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Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical Research, 1766 1925

An Annotated i!liography Adam "ra!tree

i!liographies in the History o# Psychology and Psychiatry A $eries
Ro!ert H% &o'nia(, )eneral Editor Copyright 1988 Adam Crabtree

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*i!rary o# "ongress "ataloging in P+!lication ,ata

Crabtree& Adam# Animal magnetism& early hypnotism and psychical research& 1'(()19*+# ,ibliographies in the history o- psychology and psychiatry. /ncludes inde0es# 1# Animal magnetism1,ibliography# *# 2ypnotism1,ibliography# "# 3sychical research1 ,ibliography# /# Title# //# 4eries# 5(8'8#A+6C'" 1988 7,811619 $68#1+6' 8'-*9'6( /4,N $-+*'-*$$$(-9 :alk# paper. 7;riginally published by <=A>4 /NT?=NAT/;NA% 3>,%/CAT/;N4 !hite 3lains& New @ork A ivision o- <raus-Thomson ;rganiAation %imited9

Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical Research, 1766-1925 An Annotated !i"liography was -irst published by <raus /nternational 3ublications in 1988# >p to the time o- its publication there was no annotated bibliography o- the principal works in these interconnected -ields& and the historical importance o- mesmerism and its o--shoots was largely unrecogniAed# 4ince 1988 the awareness o- the signi-icance o- these works -or the history o- psychiatry& psychology& psychical research& and hypnotism has greatly increased# This bibliographyBs e0treme scarcity in the book market makes this online version an e0tremely valuable resource -or anyone interested in these -ields# 1Adam Crabtree

Historical -ntrod+ction
Animal magnetism is little known today# Cost historical scholars would probably be hard pressed to write more than a brie- paragraph about 8ranA Anton Cesmer :1'"6)181+. and his discovery# @et& -or appro0imately seventy--ive years -rom its beginnings in 1''9& animal magnetism -lourished as a medical and psychological specialty& and -or another -i-ty years it continued to be a system o- some in-luence# !hen one e0amines the history o- animal magnetism and its o--shoots& it seems incredible that this once power-ul system is now almost completely -orgotten# That animal magnetism is no longer practiced is hardly surprising# The theory o- animal magnetism in its original -orm would be di--icult -or most moderns to accept# !hat is puAAling is that the story o- animal magnetism is so neglected# Animal magnetism is not comparable to certain medical -ads which -lourished -or a time and then died out# 4uch craAes did not signi-icantly shape medical or psychological theory and practice& nor did they signi-icantly a--ect the evolution o- those disciplines# Animal magnetism& on the other hand& had a pro-ound impact on medicine& psychology& and psychical research :today called parapsychology.& as a brie- e0amination o- its history will show#

.ran' Anton Mesmer and Animal Magnetism

The seeds o- thought that gave birth to animal magnetism may be -ound in CesmerDs thesis #issertatio physico-medica de planetar$m in%l$&$ o- 1'((& which he wrote -or a doctorate in medicine at the >niversity o- Eienna# /n this treatise Cesmer developed the notion o- Fanimal gravitation&G a -orce which he considered to be both the cause o- universal gravitation and the -oundation -or all bodily properties& and which he believed to a--ect organisms in the most intimate way# Cesmer believed that animal gravitation connected living things to the stars and was the basis -or healthy -unctioning& since it harmoniAed the body in a -ashion comparable to the tuning o- a musical instrument# CesmerDs interest in invisible -orces -ound concrete e0pression in his early medical practice& where he e0perimented with using iron magnets to treat illness# 4purred on by success& Cesmer enthusiastically turned his attention to revising his theory o- Fanimal gravitation#G =etaining his central idea o- a universal -orce that is the -oundation -or health and disease& he renamed that -orce Fanimal magnetism&G -inding it to possess many o- the characteristics

associated with mineral magnetism# The more Cesmer e0perimented& the more he became disenchanted with using iron magnets to heal# 2e came to believe that the physician himsel- is a magnet o- a very special kind& capable o- channeling the invisible Fmagnetic -luidG that pervades the universe into the body o- the sick person and bringing about the magnetic balance necessary -or a cure# The basic principles o- CesmerDs theory o- animal magnetism were articulated in twentyseven propositions in his M'moire s$r la d'co$(erte d$ magn'tisme animal o- 1''9# Among the more in-ormative are the -ollowingH 1. There e0ists a mutual in-luence between the celestial bodies& the earth and animate bodiesI *. The means o- this in-luence is a -luid that is universally distributed and continuous # # # and which& by its nature& is capable o- receiving& propagating and communicating all impressions o- movementI ". This reciprocal action is governed by mechanical laws as yet unknown# # # #I # # # 8. The animal body e0periences the alternative e--ects o- this agent which insinuates them into the nerves and a--ects them immediatelyI 9. /t particularly mani-ests itsel- in the human body by properties analogous to the magnet# # # #I 1$. ,ecause the property o- the animal body which makes it susceptible to the in-luence o- heavenly bodies and to the reciprocal action o- those around it is analogous to that o- the magnet& / decided to call it Fanimal magnetism#G # # #I # # # *". The -acts will show& -ollowing the practical rules that / will establish& that this principle can heal disorders o- the nerves immediately& and other disorders mediately# Cesmer eventually discontinued the use o- iron magnets entirely& relying instead on the application o- newly evolved animal-magnetic techniJues# These techniJues involved Fmagnetic passesG or sweeping movements o- the hands to direct magnetic -luid to diseased parts o- the patientDs body# >sing these methods& Cesmer per-ormed some remarkable& icontroversial& cures in Austria and Kermany and attempted to gain acceptance -or his theory o- animal magnetism -rom the medical establishment o- Eienna# 2e was not success-ul in this endeavor and in 1''8 decided to go to 3aris& where& he believed& new ideas were more -avorably considered# /n 3aris& Cesmer set up two treatment clinics& one -or the rich and the other -or the poor# The sick -locked to him and he treated them by the hundreds over the ne0t -ew years# uring that time there were many among both rich and poor who testi-ied to being cured by animal magnetism& in some cases o- long-term chronic illnesses# uring this period& Cesmer made attempts to get the medical establishment o- 3aris to approve his theory o- animal magnetism& but try as he might& he could not gain a sympathetic hearing# ;n the contrary& the medical -aculty at 3aris became alarmed at the popularity oCesmerDs clinics and moved to suppress them# /n 1'86 two commissions were constituted to investigate animal magnetism& both appointed by the king o- 8rance# ;ne was made up omembers o- the =oyal Academy o- 4ciences and the 8aculty o- CedicineI it included some othe countryDs most eminent scientists and -unctioned under the chairmanship o- ,enLamin 8ranklin :1'$$)1'9$.& then the American ambassador to 8rance# The second commission was composed o- physicians o- the =oyal 4ociety o- Cedicine# The resulting investigations were carried out in the -ace o- CesmerDs obLections and without his cooperation# ,oth commissions -iled reports un-avorable to animal magnetism& although a member o- the second commission wrote a dissenting opinion recommending -urther investigation# The -irst commission also

drew up a secret report -or the king on potential dangers to morals through the misuse omagnetic techniJues# The publication o- the reports in 1'86 was -ollowed by a -lood o- treatises in response& many written by physicians# 4ome supported the conclusions o- the commissionsI others were strongly critical# /n the latter category were the protests o- doAens o- medical practitioners who had themselves been using animal magnetism& in their opinion very success-ully# They criticiAed the commissioners -or both their attitude and the techniJue o- investigation# Ceanwhile Cesmer had become embroiled in a controversy about how his theory and techniJue were to be taught# Cesmer desired to secure his -inancial condition by charging a -ee to those who wanted to be trained in animal magnetism# A scheme was worked out on CesmerDs behal- by a banker& Kuillaume <ornmann :b# ca# 1'6$. and a lawyer and -reethinker& Nicholas ,ergasse :1'+$)18"*.# /t involved the -ounding o- 4ocieties o2armony1which were to be considered the o--icial organs -or teaching animal magnetism& membership in the 4ociety being gained through the subscription o- a considerable sum omoney# 8rom the parent 4ociety o- 2armony in 3aris& doAens more were established throughout 8rance# Cesmer and ,ergasse& who had become the chie- spokesman o- the 4ociety o- 2armony in 3aris& eventually had a -alling out and a split resulted# Cesmer grew more and more disillusioned with 3aris and undertook a series o- trips away -rom that city# ?ventually& he settled in Kermany and lived in comparative seclusion# Although he continued periodically to write on animal magnetism a-ter 1'9$& he was not very actively involved in its a--airs# /n 181*& the ,erlin Academy o- 4cience& surprised to discover that Cesmer was still alive& sent <arl Christian !ol-art :1''8)18"*. to -ind out about animal magnetism directly -rom its discoverer# !ol-art remained with Cesmer -or two years& putting together what would be the masterDs last treatise on animal magnetism# /t was published under the title Mesmerism$s) *der +ystem der ,echsel-ir.$ngen in 1816# Cesmer died in 181+#

Magnetic $leep
Although CesmerDs personal -ortunes and -ame waned a-ter 1'9$& animal magnetism :also called FmesmerismG. -lourished# This was due in no small part to the work o- the CarJuis de 3uysMgur :1'+1)18*+.& one o- CesmerDs most loyal and enthusiastic pupils# 3uysMgur discovered that some individuals -ell into a kind o- trance when animal magnetism was applied to them# Although appearing to be asleep& they were still conscious and could reply to Juestions and convey in-ormation# /n this state o- Fmagnetic sleep&G as 3uysMgur called it& the patient was very suggestible& taking -or reality any -antasy the magnetiAer might depict# >pon awakening -rom magnetic sleep& the patient would remember nothing that had taken place while asleep# 3uysMgur was -ascinated by this unusual state o- consciousness& so di--erent -rom ordinary waking consciousness# 2e discovered that many in this state could apparently diagnose their own illnesses and those o- others& and even prescribe e--ective remedies -or the conditions they perceived# 2e also noticed that although magnetiAed subLects had no memory in the waking state -or occurrences in the state o- magnetic sleep& they did retain a continuous memory -rom sleep state to sleep state# Noting these two separate chains o- memory that accompanied the two distinct states o- consciousness& 3uysMgur came to view magnetic sleep and the waking state as Ftwo di--erent e0istences#G 8rom this seed& the notion o- a seemingly separate mind or sel- operating covertly within the human psyche took root# /t came to

-ruition some one hundred years later with the work o- 3ierre Nanet and his concept o- the Fsubconscious&G as described below# 3uysMgur noted the similarity between Fmagnetic sleepG and the natural phenomenon oFsleepwalkingG or Fsomnambulism&G the only di--erence between the two states being that in magnetic sleep the subLect is in a special connection or FrapportG with the magnetiAer& whereas in sleepwalking the sleeper is in rapport with no one# ,ecause o- the similarity& 3uysMgur called the newly discovered state Fmagnetic somnambulism#G Another term that eventually came into use was Farti-icial somnambulism#G

3uysMgurDs work had a power-ul in-luence on the practitioners o- animal magnetism# Cesmer& working -rom a markedly mechanistic model o- the human organism& had emphasiAed the physical action involved in magnetic healing# 3uysMgurDs orientation was much more psychological# 8rom his e0periments with magnetic sleep& he developed the rudiments o- a psychotherapy based upon the investigation o- somnambulistic consciousness# 2e evolved a theory o- mental disturbance as a state o- Fdisorderly somnambulismG in which the individual moves in and out o- a condition o- disturbed somnambulism in a chaotic manner# 3uysMgurDs psychological orientation is also demonstrated by the importance he placed on the role ohuman will when magnetiAing and the need -or the magnetiAer to e0ercise Fgood willG in order to be e--ective# Although 3uysMgurDs views di--ered in these signi-icant ways -rom those o- Cesmer& he nevertheless retained CesmerDs notion o- a Fmagnetic -luidG that passes between magnetiAer and patient# 3uysMgur became a very in-luential -igure in the history o- animal magnetism# 2is psychological concerns were taken up by many investigators and this eventually led to a new -ormulation o- the theory o- animal-magnetic phenomena# That -ormulation was -irst hinted at in the writings o- the AbbM 8aria :1'++)1819. and Ale0andre ,ertrand :1'9+)18"1. and reached its culmination in the work o- the Canchester physician Names ,raid :1'9+)18($.# /n 186* ,raid coined the term FhypnotismG or Fnervous sleepG to replace Fanimal magnetism&G intending to do away with any notion o- a physical agent such as Fmagnetic -luidG that passes between magnetiAer and subLect and produces the phenomena o- somnambulism# ,raid described hypnotism as a psycho-physiological state that needs no operator and can be sel-induced# 2e also emphasiAed the role o- suggestion both in producing the hypnotic state and in bringing about the healing e--ects associated with it# ?ventually ,raidDs view became the dominant one and his terminology the accepted nomenclature# This took some time& however& and animal magnetism in its traditional -orm remained a -orce to be reckoned with -or another si0ty years#

/hree $treams .lo0ing #rom Animal Magnetism

/t is possible to trace three distinct currents o- thought -lowing directly -rom the discovery oanimal magnetism# These three streams may be identi-ied as 1. psychological& *. medical& and ". parapsychological#

Psychological $tream

The most important o- these three currents& -rom an historical point o- view& is the psychological stream# Nustly it can be said that CesmerDs discovery o- animal magnetism was a pivotal moment in the evolution o- modern psychology and psychotherapy# /t led to 3uysMgurDs investigation o- the consciousness mani-ested in magnetic sleep and the eventual discovery o- a subconscious realm o- mental activity# /t also led to ,raidDs teaching about hypnotism as a psychological phenomenon and the resulting e0ploration o- the psychotherapeutic power o- suggestion# The magnetic tradition o- 3uysMgur and the hypnotic tradition o- ,raid were both very much in evidence in mid-nineteenth-century 8rance& particularly in e0perimentation with somnambulism and its e--ects# ,raidDs writings were FdiscoveredG in 8rance around 18($& and by the 18'$s and 188$s& men trained in psychological observation& such as Charles =ichet :18+$)19"+.& 2enri ,eaunis :18"$)19*1.& and Noseph elboeu- :18"1)189(.& began to become involved in work on hypnotic phenomena# /n the 18($s& Ambroise %iMbeault :18*")19$1.& a provincial physician& had undertaken some special observations o- his own# 2e used hypnotism to treat the illnesses o- some o- his clients with great success# %iMbeault believed that hypnotism was based on suggestion and that its healing e--ects were due to the power o- suggestion# 2ippolyte ,ernheim :186$)1919.& pro-essor o- medicine at Nancy& was impressed by %iMbeaultDs results& and the two initiated what came to be called the Nancy school o- hypnotism# Ceanwhile& the highly respected neurologist Nean-Cartin Charcot :18*+)189". was developing his own ideas about the nature o- hypnotism based on his work with hysterical patients at the 4alpOtriPre 2ospital# ,ecause Charcot worked -rom a more physicalist model o- hypnotism& his ideas came into con-lict with those o- %iMbeault and ,ernheim# The resulting competition between the Nancy school and the school o- the 4alpOtriPre continued -or many years& resulting in e0tremely valuable e0perimental studies o- hypnotism& suggestion& and hysteria# Among the associates o- Charcot& although not an adherent o- his school& was 3ierre Nanet :18+9)196'.# Nanet had a particular interest in hysteria and the automatisms associated with that condition# 8rom his observations& he developed the notion o- the Fsubconscious&G a realm o- mental activity in which emotional disorders originate# 2is ground-breaking work in this area made possible the development o- all modern psychotherapies that accept the reality oan unconscious realm o- mental and emotional activity in-luencing ordinary human li-e# NanetDs discoveries had a strong impact on the subseJuent work o- Ca0 essoir :18(')196'.& Corton 3rince :18+6)19*9.& ,oris 4idis :18(')19*".& and !illiam Names :186*)191$.& among others# Cultiple personality was one o- the disorders that was most closely studied by Nanet and others who were interested in -athoming the mechanism o- the subconscious# /t was considered to be a special -orm o- hysteria in which somnambulistic consciousness had taken the -orm o- well-de-ined& distinct personalities# Nanet& Al-red ,inet :18+')1911.& ?ugPne AAam :18**)1899.& and others pioneered work in this area and used their -indings to throw light not only on hysterical disorders but also on the nature o- hypnotic consciousness in the normal individual# These insights into the subconscious carried implications -or possible treatment methods -or the emotionally disturbed# 4igmund 8reud :18+()19"9. was in-luenced by these

developments& and his earlier works clearly re-lect the magnetic-hypnotic tradition with its gradual unveiling o- an unconscious mental li-e#

Medical $tream
/n its origins& animal magnetism was a healing system# /t was based on a view o- the human organism as a sel--healing entity reJuiring the proper balance o- a universal Fmagnetic -luidG that a--ects the ebb and -low o- the li-e -orce# The techniJues o- animal magnetism were geared to restoring that balance in persons su--ering -rom illness# Although 3uysMgurDs work diverted the attention o- many magnetiAers to psychological pursuits& there remained a power-ul current o- interest in the healing work Cesmer originally envisioned# /n the literature it is not always easy to di--erentiate between those interested in the investigation o- somnambulistic consciousness and those interested in magnetic healing& since more o-ten than not practitioners were involved with both# 2owever& the two concerns were distinguishable in practice# This is re-lected by the -act that many o- the thousands obooks written on animal magnetism be-ore 19*+ have one section dealing with the treatment o- disease and another dealing with somnambulistic phenomena# 3uysMgur himsel- had pointed out that many individuals& when put into a state o- magnetic sleep& would spontaneously diagnose their own illnesses and those o- others# 2e also described instances in which the somnambulist prescribed treatment by speci-ic medicines or medical procedures# 2e considered this to be one o- the great bene-its o- magnetic sleep& claiming that somnambulists were almost always correct in their diagnosis and that their prescribed treatments were o-ten success-ul# /n 18*( there appeared a he-ty treatise o- nearly twelve hundred pages compiled by 4imon Cialle :b# ca# 1'9$. entitled E&pos' par ordre alpha"'ti/$e des c$res op'r's en 0rance par le magn'tisme animal) This work gives some idea o- the vast e0tent o- the tradition omagnetic healing in the decades -ollowing Cesmer# 2ere Cialle details cases o- cure through the application o- animal magnetism between 1''6 and 18*(# /n each case there is a description o- the disease treated& the animal-magnetic procedure employed& and the results produced# ?ach instance is documented by source& and the reader cannot help but be impressed by the sheer volume o- work o- this kind being done in those early years# The healing tradition o- animal magnetism continued well beyond the year 18*(& e0tending even into the twentieth century# A-ter 188$& books on animal-magnetic healing o-ten incorporated chapters on healing by suggestion& taking a page -rom the success-ul medical use o- hypnotism by %iMbeault and his -ollowers# ,esides healing& another medical use o- animal magnetism was as an anesthetic -or surgery# The -irst well-documented surgical operation on an individual in a state o- magnetic somnambulism was per-ormed in 3aris on April 1(& 18*9# The mesmerist was 3ierre Nean Chapelain and the surgeon was Nules CloJuet :1'9$)188".& later -amous -or his works on anatomy# The surgery was -or the removal o- a cancerous breast -rom a si0ty--our-year-old woman& a Cadame 3lantin# The earliest use o- animal magnetism as an anesthetic in the >nited 4tates seems to have been a painless tooth e0traction per-ormed by the mesmerist ,ugard in 18"(# /t seems that this new use o- animal magnetism did not really come into its own until the early 186$s# /n 186* a r# !ard success-ully per-ormed the amputation o- a leg at the thigh upon a mesmeriAed patient in %ondon# 2is in-luential colleague& Nohn ?lliotson

:1'91)18(8.& immediately took up the cause -or this medical use o- animal magnetism& and in /ndia Names ?sdaile :18$8)18+9.& carried out doAens o- serious operations on magnetiAed patients in the mid-186$s# At about the same time a series o- surgical operations were per-ormed under r# %oisel in Cherbourg& 8rance# All this promising activity involving animal magnetism as an anesthetic soon -aded& however& with the introduction in ,ritain o- ether as an analgesic in 186'# Although animal magnetism or hypnotism did not become widely used as an anesthetic& some surgical operations under its agency continued to be per-ormed long a-ter chemicals were well established in that role# /n -act& the rise o- interest in hypnotism in 8rance around 18($ was strongly associated with its success-ul use in surgery#

Parapsychological $tream1 Psychical Research

3sychical research& the scienti-ic study o- the paranormal& may be said to have had its o--icial beginning in 188* with the establishment o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in ,ritain# 3sychical research was the direct result o- certain developments arising -rom animal magnetism# These wereH 1. the occult medico-philosophical tradition in Kermany that adopted animal-magnetic theoryI *. the development o- Fmagnetic magicG in 8ranceI and ". the rise ospiritualism in the >nited 4tates# /n Kermany animal magnetism developed a strong early -ollowing among those in-luenced by romantic philosophy& so prominent at the end o- the eighteenth century# %iterary men such as Nean 3aul =ichter :1'(")18*+. and ?#T#A# 2o--man :1''()18**.& physicians including Nohannes <aspar %avater :1'61)18$1. and 8riederich 2u-eland :1''6)18"9.& and religious philosopher Nohannes 2einrich Nung-4tilling :1'6$)181'. are e0amples o- thinkers who -ound the notion o- a universal magnetic agent that connected all beings and was the source oli-e and health a most congenial concept# The spiritual philosophy o- ?manuel 4wedenborg :1(88)1''*. had made inroads o- its own in late eighteenth-century KermanyI magnetic somnambulists began to have 4wedenborgian style visions& communicating with the world ospirits in mesmeric ecstasy# 3aranormal-type phenomena& such as clairvoyance and precognition& were common in these circles& astounding the curious observer# !hile there were many who were content to account -or these marvels through a romantic& occult-oriented philosophy& some -elt the need -or a more scienti-ic approach that could e0amine the -acts systematically and evaluate their credibility& a need that would not be met until the rise opsychical research in the latter part o- the nineteenth century# The 8rench developed their own particular melding o- animal magnetism and occult tradition# The most in-luential magnetiAer o- this kind was the ,aron u 3otet e 4ennevoy :1'9() 1881.# 2e developed a system called Fmagnetic magicG that revised animal magnetismDs traditional doctrine o- a universal magnetic -luid by incorporating it within the older notion oa universal spiritual power& which serves as the basis -or Fnatural magic#G This concept& so di--erent -rom the mechanical view o- CesmerDs& considered magnetism to be the bond between spirit and matter& or body and soul# /n u 3otetDs view& mesmeriAers who recogniAed the true nature o- magnetism could work Fmagic&G producing marvelous cures and various paranormal phenomena# Animal magnetism began making signi-icant inroads in the >nited 4tates -rom the mid-18"$s on# %ectures by Charles 3oyen 4t# 4auveur :d# 1866. on animal magnetism e0cited the imagination o- the country and led to the emergence o- magnetic practitioners o- a peculiarly

American type# /tinerant magnetiAers wandered the countryside with pro-essional somnambulists at their sides& stopping in the local towns to give medical clairvoyant readings# 8or a -ee& the somnambulist would diagnose an illness and prescribe remedies# The visionary Andrew Nackson avis :18*()191$. began his career as such an itinerant somnambulist and eventually became an author o- great popularity& using the magnetic trance to dictate his spiritual treatises# All this magnetic activity prepared the way -or the rise o- 4piritualism& initiated by Fspirit rappingG in the home o- Nohn 8o0 in 1868# This spirit activity centered on the daughters o- the household& and news o- the purportedly paranormal activity o- the 8o0 sisters spread rapidly throughout the >nited 4tates& reaching ?ngland& 8rance& and Kermany within a -ew years# 4piritualist FmediumsG appeared who claimed to be able to communicate with the departed on the Fother side#G Typically& the medium would go into a sel--induced trance and produce paranormal phenomena o- the mental or psychic type :clairvoyance& telepathy& precognition& etc#. or the physical type :levitation o- obLects& materialiAation o-orms& production o- mysterious lights& etc#.# !hen 4piritualism spread to ?ngland in the early 18+$s& it -ound a very receptive home# !ithin a -ew years spiritualistic mediums could be -ound in great abundance throughout the country# 4piritualist churches were establishedI spiritualist alliances were -ormedI and spiritualist books and newspapers came into print# There was such a proli-eration oapparently paranormal spiritualistic phenomena that serious-minded people voiced the need -or a care-ul scienti-ic investigation to discover whether these things were real or illusory# The success-ul spread o- 4piritualism was to a large e0tent due to the popularity o- a -ad that grew out o- spiritualistic circles and emigrated to Kreat ,ritain and ?urope in 18+"# This was the practice o- Ftable tipping&G Ftable turning&G or Ftable tapping&G as it was commonly called# A group o- people would gather around the parlour table& rest their hands in a circle on its sur-ace& and wait -or spontaneous movement to occur# 4ometimes the table would rotateI at other times it would rise and -all on one side& tapping a leg on the -loor# The tapping would be read as an alphabetical code& and a message would be deciphered# Cany e0plained the phenomenon in terms o- the action o- spirits o- the dead communicating with the livingI others attributed the movements and messages to the action o- animal magnetic -luid emanating -rom the participantsI still others believed the participants were simply deluding themselves& the movement being produced by their own unconscious physical e0ertions# /n Kermany& 8rance& ?ngland& and the >nited 4tates& the association between magnetic somnambulism and paranormal phenomena o- the spiritualistic type was very strong# Cany othe books and articles that appeared wove their way back and -orth between the two areas& giving the impression that it was impossible to discuss one without dealing with the other# /t is not surprising& then& that when the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch was -ormed in ?ngland in 188*& it undertook to investigate not only the validity o- spiritualistic phenomena& but also the nature o- animal magnetism and hypnotism# /n the thirty years preceding the -oundation o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& there had been a number o- notable attempts to investigate the phenomena o- 4piritualism scienti-ically# 4ome were carried out by scientists& others by individuals untrained in the procedures osystematic investigation# The results were uneven and inconclusive# 4o when a group oacademics& most o- them associated with Cambridge& decided to set up a society that would undertake a study employing stringent scienti-ic criteria& there was enthusiasm -or the idea both -rom intellectuals and the 4piritualists themselves# The 4ociety was -ortunate to have the nearly -ull-time involvement o- a number o- highly gi-ted investigators and within a -ew years

began publishing its Proceedings and a Lournal# This activity generated a great many similar studies o- the paranormal by some o- the brightest minds o- the day# The result was the publication o- a mass o- material on psychical research that continued well into the twentieth century#

The three streams -lowing -rom the discovery o- animal magnetism o-ten merged# !riters in the psychological stream such as !illiam Names and Charles =ichet sometimes dealt with issues o- psychical research# ;n the other hand& the literature o- psychical research was rich in psychological writings o- real signi-icance# An e0ample o- this is 8# !# 2# CyersDs :186") 19$1. classical work& H$man Personality and 1ts +$r(i(al o% !odily #eath :19$".& which is generally considered to be a signi-icant contribution to the investigation o- the subconscious# The crossover among the three streams is also illustrated by the -act that both those interested in the psychological stream and those drawn to psychical research o-ten investigated the healing and medical aspect o- animal magnetism# Among the -ormer& -or e0ample& were 2ippolyte ,ernheim& Nean-Cartin Charcot& and 3ierre Nanet& who e0plored the relationship between the healing e--ects o- animal magnetism and psychological -actors& such as suggestionI among the latter were the members o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch whose studies -ocused on the nature o- magnetic healing# The histories o- animal magnetism& hypnotism& and psychical research are ine0tricably intertwined# As will be evident -rom the annotated entries in the bibliography& the literature oany one o- these areas cannot but include the literature o- the other two#

.ormat o# the i!liography

This bibliography is intended to include the literature o- animal magnetism and those streams o- thought that can be identi-ied as -lowing directly -rom it# Conceived in the broadest possible terms& that literature is vast& -ar e0ceeding the scope o- this work# This bibliography has been consciously circumscribed -or two reasons# The -irst is the desire to include only those works that are immediately connected with animal magnetism and the themes that arise directly -rom it# The second is the intention to produce a work -ocused on the most signi-icant writings within the historical tradition arising -rom animal magnetism# The e--ect o- including only those works that are closely connected with the themes arising -rom animal magnetism is most easily illustrated by describing the categories o- literature that have not been included# ;mitted are works that deal e0clusively with occultism& possession& or witchcra-tI theosophy& anthroposophy& Christian 4cience& or other spiritual philosophiesI theology or religious thoughtI and conLuring or stage magic# !hile spiritualist writings have true importance -or the history o- animal magnetism and its o--shoots& only those works have been included here that depict its development -rom mesmeric in-luences or that play a signi-icant role in the rise o- psychical research# This means that the bibliography does not include stories about clairvoyants& seers& or prophetsI books relating communications -rom spiritsI spiritualistic speculations about the a-terli-e or related mattersI and collections oghost-lore#

The second reason -or circumscribing the bibliography& the wish to -ocus on the most signi-icant writings arising within the animal magnetic tradition& necessitated the omission oworks which& while legitimately part o- the history o- animal magnetism and its o--shoots& are relatively minor# !hile it is di--icult to de-ine the criteria by which such a selection was made& a -ew words can be said about the thinking that was involved# =ating low on the list oworks to be included were writings that simply summariAe the work o- others& collections ocases that have been dealt with in previous works& and populariAations intended to simpli-y and condense more serious treatises# /n the -ield o- hypnotism& this tended to e0clude books on stage hypnotism& handbooks o- hypnotic practice& pamphlets meant -or home study ohypnotism& treatises on personal magnetism& and writings on auto-hypnosis and autosuggestion# There are& o- course& some works in these categories that were in-luential or otherwise signi-icant& and they have been incorporated as appropriate into the bibliography#

/ime .rame
The bibliography begins with the year 1'((& the date o- publication o- CesmerDs medical thesis #issertano physico-medica de planetar$m in%l$&$, which contains the -irst seeds oanimal magnetism# The bibliography ends with the year 19*+# This date was chosen -or a number o- reasons# 8irst& by 19*+ publication o- works on animal magnetism had almost completely ceased# 4econd& shortly a-ter 19*+ the study o- hypnotism entered a new phase& in which researchers such as Clark 2ull& C# C# !hite& and others adopted innovative laboratory and statistical methods to e0plore its nature and e--ects# Third& by 19*+ most o- the classical works o- psychical research had been published& and psychical research too was about to enter a new stage o- development# %ike that o- hypnotism& this new stage& initiated by the work oNoseph ,anks =hine at uke >niversity in the late 19*$s& involved the introduction olaboratory and statistical methods into the study o- paranormal phenomena# /ndeed& what had been Fpsychical researchG became popularly re-erred to as Fparapsychology#G

Annotations are intended to provide in-ormation about the content o- the work and thereby indicate its place in the history o- the -ield# The length o- the annotation depends to some e0tent upon the signi-icance o- the entry in that history# /n some cases& due to inaccessibility o- a given work& annotations were compiled without bene-it o- direct inspection# Annotations are given -or appro0imately one-third o- the entries# The intention is to provide annotations -or the most important items and a su--icient variety o- less signi-icant works to convey to the reader a sense o- the evolution o- the literature#

.orm o# the Entries

?ntries are listed by year& -rom 1'(( to 19*+# !ithin each year& works are listed alphabetically# ?ach entry contains -ull bibliographic in-ormation& including author& title and publication data# Cany entries contain annotations# 3ublication in-ormation is given in ?nglishH cities are cited in their commonly accepted ?nglish -orm :e#g#& FCunichG rather than FCQnchen&G and F=omeG rather than F=omaG.I multiple publishers are Loined by ?nglish conLunctives :e#g#& F,ailliMre and entuG rather than F,ailliMre et entuG.I and FThe AuthorG is used instead o- FcheA lDAuteur#G

/ncluded with every item is the designation 729 or 739& and in some instances 72 R 3#9 These initials stand -or 2ypnotism& 3sychical =esearch& and both# ?very e--ort has been made to provide in-ormation about the -irst edition o- each book# /n the -ew cases in which that could not be obtained& in-ormation about a later edition is given# 8or books in languages other than ?nglish& ?nglish translations known to e0ist are listed# /t is intended ordinarily to give the earliest ?nglish translation# 8inally& undated works have been assigned the most accurate date that can be ascertained# /n some cases& because o- inaccessibility o- the works& entries lack in-ormation about publisher or pages#

/ would like to acknowledge a number o- people who helped make books available -or my research# 3articular thanks go to ,ill !illiams& ;# C& a man with an abiding interest in the working principles o- the mind& who opened to me his -ine private library o- works on psychical research# / also would like to e0press my appreciation -or the assistance given me by Nane %ynch& 4enior /nterlibrary %oan Technician -or the =obarts %ibrary and her sta-- at the >niversity o- Toronto# / am deeply grate-ul -or the hospitality& advice& and assistance given me in 8reiburg by ?berhard ,auer o- the 3sychologisches /nstitut at the >niversity o- 8reiburg& who is editor othe 2eitschri%t %3r Parapsychologie $nd 4ren5ge"iete der Psychologie) /n addition& / am particularly indebted to both ?berhard ,auer and 3ro-essor 2ans ,ender -or making available to me the rare works contained in the 8anny Coser %ibrary in 8reiburg# Cy thanks also to 3ro-essor 2einA 4chott at the /nstitut -Qr Keschichte der CediAin at the >niversity o8reibrug# / would also like to acknowledge with thanks a timely grant -or this proLect provided by Thera-ields 8oundation o- Toronto# r# Noel !hittonDs assistance in my work has been most important& as has been the in-ormation and inspiration given me by my colleague& Nohn Kach# Ealuable research -or this proLect was carried out by Catthew ;D4ullivan& along with Tom 4nyders& ?rin Clark& and %aurel 3aluck# Cy special thanks to my wi-e Nosephine -or her research work& editing& and overall support -or this proLect# 8inally& / would particularly like to e0press my appreciation to 3ro-essor =ob !oAniak& editor o- this bibliographic series& -or his suggestion that / undertake this work& -or his encouragement while / was working on the proLect& and -or his invaluable input into each step o- the process#

)lossary o# /erms

Absence o- memoryI sometimes e0perienced a-ter coming out o- a state o- trance# animal magnetism 2ealing system devised by 8ranA Anton CesmerI it posited the e0istence o- a universal magnetic -luid that is central in the restoration and maintenance o- health# /ts use sometimes produced a trance state in the patientI this aspect eventually became known as hypnotism# arti-icial somnambulism A trance state brought about through the application o- animal magnetic or hypnotic techniJues# automatism An action produced by an individual without conscious knowledge# baJuet The magnetic baJuet was an invention o- 8ranA Anton Cesmer designed to store and distribute animal magnetic -luid# /t was a wooden tub partially -illed with bottles omagnetiAed water seated on powdered glass and iron -ilings# The tub had a wooden cover with iron rods e0tending upward through the cover and then bent at right angles to be accessible to those using the device# braidism Another term -or hypnotism :J#v#.# clairvoyance The ability to be aware o- obLects& people& or events through means other than the -ive senses# conLuring The use o- trick and illusion to produce striking e--ects# control /n the conte0t o- spiritualism& a spirit who possesses the body o- a medium and takes charge o- a sMance# dissociation The separation o- any group o- mental processes -rom the rest o- the psyche# divided consciousness A way o- re-erring to two distinct consciousnessesH the waking consciousness and the consciousness operative in arti-icial somnambulism# double consciousness Another term -or divided consciousness :J#v#.# double memory The state o- having two apparently distinct memory chainsH that o- the waking state and that o- the somnambulistic state# doubling o- the personality The production o- an apparent second personality or second sel- present in the subconscious and in some cases operative in the world# dual personality A disorder which involves the -unctioning o- two distinct personalities in the li-e oone individual# ectoplasm A substance produced by mediums which is the basis -or materialiAations :J#v#.# electro-biology A doctrine originating in the >nited 4tates that holds that the will o- one individual can modi-y the physical or mental state o- anotherI it is an alternate e0planation -or animal magnetism# -ascination

A hypnotic techniJue that involves engaging the eyes o- the subLect in an intense wayI it produces a strong impulse to imitate the hypnotist# higher phenomena o- mesmerism or somnambulism >nusual phenomena produced by some individuals in the trance state& includingH physical rapport in which the subLect e0periences the sensations o- the mesmeriAerI mental rapport with the ability to read the mesmeriAerDs thoughtsI clairvoyance or awareness o- things at a distance in space or timeI and ecstasy or an elevated state oconsciousness in which the subLect has an awareness o- spiritual things# hypnotism The term coined by Names ,raid :1'9+)18($. to replace Fanimal magnetism#G /ts complete -orm is Fneuro-hypnotismG and means Fnervous sleep#G hysteria An emotional disturbance that mani-ests in a variety o- physical symptoms& such as blindness& anesthesia& or paralysis# These symptoms are produced by subconscious -unctions that are dissociated -rom normal awareness# lower phenomena o- mesmerism or somnambulism %ess e0traordinary phenomena produced by some individuals in the trance state& includingH a sleep-waking kind o- consciousness& divided consciousness :J#v#.& loss osense o- identity& suggestibility& heightened memory& deadening o- the senses and insensibility to pain& and rapport or a special connection with the mesmeriAer# lucid somnambulism The state o- somnambulism :J#v#. accompanied by clairvoyance :J#v#.# magic /n the conte0t o- this bibliography& this term is used to re-er to the occult traditions othe western world# magnetic crisis A critical point reached when someone is treated by animal magnetismI it may involve anything -rom convulsions to sleep# magnetic -luid A universal& in-initely -ine substance that pervades the universe and is characteriAed by an ebb and -lowI it was believed to have certain properties usually associated with magnets& such as attraction& repulsion& and polarity# magnetic medicine A medical tradition beginning with 3aracelsus that was based upon the notions osympathy& antipathy& and a universal magnetism# magnetic passes =epeated regular movements o- the hands :usually in a downward direction. made by a practitioner o- animal magnetism to cure an illnessI these movements were usually made at a slight distance -rom the body o- the sick person# magnetic sleep Another term -or arti-icial somnambulism :J#v#.# magnetic somnambulism Another term -or arti-icial somnambulism :J#v#.# magnetism /n the conte0t o- this bibliography& this term is usually used as the eJuivalent oanimal magnetism :J#v#.# magnetiAation Applying animal magnetism to an individual& usually using magnetic passes# magnetiAation at a distance

Applying animal magnetism to an individual who is not in the presence o- the magnetiAer# magnetiAer A person who applies animal magnetism# materialiAation The mysterious appearance o- temporary -orms composed o- ectoplasm :J#v#. that possess human physical characteristics :e#g#& hands& -aces& or -ull -igures.# medical clairvoyance Clairvoyant diagnosis o- disease& sometimes accompanied by prescription -or treatment# medium A person who serves as a link between this world and the spirit world& or in a more general sense& one in whose presence paranormal phenomena can be observed# mental healing 2ealing illnesses through the use o- the mind and will# mental or psychic phenomena o- spiritualism ?0traordinary phenomena o- a non-physical kind associated with spiritualism& includingH clairvoyance& telepathy& precognition& retrocognition& and astral travel# mesmerism >sed as the eJuivalent o- animal magnetism :J#v#.# mesmeriAer Another term -or magnetiAer :J#v#.# metalotherapy A techniJue o- treating disease by the direct application o- various metals and compounds# multiple personality A disorder which involves the -unctioning o- two or more distinct personalities in the daily li-e o- an individual# paranormal phenomena Those phenomena that transcend the limits o- what is usually considered to be physically possible# ?Juivalent o- Fsupernormal phenomena#G perkinism A healing techniJue employing metallic tractors invented by ?lisha 3erkins :1'61) 1'99. in the late eighteenth century >nited 4tatesI it has certain aspects in common with animal magnetism# phenomena o- mediumship Those paranormal occurrences that happen in connection with spiritualistic sMancesI they include mental phenomena such as clairvoyance and precognition& and physical phenomena such as the movement o- obLects without the use o- physical -orce and materialiAations o- human -orm# phenomena o- spiritualism 4ee phenomena o- mediumship# phrenology An approach developed by 8ranA Noseph Kall :1'+8)18*8. at the end o- the eighteenth century that claimed that character and personality could be analyAed by e0amining the shape and siAe o- various parts o- the skullI it was an attempt to relate personality traits to brain development# phreno-magnetism A techniJue that combined animal magnetism and phrenology# physical phenomena o- spiritualism

?0traordinary phenomena o- a physical kind associated with the practices ospiritualismI they include the movement o- obLects without the application o- physical -orce& materialiAations o- the human -orm& the production o- sounds without any apparent physical cause& and the mani-estation o- lights -or which there seems to be no normal e0planation# planchette A heart-shaped piece o- wood mounted on casters with a pencil pointed downwards& designed to use to communicate with spiritsI the hands o- the operator were placed on top o- the instrument and it wrote on paper# precognition 3aranormal knowledge o- -uture events# psychic Ad6ecti(e endowed with e0traordinary mental powers& such as clairvoyance or precognition# 7o$n a person reputed to possess psychic abilitiesI psychical research The scienti-ic investigation o- supernormal phenomena :J#v#.I later called parapsychology# psychometry The paranormal ability to sense the history o- an obLect by touching or holding that obLect# retrocognition 3aranormal knowledge o- past events# scrying ivination carried out by gaAing at crystalline or shiny obLects# somnambulism A state o- consciousness which has characteristics o- both sleep and wakingI as a spontaneous phenomenon it is called sleepwalking or sleeptalkingI induced deliberately through animal magnetism or hypnotism& it is called arti-icial somnambulism# spiritism The belie- that human beings survive death and may communicate with the living# spiritualism A modern religio-philosophical movement that began in the >nited 4tates in 1868 and embodies the belie-s o- spiritism :J#v#.# subconscious A part o- the human psyche normally outside conscious awareness& which is the arena o- mental and emotional activity that may a--ect a personDs thoughts and behaviorI the term was coined by 3ierre Nanet :18+9)196'.& who was one o- the most important investigators o- subconscious phenomena# subliminal consciousness A term coined by 8# !# 2# Cyers :186")19$1. to designate the realm o- human activity that is Fbelow the thresholdG :limen. o- awareness# /t is the source oinstinctual impulses and subconscious comple0es& and the arena o- human paranormal -aculties# The subliminal consciousness is the counterpart o- supraliminal :Fabove the thresholdG. consciousness& the ordinary sel- o- daily li-e# supernormal phenomena >nusual phenomena -or which there seems to be no e0planation by the known laws oscienceI they include such things as telepathy& clairvoyance& apparitions& telekinesis& and materialiAations# table tapping

A phenomenon in which a number o- individuals are seated around a table& usually with hands Loined& and a rising and -alling o- one side o- the table with a tapping oone o- its legs on the -loor occursI o-ten the taps spell out messages by alphabetical code# table tipping The same as Ftable tappingG :J#v#.# table turning A phenomenon in which a number o- individuals are seated or stand around a table& usually with hands Loined& eventually bringing about the rotation o- the tableI o-ten practiced in connection with table tapping :J#v#.# talking tables 4ee table tapping# telekinesis The movement o- obLects apparently without the application o- physical -orce& considered to be accomplished by the power o- the mind or a Fpsychic -orce#G telepathy The communication o- in-ormation -rom one mind to another apparently without using the recogniAed channels o- senseI also called thought trans-erence# unconscious That part o- an individualDs mind that produces actions or mental processes without that individualDs conscious participation#

Amadou& =obert :ed#.# 8e magn'tisme animal) 3arisH 3ayot& 19'1# Artelt& !alter# #er Mesmerism$s in !erlin) CayenceH Akademie der !issenscha-t und der %iteratur& 19((# ,arrucand& ominiJue# Histoire de l9hypnose en 0rance) 3arisH 3resses universitaires de 8rance& 19('# ,enA& ?rnst# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer :17;<=1>15? $nd seine A$sstrahl$ng in E$ropa $nd Ameri.a) CunichH !ilhelm 8ink& 19'(# ,enA& ?rnst# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer $nd die philosophischen 4r$ndlagen des @animalischen Magnetism$s)A CainAH Akademie der !issenscha-ten und der %iteratur& 19''# !i"liotheca Esoterica) Batalo/$e annot' et ill$str' de 67C7 o$(rages anciens et modernes /$i traitent des sciences occ$ltes) ) ) ) ,rueil-en Ee0inH @velines& 19'+# 7;riginally published ca# 191*#9 ,lake& Nohn ,# :ed#.# A +hort title Batalog$e o% Eighteenth Bent$ry Printed !oo.s in the 7ational 8i"rary o% Medicine) ,ethesda& CarylandH National /nstitute o- 2ealth& 19'9# ,loch& Keorge :ed#.# Mesmerism A Dranslation o% the *riginal +cienti%ic and Medical ,ritings o% 0) A) Mesmer) %os Altos& Cali-orniaH !illiam <au-mann& 198$#

,ous-ield& !endy :ed#.# Batalog o% the Ma$rice M) and Eean H) Dintero- Bollection o% ,or.s on Mesmerism, Animal Magnetism, and Hypnotism) !ichita& <ansasH !ichita 4tate >niversity& 198"# ,ramwell& N# Cilne# Hypnotism 1ts History, Practice and Dheory) New @orkH Nulian 3ress& 19+(# :The -irst edition was published in 19$"#. ,rown& 4later# Dhe Heyday o% +pirit$alism) New @orkH 3ocket ,ooks& 19'*# ,unn& !alter von# F ie An-ange der hypnotischen Anasthesie#G #e$tsche medi5inische ,ochenschri%t '9 :19+6.H ""()"6$# ,uranelli& Eincent# Dhe ,i5ard %rom Fienna) New @orkH Coward& CcCann R Keoghegan& 19'+# Caillet& Albert %ouis# Man$el "i"liographi/$e des sciences psychi/$es o$ occ$ltes) " vols# 3arisH %ucien ,orbon& 191*# Carlson& ?ric T# FCharles 3oyen ,rings Cesmerism to America#G Eo$rnal o% the History o% Medicine and Allied +ciences 1+ :19($.H 1*1)1"*# Carlson& ?ric and 4impson& Ceribeth# F3erkinism Es# Cesmerism#G Eo$rnal o% the History o% the !eha(ioral +ciences ( :19'$.H 1()*6# Batalog$e o% the 8i"rary o% the +ociety %or Psychical Research) ,ostonH K# <# 2all& 19'(# Cernilo& Nohn N# Dhe +ec$lari5ation o% the +o$l) 3hiladelphiaH /nstitute -or the 4tudy o- 2uman /ssues& 198*# Chertok& %eon# 8e non-sa(oir des psy) 89hypnose entre la psychanalyse et la "iologie) 3arisH 3ayot& 19'9# Chertok& %eon and e 4aussure& =aymond# Dhe Dherape$tic Re(ol$tion %rom Mesmer to 0re$d) New @orkH ,runnerSCaAel& 19'9# Crabtree& Adam# FCesmerism& ivided Consciousness and Cultiple 3ersonality#G /n 0ran5 Anton Mesmer $nd die 4eschichte des Mesmerism$s, edited by 2einA 4chott# 4tuttgartH 8ranA 4teiner& 198+# Crabtree& Adam# F?0planations o- issociation in the 8irst 2al- o- the Twentieth Century#G /n +plit Minds and +plit !rains, edited by NacJues Tuen# New @orkH New @ork >niversity 3ress& 198(# arnton& =obert# Mesmerism and the End o% the Enlightenment in 0rance) Cambridge& CassachusettsH 2arvard >niversity 3ress& 19(8# essoir& Ca0# !i"liographie des modernen Hypnotism$s) ,erlinH Carl uncker& 1888# essoir Ca0# Erster 7achtrag 5$r !i"liographie des modernen Hypnotism$s) ,erlinH Carl uncker& 189$#

essoir& Ca0 :ed#.# #er *..$ltism$s in Gr.$nden) * vols# ,erlinH >llstein& 19*+# ingwall& ?ric N# A"normal Hypnotic Phenomena A +$r(ey o% 7ineteenth-Bent$ry Bases) 6 Eols# New @orkH ,arnes R Noble& 19(')19(8# ureau& Ale0is# Histoire de la m'decine et des sciences occ$ltes) 7otes "i"liographi/$es po$r ser(ir H l9histoire d$ magn'tisme animal) Analyse de to$s les li(res, "roch$res, articles de 6o$rna$& p$"li's s$r le magn'tisme animal, en 0rance et H l9'tranger, H partir de 1766 6$s/$9a$ ;1 d'cem"re 1>6>) 3arisH The Author and Noubert& 18(9# ?dmonston& !illiam ?# Dhe 1nd$ction o% Hypnosis) New @orkH Nohn !iley R 4ons& 198(# ?>enberger& 2enri# Dhe #isco(ery o% the Gnconscio$s Dhe History and E(ol$tion o% #ynamic Psychiatry) New @orkH ,asic ,ooks& 19'$# 8iguier& %ouis# Histoire d$ mer(eille$& dans les temps modernes) Fol) < 8e magn'tisme animal) * ed# 3arisH %# 2achette& 18($# 8rankau& Kilbert# Mesmerism "y #octor Mesmer) %ondonH Cac onald& 1968# 8uller& =obert C# Mesmerism and the American B$re o% +o$ls) 3hiladelphiaH >niversity o3ennsylvania 3ress& 198*# Kallini& Clara# 8a sonnam"$la mera(igliosa) Magnetismo e ipnotismo nell I*ttocento italiano) CilanH Kiangiacomo 8eltrinelli& 198"# Kartrell& ?llen K# Electricity, Magnetism, and Animal Magnetism) A Bhec.list o% Printed +o$rces 16CC=1>5C) !ilmington& elawareH 4cholarly =esources /nc#& 19'+# Kauld& Alan# Dhe 0o$nders o% Psychical Research) New @orkH 4chocken& 19(8# Koldsmith& Cargaret# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer) Dhe History o% an 1dea) %ondonH Arthur ,arker& 19"6# Krattan-Kuinness& /vor# Psychical Research) A 4$ide to 1ts History, Principles and Practices) !ellingborough& NorthamptonshireH AJuarian 3ress& 198*# 2aynes& =enMe# Dhe +ociety %or Psychical Research 1>>2=19>2) %ondonH Cacdonald& 198*# /nce& =# ,# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer) His 8i%e and Deaching) %ondonH !illiam =ider& 19*$# /nglis& ,rian# 7at$ral and +$pernat$ral) A History o% the Paranormal %rom Earliest Dimes to 191<) %ondonH 2odder and 4toughton& 19''# /nglis& ,rian# +cience and Parascience) A History o% the Paranormal, 191<=19;9) %ondonH 2odder and 4toughton& 1986# Nensen& Ann and !atkins& Cary %ou# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer Physician E&traordinaire) New @orkH 2eli0 3ress& 19('#

Nervey& ?dward# F%a =oy 4underlandH U3rince o- the 4ons o- CesmerD#G Eo$rnal o% Pop$lar B$lt$re 9 :19'(.H 1$1$)1$*(# <aplan& 8red# FUThe Cesmeric CaniaDH The ?arly Eictorians and Animal Cagnetism#G Eo$rnal o% the History o% 1deas "+ :19'6.H (91)'$*# <erner& Nustinus# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer a$s +ch-a"enJ des thierischen Magnetism$s) Erinner$ngen an densel"en, ne"st 7achrichten (on den let5ten Eahren seines 8e"ens 5$ Meers"$rg am !odensee) 8rank-urtH %iterarische Anstalt& 18+(# <iesewetter& Carl# 4eschichte des ne$eren *cc$ltism$s) 4eheim-issenscha%tliche +ysteme (on Agrippa (on 7ettesheym "is 5$ Barl d$ Prel) %eipAigH !ilhelm 8riedrich& :1891.# <iesewetter& Carl# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer9s 8e"en $nd 8ehre) 7e"st einer Forgeschichte des Mesmerism$s, Hypnotism$s $nd +omnam"$lism$s) %eipAigH Ca0 4pohr& 189"# %eibrand& !erner# Romantische Medi5in) 2amburg and %eipAigH 2# Koverts Eerlag& 19"'# %eibrand& !erner# #ie spe.$lati(e Medi5in der Romanti.) 2amburgH Ciaassen& 19+(# %udwig& August 8riedr# 4eschichte der o..$ltistischen :metapsychichen? 0orsch$ng (on der Anti.e "is 5$r 4egen-art) 1 Deil Fon der Anti.e "is 5$r Mitte des 19) Eahrh$nderts) 3-ullingenH Nohannes ,aum& 19**# CcKuire& Kregory =# 8a Marginalisation de la parapsychologie 't$de histori/$e de l9orthodo&ie et d$ contrKle dans $ne comm$na$t' scienti%i/$e) :3rivately published paper.& 198*# CcKuire& Kregory =# Presentism and the Role o% Parapsychology in the History o% Psychology) 3aper presented at the 1+th annual meeting o- C2?/=;NH The /nternational 4ociety -or the 2istory o- ,ehavioral and 4ocial 4ciences held at Kledon College& @ork >niversity& Toronto :Nune 1+)18& 198".# CcKuire& Kregory =# Dhe Bollecti(e +$"conscio$s Psychical Research in 0rench Psychology :1>>C=192C?) 3aper presented at a symposium entitledH Controversies in 3sychology uring 8ranceDs ,elle ?poJue& conducted at the 9*nd Annual Ceeting o- the American 3sychological Association& Toronto# :August *+)*8& 1986.# Cialle& 4imon# E&pos' par ordre alpha"'ti/$e des c$res op'r'es en 0rance par le magn'tisme animal, dep$is Mesmer 6$s/$9H nos 6o$rs :177<=1>26?) * vols# 3arisH N# K# entu& 18*(# Cilt& ,ernhard# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer $nd seine !e5ieh$ngen 5$r +ch-ei5) Magie $nd Heil.$nde 5$ 8a(aters 2eit) 5urichH %eemann& 19+"# Coore& =# %aurence# 1n +earch o% ,hite Bro-s) +pirit$alism, Parapsychology, and American B$lt$re) New @orkH ;0-ord >niversity 3ress& 19''# Coser& 8anny# #er *..$ltism$s, DL$sch$ngen $nd Datsachen) * vols# 5urichH ;rell 8ussli& 19"+#

Cottelay& 3aul 8leury :ed#.# !i"liographical History o% Electricity M Magnetism Bhronologically Arranged) %ondonH Charles Kri--in& 19**# Cyers& 8rederic !# 2# H$man Personality and 1ts +$r(i(al o% !odily #eath) * vols# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen& and Co# 19$"# National %aboratory o- 3sychical =esearch# Proceedings) 1 3art *& 19*9H +hort-title Batalog$e o% ,or.s on Psychical Research, +pirit$alism, Magic, Psychology, 8egerdemain and *ther Methods o% #eception, Bharlatanism, ,itchcra%t, and Dechnical ,or.s %or the +cienti%ic 1n(estigation o% Alleged A"normal Phenomena %rom circa 1<5C A)#) to 1929 A)#) 3al-reman& Non# FCesmerism and the ?nglish Cedical 3ro-essionH A 4tudy o- Con-lict#G Ethics in +cience and Medicine 6 :19''.H +1)((# 3arssinen& Terry# F3ro-essional eviants and the 2istory o- CedicineH Cedical Cesmerists in Eictorian ,ritain#G +ociological Re(ie- Monographs, No# *'& 19'9# 3attie& 8rank# FCesmerDs Cedical issertation and /ts ebt to CeadDs #e imperio solis ac l$na)A Eo$rnal o% the History o% Medicine and Allied +ciences 11 :19+(.H *'+)*8'# 3leasants& 2elene# !iographical #ictionary o% Parapsychology, -ith #irectory and 4lossary) New @orkH 2eli0 3ress& 19(6# 3odmore& 8rank# Modern +pirit$alism, a History and a Briticism) * vols# %ondonH Cethuen& 19$*# 3odmore& 8rank# Mesmerism and Bhristian +cience A +hort History o% Mental Healing) %ondonH Cethuen& 19$9# 3odmore& 8rank# Dhe 7e-er +pirit$alism) %ondonH 8isher >nwin& 191$# Tuen& NacJues# FCase 4tudies in Nineteenth Century 4cienti-ic =eLectionH Cesmerism& 3erkinism& and Acupuncture#G Eo$rnal o% the History o% the !eha(ioral +ciences 11 :19'+.H 169)1+(# Tuen& NacJues# FCesmerism& Cedicine& and 3ro-essional 3reLudice#G 7e- Nor. +tate Eo$rnal o% Medicine '( :19'(.H **18)****# =ausky& 8ranklin# Mesmer o$ la r'(ol$tion th'rape$ti/$e) 3arisI 3ayot& 19''# =osen Keorge# FCesmerism and 4urgeryH A 4trange Chapter in the 2istory o- Anesthesia#G Eo$rnal o% the History o% Medicine 1 :196(.H +*')++$# 4chneider& ?mil# #er animale Magnetism$s) +eine 4eschichte $nd seine !e5ieh$ngen 5$r Heil.$nst) 5urichH <onrad %ampert& 19+$# 4chott& 2einA# F ie Citteilung des %ebens-euers# 5um therapeutischen <onAept von 8ranA Anton Cesmer :1'"6)181+.#G Medi5in-Historisches Eo$rnal 1' :198*.H 19+)*16#

4chott& 2einA :ed#.# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer $nd die 4eschichte des Mesmerism$s) 4tuttgartH 8ranA 4teiner& 198+# 4chroeder& 2# =# 3aul# 4eschichte des 8e"ensmagnetism$s $nd des Hypnotism$s) Fom Gran%ang "is a$% den he$tigen Dag) %eipAigH Arwed 4trauch& 1899# 4hepard& %eslie A# :ed#.# Encyclopedia o% *cc$ltism M Parapsychology) * vols# New @orkH Avon& 19'8# Dhe +ociety %or Psychical Research) Proceedings) 1927=19;< Eols# "'& "8& "9& 6$& and 6*# Tatar& Caria C# +pell"o$nd +t$dies on Mesmerism and 8iterat$re) 3rinceton& New NerseyH 3rinceton >niversity 3ress& 19'8# Tinterow& Caurice# 0o$ndations o% Hypnosis 0rom Mesmer to 0re$d) 4pring-ield& /llinoisH Charles C# Thomas& 19'$# Tischner& =udol-# 4eschichte der o..$ltistischen :metapsychischen? 0orsch$ng (on der Anti.e "is 5$r 4egen-art) 11) Deil Fon der Mitte des 19) Eahrh$nderts "is 5$r 4egen-art) 3-ullingenH Nohannes ,aum& 19*6# Tischner& =udol-# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer) 8e"en, ,er. $nd ,ir.$ngen) CunichH CQnchner rucke& 19*8# Tischner& =udol- and ,ittel& <arl# Mesmer $nd sein Pro"lem Magnetism$sO+$ggestionO Hypnose) 4tuttgartH 2ippokrates-Eerlag CarJuardt R Cie& 1961# >steri& 3aul# +pecimen "i"liothecae criticae magnetismi sic dicti animalis) KottingenH Noannes Christ# ieterich& 1'88# Einchon& Nean# Mesmer et son secret) 3arisH A# %egrand& :19"(.# !almsley& # C# Anton Mesmer) %ondonH =obert 2ale& 19('# !ycko--& Names# 0ran5 Anton Mesmer) !et-een 4od and #e(il) ?nglewood Cli--s& New NerseyH 3rentice-2all& 19'+# !ydenbruck& Nora# #octor Mesmer An Historical +t$dy) %ondonH Nohn !esthouse& 196'# !ygrant& %arry N# :ed#.# Dhe Dr$man 4) !, Er) History o% Medicine Bollections !oo.s and Man$scripts) KalvestonH >niversity o- Te0as Cedical ,ranch& 198(#

Early &or(s1 Pre21344

1% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

issertatio physico-medica de planetarum in-lu0u# EiennaH Khelen& 1'((& 68 pp# ?nglishH F3hysical-Cedical Treatise on the /n-luence o- the 3lanets&G in Mesmerism) Translated and edited by Keorge ,loch# %os Altos& Cali-orniaH !illiam <au-mann& 198$# The -irst published writing o- 8ranA Anton Cesmer is a dissertation presented to the >niversity o- Eienna medical school -or the degree o- doctor o- medicine# !hile the title page o- the dissertation carries the initials o- a doctorate in liberal arts and philosophy a-ter CesmerDs name& there is a serious doubt that this degree was ever con-erred# Although there is no record o- what Cesmer studied in the years -rom 1'++ to 1'+9& the rest o- his education is known& and there is little reason to think he attained a degree during that hiatus# Cesmer came to Eienna in 1'+9 to study at the university# A-ter one year in law& he began a si0-year program in the medical school& -inishing with this dissertation# At the very beginning o- the thesis Cesmer states that he is attempting to continue the work o- =ichard Cead :1('")1'+6. who wrote about the in-luence o- the stars on men# Cesmer emphasiAes that he is not talking about an astrological understanding o- that in-luence& but a purely physical& scienti-ic one# A-ter a general discussion o- the laws o- planetary motion& centri-ugal -orce& and gravitation& he writes o- his notion that there must be tides in the atmosphere Lust as there are in the ocean# 8rank 3attie o- the >niversity o- <entucky& in his study o- the in-luence o- Cead on Cesmer& points out that this idea is central in CeadDs #e imperio solis ac l$nae :1'$6.& and that Cesmer sometimes reproduces CeadDs own words on the matter& only slightly altered& without giving him credit# Cesmer then presents his own original ideas# 2e says that Lust as there are tides in the sea and the atmosphere& so also there are tides in the human body# There is& he asserts& a universal gravitation by which our bodies are a--ected# Through this in-luence emanating -rom the stars& our bodies are caused to resonate in a harmonious -ashion# This -act& says Cesmer& must be taken seriously by medical practitioners& -or i- human bodies are violently shaken by the action o- celestial bodies& then understanding the nature o- that in-luence is o- utmost importance# This generaliAed in-luence is labeled by Cesmer Fanimal gravitation#G 4ome years later& this concept will reappear& somewhat modi-ied by his e0perience with magnets& as Fanimal magnetism#G 729

2% Hell, Ma5imillian%
>npartheyischer ,ericht der allhier gemachten ?ntdeckungen der sonderbaren !Qrkung der kunstlichen 4tahlmagneten in verschiedenen Nervenkrankheiten# EiennaH n#p#& 1''+# 729

6% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

Kedruckte Antwort des 2errn r Cesmer vom 19# Nanuar 1''+# N#p#& n#p#& 1''+# CesmerDs third published writing# Apparently the treatise -irst appeared in a Eiennese periodical and then as a separate pamphlet# Now it can only be -ound in the +amml$ng der ne$esten gedr$c.ten $nd geschrie"enen 7achrichten :see entry number 9.# /t is a response to an article o- Ca0imillian 2ell& an e0pert on the construction o- magnets& who wrote an article critical o- CesmerDs +chrei"en 3"er die Magnetc$r :entry number +.# 2ell claimed that the cures ascribed by Cesmer to animal magnetism were really due to the action o- magnets# /n

his response& Cesmer not only reasserts that animal magnetism was the cause& he also denies that magnets are o- any use in treating illness# 729

7% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

2errn r Cesmers 4chreiben an die 8rank-urter vom 1$# Cai 1''+# N#p#& n#p#& 1''+# A letter on magnetism addressed to the inhabitants o- 8rank-ort# /t can be -ound today only in the +amml$ng der ne$esten gedr$c.ten $nd geschrie"enen 7achrichten :see entry number 9.# 729

5% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

4chreiben Qber die Cagnetkur von 2errn# A# Cesmer& oktor der ArAneygelahrtheit& an einen auswartigen ArAt# :Eienna.H Noseph <urAbock& 1''+& :1. V 16 pp# ?nglishH F%etter -rom C# Cesmer& octor o- Cedicine at Eienna to A# C# >nAer& octor o- Cedicine& on the Cedicinal >sage o- the Cagnet&G in Mesmerism) Translated and edited by Keorge ,loch# %os Altos& Cali-orniaH !illiam <au-mann& 198$# !ritten on Nanuary +& 1''+& to octor Nohann Christoph >nAer o- Altona& this treatise appeared as a pamphlet and was then immediately published in the 7e$er gelehrter Merc$ri$s :edited by >nAer.# /n this attempt to e0plain his theory o- cure through magnetism& Cesmer -irst uses the term Fanimal magnetismG in print# This term he now eJuates with the Fanimal gravitationG o- his #issertation :see entry number 1.# 2e distinguishes animal magnetism -rom mineral magnetism& but at the same time shows the analogy between the two# Cesmer points out that the animal magnetic -luid penetrates everything and can be stored up and concentrated& like Felectric -luid#G %ike mineral magnetism& animal magnetism can operate at a distance# An edition o- this work published in 1''( has an important additionH a section titled Anhang (on einigen !rie%en $nd 7achrichten) This appendi0 contains e0cerpts -rom letters describing cures per-ormed by Cesmer and ascribed to animal magnetism# 729

6% 8n'er, 9ohann "hristoph%

,eschreibung eines mit dem kunstlichen Cagneten angestellten medicinischen Eersuchs# 2amburgH 2erold& 1''+& 166 pp# 2aving read o- CesmerDs work& >nAer& a physician and editor o- the periodical 7e$er gelehrter Merc$ri$s, e0perimented with magnets in the treatment o- his own patients# The results were good& and he wrote this -avorable opinion o- the medical use o- magnets# 729

7% :lin(osch, 9oseph /hadda+s%
4chreiben den Thier# Cagnetismus u# die sich selbst wieder ersetAende <ra-t ,etre--end# 3ragueH n#p#& 1''(# <linkosch included the alleged cures through e0orcism per-ormed by Kassner and those carried out by Cesmer using animal magnetism in the same category# 2e considered them to

be -alse and delusory and argued that i- any such cures occurred& it must be through electricity rather than magnetism# 729

3% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%
iscours sur le magnMtisme# N#p#H n#p#& :1''8W.# A small treatise -ound today only in 89antimagn'tisme by 3aulet :see entry number 96.# There are Juestions about both authorship and date# Amadou believes it a genuine piece by Cesmer& while 8rank 3attie has his doubts# There is no date given by 3aulet who took his version -rom the Rec$eil des e%%ets sal$taires de l9aimant :see entry number **.# Amadou places the treatise somewhere between CesmerDs controversy with 2ell and the publication o- his M'moire :see entry number 1$.# /n the treatise& Cesmer describes how he -irst became aware o- a Fmagnetic JualityG in his own person that had e--ects upon the bodies o- the sick& analogous to that produced by mineral magnetism# 729

9% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

4ammlung der neuesten gedruckten und geschriebenen Nachrichten von Cagnet-Curen& vorAQglich der Cesmerischen# %eipAigH 2ilscher& 1''8& 6 V 196 pp# A collection o- Lournal articles and polemical pamphlets written by Cesmer& 2ell and others about the nature and e--icacy o- magnetic healing# 8or some o- those writings this is the only remaining source# Cesmer himsel- acknowledged the accuracy o- the reproductions in this collection# 729

14% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%
CMmoire sur la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal# Keneva and 3arisH idot le Leune& 1''9& vi V 8+ pp# ?nglishH F issertation on the iscovery o- Animal Cagnetism&G in Mesmerism) Translated and edited by Keorge ,loch# %os Altos& Cali-orniaH !illiam <au-mann& 198$# A -oundational work in the history o- modern psychology# /n this& CesmerDs -irst and most in-luential public presentation o- his theory o- animal magnetism& he describes the conte0t ohis discovery o- animal magnetism& depicts the -irst cures per-ormed through its application& and sets -orth twenty-seven propositions which delineate its nature and e--ects# 2aving e0perimented with iron magnets to treat illnesses& Cesmer came to the conclusion that the human body itsel- is a magnet and that the physician& using his own body magnetically& can produce the most e--ective cures# To promote his discovery& Cesmer moved in 1''8 to 3aris& which was the intellectual center o- the ?urope o- his day# 2is 3arisian clinic claimed many remarkable cures# This dramatic success and the M'moire o- 1''9 caused his -ame to spread Juickly throughout 8rance# Cesmer considered himsel- above all a physician and a scientist# /n the -oreword to the M'moire, he states his basic belie- that Fnature a--ords a universal means o- healing and preserving men&G and throughout the te0t he emphasiAes his conviction that he has discovered a natural principle whose laws would eventually be revealed by critical

observation o- the -acts# According to Cesmer& there e0ists in nature a universal agent which& through as yet unknown laws& produces a mutual in-luence among the heavenly bodies& the earth& and living things# !hen this agent is observed operating in living organisms& it is seen to have properties o- attraction similar to those o- the magnet& even e0hibiting polarity# ,ecause o- this similarity to mineral magnetism& Cesmer names this universal agent Fanimal magnetism#G 2e claims that it acts upon the nerves o- living things and that its discovery makes available a power-ul means o- curing illness and preserving health# Animal magnetism operates in the organism by means o- an e0tremely -ine F-luidG :the term common among scientists o- the time to denote any subtle substance or in-luence.& which Cesmer calls Fmagnetic -luid#G Cure o- disease is brought about by the direct intervention o- the physician himsel-# 2e uses the magnetic power o- his own body to in-luence the ebb and -low omagnetic -luid in that o- his patient& restoring the natural balance o- animal magnetic currents and thus aiding nature in the cure o- disease# Cesmer states that in this way animal magnetism can cure nervous disorders directly and other disorders indirectly# Although Cesmer lived and wrote until 181+& he never signi-icantly altered the outline o- his theory as it is presented in the M'moire o- 1''9# /t contains all the basic principles which were to be applied to treatment o- the sick by FmagnetiAersG -or decades to come# 729

11% ,;Eslon, "harles%
iscours prononcM en lDassemblMe de la 8acultM de CMdecine de 3aris le 18 septembre 1'8$# N#p#& n#p#& :1'8$W.# D?slon was physician to the Comte dDArtois& the regent o- the 8aculty o- Cedicine o- 3aris# CesmerDs -irst important associate in 3aris& D?slon was educated by him in the theory and practice o- animal magnetism# This well-constructed e0planation and de-ence o- animal magnetism was directed by D?slon to his medical colleagues in 3aris# /t resulted in their demand that he give up his involvement with the practice o- animal magnetism# /t can be -ound in CesmerDs Pr'cis histori/$e :1'81.& pp# 1'" --# :see entry number 1'.# 729

12% ,;Eslon, "harles%

;bservations sur le magnMtisme animal# %ondon and 3arisH idot& 1'8$& :6. V 1+1 pp# ,ecause o- his standing in the medical world& D?slon gave Cesmer credibility among the intelligentsia o- 3aris# This book was his maLor opus on animal magnetism in which he describes his -irst e0posure to animal magnetism and how he became convinced o- its e--icacy# 2e adheres to all o- CesmerDs teachings about the nature o- the phenomenon& although he does not emphasiAe the doctrine o- a magnetic -luid# D?slon stresses the importance o- the -act that animal magnetism is e--ective as a treatment -or illness# 2e knew this -rom his own e0perience& having been cured by Cesmer o- a li-e-long ailment# 4howing little concern about the niceties o- theory& D?slonDs appreciation o- the practical e--icacy oanimal magnetism marks him as a sincere promoter o- what he thought to be a great bene-it to mankind# 729

16% <Horne, === de%>

=Mponse dDun mMdecin de 3aris X un mMdecin de province& sur le prMtendu magnMtisme animal de C# Cesmer# Eienna and 3arisH %# A# elalain le Leune& :1'8$.& 1( pp# e 2orne was physician to the Comtesse dDArtois and the uke o- ;rleans# /n this booklet he criticiAes the animal magnetic -luid o- Cesmer& claiming it is simply an electro-magnetic in-luence# 729

17% <Pa+let, 9ean 9ac?+es%>

%es miracles de Cesmer# N#p#H n#p# :1'8$.& *" pp# 3aulet& a botanist and physician who was strongly opposed to animal magnetism& was editor o- the 4a5ette de +ant') This pamphlet is a reprint o- two book reviews -rom that LournalH the -irst& a review o- D?slonDs *"ser(ations s$r le magn'tisme animal :entry number 1*.I the second& a review o- de 2orneDs R'ponses d9$n m'decin de pro(ince :entry number 1".# /n the reviews& 3aulet makes some e0travagant claims against Cesmer and animal magnetism# 729

15% ergasse, @icolas%
%ettre dDun mMdecin de la 8acultM de 3aris X un mMdecin du College de %ondresI ouvrage dans leJuel on prouve contre C# Cesmer Jue le magnMtisme animal nDe0iste pas# The 2agueH n#p#& 1'81& '$ pp# ,ergasse was a lawyer& philosopher& and political theorist -rom %yons# /n 1'81 he was success-ully treated by Cesmer and became his devoted -ollower# /n this letter he declares his belie- in the e--icacy o- the cures per-ormed by Cesmer and condemns the closed attitude oorthodo0 medicine# 729

16% <.o+rnier2Michel, ===%>

%ettre X C# Cesmer& et autre piPces concernant la maladie de mademoiselle de ,erlancourt de ,eauvais# ,eauvaisH 3# esLardins& 1'81& 1+ pp# An important early testimony o- a cure by Cesmer with independent witnesses# The condition and cure :paralysis o- part o- the body o- a young woman. are described in some detail# 729

17% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

3rMcis historiJue des -aits relati-s au magnMtisme animal LusJues en Avril 1'81# Tr# de lDallemand# %ondonH n#p#& 1'81& :8. V **9 V :*. pp# This collection o- documents and comments was translated into 8rench -rom an outline written by Cesmer in Kerman# The original outline was later destroyed and the Kerman version o- this work published in 1'8" was a translation -rom the 8rench edition# The translator and editor was apparently D?slon# The work attempts to give a history o- animal magnetism to date by reproducing and commenting on important relevant documents# The history o- animal magnetism is divided into -ive time periodsH 1. dealings with the 8aculty o-

Cedicine at Eienna& *. dealings with the Academy o- 4ciences at 3aris& ". dealings with the =oyal 4ociety o- Cedicine at 3aris& 6. various activities in the two years -ollowing& and +. dealings with the 8aculty o- Cedicine at 3aris# Cesmer uses the documentation -ormat to reiterate his views and emphasiAe his side in the various disputes in which he had been involved# 729

13% </ho+Aenel, Pierre%>

CMmoire physiJue et mMdicinal& montrant des rapports Mvidens entre les phMnomPnes de la baguette divinatoire& du magnMtisme et de lDMlectricitM& avec des Mclaircissements sur dDautres obLects non moins importants& Jui y sont relati-s# 3aris and %ondonH idot& 1'81& :". V "$6 pp# A study o- the use o- the divining rod and its e--ectiveness in discovering hidden sources owater# Thouvenel recalls the tradition o- magnetic medicine and the theories o- earlier writers concerning a universal magnetic -orce which accounts -or such mysterious powers# 2e writes about Fanimal electricityG and Fanimal magnetismG as derived -rom that tradition& not -rom the writings o- Cesmer# The similarities between these ideas o- Thouvenel and those oCesmer are& however& striking# 729

19% o+r'eis, 9ac?+es AimBe de%
;bservation trPs-importante sur les e--ets du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH 3# 8# Kue--ier& 1'8*& *8 pp# A little work complaining about the treatment Cesmer gave to the authorDs patient# 729

24% ,;Eslon, "harles%

%ettre de C# dD?slon& docteur rMgent de la 8acultM de 3aris& et mMdecine ordinaire de Conseigneur le comte dDArtois& X C# 3hilip& docteur en mMdecine& doyen de la 8acultM# The 2agueH n#p#& 1'8*& 166 pp# ;ne o- a number o- attempts by D?slon to present his views on animal magnetism to the medical establishment at 3aris# 729

21% <,;Eslon, "harles%>

%ettre de C# le CarJuis deYYY& X un mMdecine de province# N#p#H n#p#& :1'8*.& 6( V :*. pp# A collection o- letters on animal magnetism& including a letter by Cesmer protesting D?slonDs claim to represent the interests o- animal magnetism :see 8ettre s$r $n %ait relati% H l9histoire ) ) ) , entry number *". and correspondence between Cesmer and D?slon on the matter# The collection is ascribed to D?slon# 729

22% <Hars+, 9ac?+es de%>

=ecueil des e--ets salutaires de lDaimant dans les maladies# KenevaH ,# Chirol and ?# idier& 1'8*& ($ V *'( pp# An e0tremely rare book which contains& among other things& the original o- a small treatise by Cesmer entitledH #isco$rse s$r le magn'tisme) This treatise was later published in 89Antimagn'tisme by 3aulet :see entry number 96.# 729

26% <Mesmer, .ran' Anton%>

%ettre sur un -ait relati- X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal adressMe X C# 3hilip& doyen de la 8acultM de CMdecine de 3aris# %ondon and Ai0-la-ChapelleH n#p#& 1+ pp# This letter was addressed by Cesmer to the dean o- the 8aculty o- Cedicine at 3aris and written to protest D?slonDs claim to be in possession o- CesmerDs teaching# According to Cesmer& D?slon said that Cesmer would not be returning to 3aris and -or that reason the in-ormal investigation o- animal magnetism being conducted by the 8aculty should e0amine his : D?slonDs. work# Cesmer obLects& saying that D?slon cannot possibly claim to present a complete picture o- the theory and practice o- animal magnetism# 729

27% P+ysBg+r, Antoine Hyacinte Anne de "hastenet, comte de%

%ettre de C# le CYY de CYY3YY a C# le 3YY?YY de 4 YY# N#p#H n#p#& 1'8*& +9 pp# 729

25% Ret', @oel de Roche#ort%

%ettre sur le secret de C# Cesmer ou rMponse dDun mMdecin X un autre& Jui avait demandM des Mclaircissements X ce suLet# 3arisH CMJuignon& 1'8*& ** pp# =etA& Fphysician ordinaireG to the <ing o- 8rance& reLects the theory o- animal magnetism# 2owever& he does admit that cures have been brought about through its application# 2is e0planation is that the cures were accomplished through Fimagination#G 729

26% /ho+ret, Michel A+g+stin and Andry, "harles *o+is .ranCois%

;bservations et recherches sur lDusage de lDaimant en mMdecineI ou CMmoire sur le magnMtisme mMdicinal# 3arisH %Dimprimerie de monsieur& 1'8*& 1(8 pp# This work is an e0tract -rom the M'moires o- the 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine -or the year 1''9# The authors describe the medical uses o- magnets& beginning with a history o- the subLect# They then take up contemporary practitioners who use magnets to heal& including 8ranA Anton Cesmer# They concentrate on CesmerDs use o- the mineral magnet& but they note his M'moire o- 1''9 in their -ootnote and re-er to his original Fdiscoveries#G Kenerally& the authors convey a positive attitude towards CesmerDs work# /n 1'86& however& Thouret revised his view& becoming very critical o- animal magnetism in his Recherches et do$tes :1'86& entry number 11(.# 729


27% Andry, "harles *o+is .ranCois and /ho+ret, Michel A+g+stin%

=apport sur les aimons prMsentMs par C# lDabbM %e NobleI lu dans la sMance tenus au %ouvre& le mardi premier avril 1'8"# 3arisH 3# # 3ierres& :1'8".& *(( pp# 729

23% acher, Ale5andre AndrB Philippe .rBdBric%

Krande belle dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal# N#p#H n#p#& 1'8"& 1+ pp# This pamphlet consists o- a letter -rom Cesmer to a octor 3hilip :1'8*. with comments added by ,acher# 729

29% "o+rt de )B!elin, Antoine%

%ettre de lDauteur de monde primiti- X messieurs ses souscripteurs sur le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH Ealleyre lDaZnM& 1'8"& 6' pp# Court de KMbelin was one o- the most highly respected intellectuals o- his day# 2is monumental nine-volume Monde primiti% :1''")1'86. was a virtual encyclopedia o- studies in comparative linguistics# /n this letter he tells o- how he was cured o- a serious illness by CesmerDs animal magnetism# 2e passionately appeals -or a serious study o- that system and indicates the directions that study might take# Court de KMbelin had long sought to unearth the outlines o- a primitive science present in the great cultures o- the west# /n animal magnetism he believed he had discovered the true basis -or that science# 729

64% ailly, 9ean $ylAain%
?0posM des e0pMriences Jui one MtM -aites pour lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# %u X lDAcadMmie des sciences& par C# ,ailly en son nom R au0 nom de Crs# 8ranklin& %e =oy& de ,ory& et %avoisier& le 6 4eptembre 1'86# 3arisH /mprimerie =oyale& 1'86& 1+ pp# 3resented as a courtesy to the members o- the Academy o- 4ciences which had been commissioned by the king to investigate animal magnetism# This brie- report was intended to give them an account o- some o- the e0periences which the commissioners had during their investigation# /t is considerably shorter than the o--icial report :see entry number "1.# 729

61% ailly, 9ean $ylAain, ed%

=apport des commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH /mprimerie =oyale& 1'86& (( pp# /n the spring o- 1'86 the <ing o- 8rance appointed this commission made up o- members othe Academy o- 4ciences to investigate the claims o- animal magnetism# 2e chose some othe most eminent men o- science o- his day# The chairman was ,enLamin 8ranklin :1'$() 1'9$.& a -ounding -ather o- the >nited 4tates o- America& ambassador o- that country to

8rance& and a person highly knowledgeable in electricity and terrestrial magnetism# The commissionDs president was Antoine %aurent %avoisier :1'6" )1'96.& a -ollower o- Condillac and one o- the most important chemists o- the age# The secretary o- the commission and editor o- its report was the -amous astronomer Nean 4ylvain ,ailly :1'"()1'9".# The commission also included the director o- the Academy o- 4ciences& Nean ,aptiste %eroy :1'*6)18$$.& an investigator o- electricity o- some note# The -i-th member o- the commission was the physician de ,ory& about which nothing is known today# The commission began its investigations on Carch 1*& 1'86& and published its report in August o- that year# ,oth this commission and one made up o- members o- the 8aculty o- Cedicine o- 3aris& appointed by the <ing at the same time& investigated animal magnetism as practiced by Charles D?slon& a disciple o- Cesmer# D?slon wanted this o--icial inJuiry& while Cesmer strongly opposed it# ,y cooperating with the commissions& D?slon e--ectively removed himsel- -rom his teacherDs -old# Although D?slonDs theory o- animal magnetism& as presented to the commission& was somewhat di--erent -rom that o- Cesmer& the commissioners did not seem to be bothered by that -act# They contended that theory made no di--erence to their mandate& which was to decide about the e0istence and utility o- animal magnetism# Their conclusion was that they -ound no evidence -or the e0istence o- an animal magnetic -luid# They ascribed any cures or improvement o- health that might occur through the application o- animal magnetism to the action o- Fimagination#G The report was very in-luential and became a center o- a vigorous controversy which raged -or a number o- years& with pamphlets and books being written -or and against its conclusions# 729

62% < ailly, 9ean $ylAain%>

=apport secret prMsentM au ministre et signM par la commission prMcMdente# N#p#Hn#p#& 1'86& 1$ pp# This secret report by the 8ranklin commission was not published at the time o- the public report# /t was presented privately to the <ing o- 8rance and appeared -or the -irst time in print in 18$$ :see entry number *1"#.# 729

66% $+pplBment a+ de+5 rapports de MM% les commissaires de l;AcadBmie et de la .ac+ltB de mBdecine et de la $ociBtB royale de mBdecine%
Amsterdam and 3arisH Kue--ier& 1'86& 8$ pp# A summary o- cures through animal magnetism attested to by the magnetiAer that per-ormed them or by the patient who had been cured# The cures were in many cases not described with the detail needed to Ludge the e--ectiveness o- the treatment# 729

67% < ar!eg+iDre, 9% %>

%a ma[onnerie mesmMrienne& ou le[ons prononcMes par 8r# Cocet& =iala& Themola& 4eca et CMlaphon& de lD;rdre des 8# de lDharmonie& en %oge mesmMrienne de ,ordeau0& lDan des in-luences +'86& et le premier du mesmMrisme# AmsterdamH n#p#& 1'86& 8" V :1. pp# The pronouncement o- a group o- ,ordeau0 -reemasons concerning their views on mesmerism# They were at -irst orthodo0 members o- the ,ordeau0 %odge o- 2armony -ounded to teach animal magnetism# 2owever& in 1'86 they broke away -or a brie- period& but were soon returned to the -old# 729

65% < arrB, P% E% and Radet, 9% %>

%es docteurs modernes& comMdie-parade en un acte et en vaudeville& suivie du ,anJuet de santM& divertissement analogue mOlM de couplets reprMsentMe pour la premiPre -ois X 3aris par les comMdiens italiens ordinaires du =oy& le mardi 1( Novembre 1'86# 3arisH ,runet& 1'86& +9 pp# Two plays staged in 3aris in 1'86# 8es docte$rs modernes satiriAed Cesmer and D?slon# !an/$et de sant' continues the theme# /t takes place in a healing salon eJuipped with a magnetic FbaJuet#G The plays represent Cesmer and D?slon as charlatans who make -un otheir dupes# The play occasioned an impassioned reaction -rom a supporter o- Cesmer named uval dD?prMmesnil :see entry +'.# 729

66% ergasse, @icolas%

ConsidMrations sur le magnMtisme animal& ou sur la thMorie du monde et des Otres organisMs& dDaprPs les principes de C# Cesmer& par C# ,ergasse avec des pensMes sur le mouvement& par C# le CarJuis de Chastellu0& de lDAcadMmie -ran[aise# The 2agueH n#p#& 1'86& 169 pp# ,ergasse& along with <ornmann& helped Cesmer -ound the 4ociety o- 2armony o- 3aris& the -irst o- many which would take on members -or a -ee to teach them the doctrine and techniJues o- animal magnetism# ,ergasse delivered lectures to the members o- the 3aris 4ociety& and these lectures were distilled into the content o- the present book# ,ergasse and Cesmer had their disagreements and although in Bonsid'rations ,ergasse vigorously de-ends Cesmer against all attacks& divergences o- doctrine do nevertheless appear# !ithin a year a-ter the publication o- the book& Cesmer and ,ergasse publicly ended their association# 729

67% < ergasse, @icolas%>

ialogue entre un docteur de toutes les universitMs et acadMmies du monde connu& notamment de la -acultM de mMdecine -ondMe X 3aris dans la rue de la ,ucherie& lDan de notre salut 16'* et un homme de bon sens& ancien malade du docteur# 3arisH Kastellier& 1'86& *6 pp# A satirical work written by ,ergasse and published anonymously# /t is aimed at those physicians who condemned animal magnetism# 729

63% < ergasse, @icolas%>

ThMorie du monde et des Otres organisMs suivant les principes de C# # # # 3arisH n#p#& 1'86& 1+ V *1 V 1( pp# 3roduced by ,ergasse& at a time when he was still a loyal and -anatical disciple o- Cesmer& -or the FadeptsG o- animal magnetism1those initiated into its secrets through membership in the lodge o- 2armony# Composed in a -ormat that reminds one o- certain alchemical te0ts& the work presents te0t and symbols according to a code that only the initiated could understand# ,eginning with the basic postulates o- CesmerDs theory& ,ergasse moves on to e0amine in detail the properties o- matter and motion& and concludes with a section on the nature o- man# 729

69% < om!ay, ===%>

3rocMdMs du magnMtisme animal# :3arisW.H n#p#& 1'86& +" pp# The work o- an e0perienced magnetiAer who was in-luenced by the work o- 3uysMgur# Attributed to the physician ,ombay& the book contains descriptions o- the use o- physical obLects as repositories o- magnetism which can be used to treat the ill# /n this category are trees& tubs o- water& and the "a/$et as devised by Cesmer# The author tells how to impart magnetic -luid to these obLects# 729

74% onne#oy, 9ean aptiste%

Analyse raisonMe des rapports des commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# %yon and 3arisH 3rault& 1'86& :6. V 98 pp# The preeminent magnetiAer o- %yon at the time o- the report o- the 8ranklin Commission& the physician ,onne-oy strongly criticiAed the report using& among other things& arguments drawn -rom the electrical science o- the day# 729

71% ormes, ===, !aron de%

%ettres de C#l#,#d#,# X C#3#%#K#2# #%#4#& X Carseille& sur lDe0istence du magnMtisme animal et lDagent universel de la nature dont le r Cesmer se sert pour opMrer ses guMrisons # # # avec le moyen de se bien porter sans le secours du mMdecin# Keneva and 3arisH Couturier& 1'86& 8' pp# 729

