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Disidsqk&.b process are rhe hresholds eslablishd for difTerent hein6 Thes ihresholds are ued b ob*rve lhe impact of changes on sll pr@e! Alei ofnew lhrdolds is fed b the metric syslem when rhe procs b chansed, nfodng tishkr th.osholds when required . 7.1? ? SotrlE ?1616 6hown in Fig 7 { relab b the eowarc metrics, . 7.12.4 Dolo.l lnqlwlr There are some wU-defind methodolosiss for defect analvds Thto can funclion dth any LvPe of defccL snalvi3 m6lhdolry' siraLry b s6Yerilv HH fdilffi scdrding Field feilurs ere uEually clsifid that cause syhm ouhFs sre ciassified as c'it'cal followd bv 16 severe ones as m4or or Dinor Afbr ihe analvsig, che causBottailure s software, hardwa.e or pro@dural frb ar tcnerally caksqlid faulb if the hsrdware developms! strEb& can b applid b bdwsre pr@e6scan be msPPd inblifecycle phsses Some Procedural problu due b softwsre ordure. csn be included in lhe sub dkprizlti@

The softwareprcss lhse include . . ' .


Software deleloi'hent SoftFare bdnr plle6s

drocess procs process

Softwar-e deplord Software hdnbnahce

A,iolrri.zianile: of ihis diFbl swibh' a @ftte Based on rhe sflwar srdbture Neiwd problem may have originad from Cen!16l procesrsoftwar. controller soflwsre' Peripheral eh@ oroceEsor oftwfte, lnkrfae r o r L h i s s t . a L e g , w h i c h i n c l u d eTrpical aDatrri.: lhe life'cvcle pha* bv Lhe

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7 12,3 tttetk Fig 7 4 shos! five types ofhetrics .

Soflwire dwelopmn! marics: Thse metrics define mesu.e, menls rdktsa !o lhe hfe-cycle phas.s of a software develophenl proc4s Typidl lif-cycl d6velopnent phases include the requirehent hishlevel dsiF, low:levol dsip bd Brcess, software codiry.

Analysis of defective modul6 could ideniifv followins polsibrlities: ,

nequitement p/rdserThe requi.emenl was iDcorrecllv caPtu'd, c;usin8 ths desip snd code to Lha detechve was correct, but the trandation Desiga ph6e Captured rquirmenr of requiremnb b design*as wrong, c'usrns defeclive code was correct' iranslalion of Cotte phose: Captured rcquiremenr r e q u i r e m e n b u o d e s i F e a s c o r r e c ! , b u t w i t h t h e w r t t t n c o d ew i l was correct' translation of requiremenL Test phaset CaPturd requiremcn16 to desiF vAs c;rreci, w' itLn code was correcl but deicct the no! ihe iesiing Phase drd Problcm

' Softwsrc b*irg metrlcr: Soflwa.e tsLing metrie mesrur lhe em.ctivenes of soflware lesling process For diSibl lwitrhin8 sysiems th bt life cycles can include unit testinS, intrsrhon Esting, fearr regession bstinS anA system teEtins Etin8, Softsole metrics: These hclric d.plofent are @llded durinS lhe deploymnl of a rele66e'n thc CO Thc mosl effetive metricg in lbob8ory sre the applicarion morrics and th number o f p a b h e . a p p l i da l ! h t i m e o f d e p l o y m e n t Softwar Dalntnance mtrics: The most imporbnL mekics are the numbr paiche6 are applid, nunbr of &ftwar of defecliv Ft ha found and efTeciiveness ofdiasostic progans Customet stlrfadion Eetric6: These metriG lre oll*d sysEms Eranples are slow dial tone and other

A good test methodolog for digftsl switching svslem software should chck ach fatur under a .ealistic iraffic condriron before it i3

r rMtw outsTloNs
I 2 WriL a sho.t Dob on softwa'e msintenance Dxplain the or8anizscional inLerracns ora rvPical DSS ceniral omce

from lhe dsnE of disihl Ewitrhing billing errors, conversation, drBiEl swiEh rellleit prohlems

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illTll(s r 7.ll iwlrcHlt{GfiSrtm malilIAlNABltlTY

b b @llehd Fi8 ?.3 shows 6 st of melric! thai ned approPriak scor.s are ryPrreo and fdr ihich


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FiE 1 3 Suikhig . 7 ll.l

6oJtuat. mai^I'^o@


Upg.odo Proaett S!((ott lolo

upFid process As an The first detric shown in the fiSre 'epresnh svstem is slibhrng example, if the uPFade process for a digihl i! Siven' a scores of 5 i3 succestul only 40% of rh time, a eore of 0 90% over rsles for success given . t.ll.2 ltuilbe. ol Pol(hst APplled PeItdt


I 1

t rl t, b

relitbility swiEhingsvsiem A l6rge number of Patches impacL di8ihl in which s single fault ana malntainaUitity Fig shows a situsiion 'E involved in pa@hinB cenerates a singl Patch and the CO Prsonnel .rl".*".pre ifthe number of shows rha!particultr$iEh; ii" "*;tn. than 600, ihen a score of 0 i! en@red for thal Dabhos is Feabr a score of5 is ihen pakhes or fe?er' tf lhere are l0O pa*tut'i wlcl enbred and so on . 7 ll 3'Di{gtrorti( Retolulion Role thar is extremelv ihporlan! ln a modern digital swilching svskm, ii the nsm' and location ot correcllv dehrnine plog*-s tiuiup*tt








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