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DIA 1: JUEVES (Captulo 1 - 2)

DAY 1 : THURSDAY (Chapter 1 - 2)

El Jardn de la Meditacin

Captulo 1
Chapter 1

No puedes verme, pero soy la luz por la que ves.
No puedes oirme, pero yo soy el sonido por el que oyes.
No puedes conocerme, pero yo soy la verdad por la que vives.
~ Baba ~

You cannot see Me, but I am the light you see by. You cannot hear Me, but I am the sound you hear by. You cannot know Me, but I am the
truth you live by.
~Baba ~


Antes de comenzar el objetivo de este libro, Thapovanam (jardn de austeridades), ofrezco
mis ms humildes saludos a los Pies de Loto de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai, el Seor del
Universo, el protector de los humildes y la consumacin de Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahman
(la Realidad Suprema universal).

Before I commence the parayanam of this book, Thapovanam, I offer my most humble salutations to the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai,
the Lord of the Universe, the protector of the afflicted and the encapsulation of Sath-Chith-Ananda Parabrahma (the Universal Supreme Reality).

All se yergue el rbol Baniano (Ficus) en el camino de la montaa que conduce de
Prashanti Nilayam a la Universidad. No es ningn rbol ordinario. Es el Dhyana-
Vriksham, el rbol de la meditacin, y es el Thapo-Vriksham, el rbol de las austeridades
Espirituales. El 29 de junio de 1959, (en Ashadha Purnima, es decir, el da de luna llena del
mes de Ashadha) Bhagavan materializ una placa de cobre de espesor de 15"x 10" (38x25
cm aprox) con inscripciones de letras alfabticas de gran potencia espiritual (biija-
Aksharas). l la deposit en la tierra en un lugar especialmente elegido en la colina detrs
de Prashanti Nilayam, y sobre ella plant este rbol Banianno. En esa ocasin sagrada, se
dirigi a los devotos y declar: "Este rbol es el rbol Bodhi, bajo el cual Buda Gautama se
sent, medit y recibi la iluminacin espiritual. Este es el rbol de la Iluminacin (Jana).
El Seor Krishna es conocido como Vata-Pathra-Sayi (El que descansa en la hoja de un
Baniano), debido a que durante el perodo de Pralaya (fusin definitiva de toda la creacin
en el Infinito), asumi la forma microcsmica de Bala-Krishna (Krishna beb) y reposaba
sobre una hoja de baniano. Este es el rbol al que se refiere Sri Krishna en el Bhagavad
Gita. Si los aspirantes (sadhakas) meditan y realizan austeridades espirituales aqu, van a
lograr el cumplimiento de sus deseos, el xito en sus esfuerzos, el control de los sentidos y la
estabilidad de la mente". Con referencia a la plantacin de este rbol, en una de las lneas
en el Ashtothara-Satha-Namavali se lee:

"sadhaka-Anugraha Vata-Vriksha Prathishthapakaya Namah".
There stands a banyan tree on the mountain path leading from Prashanti Nilayam to the University. It is no ordinary tree. It is the Dhyana
Vriksham, the Tree of Meditation; and it is the Thapo Vriksham, the Tree of Spiritual Austerities. On 29 June 1959, (ashadha Poornima, i.e., the
full moon day of ashadha month) Bhagavan materialised a thick copper plate of 15" x 10" inscribed with alphabetical letters of great spiritual
potency (Beeja Aksharas). He deposited it in the earth at a spot specially chosen on the hill behind Prashanti Nilayam, and over it planted this
banyan tree. On that sacred occasion, He addressed devotees and declared : "This tree is the Bodhi Tree, under which Gautama Buddha sat,
meditated and received spiritual illumination. This is the Tree of Enlightenment (Jnan). Lord Krishna is known as Vata Pathra Sayi (reposing on
a banyan leaf), because during the period of Pralaya (ultimate merger of all creation in the Infinite), he assumed the microcosmic form of Bala
Krishna (Krishna, the Baby) and reposed on a banyan leaf. This is the tree referred to by Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. If aspirants
(Sadhakas) meditate and undertake spiritual austerities here, they will attain fulfillment of their desires, success in their efforts, control of senses
and steadiness of mind." With reference to planting of this tree, one of the lines in the Ashtothara Satha Namavali reads : "Sadhaka-Anugraha
Vata-Vriksha Prathishthapakaya Namah."

El Baniano vive para siempre. Es inmortal (Amara-Vriksham). Creciendo como un rbol
poderoso por s mismo, caen innumerables extensiones en forma de raz de sus ramas a la
tierra, que a su vez se convierte en races frescas y extienden el rbol en todas las
direcciones. El proceso sigue y sigue, proporcionando un rea cada vez mayor de fresca
sombra y refugio a las personas. No vacilo en afirmar que Bhagavan est asimismo
prestando cada vez una mayor zona de proteccin y paz para el beneficio de toda la
humanidad. Este Thapo-Vriksham (rbol de austeridades) es ciertamente Kalpa-Vriksham
(rbol celestial que concede los deseos), idntico a Bhagavan. Los que estn en angustia
intensa y estn cansados con los altibajos de la vida, los que estn en bsqueda espiritual,
los que desean ardientemente algo puro, los que estn progresando en el sendero de la
iluminacin espiritual - todas estas personas se renen a los pies de Sri Sathya Sai y
alcanzan la tranquilidad, la paz y la ecuanimidad suprema. Verdaderamente es Baba
mismo un Thapo-Vriksham donde todas las austeridades espirituales lograns su
cumplimiento! Prashanti Nilayam es verdaderamente el Thapovanam.

The banyan lives forever. It is immortal (Amara Vriksham). Growing into a mighty tree by itself, it drops innumerable root-like extensions from
its branches to the earth, which in turn becomes fresh roots and extend the tree in all directions. The process goes on and on, providing an ever-
increasing area of cool shade and shelter to people. I do not hesitate to assert that Bhagavan is likewise providing ever-increasing zone of
protection and peace for the benefit of the entire humanity. This Thapo Vriksham is certainly Kalpa Vriksham (wish-fulfilling celestial tree),
identical with Bhagavan. Those who are in intense distress and are tired with the ups and downs of life, those who are on spi ritual quest, those
who ardently desire something pure, those who are progressing on the path of spiritual enlightenment - all such persons gather at the feet of Sri
Sathya Sai and attain tranquility, supreme peace and equanimity. Truly is Baba Himself a Thapo Vriksham where all spiritual austerities achieve
fulfillment! Prashanti Nilayam is verily the Thapovanam.

La construccin fsica del complejo de Prashanti Nilayam (Morada de la Paz suprema) an
no haba comenzado entonces. Un da, Bhagavan estaba all de pie en el suelo rocoso. De su
boca surgieron palabras profticas: "En poco tiempo esta zona va a ser transformada en
una Shirdi (ciudad del santo de Shirdi), un Tirupathi (ciudad del templo de Venkatesvara)
y Varanasi (ciudad a orillas del Ganges) miles de yoguis, sanyasis y buscadores de la
verdad y la gracia divina se apresurarn a este lugar para la paz y la salvacin espiritual.
Desde este lugar se originar el programa universal de renacimiento del Sanatana Dharma
(la Fe Eterna de la Rectitud). Cientos de miles de personas de todos los rincones del mundo
visitaran este lugar con entusiasmo en busca de m. En los contornos ms alejanos de tales
multitudes se destacan a muchos ms estirando el cuello para coger al menos un destello
fugaz de una pequea porcin de esta tnica ocre que me pongo, van a agradecer a sus
estrellas y sentir que el propsito de su vida se ha cumplido".

Physical construction of the complex of Prashanti Nilayam had not yet commenced then. One day, Bhagavan was standing on the rocky ground
there. Out of His mouth emerged prophetic words : "Before long this area is going to be transformed into a Shirdi, a Tirupathi and a Varanasi.
Thousands of yogis, sanyasis and seekers of truth and divine grace will rush to this place for spiritual peace and salvation. From this spot will
originate the universal programme of revival of Sanathana Dharma (the Eternal Faith of Righteousness). Hundreds of thousands of people from
all corners of the world will visit this place eagerly searching for Me. At the far fringes of such crowds will stand many more craning their necks
to catch at least a fleeting flash of a tiny bit of this ochre robe I wear, they will thank their stars and feel that the purpose of their lives has been

Dentro de un corto perodo de tiempo despus que Swami hizo este anuncio, Prashanti
Nilayam tom forma. El Mandir de Prashanti con su distintivo estilo y belleza, la torre del
templo, numerosos edificios de varios pisos que proporcionan alojamiento a los devotos, el
exquisito Auditorio Chandra Purna y el Sai Kulwant Hall - todo brot a la existencia. Muy
pronto, Prashanti Nilayam se design un municipio.

Within a short time after Swami made this announcement, Prashanti Nilayam took shape. The Prashanti Mandir with its distinctive style and
beauty, the temple tower, numerous multi-storeyed buildings providing accommodation to devotees, the exquisite Poorna Chandra Auditorium
and the Sai Kulwant Hall - all sprang into existence. Very soon, Prashanti Nilayam was designated a township.

En palabras de Baba: "Este es un lugar donde cada ser humano pueda experimentar la paz
espiritual por excelencia Es un templo, y al mismo tiempo, una iglesia y una sinagoga-. A
cada uno segn su preferencia Todo el mundo tiene derecho a beber profundamente en la
fuente ilimitada y generosa del amor de Dios. Dios ha encarnado aqu en forma humana.
Aqu, todo el mundo puede llegar a los ms altos niveles de logro espiritual. Mi objetivo es
convertir cada corazn humano en un Prashanti Nilayam. Es slo para lograr esto, que el
presente Avathar en Mi se ha materializado en la tierra".

In the words of Baba, "This is a place where every human being can experience spiritual peace par excellence. It is a temple, and at the same
time, a church, and a synagogue - to each according to his or her preference. Everyone is entitled to drink deep at the unlimited and bountiful
fountain of love of God. God has incarnated here in human form. Here, everyone can reach the highest levels of spiritual attainment. My goal is
to convert every human heart into a Prashanti Nilayam. It is only for achieving this, that the present Avathar of Mine has materialised on earth."

Cada devoto es libre de hacer uso de estos entornos benignos para meditar en el contento
de su corazn, con independencia de la deidad que l adore. l no sufrir ningn
impedimento. En ningn otro lugar del mundo se encuentra una instalacin de este tipo. Es
por eso que este lugar es considerado como el Jardn universal de la Meditacin (Viswa
Thapovanam). El cumplimiento de las austeridades espirituales se alcanza mucho ms
rpido aqu. La Suprema realidad sin forma (Parabrahman Nirakara) se ve aqu, en carne
y hueso, en forma humana. Simplemente con sentarse en meditacin, Dios mismo viene a ti,
se encuentra justo en frente de ti; Sonre suavemente sobre ti; l te habla cariosamente,
tranquilizadoramente, parati, te toca suavemente; Te bendice; El derrama su
Bienaventuranza Divina en cada tomo de tu ser!

Every devotee is free to avail themselves of these benign surroundings to meditate to his heart's content, irrespective of the deity he worships. He
will suffer no disturbance. Nowhere else in the world could such a facility be found. That is why this place is regarded as Universal Garden of
Meditation (Viswa Thapovanam). Fulfillment of spiritual austerities is attained very much faster here. The Formless Supreme Reality (Nirakara
Parabrahma) is seen here, in flesh and blood, in human form. Just sit in meditation, God Himself comes to you; He stands right in front of you;
He smiles gently at you; He speaks endearingly, re-assuringly, to you; He touches you softly; He blesses you; He showers Divine Bliss on every
atom of your being!

Es slo por la fuerza de las buenas acciones y la buena fortuna acumulada durante
numerosas vidas pasadas que uno tiene el privilegio de entrar en este Thapovanam. Es por
eso que Bhagavan dice "sin mi Voluntad, nadie puede poner un pie en el suelo de
Puttaparthi. Nadie puede hacerlo por casualidad o por accidente." Esto es literalmente

It is only on the strength of good deeds and good fortune accumulated during numerous past lives that one is privileged to enter this Thapovanam.
That is why Bhagavan says " "Without My Will, nobody can set foot on the soil of Puttaparthi. No one can do so by chance or by accident." This
is literally true.

Cientos y miles de visitantes se aglomeran para Puttaparthi buscando alivio a la inquietud
de la mente. Vienen de lejos y de cerca, de todos los continentes y el pas, pertenecen a
diferentes razas y religiones, y hablan varios idiomas. Vuelven despus de experimentar la
dicha y la paz indescriptible. Ellos estn recibiendo la debida recompensa por el mrito que
han acumulado durante vidas anteriores a travs del sadhana espiritual (practica
espiritual). Nada menos que la interaccin personal con Dios mismo es su recompensa
suprema en Puttaparthi. Se regocijan por las lluvias de bendiciones de Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai sobre ellos. aquellos que en absoluto, nunca antes practicaron austeridades
espirituales, se inspren en ver a Bhagavan y comienzan a hacerlo. Esto es evidente incluso
para un observador casual.

Hundreds and thousands of visitors throng to Puttaparthi seeking relief from restlessness of mind. They come from far and near, from every
continent and country; they belong to different races and religions; and they speak numerous languages. They go back after experiencing
indescribable bliss and peace. They are receiving due reward for the merit they have accumulated during previous lives through spiritual sadhana.
No less than personal interaction with God Himself is their supreme reward at Puttaparthi. They rejoice in the blessings Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
showers on them. Those who never before practiced any spiritual austerities whatsoever get inspired on seeing Bhagavan and begin to do so. This
is evident even to a casual observer.
Debido a muchas de esas razones, este libro ha sido nombrado Thapovanam, el jardn de la
meditacin. Y el siempre misericordioso Bhagavan ha bendecido a este humilde esfuerzo.

Because of many such reasons, this book has been named Thapovanam, the garden of meditation. And the ever-merciful Bhagavan has blessed
this humble effort..


El centro de peregrinacin de Puttaparthi est rodeado de hermosas colinas, que
proporcionan un entorno selvtico, agradable y tranquilo. Uno siente como si los grandes
sabios y rishis estubiecen realizando meditacin all. Mirad, el Brahma Muhurtham (el
perodo antes del amanecer) es ahora. Rfagas de brisa fresca y refrescante. Las aves
vuelan en lo alto y hacen gorjeos suaves. En el recinto de Prashanti Nilayam, alrededor de
las 4-40am, el gong golpea 12 veces. Poniendoce en marcha las actividades del da en el
tribunal divino. Los devotos en silencio se mueven en el patio y toman sus asientos en filas
perfectas. A las 4-50am, el gong golpea cinco veces. Los que estn sentados en el patio
delantero suavemente se mueven acia el Saln. Despus de que el Saln de Bhajan est
lleno, las luces se apagan y las puertas se cierran.

The pilgrimage centre of Puttaparthi is surrounded by beautiful hills, which provide a sylvan, pleasant and peaceful environment. One feels as if
great sages and rishis are performing meditation there. Behold, it is now the Brahma Muhoortham (the pre-dawn period). Cool and refreshing
breezes are wafting. Birds are up and making soft chirping sounds. In the Prashanti Nilayam precincts, around 4-40am, the gong strikes 12 times.
That sets in motion the day's activities in the divine court. Devotees quietly move into the forecourt and take their seats in perfect rows. At 4-
50am, the gong strikes five times. Those who are sitting in the forecourt smoothly move into the Hall. After the Bhajan Hall is full, lights are
switched off and the doors are closed.

Ahora son exactamente las 5am. Una campana suena. Los devotos reunidos comienzan a
entonar rtmicamente el Omkar (pronunciacin de OM), el sonido universal, al unsono y
en el tono medido. Al Omkar se le atribuye el poder de sintonizar el Atma personal (Alma)
con el Param-Athma (Principio Supremo). Los grandes rishis de antao Regalaron el
Omkar al mundo como el Maha Mantra (el sublime, mantra ms potente). Se dice, "Om
Ithi Eka-Aksharam Brahma" (Esta sola slaba-palabra "Om" es en s mismo el Principio
Divino). Se compone de tres sonidos - A, U y M: AUM (se lee om). El encantamiento
constante y sostenido (Japam) del Pranavam conduce a la oclusion de la mente y la
experiencia de la felicidad suprema.

It is now exactly 5am. A bell is rung. The gathered devotees begin rhythmically intoning the Omkar (utterance of Om), the Universal Sound, in
perfect unison and measured tone. Omkar is credited with the power of attuning the individual Atma (Soul) with the Param-Athma (Supreme
Principle). The great rishis of yore gifted Omkar to the world as Maha Manthra (the sublime, most potent manthra). It is said, "Om Ithi Eka-
Aksharam Brahma" (This single syllabled word 'Om' is itself the Divine Principle). It comprises three sounds - A, U and M : AUM. Constant and
sustained incantation (Japam) of Pranavam leads to obliteration of mind and experience of supreme bliss.

En cuanto al significado profundo del Om (AUM), Baba tiene esto que decir: "Slo hay
una palabra que es omnipresente en todo el universo. Este es el Omkar, es decir, el
Pranavam. Toda la creacin est impregnada del Pranavam. Los arroyos de la montaa
cantn Pranavam. Los ocanos cantan Pravanam. Porque, incluso el proceso de inhalacin y
la exhalacin no es ms que Pravanam. Aquellos que realizan trabajos manuales, como
conducir el palanqun o levantamiento de pesas o el lavado de ropa, alivian su tensin y
calman sus nervios al entonar rtmicamente el Pranavam. Siendo ese el caso, si se entona
Pranavam, con plena comprensin de su significado e importancia, y con devocin, uno
est seguro de expiar toda la carga del pecado acumulado y logran la liberacin del ciclo de
nacimientos y muertes."

Regarding the profound significance of Om (AUM), Baba has this to say : "There is only one word which is all-pervasive throughout the
universe. That is Omkar; that is, Pranavam. All creation is imbued with Pranavam. The mountain brooks sing Pranavam. The oceans sing
Pravanam. Why, even the process of inhalation and exhalation is nothing but Pravanam. Those who perform manual labour, like palanquin-
bearing or lifting weights or washing clothes, ease their strain and soothe their nerves by rhythmically intoning Pranavam. That being the case, if
one intones Pranavam, with full understanding of its meaning and significance, and with devotion, one is sure to expiate all burden of
accumulated sin and attain release from the cycle of births and deaths."

Al igual que una larga serie de bagones se mueve hacia adelante cuando est engarzada al
motor de un tren, todos se convierten en mantras potentes y fructferan cuando tienen el
prefijo Pranavam (om). Incluso si unicamente se entona solo el Pranavam, equivale a haber
entonado la esencia de todos los Vedas.

Just as a long train of coaches moves forward when it is linked to a railway engine, all manthras become potent and fruitful when they are
prefixed with Pranavam. Even if just Pranavam alone is intoned, it amounts to having intoned the essence of all the Vedas.

Tal potente y todopoderoso proveedor de suprema bienaventuranza, el Omkar, ahora se
hace eco 21 veces en Prashanti Nilayam. Las vibraciones espirituales as generadas se
realizan sobre el viento de las primeras ondas de la maana creando pulsaciones
espirituales a travs del universo.

Such a potent and all-powerful provider of supreme-bliss, the Omkar, now echoes 21 times in Prashanti Nilayam. The spiritual vibrations thus
generated are carried on the wings of the early morning waves of breeze creating spiritual pulsations throughout the universe.

Luego sigue el Suprabatham (canto ceremonial para despertar al Seor). Los versos estn
en snscrito, la msica es rtmica y especialmente en armona con el medio ambiente de la
maana. Generalmente damas devotas sentadas en el mandir recitan en snscrito las
estrofas con devocin y amor.

Next follows the Suprabatham (the ceremonial wake-up of the Lord). The verses are in Sanskrit, the music is rhythmical and specially attuned to
the early morning environment. Generally lady devotees sitting in the mandir recite the Sanskrit stanzas with devotion and love.

Suprabatham (canto ceremonial para despertar a dios)

I shvaramma Suthah Sreeman, Poorva Sandhya Pravarthathe, Utthishtha Sathya Sayeesa,
Kartavyam Daivam-ahnikam.

(Oh, hijo de Ishvaramma! Oh, aquel majestuoso resplandeciente! El amanecer se est
rompiendo en el Este. Las tareas diarias de la Divinidad, que has asumido, tienen que
llevarse a cabo, por lo tanto, despierta Seor Sathya Sai!)

(Oh, son of Easwaramba! Oh, resplendent majestic One! The dawn is breaking in the East. The daily tasks of Divinity, which
you have undertaken, have to be accomplished therefore, awake O Lord Sathya Sai!)

Utthishtha Utthishtha Partheesa Utthishtha J agathee Pathe Utthishtha Karuna-Poorna, Loka
Mangala siddhaye.

(Despierta, despierta, Oh Seor de Parti (Puttaparthi donde l se ha manifestado y desde
donde irradia su esplendor en todo el mundo). Despierta, Oh Seor de la Compasin, para
que el mundo obtenga fortuna (Mangala)).

(Awake, Awake, Oh Lord of Parthi (Puttaparthi where He has manifested Himself and from where His splendour radiates over the entire World).
Awake, Oh Lord of Compassion, so that the World may attain fortune (mangala)).

Chithravathee Thata Vishala Susantha Soudhe, Thishtthanthi Sevaka J anah Thava-
Darsanartham. Adithya Kanthih-Anubhathi Samastha Lokan, Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan
Thava Suprabatham.

(En la gran mansin tan llena de paz (Prashanti Nilayam), a orillas del ro Chithravathi,
aquellos deseosos de servirte estn esperando por Tu Darshan (visin). El resplandor del
sol se est extendiendo, iluminando todos los mundos. Oh, Bhagavan Sathya Sai, oramos
por un amanecer glorioso, bendita sea tu despertar.)

(In the vast mansion so full of peace (Prashanti Nilayam), on the banks of the river Chithravathi, those anxious to serve Thee are waiting for Thy
Darshan. The radiance of the Sun is spreading, illumining all the worlds. Oh, Bhagavan Sathya Sai, we pray for a glorious daybreak, blessed by
Thy wakefulness.)

Thvannama Keerthana ratha, Thava Divya Nama Gayanthi, Bhakti Rasa Pana Prahrishta
Chiththah, Dathum Krupa-Sahitha Darsanam-ashu thebhyah, Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan
Thava Suprabatham.

(Que las personas que se dedican a cantar en voz alta Tu Nombre y que son felices cuando
lo hacen porque, tu sabor es el nctar de la devocin, vengan, y pueda Tu benigno darshan
ser derramado como tu gracia en ellos. Oramos por un amanecer glorioso, bendecido por
Tu despertar.)

(Persons who are engaged in singing aloud Thy Name and who are happy when they do so because then, they taste the nectar of devotion, have
come, and may Thy benign darshan shower Thy grace on them. We pray for a glorious daybreak, blessed by Thy wakefulness.)

Adaya Divya Kusumani Manoharani, Shree Pada Poojana vidhim Bhavad-Anghrimoole
kartum Maha-Utsukathaya, PravishanthiBhakthah, Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan Thava

(Traigan flores santas de colores cautivantes y fragancias, para adorar a los Pies en la
forma prescrita por las escrituras, Tus devotos estn entrando con gran anhelo y
entusiasmo. Oramos por un amanecer glorioso, bendito sea tu despertar.)

(Bringing holy flowers of captivating colours and fragrance, for worshipping Thy Feet in the form prescribed by the scriptures, Thy devotees are
coming in with great yearning and enthusiasm. We pray for a glorious daybreak, blessed by Thy wakefulness.)

Desantharagatha budha Thava Divya Moorthim, Sandarshana-Abhirathi Sam-ytha Chitha
Vruthya, Vedoktha mantra Patthanena Lasanthyajasram, Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan Thava

(Las personas sabias de otros pases, movidas por el anhelo de tener Tu Darshan, han
llegado;. Estn teniendo un gran placer en recitar constantemente los mantras de los Vedas
Oramos por un amanecer glorioso, bendito sea tu despertar.)

(Learned persons from other countries, moved by the yearning to have Thy Darshan, have come; they are having great delight in reciting
constantly the manthras of the Vedas. We pray for a glorious daybreak, blessed by Thy wakefulness.)

Shruthva Thava-Adbhutha Charithram Akhanda Keerthim Vyaptham Diganthara Vishala
Dharathale-Asmin, J ijnasu Lokam-Upathishttathi Chashrame-Asmin, Sri Sathya Sai
Bhagavan Thava Suprabhatham

(Al or tu historia maravillosa y tu fama que ha alcanzado los ms lejanos horizontes,
buscadores sinceros de la realidad han llegado a este lugar y esperan por Ti. Oramos por
un amanecer glorioso, bendito sea tu despertar.)

(Hearing Thy marvelous story and Thy Fame that has reached the farthest horizons, earnest seekers of Reality have come to this place and are
waiting for You. We pray for a glorious daybreak, blessed by Thy wakefulness.)

Seetha Sathee Sama Visuddha Hrid-Ambujathah, Bahu-Angana Kara-Gruheetha Supushpa-
Harah, Sthunvanthi Divya nuthibhih, thvam phani-bhooshanam Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan
Thava Suprabhatham

(Las devotas con pureza igual a la diosa Sita, y con el corazn, como flores de loto, cuyos
ptalos estan sin ataduras con el mundo en el que viven, pero se sienten atrados por el Sol,
es decir, a Dios, estn cantando Tu Gloria a travs de himnos sagrados, sosteniendo
excelentes guirnaldas de flores en sus manos. Oramos por un glorioso amanecer, bendito
sea tu despertar.)

(Women devotees in purity equal to Goddess Seetha, and with hearts like lotuses, whose petals are unattached to the world in which they live but
are drawn to the Sun, viz, God, are singing Thy Glory through holy hymns, holding excellent flower garlands in their hands. We pray for a
glorious Daybreak, blessed by Thy wakefulness.)

Suprabhatham-I dam punyam, Ye Patthanthi Dine Dine, El Vishanthi Param-dhama, J nana
Vijnana Sobhithah. Mangalam Guru Devaya, Mangalam J nana Dayine, Mangalam Parti
Vasaya, Mangalam Sathya Sayine.

(Quien recita este Himno del Despertar alcanzar la Morada Suprema, resplandeciendo con
la Inteligencia suprema, as como la sabidura suprema. Que el Gur Divino sea auspicioso
para nosotros; Que el Dador de la Sabidura sea auspicioso para nosotros; Que el Seor
que se manifiesta en Parti sea auspicioso para nosotros; Que Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba
sea auspicioso para nosotros.

(Whoever daily recites this Wakening Hymn will attain the Highest Abode, resplendent with the supreme Intelligence as well as the supreme
Wisdom. May the Divine Guru be auspicious to us; may the Bestower of Wisdom be auspicious to us; may the Lord who manifested in Parthi be
auspicious to us; may Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba be auspicious to us.

Espiritualmente hablando, el Suprabhatham es una apelacin a l para 'despertar' el
anhelo del devoto. Se trata de un llamado tambin a la propia conciencia de uno a
despertar a la verdad de Su ser la propia realidad interna.

Spiritually speaking, Suprabhatham is an appeal to Him to 'awake' to the devotee's yearning. It is an appeal also to one's own consciousness to
wake up to the truth of His being one's own innermost reality.

Puede sonar extrao que los seres humanos canten la cancin del despertar y de los buenos
das a Bhagavan que est siempre despierto y siempre alerta, y es el supremo testimonio de
todo en el universo. Dnde est la necesidad de despertar a Aquel que no conoce el
"sueo" en absoluto y est siempre en vela? Entonces, qu es todo este Suprabhatham por
que y para quin? El propsito real detrs de este ejercicio musical es despertar la
capacidad de discriminar (viveka) y alertarnos a todos, que despertemos del seno de sueo
que nos mantiene en su abrazo como una madre! El significado interno de Suprabhatham
es el recordarnos a nosotros mismos: "Dios reside en el corazn de todos", y tambin para
ajustar y alimentar la llama de la conciencia (Jnana-Agni) para que pueda arder ms
brillante que nunca.

It may sound odd that human beings sing the awakening up song and bid good morning to Bhagavan who is ever awake and ever alert, and is the
supreme witness to everything in the universe. Where is the need for waking up the One who knows no 'sleep' whatsoever and is ever wakeful?
Then, what is all this Suprabhatham for, and for whom? The real purpose behind this musical exercise is to arouse ability to discriminate (vivek)
and alertness in all of us, who have woken up from the bosom of sleep that holds us in its embrace like a mother! The inner meaning of
Suprabhatham is to remind ourselves, "God resides within everyone's heart", and also to trim and nurture the flame of awareness (Jnana-Agni) so
that it may burn brighter than ever.

Aqu hay un incidente revelador. Fue la noche santa de Shivaratri (noche que marca el
nacimiento del Seor Shiva en forma de Lingam). Un erudito llamado Sri Diipala
Pichchayya Sastry estaba sentado entre los devotos que hacen Bhajans en Prashanti
Nilayam. De repente tuvo una idea extraa: "Me gustara ver a la maravillosa gracia y la
belleza de Bhagavan Sai Baba cuando est dormido." A eso de las 23:00 esa misma noche
Swami llam Sastry en la sala de entrevistas y empez a hablar con l. Sastry no se dio
cuenta del paso del tiempo. Fue ms de una hora. Se senta somnoliento y no pudo contener
ms sus bostezos. Swami le pregunt: "Sastry, querias verme dormido pero t mismo ests
dormitando?" Sastry de despert de repente y se pregunt cmo Swami saba cual era el
pensamiento ms ntimo que se le haba pasado por la cabeza hace un rato. Baba tomo un
tono de serenidad y seriedad y dijo: "Sastry, si Yo me fuera a dormir, podrias estar Tu
despertando de nuevo?" Sastry se sobresalt. Dios esta permanentemente despierto y
eternamente activo. Nunca debemos olvidar esta simple verdad.

Here is a revealing incident. It was the holy night of Shiva Rathri (the night marking the birth of Lord Shiva in the form of Lingam). A scholar
named Sri Deepala Pichchayya Sastry was sitting among devotees doing Bhajan in Prashanti Nilayam. Suddenly he had a strange thought : "I
would like to see the wonderful grace and beauty of Bhagavan Sai Baba when He is asleep." At about 11pm that very night Swami summoned
Sastry into the Interview Room and began talking to him. Sastry did not notice the passage of time. It was more than an hour. He felt drowsy and
could not hold back his yawns any more. Swami then asked him, "Sastry, you wished to see Me asleep but you yourself are dozing?" Sastry
suddenly sprang to wakefulness and wondered how Swami knew his innermost thought that had crossed his mind a little while ago. Baba
assumed a tone of serenity and seriousness and said, "Sastry, if I were to sleep, would you be waking up again?" Sastry was startled. God is
perpetually wakeful and eternally active. We should never overlook this simple truth.

NAGARA SAMKIRTAM (cantos devocionales al exterior)

Ahora, despus del Suprabhatham, es tiempo para el Nagara-Samkirtam. Que conciste en
una actividad en la que grupos de devotos recorren las calles entonando canciones
devocionales. Cantan con ardiente devocin y dedicacin con msica rtmica, a menudo
acompaados de instrumentos musicales simples, inspirando pensamientos santos, no slo
entre los cantantes, sino tambin a los otros. En las primeras horas del da, cuando los
pjaros estn cantando sus propios sonidos musicales, cuando las brisa fresca y suave flota
suavemente sobre Prashanti Nilayam, la encantadora msica de los devotos mientras van
alrededor del Mandir de Swami ofrece una experiencia inolvidable para todos.

After Suprabhatham, it is now time for Nagara Sankeerthan. It comprises an activity in which groups of devotees go around the streets singing
devotional songs. They sing with ardent devotion and dedication and the rhythmic music, often accompanied by simple musical instruments,
inspires holy thoughts not only among the singers, but also others. In the early hours of the day, when birds are chirping their own musical
sounds, when cool and soothing breezes gently waft over Prashanti Nilayam, the lovely music of devotees as they go around Swami's Mandir
provides an unforgettable experience to one and all.

El Nagara Samkirtan comienza en la entrada de Prashanti Nilayam con el auspicioso
darshan del Seor Ganesha bajo las sombras de la higuera sagrada (ficus relijiosa).
Devotos en lneas ordenadas circundan en el complejo de Nilayam y vuelven al punto en
que empezaron, es decir, el templo de Ganesha.

Nagara Sankeerthan begins at the entrance of Prashanti Nilayam with the auspicious darshan of Lord Ganesh under the spreading peepul tree.
Devotees in orderly lines go around the Nilayam complex and come back to the point where they started, i.e., the Ganesh temple.

A la edad de diez aos, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, entonces conocido como Sathya Narayana
Raju o simplemente Sathyam, se reuna con un grupo de muchachos de Puttaparthi para
entonar cantos de bhajans. El grupo se llam Sri Bhajan Mandali Panduranga. Inspirado
por la encantadora personalidad de Satyam, el grupo se pona uniformes a medida, con
banderas en las manos, davan la vuelta al pueblo, calle por calle, cantando bhajans con el
acompaamiento de cmbalos. Se ponia un candil encendido sobre el suelo e ivan alrededor
de l en un amplio crculo cantando al ritmo y en xtasis. En ocasiones, las enfermedades
infecciosas como el clera y la viruela causaban estragos y devastacion en los pueblos de los
alrededores de Puttaparthi. Pero aqu en Puttaparthi, los residentes notaron que todo el
mundo estaba seguro, feliz y saludable. A su juicio, se deba nicamente a la actividad
devocional del Sathyam Bhajan Mandali. Pronto los habitantes de los pueblos vecinos
comenzaron a invitar al Mandali para venir y realizar bhajans. A su debido tiempo, ellos
tambin notaron alivio de las enfermedades y la muerte prematura. El pequeo brote
devocional plantado por Sathyam en aquellos lejanos tiempos ha florecido hoy en el Sri
Sathya Sai Seva Samithis y sus (grupos) Nagara Samkirtam Brindas que ejercen
actividades de bhajans en una escala ms amplia en todo el mundo.

At the age of ten, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, then known as Sathya Narayana Raju or simply Sathyam, would gather a group of boys from Puttaparthi
for singing bhajan songs. The group called themselves Sri Panduranga Bhajan Mandali. Inspired by the enchanting personality of Sathyam, the
group would don appropriate custom-made uniforms and, with flags in their hands, go round the village, street by street, singing bhajans to the
accompaniment of cymbals. They would set a tall lamp-stand on the ground and go around it in a wide circle singing in rhythm and ecstasy.
Occasionally, infectious diseases like cholera and smallpox used to rage and ravage villages all around Puttaparthi. But here in Puttaparthi,
residents noticed everyone was safe, happy and healthy. They felt that it was solely due to the devotional activity of Sathyam's Bhajan Mandali.
Soon residents of neighbouring villages began inviting the Mandali to come over and perform bhajans. In due course, they too noticed relief from
disease and untimely death. The tiny devotional seedling planted by Sathyam in those far off times has blossomed today into the Sri Sathya Sai
Seva Samithis and their Nagara Sankeerthan Brindas (groups) carrying on bhajan activities on a more extensive scale all over the world.


El Nagara Samkirtam ha terminado y es hora del Sandarshan, es decir, la audiencia
pblica, familiarmente conocido como el Darshan de Bhagavan. Los devotos ansiosos ahora
estn entrando en la sala de audiencias y toman asientos en filas bien ordenadas. Mientras
tanto, los sacerdotes del templo realizan rituales de adoracin de las dos deidades. El Seor
Ganesha y el Seor Subramanyam, cuyos templos se encuentran directamente en la
entrada del recinto Prashanti Nilayam. Pronto las deidades se baan en agua bendita
(Abhisheka), decoradas con flores y guirnaldas, les adoran y le ofrecien arathi (saludos con
lmpara de aceite o alcanfor). Las horas de la maana resuenan con mantras vdicos.

Nagara Sankeerthan is over and it is time now for Sandarshan, i.e., public audience, familiarly known as Darshan of Bhagavan. Eager devotees
are now entering the audience hall and taking seats in well-ordered rows. Meanwhile, the temple priests performs rituals of worship of the two
deities. Lord Ganesh and Lord Subrahmanya, whose temples are located directly at the entrance of Prashanti Nilayam precincts. Soon the deities
are bathed in holy water (abhishek), decorated with flowers and garlands, worshipped and offered arathi. The morning hours resound with Vedic

Ahora todo el mundo est sentado en filas bien ordenadas en la sala de audiencias a la
espera de la llegada de Bhagavan, la personificacin del Fin ltimo en forma humana, y el
salvador de la humanidad. Entre el vido pblico estan los que han venido de tierras
lejanas, profesan diferentes credos y siguen los diferentes modos de adoracin. Pero aqu
todos son uno; ellos estn esperando profundamente por el mismo idntico evento que
sucede con regularidad, da tras da, la llegada del siempre misericordioso Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai Baba.

Now everyone is sitting in well-ordered rows in the audience hall waiting for the arrival of Bhagavan, the personification of the Ultimate in
human form, and the saviour of mankind. Among the eager audience are those who have come from far off lands, profess different faiths and
follow different modes of worship. But here they are all one; they are keenly waiting for the same identical event that happens regularly day after
day, the arrival of the ever-merciful Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Dos horas han pasado, pero Swami no ha llegado todava. Algn devoto, en profunda
amargura, clama Swami apareceras en alguna parte? En el momento en que el devoto
clama, 'Oh Sai!", el Seor tendra que aparecer en frente diciendo: "S, estoy aqu",
brindando auxilio inmediato. Pero despus de recibir la generosidad del Seor, dejaria
que el devoto agradecido se vaya fcilmente? Acaso no derram lgrimas de alegra y
perdi la rara oportunidad de baarse a los pies del Seor con un caudal de lgrimas de
gratitud? Esa debe ser la razn por la que Bhagavan no ha llegado todava. De lo contrario,
el ms compasivo Sai nunca tomaria tanto tiempo e ignorara el dolor y la angustia de los
miles de devotos que esperan con impaciencia en el Mandir de Su darshan.

Two hours have passed by but Swami has not arrived yet. Has some devotee, in deep distress, cried out for Swami from somewhere? The
moment he called out, 'Oh Sai!', the Lord must have appeared in front of him, 'Yes, I am here', providing immediate succour. But after receiving
the Lord's bounty, does the grateful devotee easily let Him go? Does he not shed tears of joy and does he miss the rare opportunity to bathe the
feet of the Lord with flooding tears of gratitude? That must be the reason why Bhagavan has not yet arrived. Otherwise, the most compassionate
Sai will never take so long and ignore the ache and anguish of the thousands of devotees eagerly waiting in the Mandir for His darshan.

Oh he aqu! Omos los tonos suaves de una flauta que est tocando anunciando la llegada
de Swami. Miles de cabezas giran en la misma direccin como los girasoles giran hacia el
sol. Con los ojos bien abiertos, los devotos tratan de echar un vistazo al Seor a la mayor
brevedad. Ven algn destello rojo all? Ese despliegue de color marca la direccin de la
cual l viene. La Verdad Absoluta Unitaria (Ekam Sat)!

Oh behold! We hear the soft tones of a flute being played heralding Swami's arrival. Thousands of heads turn in the same direction as sunflowers
turn towards the Sun. With eyes peeled, devotees try to catch a glimpse of the Lord at the earliest moment. Do they see some flash of red there?
That play of colour marks the direction from which He comes in. The One Absolute Truth (Ekam Sath)!

Qu gloriosa visin es! Vestido con ropa de fuego en tonos refulgentes, la misericordia y la
compasin tomado forma fsica, la personificacin de la gracia, baando con sonrisas
suaves de encanto indescriptible, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai se mueve lentamente y va junto
a las filas de devotos. Con una mano levantada en Abhaya Mudra (gesto de asegurar la
proteccin), l est saciando los corazones sedientos de los devotos en dificultades. l est
recibiendo numerosas cartas, que los devotos humildemente sostienen para l. Para
algunos, l concede el codiciado privilegio de ofrecer Pada-namaskar (saludos a Sus Pies de
Loto), y algunos otros son bendecidos con vibhuti (ceniza sagrada) que manifiesta de la
nada por un simple movimiento de la mano. l est bendiciendo a otros por un toque suave
o por una elevacin de su palma abierta. La escena es indescriptible, un espectculo para
los dioses!

What a glorious sight it is! Clad in effulgent flame-hued garments, mercy and compassion taken physical form, personification of grace,
showering gentle smiles of indescribable charm, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai is slowly moving in and going along the rows of devotees. With one
hand raised in Abhaya Mudra (the gesture of assuring protection), He is satiating the parched hearts of distressed devotees. He is receiving
numerous letters, which devotees humbly hold up to Him. To some, He is granting the coveted privilege of offering Pada Namaskar (salutations
to His Lotus Feet); some others are blessed with vibhuti (sacred ash) manifested from nowhere by a mere movement of His palm. He is blessing
some by a soft touch or by a raising of His open palm. The scene is beyond description, a sight for the Gods!

Swami ha sido descrito por los estudiosos como "Mouna Vyakhya Prakatitha Parabrahma
Thathwam", que puede traducirse como Suprema Divinidad manifiesta a travs del
silencio. Swami no habla mucho, pero cada devoto descubre que todas sus dudas se borran
y sus recelos se disuelven; todas sus preocupaciones se resuelven mientras que l fija su
mirada en Swami. Todo su ser se inunda de paz (shanti), karuna (ternura y compasin) y
Prema (amor).

Swami has been described by scholars as "Mouna Vyakhya Prakatitha Parabrahma Thathwam", which may be translated as Supreme Divinity
manifested through silence. Swami does not speak much, but every devotee finds that all his doubts are cleared and misgivings dissolved; all his
worries get resolved as he sets his eyes on Swami. His whole being is inundated with santhi (peace), karuna (tenderness and compassion) and
prema (love).

Cada persona alli piensa igual. "Cuntos das y aos he anhelado este momento del
darshan de Swami. El Seor siempre misericordioso se me est acercando, en carne y
hueso. l est al allcance de la mano. Deja que mis ojos se sacien con esta gloriosa vista. No
dejes que mis lgrimas de alegra que vienen en camino obstruyan mi visin. Mi mente se
ha vuelto loca en el anhelo por l durante aos y aos. Aqu est el bendito momento. la
Belleza Divina est cerca; Mis ojos y mi mente se deleitan. Mi cuerpo ha perdido su sentido
del tacto al esperar tanto tiempo por l. Aqu estn los pies de loto del Seor. Ahora que
estn a mi alcance, que mi cuerpo vuelva en si para tocar esos divinos pies aqu y ahora.
Oh, no, mi cuerpo no se mueve! mi lengua tambin se niega a moverse y hablar con
Bhagavan. Todos estos, mis ojos, mi mente, mi cuerpo, incluso mi propia lengua me estn
fallando en este momento crucial! Las lgrimas estn obstruyendo mi visin, mi lengua est
atada, mi cuerpo se est olvidando de s mismo debido a una profunda alegra".

Every person there is thinking alike. "How many days and years have I longed for this moment of darshan of Swami! The ever-merciful Lord is
now nearing me, in flesh and blood. He is close at hand. Let my eyes be satiated with this glorious sight. Let not my tears of joy come in the way
and obstruct my vision. My mind has gone crazy in longing for Him for years and years. Here is the blessed moment; the Divine Beauty is close
by. Let my eyes and my mind be feasted. My body has lost its sense of touch in waiting so long for Him. Here are the Lord's Lotus Feet. Now
that they are within reach, let my body revive itself by touching those Divine Feet here and now. Oh no, my body does not move! My tongue too
refuses to move and talk to Bhagavan. All these, my own eyes, my own mind, my own body, even my own tongue are failing me at this crucial
moment! Tears are obstructing my vision, my tongue is tied, my body is forgetting itself because of profound joy."

Tal es el poder de la personalidad de Sai. Un simple vistazo del Seor, el siempre
misericordioso, es suficiente para cubrir a todos y cada uno de paz, ecuanimidad sin
precedentes, quietud, firmeza, y felicidad interior. Como posamos nuestros ojos en forma
de Baba, algo que l mismo ha dicho con respecto a la naturaleza de su divinidad resuena
en nuestros odos. "Yo Quice, " declar en una ocasin: "Para mi propio placer, crear este
vasto universo. Antes de eso, no haba nadie que me entendiera. fue simplemente mi
voluntad. Eso es todo. Las montaas crecieron; Los ros fluyeron, la tierra abajo y el cielo
arriba tomaron forma; los ocanos rodaron; el Sol, la Luna, los desiertos, todo tom forma
para demostrar mi existencia. Los seres humanos, los animales, las aves ... todos los seres
vivos comenzaron a hablar, escuchar y moverse; Al hombre se le concedi la primaca. Yo
equipe el cerebro humano con mi propia sabidura discriminativa (Vijana)". Qu
revelacin, qu profundidad! El reflexionar sobre estas palabras nos podra elevar a los
niveles ms altos de la espiritualidad .

Such is the power of the Sai personality. A mere look at the Lord, the ever-merciful, is sufficient to fill one and all with unparalleled peace and
equanimity, and unruffled, sustained, inner happiness. As we set our eyes on Baba's form, something He Himself had said regarding the nature of
His divinity rings in our ears. "I Willed," He once declared, "for My own pleasure, to create this vast universe. Before that, there was none to
understand Me. I merely willed. That's all. Mountains rose; rivers flowed; the earth below and the sky above took form; oceans rolled; the Sun,
the Moon, deserts, everything took shape to demonstrate My existence. Humans, animals, birds... all living beings began to speak, to hear and to
move about; Man was accorded primacy. I equipped the human brain with My own discriminative wisdom (Vijnan)." What a revelation, what
profundity! Reflecting on these words will elevate us to the highest echelons of spirituality.

Despus de la fascinante reunin desplegada por su visin, Bhagavan camina lentamente
por las ultimas filas de escolares sentados en el galeria del Mandir. A pesar de su edad en la
forma fsica actual, Swami se pone a disposicin de los devotos todos los das con tanta
regularidad como lo hace el sol. Muchas veces nos sentimos bastante afligido por la
afliccin que le damos. Mientras tanto, Swami selecciona unas cuantas personas para la
entrevista personal, las que lleva a cabo uno por uno en la sala de entrevistas y luego, con
una sonrisa agradable en los labios, el va hacia S mismo. El darshan de la maana ha

After fascinating the assembled gathering by His audience, Bhagavan slowly walks past rows of school children seated on the veranda of the
Mandir. Despite His age in the present physical form, Swami makes Himself available to devotees every morning as regularly as the Sun does.
Often we feel quite distressed at the trouble we give Him. Meanwhile, Swami selects a few persons for personal interview, conducts them one by
one into the interview room and then, with a pleasing smile on his lips, goes in Himself. The morning darshan is over.


Las mentes de los devotos estn llenas de la euforia generada por el Darshan de Bhagavan.
Con los ojos cerrados, meditamos profundamente en la experiencia gloriosa concedida slo
a nosotros y en la magnfica forma cautivadora, de Bhagavan. Y el dulce recuerdo de un
mensaje dado una vez por Baba viene a nuestra mente:

Minds of devotees are full with exhilaration generated by Darshan of Bhagavan. Eyes closed, we meditate deeply on the glorious experience just
granted to us and the captivating, magnificent form of Bhagavan. And the sweet memory of a message once given by Baba comes to our mind :

"Despus de hacer uso de la bendicin de verme, retirate a un lugar de soledad y silencio.
Manten tu mente firme e imperturbable. En ese estado de calma absoluta, medita sobre Mi
forma y el raro privilegio y la buena fortuna de haberme visto en persona. a continuacin,
obten el efecto beneficioso de Mis bendiciones en toda su medida. entonces podras entrar
en quietud y recibir la finalizacin de mis bendiciones. Mi energa va de m hacia ustedes,
cuando paso frente a ustedes durante la audiencia pblica. Mi Poder Divino irradia en todo
tu ser. Si comienzas a hablar inmediatamente despus de eso en vez de observar la
meditacin silenciosa, la preciosa energa se disipa y vuelve de nuevo a m sin dejar su
impacto beneficioso sobre ti. Al que yo considero sufre un cambio para mejor y adquiere
nueva potencia, que contina ganando fuerza da tras da. Nunca subestimes los efectos
beneficiosos de tener Mi darshan. Mi caminar entre ustedes es un regalo anhelado por los
dioses del cielo ms alto, y aqu ustedes estn recibiendo esta gracia. Han venido por este
don divino, como recompensa por el mrito espiritual de sus vidas anteriores. Incluso los
seres celestes esperan pacientemente Mi darshan. por otro lado, este raro privilegio est a
tu alcance da tras da. Nunca deben olvidar que todo se trata del mrito de sus vidas
anteriores. Estas bendiciones que reciben se expresarn en su tiempo perfecto. Entonces
ellas florecen y dan fruto".

"After availing of the blessing of seeing Me, retire to a place of solitude and silence. Keep your mind steady and unruffled. In that state of
absolute calm, meditate on My form and the rare privilege and good fortune of having seen Me in person. You will then derive the beneficial
effect of My blessings in full measure. Then you may enter into the stillness and receive the completion of My blessings. My energy goes from
Me to You, as I move past you during public audience. My Divine Power radiates into your whole being. If you begin talking immediately
thereafter instead of observing silent meditation, the precious energy is dissipated, and returns back to Me without leaving its beneficial impact on
you. Whomsoever I look upon undergoes a change for the better and acquires new potency, which continues to gain strength day after day. Never
under-estimate the beneficial effects of having My darshan. My walking among you is a gift yearned for by the Gods of the highest heaven, and
here you are receiving this grace. Doubt not that you have come by this godly boon as a reward for the spiritual merit of your earlier lives. Even
celestial beings wait patiently for My darshan. On the other hand, this rare privilege is within your reach day after day. Never forget that this is all
due to the merit of your previous lives. These blessings you receive will express themselves in their perfect time. Then they will blossom and bear

Qu maravillosa seguridad! "Incluso los seres celestes esperan pacientemente Mi
darshan." Estas palabras nos traen el recuerdo de un par de eventos fantsticos.

What a wonderful assurance! "Even celestial beings wait patiently for My darshan." These words bring to us a recollection of a couple of
fantastic events.


Hubo una ferviente devota de Sri Shirdi Sai Baba que tenia por nombre, Smt. Gali Sarada
Devi. Ella haba pasado varios aos en las proximidades de l. Ms de 20 aos despus de
Shirdi Sai se fusion en el Infinito, ella se encontr con Sri Sathya Sai y l la llam a
Puttaparthi. A su debido tiempo,se le proporcion alojamiento regular en Prashanti
Nilayam. Bhagavan tambin le dio un apodo, "Pedda Bottu", como una expresin de
cario. La palabra significa 'Gran Bindi" dado que ella sola llevar una inusual marca de
bermelln (kumkum) en la frente. Dio la casualidad de que en las primeras horas de una
maana, ella estaba sentada en meditacin bajo la Thapo Vriksham en Puttaparthi.
Todava estaba oscuro. Ella comenz a abrir los ojos y de repente vio algo increble,
mujeres celestes se movan en el cielo por encima del Mandir de Prashanti. Ellas
irradiaban luz blanca y brillante, y viajavan por las colinas hacia el este. De hermosas
figuras y de piel brillante, ricamente adornadas con flores y guirnaldas, no posaron el suelo
, pero si anduvieron a toda velocidad en el cielo abierto. Pedda Bottu supuso que no eran
seres humanos ordinarios. Tambin poda or melodiosos sonidos musicales. Asombrada
por la visin, se dio cuenta de que los seres celestiales estaban regresando a su morada
despus de haber tenido el darshan de Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahman, el Dios Supremo.
Pedda Bottu era una yogini, por lo que fue bendecida con esta experiencia conmovedora
por Bhagavan. Despus de un rato ella baj la colina y en silenciosamente abri las puertas
de la Salon de Bhajans para encontrar todos profundamente dormidos. Pero, extraamente
los sonidos de la msica seguan ocurriendo. Se dio cuenta de que algunos visitantes celestes
aun seguan all entreteniendo a Baba con la msica y la danza. En la maana cuando
Pedda Bottu se reuni con Baba, se dirigi a l, "Swami, vi a los seres celestiales cuando
regresaban despus de reunirse contigo!" "Oh, lo hiciste?" Swami sonri amablemente.

There was an ardent devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba by name, Smt. Gali Sarada Devi. She had spent several years in close proximity to Him.
More than 20 years after Shirdi Sai merged in the Infinite, she happened to meet Sri Sathya Sai and He summoned her to Puttaparthi. In due
course, she was provided regular accommodation in Prashanti Nilayam. Bhagavan also gave her a pet name, "Pedda Bottu", as a term of
endearment. The word means 'Big Bindi' as she used to wear an unusually large mark of vermilion (kumkum) on her forehead. It so happened
that in the early hours of one morning, she was sitting in meditation under the Thapo Vriksham in Puttaparthi. It was still dark. She happened to
open her eyes and suddenly saw something unbelievable; celestial women were moving in the sky above the Prashanti Mandir. They radiated
brilliant white light as they travelled over the hills towards the east. Beautiful in appearance and bright in complexion, richly adorned with
flowers and garlands, they did not walk on the ground but sped high in the open sky. Pedda Bottu guessed that they were no ordinary human
beings. She could also hear melodious musical sounds. Astonished at the vision, she realized that the celestial beings were returning to their
abode after having had the darshan of Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahma, the Supreme God. Pedda Bottu was a yogini and was therefore blessed with this
soul-stirring experience by Bhagavan. After a little while she came down the hill and quietly opened the doors of the Bhajan Hall to find every
one fast asleep. But strangely the sounds of music were still going on. She realized that some celestial visitors were still there entertaining Baba
with music and dance. In the morning when Pedda Bottu met Baba, she mentioned to Him, "Swami, I saw the celestial beings as they were
returning after meeting You!" "Oh, did you?" gently smiled Swami.


Fue en Vaikuntha Ekadasi, un da de excepcional santidad. Las Escrituras Sagradas lo
describen como el glorioso da en que el Seor Sri Maha Vishnu concedi su darshan
(visin) a los devotos en la puerta norte de su morada celestial. Un devoto llamado Raja
Peddy estaba durmiendo en la terraza en el primer piso de Prashanti Nilayam. Cerca de la
medianoche se despert. Se dio cuenta a travs de las puertas ligeramente abiertas que en
la habitacin de Swami haba una iluminacin muy brillante. Se pregunt por qu haba
all tanta luz a una hora tan extraa. Se acerc y mir por el hueco entre las puertas. Se
sorprendi al encontrar varios seres celestiales que se inclinaban para rendir homenaje a
los Pies de Loto de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. Ellos emitian una iluminacin fantstica.
Swami estaba reclinado, como el Seor Sri Maha Vishnu, en la cama proporcionada por
Adisesha y aceptaba amablemente su homenaje. Siete fuegos ardan brillantes alrededor de
la cama de Swami. La visin sobresalt Raja Peddy. En silencio, cerr las puertas y volvi
a su cama en el hall. No poda dormir ms. Al da siguiente, le mencion a Swami acerca de
su celeste experiencia y pregunt, "Swami, quienes son todas esas personas?" Swami
explic: "Son todos los seres celestiales (Devathas). Ellos han venido por Mi darshan. Lo
que viste en forma de llamas son los Saptha-Rishis, los siete grandes sabios. Como yo te
proteg con mis bendiciones, tu todava estas vivo. de lo contrario, en el momento en que
pones tus ojos en esa escena, te habras reducido a cenizas!" Sri Sathya Sai es realmente la
forma humana del Absoluto Universal. Entregamos nuestros humildes saludos a l.

It was Vaikuntha Ekadasi, a day of exceptional sanctity. Holy scriptures describe it as the glorious day on which Lord Sri Maha Vishnu
vouchsafes darshan to devotees at the northern gateway of his celestial abode. A devotee called Raja Peddy was sleeping on the veranda on the
first floor of Prashanti Nilayam. At about midnight he woke up. He noticed through the slightly open doors of Swami's room a very bright
illumination. He wondered why so much light was there at such an odd hour. He drew close and peeped through the gap between the doors. He
was astonished to find several celestial beings taking turns to pay homage to the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. They emitted fantastic
illumination. Swami was reclining, like Lord Sri Maha Vishnu, on the bed provided by Adisesha, and was graciously accepting their homage.
Seven fires were burning bright all around Swami's bed. The vision startled Raja Peddy. He quietly drew the doors close and went back to his bed
on the veranda. He could sleep no further. Next day he mentioned to Swami about his heavenly experience and enquired, "Swami, who are all
those persons?" Swami explained, "They are all celestial beings (Devathas). They have come for My darshan. What you saw in the form of
flames are the Saptharishis, the seven great rishis. As I protect you by My blessings, you are still alive. Otherwise, the moment you set your eyes
on that scene, you would have been reduced to ashes!" Sri Sathya Sai is really the human form of Parabrahma. Our humble salutations to Him.

Volviendo a los eventos en Prashanti Nilayam, en la esquina sur-oriental dentro Mandir de
Nilayam, el culto ceremonial y bao en agua bendita (Rudra-Abhishekam) del Salagram
(representacin de Seor Shiva) por ahora ha terminado. Del mismo modo, el culto y el
canto ritual de los 108 nombres sagrados (Shatha Namavali Ashtothara) de Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai, as como de la Diosa Lalitha Devi han concluido. Se requiere que las Deidades
sean adoradas a travs Pujas. Los Pujas son en si los pasos que conducen a la adoracin del
Ser (Athma Puja). Cada deidad ayuda a vitalizar espiritualmente el Athma. Cada Puja
tiene que ser realizado con la devocin y la ejecucin adecuada, que no es ms que el culto
al Ser Supremo entronizado en su propio ser interior. El amor, la conciencia y el despertar
del Absoluto Universal espiritual - stos deben ser parte integral de la vida diaria de un

Coming back to the proceedings in Prashanti Nilayam, in the south-eastern corner within the Nilayam's Mandir, ceremonial worship and bathing
in holy water (Rudra-Abhishekam) of the Salagram (representation of Lord Shiva) has by now been completed. Similarly, worship and ritual
chanting of the 108 sacred names (Shatha Namavali Ashtothara) of Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan as well as Goddess Lalitha Devi have been
concluded. Deities are required to be worshipped through Poojas. Poojas are really the steps leading to the worship of the Self (Athma Pooja).
Every deity helps in spiritually vitalising the Athma. Each pooja has to be performed with devotion and proper realization that it is but worship of
the Supreme Being enthroned in one's own inner self. Love, spiritual consciousness and awareness of the Universal Absolute - these should
become part and parcel of a devotee's daily life.


Ahora son las 9am y los bhajans (cantos devocionales) han comenzado en el Mandir.
Bhagavan est dentro con una sonrisa amable adornado el decorado trono. Mueve sus
manos con gracia, al ritmo de la entonacin de los cantos. Tiene la costumbre de mover sus
dedos, como si estubiera escribiendo algo en el aire. Como l sonre de vez en cuando, el
pblico se entusiasma. Qu escribe? Por qu sonrrie mientras escribe? Cules seran los
pensamientos que pasan por su mente? Toda la escena es tan desconcertante.

It is now 9am and bhajan has commenced in the Mandir. Bhagavan has come inside with a gentle smile and graced the decorated throne. He
moves His hands gracefully in rhythm with the songs being sung. He has a habit of moving His fingers as if He is writing something in the air. As
He smiles now and then, the audience goes into raptures. What does He write? Why does He smile as He writes? What would be the thoughts that
go on in His mind? The whole picture seems so mystifying.

Esto nos recuerda lo que una vez dijo Swami. "Todos ustedes deben haber notado que
cuando estoy sentado en el trono en el Saln Bhajan, sonro como si reconociera a alguien.
Muevo mis dedos como si estuviera escribiendo algo en el aire. Esto se debe a que en
realidad hablo o me comunico con personas que no son visibles para ustedes. Siempre
ayudo a los que me oran en busca de ayuda. Pero no doy publicidad a estos asuntos.
Anuncia un padre la ayuda cariosa que da a su propio hijo?"

We are reminded of what Swami once said. "You must all have noticed that when I am seated on the throne in the Bhajan Hall, I smile as though
I recognized someone. I move My fingers as if I were writing something in the air. That is because I actually speak or communicate with persons
not visible to you. I always help those who pray to Me for help. But I do not give publicity to these matters. Does a father advertise the
affectionate help he gives to his own son?"

El programa pblico de bhajans comprende cantos devocionales relacionadas al Seor
Ganesha, el Seor Sri Rama, el Seor Sri Krishna, Buda, Jess, Sai y Allah. Los interpretes
(bastoneros) cantan con sentimiento, acompaados de msica que se reproduce con varios
instrumentos musicales. Los devotos tambin se unen. En aquella gran reunin, quien est
total y completamente, inmerso en la emocin devocional generada por estas canciones?
Nada ms que Bhagavan. Presenciar tambin a Swami tan inmerso en profundo ananda es
en s mismo una experiencia memorable y edificante que el espectador afortunado podr
dulcemente apreciar y recordar para siempre.

The public bhajan programme comprises devotional songs related to Lord Ganesh, Lord Sri Rama, Lord Sri Krishna, the Buddha, Jesus, Sai and
Allah. The singers sing soulfully, accompanied by music played on various musical instruments. Devotees too join in. In the vast gathering there,
who is completely, fully and totally immersed in the devotional emotion generated by these songs? None else but Bhagavan. Witnessing Swami
so immersed in deep ananda is itself a memorable and edifying experience that the fortunate onlooker will sweetly cherish and recall forever.

Swami una vez exhort a Sus devotos sobre el significado espiritual de los bhajan a travs
de una metfora simple. "Cuando se renen bajo un rbol," dijo, "y producen un fuerte
ruido, todas las aves en las ramas vuelan lejos. La vida humana es como el rbol en el que
varios pjaros estn sentados y produciendo ruidos molestos. Las aves son las siguientes:
Kama (el deseo, la lujuria), krodha (ira), lobha (la avaricia, la codicia), moha
(enamoramiento), Mada (arrogancia) y mathsarya (celos, envidia). Juntos hacen una
cacofona de sonidos que perturban tu paz y ecuanimidad. Si cantas en voz alta los
nombres de Rama, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana, etctera, esos pjaros malvados volarn
lejos, dejando sus mentes puras y sus corazones en perfecta paz".

Swami once exhorted His devotees about the spiritual significance of bhajan through a simpel metaphor. "When you gather under a tree," He
said, "and make a loud noise, every bird on the branches flies away. Human life is just like the tree on which several birds are sitting and
producing distracting noise. The birds are : kama (desire, lust), krodha (anger), lobha (avarice, covetousness), moha (infatuation), mada
(arrogance) and mathsarya (jealousy, envy). Together they make a cacophony of sounds disturbing your peace and equanimity. If you loudly sing
the names of Rama, Krishna, Govinda, Narayana and so on, those evil birds will fly away, leaving your minds pure and hearts in perfect peace."

Aprovechemos el valor intrnseco de la realizacin de bhajans tan bellamente ilustrado por
Baba. Volvamos nuestros corazones hacia l.
Let us grasp the intrinsic worth of performing bhajan so beautifully illustrated by Baba. Let us turn our hearts towards Him.

Los bhajans ahora han concluido. Se ha ofrecido el Arathi a Swami y l se ha diriguido a
su cuarto interio.
The bhajan is now concluded. Arathi has been offered to Swami and He has proceeded into His inner chamber.

Este es el relato de las actividades de la maana en Prashanti Nilayam. Ofrezcamos
nuestros saludos a Bhagavan Sai Baba, vamos a examinar y meditar en Su forma divina,
dmonos cuenta de que Swami se ha retirado solamente a nuestros propios corazones; que
nos permite dejar tranquilamente Prashanti Nilayam e irnos a casa. Vamos.

This is the account of the morning activities in Prashanti Nilayam. Let us offer our salutations to Bhagavan Sai Baba; let us ruminate and
meditate on His divine form; let us realize that Swami has retired only into our own hearts; and let us quietly leave Prashanti Nilayam and go
home. Let us go.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah Santhih , Santhih , Santhih
Salutaciones al Seor Satya Sai el Supremo Brahman (Absoluto universal), Paz Paz, Paz.

Fin del captulo 1
End of Chapter 1


DIA 1 : Jueves (Continuacin)
Captulo 2

DAY 1 : THURSDAY (Contd.)
Chapter 2

Al principio, el nombre y la forma son esenciales,
Esta es la razn por la que vienen los Avatares,
por la que Dios debe ser amado, adorado, venerado, escuchado y seguido,
y finalmente realizado como sin nombre y sin forma.

At first, name and form are essential, that is the reason why Avatars come, so that God can be loved, adored, worshipped, listened to and
followed, and finally realized as nameless and formless.
~ Baba ~

Quin es este Sathya Sai Baba? Es este Swami, que muestra desbordantes y cautivantes
poderes supra-humanos, el verdadero Dios? Es l una encarnacin divina? No conocemos
plenamente ni siquiera nuestra propia naturaleza. Tampoco somos capaces de comprender
la verdadera naturaleza de nuestras mas cercanas relaciones. Cmo podriamos entonces
comprender la complejidad del Principio Divino y la personalidad de una encarnacin
divina? Podemos entender la naturaleza de la Luna, al menos un poco, aunque slo
tengamos el movimiento de la luz de la luna, y algunas lmparas como puntos de
referencia, que son de alguna utilidad. Del mismo modo, si nos atrevemos a entender al
Seor Sai, tenemos que recurrir a las nicas herramientas de medicin disponibles para
nosotros, a saber, los incidentes ilustrativos proporcionadas por Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
Baba mismo y tambin sus propios mensajes.

Who is this Sathya Sai Baba? Is this Swami, who displays inordinate, supra-human captivating powers, truly God? Is he an incarnation? We do
not know even our own nature fully. We are incapable of understanding the true nature of even our closest associates. How can we then
comprehend the complexity of the Principle and personality of an incarnation? One understands the nature of the moon at least to some extent,
although we have only the moonlight to go by, and lamps as reference points, can be of little use. Similarly, if we venture to understand Lord Sai,
we have to fall back on the only measuring tools available to us, namely, the illustrative incidents provided by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Himself and also His own Messages.

Esto ocurri el 25 de noviembre de 1958. Despus de presenciar las fiestas de cumpleaos
de Swami en Prashanti Nilayam el 23, Venkataram y su familia salieron en coche de
Bangalore. Cuando llegaron a la aldea Bagepalli, en el camino hubo una crisis con su hija,
Gita Sudha, descubriendo que haba dejado de respirar. La familia sinti que estaba a
punto de morir, si no estaba muerta ya. En su agona, los miembros de la familia miraron a
su alrededor en busca de ayuda. Un anciano, al parecer, un granjero, apareci de la nada.
l se acerc y tom al beb en sus brazos. A su contacto, milagrosamente, la nia mostr
signos de vida y llor. Se sorprendieron al ver a la chica, a quien crean muerta, vuelta a la
vida tan repentinamente. Venkataram, el padre de la nia, se llen de alegra y como una
muestra de gratitud ofreci una rupia al benefactor desconocido. El anciano educadamente
la rechaz. Cuando Venkataram pidi su nombre, les dijo que l era conocido como Jodi
Adipalli Somappa.

It was 25th November 1958. After witnessing Swami's birthday festivities at Prashanti Nilayam on the 23rd, Venkataram and his family left by
car for Bangalore. When they reached village Bagepalli on the way, there was a crisis as their little girl, Geetha Sudha, was found to have stopped
breathing. The family felt that she was on the verge of dying, if not already dead. In their agony, the family members looked around for help. An
old man, apparently a farmer, appeared from nowhere. He came near and took the baby in his arms. At his touch, miraculously, the girl showed
signs of life and cried. They were surprised to see the girl, whom they thought dead, come back to life so suddenly. Venkataram, the father of the
little girl, was overjoyed and as a mark of gratitude offered a rupee to the unknown benefactor. The old man politely refused it. When
Venkataram asked for his name, he said that he was known as Jodi Adipalli Somappa.

Ms tarde, Swami narr este incidente a Kasturi. "Fui all en la forma de un viejo
aldeano," dijo, "y fui yo quien dio vida al hija muerta." Kasturi quera saber por qu
Swami haba pensado en ese nombre peculiar y si se le atribuye alguna importancia. Swami
explic, "Adipalli significa el pueblo prstino, el original uno, que no es sino Kailasam, la
morada del Seor Shiva. Jodi significa una pareja. Somappa (Sa+Uma) significa Seor
Shiva junto a Uma, su consorte. "Por tanto, Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan revel su verdadera
identidad, que l es la personificacin del Seor Shiva y la diosa Shakti, Shiva-Shakti.

Later on, Swami narrated this incident to Sri Kasturi. "I went there in the form of an old villager," He said, "and it was I who gave life back to the
dead child." Sri Kasturi wanted to know why Swami had thought of that peculiar name and whether any significance was attached to it. Swami
explained, "Adipalli means the pristine village, the 'original' one, which is nothing but Kailasam, Lord Shiva's abode. Jodi means a couple.
Somappa (Sa+Uma) means Lord Shiva together with Uma, His consort." Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan thus revealed His real identity, that He is the
personification of Lord Shiva and Goddess Sakti, Shiva-Sakti.

En otra ocasin, Swami pregunt a alguien por el nombre de Kailasam y que significaba su
nombre. Como este no saba qued algo sorprendido. Se esforz en vano por una semana
entera buscando la respuesta a la pregunta de Swami. Entonces Swami mismo explic l,
"Kailasam significa el cristal ms limpio, ms puro y sin mancha. Es tambin un smbolo
del ms puro corazn sin mancha. El Seor Shiva escogi el Kailasam como su residencia
celestial; Y l tambin reside en un corazn puro.

On another occasion, Swami asked someone by the name of Kailasam what would his name mean. He was somewhat taken aback as he did not
know. He struggled in vain for a whole week searching for the answer to Swami's question. Then Swami Himself explained to him, "Kailasam
signifies the cleanest, purest, and flawless crystal. It is also a symbol of the purest untainted heart. Lord Shiva chose Kailasam as His celestial
residence; and He also resides in a pure heart.

All en la carretera cerca de Bagepalli, hay un edificio llamado Prema Kutiiram, la Casa
del Amor y en sus proximidades se encuentra el maravilloso edificio conocido como Sarva
Dharma Sthuupam, que incorpora los principios cardinales de todas las religiones del

There stands on the highway close to Bagepalli, a building called Prema Kuteeram, the Cottage of Love and in its vicinity stands the marvelous
structure celebrated as Sarva Dharma Sthoopam, incorporating the cardinal principles of all the religions of the world.

Se conocia como Prema Kutiiram en el momento de su creacin en 1980. Entonces era
llamado Sri Sathya Sai Seva Sibiram (Campus de Servicio). Los organizadores eran
devotos de Sai que solan servir refrescos a los peregrinos en su camino a Prashanti
Nilayam para asistir a las fiestas de all, y tambin en el camino de regreso. En virtud de su
dedicado servicio, el Sibiram recibido el aprecio y las bendiciones especiales de Baba. El 30
de noviembre de 1980, Swami visit la Sibiram y le dijo a los organizadores, "Mis
bendiciones estn siempre disponibles en abundancia para todo aquel que se dedica a hacer
el bien." Inspirado por las bendiciones de Swami, el Sibiram ampli sus actividades con
renovado vigor. A su debido tiempo fue creado el Sarva Dharma Samanvaya Trust. l
mismo se encarg de implementar un Seva Sadan, un Orfanato y una residencia de

It was known as Prema Kuteeram at the time it was established in 1980. It was then known as Sri Sathya Sai Seva Sibiram (Service Camp). The
organisers were Sai devotees and they used to serve refreshments to pilgrims on their way to Prashanti Nilayam to attend the festivities there, and
also on their way back. By virtue of its dedicated service, the Sibiram received Baba's special appreciation and blessings. On 30 November 1980,
Swami visited the Sibiram and told the organizers, "My blessings are always available in plenty to whosoever is dedicated to doing good."
Inspired by Swami's blessings, the Sibiram widened its activities with renewed vigour. In due course, the Sarva Dharma Samanvaya Trust also
came into being. It devoted itself to the establishment of a Seva Sadan, Orphanage and an Aged Peoples' Home.

Dio la casualidad de que la Sra. Anjali Devi, la famosa actriz de pelculas en idioma Telugu,
la Sra. P. Susiila, la conocida cantante y algunos otros estaban camino a Puttaparthi. Los
organizadores (de Sibiram) los saludaron y les pidieron que pararan un momento y
aceptaran prasadam (comida bendecida) proveniente de Sibiram. Pero los viajeros famosos
no apreciaron el amable gesto. Confundieron a los anfitriones con la tpica costumbre de
los amantes del cine que siempre estaban dispuestos a frotar sus hombros con la gente del
cine. Despreciando la oferta amablemente, yendo por el camino. Mas tarde cuando estaban
con Swami, l les amonest suavemente: "Yo estoy presente, no slo en Prashanti Nilayam,
sino tambin en el Seva Sibiram en Bagepalli." La leccin iso eco. En su viaje de regreso,
hicieron un punto de parada en el Sibiram. Se disculparon efuShivamente con los
organizadores y humildemente aceptaron el prasadam de sus manos antes de reanudar su

It so happened that Mrs Anjali Devi, the celebrated Telugu film actress, Ms P Suseela, the well-known singer and some others were on their way
to Puttaparthi. The organisers greeted them and requested them to stop for a while and accept prasadam (refreshments blessed by the Lord)
provided at the Sibiram. But famed travelers did not appreciate the nice gesture. They mistook the hosts to be the usual run of cinema fans who
were always eager to rub their shoulders with film folk. Disdaining the kindly offer, they went on their way. When they were with Swami later,
He gently admonished them, "I am present not only in Prashanti Nilayam but also in the Seva Sibiram in Bagepalli." The lesson went home. On
their return journey, they made it a point to stop at the Sibiram. They profusely apologized to the organisers and humbly accepted prasadam from
their hands before resuming their journey.

Es sabido que Swami se mueve en el rea alrededor de Bagepalli asumiendo diversas
formas a su voluntad. Sin duda, l lo hace por el bienestar de los residentes de all.

Swami is known to move about in the area around Bagepalli assuming various forms at will. No doubt, He does this for the well-being of the
residents there.

El 7 de junio de 1996, Swami inaugur el Hogar para Ancianos all y anunci: "Este
Sibiram es Prema Kutiiram, Sri Sathya Sai Prema Kutiiram." Desde entonces se ha
conocido por ese nombre. El toque sagrado de sus pies de loto a menudo ha santificado el
Prema Kutiiram. El 11 de junio del 2000, Bhagavan visit otra vez el Prema Kutiiram y
para el placer de los devotos , declar abierto el resto del hogar de ancianos, el templo del
Seor Ganesha y el establo de vacas.

On 7th June 1996, Swami inaugurated the Aged Peoples' Home there and He announced, "This Sibiram is Prema Kuteeram, Sri Sathya Sai Prema
Kuteeram." Ever since it has been known by that name. The sacred touch of His Lotus Feet has often sanctified the Prema Kuteeram. On 11th
June 2000, Bhagavan again visited Prema Kuteeram and to the pleasure of the devotees, declared open the rest-house for the aged, the temple for
Lord Ganesh and the cow shed.


Una vez que Bhagavan caminaba por los bancos de arena del ro Chithravathi en compaa
de Sus devotos. Estaba sonriendo encantadoramente y movindose con gracia. Eso atrajo a
un camargrafo que se prepar para tomar una foto. Cuando l pidi, "Swami, solo una
foto, por favor," Swami trat de ponece fuera de foco, "No, Bangaru, no", pero el fotgrafo
ya haba chasqueado la cmara. Cuando en su momento se revela y se imprime el film, la
fotografa mostraba a Swami como "Ardha Nariiswara" (la forma divina dual del Seor
Shiva - una mitad como Shiva y la otra mitad como Su consorte, Parvati Devi)!

Bhagavan was once walking on the sand-banks of the river Chithravathi in the company of His devotees. He was smiling enchantingly and
moving gracefully. That attracted a cameraman who readied himself to take a photo. When he requested, "Swami, just one picture, please,"
Swami tried to put him off, "No, Bangaru, no," but the photographer already clicked his camera. When in due course the film was developed and
printed, the photograph showed Swami as "Ardha Nareeswara" (the divine dual form of Lord Shiva - one half as Shiva and the other half as His
consort, Devi Parvathi)!

Alrededor de 1945, cuando las procesiones de Dussehra se realizaban fuera del viejo templo
de Puttaparthi, Swami sola ser vestido como Ardha-Narishvara. Entre las personas que
fueron testigos de la exelsa forma eran sus fervientes devotos, Kumaramma y Sakamma,
que solan recordar la esplndida visin muy a menudo.

Around 1945, when Dussehra processions were taken out from the Old Temple in Puttaparthi, Swami used to be dressed up as Ardha
Nareeswara. Among those who witnessed the exalted form were his ardent devotees, Kumaramma and Sakamma, who used to recall the splendid
vision quite often.

Durante el Treta Yuga, vivi un gran rishi llamado Maharshi Bharadwaja. Amaba el
aprendizaje vdico y dedic cien aos de su vida a ello. Aun as, no pudo completar sus

During the Thretha Yuga, there lived a great rishi called Maharshi Bharadwaja. He loved Vedic learning and devoted a hundred years of his life
to it. Even so, he could not complete his studies.

Al darse cuenta de esto, no quera poner fin a sus estudios, se puso a hacer tapas
(austeridades espirituales) en el nombre de Devendra, el Seor de los Devathas (dioses).
Devendra finalmente se present ante el Maharshi y le dijo: "nunca sers capaz de
alcanzar la plena comprensin de los Vedas. Abandona esta bsqueda infructuosa. En su
lugar, realiza el Savithra Yaga (sacrificio a la energa Shakti), que se pondr a vuestra
disposicin para el cumplimiento espiritual que esperas obtener a travs de los estudios
vdicos". Maharshi Bharadwaja tambin recibi las instrucciones del procedimiento
necesario de Devendra.

Realizing this, there could be no end to his studies, he set about doing Thapas (spiritual austerities) in the name of Devendra, the Lord of the
Devathas. Devendra finally appeared before the Maharshi and told him, "You will never be able to attain full understanding of the Vedas. Give
up this fruitless pursuit. Instead, perform the Savithra Yaga, which will bestow on you the spiritual fulfillment you hope to obtain through Vedic
studies." Maharshi Bharadwaja also received the necessary procedural instructions from Devendra.

El Maharshi deseaba sinceramente que la diosa Shakti estuviese presente personalmente en
el yaja. Fue a Kailasam para invitarla en persona. Encontr al Seor Shiva y la diosa
Parvati bailando juntos y totalmente absortos. El rishi no pudo encontrar un momento
oportuno para hacer su peticin a la diosa Shakti. Siete das pasaron en los que l esper y
esper. Tenia el darshan slo del Seor Shiva, no de Shakti. Se senta decepcionado y triste.
En el octavo da, sin embargo, Sakthi le dio slo un vistazo de reojo, sonri suavemente,
luego se apart rpidamente y volvi a su baile. El sabio Bharadwaja crey que la Devi
(diosa) Shakti lo haba desairado deliveradamente. De inmediato dej Kailasam y se dirigi
a casa. Mientras bajaba la colina en el camino de vuelta, de pronto su pierna izquierda y la
mano se salieron de control, como si estuvieran muertos. Perdio el habla. Un ojo qued
ciego. Al parecer, tuvo un ataque de parlisis. El Seor Shiva vino a su rescate. l se acerc
y lo consol con palabras amables, "No te preocupes, querido rishi. Devi Shakti
verdaderamente te ha bendecido, as como tu Yaga (sacrificio)." Con estas seguras
palabras, el Seor roci un poco de agua de su kamandal (jarra) al sabio desconcertado.
Inmediatamente, el rishi recuper sus facultades. Tanto el Seor Shiva como la diosa
Shakti prometieron que juntos asistiran a su Yaga (fuego sagrado) y lo despidieron.

The Maharshi desired very much that Goddess Sakthi should be personally present at the yajna. He went to Kailasam for inviting Her in person.
He found Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi dancing together and totally engrossed. The rishi could not find a convenient moment to make his
request to Goddess Sakthi. Seven days passed as he waited and waited. He was having darshan of only Lord Shiva, not of Sakthi. He felt
disappointed and miserable. On the eighth day, however, Sakthi gave him just a sideward glance, smiled softly, then turned quickly away and
resumed her dance. Sage Bharadwaja mistook that Devi Sakthi had delibrately slighted him. He immediately left Kailasam and headed home.
While coming down the hill on his way back, suddenly his left leg and hand went out of control, as if they were dead. His speech was gone. One
eye went blind. Apparently, he had a stroke of paralysis. Lord Shiva came to his rescue. He drew near and consoled him with kind words, "Don't
worry, my dear rishi. Devi Sakthi has truly blessed you as well as your Yaga." With these re-assuring words, the Lord sprinkled some water from
His Kamandal (pitcher) onto the disconcerted sage. Immediately, the rishi regained his faculties. Both Lord Shiva and Goddess Sakthi promised
that they would together attend his Yaga and bade him farewell.

Bharadwaja complet con xito su Yaga en su momento. Tanto el Seor Shiva como Devi
Shakti le asistieron y le bendijieron. Como muestra de su voluntad, el Seor Shiva
prometi al Rishi, "Ambos encarnaremos en forma humana en tu 'gothram' (descendencia
de un maestro) no menos de tres veces. En la primera encarnacin, ser Sai Baba en Shirdi.
en la segunda, los dos juntos encarnarn en Puttaparthi como Sathya Sai Baba.
Finalmente, Devi Shakti encarnar como Prema Sai. "l continu diciendo," Oh rishi
(sabio maestro), cuando viniste a Kailasam, Devi Shakti te ignor durante ocho das. Como
expiacin de los mismos, cuando los dos tomen forma humana en tu decsendencia, Devi
Shakti tambin va a sufrir de la misma manera como tu has sufrido en Kailasam. Cuando
eso suceda, voy a rociar agua bendita sobre Sakthi y hacerla recuperar las facultades de la
misma manera que he restaurado el tuyo en Kailasam".

Bharadwaja successfully completed his Yaga in due course. Both Lord Shiva and Devi Sakthi attended it and blessed him. As a token of their
pleasure, Lord Shiva promised the Rishi, "Both of us will incarnate in human form in your 'gothram' (Vamsam, dynasty) no less than three times.
In the first incarnation, I will be Sai Baba in Shirdi. In the second, both of us together will incarnate in Puttaparthi as Sathya Sai Baba. Finally,
Devi Sakthi will incarnate as Prema Sai." He went on to say, "Oh rishi, when you came to Kailasam, Devi Sakthi ignored you for eight days. In
atonement thereof, when both of us take human form in your dynasty, Devi Sakthi too will suffer in the same way as you had suffered in
Kailasam. When that happens, I will sprinkle holy water on Sakthi and make Her regain the faculties in the same way as I restored yours in

El 29 de junio de 1963, Bhagavan Sai Baba sufri un accidente cerebrovascular debido una
trombosis y el lado izquierdo de su cuerpo estaba paralizado. Cientos de devotos que se
haban reunido en Prashanti Nilayam se agonizaron al ver el sufrimiento del Maestro.
Durante esa semana, Swami estuvo en estado de coma durante tres das. Sobrevivi cuatro
ataques cardacos. Los devotos desconsolados no podan hacer otra cosa que derramar
lgrimas amargas en la ms absoluta indefensin. Despus de una semana, en el da de
Guru Purnima (celebracin del maestro en luna llena), 6 de julio, Bhagavan estaba muy
cuidado baj su apartamento del piso superior al Saln de Bhajans en la planta baja en los
brazos de Kasturi, Raja Reddy y Krishnappa. Obviamente era imposible sentar a Baba
como es habitual en su trono en el estrado elevado. Por lo tanto, el trono de plata fue
derribado y se le coloc en el suelo cerca de la tarima. Se colocaron cojines suaves para
evitar molestias a Baba, y l se relaj lentamente en ellos. La mano izquierda de Baba
estaba rgida. La pierna izquierda estaba igualmente fuera de control. Sus ojos tambin
estaban oscuros. En la bsqueda de su amado Seor en ese terrible estado de sufrimiento,
los devotos comenzaron a llorar a gritos. Entonces Swami susurr a Kasturi en palabras
apenas audibles, "Esta enfermedad no es ma. Por Mi propia voluntad, he tomado esta
enfermedad sobre m. Ninguna enfermedad puede nunca atacarme. Que nadie se
preocupe. No puedo soportar si mis devotos sufren." Kasturi utiliz el micrfono para
anunciar las palabras de Baba a la reunin.

On 29th June 1963, Bhagavan Sai Baba suffered a stroke due to thrombosis and the left side of His body was paralyzed. Hundreds of devotees
who had assembled in Prashanti Nilayam were agonized on seeing the suffering of the Master. During that week, Swami was in coma for three
days. He survived four heart attacks. Disconsolate devotees could do nothing but shed bitter tears in utter helplessness. After a full week, on the
Guru Poornima day, 6th July, Bhagavan was very carefully brought down from his upper floor apartment to the Bhajan Hall on the ground floor
in the arms of Sri Kasturi, Sri Raja Reddy and Sri Krishnappa. It was obviously difficult to seat Baba as usual in his throne on the elevated dais.
So, the silver throne was brought down and placed on the ground close to the dais. Soft cushions were positioned so as to avoid discomfort to
Baba, and He was slowly eased into it. Baba's left hand was stiff. The left leg was equally out of control. His eyes too were unclear. On finding
their beloved Lord in that terrible state of suffering, the devotees began to wail loudly. Then Swami whispered to Sri Kasturi in barely intelligible
words, "This illness is not Mine. On My own volition, I have taken over this illness on Myself. No disease can ever assail Me. Let nobody worry.
I cannot bear if My devotees suffer." Sri Kasturi used the microphone to announce Baba's words to the gathering.

Swami hizo un gesto por agua de beber. Cuando llev el vaso de agua a sus labios, no poda
mantenerlo adecuadamente y los dedos de su mano derecha se metieron en el agua. Con
esos dedos, roci un poco de agua en la mano izquierda y en la pierna izquierda. Acarici
suavemente su mano izquierda con la mano derecha, y despus de unos momentos, acarici
la pierna izquierda con ambas manos.

Swami gestured for water to drink. When a tumbler of water was held to His lips, He could not hold it properly and the fingers of His right hand
slipped into the water. With those fingers, He sprinkled a little water on the limp left hand and the left leg. He gently stroked His left hand with
His right hand; and after in a few moments, stroked His left leg with both His hands.

La atnita asamblea de los devotos, ahora delirantes de alegra y xtasis, se dio cuenta de
que Swami se haba curado a s mismo. Le olleron dirigirse a ellos en el micrfono, "Prema
Suarupulara! (Encarnaciones del Amor!)" Comenzaba a entregar su discurso habitual en
el propicio da de Guru Purnima! (da del maestro)

The astonished assembly of devotees, now delirious with joy and ecstasy, realized that Swami had cured Himself. They heard Him addressing
them in the microphone, "Prema Swaroopulara (Oh, Embodiments of Love)!" He began delivering His customary address on the auspicious day
of the Guru Poornima!

Swami habl durante una hora deleitando al pblico con su elocuencia caracterstica, la
lucidez y exquisito humor. Relat el sufrimiento de ocho das de Rishi Bharadwaja, al final
de los cuales el Seor Shiva lo cur rociando agua bendita sobre sus miembros paralizados.
Swami record la promesa del Seor de que l (Shiva)y Su consorte (Shakti) encarnaran
en la tierra como Shiva-Shakti, que Sakthi (representado por el lado izquierdo del cuerpo)
sufrira durante ocho das, al final de los cuales el Seor Shiva (el lado derecho de el
cuerpo) restaurara Su salud rociando agua bendita.

Swami spoke for an hour regaling the audience with His characteristic eloquence, lucidity and exquisite humor. He related the eight-day suffering
of Rishi Bharadwaja, at the end of which Lord Shiva made him whole by sprinkling holy water on his paralyzed limbs. Swami recalled the Lord's
promise that He and His consort would incarnate on the earth as Shiva-Sakthi, that Sakthi (represented by the left side of the body) would suffer
for eight days, at the end of which Lord Shiva (the right side of the body) would restore Her to health by sprinkling holy water.

En melodiosos tonos, Swami declar: "Yo soy Shiva-Shakti, nacido del Gothram
(desendencia) del sabio Bharadwaja en virtud de la bendicin que le confieri el Seor
Shiva y la diosa Shakti en el Treta Yuga."

In ringing tones, Swami declared, "I am Shiva-Sakthi, born in the gothram of rishi Bharadwaja by virtue of the boon conferred on him by Lord
Shiva and Goddess Sakthi in the Thretha Yuga."


La gente conoce slo la ltima parte de la vida de Shri Shirdi Sai Baba, es decir, posterior a
su llegada a la cuidad de Shirdi. No hay detalles disponibles con respecto a la parte anterior
de su vida. Cuando naci y dnde? Quines fueron sus padres? Cul era su vida antes
de su aparicin en Shirdi? Estos acontecimientos permanecieron desconocidas hasta que
Sri Sathya Sai Baba los revel en Prashanti Nilayam el 28 de septiembre de 1990, la fecha y
el mes que coincide con el cumpleaos de Shirdi Sai Baba, segn lo declarado por Baba.
Obviamente, los secretos poco conocidos de una encarnacin divina slo pueden ser traidos
de vuelta a la luz por nadie ms que por otra encarnacin divina. La historia de la vida de
Shirdi Sai como es descrita por Sri Sathya Sai Baba se da aqu.

People knew only the later part of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba's life, i.e., subsequent to His arrival in Shirdi. No details were available regarding His
earlier life. When was He born and where? Who were His parents? What was His life like prior to His appearance in Shirdi? These remained
unknown until Sri Sathya Sai Baba revealed them in Prashanti Nilayam on 28th September 1990, the date and month coinciding with the birthday
of Shirdi Sai Baba, as declared by Baba. Obviously, little known secrets of an incarnation can be brought to light by none else but another
incarnation. The life story of Shirdi Sai as disclosed by Sri Sathya Sai Baba is given here.

En el pueblo de Pathri situado en los entonces dominios de Nizam viva una pareja devota
llamada Gangabhava y Devagiri Amma. La seora era un ferviente devota de la diosa
Gowri (consorte del dios Shiva, tambin conocida como Parvathi). Su marido era un devoto
del Seor Shiva. No tuvieron hijos. Esto los hizo an ms separados de las preocupaciones
mundanas. Pasaron todo su tiempo en la adoracin del Seor Shiva y Parvati Devi.
Gangabhava manejaba un vote de ro para ganarse la vida. Era la poca de lluvias y el ro
estaba crecido. Ante el temor de que su barco pudiece ser barrido sin cuidarle,
Gangabhava dijo a su esposa que iba a ir a las orillas del ro y permaneceria all durante la
noche con su barco y cuidaria de l. Ella le di su comida de la noche a las 7 de la tarde y
termin su propia comida poco despus de que se fue.

In the village of Pathri situated in the then Nizam's dominions lived a devout couple named Gangabhava and Devagiri Amma. The lady was an
ardent devotee of Goddess Gowri (consort of Lord Shiva, also known as Parvathi). Her husband was a devotee of Lord Shiva. They had no
children. This made them all the more detached from worldly concerns. They spent all their time in worship of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvathi.
Gangabhava plied a river boat for a living. It was the rainy season and the river was in flood. Fearing that his boat might be swept away if
unattended, Gangabhava told his wife that he would go to the banks of the river and stay there overnight with his boat and take care of it. She
gave him his evening meal at 7 pm and finished her own meal soon after he left.

A eso de las 9 de la noche, se escucho un golpe en la puerta principal. Pensando que se
trataba de su marido y preguntandoce qu le hizo volver tan pronto, ella ansiosamente
abri la puerta. Un anciano estaba de pie afuera. Se acerc rpidamente y le dijo: "Oh
Seora, hace mucho fro afuera. Seria tan amable de darme un poco de espacio en el
interior para pasar la noche aqu?" Hospitalaria por naturaleza, ella prepar un colchn,
se lo dio y le mostr un lugar en la terraza para dormir dentro. Ella se retir a su
habitacin, cerr la puerta y se fue a la cama. Pero no mucho despus, el anciano llam a la
puerta de nuevo. Cuando la abri, dijo, "Oh amable seora, me siento con hambre. Puedo
tener un poco de arroz para comer." Al no encontrar nada valioso en su cocina, excepto un
poco de grano molido, le prepar un poco de comida con cuajada y se lo dio. Ella volvi a
su habitacin, cerr la puerta y se prepar para dormir. Despus de un rato, el anciano
llam de nuevo a la puerta. Cuando ella la abri, l dijo: "Querida Seora, mis pies me
duelen . Podrias masajearlos un poco?"

At about 9 pm, there was a knock on the front door. Thinking that it was her husband and wondering what made him come back so soon, she
anxiously opened the door. An old man was standing outside. He promptly stepped in and said, "Oh Lady, it is very cold outside. Will you kindly
give me a little space inside for spending the night here?" Hospitable by nature, she produced a mattress, gave it to him and showed him a place
on the veranda to sleep in. She retired to her own room, closed its door and went to bed. But not long after, the old man knocked on the door
again. When she opened it, he said, "Oh kind lady, I am feeling hungry. May I have a little rice to eat." Finding nothing worthwhile in her kitchen
except some milled grain, she prepared a little meal with curds and gave it to him. She went back to her room, closed the door and prepared to
sleep. After a little while, the old man once again knocked on the door. When she opened it, he said, "Dear Lady, my feet are aching. Will you
kindly massage them a little?"

Ella se sobresalt. Entr en su habitacin de Puuja (adoracin), cay a los pies de la diosa
Parvati con lgrimas y exclam: "Oh, Divina Madre, qu es esta terrible prueba que me
ests poniendo? Qu debo hacer ahora? Por favor slvame de esta situacin humillante."
En unos momentos, ella recuper la compostura. Una idea relampague en su mente.
Saliendo por la puerta trasera de la casa, fue en busca de alguien que pudiera dar el
servicio a su invitado por un pago. Sus esfuerzos no dieron ningn fruto y ella regres a su
casa en desesperacin.

