ric emergencie- inclu'ing ho. informaton i #o be
communica#e' #o familie6 an' (<) 'emon#ra#e #he grea#e# po#ental for
replicaton an' 'ieminaton.
Fran# coul' be ue' #o pro/i'e er/ice- pro/i'e #u'en# ou#reach- e'uca#e an'
increae a.arene of men#al heal#h iue- employ #raine' #a5- #rain #u'en# an'
facul#y on repone #echni@ue- e0pan' men#al heal#h #raining- 'e/elop an'
uppor# e/i'ence?bae' an' emerging be# practce- an' e/alua#e an'
'iemina#e be# practce #o o#her college an' uni/erite. 1hey coul' alo be
ue' #o uppor# #u'en# group on campu #ha# e'uca#e- .or3 #o re'uce tgma-
an' promo#e men#al heal#h .ellne.
1he S"MHS" "'mini#ra#or .oul' be re@uire' un'er #hi ecton #o collabora#e
.i#h #he !(! (irec#or in con/ening an in#eragency- public?pri/a#e ec#or .or3ing
group #o plan- e#ablih- an' coor'ina#e a #arge#e' public e'ucaton campaign
'eigne' #o focu on men#al an' beha/ioral heal#h on college campue. 1he
campaign .oul' be e0pec#e' #o impro/e #he general un'er#an'ing of men#al
heal#h an' men#al heal#h 'ior'er- encourage help?ee3ing beha/ior- promo#e
pre/enton an' #rea#men#- ma3e #he connecton be#.een men#al an' beha/ioral
heal#h an' aca'emic ucce- an' ai# #he general public in i'entfying early
.arning ign an' re'ucing #he tgma of men#al illne.
1he bill .oul' au#hori4e uch uni'ent>e' um a neceary for each of FL $%18
#hrough $%1G.
Sec! '#0 (contL() Mental Health an( Su5stance ;se )isor(er Ser,ices
*oul' amen' #he e0itng #a#u#ory au#hori#y for S"MHS" gran# for men#al an'
beha/ioral heal#h er/ice on campu- changing #he name of #he ecton of la. #o
reVec# men#al heal#h an' ub#ance ue 'ior'er er/ice on campu an' changing
#he purpoe #o .hich #hoe gran# can be pu#. Cn a''iton #o #he curren# au#hori#y
for operatng ho#line- preparing informatonal ma#erial- an' pro/i'ing #raining
for #u'en#- facul#y an' #a5 #o repon' e5ect/ely #o #u'en# .i#h men#al heal#h
an' ub#ance ue 'ior'er- gran# coul' alo be ue' for2
1. e'ucatng #u'en#- familie- facul#y- an' #a5 #o increae a.arene of
men#al heal#h an' ub#ance ue 'ior'er6
$. pro/i'ing ou#reach er/ice #o notfy #u'en# abou# a/ailable men#al
heal#h an' ub#ance ue 'ior'er er/ice6
3. a'mini#ering /olun#ary men#al heal#h an' ub#ance ue 'ior'er
creening an' aemen#6 an'
7. creatng a ne#.or3 infra#ruc#ure #o lin3 college an' uni/erite .i#h
heal#h care pro/i'er .ho #rea# men#al heal#h an' ub#ance ue.
1he e0itng au#hori#y i alo amen'e' #o re@uire applican# int#uton #o i'entfy
.here i# migh# er/e /e#eran .hene/er poible an' appropria#e. Cn i'entfying
curren# reource a/ailable #o a''re #he nee' of #u'en#- #he int#uton may
inclu'e a plan #o ee3 inpu# from rele/an# #a3ehol'er in #he communi#y-
inclu'ing appropria#e public an' pri/a#e entte. .his later language may be
misplaced in the bill. (t is more li/ely that the inclusion o0 sta/eholders is
intended to supplement e1istng language re2uiring the applicaton to include a
descripton o0 outreach strategies 0or promotng access to ser*ices.
