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ark|ng Un||zanon Study Summary
1he lnLenL of Lhe sLudy was Lo lnvenLory Lhe parklng supply and
examlne occupancy for Lhe WesLlake Avenue norLh corrldor
from Aloha SLreeL Lo [usL norLh of Palladay SLreeL. 1he WesLlake
Avenue norLh rlghL of way ls 130 feeL wlde, and lncludes Lhe
parklng loL beLween Lhe roadways and Lake unlon [lnserL llnk Lo
hup://]. 1he sLudy was
also lnLended Lo supplemenL Lhese ndlngs wlLh daLa collecLed
by Lhe ClLy durlng prevlous sLudles and Lhe Seaule Annual ald
arklng SLudy. 1he resulLs are an assessmenL of how much
parklng ls avallable and uullzed wlLhln Lhe corrldor.
1he daLa was noL lnLended Lo be sumclenL Lo deLermlne hourly
occupancy or Lurnover raLes for lndlvldual sLalls.
1he sLudy covered Lhe followlng lLems:
- Cn-sLreeL publlc parklng supply (number of spaces)
- C-sLreeL prlvaLe parklng supply (ln surface loLs and garages,
boLh publlc pald and prlvaLe pald lmmedlaLely ad[acenL Lo
Lhe rlghL-of-way)
- Cn-sLreeL and o-sLreeL parklng regulauons and raLes
(lncludlng resldenual permlL parklng locauons).
- Loadlng zones and oLher unlque parklng/uses observed
(e.g., garbage Lrucks, boaL sLorage eLc.)
- Cn-sLreeL/o-sLreeL parklng occupancy (number of spaces
repared by 1oole ueslgn Croup
March 21, 2014
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liq. 2. niqher use of unpoid porkinq {ot /e
"1 /2(*(? *2)1 /)"0 3@566 78(+9: 7,*E,,1
F)8,. )10 '8)"1, >*.,,*-?
What we set out to observe: number of
park|ng spaces and the|r use
now the Study was Conducted
co//ecnon nmes
uaLa was collecLed ln SepLember 2013 durlng boaung season.
A range of days and umes were selecLed Lo capLure boLh peak
and o-peak hours (See 1able 1). SuC1 parklng managemenL
sLa was consulLed for recommended days and umes. revlous
parklng sLudles were revlewed as well as Lhe ClLy's pald parklng

arklng uullzauon SLudy SuMMA8? | 2
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co//ecnon oreos
Cn-sLreeL parklng along Lhe corrldor was dlvlded lnLo block lengLhs
represenLed by Zones A Lo M (see llgure 7) Lo evaluaLe Lhe parklng
lnvenLory and Lrends along Lhe corrldor ln dlscreLe, block-slzed
segmenLs. lL was lmporLanL Lo break Lhe corrldor lnLo Lhese zones Lo
undersLand how Lhe ad[acenL land use aecLed parklng on a block by
block basls.
K=/,- (; /).9"1#
1he number of pald and free parklng spaces and Lhe number
of spaces dedlcaLed Lo speclc uses such as a dlsabled parklng,
dumpsLers and moLorcycle parklng were recorded. uurlng each ume
perlod, Lhe occupancy was collecLed by lndlvldual parklng space. 1he
LoLal number of spaces ln surface loLs and garages ad[acenL Lo Lhe
rlghL-of-way and Lhe occupancy of Lhe publlcly avallable spaces were
also recorded.
lrl 9/13/2013
7 AM noon 6 M MldnlghL
SaL 9/14/2013
noon 6 M
Wed 9/18/2013
7 AM noon 6 M
1A8LL 1: uA1LS Anu 1lMLS Cl A8klnC S1uu?
What we |earned
L1M-*.,,* AB78"+ A).9"1# >B//8=
1he corrldor has 1,271 parklng spaces ln Lhe publlc rlghL-of-way.
llgure 8 shows Lhe breakdown of unpald Lo pald parklng. ald
parklng spaces are locaLed on Lhe easL slde of Lhe rlghL-of-way along
Lhe buslnesses on Lhe shore llne. lree parklng ls locaLed along Lhe
wesL slde of Lhe parklng loL, ad[acenL Lo Lhe WesLlake Avenue norLh
Cf Lhe parklng spaces avallable on Lhe corrldor, 6 were noL avallable
for general purpose parklng (e.g., load zones, moLorcycle parklng and
dlsabled parklng). uumpsLers occupled 27 parklng spaces or 2 of
Lhe LoLal.