She was startled. She went into her pooja room, fell at the feet of Goddess Parvathi in tears and cried, "Oh, Divine Mother, what is this terrible
test you are putting me to? What should I do now? Kindly save me from this humiliating situation." In a few moments, she regained her
composure. An idea flashed in her mind. Leaving by the rear door of the house, she went in search of somebody who could be of service to her
guest on payment. Her efforts bore no fruit and she returned home in despair.

De repente, se oy un golpe en la puerta trasera. Cuando se abri, una mujer se acerc y le
dijo: "Seora, parece que vino a mi casa pidiendo ayuda para asistir a un anciano aqu . He
venido a ofrecer mis servicios." Devagiri Amma se alegr de que sus fervientes oraciones
haban sido escuchadas. Ella llev a la mujer a la terraza, la dej con el anciano y volvi a
su habitacin cerrando la puerta detrs de ella.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the rear door. When it was opened, a woman stepped in and said, "Madam, it seems you came to my house
asking for help to attend on an old man here. I have come to offer my services." Devagiri Amma rejoiced that her earnest prayers had been
answered. She took the woman onto the veranda, left her with the old man and went back to her own room closing its door behind her.

Ese anciano que pidi aquel extrao servicio a una mujer santa, y la mujer que se adelant
a servirle no eran humanos ordinarios. Eran el Seor Shiva y la diosa Parvati! Ellos
comenzaron a hablar el uno con el otro. El Seor Shiva dijo, "Devi Parvati, concede a esta
devota dama todo lo que ella ardientemente desea". La Diosa Parvathi respondi: "T eres
el Seor Supremo. Hagalo Usted. "El Seor Shiva respondi: "Yo he venido aqu para
probar su devocin. Pero T has venido aqu en respuesta a sus fervientes oraciones. Sera
apropiado si T le concedes la bendicin a ella."

That old man who asked for such strange service from a saintly lady, and the woman who came forward to serve him were no ordinary humans.
They were Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi! They began talking with each other. Lord Shiva said, "Devi Parvathi, grant this devout lady
whatever she earnestly desires." Goddess Parvathi replied, "You are the Supreme Lord. You do it yourself." Lord Shiva answered, "I have come
here to test her devotion. But you have come here in response to her earnest prayers. It would be appropriate if you granted boons to her."

Una vez ms, se sintio un golpe en la puerta del dormitorio. Ahora que haba otra mujer en
la casa, Devagiri Amma abri la puerta sin ninguna vacilacin. Ella encontr al Seor
Shiva y su amada Devi Gowri de pie delante de ella en gloria resplandeciente. Su corazn
estaba lleno de felicidad y alegra. Incapaz de soportar la avalancha de emocin, se postr a
sus pies divinos. La diosa Gowri habl: "Yo los bendigo con un hijo que va a traer gloria a
su vamsam y tambin con una hija para que pueda obtener punyam (merito) dndole en
matrimonio (Kanyadan) a alguien." Devagiri Amma toc los pies del Seor Shiva. l dijo:
"Mi querida hija, estoy contento con tu devocin. Yo mismo nacer en forma humana
como tu tercer hijo." La xtasiada dama, tan ampliamente bendecida, con los ojos llenos de
lagrimas, hizo una reverencia profunda al Seor Shiva y la diosa Gowri. Cuando levant la
cabeza, haban desaparecido.

Once again, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Now that there was another woman in the house, Devagiri Amma opened the door without
any hesitation. She found Lord Shiva and her beloved Devi Gowri standing in front of her in resplendent glory. Her heart was full with happiness
and joy. Unable to bear the flood of emotion, she fell at their Divine Feet. Goddess Gowri spoke, "I am blessing you with a boy who will bring
glory to your vamsam and also a girl so that you may derive punyam by giving her away in marriage (Kanyadan) to some one." Devagiri Amma
touched Lord Shiva's feet. He said, "My dear child, I am pleased with your devotion. I myself will take birth in human form as your third child."
The ecstatic lady, so amply blessed, with eyes brimming, did deep obeisance to Lord Shiva and Goddess Gowri. When she lifted her head, they
had disappeared.

Ahora estaba arrobada. Ahora estaba ansiosa e impaciente. Cundo esclarecaria el da?
Cundo volvera su marido a casa? Qu tan pronto podra compartir su divina
experiencia con l? No poda dormir ms. Al despuntar el da, su marido lleg a casa y oy
de su mujer todo lo que haba sucedido. Pero no estaba de humor para creer. Dijo:
"Querida Devagiri, parece que has perdido el juicio, debes estar soando; Que el Seor
Shiva y Parvati Devi visitaron nuestra casa en persona! Dandote el darshan! Qu
tontera!" l encontr esto ridculo. Ella trat de convencerlo, pero se neg a ser

She was now in raptures. She was now eager and impatient. When will the day dawn? When will her husband return home? How soon could she
share her heavenly experience with him? She could sleep no more. At daybreak, her husband came home and heard from his wife all that had
happened. But he was in no mood to believe. He said, "Dear Devagiri, you seem to have lost your senses, you must be dreaming; Lord Shiva and
Devi Parvathi visiting our house in person! Giving you darshan! What nonsense!" He took to ridicule. She tried to convince him, but he refused
to be convinced.

El tiempo pas rpido y Devagiri Amma qued embarazada. Como ella predijo, un bebe
varn tom nacimiento. Un ao ms tarde, una nia naci. Gangabhava encontr que dos
de los eventos que su esposa haba mencionado ahora se haban hecho realidad. Ahora
estaba dispuesto a creer que el Seor Shiva y la diosa Parvati efectivamente haban dado
darshan a su esposa. Le dijo a su esposa: "T fuiste la ms afortunada. Yo no estaba."

Time sped by fast and Devagiri Amma became pregnant. As she anticipated, a male baby took birth. A year later, a baby girl was born.
Gangabhava found that two of the events which his wife had mentioned had now come true. He was now willing to believe that Lord Shiva and
Goddess Parvathi had indeed given darshan to his wife. He told his wife, "You were most fortunate. I was not."

La idea qued firmemente arraigada en su mente y creci con el tiempo. Estaba decidido a
asegurarce el darshan del Seor Shiva y Parvati Devi. Finalmente, su esposa estaba
embarazada de nuevo, por tercera vez. Esta ltima pieza de la prueba fortaleci su mente
con decisin. Maya (ilusin) dio paso a la iluminacin. Ahora l se puso inquieto. Cundo
debo alejarme de esta casa? 'Cundo debo comenzar thapas (sacrificios espirituales)? En
cunto tiempo voy a ser capaz de obtener el darshan del Seor Shiva y Devi Gowri? Estos
pensamientos le estaban royendo el corazn. Emprendi votos de austeridad. Mientras
tanto, los nueve meses pasaron. Estaba cada vez ms impaciente. Ya no poda esperar ms.
Decidi que se retirara de inmediato a los bosques para continuar su bsqueda espiritual
vigorosamente. Devagiri Amma no era una persona que retrocediece. Tambin ella lo
acompa a pesar de su delicada condicin. En el camino, ella dio a luz a un beb varn
justo ah en el camino del bosque debajo de un rbol de higuera. Eso fue 28 de septiembre

The thought got firmly rooted in his mind and grew with time. He was determined to secure darshan of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvathi. Eventually
his wife was pregnant again, for the third time. This final piece of proof strengthened his mind decisively. Maya (illusion) gave way to
enlightenment. Now he became restless. When should I get away from this house? 'When should I commence thapas (spiritual pursuit)? How
soon would I be able to obtain darshan of Lord Shiva and Devi Gowri?' These thoughts were gnawing at his heart. He undertook vows of
austerity. Meanwhile, nine months passed. He became more and more impatient. He could wait no longer. He decided that he would immediately
retire to the forests to continue his spiritual pursuit vigorously. Devagiri Amma was not a person to draw back. She too accompanied him despite
her delicate condition. On the way, she delivered a male baby right there on the way in the forest beneath a banyan tree. That was 28th September

Devagiri Amma envolvi al beb recin nacido cmodamente en un pedazo de su sari, le
cubri con hojas suaves y lo dej donde naci, y sigui a su marido. As es como nadie saba
nada de los padres de ese beb hasta que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba se lo revel todos,
ms de un siglo ms tarde.

Devagiri Amma swaddled the new born infant comfortably in a piece of her saree, covered him with soft leaves and left him where he was born,
and followed her husband. That is how nobody knew anything about the parents of that baby until Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba revealed it all,
over a century later.

Habia un Fakir-Sufi en el pueblo vecino. No tenia hijos. Encontr a este beb abandonado
y lo llev a casa. Desde 1838 a 1842, el nio creci en la casa de ese Fakir. Despus de que el
Fakir falleci, su esposa cuidaba al nio. Su comportamiento era bastante anormal. Iva a
los templos hindes y gritava: "Yo soy Dios" (Yo soy Dios) y "Al Malik Hai" (Dios es el
Maestro). Los hindes solian molestarlo. Se meta en mezquitas y lloraba, "solo Rama es
Dios" y "Shiva es Dios". A causa de su comportamiento extrao y poco convencional, la
gente de ambas religiones solan quejarse a la esposa del Fakir. Le resultaba difcil
enderesarlo. Ella saba que una persona, de nombre Venkusa, que era un estudioso y una
devota persona con fama de ser un alma piadosa. Ella llev al nio rebelde donde Venkusa
y lo dej al cuidado del gran hombre. De 1842 a 1851, durante nueve largos aos, fue
atendido por Venkusa, que lo trat con mucho cario y amor. Eso despert los celos y la
malicia en el corazn de los dems residentes en el ashram de Venkusa. Un da, el
muchacho sali de all y lleg a Shirdi, donde permaneci durante un par de meses. A
partir de entonces, tambin se fue Shirdi y vag de un lugar a otro durante varios aos.

There was a Sufi Fakir in the neighbouring village. He had no sons. He found this abandoned baby and took him home. From 1838 to 1842, the
child grew up in that Fakir's house. After the Fakir passed away, his wife looked after the boy. His behaviour was quite abnormal. He would go to
Hindu temples and shout, "I am Allah" (I am God) and "Allah Malik Hai" (God is the Master). Hindus used to trouble him. He would go into
Masjids and cry, "Rama alone is God" and "Shiva is Allah". Because of his odd and unconventional behavior, people of both faiths used to
complain to the late Fakir's wife. She found it difficult to set him right. She knew a person, Venkusa by name, who was a scholar and a devout
person reputed to be an exalted soul. She took the unruly boy to Venkusa and left him in the great man's care. From 1842 to 1851, for nine longs
years, he was looked after by Venkusa, who treated him with great affection and love. That aroused jealousy and malice in the hearts of the other
residents in Venkusa's ashram. One day, the boy left that place and reached Shirdi, where he stayed for a couple of months. Thereafter, he left
Shirdi too and wandered from place to place for several years.

En el transcurso de sus viajes, lleg a un pueblo llamado Dhupkheda. Durante su estancia
all, dio la casualidad de que se fij un matrimonio en la hosteria de la aldea, de un
residente llamado Chand Bhai Patel, cuyo hermano menor de su esposa era el novio.
Acompaando al novio, el extravagante chico viaj a Shirdi. Era el ao 1857 y se qued all
para siempre, hasta su fallecimiento en 1918. Se hizo conocido como Sai Baba. Sus
extraordinarios poderes espirituales no tardaron conocerse y las personas empezaron a
llegar a l. l los recibia con bondad y compasin, con paciencia en escuchar sus problemas
y sufrimientos con simpata y amor, y les dio instrucciones apropiadas para conferirles la
fuerza mental y la confianza y la direccin espiritual. Poco a poco, su fama se extendi por
todas partes.

In the course of his travels, he arrived at a village named Dhoopkheda. During his stay there, it so happened that a marriage was fixed in the
household of a resident of the village, named Chand Bhai Patel, whose wife's younger brother was the bridegroom. Accompanying the
bridegroom's party, the peripatetic boy went to Shirdi. It was the year 1857 and he remained there for good till his passing away in 1918. He
became known as Sai Baba. His extraordinary spiritual powers were soon noticed and people began flocking to Him. He received them with
kindness and compassion, patiently hearing their problems and sufferings with sympathy and love, and gave appropriate directions to enable them
mental strength and confidence and spiritual guidance. Gradually, His fame spread far and wide.

El relato anterior fue dado por Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Tambin describi la
estrecha relacin entre Shirdi Sai Baba y Sus devotos, como Hari Vinayak Sathe, Kelkar,
Shama y otros. Sri Sathya Sai Baba dijo: "Hacia el final de la vida terrena de Shirdi Sai,
Le dijo a Abdulla quien estaba cerca de l, que no llorara su fallecimiento, porque l iba a
renacer y darle el Darshan de nuevo. Cuando Abdulla pregunt qu tan pronto eso sera,
Baba respondi que seran tan slo ocho aos ms tarde, la primera encarnacin tuvo
lugar en Maharashtra; Y la segunda sera en Jefatura de Madrs (la jefatura de Madrs en
ese momento inclua a Puttaparthi, que es en el actual estado de Andhra Pradesh). Abdulla
Baba pregunt adems en qu forma iba a aparecer en la prxima encarnacin. Baba
respondi que l llevara el nombre de Sathyam. Evidentemente, a lo que se refera es esta
presente encarnacin de Sri Sathya Sai. Los dos cuerpos son sin duda diferentes, pero su
Divinidad es una y la misma", dijo Swami.

The above account was given by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He also described the close relationship between Shirdi Sai Baba and His
devotees, such as Hari Vinayak Sathe, Kelkar, Shama and others. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said, "Towards the end of Shirdi Sai's earthly life, He told
Abdulla who was close to Him, not to grieve at His passing away because He was going to be reborn and give him darshan again. When Abdulla
enquired how soon that would be, Baba replied that it would be just eight years later; the first incarnation took place in Maharashtra; and the
second one would be in Madras Presidency. (Madras Presidency at that time included Puttaparthi, which is in the present state of Andhra
Pradesh). Abdulla further asked Baba in what form he would appear in the coming incarnation. Baba replied that He would bear the name of
Sathyam. Evidently, what he was referring to is this present incarnation of Sri Sathya Sai. The two bodies are no doubt different but their Divinity
is one and the same," said Swami.

Bhagavan concluy la historia de absorcin de su encarnacin anterior, explicando: "El
propsito de la primera encarnacin de Shirdi Sai era dar indicios de la divinidad, y la
segunda, la actual, de Sathya Sai, es para regalar la divinidad, y la tercera, que viene como
aquel Prema Sai, ser para la enseanza de la divinidad".

Bhagavan concluded the absorbing story of His previous incarnation by explaining : "The purpose of the first incarnation of Shirdi Sai was to
give intimations of divinity; the second, the present one, of Sathya Sai, is for gifting of divinity; and the third, the coming one of Prema Sai, will
be for teaching divinity."


En el captulo anterior, leemos brevemente sobre Smt. Gali Sarada Devi, una ardiente
devota de Shirdi Sai Baba. Casada a una edad temprana, ella engendr seis hijos varones.
Pero ni siquiera uno de ellos sobrevivi ms all del sexto ao de edad. Inmensamente
afligida, fue a Shirdi Sai Baba y pidi que le concediece la paz espiritual. l la recibi con
simpata, ofreci su consuelo y facilit su progreso espiritual. A menudo ella le rogaba por
que la iniciara en algn mantra potente con el fin de ayudarla en el progreso espiritual. El
la tranquilizaba de alguna manera u otra, aparentando en ocasiones estar enojado

In the previous chapter, we briefly read about Smt. Gali Sarada Devi, an ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. Married at an early age, she begot six
male children. But not even one survived beyond the sixth year of age. Immensely distressed, she went to Shirdi and begged Sai Baba to grant
spiritual peace to her. He received her with sympathy, offered her solace and facilitated her spiritual progress. She often begged Him to initiate
her into some potent manthra in order to help her in spiritual advancement. He was putting her off somehow or the other, appearing on occasions
to be angry too. Sometime in 1918, a little before Shirdi Sai merged in the Infinite, she held His feet firmly pleading once again for manthra-

En algn momento de 1918, un poco antes de que Shirdi Sai se fusionaron en el Infinito,
ella sostena sus pies firmemente rogando una vez ms por el mantra-updadesh. Al parecer
abrumado por su insistencia, Sai Baba se volvi hacia ella con ira y le dio una patada en el
pecho. Profundamente herida, ella lo dej, se neg a comer y durmi aquella noche a
campo abierto bajo un rbol frente a Dwarakamayi. A ltima hora de la noche, el
compasivo Baba se acerc a ella y suavemente la tranquiliz con palabras de consuelo: "Mi
querida hija Gori, voy a decirte algo. Vayamos al jardn Lendi. Cmo puedo dormir
tranquilamente cuando ests en peligro y ests muerto de hambre?" Al llegar al jardn,
estir su mano y la movi en circulos, "Al Malik Hai" (Dios es el maestro), materializ un
par de puris y un poco de khoya y se los di. Cuando ella trat de ir a buscar el agua
potable, la detuvo y le materializ una pequea olla de agua de la misma manera como
haba producido la comida un poco antes. Despus de que ella comi y se sinti relajada,
habl en un tono agradable: "Mira, hija ma Gori, voy a decirte algo, pero antes debes
mantenerte a mis pies y prometeme que no diras esto a nadie." Despus de que ella lo hizo,
aadi: "Voy a renacer en la regin de Andhra con este mismo nombre de Sai Baba.
Entonces ven a M a disfrutar de mi compaa cercana y alcanza la felicidad. Ahora ests
mucho ms all de la necesidad de cualquier mantra. Despus que me veas como el segundo
Avathar, puedes decirle esto a los dems cuando se presente la ocasin. Sarada Devi se
consideraba muy afortunada y que su vida fue muy bendecida. Poco despus de este
incidente, en el da de Dussehra (15 de octubre 1918), Sri Shirdi Sai arroja su cuerpo
mortal a las 2:30 pm y alcanza el Maha Samadhi (Gran Fucin).

Apparently vexed with her insistence, Sai Baba turned on her in anger and kicked her in the chest. Deeply hurt, she left him, denied herself food
and slept that night in the open ground under a tree opposite Dwarakamayi. Late in the night, the compassionate Baba approached her and gently
pacified her with soothing words, "My dear child Gori, I will tell you something. Let us go to the Lendi garden. How can I sleep soundly when
you are in distress and are starved?" On reaching the garden, He stretched His hand up and uttering, "Allah Malik Hai" (God is the Master),
materialized a couple of puris and a bit of khoya to go with them. When she tried to go and fetch drinking water, He stopped her and materialized
a tiny pot of water in the same manner as He had produced the food a little earlier. After she ate and felt relaxed, He spoke in a pleasing tone,
"Look, my child Gori, I will tell you something but before that you should hold My feet and promise Me that you will not tell this to any one."
After she did so, He continued, "I will be reborn in the Andhra region with this same name of Sai Baba. You will then come to Me, enjoy My
close company and attain happiness. You are now well past the need for any manthra. After you see Me in My second avathar, you may tell this
to others when occasion arises." Sarada Devi considered herself most fortunate and that her life was blessed. Soon after this incident, on the
Dussehra day (15th October 1918), Sri Shirdi Sai shed his mortal coil at 2:30 pm and attained Maha Samadhi.

Pasaron mas de 20 aos fugasmente. Ahora ella estaba inaugurando un orfanato. Viajaba
de un lugar a otro, dando actuaciones Harikatha para recaudar fondos. Durante sus viajes,
tubo que ir a Uravakonda. Ella haba odo hablar mucho de un 'nio milagroso llamado
Sathyam. Fue a verlo a la casa de Sri Seshama Raju, el hermano mayor del chico, donde el
nio estaba para entonces hospedado. Sathyam se fij en ella y la invit a sentarse cerca de
l. Entonces se dirigi a ella en un tono agradable, "Gori", ella se sorprendi, ya que era de
la misma manera dulce y cariosa que solos Shirdi Sai, y nadie ms utiliza para dirigirse a
ella. Sathyam agreg, "Me debes 16 rupias. Te acuerdas?" Ella estaba confundida sobre
todo porque lo estaba viendo por primera vez. l continu, "Recolectaste 40 rupias para
enviar a Shirdi. Pero slo enviaste 24 a travs de Balaram. As que, no he recivido las 16
Rupias restantes todava?" Para tranquilizarla, l dijo: "Te he recordado sobre esto
simplemente para demostrarte que soy Shirdi Baba. Cuando entraste, no te molestaste en
ofrecerme ningun namaskar (saludo), y te sentaste tan pronto como entraste". La pobre
Sarada Devi estallo en lgrimas. Cay a sus pies y los apret contra su pecho como solia
hacerlo en Shirdi. Sathyam la tranquiliz y le dijo: "Queria hablarte, pero no prestaste
atencin a mis palabras. Te olvidaste por completo ponme atencion ahora que me has
reconocido. Me dirijo a Puttaparthi. Sgueme y yo te mostrar todo lo que hay. "Ms tarde,
con las instrucciones de Sri Sathya Sai, ella fij su residencia permanente en Prashanti
Nilayam. Como se mencion anteriormente, Baba le dio el nombre de "Pedda Bottu". Ella
vivi en la proximidad de Baba en Prashanti Nilayam hasta el final de su vida.

More than 20 years sped by. She was now running an orphanage. She was travelling from place to place, giving Harikatha performances to raise
funds. During her travels, she happened to go to Uravakonda. She had heard a lot about a 'miracle boy' called Sathyam. She went to see him in the
house of Sri Seshama Raju, the boy's elder brother, where the boy was then staying. Sathyam noticed her and invited her to si t close to Him.
When he addressed her in a pleasing tone, "Gori," she was startled as that was the same sweet and affectionate way Shirdi Sai alone, and nobody
else used to address her. Sathyam added, "You owe me Rs 16. Do you remember?" She was confused particularly because she was seeing him for
the first time. He went on, "You had collected Rs 40 for sending to Shirdi. But you sent only Rs 24 through Balaram. So, don't you own me Rs 16
still?" To reassure her, He said, "I have reminded you about this merely to prove to you that I am Shirdi Baba. As you came in, you did not bother
to offer me even namaskar (salutation) but just sat down as soon as you entered." Poor Sarada Devi was now in tears. She fell on his feet and
pressed them to her bosom just as she was habituated to do at Shirdi. Sathyam calmed her and said, "I had told you then but you did not pay heed
to my word. You forgot it altogether buy now you have reached me. I am proceeding to Puttaparthi. Follow me and I will let you know
everything there." Later, at the instructions of Sri Sathya Sai, she took up permanent residence in Prashanti Nilayam. As mentioned earlier, Baba
gave her the name of "Pedda Bottu". She lived in Baba's proximity in Prashanti Nilayam till the end of her life.

Shirdi Baba sola mostrar un gran enojo. Pero Sathya Sai Baba siempre es una imagen de
dulzura y simpata. Swami explic una vez la naturaleza de esta diferencia de actitud:
"Cuando la madre est ocupada cocinando en la cocina, ella se irrita y se enfada si sus
hijos la distraen con solo un poco de perturbacin. Pero cuando ms tarde sirve la comida
preparada para ellos, est llena de afecto, amor y paciencia. El ex Avathar en Shirdi fue la
etapa de preparacin de sabrosos platos, ahora es la etapa de servirte los platos con amor".

Shirdi Baba would often display great anger. But Sathya Sai Baba is always a picture of sweetness and pleasantness. Swami once explained the
nature of this attitudinal difference, "When the mother is busy cooking in the kitchen, she gets irritated and angry if her children distract her by
making even a little disturbance. But when she later serves the cooked food to them, she is full of affection, love and patience. The former avathar
at Shirdi was the stage of preparing tasty dishes; now it is the stage of serving those dishes to you with love."

Om Sai Shirdi Sai Abheda Sakti Avatharaya Namah
Om, Salutaciones a Shirdi Sai Baba Avatar de Poder

Cuando era nio, Madhav S. Dikshit haba visto Shirdi Sai Baba, pero pas la ltima fase
de su vida con Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba en Brindavan en White Field, cerca de
Bangalore. Cuando era un nio, sufra de un dolor insoportable debido a la migraa. Hari
Sitaram Dikshit, el hermano mayor del padre del nio, lo llev a Shirdi Baba. Este Hari
Sitaram Diskshit era conocido generalmente como Kakasahed Dikshit. Baba le frot un
poco de ceniza tomadas de su Dhuni (fogata) en la frente del nio y bruscamente le orden
que se fuera. El muchacho se sorprendi ante lo que senta era una bofetada y un despido
cortante. l tom una decisin de no volver a ir a Baba. Pero su to, HS Dikshit, le asegur
que lo que l confundia con una bofetada era, por el contrario, la bendicin de Baba.
Adems, lo qu Baba orden que saliera tan secamente que se fuera no era el chico sino su
migraa! Y aadi: "Todos los que estamos aqu hemos estado esperando y esperando por
alguna de estas seales de la gracia de Baba. Si l le diera solo una 'bofetada' similar a
cualquiera, este se sentira inmensamente bendecido!" Desde este incidente, la vejatoria
migraa nunca volvi a aparecer.

Om Sai Shirdi Sai Abheda Sakti Avatharaya Namah
As a child, Madhav S Dikshit had seen Shirdi Sai Baba but spent the last phase of his life with Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba at Brindavan in White
Field near Bangalore. As a boy, he suffered from unbearable pain due to migrane. Hari Sitaram Dikshit, the elder brother of the boy's father, took
him to Shirdi Baba. This Hari Sitaram Diskshit was generally known as Kakasahed Dikshit. Baba rubbed some ashes taken from his Dhuni
(fireplace) on the forehead of the boy and brusquely ordered him to go away. The boy was taken aback at what he felt was a slap on his face and
curt dismissal. He made up his mind never again to go to Baba. But his uncle, HS Dikshit, assured him that what he mistook as a slap was, on the
other hand, Baba's blessing. Besides, what Baba ordered out so curtly to go away was not the boy but his migrane! He added, "Everyone of us
here has been waiting and waiting for some such sign of Baba's grace. If only He would give a similar 'slap' to anybody, he would feel immensely
blessed!" Ever since this incident, the vexatious migraine never appeared again.

Varios aos ms tarde, despus de haber odo que Shirdi Baba haba tomado nacimiento
como Sathya Sai Baba, MS Dikshit fue a Puttaparthi, junto con algunos de sus amigos. Era
el 23 de octubre 1961, el da de Vijaya Dashami. Hablando en la ocasin, Swami dijo, "Este
poder divino dej el cuerpo anterior en el ao 1918. En ese momento, le dije a los devotos
que me gustara volver otra vez despus de ocho aos. Mientras publicaba lo que yo haba
dicho, Kakasahed Dikshit registr en su diario que promet volver como un nio de ocho
aos". Este error se produjo porque Kakasaheb Dikshit no hizo su anotaciones
inmediatamente al orme, sino que tard bastante tiempo para hacerlo, para entonces,
despus de un largo tiempo, por lo que se bas nicamente en su memoria".

Several years later, having heard that Shirdi Baba had taken reincarnation as Sathya Sai Baba, MS Dikshit went to Puttaparthi along with some of
his friends. It was 23rd October 1961, Vijaya Dashami day. Speaking on that occasion, Swami said, "This Divine Power left the previous body in
the year 1918. At that time, I told devotees that I would come back again after eight years. While putting down on paper what I had stated,
Kakasahed Dikshit recorded in his diary that I promised to come back 'as an eight year old boy'. This mistake occurred because Kakasaheb
Dikshit did not make his noting immediately on hearing Me, but took quite a while to do so, then too, after a long time, so he relied solely on his

MS Dikshit vino a Puttaparthi para las festividades Shivaratri. Una duda surgi en su
mente, "Qu es esto? Shirdi Baba era una personalidad sin pretensiones que llevaba ropa
sencilla. Podra haber adoptado, en el renacimiento, la forma del dandy que ahora veo
delante de m, aqu parece estar vestido ms como un actor de cine". Durante todo el
tiempo estaba viendo Bhagavan en el estrado que baaba la imagen de Shirdi Sai con flujos
interminables de vibhuti que salian de un pequeo recipiente que se mantenia por encima
de la cabeza de la imagen. Observ tambin el milagro del Shivalingams (un smbolo
elptico del Ser Supremo) que emergia de la boca de Bhagavan. A ello sigui un discurso de
Bhagavan en el curso del cual dijo: "Algunas personas aqu presentes estn pensando que
es muy raro que yo debera usar ropa de seda como un actor de cine y que ostenta un tipo
peculiar de peinado. "Dikshit estaba sorprendido, no tenia duda de que Baba se refera a
sus propias dudas y se sinti perturbado.

MS Dikshit happened to be at Puttaparthi for the Shiva Rathri festivities. A doubt arose in his mind, "What is this? Shirdi Baba was an
unassuming personality wearing simple clothes. Could He have taken, on rebirth, the form of the dandy I see now before me? Here he seems to
be dressed more like a cinema actor." All the while he was watching Bhagavan on the dais bathing Shirdi Sai's image with unending streams of
vibhuti pouring out of a small vessel held above the head of the image. He watched also the miracle of Shivalingams (an elliptical symbol of the
Supreme Being) emerging out of Bhagavan's mouth. There followed a discourse from Bhagavan in the course of which He said, "Some persons
present here are thinking that it is quite odd that I should wear silk clothes like a cinema actor and that I sport a peculiar type of hairdo." Dikshit
was startled, he had no doubt that Baba was surely referring to his own doubts and felt disturbed.

Baba convoc a MS Dikshit a la sala de entrevistas. Tenia una fotografa de su difunto to,
Kakasaheb Dikshit, en el bolsillo. Swami vio la foto y dijo: "Este es tu to, la foto de SA
Dikshit. Era mi devoto cuando estaba en Shirdi. Todava tienes alguna duda en tu mente?
"Todas las dudas en la mente de Dikshit desaparecieron. Pero un solo deseo ardiente le
quedava! Haba deseado mucho el servir como el guardin de la habitacin de Shirdi Baba.
Bhagavan lo saba. l cumpli su deseo, asignando el mismo trabajo para l en Brindavan.
Swami dijo tambin, "Ha llegado tu hora de ir al cielo, pero Swami ha decidido aumentar
tu vida por ocho aos. "Dikshit viva en una casa justo en frente de la puerta de Brindavan.
Muri ocho aos despus.

Baba summoned MS Dikshit into the interview room. There was a photograph of his late uncle, Kakasaheb Dikshit, in his pocket. Swami saw the
picture and said, "This is your uncle, HS Dikshit's picture. He was my devotee when I was in Shirdi. Do you still have any doubts in your mind?"
All doubts in Dikshit's mind vanished. But a single ardent wish remained unfulfilled! He had very much desired to serve as the doorkeeper of
Shirdi Baba's room. Bhagavan knew this. He fulfilled his desire by assigning the same job to him in Brindavan. Swami also said to him, "Your
time has come to go to heaven, but Swami has decided to increase your life by eight years." Dikshit lived in a house right in front of the gate of
Brindavan. He died eight years later.

El 2 de octubre de 1996 fue un da memorable. Los devotos adoraban los 1008 pares de
Padukas (rplicas de sandalias de Baba) en ese da en el gran escenario de Sai Kulwant
Hall. El Dr. DJ Gadhia habl en esa ocasin. Cuando Baba habl despus, se refiri a la
Dra. Gadhia y dijo: "l es el hijo de MS Dikshit y nieto de Kakasaheb Dikshit que haba
vivido en Shirdi. Este Dr. Gadhia no lo vio, pero yo lo vi. Su padre, MS Dikshit, vino y me
mostr los diarios guardados por Kakasaheb Dikshit. l haba grabado en el que a pesar
de cualquier dificultad que uno pueda enfrentar en la vida, uno nunca debe renunciar a
Swami. el padre de este doctor, MS Dikshit, se qued en Brindavan durante 30 aos. Fui yo
quien alent a este Gadhia para estudiar medicina y lo envie a Manipal. Posteriormente, lo
presion para ir a Londres. As, la asociacin de esta persona con Sai Baba se reduce desde
los tiempos de sus antepasados, hace mucho, mucho.

The 2nd of October 1996 was a red-letter day. Devotees worshipped 1008 pairs of Padukas (replicas of Baba's sandals) on that day in the grand
venue of Sai Kulwant Hall. Dr DJ Gadhia spoke on that occasion. When Baba spoke later, He referred to Dr Gadhia and said, "He is the son of
MS Dikshit and grandson of Kakasaheb Dikshit who had lived in Shirdi. This Dr Gadhia did not see him but I saw him. His father, MS Dikshit,
brought and showed to me the diaries kept by Kakasaheb Dikshit. He had recorded therein that whatever difficulties one might face in life, one
should never give up Swami. This doctor's father, MS Dikshit, stayed in Brindavan for 30 years. It was I who encouraged this Gadhia to study
medicine and sent him to Manipal. Subsequently, I pressed him to go to London. Thus, the association of this person with Sai Baba comes down
from his forefathers' times, long, long ago.

"Esto se aplica a todos los presentes. Por el contrario, no hay ninguna posibilidad en
absoluto de que alguna vez vengas aqu. Te has introducido en este camino slo en virtud
de la accin acumulada de la buena fortuna y el punyam adquirido a lo largo de varias
vidas anteriores. Hay millones de personas en la India Cuntos de ellos son capaces de
venir aqu? muchas personas tienen el deseo de venir; sin embargo, son incapaces de
realizarlo. Es la bendicin divina que ha sido capaz de hacerlos llegar a este santo lugar",
dijo Swami.

"This is what applies to everyone here. Otherwise, there is no possibility at all of your ever coming here. You have entered onto this path only by
virtue of the cumulative stock of good fortune and punyam acquired over several previous lives. There are crores of people in India. How many
of them are able to come here? Many people do have the desire to come; yet they are unable to fulfill their desire. It is a matter of divine blessing
that you have been able to come to this holy place," Swami said.

Tidemann Johanessen, un noruego de Oslo, quizo venir a Puttaparthi. Swami materiliz un
anillo y se lo present a l para protegerle de los problemas de que el estaba plagado. Unos
aos ms tarde, durante un viaje a Bangladesh, perdi ese anillo en un ro cerca de
Chittagong. Un mes despus de la prdida, cuando Tidemann lleg a Whitefield, Bhagavan
le acerc y le puso el anillo perdido en la mano. Swami le dijo al asombrado Tidemann
"Este anillo lleg a mis manos, porque all estoy yo en ese ro. No slo en ese ro, yo estoy
presente en cada ro, en todas partes." Swami es omnipresente, omnipresente.

Tidemann Johanessen, a Norwegian from Oslo, happened to come to Puttaparthi. Swami materiliazed a ring and presented it to him to ward off
the problems he was beset with. A few years later, while travelling in Bangladesh, he lost that ring in a river near Chittagong. A month after the
loss, when Tidemann arrived in Whitefield, Bhagavan came to him and placed the lost ring in his hand. Swami told the astounded Tidemann,
"This ring came into My hands because I am there in that river. Not only in that river, I am present in every river, everywhere." Swami is all-
pervasive, omnipresent.

Una vez que una devota de Kanpur vino a ver a Shirdi Sai en Dwaraka Mayi. Ella lo salud
y se sent. Baba le pregunt si las celebraciones del cumpleaos de su hijo haban salido
bien. Ella le dijo: "Baba, nos pasamos el da con alegra. Invitamos a todos nuestros
parientes y les dimos un banquete. Antes de eso pusimos todos los comestibles en una placa
de plata como ofrendas a ti pusimos la placa en la sala de Puja. Un poco ms tarde,
queramos servir ese prasadam a los huspedes, pero nos encontramos con que la placa
haba desaparecido. Slo mi marido y yo, y nadie ms, nos entrabamos en esa habitacin de
puja. Cmo podra desaparecer? todos nos sentimos infelices de perderla. Baba, que
pas?" Sai Baba respondi: "Te acuerdas de que a medida que tu colocabas el plato
delante de m en la sala de Puja, me pediste venir personalmente en la feliz ocasin del
cumpleaos de tu nio y participar de la naivedyam? Como lo habas deseado, fui all y me
los comi. Como no estaba seguro de si lo creeras, traje a la distancia la placa de plata con
mgo. Aqu est!" Empuj su mano detrs de la almohada en la que l se inclinaba, sac la
placa y se lo dio a ella. Ella qued inmensamente sorprendida y encantada.

Once a lady devotee from Kanpur came to see Shirdi Sai in Dwaraka Mayi. She saluted him and sat down. Baba asked her whether the birthday
celebrations of her son had gone on well. She told him, "Baba, we spent that day happily. We invited all our relatives and feasted them. Prior to
that we arranged all the eatables in a silver plate as offerings to You and left the plate in the pooja room. As little later, we wanted to serve that
prasadam to the guests but we found that the plate had disappeared. Only my husband and I, and none else, entered that pooja room. How could it
disappear? We all felt unhappy at losing it. Baba, what's happene d?" Sai Baba replied, "Do you remember that as your placed the plate before
Me in the pooja room, you prayed to Me to come personally on the happy occasion of your boy's birthday and partake of the naivedyam? As you
had desired, I came there and ate them all. Not being sure whether you would believe it, I brought away the silver plate with me. Here it is!" He
pushed His hand behind the pillow on which He was leaning, drew out the plate and gave it to her. She was immensely surprised and delighted.

Abdulla limpiaba con regularidad y a fondo aquel lugar en Dwaraka Mayi. l solia
reorganizar los almohadones y sbanas diariamente como parte de sus tareas. Abdulla no
se present ese da en particular y alguien ms realiz el trabajo. Nadie, sin embargo, haba
encontrado ninguna placa all antes. Cmo fue que de repente hace su aparicin ahora?
Podemos entender lo que significa Bhagavan cuando dice l es omnipresente.

Abdulla was regularly cleaning that place in Dwaraka Mayi thoroughly. He would rearrange the cushions and bed sheets daily as a part of his
chores. Abdulla did not turn up on that particular day and someone else did the job. No one however, had found any plate there earlier. How did it
suddenly make its appearance now? We can understand what Bhagavan means when he says He is omnipresent.

A continuacin, Sathya Sai Baba estaba de gira en Kerala. A peticin de Sus devotos, visit
una aldea cerca de Trivandrum, ahora conocida como Thiruvananthapuram en Kerala. En
su comitiva iva el Dr. S Bhagavantham, el clebre cientfico. Los devotos de cerca y de lejos
asistieron a la reunin celebrada all. Swami le seal al Dr. Bhagavantham, que estaba a
su lado, a una anciana de pie en un rincn de la gran reunin. Mencion que la conocia
desde que su infancia. El Dr Bhagavantham, se pregunt en su mente, "Baba es mucho ms
joven. Esa mujer es evidentemente mucho mayor. Cmo puede ser que Swami la conociera
de la infancia?" Le pregunt a Swami, "Baba, T tienes, como 30 aos de edad. Esa seora
debe ser de unos setenta aos. Cmo es posible que Tu la conozcas desde que eras un
nio?" Baba aclar de inmediato que l la haba conocido en su encarnacin anterior.

Sathya Sai Baba was then touring Kerala. At the request of His devotees, He visited a village near Trivandrum, now known as
Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. In His entourage was Dr S Bhagavantham, the celebrated scientist. Devotees far and near attended the meeting
held there. Swami pointed to Dr Bhagavantham, who was by his side, an old lady standing in a corner of the huge gathering. He mentioned that
He had known her ever since her childhood. Dr Bhagavantham, wondered in his mind, "Baba is much younger. That woman is evidently much
older. How could it be that her childhood is known to Swami?" He asked Swami, "Baba, You are but 30 years old. That old woman must be in
her seventies. How is it possible that You know her ever since she was a child?" Baba promptly clarified that He had known her in His previous

Un poco ms tarde, el Dr. Bhagavantham anduvo entre la gente reunida. Silenciosamente
se acerc a la anciana, le converso y pregunt, "Alguna vez visitaste Shirdi?" Ella
respondi: "Cuando yo era un nio, mi to, el hermano menor de mi padre, me llev a
Shirdi para el darshan de Baba. Baba me dio un colgante que todava llevo en mi cuello.
Aqu est. "Ella lo mostr al Dr Bhagavantham, cuyas dudas fueron luego despejadas.

A little later, Dr Bhagavantham went around among the people gathered. He queitely approached the old woman, engaged her in converstation
and enquired, "Did you ever visit Shirdi?" She replied, "When I was a little child, my uncle, the younger brother of my father, took me to Shirdi
for Baba's darshan. Baba gave me a pendant that I still wear around my neck. Here it is." She showed it to Dr Bhagavantham, whose doubts were
then cleared.

Cuando omos hablar de este incidente, recordamos un verso del Bhagavad-Gita al inicio
del captulo 4. leemos all que el Seor Sri Krishna le dijo a Arjuna: "Ense este Yoga
inmortal hace mucho tiempo a Vivaswana (el Dios Sol). Que se lo Transmiti a Manu,
quien lo imparti a su hijo, Ikshwaku. Ahora, de nuevo, he impartido este antiguo Yoga
para Ti". Arjuna pregunt: "Oh Krishna, el dios del sol est all desde la creacin. l existe
desde la antigedad remota. Tu perteneces a esta poca. Cmo es posible que le hallas
enseado al Dios Sol hace tanto tiempo? El seor Krishna explica:

When we hear of this incident, we are reminded of a verse in the Bhagavad Gita at the beginning of Chapter 4. Lord Sri Krishna, we read there,
told Arjuna, "I taught this immortal Yoga long ago to Vivaswan (the Sun God). He conveyed it to Manu, who imparted it to his son, Ikshwaku.
Now, again, I have imparted this ancient Yoga to you." Arjuna queried "Oh Krishna, the Sun God is there ever since the creation. He dates back
to remote antiquity. You belong to the present age. How is it possible that you had taught this to the Sun God so long ago? Lord Krishna
explained :

Bahooni Me Vyatheethani janmani Thava Cha Arjuna,
Thani Aham Veda sarvani , Na Thvam Vettha Paranthapa .

"Arjuna, T y Yo hemos pasado por numerosos nacimientos. Yo poseo la conciencia de
todos esos nacimientos, pero tu no lo haces."

"He Arjuna, you and I have passed through numerous births. I possess the awareness of all those births; but you do not."

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

Fin del Capitulo 2
(De: Thapovanam Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra por Santisri Jandhyala Venkateswara

DIA 2: JUEVES (Captulo 3 y 4)

End of Chapter 2
(From : 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry)
DAY 2 : FRIDAY (Chapter 3 & 4)


Capitulo 3
Chapter 3

Yada Yada hi Dharmasya Glanir Bhavathi Bharatha
Abhyutthanam adharmasya tadhathmanam srujamyaham
Parithranaya Saddhoonam Vinashaya cha duskhrutham
Dharma Sansthapanarthaya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge

~Sri Mad Bhagavad Gita (Ch 4, verse 7.8)~

La actual poblacin de Puttaparthi era conocida en la antigedad como Gollapalli (pueblo
de vaqueros). Toda la zona estaba poblada por pastores y sus vacas. Un da, un pastor del
pueblo se dio cuenta de que una de sus vacas haban regresado de los campos de pastoreo
con la ubre vaca. Esto sigui sucediendo en los das siguientes. Decidi seguirla en silencio
a los campos para averiguar quin podra estar robando su leche. La vaca fue como de
costumbre a las campo con el vaquero observando cada movimiento con los ojos bien
abiertos. Se acerc al un cerro del que surgi una serpiente maravillosa, se enrosc
alrededor de las patas traseras de la vaca y se aliment de la ubre sin daar a la vaca. El
pastor perdi la paciencia. No se le ocurri que esta serpiente pudiera ser algo raro o
divino. Cogi una pesada piedra y la arroj a la serpiente. La sangre brot y la piedra se
tio. La serpiente muri. Desde ese incidente, las familias de pastores de vacas de Gollapalli
declinaron gradualmente en nmero y las serpientes de las colinas proliferaban por todas
partes. La gente crea que la moribunda serpiente maldijo a los habitantes del pueblo, lo
que seria la causa de origen de su miseria. A medida que pasaba el tiempo, Gollapalli
adquiri el lastimoso honor de ser conocida como Putta-Vardhani (lugar donde abundan
las serpientes colinas).

The present day village of Puttaparthi was known in olden times as Gollapalli (the village of cowherds). The whole area was populated with
cowherds and their cows. One day, a cowherd of the village noticed that one of his cows had returned from grazing fields with an empty udder.
This continued to happen for the next several days. He decided to stalk her quietly to the fields to find out who might be stealing her milk. The
cow went as usual to the woods with the keeper watching her every movement with peeled eyes. She approached a snake-hill out of which
emerged a wondrous serpent, wound itself around the cow's hind legs and fed itself from the udder without hurting the cow. The cowherd lost his
temper. It did not occur to him that this serpent might be something uncommon or divine. He picked up a heavy stone and hurled it at the serpent.
Blood flowed out and stained the stone. The serpent died. Ever since that incident, cowherd families of Gollapalli gradually declined in numbers
and serpent-hills proliferated all over. People believed that the dying serpent cursed the villagers, which was the root-cause of their misery. As
time passed, Gollapalli acquired the dubious distinction of being known as Putta Vardhani (place where snake-hills abound).

Los habitantes del pueblo sentidos llevaron la piedra con manchas de sangre que haba
matado a la serpiente, la nombraron Gopala Swami (Krishna, el vaquero) y la instalaron
en el pueblo para el culto regular. El encantador nombre de Krishna evoca las travesuras
infantiles y las divertidas mocedades del Seor Krishna que crecieo entre los pastores.
Cuando era un nio, l juguetonamente rob la leche, la mantequilla y la cuajada para
alimentarse a s mismo y sus compaeros y camaradas de juego. Los pobladores adoraban
la piedra como a Krishna, el pastor, como un acto de penitencia y expiacin. Muy pronto, el
pueblo prosper y creci, y lleg a ser conocido como Puttaparthi. Durante el reinado del
gran gobernante, Sri Krishnadeva Raya del imperio Vijayanagar, que gan fama como un
bastin de valientes guerreros que han prestado sus servicios a las fuerzas reales. Fue
construido un templo y se hicieron elaborados arreglos para los rituales de adoracin
regulares en la forma tradicional, es decir, el ofrecimiento de Puja, el encendido de la
lmpara sagrada, el ofrecimiento de incienso y naivedyam a la deidad, y as sucesivamente.
La prosperidad de la aldea creci ms y ms. Despus de la llegada de Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai se confirm la divinidad de esa deidad. En su caso se introdujeron el bao de la
deidad (abhishekam) y la aplicacin de pasta de sndalo. Para el asombro de los devotos, la
piedra revela la forma divina del Seor Sri Krishna con la flauta en la mano!

The contrite villagers took the blood-stained stone which had killed the serpent, named it Gopala Swami (Krishna, the cowherd) and installed it in
the village for regular worship. The charming name of Krishna evokes the childhood pranks and amusing frolics of Lord Krishna who grew up
among cowherds. As a boy, he playfully stole milk, butter and curds to feed himself and his cohorts and playmates. The villagers worshipped the
stone as Krishna, the cowherd, as an act of penitence and atonement. Soon enough, the village prospered and grew, and came to be known as
Puttaparthi. During the reign of the great ruler, Sri Krishnadeva Raya of the Vijayanagar empire, it earned renown as a stronghold of brave
warriors who lent their services to the royal forces. A temple was built and elaborate arrangement were initiated for regular rituals of worship in
the traditional manner, i.e., offer of pooja, lighting of the sacred lamp, offer of incense and naivedyam to the deity, and so on. The prosperity of
the village grew more and more. After the advent of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai, He confirmed the divinity of that deity. At His instance, bathing of
the deity (abhishekam) and application of sandalwood paste all over, were introduced. To the wonderment of the devotees, the stone revealed the
divine form of Lord Sri Krishna with flute in hand!

En Puttaparthi hay una familia distinguida y devota de apellido "Ratnakara'. Un gran
santo llamado Venka-Avadhutha fue uno de sus antepasados. El abuelo paterno de Sathya
Sai, llamado Kondama Raju, era un alma muy evolucionada y llev una vida de devocin a
Dios. Poda recitar de memoria historias y versos de los poemas picos sagrados de Sri
Maha Bhagavatha y el Ramayana. Inspirado por un sueo, construy un templo para la
Diosa Sathyabhama Devi, la consorte del dios Krishna. Ahora se conoce en Puttaparthi
como el templo de Sathyamma. Lakshmamma era la esposa de Kondama Raju. La pareja
tuvo dos hijos santos. En recuerdo de Venka-Avadhuutha, fueron nombrados Peda (el
viejo) Venkama Raju y China (el ms joven) Venkama Raju. Ambos, al igual que su padre,
se convirtieron en consumados cantantes de versos y canciones devocionales.

There is in Puttaparthi a distinguished and devout family with the family name of 'Ratnakara'. A great saint called Venka-Avadhootha was one of
their ancestors. The paternal grandfather of Sathya Sai, named Kondama Raju, was a highly evolved soul and led a life of devotion to God. He
could recite from memory stories and verses from the sacred epics of Sri Maha Bhagavath and Ramayana. Inspired by a dream, he built a temple
for Goddess Sathyabhama Devi, the consort of Lord Krishna. It is now known in Puttaparthi as Sathyamma's temple. Lakshmamma was
Kondama Raju's wife. The saintly couple had two sons. In memory of Venka-Avadhootha, they were named Peda (the elder) Venkama Raju and
China (the younger) Venkama Raju. Both of them, like their father, became accomplished singers of devotional verses and songs.

ISVARAMMA (Madre de Sai)
Algunos parientes cercanos de Kondama Raju residian en un pueblo llamado Kolimikuntla
en el Koyalakuntla Thaluka del Distrito Kurnul. Su apellido era Misraganda. Subba Raju
que era de esa familia construy un templo para el Seor Shiva en su aldea. Mientras que
el templo estaba en construccin, Subba Raju fue bendecido con una beb hembra, que fue
nombrada Namagiri. Al regresar de una peregrinacin, Kondama Raju pas a visitar ese
pueblo. Estaba muy angustiado al ver que sus familiares estaban llevando vidas inquietas
debido a las depredaciones de los bandidos que actan en esa regin. Los invit a venir y
tener residencia permanente en el pueblo de Karnata Nagapalli en la otra orilla del ro
Chithravathi, justo frente a Puttaparthi, que segn l, sera un refugio seguro. Como un
incentivo adicional, les dio su palabra de que aceptara a Namagiri como su nuera.

Some close relatives of Kondama Raju were residing in a village called Kolimikuntla in the Koyalakuntla Thaluka of Kurnool District. Their
family name was Meesraganda. Subba Raju of that family built a temple for Lord Shiva in his village. While the temple was under construction,
Subba Raju was blessed with a female baby, who was named Namagiri. While returning from a pilgrimage, Kondama Raju happened to visit that
village. He was very much distressed to find that his relatives were leading uneasy lives due to the depredations of dacoits active in that region.
He invited them to come over and take permanent residence in the village of Karnata Nagapalli on the other bank of the river Chithravathi, right
opposite to Puttaparthi, which he said, would be a safe haven. As an added incentive, he gave his word that he would accept Namagiri as his
daughter-in- law.

La familia Misaraganda pronto cambi y se estableci en Karnata Nagapalli y tom la
agricultura. Como dispuesto divinamente, la hija de Subba Raju se cas con Peda
Venkama Raju. No del todo satisfecho con el nombre de su nuera que fuera dado por sus
padres, Kondama Raju lo cambi a Isvaramma (madre del Seor Ishvara, es decir, el
Seor Shiva). Ese nombre, finalmente, result no slo muy apropiado, sino tambin
proftico! La devota pareja engendr un hijo, Seshama Raju, y dos hijas, Venkamma y
Parvathamma. Para la gran angustia de Lakshmamma, le siguieron cuatro abortos
involuntarios. Ella or fervientemente a Dios para que bendiga a su familia con otro nio.

The Meesaraganda family soon shifted and settled down in Karnata Nagapalli and took up farming. As divinely ordained, Subba Raju's daughter
was wedded to Peda Venkama Raju. Not quite pleased with the name his daughter-in- law was given by her parents, Kondama Raju changed it to
Easwaramma (mother of Lord Easwara, i.e., Lord Shiva). That name eventually proved not only quite appropriate but also prophetic! The devout
couple begot a son, Seshama Raju, and two daughters, Venkamma and Parvathamma. To the great distress of Lakshmamma, four miscarriages
followed. She earnestly prayed to God to bless her family with another child.

Fin del captulo 2

(De: "Thapovanam Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra por "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara

DA 2 : Viernes ( Captulo 3 y 4 )
Yuge yuge sambhavmi

Captulo 3

Yada Yada hi dharmasya glanir Bhavathi Bharata
Abhyutthanam adharmasya tadhathmanam srujamyaham
Parithranaya Saddhoonam Vinashaya cha duskhrutham
Dharma Sansthapanarthaya sambhavmi Yuge Yuge
~ Sri Mad Bhagavad Gita (Ch 4, versculo 7,8 ) ~

El momento de la realizacin divina estaba a punto de amanecer. Las oraciones de los
numerosos santos, sabios y renunciantes de la encarnacin de Dios en la tierra estaban a
punto de ser contestadas. La agona de la humanidad doliente movi a la siempre
misericordiosa Divinidad Suprema. Ishvaramma estaba embarazada de nuevo, por octava
vez. Muy significativamente, el Seor Krishna naci como el octavo hijo de su madre,
Devaki Devi. El inescrutable, el Incomprensible, el Absoluto Universal estaba ahora a
punto de revelarse. Los instrumentos musicales en la casa, como el mridangam
(instrumento de percusin) y la thanpura (instrumento de cuerda) interpretaban, por su
propia voluntad, los sonidos musicales. La gente estaba sorprendida y encantada con este
extraordinario suceso, pero al mismo tiempo, ellos estaban confundidos y preocupados.

The moment of divine fulfillment was about to dawn. The prayers of numerous saints, sages and renunciates for the incarnation of God on earth
were about to be answered. The agony of suffering humanity moved the ever-merciful Supreme Divinity. Easwaramma was again pregnant, for
the eighth time. Quite significantly, Lord Krishna was born as the eighth child of his mother, Devaki Devi. The Inscrutable, the
Incomprehensible, the Universal Absolute was now about to reveal Himself. Musical instruments in the house, like mridangam (percussion
instrument) and thanpura (stringed instrument) used to produce, of their own accord, musical sounds. People were surprised and also delighted at
this extraordinary occurrence, but at the same time, they were confused and concerned.

Peda Venkama Raju camino a la cercana ciudad de Bukkapatnam para consultar a los
astrlogos. Despus de revisar cuidadosamente los textos antiguos, se preguntaron si
alguna dama en la casa estaba embarazada. Cuando la respuesta fue afirmativa, segn los
astrlogos, "Por el placer del nio en el vientre, los msicos celestiales le estn
proporcionando entretenimiento. Cuando las encarnaciones divinas estn a punto de tener
lugar, suceden este tipo de incidentes inusuales!" Le mostraron reveladores aspectos de los
tratados astrolgicos a Peda Venkama Raju para apoyar su opinin.

Peda Venkama Raju went all the way to the nearby town of Bukkapatnam to consult astrologers. After carefully going through ancient texts, they
enquired whether any lady in the house was pregnant. When the reply was affirmative, the astrologers said, "For the pleasure of the child in the
womb, celestial musicians are providing entertainment. When divine incarnations are about to take place, such unusual incidents happen!" They
showed relevant parts of astrological treaties to Peda Venkama Raju in support of their opinion.

Era 23 de noviembre 1926. De acuerdo con el calendario Hindy, este dia corresponda a
Somavar (lunes), el Thadia (el tercer da) despus de la luna llena, del mes de Karthika, del
ao Akshaya y estrella Ardra. Los hindes consideran el lunes del mes de Karthika como el
da preferido del Seor Shiva y realizan cultos especiales. A las 4 de la maana de ese da,
Lakshmamma estaba profundamente absorta en la adoracin (vratham) del Seor Sri
Sathyanarayana Swami, que se realizaba en una cercana casa de un purohit (sacerdote
brahmn). Su nuera la llamo varias veces diciendo que el parto era inminente. Pero ella
hizo caso omiso de las llamadas. Decidi no regresar a casa sin hacer el puya y recibir el
'prasadam puja' (alimento bendecido). Ella se qued, efectivamente, llev a casa el
prasadam. Le dio prasadam a su nuera. Eran las 5.06 am. Las brisas frescas batan
suavemente. Pequeas campanas en la parte superior del pilar del templo (sthambham
Dhwaja) producan sonidos suaves y melodiosos. Dentro de la casa, los sonidos musicales de
los instrumentos tocaban espontneamente por s solos reverberando suavemente. En ese
momento maravilloso, Sri Sathya Sai, la encarnacin divina naci. Tena un pequeo lunar
negro (marca de nacimiento) en la mejilla izquierda. Tambin tena otro lunar en su seno,
como el ornamento Srivatsa que adorna el seno del Seor Maha Vishnu. En sus plantas de
los pies se podan discernir los signos de Sankha (la concha) y Chakra (el disco circular)
que son insignia de la divinidad.

It was 23rd November 1926. According to the Hindy calendar, it corresponded to Somavar (Monday), Thadia (the third day) after the full moon,
Karthika month, Akshaya year and ardra star. Hindus consider Mondays of the Karthika month as favourite days of Lord Shiva and perform
special worship. From 4 am on that day, Lakshmamma was deeply absorbed in the worship (vratham) of Lord Sri Sathyanarayana Swami, being
performed in the nearby house of a purohit (Brahmin priest). She was called several times as her daughter-in- law's delivery was imminent. But
she ignored the calls. She decided not to return home without seeing the pooja through and receiving the 'pooja prasadam'. She sat through and
did indeed carry the prasadam home. She gave prasadam to her daughter-in- law. It was now 5.06 am. Cool breezes were wafting softly. Little
bells on the top of the temple pillar (dhwaja sthambham) were producing gentle and melodious sounds. Inside the house, musical notes from the
instruments spontaneously playing on their own were softly reverberating. At that wondrous moment, Sri Sathya Sai, the divine incarnation was
born. He had a tiny black mole (birthmark) on his left cheek. He had also another mole on his bosom, like the Srivatsa ornament adorning the
bosom of Lord Maha Vishnu. On his soles could be discerned the signs of Sankha (the conch) and Chakra (the circular disk) which are insignia
of divinity.

Lakshmamma, la suegra de Isvaramm, coloc al beb recin nacido con delicadeza en
hojas de palma, como exiga la tradicin, en un rincn de la sala de partos. Un poco ms
tarde, se dio cuenta de un ligero movimiento de las hojas de la cama del beb. Cuando
cogi al beb, ella encontr a su pesar, una cobra enrollada debajo de la cama! Lo cierto es
que se saba que en Puttaparthi hay escasez de serpientes. Pero, sin embargo, era bastante
mas raro que la misma cobra se enroscara como una cama para un recin nacido a la justo
en la sala de partos. Despus de que el alboroto causado por su presencia se enfri, se busc
a la serpiente pero no se pudo encontrar. No hay absolutamente ninguna duda de que la
serpiente no era otra que Adishesha, la serpiente divina que sirve como cama para el Seor
Sri Maha Vishnu en Vaikuntha. Esta es la primera demostracin de la divinidad de Sri
Sathya Sai.

Lakshmamma, Easwaramma's mother-in-law, placed the new born baby delicately on palm leaves, as tradition demanded, in a corner of the
delivery room. A little later, she noticed a slight movement of the baby's bed sheets. When she picked up the baby, she found to her dismay, a
coiled cobra below the bed! True enough, Puttaparthi knew no dearth of snakes. But it was nevertheless quite unusual for a coiled cobra
positioning itself as a bed for a new born baby right in the delivery room. After the flutter caused by its presence cooled down, the snake was
searched for but it could not be found. There is absolutely no doubt that the snake was none other than Adishesha, the divine serpent who serves
as a bed for Lord Sri Maha Vishnu in Vaikuntha. This is the very first demonstration of the divinity of Sri Sathya Sai.

Como el beb naci inmediatamente despus de que su madre haba participado del
prasadam del Seor Sri Sathya Narayana Swami, se le dio el nombre de Sathya Narayana.
El anciano, Kondama Raju, estuvo inmensamente encantados con este nombre. Porque le
record el incidente en el que Sri Maha Bhagavath al Seor Sri Krishna naci como la
encarnacin humana del Seor Narayana. El Seor Brahma se present ante el nio y
homenaje de este modo:

As the baby was born immediately after his mother had partaken of the prasadam of Lord Sri Sathya Narayana Swami, he was given the name of
Sathya Narayana. The old man, Kondama Raju, was immensely delighted with this name. For he was reminded of the incident in the Sri Maha
Bhagavath when Lord Sri Krishna was born as the human incarnation of Lord Narayana. Lord Brahma presented himself before the child and
paid homage thus :

Sathya Vratham, Sathya Param, Thri Sathyam,
Sathyasya Yonim, nihitam cha Sathye,
Sathwasya Sathyam, Ritha Sathya Nethram,
Sathya-Athmakam, Tvam Sharanam Prasannah.

(Oh Seor, T eres la encarnacin de la verdad De hecho, T eres la verdad misma; Solo tu
eres la verdad eterna. La Verdad es el nico camino para llegar a ti. Oh personificacin de
la verdad, me entrego a Ti . . !)

(Oh Lord, You are the embodiment of truth. In fact, You are the truth itself; only You are the eternal truth. Truth is the only path to reach You.
Oh the personification of truth, I surrender to Thee!)

Incluso si uno se fija en el nombre dado al pequeo beb, Sathyam, es evidente que l es
verdaderamente el Seor Sri Narayana y la encarnacin de la verdad (Satyam).

Even if one goes by the name given to the little baby, Sathyam, it is evident that he is truly Lord Sri Narayana and the embodiment of truth

El profundo significado interno y espiritual de la palabra "Satya" ha salido en toda su
sorprendente idoneidad en la vida de Swami. Ritham (honestidad) y Sathyam (verdad) son
los dos ornamentos enjoyados de los odos de Sruthi Matha (Veda Mata, la diosa madre de
los Vedas). Cuando contemplamos profundamente sobre su sentido y significado espiritual,
incluso ahora siempre se nos revelan nuevas bellezas. Vale la pena meditar sobre Sathyam
(verdad eterna) y Nithyam (saber sin principio ni fin).

The inner, profound spiritual significance of the word "Sathya" has come out in all its striking appropriateness in Swami's life. Ritham and
Sathyam are the two bejeweled ornaments of the ears of Sruthi Matha (Veda Matha, the Mother Goddess of the Vedas). When we contemplate
deeply on their meaning and spiritual significance, even now ever new beauties are revealed to us. Sathyam (eternal truth) and Nithyam (knowing
no beginning or end) are worth meditating on.


En el Sri Maha Bhagavatha, se ha declarado que el Seor Narayana pretendia encarnar en
esta tierra como Sri Krishna y "entr" en el vientre de Devaki Devi. Despus de que
Bhagavan Sathya Sai proclam: "Yo soy el que Krishna de antao," surgi una duda en la
mente de un sabio erudito llamado Sangubhatla Rama Sarma. Era un reconocido estudioso
(Asthana Pandit) del linaje de Venkatagiri, y era un sabio erudito de las escrituras y
epopeyas sagradas. Un da, l vino para esatr con Sri Sathya Sai Baba en el mandir cuando
se discutan los asuntos espirituales. l pregunt: "Swami, su nacimiento fue concepcin
normal (pravasam) o advenimiento (pravesham)?" Todos los presentes se sintieron
intrigados y algo sorprendidos, "Qu es esta extraa pregunta y, en todo caso, Que es esa
caracteristica?"se preguntaban. Pero Swami saba ciertamente la sustancia interior y el
profundo significado de la pregunta. Se volvi hacia Isvaramma, la madre, que estaba
sentada en la primera fila, y dijo: "Dile a Rama Sharma lo que sucedi ese da cuando
estaban levantando el agua del pozo."

In the Sri Maha Bhagavath, it has been stated that Lord Narayana intended to incarnate on this earth as Sri Krishna and "entered" the womb of
Devaki Devi. After Bhagavan Sathya Sai proclaimed, "I am that Krishna of yore," a doubt arose in the mind of a learned scholar named
Sangubhatla Rama Sarma. He was the scholar-laureate (asthana Pandit) of the ruler of Venkatagiri, and he was a learned scholar of scriptures
and sacred epics. One day, he happened to be with Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the mandir when spiritual matters were being discussed. He asked,
"Swami, was your birth through normal conception (pravasam) or by advent (pravesham)?" Everyone present was intrigued and somewhat
surprised, "What is this odd question and, in any case, what is its property?" they wondered. But Swami certainly knew the inner substance and
profound significance of the question. He turned towards Easwaramma, the mother, who was sitting in the front row, and said, "Tell Rama
Sharma what happened on that day when you were lifting water from the well."

Ishvaramma luego narr su experiencia: "Cuando estaba sacando agua del pozo", dijo,
"de repente vi una bola de luz brillante azulado rodando desde el cielo. Entr mi cuerpo y
perd la conciencia. Cuando recobr mis sentidos, con ministraciones de mi suegra, le dije
lo que haba pasado. ella me aconsej que no dijiera nada a nadie porque la gente puede
crear todo tipo de inferencias adversas y divertidas".

Easwaramma then narrated her experience : "When I was lifting water from the well", she said, "suddenly I saw a ball of bluish sparkling light
rolling down from the sky. It entered my body and I lost consciousness. When I regained my senses with ministrations of my mother-in-law, I
told her what had happened. She advised me not to breathe a word about it to anyone because people might draw all sorts of undesirable and
funny inferences."

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai ahora se volvi hacia Rama Sarma y dijo: "Entiendes ahora,
Rama Sarma? Mi nacimiento no fue a travs de la concepcin, sino que por advenimiento."

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai now turned to Rama Sarma and said, "Do you now understand, Rama Sarma? My brith was not through conception but
by advent."

Kondama Raju sola llevar a este nio extraordinario a su habitacin de Puja y sentarlo
all. Cuando iba a realizar el culto, tubo en cuenta que la presencia del nio le dio una
inmensa tranquilidad de mente y un poder de concentrarse sin esfuerzo en Dios en la
meditacin. Por qu no? Es perfectamente comprensible. El que entroniza a Bhagavan en
su corazn est obligado a experimentar la paz trascendental, que es algo que cada devoto
sabe por experiencia personal.

Kondama Raju used to take this extraordinary child into his pooja room and seat him there. As he would perform the worship, he would note that
the child's presence gave him immense tranquility of mind and he could effortlessly concentrate on God in meditation. Why not? It is perfectly
understandable. Whoever enthrones Bhagavan in his heart is bound to experience transcendental peace, which is something that every devotee
knows from personal experience.

El beb era muy hermoso. Las aldeanas vecinas solan pasar horas y horas jugando con l,
acaricindolo y abrazndolo. Isvaramma nunca se molest en saber de qu casta o
comunidad o a que fe pertenecan. Ella no se opuso en absoluto. El beb tambin aprendi
a amarlos y le gustaba su compaa. l siempre evitaba el regazo de su madre para estar en
compaa de los dems. Era se inquietaba, hasta que quedaba en compaa de ellos.
Bhagavan Sathya Sai una vez declar que l debe infaliblemente acudir por aquellos que lo
anhelan de todo corazn. Cuando omos hablar de sus bromas y los juegos de la infancia,
nos damos cuenta de que, incluso cuando era nio, haba estado practicando lo que l
declar ms tarde, despus de que l creci.

The baby was extremely handsome. Neighbouring women folk used to spend hours and hours playing with him, caressing him and embracing
him. Easwaramma never bothered to know what caste or community or faith they belonged to. She raised no objection whatsoever. The baby
too learned to love them and liked their company. He would often run away from his mother's lap to the company of others. He was indeed
restless except in their company. Bhagavan Sathya Sai once declared that He would unfailing go to those who yearned for Him
wholeheartedly. When we hear of his childhood pranks and plays, we realize that even as a child, he had been practicing what He declared much
later, after he grew up.

La casa contigua a la de Kondama Raju le perteneca a un Karanam (oficial de ingresos
del pueblo). La seora de la casa era Subbamma. Cada vez que ella tomaba al nio con
encanto en sus brazos, su rostro se ilumina de felicidad; l sonreia de alegra y ella
experimentara una alegra suprema. Ella no tena hijos propios. Llevaba a menudo a este
nio a su casa, con tanto orgullo como si estubiese trayendo a casa un precioso tesoro. Ella
lo apretaba con su amor maternal. La familia de Subbamma era una familia de brahmanes
y era vegetariana en sus hbitos alimenticios. Sathyam siempre insistia en ir a su casa y
encontr mucha felicidad all, la gente sola observar que, al igual que su abuelo, Kondama
Raju, Sathyam tambin sera un vegetariano y por lo tanto, l prefera pasar mucho de su
tiempo en el entorno de casa de Subbamma. De hecho, Sathyam no era tan feliz en su
propia casa como lo era en la de Subbamma. Algunos de los familiares de la familia de
Kondama Raju solian comentar que Ishvaramma era "Devaki' (la madre natal del Seor
Krishna), mientras que Subbamma era "Yashoda' (su madre de crianza).

The house next to the one adjoining Kondama Raju's belonged to a Karanam (village revenue official). The lady of the house was
Subbamma. Whenever she took the charming child in her arms, his face would glow in happiness; he would titter with delight and she would
experience supreme joy. She had no children of her own. She often took this child to her home, as proudly as if she was bringing home precious
treasures. She smothered him with her motherly love. Subbamma's family was a Brahmin family and was vegetarian in food habits. As Sathyam
always insisted on going to her house and found much happiness there, people used to observe that, like his grandfather, Kondama Raju, little
Sathyam would also be a vegetarian and hence, he preferred to spend much of his time in the environment of Subbamma's house. In fact,
Sathyam was not as happy in his own house as he was ins Subbamma's. Some of the relatives of Kondama Raju's family used to comment that
Easwaramma was 'Devaki' (the natal mother of Lord Krishna) while Subbamma was 'Yashoda' (his foster mother).

Otra caracterstica inusual de Satyam era que l nunca necesito pedir alguna cosa en
particular para comer, o ninguna pieza de ropa. Se trai ropa de segunda mano de las
ciudades vecinas de Hindupuram y Ananthapuram para todos los nios en la familia. Los
ms pequeos se reunan a su alrededor y con entusiasmo arrebataban los pedazos que
preferan. Pero Sathyam aceptaba alegremente lo que quedaba al final. Nunca se quej de
no tener algo de su propia eleccin, no haba nada que l prefiriera en particular. Por otro
lado, cuando veia la felicidad de los otros nios, el rostro de Sathyam florecera con el
placer y la satisfaccin. "Tu felicidad es mi comida," Declar Swami muchos aos despus.
Eso sin duda, debi de haber sido verdad, incluso cuando Sathyam era un simple nio.

Another unusual feature of Sathyam was that he never used to ask for any particular thing to eat nor for any particular piece of clothing. Clothes
used to be brought from the neighbouring towns of Hindupuram and Ananthapuram for all children in the family. The little ones would gather
around them and eagerly snatch up pieces they preferred. But Sathyam would cheerfully accept whatever was left behind. He never indicated
that he had any choice of his own; there was nothing that he would particularly prefer. On the other hand, when he saw the other children in
happiness, Sathyam's face would bloom with pleasure and satisfaction. "Your happiness is My food," Swami declared m any years later. That
surely, must have held true even when Sathyam was a mere child.

l estaba lleno de piedad, compasin, amor y simpata por cualquier ser vivo sometido a las
dificultades y el dolor. Unos muchachos juguetones una vez recolectaron como una docena
de ranas y los llevaban en una canasta. Ellos planearon para divertirse someter a las
pobres criaturas a algn tipo de tortura. Sathyam pidi que fueran liberados. Los chicos no
estaban de acuerdo. De repente, Sathyam los transform en palomas a travs de su
voluntad divina. l les dijo que no haba ranas en su cesta. Cuando abrieron con
incredulidad la tapa para ver, las aves se escaparon hacia el cielo.

He was full of pity, compassion, love and sympathy for any living being subjected to hardship and grief. A few playful boys once collected about
a dozen frogs and were carrying them in a basket. They planned to have fun by subjecting the poor creatures to some sort of torture. Sathyam
requested that they be freed. The boys did not agree. Suddenly, Sathyam transformed them into pigeons through his divine will. He told them
that there were no frogs in their basket. When they disbelievingly opened the lid to see, the birds escaped into the sky.

Podemos leer tambin un significado espiritual en este incidente. Desde ese da hasta hoy,
Bhagavan ha estado transformando a individuos ordinarios, que estn atrapados y que
viven como ranas en las profundidades del fango de la ignorancia (Ajana), en fuertes seres
humanos que son valientes y felices y capaces de elevarse libres en el firmamento espiritual
como las aves en el cielo.

We can read a spiritual meaning too in this incident. From that day to this day, Bhagavan has been transforming ordinary individuals, who are
entrapped and living like frogs in the deep mire of ignorance (Ajnan), into strong human beings who are bold and happy and capable of soaring
free in the spiritual firmament like birds in skies.

Incluso como un nio pequeo, Satyam era aficionado a la belleza natural. Pasaba mucho
tiempo contemplando la naturaleza. Los picos de las montaas, las estrellas y el cielo le
daban profunda alegra contemplandoles hechizado. En esos momentos, tomaba una
actitud serena y seria, que quedaba mucho ms all de su tierna edad. Las mujeres de
Puttaparthi que lo haban visto tan perdido en sus pensamientos solian referirse a l como
"Brahma Jani" (uno que alcanz realizacin suprema). Puede ser que lo hayan dicho, sin
duda, en la alegra y la fiesta, y que nunca podran haber sospechado que el nio del que se
burlaban era de hecho un Brahma-Jani.

Even as a little boy, Sathyam was fond of natural beauty. He spent much time contemplating nature. Mountain peaks, stars and sky gave him
profound happiness as he contemplated on them spellbound. At such times, he appeared serene and serious, way beyond his tender age. The
women of Puttaparthi who had seen him so lost in his thoughts used to refer to him as "Brahma Jnani" (one who attained supreme
realization). They might have, no doubt, said so in mirth and frolic; they could never suspect that the boy they were making fun of was indeed a
Brahma Jnani.

Isvaramma y Subbama acostumbraban sentarse, al anochecer en el prtico frente de sus
casas con vistas a la calle, y pasar tiempo conversando. Justo delante de ellos en la calle,
Sathyam se ponia una venda sobre los ojos y jugaba a las escondidas con sus amigos. En
esos momentos el ganado volva a casa despus de pastar. Siempre exista el riesgo de que
los revoltosos animales pisotearan a los transentes. Isvaramma naturalmente sentia
aprensin acerca de la seguridad de la integridad de su hijo. Pero Subbamma siempre la
tranquilizaba: "Clmate y simplemente sigue mirando nada malo va a suceder". El
vendado Sathyam tomaba a los animales sin temor. Bajo su suave toque, el animal se
tornaba docil, bajaba la cabeza y se alejaba sin causar dao. Tales incidentes ocurrian para
dejar a los espectadores desconcertados.

Easwaramma and Karanam Subbamma would often sit, at dusk in the front protico of their houses overlooking the street, and spend time in
conversation. Right in front of them in the street, Sathyam would wear a bandage across his eyes and play hide and seek with his
colleagues. That was the time when cattle headed home from pasture. There was always the risk of unruly animals trampling passers
by. Easwaramma would naturally feel apprehensive about her darling child's safety. But Subbamma would always reassure her : "Calm yourself
and just keep watching. Nothing untoward will happen." The blindfolded Sathyam would catch hold of some rogue animal. Under his gentle
touch, the animal would become docile, lower its head and move away harmlessly. Such incidents used to leave onlookers baffled.

Probablemente porque Sathyam naci bajo la influencia favorable de la estrella 'Ardra', su
corazn se derretira ante la visin del sufrimiento. (Ardra en snscrito significa
compasivo). Si una persona hambrienta estaba a su puerta, Sathyam corra acia dentro,
llevava algo de comida y lo coloca cariosamente en las manos extendidas. El brillo de
felicidad en los ojos de la persona con hambre llenaba el corazn de Sathyam con
satisfaccin. Sola llevar a su casa, a las personas que temblaban de fro y les daba ropa
para cubrirse. Era costumbre que la gente llevara aves al revs tomadas por sus piernas,
unidas entre s y con las cabezas colgando, una posicin que torturaba a los pobres pjaros.
A los bueyes se les incitaba a moverse ms rpido al girar sus colas cruelmente. Al ver
tanta crueldad insensata, Sathyam sufria la agona de los pobres pjaros y los animales en
s mismo.

Probably because Sathyam was born under the auspicious influence of the 'ardra' star, his heart would melt at the very sight of suffering. (ardra in
Sanskrit means compassionate) . If a hungry person stood at his door, Sathyam would run inside, bring some food and place it affectionately into
the outstretched hands. The glow of happiness in the eyes of the hungry person would fill Sathyam's heart with satisfaction. He used to bring to
his home, persons shivering from cold and gave them clothes to cover themselves. It was customary for people to carry fowl upside down by
their legs, bound together and heads hanging down, a position tortorous to the poor birds. Bullocks were goaded to move faster by twisting their
tails cruelly. At the sight of such insensate cruelty, Sathyam would suffer the agony of the poor birds and animals in himself.

Despus de terminar la escuela en Puttaparthi, Sathyam fue a la cercana ciudad de
Bukkapatnam y se inscribi en la escuela intermedia. La amorosa madre lo miraba con
gran expectacin ya que su pequeo nio se preparaba da a da para ir a Bukkapatnam.
Hace poco que haba salido de su cuna, y ahora tena que caminar unlargo trayecto a la
ciudad! Sathyam usaba una camisa blanca y pantalones cortos, se aplicaba vibhuti en la
frente, y un punto rojo bermelln que lo destacaba. Con una pequea bolsa transportaba
su sencilla merianda de ragi cocido (un grano grueso) del medio da en una mano y una
bolsa de libros en la otra, diciendo adis todas las maanas. Los ojos de la pobre seora
nadaban en lgrimas. Dejaba la casa a eso de las 8.30 am y regresaba slo al anochecer.
Cmo iba a soportar la agona de su ausencia hasta entonces? La tristeza la persegua
cada momento del da.

After finishing school in Puttaparthi, Sathyam went to the nearby town of Bukkapatnam and enrolled in the middle school. The loving mother
watched with bated breath as her little child prepared day after day to go to Bukkapatnam; he was hardly out of his cradle, but now he had to walk
all the way to town! Sathyam would put on a white shirt and shorts, apply vibhuti on his forehead, and a red dot of vermillion to lend accent to
it. With a small bag contining his simple mid-day meal of cooked ragi (a coarse grain) in one hand, and a bag of books in the other, he would bid
her goodbye every morning. The poor lady's eyes would swim in tears. He would leave home at about 8.30am and return only at dusk. How
could she endure the agony of his absence until then? Sadness haunted her every moment of the day.

Los compaeros de clase en la escuela eran envidiosos de Satyam. Evidentemente era el
centro de atraccin por su excelente sentido del orden y la limpieza impecable. Tan pronto
como los chicos salan de la aldea, ellos agarraban a Sathyam y lo zambullan l en el ro
Chithravathi para hacer sus vestidos blancos inmaculados ms sucios que los de ellos.
Cuando su trabajo sucio estaba consumado, que se sentiran felices y realizados. Pero
nunca Sathyam se quej a su querida madre en contra de ellos.

His fellow pupils at school were envious of Sathyam. He was evidently the cynosure because of his excellent sense of cleanliness and
immaculate orderliness. As soon as the boys stepped out of the village, they would catch hold of Sathyam and duck him in the river Chithravathi
to make his spotless white clothes dirtier than theirs. Their dirty deed accomplished, they would feel happy and fulfilled. But never would
Sathyam complain to his beloved mother against them.

En la escuela en Bukkapatnam, un maestro con el nombre de Kondappa estaba dictando
'notas' a sus alumnos quienes las tomaban asiduamente cabisbajos. Solo Sathyam no lo
estaba haciendo, lo que molest al maestro. Cmo poda saber que Sathyam, el que todo lo
sabe y lo comprende todo, no tena necesidad de tomar las notas? Orden que Sathyam se
pusiera de pie sobre el banco, un castigo infligido por lo general a los nios delincuentes. El
muchacho obedeci dcilmente. Pas el tiempo y la campana golpe para marcar el final de
esa clase y Kondappa tenia que abandonar. Aunque trat de salir de su silla, no poda ya
que qued pegada. El profesor que iba a tener la siguiente clase era Mehbub Khan. l
entr y comprendi la situacin. Pidi a Sathyam bajar y sentarse. Tan pronto como
Sathyam tom su asiento, Kondappa fue liberado automticamente de su propia silla. Esto
no era ms que un pequeo lila (broma juguetona) de Sathyam que se hizo simplemente
para demostrar que no era un colegial ordinario. Noticias de este episodio pronto se
esparcieron en Bukkapatnam y caus cierto malestar tambin. El incidente demuestra que
una encarnacin de Dios no puede ser limitado por las restricciones hechas por el hombre.
A su debido tiempo, Kondappa reconoci la divinidad de Satyam y tambin escribi y
public algunos poemas en su alabanza.

In the school in Bukkapatnam, a teacher by the name of Kondappa was dictating 'notes' to his pupils who were assiduously taking them
down. Sathyam alone was not doing so, which annoyed the teacher. How could he know that Sathyam, the all-knowing and all-comprehending,
had no need for taking down any notes? He ordered Sathyam to stand upon the bench, a punishment usually meted out to delinquent boys. The
boy meekly obeyed. Time passed and the bell struck to mark the end of that class and Kondappa had to leave. Though he tried to get out of his
chair, he could not as it stuck to his bottom. The teacher who was to take the next class was Mehboob Khan. He came in and understood the
situation. He asked Sathyam to get down and be seated. As soon as Sathyam took his seat, Kondappa was automatically released from his own
chair. This was but one small leela (playful prank) of Sathyam that was played merely to demonstrate that he was no ordinary run-of-the-mill
schoolboy. News of this episode soon spred in Bukkapatnam and caused some unrest too. The incident proves that an incarnation of God cannot
be bound by man-made limitations. In due course, Kondappa recognized Sathyam's divinity and also wrote and published some poems in his

Cuando la historia de la silla del maestro lleg a odos de Isvaramma, tem por el futuro
de la educacin de su nio. Ella le advirti Sathyam, "Si no estudias duro y tienes xito en
tu educacin, no tendrs ningn futuro, tendras que ganarse la vida mediante el cuidado
del ganado." Bueno, puede que las palabras de la madre de Bhagavan no fueron erradas?
Swami no trabaj duro en sus estudios en la escuela. Pero, como su madre divina haba
advertido, l es, sin duda el cuidador del ganado! Cules son los animales ahora bajo su
cuidado? Todos los seres vivos estn ahora bajo su cuidado y proteccin! Es por eso que se
ha convertido de verdad en Pashupati (el Seor de los animales, uno de los atributos del
Seor Shiva). Su madre ingenua nunca soo que su hijo querido, tan despreocupado en la
escuela, eventualmente tomaria un trabajo tan glorioso, aquel de regir el universo como

When the story of the teacher's chair reached Easwaramma, she feared for the future of her boy's education. She cautioned Sathyam, "If you do
not study hard and succeed in your schooling, you will have no future but to eke out a living by tending cattle." Well, can the word of Bhagavan's
mother ever go wrong? Swami did not work hard at his studies in school. But, as His divine mother had warned, He is certainly tending
cattle! What are the animals now in His care? All living beings are now under His care and protection! That is why He has verily become
Pashupati (the Lord of animals, one of the attributes of Lord Shiva). His simple-minded mother had never dreamt that her darling child, so remiss
at school, would eventually take up such a glorious job, that of minding the universe as Bhagavan.

Al final del ao Sathyam aparece para los exmenes finales, celebrados en la ciudad de
Penugonda. l vino primero, y el pueblo de Penugonda le segua en una gran procesin en
honor a este muchacho brillante. En su corazn de corazones, Ishvaramma estaba
encantada con el xito de su hijo encantador, pero al mismo tiempo le preocupaba ms que
esto pudiece despertar celos entre los otros chicos. A menudo se sorprendia y quedaba
atonita por algunas de las palabras pronunciadas por Sathyam, sus decisiones y
conclusiones, la agudeza de sus puntos de vista y la forma en que las explicaba.

The end of the year saw Sathyam appearing for the final examinations held in the town of Penugonda. He came first, and the people of
Penugonda took out a grand procession in honor of this brilliant boy. In her heart of hearts, Easwaramma was delighted at the success of her
charming boy, but she was at the same time worried that this might arouse more jealousy amongst the other boys. Often did she wonder and feel
astonished at some of the words uttered by Sathyam, his decisions and conclusions, the sharpness of his views and the manner in which he
expounded them.

El marido de Subbamma, Karanam, tenia un bigote muy extrao y prominente, un poco al
estilo de Hitler, su conducta era tambin bastante inusual. Sathyam componia canciones
que lo desenmascaraban y organizaba a sus compaeros de juego para que las cantacen en
publico. Isvaramma no aprobaba este tipo de actividades trabiesas. Entonces, entre todos,
le confi a Subbamma la tarea de corregir Sathyam! Subbamma amonest a Ishvaramma,
"Ese pequeo Guru (Maestro) sabe distinguir entre el bien y el mal. Dejalo a l a su propio
cargo y dejalo ser."

Subbamma's husband, the Karanam, was sporting a moustache all too odd and prominent, somewhat in the style of Hitler, his conduct also was
rather unusual. Sathyam composed songs making fun of him and organized his colleagues to sing them in public. Easwaramma would not
approve of such mischievous activities. She entrusted the task of correcting Sathyam, of all people, to Subbamma! Subbamma admonished
Easwaramma, "That little Guru (Master) knows how to distinguish between good and bad. Leave it to him and let him be."

Con un simple gesto de la mano, Sathyam materializaba lo que sea que sus compaeros le
pedan, ya fuese una fruta, una flor o dulces. Cuando le preguntaban de quien los haba
recibido, se limitaba a decir que algunos seres celestiales se lo daban. S, no puede haber
ninguna duda acerca de lo que l deca. Swami es el maestro supremo, es natural que los
seres celestiales le sirvieran con lo que l exige!

With a mere wave of his hand, Sathyam would materialize whatever his companions asked for, be it a fruit or a flower or sweets. When they
asked to know where he was getting them from, he merely said that some celestial beings were giving them to him. Yes, there can be no doubt
about what he claimed. Swami is the supreme master; it is but natural that heavenly beings should serve Him with whatever He demands!

Era cerca del medioda, cuando un chofer uniformado se acercaba con grandes zancadas a
Puttaparthi. Cuando entr, los pjaros en las ramas de los rboles se espantaron con gritos
de miedo y angustia. Sathyam estaba sentado en el prtico de la fachada de la casa de
Subbama conversando con sus amigos. Cuando el chofer se acerc, los nios uyeron de
miedo. El hombre le dijo a Sathyam que el jeep de su amo haba quedado varado en la otra
orilla del ro Chithravathi. El oficial se haba enojado mucho. Despus de or que un nio
milagroso habitaba en ese pueblo, el chofer haba venido aqu para obtener algo de vibhuti
para ayudar a su superior de su problema. Sathyam accedi a seguirlo hacia el jeep. El
oficial estaba acariciando el cuerpo sin vida de una tigresa, que evidentemente dicho
cazador le haba disparado en el bosque. Sathyam le dijo: "Qu mal te ha hecho este
pobre animal?" Por qu lo has matado sin razn? Sus dos pequeos cachorros han
perdiendo a su madre y se sienten miserables. Fui yo quien hizo que tu vehculo se detenga
hasta que te das cuenta de esto. Vuelve donde los pequeos cachorros huerfanos, rescatalos
y confialos al cuidado de un zoolgico adecuado. Nunca hay que matar a un ser vivo para
tu propio placer y disfrute. Puedes disparar, pero slo con una cmara, no con un arma.
Eso te dara nombre y fama." Sorprendentemente, el motor del vehculo se encendi con un
simple toque de Sathyam, y regres por donde haba venido.

It was around noon one day when a driver in uniform was noticed striding into Puttaparthi. As he walked in, birds on the branches of trees raised
loud cries of fear and distress. Sathyam was sitting in the front portico of Karanam Subbamma's house conversing with his friends. As the driver
stepped up there, the children scattered in fright. The man told Sathyam that his master's jeep got stranded on the other bank of the river
Chithravathi. The master was in a hot temper. Having heard that a boy of miracles was in this village, he had come here to obtain some vibhuti if
it could get the master out of his problem. Sathyam agreed to follow him to the jeep. The master was proudly stroking the dead body of a tigress,
evidently shot by him in the forest. Sathyam said to him, "What harm has this poor animal done to you?" Why have you killed it for no
reason? Her two little cubs are missing their mother and are feeling miserable. It was I who made your vehicle break down to make you realize
this. Go back to those little motherless cubs, rescue them and entrust them to the care of a proper zoo. Never should you kill a living being for
your own pleasure and enjoyment. You might shoot, but only with a camera, not with a gun. That would bring you name and
fame." Surprisingly, the engine of the vehicle sprang to life with a mere touch of Sathyam, and it went back the way it had come.

Peda Venkama Raju, el padre de Sathyam, qued en una situacin angustiosa en su hogar.
Porque su pequeo hijo desafi a un ingls, que ademas, llebava un arma, esto podra
ocacionar problemas con la polica. Por otro lado, el ingls sentia remordimiento. Un
tiempo despus, l mismo trajo la piel de la tigresa muerta y se la ofreci para que sirviera
de posapis para Sathyam. Incluso hoy en da hay en Prashanti Nilayam, cerca del sitial de
Swami esta sirve como Su posapis.

Peda Venkama Raju, Sathyam's father, was in a panic situation at home. For defying an Englishman, that too, one who was sporting a gun, his
little son might invite trouble from the police. On the other hand, the Englishman felt remorseful. Some time later, he brought the skin of the
dead tigress and offered it to serve as a footrest for Sathyam. Even today it is there in Prashanti Nilayam near Swami's throne serving Swami
as His footrest.

Todos y cada uno de los incidente de la vida de Swami sirven como un espejo que refleja el
carcter esencial de la personalidad divina de Swami. Swami es la personificacin de la
ahimsa (principio de la no violencia). La encarnacin de la compasin y la piedad por las
criaturas indefensas, El Jesucristo y Bhagavan Buddha personificado. Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai Baba es el maestro de maestros.

Each and every incident of Swami's life serves as a mirror reflecting the essentiality of Swami's divine personality. Swami is the personification
of ahimsa (principle of non-violence). Embodiment of compassion and pity for helpless creatures, He is Jesus Christ and Bhagavan Buddha
personified. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the teacher of teachers.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin del captulo 3
End of Chapter 3

DAY 2 : (Contd.)
Chapter 4

DIA 2 : ( Continuacin)
Captulo 4

Este Sai ha venido a fin de lograr la suprema tarea de unir a toda la humanidad como una
sola familia, a travs del vnculo de la hermandad; de afirmar e iluminar la realidad interna
de cada ser con el fin de revelar lo divino que es la base sobre la que la totalidad de cosmos
descansa, y de instruir a todos para reconocer la Herencia Divina comn que une al hombre
con el hombre, por lo que el hombre puede librarse del animal y elevarse a lo divino que es su

This Sai has come in order to achieve the supreme task of uniting the entire mankind as one family, through the bond of brotherhood; of affirming
and illuming the inner reality of each being in order to reveal the divine which is the basis on which the entire cosmos rests; and of instructing all
to recognize the common Divine Heritage that binds man to man, so that man can rid himself of the animal and rise to the divine which is his
~ Baba ~

Seshama Raju se cas con la hermana de Pasumarthi Venkata Raju de Kamalapuram en el
distrito Cuddapah. l queria que a su hermano menor, Sathyam, se le diera educacin
secundaria. Entonces llev al joven a Kamalapuram y lo puso en la escuela secundaria
local. Pero sucedi que Seshama Raju tuvo que dejar esa localidad e ir a otro lugar para
recibir una formacin para ser profesor.

Seshama Raju married the sister of Pasumarthi Venkata Raju of Kamalapuram in the Cuddapah district. He was keen that his younger brother,
Sathyam, should be given high school education. So he brought the youngster to Kamalapuram and put him in the local high school. But it so
happened that Seshama Raju had to himself leave the place and go elsewhere to undergo teachers' training.

En algn momento despus que Sathyam qued admitido en la escuela secundaria, se iba a
celebrar el festival anual en Pushpagiri, en un templo de una ciudad cercana. El instructor
de educacin fsica de la escuela organiz un grupo de scouts para hacer el servicio durante
el festival. Sathyam se matricul en la tropa cuando sinti que le permitiran hacer un
trabajo social y de servicio. Como l no tena el dinero para viajar, no se uni al grupo de la
escuela que iva a Pushpagiri sino que fue por separado, camin todo el camino. No poda
permitirse el lujo de comprar alimentos. As que ayunaba todos los das que estuvo all.
Nunca mencion esto ya sea a su profesor o a sus compaeros.

Sometime after Sathyam got admitted into the high school, the annual festival at Pushpagiri, a temple town nearby, was to be held. The physical
education instructor of the school organized a scout troop for doing service during the festival. Sathyam enrolled himself in the troop as he felt
that it would enable him to do social work and service. As he did not have enough money to spend, he did not join the school group going to
Pushpagiri but went there separately by himself, walking all the way. He could not afford to buy food. So he just fasted all the days he was
there. He never mentioned this either to his teacher or to his companions. He cheerfully participated in all the social service activities of his
troop. If anyone asked him whether he had his meals, he would hold out his hand for them to smell. His hand would smell of sweets made of
pure ghee. His friends believed that he must have taken some tasty food at some of his relatives' house. The scoutmaster would allocate duties
evenly to all the boys in his charge, including Sathyam, though Sathyam was not as sturdy as the others. Restoring missing children to their
parents, providing drinking water to the pilgrims, looking after their medical requirements and rendering first aid - these were some of the
activities Sathyam was engaged in. By his dedication and assiduousness, Sathyam set a fine example as a social worker.