1he bill .oul' inclu'e au#hori4aton for #hee er/ice a# M7.=8= million for FL
$%18 #hrough $%1G- .hich i abou# M17$-%%% le annually #han #he original #a#u#e
Sec! ""0'! *oul' reau#hori4e #he 9atonal !hil' 1raumatc S#re 9e#.or3-
au#hori4ing M8% million annually in FL$%17 #hrough FL$%17 for
Su5ttle 8I&rotecton an( A(,ocacy or In(i,i(uals 4ith Mental Illness
Sec! ""0' (contL()! *oul' alo re'uce fun'ing for #he :ro#ecton an'
"'/ocacy for Cn'i/i'ual .i#h Men#al Cllne #o M8 million annually for each
of #hoe Fical Lear.
Sec! ""1"! *oul' prohibi# lobbying a# #he Fe'eral- #a#e or local le/el by
y#em acceptng Fe'eral fun' #o pro#ec# an' a'/oca#e #he righ# of
in'i/i'ual .i#h men#al illne un'er #he :ro#ecton an' "'/ocacy for
Cn'i/i'ual .i#h Men#al Cllne "c#. 1hi ecton .oul' alo prohibi# uch
y#em from uing fun'ing #o engage in y#emic la.ui#- or #o in/etga#e
an' ee3 legal reme'ie o#her #han in in'i/i'ual cae of abue or neglec#.
Finally- #he ecton .oul' prohibi# a y#em from couneling an in'i/i'ual
.i#h an SMC .ho lac3 inigh# in#o hi or her con'iton on refuing me'ical
#rea#men# or actng again# #he .ihe of hi or her caregi/er.
Sec! '#?! &rotecton an( A(,ocacy or In(i,i(uals 4ith Mental Illness
*oul' reau#hori4e :ro#ecton an' "'/ocacy for Cn'i/i'ual .i#h Men#al Cllne- a#
M3<.$3= million for FL $%18 an' a neceary for FL $%1< #hrough $%1G (an
increae in #he original 1GG$ au#hori4aton of M1<.73= million).
Su5ttle FI@imitatons on Authority
Sec! ""."! *oul' prohibi# S"MHS" from hotng or ponoring any
conference no# primarily a'mini#ere' by i#elf .i#hou# a# lea# G% 'ayK
prior notce #o #he Houe Bnergy an' !ommerce an' Sena#e HB;:
commiJee. 1hi ecton .oul' alo prohibi# S"MHS" from pro/i'ing
>nancial ai#ance for any men#al heal#h or ub#ance ue 'iagnoi or
#rea#men# program #ha# 'oe no# rely on e/i'ence?bae' practce.
Sec! "".'! *oul' prohibi# S"MHS" from e#ablihing an' #he Secre#ary
from 'elegatng #o S"MHS" reponibili#y for any program or proEec# no#
e0plici#ly au#hori4e' or re@uire' by #a#u#e. By #he en' of FL$%17- all
program an' proEec# no# #a#u#orily au#hori4e' .oul' ha/e #o be
#ermina#e'- .i#h a repor# #o !ongre 'ue by Iuly 31- $%17 i'entfying each
program- proEec#- or act/i#y #o be #ermina#e'. 1he repor# .oul' be
re@uire' #o recommen' any program .hich houl' be re#aine' bae' on
public heal#h 'a#a- uch a re'uce' mor#ali#y ra#e an' hopi#ali4aton
.i#hin #he communi#y for in'i/i'ual .i#h an SMC- pro/ing #he program ha
ha' a 'emon#rable public heal#h bene># an' epi'emiological impac#.
Sec! '"#! Mental Health A4areness Training Erants!
*oul' e0pan' .ho coul' recei/e #raining un'er #he Men#al Heal#h ".arene
1raining Fran# #o inclu'e- in a''iton #o emergency er/ice peronnel an' o#her
>r# repon'er2
1. :olice oAcer an' o#her la. enforcemen# peronnel6
$. 1eacher an' chool a'mini#ra#or6
3. Human reource profeional6
7. Fai#h communi#y lea'er6
8. 9ure an' o#her primary care peronnel6
<. S#u'en# enrolle' in elemen#ary or econ'ary chool or an int#uton of
higher e'ucaton an' #heir paren#6
7. Pe#eran6 an'
=. )#her in'i/i'ual- au'ience- or #raining populaton.