72% < o+Aier, Marie AndrB 9oseph%>

%ettres sur le magnMtisme animalI o\ lDon discute lDouvrage de C# Thouret& intitulMH outes et recherches # # # et le rapport des commissaires sur lDe0istence# # # # ,russelsH n#p#& 1'86& 1$" V :". p# !ritten by the physician ,ouvier o- Eersailles& the work de-ends the reality o- animal magnetism and its e--ectiveness as a cure# ,ouvier himsel- used animal magnetism success-ully in his medical practice# 729

76% < rac(, ===%>

2istoire du magnMtisme en 8rance& de son rMgime et de son in-luence& pour servir X dMvelopper lDidMe JuDon doit avoir de la mMdecine universelle# Eienna and 3arisH =oyeA& 1'86& "* pp# ,rack was a physician who wrote a number o- pamphlets against Cesmer and animal magnetism# /n this work he provides interesting in-ormation about the -oundation o- magnetic 4ocieties o- 2armony in 3aris and the provinces# 729

77% < rac(, ===%>

%ettre de 8igaro au Comte Almaviva sur la crise du magnMtisme animal& avec des dMtails propres X -i0er en-in lDopinion sur lDinutilitM de cette dMcouverteI nouvelle Mdition prMcMdMe et suivie des rM-le0ions Jui ont rapport au0 circonstances prMsentes& traduites de lDespangnol# :Cadrid and. 3arisH n#p#& 1'86& 6+ pp# ;ne o- a number o- pamphlets written by the physician ,rack against animal magnetism# The -irst edition o- this work is not known to be e0tant and re-erence to a 4panish original seems to be a literary -iction# 729

75% < rissot de &arAille, 9ac?+es Pierre%>

>n mot X lDoreille des acadMmiciens de 3aris# N#p#H n#p#& 1'86& *6 pp# ,rissot& a 8rench revolutionary& social critic and theoretician& believed that animal magnetism could serve as a means o- achieving social re-orm# /n this work& among other things& he writes o- how animal magnetism could make the rich more human and concerned about the poor# 729

76%<"am!ry, 9ac?+es%>
Traces du magnMtisme# The 2agueH n#p#& 1'86& 68 pp# An erudite study o- the FtracesG o- animal magnetic phenomena in antiJuity# !ritten by an antiJuarian and supporter o- Cesmer# 729

77%<"lo?+et, ===%>
Mtail des cures opMrMes X ,uAancy& prPs 4oissons par le magnMtisme animal# 4oissonsH n#p#& 1'86& 6* pp# An important and very rare document in the history o- animal magnetism that contains& among other items& a letter written by a C# CloJuet describing in detail the induction oarti-icial somnambulism by the CarJuis de 3uysMgur# This letter is the -irst mention in print o- Fmagnetic sleep&G as 3uysMgur would call it in his M'moires :see entry number 1$+.& written a -ew months later# 3uysMgurDs historic discovery o- what would eventually be termed Fhypnotic tranceG was a turning point in the history o- modern psychology and psychotherapy# The treatise also contains a letter written by 3uysMgur to ,ergasse& a letter written by the =ev# KMrard& 4uperior Keneral o- the ;rder o- Charity& a brie- description by 3uysMgur o- (* cures per-ormed through animal magnetism at ,uAancy& and a description o- a cure per-ormed by Cesmer on the son o- the banker <ornmann# 729

73% "on#ession d;+n mBdicin acadBmicien et commissaire d;+n rapport s+r le magnBtisme animal aAec les remontrances et aAis de son directe+r%
:3aris.H n#p# :1'86.& '$ pp# 729

79% <,ampierre, Antoine Esmonin Mar?+is de%>

=M-le0ions impartiales sur le magnMtisme animal& -aites aprPs la publication du rapport des commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen de cette dMcouverte# Keneva and 3arisH ,arthMlemy Chirol :Keneva. and 3Mrisse le Leune :3aris.& 1'86& +$ pp# ampierre was a theologian& magistrate& and president o- the parliament o- ,ourgogne# A member o- the mystical %yons school o- -reemasons& he developed a philosophy o- animal magnetism that viewed it as an aid to the healing and social evolution taking place according to hidden laws o- nature# ampierre delineates -our di--erent types o- Fmagnetic crisisG that can be e0perienced by an individual su--ering -rom illness# The -irst is the necessary and salutary crisis that an ill person may e0perience be-ore magnetic treatment1certain gestures and actions that demonstrate natureDs attempt to heal# The second type o- crisis is that produced by suggestive individuals& when being magnetiAed& through imitation and the action o- imagination1this being a useless and even harm-ul type o- crisis# The third type is the crisis produced through -ear upon seeing another person in the throes o- a violent crisis1this also being a harm-ul type o- crisis# The -ourth type o- crisis is that produced by the action oanimal magnetism in susceptible persons who have a strong desire to remain in the state ocrisis1this type being dangerous to the patient# 4ince none o- these crises leads& with the possible e0ception o- the -irst& to a -ruit-ul conclusion& ampierre and his colleagues at %yons sought an alternate& positive healing crisis# ampierre believed that the crises most o-ten produced by animal magnetism as practiced by those who used the techniJues o- Cesmer were o- the harm-ul type described# 2e considered these crises to be embarrassing and obscene -or the patient and narcissistically -lattering -or the magnetiAer# ampierreDs solution was the magnetic techniJue developed by his -ellow 8reemason at %yons& the Chevalier ,arberin# /n contrast to that o- Cesmer which relied on magnetic FpassesG that involved physical contact& or were applied at the most a -ew inches -rom the body& the magnetiAing o,arberin was done at a distance& sometimes a distance o- miles# This approach could produce magnetic somnambulism with the attendant apparently paranormal phenomena -irst noted by the CarJuis de 3uysMgur :J#v#.# This %yons brand o- 8reemason animal magnetism was as such strongly oriented towards the occult worldview o- the magical tradition o- the !est# 729

54% *es dB!ris d+ !a?+et o+ *ettres criti?+es de la re?+Fte de Mesmer%

3arisH n#p#& 1'86& *" pp# 729

51% ,Bcret de la #ac+ltB de mBdecine de Paris, d+ 27 aoGt 1737 par le?+el est adoptB le Rapport des commissaires H.ranCais et *atinI%
3arisH Carchand& 1'86& *" pp# 729

52% ,;Eslon, "harles%

;bservations sur les deu0 rapports de CC# les commissaires nommMs par sa maLestM pour lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# 3hiladelphia and 3arisH Clousier& 1'86& :1. V "1 pp#

A critiJue o- the report o- the commissioners charged with e0amining animal magnetism# D?slonDs criticism is based on direct knowledge o- their investigations# 2e condemns their prohibition o- the practice o- animal magnetism and says it is unen-orceable# 729

56% <,+plicate o# entry 66J deleted%> 57% ,eAillers, "harles 9oseph%

%e colosse au0 pieds dDArgille# :3aris.H n#p#& 1'86& iv V 1'( pp# evillers was a member o- the very active lodge o- 8reemasons o- %yon# !hen its members took sides on the issue o- animal magnetism in 1'86& he supported the opposition# /n this book he admits that some o- the phenomena o- animal magnetism are genuine& but denies that they are due to the action o- CesmerDs magnetic -luid# 2e attempts to show that the power oimagination is su--icient e0planation# Charles Noseph evillers should not be con-used with Charles de Eillers :1'(+)181+. who wrote a novel in 1'8' entitled 8e magn'tise$r amo$re$& :see entry number 1'+.# 729

55% ,oppet, .ranCois AmBdBe%

TraitM thMoriJue et pratiJue du magnMtisme animal# TurinH Nean Cichel ,riolo& 1'86& 8$ pp# oppet was a pupil o- D?slon and practitioner o- animal magnetism# 2e held a somewhat unusual attitude toward magnetismH he believed magnetism was an important medical tool and used it himsel-& but was not sure that it was all that the theory claimed to be# 729

56% <,+#a+, 9+lien%>

=emarJues sur la conduite du sieur Cesmer et de son commis le 3# 2ervier& et de ses autres adhMrentsI o\ lDon tache de venger la mMdecine de leurs outrages# :3aris.H n#p#& 1'86& "$ pp# The purpose o- this pamphlet is to destroy the credibility o- 2ervier and his cure by Cesmer through animal magnetism# 729

57% <KprBmesnil, 9ean 9ac?+es ,+Aal d;%>

=M-le0ions prMliminaires X lDoccasion de la piPce intitulMe %es docteurs modernes LouMe sur le ThMatre /talien& le seiAe& Novembre 1'86# :3aris.H n#p#& 1'86& " pp# /n this lea-let& ]prMmesnil& a vehement supporter o- Cesmer at this time& e0presses his indignation about the play 8es docte$rs moderne :see entry number "+. which satiriAed Cesmer& D?slon& and the practice o- animal magnetism# ]prMmesnil scattered the lea-let into the audience during a per-ormance# 729

53% <KprBmesnil, 9ean 9ac?+es ,+Aal d;%>

4uite des rM-le0ions prMliminaires X lDoccasion des octeurs modernes# :3aris.H n#p#& 1'86& 8 pp#

A second statement on the part o- ]prMmesnil supporting Cesmer in -ace o- the Libes o- the play 8es docte$rs modernes :see entry number "+.# %ike the -irst lea-let& this one was tossed to the audience during a per-ormance# 729

59% .ontette $ommery, ===, comte de%

%ettre X C# dD?slon& mMdecin ordinaire de Conseigneur le Comte dDArtois# Klasgow and 3arisH 3rault& 1'86& *' pp# 729

64% .o+ghet, Par%

%ettre dDun mMdecin de la -acultM de 3aris X C# Court de KMbelin& en rMponse X celle Jue ce savant a adressMe X ses souscripteurs et dans laJuelle il -ait un Mloge triomphant du magnMtisme animal# ,ordeau0H ,ergeret& 1'86& (9 pp# A letter addressed to Court de KMbelin about his supposed illness and cure through animal magnetism# The author& a physician o- 3aris& states that it was very likely that Court de KMbelin had not been ill at all& but i- he had been ill& then it was the healing power o- nature itsel-& not animal magnetism& that had cured him# The letter also contains a number ocriticisms o- the way animal magnetism was being practiced in 3aris# 729

61% )allert de MontLoie, "ristophe .Bli5 *o+is%

?ssai sur la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal# N#p#H n#p#& 1'86& 9 pp# 729

62% )allert de MontLoie, "ristophe .Bli5 *o+is%

%ettre sur le magnMtisme animal& o\ lDon e0amine la con-ormitM des opinions des peuples anciens R modernes& des s[avans R notament de C# ,ailly avec celles de C# CesmerH et o\ lDon compare ces mOmes opinions au rapport des commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal adressM X Consieur ,ailly de lDAcadMmie des 4ciences etc# 3aris and 3hiladelphiaH 3ierre N# uplain& 1'86& :6. V v)viii V 1"( pp# /n the -irst part o- this de-ence o- Cesmer and animal magnetism& Kallert de ContLoie tries to -ind points o- rapprochement between Cesmer and the astronomer ,ailly# 2e then compares the ideas o- Cesmer to those o- escartes and Newton& siding with Newton against ,ailly in his view o- matter and motion# The author e0plains CesmerDs view o- the ebb and -low omagnetic -luid and attempts to show how it is in agreement with the best contemporary views o- physics# /n the second part& Kallert de ContLoie takes up the report o- the 8ranklin commission& devoting considerable space to the issue o- the place o- the imagination in the action o- animal magnetism# 2e e0amines the place o- the will in the action o- the magnetic -luid& stating that it is principally by the will that the -luid is directed and that it is involved in magnetiAation at a distance# 729

66% <)ardane, 9oseph 9ac?+es de%>

?claircissements sur le magnMtisme actuel# %ondonH n#p#& 1'86& "( pp# A treatise on animal magnetism by a man who e0perimented with electricity as a medical aid# 2e accepted the reality o- the e--ects o- animal magnetism& but believed that imagination was probably the principal cause# 729

67% )Brardin, ===%

%ettre dDun Anglais X un 8ran[ais sur la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal et observations sur cette lettre# 3arisH ,ouillon& 1'86& *6 pp# A letter in -avor o- animal magnetism# 4ome scholars attribute this pamphlet to 4Mbastien KMrardin# 729

65% )il!ert, ===%

CMmoire en rMponse au rapport de CC# les Commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# Corlai0H n#p#& 1'86& *( pp# Critical o- the -indings o- the 8ranklin commission# 729

66% )il!ert, 9ean Emman+el%

Aper[u sur le magnMtisme animal ou rMsultats des observations -aites X %yon sur ce nouvel agent# KenevaH n#p#& 1'86& '( pp# Kilbert was a highly reputable physician and pro-essor o- medicine# Among other things he was known -or his opposition to all -orms o- Juackery in medicine& having written e0tensively on the subLect# /n this treatise he attests to the genuineness o- the healing e--ects o- animal magnetism& which he had repeatedly witnessed with his own eyes# Kilbert does not say that he agrees with CesmerDs theories o- magnetic -luid# 2owever& as a strong believer in the healing powers o- nature& he is sympathetic with the practice o- animal magnetism# 729

67% <)irardin, ===%>

;bservations adressMes X Crs# les commissaires chargMs par le =oi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animalI sur la maniPre dont ils y ont procMdM& R sur leur rapport# 3ar un mMdecin de province# %ondon and 3arisH =oyeA& 1'86& "( pp# Comments addressed to the kingDs two commissions that investigated animal magnetism& o--ered by a man who was present at the e0periments the commissions carried out with the aid o- D?s^on# The authorDs comments are meant to correct certain errors in the report and -urther e0plain the nature o- the treatment# 729

63% <)irardin, ===%>

;bservations adressMes X messieurs les commissaires de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine& nommMs par le =oi# # # # 4ur la maniPre dont ils on procMdM& et sur le rapport JuDils en ont -ait# 3ar un mMdecin de 31# 3our servir de suite X celles Jui ont MtM adressMes sur le mOme obLet X

CC# les commissaires tirMs de la 8acultM de mMdecine R de lDAcadMmie royale des sciences de 3aris# %ondon and 3arisH =oyeA& 1'86& :1. V 1' pp# A second set o- comments continuing observations started in the -irst :see entry number ('.# 729

69% <)+igo+d2Pigale, Pierre%>

%e baJuet magnMtiJue& comMdie en vers et en deu0 actes# %ondon and 3arisH Kastellier& 1'86& 1*( pp# A -arce in two acts about animal magnetism# 729

74% HerAier, "harles%

%ettre du pPre 2ervier au0 habitants de ,ordeau0# 3arisH n#p#& 1'86& 6 pp# A letter e0tolling animal magnetism# 729

71% HerAier, "harles%

%ettre sur la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal X C# Court de KMbelin# :3eking and. 3arisH Couturier& 1'86& viii V 68 pp# 2ervier e0presses his enthusiasm -or animal magnetism& the result o- the healing that it had accomplished -or him personally# %ike Court de KMbelin& to whom he addresses the letter& 2ervier was cured o- an illness through the application o- CesmerDs techniJues# This letter provides a detailed description o- the illness and treatment# 729

72% <9+ssie+, Antoine *a+rent de%>

=apport de lDun des commissaires chargMs par le =oi& de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH Eeuve 2arissart& 1'86& +1 pp# Nussieu strongly disagreed with the conclusions o- the principal report which -ollowed the investigation o- animal magnetism by the 4ociMtM =oyale de CMdecine in 1'86# 2e stated his own views in this treatise# The commission had seen the demonstrations o- animal magnetism given by D?slon and %a-isse :Cesmer having re-used to take part in the investigation.# 2e distinguished -our di--erent kinds o- -acts observed by the commissioners concerning animal magnetismH the -irst were those general positive e--ects about which it was not possible to come to any conclusions as to causeI the second were those which were negative& showing only the non-action o- the alleged magnetic -luidI the third were e--ects& either positive or negative& which could be attributed to the work o- the imaginationI and the -ourth were those positive e--ects that could only be e0plained through the action o- some unknown agent# Nussieu concluded that although the e0istence o- a magnetic -luid had not been proven& there were enough e--ects o- the -ourth kind to Lusti-y the continued use o- animal magnetism and -urther investigations o- the e0act nature o- those e--ects# 729

76% <*a )re'ie, ertrand de%>

%e magnMtisme animal dMvoilM par un AMlM citoyen -ran[ais# KenevaH n#p#& 1'86& "( pp# A denunciation o- Cesmer and animal magnetism by a man Cesmer -ailed to cure# %a KreAie states his belie- that magnetiAers simply harm their clients# 2e also presents his own theory othe possibility o- communicating electrical -luid -rom one person to another# 729

77% <*andresse, "% de%>

%e cri de la nature& ou le magnMtisme au LourI ouvrage curieu0 et utile pour les personnes Jui cherchent X Mtudier les causes physiJues du magnMtisme ainsi Jue les phMnomPnes Jui sDy rapportent# %ondon and 3arisH n#p#& 1'86& 6$ pp# The author himsel- had been cured o- an illness through animal magnetism by D?slon# ,ecause o- his appreciation -or the techniJue& he wants to make it known to the public# 729

75% *ettre a +n magistrat de proAince, s+r l;e5istence d+ magnBtisme%

N#p#H n#p#& :1'86.& "* pp# 729

76% *ettre de M% A% MMM N M% % MMM, s+r le liAre intit+lB1 Recherches O do+tes s+r le magnBtisme animal de M% /ho+ret%
,russelsH n#p#& 1'86& :1. V 6* pp# 729

77% *ettre s+r la mort de "o+rt de )B!elin%

3arisH n#p# 1'86& ( pp# 729

73% <Mahon, Pa+l A+g+stin PliAier%>

?0amen sMrieu0 et impartial du magnMtisme animal# %ondon and 3arisH =oyeA& 1'86& :1. V 6" pp# A booklet attributed to the physician Cahon# 2e writes in -avor o- animal magnetism& and states that i- his -ellow physicians look into the matter seriously& they will -ind much o- value there -or their medical practice# 729

79% <Mahon, Pa+l A+g+stin PliAier%>

%ettre de lDauteur de lD?0amen sMrieu0 et impartial du magnMtisme animal X C# Nudel& mMdecin membre de la 4ociMtM de lD2armonie& o\& en rMpondant X la critiJue JuDen a -aite ce docteur& et JuDil a insMrMe dans les a--iches du pays chartrain& on -ait voir Jue les disciples de

dD?slon peuvent Otre aussi instruits de la doctrine du magnMtisme animal& Jue ceu0 de C# Cesmer et JuelJue-ois mieu0# 3aris and 3hiladelphiaH n#p#& 1'86& 1( pp# Cahon& a physician and supporter o- animal magnetism& comments on the opinion o- Nudel that the commissioners who investigated animal magnetism should not have used D?slon as their practitioner& since he did not know the art as well as Cesmer# Cahon did not agree with NudelDs position# 729

34% Marat, 9ean Pa+l%

CMmoire sur lDMlectricitM mMdicale# 3arisH N# T# CMJuignon& 1'86& 111 pp# A treatise in which the author mentions animal magnetism in the conte0t o- a discussion omedical applications o- electricity# 729

31% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

Apologie de C# CesmerI ou& =Mponse X la brochure intitulMeH CMmoire pour servir X lDhistoire de la Longlerie dans leJuel on dMmontre les phMnomPnes du mesmMrisme# :3arisW.H n#p#& 1'86& 8 pp# 729

32% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

%ettre de C# Cesmer X C# %e Cte de CYYY :"1 ao_t 1'86.# N#p#H /mprimerie royale& :1'86.& 11 pp# The letter includes the FCopie de la reJuOte X nos seigneurs de 3arlement en la grandD ChambreG in which Cesmer obLects to the procedure used by the commission appointed by the king to e0amine animal magnetism# Cesmer asserts that they were not Lusti-ied in carrying out their investigation with the aid o- D?slon& who did not have the true doctrine o- animal magnetism# 729

36% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

%ettre de C# Cesmer X CYYY :EicJ-dDAAyr.& 3aris& 1( ao_t 1'86# N#p#H n#p#& 1'86& ( pp# ;riginally appearing in the Lournals o- the day& this letter is -ound in the Rec$eil des piPces les pl$s int'ressantes s$r le magn'tisme animal :see entry number 8'.# /t contains CesmerDs criticisms o- ThouretDs Recherches et do$tes s$r le magn'tisme animal :see entry number 11(.# Thouret had pointed to CesmerDs dependency on si0teenth- and seventeenth-century writers# Cesmer denies such dependency& stating that Thouret builds his case largely on the writings o- Ca0well& whom Cesmer had not even read and whose doctrine is in any case very di--erent -rom that o- Cesmer# 729

37% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

%ettres de C# Cesmer X messieurs les auteurs du Nournal de 3aris& et X C# 8ranklin# N#p#H n#p#& :1'86.& 16 pp# %etters to the editors o- the Eo$rnal de Paris and to ,enLamin 8ranklin& head o- the commission appointed by the king to investigate animal magnetism# Cesmer complains that the commission carried out its investigation with D?slon& whose work Cesmer had reLected# 2e asserts that history will be the Ludge o- the worth o- his discovery# 729

35% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

%ettres de C# Cesmer& X C# EicJ-dDAAyr& et X messieurs les auteurs du Nournal de 3aris# ,russelsH n#p#& 1'86& "$ pp# A collection o- letters written by Cesmer to the editors o- the Eo$rnal de Paris and a letter written by him in response to a critical article by EicJ-dDAAyr published in that Lournal# 729

36% <Mesmer, .ran' Anton%>

%ettre dDun mMdecin de 3aris X un mMdecin de province# :3aris.H n#p#& 1'86& 1( pp# Addressed to a Fphysician o- the CommissionG appointed by the king to investigate animal magnetism& this letter accuses D?slon o- contravening an agreement made between him and Cesmer concerning the control o- the propagation o- animal magnetism# The te0t o- the agreement is given# 729

37% Mesmer, .ran' Anton et al%

=ecueil des piPces les plus interessantes sur le magnMtisme animal# N#p#H n#p#& 1'86& :6. V :(. V ')6(8 pp# An important collection o- works written on the subLect o- animal magnetism by Cesmer and others# /t includes CesmerDs M'moire o- 1''9 :entry number 1$.I the 8ettre s$r la mort de M) Bo$rt de 4'"elin :entry number ''.I #'tail des c$res op'r'es H !$5ancy prPs +oissons par le magn'tisme animal :entry number 6'.I and many others# 729

33% Mesmer g+Bri o+ *ettre d;+n proAincial a+ R% P% @% % % %, en rBponse N sa lettre intit+lBe Mesmer !lessB%
%ondon and 3arisH n#p#& 1'86& 1" pp# This letter supports the views o- 2ervier e0pressed in his 8ettre s$r la d'co$(erte d$ magn'tisme animal :see entry number '1.# 729

39% Mo+liniB, "harles%

%ettre sur le magnMtisme animal adressMe X C# 3erdriau& pasteur et pro-esseur de lDMglise et de lDacadMmie de KenPve# 3arisH n#p#& 1'86& *+ pp#

An unusual document written by a Christian magnetiAer# CouliniM was the pastor o- a church and an e0tremely e--ective practitioner o- animal magnetism# 2is mere presence seemed to be enough to heal some people& and the poor were o-ten the bene-iciaries o- his magnetic power# 2e was e0tremely enthusiastic about the great good he believed CesmerDs discovery had bestowed upon mankind# 729

94% <M+letier, ===%>

=M-le0ions sur le magnMtisme animal& dDaprPs lesJuelles on cherche X Mtablir le degrM de croyance Jue peut mMriter LustJuDici le systPme de C# Cesmer# ,russels and 3arisH Couturier& 1'86& :1. V 6" pp# The author believes that CesmerDs remarkable success was due only to the -ascination with the marvelous that was popular at the time# 2e mentions use o- the techniJue o- -i0ation othe eyes to produce a convulsion and closure o- the eyelids# 729

91% P!serAations s+r le rapport des commissaires chargBs par le Roi de l;e5amen d+ magnBtisme animal% Par M% )% "% Mem!re de diAerses acadBmies%
EiennaH n#p#& 1'86& *$ pp# 729

92% Prel+t, Pierre%

Mtail des cures opMrMes X %yon par le magnMtisme animal& selon les principes de C# Cesmer# 3rMcMdM dDune lettre X C# Cesmer# %yonH 8aucheu0& 1'86& *' pp# ;relut begins with a letter to Cesmer telling him that when he :;relut. arrived in %yon he -ound the city to be in a state o- e0citement about animal magnetism and the cures being attributed to it# 2e states that his purpose in writing this account o- various well-attested cures is to help make known CesmerDs marvelous discovery# The author then describes in some detail the nature o- the cases treated and the positive e--ects produced# 729

96% P;Ryan, ===%

iscours sur le magnMtisme animal lu dans une assemblMe du CollMge des mMdecins de %yon le 1+ septembre 1'86# ublinH n#p#& 1'86& "1 pp# A well-written treatise arguing against animal magnetism# A pro-essor o- medicine at the >niversity o- Contpellier& ;D=yan bases his opposition on cases o- animal magnetic practice that he had actually observed# 729

97% <Pa+let, 9ean 9ac?+es%>

%DantimagnMtisme& ou ;rigine& progrPs dMcadence& renouvellement et rM-utation du magnMtisme animal# %ondonH n#p#& 1'86& :*. V *+* pp#

3auletDs longest and most thorough critiJue o- Cesmer and his theory o- animal magnetism# The author begins with an e0amination o- the Ftraces o- magnetismG to be -ound in the authors o- the si0teenth and seventeenth centuries& such as 3aracelsus& Ean 2elmont& and 8ludd# This is -ollowed by a discussion o- CesmerDs propositions on animal magnetism and certain writings o- the -ollowers o- Cesmer# 3aulet also e0amines the work o- the Fstroking doctorsG such as Kreatrakes and the FmiraclesG o- the e0orcist Kassner& viewing them as the product o- the imagination# This is one o- the most important and intelligent o- the early critiJues o- animal magnetism# /t includes a -amous engraved -rontispiece depicting Cesmer drawing magnetic -luid -rom the heavens and con-erring it upon the ill# 729

95% <Pa+let, 9ean 9ac?+es%>

Cesmer blessM ou rMponse X la lettre du 3# 2ervier sur le magnMtisme animal# %ondon and 3arisH Couturier& 1'86& "6 pp# 3aulet sets out to convince 2ervier that his cure by Cesmer was not remarkable& because he :2ervier. had not been truly ill in the -irst place# 729

96% <Pa+let, 9ean 9ac?+es%>

Cesmer Lusti-iM# Constance and 3arisH n#p#& 1'86& :*. V 6( pp# A -arcical piece which makes -un o- Cesmer and his practices by pretending to give serious instructions about how to use animal magnetism& while really mocking the whole procedure# /t prescribes& -or instance& a Fbliss-ul dispositionG on the part o- the operator and Fblind submissionG on the part o- the patient# /t also goes into great detail about the necessity oknowledge o- the Fpoles and eJuatorsG to properly use animal magnetism# 729

97% <Pea+merelle, "% 9% de % de%>

%a philosophie des vapeurs ou Correspondance dDune Lolie -emme& nouvelle Mdition& augmentMe dDun petit traitM des crises magnMtiJues X lDusage des mesmMriennes# 3aphos and 3arisH =oyeA& 1'86& 00ii V 1(8 pp# 729

93% <PBtia+, a!!B%>

Autres rOveries sur le magnMtisme animal X un acadMmicien de province# ,russelsH n#p#& 1'86& 68 pp# The AbbM 3Mtiau was a secretary o- the 3aris 4ociety o- 2armony and a -riend o- ,ergasse# /n this pamphlet he de-ends Cesmer against D?slon and voices his disagreement with the -indings o- the kingDs commission on animal magnetism# 729

99% <PBtia+, a!!B%>

%ettre de C# lDabbM 3# # # de lDAcadMmie de la =ochelle& X C# # # de la mOme AcadMmie sur le magnMtisme animal# N#p#H n#p#& 1'86& ' pp#


144% <Philip, ===%>

%a CesmMriade& ou le triomphe du magnMtisme animal# 3oPme en " chants dMdiM X la lune# Keneva and 3arisH Couturier& 1'86& 1+ pp# This satirical piece is attributed to octor 3hilip& dean o- the -aculty o- medicine at 3aris at the time when it carried out its investigation o- animal magnetism# 729

141% Poissonnier, Pierre -saac, "aille, "la+de Antoine, Ma+d+yt de Qarenne, Pierre 9ean "la+de, and Andry, "harles *o+is .ranCois%
=apport des commissaires de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine nommMs par le =oi pour -air lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal& imprimM par ordre du =oi# 3arisH /mprimerie royale& 1'86& "9 pp# This report was compiled by a commission o- the =oyal 4ociety o- Cedicine set up by the king to investigate the claims o- animal magnetism# This commission was constituted at appro0imately the same time as a second commission :The 8ranklin Commission.& also appointed by the king& made up o- nine eminent scientists -rom the Academy o- 4ciences# The commission o- the =oyal 4ociety o- Cedicine began its investigations on April +& 1'86# The -indings o- this commission condemned animal magnetism# 2ampered by a lack o- scienti-ic method and a sur-eit o- theoretical dogmatism& however& its report proved to be -ar less signi-icant than that o- the 8ranklin commission# ;ne o- the members o- the =oyal 4ocietyDs commission strongly disagreed with its published -indings and wrote his own report :see Nussieu& entry number '*.# 729

142% PressaAin, 9ean aptist%

%ettres sur le magnMtisme# :%yon.H n#p#& :1'86.& 1( pp# 729

146% PressaAin, 9ean aptiste%

4uite de la correspondance de Consieur 3ressavin graduM etc#& avec les magnMtiseurs de la mOme ville# N#p#H n#p#& 1'86& 1+ pp# 729

147% Prony, )aspard "lair .ranCois Marie Riche%

Nouvelles cures opMrMes par le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH n#p#& 1'86& (6 pp# 729

145% P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%

CMmoires pour servir X lDhistoire et X lDMtablissement du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH entu& 1'86& :'. V 8)*"* pp# A work o- great signi-icance -or the history o- modern psychology# 3uysMgur was an artillery o--icer in the army& a colonel o- the regiment o- 4trasbourg# A member o- an old and distinguished -amily& he had inherited a large property in ,uAancy near 4oissons and spent most o- his time there looking a-ter his land and occasionally carrying out e0periments with electricity# 2aving heard about animal magnetism and its marvelous curative powers& he went to 3aris to learn -rom Cesmer# =eturning to his estate at ,uAancy& he began to use animal magnetism to alleviate the ills o- local residents# Among the -irst he treated was a peasant named Eictor =ace who was su--ering -rom a -ever and congestion o- the lungs# !hen applying the magnetic passes to the man& 3uysMgur noticed that Eictor had -allen asleep# This sleep was not& however& a normal one& -or he could still communicate with 3uysMgur# !hile in this state Eictor showed himsel- to be e0tremely suggestible and even seemed& in 3uysMgurDs estimation& to be able to read his magnetiAerDs thoughts# !hen returning to his normal state oconsciousness& Eictor remembered nothing o- what had happened# 3uysMgur also noted that there seemed to be a specially close relationship between himsel- and Eictor& a relationship that he would later :+$ite de M'moires, entry number 168. call an Fintimate rapport#G 2e also was struck by the dramatic change in personality that Eictor underwent between the state omagnetic sleep and his normal stateH in the latter he was o- rather ordinary or even slow wit& while in the -ormer he became e0tremely bright& perceptive& and articulate# 3uysMgur termed this newly discovered condition Fmagnetic sleepG and Fmagnetic somnambulism&G since he immediately noticed the similarity between this state and that o- natural FsomnambulismG or Fsleep-walking#G 3uysMgur went on to -urther investigate this state through e0perimentation with other patients# 2e noted that they all showed the same characteristics as the ones that Eictor had demonstrated# 2is work with Eictor and subseJuent investigations are described in the M'moires) 3uysMgurDs discovery o- arti-icial somnambulism started a whole new trend in the practice o- animal magnetism& shi-ting the emphasis -rom the physical to the psychological# The alteration in consciousness between the state o- magnetic sleep and the normal waking state& with its attendant amnesia& revealed& within human beings& a double or divided consciousness with two memory chains# This revelation opened up a new line oinvestigation that would eventually lead to the psychological concepts o- the Fsubconscious&G the Fsubliminal sel-&G and the FunconsciousG in the latter part o- the nineteenth century# The second edition :18$9. and the third and most complete edition :18*$. are supplemented by the +$ite de M'moires :entry number 168. which -urther develops the discoveries o- the M'moires) 729

146% P+ysBg+r, 9ac?+es Ma5ime Pa+l de "hastenet, comte de%

=apport des cures opMrMes X ,ayonne par le magnMtisme animal& adressM X C# lDabbM de 3oulouAat& conseiller clerc au 3arlement de ,ordeau0& par le comte de 3uysMgur& avec notes de C# uval dD?spremenil& conseiller au 3arlement de 3aris# ,ayonne and 3arisH 3rault& 1'86& '* pp# ?nglishH F=eport o- cures by animal magnetism occurring at ,ayonne with veri-ications&G in Caurice Tinterow& 0o$ndations o% Hypnosis) 4pring-ield& /llinoisH Charles C# Thomas& 19'$# The Comte de 3uysMgur& brother o- the CarJuis de 3uysMgur& was second in command o- the =egiment o- %anguedoc when the occurrences described in this pamphlet took place# 2e had learned the techniJues o- animal magnetism and -ound occasion to use them at this posting# 2ere he mentions some si0ty cures accomplished through animal magnetism# ;ne o- the most

curious was that o- a dog which had been inLured by an angry soldier# The Comte de 3uysMgur approached the animal& which seemed to be barely alive& and applied magnetic passes# The dog was restored to good health in the space o- a -ew minutes# This seems to be the -irst e0ample in the literature o- animal magnetism o- the application o- magnetic healing to an animal# 729

147% Rapport de la $ociBtB royale de mBdecine s+r l;o+Arage intit+lBe Recherches et do+tes s+r le magnBtisme animal, etc%
3arisH n#p#& 1'86& ** pp# 729

143% Rapport d+ rapport de MM% les "ommissaires nommBs par le Roi, etc% par +n amate+r de la ABritB e5citB par l;imagination, l;atto+chement et magnBtisB par le !on sens et la raison% AdressB N M% "aritides, #ils de cet ill+stre saAant ?+i aAait conC+ l;ingBnie+5 proLet de mettre to+tes les cRtes d+ roya+me en port de mer, act+ellement rBsident a+ Monomotapa%
3eking and 3arisH Couturier& 1'86& "6 pp# 729

149% <Ret', @oel de Roche#ort%>

CMmoire pour servir X lDhistoire de la Longlerie& dans leJuel on dMmontre les phMnomPnes du mesmMrisme# Nouvelle Mdition prMcMdMe dDune lettre sur le secret de C# Cesmer# # # # ;n y a Loint une rMponse au CMmoire Jui paroit ici pour la premiPre -ois# %ondon and 3arisH CMJuignon& 1'86& :1. V 6' V :1. V 8 pp# Contains a reprint o- =etADs earlier 8ettre :entry number *+. with the assertion that it had anticipated the conclusions o- the report o- the 8ranklin commission o- 1'86# /n the M'moire =etA deals with the healing FimposturesG that have been perpetrated over the ages# 2e mentions KassnerDs e0orcisms& the magnetic medicine o- the seventeenth century& the Fpowder o- sympathy&G and other Fimpostures#G Although the title seems to indicate the work is to be a de-ense o- Cesmer& it in -act reLects animal magnetism as the latest o- the Fimpostures#G This second edition seems to be the only one still e0tant# 729

114% $alaAille, 9ean aptiste%

%e moraliste mesmMrien ou lettres philosophiJues sur lD in-luence du magnMtisme# %ondon and 3arisH ,erlin& 1'86& 1"* pp# 729

111% <$erAan, 9oseph Michel Antoine%>

outes dDun provincial& proposMs X messiers le mMdecins-commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# %yon and 3arisH 3rault& 1'86& :6. V 1"( pp#

4ervan was a distinguished 8rench lawyer and a correspondant o- Eoltaire and dDAlembert# 2e had been cured by a mesmerist when traditional medicine had -ailed to help him# /n this treatise& 4ervan de-ends CesmerDs views on animal magnetism in the wake o- the negative reports o- the two commissions# 2e addresses some well-considered Juestions to the members o- the commission o- the 4ociMtM =oyale de CMdecine# These FdoubtsG JuestionH why they e0pected Juick cures through animal magnetism and dismissed its e--icacy on the basis obrie- trialsI why they did not choose optimal conditions -or success but arbitrarily set up conditions they pre-erredI and why with their limited e0perience they -elt Lusti-ied in drawing such -ar-reaching conclusions about the non-e0istence o- animal magnetism# 4ervanDs treatise is one o- the most thought-ul contemporary criticisms o- the -indings o- the commission# 729

112% <$erAan, 9oseph Michel Antoine%>

Tuestions du Leune octeur =hubarbini de 3urgandis& adressMs X Cessieurs les docteursrMgents& de toutes les -acultMs de mMdecine de lDuniverse& au suLet de C# Cesmer R du magnMtisme animal# 3aduaH n#p#& 1'86& 0ii V +$ pp# 729

116% $o+sselier de la /o+r, comte%

%Dami de la nature& ou CaniPre de traiter les maladies par le prMtendu magnMtisme animal# iLonH Capel& 1'86& 0iii V 1'( pp# 729

117% $0inden, Han Hendri( Aan%

=ecueil de mMmoires sur lDanalogie de lDMlectricitM et du magnMtismeH couronnMs R publiMs par lDAcadMmie de ,aviereI traduits du %atin R de %DAllemand& augmentMs de notes& R de JuelJues dissertations nouvelles# " vols# 2ayeH %ibraires AssociMs& 1'86# Ean 4winden was an eminent physicist and -irst president o- the =oyal /nstitute o- the Netherlands# This collection contains a section called Re%le&ions s$r le magn'tisme animal, et s$r le systPme de M) Mesmer) 729

115% *e systDme de la rose magnBti?+e%

:3aris.H n#p#& 1'86& 18 pp# The dating o- this work is uncertain& but it is believed to be 1'86)1'89# 729

116% /ho+ret, Michel A+g+stin%

=echerches et doutes sur le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH 3rault& 1'86& 000v V :1. V *+1 pp# Thouret was a member o- the =oyal 4ociety o- Cedicine in 3aris and one o- the leading spokesmen o- the opposition o- that society to animal magnetism and the teachings oCesmer# /n this work Thouret claims that his main concern is not to e0amine the details o-

cures being per-ormed by animal magnetism& but to trace the history o- the theory and practice o- animal magnetism# 2e nevertheless clearly sides with those who reLect animal magnetism as an illusion# Admitting that many persons o- stature accept animal magnetism as an e--ective cure& Thouret uses his considerable erudition to show that such cures are not new and that Cesmer was simply the most recent o- a long tradition o- thinkers who posited a hidden power o- nature that produces healing e--ects# 2e cites 3aracelsus& <ircher& Ca0well& and 8ludd as e0amples o- men who held views similar to those o- Cesmer# 2e also points out that there have been many healers over the ages who have accomplished cures resembling CesmerDs& mentioning the e0orcist Kassner and the Fstroking doctorG Kreatrakes as e0amples# ThouretDs learned critiJue was e0tremely in-luential and served as a starting point -or much othe discussion at the time about the originality and e--ectiveness o- animal magnetism# 729

117% </ho+Aenel, Pierre%>

4econd mMmoire physiJue et mMdicinal& montrant des rapports Mvidents entre les phMnomPnes de la baguette divinatoire& du magnMtisme& et de lDMlectricitM& avec des Mclaircissements sur dDautres obLets non moins importons& Jui y sont relati-s# %ondon and 3arisH idot le Leune& 1'86& :*. V *(8 pp# A-ter presenting summaries o- some o- the responses to his -irst M'moire :see entry number 18.& Thouvenal describes subseJuent attempts to use the divining rod to seek water# 2e points out that he has been charged by the king to investigate the mineral and medicinal waters o- the realm# ;nce again Thouvenal brings in Fanimal magnetism&G which he de-ines as the -lu0 and re-lu0 to which the Felectrical matterG in all living things is subLect# As in the -irst M'moire, Thouvenel makes no mention o- Cesmer and his own brand o- animal magnetism& which by this time must have been known to him# 729

113% </issart de Ro+Ares, 9ac?+es *o+is @oel, mar?+is de%>

Nouvelles cures opMrMes par le magnMtisme animal# :3aris.H n#p#& :1'86.& (6 pp# The work describes success-ul treatment o- various illnesses by animal magnetism# `29

119% *a Aision contenant l;e5plication de l;Bcrit intit+lB1 /races d+ magnBtisme, et la thBorie des Arais sages%
Cemphis and 3arisH Couturier& 1'86& iv V "1 pp# 729

124% <Archi!old, ===, ed%>
=ecueil dDobservations et de -aits relati-s au magnMtisme animal& prMsentM X lDauteur de cette dMcouverte& et publiM par la sociMtM de lDharmonie de Kuienne# 3aris and ,ordeau0H 3allandre Leune& 1'8+& :*. V 1(8 pp# 729

121% ell, 9ohn%

Animal ?lectricity and Cagnetism& Rc# emonstrated a-ter the %aws o- NatureI with New /deas upon Catter and Cotion# /n Two 3arts# :%ondon.H The Author& 1'8+& "( V vi V ')66 pp# Nohn ,ell& trained in the theory and practice o- animal magnetism in 3aris& witnessed 3uysMgurDs e0periments with magnetic somnambulism# /n this& the least memorable o- his works on animal magnetism& ,ell presents a con-used physics o- magnetism& animal magnetism& magnetic -luid& etc# 2e does have some interesting things to say with regard to the place o- FideaG and FwillG in directing the action o- the magnetic -luid& and his description othe use o- the hands and movement in the application o- animal magnetism is also in-ormative# 729

122% < ergasse, @icolas%>

Con-ession dDun mMdecin acadMmicien et commissaire dDun rapport sur le magnMtisme animal& avec les remontrances et avis de son directeur# N#p#H n#p#& 1'8+& '$ pp# A satirical con-ession o- wrongs by a -ictitious member o- the commission that condemned animal magnetism# Attributed to ,ergasse# 729

126% ergasse, @icolas%

;bservations de C# ,ergasse sur un Mcrit du docteur Cesmer& ayant pour titreH %ettre de lDinventeur du magnMtisme animal X lDauteur des =e-le0ions prMliminaires# %ondonH n#p#& 1'8+& :*. V 1$1 pp# 2ere ,ergasse announces the split that had opened between Cesmer and himsel-# /t is valuable -or the in-ormation it provides about contemporary events concerning the -ortunes oanimal magnetism# 729

127% ergasse, @icolas%

4upplMment au0 ;bservations de C# ,ergasse& ou =Pglemens des sociMtMs de lDharmonie universelle& adoptMs par la sociMtM de lDharmonie de 8rance dans lDassemblMe gMnMrale tenue X 3aris& le 1* Cai 1'8+I avec des notes pour servir X lDintelligence du te0te# N#p#H n#p#& :1'8+.& "* pp# The constitution -or the 4ocieties o- 2armony which were to be set up all over 8rance# The parent society in 3aris was to have special privileges& being designated the F4ociety o2armony o- 8rance#G The rules lay out the conditions under which an individual may become a member and the -ees -or membership# /n the rules Cesmer was given the title o- F3erpetual 3resident#G ,ergasse was principal speaker o- the 4ociety in 3aris and the chie- architect othese rules# 729

125% onne#oy, 9ean aptiste%

?0amen du Compte rendu par C# Thouret& sous le titre de Correspondance de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecins& relativement au magnMtisme animal# %yonH n#p#& 1'8+& +9 pp#


126% < rac(, ===%>

Testament politiJue de C# Cesmer& ou la prMcaution dDun sage& avec le dMnombrement des adeptesI le tout traduit de lDAllemand par un ,ostonien# %eipAig and 3arisH n#p#& 1'8+& +$ pp# A pamphlet against Cesmer# The re-erence to a Kerman original seems to be a literary -iction# 729

127% r+no, === de%

=echerches sur la direction du -luide magnMtiJue# Amsterdam and 3arisH Kou--ier& 1'8+& viii V *$( pp# e ,runo developed a theory o- magnetic -luid that was similar to that o- Cesmer whom he cites# 2e posits one universal magnetic -luid& rather than many& which e0plains all physical phenomena# 729

123% "arra, 9ean *o+is%

?0amen physiJue de magnMtisme animalI analyse des Mloges R des critiJues JuDon en a -aits LusJuDX prMsentI et dMveloppement des vMritables rapports& sous lesJuels on doit en considMrer le principe& la thMorie& la pratiJue R le secret# %ondon and 3arisH ?# ;u-roy& 1'8+& 98 pp# Carra was a proli-ic writer in many -ields& including that o- physics# /n this work he seems to disagree with CesmerDs theory o- magnetism& but he agrees that the techniJues devised by Cesmer were e--icacious -or healing illness# Carra gives his own somewhat convoluted physical and philosophical e0planations about why this is so# 729

129% <"a+llet de Qe+morel, ===, ed%>

Aphorismes de C# Cesmer& dictMs X lDassemblMe de ses MlPves& R dans lesJuels ou trouve ses principes& sa thMorie R les moyens de magnMtiserI le tout -orant un corps de doctrine& dMveloppM en trois cents Juarant-Juatre paragraphes& pour -aciliter lDapplication des commentaires au magnMtisme animal# ;uvrage mis au Lour par C# C# de E# 3arisH C# TuinJuet& 1'8+& :*. V 00iv V 1'* V :6. pp# A compilation o- Fclass notesG taken down -rom talks given by Cesmer to those he was training in the theory and practice o- animal magnetism# ?dited and published by Caullet de Eeaumorel& a disciple o- D?slon& the book was reLected by Cesmer# /t is nonetheless believed to -aith-ully reproduce CesmerDs teaching# The Aphorismes was a very popular book and went through many editions# 729

164% <,elandine, Antoine .ranCois%>

e la philosophie corpusculaire& ou des connaissances et les procMdMs magnMtiJues cheA les divers peuples# 3arisH Cuchet& 1'8+& iii V *$$ V :". pp#

A wide ranging study o- phenomena that are analogous to animal magnetism# The author covers everything -rom electricity and magnetism in the human body to the curative e--ects omusic# 2is speculations on the nature o- sympathetic cures are particularly interesting# 729

161% ,elandine, Antoine .ranCois%

Notice historiJue sur les systPmes et les Mcrits anciens Jui se rapportent au magnMtisme animal# 3arisH n#p#& :1'8+.& 1( pp# An attempt to trace the historical antecedents o- animal magnetism# elandine works along the same lines as those pursued in his #e la philosophie corp$sc$laire :entry number 1"$.# 729

162% ,;Eslon, "harles%

%ettre adressMe par C# dD?slon au0 auteurs du Nournal de 3aris et voluntairement re-usMe par eu0& concernant lDe0trait de la correspondance de la 4ociMtM royale relativement au magnMtisme animal& rMdigM par C# Thouret et imprimM au %ouvre# N#p#H n#p#& :1'8+.& ' p# A criticism o- the views o- Thouret on the nature o- animal magnetism# 729

166% ,eAillers, "harles 9oseph%

%DantimagnMtisme martiniste ou barbMrinisteI observations trouvMes manuscrites sur la marge dDune brochure intitulMeH =M-le0ions impartielles sur le magnMtisme animal& -aites aprPs la publication du =apport des commissaires& Rc# %yonH n#p#& 1'8+& 6" pp# A work opposing the brand o- animal magnetism being practiced in %yon by a number opractitioners associated with 8reemasonry& particularly those under the leadership o- the Chevalier de ,arberin# 729

167% <,oppet, .ranCois AmBdBe%>

;raison -unPbre du cMlPbre Cesmer& auteur du magnMtisme animal et prMsident de la %oge de lD2armonie# KrenobleH n#p#& 1'8+& "9 pp# A satirical piece written on the supposed death o- Cesmer# 729

165% Elie de la Poterie, 9ean Antoine%

?0amen de la doctrine dD2ippocrate& pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal# ,ordeau0H n#p#& 1'8+& 8' pp# 729

166% <KprBmesnil, 9ean 9ac?+es ,+Aal d;%>

4ommes versMes entre les mains de monsieur Cesmer pour acJuMrir le droit de publier sa dMcouverte# 3arisH n#p#& 1'8+& 8 pp#

A pamphlet& written by a -ormer supporter o- Cesmer& obLecting to CesmerDs claim to hold the e0clusive right to propagate the doctrine o- animal magnetism# ]prMmesnil contends that since he and others had paid Cesmer a good deal o- money :listed in detail in the pamphlet. to teach them animal magnetism& they should now be able to teach it to the public# 729

167% <.aArye, Mme% de la%>

%es rOves dDune -emme de province sur le magnMtisme animal& ou ?ssai thMoriJue R pratiJue sur la doctrine X la mode# %ondon and 3arisH n#p#& 1'8+& :1. V 6* pp# 729

163% <.ortia de Piles, Alphonse, 9o+rgniac de $t2MBdard, .ranCois de, and oisgelin, *o+is de%>
Correspondance de C# C# # # # sur les nouvelles dMcouvertes du baJuet octogne& de lDhommebaJuet et du baJuet moral& pour servir de suite au0 aphorismes# =ecueillie et publiMe par CC# de 8####I N#### et ,#### %ibourne and 3arisH n#p#& 1'8+& 1(" pp# 729

169% <.o+rnel, 9ean .ranCois%>

?ssai sur les probabilitMs du somnambulism magnMtiJueH pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH Kastelier& 1'8+& :*. V '$ pp# A-ter the discovery o- Fmagnetic somnambulismG by 3uysMgur in 1'86& 8ournel was the -irst person to attempt to theoriAe about the nature o- this new phenomenon# 2e sees magnetic somnambulism as a state midway between waking and sleep& a state essentially the same as natural somnambulism& which had been widely recogniAed as a reality# 8ournel points out that the seemingly e0traordinary phenomena associated with magnetic somnambulism& such as suggestibility and clairvoyance& have been noted -or centuries in connection with natural somnambulism# 4peaking o- the sudden rise to popularity o- magnetic somnambulism& he estimates the number o- somnambulists in 3aris and the provinces to be in the neighborhood o- si0 thousand# 8ournel makes a strong case -or accepting magnetic somnambulism as a genuine phenomenon which deserves -urther study# 729

174% .o+rnel, 9ean .ranCois%

CMmoire pour C# Charles %ouis Earnier # # # appellant dDun dMcret de la 8acultMI contre les doyen et docteurs de ladite 8acultM& intimMs# 3arisH 2Mrissant& 1'8+& (8 pp# 729

171% <.o+rnel, 9ean .ranCois%>

=emonstrances des malades au0 mMdecins de la 8acultM de 3aris# AmsterdamH n#p#& 1'8+& :1. V 1$" pp#


172% Histoire ABrita!le d+ magnBtisme animal, o+ no+Aelles pre+Aes de la rBalitB de cet agent tirBes de l;ancien o+Arage d;+n Aie+5 docte+r%
The 2agueH n#p#& 1'8+& 1( pp# A satirical treatise written in opposition to animal magnetism# The Fold doctorG is 8ran[ois =abelais :169$)1++".# 729

176% <*a+gier, Esprit Michel%>

3arallPle entre le magnMtisme animal& lDMlectricitM et les bains mMdicinau0 par distillation& Rc# appliJuMs au0 maladies rebelles# ;n a Loint X ce prMcis lDart de conserver la santM& R de guMrir les maladies le plus rebelles# # # # 3arisH Corin& 1'8+& 1* V 91 pp# The author uses the popular interest in animal magnetism to advertiAe the use o- medicinal baths and other approaches such as e0ercise and music to treat illnesses# 2owever& there is very little about animal magnetism in the pamphlet# /ts mention in the title was obviously Lust to arouse the curiosity o- the reader# 729

177% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

%ettre de lDauteur de la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal X lDauteur des =M-le0ions prMliminaires# 3our servir de rMponse X un imprimM ayant pour titreH 4ommes versMes entre les mains de C# Cesmer pour acJuMrir le droit de publier sa dMcouverte# :3aris.H n#p#& :1'8+.& *( pp# !ritten by Cesmer to de-end himsel- against accusations leveled at him by a -ormer supporter& Nean uval dD]prMmesnil& in a work entitledH +ommes (ers'es entre les mains de monsie$r Mesmer# # # :entry number 1"(.& ]prMmesnil had obLected to CesmerDs claim that those who had paid Cesmer to teach them had no right to make the doctrine known to the public# Cesmer counters that it was e0plicitly stated in their agreement with him that the doctrine o- animal magnetism remains his property and that only he can determine how it is to be propagated# 729

175% M+llatera, )ioAanni /hommaso%

el magnetismo animale& e degli e--etti ad esso attribuiti nella cura delle umane in-ermitX# ,iellaH Antonio CaLani& 1'8+& :(. V ')($ pp# Apparently the earliest /talian book on animal magnetism& and there are no re-erences to it in any o- the bibliographical sources -or animal magnetism# /t was published with the FimprimaturG o- the =oman Catholic Church# Cullatera dedicates the book to /nnocenAo %aneri& 3ro-essor o- medicine at the >niversity o- Torino# 2e begins with something o- an apology -or writing a book on the subLect o- animal magnetism& a subLect which is oJuestionable merit# 2e points out that some 8rench commissions had already dismissed it as a matter o- imagination# ,ut since there are people in /taly& at 3iedmont& who are nonetheless practicing it& something needs to be written in response# Cullatera e0amines the background

o- magnetic medicine in si0teenth- and seventeenth-century ?urope& pointing out the similarity between the teachings o- Cesmer and those o- 3aracelsus& Ean 2elmont and 8ludd# 8or his contemporary sources he uses principally the reports o- the commissions :including that o- Nussieu. and the propositions o- Cesmer# 2e -inds animal magnetism to be o- no particular value as a method o- cure and places it in the category o- useless& -antastic medical treatments# 729

176% @o+Aelle dBco+Aerte s+r le magnBtisme animalJ o+, *ettre adressBe N +n ami de proAince, par +n partisan 'BlB de la ABritB%
N#p#Hn#p#& 1'8+& (6 pp# 729

177% <Pa+let, 9ean 9ac?+es%>

=Mponse X lDauteur des outes dDun provincial& proposMs X CC# les mMdecins commissaires chargMs par le =oi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# %ondonH n#p#& 1'8+& '$ pp# 3aulet takes 4ervan& author o- the #o$tes d9$n pro(incial :see entry number 111. to task -or his criticism o- the medical establishment and its reLection o- animal magnetism# 729

173% <P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%>

4uite des mMmoires pour servir X lDhistoire et X lDMtablissement du magnMtisme animal# 3aris and %ondonH n#p#& 1'8+& *+( pp# Through this work 3uysMgur meant to supplement the -indings o- his monumental M'moires o- 1'86 :entry number 1$+.# 2ere he -urther develops his notion o- the importance o- the FwillG in the action o- animal magnetism and presents more in-ormation about the phenomena o- magnetic somnambulism# Also& -or the -irst time& he uses the word FrapportG to describe the special connection between magnetiAer and somnambulist mentioned in the M'moires) 729

179% RBcit de l;aAocat2gBnBral de =, a+5 cham!res assem!lBes d+ p+!lic, s+r le magnBtisme animal%
3hiladelphia and 3arisH 3# N# uplain& 1'8+& "9 pp# 729

154% Re?+Fte !+rles?+e et arrFt de la co+r d+ parlement, concernant la s+ppression d+ magnBtisme animal%
N#p#H n#p#& 1'8+& *1 pp# 729

151% $ociBtB de l;harmonie de )+ienne%

=ecueil dDobservations et des -aits relati-s au magnMtisme animal prMsentM X lDauteur de cette dMcouverte et publiM par la 4ociMtM de lDharmonie de Kuienne# 3arisH n#p#& 1'8+& 1(8 pp# 729

152% </ardy de MontraAel, A% A%>

?ssai sur la thMorie du somnambulisme magnMtiJue# %ondonH n#p#& 1'8+& 1$8 pp# The -irst treatise to attempt to present a comprehensive theory o- magnetic somnambulism# /t was published in 1'8+ shortly a-ter the essay o- 8ournel :see entry number 1"9.& which Tardy de Contravel knew and appreciated# %ike 8ournel& he notes that since its modest beginnings at ,uAancy in the previous year& the phenomena o- magnetic somnambulism could now be -ound in 3aris& 4trasbourg& and throughout all the provinces o- 8rance# Tardy de Contravel had observed many somnambulists& but he bases his newly -ormulated theory o- magnetic somnambulism chie-ly on e0periments he conducted with a certain Cademoiselle N#& the -irst person he seriously attempted to magnetiAe# 2e -ound that she seemed to possess certain e0traordinary abilities already noted in magnetic somnambulists by 3uysMgur and others# These Jualities included the ability to diagnose her own illness and those o- others and the ability to perceive clairvoyantly# 2e also states that his Cademoiselle N# could directly see the magnetic -luid and describe its colors# Tardy de Contravel believed the somnambulist could e0ercise these powers because o- a Fsi0th senseG that is activated in the somnambulistic state# 2e held that this si0th sense proceeded -rom the stomach area and that somnambulists could see and hear with their stomachs# /n this he anticipated the writings o- 3etetin who made the same discovery in his work with hysterics :see 3etetin& M'moire, entry number 1'1.# Tardy de Contravel describes the special connection between magnetiAer and somnambulist as a Fharmonic rapport&G and compares it to Fplatonic love#G 2e emphasiAes& however& that the relationship between them is completely moral& and that& should the magnetiAer attempt anything improper& the somnambulist would immediately awaken# This work is one o- the most important and in-luential early writings on magnetic somnambulism& being cited in nearly all treatises on the subLect written be-ore 18$$# 729

156% /homas d;PnglBe, .ranCois *o+is%

=apport au public de JuelJues abus en mMdecineI avec des rM-le0ions R notes historiJues& critiJues R mMdicales# 3arisH 2Mrissant& 1'8+& :". V 1(9 pp# 729

157% /ho+ret, Michel A+g+stin%

?0trait de la correspondance de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdicine& relativement au magnMtisme animal# 3arisH /mprimerie royale& 1'8+& '6 pp# 729

155% Qalleton de oissiDre, ===%

%ettre de C# Ealleton de ,oissiPre& mMdecin X ,ergerac& X C# Thouret& mMdecin X 3aris& pour servir de rM-utation X lD?0trait de la correspondance de la 4ociMtM =oyale de CMdecine& relativement au magnMtisme animal# 3hiladelphiaH n#p#& 1'8+& *6$ pp# 729

156% Annales de la sociBtB harmoni?+e des amis rB+nis de $tras!o+rg, o+ "+res des mem!res de cette sociBtB ont opBrBes par le magnBtisme animal%
Eols# 1)"I 1'8()1'89# 729

157% ArchiA #Sr Magnetism+s +nd $omnam!+lism+s%

Eols# 1)*I 1'8()1'88# This Lournal originated in 4trasbourg and was edited by Nohann %orenA ,ackmann# 729

153% < ar!erin, "heAalier de%>

4ystPme raisonnM du magnMtisme universel# DaprPs les principes de C# Cesmer& ouvrage auJuel on a Loint lDe0plication des procMdMs du magnMtisme animal accomodMs au cures des di--Mrentes maladies& tant par C# Cesmer Jue par C# le Chevalier de ,arberin et par C# de 3uysMgur& relativement au somnambulisme ainsi JuDune notice de la constitution des 4ociMtMs dites de lDharmonie # # # 3ar la 4ociMtM de lDharmonie dD;stende# ;stendeH n#p#& 1'8(& v V :". V 1"" pp# A member o- the very active %yon branch o- 8reemasonry and a -riend o- the celebrated philosopher %ouis Claude de 4aint-Cartin :1'6")18$".& the Chevalier de ,arberin developed a mystical and spiritualist type o- animal magnetism that Juickly in-luenced many practitioners in 8rance# The notion o- a physical magnetic -luid was de-emphasiAed and a more psychological1even magical1view o- animal magnetic action took its place# The magnetic passes were made without touching the body and there was much emphasis placed on magnetiAing at a distance1even at very great distances# The importance o- the will was emphasiAed& and the magnetiAer was e0pected to be in tune with the patient in order sympathetically to diagnose and then heal the person# ,arberin reLected as harm-ul the convulsive crisis so o-ten connected with magnetic cures& placing importance on the gentle crisis& the magnetic somnambulism o- 3uysMgur# 2e also truly believed in the pronouncements o- his magnetic somnambulists& both -or their use-ulness in the healing process and -or their spiritual messages# 729

159% <*a reteniere, === de%>

?0trait du Lournal de ce Jui sDest passM concernant le somnambulisme magnMtiJue de Cme YYY# :3arisW.H n#p#& :1'8(.& *8 pp#

A description o- cures and other phenomena associated with the somnambulist Cadame de %a ,reteniere# 729

164% <*+t'el!o+rg, comte de%>

Cures -aites par C# %e Cte# de %YYYYYY# 4indic de la 4ociMtM de ,ien-aisance Mtablie X 4trasbourg# # # # Avec des notes sur les crises magnMtiJues appellMes improprement somnambulisme# :4trasbourg.H %orence R 4chouler& 1'8(& :'. V 8)9* pp# This work is better known by the title o- its second e0panded editionH E&trait des 6o$rna$& d9$n magn'tise$r, :1'8(.# The Comte de %utAelbourg learned to magnetiAe directly -rom 3uysMgur and in this work the similarities in approach are apparent# /n this work %utAelbourg distinguishes -our degrees o- Fmagnetic crisis&G the -ourth being characteriAed by an inability to -eel pain and a completely reliable clairvoyance# %ike 3uysMgur& %utAelbourg shows himsel- to be very interested in the magnetic subLectDs emotional state and how that a--ects the cure# 729

161% </ardy de MontraAel, A% A%>

Nournal du traitement magnMtiJue de la demoiselle N# %eJuel a servi de base X lD?ssai sur la thMorie du somnambulisme magnMtiJue# %ondonH n#p#& 1'8(& 000ii V *++ pp# A detailed description o- Tardy de ContravelDs -irst e0periences with magnetic somnambulism& which were held with Cademoiselle N#& a particularly good somnambulistic subLect# The author develops at length his notion o- a si0th sense which is brought into operation in the magnetic state# Tardy de Contravel used these e0periences as the starting point -or his Essai s$r la th'orie d$ somnam"$lisme magn'ti/$e :entry number 1+*.# 729

162% </ardy de MontraAel, A% A%>

4uite du traitement magnMtiJue de la demoiselle N#& leJuel a servi de base X lD?ssai sur la thMorie du somnambulisme magnMtiJue# %ondonH n#p#& 1'8(& *$( pp# 729

166% irnstiel, .% H%
Kesammelte Acten-4tQcke Au Au-deckung des Keheimnisses des sogenannten thierischen Cagnetismus in einigen -reundscha-tlichen ,rie-en dem 2errn ?rnst Kott-ried ,aidinger mitgetheilet# CarburgH Neue Academ# ,uchhandlung& 1'8'& 9( pp# ,irnstiel was a well-known pro-essor o- medicine at CarburgI ,aldinger was a physician# This collection o- letters is one o- the earliest Kerman works that critically e0amines the nature o- animal magnetism# 729

167% .aArye, Mme% de la%

/dMes de physiJue ou rMsumM dDune conversation sur la cause des sensations avec la composition de la poudre de sympathie& ouvrage dMdiM au0 dames de 3aris# 3arisH Kastellier& 1'8'& 111 pp# /n support o- animal magnetism and one o- the -ew works written by a woman in the early years o- its history# 729

165% )melin, E!erhard%

bber thierischen Cagnetismus# /n einem ,rie- an 2errn Keheimer =ath 2o--mann in CainA# * parts in one vol# TQbingenH 2eerbrandt& 0 V 1"6 V *6' pp# Kmelin& a physician& was a member o- a distinguished -amily o- intellectuals at TQbingen# /ntrigued by a paper on animal magnetism written by 2o--man& Kmelin decided to e0periment with this potential source o- healing on his own patients# /n this work he presents detailed case histories o- his magnetic treatments and draws preliminary conclusions about the nature oanimal magnetism# 729

166% *ettre N Madame la "omtesse de * % % % contenant +ne o!serAation magnBti?+e #aite par +ne somnam!+le s+r +n en#ant de si5 mois%
,esan[onH n#p#& 1'8'& v V :'.)1( pp# 729

167% *+t'el!o+rg, comte de%

?0trait du Lournal dDune cure magnMtiJue# Traduit de lDallemand# =astadtH N# !# orner& 1'8'& 16 pp# 729

163% Magnetische Maga'in #Sr @ieder2,e+tschland%

Eols# 1)8I 1'8')1'9$# 3ublished in ,remen and edited by Arnold !ienholt# 729

169% <Meltier, ===%>

%ettre adressMe X C# le CarJuis de 3uysMgur sur une observation -aite X la lune& prMcMdMe dDun systPme nouveau sur le mMcanisme de la vue# AmsterdamH n#p#& 1'8'& 86 pp# The letter is written as a -arce# 729

174% <Mo+illesea+5, === de%>

Appel au public sur le magnMtisme animal& ou 3roLet dDun Lournal pour le seul avantage du public& et dont il serait le coopMrateur# 4trasbourgH n#p#& 1'8'& 1$$ pp#

Couilleseau0 proposes the establishment o- a Lournal that will publish articles on the systematic and scienti-ic study o- animal magnetism :a Lournal that never came into being.# /n the process o- making his proposal& the author gives an in-ormative picture o- the present state o- a--airs with regard to animal magnetism# 2e has a note on the phenomena o- magnetic somnambulism that is one o- the best summaries o- that subLect o- the time# /n this note Couilleseau0 makes what seems to be the very -irst published re-erence to the phenomenon that would much later be called Fpost-hypnotic suggestion#G 2e writes that somnambulists are sometimes observed Fto e0ecute& in their natural 7waking9 state& the will o- their magnetiAerI they do this through an irresistible compulsion without being able to give a reason -or their action and without realiAing that the intimation o- this will was made while they were in crisis 7magnetic somnambulism91and the e--ect o- this will might occur right away or many days laterG :p# 8".# 729

171% Petetin, 9ac?+es Henri ,esire%

CMmoire sur la dMcouverte des phMnomPnes Jue prMsentent la catalepsie et le somnambulisme& symptcmes de lDa--ection hystMriJue essentielle& avec des recherches sur la cause physiJue des ces phMnomPnes# 3remiPre partie# CMmoire sur la dMcouverte des phMnomPnes de lDa--ection hystMriJue essentielle& et sur la mMthode curative de cette maladie# 4econd partie# :%yonW.H n#p#& 1'8'& (* V 1*( V :1. pp# 3etetin describes a number o- cases o- hysteria that he treated through the induction omagnetic somnambulism# 2e believed that certain hysterics spontaneously enter somnambulistic states and that magnetic somnambulism could be better understood through the e0periences o- these patients# 2e& like Tardy de Contravel be-ore him& believed that somnambulists could see and hear -rom the stomach area# 729

172% </ardy de MontraAel, A% A%>

Nournal du traitement magnMtiJue de Cadame ,# # # # pour servir de suite au Nournal du traitement magnMtiJue de la lle# N# ### R de preuve X la thMorie de lD?ssai# 4trasbourgH %ibrairie AcadMmiJue& 1'8'& *'9 pp# 729

176% </ardy de MontraAel, A% A%>

%ettres pour servir de suite X lDessai sur la thMorie du somnambulisme magnMtiJue# %ondonH n#p#& 1'8'& :6. V (+ V :1. pp# Two years a-ter the publication o- his Essai s$r la th'orie d$ somnam"$lisme magn'ti/$e :entry number 1+*.& Tardy de Contravel wrote these letters in answer to criticisms o- that earlier work# The letters also contain comments on certain issues raised in his Eo$rnal de la traitement magn'ti/$e de #emoiselle N# :entry number 1(1. and Eo$rnal de traitement magn'ti/$e de Madame !) :entry number 1'*.# These letters have become rather rare# 729

177% <8lrich, A%>

er ,eobachter des thierischen Cagnetismus und des 4omnambulismus# 4trasbourgH %orenA and 4chuler& 1'8'& :1*. V *6" pp#

The author writes with the purpose o- bringing a balance to the controversy -or and against animal magnetism# 2e says that he has himsel- observed errors o- Ludgment and un-ounded conclusions reached by the supporters o- animal magnetism& but this should not serve to lead to the condemnation o- that doctrine# !hat is needed& he says& is a balanced and care-ul investigation o- the -acts& not a wholesale dismissal o- the phenomenon because o- admitted shortcomings in some o- its supporters# 729

175% <Qillers, "harles de%>

%e magnMtiseur amoureu0& par un membre de la sociMtM harmoniJue du rMgiment de CetA# Keneva :,esan[on.H n#p#& 1'8'& viii V **9 pp# Eillers was a -riend and aide-de-camp to the CarJuis de 3uysMgur and was strongly in-luenced by 3uysMgurDs approach to animal magnetism# Eillers was a member o- the society o- harmony o- the CetA artillery regiment associated with that o- the CarJuis at 4trasbourg# 2is highly philosophical theory o- animal magnetism was clearly in-luenced by that o- the %yon school o- the Chevalier de ,arberin# This work is a novel& but is as much a theoretical treatise on animal magnetism as it is a work o- -iction# An important writing in the history oanimal magnetism and psychotherapy& it develops a de-inite psychology o- the relationship between magnetiAer and magnetiAed# The title has a signi-icant nuance o- meaning& re-erring both to the magnetiAer-hero& Ealcourt& who is in love with the daughter o- the household in which the novel is set& and to the central theme o- the book& which discusses the a--ection and FcordialityG that the magnetiAer must e0ercise toward his patient i- he wants to cure e--ectively# Eillers does not seem to believe in the e0istence o- a magnetic -luid1at least he does not place any importance upon a physical agent in the action o- animal magnetism# =ather he sees animal magnetism as the work o- the soul& a spiritual entity& which makes use o- the will to bring about the desired curative e--ects# Eillers mentions two di--erent kinds osuggestion at work in the relationship between magnetiAer and patientH the -irst being a kind o- Fidenti-icationG that is established between their souls& and the second an FinspirationG that -ollows -rom e0pectations about the e--ects which are supposed to take place# Eillers& more than any other writer o- the age& emphasiAed the psychological interaction o- the magnetic relationship and insisted that there must be a Fmoral a--ectionG on the part o- the magnetiAer in order to heal# 2e believed that patients must put their trust in the magnetiAer& opening themselves completely to his in-luence& and he in turn must e0ercise a -amilial benevolence towards them# This emphasis on the emotional interaction o- success-ul magnetic treatment was an important step towards establishing principles o- a magnetic psychotherapy which only much later :in the work o- %iMbeault& Nanet& ,rever& 8reud& etc#. would come to -ruition# This work has a curious publication history# Today only one copy o- the -irst edition is e0tant# Eillers had sent some copies to his -riends& including the CarJuis de 3uysMgur& but the rest were destroyed by the minister o- police# /n 18*+ 3uysMgur& presumably using the copy given him by Eillers& decided to issue a new edition# As he states in his pre-ace& he made some changes& but le-t the work principally intact# The new version was published in two-volume -orm :3arisH entu& :6. V *9(I :6. V *81 pp#.# 2owever& 3uysMgur& -or some unknown reason :perhaps he -eared the title could give animal magnetism a bad name.& ordered this entire new edition to be destroyed# /n any case the second edition is e0tremely rare# 729

176% &ienholt, Arnold%

,eitrag Au den ?r-ahrungen Qber den thierischen Cagnetismus# 2amburgH n#p#& 1'8'& 8$ pp#


177% &Srt', )eorg "hristophe%

3rospectus dDun nouveau cours thMoriJue et pratiJue de magnMtisme animal& rMduit X des principes simple de physiJue& de chymie& et de mMdecine# ans leJuel on dMmontrera le systPme de C# Cesmer& et ses procMdMsI on recti-iera JuelJues unes de ses erreursI on analysera la cause et le mMcanisme par le Juel les di--Mrents e--ets magnMtiJues sont produitsI on prouvera en-in lDanalogie JuDils ont avec beaucoup dDautres e--ets naturels& et pourJuoi ils ne prMsentent rien dDopposM au0 connaissances Jue nous avions LusJuDici de lDMconomie animale# 4trasbourgH Treuttel& 1'8'& +6 pp# !QrtA is a strong supporter o- orthodo0 animal magnetism as taught by Cesmer# 2e compares Cesmer to Kalileo and 2arvey whose important discoveries were reLected by their contemporaries# !QrtA says that Cesmer& recogniAing a power in nature noted by some o- the ancients but not understood by them& was able to li-t this healing techniJue out o- the mire osuperstition and into the realm o- science# 2e criticiAes the views o- D?slon and the condemnation o- the 8ranklin commission& stating that i- a proper investigation had been made& Cesmer would have been vindicated# 2e then sets out a proposal -or a course o- study o- animal magnetism& highlighted by an investigation o- the physics& chemistry and metaphysics o- magnetism# The proposed course would also deal with the practical application o- animal magnetism to healing and with procedures to be used -or di--erent cases# !QrtA insists that& -or the most e--ective use o- magnetic healing& the practitioner must combine a grasp o- these techniJues with a knowledge o- conventional medicine# !ithin this -ramework he suggests an e0amination o- the e--ects o- magnetic somnambulism& particularly Juestioning the accuracy o- the medical pronouncements o- somnambulists# /n discussing this issue& !QrtA states that Cesmer knew o- magnetic somnambulism in his practice and recogniAed the reality o- a special si0th sense that can operate in a magnetiAed person& but Cesmer and his -ollowers were very cautious about this -aculty# 729

173% ell, 9ohn%
An ?ssay on 4omnambulism& or 4leep-walking& produced by Animal ?lectricity and Cagnetism# As well as by 4ympathy& Rc# ublinH The Author& 1'88& "8 pp# /n the pre-ace to this work& ,ell describes his initiation into the study o- animal magnetism by F8ather 2arvierG at the Augustin Convent in 3aris# 4oon a-ter that& ,ell met the CarJuis de 3uysMgur and learned about magnetic somnambulism# ,ell states that he then developed his own practice o- animal magnetism& and it is -rom these e0periences that he writes the present treatise# ,ell -inds magnetic somnambulism the most interesting aspect o- animal magnetism because the phenomena it produces are so striking# 2e writes o- the si0th sense that comes into play in the somnambulist and the rapport or FanalogyG that e0ists between magnetist and magnetiAed# ,ellDs treatment o- the subLect is -airly thorough& a much more readable essay than his -irst endeavor in the -ield :see Animal Electricity and Magnetism, entry number 1*1.# This is the -irst lengthy discussion o- magnetic somnambulism written in ?nglish# 729

179% -nch!ald, Eli'a!eth $impson%

Animal CagnetismH A 8arce& in Three Acts& as 3er-ormed at the Theatre =oyal& CoventKarden# ublinH 3# ,yron& :1'88.& "( pp# This play was also published in New @ork in 18$9 and per-ormed there in the New @ork Theatre# 729

134% *eAade, *o+is, Reynier, 9ean .ranCois, and erchem, 9aco! Pierre ertho+t Aan%
=apport -ait X la 4ociMtM des 4ciences 3hysiJues de %ausanne& sur un somnambule naturel# %ausanneH 2enri Eincent& 1'88& (1 pp# 729

131% *o2*oo', Ro!ert de%

=echerches physiJues et mMtaphysiJues sur les in-luences cMlestes& sur le magnMtisme universel et sur le magnMtisme animal dont on trouve la pratiJue de temps immMmorial cheA les Chinois# %ondon and 3arisH Couturier& 1'88& 168 pp# %o-%ooA was a ,elgian physician who was also a spiritual philosopher# This book devotes about si0ty pages to animal magnetism& a phenomenon which the author claims to have known about be-ore Cesmer# %o-%ooA also -inds hints in the writings o- the Chinese that they had long known about animal magnetism# 729

132% *+t'el!o+rg, comte de%

ieu& lDhomme et la nature# Tableau philosophiJue dDune somnambule# :%ondon.H n#p#& 1'88& "( pp# A treatise containing pronouncements on spiritual matters by a magnetic somnambulist& along with prescriptions -or how to apply animal magnetism# 729

136% *+t'el!o+rg, comte de%

Nouveau0 e0traits des Lournau0 dDun magnMtiseur depuis 1'8( LusJuDau mois dDavril 1'88# 4trasbourgH n#p#& 1'88& 99 pp# The continuation o- %utAelbourgDs unsigned B$res %aites par M) 8e Bte) de %### o- 1'8( :see entry number 1($.# 729

137% Meiners, "hristoph%

bber den thierischen Cagnetismus# %emgoH !erner& 1'88& :8. V "6$ V :6. pp# ;ne o- the earliest Kerman treatises on animal magnetism# Acknowledging that more o-ten than not animal magnetism has been a subLect o- ridicule& Ceiners undertakes to present enough in-ormation about it to convince the reader that it is a respectable subLect o- inJuiry# 2e concentrates on animal magnetism as a healing art and describes the method to be used in

magnetiAing and the marks that characteriAe the magnetiAed state& emphasiAing that this state has a remarkable power to bring about healing in the physical organism# /n the process oe0amining this healing power& Ceiners describes in detail a number o- interesting case histories# 729

135% RosenmSller, 9ohann )eorg%

,rie-e Qber die 3hdnomene des thierischen Cagnetismus und 4omnambulismus# %eipAigH K# N# Koschen& 1'88& 1$( pp# This treatise& better known in the 8rench translation :8ettre H la +oci't' e&'g'ti/$e et philantropi/$e de +toc.holm ) ) ).& was written by the author at the reJuest o- the ?0egetic and 3hilanthropic 4ociety o- 4tockholm# That society had issued a publication in the -orm o- a letter entitled 8ettre s$r la se$le e&plication satis%aisante des ph'nomPnes d$ magn'tisme animal et d$ somnam"$lisme ) ) ) in the same year addressed to the 4ociMtM des amis rMunis de 4trasbourg& and had sent a copy to =osenmQller# 2is comments are highly critical o- the position taken by members o- the 4wedish society# 2e obLects to the basically religious orientation o- their e0planation o- the phenomena o- animal magnetism& their belie- that supernatural and spirit -orces are at work# =osenmQller believes that a purely natural e0planation -or the phenomena is su--icient and best# !here the society attributes all sickness to the action o- evil spirits and all cure to the removal o- those spirits& =osenmQller says the modern physicians must look -or natural and physical causes -or ill health# This even-handed and well-written work is one o- the best discussions o- the problems o- occult interpretations o- magnetic phenomena to appear be-ore 18$$# 729

136% $ociBtB E5BgBti?+e O Philantropi?+e, $toc(holm%

%ettre sur la seule e0plication satis-aisante des phMnomPnes du magnMtisme animal et du somnambulisme dMduite des vrais principes -ondMs dans la connaissance du crMateur& de lDhomme& et de la nature& et con-irmMe par lDe0pMrience# 4tockholmH %Dimprimerie =oyal& 1'88& 6$ pp# The ?0egetic and 3hilanthropic 4ociety o- 4tockholm was -ounded to study and promote the teachings o- ?mmanuel 4wedenborg :1(88)1''*.& a visionary and intellectual o- great in-luence# The theory o- animal magnetism& and especially the e0periences connected with magnetic somnambulism& were very attractive to this society and it incorporated them into its world view# This treatise& addressed to the 4ociMtM des amis rMunis de 4trasbourg& attempts to -ormulate the results o- this amalgamation# /t is not surprising that the 4wedish society -ound the writings o- the 4trasbourg society& oriented as they were to the psychological and moral aspects o- magnetic somnambulism& congenial to its philosophical -ramework# The 4tockholm society believed that supernatural and spirit -orces were at work in the creation o- disease and so must be involved in the cure# The 4tockholm 4ociety attempted to show that this 4wedenborgian view o- illness was the only reasonable way to e0plain the phenomena oanimal magnetism and magnetic somnambulism# This letter was commented on by =osenmQller in the previous entry :see entry number 18+.# 729

137% 8steri, Pa+l+s%

4pecimen bibliothecae criticae magnetismi sic dicti animalis# KattingenH Noann# Christ# ieterich& 1'88& 66 pp#

!ritten to obtain a degree in medicine and surgery& this is an interesting but very abbreviated list o- works on animal magnetism# /t cites the title o- the work& place o- publication& and number o- pages# /ts greatest value is that it lists periodical articles on animal magnetism and also gives locations o- periodical reviews o- the books mentioned# 729

133% Ed0ards, ,%
Treatise on Animal CagnetismI iscovering the Cethod o- Caking the 4aid Cagnets& -or the Cure o- Cost iseases /ncident to the 2uman ,ody# 8rom the !riting o- 3aracelsus& TentAelius& 8ludd& ,oulton& Rc# %ondonH !agsta--& 1'89& 1' pp# 729

139% Pratt, Mary%

A %ist o- a 8ew Cures 3er-ormed by Cr# and Crs# e %outherbourg o- 2ammersmith Terrace& !ithout Cedicine# %ondonH N# 3# Cooke& -or The Author& 1'89& 9 pp# 729

194% Rahn, 9ohann Heinrich%

bber 4ympathie und Cagnetismus# Aus den %ateinischen QbersaAt und mit anmerkungen begleitet von 2einrich Tabor# 2eidelbergH 8# %# 3-ahler& 1'89& *'* pp# A doctoral thesis presented in 1'8(& with a translatorDs pre-ace written in 1'88# F4ympathyG in this treatise basically re-ers to the connection between body and soul# =ahn states that he has studied the writings on animal magnetism and has not discovered anything essentially new# =ather he has -ound a revision o- old opinions about a universal world spirit that also e0ists in the human body# This universal world spirit not only produces the general mutual in-luence between all bodies& heavenly and earthly& but also produces the special sympathy between one man and another& and is& in the last analysis& the bond between body and soul# =ahn notes there is a remarkable connection between individuals who are magnetiAed at the same time and he relates this connection to the old& well-known notion o- natural sympathy# ,ut he says that people must be willing to learn what new things the magnetists have to teach them& and& with the idea o- an animal magnetic material& perhaps something novel has been added to traditional knowledge o- the phenomena# 729

191% Martin, 9ohn%
Animal Cagnetism& ?0aminedH in a %etter to a Country Kentleman# %ondonH 4tockdale& 1'9$& '$ pp# ;ne o- the earliest ,ritish works on animal magnetism# Cartin believed magnetiAers to be mere hustlers drumming up business with empty promises o- cure# 729

192% <Pearson, 9ohn%>

A 3lain and =ational Account o- the Nature and ?--ects o- Animal CagnetismH in a 4eries o%etters# !ith Notes and Appendi0 by the ?ditor# %ondonH !# and N# 4trat-ord& 1'9$& +1 pp# The author casts a skeptical eye on the purported e--ectiveness o- animal magnetism in curing illness# 729

196% A Practical ,isplay o# the Philosophical $ystem called Animal Magnetism, in &hich is E5plained ,i##erent Modes o# /reating ,iseases %%%
%ondonH n#p#& 1'9$& 1( p# This early ,ritish treatise re-lects the views o- 3uysMgur& stating that the e--ects o- animal magnetism can be produced through both the use o- the hands and the e0ercise o- the will# The author emphasiAes the importance o- a good will -or e--ective treatment# 729

197% $a+Aiac, 9oseph Ale5andre et!e'B *ar+e de%

=echerches physiJues sur le magnMtismeI insMrMes dans le Nournal des 4avans& en lDannMe 1'9$# N#p#H n#p#& 1'9$& *( pp# An attempt to look at the Juestions o- animal magnetism and animal electricity -rom a physiological point o- view# The author tends to downplay the importance o- the e--ects oanimal magnetism& although he admits it does e0ist& and to emphasiAe the importance oanimal electricity# 729

195% A!son+s, Qalentine%
Animal Cagnetism# A ,allad& with ?0planatory Notes and ;bservationsH Containing 4everal Curious Anecdotes o- Animal Cagnetisers& Ancient as well as Codern# %ondonH n#p#& 1'91& 66 pp# 729

196% Ec(hartsha+sen, :arl Aon%

Eerschiedenes Aum >nterricht und Aur >nterhaltung -Qr %iebhaber der Kaukeltasche& des Cagnetismus& und anderer 4eltenheiten# Kesammelt und herausgegeben von dem 2o-rath von ?ckhartshausen# CunichH Noseph %indauer& 1'91& :0vi. V 000vi V "6+ pp# 729

197% Marat, 9ean Pa+l%

%es charlatans modernesI ou& %ettres sur le charlatanisme acadMmiJue# :3aris.H Carat& 1'91& 6$ pp# Cesmer is included among CaratDs charlatans# 729

193% $tearns, $am+el%

The Cystery o- Animal Cagnetism =evealed to the !orld& Containing 3hilosophical =e-lections on the 3ublication o- a 3amphlet ?ntitled& A True and Kenuine iscovery oAnimal ?lectricity and CagnetismH also& an ?0hibition o- the Advantages and isadvantages that may Arise in ConseJuence o- 4aid 3ublication# %ondonH C# =# 3arsons& 1'91& :*. V +8 pp# 729

199% Qoltelen, .loris 9aco!+s%

8lorentii Nacobi Eoltelen ;ratio de magnetismo animaliH publice habita %ugduni ,atavorum die E///# 8ebruarii a# C CC%eeee/# Juum magistratum academicum solemniter deponeret# %ugduni ,atavorum :W.H n#p#& 1'91& :1$. V 6+ pp# 729

244% &onders and Mysteries o# Animal Magnetism ,isplayed, or the History, Art, Practice, and Progress o# that 8se#+l $cience, #rom -ts .irst Rise in the "ity o# Paris, to the Present /ime% &ith $eAeral "+rio+s "ases and @e0 Anecdotes o# the Principal Pro#essors%
%ondonH N# 4udbury& 1'91& "+ pp# 729

241% ell, 9ohn%
The Keneral and 3articular 3rinciples o- Animal ?lectricity and Cagnetism& Rc# in !hich Are 8ound r# ,ellDs 4ecrets and 3ractice& As elivered to 2is 3upils in 3aris& %ondon& ublin& ,ristol& Klocester& !orcester& ,irmingham& !olverhampton& 4hrewsbury& Chester& %iverpool& Canchester& Rc# Rc# 4hewing 2ow To Cagnetise and Cure i--erent iseasesI to 3roduce Crises& as well as 4omnambulism& or 4leepwalkingI and in That 4tate o- 4leep to Cake a 3erson ?at& rink& !alk& 4ing and 3lay >pon Any /nstruments They Are >sed To& Rc# To Cake Apparatus and ;ther Accessaries To 3roduce Cagnetical 8acts& Also To Cagnetise =ivers& =ooms& Trees # # # :%ondon.H The Author& 1'9*& vi V :'.)8$ pp# The most in-luential o- the early ,ritish works on animal magnetism# ,ell was trained in animal magnetism at the 3aris 4ociety o- 2armony and at the beginning o- the book includes a reproduction o- a certi-icate o- -ellowship signed by ,ergasse& <ornman& and others# /t is clear that ,ell was also strongly in-luenced by the work o- 3uysMgur& -or he devotes a great

deal o- space to the subLect o- magnetic sleep& something that would not have been touched on in 3aris# ,ell uses his own terminology to describe the phases o- animal magnetism# 2e distinguishes between the Fstrong crisis&G which involves convulsions& and the Fgentle crisis&G which involves sleep# %ike 3uysMgur& ,ell speaks o- a Fsi0th senseG by which the somnambulist may diagnose disease and predict its course# 2e also emphasiAes the importance o- the will in the process o- magnetiAation and even mentions the ability to will an absent person into the magnetic state# ,ell used this book as a sort o- written manual to supplement lectures on the subLect o- animal magnetism that he delivered throughout ,ritain# 729

242% *itta i+mi Resta, "arlo Matteo%

=i-lessioni sul magnetismo animale--atte ad oggetto di illuminare i suio cittadini aveudolo trovato salutare in molti mali# :CilanW.H Constante Cordialita& 1'9*& *"6 pp# 729

246% $i!ly, E!ene'er%
A <ey to 3hysic& and the ;ccult 4ciences# :%ondon.H The Author& 1'9+& :6. V "9+ V :1. pp# A handbook -or health practice that combines occult procedures with medical electricity and animal magnetism# The book contains some remarkable plates depicting these practices# 729