Alegremente particip en todas las actividades de servicios sociales de su tropa. Si alguien
le preguntaba si habia comido, l mostraba su mano para que la holieran. Su mano ola a
dulces de manteca pura. Sus amigos crean que deba de haber tomado un poco de comida
sabrosa con alguien en la casa de sus parientes. El jefe de los exploradores asignara tareas
uniforme para todos los nios a su cargo, incluyendo a Sathyam, aunque Sathyam no era
tan robusto como los otros. La devolucin de nios perdidos a sus padres, la provisin de
agua potable a los peregrinos, el cuidado de sus necesidades mdicas y de primeros auxilios
-estas fueron algunas de las actividades a las que se dedic Sathyam conentusiasmo. Por su
dedicacin y asiduidad, Sathyam establece un buen ejemplo como un trabajador social.

La tropa de nios exploradores, de los cuales Satyam era una estrella en las fiestas de
Pushpagiri, fue, sin duda, el precursor de la actual Sri Sathya Sai Seva Dal (servicio Sri
Satya Sai) que est prestando servicios en terreno a la humanidad en todo el mundo.

The scout troop, of which Sathyam was a star in the Pushpagiri festivitie s, was undoubtedly the precursor of the present day Sri Sathya Sai Seva
Dal which is rendering yeoman services to mankind throughout the world.

Al completar con xito el curso de formacin de profesores, Seshama Raju fue nombrado
como profesor de Telugu en Uravakonda. Como profesor, estaba describiendo a los nios
de su clase las travesuras infantiles de Bala Krishna y Sri Rama, pero l no poda entender
el significado de los lilas (juegos divinos) que se manifestaban en su propia casa por el Dios
encarnado. Tanto l como su padre, por error, atribuian esta conducta a los duendes y los
espritus malignos. Seshama Raju crea firmemente que se le habia confiado a su cuidado a
su hermano menor, por lo que lo corregia utilizado una varilla. Con el corazn oprimido, la
pobre Isvaramma resolvi enviar a su hijo querido a Uravakonda.

On successfully completing his teachers' training course, Seshama Raju was appointed as a Telugu teacher in Uravakonda. As a teacher, he was
describing to the children of his class the childish pranks of Bala Krishna and Sri Rama, but he could not understand the meaning of the leelas
being displayed in his own home by the God incarnate. Both he and his father mistakenly attributed them to goblins and evil spirits. Seshama
Raju firmly believed that if his little brother were entrusted to his care, he would soon set him right by liberal used of the rod. With a heavy heart,
poor Easwaramma agreed to send her darling son to Uravakonda.

Sathyam fue admitido en el grado VIII en la escuela secundaria en Uravakonda. Viva con
su hermano, Seshama Raju. No haba agua potable en la casa. Tena que ser trada de un
pozo que se encontraba a una milla de distancia de la ciudad. Para satisfacer las
necesidades diarias, Sathyam, traia agua todos los das, maana y tarde, haciendo dos o
tres viajes cada vez. Llevaba dos grandes contenedores en cada viaje, colgado de uno en
cada extremo de una caa de bamb que equilibraba sobre sus hombros. Los vecinos no
tardaron en descubrir la naturaleza afable y solcita de Satyam. Le pedian, cariosamente,
que fuera a buscar un poco de agua para ellos tambin! Y el muchacho iba alegremente a
satisfacer sus necesidades tambin.

Sathyam was admitted in grade VIII in the high school in Uravakonda. He lived with his brother, Seshama Raju. There was no drinking water in
the house. It had to be fetched from a well a mile away from the town. To meet daily needs, Sathyam, would bring water every day, morning
and evening, making two or three trips each time. He would carry two large containers on each trip, slung one at each end of a bamboo pole
balanced on his shoulders. The neighbours soon discovered Sathyam's affable and obliging nature. They would ask him, endearingly, to fetch
some water for them too! And the lad would cheerfully meet their requirements as well.

Sathyam regres a Puttaparthi para las fiestas. Ishvaramma se prepar para darle a su
pequeo hijo un bao de aceite. Cuando se dispuso a aplicar el aceite en su cuerpo, se
encontr con que tenia callos en sus hombros. La piel tambin se le haba oscurecido. l
trat de evadir sus ansiosas preguntas, pero, cuando fue acorralado, explic con una
sonrisa encantadora: "probablemente se deba a mis cargas de agua para el hogar de mi
hermano mayor." Con los ojos llorosos, la amorosa madre le pregunt por qu deba ir a
buscar agua. Sathyam respondi: "Cmo pueden vivir sin agua potable? Por lo dems,
querida madre, no es un hecho el que he venido slo para servir a la gente?" La respuesta
no trajo consuelo a la madre angustiada.

Sathyam returned to Puttaparthi for the holidays. Easwaramma prepared to give her little boy an oil bath. When she set about applying oil to his
body, she found calluses on his shoulders. The skin too had darkened. He tried to evade her anxious enquiries but, when pressed, he explained
with a disarming smile, "It is probably due to my bringing water for our elder brother's household." Eyes brimming, the loving mother enquired
why he should have to fetch water. Sathyam replied, "How can they live on brackish water? That apart, dear mother, is it not a fact that I have
come only to serve people?" The answer brought no solace to the distressed mother.

Anne Marie Marwaha, una seora empleada en la Embajada de Alemania en Nueva Delhi,
disfrutaba de la buena fortuna de probar la dulzura del amor de Bhagavan. En una de sus
visitas a Puttaparthi, pregunt, "Swami, cul es la verdadera naturaleza de tu
encarnacin? No logro entenderla."

Anne Marie Marwaha, a lady employed with the German Embassy in New Delhi, had enjoyed the good fortune of tasting the sweetness of
Bhagavan's love. On one of her visits to Puttaparthi, she asked, "Swami, what is the true nature of your incarnation? I fail to understand it."

Bhagavan respondi en voz baja: "Qu voy a decir? Te lo dir en pocas palabras, soy el
sirviente de todos." La respuesta la atorment. En angustiosa piedad, ella sollozaba
incontrolablemente. Ella grit , "Por qu dices as, Baba?" Swami explic: "Querida nia,
no es ms que una simple verdad. Todo el mundo me da un trabajo que hacer. Quien hace
los recados de cada uno es de hecho el sirviente de todos. No?"

Bhagavan softly replied, "What shall I say? To tell you in a nutshell, I am the servitor of all." The reply took her by storm. In a torment of pity,
she sobbed uncontrollably. She cried, "Why do you say like this, Baba?" Swami explained, "Dear child, that is but the simple truth. Everyone
gives Me a job to do. Whoever does everyone's errand is indeed the servitor of all. Is it not?"

Las palabras y las obras de Bhagavan, sean ellas de sus das de la niez o de la actualidad,
son las mismas. Swami fue a buscar agua potable como nio. Incluso hoy en da, adulto
como l es, l todava va a buscar, agua fresca y sana para beber. La nica diferencia es
que un nuevo nombre ahora se ha dado a sus trabajo: Proyecto de Agua Potable Sri Sathya
Sai. En los viejos tiempos, los vecinos le pidieron, "Baba (querido muchacho), ve a traer un
poco de agua potable para nosotros tambin?" Hoy en da, la gente de los distritos vecinos
estn orando con l, "Baba, darias un poco de agua potable para nosotros tambin?"
Bhagavan responde, con infinito amor y afecto, "S, s, sin duda, sin duda." Algunos de
ellos slo han odo hablar de Puttaparthi, pero no saben dnde est. Tienen que investigar
y encontrar la manera de llegar all. En su angustia, hacen su arduo camino a Baba, a su
Divina Madre en busca de socorro. Y, efectivamente, la Madre compasiva responde: "Mis
pobres hijos han venido a m en oracin, no para un suntuoso banquete, sino que para un
mero sorvo de agua!" El asentimiento maternal de Bhagavan surge espontneamente:
"Ciertamente, sin duda." No es una madre hablando sino mil madres. De hecho, es el amor
de un milln de madres!

Bhagavan's words and deeds, be them of His childhood days or of the present day, are the same. Swami fetched drinking water as a child. Even
today, grown up as He is, He is still fetching fresh, wholesome, drinking water. The only difference is that a new name has now been given to his
labours : Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Project. In the olden days, neighbours requested him, "Baba (dear boy), will you bring some drinking
water for us too?" Today, people from neighbouring districts are praying to him, "Baba, will you give some drinking water for us
too?" Bhagavan answers, with boundless love and affection, "Yes, yes, certainly, certainly." Some of them have only heard of Puttaparthi but do
not know where it is. They have to enquire and find out how to reach there. In their distress, they make their arduous way to Baba, to their
Divine Mother for succour. And sure enough, the compassionate Mother responds, "My poor children have come to Me praying, not for
sumptuous feast, but for a mere quaff of water!" The motherly assurance of Bhagavan comes forth spontaneously, "Surely, surely." It is not one
mother speaking but a thousand mothers. Indeed, it is the love of a million mothers!

Swami logr por s solo lo que todo un gobierno o una nacin entera no pudieron lograr.
Los beneficiarios son sus propios hijos. Para su bienestar, l ha dado, y ha gastado cientos
de millones de rupias en un proyecto de agua potable. La gente est agradecida; Pero
puede esta inmensa deuda de amor ser devuelta alguna vez?

Swami achieves single-handedly what an entire government or a whole nation could not accomplish. The beneficiaries are His own children. For
their welfare, He has spent, and is spending, hundreds of crores of rupees on a drinking water project. People are grateful; but can this immense
debt of love be repaid ever?

El proyecto Sri Sathya Sai de Agua Potable ha abastecido hasta ahora cerca de 750 aldeas y
11 ciudades. Est considerado como una de las maravillas del mundo. El agua fluye a
travs de 2.500 kilmetros de tuberas y sacia la sed de un milln de personas en la regin
Rayala Seema de Andhra Pradesh. El nctar de amor de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba es
visible en cada metro de la larga tubera.

The Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Project has so far covered about 750 villages and 11 towns. It is considered to be one of the marvels of the
world. Water flows through 2500 kms of pipeline and quenches the thirst of a million people in the Rayala Seema region of Andhra
Pradesh. The nectar-like love of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is visible in every metre of the long pipeline.

Durante sus das de escuela en Uravakonda, Sathyam quizo escribir una obra corta acerca
de los valores humanos. Se titul significativamente "Lo que se hace es lo que se dice? "El
tema de esa obra escrita hace mucho tiempo atrs es de actualidad hoy en da.

During his schooldays in Uravakonda, Sathyam was encouraged and inspired to write a short play dealing with human values. It was
significantly titled, "Do Deeds Match Words?" The details of that play written a long time back are topical even today.

Escena 1 de la obra: Comienza con una mujer que est leyendo e interpretando los versos
en el Sri Maha Bhagavatha a un grupo de mujeres. En el transcurso de su discurso, se
exhorta a su audiencia no dar la caridad a los mendigos sin discapacidad y los indolentes,
sino que ayudar slo a los que estan enfermos, discapacitados, ancianos o discapacitados.
Despus de que la reunin se dispersa, un ciego se le acerca y le pide ayuda. Ella se molesta
y le aleja. Un momento despus, un Haridas, vestido con marcas prominentes de casta en
todo el cuerpo y cantando canciones, viene pidiendo limosna. l est jugando en un
instrumento de cuerdas como acompaamiento de su canto. La seora le da un poco de
arroz, as como dinero en efectivo, se inclina ante sus pies y busca su bendicin.

Scene 1 of the play opens with a woman who is reading and interpreting verses in the Sri Maha Bhagavath to a group of women. In the course of
her discourse, she exhorts her audience not to waste charity on able-bodied beggars and the indolent, but to help only those who are infirm,
disabled, old or handicapped. After the gathering disperses, a blind man approaches her and begs for help. She is annoyed and drives him
away. A moment later, a Haridas, wearing prominent caste marks all over his body and singing songs, comes begging for alms. He is playing on
a stringed instrument as an accompaniment to his singing. The lady gives him some rice as well as cash, bows to his feet and seeks his blessings.

Krishna, su hijo, es un testigo de lo que ha pasado. Esta perturbado y le pregunta:
"Querida madre, Qu les enceaste a tus amigos durante tu discurso religioso, y que es lo
que has hecho en este momento?" Ella se pone salvaje y le grita : "Cllate. Hace alguien
lo que dice? "

Krishna, her son, is a witness to what has gone by. He is perturbed and asks her, "Dear mother, what did you teach your friends during your
religious discourse, and what have you done just now?" She gets wild and shouts at him, "Shut up. Does anybody do as he says?"

Escena 2: muestra el mismo nio con su padre en el despacho de este ltimo. Su padre
ensalza los beneficios de la educacin y concluye su intervencin diciendo que uno debe
obtener una buena educacin para superar todos los obstculos. Un pobre muchacho est
de pie fuera de or por casualidad las palabras inspiradoras a travs de una ventana
abierta. l viene y dice: "Seor, gracias a la ayuda monetaria de personas altruistas como
usted, me las arreglo para pagar mis cuotas escolares. Pero ahora estoy corto de una rupia
para pagar los honorarios de este mes. Me ayuda amablemente. "El caballero responde que
no tiene siquiera un paisa para l y abre su bolso para mostrar que est vaca. Despus de
que el estudiante los deja decepcionados, varios colegas descienden sobre l y piden
contribuciones para una funcin y refrescos para dar la bienvenida a un oficial recin
aceptado en la oficina. En su opinin, les dice, una ocasin tan importante merece ser
celebrado en un gran escala y da veinte rupias como su contribucin.

Scene 2 shows the same boy with his father in the latter's office. His father extols the benefits of education and concludes his speech saying that
one should obtain good education overcoming every obstacle. A poor boy standing outside is overhearing the inspiring words through an open
window. He comes in and says, "Sir, thanks to monetary assistance from high-minded persons like you, I manage to pay my school fees. But
now I am short of one rupee to pay this month's fee. Kindly help me." The gentleman replies that he does not have even a paisa with him and
opens his purse to show that it is empty. After the disappointed student leaves, several colleagues descend on him and ask for contributions for a
function and refreshments to welcome an officer newly posted to the office. In his opinion, he tells them, such an important occasion deserves to
be celebrated on a big scale and gives twenty rupees as his contribution.

Su hijo, Krishna, un mudo testigo de todo esto, le pregunta a su padre: "Pap, has hablado
largo y tendido y en trminos elogiosos acerca del valor de la educacin y la importancia de
educarse a cualquier precio. Pero cuando ese pobre nio de la escuela pidi una sola rupia
por el bien de la educacin de s mismo, tu lo rechazaste. por otro lado, has gastado
rpidamente veinte rupias por el bien de un derroche ostentoso. Por qu?" El hombre se
convierte en l en gran molestia, "Las acciones de las personas coinciden con sus
palabras? Cllate y vete a la escuela."

His son, Krishna, a mute witness to all this, asks his father, "Daddy, you spoke at length and in glowing terms about the value of education and
the importance of getting educated at any cost. But when that poor school boy begged for just a single rupee for the sake of educating himself,
you turned him down. On the other hand, you have readily parted with twenty rupees for the sake of an ostentatious waste. Why?" The man
turns on him in great annoyance, "Do deeds of people match their words? Shut up and go to school."

En la escena 3, Krishna se ve sentado en su clase. Su maestro entra con gran vigor. "El
inspector de escuelas nos visita hoy", le dice a la clase. "Hemos terminado 23 lecciones
hasta ahora. Pero si el inspector les pregunta, diganle que hemos completado 32. Ahora voy
a hacer la trigsima tercera leccin. Ms tarde, cuando el inspector venga aqu, voy a
ensear si de nuevo en su presencia como si la estubiera haciendo por primera vez.
Cualquier pregunta que les haga ahora la repetir en su presencia, por lo que l se va a
impresionar con sus respuestas correctas".

In scene 3, Krishna is seen sitting in his class. His teachers enters in a great flurry. "The inspector of schools is visiting us today," he tells the
class. "We have finished 23 lessons so far. But if the inspector asks you, tell him that we have completed 32. I will now do the thirty-third
lesson. Later, when the inspector comes here, I will teach if afresh in his presence as if I am doing if for the first time. Whatever questions I put
to you now will be repeated in his presence, so that you will impress him with your correct answes."

Krishna se encuentra con el maestro un poco ms tarde cuando est solo. l le pregunta:
"Seor, la nueva leccin que nos enseaste hoy es sobre el rey Sathya Harishchandra, que
se dedicaba a la verdad, independientemente de las consecuencias. A pesar de que nos
ense acerca de una persona tan noble, nos dijo que digieramos una mentira. Es esto
apropiado?" El profesor monta en clera y le amonesta: "Hay alguien cuyas acciones
concuerden con sus palabras?"

Krishna meets the teacher a little later when he is alone. He asks him, "Sir, the new lesson you taught us today is about King Sathya
Harishchandra, who was dedicated to truth irrespective of consequences. Even as you taught us about such a noble person, you directed us to
speak lies. Is it proper?" The teacher flies into a rage and admonishes him, "Is there anyone whose actions accord with his words?"

En la cuarta y ltima escena, Krishna arroja sus libros a un lado y se niega a ir a la escuela.
Incapaces de hacerlo regresar, los padres llaman a su maestro. En presencia de los tres, el
nio dice, "Ustedes, por supuesto, me ensea buenas lecciones. Pero no me permiten actuar
segun los preceptos que escucho de ustedes. De qu sirven sus lecciones? Yo no quiero
aprenderlas". Los ancianos quedan atnitos pero se dan cuenta del punto. Se aplacan y
expresan remordimiento.

In the fourth and final scene, Krishna flings his books aside and refuses to go to school. Unable to bring him round, the parents send for his
teacher. In the presence of all the three, the boy says, "You are of course teaching me good lessons. But you do not allow me to act on the
precepts I hear from you. Of what use are your lessons? I do not want to learn them." The elders are spellbound but see the point. They relent
and express regrets.

Esta es la esencia de la breve obra de teatro escrita por Sathyam cuando apenas tena 12
aos de edad. Tambin l jug el papel del Krishna cuando se estren. Transmiti al
mundo, a travs de ese papel, que la hipocresa Hay que evitarla, y cada uno debe cumplir
con su palabra. Desde ese da hasta el da de hoy, l ha estado exhortando a la gente, "Las
meras palabras no son suficientes. Sus acciones deben ajustarse a lo que hablas. "Este
mensaje de llamada reverbera a travs de todo el mundo y gua a cada aspirante (sadhaka)
hacia la elevacin espiritual.

This is the substance of the short play written by Sathyam when he was barely 12 years of age. He also donned Krishna's role when it was
played. He conveyed, through that role, to the world that hypocrisy should be eschewed, and everyone should live up to his word. From that day
right up to this day, He has been exhorting people, "Mere words are not enough. Your actions should conform to what you speak." This ringing
message reverberates through the entire world and guides every aspirant (sadhaka) towards spiritual elevation.

Cuando Sathyam estaba en la escuela en Uravakonda, un pobre musulmn de esa ciudad se
ganaba la vida con los que montaban una carreta. Un da, el caballo desapareci. Al no
encontrarlo, el pobre hombre vino a Sathyam pidiendo ayuda. El muchacho lo dirigi a un
bosque situado a una milla y media de distancia de la ciudad. As lo hizo y encontr a su
caballo pastando all. A partir de entonces, los musulmanes de la ciudad desarrollaron un
gran amor y respeto por Satyam. Noticias de habilidades poco comunes de Sathyam se
extendieron por todas partes.

When Sathyam was at school in Uravakonda, a poor Muslim of that town was making a living by plying a horse-carriage. One day, his horse
went missing. Failing to find it, the poor man came to Sathyam for help. The boy directed him to a wood situated about a mile and a half away
from the town. He did so and found his horse grazing there. From then on, Muslims of the town developed great love and respect for
Sathyam. News of Sathyam's uncommon abilities spread far and wide.

Mucho antes de esto, Shirdi Sai Baba tambin mostr un milagro similar cuando buen
musulman llamado Chand Patil Bhai del pueblo Dhoopkheda en el distrito de Aurangabad
perdi su yegua. Decepcionado y cansado despus de una infructuosa bsqueda de la bestia
que faltaba, abatido se arrastraba a casa con la silla de montar en su espalda. Shirdi Sai
Baba lo vio, se compadeci de su abatimiento y lo dirigi a buscar a su yegua en el canal
cercano. Chand Patil hizo lo que le dijo y para su gran sorpresa y alegra encontr el
animal all.

Long before this, Shirdi Sai Baba also displayed a similar miracle when a well-to-do Muslim by the name of Chand Bhai Patil of Dhoopkheda
village in the Aurangabad District lost his mare. Disappointed and tired after a fruitless search for the missing beast, he was dejectedly dragging
himself home with the saddle on his back. Shirdi Sai Baba saw him, took pity at his despondency and directed him to search for his mare in the
nearby channel. Chand Patil did as told and to his great surprise and delight found the animal there.

Ahora, cul es el significado ms profundo de estos dos incidentes similares? El caballo o
la yegua representa la mente humana que es siempre inestable. Aquel que tiene xito en la
comprensin de la verdadera naturaleza de la mente es realmente un Chitha Chora. Ashwa
es la palabra snscrita para caballo, es decir, uno que est perpetuamente en movimiento.
Normalmente tomamos la palabra Ashwa como significado de caballo, pero es slo su
significado amplio. Un caballo est siempre en movimiento, moviendo sus patas, la cola o la
oreja de cada momento. Por lo tanto, 'Ashwa' representa la calidad de inestabilidad, el
estado de ser perturbado continuamente, inquieto. La palabra snscrita "Ashwa Medha'
(sacrificio del caballo) significa "la ofrenda de una mente inestable a Dios." La palabra
snscrita 'Ashwathha' (higuera), se refiere igualmente a un rbol que est en movimiento
perpetuo. Incluso cuando hay poco viento sus hojas se mantienen en movimiento. La mente
humana tambin sigue dudando de manera similar tanto durante el sueo y la vigilia.

Now, what is the deeper meaning of these two similar incidents? The horse or mare represents the human mind that is ever unsteady. One who
succeeds in comprehending the true nature of mind is truly a Chitha Chor. Ashwa is the Sanskrit word for horse, meaning, one that is perpetually
in motion. We normally take Ashwa to mean a horse, but it is only its broad meaning. A horse is always in motion, moving its leg, tail or ear
every moment. Thus, 'Ashwa' stands for the quality of unsteadiness, the state of being continuously disturbed, restless. The Sanskrit word
'Ashwa Medha' (horse sacrifice) means "offering of one's unsteady mind to God." The Sanskrit word, 'Ashwathha' (peepul tree), likewise refers
to a tree that is in perpetual motion. Even when there is little breeze its leaves keep moving. The human mind also keeps on wavering similarly
both during sleep and wakefulness.

Baba dice que el sacrificio del caballo (Medha ashwa) no significa que el animal debe ser
matado fsicamente en carne y hueso y ofrecerce a Dios. El verdadero significado es que
nuestra naturaleza animal debe ser entregado como ofrenda a Dios.

Baba says that a horse-sacrifice (ashwa medha) does not mean that the animal should be physically killed in flesh and blood and offered to
God. The true meaning is that our animal nature should be given up as an offering to God.

Cuando Sathyam estaba en la escuela en Uravakonda, su director organiz un programa
de beneficios para la recaudacin de fondos para la escuela. Rishyendramani, una clebre
bailarina de esos das, iba a bailar. Se imprimi el material publicitario y se distribuy
ampliamente. Pero debido a algunos acontecimientos inesperados, no podia cumplir con su
cita. Lakshmipathi, el director, se preocup y se puso tenso. Sathyam se le acerc y le dijo
que no se preocupara. El tema de la danza que Rishyendramani tenia que realizar, dijo, l
mismo lo haria. La asombrosa puesta en escena que justamente la hizo famosa era en efecto
muy difcil de realizar. La bailarina se pona una botella de vidrio en la cabeza, colocaba
un plato sobre ella y ponia algunas lmparas de aceite encendidas en el plato. Entonces
bailaba y, si esto fuera poco, despus recogia un pauelo del suelo con sus labios. Sathyam
se ofreci a hacer algo ms sorprendente. "Seor, ella slo recoge un pauelo con sus
labios," dijo. "Yo voy a recoger una aguja con mis prpados. Pero por favor anuncie que el
artista ejecutante es la Rishyendramani misma."

When Sathyam was at school in Uravakonda, his headmaster arranged a benefit programme for raising funds for the school. Rishyendramani, a
celebrated dancer of those days, was to dance. Publicity material was printed and widely distributed. But due to some unexpected developments,
she could not keep her appointment. Lakshmipathi, the headmaster, got worried and became tense. Sathyam approached him and told him not to
worry. The item of dance that Rishyendramani was to perform, he said, he would himself do. The amazing item that made her justly famous was
indeed very difficult to perform. She would put a bottle made of glass on her head, position a plate thereon and place some lighted oil lamps in
the plate. She would then dance and, while continuing with it, pick up a handkerchief from the ground with her lips. Sathyam offered to do
something more astounding. "Sir, she picks up only a handkerchief with her lips," he said. "I will pick up a needle with my eyelids. But please
announce that the performing artiste is Rishyendramani herself."

Varios aos ms tarde, Swami describe en sus propias palabras lo que sucedi ese da.
"Hicieron que vestiera un sari muy grande. Los organizadores le hicieron una trenza como
las que usan las mujeres. Como ustedes saben, cuando mientras se baila, uno se muebe de
de un lado a otro. As que la hicieron gruesa y larga. No debia caerse mientras bailaba, la
ataron fuertemente por todas partes. Unas campanillas adornaban mis tobillos.
Consiguieron un cacharro para llevarme de mi lugar de maquillaje a la sede del programa
de baile. Hubo una corrida de entradas pues nadie quera perderse la danza de

Several years later, Swami described in his own words what happened on that day. "I was made to wear a saree too big for Me. The organizers
provided a pigtail of the sort worn by women. As you know, while dancing, the dancer flicks it from side to side. So they made it thick and
long. Lest it should fall off while I danced, they strongly tied it all over. Strings of bells adorned my ankles. They found a jalopy to carry me
from my make-up place to the venue of the dance programme. There was a run on tickets as nobody wanted to miss Rishyendramani' s dance.

"Cuando empezaron a tocar los instrumentos musicales, sacud suavemente mis
campanitas tobilleras para producir sonidos cautivantes. La audiencia se perda en xtasis.
El director puso una botella en la corona de mi cabeza. Otro maestro coloc encima un
plato con cautela y encendi las lmparas. Por qu hicieron todo esto en pblico? Slo
para satisfacer a los escpticos que podra estar pensando que tena todas estas cosas
pegadas, firmes y seguras en la cabeza. se debe demostrar de manera convincente, que se
haban colocado todos sueltos.

"When musical instruments began playing, I gently shook my ankle bells to produce captivating sounds. The audience lost themselves in
ecstasy. The headmaster placed a bottle on the crown of my head. Another teacher positioned a plate gingerly thereon and lighted the
lamps. Why did they do all this in public? Just to satisfy the doubters who might be thinking that I had all these things fixed firmly and securely
on my head. It must be shown to their satisfaction that they were all loosely positioned.

"La msica se estba reproduciendo para mi baile. Me mova dando vueltas y vueltas en el
escenario. Incluso mientras bailaba, de repente me agach y cog con mis prpados, una
aguja que se coloc en el suelo. El pblico aplaudi y aplaudi de alegra y aceptacion. el
Recaudador del Distrito, un hombre Ingls, lleg a la extremo de otorgarme una medalla.
Su nombre era Horsley. l quera abrazarme antes de darme la medalla. me negu . l
dijo: "Soy como un hermano para ti. Quiero poner esta medalla alrededor de su cuello.
"Le respond: "Soy como tu hermana. Ponla en mi mano. "Desde el lado del escenario, el
director me sealaba que l era el recaudador y que deba aceptar sin problemas. Pero
como yo estaba de pie all representando a Rishyendramani, me negu a ser tocado por el
hombre. Mientras tanto, hubo aplausos y ruidos de la audiencia pidiendo al Collector a
entregar la medalla y regresar a su asiento. l me la dio y regres decepcionado.

"Music was being played for my dance. I was moving round and round on the stage. Even as I danced, I suddenly bent down and picked up with
my eyelids, a needle placed on the ground. The audience clapped and clapped in delight and applause. The District Collector, an English man,
came to the stage to award a medal to me. His name was Horsley. He wanted to touch me before giving the medal. I refused. He said, "I am
just like a brother to you. I want to place this medal around your neck." I replied, "I am just like your sister. Put it into my hand." From the side
of the stage, the headmaster was signaling to me that he was the Collector and that I should accept without fuss. But as I was standing there as
Rishyendramani, I refused to be touched by the man. Meanwhile, there were claps and noises from the audience asking the Collector to hand
over the medal and return to his seat. He gave it to me and went back disappointed.

El Presidente de la Mesa Directiva del Distrito Cuddapah era el seor Smt. Rama
Subbamma durante esos das. Ella lleg a la escuela el da siguiente. "Se debe a
Rishyendramani," dijo, "que la escuela pudo recaudar tanto dinero para la construccin
de su edificio. Queremos honrarla y hemos trado un sari costoso como un regalo para
ella." El llam a Rishyendramani y le pidi que viniera al escenario. Desde donde podria
venir? Mientras el pblico esperaba con impaciencia a la gran bailarina, yo estaba
corriendo. Llevaba pantalones cortos. El guardia me detuvo. Entonces nuestro director
intervino y le dijo: "La Rishyendramani de ayer era realmente este chico. Que venga
rapido" Todo el mundo se qued perplejo al verme. Smt. Rama Subbamma Me levant en
sus brazos, me bes y dijo: "Mi querido hijo, eres de tan tierna edad, pero has trado gran
honor para nosotros. Estoy orgulloso de que haya personas con talento como t en nuestro
pas". Ella era todo elogios para m. Desde entonces, ella demostr gran amor por Swami.
Dondequiera que iba, narraba las historias de gloria de Swami. As es como Swami realizo
una presentacion de baile ese da en la escuela secundaria en Uravakonda.

"The President of Cuddapah District Board was Smt. Rama Subbamma during those days. She came to the school on the next day. "It is due to
Rishyendramani, " she said, "that the school could raise so much money for constructing its building. We want to honour her and have brought
an expensive saree as a gift for her." She called out for Rishyendramani and requested her to come onto the stage. From where from could she
come? As the audience eagerly awaiting the great dancer, I came running. I was wearing shorts. The guard stopped me. Then our headmaster
intervened and told him, "Yesterday's Rishyendramani is really this boy. Let him come in." Everyone was puzzled, on seeing Me. Smt. Rama
Subbamma lifted Me up into her arms, kissed Me and said, "My dear child, you are so tender in age but have brought great honour to us. I am
proud that there are talented persons like You in our country." She was all praise for Me. Ever since, she showed great love for
Swami. Wherever she went, she would narrate tales of Swami's glory. This is how Swami gave a dance programme that day in the high school
in Uravakonda.

El universo entero es un escenario para el Ser Supremo. Desde ese da, Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai ha estado asumiendo innumerables formas y fascinando al mundo con su
melodiosa msica y danza divinas.

The whole universe is a stage for the Supreme Being. Ever since that day, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai has been assuming countless forms and
fascinating the world with His melodious music and divine dance.

El 8 de marzo de 1940, ocurri un acontecimiento trascendental en Uravakonda. Sathyam
fue picado por un gran escorpin negro. Su cuerpo no solo perdi la sensibilidad, sino que
se hundi en la inconsciencia. La noticia se extendi como un reguero de plvora y agito a
mucha gente. En esa regin, la picadura de un escorpin a menudo significaba la muerte. A
Sathyam se le administraron varias inyecciones y medicamentos, pero ninguno surti
efecto. Poco a poco, se recuper en un par de das, se levant y comenz a moverse por s
mismo. Pero pareca haber sufrido una transformacin total, tanto mental como
fsicamente. Era como si una latente chispa espiritual en su interior que apareci de
repente comenzaba a brillar. La refulgencia del Ser Supremo viene slo despus del
perodo ms oscuro. El Seor de Shirdi estaba a punto de revelarse y mostrarse
abiertamente, en el inmenso cuerpo de sus propios poderes espirituales por medio de este
muchacho. Sathyam era visto a menudo perdido en sus propios pensamientos; recitaba
slokas snscritos, cantaba canciones y daba discursos religiosos. Su comportamiento era
extrao e inescrutable. Seshama Raju y sus padres estaban muy preocupados y

On 8th March 1940, a momentous event took place in Uravakonda. Sathyam was stung by a big black scorpion. His body lost sensation; he sank
into unconsciousness. The news spread like wildfire and agitated many people. In that region, a sting of a scorpion often meant death. Sathyam
was administered several injections and medicines but none availed. Slowly, he recovered in a couple of days, got up on his own and began to
move about. But he seemed to have undergone a total transformation, both mentally and physically. It was as though a spiritual spark dormant in
his inner being suddenly came to life and began to glow. The effulgence of the Supreme Being comes only after the darkest period. The Lord of
Shirdi was about to unveil and display in sharp relief, the immense body of his own spiritual powers through the medium of this boy. Sathyam
was often seen lost in his own thoughts; he recited Sanskrit slokas, sang songs and gave religious discourses. His behaviour was strange and
inscrutable. Seshama Raju and his parents were deeply concerned and confused.

Aos ms tarde, alguien dio un discurso en presencia de Baba. l dijo, "Swami fue picado
por un escorpin. Esa es la razn por qu se adquiri poderes espirituales de ese da."
Baba quien habl despus de l, dijo: "La persona que habl delante de m, dijo que Swami
obtuvo poderes espirituales a causa de una picadura de alacrn. Que sea picado por un
centenar de escorpiones. Veamos si trae poderes espirituales para l. "No hay duda de que
el incidente de la picadura de escorpin no es ms que un punto de inflexin en la vida de
Swami. No puede ser la causa de sus poderes divinos, sino que simplemente marca la etapa
de Su Sankalpam (Voluntad) para dar a conocer su divinidad.

Years later, somebody gave a speech in the presence of Baba. He said, "Swami was stung by a scorpion. That is the reason why he acquired
spiritual powers from that day." Baba who spoke after him, stated, "The person who spoke before Me said that Swami obtained spiritual powers
because of a scorpion sting. Let him be stung by a hundred scorpions. Let us see whether it would bring any spiritual powers to him." There is
no doubt that the incident of the scorpion sting is merely a turning point in Swami's life. It cannot be the cause of His divine powers; it merely
marks the stage of His Sankalpam (Will) to unveil His divinity.

Volviendo a los acontecimientos en Uravakonda, un da, apareci Sathyam profundamente
perdido en s mismo. De repente, dijo, el "Narayana Sastry de al lado est recitando las
estrofas del Sri Maha Bhagavatha pero ha cometido muchos errores en su exposicin.
Enva por l. "Algunas personas fueron donde el hombre culto y le pidieron que viniera y
viera a Sathyam. Con desdn, Sastre dijo, "Ah, l no es ms que un simple muchacho. El
encontr errores en mi aprendizaje? Qu es lo que sabe?" No se molest en ir. Pero
Sathyam insisti. Esta vez, los intermediarios pudieron convencer al anciano a entrar en la
presencia de Satyam. El muchacho le explic todos los errores que haba cometido.
Tambin le hizo algunas preguntas sobre los Puranas (escrituras sagradas). El Sastry
acadmico admiti sus errores y reconoci las correcciones hechas por Satyam.
Sorprendido por la brillantez y erudicin del joven, Sastry se postr a sus pies.

Going back to the happenings in Uravakonda, one day, Sathyam appeared deeply lost in himself. Suddenly, he said, "Narayana Sastry next door
is reciting the stanzas in the Sri Maha Bhagavath but is committing many mistakes in his exposition. Send for him." Some persons went to the
learned man and requested him to come and see Sathyam. Disdainfully, Sastry said, "Ah, he is but a mere boy. Is he finding fault with my
learning? What does he know?" He did not bother to come. But Sathyam insisted. This time, the intermediaries could persuade the old man to
come into Sathyam's presence. The boy explained to him all the errors he had committed. He also put to him some questions on the puranas
(sacred scriptures). The scholarly Sastry admitted his lapses and acknowledged the corrections made by Sathyam. Astounded at the young boy's
brilliance and erudition, Sastry prostrated himself at his feet.

Incluso hoy, en ocasiones, Bhagavan encuentra estudiosos cuya bsqueda de la Realidad
Suprema consiste meramente en el estudio profundo de las escrituras, textos sagrados y
mantras. Dedican gran parte de su tiempo a la exposicin acadmica de su profundo
aprendizaje. Pero en su resuelta dedicacin al aprendizaje, son incapaces de reconocer que
el mismo Ser Supremo al que aspiran alcanzar a travs de su academia, el objeto mismo de
sus estudios, est presente justo en frente de ellos en forma humana. El peso del
aprendizaje intensivo evit que sus ojos vieran la Realidad ltima, en la persona que
estaba a la mano, en carne y hueso. Mirando a lejos, se pierden lo que est cerca. Bhagavan
otorga a estas personas una visin correcta de lo que necesitan.

Even now, occasionally, Bhagavan finds scholars whose quest for the Supreme Reality consists merely of profound study of scriptures, sacred
texts and manthras. They devote a lot of their time to scholarly exposition of their deep learning. But in their single-minded dedication to
learning, they fail to recognize that the very Supreme Being they are aspiring to reach through scholarship, the very object of their studies, is
present right in front of them in human form. Scales of intensive learning prevent their eyes from visualizing the Ultimate Reality in the person
near at hand, in flesh and blood. Looking far, they miss what is close by. Bhagavan grants such persons proper insight what they are in need of.

En este contexto, es pertinente recordar un incidente interesante que revela profundos
conocimientos de Bhagavan sobre las escrituras. Un yaja se llev a cabo durante las
festividades de Dussehra algunos aos atrs. Se hicieron elaborados arreglos y fue erigida
una tarima especial para el propsito. Eminentes estudiosos de los Vedas y otras escrituras
estuvieron presentes. Algunos de ellos no tenan fe en la divinidad de Baba. Todava no
haban adquirido amor sincero y devocin por l. Probablemente debido a una actitud
despreocupada e irreverente, cometi un error. Uno de los eruditos, que estaba recitando
un mantra sagrado, cometi un error en la pronunciacin. En lugar de corregirse a s
mismo de inmediato, el erudito sigui adelante pensando que quizs, que su lapso pas
inadvertido. Bhagavan se volvi hacia l, lo mir seriamente por un momento y con firmeza
dijo: "Sastry, canta de nuevo correctamente!" El erudito temblaba como si lo hubieran
azotado. Entonces Swami comenz a recitar ese mantra con entonacin impecable. Los
eruditos reunidos quedaron asombrados y se unieron a Swami en recitar el mantra con la
entonacin adecuada.

In this context, it is relevant to recall an interesting incident that reveals Bhagavan's profound knowledge of scriptures. A yajna was performed
during the Dussehra festivities some years back. Elaborate arrangements were made and a special dais was erected for the purpose. Eminent
scholars of the Vedas and other scriptures were in attendance. Some of them had no faith in Baba's divinity. They had not yet acquired sincere
love and devotion for Him. Probably because of that casual and irreverent attitude, a lapse occurred. One of the scholars, who was reciting a
sacred manthra, committed a mistake in pronunciation. Instead of correcting himself promptly, the scholar went ahead thinking perhaps, that his
lapse went un-noticed. Bhagavan turned towards him, looked at him seriously for a moment and sternly said, "Sastry, chant it again
properly!" The scholar trembled as if he was lashed. Then Swami started reciting that manthra with impeccable intonation. The assembled
scholars were astonished and joined Swami in reciting the manthra with proper intonation.

Con la extensin de la fama de Satyam, las gentes de cerca y de lejos empezaron a llegar a
Uravakonda para encontrarce con el chico increble. Las lenguas se movieron. Algunos
decan que era vctima de algn maleficio (magia negro), que l estaba posedo por un
espritu vil, que fue controlado por un demonio, y que un tntrico o la brujera le podian
curar. La angustiada Seshama Raju trajo un adorador de la diosa Shakti para ayudar.
Sathyam lo reprendi: "Estis adorandome todos los das. Estas buscando Mis bendiciones
todos los das. Entonces, cmo te atreves a venir ahora a darme tratamiento? Inclnate
ante mis pies con reverencia y sale como un buen chico! "El pobre hombre se asust,
salud Sathyam y se fue.

As Sathyam's fame spread, people from far and near began flocking to Uravakonda to meet the amazing boy. Tongues wagged. Some said that
he was a victim of some evil spell (black magic); that he was possessed by a vile spirit; that he was controlled by a demon; and that a tantrik or
witchcraft might cure him. The distraught Seshama Raju brought in a worshipper of Goddess Sakthi to help. Sathyam chastised him, "You are
worshiping Me every day. You are seeking My blessings daily. So how dare you now come to give me treatment? Bow to My feet with
reverence and depart like a good boy!" The poor man got frightened, saluted Sathyam and left.

Sathyam fue llevado de Uravakonda a Puttaparthi por sus padres. Se le mostr a los bien
conocidos mdicos de Bellary y Dharmavaram. Ninguno de ellos poda diagnosticar su
problema. De vez en cuando, Sathyam de repente gritaba, "Ah! Devathas (seres
celestiales) estn llegando. Ofrescan Aarathi (iluminacin sagrada de lmparas y alcanfor
en seal de devocin). "Tales expresiones solian usarce enigmando y preocupando a los
residentes de su casa. Se les dijo que un exorcista de renombre cerca de la ciudad de Kadiri
podra ahuyentar incluso a los espritu ms viles y los males de ms difcil solucin. Peda
Venkama Raju decidi dejar a Sathyam en sus manos. Junto a sus hijas, Seshama Raju y
Sathyam, Peda Venkama Raju viajaron all en un carro de bueyes. El exorcista tena un
semblante horrible y los ojos ardientes. Se someti al nio de catorce aos de edad, a
crudos procedimientos y a un castigo corporal cruel. l cort la cabeza rapada de la
vctima con una navaja en varios lugares. Mientras que la sangre flua efucivamente, verti
jugo de limn y jugo de cebolla en las heridas. Le frot una pomada en los ojos, que es
conocida por causar un escozor insoportable. Verti 101 ollas de agua en la cabeza
ensangrentada y la quemo. La tortura inhumana, que Sathyam silenciosamente soport
con entereza y paciencia, sorprendi a sus infelices e indefensos familiares. Se sintieron
sacudidos y con remordimiento.

Sathyam was brought back from Uravakonda to Puttaparthi by his parents. He was shown to well-known doctors of Bellary and
Dharmavaram. None of them could diagnose his problem. Now and then, Sathyam would suddenly cry out, "There! Devathas (celestial beings)
are coming. Offer Aarathi (sacred lighting of lamps and camphor as a mark of devotion)." Such utterances used to puzzle and distress members
of his household. They were told of a reputed exorcist near the town of Kadiri who could drive away even the vilest and the most intractable evil
spirit. Peda Venkama Raju decided to take Sathyam to him. Together with his daughters, Seshama Raju and Sathyam, Peda Venkama Raju
travelled there in a bullock cart. The exorcist had a dreadful mien and fiery eyes. He subjected the fourteen-year- old boy to crude procedures
and cruel corporal punishment. He gashed the victim's shaven head with a razor at several places. While blood flowed in streams, he poured
lemon juice and onion juice into the wounds. He rubbed an ointment in his eyes, which is notorious for causing unbearable smarting. He poured
101 pots of water on the bloodied and burning head. The inhuman torture, which Sathyam silently bore with fortitude and forbearance, shocked
his unfortunate and helpless family members. They felt shaken and remorseful.

El exorcista se puso ms salvaje porque crea que el espritu diablico que posea Sathyam
era inflexible. Incapaz de soportar su agona mental por haber abandonado a su querido
hijo a semejante tortura inhumana, la familia le rog al verdugo que le diera al nio un
respiro. Le indicaron que despus de que se recuperara un poco, sera trado de vuelta para
recibir tratamiento adicional. Sathyam fue rescatado as de nuevas torturas a manos de el

The exorcist grew wilder because he believed that the devilish spirit that possessed Sathyam was unyielding. Unable to bear their mental agony
at having surrendered their dear child to such inhuman torture, the family begged the tormentor to give the boy some respite. They pleaded that
after he recovered somewhat, he would be brought back for further treatment. Sathyam was thus rescued from further torture at the hands of the

Aos ms tarde, un Haridas expona la vida de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba en Su
presencia. Al llegar a este episodio en particular de la tortura fsica de Swami a manos de
un bruto sin corazn, Swami intervino: "Esos detalles son demasiado dolorosos incluso de
oirce. Pasalos por alto, Bangaru!" Algn tiempo despus, Sri Kasturi pregunt, "Swami, si
lo encontrabas tan doloroso incluso el oir esos sufrimientos. Por qu estubiste de acuerdo
de someterte a ese inhumano tratamiento en ese momento?" La respuesta de Bhagavan Sai
es muy reveladora. Explic: "Cualquiera que sea el sufrimiento a que este cuerpo se
exponga, no me afectar. Trasciendo la felicidad y la tristeza de todo tipo. Quera
demostrar estos aspectos Mios al mundo. Es por eso que tuve que soportar todas esas
torturas con paciencia y tolerancia y recibi el castigo de buen grado, porque mi sufrimiento
convenceria a la gente de mi espiritualidad;. desarrollaran la confianza y la fe en m, y
pongan un pie en el reino de la recompensa de la devocin a Dios ( Bhakti )"

Years later, a Haridas was rendering Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's life in His very presence. As he reached this particular episode of Swami's
bodily torture at the hands of a heartless brute, Swami intervened, "Those details are too painful even to hear. Skip over them,
Bangaru!" Sometime later, Sri Kasturi asked, "Swami, You found it so painful even to hear of those sufferings. Why did You agree at all to
undergo such inhuman treatment at that time?" The reply of Bhagavan Sai is very revealing. He explained, "Whatever be the suffering this body
is put to, it will not affect Me. I transcend happiness and sorrow of every kind. I wanted to demonstrate these aspects of Mine to the world. That
is why I endured all those tortures with patience and forbearance. I invited that punishment willingly, because My suffering would convince
people of My spirituality; they would develop trust and faith in Me and set foot in the rewarding realm of devotion to God (Bhakti)."

Haba un abogado en la ciudad de Penugonda llamado Krishnamacharyulu. l vino a
Puttaparthi para ver Sathyam y lleg a la conclusin de que su condicin era mucho ms
seria de lo que haba imaginado. Aconsej a los ancianos de Sathyam que lo llevara a la
ciudad del templo de Ghatikachalam. Sinti que el darshan del seor Narasimha Swami (el
Avathar hombre-len del Seor Sri Maha Vishnu), la deidad que preside all, curara
Sathyam. Al or las palabras del abogado, Sathyam sonri y le pregunt: "Seor, yo soy la
deidad que preside a Ghatikachalam. Est aconsejando que debera tener mi propio

There was a lawyer in the town of Penugonda called Krishnamacharyulu. He came down to Puttaparthi to see Sathyam and concluded that his
condition was much more serious than he had imagined. He advised Sathyam's elders to take him to the temple town of Ghatikachalam. He felt
that darshan of Lord Narasimha Swami (the man-lion avathar of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu), the presiding deity there, would cure Sathyam. On
hearing the words of the lawyer, Sathyam smiled and asked him, "Sir, I am the presiding deity at Ghatikachalam. Are you advising that I should
be taken for my own darshan?"


Haba llegado el 23 de mayo 1940. Sathyam estaba sentado en el prtico de la fachada de su
casa, en Puttaparthi materializando Caramelos y flores distribuyendolos a todos y cada
uno. La escena era una de alegra y deleite. Algunos fueron donde Peda Venkama Raju y lo
invitaron a venir y disfrutar del maravilloso espectculo. El pobre padre no poda tolerar
lo que pensaba era un engao o un truco barato de su hijo. Cogi un palo grueso y march
acia Sathyam exigiendo: "Quin eres t? Dime. Eres dios o un mal espritu?" Sathyam
mir a su padre. l estaba perfectamente sereno. Con calma, pero con claridad y firmeza,
dijo, "Yo soy Sai Baba! Soy de Aapasthamba Suthra y del Gothra Bharadwajasa. He
venido a rescatarles a todos ustedes, de las heridas del miedo y la falta de ecuanimidad
mental. Tu antecesor, Venka-Avadhutha, or para que naciera en su familia. en respuesta
a sus oraciones, he encarnado!" Peda Venkama Raju quedo paralizado. No se dio cuenta
de que el gran palo en la mano se caia al suelo.

It was now 23rd May 1940. Sathyam was sitting in the front portico of his home in Puttaparthi materializing sugarcandy and flowers and
distributing them to one and all. The scene was one of merriment and delight. Some went to Peda Venkama Raju and invited him to come and
enjoy the wonderful spectacle. The poor father could not tolerate what he thought was his son's cheap trickery or sleight of hand. He picked up a
stout stick and marched to Sathyam and demanded, "Who are you? Tell me. Are you god or an evil spirit?" Sathyam looked at his father. He
was perfectly serene. Calmly but clearly and firmly, he said, "I am Sai Baba! I am of Aapasthamba Soothra and of Bharadwajasa Gothra. I
have come to rescue all of you, smitten as you are with fear and lack of mental equanimity. Your ancestor, Venka-Avadhootha, prayed to Me to
take birth in your family. In response to his prayers, I have incarnated!" Peda Venkama Raju was thunder-struck. He did not notice that the big
stick in his hand slipped to the floor.

Por qu su padre, Peda Venkama Raju, qued tan abrumado y sin palabras en un
momento? Por qu someterse a dicha transformacin inmediata ante la mencin del gran
nombre de Avadhutha?

Why did his father, Peda Venkama Raju, become so overcome and speechless in a moment? Why did he undergo such immediate transformation
at the mention of the great Avadhootha's name?

La casa de Kondama Raju, padre de Peda Venkama Raju, sola ser visitada a menudo por
una gran persona llamada Venka-Avadhutha. l llevaba una sonrisa perpetua en su rostro.
Era una imagen de ecuanimidad espiritual y la felicidad. La ropa que llevaba se desgast y
se redujo a jirones en su cuerpo, pero a l nunca le importaba. Si colocaba su palma sobre
la cabeza de una persona, esa persona experimentaba una profunda experiencia espiritual.
Nadie saba donde se quedara, cuando vendria y dnde ira. l era un Sanyasi
(renunciante) en todos los sentidos del trmino; era como un trozo de madera que flota en
una corriente de agua. Tales nobles personas realizadas, que han alcanzado los niveles
supremos de la renuncia y el desapego se conocen como Avadhuthas. En la opinin de
aquellos que estn familiarizados con los reinos sublimes del conocimiento, Venka-
Avadhutha era el mismo Venkusa, que haba cultivado Shirdi Sai en su infancia. El
Avadhutha sola pasar el tiempo de vez en cuando con Kondama Raju para discutir
asuntos espirituales.

The house of Kondama Raju, father of Peda Venkama Raju, used to be visited often by a great person called Venka-Avadhootha. He wore a
perpetual smile on his face. He was a picture of spiritual equanimity and bliss. The clothes he wore would wear out and be reduced to shreds on
his body but he never cared. If he placed his palm on any person's head, that person would taste profound spiritual experience. Nobody knew
where he stayed, when he would come and where he would go. He was a Sanyasi (renunciate) in every sense of the term; he was just like a piece
of wood floating free in a stream of water. Such realized, noble persons who have attained supreme levels of renunciation and non-involvement
are known as Avadhoothas. In the learned opinion of those familiar with sublime realms of knowledge, Venka-Avadhootha was the same as
Venkusa, who had fostered Shirdi Sai in his childhood. The Avadhootha used to spend time now and then with Kondama Raju discussing
spiritual matters.

Un da, ambos se sentaron a conversar en una plantacin de pltanos. De repente, Venka-
Avadhutha qued en silencio. Kondama Raju se pregunt por qu se qued tan
repentinamente en silencio. La respuesta fue: "Kondama Raju, la Madre Tierra est
llorando. No oyes sus sollozos?" Kondama Raju mir con incredulidad. Venka-
Avadhutha continu, "Muy pronto, el Ser Supremo, encarnar en s mismo en la tierra en
forma humana! T ests destinado para presenciar esa encarnacin!" Repiti las palabras
un par de veces. Pidi a Kondama Raju que colocara su mano en la suya y afirmara que l
crea fervientemente la extraordinaria prediccin. Algn tiempo despus, Venka-
Avadhutha dej su cuerpo fsico.

One day, both of them sat conversing in a banana plantation. All of a sudden, Venka-Avadhootha fell silent. Kondama Raju enquired why he so
abruptly became silent. The reply was, "Kondama Raju, Mother Earth is weeping. Don't you hear her sobs?" Kondama Raju stared in
disbelief. Venka-Avadhootha went on, "Very soon, the Supreme Being, will incarnate Himself on earth in human form! You are destined to
witness that incarnation! " He repeated the words a couple of times. He asked Kondama Raju to place his hand in his own and assert that he
earnestly believed the extraordinary prediction. Sometime later, Venka-Avadhootha left his physical body.

Ahora, Peda Venkama Raju escuch a su hijo mencionar el nombre glorioso del gran santo
ancestral. Como un relmpago, se acord de la cercana de esa persona divina con esta
familia, y tambin su fantstica prediccin acerca de la venida de la encarnacin divina!
Cuando los detalles de lo sucedido llegaron a los odos de los ancianos Kondama Raju, sus
ojos nadaban en lgrimas de felicidad. Pero entonces, sinti un pequeo tirn. Ninguno de
los que estaban presentes all y haba odo hablar a Sathyam saba quin era Sai Baba.
Quin era l?

Now, Peda Venkama Raju heard his son mentioning the glorious name of the great ancestral saint. Like a flash, he remembered the closeness of
that divine person with this family, and also his fantastic prediction about the coming incarnation! When details of what happened reached the
ears of the aged Kondama Raju, his eyes swam in tears of happiness. But then, there was a small hitch. None of them who were present there
and heard Sathyam speak knew who Sai Baba was. Who was he?

Peda Venkama Raju se enter que un funcionario del gobierno haba llegado a Penugonda
por una transferencia en su trabajo y adoraba diariamente a un faquir llamado Sai Baba.
As, un da, se llev a su hijo con l. Ese caballero vio al muchacho y declar que l estaba
sufriendo de algn trastorno cerebral y necesitaba ser admitido en un hospital para recibir
el tratamiento adecuado. Al escuchar sus consejos, Sathyam le pregunt: "De quin es el
cerebro enfermo, el tuyo o el mo? Tu diariamente adoras a este mismo Sai presente justo
ante ti en carne y sangre, pero no lo reconoces porque no tienes ningn cerebro. "l le
pidi que sostuviera sus manos con las palmas hacia arriba, y agitando la mano,
materializ un montn de vibhuti y lo verti en la mano. Tambin tir ceniza en la
residencia del asombrado hombre.

Peda Venkama Raju heard that a government official had arrived at Penugonda on transfer in his job and also that he daily worshipped a fakir
called Sai Baba. So, one day, he took his son to him. That gentleman saw the boy and declared that he was suffering from some brain disorder
and needed to be admitted into a hospital for proper treatment. On hearing his advice, Sathyam asked him, "Whose brain is ill, yours or
mine? You daily worship this very Sai present right before you in flesh and blood, but fail to recognize Him as you have no brain." He asked
him to hold his hands; and waving his hand, materialized heaps of Vibhuti and poured it into his hand. He also threw it all over the terrified
man's residence.

Un jueves, una de las personas que se reunieron alrededor de Sathyam solicitaron una
prueba de que l era Sai Baba. Sathyam les pregunt que si efectivamente, necesitban
pruebas. Entonces pidi unas flores de jazmn. Tomandolas en sus manos, los arroj al
suelo. Para asombro de todos, las flores cayeron formando las palabras "Sai Baba" en
escritura Telugu. Todas las dudas se desvanecieron.

On a Thursday, one of the persons gathered around Sathyam asked for some proof that he was Sai Baba. Sathyam asked him whether he did
indeed need proof. Then he called for jasmine flowers. Taking them in his hands, he flung them onto the floor. To the astonishment of
everyone, the flowers arranged themselves to read "Sai Baba" in the Telugu script. All doubts melted away.


Haba llegado el Lunes, 20 de octubre 1940. Sathyam estaba entonces en Uravakonda
reanudado sus interrumpidos estudios. Iba camino a la escuela, cuando de repente, volte,
regres a su casa, arroj sus libros lejos y grit en voz alta: "Ya no les pertenezco. Maya
(ilusin) me ha dejado. Mis devotos estn llamandome ansiosamente." Al or estas palabras
en voz alta, su cuada se asom a la ventana de la cocina. Vio una halo de cegadora
luminiscencia alrededor de la cabeza de Satyam. "Me voy", le dijo, "el trabajo por el que
he venido aqu tiene que ser iniciado." Mientras deca estas palabras, su hermano,
Seshama Raju, y el vecino, Narayana Sastry, llegaron a la escena. Al ver el halo de
esplendor, Sastry se postr a los pies de Satyam. Seshama Raju se qued sin habla y sin

It was now Monday, 20th October 1940. Sathyam was then in Uravakonda having resumed his interrupted schooling. He was on his way to
school, when suddenly, he turned back, returned home, flung his books away and cried out loudly, "I no longer belong to you. Maya (delusion)
has left Me. My devotees are eagerly calling Me." On hearing these loud words, his sister-in-law looked out of her kitchen window. She saw a
halo of blinding luminescence around Sathyam's head. "I am leaving," he told her, "the work I have come here for has to be initiated." As he
said these words, his brother, Seshama Raju, and the neighbour, Narayana Sastry, arrived on the scene. On seeing the splendorous halo, Sastry
fell at the feet of Sathyam. Seshama Raju stood speechless and motionless.

Glorioso con la corona de refulgente luz, Sathyam camin a un cercano gran jardn que
pertenecia a Anjaneyulu, un Inspector de Impuestos Especiales. Se sent en una roca all.
Varios devotos ansiosos se sentaron a su alrededor. Sathyam comenz a cantar una canto
de bhajans, la primera en el vasto cuerpo de bhajans, que ahora resuenan en todo el

Glorious with the crown of effulgent light, Sathyam walked to a nearby large garden belonging to Anjaneyulu, an Inspector of Excise. He sat on
a boulder there. Several eager devotees sat around him. Sathyam began singing a bhajan song, the first in the vast body of bhajan songs, which
are now resounding all over the world!

"Manase Bhajare Guru charanam,
Dusthara Bhava Sagara Tharanam"

"Manase Bhajare Guru Charanam,
Dusthara Bhava Sagara Tharanam"

En primer lugar, date cuenta de que estas en Bhava Sagara (ocano de la vida mundana) y,
seguidamente, decide el Tharanam (cruzrlo); luego toma un Guru o cualquier nombre y
forma de Dios, que te agrade. Entonces, moran en Su Gloria; hace bhajans (canta), pero
hazlo con toda tu mente y concentracin; canta en alabanza a los Pies de Loto del Guru
(Maestro) con todo tu corazn, que te permite cruzar el ocano de difcil trancito del ciclo
de nacimientos y muertes.

First, learn that you are in Bhava Sagara (ocean of worldly life); next, resolve on Tharanam (crossing it); then fix a Guru or any name and form of
God, which appeals to you. Then, dwell on His Glory; do bhajan, but do it with all your mind and concentration; sing in praise of the Master's
Lotus Feet with all your heart; it enables you to cross the difficult-to- cross ocean of the birth-death cycle.

Los devotos se olvidaron de como cantaban en sintona con l. Algunos encendieron
incienso. Otros le pusieron guirnaldas a Sathyam. Un fotgrafo se volvi y se prepar para
fotografiarlo. Una pequea roca se interpona entre Sathyam entrometiendose entre la
imagen y el camargrafo se quizo retirar. Sathyam dijo: "Deja que sea. Sigue adelante y
toma tu fotografa. "Cuando finalmente la pelcula fue rebelada e impresa, esa pequea
piedra se veia ante el asombro de todos, como la forma de Shirdi Sai Baba.

Devotees forgot themselves as they sang in tune with him. Some lighted joss sticks. Others garlanded Sathyam. A photographer turned up and
prepared to photograph him. A small rock stood in front of Sathyam intruding into the picture and the cameraman desired it to be
removed. Sathyam said,"Let it be. Go ahead and take your photograph." When the film was eventually developed and printed, that small stone
was seen to the astonishment of every one, as Shirdi Sai Baba's form.

El Dr E.V.V. Sastry, un miembro de la Sociedad de Investigacin de Astrologa de la India,
estudi varios tratados de Nadi de hace miles de aos escritos por varios sabios, y descubri
en ella muchas referencias impresionantes a Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba, que l public.
Algunos extractos se dan aqu.

Dr E.V.V. Sastry, a member of the Astrological Research Society of India, studied several Nadi treatises written thousands of years ago by
various sages, and discovered therein many stunning references to Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba, which he published. Some excerpts are given

* El Agasthya Nadi dice: "Sathya Sai Baba curar las enfermedades de la gente con la
velocidad del rayo. Por su mera voluntad, l derramar salud. Sern establecidos muchas
instituciones educativas por l, l va a publicar numerosos libros sobre temas espirituales.
l va a desarrollar la espiritualidad en la humanidad. Establecer el Dharma y resucitara
el Dharma, constituirn las principales caractersticas de su misin. en su encarnacin
anterior, era Shirdi Sai Baba. l ser la encarnacin de la bondad y la compasin. l es el
Padre del Universo! l ser un Avathar todo misericordioso de Dios, preceptor, protector y
padre del mundo ... "

* Agasthya Nadi says, "Sathya Sai Baba will heal diseases of people with lightning speed. By His mere will, He will bestow health. Many
educational institutions will be established by Him, He will publish numerous books on spiritual subjects. He will develop spirituality in
humanity. To establish Dharma and to resuscitate Dharma, will constitute the principal features of His mission. In His earlier incarnation, he
would be Shirdi Sai Baba. He will be the embodiment of kindness and compassion. He is the Father of the Universe! He will be an all-merciful
Avathar of God, preceptor, protector and Father of the world..."

* Registros del Budha Nadi, "Baba estar inmerso eternamente en Anandam
(Bienaventuranza)! "
* Budha Nadi records, "Baba will be eternally immersed in Anandam (Bliss)!"

* El Shukra Nadi dice: "Su residencia ser llamada Prashanti Nilayam. Enfatizar los
principios de Sathya, Dharma, Shanti y Prema. Establecer y difundir la paz a lo largo
del mundo. l siempre se deleita en servir a la humanidad. l tendr todo tipo facultades y
siddhis (poderes yoguicos). La persona de aspecto divino sera previamente Shirdi-vasi
(residente de Shirdi). l es el Sankalpa-Siddha (lo que l quiere, sucede) ... l estar en
estado Nirvikalpa Samadhi ... l es Dios Encarnado! se derivar inmensa alegra al servicio
de la humanidad".

* Shukra Nadi says, "His residence will be called Prashanti Nilayam. By emphasizing the principles of Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema. He
will establish and spread peace all through the world. He always delights in serving humanity. He will be possessing all powers and
siddhis. The person of divine aspects would be previously Shirdi-vasi (resident of Shirdi). He is Sankalpa-Siddha (whatever He wills,
happens)... He will be in Nirvikalpa Samadhi state... He is God Incarnate! He will derive immense joy in the service of mankind."

* Sri Chinnadurai consult el Brahma Nadi y encontr sus referencias precisas a Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai. "En su vida, los jueves habr das sagrados. Por la forma en que va a vivir
y actuar, l creara la ilusin de ser simplemente una persona comn que reside en
Puttaparthi. l llevar el nombre de Narayana. l ser la encarnacin de Shiva -Shakti; . y
la re-encarnacin de Shirdi Sai Nacido a orillas del ro Chithravathi en un entorno
tranquilo, l ser la encarnacin de la Suprema ecuanimidad".

*Sri Chinnadurai consulted Brahma Nadi and found therein precise references to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. "In His life, Thursdays will be sacred
days. By the way He will live and act, He would create the illusion of being just an ordinary individual residing in Puttaparthi. He will bear the
name of Narayana. He will be the incarnation of Shiva-Shakthi; and the re-incarnation of Shirdi Sai. Born on the banks of the river Chithravathi
in a tranquil environment, He will be the embodiment of Supreme Equanimity."

* En el Padma Purana, cuyo autor es el gran Rishi Parasara, est escrito: "En el pueblo
llamado Parti nacer una persona llamada Sathyam. l ser de 5 pies y 3 pulgadas de alto.
l actuar como un poderoso imn capaz de atraer al mundo entero asia Si". Baba mismo
inform a los devotos que el Padma Purana fue traducido al Ingls por un ingls llamado
Wilson. Baba tambin dijo que la copia completa de Jaimini Bharatham, que contiene
claras referencias a Sathya Sai, est en posesin de algunas personas espiritualmente

*In Padma Puran, authored by the great Rishi Parasara, it is written, "In the village named Parthi will be born a person called Sathyam. He will
be 5 feet 3 inches high. He will act like a powerful magnet capable of drawing to Himself the whole world." Baba Himself informed devotees
that Padma Puran was translated into English by an Englishman called Wilson. Baba also said that the complete copy of Jaimini Bharatham,
which contains clear references to Sathya Sai, is in the possession of some spiritually elevated persons.

* En el Vishnu Purana, se menciona que l mostrar sorprendentes grandes poderes
humanos en el establecimiento de la Nueva Era de la Verdad. Sus padres sern devotos del
Seor Vishnu y residirn en un pueblo adorador de la forma de vaquero de Sri Krishna.

* In Vishnu Puran, it was mentioned that He will display great super human powers in establishing the New Age of Truth. His parents will be
devotees of Lord Vishnu and will reside in a village worshipping the cowherd form of Sri Krishna.

* Sri Aurobindo fue un gran yogui (Maha Yogi) y un gran Rishi (Maharshi). Estaba
inmerso en un intenso Sadhana espiritual (prctica de austeridades) y la meditacin en su
ashram en Pondicherry entre 1923 y 1926. Estaba orando para que Dios nazca en este
mundo por la elevacin espiritual de la humanidad. El 24 de noviembre de 1926, sali de su
Samadhi (trance espiritual) y anunci: "Ayer, Dios se encarn en la tierra. Con sus poderes
divinos sin lmites, l dirigir la mente de la humanidad hacia metas ms altas, ms nobles.
En cada corazn, l encender una lmpara espiritual. Su voz piadosa sonar en los odos
de toda la humanidad". Est claro a partir de la fecha de la encarnacin mencionada por
Maharshi Aurobindo que el se estaba refiriendo a Sri Sathya Sai solamente.

* Sri Aurobindo was a great Yogi (Maha Yogi) and a great Rishi (Maharshi). He was immersed in intense spiritual Sadhana (practice of
austerities) and meditation) at his ashram in Pondicherry between 1923 and 1926. He was praying that God should take birth in this world for the
spiritual elevation of mankind. On 24th November, 1926, he emerged out of his Samadhi (Spiritual Trance) and announced, "Yesterday, God
incarnated Himself on the earth. With His boundless divine powers, He will direct humanity's mind towards higher, nobler goals. In every heart,
He will light a spiritual lamp. His Godly voice will ring in the ears of the whole of humanity." It is clear from the date of incarnation mentioned
by Maharshi Aurobindo that he was referring to Sri Sathya Sai only.

* Los discursos del profeta Mahoma se publicaron en 25 volmenes, siete siglos despus de
su muerte. La coleccin de estos volmenes se llama El Ocano de Luz. Varias
caractersticas simblicas por el cual el prximo Amo del Mundo se pudo identificar han
sido mencionados en el Volumen 13, Mehedi Moud, que significa en rabe "el Gran
Maestro que fue prometido". Ellos dicen: "l va a tener el pelo muy grueso en la cabeza.
Su frente ser amplia. l tendr un lunar en la mejilla de su rostro. Siempre se ver bien
afeitado. l usar slo un par de prendas. Su vestido ser de llamas de color rojo. el color
de su cara se ver a veces como el cobre, a veces de oro, a veces marrn, y, a veces como la
luna. Su forma fsica ser pequea. Sus pies sern delicados, como las de una muchacha
joven. Ser Recto desde el momento de su nacimiento, llevar todo el conocimiento en su
cabeza. As tambin todo el conjunto de las religiones y los preceptos del mundo estarn en
l desde su nacimiento. l puede conceder cualquier cosa por la que uno reze a Dios. Todas
las riquezas del mundo va a postrarce a sus pies. l ir en medio de sus devotos, se mover
entre ellos y tocar sus cabeza con la mano. Quien poce los ojos en l experimentar gozo
supremo. l tomar residencia en una colina. Vivir por 95 aos. l llenar el mundo con
paz y tranquilidad. Este Seor del Mundo va a producir sus propias formas (smbolos) de
su propio cuerpo y su boca. "De esta manera, se han realizado hasta 27 referencias que se
aplican de manera clara y sin lugar a dudas a Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai.

* Prophet Mohammed's discourses were published in 25 volumes, seven centuries after his death. The collection of those volumes is named The
Ocean of Light. Several symbolic features by which the coming Master of the World could be identified have been mentioned in the Volume 13,
Mehedi Moud, meaning in Arabic 'the Great Teacher who was Promised'. They are : "He will have very thick hair on His head. His forehead
will be broad. He will have a birthmark on His cheek. His face will always look clean-shaven. He will wear only a pair of clothes. His dress
will be of flaming red colour. The colour of His face will look sometimes like copper, sometimes golden, sometimes brownish, and sometimes
like the moon. His physical form will be small. His feet will be delicate, like those of a young girl. Right from the moment of His birth, He will
carry all knowledge in His head. So also the entire corpus of the world's religions and precepts will be in Him right from His birth. He can grant
whatever one prays to God for. All the riches of the world will lie at His feet. He will go amidst his devotees, move among them and touch their
heads with his palm. Whosoever sets eyes on him will experience supreme bliss. He will take residence on a hill. He will live for 95 years. He
will fill the world with peace and tranquility. This Lord of the World will produce His own forms (symbols) out of His own body and His
mouth..." In this manner, as many as 27 references have been made which clearly and unmistakably apply to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai.

* Nostradamus, el futurista francs del siglo 16, escribi un libro llamado "Centurias" en
la que l escribi, el prximo gobernante del mundo aparecer en Asia. La triplicidad de
aguas darn a luz a l. Se tendr en cuenta los jueves como algo sagrado. Todos los pases
del mundo se asombraran y lo admirarn por su sabidura y poderes sin lmites. De todas
partes del mundo, la gente vendr a honrarlo.

* Nostradamus, the French futurist of the 16th Century, wrote a book called "Centuries" in which he wrote, the coming ruler of the world will
appear in Asia... The triplicity of waters will give birth to Him. He will consider Thursdays as sacred. All the countries of the world will wonder
at, and admire Him for his boundless wisdom and powers. From all parts of the world, people will come to honour Him.

* El Libro de las Revelaciones en la Biblia describe el advenimiento del gran Maestro. Un
ngel aparece ante Juan y revela: "He aqu un caballo blanco, y el que estaba sentado
sobre l, era llamado Fiel y Verdadero. Sus ojos eran como llama de fuego y haba en su
cabeza muchas diademas. l estaba vestido de una ropa teida en sangre. y su nombre es la
Palabra de Dios. de su boca sale una espada aguda."

* The Book of Revelations in the Bible describes the advent of the great Master. An angel appears before John and reveals, "... Behold a white
horse; and He that sat upon it was called Faithful and True... His eyes were as a flame of fire and on His head are many crowns... He was clothed
with a vesture dipped in blood... and His name is called the Word of God... Out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword..."

La encarnacin de la compasin y el amor, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ha sido as
descrito en numerosos tratados religiosos.

The Embodiment of Compassion and Love, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has been so described in numerous religious treatises.

Un centenar de saludos a sus pies de loto!
A hundred salutations to His Lotus Feet!

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin del captulo 4
(De: "Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra por "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara

End of Chapter 4
(From : 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry)

DA 3: Sbado (Captulo 5 y 6)


Captulo 5
Chapter 5

Siempre que el Dharma languidece... Yo me creo a M mismo porque es parte de mi
principal voluntad o Sankalpa el proteger la estructura espiritual del universo. Me aparto
de mi esencia sin forma y asumo un nombre y una forma adecuada a la finalidad para la
que yo venga. Cada vez que el mal amenazas vencer lo bueno, tengo que venir y salvarle de
la decadencia.
~ Baba ~

Whenever there is a languishing of Dharma... I create Myself for it is part of My primal resolution or Sankalpa to protect the spiritual structure
of the universe. I lay aside My formless essence and assume a name and a form suited to the purpose for which I come. Whenever evil threats to
vanquish good, I have to come and save it from decline.
~ Baba ~

DAY 3 : SATURDAY (Chapter 5 & 6)




Bhagavan ha proclamado a menudo que uno de los propsitos importantes de su
encarnacin es la revitalizacin de la potencia divina de las deidades en los templos
antiguos. Como parte del programa, el 11 de junio de 1961, Baba se embarc en un viaje al
famoso templo Badarinath situado en la cordillera del Himalaya, en Uttar Pradesh. Estuvo
acompaado por sus padres, as como varios devotos. Sri Ramakrishna Rao Boorgula,
gobernador de Uttar Pradesh, se uni a los peregrinos en Hardwar. Baba brome con ellos,
"Normalmente los devotos van a Badari a ver al Seor Narayana all. Ustedes van all en
compaa del Seor Narayana para ver los dolos instalados en el templo." Baba describi
la gloria espiritual del templo Badarinath as: "El gran asceta, Adi Shankaracharya, or al
Seor Shiva y recibi de l cinco Lingams. Les instalado, uno en Badari (en Uttar Pradesh),
en el Himalaya, Puri (en Orissa), Sringeri (en Karnataka), Dwaraka (en Gujarat), y
Chidambaram (en Tamil Naidu)."

Bhagavan has often proclaimed that one of the important purposes of his incarnation is the revitalization of the divine potency of deities in
ancient temples. As a part of the programme, on 11th June 1961, Baba set out on a journey to the famous Badarinath temple situated in the
Himalayas in Uttar Pradesh. He was accompanied by His parents as well as several devotees. Sri Boorgula Ramakrishna Rao, Governor of Uttar
Pradesh, joined the pilgrims at Hardwar. Baba quipped with them, "Normally devotees go to Badari to see Lord Narayana there. You are going
there in the company of Lord Narayana to see the idols installed in the temple." Baba described the spiritual glory of the Badarinath temple thus :
"The great ascetic, Adi Sankaracharya, prayed to Lord Shiva and received from him five Lingams. He installed them, one each in Badari (in
Uttar Pradesh), in the Himalayas, Puri (in Orissa), Sringeri (in Karnataka), Dwaraka (in Gujarat) and Chidambaram (in Tamil Naidu)."

Cerca de 200 devotos observaron con fascinacin en el templo Badarinath, Baba hizo girar
Su mano abierta y materializ una plancha de oro que sostena un loto de oro de mil
ptalos. Coloc el loto dorado en otra placa de plata. Por otro movimiento de su mano, sac
un Lingam. Explic que se trataba de "Nethra Lingam" (ligam del ojo) instalado debajo
del dolo de Seor Badarinath por el propio Adi Sankara hace 1200 aos. Ya que el dolo
no era visible para los visitantes y adorado por ellos todos los das, el Lingam yaca oculto
desde su instalacin. Ahora Baba lo mostraba para el culto. Nethram en snscrito significa
ojo. Fiel a su nombre, el Nethra Lingam mostr claramente un ojo bien abierto. Baba lo
coloc en el loto dorado. Con otro movimiento de su mano, produjo ahora una vasija de
plata llena de las aguas sagradas del Gangothri, el lugar de origen del ro sagrado Ganges
(Ganges). Baba toc el fondo del recipiente con el dedo y cuando la retir, el agua comenz
a caer sobre la Nethra Lingam (abhishekam). El toque de su dedo al parecer hizo un
agujero en el fondo del recipiente. Cuando el abhishekam haba terminado, Sri Sai Baba
levanto la mano, y flores de oro y plata fluyeron y cubrieron el Nethra Lingam como
abhishekam (bao) de flores. El seor Shiva tiene fama de ser especialmente aficionado a
las flores de thummi (stas son de color blanco y muy, muy pequeas, aproximadamente de
cinco milmetros de largo). Cuando el sacerdote del templo lo mencion a Baba, l
materializ un montn de flores thummi frescas. El Nethra Lingam ahora era adorado con
esas flores. Bhagavan revitaliz la Nethra Lingam a travs de este culto y, con sus poderes
milagrosos, la restituy a su lugar original, quedando lejos de la vista bajo el dolo de Seor

As nearly 200 devotees watched in fascination in the Badarinath temple, Baba waved His open hand and materialized a plate of gold that held a
thousand-petalled golden lotus. He placed the golden lotus in another plate made of silver. By another movement of His hand, He produced a
Lingam. He explained that it was "Nethra Lingam" installed underneath the idol of Lord Badarinath by Adi Sankara himself 1200 years
ago. While the idol is visible to visitors and worshipped by them every day, the Lingam lay concealed ever since its installation. Only now was
it brought to view by Baba for worship. Nethram in Sanskrit means eye. True to its name, the Nethra Lingam clearly showed a wide open
eye. Baba placed it in the golden lotus. With another wave of His hand, He now produced a vessel of silver filled with the sacred waters of
Gangothri, the place of origin of the holy river Ganga (the Ganges). Baba touched the bottom of the vessel with His finger and when He
withdrew it, water began to fall on the Nethra Lingam (abhishekam). The touch of His finger apparently made a hole in the bottom of the
vessel. When the abhishekam was over, Sri Sai Baba shook His hand; and gold and silver flowers flowed out and covered the Nethra Lingam as
abhishekam of flowers. Lord Shiva is reputed to be particularly fond of thummi flowers (these are white in colour and very, very tiny, roughly
five millimeters long). When the temple priest mentioned this to Baba, He materialized a heap of fresh thummi flowers. The Nethra Lingam was
now worshipped with those blossoms. Bhagavan revitalized the Nethra Lingam through this worship and, with His miraculous powers, restored
it to its original invisible place beneath the idol of Lord Badarinath.

A su regreso a Puttaparthi, Baba se dirigi a los devotos que no pudieron hacer el viaje a
Badarinath. "No se sientan decepcionados." Les dijo, "si no pudieron realizar la
peregrinacin y perdieron recompensas espirituales del mismo. El Seor Sri Narayana est
ciertamente aqu junto a ustedes, con ustedes, justo en frente de ustedes. Hagan del
darshan de este Narayana el contenido de su corazn. Por qu anhelar el darshan en la
forma del dolo de Narayana situado en un lugar lejano? Adoren esta forma viviente de
Narayana, que est delante de sus ojos en este mismo lugar, con devocin y dedicacin y
alcanzarn la felicidad espiritual."

On return to Puttaparthi, Baba addressed the devotees who could not make the trip to Badarinath. "Do not feel disappointed." He told them, "that
you could not undertake the pilgrimage and missed out on the spiritual rewards thereof. Lord Sri Narayana is surely here beside you, with you,
right in front of you. Have this Narayana's darshan to your heart's content. Why do you crave for the darshan of the idol form of Narayana
situated at a far off place? Worship this living form of Narayana, who is right before your eyes at this very place, with devotion and dedication
and attain spiritual bliss."


Hay otro antiguo lugar de culto que recibi una gracia similar y la reinfusin de eficacia
espiritual en las manos divinas de Bhagavan. Esta vez se trat de un viaje a Varanasi el 2
de abril de 1961. Los Padres de Swami y Sri Ramakrishna Rao Boorgula, entonces
gobernador de Uttar Pradesh, y otros lo acompaaron. Al aproximarse el Lingam del
Seor Vishva-Ishvara (el amo del universo), Baba produjo vibhuti de Kailasa en su forma
usual y lo aplic en el superficie del Lingam en tres grandes bandas. Tambin materializ
pasta de sndalo y la utiliz para decorar el Lingam con un amplio punto circular en el
centro de las bandas de vibhuti. Luego cre un adorno de oro resplandeciente con tres
crculos de brillantes diamantes, rubes y esmeraldas. Lo coloc en medio del punto de la
pasta de sndalo. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, la pieza qued atrapado all con firmeza. El
Seor Viswanatha, el Seor de Varanasi, parecan an ms gloriosos!

There is another ancient place of worship, which received similar grace, and re-infusion of spiritual efficacy at the divine hands of
Bhagavan. This time it was a trip to Varanasi on 2nd April 1961. Swami's parents and Sri Boorgula Ramakrishna Rao, then Governor of Uttar
Pradesh, and others accompanied Him. On nearing the Lingam of Lord Visweswara (the master of the universe), Baba produced Kailasa Vibhuti
in His usual way and applied it on the Lingam's face in three broad bands. He also materialized sandalwood paste and used it to decorate the
Lingam with a broad circular dot in the centre of the vibhuti bands. Then He created a golden ornament resplendent with three circles of
glittering diamonds, rubies and emeralds. He placed it in the midst of the dot of sandalwood paste. In the wink of an eye, the piece remained
stuck there firmly. Lord Viswanatha, the Lord of Varanasi, looked all the more glorious!


Por invitacin del Rajamatha (Maharani) de Jamnagar, Baba visit el templo Somanath en
Gujarat. 'Soma' significa: SA + UMA, es decir, el Seor Shiva, junto con su consorte, Uma,
tambin conocida como Parvathi. Es bien conocido en la historia que el rey Mohammed de
Ghazni invadi la India en varias ocasiones. l saque este rico templo una y otra vez y se
llev enormes hordas de joyas de oro y diamantes. En la ltima incursin, retir el
majestuoso lingam de Shiva y saque las grandes cantidades de piedras preciosas
incrustadas debajo de la deidad. En lugar del Lingam inicial as profanado, los sacerdotes
del templo instalaron una nueva piedra Lingam, usada desde entonces en los servicios
sagrados prescritos a la deidad recin ungida.

On the invitation of the Rajamatha (Maharani) of Jamnagar, Baba visited the Somanath temple in Gujarat. 'Soma' means : SA + UMA, i.e., Lord
Shiva, together with His consort, Uma, also known as Parvathi. It is well known in history that King Mohammed of Ghazni invaded India several
times. He ransacked this rich temple time and again and carried away huge hoards of jewellery of gold and diamonds. On the last raid, he
uprooted the majestic Shiva lingam and looted the large quantities of precious stones embedded underneath the deity. In place of the original
Lingam thus desecrated, the temple priests installed a new stone Lingam, and ever since carried on the prescribed sacred services to the newly
anointed deity.

Digvijaya Sahed, el maharaj de Jamnagar, estaba dispuesto a restaurar el templo a su
gloria prstina. Esto implic el gasto de enorme trabajo, as como los recursos. A pesar de
estos problemas, l persisti en su misin y, finalmente coronada como la belleza del templo
mediante la construccin de una gran torre. Nombrado Digvijaya Gopuram (torre del
templo), que fue inaugurado por Bhagavan Sai Baba. Al entrar en el sanctasanctrum del
templo, l materializ hojas bilva de oro (las hojas de bilva se consideran particularmente
queridas por el Seor Shiva) y las derramo baando el Lingam de cuatro pies de alto como
abhishekam. Por Su Divina Voluntad, sac el Lingam en sus manos y se lo mostr a la
concurrencia. Era una luminosidad brillante como un relmpago. Despus de revitalizarlo
con su toque divino, no lo regres a su anterior morada invisible como lo haba hecho en
Badarinath. En cambio, l declar: "A partir de ahora, este templo permanecer siempre
libre de cualquier ataque. Ningun usurpador de ninguna parte pondr su mano haciendo
dao a este templo. No hay ms peligro. Por lo tanto, estoy haciendo que este Lingam este a
libre disposicin para el darshan pblico y el culto por los devotos". A continuacin, se
materializ un Pitham (pedestal) de plata e instalo el lingam en el.

Digvijaya Sahed, the Maharaja of Jamnagar, was keen to restore the temple to its pristine glory. It entailed expense of enormous labour as well as
resources. Despite these problems, he persisted with his mission and finally crowned the beauty of the temple by erecting a mighty
tower. Named Digvijaya Gopuram (temple tower), it was inaugurated by Bhagavan Sai Baba. Entering the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, He
materialized golden bilva leaves (bilva leaves are considered to be particularly dear to Lord Shiva) and showered them on the four-feet high
Lingam as abhishekam. By His Divine Will, He brought out the Lingam into His hands and showed it to the gathering. It was shimmering bright
like lightning. After revitalizing it with His divine touch, He did not return it to its earlier invisible abode as He had done in Badarinath. Instead,
He declared, "From now on, this temple shall ever remain free from any attack. No despoiler from any quarter shall lay his evil hand on this
temple. There is no danger to it anymore. I am therefore making this Lingam freely available for public darshan and worship by devotees." He
then materialized a silver peetham (pedestal) and installed the Lingam thereon.


Durante ese viaje, Baba y los devotos acompaantes llegaron a Dwaraka, la morada del
Seor Krishna. Swami camin en el recinto del templo y los santific con el toque de sus
pies divinos. El Seor "Sai Krishna" de la poca actual dio darshan a las miles de personas
reunidas. Se dirigi a la orilla del mar, seguido por los devotos. Les pidi que se sentaran
alrededor de l en la arena, El hizo un pequeo montculo de arena, insert su mano y sac
una figura de oro del Seor Krishna. "Esta maravilla ha hecho que el templo Dwaraka se
replete de potencia divina", declar Bhagavan Sai Baba.

During that trip, Baba and the attendant devotees reached Dwaraka, the abode of Lord Krishna. Swami made His way into the temple precincts
and sanctified them with the touch of His divine feet. Lord "Sai Krishna" of the present age gave darshan to the thousands of people
gathered. He then proceeded to the seashore followed by devotees. Asking them to sit around Him on the sands, He made a small mound of
sand, inserted His hand into it and pulled out a golden figure of Lord Krishna. "This wondrous even has made the Dwaraka temple replete with
divine potency", declared Bhagavan Sai Baba.


Otro antiguo templo que alcanz el rejuvenecimiento espiritual con el toque divino de Sri
Sathya Sai Baba es el templo del Seor Mallikarjuna (Seor Shiva) en Srisailam en Andhra
Pradesh. Bhagavan visit este templo el 5 de enero de 1963. Como en el templo Somanath,
aqu tambin, Baba entr en el sanctasanctrum, produjo hojas bilva de oro y flores de oro
thummi y las llovieron sobre Seor Mallikarjuna en abhishekam (bao ceremonial).

Another ancient temple that attained spiritual rejuvenation at the divine touch of Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the temple of Lord Mallikarjuna (Lord
Shiva) in Srisailam in Andhra Pradesh. Bhagavan visited this temple on 5th January 1963. As at the Somanath temple, here too, Baba entered
the sanctum sanctorum, produced golden bilva leaves and golden thummi flowers and showered them on Lord Mallikarjuna in abhishekam.


El 13 de junio de 1965, Baba visit Pandharpur en Maharashtra, donde el Seor Krishna
es adorado como Panduranga Vitthal. Al entrar en el santuario interior y tener el darshan
del Seor Panduranga y su consorte, Rukmini Devi, l cre un collar de piedras preciosas
de palo que en conjunto y adornaban el cuello de la diosa.

On 13th June 1965, Baba visited Pandharpur in Maharashtra where Lord Krishna is worshipped as Panduranga Vitthal. As He entered the inner
sanctum and had darshan of Lord Panduranga and his consort, Rukmini Devi, He created an opal gem-set necklace and adorned the neck of the

Estas son las ocasiones en que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba visit importantes lugares de
culto y los recarg y revitaliz su potencia espiritual de las deidades que presiden. Cada
templo es, despus de todo, la morada sagrada de Swami Mismo. El cuerpo humano no es
ms que el trono de Dios; Este es el templo en si. El poseedor del cuerpo humano es
verdaderamente Dios. Cada ser humano debera reflexionar sobre el significado profundo
y la importancia de la forma y estructura del templo.

These are occasions when Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba visited important places of worship and recharged and revitalized the spiritual potency
of the presiding deities. Every temple is after all, the sacred abode of Swami Himself. Human body is but the seat of God; it is a temple in
itself. The possessor of the human body is truly God. Every human being should ponder over the inner meaning and significance of the form and
structure of the temple.

Unos meses despus de regresar de Badarinath, Bhagavan decidi que se debia realizar un
yaja en Prashanti Nilayam. En sus instrucciones, varios eruditos vdicos desde el norte de
la India y tambin de la zona de Konasima en Andhra Pradesh se reunieron en
Puttaparthi. Baba di instrucciones para el desempeo del Yaja estrictamente de acuerdo
con las estructuras vdicas. Baba anunci: "Como parte de la misin de mi encarnacin,
voy a colocar los cimientos para el cuidado apropiado de la vaca y el brahmn, para el
sustento de los Vedas y , a travs de ellos, para la reanimacin de la Dharma Vdico en s."

A few months after returning from Badarinath, Bhagavan decided that a yajna should be performed at Prashanti Nilayam. At his instructions,
several Vedic scholars from northern India and also from the area of Konaseema in Andhra Pradesh gathered at Puttaparthi. Baba gave directions
for the performance of the Yajna strictly in accordance with Vedic structures. Baba announced, "As a part of the mission of My incarnation, I am
laying the foundation for the proper care of the cow and the Brahmin, for the sustenance of the Vedas and, through them, for the resuscitation of
Vedic Dharma itself."

El yaja planeado, para el que los extenuantes preparativos no tardaron en ponerse en
curso fue nombrado "Veda Purusha Sapthaha Jnana Yaja". Los procedimientos se
extendieron durante siete das (sapthaha) en sincronizacin con las festividades Dussehra
en octubre de 1961. El Veda Purusha, la deidad que preside, fue el mismo Baba. Los
distinguidos acadmicos de los Vedas y los rituales vdicos estaban a cargo de las diversas
actividades. Veda Samrat Brahma Sri Cherukumilli Kamavadhanulu era el supervisor en
jefe (sarva-adhyaksha). Aamnaya Artha Vachaspathi Brahma Sri Uppuluri Ganapathi
Sastry fue a presidir las sesiones del seminario que se celebrar por los Vedas y otros temas
espirituales y teolgicos. Los eruditos eminentes y Ghanapatthis, Sri Bulusu Appana
Sastry, Sri Kadiyala Seetharama Sastry, Sri Kuppa Bairagi Sastry, Shri Vemparala
Suryanarayana Sastry, Shri Kompella Ammanna Sastry y Shri Hothra Venkatarama
Sastry participaron en ese ritual glorioso. Fue realmente una galaxia de las tonalidades ms
brillante en el firmamento del dharma vdico. Las actuaciones comprendan: Parthiva
Shivalinga-Archana, mantra-japa, Parayanama de los textos sagrados de Ramayanam , Sri
Maha Bhagavatha, Devi Bhagavatam, Sri Bhashyam y otros, y tambin Surya
Namaskarams y Nava-Graha Japams. El Parayanam del Rig, Yajur y Sama Vedas fue un
verdadero festn para los odos de los devotos. Y para colmo, el Athi Rudra Yaga se llev a
cabo con la mxima atencin a los ms pequeos detalles del ritual prescrito.

The planned yajna, for which hectic preparations were soon under way was named "Veda Purusha Sapthaha Jnana Yajna". The proceedings
were spread over seven days (sapthaha) synchronising with the Dussehra festivities in October 1961. Veda Purusha, the presiding deity, was
Baba Himself. Distinguished scholars of the Vedas and the Vedic rituals were in charge of the various activities. Veda Samrat Brahma Sri
Cherukumilli Kamavadhanulu was the over-all supervisor (sarva-adhyaksha). Aamnaya Artha Vachaspathi Brahma Sri Uppuloori Ganapathi
Sastry was to preside over the seminar meetings to be held on Vedas and other spiritual and theological subjects. Eminent scholars and
Ghanapatthis, Sri Bulusu Appana Sastry, Sri Kadiyala Seetharama Sastry, Sri Kuppa Bairagi Sastry, Shri Vemparala Suryanarayana Sastry, Shri
Kompella Ammanna Sastry and Shri Hotha Venkatarama Sastry participated in that glorious ritual. It was truly a galaxy of the brightest hue in
the firmament of Vedic dharma. The proceedings comprised Parthiva Shivalinga Archana, Manthra Japam, Parayanam of the holy texts of
Ramayanam, Sri Maha Bhagavath, Devi Bhagavatham, Sree Bhashyam and others; and also Surya Namaskarams and Nava Graha
Japams. Parayanam of the Rig, Yajur and Sama Vedas was a veritable feast to the ears of the devotees. And to crown it all, the Athi Rudra Yaga
was performed with utmost attention to the minutest detail of the prescribed ritual.

Todo el procedimiento de los siete das fueron inmensamente satizfactorios y
espiritualmente gratificantes para la gran explanada.

The entire seven-day proceedings were immensely satiating and spiritually rewarding to the vast concourse.

En el da final, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba dio un discurso. En forma muy significativa,
se dirigi a la asamblea: "Athma-Swarupulara (Oh Encarnaciones del Alma!)". Continu,
"El propsito de mi encarnacin es establecer el dharma y la paz y la ecuanimidad y la
felicidad de modo seguro a todas las personas en todos los pases. Mi Sankalpa (voluntad)
sepan no tiene vuelta atrs. Nadie puede oponerse a la marcha de mi misin. Esta esta
destinada a triunfar. Esto es cierto, absolutamente cierto!