1he bill .oul' re@uire #he #raining #o be in e/i'ence?bae' program- Men#al
Heal#h Fir# "i'- an' o#her men#al heal#h e'ucaton an' li#eracy program. 1he bill
.oul' repurpoe #he program #o re@uire #ha# #he #raining inclu'e
recogni4ing #he ign an' ymp#om of men#al illne an' pro/i'ing e'ucaton #o
peronnel regar'ing a/ailable communi#y reource or #he afe 'e?ecalaton of
crii i#uaton.
1he ecton .oul' reau#hori4e #he program a# M$% million for each of FL $%17
#hrough $%1= (M8 million le #han #he original $%%1 au#hori4aton). .his is li/ely a
dra3ing error4 the 5iscal 6ears li/ely should be 2,'- through 2,'7.
Sec! '"'! A4ar(s or Co6@ocatng Mental Health Ser,ices in &rimary Care SeMngs
*oul' re@uire #he S"MHS" "'mini#ra#or an' #he Heal#h Reource an' Ser/ice
"'mini#raton (HRS") "'mini#ra#or #o' gran#- con#rac#- an' cooperat/e
agreemen# #o public or nonpro># entte for #he pro/iion of coor'ina#e' an'
in#egra#e' men#al heal#h er/ice an' primary care. ".ar' coul' be ue' for co?
locaton- care managemen# er/ice #o facili#a#e coor'inaton of men#al heal#h an'
primary care pro/i'er- informaton #echnology #o facili#a#e coor'inaton be#.een
pro/i'er or e0pan' #he a/ailabili#y of men#al heal#h er/ice- or #raining an'
#echnical ai#ance #o impro/e 'eli/ery- e5ect/ene- an' in#egraton.
1he bill .oul' au#hori4e uch um a may be neceary& for FL $%18 #hrough
Similarly- Sec! '"= .oul' re?au#hori4e' or co6locatng primary an(
specialty care in community65ase( mental an( 5eha,ioral health seMngs- a# an
un'e#ermine' amoun# in FL $%18 an' a neceary in FL $%1< #hrough $%1G.
Sec! '"0! Eeriatric Mental Health )isor(ers!
*oul' au#hori4e #he HHS Secre#ary #o pro/i'e #echnical ai#ance #o gran#ee for
e/i'ence?bae' practce for pre/enton an' #rea#men# of geria#ric men#al heal#h
'ior'er- a .ell a 'iemina#e informaton abou# uch practce #o #a#e an'
Sec! '"1! Assessing Barriers to Beha,ioral Health Integraton!
*oul' man'a#e #ha# #he F") ubmi# a repor# #o !ongre on Fe'eral
re@uiremen# #ha# impac# acce #o #rea#men# of men#al heal#h an' ub#ance ue
'ior'er in an in#egra#e' eDng- inclu'ing a'mini#rat/e an' regula#ory iue-
@uali#y meauremen# an' accoun#abili#y- an' 'a#a?haring.
1he repor# .oul' ha/e #o inclu'e an e/aluaton of #he a'mini#rat/e or regula#ory
bur'en on beha/ioral heal#h care pro/i'er- #he i'ent>caton of rele/an# ou#come
an' @uali#y meaure an' an e/aluaton of #he 'a#a collecton bur'en on pro/i'er-
an' al#ernat/e me#ho' for e/aluaton. Cn a''iton- #he repor# .oul' be re@uire'
#o inclu'e an analyi of #he 'egree #o .hich elec#ronic 'a#a #an'ar'- inclu'ing
in#eroperabili#y an' meaningful ue #an'ar'- inclu'e beha/ioral heal#h
meaure- an' an analyi of #ra#egie #o a''re barrier #o partcipaton in #he
Heal#h Cnformaton B0change. Finally- #he repor# .oul' be re@uire' #o e/alua#e
#he 'egree #o .hich Fe'eral regulaton for beha/ioral an' phyical heal#h care are
aligne' an' #o ma3e recommen'aton for a''reing i'ent>e' barrier #o
Sec! '".! Acute Care Be( -egistry Erants or States!
