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! TEXTS = oral, aural, written, visual, electronic & multimodal texts.

Reading texts involves:





* Recognising words automatically

(m2) Self corrects when meaning is disrupted e.g. by pausing, repeating words and phrases, rereading and reading on.

(m2) Automatically integrates a range of information, e.g. meaning, grammar and letter/sound relationship to read in a phrased & fluent way.

(m4) Independently monitors own reading by using a variety of selfcorrection strategies to maintain meaning (m1) Reads increasingly complex texts with less familiar content and vocabulary and more extended descriptions.

(m3) Selects & uses the most effective word identification strategy to maintain fluency & meaning.

Duration / complexity

(m3) Uses more sophisticated word identification strategies to maintain word & sentence level fluency & create meaning, eg use of homonym, syllabification, analogy. (m1) Reads short novels with minimal illustration, unfamiliar content, settings & characters & challenging & unusual vocabulary. (m2) Adjusts reading rate to suit text complexity & reading purpose. (m1) Reads for sustained periods (20-30 mins) and sustains understanding in longer texts over time, e.g.reading short novels over several days.# (m3) Monitors reading for accuracy & meaning & adjusts when difficulties are encountered, e.g. adjusts speed, rereads & attends to most important information.

(m4) Monitors reading for accuracy & meaning by selecting & using appropriate higher order word identification skills such as knowledge of word origins and analogy. (m1) Reads increasingly longer novels & subject texts using a range of effective word identification strategies to maintain meaning. (m1) Reads for sustained periods (30 mins+) and maintains meaning in longer texts or across a variety of texts on a single topic over time.. (m2) Adjusts reading rate appropriate to subject content purpose. (m7) Applies & further develops fluent and expressive reading skills in subject contexts.

* Reading in a phrased & fluent way

(m3) Reads aloud with fluency & phrasing, adjusting pace, volume, pitch & pronunciation to enhance meaning and expression.

(m4) Responds to punctuation and adjusts expression to enhance meaning when reading aloud.

(m3) Reads texts in different ways to meet a range of reading purposes.

(m1) Reads for sustained periods (15-20 mins & sustains understanding in longer texts over time, e.g.reading short novels over several days.

* Navigating texts to create meaning

(m1) Understands that reading pathways for reading literary, factual, print and screen texts can be navigated in different ways.

Variety of texts

(m1) Understands text features such as illustrations, diagrams, tables, maps and graphs to enhance meaning. (m3) Knows that literary, factual and screen texts need to be read in differing ways.

(m2) Engages with both literacy & factual texts of increasing length and difficulty for at least 10 mins+

(m2) Uses visual representations e.g. photos, tables, charts to enhance meaning when reading factual texts. (m4) Demonstrates an awareness of how to use skimming/scanning & text features such as subheadings to locate specific information. (m5) Uses screen navigation features when reading and viewing internet texts)

(m4) Uses topic knowledge, vocabulary knowledge and context to read unknown words when engaging with subject texts. (m5) Chooses a reading path appropriate to the text (literary, factual, electronic) & navigates multimodal texts appropriate to the purpose. (A*)

(m2) Confidently engages with a wide range of authentic texts e.g. newspapers, TV documentaries, websites & chooses reading pathways appropriate to the purpose for reading / viewing. (m4) Manipulates multiple texts that include a variety of purposes and modes to locate information for a specific purpose. (m5) Uses text navigation skills such as skimming/scanning to efficiently locate specific information in literary, factual & electronic texts.

(m2) Reads, views & uses a wide variety of literary & factual, print & electronic texts with increasing autonomy, e.g. extended novels & information texts, video documentaries, multimedia & performance texts, graphic material. (m3) Reads more demanding subject texts that have increasing levels of technicality & abstraction. (m5) Confidently adjusts the chosen reading / viewing pathway to achieve the intended purpose in literary & factual, print, electronic & multimodal texts.

(m3) Applies technical vocabulary and content knowledge to create meaning when reading subject texts of increasing abstraction. (m4) Selects and reads texts in ways that best meet requirements of a task. (m5) Uses multiple reading pathways in a range of complex texts to locate and assemble information.

What plan do we phase in place to address strand 1 reading words automatically LEARNING TO READ Phonics Word attach (m2) Self corrects when meaning is disrupted e.g. by pausing, repeating words and phrases, rereading and reading on. (Cluster 6) Syllabification Homonym analogy Sight words Skimming / scanning

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