1here ls llule Lo no addluonal on-sLreeL parklng beyond Lhe WesLlake
Avenue norLh rlghL of way from Caler SLreeL norLh due Lo Lhe
physlcal lsolauon from Lhe hlllslde Lo Lhe wesL and Lake unlon Lo Lhe


liq. 4. uumpsters occupyinq porkinq spots
3@466 78(+9: 1(.*2 (; <"#28)10 N."C,?
liq. 5. xisnnq Pothwoy with hiqh pedestrion
use mixed with bikes {south of niqh/ond
arklng uullzauon SLudy SuMMA8? | 3
llCu8L 7. A8klnC u1lLlZA1lCn S1uu? A8LA MAS
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arklng uullzauon SLudy SuMMA8? | 4
Og-street Privote Porkinq 5upp/y
rlvaLe parklng surface loLs and garages lmmedlaLely ad[acenL Lo
Lhe WesLlake Avenue norLh rlghL-of-way were lncluded ln Lhe sLudy.
1here were 237 prlvaLe pald parklng spaces counLed as avallable Lo
Lhe publlc aL Lhe Lake unlon 8ulldlng and ACC 8ulldlng (1ab|e 2).
arklng ls avallable 24/7.
ln addluon Lo prlvaLe pald loLs (surface loLs and garages), reserved
parklng on prlvaLe properLy was counLed (1ab|e 3). 1hese spaces
lncluded reserved parklng spaces aL Lhe ACC and Lake unlon
8ulldlng, as well as slngle and double lengLh parklng spaces
lmmedlaLely ad[acenL Lo Lhe rlghL-of-way on prlvaLe properLy
presumably used by ad[acenL buslness employee and cusLomer
parklng. 1here were 184 of Lhese spaces avallable. ln LoLal Lhere
were 441 prlvaLe parklng spaces avallable ad[acenL Lo buL ouLslde Lhe
publlc rlghL of way.
WlLh Lhese spaces Laken lnLo accounL Lhere ls a LoLal of 1,712 parklng
spaces avallable along Lhe corrldor.
1ime Limits ond lees
1he raLe for pald parklng ln Lhe sLreeL rlghL-of-way ls $1 per hour for
up Lo 7 hours, 9 AM - 4 M Monday Lhru lrlday. 1he ma[orlLy of pald
parklng spaces do noL have ume llmlLs before, aer or durlng Lhe
7 hours of pald parklng. AL Lhe norLh end of Lhe corrldor ln Zone k
(McCraw SLreeL Lo urlveway #11), Lhere are 30, unpald, ume-llmlLed
(2-hour) parklng spaces.
LC,.)88 L++B/)1+=
1he ClLy's LargeL occupancy for pald parklng ln Lhe ClLy overall ls 70-
83. 1hls allows for Lhe avallablllLy of one Lo Lwo parklng spaces, on
average, per block face LhroughouL Lhe day.
arklng occupancy varles along Lhe corrldor. 1he hlghesL occupancy
raLes occurred aL Lhe souLh and cenLral poruons of Lhe corrldor. 1he
sLudy showed LhaL Lhe noon hour was Lhe hlghesL occupancy and ls
Lherefore consldered Lhe peak.
Corrldor-wlde uullzauon shows LhaL whlle Lhere ls hlgh demand for
unpald parklng, use of Lhe pald parklng supply (see llgure 9) ls below
Lhe ClLy's LargeL parklng LargeLs.
llCu8L 8. u8LlC A8klnC SuL?
1&-'2*3 2*)"*$,-0
ACC 8ulldlng 133 spaces
Lake unlon 8ulldlng 104 spaces
2S7 r|vate
a|d Spaces (open to pub||c)
1A8LL 3. 8lvA1L 8LSL8vLu A8klnC lnvLn1C8?
