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Infant and Toddler Competencies #6 Examine research-based models Individuals caring for infants and toddlers have an awesome

responsibility. e !now from research that the first three years of life form the basis for later growth and development. "o# what does an infant and toddler curriculum that stimulates babies$ brains and maximi%e learning loo! li!e& The components of a 'uality infant and toddler program are many. This article will attempt to identify the ma(or components# explain infant and toddler milestones# and provide suggestions for implementing developmentally appropriate practice. )evelopment is a complex and emergent process of ever-increasing s!ills and abilities where each period of growth is preceded by a brief# sometimes turbulent regression. *our general principles of development help chart the ama%ing developmental changes that ta!e place during the first three years of life. The first principle is that growth follows a universal and predictable se'uence. *urther# the predictability of development can be seen in each area of development+physical# social# emotional# cognitive# and language. *or example# in the physical domain# development proceeds from sitting# to crawling to pulling# to a stand to wal!ing. The second principle of development is that each child has an individual pattern and timing of growth. ,lthough the se'uence is predictable# each child$s individual progress through the se'uence is sub(ect to variation. *or example# one child may pull to a standing position and wal! at eight months while another may do so at -. months. The third principle is that development proceeds from the simple to the complex or from the general to the specific. "imple s!ills must be ac'uired before more complex ones can be attempted. Children eat with their fingers before attempting to use a spoon or for!. Controlling fingers is a simpler tas! than controlling an extension of the fingers# the for!. The se'uence of development ma!es up the fourth principle. )uring the first few years# children develop their bodies from the top down and from the center out+cephalocaudalproximodistal trend. /ost children# for example# can swipe at ob(ects by the age of five or six months# pic! up ob(ects between the thumb and forefinger by -- or -0 months# hold aspoon by 00 months# and begin scribbling with a crayon by .1 months# illustrating the proximodistal trend. "imilarly# children roll over by five or six months# sit without support by seven or eight months# pull to a stand by -1 to -0 months# and wal! by -0 to -6 months# illustrating the cephalocaudal trend. 2oth of these trends are mediated by children$s uni'ue pace through the developmental se'uence# the unevenness of development in general# and the opportunities available for experience and practice of emerging s!ills.

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