247% Per(ins, enLamin ,o+glas%
The /n-luence o- Cetallic Tractors on the 2uman ,ody& in =emoving Earious 3ain-ul /n-lamatory iseases& etc#& by which a New 8ield o- ?nJuiry is ;pened in the Codern 4cience o- Kalvanism or Animal ?lectricity# %ondonH N# Nohnson and ;gilvy and 4on& 1'9(& 0i V 99 V :1. pp# ,enLamin 3erkins was the son o- the American doctor ?lisha 3erkins :1'61)1'99. who developed a healing techniJue involving the use o- metallic tractors# The approach in some way resembled that used by the practitioners o- animal magnetismI partly because o- that& it received a hostile reception -rom the American medical establishment# ,enLamin took up the cause& promoting the tractors in the >nited 4tates and ?ngland# 2e received a warmer reception in ?ngland than in America& and so he published most o- his writings on FperkinismG in Kreat ,ritain# 729

245% Per(ins, Elisha%

Certi-icates o- the ?--icacy o- r# 3erkinsDs 3atent Cetallic /nstruments# New %ondon& ConnecticutH 4# KreenDs 3ress& 1'9(& 1( pp#

?lisha 3erkins was an American physician who developed a healing techniJue involving the use o- metallic tractors# The approach in some way resembled that used by the practitioners oanimal magnetism# F3erkinismG received a hostile reception -rom the American medical establishment& who condemned this FstrokingG techniJue as useless and there-ore dangerous# Animal magnetism itsel- had made little headway in the >nited 4tates at this time& having been condemned in 8rance by ,enLamin 8ranklinDs commission and spoken poorly o- by Ne--erson# ;nly Keorge !ashington& because o- the reJuest o- his -riend %a-ayette& gave it any kind o- a hearing through a brie- correspondance with Cesmer# 3erkins too seems to have gotten !ashingtonDs ear& since he sold him a set o- his tractors# These devices were made odissimilar metals& gold and silver& and were appro0imately three inches in length# 2eld in the doctorDs hands& they were used to gently stroke the body in the direction o- the heart# Although Cesmerism was known to the American medical world at the time when 3erkins developed his tractors& it is not clear to what e0tent he was in-luenced by CesmerDs teaching& -or he says little about the theory o- their operation# 2is son ,enLamin was more vocal about theoretical issues :see his 1n%l$ence o% Metallic Dractors ) ) ) & entry number *$6.# This collection o- certi-icates simply testi-ies to the e--icacy o- the tractors# 729

246% Per(ins, Elisha%
?vidences o- the ?--icacy o- octor 3erkinsDs 3atent Cetallic /nstruments# New %ondon& ConnecticutH 4# KreenDs 3ress& 1'9'& "* pp# 4ee ?lisha 3erkins& Berti%icates o% the E%%icacy ) ) ) :entry number *$+.# 729

247% Qa+ghan, 9ohn%

;bservations o- Animal ?lectricity# /n ?0planation o- the Cetallic ;peration o- r# 3erkins# !ilmingtonH !# C# 4myth& 1'9'& "* pp# An attempt to e0plain the e--icacy o- the metallic tractors o- ?lisha 3erkins :see the works o?lisha and ,enLamin 3erkins. in terms o- animal electricity# 729

243% ,e Maina+d+c, 9ohn enoit%
The %ectures o- N# ,# de Cainauduc& C# # 3art the 8irst# %ondonH 3rinted -or the ?0ecutri0& 1'98& 0ii V :6. V *"$ pp# e Cainauduc received his medical training and set up his medical practice in %ondon# /n 1'8* he moved to 3aris to become FTuarterly 3hysician to the <ing o- 8rance#G There he studied -or a time with Charles D?slon# /n 1'8+ he returned to %ondon and soon began to teach a F4cienceG o- healing without the use o- conventional medical means# /n the 8ect$res, he says that this 4cience o- healing is not new& but has been practiced by physicians -or two hundred -i-ty years# ,ut& he insists& it had not been recogniAed -or the science it is because it was Fenveloped with ridiculous nostrums or machineryG :p# viii.# 4o e Cainauduc claims -or himsel- Fnew discoveriesG about this 4cience& consisting o- his particular philosophy and

techniJues# 2is F4cienceG is& in -act& a type o- spiritual healing :based upon the action o- the spirit& mind& and will. presented in the -ramework o- a rather simplistic atomistic physiologyH FThus it appears that every human ,eing possesses the power o- striking other -orms with the particles which are -lying o-- -rom his own bodyI or& to state it in its proper light& we must say& that it is the prerogative o- 4pirit in many& by vigorous e0ertions& to propel the atoms oits own body against and through the pores o- any other -orm in natureG :p# 111.# e Cainauduc writes about Finvisible -ingersG that can manipulate the interior o- the patientDs bodyH FThe ;peratorDs own emanations& when duly in-luenced& become -or the ;perator& invisible -ingers& which penetrate the pores& and may be truly considered as the natural and only ingredients which are or can be adapted to the removal o- nervous& or o- any other a--ections o- the bodyG :pp# 1*$)1*1.# Caking liberal use o- Juotations -rom the ,ible& e Cainauduc paints his discovery o- the principles o- the new 4cience as KodDs gi-t to medicine# 2e bemoans the -alse philosophies that have over the ages become associated with this healing power# Chie- among those philosophies was that o- Cesmer& who Fpillaged the subLect -rom 4ir =obert 8ludd& and -ound to a certainty the e0istence o- the powerI undisposed to attend to our 4aviourDs in-ormation& he pre-erred loadstones and magnetic ideas to the service o- the Kreat Author& and a-ter per-orming several accidental cures& his magnetism and his errors shared the -ate o- his predecessorsG :pp# **6)**+.# 729

249% Per(ins, enLamin ,o+glas%

The /n-luence o- Cetallic Tractors on the 2uman ,ody& in =emoving Earious 3ain-ul /n-lammatory iseases # # # %ately iscovered by r# 3erkins # # # and emonstrated in a 4eries o- ?0periments and ;bservations& by 3ro-essors Ceigs& !oodward& =ogers& Rc#& Rc# by which the /mportance o- the iscovery is 8ully Ascertained& and a New 8ield o- ?nJuiry ;pened in the Codern 4cience o- Kalvanism& or& Animal ?lectricity# # # # %ondonH 3rinted -or N# Nohnson& and ;gilvy and 4on#& 1'98& 0i V 99 V :1. pp# 4ee earlier works by ?lisha 3erkins and his son :entries *$6)*$(.# 729

214% Herholdt, 9ohan ,aniel%
?0periments with the Cetallic Tractors in =heumatic and Kouty A--ections& /n-lammations& and Earious Topical iseases& as 3ub# by 4urgeons 2erholdt and =a-n # # # tr# into Kerman by 3ro-essor Tode # # # thence into the ?nglish %anguage by Cr# Charles <amp-mullerH also =eports o- about ;ne 2undred and 8i-ty Cases in ?ngland # # # ,y medical and ;ther =espectable Characters# ?d# by ,enLamin ouglas 3erkins# %ondonH 3rinted by %# 2an-ard& -or N# Nohnson& 1'99& :1. V :vii.)00iv V "++ V :". pp# The editor is the son o- ?lisha 3erkins who invented the metallic tractors described here# :see entries *$6)*$(.# 729

211% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

CMmoire de 8# A# Cesmer& docteur en mMdecine& sur ses dMcouvertes# 3arisH 8uchs& 1'99& 0ii V 11$ pp# ?nglishH F issertation by 8# A# Cesmer& octor o- Cedicine& on 2is iscoveries&G

in Mesmerism) Translated and edited by Keorge ,loch# %os Altos& Cali-orniaH !illiam <au-mann& 198$# ;ne o- CesmerDs most important works# !riting twenty years a-ter his history-making M'moire o- 1''9 :entry number 1$.& Cesmer complains that his discovery& animal magnetism& has had great di--iculty in attaining acceptance in the medical world# 2e hopes that the present treatise will correct mistaken notions and clari-y the relationship o- animal magnetism to the principles o- physics# 2e also undertakes to e0plain the phenomenon osomnambulism and its place in the practice o- animal magnetism# Although Cesmer never mentions it& the reader is aware that the work o- the CarJuis de 3uysMgur is the backdrop against which CesmerDs comments on this subLect are made# !ith 3uysMgurDs discovery oFmagnetic somnambulism&G Cesmer was con-ronted with a problemH how could he acknowledge the reality o- this phenomenon without giving it too prominent a place in his systemW ;ne o- the main goals o- this M'moire was to attempt to solve that problem# /n his description o- the physics o- animal magnetism& Cesmer reasserts his mechanical view owhat takes place# /- there had been any Juestion that CesmerDs theory was occultist in orientation& that is clearly answered in the negative here# ?verything is e0plained in terms omatter and motion# The magnetic -luid is composed o- in-initesimally small particles that move in streams# 2ealth and disease are the result o- the -ree or blocked -low o- those streams# /n the process o- e0plaining this system& Cesmer makes a point o- distinguishing it -rom Fanimal electricity&G a distinction that a number o- authors had -ailed to make# Taking up the subLect o- somnambulism& Cesmer states that it is a phenomenon known throughout history# 2e gives it his own particular interpretation& however& calling it Fcritical sleepG :FcriticalG re-erring to Fcrisis&G a special physical state o- the body as it attempts to deal with illness.# 2e says that all the phenomena connected with Fcritical sleep&G such as knowledge othings at a distance and the ability to diagnose disease :see the works o- 3uysMgur. are to be e0plained in terms o- the actions o- the magnetic -luid& and there-ore in terms o- a purely mechanical physical system# 2e insists that traditional occult interpretations o- these things are mistaken and disclaims any connection with those o- his -ollowers who have gone in that direction# Cesmer admits that somnambulism or Fcritical sleepG is Juite likely to occur during the application o- animal magnetism& and he e0plains that -act in terms o- the Fworkings o- all the machineDs systemsG :FmachineG meaning the body.# /n this M'moire, Cesmer accomplishes his chie- aimH to e0punge -rom the interpretation o- his teaching any hint ooccultist views# 729

212% Per(ins, enLamin ,o+glas%

=eports o- about ;ne 2undred and 8i-ty Cases in ?ngland emonstrating the ?--icacy o- the Cetallic 3ractice in a Eariety o- Complaints ,oth upon the 2uman ,ody and on 2orses# %ondonH N# Nohnson& 1'99# Another o- the younger 3erkinsDs books on the metallic tractors o- ?lisha 3erkins# 729

216% ailly, 9ean $ylAain%

F=apport secret sur le mesmMrisme#G /n 8e conser(ate$r) ) )de 7) 0ranQois :de 7e$%chatea$? 1H16()1++# The -irst public appearance o- the secret report drawn up by the 8ranklin commission on animal magnetism in 1'86 :Rapport secret pr'sent' a$ ministre et sign' par la commission pr'c'dente, entry number "*.# /t was meant -or the kingDs eyes only& due to the delicate nature o- the subLect matter# /n it the commissioners e0press their concern about potential misuses oanimal magnetism& particularly the possible se0ual arousal o- -emale subLects by male magnetiAers# Although the report contains some -alse in-ormation :that it is always men who magnetiAe women.& it does give an accurate picture o- the proceduresH the contact between the knees o- the magnetiAer and those o- the patientI the placement o- the hand on the stomach or abdominal areaI the reaching o- one hand behind the patientDs bodyI and the general physical pro0imity and attunement involved in the process o- magnetiAation# The commission states that the patient does not simply regard the magnetiAer as a physicanI he is& a-ter all& still a man# The report also points out that o-ten the -emale subLect e0periences an ecstasy o- sorts when in the magnetic crisis& a buildup o- emotions which is -ollowed by a languor and a kind o- sleep o- the senses# The emphasis o- the commission is on not only the danger o- overt se0ual acts per-ormed by the magnetiAer& but also the -act that the process may well awaken se0ual passions latent in the -emale patient which she will then seek to -ul-ill in -ornication or adultery# 729

217% Haygarth, 9ohn%

;- the /magination& as a Cause and as a Cure o- isorders o- the ,odyH ?0empli-ied by 8ictitious Tractors& and ?pidemic Convulsions# ,athH =# Cruttwell& 18$$& iii V 6" pp# 2aygarth& a physician o- ,ath& and a -riend& !illiam 8alconer& undertook to test the e--icacy o- the metallic tractors o- ?lisha 3erkins :see entry numbers *$6)*$(. in treating ill patients# They used wooden tractors painted to look like the metallic ones and discovered that the wooden ones were Lust as e--ective as the metallic ones# The e0periments are described in this book# 2aygarthDs conclusion is that the real healing -orce at work is the imagination o- the patient& and that this remarkable power o- the imagination needs -urther serious study# 729

215% Heine(en, 9%
/deen und ,eobachtungen den thierischen Cagnetismus und dessen Anwendung betre--end# ,remenH 8riedrich !ilmans& 18$$& 0 V :*. V *"1 V :*. pp# 729

216% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

%ettre de 8# A# Cesmer& docteur en mMdecine& sur lDorigine de la petite vMrole et le moyen de la -aire cesser& suivie dDune autre lettre du mOme adressM au0 auteurs du Nournal de 3aris& contenant diverses opinions relatives au systPme de lDauteur sur le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH /mpr# des 4ciences et Arts& 18$$& 1' pp# 729

217% Per(ins, enLamin ,o+glas%

The ?--icacy o- 3erkinsD 3atent Cetallic Tractors& in Topical iseases o- the 2uman ,ody and AnimalsI ?0empli-ied by *+$ Cases -rom the 8irst %iterary Characters in ?urope and America# To !hich is 3re-i0ed A 3reliminary iscourse in !hich the 8allacious Attempts or 2aygarth to etract -rom the Cerits o- the Tractors& are etected& and 8ully Con-uted# %ondon& ,ath and ?dinburghH N# Nohnson& Cadell and avies& etc#& 18$$& vi V 1"+ pp# A description and de-ense o- the use o- the metallic tractors o- ?lisha 3erkins :1'61)1'99. written by his son# 729

213% Per(ins, enLamin ,o+glas%
Cases o- 4uccess-ul 3ractice with 3erkinsDs 3atent Cetallic TractorsH Communicated since Nan# 18$$& the ate o- the 8ormer 3ublication& by Cany 4cienti-ic Characters# To !hich are 3re-i0ed& 3re-atory =emarks# # # # %ondonH Cooke& 18$1& 0vi V 9* pp# 729

219% &agener, $am+el "hristoph%

Neue Kespenster kurAe ?rAdhlungen aus dem =eiche der !ahrheit# * vols# ,erlinH 8riedrich Cauer& 18$1& :". V l0iv V "$"I :". V l00ii V :8. V *88 pp# A description o- supernatural occurrences in the eighteenth century# The work is an important attempt to assemble -acts related to paranormal events in an e--ort to e0plain them# 739

224% &inter, )eorge%

Animal Cagnetism# 2istory o- its ;rigin& 3rogress and 3resent 4tateI its 3rinciples and 4ecrets isplayed& as elivered by the %ate r emainauduc# To which is Added& issertations on the ropsyI 4pasmsI ?pileptic 8its # # # with >pwards o- ;ne 2undred Cures and Cases# Also Advice to Those who Eisit the 4ick # # # a e-inition o- 4ympathyI AntipathyI The ?--ects o- the /magination on 3regnant !omenI NatureI 2istoryI and on the =esurrection o- the ,ody# ,ristolH =outh& 18$1& :vii. V **" pp# !inter did not believe in the e--icacy o- animal magnetism to cure diseaseI he had tried it himsel- with no success# 2e did believe that imagination could play a part in producing results# A section written by e Cainauduc is entitledH F3rinciples o- the 4cience in Animal Cagnetism#G 729

221% Petetin, 9ac?+es Henri ,BsirB%
Nouveau mMcanisme de lDMlectricitM -ondM sur les lois de lDMJuilibre et du mouvement& dMmontrM par des e0pMriences Jui renversent le systPme de lDMlectricitM positive et nMgative et Jui Mtablissent ses rapports avec le mMcanisme cachM de lDaimant et lDheureuse in-luence du -luid MlectriJue dans les a--ections nerveuses# %yonH ,ruyset ainM& iv& 00vii& 18$*& "$$ pp#


222% &ienholt, Arnold%

2eilkra-t des thierischen Cagnetismus nach eigenen ,eobachtungen# " vols# %emgoH Ceyer& 18$*)18$(& :18. V ")+$6I 0vi V ("' V :1.I :*. V 6"( pp# A massive collection o- writings on animal magnetism by one o- KermanyDs earliest practitioners# !ienholt was a physician -rom ,remen who began his magnetic practice in 1'8( when& along with a r# ;lbers& he healed a nineteen-year-old girl o- a severe nervous condition# !ienholt went on to -ound the Magnetische Maga5in %3r 7iederte$tschland, one othe more important early Kerman periodicals in the -ield& in 1'8'# 2is practice o- animal magnetism lasted -or more than -i-teen years& and this master work spans that whole period# A-ter outlining abrie- history o- animal magnetism in Kermany and describing the details ohis own magnetiAing process& !ienholt un-olds a panorama o- his healing career -rom 1'8'# Cany o- the cases he presents are nervous disorders& ranging -rom epilepsy to hysterical loss o- voice# The third volume& posthumously published& contains a collection o- seven lectures on the nature o- somnambulism& and seven more lectures on the physics o- the living body# The lectures on somnambulism were translated by N# C# ColJuhoun :+e(en 8ect$res on +omnam"$lism, ?dinburghH Adam and Charles ,lack& 186+I see entry number **(.# 729

226% .iard, 9ean aptiste%
%a 8rance trompMe par les magniciens& les dMmonolftres et les magnMtiseurs du di0-huitiPme siPcle# 3arisH Kregoire& 18$"& iv V *$$ pp# A work claiming that the practitioners o- animal magnetism were subLect to demoniacal and occult in-luences# 729

227% Per(inean $ociety%
Transactions o- the 3erkinean 4ociety& Consisting o- a =eport on the 3ractice with the Cetallic Tractors& at the /nstitution in 8rith-4treet& and ?0periments Communicated by 4everal Correspondents# %ondonH A# Topping# :6. V +1 V :*. pp# Case histories o- individuals treated by the metallic tractors o- the American doctor ?lisha 3erkins :see entries *$6)*$(.# 3erkins developed a uniJue theory o- healing that to some degree resembled that o- Cesmer& although 3erkinsDs ideas evolved independently# 729

225% Petetin, 9ac?+es Henri ,BsirB%

?lectricitM animal& prouvMe par la dMcouverte des phMnomPnes physiJues et morau0 de la catalepsie hystMriJue& et de ses variMtMsI et par les bons e--ets de lDMlectricitM arti-icielle dans le traitment de ces maladies# %yonH ,ruyset et ,uynand& 18$+& 0ii V 1+( pp# /n this work& 3etetin supplements the observations made in his -irst studies o- hysteria :M'moire s$r la d'co$(erte des ph'nomPnes /$e pr'sentent la catalepsie et le somnam"$lisme ) ) ) & entry number 1'1. and describes his treatment o- hysteria with electricity# There is a second edition& in two volumes& that appears in 18$8# /t contains& in addition to the present material& a very long note on 3etetinDs li-e and writings& a letter written to 3etetin in 18$8& and a lecture delivered by 3etetin in 18$'# 729

226% &ienholt, Arnold%

# Arnold !ienholtDs psychologische Eorlesungen Qber den natQrlichen 4omnambulism# Aus den literarischen Nachlass des Eer-assers besonders abgedruckt# %emgoH Cener& 18$+& :*. V 166 pp# ?nglishH +e(en 8ect$res on +omnam"$lism) Translated by N# C# ColJuhoun# ?dinburghH Adam and Charles ,lack& 186+# ?0tracted -rom !ienholtDs Heil.ra%t des thierischen Magnetism$s o- 18$*)18$6 :see entry number ***.# 729

227% <QBlye, a!!B de%>
u -luid-universel& de son activitM et de lDutilitM de ses modi-ications par les substances animales dans le traitement des maladies# Au0 Mtudiants Jui suivent les cours de toutes les parties de la physiJue# 3arisH elance& 18$(& 0v V *18 V :1. pp# A-ter two chapters on electrical machines and galvanism& the author deals with the subLect omagnetic somnambulism and its power to cure illnesses# 2e presents cases o- his own in which this treatment has been success-ul# There seems to have been a much shorter version othis work published the same year# 729

223% P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%
u magnMtisme animal& considMrM dans ses rapports avec diverses branches de la physiJue gMnMrale# 3arisH esenne& 18$'& i0 V 6'8 pp# 3uysMgurDs most theoretically oriented work on animal magnetism# A-ter stating how he believes one becomes convinced o- the reality o- animal magnetism& he discusses the FphysicsG o- animal magnetism& placing it in the conte0t o- the known phenomena o- heat& -ire& electricity& light& mineral magnetism& etc# 2e then outlines a brie- history o- animal magnetism in 8rance& -rom CesmerDs time in 3aris through his :3uysMgurDs. -oundation o- the 4ociety o- 2armony in 4trasbourg& appending a section on the magnetic systems o- the FspiritualistsG o- %yon# 3uysMgur then describes how to magnetiAe and states his own views on the nature o- magnetic action and somnambulism& including a discussion o- clairvoyance

and the role o- imagination# The -inal section o- the book is a collection o- letters written to 3uysMgur by various people on the subLect o- animal magnetism# Among them is a most interesting letter -rom the brother o- the CarJuis& Ca0ime& who describes procedures to be used when many magnetiAers are operating at one time under the leadership o- a chiemagnetiAer who sets the tone -or the whole group# 2e also mentions the necessity -or a magnetiAer to keep control o- individuals in magnetic crisis through the use o- his will# 729

229% <P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%>

3rocPs verbal du traitement par lDactions magnMtiJue dDune -emme malade :par la rupture dDun vaisseau dans la poitrine. de prPs 4oissons# N#p#H n#p#& 18$'& "9 pp# 729

264% 9+del, ===%
ConsidMrations sur lDorigine& la cause et les e--ets de la -iPvre& sur lDMlectricitM mMdicale& et sur le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH Treuttel et !urtA& 18$8& 169 pp# Nudel devotes a part o- this work to animal magnetism& which he sees as a use-ul medical tool# 729

261% 9+ng2$tilling, 9ohann Heinrich%

Theorie der Keister-<unde& in einer Natur-& Eernun-t- und ,ibelmdsigen ,eantwortung der 8rageH !as von Ahnungen& Keschichten und Keistererscheinungen geglaubt und nicht geglaubt werden mQsse# NQrnbergH =aw& 18$8& 00viii V "8$ pp# ,orn in !estphalia& Kermany& Nung-4tilling was raised in a pious Christian home and dreamed o- becoming a preacher# /nstead he became a physician and eventually pro-essor at the universities o- 2eidelburg and Carburg# The important Dheorie attempts to uni-y the data o- animal magnetism and somnambulism within a -ar reaching spiritualistic philosophy# The author takes up issues such as the state o- the soul a-ter death& visions and apparitions& presentiments and prophecy& and other spiritistic matters# 2e discusses the higher states osomnambulism which make the world o- the spirits accessible to those still in the body and thereby anticipates a whole body o- literature that would combine these various concerns some -orty years later# Nung-4tilling was strongly in-luenced by 4wedenborg but also conducted his own e0periments with somnambulism# 72 R 39

262% 9+ng2$tilling, 9ohann Heinrich%
Apologie der Theorie der Keisterkunde# NQrnbergH =aw& 18$9& '' pp# A seJuel to Nung-4tillingDs Dheorie :entry number *"1.# 2ere he writes about the notion o2ades or 4cheol# ;therwise& the work contains nothing basically new# 72 R 39

266% As(lepieion1 Allgemeines medicinish2chir+rgisches &ochen!latt%
Eols# 1)*I 1811)181*# This periodical was published in ,erlin and edited by <arl Christian !ol-art :1''8)18"*.# 729

267% H+#eland, .riedrich%

bber 4ympathie# !eimarH %andes-/ndustrie-Comptoirs& 1811& 0 V :*. V **8 pp# An important treatise on the immediate connection or bond& called Fsympathy&G e0isting between things in nature# 2u-eland analyses the nature o- Fmagnetic rapportG between magnetiAer and magnetiAed in terms o- this universal sympathy# 2e states that magnetiAer and somnambulist are so closely bound in a sympathetic relationship that the two -orm Fone individualG :p# 11'.& and that the soul o- the magnetiAer is to some e0tent also the soul o- the somnambulist# 4ympathy& 2u-eland says& causes thoughts and -eelings to be held in common by the two& and even muscular action is communicated to the somnambulist by the muscular movement o- the magnetiAer# 729

265% :l+ge, "arl Ale5ander .erdinand%

Eersuch einer arstellung des animalischen Cagnetismus& als 2eilmittel# ,erlinH C# 4al-eld& 1811& :+. V iv)0iv V (1* V :*. pp# ;ne o- the most researched and widely read early Kerman works on animal magnetism# /n some way <lugeDs book could be seen as a bibliographical essay on the subLect& with numerous re-erences to writings in the area and related -ields# The assistant o- Christoph !ilhelm 2u-eland :entry number *($.& <luge carried out magnetic treatments on the patients o- his mentor& but his book deals mainly with e0periments and theories o- other magnetiAers# 729

266% Poli, )i+seppe $aAerio%

,reve saggio sulla calamita e sulle sue virt\ medicinale# 3alermoH =eale stamperia& 1811& vi V '" pp# A treatise on the medical use o- magnets with -avorable mention o- animal magnetism# 729

267% P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%

=echerches& e0pMriences et observations physiologiJuesH sur lDhomme dans lDMtat de somnambulisme naturel& et dans le somnambulisme provoJuM par lDacte magnMtiJue# 3arisH N# entu and The Author& 1811& :1$. V 0ii V :1".)6"$ V :1. pp#

A signi-icant study o- natural and magnetic somnambulism by the discoverer o- the latter# 3uysMgur believed that one o- the main di--erences between natural and arti-icial somnambulism was in the matter o- Frapport#G 2e states that with magnetic somnambulism& the somnambulist is in FrapportG :or a state o- special connection. with the magnetiAer# ,ut with natural somnambulism& the somnambulist is in FrapportG with no one# The other di--erence between the two conditions& 3uysMgur says& is in the way they are brought about# ;rdinarily natural somnambulism -ollows upon sleep# Arti-icial somnambulism& on the other hand& is produced through the application o- the techniJues o- animal magnetism# This book also e0amines the -aculties e0hibited by individuals in the somnambulistic state& providing many case histories as illustrations# 3uysMgur concludes with a look at the dangers that must be guarded against in the use o- magnetic somnambulism# 729

263% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%
Allgemeine ?rlduterungen Qber den Cagnetismus und den 4omnambulismus# Als vorldu-ige ?inleitung in das Natursystem# Aus dem Askldpieion abgedruckt# 2alle and ,erlinH 2allischen !aisenhauses& 181*& '8 pp# A compilation o- articles that appeared in the As.lLpieion in 181*# 2ere Cesmer makes his second attempt to tackle the issue o- the nature o- somnambulism and its relationship to animal magnetism& which he had -irst developed in the M'moire o- 1'99 :see entry number *11.# Again& his intention is to remove any superstitious or religious elements in the e0planation o- somnambulism and to e0plain it in terms o- his mechanistic theory o- animalmagnetic -luid# 2e -irst gives a physical e0planation -or the nature o- animal magnetism itsel-& describing it as an Finvisible -ireG and distinguishing it -rom Fanimal electricity&G a subLect ogreat interest at the time# Coving on to somnambulism& he re-ers to it in the same terms as he had in the M'moire, that is as Fcritical sleep&G pointing out that o-ten the healing crisis oanimal magnetism takes place in connection with sleep and in that state the unusual phenomena associated with somnambulism may develop# 2e states that these phenomena have been recogniAed in all ages# They includeH -oreseeing an illness and predicting its courseI prescribing e--ective medicines -or a disease without the bene-it o- medical knowledgeI seeing and sensing distant obLectsI receiving impressions -rom the will o- anotherI and other phenomena# Cesmer e0plains how these things are possible with a purely mechanical theory o- physiology and the action o- the magnetic -luid over a distance# 8rom this he -urther elaborates his notion o- an Finner senseG which leads to knowledge o- things at a distance and an instinct about health# 2e also e0plains FrapportG in the same terms# 729

269% Montegre, Antoine .ranCois 9enin de%

u magnMtisme animal et de ses partisansI ou& =ecueil de piPces importantes sur cet obLet& prMcMdM des observations rMcemment publiMes# 3arisH # Colas& 181*& :6. V 1"9 pp# An important collection o- articles on animal magnetism accompanied by the o--icial reports o- the two 8rench commissions o- 1'86& including the secret report concerning potential moral abuses o- animal magnetism# The work also contains a letter highly critical o3uysMgurDs views o- animal magnetism# 729

274% P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%

Continuation du traitement magnMtiJue du Leune 2Mbert :mois de 4eptembre.# 3arisH entu& 181*& :*. V 00vi V *')1$' V :1. pp# 4ee 3uysMgurDs 8es %o$s, les insens's ) ) ) :entry number *61.# 729

271% P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%

%es -ous& les insensMs& les maniaJues et les -rMnMtiJues ne seraient-ils Jue des somnambules dMsordonnMsW 3arisH N# K# entu& 181*& :6. V vii V :8.)91 pp# The publication history o- this and subseJuent related works deserves a special note# This -irst description o- 3uysMgurDs treatment o- Ale0andre 2Mbert was -ollowed by the publication in the same year o- Bontin$ation d$ traitement magn'ti/$e d$ 6e$ne H'"ert ) ) ) :entry number *6$.# Then in 181" there appeared Appel a$& sa(ans o"ser(ate$rs d$ di&-ne$(iPme siPcle, de la d'cisions port'e par le$rs pr'd'cesse$rs contre le magn'tisme animal, et %in d$ traitement d$ 6e$ne H'"ert :entry number *6+.# %ater in 181" this latter work was republished in one volume with 8es %o$s ) ) ) and Bontin$ation d$ traitement magn'ti/$e ) ) ) :see Appel a$& sa(ans o"ser(ate$rs ) ) ) & 181".# The reason -or this somewhat con-using set o- related publications is that together they constitute a description o- the ongoing treatment oAle0andre 2Mbert that concluded in 181"# 8es %o$s ) ) ) and the subseJuent writings are little known but e0tremely signi-icant -or the history o- modern psychotherapy# /n his description o- the treatment o- Ale0andre 2Mbert& 3uysMgur shows that he was in the process o- evolving a magnetic psychotherapy that embodied insights that were ahead o- his time# Animal magnetism had -rom its beginnings made use o- a kind o- FempathyG between magnetiAer and patient# 3uysMgur& with his concept o- Fintimate rapportG :+$ite de m'moires ) ) )& 1'8+. had taken that notion a step -urther# !ith 8es %o$s ) ) )& he shows an awareness o- the healing dynamic between magnetiAer and patient that is very close to the modern concepts otrans-erence and countertrans-erence# Ale0andre 2Mbert was a boy o- twelve and a hal- who su--ered -rom paro0ysms o- rage in which he was a danger -or both himsel- and those around him# 2e e0perienced severe headaches and would -all into -its o- weeping and moaning while hitting his head against the wall& sometimes even attempting to throw himsel- -rom windows# 3uysMgur undertook to treat his condition by using animal magnetism# The boy was a good subLect& immediately -alling into states o- somnambulism# ?ventually& 3uysMgur took the boy into his own home and kept him by his side -or months# The magnetic treatment became a veritable psychotherapy& involving long conversations& revelations o- secrets in the state omagnetic somnambulism& and even the analysis o- dreams# Ale0andre& who had been troubled -rom age -our& eventually underwent a relatively complete cure& with only certain memory problems remaining# Through this e0perience& and an earlier one with an artillery soldier& 3uysMgur developed a theory o- mental disturbances# 2e came to believe that Fmost insanity is nothing but disordered somnambulismG :8es %o$s ) ) ) & p# +6.# 2e held that the disturbed person was in a state o- disorder precisely because he or she was caught in a magnetic rapport with someone no longer present :Ale0andre& -or instance& maintained a hidden rapport with his mother.# 3uysMgur believed that the cure was to replace this disturbing rapport by a healthy rapport with the magnetiAer# This Ftrans-erenceG oriented theory o- psychotherapy seems to be uniJue -or the time# 729


272% oin, ===%

Coup dDoeil sur le magnMtisme et e0amen dDun Mcrit Jui a paru sous ce titreH %ettre sur le magnMtisme X C# # # # X 3aris par C# Corisson de ,ourges# ,ourgesH n#p#& 181"& *9 pp# A note on animal magnetism written in the -orm o- a critiJue o- a letter by Corisson :see entry number *66.# 729

276% ,ele+'e, 9oseph Philippe .ranCois%

2istoire critiJue du magnMtisme animal# * vols# 3arisH Came& 181"& :6. V *98I :6. V "6$ pp# eleuAe is a central -igure in the history o- animal magnetism# A-ter serving as a lieutenant in the 8rench in-antry& he decided to devote himsel- to the study o- the natural sciences& eventually becoming assistant naturalist o- the Karden o- 3lants in 3aris and secretary to the association o- the Cuseum o- Natural 2istory# eleuAe was highly respected by his contemporaries as a great scholar with a balanced approach to scienti-ic issues# /n 1'8+ eleuAe heard about the work o- 3uysMgur& but -ound it hard to believe that he had been able to do what was claimed# 2owever& when a respected -riend o- eleuAe went to see Cesmer and was then able to induce somnambulism& eleuAe decided to visit his -riend and -ind out -or himsel-# 2e was impressed with the demonstration and began to pursue his own study oanimal magnetism# 2e was in-luenced most strongly by the ideas o- 3uysMgur& and it is clear -rom reading eleuAeDs writings that he was like 3uysMgur in temperament and attitude towards the people he worked with# The Histoire is eleuAeDs -irst work on animal magnetism and it is one o- the most important ever written on the subLect# /n the process o- depicting the history& eleuAe also conveys a great deal o- in-ormation about the theory and practice# /n his presentation& he pays a great deal o- attention to detail and strives to be obLectively -air# Although a partisan o- animal magnetism& eleuAe does not close his eyes to legitimate criticism# The Histoire is about as balanced a treatment as one could -ind -rom a man who was engaged in a daily practice o- that art# 729

277% Morisson, ===%

%ettre sur le magnMtisme animal adressMe X C# # # #X 3aris# ,ourgesH n#p#& 181"& 1" pp# 729

275% P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%

Appel au0 savans observateurs du di0-neuviPme siPcle& de la dMcision portMe par leurs prMdMcesseurs contre le magnMtisme animal& et -in du traitement du Leune 2Mbert# 3arisH entu& 11 V 1*' pp# This work was republished in the same year in one volume with Bontin$ation d$ 6o$rnal d$ traitement d$ 6e$ne H'"ert :4eptember& ;ctober& and November.# 3arisH entu& :*. V 11 V :1. V vii V :1. V :8.)91 V :1. V 00vi V :*'.)1$9 V :1. V 1*' pp# :see entry number *61#. 729

276% $trom!ec(, .riedrich :arl Aon%

Keschichte eines allein durch die Natur hervorgebrachten animalischen Cagnetismus und der durch denselben bewirkten KenesungI von dem AugenAeugen dieses 3hdnomens# ,raunschweigH 8# Eieweg& 181"& 000ii V *1( p# 4trombeck writes about a seventeen-year-old girl whose attacks o- hysterical trance were cured through the use o- magnetic sleep# The girl was a member o- 4trombeckDs household and he spent a great deal o- time applying animal magnetic treatments and writing down the resulting conversations with her while she was magnetiAed# This book is an important contribution to the history o- psychotherapy# 729

277% <QBlye, a!!B de%>

4omnambulisme ou supplMment au0 Lournau0 dans lesJuels il a MtM Juestion de ces phMnomPnes physiologiJues# 3arisH ,rMbault& :181".& 86 pp# 729

273% Annales d+ magnBtisme animal%
Nos# 1)68H 1816)181(# Continued asH !i"liothP/$e d$ magn'tisme animal, vols# 1)8& 181')1819 :entry number *'*.# This in turn was continued asH Archi(es d$ magn'tisme animal, vols# 1)8& 18*$)18*" :entry number *9'.# 729

279% Mais, "harles%

The 4urprising Case o- =achel ,aker& !ho 3rays and 3reaches in her 4leepH with 4pecimens o- her ?0traordinary 3er-ormances Taken own Accurately in 4hort 2and at the TimeI and 4howing the >nparalleled 3owers 4he 3ossesses to 3ray& ?0hort& and Answer Tuestions& uring 2er >nconscious 4tate# The !hole Authenticated by the Cost =espectable Testimony o- %iving !itnesses# New @orkH 4# Carks& 1816& "6 pp# An account o- a Fsleep-talker&G =achel ,aker& who did Lust what the title says# 4he is depicted as a Fhale country lass o- nineteen&G Juite taciturn& who speaks with a heavy southern drawl# ,ut when asleep she would deliver e0hortations and prayers with a Fclear& harmonious voice#G The book describes her condition and gives an e0ample o- her preaching# 729

254% Mesmer, .ran' Anton%

Cesmerismus# ;der 4ystem der !echselwirkungen& Theorie und Anwendung des thierischen Cagnetismus als die allgemeine 2eilkunde Aur ?rhaltung des Censchen# 2erausgegeben von r# <arl Christian !ol-art# ,erlinH Nikola& 1816& l00iv V "+( pp# CesmerDs -inal work on animal magnetism& written with the assistance o- <arl Christian !ol-art& who was sent to see Cesmer by the ,erlin Academy o- 4cience# 4trangely& the original was written in 8rench by Cesmer& and then translated into Kerman& CesmerDs native

tongue& by !ol-art# According to Tischner :0ran5 Anton Mesmer, p# 1$1.& !ol-artDs translation was& un-ortunately& o-ten sti-- and bungling# !ol-artDs carelessness e0tended even to his giving CesmerDs name incorrectly as F8riedrichG Anton Cesmer# This error has somehow been perpetuated by many modern libraries# Mesmerism$s presents CesmerDs overall view o- animal magnetism and its implications -or human li-e# /t is divided into two partsH F3hysikG and FCoral#G The -irst part discusses the physical nature o- animal magnetism and its relationship to such phenomena as -ire and electricity# /n his e0planations& Cesmer is consistent with the mechanistic approach he held -rom the beginning# FThere is one uncreated primary essence1Kod# /n the universe there are two primary essences1matter and motion# All possibilities un-old -rom the action o- motion upon matterG :p# "".# Cesmer also takes up the issue o- somnambulism and the Finner sense&G repeating much that can be -ound in his ErlL$ter$ngen o- 181* :entry number *"8.# The second part e0amines the implications oanimal magnetism -or the moral li-e# ,ased on the central notion o- universal magnetic harmony& much e0pounded by ,ergasse& Cesmer draws conclusions about the true nature omorality& -reedom& social li-e and religious worship# 729

251% P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%

%es vMritMs cheminent& tot ou tard elles arrivent# 3arisH entu& 1816& :*. V 16 pp# 729

252% $tieglit', 9ohann%

bber den thierischen Cagnetismus# 2annoverH 2ahn& 1816& 0vi V ('1 pp# 4tieglitADs approach to animal magnetism was that o- a skeptic# 2e did not go along with the common theory o- animal magnetism& and he was slow to accept its genuineness# 2owever& he took this position not as one who had e0perimented in the -ield& but as a critic o- the literature# This book is his maLor work in the -ield o- animal magnetism# !hile revealing his skepticism& it also shows that he was not entirely closed to the data# 2e did believe that Cesmer had discovered an important natural -orce& but he thought that the nature o- the phenomena o- animal magnetism could not yet be decided# 729

256% r+ining, )er!rand%
4chediasma& de Cesmerismo ante Cesmerum# KroeningenH Ean ,oekeren& 181+& 88 pp# The author takes up the Juestion o- whether animal magnetism was known be-ore Cesmer& discussing writings o- the Kreeks& =omans& and ?gyptians# 729

257% ,eAotional $omni+mJ or A "ollection o# Prayers and E5hortations, 8ttered !y Miss Rachel a(er, in the "ity o# @e0 Eor(, in the &inter o# 1315, ,+ring her A!stracted and 8nconscio+s $tateJ /o &hich Pio+s and 8nprecedented E5ercises is Pre#i5ed, An Acco+nt o# Her *i#e, 0ith the Manner in &hich $he ecame Po0er#+l in Praise o# )od and

Addresses to ManJ /ogether 0ith a Qie0 o# /hat .ac+lty o# the H+man Mind 0hich is -ntermediate !et0een $leeping and &a(ing% /he .acts, Attested !y the Most Respecta!le ,iAines, Physicians, and *iterary )entlemenJ and the ,isco+rses, "orrectly @oted !y "lerical $tenographers% y $eAeral Medical )entlemen%
New @orkH 4# Carks& 181+& :1. V *98 pp# This unusual account is signi-icant -or a number o- reasons# Although not the earliest :see Charles Cais& entry number *69.& it is the most detailed account available o- =achel ,aker& the Fsleeping preacher#G 4he was nineteen years old when the book was written and was becoming -airly well known to the public& having recently been brought to New @ork -or observation# The young woman had gone through a series o- stages be-ore the preaching phase began# /n 1811 she had become e0tremely depressed and disturbed because she believed hersel- to be the worldDs greatest sinner# Then in Nanuary o- 181* she went through a night o- terror -ollowed by a -eeling o- great peace# 8rom then she began to give sermons about Kod& his love& and the evil o- sin# Awake she remembered nothing o- these talks# /n her ordinary state she was not considered to be a good thinker or Fsensible#G ,ut while preaching in her sleep& she struck those who heard her as e0tremely cultivated and wise& speaking oreligious matters with great passion and conviction# The contrast between the young womanDs waking state and somnambulistic states is very similar to that reported o- Eictor =ace by 3uysMgur :1'86.# /n addition to presenting a vivid account o- =achel ,aker and her phenomena& the book has a number o- small treatises by various authors on sleep walking and related matters# 3articularly noteworthy is one by 4amuel %# Citchill on FsomniumG or Fthat condition o- the human -aculties which is intermediate between sleeping and waking#G The book also contains a description o- an apparent case o- multiple personality& the =ev# r# Tennent& which is one o- the earliest ever published# 729

255% <.+stier, a!!B%>

%e mystPre des magnMtiseurs et des somnambules& dMvoilM au0 fmes droites et vertueuses# 3ar un homme du monde# 3arisH %egrand& 181+& ++ pp# An attack on animal magnetism by a theologian# 729

256% &ol#art, :arl "hristian%

?rlduterungen Aum Cesmerismus# ,erlinH Nikola& 181+& 0vi V *9( pp# !ol-art& 3ro-essor at the >niversity o- ,erlin& had assisted Cesmer in the production oCesmerDs Mesmerism$s ) ) ) :entry number *+$.# edicated to Cesmer :still living when the book was published.& ErlL$ter$ngen 5$m Mesmerism$s was meant to serve as a running commentary on Mesmerism$s) ) ) ) 729

257% Arndt, &%

,eytrage Au den durch animalischen Cagnetismus Aeither bewirkten ?rscheinungen# Aus eigner ?r-ahrung# ,reslau and %eipAigH C# Cnobloch& 181(& vi V 6"$ pp# 729

253% Eschenmayer, "arl Adolph Aon%

Eersuch die scheinbare Cagie des thierischen Cagnetismus aus physiologischen und psychischen KesetAen Au erkldren# 4tuttgart and TQbingenH N# K# Cotta& 181(& :*. V 18$ pp# ?schenmayer was a Kerman physician who was particularly interested in philosophy and mysticism# 2e began to investigate animal magnetism shortly a-ter 18$$ and became coeditor o- Archi( %3r den thierischen Magnetism$s :entry number *(9. with <ieser& Nasse& and Nees von ?senbeck# 2e eventually taught at the >niversity o- TQbingen& remaining in that post until 18"(& when he returned to his medical practice# /n-luenced by the nature-philosophy o- 4chelling& ?schenmayer had a special interest in the ancient occult traditions# 2ere& as well as in later works& he seeks out the parallels between those traditions and the contemporary phenomena o- animal magnetism# 72 R 39

259% <HBnin de "+Aillers, Etienne .Bli5, !aron d;%>

=Mponse au0 articles du Nournal des Mbats& contre le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH entu& 181(& *6 pp# The editor o- the Archi(es d$ magn'tisme here de-ends the genuineness o- animal magnetism# 729

264% H+#eland, "hristoph &ilhelm%

AusAug und AnAeig der 4chri-t des 2ernn %eibmedikus 4tieglitA Qber den thierischen Cagnetismus& nebst 5usdtAen# ,erlinH =ealschulbuchhandlung& 181(& 9( pp# Christoph 2u-eland :not to be con-used with 8riedrich 2u-eland. was a Kerman physician& pro-essor o- pathology and therapeutics at ,erlin >niversity& and proli-ic writer on scienti-ic subLects# At -irst& he considered Cesmer a charlatan and his theory unscienti-ic# 2e then chaired a commission appointed by ,erlin >niversity in 181* to e0amine the doctrine oanimal magnetism# 2e personally approved a trip by a member o- the commission& <arl Christian !ol-art& to visit Cesmer to inJuire at -irst hand about his thinking on animal magnetism# This visit led to Juite a di--erent outcome -rom that anticipated by 2u-eland :see entry numbers *+$ and *+(.# The commission eventually gave a positive Ludgment on the reality o- animal magnetism and its power to heal# 2u-eland concurred in this Ludgment& although he remained Juite critical o- certain aspects o- the theory o- animal magnetism# /n A$s5$g $nd An5eig ) ) ) 2u-eland e0presses both his acceptance and his criticism# 2e also Juestions ideas held by 4tieglitA :see entry number *+*. concerning the physical agent involved in animal magnetism& and goes on to propose his own theory o- the interaction between magnetiAer and patient# 729

261% Magnetiser;s Maga'ine and Annals o# Animal Magnetism%

;ne volume only& 181(#

3ublished in %ondon& the magaAine was edited by 8# Corbau0 :1'(9W)186".# The periodical was o- short duration and consisted in **6 pages o- translation o- Noseph eleuAeDs Histoire criti/$e d$ magn'tisme animal) 729

262% Mitchill, $am+el *atham%

FA double consciousness& or a duality o- person in the same individual#G Medical Repository "H18+)18(# The -irst published account o- the Cary =eynolds case& one o- the earliest and best known instances o- multiple personality# 729

266% Montegre, Antoine .ranCois 9enin de%

Note sur le magnMtisme animal et sur les dangers Jue -ont courir les magnMtiseurs X leurs patients# 3arisH 8aine& 181(& 8 pp# 729

267% Parrot, 9% .%
Coup dDoeil sur le magnMtisme# 4aint 3etersburgH n#p#& 181(& (+ pp# An attempt by a physicist to reconcile the theory o- animal magnetic -luid with contemporary physics# 729

265% $+remain de Missery, Antoine%

?0amen de lDouvrage Jui a pour titreH F%e mystPre des magnMtiseurs et des somnambules dMvoilM au0 droites fmes et virtueuses par un homme du monde#G 3arisH N# K# entu& 181(& iv V +( pp# Criticism o- a book by the AbbM 8ustier on animal magnetism :8e mystPre des magn'tise$rs ) ) ) , entry number *++.# 729

266% Qernet, 9+les%

%a magnMtismomanie& ComMdie -olie en un acte& mOlMe de couplets# 3arisH 8ages& 181(& *( pp# 729

267% &e!er, 9oseph%

er tierische Cagnetismus& oder das Keheimnis des menschlichen %ebens aus dynamischpsychischen <rd-ten verstdndlich gemacht# %andshutH !eber& 181(# 729

263% &ol#art, :arl "hristian%

er Cagnetismus gegen die 4tieglitA-2u-elandische 4chri-t Qber den thierischen Cagnetismus in seinem wahren !erth behauptet# ,erlinH Nikola& 181(& viii V 9)1(* V :+. pp# !ol-art& one o- CesmerDs strongest supporters -rom ,erlin >niversity& here presents his view o- the controversy taking place between Nohann 4tieglitA :see entry number *+*. and Christoph 2u-eland :see entry number *($.# This work was written a-ter CesmerDs death& and !ol-art now -elt -ree to speak on the issues involved# 2e uses the occasion o- the controversy to present his own views on the nature o- animal magnetism and its theoretical implications# 729

269% ArchiA #Sr den thierischen Magnetism+s%
Eols# 1)1*H 181')18*6# This Lournal was continued asH +phin& 7e$es Archi( %3r den thierischen Magnetism$s $nd das 7achtle"en 3"erha$pt) ;ne vol# only& 18*+)18*(# 3ublished in %eipAig& the editor was C# A# von ?schenmayer# 729

274% aader, .ran' Aon%

bber die ?0tase oder das EerAucktseyn der magnetischen 4chla-redner# %eipAigH =eclam :parts 1 R *.& 181'I NQrmbergH Conath R <ussler :part ".& 1818# 729

271% apst, .% )%, and A'ais, Pierre H%

?0plication et emploi du magnMtisme# 3arisH n#p#& 181'& (" pp# 729

272% i!liothD?+e d+ magnBtisme animal, par MM% les mem!res de la $ociBtB d+ magnBtisme%
4ee entry number *68# 729

276% "oll, ===%

Traitement magnMtiJue suivi dDune guMrison remarJuable opMrMe par C# Coll& archiprOtre du canton de angM& prPs Chatellerault& dMpartement de la Eienne# N#p#H n#p#& 181'& 96 pp# 729

277% ,ele+'e, 9oseph Philippe .ranCois%

=Mponse au0 obLections contre le magnMtisme# 3arisH N# K# entu& 181'& +1 pp#

eleuAe answers criticisms leveled against the practitioners o- animal magnetism& particularly those criticisms concerning the morality o- what happens between magnetiAer and magnetiAed# 729

275% HerAier, "harles%

ThMorie du mesmMrisme& par un ancien ami du Cesmer& o\ lDon e0pliJue au0 dames ses principes naturels& pour le salut de leurs -amillesI et au0 sages de tous les pays& ses causes et ses e--ets& comme un bien-ait de la nature JuDils sont invitMs X rMpandre avec les prMcautions convenable& et dDaprPs lesJuelles plusieurs rois de lD?urope en ont encouragM lDusage dans leurs Mtats# 3arisH Agasse& 181'& 168 pp# 2ervier& an early disciple o- Cesmer& had been cured o- a serious illness by animal magnetism# 2e strongly supported Cesmer in the early years in 3aris :see 8ettre s$r la d'co$(erte d$ magn'tisme animal ) ) ) , entry number '1# This much later treatise gives his overall view o- the theory o- animal magnetism# 729

276% :linger, 9ohann A+g+st%

e magnetismo animali# !QrAburgH 8# ?# Nitribitt& 181'& (9 pp# 729

277% Pppert, "%

;bservations relatives X la lettre de C# 8riedlander& sur lDMtat actuel du magnMtisme en Allemagne# 3arisH N# K# entu& 181'& :*. V 19 pp# 729

273% P#a##, "% H%

bber und gegen den thierischen Cagnetismus und die LetAt vorherrschende TendenA au- dem Kebiete desselben# 2amburgH 3erthes R ,esser& 181'& 00ii V :*. V 186 pp# 3-a--& answering his own Juestion about why anyone should write yet another book on animal magnetism& says he is writing this one because o- the current lack o- critical Juestioning about animal magnetism and its phenomena# 2e had -irst been introduced to animal magnetism by Kmelin in 1'89 and he had been astounded by what he witnessed# 2e hoped that animal magnetism contained the core o- a new and comprehensive theory o- natural science# 2e states& however& that his hopes were dashed by subseJuent e0periences with somnambulists who turned out to be carrying out FLuggling actsG -or the bene-it o- their magnetiAers and -riends# This work is the result o- 3-a--Ds critical attitude towards the subLect# 3-a-- was aware o- the problem o- suggestion and the tendency o- the somnambulist to -ul-ill the subtle e0pectations o- the magnetiAer# 2e skeptically views the e0periences o- Kmelin& 8ischer& 8# 2u-eland& and others# 729

279% Ro+llier, A+g+ste%

?0position physiologiJue des phMnomPnes du magnMtisme animal et du somnambulismeH contenant des observations pratiJues sur les avantages et lDemploi de lDun et de lDautre dans le traitement des maladies aigugs et chroniJues# 3arisH N# K# entu& 181'& :6. V 0iv V *"6 V :*. pp# 729

234% &e!er, 9oseph%

bber Naturerkldrung Qberhaupt und Qber die ?rkldrung der thierisch-magnetischen ?rscheinungen aus dynamisch-psychischen <rd-ten inbesondere# ?in ergdnAender ,eitrag Aum Archiv den thierischen Cagnetismus# %andshutH !eber& 181'& 9( pp# 729

231% <&endel2&+rt', a!!B%>

4uperstitions et prestiges des philosophes& ou les demonolatres du siPcle des lumiPres par lDAuteur des 3rMcurseurs de lDAnte-Christ# %yonH =usand& 181'& viii V *"$ V :*. pp# 729

232% < ergasse, @icolas%>
ialogue entre un magnMtiseur Jui cherche les moyens de propager le magnMtisme et un incrMdule Jui croit lDavoir trouvM# 3arisH n#p#& 1818& 16 pp# A work in -avor o- animal magnetism attributed to ,ergasse# 729

236% latter #Sr hThere &ahrheit1 a+s altern +nd ne+ern Handschri#t +nd seltenen +chernJ mit !esonderer RSc(sicht a+# Magnetism+s%
Eols# 1)8I 1818)18*'# Neue 8olgeH Eols# 9)11& 18"$)18"*# 72 R 39

237% randis, 9% ,%
bber psychische 2eilmittel und Cagnetismus# CopenhagenH Kyldendal& 1818& :*. V ii V 1'* V :1. pp# ,randis& a Copenhagen physician& wrote the -irst part o- this work as a series o- Lournal articles# ,y way o- introduction& he describes his -irst e0posure to animal magnetism in 1'8+ when the -amous Nohann <asper %avater :1'61)18$1.& a correspondent o- 3uysMgur& came to Copenhagen# ,randis had been studying the ,ritish Fstroking doctor&G Kreatrakes& to -ind what healing hints might be contained in his techniJue# 2owever& %avater taught ,randisDs -riend& %ichtenberg& to magnetiAe& and ,randis -ound his attention diverted -rom Kreatrakes to

animal magnetism# /n this work ,randis describes his own e0periences in treating illnesses through FpsychicG and FmagneticG means# 2e discusses the healing power o- the will& the place o- sleep and somnambulism in healing and the nature o- magnetic healing# 729

235% <"hardel, "asimir Marie Marcellin Pierre "Blestin%>

CMmoire sur le magnMtisme animal& prMsentM X lDAcadMmie de ,erlin& en 1818# 3arisH ,andoin -rPres& 1818& ii V 69 pp# 729

236% <,allo', A% *% 9%>

iscours sur les principes gMnMrau0 de la thMorie vMgMtative et spirituelle de la nature& -aisant connaZtre le premier moteur de la circulation du sang& le principe du magnMtisme animal et celui du sommeil magnMtiJue& dit somnambulisme# 3arisH The Author& 1818& "$8 pp# A study that is more philosophical than e0perimental# 729

237% E!hardt, )% .%
Theologische und philosophische raisonnements in ,eAug au- den animalischen Cagnetismus nebst einer ,eleuchtung Qber =ealitdt und /rrealitdt# ;derH,licke au- Kott& Natur und den Censchen# %eipAigH <ollmann& 1818& 119 pp# 729

233% 9o+rnal de la $ociBtB d+ magnBtisme animal N Paris%

;ne issue only& 1818# This periodical appeared when the !i"liothP/$e d$ magn'tisme animal :entry number *'*. temporarily ceased publication# 4ince the !i"liothP/$e eventually continued& only one issue othe present Lournal appeared# 729

239% <$arra'in de Mont#errier, Ale5andre AndrB Qictor, pse+donym1 A% de *a+sanne%>

?lMments du magnMtisme animal& ou ?0position succinte des procMdMs& des phMnomPnes et de lDemploi du magnMtisme# 3arisH entu& 1818& +( pp# 4arraAin de Cont-errier& who wrote under the pseudonym de %ausanne& was editor o- the Annales d$ magn'tisme animal) 729

294% Qirey, 9+lien 9oseph%

?0amen impartial de la mMdecine magnMtiJue& de sa doctrine& de ses procMdMs et de ses cures# 3arisH 3anckouke& 1818& 9" pp#

An important abstract -rom the #ictionnaire des sciences m'dicales :Eol# *9& pp# 6(")++8& 1818. by a member o- the 8aculty o- Cedicine o- 3aris# This inJuiry into animal magnetism& although very critical& recogniAes the reality o- some o- the e--ects attributed to that phenomenon# ,ut rather than accepting the e0istence o- a physical agent& magnetic -luid& that produces those e--ects& Eirey believes that Fa--ectionsG or psychological -actors are su--icient e0planation# 729

291% Ueitschri#t #Sr psychische Aer'te%

Eols# 1)*I 1818)1819# This Lournal was continued asH 2eitschri%t %3r psychische Aer5te, mit "esonderer !er3c.sichtig$ng des Magnetism$s, Eols# ")+H 18*$)18**# 3ublished in %eipAig& it was edited by Christian 8riedrich Nasse :1''8)18+1.# 729

292% ,ele+'e, 9oseph Philippe .ranCois%
M-ense du magnMtisme animal contre les attaJues dont il est lDobLet dans le dictionnaire des sciences mMdicales# 3arisH ,erlin-%eprieur& 1819& :6. V *'$ pp# This work was written by eleuAe in response to the article on animal magnetism that appeared in the 1818 volume o- the #ictionnaire des sciences m'dicales :see Eirey& E&amen impartial ) ) ) & entry number *9$.# Author o- the Histoire criti/$e d$ magn'tisme animal :entry number *6". and one o- animal magnetismDs stoutest de-enders& eleuAe here attempts to answer EireyDs criticisms paragraph by paragraph# EireyDs article and eleuAeDs response constitute one o- the most intelligent and enlightening dialogues on animal magnetism to be -ound in the early nineteenth century# 729

296% Ennemoser, 9oseph%

er Cagnetismus nach der allseitiger ,eAiehung seines !esens& geschichtlichen ?ntwickelung von allen 5eiten und bei allen Ealkern wissenscha-tlich dargestellt# %eipAigH 8# A# ,rockhaus& 1819& 00iv V '81 V :". pp# 729

297% .aria, 9osB "+stodio de, a!!B%

e la cause du sommeil lucide& ou Mtude de la nature de lDhomme# Tome premier# 3arisH Cme# 2oriac& 1819& :(. V 6(" V :1. pp# This book by the AbbM 8aria is one o- the most important in the history o- animal magnetism# 8aria anticipated the views o- Ale0andre ,ertrand by some years& contending that the true cause o- the phenomena o- animal magnetism was psychological# 2e believed that& contrary to CesmerDs teaching& there is no magnetic -luid& and that& contrary to 3uysMgurDs teaching& the power o- the will o- the magnetiAer is not involved# /n other words& 8aria states that there is no e0ternal agent that produces the e--ects# =ather& the magnetiAer makes use o- s$ggestion

to produce a state o- Flucid sleep&G as 8aria calls arti-icial somnambulism# 2e says that the e0traordinary powers o- lucid sleep are always present in human beings& but normally unavailable# ,ecause the sleeper does not recogniAe them as natural abilities& they are attributed to an e0ternal agent# 8aria also states that the healing powers o- Flucid sleepG are due to the very power-ul e--ects o- suggestions coming -rom the operator# This edition o- the book is very rare# A new edition was published in 19$( :3arisH 2enri Nouvet. and is important because it contains comments on 8ariaDs doctrine by ,rown-4eJuard& %iMbeault& Killes de la Tourette& 3itres& CrocJ& Eires& and ,ernheim# Although the title suggests a volume to -ollow& none was ever published# 729

295% *om!ard, A%
%es dangers du magnMtisme animal et lDimportance dDen arrOter la propagation vulgaire# 3arisH entu and ,ailleul& 1819& vi V :'.)168 pp# %ombard sees little good in the practice o- animal magnetism and much danger# The book is a criticism o- those who have come to accept animal magnetism as a reality and a bene-icial medical techniJue :such as eleuAe.& and it is a warning to those who may receive magnetic treatment# Not the least among the many dangers %ombard sees in animal magnetism is the threat to FvirtueG o- young women who submit to the ministrations o- magnetiAers# 729

296% <$arra'in de Mont#errier, Ale5andre AndrB Qictor, pse+donym1 A% de *a+sanne%>

es principes et des procMdMs du magnMtisme animal& et de leurs rapports avec les lois de la physiJue et de la physiologie# * vols# 3arisH N# K# entu& :6. V 0li V :1. V *61I :6. V "16 V :1. pp# A signi-icant treatment o- the theory and practice o- animal magnetism by a man who adhered closely to CesmerDs approach and said little about somnambulism# The -irst volume describes in detail the techniJues to be used# /t contains an unusual and important section on the sensations e0perienced by the magnetiAer when treating a patient and how those sensations may be interpreted as indications o- procedures to be -ollowed in the treatment# Cont-errier claims that awareness o- the utility o- these subLective sensations goes all the way back to Cesmer& although this is the -irst detailed treatment o- the subLect in writing# The second volume begins with a theoretical and historical study o- animal magnetism and ends with instructions about treating speci-ic illnesses# e %ausanne& the author to whom this work is ascribed& is the pseudonym o- 4arraAin de Cont-errier& a mathematician and publicist who edited the -irst volumes o- the Annales d$ magn'tisme animal) 729

297% ArchiAes d+ magnBtisme animal%
4ee Annales d$ magn'tisme animal :entry number *68.# 729

293% HBnin de "+Aillers, Etienne .Bli5, !aron d;%

%e magnMtisme MclairM& ou introduction au0 archives du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH ,arrois& 18*$& *+* pp# An outspoken supporter o- animal magnetism with his own peculiar views on the subLect& 2Mnin de Cuvillers was as much criticiAed by the 4ociety o- Cagnetism o- 3aris& o- which he was a member& as by those who opposed animal magnetism# This was because& in his philosophical speculations and attempts to -ind historical antecedents to animal magnetism in the writings o- the ancients& he sometimes seemed to lose touch with the everyday application o- that art# 2Mnin de Cuvillers -ounded the periodical Archi(es d$ magn'tisme animal :see entry number *68. as the vehicle -or his uniJue views# This book is made up o- selections -rom that Lournal# 729

299% @ees Aon Esen!ec(, "hristian )ott#ried%

?ntwicklungsgeschichte des magnetischen 4chla-s und Traums# ,onnH Adolph Carcus& 18*$& :8. V 1+9 V :*. pp# A physician& botanist and natural philosopher& Nees von ?senbeck delivered these lectures in the summer o- 1818 when he was pro-essor o- natural science and director o- the botanic gardens in ?rlangen# /n this study o- sleep& dreams and magnetic somnambulism& he reiterates CesmerDs notion o- an inner sense which is capable o- receiving in-ormation not available to the -ive senses# According to Nees von ?senbeck& this accounts -or the paranormal abilities o-ten displayed by magnetic somnambulists# 729

644% @e+es ArchiA #Sr den thierischen Magnetism+s +nd das @achtle!en S!erha+pt%
N#p#H n#p#& 18*$W 4ee Archi( %3r den thierischen Magnetism$s :entry number *(9.# 729

641% ,ele+'e, 9oseph Philippe .ranCois%
;bservations adressMes au0 mMdecins Jui dMsireraient Mtablir un traitement magnMtiJue# 3arisH ,elin %e 3rieur& 18*1& *$ pp# An appeal by eleuAe to the medical pro-ession -or the acceptance o- animal magnetism as a healing resource# 729

642% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

?0posM des e0pMriences sur le magnMtisme animal -aites X lD2ctel ieu de 3aris pendant les mois dDoctobre& novembre et dMcembre 18*$# 3arisH ,Mchet& 18*1& '8 pp#

u 3otet was one o- the most important and in-luential investigators o- animal magnetism in nineteenth-century 8rance# 2e had early proved himsel- to be an e0tremely e--ective magnetiAer& and when r# 2usson& who worked at the 2ospital o- the 2ctel- ieu de 3aris& was looking -or someone to help him with e0periments in magnetic somnambulism& u 3otet was chosen# This book is an account o- those e0periments# /t is one o- the more signi-icant books in the -ield& since it marks the beginning o- a series o- events that led to the establishment o- a new 8rench commission to investigate animal magnetism& which eventually produced a positive report# Not only a good magnetiAer& u 3otet was also an e0cellent lecturer and writer# 2is lecture demonstration in %ondon caught Nohn ?lliotsonDs attention and initiated his interest in animal magnetism# 2e had a somewhat mystical view oanimal magnetism& but his many books were -or the most part very practical# u 3otet was the editor--ounder o- the important Eo$rnal de magn'tisme :entry number +18.# E&pos' des e&p'riences went through a number o- editions& the -ourth being included as a part o- a work written by u 3otet in 186( called Man$el de l9't$diant magn'tise$r :entry number +"6.# 729

646% ,+pa+, 9ean AmBdBe%

FAnalyse raisonMe de lDouvrage intitulMH %e magnMtisme MclairM& ou /ntroduction au0 Archives du magnMtisme animal#G Re($e m'dical histori/$e et philosophi/$e * :18*1.H *$)(9# An important review o- 8e magn'tisme 'clair' by 2Mnin de Cuvillers :see entry number *98.# 729

647% <Hannapier, "% R%>

TMratoscopie du -luide vital de la mensambulance& ou dMmonstration physiologiJue et psychologiJue de la possibilitM dDune in-initM de prodiges rMputMs -abuleu0& ou attribuMs par lDignorance des philosophes et par la superstition des ignorants X des causes -ausses et imaginaires# 3arisH entu& 18*1& "9* pp# iscusses somnambulism :FmensambulanceG. as a natural phenomenon that can e0plain many things considered to be supernatural# 729

645% HBnin de "+Aillers, Etienne .Bli5, !aron d;%

%a moral chrMtienne vengMe& ou rM-le0ions sur les crimes commis sous les prMte0tes spMcieu0 de la gloire de ieu et des intMrOts de la religion et observations historiJues et philosophiJues sur les -au0 miracles opMrMs par le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH ,arrois& 18*1& "19 pp# Another massive work by 2Mnin de Cuvillers on the subLect o- the historical antecedents oanimal magnetism# /n this work he describes the truth mi0ed with error in such practices as the Fhealing touch&G the wearing o- talismans& and the practices o- magic& emphasiAing the ways in which religions have misused the power inherent in their healing practices# 729

646% HBnin de "+Aillers, Etienne .Bli5, !aron d;%

%e magnMtisme animal retrouvM dans lDantiJuitM ou dissertation historiJue& MtymologiJue et mythologiJue sur ?sculape& 2ippocrate et Kalien& sur Apis& 4Mrapis ou ;siris et sur /sis suivie de recherches sur lDalchimie# 3arisH ,arrois& 18*1& 6"* pp#

%ike the authorDs 8e magn'tisme 'clair' :entry number *98.& this book is made up oselections -rom his Archi(es d$ magn'tisme animal) The second edition apparently had the titleH 8e magn'tisme animal %anta5i'&o$ssi/$e retro$(' dans l9anti/$it') ) ) ) 729

647% <Panin, ===%>

AbrMgM de la pratiJue du magnMtisme animal au di0-huitiPme et di0-neuviPme siPcles& ou Tableau alphabMtiJue des principales cures opMrMes depuis Cesmer LusJu X nos Lours# Keneva and 3arisH 18*1& **+ pp# 729

643% PassaAant, 9ohann "arl%

>ntersuchungen Qber den %ebensmagnetismus und das 2ellsehen# 8rank-urtH 2# %# ,ronner& 18*1& 0ii V 6"$ V :1. pp# 3assavant writes about the Fmagic powerG o- the human spirit and its relevance to healing and medicine# 2e views it as both natural and religious# 2e deals with somnambulism resulting -rom magnetiAing and describes the phenomena o- sympathy :rapport. and clairvoyance# 2e also e0amines natural somnambulism and clairvoyanceI clairvoyance in dreams& in sickness& near death& in contemplationI and prophetic clairvoyance# 72 R 39

649% HBnin de "+Aillers, Etienne .Bli5, !aron d;%
?0position critiJue du systPme et de la doctrine mystiJue des magnMtistes# 3arisH ,arrois& ,elin le 3rieur& Treuttel et !urtA& and elaunay& 18**& 0 V :11.)6*6 pp# ;ne o- a number o- books by 2Mnin de Cuvillers consisting o- selections -rom his Archi(es d$ magn'tisme animal :see entry number *68.# This work concentrates on certain mystical aspects o- the doctrine o- animal magnetism considered by the author to be embodied in the writings o- many religious and spiritual writers over the centuries# The last -orty pages o- the book give a concise summary o- the views o- the author on animal magnetism and its history since Cesmer# 729

614% :ieser, ,ietrich )eorg%

4ystem des Tellurismus oder thierischen Cagnetismus# ?in 2andbuch -Qr Natur-orscher und AerAte# * vols# %eipAigH 8# %# 2erbig& :*. V 000 V :1. V 6'8I :*. V ($* V :". pp# A physician& 3rivy Councillor& and pro-essor at Nena& <ieser was a strong supporter o- animal magnetism and heavily involved in investigating the clairvoyant Jualities o- magnetic somnambulists# 2e called the essential agent o- animal magnetism Ftelluric power&G associating animal magnetism with a generaliAed magnetic -orce# /n this lengthy and important work& he describes mineral& vegetable& and animal magnetism& attempting to provide a -oundation in physics -or animal magnetic phenomena# <ieser says that sleep is a general e0pression o- magnetic li-e and that somnambulism is a natural product o- the

application o- animal magnetic techniJues# /n describing magnetic healing& he places some emphasis on the power o- belie- as supplementary to the healing power o- animal magnetism itsel-# The second volume contains a history o- animal magnetism and a good bibliography# 729

611% *ill!opp, "% P% E%

ie !under des Christentums und deren Eerhdltnis Aum tierischen Cagnetismus& mit ,erQcksichtigung der neuesten !underheilungen nach ramisch-<athol# 3rincipien# CainAH Culler& 18**# 729

612% &esermann, H% M%
er Cagnetismus und die allgemeine !eltsprache# Creveld and CologneH Nohann 2einrich =uncke :Creveld. and Nohann 3eter ,achern :Cologne.& 18**& vii V *'1 V :1. pp# This work was intended as an introduction to the theory and practice o- animal magnetism# /n-ormation and cases are drawn -rom a variety o- sources# 729

616% ertrand, Ale5andre%
TraitM du somnambulisme& et des di--Mrentes modi-ications JuDil presente# 3arisH N# K# entu& 18*"& :6. V iv V "*1 pp# /n his rather short li-e& the physician ,ertrand wrote two important books on animal magnetism# The -irst o- the two is one o- the most thorough works on somnambulism written to that date# 2ere ,ertrand discusses the nature o- somnambulism -rom his own e0periments and those o- others# 2e describes the phenomena associated with arti-icial somnambulism& both the more ordinary phenomena and those which seem e0traordinary or paranormal# Among other things& ,ertrand describes somnambulistsD visions o- magnetic -luid emanating -rom the -ingers o- the magnetiAer& a phenomenon -irst noted by Tardy de Contravel :Essai# # #& entry number 1+*.# /n his second book :#$ magn'tisme animal en 0rance ) ) ) & entry number "*6.& ,ertrand will change his mind about the magnetic -luid& denying that it has any obLective e0istence# This book also has a section on somnambulistic ecstasy# 729

617% <,allo', A% *% 9%>

?ntretiens sur le magnMtisme animal et le sommeil magnMtiJue dit somnambulisme& dMvoilant cette double doctrine et pouvant servir X en porter un Lugement raisonnM# 3arisH eschamps& 18*"& :6. V iii V "+9 V :1. pp# 72 R 39

615% Pegger, Q% )% E%

TraitM philosophiJue sur la nature de lDfme et des -acultMs& o\ lDon e0amine le rapport JuDont avec la morale& le magnMtisme de C# Cesmer et le systPme de Kall# 3arisH ?berhart& 18*"& ii V 186 pp# 72 R 39

616% Ennemoser, 9oseph%
2istorisch-psychologische >ntersuchungen Qber den >rsprung und das !esen der menschlichen 4eele Qberhaupt& und Qber die beseelung des <indes insbesondere# ,onnH ,uschler& 18*6& :1. V 1*9 V :1. pp# 739

617% :erner, 9+stin+s Andreas "hristian%

Keschichte Aweyer 4omnambulen# Nebst einigen andern enkwQrdigkeiten aus dem Kebiete der magischen 2eilkunde und der 3sychologie# <arlsruheH K# ,raun& 0 V 6+* V :1. pp# Nustinus <erner& a physician and poet o- some note& developed a strong interest in animal magnetism and particularly the clairvoyant and ecstatic phenomena associated with it# This is his -irst work in the area and deals with his magnetic treatment o- two young women& the -irst treatment starting in 181( and the second in 18**# <erner believed the somnambulistic pronouncements o- these women to be valuable sources o- in-ormation about the soul and the spiritual li-e# 72 R 39

613% <P+ysBg+r, Armand Marie 9ac?+es de "hastenet, mar?+is de%>

Nournal du traitement magnMtiJue dDun Leune soldat& cavalier dans le rMgiment des lanciers de la garde royale& attaJuM dDun mal X la cheville du pied& dMgMnMrM en ulcPre--istuleu0# N#p#H n#p#& :18*6.& '( pp# 729

619% Ro!ert, ===%

=echerches et considMrations critiJues sur le magnMtisme animal avec un programme relatiau somnambulisme ariti-iciel ou magnMtiJue traduit du latin du docteur CetAger accompangnM de notes et suivi de rM-le0ions morales ou pensMes dMtachMes applicables au suLet# 3arisH ,ailliPre and entu& 18*6& "9( pp# 729

624% ,ele+'e, 9oseph Philippe .ranCois%

/nstruction pratiJue sur le magnMtisme animal& suivie dDun lettre Mcrite X lDauteur par un mMdecin Mtranger# 3arisH entu& 18*+& :6. V 6(8 V :6. pp# ?nglishH Practical 1nstr$ction in Animal Magnetism) Translated by Thomas C# 2artshorn# 3rovidenceH ,# Cranston R Co#& 18"'# ;ne o- the most popular manuals -or the practice o- animal magnetism ever written# /t went through at least -our editions in thirty years in 8rance and was translated into a number o-oreign languages# eleuAeDs instructions are clear and balanced in tone# 2e emphasiAes that animal magnetism is intended to be a source o- bene-it& a healing power -or those in distress# /t is not& in his opinion& a good idea to try placing the individual being magnetiAed into a state o- somnambulism simply to be able to satis-y oneDs curiosity about that phenomenon# The tone o- the manual is reminiscent o- that o- 3uysMgur& eleuAeDs inspiration# The good will othe magnetiAer is o- paramount importance to the outcome o- the treatment# eleuAe accepts the e0istence o- a magnetic -luid and describes how obLects may be employed as receptacles -or that -luid and used later in the healing process# The letter re-erred to takes up "( pages othe te0t and is -rom the Kerman physician <ore--# 729

621% .oissac, Pierre%

CMmoire sur le magnMtisme animal adressM X CC# les membres de lDAcadMmie des sciences et de lDAcadMmie de mMdecine# 3arisH idot le Leune& 18*+& 1$ pp# /n an appeal to the Academies o- 4cience and o- Cedicine in 3aris& 8oissac calls -or an investigation into the genuineness o- the phenomena o- animal magnetism& about which so much controversy was then raging# 8oissacDs proposal was debated by the Academy oCedicine and an investigatory commission was established in 18*(# 72 R 39

622% Rostan, *o+is%

u magnMtisme animal# 3arisH =ignou0& 18*+ :*. V 69 pp# =ostan& physician at the 2ospice de la vieillesse& wrote this article -or the 18*6 issue o- the #ictionnaire de m'decine) /n this work =ostan is mainly concerned with the genuineness othe phenomena o- magnetic somnambulism# 2e says that since there is so much controversy about the subLect& he can only state the conclusions he has arrived at -rom his own e0perience& without claiming to have the last word on the matter# 2e concedes that animal magnetism does produce a Fmodi-ication o- the nervous system&G and that this modi-ication can bring about salutary e--ects on the health o- the magnetic subLect# ,ut =ostan has serious doubts about the reality o- the allegedly paranormal magnetic phenomena& such as clairvoyance# 2e points out that since the will o- the magnetiAer is necessarily involved in producing the magnetic state& there is a great deal o- room -or error in observing such phenomena& since the wish can deceive one about the -act# 729

626% $phin51 @e+es ArchiA #Sr den thierischen Magnetism+s +nd das @achtle!en S!erha+pt%
N#p#H n#p#& 18*+# 4ee Archi( %3r den thierischen Magnetism$s :entry number *(9.# 729

627% ertrand, Ale5andre 9ac?+es .ranCois%
u magnMtisme animal en 8rance& et des Lugements JuDen ont portMs les sociMtMs savantes& avec le te0te des divers rapports -aits en 1'86 par les commissaires de lDAcadMmie des sciences& de la 8acultM et de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine& et une analyse des derniPres sMances de lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecine et du rapport de C# 2ussoI suivi de considMrations sur lDapparition de lDe0tase& dans les traitements magnMtiJues# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 18*(& :6. V +"9 pp# #$ magn'tisme animal is one o- the most important works on the history and theory o- animal magnetism& and ,ertrandDs second book on the subLect# ,etween the writing o- his -irst book :Drait' d$ somnam"$lisme, entry number "1". and this one& ,ertrand changes his mind about the true nature o- animal magnetism and magnetic somnambulism# 2e no longer accepts the e0istence o- a universal magnetic -luid as the agent that produces the phenomena associated with animal magnetism& even though he maintains the genuineness o- the phenomena themselves# ,ertrand believes that evidence o-ten cited in -avor o- the e0istence o- the -luid :e#g#& claims o- somnambulists to be able to see the -luid emanating -rom the -ingertips o- the magnetiAer. is largely based on preconceived ideas that a--ect the imaginations and e0pectations o- both magnetiAer and magnetic subLect# !ith this acknowledgement o- the importance o- suggestion& ,ertrand anticipates the ideas o- ,raid about the true nature oanimal magnetic phenomena# Cost o- the book is devoted to the history o- animal magnetism and is one o- the best sources -or that subLect up to the time o- its publication# /t includes the reports o- the 8rench commissions o- 1'86 :including the secret report. and also a report othe Academy o- Cedicine written by 2usson and delivered in 18*+# The second part o- the book takes up the subLect o- ecstasy and its relationship to somnambulism# This part has a very valuable discussion o- the history o- ecstatic phenomena over the ages# 729

625% <"hardel, "asimir Marie Marcellin Pierre "Blestin%>

?sJuisse de la nature humaine e0pliJuMe par le magnMtisme animal prMcMdMe dDun aper[u du systPme gMnMral de lDunivers& et contenant lDe0plication du somnambulisme magnMtiJue et de tous les phMnomPnes du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH entu et elaunay& 18*(& "(8 pp# A very ambitious work intended as an analysis o- human nature in the conte0t o- an understanding o- the whole o- nature# The last section is devoted to animal magnetism and the light it sheds on the problem# Chardel mentions an unusual case o- somnambulism that continued over a period o- months# 729

626% ,ele+'e, 9oseph Philippe .ranCois%

%ettre X messieurs les membres de lDacadMmie de mMdecine& sur la marche Jui convient de suivre pour -i0er lDopinion publiJue relativement X la rMalitM du magnMtisme animal& au0 avantages JuDon peut en retirer& et au0 dangers JuDil prMsente lorsJuDon en -ait une application inconsidMrMe# 3arisH ,Mchet Leune& 18*(& "( pp# A letter to the 8rench Academy o- Cedicine with suggestions about how to make known to the public in a balanced way the -acts connected with the practice o- animal magnetism# 729

627% ,issertation s+r la mBdecine et le magnBtisme, triomphe d+ somnam!+lisme%

3arisH oyen& 18*(& 8$ pp# 729

623% ,+pa+, 9ean AmBdBe%

%ettres physiologiJues et morales sur le magnMtisme animal& contenant lDe0posM critiJue des e0pMriences les plus rMcentes& et une nouvelle thMorie sur ses causes& ses phMnomPnes et ses applications X la mMdecineI adressMes X C# le 3ro-esseur Alibert# 3arisH Kabon et al#& 18*(& 0ii V :*. V *68 pp# upau writes o- his belie- that animal magnetism has not been proven to be anything more than the work o- imagination# 2e agrees that real e--ects take place& but is not convinced that they are the result o- a magnetic -luid# upau also criticiAes the statements o- certain writers who have witnessed the Fhigher phenomenaG o- somnambulism& saying that their observations may have been -aulty# 729

629% .oissac, Pierre%

4econd mMmoire sur le magnMtisme animal# ;bservations particuliPres sur une somnambule prMsentMe X la commission nommMe par lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecine pour lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH n#p#& 18*(& "' pp# 8oissacDs -irst M'moire :entry number "*1. had led to the establishment o- the Commission o- the =oyal Academy o- Cedicine to investigate animal magnetism# This second M'moire supports the use o- animal magnetism as a supplement to conventional medical procedures# 729

664% *;Hermes, 9o+rnal d+ magnBtisme animal% P+!liB par +ne $ociBtB de MBdecins%
Eols# 1)6I 18*()18*'# An important Lournal on animal magnetism that included among its contributors eleuAe& 8oissac and Nudel# 729

661% <Mialle, $imon%>

?0posM par ordre alphabMtiJue des cures opMrMes en 8rance par le magnMtisme animal& depuis Cesmer LusJuDX nos Lours :1''6)18*(.& ouvrage o\ lDon a rMuni les attestations de plus de *$$ mMdecins& tant magnMtiseurs Jue tMmoins& ou guMris par le magnMtisme# 4uivi dDun catalogue complet des ouvrages -ran[ais Jui ont MtM publiMs pour& sur ou contre le magnMtisme# * vols# 3arisH N# K# entu& 18*(& :6. V 0li V :". V (1*I :6. V +6" V :1. pp# Cialle& a strong supporter o- animal magnetism and a good scholar& describes the cures accomplished by animal magnetism -rom 1''6 to 18*(# 2e reports these in an order which is

alphabetical by disease& starting with FabcPs#G %isting the person treated& the magnetiAer& the procedures used& the results& and the source o- his in-ormation& Cialle also has a lengthy bibliography at the end and a use-ul inde0# The work is dedicated to the memory o- the CarJuis de 3uysMgur# 729

662% <"hardel, "asimir Marie Marcellin Pierre "Blestin%>
;bservations de lDauteur de lD?sJuisse de la nature humaine sur lDarticle magnMtisme animal& insMrM dans le 1"e volume du dictionnaire de mMdecine par le r =ostan# 3arisH n#p#& 18*'& 1* pp# ChardelDs comments on =ostanDs -amous essay on animal magnetism :see entry number "**.# 729

666% <"rampon, ===%>

%e magnMtisme animal X lDusage des gens du monde suivi de JuelJues lettres en opposition X ce mode de guMrison# %e 2avreH Chapelle& 18*'& '9 pp# The author was criticiAed by a local paper about certain cures he per-ormed through animal magnetism# This is his response to that criticism# 729

667% *e propagate+r d+ magnBtisme animal% 9o+rnal destinB N la p+!lication des #aits et des e5pBriences, etc%, de l;histoire d+ magnBtisme etc%, de la criti?+e des o+Arages etc% etc%, par +ne $ociBtB de mBdecins%
Eols# 1)*I 18*')18*8# ?dited by Nules u 3otet and 3ierre Nean Chapelain and published in 3aris# 729

665% *ordat, 9ac?+es%

=Mponse X la lettre de C# le octeur CaAaintre sur un cas de transposition des sens# ContpellierH n#p#& 18*'& "$ pp# A treatise con-irming the reality o- the transposition o- the senses to di--erent parts o- the body o- a magnetiAed subLect# The author was a pro-essor o- medicine at Contpellier# 729

666% ,ele+'e, 9oseph Phillipe .ranCois%
e lDMtat actuel du magnMtisme# # # # :3aris.H n#p#& 18*8& *6 pp# 729

667% Marne, M% % % % de la%

]tude raisonnMe du magnMtisme animal et preuves de lDintervention des puissances in-ernales dans les phMnomPnes du somnambulisme magnMtiJue# 3aris and %yonH Kaume& =usand :3aris. and =usand :%yon.& 18*8& "( pp# 3resents a viewpoint earlier e0pressed by 8iard :entry number **". and othersH that animal magnetism and the phenomena o- magnetic somnambulism are real& but the work o- the devil# 72 R 39

663% $+e, )% A% /%
iscours sur le magnMtisme animal& lu X la sMance publiJue de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine de Carseille tenue le 11 novembre 18*'# CarseillesH Achard& 18*8& *6 pp# 729

669% "heAeni5, R%
F;n Cesmerism& /mproperly enominated Animal Cagnetism#G 8ondon Medical and Physical Eo$rnal, Carch& Nune& August& ;ctober& 18*9# Cheveni0 had been trained in animal magnetism in 3aris and in 18*9 brought it to ?ngland# Although animal magnetism had been introduced in the 1'9$Ds it had not established itsel- as a respectable undertaking# 2owever& when Cheveni0 made some demonstrations in 18*9& the physician Nohn ?lliotson saw them and was impressed# This marked a new era -or animal magnetism in ,ritain and these articles describe Cheveni0Ds approach to the subLect# 729

674% ,+ "omm+n, 9oseph%

Three %ectures on Animal Cagnetism& as elivered in New @ork& at the 2all o- 4cience& on the *(th o- Nuly& *d and 9th o- August# New @orkH ,erard R Condon& 18*9& '8 pp# The earliest treatise on animal magnetism published in the >nited 4tates# u Commun& a contributor to Annales d$ magn'tisme animal, practiced animal magnetism in 3aris be-ore coming to the >nited 4tates and teaching 8rench at the !est 3oint Cilitary Academy# These lectures are a well-constructed& popular-style introduction to animal magnetism# The -irst lecture covers the history o- animal magnetism& the second deals with its applications and e--ects& while the third lecture discusses theory# u Commun was acJuainted with <ing Charles e& 8ranceDs reigning monarch at the time o- these lectures# /n 1816 he presented Charles with the -irst three volumes o- the Annales d$ magn'tisme animal :entry number *68.& which the king received approvingly# Charles e :previously known as the Comte dDArtois& to whom Charles D?slon had been personal physician. had& in 18*(& appointed a commission drawn -rom the =oyal Academy o- Cedicine to investigate the genuineness othe phenomena o- animal magnetism# /n these lectures& u Commun states his belie- that& since the king is -avorable to animal magnetism& it would soon be accepted with the respect that was its due# 729

671% :erner, 9+stin+s Andreas "hristian%

ie 4eherin von 3revorstI ?ra--nungen Qber das innere %eben des Censchen und Qber das 2ereinragen einer Keisterwelt in die unsere# * vols# 4tuttgart and TQbingenH N# K# Cotta& 18*9# ?nglishH +eeress o% Pre(orst) !eing Re(elations Boncerning the 1nner-8i%e o% Man, and the 1nter-#i%%$sion o% a ,orld o% +pirits in the *ne ,e 1nha"it) Translated by Catherine Crowe# %ondonH N# C# Coore& 186+# Nustinus <erner& physician and poet& had become acJuainted with animal magnetism through ?berhard Kmelin :1'+1)18$8. and soon developed a keen interest in the apparent clairvoyant and visionary powers o- somnambulists# /n 18*( a young woman& 8riederike 2au--e& was brought to <erner in a state o- severe depression# 4he was also in bad physical shape& and <erner undertook her physical and psychological treatment# This book is an account o- that undertaking# ?arly in his treatment o- 8riederike 2au--e& <erner decided to use animal magnetism# The woman was a good subLect and easily became somnambulistic# /n her trance states& she had visions& premonitions& and clairvoyant e0periences# <erner believed in the genuineness o- these phenomena& recording them with great care in this account# 72 R 39

672% <QillenaAe, Mathie+ )+illa+me /hBrDse de%>

%a vMritM du magnMtisme prouvMe par les -aitsI e0traits des notes et des papiers de Cme Alina D?ldir& nMe dans lD2indoustan& par un ami de la vMritMI suivie dDune notice inMdite sur Cesmer& Jui avait MtM composMe et mise en page pour la F,iographie >niverselle#G 3arisH n#p#& 18*9& 1$" pp# 729