On the concluding day, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba gave a discourse. Very significantly, He addressed the assembly : "Athma Swaroopulara!
(Oh Embodiments of the Self!)" He went on, "The purpose of My incarnation is to establish dharma and thereby secure peace and equanimity
and happiness to all people in every land. My Sankalp knows no going back. Nobody can resist the onward march of My mission. It is bound to
triumph. This is certain, absolutely certain!

"En mi encarnacin anterior, deje en claro que todos y cada uno de los Yajas realizados
solo para el cumplimiento de los deseos personales estrechos no resulta en verdadero
bienestar; Slo el Jana Yaja (sabio sacrificio), que tiene por objeto la promocin del
bienestar universal es el mejor Yaja. Yaja significa sacrificio (thyaga). El sacrificio
(Thyaga) slo puede ser lo desinteresado.

"In My earlier incarnation, I had made it clear that any and every Yajna performed for fulfilling narrow personal desires doesn't result in true
well-being; only Jnana Yajna, which aims at promotion of universal well-being, is the best Yajna. Yajna stands for sacrifice (thyaga). Thyaga
can only be selflessness.

"Los Vedas prescriben que el Yajna se debe realizar con el fin de obtener la gracia de los
dioses. Los materiales como el ghi (mantequilla clarificada) y otros comestibles se deben
ofrecer, como los Vedas establecen, a los dioses a travs de Agni, el dios del fuego. Agni los
pasa a los dioses que estn destinados para eso. Las personas de mente estrecha bien puede
dudar de esto, 'Es cierto? Puede ser eso posible?' Vamos a la oficina local de correos y
enviemos dinero a individuos especficos. El dinero, en efecto, les llega ya sean residentes
cercanos o lejanos. Entonces por qu dudar de la afirmacin vdica? Los dioses estn
contentos y satisfechos y nos dan la lluvia oportuna. Los cultivos florecen y nos dan la
comida. La comida da vida y sostiene. as, el Yajna est en la raz misma de bienestar

"The Vedas prescribe that Yajna should be performed with a view to obtaining grace of the gods. Materials like ghee and other edibles are to be
offered, as the Vedas lay down, to gods through Agni, the God of Fire. Agni passes them on to the gods they are intended for. Small-minded
persons may well doubt this, 'Is it true? Can such a thing be possible?' We go to the local post office and send money to specified
individuals. The money is indeed reaching them, be they residents near or far away. Then why doubt the Vedic assertion? The gods are pleased
and satisfied and give us timely rain. Crops flourish and give us food. Food gives life and sustains it. Thus, Yajna is at the very root of universal

"El Yajna (sacrifici) se origina en el Karma (accin). El Karma debe su nacimiento a
partir de Brahman (Dios). Brahman est en la forma de Akshara Purusha (persona
eterna). Pranavam (om) es la forma misma de ese Akshara (eterno). Y el Pranavam est en
la raz de los Vedas. Es por ello que se ha establecido que un Yaja, que se realiza y dirige
en mi nombre y mi forma, es el ms adecuado para los seres humanos. Los que han
participado de los frutos (prasadam) de este Yaja estaran siempre contentos y felices en su
vida mundana; y cuando partan de este mundo alcanzaran la fusin con el Supremo
Principio de la Divinidad. No hay absolutamente ninguna duda de ello."

"Yajna originates in Karma. Karma takes its birth from Brahman. Brahman is in the form of Akshara Purusha. Pranavam is the very form of
that Akshara. And Pranavam is at the root of the Vedas. That is why it has been laid down that a Yajna, which is performed and directed in My
name and My form, is the most suitable one for humans. Those who have partaken of the fruits (prasadam) of this Yajna will be ever content and
happy in their worldly life; and when they depart this world attain merger with the Supreme Divinity Principle. There is absolutely no doubt
about it."

En otra ocasin, al hablar durante la celebracin de un yaja, Bhagavan dijo: Hace siglos,
que la gente ha olvidado los nobles principios del sacrificio, abnegacin y servicio amoroso.
Las malas tendencias como la codicia, la avaricia y el egosmo han florecido. Los Vedas
asumieron la forma de un ciervo negro y sali corriendo hacia las densas extenciones de un
bosque. Los grandes sabios y eruditos vdicos fueron en busca de l, pero todos sus
esfuerzos fracasaron. Pudieron recuperar slo su piel. En recuerdo de ese incidente,
cuando se realiza un yaja prescrito en los Vedas, los rithwiks (sacerdotes comprometidos
en ofrecer oblaciones acompaadas de mantras) an hoy visten piel de ciervo negro y se
sientan sobre una piel parecida al tiempo que ofrecen oblaciones a Agni (fuego). Para el ojo
comun, es slo un pedazo de piel. Pero desde el punto de vista del yaja, es sharmam, lo
que significa la felicidad y la bienaventuranza espiritual. Los que toman parte activa en el
desarrollo de la experiencia del yaja se contentan y tambin extienden felicidad a todo el

On a different occasion, while speaking during the celebrations of a yajna, Bhagavan said, "Ages ago, people forgot the noble principles of
sacrifice, selflessness and loving service. Evil tendencies like greed, avarice and selfishness flourished. The Vedas assumed the form of a black
deer and ran away into the dense reaches of a forest. The great rishis and Vedic scholars went in search of it but all their efforts failed. They
could retrieve only its skin. In remembrance of that incident, while performing yajna as prescribed in the Vedas, the rithwiks (priests engaged in
offering oblations to the accompaniment of incantations) even today don black-deer skin and sit on a similar skin while offering oblations to
Agni. To the outward eye, it is just a piece of skin (charmam). But viewed from the angle of Yajna, it is sharmam, which means happiness and
spiritual bliss. Those who take active part in the performance of the yajna experience bliss themselves and also spread bliss to the whole world.

"El objetivo final de cualquier Yaja llevado a cabo en Prashanti Nilayam es el sacrificio;
En otras palabras, la felicidad espiritual que toma la forma de la renuncia total de los
frutos del Karma (accin). Tal Yaja no est destinado a beneficiar slo a un individuo o
pas. Su propsito es brindar el bienestar universal".

"The ultimate goal of any Yajna performed in Prashanti Nilayam is sacrifice; in other words, spiritual bliss which takes shape out of total
renunciation of the fruits of Karma. Such Yajna is not meant to benefit merely any single individual or country. Its purpose is to bring about
universal well-being."

Al trmino de cada Yajna y despus del rito final de la ofrenda de despedida (es decir,
Puma Aahuthi, ofreciendo a Agni cualquier material que permanezca fuera de lo que se
haba recogido inicialmente para el Yaja), Swami personalmente roci las aguas sagradas
del ritual en los miles de personas presentes en el lugar, otorgando de este modo en ellos la
absolucin espiritual.

At the conclusion of every Yajna and after the final rite of valedictory offering (i.e., Pooma Aahuthi, offering to Agni whatever materials remain
out of what had been initially collected for the Yajna), Swami personally sprinkled the holy waters of the ritual onto the thousands of people
present at the venue, thereby bestowing on them spiritual absolution.

Adems de renombrados eruditos vdicos y expertos en rituales vdicos, los encargados de
cantar mantras vdicos con la entonacin y la precisin adecuada, estaban a cargo del
Jana Yaja. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba fij el muhurtham (momento propicio para el
inicio del programa de santo) como a las 9.30 el 1 de octubre de 1961. Los estudiosos
hicieron sus propios clculos con referencia a las posiciones planetarias y la astronoma y
decidieron que a las 7.30 sera el momento ms adecuado para entrar en la Yaga Shala
(sede del Yajam) y el inicio de las actuaciones. Cuando ellos dieron su opinin ante
Swami, l dijo, "Creo que las 9.30 sera el momento ms auspicioso. Meditenlo un poco
mas." Entre los acadmicos encargados de la tarea estaban Sri Varanasi Subrahmanya
Sastry, Sri Cherukumilli Kamavadhani y Sri Kuppa Bairagi Sastry, que eran los nicos
conscientes de la Espiritualidad de Sai. Sea lo que sea, los estudiosos informaron a Swami
una vez ms que las 7.30 sera el momento ms adecuado. Swami estuvo de acuerdo.
Notaron un brillo en sus ojos y una sonrisa en los labios?

Apart from renowned Vedic scholars and experts in Vedic rituals, those proficient in chanting Vedic manthras with proper intonation and
accuracy, were in charge of the Jnana Yajna. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba fixed the muhoortham (auspicious moment for commencement of
the holy programme) as 9.30am on 1st October 1961. The scholars made their own calculations with reference to the planetary positions and
astronomy and decided that 7.30 am would be the most appropriate time for entering the Yaga Shala (venue for the yajnam) and commencing the
proceedings. When they placed their opinion before Swami, he said, "I think 9.30am would be the most auspicious moment. Give it a little more
thought." Among the scholars entrusted with the task were Sri Varanasi Subrahmanya Sastry, Sri Cherukumilli Kamavadhani and Sri Kuppa
Bairagi Sastry, who were the only ones aware of the Sai Spirituality. Whatever that might be, the scholars informed Swami again that 7.30am
would be the most appropriate time. Swami agreed. Did they notice a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips?

En el da sealado, los rithwiks y sabios vdicos tenan su bao ritual en el ro Chithravathi
y completaron su vandanam sandhaya, (oraciones de la maana al Dios Sol) a las 6.30.
Vestido con las ropas de seda entregadas por Swami y la celebracin con vasos de plata
llenos de agua bendita. Empezaron el Yaga Shala exactamente a las 7 am, a fin de alcanzar
el Shala yaga a las 7:30 am en punto. De repente, el cielo se abri. Hubo una lluvia
torrencial acompaada de truenos y relmpagos. El aguacero continu sin tregua hasta las
9am. El ro Chithravathi estaba crecido y el grupo de sacerdotes se qued atascado ah
arriba. Aunque el muhurtham (inicio) establecido por ellos haba sido arrastrado por las
lluvias y las inundaciones, estaban felices de reconocer la sabidura omnisciente de Swami.
El cielo estaba claro y todo se normaliz a las 9 am.

On the appointed day, the rithwiks and Vedic savants had their ritual bath in the river Chithravathi and completed their sandhaya vandanam,
(morning prayers to the Sun God) by 6.30am. Clad in the silk clothes presented by Swami and holding silver vessels filled with holy water, they
started for the Yaga shala exactly at 7am, so as to reach the yaga shala at 7.30am sharp. Suddenly, the skies opened up. There was torrential rain
accompanied by thunder and lightning. The downpour continued without respite till 9am. The river Chithravathi was in flood and the group of
priests got stuck up there. Although the muhoortham set by them had been washed away by rains and flood, they were happy to acknowledge
Swami's all-knowing wisdom. The skies were clear and everything became normal by 9am.

A medida que el auspicioso muhurtham (momento de comenzar) originalmente fijado por
l se acerc, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai camino hacia el Shala Yaga llevando una horda de
rithwiks recitando himnos vdicos sagrados. Cientos de devotos cantaban con ganas cantos
de bhajans. Se toc msica devocional instrumental adecuada a la esplndida ocasin.
Precisamente a las 9.30 am, el muhurtham, fue terminado por l, Baba entr en el lugar y
puso en marcha los trabajos de la yaja de una semana.

As the auspicious muhoortham originally fixed by Him approached, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai made His way to the Yaga shala leading a horde of
rithwiks reciting sacred Vedic hymns. Hundreds of devotees were heartily singing bhajan songs. Devotional instrumental music appropriate to
the splendid occasion was being played. Precisely at 9.30am, the muhoortham, which had been finalized by Him, Baba entered the venue and set
in motion the proceedings of the weeklong yajna.

Un da o dos antes de que el Yaja iba a comenzar, Swami llam a Sri Brahma Shivarama
Bairagi Sastry que estaba a la cabeza del equipo de rithwiks (oficiantes). l le dijo: "El
yaja debe realizarse con estricto apego a los principios establecidos. En cuanto a
materiales, nada debe esperar. Mucho antes de que el yaja comienze, prepara
cuidadosamente una lista completa de los elementos requeridos y dmela. Yo ver que todo
est previsto. Sri Sastry hizo una larga lista en consulta con sus compaeros rithwiks. lo
que estaba en la lista fue adquirido y puesto a su disposicin.

A day or two before the Yajna was to commence, Swami summoned Brahma Sri Shivarama Bairagi Sastry who was to head the team of
rithwiks. He told him, "The yajna should be performed with strict adherence to the prescribed tenets. As regards material, nothing should be
wanting. Well before the yajna is to commence, carefully prepare a complete list of items required and give it to Me. I will see that everything is
provided. Sri Sastry made out a long list in consultation with his fellow rithwiks. Whatever was listed was procured and placed at their disposal.

Sin embargo, slo cinco minutos antes de que Swami tenia programado para partir hacia el
Shala yaga, Sri Sastry Bairagi de repente record que el elemento ms importante, la
Kalasam yaja (el vaso principal que ocupa un lugar de honor en el procedimiento), haba
sido inadvertidamente omitido su lista de materiales. Pero, quin iba le daria la noticia de
este grave error a Swami en esta ltima coyuntura? Y cmo decirle a Swami? Sastry
estaba en tormento insoportable. No haba tiempo que perder. Reuni todo el coraje,
decidi asumir la responsabilidad sobre sus propios desafortunadas hombros e inform a
Swami. l or a Swami que lo perdone por su desliz imperdonable.

Nevertheless, just about five minutes before Swami was scheduled to leave for the yaga shala, Sri Bairagi Sastry suddenly recollected that the
most important item, the yajna kalasam (the principal vessel which occupies pride of place in the proceedings), had been inadvertently omitted
from his list of materials. But who would bring this serious mistake to Swami's notice at this late juncture? And how to tell Swami? He was in
unbearable torment. There was no time to lose. He collected all courage, decided to take responsibility on his own unfortunate shoulders and
informed Swami. He prayed to Swami to pardon him for his unpardonable lapse.

Swami con su misma misericordia habitual. Con suaves palabras de consuelo, le pregunt
suavemente: "Te haba pedido que prepares la lista cuidadosamente mucho antes del
Yaja. Tienes tan slo cinco minutos ahora?" Entr en su habitacin y en tres minutos
emergi con un kalsam de plata en su mano. Mostraba el exquisito ornamento digno de la
gran ocasin y estaba adornado con imgenes de varias deidades. Swami le dijo al
asombrado Sastry, "Durante mi encarnacin como Shirdi Sai, lo guard en el palacio de los
gobernantes Chincholi. Estaba tirado ah en un cuarto lleno de piezas antiguas y
desechadas. Acabo de ir all, lo busqu y lo traje aqu, lo que ha tomado todo este tiempo.
Ahora que se est conforme a las especificaciones establecidas en las escrituras, seguir
adelante y comenzar el proceso a tiempo. "Grabado en el costado estaban las iniciales "S.
B". en hindi que indica obviamente que haba pertenecido a Sai Baba. Varios aos ms
tarde, cuando estaba dando un discurso en presencia de Swami en el Auditorio, Sri Sastry
Bairagi relat este incidente apasionante en detalle.

Swami was his usual merciful self. With soft words of reassurance, He gently asked,"I had asked you to prepare the list carefully well before the
Yajna. You have only five minutes now?" He went into His room and within three minutes emerged with a silver kalsam in His hand. It
displayed exquisite craftsmanship worthy of the great occasion and was adorned with images of several deities. Swami told the astonished
Sastry, "During My incarnation as Shirdi Sai, I kept it in the palace of the Chincholi rulers. It was lying there in a room full of old and discarded
pieces. I have just gone there, searched for it and brought it here, which has taken all this time. Now that this is conforming to the specifications
laid down in scriptures, go ahead and commence the proceedings on time." Etched on that vessel were the initials "Sa. Ba." in Hindi indicating
obviously that it had belonged to Sai Baba. Several years later, when he was giving a speech in the presence of Swami in the Auditorium, Sri
Bairagi Sastry recounted this engrossing incident in detail.


Tradicionalmente, el da Vijaya Dasami durante las celebraciones Dussehera, se adoran las
armas de guerra. Se llama Ayudha Puja ('Ayudhya' significa arma). Baba dice: "Las seis
malas tendencias que envuelven la naturaleza del hombre y actuan como obstculos para
su progreso espiritual, a saber: Kama (deseo), krodha (ira), lobha (avaricia, la avaricia),
moha (infactuation), mada (orgullo y arrogancia) y mathsarya (celos), tambin deben ser
igualmente adorados". Pero aqu, hay una diferencia sutil. Su adoracin consiste en
volcarlos a Dios, para que, en lugar de obstruir el progreso del aspirante, puedan ayudarle.
Por lo tanto, las mismas tendencias que son consideradas normalmente como malas estn
transmutadas en buenas. Cmo puede ser eso posible? Oigamos lo que dice Baba:

Traditionally, on the Vijaya Dasami day during the Dussehera celebrations, weapons of war are worshipped. It is called Ayudha Pooja ('Ayudhya'
means weapon). Baba says, "The six evil tendencies which envelop man's nature and act as hindrances to his spiritual progress, viz., kama
(desire), krodha (anger), lobha (avarice, miserliness), moha (infactuation), mada (pride and arrogance) and mathsarya (jealousy), should also be
likewise worshipped." But here, there is a subtle difference. Their worship consists of turning them towards God so that, instead of obstructing
the aspirant's progress, they would actually help it. Thus, the very tendencies which are ordinarily considered to be evil are metamorphised into
good. How can it be possible? Let us hear what Baba says :

"Kama es deseo intenso y compulsivo. Dirigirlo hacia Dios. Luego transformalo en un
deseo de tener el darshan del Seor, para ganar su favor, para obtener su gracia. Asi Kama
toma la forma del afn de llegar a Dios.

"Kama is intense, compulsive desire. Direct it towards God. It then changes into a craving to have darshan of the Lord, to win His favour, to
obtain His Grace. Kama takes the shape of eagerness to reach God.

"Krodha significa ira. Vuelvete a Dios y pide con enojo: "Por qu no has venido a m?
Cunto tiempo debo seguir esperando? Qu culpa he cometido? Por qu, pues, no me
otorgas tu gracia?" Manten todo esto contra l y persiste con impaciencia. Tu ira se
transformar en determinacin, un rasgo beneficioso y positivo en tu vida.

"Krodha means anger. Turn it towards God and ask angrily, "Why has He not come to me? How long should I keep waiting? What fault have I
committed? Why does He not bestow His Grace on me?" Hold it all against Him and persist with your impatience. Your anger is transformed
into determination, a positive beneficial trait in your life.

"Lobha significa avaricia. Cuando la vuelves hacia Dios, se empieza a sentir una intensa
posesividad. Tu sientes: "l me pertenece a mi y slo a m." "l es mi Seor y yo no
pertenezco a nadie ms," tu mente grita que desea intensamente apoderarse de Dios, para
poseerlo totalmente y exclusivamente. Lobha se transmuta en una intensa ansia de Dios y
nos ayuda a aferrarnos a l con la posesividad de una sola mente.

"Lobha means miserliness. When you turn it towards God, you begin to feel intense possessiveness. You feel, "He belongs to me and to me
only." "He is my Lord and I belong to none else," your mind cries out; it intensely desires to get hold of God, to possess Him totally and
exclusively. Lobha transmutes itself into intense craving for God; and helps one to hold on to Him with single-minded possessiveness.

"Moha significa el enamoramiento, la prdida de nuestro sentido de la discriminacin.
Cuando se dirige hacia Dios, uno siente que no puedes vivir sin Dios; La vida en este
mundo no tiene ningn encanto, no tiene sentido por ms tiempo sin la compaa de Dios.
Entonces la mente. se niega a escuchar a la razn, no se preocupa por nadie, sino que se
vuelve loco en su anhelo de Dios. Moha se transforma en devocin ciega y compulsiva de

"Moha means infatuation, loss of one's sense of discrimination. When it is directed towards God, one feels that one cannot live without God; life
in this world holds no charm, has no meaning any longer without the company of God. Then the mind refuses to hear to reason, cares for no one;
it turns crazy in its longing for God. Moha transforms into blind and compulsive devotion to God.

"Mada significa orgullo junto con arrogancia. Cuando se le da vuelta hacia Dios, se siente:
"Tengo el apoyo y la gracia de Dios, tengo una gran influencia; nadie puede atreverse a
cruzarse en mi camino, no le temo a nada; Cmo podria Dios abandonarme?" Tal es el
cambio de pensamiento de Mada en fe y confianza en Dios.

"Mada means pride coupled with arrogance. When you turn it towards God, you feel, "I have the support and grace of God; I have great clout;
none can dare to cross my path; I fear nothing; How can God desert me?" Such thinking changes mada into faith and trust in God.

"Mathsarya significa celos. Cuando se dirige hacia Dios, se sentir: 'Dios mo, mi Seor
est siendo seducido y llevado lejos por alguien, l se me est distanciando'. Estos
pensamientos te hacen agitar, y te encuentras con que tu mathsarya es pronto transformado
en el abrumador deseo de cercana con Dios.

"Mathsarya means jealousy. When it is directed towards God, you will feel, 'My God, my own Lord is being enticed away by somebody; he is
distancing me'. Such thoughts make you agitated, and you find that your mathsarya is soon transformed into overpowering desire for closeness
with God.

"Los leones en un circo obedecen diligentemente al domador principal. Del mismo modo, si
las seis malas tendencias del hombre se subordinan a su Maestro, pierden su salvajismo
natural y se convierten en inofencivas. Este es el verdadero sentido y significado de
Ayudhya Puja."

"Lions in a circus dutifully obey the ring-master. Similarly, if man's six evil tendencies are subordinated to their Master, they lose their natural
wildness and become subdued. This is the true meaning and significance of Ayudhya Pooja."

Algunos de los devotos trajeron perlas, corales y oro para ser ofrecidos como ofrendas en el
Yajnagundam (fuego ceremonial en el que se hacen ofrendas rituales a Agni durante
yajna). Swami les exhort: "Hagan las ofrendas de su Gunas en el Yajnagundam. Esas son
las perlas preciosas y las joyas que hace bien renunciar." Al realizar el yaja, se debe
apuntar a lograr una meta ms alta de elevacin del alma. Eso s que es el fruto glorioso del
arduo proceso del yaja.

Some of the devotees brought pearls, corals and gold to be offered as oblations in the Yajnagundam (ceremonial fire in which ritual offerings are
made to Agni during yajna). Swami exhorted them, "Make offerings of your Gunas in the Yajnagundam. Those are the precious pearls and
jewels you will do well to give up." When performing yajna, one should aim at achieving a higher goal of elevating one's soul. That really is the
glorious fruition of the arduous process of yajna.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih

Quin ms sabe

End of Chapter 5

DIA 3: (Continuacin)


Captulo 6


DAY 3 : (Contd.)
Chapter 6

Esta es la forma humana en la que cada entidad divina, cada principio divino, es decir, todos
los nombres y formas adscritos por el hombre a Dios se manifiestan. Ustedes son muy
afortunados de tener la oportunidad de experimentar la dicha de la visin del Sarva Devata
Svarupa, ahora en esta misma vida.

This is the human form in which every divine entity, every divine principle, that is say, all the names and forms ascribed by man to God are
manifest... You are very fortunate that you have a chance to experience the bliss of the vision of the Sarva Devata Swaroopa, now in this very life.
~ Baba ~

El gran rishi Garga fue un erudito de la astronoma. l era tambin un santo sacerdote de
la dinasta Yadava. Era el autor de un tratado en snscrito llamado Garga Samhita. Al
comienzo de este trabajo, describi las cualidades y la naturaleza de una "encarnacin
plena y completa (Purna Avathar)":

The great rishi Garga was a learned scholar of astronomy. He was also the holy priest to the Yadava dynasty. He was the author of a Sanskrit
treatise called Garga Samhitha. At the commencement of that work, he described the qualities and nature of a "full and complete incarnation
(poorna avathar)"
"Yasmin sarvani Thejamsi Vileenayam La SWA Thejasi,
Tham Vadanti pare Sakshath pari poornathamam Swayam".

Esa encarnacin del Supremo, que abarca en s la gloria divina de todos los dioses, es la
encarnacin plena y completa. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba satisface esta descripcin en
todos los aspectos.

That incarnation of the Supreme, which encompasses within itself the divine glory of all the gods, is the full and complete incarnation. Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai Baba satisfies this description in all respects.

Pedda Bottu, ferviente devota de ambos Shirdi Sai y Sathya Sai, escribi un libro llamado
"Sri Sathya Sai Vratha kalpam", que describe el procedimiento de culto ritualista de
Bhagavan. Ella guard el manuscrito terminado de forma segura en su caja. Cuando volvi
a abrir el libro, un da, se encontr con que se haban realizado numerosas modificaciones
y alteraciones en tinta roja. Todos eran de la mano inconfundible de Bhagavan Mismo.
Dondequiera que ella haba usado las palabras, "Sarva Devatha Swarupa", al referirse a
Swami (es decir, la forma encarnada de todos los dioses), fueron cambiados para leer,
"Sarva Devatha - athitha Swarupa" (es decir, la forma que trasciende todos los dioses).
Hace siglos, cuando el santo Telugu y compositor Pothana estaba traduciendo la pica de
Sri Maha Bhagavatham del snscrito al Telugu, el propio Seor Sri Rama, se dice,
contribuy a su texto. De la misma forma Bhagavan Sathya Baba engrandeci texto Pedda
Bottu en Sus mano. De este modo, l proclam al mundo , por escrito, que l trasciende
todo dios.

Pedda Bottu, ardent devotee of both Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai, wrote a book called 'Sri Sathya Sai Vratha Kalpam' which describes the procedure
of ritualistic worship of Bhagavan. She kept the finished manuscript safely in her box. When she opened the book one day, she found that
numerous modifications and alterations had been made in it in red ink. They were all in the unmistakable hand of Bhagavan Himself. Wherever
she had used the words, "Sarva Devatha Swaroopa", while referring to Swami (meaning, the embodied form of all gods), they were altered to
read, "Sarva Devatha-atheetha Swaroopa" (meaning the form that transcends all gods). Centuries ago, when the Telugu saint-composer Pothana
was translating the epic Sri Maha Bhagavatham from Sanskrit to Telugu, Lord Sri Rama himself, it is said, contributed to his text. In the same
way, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba amplified Pedda Bottu's text in His own hand. Thereby, He proclaimed to the world, in writing, that He
transcends every god.

Citando sus propias palabras, "Esta, mi forma humana, encarna todos los dharmas
(creencias) y poderes divinos (sakthis) de todos los dioses. Nunca dudes de esto en absoluto.
Si instala esta forma divina Ma en el trono de tu corazn, con fe inquebrantable, sers
capaz de tener una visin de Mi forma Universal prstina. voy a probar que cada forma,
cada atributo, que el hombre aprecia y adora como pertenecientes slo a Dios, pertenece a
la forma Sai solamente"

To cite His own words, "This, My human form, embodies all dharmas (faiths) and divine powers (sakthis) of all gods. Never doubt this at all. If
you install this divine form of Mine on the throne of your heart, with unshakable faith, you will be able to have a glimpse of My pristine
Universal Form. I will prove that every form, every attribute, which man cherishes and worships as pertaining only to God, belongs to the form
of Sai only."

Swami Amrithananda, discpulo del famoso santo de Arunachalam, a saber, Sri Ramana
Maharshi, viaj desde Arunachalam a Puttaparthi para el darshan de Bhagavan Sri Sai.
Bhagavan se acerc a el y con una voz dulce le dijo, "Amritham!". Swami Amrithananda
estaba encantado. Ramana Maharshi, el gran santo, sola tratarlo exactamente de la misma
manera, con el mismo cario y toque de intimidad. Sinti que el llamado de Sai Baba, era
un lila con un significado especial. Durante la conversacin con los 85 aos de edad de
Amrithananda, Swami le dijo, "A tus siete aos, realizaste el Ganapathi Homam
(oblaciones en el fuego sagrado al seor ganesha) de forma continua durante 45 das. Como
tu hiciste ofrendas en el gundam homa, recitando un mantra sagrado que contiene bija
Aksharas (letras sagrados o sonidos raz cargados de espiritualidad), 'Om', 'Sriim',
'Hriim', 'Klim', y 'Gliim', a razn de miles cada da. Ests consciente de lo que la
Escrituras dicen sobre el resultado beneficioso de ese yaga? se dice que si un devoto lo
realiza en la forma prescrita, pudiendo terminarlo, la cabeza de elefante del Seor Maha
Ganapati (ganesha) emerge del gundam homa (fuego) resplandeciente con su tez dorada y
da el divino darshan y bendiciones a los devotos. Alguna vez tuviste ese darshan? "

Swami Amrithananda, disciple of the celebrated saint of Arunachalam, namely, Sri Ramana Maharshi, travelled from Arunachalam to Puttaparthi
for Bhagavan Sri Sai's darshan. Bhagavan drew close to him and in a sweet voice addressed him, "Amritham!" Swami Amrithananda was
thrilled. Ramana Maharshi, the great saint, used to address him exactly in the same manner, with the same affection and touch of intimacy. Sai
Baba's call, he felt, was a leela with special significance. During conversation with the 85 year-old Amrithananda, Swami told him, "In your
seventh year, you performed Ganapathi Homam (oblations in holy fire) continuously for 45 days. As you made offerings in the homa gundam,
you recited a sacred manthra containing Beeja Aksharas (sacred and spiritually charged root-letters, sounds), 'Om', 'Sreem', 'Hreem', 'Kleem', and
'Gleem', at the rate of a thousand times every day. Are you aware what the scriptures say about the beneficial result of that yaga? It is said that if
a devotee performs it on the prescribed lines, at the conclusion thereof, the elephant-headed Lord Maha Ganapathi emerges out of the homa
gundam resplendent in his golden complexion and gives divine darshan and blessings to the devotee. Did you ever have such a darshan?"

Amrithananda respondi: "No era ms que un nio de siete aos para entonces. Podra
obtener el darshan divino de Maha Ganapati slo a por algunas ofrendas en el gundam
homa?" Sri Sai Baba le asegur: "Es slo por el resultado de la recitacin del mantra y las
ofrendas de entonces, que has venido a Mi presencia hoy en esta edad avanzada. Estas
recibiendo el beneficio de ese Homam (fuego) en estos momentos. Las escrituras nunca
fallan "se le pidi Amrithananda que mirara hacia Swami y mientras lo haca, vio , en que
en lugar de Bhagavan, la gloriosa forma de Maha Ganapati con su maravillosa tez.

Amrithananda replied, "I was then only a boy of seven years. Could the divine darshan of Maha Ganapathi be obtained merely through offerings
in the homa gundam?" Sri Sai Baba assured him, "It is only because of the result of that recitation of manthra and offerings made then, that you
have come into My presence now at this advanced age. You shall receive the benefit of that homam right now. Scriptures never go
wrong." Amrithananda was asked to look towards Swami and as he did so, he saw, in the place of Bhagavan, Maha Ganapathi's glorious form
with marvelous complexion.

El Seor Subrahmanya Swamy era la deidad familiar de la familia Bhatt de Mysore. En
1943, la Sra. Bhatt se le diagnostic que sufra de cncer. Los mdicos aconsejaron una
operacin quirrgica, pero su suegra no estaba de acuerdo. Ella insisti en que como todos
eran fervientes devotos del Seor Subrahmanya, el Seor seguramente se hara cargo del
paciente. Durante seis largos meses, la familia se peg a su intensa y constante fe y continu
con su adoracin diaria. Pero la condicin del paciente estaba empeorando. Una noche,
tuvo un sueo en el que vio una gran serpiente en movimiento alrededor de su cama.
Alarmada, despert a su suegra. Las luces se enciendieron, pero no encontraron nada.
Despus de algn tiempo, la paciente otra vez so con la misma serpiente, que, en un
instante, se transform en el Seor Subrahmanya. l le atraves el pecho con su tridente.
As atravezada, fue llevada a la cima de un pico de la montaa. Ella cay a los pies del
Seor, que le pregunt si deseaba permanecer all o regresar a su familia. Ella respondi
que preferira volver con su esposo e hijos. Entonces el Seor le dijo: "Ests totalmente
curada. Siempre estar protegiendte" Se vio regresando a este mundo por una estrecha y
hermosa escalera. El sueo era vvido y tranquilizador. Desde ese da en adelante, su salud
mejor de manera constante y pronto se convirti en normal. Incluso mientras ella
indefectiblemente hacia su adoracin diaria, encontr tiempo tambin para servir a los
pobres ya los necesitados con las mejores de sus capacidades.

Lord Subrahmanya Swamy was the family deity of the Bhatt family of Mysore. In 1943, Mrs Bhatt was diagnosed to be suffering from
cancer. Doctors advised a surgical operation but her mother-in-law did not agree. She insisted that as they were all ardent devotees of Lord
Subrahmanya, the Lord would surely take care of the patient. For six long months, the family stuck to their intense and steady faith and
continued with their daily worship. But the patient's condition was worsening. One night, she had a dream in which she saw a great serpent
moving around her bed. Alarmed, she woke up her mother-in-law. Lights were switched on but found nothing. But after some time, the patient
again dreamt of the same serpent, which, in a moment, changed to Lord Subrahmanya. He pierced her chest with His trident. Thus impaled, she
was taken to the top of a mountain peak. She fell at the feet of the Lord who asked her whether she wished to remain there or to return to her
family. She replied that she would prefer to go back to her husband and children. The Lord then told her, "You are fully healed. I will always be
protecting you." She saw herself being returned to this world by a narrow, beautiful stairway. The dream was vivid and reassuring. From that
day onwards, her health steadily improved and soon became normal. Even while she unfailingly did her daily worship, she found time also to
serve the poor and the needy to the best of her ability.

Veinte aos ms tarde, esa seora y su marido fueron a Puttaparthi y tuvieron el darshan
de Sri Sathya Sai por primera vez. Swami les dio una entrevista. l le dijo: "Yo te habl
hace veinte aos. "Ella se sorprendi y protest: "No, Swami. Esta es la primera vez que te
veo. "Pero Swami le dijo, "No, yo vine a ti cuando estabas en Mysore." Tambin mencion
el nombre de la calle donde se alojaban en Mysore durante su enfermedad. Se pregunt. El
nombre de la calle era, por supuesto, correcto. Pero, cundo Swami estuvo all? Cuando
l habl con ella? No tena ningn recuerdo. Entonces, se acord de las escaleras que
conducen desde la sala de entrevistas a la habitacin de Swami ubicada en el piso superior.
Cont los pasos. Eran dieciocho en nmero, eran estrechas y hermosas. Cmo no las vi
antes? De repente se acord que los habia visto en su sueo de hace dos dcadas. Eran los
mismos pasos que el Seor Subrahmanya haba vuelto a bajar a este mundo. Un momento,
antes de que pudiera recuperarse de su asombro, Swami hizo girar Su mano y materializ
una hermosa figura del Seor Subrahmanya Swamy, adornada con adornos de serpientes y
sentado en un carro. Puso esa imagen en sus manos agradecidas. Se dio cuenta de que el
siempre misericordioso Sai Baba era el mismo que el Seor Subrahmanya Swamy que era
adorado en su casa todos los das. Lav Pies de Loto de Baba con sus copiosas lgrimas de
placer exquisito.

Twenty years later, that lady and her husband went to Puttaparthi and had the darshan of Sri Sathya Sai for the first time. Swami gave them an
interview. He told her, "I spoke to you twenty years ago." She was taken aback and protested, "No, Swami. This is the first time I am seeing
you." But Swami told her, "No, I came to you when you were in Mysore." He also mentioned the name of the street where they were staying in
Mysore during her illness. She wondered. The name of the street was of course correct. But when did Swami come there? When did He speak
to her? She had no recollection. Then, she noticed the staircase leading from the interview room to Swami's room located on the upper
floor. She counted the steps. They were eighteen in number; they were narrow and beautiful. When did she see them before? She suddenly
remembered to have seen them in her dream two decades ago. They were the same steps, which Lord Subrahmanya had returned her down to
this world. In a moment, before she could recover from her wonderment, Swami waved His hand and materialized a beautiful figure of Lord
Subrahmanya Swamy, adorned with ornaments of serpents and seated on a chariot. He placed that image in her grateful hands. She realized that
the ever-merciful Sai Baba was the same as Lord Subrahmanya Swamy who was worshipped at their home every day. She washed Baba's Lotus
Feet with her copious tears of exquisite happiness.

El Seor Subrahmanya Swami est hoy al lado de su hermano mayor, Maha Ganapati, en
Prashanti Nilayam. Su dolo fue instalado all por Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, el 21 de
septiembre de 1997.

Lord Subrahmanya Swami stands today by the side of his elder brother, Maha Ganapathi, in Prashanti Nilayam. His idol was installed there by
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 21st September 1997.

Rama Raju, el entonces Presidente Municipal del distrito de Bellary, vino a Uravakonda
para satisfacer a Sathyam. En aquellos das, Sathyam tambin era llamado Raju. Rama
Raju dijo Seshama Raju, "Nos gustara tener su Raju con nosotros en Bellary durante las
prximas vacaciones de la escuela. Crees que tu hermano es slo un chico normal. Te
equivocas. Mi corazn se conmueve por su pureza y el brillo en su cara. puedo ver una
refulgencia divina en l. por favor traelo y permanece con nosotros durante algunos das".
Esos eran los das en que Seshama Raju estaba un tanto preocupado por el
comportamiento inusual de su hermano. Sinti que un cambio de lugar podria ayudar a
mejorar la salud mental de Satyam. l acept la invitacin de Rama Raju y fue a Bellary.

Rama Raju, the then Municipal Chairman of Bellary district, came to Uravakonda to meet Sathyam. In those days, Sathyam was also called
Raju. Rama Raju told Seshama Raju, "We would like to have your Raju with us in Bellary during the next school vacation. You think your
brother is just an ordinary boy. You are wrong. My heart is moved by his purity and the glow in his face. I can see a divine effulgence in
him. Please bring him along and stay with us for some days." Those were the days when Seshama Raju was somewhat worried about his
brother's unusual behaviour. He felt that a change of place might help to improve Sathyam's mental health. He accepted Rama Raju's invitation
and went to Bellary.

Un da, se organiz un viaje a Hampi (capital del imperio Vijayanagar de la antao) para
ver el famoso templo del Seor Virupaksha (Shiva). Todos ellos entraron en el templo, pero
Sathyam qued fuera, tenia un malestar en el estmago, mientras los otros entraron.
Cuando el sacerdote del templo estaba ofreciendo arathi (ofrenda de luz) a la deidad que
preside, los devotos vieron la imagen de Satyam en el sanctasanctrum en lugar de la
deidad del Seor Virupaksha. Seshama Raju estaba enojado. Pens: "Sathyam dijo que no
iba a entrar en el templo, pero de algn modo se ha colado y tomado el lugar del Seor.
Esto es una blasfemia. "Sali con ira slo para ver Sathyam parado all debajo de un rbol.
Seshama Raju qued desconcertado. Mientras l estaba fuera vigilando a Sathyam, deleg
a otra persona para que entrara y verificara las cosas all. Se sorprendi cuando le dijeron
que Sathyam estaba dentro del templo, pens que le daba un ataque, pues su hijo estaba
bajo el rbol de afuera.

One day, he organized a trip to Hampi (capital of the Vijayanagar empire of the yesteryears) to see the famous temple of Lord Viroopaksha
(Shiva). All of them went into the temple but Sathyam stayed out, pleading some discomfort in his stomach while the others entered it. When
the temple priest was offering arathi to the presiding deity, the devotees saw the image of Sathyam in the sanctum sanctorum in place of the deity
of Lord Viroopaksha. Seshama Raju was angry. He thought, 'Sathyam said that he would not enter the temple; but he has somehow sneaked in
and taken the place of the Lord. This is blasphemous.' He went out in anger only to see Sathyam standing there under a tree. Seshama Raju was
puzzled. While he stood outside keeping an eye on Sathyam, he deputed another person to go inside and verify things there. He was surprised
when he was told that Sathyam was seen very much within the temple even as he stood under the tree outside.

Como dice el refrn, "Anthar Bahischa Tath-Sarvam Vyapya Narayana Stthithah."
As the saying goes, "Anthar Bahischa Tath-Sarvam Vyapya Narayana Stthithah."

El Seor Narayana es omnipresente, presente tanto dentro como fuera, en todas partes al
mismo tiempo. Todos en el grupo se dieron cuenta de que este Sathya Narayana tambin
era omnipresente, presente en todas partes al mismo tiempo, tanto dentro como fuera del
templo! Tambin es de destacar que en ese momento, Bhagavan an no haba proclamado
su avataridad. El grupo sali del templo con gran jbilo y mir la cara de Satyam. Pero se
dieron cuenta de que no haba nada inusual en ese rostro, como si nada extraordinario
hubiera ocurrido.

Lord Narayana is all pervasive, present both inside and outside, everywhere at the same time. Everyone in the group realized that this Sathya
Narayana too was all pervasive, present everywhere at the same time, both inside and outside the temple! It is also noteworthy that by that time,
Bhagavan had not yet proclaimed His avatharhood. The group came out of the temple in great exultation and looked at Sathyam's face. But they
noticed nothing unusual in that face, as if nothing extra-ordinary had happened.

Es bien sabido que Swami es el creador de vibhuti. Se le ve cada da materializar grandes
cantidades del mismo y distribuirlo entre los devotos. Durante las festividades de Shiva
ratri (destacada por la manifestacin de Seor Shiva en forma de Lingam), Baba solia para
realizar Abhishekam (ritual de verter agua) sobre la imagen de Shirdi Baba utilizando, en
lugar de agua, vibhuthi emanando de un vaso de plata vaca. El vibhuti nunca terminaba!

It is well-known that Swami is the creator of vibhuthi. He is seen every day materializing large quantities of it and distributing it among
devotees. During festivities of Shiva Rathri (marking Lord Shiva's manifestation in the form of Lingam), Baba used to perform Abhishekam
(ritual of pouring, ususally water) on Shirdi Baba's image using, instead of water, vibhuthi emanating out of an empty silver vessel. The vibhuthi
would never run out!

Una especial ocasin merece ser descrita. A campo abierto cerca del Mandir de Prashanti,
en el centro de una tarima llamada Shanti Vedika, se construy un elevado pedestal. Un
dolo de plata de cuatro pies de alto de Shirdi Sai se coloc en el pedestal. Kasturi estaba a
un lado del dolo y mantenia un recipiente de plata vaco al revs un poco por encima de la
cabeza del dolo. Por otro lado se encontraba Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai quien inserta su
mano derecha en la boca de la vasija invertida con un movimiento de batido. El Vibhuti se
derramaba en grandes cantidades en todo momento desde la mano divina. Caia sobre el
dolo como un diluvio. Despus de un rato, Sri Sai Baba retira su mano derecha, inserta su
mano izquierda y produce un caudal de vibhuti en el instante en que gira su mano en el
interior del recipiente. Dio vueltas, ahora con la mano derecha y luego con la izquierda. El
dolo pronto se cubre plenamente con el vibhuti. Los devotos entran en xtasis de alegra y
aplauden con entuciasmo.

A particular occasion deserves to be described. In the open ground close to Prashanti Mandir, in the centre of a dais called Santhi Vedika, a
raised pedestal was set up. A four-feet high silver idol of Shirdi Sai was positioned on the pedestal. Sri Kasturi stood on one side of the idol and
held an empty silver vessel upside down a little above the idol's head. On the other side stood Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai and inserted His right
hand into the mouth of the inverted vessel in a churning motion. Vibhuthi poured out in huge quantities at every turn of the divine hand. It fell
over the idol like a deluge. After a little while, Sri Sai Baba removed His right hand, inserted His left hand and brought forth a downpour of
vibhuthi as he rotated His hand inside the vessel. He took turns, now with the right hand and then with the left one. The idol was soon covered
fully with the vibhuthi. Devotees went into raptures of joy and incessant clapping.

Entonces Sri Sathya Sai limpi la cabeza y la cara de Shirdi Sai con un trozo de tela.
Materializa con un gesto de su mano una esmeralda y la coloca sobre la frente del dolo. Se
qued all. Fue una impresionante milagro. Slo tenemos que sumergirnos en la gloriosa
vista de tales milagros, olvidarnos de nosotros mismos y convertirnos en uno con la
divinidad, la cual tenemos la bendicin de presenciar.

Then Sri Sathya Sai wiped the head and face of Shirdi Sai with a piece of cloth. He materialized with a wave of His hand an emerald and placed
it on the forehead of the idol. It stuck there. It was a breath-taking miracle. We have only to immerse ourselves in the glorious sight of such
miracles, forget ourselves and become one with the divinity, that we are blessed to witness.

Ese da de Shivaratri (adoracin de Shiva), los devotos vieron el Shiva Lingam
materializandoce en el estmago de Baba y emergiendo de su boca. Sri Sathya Sai estaba
dando su nectarino discurso y los devotos estaban absortos. De repente, Baba dej de
hablar y se sent. Los devotos comenzaron a cantar canciones de bhajans en voz alta. Sri
Sai estaba sudando. Beba con frecuencia agua de un vaso de vidrio colocado en su mesa.
Se observaron algunos movimientos cerca de su estmago. Estaba dando vueltas como si le
doliera. Los cantos de bhajans continuaron cada vez con mayor entusiasmo. El Athma
Lingam comenz a moverse hacia arriba desde el estmago, lleg a la garganta y de pronto
surgi de su boca. Baba recibi el brillante Lingam en sus palmas abiertas que se
mantenian unidas, y la sostuvo en alto para que los miles de devotos se reunieron pudieran
verlo. Debido a que el gran Lingam surgi de la boca, haba manchas de sangre en las
comisuras de sus labios.

On that Shiva Rathri day, devotees saw Shiva Lingam materializing in Baba's stomach and emerging out of His mouth. Sri Sathya Sai was giving
His nectarine discourse and devotees were in rapt attention. Suddenly, Baba stopped speaking and sat down. Devotees started singing bhajan
songs loudly. Sri Sai was sweating. He was frequently sipping water from a glass tumbler placed on His table. Some movements were noticed
near His stomach. He was twisting and turning as if in pain. Singing of bhajans continued with greater and greater enthusiasm. The Athma
Lingam began to move upwards from His stomach, reached the throat and suddenly emerged out of His mouth. Baba held the brilliant Lingam in
His open palms held together, and held it up so that the thousands of devotees assembled there could see it. As the large Lingam emerged out of
the mouth, the corners of His mouth split and there were stains of blood.

Bhagavan se dirigi al pblico y explic el significado de la materializacin del Lingam,
"No se puede comprender la naturaleza completa de la divinidad. Tampoco se puede medir
la Potencia divina (Shakti) y su Gloria. Es inalcanzable e invisible. Este incidente de la
materializacin de Lingam es una demostracin, incluido en el mbito limitado de su
comprensin, de la divinidad, que est presente aqu justo en medio de ustedes . Tienen el
privilegio de presenciar este espectculo maravilloso por la gracia divina y de su buena

Bhagavan addressed the audience and explained the significance of the materialization of the Lingam, "You cannot comprehend the full nature of
divinity. Nor can you measure divine power (Sakthi) and its glory. It is unreachable and unseen. This incident of the materialization of Lingam
is a demonstration, brought within the limited scope of your comprehension of that divinity, which is present here right in your midst. You are
privileged to witness this marvellous spectacle because of divine grace and your good fortune."

En febrero de 1974, con motivo de Shivaratri, Bhagavan materializ un Lingam de su boca
e hizo un pronunciamiento sensacional. Dirigindose a los devotos, l dijo: "Este es el
Atma Lingam de diez medidas (Dasha-angulam) como se describe por Sage Kapiladeva en
los Vedas y los Upanishads. Sus vidas han alcanzado su objetivo, ya que han visto esta
forma divina. Ustedes se hanliverado del ciclo universal universal de nacimiento y muerte.
Este Lingam mide diez centmetros de dimetro. Pueden ver que hay un tridente en el
Lingam en forma de llama, que cambia de color cada diez minutos!"

In February 1974, on the occasion of Shiva Rathri, Bhagavan materialized a Lingam from His mouth and made a sensational
pronouncement. Addressing the devotees, He said, "This is the Aathma Lingam of ten inches (dasha-angulam) as described by Sage Kapiladeva
in the Vedas and the Upanishads. Your lives have attained fulfillment because you have seen this divine form. You are released from the cycle
of universal birth and death. This Lingam measures ten inches around. You see a trident within the Lingam in the form of a flame, which
changes its colour every ten minutes!"

Despus de muchos aos, Bhagavan materializ de nuevo un Shiva Lingam nombradolo
Hiranyagarbha Lingam en el da propicio de Shiva ratri de 1999. Una vez ms en el da de
la Shivaratri en el ao siguiente, Bhagavan Sathya Sai materializ de su boca un Shiva-
Lingam de oro Swarna Lingam, y lo mostr a los miles de devotos reunidos en el Saln
Sai Kulwant, los que entraron en xtasis de alegra. Ellos sentan que estaban
inmensamente bendecidos por el Seor.

After many long years, Bhagavan again materialized a Shiva Lingam named Hiranyagarbha Lingam on the auspicious day of Shiva Rathri in
1999. Again on the day of the Shiva Rathri in the following year, Bhagavan Sathya Sai materialized from His mouth a golden Shiva Lingam -
Swarna Lingam, and showed it to the thousands of devotees assembled in the Sai Kulwant Hall, who went into raptures with joy. They felt that
they were immensely blessed by the Lord.
Fin del captulo 5

En 1972, las clases de entrenamiento de verano estaban a punto de comenzar en Brindavan.
Ochocientos devotos, nios y nias, seleccionados de diferentes regiones del pas se
reunieron en Whitefield. La madre de Swami, Ishvaramma, obtuvo su permiso al unirse a
otras mujeres devotas en Brindavan durante los treinta das de entrenamiento. Se le di
alojamiento en el piso de abajo del de Swami.

In 1972, training classes in summer were about to commence at Brindavan. Eight hundred devotees, boys and girls, selected from various regions
of the country assembled at Whitefield. Swami's mother, Easwaramma, obtained His permission to join other women devotees at Brindavan for
the thirty days of training. She was given accommodation on the floor below that of Swami.

Los aprendices se despertaron en las primeras horas del da. Hicieron la recitacin del
Omkar (Pranavam), cantos devocionales, yogasanas, bhajans, el servicio a los pobres y
otras actividades. Los participantes se mostraban muy entusiasmados y alegres. Para
Ishvaramma, todo era como una ocasin festiva, todos los das en el templo de la diosa
Saraswati, la diosa del aprendizaje.

The trainees woke up daily in the early hours. They went through the incantation of Omkar (Pranavam), devotional songs, yogasanas, bhajans,
service to the poor and other activities. The participants were very enthusiastic and lively. For Easwaramma, all that was like a festive occasion
every day in the temple of Goddess Saraswathi, the Goddess of Learning.

El undcimo da del campamento, Ishvaramma experiment una experiencia emocionante.
A la maana siguiente, ella se apresur a Pedda Bottu que era bien conocido tambin como
Shirdi Ma. Ella era todo entusiasmo como le dijo Pedda Bottu, "debo informarles acerca de
una maravillosa experiencia que tuve. Pero promtanme que nunca se lo diran a nadie."
Pedda Bottu se acerc a ella y confidencialmente le pregunt de qu se trataba todo esto.
Con Dicha Ishvaramma dijo: "Nuestro Swami es realmente Dios mismo! no me cabe duda
alguna." Pedda Bottu se ech a rer. Ishvaramma le pregunt qu era tan gracioso de lo
que dijo. Pedda Bottu la tranquiliz: "No, no. No estoy riendo de tus palabras. Yo slo
estoy expresando mi alegra de que este hecho haya llegado a tu conocimiento por fin. Pero
entre nosotros, dime cmo has llegado a esta conclusin. "Ishvaramma dijo: "Ustedes
saben que he estado teniendo fiebre alta en los ltimos cuatro das. Anoche, Swami vino a
m." Pedda Bottu interrumpi, "Fue en un sueo?" "No", dijo Ishvaramma, "Yo no era
capaz de dormir y estaba rodando incmoda de un lado a otro de la cama. Swami vino a m
en persona y pregunt cmo me senta. Le dije: mi cuerpo, me duele todo el cuerpo.
Ahora, cmo te lo digo, Pedda Bottu, l no es nuestro acostumbrado Swami que tu y yo
vemos todos los das. en un momento, se convirti en el Seor Sri Rama, con una corona
deslumbrante en su cabeza y un largo arco en su mano. l estaba de pie a mi lado. me
sorprendi, pero lo salud. Tambin intent con difcultad levantarme y sentarme en la
cama, no para salirme, pero no poda hacerlo. En un instante, el Seor Rama se convirti
en nuestro familiar Swami. l sonri amablemente y me di un poco de prasadam vibhuthi
y me dijo: 'la fiebre desaparecer. no te preocupes," y se fue. "Pedda Bottu estaba feliz y
eufrico. El le dijo: "Swami ciertamente te ha bendecido. Qu experiencia tan memorable!
"Ishvaramma estaba en plena vigilia y conciencia cuando vi Sri Sathya Sai como el Seor
Sri Rama. Ella es de hecho excepcionalmente afortunada y bendecida.

On the eleventh day of the training camp, Easwaramma experienced a thrilling experience. The next morning, she rushed to Pedda Bottu who
was well known also as Shirdi Ma. She was all excitement as she told Pedda Bottu, "I must inform you about a wonderful experience I had. But
promise me that you would never tell anybody about it." Pedda Bottu moved closer to her and confidentially enquired what it was all about. Said
Easwaramma, "Our Swami is truly God Himself! I have no doubt whatsoever." Pedda Bottu burst out laughing. Easwaramma asked what was
so funny about what she said. Pedda Bottu reassured her, "No, no. I am not laughing at your words. I am only expressing my joy that this fact
has come to your knowledge at long last. But leave that alone, tell me how you have come to this realization." Easwaramma said, "You know I
am having high fever for the last four days. Last night, Swami came to me." Pedda Bottu interrupted, "Was it in a dream?" "No", said
Easwaramma, "I was not able to sleep and was uncomfortably rolling this side and that in bed. Swami came to me in person and enquired how I
was feeling. I told Him that my body was aching all over. Now, how should I tell you, Pedda Bottu, He is not our usual Swami whom you and I
see every day. In a moment, He became Lord Sri Rama, with a dazzling crown on His head and a long bow in His hand. He stood by my side. I
was surprised but saluted Him. I also tried hard to get up and sit on the bed, even to get out of it, but could not do so. In a few moments, Lord Sri
Rama became our familiar Swami. He smiled gently and gave me a little vibhuthi prasadam. He said, 'Fever will disappear. Don't worry,' and
left." Pedda Bottu was happy and elated. She said, "Swami has certainly blessed you. What a memorable experience!" Easwaramma was in full
wakefulness and consciousness when she saw Sri Sathya Sai as Lord Sri Rama. She is indeed exceptionally fortunate and blessed.

Como hechos posteriores lo indican, la experiencia divina que tuvo era probablemente un
indicador de la fusin que se acercaba del alma de Ishvaramma con el Ser Supremo. Al da
siguiente, 6 de mayo de 1972 a las 6 am, los alumnos acababan de regresar despus de
completar el sankirthan nagara. Swami les dio darshan desde el balcn de su residencia y
se fue a tomar un bao. Mientras tanto, Ishvaramma tena su bao, tom su taza de caf y
se sent en la terraza interior para relajarse. De repente, se volvi hacia el cuarto de bao y
clam por Swami. "Swami, Swami!", Grit y se desplom. Swami respondi desde el
interior del cuarto de bao, "voy, voy!" Eso fue todo. Ella di su ltimo respir.

As subsequent events indicate, that divine experience she had was probably a pointer to the approaching merger of Easwaramma' s soul with the
Supreme Being. The very next day, 6th May 1972 at 6am, the trainees had just returned after completing nagara sankeerthan. Swami gave them
darshan from the balcony of His residence and went in to have a bath. Meanwhile, Easwaramma had her bath, took her morning cup of coffee
and sat down in the inner veranda to relax. Suddenly, she turned towards the bathroom and cried out for Swami. "Swami! Swami!", she called
and collapsed. Swami responded from inside the bathroom, "I am coming, coming!" That was all. She breathed her last.

El 6 de mayo de 1983, Swami habl con motivo del aniversario de la muerte (vardhanthi)
de Ishvaramma. En referencia a las caractersticas especiales que distinguen la gran
seora, y la forma de su muerte, dijo: "Por lo general, en esos momentos la mente mora en
los ornamentos de oro u objetos de valor similares. Es slo para muy pocas personas que
Swami viene a la mente en el momento final. Desde el piso de abajo, ella grit a por m,"
Swami, Swami!" Le respond: 'voy, voy!" Y se fue. La situacin es como Maha Vishnu
corriendo para bendecir Gajindra en respuesta a su llamada desesperada de auxilio divino.
Cuando los dos cables vivos se renen, como un flash!, en un momento, se alcanza la
salvacin. En el momento crucial, la hija de Ishvaramma y su nieta, Venkamma y Shailaja,
estaban a su lado. Pero ella desesperadamente clamaban slo para Swami. Esto es una
prueba fehaciente de su piedad y la rectitud, la recompensa no tiene precio por su gran
sadhana (prctica de austeridades espirituales). He aqu un excelente ejemplo para ser

On 6th May 1983, Swami spoke on the occasion of the death anniversary (vardhanthi) of Easwaramma. Referring to the special characteristics
which distinguished the great lady, and the manner of her death, He said, "Usually, at such moments one's mind dwells on ornaments of gold or
similar valuables. It is only to very few persons that Swami comes to mind at the final moment. From the floor down below, she cried out to for
me, 'Swami! Swami!' I responded, 'I am coming, coming!' And she left. The situation is just like Maha Vishnu rushing to bless Gajendra in
response to his desperate call for divine succour. As the two live wires meet like a flash, in a moment, one attains salvation. At the crucial
moment, Easwaramma's daughter and grand daughter, Venkamma and Shailaja, were by her side. But she desperately cried out only for
Swami. This is an ample proof of her piety and righteousness, the priceless reward for her great sadhana (practice of spiritual austerities). Here
is an excellent example for emulation."

Swami Karunyananda pas varios aos con Ramana Maharshi en Arunachalam. Desde
hace algunos aos, l tambin estaba con Malayala Swami en Gogarbham cerca Tirupathi.
En 1927, fue ordenado sacerdote en sannyasa (renuncia) por Swami Shivananda en
Hrishikesh. Practic muchas austeridades espirituales. Ms tarde, se estableci el
Gowthami Jiva Karunya Sangham en Rajahmundry a orillas del ro Godavari en Andhra
Pradesh, e hizo un gran servicio a los pobres y los necesitados. Como resultado de sus
logros espirituales y sus servicios a la humanidad, fue recompensado con la buena fortuna
de permanecer en las proximidades de Sri Sathya Sai.

Swami Karunyananda spent several years with Ramana Maharshi in Arunachalam. For some years, he was also with Malayala Swami in
Gogarbham near Tirupathi. In 1927, he was ordained into sannyas (renunciation) by Shivananda Swami in Hrishikesh. He practiced many
spiritual austerities. Later, he established the Gowthami Jeeva Karunya Sangham in Rajahmundry on the banks of the river Godavari in Andhra
Pradesh, and did great service to the poor and the needy. As a result of his spiritual attainments and his services to humanity, he was rewarded
with the good fortune of remaining in close proximity to Sri Sathya Sai.

Una vez que Sri Sathya Sai Baba le pidi a Karunyananda que veniera y durmiera en su
habitacin. Pero como l tenia el desafortunado hbito de roncar, vacil en aceptar la
invitacin de Baba. Swami le dijo que no se preocupara por eso, pero que viniera a dormir
en su habitacin.

Once Sri Sathya Sai Baba asked Karunyananda to come and sleep in His room. But being in the unfortunate habit of snoring, he hesitated to
accept Baba's invitation. Swami told him not to worry about it but to come and sleep in His room.

Karunyananda ha declarado que: "Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai nunca duerme. Yace en la
cama en su lado izquierdo. Sus ojos estn siempre entreabiertos. l es plenamente
consciente de lo que est sucediendo a su alrededor." Bhagavan dign a Karunyananda
una experiencia inolvidable de la noche. Swami estaba acostado en su cama.
Karunyananda extendi su cama en el suelo y se durmi. Despus de algn rato, se
despert y se sent y mir hacia la cama de Swami. Sorprendentemente, en lugar de
Swami, encontr Bala Krishna (Krishna, el nio) en la cama de Swami. De l emanaba un
encantador brillo azulado. Karunyananda disfrut de la maravillosa visin con asombro.
Incrdulo, se frot los ojos y volvi a mirar con cuidado. Tambin se asegur de que estaba
despierto y en plena posesin de sus sentidos. No haba ninguna duda. Ciertamente era
Bala Krishna tumbado en la cama de Baba. Despus de unos momentos, una vez ms, se
vea a Baba acostado all en lugar de Bala Krishna!

Karunyananda has since stated, "Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai never sleeps. He lies in bed on his left side. His eyes are always half open. He is fully
aware of what is happening all around him." Bhagavan vouchsafed Karunyananda an unforgettable experience that night. Swami was lying on
His bed. Karunyananda spread his bed on the floor and slept. After some time, he woke up and sat and looked towards Swami's
bed. Surprisingly, in place of Swami, he found Bala Krishna (Krishna, the child) lying in Swami's bed emanating a charming bluish
glow. Karunyananda lapped up the wonderful vision in astonishment. Unbelieving, he rubbed his eyes and looked again carefully. He also
assured himself that he was wide awake and fully in possession of his senses. There was no question of any doubt. It certainly was Bala Krishna
lying on Baba's bed. After a few moments, once again Baba was seen lying there in place of Bala Krishna!

Karunyananda declar despus, "Lo que vi no era ciertamente la imaginacin. Estaba
completamente despierto. Era Bala Krishna con toda seguridad. Tambin fui testigo que
Bala Krishna volvi a transformarce en Sri Sathya Sai. Bhagavan Sathya Sai no muestra
pblicamente su divinidad. Tal vez l siente que tales exhibiciones podran conducir a
multitudes incontrolables que convergeran a l de todas partes".

Karunyananda stated later, "What I witnessed was certainly not imagination. I was fully awake. It was Bala Krishna most certainly. I also
witnessed Bala Krishna changing into Sri Sathya Sai. Bhagavan Sathya Sai does not publicly display his divinity. Perhaps he feels that such
displays might lead to unmanageable crowds converging on Him from far and wide."

En el Sai Sruthi, la residencia de Swami en Kodaikanal, Swami le habl en una ocacin a
sus estudiantes y revel un secreto divino. l dijo: "EL Seor Sriman Narayana ha llegado
a esta tierra en forma humana como Sathya Sai. Por favor, comprendan y acepten este
hecho. Como el Seor Sri Rama y el Seor Sri Krishna, este tambin es un Puurna
Avathar. Grandes sabios y preceptores espirituales han sido enviados aqu de vez en
cuando por el akti-divya (Potencia divina). Pero aqu se ve la encarnacin del Absoluto
Universal en la tierra".

In Sai Sruthi, Swami's residence in Kodaikanal, Swami spoke to His students once and revealed a divine secret. He said, "Lord Sriman Narayana
has come down to this earth in human form as Sathya Sai. Please understand and accept this fact. Like Lord Sri Rama and Lord Sri Krishna, this
too is a Poorna Avathar. Great sages and spiritual preceptors were sent here from time to time by the divya sakthi. But here you see the very
incarnation of the Universal Absolute on earth."

Una vez se llev a cabo una conferencia de cientficos en Hyderabad, en Andhra Pradesh,
bajo la presidencia del Dr. Bala Krishna. El Prof Haikawa, un cientfico japons estaba
entre ellos. El Dr. Bala Krishna le invit a su casa. All, el Dr. Haikawa vio por primera vez
una fotografa de color de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Se sinti inmediatamente atrado
por ella. En la casa de templo, este atractiva fotografa se destacaba en todas sus
decoraciones. Pens que la imagen podra ser de un antepasado de honor de la familia.
Durante su conversacin, el Dr. Bala Krishna describi la divinidad de Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai Baba y le dijo que Baba era Dios encarnado.

Once a conference of scientists took place in Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh under the chairmanship of Dr Bala Krishna. Prof Haikawa, a
Japanese scientist was among them. Dr Bala Krishna invited him to his home. There, Dr Haikawa saw for the first time a coloured photograph
of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He felt immediately drawn to it. In the temple-like house, this attractive photograph stood out in all its
decorations. He thought that the picture might be of an honoured ancestor of the family. During their conversation, Dr Bala Krishna described
the divinity of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and told him that Baba was God-incarnate.

Dio la casualidad de que Swami estaba all mismo, en Hyderabad en ese momento, y los dos
cientficos fueron a tener Su darshan. Swami amablemente invit a ambos a la sala de
entrevistas. En la proximidad de Swami, el Prof Haikawa experiment una intensa
conciencia de que estaba en presencia de una personalidad divina. Swami sonri
suavemente hacia l, agitando su mano y produjo un corazn humano y se lo mostr . l
estaba desconcertado. Bhagavan le pregunt qu era. El Dr Haikawa respondi que se
trataba de un corazn humano. "Sabes a quin le pertenece?", Le pregunt Swami. l
respondi: "Cmo voy a saberlo?" Bhagavan le dijo: "!Este es tu propio corazn, en el
momento de tu nacimiento!"

It so happened that Swami was right there in Hyderabad at that time; and the two scientists went to have His darshan. Swami kindly invited both
of them into the interview room. In the proximity of Swami, Prof Haikawa experienced an intense awareness that he was in the presence of a
divine personality. Swami gently smiled at him, waved His hand, produced a human heart and showed it to him. He was bewildered. Bhagavan
asked him what it was. Dr Haikawa replied that it was a human heart. "Do you know to whom did it belong?," asked Swami. He answered,
"How do I know?" Bhagavan told him, "This is your own heart, at the time of your birth!"

El Dr Haikawa estaba aturdido. Swami explic: "Este es de hecho tu propio corazn. No te
sorprendas. Tan pronto como naci, tu corazn dej de latir. Eras tan bueno como muerto.
Tu cuerpo se volvi azul. Tu padre era un hombre de fe y una muy persona devota. l
coloc tu cuerpo a mis pies y me rog, 'Oh Dios! Yo te or fervientemente por un nio. Es
esta la forma en que responde a mis oraciones? De qu sirve este cuerpo muerto para m?
'Por lo tanto, arregl tu corazn y te devolv la vida".

Dr Haikawa was stunned. Swami explained, "This is indeed your own heart. Do not be surprised. As soon as you were born, your heart stopped
beating. You were as good as dead. Your body turned blue. Your father was a man of faith and a very devout person. He placed your body at
My feet and prayed to Me, 'Oh God! I earnestly prayed to you for a child. Is this the way you respond to my prayers? Of what use is this dead
body to me?' I therefore mended your heart and restored you to life."

Como referencia, el cientfico japons tenia mas dead que Baba. Y fue Buda a quien su
padre le or por la resurreccin de su hijo muerto. El secreto de este incidente fue revelado
solo a sus padres. El Dr Haikawa se dio cuenta de que el Seor Buda, que vivi hace
muchos siglos, haba reencarnado en la forma de Sai Bhagavan. Durante la conversacin,
Swami se refiri en tono ms ligero al Dr. Haikawa como 'Avakaya', que en telugu significa
encurtido de mango.

As a matter of fact, the age of the Japanese scientist was more than Baba's. And it was to Lord Buddha that his father had prayed seeking revival
of life in his dead son's body. The secret of that incident was known to no one except his parents. Dr Haikawa realized that Lord Buddha, who
had lived many centuries ago, had now reincarnated in the form of Sai Bhagavan. During the conversation, Swami referred in lighter vein to Dr
Haikawa as 'Avakaya,' which in Telugu means mango pickle.

Una pareja catlica de Amrica oyo hablar de Bhagavan y arriv a Puttaparthi. Durante la
audiencia pblica en Prashanti Nilayam, vieron la forma gloriosa de Sri Sathya Sai. Se
sintieron poderosas ondas espirituales que se irradiaban a ellos. Estaban sorprendidos y
encantados, ya que experimentaron un intenso resplandor de la felicidad. El hombre se
sinti abrumado por los ojos de Baba, lleno de bondad, y el corazn repleto de amor.
Estaba convencido de que el mismo Jess haba venido a la tierra en forma de Sai y le dijo
eso a su esposa. La mujer sin embargo no reaccion favorablemente. "Qu tontera!" ella
dijo: "Somos Catlicos Romanos. No es adecuado que digas que este Hind es el mismo
Jess. No estoy de acuerdo con tigo en todo esto." Ella se mantuvo un tanto al margen de
Sri Sathya Sai.

A Roman Catholic couple from America happened to hear about Bhagavan and came down to Puttaparthi. During public audience in Prashanti
Nilayam, they saw the glorious form of Sri Sathya Sai. They felt powerful spiritual waves being radiated to them. They were surprised and
delighted as they experienced an intense glow of happiness. The man was overwhelmed by Baba's eyes, full of kindness, and heart replete with
love. He was convinced that Jesus himself had come to earth in Sai's form and told his wife as much. The woman did not however react
favourably. "What nonsense!" she said, "We are Roman Catholics. It is not proper for you to say that this Hindu is Jesus himself. I do not agree
with you at all on this." She remained somewhat aloof from Sri Sathya Sai.

Un da, Swami invit a la pareja a la sala de entrevistas. El hombre estaba, sin duda, con
gran regocijo. Su esposa estaba un poco fra y se sent un poco de lado. A medida que la
entrevista llegaba a su fin, el hombre le pregunt a Swami cortsmente, "Swami, Puedo
tomar una foto?" Swami estuvo de acuerdo y el caballero tom varias fotos con su cmara.
La pelcula se desarroll y se imprimi a su regreso a casa. Lo que vieron no era Sathya Sai
sino al amoroso y compasivo de Jesucristo! Ellos se asombraron. La mujer se sinti muy
apesadumbrada de no poder reconocer a Jesucristo estando fsicamente presente delante
de ella en la forma de Sri Sathya Sai. Ni que decirlo, se convirtieron en devotos de Swami
desde ese momento.

One day, Swami invited the couple into the interview room. The man was undoubtedly in great exhilaration. His wife was somewhat cold and
sat a little aside. As the interview drew to a close, the man asked Swami politely, "Swami! May I take a photograph?" Swami agreed and the
gentleman took a few snaps with his camera. The film was developed and printed on their return home. What they saw was not Sathya Sai but
the loving and compassionate figure of Jesus Christ! They were astonished. The woman felt extremely sorry that she could not recognize Jesus
Christ when physically present in front of her in the form of Sri Sathya Sai. Needless to say, she became Swami's devotee from that moment.

Un devoto le pregunt a Swami, "Jess prometi volver. Eres t ese Jess?" Swami le
explic, "Jess no dijo que iba a volver. Lo que en realidad dijo fue que Dios quien lo haba
enviado a la tierra haba de venir. Seal hacia una oveja. Con el gemido del balar de las
ovejas, 'Ba! Ba! ' Jess indic que Dios vendra a la tierra con ese nombre. Pero sus
seguidores no comprendieron bien lo que l haba dicho. Yo soy quien envi a Jess a la

A devotee asked Swami, "Jesus promised to come back again. Are you that Jesus?" Swami explained to him, "Jesus did not say that he would
come back. What he actually said was that God who had sent him to earth Himself would come. He pointed to a sheep. The cry of a sheep
sounds, 'Ba! Ba!' Jesus indicated that God would come to earth with that name. But his followers did not correctly comprehend what he had
stated. It is I who sent Jesus to the earth!"

Cuando el profesor S Bashiruddin, un musulmn, visit Sri Sai Baba, Bhagavan
materializ y le present un medalln en el que estaba inscrito "Al" en rabe. Ala en
arabe, Sarva-Antharyami, en snscrito y Omnipresente, en Ingls - todos significan lo
mismo. Una vez que algunos visitantes rabes se reunieron con Sri Sai Baba en Prashanti
Nilayam. Era el da ms sagrado de Bakrid. Swami les invit a pasar a la sala de
entrevistas. Levant su palma abierta. Los visitantes vieron en ella una visin de miles de
devotos musulmanes que oraban de rodillas ante la sagrada Kaaba en Arabia Saudita en
ese mismo momento.

When Professor S Bashiruddin, a Muslim, visited Sri Sai Baba, Bhagavan materialized and presented to him a locket on which was inscribed
"Allah" in Arabic. Allah in Arabic, Sarva-antharyami, in Sanskrit and Omnipresent, in English - they all mean the same. Once some Arabic
visitors met Sri Sai Baba in Prashanti Nilayam. It was the sacred day of Bakrid. Swami invited them into the interview room. He raised His
open palm. The visitors saw in it a vision of thousands of devout Muslims praying on their knees before the holy Kaba in Saudi Arabia at that
very moment.

Estos son algunos de los casos que establecen que Sri Sathya Sai no es slo la encarnacin
de todos los dioses, sino que es la encapsulacin trascendental de todos los dioses. Muchas
personas que pertenecen a la fe juda dan testimonio de este hecho como el Dr. Samuel
Sandweiss, quien declar: "Estoy convencido de que Baba es la encarnacin de Dios.
Cualquiera sean las descripciones acerca de Dios ya sea hind, cristiana y de la tradicin y
literatura juda no son ficcin o imaginarias. todas son ciertas. todos ellas proclaman la
verdad de que Dios tiene el poder supremo para encarnarse como y cuando sea necesario" .

These are some of the instances to establish that Sri Sathya Sai is not only the embodiment of all gods; he is the transcendental encapsulation of
every god. Many persons belonging to the Jewish faith testify to this fact like Dr Samuel Sandweiss, who declared, "I am convinced that Baba is
the incarnation of God. Whatever descriptions about God are given in the Hindu, Christian and Jewish lore and literature are not fictional or
imaginary. They are all true. They all proclaim the truth that God has the supreme power to incarnate Himself as and when needed."

En el da de Shiva Rahtri en 1978, Sai Baba estaba viajando en coche de Ooty a Bangalore.
Varios devotos y estudiantes lo acompaaban en los coches. Smt Ratanlal Bhatia, quien
cocin comidas a Baba todos los das en Bangalore, tambin estaba entre ellos. Sri Sathya
Sai detuvo la caravana en algn lugar y se baj de su coche. Todos ellos se sentaron a
descansar y a relajarse y Baba comenz a hablar a la reunin acerca de algunos asuntos
espirituales. Se dirigi a un estudiante, que l saba segua albergando dudas y recelos
sobre Baba, "tienes en tus manos una cmara Polaroid. Sacame una foto y vers mi
verdadera identidad."

On the Shiva Rahtri day in 1978, Sai Baba was traveling by car from Ooty to Bangalore. Several devotees and students were accompanying Him
in cars. Smt Ratanlal Bhatia, who cooked Baba's meals every day in Bangalore, was also among them. Sri Sathya Sai stopped the caravan at
some place and got down from His car. All of them sat down to rest and relax and Baba began to speak to the gathering about some spiritual
matters. He addressed a student, who He knew was still harbouring doubts and misgivings about Baba, "You are holding a Polaroid
camera. Take My photograph and you will see My true identity."

Baba se situ en un lugar particular. El estudiante tom su puesto con la cmara y estaba a
punto de tomar una instantnea. De repente, Smt Bhatia se precipit hacia adelante y trat
de enderezar los pliegues en la ropa de Baba. Swami con severidad le orden que se fuera.
Al hablar un poco cortante y en voz alta, la pobre seora se asust, se volvi y se qued a
cierta distancia. El estudiante hiz un clic con su cmara. En unos momentos, la imagen
Polaroid desarroll en colores vivos, lo que era la compuesta forma divina del Seor
Dattatreya- con tres cabezas: El Seor Brahma, el seor Maha Vishnu y Seor
Mahishvara. La foto tambin mostr cuatro perros y un vaca de pie al lado del Seor.
Cuando la imagen se le mostr a Swami, l le dijo Smt Bhatia: "Te das cuenta ahora de
por qu te ped firmemente que desaparecieras en el momento en que esta fotografa se
estaba tomando? En ese momento emanaban de m radiaciones extremadamente
poderosos. Non habrias sido capaz de resistir su impacto". Sathya Sai es el Ser Supremo, la
fuente primordial de los ciclos de la creacin (srishti), mantenimiento (sthithi) y la
aniquilacin final (layam). Esta verdad ha sido demostrada por Sathya Sai a travs de este
incidente en el que se revel siendo la divinidad trascendental que combina dentro de s
mismo el Seor Brahma, Vishnu y el Seor Maha Mahishvara- la gran trinidad.

Baba stood at a particular spot. The student took his position with the camera and was about to take a snap. Suddenly, Smt Bhatia rushed
forward and tried to straighten the creases on Baba's garment. Swami sternly ordered her to go away. As He spoke somewhat curtly and loudly,
the poor lady was frightened, turned back and stood at a distance. The student clicked his camera. In a few moments, the Polaroid picture
developed in sharp colours; it was of the divine composite form of Lord Dattatreya - with three heads : Lord Brahma, Lord Maha Vishnu and
Lord Maheshwara. The photo also showed four dogs and a cow standing by the side of the Lord. When the picture was shown to Swami, he told
Smt Bhatia, "Do you now realize why I firmly ordered you to go away at the moment this photograph was being taken? Extremely powerful
radiations were emanating from Me at that time. You would not have been able to withstand their impact." Sathya Sai is the Supreme Being, the
primordial source of the cycles of creation (srishti), maintenance (sthithi) and ultimate annihilation (layam). This truth has been demonstrated by
Sathya Sai through this incident when He revealed Himself to be the transcendental divinity combining within Himself Lord Brahma, Maha
Vishnu and Lord Maheshwara - the great trinity.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba declar una vez: "Como me muevo en medio de ustedes, como me
alimento como ustedes y converso como ustedes, me confunden como un ser humano
comn. Si cometen ese error, se meter en problemas y se enrredaran en el engao.
Siempre hay que estar atentos y evitar ese peligro. La red de maya (ilusin) es mi
compaera. As, puedo cantar junto con ustedes, hablar con ustedes, participar junto a
ustedes en todas las actividades, y por lo tanto crean en ustedes ese maya. Pero en cualquier
momento, de repente puedo revelar mi divinidad. Deben mantenerse alerta, siempre y
siempre, y estar listo para ese gran momento.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba once declared, "As I am moving among you, eating like you and conversing with you, you may mistake Me as a common
human being. If you commit that error, you will get into trouble and get enmeshed in delusion. You must always be vigilant and avoid that
danger. The web of maya (delusion) is my concomitant. So, I may sing along with you, speak with you, participate together with you in all
activities, and thereby create in you that maya. But at any moment, I may suddenly reveal My divinity. You must keep yourself alert, ever and
always, and be ready for that great moment.

"Esta, Mi forma humana, abarca todas las Creencias (Dharmas) y todas las potencias
divinas (Shaktis) de todos los dioses. Cualquiera sean los nombres, las formas y los poderes
que el hombre le atribuya a Dios, estos pertenecen slo a Sathya Sai y a ninguno ms que
Yo. Y todas las oraciones y ofrendas a Dios llegan a M solamente. Puedo demostrar esto
mas alla de toda duda. Por ello es que en todos mis discursos, hago hincapi en que Dios,
Jess, Jehov, Rama, Krishna, Ishvara y Sai son todos, nombres que se refieren, sin
diferencia alguna, slo a Mi.

"This, My human form, encompasses every faith (Dharma) and every divine potency (Sakthi) of every god. Whatsoever be the names, forms and
powers that man attributes to God, belong only to Sathya Sai and none else. And all prayers and offerings to God reach Me only. I can
demonstrate it beyond doubt. That is why in all my discourses, I emphasize that Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, Rama, Krishna, Easwara and Sai are all
names which pertain, without any difference whatsoever, only to Me.

"Cuando Dios viene a la tierra en forma humana, es muy difcil ver la realidad de Dios en
la forma exterior. El hombre compara lo terrenal, la apariencia externa del Avathar con su
propio cuerpo y por error llega a la conclusin de que los dos son del mismo nivel y tipo. A
decir verdad, incluso si toda la humanidad hiciera esfuerzos concertados durante mil aos
a travs de severas austeridades, no podrian comprender mi verdadera esencia (Tathwa
nija). Si ganan la gracia de este poder divino que esta de pe frente a ustedes manteniendo
el santo nombre y la forma, pronto conseguiran la realizacin suprema. Ustedes son
excepcionalmente afortunados en tener esta oportunidad nica. Es mucho ms valioso de lo
que los sabios eminentes, renunciantes, yoguis y hombres santos nunca haban conseguido.
no se olvide de este hecho."

"When God comes down to earth in human form, it is very difficult to see the reality of God in the outward form. Man compares the earthly,
external appearance of the avathar with his own body and mistakenly concludes that the two are of the same level and type. To tell you the truth,
even if the entire humanity makes concerted effort for a thousand years through the severest austerities, it cannot comprehend My true essentiality
(nija tathwa). If you win the grace of this divine power standing right before you bearing a holy name and form, you will soon achieve supreme
realization. You are exceptionally fortunate in having this rare opportunity. It is far more precious than what eminent sages, renunciates, yogis
and holy men had ever got. Forget not this fact."


Laila y Homer eran una joven pareja que vivia en California. Homer sola trabajar en el
departamento que se ocupava con el lanzamiento de satlites. En 1972, Laila se uni a un
grupo liderado por Indra Devi de Mxico, ardiente devota de Swami, y vino a Puttaparthi
para cumplir con Sai Baba. Homer deseaba que Puttaparthi fuera fotografiado desde el
espacio en el momento justo en que su esposa estaba en la presencia de Baba. Varias
fotografas fueron tomadas por un satlite a una altura de 200 millas sobre la tierra.
Debido a la gran distancia, no habia detalles claros de viviendas, colinas o edificios que
pudiesen verce. Las fotografas, mostraron slo una serie de parches de puntos en blanco y
negro que no tena sentido. Cuando Laila los vio al volver de Puttaparthi, se sinti muy
decepcionada. Siendo gente de clase media, sinti que no deberan haber desperdiciado $
60 dolares en estos pobres cuadros.

Laila and Homer Young were a couple living in California. Homer used to work in the establishment concerned with launching of satellites. In
1972, Laila joined a group led by Indra Devi of Mexico, an ardent devotee of Swami, and came to Puttaparthi to meet Sai Baba. Homer desired
that Puttaparthi should be photographed from space right at the time his wife was in Baba's presence. Several photographs were taken by a
satellite from 200 miles above the earth. Because of the great distance, no clear details of habitations, hills or buildings could be seen in the
photographs, which showed only a number of patches and dots in black and white that made no sense. When Laila saw them on return from
Puttaparthi, she felt very much disappointed. Being middle class people, she felt they should not have wasted US$60 on these poor pictures.

Pasaron varios aos. Algunos devotos Sai ivan a Tecate para asistir a la boda de la hija de
Indra Devi y visitaron la casa de los Homers. Aabrieron un libro del centro Sai. Haba
varias fotos de Sai en diferentes poses en el Centro. Mientras los visitantes se interesaron,
mostraban inters y les gustaban algunas, Homer tambin les mostr las imgenes del
satlite de Puttaparthi. Los visitantes estaban mirando de cerca esas fotografas. De pronto,
una seora grit: "Aqu est Sai Baba!" despert la curiosidad, todos pudieron distinguir
la cara, de perfil, de Sri Sathya Sai, compuesta por los numerosos pixeles y puntos, que
antes no le hicieron ningn sentido a Homer y Laila. La imagen estaba ahora muy clara. El
espeso cabello negro en forma de corona en la cabeza, los ojos, la forma de la nariz y,
maravilla de maravillas, incluso la marca de nacimiento en la mejilla de la cara
encantadora de Swami se poda ver claramente.

Several years went by. Some Sai devotees on their way to Tecate to attend the wedding of Indra Devi's daughter visited the Homers' home. He
was then running a Sai Book Centre. There were several photos of Sai in different poses in the Centre. As the visitors showed interest and liked
some of them, Homer showed them the satellite pictures of Puttaparthi too. The visitors were closely looking at those photographs. Suddenly, a
lady cried out, "Here is Sai Baba!" Curiosity aroused, they could all discern the face, in profile, of Sri Sathya Sai composed by the numerous
patches and dots, which had earlier made no sense to Homer and Laila. The image was now crystal clear. The crown-like thick black hair on the
head, the eyes, the shape of the nose and, wonder of wonders, even the birthmark on the cheek of the enchanting face of Swami could be clearly

Homer hizo sus propios clculos. Se tuvo en cuenta la longitud y la latitud y encontr que
la fotografa cubri una vasta zona de 40 millas de largo y 20 millas de ancho. Se dio cuenta
con gran asombro, que la forma de Swami llenaba toda la zona. A partir de los datos
disponibles, Homer lleg a la conclusin de que la imagen de Swami estaba mirando hacia
la extensa zona de los alrededores Prashanti Nilayam.

Homer made his own calculations. He took into account longitude and latitude and found that the photograph covered a vast area, 40 miles long
and 20 miles wide. He realized with considerable astonishment, that Swami's form filled so much area. From the data available, Homer
concluded that Swami was looking at an extensive area surrounding Prashanti Nilayam.

En 1978, Homer lleg a Puttaparthi para encontrarce con Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. Vio
una gran aureola circular alrededor de la cabeza de Swami. l tom varias fotografas y les
mostr a Swami. Bhagavan sonri dulcemente y dijo, como el Seor Sri Krishna le dijo a
Arjuna: "Estos son bagatelas en mi magnificencia divina ilimitada (Anantha mahimas)."
Estas fotografas tomadas en el 29 de noviembre 1972 se han colocado para su exposicin
en el Planetorium en Prashanti Nilayam.

In 1978, Homer came to Puttaparthi to meet Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. He saw a great circular aura around Swami's head. He took several
photographs and showed them to Swami. Bhagavan smiled sweetly and said, as Lord Sri Krishna told Arjuna, "These are trifles in my boundless
divine magnificence (Anantha Mahimas)." These photographs taken on 29th November 1972 have been placed for exhibition in the planetorium
in Prashanti Nilayam.


Hay un dicho en snscrito:
"Yatho Vacho Nivarthanthe aprpya Manama Saha;
Aanandam brahmano Vidwan, Na Bibhethi, Krithashcha Nethi."

There is a Sanskrit saying:
"Yatho Vacho Nivarthanthe Aprapya Manama Saha;
Aanandam brahmano Vidwan, Na Bibhethi, Krithashcha Nethi."

El Absoluto Universal est ms all de la comprensin de los cinco sentidos y la mente. Slo
un ardiente devoto puede darse cuenta de la incomprensible Realidad Universal Suprema y
alcanzar la bienaventuranza trascendental. Esta entonces ms all de cualquier tipo de
miedo y disfruta el estado de felicidad perpetua .

The Universal Absolute is beyond the comprehension of the five senses as well as mind. Only an ardent devotee can realize the
incomprehensible Universal Supreme Reality and achieve transcendental bliss. He is then above and beyond every kind of fear and enjoys the
state of perpetual bliss.

Este concepto altamente espiritual fue aclarado por Bhagavan Baba con una ancdota
sencilla y divertida extraida del Ramayana:

This highly spiritual concept was clarified by Bhagavan Baba with a simple and amusing anecdote drawn from Ramayana :

"Sita, Rama y Lakshmana llegaron al ashram de Rishi Bharadwaja. Segn la prctica
prevalente, los rishis se sentaron en un grupo y sus esposas y otras mujeres se sentaron en
otro grupo. No se sentaron en una reunin mixta como lo hacemos en estos das. al llegar
all, Sita tom asiento entre las mujeres y Rama y Lakshmana se quedaron con los Rishis
(savios). Los dos hermanos, Rama y Lakshmana vestan ropas de renunciantes (sanyasis).
debido a eso y por su esplendor, los prncipes se quedaron mirndolos vindoles tan
esplndidos como los propios rishis. Era imposible reconocer e identificar quin era Rama
y quien era Lakshmana. Pero Sita no haba cambiado mucho y las esposas de los rishis
pudieron reconocerla inmediatamente. Se acercaron a ella y cariosamente se dedicaron a
la conversacin en informalidad. Las mujeres, por naturaleza, tienden a ser inquisitivaz y
locuaces. por otro lado, los rishis estaban ocupados con sus discursos metafsicos. Las
mujeres estaban ocupadas en su conversacin en voz baja. Preguntaron a Sita, "Querida
Sita Devi, Tu marido tambin ha venido?' Ella respondi: "s. He venido con l. l est
sentado all con los rishis. Entonces, las mujeres preguntaron: "De los dos sentados all,
quin es tu marido? Podra Sita pararce frente a toda esa concurrencia y sealar a su
marido? Ella era muy modesta y noble, y tambin una esposa dedicada (Pathivratha). No
era posible dar una respuesta absoluta, ella se qued en silencio sentada con la cabeza
inclinada. Pero las damas no lo dejaron ah. Siguieron preguntando preguntas como: Est
esa persona sentada un poco atrs o un poco por delante? O es la persona que lleva
hermosas tnicas? Es l el hombre de tez eso clara? Se encendieron mostrando esta y
aquella persona, dando una descripcin y otra. Pero Sita fue muy paciente. Cada vez que
una persona que no era su marido se sealaba, ella movia la cabeza en negacin hasta que,
cuando lleg el turno de Rama, ella se qued en silencio y modestamente inclin la cabeza!
Su propio gesto signific su confirmacin de que la persona que seal era de hecho el
Seor Sri Rama.

Sita, Rama and Lakshmana reached the ashram of Rishi Bharadwaja. According to the prevalent practice, the rishis sat in one group and their
wives and other women sat in another group. They did not sit in a mixed gathering as we do these days. On reaching there, Sita took her seat
among the women and Rama and Lakshmana sat with the rishis. The two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana were wearing clothes of renunciates
(sanyasis). Due to that and also because of their radiance, both the princes were looking as splendid as the rishis themselves. It was impossible
to recognize and identify who was Rama and who was Lakshmana. But Sita had not changed much and wives of rishis could immediately
recognize her. They drew close to her and affectionately engaged her in conversation in easy informality. Women by nature, tend to be
inquisitive and talkative. On the other side, rishis were busy with their metaphysical discourses. Here, women were busy with their whispered
conversation. They asked Sita, 'Dear Sita Devi, has your husband also come?' She replied, "yes. I have come along with Him. He is sitting there
with the rishis.' The women then asked, 'Of those two sitting there, who is your husband?' Would Sita stand up in that entire gathering and point
out her husband? She was very modest and noble and also a dedicated wife (Pathivratha). Unable to give an outright reply, she silently sat with
her head bowed. But the ladies would not leave it there. They went on asking queries like : Is he that person sitting a little behind or a little
ahead? Or is he the person wearing beautiful robes? Is he that fair complexioned man? They went on showing this person or that, with one
description or another. But Sita was very patient. Whenever a person other than her husband was pointed at, she shook her head in denial until,
when Rama's turn came, she became silent and modestly bowed her head! Her gesture itself signified her confirmation that the person pointed at
was indeed Lord Sri Rama.

"De la misma manera, los Vedas van repitiendo "Nethi, Nethi, Nethi" (esto No. esto No.
esto No...) al tratar de describir la esencialidad interna del Absoluto Universal
(Parabrahman Tathwa). Cuando los Vedas van a describir finalmente a Brahman "El
absoluto universal, se quedan en silencio, sin palabras, debido a esto eso se conoce como
'Mauna Vyakhya Prakatitha Parabrahma Tathwa - la esencialidad del Absoluto
Universal, se puede describir solamente sin-palabras, en el silencio perfecto"

"In the same manner, the Vedas went on repeating "Nethi, Nethi, Nethi" (Not this. Not this. Not this...) while trying to describe the inner
essentiality of the Universal Absolute (Parabrahma Tathwa). When the Vedas were to finally describe 'That Universal Absolute', they became
mute, wordless! That is why it was referred to as 'Mauna Vyakhya Prakatitha Parabrahma Tathwa - the essentiality of the Universal Absolute,
which can be described only by wordlessness, perfect silence!"

Qu encantadora ancdota ha elegido Bhagavan y cuan hermosa fue su exposicin! En
palabras simples y con una ancdota dulce y encantadora, Baba desentraar el significado
de las palabras vdicas, " Nethi , Nethi ... " Tambin explic su significado espiritual.

What a charming anecdote Bhagavan has chosen and how beautiful was his exposition! In simple words and by a sweet and enchanting anecdote,
Baba unravelled the meaning of the Vedic words, "Nethi, Nethi..." He also explained their spiritual significance.

Por lo general, estas palabras se toman superficial y literalmente explicadas como " esto
No. esto No..." Pero hay otro forma ms sutil de interpretarlas. El Ser Supremo es domina
todo el universo. Su ilimitada magnitud e infinito despliega todas las posivilidades. Es
inmutable e indestructible. As que, cuando se considera la naturaleza de ese Absoluto
Universal, en ese contexto se utiliza la palabra "Nethi". Debemos entender la palabra
como: "No slo esto, no slo esto, sino que mucho ms que eso! "Si buscamos el significado
ms profundo de la palabra "Nethi", de esta manera, su mbito de aplicacin se vuelve
enorme vasta y profunda .

Ordinarily, these words are superficially and literally explained as "Not this. Not this..." But there is another and more subtle way of interpreting
them. The Supreme Being is universally pervasive. It is boundless in magnitude and infinite are the variations It displays. It is immutable and It
is indestructible. So, when the nature of that Parabrahma is considered, and in that context "Nethi" is used, we should understand the word as :
"Not only this, not merely this, but there is a lot more to it!" If we look for the deeper meaning of the word "Nethi", in this manner, its scope
becomes vast and vast and profound.

La todo el universo secompone de entidades moviles (chara) e inmoviles (Achara) est
impregnado de ese Ser Universal (Parabrahman). Es omnipresente, es decir, no hay un
lugar o punto del tiempo en el universo donde no existe ese Ser Universal. Por lo tanto,
cuando tratamos de identificar a esa Suprema Realidad mirando un objeto particular, esto
y lo otro y aquello, y nos preguntarnos: "Es esto? Es eso?" y as sucesivamente, la
respuesta, "esto No. esto No" no nos satisface adecuadamente. Por otro lado, la respuesta,
"No slo esto. No slo esto," se ajusta ms a la perfeccin la Realidad Universal que
tratamos de describir.

