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Dear America,

Thank you for keeping the land within our borders safe. Thank you for allowing the American
people to live peacefully. Thank you for making American civilians feel safe knowing that they
don't need to live in fear from constant daily bombings and whizzing bullets.Thank you for
allowing the American people the ability to walk down the street to the local store and buy
anything we could ever want to fulfill our needs.
" You're gutting the Constitution. " (pg. 512)
The U.S Constitution was created, adopted, and fully implemented during 1787 - 1789. The men
involved in the Constitutional Convention could not predict everything that would occur in the
future. These men all had one common vision for America as a country. This vision was to create
an Imperialistic America. The furthest predicament that they foreseen was the battle between two
economies: industrial vs agrarian. These elitists were able to agree and create a basic foundation
or guideline for which the federal government can rely on, while assuming the power belongs to
the people. The U.S. Constitution is meant to be revised, changed, edited multiple times as much
as needed to deem fit for the modern world.
" You had a way of thinking that the things of Caesar were the same as the things of God: that
gave you self-confidence." (pg. 511)
" We're like Romanized Gauls -- look like Romans, dress like Romans, but aren't Romans --
peering over the wall at the real Romans. " (pg. 511)
There is a connection and resemblance between the United States, the Romans, and the Greeks.
Margaret Atwood mentions Imperialistic figures: Caesar and the Romans. The Romans and the
Greeks practiced and implemented democracy to their society. Both were imperialistic.
" You're torching the American economy. How soon before the answer to that will be, not to
produce anything yourselves, but to grab stuff other people produce, at gunboat-diplomacy
prices?" (pg. 512)
The United States economy is based on capitalism. What does this mean? It means the United
States economy blindly supports racism. Capitalism breeds racism. Capitalism is the practice of
high profit margins and low production cost. People with a capitalist mindset will do anything to
maximize their profits by lowering their costs of production as much as possible at all expenses.
Capitalism exploits people from different areas, countries, ethnic background, and culture
throughout history. Immigrants flooded the United States at any given opportunity throughout
history. All of these immigrants have experienced racism, hate, and discrimination. When these
immigrants were essentially realized as a threat to the capitalist ideologies in America, the
federal government passed laws to restrict the large flood of specific immigrants from coming in.
" Already your home can be entered without your knowledge or permission, you can be snatched
away and incarcerated without cause, your mail can be spied on, your private records searched. "
(pg. 512)

We, the American people, have given up our right to privacy when the Patriot Act was signed
and implemented. We, the American people, have given up our right to privacy when we allowed
social media to control and rule our lives. We, the American people, are ruled by today's social
trends, materialism, and celebrities.
" You're running up a record level of debt. Keep spending at this rate and pretty soon you won't
be able to afford any big military adventures. Either that or you'll go the way of the USSR: lots
of tanks, but no air conditioning." (pg. 512)
The USSR made an attempt to pursue and destroy "terrorist" , "Al Qaeda", "extreme jihadists"
groups in the middle east. These groups considered as "terrorists" bled the USSR military dry of
money and funding to support their military adventures. In the span of 10 plus years in the
Middle East, the U.S is bleeding of money wasted on the Middle East.
" If you proceed much further down the slippery slope, people around the world will stop
admiring the good things about you. They'll decide that your city upon the hill is a slum and your
democracy is a sham, and therefore you have no business trying to impose your sullied vision on
them. They'll think you've abandoned the rule of law."
Americans have defined themselves to be "exceptional". America, as a country, was tested on
their ideology of "exceptionalism" during the Edward Snowden scenario in 2013. The countries
that Snowden seeked refuged in stood up to the United States and refused to turn over Snowden.
This challenged the authority and ideology of America's exceptionalism. There are people from
different countries who do not like the American way, ideologies, the people. Their perspective
of who Americans are as a country is seen negatively. America, as a nation, does forcefully
attempt to impose their visions to others.
The elitists of America have created illusions. Illusions that cannot be perceived with an open
eye. It can only be perceived with a blind eye. The elitists claim that we, as a nation, have
justified our presence in other countries (specifically third-world countries) by promoting the
spread, and protecting the ideology of democracy. By keeping an American presence in other
countries, communism is viewed as the enemy and threat to democracy to undeveloped
countries. By justifying the presence in third world countries, the United States have secretly
accomplished or trying to accomplish it's capitalistic goals. These elitists would not invest time
and money without seeing a great reward or benefit that would result from their goals. All the
major powers in the world require the same common thing, natural resources.
Two things to consider and think about :
The American Civil War was not about the abolition and removal of slavery. It was a fight to see
which economic system would serve as the main foundation for the U.S economy. Industrial
economy vs Agrarian economy.
Andrew Jackson is a known figure, a face on our country's $100 dollar bill. He also committed
genocide compared to Hitler, but why do we praise him?

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