Sei sulla pagina 1di 44

Sharpen Your Pencils

All rlghL, no more klds' sLu. AL Lhls polnL,

you're preuy good - phone numbers and daLes
are easy, and glrls are endlng up ln your bed on
a noL-so-lrregular schedule.

WhaL we're golng Lo focus on now are Lwo
Lhlngs: !"#$%&' and ()*+%+&,*('. Pow do you geL
Lhe glrls you mosL wanL, -.,*,/,0 you wanL?

! now LhaL you have Lhe mosL of Lhe baslcs down
and many of Lhe quallues of an auracuve man,
we need Lo puL Lhe spoLllghL onLo subLleLy and
nuance Lo glve you LhaL exLra edge requlred Lo
Lurn someumes" lnLo usually."

! 1he oLher lLem we wanL Lo focus on ls !"#$%&',
and forLunaLely, a loL of Lhe same Lhlngs LhaL help
us geL conslsLency ue ln wlLh quallLy Loo.
How to Use This eBook
1hls e8ook ls broken down
lnLo 30 dlerenL days of
learnlng, wlLh Lwo (2) Lo
Lhree (3) arucles Lo read
and one (1) asslgnmenL
each day.
1he rsL secuon of Lhls book ls on some of Lhe
key mlndseLs you need Lo have ln order Lo move
from 1echnlclan" Lo MasLer." 1he second ls on
gemng you ouL lmplemenung new pracuces.
Section One
The Masters Mind
Auracnon nas an Lxp|ranon Date
?ou've seen lL - don'L make Lhlngs happen
soon enough, and she's o Lo Lhe nexL guy,
suddenly, Lhe maglc ls gone. 8uL why?
We Are Not nav|ng Sex 1on|ght: What
nappens When ou Don't
?ou're gemng good aL gemng women home
- buL do you 0,#$$' need Lo sleep wlLh Lhem
every ume. whaL lf Lhey're noL LhaL cuLe?
Make a llsL wlLh Lhe names of Lhe lasL Len (10) glrls you had. Lhen $)+&. nexL
Lo each of Lhose names, wrlLe down wheLher you dld everyLhlng you could
have and moved as fasL as posslble, or lf you slacked o and leL lL go. uo you
wlsh you'd done anyLhlng dlerenLly now?
(C||ck Me!)
Read these articles:
Do this:
G|r| Changes ner M|nd 1oo Much? 1ry 1h|s
When a woman can'L make up her mlnd, your forward progress has
eecuvely sLalled ouL. Pere's whaL you need Lo do Lo geL movlng agaln.
Soc|a| ressure: Surpr|s|ng|y Important |n Gemng G|r|s
Cne dlerence beLween a masLer seducer and everybody else? 1he masLer ls
good aL applylng pressure aL Lhe rlghL polnLs. whlle everyone else %+*1&.
Pow do you normally respond Lo pressure? lf you're llke mosL people, you Lry
Lo allevlaLe lL: by Lelllng [okes, by noL belng Loo pushy, by lemng people o
Lhe hook. Can you Lhlnk of Lhree (3) recenL slLuauons LhaL dldn'L go your way
preclsely 2,(#"+, you defused some Lenslon LhaL you really shouldn'L have?
Read these articles:
Do this:
1S Lessons from 10 ears of Gemng G|r|s
13 of Lhe mosL profound lessons learned
over 10 years of belng a charmer and
She Doesn't Lven Need to know our
1hose Lhlngs you LhoughL were so
lmporLanL Lo make sure you do when
meeung new women? noL always so.
1hlnk back on Lhe lasL ve (3) women you can recall whom you hlL lL o wlLh
lmmedlaLely and had boaL loads of auracuon wlLh. Pow many of Lhese
women were #30#(&,4 Lo you rsL, vs. how many of Lhese women knew all
Lhe facLs" abouL you rsL - name, [ob, educauon, place of resldence, eLc.?
Read these articles:
Do this:
What's the D|erence 8etween a Lover and a Loser?
8elng seen as a sexy, sensual lover - lnsLead of as a frlend or a boyfrlend - ls
perllously close Lo belng seen as a $)+,0. buL Lhere's one key dlsuncuon.
What Do G|r|s Look for? 1hey Look for 1h|s
lL's a whole loL more abouL how you sLack up nexL Lo Lhe oLher men she
meeLs Lhan almosL anyLhlng else.
WrlLe down all Lhe Lhlngs abouL yourself you Lry Lo make sure LhaL women
