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BIOGRAPHY History 1958 March

Pastor David Yonggi Cho Graduat d !ro" #u$$ Gos% $ Bi&$ Co$$ g ' ou$( )or a

1958 May

* Pr s nt

#ound d Da +o #u$$ Gos% $ Church

' nior Pastor o! Yoido #u$$ Gos% $ Church 19,, * 19-8 G n ra$ 'u% rint nd nt o! )or a Ass "&$i s o! God P nt costa$ /or$d Con! r nc M "& r o! Advisory Co""itt R c iv d th d gr 'anta Cru0( CA 12'A3 19-8 ' %t "& r R c iv d th d gr o! Doctor o! 4it ratur !ro" Ca$i!ornia o! Doctor o! Divinity !ro" B thany Bi&$ Co$$ g (

19,- .u$y 19,8 Octo& r

Graduat 'choo$ o! 5h o$ogy( G$ nda$ ( CA 12'A3 1989 .un R c iv d th honorary d gr 2niv rsity( 5u$sa( O) 12'A3 1996 May 2niv rsity( R c iv d th honorary d gr 7irginia B ach( 7A 12'A3 19-, 8ov "& r* Pr s nt 198, .anuary young 198, March 1989 * Pr s nt * Pr s nt Chair"an o! th Board Church Gro9th Int rnationa$ Chair"an*:$i" / $!ar 5o9n( !aci$ity !or th Chair"an*Board o! 5rust $d r$y and th o! Doctor o! Divinity !ro" R g nt o! Doctor o! Ministry !ro" Ora$ Ro& rts

s( Hans i 2niv rsity

* Pr s nt * Pr s nt Chair"an*/or$d Ass "&$i s o! God # $$o9shi%

199; ' %t "& r

1998 8ov "& r* Pr s nt 1999 # &ruary * Pr s nt Pro!i$ 1< Birth( Gro9th( and Ca$$ing

Pr sid nt*)or an Christian 4 ad rs Association Chair"an o! th Good P o%$ A 8on*Gov rn" nt Organi0ation

Pastor Yonggi Cho 9as &orn on # &ruary 1=( 19>, in 'outh rn )yung*sa" Provinc ( 'a"*na" district( )yo*do ng ar a< H 9as th !irst &orn o! !iv sons and !our daught rs o! Mr< Doo*Chun Cho and Mrs< Bo?*sun )i"< During his chi$dhood h 9as gr at$y in!$u nc d and train d in Buddhis"( Con!ucianis"( and ast rn studi s< Yonggi Cho graduat d !ro" "idd$ schoo$ 9ith honors< Ho9 v r( his !ath r !ai$ d in his &id !or an