676% Eschenmayer, "arl Adolph Aon%
Cysterien des innern %ebensI erldutert aus der Keschichte der 4eherin von 3revorst& mit ,erQcksichtigung der bisher erschienenen <ritiken# TQbingenH Kuttenberg& 18"$& 0viii V 1'( pp# ?schenmayer was a physician& philosophy pro-essor& and co-editor o- Archi( %3r den thierischen Magnetism$s :entry number *(9.# 8ollowing in the vein o- Nung-4tilling& ?schenmayer was interested in the occult and mystical implications o- animal magnetism# ?schenmayer was a -riend o- Nustinus <erner :1'8()18(*.& and this book contains comments and re-lections on <ernerDs -amous F4eeress o- 3revorst#G 72 R 39

677% Horst, )eorg "onrad%

euteroskoppie& oder merkwQrdige psychische und physiologische ?rscheinungen und 3robleme aus dem Kebiete der 3neumatologie# 8Qr =eligionsphilosophen& 3sychologen und

denkende AerAte# ?ine nothige ,eilage Aur dmono-magie& wie Aur 5auber-,ibliothek# * vols# 8rank-urtH !ilmans& 18"$& *+(I *(6 pp# !ell known in its day& a thorough study o- the phenomenon o- Fsecond sight#G 739

675% Macnish, Ro!ert%

The 3hilosophy o- 4leep# KlasgowH !# =# CD3hun& 18"$& 0i V *(8 pp# CacnishDs well-known treatise on sleep has sections on sleepwalking& sleep-talking and trance with comparisons to magnetic sleep# 2e also re-ers to the Cary =eynolds case o- dual or alternating personality& but not by name# This omission led to con-usion among some later writers who mention Cary =eynolds and Fthe lady o- CacnishG as two separate cases omultiple personality# 729

676% @e0nham, &illiam%

?ssay on 4uperstitionI ,eing an /nJuiry into the ?--ects o- 3hysical /n-luence on the Cind& in the 3roduction o- reams& Eisions& Khosts& and ;ther 4upernatural Appearances# %ondonH N# 2atchard and 4on& 18"$& 0vi V 6"$ V :*. pp# A little-known work o- real signi-icance -or the history o- both animal magnetism and ophysical research# Newnham wrote the book under the patronage o- the ,ishop o- !inchester and it was clearly an attempt to use physiological and psychological terms to e0plain supernatural or supernormal phenomena which embarrass the Church# Newnham does not deny the possible e0istence o- supernormal phenomena& but he believes that since there are natural e0planations -or so many instances& one would have to be open to the idea that natural e0planations apply to all# NewnhamDs chapters on sleep& dreams and somnambulism include an appreciative discussion o- animal magnetism# This appeared seven years be-ore ?lliotsonDs invitation to u 3otet to do medical e0periments with animal magnetism at %ondonDs >niversity 2ospital and started a strong wave o- interest in the subLect throughout ?ngland# 72 R 39

677% *e Aisionnaire, o+ la Aictime imaginaire d+ magnBtisme% Histoire ABrita!le, contenant la description d;+ne monomanie sans e5emple et dans la?+elle sont consignBs les lettres a+tographes, ainsi ?+e les rB#le5ions, traits de dBmence et rBcits d+ monomaneJ le to+t prBcBdB d;+ne es?+isse s+r sa Aie et ses actions L+s?+;N ce Lo+r%
4tuttgartH Charles 2o--mann& 18"$& 1+* pp# 729

673% latter a+s PreAorst% Priginalen +nd *e!en#r+chte #Sr .re+nde des innern *e!ens%

Eols# 1)1*I 18"1)18"9# Continued asH Magi.on Archi( %3r !io"acht$ngen a$s dem 4e"iete der 4eister.$nde $nd des magnetischen $nd magischen 8e"ens) 7e"st andern 2$ge"en %3r 0re$nde des 1nnern) Eols# 1)+I 186$)18+"# 3ublished at 4tuttgart and originally edited by Nustinus <erner :1'8() 18(*. and A# C# A# von ?schenmayer :1'(8)18+*.& this periodical published articles giving in-ormation about developments in the areas o- the occult and animal magnetism# /t contains stories and descriptions o- cases o- magnetic cures& hauntings& and mysterious phenomena in general# 72 R 39

679% "hardel, "asimir Marie Marcellin Pierre "Blestin%

?ssai de psychologie physiologiJue# 3arisH ?ncyclopMdie 3ortative& 18"1& 00iv V "'* pp# A detailed study o- the nature o- animal magnetism and its phenomena# /n this work Chardel makes a serious attempt to incorporate animal magnetism into an elaborate philosophical and religious system# 2e believes in the reality o- the magnetic -luid& although he recogniAes the power-ul in-luence the imagination can have over the body# iscussing Juestions related to apparitions and the spiritual li-e in general& he suggests that both magnetic cures and ecstatic spiritual communication are valid human e0periences that reveal the two sides o- human natureH the material and the spiritual# 729

654% H+sson, Henri Marie%

=apport sur les e0pMriences magnMtiJues -aites par la commission de lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecine& lu dans les sMances des *1 et *8 Nuin& par C# 2usson& rapporteur# :3aris.H n#p#& 18"1& 9( pp# The report o- the -indings o- the commission set up by the =oyal Academy o- Cedicine o3aris to look into animal magnetism# 2usson was the reporter o- the commission and so the report bears his name# The report was -avorable to animal magnetism& describing e0periences o- healing through animal magnetism and instances o- paranormal phenomena connected with somnambulism# The report was published in its entirety in the book by 8oissacH Rapports et disc$ssions de l9Acad'mie royale de m'decine :entry number "++.# 729

651% :ieser, ,ietrich )eorg%

bber die eigentQmliche 4eelenstarung der sogenannten F4eherin von 3revorst#G ,erlinH Eereins ,uchhandlung& 18"1& :". V +* pp# 72 R 39

652% rierre de oismont, Ale5andre 9ac?+es .ranCois%
es hallucinations ou histoire raisonnMe des apparitions& des visions& des songes& de lDe0tase& des rOves& du magnMtisme et du somnambulisme# 3arisH K# ,ailliPre& 18"*& 0v V '19 pp#

A remarkably comprehensive and particularly valuable study o- hallucinations# The author provides a vast panorama o- instances o- hallucination o- all kinds over the ages& such as those associated with various types o- insanity& those e0perienced by hysterics& the hallucinations onightmares and dreams& hallucinations e0perienced in the state o- ecstasy or somnambulism produced by animal magnetism& those connected with -ever& etc# ,rierre de ,oismont believes there are two types o- causes o- hallucinationsH the moral :or psychological. and the physical# 2e also describes the way hallucinations begin& how they are diagnosed and how they may be treated# 72 R 39

656% .illassier, Al#red%

TuelJues -aits et considMrations pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal# ThPse No# *6"# 3arisH idot& 18"*& 91 pp# A medical thesis written on animal magnetism# /t -ocusses on the phenomenon o- the Ftransposition o- the sensesG -irst noted by Tardy de Contravel and 3etetin# This re-ers to an apparent change o- location o- the sense o- hearing& -or e0ample& -rom the ears to the stomach& that occurred while the subLect was in a somnambulistic state# 729

657% "ol?+ho+n, 9ohn "amp!ell, ed%
=eport o- the ?0periments on Animal Cagnetism& Cade by a Committee o- the Cedical 4ection o- the 8rench =oyal Academy o- 4ciencesH =ead at the Ceetings o- the *1st and *8th o- Nune& 18"1& Translated and Now -or the 8irst Time 3ublishedI with an 2istorical and ?0planatory /ntroduction& and an Appendi0# ?dinburghH =obert Cadell& 18""& 0ii V *+* pp# An ?nglish translation o- the -avorable report on animal magnetism made by the 8rench =oyal Academy o- Cedicine :see 2usson& Rapport s$r les e&p'riences magn'ti/$es ) ) ) & entry number "+$.# The translation is preceded by a long introduction by ColJuhoun& who was one o- animal magnetismDs staunchest supporters in ?ngland# This book constitutes& in -act& the -irst edition o- what ColJuhoun would later call 1sis Re(elata :entry number "'*.# ColJuhoun states in the title that the report is Fnow -or the -irst time publishedG because the original 8rench edition by 2usson was very rare and never broadly distributed publicly# 729

655% .oissac, Pierre%

=apports et discussions de lDacadMmie royale de mMdecine sur le magnMtisme animal& recueillis par un stMnographe& et publiMs& avec des notes e0plicatives# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 18""& +(1 pp# /t reports the studies and discussions carried out by the commission appointed by the academies o- science and medicine o- 3aris to investigate animal magnetism and originally set up at the suggestion o- 8oissac who wrote a m'moire on the matter in 18*+ :entry number "*1.# The conclusions o- the commission& stated here& are very -avorable to animal magnetism& pointing out its use-ulness as well as its limitations# 729

656% <:erner, 9+stin+s%>

bber das ,esessenseyn oder das aseyn und den ?in-luss des boesen Keisterreichs in der alten 5eit# Cit ,erQcksichtungen ddmonischen ,esitAungen der neuen 5eit# 2eilbronnH rechsler& 18""& 11( pp# 72 R 39

657% eiden, *em+el &%
An Account o- Nane C# =ider& the 4pring-ield 4omnambulistH the 4ubstance o- which was elivered as a %ecture ,e-ore the 4pring-ield %yceum& Nan# **& 18"6# 4pring-ield& CassachusettsH K# and C# Cerriam& 18"6& viii V :9.)1"6 V :1. pp# This appears to be one o- the earliest -ull-length accounts o- a case o- spontaneous somnambulism accompanied by clairvoyance and double memory to be published in the >nited 4tates# The phenomena reported are identical to those that were at the time mani-esting in magnetic somnambulism& but the author was unwilling to ascribe Nane =iderDs -eats to that source# 72 R 39

653% ,ele+'e, 9oseph Philippe .ranCois%

CMmoire sur la -acultM de prMvisionH suivi des notes et piPces Lusti-icatives recueillis par C# Cialle# 3arisH Crochard& 18"6& 1($ pp# eleuAe looks into the ancient history o- FprevisionG :-oreseeing the -uture. and also takes note o- contemporary instances# ,elieving that prevision is not to be e0plained in terms osome supernatural power& he suggests that it is the result o- an instinctive collation oin-ormation available to the subLect# 72 R 39

659% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

Cours de magnMtisme animal# 3arisH The Author& 18"6& 6+( pp# The second edition o- this book is called Bo$rs de magn'tisme en 7 leQons, a$gm) d9$n rapport s$r les e&p'riences magn'ti/$es %aites par la commission de l9Acad'mie de m'decine en 1>;1) The third edition is titled Drait' complet de magn'tisme animal) ?ach new edition was heavily revised and augmented& the third ending up with (*( pages# /n its -inal -orm it has twelve lessons and it deals with the history o- animal magnetism& discussing certain theoretical and practical aspects in that conte0t# /n the process u 3otet manages to mention the opinions o- many o- the chie- 8rench investigators o- animal magnetism& and a -ew -rom outside 8rance# /n the tenth lesson& he takes up the subLect o- magnetic somnambulism and communication with spirits# /n the eleventh he deals with hallucinations and apparitions# The -inal lesson is concerned with the surgical use o- animal magnetism& including the less-known operations per-ormed at Cherbourg# 72 R 39

664% 9o'0i(, Al!ert%

issertation sur le magnMtisme animal& thPse soutenue X la 8acultM de 3aris le 1" ao_t 18"6# 3arisH idot& 18"6& 1* pp# ;ne o- a number o- medical theses on animal magnetism submitted in the mid-nineteenth century# 729

661% :erner, 9+stin+s Andreas "hristian%

Keschichten ,esessener neurerer 5eit# ,eobachtungen aus dem Kebiete kakoddmonischmagnetischer ?rscheinungen# Nebst =e-le0ionen von C# A# ?schenmayer Qber ,essessenseyn und 5auber# 4tuttgartH !achendor-& 18"6& vii V 19+ pp# An account o- apparent possession o- a peasant girl who passed on communications -rom the possessing entity who appeared to her in a monklike costume# The entity told a sordid story oimmoral se0 and murder alleged to have taken place in the house now occupied by the girl and her -amily# <erner relates how& at the urging o- the apparition& the house was torn down& ancient bones o- adults and children were -ound& and the possession was brought to an end# 739

662% *eonard, ===%

CagnMtisme& son histoire& sa thMorie& son application au traitement des maladies& mMmoire envoyM X lDAcadMmie de ,erlin# 3arisH uvignau& 18"6& '( pp# An essay written in response to a reJuest -or papers by the Academy o- ,erlin# The subLect is animal magnetism& its history and its practical use# 729

666% Maine de iran, Marie .ranCois Pierre )onthier de iran dit%

Nouvelles considMrations sur le sommeil& les songes et le somnambulismeI mMmoire posthume de C# Caine de ,iran& lu X lDAcadMmie des sciences morales et politiJues& le "1 mai& 18"6& par C# E# Cousin# N#p#H n#p#& :18"6.& '' pp# A study o- sleep and somnambulism written by a well-known philosopher& and published posthumously# The author discusses the state o- the body during sleep& the suspension o- will and the persistence o- other -aculties# 2e e0amines the various types o- dreams and investigates somnambulism& which he considers to be a special kind o- dream# 729

667% $imon, "la+de )a!riel%

CMmoire sur le magnMtisme animal et sur son application au traitement des maladies mentales& lu au CongrPs scienti-iJue de 3oitiers& le 11 septembre 18"6# 3arisH Kuiraudet et Nouaust& 18"6& 19 pp# 729

665% erna, ,idier 9+les%

?0pMriences et considMrations X lDappui du magnMtisme animal& thPse prMsentMe et soutenue X la -acultM de 3aris# 3arisH n#p#& 18"+& 6$ pp# /n this treatise presented to the 3aris 8aculty o- Cedicine& ,erna proposes to demonstrate the reality o- the psychic phenomena o- animal magnetism# 2is proposal was accepted by the =oyal Academy o- Cedicine& which allowed ,erna to use his own subLects -or the e0periments# 729

666% *es dangers d+ magnBtisme animal%

3arisH %eclerc et elossy& 18"+& *" pp# The author sees animal magnetism as dangerous -rom both moral and physical points o- view# 729

667% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

iscours sur le magnMtisme animal prononcM le 1" -Mvrier 18"+ X lDAthMnMe central# :3aris.H Cme de %acombe& :18"+.& "* pp# u 3otet speaks in -avor o- the use o- animal magnetism as a medical tool and points out the -laws o- conventional medicine# 729

663% .echner, )+staA /heodor%

as ,uchlein vom %eben nach dem Tode# %eipAigH /nsel-Eerlag& :18"+W.& +9 pp# 739

669% Hammard, "harles Pierre )+illa+me%

?0pMrience sur le magnMtisme animal& thPse prMsentMe et soutenue X la 8acultM de mMdecine de 3aris# 3arisH n#p#& 18"+& 18 pp# 729

674% *ee, Ed0in%

Animal Cagnetism and 2omeopathyI ,eing the Appendi0 to ;bservations on the 3rincipal Cedical /nstitutions and 3ractice o- 8rance& /taly& and Kermany# %ondonH Churchill& 18"+& 6$ pp# 729

671% Magnet%
;ne vol# onlyI 18"+#

3ublished in 2anover& New 2ampshire# 3ossibly the earliest American periodical devoted to animal magnetism# 729

672% "ol?+ho+n, 9ohn "amp!ell%
/sis =evelataI an /nJuiry into the ;rigin& 3rogress R 3resent 4tate o- Animal Cagnetism# * vols# ?dinburghH Caclachlan R 4tewart& 18"(& lii V "9+I 0ii V 61( pp# A revised and much enlarged version o- the Report o% the E&periments on Animal Magnetism ) ) ) -ith an Historical and E&planatory 1ntrod$ction and an Appendi& published by ColJuhoun in 18"" :entry number "+6.# The introduction o- that small book was e0panded into this maLor two-volume work on the history and meaning o- animal magnetism# 1sis Re(elata was the only treatise written in ?nglish which attempted to give a -ar-reaching e0position o- the historical and philosophical conte0t o- animal magnetism# As such it -urnished a strong impetus to the establishment in ?ngland o- animal magnetism as a subLect worthy o- serious consideration# /t predated ?lliotsonDs introduction o- animal magnetism as an anaesthetic into ?ngland :see ?lliotson& entry number 6'6. and it prepared the way -or the magnetic e0periments o- later ,ritish mesmerists such as Townshend& Cayo& Kregory and 2addock# 729

676% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

%D>niversitM de Contpellier et le magnMtisme animal& ou une vMritM nouvelle en prMsence de vieilles erreurs# ,MAiersH CarriPre& 18"(& '1 pp# escription o- u 3otetDs encounter with the >niversity o- Contpellier and a talk he gave in Contpellier to a scienti-ic congress# 729

677% H+sson, Henri Marie%

=eport on the Cagneticah ?0periments Cade by the Commission o- the =oyal Academy oCedicine& o- 3aris& =ead in the Ceetings o- Nune *1 and *8& 18"1# by Cr# 2usson& the =eporter& Translated -rom the 8rench& and 3receded with an /ntroduction& by Charles 3oyen 4t# 4auveur# ,ostonH # <# 2itchcock& 18"(& l00i V :1. V '")1'* pp# An ?nglish translation o- the -avorable 8rench report on animal magnetism produced in 18"1 by 2usson :see entry number "+$.# The translator is Charles 3oyen& a key -igure in the early populariAation o- animal magnetism into the >nited 4tates# 2is long introduction is an important document in itsel-& and so this item is listed separately -rom the 8rench entry o- the =eport# 729

675% :erner, 9+stin+s Andreas "hristian%

?ine ?rscheinung aus dem nachtgebiete der Natur& durch eine =eihe von 5eugen gerichtlich bestdtigt und den Natur-orschern Aum ,edenken mitgetheilt# 4tuttgart and TQbingenH N# K# Cotta& 18"(& 0lvi V "1$ pp#


676% :erner, 9+stin+s Andreas "hristian%

Nachricht von dem Eorkommen des ,esessenseyns eines ddmonisch-magnetischen %eidens und seiner schon im Alterthum bekannten 2eilung durch magisch-magnetisches ?inwirken& in einem 4endschreiben an den 2errn ;bermedicinalrath r# 4chelling in 4tuttgart# 4tuttgart and AugsburgH N# K# Cotta& 18"(& :6. V '$ pp# <erner describes his method o- treatment o- apparent possession through a combination oreligious& occult& and animal-magnetic techniJues# 72 R 39

677% Ricard, 9ean 9oseph Adolph%

octrine du magnMtisme humain et du somnambulisme# CarseilleH Eial& 18"(& vi V 1+( pp# =icard was editor o- Eo$rnal de magn'tisme animal :entry number 611. and a proli-ic writer in support o- animal magnetism# The book contains a history o- animal magnetism and a description o- the techniJues o- Cesmer& 3uysMgur& eleuAe& and others# 729

673% $chopenha+er, Arth+r%

bber den !illen in der Natur# ?ine ?rarterung der ,estdtigungen& welche die 3hilosophie des Eer-assers& seit ihrem Au-treten& durch die empirischen !issenscha-ten erhalten hat# 8rank-urtH 4# 4chmerber& 18"(& 1"+ pp# Contains a chapter called FAnimalischer Cagnetismus und CagieG in which 4chopenhauer relates animal magnetism to his doctrine o- will# 72 R 39

679% &irth, 9ohann 8lrich%

Theorie des 4omnambulismus oder des thierischen Cagnetismus# ?in Eersuch& die Cysterien des magnetischen %ebens& den =apport der 4omnambulen mit dem CagnMtiseur& ihre 8erngesichte und Ahnungen& und ihren Eerkehr mit der Keisterwelt vom 4tandpunkte vorurtheils-reier <ritik aus Au erhellen und erkldren -Qr Kebildete Qberhaupt& und -Qr Cediciner und Theologe insbesondere# %eipAig and 4tuttgartH N# 4cheible& 18"(& 0 V ""6 V :*. pp# !irth was a philosopher and theologian who became interested in investigating the nature oanimal magnetism# 2e begins his treatise with an e0amination o- the connections between magnetic phenomena and incidents described in the ,ible# 2e then undertakes a philosophical analysis o- the e0perience o- the somnambulist# !irth was particularly concerned with subLective elements that might a--ect what the somnambulist -eels or perceives# /n this connection& he investigated the trustworthiness o- the evidence o- paranormal magnetic phenomena# 2e states his acceptance o- the reality o- mental communication between magnetiAer and somnambulist& attributing it to the rapport that connects them# ,ut he also notes that he uncovered what he considered to be deliberate -raud on the part o- some somnambulists& and states that magnetiAers should be more care-ul and critical in their e0periments# 72 R 39

634% ell, 9ohn%
Animal magnetismH 3ast 8ictions13resent 4cience# 3hiladelphiaH =eprint -rom 4elect Cedical %ibrary and ?clectic Nournal o- Cedicine& 18"'& 1( pp# 729

631% ,+rant, "harles .erson%

?0position& or a New Theory o- Animal Cagnetism with a <ey to the CysteriesH emonstrated by ?0periments with the Cost Celebrated 4omnambulists in AmericaH also& 4trictures on FCol# !m# %# 4toneDs %etter to octor A# ,righam#G New @orkH !iley R 3utnam& 18"'& 0i V 16)**+ pp# urant attempts to re-ute the claims o- the American animal magnetists# 2e is mainly concerned with showing that there is no reason to accept the reality o- somnambulistic phenomena and clairvoyance# A-ter conducting his own e0periments& he concludes that the apparent e--ects o- animal magnetism are simply the result o- suggestibility and sel--delusion# 72 R 39

632% .rDre, ===%

?0amen du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH Kaume 8rPres& 18"'& 1'* pp# An attempt to understand the nature o- animal magnetism in the light o- spiritual phenomena such as miracles& ecstasy and possession# 72 R 39

636% H+sson, Henri Marie%

;pinion prononcMe par C# 2usson X lDAcadMmie de mMdecine sMance du ** ao_t 18"' sur le rapport de C# ubois :dDAmiens. relati- au magnMtisme animal# 3arisH n#p#& 18"'& 11 pp# 2usson& who authored the report -avorable to animal magnetism in 18"1 :Rapport s$r les e&p'riences magn'ti/$es ) ) ) & see entry number "+$.& here addresses himsel- to a new test -or the genuineness o- magnetic phenomena& initiated by the physician ,erna :see E&p'riences et consid'rations ) ) ) , entry number "(+.# The -indings o- these new trials were negative& but 2usson argues that the results have no bearing on the validity o- the earlier -avorable report# 72 R 39

637% *ee, Ed0in%

;bservations on the 3rincipal Cedical /nstitutions and 3ractice o- 8rance& /taly and KermanyI with Notices o- the >niversities& and Cases -rom 2ospital 3ractice# To !hich is Added& An Appendi0& on Animal Cagnetism and 2omeopathy# 3hiladelphiaH 2aswell& ,arrington& and 2aswell& 18"'& 1$* pp# 729

635% /he Philosophy o# Animal Magnetism /ogether 0ith the $ystem o# Manip+lating Adopted to Prod+ce Ecstasy and $omnam!+lism=/he E##ects and Rationale% y a )entleman o# Philadelphia%
3hiladelphiaH Cerrihew and Kunn& 18"'& 11* pp# Although there is no general agreement on the matter& this book has been attributed to ?dgar Allan 3oe# /t presents the philosophy o- animal magnetism and describes how to produce magnetic somnambulism# /n the view o- the author& animal magnetism connects body and mind and proves the e0istence o- the soul# 729

636% Poyen $aint $a+Ae+r, "harles%

A %etter to Col# !m# %# 4tone& o- New @ork& on the 8acts =elated in his %etter to r# ,righam& and a 3lain =e-utation o- urantDs ?0position o- Animal Cagnetism& Rc# by Charles 3oyen# !ith =emarks on the Canner in which the Claims o- Animal Cagnetism should be Cet and iscussed# ,y a Cember o- the Cassachusetts ,ench# ,ostonH !eeks& Nordan and Company& 18"'& '* pp# 3oyen& one o- animal magnetismDs principal promoters in the >nited 4tates& here writes with appreciation o- a treatise by !illiam 4tone :8etter to #octor A) !righam, on Animal Magnetism ) ) ) , entry number "89.# 3oyen uses the occasion to take issue with a book by Charles urant that attempts to deny the reality o- animal magnetic phenomena and attributes them to suggestibility and delusion :see E&position, or a 7e- Dheory o% Animal Magnetism ) ) ) & entry number "81.# 3oyen shows that urantDs criticisms& -ar -rom being the original insights he claims them to be& are identical to those that had been voiced as part o- the controversy over animal magnetism -or decades# 3oyen uses material -rom his own classes on animal magnetism& taught at 4alem& Cassachusetts& to support the claim -or the genuineness o- the phenomena in Juestion# 72 R 39

637% Poyen $aint $a+Ae+r, "harles%

3rogress o- Animal Cagnetism in New ?ngland# ,eing a Collection o- ?0periments& =eports and Certi-icates& -rom the Cost =espectable 4ources# 3receded by a issertation on the 3roo-s o- Animal Cagnetism# ,ostonH !eeks& Nordan R Co#& 18"'& vi V :*. V 1")*1* pp# A work o- considerable signi-icance -or the history o- animal magnetism and spiritualism in the >nited 4tates# Although Noseph u Commun was the -irst to lecture on animal magnetism in America& 3oyen may rightly be thought o- as having done more than any other to make the phenomenon widely known there# 3oyen learned the art o- magnetiAing in 18"* while a medical student in his native 8rance# 2e developed a great enthusiasm -or mesmerism& no doubt in part because o- the relie- it had given him -rom a troublesome illness# !hen he came to the >nited 4tates a -ew years later& he wanted to make the virtues o- animal magnetism widely known in that country# 2e set about the task energetically and methodically& giving lectures on animal magnetism the length o- the northeastern seaboard# Progress o% Animal Magnetism is his account o- that tour# 3oyen was trained in the animal-magnetic tradition o3uysMgur and eleuAe# ,oth accepted the genuineness o- clairvoyant episodes in connection with somnambulism# 3oyenDs account shows that such clairvoyant e0periences became common occurrences in the >nited 4tates# %argely because o- 3oyenDs lectures and writings&

the sight o- a magnetiAer and his pro-essional somnambulist partner travelling -rom town to town& giving medical readings and clairvoyant demonstrations& was a common one by 1868 when events around the 8o0 sisters gave rise to the spiritualist movement# That movement was able to spread so rapidly and become so strongly rooted in American culture largely because o- the mental climate created by widespread -amiliarity with animal magnetism# 729

633% *e rBABlate+r% 9o+rnal de magnBtisme animal p+!liB par +ne sociBtB de magnBtise+rs%
;ne vol# onlyI 18"'# 3ublished in ,ordeau0 and edited by N# N# A# =icard# 729

639% $tone, &illiam *eete%

%etter to octor A# ,righam& on Animal CagnetismH ,eing an Account o- a =emarkable /nterview ,etween the Author and Ciss %oraina ,rackett !hile in a 4tate o- 4omnambulism# New @orkH Keorge earborn R Co#& 18"'& '( pp# 4tone describes a letter he had received telling about a number o- patients in 3rovidence& =hode /sland& who were being treated with animal magnetism under the care o- several physicians# Among those patients was a blind woman& Ciss %oraina ,rackett& who e0hibited remarkable clairvoyant powers# Although unable to see& she could apparently pick out speci-ic colored -lowers and cloths at will and know the contents o- sealed letters1all while in the state o- magnetic somnambulism# This letter relates the contents o- an interview 4tone conducted with the woman# 729

694% Annals o# Animal Magnetism%
Eols# 1)WI 18"8)W# ;ne o- the earliest American periodicals on animal magnetismI edited by 4amuel >nderhill in Cleveland& ;hio# 729

691% arlo0, &illiam .rederic(%

=emarks on animal magnetism# %ondonH n#p#& 18"8& 1( pp# ,arlow asserts that the healing e--ects o- animal magnetism are the result o- the power oimagination# 2e compares cures worked through animal magnetism to those produced by the use o- a magic amulet on those who believe in the power o- such things# 72 R 39

692% erna, ,idier 9+les%

CagnMtisme animal# ?0amen et rM-utation du rapport -ait par C# ?# 8# ubois :dDAmiens. X lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecine& le 8 ao_t 18"'& sur le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH Nust# =ouvier& 18"8& 11( pp#

,ernaDs reply to the un-avorable report o- the commission that had observed his attempts to demonstrate the psychic phenomena connected with animal magnetism# 72 R 39

696% illot, )% P%
=echerches psychologiJues sur la cause des phMnomPnes e0traordinaires observMs cheA les modernes voyans improprement dits somnambules magnMtiJues ou Correspondance sur le magnMtisme vital entre un solitaire et C# eleuAe& bibliothMcaire du CusMum X 3aris# * vols# 3arisH Albanel et Cartin& 18"8& "6*I "(8 V :6. pp# ;ne o- the -irst lengthy treatments o- spiritist-type phenomena occurring in animal magnetic sessions# ,illot describes the creation o- obLects -rom thin air during these sessions# eleuAe responds that such things have been known to happen and re-ers to the e0periences o-& among others& the surgeon Chapelain# ,oth eleuAe and ,illot believed in communication with the spirits o- deceased human beings and to a degree this anticipates the spiritualist movement that would begin some ten years later# 72 R 39

697% "harpentier, 9% % A%
Analyse du magnMtisme de lDhommeI maniPre de lDadministrer comme guMrison naturelleI des e--ets et des phMnomPnes Jui en rMsultent# 3arisH =ousseau& 18"8& "+ pp# 729

695% "ollyer, Ro!ert Hanham%

%ights and 4hadows o- American %i-e# ,ostonH n#p#& 18"8& 6$ pp# Collyer was an ?nglishman who toured the eastern >nited 4tates lecturing on phrenology# /n response to widespread interest& he began to include mesmerism as a lecture topic and drew large crowds# This book is the diary he kept on the tour and is interesting not only -or its description o- mesmerism practice& but also as a source depicting American li-e at the time# 729

696% "ol?+ho+n, 9ohn "amp!ell%

2ints on Animal Cagnetism& Addressed to the Cedical 3ro-ession in Kreat ,ritain# ?dinburghH Caclachlan R 4tewart& 18"8& 68 pp# An open letter to the medical practitioners o- ?ngland& asking that they seriously consider the evidence with regard to the e--icacy o- animal magnetism as a cure -or illness# ColJuhoun also criticiAes some o- the critics o- his 1sis Re(elata :entry number "'*.& including the respected r# Nohn ?lliotson# 729

697% ,e#er, 9% % E%
?0pMriences sur le magnMtisme animal# CetAH 8# =obert& 18"8& "* pp# A treatise on the practice o- animal magnetism within a group# 729

693% ,onnB, Al#red%

Cademoiselle 3igeaire& somnambulisme et magnMtisme animal# NoyonH 4oulas Amoudry& 18"8& +$ pp# A compilation o- three articles published in the Eo$rnal des d'"ats) The author concludes that the -eats supposedly per-ormed by Cademoiselle 3igeaire are not genuine# :see 3igeaire& entry number 61(.# 72 R 39

699% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

An /ntroduction to the 4tudy o- Animal Cagnetism# %ondonH 4aunders and ;tley& 18"8& :1. V 0i V "88 pp# ;n invitation -rom r# Nohn ?lliotson& u 3otet came to ?ngland to demonstrate animal magnetism and teach its techniJues# ?lliotson set him up to practice in the North %ondon 2ospital# A-ter strong obLections -rom some medical colleagues& ?lliotson had to ask u 3otet to carry on with his work in u 3otetDs own apartments in Cavendish 4Juare# uring this stay in %ondon& u 3otet wrote this book as an introduction to animal magnetism -or the ?nglish speaking world# The book begins with a 8rench dedication& but the rest is written in ?nglish# /t is a very good general treatise on animal magnetism& and is particularly use-ul in its sketches o- the history o- animal magnetism# 8ew books o- the time give such a clear impression o- the atmosphere o- interest and controversy that surrounded animal magnetism in those years# The tone is personal& yet not overly subLective# ;ne o- the interesting points u 3otet makes is that in his view there are three main schools o- animal magnetismH the original school o- Cesmer :with emphasis on the physical -luid.& the school o- the Chevalier de ,arberin at %yon :emphasiAing the work o- the FsoulG in magnetiAing.& and the school o- the CarJuis de 3uysMgur :combining the physical treatment o- Cesmer with the psychical treatment o- de ,arberin.# The book has an appendi0 o- reports o- ,ritish practitioners in -avor o- animal magnetism# 729

744% Reese, ,aAid Meredith%

2umbugs o- New @orkH ,eing a =emonstrance Against 3opular elusionsI !hether in 4cience& 3hilosophy& or =eligion# New @ork and ,ostonH N# 4# Taylor :New @ork. and !eeks& Nordan R Co# :,oston.& 18"8& 0ii V :1".)*(' V :1. pp# 729

741% $a!atier2,esarna+ds, ernard%

u magnMtisme animal et du somnambulisme arti-iciel# ContpellierH Eeuve =icard& 18"8& +9 pp# 729

742% $+r les #aits ?+i sem!lent pro+Aer +ne comm+nication des somnam!+les aAec let Ftres spirit+els et s+r les conse?+ences ?+;on pe+t tirer de ces #aits% HE5trait d;+ne lettre de M% MMM, N M% ,ele+'eI%

3arisH N# K# entu& :18"8W.& (" pp# An early discussion o- communication with spirits in the magnetic state# The treatise is an e0tract -rom a letter to eleuAe and contains a response -rom him# 72 R 39

746% A'ais, Pierre Hyacinthe%
e la phrMnologie du magnMtisme et de la -olie# ;uvrage dMdiM X la mMmoire de ,roussais# * vols# 3arisH esessart& 18"9& :*. V 0v V "(+I :*. V 69$ V :". pp# ;ne o- the -irst works to combine a knowledge o- mesmerism with an interest in phrenology# 729

747% a+dot, *o+is Antoine%

TuelJues mots sur le magnMtisme animal& suivis dDune observation de variole congMnitale# =ouenH Alleaume& 18"9& 1( pp# ,rie- description o- the e--ects o- animal magnetism in a particular case o- illness# 729

745% ird, .riedrich%

Cesmerismus und ,elletristik in ihren schddlichen ?in-lussen au- die 3sychiatrie# 4tuttgartH 2allberger& 18"9& :". V 9( pp# 729

746% ,ardeps, ===%

Aper[u de JuelJues e0pMriences magnMtiJues -aites X Nimes# ,ordeau0H =amadiM& 18"9& 8 pp# 729

747% ,+!re+il2"ham!ardel, ===%

TuelJues rM-le0ions sur le magnMtisme animal& thPse# 3arisH n#p#& 18"9& 8$ pp# This physiologically oriented thesis contains only a brie- mention o- animal magnetism# 729

743% .ischer, .riedrich%

er 4omnambulismus# " vols# ,aselH 4chweighauser& 18"9& :6. V "((I :6. V *'*I :6. V 61" pp# The -irst volume covers natural somnambulism in its various -orms and discusses visions and hallucinations that sometimes occur in that state# The second volume discusses animal

magnetism and somnabulism produced arti-icially# The third volume takes up clairvoyance and the phenomenon o- possession# 72 R 39

749% .rapart, ===%

%ettres sur le magnMtisme et le somnambulisme& X lDoccasion de Cademoiselle 3igeaire# 3arisH entu& 18"9& vi V ')1($ pp# An account by r# 8rapart o- e0periments done with %Monide 3igeaire& daughter o- r# Nules 3igeaire :see his P$issance de l9'lectricit' animal ) ) ) & entry number 61(.& who& when in the state o- magnetic somnambulism& e0hibited the apparent ability to read words and perceive obLects hidden -rom her sight# 2er -ather wrote a letter to the 3aris Academy o- Cedicine :which had been investigating animal magnetism. describing his daughterDs -eats and suggesting that they deserved attention# The AcademyDs investigatory commission invited 3igeaire and his daughter to 3aris to observe and test her clairvoyance# A-ter delays due to disagreements about the conditions -or the tests& the commission observed the girlDs attempts to read cards with blind-olded eyes# The encounter was inconclusive and led to a heated controversy between supporters o- the girl and supporters o- the commissioners# 8rapart was an advocate o- animal magnetism# 2is description o- the a--air begins with this -irst edition ohis letters and continues in supplementary letters through 186*# The printings o- various editions at stages between 18"9 and 186* make up a complicated publication history# 72 R 39

714% Holland, Henry%

Cedical Notes and =e-le0ions# %ondonH %ongman& ;rme& ,rown& Kreen R %ongmans& 18"9& 0ii V (*8 pp# 3robably the -irst mention o- 2ollandDs theory o- the brain as a double organ# 729

711% 9o+rnal d+ magnBtisme animal%

Eols# 1)"I 18"9)186*# This Lournal& edited by N# N# A# =icard& contained some notable articles& including the F3rMcis historiJue de magnMtisme animal& depuis Cesmer LusJuDX prMsentG in Eol# 1# 729

712% *a#ont2)o+'i, )a!riel )rBgoire%

TraitM du magnMtisme animal considMrM sous le rapport de lDhygiPne& de la mMdecine lMgale et de la thMrapeutiJue# ToulouseH 4enac and The Author& 18"9& 1'( pp# A book -anatically opposed to animal magnetism# The author sees it as a most dangerous techniJue& both to health and to morals# 729

716% *ong, H%
?ssai sur le magnMtisme animal& thPse prMsentMe et soutenue par 2# %ong# ContpellierH n#p#& 18"9& '$ pp#

;ne o- a number o- contemporary doctoral theses on animal magnetism# 729

717% Meyer, /h% 9% A% )%

Natur-Analogien& oder die vornehmsten ?rscheinungen des animalischen Cagnetismus in ihrem 5usammenhange mit den ?rgebnissen der gesammten Naturwissenscha-ten& mit besonderer 2insicht au- die 4tandpunkte und ,edQr-nisse heutiger Theologie# 2amburg and KothaH 8riedrich und Andreas 3erthes& 18"9& l0vi V :*. V 61* pp# A learned attempt to e0plore the philosophical and theological implications o- animal magnetism and somnambulism# A particularly penetrating study o- rapport is included# /t is an e0cellent treatise& written with heavy emphasis on the earlier Kerman writers& worthy oattention -or anyone interested in the Kerman animal-magnetic tradition# 72 R 39

715% <Mialle, $imon%>

=apport con-identiel sur le magnMtisme animal et sur la conduite rMcente de lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecine adressM X la congrMgations de lD/nde0& et traduit de lD/talien du =# 3# 4cobardi# 3arisH entu and Kermer ,ailliPre& 18"9& 1(6 pp# This treatise& probably by Cialle& is written in an invented -ormat and attributed to a -ictitious F4cobardi#G The author promotes the cause o- animal magnetism# 729

716% Pigeaire, 9+les%

3uissance de lDMlectricitM animale& ou& du magnMtisme vital et de ses rapports avec la physiJue& la physiologie et la mMdecine# 3arisH entu and Kermer ,ailliPre& 18"9& :6. V "1( pp# 3igeaire addresses himsel- principally to the members o- the commission appointed by the Academy o- Cedicine to investigate animal magnetism# 2e states his obLections to certain conditions demanded by the commission and to statements by ubois o- Amiens reLecting clairvoyant magnetic phenomena# 2e asserts that such paranormal phenomena are now well established# 3igeaire also writes about the curative e--ects o- magnetic somnambulism# 72 R 39

717% Ricard, 9ean 9oseph Adolphe%

Cours thMoriJue et pratiJue du magnMtisme animal# ToulouseH The Author& 18"9& 9( pp# 729

713% &erner, Heinrich%

ie 4chutAgeister& oder merkwQrdige ,licke Aweier 4eherinnen in die Keisterwelt& nebst der wunderbaren 2eilung einer Aehn Nahre stumm Kewesenen durch den %ebensmagnetismus& und einer vergleichenden >ebersicht aller bis LetAt beobachteten ?rscheinungen desselben# 4tuttgartH N# Cotta& 18"9& 000ii V ("9 pp# ?nglishH 4$ardian +pirits, a Base o% Fision into the +pirit$al ,orld) Translated by A# ?# 8ord# New @orkH Nohn Allen& 186'#

!erner describes the magnetic healing o- two young women# !hile in the state o- magnetic somnambulism they e0perienced 4wedenborgian-type glimpses o- the world o- the spirits odeceased human beings# !erner also describes other healings through animal magnetism and discusses the nature o- the phenomena o- magnetic somnambulism# The ?nglish version contains only the cases o- the two visionary girls# 729

719% &ilson, 9ohn%

Trials o- Animal Cagnetism on the ,rute Creation# %ondonH 4herwood& Kilbert& R 3iper& 18"9& 68 pp# This unusual little book& written by a Ciddlese0 physician& describes e0periments he per-ormed with animal magnetism on animals# !ilson decided to try these e0periments -or a number o- reasons# The most important reason was to see whether e--ects produced in animals could remove obLections to the reality o- the e--ects o- animal magnetism based on possible collusion on the part o- magnetiAer and magnetiAed or deception on the part o- the magnetiAed alone# Among the animals !ilson treated were cats& dogs& -ish& a cock& macaws& a horse& pigs& and even elephants# 2e seems to have success-ully placed all o- them in a trance state using magnetic passes# 729

724% ersot, Ernest%
u spiritualisme et de la nature# 3arisH %adrange& 186$& l0 V "(* pp# 729

721% ,espine, Antoine%

e lDemploi du magnMtisme animal et des eau0 minMrales dans le traitement des maladies nerveuses suivi dDune observation trPs curieuse de nMvropathie# 3aris and %yonH Kermer ,ailliPre& 186$& l0 V **9 V :*. V :1*. V :8. pp# espine was a physician and bene-actor o- the ill# This treatise discusses the practice oanimal magnetism and the use o- mineral waters in the treatment o- nervous disorders# A certain F?stelleG was the subLect used in espineDs investigations# 729

722% ,ods, 9ohn oAee%

Thirty 4hort 4ermons on Earious /mportant 4ubLects& ,oth octrinal and 3ractical# ,ostonH Thomas !hittemore& 186$& 0ii V "68 pp# ods was pastor o- the >niversalist 4ociety Church in 3rovincetown& Cassachusetts& be-ore he began his main career as a lecturer on Felectrical psychology#G /n these early sermons& he

raises Juestions that he will eventually answer through his e0posure to the teachings omesmerism# 729

726% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

%e magnMtisme animal opposM X la mMdecine& CMmoire pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme en 8rance et en Angleterre# 3arisH A# entu& Kermer ,ailliPre& 186$& viii V "9$ pp# u 3otet travelled to many cities giving lectures on mesmerism# This book provides valuable in-ormation about some o- those trips# 729

727% Elliotson, 9ohn%

2uman 3hysiology# + ed# %ondonH %ongman& ;rme& ,rown& Kreen& and %ongmans& 186$& 1196 pp# Nohn ?lliotson was a notable ,ritish physician who played a crucial role in introducing animal magnetism into ?ngland# 2is -irst encounter with it was at a demonstration given in %ondon by u 3otet on one o- his lecture tours# Kreatly impressed& ?lliotson began to e0periment on his own and came to the conclusion that animal magnetism was an art that would prove to be e0tremely bene-icial to medical practice# 8rom the beginning he met sti-- opposition -rom the medical establishment& eventually having to resign his post at >niversity College 2ospital# 2e continued to write in support o- animal magnetism and in 186" -ounded ?nglandDs principal mesmeric Lournal& the 2oist :entry number 69$.# This edition o- ?lliotsonDs -amous H$man Physiology contains a well-balanced presentation o- his views on animal magnetism# 729

725% )a+thier, A+!in%

/ntroduction au magnMtisme& e0amen de son e0istence depuis les /ndiens LusJuDX lDMpoJue actuelle& sa thMorie& sa pratiJue& ses avantages& ses dangers et la nMcessitM de son concours avec la mMdecine# 3arisH entu and Kermer ,ailliPre& 186$& 69+ pp# Aubin Kauthier was one o- the more proli-ic and competent writers on animal magnetism in the nineteenth century# 2e had an historically oriented approach to the subLect& and in this& his -irst book& he traces the precursors o- animal magnetism in ancient medicine# 2e also presents a good summary o- the theory and practice o- animal magnetism in his own day# 729

726% )+i!ert, Mar?+is de%

=Msultat des opMrations magnMtiJues de C# le CarJuis de Kuibert X 8ontchfteau commune de Tarascon# TarasconH Kondart& 186$& 1( pp# 729

727% Haldat d+ *ys, "harles @icolas Ale5andre de%

=echerches sur JuelJues phMnomPnes du magnMtisme& le -antcme magnMtiJue& et sur la di--raction comple0e# NancyH Krimblot& =aybois et Cie& 186$& 11$ pp#


723% :+hnholt', Henry Marcel%

u magnMtisme et du somnambulisme arti-iciel# ContpellierH Castel& 186$& "' pp# <uhnholtA was on the -aculty o- medicine at Contpellier# 2e was known -or his methodical& balanced approach& which is e0empli-ied in this study o- animal magnetism and arti-icial somnambulism# 729

729% Magi(on1 ArchiA #Sr eo!acht+ngen a+s dem )e!iete der )eister(+nde +nd des magnetischen +nd magischen *e!ens% @e!st andern U+ge!en #Sr .re+nde des -nnern%
4ee !latter a$s Pre(orst, entry number "68# 72 R 39

764% Roy, Emile%

;bservation de magnMtisme occulte# CetAH n#p#& 186$& 0 V 16 pp# 72 R 39

761% $'apary, .erenc' )ro#%

?in !ort Qber animalischen Cagnetismus& 4eelenkorper und %ebensessenAI nebst ,eschreibung des ideo-somnambulen 5ustandes des 8rdulein Therese von ,1y Au Easarhely im Nahre 18"8& und einem Anhang# %eipAigH 8# A# ,rockhaus& 186$& i0 V :*. V1'+ V :1.# /n this -irst o- many books on animal magnetism by 4Aapary& he presents a treatment o- the subLect that is both practical and philosophical# 2e states his belie- that the somnambulist can provide insight into the deeper nature o- the world# 2e then relates the case o- a nineteenyear-old woman who su--ered -rom a spontaneous somnambulistic condition and who gave pronouncements on the nature o- the soul and magnetic rapport# 72 R 39

762% /este, Alphonse%

Canuel pratiJue de magnMtisme animal# ?0position mMthodiJue des procMdMs employMs pour produire les phMnomPnes magnMtiJues et leur application X lDMtude et au traitement des maladies# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 186$& viii V 6'( pp# A practical manual on animal magnetism written by one o- the most highly respected practitioners o- the day# 729

766% /o0nshend, "ha+ncy Hare%

8acts in Cesmerism with =easons -or a ispassionate /nJuiry into /t# %ondonH %ongman& ;rme& ,rown& Kreen and %ongmans& 186$& 0ii V +'+ pp#

Townshend& a clergyman o- the Church o- ?ngland& was one o- the most articulate ,ritish writers on animal magnetism# This book went through many editions in ,ritain and the >nited 4tates& and it proved to be very in-luential in making animal magnetism a legitimate subLect ointerest# Townshend begins the book with a straight-orward recognition o- the di--iculties in treating a subLect which produces such unusual phenomena# 2e then moves on to describe those phenomena using illustrations drawn -rom both his e0periments and those o- other magnetiAers# Cost o- the book is devoted to a description o- Fmesmeric sleepwalking&G as he pre-erred to term magnetic somnambulism# /nterwoven with his description are threads osemi-scienti-ic theory about what makes such unusual phenomena possible# 729

767% /he Animal Magneti'er1 or, History, Phenomena and "+ratiAe E##ects o# Animal MagnetismJ 0ith -nstr+ctions #or "ond+cting the Magnetic Pperation%
3hiladelphiaH N# <ay& Nun# R ,rother& 1861& 96 pp# 729

765% o+Aignier, *% 9% ,% de%

Notice sur le magnMtisme ou maniPre de se magnMtiser soi-mOme# 3arisH n#p#& 1861& 1( pp# 729

766% +rdin, "harles and ,+!ois, .rBdBric%

2istoire acadMmiJue du magnMtisme animal accompagnMe de notes et de remarJues critiJues sur toutes les observations et e0pMriences -aites LusJuDX ce Lour# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 1861& 0lvii V :1. V (+1 pp# The most complete and competently written history o- animal magnetism in 8rance published to its time# A-ter giving a history o- animal-magnetic phenomena be-ore Cesmer& the authors describe how Cesmer made his discovery and undertook to promote it to the world# They then include the -our reports o- 1'86 :that o- the =oyal Academy o- 4ciences& the =oyal 4ociety o- Cedicine& the dissenting report o- Nussieu& and the secret report edited by ,ailly.# /n addition& they reprint the ?0tract o- the correspondence o- the =oyal 4ociety o- Cedicine& also -rom 1'86# This is -ollowed by a discussion o- the discoveries o- 3uysMgur and the approach o- eleuAe# The authors then discuss the writings o- ,ertrand and Keorget and the events leading up to the second 8rench commission# They reprint the -avorable report o- that commission made in 18*( and also the reports o- two commissions set up in 18"' to investigate paranormal phenomena o- animal magnetism# 729

767% "harpignon, *o+is 9oseph 9+les%

3hysiologie& mMdecine et mMtaphysiJue du magnMtisme# ;rleans and 3arisH 3esty :;rleans. and Kermer ,ailliPre :3aris.& 1861& :6. V "(( pp#

Charpignon was a strong supporter o- animal magnetism as a genuine phenomenon# Accepting the reality o- a magnetic -luid communicated -rom magnetiAer to magnetiAed& he believed in many o- the more e0traordinary psychic phenomena attributed to magnetic somnambulists# /n this book he describes e0periments done to veri-y these phenomena and discusses the laws and conditions within which animal magnetism -unctions# Charpignon also deals with medical uses o- animal magnetism as well as the e--ect o- the mind on the body# 729

763% ,endy, &alter "ooper%

The 3hilosophy o- Cystery# %ondonH %ongmans& ;rme& ,rown& Kreen and %ongmans& 1861& 0ii V 66" pp# A critical e0amination in the -orm o- a dialogue o- the Juestion o- ghosts& spectres& -antasies& mythology& and demonology# There are sections on sleep& dreams& sleepwalking& and trance# A chapter on mesmerism -ollows the tone o- the rest o- the book& seeking to bring a skeptical attitude to the e0traordinary magnetic phenomena& and e0plaining all in terms o- natural law& as opposed to supernatural intervention# A great deal o- attention is devoted to detecting the presence o- imagination& suggestion& and outright -raud# 72 R 39

769% )orgeret, P% M% E%
Note sur le magnMtisme et sur lDhomMopathie& ou rMponse X tout ce Jui MtM imprimM dans les Lournau0 de Nantes contre le magnMtisme et contre lDhomMopathie# NantesH The Author& 1861& 11( pp# 729

774% Morley, "harles%

?lements o- Animal Cagnetism& or 3neumatology# New @orkH Turner R 2ughes& 1861& *" pp# 729

771% Prdinaire, ===%

%e magnMtisme et le somnambulisme du docteur %aurentI une somnambule maconnaise# CfconH e Nussieu& 1861& +1 pp# 729

772% Per+sson, E%
CagnMtisme animal& re-us de lDAcadMmie de mMdecine de constater le phMnomPne de la vision X travers les corps opaJues# Chalin-sur-4acneH N# uchesne& 1861& 1( pp# 729

776% Per+sson, E%
4oirMes magnMtiJues de Consieur %aurent X Chalin sur 4acne# Chalin-sur-4acneH N# uchesne& 1861& 18 pp# 729

777% Ricard, 9ean 9oseph Adolphe%

TraitM thMoriJue et pratiJue du magnMtisme animal& ou& CMthode -acile pour apprendre X magnMtiser# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 1861& 0ii V ++( pp# This well-constructed work begins with a use-ul summary o- the history o- animal magnetism up to 186$# The remainder o- the book is taken up with lessons on the theory and application o- animal magnetism# =icard discusses the magnetic -luid& natural and magnetic somnambulism& and his own e0periences with magnetic healing# 2e also has a chapter on Fspiritualistic somnambulistsG and another on magnetic ecstasy# The book is a success-ul attempt to give the reader an overall view o- the nature and practice o- animal magnetism# 729

775% $her0ood, Henry Hall%

Cotive 3ower o- ;rganic %i-e& and Cagnetic 3henomena o- Terrestrial and 3lanetary Cotions& with the Application o- the ?ver-active and All-pervading Agency o- Cagnetism to the Nature& 4ymptoms and Treatment o- Chronic iseases# New @orkH 2# A# Chapjn R Co#& 1861& 19( pp# 729

776% /issot, HonorB%

%DantimagnMtisme animal& ou Collection de mMmoires& dissertations thMologiJues& physicomMdicales& des plus savants thMologiens et mMdecins sur le magnMtisme& la magie& les pratiJues superstitieuses& etc# # # # ;uvrage utile et nMcessaire spMcialement au0 ecclMsiastiJues et au0 mMdecins# ,agnolsH Alban ,roche& 1861& *+1 pp# 729

777% /ransactions d+ magnBtisme animal%

;ne vol# onlyI 1861# 3ublished in 3aris and edited by Teste# 729

773% /+rchetti, P%
Cenni storico-critici sul magnetismo animale# 8irenAeH Tip# della 4peranAa& 1861& 9" pp# 729

779% o+rdin, "la+de Etienne%
CMmoire sur un cas dDhystMrie& traitM par le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH Closse et Kaultier%aguionie& 186*& *6 pp# 729

754% raid, 9ames%

4atanic Agency and Cesmerism =eviewed# CanchesterH 4ims and inham& Kait and Anderson& 186*& 1* pp# A work o- the greatest signi-icance in the history o- hypnotism& and o- utmost rarity# Names ,raid was the -ounder o- modern hypnotism and was himsel- inventor o- its name# 2is theories were enthusiastically taken up by such men as AAam& ,roca& =ichet& Charcot& %iMbeault& and ,ernheim# Apart -rom Cesmer and 3uysMgur& no single individual had such a pro-ound in-luence upon the history o- hypnotism and dissociative phenomena as did ,raid# ,orn in 8i-eshire& 4cotland& ,raid was educated at ?dinburgh# 2e completed his training as a surgeon and& a-ter practicing -or a while in 4cotland& moved to Canchester# ;n November 1"& 1861& ,raid attended a mesmeric demonstration staged by the 8renchman& %a-ontaine# ;n that occasion ,raid thought the e--ects were produced by trickery& but on attending a second time he noted what he believed to be a genuine phenomenonH the mesmeriAed individual could not open his eyes# /ntrigued by this observation& ,raid set out to -ind the e0planation# 2e per-ormed some e0periments with -riends and relatives and arrived at what he considered to be the true cause o- magnetic sleepH a rapid e0haustion o- the sensory and nervous systems producing a -eeling o- somnolency in the mind& which then Fslips out o- gear#G News o- these e0periments reached a certain =ev# 2# CDNeile who preached a sermon against ,raid on 4unday& April 1$& 186*# This occasioned the reply -rom ,raid which is the pamphlet +atanic Agency and Mesmerism Re(ie-ed) The signi-icance o- this work lies in its being ,raidDs -irst published work containing his historic theory o- the cause o- mesmeric phenomena and his new nomenclature -or those phenomenaH Fhypnotic sleep&G Fhypnotise&G and FneurohypnotismG :also used in his note FNeuro-hypnotism&G Medical Dimes and 4a5ette Nuly 9& 186*.# /n +atanic Agency ,raid lists three common attitudes towards mesmeric phenomena and a -ourth which is his own# The -irst is the belie- that the phenomena are due to a system o- collusion and delusion# The second is that they are real but the products oimagination& sympathy& and imitation# The third attitude& that o- those who accept the theory o- animal magnetism& is that the phenomena are caused by the in-luence o- a magnetic medium# ,raidDs own view is that they are solely attributable to a particular physiological state o- the brain and spinal cord# A-ter e0pounding his theory o- hypnotism& ,raid describes the various uses to which he has applied itH -or e0ample& e0tracting teeth& relie- o- chronic pain& removal o- paralysis& and restoration o- hearing and sight# This small work contains all the basic elements o- the system which ,raid elaborated the -ollowing year with his publication o- 7e$rypnology or the Rationale o% 7er(o$s +leep :186"& entry number 6(+.# /t is believed that there are only two copies o- +atanic Agency and Mesmerism Re(ie-ed e0tant today# Tinterow :0o$ndations o% Hypnosis, p# "1'. says that A# !# !aite and !# 3reyer& in searching out ,raidDs writings& could locate only one copy# That copy& bearing the library plate o- r# Albert Coll& resides in TinterowDs private library# A second copy& not previously

known to e0ist& has become known to the author o- this bibliography and is privately owned# This copy contains a notation apparently written in ,raidDs own hand# 729

751% "ald0ell, "harles%

8acts in Cesmerism and Thoughts on /ts Causes and >ses# %ouisville& <entuckyH 3rentice and !eissinger& 186*& 000 V 1"* pp# A-ter an introduction describing his numerous involvements with controversial causes& Caldwell writes o- his convictions about the genuineness o- mesmerism and its great use-ulness# A-ter presenting a history o- animal magnetism and its antecedents& Caldwell lists what he calls the three schools o- mesmerism in e0istence at the timeH the Fgenuine animal magnetistsG who -ollow Cesmer and who hold that all e--ects are due to the magnetic -luidI the school who -ollow the FChevalier ,arbarin o- %yons&G believing that the e--ects omesmerism are the results o- -aith and volitionI and the school o- 3uysMgur who accepted the e0istence o- both physical and psychological agents# Caldwell believes the last to be the most tenable o- the three positions# The -inal section o- the book is taken up with cases o- mesmeric practice& both those o- the author and others# 729

752% "ogeAina, Angelo and Prioli, .rancesco%

8atti relativi a mesmerismo e cure mesmeriche con una pre-aAione storico-critica# Cor-uH ala Tipogra-ka del Koverno& 186*& "69 V iii pp# 3robably the earliest book in /talian describing in some detail the application o- animal magnetism -or curing disease# Cogevina was a physician and ;rioli was an academic o- some stature# The most notable case described is that o- a young woman named ?lisabetta who was success-ully treated by animal magnetism# The book helped ignite a strong interest in animal magnetism in /taly# 729

756% ,o+glas, 9ames $%

Animal Cagnetism& or CesmerismI ,eing a ,rie- Account o- the Canner o- 3racticing Animal CagnetismI the 3henomena o- that 4tateI /ts Applications in isease& and the 3recautions to be ;bserved in ?mploying /t& Cade so 3lain that Anyone may 3ractice it& ?0periment upon it and Test /ts ?--ects -or 2imsel-# 2amilton& New @orkH N# R # Atwood& 186*& +6 pp# 729

757% Ennemoser, 9oseph%

er Cagnetismus im Eerhdltnisse Aur Natur und =eligion# 4tuttgart and TQbingenH N# K# Cotta& 186*& 00ii V :*. V +6( pp# /n this book ?nnemoser attempts to deal with animal magnetism& not as an isolated phenomenon& but as a reality intimately connected with the essence o- nature itsel-& and there-ore with the mystical and religious awareness that springs -rom contact with nature# /n doing this he attempts to counter superstitious belie-s that had come to be associated with magnetic phenomena& and also demonstrate to scientists that animal magnetism is a natural

phenomenon# To do this ?nnemoser -irst sketches the theory o- animal magnetism and describes its principle phenomena& including magnetic sleep# 2e then draws connections between the phenomena described in the ancient and more recent literature o- religion and occult and magnetic phenomena# /n this conte0t he attempts to prove that the phenomena oanimal magnetism are simply mani-estations o- -orces o- nature and subLect to natural law# The book contains a section on the Fpsychological e0planationG o- magnetic phenomena that is noteworthy# 72 R 39

755% )a+thier, A+!in%

2istoire du somnambulismeH cheA tous les peuples sous les noms divers dDe0tases& songes& oracles et visionsI e0amen des doctrines thMoriJues et philosophiJues de lDantiJuitM et des temps modernes& sur ses causes& ses e--ets& ses abus& ses avantages& et lDutilitM de son concours avec la mMdecine# * vols# 3arisH 8Mli0 Calteste et Cie& 186*& :6. V 6+6 V :1.I :6. V 66$ pp# ;ne o- the best and most important histories o- animal magnetism and somnambulism ever written# The -irst part is an especially thorough e0amination o- traces o- magnetic practice among the ancients# Cuch o- this part deals with dreams& divination& and prophecy# KauthierDs study o- the use o- the word FsomnambulismG through the ages and in contemporary times is e0cellent# 2e has a very use-ul discussion o- Cesmer and somnambulism and the place 3uysMgur holds in the history o- that phenomenon# 2e also has a valuable summary oarti-icial somnambulism -rom the time o- eleuAe through the investigations o- the second 8rench commission and up to the time o- his writing# Although Kauthier -ocuses his treatment o- contemporary arti-icial somnambulism on the 8rench scene& his history remains o- great interest -or any student o- animal magnetism# 729

756% 9o+rnal o# the Phreno2magnetic $ociety o# "incinnati%

Eol# 1 :one volume only.I 186*# 3ublished in Cincinnati# 729

757% /he Magnet%

Eols# 1)*I 186*)1866# Continued asH 7e- Nor. Magnet, ;ne vol# onlyI 1866# ?dited by %a=oy 4underland# 729

753% *es magnBtise+rs sont2ils sorciersV *a .rance est2elle hBrBti?+eV *es mFmes hommes l;ont dit%
3arisH Nust# =ouvier& %eteinturier& and 2uriet& 186*& "6 pp# 729

759% Mesmeric Maga'ineJ or 9o+rnal o# Animal Magnetism%

;ne vol# onlyI 186*#

3ublished in ,oston and edited by =# 2# Collyer# 729

764% M;@eile, H+gh%

4atanic Agency and Cesmerism# A 4ermon# :%iverpool.H n#p#& :186*.& pp# 161)1+*# CDNeile delivered this& the sermon that spurred ,raid to write his -irst work on the subLectH +atanic Agency and Mesmerism Re(ie-ed :entry number 6+$.& in 4t# NudeDs Church& %iverpool# 2e attributes the action o- animal magnetism and mesmerism to the devil& and accuses ,raid o- carrying out Fe0periments in a corner& upon :his. own servants& or upon -emales hired -or the purpose#G This sermon e0ists as an o--print -rom a source that cannot be traced# 729

761% Monti+s, E%
8aits curieu0 et intMressants produits par la puissance du magnMtisme animal& ou comptesrendus des e0pMriences remarJuable opMrMes en ,elgiJue# * ed# ,russelsH n#p#& 186*& 1'+ pp# Contius had a mesmeric clinic in ,russels# This work describes some o- the cures he obtained there through the use o- animal magnetism# 2e worked even in the -ace o- prosecution by law -or his practices# This is the second edition o- his bookI no in-ormation could be obtained about the -irst# 729

762% Phreno2magnetic Aindicator%

Eol# 1 :one volume onlyWW.I 186*# 3ublished in %e0ington by N# K# 8orman# 729

766% /i''ani, Qincen'o%

4ul magnetismo animale& discorso istorico-critico# %etto allDAccademia di =eligione Cattolica il di *1 %uglio 186*# =omeH 4alviucci& 186*& 1($ pp# 729

767% /opham, &illiam and &ard, &% $?+ire%

Account o- a Case o- 4uccess-ul Amputation o- the Thigh& uring the Cesmeric 4tate& !ithout the <nowledge o- the 3atientH =ead to the =oyal Cedical and Chirurgical 4ociety o%ondon& on Tuesday& the **nd o- November& 186*# %ondonH ,ailliPre& 186*& *( pp# The original account o- the operation described by ?lliotson in his 7$mero$s Bases :entry number 6'6.# /t was the -irst use o- animal magnetism as a surgical anaesthesia in ?ngland# Topham was the magnetiAerI !ard the surgeon# The painless operation was described in an address delivered to the =oyal Cedical and Chirurgical 4ociety o- %ondon and then published in this -orm# The resulting controversy is related in ?lliotsonDs book# 729


765% raid, 9ames%

Neurypnology or The rationale o- nervous sleep considered in relation with animal magnetism# /llustrated by numerous cases o- its success-ul application in the relie- and cure odisease# %ondonH Nohn Churchill& 186"& :*. V 00ii V *(+ V :1. pp# The -irst -ull-length treatment o- the subLect o- hypnotism by its -ounder# /n this book ,raid e0pands upon +atanic Agency and Mesmerism Re(ie-ed :entry number 6+$.# 2e -urther elaborates his proposed new terminology with the -ollowing vocabularyH N?>=@3N;%;K@H the doctrine o- nervous sleepI N?>=;-2@3N;T/4CH nervous sleep& a peculiar condition othe nervous system produced by arti-icial contrivanceI 2@3N;T/CH the state o- nervous sleepI 2@3N;T/4?H to induce nervous sleepI 2@3N;T/4CH nervous sleepI ?2@3N;T/4?H to restore -rom the state o- nervous sleepI 2@3N;T/4TH one who practises neuro-hypnotism# /t was ,raidDs intention that his terminology and theory should replace that o- the animal magnetists# 2e meant thereby to do away with the notion o- a magnetic -luid as the agent which produces mesmeric phenomena# /nstead& he substituted the theory that mesmeric phenomena were o- subLective origin# /n 7e$rypnology ,raid says that the speci-ic cause is a rapid -atiguing o- the sensory and nervous systems# /n later writings ,raid also gave due credit to the importance o- suggestion in the hypnotic process# ,raid had to -ace -ierce opposition to his views -rom both mesmerists and medical colleagues# @et he was eventually success-ul in having his notion o- hypnotism the accepted theory to e0plain mesmeric phenomena1though he did not live to see this happen# 4hortly be-ore ,raidDs death in 18($& r# AAam o- ,ordeau0 published an enthusiastic account o- hypnotic e0periments based upon ,raidDs views& with which he had become acJuainted the previous year# Also in 18($& ,roca reported similar success-ul results using ,raidDs methods# 8rom that point on& ,raidDs -ame spread rapidly# ,y the end o- the century he was universally credited as the originator o- the system which made possible the revolutioniAing o- medical and psychotherapeutic techniJue# 729

766% ro0n, 9ohn%

CesmerismI /ts 3retensions R ?--ects upon 4ociety Considered# ,ostonH n#p#& 186"& 8 pp# A pamphlet containing a vigorous attack on mesmerism as practiced in the authorDs vicinity by two menH 4mall and 4harp# 729

767% "harpignon, *o+is 9oseph 9+les%

]tudes physiJues sur le magnMtisme animal soumises X lDAcadMmie des sciences# 3aris and ;rleansH Kermer ,ailliPre :3aris. and The Author :;rleans.& 186"& 61 pp# Charpignon compares the results o- animal magnetism to those produced by electricity and mineral magnetism# 729

763% "harpignon, *o+is 9oseph 9+les%

%ettre au docteur ?rapart sur le magnMtisme# ;rleansH Nacob& 186"& 8 pp# 729

769% "ollyer, Ro!ert H%

3sychography& or The ?mbodiment o- ThoughtI with an Analysis o- 3hreno-magnetism& FNeurology&G and Cental 2allucination& /ncluding =ules to Kovern and 3roduce the Cagnetic 4tate# 3hiladelphia& New @ork& and ,ostonH 5ieber R Co# :3hiladelphia.I 4un ;--ice :New @ork.I =edding R Co# :,oston.& 186"& 66 pp# Collyer& editor o- the Mesmeric Maga5ine, wrote this book largely as a rebuttal to attacks against him and his belie- in animal magnetism# The book contains testimonials to his work as a magnetiAer and rules to -ollow in practicing magnetic healing# 729

774% "ol?+ho+n, 9ohn "amp!ell%

The 8allacy o- 3hreno-magnetism etected and ?0posed# ?dinburghH !ilson& 186"& 1( pp# 729

771% ,e!ay, A%
2ypnologieH du sommeil et des songes au point de vue physiologiJueH somnambulism& magnMtisme& e0tase& hallucinationI e0posM dDune thMorie du -luide Mlectro-sympathiJue# 3arisH N# Casson& 186"& 18' pp# %ater editions used the titleH 8es mystPres d$ sommeil et d$ magn'tisme) 729

772% ,ic(erson, :% ,% ,%
The 3hilosophy o- Cesmerism& or Animal Cagnetism# ,eing a Compilation o- 8acts Ascertained by ?0perience& and rawn -rom the !ritings o- the Cost Celebrated Cagnetisers in ?urope and America# /ntended to 8acilitate the 2onest /nJuirer A-ter Truth& and 3romote the 2appiness o- Cankind& ,y i--using the <nowledge o- NatureDs !isest %aws and Cost ,enevolent /nstitutions# Concord& New 2ampshireH Corrill& 4ilsby& and Co#& 186"# ickerson gives a history o- the progress o- animal magnetism in the >nited 4tates -rom 3oyen to %a=oy 4underland& a man whom he greatly admired# /t is one o- the most interesting American historical compendiums because in his enthusiasm -or animal magnetism the author goes out o- his way to mention the chie- workers and best-known somnambulists# 729

776% ,ods, 9ohn oAee%

4i0 %ectures on the 3hilosophy o- Cesmerism& elivered in the Carlboro Chapel& ,oston# =eported by a hearer# ,ostonH !# A# 2all& 186"& (8 pp# These lectures were e0tremely well attended# !hen they were published in book -orm they sold out almost immediatelyI many more editions were then issued within a -ew years# /n the lectures ods e0presses his belie- in the power o- the agent discovered by Cesmer& but reLects the term magnetism in -avor o- Fmental electricityG or even Fspiritualism#G odsDs religious approach is perceivable in these lectures# 2e calls mesmerism a Fpower o- Kod&G and he

connects the healing works o- Nesus with this power# ods describes si0 degrees omesmerism& the si0th being clairvoyance# 2e also mentions surgical uses -or mesmerism# 729

777% Elliotson, 9ohn%

Numerous Cases o- 4urgical ;perations without 3ain in the Cesmeric 4tateH with =emarks upon the ;pposition o- Cany Cembers o- the =oyal Cedical and Chirurgical 4ociety and ;thers to the =eception o- the /nestimable ,lessings o- Cesmerism# %ondonH 2# ,ailliPre& 186"& 9" V :1. pp# An important document in the history o- animal magnetism# ?lliotson describes the case history o- an amputation o- a leg above the knee while the patient was mesmeriAed and e0perienced no pain# The magnetiAer was !illiam Topham& the surgeon was !# 4Juire !ard# :see entry number 6(6.# ?lliotson also writes about the negative reactions to the operation by the medical establishment# 2e was indignant that such a bene-icial tool could be met with what he considered to be incredible obtuseness# 729

775% <)randAoinet, ===, pse+donym1 /edinngaroA%>

?sJuisse dDune thMorie des phMnomPnes magnMtiJues# 3arisH entu& 186"& "* pp# This treatise on the phenomena o- animal magnetism was published in two -orms in the same yearH one under the pseudonym& the other under the authorDs real name# 729

776% )regory, $am+el%

Cesmerism& or Animal Cagnetism& and /ts >sesI with 3articular irections -or ?mploying /t in =emoving 3ains and Curing iseases& in 3roducing /nsensibility to 3ain in 4urgical and ental ;perationsI and in the ?0amination o- /nternal iseases& with Cases o- ;perations& ?0aminations and Cures# ,ostonH =edding R Co#& 186"& 1( pp# Kregory writes about the use o- mesmerism in the >nited 4tates# A-ter tracing its history -rom 18"(& he states that it was now being used all over the country by physicians to cure illness omany kinds# Typical o- writers on the subLect at that time& Kregory writes about the use omedical clairvoyance& in which a mesmeriAed person can see or sense the internal organs othe body and the state o- illness there# 72 R 39

777% :+hnholt', Henri Marcel%

Analyse apologMtiJue et critiJue de la brochure du docteur N# A# Tedinngarov& intitulMeH ?sJuisse dDune thMorie des phMnomPnes magnMtiJues# 3aris and ContpellierH %# Castel& 186"& 1+ pp# A pamphlet on the elements essential to the action o- animal magnetism# 729

773% <*ang, &illiam%>

Cesmerism& its 2istory& 3henomena& and 3ractice& with =eports o- Cases eveloped in 4cotland# ?dinburghH 8raser and Co#& 186"& 0ii V *6$ pp#

%ang relates the history o- animal magnetism -rom Cesmer on and describes the methods used by some o- its principal practitioners# 2e also tells about the -irst case in which animal magnetism was used as a cure in 4cotland& and other cases that -ollowed# 2e has a section on phreno-magnetism :animal magnetism used in conLunction with phrenology. and a most interesting chapter on the use o- animal magnetism on animals# There is also a striking description o- a somnambulist who develops a second& mesmeric personality with a name di--erent -rom her ordinary name# 729

779% *ee, Ed0in%

=eport upon the 3henomena o- Clairvoyance or %ucid 4omnambulism :8rom 3ersonal ;bservation.# !ith Additional =emarks# An Appendi0 to the Third ?dition o- FAnimal Cagnetism#G %ondonH N# Churchill& 186"& +$ pp# 72 R 39

734% Mesmerism and Phreno2Mesmerism% "onsisting o# Modes o# Mesmerising% 6 ed%

Newcastle-upon-TyneH !# R T# 8ordyce& 186"& '* pp# 729

731% Mesmerism the )i#t o# )od1 in Reply to W$atanic Agency and Mesmerism,X a $ermon $aid to HaAe een Preached !y the ReA% H+gh M;@eile1 in a *etter to a .riend !y a ene#iced "lergyman%
%ondonH n#p#& 186"& 1( pp# This letter takes issue with the same sermon to which ,raid replied in 186* :,raidH +atanic Agency ) ) ) & entry number 6+$.# 729

732% /he Mesmerist% A &ee(ly 9o+rnal o# Qital Magnetism%

;ne vol# only& 186"# 3ublished in %ondon# 729

736% Phreno2Magnet, and Mirror o# @at+re1 a Record o# .acts, E5periments and ,iscoAeries in Phrenology, Magnetism Oc%
;ne vol# onlyI 186"# ?dited by 4pencer 2all and published in %ondon& the -irst and only volume o- this Lournal contained twelve numbers# 2all intended to use this periodical as a way o- promoting his popularly oriented system that employed both animal magnetism and phrenology# The -irst number contains a letter -rom Names ,raid# 729

737% RBsimont, "harles de%

%e magnMtisme animal considMrM comme moyen thMrapeutiJueI son application au traitement de deu0 cas remarJuables de nMvropathie# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 186"& viii V +1' V :". pp# 729

735% A Ret+rn o# ,eparted $pirits o# the Highest "haracter o# ,istinction, as 0ell as the -ndiscriminate o# All @ations, into the odies o# the W$ha(ers,X or W8nited $ociety o# elieAers in the $econd AdAent o# the Messiah%X y an Associate o# $aid $ociety%
3hiladelphiaH N# =# Colon& 186"& viii V 9)+* pp# An interesting description o- the spiritism o- the 4hakers& an American movement which to a certain e0tent anticipated modern spiritualism# 739

736% Ricard, 9ean 9oseph Adolphe%

ArrOt de la cour suprOme touchant le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH The Author& 186"& '* pp# 729

737% Ricard, 9ean 9oseph Adolphe%

%ettres dDun magnMtiseur# 3arisH The Author& 186"& 1'9 pp# 729

733% *e somnam!+le% 9o+rnal de magnBtisme%

;ne vol# onlyI 186")186+# 3ublished at %yon and edited by Auguste 3ossin# 729

739% $+nderland, *aRoy%

3athetismH with 3ractical /nstructionsH emonstrating the 8alsity o- the 2itherto 3revalent Assumptions in =egard to !hat has been Called FCesmerismG and FNeurology&G and /llustrating Those %aws which /nduce 4omnambulism& 4econd 4ight& 4leep& reaming& Trance& and Clairvoyance& with Numerous 8acts Tending to 4how the 3athology oConomania& /nsanity& !itchcra-t& and Earious ;ther Cental or Nervous 3henomena# New @orkH 3# 3# Kood& 186"& 0vi V *6' pp# 4underland& a Cethodist minister& attended the lectures o- Charles 3oyen on animal magnetism in 18"'& and -rom that point began to incorporate that doctrine into his ideas about the e--ects o- the mind upon the body# At the same time he developed an interest in phrenology& and combined the two into a system he labeled Fphrenomagnetism#G Although 4underland later dropped phrenomagnetism& in the -irst edition o- the present book he includes it in his overall system called Fpathetism#G =eLecting the idea o- a magnetic -luid& 4underland substitutes FpathetismG as the agent Fby which one person& by manipulation& is

enabled to produce emotion& -eeling& passion& or any physical or mental e--ects& in the system o- anotherG :p# ".# 2e sees the FsympatheticG relationship between the operator and patient& not animal magnetic -luid& as the central agent -or producing these e--ectsH FAll the -eelings there-ore which one human being may be able to e0cite in the mind o- another # # # are identical with this same agency# # # # /- impressions be made upon the sensorium through the eye or ear& or through the nerves o- sensation& the immediate agency which carries those impressions to the mind is pathetismA :p# (8.# 4underland had a uniJue view o- the importance o- the state o- mind o- those in the en(ironment o- the patient and operatorH F3athetism has to do with the sympathetic system& not o- the operator and his patient merely& but the nervous sympathies and antipathies o- every other person presentG :p# 1*(.# 8or 4underland& pathetism embodies all the changes that can be brought about in the minds omen& and the physical correlates o- those mental changes# /n this way& the system o- pathetism embodies knowledge o- all the laws o- li-e& health& and disease# 72 R 39

794% /he Uoist% A 9o+rnal o# "ere!ral Physiology O Mesmerism, and their Applications to H+man &el#are%
Eols# 1)1"I 186")18+(# The preeminent ,ritish mesmeric Lournal& edited by Nohn ?lliotson and published in %ondon# 729

791% *;aAenir mBdical, 9o+rnal des intBrFts de to+s, aAant po+r !+t la dBmonstration prati?+e d+ no+Ael art de g+Brir, l;homBopathie et le magnBtisme, par la #ondation d;+n hRpital homBopathico2magnBti?+e po+r 154 N 244 in#ants%
Eols# 1)*I 1866)186+# 729

792% arrea+, .erdinand%

%e magnMtisme humain en cour de =ome# 3arisH 4agnier et ,ray& 1866& "$8 pp# !ritten by a Catholic who tried to show that there was nothing in the doctrine o- animal magnetism that was incompatible with Catholic theology# ,arreau was one o- a number who practiced magnetism within the Church and -ought -or its acceptance# 729

796% eecher, &illiam H%

A %etter on Animal Cagnetism# 3hiladelphiaH ,rown& ,ucking and Kuilbert& 1866& ' pp# 729

797% ,ra(e, ,aniel%

Analytical =eport o- a 4eries o- ?0periments in Cesmeric 4omniloJuism& 3er-ormed by an Association o- KentlemenH with 4peculations on the 3roduction o- /ts 3henomena# %ouisville& <entuckyH 8# !# 3rescott R Co#& 1866& +( pp# A report on e0periments done in %ouisville& <entucky& with a young woman who was easily magnetiAed# The e0periments were designed to -ind out whether she had the ability& as had been claimed& to e0perience the sensations o- any person put into communication with her while in the somnambulistic state# According to rake& the e0periments proved that this kind o- FrapportG was a genuine -act# 729

795% )a+thier, A+!in%

%e magnMtisme catholiJueI ou& /ntroduction X la vraie pratiJue et rM-utation des opinions de la mMdecine sur le magnMtismeI ses principes& ses procMdMs et ses e--ets# ,russels and 3arisH n#p#& 1866& *"* pp# Kauthier takes e0ception to the prevalent view o- animal magnetism among physicians# 2e concerns himsel- largely with its practice in ,elgium# 729

796% )a+thier, *o+is Phili!ert A+g+ste%

=echerches historiJues sur lDe0ercice de la mMdecine dans les temples& cheA les peuples de lDantiJuitM& suivies de considMrations sur les rapports Jui peuvent e0ister entre les guMrisons JuDon obtenait dans les anciens temples& X lDaide des songes& et le magnMtisme animal& et sur lDorigine des hcpitau0# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 1866& 0 V *(6 pp# The author compares religious healing practices o- ancient times to those o- his contemporary practitioners o- animal magnetism# 2e denies that the healers o- old used animal magnetism& as some had claimed# 2e does& however& see certain similarities in the therapeutic e--ects produced# 729

797% 9ohnson, "harles P%

A Treatise on Animal Cagnetism# New @orkH ,urgess R 4tringer& 1866& 9( pp# 729

793% <*o+!ert, 9ean aptiste%>

%e magnMtisme et le somnambulisme devant les corps savant& le cour de =ome et les thMologiens# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 1866& :6. V '$* pp# !ritten -rom a =oman Catholic point o- view& the work summariAes the history o- animal magnetism& including opinions o- various learned men on the subLect and the conclusions othe 8rench commissions -or and against# %oubert takes the reader back to the Ciddle Ages and the writings o- the ancients to trace magnetic-type healings be-ore Cesmer# 2e then discusses the writings o- some o- the principal contemporary advocates o- magnetism& such as N# N# A# =icard and Aubin Kauthier& and points out the theological errors o- these authors# %oubert does not& however& desire to reLect magnetism and somnambulism as such& and he de-ends them against condemnation by the church# 729

799% @e0 Eor( Magnet%

1866# 4ee Dhe Magnet, entry number 6+'# 729

544% Pyne, /homas%

Eital CagnetismH A =emedy# %ondonH n#p#& 1866# /n-ormation about publisher and page numbers o- the -irst edition could not be obtained# The second edition& published by 4amuel 2ighley& contains 96 pages# 729

541% ReA+e magnBti?+e% 9o+rnal des #aits et des c+res magnBti?+es et somnam!+li?+es, des thBories, recherches histori?+es, disc+ssions scienti#i?+es et progrDs gBnBra+5 d+ magnBtisme en .rance et dans les pays Btrangers%
Eols# 1)*I 1866)186(# ?dited by Aubin Kauthier and published in 3aris# 729

542% Ricard, 9ean 9oseph Adolphe%

3hysiologie et hygiPne du magnMtiseurI rMgime diMtMtiJue du magnMtisMI CMmoires et aphorismes de Cesmer& avec des notes# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 1866& 0ii V *1( V **8 pp# The second part o- this work was republished separately in 186( under the title Magn'tisme animal) M'moires et aphorismes de Mesmer s$i(is des proc'd's de #9Eslon) 7o$(elle 'dition a(ec des notes :3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& :*. V **8 pp#.# This part contains CesmerDs M'moire o- 1''9 :entry number 1$.& his M'moire o- 1'99 :entry number *11.& and the Aphorismes) 729

546% $and!y, )eorge%

Cesmerism and /ts ;pponentsH with a Narrative o- Cases# %ondonH 1866& 0 V *'8 pp# This book& written by a clergyman o- the Church o- ?ngland& was very in-luential in helping to create a -avorable opinion o- animal magnetism in ,ritain# A-ter disposing o- CDNeileDs charge that mesmerism is diabolical :CDNeileH +atanic Agency and Mesmerism A +ermon, entry number 6($.& 4andby describes his own personal e0periences with animal magnetism and their in-luence on his opinion o- the genuineness o- the phenomena# >sing cases -rom the mesmeric literature& he emphasiAes both the bene-its o- and potential dangers o- animal magnetic practice& emphasiAing the need to counter superstitious attitudes in those who participate# 4andby also suggests techniJues -or the use o- magnetiAers# 72 R 39

547% <$taite, P%>

Cesmerism& or& The New school o- Arts& with Cases in 3oint# %ondonH n#p#& 1866& 1$1 pp#

A work written in verse# 729

545% &igan, Arth+r *ad!ro(e%

A New Eiew o- /nsanity# The uality o- the Cind 3roved by the 4tructure& 8unctions& and iseases o- the ,rain& and by the 3henomena o- Cental erangement& and 4hown to be ?ssential to Coral =esponsibility# %ondonH %ongman& ,rown& Kreen and %ongmans& 1866& 0ii V 6+9 pp# !igan attempts to e0plain Fdouble consciousnessG or what he calls Falternate consciousnessG in terms o- the two hemispheres o- the brain# rawing his e0amples -rom various -ields& including the literature on somnambulism and what would later be called multiple personality& he suggests that there are two minds& corresponding to the two hemispheres& and that these minds can operate simultaneously and independently# This view he then contrasts with a theory o- dual consciousness connected with the two hemispheres proposed by 2enry 2olland& who argued that although a kind o- dual consciousness is involved& the mind itsel- is one# !iganDs book was never all that well known& although it shows up in -ootnotes in some later writings& such as =ibotDs 8es maladies de la personnality :188+& see entry number 11*$.# 729

546% Amo+ro+5, 9% A%
%e magnMtisme X Chateaurou0# Chateaurou0H Adolph Nuret& 186+& 98 V :". pp# Chie-ly concerned about the threat to chastity inherent in the use o- animal magnetism with women& the author cites the secret report to the 8rench king in 1'86# 729

547% ArchiAes de la sociBtB magnBti?+e de "am!rai%

Eols# 1)*I 186+)186(# 729

543% rierre de oismont, Ale5andre 9ac?+es .ranCois%

es hallucinations& ou histoire raisonMe des apparitions& des visions& des songes& de lDe0tase& du magnMtisme et du somnambulisme# 3arisH K# ,ailliPre& 186+& viii V (1+ pp# ?nglishH Hall$cinations or, Dhe Rational History o% Apparitions, Fisions, #reams, Ecstasy, Magnetism, and +omnam"$lism) 3hiladelphiaH %indsay and ,lakiston& 18+"# ,rierre de ,oismont attempts to remove the subLect o- hallucination -rom the e0clusive Lurisdiction o- medical pathology and place it within the domain o- psychology# To do this& he e0amines the phenomenon historically and discusses its broad occurrence in the course oordinary human events# A-ter e0amining hallucination in connection with nervous disorder& ,rierre de ,oismont considers the hallucinations o- dreams and nightmares and the occurrence o- hallucinations in animal magnetism& somnambulism and ecstasy# There is also a section on collective hallucinations# /n the latter part o- the book& the causes& symptomology

and treatment o- hallucinations are outlined# This work enLoyed an unusual popularity and e0ercised a great deal o- in-luence over subseJuent thought concerning the nature oapparitions& precognition& clairvoyance& and other paranormal phenomena# 72 R 39

549% "on#essions o# a Magnetiser, eing an E5posB o# Animal Magnetism%

,ostonH KleasonDs 3ub# 2all& 186+& +$ pp# 3ublished anonymously& this pamphlet condemns animal magnetism as a source o- depravity# The author& apparently a -ormer magnetiAer& describes how the mesmeriAer is himselentranced when treating a young& beauti-ul woman& hardly able to resist the temptation to entice her to satis-y his base desires# The power he e0ercises over her thoughts and actions& according to the author& is such that she will go to any lengths to please him# 729

514% "r+mpe, )% $%
%etters on Animal Cagnetism# ?dinburghH !# 2# %iAars& 186+& *6 pp# 729

511% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

?ssai sur lDenseignement philosophiJue du magnMtisme animal# 3ar le ,aron u 3otet de 4ennevoy# 3arisH A# =enM et Cie& et Censut& 186+& "+( pp# 72 R 39

512% .or!es, 9ohn%

Cesmerism True1Cesmerism 8alseH A Critical ?0amination o- the 8acts& Claims& and 3retentions o- Animal Cagnetism# !ith an Appendi0 Containing a =eport o- Two ?0hibitions by Ale0is# %ondonH Churchill& 186+& '( pp# 8orbes was editor o- the !ritish and 0oreign Medical Re(ie- and he consistently opposed the mesmerists& whom he considered to be naive dreamers# 2ere& as in his Lournal& he attacks the views o- Nohn ?lliotson# This work was also published under the title 1ll$strations o% Modern Mesmerism %rom Personal 1n(estigation) 72 R 39