know. Pow many of Lhese Lhlngs help palnL you as Lhe ldeal, exclung lover
candldaLe - and how many palnL you as someLhlng oLher Lhan Lhls?
Read these articles:
Do this:
now to 1reat a Woman: L|ke a ueen, or
L|ke a Whore?
?ou may be Lreaung all women ln a cerLaln
manner - elLher as angels or Lroublemakers
- buL a llule exlblllLy goes a long way.
now to 1h|nk About Women as ou Get
More Lxper|enced
Are lrLy frlends sapplng your drlve Lo meeL
new women? And are you Lhlnklng abouL
glrls ln Lhe mosL eecuve way posslble?
1ake a momenL Lo make noLes on wheLher you LreaL women from dlerenL
caLegorles ln dlerenL ways or noL - how do you LreaL rlch, educaLed women
vs. how you LreaL sLrlppers? lf Lhere's noL a dlerence, you've been cheaung
yourself - of Lhe besL resulLs wlLh each klnd of glrl.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Why to 1hrow Cut the 1-to-10 Sca|e for kanng Women
?ou may be ln Lhe hablL of raung women based on looks - buL lf so, whaL you
don'L reallze ls how much Lhls llmlLs how auracuve Lhe women you geL are.
Why Co|d Approach Works 8euer 1han Anyth|ng L|se
A reader wanLs Lo know lf women saylng Lhey nd men approachlng Lhem on
Lhe sLreeL boLhersome means cold approach ls a wasLe of ume - well, ls lL?
Pave you ever had a glrl you dld a double-Lake wlLh and reallzed LhaL she was
absoluLely 2,#"56"$, much #7,0 you'd already hlL lL o wlLh her. or, posslbly,
even Laken her Lo bed? Pow abouL a glrl you reallzed was gorgeous before
you sald a word Lo her, and mucked lL all up?
Read these articles:
Do this:
Did You Know?
laclal halr on men makes Lhem appear more
auracuve, more charlsmauc, more lnLelllgenL,
more capable, and more ln-conLrol Lo women.
LlghLly sLubbled men were found Lo be Lhe mosL
auracuve for shorL- and long-Lerm relauonshlps,
whlle llghLly bearded men Lhe mosL domlnanL.
lrom laclal Palr SLyles Lo Make ?ou Look Cool Sharp and Sexy"
ln Lhls pasL secuon, we Look a look aL some of
Lhe nuance behlnd adopung Lhe lover role, Lhe
lmporLance of uslng pressure, Lhe parL LhaL Lhe
compeuuon you're agalnsL plays, and a few of
Lhe more unconvenuonal lessons LhaL come
along wlLh lmprovlng yourself wlLh women.
1he nexL secuon Lakes you deeper lnLo dolng
Lhlngs ouL Lhere, llve, ln Lhe eld wlLh women,
wlLh a speclal emphasls on closlng - because lf
you aren'L gemng women ln bed wlLh you, all
Lhe resL ls ulumaLely for naughL.
Section Two
Bedding Better
ersuad|ng Women: 7 1|ps 1hat W|||
Change now ou Do 1h|ngs
MosL guys Lry Lo geL women Lo do
Lhe Lhlngs Lhey wanL ln all Lhe
wrong klnds of ways.
1he Conversanona||st
1he ner polnLs of conversauon lle
ln bulldlng connecuon and rapporL,
as well as ln noL creaung Loo many
Pow deep can you geL? ln your nexL Lwo (2) conversauons wlLh women
Loday, use aL leasL Lhree (3) of Lhe quesuons from WhaL uoes She WanL?"
See how deep lnLo conversauon you can geL, and how much you can nd ouL.
What Does She Want? 1he 8 1h|ngs
ou Must Ask ner
8y ellclung a woman's values, you
can nd ouL how besL Lo maLch
whom you are Lo whaL she wanLs.
Read these articles:
Do this:
WhaL can you do Lo make yourself appear more eorLless? Cbvlously, you musL
work hard Lo learn new skllls and ablllues. buL when you're acuvely Lrylng Lo look
your besL, you wanL lL Lo look easy. As you go abouL your day Loday, Lry Lo make
,/,0'&.%*8 you do look as naLural and eorLless as posslble.
Sprezzatura, Lort, and Invesnng
Lxpandlng on Lhe Law of LeasL LorL, we