The entire universe comprising moving (chara) and non-moving (achara) entities is suffused with that Universal Being (Parabrahma). It is
omnipresent, that is, there is no place or point of time in the universe where that Universal Being does not exist. Therefore, when we try to
identify that Supreme Reality by looking at a particular object, this and that and that, and question ourselves, "Is it this? Is it that?" and so on, the
response, "Not this. Not this" does not satisfy us adequately. On the other hand, the answer, "Not merely this. Not merely this," fits more
perfectly the Universal Reality we try to describe.

Cuando tratamos de entender la compasin, la magnificencia y el carcter distintivo de
Sathya Sai Perabrahma, nos preguntamos a nosotros mismos: "Es esto?" Pronto nos
damos cuenta, "Esto no es todo. Hay mucho ms que eso" As, que, efectivamente, es la
respuesta correcta, la respuesta satisfactoria. Por el dicho vdico , "Nethi , Nethi", por lo
tanto, la respuesta correcta y plenamente satisfactoria es: "No es slo esto, hay mucho ms
que eso." La explicacin dada por el sutil Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai otorgar iluminacin
incluso en los iluminados.

When we try to understand the compassion, magnificence and distinctiveness of Sathya Sai Parabrahma, we question ourselves, "Is it this?" We
soon realize, "This is not all; there is much more to it." So, that indeed is the correct answer, the satisfying answer. For the Vedic dictum, "Nethi,
Nethi", therefore, the correct and fully satisfying answer is, "Not merely this; there is much more to it." The subtle explanation given by
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai will bestow enlightenment on even the enlightened.

Nuestro homenaje al ms grande depositario de Jana (conocimiento).

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin del captulo 6

Our homage to the Greatest Repository of Jnan.
Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih
End of Chapter 6

(De: "Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra por "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara
Derechos de autor reservados por autor (1928-2003)

(From : 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry)
Copyright reserved by Author (1928-2003)

DA 4 : Domingo ( Captulo 7 - 10)
DAY 4 : SUNDAY (Chapter 7 - 10)

Captulo 7
Chapter 7

Yo soy el Atma que mora en todos los seres vivos. Yo soy el principio, el medio y el fin de
todas las cosas. Todo lo que ven en el cosmos en movimiento y los objetos estacionarios son
una manifestacin del Atma.
~ Baba ~

I am the Atma that dwells in all living beings. I am the beginning, the middle and the end of all things. All that you see in the cosmos the
moving and the stationary objects is a manifestation of the Atma.
~Baba ~

El modificar un ser vivo en una entidad inanimada y viceversa, es uno de los pasatiempos
(lilas) de Dios, como ha sido demostrado en varias ocasiones por Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai

To alter a living being into a non-living entity and vice versa is one of the sportive gestures (leelas) of God as demonstrated several times by
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

En ocasiones los viernes santos del mes de Sravan, las mujeres hindes casadas realizan
habitualmente Gowri Puja (adoracin de la diosa Parvati). Una pareja hind deseaba
hacer uso de una de estas ocasiones para adorar tambin los Pies de Loto (Pada Puja) de
Swami. Solicitaron el permiso Swami, que fue concedido fcilmente. Entonces se reunieron
todos los materiales necesarios. Pero no pudieron obtener los granos negros, que son
esenciales para el Puja. A la hora sealada, Swami lleg y tom asiento. En su entusiasmo,
la pareja pasa por alto totalmente la ausencia de las cuentas de suma importancia y
comenz la ceremonia. De repente, una enorme ormiga negra sali de una flor ofrecida a
los pies de Swami. Swami sonri con gracia y coment: "Qu?, me ests adorando con
hormigas negras!" Cogi el insecto que caminaba y se lo puso en la mano a la dama. Para
su asombro, la hormiga se transform de repente en dos cuentas negras! As que lo nico
que queria para el debido cumplimiento del culto lleg a su lado despus de todo! Los
devotos agradecidos se admiraban de la capacidad del Swami de crear por su mera
voluntad. La seora estaba inmensamente satisfecha de que Baba le permiti completar la
ceremonia de forma satisfactoria de conformidad con el procedimiento establecido.

On the holy occasions of Fridays in the month of Sravan, married Hindu women customarily perform Gowri pooja (worship of Goddess
Parvathi). A Hindu couple wished to avail of one such occasion to worship also the Lotus Feet (Pada Pooja) of Swami. They requested Swami
for permission, which was readily granted. They then gathered all the materials needed. But they could not get hold of black beads, which are
essential for the pooja. At the appointed hour, Swami arrived and took his seat. In their excitement, the couple totally overlooked the absence of
the all-important beads and commenced the ceremony. Suddenly, a big black any crawled out of a flower offered at Swami's feet. Swami smiled
indulgently and commented, "What, are you worshipping me with black ants?" And he picked up the crawling insect and placed it in the lady's
hand. To their wonderment, the ant suddenly changed into two black beads! So the only thing wanting for due performance of the worship
reached their hand after all! The grateful devotees were astonished at Swami's ability to create by His mere Will. The lady was immensely
pleased that Baba enabled her to complete the ceremony satisfactorily in accordance with the prescribed procedure.

En este caso, Baba transforma un objeto que vive en un objeto inanimado, sin quitarle la
vida. Pero hay otro hermoso episodio donde Cambi objetos sin vida en un ser viviente.

In this instance, Baba altered a living object into a non-living object, without taking away life. But there is another beautiful episode where He
changed lifeless objects into a living being.

Swami estaba de gira por Andhra Pradesh. Se qued en la casa de un devoto. Despus de
las comidas se le puso delante un plato de plata que contena tiernas hojas de betel, polvo
de nuez de areca, cal y otros ingredientes. Quit tranquilamente las nervaduras de las hojas
se preparaba finalmente para comerlas. Entonces, arregl cuidadosamente las hojitas en la
placa con la forma de un loro. Estuvo todo el rato hablando con los devotos reunidos en
torno a l, y de repente les hizo una pregunta: "En qu creen que Dios est ocupado?"
Ellos respondieron: "Srishti (creacin) es en lo que Dios est ocupado" Swami toc
rpidamente la figura del loro en el plato frente a l, y de repente cobr vida y sali
volando batiendo enrgicamente sus alas. Los devotos se admiraban de la maravillosa
escena. Sumndose a la alegra general, Swami tambin ri encantadoramente.

Swami was at that time touring Andhra Pradesh. He stayed in a devotee's house. After meals, a silver plate containing tender betel leaves, areca
nut powder, lime and other ingredients was placed before Him. He leisurely removed the ribs from the leaves as He prepared the latter for
eating. And He carefully arranged the ribs in the plate in the shape of a parrot. He was all the while talking with devotees gathered around Him
and he suddenly asked them a question, "What do you think God is busy with?" They answered, "Srishti is what the God is busy with." Swami
promptly touched the parrot's form on the plate in front of him; it suddenly came to life and flew out vigorously beating its wings. The devotees
were astonished at the wonderful sight. Joining in the general merriment, Swami too laughed enchantingly.

Una vez Indulal Shah invit a Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba a cenar en su casa de
Bombay, ciudad actualmente conocida como Mumbai. Swami estaba sentado a un lado de
la mesa del comedor. Frente a l se sent Shah y su hija. La Sra. Shah trajo un plato de
vadas calientes recin cocinadas (galletas saladas hechas con pasta de gramo negro
empapado, fritos en aceite) y lo puso delante de Swami. Cogi uno de ellos y lo coloc sobre
la placa de la hija de Shah y le dijo que haba que dividirlo en dos antes de comer. Cuando
lo hizo, se encontr con un aro de diamantes en cada pieza. Todos ellos estaban encantados.
Swami mismo los puso uno cada uno en los odos de la joven.

Indulal Shah once invited Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to dinner in his house in Bombay, now known as Mumbai. Swami was seated on one
side of the dining table. Opposite him sat Shah and his daughter. Mrs Shah brought a plate of freshly cooked hot vadas (savoury cookies made
with soaked black gram paste, deep fried in oil) and placed it before Swami. He picked up one of them and placed it on the plate of Shah's
daughter and told her to break it into two before eating. When she did so, she found a diamond-studded ear-top in each piece. All of them were
thrilled. Swami Himself put them one each on the girl's ears.

En Kodai Kanal en la cuarta semana de abril en 1997. Varios devotos estaban cenando con
Swami. Swami termin su comida, y daba vueltas en torno a los devotos, hablando con ellos
en el comedor. l se acerc a un devoto y le dijo: "Rompe el puris (pan de harina inflado y
frito) antes de comerlo. "La persona hizo lo sugerido por Swami y se encontr, para su
sorpresa, un anillo de oro. Swami dijo: "Esto es para ti. Tenlo." Todo el mundo estaba
sorprendido agradablemente. Anil Kumar tambien estaba all comiendo puris. Swami le
pidi que comiera rpido. "Swami, quin sabe lo que has puesto en estos puris!" dijo Anil
Kumar. Y agreg: "As que estoy chequeando cada puri y los estoy comiendo con
cuidado." Todos soltaron una sonora carcajada ante las palabras de Anil Kumar.

It was Kodai Kanal in the fourth week of April in 1997. Several devotees were dining with Swami. Swami finished His meal, and was going
round the devotees, talking to them in the dining hall. He went near a devotee and said, "Break the pooris (puffed and deep-fried nan like dish)
before you eat." The person did as suggested by Swami and found, to his surprise, a golden ring. Swami said, "That's for you. Have
it." Everyone was pleasantly surprised. Anil Kumar was also there eating pooris. Swami asked him to eat fast. "Swami, who knows what have
You put in which poori!" said Anil Kumar. He further added, "So I am checking every poori and am eating carefully." Every one had a hearty
laugh at Anil Kumar's words.

En cada uno de esos eventos, la cuestin no es lo que se ha creado o a partir de que. Es la
Voluntad de Swami lo que importa. Eso por s solo es el factor central, la causa, as como el
efecto. Swami una vez declar: "Lo que yo quiero, sucede; lo que he pedido, se

In every such event, the issue is not what has been created out of what; it is Swami's Will that matters. That alone is the central factor, the cause
as well as the effect. Swami once declared, "What I will, happens; what I order, materializes."

En una ocasin en Thrayi, la residencia de Swami en Brindavan, Swami invit Brigadier
SK Bose para atender a los estudiantes y al personal reunido. El Brigadier habl
principalmente sobre las lecciones que haba aprendido a los pies de Swami, concluy su
charla y se acerc a Swami para tocar sus pies. Swami no le permiti hacerlo, pero le
pregunt: "Por qu no hacen mencin de lo que sucedi ese da Dussehra?" Brig Bose
respondi: " Swami, qu debo decir al respecto? No soy ms que un instrumento en Tus
manos sublimes. No tengo ninguna individualidad de la ma. Estoy siempre agradecido a
Ti, Swami. No puedo describir mi deuda adecuadamente con palabras." Despus de eso,
Swami le concedi el privilegio de tocar sus pies. Como general de brigada. Bose se movi
lentamente a su asiento, Swami dijo a los miembros del personal, "Ese da, Bose estaba
muerto. Me lo traje de vuelta a la vida. l todava tiene mucho que hacer para m ."

On one occasion in Thrayee, Swami's residence at Brindavan, Swami invited Brigadier SK Bose to address the assembled students and staff. The
Brigadier spoke mostly about the lessons he had learnt at the feet of Swami, concluded his talk and approached Swami to touch His feet. Swami
did not allow him to do so but asked him, "Why did you make no mention of what happened on that Dussehra day?" Brig. Bose replied, "Swami,
what should I say about it? I am merely an instrument in Your sublime hands. I do not have any individuality of my own. I am ever grateful to
You, Swami. I cannot describe my indebtedness adequately in words." After that, Swami granted him the privilege of touching His feet. As
Brig. Bose slowly moved to his seat, Swami told members of the staff, "That day, Bose was indeed dead. I brought him back to life. He has still
plenty to do for Me."

Dos meses antes, Swami le haba confiado a Bos el trabajo de colocacin de una tira de
concreto de cuatro metros de ancho alrededor de la Mandir. Tambin le habia indicado
que debia ser completado antes del inicio de las fiestas Dussehra. El trabajo tom
veinticinco das a razn de doce horas de trabajo diario. Ms de un devoto particip en el
trabajo de amor y devocin. Despus de terminar el trabajo a tiempo, Bose asisti a todos
los discursos de la noche que Swami ofrece habitualmente durante las celebraciones
Dussehra repartidos en diez das. En el ltimo da, Vijaya Dasami jueves 20 de octubre de
1988, sufri de alta temperatura. Sin embargo, asisti de manera trabajosa al Auditorio
Chandra Puurna y se sent en una silla cerca de la tarima.

Two months earlier, Swami had entrusted to Bose the work of laying a twelve feet-wide concrete strip around the Mandir. He also directed that it
should be completed before the beginning of the Dussehra festivities. The job took twenty-five days at the rate of twelve hours of daily
labour. Many a devotee participated in the labour of love and devotion. After finishing the job on time, Bose attended every evening discourse
that Swami delivers customarily during the Dussehra celebrations spread over ten days. On the final day, Vijaya Dasami, Thursday, 20 October
1988, he was suffering from high temperature. Nevertheless, he made his laboured way to the Poorna Chandra Auditorium and sat in a chair
close to the dais.

Swami comenz su discurso. Mientras tanto, Bose comenz a sentir falta de aire. De
repente, se desplom en su silla. Pero, extraamente, a pesar de que tena los ojos cerrados,
era consciente de lo que ocurra a su alrededor. Vio un enorme pjaro de color, de oro de
pie y mirando a Bose con ojos llenos de compasin. Bose no poda imaginar cmo un pjaro
tan grande podra hacer su camino en el auditorio. Pero vio que Swami levant ambas
manos y las agit como si l conducera el pjaro de distancia. Y desapareci. En el
transcurso de su discurso, Swami estaba recitando un verso. l se detuvo abruptamente en
la mitad del verso y rpidamente baj de la tarima. Pareca estar sosteniendo algo en su
puo derecho cerrado. Como Levant a Bose por el hombro con la mano izquierda, Swami
dio unas palmaditas en la parte posterior de la cabeza de Bose con la mano derecha.
Probablemente, l sostena la vida de Bose en el puo derecho, y mientras le daba
palmaditas en la parte trasera de su cabeza, instalando la vida de nuevo en su cuerpo. Bose
abri los ojos. Se sorprendi al ver a Swami parado cerca justo a su lado, ademas, en el
santo dia de Vijaya Dasami. Quizo tocar los pies de Swami, tendiendo la mano. Swami le
dijo que se pusiera de pie. Pero Bose continu sentada ofreciendole salutaciones. Swami le
dio una palmadita en la espalda para darle fuerza. Le dijo: "Levntate. Vamos al estrado y
toma asiento cerca de la puerta." Bose obedeci. Entonces Swami reanud su discurso
interrumpido y sigui hablando durante una hora entera. El rostro sin vida de Bose en
forma constante y poco a poco adquiri el brillo de la vida dentro de esa hora.

Swami commenced His discourse. Meanwhile, Bose began feeling loss of breath. Suddenly, he collapsed in his chair. But strangely, even
though his eyes were closed, he was aware of what was happening around him. He saw a huge, golden coloured bird standing there and looking
at Bose with eyes full of pity. Bose could not imagine how a bird so big could make its way into the auditorium. But he saw that Swami raised
both His hands and waved them as if He was driving the bird away. And it just disappeared. In the course of His discourse, Swami was reciting
a verse. He abruptly stopped midway through the verse and quickly came down from the dais. He seemed to be holding something in His closed
right fist. As He lifted up Bose by the shoulder with the left hand, Swami patted the back of Bose's head with the right hand. Probably, He was
holding Bose's life in the right fist, and while patting on the backside of his head, inducted life back into his body. Bose opened his eyes. He was
surprised to see Swami standing close at hand just by his side, that too, on the holy Vijaya Dasami. Wanting to touch Swami's feet, he extended
his hand. Swami told him to get up and stand. But Bose continued to sit offering salutations to Him. Swami patted on his back to give him
strength. He told him, "Stand up. Come on to the dais and take your seat near the door." Bose obeyed. Then Swami resumed His interrupted
discourse and went on speaking for a full hour. The lifeless face of Bose steadily and gradually acquired the glow of life within that hour.

Unos dos meses despus, se celebraba el da de los deportes en el Estadio Hill View. Al
comienzo, Swami iz la bandera de los juegos . Bose estaba presente all y estaba encantado
de ver en esa bandera la imagen del ave celestial, Garuda, el vehculo del Seor Sri Maha
Vishnu. Bose record que era el mismo pjaro que se haba sentado encima de l en el da
Vijaya Dasami con sus ojos llenos de compasin por l. Bose lleg a conocer, mucho ms
tarde, que de acuerdo con el Garuda Purana, es Garuda que transporta las almas santas al
cielo (Brahmaloka).

About two months later, the sports day was being celebrated in the Hill View Stadium. At the outset, Swami hoisted the Games Flag. Bose was
present there and was thrilled to see on that flag the image of the celestial bird, Garuda, the vehicle of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu. Bose remembered
that it was the same bird that had sat over him on the Vijaya Dasami day with its eyes full of pity for him. Bose came to know, much later, that
according to the Garuda Puran, it is Garuda that carries saintly souls to Heaven (Brahmaloka).

Brig Bose se refera a este episodio, cuando humildemente suplic a Swami que Bhagavan
le haba devuelto la vida y que estaba ms all de l el encontrar palabras para describir su
gratitud a Dios.

Brig Bose was referring to this episode when he humbly pleaded with Swami that Bhagavan had restored him to life and that it was beyond him
to find words to describe his gratitude to Him.


Baba una vez aclarada la naturaleza de Athma y su relacin con los componentes del
cuerpo fsico, al igual que los miembros, rganos, sentidos , mente, intelecto , etc La esencia
de lo que dijo es dado brevemente a continuacin:


Baba once elucidated the nature of Athma and its relationship with the constituents of the physical body, like limbs, organs, senses,
mind, intellect, etc. The essence of what he said is briefly given below:

La mente (manas), la conciencia (Chitha, conciencia), los sentidos (indriyas) -todos estos se
unen para dar forma completa al cuerpo. Pero el Athma no es la combinacin de todas
estas cosas. Hay Athma en el cuerpo?, hay Athma en la mente?, y hay Athma en la
conciencia y los sentidos? Todas estas funciones estn bajo la direccin del Athma.

Mind (manas), consciousness (chitha, awareness), senses (indriyas) - all these join together to give full shape to body. But Athma is not the
combination of all these things. There is Athma in the body; there is Athma in the mind; and there is Athma in the consciousness and the
senses. All these function under the direction of Athma.

Esto puede ser ilustrado por una simple analoga. Un coche tiene direccin, embrague,
frenos y varias otras partes. Cul de ellos puede funcionar por s mismo? Cuando uno
viaja en coche, puede la bocina tocar por si misma? La direccin se mueve por s misma?
Obviamente no, hay un conductor detrs de todo esto. Del mismo modo, el cuerpo es el
vehculo y el Athma es el conductor. Ese conductor hace que los ojos ven, los odos oigan y
la boca hable. Es slo mientras el conductor est presente que las diversas partes realizan
sus funciones asignadas. Una vez que el conductor abandona el cuerpo, los mismos ojos ya
no pueden ver, los mismos odos no pueden or, las mismas manos no pueden hacer nada, la
misma boca no puede hablar nada ms. Todos los rganos y las partes se vuelven no
funcionales. Inicialmente todos ellos fueron hechos para trabajar, para funcionar con un
Maestro, el Athma. Mientras que el Maestro permanezca en l, este cuerpo es "Shivam"
(divino, propicio), y cuando l se va, no es ms que un "Savam' (cadver).

This can be illustrated by a simple analogy. A car has steering, clutch, brakes and several other parts. Does each of them function by
itself? When one travels by car, does the horn blow on its own? Does the steering move by itself? Obviously not, there is a driver behind all
these. Likewise, body is the vehicle and Athma the driver. That driver makes the eyes see, ears hear and mouth speak. It is only as long as the
driver is present that the various parts perform their allotted functions. Once the driver abandons the body, the very same eyes can no longer see,
the same ears cannot hear, the same hands can do nothing; the same mouth can talk no more. All the organs and parts become non-
functional. Earlier all these were made to work, to function by a Master, the Athma. As long as that Master remains in it, this body is 'Shivam'
(divine, auspicious); when he leaves, it is but a 'savam' (corpse).

Si reflexionamos profundamente sobre nuestra verdadera identidad, como Swami sugiere
en varias ocasiones, no tardaremos en darnos cuenta de que no somos ms que las
encarnaciones de la Ser Interno (Athma), y que las partes, los rganos y dems
componentes de este cuerpo terrenal no son ms que instrumentos y no son el yo interior.

If we deeply ponder over our true identity, as Swami repeatedly suggests, we will soon realize that we are but embodiments of the Inner Self
(Athma); and that the parts, organs and other constituents of this earthly body are merely instruments and by no means that Inner Self.

Este es otro ejemplo del poder divino sobrehumano de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Una vez, Sri Sathya Sai fue a Simla junto con algunos de sus devotos. Swami
Karunyananda tambin estaba en el grupo. En ese viaje sucedi un evento increble. Era de
noche cuando el grupo lleg a su alojamiento en Simla. A eso de las 18:30, con la cercana
de la oscuridad, un nio de dos aos muri en una de las casas de la ciudad. Los padres
estaban apesadumbrados. Al ver su agona, un amigo les aconsej: "Sri Sathya Sai Baba se
encuentra ahora en la ciudad. Lleven el cadver de su hijo all, coloquenl a sus pies y
ruegen por la misericordia. "Los angustiados padres envolvieron el cuerpo sin vida en un
pedazo de tela y lo llevaron a Baba. Con el corazn roto por el dolor, la madre dej al nio
muerto a los pies de Baba y se lament, "Swami, por favor traelo de vuelta a la vida, que l
vuelva a la vida!" Mientras la pobre mujer lloraba, el siempre misericordioso Bhagavan
lanz una mirada compasiva al chico muerto. El nio de repente cobr vida y comenz a
llorar. Las lgrimas de dolor y la desesperacin de los padres se tornaron en lgrimas de
alegra. Lavaban los Pies de Loto de Bhagavan Sri Sai con sus copiosas lgrimas. Los
devotos tambin se llenaron de alegra e inmensamente conmovidos con este
acontecimiento milagroso saludaron la gloria de Bhagavan con gritos resonantes de Jai Sai
Ram! Jai Sai Ram!

Here is yet another instance of the supra-human divine power of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Once, Sri Sathya Sai went to Simla along with
some of his devotees. Swami Karunyananda too was in the group. That trip saw an unbelievable event. It was evening when the party arrived at
their lodgings in Simla. At about 6.30pm, as darkenss approached, a two-year old boy died in a house in the town. The parents were grief-
stricken. seeing their agony, a friend advised them, "Sri Sathya Sai Baba is now in town. Take your son's dead body there, place him at His feet
and beg for mercy." The distraught parents wrapped the dead body in a piece of cloth and took it to Baba. Heart-broken with grief, the mother
laid the dead child at Baba's feet and wailed, "Swami, please bring him back to life, wake him up to life!" As the poor woman was crying, the
ever-merciful Bhagavan cast a compassionate look at the dead boy. The boy suddenly came to life and began crying. The tears of grief and
desperation of the parents turned to tears of joy. They washed the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Sri Sai with their copious tears. The devotees too
were overjoyed and immensely moved at this miraculous happening and hailed the glory of Bhagavan with resounding cries of Jai Sai Ram! Jai
Sai Ram!

Karanam Subbama era un alma bendita que se preocupaba por Swami cuando era un nio
que era conocido como Sathyam, y lo am como si fuera su propio hijo. Como las
multitudes cada vez extensas y los devotos llegaron a tener Su darshan, la seora les daba
de comer alimentos cocidos. A travs del servicio sin fin a Swami y Sus devotos, ella sola
sentir que la misin de su vida se haba cumplido. Cuando Prashanti Nilayam se estaba
construyendo, Swami le dijo un da que ella vivira slo por un ao ms. Aunque un poco
desconcertada, ella se recompuso y se dedic con ms sinceridad y devocin al servicio de
Swami. Su salud se fue deteriorando lentamente. Familiares y amigos de su casa natal se la
llevaron a su aldea para cuidar de ella. Pero ella apenas poda soportar la separacin de su
amado Swami y regres muy pronto a Puttaparthi para hacer tanto servicio como sea
posible a pesar de su pobre y deterioro estado de la salud. Pas el tiempo. Algunos devotos
llegaron a Puttaparthi para invitar a Swami a sus casas. Antes de salir de Puttaparthi,
Swami prometi Subbamma que en el momento de su fallecimiento, l se daria un tiempo
para llegar a ella y colocarle las aguas sagradas del Ganges en su boca!

Poco despus, Subbamma muri. Algunos de los habitantes del pueblo record la promesa
de Swami y hablaron sobre ello en tono burln de que Swami no cumpli su promesa de
ofrecer agua bendita para Subbamma antes de su muerte .

Karanam Subbama was a blessed soul who cared for Swami when He was a child and was known as Sathyam, and loved him as if he was her
own son.
As the ever-swelling crowds of devotees arrived to have His darshan, the lady cooked meals and fed them. Through endless service to Swami
and His devotees, she used to feel that her life's mission was fulfilled. When Prashanti Nilayam was being built, Swami told her one day that she
would live for only one more year. Though somewhat taken aback, she pulled herself together and devoted herself with more sincerity and
devotion to Swami's service. Her health was slowly deteriorating. Kith and kin of her natal home took her to their village to look after her. But
she could scarcely endure separation from her beloved Swami and returned very soon to Puttaparthi to do as much service as possible despite her
poor and deteriorating health. Time passed. Some devotees came to Puttaparthi to invite Swami to their place. Before leaving Puttaparthi,
Swami promised Subbamma that at the time of her demise, He would make it a point to reach her and place holy Ganga waters in her mouth!

Soon thereafter, Subbamma passed away. Some of the villagers recalled Swami's promise and talked about it mockingly that Swami did not keep
His promise of offering holy water to Subbamma before her death.

En ese momento, Bhagavan estaba entre sus devotos en un lugar lejano cerca Tirupathi. l
se dirigi a Puttaparthi dicindoles que l tena que ir a Puttaparthi con urgencia. A su
llegada, se le inform de que Subbamma haba respirado su ltimo aliento horas antes. l
encontr el cuerpo de Subbamma ya con las hormigas arrastrndose por todas partes.
Anunci, "Subbamma no est muerta. Ella todava est viva." Pero los que lo rodeaban
insistieron en que ella haba dejado de respirar hace mucho tiempo, que haba muerto en
realidad, sino que se mantiene , sin embargo, slo el cuerpo para la llegada de Swami. Pero
Swami reiter que Subbamma estaba todava viva. Se acerc a ella y le grit: "Mira
Subbamma, yo soy tu Swami. Yo he venido! "Y para consternacin de todos alrededor,
Subbamma abri mucho los ojos. Las lgrimas se deslizaron fuera de sus ojos. Los
espectadores estaban mudos. Swami toc tiernamente sus labios con los dedos. Y las fras
aguas del Ganges celestial fluan de Sus dedos divinos a los labios resecos! Ella los lami y
trag saliva. Su rostro estaba radiante de satisfaccin y felicidad indescriptible. Ella toc
las manos de Swami suavemente mientras cerraba los ojos por ltima vez. Swami conoce a
la perfeccin el momento exacto de la muerte de todos.
La creacin, mantenimiento y la disolucin final se encuentran dentro del control absoluto
de Swami. Es por eso que l es Dios mismo!

At that moment, Bhagavan was among His devotees in a far off place near Tirupathi. He set out for Puttaparthi telling them that He had to go to
Puttaparthi urgently. On His arrival, He was informed that Subbamma had breathed her last several hours earlier. He found Subbamma's body
already with ants crawling all over. He announced, "Subbamma is not dead. She is still alive." But those around insisted that she had stopped
breathing long ago, that she had indeed died, but that they were nevertheless keeping the body only for Swami's arrival. But Swami reiterated
that Subbamma was still alive. He came close to her and called out, "Look Subbamma, I am your Swami. I have come!" And to the
consternation of everybody around, Subbamma opened her eyes wide. Tears trickled out of her eyes. The onlookers were dumb struck. Swami
tenderly touched her lips with His fingers. And the cool waters of the celestial Ganga flowed out of His divine fingers onto the parched lips! She
lapped them up and swallowed. Her face was aglow with indescribable satisfaction and happiness. She touched Swami's hands softly as she
closed her eyes for the last time. Swami knows perfectly the exact moment of everyone's death.
Creation, maintenance and ultimate dissolution are within Swami's absolute control. That is why He is God Himself!

Swami una vez que estaba conversando con devotos en su sala de entrevistas. Les mostr su
palma y le pregunt qu haba en ella. Alguien respondi que no haba nada all. Pero Baba
dijo con toda tranquilidad: "Esta mano vaca tiene todo." Cuando l cerr y abri un
momento ms tarde, habia una langosta all. Maravilla de maravillas, haba tambin una
pequea hoja que servia como su alimento. La langosta era en realidad alimentando en l.
En un momento, Swami cerr el puo y los abri para revelar que no haba nada. Los
devotos presentes en la sala no podan creer lo que vean. A travs de este incidente, Swami
le revel a todos nosotros, ignorantes como somos, que la creacin, mantenimiento y
disolucin estn bajo su control. Este incidente tuvo lugar hace unos treinta aos.

Swami was once conversing with devotees in His interview room. He showed them His palm and asked what was there in it. Somebody
answered that there was nothing there. But Baba said in all serenity, "This empty hand holds everything." When He closed it and opened it a
moment later, there was a locust there. Wonder of wonders, there was also a tiny leaf to serve as the insect's food. The locust was actually
feeding on it. In a little while, Swami closed his fist and opened it to reveal that nothing was there. The devotees present in the room could not
believe their eyes. Through this incident, Swami revealed to all of us, ignorant as we are, that creation, maintenance and dissolution lie in His
control. This incident took place about thirty years ago.

Bhagavan explica su divinidad en pocas inolvidables palabras. l declar: "Bha" denota la
creacin;! 'Ga' denota proteccin y 'Va' denota disolucin final. El que encarna estos tres
poderes supremos es Bhagavan. Aqu reside el secreto sublime de mi esencialidad.

Bhagavan explains His divinity in a few pregnant words. He declared, "'Bha' denotes creation; 'Ga' denotes protection and 'Va' denotes ultimate
dissolution. He who embodies these three supreme powers is Bhagavan. Herein lies the sublime secret of My essentiality!"

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih
Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin del captulo 7
End of Chapter 7

DIA 4 : ( Continuacin)
DAY 4 : (Contd.)


Captulo 8
Chapter 8

Esta obra es de l, el papel es de l, las lneas son escritas por l, l dirige, l disea el
vestido y la decoracin, el gesto y el tono, la entrada y salida. T tienes que hacer el papel y
recibir Su aprobacin cuando cae el teln.
~ Baba ~

This play is His, the role is His, the lines are written by Him, He directs, He designs the dress and decoration, the gesture and the tone, the
entrance and exit. You have to act the part and receive His approbation when the curtain falls.
~ Baba ~

Los cinco elementos (Pancha Bhuthas: tierra, agua, luz, aire y espacio) estn bajo el control
total de Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Vamos a ser capaces de apreciar la veracidad de esta
declaracin de algunos incidentes.

The five elements (Pancha Bhoothas : earth, water, light, air, and space) are in the total control of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. We will be able to
appreciate the veracity of this statement from a few incidents.

Un da, Baba desarroll alta temperatura, en forma repentina. Tenia 104.5 grados F. Los
devotos estaban todos perturbados. Pero afortunadamente para ellos, la temperatura baj
a 99 grados F dentro en unos cinco minutos ms o menos. Ninguno de los que le rodeaban
poda entender por qu la temperatura aument de manera tan abrupta y tambin baj
con la misma rapidez.

One day, Baba developed a high temperature all of a sudden. It was 104.5 deg F. Devotees were all perturbed. But happily for them, the
temperature came down to 99 deg F within five minutes or so. None of those around Him could understand why the temperature rose so abruptly
and also came down equally quickly.

A eso de las 21:30, se organiz una cena al aire libre en el techo de la residencia de Swami.
La noche era fresca y agradable y con la hermosa luz de la luna. Como todo el mundo
estaba disfrutando de la comida en el elegante ambiente y con la alegra reinante, Baba se
volvi hacia un devoto y le dijo: "Cuando regrese a casa maana, prevn a tu madre con
mucho cuidado del fuego. Al mismo tiempo, asegurarle que yo quiero siempre estar con ella
y protegerla de todos los peligros". Todo el mundo estaba un poco sorprendido por las
palabras de Baba. Qu le hizo hablar de incendios y riesgos futuros? Presionaron Baba
para saber de qu se trataba. Swami explic: "Su madre estaba rezando en su habitacin
Puja. Una serie de lmparas de aceite encendidas estaban a su alrededor. Mientras ella
estaba ofreciendo oraciones, su sari se incendi sin que ella se d cuenta. Tuve que ir a su
ayuda y apagar las llamas." Algunos devotos obtubieron el permiso de Swami para llamar
a la seora para saber cmo estaba. La propia seora respondi a su llamada y confirm el
incidente. Swami tambin habl con ella y la consol, mencionando que l era el que haba
apagado las llamas por compasin. Pero la dama, devota como era, con ansiedad le
pregunt, "Swami, al tratar de salvarme, te has quemado las manos? "l le asegur con
dulzura: "No, no en absoluto. Las llamas no me causaron ningn dao. Solamente mi
temperatura subi un poco, pero pronto disminuido. No te preocupes."

At about 9.30pm, an open-air dinner was arranged on the roof of Swami's residence. The night was cool and pleasant and there was beautiful
moonlight. As everyone was enjoying the meal in the fine atmosphere and the prevailing merriment, Baba turned to a devotee and said, "When
you return home tomorrow, caution your mother to be very careful with fire. At the same time, assure her that I will always be with her and
protect her from every hazard." Everyone was somewhat taken aback by Baba's words. What made Him talk of fire and future hazards? They
pressed Baba to let them know what the matter was. Swami explained, "His mother was praying in her pooja room. A number of lighted oil
lamps were around her. As she was offering prayers, her saree caught fire without her noticing it. I had to go to her help and put out the
flames." Some devotees obtained Swami's permission to make a trunk-call to the lady to find out how she was doing. The lady herself answered
their call and confirmed the incident. Swami too spoke to her and consoled her, mentioning that it was He who had doused the flames out of
compassion for her. But the lady, devout as she was, anxiously enquired, "Swami, while trying to save me, have You burnt Your own
hands?" He assured her sweetly, "No, not at all. The flames caused Me no harm. Only My temperature went up a little but soon subsided. Do
not worry."

En los das en que Baba permanecia en el antiguo templo, una vez hubo unas inundaciones
en el ro Chithravathi. El nivel de las aguas de las inundaciones aument de manera
constante y pronto lleg al templo y lo rode. La situacin era bastante sombra cuando el
agua amenaz con ingresar al templo en pocos minutos e inundar todo. En ese momento,
Baba entr a las aguas, y dijo: "Eso es suficiente. Vuelvan ahora." De repente, el diluvio
comenz a retroceder.

During the days when Baba stayed in the old temple, once there was floods in the river Chithravathi. The level of the flood-waters rose steadily
and soon it reached the temple and surrounded it. The situation was quite grim as the water threatened to enter the temple in a few minutes and
inundate everything. At that moment, Baba walked into the waters and said, "That's enough. Go back now." Suddenly, the flood began to

Como se dijo antes, cuando se realiz, por primera vez, la semana de Veda Purusha
Sapthaha Jnana Yajnam, los devotos, en miles, abarrotaron Prashanti Nilayam. Justo
cuando la ofrenda de despedida (Purna Aahuthi) a Agni, el Dios del Fuego, estaba a punto
de comenzar, el cielo se torn nublado. Masivas nubes oscuras junto con truenos y
relmpagos amenazaban con provocar un fuerte aguacero. El auditorio techado actual aun
no se construia. Y la gran asamblea montada bajo el cielo abierto no tena refugio alguno.
Si llova, todo el programa llegara a un punto muerto. Al darse cuenta de su ansiedad,
Baba les asegur: "No se preocupen. No habr lluvia". Dentro de poco, las oscuras nubes
se despejaron. El Puurna-Aahuthi continu como estaba previsto y fue debidamente
completado a la perfeccin.

As described earlier when, for the first time, the week-long Veda Purusha Sapthaha Jnana Yajnam was performed, devotees thronged the
Prashanti Nilayam in thousands. Just when the valedictory offering (Poorna Aahuthi) to Agni, the Fire-God, was about to commence, the sky
became overcast. Massive dark clouds coupled with thunder and lightning threatened to bring about a heavy downpour. The present-day
auditorium had not yet been built then. And the vast gathering assembled under the open sky had no shelter whatsoever. If it rained, the whole
programme would come to a standstill. Noticing their anxiety, Baba assured them, "Don't worry. There will be no rain." In a little while, the
dark clouds cleared. The Poorna Aahuthi went on as scheduled and was duly completed without a hitch.


Una vez, cuando Baba iba a Bangalore en coche, un poco por delante de la ciudad de
Chikkaballapur, el vehculo se detuvo porque se le acab la gasolina. No haba ninguna
estacin de servicio ni siquiera lejos. Baba pidi agua de un estanque cercano. Cuando la
trajieron en un recipiente, l meti la mano en el agua y la agit un poco. Luego le pidi al
conductor que llene el tanque de gasolina con el agua por l 'tratada'. El motor arranco y
el viaje se complet sin problemas.

Once, when Baba was going to Bangalore by car, a little ahead of the town of Chikkaballapur, the vehicle stalled as the petrol ran out. There was
no filling station anywhere near. Baba asked for water to be brought from the nearby pond. When it was brought in a container, He dipped his
hand in the water and stirred it a little. He then asked the driver to fill the petrol tank with the water so 'treated'. The engine sparked to life and
the journey was completed without a problem.

En otra ocasin, Baba, acompaado por un grupo de devotos, visit Aurangabad y Ellora
en Maharashtra y viajaba en coche a Hyderabad en Andhra Pradesh. En el camino, el
coche se detuvo por falta de combustible. En ese momento, los distribuidores de gasolina
estaban en una sublevados en todo el Estado y se declararon en huelga, y no haba manera
de reponer el tanque. Bhagavan entonces le dijo al coche, "Corre!" y empez a correr!
Despus de llegar a Hyderabad, Baba le dijo Sri Kasturi, "Kasturi, sin una sola gota de
combustible, tena que cubrir 150 millas. Qu hablar de la gasolina, ni siquiera haba agua
disponible en el camino en esos momentos para llenar el tanque de combustible. No vimos
ninguna corriente ni estanque en la ruta por la que viajamos".

On another occasion, Baba, accompanied by a group of devotees, visited Aurangabad and Ellora in Maharashtra and was proceeding by car to
Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh. On the way, the car stopped for want of fuel. At that time, petrol dealers were on a State-wide agitation and went
on strike, and there was no way to replenish the tank. Bhagavan just ordered the car, "Run!" and it started to run! After reaching Hyderabad,
Baba told Sri Kasturi, "Kasturi, without a single drop of fuel, we had to cover 150 miles. What to talk of petrol, not even water was available on
the way this time to fill the fuel tank. We saw no stream nor pond on the route we travelled by."

Ya hemos ledo antes de que en junio de 1961, Bhagavan tom Sus padres y algunos
devotos y peregrinaron al santuario del Badarinath. Sri Ramakrishna Rao Boorgula, el
entonces gobernador de Uttar Pradesh, tambin se uni a la comitiva y se encarg de que
se proporcionaran todas las facilidades para los peregrinos. El viaje desde Hrishikesh a
Badarinath, situado en las partes altas de la cordillera del Himalaya, donde las nevadas son
comunes, y tambin en Hrishikesh se termin en slo siete das. A lo largo de ese perodo,
los viajeros no encontraron ni una sola nevada. Todo lo contrario, haba un sol
esplendoroso! El hospitalario Sol hizo que el clima fuera cmodo y agradable. Los
habitantes locales notaron este inusual clima y se sentan felices.

We have already read earlier that in June 1961, Bhagavan took His parents and some devotees on a pilgrimage to the holy shrine of
Badarinath. Sri Boorgula Ramakrishna Rao, the then Governor of Uttar Pradesh, also joined the entourage and saw to it that every facility was
provided to the pilgrims. The trip from Hrishikesh to Badarinath, situated in the higher reaches of the Himalayas where snowfalls are common,
and back to Hrishikesh was completed in just seven days. All through that period, the travellers encountered not a single snowfall. On the other
hand, there was welcome sunshine! The hospitable Sun made the weather comfortable and enjoyable. Local inhabitants noticed this unusual
weather and felt happy.

El fenmeno tambin fue observado por un nmero de personas santas que participan en
la bsqueda espiritual en esas alturas solitarias e inhspitas. Ellos supusieron, con razn,
que una persona altamente espiritual y distunguida debia estar visitando la regin, y
provocando con su presencia, tan agradable temporada fuera de estacin!

The phenomenon was also observed by a number of holy persons engaged in spiritual pursuits at those lonely and inhospitable heights. They
guessed, quite correctly, that a highly distunguished spiritual person must be visiting the region, and causing by his presence, such agreeable
through un-seasonal weather!

Un devoto pregunt a Bhagavan, "Swami, tu comes muy poco. Tu cuerpo est compuesto
de los cinco elementos (Pancha Bhuuthas). Entonces, de dnde deriva tu potencia? " Baba
dio una respuesta muy concisa, "Los cinco elementos no me dan ninguna potencia. Soy yo
quien les da su potencia."
A devotee questioned Bhagavan, "Swami, you eat very little. Your body comprises the five elements (Pancha Bhoothas). Then, from where
does it derive its potency?" Baba gave a very pithy reply, "The five elements give me no potency. It is I who gives them their potency."

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih
Fin del captulo 8
Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih
End of Chapter 8


DIA 4 : ( Continuacin)
DAY 4 : (Contd.)

Captulo 9
Chapter 9

Dios no es ni distante, ni distinto de ti.
~ Baba ~
God is neither distant nor distinct from you.
~ Baba ~

Durante el tiempo en que Kasturi fij su residencia permanente en Prashanti Nilayam,
Swami sola visitar los hogares de los residentes que se entonces eran slo unos pocos. Por
lo tanto los residentes a menudo podran compartir la compaa gozosa de Bhagavan.
Durante una de esas visitas a la casa de Kasturi, Swami invit a Sra. Kasturi a cantar una
cancin. Ella cant una cancin compuesta por ella misma kannada:

"Ninnu Nambi Bande; Enna Kai Bidadiru, Ghana Mahimane Sai Natha!"
("Mi padre Sai, vengo a Ti con la ms amplia fe en que t me protegers. Por favor, no te
sueltes de mi mano.")

Despus de terminar, Swami le respondi con su propia cancin compuesta en Tamil, que
era su lengua materna:

"Virumbum Munn Tharu Vare,
Sai Baba! Vendum Munn Thar . Vare".
("Por qu temer? Incluso antes de que preguntes, Sai Baba te baa de bendiciones.
Incluso antes de orar, l se dirige a ti para dar proteccin".)

During the time when Sri Kasturi took up permanent residence in Prashanti Nilayam, Swami used to visit the homes of residents who were then
only a few. Thus those residents could often share the blissful company of Bhagavan. During one such visit to Kasturi's home, Swami asked
Smt. Kasturi to sing a song. She sang a Kannada song composed by herself :
"Ninnu Nambi Bande;
Enna Kai Bidadiru,
Ghana Mahimane Sai Natha!"
("My father Sai, I have come to You in the fullest faith that you will protect me. Please do not let go off my hand.")
After she finished, Swami replied to her with His own song composed in Tamil, which was her mother tongue :
"Virumbum Munne Tharu Vare,
Sai Baba! Vendum Munne Tharu. Vare."
("Why fear? Even before you ask, Sai Baba showers boons. Even before you pray, He runs to you to give protection.")

Cun dulce, cun simple y cuan cautivante es la maravillosa respuesta de Dios a la oracin
de Su devoto! Esta respuesta no slo est destinada a esta seora, la Sra. Kasturi. Sin duda
est dirigida a todas y cada una de las personas que estn afligidas, angustiadas, y
sufrimiendo en el mundo entero! Ms que eso, se dirige a todo el mundo en todo el

How sweet, how simple and how captivating is God's wonderful answer to His devotee's prayer! This answer is meant not merely to that lady,
Smt Kasturi. It is most certainly addressed to each and every single person in the wide world who is afflicted, distressed, and suffering! More
than that, it is addressed to everyone in the entire universe.

El siguiente incidente ocurri en 1955. Los barrios residenciales para los devotos se
ubicaban alrededor de la casa de Swami en Prashanti Nilayam. Shankar, un nio de once
aos de edad, participaba activamente en la actividad de construccin. Un camin cargado
con ladrillos lleg y el muchacho estaba ayudando en la descarga de ellos. Despus cuando
se vaciaba el camin, se puso de pie en su parte posterior sacudiendose el polvo de su
cuerpo y ropa. No se dio cuenta de que el conductor encendi el motor y el vehculo se
muevia hacia atrs. El conductor, por desgracia, no vio Shankar y condujo el camin muy

The following incident happened in 1955. Residential quarters for devotees were coming up around Swami's residence in Prashanti
Nilayam. Shankar, an eleven-year old boy was actively participating in the construction activity. A truck loaded with bricks arrived and the boy
was helping in unloading them. After the truck was emptied, he stood at its rear shaking dust off his body and clothes. He did not notice that the
driver started the engine and the vehicle was moving backwards. The driver, unfortunately, did not see Shankar and drove the truck very fast.

Para su completa sorpresa, el nio de repente haba sido empujado violentamente por el
enorme vehculo. Petrificado de miedo y por el shock, perdi todo el control corporal y se
desplomo donde se encontraba. Lo inexorable sucedi, el pesado neumtico del enorme
vehculo le aplast en una pierna. Lo nico pudo hacer Shankar en ese terrible momento
antes de perder el conocimiento fue dar un fuerte grito, "Swami!". La gente cercana
corri en su ayuda, lo llev aparte y le ataron una toalla alrededor de la extremidad
aplastada. Totalmente confundido, no saba qu hacer a continuacin. Slo podan levantar
la cabeza y mirar hacia la residencia de Swami. Para su sorpresa, vieron a Swami parado
en el balcn y mirando directamente hacia ellos. Antes de que abrieran la boca para decirle
lo que haba pasado, Swami les dijo que llevaran al nio al hospital adyacente a su
residencia. Ellos hicieron lo que se les indic.

To his utter shock, the boy suddenly found himself pushed violently by the huge vehicle. Petrified with fear and shock, he lost all bodily control
and just collapsed where he stood. The inexorable did come to pass, the heavy tyre of the enormous vehicle crushed his tender leg. The only
thing Shankar could do in that awful moment before he became unconscious was to give out a loud cry, "Swami!" People nearby ran to his
rescue, pulled him aside and wrapped a towel around the crushed limb. Totally confused, they did not know what to do next. They could only
raise their heads and look towards Swami's residence. To their surprise, they saw Swami standing in the balcony and looking directly in their
direction. Before they opened their mouths to tell Him what had happened, Swami told them to take the boy to the hospital adjoining his
residence. They did as directed.

Despus, el hermano de Shankar corri hacia Swami. Gimi en voz alta, "Swami, mi
hermano menor ha perdido su pierna." Swami lo consol: "No te preocupes. No le ha
pasado nada en la pierna." Al pronunciar estas dulces palabras, ech hacia atrs la manga
de su camisa y mostr su palma abierta. En la palma de la mano se podra claramente ver
las marcas de los neumticos pesado del camin. Swami le dijo al angustiado joven que
haba insertado su propia palma entre el neumtico del camin y la pierna del nio pues el
enorme peso del camion no podra ser soportado por la pierna.

Afterwards, Shankar's brother ran to Swami. He loudly wailed, "Swami, my younger brother has lost his leg." Swami consoled him, "Do not
worry. Nothing has happened to his leg." As He uttered the sweet words, He pulled back the sleeve of His shirt and showed His open palm. On
the palm could be distinctly seen the marks of the truck's heavy tyre. Swami told the distraught young man that He had inserted His own palm
between the truck's tyre and the little boy's leg so that the huge weight of the truck would not bear heavily upon the leg.

Cuando los mdicos encontraron que Ni un solo hueso de la pierna de Shankar se haba
daado! se sorprendieron y tambin quedaron muy aliviados. Debido a la Voluntad divina
de Swami y su inmensa misericordia, el muchacho se recuper pronto.

When doctors found that not a single bone of Shankar's leg was damaged, they were astonished and also very much relieved. Due to Swami's
divine Will and immense mercy, the boy recovered soon.

Un incidente similar ocurri en 1999. En enero de 1999, el Da del Deporte se celebraba en
el Estadio Hill View en Prashanti Nilayam. A pesar de la sugerencia de Swami no ser
imprudentes, los estudiantes mostraban habilidades gimnsticas arriezgadas. Ahora era el
turno de un evento acrobtico en la gimnasia, en la que los estudiantes participaban en
salto mortal en un camin. Nadie se dio cuenta de que las tuercas y los tornillos de las
barras de hierro dispuestas para el evento se aflojaron. Los nios haban completado su
exivision con xito y hubo un gran aplauso. Pero al final, Swami no se uni a los estudiantes
para posar para una fotografa, lo que era la costumbre. En su lugar, se fue de nuevo a la
sala de Chandra Puurna, donde reside. Mostr su cuerpo para Indulal Shah y de algunos
de los estudiantes all. Haba sangre por todas partes. Swami estaba sangrando
profusamente. Todo el mundo estaba asombrado y preocupado. "Me meti por debajo de la
camioneta y salve a los estudiantes. Ahora, tengo que lavarme la sangre. Los nios estaban
pidiendo que me uniera a ellos y posara para la foto. Los pobres nios, no saben", dijo
Swami en Su calma habitual y voz compasiva.

A similar incident happened in 1999. In January 1999, the Sports Day was being celebrated in the Hill View Stadium in Prashanti
Nilayam. Despite Swami's suggestion not to be adventurous, students were displaying adventurous gymnastic skills. It was now the turn of an
acrobatic event in gymnastics, in which students were participating in somersault on a truck. Nobody noticed that the nuts and bolts of the iron
bars arranged for the event got loosened. Children had completed their even successfully and there was a huge applause. But at the end, Swami
did not join the students to pose for a photograph, which He normally does. Instead, He went back to the Poorna Chandra Hall, where He
resides. He showed his body to Indulal Shah and to some of the students there. There was blood all over. Swami was bleeding
profusely. Everyone was astonished and worried. "I lied below the truck and saved the students. Now, I have to wash the blood. The kids were
requesting me to join them and pose for the photograph. Poor kids, they do not know," Swami said in His usual calm and compassionate voice.

Kumar era un estudiante en el Colegio Sathya Sai de Puttaparthi. Swami le di alojamiento
a sus padres en la planta baja de un edificio del este cerca de su propia residencia. En la
oracin de la tarde, un da, Kumar cant un bhajan, "Sai Pitha Aur Matha Sai" ("Sai es el
padre y Sai es la madre"), Swami se sent en su trono bastante cerca y asinti con la cabeza
en sintona con el cancin. Los ojos de Swami estaban nadando en bondad y compasin.
Tan pronto como la primera estrofa de la cancin termin, Swami abruptamente se levant
y sali a toda prisa. El muchacho sinti que su canto no era probablemente del agrado de
Swami. Swami entr a la residencia de los padres de Kumar. Los devotos que observaban
la escena se sorprendieron. En los ltimos tiempos, nadie haba visto ha Swami dejar su
residencia y proceder ms all de su recinto.

Kumar was a student in the Sathya Sai College in Puttaparthi. Swami allotted his parents ground floor accommodation in the eastern block close
to his own residence. At the evening prayer one day, Kumar sang a bhajan, "Sai Pitha Aur Matha Sai" ("Sai is the father and Sai is the mother"),
as Swami sat on his throne quite close by and nodded His head in tune with the song. Swami's eyes were swimming with kindness and
compassion. No sooner had the first stanza of the song ended, than Swami abruptly got up and hurried out. The boy felt that his singing was not
probably to Swami's liking. Swami walked into the residence of Kumar's parents. Devotees who watched the scene were surprised. In recent
times, no one had seen Swami thus leave His residence and proceed beyond its precincts.

En la residencia de los padres de Kumar, su madre tuvo un ataque al corazn y estaba
luchando por la vida. Baba fue de prisa a la casa, le dio un vaso de agua y materializ
vibhuti para ella. Despus de unas palabras de consuelo y aliento a la seora, regres a la
sala de bhajans y volvi a su trono; entonces, el canto de bhajans de Kumar estaba
llegando a su fin. Cuando todo termin, Swami habl con Kumar, "Sabes por qu me
apresur en salir? Tu madre estaba a punto de morir y fui a salvarla. Aqu tu cantabas:
"T eres el padre, T eres la madre' Cmo iba a sentarme aqu a disfrutar de su cancin
cuando tu madre estaba en agona all? tuve que llegar a ella con urgencia y salvarla".

In the residence of Kumar's parents, his mother had a heart attack and was struggling for life. Baba hastened into the house, gave her a glass of
water and materialized vibhuthi for her. After a few words of solace and encouragement to the lady, He returned to the bhajan hall and resumed
His throne; just then, Kumar's bhajan song was coming to a close. When it was over, Swami spoke to Kumar, "Do you know why I hurried
out? Your mother was on the verge of dying and I went to save her. Here you were singing : 'You are the father; You are the mother'. How
could I sit here enjoying your song when your mother was in agony there? I had to reach her urgently and save her."
The lady's husband was all the time present in the bhajan hall among the devotees. His son too was there singing. All the same, only God could
rescue the suffering lady. God, undoubtedly, is the closest and the most intimate of one's kith and kin - closer than even husband.

Swami tenia que dar un discurso en el S.A.P. Kalyana Mandapam (sala de matrimonio) en
Madrs, ahora conocida como Chennai. Miles de devotos ansiosos se reunieron para tener
Su darshan y escuchar sus palabras inspiradoras. Su forma divina les llen de gozo.
Despus del Darshan, Swami habl en Telugu. Chithuur Nagayya, el clebre actor y devota
de Swami, estaba junto a Swami y traducia su discurso al tamil. El pblico estaba
fascinado. Fueron bebiendo el discurso dulce como la miel con avidez y saboreando cada
gota de el. Se olvidaron de s mismos en la felicidad al escuchar las palabras divinas de su
amado Bhagavan. De repente, un beb pequeo, de apenas un ao de edad, acostado en el
regazo de su madre, comenz a llorar a gritos. El pblico se distrajo. Su fascinante hechizo
de felicidad se arruin. Todos los ojos se volvieron hacia el llanto del beb, que fue la causa
de la perturbacin. Pasaron unos segundos. Todo el mundo vio a Swami en el estrado
sonriendo suavemente. Extendi la palma abierta hacia el nio que llora en el modo
'abhaya' (un gesto que denota la garanta de la proteccin), pero de pronto la cerr en un
puo apretado! En ese mismo momento, el nio se qued en silencio. Nadie poda medir la
razn por la que el beb repentinamente comenz a llorar y por qu, tambin de repente,
dej de llorar. Swami extendi el puo cerrado ahora hacia Nagayya, lo abri y dijo: "Una
pequea moneda de 25 paises se qued atascado en la garganta de ese pequeo beb y lo he
quitado. Aqu est! "Sri Nagayya fue completamente superado por la emocin, la sorpresa
y la felicidad y de inmediato anunci que a travs del micrfono. El pblico embelesado
explot en aplausos salvaje. A pesar de que el pequeo beb estaba ciertamente en su
propio regazo, la pobre madre no saba qu haba salido mala con su hijo. Es evidente que,
ms que incluso la propia madre, Dios es mucho, mucho, ms.

Swami was to give a discourse in the S.A.P. Kalyana Mandapam (marriage hall) in Madras, now knowsn as Chennai. Thousands of eager
devotees gathered to have His darshan and to hear His inspiring words. His divine form filled them with bliss. After Darshan, Swami spoke in
Telugu. Chithoor Nagayya, the celebrated actor and devotee of Swami, was standing by Swami and translating His discourse into Tamil. The
audience was spellbound. They were imbibing the honey-sweet speech avidly savouring every drop of it. They forgot themselves in happiness at
hearing the divine words of their beloved Bhagavan. Suddenly, a small baby, barely a year old and lying in his mother's lap, began to wail
loudly. The audience was distracted. Their engrossing spell of bliss was ruined. All eyes turned towards the crying baby who was the cause of
the disturbance. A few seconds passed. Everyone saw Swami on the dais gently smiling. He extended his open palm towards the crying child in
the 'abhaya' mode (a gesture denoting assurance of protection), but suddenly closed it into a tight fist! That very moment, the child fell
silent. None could gauge the reason why the baby suddenly started wailing and why he, equally suddenly, stopped crying. Swami extended the
closed fist now towards Nagayya, opened it and said, "A small 25-paise coin got stuck in that little baby's throat and I have removed it. Here it
is!" Sri Nagayya was completely overcome by emotions or surprise and happiness and immediately announced it over the microphone. The
enraptured audience exploded into wild applause. Even though the little baby was right in her own lap, the poor mother did not know what had
gone wrong with her child. It is obvious that, more than even one's own mother, God is much, very much, closer.

Un joven fue empleado como contador en una empresa en Calcuta, ahora conocida como
Calcuta. Su madre era devota de Swami, pero l no compartia su fe. Dio la casualidad de
que fue acusado de malversar el dinero de la empresa. Incapaz de soportar la infamia,
incluso pens en el suicidio. Su madre escribi a Baba solicitando su permiso para traer a
su hijo en desgracia a Puttaparthi. Pero sin saber cmo enviar su carta a travs de correo
postal a Baba, ella la mantuvo detrs de la foto de Swami en su lugar Puja.

Mientras tanto, el muchacho fue a un puente sobre el ro Ganges. Pensaba que la muerte
iba a ser fcil si saltaba al ro. Justo cuando estaba a punto de hacerlo, oy una voz: "Venid
a Puttaparthi, vienid a Puttaparthi." Se sorprendi. "Puttaparthi, Puttaparthi" - las
palabras segua sonando en sus odos. Acto seguido, abandon toda idea de suicidio, fue a
la estacin de ferrocarril, compr un boleto a Bangalore y se subi a un tren.
Curiosamente, el ruido de las ruedas sobre los rieles sonaban como "Puttaparthi,
Puttaparthi." Cuando el tren se mova rpido, las palabras sonaban rpido, cuando las
ruedas iban lentas, las palabras tambin iban lentas!

Al llegar a Bangalore, se fue hacia la ventanilla de ventas para la compra de un boleto para
su prximo viaje a Penukonda. El hombre en el mostrador saba que si alguna persona le
preguntaba por un boleto a Penukonda, sera muy probable que se dirigiese hacia el
darshan de Swami. As que le pregunt a la joven: "Vas a tener el darshan de Sai Baba?"
Cuando respondi de manera afirmativa, se le inform que Baba estaba actualmente all
mismo, en Brindavan en Whitefield en Bangalore. El joven se qued all, con cierta
vacilacin. Pero las palabras "Puttaparthi, Puttaparthi," una vez ms comenzaron a sonar
en sus odos. As, cedi a ese llamado y pidi un billete para Penukonda! En aquellos das,
para llegar a Puttaparthi de Penukonda, uno tena que cubrir varios kilmetros a pie. A
pesar de que el joven parti del arduo camino a pie, las palabras, "Puttaparthi,
Puttaparthi," nunca dejaron de sonar en sus odos.

A young man was employed as an accountant in a firm in Calcutta, now known as Kolkatta. His mother was Swami's devotee but he did not
share her faith. It so happened that he was accused of misusing the firm's money. Unable to bear the infamy, he even thought of suicide. His
mother wrote to Baba requesting His permission to bring her unfortunate son to Puttaparthi. But not knowing how to send it through post to
Baba, she kept her letter behind Swami's photograph in her pooja place.
Meanwhile, the boy went to a bridge on the river Ganges. He thought that death would be easy if he jumped into the river. Just as he was about
to do so, he heard a voice, "Come to Puttaparthi, come to Puttaparthi." He was surprised. "Puttaparthi, Puttaparthi" - the words continued to ring
in his ears. Thereupon, he abandoned all thought of suicide, went to the railway station, purchased a ticket to Bangalore and boarded a
train. Strangely, even the noise made by the running wheels sounded to him like "Puttaparthi, Puttaparthi." When the train moved fast, the words
sounded fast; when the wheels were slow, the words too were slow!
On arrival at Bangalore, he went to the booking counter to purchase a ticket for his onward journey to Penukonda. The man at the counter knew
that if any person asked for a ticket to Penukonda, he would most probably be heading for Swami's darshan. So he asked the young man, "Are
you going to have Sai Baba's darshan?" When he answered in the affirmative, he was informed that Baba was presently right there in Brindavan
in Whitefield in Bangalore. The young man stood there, somewhat hesitantly. But the words, "Puttaparthi, Puttaparthi," once again began
ringing in his ears. So, he yielded to that call and asked for a ticket to Penukonda! In those days, to reach Puttaparthi from Penukonda, one had
to cover several miles on foot. Even as the young man proceeded on the arduous way on foot, the words, "Puttaparthi, Puttaparthi," never ceased
to ring in his ears.

Finalmente lleg a Puttaparthi a las 20:00 y descubri que slo una hora antes, es decir, a
las 19:00 horas, Baba haba llegado en Puttaparthi! En ese momento, las clases de
entrenamiento de verano estaban a punto de comenzar en Brindavan en Bangalore. A
pesar de eso, nadie saba por qu Baba haba vuelto repentinamente a Puttaparthi. Cuando
los devotos preguntaron sobre este punto, Baba explic: "Los estudiantes que estaran
llegando en Brindavan para las clases de verano tienen que ser alimentados. He venido
aqu para recoger el arroz y llevarlo a Brindavan."

He finally reached Puttaparthi at 8pm and discovered that just an hour earlier, i.e., at 7pm, Baba had arrived at Puttaparthi! At that time, summer
training classes were about to commence at Brindavan in Bangalore. In spite of that, no one knew why Baba had suddenly returned to
Puttaparthi. When devotees enquired on this point, Baba explained, "Students who would be arriving at Brindavan for the summer classes have
to be fed. I have come here to collect rice and take it to Brindavan."

A la maana siguiente, durante la audiencia pblica, Swami se acerc al joven y se dirigi a
l: "Oye, Calcutta! Adelante" En la sala de entrevista, Baba se refiri a la acusacin
formulada contra l en su oficina y le dijo que no se molestan en ello. l lo anim y le
disuadi de poner fin a su vida. Tambin le dijo que se quedara en Puttaparthi durante
nueve das antes de regresar a Calcuta. A su debido tiempo, el hombre volvi a su trabajo.
As pues, fue salvado por Baba en respuesta a la oracin de su madre, que ni siquiera poda
mandarla por correo.

Next morning, during the public audience, Swami came close to the young man and addressed him, "Hey, Calcutta! Come in." In the interview
room, Baba referred to the accusation against him in his office and told him not to get upset about it. He encouraged him and dissuaded him from
putting an end to his life. He also told him to stay in Puttaparthi for nine days before returning to Calcutta. In due course, the man went back to
his job. He was thus saved by Baba in response to his mother's prayer, which she could not even send to him by post.

El esposo de la seora estuvo todo el tiempo presente en la sala de bhajans entre los
devotos. Su hijo tambin estaba all cantando. De todos modos, slo Dios pudo rescatar a la
seora de su sufrimiento. Dios, sin duda, es el ms cercano y el ms ntimo de los familiares
y amigos de uno - ms cercano incluso que el marido.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai vez estaba viajando en coche de Bangalore a Puttaparthi. Uno de
sus estudiantes estaba conduciendo el vehculo. Otros coches con grupos de devotos estaban
siguiendo el coche de Swami. El suelo era pedregoso y spero, el terreno montaoso,
desolado y silencioso. Una larga cobra cruzaba el camino. El conductor del estudiante del
coche de Baba not desde la distancia. No pudo, sin embargo, tomar una decisin de si
detener el coche para salvar a la cobra o si pasar sobre ella. Mir hacia atrs y en el asiento
trasero del coche se encontraba Swami en mudra-yoga (contemplacin profunda). Pens:
"Swami est profundamente dormido. Si paro el coche repentinamente, perturvaria su
sueo." Por lo tanto, l sigui hacia adelante y pas por encima de la cobra.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai was once travelling by car from Bangalore to Puttaparthi. One of His students was driving the vehicle. Other cars with
groups of devotees were following Swami's car. The ground was stony and rough, the terrain hilly, desolate and silent. A long cobra was
crossing the path. The student driver of Baba's car noticed it from a distance. He could not, however, make up his mind whether to stop the car
to save the cobra or to run over it. He looked back in the rear seat of the car and found Swami in yoga mudra (deep contemplation). He thought,
"Swami is fast asleep. If the car were to be suddenly brought to a halt, His sleep would be disturbed." Therefore, he sped forward and ran over
the cobra.

Despus de llegar a Prashanti Nilayam, el estudiante se baj del asiento del conductor,
corri y abri la puerta trasera para Swami. Swami baj y se dirigi hacia la terraza de su
residencia. El estudiante qued intrigado al descubrir una gran mancha de barro, al igual
que una amplia franja, en la parte posterior de la tnica de Swami. l dijo, "Swami, tus
prendas se ensuciaron por la espalda." La respuesta de Swami fue: "Hace poco, tuve que ir
por debajo de los neumticos del vehculo con el fin de salvar a esa pobre cobra!"

After arriving at Prashanti Nilayam, the student alighted from the driver's seat, ran and opened the rear door for Swami. Swami got down and
proceeded towards the verandah of His residence. The student was intrigued to find a wide smear of mud, like a broad strip, on the back of
Swami's robes. He said, "Swami, your garments are soiled on the back." Swami's reply was, "A little while ago, I had to go below the car's tyre
in order to save that poor cobra!"

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih
Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih

Fin del captulo 9
End of Chapter 9

DIA 4 : ( Continuacin)
DAY 4 : (Contd.)
Chapter 10

Captulo 10

El pasado es pasado, no se puede recuperar;
El futuro, no es seguro.
El momento es ahora (presente)
Este presente es Omnipresente
~Baba ~
Past is past, it can't be recalled;
Future, you are not sure of...
The given moment is now (Present)
This Present is Omnipresent
~Baba ~

Hace varios aos, una seora llamada Sakamma vivi en Prashanti Nilayam. Un da, ella
pregunt a Baba, "Swami, en el campo de batalla de Kurukshetra, los Kauravas
ostentaban enormes fuerzas completamente armados y listos para pelear. En tal situacin,
cmo era posible que Bhagavan Sri Krishna recitara a Arjuna el Bhagavad Gita que
consiste de 700 slokas? como Krishna se tom su tiempo y Arjuna lo escuch, ignorando
la amenaza del enemigo?, cmo hizo callar al enemigo?" Swami no respondi a su
pregunta en el acto.

Several years ago, a lady called Sakamma lived in Prashanti Nilayam. One day, she questioned Baba, "Swami, in the battle field at Kurukshethra,
the Kauravas ranged enormous forces fully armed and ready to fight. In such a situation, how was it possible for Bhagavan Sri Krishna to recite
to Arjuna the Bhagavad Gita consisting of as many as 700 slokas? As Sri Krishna took his own time and Arjuna listened, ignoring the enemy's
threat, how did the enemy keep quiet?" Swami did not answer her question there and then.

Esa tarde, Swami, junto con varios de sus devotos, fue como de costumbre para pasar el
tiempo en las arenas del ro Chithravathi. Los devotos se sentaron alrededor de Swami.
Sakamma tambin estaba entre ellos. Swami meti la mano en la arena y, como los curiosos
devotos miraban con los ojos muy abiertos, Lentamente sac una reluciente figura de
marfil blanco de un pie de largo. Era del Seor Sri Krishna sentado en un carro y
exhortando a Arjuna con el Gita. La imagen era extraordinariamente minciosa en detalles
y de exquisita artesana. Sakamma, en particular, estaba mirando con asombro
boquiabierta. Swami explic: "Cuntos das tardarian los comunes mortales para tallar
esta hermosa imagen marfil? Cuntas manos se requeririan para lograr esa intrincada
talladura? Cuntos artistas se necesitaran para hacer el diseo inicial y preparar los
modelos detallados? Pero, ven cmo se ha materializado en todo su esplendor slo en un
instante, en el momento en que es la voluntad Swami? Si Dios tiene la voluntad, se puede
dominar el tiempo y controlarlo. Lo que tomara varios meses para el hombre, yo lo
comprimi en slo un momento. De la misma manera, tambin es posible alargar el tiempo
por la divina Voluntad. El da que di el Gita a Arjuna en el campo de batalla, cree en su
mente todo el tiempo necesario. tambin lo resum a unos pocos momentos para la resto de
las tropas en el campo.

That evening, Swami, along with several of His devotees, went as usual to spend time on the sands of river Chithravathi. The devotees sat around
Swami. Sakamma too was among them. Swami thrust His hand into the sand and, as the curious devotees watched with wide-open eyes, He
slowly pulled out a foot long gleaming white ivory figure. It showed Lord Sri Krishna sitting on a chariot and exhorting Arjuna with Gita. The
image was extraordinary minute in detail and of exquisite craftsmanship. Sakamma, in particular, was staring at it with open-mouthed
wonder. Swami explained, "How many days will ordinary mortals take to carve this beautiful ivory image? How many hands will be required to
accomplish this intricate carving? How many artists would be required to make the initial design and to prepare detailed plans? But do you see
how it has materialized in all its splendour just in a trice, the moment Swami Wills it to be? If God has the Will, He can dominate time and
control it. What would take several months for man, I have abridged into just a moment. In like manner, it is also possible to elongate time by
divine Will. On the day I gave the Gita to Arjuna in the battlefield, I created in his mind all the time needed. I also abridged it to a few moments
for the rest of the troops on the field.

El tiempo es del control completo de Sri Sathya Sai. l puede abreviarle y alargarle a Su
Divina Voluntad.

Time is within the complete control of Sri Sathya Sai. He can abridge it and elongate it at His Divine Will.

He aqu un caso en que un perodo de varios aos fue abreviado por Swami en apenas una
hora. Haba un estudiante cristiano en Colombo, Sri Lanka. l lleg a la India para la
educacin universitaria y consigui que lo inscribieran en el Madras Christian College, en
Madrs (Chennai). Un da, l fue a la Misin Shri Ramakrishna. Fue muy atrado por la
imagen de la diosa Kali que Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa haba adorado. Poco a poco,
se convirti en un devoto de la diosa Kali. l recibi la iniciacin. l meditaba profunda y
largamente en el Devi Mantra. Finalmente, se lleg a esa etapa en la que permanecera
durante horas y horas en el samadhi (trance espiritual, un estado en el cual el meditador
suspende la conexin entre el cuerpo y el alma). Luego, l incluso se convirti al hinduismo
y llev a sanyas (renuncia).

Here is an instance where a period of several years was abridged by Swami into just an hour. There was a Christian student in Colombo, Sri
Lanka. He came to India for college education and got himself enrolled in the Madras Christian College, Madras (Chennai). One day, he went to
the Sri Ramakrishna Mission. He was very much attracted by the image of Goddess Kali which Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa had
worshipped. Gradually, he became a devotee of Goddess Kali. He received initiation. He would meditate deep and long on the Devi
Manthra. Eventually, he reached that stage when he would remain for hours and hours in samadhi (spiritual trance, a state in which the meditator
suspends connection between body and soul). Afterwards, he even converted to Hinduism and took to sanyas (renunciation).

Algn tiempo despus, viaj a Colombo a visitar a su madre. La pobre mujer gema de
dolor al ver a su hijo con el atuendo de un renunciante hind. Ella saba que su hijo nunca
quiso pensar en el matrimonio y ella misma se habia reconciliado con l. Pero senta
muchos deseos de que su hijo por lo menos se quitara el vestido de monje hind y adoptara
el de un padre cristiano. El hijo se neg a hacerlo. Renunci a su madre, as como
pertenencias y regres a la India, y en su momento, lleg a Puttaparthi. Swami le invit a
pasar a la sala de entrevistas. Pas una hora. De repente, se oy un grito en voz alta desde
el interior de la sala, "Oh, madre!" Fue tan fuerte que todos se reunieron en la terraza
exterior podra orlo.

Sometime later, he travelled to Colombo to visit his mother. The poor lady moaned in grief on seeing her son in the garb of a Hindu
Sanyasi. She knew that her son would never think of marriage and reconciled herself to it. But she very much desired her son at least to give up
his Hindu monk's dress and adopt that of a Christian Father. The son declined to do so. He gave up his mother as well as possessions and
returned to India, and in due course, reached Puttaparthi. Swami invited him into the Interview Room. An hour passed. Suddenly, there was a
loud cry from inside the room, "Oh, Mother!" This was so loud that every one gathered on the verandah outside could hear it.

Un poco ms tarde, Swami abri la puerta de la habitacin y dirigiendoce al devoto de
Sakthi y baandolo de pies a cabeza con santo vibhuthi. Qu ocurri en el interior de la
sala de entrevistas? Parece que despus de admitirle en la habitacin, Swami materializ
un gran bosque e invit al hombre a entrar en el. El renunciante slo camin y camin y
camin sin parar. Sin detenerse para descansar, caminaba sin cesar en medio de enormes
rboles durante varios das. Cubri millas y millas y camin durante dcadas y dcadas! El
de repente, Swami le orden,"Alto! Date la vuelta y mirar hacia atrs! "El renunciante se
detuvo, dio media vuelta y se qued paralizado. Qu es lo que vio? La misma Diosa Kali, a
quien haba adorado con tanto ardor desde la infancia, estaba de pie justo en frente de l
en todo su esplendor!

A little later, Swami opened the door of the room and out walked the Sakthi devotee bathed from top to toe in holy vibhuthi. What transpired
inside the interview room? It seems that after admitting him into the room, Swami materialized a big forest and directed the man to walk into
it. The sanyasi just walked and walked and walked endlessly. Without stopping for rest, he walked on and on amidst huge trees for several
days. He covered miles and miles and walked for decades and decades! The suddenly, Swami ordered him, "Stop! Turn around and look
behind!" The sanyasi stopped, turned around and stood transfixed. What did he see? The same Goddess Kali, whom he had so ardently
worshipped ever since childhood, was standing right in front of him in all splendour!

Durante varios aos, este sanyasi haba estado pensando que deba alejarse a los bosques
remotos y pasar largos aos all en meditacin. Swami cumpli esa profunda necesidad en
el lapso de una hora. Haba estado deseando realizar penitencia por muchos, muchos aos.
Pero Swami lo redujo a menos de una hora. Adems, Bhagavan lo premi con el darshan
de la diosa Kali que haba estado anhelando. Cuando su deseo ms ardiente fue tan
maravillosamente cumplido, el renunciante no pudo contenerse, y grit en xtasis: "Oh ,
madre!" Al or este grito que surgi de lo ms recndito de su corazn, Bhagavan
respondi en voz melodiosa: "Mi querido amigo, no hay necesidad de una intensa
penitencia en el Kali Yuga. Es suficiente si recuerdas el nombre de tu deidad favorita sin
cesar entonandolo mentalmente. Slo a travs Namasmarana vas a alcanzar tu plenitud".
Y diciendo esto, Swami materializ gran cantidad de vibhuti, lo derram todo en el joven
encantado y lo bendijo.

For several years, this sanyasi had been wishing that he should remove himself to remote forests to spend long years there in meditation. Swami
fulfilled that deep urge within the span of an hour. He had been desiring to perform penance for many, many years. But Swami abridged that
also to less than an hour. In addition, Bhagavan vouchsafed him the darshan of Goddess Kali that he had been yearning for. When his most
ardent wish was so beautifully fulfilled, the sanyasi could not hold himself back but cried out in ecstasy, "Oh, Mother!" On hearing this cry
which emerged out of the inner recesses of his heart, Bhagavan responded in melodious voice, "My dear man, there is no need for intense
penance in the Kali Yuga. It is sufficient if you remember your favourite deity's name and incessantly intone it mentally. Only through
namasmaran will you attain fulfillment." So saying, Swami materialized copious vibhuthi, poured it all over the delighted youngster and blessed

Llegamos ahora al incidente cuando Bhagavan Sai Baba extendi un lapso de treinta das
en treinta aos. Lal Bahadur Sastry era el Primer Ministro de la India, entonces. Su
asistente personal era Thyagaraja. Cuando l tubo un problema de salud, fue a Bangalore
para un chequeo mdico. Despus de examinarlo a fondo, los mdicos le diagnosticaron un
cncer y declararon que su esperanza de vida era tan slo de tres meses. Tambin le dijo:
"Seor, si no te importa, tenemos una sugerencia. Slo hay un remedio para tu
enfermedad, y es que ores a los Pies de Loto de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba y le pidas
que te salve. no hay otra manera. El Dr. S. Bhagavantham, devoto de Baba, est
actualmente aqu en este hospital. Swami viene maana aqu a visitarlo. Usted puede
aprovechar esta excelente oportunidad.

We now come to the incident when Bhagavan Sai Baba extended a time span of thirty days to thirty years. Lal Bahadur Sastry was the Prime
Minister of India then. His personal assistant was Thyagaraj. When he had some health problem, he went to Bangalore for a medical check-
up. After thoroughly examining him, doctors diagnosed him as a cancer patient and declared his life expectancy to be just three months. They
also told him, "Sir, if you do not mind, we have a suggestion. There is only one remedy for your disease, and that is to pray at the Lotus Feet of
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and request Him to save you. There is no other way. Dr S Bhagavantham, Baba's devotee, is presently right here
in this hospital. Swami is coming here tomorrow to visit him. You may avail of this excellent opportunity.

Pero Thyagaraj declin el consejo. Y aadi: "Yo soy el asistente personal del Primer
Ministro de la India. No necesito caer a los pies de cualquier Baba. Puedo darme el lujo de
un tratamiento mdico adecuado en cualquier lugar. "l sigui su propio consejo y se fue
de aqu para all en busca de ayuda mdica. Despus de dos meses, volvi al mismo
hospital y consigui que lo examinaran de nuevo. Efectivamente, los mdicos declararon
que l vivira slo un mes ms o menos. Thyagaraj ahora estaba en un apuro desesperado
por llegar a Puttaparthi. Mientras esperaba para el darshan, Swami le acerc y le dijo:
"Cncer?" Pobre Thyagaraj rompi a llorar y cay a los pies de Loto de Swami. Swami
materializ vibhuti, lo puso en la mano y le dijo que se lo coma. Esto se hizo por tres das
consecutivos. En el tercer da, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai dijo, "El cncer est cancelado!"
No hace falta aadir, exmenes mdicos posteriores confirmaron ningn rastro de cncer
en Thyagaraj.

But Thyagaraj declined the advice. He added, "I am the personal assistant to the Prime Minister of India. I do not need to fall at the feet of any
Baba. I can afford to get proper medical treatment anywhere." He followed his own counsel and went here and there for medical help. After two
months, he returned to the same hospital and got himself examined once again. Sure enough, doctors declared that he would live only for another
month or so. Thyagaraj was now in a desperate hurry to reach Puttaparthi. As he waited for darshan, Swami approached him and said,
"Cancer?" Poor Thyagaraj burst into tears and fell at Swami's Lotus Feet. Swami materialized vibhuthi, placed it in his hand and told him to eat
it. This was done for three consecutive days. On the third day, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai said, "Cancer is cancelled!" Needless to add,
subsequent medical tests confirmed no trace of cancer on Thyagaraj.

Este incidente sucedi hace treinta aos. Thyagaraj sirvi en la oficina del Eterno
Conductor en Prashanti Nilayam hasta hace poco. Actualmente, l est haciendo el servicio
en el comedor en Prashanti Nilayam saboreando la benevolencia sin lmites de Swami.
El extraordinario caso de Thyagaraj demuestra el control y mando de Bhagavan Sai. Es
por ello que en el Sathya Sai Ashtottara Sahasra Namavali (los 1.008 atributos y nombres
por los que l es adorado ritual), nos encontramos con que dice: "Kalaya Namah, Kala
Kalaya Namah, Kalanthakaya Namah, Kala Swaruupaya Namah..." (Saludos a Aquel que
es el tiempo; que regula el Tiempo; que destruye el Tiempo; que es la encarnacin del

This incident happened thirty years ago. Thyagaraj served in the office of Sanathana Sarathi in Prashanti Nilayam until recently. Presently, he is
doing service in the canteen in Prashanti Nilayam savouring the unbounded benevolence of Swami.
The extraordinary case of Thyagaraj demonstrates Bhagavan Sai's control and command. That is why in the Sathya Sai Ashtottara Sahasra
Namavali (the 1008 attributes and names by which He is worshipped ritualistically), we find Him addressed as : "Kalaya Namah, Kala Kalaya
Namah, Kalanthakaya Namah, Kala Swaroopaya Namah..." (Salutations to Him who is Time; who regulates Time; who destroys Time; who is
the very Embodiment of Time...).

Baba una vez visito a Venkatagiri y estaba a punto de regresar a Puttaparthi. Una habitual
anciana, residente de Prashanti Nilayam, de nombre Vayalpadu, estaba en esos momentos
en su pueblo natal, situado en la carretera Venkatagiri-Puttaparthi. Entonces, pens en
rezarle a Swami para que interrumpiera el viaje en Vayalpadu y visitara su casa. Ella
calcul el da de salida de Swami desde Venkatagiri. En ese da, se qued por el camino
esperando pacientemente al auto de Swami. Tambin persuadi a otros habitantes del
pueblo para que se mantengan el da y la noche de vigilia en ese lugar. Pero el coche nunca
apareci. Luego se supo que Swami, mientras tanto, haba llegado a Prashanti Nilayam.
Profundamente decepcionada, ella tambin volvi a Puttaparthi.

Baba was once on a visit to Venkatagiri and was about to return to Puttaparthi. An old lady, an ordinary resident of Prashanti Nilayam, was at
that time in her native village, by the name of Vayalpadu, situated on the Venkatagiri-Puttaparthi road. So, she thought she would pray to Swami
to break the journey at Vayalpadu and visit her home. She ascertained the day of Swami's departure from Venkatagiri. On that day, she stood by
the road waiting patiently for Swami's car. She also persuaded other villagers to keep day and night vigil at that spot. But the car made no
appearance. Then she came to know that Swami had meanwhile reached Prasanthi Nilayam. Deeply disappointed, she too returned to

Encontr a Swami en la terraza de su residencia del piso superior hablando con algunas
personas en la planta. Ella se inclino hacia adelante y sin aliento, pregunt en voz alta:
"Swami, nuestros aldeanos y yo nos quedamos en el camino cerca de Vayalpadu esperando.
Estuvimos el da y la noche de vigilia. Cuando hiciste que tu coche pasara por nuestro
pueblo? Cmo llegaste aqu?" Divertido por el tono de sus preguntas, Baba se ech a rer.
Todo el mundo estaba mirando a Swami. Pero, de repente, oyeron su risa slo a su lado.
Swami estaba de pie a su lado sin dejar de rer, Swami no estaba arriba en la terraza!
Nadie poda entender cmo y cundo Swami baj del piso superior hasta el suelo. Swami le
dijo a la anciana: "Mira has visto cmo baj de la planta superior hasta el suelo? Si yo
puedo hacer esto, podra sin mi coche, pasar al lado de tu pueblo sin ser visto por
cualquiera de ustedes?"

She found Swami on the veranda of His upper floor residence talking to some persons on the ground. She pushed herself forward and without
stopping for breath, asked loudly, "Swami, our villagers and I stood on the wayside near Vayalpadu waiting for You. We kept day and night
vigil. When did Your car pass by our village? How did You arrive here?" Amused at her excited manner, Baba burst into laughter. Everybody
was looking up at Swami. But suddenly, they heard His laughter just by their side. Swami was standing by their side still laughing; there was no
Swami in the veranda high above! None could understand how and when Swami came down from the upper floor to the ground. Swami told the
old lady, "Look you have seen how I have come down from the upper floor to the ground below. If I can do this, could I not, together with my
car, arrive here right by your village unseen by any of you?"


Baba estaba en Kodaikanal con Sus devotos. De repente, salt de su cama, se levant y
grit: "No dispare!" En cuanto lo dijo, cay en la cama. El cuerpo se puso rgido. Al
parecer, haba dejado su cuerpo fsico. Despus de algo asi como una hora, el cuerpo se
mov. Baba abri los ojos, dict una direccin en Bhopal y orden que se envie un
telegrama urgente all diciendo: "No te preocupes El revlver est conmigo. . . Baba"
Swami Satchidananda suplic: "Swami, el personal de la oficina de correos no aceptar el
telegrama si mencionamos la palabra 'revolver' en el mensaje. Si lo cambiamos a
"instrumento", no lo retendran." Swami estuvo de acuerdo y el telegrama modificado fue
debidamente enviado. Pero los devotos no entendian ni pies ni cabeza del misterioso

Baba was in Kodaikanal with His devotees. Suddenly, He jumped out of his bed, stood and shouted, "Don't fire!" As He said so, He fell on the
bed. The body stiffened. Apparently, He had left His physical body. After an hour or so, the body moved. Baba opened His eyes, dictated an
address in Bhopal and directed that an express telegram be sent there stating, "Don't worry. The revolver is with me - Baba." Swami
Satchidananda pleaded, "Swami, the post-office staff will not accept the telegram if we mention the word 'revolver' in the message. If we change
it to 'instrument', they will not object." Swami agreed and the modified telegram was duly dispatched. But the devotees could not make head or
tail of the mysterious incident.

Una carta lleg de Bhopal cuatro das despus. Baba se lo dio a los devotos. Al leerla, se
llenaron de sorpresa y felicidad. Qu ha sucedido exactamente? Haba un oficial del
ejrcito en Bhopal que haban servido en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y se distingui. A
pesar de esto, no se le daba la debida posicin en los programas de desarrollo en todo el
estado en curso porque novatos eran preferibles a las manos de edad. Frustrado, desarroll
una absoluta repugnancia por la vida. Sumado a esto, su esposa pas a estar lejos de la casa
paterna. No haba nadie que pudiera consolarle y darle sabios consejos y sacarlo de la
depresin. Bajo estas circunstancias, decidi suicidarse. El dispar su revlver para ver si
estaba funcionando bien. Funcionaba bien. Se preparaba para matarse con el segundo tiro.
Justo cuando estaba a punto de apretar el gatillo, all, en la lejana Kodaikanal, Swami
repente grit: "No dispares!" En ese preciso momento, en Bhopal, la puerta de la
habitacin del oficial de repente se abri de golpe . De pie en la puerta estaba su amigo
ntimo y compaero de la universidad. No venia solo, su mujer tambin estaba con l.
Detrs de ellos estaba el portero que llevaba su equipaje.

A letter arrived from Bhopal four days later. Baba gave it to the devotees. On reading it, they were filled with surprise as well as
happiness. What has exactly happened? There was a military officer in Bhopal who had served in the Second World War and distinguished
himself. Despite this, he was not given due position in the statewide development programmes under way because freshers were being preferred
to old hands. Frustrated, he developed utter distaste for life. Added to this, his wife happened to be away in her parental home. There was no
one who could console him and give wise counsel and get him out of depression. Under these circumstances, he decided to commit suicide. He
test-fired his revolver to see whether it was functioning all right. It performed well. He readied to kill himself with the second shot. Just as he
was about to press the trigger, there, in far off Kodaikanal, Swami suddenly shouted, "Don't fire!" At that precise moment, in Bhopal, the door of
the officer's room suddenly flew open. Standing at the door was his bosom friend and old college-mate. He did not come alone; his wife too was
with him. Behind them was the porter who was carrying their luggage.

Tan pronto como el oficial los vio, sali corriendo a su habitacin interior, escondi el
revlver en algn lugar y sali sonriendo de dar la bienvenida a los invitados. El invitado
diverta al oficial y viejo amigo con una conversacin alegre. Record varios
acontecimientos felices en su vida universitaria. Revivi recuerdos agradables de las
despreocupada vivencias que compartan en la universidad hace muchos aos. Estaba muy
entretenido. La seora tambin se uni y aadia a su jovialidad. La calidez y la amabilidad
de los visitantes pronto alejaron la miseria del oficial y restauraron su ecuanimidad mental.

As soon as the officer saw them, he ran into his inner room, hid the revolver somewhere and came out smiling to welcome the guests. The guest
amused his old friend officer with cheerful conversation. He recalled several happy events in their college life. He revived pleasant memories of
the carefree company they shared while in college many long years ago. He was quite vocal and entertaining. The lady also joined in and added
to their joviality. The warmth and friendliness of the visitors soon drove away the officer's misery and restored his mental equanimity.

Los visitantes pronto se dieron cuenta de que la esposa del oficial estaba ausente. As,
dijeron que queran ir a la casa de otro amigo. Tambin incidentalmente mencion
Direccin del otro amigo donde planeaban proseguir. El oficial trat de persuadir a que se
queden encendidos, pero se excusaron. Prometiendo venir y quedarse en su prxima visita
a Bhopal, se despidieron del oficial.

The visitors soon noticed that the officer's wife was away. So, they said that they wished to go to another friend's house. They also incidentally
mentioned the other friend's address where they were planning to proceed. The officer tried to persuade them to stay on but they excused
themselves. Promising to come and stay on their next visit to Bhopal, they took leave of the officer.

El oficial ahora busc el revlver que escondid apresuradamente un rato antes. No lo
pudo encontrado a pesar de una exhaustiva bsqueda. De repente, se acord de Sathya Sai
Baba. Algn tiempo atrs, l haba ido a Puttaparthi y tuvo el darshan de Swami. Su
esposa era una devota seguidora de Baba. As, concluy que todo se trataba de un lila de
Baba. Encerrar a su casa, se fue en busca de su compaero de la universidad, a la direccin
que le haba dado. Pero le dijeron que ningn visitante haba llegado all. Al mismo tiempo
que regresaba a su casa, llegaba un telegrama express de Kodaikanal que deca deca: "No
te preocupes El instrumento est conmigo-. Baba." Al leerlo, el oficial fue vencido por el
remordimiento. Para expresar su gratitud, le escribi una carta detallada a Bhagavan. Es a
travs de esa carta que los devotos de Baba tambin aprendieron acerca de los detalles del

The officer now searched for the revolver hurriedly hidden a little while earlier. It was not found despite a thorough search. Suddenly, he
remembered Sathya Sai Baba. Sometime back, he had gone to Puttaparthi and had Swami's darshan. His wife was a devout follower of
Baba. So, he concluded that this was all Baba's leela. Locking up his house, he went in search of his college fellow at the address given to
him. But he was told that no visitor had come there. Just as he returned to his home, an express telegram from Kodaikanal arrived. It read,
"Don't worry. The instrument is with me - Baba." On reading it, the officer was overcome with remorse. To express his gratitude, he wrote a
detailed letter to Bhagavan. It is through that letter that Baba's devotees also learned about the full details of the incident.

Es digno de notar que para salvar a un devoto, Bhagavan asumi tres formas humanas, el
amigo del oficial y su esposa y el portero, todos ellos simultneamente, en el mismo evento
con un profundo significado. Tambin se establece, una vez ms, que el tiempo est bajo
control de Swami. Este es el significado del aforismo vdico, 'Ekoham Bahusyam' (El uno
que se manifesta en muchos).

It is worthy to note that to save a devotee, Bhagavan assumed three human forms, the officer's friend and his wife and the porter, all of them
simultaneously, at the same event with profound significance. It also establishes, yet again, that time is under Swami's control. This is the
meaning of the Vedic dictum, 'Ekoham Bahusyam' (the One willed to manifest into many).

Sucedi alrededor de 1988. Haba cerca de 1.400 estudiantes en el albergue de la
universidad de Swami en Brindavan, White Field, cerca de Bangalore. Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai visit el albergue una noche. Los estudiantes quedaron encantados con respeto a
su presencia. De repente, la electricidad se cort. En la oscuridad, Swami se movi
silenciosamente hacia un nio y le susurr al odo, "Athul, te voy a dar algo. Pon tu mano."
El muchacho extendi su mano y Swami puso una laddu (dulce de la india) en ella. Le
susurr ademas, "No se lo muestres a nadie. Pon tu mano detrs de ti." De repente, la
electricidad se restaur. Las Bombillas volvieron se encendieron. Athul mir a su
alrededor. Sorprendentemente, todos, los 1.400 nios all reunidos estaban guardando sus
manos detrs de ellos. Todo el mundo tenia un laddu en la mano. Eso es Swami! Nos
admiramos de sus lilas increbles. Nuestra capacidad de razonamiento nos abandona, la
lengua nos falla, la mente se niega a funcionar, nada puede ser comprendido. Cmo
podemos comentar, y mucho menos explicar, tales exhibiciones de deporte divino de
Swami? Es por eso que se dice, " Yatho Vacho Nivarthanthe aprpya Manasa Saha"
es decir, que el Absoluto Universal no puede ser alcanzado o comprendido por los sentidos
del cuerpo o por la mente.