516% )a+thier, A+!in%

TraitM pratiJue du magnMtisme et du somnambulismeH ou& rMsumM de tous les principes et procMdMs du magnMtisme& avec la thMorie et la dM-inition du somnambulisme& le description du caractPre et des -acultMs des somnambules& et les rPgles de leur direction# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 186+& :*. V vi V '+* pp# A thorough general treatise on the theory and practice o- animal magnetism# Among other topics& Kauthier discusses the e--ect o- magnetic treatments& the way the mental and physical condition o- the magnetiAer a--ects the outcome& the methods o- magnetiAing& the use omagnetiAed obLects in treatment& the use o- animal magnetism on animals& the phases o-

magnetic cures and the phenomena o- magnetic somnambulism# As in most o- KauthierDs work& a historical orientation -or all aspects o- animal magnetism is apparent# 729

517% )reenho0, /homas Michael%

Cedical =eport o- the Case o- Ciss 2111 C111# %ondonH 4# 2ighley& 186+& *6 pp# Account o- a cure brought about through mesmerism# 729

515% )rimes, 9ames $tanley%

?therologyI or the 3hilosophy o- Cesmerism and 3hrenologyH /ncluding a New 3hilosophy o4leep and Consciousness& with a =eview o- the 3retensions o- Neurology and 3hrenomagnetism# ,oston and New @orkH 4a0ton 3eirce R Co#& and 4a0ton and Ciles& 186+& 0vi V :1'.)"+$ pp# Krimes was one o- the most important American writers on animal magnetism# 2is work was in-luential in ,ritain and ?urope as well as in the >nited 4tates# This book& the product omany years e0perience as a lecturer and mesmeriAer& presents KrimesDs rather uniJue views on mesmerism# ,asing his work on the notion that all that happens in the world is to be e0plained in terms o- matter& motion& and mind& Krimes maintains that i- there are to be any e--ects o- matter upon matter or mind upon mind& they must occur through a medium that connects them# This medium he calls the Fetherium#G The study o- the way in which the etherium conveys impressions -rom one mind to another and the way in which these impressions are channeled through the physical organism& he calls Fetherology#G F?theropathyG may then be said to occur whenever the etherium is -orced to act in opposition to its normal mode o- action# 8or Krimes& animal magnetism& mesmerism& pathetism& hypnotism& somnambulism& and clairvoyance are all morbid etheropathic conditions o- the human constitution# 8rom this it -ollows that individuals are only susceptible to being mesmeriAed when in a state o- inner imbalance and that only through knowledge o- the laws o- etherology can one work with nature to bene-it people needing help# Krimes combines this view o- human psychology with his peculiar approach to phrenology# 729

516% Haldat d+ *ys, "harles @icolas Ale5andre de%

2istoire du magnMtisme dont les phMnomPnes sont rendus sensibles par le mouvement# NancyH Krimblot et Eeuve =aybois& 186+& +1 pp# 729

517% Hall, $pencer /imothy%

Cesmeric ?0periences# %ondonH 2# ,ailliPre& 186+& viii V 1$" pp# 2all was a staunch supporter o- the use o- animal magnetism as a cure -or disease# ,elieving that the opponents o- magnetic cures were chie-ly arrogant physicians and others with a vested interest in maintaining superiority over the common people& 2all lectured e0tensively on the subLect throughout ?ngland# /n this book& 2all writes o- his e0perience and o- the value o- phrenology used in conLuction with mesmerism# 729

513% 9o+rnal d+ magnBtisme, rBdigB par +ne $ociBtB de magnBtise+rs et mBdecins, so+s la direction de M% le aron ,+ Potet%
Eols# 1)*$I 186+)18($# Continued asH Eo$rnal d$ magn'tisme) +o$s la direction de H) #$r(ille) Nos# 1)6& then Eols# **)(':W.VI 18'9)19*+V# This Lournal was edited by the ,aron u 3otet and& a-ter a brieinterruption& by 2ector urville# A second series began with Eol# 1(# 729

519% *a+rent, P%
4ystPme des passes magnMtiJues& ou ensemble des procMdMs de magnMtisation# NantesH 8orest& :186+.& 1+ pp# A use-ul description o- the magnetic FpassesG used to direct animal magnetism# 729

524% *oisel, A%
;bservation concernant une Leune -ille de di0-sept ans amputMe dDune Lambe X Cherbourg le * octobre 186+& pendant le sommeil magnMtiJue# CherbourgH ,eau-ort et %ecau-& 186+& *" pp# !ith animal magnetism as an anesthetic& %oisel carried out a number o- maLor surgical operations at Cherbourg that were among the earliest such operations# This is an account oone o- his operations# 729

521% *oisel, A%
=ecueil dDopMrations chirurgicales pratiJuMes sur des suLets magnMtisMs# CherbourgH ,eau-ort and %ecau-& 186+& *6 pp# An account o- surgical operations per-ormed by %oisel using animal magnetism as an anesthetic# 4ee entry number +*$# 729

522% Martinea+, Harriet%

%etters on Cesmerism# %ondonH ?# Co0on& 186+& :1. V :v.)0ii V (+ V :1. pp# Cartineau was one o- the most unusual and in-luential women o- nineteenth-century ?ngland# A power-ul intellectual -orce in economics and social science& she -irst gained success through the publication o- her 1ll$strations o% Political Economy :18"*)18"6.# /n addition to writing proli-ically on politics and economics& she was also a success-ul novelist and writer ochildrenDs stories# /n 1866 Cartineau was cured o- a serious illness through animal magnetism& and in this collection o- letters she discharges her FdutyG to make the truth about mesmerism known# 4he had known about mesmerism -or some time& and when her illness became debilitating& a medical -riend brought her to the -amous mesmerist 4pencer 2all :see entry number +1'.& who was then lecturing at Newcastle# 2e mesmeriAed Cartineau and the bene-icial e--ects were immediate# Cartineau -irst had her maid and then another woman mesmeriAe her regularly# A-ter consistent treatment o- this kind& Cartineau recovered# uring

the mesmeric treatment& she o-ten e0perienced power-ul distortions o- sensation which she describes in some detail in the %etters# 729

526% @e0nham, &illiam%

2uman CagnetismH /ts Claims to ispassionate /nJuiryH ,eing an Attempt to 4how the >tility o- /ts Application -or the =elie- o- 2uman 4u--ering# %ondonH Churchill& 186+& vi V :1. V 6"* pp# /n his Essay on +$perstition :18"$. Newnham was perhaps the -irst notable person in nineteenth-century ?ngland to speak highly o- animal magnetism# /n this work& published some -i-teen years later& he takes up the subLect at length& covering the principle issues otheory and practice# ;- particular interest are sections on the e0tent to which imagination can e0plain the e--ects o- animal magnetism and phreno-magnetism& a theory -or which Newnham had little regard# 729

527% Pellegrino, )% <pse+donym1 *% Qerati%>

4toria& teoria e pratica del magnetismo animale# 6 vols# 8lorenceH n#p#& 186+)186(# A detailed study o- animal magnetism& describing phenomena reported in 8rance and /taly& and providing an account o- the authorDs own e0periences# 729

525% $mith, )i!son%

%ectures on ClairmativenessH or& 2uman Cagnetism# New @orkH 4earing R 3rall& 186+& 6$ pp# 729

526% $+nderland, *aRoy%

FCon-essions o- a CagnetiAerG ?0posed# ,ostonH =edding and Co#& 186+& 6' pp# 4underland attacks the anonymous pamphlet Bon%essions o% a Magneti5er, "eing an e&pos' o% animal magnetism :entry number +$9. as a slander against those who competently and honorably practice animal magnetism# 4underland claims that the pamphlet is -ull o-alsehoods and distortions and is misleading to the public# 729

527% $'apary, .erenc' )ro#%

<atechismus des Eital-Cagnetismus Aur leichteren irection der %aien-Cagnetiseurs# 5usammengetragen wdhrend seiner AehnLdhrigen magnetischen %au-bahn nach Aussagen von 4omnambulen und vieler Autoren# %eipAigH ;tto !igand& 186+& :1. V viii V 61( pp# /n this work 4Aapary admits that& although his -irst book on animal magnetism :Ein ,ort 3"er animalischen Magnetism$s, entry number 6"1. appeared in 186$& it was not until 186" that he really came to understand the true nature o- the phenomenon# /n that year& he had among his patients a 1(-year-old girl& Auguste <achler& whose somnambulistic pronouncements on

animal magnetism took him beyond a mere FpoeticalG understanding to a truly scienti-ic one# 8rom these insights& 4Aapary started a new school o- healing magnetism& and he credits this young woman as its true -ounder# /n the Ratechism$s, 4Aapary brings together Auguste <achlerDs pronouncements and those o- other somnambulists and authors to construct a FcatechismG o- basic truths about healing magnetism# /t is presented in this -orm -or a very speci-ic reason# 4Aapary states that the main di--erence between CesmerDs teaching and that o- the new school is that according to Cesmer only a -ew people are capable o- magnetiAing others& whereas the new school teaches that everyone can do it# ,ecause he held that anyone could magnetiAe& 4Aapary undertakes to present to the lay practitioner the basic principles omagnetic practice in a simple and readable -orm# 729

523% $'apary, .erenc' )ro#%

ie magnetische %ehre der neuen 4chule in 8ragen und Antworten nach den Eorlesungen # # # von ein seiner 2arer# =egensburgH CanA& 186+& 111 pp# 8our hundred -orty-nine Juestions and answers on animal magnetic practice# This book was intended as a companion work to entry number +*'# 729

529% /este, Alphonse%

%e magnMtisme animal e0pliJuM& ou %e[ons analytiJues sur la nature essentielle du magnMtisme& sur ses e--ets& son histoire& ses applications& les diverses maniPres de la pratiJuer& etc# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 186+& :". V 6'9 V :1. pp# %ectures written in an easy style and ranging over the history and theory o- animal magnetism# 729

564% &agner, A%
8acts and 8allacies o- CesmerismI emonstrated to /ts 8riends and ;pponents# %ondonH 4tevenson& 186+& "1 pp# 729

561% *;art de#ormer les somnam!+les, traitB prati?+e de somnam!+lisme magnBti?+e, N l;+sage des gens d+ monde et des mBdecins ?+i Ae+lent apprendre N magnBtiser%
ContpellierH 3ierre Krollier& 186(& (8 pp# A practical handbook -or magnetiAers who work with somnambulists# /t suggests what Jualities those magnetiAers should possess and tells how to choose and train good somnambulistic subLects# 729

562% raid, 9ames%

The 3ower o- the Cind over the ,ody& an ?0perimental /nJuiry into the Nature and Cause othe 3henomena Attributed by ,aron =eichenbach and ;thers to a FNew /mponderable#G %ondon& ?dinburgh& and :Canchester.H %ondonH Nohn ChurchillI ?dinburghH Adam R Chas# ,lackI :CanchesterH Krant and Co#.& 186(& "( pp# A very intelligent critiJue o- the -indings o- ,aron von =eichenbach concerning his newly discovered FodicG -orce# /n ,raidDs mind& this was Lust another way o- talking about the Funiversal magnetic -luidG o- the mesmerists# Consistent with his previous writings on that subLect& ,raid denies that such a Fnew imponderableG has been proven to e0ist# 2e claims that all the phenomena adduced to establish such a proo- may be accounted -or in terms o- the remarkable power o- the human mind over the body and that it is FunphilosophicalG to accept its e0istence unless more ordinary means o- e0planation -ail# 729

566% "ar+s, "arl )+staA%

3syche& Aur ?ntwicklungsgeschichte der 4eele# 3-orAheimH 8lammer and 2o--man& 186(# Carus& a physician and philosopher& wrote books on gynecology& comparative anatomy& physiology& and psychology# 2ere& he describes the nature and structure o- the unconscious as a repository -or all o- the -eelings and perceptions which we once had and o- which we are no longer conscious# Carus argues that communication constantly takes place between individuals on an unconscious level and that studying such communication is crucial -or understanding human psychology# 2is ideas on the unconscious had a strong in-luence on ?duard von 2artmann :entry number 9*6.# 729

567% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

Canuel de lDMtudiant magnMtiseur& ou Nouvelle instruction pratiJue sur le magnMtisme& -ondMe sur "$ annMes dDobservationI suivi de la 6e Md# des e0pMriences -aites en 18*$ X lD2ctel- ieu de 3aris# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 186(& 0ii& "66 pp# !ritten with the beginner in mind& the manual provides some basic theory and techniJues -or the neophyte in animal magnetism# /t was published together with the -ourth edition o- u 3otetDs -irst workH E&pos' des e&p'riences o- 18*1 :entry number "$*.#

565% Elliotson, 9ohn%

The 2arveian ;ration& elivered be-ore the =oyal College o- 3hysicians& %ondon& Nune *'th& 186(# !ith an ?nglish Eersion and Notes# %ondonH 2# ,ailliPre& :8. V '$ pp# The %atin address recounts the shoddy treatment given to medical innovators over the centuries& and calls upon the present generation o- physicians not to repeat this sorry history in their treatment o- animal magnetism# The unusual procedure o- publishing the address in both %atin and ?nglish was meant to make ?lliotsonDs views more available to the public# An appendi0 contains a 8etter to the Royal Bollege o% Physicians, 8ondon, dated March 2>, 1>C2 by 8ranA Anton Cesmer :1'"6)181+.# Cesmer commends the doctrine o- animal magnetism to the =oyal College o- 3hysicians& and states that& although some persons in ?ngland had detracted him personally& his theory nonetheless remains Fundamaged in ?ngland& where the discovery has not yet been proclaimed#G 729

566% Esdaile, 9ames%

Cesmerism in /ndia& and /ts 3ractical Application in 4urgery and Cedicine# %ondonH %ongman& ,rown& Kreen& and %ongmans& 186(& 000i V :1. V *8' pp# ?sdaile& originally -rom 4cotland& was a practicing surgeon in Calcutta& /ndia# A physician ogreat skill& in 186' he was appointed 4urgeon to the Kovernment o- /ndia# At the outset& he lists seventy-three painless surgical operations per-ormed in the previous eight months while the patients were in a mesmeric trance& as well as eighteen cases o- cures brought about by animal magnetic passes# The surgical operations included amputation o- an arm& cataract operations& great toenails cut out by the root& and the removal o- large tumors o- up to eighty pounds# ?sdaile reports that not one death occurred as a result o- the operations# ?sdaile then traces the history o- mesmerism& gives a detailed description o- how he induced the mesmeric trance& and describes the course o- many cases -rom diagnosis through operation to recovery# Although this work& along with ?lliotsonDs 7$mero$s Bases o% +$rgical *perations ,itho$t Pain :entry number 6'6. was brie-ly in-luential& e0perimentation o- the kind ?sdaile carried out was cut short by the discovery o- an e--ective chemical anaesthesia the very year Mesmerism in 1ndia was published# 729

567% )a+thier, A+!in%

=M-orme mMdicaleH compMrage magnMtiJue rMprimM& Juestions et observations dDordre public sur la pratiJue du magnMtisme& du mesmMrisme et du somnambulisme& considMrMe comme e0ercice de la mMdecine& etc# # # # 3arisH ondey- uprM& 186(& ii V 66 pp# 729

563% Haldat d+ *ys, "harles @icolas Ale5andre de%

eu0 mMmoires sur le magnMtisme :=echerches sur lDuniversalitM de la -orce magnMtiJue# =echerches sur lDapprMciation de la -orce magnMtiJue.# NancyH Krimblot et Eeuve =aybois& 186(& 61 pp# 729

569% 9ones, Henry%

Animal Cagnetism =epudiated as 4orceryI1Not # # # 4cience # # # !ith an Appendi0 on Cagnetic 3henomena by !illiam 2# ,eecher& # # New @orkH N# 4# =ed-ield& 186(& *6 pp# 72 R 39

574% *eger, /heodore%

Animal CagnetismI or 3sychodunamy# New @orkH # Appleton R Co#& 186(& :'. V 8)6$* pp# %eger proposes a complete revision o- the nomenclature o- animal magnetism :apparently he had not heard o- ,raid and FhypnotismG. and substitutes FpsychodunamyG or Fpower o- the soul#G 2e renames all the appropriate operations& the verb being to Fdunamise&G etc# 4o he

dismisses Fanimal electricityG :3etetin& entry number **+.& Fmesmerism&G FpathetismG :4underland& entry number 689.& and FetherologyG :Krimes& entry number +1+.# /n renaming the phenomenon& however& %eger did not revise the characteristics attributed to it# The book presents a very detailed and use-ul history o- the -ortunes o- animal magnetism -rom the investigations o- the -avorable 8rench commission in the 18*$s to the time o- its writing# /t concludes with an interesting prehistory o- FpsychodunamyG in the medical practices o- the ancients& a description o- CesmerDs discovery& and an account o- FpsychodunamyG in ?ngland and America# 729

571% *oisel, A%
/nsensibilitM produite au moyen du sommeil magnMtiJue# Nouvelle opMration chirurgicale -aite X Cherbourg# CherbourgH n#p#& 186(# 8or previous surgical operations at Cherbourg& see entry number +*$# 729

572% *oisson de )+ina+mont, "la+de Marie *o+is%

4omnologie magnMtiJue& ou recueil de -aits et opinions somnambuliJues pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme humain# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 4agnier et ,ray& 186(& "*6 pp# A collection o- pronouncements by a somnambulist on the nature o- human magnetism and other matters# 729

576% <*o+!ert, 9ean aptiste%>

M-ense thMologiJue du magnMtisme humain& ou le magnMtisme est-il superstition& magieW ?stil condamnM X =omeW %es magnMtiseurs et les somnambules sont-ils en s_retM de conscienceW 3euvent-ils Otre admis X la participation des sacrementsW 3arisH 3oussielgue-=usand& 186(& ""$ pp# %oubert de-ends himsel- against critics o- the views he e0pressed in 8e magn'tisme et le somnam"$lisme de(ant les corps sa(ants, le corp de Rome et les th'ologiens :entry number 698.# ;bLections had been raised not only by theologians who opposed animal magnetism& but also by magnetiAers who disagreed with many o- his conclusions# 72 R 39

577% Magnetic and "old &ater "+re%

Eol# 1I 186(# ;ne volume only :W.& published in ,oston and =ochester& New @ork# 729

575% MagnBtisme% -nsensi!ilitB prod+ite a+ moyen d+ sommeil magnBti?+e% @o+Aelle opBration chir+rgicale #aite N "her!o+rg%
CherbourgH n#p#& 186(# 729

576% Report o# the "ommittee Appointed !y )oAernment to P!serAe and Report +pon $+rgical Pperations !y ,r% 9% Esdaile, +pon Patients +nder the -n#l+ence o# Alleged Mesmeric Agency%
CalcuttaH Cilitary ;rphan 3ress& 186(& *9 pp# !hen Names ?sdaile began using animal magnetism or mesmerism to anaesthetiAe patients -or surgical operations& his apparent successes caused the government in /ndia to determine Lust what was taking place# The report supported ?sdaileDs claims and led to the establishment o- a mesmeric hospital# There he used mesmerism not only -or surgery& but also to alleviate pain and even treat illnesses# 729

577% Ro+5, .%
Coup dDoeil sur le magnMtisme animal et le somnambulisme considMrMs sous le rapport mMdical et religieu0# ContpellierH ,oehn& 186(& 1** V :*. pp# 729

573% </ancho+, ===%>

?nJuOte sur lDauthenticitM des phMnomPnes MlectriJues dDAngMliJue CottZn# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 186(& +6 pp# AngMliJue Cottin was a peasant girl in her early teens who lived in a village near Contagne in Normandy# 8or about ten weeks she e0hibited phenomena o- an apparently FelectricalG nature& beginning on Nanuary 1+& 186(# ;bLects began to move and behave unpredictably around her& and a r# Tanchou decided to investigate what was happening# 2e discovered that her body behaved as though charged with electricity1sometimes positive and sometimes negative# 2e states that the electrical -orce emanated -rom the le-t side o- her body& particularly -rom the area o- the waist and the bend o- the arm# /t seemed to be strongest in the evening# 72 R 39

579% +sh, )eorge%
Cesmer R 4wedenborgI or& The =elation o- the evelopments o- Cesmerism to the octrines and isclosures o- 4wedenborg# New @orkH Nohn Allen& 186'& 0 V :*. V :1".)*88 pp# A most unusual book relating the psychic and psychological phenomena o- animal magnetism to the doctrines o- the 4wedish sage ?manuel 4wedenborg# Although Cesmer published his -irst treatise on animal magnetism :1''9. seven years a-ter the death o- 4wedenborg& those who have -ollowed the teachings o- 4wedenborg have always mani-ested an interest in mesmerism# Thus& the -irst known 4wedish document on animal magnetism was published in 4tockholm in 1'88 by the F?0egetical and 3hilanthropical 4ociety&G a group -ormed to promote 4wedenborgDs writings :see entry number 18(.# r# Nung-4tilling :1'6$)181'.& who wrote on both animal magnetism and spirit communication :see entry numbers *"1)*"*.& was

well acJuainted with the writings o- 4wedenborg# /t is not surprising then& that ,ush& who -inds in the psychic phenomena o- mesmerism a means -or veri-ying the truth o- the e0periences o- 4wedenborg& would have attempted to uni-y the two streams in a cogent way# 72 R 39

554% ,elaage, Henri%

/nitiation au0 mystPres du magnMtisme# ThMorie du magnMtisme# Connaissance des maladies& causes et remPdes# 8aits magnMtiJues# Eision somnambuliJue# Eision dans lDavenir et dans lDespace& etc# # # =ouen and 3arisH A# 3Mron and entu& 186'& vi V 9' pp# elaage was a mystic& magnetiAer& and populariAer o- magnetic and spiritual subLects# A kind and modest individual& he was o-ten consulted -or spiritual advice# /n his writings and li-e he remained a loyal Catholic and saw no contradiction between his -aith and animal magnetism# This work is a general introduction to the theory and practice o- animal magnetism& with advice about everything -rom healing to clairvoyance# 72 R 39

551% )entil, 9oseph Adolphe%

CagnMtisme# ?0plication du phMnomPne de seconde vue et de soustraction de pensMe& dont Louissent les somnambules lucides# u magnMtisme au point de vue de la thMrapeutiJue# Carcillet& notice biographiJue# 3arisH Albert 8rPres& :186'.& "* pp# 72 R 39

552% *a#ontaine, "harles%

%Dart de magnMtiser ou le magnMtisme animal considMrM sous le point de vue thMoriJue& pratiJue et thMrapeutiJue# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 186'& vii& "(6 pp# The -irst book o- one o- the most celebrated magnetiAers o- the nineteenth century# %a-ontaine was a stage magnetiAer o- great ability who toured ?urope and ?ngland giving demonstrations o- the power o- mesmerism# /t was his lecture and demonstration in ?ngland in 1861 that led Names ,raid to do the e0periments which led to his doctrine o- Fhypnotism#G /n this book %a-ontaine deals with both the theory and practice o- animal magnetism# /t indicates that %a-ontaine was not merely a stage magnetist# 2e had a interest in animal magnetism as an agent -or curing or alleviating illnesses& and this work is a veritable mine o- in-ormation about the use o- animal magnetism in %a-ontaineDs day# 729

556% *a $al'ede, "harles de%

%ettres sur le magnMtisme animal& considMrM sous le point de vue physiologiJue et psychologiJue& X C# le r# eYYY# 3arisH %abe& 186'& *"1 pp# 729

557% MagnBtisme, insensi!ilitB a!sol+te prod+ite a+ moyen d+ sommeil magnBti?+e% /rois no+Aelles opBrations chir+rgicales prati?+Bes N "her!o+rg, le 7 L+in 1377, en prBsence de pl+s de 64 tBmoins%

CherbourgH ,eau-ort et %ecau-& :186'.# 729

555% /onna, "harlotte Eli'a!eth H ro0neI%

Cesmerism& a %etter to Ciss Cartineau# 3hiladelphiaH Cartien& 186'& 1( pp# 729

556% &ilson, 9ames Qictor%

2ow to CagnetiAe& or Cagnetism and Clairvoyance# A 3ractical Treatise on the Choice& Canagement and Capabilities o- 4ubLects& with /nstructions on the Cethod o- 3rocedure# =evised ed# New @orkH 4# =# !ells and Company& 18'9& v V :1. V 11)1$6 pp# A practical manual :which -irst appeared in 186'. o- animal magnetism written in a very popular style# No in-ormation is available about the -irst edition e0cept its date# 72 R 39

557% Almignana, A!!B%
CagnMtisme# %e Christ Juali-iM de magnMtiseur par la synagogue et lDincrMdulitM modernes et le magnMtisme plaidant lui-mOme la cause du Christ# 3arisH n#p#& 1868& "( pp# !hile accepting animal magnetism as a genuine phenomenon& the author& a priest& emphasiAes that this does not detract -rom the supernatural character o- the works o- Christ# 72 R 39

553% "ahagnet, *o+is Alphonse%

Kuide du magnMtiseur ou procMdMs magnMtiJues dDaprPs Cesmer& de 3uysMgur et eleuAe& mis X la portMe de tout le monde suivi des bien-aits et dangers du somnambulisme# 3arisH The Author& 1868& (6 pp# A little work brie-ly describing how to use FpassesG or special movements o- the hands to magnetiAe& how to employ magnetism as a healing techniJue& and how to gain access to the spirit world through somnambulism# 72 R 39

559% "ahagnet, *o+is Alphonse%

CagnMtisme# Arcanes de la vie -uture dMvoilMs& ou lDe0istence& la -orme& les occupations de lDfme aprPs sa sMparation du corps sont prouvMes par plusieurs annMes dDe0pMriences au moyen de huit somnambules e0tatiJues Jui ont eu Juatre-vingts perceptions de trente-si0 personnes de diverses conditions dMcMdMes X di--Mrentes MpoJues& leur signalement& conversations& renseignements preuves irrMcusables de leur e0istence au monde spirituell# " vols# 3arisH ,ailliPre& :1868)18+6.#

The work o- Cahagnet was important in providing a direct link between the tradition oanimal magnetism and that o- spiritualism# Cahagnet& a 4wedenborgian& accepted the belie- othe 4wedish seer that human beings can communicate with the spirit world# /t is not surprising then that when Cahagnet put individuals into a state o- magnetic somnambulism& some othem began to speak o- e0periences o- Lust that kind# Arcanes de la %$t$re is the -irst and most important o- his works# /n it he describes the visions o- eight somnambulists who describe in detail their encounters with spirits o- the dead# /n some cases they relate in-ormation about the deceased person that seemed to be unknown to them but proved to be accurate# They also describe the nature o- li-e beyond the grave and relay moral admonitions -rom those who have gone to the other side# /n his work with these magnetic ecstatics& Cahagnet anticipated the spiritualist movement which was soon to sweep America and& a -ew years later& ?ngland& Kermany and 8rance# /n 8rance only ,illot :see entry number "9". had carried out similar investigations with magnetic somnambulists be-ore Cahagnet# Eolume two o- this work was translated into ?nglish and published under the title Dhe Belestial Delegraph :%ondonH Keorge 3eirce& 18+$.# 72 R 39

564% "or#e, )eorge%

Cesmerism Tried by the Touch-stone o- TruthH ,eing a =eply to r# AshburnerDs =emarks on 3hrenology& Cesmerism& and Clairvoyance# %ondonH 2atchard R 4on& 1868& 0iv V :1+.)66 pp# 72 R 39

561% "ro0e, "atherine%

The Night 4ide o- NatureH or& Khosts and Khost 4eers# * vols# %ondonH Newby& 1868& viii V 6**I "86 pp# A very in-luential work that presents a sober description o- various supernormal phenomena including presentiments& trance& doppelgangers& apparitions& haunted houses& spectral lights and poltergeists# CroweDs work stirred interest in the supernormal among serious-minded individuals and helped prepare the way -or what would later be called psychical research# 739

562% )entil, 9oseph Adolphe%

/nitiation au0 mystPres secrets de la thMorie et de la pratiJue du magnMtisme rendue simple et -acile Juant X la pratiJue etc#& suivie dDe0pMriences inMdites -aites X Conte Cristo cheA Ale0andre umas& de la biographie de N# ,# Carcillet& de la visite -aite au somnambule Ale0is par le gMnMral Cavaignac# 3arisH =obert& 1868& 1$$ pp# 729

566% *a+rent, P%
/ntroduction au magnMtisme animal par 3# %aurent& suivie des principau0 aphorismes du r Cesmer dictMs par lui X lDassemblMe de ses MlPves& et dans lesJuels on trouve ses principes& sa thMorie et les moyens de magnMtiser# 3arisH %ange-%Mvy& 1868& *" pp# 729

567% @e0man, 9ohn %

8ascination& or The philosophy o- Charming& /llustrating the 3rinciples o- %i-e in Connection with 4pirit and Catter# New @orkH 8owler and !ells& 1868& 0 V :11.)1'( pp# A curious and interesting treatment o- the subLect o- -ascination& a term which the author pre-ers to Fanimal magnetismG or other alternate names# Newman traces -ascination back to Adam and insists that Cesmer did not discover anything new# 2e points out that -ascination is commonly observed in the animal kingdom and has been employed as a healing procedure among human beings -rom time immemorial# No earlier publication in-ormation is available# 729

565% Pasley, /% H%
The 3hilosophy which 4hows the 3hysiology o- Cesmerism& and ?0plains the 3henomenon o- Clairvoyance# %ondonH %ongman& ,rown& Kreen& and %ongmans& 1868& vii V 1$6 pp# The author attempts to provide an elaborate e0planation o- the nature o- animal magnetism and its e--ects through a F3hilosophy o- Cechanical Nature#G 2is e0planations are similar to those o- Cesmer himsel-& emphasiAing matter and motion as the essential elements o- all magnetic action# %ike Cesmer& he e0plains clairvoyant perception as due to the all-pervading presence o- a universal -luid that the magnetiAed person can perceive because o- the special state o- the magnetiAed nervous system# 72 R 39

566% Ricard, 9ean 9oseph Adolphe%

?sJuisse de lDhistoire du magnMtisme humain depuis Cesmer LusJuDen 1868# ,ordeau0H /nstitut magnMtologiJue& 1868& "+ pp# 729

567% Ricard, 9ean 9oseph Adolphe%

Eade mecum du magnMtiseur# ,ordeau0H /nstitut magnMtologiJue& 1868& 1'9 pp# 729

563% /este, Alphonse%

%es con-essions dDun magnMtiseurH suivies dDune consultation mMdico-magnMtiJue sur des cheveu0 de Cm# %a-arge# * vols# 3arisH Karnier -rPres& 1868# 729

569% Angelh+!er, 9% .%

ie prophetische <ra-t des magnetische 4chla-es& oder wunderbare ?nthQllungen des 5ukun-t durch 4omnambulen psychologische dargestellt und durch Aahlreiche ,eispiele bestdtigt# Nebst 8ingerAeigen& die Aum 2ochschla- geeigneten 3ersonen in den 5ustand der clairvoyance Au versetAen# !eimarH ,ernhard 8riedrich Eoigt& 1869& :6. V *(6 pp# !orking within the magnetic tradition as elaborated by the principal Kerman magnetists& Angelhuber describes how such things as prophecy& dowsing& physical rapport& and clairvoyance work# 72 R 39

574% a+mann, A% M% .%
Curative =esults o- Cedical 4omnambulism& Consisting o- 4everal Authenticated Cases& /ncluding the 4omnambuleDs ;wn Case and Cure# %ondonH 2ippolyte ,aillPre& 1869& 6" pp# 729

571% la(eman, R+#+s%

A 3hilosophical ?ssay on Credulity and 4uperstitionI and also on Animal 8ascination& or Charming# New @ork and New 2avenH # Appleton :New @ork. and 4# ,abcock :New 2aven.& 1869& *$( pp# A little known treatise which discusses everything -rom mesmerism and Juackery to ghosts and witchcra-t# 72 R 39

572% ristol Mesmeric -nstit+te%

=eport o- the 8irst 3ublic CeetingI the =t# 2on# ?arl ucie& 3resident& in the Chair# %ondonH n#p#& 1869& 1* pp# 729

576% +chanan;s 9o+rnal o# Man%

Eols# 1)(I 1869)18+(# Eols# 1)"I 188')189$ :new series.# ?dited by Noseph =odes ,uchanan# 739

577% ,+ncan, )eorge &%

A 4ynopsis o- CesmerismI or& Animal Cagnetism& 3athetism& ?lectrical 3sychologyI or the 3hilosophy o- /mpressions# 3hiladelphiaH n#p#& 1869& 1+ pp# 729

575% Haddoc(, 9oseph &%

4omnolism and 3sycheism& ;therwise Eital Cagnetism& or CesmerismH Considered 3hysiologically and 3hilosophically# !ith an Appendi0 Containing Notes o- Cesmeric and 3sychical ?0perience# %ondonH 2odson& 1869& '" pp# Two lectures given by 2addock& a physician o- ,olton& ?ngland& on the subLect omesmerism# /n the appendi0 he describes some remarkable e0periments done with his chiesomnambulistic subLect& ?mma# 2addock enlarged the work -or a second edition published in 18+1 which enLoyed great popularity in ?ngland and the >nited 4tates# The book is important both -or its in-luence in populariAing mesmerism and also -or its account o- ?mmaDs paranormal e0periences# 72 R 39

576% *ee, Ed0in%

Animal Cagnetism and the Associated 3henomena& 4omnambulism& Clairvoyance& etc# %ondonH N# Churchill& 1869& vi V :".)++ pp# 72 R 39

577% *e magnBtise+r spirit+aliste, 9o+rnal rBdigB par les mem!res de la sociBtB des magnBtise+rs spirit+alistes de Paris%
Eols# 1)"I 1869)18+1# 3ublished in 3aris and edited by %ouis Alphonse Cahagnet :18$+)188+.& this periodical was intended as a -orum -or short articles on animal magnetism& ecstatic somnambulism& magnetic healing and related subLects# 72 R 39

573% Maitland, $am+el Ro##ey%

/llustrations and ?nJuiries =elating to Cesmerism# 3art /# %ondonH !illiam 4tephenson& 1869& vi V 8$ pp# A small treatise sympathetic to mesmerism written by a ,ritish clergyman# Caitland gathers together some o- the more striking accounts o- mesmeric phenomena in an e--ort to arouse the curiosity o- the reader# 2e treats& among other things& clairvoyance and mesmerism at a distance# 3art * never appeared# 72 R 39

579% Mayo, Her!ert%

%etter on the Truths Contained in 3opular 4uperstitions& with an Account o- Cesmerism# 8rank-urtH N# # 4auerlaender& 1869& iv V +)1+* pp# Cayo was 3ro-essor o- Comparative Anatomy at the =oyal College o- 4urgeons in %ondon# The whole -irst part is about various FsuperstitionsG in which Cayo -inds both truth and delusion# These include the divining rod& ghosts& and vampirism# This section is -ollowed by a discussion o- trance in its various -orms# 2e investigates both natural trances& such as coma& and arti-icially induced trance& particularly that brought about by animal magnetism# Cayo accepts the reality o- many o- the Fhigher phenomenaG o- magnetic somnambulism and gives a detailed description o- the various kinds or stages o- clairvoyance# 2e also mentions a patient who mani-ested FJuintuple consciousness&G apparently a case o- multiple personality# 72 R 39

534% Mongr+el, *o+is Pierre%

3rodiges et merveilles de lDesprit humain sous lDin-luence magnMtiJue# 3arisH n#p#& 1869& 9* pp# The author writes about magnetic somnambulism and the oracular states that it can produce# 2is wi-e :see Cadame Congruel& entry number 8$9. was such a somnambulist and was known in 3aris as the Fmodern sibyl#G /n this work Congruel cites certain in-ormation acJuired somnambulistically that shows& he believes& that she had psychic access to secret meetings# 72 R 39

531% PliAier, 9oseph%

TraitM de magnMtisme& suivi des paroles dDun somnambule& et dDun recueil de traitements magnMtiJues# ToulouseH Nouglat& 1869& +*1 pp# 729

532% Pretrea+5, 9% ,%
?lectricitM naturelle& ou CesmMrisme mis en pratiJue X lDusage des -amilles# CambraiH A# Kirard& 1869& *6 pp# 729

536% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

3hysikalish-physiologische >ntersuchungen Qber die ynamide des Cagnetismus& der ?lectriAitdt& der !drme& des %ichtes& der <rystallisation& des Chemismus in ihren ,eAiehungen Aur %ebenskra-t# * vols# * ed# ,raunschweigH 8riedrich Eieweg and 4ohn& 1869& 0iv V :6. V *18I vi V *6$ pp# ?nglishH Psycho-physiological Researches on the #ynamides or 1mpondera"les, Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, 8ight, Brystalli5ation, and Bhemical Attraction, in Dheir Relation to the Fital 0orce) Translated by !illiam Kregory# %ondonH Taylor& !alton and Caberly& 18+$# =eichenbach was a Kerman natural philosopher and industrialist& -amous as the discoverer ocreosote and para--in# 2e liked scienti-ic e0perimentation and in the 186$s Juestioned human perception o- magnetic emanations# 2e came to believe that every substance in the universe gives o-- emanations which can be perceived by some individuals# =eichenbach called these emanations FodG and the people who can perceive them Fsensitives#G 2e believed that he had conclusively established that these individuals could see an Fodyllic lightG o- de-inite color proceeding -rom the human -ingertips& -rom the poles o- magnets& -rom crystals& and -rom other substances# =eichenbach was certain that& in his e0periments& he had removed all possibility that suggestion or ordinary perception were involved in these e0periences# 4ensitives& according to =eichenbach& used a -aculty possessed by a great part o- the population :perhaps hal-.& and he considered the perception o- FodG emanations to be a purely natural phenomenon with no supernatural implications# 2e tried to -orce-ully set himsel- apart -rom the proponents o- animal magnetism& stating that his concern was simply to investigate a general physical -orce& and that he had no interest in the therapeutic practices o- the mesmeriAers# Nonetheless& it is di--icult to distinguish =eichenbachDs odic -orce -rom

CesmerDs magnetic -luid# The similarity is re-lected in general writings on human magnetism -rom 18+$ on that o-ten treat the two phenomena as identical# /n Physi.alish-physiologische Gnters$ch$ngen, =eichenbachDs most popular work on the subLect& the author presents an overview o- his notion o- FodG :or Fodyle&G as Kregory translated it. and a description o- the e0periments he conducted to establish its e0istence# There were two ?nglish translationsH the one re-erenced above& and another translated by Nohn Ashburner and published in 18+1# =eichenbachDs writings were numerous& but most o- them were never translated into ?nglish# /n-ormation on the -irst Kerman edition o- this work is unavailable# 729

537% Rice, @athan *e0is

3hrenology ?0amined& and 4hown to be /nconsistent with the 3rinciples o- 3hysiology& Cental and Coral 4cience& and the octrines o- ChristianityH also an ?0amination o- the Claims o- Cesmerism# New @ork and CincinnatiH =# Carter R ,rothers :New @ork. and N# # Thorpe& :Cincinatti.& 1869& viii V 9)"18 pp# 729

535% <Rodgers, &% H%>

8acts in Cagnetism& Cesmerism& 4omnambulism& 8ascination& 2ypnotism& 4ycodonamy& ?therology& 3athetism& Rc#& ?0plained and /llustrated# Auburn& erbyH The Author& 1869& 9( pp# 729

536% $cores!y, &%

5oistic CagnetismH ,eing the 4ubstance o- Two %ectures& escriptive o- ;riginal Eiews and /nvestigations =especting This Cysterious AgencyI elivered& by =eJuest& at TorJuay& on the *6th o- April and 1st o- Cay& 1869# %ondon and TorJuayH %ongman& ,rown& Kreen& and %ongmans :%ondon. and Cockren :TorJuay.& 1869& 166 pp# Against the accusation that a supernatural& diabolical agency is involved in phenomena oanimal magnetism :Aoistic magnetism.& 4coresby attempts to show that the phenomena are e0plicable in terms o- the known laws o- magnetism and electricity# 4coresby makes his point -rom e0periments he himsel- had conducted& beginning in 186+# 2e distinguishes -ive degrees or stages o- Aoistic magnetismH 1. an initial e--ect that involves dimming o- sight or warming o- the -oreheadI *. a closing o- the eyes and inability to reopen themI ". sleep-walking or somnambulism& with an awareness only o- the magnetiAerI 6. sleep-walking with the perception o- sensations induced by the magnetiAer& and o-ten insensibility to painI and +. a sleep o- insensibility& where no personal impressions a--ect the subLect and there is total immunity to severe pain# /n this -i-th stage ecstatic e0periences may occur# 729


537% Ash!+rner, 9ohn%

8acts and observations on the mesmeric and magnetic -luids# N#p#H n#p#& 18+$& 1( pp# 729

533% arth, )eorge H%

The CesmeristDs Canual o- 3henomena and 3racticeI with irections -or Applying Cesmerism to the Cure o- iseases& and the Cethods o- 3roducing Cesmeric 3henomena# /ntended -or omestic >se and the /nstruction o- ,eginners# %ondonH 2# ,ailliPre& 18+$& viii V 19* pp# Claiming no original contribution to animal magnetism& ,arth sets out to make plain how mesmerism may be practiced by those who are interested# 2e concentrates on descriptions othe various states and stages& and depicts the e0pected phenomena# 2e also points out certain problems that can occur in the application o- animal magnetism# This little manual was very popular in its day# 729

539% eesel, M%
arstellung und ?nthQllung des 4omnambulismus& mit besonderer ,eAugnahme au- den 4omnambulen& 4tahlschmiedegesellen Carl !ilhelm <ohn# * vols in 1# anAigH %# K# 2omann& 18+$& iv V +6 V :*.I :*. V +( V :*. pp# 729

594% enoit, 9ac?+es /o+ssaint and iat, "hrBtien%

Communication universelle et instantanMe de la pensMe X JuelJue distance Jue ce soit& X lDaide dDun appareil portati- appelM ,oussole 3asilaliniJue 4ympathiJue# 3arisH ,ureau de lD/nstitute 3olytechniJue& 18+$& 8$ pp# A uniJue treatise containing a design -or communication at a distance through telepathic communication between snails# The plan called -or a simple code to be transmitted -rom one place to another by the stimulation o- a snail on the transmitting end# This code could then be perceived on the receiving end by observing the sympathetic reaction o- a paired snail# The result was supposed to be a kind o- Fsnail telegraph#G 739

591% raid, 9ames%

;bservations on TranceH or& 2uman 2ybernation# %ondonH Churchill& 18+$& '* pp# 2ere ,raid deals with three cases o- men who were buried alive and survived the ordeal# rawing an analogy with the state o- hibernation in animals he suggests this may be possible because the men were able to place themselves in a trance so deep that the ordinary signs oli-e in the body were hardly detectable# ,raid also notes that the cataleptic state need not necessarily be accompanied by a loss o- consciousness in human beings and suggests ways to treat pathological catalepsy# 729

592% ristol Mesmeric -nstit+te%

=eport o- the Annual Ceeting& Cay 18+$I Names Adam Kordon& ?sJ#& Eice-3resident& in the Chair# %ondonH n#p#& 18+$& 11 pp# 729

596% "ahagnet, *o+is Alphonse%

4anctuaire du spiritualisme# ]tude de lDfme humaine& ses rapports avec lDunivers& dDaprPs le somnambulisme et lDe0tase# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 18+$& :(. V +8+ pp# CahagnetDs second maLor work& in the -orm o- twelve Fcon-erencesG& is an investigation ohuman nature as disclosed in the visions o- ecstatics# The ecstatics discussed include those whose visions were drug induced# 72 R 39

597% ,elaage, Henri%

%e monde occulte& ou mystPres du magnMtisme et tableau de somnambulisme# 3arisH ?# entu& 18+$& 198 pp# 72 R 39

595% ,e0ey, ,ellon Marc+s%

2istory o- the 4trange 4ounds or =appings& 2eard in =ochester and !estern New @ork& and >sually Called the Cysterious Noisesh !hich are 4upposed by Cany to be Communications -rom the 4pirit !orld& Together with all the ?0planation that Can as yet ,e Kiven o- the Catter# =ochesterH The Author& 18+$& :1. V ii V :1".)'9 pp# /n 1868& the home o- Nohn # 8o0 :situated in 2ydesville& near =ochester& New @ork. was disturbed by knockings and other sounds that were believed to be produced by the spirit o- a deceased man# Two o- 8o0Ds daughters& <ate :1861)189*. and Cargaret :18"8)189". who seemed to be the -ocus o- these sounds& discovered that the knocks seemed to respond to their Juestions# At the suggestion o- their mother& they devised a simple code that would allow the knocks to spell out messages# 4oon the 8o0 home was -ull o- neighbors and other curious people trying to discover the source o- the sounds# ?ventually the daughters le-t home& but the knocks -ollowed them# <ate and Cargaret began to put on demonstrations in living rooms and meeting rooms -or those interested in witnessing their communications with the spirit world# They began a tour that Juickly brought national and then world attention to the phenomena# This was the beginning o- the 4piritualist movement that over the ne0t -ive years spread to countries all over the world# History o% the +trange +o$nds is probably the earliest published book on the events that took place at the 8o0 home# /t is an important source o- in-ormation about the -irst days and weeks in which knockings were observed# The book contains many signed testimonials -rom those who witnessed the early events& includes a diagram o- the interior o- the 8o0 home& and is e0ceedingly rare# 739

596% ,ods, 9ohn oAee%

The 3hilosophy o- ?lectrical 3sychologyH /n a Course o- Twelve %ectures# New @orkH 8owler R !ells Co#& :18+$.& *+* pp# At the invitation o- 4enators 4am 2ouston and aniel !ebster& ods delivered these lectures on his doctrine o- electrical psychology to the >nited 4tates Congress# 2e begins by indicating that -or many years he had believed that electricity is the connecting link between mind and matter& which have a reciprocal action upon each other# This is the basis -or his electrical psychology# ,y making use o- electrical psychology he had been able to cure people o- a great variety o- diseases# Although the same F-luidG is involved in mesmerism and electrical psychology& electrical psychology is not the same as mesmerism& which is a doctrine o- sympathy# ?lectrical psychology is a doctrine o- impressions# !hile rapport is central to mesmerism and causes the mesmeriAed person to have his or her senses tied up with those othe magnetiAer& in electrical psychology the subLectDs senses remain entirely independent othe operator# 729

597% )romier, Emile%

u magnMtismeI JuDest-ce Jue le magnMtisme ou Mtude historiJue et critiJue des principau0 phMnomPnes Jui le constituent& suivie de lDe0plication rationnelle JuDil convient dDen donner# %yon and 3arisH 4avy& 18+$& +( pp# A discussion o- the nature o- animal magnetism& drawn -rom an e0amination o- some o- its principal practitioners# 729

593% A :ey to the $cience o# Electrical Psychology% All its $ecrets E5plained, 0ith .+ll and "omprehensiAe -nstr+ctions in the Mode o# Pperation and its Application to ,isease, 0ith $ome 8se#+l and Highly -nteresting E5periments% EAery Person an Pperator% y a Pro#essor o# the $cience%
N#p#H n#p#& 18+$& 1* pp# /ntended to provide in-ormation about Felectrical psychology&G a kind o- mesmeric healing techniJue& the pamphlet was designed to supplement the knowledge o- those who had taken the practical courses in the subLect# The author suggests that the subLect to be operated on might place a coin on the palm o- his or her hand and concentrate on it -or a hal- hour or so& thus setting up a Fgalvanic currentG1a practice that recalls ,raidDs hypnotic techniJue o-i0ing the gaAe on a shiny obLect# 729

599% *B?+ine, .%
CesmMrisme X lDaide dDun bassin et dDun ventilateur inventM par 8# %MJuine# 3arisH The Author& 18+$& 6 pp# An ill--ated attempt to revive the "a/$et, the apparatus used by Cesmer to store and distribute animal magnetic -luid# 729

644% Mongr+el, *o+is Pierre%

Appel de lD>nion-protectrice X tous les partisans et amis du magnMtisme# 3rotestation en -aveur de la libre mani-estation des croyances et de la libre application de la science de Cesmer# =apport collecti- et o--iciel de la commission pour servir X la dM-ense du somnambulisme# * Md# 3arisH C# Congruel& 18+$& *6 pp# /n-ormation on the -irst edition& dated Nuly *+& 18+$& is incomplete# This second edition is dated August 1& 18+$# 729

641% Mongr+el, *o+is Pierre%

3etit traitM sur le magnMtisme animal& contenant 1# un prMcis historiJue sur la matiPreI *# une dissertation succincte sur les in-luences occultes Jui dominent lDhommeI "# une courte apprMciation de lDavenir du magnMtismeI 6# une notice sur la sibylle moderne et sur ses -acultMs somnambuliJuesI +# des preuves positives dDune luciditM prodigieuse et incontestableI (# des conseils X ceu0 Jui veulent la consulter avec -ruit& etc# 3arisH The Author& 18+$& 1+ pp# CongruelDs wi-e :see Cadame Congruel& entry number 8$9. was a well-known oracular somnambulist o- 3aris# /n this collection o- essays& the author presents evidence and arguments supporting the genuineness o- her utterances# 72 R 39

642% @ani, )iacomo ,%

Trattato teorico-pratico sul magnetismo animale# TurinH 8errero ?# 8ranco& 18+$& l0iii V :1. V "$+ V :*. pp# Nani was a magnetiAer in the tradition o- eleuAe# 729

646% $chopenha+er, Arth+r%

3arerga und 3aralipomena# <leine philosophische 4chri-ten# * vols# 4tuttgartH Cotta& 18+$# This collection includes the essay FEersuch Qber das Keistersehn und was damit Ausammenhdngt&G which is a philosophical essay on apparitions in which 4chopenhauer e0amines the intrinsic nature o- such e0periences# 2e points out that in apparitions o- spirit -igures& the perceiver e0periences the presence o- an individual in Lust the same manner as he would e0perience the presence o- a bodily -igure& even though no body is present# The Juestion -or 4chopenhauer boils down to whether the origin o- the e0perience is -rom within the organism o- the perceiver or e0ternal to it# 2e draws heavily on material -ound in the literature o- animal magnetism# 2e sees a close relationship between animal magnetism& magic& second sight& spirit seeing& and visions o- all kinds# 4chopenhauer considers them all to be versions o- what he calls Fdreaming the real#G ,ut the -act that he relates apparitional e0periences to our dreaming -aculty or Fdream organ&G does not mean that he dismisses them as mere chimera# ;n the contrary& he sees good evidence that these e0periences involve perceptions that correspond to realities1hence his phrase& Fdreaming the real#G /n this way& an individual could have the dream-sensory e0perience o- the actual presence o- someone who is dead# ;n the other hand& 4chopenhauer reLects the spiritualist view o- these e0periences& since he holds the notion o- an immaterial substance :etherial matter. that acts on bodies to be philosophically untenable# 739

647% $tone, )% &%

?lectro-biologyI or& the ?lectrical 4cience o- %i-e# %iverpoolH !illmer and 4mith& 18+$& 68 pp# 729

645% At(inson, Henry )eorge and Martinea+, Harriet%
%etters on the %aws o- CanDs Nature and evelopment# %ondonH N# Chapman& 18+1& 0ii V "9$ pp# 72 R 39

646% ennett, 9ohn H+ghes%

The Cesmeric Cania o- 18+1& with a 3hysiological ?0planation o- the 3henomena 3roducedH a %ecture# ?dinburghH 4utherland and <no0& 18+1& *1 pp# An attempt to provide a physiological e0planation -or animal magnetism# 729

647% raid, 9ames%

?lectro-biological 3henomena Considered 3hysiologically and 3sychologically# ?dinburghH 4utherland and <no0& 18+1& "" pp# /n this work ,raid criticiAes the claims o- the practitioners o- Felectro-biology&G an approach that had its origins in the works o- two Americans& N# 4tanley Krimes& :18$')19$". and Nohn ,ovee ods :1'9+)18'*.# /t is ,raidDs contention that the claims made by this school that they produce phenomena o- a hypnotic type through electrical impressions made upon the subLect by the operator were not based on any kind o- substantial evidence# The methods used& he argues& relied upon suggestions on the part o- the operator which told the subLects what was e0pected o- them# /n other words& ,raid claims that electro-biology was Lust an unacknowledged -orm o- hypnotism# 729

643% +c(land, /homas%

2and-book o- Cesmerism& -or the Kuidance and /nstruction o- All 3ersons who esire to 3ractice Cesmerism# " ed# %ondonH ,ailliPre& 18+1& '* pp# A popular manual o- animal magnetism by the 4ecretary to %ondonDs Cesmeric /n-irmary# 8ollowing the doctrine o- eleuAe and his pupils& ,uckland discusses the Jualities that a good magnetiAer should possess# 729

649% "ahagnet, *o+is Alphonse%

%umiPre des morts& ou Mtudes magnMtiJues philosophiJues et spiritualistes dMdiMes au0 libres penseurs du e/ee siPcle# 3arisH The Author& 18+1& 0iii V "** pp#

This book deals principally with occult aspects o- spiritistic magnetism# 72 R 39

614% "ahagnet, *o+is Alphonse%

u traitement des maladies& ou ]tude sur les propriMtMs mMdicinales de 1+$ plantes les plus usuelles par lDe0tatiJue AdPle Caginot& avec une e0position des diverses mMthodes de magnMtisation# 3arisH K# ,ailliPre& 18+1& *1* pp# 72 R 39

611% "apern, /homas%

The Cighty Curative 3owers o- CesmerismH 3roved in >pwards o- ;ne 2undred and 8i-ty Cases o- Earious iseases# %ondonH 2# ,ailliPre& 18+1& 00vii V 1*$ pp# A handbook o- curative animal magnetism& describing treatment o- conditions ranging -rom toothache to heart problems# 729

612% "oddD, *+igi%

/l magnetismo animale svelato ossia teorja e pratica dellDantropo-elettromagnetismo ed una nuova meccanica delle sostanAe# N#p#H Corrado& 18+1# CoddP was a magnetiAer -rom 3iedmont who developed a bio-electric theory o- animal magnetism that he discusses in this work# 729

616% "ol?+ho+n, 9ohn "amp!ell%

An 2istory o- Cagic& !itchcra-t& and Animal Cagnetism# * vols# %ondonH %ongman& ,rown& Kreen R %ongmans& 18+1& l0iii V :1. V "*(I "1( pp# ColJuhoun was an ardent partisan o- animal magnetism# /n this work he attempts to show that Lust as with many great scienti-ic discoveries :Kalileo& 2arvey& etc#. in its early stages animal magnetism had been linked in the minds o- its critics with magic and superstition and reLected by the scienti-ic establishment# As these discoveries proved to be o- great bene-it to mankind& so will it be with animal magnetism# To substantiate this view& ColJuhoun ranges through the history o- the rise and development o- animal-magnetic practices& harking back now and again to analogous phenomena in previous eras o- history# The work is -ull o- interesting in-ormation about magnetic practices& although somewhat uncritical in its evaluation o- the genuineness o- some o- the -acts# 729

617% "oncato, *%
4ullDaAione del magnetismo animale nellDumano organismo# 3aduaH Crescini& 18+1# 729

615% ,el Aero spirito scienti#ico secondo il ?+ale de!!ono essere esaminate le ragioni della #renologia e del mesmerismo% ,isserta'ione di &% )% giN

p+!!licata nel )iornale .renologico di Edin!+rgo% $eg+ita da alc+ni esperimenti #renomesmerici di )% /% Hall tratti dallo stesso giornale%
CilanH n#p#& 18+1# 729

616% .echner, )+staA /heodor%

5end-Avesta oder Qber die inge des 2immels und des Nenseits& von 4tandpunkt der Naturhetrachtung# " vols# %eipAigH %# Eoss& 18+1# 8echner was a Kerman physicist& philosopher& and e0perimental psychologist# 2e is considered to be a -ounder o- psychophysics& the study o- variations in psychological e0perience that accompany controlled variation in physical events# 8echner was a spiritualist and was strongly in-luenced by the 4wedish seer& 4wedenborg& as well as the philosopher <ant :e#g#& DrL$me eines 4eistersehers, 1'((.# 2e also made use o- the teachings o- magnetic somnambulists# 8echner had a deep interest in the issue o- li-e a-ter death& and in this work e0plores the relationship between this world and the world o- the Fother sideG o- death# 739

617% )regory, &illiam%

%etters to a Candid /nJuirer& on Animal Cagnetism# %ondonH Taylor& !alton& and Caberly& 18+1& 00ii V +*8 pp# Kregory& a 3ro-essor o- Chemistry at the >niversity o- ?dinburgh and a well-respected scientist& was an enthusiastic supporter o- animal magnetism# /n this book he gives a clear description o- the mesmeric state and the relationship between the magnetiAer and magnetiAed# 2e discusses both the FlowerG and FhigherG phenomena o- mesmerism and describes many cases illustrating both# Along with TownshendDs 0acts in Mesmerism :see entry number 6"".& this work& which in slightly abridged -orm went through many editions& was the best known treatment o- the subLect# 729

613% )+idi, .rancesco%

Cagnetismo animale e sonnambulismo magnetico# TurinH 8avale& 18+1# The -irst book on animal magnetism by /talyDs most -amous Fpro-essor o- magnetology#G 3ublished in Turin& one o- the more tolerant o- the /talian cities with regard to animal magnetism& this work voices great enthusiasm about the bene-icial e--ects o- that art# The book attempts to cover all aspects o- animal magnetism& -rom techniJue to moral considerations# Kuidi would go on to write proli-ically and lecture on the subLect all over northern /taly# 729

619% Haldat d+ *ys, "harles @icolas Ale5andre de%

?ssai historiJue sur le magnMtisme et lDuniversalitM de son in-luence dans la nature# NancyH Krimblot et Eeuve =aybois& :18+1.& *" pp#

The dating o- this pamphlet is uncertain# 729

624% *assaigne, A+g+ste%

CMmoires dDun magnMtiseur contenant la biographie de la somnambule 3rudence ,ernard# 3arisH entu and ,ailliPre& 18+1& 1+' pp# A work describing ecstatic phenomena produced by magnetically induced somnambulism including a biography o- 3rudence ,ernard& which describes remarkably success-ul thought trans-erence e0periments# 72 R 39

621% *ect+re on Mysterio+s :noc(ings, Mesmerism, Oc%, 0ith a rie# History o# the Pld $tone Mill, and a Prediction o# -ts .all, ,eliAered e#ore the A @ ti Y+arian $ociety o# Pappagassett % % % !y enLamin .ran(lin Macy ,%.%, ,%,%.%, A%$%$%, Pro#essor o# Hyper#l+tinated Philosophy%
Newport& =hode /slandH 18+1& 8 pp# A humorous parody o- a lecture given by a mesmeriAer# 72 R 39

622% Mongr+el, *o+is Pierre%

%e magnMtisme militantI origine et histoire des luttes& progrPs et conJuOtes de la scienceI le somnambulisme au0 prises avec les corps savants etc# ### rMsumM gMnMral des preuves historiJues& philosophiJues& scienti-iJues et LuridiJues& propres X dMmontrer lDe0istence du magnMtisme et du somnambulisme lucide& etc# # # # 3arisH The Author and ?# entu& 18+1& vi V *+( pp# This e0tremely rare work deals with the issue o- Flucid somnambulismG and the powers oCadame Congruel to know hidden things and -ortell the -uture# The book includes a lithographed portrait o- the Fmodern sibyl&G as she was called& and a reproduction o- her autograph# 72 R 39

626% R+tter, 9ohn P!ediah @e0ell%

Cagnetoid Currents& Their 8orces and irectionsI with a escription o- the CagnetoscopeI a 4eries o- ?0periments# To !hich is 4ubLoined a %etter -rom !illiam <ing# %ondonH N# !# 3arker R 4on& 18+1& 6' pp# =utter& an engineer& introduced the use o- gas -or domestic cooking and lighting# 2e became interested in the use o- the hand-held pendulum and intrigued by the -act that its action varied -rom person to person# Attempting to remove the possibility o- movement through muscular action& he devised an instrument :the magnetoscope. that held the pendulum stationary over a glass bowl# 2e obtained what he believed to be remarkable results -rom his e0periments& observing di--erent movements i- the operator held di--erent substances in his hand# The magnetoscope was not success-ul -or other care-ul e0perimenters& however& and dropped into disuse# 729

627% $chei!le, 9% <ed%>

ie sympathetisch-magnetische 2eilkunde in ihrem ganAen >m-angeH oder die %ehre von der Transplantation der <rankheiten& die Amulete& die 4ignaturen u#s#w# Aum ersten Cale aus-Qhrlich nach den 4chri-ten der 3aracelsisten erldutert und mit einer reichhaltigen 4ammlung von Eorschri-ten sympathetischen <uren ausgestattet # # # die sogenannten Aauberischen <rankheiten und die magisch-magnetischen 2eilungen bei den alten 2ebrdern# 4tuttgartH n#p#& 18+1& "+( pp# 72 R 39

625% /ommasi, M%
/l magnetismo animale considerato sotto un nuovo punto di vista# TorinoH 3omba& 18+1& *** pp# 729

626% &ood, Ale5ander%

!hat is CesmerismW An Attempt to ?0plain its 3henomena on the Admitted 3rinciples o3hysiological and 3sychical 4cience# ?dinburghH 4utherland R <no0& 18+1& "1 pp# 729

627% allo+, Aidin%
An ?0position o- Eiews =especting the 3rincipal 8acts& Causes and 3eculiarities /nvolved in 4pirit Cani-estationsH Together with /nteresting 3henomenal 4tatements and Communications# ,ostonH ,ela Carsh& 18+*& vi V :'. V *+( pp# ,allou takes up the issue o- the genuineness o- purported communications -rom departed spirits# The book is a valuable compendium o- cases and use-ul discussion o- the then current issues# ,allou concludes that departed spirits do& in some cases& communicate& but& even in those genuine instances& one must e0ercise caution and never give up the use o- oneDs own reason in -avor o- advice coming -rom such communications# 739

623% aragnon, P% Petr+s%

]tude du magnMtisme animal sous le point de vue dDune e0acte pratiJue# 3isaH Eannucchi& 18+*& *++ pp# The second edition :18+". was augmented by a discussion o- the phenomenon o- the rotation o- tables# 72 R 39

629% ersot, Ernest%

Cesmer et le magnMtisme animal# 3arisH %# 2achette& 18+*& 19* pp#

The -irst edition o- this book was primarily a history o- mesmerism with re-lections on its implications# 2owever& with the arrival in 8rance o- the Ftalking tablesG o- American spiritualism& ,ersot -elt called upon to issue a new edition in 18+"& supplementing the original with a lengthy section on talking table phenomena# ,y the -ourth edition o- 18'(& the section on talking tables had become a lengthy treatment o- the various phenomena associated with spiritualism and a thought-ul critiJue o- their meaning# 729

664% erti, A%
4ul magnetismo animale e sul metodo per istudiarlo# 3aduaH 4icca& 18+*# 729

661% raid, 9ames%

Cagic& !itchcra-t& Animal Cagnetism& 2ypnotism& and ?lectro-,iologyI ,eing a igest othe %atest Eiews o- the Author on these 4ubLects# Third ?dition& Kreatly ?nlarged& ?mbracing ;bservations on N# C# ColJuhounDs F2istory o- Cagic&G Rc# %ondonH Nohn Churchill& 18+*& :". V 1** pp# An attempt to answer certain criticisms brought to bear on ,raidDs doctrine o- hypnotism by ColJuhoun& a supporter o- animal magnetism# /n-ormation is available on the third edition# 729

662% ,al Po''o di Mom!ello, Enrico%

/l magnetismo animale considerato secondo le leggi della natura# 4ienaH n#p#& 18+*# The -irst o- a number o- works on animal magnetism by the author# 2e believed that the phenomena o- animal magnetism could be e0plained in terms o- natural scienti-ic laws# 729

666% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

%a magie dMvoilMe& ou principes de science occulte# 3arisH 3ommeret et Coreau& 18+*& viii V *(8 pp# u 3otet& a well-known and highly success-ul magnetiAer& here presents his views on the true nature o- magic and its relationship to animal magnetism# ,eginning with a long autobiographical section describing his personal evolution o- thought& u 3otet discusses his belie- that CesmerDs magnetic -luid was the Fbreath o- li-eG and F-ire o- the spiritG o- the ancient practitioners o- magic in the !estern tradition and e0plains how magic is undergoing a revival& largely because o- the discovery o- animal magnetism# u 3otet then describes the techniJue -or carrying out magical practices and e0plains why they work# 2e also discusses the nature o- the spirit world and communication with spirits# This book is one o- u 3otetDs most popular and remains in-luential among those interested in the occult# 72 R 39

667% Eagle, )% arnard%

Cesmerism& Clairvoyance& and Animal Cagnetism ?0plainedH Also a Treatise on Cesmerism -rom the ?arliest Ages& /ncluding the %i-e and eath o- Cesmer& the 8ounder o- the Above 4cienceI with /nstructions to Kentlemen !ishing to /ntroduce the New 4cience o- ?lectrobiology# /ncluding K# ,# ?agleDs 2and-book o- magic# # & # ;ne 2undred ,eauti-ul /llusions are Comprehensively escribed# # # # !eymouthH The Author& "( pp# 72 R 39

665% Ennemoser, 9oseph%

Anleitung Aur mesmerischen 3ra0is# 4tuttgart and TQbingenH N# K# Cotta& 18+*& vi V +16 pp# 729

666% Esdaile, 9ames%

The /ntroduction o- Cesmerism& as an Anaesthetic and Curative Agent& into the 2ospitals o/ndia# 3erthH ewar& 18+*& 68 pp# An account o- ?sdaileDs use o- animal magnetism -or surgery& pain relie- and cure in /ndia# 729

667% Esdaile, 9ames%

Natural and Cesmeric Clairvoyance with the 3ractical Application o- Cesmerism in 4urgery and Cedicine# %ondonH 2yppolyte ,ailliPre& 18+*& 0i0 V :1. V *'* pp# ?sdaile& a pioneer in the use o- animal magnetism as an anesthetic -or surgery& discusses the FhigherG and FlowerG phenomena o- magnetic somnambulism& with emphasis on clairvoyance& and describes how to bring about somnambulistic states# ?sdaile saw animal magnetism as a physical power& one there-ore capable o- a--ecting anyone& no matter what their psychological state# Thus he believed that even sleeping people& the blind& and madmen could be magnetiAed# 729

663% <.rancis, 9% )%>

Cesmerism and 4piritual Agency# %ondonH Charles Koodall R 4on& "* pp# 729

669% )athy, A+g+st .ranCois $erAais%

Compte-rendu du banJuet commMmorati- de la naissance de Cesmer :118Pme anniversaire. cMlMbrM le *" Cai 18+* X 3aris# 3arisH 3ommerat et Coreau& 18+*& 1+ pp# 729

674% )entil, 9oseph Adolphe%

CagnMtisme# 4omnambulisme# Kuide des incrMdules# 3arisH 2ubert& 18+*& 19* pp# 8ocuses on the more unusual phenomena o- somnambulism# 729

671% Haldat d+ *ys, "harles @icolas Ale5andre de%

?0position de la doctrine magnMtiJueI ou& TraitM philosophiJue& historiJue& et critiJue du magnMtisme# NancyH Krimblot et Eeuve =aybois& 18+*& viii V "*$ pp# 729

672% HB!ert de )arnay, *% M%

3etit catMchisme magnMtiJue ou notions MlMmentaires du mesmMrisme# 3arisH n#p#& 18+*& "( pp# 729

676% H+dson, ===, "aptain%

An attempt to ?0plain 4ome o- the !onders and Cysteries o- Cesmerism& ,iology& and Clairvoyance# ChorleyH Keorge 2oughton& 18+*& +* pp# A treatise& rather -lowery in style& e0tolling the virtues o- mesmerism# 72 R 39

677% :ra+ss, .riedrich%

Nothschrei eines Cagnetisch-Eergi-tetenI Thatbestand& erkldrt durch ungeschminkte ,eschreibung des "( Ldhrigen 2ergangs& belegt mit allen ,eweisen und 5eugnissen# 5ur ,elehrung und !arnung besonders -Qr 8amilienvater und Keschd-tsleute# 4tuttgartH 18+*& *1 V vi V **)916 V vii pp# A most unusual book by a man who claims he was FpoisonedG over a great many years by the magnetic in-luence o- someone who was secretly in rapport with him# 72 R 39

675% *Bl+t, *o+is .ranCois%

CMmoire sur le sommeil& les songes et le somnambulisme# ;rleansH Coignet- arnault& 18+*& "1 pp# 729

676% *oAy, 9+les%

CagnMtisme et somnambulisme# 3arisH Eincon& 18+*& * pp# 729

677% Mac(ay, "harles%

Cemoirs o- ?0traordinary 3opular elusions and the Cadness o- Crowds# * vols# %ondonH National /llustrated %ibrary& 18+*& viii V "$"I vii V "*6 pp# Cackay was a ,ritish Lournalist who became editor o- the Klasgow Arg$s and the 1ll$strated 8ondon 7e-s) This e0tremely popular book is a narrative o- -ads and -anaticisms arising -rom group e0perience# =anging -rom the alchemists to airy -inancial schemes& Cackay attempts to show how easily whole populations have been led astray by the enthusiastic -antasies o- the -ew# The book contains a section on animal magnetism and the Fmetallic tractorsG o- ?lisha 3erkins :see entries *$6)*$(.# 72 R 39

673% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

;disch magnetische ,rie-e# 4tuttgart and TQbingenH N# K# Cotta& 18+*& 0ii V 199 V :1. pp# A popular treatment o- various aspects o- =eichenbachDs F;dG -orce :see =eichenbach& entry number +8".# /ncluded are subLects such as FodG and crystals& polarity& chemical phenomena& and the e--ects o- FodG in daily li-e# 729

679% <$it0ell, .%>

Cesmerism Considered# KlasgowH ,lackie R 4on& 18+*& 1+ pp# 729

654% <$it0ell, .%>

!hat is CesmerismW and !hat its Concomitants Clairvoyance and NecromancyW * ed# %ondonH ,osworth R 2arrison& 18+*& "* pp# No in-ormation available on the -irst edition# 72 R 39

651% Asse'at, 9+les and ,e!+ire, H%
CagnMtisme et crMdulitM ou solution naturelle du problPme des tables tournantes# 3arisH Karnier -rPres& 18+"# 72 R 39

652% ahr, 9ohann :arl%

er animalische Cagnetismus und die e0perimentierende Naturwissenscha-t# resdenH Turk& 18+"& +* pp# 729

656% arth, )eorge H%

!hat is CesmerismW The Tuestion Answered by a Cesmeric 3ractitioner& or& Cesmerism not CiracleH An Attempt to 4how that Cesmeric 3henomena and Cesmeric Cures are not 4upernaturalI to !hich is Appended >se-ul =emarks and 2ints -or 4u--erers !ho are Trying Cesmerism -or a Cure# %ondonH ,ailliPre& 18+"& i0 V :". V 1+$ pp# The author is an enthusiastic supporter o- animal magnetism as a means o- cure& as well a means o- attaining special mental states& including clairvoyance# 2e describes three degrees omesmerismH 1. mesmeric sleep& resembling natural sleep& but with insensibility that can in some cases allow surgery to be per-ormed without pain& *. mesmeric sleep-walking& or somnambulism& with its attendant phenomena o- clairvoyant vision and ecstasy& and ". mesmeric waking state& in which the person retains -ull consciousness and subseJuent memory& but e0periences other phenomena& such as paralysis& transposition o- the senses& and great suggestibility# escribing the new Ftable movingG -ad then sweeping through ?ngland and ?urope& ,arth suggests that Fin every second or third house has Utable movingD been practicedI it is hardly probable that any scienti-ic phenomenon o- any kind has ever been brought more generally to the test o- demonstrative e0periment in an eJually short period otimeG :p#vii.# 2e asserts that this phenomenon is e0plicable in terms o- the -orces omesmerismH FThere can be no Juestion that the Utable turningD will establish a general conviction o- the reality o- the mesmeric or animal magnetic powerI1it leaves no abiding place -or a doubt in the mind o- any reasonable being who will trust the evidence o- his sensesG :p# viii.# /n addition to the one volume version& ,hat is MesmerismS was also published in three separate parts in 18+"# 729

657% eecher, "harles%

A =eview o- the F4piritual Cani-estations#G =ead ,e-ore the Congregational Association oNew @ork and ,rooklyn# New @orkH K# 3# 3utnam& 18+"& viii V 9)'+ pp# An important early attempt to e0plain the physical and mental phenomena o- spiritualism# Arguing that these phenomena either are or are not the work o- spirits& ,eecher e0amines the not-spirit e0planation and -inding it wanting& argues in -avor the spirit e0planation# 739

655% irt, &illiam Radcli##%

Table-Coving 3opularly ?0plainedI with an /nJuiry into =eichenbachDs Theory o- ;d 8orceI Also an /nvestigation into the 4piritual Cani-estations <nown as 4pirit-rappings# %ondonH n#p#& 18+"& '( pp# 72 R 39

656% raid, 9ames%

2ypnotic Therapeutics& /llustrated by Cases# !ith an Appendi0 on Table-Coving and 4pirit=apping# =eprinted -rom the Conthly Nournal o- Cedical 4cience -or Nuly 18+"# ?dinburghH Curray R Kibb& 18+"& 66 pp# ,raid describes how hypnotism may be used e--ectively in curing diseases# 2e mentions the use-ulness o- the so-called Fmagnetic passesG in treatment& but denies the reality o- magnetic -luid# ,raid appends a section on the new phenomenon o- table moving& e0pressing his disbelie- that it is the work o- spirits# 72 R 39

657% rittan, $% % and Richmond, % &%

A iscussion o- the 8acts and 3hilosophy o- Ancient and Codern 4piritualism# New @orkH 3artridge R ,rittan& 18+"& i0 V :1. V :".)"'' pp# An intelligent i- partisan dialogue between the two authors on subLects relevant to the genuineness o- spiritualism# Among other topics& the work discusses the problem o- imitation while a person is in the mesmeric tranceI the -luid o- animal magnetism and the physical phenomena o- spiritualismI =eichenbachDs F;dG -orce as the contemporary proo- oCesmerDs discovery o- animal magnetismI the temperaments o- mediumsI and the -orms othe physical phenomena o- mediumship# 739

653% +r?, Qictor Hea! Antoine%

CMtallothMrapieI traitement des maladies nerveuses& paralysies& rhumatisme chroniJue& etc# # # du cholMra& etc# # # # 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 18+"& 68 pp# ,urJ was the originator o- FmetallotherapyG which used metal plates& usually made o- copper& to heal disease# To some degree& this approach has its roots in animal magnetism& which strongly in-luenced ,urJ& and in 3erkinism& an American healing system devised by ?lisha 3erkins :1'61)1'99.# This seems to be ,urJDs -irst work on the subLect# 729

659% "arpenter, &illiam%

F?lectro-,iology and Cesmerism#G Dhe T$arterly Re(ie- 9" :18+".H +$1)+'# !illiam Carpenter was a noted physiologist in ,ritain# /n this important article& he takes up two issuesH the nature o- animal magnetism and the cause o- certain physical phenomena associated with spiritualism& principally Ftable-turningG and Ftable-talking#G !ith regard to the -irst& Carpenter reveals himsel- as one o- the -ew early supporters o- the ideas o- Names ,raid in ?ngland# 2e states that suggestion causes the somnambulist to respond in the way the magnetiAer e0pects# 2e points out that this suggestive in-luence might be Juite subtle& so that neither magnetiAer nor subLect realiAes it is operating# 2e also relates the apparent clairvoyant -eats o- somnambulists to subtle suggestions given the somnambulist by the magnetiAer# !ith regard to table-turning and table-talking& he comes up with a similar e0planation to that o8aradayH that the motion o- the table is the result o- unconscious muscular pressure e0erted by the sitters# 72 R 39

664% ,er "heiroele(tromagnetism+s oder die $el!st!e0eg+ng +nd das /an'en der /ische H/ischrSc(enI% Eine An0eis+ng in )esellscha#ten das 0er(0Srdige PhZnomen einer ne+ entdec(ten menschlischen 8r(ra#t herAor'+!ringen% @ach einigen pract% Qers+chen +% +nter Qergleich aller !isher AerT##entlichten Pro!en mitgeheilt%
,erlinH %assar& 18+"& 1( pp# 72 R 39

661% "ohn#eld, Adal!ert $alomo%

ie !under-?rscheinungen des EitalismusI Tischdrehen& Tischklop-en& Tischsprechen u# nebst ihrer rationellen ?rkldrung in ,rie-en an eine ame# ,remenH 4chunemann& 18+"& 1*+ pp# 72 R 39

662% "ronaca del magnetismo animale%

Eols# 1)*H 18+")18+6# ?dited by Kiuseppe TerAaghi& this is the -irst /talian periodical devoted to animal magnetism# 729

666% *a danse des ta!les dBAoilBe, e5pBriences de magnBtisme animal, maniDre de #air to+rner +ne !ag+e, +n chapea+, +ne montre, +ne ta!le, et mFme L+s?+;e+5 tFtes des e5pBrientate+rs et celles des spectate+rs%
3arisH n#p#& 18+"# 72 R 39

667% Edmonds, 9ohn &% and ,e5ter, )eorge /%

4piritualism# !ith an Appendi0 by Nathaniel 3# Tallmadge# * vols# New @orkH 3artridge R ,rittan& 18+" and 18++& +$+I +6* pp# A very in-luential work that went through numerous editions over the course o- two decades# A-ter a lengthy introduction by ?dmonds and a shorter one by e0ter& the authors present a detailed description o- a long series o- automatic writing sessions in which e0ter was the medium -or what purported to be a number o- -amous departed spirits& such as ?manuel 4wedenborg# The subLects o- their discourses were principally the world o- spirits and the moral li-e# 739

665% E5amen raisonnB des prodiges rBcents d;E+rope et d;AmBri?+e notamment des ta!les to+rnantes et rBpondantes, par +n philosophe%
3arisH N# Eermot& 18+"& '' pp# The author takes a dim view o- the Ftalking tablesG -ad imported -rom the >nited 4tates# 2e sees this phenomenon :and animal magnetism. as the work o- the devil# 72 R 39

666% .araday, Michael%

F3ro-essor 8arady on Table Coving#G Dhe Athenae$m :%ondon.& No# 1"6$& :Nuly *& 18+".H 8$1)8$"# /n 18+" the -ad o- Ftable-movingG swept across the Atlantic -rom the >nited 4tates and rapidly engul-ed the whole o- ,ritain and ?urope# FTable-movingG consisted o- gathering a number o- people :o-ten termed FsittersG. around a table and having them attempt to get the

table to rotate or rise and -all without using physical -orce to do so# TechniJues varied greatly# 8or e0ample& the sitters might spread their hands on the table& Loining little -inger to little -inger to -orm a continuous circleI or they might hold their hands above the table with little or no contact with it# The practice derived -rom the newly -ormed 4piritualist movement whose central belie- was that spirits o- the dead can communicate with the living# 4piritualists believed that the tables were moved by spirits& and when the tables would rise and -all& causing a leg to knock against the -loor& they would discern spirits messages being tapped out in code -or the bene-it o- the Fsitters#G ;thers believed that the tables indeed did move& but that spirits were not involvedI rather the physical e--ects were caused by some unknown -orce produced by the FsittersG :such as animal magnetic -orce& odic -orce& electrical -orce& etc#.# 4till others believed that no movement without physical -orce took place at all& and that table moving phenomena were either the result o- sel--deception or deliberate trickery# 4ince the -ad had become so widespread and table moving was being attempted in many o- the living rooms o- the western world& a clamor arose -or men o- science to make a pronouncement on the reality o- the phenomena# 4o it was that the physicist Cichael 8araday& one o- the most eminent scientists o- the century& was persuaded to try some e0periments and settle the matter Fonce and -or all#G This 8araday did& making his -indings known -irst in a letter to the editor o- the %ondon Dimes in the Nune "$& 18+" issue& then in more detail in the Athenae$m) ,ringing together a group o- people as FsittersG whom he considered to be honest and who enthusiastically believed they could move the tables& 8araday concluded that the tables move& i- they move& simply as a result o- FJuasi-involuntaryG muscular e0ertion on the part o- the sitters# !hile believing they were merely pressing straight down on the table& the sitters unwittingly caused their hands& which were in contact with the table& to apply -orce in a uni-orm direction o- motion# 8aradayDs e0periment was supposed to put the matter to rest& but it did not# Cany protested that no general conclusions could be drawn -rom his very limited e0periment& carried out using only one o- many possible techniJues# 8aradayDs conclusions& -or e0ample& did not pertain to those purported cases o- table moving with no physical contact# Nonetheless& 8aradayDs reputation was such that virtually everyone who wrote about table-moving phenomena a-ter him -elt called upon to acknowledge his view and take a stand in relation to it# This early attempt to investigate the physical phenomena o- spiritualism scienti-ically is an important milestone in the development o- psychical research# The call -or rational and controlled study o- these e0periences would grow in intensity over the ne0t thirty years& contributing signi-icantly to the -ounding in %ondon in 188* o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# 72 R 39

667% .ris', ===%

%es tables et les tOtes Jui tournent& ou la -iPvre de rotation en 18+"# Cent et un croJuis# 3arisH %ibrairie pittoresJue& :18+"W.# 72 R 39

663% )entil, 9oseph Adolphe%

CagnMtisme& somnambulisme# Canuel MlMmentaire de lDaspirant magnMtiseur# 3arisH ?# entu& 18+"& *9* pp# 729

669% )od#rey, @athaniel $teadman%

Table-Coving Tested and 3roved to he the =esult o- 4atanic Agency# %ondonH 4eeleys& 18+"& "$ pp# 739

674% )od#rey, @athaniel $teadman%

Table-Turning& the evilDs Codern Caster-piece# ,eing the =esult o- a Course o?0periments# %ondon and %eedsH 4eeleys& 18+"& +9 pp# An argument in -avor o- the satanic origin o- spiritualistic phenomena& based on e0periments conducted by the author himsel-# 72 R 39

671% <)o+py, ===%>

Tuaere et inventes# 3arisH %edoyen& 18+"& *$" pp# A treatise by a magnetiAer largely concerned with spiritualism# There is a section on Ftalking tables&G then Lust reaching 8rance# 72 R 39

672% )+illard, ===%

Table Jui danse et table Jui rMpond& e0pMriences X la portMe de tout le monde# 3arisH Karnier& 18+"& "( pp# 72 R 39

676% Hering, "harles E%

as Tischrucken# KothaH n#p#& 18+"# 72 R 39

677% :erner, 9+stin+s Andreas "hristian%

ie 4omnambulen Tische# 5ur Keschichte und ?rkldrung dieser ?rscheinung# 4tuttgartH ?bner R 4eubert& 18+"& :6. V 0vi V (6 pp# <erner e0amines the newly imported -ad o- Ftable moving#G /n his discussion o- the history othe phenomenon& he notes that already Athanasius <ircher :Magnes si(e de arte magnetica, 1(6". had spoken o- using the magnetic power emanating -rom the -ingers to produce the rotation o- a scabbard# <erner relates the motion o- the tables to animal magnetic -luid and the physical e--ects it was believed to produce# 2e deals both with table turning and table tipping# 72 R 39

675% MagnBtisme% Moyens magnBti?+es po+r #aire to+rner les ta!les, les chapea+5%
3arisH n#p#& 18+"#

72 R 39

676% MirAille, 9+les E+des, Mar?+is de%

3neumatologie# es esprits et de leurs mani-estations -luidiJues# 1$ vols# 3arisH 2# Erayet de 4urcy& etaroJue et !attelier& 18+")18(8# This massive work is one o- the most serious attempts to investigate paranormal phenomena be-ore the establishment o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in 188*# CirvilleDs approach& which is historical& involves searching the literature -or data relevant to the apparent mani-estations o- spirits over the ages# The -irst volume was written in the -orm o- a m'moire addressed to the members o- the Academy o- Coral and 3olitical 4ciences# Cirville continued the proLect through thousands o- pages& studying such topics asH mesmerism& table turning& various kinds o- spirit possession and e0orcism& the spirit rappings o- spiritualism& apparitions& miraculous healings& ecstasy& and many other subLects# /n the course o- his work& Cirville developed his own theory concerning spirit mani-estations& viewing them as genuine& but the work o- evil spirits& who needed the participation o- humans& since paranormal phenomena could only take place through the medium o- the magnetic -luid o- animal magnetism# The publication history o- this work is particularly di--icult to trace& since the various volumes appeared separately over a number o- years& and supplements were at times added to already published parts# 72 R 39

677% @ees Aon Esen!ec(, "hristian )ott#ried%

,eobachtungen und ,etrachtungen au- dem Kebiete des %ebensmagnetismus oder Eitalismus# ,remenH C# 4chQnemann& 18+"& 1"( pp# 729

673% Practical -nstr+ction in /a!le2moAing, 0ith Physical ,emonstrations%

%ondonH 2ippolyte ,ailliPre& 18+"& ($ pp# A-ter intensive e0perimentation& the author comes to the conclusion that table moving is a genuine phenomenon# !hile he cannot say how it works& he argues that it is not through Felectricity& galvinism& caloric& or terrestrial magnetism#G As the title indicates& the author gives detailed instructions -or getting a table to move# 729

679% RBsie, comte de%

%ettre X C# lDabbM CroiAet # # # sur le magnMtisme et la danse des tables# Clermont-8errandH 2ubler& ,elle et ubois& 18+"& 1+ pp# 72 R 39

634% <Richemont, E+gDne Panon ,es!assayans, comte de%>

%e mystPre de la danse des tables dMvoilM par ses rapports avec les mani-estations spirituelles dDAmMriJue par un CatholiJue# 3arisH avarenne& 18+"& "* pp#


631% Rogers, Ed0ard "oit%

3hilosophy o- Cysterious Agents& 2uman and CundaneH or the ynamic %aws and =elations o- Can& embracing the Natural 3hilosophy o- 3henomena styled F4piritual Cani-estations#G ,ostonH Nohn 3# Newett& 18+"& 0ii V 1")"(( pp# A very thorough attempt to relate the mani-estations o- spiritualism to natural but as yet une0plored -orces# The -irst section is one o- the most complete e0aminations o- the history orelevant investigations to that date# =ogers covers not only investigations in the ?nglish speaking world& he also discusses the work o- the 8rench& such as 3etetin and Thouvenel& and the Kermans& such as <erner and =eichenbach# The second hal- o- the book relates these investigations to the phenomena o- spiritualism# =ogers believes that they can be e0plained in terms o- magnetic and electrical properties o- the human organism as mani-ested through =eichenbachDs Fodic -orce#G The production o- the phenomena are considered to be unconscious& and so =ogers includes a section on Fthe action o- the brain without the action othe mind#G 72 R 39

632% Ro+!a+d, Ale5andre .Bli5,

%a danse des tables& phMnomPnes physiologiJues dMmontrMs par le r# 8Mli0 =oubaud# 3arisH %ibrairie nouvelle& 18+"& 1$6 V :". pp# 72 R 39

636% $atanic Agency and /a!le /+rning% A *etter to the ReA% .rancis "lose, in Reply to His Pamphlet, W/a!le2t+rning not ,ia!olical%X
%ondonH T# ,osworth& 18+"& *" pp# 739

637% $cha+en!+rg, "arl Hermann%

TischrQcken und Tischklop-en eine Thatsache# Cit ocumenten von den 2errenH <# 4imrock& 2o--mann von 8allersleben& ;# 4chade und Neusser# Qsseldor-H ArnA R Comp#& 18+"& *6 pp# 4chauenburg& a scholar -rom ,onn& agrees with Nustinus <erner that the unusual phenomena o- animal magnetism are genuine& as are the newly noted phenomena o- table turning and table knocking# 72 R 39

635% $ch0ar'schild, Heinrich%

Cagnetismus& 4omnambulismus& Clairvoyance# 5wal- Eorlesungen -Qr AerAte und gebildete NichtdrAte# * vols# CasselH Theodor 8ischer& 18+"& 0ii V *'9I v V :1. V 611 V :1. pp# The -irst volume o- this work provides one o- the better histories o- animal magnetism and magnetic somnambulism produced in Kermany in the nineteenth century# A-ter a look at the

history o- FsympatheticG healing be-ore Cesmer& 4chwarAschild describes the discovery oanimal magnetism and its rapid spread -rom 3aris& placing special emphasis on its history in Kermany# 2e traces the concomitant history o- magnetic somnambulism and the clairvoyant e0periences that accompanied that phenomenon# 4chwarAschildDs section on the merging othe magnetic tradition with that o- the romantic-magical tradition in Kermany is particularly valuable# The second volume o- this work takes up the issue o- the reality o- the phenomena o- animal magnetism& somnambulism& and clairvoyance# 4chwarAschild himsel- believes that the phenomena are genuine& and presents a lengthy discussion o- the stages o- magnetic sleep& the types o- clairvoyance& techniJues o- magnetiAing& and similar subLects# 72 R 39