look aL how you can use eorLlessness Lo
drlve auracuon Lhrough Lhe roof.
1he Law of Least Lort
Soclal domlnance bolls down Lo one
lmmuLable formula: resu|ts eort =
Read these articles:
Do this:
?our alm ln Lhls asslgnmenL ls Lo nd yourself engaged ln Lwo (2) separaLe
soclally challenglng slLuauons - and use Lhe Lechnlques from Lhese arucles Lo
avold havlng oLhers draln your soclal sLaLus. Pow dld you do?
1he S Ways to Answer a Cha||enge
|n Soc|a| S|tuanons
Lveryone's looklng Lo galn respecL and
sLaLus from you - and you need Lo know
how Lo deal wlLh Lhose who do lL wrong.
8reak|ng C|rc|e
?ou musL never be Lhe rsL Lo break clrcle
when Lalklng wlLh a woman you llke.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Abso|ute Abundance
1he Lrue masLer ls a masLer noL
only because he can geL lald - buL
because he can geL !"#$%&'.
Women as Sex Cb[ects:
Supercharge our Game
need more mouvauon? SLarL
seelng women as lusLy sex ob[ecLs.
1ry walklng around Loday vlewlng women as sex ob[ecLs. uoes Lhls mouvaLe
you Lo approach more? nexL, approach Lhree (3) new women, whlle vlewlng
Lhem as sex ob[ecLs. Pow does your recepuon change? uoes your ouLcome?
G|r|s: S|||y and Cute
Women aren'L scary, or
lnumldaung, or challenglng - Lhey
are, ulumaLely, +%$$' #*4 ("&,.
Read these articles:
Do this:
WhaL ldeas dld Lhe Sexual Man" arucle glve you abouL Lhlngs you can do (or
do more of) LhaL you aren'L already wlLh women? 1ake Lhree (3) of Lhese, and
Lry Lhem ouL wlLh Lwo (2) dlerenL women Loday. Pow do Lhey reacL?
A Dev|| May Care Amtude:
What It Is & now to Get It
lL's Lhe emlnenLly cool amLude of legendary
bad boys. buL you can'L :)++%2$' emulaLe
devll may care" lf you aren'L lL - rlghL?
1he 9 Secrets to 8e|ng a Sexua| Man
Pow do you ellclL a sexual response from
women - lnsLead of a plaLonlc one? 1hls
arucle glves you 9 key ways.
Read these articles:
Do this:
lor Lhls asslgnmenL, Lry Lo push Lhlngs a blL more Lhan you usually would.
WhaL you're golng for ls gemng ob[ecuons - and besung Lhem, uslng Lhe
Lechnlques ln boLh of Lhese arucles. 1ry Lhls wlLh four (4) new women.
Want to Meet a G|r|?
16 1|ps 1hat W||| Make It Lasy
A number of Lrlcks and hacks Lo make
plcklng up new glrls a slmpler, more
sLreamllned process.
Secrets to Gemng G|r|s:
Address|ng Women's Cb[ecnons
Cvercomlng ob[ecuons ls an absoluLely
cruclal parL of ndlng success wlLh women
- Laklng women Lo bed depends on lL.
Read these articles:
Do this:
WhaL's your normal pauern before and aer sleeplng wlLh someone new?
1ake a momenL Lo Lhlnk Lhrough Lhe expecLauons you seL for women - and
Lhe reacuons you geL. WhaL can you do dlerenLly Lo have beuer ouLcomes?
now to Start a ke|anonsh|p w|th
a New G|r|fr|end
?our gulde Lo Lransluonlng a woman you've
slepL wlLh lnLo a relauonshlp parLner, and
Laklng Lhlngs wherever you wanL Lo go.
Don't nurt a G|r|:
1he Importance of Lxpectanons
lL's easy Lo seL Lhe wrong expecLauons ln a
new relauonshlp by accldenL lf you're noL
belng careful.
Read these articles:
Do this:
WlLh Lhe very nexL *,- glrl you sleep wlLh, comblne Lhe ups from Lhese Lwo
arucles Lo glve her as amazlng a performance as posslble, and as regreL-free
one as you can. WrlLe ouL Lhe new elemenLs you'll lnLroduce now, so you can
remember Lhem laLer.
now to revent Sex kegret
from Women ou S|eep W|th
Sex regreL - also called buyer's remorse -
can happen when women sLarL feellng llke
Lhey shouldn'L have slepL wlLh you.