$ ct d o!!ic ( 9hich a$so ruin d his !a"i$y !inancia$$y< 'o h 9 nt on to t chnica$ high schoo$ to gain s?i$$s suit d !or !inding 9or? soon a!t r graduation< An A" rican ar"y &as 9as situat d n ar his schoo$ and h 9as a&$ to $ arn :ng$ish !ro" th so$di rs station d at th &as < His :ng$ish %ro!ici ncy $ v $ na&$ d hi" to & an int r%r t r !or th %rinci%a$ o! his schoo$ and chi ! co""and r at th ar"y &as < /h n h 9as 1- and a so%ho"or in high schoo$( Yonggi Cho contract d tu& rcu$osis( 9hich %ut hi" at d ath@s door< :v n as h n ar d d ath( h continu d to study :ng$ish &y " "ori0ing th :ng$ish dictionary and his $ sson &oo?s< 5h n his sist r@s Christian !ri nd visit d hi"( and h acc %t d Christ as his % rsona$ 'avior< As th dis as continu d to %$agu hi"( Yonggi Cho 9 nt to his ho" to9n to continu r c iving tr at" nt !or th dis as < On day h att nd d a crusad in Pusan $ d &y "issionary ) n 5i0 ( and h r c iv d th &$ ssing o! God< A!t r that h & gan h $%ing "issionary 5i0 9ith int r%r tation as 9 $$ as r ading various Christian &oo?s( 9hich h $% d hi" und rstand th Christian truth in gr at r d %ths< Ho9 v r( sinc h $ac? d !ir" conviction( Yonggi Cho strugg$ d in9ard$y and & gan to !ast and %ray< 5h n on night 9hi$ !asting and %raying h " t Christ through a vision o! $ight< 5hrough th vision( h 9as !i$$ d 9ith th Ho$y '%irit< 5h night h " t Christ( Yonggi Cho 9as ca$$ d &y God to study th o$ogy< H ca" to ' ou$ in 195, and nt r d #u$$ Gos% $ Bi&$ Co$$ g on a scho$arshi%< It 9as h r that h " t his !utur %artn r in "inistry and his !utur "oth r*in*$a9( Pastor Choi .a*shi$< ;< 5h Da +o Church A!t r graduating !ro" th th o$ogy schoo$( Pastor Yonggi Cho a$ong 9ith Pastor .a*shi$ Choi and h r thr chi$dr n h $d th !irst 9orshi% s rvic at h r ho" < 5h ho" church & gan to gro9 "or and "or and had a " "& rshi% o! !i!ty< 5h n a t nt 9as %itch d out in th yard< At night( v n in 9int r( church " "& rs %ray d a$$ night and th n 9 nt out to 9itn ss a$$ around th Da +o ar a during th day< A"id th chaos and d struction o! th 9ar@s a!t r"ath 9hich &rought gr at hardshi% and %ov rty to th % o%$ o! )or a( Pastor Cho %roc$ai" d th " ssag o! th 5hr *!o$d B$ ssingA th 9 $$* & ing o! th s%irit( &ody( and circu"stanc s< /ith th !u$$n ss and th "irac$ s o! th Ho$y '%irit( "any su!! ring !ro" various i$$n ss s 9 r h a$ d and Christians 9ho ca" to church 9 r !i$$ d 9ith ho% < 5h church 9as gro9ing r "ar?a&$y 9 $$ 9h n Pastor Cho r c iv d an n$ist" nt $ tt r in .anuary o! 19,1< 5h church had gro9n to a " "& rshi% o! =66 9ithin thr y ars o! its !ounding and had +ust %urchas d a %$ot o! $and to &ui$d a church< 'o th "andatory n$ist" nt 9as tru$y d vastating< A ! 9 days %rior to his n$ist" nt( Pastor Cho as? d "issionary .ohn Hurston 9ho had & n $ d &y th Ho$y '%irit to th church( to ta? charg o! th church( and Pastor Cho 9 nt into th ar"y in .anuary< /hi$ in th ar"y( Pastor Cho su!! r d !ro" an int stina$ i$$n ss( 9hich r Buir d surg ry at th ar"y hos%ita$< Ho9 v r( v n a!t r "a+or surg ry*9hich too? hi" to th &rin? o! $i! and d ath( his condition 9ou$d not i"%rov < 5h r !or ( Pastor Cho 9as discharg d !ro" th ar"y a!t r s v n "onths o! s rvic < >< 5h ' oda "un Church and th I"%$ " ntation o! C $$ Grou%s A ! 9 days a!t r his discharg !ro" th hos%ita$* v n & !or th surgica$ 9ounds had h a$ d( Pastor Cho s rv d as int r%r t r !or Pastor 'a" 5odd 9ho $ d a r viva$ crusad at th ' oda "un int rs ction< Ha$! a "onth a!t r th crusad ( 9hich had & n !u$$ o! th "irac$ s o!

God( Pastor Cho %itch d a $arg "arin t nt at th sit *th !irst C%ansion o! his %ion

