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Iain Fresnoza Government|12 1-15-2014 Period 1 Hawkins

Political apathy is a sad thing, as a part of a lethargic and growing youth we are politically blind. A girl not too far from my age did a report and clearly stated how the youth have become the most politically apathetic among other age groups. Additionally out of the millions of people who have been given the right to vote in this country, over 93 million Americans did not vote. The issue of this act of inconsistency in the public is not the fact that information isnt accurate; its due to the fact politics cannot grasp the attention of the public as opposed to trending media. Thus why celebrates and pop culture will outweigh politics and votes. Further more another question must be staked, should the public be afraid of the government or scared of it. A government which rules its people with fear or a government in which its people dont even care, with finical morality it all depends on what the Politians want to apply their money on more. A feared people, or maybe an apathetic public perhaps. To the dismay of the people whether ignorant or those whom merely dont care there will always be a domino effect to their actions, even if they do not act. A lethargic man may not vote but may ruin his life in the process by being that one vote away from picking the right man to be in charge of his economy. Although many of us do not vote, some individuals support our given democratic rights and do vote willingly and actively. As George Will stated, some people vote purely because it gives them pleasure. And the satisfaction of expressive behavior they benefit from. Even though this could back fire

with retrospective type voters who will avoid picker certain politicians for who knows what reason. The active voter helps prevent the domino effect and makes the Duty-Bound Ballot feel much less like a chore and more like a proud mission one completes. Ignorance among the population is at an all time high and with that the politics and stature of the United States plummets. From what I can see from my growing perspective, its not just the fact people dont care about the government. Its that people dont even understand a thing about the government itself. At a certain point in time people couldnt even name all three branches of state. Only 42 percent of the entire population in general could. Among that 42 percent 20 believe the sun revolves around the earth, it wouldnt be shocking if they thought the world was flat too. In a country where we care more for which car we pick over president its not shocking some people would rather be lethargic then ignorant. In the end we dont live in a perfect world, nor will we ever will. And there will always be ignorant and apathetic people. I know I know which ones worse? Well neither are good but without either wed lose our diversity in this messed up world. So Id say lets take what we can get and not give back whether you be dumb as a rock or the next president if you can vote do it!

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