now to 8e a Good Lover
(and G|ve a G|r| Crgasms)
Sex lsn'L [usL abouL Lhe body parLs lnvolved
- lL's abouL Lhe ,;:,0%,*(,. And Lhe beuer
Lhe experlence, Lhe more she'll en[oy lL.
Read these articles:
Do this:
?our mlsslon Loday ls Lo lnvlLe Lwo (2) dlerenL women home wlLh you. lL
doesn'L mauer how you know Lhem, or how long - [usL ask, and see whaL
Lhey say. lf you're noL used Lo belng Lhls aggresslve, lL'll be a good LesL.
Secrets to Gemng G|r|s:
Move Iaster
93 of men all share Lhe same problem
wlLh gemng women ln bed: Lhey aren'L
movlng fasL enough.
Inv|te ner nome
robably sounds slmple enough - buL how
many women have you lnvlLed back home
wlLh you Lhls week?
Read these articles:
Do this:
SLarL dlsquallfylng yourself as a boyfrlend. lL mlghL seem a llule odd aL rsL -
shouldn'L you be Lrylng Lo seem MC8L auracuve. noL $,++? 1ry lL ouL wlLh
ve (3) dlerenL women Loday - be subLle - and pay auenuon Lo Lhe change.
1e|||ng Women ou're NC1
8oyfr|end Mater|a|
When women see you as a boyfrlend
prospecL, Lhey puL Lhe brakes on - oen
prevenung Lhe Lwo of you gemng LogeLher.
G|r| nas a 8oyfr|end? 3 1h|ngs to Do
and 7 1h|ngs NC1 1o
WhaL do you do lf she has a boyfrlend
already? 1hls oen lsn'L Lhe brlck wall some
glrls make lL seem Lo be.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Soc|a| Va|ue and Va|ue Imba|ances
WhaL ls lL LhaL we value ln oLhers,
and whaL happens when Lwo
people's value don'L add up?
D|a||ng Down the Va|ue Vo|ume
8elleve lL or noL, lL ls very much
posslble for you Lo be &)) hlgh
value for Lhe women you meeL -
Lhls may even be your #1 problem.
WlLh Lwo (2) separaLe new women, Lry gemng lnLo a conversauon and saylng
almosL noLhlng lmpresslve abouL yourself. erhaps a few hlnLs here or a few
hlnLs Lhere, buL mosLly noLhlng. lnsLead, leL your nonverbals do Lhe Lalklng.
Meenng Women v|a Soc|a| C|rc|e:
1he ros and Cons
eLer lonLes's serles on bulldlng
and worklng soclal clrcles properly
Lo meeL loLs of new glrls.
Read these articles:
Do this:
?ou ob[ecuve for Loday ls Lo Lry Lo geL Lwo (2) dlerenL women compeung
over you. aL Lhe same ume. 1haL probably means golng somewhere very
soclal, and lrung wlLh several women ln qulck successlon. LeL's see whaL
you've goL.
Mak|ng Women Want ou Made Lasy:
10 k|||er 1|ps
A qulck refresher on whaL really makes
women deslre you.
When G|r|s Compete Cver ou
Pave you ever had muluple women
compeung for you aL once. Lhen [usL
LoLally dropped Lhe ball?
Read these articles:
Do this:
SeL up Lwo (2) daLes Loday, and plan Lhem ouL Lo be as slmple as you can
posslbly make Lhem. Can you geL Lhem bare bones, sLralghuorward, and
loglsucally excellenL? lf so, you're ln a good place Lo pull o rsL-daLe sex.
now to Get I|rst Date Sex
w|th G|r|s on Lvery Date
1he holy grall of daung for many: how do
you geL women ln your bed on Lhe very rsL
S|mp||fy our Dates
lf you're daung llke mosL guys, you're
maklng daung far Loo compllcaLed. Make lL
slmple, and make daung a snap.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Pow oen do you sLreeL approach? 1oday, make four (4) sLreeL approaches -
by day or by nlghL, your cholce - and geL an ldea abouL whaL you Lhlnk. noL
shops, noL malls - Lhe sLreeL. 1ry lL ouL.
Us|ng Day Game to Get G|r|s:
14 Myths Debunked
Pave you been sucklng Lo bar and club
game, soclal clrcle, or slmllar venues?
Pere's whaL makes Lhe sLreeL neaL.
N|ghmme Street Game
?ou may be mlsslng ouL on one of Lhe mosL