r church<

By 8ov "& r o! 19,1( a church 9as construct d to acco""odat 1(566 % o%$ and on # &ruary 18th th !o$$o9ing y ar( th d dication 9as h $d to co"" "orat th church sanctuary as th #u$$ Gos% $ R viva$ Ha$$< On A%ri$ ;,th o! th sa" y ar( Pastor Cho & ca" an ordain d "inist r( and th church & ca" o!!icia$$y r gist r d as th #u$$ Gos% $ C ntra$ Church< 5hr y ars a!t r th r $ocation to th ' oda "un ar a( in 19,= th church " "& rshi% gr 9 to >(666< Amid the rapid growth of the church, Pastor Yonggi Cho married Pastor Ja-shil Choi's daughter Sung-hae Kim on March 1, 1 !"# Pastor Cho had & n 9or?ing 9ithout %ro% r r st and 9ithout r gard !or his h a$th( and h !ina$$y succu"& d to ov r9or? and !aint d as h 9as $ ading a &a%tis"a$ s rvic !or s v ra$ hundr d church " "& rs< Ho9 v r( a!t r a 9 ? in th hos%ita$( h 9as discharg d !or th 'unday s rvic ( at 9hich ti" h again !aint d du to 9 a? n d h a$th( n c ssitating anoth r stay in th hos%ita$< During his s cond stay in th hos%ita$( h & gan to r a$i0 th %hysica$ $i"itations in his "inistry< H !urth r r a$i0 d( D5h 9or? is too h avy !or youE you cannot hand$ it a$on D 1:Codus 18A183< H & gan to und rstand th n c ssity o! d $ gating 9or? to oth rs as Mos s had d $ gat d 9or? to various a%%oint d % rsons a"ong th Isra $it s to $ ad th " through th d s rt< 5h Ho$y '%irit gav hi" th und rstanding o! ho9 th " "& rs o! th ar$y church( s% cia$$y th 9o" n o! th church ca" to 9or? and hav ! $$o9shi% tog th r 1Ro"ans 1,3< Ho" c $$ grou%s & ca" th $aunching %ads !or th C%$osiv gro9th o! th church< A 9 ? $at r a!t r his discharg ( Pastor Cho in!or" d th $ ad rs o! th church a&out his vision and & gan !or"u$ating c $$ grou%s< H divid d th city o! ' ou$ into ;6 ar as and ncourag d th " "& rs o! th church in giv n ar as to co" tog th r in th ho" s o! th " "& rs !or 9orshi% and ! $$o9shi% during th 9 ?< Many o! th 9o" n 9 r a$so chos n as c $$ $ ad rs and train d to $ ad c $$ 9orshi%< 4at r( as th " n o! th church ! $t cha$$ ng d &y th gr at organi0ation o! 9o" n " "& rs( th y a$so & gan " ting in c $$ grou%s 9ith oth r "a$ " "& rs o! th church< 5oday th c $$ $ ad rs in various organi0ations( 19o" n( " n( young " n( young 9o" n( chi$dr n and so on3( nu"& r >;(566< In 19,8( thr y ars a!t r th !or"u$ation o! ho" c $$ grou%s( church " "& rshi% stood at 8(666( and th r 9 r thr 9orshi% s rvic s on 'unday< :v n 9ith thr 'unday s rvic s( it & ca" hard r to acco""odat a$$ th " "& rs o! th church< 5his $ d to th %urchas o! $and at Yoido !or a n 9 church &ui$ding< At th ti" ( Yoido 9as an is$and consisting "ain$y o! sand( and it $ac? d any " ans o! %u&$ic trans%ortation into th ar a< 5his $ d to "uch criticis" 9ithin th church !or its s $ ction< 5o "a? "att rs 9ors ( th tota$ cost !or th church &ui$ding 9as sti"at d at 866(666(666 )or an 9on( o! 9hich th church on$y had 1(666(666 9on< R gard$ ss( Pastor Cho & $i v d in th "irac$ s o! God and 9 nt ah ad 9ith his %$an !or th n 9 church< 5h strong !aith o! Pastor Cho convinc d th &oard o! dir ctors( and 9ith th issuanc o! %ro"issory not s( church construction & gan in A%ri$ o! 19,9< =< 5h Church in Yoido and its Ph no" na$ Gro9th As soon as th construction & gan( th r 9as a 9or$d9id oi$ crisis( 9hich caus d a ra%id dro% in th Cchang rat o! th )or an 9on to th do$$ar< As a r su$t( th cost o! construction "at ria$s s?yroc? t d & caus th y 9 r "ost$y i"%ort d< Church tith inco" dro%% d as "any $ost +o&s( and th &an?s tight n d th ir & $t in t r"s o! $oans< A$$ o! th s !actors thr at n d to &an?ru%t th church( and th construction on th church ca" to a ha$t<