*oul' au#hori4e #he S"MHS" "'mini#ra#or #o' gran# #o #a#e men#al
heal#h agencie for 'e/eloping an' a'mini#ering a .eb?bae' acu#e pychia#ric be
regi#ry for a/ailable acu#e be' in public an' pri/a#e inpaten# pychia#ric facilite
an' public an' pri/a#e rei'ental crii #abili4aton uni#- in or'er #o facili#a#e #he
#emporary #rea#men# of in'i/i'ual in pychia#ric crii. 1he real?tme regi#ry
.oul' ha/e #o permi# employee an' 'eignee of communi#y men#al heal#h
er/ice pro/i'er- employee of in?paten# pychia#ric facilite or public an'
pri/a#e rei'ental crii #abili4aton uni#- an' heal#h care pro/i'er .or3ing in an
emergency room of a hopi#al or clinic or o#her facili#y ren'ering emergency
me'ical care #o perform earche of #he regi#ry #o i'entfy a/ailable be' #ha# are
appropria#e for #he #rea#men# of in'i/i'ual in pychia#ric crii.
Sec! '":! Erants or the BeneJt o Homeless In(i,i(uals!
*oul' reau#hori4e #he Fran# for #he Bene># of Homele Cn'i/i'ual program a#
an un'e#ermine' amoun# in FL $%18 an' a neceary in FL $%1< #hrough $%1G.
(1he program .a originally au#hori4e' in $%%1 a# M8% million.)
Title I* + )e,eloping the Beha,ioral Health $orDorce
Sec! 1#" + /atonal Health Ser,ice Corps Scholarship an( @oan -epayment
Fun(ing or Beha,ioral an( Mental Health &roessionals!
*oul' au#hori4e amoun# a neceary for FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for cholarhip
an' loan paymen# for enuring an a'e@ua#e upply of beha/ioral an' men#al
heal#h profeional.
Sec! 1#'! -eauthori<aton o H-SALs Mental an( Beha,ioral Health 8(ucaton an(
Training &rogram!
*oul' reau#hori4e amoun# a neceary for FL $%18 #hrough $%1G.
Sec! 1#0! SAMHSA Erant &rogram or )e,elopment an( Implementaton o
Curricula or Contnuing 8(ucaton on Serious Mental Illness!
*oul' au#hori4e- in un'e#ermine' amoun# a neceary for FL $%18 #hrough
$%1G- #he HHS Secre#ary (preumably #hrough S"MHS") #o' gran# #o public
or nonpro># entte #ha# pro/i'e contnuing e'ucaton or #raining #o heal#h care
profeional or #ha# par#ner .i#h uch entte #o pro/i'e contnuing e'ucaton
an' #raining on i'entfying- referring- an' #reatng in'i/i'ual .i#h SMC. 1he
Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o gi/e preference in'ing gran# #o entte
propoing #o 'e/elop an' implemen# curricula for heal#h care profeional in
primary care pecialte or heal#h care profeional re@uire' a a con'iton of
#a#e licenure #o partcipa#e in e'ucaton or #raining peci>c #o men#al heal#h.
Sec! 1#1! )emonstraton Erant &rogram to -ecruitN TrainN )eployN an(
&roessionally Support &sychiatric &hysicians in In(ian Health &rograms!
*oul' au#hori4e M1 million for each of FL $%18 #hrough $%1G for a 8?year gran#-
ma'e by #he HHS Secre#ary in conul#aton .i#h #he (irec#or of HCS- #o 1 ent#y #o
crea#e a natonally replicable .or3force mo'el for recruitng- #raining- 'eploying-
an' profeionally upportng 9at/e "merican an' non?9at/e "merican
pychia#ric phyician- .ho .oul' be fully in#egra#e' in#o me'ical- men#al- an'
beha/ioral heal#h y#em in #he Cn'ian heal#h program. 1he gran#ee .oul' alo be
e0pec#e' #o2
1. recrui# #o partcipa#e 9at/e "merican an' non?9at/e "merican
pychia#ric phyician .ho 'emon#ra#e in#ere# in pro/i'ing pecial#y
heal#h care er/ice an' primary care er/ice #o "merican Cn'ian an'
"la3a 9at/e6
$. pro/i'e #hoe pychia#ric phyician partcipatng in #he :rogram .i#h no#
more #han 1 year of upplemen#al clinical an' cul#ural compe#ency
3. 'eploy #hem #o practce pecial#y care or primary care for Cn'ian heal#h
program for no# le #han $ year an' profeionally uppor# #hem for
#ha# perio'- .i#h uch uppor# inclu'ing #he 'ieminaton or haring of
be# practce- >el' #raining- an' o#her appropria#e act/ite6 an'
7. no# la#er #han 1 year aHer #he la# 'ay of #he 8?year pilo# ubmi# #o #he
Secre#ary an' !ongre a repor# on #he mo'el- #ra#egie for
'ieminatng #he mo'el- an' o#her recommen'aton for upportng an
e5ect/e an' #able pychia#ric an' men#al heal#h .or3force er/ing
"merican Cn'ian an' "la3a 9at/e.