rellable places Lo approach - Lhe sLreeL aL
nlghL, once women leave Lhe bars.
Read these articles:
Do this:
1oday, Lry Lo use Lhe Lechnlque from uon'L LeL Per Co" Lo geL Lwo (2)
women who were abouL Lo leave from Lalklng wlLh you Lo sLay a few more
mlnuLes. See lf you can pull lL o - and Lake noLe of whaL happens.
Secrets to Gemng G|r|s:
Don't Let ner Go
When lL's do-or-dle ume, Lhe dlerence ln
golng home wlLh her or golng home alone can
be down Lo wheLher you leL her go. or noL.
12 S|mp|e 1|ps 1hat'|| ne|p ou
S|eep w|th G|r|s
Pow Lo sleep wlLh glrls fasLer, where Lo
Lake Lhem for sex, and deal wlLh Lhe
reslsLance you meeL along Lhe way.
Read these articles:
Do this:
SelecL Lhree (3) new faclal expresslons you're golng Lo lnLroduce Lo your
nonverbal reperLolre. llrsL, pracuce Lhem ln Lhe mlrror, nexL, go ouL and
pracuce each of Lhe Lhree wlLh a few new women.
7 Iac|a| Lxpress|ons 1hat
Dr|ve Women W||d
uon'L lgnore faclal expresslons - Lhey're Lhe
sLu LhaL nonverbal sex appeal ls made
1acncs 1uesdays:
now to 8e a Warm erson
8elng a bad boy ls greaL, buL Lo really geL Lo
Lhe upper echelon wlLh women, you musL
comblne Lhls wlLh -#0<&..
Read these articles:
Do this:
LeL's Lake Lwo of Lhe lLems from Lhe 10 Ways" arucle - Lenslon and scarclLy -
and see lf we can'L dlal Lhem up a noLch ln Loday's lnLeracuons. WlLh Lhree (3)
dlerenL women Loday, puL your scarclLy and Lenslon-bulldlng on full blasL.
10 Ways to nave a G|r| 1ake ou Ser|ous|y -
and LCVL It
Someumes a woman [usL won'L Lake you
serlously as a sexual conLender for her.
Pere's why LhaL happens - and whaL Lo do.
Don't Let Cther Men Stea| our G|r|
When you're nearlng Lhe end of a plckup,
glrls can geL anLsy - and oLher men can geL
80#22'. uon'L leL Lhem.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Women and Drama
Why women cause drama ln
I Don't Chase 'Lm,
I kep|ace 'Lm
When glrls are causlng heavy
drama, LhreaLenlng Lo leave, or
leavlng ouLrlghL - don'L pursue.
!usL. ("& ()*&#(&.
Co Lhrough your conLacL llsL rlghL now. Are Lhere any women ln Lhere you've
been chaslng a llule Loo hard? Make noLe of how many - Lhen, send Lhem a
lasL chance" LexL, and deleLe Lhelr lnfo lf you hear anyLhlng buL leL's do lL."
1he Secret Lover
8ulldlng more lnLrlgue, and freelng
yourself from soclal consLralnLs,
early on ln a new relauonshlp.
Read these articles:
Do this:
?our Lask for Lhls asslgnmenL ls Lo geL auracuve women lrung wlLh you, and
use LhaL Lo meeL <)0, auracuve women. 1ry Lo do Lhls Lwlce, ln Lwo dlerenL
lnsLances. WhaL's Lhe dlerence ln how women recelve you when
7 Approach Inv|tanons
ou'|| Get from G|r|s
lL may noL always be clear when a glrl ls
Lrylng Lo prompL you Lo Lalk Lo her - unless
you know how Lo ldenufy Lhe slgns, LhaL ls.
now rese|ecnon Can Get ou G|r|s
8elleve lL or noL, slmply seelng oLher
auracuve women llklng and lrung wlLh you
can make oLher women very lnLeresLed.
Read these articles:
Do this:
WhaL ldeas does Lhe 8achelor ad" arucle glve you abouL maklng your home
more seducuon-frlendly? WrlLe down Lwo (2) or Lhree (3) Lhlngs you wanL Lo
do or geL for lL - Lhen go do Lhem or geL Lhem.
1urn our 8ache|or ad |nto a
Seducnon Spot
Pow Lo Lurn your place from ordlnary crash
pad lnLo seducuve, mood-lnduclng dream
Manhand|e k|sses
A sLrong klsslng Lechnlque LhaL women
really respond Lo - buL lL's noL for Lhe falnL-
Read these articles:
Do this:
Pow edgy are you? racuce Lhe edgy" look ln Lhe mlrror, wlLh Lhe evenLual