It happened around 1988. There were about 1400 students in the hostel of Swami's College in Brindavan at White Field near
Bangalore. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai visited the hostel one night. The delighted students respectfully stood in His presence. Suddenly, the
eletricity went off. In the darkness, Swami moved quietly towards a boy and whispered to him in his ears, "Athul, I will give you
something. Hold your hand." The boy extended his open hand and Swami placed a laddoo in it. He further whispered to the boy, "Don't show it
to anybody. Put your hand behind you." Suddenly, the electricity was restored. Bulbs came back to life. Athul looked around. Surprisingly, all
the 1400 boys assembled there were keeping their hands behind them. Everyone was having a laddoo in his hand. That is Swami! We get
astonished at the amazing leelas. Our reasoning power abandons us, tongue fails us, mind refuses to function; nothing can be understood. How
can we comment upon, much less explain, such displays of Swami's divine sport? That is why it is said, "Yatho Vacho Nivarthanthe Aprapya
Manasa Saha," meaning, that the Universal Absolute cannot be reached or comprehended by the bodily senses or by mind.

Muddanahalli es una pequea ciudad que se encuentra en el camino de la carretera de
Puttaparthi a Bangalore. Hay una escuela de Swami all. En febrero de 1993, la escuela
celebraba su aniversario. Los profesores y estudiantes invitaron la gracia de Swami a la
ocasin y Swami dio su consentimiento. Pero de ese da, l no vino a pesar de que los
preocupados profesores, estudiantes e invitados esperaron y esperaron mucho tiempo por
l. Los programas culturales, la danza de los nios y otros eventos se haban realizado sin
la presencia de Swami. A su debido tiempo, como todo el mundo esperaba ansiosamente la
llegada de Swami, todo el programa haba terminado. Haba una nube de decepcin
proyectando una sombra oscura sobre las celebraciones.

Muddanahalli is a small town that is located on the way on roadside from Puttaparthi to Bangalore. There is a Swami's School there. In February
1993, the school was to celebrate its anniversary. Teachers and students invited Swami to grace the occasion and Swami gave His consent. But
on the given day, He did not come even though the expectant teachers, students and invitees waited and waited long for Him. The cultural
programmes, children's dance and other items were gone through without Swami's presence. In due course, even as everyone waited eagerly for
Swami's arrival, the entire programme was over. There was a cloud of disappointment casting a dark shadow over the celebrations.

Ms tarde, las fotografas tomadas con la ocasin se revelaron. Para sorpresa de todos, una
de las fotografas tomadas durante las partidas del baile mostraron a Swami parado entre
los nios del baile! No slo eso, Swami fue visto en esa foto, no en un solo lugar, pero a los
cinco lugares diferentes con un vestido diferente en cada lugar!
Later, the photographs taken on the occasion were developed and printed. To everybody's astonishment, one of the photographs taken during the
dance items showed Swami standing among the dancing children! Not only that, Swami was seen in that picture, not at one single place, but at
five different places wearing a different dress at each place!

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih
Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih

Fin del captulo 10
End of Chapter 10

(De: "Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra por "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara
Sastry )
Derechos de autor reservados por autor (1928-2003)
(From : 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry)
Copyright reserved by Author (1928-2003)

DAY 5 LUNES ( Captulo 11-13 )
Captulo 11

DAY 5 : MONDAY (Chapter 11 - 13)
Chapter 11

Amor es mi forma, Verdad es Mi aliento, Dicha es mi alimento,
Mi vida es mi mensaje, La Expansin es mi vida,
Sin raznes para amar, Sin temporada para amar,
Sin nacimiento, sin muerte.
~ Baba ~

Love is My form, Truth is My breath
Bliss is My food, My life is My message
Expansion is My life, No reason to love
No season for love, No birth, no death
~ Baba ~

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba dedica tres cuartas partes de su precioso tiempo a sus
estudiantes. l siente que el futuro de la sociedad se basa nicamente en estos nios
inocentes, limpios de corazn. l es todo amor por ellos. l les dice: "Veanme en ustedes
mismos. Yo me veo en Ustedes. Ustedes son mi vida, mi aliento y mi alma. Ustedes lo son
todo, cada una de sus formas, es Mi forma. Cuando les Amo, me amo a Mi mismmo.
Cuando se aman a ustedes mismos, me estn amando solo a Mi!"

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba devotees three-fourths of His precious time to His students. He feels that the future of society rests solely on these
innocent, clear-hearted children. He is all love for them. He tells them, "Look at Me within your own selves. I look at Myself in you. You are
My life, My breath and My soul. You are all, every one of you, My form. When I love you, I love My own Self. When you love yourselves, you
are loving only Me!"

Una vez, Bhagavan estaba en Brindavan con sus estudiantes. l dijo: "Cuando estoy aqu,
se distraen y no estudian adecuadamente. Si me voy a Puttaparthi, son dedicados a los
estudios. Me voy a Puttaparthi a las 8.30 de maana." Los estudiantes tocaron sus pies y
oraron, "Swami, Swami por favor, qudate aqu. Vamos a estudiar bien." Pero Swami
insisti en irse, "Sus padres los confiados a mi cuidado. Cmo puedo verlos correr
alrededor mio sin estudiar? Tengo que salir maana."

Once, Bhagavan was in Brindavan with His students. He said, "When I am here, you are distracted and are not studying properly. If I go away to
Puttaparthi, you will devote yourselves to studies. I am leaving for Puttaparthi at 8.30am tomorrow." The students touched His feet and prayed,
"Swami, please Swami, stay here. We will study well." But Swami insisted on leaving, "Your parents entrusted you to My care. How can I see
you running around Me without studying? I must leave tomorrow."

Al da siguiente era lunes. Eran las 8.30. En frente del Thrayii, el blanco coche de Baba
estaba listo. Los estudiantes con dificultades tambin estaban all con agona en sus rostros.
Swami baj de su residencia en el piso superior. Los estudiantes con humildad oraron y
pidieron, pero no tuvieron xito. Swami tom su asiento en el coche y se fue.
The next day was Monday. It was 8.30am. In front of the Thrayee, Baba's white car was ready. The distressed students were also there with
agony in their faces. Swami came down from His residence in the upper floor. The students humbly prayed and begged, but did not
succeed. Swami took His seat in the car and left.

Con el corazn apesadumbrado, los nios volvieron a sus habitaciones en el albergue. Sus
mentes estaban llenas de Swami, lo que leian no poda entrar en sus mentes. La ausencia de
Swami tio todo el entorno sin color, sin vida, aptico, oscuro y silencioso. Cada estudiante
se mantenia en silencio en su propia habitacin. Ni una palabra, ni saludos, ninguna
conversacin, ningn placer, nada ms que oscuridad. Apenas quince minutos pasaron
cuando de pronto un estudiante grit: "Swami est de vuelta, Swami est de vuelta!" El
resto de los estudiantes pensaba que tal vez era una ilusin, con mas intensidad que los
otros, l debe haber imaginado un automvil que llegaba. Pero unos compaeros curiosos
se asomaron a las ventanas. All estaba realmente el auto de Swami entrando en el recinto
del Ashram! Un par de los estudiantes venian realmente detrs de l. Eso fue suficiente.
Todos los estudiantes corrieron como veloces venados. Cuando Swami bajaba de su
vehculo, ellos se encontraban a su alrededor. Sentimientos de sorpresa ppor un lado y el
placer por el otro los ahogaban. Cuando Swami entr y subi las escaleras, los estudiantes
se quedaron abajo, de pie, en silencio, mirandose los unos a los otros. Qu ha sucedido?
Por qu ha vuelto Swami? Nadie saba. Entonces Swami les habl, "A la mera mencin de
que me voy, crean tanta conmocin y alteraciones! Todo se enojan! En medio de todo el
caos, me olvid de tomar las llaves! As que volvipor ellas." Qu es esto? Puede Swami
olvidar las llaves? Los corazones de los nios estaban llenos de emocin y felicidad
inconmensurable. Ni un solo ojo se mantuvo seco. El silencio gobern en todas partes.
With hearts heavy, the children went back to their rooms in the hostel. Their minds were full of Swami; what they read could not enter their
minds. The absence of Swami rendered the entire environment colourless, lifeless, listless, dark and silent. Every student quietly kept to his own
room. No word, no greeting, no conversation, no pleasure, nothing but gloom. Barely fifteen minutes passed when suddenly a student shouted,
"Swami is back, Swami is back!" The rest of the students thought that he was perhaps in delusion; more than the others, he must have imagined a
car arriving. But a few curious fellows peeped out of their windows. There, Swami's car was really entering the Ashram precincts! A couple of
students were indeed running behind it. That was enough. All the students ran like deer on wings. By the time Swami alighted from His vehicle,
they stood around it. Surprise on one side and delight on the other were choking them. As Swami entered and went up the staircase, students
were mutely standing below, staring at each other. What has happened? Why has Swami returned? Nobody knew. Then Swami spoke to them,
"A mere mention that I am leaving, creates so much commotion and disturbance! Everything gets upset! In the midst of all the chaos, I forgot to
take the keys! So I came back to take them." What is this? Can Swami forget keys? The hearts of the children were full with emotion and
immeasurable happiness. Not a single eye remained dry. Silence ruled everywhere.

Entonces, temieron que Swami podra hacerse con sus llaves, despus de todo, e irce. Un
estudiante pregunt vacilante, "Swami, sacamos las coasas del coche?" Fingiendo mostrar
ira, que todo el mundo sabia que no tenia, Swami dijo: "No, voy a dejarlos por la noche."
Pero los estudiantes, inteligentes como estaban, no dejaron de ver la sonrisa que
burbujeaba detrs del show de la ira de Swami. Todos ellos clamaron a una voz, "Swami,
Swami, por favor, qudate aqu , Swami." Swami se volvi hacia ellos y dijo: "Miren, su
sincera y transparente angustia me ha arrastrado de nuevo. Si quieres que me quede aqu,
deben trabajar duro en sus estudios, y luego se los aseguro, me quedar aqu. Pongance a
trabajar ahora con tus estudios!"

But then, they feared that Swami might get hold of His keys after all, and go away. One student hesitatingly asked, "Swami, shall we put things
back in the car?" Pretending to show anger, which everybody could see was not there, Swami said, "No. I will leave in the evening." But the
students, clever as they were, did not fail to see the bubbling smile behind Swami's show of anger. They all cried with one voice, "Swami,
Swami, please stay here, Swami." Swami turned to them and said, "Look, you sincere, transparent distress has dragged Me back. If you want Me
to stay here, you should work hard on your studies, then I assure you, I will stay here. Get busy now with your studies!"

La espiritualidad connota agonia por Dios, un intenso anhelo de Dios y experimentar el
sufrimiento y la angustia en la bsqueda de Dios - estas son las caractersticas esenciales de
la espiritualidad.
Spirituality connotes agonizing for God, intense yearning for God and undergoing suffering and distress in quest of God - these are the essential
features of spirituality.

Una vez Swami visit el Dharma Kshetra en Mumbai. Los profesores y alumnos de Bal
Vikas (educacin en valores Humanos) de all tubieron una excelente disposicin para
darle la bienvenida. Los estudiantes estaban sentados en filas ordenadas, cada una de ellas
con una rosa para ofrecerle a Swami. Sus rostros brillaban en anticipacin feliz. Haba un
pequeo nio en medio de ellos que era demasiado joven para ser admitido en la
organizacin de Bal Vikas. Sin embargo, l estaba asistiendo a clases junto con los dems
miembros. Tambin haba aprendido varias estrofas de memoria. Como l era demasiado
joven para estar sentado en la primera fila, el maestro le hizo sentarse en una fila posterior.
Asimismo, no se le dio una rosa para celebrar. El dolor aquel pequeo por haber sido
discriminado se mostraba en su rostro taciturno. Como estaba dispuesto a presentar una
flor a Swami al igual que los dems, le solicit a algunos de ellos de una rosa, pero no
recibi respuesta alguna.

Once Swami paid a visit to Dharma Kshetra in Mumbai. Teachers and students of Bala Vikas there made excellent arrangement to welcome
Him. Students sat in orderly rows, each of them holding a rose to be offered to Swami. Their faces were glowing in happy anticipation. There
was a small child among them; he was too young to be admitted to the Bala Vikas organisation. He was nevertheless attending classes along with
other members. He had also learned several slokas by heart. As he was too young to be seated in the front row, the teacher made him sit in a rear
row. He was also not given a rose to hold. The little one's pain at being discriminated showed in his morose face. As he was keen to present a
flower to Swami just like the others, he requested some of them for a rose but received none.

Swami lleg en punto. Camin a lo largo de las filas de los muchachos que estaban
sosteniendo las flores para l. Toc suavemente cada flor ofrecida y bendijo a cada
estudiante. El nio estaba observando cada paso y cada gesto de Swami mientras
lentamente se abra paso entre ellos. En silencio, se desliz en la primera fila. Swami estaba
ahora le acercaba. Justo en ese momento, el nio vio por casualidad frente a l una
pequea flor de hierba. La cogi y la sostuvo en la mano. Cuando Swami lleg justo en
frente de l, levant sus pequeas manos e hizo su amorosa pero rara ofrenda a Bhagavan.
Swami sonri dulcemente, acept el simple ofrecimiento por parte del nio y suavemente
presion sus dedos tiernos. En agradecimiento por aquel gesto, Swami le palme
afectuosamente y tambin le dirigi unas palabras. Mientras Swami simplemente tocaba
las bellas rosas ofrecidas por los dems, llev en la mano la flor de hierba humilde del
pequeo nio con tanto amor ofrecida.

Swami arrived on the dot. He walked along the rows of boys who were holding up flowers to Him. He gently touched each flower offered to
Him and blessed every student. The little child was watching each step and each gesture of Swami as He slowly made His way along. Quietly,
he slipped himself into the front row. Swami was now nearing him. Just at that moment, the child chanced to see in front of him a tiny flower of
grass. He snatched it up and held it in his hand. When Swami arrived right in front of him, he raised his little hands and made his loving but
uncommon offering to Bhagavan. Swami smiled sweetly, accepted the simple offering from the child and softly pressed his tender fingers. In
appreciation of the little one's gesture, Swami patted him affectionately and also spoke a few words to him. While Swami merely touched the
fine roses offered by the others, He carried in His hand the humble grass flower the little child so lovingly offered.

Las reuniones que siguieron duraron tres horas. Despus de que terminaron, Swami sali y
bendijo a los all reunidos. Pero la pequea flor de hierba de amor se encontraba todava
en la mano de Bhagavan, tan fresca como era tres horas atras! Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
advierte el anhelo y la angustia que se encuentra profundamente arraigado en el corazn
de un devoto y responde a l.

The meetings that followed lasted three hours. After they ended, Swami came out and blessed those gathered there. But the little grass flower of
love was still in Bhagavan's hand, as fresh as it was three hours back! Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai notices the yearning and distress lying deep in the
heart of a devotee and responds to it.

"Derramar una lgrima por m"
Esto sucedi en 1976. Swami estaba en Brindavan. Varios ingenieros se movan por todo el
lugar con trayendo algunos planos de construccin en sus manos. Sri Sathya Sai sali a dar
darshan a la reunin. A los estudiantes se agolparon alrededor de l, dijo: "Mis queridos
hijos, estoy haciendo un nuevo albergue construido para ustedes. Ser muy espacioso y
cmodo. Se ubicar a una cierta distancia en la parte trasera de nuestro edificio de la

This happened in 1976. Swami was in Brindavan. Several engineers were moving all over the place holding some construction plans in their
hands. Sri Sathya Sai came out to give darshan to the assembled gathering. To the students crowded around Him, He said, "My dear boys, I am
having a new hostel constructed for you. It will be very roomy and comfortable. It will come up at a little distance away at the back of our
college building."

Hablando en nombre de todos ellos, uno de los chicos dijo, "Swami, estamos muy a gusto
aqu, muy satisfechos y felices. No queremos un nuevo albergue, Swami. Este Brindavan es
nuestro hogar." Swami explic: "Mis queridos nios, si tienen en cuenta a Brindavan como
su casa, eso es as y bueno. Y me alegra que se ajusten y se sientan satisfechos. De todos
modos, no estoy en condiciones de soportar la visin de que a unos poco muchachos les falte
espacio. es mi deber de garantizar su comodidad. La primera piedra para el nuevo edificio
del albergue se pondr el proximo jueve". Habiendo dicho esto, se adelant hacia el espacio
abierto ms all del prtico para bendecir a los que estban esperando Su darshan.

Speaking for all of them, one of the boys said, "Swami, we are quite comfortable here, quite satisfied and happy. We do not want a new hostel,
Swami. This Brindavan is our home." Swami explained, "My dear boys, if you consider Brindavan as your home, that's well and good. And I
am happy that you are adjusting yourself to it and feeling satisfied. All the same, I am unable to bear the sight of you little boys cramped for
space. It is My duty to ensure your comfort. Foundation stone for the new hostel building will be laid on the coming Thursday." Having said
this, He moved ahead towards the open space beyond the portico to bless those waiting for His darshan.

La ceremonia de colocacin de la primera piedra de fundacin iba a tener lugar apenas 48
horas ms tarde. Los ingenieros estaban muy ocupados. Pero los estudiantes permanecan
insatisfechos. No saban qu hacer. Cuando Baba visit el albergue el da siguiente, un
nio, el ms joven de todos ellos, coloc una carta en la mano de Baba. l la ley y le sonri
cariosamente al pequeo. Luego se sent en su trono y mand llamar al Alcaide. Cuando
se present, Swami le dio la carta y le pidi que la lea en voz alta. Su texto es el siguiente:

The foundation stone laying ceremony was to take place hardly 48 hours later. Engineers were very busy. But the students remained
dissatisfied. They did not know what to do. When Baba visited the hostel on the next day, a boy, the youngest of them all, placed a letter in
Baba's hand. He read it through and lovingly smiled at the little fellow. Then He sat on His throne and sent for the warden. When he presented
himself, Swami gave the letter to him and asked it to be read aloud. It read as follows :

"Queridicima Madre Sai, Nuestro saludo ms humilde a tus pies de loto. Ests molesto
con nosotros? Estamos perturbando el silencio que es lo ms querido para ti? Estamos
violando el cdigo de disciplina y actuando sin la debida moderacin? Debe ser. De lo
contrario, por qu tratar de enviarnos lejos de las hermosas inmediaciones de Brindavan?
Por qu insistes en que un nuevo albergue para nosotros debera ser construido en un
lugar muy retirado? Brindavan es un lugar lleno de gracia, que ha trado tu amor dulce y
protector y nos cuida muy de cerca. Incluso los dioses desearan disfrutar de ese amor.

Con el amor sincero y afecto,
Tus hijos.

PD Si se determina que, en todo caso, sea construido el nuevo albergue lejos de Brindavan,
construlle amablemente tambin una nueva residencia para ti y que est cerca de

"Dearest Sai Mother,
Our humblest salutation to Your Lotus Feet. Are You displeased with us? Are we disturbing the silence that is most dear to You? Are we
violating the code of discipline and behaving without due restraint? It must be. Otherwise, why would You try to send us away from the
beautiful precincts of Brindavan? Why do You insist that a new hostel for us should be built at a far off location? Brindavan is a gracious place;
it has brought Your sweet and protective love and care very close to us. Even Gods would desire to enjoy such love.
With heart-felt love and affection,
Your Child.
P.S. If You are determined, at any rate, to build the new hostel far away from Brindavan, kindly build also a new residence for You and stay
close to us."

Cuando el director termin de leer, no haba ni un solo nio sin lgrimas. En una sola voz,
lloraron: "Swami, por favor, acepta nuestra peticin." El corazn de Bhagavan se fundi a
la vista. De inmediato se envi para el ingeniero jefe se le transmitiera el deseo de los
estudiantes. l objet: "Estos planes han sido elaborados con el mximo cuidado. Y
tambin no queda mucho tiempo para la colocacin de la primera piedra." Pero los chicos
le dijeron al unisono que slo Brindavan debera ser su hogar. Al ver el estado de nimo de
los chicos, Swami le indica al Ingeniero Jefe que el redibuje los planes.

As the warden finished reading, there was not a single boy without tears. In one voice, they cried, "Swami, please accept our
request." Bhagavan's heart melted at the sight. He immediately sent for the Chief Engineer and conveyed the students' wish. He demurred,
"These plans have all been drawn with extreme care. And not much time is left for laying the foundation stone too." But the boys told Him with
one voice that only Brindavan should be their home. Seeing the mood of the boys, Swami indicated to the Chief Engineer to have the plans

En un nuevo plano se hiz localizar el nuevo albergue en el Complejo de Brindavan. Al
conocer la noticia emocionante, los nios estaban en xtasis. En el da sealado, cuando
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai estaba a punto de encender la lmpara del 'arathi' (llama de luz),
un muchacho dijo, "Swami, est haciendo mucho por nosotros. Pero no tenemos nada que
ofrecerle." Swami respondi, "Lagrimas de felicidad se asoman en tus tiernas mejillas. Eso
es todo lo que quiero. Derramen una lgrima por m. Lo que ms deseo es slo su
felicidad!" Esa estructura noble que se encuentra ahora en el Complejo de Brindavan es un
dulce monumento, que permanecer para siempre por el inmenso amor de Baba hacia los

Fresh plans were made locating the new hostel within the Brindavan Complex. On hearing the exciting news, the children were in ecstasy. On
the appointed day, when Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai was about to light the lamp of 'arathi', a boy said, "Swami, You are doing so much for our
sake. But we have nothing to offer to You." Swami replied, "Happy tears are trickling down your tender cheeks. That is all I want. Shed a tear
for Me. What I desire most is only your happiness!" That noble structure which stands now in the Brindavan Complex is a sweet monument,
enduring for all time to Baba's immense love for children!

En 1976, algunos ciervos en los bosques colindantes de Mudumalai se perdieron en
Brindavan. Se proporcion un buen lugar frente al Thrayee para ellos. Swami les dio de
comer con manzanas y los cuidaba con amor. Un da, cuando Swami surgi del Thrayee
para dar el darshan, los estudiantes corrieron hacia l. En el mismo momento, en el jardn
de enfrente, los ciervos tambin queran estar cerca de Swami y se agolparon, cerca de la
malla de alambre que se interpona en el jardn.

In 1976, a number of deer from the adjoining forests of Mudumalai strayed into Brindavan. A nice place opposite to the Thrayee was provided
for them. Swami fed them with apples and looked after them with love. One day, as Swami emerged out of the Thrayee to give darshan, students
ran to him. At the same moment, in the garden opposite, deer too wanted to be close to Swami and moved up to Him near the wire mesh that
stood around the garden.

Baba llam les dijo a los devoto que estaban de pie junto a la encantadora escena
compuesta por los amorosos nios y los ciervos igualmente amorosos. Dijo: "Esos son los
ciervos de dos patas; Y esos son los queridos de cuatro patas (juego de palabras: dear y
deer en ingles que significan querido y ciervo respectivamente) Ambos son queridos por

Baba drew the attention of a devotee standing by to the enchanting scene comprised of the loving children and the equally loving deer. He said,
"These are two-legged dear (deer); and those are four-legged deer (dear). Both are dear to me."

La influenza, una vez se extendi como reguero de plvora en la Escuela Secundaria
Superior en Prashanti Nilayam. Cerca de 200 estudiantes se vieron afectados. Despus de
que concluy la velada de bhajans, Swami pregunt al Dr. Alreja que hiciera una visita a la
Escuela. El doctor encontr cerca de 200 estudiantes que sufrian de alta temperatura, tos y
vmitos. La infeccin pareca estar fuera de control. Entonces eran las 20:00. Mientras el
mdico hiva camino a su habitacin, pens que, como la habitacin de Swami estara
cerrada a esa hora, le informara a la maana siguiente. A las 8.30 de la tarde, un
voluntario lleg a decirle que Swami lo estaba esperando. El doctor se apresur a la
presencia de Swami. Baba le dijo: "Estaba esperando. Por qu no viniste con migo de
inmediato? "El mdico respondi: "Swami, para cuando volv, eran las 20:00. Pens que la
puerta estara cerrada por esa hora. Cerca de 200 estudiantes estn sufriendo all de gripe.
Me resulta imposible detener su propagacin. Me temo, que en esta etapa, ningn
medicamento puede ayudar. Slo t puedes salvarlos!"

Influenza once spread like wild fire in the Higher Secondary School in Prashanti Nilayam. Nearly 200 students were affected. After the evening
bhajan concluded, Swami asked Dr Alreja to pay a visit to the School. The doctor found about 200 students suffering from high temperature,
cough and vomiting. The infection seemed to be beyond control. It was then 8 pm. As the doctor made his way back to his room, he thought
that as Swami's room would be closed at that hour, he would report to Him next morning. At 8.30 pm, a volunteer came to tell him that Swami
was waiting for him. The doctor hurried into Swami's presence. Baba asked him, "I was waiting for you. Why have you not come to Me
immediately?" The doctor replied, "Swami, by the time I returned, it was 8 pm. I thought that your door would be closed by that hour. About
200 students are suffering there from flu. I find it impossible to arrest its spread. I am afraid, at this stage, no medicine can help. Only You can
save them!"

A la maana siguiente, Baba visit la escuela y el hospital. Camin a travs de cada terraza
y aula individual. Subi tambin a la azotea a pesar de las protestas de la directora de que
no la limpiaban adecuadamente. Swami pidi a continuacin, un cubo de acero inoxidable
lleno de agua. Se materializ vibhuti en inmensas cantidades y la vaci dentro del agua. l
le pidi a uno de los maestros que llevara el cubo alrededor y le diera el agua con vibhuthi
a cada maestro y cada alumno. La enfermedad no de difundi ms a partir de entonces.
Dentro de un espacio de cuatro das cada paciente se recuper totalmente. El tratamiento
mdico de Swami es increble e inescrutable.

Next morning, Baba visited the school and the hospital. He walked through every single veranda and classroom. He went up to the roof also
despite the Principal's protestations that it was not properly cleaned up. Swami then called for a stainless steel bucket filled with water. He
materialized vibhuthi in immense quantities and poured it into the water. He asked one of the teachers to carry the bucket around and serve the
vibhuthi water to every teacher and every student. The disease spread no further from then on. Within a space of four days, every single patient
recovered fully. Swami's medical treatment is amazing and inscrutable.

Qu debemos pedir a Dios? No por las riquezas del mundo y el disfrute, no por las cosas
materiales y las propiedades, pero si por Dios mismo! Toda bendicin viene por s misma
en la estela de Dios. El aprendizaje que hace que el hombre anhele a Dios se conoce como
aprendizaje espiritual.

What should we pray to God for? Not for worldly wealth and enjoyment, not for material things and property, but for God Himself! Every
blessing comes by itself in the wake of God. The learning that makes man yearn for God is known as spiritual learning.

Swami describi una vez cmo Yashodha iva tras su bromista hijo, Krishna. Yashodha,
dijo, llevar un trozo de mantequilla en una mano. Mientras que ella se lo mostraba a
Krishna con el fin de seducirlo, mantenia la otra mano detrs de la espalda con un palo.
Cuando el nio se acercaba a la mantequilla, ella lo atrapaba y le dsbs un par de golpes con
el palo. Esa era su manera de rectificar al nio travieso.

Swami once described how Yashodha went after her prankster child, Krishna. Yashodha, He said, held a lump of butter in one hand. While she
showed it to Krishna with a view to enticing him, she kept the other hand behind her back holding a stick. When the little child drew near for
butter, she would grasp him and deal a couple of strokes with the stick. That was her way of putting her errant child straight.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai, nos extiende su mano abierta exactamente de la misma manera
con el aprendendizaje mundano, pero mantiene el aprendizaje espiritual oculto al otro
lado. Los nios y las nias vienen con impaciencia en la bsqueda de ser admitidos en sus
instituciones educativas, colegios y universidades. Swami los recibe e imparte formacin
espiritual junto con el aprendizaje mundano. Incluso un individuo ordinario es procesado y
refinado de esta manera poco a poco. El hombre llega a ser verdaderamente sabio en el
curso del tiempo. El Amor indescriptible de Swami lo hace posible.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai, reaches for us exactly in the same way with worldly learning in His open hand but holds spiritual learning in the other
hidden hand. Boys and girls come eagerly seeking admission into His educational institutions, colleges and university. Swami receives them and
imparts spiritual learning along with worldly learning. Even an ordinary individual is gradually processed and refined in this manner. Man
becomes truly wise in course of time. Swami's indescribable love makes it possible.

En las aulas de aprendizaje de Baba, los nios son educados desde el nivel preescolar hasta
el nivel de posgrado en forma absolutamente gratuita. M.B.A, M.F.M, M. Tambin se han
introducido cursos tcnicos en Computacin en el Instituto Sri Sathya Sai de Educacin
Superior, pedidos por la Universidad. Estos se suman a los cursos normales a nivel de
licenciatura (en Arte, Ciencia y Empresa) y cursos a nivel de maestra en Artes y Ciencias.
Las instalaciones estn disponibles tambin para estudios de doctorado. Se han construido
una serie de edificios grandes, limpios, espaciosos y bien ventilados. Se instal un moderno
Planetario que cost millones de rupias. En noviembre de 2001, tambin se abri una
nueva escuela de msica en el campus universitario. Estas son todas las muestras de amor
sin lmites de Baba para los nios. Al lado de estos smbolos de "aprendizaje mundano',
Baba se asegura de que los estudiantes reciban tambin 'aprendizaje spriritual".

In Baba's seats of learning, children are educated from kindergarten level to post-graduate level absolutely free of charge. M.B.A, M.F.M, M.
Tech. (Computers) courses have also been introduced in the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, a deemed University. These are in
addition to normal courses at Bachelor's level (in Arts, Science and Commerce) and Master's level courses in Arts and Sciences. Facilities are
available for doctoral studies as well. A number of big, neat, roomy and airy buildings have been built. A state-of-the-art Planetarium costing
crores of rupees has been installed. In November 2001, a new music college was also opened on the university campus. These are all tokens of
Baba's boundless love for children. Side by side with these symbols of 'worldly learning', Baba ensures that the students receive 'spriritual
learning' too.

El 22 de noviembre de 1981, el da en que fue inaugurado el Instituto Sri Sathya Sai de
Educacin Superior, Swami se dirigi a los estudiantes. l dijo: "Los estudiantes deben ser
las races de las que creceran los rboles de la paz y la seguridad para el mundo. Mi
propsito es regar esas races. Me dedico personalmente en todos los sentidos a los
estudiantes. Tengo una fe inmensa en ellos. Si le preguntan a cualquier persona qu
propiedades tiene Sai Baba a su nombre. Les dirn, 'Oh, l tiene tantos edificios, tanta
tierra y as suceShivamente. "Todas esas posesiones ascienden a nada. Mi nica propiedad
es nada ms que mis hijos!"

On 22nd November 1981, the day the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning was inaugurated, Swami addressed the students. He said,
"Students should be the roots from which would grow trees of peace and security for the world. My purpose is to water those roots. I am
dedicating Myself in every way to students. I have immense faith in them. You ask anyone what properties Sai Baba holds in His name. You
will be told, 'Oh, He has so many buildings, so much land and so on.' All those possessions amount to nothing. My sole property is nothing but
My children!"

Hay muchas personas que son incapaces de entender esta simple verdad. Tales personas
desafortunadas que no pueden imaginar el amor ni de una sola de madre nunca podrn
medir el amor de mil madres. La cualidad ms sublime de Sri Sathya Sai es la paciencia
ilimitada. l dice: "Incontables personas me critican. Hay muchos que me llaman por todo
tipo de nombres. Toda clase de cosas viles estn escritas de m en los peridicos. Miles de
folletos se publican en contra de m. Slo tengo una respuesta a todos ellos - Mi sonrisa!

There are many who are unable to understand this simple truth. Such unfortunate persons who cannot imagine even a single mother's love can
never gauge the love of a thousand mothers. The most sublime quality of Sri Sathya Sai is limitless patience. He says, "Countless persons
criticize Me. There are many who call Me by all sorts of names. All kinds of vile things are written about Me in newspapers. Thousands of
pamphlets are published against Me. I have only one answer to all of them -- My smile!

"Todas ellas son reacciones viciosas frente a lo que es indiscutiblemente bueno. Se lanzan
piedras solamente a los rboles frutales. Algunas personas son envidiosas e intolerantes por
naturaleza. A medida que ms y ms florece la Organizacion Sathya Sai, sus celos tambin
crecen a pasos agigantados. Inventan ms historias falsas, acusaciones y rumores. Incluso
los nios son arrastrados a estas maliciosas actividades.

"These are all but vicious reactions to what is indisputably good. Stones are hurled only at fruit-bearing trees. Some people are envious and
intolerant by nature. As more and more Sathya Sai Organizations blossom, their jealousy too grows by leaps and bounds. They fabricate more
false stories, accusations and gossip. Even children are dragged into these malicious activities.

"Param-Athma Swaruupulara! (Oh, formas de realizacin de la Divinidad Suprema!),
Qu puedo decir de esas personas de mente estrecha, incluso si todo el mundo se uniera
contra m, ningun dao podran hacerme. Mi corazn es siempre puro. No tengo fines
egostas. no tengo nada de mi propiedad. Esta es mi verdad. Slo los criminales se ven
acosados por el miedo. Por qu un len que no ha hecho nada malo, podra temer?

"Param-athma Swaroopulara! (Oh, Embodiments of Supreme Divinity!), what to say of these small-minded persons, even if the whole world
unites against Me, no harm comes to Me. My heart is always pure. I have no selfish ends. I have nothing of My own. This is My truth. Only
criminals are beset with fear. Why should a lion doing no wrong, be afraid?

"Todo lo que hago es para el bienestar del mundo (Jagat Kalyan), no para m. Soy
consciente de esta inquebrantable verdad, que es, que siempre estoy en la dicha, la
inquebrantable dicha!"
"Whatever I do is for the welfare of the world (Jagat Kalyan), not for Myself. I am aware of this irresistible truth, hence I am ever in Bliss, the
unbroken Bliss!"

En 1983, los estudiantes del Colegio Sathya Sai organizaron una exposicin de ciencia en el
mandapam kalyana (saln de bodas) en Brindavan. Sri Govind Narayan, entonces
Gobernador de Karnataka, estaba de visita en Brindavan para el darshan de Swami. Baba
lo trajo a ver la exposicin. En el programa haba varios modelos, dispositivos cientficos y
artefactos hechos por los estudiantes. Uno de los artculos era un pedazo de equipo de
alarma. Un rayo de luz pasaba de una punta a la otra, y si una mano se coloca en el medio,
sonaba una alarma. Como Swami dio la vuelta y lleg a ese equipo, el estudiante que lo
haba ideado, le dijo: "Swami, por favor, pon tu mano aqu y haz sonar la alarma." Swami
lo hizo, pero nada son. El alumno qued perplejo. Dijo: "Un momento, Swami Algo
parece haber salido mal. Pondr las cosas bien." l juguete con l un poco, puso su mano
entre los dos extremos, y, efectivamente, son la alarma. Confiado ahora, el estudiante
invit Swami para insertar su mano. As lo hizo, pero de nuevo la alarma no son. El
alumno qued completamente confundido por ahora y murmur algo acerca de la
necesidad de otro equipo de reparacin. Swami le dijo, "No necesita ninguna reparacin.
No soy un tipo de ladrn para el que se ha diseado esto! As que con toda la razn, no son
la alarma" l sigui su camino. La ciencia no es capaz de llegar a Swami, l trasciende la

In 1983, students of the Sathya Sai College arranged a science exhibition in the kalyana mandapam (wedding hall) in Brindavan. Sri Govind
Narayan, then Governor of Karnataka, was visiting Brindavan for Swami's darshan. Baba brought him along to see the exhibition. On show
were several models, scientific devices and artifacts made by students. One of the items was a piece of alarm equipment. A ray of light proceeds
from one end to the other; and if a hand is placed in between, an alarm rings. As Swami went round and reached that equipment, the student who
had devised it, told him, "Swami, please put Your hand here and the alarm rings." Swami did so but there was no sound. The student got
perplexed. He said, "Just a moment, Swami. Something seems to have gone wrong. I will set it right." He tinkered with it a little, put his hand
between the two ends, and sure enough, the alarm rang. Confident now, the student invited Swami to insert His hand. He did so, but again the
alarm did not ring. The student got thoroughly confused by now and mumbled something about the equipment needing another repair. The
Swami told him, "It needs no repair. I am not that kind of a thief for whom you have designed this; so quite rightly, the alarm did not ring!" He
moved on. Science is not capable of reaching Swami; He transcends science.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih

End of Chapter 11
DAY 5 : (Contd.)

Muchos aos atrs, los alumnos de la Escuela Primaria en Puttaparthi tomaban su bao
diario por la maana con agua fra. Swami se senta triste y pens: "Los padres de estos
tiernos pequeos nios los dejaron a mi cuidado debido a su inmensa confianza en M.
Pobres muchachos, tienen slo agua fra para baarse todos los das." Ese pensamiento
pronto condujo a la inauguracin de los calentadores solares, que calientan el agua
mediante rayos del sol. Que nunca, se habian instalado en los albergues. Los estudiantes,
los profesores y el director de la escuela estaban muy contentos. Ellos oraron a Swami para
inaugurar el sistema de calefaccin solar y l estuvo de acuerdo.

Many years back, students in the Primary School in Puttaparthi used to take their daily morning bath in cold water. Swami felt sad and thought,
"Parents of these tender young children left them in My care because of their immense trust in Me. Poor fellows, they have only cold water to
bathe in every day." That thought soon led to the provision of solar heaters, which heat water using Sunrays. In no time, they were installed in
the hostels. Students, teachers and the Principal of the school were very pleased. They prayed to Swami to inaugurate the solar heating system
and He agreed.

Los arreglos para la inauguracin pronto se terminaron. El equipo estaba conectado a un
grifo por un tubo de goma. Cuando Swami llegara y abririan el grifo y el agua caliente
fluira en un balde colocado debajo. No tuvieron que esperar mucho tiempo, Swami lleg y
se abri el grifo. Por desgracia, el tubo de goma consigui separarse justo en ese momento y
hubo una explosin de agua caliente en el rostro de Swami y sus vestidos. El repentino e
imprevisto percance sorprendi a todo el mundo. Se hizo un silencio incmodo en todos. Ni
una mano se movi para corregir la situacin de que los espectadores quedaran
petrificados. Swami comprendi su angustia. l se ri en voz alta para romper el hielo y les
dijo: "Miren, el bao inaugural ha sido tomado por M!" Las risas y agradable comentario
de Swami trajo alivio para todos. Sus corazones se convirtieron en luz y pudieron respirar
con facilidad. Todo el mundo se uni en la risa de Swami.

Arrangements for inauguration were soon completed. The equipment was connected to a tap by a rubber tube. When Swami arrives and turns
that tap, hot water would flow into a bucket placed below. They did not have to wait long; Swami arrived and He turned the tap. Unfortunately,
the rubber tube got detached just at that moment and there was a burst of hot water on Swami's face and His garments. The sudden and
unforeseen mishap shocked everybody. There was embarrassed silence all around. Not a hand moved to correct the situation as the onlookers
stood petrified. Swami understood their misery. He laughed aloud to break the spell and said, "Look, the inaugural bath has been taken by
Me!" Swami's laughter and pleasant remarks brought relief to everyone. Their hearts became light and they could breathe easily. Everyone
joined in Swami's laughter.

Baba es siempre misericordioso. No conoce la ira. "Mi vida es mi mensaje", dice. Es un
mensaje de amor, de compasin y misericordia. No hay lugar para el enojo.
Baba is ever-merciful. He knows no anger. "My life is My message," He says. It is a message of love, compassion and mercy. There is no place
for anger.


Una vez que Swami estaba en Kodaikanal. Sentado en su habitacin, estaba mirando a la
multitud que esperaba afuera por su darshan. Varios estudiantes estaban sentados
alrededor de sus pies. Swami les dijo: "Se dan cuenta de lo afortunado que son? Miles
estn esperando afuera por m. Aqu me tienen, disfruten del privilegio de servir a mis pies.
Pero ustedes no saben lo afortunado y la suerte que tienen. Les estoy dando esta
oportunidad de estar cerca de m. Si quiero, puedo caminar por el cielo de un lado al otro.
Si hiciera eso, todo el mundo estara en mis pies. Varios cientos de miles de devotos me
rodearian. Pero en ese momento, ninguno de ustedes tendria la oportunidad de estar tan
cerca de m. Guardias armados siempre me rodearan para mi proteccin. Les aseguro que
esos das no estn lejos. Creanme, vendrn los das en que apenas podrn ser capaces de
detectar un pequeo destello rojo de mis ropas, desde una gran distancia, y con con gran
esfuerzo. Se daran cuenta de la gloria de Swami cuando camine por el cielo de un extremo
al otro. As que, a partir de ahora, traten de obtener el beneficio de cada momento de su
cercana a Swami ".

Once Swami was in Kodaikanal. Sitting in his room, He was looking out at the crowds waiting outside for his darshan. Several students were
sitting at His feet around Him. Swami told them, "Do you realize how fortunate you are? Thousands are waiting outside for Me. Here you are,
enjoying the privilege of serving at My feet. But you do not know how fortunate and lucky you are. I am giving you this opportunity so that you
will be close to Me. If I feel like it, I can walk across the sky from one side to the other. If only I did that, the whole world would be at My
Feet. Several lakhs of devotees would swarm to Me. But at that time, not one of you would have the opportunity of being so close to
Me. Armed guards would always surround Me for my protection. I assure you, those days are not far off. Believe Me, a day will come, when
you will barely be able to spot a tiny red flash of My robes, from a long distance, that too with a great effort. You will realize Swami's glory
when I walk across the sky from one end to the other. So, as of now, try to derive benefit from every single moment of your closeness to

En una ocasin, se organiz un programa de actividades deportivas, en el Estadio Hill
View. Al inaugurar los juegos, Swami dejo en libertad dos palomas blancas. A medida que
los juegos se desarrollaban, Swami y algunos distinguidos invitados observaban desde un
estrado. Despus de algn tiempo, se dieron cuenta de que las mismas palomas, soltadas al
principio, estaban volando en el cielo sobre la tarima. Swami seal: "Miren a esos
pjaros. Ellos han estado con nosotros durante mucho tiempo. Por lo tanto, se han vuelto
incapaces de adaptarse al mundo exterior a pesar de que han sido puestos en libertad."
Entonces, no cabe duda de que Swami, no se refera nicamente a las dos palomas, sin que
lo que dijo antes, se aplica a todos sus queridos alumnos y devotos.

On one occassion, a programme of sports was organized in the Hill View Stadium. Inaugurating the games, Swami released two white
pigeons. As the games were under way, Swami and some distinguished guests watched from a dais. After some time, they noticed the same
pigeons, earlier released, flying in the sky across the dais. Swami observed, "Look at those birds. They have been with us for a long
time. Therefore, they have become incapable of adjusting themselves to the outside world although they have been set free." No doubt Swami
was then referring only to those two pigeons but what He said then applies to all His dear students and devotees.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih
Fin del captulo 11


DA 5 : ( Cont.)


Captulo 12
Chapter 12

Ustedes Me entienden slo a travs de mis obras, es por eso que a veces con el fin de revelar
lo que Soy, Yo mismo les enseo mi 'tarjeta de presentacion, eso que se llama milagro...
No son ni trucos mgicos, ni potestades siddhicos (ocultos), que pueden obtenerce por
cualquiera a travez de los ejercicios de disciplina y del yoga adecuado. Mis poderes para
proteger, curar, salvar a la gente y materializar objetos se originan en Dios y pueden ser
utilizados slo por un avatar. Ellos no son de ninguna manera originados, subordinados o
desarrollados, pero el flujo de la energa csmica.
~ Baba ~

You will understand Me only through My work, that is why sometimes in order to reveal who I am, I Myself show you My 'visiting card',
something that you call a miracle... They are neither magical tricks nor siddhic (occult) powers, which can come to everybody with the
appropriate discipline and yoga exercises, but My powers to protect, heal and save people and materialize objects originate in God and can be
used only by an Avatar. They are in no way designed, disciplined or developed, but flow from cosmic power.
~ Baba ~


Para el beneficio de los pobres, Bhagavan cre en Puttaparthi el Hospital General Sathya
Sai en 1956. Todo el mundo sabe que el hospital y los mdicos no son mas que meros
instrumentos, el mdico de verdad es Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba mismo. Hay
muchicimos casos en los que el mismo Bhagavan asumi el control y los pacientes que
haban recibido sus cuidados fueron curados milagrosamente y no podan ni siquiera ser
diagnosticados por los mdicos.


For the benefit of the poor, Bhagavan established in Puttaparthi the Sathya Sai General Hospital in 1956. Everyone knows that the hospital as
well as the doctors there are mere instruments; the real doctor is Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Himself. There are many number of instances
where Bhagavan Himself took over and miraculously cured patients who had been given up or could not even be diagnosed by doctors.

Entonces Bhagavan quiso que se estableciera un Hospital de Super Especialidades, donde
el tratamiento que cuesta varios cientos de miles de rupias en otros lugares, se haria de
forma gratuita, y el hospital se convertira en otra de las maravillas del mundo. La Divina
Voluntad fructificado en todo momento. El 22 de noviembre de 1990, Bhagavan Sri Sathya
Sai Baba coloc la primera piedra y proclam que exactamente un ao ms tarde, el 22 de
noviembre de 1991, el hospital se inauguraria.

Then Bhagavan willed that a Super Speciality Hospital be established, where treatment costing several lakhs of rupees elsewhere, would be given
free of charge; and the hospital would become another wonder of the world. The divine Will fructified in no time. On 22nd November 1990,
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba laid the foundation stone and proclaimed that exactly one year later, on 22nd November 1991, the hospital would
be inaugurated.

El Hospital de Super Especialidades fue diseado por un arquitecto eminente, el Dr. Keith
Critchlow, director del Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture en Londres. Por las
sugerencia de Isaac Tigrett, l arquitecto lleg a Prashanti Nilayam y tuvo el darshan de
Swami. Swami le concedi una entrevista, durante la cual le explic al arquitecto las
complejidad de disear el hospital propuesto. Aadiendo a lo que l haba previsto,
Bhagavan seal la Vasthu (la ciencia hind de la arquitectura), los aspectos planetarios y
astrolgicos que deban ser considerados. El profecional qued asombrado por la
profundidad y el alcance de los conocimientos tcnicos de Swami.

The Super Speciality Hospital was designed by an eminent architect, Dr Keith Critchlow, Director of the Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture
in London. On the suggestion of Isaac Tigrett, he came to Prashanti Nilayam and had Swami's darshan. Swami granted an interview to him,
during which He explained to the architect the intricacies of designing the proposed hospital. Elaborating what He had visualized, Bhagavan
pointed out Vasthu (the Hindu science of architecture), planetary and astrological aspects that needed to be considered. The engineer was
astounded at the depth and extent of Swami's technical knowledge.

Regres a Londres y se dedic a la elaboracin de un diseo de acuerdo a las instrucciones
de Swami. No poda hacerlo. Siguiendo el consejo de un amigo, se imagin a s mismo como
un mero instrumento en las manos de Baba, se entreg totalmente a la misericordia de
Baba; or fervientemente a Baba, y entonces empez el trabajo de nuevo. Tom un pedazo
largo de papel de dibujo. De un extremo al otro, en un solo esfuerzo, dibuj un boceto del
hospital. Agreg un pabelln en cada extremo, que se extendian a ambos lados y doblaban
hacia el centro, como si dos brazos amorosos se extendieran y luego se cerraran alrededor
del objeto de ese amor, as como dirigido por Swami.

He returned to London and set about drawing up a design according to Swami's instructions. He was not successful. On the advice of a friend, he
imagined himself to be a mere tool in Baba's hands; he surrendered himself totally to Baba's mercy; he prayed earnestly to Baba; and then he
started the work afresh. He took a long piece of drawing paper. From one end to the other, in one single effort, he drew a sketch of the
hospital. He added one ward at each end, extending on either side and bending towards the middle, as though two loving hands were extended
and then closed around the object of that love, just as directed by Swami.

Un grupo de arquitectos se hizo cargo en ese momento. Trabajaron durante tres meses,
diecisiete horas al da, llenando cada detalle y completando todos los diseos y planes.
Enviaron todo el conjunto a una empresa de construccin en India, designada por Swami.
Pero el Dr. Critchlow tena sus propias dudas. "Incluso en un pas tcnicamente muy
avanzado como EE.UU., un hospital de sper especialidades de este tipo no puede ser
construido en menos de siete aos. Cmo podr entonces Swami construir este hospital en
seis meses?", se pregunt.

A group of architects took over at this point. They worked for three months, seventeen hours a day, filling up every detail and completed all the
designs and plans. They sent the entire set to the construction company in India, designated by Swami. But Dr Critchlow had his own
doubts. "Even in a very technically advanced country like the USA, a super speciality hospital of this kind cannot be constructed in less than
seven years. How then can Swami build this hospital in six months?" he wondered.

Los arquitectos llegaron de Londres. Pusieron los cimientos y erigieron pilares de
hormign de 3 a 4 pies de altura. Cuando Swami fue a Bangalore en mayo, estos
arquitectos tambin abandonaron el lugar y regresaron a casa. El 22 de mayo de 1991,
cuando se diriga a Kodaikanal desde Bangalore, Swami tom al Coronel Joga Rao y se
dirigi al lugar para ver en qu medida el trabajo haba progresado. Desde ese da hasta el
da de la inauguracin que se habia anunciado (a saber, el 22 de noviembre de 1991), el
tiempo disponible era precisamente de seis meses. La estructura iba a ser majestuosa; en
ese momento el equipo mdico debia ser adquirido e instalado, y un millar de otros
requisitos deban cumplirse antes de que la instalacin podra hacerse funcional. El
Coronel Joga Rao dijo, "Swami, incluso si ponemos a miles de trabajadores en esta obra y
los hacemos trabajar da y noche, no podriamos terminar el proyecto antes del 22 de
noviembre? Qu pasa con los fondos de...?" Swami interrumpi, "No crees olas de duda e
indecisin. La voluntad de Swami est destinada a cumplirce." Luego convoc al ingeniero
Indio, Brig Bose, y le dio instrucciones, "Toma dos mil trabajadores a travs de los Sres.
Larsen & Toubro, los puso en el trabajo y terminarlo a tiempo." Se fue a Kodaikanal.

Architects arrived from London. They laid the foundations and erected concrete pillars of 3-4 feet height. When Swami went to Bangalore in
May, these architects also left the site and returned home. On 22nd May 1991, on his way to Kodaikanal from Bangalore, Swami took Col. Joga
Rao along and went to the site to see how far the work had progressed. From that day to the already announced day of inauguration (viz., 22nd
November 1991), time available was precisely six months. The structure was to be a majestic one; up to date medical equipment was to be
procured and installed; and a thousand other requirements had to be met before the facility could be made functional. Col. Joga Rao said,
"Swami, even if we put thousands of workers on this job and make them work day and night, can we complete the project by 22nd
November? What about funds...?" Swami interrupted, "Do not create waves of doubt and indecision. Swami's Will is bound to be fulfilled." He
then summoned the Indian engineer, Brig. Bose, and instructed him, "Get two thousand workers through Messrs Larsen & Toubro, put them
on the job and complete it on time." He left for Kodaikanal.

Brig. Bose hizo lo que le fue instruido por Swami. Dej toda la carga de todo corazn en los
hombros divinos de Swami. Se involucr a ms de dos mil trabajadores al da y se asegur
de que el trabajo fuera continu da y noche sin interrupcin. Sus esfuerzos dieron buen
fruto. Incluso antes del 15 de octubre de 1991, ms de un mes antes del da de la
inauguracin proclamada, el poderoso edificio fue terminado y entregado a los expertos
mdicos para el equipamiento.

Brig. Bose did as he was instructed by Swami. He left the entire burden whole-heartedly on Swami's divine shoulders. He engaged more than
two thousand workers daily and ensured that work went on day and night without intermission. His efforts bore rich fruit. Even by 15 October
1991, more than a month ahead of the proclaimed day of inauguration, the mighty building was completed and handed over to the medical
experts for equipping.

Isaac Tigrett don varios artculos de equipo mdico. El Gobierno de la India renunci a
los derechos de impuestos y los transport a Puttaparthi por va area. Para permitir que
los aviones jet volaran a Puttaparthi directamente y descargaran mercancas sin demora, el
aerdromo Sai Sathya haba fue mejorado con la designacin de un aeropuerto
internacional del ao anterior. Con una donacin de un crore de rupias (10 millones) de
John Sinclair, de la Fundacin Sai de Americana, se obtuvo el equipo para realizar anlisis
de sangre comprado en los EE.UU. Se pueden realizar 20 diferentes tipos de anlisis de
sangre en relacin con 600 pacientes por hora y transmitir los resultados de estos estudios y
anlisis a los mdicos. Su ordenador puede almacenar los resultados relativos a diez
millones de pacientes y se puede descargar cualquier informacin que se necesite.

Isaac Tigrett donated several items of medical equipment. The Government of India waived duties and taxes and transported them to Puttaparthi
by air. To enable jet aircraft to fly to Puttaparthi directly and unload cargo without delay, the Sathya Sai Aerodrome had been upgraded and
designated as an International Airport a year earlier. With a donation of one crore of rupees from John Sinclair of the American Sai Foundation,
up to date equipment for carrying out blood tests was procured from the USA. It can perform 20 different kinds of blood tests in respect of 600
patients per hour and hand down the results for study and analysis by doctors. Its computer can store the results pertaining to ten million patients
and can download any information on demand.

Finalmente, el gran da del 22 de noviembre de 1991, lleg. De conformidad con la
Voluntad divina de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, en el primer da de la inauguracin del
hospital, se realizaron hasta cuatro operaciones de corazn abierto! Qu maravilla! Qu
milagro! El da de la inauguracin se haba anunciado con antelacin, hacia exactamente
un ao. Seis meses atrs, slo haba campos agrcolas no cultivados en ese lugar. Dentro de
un lapso de cinco meses y medio, aparecieron los magnficos edificios, el equipamiento
mdico mas exclusivo y ms moderno lleg directamente al aeropuerto de Puttaparthi, el
hospital fue declarado abierto precisamente en la fecha anunciada un ao antes; el da de la
inauguracin se realizaron cirugas a corazn abierto. Es todo esto creble? Los expertos
de todo el mundo se admiraban.

Finally, the great day, 22nd November 1991, arrived. In accordance with the divine Will of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, on the very first day
of inaugurating the hospital, as many as four open heart surgeries were performed! How wonderful! What a miracle! The day of inauguration
had been announced in advance, exactly one year ago. Six months back, there were only uncultivated agricultural fields at that spot. Within a
span of five months and a half, magnificient buildings came up; the rarest and the most modern medical equipment arrived directly at the
Puttaparthi airport; the hospital was declared open precisely on the date announced a year previously; open-heart surgeries were performed the
opening day itself. Is all this believable? Experts all over the world were astonished.

Otro Hospital de Super Especialidades similar se construllo en Bangalore. Esa tambin es
el Sankalpa Divino de Bhagavan Baba. En noviembre de 1999, se hizo un anuncio sobre el
hospital y en noviembre de 2000, ya estaba listo en pleno funcionamiento. En la
Inauguracion del 19 de noviembre del 2000, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai, declar: "las
instituciones Sai son eternas. Ellas serviran a los pobres para siempre."

Another similar Super Speciality Hospital has been constructed in Bangalore. That is also with the Divine Sankalpa of Bhagavan Baba. In
November 1999, an announcement was made about the hospital and by November 2000, it was ready in full swing. Inaugurating it on 19th
November 2000, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai stated : "Sai institutions are eternal. They will serve the poor forever."

Uno no puede ms que mirar asombrado el sankalpa Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai y ver como
lo ejecuta. En una ocasin declar: "Mi voluntad est obligada a cumplirse. Incluso si los
catorce mundos (Charhur-dasa Bhuvanams) se unen para oponerseme, no pueden evitar lo
que tengo voluntad de hacer. Nadie tiene la capacidad de comprender mi poder divino.
Ninguno de los dioses, desde el Seor Brahma para abajo, lo puede comprender. Incluso
una diezmillonsima parte del mismo est mucho ms all de la comprensin del hombre
ms capaz!" Estas palabras sublimes de Bhagavan deben ser apreciados por la humanidad.

One cannot but stare amazingly at Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai' sankalpa and how He executes it. He once declared, "My Will is bound to be
fulfilled. Even if the fourteen worlds (Charhurdasa Bhuvanams) join together to oppose Me, they cannot prevent whatever I Will to do. Nobody
has the capacity to comprehend My divine power. None of the Gods, from Lord Brahma downwards, can comprehend it. Even a ten-millionth
part thereof is much beyond comprehension of the brainiest man!" These sublime words of Bhagavan should be cherished by mankind.

POTENTE PRASADAM (alimento bendecido)
Una pareja llev a su pequea hija, enferma con problemas de corazn a Puttaparthi. Los
mdicos del Hospital de Super Especialidades encontraron dos o tres agujeros en el
corazn. Como el caso se considera una emergencia, decidieron realizar una ciruga a
corazn abierto a la maana siguiente. Ella fue admitida inmediatamente. El angustiado
padre decidi informar a Baba acerca de la crisis de la maana siguiente, para obtener sus
bendiciones. As que se fue y se sent en la sala de audiencias. El siempre misericordioso
Baba se desplazaba entre los devotos. Un muchacho, que cumplia aos en ese da, trajo
caramelos y se los ofreci a Swami. Baba les acept y lanz puados de caramelos entre los
devotos sentados. Una dilce aterriz en el regazo del padre con el corazn roto por el
corazn de su hija. l estaba muy contento y lo acept como el santo Prasadam (alimento
bendecido) de Swami. l se lo llev a su hija y se lodi a comer. Un poco ms tarde, la
paciente fue trasladada para la operacin. Los mdicos tomaron radiografas de ltima
hora y, para su consternacin, no encontraron ningn rastro de nada de malo en su
corazn. Decidieron que no necesitaba la operacin y la dieron de alta. Es posible para
cualquier persona el describir el amor y la misericordia inconmensurable de Swami en

A couple brought their little daughter, sick with heart trouble to Puttaparthi. Doctors at the Super Speciality Hospital found two or three holes in
her heart. As the case was considered an emergency, they decided to perform open-heart surgery the very next morning. She was immediately
admitted. The distraught father decided to inform Baba about the crisis early next morning and to obtain His blessings. So he went and sat in the
audience hall. The ever-merciful Baba was moving among the devotees. A boy, whose birthday happened to be on that day, brought toffees and
offered them to Swami. Baba accepted them and threw handfuls of the toffees among the seated devotees. One piece landed in the lap of the
heart-broken father of the heart patient. He was overjoyed and accepted it as Swami's holy prasadam. He took it to his daughter and made her eat
it. A little while later, the patient was moved in for operation. The doctors took last minute X-rays and, to their consternation, found no trace of
anything wrong with her heart. They decided that she needed no operation and discharged her. Is it possible for anybody to describe Swami's
immeasurable love and mercy in words?

Un hombre que sufria de una serie de dolencias consigui su corazn fuera examinado en el
Hospital de Super Especialidades. Su estado era muy preocupante. Los mdicos
consideraron que no estaba en condiciones de someterse a los estragos de la intervencin
quirrgica y se negaron a hacer cualquier cosa. El paciente comenz a orar con fervor a
Swami. Le or a Bhagavan que de alguna manera recibiera la operacin que le devolveria
la salud normal. Bhagavan escuch su oracin. l habl con los mdicos y pregunt cmo
iva este paciente en particular. Explicaron que l sufra de varias dolencias y, en su
opinin, no era un caso que ameritara un procedimiento. Swami dijo: "Vayan adelante y
realizen la operacin. Nada adverso ocurrir. Voy a supervisarlo. "La operacin se llev a
cabo y, ante la incredulidad absoluta de los mdicos, fue un xito. Los mdicos le
informaron que la operacin haba sido todo un xito y que el paciente se encontraba en
excelentes condiciones.

A man suffering from a number of ailments got his heart examined in the Super Speciality Hospital. His condition was extremely
distressing. Doctors felt that he was in no position to undergo the strain of surgical intervention and refused to do anything. The patient began to
pray fervently to Swami. He prayed to Bhagavan that He should somehow get the operation done and restore him to normal health. Bhagavan
heard his prayer. He talked to the doctors and enquired how this particular patient was doing. They explained that he was suffering from several
complaints and in their opinion, was not a fit case for operation. Swami said, "Go ahead and perform the operation. Nothing untoward will
happen. I will oversee it." The operation was performed and, to the utter disbelief of doctors, it was successful. The doctors informed Him that
the operation was very successful and that the patient was in an excellent condition.

Es una prctica habitual en el Hospital de Super Especialidades el tomar pelculas de vdeo
de las operaciones realizadas en los casos complicados. Swami invit a los mdicos que
vieran una de esas pelculas de vdeo. Se sorprendieron cuando lo hicieron, se encontraron
con Swami de variadas maneras semejando a cada uno de ellos alrededor de la mesa de
operaciones. Liverados de su vanidad y ego, se dieron cuenta que se trataba de Swami y
solamente de Swami, que realizaba operaciones y que no eran ms que incidentales, meros
instrumentos en Sus manos divinas. Con absoluta humildad, se postraron a los Pies de Loto
de Bhagavan.

It is a usual practice at the Super Speciality Hospital to take video films of operations performed in complicated cases. Swami asked the doctors
to view one of those video films. They were surprised when they did so; they found Swami in several forms resembling each one of them around
the operation table. Relieved of their pride and ego, they realized that it was Swami, and Swami alone, who was performing operations and that
they were only incidental, mere tools in His divine hands. With utter humility, they bowed to the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan.

El Hospital de Super Especialidades creci rpidamente de fortaleza en fortaleza. Cuenta
con departamentos de Cardiologa, Ciruga Cardiotorcica, Uro-Nefrologa y
Oftalmologa. Tambin hay un centro de litotricia especializado en romper las piedras en el
tracto urinario con el uso de ondas de alta energa. En este hospital, todo tipo de
tratamientos y operaciones quirrgicas, que en otros lugares costaran cientos de miles de
rupias, se hacen totalmente libre de costo. Es aclamado como una de las maravillas del

The Super Speciality Hospital rapidly grew from strength to strength. It has Departments of Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Uro-nephrology
and Ophthalmology. There is also a Lithotripsy Centre specialized in breaking the stones in the urinary tract with the use of high-energy
waves. In this hospital, all kinds of treatment and surgical operations, which elsewhere would cost lakhs of rupees, are done totally free of
cost. It is acclaimed as one of the wonders of the world!

Hablando acerca de este hospital, dijo Swami: "Aqu los pacientes estan siempre alegres.
Sus familiares tambin estn contentos y alegres. Los mdicos sonren mientras sirven a los
pacientes. Las enfermeras alegremente asisten a sus funciones. Todo el lugar est lleno de
felicidad. Los trabajadores del Seva Dal se ocupan de la limpieza y pulido de las salas y
habitaciones incolumes. Cuotas o costos de ningun tipo se aplican en este hospital. los
mdicos en otros lugares se preguntan cmo es posible proporcionar los servicios mdicos
de este orden superior de forma totalmente gratuita. No debe haber ocasin para tal
sorpresa o duda. Un trabajo hecho con un corazn puro no sufre escasez de fondos".

Speaking about this hospital, Swami said, "Here patients are ever cheerful. Their relatives are also happy and cheerful. Doctors smile as they
serve the patients. Nurses cheerfully attend to their duties. The whole place is full of happiness. Seva Dal workers are busy cleaning and
polishing the wards and rooms spick and span. No fees or any charges of any kind are levied in this hospital. Doctors elsewhere wonder how it
is possible to provide medical facilities of this high order totally free of charge. There should be no occasion for such wonder or doubt. A job
done with a pure heart suffers no dearth of funds."


Siempre hay enraizados escpticos que cuestionan cul es la necesidad de un hospital si
Dios est encarnado est aqu para atender a todos los problemas de los devotos. Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai se refiri a esas dudas y dijo: "Algunas personas podran estar cuestionando
: "Swami es capaz de sanar a los enfermos por su mera voluntad, por qu entonces es
necesario que un hospital de este tamao y complejidad lo acompae" Piensen un poco ms
profundamente. Este no es mi nico hospital. Supongamos que hay una persona en
Chennai que dirige una clnica u hospital. Trata a los nios discapacitados y los sana. Su
centro de curacin tambin es mo. De de hecho, todos los hospitales, independientemente
de dnde se encuentra me pertenecen. Estoy supervisando cada uno de ellos. Por qu ir
tan lejos? los que me oran desde el fondo de sus corazones y que buscan mi ayuda, con
independencia de lo que sean, de cualquier lugar rezan, ya sea en un hospital o en el hogar
o en cualquier otro lugar, independientemente de la lengua en la que rezan, todos ellos son
mos. Me pertenecen. no Me restrinjan a las pocas hectreas de tierra alrededor de
Prashanti Nilayam. Siempre que una persona ora fervientemente por Prashanti (suprema
paz), el lugar desde donde ora la persona se convertir en un Prashanti Nilayam.

There are always inveterate doubters who question what is the need for a hospital if God incarnate is right here to attend to every problem of the
devotees. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai referred to such doubts and said, "Some people might be questioning : 'Swami is capable of healing the sick
by His mere Will; why then is a hospital of this size and attendant paraphernalia needed?' Let them think a little further. This one is not the only
hospital of Mine. Suppose there is a person in Chennai who runs a clinic or hospital. He treats handicapped children and heals them. His healing
centre too is Mine. As a matter of fact, every single hospital irrespective of where it stands belongs to Me. I am overseeing every one of
them. Why go so far? Those who pray to Me from the bottom of their hearts seeking My help, irrespective of who they are, from whatever place
they pray, be it hospital or home or any other spot, irrespective of the language in which they pray, all of them are Mine. They belong to Me. Do
not confine Me to the few acres of land around Prashanti Nilayam. Whenever a person prays earnestly for Prashanti, the spot from where the
person prays will become a Prashanti Nilayam.

"Recuerden otro hecho destacado. Este hospital ayuda a inculcar la fe en ti, para que
puedas reconocer la divinidad y desechar las dudas de tu mente. Adems de curar a los
enfermos, un hospital sirve a otro propsito tambin. Algunas personas tienen una fe ciega
en las medicinas y las inyecciones. Es mi deber proporcionar ayuda mdica a esas personas
tambin. Su fe en Dios y en su misericordia an no es firme. Un hospital es definitivamente
necesario para ayudarles a ellos tambin."

"Remember another salient fact. This hospital helps to inculcate faith in you, to enable you to recognize divinity and to cast away doubts from
your mind. Besides healing the sick, a hospital serves another purpose also. Some people have blind faith in medicines and injections. It is my
duty to provide medical help to such persons also. Their faith in God and His mercy is not yet firm. A hospital is definitely needed to help them


Hace unos aos, el Dr. Sitaramayya, uno de los mdicos del hospital en Prashanti Nilayam,
no tenia buena salud y estaba postrado en cama. Bhagavan Baba fue a su habitacin para
preguntar por su salud. Se sent a su lado, cort una manzana y le dio de comer con sus
propias manos y se fue. Sri Kasturi estaba con Swami todo el tiempo. Pens: "Cun
bienaventurado es este doctor? Incluso la enfermedad le ha trado tanta suerte! Swami
Mismo entr en su habitacin, preguntado por l, corto una fruta con sus propias manos y
le dio de comer poco a poco. Cunto me gustara haber cado enfermo!"

A few years ago, Dr Sitaramayya, one of the doctors in the hospital in Prashanti Nilayam, was not keeping good health and was bed-
ridden. Bhagavan Baba went to his room to enquire about his health. He sat by his side, cut an apply and fed him with His own hands and
left. Sri Kasturi was with Swami all the while. He thought, "How blessed is this doctor? Even illness has brought him so much good
fortune! Swami Himself walked into his room, enquired about him, cut a fruit with His own hands and fed him piece by piece. How much I wish
I had fallen ill!"

Algn tiempo despus, Kasturi tambin cay enfermo con dolor en su espina dorsal.
Apenas poda moverse. Confiaba en que Swami le podra visitar tambin. Pero Swami
envi por el para pedirle que fuera a su habitacin inmediatamente. Con dolor o sin dolor,
no haba duda de ignorar la llamada de Swami. As, Kasturi se abri paso trabajosamente
a la presencia de Swami. Swami le dio un paquete de calendarios de ao nuevo y le orden:
"Toma estos calendarios y distribullelos, uno para cada habitacin. Ve". Sin un murmullo,
Kasturi recogi el paquete, fue a todas las habitaciones en cada piso de cada edificio en
Prashanti Nilayam y complet la distribucin de acuerdo con las instrucciones de Swami.
Al ver a su agona, algunas personas se ofrecieron a hacer el trabajo por l, pero l no
estuvo de acuerdo. Le solicitaron que permita, al menos, llevarle el fardo pesado, pero
declin. Kasturi ms tarde dijo: "Cmo saben rechac su oferta bondadosa?" Este era el
tratamiento de Swami para el dolor de la columna vertebral de Kasturi.

Sometime later, Sri Kasturi too fell ill with pain in his backbone. He could hardly move. He hoped that Swami might visit him too. But Swami
sent a word asking him to come to His room immediately. Pain or no pain, there was no question of disregarding Swami's summons. So, Sri
Kasturi made his way laboriously to Swami's presence. Swami gave him a bundle of New Year calendars and ordered him, "Take these calendars
and distribute them yourself, one for each room. Go." Without a murmur, Sri Kasturi picked up the bundle, went to every room on every floor of
every building in Prashanti Nilayam and completed the distribution according to Swami's instructions. Seeing his agony, some persons offered to
do the work for him but he did not agree. They requested to be allowed at least to carry the heavy bundle for him but he declined. Sri Kasturi
later said, "How do they know why I turned down their kindly offer?" This was Swami's treatment to the pain in the backbone of Sri Kasturi.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih

End of Chapter 12

DIA 5: (continuacin)
DAY 5 : (Contd.)


Capitulo 13
Chapter 13

Vibhuti- "Lo que materializo es una manifestacin de la Divinidad con un potente
significado, y simbolizacin. Es el smbolo de la naturaleza csmica inmortal e infinita de
todas las formas de Dios. El atma o el espritu es lo que queda cuando todo lo mundano y
transitorio es echado fuera. En primer lugar, es un smbolo del ciclo de vida-muerte en la
que todo se reduce en ltima instancia a ceniza.' Lo que polvo fue, en polvo se convertir.'
Ceniza o polvo es la condicin final. No puede sufrir ningn cambio adicional. En el
contexto espiritual, constituye una advertencia para el receptor a renunciar a los deseos,
quemar todas las pasiones, los apegos y la tentacin en el fuego del culto, lo que hace uno
de limpio pensamiento, palabra y accin. es un smbolo de la Divinidad".
~ Baba ~

Vibhuthi - "What I materialize is a manifestation of Divinity with a potent significance as well as symbolisation. It is symbolic of the cosmic
immortal and infinite nature of all forms of God. Atma or the spirit is what is left when everything worldly and transient has burnt away. In first
place, it is symbolic of the life-death cycle in which everything ultimately reduces itself as ash. 'For dust through art, and unto dust shall through
returnest.' Ash or dust is the final condition. It can undergo no further change. In the spiritual context, it constitutes a warning to the recipient
to give up desires, burn all passions, attachments and temptation in the fires of worship, which makes one pure in thought, word and deed. It is a
symbol of Divinity."
~ Baba ~

Una vez un abogado lleg a Prashanti Nilayam. Era un fumador crnico. Un cncer le
afectaba la garganta. Los mdicos aconsejaron ciruga, junto con la radiacin y la
quimioterapia. l deseaba obtener el permiso de Swami antes del comienzar el tratamiento.
A su llegada, el siempre misericordioso Bhagavan le invit a pasar a la sala de entrevistas.
Le pidi que mantubiera sus manos juntas para formar un recipiente, materializ y le
sirvi una gran cantidad de vibhuti en ellas y le pidi que comiera todo. Era de color
oscuro y sabor como la calabaza amarga. Swami cariosamente insisti, le persuadi y le
ayud a terminarla. Despus de la entrevista, el hombre sali y se fue a la cantina a tomar
una taza de caf. Fue asi como, sus ojos se posaron en las pakodas cerca (sabroso disco
quebradizo, fritos en aceite). Incapaz de resistirse, se comi un plato lleno. Debido al dolor
en la garganta, no haba sido capaz de comer bien durante mucho tiempo, a pesar de su
gran deseo y fuerte gusto por la comida. Pero ahora, se dio cuenta de que poda comer
cmodamente y disfrutar de ella. Se sorprendi. Con el dedo, explor el interior de su boca
en el lugar afectado por del cncer. No senta ningn dolor en absoluto. Se dio cuenta de
que el cncer haba desaparecido. Estaba abrumado. Las lgrimas inundaron sus ojos al
recordar la misericordia de Bhagavan.

Once an advocate arrived at Prashanti Nilayam. He was a chronic smoker. Cancer afflicted his throat. Doctors advised surgery, along with
radiation and chemotherapy. He desired to obtain Swami's permission before the commencement of the treatment. On arrival, the ever-merciful
Bhagavan invited him into the interview room. Asking him to hold his palms together to form a bowl, He materialized and poured a large
quantity of vibhuthi into them and asked him to eat it all. It was dark in colour and tasted like bitter gourd. Swami affectionately cajoled and
persuaded and helped him to finish it. After the interview, the man walked out and went into the canteen for a cup of coffee. As he as at it, his
eyes fell on nearby pakodas (a savoury disk, crisply fried in oil). Unable to resist, he ate a plateful. Due to pain in his throat, he had not been
able to eat properly for a long time, despite his keen desire and strong taste for food. But now, he noticed that he could eat comfortably and relish
it. He was surprised. With his finger, he probed inside his mouth at the cancer-affected spot. He felt no pain at all. He realized that the cancer
had gone. He was overwhelmed. Tears flooded his eyes as he remembered Bhagavan's mercy.

Antes de su reconstitucin, la regin que ahora se llama Arunachal Pradesh era antes una
parte de Assam. La mayora de sus habitantes son tribales. Tenian un Estado
independiente para s mismos, y estaban llevando a cabo una guerra de guerrillas contra el
Gobierno de Assam. El gobierno hizo todo lo posible por complacerlos y ganarlos. Gast
millones de rupias en su territorio en programas de desarrollo, hospitales, carreteras,
escuelas y otras instalaciones. An las tribus no estaban satisfechas y continuaron con su
demanda separatista.

Before its reconstitution, the region now called Arunachal Pradesh was formerly a part of Assam. Most of its people are tribals. They were
demanding a separate State for themselves, and were carrying on guerrila warfare against the Government of Assam. The government made
every effort to please them and win them over. It spent crores of rupees in their territory on development programmes, hospitals, roads, schools
and other facilities. Still the tribals were not satisfied and continued with their separatist demand.
In this situation, one of the tribal leaders fell ill with an undiagnosed disease. The government gave him plenty of medical assistance. It got
medical tests carried out in reputable hospitals in Calcutta and New Delhi. Nothing helped. He was not able to eat anything at all. Whatever he
used to eat, he would vomit it. His friends and relatives lost all hope.
Sri Raja, Home Secretary in the state, had an idea that if the patient could be taken to the divine presence of Bhagavan Sai Baba, it might
help. Permission was sought from the Government of India. Ultimately, a group of 29 persons including the ailing tribal leader set out, in the
name of all-India tour (Bharat Darshan), and reached Puttaparthi.

Cuando al da siguiente Swami le llam de nuevo a la sala de entrevistas, expres su
gratitud a Swami y cay sobre sus pies. l le dijo a Swami que era perito en sindhi y le rog
que se le permitiera traducir y publicar la edicin sindhi del Sanathana Sarathi. Swami
respondi: "Es slo para ese propsito que te he hecho venir a Puttaparthi." A partir de
entonces, la bendita persona ha estado traduciendo y publicando Eterno Conductor en

When on the next day Swami called him again into the interview room, he expressed his gratitude to Swami and fell on His feet. He told Swami
that he was proficient in Sindhi and begged to be permitted to translate and publish the Sindhi edition of Sanathana Sarathi. Swami replied, "It is
only for that purpose that I have made you come to Puttaparthi." From then on, the blessed person has been translating and publishing Sanathana
Sarathi in Sindhi.

En esta situacin, uno de los lderes tribales cay enfermo con una dolencia no
diagnosticada. El gobierno le dio un montn de asistencia mdica. Se hicieron anlisis
clnicos efectuados en los hospitales acreditados en Calcuta y Nueva Delhi. Nada ayud. l
no era capaz de comer nada en absoluto. Lo que coma, lo vomitaba. Sus amigos y
familiares perdieron toda esperanza.

In this situation, one of the tribal leaders fell ill with an undiagnosed disease. The government gave him plenty of medical assistance. It got
medical tests carried out in reputable hospitals in Calcutta and New Delhi. Nothing helped. He was not able to eat anything at all. Whatever
he used to eat, he would vomit it. His friends and relatives lost all hope.

Sri Raja, Ministro del Interior en el estado, tubo la idea de que si el paciente era llevado a
la divina presencia de Bhagavan Sai Baba, este podra ayudar. Se solicit el permiso del
Gobierno de la India. Por ultimo, un grupo de 29 personas, incluido el lder tribal en crisis
salieron, en tour a nombre de toda la India (Bharat Darshan), y llegaron a Puttaparthi.

Sri Raja, Home Secretary in the state, had an idea that if the patient could be taken to the divine presence of Bhagavan Sai Baba, it might
help. Permission was sought from the Government of India. Ultimately, a group of 29 persons including the ailing tribal leader set out, in the
name of all-India tour (Bharat Darshan), and reached Puttaparthi.

Cuando se sentaron en el holl de audiencias, Swami fue a ellos directamente y pregunt en
hindi, "De dnde son?" El Secretario respondi que eran de Assam. Swami dijo en Ingls:
"Id adentro." As que todos en tropel fueron a la sala de entrevistas, caminando sin dudar,
acelerados en su alegra y entusiasmo. Despus que la audiencia pblica hubo terminado,
Swami entr en la sala de entrevistas. Materializ vibhuti, lo entreg al jefe de la tribu y le
orden a comer. Se sent en su trono y le pregunt: "Qu te trae por aqu?" El Secretario
explic: "Hemos venido para tu darshan. Este lder tribal est teniendo algunos problemas
de estmago. Ningn tratamiento ha ayudado. Las pruebas mdicas realizadas en Calcuta
y Delhi han fallado en identificar la enfermedad. l no puede contener ningn alimento
slido. Como en consecuencia, los pueblos tribales de la regin han perdido la fe en nuestro
sistema y procedimientos y hospitales mdicos. Este hombre es un lder tribal prominente.
y slo usted puede curarlo".

As they seated themselves in the audience hall, Swami went to them directly and asked in Hindi, "Where are you from?" The Secretary replied
that they were from Assam. Swami said in English, "Go inside." So they all trooped into the interview room, walking no doubt, but almost like
running in their delight and eagerness. After the public audience was over, Swami came into the interview room. He materialized vibhuthi, gave
it to the tribal leader and directed him to eat it. He sat on His throne and enquired, "What brings you here?" The Secretary explained, "We have
come for your darshan. This tribal leader is having some stomach trouble. No treatment has helped. Medical tests conducted in Calcutta and
Delhi failed to identify the disease. He is unable to contain any solid food. As a result, tribal people of that region have lost faith in our medical
system and procedures and hospitals. This man is a prominent tribal leader. And only You can heal him."

Swami le asegur, "No te preocupes, l estar totalmente curado." Entonces Swami
comenz a hablar con los visitantes tribales en su propio idioma. Habl de su pueblo y su
entorno. Mencion cmo los aldeanos haban pensado en la construccin de un templo para
el Dios Sol y el dios de la luna. Mientras hablaba, Swami materializ una placa de cobre
circular intrincadamente grabada, de nueve pulgadas de dimetro. Fueron talladas por un
lado, el Sol y por el otro, la Luna. l llam la atencin sobre la delicada artesana de la
placa y declar que el templo propuesto para ser construido sera conocido como Dono
Polo (es decir, el Sol y la Luna, en su lengua tribal). Dirigi los tribales asombrados para
instalar esta placa de cobre (Yanthra) en el templo y adorar con regularidad. l dijo que la
adoracin de Dios es siempre beneficiosa. Los bendijo con prasadam vibhuthi y el
privilegio de tocar Sus Pies de Loto. Las tribus se despidieron de l con el corazn
rebosante de alegra y felicidad.

Swami asssured him, "Don't worry, he will be fully cured." Then Swami began to talk to the tribal visitors in their own language. He talked of
their village and their environment. He mentioned how the villagers had thought of building a temple for the Sun God and the Moon God. As he
talked, Swami materialized an intricately engraved circular copper plate, nine inches in diameter. On one side, the Sun and on the other, the
Moon were carved. He drew their attention to the delicate craftsmanship of the plate and declared that the temple proposed to be built would
become known as Dono Polo (meaning, the Sun and the Moon, in their tribal language). He directed the astonished tribals to install this copper
plate (yanthra) in the temple and to worship it regularly. He said that worship of God is always beneficial. He blessed them with vibhuthi
prasadam and the privilege of touching His Lotus Feet. The tribals took leave of Him with hearts overflowing with joy and happiness.

A continuacin, se dirigieron a la cafetera para tomar un refresco. Su lder vio algunas
piezas circulares blancas de alimentos y pidi que se le servirn. Las piezas se conocen
como idli, un arroz y preparacin blackgram. Sus compaeros tenan miedo de que este
alimento slido pudiese provocar vmitos o dolor de estmago terribles como de
costumbre. Sin embargo, como Swami le haba concedido la garanta divina, vacilantes le
permitan consumir idli. Un plato de idlis y la salsa acompaante se termin por l en
cuestin de segundos. Saboreando, consumio otro plato. Mientras sus compaeros miraban
con asombro incrdulo, este hombre que no haba probado ningn alimento slido desde
hace varios aos, comi un idli despus de otro idli, hasta 32 de ellos! El grupo consider
que era milagroso y disfrut de cada pedacito de ellos.

They then made their way to the canteen for refreshments. Their leader saw some white circular pieces of food and asked that they be served to
him. The pieces are known as idli, a rice and blackgram preparation. His companions were afraid that this solid food might cause vomiting or
terrible stomach-ache as usual. However, since Swami had granted him divine assurance, they hesitatingly allowed him to consume idli. A plate
of idlis and the accompanying sauce was finished by him in seconds. Relishing it, he consumed another plateful. While his companions watched
in unbelieving astonishment, this man who had not tasted any solid food for several years, ate idli after idli, a good 32 of them! The group felt it
was miraculous and enjoyed every bit of it.

El dirigente dijo a sus amigos: "Este no es un hombre comn y corriente. Con un poco de
vibhuti, me ha curado por completo en cuestin de minutos, de una enfermedad que haba
sufrido durante aos y aos. No hay duda de que l es Dios encarnado. Habl del templo,
Dono Polo, que estamos planeando construir a nuestras deidades favoritas y cre dos
imgenes. vamos a rendirnos a l y seguiremos estrictamente cada palabra que dijo."

The leader told his friends, "This is no ordinary man. With a little vibhuthi, he has completely cured me within minutes, of a disease I had
suffered for years and years. There is no doubt that he is God-incarnate. He talked of the temple, Dono Polo, we are planning to build for our
favourite deities and created the two images. Let us surrender to Him and strictly follow every word of what He said."

El Vibhuthi divino de Bhagavan Sai san al lder tribal en instantes.Cuando omos hablar
de este magnfico episodio, del amor de Bhagavan, tan instantanea benevolencia y
abundante vendicion, nos invita a inclinar nuestras cabezas en reverencia a Dios.

Bhagavan Sai's divine vibhuthi healed the tribal leader in moments. When we hear about this magnificent episode and Bhagavan's love and
benevolence so readily and profusely showered, we are moved to bow our heads in obeisance to Him.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin del captulo 12


DA 5 : ( Cont.)
Captulo 13


El Vibhuti, la especialidad de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, no slo otorga buena salud,
sino que tambien es una manera maravillosa de satisfacer otras necesidades tambin.
Patterson era un empresario muy exitoso de Canad. Viajaba por todo el mundo en
relacin con su negocio. En uno de esos viajes, lleg a la India y se reuni con el Dr. Bala
Krishna, el hijo del profesor Bhagavantham. El Dr. Bala Krishna le invit a su casa. La
residencia estaba decorada como un templo. En el medio de la tarima Puja, habia un trono
en el que se coloc una hermosa fotografa de Swami. Patterson qued bastante
impresionado y pregunt por la foto. El Dr. Bala Krishna le habl de Baba y Sus poderes
divinos, su amor y compasin, y cmo l encarna en respuesta a las oraciones de personas
piadosas y santas, para lograr la liberacin de la humanidad. Cuando Patterson oy hablar
de Baba, su inters creci. l tambin se senta muy contento. Pidio al Dr. Bala Krishna
algo como un recuerdo o un amuleto que serviera para recordarle constantemente a Sri
Sathya Sai Baba. Probablemente esperaba una fotografa o una imagen de Swami. Pero el
Dr. Bala Krishna pens en algo ms precioso. En su opinin, el mejor recuerdo de Swami
sera el vibhuthi de Baba. As, dio a Patterson un pequeo paquete de la mismo. Patterson
se sinti un poco consternado y le pregunt: "Ceniza? Me das cenizas para recordar a
este gran yogui?" Bala Krishna explic gentilmente, "No son cenizas ordinarias. Es
vibhuthi divino. Es invalorable. Si te metes en serios problemas y crees que la compasin de
Swami por s sola puede salvarte, pon un poco de el en tu boca y orarle".

Vibhuthi, the specialty of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, not only bestows good health but in a wonderful manner fulfils other needs
also. Patterson was a very successful businessman of Canada. He travels all over the world in connection with his business. On one of such
travels, he came to India and met Dr Bala Krishna, son of Professor Bhagavantham. Dr Bala Krishna invited him to his home. The residence
was decorated like a temple. In the middle of the pooja dais, there was a throne on which a beautiful photograph of Swami was placed. Patterson
was quite impressed and enquired whose picture it was. Dr Bala Krishna told him about Baba and His divine powers, His love and compassion;
and how He incarnated in answer to the prayers of devout and saintly persons of eminence, for bringing about the deliverance of humanity. As
Patterson heard about Baba, his interest grew. He also felt very pleased. He asked Dr Bala Krishna for something like a memento or token so
that it would serve to remind him constantly about Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He probably expected a photograph or picture of Swami. But Dr Bala
Krishna thought of something more precious. He felt that the best memento of Swami would be Baba's vibhuthi. So, he gave Patterson a small
packet of it. Patterson felt somewhat dismayed and asked, "Ashes? Do you give me ashes to remind me of this great Yogi?" Bala Krishna gently
explained, "These are no ordinary ashes. It is divine vibhuthi. It is priceless, invaluable. If you get into some serious trouble and you think that
Swami's compassion alone can save you, put a little of it in your mouth and pray to Him."

Patterson regres en avin a Nueva York va Londres. Se le dio un puesto entre las mujeres
y los nios. Ellos estaban haciendo ruido y perturbando terriblemente, y se senta
indebidamente molesto y muy incmodo. Cuando el avin se acercaba a Londres, de pronto
record el paquete de vibhuti y la descripcin del Dr. Bala Krishna de sus virtudes. De
inmediato abri el paquete, coloc un poco del polvo santo en su lengua y or
fervientemente a Sri Sathya Sai. Le pidi a Baba que le proporcionara un asiento ms
cmodo, al menos, en su prximo viaje de Londres a Nueva York. Cuando aterriz en
Londres, se sorprendi al escuchar su nombre en el sistema de anuncio pblico. El anuncio
lo mencionaba por su nombre y le ordenaba que fuera a la oficina de la aerolnea
inmediatamente. Cuando lleg all, se le dijo que se le asign un asiento en la primera clase
en el vuelo de Londres a Nueva York. Estaba inmensamente complacido y se ofreci a
pagar los cargos adicionales. El oficial de guardia le dijo con sorpresa, que la tarifa
adicional ya haba sido pagada en su nombre. El corazn de Patterson salt. Con slo
consumir un poco de vibhuti de Baba y recordar el nombre de Baba, pudo conseguir la
ayuda de Baba que estaba a miles de kilmetros de distancia y cumpliendo su deseo. l fue
movido por la misericordia y el amor de Baba.

Patterson returned by air to New York via London. He was given a seat among women and children. They were making terrible disturbance and
noise, and he felt unduly disturbed and very uncomfortable. As the aircraft was nearing London, he suddenly remembered the packet of vibhuthi
and Dr Bala Krishna's description of its virtues. He immediately opened the packet, placed a little of the holy powder on his tongue and earnestly
prayed to Sri Sathya Sai. He asked Baba to see that he is provided a more comfortable seat at least on his onward journey from London to New
York. When he landed in London, he was surprised to hear his name on the public announcement system. The announcement mentioned him by
name and directed him to go to the airline office immediately. When he reached there, he was told that he was allotted a seat in the First Class on
the London to New York flight. He was immensely pleased and offered to pay the extra charges. The officer on duty told him, to utter surprise,
that the additional fare had already been paid on his behalf. Patterson's heart leaped. Just be consuming a little of Baba's vibhuthi and
remembering the name of Baba, he could get Baba's helping had thousands of miles away and have his wish fulfilled. He was moved by Baba's
mercy and love.

Qu maravillosa es la potencia del vibhuti de Baba! No slo es el ms sagrado, sino que
tambin cura cualquier dolencia, por muy crnica que sea, y tiene la potencia de cumplir
cualquier deseo del devoto ferviente. Qu cosa milagrosa. Vamos a diario lo utilizan con
amor y devocin.

How wondrous is the potency of Baba's vibhuthi! It is not only the holiest one, but also it cures any ailment, however chronic it is, and it has the
potency to fulfill any desire of the ardent devotee. What a miraculous one. Let's daily use it with love and devotion.

Paramam Pavithram Baba Vibhuthim
Paramam Vichithram Leela Vibhuthim
Paramartha I shtartha Moksha Pradatham
Baba Vibhuthim I dam Ashrayami

Nuestro homenaje humilde a la encarnacin del amor y la compasin.
Our humblest homage to that embodiment of love and compassion.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin del captulo 13
(De: "Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra por "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara
Derechos de autor reservados por autor (1928-2003)
End of Chapter 13
(From: 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry)
Copyright reserved by Author (1928-2003)

DA 6 : Martes
Captulo 14

Quienquiera que seas, eres Mio
No voy a renunciar a Ti
Ests donde ests, ests cerca de M
Tu no puedes ir ms all de mi alcance
~Baba ~

Chapter 14
Whoever you are, you are Mine
I will not give you up
Wherever you are, you are near Me
You cannot go beyond My reach
~ Baba ~

"Yo tiro de los hilos de este espectculo de tteres. Donde quiera que ests, recuerda que la
cuerda atada a tu pierna est en mi mano", dijo Sri Sai Baba de Shirdi. Sri Sathya Sai
Baba est demostrando que l est usando las cuerdas para atraer a la gente a sus pies
como si fueran pequeos gorriones.

"I pull the wires of this puppet show. Wherever you may be, remember that the string attached to your leg is in My hand," said Sri Sai Baba of
Shirdi. Sri Sathya Sai Baba is demonstrating that He is using the strings to draw people to His feet like drawing little sparrows.


Esta es la historia del Dr. John Hislop de Mxico. Desde los diecisis aos, se sinti atrado
por la bsqueda espiritual. l era un aspirante serio (sadhaka) que se dedicaba
profundamente en la bsqueda de la verdad. Entr en contacto con personalidades
espirituales eminentes y pensadores como Dr Annie Besant, Jiddhu Krishnamurthi,
Paramahansa Yogananda, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Swami Shivananda y expertos en el
sistema budista de Vipassana, y durante aos, avanzado en el camino de la indagacin
espiritual despus de su orientacin. Pero al final de todo, se dio cuenta de que la dulce
fuente de amor en su corazn occidental se haba secado y ahora sentia nada ms que un
vaco terrible. En 1968, escuch por primera vez acerca de Sri Sathya Sai Baba, baj a
Puttaparthi y tubo Su darshan. Al primer vistazo de Baba, sinti que l era la raz de toda
la sabidura y la conciencia espiritual. Sinti claramente que Dios mismo haba entrado en
su corazn como Amor y que el amor permanente era verdaderamente Baba. Como
resultado de su elevada experiencia, pudo desarrollar la rica visin de ver el universo
entero saturado de amor.

This is the story of Dr John Hislop of Mexico. Ever since his sixteenth year, he was attracted to spiritual pursuits. He was an earnest aspirant
(sadhaka) who was deeplu engaged in the search for truth. He came into contact with eminent personalities and spiritual thinkers like Dr Annie
Besant, Jiddhu Krishnamurthi, Paramahamsa Yogananda, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Swami Shivananda and experts in the Buddhist system of
Vipassana, and for years, progressed in the path of spiritual enquiry following their guidance. But at the end of it all, he realized that the sweet
fountain of love in his Western heart had gone dry and it held now nothing but dreadful emptiness. In 1968, he heard for the first time about Sri
Sathya Sai Baba, came down to Puttaparthi and had His darshan. At the very first sight of Baba, he sensed that He was the root of all spiritual
wisdom and awareness. He clearly felt that God Himself had entered his heart as love and that abiding love was truly Baba. As a result of his
elevating experience, he could develop the rich insight of viewing the whole universe as suffused with love.