1o be eligible for #he gran#- an ent#y .oul' ha/e #o be an accre'i#e' 'epar#men#
of pychia#ry .i#hin a ,.S. me'ical chool or a public or pri/a#e nonpro># ent#y
aAlia#e' .i#h an accre'i#e' me'ical chool #ha# ha a relatonhip .i#h Cn'ian
heal#h program in a# lea# #.o #a#e .i#h a 'emon#ra#e' nee' for pychia#ric
phyician. Bligible entte .oul' ha/e #o pro/i'e aurance #ha# #he gran# .oul'
be ue' #o er/e rural an' non?rural "merican Cn'ian an' "la3a 9at/e
populaton in a# lea# #.o #a#e 8one o0 which presumably would ha*e to be
1he Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o gi/e priori#y #o an ent#y #ha# 'emon#ra#e
uAcien# infra#ruc#ure in i4e- cope- an' capaci#y #o un'er#a3e #he clinical an'
cul#ural compe#ency #raining of a# lea# 8 pychia#ric phyician- an' #o pro/i'e
ongoing profeional uppor# #o pychia#ric phyician. 1he ent#y .oul' alo ha/e
#o 'emon#ra#e a recor' in uccefully recruitng- #raining- an' 'eploying
phyician .ho are "merican Cn'ian an' "la3a 9at/e- a .ell a #he abili#y #o
e#ablih a program a'/iory boar' primarily compoe' of repreen#at/e of
fe'erally recogni4e' #ribe- "la3a 9at/e- an' Cn'ian heal#h program.
1o be eligible #o partcipa#e in #he program- a pychia#ric phyician .oul' ha/e #o
be a me'ical 'oc#or or 'oc#or of o#eopa#hy .ho i enrolle' in or ha comple#e'
an accre'i#e' 7?year pychia#ric rei'ency #raining an' i licene' or eligible for
licenure #o practce in #he #a#e in .hich he or he i #o be 'eploye'. He or he
mu# 'emon#ra#e a commi#men# beyon' #he 1year of #raining an' $ year of
'eploymen# #o a career a a pecial#y care phyician or primary care phyician
pro/i'ing men#al heal#h er/ice in Cn'ian heal#h program. 1he gran# recipien#
.oul' be re@uire' #o gi/e preference in electon #o phyician .ho are "merican
Cn'ian an' "la3a 9at/e.
:artcipatng phyician .oul' be 'eeme' eligible #o partcipa#e in #he Cn'ian
Heal#h Ser/ice ;oan Repaymen# program- .i#h #he Secre#ary paying on behalf of
#he phyician for each year of 'eploymen# up #o M38-%%% for loan. " phyicianK
re@uire' er/ice in #he 9atonal Heal#h Ser/ice !orp Ser/ice :rogram .oul' be
po#pone' untl 3% 'ay aHer completon of hi or her partcipaton in #he pilo#.
Sec! 1#.! Inclu(ing Occupatonal Therapists as Beha,ioral an( Mental Health
&roessionals or &urposes o the /atonal Health Ser,ice Corps!
" #a#e' in #he t#le.
Sec! 1#=! 8Atension o Certain Health Care $orDorce @oan -epayment &rograms
Through Fiscal Bear '#"?!
*oul' reau#hori4e #he *or3force ;oan Repaymen# :rogram for :e'ia#ric Heal#h
!are #hrough FL $%1G.
Title IH + Ser,ice Mem5ers an( *eterans Mental Health
Sec! ?#"! &reliminary Mental Health Assessments!
*oul' incorpora#e #he pro/iion of #he Me'ical B/aluaton :ari#y for Ser/ice
Member "c# for $%17 (MB:S)- for .hich 9"SMH:( ha en# a leJer of uppor#.