ob[ecL of lnfuslng edge lnLo ,/,0' look you wear. nexL, see lf you can adopL
some of Lhe quallues of an edgy man - can you geL LhaL edge?
now to 8e Ldgy
(and 1urn Women Cn)
rollc genluses from all elds oen have
one Lhlng ln common - Lhelr wlld, lnLense,
barely-conLalned edge.
now to |ck Up G|r|s:
1he Success Iactor art I
A 3-parL serles on learnlng masLery of
emouons, and gemng comforLable belng ln
all manner of slLuauons.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Cverprov|d|ng Good Iee||ngs
?ou may be loslng women slmply
by Lrylng &)) hard Lo make Lhem
feel good.
U|nmate Soc|a| Ca||branon:
Stop C||mb|ng the Soc|a| Ladder
Men and women allke Lrylng Lo
cllmb Lhe soclal ladder have a
Lendency Lo use oLhers Lo succeed
- all excepL Lhose aL Lhe very &):.
WlLh Lhree (3) women Loday, provlde a $%3$, blL less good feellng Lhan you
normally do - Lhe lnLenL ls Lo leave Lhem wanung more from you Lhan you've
glven. uo you nd lL easler Lo work wlLh women Lhls way, or harder?
Secrets to Gemng G|r|s:
Stay|ng Cut of Auto-ke[ecnon
. buL you may #$+) be loslng
women by maklng Lhem feel llke
you're ouL of Lhelr leagues.
Read these articles:
Do this:
now to |ck Up G|r|s Shopp|ng for
G|hs or Grocer|es
Meeung glrls ouL shopplng ls a fun
and easy way Lo geL Lhlngs o Lo a
crackllng sLarL.
8e|ng a Cha||enge to Women
(& kLALL 1urn|ng 1hem Cn)
lf you really wanL Lo drlve her
auracuon Lhrough Lhe roof, you
musL masLer Lhe arL of belng a Lrue
challenge Lo women.
1ry ouL barrlers and ume llmlLs from 8elng a Challenge Lo Women." 1hese
are poLenL Lools for posluonlng women ln ways LhaL Lhey begln Lo chase aer
you. 1he alm Loday ls Lo use one (1) of each of Lhese wlLh Lwo (2) women.
now to |ck Up G|r|s |n
8ars and C|ubs
1he compleLe gulde on plcklng up
aL nlghL - where Lo go, how Lo do
lL, and how Lo pull women home.
Read these articles:
Do this:
1ake your favorlLe lessons from boLh of Lhese arucles, and wrlLe Lhem down
on a small plece of paper. 1hen, head ouL and meeL Lhree (3) new women -
and Lry your new Lechnlques wlLh each. Pow exclLed can you make her?
now to Use Sex 1a|k to Set a Sexua|
1one and Mood
MosL men use sex Lalk aL Lhe wrong umes
and ln Lhe wrong ways - buL lf you can
masLer lL, lL's /,0' eecuve.
Sexua| 1ens|on: 7 Ways to Make Women
Lxc|ted and kandy
Sexual Lenslon ls Lhe seducer's number one
weapon Lo boLh dlsarm and enLrance Lhe
women he meeLs. lL's sLrong sLu.
Read these articles:
Do this:
Did You Know?
8esearch shows LhaL prlde ls Lhe slngle mosL
auracuve male expresslon Lo women. lor young
women, male shame was very auracuve, Loo.
Conversely, prlde ls one of Lhe leasL auracuve
female expresslons, as [udged by men.
lrom A uevll May Care AmLude: WhaL lL ls & Pow Lo CeL lL"
1haL brlngs us Lo Lhe end of Lhe 30 days of Lhe
1echnlclan's handbook. lf you've been followlng
Lhe lessons and dolng Lhe asslgnmenLs for each,
you should've seen some preuy rapld changes
and progress over Lhe course of Lhese mlsslons,
and are now Lhlnklng abouL daung dlerenLly.
1he followlng secuon lncludes llnks Lo a handful
of furLher readlng" arucles LhaL we deLermlned
were rlghL abouL on Lhe level of 1echnlclan, buL
dldn'L make lL lnLo Lhe above 30 days. lf you'd
llke more Lo read, have a look.
Section Three
Bonus Reading
Cn hone Ca||s:
WhaL Lo 1exL Clrls Lo CeL uA1LS
WhaL Lo uo When a Clrl uoesn'L
1exL 8ack
8ooLy Calllng, or, 1urnlng hone
numbers lnLo Sex