En la vspera del Shiva-ratri (celebracin de Shiva) en 1973, Baba llev a Hislop y algunos
otros al bosque Bandipur en el distrito de Mysore. Hacia el medioda, llegaron a la casa de
huspedes en el bosque. Al caer la tarde, con la ayuda de algunos habitantes de los bosques
que actuaron como guas, caminaron largas distancias hasta llegar a las arenas de un
arroyo de montaa. Se sentaron en la cama de arena del ro para el descanso. Swami tom
dos pequeas ramas verdes de un arbusto, coloc una cruzando la otra en la palma de su
mano y pregunt a Hislop lo que era. Hislop dijo que era la cruz. Swami cerr sus manos
sobre ella y suavemente sopl tres veces sobre la misma. Cuando abri la palma de la
mano, la cruz tenia la imagen de Jess! l se la dio a Hislop y dijo: "Asi es exactamente
cmo miraba Jesucristo el momento en que renunci a la vida. No se parece en absoluto a
como fue imaginado por los pintores o segn lo descrito por los escritores. l no tubo
comida por ocho das. Su estmago estaba vaco y combado hacia dentro, y su cuerpo se
sec y las costillas estaban notablemente prominentes". Hislop qued mirando a la cruz con
mudo asombro. Baba continu: "Esta cruz esta en realidad hecha de la misma madera de
la cruz original en la que Jess fue crucificado. Me tom un tiempo para buscar y
encontrar que la madera 2000 aos de antigedad. Cada pedacito de la cruz original se ha
desintegrado y fusionado en sus elementos constitutivos. Yo tuve, por lo tanto que reunir
estos elementos, y cuando hube recogido suficiente para hacer esta cruz, se materializ. la
imagen de Jess como se ve en esta cruz es la misma que en el momento de su muerte".

On the eve of Shiva Rathri in 1973, Baba took Hislop and some others into the Bandipur forest in the district of Mysore. By about noon, they
reached the guesthouse in the forest. At dusk, with the help of some forest dwellers who acted as guides, they walked a long distance until they
reached the sands of a mountain stream. They sat in the sand bed of the river for rest. Swami picket up two small green branches of a bush,
placed one across the other in His palm and asked Hislop what it was. Hislop said it was the cross. Swami closed his palms over it and gently
blew three times on it. When He opened His palms, the cross bore the image of Jesus! He gave it to Hislop and said, "This is exactly how Jesus
Christ looked at the moment he gave up life. It does not look at all as imagined by painters or as described by writers. He had no food for eight
days. His stomach was empty and drawn inwards; his body became dry and his ribs became prominently noticeable." Hislop stared at the cross
in speechless wonder. Baba went on, "This cross is actually made out of the same wood of the original cross on which Jesus was crucified. It
took me some time to search for and find that 2000 years old wood. Every bit of the original cross has disintegrated and merged with the
constituent elements. I had, therefore, to gather these elements, and when I had collected enough to make this cross, I materialized it. The image
of Jesus as you see on this cross is the same as the one at the time of his death."

Despus de unas semanas, Hislop y su esposa regresaron a Mxico. Devido a que la imagen
de la cruz era muy pequea, los rasgos faciales de Jess no eran claramente visibles.
Walter Woolfe, uno de los amigos de Hislop, tom varias fotografas en color de la imagen
de Jess, parte por parte, las ampli e hizo una imagen ms grande de ellas. El cuadro
terminado era extraordinariamente conmovedor, despertaba bondad y compasin sin
lmites. Las fotografas fueron organizados en una mesa con el fin de revelar intrincado
tallado y detalels sobre la imagen. Los espectadores se preguntaban en el poder creativo de
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai.

After a few weeks, Hislop and his wife went back to Mexico. As the image on the cross was very tiny, the facial features of Jesus were not
clearly visible. Walter Woolfe, one of Hislop's friends, took several colour photographs of the image of Jesus, part by part, enlarged them and
made a larger picture out of them. The finished picture was extraordinarily touching, arousing boundless kindness and compassion. The
photographs were all arranged on a table so as to reveal the intricate and minute carving on the image. Viewers wondered at the creative power
of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai.

Hasta ese da, el cielo estaba absolutamente claro sobre toda la costa mexicana. Pero, de
repente, sin previo aviso, un terrible relmpago brill en medio de nubes oscuras. Fuertes
vientos aumentaron de velocidad en algunos momentos y amenazaron con romper los
cristales de las ventanas. Las cerraduras de cortinas volaban. En medio de este caos que se
desarroll, de repente, la seora Hislop record, "Ahora son las 17:00 y hoy es viernes, el
mismo da y hora de la muerte de Cristo por crucifixin. Lo qu est pasando ahora ante
nuestros ojos ha sido descrito en la Biblia tambin." Busco una copia del libro sagrado y
ley la reveladora seccin, "En el momento en que Jess muri en la cruz, hubo una gran
tormenta con truenos y relmpagos que llenaba el cielo. Los cuadros y las fotografas en la
pared de la sala volaron. Todos los presentes all en la casa de Hislop se sintieron
encantados al ser testigos de un fenmeno demasiado maravilloso para su imaginacin. Al
da siguiente, el San Diego Tribune inform sobre la fuerte tormenta que de repente se
haba producido de manera inesperada.

Until that day, the sky was absolutely clear all along the Mexican coast. But all of a sudden, without any warning, a terrible lightning flashed
amidst dark clouds. Strong winds gathered speed in a few moments and threatened to smash the window-panes. Door-curtains were flying. In
the midst of this chaos that developed all of a sudden, Mrs Hislop recalled, "It is now 5pm and to-day is Friday, the same day and time of Christ's
death by crucifixion. What is happening now before our very eyes had been described in the Bible too." She produced a copy of the Holy Book
and read the relevant section, "At the moment Jesus died on the cross, there was a great storm with thunder and lightning filling the sky. The
decorated hangings of pictures and photographs on the wall in the room flew away." Everyone present there in the home of Hislop felt delighted
at witnessing a phenomenon too wonderful for their imagination. On the next day, the San Diego Tribune reported the heavy storm that had
suddenly occurred quite unexpectedly.

Hislop y sus amigos sintieron que debia haber algn tipo de relacin entre la ocurrencia
sbita de la tormenta fuera de temporada de la que se haba informado, hace 2000 aos, y
la cruz, materializada por Bhagavan Sai Baba. Cuando el Dr. Phanibanda report este
incidente a Swami, l confirm que los incidentes haban ocurrido en realidad y de que
estn verdaderamente relacionadas como lo adivinado por Hislop y sus amigos.

Hislop and his friends felt that there must be some sort of relation between the sudden recurrence of the out-of-season storm that had reportedly
occurred 2000 years ago, and the cross, materialized by Bhagavan Sai Baba. When Dr Phanibanda reported this incident to Swami, He confirmed
that the incidents had actually occurred and that they were truly related as guessed by Hislop and his friends.


Nacida en Rusia, Indra Devi domin el Yoga de la India. Desech su nombre original en
ruso, el de Dr. Sra. Kenauer, y asumi el nombre indio de Indra Devi. Ella sola ensear
yoga en su ashram en Tecate en Mxico. Cuando tena 60 aos, se encontr con Howard
Murphet en Madras y oy de l, por primera vez, sobre Sri Sathya Sai Baba. No estaba
particularmente impresionada.

Born a Russian, Indra Devi had mastered Yoga from India. She discarded her original Russian name, Dr Mrs Kenauer, and assumed the Indian
name of Indra Devi. She used to teach Yoga in her ashram in Tecate in Mexico. When she was 60 years old, she happened to meet Howard
Murphet in Madras and heard from him, for the first time, about Sri Sathya Sai Baba. She was not particularly impressed.

Una vez, en Mumbai, pas a ver el texto, "Bhrigu Samhita", que estaba en posesin de
Chaya Sastry Kanthilal Pandya. Busc y encontr lo que estaba escrito acerca de ella
misma en ese libro. Deca: "Debido al punyam acumulado en tus vidas anteriores, ests a
punto de tener el darshan de n personaje exaltado. Incluso en este momento, tu ests bajo
su proteccin." El relato enfatizaba: "Personaje exaltado significa Dios!"

Once, while in Mumbai, she happened to see the treatise, "Bhrigu Samhitha", which was in the possession of Chaya Sastry Kanthilal
Pandya. She looked for and found what was written about herself in that book. She read, "Because of the punyam accumulated in your earlier
lives, you are about to have darshan of some exalted personage. Even at this moment, you are under His protection." The account further
clarified, "Exalted personage means God!"

En 1996, cuando estaba en su sexagsimo sexto perodo de aos, tuvo el darshan de Sri
Sathya Sai por primera vez. En la primera vista, desarroll una fuerte fe y la creencia en la
divinidad de Swami. Swami le dio una entrevista y le pregunt qu deseaba tener. No le
pidi a la riqueza del mundo ni la salvacin. Ella simplemente or: "Swami, por favor,
enciende la lmpara espiritual en mi corazn!" Swami materializ y le dio un medalln y
vibhuti y le asegur: "Cada vez necesitas algo, preguntamelo. Independientemente entre la
distancia fsica entre nosotros, yo habr odo tu oracin. Siempre estar con tigo."

In 1996, when she was in her sixty-sixth year, she had the darshan of Sri Sathya Sai for the first time. At the very first sight, she developed
strong faith and belief in Swami's divinity. Swami gave her an interview and asked what would she desire to have. She did not ask him for
worldly wealth or even salvation. She simply prayed, "Swami, please light up the spiritual lamp in my heart!" Swami materialized and gave her
a locket and vibhuthi and assured her, "Whenever you need anything, ask Me. Irrespective of the physical distance between us, I will hear your
prayer. I will always be with you."

Una vez ocurri un gran incendio en las montaas mexicanas que destruyeron miles de
casas y muchas hectreas de bosque. Se tema que el incendio pudiera consumir las
instituciones Sai en Mxico y los EE.UU. Incapaz de soportar su furia, muchas personas
abandonaron sus hogares y posesiones, y huyeron por sus vidas. Viajaron en coche,
llegaron a la cima de una montaa y se refugiaron en una casa. Ellos pasaron cuatro horas
all rezando a Sai Baba. El fuego ruga debajo de todos ellos alrededor de la montaa.
Despus de que se calm por fin, regresaron temiendo lo peor. Para su alivio y sorpresa,
encontraron que el Nilayam Sai de Indra Devi estaba ileso a pesar de que todo a su
alrededor estaba completamente eviscerado. El indemne Nilayam, sin tocar por el fuego
estaba en la sala de oracin permanecido tan hermosa como siempre. Sentan que Baba
haba estado personalmente de guardia en el lugar y salvaguardado la Nilayam.

There occured once a vast fire in the Mexican mountains that destroyed thousands of houses and many acres of forest. It was feared that the
conflagration might consume the Sai institutions in Mexico and the USA. Unable to withstand its fury, many people abandoned their homes and
possessions, and fled for their life. Travelling by car, they reached the top of a mountain and took refuge in a house. They spent four hours there
praying to Sai Baba. The fire raged below them all around the mountain. After it died down at last, they returned fearing the worst. To their
relief and surprise, they found that the Sai Nilayam of Indra Devi was unscathed even though everything around it got complete gutted. The
unscathed Nilayam, untouched by fire stood in the Prayer Hall remained as beautiful as ever. They felt that Baba had personally stood guard at
the place and safeguarded the Nilayam.

En el momento preciso en que este incendio de enormes proporciones estaba en su apogeo,
Indra Devi estaba en Chicago dando un discurso sobre Bhagavan Sri Sai Baba. Ella vio los
estragos y la severidad del fuego en la televisin. Tambin ley en los peridicos que el
fuego se haba producido muy cerca de su Nilayam Sai. Pero no estaba en absoluto
preocupada. Ella pens: "Pertenece a Bhagavan. l har con el lo que quiera. Si es su
voluntad que se deba quemar, lo har!" Fiel a su firme fe, la institucin permaneci
absolutamente segura. Pocos das despus, recibi una invitacin de Baba de venir a
inaugurar el Colegio de Mujeres de Anantapur. Ella hizo todo el camino de Mxico y
particip en las celebraciones. Antes de irse a Mxico, Bhagavan materializ para ella un
medalln con la imagen de la diosa Lakshmi. Al mismo tiempo le dijo: "Esto es para su
casa. Esto la proteger. All, nunca te vers amenazada por peligros de incendio."

At the precise time this daunting fire was raging, Indra Devi was in Chicago giving a discourse about Bhagavan Sri Sai Baba. She saw the ravage
and severity of the fire on television. She also read in the newspapers that the fire had occurred quite close to her Sai Nilayam. But she was not
at all worried. She thought, "It belongs to Bhagavan. He will do with it as He wishes. If it is His Will that it should burn down, so it will!" True
to her steadfast faith, the institution remained absolutely safe. A few days later, she received an invitation from Baba to come over and
inaugurate the Women's College in Anantapur. She came all the way from Mexico and participated in the celebrations. Before she left for
Mexico, Bhagavan materialized for her a locket bearing the image of Goddess Lakshmi. While giving it to her, He said, "This is for your
home. This will protect it. Hereafter, it will never be threatened by hazards of fire."

Cuando Indra Devi lleg a Puttaparthi, organiz clases de yoga para el beneficio de los
escolares. Baba se mostr satisfecho con sus servicios. Le materializ un anillo de
diamantes para ella. Haca mucho tiempo que haba dejado de usar cualquier tipo de
joyera. Pero ella usara este anillo, pens, siempre llevaria la imagen de Swami. Swami
sinti su pensamiento. l tom el anillo y suavemente sopl sobre el. Inmediatamente
cambi su forma. Ahora, llevaba una pequea piedra con la imagen de Swami en el. Swami
mismo lo puso su dedo y dijo: "Cada vez que lo desees, puedes verme en este anillo. Slo t,
y nadie ms, por lo que puedes verme. Cuando tu mires en este anillo, me encontrars
exactamente como est en la India en ese momento, y podras ver lo que estoy haciendo."

When Indra Devi came to Puttaparthi, she organized Yoga classes for the benefit of school children. Baba was pleased with her services. He
materialized a diamond-studded ring for her. She had long ago given up wearing any jewellery. But she would wear this ring, she thought,
provided it bore Swami's image. Swami sensed her thought. He took the ring back and gently blew on it. Immediately it changed its
form. Now, it bore a small stone with Swami's image on it. Swami put it on her finger Himself and said, "Whenever you wish, you can see Me
in this ring. Only you, and nobody else, can thus see Me. When you look into this ring, you will find Me exactly as I happen to be in India at that
moment, and you can see what I am doing."

Indra Devi, una vez, fue a California. Mir el anillo y vio Baba sentado en un coche blanco.
Ella escribi una nota en su diario, "Swami est viajando a alguna parte." En otra ocasin,
encontr a Baba hablando con devotos sentados delante de l en un semicrculo. La escena,
que se veia, no era de Prashanti Nilayam. Anot los detalles demasiado en su diario. Algn
tiempo despus, cuando lleg a Prashanti Nilayam, comprov con Kasturi sus dos visiones.
Confirm que la primera mostraba a Swami mientras estaba de gira. Indra Devi pregunt:
"Pero el auto de Swami no es blanco?" Kasturi aclar que en el momento de su visin,
Swami haba hecho un recorrido en un coche blanco. La segunda visin tambin fue
explicada por Sri Kasturi, sucedi en la lejana Kerala.

Indra Devi was once in California. She looked into the ring and saw Baba sitting in a white car. She recorded a note in her diary, "Swami is
travelling somewhere." On another occasion, she found Baba talking to devotees seated in front of Him in a semi-circle. The scene, she felt, was
not of Prashanti Nilayam. She noted that detail too in her diary. Sometime later, when she came to Prashanti Nilayam, she checked up with Sri
Kasturi about her two visions. He confirmed that the first one showed Swami while on tour. Indra Devi questioned, "But Swami's car is not
white?" Sri Kasturi clarified that at the time of her vision, Swami had indeed travelled by a white car. The second vision was also explained by
Sri Kasturi, it happened in far off Kerala.

El 21 de noviembre de 1970 en el transcurso de la cuarta Conferencia de toda la India de
los Altos Cargos de Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithis que se llebava a cabo en Prashanti
Nilayam, Indra Devi habl en presencia de Bhagavan. En su discurso, se refiri a los dos
incidentes anteriores. Sri Kasturi brome: "As que has estado espiando a Baba!" Sai
Baba, as como todo el pblico estall en carcajadas.

On 21st November 1970, in the course of the fourth All India Conference of the Office Bearers of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithis held in Prashanti
Nilayam, Indra Devi spoke in the presence of Bhagavan. In her speech, she referred to the above two incidents. Sri Kasturi quipped, "So you
have been spying on Baba!" Sai Baba as well as the entire audience burst into laughter.

Indra Devi hizo un servicio invaluable para difundir el mensaje de Swami en los EE.UU. a
travs de pelculas, libros y conferencias. Durante su campaa, se enfrent a un problema
inesperado. Los que asistieron a sus reuniones comenzaron a pedir vibhuti materializado
por Swami. En su siguiente visita a la India, mencion esto a Swami. De repente, un
hermoso envase de plata con una tapa se materializ en la mano de Swami como si alguien
se lo entregara desde arriba. Swami se lo mostr a ella y le dijo: "Esto es un contenedor de
vibhuthi inagotable. Puedes distribuir cualquier cantidad de vibhuti de esto; Nunca se
acabar." Vaci toda la cantidad de l en un pedazo de papel y suavemente golpe. Este se
llen de nuevo con fresco vibhuthi. Cuando le entreg el contenedor de plata a Indra Devi,
Le dijo que usra el vibhuti para la curacin de los enfermos. A partir de entonces, cada vez
que los enfermos llegaban a ella, sola hablarles de la gloria de Swami y darles un poco de
las santas reliquias. Este tratamiento sencillo allud a muchos a restaurar su salud.

Indra Devi rendered invaluable service to spread Swami's message in the USA through films, books and lectures. During her campaign, she
faced an unexpected problem. Those who attended her gatherings began to request for vibhuthi materialized by Swami. On her next visit to
India, she mentioned this to Swami. Suddenly, a beautiful silver container with a lid materialized in Swami's hand as if someone handed it over
to Him from above. Swami showed it to her and said, "This is a container of inexhaustible vibhuthi. You may distribute any amount of vibhuthi
from this; it will never run out." He emptied the entire quantity in it on a piece of paper and gently tapped it. It got filled up again with fresh
vibhuthi. As He handed over the silver container to Indra Devi, He directed her to use the vibhuthi from it for healing the sick. Thereafter,
whenever sick persons came to her, she used to tell them about Swami's glory and give them some quantity of the holy ashes. This simple
treatment restored many to sound health.

Cuando Indra Devi vino a Puttaparthi para las festividades Shiva-ratri en 1969, Swami la
invit, junto con Walter Cowan, su esposa Elsie Cowan y algunos otros a la sala de
entrevistas. Tras un breve debate sobre asuntos espirituales, Swami materializ un
hermoso rosario que contienia 108 perlas y se lo mostr a ellos. Todo el mundo estaba
ansioso por ver a quien se lo daria Baba. Baba dijo: "Esto no es un rosario ordinario. Es
extremadamente potente. Puede sanar toda enfermedad crnica. Esto es esencial para el
servicio que Indra Devi est haciendo. "El precioso rosario fue presentado por Baba a
Indra Devi. Ella estaba con lgrimas de alegra. "Swami, Puede curar todas y cualquier
enfermedad?", Pregunt. Baba respondi: "Exepto las causadas por el mal Karma
(acciones) heredado de vidas anteriores, cura todas las enfermedades. An no har nada
para aquellos que sufren del Karma heredado."

When Indra Devi came to Puttaparthi for the Shiva Rathri festivities in 1969, Swami invited her, Walter Cowan, his wife Elsie Cowan and some
others into the interview room. After some discussion on spiritual matters, Swami materialized a beautiful rosary containing 108 pearls and
showed it to them. Everyone was anxious to see to whom Baba would present it. Baba said, "This is no ordinary rosary. It is extremely
potent. It can heal every chronic disease. This is very essential for the service which Indra Devi is doing." The precious rosary was presented by
Baba to Indra Devi. She was in tears of joy. "Swami, will it heal any and every disease?", she asked. Baba replied, "Except those caused by evil
Karma (deeds) inherited from earlier lives, it heals every disease. Even I will do nothing for those who suffer from inherited Karma."

La asistencia a los bhajans en el Centro de Yoga de Indra Devi comenz a crecer. Muchos
de ellos aprovechaban de presionarla para que los iniciara en algn mantra sagrado.
Incapaz de ayudar con tanta insistencia, ella le refiri su problema a Swami. l le aconsej:
"El ms potente de todos los mantras es el OM. Pero, como tu sabes, no puede ser dado a
cualquiera y a todas las personas. Cuando alguien te pregunte por la iniciacin en un
mantra, mrame en tu anillo y pideme. Sea cual sea el manthra que venga a tu mente en ese
momento, dale ese al demandante. ste ser un mantra que viene de m." Con estas
palabras, l le concedi la autoridad espiritual y la competencia para iniciar a los devotos
en los mantras sagrados.

Attendance at the bhajans in Indra Devi's Yoga Centre began to grow. Many of them used to press her to initiate them into some sacred
manthra. Unable to copy with such insistence, she took her problem to Swami. He advised her, "The most potent of all manthras is OM. But, as
you know, it cannot be given to any and every person. When someone asks for initiation into manthra, look at Me in your ring and ask
Me. Whatever manthra comes to your mind at that moment, give that to the seeker. It shall become the manthra coming from Me." With these
words, He granted her the spiritual authority and competence to initiate devotees into holy manthra.

Indra Devi fue bendecido tres veces. En primer lugar, ella fue bendecida para ser capaz de
tener el darshan de Swami en cualquier momento de su eleccin. En segundo lugar, ella fue
bendecida con el poder de curar a los enfermos. Y en tercer lugar, y lo ms importante, ella
fue bendecida con la autoridad espiritual para iniciar aspirantes a los mantras. As Poda
controlar el bienestar fsico, as como tambin el progreso espiritual de los devotos, y ella
tambin tena el privilegio adicional de acceder a Bhagavan a voluntad en su "internet
espiritual", si as podemos decirle!

Swami no le ha concedido ni siquiera una de estas tres bendiciones a ninguna otra persona!

Indra Devi was blessed thrice over. Firstly, she was blessed to be able to have Swami's darshan anytime of her choice. Secondly, she was
blessed with the power to heal the sick. And thirdly, and most importantly, she was blessed with the spiritual authority to initiate aspirants into
manthra. She could thus control the physical well-being as well as spiritual progress of devotees; and she had also the additional privilege of
accessing Bhagavan at will on her "spiritual internet," if we may so describe it!
It is worthy of not that Swami has not granted even one of these three blessings to any other person!


El Dr. Frank Baronowski fue profesor de fsica en la Universidad de Arizona, EE.UU.
Adquiri habilidades especiales en la fotografa Kirlian (fotografa de radiacin de campo
bio-magntico) para fotografiar el aura de luz multicolor de que envuelve a todos los seres
vivos, incluyendo los seres humanos, con una cmara especial, conocida como la cmara
Kirlian. El color, el contraste, la intensidad, amplitud y profundidad, as como el brillo,
varan de persona a persona, y tambin con la salud corporal y el nivel intelectual y
espiritual del sujeto. Si bien puede medir alrededor de un pie (25 a 30 cm) de ancho para
las personas ordinarias, podra extenderse incluso a dos pies (50 a 60 cm) por todas partes
en el caso de los grandes pensadores, yoguis y personas espiritualmente evolucionadas.

Dr Frank Baronowski was a professor of physics in the University of Arizona, USA. He acquired special skills in the kirlian photography - bio-
magnetic field radiation photography - for photographing the multi-coloured aura of illumination that envelops every living being including
humans with a special camera, known as the kirlian camera. The colour, contrast, intensity, breadth and depth as well as brightness, vary from
person to person, and also with the bodily health and intellectual and spiritual level of the subject. While it may be about a foot deep for ordinary
persons, it could extend to even two feet all around in the case of great thinkers, yogis and spiritually evolved persons.

Esta aura describe luminosidades en innumerables matices de color. Cuando la persona es
muy sana y alegre, es blanca. Cuando tiene un estado de nimo de afecto, piedad o
compasin, es azulada. Cuando el estado de nimo es de amor intenso, el color se vuelve de
color de rosa. En la ira y el odio, se convierte en rojo. Adems, esta iluminacin no es
normalmente visible para el ojo desnudo. Uno entre un milln podra tener el don de verla.
Pero con la cmara Kirlian, el aura puede ser claramente fotografiada. De hecho, incluso el
estado de nimo cambiante del sujeto tambin puede ser visto en tales imgenes. El Dr.
Baronowski utiliz la cmara Kirlian para tomar fotografas de las auras de miles de
lderes mundiales, reyes, reinas, personas santas y los jefes religiosos. l no lleg a registrar
a ninguna persona culla aura exediera los dos o dos y medio pies de ancho.

This aura comprises luminosity of innumerable shades of colour. When the person is quite healthy and cheerful, it will be white. When he is in a
mood of affection, pity or compassion, it will be bluish. When the mood is of intense love, the colour turns rosy. In anger and hatred, it becomes
red. Moreover, this illumination is not ordinarily visible to the naked eye. One in a million might have the gift of seeing it. But with the kirlian
camera, the aura can be clearly photographed. In fact, even the changing mood of the subject can also be seen in such pictures. Dr Baronowski
used the kirlian camera for taking photographs of auras of thousands of world leaders, kings, queens, holy persons and religious heads. He did
not come across any person with aura exceeding two to two-and-a half feet in breadth.

El Dr. Baranowski haba ledo algunos libros sobre Baba en Amrica. Oy hablar de su
divinidad, pero l no tenia ninguna fe firme en l. En el da de Navidad de 1977, fue a
visitar una determinada casa. Los miembros de esa familia, por ser devotos de Sai , estaban
celebrando la Navidad cantando bhajans de Sai. No muy a gusto, se aloj en una habitacin
en la planta superior, apag la luz y se fue a la cama. En una mesa de la sala habia una
fotografa de Sri Sathya Sai con una vela apagada en frente de ella. A pesar de que estaba
mirando a ella, haba un pequeo crujido y la vela de repente estall en llamas. Nadie
haba entrado, nadie encendi la vela. Cmo se ilumino? Estaba un tanto desconcertado, y
una vez ms mir la fotografa y vio a wami sonrindole!

Dr Baronowski had read some books about Baba in America. He heard about His divinity, but he did not form any firm faith in Him. On the
Christmas day of 1977, he happened to visit a certain home. Members of that family, being Sai devotees, were celebrating Christmas singing Sai
bhajans. Not quite relishing it, he removed himself to a room on the upper floor, put out the light and went to bed. On a table in the room was
standing a photograph of Sri Sathya Sai with an unlighted candle in front of it. Even as he was looking at it, there was a little crackling sound and
the candle suddenly burst into flame. Nobody had come in; no one lighted the candle. How did it get lighted? He was somewhat puzzled; and he
once again looked at the photograph and saw Swami smiling at him!

Al ao siguiente, es decir, en 1978, el Dr. Baranowski lleg a la India para participar en
una conferencia que se celebrar en Bangalore. Hizo uso de esa oportunidad de viajar por
todo el pas y para fotografiar con su cmara Kirlian cientos de yoguis y personas santas.
En ningn caso el aura exceda de dos pies de ancho.

The very next year, that is, in 1978, Dr Baronowski came to India to participate in a conference being held in Bangalore. He made use of that
opportunity to travel all over the land and to photograph with his kirlian camera hundreds of yogis and holy persons. In no case did the aura
exceed two feet in breadth.

Una maana, vio a Swami por primera vez en Whitefield a las 5 am. Cuando puso los ojos
en Baba, l se sorprendi. La refulgencia alrededor Swami estaba ms all de su
imaginacin ms salvaje. Se extendia ms all de cuarenta pies! (12 metros) A medida que
los devotos continuaban cantando bhajans, se extendia ms y ms, hasta envolver todo el
edificio y los miles de devotos all reunidos. Era tan brillante que Baranowski mir a su
alrededor para comprobar si era causado por las numerosas lmparas de vapor de
mercurio que estaban a su alrededor. A medida que Swami se movia, el gran luminiscencia
reluciente tambin se movia, como una envoltura viva y vibrante. Lleg a la conclusin de
que debia ser una parte integral de Swami y que emanaba de l solamente.

One morning, he saw Swami for the first time in Whitefield early at 5 am. When he set eyes on Baba, he was stunned. The effulgence around
Swami was beyond his wildest imagination. It extended beyond forty feet! As devotees went on singing bhajans, it was spreading further and
further, enveloping the whole building and the thousands of devotees gathered there. It was so bright that Baronowski looked all around Him to
check up whether it was caused by the numerous mercury vapour lamps around. As Swami moved, the shimmering envelope of luminescence
also moved, like a living, vibrant sheath. He concluded that it must be integral to Swami and must be emanating from Him only.

Las clases de verano se llevaban a cabo en ese momento. As que, Baranowski pudo
observar a Swami continuamente durante tres a cuatro das. Un da, Swami lo llam para
que se dirigiera a la concurrencia. Baranowski describi su experiencia sin igual: "Yo soy
un cientfico. Soy bsicamente un cristiano, pero mi fe en que la religin no es
particularmente intensa. Mediante esta cmara Kirlian, investigu 15.000 personas
eminentes en todos los mbitos de la vida en todo el mundo. Pero aqu he descubierto algo
que nunca observe en ningn otro lugar. la iluminacin irradiada por Baba es de un color
espectacular de color de rosa, que es caracterstica del ms intenso, ms profundo, y el ms
desinteresado amor! lo que tambin es nico es que su aura se extiende y abarca no slo
esta sala de audiencias, sino mucho ms all, hasta donde yo puedo ver, como un torrente
de luz. Se cierne sobre todo. esta luminiscencia de color de rosa tambin muestra vetas de
color plata y oro, muy brillante y muy claro. Este es un fantstico espectculo que nunca he
encontrado hasta ahora. Swami es la encarnacin plena del amor (Prema-Sampuurna-
Muurthi) Cuando Swami se acerca a nosotros y nos toca, esa refulgencia est fluyendo
hacia nosotros tambin; Estamos inmersos en esa poderosa corriente de brillo etreo.
Swami es la personificacin caminando del amor! Mientras estoy hablando aqu, se darn
cuenta de que mi cuerpo est temblando. No lo ves ? Pero este temblor no es por miedo.
Es porque el aura supra-humana que le rodea de indescriptible gloria es tan conmovedora,
que mi cuerpo est temblando incontrolablemente!"

Summer classes were being conducted at that time. So, Baronowski could watch Swami continuously for three to four days. One day, Swami
called upon him to address the gathering. Baronowski described his unparalleled experience, "I am a scientist. I am basically a Christian but my
faith in that religion is not particularly intense. By means of this kirlian camera, I investigated 15,000 eminent persons in every walk of life all
over the world. But here I have discovered something I never met with anywhere else. The illumination radiated by Baba is of a spectacular rosy
colour, which is characteristic of the most intense, the deepest, and the most selfless love! What is also unique is that His aura spreads and
submerges not merely this audience hall but far beyond, as far as I can see, like a flood of light. It is engulfing everything. This rosy
luminescence is also displaying silver and gold streaks, intensely bright and perfectly clear. Here is a fantastic spectacle which I have never
encountered till now. Swami is the full embodiment of love (Sampoorna Prema-Moorthi). When Swami comes near us and touches us, that
effulgence is flowing into us also; we are getting immersed in that mighty stream of ethereal glow. Swami is the walking personification of
love! As I am speaking here, you will notice that my body is shivering. Don't you see? But this shiver is not because of fear. The supra-human
aura that surrounds Him in indescribable glory is so moving, that my body is shivering uncontrollably!"

Swami materializ un anillo de diamantes y se lo dio al Dr. Baranowski. Tambin le dio la
tan ansiada entrevista. Swami le habl de su nieto de un mes de edad, y le dijo: "El da de
tu regreso a Estados Unidos y al llegar a casa, tu nieto estar sujeto a una ciruga. No te
preocupes. La operacin tendr xito. La salud del beb ser restaurada completamente."
Swami dijo todo esto por su propia cuenta. El Dr. Baranowski no hizo mencin del beb en
absoluto. Sin embargo, l no prest mucha atencin a las palabras de Baba sobre el nio.
Era consciente de que los mdicos le haban dicho que la operacin podra llevarse a cabo
aos ms tarde despus de que el beb creciera. Por lo tanto, se sorprendi al saber al
llegar a casa que el beb haba sido efectivamente operado ese mismo da. El mdico que
realiz la operacin fue un indio. Dr. Baranowski le cont todo lo que haba experimentado
en Puttaparthi y le mostr el anillo de diamante presentado por Swami. Como Swami le
haba asegurado, el beb pronto se puso bien. Dr. Baranowski se sorprendi del sarva-
jatva de Swami, (la conciencia total del pasado, presente y futuro).

Swami materialized a diamond ring and gave it to Dr Baronowski. He also gave him the much sought after interview. Swami spoke about his
months-old grandson and told him, "The day you return to America and reach home, your grandson will be subject to a surgery. Don't worry; the
operation will be successful. The baby will be restored to complete health." Swami told all this on His own. Dr Baronowski made no mention of
the baby at all. However, he did not pay much heed to Baba's words about the child. He was aware that doctors had said that the operation could
be performed years later after the baby grew up. He was therefore surprised to learn on reaching home that the baby had indeed been operated
upon that very day. The doctor who performed the operation was an Indian. Dr Baronowski told him all that he had experienced in Puttaparthi
and showed him the diamond ring presented by Swami. As Swami had assured him, the baby soon got well. Dr Baronowski was surprised at
Swami's sarvajnathwa, (total awareness of past, present and future).

De hecho, el Dr. Baranowski era discpulo de Ulf Messing, un filsofo ruso. Ulf se interes
en los aspectos espirituales de la vida, incluso a una edad muy temprana y en la edad de 15
aos, comenz su bsqueda del conocimiento espiritual. En el proceso, l lleg a la India en
1936 y viajaba en un tren a Anantapur. En la estacin de tren Kamalapur, se sorprendi al
ver a la joven Sathya Sai Baba, que apenas tena diez aos de edad. Pero Ulf vislumbr el
aura impresionante alrededor del chico, y exclam: "qu personalidad divina es esta!" Ulf
sigui al joven Sathyam a su casa, pero no pudo alcanzarle. A su regreso a Rusia, Ulf
estableci un centro de capacitacin para formar a los jvenes en el uso de la cmara
Kirlian, y antes de morir, le pidi a uno de sus estudiantes, el Dr. Baranowski ir a la India y
estudiar Sai Baba.

In fact, Dr Baronowski was the disciple of Ulf Messing, a Russian philosopher. Ulf got interested in spiritual aspects of life even at a very young
age and at the age of 15, he began his search for spiritual knowledge. In the process, he came to India in 1936 and was travelling on a train to
Ananthapur. At the Kamalapur railway station, he was amazed to see the young Sathya Sai Baba, who was barely ten years old. But Ulf noted
the unfathomable aura around the boy, and exclaimed, "what a divine personality he is!" Ulf followed young Sathyam to his home, but could not
meet him. On his return to Russia, Ulf set up a training centre to train young people in the use of kirlian camera, and before his death, asked one
of his students, Dr Baronowski to go to India and study Sai Baba.

Dr. Baranowski qued ampliamente bendecido. Se le dio la oportunidad poco comn para
investigar el poder divino de Swami con su equipo cientfico. Y totalmente convencido por
lo que encontr, l proclam lo mismo a todo el mundo con la ms profunda conviccin.

Dr Baronowski was amply blessed. He was given the unusual opportunity to investigate Swami's divine power with his scientific
equipment. And fully convinced by what he found, he proclaimed the same to the whole world with the deepest conviction.


Fue alrededor de 1945. La Segunda Guerra Mundial an no haba terminado. Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai se materializ a S mismo en frente de una casa en Bangkok. Llam a la
seora de la casa, le dio algo de vibhuthi y le dijo que espolvorea todo el techo de su casa y
desapareci. l habl en su propio idioma. Vi que el polvo que le haban dado pareca una
arena blanca. Sin embargo no desprecio sus palabras y lo roci por todo el techo de su casa.
A los pocos minutos, un ataque areo tuvo lugar. Todas las casas del barrio, excepto la
suya, quedaron destruidas con las bombas que bombardean por todas partes.

Art- ong Jumsai Na Ayutthaya era un nio en la familia. A su debido tiempo, Art-ong se
convirti en un estudiante de ciencia. Obtuvo un doctorado en el Colegio Imperial de
Ciencia y Tecnologa. Trabaj como asesor de algunos ministros en su pas. Tenia un alto
cargo en el escalafn profesional.

It was around 1945. The Second World War had not ended yet. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai materialized Himself in front of a house in
Bangkok. He called the lady of the house, gave her some vibhuthi and told her to sprinkle it all over the roof of her house and disappeared. He
spoke in her own language. She saw that the powder given to her looked like white sand. She did not however disregard His words and
sprinkled it all over the roof of her house. Within a few minutes, an air raid took place. All houses in the neighbourhood, except her's, were
destroyed with bombs bombarding all over.
Art-ong Jumsai Na Ayudhya was a young boy in the family. In due course, Art-ong became a student of science. He obtained a doctorate degree
from the Imperial College of Science and Technology. He worked as an adviser to some Ministers in his country. He rose high in the
professional echelon.

En 1971, la NASA de los EE.UU. elegia el cargo como cientfico en relacin con su proyecto
de enviar un vehculo espacial no tripulado para explorar Marte. Art-ong se propuso y
consigui el trabajo. El proyecto era conseguir un vehculo seguro para la superficie del
planeta, que superando todas los dificultades, y que recogiera el material de la superficie
del planeta para la investigacin en la NASA. A Art-ong se le dio la tarea de la
planificacin y el diseo de los equipos necesarios.

In 1971, NASA of the USA advertised for the post of a scientist in connection with its project of sending an unmanned space vehicle to explore
Mars. Art-ong applied and got the job. The project was to land a vehicle safely on the surface of the planet, overcoming all odds, and to collect
material from the planet's surface for investigation in NASA. Art-ong was given the task of planning and designing the equipment needed.

Se hicieron los arreglos para construir un modelo de Marte en el laboratorio con
caractersticas similares, un modelo del cohete y de la superficie -mdulo de aterrizaje-
para llevar a cabo las investigaciones. Los fondos necesarios para la totalidad del proyecto
iban a ser proporcionada por la NASA. En unos pocos meses, Art-ong fue capaz de
desplegar el equipo necesario que iba a ser probado en el laboratorio. Pero, como ya antes
se tema, la unidad de aterrizaje se quemo tan pronto como entr en la atmsfera
marciana. Despus de algunos meses ms, Art-ong construy otro que tambin corri la
misma suerte. Esto se prolong durante varias veces. Todo el proyecto pareca condenado.
Los enormes desembolsos de dinero se fueron a la basura.

Arrangements were made to build a model of Mars in the laboratory with similar characteristics, a model of the rocket and the surface-lander and
to carry out investigations. Funds required for the entire project were to be provided by NASA. In a few months, Art-ong was able to develop
the needed equipment that was to be tested in the laboratory. But, as had earlier been feared, the landing unit burned off as soon as it entered the
Martian atmosphere. After some more months, Art-ong built another but that too met the same fate. It went on for several times. The whole
project seemed doomed. Enormous outlays of money went to waste.

El pobre Art-ong no saba qu hacer. Estaba terriblemente deprimido. Pero al final, pudo
lograrlo. Se completaron con xito las pruebas de laboratorio, sin ningn tipo de
problemas. Un cohete de tamao natural, que fue nombrado Vikingo, se prepar y se puso
en marcha en el momento oportuno. Tuvo xito y las muestras de los materiales de la
superficie de Marte podran ser obtenidas.

Poor Art-ong did not know what to do. He felt terribly depressed. Finally, he could make a successful one. It successfully completed laboratory
tests without any hitch. A life-size rocket, which was named Viking, was readied and in due course launched. It was successful and samples of
materials from the Martian surface could be obtained.

Art-ong dijo que ms que sus propios esfuerzos, hubo una "mano invisible" que le ayud
en su xito. Despus de esto, abandon la bsqueda de la ciencia y se ocup de la bsqueda
de Dios. Junto con su madre, que lleg a la India y lleg a Whitefield. Bhagavan le pidi a
Art-ong que trabajara en las Organizaciones Sathya Sai y difundiera la educacin
espiritual ligada a los valores humanos.

Art-ong realized that more than his own efforts, it was an "invisible hand" that helped him in his success. Following this, he abandoned the
pursuit of science and busied himself with the search for God. Together with his mother, he came to India and arrived in Whitefield. Bhagavan
asked Art-ong to work in the Sathya Sai Organizations and spread spiritual education linked to human values.

Muy pronto, algunos eventos dramticos sucedieron. Art-ong estaba totalmente absorto en
las actividades de Swami. No tena tiempo para ocuparse de su propia fbrica en Bangkok.
Un da, el guardia de seguridad (de su fabrica) se encontraba durmiendo en su habitacin
de la entrada. l haba cerrado la puerta desde el interior. Pero, a pesar de eso, Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai entr en la habitacin, le despert y le mand a que cumpliera su deber
correctamente. Le habl en su lengua. El guardia que entendi sus instrucciones lo
suficientemente bien, no poda imaginar cmo este extrao pudo entrar en la habitacin a
pesar de que su puerta haba sido cerrada desde el interior. Al da siguiente tambin, pas
lo mismo.

Soon enough, some dramatic events happened. Art-ong was totally engrossed in Swami's activities. He had no time to look after his own factory
in Bangkok. One day, the security guard was sleeping in his room at its entrance. He had bolted the door from inside. But, despite that,
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai entered the room, woke him up and bade him to attend to his duty properly. He spoke in the That language. The guard
who understood his instructions well enough, could not imagine how this stranger could enter the room even though its door had been bolted
from inside. Next day too, the same thing happened.

Cuando lleg el jefe de la fbrica, Art-ong, el guardia de seguridad le dijo todo lo que pas,
se disculp por su desliz, y aadi que todo el incidente fue bastante desconcertante e
inexplicable. Entonces se dio cuenta de una fotografa que decorada el cuarto de Art-ong
de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. Le dijo a su amo que fue esta misma persona la que entr en
la sala de guardia en la noche y lo alert.

When the head of the factory, Art-ong, arrived, the security guard told him everything that happened, apologised for his lapse and added that the
whole incident was quite baffling and inexplicable. He then noticed the decorated photograph of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai in Art-ong's room. He
told his master that it was this same person who entered the guardroom in the night and alerted him.

Unos das ms tarde, Art-ong lleg a Prashanti Nilayam. Bhagavan estaba dando un
discurso sobre la necesidad de vincular los sistemas educativos con los valores humanos. En
medio de su discurso, invit a Art-ong al estrado y hablar. En su charla, Art-ong describi
sus grandes experiencias y cmo Swami fue amable con l, con su amoroso cuidado y

A few days later, Art-ong arrived at Prashanti Nilayam. Bhagavan was giving a discourse on the need for linking educational systems with
human values. In the middle of His discourse, He invited Art-ong to the dais and to speak. In his talk, Art-ong described his great experiences
and how Swami has been kind to him with His loving care and affection.

Desde ese da en adelante, el Dr. Art-ong Jumsai, el distinguido cientfico, ha estado
cumpliendo el mismo a travs de servir a la misin divina de Bhagavan, la difusin de los
preceptos espirituales nctar dulce de Swami en el Oeste, con renovada dedicacin y con
una fe ms fuerte. En 1998, el Dr. Art-ong inici el Instituto de Educacin Sathya Sai en
Bangkok para propagar las ideas de Educacin Sri Sathya Sai en Valores Humanos. El
Instituto ha organizado una conferencia internacional en septiembre de 2000 sobre "La
educacin Fortaleciendo Valores" en Prashanti Nilayam, en el que participaron 650
educadores de nada menos que 78 pases del mundo. Swami bendijo varios participantes no
slo con los anillos de diamantes de valor, sino tambin con varias direcciones inspiradoras

From that day onwards, Dr Art-ong Jumsai, the distinguished scientist, has been fulfilling himself through serving the divine mission of
Bhagavan, disseminating the nectar-sweet spiritual precepts of Swami in the West, with renewed dedication and with stronger faith. In 1998, Dr
Art-ong started the Institute of Sathya Sai Education in Bangkok to propagate the ideas of Sri Sathya Sai Education in Human Values. The
Institute has organized an international conference in September 2000 on 'Strengthening Values Education' in Prashanti Nilayam, in which 650
educators from as many as 78 countries of the world participated. Swami blessed several participants not only with valuable diamond rings but
also with several inspiring addresses.

John Sinclair era un multimillonario del estado de Connecticut en los EE.UU. En un
momento de su vida, se encontraba atrapado en un laberinto de problemas empresariales
que destruyeron su paz mental. Una noche, mientras estaba sentado en su habitacin, or a
Dios: "No s dnde ests y cmo eres. Slo s una cosa, y es, que no existes! Por favor
aydame". l or fervorosamente y en total entrega. A partir de entonces, comenz a notar
que la mano invisible de Dios lo estaba protegiendo.

John Sinclair was a multimillionaire belonging to the State of Connecticut in the USA. At one stage of his life, he was caught in a maze of
business problems that destroyed his mental peace. One night, as he sat in his room, he prayed to God, "I do not know where you are and what
you look like. I only know one thing, that is, that you do exist! Please help me." He prayed most earnestly and in total surrender. From then on,
he began to notice that God's invisible hand was protecting him.

Un da, sinti que alguien caminaba por el pasillo interior en su casa desde las 02 a.m. a las
03 a.m. se qued mirando constantemente. La persona se qued inmvil. John Sinclair no
entenda quin era y porque estaba all para l. Pero poda reconocer que experimentaba
un cierto sentido vago de felicidad y alegra que era indescriptible. De una manera similar,
tuvo la misma visin en la noche siguiente. Estaba seguro de que no era un sueo, era
crudamente real.

One day, he felt he noticed someone walking through the inner hall in his home between 2 am and 3 am. He stared steadily. The person stood
unmoving. John Sinclair did not understand who he was and what was he there for. But he could recognize that he experienced some vague
sense of happiness and joy that was indescribable. In a similar manner, he had the same vision on another night. He was sure that it was no
dream; it was starkly real.

Sinclair fue al Centro Espiritual (adhyathmic Kendra) en Nueva York y mencion su
reciente experiencia con alguien all. La persona dijo: "Un momento, por favor," entr en
la casa y regres con un pequeo paquete de vibhuti en su mano y cuando se lo dio a
Sinclair, pronunci, "Sai Ram". Tambin habl largo y tendido sobre Bhagavan Sri Sathya
Sai y le asegur que se trataba de Swami quien le haba dado darshan. Sinclair estaba
profundamente conmovido. l no era ms que un mero hombre de negocios en la lejana
Amrica, su conocimiento lo espiritual era casi nulo, no haba ledo ni un solo libro sobre
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, y sin embargo el Seor haba visitado su casa en persona y le haba
otorgado el darshan a un insignificante persona como l! En su mente, se postr a los pies
de Loto de Swami en ese momento. Su corazn comenz a anhelar la gracia de Bhagavan, y
su amor a Bhagavan muy pronto, creci y asumi una intensidad insoportable.

Sinclair went to the Spiritual Centre (adhyathmic Kendra) in New York and mentioned his recent experiences to someone there. The person said,
"Just a minute, please;" went inside and returned with a small packet of vibhuthi in his hand and as he gave it to Sinclair, uttered, "Sai Ram." He
also spoke at length about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai and assured him that it was Swami who had given darshan to him. Sinclair was deeply
touched. He was but a mere businessman in far off America; his knowledge of anything spiritual was next to nothing; he had not read even a
single book about Sri Sathya Sai Baba; yet the Lord had visited his home in person and granted darshan to an insignificant person like him! In
his mind, he fell at the Lotus Feet of Swami at that moment. His heart began yearning for Bhagavan's grace, and for Bhagavan's love. Very
soon, it grew and assumed unbearable intensity.

Como consecuencia de ese anhelo insoportable a Baba y tambin la compasin de Baba,
Sinclair se dirigi a Prashanti Nilayam. A su llegada, Swami le invit a pasar a la sala de
entrevistas, y dijo: "He ido dos veces hacia ti!" Sinclair se qued mirando a Swami en
desconcierto. Swami continu: "He hecho mucho por ti. Me he dado mucho a ti. Incluso
asi no tienes paz? Por qu no haces algo por Swami?" Al or las palabras de Swami,
Sinclair estaba dispuesto a dar todo lo que Swami pidiera. Dijo: "Ciertamente Swami, sin
duda." Swami le dijo sonriendo: "S feliz siempre. Eso es lo nico que te pido!" Sinclair se
sorprendi al escuchar lo que Swami desea de l -nada ms que su propio bienestar!

As a consequence of that unbearable yearning to Baba and also Baba's compassion, Sinclair set off for Prashanti Nilayam. On arrival, Swami
invited him into the interview room and said, "I came twice to you!" Sinclair stared at Swami in bewilderment. Swami continued, "I have done a
lot for you. I have given plenty to you. Even then you have no peace. Why don't you do something for Swami?" When he heard Swami's
words, Sinclair was prepared to give whatever Swami asked for. He said, "Surely Swami, most certainly." Swami smilingly told him, "Be happy
always. That is the only thing I ask of you!" Sinclair was stunned to hear what Swami desired of him - nothing but his own well-being!

Hablando en el magnfico Auditorio Chandra Puurna en el auspicioso da Guru Purnima
en 1993, Sinclair dijo, "Cuando yo era un muchacho joven criado como cristiano, me senta
desgraciado por haber nacido dos mil aos despus de la partida de Jess Cristo. Alguien
escuch, de verdad, mi grito de agona. Aqu est sentado ese mismo Dios que haba
enviado a Jess para nosotros!"

Speaking in the magnificent Poorna Chandra Auditorium on the auspicious Guru Poornima day in 1993, Sinclair said, "When I was a young boy
being brought up as a Christian, I used to feel miserable that I was born two thousand years after the departure of Jesus Christ. Someone has truly
heard my cry of agony. Here is sitting that very God who had sent Jesus to us!"

Sinclair tambin cont un par de incidentes milagrosos. "Unos meses antes de mi llegada a
Prashanti Nilayam, tuve que hacer un viaje de negocios a otro lugar. Le dije a mi esposa
que iba a pilotar mi helicptero. Ella trat de disuadirme, "Tu mente est muy distrada en
la actualidad debido a tus problemas de negocios. Por qu no contratas a un piloto
profesional? Sathya Sai Baba est demasiado ocupado para sentarse contigo todo el tiempo
para protegete, como si solo estubiera para protegerse todo el tiempo. l tiene demasiadas
personas que cuidar. Por qu malgastar su valioso tiempo?' Le dije: 'Yo soy un piloto
cualificado Clase-A. Por qu dudas de mis habilidades de vuelo? pilotar mi helicptero.
Pero como mi esposa tema, el motor del helicptero fall en el camino. El sistema
hidrulico cedi. Perd el control de la nave y saba que la muerte era segura. Saqu la foto
de Swami de mi bolsillo y lo mir. al momento siguiente, me encontr con Swami justo en el
helicptero. l pilot con habilidad y aterriz con seguridad en el flanco de una colina.
Abri la puerta lateral, me sac con cuidado, empuj el helicptero y desapareci. As es
como Bhagavan me ha estado salvando, una y otra vez, me atraa ms y ms cerca a Sus
pies de loto.

Sinclair also recounted a couple of miraculous incidents. "A few months before my arrival in Prashanti Nilayam, I had to make a business trip to
another place. I told my wife that I would pilot my helicopter myself. She tried to dissuade me, 'your mind is very much distracted nowadays
because of your business problems. Why don't you engage a professional pilot? Sathya Sai Baba is too busy to sit with you all the time to protect
you, as if He were to protect you only all the time. He has got far too many people to look after. Why do you waste His precious time?' I told
her, 'I am a qualified A-Class pilot. Why do you doubt my flying skills?' I piloted my own helicopter . But as feared by my wife, the engine of
the helicopter failed on the way. The hydraulic system gave way. I lost control of the craft and I knew that death was certain. I pulled out
Swami's photo from my pocket and looked at it. The next moment, I found Swami right in the helicopter. He piloted it skillfully and landed it
safely on the flank of a hill. He opened the side door, pulled me out carefully, pushed the helicopter away and disappeared. That is how
Bhagavan has been saving me, time after time, drawing me closer and closer to His Lotus Feet.

"Ahora voy a describirles un incidente ms sorprendente. Esa mujer que est sentada en la
primera fila aqu en esta reunin es Marlene Sinclair. Ella es un jinete experto. Ella
compr un buen caballo y cabalg y tambin lo entren para competiciones. Una vez,
corria velozmente en el curso de equitacin y trat de librar un alto muro.
Desafortunadamente, las patas del caballo golpearon contra la pared. Esa chica fue lanzada
fuera de su silla y su cabeza se estrell contra el suelo y el pesado caballo de 1800 libras
cay sobre ella.

"I will now describe to you a more astonishing incident. That woman who is sitting in the front row here in this gathering is Marlene
Sinclair. She is an expert horse rider. She acquired a fine horse and rode it and also trained it for competitions. Once, she was riding fast in the
riding course and tried to clear a high wall. Unfortunately, the legs of the horse hit against the wall. That girl was thrown off her saddle and her
head dashed against the ground. And the 1800-pound heavy horse landed on her.

"Tom un total de 45 minutos antes de que la nia fuera ingresada en la sala de urgencias
de un hospital. Recib el mensaje en el telfono y corr all. Saqu el pequeo paquete de
vibhuti de mi bolsillo y se lo apliqu a las heridas en su rostro, me dije: "Esto es igual que
el agua bendita del cristianismo." tambin puse una pequea cantidad en su boca. Cuando
fui a verla al da siguiente, no haba ni una sola herida en su rostro. Tres meses ms tarde,
se ha recuperado totalmente y ha reanudado la marcha. Pero la historia no termina aqu.

"It took a full 45 minutes before the girl was admitted in the emergency ward of a hospital. I got the message on phone and rushed there. I took
out the small packet of vibhuthi from my pocket and as I applied it to the wounds on her face, I said, "This is just like the Holy Water of
Christianity." I also put a little quantity in her mouth. When I went to see her on the next day, there was not a single wound on her face. Three
months later, she has fully recovered and resumed riding. But the story does not end here.

"En la sala de entrevistas, Swami mir a Marlene y le pregunt: 'No te rescate de la
parlisis? Ella dijo: "S, Swami, s , lo hiciste." Despus de la entrevista, le pregunt a
Marlene," Qu es lo que Swami le pregunt, y qu le contestaste? Entonces me dijo: "En
aquel da de mi accidente, perd la visin. Cuando el caballo cay pesadamente sobre m,
qued paralizada de un lado. Mientras yaca en indefensa, una persona se puso a mi lado
mirndome; cuando estaba siendo trasladada en ambulancia al hospital, l estaba a mi lado
en el vehculo, en la sala de emergencia tambin, l estaba a mi lado todo el tiempo;
tambin vel constantemente por m durante toda la noche en el hospital. Esta persona no
es otra cosa que este Sai Baba que hizo que mis ojos quedaran bien? Y san mi parlisis,
ademas. Slo entonces me mud fuera del hospital. A pesar de que este incidente ocurri
hace varios aos, yo no saba nada de todo esto hasta que la conversacin se inici entre
Baba y ella en la sala de entrevistas. Este es un excelente ejemplo para demostrar que
Swami es mucho ms cercano que incluso la propia madre y padre.

"Mi Swami, tengo plena fe en Ti. Estoy totalmente rendido a tus pies!" concluy Sinclair.

"In the interview room, Swami looked at Marlene and asked, 'Did I not rescue you from paralysis?' She said, 'Yes, Swami, yes, You did.' After
the interview, I asked Marlene, "What is it that Swami asked you, and what did you answer Him?' She then told me, "On that day of my accident,
I lost an eye. When the horse landed heavily on me, I was paralysed on one side. As I lay in the rain helpless, a person stood by my side
watching me; when I was being taken by ambulance to the hospital, he was by my side in the vehicle; in the emergency ward too, he was by my
side all the time; he also kept vigil constantly on me throughout the night at the hospital. That person is none else but this Sai Baba! He made
my eye all right; and he healed my paralysis, too. Only then did he move out of the hospital.' Even though this incident happened several years
ago, I did not know about it all until the conversation began between Baba and her in the interview room. This is an excellent instance to show
that Swami is much more intimate than even one's mother and father.
"My Swami, I have full faith in you. I totally surrender myself at your feet!" concluded Sinclair.

El trabajaba como Director General Adjunto de la Juridiccin de Desarrollo Industrial del
Gobierno de Malasia. Siempre que hablaba de Swami, sola ser despectivo, malicioso y de
lengua soes en su critica. Su nombre es Jagadeesan. Una vez que se di la circunstancia de
que Jagadeesan fue a la casa de su suegra. Vio la foto de Swami en su habitacin. Fue
virulento en su condena a Swami. Durante dos largas horas, se irrit y despotric y
finalmente dijo a la imagen, "Si realmente posee todos esos poderes divinos como pretende
esta gente, mustrame la prueba correspondiente. Slo entonces creer en estos cuentos de
hadas." No se dio cuenta de que haba lanzado literalmente un desafo a Bhagavan Baba.
Tan pronto como hubo dicho estas palabras, aparecio vibhuthi en esa fotografa, el dibujo
que le haba provocado su ira. Sinti como si un rayo le hubiera golpeado. Se dio cuenta de
que en este mundo del pensamiento cientfico, haba algo que trasciende la ciencia, algo
incomprensible para la ciencia.

He was working as Deputy Director-General in the Industrial Development Authority, Government of Malaysia. Whenever he spoke about
Swami, he used to be contemptuous, malicious and vile-tongued in criticising Him. His name is Jagadeesan. Once, it so happened that
Jagadeesan went to the home of his mother-in-law. He saw Swami's photograph in her room. He was virulent in his condemnation of
Swami. For two long hours, he riled and ranted and finally said to the picture, "If you really possess all those divine powers as claimed by these
people, show me proof thereof. Only then will I believe these fairy tales." He did not realize that he had literally thrown a challenge to Bhagavan
Baba. No sooner had he said these words, then vibhuthi appeared on that photograph, the picture that had provoked his ire. He felt as if lightning
had struck him. He realized that in this world of scientific thought, there was something transcending science, something incomprehensible to

Cuatro meses despus, Jagadeesan visit la India y viaj a Prashanti Nilayam. En el hall de
audiencias, Swami se le acerc y suavemente movi sus amorosos labios, "Malasia?"
Sorprendido y preguntndose cmo Swami saba que vena de Malasia, l respondi: "S,
Seor." Swami le invit a pasar a la sala de entrevistas. Jagadeesan tenia entonces 32 aos,
pero de alguna manera se senta como si fuera un nio de siete aos que estaba con su
padre. El afecto paternal y el amor de Swami derritieron su corazn. Copiosas lgrimas
corran por sus mejillas. Haba credo en Swami slo hace apenas cuatro meses.
Anteriormente a eso, l no tena nada ms que desprecio absoluto por l. Su vileza durante
ese perodo oscuro colgaba pesadamente en su corazn y ya no poda ocultar su miseria.
Decidi confesarlo todo. "Swami," exclam, "por favor, perdname. Hasta hace cuatro
meses, nunca haba credo en ti." Bhagavan movi el dedo ndice de izquierda a derecha y
de nuevo a la izquierda, y, sonriendo, dijo: "Ha!, Ha!, tu no eras un mero no creyente, tu
te oponas firmemente, tu eras un fuerte opositor!" Jagadeesan se derrumb por el dolor y
la vergenza, asi es que cay a los pies de loto de Baba y comenz literalmente a llorar.
Swami sostuvo sus hombros y lentamente le dijo. "No llores, Bangaru, no llores. Swami lo
sabe todo!"

Four months later, Jagadeesan visited India and travelled to Prashanti Nilayam. In the audience hall, Swami neared him and gently moved his
loving lips, "Malaysia?" Surprised and wondering how Swami knew that he came from Malaysia, he answered, "Yes, Sir." Swami invited him
into the interview room. Jagadeesan was now 32, but somehow felt as if he was a boy of seven sitting with his father. The fatherly affection and
love of Swami melted his heart. Copious tears flowed down his cheeks. He had believed in Swami only for a mere four months now. Earlier to
that, he had nothing but utter contempt for Him. His vileness during that dark period was hanging heavy in his heart and he could no longer hide
his misery. He decided to make a clean breast of it. "Swami," he cried, "please forgive me. Till four months ago, I had never believed in
you." Bhagavan shook his index finger from left to right and again to left, and smilingly said, "Ha! Ha! You were not a mere non-believer, you
strongly opposed; you were a strong opposition!" Jagadeesan collapsed in grief and shame; he fell at Baba's Lotus Feet and began literally
weeping. Swami held his shoulder and slowly raised him. "Don't cry, Bangaru, don't cry. Swami knows everything!"

Hoy en da, por sugerencia de Swami, funciona como el Coordinador Central de las
Organizaciones Sathya Sai en el Este en el cumplimiento de su destino al servicio de la
Misin Espiritual Sai.

Nowadays, at Swami's suggestion, he is functioning as the Central Coordinator for the Sathya Sai Organizations in the East and fulfilling his
destiny in the service of the Sai Spiritual Mission.

En uno de sus discursos, Swami seal que el hombre est dotado de inteligencia y
discernimiento. Sin embargo, l no es capaz de reconocer a su verdadero Yo. La razn de
esto, dijo Swami, es el efecto acumulativo de las acciones (karma) realizadas en vidas
anteriores. Debido a las buenas obras, (Sat- Karma), se toma el nacimiento como un ser
humano. Sin embargo, si en este nacimiento humano, una persona se entrega a hacer el
mal, como el adulterio, el robo, la falsedad y as sucesivamente, las consecuencias tambin
sern malas. Estos son los tres tipos de mal carcter: Mala, Vikshepa y avarana. Estos
oscurecen la visin espiritual del hombre y le impiden reconocer la forma de la gloria de su
propio Ser Verdadero (SWA- Swaruupa Jana).

In one of His discourses, Swami pointed out that man is gifted with intelligence and discernment. Yet, he is not able to recognize his True
Self. The reason for this, said Swami, is the cumulative effect of the deeds (karma) done in previous lives. Because of good deeds, (Sath-
Karma), one takes birth as a human being. However, if in this human birth, a person indulges in doing evil, like adultery, thievery, untruthfulness
and so on, the consequences too will be evil. These are of three types of evil nature : Mala, Vikshepa and avarana. These obscure the spiritual
vision of man and prevent him from recognizing the glorious form of his own True SElf (Swa-Swaroopa Jnan).

Swami entonces procedi a elaborar el significado de Mala, Vikshepa y Avarana .
Swami then proceeded to elaborate what Mala, Vikshepa and avarana mean.

Mala es el efecto acumulativo de las malas acciones realizadas durante vidas anteriores. A
modo de ejemplo, para el punto aqu hay una historia. Un comerciante de diamantes iba en
un viaje de negocios. Viaj a caballo y a galope rpido, con lo que la bolsa que contenia los
diamantes cay inarvertido al suelo. Dos amigos que viajaban detrs de l lo encontraron.
Al ver los preciosos diamantes, la avaricia se apoder de sus mentes. Cada uno quera
agarrarles. Mientras que el ms joven vigilaba la bolsa, el otro se fue en busca de alimento.
En el camino, tuvo otra idea viciosa - eliminar a su amigo por completo. En consecuencia,
mezcl veneno en la comida destinada a su amigo. l regres y le dijo a la amiga de espera:
"Querido hermano ms joven, toma tu comida primero y mientras comes, voy a vigilar las
piedras preciosas." El ms joven tena sus propios planes. Como el mayor se inclin, el
hermano menor asest un golpe salvaje en el cuello con una pesada espada. Juviloso de que
ahora l era el nico dueo de las joyas, se comi su comida con gusto. Pero como haba
sido contaminada, l tambin muri envenenado. Aunque los dos amigos quicieron
apoderarse de los diamantes preciosos, no pudieron obtener ningn beneficio de ellos. Es
'Mala' lo que les llev a la mala conducta. La causa fundamental de 'Mala' es el mal
pensamiento y el obrar mal, lo que puede ser destruido slo a travs de recordar y pensar
en Dios incesantemente. No hay otra manera.

Mala is the cumulative effect of the evil deeds done during previous lives. As an instance in point here is a story. A diamond merchant was
going on a business trip. He travelled on horse-back and as he rode fast, his bag containing diamonds dropped on the ground unnoticed. Two
friends travelling behind him found it. At the sight of the precious diamonds, avarice took hold of their minds. Each wanted to grab it for
himself. While the younger one kept watch over the bag, the other went searching for food. On the way, he got another vicious idea - to
eliminate his friend altogether. Accordingly, he mixed poison in the food meant for his friend. He came back and told the waiting friend, "Dear
younger brother, have your meal first and while you eat, I will keep watch on the gems." The younger one had his own plans. As the elder one
bent over, the younger brother dealt a savage blow on his neck with a heavy sword. Jubilant that he was now the sole master of the gems, he ate
his food with relish. But as it had been contaminated, he too died of poison. Although the two friends did get hold of the precious diamonds,
they could not derive any benefit there from. It is 'Mala' that led them to evil conduct. The root cause of 'Mala' is evil thought and evil deed,
which can be destroyed only through incessantly remembering and thinking of God. There is no other way.

El siguiente es Vikshepa, lo que significa la falta de estabilidad de la mente. Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa estaba sirviendo como sacerdote en el majestuoso templo de la diosa Kali en
Dakshina-Ishwara. Ese templo haba sido construido por una dama piadosa llamada Rani
Rasamani. Ella visit el templo un da y le suguiri a Ramakrishna que cantaran una
cancin en alabanza de la Devi (Diosa). Mientras cantaban, los devotos incluyendo a
Rasamani estaban moviendo sus cabezas en sintona con la cancin. Paramahamsa se
detuvo de pronto en el canto y dio una sonora bofetada en la mejilla de Rasamani. l la
reprendi: "Tu cuerpo est aqu, pero su mente est en otra parte-. En los litigios de
propiedad en el Tribunal Superior de Calcuta." Ella era noble y devota, por lo que tom el
castigo con en el espritu adecuado, como un castigo merecido por su inestabilidad mental,
es decir, Vikshepa. Para alejar la mente de Vikshepa, slo hay un camino -la prctica
incesante de la concentracin y el pensamiento nico.

Next is Vikshepa, which means lack of steadiness of mind. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was serving as priest in the majestic temple of Goddess
Kali in Dakshineshwar. That temple had been built by a pious lady called Rani Rasamani. She visited the temple one day and asked
Ramakrishna to sing a song in praise of Devi. While he sang, devotees including Rasamani were moving their heads in tune with the
song. Paramahamsa suddenly stopped singing and gave a resounding slap on Rasamani's cheek. He scolded her, "Your body is here, but your
mind is elsewhere - on property litigation in the High Court in Calcutta." She was noble and devout. So she took her chastisement in proper
spirit, as a deserved punishment for her unsteadiness of mind, i.e., Vikshepa. To distance mind from Vikshepa, there is only one way - relentless
practice of concentration and single-mindedness.

Ahora viene Avarana. Soy un estudiante, yo soy un maestro, soy un brahmn, yo soy un
Kshathriya, yo soy una mujer, soy un hombre, y as suceShivamente. De esta manera, una
persona cae en el engao" "yo soy este cuerpo. " La Ignorancia (Ajana) de este tipo es
Avarana. Si meditas profundamente y con discernimiento (Viveka), pronto te dars cuenta
de que no eres ni un estudiante, ni . un maestro, ni el brahmn, ni un Kshathriya, ni una
mujer, ni un hombre. La Realidad, la Verdad es: Ustedes son la encarnacin de la Athma
(Alma) reconozcan esta realidad es superar Avarana.

Now comes avarana. I am a student; I am a teacher; I am a Brahmin; I am a Kshathriya; I am a woman; I am a man; and so on. In this manner, a
person falls into delusion " "I am this body." Ignorance (Ajnan) of this kind is avarana. If you meditate deeply and with discernment (Vivek), you
will soon realize that you are neither a student, nor a teacher, nor a Brahmin, nor a Kshathriya, nor a female, nor a male. The Reality, the Truth is
: You are the Embodiment of Athma. To recognize this reality is to get over avarana.

Una tigresa embarazada estaba cruzando un ro, cuando de repente dio a luz a un
cachorro. La madre fue arrastrado por la corriente de agua, pero el cachorro lleg a tierra
seca en alguna parte aguas abajo y se uni a un rebao de ovejas. Por la mezcla del da a
da con las ovejas, con el curso del tiempo, se olvid completamente de su verdadera
identidad de tigre. Coma hierba como las ovejas lo hacian. Balaba como las ovejas. Perdi
por completo la conciencia de su fuerza natural e y capacidad inherente. Algn tiempo
despus, un tigre atac a la manada y se dio cuenta del cachorro de tigre en medio de la
manada y se sorprendi al ver que se comporta igual que una oveja. El tigre agarr al
cachorro y lo arrastr a una estanque de agua. Mostr a la imagen del cachorro en el agua,
"Mira, t no eres una oveja. T eres un tigre. Reconoce tu verdadera identidad "Slo
entonces el cachorro aprendi la verdad. La nica manera de eliminar el Avarana es a
travs de la entrega total a Dios (Daivarpana).

A pregnant tigress was crossing a river, when she suddenly gave birth to a cub. The mother was swept away by the rushing waters but the cub
reached dry ground somewhere down-stream and joined a herd of sheep. Mixing with the sheep day after day, in the course of time, it totally
forgot its true identity of a tiger. It ate grass as the sheep did. It bleated like the sheep. It completely lost consciousness of its natural and
inherent strength and capability. Sometime later, a tiger attacked the herd and noticed the tiger cub in the midst of the herd and was surprised to
see it behaving just like a sheep. The tiger caught hold of the cub and dragged it to the water pool. It pointed to the cub's image in the water,
"Look, you are not a sheep; you are a tiger. Recognize your true identity." Only then could the cub learn the truth. The only way to remove
avarana is through total surrender to God (Daivarpana).

En sus discursos, Swami se dirige a nosotros como "Divya-Athma-Swarupulara!" (Las
encarnaciones del Athma Divino). l es, pues, una y otra vez, el que nos recuerda nuestra
verdadera identidad. Constantemente est exhortando a cada uno de nosotros: "T no eres
simplemente un cuerpo de carne y sangre, Tu erae la encarnacin de Athma."

In his discourses, Swami addresses us as "Divya-Athma-Swaroopulara!" (Embodiments of the Divine Athma). He is thus, time and again,
reminding us of our true identity. He is constantly exhorting to each one of us : "You are not merely a body of flesh and blood; you are the
Embodiment of Athma."

Nos damos cuenta de que Mala, Vikshepa y Avarana pueden ser eliminados manteniendo
constantemente el nombre de Swami dansando en nuestras lenguas; es decir, cantando Su
nombre todo el tiempo; instalando firmemente a Swami en el altar de nuestro corazn; y
Swami nos bendecir con llevar una vida pura y espiritual e iluminada.

We realize that mala, vikshepa and avarana can be got rid of by constantly having Swami's name dance on our tongues; i.e., by chanting His
name all the time; firmly seating Swami on the altar of our heart; and leading spiritual, pure lives with the spiritual enlightenment Swami is
blessing us with.

Homenaje humilde a los Pies de Loto de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai.
Humble homage to the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin del captulo 14
End of Chapter 14

(De: "Thapovanam Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra por "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara
Derechos reservados por autor (1928-2003)
(From : 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry)
Copyright reserved by Author (1928-2003)

DA 7: Mircoles (Captulo 15-18)
DAY 7 : WEDNESDAY (Chapter 15 - 18)


Captulo 15
Chapter 15

"Ustedes pueden pensar que se trata de un fenmeno maravilloso el que el Ser Supremo
tenga que bajar a la tierra en forma humana. Pero si estubieras en mi posicin, no estaras
tan maravillado. Soy plenamente consciente del pasado, el presente y el futuro de cada uno
de ustedes. por eso es que no deben confundirce con la lstima. No es que yo no tenga
compasin y amor. Mi corazn ciertamente no es de piedra. Pero si cierras la puerta de tu
corazn, cmo pueden las olas de Mi dulce amor penetrar ms all? T derramas
lgrimas y dices, "Swami, estoy ciego. Anhelo ver Tu forma divina. Mi angustia no derrite
tu corazn?" Cuando tu ves la miseria de una persona ciega, te conmueves. Por qu mi
corazn No se comueve? Porque que yo conozco todo el fondo incluyendo las vidas
anteriores de la persona angustiada, mi respuesta es naturalmente diferente. Si tu tambin
llegaces a saber de las cosas que son conocidas por M, tu reaccin a la agona de esa
persona tambin seria diferente. Lo que cosechas en esta vida no es sino el fruto de las
semillas que tu mismo habas sembrado en vidas anteriores. As, les permito sufrir lo que
deriva de sus anteriores malas obras. Por supuesto, el cumplimiento de esforzadas buenas
acciones mitigar el sufrimiento, hasta cierto punto. Yo no soy la causa de ya sea tu
felicidad o tu miseria. Ustedes han creado estos dos grilletes que pueden hundirlos".
~ Baba ~

"You may think that it is a marvellous phenomenon that the Supreme Being should come down to earth in human form. But if you are in My
position, you will not be so wonder-struck. I am fully aware of the past, the present and the future of everyone of you. That is why I do not get
overwhelmed with pity. Not that I do not have compassion and love. My heart is certainly not made of stone. But if you shut the door of your
heart, how can the waves of My sweet love penetrate beyond? You shed tears and say, "Swami, I am blind. I yearn to see Your divine
form. Doesn't my distress melt Your heart?" When you see a blind person's misery, you hearts are moved. Does not my heart too feel pity? But
as I know the entire background including the distressed person's earlier lives, My response is naturally different. If you too come to know of
things that are known to Me, your reaction to that person's agony will also be different. What one reaps in this life is but the fruits of the seeds
that he himself had sowed in previous lives. So, I allow him to undergo what he derived from his earlier evil deeds. Of course, performance of
extenuatingly good deeds will mitigate the suffering to some extent. I am not the cause of either your happiness or misery. You have yourself
fashioned these two manacles that weigh you down."
~ Baba ~

Una vez, un esposo y una esposa en compaa de sus dos hijos llegaron a Prashanti
Nilayam. Los padres, as como los nios eran muy apuestos y toda la familia era una
imagen de la belleza. Ansiosamente deseaban reunirse con Bhagavan personalmente.
Hablaron con Col Joga Rao a este respecto y le pidieron alguna manera para que eso fuera
posible. Impresionado por la buena apariencia de la pareja, Col Joga Rao consider que
sera muy bueno que Baba les pudiece dar una entrevista. As pues, l intercedi ante Baba
en su nombre, mencionando tambin que todos en la familia era muy guapos. Swami dijo,
"Has hablando tan elocuentemente de la belleza de los padres y sus hijos Est bien. Pero
sabes que los dos pequeos son ciegos?" Col Joga Rao qued desconcertado. Swami no
haba visto a la familia todava. El mismo Joga Rao no se dio cuenta y no poda imaginar
que los dos nios encantadores eran ciegos. Cuando conoci a esa gente otra vez, se interes
por la falta de visin de sus hijos. l se angusti cuando se le dijo la fea verdad. La seora
rog una vez ms a Col Joga Rao de hablar, en su nombre, con Swami para bendecir a sus
hijos con la vista. Movido por su forma agradable, Joga Rao plante la cuestin una vez
ms con Swami. No obtuvo respuesta.

Once, a husband and wife accompanied by their two children came to Prashanti Nilayam. The parents as well as the children were very
handsome and the whole family made a picture of beauty. They eagerly desired to meet Bhagavan personally. They say Col Joga Rao in that
connection and requested him somehow to make it possible. Impressed by the good looks of the couple, Col Joga Rao felt that it would be very
nice if Baba could give them an interview. So, he interceded with Baba on their behalf, mentioning also that everyone in the family was very
handsome. Swami said, "You are speaking so highly about the beauty of the parents and their children. That is all right. But do you know that
both the little ones are blind?" Col Joga Rao was taken aback. Swami had not seen the family yet. Joga Rao himself did not notice and could not
imagine that the two lovely children were sightless. When he met those people again, he enquired about their children's lack of eyesight. He was
distressed when he was told the ugly truth. The lady once again entreated Col Joga Rao to plead, on their behalf, with Swami to bless her
children with sight. Moved by their pleasant manner, Joga Rao raised the matter once again with Swami. He got no reply.

Al da siguiente, Swami sali de su estancia con el peridico del da en la mano. Se lo dio a
Col Joga Rao y le pidi que leyera un artculo en particular. El artculo hacia referencia a
una noticia. En Bukkapatnam, los ojos de dos nios fueron cegados por su madrastra.
Despus de leer la noticia impactante, Col Joga Rao qued mirando Swami. "Qu haras
t si tuvieras que hacer frente a este incidente?", Le pregunt Swami. Col Joga Rao
respondi al instante: "Dejaria ciega a la madre desalmada." Entonces Swami le dijo en
voz baja: "Pero Dios no hace eso. De otra manera, l hace que sus hijos sean ciegos. En
cuanto a estos dos pequeos, djemelos a M. Ciertamente sern felices. Pero qu pasa con
su madre?" Baba se alej del lugar dejando Col Joga Rao aturdido.

The next day, Swami came out of his place with the day's newspaper in hand. He gave it to Col Joga Rao and asked him to read a particular
item. The item refers to a news story. In Bukkapatnam, two children's eyes were blinded by their stepmother. After reading the shocking news,
Col Joga Rao stared at Swami. "What would you do if you were to deal with this incident?", asked Swami. Col Joga Rao answered instantly, "I
will turn the heartless mother blind." Then Swami softly told him, "But God does not do so. On the other hand, He makes her children blind....
As for these two little ones, leave them to Me. They will certainly be happy. But what about their mother...?" Baba moved away from the place
leaving Col Joga Rao stunned.

Esta breve conversacin fue todo lo que pas. Pero Col Joga Rao penso en su mente que se
haba desentraado en un instante el rompecabezas de un misterio universal. Que haba
solicitado a Swami en favor de la pareja? Qu quiso decir Swami llamando su atencin al
tema de este da en las noticias? Y cul es el significado profundo de la conversacin de
Swami con l? Evidentemente, Swami no quiso revelar nada directamente a la infortunada
madre que se aadiera a su angustia mental. Todo esto apunta a esto: cada persona tendra
que sufrir castigo por los pecados del pasado.

This brief conversation was all that happened. But Col Joga Rao realized in his mind that the puzzle of a universal mystery had been unravelled
in a flash. What had he asked of Swami in favour of the couple? What did Swami mean by drawing his notice to this day's news-item? And
what is the profound significance of Swami's conversation with him? Evidently, Swami did not wish to reveal anything directly to the
unfortunate mother and add to her mental anguish. It all added up to this : every person would have to suffer retribution for past sins.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba dice: "Dios es tal como un cartero, que saca de su bolsa
carta tras carta y las entrega en la direccin apropiada. Los miembros en una casa leen su
carta y estallan de alegra. Otro hogar sufre miseria con lo que recibe. En cuanto al
cartero, es el menos preocupado con el contenido que ofrecen las cartas. Su papel es
meramente el llevar cada carta a su destinatario correcto. Dios tambin hace lo mismo!"

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says, "God is just like a postman, who takes out of his bag letter after letter and hands each one at the appropriate
address. Members in one house read their letter and burst out in joy. Another household suffers misery with what it received. As for the
postman, he is least concerned with the contents of the letters he delivers. His role is merely to transmit each letter to the correct addressee. God
too does the same!"

Acompaado por Swami Karunyananda, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba una vez fue a
Dharmakshetra en Mumbai. Se qued en su apartamento en el piso superior mientras que
a Karunyananda le dieron una habitacin situada en la planta baja justo debajo de la
habitacin de Baba. Algunas prominentes personas de Mumbai vinieron a conocer a
Bhagavan. La escalera que utilizaban estaba contigua a la sala de la planta baja, y para
evitar ser molestado, Karunyananda puso seguro a la puerta desde el interior. Al mirar
hacia fuera de su ventana, vio una escena muy inquietante. A las afueras del muro del
complejo, algunos nios se disputan con los perros callejeros para agarrar las migajas de
alimentos procedentes de los platos desechados hechos de hoja. La escena lo llen de
sorpresa y angustia. Esta es la edad en la que Dios se ha encarnado en esta tierra y se est
moviendo, en carne y sangre, entre los seres humanos. Lo que es ms, en ese mismo da, l
estaba presente justo en ese mismo edificio. No es irnico que los seres humanos fueron a
pelearce con los perros de la calle para arrebatar unas migas desechadas de comida? As
como estos pensamientos pasaron por su mente , sinti un suave toque en el hombro. Se dio
la vuelta y se encontr Sri Sathya Sai sonriendo y mirandole a los ojos.

Accompanied by Swami Karunyananda, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba once went to Dharmakshethra in Mumbai. He stayed in his apartment on
the upper floor while Karunyananda was given a room situated on the ground floor right beneath Baba's room. Some prominent persons of
Mumbai were coming to meet Bhagavan. The staircase they used was adjoining the ground floor room; and to avoid being disturbed,
Karunyananda bolted his door from inside. As he looked out from his window, he saw a very disturbing scene. Just outside the compound wall,
some children were vying with stray dogs to grab crumbs of food from discarded leaf-plates. The scene filled him with surprise as well as
distress. This is the age when God Himself has incarnated on this earth and is moving, in flesh and blood, among human beings. What's more,
on that very day, He was present right in that very building. Is it not ironical that human beings were to fight with street dogs for snatching a few
discarded crumbs of food? Just as these thoughts passed through his minds, there was a gentle touch on his shoulder. He turned round and found
Sri Sathya Sai smiling and looking into his eyes.

Karunyananda estaba nervioso y dijo, "Swami, asegur mi puerta desde el interior. Cmo
has podido entrar en la habitacin?" Baba respondi: "Si yo quiero entrar, pueden detener
unos pernos mi camino? He venido a llevarte para las comidas." Entonces Karunyananda
relat a Baba acerca de lo que estaba agitndole la cabeza. "Swami, estoy preocupado por
una pequea duda. T eres Dios encarnado ahora mismo, aqu en cuerpo presente. Y acabo
de ver all, detrs de la pared, unos nios que estn luchando con los perros de la calle para
recoger las migas de la comida de la basura. Cmo es esto, Swami?" Bhagavan explic
pacientemente: "Ellos comieron con desdn de mesas repletas de todo tipo de exquicita
comida, picoteando un poco de este y un poco de ese plato. Tiraban mucho ms de lo que
coman, botando con desprecio el preciado alimento. En este nacimiento, estn recogiendo
lo que tenan antes de manera tan irresponsable desperdiciaron y lanzaron al cubo de la

Karunyananda was flustered and said, "Swami, I bolted my door from inside. How could you enter the room?" Baba countered, "If I want to
come in, can bolts stand in my way? I have come to take you for meals." Then Karunyananda told Baba about what was agitating his
mind. "Swami, I am troubled by a small doubt. You are God incarnate and right now present here bodily. And just look there, behind the wall,
children are fighting with street dogs for picking up mean crumbs of food from the garbage. How come, Swami?" Bhagavan explained patiently,
"They disdainfully ate from tables heavily laden with every kind of rich food, pecking a little from this and a little from that plate. They threw
away much more than they ever ate, contemptuously discarding precious food. In this birth, they are picking up what they had earlier so
recklessly wasted and consigned to the garbage heap!"

Posteriormente, con motivo de la Conferencia Mundial de las Organizaciones Sathya Sai
que se llev a cabo en Prashanti Nilayam, Swami Karunyananda se dirigi a la audiencia.
Swami estaba presente en el estrado. En su discurso, Karunyananda refiri el incidente
anterior causando considerable sorpresa por todas partes.

Subsequently, on the occasion of the World Conference of Sathya Sai Organizations that took place in Prashanti Nilayam, Swami Karunyananda
addressed the audience. Swami was present on the dais. In his speech, Karunyananda referred to the above incident causing considerable
surprise all around.

En Sul discurso que le sigui, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba aclar, "Dos pjaros estn
sentados en la rama de un rbol. Uno est comiendo la fruta del rbol. El otro est solo
mirando como un mero testigo. Este incidente fue mencionado en uno de los Upanishads.
El significado interno de esto es: El rbol es el cuerpo; las frutas son la felicidad mundana y
la tristeza; la fruta-eterea es el Alma; el testigo es el Ser Supremo (Paramathma). Las aves
son aparentemente dos entidadesdis distintas, pero en realidad son lo mismo. La esencia
espiritual del hombre esta detrs del Supremo Principio de La reflexin o visin de la
sombra. En las propias palabras de Baba: "El Abhasa-Ruupam del Paramathma es el
Jiivathma") (la forma aparente del Supremo es el individuo) Por lo tanto, la experiencia de
la felicidad y la tristeza es parte del Jiivathma; Aquello no toca al Paramathma.
Paramathma es slo un testigo.". Estas palabras de Bhagavan Baba elaboran el significado
interno de la hermosa desfile Upanishadico de dos pjaros en un rbol.

In His discourse that followed, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba clarified, "Two birds are sitting on a branch of a tree. One is eating the tree's
fruit. The other is just watching like a mere witness. This incident was mentioned in one of the Upanishads. The inner meaning of this is : the
tree is the body; the fruits are worldly happiness and sorrow; the fruit-eater is the Soul; the witness is the Supreme Being (Paramathma). The
birds are no doubt appearing as two distinct entities but actually they are truly the same. The spiritual essence of man is the Supreme Principle's
'Reflection or Shadow Vision.' In Baba's own words : "Paramathma's Abhasa-Roopam is Jeevathma"). Even so, experiencing happiness and
sorrow is the lot of Jeevathma; they do not touch Paramathma. Paramathma is only a witness." These words of Bhagavan Baba elaborate the
inner meaning of the beautiful Upanishadic parade of two birds on a tree.


A pesar de todo lo que se ha dicho antes acerca de que las acciones pasadas engendran
distintas retribucines o recompensas en la vida presente, es un hecho el que si Bhagavan
quiere derramar misericordia y compasin, su bondad no tiene lmites. Es tan espontneo
que no tiene sentido buscar su causa. En este contexto, es pertinente referirse a lo que
Swami relat el 4 de julio de 1996. Era una historia conmovedora y emocion a cada
persona en la reunin.

Despite all that has been stated earlier about past deeds engendering either retribution or reward in the present life, it is a fact that if Bhagavan
Wills to shower mercy and compassion, His kindness knows no limits. It is so spontaneous that it is pointless to search for its cause. In this
context, it is relevant to refer to what Swami recounted on 4th July 1996. It was a heart-warming tale and moved every single person in the

"El muchacho que habl aqu primero, Swami dijo, es oriundo de Simla de Himachal
Pradesh. Su hermano menor tambin est estudiando en la escuela primaria de aqu. Hace
unos diez aos, cuando yo estaba en Brindavan, su madre fue trada a m en una camilla
desde Himachal Pradesh. Puse mis brazos alrededor de los muchachos y los aproxime. Le
dije a su madre: "Estos son mis hijos. De ahora en adelante, no necesitas preocuparse de
ellos en mas. Ella tambin dio su palabra de Swami "Sai Matha (madre Sai), te confio mis
hijos." Y ella dio su ultimo suspiro. Traje a los nios aqu y los matricul en la Escuela
Primaria. A partir de ese da hasta el da de hoy, nunca derramaron una lgrima. Su
madre falleci. Su padre viene, pero raras veces. Todo el mundo los deja al cuidado de
Swami; despus de todo Swami Mismo se comprometi a cuidarles. Esto es exactamente lo
que significa Saranagathi, la entrega total. Veo a estos muchachos maana y tarde todos los
das y pregunto por su bienestar. Ellos nunca experimentaron, aunque sea por un instante,
la miseria de perder a su madre.

"The boy who spoke here first," said Swami, hails from Simla in Himachal Pradesh. His younger brother also is studying in the Primary School
here. About ten years ago, when I was in Brindavan, their mother was brought to Me on a stretcher all the way from Himachal Pradesh. I put my
arms around the boys and drew them close. I told their mother, 'These are My children. From now on, you need not worry about them at all.' She
too gave her word to Swami " 'Sai Matha, I am entrusting my sons to You.' And she breathed her last. I brought the boys here and enrolled them
in the Primary School. From that day right up to this day, they never shed a tear. Their mother passed away; their father comes but
rarely. Everybody left them to Swami's care; after all Swami Himself is looking after them. That is exactly what Saranagathi means, total
surrender. I see these boys morning and evening every day and enquire about their welfare. They never experience, even for a moment, the
misery of losing their mother.

"Un da, la directora del albergue trajo al muchacho ms joven a M diciendo que l estaba
de duelo por su madre, llorando por ella y se negaba a comer. Tena entonces cinco aos de
edad y estaba en el primer nivel. Lo llev a la sala de entrevistas, le puse un anillo en su
dedo, hize esto y aquello, le diverta hasta que l se olvid de su dolor y se puso alegre.
desde entonces, siempre se le ve sonriendo y riendo! Los corazones de los nios son puros y
claros como el cristal. Esto muestra cuanto valor y fuerza de amor se puede otorgar a los
seres queridos.

"One day, the lady warden of the hostel brought the younger boy to Me saying that he was grieving for his mother, weeping for her and refusing
to eat. He was then five years old and was in the first standard. I took him to the interview room, put a ring on his finger, did this and that to
amuse him until he forgot his grief and became cheerful. Ever since, he is always seen smiling and laughing! Children's hearts are pure and clear
like crystal. This shows how much courage and strength love can bestow on the loved ones.

"Podran, estos chicos, haber estado tan contentos y alegres en otro sitio? Estan tan llenos
de felicidad y alegra, debido a que estan con Swami. El Amor de Swami no es el amor de
una sola madre, sino que el amor de Mil madres! Personalmente cuido cada detalle.
Incapaces de entender esto, ustedes se se preocupan, "Swami, no me ha mirado o hablado
conmigo." A pesar de las innumerables responsabilidades que asumo, encuentro tiempo
para cuidar y preguntar por todos los nios. El nio que habl un poco antes dijo, como
todos ustedes han escuchado, He perdido slo a una madre, pero he ganado el amor
maternal de mil madres." Es por ello que al comenzar su charla, se dirigi a Swami: "Mi
Madre Sai". Esta es una fe tan ardiente que los protege y los bendice con el total xito en
sus vidas".

"Could these boys have been so content and cheerful anywhere else? They are so full of happiness and joy because they are with
Swami. Swami's love is not one mother's love but is the love of a thousand mothers. I personally look after every single detail. Unable to
understand this, you worry, "Swami has not looked at me or talked to me." Despite innumerable responsibilities that I shoulder, I find time to
look after and enquire about every single child. The boy who has spoken a little earlier said, as you have all heard, 'I lost only a single mother but
I have gained the motherly love of a thousand mothers.' That is why when commencing his talk, he addressed Swami, 'My Mother Sai'. It is such
ardent faith that protects them and blesses them with complete success in their lives."

Recordacin del Nombre Meditacin en la Forma

Durante ocho largos aos, un devoto extranjero en Prashanti Nilayam haba sido confinado
a una silla de ruedas pues haba perdido el uso de sus piernas. Sin embargo, una sonrisa
agradable siempre iluminaba el rostro del valiente hombre. Antes de su afliccin, solia
hacer ejercicios y participar activamente en los juegos y deportes. Pero el destino le oblig
a esta dependencia de la silla de ruedas. Una vez, varios visitantes de su tierra natal estaban
sentados juntos en el saln de audiencia(hall). Swami los invit a todos a la sala de
entrevistas. Dado que esta persona con discapacidad estaba atado a su silla de ruedas y que
adems estaba en un lugar diferente, no poda ir adentro junto con el grupo, que se haba
precipitado a la sala de entrevistas. l tambin era del mismo pas. No debera Swami
llamarle tambien? Se preguntaba y ansiosamente miraba a Swami. Mientras tanto, Swami
ya lo habia pasado y se adelant un poco ms, pero de repente, se volvi y le grit: "Oh,
usted tambin venga adentro." l se emocion y comenz propulsar su silla hacia la
habitacin. El siempre compasivo Bhagavan le orden: "No as. Levntese y vaya
caminando!" El pobre hombre se sorprendi. Se detuvo, sin embargo, y trat penosamente
de salir de la silla. Laboriosamente, se liber, trastabill un poco, pero pronto recobr la
compostura. Se quebr. Incapaz de controlar su espasmo de llanto, se arroj a los pies de
Loto de Swami. Ocho aos de austeridades y sufrimiento fue as coronados glorioso

For eight long years, a foreign devotee at Prashanti Nilayam had been confined to a wheel chair for he had lost use of his legs. Nevertheless, a
pleasant smile was always lighting up the brave man's face. Prior to his affliction, he used to exercise and actively participate in sports and
games. But fate forced him into this dependence on the wheel chair. Once several visitors from his native land were sitting together in the
audience hall. Swami invited all of them into the interview room. Since this handicapped person was tied down to his wheel-chair and was also
at a different place, he could not move in along with the group, who had rushed into the interview room. He too was from the same
country. Should not Swami have called him as well? He was wondering and eagerly looking towards Swami. Meanwhile, Swami had already
passed him by and went ahead a little further; but suddenly, He turned back and called out to him, "Oh, you also go inside." He was thrilled and
began propelling his chair towards the room. The ever-compassionate Bhagavan ordered him, "Not like that. Get up and go walking!" The poor
man was shocked. He stopped nevertheless and tried painfully to get out of his chair. Laboriously, he freed himself, stumbled a little but soon
pulled himself together. He broke down. Unable to control his spasms of weeping, he threw himself at the Lotus Feet of Swami. Eight years of
thapas and suffering was thus crowned with glorious fulfillment.

Swami dijo en una ocasin: "Ustedes pueden pensar que uno debe sufrir en esta vida por
las malas acciones hechas en vidas pasadas; Y que ninguna compasin de Dios te puede
eximir de ello. Pero Yo les estoy dando mi palabra de que no necesitan tener que
someterste a las consecuencias del karma previo". Mientras, l sea adorado,' Sarva papa
kshayakaraya namah'.

Swami said on one occasion, "You may be thinking that one will have to suffer in this birth for the evil deeds done in past lives; and that no
amount of God's compassion can exempt you from it. But I am giving you my word that you need not have to undergo the consequences of
previous karma." Hence, He is worshipped, 'Sarva papa kshayakaraya namah.'