636% $ilas, .erdinand%

/nstruction e0plicative des tables tournantes& dDaprPs les publications allemandes& amMricaines& et les e0traits des Lournau0 allemands& -ran[ais et amMricains# 3rMcMdMe dDune introduction sur lDaction motrice du -luide magnMtiJue& par 2enri elaage# 3arisH 2oussiau0& 18+"& "$ V :1. pp# 72 R 39

637% <$it0ell, .%>

!hat is CesmerismW %ondonH Thomas ,osworth& 18+"& "* pp# This is probably another edition o- entry number (+$# 729

633% $no0, Herman%

4pirit-intercourseH Containing /ncidents o- 3ersonal ?0perience while /nvestigating the New 3henomena o- 4pirit Thought and ActionI with Earious 4pirit Communications Through 2imsel- as Cedium# ,ostonH Crosby& Nichols& and Company& 18+"& 0ii V 1")186 pp# 4nowDs e0periences included some o- the classical physical phenomena o- spiritualism# At one point he e0amines their possible e0planation by magnetism& electricity or mesmerism& but rules such e0planations out because o- the seemingly intelligent nature o- the phenomena# 72 R 39

639% $picer, Henry%

8acts and 8antasiesH a 4eJuel to 4ights and 4oundsI the Cystery o- the ay# %ondonH T# ,osworth& 18+"& 119 pp# This book appeared as a seJuel to +ights and +o$nds :entry number (9$.# 739

694% $picer, Henry%

4ights and 4oundsH the Cystery o- the ayH Comprising an ?ntire 2istory o- the American F4piritG Cani-estations# %ondonH Thomas ,osworth& 18+"& vii V 68$ pp# The best early ,ritish history o- the rise and spread o- spiritualism# 739

691% $+nderland, *aRoy%

,ook o- 2uman NatureH /llustrating the 3hilosophy :New Theory. o- /nstinct& Nutrition& %i-eI with their Correlative and Abnormal 3henomena& 3hysiological& Cental& 4piritual# New @orkH Karrett R Co#& 18+"& 00iv V *+)6"* pp# 72 R 39

692% $+nderland, *aRoy%

,ook o- 3sychology# 3athetism& 2istorical& 3hilosophical& 3racticalI Kiving the =ationale o?very 3ossible 8orm o- Nervous or Cental 3henomena <nown >nder the Technics oAmulets& Charms& ?nchantment # # # Cesmerism # # # 2allucination # # # Clairvoyance& 4omnambulism& Ciracles& 4ympathy& etc#H 4howing 2ow These =esults Cay ,e /nduced # # # and the ,enevolent >ses to !hich This <nowledge 4hould be Applied# New @orkH 4tearns& 18+"& :6. V :v)viii. V 9)1*$ pp# 72 R 39

696% $'apary, .erenc' )ro#%

CagnMtisme et magnMto-thMrapie# 3arisH n#p#& 18+"& "$6 pp# True to his belie- that anyone can be a magnetic healer :see Ratechism$s des FitalMagnetism$s, entry number +*'.& 4Aapary presents a manual o- theory and techniJue -or those who want to practice magnetic healing# The work includes a description o- Jualities a magnetiAer should possess and a lengthy section on somnambulism& in which 4Aapary discusses spasms e0perienced in various magnetic states# The second edition o- this book :18+6. was greatly augmented with a section on table-moving or& in 4AaparyDs terms& Fgyromagnetism#G Although 4Aapary believed animal magnetic in-luence could account -or the movement& he was not as much interested in the movement o- the table itsel- as he was in the Fpsychic communityG that is -ormed around the e0perience# Those who sit around a table and concentrate on moving it themselves become& in his view& Fmagnetic baJuetsG or reservoirs omagnetic -luid# This socio-magnetic concentration o- power can lead to all kinds oremarkable phenomena& such as power-ul healings and even apparitions# The single person or FmediumG who guides the action is simply -ocussing the power o- the group itsel-# 4Aapary desired to develop this special Fphysico-psychic-magneticG power o- the Fcompanions o- the tableG :the agape. and use it -or the bene-it o- mankind# 72 R 39

697% /a!le MoAing !y Animal Magnetism demonstrated1 0ith directions ho0 to per#orm the E5periment% Also, A #+ll and detailed acco+nt o# the e5periments already per#ormed%
%ondonI n#p#& :18+".& 8 pp# 72 R 39

695% /a!le MoAing, its ca+ses and phenomena1 0ith directions ho0 to e5periment% Pro#+sely ill+strated, on plate paper, !y @icholls%

:%ondon.H N# !esley& 18+"& 8 pp# 72 R 39

696% /a!le /+rning and /a!le /al(ing, "ontaining ,etailed Reports o# an -n#inite Qariety o# E5periments Per#ormed in England, .rance, and )ermany, 0ith Most MarAello+s Res+ltsJ also Min+te ,irections to Ena!le EAery Pne to Practise /hem, and the Qario+s E5planations )iAen o# the Phenomena !y the Most ,isting+ished $cienti#ic Men o# E+rope% $econd Edition 0ith Pro#essor .araday;s E5periments and E5planation%
%ondonH 2enry EiAetelly& :18+"W.& :*. V *$$ pp# A remarkable compendium o- techniJues -or producing results in the parlor# The book includes a -airly impartial attempt to understand the source o- the phenomena# The anonymous authorDs conclusion is that the movements and messages are due to the -orce oanimal magnetism produced by the e0perimenters# No publication date is given in the book# 72 R 39

697% /er'aghi, )i+seppe%

AttestaAioni di illustri scienAiati ed uomini sommi in -avore dellDesistenAa del magnetismo animale e della sua e--icacia# CilanH Kuglielmini& 18+"& :6. V (" V :6. pp# 729

693% /er'aghi, )i+seppe%

Cronaca del magnetismo animale# * vols# CilanH 3irotta& :18+")18+6.# 4ee entry number ((*# 729

699% /er'aghi, )i+seppe%

4ulla potenAa motrice tras-usa dallDuomo nella materia bruta# 8enomeno comunemente noto sotto il titolo di Tavola Kirante# ?sperimenti ed osservaAioni# Aggiunge alcune dellDillustre magnetologo pro-# %isimaco Eerati ed altre del dottor 8rancesco Argenti& giX decano della -acoltX medica dellD>niversitX di 3adova e membro di varie accademie# CilanH Kuglielmini& 18+"# 729

744% Qollmer, "arl )ott#ried &ilhelm%

Cagnetismus und Cesmerismus& oder& 3hysische und geistige <rd-te der NaturH der mineralische und thierische Cagnetismus sowohl in seiner wirklichen 2eilkra-t& also in dem Cissbrauch& der von ,etrQgern und Narren damit getrieben worden& im 5usammenhange mit

der Keisterklop-erei& der TischrQckerei& dem 4piritualismus# %eipAigH ?d# !artig& :18+". :*. V (9* pp# 72 R 39

741% Alli5, E+gene%
Kuida elementare dello studente magnetiAAatore# TurinH >nione tip#& 18+6# 729

742% Almignana, a!!B%

u somnambulisme& des tables tournantes et des mMdiums& considMrMs dans leurs rapports avec la thMologie et la physiJue# ?0amen des opinions de CC# de Cirville et Kasparin# 3arisH entu& 18+6& "( pp# The author is described as Fdoctor in canon law& magnetist-theologian& and medium#G 2e speaks as a spiritualist medium and believes that the dead appear to the living# 2e holds that evidence rules out demonic interventions :Cirville. or the simple action o- magnetic -luid :Kasparin. as e0planations -or the phenomena# 72 R 39

746% BnB'et, E%
es tables tournantes et du panthMisme# 3arisH n#p#& 18+6# 72 R 39

747% ro0nson, Prestes A+g+st+s%

4pirit-rapperI an Autobiography# ,ostonH %ittle& ,rown and Company& 18+6& 0i V 6$* pp# !riting -rom his own e0perience with spiritualistic sMances and contact with mediums& ,rownson -ictionaliAes the li-e o- a spirit medium who uses spiritualism as a means to overthrow established religion# ?0amining various alternative e0planations -or paranormal phenomena& ,rown dismisses the mesmeric e0planation in -avor o- the notion that such phenomena are spirit related and that spirits are real& although the attempt to communicate with them is diabolically inspired# /n the pre-ace& ,rownson cites e CirvilleDs Pne$matologie :entry number ('(. as the source o- his ideas on the nature o- spiritualism# 72 R 39

745% +chanan, 9oseph odes%

;utlines o- %ectures on the Neurological 4ystem o- Anthropology& as iscovered& emonstrated and Taught in 1861 and 186*# CincinnatiH ;--ice o- ,uchananDs Eo$rnal o% Man, 18+6& :*. V 1( V "86 V 1( pp#

,uchananDs Fneurological anthropologyG was intended to be a scienti-ic system o- philosophy that would provide a uni-ied view o- man and his nature# /t was based on the conviction that in the last analysis religion and science are uni-ied& and that neither materialism nor spiritualism& lacking an understanding o- the nature o- the physical side o- man& could provide satis-ying answers# ,uchanan saw in animal magnetism a means -or bringing about this uni-ication& since it provides a way -or human beings to learn about their basic physicalspiritual constitution# 72 R 39

746% +lletin magnBti?+e, 9o+rnal des sciences psycho2physi?+es rBdigB par +ne rB+nion de magnBtistes, de mBdecines, de saAants, so+s la direction de M% Mongr+el%
;ne volume onlyI 18+6# 729

747% "ahagnet, *o+is Alphonse%

Cagie magnMtiJue ou traitM historiJue et pratiJue de -ascination& miroirs cabalistiJues& apports& suspensions& pactes& talismans& possession& envo_tements& sortilPges& etc# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 18+6& +*8 pp# 72 R 39

743% "ahagnet, *o+is Alphonse%

CagnMtisme# ?ncyclopMdie magnMtiJue spiritualiste& traitant spMcialement de -aits psychologiJues& magie magnMtiJue& swedenborgianisme& nMcromancie& magie cMleste& etc# ' vols# Argenteuil and 3arisH The author and Kermer ,ailliPre& :18+6)18(*.& :6. V "**I :6. V "+9 V :1.I :6. V "+(I :*. V "*$I :6. V "*6I :6. V "+(I :6. V iii V :1. V 16' V :1. pp# The lengthy encyclopedia is a continuation o- writings begun in CahagnetDs Lournal 8e magn'tise$r spirit$aliste :see entry number +''.# Although Cahagnet -reJuently reproduces Juotations relevant to the topic being discussed& nearly all the entries were written by him# As can be seen in his -irst book& Magn'tisme) Arcanes de la (ie %$t$re d'(oil's :entry number ++9.& he was a 4wedenborgian& and his ecstatic somnambulists -ound con-irmation o- the presence and activity o- spirits in this world# The seven volumes cover a broad range osubLects& such as descriptions o- magnetic sMances with spiritualist phenomena& magnetic healing& possession& clairvoyance& sorcerers& the Cormons& etc# /t is a valuable re-erence work o- spiritualistic phenomena and magnetic practice# 72 R 39

749% "heAre+l, Michel E+gDne%

e la baguette divinatoireH du pendule dit e0plorateur et des tables tournantes& au point de vue de lDhistoire& de la critiJue et de la mMthode e0pMrimentale# 3arisH Callet-,achelier& 18+6& 0vi V *+8 V :1. pp# A very thorough critiJue o- the use o- the divining rod& the pendulum& and spiritualistic tableturning# Chevreul eventually rules out any supernatural or spiritistic e0planation -or the

phenomena# 2e also dismisses those e0planations which posit some kind o- electrical or magnetic -orce at work in these matters# 2e concludes that all three types o- phenomena are the result o- muscular contractions produced unwittingly by the operator# 72 R 39

714% ,aAey, &illiam%

The /llustrated 3ractical Cesmerist& Curative and 4cienti-ic# ?dinburghH The Author& 18+6& 0iii V :18. V 9( pp# avey was an enthusiastic promotor o- mesmerism in ?ngland& and in this endeavor he was a close associate o- !illiam Kregory and N# !# Nackson# This& his principal work in the area& describes how to use mesmerism to cure disease and produce psychological e--ects# 729

711% ,ods, 9ohn oAee%

4pirit Cani-estations ?0amined and ?0plained# Nudge ?dmonds =e-utedI or& an ?0position othe /nvoluntary 3owers and /nstincts o- the 2uman Cind# New @orkH e !itt R avenport& :18+6.& 0ii V 1")*+* pp# A remarkable attempt to e0plain the physical and psychical phenomena o- spiritualism as the result o- involuntary instincts o- the mindH the physical sounds being produced by an involuntary build-up o- nervous electricity& and the psychical or mental abilities being the workings o- the Fback brainG which controls the involuntary responses o- the mind# /n addition to criticiAing Nudge ?dmonds& a spiritualist& ods also -inds =eichenbachDs theories o- odic -orce useless as an e0planation o- the phenomena# 72 R 39

712% )asparin, AgBnor Etiene, comte de%

es tables tournantes& du surnaturel en gMnMral et des esprits# * vols# 3arisH entu& 18+6& 00iv V +(+I +81 pp# ?nglishH +cience (s) Modern +pirit$alism) A Dreatise on D$rning Da"les, the +$pernat$ral Agent in 4eneral, and +pirits) Translated by ?# !# =obert# New @orkH <iggins R <ellog& 18+'# An early attempt to e0plain the FsupernaturalG physical phenomena o- spiritualism in terms onatural causes# 4piritualists held that turning tables& table levitation& knocking sounds -rom tables& and other seemingly ine0plicable physical phenomena were the work o- spirits and signs o- the continuing presence in this world o- those who had passed on to the ne0t# Kasparin& while granting the reality o- such curiosities as turning tables and levitation without the e0ercise o- appropriate physical -orce& denies that this is the work o- spirits# 2e places himsel- sJuarely in the tradition o- orthodo0 animal magnetism and posits that when a group o- people apply themselves to produce physical movement at a distance& the obLect can& in -act& be moved by the -orce o- the Fmagnetic -luidG o- the participants# Taking his theory -urther& Kasparin believed that Fmagnetic -luid&G along with nervous e0citement and hallucination& accounted -or all the phenomena which spiritualists attributed to departed souls# 2e thereby trans-orms the doctrine o- animal magnetism& which did so much to promote the rise o- spiritualism& into a reason to deny its validity# Kasparin backs up his conLectures with a lengthy series o- e0periments that are described in the work# 72 R 39

716% )entil, 9oseph Adolphe%

CagnMtisme# %Dfme de la terre et des tables parlantes# 3arisH The Author and entu& 18+6& 68 pp# 72 R 39

717% <)ridley, 9osiah A%>

Astounding 8acts -rom the 4pirit !orld& !itnessed at the 2ouse o- N# A# Kridley& 4outhampton& Cass#& by a Circle o- 8riends& ?mbracing the ?0tremes o- Kood and ?vil# The Kreat octrines o- the ,ible such as the =esurrection& ay o- Nudgment& ChristDs 4econd Coming& e-ended& and 3hilosophically and ,eauti-ully >n-olded by the 4pirits# # # # 4outhampton& CassachusettsH Nosiah A# Kridley& 18+6& *8' pp# An important source -or early American spiritualist phenomena# 739

715% )+idi, .rancesco%

/l morbo-cholera curabile col magnetismoH memoria# CilanH =edaelli& 18+6& +' pp# 729

716% )+idi, .rancesco%

Trattato teorico-pratico di magnetismo animale considerato sotto il punto di vista -isiologico e psicologico& con note illustrative e appendice# CilanH Turati& 18+6& 0iv V 6"* pp# 8rancesco Kuidi& sel--styled Fpro-essor o- magnetology&G was one o- the most in-luential promoters o- animal magnetism in mid-nineteenth century /taly# This is his general manual on the theory and practice o- animal magnetism# /t was placed on the Catholic ChurchDs 1nde& o-orbidden books& but was nevertheless widely read# The book includes the ten lessons on animal magnetism he would give when on his lecture tour o- /taly# Although Kuidi began his career in animal magnetism in Turin& the book was published in Cilan where he eventually settled# 729

717% He0lett, Edgar%

3ersonal =ecollections o- the %ittle Tew Khost& =eviewed in Connection with the %ancashire ,ogie& and the Table-Talking and 4pirit-=apping o- the 3resent ay# %ondonH Aylott& 18+6& *6 pp# 739

713% *i!rary o# Mesmerism and Psychology in /0o Qol+mes, "omprising Philosophy o# Mesmerism, Pn .ascination, Electrical Psychology, /he Macrocosm, $cience o# the $o+l% 2 Aols%
New @orkH 8owler and !ells& 18+6#

A collection o- separate works by di--erent authors# /t includesH 3art 1 o- Dhe Macrocosm and Microcosm by !illiam 8ishboughI 0ascination, or the Philosophy o% charming 1ll$strating the Principles o% 8i%e in Bonnection -ith +pirit and Matter by Nohn ,# NewmanI Dhe Philosophy o% Electrical Psychology in a Bo$rse o% D-el(e 8ect$res by Nohn ,ovee odsI +i& 8ect$res on the Philosophy o% Mesmerism by Nohn ,ovee odsI and PsychologyJ or the +cience o% the +o$l, Bonsidered Physiologically and Philosophically by Noseph 2addock# 729

719% *ondon Mesmeric -n#irmary%

=eport o- the Annual Ceetings# 1* parts# %ondonH 18+6)18((# The Reports -rom 18+" to 18(+# Also published in one volume is the Report -rom 18(+ to 18(9& %ondon& 18'$# 729

724% Mac&alter, 9% )%
The Codern CysteryH or& Table-tapping& /ts 2istory& 3hilosophy& and Keneral Attributes# %ondonH Nohn 8arJuhar 4haw& 18+6& viii V 1'+ pp# =elying heavily on the work o- the American ?# C# =ogers& Cac!alter concludes that the apparent intervention o- spirits in the phenomena o- spiritualism is an illusion# ?verything can be accounted -or in terms o- a natural -orce which is harnessed by mediums and unconsciously e0pressed in the phenomena# 72 R 39

721% -l magneto#ilo H$ocietN magnetica di /orinoI%

;ne vol# onlyI 18+6# The organ o- the 4ocietX magnetica di Torino# 729

722% -l mesmerista%
Eols# 1)*I 18+6)18++# 3ublished in Turin and edited by ?# Alli0# 729

726% Michal, Qictor%

%e corps aromal& ou =Mponse en un seul mot X lDAcadMmie des sciences philosophiJues X propos du concours proposM par elle sur JuelJues relations X lDandro magnMtisme # # # ?0plication vraie des tables tournantes et parlantes# 3arisH n#p#& 18+6& *" pp# 72 R 39

727% <Morin, Alcide%>

Comment lDesprit vient au0 tables& par un homme Jui nDa pas perdu lDesprit# 3arisH %ibrairie nouvelle& 18+6& 1'6 pp#

A personal account o- the phenomenon o- Ftalking tables#G 72 R 39

725% Morog+es, Pierre Marie $B!astien igot, !aron de%

;bservations sur le -luide organo-MlectriJue et sur les mouvements MlectromMtriJues des baguettes et des pendules# ,ourges and 3arisH Casson& 18+6& *++ pp# An attempt to study the phenomena o- the divining rod and the divining pendulum scienti-ically# 72 R 39

726% @oi'et, .ranCois 9oseph%

CMmoire sur le somnambulisme et le magnMtisme animal adressM en 18*$ X lDAcadMmie royale de ,erlin# 3arisH 3lon 8rPres& 18+6& 00 V 6*8 pp# NoiAet was a general in the 8rench army and an e0pert on -orti-ications# 2e was strongly in-luenced by the views o- both 8aria :entry number *96. and ,ertrand :entry number "1".# Nevertheless& he believed in the e0istence o- a magnetic -luid& something 8aria and eventually ,ertrand denied# This book is one o- the most thorough and balanced to be written by a partisan o- the -luid theory# The -irst part discusses the -aculties o- the soul& the nature osleep& and natural somnambulism# The second part deals with arti-icial somnambulism& which NoiAet -inds identical in essence to natural somnambulism# 2e also believes in the possibility o- the transmission o- thought at a distance and o- clairvoyance while in the somnambulistic state# 3art three takes up the issue o- the magnetic -luid which NoiAet terms Fvital -luidG and o- physical e--ects o- Fvital -luidG at a distance# 729

727% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

er sensitive Censch und sein Eerhalten Aum ;de# ?ine =eihe e0perimentellen >ntersuchungen Qber ihre gegenseitigen <rd-te und ?igenscha-ten mit =Qcksicht au- die praktische ,edeutung& welche sie -Qr 3hysik& Chemie& Cineralogie& ,otanik& 3hysiologie& 2eilkunde& gerichtliche CediAin& =echtskunde& <riegswesen& ?rAiehung& 3sychologie& Theologie& /rrenwesen& <unst& Kewerbe& hdusliche 5ustdnde& Censchenkentniss und das gesellscha-tliche %eben im weitesten An-ange haben# * vols# 4tuttgart and TQbingenH N# K# Cotta& 18+6)18++& lv V :1. V 8"8I 000 V '+8 pp# 729

723% R+tter, 9ohn P!ediah @e0ell%

2uman ?lectricityH the Ceans o- /ts evelopment& /llustrated by ?0periments# !ith Additional Notes# %ondonH N# !# 3arker R 4on& 18+6& vi V 18* pp# 729

729% $BrB, )% *o+is de%

Application du somnambulisme magnMtiJue au diagnostic et au traitement des maladies# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 18+6& "$* pp#


764% $'apary, .erenc' )ro#%

as TischrQcken# :8ortsetAung#. Keistige Agapen# 3lychographische Cittheilungen der 3ariser eutsch-Cagnetischen 4chule# 3arisH The Author& 18+6& 00iv V "*6 V :6. pp# A compilation o- mediumistic communications written by the members o- 4AaparyDs F eutsch-3ariser-Cagnetischen 4chule&G and covering a variety o- subLects& such as tablemoving messages& automatic writing& and speaking in tongues# 72 R 39

761% $'apary, .erenc' )ro#%

Table-Coving# 4omnambulish-Cagnetische Traumbedeutung# 3arisH ,onaventure and ucessois& 18+6& "1* pp# 4omnambulistic writings produced by 4AaparyDs 3arisian magnetic school# 72 R 39

762% *a ta!le parlante% 9o+rnal des #aits merAeille+5, ta!les to+rnantes, mesmBrisme, somnam!+lisme magnBti?+e % % %
;ne vol# onlyI 18+6)18++# 3ublished in 3aris under the editorship o- ,# u Eernet# 72 R 39

766% </ascher, Pa+l%>

KrosLean X son MvPJue au suLet des tables parlantes# 3arisH %edoyen& 18+6& 1+ pp# 72 R 39

767% /o0nshend, "ha+ncy Hare%

Cesmerism 3roved True& and the Tuarterly =eviewer =eviewed# %ondonH T# ,osworth& 18+6& 0ii V *1( pp# 729

765% *;+nion magnBti?+e% 9o+rnal de la $ociBtB philanthropico2magnBti?+e de Paris%

Eols# 1)1(I 18+6)18(9# 3ublished in 3aris# 729

766% &idemann, )+staA%

er Cagnetismus des Censchen# NQrnbergH ,auer R =aspe& 18+6& viii V 1*( V :*. pp#


767% ea+5, 9ean 9ac?+es%
e lDin-luence de la magnMtisation sur le dMveloppement de la voi0 et du go_t en musiJue# 3arisH ?# Karnot& 18++& :1. V :+.)1++ pp# 729

763% raid, 9ames%

The 3hysiology o- 8ascination& and The Critics Criticised# CanchesterH Krant R Co#& 18++& 16 V 18 pp# Two treatises combined here in one publication# The -irst is called F?lectro-,iological 3henomena& and the 3hysiology o- 8ascination#G Comparing the phenomenon o- -ascination& as it can be produced in animals& with that produced in human beings& ,raid suggests that they have in common the state o- loss o- will but not o- motion# The -ascinated individual is not paralyAed& as is the cataleptic& but even so cannot initiate action through decision# ,raid sees the state as a temporary disturbance in the nervous centers deriving -rom the stimulation o- a strong idea# /n the second part called FThe Critics Criticised&G ,raid takes two mesmeric writers& Keorge 4andby and Chauncy 2are Townshend& to task# ,oth had previously criticiAed ,raidDs notion that the e--ects o- animal magnetism were purely psychological and did not involve a magnetic -luid# 729

769% "apron, Elias &il(inson%

Codern 4piritualismH /ts 8acts and 8anaticisms& /ts Consistencies and Contradictions# ,ostonH ,ela Carsh& 18++& 6"8 pp# The best and most complete contemporary history o- the early years o- spiritualism and its spread throughout the >nited 4tates# Capron covers the initial mani-estations in the home othe 8o0 sisters& mani-estations in other areas o- New @ork 4tate& the spread to ,oston& 3rovidence& 3hiladelphia and Cincinnati among other places# There is an especially interesting chapter on spiritualism in !ashington& #C#& with a section on Fcongressional mediums#G 739

774% <,+rand de )ros, 9oseph Pierre, pse+donym1 A% 9% P% Philips%>

?lectro-dynamisme vital ou les relations physiologiJues de lDesprit et de la matiPre& dMmontrMes par des e0pMriences entiPrement nouvelles et par lDhistoire raisonnMe du systPme nerveu0# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 18++& :6. V 0lii V :1. V "8" pp# urand :de Kros. wrote this and other books under the pseudonym o- A# N# 3# 3hilips# urand& a physiologist who had a special interest in how the body a--ects states oconsciousness& speculates on a vital -orce that a--ects the nervous system and on the relationship between conscious and unconscious acts# 2is investigation o- magnetic and electrical aspects o- the physical organism interested him in the work o- =eichenbach which

in turn prepared him -or his encounter with hypnotism and -or the new direction -or his researches :see Bo$rs th'ori/$e et prati/$e de !raidisme, entry number 8*1.# 729

771% .a!re, Pierre HonorB%

Canuel du magnMtiseurH e0plication physiologiJue des phMnomPnes magnMtiJues& utilitM du somnambulisme dans lDe0ercice de la mMdecine# 4aint-TuentinH oloy et 3enet aZnM& 18++& 1+ pp# 729

772% )arcin, ===%

%e magnMtisme e0pliJuM par lui-mOme& ou Nouvelle thMorie des phMnomPnes de lDMtat magnMtiJue comparMs au0 phMnomPnes de lDMtat ordinaire# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 18++& 0ii V **$ pp# A treatise developing the notion that two -luids are involved in animal magnetic phenomena rather than one# 729

776% )entil, 9% A%
;rthodo0ie magnMtiJue# CatMchisme raisonnM de lDaspirant magnMtiseur& suivi dDun simple coup dDoeil sur le triple Mlectro-galvaniJue et du pilori du magnMtisme# 3arisH The Author and entu& 18++& (" pp# 729

777% Hare, Ro!ert%

?0perimental /nvestigation on the 4pirit Cani-estations& emonstrating the ?0istence o4pirits and Their Communion with Cortals# New @orkH 3artidge R ,rittan& 18++& :9. V +)6($ pp# The -irst attempt by an American scientist o- note to investigate the physical phenomena ospiritualism# 2are was a graduate o- @ale College and 2arvard >niversity& a medical doctor& emeritus pro-essor o- chemistry at the >niversity o- 3ennsylvania& discoverer o- the o0yhydrogen blow pipe& author o- over 1+$ articles on scienti-ic subLects& an associate o- the 4mithsonian /nstitute& and a member o- the American Association -or the Advancement o4cience# Although by 18++ numerous accounts o- FphysicalG mediums apparently capable omoving physical obLects at a distance by means o- some unknown FspiritualG -orce had accumulated& 2are disbelieved these accounts and thought it necessary to put them to scienti-ic test# 2e devised e0periments to determine whether mediums could move obLects when physical -orce could not be e0erted upon those obLects# To his surprise he discovered that they could# 2is e0periences led to his embracing spiritualism and writing E&perimental 1n(estigations) The book contains -ive plates which depict the pieces o- apparatus 2are used to carry out e0periments& such as one in which a young medium was able to e0ert a -orce oeighteen pounds on a spring balance even though prevented -rom having any communication with the apparatus e0cept through water# /t would be twenty years be-ore the type opainstaking e0perimentation carried out by 2are would come into its own with the -amous

researches o- !illiam Crookes in ?ngland& and when 2are submitted the results o- his e0periments to the American Association -or the Advancement o- 4cience& his -indings were not well received# 739

775% *a#ontaine, "harles%

?claircissements sur le magnMtisme# Cures magnMtiJues X KenPve# KenevaH e Chateauvieu0& 18++& vi V :". V 1$)1+( pp# An account o- cures brought about through animal magnetism by this -amous stage mesmeriAer# The description o- the cures is preceded by a history o- magnetic healing among the ancients# 729

776% Mahan, Asa%

Codern Cysteries ?0plained and ?0posed# /n 8our 3arts# /# Clairvoyant =evelations o- A# N# avis# //# 3henomena o- 4piritualism ?0plained and ?0posed# ///# ?vidence that the ,ible is Kiven by /nspiration o- the 4pirit o- Kod& as Compared with ?vidence that These Cani-estations are -rom the 4pirits o- Cen# /E# Clairvoyant =evelations o- ?manuel 4wedenborg# ,ostonH N# 3# Newett& 18++& 0v V 6(( pp# !hen Cahan undertook to investigate spiritualism& he e0pected to -ind that the phenomena were due to trick and deception# 2e soon had to admit& however& that this was not always the case# 2e concluded that some occurences were genuine and that intelligent communication was taking place but -rom the unconscious minds o- those who were taking part in the sMances rather than -rom disembodied spirits# The mani-estations were& he believed& powered by a -orce o- nature& the Fodylic -orceG o- =eichenbach# This -orce& Cahan concluded& accounted -or all mesmeric and clairvoyant phenomena and -or all spiritualistic mani-estations# 739

777% Maitland, $% R%
4uperstition and 4cienceH an ?ssay# %ondonH =ivingtons& 18++& 89 pp# A treatise skeptical o- table-turning& clairvoyance& and other supernormal phenomena# 739

773% Mesmerism and Media, 0ith .+ll -nstr+ctions Ho0 to ,eAelop the Alleged $pirit+al Rappings in EAery .amily%
%ondonH n#p#& 18++& 19 pp# 72 R 39

779% Morin, Alcide%

3hilosophie magnMtiJue# %es rMvolutions du temps& synthPse prophMtiJue du e/ee siPcle# 3arisH ?# entu& 18++& vii V ""( pp# 729

754% @eilson, &illiam%

Cesmerism in /ts =elation to 2ealth and isease and the 3resent 4tate o- Cedicine# ?dinburghH 4hepherd R ?lliot& 18++& 0i V :1. V :1".)*+$ V :*. pp# A strong de-ense o- the use o- animal magnetism to cure disease# The book begins with a long section on the preLudice o- the medical establishment against new ideas and the -ate omesmerism in that regard# The author tries to show that mesmerism is Juite compatible with normal medical practice# 2e points out that those who begin their criticism o- mesmeric practice with a reLection o- clairvoyance are starting at the wrong end# 2e emphasiAes the curative power o- animal magnetism and the general ignorance o- the -acts o- the matter among medical critics# 729

751% Ptto, ernhard%

ie 4prache der Eerstorbenen oder das Keisterklop-en# 4timmen aus dem Nenseits und enthQllte Keheimnisse des Krabes# ?in unumstasslicher ,eweis -Qr die 8ortdauer der 4eele nach dem Tode und deren !iedervereinigung mit ihren %ieben# Nach gesammelten authentischen Thatsachen dargestellt# %eipAigH Kustav 3onicke& :18++.& :*. V 1++ pp# An early Kerman treatise on the phenomenon o- Ftable talking#G The author describes his e0periences with the phenomenon and argues that it is an indication o- the survival o- the human spirit a-ter death# 739

752% Peano, "%

/l magnetismo animale al cospetto dellDAssociaAione Cedica degli 4tati 4ardi# 4aluAAoH n#p#& 18++# 729

756% Pe''ani, AndrB%

%ettres X C# %Mlut sur la Juestion du sommeil& du somnambulisme et des tables tournantes& X propos de son rapport au suLet du dernier concours ouvert X lDAcadMmie des 4ciences morales et politiJues :section de philosophie.# %yonH A# Eingtrinier& 18++& '9 pp# 72 R 39

757% Rapporto della "ommissione nominata dalla se'ione medica della $ocietN di -ncoraggiamento di $cien'e, *ettere ed Arti in Milano per l;esame delle memorie di concorso al premio proposto pel 1355 sopra +n argomento di magnetismo animale%
CilanH n#p#& 18++# 729

755% Ricard, 9ean 9oseph Adolphe%

%e magnMtiseur praticien# 3arisH n#p#& 18++& 1(8 pp# 729

756% $ego+in, A%
Nouvel almanach du magnMtiseur# 3arisH The Author& 18++& 16' pp# 729

757% $BrB, )% *o+is de%

Application du somnambulisme magnMtiJue au diagnostic et au traitement des maladies& sa nature& ses di--Mrences avec le sommeil et les rOves# 3arisH The Author& 18++& "$* pp# 729

753% </ascher, Pa+l%>

4econde lettre de KrosLean X son MvPJue# 3arisH %edoyen& 18++& *" pp# 729

759% /h+ry, Marc%

%es tables tournantes considMrMes au point de vue de la Juestion de physiJue gMnMrale& Jui sDy rattache# KenevaH n#p#& 18++# 72 R 39

764% /rismegiste, 9ohannes Hpse+donymI%

%es merveilles du magnMtisme et les mystPres des tables tournantes et parlantes# 3arisH 3assarci& 18++& :1. V 188 pp# 72 R 39

761% Alli5, E+g%
%a veritX sul magnetismo animale# TurinH n#p#& 18+(# 729

762% onaAent+ra, -sador%

ie Cysterien 4chla-es und Cagnetismus oder 3hysik und 3hysiologie des magnetischen 4omnambulismus# ?ine au- naturwissenscha-tliche 3rinAipien gestutAte rationelle ?rkldrung der 3hdnomene der 4chla-es und Traumes& der ?kstase und Kehergabe& der 2allucinationen und Eisionen& der electrobiologischen ?rscheinungen der ,ewegung unbelebter <arper u#v#&

durch 5urQck-Qhrung au- ihre natQrlichen >rsachen# Nach eban& Carpenter v# A#& sowie nach eignen ,eobachtungen# !eimarH ,# 8# Eoigt& 18+(& 0 V ""8 pp# 72 R 39

766% ,elaage, Henri and A+g+e', Pa+l%

=eligion& magnMtisme& philosophie# %es Mlus de lDavenir ou le progrMs rMalisM par le Christianisme# 3arisH ?# entu& 18+(& 0i V *$( pp# 72 R 39

767% ,idier, Adolphe%

Animal Cagnetism and 4omnambulism# %ondonH T# N# Newby& 18+(& iv V "19 pp# Adolphe idier and his brother Ale0is were two o- the most -amous clairvoyants o- their day# Adolphe was also a mesmerist& and in this book he attempts to pass on his knowledge o- the theory and techniJues o- that Fnoble scienceG to those who already accept the reality osomnambulism and clairvoyance# 72 R 39

765% <,idier, Ale5is%>

%e sommeil magnMtiJue e0pliJuM par le somnambule Ale0is en Mtat de luciditM# 3arisH entu& 18+(& 1'" pp# Ale0is idier :known generally to the world as FAle0isG. was& in his day& the most -amous mesmeric clairvoyant o- 8rance# 2ere Ale0is describes some o- his more interesting sMances# 72 R 39

766% :erner, 9+stin+s Andreas "hristian%

8ranA Anton Cesmer aus 4chwaben& ?ntdecker des thierischen Cagnetismus# ?rinnerungen an denselben& nebst nachrichten von den letAten Nahren seines %ebens Au Ceersburg am ,odensee# 8rank-urt am CainH %iterarische Anstalt& 18+(& 0 V :*. V *1* pp# The -irst really detailed biography o- Cesmer# /t remains to this day an important source oin-ormation about CesmerDs li-e and teachings& written& as it was& by a man who had access to people who personally knew the discoverer o- animal magnetism# 729

767% *+ce magnetica%

;ne vol# onlyI 18+()W ?dited by 8rancesco Kuidi in Turin# 729

763% Mo''oni, )%

%o psicologico# =epertorio di magnetismo ad uso di chiunJue voglia e debba essere al -atto dellDorigine dello scopo e dei -rutti di Juesta scienAa# CilanH n#p#& 18+(# 729

769% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

;dische ?rwiederungen an die 2erren 3ro-essoren 8ortlage& 4chieiden& 8echner und 2o-rath Carus# EiennaH !ilhelm ,raumuller& 18+(& :(. V 118 pp# 729

774% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

!er ist sensitiv& wer nichtW ;der kurAe Anleitung& sensitive Censchen mit %eichtigkeit Au -inden# EiennaH n#p#& 18+(& '$ pp# 729

771% $+lla ca+sa dei #enomeni mesmerici% 2 Aols%

,ergamoH CaAAolini& 18+(& "($I 6'6 pp# A thorough inJuiry into the theory o- mesmerism and the magnetic agency# /t includes a discussion o- the use o- mesmerism& e0amining such issues as the -unction o- the will in magnetiAing# ?0amples such as rapport and clairvoyance are also presented# 72 R 39

772% /i##any, 9oel%

4piritualism ?0plainedH ,eing a 4eries o- Twelve %ectures delivered ,e-ore the New @ork Con-erence o- 4piritualists# New @orkH Kraham and ?llinwood& 18+(& i0 V :1. V 11)*$( pp# An attempt to present an overall philosophy o- spiritualism and mediumship early in the history o- the movement# /t contains a chapter on marriage and -ree love# 739

776% "ar+s, "arl )+staA%
bber %egensmagnetismus und Qber die magischen !irkungen Qberhaupt# %eipAigH 8# A# ,rockhaus& 18+'& 0 V "$( pp# Carus states his belie- that illness does not arise -rom manDs conscious mind but -rom the realm o- the unconscious# ,ecause mesmerism acts most directly on manDs soul& it is the most e--ective possible cure -or illness# /ts curative powers& says Carus& apply preeminently to nervous illnesses such as hysteria and hypochrondria# 2e believes that mesmerism simply calls upon the un-ailing healing power o- the unconsciousness and allows it do it its work# 729

777% ,aAis, Andre0 9ac(son%

The Cagic 4ta--I an Autobiography o- Andrew Nackson avis# New @ork and ,ostonH N# 4# ,rown& ,# Cars& 18+'& ++* pp# avis began his pro-essional career as a clairvoyant teamed up with a mesmeriAer who toured the American countryside& providing diagnoses o- disease and prescriptions -or cure# 2e then began to teach in the trance state and have his pronouncements written down by a scribe# This led to the publication o- a number o- very popular books on various subLects -rom animal magnetism to li-e on other planets# 2e was considered by many to be a maLor precursor o- the spiritualist movement in the >nited 4tates& apparently predicting its coming some years be-ore the 8o0 sisters heard their knockings in 2ydesville& New @ork# This is avisDs own version othe events o- his li-e up to 18+'# 739

775% )rimes, 9ames $tanley%

The Cysteries o- 2uman Nature ?0plained by a New 4ystem o- Nervous 3hysiologyH to !hich is Added& a =eview o- the ?rrors o- 4piritualism& and /nstructions -or eveloping or =esisting the /n-luence by !hich 4ubLects and Cediums are made# ,u--aloH =# C# !anAer& 18+'& 00iv V :*+.)6"* pp# A-ter a long e0planation o- human physiology and its bearing on mental -unctioning& Krimes attempts to e0plain the phenomena o- spiritualism in those terms# 2e denies that spirits are at work in these phenomena and insists that mediums at most per-orm -eats o- clairvoyance identical to those that can be produced by any mesmeric subLect# 72 R 39

776% )+ldenst+!!e, *o+is, !aron de%

3neumatologie positive et e0pMrimentaleH la rMalitM des esprits et le phMnomPne merveilleu0 de leur Mcriture directe dMmontrMs# 3arisH A# 8ranck& 18+'& 000vi V *1( p# An attempt to trace the historical background o- spiritistic thought and to compare the ancient -orms o- mediumship to modern spiritualism# 739

777% H+g+et, Hilarion%

/nstitut dynamo-thMrapiJue# u somnambulisme mMdical& ou esJuisse de nososcopie dynamothMrapiJue# 3arisH The Author& 18+'& '* pp# A description o- cures worked through the somnambulist Charavet under the direction o- the physician 2uguet# 729

773% Macario, Ma+rice Martin Antonin%

u sommeil& des rOves& et du somnambulisme dans lDMtat de santM et de maladie& prMcMdM dDune lettre du r Cerise# %yonH 3erisse -rPres& 18+'& 0liv V "$' V :1. pp# 729

779% Madden, Richard Ro!ert%

3hantasmata or /llusions and 8anaticisms o- 3rotean 8orms 3roductive o- Kreat ?vils# * vols# %ondonH T#C# Newby& 0lii V +$6I :*. V +88 pp# Cadden was an /rish surgeon who served in governmental administrative posts in regions around the world# /n that capacity he had a great deal o- opportunity to observe what he considered to be the FillusionsG o- mankind& and he wrote this book as a study o- the F-ailings and in-irmities and passions o- mankind and their accompanying disorder o- the imagination&G leading to epidemic -anaticisms# Among these -anaticisms& he includes those o- such religious -igures as Noan o- Arc and 4t# Teresa& and religious undertakings such as witch hunts and the /nJuisition# Cadden also discusses epidemics o- a hysterical nature& such as the dancing mania and the Nansenist convulsionaries# CaddenDs point o- view is that when imagination soars above reason it loses its bearings and the greatest evils can result# !hen reason is overthrown in that way& it is o-ten only religion& and speci-ically Christianity& that can return it to its proper place# 72 R 39

734% Masson, Alphonsine%

iscours prononcM par Cme Alphonsine Casson& au banJuet de Cesmer de lDannMe 18+'& rue de =ichelieu# 3arisH 3ommeret et Coreau& " pp# 729

731% <RiAail, Hippolyte *Bon ,Bni'ard, pse+donym1 Allan :ardec%>

%e livre des esprits contenant les principes de la doctrine spirite sur la nature des esprits& leur mani-estation et leurs rapports avec les hommes# # # # ]crit sous la dictMe et publiM par lDordre dDesprits supMrieurs par Allan <ardec# 3arisH ?# entu& 18+'& :*. V 1'( pp# =ivail was the -ounder o- modern 8rench spiritualism and its most important early -igure# An accomplished educator who had published a number o- books in that -ield& =ivail had been pursuing a serious interest in phrenology and animal magnetism in the early 18+$s when he became intrigued by the Ftable turningG phenomenon sweeping ?urope# ?ncountering two young mediums who in-ormed him that he had an important religious mission to carry out& =ivail Juestioned them concerning the nature o- human li-e and spiritual development& and obtained replies through table tapping and planchette writing that were to become the basis -or an elaborate philosophy o- spiritualism# 4ome o- the key elements o- his philosophy wereH 1. his notion that human beings are composed o- three main elements 1the spirit& the body& and the peri-spirit :which connects the other two and allows the spirit to act on matter.I *. the idea that the physical phenomena o- mediumship :e#g#& materialiAations& movements o- obLects without contact& etc#. may be e0plained through the action o- the peri-spirit which utiliAes the animal magnetic -luid o- both the departed spirit and the mediumI and ". the doctrine oreincarnation that posits the repeated return o- the spirit to earthly e0istence :this doctrine was Juite -oreign to spiritualism in America& ?ngland& and Kermany.# 8e li(re des esprits, =ivailDs -irst work on the subLect o- spiritualism which lays out his basic doctrine& was e0tremely in-luential not only in 8rance& but in other countries as well# Topics discussed include the vital principle& the nature o- spirits& reincarnation& the communication o- departed spirits with this world& the occupations o- the spirits in the other world& and the moral implications o- these tenets# 739

732% $chindler, Heinrich r+no%

as magische Keistesleben# ?in ,eitrag Aur 3sychologie# ,reslauH !# K# <orn& 18+'& 0vi V "+( pp# ,ased upon ideas arising -rom the traditions o- Kerman romanticism and animal magnetism& and in-luenced by the e0periments o- =eichenbach& this ambitious work attempts to provide an overall understanding o- human nature and the inner power o- the soul# /n this -ramework& 4chindler takes up the subLects o- clairvoyance& prophecy& and magic& e0plaining that these become available when the powers o- the inner sel- are tapped# 72 R 39

736% /he $pirit+alist1 eing a $hort E5position o# Psychology ased +pon Material /r+ths and o# the .aith to &hich -t *eads%
%ondonH %# ,ooth& 18+'& 0vi V 111 V :1. pp# An early ,ritish presentation o- the philosophy o- spiritualism& with a heavy reliance upon phenomena such as magnetism& electricity& and mesmerism to elucidate the relationship between matter and spirit# 739

737% /0eedie, A% "%

Cesmerism and its =ealities 8urther 3roved by /llustrations o- its Curative 3owers in isease as well as by its evelopment o- 4ome ?0traordinary Cagnetic 3henomena in the 2uman ,ody# ?dinburghH 3ato0 R =itchie& 18+'& "6 pp# escription o- the mesmeric treatment o- a Ciss Armitage and her resulting clairvoyance# 72 R 39

735% &+rm, &ilhelm%

arstellung der mesmerischen 2eilmethode nach naturwissenscha-tlichen KrundsdtAenI nebst der ersten vollstdndigen ,iographie CesmerDs und einer -asslichen Anleitung Aum Cagnetisieren# CunichH C# !ol- R 4ohn& 18+'& viii V 18* V :*. pp# 729

736% A+g+e', Pa+l%
4piritualisme& -aits curieu0 prMcMdMs dDune lettre X C# K# Cabru suivis de lDe0trait dDun compte rendu de la -Ote CesmMrienne du *" Cai 18+8& et dDune relation amMricaine des plus e0traordinaire publiMs# 3arisH entu and Kermer ,ailliPre& 18+8& 88 pp# 739

737% erLot, E%
Canuel historiJue MlMmentaire et pratiJue de magnMtisme animal& contenant les principes gMnMrau0 de lDart magnMtiJue& lDe0plication des divers phMnomPnes Jui sDy rattachent& la

description des symptcmes des principales maladies chroniJues& leurs causes dMterminantes et les procMdMs reconnus les plus convenables X leur guMrison au moyen du magnMtisme par ?# ,erLot& membre titulaire de la 4ociMtM du mesmMrisme de 3aris& suivi dDune dissertation sur le -luide magnMtiJue animal par A# ,auche& membre titulaire de la mOme sociMtM# 3arisH The Author& 18+8& 0i V 118 pp# 729

733% )Brard, 9%
%Dart de se magnMtiser ou de se guMrir mutuellement# 3arisH entu& 18+8# KMrard& editor o- 8a re($e magn'ti/$e, spent time in the military be-ore becoming a mesmeriAer# This is his -irst book on the subLect o- animal magnetism# 729

739% Ma!r+, )%
%es magnMtiseurs LugMs par eu0-mOmes& nouvelle enJuOte sur le magnMtisme animal# ;uvrage dMdiM au0 classes lettrMes& au0 mMdecins& X la magistrature et au clergM# 3arisH Callet,achelier& 18+8& :6. V +(6 pp# A work o- -ormidable proportions that undertakes to discredit animal magnetism# The author believes that animal magnetism was a sham -rom the beginning and that it attracted many -oolish or naive -ollowers# The -irst hal- o- the book is comprised largely o- letters written between Cabru and Ceunier# The second hal- attempts to give an overview o- the history oanimal magnetismH mesmerism and magnetic -luidI 3uysMgur and arti-icial somnambulismI upotet and magico-magnetismI the Americans and table turning and spirit rappersI spiritualists and charlatansI magnetism and phrenologyI etc# /t is a use-ul compendium o- antimesmeric sentiment& but does not care-ully e0amine contradictory data# The book includes a synoptic table o- the various theories pro-essed by the di--erent practitioners o- animal magnetism# 729

794% Man+ale del magnetismo animale, des+nto dalle pi[ recenti opere magnetiche%
CilanH ArAione& 18+8& *9$ pp# 729

791% Millet, .%
Cours de magnMtisme animal en douAe le[ons# 3arisH The Author& 18+8& 00 V viii V 1'$ pp# 729

792% PiBrart, U% 9%
%e magnMtisme& le somnambulisme et le spiritualisme dans lDhistoire# A--aire curieuse des possMdMes de %ouviers# :?0plications et rapprochements avec les -aits actuels& avec les

phMnomPnes produits par C# 2ome#. 3arisH Au ,ureau du Nournal du CagnMtisme& 18+8& "9 V :1. pp# 72 R 39

796% P+tnam, Allen%

Cesmerism& 4piritualism& !itchcra-t& and CiracleH A ,rie- Treatise 4tating that Cesmerism /s a <ey !hich !ill >nlock Cany Ciracles and Cysteries# ,ostonH ,# Carsh& 18+8& '6 pp# 72 R 39

797% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

ie 3-lanAenwelt in ihren ,eAiehungen Aur 4ensitivitdt und Aum ;de# ?ine physiologische 4kiAAe# EiennaH !ilhelm ,raumQller& 19+8& viii V 1** pp# 729

795% ReA+e spirit+aliste% 9o+rnal principalement consecrB N l;Bt+de des #ac+ltBs de l;\me et N la dBmonstration de son immortalitB par l;e5amen raisonnB des diAers genres de mani#estations mBdianimi?+es et de phBnomDnes psychi?+es tels ?+e le somnam!+lisme, l;e5tase, la A+e N distance, etc%
Eols# 1)1*I 18+8)18(9# Continued asH 8e concile de la li"re pens'e) A"olition des %a$& dogmes et des mensonges sacerdota$&) ) ) ) 18'$)18'6# 3ublished in 3aris and edited by 5# N# 3iMrart# The -irst title had the variantH *rgan d$ progrPs philosophi/$e et religie$&) 739

796% <RiAail, Hippolyte *Bon ,Bni'ard, pse+donym1 Allan :ardec%>

/nstructions pratiJues sur les mani-estations spirites contenant lDe0posM complet des conditions nMcessaires pour communiJuer avec les esprits et les moyens pour dMvelopper la -acultM mMdiatrice cheA les mMdiums# 3arisH ,ureau de la =evue 4pirite& 18+8& :6. V 16( V :1. pp# Kenerally recogniAed as the -ather o- spiritualism in 8rance& <ardec wrote this book& his second :see 8i(re des Esprits, entry number '81.& as a manual o- spiritistic practice# 739

797% Ro+get, .erdinand%

TraitM pratiJue de magnMtisme humain& ou rMsume de tous les procMdMs du magnMtisme humain& pour rMtablir et dMvelopper les -onctions physiJues et les -acultMs intellectuelles dans lDMtat de maladie# 3aris and ToulouseH ?# entu and Kermer ,ailliPre :3aris. and Kimet :Toulouse.& 18+8& 1+( pp# 729

793% RoAere, 9+les de%

%es magnMtiseurs ont-ils tort ou raisonW That is the Juestionh ApprMciation et solution en deu0 parties# 3arisH The Author& 18+8& "1 pp# 729

799% &il(inson, &% M%
4pirit rawingsH A 3ersonal Narrative# %ondonH Chapman R 2all& 18+8& iv V 191 pp# An account o- automatic writing and automatic drawing in the -amily o- the author that goes into use-ul detail about the process involved and provides important data -or psychical research# The author attributes the phenomena to the work o- discarnate spirits# 739

344% roca, Pa+l%

4ur lDanesthMsie chirurgicale hypnotiJue# Note prMsentMe X lDAcadMmie des sciences le + dMcembre 18+9 suivie dDune lettre adressMe au rMdacteur en che- du Coniteur des sciences mMdicales# 3arisH Noblet& 18+9& 1( pp# ,roca& a distinguished surgeon and anthropologist& was an authority on aphasia and a pioneer in craniology# ,ecause o- his reputation& this address was an important -actor in arousing interest in hypnotism and the views o- Names ,raid in 8rance# /t was the attention paid to hypnotism by such men as ,roca that eventually induced Ambroise %iMbeault :18*")19$6. to e0periment with the phenomenon# 729

341% "aroli, )ioAanni M%

el magnetismo animale ossia mesmerismo# /n ordine alla ragione e alla rivelaAione# NaplesH >--iAio della ,iblioteca cattolica& 18+9& (61 pp# 729

342% "on#essions o# a /r+th $ee(er% A @arratiAe o# Personal -nAestigations into the .acts and Philosophy o# $pirit2interco+rse%
%ondonH !illiam 2orsell& 18+9& 000ii V "")*** pp# The phenomena and philosophy o- spiritualism described by a spiritualist# 739

346% ,i5on, 9aco!%

2ygienic Clairvoyance# %ondonH !# 2orsell& :18+9.& viii V :+.)'6 pp# 72 R 39

347% Emmons, $am+el +ll#inch%

The 4pirit %and# 3hiladelphiaH K# K# ?vans& 18+9& :1. V *88 pp# CriticiAes purported spirit mani-estations -rom the Christian point o- view# ?mmons e0plains the phenomena in terms o- the e--ects o- the imagination on the nervous system and calls -or the rooting out o- popular superstitions about the matter# !hile admitting that obLects may indeed move without any physical -orce being applied to them& ?mmons argues that it is su--icient to e0plain them in terms o- Fvital electricityG -rom embodied& not disembodied& spirits# 72 R 39

345% .ichte, -mman+el Hermann%

5ur seelen lehre# ?in philosophische Con-ession# %eipAigH 8# A# ,rockhaus& 18+9& 00viii V *8( pp# 4tudying the phenomenon o- somnambulism& 8ichte drew conclusions about the nature ohuman consciousness# The FdarkG consciousness o- somnambulism is characteriAed by -antasies that are ordinarily not recogniAed by our normal consciousness but that do show themselves in such phenomena as instincts& dreams& and clairvoyance# 8ichte believed that the soul has an inner body o- its own which& a-ter death& continues to e0ist# 72 R 39

346% )ragnon, "Blestin%

u traitement et de la guMrison de JuelJues maladies chroniJues au moyen de somnambulisme magnMtiJue& et X propos de CC# Cali0te =enaud& de ,ordeau0 et Ale0is de 3aris# ,ordeau0H K# Kounouilhou& 18+9& 11* pp# 729

347% *e magnBtise+r, Lo+rnal d+ magnBtisme animal%

Eols# 1)1*& 18+9)18'*# 3ublished in Keneva and edited by Charles %a-ontaine# 729

343% Mitchell, 9ohn :earsley%

F;n Animal Cagnetism& or Eital /nduction#G /n 0i(e Essays) ?dited by 4# !eir Citchell# 3hiladelphiaH %ippincott& 18+9& pp# 16")*'"# 729

349% Mongr+el, Madame%

%es voi0 de lDavenir dans le prMsent et dans le passM& ou les oracles et les somnambules comparMs# 3arisH entu and The Author& 18+9& 1$6 pp# 72 R 39

314% <RiAail, Hippolyte *Bon ,Bni'ard, pse+donym1 Allan :ardec%>

TuDest-ce-Jue le spiritismeI introduction X la connaissance du monde invisible ou des esprits& contenant les principes -ondamentau0 de la doctrine spirite et la rMponse au0 JuelJues obLections prMLudicielles# 3arisH %edoyen& 18+9# A-ter dealing with the obLections o- skeptics& =ivail presents a brie- outline o- spiritualistic doctrine# 739

311% Qasse+r2*om!ard, ===%

3rincipes universels du magnMtisme humain appliJuMs au soulagement et X la guMrison de tous les Otres malades# 3arisH %edoyen& 18+9& "( pp# 729

312% A'am, E+gDne%
FNote sur le sommeil nerveu0 ou hypnotisme#G Archi(es g'n'rales de m'decine :Nan# 18($.H +)*6# AAam& a physician and psychological investigator& having become acJuainted with ,raidDs work& e0perimented with hypnotism and suggestion in the treatment o- emotional disturbance# This article& in which AAam communicates the results o- his -irst e0periments& helped lead to the serious investigation o- ,raidDs approach in 8rance# AAam hoped& as did others at the time& that by using the term FhypnotismG rather than Fanimal magnetismG a -resh attitude could be brought to the investigation o- trance phenomena& one -ree o- the negative associations some had with mesmerism# ?ventually AAam become a -riend o- ,raid& who& three days be-ore his death in 18($& sent AAam his last manuscript with an inscription o- esteem# This manuscript& never published in ?nglish& eventually ended up in the possession o- !ilhelm 3reyer :1861) 189'. who published a Kerman version in #ie Entdec.$ng des Hypnotism$s :1881.# AAamDs e0periments with hypnotism in 18($ eventually became known to Ambroise %iMbeault :18*") 19$6.& contributing to his initial interest in hypnotism# 729

316% < ell, Ro!ert%>

F4tranger Than 8iction&G Dhe Bornhill Maga5ine * :18($.H *11)*6# An account o- an evening with the medium # # 2ome in which ,ell& a Lournalist& relates spectacular mediumistic -eats carried out in circumstances which were believed at the time to be very un-avorable to -raud# This article appeared with an introductory -ootnote by the editor !illiam ThackerayH FAs ?ditor o- this CagaAine& / can vouch -or the good -aith and honourable character o- our correspondent& a -riend o- twenty--ive yearsD standingI but as the writer o- the above astounding narrative owns that he Uwould re-use to believe such things

upon the evidence o- other peopleDs eyes&D his readers are there-ore -ree to give or withhold their belie-#G Although Thackeray knew the account he was publishing would be controversial& it turned out to be very in-luential in giving spiritualistic phenomena a certain credibility in ?ngland# 739

317% "aroli, )ioAanni M%

8iloso-ia dello spirito1ovvero del magnetismo animale# NaplesH n#p#& 18($# 72 R 39

315% "harpignon, *o+is 9oseph 9+les%

=apport du magnMtisme avec la Lurisprudence et la mMdecine lMgale# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre and uraud& 18($& (1 pp# Among the earliest works on issues o- Lurisprudence in the practice o- animal magnetism& this pamphlet deals largely with the responsibilities o- the magnetiAer and possible abuses that may occur# 729

316% "omet, "harles 9ean aptiste%

%a vMritM au0 mMdecins et au0 gens du monde sur le diagnostic et la thMrapeutiJue des maladies& MclairMs par le somnambulisme naturel lucide# e la catalepsie& observations de -acultMs surnaturelles de clairvoyance& dDintuition& de prMvision et dDe0tase# u magnMtisme animal et de ses e--ets# /nstruction pratiJue sur son application au traitement des maladies# 3arisH 3lon& 18($& "88 pp# 72 R 39

317% "sanady, $tephan%

Cedicinische 3hilosophie und Cesmerismus# %eipAigH 8ranA !agner& 18($& 0ii V 6+1 pp# 729

313% ,emar?+ay, 9ean @icolas and )ira+d2/e+lon, M% A%

=echerches sur lDhypnotisme ou sommeil nerveu0& comprenant une sMrie dDe0pMriences instituMes X la maison municipale de santM# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 18($& +( pp# A discussion o- hypnotism as a surgical anesthetic# Taking note o- the optimism o- Eelpeau& ,roca& and AAam concerning the use o- hypnotism to render a patient insensible& the authors undertook to con-irm its e--icacy -or themselves# Through eighteen trials they -ound only one patient who became insensible to a signi-icant degree& and that patient they considered to be hysterical# 8rom this the authors conclude that magnetic sleep& magnetic somnambulism and hypnotism are the same phenomenon mani-ested in varying degrees& and that their e--icacy is dependent on a condition o- hysteria or near-hysteria in the patient# This conclusion is strikingly close to that which Charcot and the 4alpOtriPre school will reach many years later#

espite this conclusion& however& the authors still consider hypnotism to be a use-ul tool -or treating nervous disorders& and the main part o- the treatise is spent discussing that application# They also state that looking at a brilliant obLect is not necessary -or the induction o- hypnotism# All that is needed is a -i0ity o- gaAe# 729

319% ,+nand, /ony%

CagnMtisme& somnambulisme& hypnotisme& considMrations nouvelles sur le systPme nerveu0& ses -onctions et ses maladies# 3arisH %edoyen& 18($& *" pp# unand& a 3arisian physician& here discusses somnambulism and takes note o- the FhypnoticG theory o- ,raid& then new to the 8rench# 729

324% ,+p+y, Antonin, ed%

%Dhypnotisme& compte-rendu des con-Mrences du docteur A# N# 3# 3hilips# 3arisH Cercle de la 3resse scienti-iJue& 18($& "$ pp# An account o- the lectures o- urand de Kros :pseudonymH A# N# 3# 3hilips. on braidism# 729

321% <,+rand de )ros, 9oseph Pierre, pse+donym1 A% 9% P% Philips%>

Cours thMoriJue et pratiJue de braidisme ou hypnotisme nerveu0H considMrM dans ses rapports avec la psychologie& la physiologie et la pathologie et dans ses applications X la mMdecine& X la chirurgie& X la physiologie e0pMrimentale& X la mMdicine lMgale et X lDMducation& par le docteur N# 3# 3hilips# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre and Kermer ,ailliPre& 18($& 0ii V 18$ pp# urand :de Kros. was one o- the men who brought the teachings o- ,raid to the attention othe 8rench public# This book presents three con-erences urand gave on the subLect oFbraidism&G as hypnotism was then called in 8rance# ,ecause o- his personal interests& urand gave his lectures a particularly physiological slant# 2e concludes with a plea to physicians -or -urther investigations o- braidism# 729

322% .ig+ier, *o+is%

2istoire du merveilleu0 dans les temps modernes# 6 vols# 3arisH %# 2achette et Cie& :18($) 18(1.& 0 V 619I :6. V 6*8I :6. V 6$' V :1.I :+. V "9+ pp# !hen Fturning tablesG arrived in 8rance -rom America around 18+"& 8iguier became convinced that it was necessary to know the historical background o- such phenomena in order to Ludge them with obLectivity# The result was this work& divided into the -ollowing sectionsH Eolume 1H the history o- the epidemic possessions o- %oudun and the Nansenist convulsionariesI Eolume *H the history o- the divining rod and the 3rotestant prophetsI Eolume "H the history o- animal magnetismI Eolume 6H the history o- table turning and spiritism# Eolume " is one o- the best early histories o- animal magnetism# Eolumes * and 6 give a good historical background -or phenomena which began to be studied by psychical researches some ten years later# 72 R 39

326% )igot2$+ard, 9ac?+es *Bon%

%es mystPres du magnMtisme animal et de la magie dMvoilMs ou la vMritM sur le mesmMrisme& le somnambulisme dit magnMtiJue et plusieurs phMnomPnes attribuMs X lDintervention des esprits dMmontrMs par lDhypnotisme# 3arisH %abM& 18($& 116 pp# The author intends to prove the validity o- animal magnetism by placing it in the conte0t othe western magical tradition# At the same time he brings in FhypnotismG :a new word in 8rance. and the -indings o- ,raid# 72 R 39

327% )o+genot des Mo+ssea+5, Henri Roger%

%a magie au di0-neuviPme siPcle& ses agents& ses vMritMs& ses mensonges# 3rMcMdMe dDune lettre adressMe X lDauteur par le 3# Eentura de =aulica& Ancien KMnMral de lDordre des ThMatins& Consulteur de la 4acrMe CongrMgation des =ites& ?0aminateur des ?vOJues et du clergM romain# 3arisH 2enri 3lon and ?# entu& 18($& :6. V 00 V 6"9 pp# Attempts to e0plain -eats o- clairvoyance and magic in terms o- the -luid o- animal magnetism# Kougenot des Cousseau0 sees animal magnetism as an ancient magical tradition clothed in modern dress# 72 R 39

325% )+idi, .rancesco%

/l magnetismo animale considerato secondo le leggi della natura e principalmente diretto alla cura delle malattie& con note ed unDappendiceH 4ullDipnotismo# CilanH 8rancesco 4anvito& 18($& +'6 pp# An enthusiastic e0ploration o- animal magnetism as providing a new way to view the world# KuidiDs Drattato teorico-pratico di magnetismo animale :entry number '1(. had been put on the 1nde& o- -orbidden books by the =oman Catholic ChurchI here he emphasiAes his view oanimal magnetism as a natural phenomenon& in no way connected with superstition# 72 R 39

326% )+idi, .rancesco%

3rolusione sul magnetismo animale letta al Circolo 3opolare di ,rera in Cilano la sera del + maggio 18($# CilanH 4anvito& 18($& "* pp# 729

327% *oAy, 9+les%

4ouvenirs des banJuets de Cesmer& toastes et chansons# 3arisH ,ureau du Lournal FlD>nion magnMtiJue&G 18($& '* pp# 729

323% -l magnetologo%
;ne vol# onlyWI 18($:W.# ?dited by 8rancesco Kuidi# 729

329% Mesnet, Ernest%

?tudes sur le somnambulisme envisagM au point de vue pathologiJue# 3arisH =ignou0& 18($& "$ pp# The -irst work on somnambulism by this physician o- the 2ctel ieu# Cesnet began his work with hysterics in the early 18+$s# /n this treatise he e0amines somnambulism as a pathological condition related to hysteria# 729

364% Morin, Alcide%

Cagie du e/ee siPcle# TMnPbres# TreiAe nuits suivies dDun demi-Lour sur lDhypnotisme# 3arisH ?# entu& 18($& 0i0 V *8$ pp# 72 R 39

361% Morin, AndrB $at+rnin%

u magnMtisme et des sciences occultes# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 18($& i0 V +"* pp# An important source -or understanding how practitioners o- animal magnetism saw themselves in relationship to the occult and supernormal phenomena# /n their e0periments& mesmerists encountered many phenomena that had traditionally been e0plained in occult or spiritist terms& and a number o- mesmerists considered themselves the true inheritors o- that tradition# !hile they believed the phenomena that occurred in the occult tradition to be genuine& because they themselves encountered similar phenomena& they strove to e0plain them in more FnaturalisticG terms# /n this book Corin e0presses this viewpoint and uses the -indings o- the magnetists to shed light on the true nature o- occult phenomena# The -irst halo- the book is an e0position o- animal magnetism and the many di--erent -orms it has taken in practice# /t includes an e0cellent study o- somnambulism and somnambulistic clairvoyance# The second part takes up the Foccult sciencesG and discusses such subLects as table turning& spiritualistic mediums& hallucinations& and the school o- magnetic FmagicG -ounded by u 3otet# 72 R 39

362% Morin, AndrB $at+rnin%

CagnMtisme# C# %a-ontaine et les sourds muets# 3arisH K# ,ailliPre& 18($& *6 pp# 729

366% P0en, Ro!ert ,ale%

8oot-alls on the ,oundary o- Another !orld# !ith Narrative /llustrations# 3hiladelphiaH N# ,# %ippincott R Co#& 18($& +*8 pp# ;wen was introduced to spiritualism by a -ellow diplomat while serving as American minister to the /talian government at Naples# 2e was intrigued but skeptical# Characteristically& he undertook an historical survey o- the spirit communication and& a-ter working through F-ormidable piles o- cha-- to reach a -ew gleanings o- solid grain&G he decided he should take

the matter seriously# The resultant work& which e0amines everything -rom the psychological and physiological underpinnings o- psychic phenomena to the most spectacular and convincing instances o- intervention by spirits -rom the other side o- death& was one o- the most popular ever written on the subLect o- spiritualism and did much to provide that movement with an aura o- respectability# 739

367% Pl+mer, &illiam $%

FCary =eynoldsH A Case o- ouble Consciousness#G Harpers 7e- Monthly Maga5ine *$ :18($.H 8$')1*# A detailed account o- the most -amous early case o- multiple personality& but not completely accurate# 729

365% $amson, )eorge &hite#ield%

4piritualism TestedI or& the 8acts o- /ts 2istory Classi-ied and Their Cause in Nature Eeri-ied -rom Ancient and Codern Testimonies# ,ostonH Kould and %incoln& 18($& viii V 9)18+ pp# 4amson& who taught at Columbian College in !ashington& #C#& believes that the phenomena o- spiritualism are genuine but not due to the intervention o- spirits# 2e contends that all such phenomena can be e0plained in terms o- Fnervous energy#G Cuch o- the book is devoted to a study o- the mani-estation o- spiritualistic phenomena throughout history# 739

366% U+ccoli, Ant%

%e scienAe occulte# Cagnetismo& elettrobiologia& spiritualismo e negromanAia ossia la duplice scienAa dDuna levatrice# # # # CilanH 3irola& 18($& "$ pp# 72 R 39

367% "oleman, enLamin%
4piritualism in America# %ondonH 8# 3itman& 18(1& iv V 8' pp# 739

363% ,idier, Adolphe%

Cures ?--ected by Animal Cagnetism# %ondonH 2ippolyte ,ailliPre and The Author& 18(1& (8 pp# This work went through many editions and changes o- title& includingH B$rati(e Mesmerism and Magnetism and its Healing Po-er) 729

369% .echner, )+staA /heodor%

bber die 4eelen-rage# ?in Kang durch die sichtbare !elt& um die unsichtbare Au -inden# %eipAigH C# 8# Amelang& 18(1& vi V :1. V **8 V :1. pp# 8echner& a physicist and philosopher& sought to understand the relationship between the physical and spiritual reality# 2is investigations led him to map out a novel -ield o- study& labelled FpsychophysicsG and involving the measurement o- physical concomitants opsychological acts& which became the -oundation -or modern e0perimental psychology# This work deals with the Juestion o- the soul& its nature& and its sphere o- activity# 8echner believes that all things :including crystals and plants. have souls& and that the world itsel-& the highest being in our e0perience& has a soul# 2e attempts to e0plore what we know o- this world to gain access to knowledge o- the metaphysical world# 739

374% .rottB, Em%

>ne plaie pro-essionnelle& ou la mMdecine e0ploitMe par le somnambulisme# =eimsH ubois& 18(1& +" pp# 729

371% )+idi, .rancesco%

/ntroduAione allo studio del magnetismo animale e del magnetico sonnambulismo# NaplesH Nobile& 18(1# 729

372% HB!ert, Hippolyte 9oseph%

=echerches sur lDhypnotisme et ses causes& suivies dDun discours prononcM dans lDassemblMe des chirurgiens-dentistes du mois de dMcembre 18($# 4aint-Kermain-en-%ayeH The Author& 18(1& "1 pp# 729

376% Ma+ry, *o+is .erdinand Al#red%

%e sommeil et les rOves# 3arisH idier& 18(1& vii V 6*( pp# Caury& an engineer& scholar& and pro-essor in the CollPge de 8rance& presented his -irst thoughts on sleep and dreams in periodical articles that appeared between 1868 and 18+'# /t is CauryDs intention to give an overall theory o- the nature o- dreams drawn& as he says& not -rom speculations on theories but -rom methodical personal observation# This he does in the -irst part o- his book# /n the second he makes connections between his observations on dreams and what he considers to be analogous phenomenaH hypnotism& somnambulism& and certain pathological conditions# 2is chapter on Fhypnagogic hallucinationsG is considered a classic# 729

377% Perty, Ma5imillian%

ie mystischen ?rscheinungen der menschlichen Natur# %eipAig and 2eidelbergH C# 8# !inter& 18(1& 0vii V ''$ pp# 3erty& a pro-essor o- Aoology at ,ern and one o- KermanyDs most important early psychical researchers& e0pounded a neoplatonic-type philosophy o- the paranormal# /n this book& 3erty puts -orward a theory o- mediumship based upon an occult world view that posits a world spirit and secondary nature spirits# The book includes a large section on animal magnetism# 739

375% <RiAail, Hippolyte *Bon ,Bni'ard, pse+donym1 Allan :ardec%>

4piritisme e0pMrimental# %e livre des mMdiums ou guide des mMdiums et des Mvocateurs& contenant lDenseignement spMcial des esprits sur la thMorie de tous les genres de mani-estations& les moyens de communiJuer avec le monde invisible& le dMveloppement de la mMdiumnitM& les di--icultMs et les Mcueils Jue lDon peut rencontrer dans la pratiJue du spiritisme# 3our -aire suite au %ivre des ?sprits# 3arisH idier& %edoyen :18(1.& viii V +1$ pp# =ivailDs second most important work a-ter 8e li(re des esprits :entry number '81. and one othe most complete treatises ever written on mediumship# =ivail describes the nature omediumship& the -orces at work through mediums& how to develop as a medium& the Jualities mediums need to have& the dangers o- mediumship& and -raudulent mediums# 739

376% <"anelle, A%>
u phrMno-mesmMrisme# 3arisH ?# Eoitelain& 18(*& ' pp# 729

377% .lammarion, "amille%

%es habitants de lDautre monde# ]tudes dDoutre-tombe# * parts# 3arisH %edoyen& :18(*)18(".# !hile a young man& 8lammarion& one o- 8ranceDs best known astronomers& became involved with Allan <ardecDs -orm o- spiritualism# Although he never became a spiritualist& 8lammarion developed a deep interest in psychical subLects and became one o- the premier psychical researchers o- 8rance# 8es ha"itants deals with such subLects as communications with spirits& problems o- identi-ying spirits& spirit raps& and mediumistic writing# 8lammarion takes his material -rom sMances with the medium Cademoiselle 2uet# The -irst part was published in 18(*I the second in 18("# 739

373% *Bl+t, *o+is .ranCois%

3hysiologie de la pensMe# =echerche critiJue des rapports du corps avec lDesprit& * vols# 3arisH idier& 18(*#

%Mlut investigates the action o- electro-magnetic -luid in the nervous system and discusses various psychological phenomena such as dreams and somnambulism# This collection ostudies includes the authorDs M'moire s$r le sommeil :entry number (6+.# 729

379% *e magnBtisme% 9o+rnal des sciences magnBti?+e, hypnoti?+e et occ+ltes % % % %

;ne vol# onlyI 18(*# 3ublished in 3aris# 729

354% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

;dische ,egebenheiten Au ,erlin in den Nahren 18(1 und 18(*# ,erlinH ?# 2# 4chroeder& 18(*& vii V :1. V 9* pp# 729

351% <Qollmer, "arl )ott#ried &ilhelm, pse+donym1 &% .% A% Uimmermann%>

Cagnetismus und Cesmerismus oder physische und geistige <rd-te der Natur# ,erlinH Thiele& 18(*& (9* pp# An e0position o- animal magnetic phenomena in a -ictional -ormat# 72 R 39

352% "r+i(shan(, )eorge%
iscovery concerning KhostsH !ith a =ap at the F4pirit-rappers#G To which is Added a 8ew 3arting =aps at the F=appers&G Tuestions& 4uggestions& and Advice to the avenport ,rothers# %ondonH 8# Arnold& 18("& 68 pp# 739

356% <,e Morgan, $ophia Eli'a!eth%>

8rom Catter to 4pirit# The =esult o- Ten @earsD ?0perience in 4pirit Cani-estations# /ntended as a Kuide to ?nJuirers# ,y C# # !ith a 3re-ace by A# ,# %ondonH %ongman& Kreen& %ongman& =oberts R Kreen& 18("& 0lv V :". V "88 pp# !ritten by the wi-e o- the renowned mathematician Augustus e Corgan& this work describes ten years o- personal e0periences which include rapping and table movement& automatic writing& mesmerism& and mediumistic phenomena o- various kinds# Although the e0periences were worth noting& the author uses them to draw rather broad philosophical conclusions# 739

357% ,enton, &illiam and ,enton, Eli'a!eth M% .%

4oul o- ThingsH or 3sychometric =esearches and iscoveries# " vols# ,ostonH !alker& !ise and Company :Eol# 1.I !illiam enton :Eols# * and ".& :18("& 18'"& 18'6.& vii V :*. V 11) "'$I :1. V 6+$ V :1.I "(* V :1. pp# >pon reading the works o- Noseph =odes ,uchanan on psychometry& !illiam enton decided to see whether this special sensitivity could be applied speci-ically to geological and paleontological studies# ,eginning with his sister as the sensitive or psychic& and eventually using a number o- other individuals enton recorded the impressions o- geography& geology& plant and animal li-e& and human li-e they received when in contact with substances and arti-acts dating -rom various epochs# 2e obtained what he believed to be remarkably accurate descriptions and recorded them in detail# /t was his contention that the sciences could in this way gain valuable in-ormation otherwise completely unavailable to them# The -irst volume was written by enton and his wi-e# The second and third were written by enton alone# 739

355% ,+ Potet de $enneAoy, 9+les ,enis%

ThMrapeutiJue magnMtiJue& rPgles de lDapplication dit magnMtisme X lDe0pMrimentation pure et au traitement des maladies# 4piritualisme& son principe et ses phMnomPnes# 3arisH The Author and entu& 18("& +"9 pp# u 3otetDs last and best maLor work on animal magnetism# ,asically it is a summary o- the e0periences and ideas o- all his earlier works brought together in a skill-ul and interesting manner# u 3otet writes both about the healing use o- animal magnetism and about the wonders o- magnetic somnambulism& describing ecstatic and paranormal e0periences# 72 R 39

356% )o+genot des Mo+ssea+5, Henri Roger%

%es mMdiateurs et les moyens de la magie& les hallucinations et les savantsI la -antcme humain et le principe vital# 3arisH 2enri 3lon& 18("& 0v V 66' pp# 739

357% <)+ppy, $am+el%>

Cary NaneI or 4piritualism Chemically ?0plained with 4pirit rawingsH also ?ssays by& and /deas :3erhaps ?rroneous. o- FA Child at 4chool#G %ondonH Nohn <ing& 18("& 0i V "'9 pp# 739

353% Home, ,aniel ,+nglas%

/ncidents in Cy %i-e# %ondonH %ongman& Kreen& %ongman& =oberts R Kreen& 18("& 0vi V *88 pp# ;ne o- the most spectacular mediums o- the nineteenth century& # # 2ome was born in 4cotland and grew up in the >nited 4tates# At the age o- thirteen& he began to have psychic e0periences and became preoccupied with the issue o- li-e beyond death# 2e soon progressed beyond clairvoyant and precognitive e0periences to physical mediumship& apparently producing remarkable physical e--ects in the presence o- numerous witnesses# /n 18++ 2ome

travelled to ?ngland where he spent the rest o- his li-e& with numerous e0cursions to ?urope# 2e e0ercised his now -amous mediumship in the living rooms o- the well-to-do and the parlors o- the power-ul throughout ?ngland and the continent& including =ussia# 2ome was a highly cultured man& and considered a charming and entertaining :although somewhat vain. conversationalist# Among the -eats routinely per-ormed by 2ome were levitations and elongations o- his body& materialiAations o- obLects& such as -lowers& -ire-immunity& movement o- heavy obLects without contact& and production o- mysterious lights# !illiam Crookes studied 2ome in CrookesDs own laboratory to ascertain whether 2omeDs phenomena were genuine# CrookesD conclusion was that an as yet unknown psychic -orce was at work that produced measurable e--ects :see Crookes& entry numbers 9"8 and 9+9.# 2ome was accused by contemporaries o- using tricks to produce his e--ects& and to this day there are magicians who claim they can reproduce some o- them# ,ut in all the years 2ome practiced his mediumship& and in the variety o- settings in which he per-ormed his -eats& 2ome was never detected in -raud# 1ncidents in My 8i%e is the -irst o- two autobiographical works& the second being 1ncidents in My 8i%e) +econd series, 18'* :entry number 968.# They are a valuable& although sel--serving& source o- in-ormation about the li-e o- this unusual man# The -irst book covers 2omeDs li-e -rom his birth in 18"" to the death o- his -irst wi-e& Ale0andrina& in 18(*# The contents range -rom a description o- his daily li-e and travels and the many -riendships he established to an account o- his views concerning some o- the controversial statements that were made about his mediumship# 739

359% Ho0itt, &illiam%

The 2istory o- the 4upernatural in All Ages and Nations& and in All Churches& Christian and 3aganH emonstrating a >niversal 8aith# * vols# %ondonH %ongmans R Co#& 18("& 0i0 V 689I 0vii V 6'" pp# /n this lengthy work& 2owitt attempts to show that modern spiritualism had its -orerunners in every epoch o- history# /t is an historical study with a strong spiritualistic bias# 739

364% <:ra+se, Ernst *+d0ig, pse+donym1 "ar+s $tern%>

ie naturgeschichte der Kespenster# 3hysikalisch-physiologisch-psychologische 4tudien# !eimarH Eoigt& 18("& 0 V :*. V 6"9 V :1. pp# 739

361% Paillo+5, ]aAier%

%e magnMtisme& le spiritisme& et lDMglise# 3arisH N# %eco--re& 18("& 0v V :1. V 6($ pp# 72 R 39

362% Perty, Ma5imillian%

ie =ealitdt magischer <rd-te und !irkungen des Censchen gegen die !idersacher vertheidigt# ?in 4upplement Au des Eer-assers FCystischen ?rscheinungen der menschlichen Natur#G %eipAigH !inter& 18("& :*. V 8" pp# 739

366% Ro+5, .%
CagnMtisme& moyen dDa--ermir le magnMtisme dans la voie scienti-iJue# 3arisH Eoitelain& 18("& "* pp# 729

367% $picer, Henry%

4trange Things Among >s# %ondonH Chapman R 2all& 18("& 0i V *"" pp# A popular historical discussion o- psychical occurrences# 739

365% oret, === de%
%ettres sur le magnMtisme par le docteur de ,oret& publiMes pour la premiPre -ois par lD>nion magnMtiJue# 3arisH Nusset and The Author& 18(6& (8 pp# 729

366% rittan, $% %
Can and 2is =elationsH /llustrating the /n-luence o- the Cind on the ,odyI the =elations othe 8aculties to the ;rgans& and to the ?lements& ;bLects and 3henomena o- the ?0ternal !orld# New @orkH !# A# Townsend& 18(6& 0iv V 9)+'8 pp# A discussion o- the moral aspects o- the e--ects o- the mind upon the body written by a spiritualist& including sections on -ascination& animal magnetism& hallucinations& somnambulism& and clairvoyance# 72 R 39

367% <"a'otte, 9ac?+es $%>

TMmoignage spiritualiste dDoutre tombe sur le magnMtisme humain& -ruit dDun long pPlerinage par N# 4# C#& publiM et annotM par lDabbM %oubert# 3arisH Kosselin& 18(6& lvi V 1"6 pp# 4peculations about the nature o- magnetic somnambulism# 72 R 39

363% "harpignon, *o+is 9oseph 9+les%

]tudes sur la mMdecine animiJue et vitaliste# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 18(6& vi V 191 pp# A study o- healing through animal magnetism and through the in-luence o- the mind on the body# Charpignon describes recent cures in the conte0t o- early historical precedents -or these approaches to healing# 729

369% ,+roy de r+ignac, "harles 9oseph Al!ert%

4atan et la magie de nos Lours& rM-le0ions sur la magnMtisme& le spiritisme et la magie# 3arisH C# ,lMriot& 18(6& 0i V *18 pp# The author sees the work o- 4atan in animal magnetism# 72 R 39

374% .a+Aelle le )allois, A+g+ste, ed%

%e magnMtiseur universel& recueil des progrPs spiritualistes ou Mtudes sur les mani-estations du spiritualisme moderne# 3arisH The Author& :18(6)18((.# /t is di--icult to decide whether this work is best considered a series o- pamphlets published over a period o- time or a periodical# The editor was something o- a visionary and not universally respected by magnetiAers# The work re-lects his personal views# 72 R 39

371% )a''etta magnetico2scienti#ico2spiritistica%

;ne volume only& 18(6)18(+# Continued asH +al$te :+ocietH magnetica d91talia residente in !ologna?) Eols *)1$I 18(+) 18'6# 72 R 39

372% )Brard, 9%
%e magnMtisme appliJuM X la mMdecine# 3arisH The Author and entu& 18(6& '1 pp# KMrard describes the utility o- mesmerism in medical practice and criticiAes those who obLect to it# 729

376% *allart, "%

?ssai sur lDhypnotisme& nouvelle dMcouverte prMcMdM dDe0plications sur le magnMtisme et le somnambulisme# 4oissonsH %allart& 18(6& *6 pp# 729

377% Man+ale del magnetismo animale% $+a storia=s+e teorie=modo di magneti''are=catechismo magnetologico=#enomeni magnetici= applica'ione del magnetismo alla medicina=inconAenienti del magnetismo=concl+sione=Appendice1 *e taAole semoAenti oAAero i miracoli del secolo ]-]%
NaplesH n#p#& 18(6# 729

375% @ichols, /homas *o0%

A ,iography o- the ,rothers avenport# !ith 4ome Account o- the 3hysical and 3sychical 3henomena !hich 2ave ;ccurred in Their 3resence& in America and ?urope# %ondonH 4aunders& ;tley& and Co#& 18(6& viii V "($ pp# The story o- two brothers& /ra and !illiam avenport& who became world--amous mediums# /t is written -rom an e0tremely sympathetic point o- view by a man who had known the brothers only a -ew months when he undertook the book# Although the brothers were the subLect o- great controversy wherever they went& constantly being accused o- -raud& Nichols -ound nothing o- that and believed the brothers to be entirely honest in the practice o- their mediumship& despite the spectacular nature o- the phenomena they produced# 739

376% Po0ell, 9ames Henry%

4piritualismH /ts 8acts and 3hases# /llustrated with 3ersonal ?0periences# %ondonH 8# 3itman& 18(6& :+. V viii V :*. V 1(8 pp# A lengthy description o- personal e0periences with the phenomena o- spiritualism& -ollowed by an e0amination o- some possible e0planations# The author dismisses involuntary muscular action& mechanical contrivance& and vital magnetism as the source and de-ends the spiritualistic interpretation o- the e0periences# 739

377% <RiAail, Hippolyte *Bon ,Bni'ard, pse+donym1 Allan :ardec%>

%DMvangile selon le spiritisme contenant lDe0plication des ma0imes morales du Christ& leur concordance avec le spiritisme et leur application au0 diverses positions de la vie# 3arisH entu& 18(6# 739

373% Ro+5, .%
4omnambulisme magnMtiJue# 3arisH Eoitelain& 18(6& "8 pp# 729

379% a!inet, 9ac?+es%
%es sciences occultes au 19e siPcleH les tables tournantes et les mani-estations prMtendues surnaturelles& considMrMes au point de vue des principes Jui servent de guide dans les sciences dDobservation#1 es tables tournantes au point de vue de la mMcaniJue et de la physiologie# 3arisH Callet-,achelier& 18(+# 72 R 39

334% a+che, Ale5andre%

Causeries mesmMriennesH enseignement MlMmentaire :histoire& thMorie& et pratiJue. de magnMtisme animal# 3arisH ?# Eoitelain and The Author& 18(+& *1* pp#

An introductory te0tbook o- the history and nature o- animal magnetism# 729

331% lanc, Hippolyte%

%e merveilleu0 dans le NansMnisme& le magnMtisme& le CMthodisme et le ,aptisme amMricainI lDMpidMmie de CorAine& le spiritisme# =echerches nouvelles# 3arisH 2enri 3lon& 18(+& 0 V :*. V 66+ pp# A discussion o- various phenomena associated with occult practice& along with a description o- the convulsionary epidemics# 72 R 39

332% )+yomar, de la Roche ,errien%

]tude de la vie intMrieure ou spirituelle cheA lDhomme& recherches physiologiJues et philosophiJues sur le magnMtisme& le somnambulisme et le spiritismeI thMorie nouvelle de la pensMe& de lDe0tase& de la luciditM somnambuliJue et mMdianimiJue& rcle du coeur et du cerveau# 3arisH Adrien elahaye& 18(+& 6$ pp# 72 R 39

336% @ichols, /homas *o0, ed%

4upermundane 8acts in the %i-e o- =ev# Nesse ,abcock 8erguson& A#C#& %%# #& /ncluding Twenty @earsD ;bservation o- 3reternatural 3henomena# %ondonH 8# 3itman& 18(+& 0vi V 1') *(6 pp# /ncludes a detailed description o- mental and physical phenomena that occurred through 8erguson& a discussion o- spiritualism among the 4hakers& a description o- how the spirits operate& and thoughts on the philosophy o- spiritualism# !hile heavily biased in -avor ospiritualism& the work provides interesting material -or the psychical researcher# 739

337% PBlin, )a!riel%

%e spiritisme& la dMmonologie et la -olieI e0plication de tous les -aits magnMtiJues# 3arisH entu& 18(+& 1$8 pp# 72 R 39