:v ry night Pastor Yonggi Cho 9 nt into th &as o! th s? $ ta$ construction( g tting dr nch d 9ith rust*soa? d d 9dro%s as h ca$$ d out to God in %ray r and ! $$ !ro" Chaustion on th co$d c " nt !oundation< Many in th church 9 r a!! ct d &y Pastor Yonggi Cho@s h art*r nding %ray rs and th D'av th ChurchFD "ov " nt & gan &ringing "any " "& rs o! th church to th co$d c " nt church !$oor !or night$y %ray r a$ongsid Pastor Cho< Cons Bu nt$y( th construction r su" d in s%urts and !ina$$y r su$t d in a co"%$ t d sanctuaryE this acco""odat d 16(666 % o%$ < 5h !irst t ar*!i$$ d 9orshi% s rvic 9as h $d on ' %t "& r ;>( 19->< /ith th succ ss!u$ co"%$ tion o! th Yoido Church in 19->( th sta&$ish" nt o! Pray r Mountain occurr d in th sa" y ar & caus it 9ou$d gr at$y aid th gro9th o! th church< /ith "or and "or Christians "a?ing th ir 9ay to Pray r Mountain( construction o! a sanctuary to acco""odat 16(666 % o%$ at Pray r Mountain 9as co"%$ t d in ' %t "& r o! 198;< 5h c " t ry storag shac? !or a$$*night !asting and %ray r 9hich 9as & gun &y Pastor .a*shi$$ Choi in a s"a$$ ha"$ t in )yung*gi*do has no9 & co" th Pray r Mountain 9hich s rv s an av rag o! >(566 % o%$ a day and a&out 16(666 !or ign rs ach y ar 9ho co" to %ray at Pray r Mountain< #o$$o9ing th church@s r $ocation to Yoido Is$and( church gro9th s?yroc? t d< By 19-9 th " "& rshi% nu"& r d 166(666( and &y 1981 th " "& rshi% had dou&$ d again to ;66(666< #or th %ur%os o! ducating and nhancing th !aith o! th congr gation( th !irst and s cond ducation &ui$dings 9 r construct d as 9 $$ as th "issions c nt r through 9hich "issionari s ar !ost r d and train d !or vang $i0ing th 9or$d< In 198= th o!!icia$ r gistration o! th church na" 9as Yoido #u$$ Gos% $ Church< 5h church " "& rshi% stood at =66(666( and &y 199; th " "& rshi% had r ach d -66(666< #or thos $iving gr at distanc s !ro" Y#GC( sat $$it sanctuari s 9 r &ui$t< Many ind % nd nt church s 9 r sta&$ish d and su%%ort d !or r aching gr at r ar as throughout )or a<< Pastor Cho continua$$y than?s God !or his =; y ars o! &$ ss d "inistry and is a tru s rvant o! God to th -86(666 curr nt$y r gist r d " "& rs o! th church today< 5h goa$ !or th n 9 "i$$ niu" is to sta&$ish 566 to 5(666 sat $$it church s and 566 %ray r hous s throughout th % ninsu$a 9ithin th n Ct 16 y ars( to C%and th vang $ica$ r ach to th 9or$d through th su%%ort o! th int rn t( and !ina$$y to C%and vang $ica$ "issions 9or? to th third 9or$d* inc$uding 8orth )or a< #or such %ur%os s( Pastor David Yonggi Cho %rays a$ong 9ith a$$ th " "& rs o! th church !or th guidanc o! th Ho$y '%irit< Princi%a$ Ar as o! Ministry 1< Ministry o! :vang $is" a< 8ationa$ :vang $is" 19,1 * Pastor Cho !irst had th o%%ortunity and honor o! int r%r ting !or Pastor 'a" 5odd at a r viva$ " ting as 9 $$ as !or oth r vang $ists< 5h n in March o! 19,5( h $ d r viva$ " tings throughout th nation<