1-2)&$" -"#"-)"4
1&-'2*3 2*)"*$,-0
ACC 8ulldlng 36 spaces
PeberL ?achLs 30 spaces
Lake unlon 8ulldlng 93 spaces
aclc CoasL ?achL Servlces 4 spaces
SLarbucks 13 spaces
WesLlake Landlng 8ulldlng 8 spaces
184 r|vate
keserved (not open to pub||c) Spaces
1A8LL 2. 8lvA1L A8klnC lnvLn1C8?
arklng uullzauon SLudy SuMMA8? | 3
1hls average occupancy aL all umes (30 pald, 91 unpald) does
noL reecL Lhe Lrends per block where parklng demand ls hlgher aL
Lhe souLh end and mld-corrldor. 1he ndlngs are comparable Lo Lhe
resulLs of Lhe 2013 arklng Summary 8eporL where pald parklng
occupancy durlng Lhree hour dayume peak averaged 76.
L++B/)1+= 7= O(1,
Cverall occupancy was hlgher ln Zones 8, C, u, l and l. llgure 6 shows
Lhe occupancy raLes along Lhe enure corrldor for Lhe peak weekday
ume (lrlday aL noon). Zones 8, C and u are wlLhln a block of Lhe ACC
8ulldlng prlvaLe parklng loL, whlch ls avallable Lo Lhe publlc for pald
parklng. Zones l and l are wlLhln one Lo Lwo blocks of Lhe Lake unlon
8ulldlng where pald parklng ls avallable.
Cccupauon raLes ln free parklng areas were hlgher Lhan ln pald
parklng areas for mosL blocks. uurlng Lhe noon hour, Lhe free
parklng ln Zone 8, l and l was near full occupancy. 1he mosL
abundanL free parklng was avallable ln Zone M aL Lhe norLhern
end of Lhe corrldor where on average aL noon, only 30 of Lhe 186
avallable sLalls were occupled.
Cccupancy for Lhe prlvaLe pald parklng loLs was also counLed durlng
Lhe same sLudy perlod. uurlng counL umes Lhe occupancy average
for boLh loLs was 38.
llCu8L 9. WLS1LAkL AvLnuL nC81P A8klnC CCCuAnC?, CC88luC8 WluL
arklng uullzauon SLudy SuMMA8? | 6
llCu8L 10. MA Cl LAk WLLkuA? CCCuAnC? 8? L8CLn1ACL
arklng uullzauon SLudy SuMMA8? | 7
- 1he sLudy provlded an undersLandlng of block-by-block parklng
needs whlch wlll help Lo lnform a balanced approach Lo changes
made wlLhln Lhe corrldor.
- 1he sLudy of corrldor-wlde parklng uullzauon shows LhaL wh||e
there |s h|gh demand for unpa|d park|ng, use of the pa|d
park|ng supp|y |s be|ow the C|ty park|ng un||zanon targets. 1he
sLudy found LhaL parklng ls avallable along Lhe corrldor ln free,
pald and prlvaLe parklng spaces durlng peak season, aL all umes
of day.
- 1here are zones w|th|n the corr|dor and nmes where
park|ng occupancy rates are over 90, maklng lL dlmculL for
people ln vehlcles Lo nd parklng |mmed|ate|y ad[acent Lo Lhelr
- 1he hlghesL demand areas are Zones 8, C, u, l and l.
- r|vate park|ng |ots wlLh lower Lhan on-sLreeL parklng occupancy
are a|so w|th|n reasonab|e wa|k|ng d|stance of h|gh demand
park|ng areas.
- 1he |owest park|ng occupancy rates are |n the area where
most oanng homes and ||ve-a boards are |ocated.
- 1he corrldor ls a deslgnaLed 8esLrlcLedarklng Zone (8Z), and
resldenLs may obLaln 8Z permlLs Lo exempL Lhelr vehlcles
from Lerm llmlLs and pay sLauon fees. k2 perm|ts were not
observed to be heav||y used a|ong the corr|dor.

Summary o|nts

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