335% PoincarB, Emile *Bon%

]tude physiologiJue sur le magnMtisme animal# NancyH =aybois& 18(+& 6( pp# 3oincarM& -ather o- the -amous mathematician 2enri 3oincarM& was a pro-essor in the 4chool o- Cedicine at Nancy# /n this& his discourse given on reception into the AcadMmie 4tanislaus& 3oincarM denies the action o- any kind o- -luid in animal magnetism& whether the magnetic -luid o- Cesmer or the nervous -luid o- =ostan# 2e claims that all e--ects emanating -rom the animal magnetic procedure are psychogenic# !hile admitting that somnambulism is a reality& he reLects clairvoyance& the transposition o- senses and medical diagnostic abilities as genuine powers o- somnambulists# 2e emphasiAes the importance o- suggestion in the production o-

all the phenomena o- somnambulism& declaring that somnambulists do not think or will -rom their own initiative& but accept ideas -rom others and believe them to be their own# 729

336% Psyche% ,e+tsche Ueitschri#t #Sr Pd0issenscha#t +nd )eistes(+nde%

Eols# 1)*I 18(+)18((# 3ublished in Krossenhain and edited by <arl Andreas ,erthelen and Kottlieb ammerung# 729

337% <RiAail, Hippolyte *Bon ,Bni'ard, pse+donym1 Allan :ardec%>

%e ciel et lDen-er& ou la Lustice divine selon le spiritisme& contenant lDe0amen comparM des doctrines sur le passage de la vie corporelle X la vie spirituelle& les peines et les rMcompenses -utures& les anges et les dMmons& les peines Mternelles& etc# # # suivi de nombreu0 e0emples sur la situation rMelle de lDfme pendant et aprPs la mort# 3arisH %es Mditeurs du F%ivre des ?sprits&G 18(+& +$$ pp# 739

333% Ro!illard, 9% % P%
]tude sur di--Mrents attributs de lDfme humaine& et sur la luciditM dans la veille et pendant le sommeil magnMtiJue# 3arisH ?# Eoitelain& 18(+& ++ pp# 72 R 39

339% *a sal+te% )iornale d;igiene popolare e di altre cogni'ioni +tili%

Eols# 1)1+I 18(+)1881# 739

394% <.lammarion, "amille%>
es -orces naturelles inconnues& X propos des phMnomPnes produits par les -rPres avenport et par les mMdiums en gMnMral# ]tude critiJue par 2ermPs# 3arisH idier et Cie& 18((& 1+* pp# This work& attributed to 8lammarion& is a description o- sMances held in 8rance by the American mediums& the avenport ,rothers# /n the conte0t o- his description& 8lammarion discusses the nature o- FpsychicG :a term coined by him. or paranormal phenomena in general# 739

391% )Brard, 9+les%

CMdecine vitale# =Mhabilitation du magnMtiseur Cesmer& son baJuet& sa doctrine& ses luttes et son triomphe# 3arisH %ibrairie du 3etit Nournal& 18((& "" pp#

A description o- medical mesmerism by the editor o- 8a re($e magn'ti/$e) 729

392% )Brard, 9+les%

CagnMtisme organiJue# %e magnMtisme X la recherche dDune position socialeI sa thMorie& sa critiJue& sa pratiJue# 3arisH entu and The Author& 18((& *"' pp# 729

396% H+e, "harles%

%e vrai et le -au0 magnMtisme& ses partisans& ses ennemis& thPse prMsentMe X la 4ociMtM de magnMtisme de 3aris& prMcMdMe dDun avant propos sur le -luide magnMtiJue suivie dDaphorismes ou opinions de ($ docteurs& mMdecins& praticiens& prOtres& et du 3ape& sur le magnMtisme et le somnambulisme& et de notions sur lDorigine du magnMtisme& sur la 4ociMtM de magnMtisme et sur un proLect de dispensaire# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 18((& 1$" pp# 729

397% *a#ontaine, "harles%

CMmoires dDun magnMtiseurH suivis de lDe0amen phrMnologiJue de lDauteur& par le octeur Castle# * vols# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 18((& "8"I 6$9 pp# %a-ontaine practiced magnetism and toured giving lectures and demonstrations -or decades# ,ecause he was one o- the most success-ul and well-known stage magnetiAers o- the century& his M'moire contains much valuable in-ormation both about the practice o- animal magnetism at that time and the personalities who were associated with it# 729

395% *ee, Ed0in%

Animal Cagnetism and Cagnetic %ucid 4omnambulism# !ith ;bservations and /llustrative /nstances o- Analogous 3henomena ;ccurring 4pontaneouslyI and an Appendi0 oCorroborative and Correlative ;bservations and 8acts# %ondonH %ongmans and Kreen& 18((& 0vi V ""6 pp# An important collection o- cases o- magnetic somnambulism accompanied by supernormal phenomena& including a section on e0periments which the 8rench clairvoyant Ale0is carried out in ,righton and 2astings in ?ngland in 1869# 72 R 39

396% *iB!ea+lt, Am!roise A+g+ste%

u sommeil et des Mtats analogues considMrMs surtout au point de vue de lDaction du moral sur le physiJue# 3aris and NancyH Eictor Casson et -ils :3aris. and Nicolas KrosLean :Nancy.& 18((& +"+ pp# %iMbeault is one o- the most important -igures in the history o- hypnotism# /n 1868& while engaged in his medical studies& %iMbeault read a book on animal magnetism and was immediately intrigued# 2e success-ully mesmeriAed a -ew people& but did not take the

e0periment any -urther at that time# 2e received his medical degree in 18+$ and began a rural practice# /n 18($ he learned o- the e0periments with ,raidDs hypnotism per-ormed by ?ugPne AAam :18**)1899. :see AAam& entry number 81*.& and decided to see i- it could be o- use to him in his medical practice# %ooking -or willing subLects& he announced to his clientelle that patients who agreed to treatment by hypnotism would not be charged# 2e soon had many patients to e0periment with& and -or the ne0t -ew years developed his own uniJue approach to hypnotic therapeutics# %iMbeault looked on hypnotic sleep as identical to natural sleep& e0cept that the hypnotiAed patient is placed in that condition by an operator and is subLect to a rapport with that person# %iMbeault became a master o- hypnotising patients& and attempted the cure o- a great variety o- illnesses# 2is healing techniJue centered around suggestion# !hile the patient was in a state o- hypnotic sleep& %iMbeault would make simple curative suggestions appropriate to the disease# These suggestions would negate the symptoms o- the disease and inculcate good habits o- health maintenance# /n 18(6& %iMbeault moved to Nancy and took some time to write a book on his workI the result was #$ sommeil) 2ere he describes his method o- hypnotic induction and the various states that result# 2e speculates on the e--ects that hypnotic suggestion has on the nervous system and how healing through hypnotism takes place# %iMbeault also writes about the hallucinations :sometimes o- spirits. that can accompany somnambulism and the central role o- suggestion in creating them# There is a widely circulated tale that only one copy o- #$ sommeil was sold in the -irst edition :there was a second edition called 8e sommeil pro(o/$' et les 'tats analog$es, in 1889.& but that story is probably apocryphal# /n any case& %iMbeaultDs book was not popular and he was virtually unknown among medical men -or many years# %iMbeaultDs work was eventually noted by 2ippolyte ,ernheim :186$)1919.& then pro-essor o- medicine at Nancy# ,ernheim was very impressed by %iMbeault and introduced his methods into the Nancy medical hospital# The result was instant -ame -or %iMbeault and his theory# %iMbeault and ,ernheim drew a small group together around them& including 2enri ,eaunis :18"$)19*1. and Nules %iMgeois :18"")19$8.& and -ormed the Nancy school o- hypnotism& with its emphasis on suggestion as the essential cause o- hypnotic e--ects# The in-luence o- this school rapidly spread throughout ?urope and remained a strong -orce -or decades# The Nancy school was opposed principally by the 4alpOtriPre school o- hypnotism& centered around Nean-Cartin Charcot :18*+)189".# 729

397% *e magnBtise+r +niAersel% Echo d+ monde magnBti?+e%

Eols# 1)'I 18(()18'$# 3ublished in 3aris# There is a title variantH *rgane de l91nstit$t magn'tologi/$e de Paris et 7e- Nor.) ) ) ) 729

393% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

Aphorismen Qber 4ensitivitdt und ;d# EiennaH !# ,raumQller& 18((& 9* pp# 729

399% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+st Al!ert de%

%es e--luves odiJuesH con-Mrences -aites en 18((& par le baron de =eichenbach X lDAcadMmie des 4ciences de EienneI prMcMdMes dDune notice historiJue sur les e--ets mechaniJues de lD;d# 3arisH ?rnest 8lammarion& :18((.& li0 V 1$* pp#

A Colonel o- the 8rench army and Administrator o- the ]cole 3olytechniJue o- 3aris& de =ochas was one o- the most proli-ic and important 8rench writers in the -ield o- animal magnetism and psychical research& with at least a doAen books to his credit# e =ochas was personally acJuainted with virtually all the principle psychical researchers in 8rance& ?ngland& and Kermany in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries& and he o-ten Loined them in their investigations# This book& his -irst on psychical research& covers such subLects as the odic charge& the mechanical e--ects o- human emanations on the human organism& the imposition o- hands& and table turning# 72 R 39

944% &allace, Al#red R+ssel%

The 4cienti-ic Aspect o- the 4upernaturalH /ndicating the esirableness o- an ?0perimental ?nJuiry by Cen o- 4cience into the Alleged 3owers o- Clairvoyants and Cediums# %ondonH n#p#& 18((& vi V +' pp# !allace& the -amous naturalist who originated the theory o- evolution by natural selection independently o- arwin in 18+8& initially approached spiritualism as a materialist and skeptic& but was persuaded by the phenomena to consider the possibility o- a spiritual dimension to human e0istence# !allace had heard about table turning and table rapping o-and on -or a number o- years& but in 18(+ he had an occasion -or -irsthand e0perience# The results o- these -irst encounters with the paranormal were compelling enough to lead him to investigate other mediumistic phenomena and he eventually became a convinced spiritualist& writing a number o- books in its de-ense# This is his -irst work in the area o- spiritualism and psychical research# 2ere he states the case -or an obLective& scienti-ically based study o- the phenomena o- mediumship# 739

941% Ash!+rner, 9ohn%
Notes and 4tudies in the 3hilosophy o- Animal Cagnetism and 4piritualism# !ith ;bservations upon Catarrh& ,ronchitis& =heumatism& Kout& 4cro-ula& and Cognate iseases# %ondonH 2# ,ailliPre& 18('& 00iv V 666 pp# A %ondon physician& and a -riend o- Nohn ?lliotson who wrote articles -or ?lliotsonDs mesmeric Lournal& the 2oist) Ashburner had become convinced o- the reality o- animal magnetism in the 186$s# /n the 18+$s he came to believe that spirits are able to mani-est and communicate with the living& that the -orce involved in animal magnetism and that involved in spirit mani-estations are identical& and that the phenomena mani-esting in both e0periences were compatible with Christian belie-# 7otes and +t$dies is an attempt to bring together the traditions o- animal magnetism& spiritualism& and Christianity# 72 R 39

942% ,;Amico, P%
Kuida teorico-pratica del magnetismo animale# ,olognaH 8ava e Karagnani& 18('& 9* pp# DAmico was one o- /talyDs most popular mesmerists# This book is a simple& practical manual# 729

946% )+idi, .rancesco%

/ misteri del moderno spiritismo e lDantidoto contro le superstiAioni del secolo e/e# CilanH ,ettoni& 18('& *(6 pp# 72 R 39

947% :ra+ss, .riedrich%

Nothgedrungene 8ortsetAung meines Nothschrei gegen meine Eergi-tung mit concentrirtem %ehensdther und grQndliche ?rkldrung der maskirten ?inwurkungsweise desselben au- Keist und <arper Aum 4cheinleben# 4tuttgartH The Author& 18('& "8$ pp# Apparently a condensation o- the authorDs earlier book on being FpoisonedG by the in-luence o- animal magnetism :see his 7othschrei, entry number (66.# 72 R 39

945% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

ie odische %ohe und einige ,ewegungserscheinungen als neuentdeckte 8ormen des odischen 3rincips in der Natur# EiennaH ,raumQller& 18('& vi V 1+1 pp# 729

946% acot, )% .%
es -acultMs magnMtiJues de lDhomme des moyens divers par lesJuels elles se mani-estentI des conditions JuDe0ige leur emploiI de la responsabilitM morale JuDentraZne leur e0erciceI des services JuDon peut en attendre# 3arisH The Author& 18(8& "* pp# A treatise on animal magnetism written -or the practitioner# 729

947% ailli#, *o+is Ernest%

u sommeil magnMtiJue dans lDhystMrie# ThPse X la -acultM de mMdecine de 4trasbourg et soutenue publiJuement le samedi *$ Luin 18(8& X " heures du soir& pour obtenir le grade de docteur en mMdecine# 4trasbourgH n#p#& 18(8& :6. V '1 pp# The author carried out prolonged e0periments using animal magnetism on individuals su--ering -rom hysteria# 2e recogniAed the importance o- ,raidDs work with hypnotism& but did not think that ,raid had success-ully disproved certain phenomena attributed to animal magnetism# /n his work with hysterics& ,ailli- -ound arti-icial somnambulism to be o- some bene-it& but not capable o- producing a cure# 729

943% "olin, ===%

,ien-aits du somnambulisme& ouvrage dMdiM X Cme =oger& au0 amis de la vMritM& et au0 personnes amies dDelles-mOmes# 3arisH <ugelmann& 18(8& 1'9 pp#


949% ,aAis, Andre0 9ac(son%

Cemoranda o- 3ersons& 3laces& and ?ventsI ?mbracing Authentic 8acts& Eisions& /mpressions& iscoveries& in Cagnetism& Clairvoyance& 4piritualismH also Tuotations -rom the ;pposition# !ith an Appendi0& Containing 5schokkeDs Kreat 4tory o- F2ortensia&G Eividly 3ortraying the !ide i--erence ,etween the ;rdinary 4tate and that o- Clairvoyance# New @orkH !illiam !hite R Co#& 18(8& 688 pp# This book& later published as E(ents in the 8i%e o% a +eer, is a compilation o- entries -rom the authorDs Lournal# /t contains records o- events in avisDs li-e& letters& and comments on matters o- personal concern# /t is less philosophically ponderous than most o- avisDs works& and it contains valuable in-ormation about events and people connected with spiritualism and psychic matters# 72 R 39

914% ,espine, Prosper%

3sychologie naturelle# ]tude sur les -acultMs intellectuelles et morales dans leur Mtat normal et dans leurs mani-estations anomales cheA les aliMnMs et cheA les criminels# Tome premier# 3arisH 8# 4avy& 18(8& 0viii V (1( pp# An e0tremely signi-icant contribution to the development o- thought concerning arti-icial somnambulism and automatism# espine distinguishes -our kinds o- automatismH 1. those acts that& a-ter many repetitions under the direction o- the F/&G are per-ormed solely by the organic FautomatonG :e#g#& running.I *. instinctive acts per-ormed in connection with consciously intended acts :e#g#& gestures while talking.I ". acts per-ormed out o- rapport or separately -rom conscious psychic activity simultaneously taking place :e#g#& walking while thinking about a mathematical problem.I and 6. acts per-ormed by the organic FautomationG while the psychic -unction o- the brain or the F/G is suspended :e#g#& actions carried out during arti-icial somnambulism.# /nsisting that actions may be automatic and yet Fintelligent&G espine argues that one may produce intelligent acts that do not involve the psychic -unctions o- the brain or the F/#G ;ne need not believe that Fthe intervention o- the spirit is necessary in all intelligent acts o- manG :p# +"(.# And& conversely& Fto admit& with the animists& that the spirit acts without knowing it& without consciousness& is an absurdityG :p# +"(.# :/n this& espine anticipates 8reudDs view o- unconscious intelligence#. /ntelligence& espine suggests& can mani-est without personality& resulting -rom obedience to organic laws to which it is subLect# 8rom this view o- automatism& espine in-ers that in somnambulistic action there is a paralysis o- the brain and so a non-participation o- the F/G or the spirit# 8or that reason our understanding o- the nature o- somnambulistic amnesia must be revised# 4omnambulistic acts are produced by the nervous system isolated -rom the brain& and there-ore -rom the F/#G The F/G does not F-orgetG what has been done while in a somnambulistic state# =ather the F/G is not involved in the action in the -irst place and so never has knowledge o- the action# :/n this& espine anticipates 3ierre NanetDs notion o- dissociation#. 729

911% ,+rand de )ros, 9oseph Pierre%

%a philosophie physiologiJue et mMdicale X lDAcadMmie de CMdecine# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 18(8& 99 pp#

Contains an essay F3olyAoisme ou pluralitM animale dans lDhommeG which provides an interesting speculation about a possible physiological basis -or the phenomenon odissociation# 729

912% *ioy, P%
4piritismo e magnetismo# %ettura -atta a EincenAa# 8lorenceH 4ienAa del 3opolo& 18(8& (" pp# 72 R 39

916% Randolph, Paschal eAerley%

A-ter eathI or isembodied Can# etc# ,ostonH The Author& 18(8& viii V 9)*($ pp# =andolph was a physician and spiritualist# 739

917% *a reA+e magnBti?+e% 9o+rnal des malades%

Eols# 1)*I 18(8)18'$# ?dited by N# KMrard# 729

915% <RiAail, Hippolyte *Bon ,Bni'ard, pse+donym1 Allan :ardec%>

%a genPse& les miracles et les prophMties selon le spiritisme# 3arisH A# %acroi0& Eerboeckhoven et Cie& 18(8& 6+9 pp# =ivail discusses subLects o- some interest to psychical researchers& including magnetic -luids& dreams& possession& precognition& somnambulism& and apparitions# 729

916% $+nderland, *aRoy%

The Trance and Correlative 3henomena# ChicagoH N# !alker& 18(8& 6$' pp# 729

917% /issot, "la+de 9oseph%

%DimaginationH ses bien-aits et ses Mgarements surtout dans le domaine du merveilleu0# 3arisH idier& 18(8& viii V ($' pp# 739

913% 8nderhill, $am+el%

>nderhill on Cesmerism& with Criticisms on /ts ;pposers& and a =eview o- 2umbugs and 2umbuggers& with 3ractical /nstructions -or ?0periments in the 4cience& 8ull irections -or >sing it as a =emedy in isease # # # the 3hilosophy o- /ts Curative 3owersI 2ow to evelop a

Kood ClairvoyantI the 3hilosophy o- 4eeing !ithout ?yes# The 3roo-s o- /mmortality erived -rom the >n-oldings o- Cesmerism# # # # ChicagoH The Author& 18(8& :". V +)*'" pp# >nderhill& a physician and university pro-essor in ;hio& had his -irst encounter with animal magnetism in 18"$ when he obtained a copy o- the 8ect$res o- u Commun :see entry number "6$.# /n 18"*& he began to e0periment with magnetic cures and was amaAed at the positive results that he obtained# /n 18"8& >nderhill began a monthly periodical& Annals o% Animal Magnetism) That was the -irst such publication in the >nited 4tates# !hen this work was published& he had been practicing animal magnetism -or over thirty years& a period& as he says& in which F4underlandDs U3athetism&D r# ,raidDs Uhypnotism&D ,urrDs U,iology&D and r# oddDs :sic. U3sychology&D di--erent names -or the same thing& presenting phenomena& long -amiliar to the writer& rose and passed away# # # #G The book contains lectures >nderhill delivered to discuss and demonstrate animal magnetism# /t is -ull o- detailed practical advice and contains many interesting anecdotes o- animal magnetic practice -rom >nderhillDs own e0perience# 72 R 39

919% onaAia, Emman+el%
Contributions to Christology# %ondonH Trubner R Co#& 18(9& viii V 1'$ pp# An e0amination o- the miracles o- Nesus -rom the perspective o- animal magnetism# 72 R 39

924% "hBAillard, Alphonse%

]tudes e0pMrimentales sur le -luide nerveu0 et solution rationelle du problPme spirite# 3arisH E# Cason R 8ils& 18(9& "8 pp# 72 R 39

921% ,al Po''o di Mom!ello, Enrico%

Trattato pratico del magnetismo animale# 8olignoH n#p#& 18(9# The author develops an elaborate theory o- the somnambulistic state in terms o- inhibitory vibrations# /ncluded in this theory is the proposition that in this state the individual may be able to send thoughts to others by means o- vibrations# 72 R 39

922% ,+rea+, Ale5is%

2istoire de la mMdecine et des sciences occultes# Notes bibliographiJues pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal# Analyse de tous les livres& brochures& articles de Lournau0 publiMs sur le magnMtisme animal& en 8rance et X lDMtranger& X partir de 1'(( LusJuDau "1 dMcembre 18(8# 3remiPre partieH livres imprimMs en 8rance# 3arisH The Author and Noubert& 18(9& *$( pp# The best bibliography o- animal magnetism prior to CailletDs Man$el "i"liographi/$e :see entry number 1('".# ureau arranged his material in chronological order -rom 1''+ to 18(8&

providing annotations :o-ten Juoted by Caillet. -or many o- his entries# ;nly one volume was published# 729

926% .ahnestoc(, &illiam a(er%

Arti-icial 4omnambulism& 2itherto called CesmerismI or& Animal CagnetismI Containing a ,rie- 2istorical 4urvey o- CesmerDs ;perations& and the ?0amination o- the 4ame by the 8rench Commissioners# 3hreno-somnambulismI or& the ?0position o- 3hreno-magnetism and Neurology# A New Eiew and ivision o- the 3hrenological ;rgans into 8unctions& with escriptions o- Their Nature and Tualities& etc#& in the 4enses and 8aculties# # # # 3hiladelphiaH ,arclay R Co#& 18(9& :*. V 6")"*9 pp# 8ahnestock& a physician -rom %ancaster& 3ennsylvania& carried out many o- his own e0periments concentrating on the higher phenomena o- magnetic somnambulism# 2e believed that through animal magnetism the deeper powers o- seeing& hearing& and smell could be actualiAed and these senses made to operate at any distance# 2e was an adherent o- a particular view o- animal magnetism promoted by %a=oy 4underland :18$6)188+. called Fpathetism#G 729

927% Hartmann, Ed+ard Aon%

3hilosophie des >nbewussten# ,erlinH Carl unker& 18(9& ('8 pp# ?nglishH Philosophy o% the Gnconscio$sJ +pec$lati(e Res$lts According to the 1nd$cti(e Method o% Physical +cience) " vols# Translated by !illiam C# Coupland# %ondonH Trubner R Co#& 1886# Eon 2artmann was a brilliant Kerman philosopher and original thinker whose writings strongly in-luenced the development o- our modern notion o- the unconscious# This book is the most important o- his works# /t went through many editions and appeared in various structural -ormats& -rom this one volume -orm& to a two volume edition& and -inally a three volume edition& the third volume being a collection o- later essays# Eon 2artmann posits an intelligent but blind dynamic reality that underlies all e0istence& and he calls that reality the Funconscious#G 2e begins his work with an e0amination o- the unconscious as it mani-ests itsel- in the realm o- organic li-e& particularly the organic li-e o- animals# 2e contends that the activity o- the mind we call FwillingG is not the e0clusive property o- man& but is also participated in by animals# Eon 2artmann even attributes will to the various parts o- the organism& so that there are many independent wills spread throughout the body# The acts owill constantly mani-ested in the human organism are ordinarily not part o- our conscious awareness# This means that in human beings both instinctive action and clairvoyant intuition are rightly considered mani-estations o- the universal unconscious will# Throughout the rest othe work von 2artmann develops this notion o- the unconscious& arriving at three principal mani-estations or layersH 1. the absolute unconscious that is the substance o- the universe and underlies all other -orms o- the unconscious& *. the physiological unconscious present in the vital actions o- living organisms& and ". the psychological unconscious which is the basis -or our conscious mental activity# 729

925% Maggiorani, "arlo%

%a magnete e i nervosiH centuria di osservationi# CilanH 8# Eallardi& 18(9& 1*8 pp#

/nvestigates the possibility o- using magnets to induce a nervous crisis in hysterical patients# 729

926% Moilin, /ony%

TraitM MlMmentaire& thMoriJue et pratiJue du magnMtisme contenant toutes les indications nMcessaires pour traiter soi-mOme& X lDaide du magnMtisme animal& les maladies les plus communes# 3arisH %acroi0& 18(9& viii V ""+ pp# 729

927% Perty, Ma5imillian%

,licke in das verborgene %eben des Censchengeistes# %eipAig and 2eidelbergH !inter& 18(9& i0 V :". *9$ pp# 739

923% $amson, )eorge &hite#ield%

3hysical Cedia in 4piritual Cani-estations# The 3henomena o- =esponding Tables and the 3lanchette& and Their 3hysical Cause in the Nervous ;rganism& /llustrated -rom Ancient and Codern Testimonies# 3hiladelphiaH N# ,# %ippincott R Co#& 18(9& viii V 9)18+ pp# 4amson e0plains the moving tables o- spiritualism in terms o- a nervous energy which he relates to animal magnetism and which he describes as akin to electricity# 2e also discusses clairvoyance and prophecy and -inds instances o- both among the ancients# 72 R 39

929% <$argent, Epes%>

3lanchetteH or& The espair o- 4cience# ,eing a 8ull Account o- Codern 4piritualism& /ts 3henomena& and the Earious Theories =egarding /t# !ith a 4urvey o- 8rench 4piritism# ,ostonH =oberts ,rothers& 18(9& 0ii V 6$6 pp# !ritten -rom a very pro-spiritualist standpoint& this work includes a history o- spiritualism -rom the 8o0 sisters to the 18($s& an e0amination o- somnambulism and mesmerism& and a discussion o- arguments -or and against spiritualism# 72 R 39

964% <$mith2 +c(, )eorge, pse+donym1 Herr ,o!ler%>

?0posM o- the avenport ,rothers# ,el-astH # R N# Allen& 18(9& 68 pp# !ritten by a conLurer known in his day as the F!iAard o- the !orld&G this is a detailed attempt to show how the avenports per-ormed their amaAing mediumistic -eats using the tricks o- stage magicians# The work is very rare# 739


961% Adare, &indham /homas &yndham2Y+in, Aisco+nt%
?0periences in 4piritualism with Cr # # 2ome# !ith /ntroductory =emarks by the ?arl ounraven# %ondonH 3rivately 3rinted& :18'$.& 000ii V 1'9 pp# ;ne o- the rarest and most important early contributions to psychical research# /mmigrating to ?ngland -rom America in 18++& 2ome soon attracted attention with his remarkable mediumistic -eats and he became a popular house guest o- the rich and in-luential# The phenomena that accompanied him were o- the most sensational kindH levitation o- -urniture& writing produced without contact& -ire immunity& -ull levitation o- the body& and elongation othe body# Although subLect to intimate scrutiny during many o- these occurrences& 2ome was never caught in any kind o- -raud or deception# Adare was 2omeDs -riend and sometime travelling companion# 2ere he describes some o- the phenomena that he and others witnessed# Among the most e0traordinary are 2omeDs handling o- red hot coals and his -loating out one window o- a house and into another# 739

962% < ritten>, Emma Hardinge%

Codern American 4piritualism# A Twenty @earsD =ecord o- the Communion ,etween ?arth and the !orld o- 4pirits# New @orkH The Author& 18'$& :*. V viii V 9)+(+ pp# A monumental study o- the history o- the -irst twenty years o- the spiritualist movement in the >nited 4tates written by a partisan# >niJue in its time& the work is a goldmine o- in-ormation about how the movement grew and spread throughout the country1with a small segment on spiritualism in Canada and 4outh and Central America# Cuch o- the in-ormation comes -rom contemporary newspaper clippings& letters& and verbal accounts o- personal e0periences# This in-luential work helped create a view o- spiritualism as a cohesive movement# 739

966% Ro+get, .erdinand%

%a photographie mentale des esprits dMvoilMe# Connaissance de la cause Jui produit les e--ets naturels et magnMtiJues du spiritisme depuis lDantiJuitM LusJuDX nos Lours# ToulouseH ,ompard& 18'$& *$6 pp# 72 R 39

967% Ale5ander, Patric( Proctor%
4piritualismH A Narrative with a iscussion# KlasgowH T# Curray R 4ons& 18'1& v V :1. V 9* pp# A -avorable eye-witness account o- sittings with the -amous medium aniel unglas 2ome# 739

965% "oleman, enLamin%

The =ise and 3rogress o- 4piritualism in ?ngland# %ondonH ,everidge R 8raser& :18'1.& +9 pp# 739

966% "ollyer, Ro!ert Hanham%

Cysteries o- the Eital ?lement in Connection with reams& 4omnambulism& Trance& Eital 3hotography& 8aith and !ill& Anaesthesia& Nervous Congestion and Creative 8unction# Codern 4piritualism ?0plained# * ed# %ondonH 2enry =enshaw& 18'1& viii V 166 pp# 72 R 39

967% "o5, Ed0ard &illiam%

4piritualism Answered by 4cience# %ondonH %ongman& 18'1& vii V +( pp# Co0 was a barrister and one o- the most important psychical researchers active in the period be-ore the -oundation o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# /n 18'+ he -ounded the 3sychological 4ociety o- Kreat ,ritain& intended to carry on intensive research into the nature o- psychical phenomena# /ts main activity& however& turned out to be the sponsorship olectures and the society dissolved when Co0 died# This is his -irst book on psychical research# /t was revised and enlarged the -ollowing year# 739

963% "roo(es, &illiam%

3sychic 8orce and Codern 4piritualismH A =eply to the FTuarterly =eviewG and ;ther Critics# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen R Co#& 18'1& *6 pp# The republication o- an article that appeared in the T$arterly Eo$rnal o% +cience :edited by Crookes. in 18'1# /n the article& Crookes takes e0ception to the accusation o- lack o- critical acumen in e0periments to discover a psychic -orce conducted in CrookesDs Researches in the Phenomena o% +pirit$alism :see entry number 9+9.# 739

969% .ig+ier, *o+is%

%e lendemain de la mortI ou la vie -uture selon la science# 3arisH 2achette& 18'1& 0i V 669 pp# 739

974% <Hay0ard, Aaron $%, pse+donym1 A Magnetic Physician%>

Eital Cagnetic CureH an ?0position o- Eital Cagnetism and /ts Application to the Treatment o- Cental and 3hysical isease# ,y a Cagnetic 3hysician# ,ostonH !illiam !hite and Company& 18'1& *1( pp# 729

971% Hammond, &illiam Ale5ander%

The 3hysics and 3hysiology o- 4piritualism# New @orkH 18'1& Appleton& 8( pp# 2ammond was a Civil !ar 4urgeon Keneral# This book& a revised and e0panded -orm o- an article in the 7orth American Re(ie- :April 18'$.& provides a rational e0planation o- Fthe real and -raudulent phenomena o- what is called spiritualism#G 739

972% *ondon ,ialectical $ociety%

=eport on 4piritualism o- the Committee o- the %ondon ialectical 4ociety& Together with ?vidence ;ral and !ritten& and a 4election -rom the Correspondence# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen& =eader& R yer& 18'1& 0i V 61* pp# Along with CrookesDs Researches :see entry number 9+9.& this report was the only methodical ,ritish attempt to study the phenomena o- spiritualism scienti-ically in the era be-ore the -ormation o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in 188*# The %ondon ialectical 4ociety was a sophisticated debating society whose purpose it was to a--ord a hearing to subLects that were ostraciAed elsewhere# The stature o- the individuals named to the committee appointed to study the matter assured that its -indings would be given serious consideration by the public# The committee proceeded to gather evidence both -rom testimony and -rom direct e0perimentation# %etters and verbal testimony were received -or and against the genuineness o- the phenomena in Juestion# The list o- those making contributions included some o- the great intellectual lights o- the day and some o- the best known spiritualist mediums# A subcommittee -ormed to carry out direct e0perimentation with the physical phenomena ospiritualism produced -indings that were presented at the beginning o- the report# The subcommittee established to its satis-action that sounds were produced and movements oheavy bodies took place without any muscular action or mechanical contrivance# The report o- the committee& basically -avorable to the genuineness o- the phenomena& was not accepted by the ialectical 4ociety as a whole and so was published by the committee on its own authority# 739

976% P0en, Ro!ert ,ale%

The ebatable %and between This !orld and the Ne0t# !ith /llustrative Narratives# New @orkH K# !# Carleton& 18'1& 00ii V :*".)+6* pp# !ritten eleven years a-ter 0oot%alls :18($.& ;wenDs -irst& very popular book about spiritualism& this work was one o- the most learned and thorough treatises published in support o- spiritualism# Aimed at the belie-s o- the established protestant churches and their obLections to the claims o- spiritualism& ;wen presents a detailed historical e0amination ophenomena occurring within the churches over the centuries that were identical to those claimed by the spiritualists but which the churches now reLected# 8or ;wen& spiritualism is a natural continuation o- the basic tradition o- spiritual gi-ts within the Christian tradition# 739

977% Pee!les, 9ames Martin and /+ttle, H+dson, eds%

The @ear ,ook o- 4piritualism -or 18'1H 3resenting the 4tatus o- 4piritualism -or the Current @ear Throughout the !orldI 3hilosophical& 4cienti-ic& and =eligious ?ssaysI =eview o- /ts %iteratureI 2istory o- American AssociationsI 4tate and %ocal 4ocietiesI 3rogressive

%yceumsI %ecturersI CediumsI and ;ther Catters =elating to the Comentous 4ubLect# ,ostonH !# !hite R Co#& 18'1& *6( pp# 739

975% /+ttle, H+dson%

Arcana o- 4piritualismH a Canual o- 4piritual 4cience and 3hilosophy# ,ostonH Adams R Co#& 18'1& 6++ pp# Tuttle discusses the evidence -or the truth o- spiritualism and the -ramework o- thought within which its phenomena can be understood# 739

976% Uer##i, )eorge )+staA+s%

4piritualism and Animal Cagnetism# A Treatise on reams& 4econd 4ight& 4omnambulism& Cagnetic 4leep& 4piritual Cani-estations& 2allucinations& and 4pectral Eisions# %ondonH =# 2ardwicke& 18'1& 168 pp# 72 R 39

977% "harcot, 9ean Martin%
%e[ons sur les maladies du systPme nerveu0 -aites X la 4alpOtriPre ### recueillies et publiMes par ,ourneville# " vols# 3arisH A# elahaye& :18'*)188'.# Charcot was one o- the most highly respected neurologists o- the nineteenth century# A-ter success-ully investigating a number o- neurological conditions& he became particularly interested in hysteria# /n 18'8 he began to e0periment with hypnotism& using as his subLects a number o- hysterical women in his care at the 2ospice de la 4alpOtriPre# /n the course o- this research& discussed in the 8eQons, Charcot described three FstagesG o- hypnotismH lethargy& catalepsy& and somnambulism& each with its characteristic symptoms# ,elieving that these stages came in regular succession and were consistently present in hypnotic induction& Charcot held that the stages were organically determined and not the result o- suggestion and that hypnotism was a pathological phenomenon& an arti-icially created neurosis very similar to hysteria# Charcot ne0t turned his attention to traumatic paralysis# Noting that traumatic paralysis di--ered -rom organic paralysis but seemed to be identical with the hysterical paralysis he had observed in his patients& he succeeded in using hypnotic suggestion to reproduce the symptoms o- paralysis resulting -rom trauma# 8rom this he concluded that the shock o- the trauma produced a spontaneous hypnotic state& and that in this state the individual induced the paralytic symptom through autosuggestion# CharcotDs view ohypnotism& that it is an organically determined condition essentially related to hysteria& e0erted a considerable in-luence on psychological investigators and became the core doctrine o- the F4alpOtriPre schoolG o- hypnotism which& along with the rival FNancy schoolG -ounded by %iMbeault and ,ernheim& de-ined the late nineteenth-century 8rench hypnotic tradition# 729

973% Home, ,aniel ,+nglas%

/ncidents in Cy %i-e# 4econd 4eries# %ondonH Tinsley ,rothers& 18'*# The second o- two autobiographical works by the -amous medium # # 2ome :see 1ncidents in my 8i%e, entry number 8+8.# 2ere 2ome describes many sMances held throughout ?ngland and ?urope and gives his version o- several controversial events including his e0pulsion -rom =ome at the reJuest o- the Catholic Church and his having been accused o- obtaining -unds -rom a Crs# Nane %yon through undue in-luence# 739

979% /+(e, ,aniel Hac(%

/llustrations o- the /n-luence o- the Cind upon the ,ody in 2ealth and isease# esigned to ?lucidate the Action o- the /magination# %ondonH N# A# Churchill& 18'*& 0vi V 666 pp# aniel 2ack Tuke was a %ondon physician& author o- a number o- works on nervous disorders and a member o- an illustrious -amily o- Tuakers which had -or generations remained involved with the care o- the mentally ill# 2earing o- a man who had been cured orheumatism by the shock o- being in a railway accident& Tuke decided to devote his attention to the in-luence o- the mind upon the body# The resultant work which contains numerous case illustrations& investigates the in-luence o- the mind& the emotions& and the will on the nervous and muscular systems& and then takes up the in-luence o- the mind on the body in the cure odisease# /n along discussion o- the nature o- imagination and its part in the process& Tuke compares the adherents o- animal magnetism :mesmerism. to those who see purely psychological -orces operating in magnetic healing :braidism.# 729

954% &atson, $am+el%

The Clock 4truck ;ne& and Christian 4piritualistH ,eing a 4ynopsis o- the /nvestigations o4pirit /ntercourse by an ?piscopal ,ishop& Three Cinisters& 8ive octors& and ;thers& at Cemphis& Tenn#& in 18++I Also& the ;pinion o- Cany ?minent ivines& %iving and ead& on the 4ubLect& and Communications =eceived -rom a Number o- 3ersons =ecently# New @orkH 4# =# !ells& 18'*& *$8 pp# 729

951% "o5, Ed0ard &illiam%
!hat Am /W 3opular /ntroduction to the 4tudy o- 3sychology# * vols# %ondonH %ongmans& 18'")18'6# Co0 was -ounder o- the 3sychological 4ociety o- Kreat ,ritain and one o- the earliest psychical researchers in that country# /n this important and rare work& he discusses the whole range o- topics in psychical research& e0amining the psychological basis -or supernormal phenomena& including dreams and somnambulism& and discussing the problem o- proo- o- the survival o- death# The -irst volume was published in 18'"I the second in 18'6# The later revised edition was titled Dhe Mechanism o% Man) 739

952% Edmonds, 9ohn &%

4piritual Tracts& No# 1)No# 1"# New @orkH n#p#& 18'"& ""' pp# A collection o- letters and articles on the subLect o- spiritualism written by one o- its strongest American advocates# These treatises were much read in their day and greatly in-luenced in-ormed thought# 739

956% )+idi, .rancesco%

=elaAione di una interessantissima cura magnetica -atta in ,erlino# CilanH Colinari& 18'"& 1( pp# 729

957% *iB!ea+lt, Am!roise A+g+st%

?bauche de psychologie# 3aris and NancyH K# Casson :3aris. and N# KrosLean :Nancy.& 18'"& :6. V 0vi V *$* pp# %iMbeaultDs attempt to -rame a psychology based on his -indings -rom hypnotic e0periments# 2ere he presents the -irst -orm o- the notion o- F-i0ed ideasG that 3ierre Nanet :18+9)196'. would develop so e--ectively# %iMbeault states that ideas suggested during arti-icial somnambulism become -i0ed within the individual and remain unconscious when awakening# This -i0ed idea continues to operate within the individual while he carries on with his normal li-e and can a--ect that person without his becoming aware o- it# 729

955% @oi'et, )al%

CMlanges de philosophie critiJue# 3arisH 3lon& 18'"# A work on spiritualism with a discussion o- some paranormal phenomena# 739

956% Poret, Dnigne Ernest%

%es 3uysMgur# %eurs oeuvres de littMrature& lDMconomie politiJue et de science# ]tude# 3arisH Aubrey& 18'"& 1(1 pp# An important source o- in-ormation on the li-e o- Armand Carie NacJues de Chastenet :1'+1) 18*+.& the CarJuis de 3uysMgur& discoverer o- magnetic somnambulism# 729

957% $e5ton, )eorge%

4pirit Cediums and ConLurers# An ;ration elivered in the Cavendish =ooms& %ondon& on 4unday ?vening& Nune 1+th& 18'"# To !hich is Appended =ules to be ;bserved at the 4pirit Circle# %ondonH N# ,urns& :18'".& *8 pp# !ritten by a spiritualist& the book attempts to show that the debunking o- spiritualistic phenomena by conLurors is unconvincing# 4e0tonDs method is to e0pose the devices used by conLurors in their stage per-ormances and demonstrate that their tricks are so obvious that they could in no way account -or the physical phenomena o- mediumship# 739

953% /immler, 9+li+s Ed+ard+s%

ie 2eilkra-t des %ebensmagnetismus und dessen ,eweiskra-t -Qr die >nsterblichkeit der 4eele# * ed# AltenburgH ,onde& 18'"& viii V *$+ pp# 729

959% "roo(es, &illiam%
=esearches in the 3henomena o- 4piritualism :=eprinted -rom the Tuarterly Nournal o4cience.# %ondonH N# ,urns& 18'6& 11* pp# This small volume is a landmark publication in the history o- psychical research# /t contains an account o- e0periments to assess the e0istence o- a Fpsychic -orceG carried out by one othe most respected scientists o- the nineteenth century# Crookes was a genius o- scienti-ic invention and original thought# 2e -irst became well known when& at the age o- twenty-nine& he discovered the element thallium# 2e went on to become the inventor o- the radiometer& the spinthariscope& and the Crookes vacuum tube& which was instrumental in the discovery o- erays# 2e was -ounder o- the Bhemical 7e-s and editor o- Dhe T$arterly Eo$rnal o% +cience between Nuly 18'1 and Nune 18'6# /n 18'1& Crookes began his investigations into telekinetic Fpsychic -orceG by carrying out some e0periments with the -amous medium # # 2ome :18"")188(.# >sing many di--erent types o- apparatus& he eventually con-irmed uneJuivocally the e0istence o- a -orce which could move obLects and apply pressure at a distance -rom the apparent source o- that -orce# /n the Researches he gives a detailed account o- the construction o- the apparatus used and o- other physical circumstances o- the e0periments# CrookesDs Researches made a power-ul impression on the minds o- intellectuals o- his day and did much to create a climate receptive to the establishment o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in 188*# 739

964% :ramer, Phillipp &al!+rg%

er 2eilmagnetismusI seine Theorie und 3ra0is# %andshutH <rQll& 18'6& 8( pp# 729

961% Mesnet, Ernest%

e lDautomatisme& de la mMmoire et du souvenir dans le somnambulisme pathologiJue& considMrations mMdico-lMgales# 3arisH 8Mli0 Calteste et Cie& 18'6& "$ pp# Cesnet e0amines the state o- the senses and memory in those su--ering -rom Fpathological somnambulism#G 2e also discusses moral and legal implications o- pathological susceptibility to suggestion# 729

962% Psychische $t+dien% Monatliche Ueitschri#t, Aor'Sglich der 8nters+ch+ng der 0enig ge(annten PhZnomene des $eelenlehens ge0idmet%

Eols# 1)+*VI 18'6)19*+V# 8ounded by Ale0ander Aksakov and published in %eipAig& this serial was continued as 2eitschri%t %3r Parapsychologie in 19*(# 739

966% P+tnam, Allen%

AgassiA and 4piritualismH /nvolving the /nvestigation o- 2arvard College 3ro-essors in 18+'# ,ostonH Colby R =ich& :18'6.& '$ pp# 739

967% ReA+e de psychologie e5pBrimentale% Et+des s+r le sommeil, le somnam!+lisme, l;hypnotisme et le spirit+alisme%
Eols# 1)"I 18'6)18'(# 3ublished in 3aris and edited by T# 3uel# 72 R 39

965% $aint2,omini?+e, "%, co+ntess de%

Animal Cagnetism :Cesmerism. and Arti-icial 4omnambulismH ,eing a Complete and 3ractical Treatise on that 4cience and /ts Application to Cedical 3urposes# 8ollowed by ;bservations on the A--inity ?0isting ,etween Cagnetism and 4piritualism Ancient and Codern# %ondonH Tinsley ,rothers& 18'6& 0 V *"6 pp# 72 R 39

966% $aAile, o+rchier &rey%

ApparitionsH a Narrative o- 8acts# %ondonH %ongmans& 18'6& vi V *8$ pp# A collection o- narratives that the author holds to be su--icient evidence -or believing in the appearance o- departed spirits at or near the moment o- death# 739

967% $ier(e, E+gen%

4chwdrmer und 4chwindler Au ?nde des 18# Nahrhunderts# %eipAigH 4# 2irAel& 18'6& 6(* pp# A collection o- historical studies on persons involved with unusual psychological phenomena whom the author considered to be o- Juestionable reputation# The list o- F-anatics and -raudsG includes 8ranA Anton Cesmer and the e0orcist Kassner# 729

963% Qay, Adelina H&+rn!rand2$t+ppachI%

4tudien Qber die Keisterwelt# * ed# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 18'6& 0ii V 6$' pp# A lengthy study o- spiritualistic phenomena including automatic writing& automatic drawing& and spiritistic healing# 739

969% &allace, Al#red R+ssel%

FA e-ence o- Codern 4piritualism#G 0ortnightly Re(ie- 1+ :18'6.H ("$)(+'& '8+)8$'# !allace attempts to provide spiritualism with a respectability in ?ngland that he -elt it deserved but did not have# 2e provides a short historical sketch o- spiritualism -rom the days o- the 8o0 sisters and then discusses the nature o- the evidence in -avor o- the genuineness ospiritualistic phenomena and the possibility o- communication with the spirits o- the dead# 2e also discusses the moral teachings o- spiritualism& which he considers to be o- a lo-ty nature and concludes with a plea -or a serious and open-minded consideration o- the subLect# This article& written by a man o- considerable scienti-ic reputation and published in a periodical ostature& had a strong in-luence on the contemporary attitude toward spiritualism and helped prepare the way -or the establishment o- psychical research as a legitimate undertaking# 739

974% &atson, $am+el%

The Clock 4truck Three& ,eing a =eview o- Clock 4truck ;ne& and reply to /t# 3art //# 4howing the 2armony ,etween Christianity& 4cience& and 4piritualism# ChicagoH =eligio3hilosophical 3ublishing 2ouse& 18'6& "+* pp# The authorDs answer to criticisms made o- his earlier book Dhe Bloc. +tr$c. *ne :see entry number 9+$.# 739

971% "oste, Al!ert%
%es phMnomPnes psychiJues occultes# ]tat actuel de la Juestion# ContpellierH C# Coulet& etc#& 18'+& 198 pp# 739

972% ,aAies, "harles Ma+rice%

Cystic %ondonH or& 3hases o- ;ccult %i-e in the Cetropolis# %ondonH Tinsley ,ros#& 18'+& vii V 6$( pp# A collection o- e0periences& including many encounters with spiritualism and its phenomena#

976% .air#ield, .rancis )erry%

Ten @ears with 4piritual CediumsH an /nJuiry Concerning the ?tiology o- Certain 3henomena Called 4piritual# New @orkH # Appleton R Co#& 18'+& 18* pp# 8air-ield attempts to describe the neuro-physiological symptoms that accompany mediumship and see to what e0tent the phenomena might be e0plained in terms o- the -unction o- the nervous system# Taking most o- his data -rom his own personal observations and -rom those o- medical men& he concludes that mediumistic trance and mesmeric trance are identical and that both the mental and physical phenomena o- mediumship are Fmorbid nervous

phenomena#G ,y this& 8air-ield does not mean to deny the genuineness o- such phenomena but only to indicate that they should be attributed neither to the intervention o- spirits& nor to a Fpsychic -orceG such us that posited by !illiam Crookes# =ather they are an e0tension ocertain abnormal neurological events which result in psychic and physical action at a distance# 739

977% )rimes, 9ames $tanley%

The Cysteries o- the 2ead and the 2eart ?0plainedH /ncluding an /mproved 4ystem o3hrenologyI a New Theory o- the ?motions& and an ?0planation o- the Cysteries oCesmerism& Trance& Cind-reading& and the 4pirit elusion& ChicagoH <een& 18'+& "+9 pp# /n a marked departure -rom his earlier work& Krimes emphasiAes imagination and suggestibility in a purely psychological e0planation -or e0traordinary phenomena in entranced subLects# 729

975% Harrison, &illiam H%

4pirit 3eopleH a 4cienti-ically Accurate escription o- Cani-estations =ecently 3roduced by 4pirits& and 4imultaneously !itnessed by the Author and ;ther ;bservers in %ondon# %ondonH 2arrison& 18'+& vii V 8)6( pp# 739

976% Rada+, R+dolphe%

%e magnMtisme# 3arisH 2achette& 18'+& "*8 pp# 729

977% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

F u somnambulisme provoJuM#G Eo$rnal de l9anatomie et de la physiologie normales et pathologi/$es de l9homme et des anima$& 11 :18'+.H "68)"'8# =ichet was a physician and physiologist o- great ability who eventually become a 3ro-essor o3hysiology at the >niversity o- 3aris& a member o- the AcadMmie de CMdecine and the AcadMmie des 4ciences and winner o- the Nobel 3riAe in 3hysiology or Cedicine# ?ven in 18'+& =ichetDs reputation was such that this article e0erted a maLor in-luence in legitimatiAing the investigation o- hypnotism and arti-icial somnambulism -or the 8rench scienti-ic establishment# =ichetDs comments on automatism& hallucination& and Fdoubling opersonalityG in the somnambulistic state constitute a signi-icant bridge between the work o,raid and the 8rench FbraidistsG o- the 18($s and that o- Charcot& Nanet& and others in the 188$s and 189$s# 729

973% $argent, Epes%

The 3roo- 3alpable o- /mmortalityI ,eing an Account o- the Caterialisation 3henomena oCodern 4piritualismH with =emarks on the =elations o- the 8acts to Theology& Corals& and =eligion# ,ostonH Colby R =ich& 18'+& *"8 pp# 739

979% &allace, Al#red R+ssel%

;n Ciracles and Codern 4piritualism# Three ?ssays# %ondonH N# ,urns& 18'+& viii V *"( pp# 739

934% A'am, E+gDne%
FAmnMsie pMriodiJue ou dMdoublement de la vie#G Annales m'dico-psychologi/$es 1( :18'(.H +)"+# 729

931% erry, "atherine%

?0periences in 4piritualismH A =ecord o- ?0traordinary 3henomena !itnessed Through the Cost 3ower-ul Cediums& with 4ome 2istorical 8ragments =elating to 4emiramide& Kiven by the 4pirit o- an ?gyptian !ho %ived Contemporary with 2er# %ondonH ,urns& 18'(& **$ pp# ,erry was a well-known ,ritish medium# /n this book& she describes sittings she had with the mediums Crs# 4amuel Kuppy& Crs# Thomas ?veritt and others# The sittings involved spirit drawings& prophecies& healings& materialiAations& and spirit photography# 739

932% o+rneAille, ,BsirB and Regnard, P%

/conographie photographiJue de la 4alpOtriPre :service de C# Charcot.# /# 2ystMro-MpilepsieH description des attaJuesI les possMdMes de %oudunI du cruci-iement# //# ?pilepsie partielle et hystMro-Mpilepsie # # # ///# 2ystMro-MpilepsieH 5ones hystMrogPnesI sommeilI attaJue de sommeilI hypnotismeI somnambulismeI magnMtisme& catalepsieI procMdMs de magnMtisme# " vols# 3arisH elahay& 18'(# 729

936% < ritten, Emma Hardinge%>

Art CagicH or& Cundane& 4ub-mundane and 4uper-mundane 4piritism# A Treatise in Three 3arts& and Twenty-three 4ectionsH escriptive o- Art Cagic& 4piritism& the i--erent ;rders o4pirits in the >niverse <nown to be =elated to& or in Communication with CanI Together with irections -or /nvoking& Controlling& and ischarging spirits and the >ses and Abuses& angers and 3ossibilities o- Cagical Art # # # ?dited by ?mma 2ardinge ,ritten# New @orkH The Author& 18'(& :*. V 6(' pp#

A mi0ture o- esoteric philosophy& history o- spiritualism& and discussion o- psychical phenomena# 739

937% < ritten, Emma Hardinge%>

Khost %andH or =esearches into the Cysteries o- ;ccultism# /llustrated in a 4eries oAutobiographical 4ketches# Translated and ?dited by ?mma 2ardinge ,ritten# ,ostonH The ?ditor& 18'(& 68+ pp# A rather biAarre account o- e0periences with spirits& apparently written by ?mma 2ardinge ,ritten# 739

935% "arpenter, &illiam %

3rinciples o- Cental 3hysiology& with Their Applications to the Training and iscipline o- the Cind& and the 4tudy o- /ts Corbid Conditions# 6 ed# %ondonH 2enry 4# <ing R Co#& 18'(& l0iii V :1. V '"' pp# The most important o- the many editions -or the subLect o- this bibliography is the -ourth in which Carpenter introduces the concept o- Funconscious cerebrationG to account -or the seemingly intelligent acts and communications o- individuals that occur without their being aware o- producing them# ,y Funconscious cerebrationG Carpenter means automatic mental activity# Nust as automatic re-le0 activity such as muscular contractions produced through spinal stimulation takes place outside our awareness in the lower nervous system& so also are there re-le0 actions on the cerebral level# These result in intellectual products that have no conscious awareness attached to them# 729

936% "ollyer, Ro!ert Hanham%

Automatic !riting# The 4lade 3rosecution# Eindication o- the Truth# %ondonH 2# Eickers& 18'(& *" pp# 739

937% Ed+ard, )+illa+me%

>ne page nouvelle de magnMtisme# 4orcier malgrM lui# 3arisH The Author& 18'(& 1'9 pp# escribes techniJues used by the author to per-orm magnetic cures# 72 R 39

933% .echner, )+staA /heodor%

?rinnerungen an die letAten Tage der ;dlehre und ihres >rhebers# %eipAigH ,reitkop- and 2artel& 18'(& :6. V ++ pp# 8echner& 3ro-essor o- 3hilosophy at %eipAig >niversity and -ounder o- Fpsychophysics&G describes the -inal attempts o- the ,aron <arl von =eichenbach :see entry number +8". to obtain scienti-ic recognition -or his doctrine o- Fodic -orce#G 729

939% )rellety, 9% *+cien%

u merveilleu0& des miracles et des pPlerinages& au point de vue mMdical# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 18'(& 8' pp# 72 R 39

994% Hammond, &illiam Ale5ander%

4piritualism and Allied Causes and Conditions o- Nervous erangement# New @orkH K# 3# 3utnamDs 4ons& 18'(& 0ii V "(( pp# 2ammond& a neurologist and surgeon-general o- the >nited 4tates Army& believed that spiritualism was dangerous# 2ere he discusses the various spiritualistic phenomena and concomitant delusions# 739

991% Mas(elyne, 9ohn @eAil%

Codern 4piritualismH a 4hort Account o- /ts =ise and 3rogress& with 4ome ?0posures o- 4ocalled 4pirit Cedia# %ondonH 8rederick !arne& :18'(.& viii V 18* pp# Caskelyne& a conLuror& demonstrates that the physical phenomena o- spiritualism are in -act simply well-per-ormed conLuring tricks# /n this work& he takes a number o- prominent mediums to task& including the -amous aniel unglas 2ome :18"")188(.# 739

992% Mitchell, )% &%

e V @ l 5I or The 4leeping 3reacher o- North Alabama# Containing an Account o- Cost !onder-ul Cysterious Cental 3henomena& 8ully Authenticated by %iving !itnesses# New @orkH !# C# 4mith& 18'(& * ed# 00i V 1")*$* pp# A detailed description o- an account o- a case o- sleep preaching similar to that o- =achel ,aker# /n-ormation on the -irst edition is not available# 739

996% "arpenter, &illiam enLamin%
Cesmerism and 4piritualism& Rc# 2istorically and 4cienti-ically Considered# ,eing Two %ectures elivered at the %ondon /nstitution# %ondonH %ongmans and Kreen& 18''& 0iv V 1+8 pp# ?laborating on ideas presented in 18+" in Dhe T$arterly Re(ie- :see entry number (+9.& Carpenter sides with ,raid in viewing both the phenomena o- mesmerism and those described by =eichenbach as psychological in nature# All spiritualistic phenomena& mental and physical& are either the result o- unconscious suggestion or a product o- out-and-out deception# 72 R 39

997% "olley, /homas%

%ater 3hases o- Caterialisation& with =e-lections to !hich They Kive =ise# %ondonH N# ,urns& 18''& *1 pp# ;--print -rom H$man 7at$re, ecember 18''# 739

995% Home, ,aniel ,+nglas%

%ights and 4hadows o- 4piritualism# %ondonH Eirtue& 18''& 0i V 61* pp# # # 2ome& one o- the most spectacular spiritualistic mediums o- the nineteenth century& claims in 8ights and +hado-s that spiritualism is as old as the world# 2e devotes the -irst two parts o- the book to tracing the evidence o- spiritualism -rom ancient Assyria and ?gypt through the early Christian church up to his own century# iscussing Fmodern spiritualism&G which had begun with the FknockingsG o- the 8o0 sisters in 1868& he concentrates largely on the denunciation o- -raudulent mediumship# 8inding -raud to be a common phenomenon othe day& 2ome e0amines the methods o- trickery used by deceit-ul mediums and e0presses his consternation at the gullibility o- much o- the spiritualist -lock# At the same time& however& 2ome is also care-ul to acknowledge that there are many mediums o- upright character and genuine power& and he commends them -or their contribution to the promotion o- the Fhigher aspects o- spiritualism#G 739

996% 9oly, Henri%

%Dimagination& Mtude psychologiJue# 3arisH 2achette& 18''& :*. V ii V *(6 pp# A critical study o- the imagination at work in somnambulism& belie- in spirits& and other e0periences# 72 R 39

997% Moses, &illiam $tainton%

The 4lade CaseI /ts 8acts and /ts %essons# A =ecord and a !arning# %ondonH N# ,urns& 18''& 6$ pp# !illiam 4tainton Coses& an ordained minister o- the Chruch o- ?ngland& was one o- the most brilliant and highly respected spiritualists o- nineteenth-century ,ritain# /nitially opposed to spiritualism& Coses was led& through the interest o- some respected -riends& to investigate it more closely and soon observed things which he considered to be power-ul evidence that discarnate spirits e0ist and communicate with the living# %ess than a year a-ter his -irst encounter with spiritualistic phenomena& Coses himsel- began to have psychic e0periences and proved to be a power-ul medium& regularly producing remarkable physical phenomena witnessed by many in his own home# Among others& these phenomena included repeated levitation o- his own body& the appearance o- lights& apports& the production o- musical sounds& the mysterious appearance o- writing on paper& and the movement o- heavy physical obLects without contact# Coses also produced a great volume o- automatic writing& purportedly coming -rom spirits# This writing was o- a cogency and moral Juality that impressed many who were not inclined towards spiritualism# Dhe +lade Base is a pamphlet that concerns itsel- with a controversial American medium& 2enry 4lade& who produced striking physical phenomena& but o-ten under Juestionable circumstances# 739

993% Parson, .rederic( /%

Eital CagnetismH /ts power over isease# A 4tatement o- the 8acts eveloped by Cen who 2ave ?mployed This Agent under Earious Names& as Animal Cagnetism& Cesmerism& 2ypnotism& etc#& -rom the ?arliest Times down to the 3resent# New @orkH Adams& Eictor R Co#& 18''& :". V :v.)vi V :i0.)0 V 11)*"+ pp# 729

999% Perty, Ma5imillian%

er LetAige 4piritualismus und verwandte ?r-ahrungen der Eergangenheit und Kegenwart# ?in 4upplement Au des Eer-assers Fmystischen ?rscheinungen der menschlichen Natur#G %eipAig and 2eidelbergH C# 8# !inter& 18''& 0vi V "(( pp# 739

1444% Qay, Adelina H&+rn!rand2$t+ppachI%

Eisionen im !asserglase# ,udapestH Eerein 4piriter Eorscher& 18''& 11$ pp# 739

1441% <&eldon, )eorgina%>

eath-,low to 4piritualism1/s itW r 4lade& Cessrs Caskelyne and Cooke& and Cr !# Corton# %ondonH n#p#& 18''& *$6 pp# /n 188*& a much shorter version o- this work was published in %ondon by the Cusic and Art Association# 739

1442% &onder#+l &or(s o# )od% A @arratiAe o# the &onder#+l .acts in the "ase o# Ansel o+rne, o# &est $hel!y, Prleans "o%, @%E%, &ho, in the Midst o# Ppposition to the "hristian Religion, 0as $+ddenly $tr+c( lind, ,+m! and ,ea#J and A#ter Eighteen ,ays 0as $+ddenly and "ompletely Restored, in the Presence o# H+ndreds o# Persons, in the "hristian "hapel, at &esterly on the 15th o# @oAem!er, 1357% &ritten +nder His ,irection%
8all =iver& CassachusettsH =obertson& 18''& 6$ pp# uring the 188$s& Ansel ,ourne e0perienced one o- psychologyDs most celebrated F-ugueG episodes when he suddenly le-t his home& took on a new identity in another city& and set up business as a shopkeeper& with total amnesia -or his -ormer li-e# ?ventually his memory returned Lust as suddenly and he had lost all knowledge o- his F-ugueG episode# ,ourneDs case was e0tensively discussed by !illiam Names& =ichard 2odgson& and others in the late 188$s# This account o- an earlier episode in his li-e indicates a tendency to dissociation# 72 R 39


1446% "harcot, 9ean Martin%

e la mMtalloscopie et la mMtallothMrapie# 3arisH K# Chamerot& 18'8& *$ pp# /n his work with hysterics& Charcot revived the metallotherapy o- ,urJ# This treatise presents the belie-& somewhat reminiscent o- the earlier mesmerist view& that certain substances can have a direct physical e--ect upon hysterical conditions# 729

1447% "lar(e, Ed0ard Hammond%

EisionsH A 4tudy o- 8alse 4ight :3seudopia.# ,ostonH 2oughton& ;sgood and Company& 18'8& :1. V 00ii V +)"1+ pp# A valuable study o- visions& concentrating on those produced by disease or chemical agents# 739

1445% .ichte, -mman+el Hermann%

er neuere 4piritualismus& sein !erth und seine Tauschungen# ?ine anthropologische 4tudie# %eipAigH ,rockhaus& 18'8& iii V 1$+ pp# 739

1446% Hellen!ach Aon Pac'olay, *a'ar%

Cr# 4lades Au-enthalt in !ien# EiennaH 18'8& 66 pp# 739

1447% Mind and Matter%

Eols# 1)+I 18'8)188"# 3ublished in 3hiladelphia# 729

1443% Moses, &illiam $tainton%

3sychographyH a Treatise on ;ne o- the ;bLective 8orms o- 3sychic or 4piritual 3henomena# %ondonH !# 2# 2arrison& 18'8& :1. V +)1+* pp# 739

1449% Preyer, &ilhelm /hierry%

ie <ataple0ie und der thierische 2ypnotismus# NenaH K# 8isher& 18'8& iv V 1$$ pp# 729

1414% Psychological ReAie0%

Eols# 1)(I 18'8)188"# ;riginally published in %ondon& this periodical was eventually published and distributed in various cities around the world# The primary editor was ?dward !# Allen# 729

1411% /he Psycho2Physiological $ciences, and /heir Assailants% eing a Response !y A%R%&%, % % % 9% R% +chanan, % % % ,% *yman, % % % E% $argent % % % , to the Attac(s o# % % % &% % "arpenter, % % % and Pthers%
%ondonH Colby and =ich& 18'8& *1( pp# 739

1412% *a reA+e magnBti?+e% Prgane d+ "ercle Blectro2magnBti?+e de Paris%

Eols# 1)*I 18'8)18'9# Absorbed by Eo$rnal d$ magn'tisme :18'9.# 729

1416% <RiAail, Hippolyte *Bon ,Bni'ard, pse+donym1 Allan :ardec%>

%es -luides& chapitres e0traits de la KenPse# 3arisH %ibrairie des sciences psychologiJues& 18'8# 739

1417% $teAens, E% &inchester%

The !atseka !onderH a 4tartling and /nstructive 3sychological 4tudy& and !ell Authenticated /nstance o- Angelic Eisitation# A Narrative o- the %eading 3henomena ;ccurring in the Case o- Cary %urancy Eennum# !ith Comments by Noseph =odes ,uchanan& # 3# <ayner& 4# ,# ,rittan& and 2udson Tuttle# ChicagoH =eligio-3hilosophical 3ublishing 2ouse& 18'8& *( pp# The description o- a -amous case o- apparent possession o- a young girl by the spirit oanother girl who had died a -ew years previously# The possessed girl& Cary %urancy Eennum& was able to identi-y people and obLects known to the dead girl& Cary =o--& in a way that astonished the =o-- -amily# The apparent possession ended a-ter some months& with the Eennum girl returning to her normal state# 739

1415% UTllner, 9ohann "arl .riedrich%

!issenscha-tlichen Abhandlungen# Eols# 1)"# %eipAigH %# 4taackmann& :18'8)1881.# 5allner& pro-essor o- astrophysics at the >niversity o- %eipAig& was noted -or his construction o- an astrophotometer and e0pansion o- the electrodynamical theory o- !# !eber# 5allner had a special interest in the phenomena o- delusion& especially optical illusions# This& along with his speculations about a -ourth dimension& led him to the investigation o- mediumistic phenomena# Cost -amous and controversial o- these investigations was one he conducted with

the American medium& 2enry 4lade# These volumes are a collection o- 5allnerDs writings on occult issues# 729

1416% +r?, Qictor%
3amphletH /# es origines de la mMtallothMrapie& part Jui doit Otre -aite au magnMtisme animal dans sa dMcouverte# %e ,urJuisme et le 3erkinisme# 3arisH A# elahaye et %ecrosnier& 18'9# 8irst in a series o- -ive pamphlets on metalotherapy and the only one o- interest -or the history o- animal magnetism# /t describes the connection o- metallotherapy to animal magnetism and the origins o- ,urJuism& with its roots in 3erkinism# 729

1417% *a cha^ne magnBti?+e% Prgane des $ociBtB MagnBti?+es de .rance et de l;Etranger, echo des salons et ca!inets de magnBtisme et de somnam!+lisme % % % %
Eols# 1)18I 18'9)189'# 729

1413% Espino+se, A%
u AoomagnMtisme& son e0istence& son utilitM en mMdecine rendues indiscutables par les -aits# 3arisH %ibrairie du progrPs& 18'9& 181 pp# A-ter presenting the history o- animal magnetism -rom 1'86 to 186$& the author discusses its medical use-ulness as demonstrated in his own work and that o- others# An e0amination ohypnotism is also included# 729

1419% Harrison, &illiam H%

4pirits ,e-ore ;ur ?yes# %ondonH !# 2# 2arrison& 18'9& **$ pp# A spiritualistDs study o- apparitions o- the dead& death-bed e0periences& and hallucinations# 739

1424% Hellen!ach Aon Pac'olay, *a'ar%

ie Eorurteile der Censchheit# " vols# EiennaH n#p#& :18'9)188$.# 739

1421% 9ames, 9ohn%

Cesmerism& with 2ints -or ,eginners# %ondonH !# 2# 2arrison& 18'9& vi V 1$* pp#

An introductory treatise on animal magnetism which contains a section on the clairvoyance oAle0is idier important -or describing two previously unpublished e0periments& both carried out with the -amous 8rench clairvoyant in NamesDs presence# 729

1422% Maggiorani, "arlo%

/n-luenAa del magnetismo sul cervellettoH discorso accademico# =omeH =omana& 18'9& *' pp# 729

1426% <Moses, &illiam $tainton, pse+donym1 M% A% P5on%>

4pirit-/dentity# %ondonH 2arrison& 18'9& 0ii V 16" pp# Coses e0amines the di--iculties o- investigating the phenomena o- spiritualism and charts his own reluctant Lourney towards their acceptance# 2e especially concerns himsel- with the sometimes Juestionable content o- the messages purporting to come -rom spirits& and how that bears on oneDs Ludgment concerning their genuineness# 739

1427% &+ndt, &ilhelm%

er 4piritismus# ?ine sogenannte wissenscha-tliche 8rage# ;--ener ,rie- an 2errn 3ro-# 2ermann >lrici in 2alle# %eipAigH !# ?ngelmann& 18'9& "1 pp# !undt& typically considered the -ounder o- e0perimental psychology& reLects the phenomena o- spiritualism out o- hand because he considers them to be contrary to natural law# 739

1425% "olsenet, Edmond%
%a vie inconsciente de lDesprit# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 188$& vi V *'9 pp# !ritten at a time when the modern psychotherapeutic notion o- the unconscious was being -ormed& the work contains material -rom the magnetic and hypnotic traditions& -rom Carpenter& and -rom von 2artmann& and o--ers philosophical observations on the nature o- the unconscious# 729

1426% ,espine, Prosper%

]tude scienti-iJue sur le somnambulisme& sur les phMnomPnes JuDil prMsente et sur son action thMrapeutiJue dans certaines maladies nerveuses du rcle important JuDil Loue dans lDMpilepsie& dans lDhystMrie et dans les nMvroses dites e0traordinaires# 3arisH 8# 4avy& 188$& 0ii V 1")6*+ pp#

An important work on automatism and somnambulism# The author discusses the nature oautomatism and its relationship to consciousness# 2e also investigates the physical and psychological states associated with somnambulism and sees a relationship between nervous disorders and states o- spontaneous somnambulism# 729

1427% ,+nand, /ony%

>ne rMvolution en philosophie& rMsultant de lDobservation des phMnomPnes du magnMtisme animal# ]tude physiologiJue et psychologiJue de lDhomme# 3arisH ,erche et Tralin& 188$& :*. V 6$+ pp# unand discusses the phenomena o- animal magnetism -rom the physiological aspects omagnetic -luid to the -eats o- magicians# 72 R 39

1423% .ellner, .% Aon%

Animalischer Cagnetismus und moderner =ationalismusH eine kultur-historische ,etrachtung# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 188$& '( pp# 729

1429% Heidenhain, R+dol# Peter Heinrich%

er sogenannte thierische Cagnetismus# 3hysologische ,eobachtungen# %eipAigH ,reitkopand 2drtel& 188$& :*. V 6$ pp# ?nglishH Hypnotism or Animal Magnetism) Physiological *"ser(ations) Translated by %# C# !ooldridge# %ondonH <egan 3aul& 188$# A lecture delivered at the general meeting o- the 4ilesian 4ociety -or 2ome Culture held at ,reslau on Nanuary 19& 188$# Together with ,raid& 2eidenhain denies the e0istence o- a magnetic -luid or any agent communicated -rom operator to subLect# 2e concludes that hypnotism is the result o- the inhibition o- the activity o- the brain# 729

1464% Maggiorani, "arlo%

/n-luenAa del magnetismo sulla vita animale# NaplesH etken& 188$& "($ pp# 729

1461% <Moses, &illiam $tainton, pse+donym1 M% A% P5on%>

2igher Aspects o- 4piritualism# %ondonH ?# !# Allen R Co#& 188$& 1*6 pp# 739

1462% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

F u somnambulisme provoJuM#G Re($e Philosophi/$e, 1$ :188$.H ""')"'6& 6(*)686#

!ritten -ive years a-ter his -irst important article on arti-icial somnambulism :see entry number 9''.& this treatise is =ichetDs attempt once and -or all to establish the reality and scienti-ic importance o- arti-icial somnambulism -or still-skeptical members o- the medical pro-ession# =ichet identi-ies three degrees o- arti-icial somnambulismH torpor& e0citation& and stupor# 2e states that somnambulism& properly speaking& begins with the second phase# /n that phase the individual is subLect to hallucinations& suggestions& and automatisms o- various kinds# /n the third phase an anesthesia may be produced that is complete enough to allow surgical operations# =ichet also discusses the various techniJues that may be employed to produce arti-icial somnambulism& including the -i0ation o- the eyes& the use o- a shiny obLect& a sudden shock o- the senses& and the passes o- animal magnetism# 2e uses this discussion otechniJue as a starting point -or e0amining the various e0planations o- the intrinsic nature and cause o- arti-icial somnambulism& but he does not come down in -avor o- any one theory# 729

1466% <$antini de Riols, Emman+el @apolBon, pse+donym1 9% de Riols%>

CagnMtisme et somnambulisme# CMthode nouvelle -acile et pratiJue e0pliJuant les principes rMels du magnMtisme& les moyens in-aillables pour arriver promptement X bien magnMtiser suivis de documents historiJues et de nombreuses anecdotes# 3arisH %e ,ailly& 188$& "* pp# 729

1467% UTllner, 9ohann "arl .riedrich%

Transcendental 3hysicsH An Account o- ?0perimental /nvestigations# 8rom the 4cienti-ic Treatises o- Nohann Carl 8riedrich 5allner# Translated -rom the Kerman& with a 3re-ace and Appendices& by Charles Carleton Cassey# %ondonH n#p#& 188$& 0lviii V *(( pp# The ?nglish translation o- the section o- 5allnerDs ,issenscha%tlichen A"handl$ngen :see entry number 1$1+. that describes his e0periments with the -amous American medium 2enry 4lade# The e0periments included knots produced on a cord with its ends sealed together& magnetic e0periments& disappearance and reappearance o- obLects& slate writing and clairvoyance# 5allner was convinced through these e0periments that 4lade had not been able to use any deception in the tests and yet had produced the most remarkable -eats# 739

1465% Z+mler, "hristian )ott#ried Heinrich%
er sogenannte animalische Cagnetismus oder 2ypnotismusH unter 5ugrundelegung eines -uer die Akademische Kesellscha-t Au 8reiburg i# ,# gehaltenen populdren Eortrages# %eipAigH 8# C# !# Eogel& 1881& '6 V :*. pp# An e0amination o- the psychological rather than sympathetic e--ects o- animal magnetism employed as a cure& containing an early Kerman appreciation o- ,raid# 729

1466% eard, )eorge Miller%

Trance and Trancoidal 4tates in the %ower Animals# New @orkH !# %# 2yde R Co#& 1881& 1' pp#


1467% "harcot, 9ean Martin%

Contribution X lDMtude de lDhypnotisme cheA les hystMriJues# 3arisH 3rogrPs medicale& 1881& :*. V 1** pp# 729

1463% ,ippel, 9oseph%

er Neuere 4piritismus# !urAburgH !oerl& 1881& 1*' pp# 739

1469% *;encBphale% 9o+rnal des maladies mentales et nerAe+ses%

Eols# 1)9I 1881)1889# Continued asH Re($e d9hypnologie th'ori/$e et prati/$e dans ses rapports a(ec la psychologie, les maladies mentales et ner(e$ses) ;ne vol# onlyI 189$# Continued asH Annales de psychiatrie et d9hypnologie ) ) ) Eols# 1)+ :new series.I 1891)189+# Continued asH Re($e de psychiatrie, de ne$rologie et d9hypnologie) Rec$eil des tra(a$& p$"li's en 0rance et H l9'tranger) Eols# 1)* :third series.I 189()189'I Eols# 1)18 :-ourth series.I 189')1916# Title variants o- the Re($e de psychiatrie ) ) ) H Re($e de psychiatrie) M'decine mentale, ne$rologie, psychologieJ and Re($e de psychiatrie et de psychologie e&p'rimentale) 3ublished in 3aris# Continued asH Re($e de psychoth'rapie et de psychologie appli/$'e) Eols# "1)"6VI 19**)19*+V# Title variant o- the Re($e de l9hypnotisme ) ) ) H Re($e de l9hypnotisme et de la psychologie physiologi/$e) 729

1474% Ho+ghton, )eorgiana%

?venings at 2ome in 4piritual 4Mance& 3re-aced and !elded Together by a 4pecies oAutobiography# * vols# %ondonH Trubner R Co# :Eol# 1. and ?# !# Allen :Eol# *.& :1881 R 188*.& vii V "+*I "(* pp# 739

1471% *adame, Pa+l *o+is%

%a nMvrose hypnotiJue& ou %e magnMtisme dMvoilM# ]tude de physiologie pathologiJue sur le systPme nerveu0# 3arisH n#p#& 1881# 729

1472% *om!roso, "esare%

4ulla trasmissione del pensiero# TurinH n#p#& 1881#


1476% MBric, 9oseph Klie%

%Dautre vie# * vols# 3arisH 3almM& 1881# 739

1477% MBric, 9oseph Klie%

%e merveilleu0 et la science& Mtude sur lDhypnotisme# 3arisH %etouAey et Ane& :1881.& 6(8 pp# CMric tries to uni-y the -indings o- the various schools o- hypnotism and occult e0perience# 729

1475% Motet, A+g+ste%

AccPs de somnambulisme spontanM et provoJuM# 3rMvention dDoutrage public X la pudeurI condamnationI irresponsabilitMI appel& in-irmation et acJuittement# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 1881& 1( pp# 729

1476% Perty, Ma5imillian%

ie sichtbare und die unsichtbare !elt# ieseits und Nenseits# %eipAig and 2eidelbergH !inter& 1881& "*$ pp# 739

1477% Preyer, &ilhelm /hierry%

ie ?ntdeckung des 2ypnotismus# ,erlinH 3aetel& 1881& :8. V 9( pp# A tribute to the Canchester physician Names ,raid :1'9+)18($.# 3reyer considers ,raid to have made an invaluable contribution to human psychology through his recognition o- the true nature o- Fnervous sleepG and describes both ,raidDs hypnotic techniJue and the phenomena he produced# 2e also discusses at some length ,raidDs peculiar combination ohypnotism and phrenology& called Fphreno-hypnotism#G The last part o- this treatise is U"er den Hypnotism$s, the Kerman translation o- a treatise on hypnotism written by Names ,raid and never published in ?nglish# /t is dated 18($& the year o- ,raidDs death& and its place owriting is given as =ylaw 2ouse& ;0-ord 4treet& Canchester# 729

1473% Richer, Pa+l Marie *o+is Pierre%

]tudes cliniJues sur lDhystMroMpilepsie ou grande hystMrie# 3arisH A# elahaye R ?# %ecrosnier& 1881& 0vi V '"6 V :1. pp#

A monumental study o- hysteria and hypnotism by a disciple and coworker o- Nean Cartin Charcot :18*+)189".# /n a greatly augmented second edition :3arisH A# elahaye and ?# %ecrosnier& 188+.& =icher comments on the three stages o- hypnotism as perceived by the 4alpOtriPre school& and goes into great detail concerning the physiological concomitants othose states# 2e delineates the various methods that may be used to induce the hypnotic state& and he also discusses hypnotic suggestion& describing the automatisms& compulsions& delusions& and hallucinations that it may produce# =icherDs section on hysteria in history& concentrating on cases o- possession and ecstatics& is classical& as is his section dealing with hysteria in art# 729

1479% $eppilli, )i+seppe%

Kli studi recenti sul cosi detto magnetismo animale# TurinH 4# Calderini& 1881& (9 pp# 729

1454% $+lly, 9ames%

/llusionsH A 3sychological 4tudy# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& R Co#& 1881& 0ii V "'* V :*. pp# 4ully attempts to treat physiological and psychological sources o- error& such as illusions ointrospection& o- memory& o- belie-& o- insight& and o- dreams# !idely read by psychologists& this volume in-luenced those dealing with errors o- perception o- all kinds -or decades to come# 739

1451% arBty, A%
es propriMtMs physiJues dDune -orce particuliPre du corps humain :-orce neuriJue rayonnante. connue vulgairement sous le nom de magnMtisme animal# # # # ?0trait de la KaAette mMdicale de 3aris& annMe 1881# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 188*& 6$ pp# ,arMty posits the e0istence o- a Fneuric -orceG produced in the nervous system and radiating -rom the body in three areasH the eyes& the ends o- the -ingers& and the lungs# According to ,arMty& the dynamic -orm o- this -orce circulates through the body# 4ome substances block the -orce as it radiates -rom the body and others transmit it# The -orce may radiate over distances -rom a -ew centimeters to many meters& and& depending on the power o- the radiation and the sensitivity o- the receptor& it may be sensed by individuals in the vicinity# ,arMty eJuated his Fneuric -orceG with CesmerDs animal magnetism# 729

1452% eard, )eorge Miller%

The 4tudy o- Trance& Cuscle-reading and Allied Nervous 3henomena in ?urope and America& with a %etter on the Coral Character o- Trance 4ubLects& and a e-ence o- r# Charcot# New @orkH n#p#& 188*& 6$ pp#

,eard& an American neurologist& was best known as the originator o- the concept Fneurasthenia&G a state o- physical and mental e0haustion leading to the inability to per-orm physical and mental work# 2ere he discusses the in-ormation that may be conveyed to trance subLects through muscle tension and the possibility that unconscious suggestion may be at work with emotionally disturbed patients# The pamphlet concludes with a note on CharcotDs work& in which ,eard de-ends CharcotDs character and integrity as an investigator but states his belie- that Charcot was insu--iciently aware o- this problem# 739

1456% +B, Hector 9oseph%

%a vie et la santM& ou %a mMdecine est-elle une scienceW 3arisH A# Khio& 188*& 1+$ pp# A discussion o- the medical uses o- Fhuman magnetism#G 729

1457% +r?, Qictor%

es origines de la mMtallothMrapie# 3art Jui doit Otre -aite au magnMtisme animal dans sa dMcouverte# %e burJuisme et le perkinisme# 3arisH elahaye et %ecrosnier& 188*& 1( pp# 729

1455% "ad0ell, 9% &%

8ull and Comprehensive /nstructions 2ow to CesmeriAe& Ancient and Codern Ciracles by Cesmerism& also /s 4piritualism TrueW * ed# ,ostonH The Author& 188*& 1*8 pp# No in-ormation available on the -irst edition# 729

1456% "aAailhon, Edo+ard%

%a -ascination magnMtiJue& prMcMdMe dDune prM-ace par onato et de son protrait photographiM# 3arisH ?# entu& 188*& l00 V ""6 pp# iscusses the predecessors and work o- the -amous stage hypnotist F onato&G the pseudonym -or ?douard dD2ont& and describes some o- onatoDs sMances and writings# Cavailhon also compares the doctrine o- onato to that o- ,raid and includes an interesting section on Flove and magnetism#G 729

1457% <"hapman, ===%>

Con-essions o- a Cedium# %ondonH Kri--ith R 8arran& 188*& 0vi V *8* pp# 739

1453% "harcot, 9ean Martin%

F4ur les divers Mtats nerveu0 dMterminMs par lDhypnotisation cheA les hystMriJues#G Bomptesrend$s he"domadiares des s'ances de l9Acad'mie des +ciences 96 :188*.H 6$")$+#

CharcotDs summary statement o- his views on hypnotism# 2e mentions three stages ohypnotismH catalepsy& lethargy& and somnambulism& describing the physiological phenomena connected with each state# This paper& delivered by a man o- such high scienti-ic reputation& did more than any other single event to get hypnotism accepted as a genuine phenomenon among the academics o- the day# 8or more on CharcotDs theory o- hypnotism& see 8eQons s$r les maladies d$ systPme ner(e$& :entry number 96'.# 729

1459% Ho+ghton, )eorgiana%

Chronicles o- the 3hotographs o- 4piritual ,eings and 3henomena /nvisible to the Caterial ?ye& /nterblended with 3ersonal Narrative# %ondonH Allen& 188*& 0 V *'" pp# 739

1464% $ociety #or Psychical Research Proceedings%

Eols# 1)"+VI 188*)19*+V# The Proceedings is the most important periodical on psychical research published in any language# 72 R 39

1461% &irth, .riedrich Morit'%

2errn 3ro-essor 5allners ?0perimente mit dem amerikanischen Cedium 2errn 4lade und seine 2ypothese intelligenter vierdimensionaler !esen# Cit einer Antwort an die 2erren 3ro-essoren 2ernn# !# Eogel in ,erlin und#9 ,# Ceyer in ,onn# " ed# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 188* 0vi V 1** pp# No in-ormation is available on the -irst edition# 739

1462% Assier, Adolphe d;%
=evenants et 8antcmes# ?ssais sur lDhumanitM posthume et le spiritisme# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 188"& "$8 pp# ?nglishH Posth$mo$s H$manity A +t$dy o% Phantoms) Translated by 2enry 4# ;lcott# %ondonH K# =edway& 188'# This study o- ghosts and phantoms draws upon both historical accounts and the e0periences othe author# Although accepting the genuineness o- some apparitions& dDAssier has his own personal e0planatory theory which di--ers -rom that o- the spiritualists# 739

1466% ritten, Emma Hardinge%

Nineteenth Century CiraclesI or& 4pirits and Their !ork in ?very Country o- the ?arth# A Complete 2istorical Compendium o- the Kreat Covement <nown as FCodern 4piritualism#G Canchester& ?nglandH !# ,ritten& 188"& viii V ++( pp#

!hereas the authorDs Modern American +pirit$alism :18'$& see entry number 9"*. concentrated on the history o- the -irst twenty years o- spiritualism in the >nited 4tates& this book attempts to provide a history o- that movement in si0teen other countries and areas othe world up to 188"# 3atently FproG spiritualist& ,ritten is nonetheless remarkable in the Juality o- her research# 3roviding an array o- -acts connected to the history o- spiritualism around the world that was uniJue at the time& including large sections on Kermany& 8rance& Kreat ,ritain and Australia& she also includes a lengthy updating o- the history o- spiritualism in America# ;verall& ,rittenDs work is particularly important -or its discussion o- the relation o- spiritualism to other phenomena# Thus& -or e0ample& in treating spiritualism in Kermany& ,ritten e0amines ties between spiritualism and the discovery and rise o- mesmerism and& in the section on Fspiritualism in the 3olynesian and !est /ndia /slands&G she draws connections with the ancient belie-s o- the natives o- those regions# 739

1467% "ahagnet, *o+is Alphonse%

ThMrapeutiJue du magnMtisme et du somnambulisme appropriMe au0 maladies les plus communesI aidMe par lDemploi des plantes les plus usuelles en mMdecine# =enseignements sur la compositions et sur lDapplication des remPdes conseillMs# 3lanches anatomiJues avec e0plication philosophiJue# 3arisH %ibrairie 4cienti-ico-psychologiJue& 188"& iv V 6"9 pp# A manual describing how to best employ the somnambulistic state in the healing process and suggesting the use o- other remedies as part o- the healing plan# 729

1465% .armer, 9ohn $tephen%

2ow to /nvestigate 4piritualism# %ondonH 3sychological 3ress Association& 188"& *( pp# 739

1466% .ischer, Engel!ert *oren'%

er sogenannte %ebensmagnetismus oder 2ypnotismus# CainAH 8ranA <irchheim& 188"& viii V 119 pp# 729

1467% )+thrie, Malcolm and irchall, 9ames%

F=ecord o- ?0periments in Thought-trans-erence#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 1 :188".H *(")8"# 8irst o- a series o- three reports on care-ully e0ecuted e0periments in thought-trans-erence or telepathy conducted at %iverpool& ?ngland# The conditions are described in detail and a verbatim record o- the proceedings is given# 739

1463% *iB!ea+lt, Am!roise A+g+st%

]tude sur le AoomagnMtisme# 3aris and NancyH Casson& 188"& *9 pp#

;riginally intended as an article -or the Eo$rnal d$ magn'tisme, this pamphlet presents %iMbeaultDs -indings concerning the curative e--ects o- a physical agent in animal magnetism# /mpressed by the success o- an acJuaintance in magnetically healing in-ants whose intellectual development was insu--icient to permit the e--ects o- suggestion& the pioneer osuggestion asked himsel- whether there might not a-ter all also be a physical agent involved in producing the e--ects o- animal magnetism# Attempting to test the possibility that a physical agent might account -or the magnetiAerDs success with younger children& %iMbeault carried out his own e0periments with in-ants# Cuch to his surprise he discovered that the action omagnetic passes produced a noticeable bene-icial e--ect upon the in-ants# 2e ruled out the e0planation that heat or pressure produced the e--ects& and concluded that& in addition to the e--ects o- suggestion& there e0ists a Fnervous actionG transmitted -rom one individual to another by vibrations# 729

1469% <Moses, &illiam $tainton, pse+donym1 M% A% P5on%>

4pirit Teachings# %ondonH The 3sychological 3ress Association& 188"& 0ii V *91 pp# CosesDs best-known book on spiritualism containing a description o- the process and content o- his automatic writings purported to come -rom spirits# The messages were o- a high moral Juality and impressive cogency# The communications call into Juestion many Christian belie-s and Coses did not -ind that easy to accept# The book describes his own doubting Juestions to the spirits and the answers he received through automatic writing# 739