19,9 * A!t r th >rd Ass "&$i s o! God Asian Con! r nc on .u$y -th( a&out ;6 oth r int rnationa$ con! r nc s 9 r h $d such as th P nt costa$ /or$d Con! r nc !or th %ur%os o! C%anding th Ho$y '%irit "ov " nt throughout th country< 19-, * :sta&$ish d in May !or th %ur%os o! vang $i0ing th % o%$ o! )or a as 9 $$ as !or various oth r socia$ s rvic s( th #u$$ Gos% $ Busin ss" n@s Mission Grou% guid s >, s %arat "ission grou%s and ;; nationa$ and int rnationa$ co""itt grou%s 9ith ov r >(666 activ " "& rs< 1981 * #o$$o9ing th Crusad !or :vang $i0ation in 2$san on .u$y -th( >6 oth r crusad s 9 r h $d in "a+or citi s around th country !or th %ur%os o! th vang $i0ation o! a$$ )or an % o%$ < 198> * 5h sat $$it sanctuari s 9hich 9 r &ui$t !or thos 9ho $iv d gr at distanc s !ro" Yoido #u$$ Gos% $ Church & gan to gain ind % nd nc and s $!*su%%ort< Curr nt$y th r ar ;= ind % nd nt sat $$it church s and 1, d % nd nt sat $$it sanctuari s< 5h r ar a$so ,; ind % nd nt church s %ion r d &y %astors 9ho hav & n train d and s nt out &y Y#GC< 1995 * At th r Bu st o! th Co""itt !or R construction o! Church s in 8orth )or a( 9hich is a &ranch o! th )or an Christian Church Coa$ition( Pastor Cho is su%%orting th r &ui$ding o! th church s in 8orth )or a< 199- * B ginning in 8ov "& r( th d dication o! %ray r hous s 9as h $d in %arish s !or th %ur%os o! vang $i0ing th % o%$ $iving in th ar a< Curr nt$y th r ar 1=6 %ray r hous s d signat d throughout ' ou$ and oth r ar as< &< Int rnationa$ :vang $is" 19,= * On A%ri$ 1;th( Pastor Cho 9as invit d &y th A" rican Ass "&$i s o! God to %artici%at in th ir 56th anniv rsary c $ &ration< H $ d various crusad s around th 2nit d 'tat s a!t r9ards( th n 9 nt to Bang?o? in 19-8( Austra$ia in 198-( Mosco9 in 1991( 'outh A!rica in 199> and "any oth r %$ac s< Pastor Cho has $ d ov r 186 such crusad s during his "inistry< /h r v r h "inist rs( th Ho$y '%irit "a? s gr at chang s in th $iv s o! th % o%$ < 19-5 * #or th %ur%os o! %roviding !aith guidanc !or )or an Christians $iving a&road and as %art o! th ir int rnationa$ "inistry( th #u$$ Gos% $ Int rnationa$ Mission 9as & gun on A%ri$ 1st< 5h n in 199>( 9ith an "%hasis on third 9or$d countri s and !or th %ur%os o! !ost ring nativ "issionari s( Pastor Cho@s A!rica Mission C nt r in ) nya and :$i" #u$$ Gos% $ 5h o$ogy 'choo$ in )a0ah?stan 9 r !ound d as 9 $$ as !our oth rs< Curr nt$y( th th o$ogica$ s "inari s !ound d &y Pastor Cho hav s nt out 5-6 "issionari s !ro" 5, countri s< 19-, * 'inc th sta&$ish" nt o! Church Gro9th Int rnationa$ on 8ov "& r =th( a&out ,<8 "i$$ion " "& rs !ro" a&ut 56 nations hav %artici%at d in con! r nc s and s "inars !or th %ur%os o! discussing and %raying !or church gro9th< Curr nt$y( % riodica$s 9ritt n in :ng$ish ar %rovid d !or distri&ution in a%%roCi"at $y 156 nations< 19-8 * Pastor Cho has & n su%%orting various v nts and con! r nc s !or th %ur%os o! vang $i0ing th .a%an s % o%$ *th 5 n*"i$$ion #or Christ "ov " nt( through various " dia* c nt r d " ans and through various crusad s< c< M dia Ministry 19,, * #ound d th #u$$ Gos% $ Docu" nt Mission< A y ar $at r in 19,-( !ound d #aith*a

