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Elementary Analysis of the Gyroscope

University oj Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
(Received March 3, 1960)

The simple gyroscope is an excellent subject for a lecture table demonstration to classes in
elementary physics. The only observable force acting upon the precessing top is a downward
pull due to gravity, yet, instead of falling, it moves with a continuous horizontal displacement.
An adequate and convincing explanation of this curious behavior is essential, and it must be
stated in language familiar to the student. One possible approach to the problem, using a very
simple model, is given here. The internal reactions are described and their values are computed.
Because of some difficulty in visualizing motion in three dimensions, it is recommended that a
model be constructed. It may be very crude and yet quite adequate.

T H E gyroscopic top provides one of the most

intriguing of al'l lecture demonstrations in
elementary physics. I t never fails to command
ternal forces which produce the gyroscopic effects.
The problem is much simplified by the adop-
tion of a model for the rotor, like that illustrated
attention, and to arouse the keenest interest. in Fig. 1. I t consists of four small bodies, each
When such a top, having been properly set in of mass m, which may be considered as point
motion, is supported at one end of its axis, i t masses. They are mounted symmetrically a t D,
executes a simple precession about the vertical. E, G, and H by means of two perpendicular cross-
Although the only obvious force acting upon it bars passing through the axis A B a t its midpoint
is the downward pull of gravity, the motion is C, which is the center of mass of the moving
horizontal. Almost invariably the students ask, system. For present purposes no complicated
"What keeps it from falling, and what makes bearings are necessary.
i t precess?" I t is of the utmost importance that Initially friction may be neglected, and the
the instructor be prepared to answer these ques- frame assumed to be weightless. Each particle
tions in a convincing way, and in familiar lan- is distant r from C, and rotates as indicated
guage. One approach, which experience has about the axis A B with an angular velocity w.
proved t o be helpful, is presented here. I t is The plane containing the four masses will be
neither as economical nor as elegant as the ex- referred to as the rotor plane. Its distance from
planation in terms of axial vectors given in many A , the point of support, is R, and i t precesses
textbooks, but i t utilizes no ideas more compli- with an angular velocity In. The linear velocity
cated than the addition and subtraction of veloc- of the center of mass is V=OR. Each mass fol-
ities, and yields specific information about in- lows a path which is continually changing in
direction, and, therefore, the motion is acceler-
ated. The accelerations arise from forces exerted
upon the individual masses by the framework.
Each mass in turn reacts upon the framework
with a force proportional to its instantaneous
acceleration but opposite in direction. Some of
these reactions are simply centrifugal, due either
to the rotation or to the precession, but these
need not be considered, since they contribute
nothing to the gyroscopic effect. I t is clear that
there must be some equilibrating torque which
neutralizes the torque due to gravity, and i t
must arise from interactions within the system
FIG.1. Simple model of gyroscopic top. itself, i.e., the influence of precession upon the

rotational velocities, and of rotation upon the

precessional velocities.
Assume that A B is horizontal (sine= 1) and
DE is vertical. The interactions will cause ac-
celerations of the masses a t D and E , but produce
no effects on those a t G and H, since a t these
points the velocities due to rotation are parallel FIG.3. Change in velocity V due t o rotation. Point D
to the axis of precession; although displaced by moves t o D' and V , which is perpendicular to the radius
vector from A, turns out of the rotor plane. The same
the precession, the rotational velocities of G and thing happens a t point E which is displaced to E', the same
H suffer no changes either in direction or in mag- distance but in the opposite direction, causing V t o swing
to the left.
nitude. When the mass D is a t its highest point
it has a horizontal velocity v = wr due to rotation,
while mass E pushes it outward. The forces are
directed outward from the page. At the same
in the directions of Fl and Fz in Fig. 1. The two
instant the mass a t E is moving into the page
resulting torques add together, giving a total
with an equal velocity. These velocities, lying in
torque due to the precession
the rotor plane, will be changing in direction be-

This is incomplete, however, since it does not

take into account any effects due to rotation, since
the line DE was assumed to be vertical.
If DE rotates through a small angle in the di-
rection indicated in Fig. 1, the precessional veloc-
ity V moves out of the rotor plane. This is indi-
cated in Fig. 3, which is a view looking downward
along DE. During a time At the rotation causes
mass D to move outward from the page to a
point D f , with a new radius vector R'. Since the
precessional velocity V must be perpendicular
to the radius vector, it will be turned through
FIG.2. View looking downward along DE showing change
in direction of the rotational velocity v, because of pre- an angle A V / V = DD1/R= vAt/R, and its acceler-
cession. The precessional velocity V, turns counterclock- ation is
wise and the rotational velocities v a t D and E lie in the
rotor plane which turns with the precession. a z= A V/At = Vv/R, (3)

