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Cindy Fevaleaki
Professor David Hubert
May 02, 2014
Second Amendment
The second amendment was ratified on Dec 17, 1791. The second amendment says A
well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to
keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
With that being said there are so many arguments of what the second amendment really
means. There are some who say only the militia are allowed guns and others that say it is
directed for individuals right to have a the right of owning a firearm too.
June 26, 2008 was when the United States Supreme Court again tried to interpret the
Second Amendment. They ruled that individuals right to possess firearms is for traditional
lawful self-defense use. But there still is no clear exact meaning so there are continuing
arguments on what the second amendment might mean.
Looking back to the beginning the second amendment started from the time English
commoners had their liberty threatened because the standing armies took power over them, so
one of our founding fathers, George Mason said that history proved that disarming people would
enslave them because than they wouldnt have much self-defense. I believe that to be true if we
take away our freedom to own firearms and protect ourselves than I think people in law or those
who are law enforcement might take advantage of us common people, which is commonly seen
on the news these days where a civilian wouldnt be doing anything threatening and that civilian
is treated horribly like they have no rights. If we are seeing that now than how far will civilians
rights be more threatened if we are not able to protect ourselves in our own homes.
Even though the Second Amendment isnt still clear, I am glad there is public
awareness of our individual and civil rights, but of course with laws within that right. For
example anyone who has had any type of domestic violence or violent behavior should not be
allowed owning a gun and if someone who lives with a gun owner with a violent pass shouldnt
be allowed a gun either. With that being said those who chose to own firearms should be
responsible and should have to take a mental wellness test to see if they even qualify owning a
gun. Till then I agree with Mitt Romney that we need to safeguard owning a gun and, stand up
for the rights of hunters, sportsmen, and those seeking to protect their homes and their
families. Because till then our rights still can be taken away because it is still an undecided
issue with what the second amendment really means.
Works Cited
Ciocchetti, Corey. "Teaching The Second Amendment." Insights On Law & Society 14.1 (2013):
22-27. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 May 2014.
"If We Are Going To Safeguard Our Second Amendment." Vital Speeches Of The Day 78.6
(2012): 199-201. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 May 2014.
HAUGHEY, JOHN. "Second Amendment: Gun Rights (And Lefts)." Outdoor Life 219.10 (2012):
54-55. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 May 2014.

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