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Hunter Gillett 4/20/14

Career Research Paper: Chiropractor

Chiropractors focus on the natural healing of the human body. They provide relief to patients by giving ad ustments! massages or by stretching. They ad ust the shoulders! nec"! and upper and lo#er bac" by using hand and body techni$ues to crac" the bones and release pressure and tension. Chiropractors #or" in a private office setting. They use rooms #here ad ustments can be performed in a private setting. Chiropractors that #or" for themselves can set their o#n #or" hours! but if they are #or"ing for another doctor! they #or" an average of 4 days a #ee"! % hours a day. & Chiropractor's starting salary is ()*!000 but can increase immensely #ith time and e+pertise. Training re$uires a minimum of si+ years of college and a clinic internship before licensure. &reas of scientific study include anatomy! neurology! bacteriology! pathology! physiology! biochemistry! pediatrics! geriatrics! spinal biomechanics! orthopedics! ,-ray! cardiology! nutrition! acupuncture! physiotherapy! gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems! and infectious diseases. .very chiropractic graduate must pass a national e+amination and then a provincial e+am to be licensed. Chiropractors must be hard#or"ing and $ualified to #or" #ell #ith people of all types. They must be physically fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Chiropractors must be

able to communicate easily and affectively. They should be fle+ible and hard#or"ing #hile putting the #elfare of their patients above all things. .mployment for chiropractors is needed in all locations. /eople throughout the #orld are see"ing for a non-surgical or natural medicinal #ay to get relief from bone or muscle pain. .mployment of chiropractors is pro ected to gro# 1* percent from 2012 to 2022! faster than the average for all occupations. /eople across all age groups are increasingly becoming interested in chiropractic care! because chiropractors use nonsurgical methods of treatment and do not prescribe drugs. 0ome professional organi1ations associated #ith Chiropractic include the &C& 2&merican Chiropractic &ssociation3 and the 4C& 24nternational Chiropractic &ssociation3. 5oth organi1ations have common goals and support Chiropractic and natural medicine! ho#ever they are competitors. The &merican Chiropractic &ssociation 2&C&3 is the largest professional association in the 6nited 0tates advocating for more than 170!000 doctors of chiropractic 28Cs3! chiropractic assistants 2C&s3 and chiropractic students. &C& promotes the highest standards of ethics and patient care! contributing to the health and #ell-being of millions of chiropractic patients. 9n behalf of its members! &C& lobbies for pro-chiropractic legislation and e$uitable insurance policies! promotes a positive public image of chiropractic! supports research! provides professional and educational opportunities for doctors of chiropractic! and offers leadership for the advancement of the profession. The 4C& #as .stablished in 1:2) in 8avenport! 4o#a! 60& by 8r. 5. ;. /almer! the 4nternational Chiropractors &ssociation 24C&3 is the #orld<s oldest international chiropractic professional organi1ation representing practitioners! students! chiropractic

assistants! educators and lay persons #orld-#ide. The 4C& is dedicated to the gro#th and development of the chiropractic profession based on 8r. /almer's fundamental belief in the principle and philosophy of chiropractic as a uni$ue! separate! distinct and drugless health care profession. 9nce you have the proper education and training to start practicing as a Chiropractor you can choose to have your o#n practice or #or" under another doctor. .ither #ay it is important to do some research and find a place that you #ould li"e to #or". Chiropractors advance by earning higher #ages as they build their practices. Those #ho are part of a group practice may advance to opening their o#n practice. 4 read an intervie# on my from a Chiropractor name Christine. Christine is a chiropractor #ith her o#n private practice. =4 #or" for myself! so 4 have fle+ible hours!> she says. =Chiropractors usually treat people really early in the morning and late at night! #hich helps #ith my schedule because 4 am also a full-time mom.> &ccording to Christine! chiropractors do a lot more than ust bend bones all day. =Chiropractors teach patients about the body and its problems!> she says. =4 end up tal"ing all day. 4 give my patients the best treatment plan! and sometimes 4 use ,-rays to help identify the problem.>

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