Cierto. Miren a todos aquellos que estn sufriendo de enfermedad y se han reunido en
Puttaparthi, sentados y esperando a Baba. Ellos se han rendido totalmente a los Pies de
Loto de Swami. Despus de haber dejado todas sus preocupaciones en las manos de Swami,
no parecen estar sufriendo en absoluto. Si fueran a otro lugar, la intensidad de su
enfermedad les habra hecho miserables. Ellos han estado experimentando la agona del
infierno. Aqu, mientras esperan con las ganas de la suprema felicidad de tener el darshan
de Swami, no sufren, sino que se pierden en el anhelo. Y durante el darshan, son
transportados a la beatitud celestial. Se olvidan de s mismos, dejan sus planes y dolores.
Despus que el darshan ha terminado, reviven su experiencia maravillosa; rememoranza
que se suma al placer y lo prolonga. Ellos meditan en la forma de Swami. Conversando
con los dems, compartiendo experiencias y recordando la dulzura de las palabras, los
hechos y los lilas de Swami - el tiempo vuela literalmente. Entonces, comienzan a desear el
darshan del da siguiente con la esperanza, el anhelo, la expectativa y la imaginacin. Los
devotos nunca saben como pasan las horas en Prashanti Nilayam. Cundo se encuentra el
tiempo para experimentar la retribucin? Ellos estn protegidos y aislados del sufrimiento
y el dolor del mismo modo que un paciente est bajo anestesia y se protege del dolor. El
perodo de sufrir penas pasa sin problemas con la audicin (sravan), recordacion (smaran),
contemplacion (manan), meditacin (chinthan), visin (darshan) y contacto (sparshan) - en
otras palabras, llenan su cuerpo y alma con Swami, su divinidad y su gloria!

True enough. Look at all those who are suffering from disease, and have gathered in Puttaparthi, sitting and waiting for Baba. They have totally
surrendered themselves at Swami's Lotus Feet. Having left all their cares in the hands of Swami, they do not seem to be suffering at all. If they
were somewhere else, the intensity of their illness would have made them miserable. They would have been experiencing the agony of
hell. Here, as they wait looking forward to the supreme happiness of having Swami's darshan, they suffer not; they are lost in anticipation. And
during darshan, they are transported to heavenly bliss. They forget themselves, lost to their plans and aches. After darshan is over, they relive in
their wonderful experience; rumination adds to that pleasure and prolongs it. They meditate on the form of Swami. Conversing with others,
sharing of experiences and recollecting the sweetness of Swami's words, deeds and leelas - their time literally flies. Then, they begin looking
forward to the next day's darshan with hope, anticipation, expectation and imagination. Devotees never know passage of hours in Prashanti
Nilayam. When do they find time to experience retribution? They are shielded and insulated from suffering and sorrow just as a patient under
anesthesia is protected from pain. The period of suffering retribution passes off smoothly with hearing (sravan), remembering (smaran),
contemplating (manan), meditating (chinthan), viewing (darshan) and touching (sparshan) - in other words, in filling one's body and soul with
Swami, His divinity and glory!

Entrar en Prashanti Nilayam, tanto fsica como metafricamente, no es ms que
Pariharam, es decir, el remedio para el alivio del dolor de todo tipo.

Entry into Prashanti Nilayam, both physically and metaphorically, is nothing but Pariharam, that is, remedy for and relief from sorrow of every

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih
Fin del captulo 15
End of Chapter 15


DA 7 : ( Continuacin)
Captulo 16

DAY 7 : (Contd.)
Chapter 16

Hare nama Hare nama Hare nama Aiva Kevalam
Kalow nastheiva nastheiva gathir anyatha

"El canto del Nombre del Seor es el nico camino a la liberacin en la Edad de Kali. Slo
El Nombre de Dios puede redimirnos. Cualquier gran tarea se puede lograr mediante el
canto del nombre divino."
~ Baba ~

"Chanting of the Lord's name is the only way to liberation in the Kali Age. God's name only will redeem us. Any mighty task can be achieved by
chanting the divine name."
~ Baba ~

Nama smarana significa recordar o cantar el nombre de Dios repetidas veces. Es una de
las prcticas espirituales encomendadas al aspirante que realiza esfuerzos para llegar a
Dios. La importancia que Swami le confiere es ilustrada por un incidente.

Nama smaran means remembering or chanting God's name repeatedly. It is one of the spiritual practices enjoined on an aspirant endeavouring to
reach God. The importance Swami attaches to it is illustrated by an incident.

Un devoto pregunt, "Swami, a menudo omos acerca de la entrega total (saranagathi).
Cmo se puede lograr esto?" Swami respondi suavemente. "Bangaru, saranagathi est
ms all de ti, por qu te preocupas por eso? Utiliza el Nama-Smarana (repeticion del
nombre). Dios mismo estar a su entera disposicin.
A devotee asked, Swami, we often hear about total surrender (saranagathi). How is one to accomplish it? Swami answered softly. Bangaru,
saranagathi is beyond you; why do you bother about it? Resort to nama smaran. God Himself will be at your beck and call.

Swami explic una vez la especial importancia del nama-smarana, "Es la ms sublime de
todas las prcticas espirituales. Consiste en japam (canto del nombre de Dios en forma
reiterada), es la ms infalible penitencia (tapas). Kuchela pudo obtener la gracia del Seor
Sri Krishna slo a travs del nama-smarana. Al hacer el nama-smarana, entonar el nombre
con fervor y profunda devocin y amor. Se te otorga un inmenso beneficio. En este Kali
Yuga, el nama-smarana es suficiente para ganar la salvacin y la liberacin del del
ininterrumpido ciclo de nacimiento y muerte.

Swami once explained the special significance of nama smaran, It is the most sublime of all the spiritual practices. It consists of japam
(chanting of Gods name repeatedly); it is the most infallible penance (thapas). Kuchela could attain Lord Sri Krishnas grace only through nama
smaran. When you do nama smaran, intone the name with fervour, deep devotion and love. It bestows on you immense benefit. In this Kali
Yuga, nama smaran is enough to earn salvation and release from the otherwise unbroken cycle of birth and death.

"Nama-smarana es la nica medicina divina capaz de curar la falta de ecuanimidad
mental, la avaricia y otros males que les atormentan. Les da paz duradera y alegra.

Nama smaran is the one and only divine medicine capable of curing you of lack of mental equanimity, avarice and other ills which torment you.
It gives you abiding peace and contentment.

"El nombre que elijan puede ser cualquiera de los miles de nombres de Dios. O, puede ser
cualquiera de los nombres que actualmente son de uso comn en cualquier religin, pas o
regin del mundo, o en cualquier agrupacin de devotos. Seleccionen cualquier nombre y
dediquenle al menos cinco minutos cada da para nama-smarana, que sea una parte de su
rutina diaria. Esto les dar un inmenso beneficio.

The name you choose can be any one of the thousands of names of God. Or, it can be any one of the names now in common use in any religion,
country or region of the world, or in any section of devotees. Select any name and devote at least five minutes every day for nama smaran; make
it a part of your daily routine. It will give you immense benefit.


Hace mucho tiempo, una devota llamada Thulasamma resida en Prashanti Nilayam. Una
vez, mientras iba a su tierra natal en un rickshaw (mototaxi), el vehculo se lanz contra un
rbol rod y volc en un lugar desierto. Ella result gravemente herida en la mueca.
Mientras caia del taximoto, grit en voz alta, "Sai Ram" En el momento del accidente, un
coche lleg a ese lugar solitario. El conductor tom tanto a Thulasamma como al conductor
del taxi-moto y se los llev a su casa. La seora era consciente de que su herida era muy
grave. Pero, como se lleg a conocer ms tarde, haba sido rescatada de un destino ms

A long time ago, a devotee called Thulasamma was residing in Prashanti Nilayam. Once while she was going to her native place by auto
rickshaw, the vehicle dashed against a wayside tree and overturned at a deserted place. She was seriously wounded in her wrist. While falling
down from the auto rickshaw, she loudly cried, Sai ram! Within moments of accident, a car arrived at that lonely spot. The driver picked up
both Thulasamma and the auto-driver and took them to his house. The lady was aware that her wound was serious enough. But, as she came to
know later, she had been rescued from a more terrible fate.

Durante el interrogatorio, el conductor del auto revel algunos detalles sorprendentes.
Cuando se dio cuenta de los costosos adornos de oro sobre su cuerpo, sinti la tentacin de
robarles. Por eso se dirigi a ese lugar aislado e intencionalmente se estrell en el rbol.
Esperaba que Thulasamma quedase inconsciente y que sera capaz de arrancarce con sus
adornos. Pero en el momento del impacto, de repente grit: "Sai Ram!" Ese nama-
smarana tuvo el efecto de cambiar su opinin. Se sorprendi de que justo en el momento de
su terrible experiencia, ella pudiese pronunciar el nombre de Dios con tanto fervor. Sinti
que ella devia ser muy noble y piadosa, y que no debia robarle a la dama. Por otra parte,
aunque normalmente el lugar estaba casi todo el tiempo poco frecuentado, es sorprendente
que alguien en ese especfico da llegace en coche en el momento crucial y arruinara su
plan. El conductor del veiculo fue perturbado por esta coincidencia. Fue la intercesin
divina? El pobre hombre se estremeci ante la sola idea.

During interrogation, the auto-driver revealed some startling details. When he noticed expensive gold ornaments on her body, he was tempted to
rob them. That was why he drove to that isolated spot and intentionally crashed into the tree. He expected Thulasamma to become unconscious
and he would be able to get away with her ornaments. But at the moment of impact, she suddenly cried out, Sai Ram! That nama smaran had
the effect of changing his mind. He was surprised that just at the moment of her terrible ordeal, she could utter Gods name so fervently. He felt
that she must be very noble and pious and that he should not rob such a lady. Moreover, although normally the spot was most of the time
unfrequented, surprisingly on that specific day somebody came in a car at the crucial moment and ruined his plan. The auto-driver was disturbed
at this coincidence. Was it divine intercession? The poor fellow shuddered at the very thought.

El conductor confes todo esto a Thulasamma, narr todos los detalles del incidente y
expres remordimiento sincero. No se detuvo all. A partir de entonces, se convirti en
amable y muy cercanno a ella. l la visitaba a menudo y preguntaba acerca de su bienestar.
Se convirti, por as decirlo, de hecho en un amigo ntimo, un pariente bien intencionado.
Este episodio pone de manifiesto el poder del nama-smarana.

The driver confessed all this to Thulasamma, narrated every detail of the incident and expressed sincere remorse. He did not stop there. From that
time onwards, he became friendly and very close to her. He would visit her often and enquire about her welfare. He became, as it were, an
intimate friend in fact, a well-meaning relative. This episode highlights the power of nama smaran.


Pedda Botu, la gran devota de Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba, de quien leemos lo de antes, a
menudo preguntaba, "Swami, qu es la meditacin (dhyana) y cual es la forma de
hacerla?" Swami sola aquietarla. l no hacia ms que decir: "No te preocupes por Dhyana
(meditacin). T haces nama-smarana (repeticion del nombre). Eso es suficientemente
bueno." Una noche ella estaba durmiendo debajo de un rbol frente a la residencia de
Swami. Cuando empez a lloviznar, se quit de ah y se dispuso a dormir en la terraza
fuera de la habitacin de Swami. Como ella estaba haciendo su cama, dijo para si, como
una cuestin de hbito, "Om Sri Sai Ram". Swami sali y le dijo, "tonta, no quieres
permitirme dormir?" Pedda Botu dijo, "Swami, quien te ha impedido dormir? "Swami
replic, "Cuando Me convocas, cmo podria ir a la cama y dormir?" la pobre seora
explic: "Tengo el hbito de hacer nama-smarana y pronunciar, 'Om Sri Sai Ram,' dentro
de m. No tena la intencin de llamarte." Bhagavan le pregunt, "Qu significa japam?
Equivale a llamarme. El Nama-smarana no es diferente de convocar el Dios".

Pedda Botu, the great devotee of Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba, of whom we read about earlier, often asked Him, Swami, what is meditation
(dhyan) and how to do it? Swami used to put her off. He would merely say, Dont bother about Dhyan. You are doing nama smaran. That is
good enough. One night she was sleeping under a tree opposite Swamis residence. As it began to drizzle, she removed herself from there and
prepared to sleep in the verandah outside Swamis room. As she was making her bed, she said to herself, as a matter of habit, Om Sri Sai Ram.
Swami came out and pulled her up, you stupid, wont you allow Me to sleep? Pedda Botu said, Swami, who stopped You from sleeping?
Swami retorted, When you are summoning Me, how can I go to bed and sleep? The poor lady explained, I am in the habit of doing nama
smaran and uttered, Om Sri Sai Ram, within myself. I did not intend to call you. Bhagavan called her, What does that japam mean? It
amounts to calling Me. Nama smaran is no different from summoning the God.


Moorthy, el hijo de Sri Kasturi, estaba haciendo una investigacin en Geologa. A este
respecto, tuvo que recorrer las zonas forestales en el Assam. En una ocasin, cuando estaba
solo, un oso salvaje se fij en l y comenz a acercarce. Moorthy huy para salvar su vida,
pero el animal sigui persiguiendolo. A medida que pas por encima de algunas rocas en su
desesperada huida para salvarce, se tropez y cay al suelo, pero sigui llorando en voz
alta, "Baba, Baba." En cuestin de segundos un camin a motor apareci all de la nada y
Moorthy encontr la se salv entrando en el. Despus de unos meses, se encontraba en
Prashanti Nilayam. Swami le dijo, "Yo recib su llamada telefnica y despach un camin.
Lleg a tiempo?"

Moorthy, Sri Kasturi's son, was doing research in Geology. In that connection, he had to tour forest areas in Assam. On one occasion, when he
was alone, a wild bear noticed him and began closing in on him. Moorthy fled for his life but the animal continued to chase him. As he ran over
some rocks in his desperate flight to safety, he tripped and fell down but continued to cry loudly, "Baba, Baba." Within moments a motor truck
appeared there from nowhere and Moorthy found safety by getting into it. After a few months, he happened to be in Prashanti Nilayam. Swami
told him, "I received your phone call and despatched a truck. Did it reach you in time?"


Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba describi una vez el poder de Maya de una manera
metafrica. Dijo: "Dios es el Amo de Maya (espejismo; ilusin, ignorancia). Maya es como
un horrible perro guardian de pie en la entrada de la casa de Dios y no permite que los
forasteros se acerquen. Si tienes serios deseos de llegar a alcanzar a Dios, slo hay dos
maneras. El primer camino es adquirir la forma del Maestro. Entonces el perro no le daa
en absoluto. Esto se conoce como saruupya, es decir, asumiendo la forma de Dios. Pero no
debes cometer el ms mnimo error, de lo contrario el perro no te perdonar.

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba once described the power of Maya in a metaphorical way. He said, God is the Master of maya (delusion; illusion;
ignorance). Maya is like a terrible dog standing guard at the entrance of the Gods home and does not allow outsiders to come near Him. If you
are earnest about reaching God, there are only two ways. The first course is to put on the form of the Master. Then the dog does not harm you at
all. This is known as saroopya, that is, assuming Gods form. But you should not make the slightest mistake; otherwise the dog will not spare

"El segundo camino es clamar por el Maestro en voz alta. Oir tu clamor. Vendr a ti, te
recibir con los brazos abiertos y, sosteniendo tu mano, te llevar dentro con amabilidad
desbordante. Esto se llama samiipya, es decir, estar en compaa cercana de Dios. El perro
no te har ningn dao, mientras estes con tu Maestro. Siendo el perro mascota de Dios,
maya le obedece. Si l quiere, esta no te dar problemas, no sers tocado, no sabrs de
ningn miedo".

The second course is to cry out for the Master in a loud voice. He will hear your cry. He comes to you, receives you with open arms and, holding
your hand, leads you inside with overflowing kindness. This is called sameepya, that is, being in closest company with God. The dog will not do
any harm to you, as you are with his Master. Being Gods pet dog, maya obeys Him. If He Wills it not to give you trouble, you will not be
touched; you will know no fear.

Qu simple y hermosa parbola es la que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai nos ha dado! El ha
revelado como l, se rinde a Su devoto. Qu tan fcil es el segundo camino! El devoto no
tiene ms que llamar a Dios con todo fervor, con todo su corazn, con la agona en su voz,
con el anhelo que inunde todo su ser. Esto es nama-smarana. Millones de devotos de Sai
han encontrado a travs de su experiencia personal que Dios responde al NAMA-
SMARANA y se presenta ante Su devoto con misericordia y compasin ilimitada.

What a simple and beautiful parable Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai has given us! He has revealed how He, of His own violation, surrenders to His
devotee. How easy is the second course! The devotee has only to call God most earnestly, with all his heart, with agony in his voice, with
yearning suffusing his whole being. This is nama smaran. Millions of Sai devotees have found through personal experience that God responds to
nama smaran and presents Himself before His devotee with boundless mercy and compassion.

La exhortacin de Baba es que el incesante Namasmarana de una deidad eleva tanto al
devoto, que l alcanza la forma de esa Deidad. Bhagavan dice que el incesante smarana del
nombre del Seor Rama por su hermano Bharata, se tradujo en el Ramayana, y en este
sentido permiti que todos supieran de Rama. Algo similar sucedi con Uddhava en Sri
Maha Bhagavata que hizo smarana ininterrumpido del nombre del Seor Sri Krishna.

Babas exhortation is that incessant nama smaran of a deity so elevates the devotee that he attains the form of that deity. Bhagavan says that
incessant smaran of Lord Sri Ramas name by his brother Bharatha, resulted in Ramayana, in the latter looking like Sri Rama to all. A similar
thing happened with Uddhava in Sri Maha Bhagavat who did uninterrupted smaran of Lord Sri Krishnas name.

"Cuando hagas nama-smarana, hazlo con gran anhelo, ancias y amor a Dios. Dios siempre
ve principalmente por la intensidad en la oracin de Su devoto", dijo Baba e ilustr esta
afirmacin con la siguiente historia encantadora.

"When you do nama smaran, fill it with great longing, anguish and love for God. God always looks mainly for the intensity in His devotee's
prayer," said Baba and illustrated the statement with the following charming story.

"Adi Sankara entonces era un nio pequeo. Su deidad de la familia era la diosa Raja-
Isvari. El Padre de Sankara frecuentaba adorar a la Diosa cada da. Un da, tuvo que salir
a un lugar por negocios. Por lo tanto, confi la tarea del culto de la Devi al nio.

"Adi Sankara was then a little child. Their family deity was Goddess Raja Rajeswari. Sankara's father used to worship the Devi every day. One
day, he had to go out to some place on business. Therefore, he entrusted the task of Devi worship to the little boy.

"El nio llev a cabo la adoracin como de costumbre y ritualmente ofreci leche a la
deidad. Esper y esper con la esperanza. Siempre haba creido que Devi realmente bebia
la leche ofrecida por su padre todos los das. As que esper a que Devi tomara leche. Pero
esto no sucedi. Con gran angustia y con lgrimas en sus mejillas, el nio solicitaba
fervorosamente: "Qu es lo que pasa, mi madre? No aceptas la leche que te ofresco? No
me bendices con tu gracia?" El corazn maternal de la Madre Suprema se fundi en la
compasin y lstima al ver la agona en el corazn de la ofrenda del nio! Y ella trag toda
la leche que el pequeo devoto ofreci.

"The child performed worship as usual and ritually offered milk to the deity. He waited and waited in expectation. He had always believed that
Devi was actually drinking the milk offered by his father every day. So he waited for Devi to take milk. But it did not happen. In great anguish
and with tears flowing down his cheeks, the little boy earnestly pleaded, "What is the matter, my Mother? Won't You accept milk offered by
me? Won't You bless me with Your grace?" The motherly heart of the Supreme Mother melted in compassion and pity on seeing the agony in
the tender child's heart! And she gulped down the whole of the milk that the little devotee offered.

"Sankara sabia que la leche que su padre ofrecia diariamente a la Devi era tratada como
santa, y despus del Puuja(adoracion), su padre le daba un poco de eso como 'Thiirtham'
(alimento lquido bendecido) a cada miembro de la familia, pero en este da, ni una gota
qued para dicha distribucin. La Diosa la tomo toda de un solo trago. Tema que los
dems miembros de la familia lo acusaran a l de haber ingerido toda leche. Abrumado por
la vergenza y la desesperacin, Sankara llor. Movido por su angustia de nuevo, la
Misericordiosa Devi colmo el recipiente de leche, pero no la derram de su mano; la leche
que ella dio vino directamente de los pechos de la Madre Divina. As la oracin agonizante
de Sankara fue cumplida con creces por la Madre".

"Sankara knows that the milk which his father daily offers to Devi was treated as holy; and after pooja, his father would give a little of that as
'theertham' (liquid prasadam) to every member of the family. But on this day, not a drop remained for such distribution. The Goddess has taken
all in a single gulp. He feared that other members of the family would suspect him of having swallowed the entire quantity of milk. Overcome
by shame and desperation, Sankara wept. Moved by his distress again, the Merciful Devi filled the container full with milk. She did not pour
milk from her hand; the milk that she gave came directly from the Divine Mother's breasts. Sankara's agonised prayer was thus amply fulfilled by
the Mother."

Un incidente similar ocurri exactamente hace muy poco tiempo, lo cual Swami narr
como sigue: "Una persona, que ahora est aqu en medio de ustedes, de repente grit:"
Swami ! con voz emocionada y en voz alta. Yo detecte la seal de socorro, la fe y el anhelo
de ese grito. Lo que sucedi fue que el sari de su esposa se haba incendiado. Las llamas
rugan. Aturdida por el terror, ella no poda recordarme. El marido impotente y
desesperado grit por m. El se encontraba a 200 kilmetros de aqu. en el momento en que
escuch la llamada, fuy all y apage las llamas antes de que pudieran hacer mucho dao. Lo
que me llev fue la profunda angustia en ese grito."

An exactly similar incident happened very recently, which Swami narrated as follows " 'A person, who is now here among you, suddenly cried
out, 'Swami!' in an excited and loud voice. I senses the distress, faith and yearning in that cry. What happened was that the saree of his wife had
caught fire. Flames raged. Stunned by terror, she could not remember Me. The husband was helpless and desperate and cried out for Me. Their
place is 200 miles away from here. The moment I heard the call, I was there and put out the flames before much harm could be done. What drew
Me there was the deep anguish in that cry."


Un da, durante la audiencia pblica de Swami (darshan), un devoto le llamaba de forma
continua con gran angustia, "Swami, Swami! " Swami se fij en l y lo invit a pasar a la
sala de entrevistas. l anhelaba el amor de Swami, la proximidad divina de Swami y de una
oportunidad de conversar con Swami. Swami entr en la habitacin, cerr la puerta y
cerr el seguro. El devoto no pudo contenerse por ms tiempo. Y dijo: "Swami, he estado
esperando desde hace tres semanas. Durante tres semanas largas, Swami !" Swami dio la
vuelta y le dijo cariosamente: "Bangaru, sabes por cuntos aos he estado esperando por
ti ?" El hombre se estremeci! Bhagavan? Realmente esperandolo? A l? Estaba
abrumado ante la idea. Incapaz de soportar el impacto de la inundacin de amor de Baba,
comenz a llorar.

One day, during Swami's public audience, a devotee was continuously calling Him in great anguish, "Swami, Swami!" Swami noticed him and
invited him into the interview room. He was longing for Swami's love, for Swami's divine proximity and for an opportunity of conversing with
Swami. Swami entered the room, closed the door and was bolting it. The devotee could not hold himself any longer. He blurted out, "Swami, I
have been waiting for you for the last three weeks. For three long weeks, Swami!" Swami turned around and said affectionately, "Bangaru, do
you know for how many years I have been waiting for you?" The man was thunder-struck! Bhagavan? Actually waiting? For him? He was
overwhelmed at the thought. Unable to bear the impact of the flood of Baba's love, he started weeping.

S, es un hecho que Swami est esperando a cada momento por cada uno de nosotros,
preguntando, "Cundo vas a venir, cundo?" l dice: "Cada vez que vienes a m,
Bangaru, me encontrars en espera de tu llegada." Pero los devotos se excusan, "Swami, no
puedo ir ahora. Estoy profundamente enredado en muchas cosas. Me encuentro
esclavizado. Soy incapaz de llegar ahora, Swami. "Bhagavan es indulgente. l le dice a sus
devotos, "No te preocupes en absoluto, Bangaru. No importa si no eres capaz de llegar.
Toma tu propio tiempo. Pero por lo que a m respecta, siempre espero por ti." Esa llegada
puede tomar varias vidas o nacimientos, incluso!

Yes, it is a fact that Swami is waiting every moment for each one of us, wondering, "When will he come, when?" He says, "Whenever you come
to me, Bangaru, you will find Me awaiting your arrival." But the devotees excuse themselves, "Swami, I cannot come just now. I am deeply
entangled in many things. I find myself enslaved. I am unable to come at present, Swami." Bhagavan is indulgent. He reassures His devotees,
"Don't worry at all, Bangaru. It does not matter when you will be able to come. Take your own time. But so far as I am concerned, I will always
be awaiting you." That arrival may take several lifetimes or births even!

Varios devotos abogan por una entrevista personal con Swami. "Swami, Swami, entrevista
por favor", gritan. l responde: "Espera, espera." Esto no significa simplemente que ellos
deben esperar su turno, sino que tambin significa que son demasiado 'pesado', demasiado
pesado! Tienen que anhelar muchos das ms, o incluso muchos ms aos en algunos casos,
tienen que sufrir la agona de no ser llamados a su presencia. Despus de que se sometan
algunas austeridades. Despus de alguna penitencia, Swami les invita a una entrevista. Es
decir, el buscador debe primero "perder peso", a travs de la austeridad, la mortificacin,
el incesante nama-smarana, y la meditacin de Swami, l tiene que desprenderce de la
carga de males como el apego y el odio (Raga-dvesha), que lo agobia. Cuando el devoto se
prepara de esta manera, cuando se elimina la carga de "peso" y se convierte en "luz",
Swami ciertamente le invita a que venga cerca de l.

Several devotees plead for a personal interview with Swami. "Swami, Swami, interview please," they cry out. He answers, "Wait, wait." It does
not mean merely that they should await their turn; it also means that they are too 'weighty', too heavy! They have to long for many more days, or
even many more years in some cases; they have to suffer the agony of not being called to his presence. After they undergo some thapas. After
some penance, Swami invites them for interview. That is to say, the seeker should first 'lose weight'; through austerity, self-mortification,
incessant nama smaran, and meditation on Swami; he has to unburden himself of the load of evils like attachment and hatred (Raga-dvesha)
which are weighing him down. When the devotee prepares himself in this manner, when the burden of 'weight' is shed and he becomes 'light',
Swami would certainly invite him to come close to Him.

Swami mismo explic esto de una manera diferente. Dijo: "Cuanto ms te acercas a m,
ms ganas mi amor, te vuelves ms propenso a "quemar". "Lo qu debe ser quemado son
nuestros males, defectos e impurezas. Tal quema conduce a la purificacin espiritual, para
el refinamiento. A medida que el proceso de quema es acompaado por el amor de Swami,
que acta como un escudo, el aspirante es capaz de soportar la prueba de fuego.

Swami Himself explained this in a different manner. He said, "The more you come close to me, the more you earn my love, you become more
likely to 'burn'." What will be burnt are our evils, defects and impurities. Such a burning leads to spiritual purification, to refinement. As the
process of burning is accompanied by Swami's love, which acts a shield, the aspirant is able to withstand the fiery ordeal.


Cuando Kasturi era director de un colegio en Davangere, Karnataka, tena un ayudante
llamado Ananthappa. Ese hombre tena una gran devocin por Swami. Siempre reuna los
materiales para el Puuja como flores, frutas, incienso y alcanfor, necesarios para los
bhajans en la casa de su amo. Para asegurarse de que fueran de la mejor calidad, iba a
explorar todo el mercado, tienda por tienda. Estando en frente de la imagen de Swami en la
casa, le imploraba acongojado que dejara caer una flor en su mano. Lo hacia secretamente
delante de la imagen de Swami conversando con l. De pronto se le dio una Guirnalda que
desapareci de la imagen de Swami, l lo interpret como prasadam santo. Un da, Swami
le dio una de sus fotografas, una grande, a Kasturi y le dijo: "Toma esto Davangere y
colocalo en el templo de Ananthappa" La humilde Shanty (paz) de Ananthappa
verdaderamente se transform en un templo por la palabra de Baba! El Vibhuti manaba
de esa fotografa y un sinnmero de personas venian a buscarlo. Una vez, Swami coment
tambin que Ananthappa era como Vibhiishana en Sri Lanka (en el Ramayana).

When Sri Kasturi was Principal of a college in Davangere, Karnataka, he had an attendant called Ananthappa. That man had great devotion for
Swami. He would gather pooja materials like flowers, fruit, joss sticks and camphor, needed for the bhajans in his master's home. To ensure that
they were of the best quality, he would scout the entire market, shop by shop. Standing in front of Swami's picture in the house, he would
implore him most pitiably to let a flower drop into his hand. He would be alone in front of Swami's picture conversing with Him. When a faded
garland removed from Swami's image was given to him, he would treat it as holy prasadam. One day, Swami gave one of his photographs, a
large one, to Sri Kasturi and told him, "Take this to Davangere and place it in Ananthappa's temple." Ananthappa's humble shanty truly became a
temple by Baba's word! Vibhuthi was dropping out of that photograph and countless people came seeking it. Once, Swami remarked also that
Ananthappa was like Vibheeshana in Sri Lanka (in Ramayana).

El esposo de la hija menor de Ananthappa trabajaba en el Departamento de Ferrocarriles
en Mysore. La pareja se aloj en una casa oscura en Bangalore. Ese hombre era de
carcter celoso; dudaba incluso la castidad de su esposa. l la acosaba sin cesar. Ella estaba
limitada a una habitacin como un prisionero. Nadie poda intervenir y llevarlo al camino
de la razn.

The husband of Ananthappa's younger daughter was working in the Department of Railways in Mysore. The couple stayed in an obscure house
in Bangalore. That fellow was of a suspicious nature; he doubted even his wife's chastity. He harassed her incessantly. She was confined to a
room like a prisoner. Nobody could intervene and bring him to the path of reason.

Incapaz de aguantar a ese tipo de persecucin, la pobre mujer implor a su esposo que la
llevara a Sri Sathya Sai Baba en Puttaparthi. Si Baba declar que ella era casta, dijo, su
marido debe dejar que estes en paz, de lo contrario, ella podra poner fin a su vida en
Puttaparthi mismo.

Unable to put up with such persecution, the poor woman implored her husband to take her to Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Puttaparthi. If Baba declared
her to be chaste, she said, her husband should let her be in peace; otherwise, she would end her life in Puttaparthi itself.

Ananthappa, su esposa, su hija y su yerno viajaron a Puttaparthi. Swami era todo bondad.
Los invit a pasar a la sala de entrevistas y le dijo al yerno de Ananthappa" Su esposa es
casta y tan pura como Sita, la esposa del Seor Sri Rama. Ella es como la diosa Parvati, la
consorte del Seor Shiva." l trat de razonar con l. Pero al hombre no le haca ninguna
gracia las palabras de Swami y se convirti en abusivo. Swami lo ech y cerr la puerta
tras l. Aconsej Ananthappa que no se preocupara. Tambin le asegur que el hombre
seguramente se enmendaria pronto y viviria en la felicidad con su esposa.

Ananthappa, his wife, their daughter and son-in-law travelled to Puttaparthi. Swami was all kindness. He invited them into the interview room
and told Ananthappa's son-in-law, "Your wife is illustrious and as pure as Sita, wife of Lord Sri Rama. She is like Goddess Parvathi, consort of
Lord Shiva." He tried to reason with him. But the fellow did not relish Swami's words and became abusive. Swami threw him out and closed
the door on him. He advised Ananthappa not to worry. He also assured him that the man would surely mend his ways soon and live in happiness
with his wife.

En el camino de vuelta, llegaron a Penugonda tarde en la noche. Se sentaron en la estacin
de ferrocarril esperando el tren de medianoche desde Guntakal. El yerno de Ananthappa
insultaba y basuriaba a los hombres santos y mendicantes. Ananthappa estaba angustiado
porque el hombre no haba cambiado, obviamente, sus malos habitos. El tren entr en la
medianoche. El joven ayud Ananthappa, su esposa e hija a subirse en un bagon de tercera
clase y l se subi a un bagon de primera clase. Poda viajar en un bagon de primera clase,
ya que era un empleado del ferrocarril.

On the way back, they reached Penugonda late in the night. They sat in the railway station awaiting the midnight train from
Guntakal. Ananthappa's son-in-law went blabbering and rubbishing holy men and mendicants. Ananthappa was distressed because the man had
not obviously changed his evil ways. The train steamed in at midnight. The boy helped Ananthappa, his wife and daughter into a third class
coach of the train and boarded a first class coach himself. He could travel in a first class coach, as he was a railway employee.

Cerca de la 01:00 de la maana, es decir, una hora despus de la medianoche, el tren se
detuvo en una estacin llamada Thondi Bhavi. De repente, el yerno de Ananthappa
comenz a gritar de dolor y gemir en voz alta. Al or el ruido molesto, el guardia entr en el
coche. El Personal del tren en la estacin tambin se reuni para averiguar lo que pasaba, y
cual era el problema. El joven se encontr frotndose las mejillas. Aterrorizado, estaba
mirando furtivamente a su alrededor. El guardia le pregunt: "Quin entr en este
compartimiento y golpe sus mejillas?"

At about 1 am, i.e., an hour after midnight, the train stopped at a station called Thondi Bhavi. Suddenly, Ananthappa's son-in-law began
screaming in pain and moaning loudly. Hearing the disturbing noise, the guard came into the coach. Railway staff in the station also gathered to
find out what's happened, and what was the problem. The fellow was found rubbing his cheeks. Terror-stricken, he was furtively looking all
around. The guard asked him, "Who entered this compartment and slapped your cheeks?"

Llorando y gimiendo, se baj del tren, fue y se sent en la sala de la Estacin Maestra y le
cont lo que haba sucedido. "Alrededor de 6 millas por delante de la estacin de Thondi
Bhavi," dijo, "las luces en el compartimento de repente se encendieron. Me levant y me
sent en mi litera. Haba una iluminacin rojiza como si Sai Baba hubiera llenado todo el
espacio. Baba comenz a golpear mis mejillas. l era todo el espacio a mi alrededor y yo
estaba recibiendo golpes desde todas las direcciones. Mientras golpeaba mis mejillas, deca,
"Te niegas a creerme cuando digo que tu mujer es inocente y casta? Quieres dejar de
acosarla o no? Ella es hija Ma. No slo ella, todos los oprimidos son Mis hijos. Vas a
obedecerme?" Quieres?" A medida que el tren se acercaba a esta estacin, la iluminacin
rojiza desapareci. Luz brillante normal tom su lugar."

Weeping and moaning, he got down from the train, went and sat in the Station Master's room and told him what had happened. "About 6 miles
ahead of Thondi Bhavi station," he said, "lights in the compartment were suddenly switched on. I got up and sat on my berth. There was reddish
illumination as if Sai Baba had filled the whole space. Baba started slapping my cheeks. He was all over the space around me and I was
receiving slaps from every direction. As he beat on my cheeks, he was saying, "You refuse to believe Me, when I say that your wife is innocent
and chaste? Will you stop harassing her or not? She is My child. Not only she, all the oppressed are My children. Will you obey Me?" Will
you?" As the train approached this station, the reddish illumination disappeared. Normal bright light took its place."

Despus de este incidente, se produjo una transformacin radical en la vida de la pareja.
Ellos comenzaron a vivir de forma amistosa en completa armona y amor.

After this incident, there was radical transformation in the couple's lives. They started living amicably in complete harmony and love.

Despus de unos meses, Bhagavan Baba estaba conversando con algunos devotos. Dijo que
Shirdi Sai Baba a menudo mostraba ira pero que este presente Avathar era uno de amor.
Sri Kasturi mansamente intervino, "Swami, en este presente Avathar, no has golpeado a
nadie?" Baba respondi: "Ahora soy la personificacin del amor! "Sin embargo, Sri
Kasturi persisti: "En este Avathar, no es golpeado a alguien ms?" Por lo que Swami
dijo: "Te refieres al yerno de Ananthappa? Lo que hice con l fue slo por amor a l."
Kasturi dijo: "el amor y la gracia de Swami fueron derramados ampliamente en esa pobre
chica sencilla." El siempre compasivo Baba aadi: "S, demasiado en ese yerno tambien!"

After a few months, Bhagavan Baba was conversing with some devotees. He said that Shirdi Sai Baba would often display anger but this present
avathar was one of love. Sri Kasturi meekly interjected, "Swami, in this present avathar, did You not beat anyone?" Baba replied, "I am now the
personification of love!" But Sri Kasturi persisted, "In this avathar, haven't You beaten anybody else?" To that Swami said, "Are you referring to
Ananthappa's son-in-law? What I did to him was only out of love for him." Sri Kasturi said, "Swami's love and grace were amply showered on
that poor, simple girl." The ever-compassionate Baba added, "Yes, on that son-in-law too!"


Un rey llam a varios aldeanos a que se reunieran y dio a cada uno de ellos una cabra con
la orden de que todos los animales debian estar bien alimentado por su cuidador. Pero se
puso una sola condicin. Cuando las cabras le fueran llevadas de nuevo, cuando les sea
ordenado, ellas no deberian comer hojas verdes en absoluto. De hecho, deberan mostrar
desagrado total por las hojas. Como incentivo para los habitantes del pueblo , que anunci
una recompensa de diez mil rupias para los aldeanos que tiendan xito las cabras como se

A king called several villagers together and gifted each of them a goat with an order that every animal should be well fed by its keeper. But he
imposed just a single condition. When the goats were brought back to him when ordered, they should not be eating green leaves at all. In fact,
they should display total distaste for leaves. As an incentive to the villagers, he announced a reward of ten thousand rupees to the villagers who
would successfully tend the goats as directed.

Los aldeanos pensaban que si un macho cabro era totalmente alimentado, y si su estmago
estaba lleno, no podra tomar nada ms, y que se negara incluso a las hojas verdes. As que
hicieron el hbito de alimentar a los animales totalmente de manera que no iban a querer
tocar nada mas. Una nia, sin embargo, sigui un mtodo diferente de entrenar a su cabra.
Colocaba las hojas verdes ante la cabra y cuando el animal estaba a punto de alimentarse
de ellas, le daba una paliza en su boca con un palo. La repeticin de este procedimiento
tuvo el efecto de disuadir al animal de tocar las hojas verdes incluso cuando eran colocadas
en frente, aunque su estmago no estubiera lleno.

The villagers thought that if a goat was fully fed, and if its stomach was full, it could take nothing more; it would refuse even green leaves. So
they made it a habit to feed the animals so fully that they would not wish to touch anything. A girl, however, followed a different method of
training her goat. She placed green leaves before the goat and when the animal was about to feed on them, she gave a beating on its mouth with a
stick. Repetition of this procedure had the effect of deterring the animal from touching green leaves even when they were placed right before it,
although its stomach was not full.

Algn tiempo despus, el rey orden a los aldeanos el presentar las cabras para la
inspeccin. Encontr que las cabras empezaron a comer las hojas tan pronto como se
encontraba antes de ellas. Pero haba una cabra que ni siquiera estaba mirando las hojas.
En cambio, estaba mirando el palo que su arquero sostenia. El rey estaba encantado y
rpidamente entreg diez mil rupias a la chica que entren con xito esa particular cabra
de la manera ordenada por l.

Sometime later, the king ordered the villagers to present the goats for inspection. He found that the goats started eating leaves as soon as they
were placed before them. But there was one goat that was not even looking at the leaves. Instead, it was looking at the stick its keeper held. The
king was delighted and promptly presented ten thousand rupees to the girl who successfully trained that particular goat in the manner ordered by

El control de la mente tambin requiere de un duro entrenamiento similar y severa
disciplina. Arjuna, el grandioso, dijo
Control of mind also requires similar hard training and severe discipline. Arjuna, eminent that he was, admitted

"Chanchalam Hola Manah Krishna!
Pramadee Balavath - Dridham".
"Chanchalam Hi Manah Krishna!
Pramadee Balavath-Dridham."

Oh Krishna, la mente es inestable y voluble, confusa, fuerte e inflexible. l or a Krishna
para que le ilumine sobre cmo someter y controlar una mente tan difcil y rebelde.

Oh Krishna, mind is unsteady and fickle, confusing, strong and inflexible. He prayed to Krishna to enlighten him of how to subdue and control
such a difficult and unruly mind.

No hay duda de que la nica manera de conquistar la mente es practicar la disciplina
espiritual ardua e implacablemente (sadhana).

There is no doubt that the only way to conquer the mind is to practice arduous and relentless spiritual discipline (sadhana).

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin del captulo 16
End of Chapter 16

DA 7 : ( Continuacin)
DAY 7 : (Contd.)

(El Servicio al hombre es servicio a Dios)

Captulo 17
Chapter 17

El servicio es el ms difcil de los nueve pasos hacia la realidad interna... Se trata
bsicamente de la accin que surge de las ansias de ganar la gracia de Dios... Es el paso ms
importante para borrar el ego... Mediante el servicio, por s solo, el hombre puede alcanzar
la maestra de... los sentidos, las pasiones y predilecciones, y por eso, llegar a la divinidad
misma. He venido a ensearles la actitud apropiada del servicio el amor se expresa como
servicio, y Dios es amor... El servicio al hombre conduce al descubrimiento del hombre
como Dios.
~ Baba ~

Service is the most difficult of the nine steps to inner reality... It is basically action arising out of the yearning to win the grace of God... It is the
most important step to erase ego... Through service alone can man attain mastery of... senses, the passions and predilections, and through that,
reach divinity itself. I have come to teach you the proper attitude of service - for love expresses as service, and God is love... Service to man
leads to the discovery of man as God.
~ Baba ~

Swami se dirigi a una gran reunin de Sus devotos que estaban planeando celebrar,
ansiosos, el sexagsimo cumpleaos de Bhagavan a gran escala. l dijo: "La espiritualidad
no tiene ningn significado para una persona que sufre de hambre. Para el pnico del
hambre, lleven a Dios en forma de alimentos. A los apenados y apesadumbrados, en forma
de paz, para los enfermos, como medicina, y para los afligidos, un remedio para la
afliccin. Slo as la espiritualidad puede entrar en tu corazn. Todo lo contrario produce
agnsticos y ateos en lugar de los creyentes. Antes de celebrar mi sexagsimo cumpleaos,
adopten al menos seis mil pueblos y transformenlos en aldeas ideales. los beneficios
espirituales derivados de japa (repeticin silenciosa de un mantra), austeridades (tapas),
yajna (ofrenda) y yaga (sacrificio religioso) se obtendr solo desde el amor divino. y de
todos los medios para alcanzar el amor divino, seva (servicio a la humanidad) no tiene

Swami addressed a huge gathering of His devotees who were anxiously planning to celebrate Bhagavan's sixtieth birthday on a grand scale. He
said, "Spirituality has no meaning to a person suffering from hunger. To the hunger-stricken, bring God in the form of food; to the distressed and
distracted, in the form of peace; to the sick, as medicine; and to the afflicted, a remedy for the affliction. Only thus can spirituality enter one's
heart. Anything done otherwise produces agnostics and atheists instead of believers. Before you celebrate My sixtieth birthday, adopt at least six
thousand villages and transform them into ideal villages. The spiritual benefit deriving from japa (silent repetition of a manthra), thapas
(penance), yajna (oblation) and yaga (religious sacrifice) will accrue from divine love alone. And of all the means to attain divine love, seva
(service to mankind) is unrivalled.

"Ustedes deben captar lo esencial de mi Tattva Prema (filosofa de amor). Lo que Sai hace,
piensa, dice, o ve, es enteramente para Vuestro bien y no por el bien de Sai. No tengo
satisfaccion Propia. Tu felicidad es Mi felicidad. No tengo deseos de ningn tipo. Pueden
pensar que Sai est haciendo esto o hacendo aquello. Nada es para M. Todo es para ti. Lo
creas o no, ni un centavo (paisa) est siendo gastado en m. Lo que se est haciendo es para
la sociedad. Durante cincuenta y seis aos, ni siquiera un paisa se ha gastado para
conseguir una nica camisa hecha para m. Slo me pongo ropa que aquellos amorosos
devotos me ofrecen. La camisa que llevo en este momento ha sido dada por un estudiante,
Radhakrishna. El pens que yo quiero algo para m. Nunca se me ha ocurrido, ni se me
ocurre ahora. Tales pensamientos nunca vienen a mi mente, tampoco en el futuro. Lo que
yo quiero, es para el bienestar del mundo. Entiendan esto claramente. Desarrollen
entusiasmo en los diferentes programas y actividades, y participen activamente en el
servicio social.

"You must grasp the essentiality of My prema thathwa (love). Whatever Sai does, or thinks, or says, or sees, it is entirely for your sake and not
for Sai's sake. I have no happiness of My own; your happiness is My happiness. I have no desires whatsoever. You may think Sai is doing this
or doing that. Nothing is for Myself. Everything is for you. Believe it or not, not a paisa is being spent for Me. Whatever is being done is for
society. For fifty-six years now, not even a paisa has been spent for getting a single shirt made for Me. I wear only those clothes that loving
devotees offer to Me. The shirt I am wearing at this moment has been given by a student, Radhakrishna. The thought that I want something for
Myself never occurred to Me, nor does it occur now. Such a thought will never come to My mind in future too. Whatever I Will, it is for the
welfare of the world. Understand this clearly. Develop enthusiasm in the various programmes and activities and actively participate in social

"Es importante que lleven a cabo los ideales y actividades de Swami, mas especialmente, en
los pueblos que en las ciudades. Minimizen sus propios gastos y utilicen los mximos
recursos en la prestacin de los servicios que necesitan los habitantes del pueblo. Si las
instalaciones se proporcionan de manera adecuada en cada pueblo, Bharatiya Tathwa (la
filosofia india) y Bharatiya samskrithi (cultura india) alcanzarn efectivamente a todos.

"It is important that you carry out Swami's ideals and activities more particularly in villages than in towns. Minimise your own expenses and
utilise maximum amounts on providing facilities needed by villagers. If facilities are adequately provided in every village, Bharatiya tathwa
(Indian ethos) and Bharatiya samskrithi (Indian culture) will effectively reach one and all.

"Oh, Encarnaciones del Divino! (DivyaAthma-swaruupulara!) Es posible que no sean
capaces de ver pero yo lo veo todo como escenas en movimiento delante de mis ojos. Las
mismas personas que son hoy incapaces de entender Tattva (escencia) de Swami estn
destinadas a experimentar, con lgrimas, en algn momento en el futuro. la filosofa de Sai.
El Sai Tathwa va a extenderse por todo el mundo dentro de muy poco. Swami mismo
llevar a cavo esto con determinacin. Pero una vez que se suelta, se extiende por el mundo
entero como una fuerza irresistible. El mundo se transformar en Prashanti Nilayam.
Dense cuenta de la esencialidad de Swami y adelantence para poner en prctica los ideales
de Swami. No tendrn ningn tipo de oportunidad despus. No ser posible conseguir estar
tan cerca de Swami. Millones y millones de personas se agolparan aqu. Esos das estn
llegando muy pronto. As que desde este da en adelante, tratan de ganarse el amor y la
compasin de Swami y llenen sus vidas mediante la adopcin de actividades adecuadas al
servicio de la humanidad."

"Oh, Embodiments of Divine Self! (Divya-athma Swaroo-pulara!) You may not be able to see but I see everything as scenes moving before my
eyes. The very same persons who are today unable to understand Swami's thathwa are destined to experience it, in tears, sometime in future. The
Sai tathwa or Sai philosophy is very shortly going to spread throughout the world. Swami is Himself holding it back tightly. But once it is let
loose, it permeates the entire world like an irresistible force. The world will be transformed into Prashanti Nilayam. Realize the essentiality of
Swami and come forward to implement Swami's ideals. You will get no such opportunities later. You will not find it possible to get so close to
Swami. Millions and millions of people will rush here. Those days are coming very soon. So from this day onwards, try to earn Swami's love and
compassion and fulfill your lives by taking up suitable activities in the service of the mankind."


Este era el momento en que hubo graves problemas en Bosnia y cientos de miles de
refugiados que se cobijaron en campamentos especialmente construidos, que esperaban el
retorno de la paz. Una mujer bosnia, ardiente devota de Baba, sinti que era su deber
hacer algn servicio a los refugiados desafortunadas. Llevaba cestas de pan y paquetes de
galletas en su camioneta a una gran distancia y los distribuy en los campamentos.
Tambin dio a cada uno de ellos un paquete de vibhuti y una fotografa de Swami.
Mientras comian, miraron la foto de Swami y hablaron entre ellos en su propio idioma.
Ella no poda entender lo que hablaban entre s. Tuvo curiosidad de saber, en particular, lo
que dijeron mientras observan la imagen de Swami. Por lo tanto, pidi ayuda al conductor
de la furgoneta. El les hablo y regres despus de un rato. Le cont a ella lo que se decan el
uno al otro. "Este hombre (en la foto) nos ha estado dando pan y galletas todos los das.
Pero hoy, al parecer, se los dio a ella y le pidio que los distribuyera." Se sorprendi mucho
al or estas palabras.

This was the time when there were severe problems in Bosnia and hundreds and thousands of refugees were sheltered in specially built camps,
who were waiting return of peace. A Bosnian woman, an ardent devotee of Baba, felt it her duty to do some service to the unfortunate
refugees. She carried baskets of bread and packets of biscuits in her van over a long distance and distributed them in the camps. She also gave
each of them a packet of vibhuthi and a photograph of Swami. While eating, they were looking at Swami's photograph and talking among
themselves in their own language. She could not follow what they talked to each other. She was inquisitive to know in particular, what they said
while looking at Swami's image. She therefore sought help from the driver of her van. He went to them and returned after a while. He told her
what they were saying to each other. "This man (in the picture) has been giving us bread and biscuits every day. But today, apparently he gave
them to her and asked her to distribute them." She was very much surprised to hear these words.

En una reunin celebrada durante las clases de entrenamiento de verano en Brindavan en
1996, a esa mujer de bosnia le fue permitido hablar por Swami. Ella narr el incidente
anterior y aadi: "Si damos un paso adelante para hacer el bien, Swami estar ah delante
de nosotros todo el tiempo.

In a meeting held during the summer training classes in Brindavan in 1996, that Bosnian woman was permitted by Swami to speak. She narrated
the above incident and added, "If we take one step forward for doing good, Swami will be there ahead of us all the time."


Vanaras de Ramayan nacieron como monos. Sin embargo, sirvieron a Dios como siervos
humildes, y obtuvieron alivio del ciclo de nacimiento y muerte, despus de haber sido
bendecidos con la suerte de ver a Dios en medio de ellos. Los seres humanos no son en
absoluto inferiores a los vanaras. Por qu entonces no dedican sus vidas a la adoracin de
Dios y la meditacin?

Vanaras of Ramayan were born as monkeys. Nevertheless, they served God as humble servants, and gained relief from the cycle of birth and
death, having been blessed with the good fortune of seeing God in their midst. Human beings are by no means inferior to vanaras. Why then do
they not devote their lives to worship of God and meditation?

No es suficiente el recordar (smaran) a Dios. Uno debe entregar el corazn y el alma en la
actividad divina. Hanuman y Vibhiishan se convirtieron en buenos amigos. Un da
Hanuman se acercaba. Vibhiishan con mucho dolor y le dijo: 'Hanuman, eres muy
afortunado! Todos los das, haces el smarana del Seor Rama y has ganado plenamente la
gracia del Seor Rama. Sin duda, yo tambin he estado haciendo smarana de Sri Rama
durante mucho tiempo. Pero no soy bendecido con la oportunidad de ver al Seor Sri
Rama (darshan)'.

It is not enough to remember (smaran) God. One should enter, heart and soul into divine activity. Hanuman and Vibheeshan became good
friends. One day, Vibheeshan approached Hanuman in great distress and said, 'Hanuman, how fortunate you are! Every day, you do smaran of
Lord Rama and have fully earned Lord Rama's grace. No doubt I too have been doing smaran of Sri Rama for a long time. But I am not blessed
with the opportunity of seeing Lord Sri Rama (darshan)'.

Hanuman explic la posicin, 'Tu, sin duda, ests haciendo smarana de Sri Rama. Pero
alguna vez participas en las actividades de Sri Rama? Cmo se puede ganar la gracia de
Sri Rama sin hacer eso? Ahora ya son diez meses que Devi Sita ha estado en Lanka.
Alguna vez la consolaste y trataste de aliviar su sufrimiento? Te has reunido y tenido su
darshan una sola vez? Alguna vez pensaste de alguna manera en aliviar su agona? Si
hubieras hecho algo de esto, habrias tenido la oportunidad de dar servicio al Seor Rama.
Has despreciado la oportunidad que tenias en su momento. En cuanto a m, he dedicado mi
vida a Sri Rama, cantando el nombre de Sri Rama con mi boca y haciendo la obra del
Seor Rama con mis manos."

Hanuman explained the position, 'You are no doubt doing smaran of Sri Rama. But did you ever participate in Sri Rama's activities? How can
you earn Sri Rama's grace without doing that? It is now a full ten months since Devi Sita has been in Lanka. Did you ever console her and try to
alleviate her suffering? Did you meet her and have her darshan even once? Did you ever think of some way to relieve her agony? If you had
done any of these, it would have amounted to service to Lord Rama. You have failed to avail of the fine opportunity that has come your way. As
for me, I have dedicated my life to Sri Rama, chanting Sri Rama's name with my mouth and doing Lord Rama's work with my hands."

Al describir el discurso anterior de los dos devotos del Seor Rama, Bhagavan Sathya Sai
concluy: "Por lo tanto, nuestra conducta debe ser siempre: Ram en el corazn; Kam
(trabajo, servicios) en las manos- Dil Me Ram; hath me Kam." La vida dedicada a estos
dos principios es verdaderamente plena (sarthaka).

While describing the above discourse between the two devotees of Lord Rama, Bhagavan
Sathya Sai concluded, "Therefore, our conduct should always be : Ram in heart; kam
(work, service) in hand - Dil Me Ram; Hath Me Kam." Life dedicated to these two
principles is truly fulfilled (sarthak).

Bhagavan Baba dijo una vez: "No estn haciendo un servicio a los dems. Lo estn
haciendo por vosotros mismos al Dios en ti, el Dios que est igualmente presente en otros."

Bhagavan Baba once said, "You are not doing service for others. You are doing it for
yourselves to the God in you, the God who is equally present in others."


Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai concede gran valor al servicio voluntario y desinteresado. De
hecho, l declar que es el ms supremo de todos los esfuerzos espirituales (sadhanas). l

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai attaches immense value to willing and selfless service. In fact, He declared that it is the most supreme of all spiritual
efforts (sadhana). He said :

"Muchas personas en dificultades acuden a Prashanti Nilayam despus de haber perdido
su sosiego debido a diversos problemas. Entre ellos se encuentran algunas personas que
estan fsica y mentalmente enfermas. Mi trabajo es tratar a todo el mundo. Mientras que el
mdico termina el tratamiento principal, las enfermeras, los arsenaleros y asistentes toman
el control y hacen el resto del trabajo. De la misma manera, les estoy proporcionando a
ustedes, los voluntarios, las oportunidades de servicio.

"Many distressed persons flock to Prashanti Nilayam having lost their peace of mind due to various problems. Among them are some persons
who are bodily and mentally ill. My job is to treat everyone. While the doctor finishes the principal treatment, nurses, compounders and
attenders take over and do the rest of the job. In the same way, I am providing you, volunteers, opportunities for service.

"Na karma , Na Prajaya , dhanena ,
Thyagenaikena Amruthathwa Manashuh"

"Ni los deberes espirituales ordenados por las escrituras, ni engendrar descendencia digna,
ni ganar riqueza conferirn alivio del ciclo de nacimiento y muerte. El sacrificio es el nico
que puede conferir la inmortalidad (amritha-thwa). sta es la verdad proclamada por los
Vedas. Dispocision mental para hacer sacrificio (buddhi thyaga) junto con el desinters
absoluto debe marcar el servicio de uno. Esa es la nica via para llegar a Parama-Pada
(morada de Dios).

"Neither spiritual deeds as ordained by scriptures, not begetting worthy offspring, nor earning wealth will confer relief from the cycle of birth and
death. Sacrifice alone can bring immortality (amrithathwa). This is the truth proclaimed by the Vedas. Mental readiness to do sacrifice (thyaga
buddhi) coupled with absolute selflessness should mark one's service. That is the only highway to reach Parama Pada (God's abode).

"El servicio (seva) ocupa la posicin ms exaltada entre todos los tipos de sadhana. Dios ha
encarnado en forma humana para servir a la humanidad a travs de la restauracion del
dharma, y l est llevando a cabo numerosos programas de servicio. En tal situacin, si el
hombre tambin se adelantara para dedicarse al servicio desinteresado, no puede haber
ninguna duda de que la gracia de Dios estar asegurada.

"Service (seva) occupies the most exalted position among all kinds of sadhana. God Himself has incarnated in human form to serve mankind
through resuscitation of dharma, and He is undertaking numerous programmes of service. In such a situation, if man too comes forward to
dedicate himself to selfless service, there can be no doubt that God's grace will be assured.

"No es necesario que el servicio deba limitarse slo a los recintos de Prashanti Nilayam.
Sirvan a los que sufren, a los pobres ya los necesitados dondequiera que los encontris-. En
tu pueblo o en el lugar al que vas en peregrinacin, o cualquier otro lugar, y en cualquier
momento. Normalmente, el agua por s sola no cuesta nada. Pero combinada con leche, la
misma agua adquiere valor. Del mismo modo, si agregas un poco de tu servicio (agua) a
cualquiera de las santas actividades de Swami (leche), tu contribucin adquiere mayor peso
y significado.

"It is not necessary that service should be confined only to the precincts of Prashanti Nilayam. Serve the suffering, the poor and the needy
wherever you find them - in your village, or the place to which you go on pilgrimage, or anywhere else, and at any time. Normally, water by
itself costs nothing. But combined with milk, the same water gains in value. In the same manner, if you add a bit of your service to any of the
holy activities of Swami, your contribution acquires greater weight and significance.

"Una vez el Seor Krishna le pregunt a su santo devoto poeta, Suradas, qu deseaba
tener? Y aadi rpidamente, "Djalo. Tu vas a aceptar ser mi sirviente? Suradas
humildemente respondi: "Krishna, si llego a ser Tu siervo, esto puede generar ego en m.
Por otra parte, qu servicio puedo hacer para ti? Hay innumerables personas que tienen
la dedicacin necesaria, la capacidad, la competencia y tambin las facilidades para hacerte
servicio. Sin embargo, dentro de tus servidores humildes hay quienes s necesitan socorro y
ayuda. Bendceme con la buena fortuna de servir a esas personas desafortunadas".

"Once Lord Sri Krishna asked his poet-saint devotee, Suradas, what would he desire to have. And He quickly added, "Leave it. Will you agree
to be My servitor?' Suradas humbly replied, 'Krishna, if I become Your servant, it may generate ego in me. Moreover, what service can I do to
You? There are innumerable persons who possess the necessary devotion, ability, competence and also facilities for doing service to
You. However, any number of Your lowly servitors are there who themselves need succour and help. Bless me with the good fortune of serving
such unfortunate persons."

"Si quieres agradarme y satisfacerme, slo tienes que verme en cada ser viviente; Servir a
todos los seres vivos, como si Me sirvieras y Me adoraras. Esto por s solo es el
procedimiento ms adecuado para la adoracin. Eso por s solo es el santo camino que te
lleva a m".

"If you would like to please Me and satisfy Me, you need only to see Me in every living being; serve all living beings as you would serve Me and
worship Me. That alone is the most appropriate procedure of worship. That alone is the holy path that brings you to Me."


En declaraciones a los estudiantes en Kodaikanal, Bhagavan Baba una vez narr una
parbola encantadora, que era tan divertida como profunda.

Speaking to students in Kodaikanal, Bhagavan Baba once narrated a delightful parable, which was as amusing as it was profound.

"Una vez todos los vegetales en el mundo entraron en una disputa sobre quin de ellos sera
el mejor. Incapaces de llegar a un acuerdo, ellos oraron para que el Seor Brahma, el
Seor Sri Maha Vishnu y el Seor Maheshwara intercedieran y decidieran. En respuesta a
sus oraciones, los tres dioses bajaron a la tierra. Oyeron a cada verdura con toda la
simpata, la paciencia y la comprensin de que la delicada cuestin mereca. Finalmente,
decidieron que un vegetal en particular era el ms grande. Cual era ese? la humilde

"Once all vegetables in the world entered into a dispute about which of them was the greatest. Unable to come to an agreement, they prayed to
Lord Brahma, Lord Sri Maha Vishnu and Lord Maheshwara to intercede and decide. Responding to their prayers, the three Gods came down to
earth. They heard every vegetable with all the sympathy, patience and understanding that the sensitive issue deserved. Finally, they decided that
a particular vegetable was the greatest. What is that? The humble onion!

"El resto de las verduras estaban asombrados. Cada uno de ellas posea cualidades
admirables. Cmo podran estos dioses decidir que la cebolla era el ms grande?
Sintiendo su queja, los dioses tomaron la palabra. Dijeron: 'No hay duda de que todos
ustedes poseen cualidades encomiables. Pero cebolla tiene una caracterstica adicional y
especial de la que ninguno de ustedes puede presumir: !conservar el mismo olor sin
cambios durante toda la vida es por eso que hemos decidido en su favor. Sed como la
cebolla. Si ustedes estan felices o infelices. Cmodos o sufrientes, nunca abandonen su
caracterstica de ser dedicados a Dios". Esta explicacin satisfizo todas las verduras

"All other vegetables were astounded. Each of them possessed admirable qualities. How could these Gods decided that onion was the
greatest? Sensing their grievance, the Gods spoke up. They said, 'There is no doubt that all of you possess commendable qualities. But onion
has one additional and special trait which none of you can boast of. That is : to retain the same smell unchanged throughout life! That is why we
have decided in its favour. Be like the onion. Whether you are happy or unhappy, comfortable or suffering, never abandon your trait of being
devoted to God." This explanation satisfied all the aggrieved vegetables.

"Suavemente acariciando la barba, el Seor Brahma bendijo al ganador, 'Mientras yo
exista, tu puedes tener una barba como la mia. Si te fijas bien en una cebolla, tiene una fina
barba que la adorna. El Seor Vishnu bendijo la cebolla, 'Cortada verticalmente,
mostraras una de mis insignias, el sankha (caracol, concha). Cortada horizontalmente,
podrss revelar otra de mis insignias, el chakra (disco).' Corten una cebolla y se darn
cuenta de esto. El Seor Shiva bendijo, 'Yo te dar una garanta. Cualquiera que trate de
hacerte dao estar condenado a derramar lgrimas." Esto tambin es cierto segun la
experiencia de todo el mundo!"

"Softly stroking his beard, Lord Brahma wished the winner, 'As long as I exist, may you possess a beard like me.' If you look closely at an onion,
you will find a thin beard adorning it. Lord Vishnu blessed the onion, 'Cut vertically, you will display one of my insignia, the sankha (conch,
shell). Cut horizontally, you will reveal another of my insignia, the chakra (disk).' Cut an onion and you will notice this. Lord Shiva blessed it,
'I will give you a guarantee. Anyone trying to harm you is condemned to shed tears.' This too is well within the experience of everybody!"

Esta sencilla historia de las humildes hortalizas transmite una verdad profunda. Una
persona que posee una firme e inquebrantable devocin a Dios es suprema. l llegar a ser
Recto. Ser bendecido con la gracia de Dios. Nadie podr causarle dao.

This simple tale of the humble vegetable conveys a profound truth. A person who possesses staunch, unwavering devotion to God is
supreme. He will be righteous. He will be blessed with God's grace. Nobody can cause harm to him.

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin del captulo 17
Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih
End of Chapter 17

DA 7 : ( Continuacin)
DAY 7 : (Contd.)


Captulo 18
Chapter 18

Las dificultades son creadas para aumentar el anhelo y colar al sincero devoto del resto.
~ Baba ~

Difficulties are created to increase the yearning and to sift the sincere devotee from the rest.
~ Baba ~


En el Maha-Bharata, los Pandavas completaron su exilio en los bosques y volvieron a casa
sanos y salvos. Kunti Devi, su madre, estaba feliz. En agradecimiento, le hizo una
reverencia y le ofreci saludos al Seor Krishna. l dijo: "Mi querida ta, hay algo ms
que quieras? Te lo dar." Ella respondi humildemente: "Oh, Seor Krishna, slo fue
porque mis hijos estaban sufriendo penurias insoportables en los bosques y vivendo de las
races y tubrculos, que T estabas constantemente con ellos y protegindolos. Del mismo
modo, pude ganar Tu apoyo y proteccin, Tu ntimo dulce amor y tu proximidad, slo
cuando he estado en tantas dificultades. Te ruego que me concedas slo dificultades todo el

In Sri Maha Bharath, the Pandavas completed their exile in the forests and safely returned home. Kunthi Devi, their mother, was overjoyed. In
gratitude, she bowed and offered salutations to Lord Krishna. He said, "My dear aunt, is there anything more you want? I will grant it." She
answered humbly, "Oh, Lord Krishna, it was only because my sons were undergoing unbearable hardships in the forests and living on roots and
tubers, You were constantly with them and guarding them. Similarly, I can earn Your support and protection, Your sweet and intimate love and
Your proximity - only when I have been in difficulties. So, I pray to you to grant me only hardships all the time."

Un incidente similar conectado a la vida de Sri Sathya Sai, vale la pena recordar. Swami
decidi que, en un ao en particular, las clases de verano se celebrarian en Ooty y reuni a
todos los estudiantes all. Cuando las clases terminaron y justo antes de partir hacia
Bangalore, l les dijo: "Como ustedes han hecho todo el camino a Ooty, ir para hacer
turismo; miren alrededor y disfruten de toda la belleza de la creacin de Dios." Los
estudiantes insistieron en que Swami debia acompaarlos. De lo contrario, dijeron, ellos
tampoco iran. Su idea era conseguir fotografiarse junto a Swami en los pintorescos
alrededores. Swami acept y organiz el transporte de autobs para ir a Dodabetta, un
bien lugar situado a 8.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Les dijo a los chicos que siguieran
adelante e hicieran los arreglos para tomar las fotografas y que l se les unira pronto.

A similar incident connected to Sri Sathya Sai's life is worth recalling. Swami decided that in one particular year, summer classes would be held
in Ooty and took all the students there. When the classes ended and just before setting out for Bangalore, He told them, "As you have come all
the way to Ooty, go for sight-seeing; look around and enjoy all the beauty in God's creation." The students insisted that Swami should
accompany them. Otherwise, they said, they too would not go. Their idea was to get themselves photographed along with Swami in the scenic
surroundings. Swami agreed and arranged bus transport to go to Dodabetta, a fine spot situated 8,000 feet above sea level. He told the boys to go
ahead and arrange to take photographs and that He would join them there soon.

Algn tiempo despus de que se fueron, Swami sali de Nandana Vanam para Dodabetta
en coche. Despus de su salida, dos jvenes llegaron a Nandana Vanam a verlo. Al saber
que Swami estaba en camino a Dodabetta, ellos tambin fueron a Dodabetta en
motocicleta. En su afn de alcanzar y de hecho para adelantarse al coche de Swami, se
dirigieron a gran velocidad. Las personas que viajan con Swami en Su coche se
preguntaron," Quines son estos chicos? Ellos estn conduciendo demasiado rpido.
Deben ser alborotadores". Baba les corrigi: "No, no. Usted no debe apresurarse a
conclusiones sin conocer los hechos. Ellos estn ansiosos por tener Mi darshan."

Sometime after they left, Swami left Nandana Vanam for Dodabetta by car. After His departure, two young men came to Nandana Vanam to see
Him. On learning that Swami was on His way to Dodabetta, they too left for Dodabetta on motorcycle. In their anxiety to reach and in fact
overtake Swami's car, they drove at high speed. Persons travelling with Swami in His car wondered, "Who are these boys? They are driving too
fast. They must be rowdies." Baba corrected them, "No, no. You should not rush to conclusions without knowing the facts. They are eager to
have My darshan."

En un giro del camino, los jvenes en motocicleta se acercaron demasiado al coche de
Swami a alta velocidad. Perdieron el control y cayeron al suelo. Inmediatamente Swami
hizo que su auto se detuviera. Se dirigi a ellos y se limpi el polvo y la suciedad de su
cuerpo y suavemente los reprendi: "Mis queridos nios, estn heridos? Por qu ests
manejando a alta velocidad? No deben hacer cosas tan precipitadas. Si queran ver a
Swami, podran haber llegado a Nandana Vanam". Los chicos respondieron: "Swami,
tena muchas ganas de verte. Ahora que nos encontramos con este percance, no slo
tenemos Tu darshan, sino tambin Tu sparshan (tacto) y Sambhashan tambin
(conversacin). Si no hubiramos cado como aqui, no habramos estado tan cerca. No nos
habras dado unas palmaditas en la cabeza con tanto cario y t no hubieras hablado con
nosotros con tal dulce intimidad. Por lo tanto, Swami, Solo si T nos das muchas
dificultades y adversidades, ganaremos tambin T darshan, sparshan y sambhashan. Con
el fin de recibir una bendicin de este tipo, estaremos preparados para someternos a
cualquier cantidad de sufrimiento".

At a turn on the road, the young men on the motorcycle came too close to Swami's car at a high speed. They lost control and fell
down. Immediately Swami had his car stopped. He went to them and wiped the dust and dirt off their bodies and gently reprimanded them, "My
dear boys, are you hurt? Why are you driving at high speed? You should not do such rash things. If you wanted to see Swami, you could have
come to Nandana Vanam." The boys replied, "Swami, we very much wanted to see You. Now that we met with this mishap, we have got not
only Your darshan but also Your sparshan (touch) and sambhashan too (conversation). If we had not fallen off like this, You would not have
come so close to us; You would not have patted us on our heads so affectionately and You would not have talked to us with such sweet
intimacy. So, Swami, even if You give us any amount of hardship and adversity, grant us also Your darshan, sparshan and sambhashan. In
order to receive the bliss of this kind, we will be prepared to undergo any amount of suffering."

Despus de narrar esta conmovedora historia de amor y compasin, Bhagavan Baba dijo,
"Dios no otorga tanta cercana y amor cuando te sientas cmodo y disfrutas de la vida que
cuando ests en problemas y sufriendo los dolores de la adversidad. Desde el punto de vista
de Dios, el sufrimiento y la felicidad son iguales. Los que aman a Dios con todo su corazn
y alma no tendrn ningn deseo. Hay un buen nmero de personas que se decepcionaron
por falta de fe sincera; pero no hay ni un solo creyente abandonado por Dios. Ninguno,
ninguno en absoluto!"

After narrating this touching tale of love and compassion, Bhagavan Baba said, "God does not bestow as much closeness and love when you are
comfortable and enjoying life as when you are in trouble and suffering the pangs of adversity. In God's view of things, both suffering and
happiness are equal. Those who love God with all their heart and soul will have no desires. There are any number of people who are ruined for
lack of sincere faith; but there is not a single believer abandoned by God. None, none whatsoever!"

Una vez por la maana, unas devotas entraban en la sala de audiencias en Prashanti
Nilayam para tener el darshan de Swami. Estaban observando en silencio y tambin
estaban caminando en filas ordenadas. Sin embargo, una voluntaria en la entrada era
brusca y grosera en sus modales y estaba usando palabras un tanto descortses al tratar de
apurar la fila. Muchas mujeres se sintieron mal por su comportamiento. Uno de ellas
estaba muy molesta. Mientras ella venia a Prashanti Nilayam para lograr tranquilidad
mental, pens, esta voluntaria insensata causaba ms inquietud en su mente. Ella decidi
informar a Swami en consecuencia. Para su buena fortuna, Bhagavan Baba le dio una
entrevista, junto con algunas mujeres devotas.

Once morning, women devotees were entering the audience hall in Prashanti Nilayam to have darshan of Swami. They were observing due
silence and were also walking in orderly lines. But a lady volunteer at the entrance was curt and rude in her manners and was using somewhat
impolite words while trying to hustle them inside. Many women felt bad about her behaviour. One of them was very much upset. While she
came to Prashanti Nilayam to attain mental tranquility, she thought, this insensate volunteer was causing more unrest in her mind. She decided to
inform Swami accordingly. To her good fortune, Bhagavan Baba gave an interview to her along with some women devotees.

Podra haber utilizado esa oportunidad sublime para relatar sus problemas personales con
Swami. En lugar de ello, opt por ventilar su queja por la conducta inapropiada de los
voluntarios en la entrada. En cuanto puso un pie en la sala de entrevistas, ella se ech a
decir: "Swami, te diste cuenta de que la voluntaria de las mujeres est hablando
demasiado fuerte y usa palabras duras? Ella est perturbando nuestra paz mental, incluso
en este lugar santo. Por qu tienes esa voluntaria como guardia en la entrada, Swami?"
Cuando oy esta diatriba, Swami que estaba sentado en su trono, se inclin un poco hacia
delante y le dijo: "Bangaru, yo le har saber un secreto. Yo tambin le temo!" La devota se
sorprendi, pero estaba encantada y se fue en risas al or el secreto bien guardado de Baba!
Toda la sala se llen de risas.

She could have utilized that sublime opportunity to raise her personal issues with Swami. Instead, she chose to ventilate her grievance at the
inappropriate conduct of the volunteer at the entrance. As soon as she set foot in the interview room, she burst out, "Swami, did you notice that
lady volunteer on the women's side who is talking too much and using harsh words? She is disturbing our peace of mind even in this holy
place. Why did You have that volunteer posted on duty at the entrance, Swami?" As He heard this tirade, Swami who was seated on His throne,
bent slightly forward and said to her, "Bangaru, I will let you know a secret. I too fear her!" The devotee was surprised but delighted and went
into peals of laughter on hearing Baba's well-kept secret! The whole room was filled with laughter.

Aqu hay una leccin espiritual significativa dada por Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai de Sus
devotos. l no desminti que la voluntaria mostrara ira con su spera conducta. Al mismo
tiempo, con una simple palabra tranquilizadora, barri la queja de esta devota realmente
lastimada y la pacific con su humor y amor. Por lo tanto, Baba exorta a todos sus devotos,
"Si tu tambin haces frente a cualquier problema o dificultad en la vida y te molestan,
recuerda Mis dulces palabras y la conversacin jovial y deleitate con ellos. De esta manera
sers capaz de olvidar tu dolor o dao ms fcilmente."

Here is a meaningful spiritual lesson given by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai to His devotees. He did not dismiss that volunteer in anger for her rough
conduct. At the same time, with a simple soothing word, He swept away the grievance of this genuinely hurt devotee and pacified her with His
humour and love. Baba thus exhorts all His devotees, "If you too face any problem or difficulty in life and get upset, recall My sweet words and
jovial conversation and delight in them. Thereby you will be able to forget your grief or hurt more easily."

En otras ocaciones esta devota tuvo que recibir de nuevo mas forcejeos a manos de la
misma voluntaria en la entrada del auditorio. Pero lo pudo soportar con ecuanimidad
simplemente recordando las dulces, disolventes y traviesas palabras de Swami riendo feliz
dentro de s misma.

Often did that devotee receive rough treatment again at the hands of the same volunteer at the entrance of the audience hall. But she could bear it
with equanimity by simply recalling the sweet, disarming and frolicsome words of Swami and happily laughing within herself.

Cada vez que estas preocupado por los problemas de la vida, recuerda los discursos
divinos, exhortaciones, parbolas y cuentos de Swami. Tus problemas sern barridos como
las nubes oscuras impulsadas por el viento. Esta encarnacin en forma humana de la
Realidad Eterna Suprema Universal, la personificacin de la Verdad, Conciencia y
Bienaventuranza (sat, chit, nanda), la encarnacin de la compasin sin lmites, Bhagavan
Sri Sathya Sai est derramando bienaventuranza divina (ananda) en toda la humanidad y
y permitindole a todos los hombre cruzar fcilmente el difcilultoso cruce del ocano del
nacimiento y la muerte.

Whenever you are troubled by life's problems, recollect Swami's divine discourses, exhortations, parables and tales. Your troubles will be swept
away like dark clouds driven away by wind. This incarnation in human form of the Eternal Universal Supreme Reality, the personification of
Truth, Awareness and Bliss, the embodiment of unbounded compassion, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai is showering divine bliss (ananda) on
humanity and enabling mankind to easily cross the difficult-to-cross ocean of birth and death.


Segn el Maha-Bhagavata, sravana (oir), kiirthana (cantar alabanzas), smarana
(recordar), Sevana-pada (tocar los pies), Vandana (saludar), archana (adorar), dasya
(porcin), sakhya (amistad) y Athma Nivedan (rendicin) son los nueve tipos de devocin a
Dios. Estos son como pasos que conducen por etapas para alcanzar y unirse a Dios.

According to Sri Maha Bhagavatha, sravan (hearing), keerthan (singing praises), smaran (remembering), pada sevan (touching feet), vandana
(salutation), archana (worshipping), dasya (serving), sakhya (friendship) and Athma nivedan (surrender) are the nine types of devotion to
God. These are like steps that lead by stages to reach and merge with God.

Veamos un ejemplo que contiene un reflejo, por as decirlo, a la experiencia de cientos de
miles de devotos que visitan Prashanti Nilayam. En primer lugar, escuchamos mucho
acerca de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. Hemos odo decir que Sri Sathya Sai se mantiene
residiendo en el lugar santo de Puttaparthi, en el distrito de Anantapur, que l da
audiencia pblica por la maana y por la noche todos los das en la sala de audiencias en
Prashanti Nilayam, que esta vestido con una larga tnica de color de rojo, que lleva una
corona distintiva de pelo negro, y que mantiene una magnetica visin divina hacia el
espectador . Tambin nos hemos enterado de que la mera visin de Bhagavan da felicidad
indescriptible y que l puede aliviar todos los sufrimientos por un simple toque o una
palabra. Hemos odo decir que l puede materializar cualquier cosa por un simple
movimiento de su mano divina y que l puede curar cualquier enfermedad por su mera
voluntad. Omos cientos de tales experiencias de todos los lados. Esta es la primera etapa:
sravan (oir).

Let us consider an illustration that holds a mirror, as it were, to the experience of hundreds of thousands of devotees visiting Prashanti
Nilayam. First of all, we hear quite a lot about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. We hear that Sri Sathya Sai stays in the holy place of Puttaparthi in the
Anantapur District, that He gives public audience morning and evening every day in the audience hall in Prashanti Nilayam, that He is clothed in
a long robe of red colour, that He wears a distinctive crown of black hair, and that He presents a magnetic, divine vision to the onlooker. We also
hear that the very sight of Bhagavan gives indescribable happiness and that He can relieve every suffering by a mere touch or word. We hear that
He can materialize any and everything by a mere movement of His divine hand and that He can cure any disease by His mere Will. We hear
hundreds of such experiences from all sides. This is the first stage : sravan (hearing).

De vuelta a casa, toda la familia va a reunirse e intercambia notas y experiencias. "Has
odo eso?... T tambin has odo hablar de este milagro?... Esta maravilla?... Sri Sathya
Sai Baba es Dios encarnado, dicen.... l es un ocano de misericordia. l es la encarnacin
de la compasin y el amor. Relatamos los casos de cada uno de esos atributos y, en el
proceso, cantamos sus alabanzas. Esta es la segunda etapa: kiirthana (cantar)

Back home, the whole household will gather together and exchange notes and experiences. "Have you heard this?... Have you also heard about
this miracle?... This wonder?... Sri Sathya Sai Baba is God-incarnate, they say, .... He is an ocean of mercy. He is the embodiment of compassion
and love. We recount instances of every such attribute and, in the process, we sing His praises. This is the second stage : keerthan.

Forjamos un fuerte deseo de visitar Puttaparthi algn da y tener el darshan de Swami. La
mente se llena de Swami. Recordamos los lilas y mahimas (signos de la divinidad) divinos
de Swami y estamos iluminados por el asombro, y la ansiedad, as como un intenso placer.
Soamos con Swami durante el sueo; pensamos en Swami cuando estmos despiertos.
Esta es la tercera etapa: smaran (recordar).

We are led to a strong desire to visit Puttaparthi some day and have Swami's darshan. The mind fills with Swami. We remember Swami's divine
leelas and mahimas (signs of divinity) and we are suffused with wonderment, and anticipation as well as intense pleasure. We dream of Swami
while asleep; we think of Swami when awake. This is the third stage : smaran.

Entonces, un da bendito, llegamos a Puttaparthi. Entramos en la sala de audiencias para el
darshan. Swami se mueve lentamente hacia nosotros, irradiando una iluminacin llama de
color, y se detiene justo en frente de nosotros. Nos olvidamos de nosotros mismos en una
inmensa felicidad. Le saludamos en un gesto de obediencia a Sus Pies de Loto y tocamos
nuestros ojos con las manos, tan bendecidos. Esta es entonces la cuarta etapa: pada Sevan
(tocar los pies).

Then, on one blessed day, we reach Puttaparthi. We go into the audience hall for darshan. Swami moves slowly towards us, radiating flame
coloured illumination, and stops right in front of us. We forget ourselves in immense happiness. We salute Him in a gesture of obeisance at His
Lotus Feet and touch our eyes with our hands, so blessed. This then is the fourth stage : pada sevan (touching feet).

Swami amablemente nos invita a entrar en la sala de entrevistas. Radiantes de felicidad,
vamos en tropel a la habitacin y nos sentamos bajo sus pies de loto. El se sienta en su silln
muy cerca de nosotros. Nos fijamos en l con incredulidad preguntandonos y
regocijandonos por nuestra buena fortuna. Esta es la quinta etapa: vandana (saludo).

Swami graciously invites us into the interview room. Beaming with pleasure, we troop into the room and sit at His Lotus Feet. He sits on His
throne very close to us. We look at Him in unbelievingly wonder and rejoice at our good fortune. This is the fifth stage : vandana (salutation).

Ponemos flores a los Pies de Loto de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. Bhagavan nos dice:
"Bangaru, yo no quera esas flores que se desvanecen en poco tiempo. Lo que quiero es la
otra flor, tu corazn!" Cuando escuchamos la voz meliflua de Swami, un millar de
instrumentos musicales cantan en nuestra conciencia interna. Esta es la sexta etapa:
archana (adoracin).

We place flowers at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. Bhagavan tells us, "Bangaru, I do no want these flowers that fade in no
time. What I want is the other flower, your heart!" When we hear Swami's mellifluous voice, a thousand musical instruments sing in our inner
consciousness. This is the sixth stage : archana (worship).

Luego, Bhagavan arroja sus elada y refrescante mirada y te pregunta sonriendo
encantadoramente, "Bangaru, qu quieres?" Nosotros respondemos: "Swami, si eres tan
amable de permitir que, podamos alojar aqu y servirte." l le pregunta, "Qu vas a
hacer aqu?" Nosotros decimos: "Vamos a hacer todo lo que usted pida, Swami." Esta es la
sptima etapa: dasya (servicio).

Then, Bhagavan casts his cool, refreshing looks at us and asks smiling enchantingly, "Bangaru, what do you want?" We reply, "Swami, if you
are kind enough to allow it, we will stay here serving you." He enquires, "What will you do here?" We say, "We will do whatever you order,
Swami." This is the seventh stage : dasya (serving).

Despus de una conversacin, nos volvemos ms seguros de nosotros mismos, y ms
audaces. Desarrollamos alguna cercana, amistad con Swami. Le informamos sobre
nuestros problemas. Swami nos asegura: "Bangaru, Por qu temer si Yo estoy aqu yo
estoy en tu casa?; Siempre estoy contigo, yo estoy siempre a tu lado; tu me tendras a la
vista cuando me necesites; Te proteger a todo momento". Este estrecho compaerismo nos
da una gran cantidad de auto-confianza y coraje. Esta es la octava etapa: sakhya (amistad).

After some conversation, we become more self-assured, and bolder. We develop some closeness, friendship with Swami. We tell him about our
problems. Swami assures us, "Bangaru, Why fear when I am here? I am in your home; I am always with you; I am ever by your side; ; you will
find me within sight whenever you need Me. I will protect you at all times." This close companionship gives us a lot of self-confidence and
courage. This is the eighth stage : sakhya (friendship).

Despus de algunos das, otra vez Bhagavan nos pregunta, "Qu quieres?" Hemos llegado
a donde estamos en condiciones de responder, "Swami, no necesito nada. Soy
completamente tuyo. Utilizame como tu instrumento. Soy slo un accesorio, un mero
instrumento en tus manos." Esta es la novena etapa: Athma-Nivedan (rendicin).

After some days, Bhagavan agains asks us, "What do you want?" We have reached where we are able to reply, "Swami, I need nothing. I am
completely Yours. Use me as Your instrument. I am merely incidental, a mere tool in Your hands." This is the ninth stage : Athma nivedan

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai says, "First, I will give you whatever you ask for. Later, I make
you ask for what I have come to give you."

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih, Santhih, Santhih

End of Chapter 18

(From : 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry)
Copyright reserved by Author (1928-2003)


El Parayanama (la respiracion) de este libro sagrado atrae la beatifica y divina forma de
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba a la mente del lector con la abundante gracia de Bhagavan.
Su nombre divino baila sobre la lengua y los labios. Baba dijo una vez, "El jardinero
ordena al trabajador a cavar. El obrero slo obedece y cava. Corresponde al jardinero el
decidir la cantidad del material que debe ir a cada planta. Del mismo modo, Mi pedido es
que se realizen smaraa nama y ruupa dhyana (repeticin mental del nombre y la
meditacin de la forma). T, continua con tu tarea, es Mi trabajo ver dnde y cunto
llegarn los frutos de este". Vamos a concentrarnos en la ejecucin del mandato de Baba en
serio. Para que l nos rescate de la triturante rueda del ciclo de nacimiento y muerte.

Parayanam of this holy book brings the beatific, divine form of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to the reader's mind with the abundant grace of
Bhagavan. His divine name dances on his tongue and lips. Baba said once, "The gardener orders the labourer to dig. The labourer just obeys
and digs on. It is for the gardener to decide how much of the material should go to each plant. Similarly, My order is that you perform nama
smaran and roopa dhyan (mental repetition of the name and meditation of the form). You go on with your task; it is My job to see where and
how much to allocate the fruits thereof." Let us concentrate on implementing Baba's command in earnest. It is for Him to rescue us from the
crushing wheels of the cycle of birth and death.

Swami es la Divinidad suprema, compasin ilimitada de Swami y el amor insondable de
Swami, aparecen una y otra vez, un incidente tras otro, nos abruma con asombro, anhelo y
tambin la felicidad suprema. Pronto desarrollamos un sentido de desapego (vairagya
bhava), como nos damos cuenta de que todo est en manos de la Baba que lo controla todo
y que no somos ms que juguetes en sus manos divinas. Nos libera de las ataduras de la
preocupacin que aquejan nuestras vidas. A su debido tiempo, nos lleva a la realizacin del
Yo (Athma sakshathkar). Es un hecho establecido que la malla de asfixia de los actos de
vidas pasadas (karma bandhana) se alejan si cantamos en alabanza de Bhagavan con ardor
a pleno pulmn (kiirthana), si incesantemente meditamos en Swami y si hacemos servicio
incesante a Swami y en Su nombre.

Swami's supreme divinity, Swami's boundless compassion and Swami's unfathomable love, displayed time and again, in incident after incident,
overwhelm us with astonishment, yearning and also supreme happiness. We soon develop a sense of non-attachment (vairagya bhava) as we
realize that everything lies in the hands of the all-controlling Baba and that we are merely toys in His divine hands. It frees us from the bonds of
worry that beset our lives. In due course, it leads us to realization of Self (athma sakshathkar). It is an established fact that the choking mesh of
deeds of past lives (karma bandhan) is torn aside if we sing in praise of Bhagavan with full-throated ardour (keerthan), if we incessantly meditate
on Swami and if we do unremitting service to Swami and in His name.

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan trasciende todos los dems dioses. Por lo tanto, las personas que
profesan cualquier fe y religin, las personas de cualquier estado, pas, o de la tierra, de
hecho, de toda la humanidad, pueden leer este libro sagrado. Swami dice: "Si eres un
cristiano, se un buen cristiano; Si eres un musulmn, se un buen musulmn... yo no he
venido para que te desvies de tu fe, sino para construir una fuerte fe en tu propia religin"
La fe Sai no es ms que la armonizacin de todas las religiones y para subrayar la
interconexin de las bases de todas las grandes religiones del mundo (sarva dharma matha
sammatham es Sai matam).

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan transcends every other god. Therefore, people professing any faith and religion, people from any state, country, or land,
indeed the entire humanity, may read this Holy Book. Swami says, "If you are a Christian, be a good Christian; if a Muslim, be a good Muslim...
I have come not to divert you from your faith but to build up strong faith in your own religion." Sai Faith is nothing but harmonisation of all
faiths and to stress the interconnection of the basics of all major religions of the world (sarva matha dharma sammatham is Sai matham).

En consecuencia, la lectura devocional de este libro sagrado refuerza la creencia de una
persona en la divinidad y la fe en su propia religin. De esta manera, el inspir a que se
adhieran al camino recto, el camino de la divinidad. Despus de leer acerca de la divinidad
de Sri Sathya Sai, la gente de cientos de pases oran, "Swami, amablemente nos da tambin
la emocionante experiencia de presenciar las instancias de su divinidad." Ellos reciben las
bendiciones de Baba en amplia medida, se olvidan de s mismos, ya que se baan con la
compasin y el amor de Bhagavan. Este es un proceso fascinante que esta pasando a cada
momento en todo el mundo en esta era de Kali Yuga. Este es un secreto a voces, un secreto
divino, conocido por todo el mundo!

Accordingly, devotional reading of this sacred book strengthens a person's belief in divinity and faith in his own religion. Thereby, he will be
inspired to adhere to the right path, the path of divinity. After reading about Sri Sathya Sai's divinity, people from hundreds of countries pray,
"Swami, kindly give us too, the exhilarating experience of witnessing instances of your divinity." They receive Baba's blessings in ample
measure; they forget themselves as they are showered with Bhagavan's compassion and love. This is a fascinating process going on every
moment all over the world in this age of Kali Yuga. This is an open secret, a divine secret, known to everyone!

Uno puede dominar los Vedas y los Upanishads. Pero entender la devocin no es tarea fcil.
Esta historia de la vida de Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba es un Veda sobre el Veda
Purusha (persona divina), el Divino, a quien todos los Vedas se dedican. Lectura de este
Veda hace que sea an ms fcil de entender la esencialidad de la devocin, que es el amor
de Dios. Quien lee o escucha a la maana y por la tarde la historia de Su vida con devocin
inquebrantable lograr todo lo beneficioso en la vida y tambin obtener alivio del ciclo de
nacimientos y muertes con bastante facilidad. Siendo ese el caso, no hace falta decir que los
problemas mundanos que uno enfrenta en la vida se resuelven de forma automtica por la
gracia de Bhagavan. No hay absolutamente ninguna duda de que Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
Baba derramar sobre sus devotos la compasin y el amor y los bendiga con felicidad
terrenal y Ananda espiritual.

One may master the Vedas and the Upanishads. But to understand bhakthi is no easy task. This Life Story of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a
Veda about the Veda Purusha, the Divine, to whom all Vedas are dedicated. Reading of this Veda makes it all the easier to understand the
essentiality of bhakthi, which is love of God. Whoever reads or listens to the Life Story morning and evening with unyielding devotion will
attain everything beneficial in life and also will get relieved from the cycle of birth and deaths quite easily. That being the case, it goes without
saying that worldly problems one faces in life are resolved automatically by the grace of Bhagavan. There is absolutely no room for doubt that
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba will shower on His devotees compassion and love and bless them with earthly happiness and spiritual ananda.
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai dice: "Primera, voy a darles todo lo que pidan. Ms tarde, har
que pidan lo que He venido a darles."

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih
Fin del captulo 18

Baba dice, "Cmo puedo dejar de recordarles cuando ustedes siempre se acuerdan de
Baba says, "How can I fail to remember one who always remembers Me?"

Tambin dijo:
He also said,

"J anma karma cha Me Divyani"
[Mi vida y Mi trabajo son divinos.]
[My life and My work are divine.]

Leamos la sagrada historia de la vida de Bhagavan y otra vez; acordmonos de l una y
otra vez, dejemos que nuestra devocin invite a favor de Bhagavan, vamos a presenciar el
espectculo glorioso de todo el mundo impregnado con el amor de Bhagavan. Vamos a
alcanzar la inmortalidad!

Let us read the Sacred Life Story of Bhagavan again and again; let us remember Him over and over again; let our devotion invite Bhagavan's
favour; let us witness the glorious spectacle of the entire world suffused with Bhagavan's love. Let us attain immortality!

Sai Easwarasrayo marthyo Sathya Dharma paryaa
Papa Vyadhi Visuddhathma Yathi Sathya Sanathanam

J ai Sai Ram ! Salve la gloria de Seor Sai !
Jai Sai Ram! Hail the Glory of Lord Sai!

Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane Namah
Santhih , Santhih , Santhih

Fin de Thapovanam : Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra
End of Thapovanam : Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra

(De: "Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra por "Santisri " Jandhyala Venkateswara
Derechos de autor reservados por autor (1928-2003)

(From : 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry)
Copyright reserved by Author (1928-2003)

"Una humilde ofrenda de amor para el 84 cumpleaos de Swami"
Con Amor Sai Rams

"A humble offering of love for Swami's 84th birthday"
With Loving Sai Rams

( De: "Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra por " Santisri " Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry )
Derechos de autor reservados por autor (1928-2003)

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