"onth$y % riodica$ incor%orat d into 5h )oo?"in Dai$y 8 9s%a% r in 1988< It has & co" a 9id $y distri&ut d Christian % riodica$< 19,8 * B gan th D#u$$ Gos% $ HourD radio %rogra" on ' %t "& r =th on th G u?* do ng Radio Broadcasting station< Curr nt$y( Y#GC %roduc s various %rogra"s !or &oth radio and 57 through th Christian Broadcast 'tation( Asia Broadcast( and various oth r ca&$ and c$os d circuit syst "s< :s% cia$$y sinc A%ri$ ;6th o! 1986( through th MBC*57 DInvitation to Ha%%in ssD %rogra"( 'unday s r"ons ar &roadcast !or 1; hours s rving as a gr at contri&ution to nationa$ vang $is"< 19-, * #ound d th Young*san Pu&$ish r 1curr nt$y ' ou$ 4ogos Co<3< 'o !ar( it has %u&$ish d 11, &oo?s 9ritt n in )or an and 1- &oo?s in :ng$ish 9ritt n &y Pastor David Yonggi Cho< 19-8 * B gan %u&$ication o! #u$$ Gos% $ 8 9s on Octo& r 8th( a 9 ?$y n 9s$ tt r !or div rs %ur%os s* on o! 9hich is to vang $i0 < In 199; it & ca" th #u$$ Gos% $ #a"i$y 8 9s and has & co" a n 9s$ tt r 9hich in!or"s r ad rs a&out "any curr nt v nts and in!or"ation a&out th church< Anoth r o!!shoot o! #u$$ Gos% $ 8 9s is Invitation to Ha%%in ss 9hich a$so is %u&$ish d a$ongsid o! th #u$$ Gos% $ #a"i$y 8 9s< 1988 * On D c "& r 16th( th dai$y n 9s%a% r carrying th gos% $ s ction 5h )oo?"in Dai$y 8 9s%a% r 9as $aunch d( a "outh%i c !or Christianity as 9 $$ as %r %aration !or th uni!ication o! th t9o )or as and th ir vang $i0ation< 199, * 'inc .u$y ;8th( through th co""unication sat $$it DMoo? ungh9a(D a%%roCi"at $y 166 ass "&$i s inc$uding th s condary sanctuari s and sat $$it church s &oth at ho" and a&road in "any ar as o! .a%an( +oin in th 9orshi% s rvic s at Y#GC< 'inc Octo& r ;-th( 1999( %ray r hous s hav a$so & n a&$ to su&scri& to ;= hour 9orshi% s rvic s< 1998 * On D c "& r ;=th( th int rn t 9 &casting station #G57 9as !ound d !or th %ur%os o! s%r ading th gos% $ through this n 9 co""unication " diu"< ;< Ministry o! :ducation 195> * /ith th !ounding o! th )or a Ass "&$i s o! God( #u$$ Gos% $ Bi&$ Co$$ g 9as a$so !ound d to train and !ost r %astors and "inist rs in th tradition o! !u$$ gos% $ th o$ogy< In A%ri$ o! 19,6( th schoo$ C%and d and r $ocat d !ro" ' oda "un to Da +o*dong< 5h n in 19-, Pastor Yonggi Cho 9as $ ct d acting co""itt chair"an to & tt r sta&$ish and C%and #u$$ Gos% $ Bi&$ Co$$ g < In 19-8 th schoo$ 9as "ov d to ) un*%o< 5h n in 1985 it & ca" an accr dit d univ rsity and Pastor Cho 9as $ ct d chair"an !or th schoo$< In 1991 a graduat schoo$ 9as add d to th univ rsity and th na" 9as chang d to 'oonshin 2niv rsity( th n to Hans i 2niv rsity as it r "ains today< Hans i 2niv rsity striv s to & co" a 9or$d*c$ass co"%r h nsiv univ rsity( 9hich d v $o%s and !ost rs thos 9ho 9i$$ $ ad th !utur < Curr nt$y( th v stig s o! th schoo$ 9hich 9 r $ !t in Da +o*dong and 'hin*'oo*dong( th #u$$ Gos% $ 5h o$ogica$ ' "inary and th #u$$ Gos% $ ' "inary continu to train "any "inist rs and %astors< 19,1 * B ginning 9ith a 'unday Bi&$ schoo$ !or ?ind rgartn rs( it no9 %rovid s 'unday Bi&$ c$ass s !or stud nts u% to th >rd y ar in high schoo$< #or thos 9ho $iv a distanc !ro" th church( th ' ou$ ar a has & n divid d into ;1%arish s !or chi$dr n and young adu$ts< 19-, * :sta&$ish d in 4os Ang $ s( B th sda 5h o$ogica$ 'choo$ & ca" accr dit d in 198>( "a?ing it a r cogni0 d institution o! $ arning< 5h n in 1996 it & ca" B th sda Christian 2niv rsity< In 199-( it +oin d AABC 1A" rican Association o! Bi&$ Co$$ g s3< 19-8 * #irst sta&$ish d on D c "& r ;-th as th #u$$ Gos% $ :ducation R s arch Institut !or