*oul' re@uire #ha# before any in'i/i'ual enli# or i commiione' a an oAce- he
or he .oul' ha/e #o un'ergo a men#al heal#h aemen#- .hich .oul' be ue'
a a baeline for ube@uen# men#al heal#h e0aminaton. 1he reul# of an
aemen# coul' no# be ue' #o 'e#ermine aignmen# or promoton- an' i#
.oul' be #rea#e' .i#h #he ame pri/acy pro#ecton a #he me'ical recor' of a
member of #he "rme' Force. 9o# la#er #han 1G% 'ay aHer enac#men# of #he bill-
#he (efene Secre#ary .oul' be re@uire' #o ubmi# #o !ongre a repor# .i#h
recommen'aton on ho. #o bring #he preliminary creening in#o pari#y .i#h
phyical creening- a .ell a recommen'aton on #he compoiton of #he men#al
heal#h aemen#- be# practce- an' ho. #o #rac3 aemen# change relatng
#o 1BC- :1S(- an' o#her con'iton.
Sec! ?#'! ;nlimite( eligi5ility or Health Care or Mental Illnesses or *eterans o
Com5at Ser,ice )uring Certain &erio(s o Hostlites an( $ar!
*oul' re@uire #ha# all /e#eran .ho er/e' in act/e 'u#y 'uring any perio' of .ar
or in comba# again# a hotle force 'uring a perio' of hotlite be eligible for
hopi#al care- me'ical er/ice- an' nuring home care for any men#al illne- e/en
if #here i inuAcien# me'ical e/i'ence #o conclu'e #he illne i aJribu#able #o #he
Sec! ?#0! Timeline or Implementng Integrate( 8lectronic Health -ecor(s!
*oul' re@uire #he Secre#arie of (efene an' Pe#eran "5air #o crea#e a heal#h
'a#a au#hori#at/e ource no# la#er #han 1=% 'ay aHer enac#men# of #he bill- an'
#o enure #ha# paten# of bo#h 'epar#men# are able #o 'o.nloa' me'ical recor'
.i#hin 3<8 'ay of #he billK enac#men#. 1hey .oul' alo be re@uire' #o enure #he
eamle in#egraton of peronal heal#h care informaton be#.een #he #.o
'epar#men# an' #he #an'ar'i4aton an' e0change acceleraton of heal#h care
'a#a be#.een #he #.o 'epar#men# .i#hin 3<8 'ay. 1he ame 3<8?'ay 'ea'line
.oul' apply #o an upgra'e of #he graphical uer in#erface #o 'iplay #he ne.
#an'ar'i4e' heal#h care 'a#a of #he 'epar#men#. Bach incoming member of #he
"rme' Force an' hi or her 'epen'en# .oul' ha/e #o be able #o recei/e an
elec#ronic copy of hi or her heal#h care recor' no# la#er #han )c#ober 1 of #hi
year- an' each curren# member an' hi or her 'epen'en# .oul' ha/e #o be able #o
recei/e hi or her heal#h care recor' no# la#er #han )c#ober 1- $%18.
1he #.o Secre#arie .oul' alo be re@uire' #o #u'y #he feaibili#y of a ecure-
remo#e- ne#.or3?acceible clou' #orage y#em for member- .hich .oul'
enable "rme' Force member an' /e#eran #o uploa' heal#h care recor' an'
allo. me'ical pro/i'er #he abili#y #o acce #hoe recor' .hen pro/i'ing care.
Sec! ?#1! &ilot &rogram or -epayment o 8(ucatonal @oans or Certain *HA
*oul' re@uire #he P" Secre#ary #o implemen# a 3?year pilo# program- for no
#han 1% in'i/i'ual- un'er .hich #he P" .oul' repay un'ergra'ua#e chool loan
ue' by licene' or licene?eligible P" or PH" pychia#ri# #o become 'oc#or of
me'icine or o#eopa#hy. "n in'i/i'ual .hoe loan i #o be repai' .oul' ha/e #o be
enrolle' in #he >nal year of a rei'ency program for an accre'i#e' pecial#y
@uali>caton in pychia#ric me'icine an' 'emon#ra#e a commi#men# #o a long?
