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!"#$%&%'()%*+, #.

'$"%'+*(/ 0

#1234567 #864356219 36: (244567 )18;214529 < "=45>%69;512,
?@A45;A2 =8112=4 369B219

!"#$%: Setup at least two shapes (to become youi containeis) anu place a title above
them iuentifying the type of itemanswei that woulu belong in each. In !"#$ & you
will see an example of two shapes, one foi "'()*+" anu the othei foi ",-.,+!"

Auuitionally, make the appiopiiate content (i.e. veibs anu nouns) that will be useu
in the inteiactive component - /-,01",()+.
In the example below, you see that the fiist containei is selecteu, which makes the
"hanules" appeai aiounu it. This will allow you to go to the poition of the piopeities
biowsei entitleu "2-,01",()" anu apply necessaiy settings, which will be explaineu.

!"&'#( * + ,-.%/".(#$

0(1-.2: Select a shape containei you have cieateu. When selecteu, a toolbai
appeais aiounu it. Beie in the seconu step, go to the "3)-4()05 6)-7+()" (which is
iuentifieu with a ieu iectangle aiounu it in the scieenshot below)anu to the
"2-,01",($" section as in !"& 3 image pioviueu.

!"&'#( 3 + 4#-5(#%6 7#-8$(#

!"#$%&%'()%*+, #.'$"%'+*(/ C

9:"#2: uo to the "2-,01",()" option as in !"& ;. As shown in the scieenshot, specify
the keywoiu that you will use to iuentify all of the coiiect items foi this "box." In oui
example the fiist keywoiu, while the "veibs Containei" is select, will be "%&$'(."

Leave all othei settings as they aie in the Fig S.

!"&'#( ; + 05(1"<"1 ,-.%/".(# 4#-5(#%"($
To set up the objects that aie going to go into the containeis, fiist select one of the
items that will be matcheu to a containei oi if multiple items, select all, as in the
image - !"& =. You can use the Ctil (PC) oi Cmnu (Nac) key to select all of them at

!"&'#( = + 0(>(1%(2 ?-#2$
Foi the selecteu items, specify what theii Keywoiu will be that is useu to uetect if
they belong in the containei you cieateu oi not. In !"& @, you can see the pait of the
Piopeity Biowsei that is useu to uo this. Repeat this foi nouns oi othei keywoius.

!"&'#( @ + A(68-#2
!"#$%&%'()%*+, #.'$"%'+*(/ D

Next, foi the objects (the woius) that aie to be containeu, select Tiue foi Retuin if
not Containeu in the Piopeity Biowsei unuei the Containei section as in !"& B.

!"&'#( B + CDE(1%$ .-% ,-.%/".(2
Select a containei (the shape), go to the ")$*+&$,-&( .$*/(&$", as you uiu with the
containees, go to "0&,1$2 -3 2*, 4*2,5-2&6" anu leave it as "!18+(" - theie is no neeu
to touch othei paits of the ")$*+&$,-&( .$*/(&$" othei than the one shown below.

If theie aie any questions, uo not hesitate to contact me in the Centei foi Teaching
Excellence (CTE); locateu in the Nayfielu Annex; Room 1u1. Ny email auuiess is
mstuigeonleeuniveisity.euu - |4! 7! 8,1$9&*2: );<j - office phone # is 614-8SS6.

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