cause the rotor plane itself is turning about the directed outward from the page. This Is exactly
axis DE. Both of the velocities v will be deflected equal to al and in the same direction. I t measures
as shown in Fig. 2. These are views looking down- the effect of rotation upon precession. The cor-
ward along the line DE. responding acceleration of E is in the opposite
During a time At the linear displacement of direction.
each v due to precession is VAt, and the angle Combining these four accelerations, since they
through which i t turns is VAt/R. This is equal are simultaneous, and multiplying by m and r
to the angle Av/v. Hence the acceleration is gives the final torque

The mass D is accelerated away from the axis 24 being the sum of the four masses. The torque
Z (Fig. I), while E is accelerated toward the axis, depends upon both w and Q. If the magnitude
by forces each equal to mal. The inertial reactions and direction of w are given, the magnitude and
in each case are forces in the opposite directions direction of Q for steady motion would be de-
exerted by the masses upon the framework. Mass termined by the requirement that Q must be
D pushes the framework inward (towards Z) equal to the gravitational torque MgR. I t remains

to show how the precession is set up, and how only to the case where DE is vertical. As D moves
its value is automatically selected. outward from this position, its velocity v has
Suppose that the rotor is supported a t both both horizontal and vertical components, the
A and B, and is already spinning a t a fairly latter being parallel to the axis Z. The effective
high speed, but without precession. If the sup- component v, decreases as cos4, 4 being the angle
port a t A is removed, the rotor will start to of rotation, measured from the initial position.
fall. Both masses G and H will move downward At the same time the radius r turns through the
because of gravity, along circular arcs of radius same angle, and its effective component is verti-
R with centers on the X axis (see Fig. 1).At the cal with the value cos4. Thus the contribution
same time G will be moving downward and H of D to the equilibrating torque Q decreases as
will be moving upward, because of the rotation, cos24, and the same holds for the contribution
while both will be turning inward, toward the of mass E. The situation is saved, however, by
page. Consequently, G will be accelerated inward the fact that G and H develop horizontal com-
toward the X Z plane, while H will be accelerated ponents which produce additions to Q, propor-
outward. Thus the framework will be subjected tional to sin24, and the total value of Q remains
to horizontal forces outward a t G and inward unchanged.
a t H, producing a torque about a vertical axis, Since the foregoing solution holds for any
e.g., the Z axis, which initiates the precession. value of 4, it must also hold if many additional
As long as the system continues t o fall, the similar rotors were added to form a continuous
angular momentum of precession will be acceler- ring. The addition of other hoops of equal radius,
ated. This precession, in turn, generates the with centers distributed along the rotational axis,
torque which opposes the fall, as has already would be allowed if a proper value of R were
been shown. When fi reaches the proper value introduced. Similarly, hoops with different radii
Q will equal the gravitational torque. At this could be added, if appropriate average values of
instant, however, the downward motion will not r are computed. In other words, the rotor may
cease since the downward momentum has just have any mass distribution, as long as it is sym-
reached its maximum. As this point of equilibrium metrical about the rotational axis. The general
is passed, an upward retarding torque is gener- case may be expressed very simply: Q= Io8,
ated. This brings the falling motion to a stop, where I is the moment of inertia about the axis.
and causes it to return upward, to pass the point This is exactly the result obtained in Eq. (4).
of equilibrium again. Thus there is a n oscillation The student's questions have now been an-
downward and upward which, in the absence of swered. The mass particles which form the rotor
friction, will continue indefinitely. This motion are moving with velocities which change con-
is called nutation. In an actual top there will be tinuously in direction. These changes give rise
friction, of course, and this rapidly damps out to accelerations and hence to internal torques
the nutation. In fact, this effect may be difficult exerted upon the moving system by the mass
to observe in a demonstration model, and the particles. In steady motion these internal torques
motion may appear to be a steady precession exactly counterbalance the gravitational torque.
from the beginning. The center of gravity will If the spinning rotor has no precession, it will
move downward gradually, however, since po- begin to fall, causing internal torques which
tential energy is being transformed into heat. initiate the precession.
The system always has some dead weight be- The simple model makes i t relatively easy to
cause of framework and mountings. These con- see how these effects arise. Perhaps the greatest
tribute to the gravitational torque, and make difficulty is the problem of visualizing the three-
necessary an increased angular momentum to dimensional motions. This can be relieved by
maintain the motion. constructing a model, which will be quite ade-
The accelerations derived previously apply quate, even if it is very crude.

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