#erm career a a PH" pychia#ri#. 1he Secre#ary coul' re@uire a e# number of
year of obliga#e' er/ice. 9o in'i/i'ual partcipatng in any o#her Fe'eral chool
loan repaymen# program coul' partcipa#e in #he pilo#. "n in'i/i'ual .ho fail #o
honor hi or her commi#men# .oul' be liable for a porton of #he loan repaymen#-
'e#ermine' by #he proporton of 'ay er/e'- 'ue .i#hin one year.
P" ;oan repaymen# coul' coni# of #he paymen# of principal- in#ere#- or rela#e'
e0pene for any e'ucatonal e0peneQinclu'ing #uiton- fee- boo3- an'
labora#ory e0peneQno# e0cee'ing M<%-%%% for each in'i/i'ual.
1he P" Secre#ary .oul' ha/e #o repor# #o !ongre .i#hin G% 'ay of #he
#erminaton of #he program on #he o/erall e5ec# of #he pilo# on #he PH" pychia#ric
.or3force hor#age- #he long?#erm #abili#y of #he .or3force- an' o/erall PH"
.or3force #ra#egie 'eigne' #o promo#e phyical an' men#al reiliency of
1he F") .oul' be re@uire'- .i#hin 1 year of enac#men# of #he legilaton- #o
con'uc# a #u'y of pay 'iparite among PH" pychia#ri# #ha# inclu'e an
e0aminaton of la.- regulaton- practce- an' policie #ha# con#ribu#e #o
'ipariteQinclu'ing alary Ve0ibiliteQ.i#h recommen'aton for legilat/e or
regula#ory acton #o impro/e e@ui#y. 1he F") repor# .oul' be 'ue .i#hin 1 year
aHer #he 'a#e #he #u'y i comple#e'.
Title H + MaDing &arity $orD
Sec! 0#:! Complete Applicaton o Mental Health &arity -ules ;n(er Me(icai(
an( CHI&!
*oul' re@uire #he HHS Secre#ary #o iue a >nal regulaton no# la#er #han Ianuary
1- $%18 re@uiring Me'icai' M!)- benchmar3 bene># pac3age- benchmar3
e@ui/alen# co/erage- an' #a#e !HC: plan #o comply .i#h men#al heal#h pari#y
Sec! "##"! EAO Stu(y on Mental Health an( Su5stance ;se )isor(er &arity
8norcement 8Oorts!
*oul' re@uire- no# la#er #han 1 year aHer enac#men# of #he legilaton- #he F")-
in conul#aton .i#h #he Secre#arie of HHS an' ();- #o repor# #o !ongre on
pari#y enforcemen# e5or#- inclu'ing #he number of in/etgaton con'uc#e' an'
#he 'e?i'ent>e' 'e#ail of in/etgaton or enforcemen# acton.
Sec! "##'! -eport to Congress on Fe(eral Assistance to State Insurance
-egulators -egar(ing Mental Health &arity 8norcement!
*oul' re@uire- no# la#er #han 1 year aHer enac#men#- #he HHS Secre#ary #o
ubmi# a repor# #o !ongre 'e#ailing #he .ay in .hich #a#e go/ernmen# an'
#a#e inurance regula#or are empo.ere' or re@uire' #o enforce pari#y- #heir
abili#y #o carry ou# enforcemen#- an' any #echnical ai#ance communica#e' by
HHS #o #he #a#e.
Sec! "##0! Annual -eport to Congress 5y Secretaries o @a5or an( HHS!
*oul' re@uire #he Secre#ary of ;abor- in coor'inaton .i#h #he HHS Secre#ary- #o
repor# no# la#er #han 1 year aHer enac#men# an' annually #hereaHer on #he
acton #a3en by #he Fe'eral go/ernmen# an' #he #a#e #o enure compliance
.i#h pari#y- a collecton an' clai>caton of in@uirie an' complain#- a repor# of
all 'e?i'ent>e' Fe'eral an' #a#e enforcemen# acton- an' a compliance gui'e
#ha# inclu'e 'e#aile' #o rele/an# @ueton raie' 'uring #he pre/iou
year an' peci>c gui'eline pro/i'ing clear in#erpre#aton of #he pari#y la. an'

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