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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Day 3 Research Unit Kayla Gerkin

Content Standards Use organizational features of electronic text to locate information Evaluate accuracy and usefulness of information, and the credibility of sources used Collect, inter ret, and analyze relevant information! identify direct "uotes for use in the re ort and information to summarize or ara hrase that #ill su ort the thesis or research "uestion $dentify lo#%credibility stories by noticing vested interests or assion associated #ith content &btain useful information from standard ne#s stories formulate o en%ended research "uestions and identify otential sources of information 'such as reference materials, electronic media(, differentiating bet#een rimary and secondary source material )hat determines the value of a erson* Students #ill analyze a non%fiction article and be able to use the article to ma+e inferences Students #ill gain s+ills in research and be able to find the information necessary for them to com lete their ro,ect

Inquiry Questions Concepts and Skills Students will Master !"idence #utco$es Goals %earnin& 'ar&et #()ecti"es Student !n&a&e$ent *cti"ity +a$e *ppro,- 'i$e *nticipatory Set 'eachin& .resentation/ 'Select the most a ro riate teaching model4( 0direct instruction -presentation model -concept teaching -cooperative learning -inquiry Guided .ractice Independent .ractice CSU

Students can analyze non%fiction articles Students #ill gain s+ills in research -iscussion of different cultures, research in grou -iscovery and .esearch /0 minutes 1oing over the game lan and tal+ing about ho# today is our first day to do research2 3ay2 54 )ill go over the 6game lan7 for the day 84 9egin #ith an article on 1ender in $ndia a4 Po %corn read the article aloud after refacing it #ith a tal+ about ho# 6sex7 means 6gender7 and #e need their maturity to get through the article b4 -iscuss #hat a do#ry is and read some information about do#ry +illings in $ndia c4 :ave students #rite do#n the main idea and five su orting details of the article on the next available age in their noteboo+4 They may discuss #ith their grou s they are sitting #ith4 d4 1o around and stam each one #ho has the #hole thing com leted in their noteboo+ ;4 1o over three different definitions #ith them on the next age in their noteboo+4 a4 Primary source< somebody telling his=her o#n ersonal ex eriences i4 )hat is the credibility of a rimary source* b4 Secondary source< somebody telling somebody else>s o#n ex eriences i4 )hat +ind of credibility does a secondary source

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STEPP Lesson Plan Form Modelin& Input have* ii4 -iscuss ho# it doesn>t necessarily have lo# credibility because that erson could do very substantial research on something #ithout affecting its credibility c4 $nferences< a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning i4 )hat can you infer about gender in $ndia and high=middle=lo# class based on the article #e ,ust read* -o you see ho# you can use inferences in your research* ?4 Then move into research4 Today our focus is on the follo#ing categories< education, gender, family roles a4 :ave them get their netboo+s and start logging on b4 Sho# them the )i+i edia age for gender in $ndia and education in $ndia c4 Ex lain that they can find a lot of information on )i+i edia and use that info to ma+e inferences d4 :ave everyone begin research in their grou 4 Circulate as they are researching to ma+e sure they are on tas+ and don>t have any "uestions4 .emind them to use their note catcher that #e saved to their folder last class4 @4 :ave students save and shut do#n their com uters #hen there is about ? minutes left of class4 They need to return to their seats for the bell $ #ill remind students that this is one of their t#o days to conduct research at the end so they need to ma+e sure that they are using the rest of their research time in class #isely Class co y of the article, noteboo+s, netboo+s, doc cam, smart board, stam , stam ad, #riting utensil This unit does a really good ,ob of meeting any accommodations, modifications, and extensions on its o#n4 Students #ill do #hat they can, based on the research they loo+ for and ho# much research they loo+ for4 They are also able to research in English, 1eogra hy, and during their EL& class eriod4 Today, students #ill receive a stam in their noteboo+ for com leting the activity #ith the article4 Assessment #ill be done to#ards the end of their unit #hen #e grade their note catchers and calculate the number of stam s they have accumulated throughout the unit Any extra time #ill be devoted to researching4 $f #e are ahead of schedule, #e can lay a game of 6:eads U , Seven U 7


Materials *cco$$odations 1 Modi2ications *ssess$ent

!,tra 'i$e

Re2lection/ I 2elt like this day went really well- 3e were a(le to read and article and I had the students do a (asic acti"ity when analy4in& the articleI would ha"e liked to ha"e $ore discussion on this article thou&h- 3hile we weren5t tryin& to talk a(out which country is (etter6 it would ha"e (een nice to ha"e the$ share their thou&hts on &ender in other countries- I also liked that I had narrowed the research 2ocus- Initially6 they were )ust &ettin& research ti$e 2or the rest o2 the class period- 7owe"er6 (y 2ocusin& the
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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

research on three o2 the si, cate&ories6 it allowed students to &et a &rasp o2 what they were supposed to (e doin& 2or their 2irst day o2 research-

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