Cn Danng:
8ook LxcerpLs: 8ad uaLes ?ou'll
WanL Lo Avold
3 Second uaLe SLraLegles Lo Make
Per lllrL and Swoon
Cn C|os|ng:
SecreLs Lo Cemng Clrls: 1he LasL 3
Pow Lo CeL Lald Lvery 1lme arL l
Pow Lo Co Lo Per lace SmooLhly,
Lven lf ?ou !usL MeL
Sex Loglsucs: Pow Lo CeL lnumaLe
ln unusual laces
8eslsLance Lo Sex: 1he 4 ulerenL

Cn |ckup:
1acucs 1uesdays: ush-ull for
Cemng Clrls
Assumpuons as 1ools of Auracuon
Pow Lo CeL a 1hreesome
Approachlng Clrls Slmng uown
SecreLs Lo Cemng Clrls: Scrap
Cn Sex:
3 SLeps Lo Pelp Per Lo Crgasm from
Make Per Crgasm Pard from Sex ln
8 MlnuLes or Less

Cn ke|anonsh|ps:
lmpresslng and Amazlng ?our
Clrlfrlend's lamlly
Sexual Awakenlng: Pow Lo Pave Per
uolng AlmosL AnyLhlng ln 8ed
Cn Conversanon:
1acucs 1uesdays: MasLerlng layful
8anLer wlLh Women
Pow Lo 1ell a SLory LhaL 8lveLs and
1acucs 1uesdays: uslng Lhe
regnanL ause ln Conversauons
wlLh Women
1he ?es-Ladder and Cemng Women
Lo Say ?es"
8eady Lo nd ouL more? Check ouL Lhe program page here:

Get Mastery
lf you're ready Lo learn even 6#+&,0, lL's ume Lo
upgrade Lo Lhe MasLery lck up ackage. ?ou'll geL:

=)- &) >#?, @%0$+ A.#+,, Lhe 406-page e8ook
wlLh everyLhlng you could ever wanL Lo know
on gemng glrls

B:,$$2%*4%*8C @,& =,0 D#$?%*8, Lhe 63-mlnuLe
vldeo on gemng razor-sharp conversauon skllls

3 hours of B,4"(5)* B,*+,% audlo lnLervlew
Lralnlng programs

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