th %ur%os o! ducating and i"%roving th !aith o! church " "& rs( in 1996 it & ca" Young* san R s arch C nt r< 5h n in 199> it & ca" th Int rnationa$ 5h o$ogica$ Institut < Curr nt$y( I5I runs thr d %art" nts !or ducationa$ %ur%os sA th Bi&$ 'choo$ sta&$ish d in 19-9E th Bi&$ Co$$ g sta&$ish d in 1986E and th Bi&$ Graduat 'choo$ sta&$ish d in 198;< 5h thr ducationa$ !aci$iti s ta? a % rson st % &y st % in !aith ducation< 199= * Introduc d $ong distanc "ast rs and Ph<D< %rogra"s grant d &y R g nt 2niv rsity !or stud nts in )or a< 5h %rogra"s ar run &y th Int rnationa$ 5h o$ogica$ Institut < In 1995 a sist rhood r $ationshi% 9as sta&$ish d & t9 n Hans i 2niv rsity in )or a and R g nt 2niv rsity in 7irginia B ach( 7irginia( 2'A< >< Ministry o! R $i ! and 'ocia$ Aid 19,; * /ith th church & co"ing organi0 d( socia$ r $i ! 9or? & gan 9ith th 9o" n@s "ission grou% ta?ing th $ ad in visiting %risons and or%hanag s as 9 $$ as raising !unds !or aid< 198; * #ound d a church and a h $% c nt r at Ho$t / $!ar C nt r( th n !ound d Da 9h $chair hous D and !inancia$$y su%%ort d th construction o! a "u$ti*%ur%os gy" !or th handica%% d< 198; * #ound d a D'har and 'har A$i? H adBuart rsD to co$$ ct donat d goods 9hich ar distri&ut d to a&out 1(566 c nt rs as 9 $$ as donating and su%%orting various 9 $!ar !aci$iti s< 198= * ' nding ric and !inancia$ aid to various organi0ations h $%ing r !ug "an*"ad disast rs*&oth nationa$$y and int rnationa$$y< s o! natura$ or

198= * B gan th D'u%%ort !or 5hos 9ith H art Dis as D and hav h $% d !und h art surg ri s !or a&out ;(-66 chi$dr n 9ho did not hav th !inancia$ ca%a&i$ity to %ay !or th ir surg ri s< 198- * /ith th sta&$ish" nt o! DMission Grou% !or th Handica%% dD in D c "& r( D4 ssons o! 4ov D 9 r o!! r d to th handica%% d to h $% th " co% and nhanc th ir %ot ntia$ to & !unctiona$ in soci ty< 1988 * B gan th DB$ood Donation Driv D to h $% th &$ood &an?s & tt r h $% thos 9ho n &$ood trans!usions !or various surg ri s< 1996 * #inancia$$y su%%ort d various aid %rogra"s through th DPa% r R cyc$ing Driv <D 1991 * 2nd r th $ ad rshi% o! /or$d 7ision )or a( th $oos chang co$$ ction driv 9as & gun &y %roviding a DBr ad o! 4ov D coin &an?< 5h driv 9as ta? n ov r &y Y#GC in 199; and th "on y co$$ ct d has & n going to various r $i ! organi0ations< 199; * B gun in May( th us d c$oth s co$$ ction driv & ca" th D'har d 4ov D "ov " nt in 199,< 5h co$$ ct d c$oth s ar s nt to various organi0ations and church s* &oth nationa$ and int rnationa$< 1 $ - Committee for assistance to pioneer churches in sparsel% populated areas of the countr%side was esta&lished# Monthl% financial aid is sent to pastors of these churches# All in all, '(( churches ha)e &een financiall% supported until the% &ecame independentl% supported# Currentl% *"( churches are still &eing supported# 1995 * In March an DAid !or 5hos in 8orth )or aD driv 9as & gun 9ith !inancia$ assistanc as 9 $$ as "anu!actur d goods and " dicin < d

199- * /ith th DIM# CrisisD gri%%ing th nation( various !ruga$ity driv s 9 r & gun such as th D'aturday #$ a Mar? t(D th D'har and :Cchang Mar? t(D th DGo$d Co$$ ction Driv D and oth rs a$$ und r th "otto( D4 t@s 'av Our :cono"y<D 1999 * A non*gov rn" nt organi0ation( th DGood P o%$ (D 9as sta&$ish d in ord r to h $% thos su!! ring in 8orth )or a !ro" &oth natura$ and "an*"ad disast rs( as 9 $$ as o!! r h $% to various % o%$ in n d throughout th 9or$d<

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