1474% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

?ssays Classical# %ondonH Cacmillan R Co#& 188"& vii V **" pp# A collection o- essays that originally appeared in various periodicals# The -irst is a long essay on the Kreek oracles and has some relevance to psychical research# 8or a description oCyersDs larger contribution to that -ield& see his H$man Personality :19$"& entry number 1+*'.# 739

1471% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

F%a personalitM et la mMmoire dans le somnambulisme#G Re($e philosophi/$e 1+ :188".H **+) 6*# =ichet states that personality is a phenomenon o- memory& that personality is built on an e0perienced succession o- memories# 3ersonality must& he says& be distinguished -rom the F/#G An individual may have more than one personality& but only one F/#G 4omnambulists may e0hibit many personalities& but they are all attributed to one F/#G =ichet insists that the F/G endures permanently& while personalities may be abolished with the onset o- amnesia# =ichet also discusses what he calls Funconscious memoryG :m'moire inconsciente.& which is a memory that -unctions in the individual& although it is completely outside o- conscious awareness# ?0amples o- this phenomenon taken -rom e0periments with somnambulists show& in =ichetDs opinion& that our acts can be determined by causes entirely unknown to us# 729

1472% <$antini de Riols, Emman+el @apolBon, pse+donym1 9% de Riols%>

4piritisme et tables tournantes# Nouvelle mMthode -acile et complPte& e0pliJuant les principes rMels du spiritisme& les moyens in-aillibles pour arriver promptement X MvoJuer les esprits et se mettre en rapport avec eu0& suivie de la dMmonstration thMoriJue et pratiJue du pendulee0plorateur et de la baJuette divinatoire# 3arisH %e ,ailly& 188"& "* pp# 739

1476% /r+esdell, 9ohn &%

The ,ottom 8acts Concerning the 4cience o- 4piritualismH erived -rom Care-ul /nvestigations Covering a 3eriod o- Twenty--ive @ears# New @orkH K# !# Carleton& 188"& 0v V :1. V 1')""1 pp# escribing interviews and sMances with a variety o- mediums& including the -amous 2enry 4lade& Truesdell indicates how those who wish to investigate mediums should carry out their study# !hile attempting to be critical& the author begins -rom the assumption that spiritualistic mediumship is genuine and involves communication with the dead# 739

1477% &atts, Anna Mary HHo0ittI%

The 3ioneers o- the 4piritual =e-ormation# %i-e and !orks o- r Nustinus <erner :Adapted -rom the Kerman.# !illiam 2owitt and his !ork -or 4piritualism# ,iographical 4ketches# %ondonH 3sychological 3ress Association& 188"& 0ii V "*+ pp# /ncludes a translation o- some o- the writings o- Nustinus <erner# 72 R 39

1475% E+ng, Emile%

%e sommeil normal et le sommeil pathologiJue& magnMtisme animal& hypnotisme& nMvrose hystMriJue# 3arisH ;# oin& 188"& 191 pp# 729

1476% ea+nis, Henri Etienne%
=echerches e0pMrimentales sur les conditions de lDactivitM cMrMbrale et sur la physiologie des ner-sI Mtudes physiologiJues et psychologiJues sur le somnambulisme provoJuM# * vols# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& :1886)188(.# The second volume o- this work is an important study o- arti-icial somnambulism# ,eaunis has some particularly use-ul things to say about memory in somnambulism# Among other things& he discusses a Fdoubling o- memory and consciousness#G 729

1477% ellanger, A+g+stin RenB%

%e magnMtisme# EMritMs et chimPres de cette science occulte# >n drame dans le somnambulisme& Mpisode historiJue# 3arisH Kuilhermet& 1886& 0iv V "6* pp#

The author describes the nature o- arti-icial somnambulismI he sees animal magnetism as an occult science# 72 R 39

1473% elot, "amille%

%es secrets du magnMtisme# 3arisH ?# entu& 1886& 1'* pp# A popular instruction manual giving abrie- description o- the practice o- animal magnetism# 729

1479% Brillon, Edgar%

2ypnotisme e0pMrimentalI la dualitM cMrMbrale et lDindMpendance -onctione^le des deu0 hMmisphPres cMrMbrau0# 3arisH A# elahaye and ?# %ecrosnier& 1886& viii V 19* pp# ,Mrillon& a member o- the F3itiMG school o- hypnotism -ounded by umontpallier& was -or many years the editor o- the Re($e de l9hypnotisme and was an unusually e--ective practitioner o- medical hypnotism# /n this work he discusses mental pathology& hysteria& and dreams& and puts -orward an unusual thesis concerning the independent -unction o- the two hemispheres o- the brain# 2e believes that each hemisphere constitutes a complete and separate organ# This& he states& makes possible hemicerebral hypnotism and doubling o- the personality# 729

1434% ernheim, Hippolyte%

e la suggestion dans lDMtat hypnotiJue et dans lDMtat de veille# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 1886& 11$ pp# ,ernheim& 3ro-essor o- Clinical Cedicine at the >niversity o- Nancy& with a scienti-ic reputation -or research on typhoid -ever and heart disease& began in 188* to develop an interest in hysteria and hypnotism# 2e heard about the work o- the physician Ambroise %iMbeault :18*")19$6.& whose original book on hypnotism was virtually unknown in the medical world :see #$ sommeil et des 'tats analog$es, entry number 89(.& but whose success in using hypnotic techniJues to treat patients was di--icult to ignore# ,ernheim visited %iMbeault to observe his approach and -orm his own opinion about the results# 2e was greatly impressed by what he saw and immediately tried %iMbeaultDs techniJue himsel-# 2e soon came to the conclusion that hypnotism was not an appendage o- hysteria& as the then prevailing theory o- Nean Cartin Charcot :18*+)189". had indicated& but a psychological state in its own right& one intimately connected with suggestion# Two years later& having continued to work closely with %iMbeault& ,ernheim published this book& the -undamental statement ohis theory o- hypnotism# ,ernheim and %iMbeault combined their researches and -ormed what came to be known as the Nancy school o- hypnotism& and #e la s$ggestion may rightly be considered the -oundation work o- that school# ,ernheim begins the book with a description o- his method o- hypnotic induction# 2e then lists %iMbeaultDs si0 degrees o- hypnotic sleep and& -rom his own e0perience& reclassi-ies those stages& noting nine in all# ,ernheim then enters into a detailed discussion o- the nature o- suggestion and presents a de-inition ohypnotismH the induction o- a peculiar psychical condition which increases the susceptibility to suggestion# Ne0t ,ernheim discusses the phenomena associated with hypnotic sleep& including automatic movement& automatic obedience& suggested hallucinations during hypnotic sleep& and post-hypnotic hallucinations# A-ter some words about somnambulism and

double personality& ,ernheim notes the physiological e--ects produced by hypnotism# This is -ollowed by a discussion o- suggestion in the waking state and an answer to the criticisms leveled against his views by Charcot and the men at the 4alpOtriPre# ,ernheim then provides abrie- history o- animal magnetism and hypnotism up to his own time# Ne0t there is an important chapter on automatisms and suggestion and a concluding discussion o- the moral and legal aspects o- hypnotic suggestion# !ith #e la s$ggestion the stage is set -or the controversy between ,ernheim and %iMbeault and their -ollowers at Nancy& and Charcot and his -ollowers at the 4alpOtriPre& with the Nancy school insisting that all the phenomena ohypnotism arise -rom suggestion& and the 4alpOtriPre school claiming that the phenomena ohypnotism are based on physiological processes that create an arti-icial neurosis comparable to an hysterical attack# This controversy was pivotal to the discussion o- the theory ohypnotism -or many years# 729

1431% ottey, .ernand%

%e FmagnMtisme animalGI Mtude critiJue et e0pMrimental sur lDhypnotisme& ou sommeil nerveu0 provoJuM cheA les suLets sains& lMthargie& catalepsie& somnambulisme& suggestions& etc# 3arisH ?# 3lon& Nourrit& 1886& :(. V iii V :1. V *8* pp# 729

1432% ,+ Prel, :arl *+d0ig A+g+st .riedrich Ma5imillian Al#red%

ie 3hilosophie der Cystik# %eipAigH ?rnst KQnther& 1886& 0ii V +68 pp# ?nglishH Dhe Philosophy o% Mysticism) Translated by C# C# Cassey# %ondonH Keorge =edway& 1889# ;n somnambulism and its implications -or understanding the nature o- human consciousness# Although the work is philosophical in orientation& u 3rel bases his analysis on a broad -oundation o- e0perimentation with somnambulistic states# u 3rel speaks about the division o- the ego which is observed not only in somnambulism& but also in more ordinary e0periences such as dreams# This division or splitting o- the ego leads to the conclusion that human beings are very comple0& with an unconscious component that determines much owhat happens in conscious li-e# /n his discussion o- the unconscious& the in-luence o- <ant& 4chopenhauer& and ?duard von 2artmann can be discerned# ,ut u 3relDs e0amination osomnambulism and the nature o- consciousness takes him a step beyond their speculations# 729

1436% Edard, )+illa+me%

%a vie par la magnMtisme et lDMlectricitM# 3arisH The Author& 1886& 0vi V +99 pp# A general work on animal magnetism and its history by a man who describes himsel- as a magnetiAer-electrician# 729

1437% )+rney, Edm+nd%

FThe 3roblem o- 2ypnotism#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings * :1886.H *(+)9*# ?dmund Kurney was one o- the -ounders o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in ?ngland and served as its -irst honorary secretary# 2e was considered by his coworkers to be an

investigator and writer o- e0traordinary brilliance# ,etween 18'6 and 18'8 he observed a great number o- spiritualist sMances# A-ter the -oundation o- the 4ociety& he continued these investigations& but also turned his attention to the phenomenon o- hypnotism# Kurney died an untimely death at age 61& apparently through an accidental overdose o- a painkiller# This article is a signi-icant contribution to knowledge o- hypnotism# /n the article Kurney cautions against a too rapid -ormulation o- theories about the nature o- hypnotism# 2e says that a more use-ul approach would be to outline certain well-de-ined problems and see what can be clari-ied in those speci-ic areas# 2e then goes on to discuss such important issues as the in-luence o- the operator on the subLect& the nature o- automatism& and the problem o- posthypnotic memory# 739

1435% )+rney, Edm+nd%

FThe 4tages o- 2ypnotism#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings * :1886.H (1)'*# The -irst o- a number o- important articles by Kurney on hypnotism published in the Proceedings) Kurney describes his e0periments with the various FdepthsG o- hypnotism and their relationship to such things as suggestibility and memory# 729

1436% )+thrie, Malcolm%

FAn account o- some e0periments in thought-trans-erence#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings * :1886.H *6)6"# A second report on e0periments done in thought trans-erence at %iverpool& ?ngland& under the supervision o- Calcolm Kuthrie and Names ,irchall# The e0periments involved the telepathic transmission o- simple drawings# The report includes reproductions o- the original drawings that were attempted to be conveyed by the transmitter and the resulting drawings e0ecuted by the receiver# The results are striking# 739

1437% Magnin, Pa+l de%

]tude cliniJue et e0pMrimentale sur lDhypnotismeI de JJ# e--ets des e0citations pMriphMriJues cheA les hystMro-MpileptiJues X lDMtat de veille et dDhypnotisme# 3arisH A# elahaye et ?# %ecrosnier& 1886& 9' pp# A study o- hypnosis that presents the position o- the 3itiM school o- hypnotism& a group Juite close in teaching to that o- the 4alpOtriPre school# Although it admits o- a number ointermediary states between the three great phases o- the latter school& it is in agreement that hypnotism is a hysterical condition and presents certain consistent physical symptoms# 739

1433% Marico+rt, R% de%

4ouvenires dDun magnMtiseur# 3arisH 3lon& 1886& "1+ pp# 729

1439% Mo+tinho, An%

Cagnetismo animale# 3rincipios de magnetologia o methodo -mcil de aprender a magnetisar segundo os systemas de Cesmer& 3uysegur& eleuAe& de %ausanne& =ostan& ,rivasac& =icard& u 3otet& Kauthier e %a-ontaine# %isbonH n#p#& 1886# 729

1494% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

F;n a Telepathic ?0planation o- 4ome 4o-called 4piritualistic 3henomena#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings * :1886.H *1')"'# 8# !# 2# Cyers was one o- the most important psychical researchers o- the late nineteenth century# 2e was a -ounder o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& a poet& a classical scholar& and considered by some to be one o- the most signi-icant psychologists o- the time# riven by the need to determine what can be discovered empirically about the nature o- human personality and its possible survival o- death& Cyers devoted his considerable energies to the investigation o- all phenomena that might clari-y those issues# 2e investigated somnambulists& mediums& and all types o- psychic and psychological phenomena# Cyers originated a number o- terms that came to be used commonly by psychical researchers& such asH Ftelepathy&G Fsupernormal&G and Fveridical#G /n this article& Cyers e0amines the phenomenon o- automatic writing to try to discover whether& as the spiritualists claimed& the writer conveys messages -rom the spirits o- the dead# 2e concludes that unless there is content completely unknown to the writer& there is no reason to assume that anything more than the unconscious sel- o- the writer is involved in the process# /-& he says& there is evidence o- material coming through automatic writing that could not have been obtained through normal means& it is still not established that spirits are at work# Telepathy may be a su--icient e0planation# This article is a good e0ample o- the kind o- critical thinking and good writing so characteristic o- Cyers# 739

1491% Pennell, Henry "holmondeley, ed%

F,ringing it to ,ookGH 8acts o- 4late-writing through Cr# !# ?glinton# ?dited by 2# Cholmondeley-3ennell# ,eing %etters !ritten by the 2on# =oden Noel& Charles Carleton Cassey& Keorge !yld& the 2on# 3ercy !yndham& and the ?ditor# %ondonH 3sychological 3ress Association& :1886.& *" pp# 739

1492% Perronnet, "la+de%

%e magnMtisme animal# %ons-le-4aunierH n#p#& 1886& (" pp# 729

1496% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

%Dhomme et lDintelligence# 8ragments de physiologie et de psychologie# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 1886& vii V +)+'$ pp# Articles by =ichet previously published in either the Re($e philosophi/$e or the Re($e des de$& mondes and covering issues -rom the Fpoisons o- intelligenceG :alcohol& opium& etc#. to

arti-icial somnambulism# =ichetDs sections on possession e0periences are especially well done# 729

1497% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

F%a suggestion mentale et le calcul des probabilitMs#G Re($e philosophi/$e, 18 :1886.H ($9) '6# =ichet here describes the -irst use o- statistical analysis to evaluate the results o- e0periments in mental suggestion& a kind o- telepathy# 739

1495% Rieger, "onrad%

er 2ypnotismus# 3sychiatrische ,eitrdge Aur <entniss der sogenannten hypnotischen 5ustdnde# Nebst einem physiognomischen ,eitrag von r# 2ans Eirchow# NenaH Kustav 8ischer& 1886& :6. V 1+1 pp# ;riented to a physiological account o- hypnotism# The author is hesitant to accept hypnotic phenomena as involving a special state# 729

1496% $imony, Ps(ar%

bber spiritistische Cani-estationen vom naturwissenscha-tlichen 4tandpunkt# EiennaH A# 2artleben& 1886& 68 pp# 739

1497% $ociety #or Psychical Research% 9o+rnal%

Eols# 1)VI 1886)19*+V# Along with the Proceedings o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch :see entry number 1$($.& this Lournal provides a gold mine o- in-ormation about serious investigation o- paranormal phenomena# 72 R 39

1493% /+(e, ,aniel Hac(%

4leep-walking and 2ypnotism# %ondonH N# R A# Churchill& 1886& vi V :*. V 119 V :1. pp# Tuke discusses both spontaneous and arti-icially induced somnambulism& attempting to provide an accurate picture o- the state o- the senses during natural sleepwalking& -ree -rom what he considers to be misconceptions that have sprung up around the phenomenon# !hen describing the hypnotic state& he discusses Fdouble consciousnessG and relates it to the two sides o- the brain# TukeDs lavish use o- illustrative cases contributes much to the value o- the book# 729

1499% Qoisin, A%
]tude sur lDhypnotisme et sur les suggestions cheA les aliMnMs# 3arisH K# =ougier& 1886& 1( pp#


1144% &elton, /homas%

Cental Cagic# A =ationale o- Thought =eading& and /ts Attendant 3henomena& and Their Application to the iscovery o- New Cedicines& ;bscure iseases& Correct elineations oCharacter& %ost 3ersons and 3roperty& Cines and 4prings o- !ater& and All 2idden and 4ecret ThingsH To !hich is Added the 2istory and Cystery o- the Cagic Cirror# %ondonH =edway& 1886& 1'8 pp# 739

1141% ea+nis, Henri Etienne%
F%De0pMrimentation en psychologie par le somnambulisme provoJuM#G Re($e philosophi/$e *$ :188+.H *)"(& 11")1"6# ,eaunis attempts to show the use-ulness o- arti-icial somnambulism or hypnotism as a tool -or e0perimental research in psychology# 2e points out how the researcher can use hypnotism to produce a kind o- Fmoral vivisectionG o- e0perimental subLects and make certain psychological phenomena happen at will under the eyes o- the e0perimenter# 729

1142% o+rr+, Henri and +rot, P%

F e la multiplicitM des Mtats de conscience cheA un hystMro-MpileptiJue#G Re($e Philosophi/$e *$ :188+.H 611)1(# escribes certain peculiarities o- consciousness e0perienced by a young man called FEG who had begun to undergo FattacksG o- various kinds a-ter being bitten by a snake# FEG would e0perience changes o- states o- consciousness accompanied by di--erent kinds o- anaesthesia and muscular contraction# The changes in consciousness also involved marked alterations opersonality& each personality being associated with a certain age& the youngest being -ourteen# 4i0 distinct states were identi-ied# This is an interesting early case o- a type o- multiple personality precipitated by a physical trauma# 729

1146% +chanan, 9oseph Rodes%

Canual o- 3sychometryH The awn o- a New CiviliAation# ,ostonH The Author& 188+& :". V *1* V 196 V 96 pp# The word Fpsychometry&G coined in 186*& literally means Fmeasuring the soul#G ,uchanan& however& altered that de-inition to Fmeasuring by the soulG and claimed that every -ield oknowledge could bene-it -rom the psychic capacity innate in some individuals# These gi-ted people& one o- whom was ,uchananDs wi-e& could use their gi-ts to provide important data in the -ields o- medicine& physiology& history& biography& paleontology& geology& astronomy& and theology& among others# The book details the history and philosophy o- this -aculty and its practical uses# 739

1147% "olas, Al!ert%

%Dhypnotisme et la volontM# 3arisH A# Khio& 188+& "( pp# 729

1145% ,allmer, Ps(ar%

as 3roblem des Kedankenlesens# CunichH n#p#& 188+# 739

1146% ,eher, E+gen%

er 2ypnotismus& seine 4tellung Aum Aberglauben und Aur !issenscha-t# 2alleH Carl Carhold& :188+W.& :*. V "" pp# Attempts to do a philosophical-scienti-ic analysis o- the relationship between psychic phenomena and hypnotism# 729

1147% ,elanne, )a!riel%

4piritisme devant la science# 3arisH entu& 188+& 6'* pp# 739

1143% Edard, )+illa+me%

Eitalisme curati- par les appareils Mlectro-magnMtiJues# 3arisH 3assy& 188+& l000ii V 1(( pp# ,y a member o- the 4ociMtM mesmMrienne o- 3aris describing the use o- some unusual electrical contraptions to guard against illnesses o- various kinds# 729

1149% )+rney, Edm+nd%

F2allucinations#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings " :188+.H 1+1)89# An e0cellent treatment o- a di--icult subLect# Kurney ranges over the main issues that must be raised in any attempt to understand the various types o- hallucination& concentrating on the problem o- the origin o- the hallucinatory e0perience# 739

1114% )+rney, Edm+nd and Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

F4ome 2igher Aspects o- Cesmerism#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings " :188+.H 6$1)*"# Kurney and Cyers take up three aspects o- mesmerismH 1. the mesmeric treatment o- disease& *. silent FwillingG and FwillingG at a distance& and ". clairvoyance# 72 R 39

1111% )+thrie, Malcolm%

F8urther =eport on e0periments in thought-trans-erence at %iverpool#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings " :188+.H 6*6)+*# The last o- three reports on e0periments done at %iverpool& ?ngland on thought-trans-erence# This set o- e0periments -ocused on the telepathic conveyance o- thoughts& images& pain& tastes& smells& and diagrams# As in previous trials& striking results were obtained# 739

1112% Hartmann, Ed+ard Aon%

Coderne 3robleme# %eipAigH !m# 8riedrich& 188+# A treatise on somnambulism by the author o- the -amous Philosophy o% the Gnconscio$s :see entry number 9*6.# Eon 2artmann sees the special knowledge available to the somnambulist as similar to the knowledge available to animals rather than as the higher knowledge that some had claimed it to be# 72 R 39

1116% Hartmann, Ed+ard Aon%

er 4piritismus# ,erlinH 8riedrich& 188+& 118 pp# ?nglishH +piritism) Translated by C# C# Cassey# %ondonH The 3sychological 3ress& 188+# Eon 2artmann discusses the phenomena o- spiritualism& including materialiAations and trans-igurations# 3rovisionally accepting the phenomena as genuine& von 2artmann takes issue with the Fspirit hypothesisG which posits that discarnate human spirits are the source othe e0periences# 2e attributes everything to the minds o- the medium and sitters& suggesting that some o- the phenomena are due to the action o- a Fnerve -orceG that can produce mechanical e--ects# The apparent intelligence operating in these instances is due& says 2artmann& to the unconscious operation o- the mediumDs unrealiAed somnambulistic consciousness& working outside the awareness o- the normal consciousness# 739

1117% Hellen!ach Aon Pac'olay, *a'ar%

Keburt und Tod als !echsel der Anschauungs-orm& oder die oppel-Natur des Censchen# EiennaH !# ,raumQller& 188+& vi V "*+ pp# 2ellenbach was a 2ungarian-born philosopher whose work was signi-icant -or psychical research# 2ere& he suggests that perception at a distance& automatic writing& and trance speaking indicate a double nature in human beings and that through birth and death there is no change beyond an alteration in the method o- perception# 739

1115% HoAey, &illiam Al#red%

Cind-=eading and ,eyond# ,ostonH %ee and 4hepard& 188+& :*. V *$1 pp# The book is drawn -rom the material published by the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch on thought reading# 739

1116% -reland, &illiam &%

The ,lot upon the ,rainH 4tudies in 2istory and 3sychology# ?dinburghH ,ell R ,rad-ute& 188+& viii V "'6 pp# A study o- subconscious phenomena producing hallucinations o- sight and hearing# The author discusses e0periences o- this kind reported by Cuhammad& %uther& 4wedenborg and 4t# Noan# 72 R 39

1117% Mind in @at+re1 a Pop+lar 9o+rnal o# Psychical, Medical and $cienti#ic -n#ormation%
Eols# 1)*I 188+)188'# 3ublished in Chicago and edited by N# ?# !oodhead# 729

1113% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

FAutomatic !riting#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings " :188+.H 1)("# The second part o- a previous article titled F;n a Telepathic ?0planation o- 4ome 4o-called 4piritualistic 3henomenaG :see entry number 1$9$.# 2ere Cyers continues his argument that unless automatic writing contains in-ormation completely unknown to the writer& there is no reason to think it is anything but the production o- that personDs unconscious sel-# !hile Cyers believes that in some cases there is FsupernormalG content in automatic writing& he does not assume that it originates -rom spirits# 72 R 39

1119% Prince, Morton%

The Nature o- Cind and 2uman Automatism# 3hiladelphiaH %ippincott& 188+& 0 V 1'" pp# The -irst published work o- one o- the most important -igures in the study o- the unconscious# The -irst part o- the book& FThe Nature o- Cind&G contains a key concept& the notion o- a dynamism o- ideas& that ideas once -ormed possess a drive o- their own that tends to e0pression# /n the second part o- the book& F2uman Automatism&G 3rince elaborates this concept into a theory o- automatism# 729

1124% Ri!ot, /hBod+le Armand%

%es maladies de la personalitM# 3arisH Alcan& 188+& 1'6 pp# ?nglishH Dhe #iseases o% Personality) ChicagoH ;pen Court& 191$# /n this important book& =ibot investigates organic and psychological disorders o- the mind# iscussing the identity and unity o- the mind& as well as conditions that involve a breakdown o- that unity& he describes various e0amples o- duality o- personality and e0amines possession& mysticism& and hypnotism# 729

1121% $ergi, )i+seppe%

%Dorigine dei -enomeni psichici e loro signi-icaAione biologica# CilanH 8ratelli umodard& 188+& 00iv V 6+* pp# 739

1122% 8nderhill, *eah%

The Cissing %ink in Codern 4piritualism# =evised and Arranged by a %iterary 8riend# New @orkH <no0 R Co#& 188+# %eah >nderhill was the married name o- the oldest o- the -amous 8o0 sisters& initiators o- the spiritualistic movement in the >nited 4tates# Although she was not& as were her two sisters& mediumistic& she played a key role in her younger sistersD promotion# This book& although not written by %eah& was produced under her direction and -rom materials she provided# /t is a personal narrative o- the birth o- spiritualism and the events involving hersel- and her sisters# 739

1126% &allace, Mrs% "handos *eigh HH+ntI%

3rivate /nstructions in the 4cience and Art o- ;rganic Cagnetism# %ondonH The Authoress& 188+& 0vi V *11 pp# 729

1127% arth, Henri%
u sommeil non naturelH ses diverses -ormes# ThPse prMsentMe au concours pour lDagrMgation# 3arisH Asselin et 2ouAeau& 188(& :6. V 18( pp# A study o- natural somnambulism& pathological attacks o- sleep& and arti-icial somnambulism# Comparing certain similar phases o- these various kinds o- Fnon-naturalG sleep& ,arth discusses the therapeutic use-ulness o- hypnotism or Farti-icial nervous sleep#G 729

1125% ea+nis, Henri Etienne%

%e somnambulisme provoJuMH Mtudes physiologiJues et psychologiJues# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 188(& *+$ pp# ,eaunis worked at Nancy with %iMbeault& ,ernheim and %iMgeois# 2ere& he describes procedures used to hypnotiAe his subLects and presents the results o- a series o- hypnotic e0periments& with a long section on suggestions and their e--ects on the hypnotiAed subLect# 729

1126% erLon, A%

%a grande hystMrie cheA lDhomme# 3hMnomPnes dDinhibition et de dynamogMnie& changements de la personnalitM& action des mMdicaments X distance# DaprPs les travau0 de CC# ,ourru et ,urot# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 188(& 8$ pp# 729

1127% ernheim, Hippolyte%

e la suggestion et de ses applications X la thMrapeutiJue# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 188(& iii V 6*8 pp# ?nglishH +$ggesti(e Dherape$tics) Translated -rom the second revised edition by Christian 2erter# New @orkH 3utnamDs& 189'# The -irst part o- this work is a republication o- ,ernheimDs #e la s$ggestion dans l9'tat hypnoti/$e et dans l9'tat de (eille, 1886 :see entry number 1$8$.# /n this part ,ernheim views the nature o- hypnotism in sharp contrast to that o- Nean Cartin Charcot :18*+)189". which was dominant at the time# Charcot believed hypnotism to be a pathological condition based on physiological processes& an arti-icial neurosis -ound only in hysterics# ,ernheim& on the other hand& sees hypnotism as a purely psychological condition& one essentially related to suggestion# 2is de-inition o- hypnotism isH the induction o- a peculiar psychical condition which increases the susceptibility to suggestion# This basic di--erence o- opinion constitutes the core o- the dispute that would continue -or many years between the -ollowers o- Charcot :the 4alpOtriPre school o- hypnotism. and the -ollowers o- ,ernheim :the Nancy school ohypnotism.# /n the second part o- the book& ,ernheim discusses suggestion as a therapeutic agent# ,eginning with a look at the traditional role o- the imagination in healing through the ages& ,ernheim places modern suggestive therapeutics in that historical stream# This introduction is -ollowed by a long section on cases o- speci-ic illnesses ,ernheim treated through hypnotic suggestion or through waking suggestion :,ernheim insists that the hypnotic state is not essential -or e--ective treatment through suggestion.# The book concludes with a chapter on the dangers to be guarded against in the use o- hypnotism and suggestion# This work became the basic te0t used by the adherents o- the Nancy school and holds a uniJue place in the history o- hypnotism# 729

1123% inet, Al#red%

%a psychologie du raissonnement# =echerches e0pMrimentales par lDhypnotisme# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 8Mli0 Alcan Mditeur& 188(& 1'1 pp# ,ased on laboratory e0periments in hypnotism carried out by ,inet and Charles 8MrM :18+*) 19$'.# The e0periments were made at the 4alpOtriPre using Fhysterico-epilepticG women as subLects# Taking hypnotically induced hallucinations as a starting point& ,inet e0amines the relationship between perception and reasoning& concluding that reasoning is an organiAation o- images& and as such is physiologically based# 729

1129% rac(ett, Ed0ard A%

CaterialiAed ApparitionsH /- not ,eings -rom Another %i-e& !hat are TheyW ,ostonH Colby and =ich& 188(& 18* pp#

8irst hand accounts o- materialiAations o- the human -orm in sMances with a number omediums# /n his discussion o- possible e0planations o- the phenomenon& the author makes it clear that he believes them to be genuine and the work o- spirits o- the departed# 739

1164% "ha'arain, *o+is /hBodore and ,Bcle, "harles%

Mcouverte de la polaritM humaine& ou dMmonstration e0pMrimentale des lois suivant lesJuelles lDapplication des aimants& de lDMlectricitM& et les actions manuelles ou analogues du corps humain dMterminent lDMtat hypnotiJue et lDordre de succession de ses trois phases# # # # 3arisH ;# oin& 188(& *9 pp# 729

1161% "+llere, A%
CagnMtisme et hypnotismeH ?0posM des phMnomPnes observMs pendant le sommeil nerveu0 provoJuM au point de vue cliniJue& psychologiJue& thMrapeutiJue et mMdico-lMgal avec un rMsumM historiJue du magnMtisme animal# 3arisH %ibrairie N# ,# ,ailliPre et 8ils& 188(& viii V "81 V :'. pp# A study written -or the layman# /t discusses research -indings in hypnotism by men such as Charcot and ,ernheim and places them in the conte0t o- the history o- animal magnetism# 729

1162% ,aAid, Pierre%

CagnMtisme animal& suggestion hypnotiJue et post-hypnotiJue# 4on emploi comme agent thMrapeutiJue# NarbonneH 8# 3ons& 188(& iv V 6$ V 1*1 pp# 729

1166% ,el!oe+#, 9oseph Remi *Bopold%

F%a mMmoire cheA les hypnotisMs#G Re($e Philosophi/$e *1 :188(.H 661)'*# 4tarting with the -act that upon wakening somnambulists typically do not remember what happened while in the somnambulistic state& elboeu- attempts to discover Lust what this means# 2e concludes that the Fhypnotic dreamG is the same as the Fnatural dream#G That is& somnambulists will recall what happened when somnambulistic in the same way that they might recall a regular dream# This recall o- somnambulistic e0perience is subLect to the same vagaries o- memory as regular dreams# 729

1167% ,el!oe+#, 9oseph Remi *Bopold%

>ne visite X la 4alpOtriPre# ,russelsH n#p#& 188(# 729

1165% ,+Lardin, Edo+ard%

%es phantises# 3arisH %Mon Eanier& 188(& 1'( pp# 739

1166% ,+ Prel, :arl *+d0ig A+g+st .riedrich Ma5imillian Al#red%

Nustinus <erner und die 4eherin von 3revorst# %eipAigH n#p#& 188(# 72 R 39

1167% ,+rAille, Hector%

%ois physiJues du magnMtisme# 3olaritM humaine# TraitM e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue de magnMtisme# * ed# 3arisH %ibrairie du CagnMtisme& 188(& viii V 181 pp# 3robably the second edition o- entry 11"8# 729

1163% ,+rAille, Hector%

TraitM e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue de magnMtisme# 3arisH n#p#& 188(& viii V 181 pp# 2ector urvilleDs -irst book on animal magnetism# /t presented a -ramework -or his teachings that would be revised and -illed out -or decades to come# 729

1169% .armer, 9ohn $tephen%

UTwi0t Two !orldsH a Narrative o- the %i-e and !ork o- !illiam ?glinton# %ondonH 3sychological 3ress& 188(& :+. V 19( pp# Although 8armer had complete -aith in the genuineness o- the mediumship o- the bookDs subLect& !illiam ?glinton& others were less convinced and ?glintonDs mediumship was the subLect o- some controversy# Although this well-produced& large -ormat book is very easy reading and provides a good many interesting details o- ?glintonDs li-e& the critical Juestions that need to be answered with regard to the reliability o- these phenomena are not raised# 739

1174% )i!ier, Pa+l%

%e spiritisme :-akirisme occidental.H Mtude historiJue& critiJue et e0pMrimentale# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 188(& 000ii V :"".)"98 pp# ;ne o- the better nineteenth century 8rench histories o- spiritualism# Kibier argues that the phenomena reported by spiritualists have received su--icient veri-ication to be accepted as genuine and indicates -our possible e0planationsH 1. they are produced by a special -luid coming -rom medium and sitters& *. they are produced by the devil& ". they are produced by FelementalsG :non-human spirits.& 6. they are produced by the spirits o- the dead# Kibier claims that he has not decided in -avor o- any one o- these theories& but is still investigating their respective merits# 729

1171% )ley, E%

FA propos dDune observation de sommeil provoJuM X distance#G Re($e philosophi/$e *1 :188(.H 6*+)*8# A description o- producing arti-icial somnambulism at a distance& that is& with the operator and subLect at locales distant -rom each other and with the subLect ignorant o- the time oattempted induction# This e0periment was one o- a number carried out at the time to determine the genuineness o- the phenomenon# :see& -or e0ample& entry numbers 116'& 1168& 11+"#. 72 R 39

1172% )+rney, Edm+nd%

F3eculiarities o- Certain 3ost-hypnotic 4tates#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 6 :188(.H *(8)"*"# Kurney investigates the manner in which post-hypnotic suggestions are carried out and the degree o- intelligent involvement that is indicated# 729

1176% )+rney, Edm+nd%

F4tages o- 2ypnotic Cemory#G +ociety o% Psychical Research Proceedings 6 :188(.H +1+)"1# Kurney describes e0periments that indicate that hypnotic subLects develop multiple separate memory tracts corresponding to various depths o- hypnosis# 729

1177% )+rney, Edm+nd, Myers, .rederic &% H%, and Podmore, .ran(%
3hantasms o- the %iving# * vols# %ondonH Trubner and Co#& 188(& i000iii V :1. V +'"I V 00vii V :1. V '"" V :". pp# !ith CyersDs H$man Personality :see entry number 1+*'.& this work stands as the most important ever written in the -ield o- psychical research# /t was published with the sanction othe 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch and was the result o- a long and laborious collection o-irsthand evidence o- psychic occurrences# Cyers was responsible -or the lengthy introduction and the -orty page FNote on a 4uggested Code o- 3sychical /nteractionG in the second volumeI 3odmore collected and si-ted through a large part o- the evidence used in the bookI and Kurney wrote all o- the te0t apart -rom the sections done by Cyers# As Cyers says in the /ntroduction& the work embraces all transmissions o- thought and -eeling -rom one person to another by means other than through the recogniAed channels o- sense& and this includes apparitions# Cyers had already coined the word FtelepathyG to denote these transmissions# The authors included apparitions o- the living in this study& but e0cluded apparitions o- the dead# The area o- investigation is in this way limited to mind-to-mind transmissions between living persons# /n CyersDs introductory remarks& he undertakes to show how a study o- these phenomena must be approached i- it is to be scienti-ic# 2e points out that in the literature oall ages there have been re-erences to e0periences which are& at least at -irst glance& FsupernormalG :another term coined by Cyers.# The Juestion is how to determine whether or not such events may be e0plained in terms o- known -actors and laws# 2is answer is to tackle the problem by e0amining contemporary data -or which -irsthand witnesses are available# That is precisely what the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch did# Phantasms o% the 8i(ing is the result o- their -indings# Appro0imately two thousand cases were considered to be well enough attested to be used in the study# Along with these data& the investigators e0amined

e0periments with telepathy carried out under controlled conditions# The results were summariAed in three pointsH 1. e0periments show that telepathy is a -act o- natureI *. testimony proves that phantasms :impressions& voices& or -igures. o- people who are undergoing some crisis :particularly death. are perceived by individuals close to them with a -reJuency which mere chance cannot e0plainI and ". these phantasms& whatever else they may be& are instances o- supersensory action o- one mind on another# The bulk o- the two volumes is devoted to presenting and commenting on the data o- telepathy and phantasms collected by the 4ociety# Kurney begins with some notes o- caution concerning the implications o- the -indings# 2e then moves on to chapters on e0periments in thought trans-erence& spontaneous telepathy& trans-erence o- mental pictures and o- motor e--ects& dreams& hypnagogic images& hallucinations& chance coincidence& cases with single and multiple percipients& and collective cases# There is a large supplement which includes additional cases -rom most categories covered previously# Never be-ore or since Phantasms o% the 8i(ing had such a massive& well thought out& and well written piece o- research been produced in the -ield o- psychical research# 739

1175% HBrico+rt, 9%
F>n cas de somnambulisme X distance#G Re($e Philosophi/$e *1 :188(.H *$$)*$"# ;ne o- a number o- important articles written in 188( on the subLect o- the induction osomnambulism at a distance# 2Mricourt describes one such case that occurred in 18'8# The somnambulist was a twenty--our year old woman& Cadame # 72 R 39

1176% 9anet, Pierre%

F%es actes inconscients et le dMdoublement de la personnalitM pendant le somnambulisme provoJuM#G Re($e philosophi/$e ** :188(.H +'')9*# The -irst o- three important articles on unconscious acts occurring during somnambulism :see F%DanesthMsie systMmatisMe&G entry number 11'(& and F%es actes inconscients&G entry number 1*11. and the -irst o- many writings that would establish Nanet as the preeminent e0plorer othe FsubconsciousG :a term that Nanet coined to designate the realm o- mental activity outside conscious awareness. and a psychologist o- great stature# Nanet stands at the meeting point between the animal magnetic tradition& with its discovery and e0ploration o- arti-icial somnambulism& and the great modern psychological systems# 2is early works strongly a--ected the thinking o- =ichet& ;chorowitA& and 8# !# 2# Cyers and were important sources -or 8reud& Nung& and Adler# /n this article& which e0plores actions deriving -rom a source outside the awareness o- the individual who per-orms them& Nanet discusses suggestions made in the hypnotic state and the products o- automatic writing to see what light they throw on subconscious processes# 2e also notes the apparent creation o- a secondary personality by means o- suggestion and calls this and related phenomena the Fdoubling o- the personality#G NanetDs master work& 89a$tomatisme psychologi/$e :1889& entry number 1*"+.& brought to -ruition ideas put -orward in this and the two articles that -ollowed# 729

1177% 9anet, Pierre%

F eu0iPme note sur le sommeil provoJuM X distance et la suggestion mentale pendant lDMtat somnambuliJue#G Re($e philosophi/$e ** :188(.H *1*)*"#

NanetDs second talk on somnambulism brought about at a distance :see FNote sur JuelJues phMnomPnes de somnambulisme&G entry number 1168. delivered at a meeting o- the 4ociMtM de 3sychologie 3hysiologiJue# 2ere he describes his e0periments again with Cadame ,# to recon-irm his earlier -inding but with a new elementH the issuing o- mental commands to carry out some action# This second set o- e0periments& per-ormed with additional precautions& was success-ul# 72 R 39

1173% 9anet, Pierre%

FNote sur JuelJues phMnomPnes de somnambulisme#G Re($e philosophi/$e *1 :188(.H 19$) 98# This article reproduces a talk given by Nanet at a meeting o- the 4ociMtM de 3sychologie 3hysiologiJue under the presidency o- Charcot in late 188+# Nanet was at that time already engaged in the investigations with somnambulism that would culminate in three important articles on the subLect published in the =evue philosophiJue -rom 188( to 1888 :J#v#.# /n this talk he tells o- e0periments done with a certain Cadame , who was very susceptible to being put in the somnambulistic state and a good subLect -or e0periments# Nanet talks about a peculiarity that began to occur as he and others worked with her# They discovered what seemed to be an unusual responsiveness to the thoughts o- the person who put her into the trance state& so much so that it seemed she could be made somnambulistic by the operatorDs merely thinking about it# To test this matter some e0periments were tried in which the operator was in another location at some distance -rom the house o- the somnambulist and he attempted to entrance her at set times unknown to her# The e0periments proved success-ul to the degree that Nanet thought the phenomenon worthy o- -urther study# Nanet o--ered no theory as to how this was possible# 729

1179% *om!roso, "esare%

4tudi sull Uipnotismo& con ricerche o-talmoscopiche del =eymond e dei pro-# ,ianchi e 4ommer sulla polariAAaAione psichica# * ed# TurinH 8ratelli ,occa& 188(& '* pp# No in-ormation available on the -irst edition# 729

1154% *e magnBtisme% ReA+e gBnBrale des sciences physio2psychologi?+es%

;ne vol# onlyI 188(# 3ublished in 3aris and edited by F onatoG 7Al-red ?douard dD2ont :186$)19$$.#9 729

1151% Morselli, Enrico%

/l magnetismo animale& la -ascinaAione e gli stati ipnotici# TurinH =ou0 ?# 8avale& 188(& viii V 6*' pp# Corselli was the director o- the 3sychiatric Clinic at the >niversity o- Kenoa and a highly respected researcher# This study o- animal magnetism and hypnotism is a balanced and cautious e0amination o- all aspects o- the phenomena& including the paranormal# 72 R 39

1152% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

FCultiple0 3ersonality#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 6 :188(.H 69()+16# Cyers begins to develop ideas about the comple0 nature o- human personality that he will bring to -ruition with his notion o- the Fsubliminal consciousnessG in later articles# 729

1156% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

F;n Telepathic 2ypnotism& and its =elation to ;ther 8orms o- 2ypnotic 4uggestion#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 6 :188(.H 1*')88# This article contains CyersDs personal observations o- e0periments done by 3ierre Nanet and a octor Kilbert at 2avre in 188( to determine whether it is possible to induce a state ohypnotic trance in a subLect separated -rom the operator by a considerable distance# 2e points out that mesmerists had -or a long time claimed to be able to use animal magnetism at great distances& since they believed that the magnetic in-luence that proceeds -rom their -ingers and eyes could operate through any physical obstacle# Cyers also states that many FsuggestionistsG :those who -ollow the teachings o- %iMbeault and ,ernheim. also claim to be able to e0ercise their suggestive power at great distances# Cyers believes& however& that both schools o- thought have been insu--iciently critical in their observations and in their use oterms to bring the discussion to a de-inite conclusion# 8rom the e0periments done at 2avre and the evidence o- other observers& Cyers concludes that telepathic hypnotism at a distance may be possible# /n this process o- discussing the issue& Cyers provides a use-ul sketch o- the possible modes o- induction o- hypnotic phenomena# 72 R 39

1157% Perronnet, "la+de%

8orce psychiJue et suggestion mentale& leur demonstration& leur e0plication& leurs applications possible& X la thMrapeutiJue et X la mMdecine lMgale# 3arisH N# %echevalier& 188(& '* pp# 72 R 39

1155% Preyer, &ilhelm%

ie ?rkldrung des Kedankenlesens# %eipAigH T# Kreiben& 188(& :8. V '$ pp# 72 R 39

1156% ReA+e de l;hypnotisme e5pBrimental et thBrape+ti?+e%

Eols# 1)*6I 188()191$# Continued asH Re($e de psychoth'rapie et psychologie appli/$'e) Eols# *+)*9I 191$)191+# Continued asH 8a psychologie appli/$'e) Eols# 1)*I 19*$)19*1# 729

1157% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

F>n -ait de somnambulisme X distance#G Re($e philosophi/$e *1 :188(.& 199)*$$#

escribes a case o- apparent induction o- somnambulism at a distance carried out by =ichet# 72 R 39

1153% Uanardelli, ,%
%a veritX sull Uipnotismo# =ivelaAioni# =omeH =eggiani e soci& 188(& '6 pp# ;ne o- /talyDs more -amous mesmerists& 5anardelli toured /taly& 8rance& and 4pain with his wi-e& giving demonstrations o- the marvels o- hypnotism# This book describes those appearances# 729

1159% A'am, Etienne E+gDne%
2ypnotisme& double conscience& et altMrations de la personnalitM# 3arisH %ibrairie N# ,# ,alliPre et -ils& 188'& *86 pp# A work signi-icant -or establishing a -irm connection between multiple personality and the somnambulistic state# r# AAam was a pro-essor o- surgery at the ,ordeau Cedical 4chool and the -irst in 8rance to reproduce the hypnotic e0periments o- ,raid# 2ere& he describes the results o- his study o- one o- the most remarkable cases o- multiple personality yet recordedH that o- 8elida e# 2e -irst met 8elida when she was a young girl in 18+8& and he was still observing her in 188' when the book was published# 8elida had two distinct personalities& each with its own characteristics# ;ne was called her Fprimary personality&G the other her Fsecondary conditionG1which AAam considered to be a state o- total somnambulism# /n her secondary condition 8elida e0hibited personality traits very di--erent -rom those o- her primary personality# Although her primary personality could not remember anything o- what happened while she was in her secondary condition& her secondary sel- had -ull memory oboth states# This FdMdoublement de la personnalitM&G as AAam termed it& continued throughout 8elidaDs li-etime# ;ver the years the secondary personality gradually gained the upper hand& so that eventually her primary personality showed itsel- only rarely# Throughout the book& AAam points out the similarities between 8elidaDs secondary condition and the state oarti-icial somnambulism as described by ,raid# The connection between dual personality and somnambulism had been made be-ore# AAam& in this work& -or the -irst time provides a solid scienti-ic basis -or the view that multiple personality was something other than madness or possession1that it was& in -act& a special case o- somnambulistic consciousness# 729

1164% arBty, A%
%e magnMtisme animalH MtudiM sous le nom deorce neuriJueH rayonnante et circulante dans ses propriMtMs physiJues& physiologiJues et thMrapeutiJues# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 188'& :iv. V :0vi. V ((* V :*. pp# A massive elaboration o- the small treatise that ,arMty wrote in 188* :see entry number 1$+1.# ,ased on observations made principally on hysterical individuals& he claims to have discovered a Fneuric -orceG circulating through and radiating -rom the body# Claiming that Fneuric -orceG had until then been incorrectly dubbed Fanimal magnetism&G he relabels it and

e0tends his terminology to magnetic sleep or arti-icial somnambulism& calling it& in turn& Fneuric sleep#G 729

1161% el#iore, )i+lio%

%Dipnotismo e gli stati a--ini# NapoliH %uigi 3ierro& 188'& 0 V 66' pp# 729

1162% inet, Al#red and .BrB, "harles $amson%

%e magnMtisme animal# 3arisH Ancienne %ibrairie Kermer ,ailliPre et CieI 8Mli0 Alcan& Mditeur& 188'& :8. V *8" V :1. pp# ?nglishH Animal Magnetism) New @orkH # Appleton& 189$# A well researched and widely read treatment o- animal magnetism and hypnotism by two respected psychological investigators# The book includes a brie- but in-ormative history othose phenomena up to the time o- its publication# /t also contains a treatment o- the stages ohypnotism& the nature o- hypnotic suggestion& and the therapeutic application o- hypnotism# The theoretical understanding o- hypnotism presented is strongly in-luenced by the 4alpOtriPre school# 729

1166% LTrnstrTm, .redri( 9ohan%

2ypnotismen& dess utveckling och nuvarande 4tandpunkt# 3opular -ramstallning# 4tockholmH Kerber& 188'& *$1 pp# ?nglishH Hypnotism 1ts History and Present #e(elopment) Translated by ,aron Nils 3osse# New @orkH 2umboldt 3ublishing Co#& 188'# A short but competent treatment o- the history& methods o- induction& stages& and e--ects ohypnotism# /t includes a lengthy section on the uses o- hypnotic suggestion# ,Larnstram drew his cases -rom his own work and -rom the literature o- hypnotism# 729

1167% o+rr+, H% and +rot, P%

%a suggestion mentale et lDaction X distance des substances to0iJues et mMdicamenteuses# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 188'& "1$ pp# ;ne o- the most thorough studies o- the e--ects o- various substances on the body when placed in the vicinity o- the subLect# The authors discuss the emanations given o-- by plants& metals& and various chemicals and attempt to determine what e--ects they have on the physical organism# 729

1165% ,el!oe+#, 9oseph Remi *eopold%

e lDorigine des e--ets curati-s de lDhypnotismeI Mtude de psychologie e0pMrimentale# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 188'# 729

1166% ,essoir, Ma5%

F?0periments in Cuscle-reading and Thought-trans-erence#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 6 :188'.H 111)*(# essoir discusses ways in which muscle-reading might account -or apparently telepathic communication# 2e also describes a series o- e0periments in which apparent telepathic communication took place without the bene-it o- any such normal means o- knowledge# 729

1167% ,+rAille, Hector and "onstantin, "omte de%

iscours prononcM X lDinauguration de la 4ociMtM magnMtiJue de 8rance& le ' octobre 188'# 3arisH n#p#& :188'.# 729

1163% .ig+ier, *o+is%

%es mystPres de la science# * vols# 3arisH %ibrairie illustrMe& :188'.# 72 R 39

1169% .ontan, 9+les and $Bgard, "harles%

?lMments de mMdecine suggestive& hypnotisme et suggestionH -aits cliniJues# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 188'& "$( pp# 729

1174% .onAielle, &% de%

%es endormeurs# %a vMritM sur les hypnotisants& les suggestionistes& les magnMtiseurs& les onatistes& les ,raidistes& etc# 3arisH 2enry du 3arc& :188'.& "$8 pp# A critical evaluation o- the nature o- hypnotism and somnambulism# The author sees imagination as the central element# 729

1171% )essmann, )+staA &ilhelm%

Cagnetismus und 2ypnotismusH eine arstellung dieses Kebietes mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung der ,eAiehungen Awischen dem mineralischen Cagnetismus und dem sogenannten thierischen Cagnetismus oder 2ypnotismus# Eienna& 3est& and %eipAigH A# 2artleben& 188'& 0iii V :". V *1( pp# 729

1172% )illes de la /o+rette, )eorge Al!ert Edo+ard r+t+s%

%Dhypnotisme et les Mtats analogues au point de vue mMdico-lMgal& les Mtats hypnotiJues et les Mtats analogues& les suggestions criminelles& cabinets de somnambules et sociMtMs de

magnMtisme et de spiritisme& lDhypnotisme devant la loi# 3arisH ?# 3lon& Nourrit et Cie& 188'& :6. V 0v V :1. V +"6 pp# Considered the best and most thorough work on the moral and legal aspects o- the practice oanimal magnetism and hypnotism# /n order to establish the conte0t& the author begins with a description o- the history o- animal magnetism and hypnotism and a discussion o- the nature o- the hypnotic state# 2e is an adherent o- the school o- 4alpOtriPre and he uses the hypnotic stages as described by Charcot as his -ramework# Killes de la Tourette ne0t considers the nature o- hypnotic suggestion and susceptibility to suggestions while in the hypnotic state# 2e discusses the possibility o- resistance to suggestion and the importance o- amnesia -or this issue# To throw light on moral and legal responsibility o- the hypnotic subLect& Killes de la Tourette then e0amines what he calls states FanalogousG to hypnotism& principally natural somnambulism& hysteria& and dual personality# /n the ne0t section o- the book& the author investigates the bene-its and dangers o- hypnotism& emphasiAing the responsibility o- the hypnotiAer -or making the situation sa-e# The -inal section takes up important legal aspects ohypnotic practiceH hypnotism and the commission o- crimes& the possible abuse o- the public through hypnotic demonstrations& the legal regulation o- hypnotism& and the se0ual violation o- hypnotic subLects# 729

1176% )+rney, Edm+nd%

F8urther 3roblems o- 2ypnotism#G Mind 6' :188'.H *1*)""*# 729

1177% )+rney, Edm+nd%

Tertium TuidH Chapters on Earious isputed Tuestions# * vols# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench R Co#& 188'# 739

1175% Hodgson, Richard%

FThe 3ossibilities o- Cal-observation and %apse o- Cemory -rom a 3ractical 3oint o- Eiew#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 6 :188'.H "81)69+# 2odgson was born in Australia and received his higher education at Cambridge >niversity# A charter member o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch and one o- its chie- investigators& he was particularly interested in the detection o- trickery and was instrumental in e0posing an incident o- -raud perpetrated by Cadame ,lavatsky# >ntil his investigation o- Crs# %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$.& a mental medium -rom ,oston :see 2odgson& 189* and 1898.& 2odgson -ound little that he considered to be genuinely paranormal# This very adept article discusses possible sources o- error in observation o- the phenomena o- spiritualism# 729

1176% 9anet, Pierre%

F%DanesthMsie systMmatisMe et la dissociation des phMnomPnes psychologiJues#G Re($e philosophi/$e *" :188'.H 669)'*#

The second o- three important articles written by Nanet -or the Re($e philosophi/$e on subLects relating to Fdoubling o- the personalityG and dissociated acts# /n this article he concentrates on certain physiological e--ects o- suggestion made to susceptible individuals# These e--ects include blindness& numbness& and paralysis# 2e also discusses e0periments done with what ,ernheim called Fnegative hallucinationsG in which certain obLects or individuals are made to disappear -rom the perception o- the subLect through suggestion# All these conditions are included by Nanet under the term Fanaesthesias#G They are& says Nanet& e0amples o- e0periences being FdissociatedG -rom the conscious awareness o- the individual but remaining within the purview o- Fanother consciousnessG di--erent -rom the individualDs primary consciousness# NanetDs use o- the word FdissociationG with this particular meaning seems to be the -irst such use in the literature o- modern psychology# /n this article Nanet also begins to -orm the outlines o- a psychotherapy based upon the bringing o- problematic dissociated material into the primary consciousness# 729

1177% 9ohnson, .ran(lin%

The New 3sychic 4tudies in their =elations to Christian Thought# New @ork and %ondonH 8unk and !agnalls& 188'& 91 pp# iscusses the implications -or Christian thought o- such things as mesmerism& clairvoyance& apparitions& and hauntings# 72 R 39

1173% *+ys, 9+les ernard%

%es Mmotions cheA les suLets en Mtat dDhypnotisme# ]tudes de psychologie e0pMrimentale -aites X lDaide de substances mMdicamenteuses ou to0iJues impressionnant X distance les rMseau0 nerveu0 pMriphMriJues# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 188'& 1$( V :(. pp# %uys& a highly respected 8rench neurologist who practiced at the 4alpOtriPre and the CharitM& here discusses the transmission o- states o- emotion -rom one hypnotiAed person to another and the e--ects on the nervous system o- certain substances and apparatuses placed at a distance -rom a subLect# Caterials used included laudanum and glass tinted with various colors# %uys adhered to a description o- the successive phases o- hypnotism that was a modi-ied -orm o- the 4alpOtriPre school# The principal subLect -or his e0periments was a somnambulist he calls F?sther#G ;ne o- the interesting outcomes o- his e0perimentation was his development o- a uniJue version o- the notion o- Fdoubling o- the personality#G /n %uysDs view& in the doubled personality opposite emotions resided in the le-t and right halves o- the body# 729

1179% Magini, )i+seppe%

%e maraveglie dellD ipnotismo# 4ommario dei principali -enomeni del somnambulismo provocato& e metodi di sperimentaAione# TurinH ?# %oescher& 188'& 69 pp# 729

1134% Massey, "harles "arleton%

5allner# An ;pen %etter to 3ro-essor Keorge 4# 8ullerton o- the >niversity o- 3ennsylvania& Cember and 4ecretary o- the 4eybert Commission -or /nvestigating Codern 4piritualism# :%ondonW.H n#p#& 188'& 6$ pp# The 4eybert Commission was appointed by the >niversity o- 3ennsylvania to study the validity o- spiritualism# The preliminary report was published in 188' and its -indings were negative :see 4eybert Commission& entry number 1191.# The Report contained a statement by 8ullerton attributed to Cassey& deriving -rom a conversation the two had in 188(# The issue was the mental competency o- 3ro-essor 5allner :18"6)188*.& whose e0periments with the medium 2enry 4lade were criticiAed in the Report) Cassey asserts the inaccuracy o- remarks attributed to himsel-& and takes issue with 8ullertonDs conclusion that 5allner was insane at the time o- the e0periments# Cassey takes pains to cite evidence o- those who knew 5allner at the time in Juestion that indicates he was o- sound mind# 72 R 39

1131% Mesnet, Ernest%

]tude mMdico-lMgale sur le somnambulisme spontanM et le somnambulisme provoJuM# 3arisH K# Casson& 188'& "9 pp# 729

1132% MorBty, )%
%e magnMtisme triomphantH e0posM historiJue et critiJue de la Juestion# 3arisH Auguste Khio& 188'& :6. V vi V :1. V 1"1 pp# Contains a valuable section on the hypnotist F onatoG :real nameH Albert ?douard dD2onte. who was enthralling audiences all over ?urope at the time# The author also discusses the notion o- F-ascinationG which was central to onatoDs presentation# 729

1136% Mo+tin, *+cien%

%e nouvel hypnotisme# 3arisH 3errin et Cie& 188'& :(. V **$ pp# Coutin believed that hypnotism and animal magnetism are two Juite distinct phenomena operating in Juite di--erent ways# 2e writes appreciatively o- ,raidDs work and the importance o- his discoveries concerning the psychology o- Fnervous sleep#G ,ut he emphasiAes that although in hypnotism the production o- a state o- sleep is essential -or healing& in animal magnetism healing does not reJuire a change o- consciousness# Coutin also reviews e--ects he believes to be produced by animal magnetism that could not be accounted -or by hypnotism& such as magnetic e--ects at a distance without the knowledge o- the subLect# 72 R 39

1137% Pchoro0ic', 9+lian%

e la suggestion mentale# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 188' :(. V vi V :1. V ++8 V :*. pp# ?nglishH Mental +$ggestion) Translated by N# 8itAgerald# New @orkH 2umboldt& 1891# The most thorough and comprehensive book on mental suggestion to appear in the nineteenth century# A mental suggestion is one communicated by one individual to another without the

bene-it o- the sensesI there is& there-ore& an apparently direct communication o- the suggestion -rom one mind to another# The phenomenon was -irst noted in the tradition o- animal magnetism in 1'86 in 3uysMgurDs Memoires :see entry number 1$+. where 3uysMgur speaks o- being able to communicate his wishes mentally to his patient& the peasant Eictor =ace# 8rom that time on& literally hundreds o- magnetiAers noted the same phenomenon& and it became one o- the most controversial aspects o- animal magnetism discussed in the literature o- the subLect# /n this study& ;chorowicA attempts to deal de-initively with the issue not only by recounting the e0periences o- others& but principally through his own painstaking e0periments# 2is conclusion is that mental suggestion is a reality and must be taken into account in any adeJuate theory o- human psychology# /ncluded in the book is a detailed description o- the e0periments conducted by Nanet assisted by ;chorowicA& 8# !# 2# Cyers& and others at 2avre concerning suggestion at a distance# These e0periments and related e0periences were described in articles appearing in the Re($e philosophi/$e in 188( written by Nanet& Kley& 2Mricourt& =ichet and ,eaunis# ;chorowicA also includes a long section on possible e0planations o- the phenomena o- mental suggestion# 72 R 39

1135% Regnard, Pa+l%

%es maladies MpidMmiJues de lDesprit# 4orcellerie& magnMtisme& morphinisme& dMlire des grandeurs# 3arisH ?# 3lon& 188'& iii)0ii V 6*9 V :*. pp# 72 R 39

1136% ReA+e des sciences hypnoti?+es%

Eols# 1)*I 188')1888# 3ublished in 3aris& this periodical describes itsel- as a monthly that treats magnetism& braidism& hypnotism& -ascination& hypnosis& ecstasy& suggestion& somnambulism :both natural and arti-icial.& lethargy and catalepsy& legal medicine& physiological psychology& the study opsychic substances& nervous phenomena& mental illnesses& metalloscopy and metallotherapy& and moral and therapeutic applications# 729

1137% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+st Al!ert de%

%es -orces non dM-iniesH recherches historiJues et e0pMrimentales# 3arisH K# Casson& 188'& :6. V "9* V :**. pp# e =ochas attempts to provide an overall view o- the magnetic -orces at work in the organisms o- living things# /n this conte0t he deals with the power o- hypnotism over the mind o- the hypnotic subLect and includes a section on the phases o- hypnotism& -ocussing on the Fstate o- credulityG o- the hypnotiAed person and the power o- suggestion# 729

1133% Rossi2Pagnoni, .rancesco and Moroni, *%

Alcuni saggi di medianitX ipnotica# 3esaroH 4tab# Annesio Nobili& 188'& 1( pp# 72 R 39

1139% $allis, 9ohann )%

er tierische Cagnetismus und seine Kenese& ?in ,eitrag Aur Au-kldrung und eine Cahnung an die 4anitdtsbeharden# %eipAigH Kunther& 188'& +" pp# 729

1194% $Bgard, "h% and .ontan, 9%

?lMments de mMdecine suggestive# 2ypnotisme et suggestion1-aits cliniJues# 3arisH oin& 188'& 0v V "$( pp# 729

1191% $ey!ert "ommission%

3reliminary =eport o- the Commission Appointed by the >niversity o- 3ennsylvania to /nvestigate Codern 4piritualism in Accordance with the =eJuest o- the %ate 2enry 4eybert# 3hiladelphiaH N# ,# %ippincott& 188'& 1($ pp# 2enry 4eybert& a spiritualist& le-t a beJuest o- n($&$$$ to the >niversity o- 3ennsylvania to be used -or the maintenance o- a chair to be known as the FAdam 4eybert Chair o- Coral and /ntellectual 3hilosophy&G with the condition that the incumbent& either alone or with a commission o- the university -aculty& make a study o- all religious systems& particularly modern spiritualism# A commission was appointed and began its work in 1886& resulting in this Report) /t studied a number o- mediums -irsthand over a period o- three years# The representative o- the testator on the commission repeatedly protested that certain members had as their only obLect the discrediting o- spiritualism# 2e reJuested that those members be removed& but they were not# The -indings o- the commission were totally negative# An appendi0 contains a controversial discussion o- the sanity o- 3ro-# Nohann 5allner& a Kerman pro-essor o- physics and astronomy who investigated the American medium 2enry 4lade# 4piritualists claimed that the intentions o- Cr# 4eybert were never -airly carried out# 739

1192% /heo!ald, Morell%

4pirit !orkers in the 2ome Circle# An Autobiographic Narrative o- 3sychic 3henomena in 8amily aily %i-e ?0tending over a 3eriod o- Twenty @ears# %ondonH 8isher >nwin& 188'& 0vi V "1$ pp# 739

1196% Qallom!roso, ===%

%Dipnotismo e magnetismo svelato e spiegato sulle teorie di onato Kuidi e Cesmer# CilanH n#p#& 188'# 729

1197% Eo+nger, ,%

/nstructions in Cesmerism Rc# The Cagnetic and ,otanic 8amily 3hysician& and omestic 3ractice o- Natural Cedicine& with /llustrations 4howing Earious 3hases o- Cesmeric Treatment& /ncluding 8ull and Concise /nstructions in Cesmerism& Curative Cagnetism& and Cassage# %ondonH ?# !# Allen& 188'& 1+1 pp# 729

1195% inet, Al#red%
]tudes de psychologie e0pMrimentale# %e -Mtichisme dans lDamour# %a vie psychiJue des micro-organismes# %DintensitM des images mentales# %e problPme hypnotiJue# Note sur lDMcriture hystMriJue# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 1888& "$' pp# 729

1196% o+rr+, Henri and +rot, P%

Eariations de la personnalitM# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 1888& "16 V :*. pp# A signi-icant attempt to discover the nature and origin o- states o- multiple personality& including a much e0panded description o- a case o- multiple personality -irst reported in the Re($e philosophi/$e :11$*.# To this is added a discussion o- -urther e0periences with multiple consciousness in patients whom the authors have treated with the aid o- hypnotism# 729

1197% "arpenter, &illiam enLamin%

Nature and Can& ?ssays 4cienti-ic and 3hilosophical# !ith an /ntroductory Cemoire by N# ?stlin Carpenter# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench R Co#& 1888& vi V 68" pp# Carpenter discusses a variety o- topics& including the automatic e0ecution o- voluntary movements& the in-luence o- suggestion in modi-ying and directing muscular movement and independently o- volition& and the doctrine and limits o- human automatism# 729

1193% "oste de *agraAe, ===%

2ypnotisme& Mtats intermMdiaires entre le sommeil et la veille# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 1888& 1($ pp# A study o- various degrees o- consciousness and the condition o- the will in hypnotism# 729

1199% "+m!erland, $t+art%

A Thought-=eaderDs ThoughtsH ,eing the /mpressions and Con-ession o- 4tuart Cumberland# %ondonH 4ampson %ow& Carston& 4earle& R =ivington& 1888& 0i V :1. V "*( pp#

An e0posM o- the li-e o- the author as a -raudulent medium& providing a detailed account othe tricks and deceptions that he and others used to convince the gullible that they had psychic powers# 2is debunking o- all spiritualistic phenomena as -alse came to be known as Fcumberlandism#G 739

1244% ,aAenport, Re+!en riggs%

The eath-,low to 4piritualismH ,eing the True 4tory o- the 8o0 4isters& as =evealed by the Authority o- Cargaret 8o0 <ane and Catherine 8o0 Nencken# New @orkH illingham& 1888& *6' pp# 8orty years a-ter the 2ydesville FknockingsG in the home o- the 8o0 sisters led to the modern spiritualist movement& the two sisters involved met with the public to say that they had made it all up# Cargaret made the e0planation& stating that she and <ate had made the FspiritG sounds by cracking their Loints# <ate was present& but made no comment# A short time a-ter the Fe0posM&G <ate stated in a letter that the sisters :both subLect to alcoholism. were out omoney& and the public con-ession had netted them a thousand-dollar -ee# 4he goes on to say that she :<ate. could perhaps now bring in an income by proving CargaretDs e0posM to be -alse# The whole a--air had been initiated when Cargaret had agreed to work with =euben avenport on the con-ession# 4hortly a-ter the public meeting& his book& embodying the e0posM& was published# 739

1241% ,el!oe+#, 9oseph Remi *eopold%

%Dhypnotisme et la libertM des reprMsentations publiJues# %iPgeH Ch# Aug# esoer& 1888& 111 pp# elboeu- was a determined advocate o- the -reedom to practice both hypnotism and animal magnetism in society and addresses that issue in this pamphlet# 729

1242% ,essoir, Ma5%

,ibliographie des modernen 2ypnotismus# ,erlinH Carl uncker& 1888& 96 pp# A use-ul bibliography listing 8$1 titles o- books and articles on hypnotism& animal magnetism and closely related areas# The titles are subdivided into these categoriesH Keneral& Cedicine& Cagnetism and 2ypnotism& 3hysiology& 3sychology and 3edagogy& Action at a istance& Codern Cesmerists& and Earious Topics# There is an inde0 o- authors and interesting statistics providing in-ormation about the various schools o- hypnotism& the various countries o- origin& the various languages o- the writings& and the various years o- publication# 729

1246% ,+#ay, ===%

F eu0 cas de somnambulisme provoJuM X distance#G Re($e +cienti%i/$e *+ :1888.H *6$)6"# /n this communication& originally sent to the 4ociMtM de 3sychologie 3hysiologiJue& u-ay describes two cases o- arti-icial somnambulism induced when the subLect was at some distance -rom the operator# /n one o- the two cases& the distance was 11* kilometers# 72 R 39

1247% )+rney, Edm+nd%

F2ypnotism and Telepathy#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings + :1888.H *1()+9# A signi-icant study o- the relationship between hypnotic trance and the transmission othought or suggestion at a distance# 72 R 39

1245% )+rney, Edm+nd%

F=ecent ?0periments in 2ypnotism#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings + :1888.H ")1'# A description o- e0periments conducted to discover the degree o- intelligence involved in automatism and to study the production o- local anesthesia and rigidity through hypnotism# 729

1246% Home, Madame ,aniel ,+nglas%

# # 2omeH 2is %i-e and Cission# %ondonH Trubner R Co#& 1888& viii V 6*8 pp# A biography o- the -amous medium written by his second wi-e# 4he covers the whole o- his li-e& -rom his birth in 4cotland and his childhood in America to his death -rom consumption in 188(# /t is a valuable source o- detailed in-ormation about 2ome& containing many letters& as well as details o- conversations and sMances# 739

1247% Hont, Al#red Edo+ard d;, pse+donym1 ,onato%

%a lumiPre sur le magnMtisme& ses dM-enses et ses ennemis# NeuchatelH n#p#& 1888# 729

1243% H+!!ell, &alter%

The Kreat Amherst Cystery# A True Narrative o- the 4upernatural# ChicagoH ,rentanoDs& 1888& 1(8 pp# A description o- a classical poltergeist case that occurred at Amherst& Nova 4cotia& in the Teed -amily& 18'8)18'9# The phenomena centered around a Crs# Co0& sister o- Crs# Teed# 2ubbell concluded that there was no -raud involved and that ghosts were producing the disturbances# 739

1249% *;initiation, ReA+e philosophi?+e indBpendante des ha+tes Bt+des, hypnotisme, #orce psychi?+e, thBosophie, (a!!ale gnose, #ranc maConnerie, sciences occ+ltes%
Eols# 1)9(I 1888)191*# Continued asH Mysteria) Re($e mens$elle ill$str'e d9't$des initiati/$es# Eols# 1)*I 191") 1916# 72 R 39

1214% 9ames, "onstantin%

%Dhypnotisme e0pliJuM dans sa nature et dans ses actes# Ces entretiens avec 4# C# lD?mpereur on 3edro sur le arwinisme# 3arisH %ibrairie de la 4ociMtM ,ibliographiJue& 1888& 9* pp# Touches a wide array o- subLects including hypnotism as taught by the school o- 4alpOtriPre# 729

1211% 9anet, Pierre%

F%es actes inconscients et la mMmoire pendant le somnambulisme#G Re($e philosophi/$e *+ :1888.H *"8)'9# /n the last o- three important articles written by Nanet -or the Re($e philosophi/$e -rom 188( to 1888& he discusses -our kinds o- acts that can be unconsciously per-ormed by an individualH 1. those inculcated by posthypnotic suggestion& *. those inculcated through anaesthesia& ". those inculcated through Fdistraction&G and 6. those produced spontaneously# 2e then continues to investigate the phenomenon o- Fdoubling o- the personalityG and the kinds oamnesia involved# This becomes a particularly intriguing Juestion when the investigator discovers& as did Nanet& more than one FsecondaryG or somnambulistic personality in an individual# /n describing the individualDs actions in this state& Nanet speaks o- the person acting unconsciously or FsubconsciouslyG and o- Fsubconscious acts#G This seems to be NanetDs -irst use o- the term Fsubconscious&G which was to become pivotal to his subseJuent writings and so in-luential to those who would carry out similar investigations# 729

1212% :ra##t2E!ing, Richard Aon%

?ine e0perimentelle 4tudie au- dem Kebiete des 2ypnotismus# 4tuttgartH 8erdinand ?nke& 1888& 8$ pp# 729

1216% *+ys, 9+les ernard%

F4ur lDMtat de -ascination dMterminM cheA lDhomme X lDaide de sur-aces brillantes en rotation :action somni-Pre des miroirs X alouettes.#G Bompte rend$s et m'moires des sciences de la +oci't' de "iologie 1$' :1888.H 669# 729

1217% Mitchell, $ilas &eir%

FCary =eynoldsH a case o- double consciousness#G Dransactions o% the Bollege o% Physicians o% Philadelphia 1$ :1888.H "(()89# The most accurate account o- the most -amous early case o- multiple personality# Cary =eynolds is the FladyG mentioned by =obert Cacnish in his Philosophy o% +leep o- 18"$ :see entry number "6+.# 729

1215% ReA+e spirite% 9o+rnal d;Bt+des psychologi?+es%

Eols# 1)+'I 18+8)1916# Eol# +8I 191+# Eols# ($)(9VI 191')19*+V# 3ublished in 3aris and edited by 2ippolyte =ivail :Allan <ardec.# 739

1216% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

F?0pMriences sur le sommeil X distance#G Re($e Philosophi/$e *+ :1888.H 6"6)+*# 72 R 39

1217% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

F=elation de diverses e0periences sur la transmission mentale& la luciditM& et autres phMnomPnes non e0plicables par les donnMes scienti-iJues actuelles#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings, + :1888.H 18)1(8# A lengthy description o- e0periments in thought trans-erence and clairvoyance carried out by =ichet# /t is an important study& giving details o- e0perimental conditions and results# 739

1213% Richmond, Almon enson%

!hat / saw at Cassadaga %akeH A =eview o- the 4eybert CommissionersD =eport# ,ostonH Colby R =ich& 1888& *66 pp# 739

1219% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

?in ,eitrag Aur therapeutischen Eerwerthung des 2ypnotismus# %eipAigH 8# C# !# Eogel& 1888& :6. V 96 V :*. pp# A small but well-researched treatise on the therapeutic use o- hypnotism -rom the time o,raid# 4chrenck-NotAing discusses its history in 8rance& Kermany& /taly& ,elgium& 2olland& ?ngland and other countries# 2e also provides a use-ul bibliography o- relevant literature -rom each country# 729

1224% &etterstrand, Ptto )eorg%

;m 2ypnotismens anvandande i den praktiska medicinen# 4tockholmH N# 4eligmann& :1888.& iv V 9$ pp# ?nglishH Hypnotism and 1ts Application to Practical Medicine) New @orkH The <nickerbocker 3ress& 189'# 729

1221% &ollny, .%
4ammlung von ActenstQcken& als da sindH ?ingaben und Adressen in 4achen der gemeinge-dhrlichen ?inwirkungen durch Cagnetisation au- telepathischen !ege& an verschiedene ,eharden& Eereine Rc# gerichtet# %eipAigH n#p#& 1888& "* pp#

72 R 39

1222% American $ociety #or Psychical Research HPldI Proceedings%
3ublished as one volumeI 188+)1889# The only volume o- the Proceedings o- the -irst or FoldG American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& considered a branch o- the original 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in ,ritain# A-ter this brie- initial e0istence& it was simply absorbed into the parent society and only became an independently -unctioning body publishing its own Proceedings in 19$' :see American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch Proceedings.# This volume contains articles by =ichard 2odgson& Nosiah =oyce& !illiam Names& and others# 72 R 39

1226% a!ins(i, 9%
FKrand et petit hypnotisme#G Archi(es de ne$rologie 1' :1889.H 9*)1$8& *+")(9# 729

1227% el#iore, )i+lio%

Krande isteria ed ipnotismo# 4tudio medico legale su 3aolo Conte imputato di tru--a in danno del dr# 8usco# NaplesH n#p#& 1889# 4tudy o- a celebrated legal case involving the FhystericG 3aolo Conte# 729

1225% Brillon, Edgar, ed%

CongrPs international de lDhypnotisme e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue# Comptes rendus# 3arisH ;# oin& 1889& "(8 pp# 729

1226% "oste, Marie *eon%

%Dinconscient& Mtude sur lDhypnotisme# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 1889& 1+9 pp# 729

1227% *a c+riositB% 9o+rnal de l;occ+ltisme scienti#i?+e%

Eols# 1)"(I 1889)19*6# ?dited by ?rnest ,osc and later continued asH 8a c$riosit') Re($e des sciences psychi/$es) 739

1223% ,el!oe+#, 9oseph Remi *Bopold%

%e magnMtisme animalH X propos dDune visite X lDMcole de Nancy# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre& 1889& 1*8 pp# elboeu- was a success-ul practitioner o- medical hypnotism and an acute observer o- the psychological -actors involved in hypnotic phenomena# An independent thinker who wanted to observe matters -or himsel-& he visited both the 4alpOtriPre and Nancy to see how they conducted their hypnotic e0periments# /n this work he begins with a description o- his earlier visit to the 4alpOtriPre& e0pressing strong criticism o- the methods used there# 2e was keenly aware o- the suggestibility o- the 4alpOtriPre subLects and -elt their responses in states ohypnotism were unknowingly conditioned by the observers# 2is view o- the work o- %iMbeault and ,ernheim is more sympathetic& although he believes they underrate the intelligence and awareness o- their subLects# The book also has a section on the views o- %iMgeois on moral and legal aspects o- hypnotism# 729

1229% ,essoir, Ma5%

as oppel-/ch# ,erlinH n#p#& 1889& 6* pp# iscusses the double :or multiple. streams o- consciousness revealed by e0periments in dissociation to be present in all people# ?vidence -or this phenomenon is taken -rom the data o- hypnotism& hysteria& and the automatisms :such as automatic writing. associated with normal individuals# This signi-icant work was e0panded in a number o- editions# 729

1264% ,rayton, H% $%
2uman Cagnetism# /ts Nature& 3hysiology and 3sychology# /ts >ses& as a =emedial Agent& in Coral and /ntellectual /mprovement& etc# New @orkH 8owler R !ells Company& 1889& iv V +)1(8 pp# rayton& a member o- the New @ork Cedical 4ociety& had a particular interest in nervous conditions# /n this book he writes about the practical application o- both animal magnetism and hypnotism# /n the latter area he was strongly in-luenced by the school o- Charcot# 729

1261% ,+ Prel, :arl *+d0ig A+g+st .riedrich Ma5imillian Al#red%

as hypnotische Eerbrechen und seine ?ntdeckung# CunichH Eerlag der Academischen Conatsche-te& 1889& 1$+ pp# 729

1262% .orel, A+g+st%

er 2ypnotismusH seine ,edeutung und seine 2andhabung# /n kurAge-asster arstellung# 4tuttgartH 8erdinand ?nke& 1889& 88 pp# 8orel& 3ro-essor o- 3sychiatry at the >niversity o- 5urich and irector o- the ,urghalAli mental hospital& was well known -or his work on the anatomy o- the brain# 2e became interested in hypnotic phenomena and in 188' visited ,ernheim to study his techniJue# 8orel became very adept at hypnotism and used it in his psychiatric work and as a treatment -or physical illnesses# The main part o- this work appeared as an article in the 2eitschri%t %3r die

4esammte +tra%rechts-issenscha%t and is concerned largely with the -orensic aspects ohypnotism# 8ollowing the approach o- the Nancy school o- hypnotism& 8orel emphasiAes the place o- suggestion in the induction o- hypnotism and the implications o- suggestion -or personality responsibility on the part o- the hypnotiAed# The book became very well known and was o-ten revised and augmented& soon reaching editions o- several hundred pages# 729

1266% )i!ier, Pa+l%

3hysiologie transcendantale# Analyses des choses# ?ssai sur la science -uture& son in-luence certame sur les religions& les philosophies& les sciences et les arts# 3aris& 3hiladelphia and CadridH entu& N# ,# %ippincott& and 8uentes y Capdeville& :1889.& *'$ pp# Kibier was a 8rench biologist o- some note who had strong spiritualist belie-s# /n this book he attempts to present a comprehensive theory o- the nature o- the universe& in which there is matter and spirit connected by an FanimicG or ethereal energy# 739

1267% )illes de la /o+rette, )eorge Al!ert%

ocuments satiriJues sur Cesmer# :3aris.H n#p#& :1889.# A very unusual and rare publication containing thirteen reproductions o- eighteenth-century engravings satirically depicting Cesmer and animal magnetism# There is an accompanying e0planation o- the engravings& which apparently came -rom the collection o- Charcot# 729

1265% 9anet, Pierre%

%Dautomatisme psycholoJiJueH essai de psychologie e0pMrimentale sur les -ormes in-Mrieures de lDactivitM humaine# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 1889& 69( pp# A maLor contribution to the scienti-ic study o- human automatism# /t is a -ine piece o- research that in-luenced virtually all later research on the subLect# At the same time& this book can be considered the summation and culmination o- the best o- the research on animal magnetism& somnambulism& and hypnotism that had preceeded it# Although his approach was innovative& Nanet was aware o- his indebtedness to that tradition# !ritten as a thesis -or a doctorate in philosophy at the 4orbonne& this was NanetDs -irst -ull length book& the continuation o- a line o- investigation begun in his three important articles published in 188(& 188'& and 1888 in the Re($e philosophi/$e :see entry numbers 116(& 11'(& 1*11.# 2ere he e0amines those human acts which& while bearing the earmarks o- intelligence& yet bypass the will and escape conscious awareness# Nanet calls these acts Fpsychological automatisms#G To clari-y the subLect& he divides the book into two partsH the -irst dealing with total automatisms& and the second with partial automatisms# The -irst part treats o- catalepsy and somnambulism& and contains an important chapter on suggestion# The second part includes discussions odistraction and subconscious acts& post-hypnotic suggestion& hysterical anesthesias& and Fpsychological disaggregation#G As e0amples o- the latter& Nanet e0amines the topics omadness& -i0ed ideas& hallucinations& possessions& and the phenomena o- spiritualism# 89a$tomatisme psychologi/$e, with its broad historical scope and original approach to research& provides an important link between the descriptive psychology o- the magnetiAers who studied somnambulistic automatisms and the scienti-ic psychology o- the late nineteenth century# 729

1266% *angsdor##, )eorg Aon%

5ur ?in-Qhrung in das 4tudium des Cagnetismus& 2ypnotismus& 4piritualismus nebst <ritik von drei ,roschQren und eines ,uches des magnetischen 2eilers r# Nul# ?d# Timmler in Altenburg# ,erlinH <arl 4iegismund& 1889& *8 pp# A pamphlet on somnambulism and its relationship to spiritualistic mediumship and other e0traordinary phenomena# 72 R 39

1267% *iBgeois, 9+les%

e la suggestion et du somnambulisme dans leurs rapports avec la Lurisprudence et la mMdecine lMgale# 3arisH ;# oin& 1889& viii V '+8 pp# %iMgeois& an adherent o- the Nancy school o- hypnotism& was more interested in the -orensic than the physiological aspects o- hypnotism# 8ollowing the techniJues o- ,ernheim& %iMgeois e0perimented with suggestion and its implications -or personal responsibility on the part othe hypnotiAed subLect# 2e discovered that -i-teen to twenty percent o- his subLects could be placed in a somnambulistic state& in which they were e0tremely susceptible to hypnotic and posthypnotic suggestion# !hile his subLects were somnambulistic& %iMgeois was able to create all sorts o- hallucinations and induce various degrees o- amnesia# 2e also e0perimented with suggestion in the waking state& obtaining striking results# %iMgeois carried out other e0periments with hypnotic suggestion& discovering that he was able to get subLects to carry out suggestions at a distance in space :by using the telephone. and at a distance in time :-inding that suggestions could be e0ecuted long a-ter they were given.# %iMgeoisDs e0perimentation with criminal suggestions were imaginative and bold& at times crossing beyond the boundaries o- human decency# 2e succeeded in inducing hypnotiAed individuals to commit what they believed were criminal acts and discovered that& when awakened& they could e0perience complete amnesia -or those actions# 2e concluded that it is possible -or one person& through hypnotic suggestion& to induce another to commit criminal acts which are contrary to the conscience o- the hypnotiAed person# /n these cases& the person who made the suggestions should be considered the responsible person and the hypnotiAed subLect should be e0onerated# To obtain realism in his e0periments& %iMgeois seemed ready to go to great lengths& sometimes showing little concern -or the dignity or distress o- his subLects# Nevertheless& %iMgeoisDs work was e0tremely help-ul -or -orensic psychologists and retains its value today# 729

1263% *om!roso, "esare and Pttolenghi, $%

Nuovi studi sullDipnotismo e sulla credulitX# TurinH ,occa& 1889& +* pp# 72 R 39

1269% Marrin, Pa+l%

%Dhypnotisme thMoriJue et pratiJue& comprenant les procMdMs dDhypnotisation# 3arisH ?rnest <olb& :1889.& 0 V ""( pp# Carrin accepts the three phases o- hypnotism taught by Charcot& but divides the third phase into threeH hyperesthesia& e0altation& and intelligence# 2is book contains interesting comments

on 8ariaDs importance to the history o- hypnotism and includes criticisms o- the work o- %uys# 729

1274% Moll, Al!ert%

er 2ypnotismus# ,erlinH 2# <orn-eld& 1889& vii V :1. V *'9 V :1. pp# ?nglishH Hypnotism) Translated -rom the second Kerman edition# %ondonH !alter 4cott %td#& 189$# Coll was a physician and psychiatrist in ,erlin whose e0perimentation and research in hypnotism earned worldwide respect# 2e worked in cooperation with a number o- other investigators in the -ield& and in the introduction to this book& he e0presses his thanks to August 8orel and Ca0 essoir# Coll begins this work with a brie- description o- the history o- hypnotism in 8rance and Kermany& and moves on to an e0amination o- the methods used -or hypnotic induction# 2e then discusses the characteristics o- the state o- hypnotism& describing both physiological and psychological symptoms# /n this section Coll has a discussion o- suggestion in which he credits the mesmerists as the discoverers o- posthypnotic suggestion# Coll ne0t takes up the theory o- hypnotism and the possibility osimulating the hypnotic state# A-ter e0amining the medical uses o- hypnotism and legal aspects& Coll inJuires about the status o- animal magnetism& pointing out errors in e0periments that have been cited as con-irmation o- the e0istence o- a magnetic -luid# This work became a very popular general treatise on hypnotism& going through many revised editions over the ne0t twenty--ive years# 72 R 39

1271% Morand, 9% $%
%e magnMtisme aimai# ]tude historiJue et critiJue# 3arisH Karnier -rPres& 1889& viii V 698 pp# 729

1272% Morselli, E% and /an'i, E%

Contributo sperimentale alla -isio-psicologia dellDipnotismo# =icerche sul polso e sul respiro negli stati suggestivi dellDipnosi# CilanH umolard& 1889& *' pp# A care-ul e0perimental study o- the physiological phenomena o- hypnotism# 729

1276% <Moses, &illiam $tainton, pse+donym1 M% A% P5on%>

4econd 4ightH 3roblems Connected with 3rophetic Eision and =ecords /llustrative o- the Ki-t& ?specially erived -rom an ;ld !ork not now Available -or Keneral >se# %ondonH %ondon 4piritualist Alliance& etc#& :1889.& "+ pp# 739

1277% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry and arrett, &illiam .letcher%

F # # 2ome& 2is %i-e and Cission#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Eo$rnal 6 :1889.H 1$1) "(#

/n the process o- reviewing Cadame 2omeDs biography :see entry number 1*$(. o- her husband& the -amous medium aniel unglas 2ome :18"")188(.& Cyers and ,arrett use the occasion to publish eyewitness testimony o- some o- his more remarkable mediumistic -eats# They discuss all possible natural e0planations -or the things he did& including concealed props& sleight o- hand& and hypnotic suggestion# They conclude that 2omeDs phenomena& while not miraculous& must be considered supernormal :not e0plainable through known physical laws.# 729

1275% PBlin, )a!riel%

2omo duple0H note physiologiJue sur lDorganisme humain prMsentMe au0 8acultMs de CMdecine et X lDAcadMmie des 4ciences# 3arisH %# 4auvaitre& 1889# 3Mlin reLects the supernatural view and e0plains spiritualism and madness by a sort o- double li-e in man# 72 R 39

1276% Ra+e, "harles )odloAe%

3sychology as a Natural 4cience Applied to the 4olution o- ;ccult 3sychic 3henomena# 3hiladelphiaH 3orter R Coates& 1889& +61 pp# An attempt to understand the mental and physical phenomena o- mediumship in terms o- a comprehensive human psychology# 739

1277% Renterghem, Al!ert &illem Aan and Eeden, .% Aan%

CliniJue de psychothMrapie suggestive -ondMe X Amsterdam# ,russelsH A# Canceau0& 1889& iv V ')9* pp# A lengthy version o- this work was published in 3aris in 1896# 729

1273% Richmond, Almon enson%

!hat / saw at Cassadaga %akeH 1888# Addendum to a =eview in 188' o- the 4eybert CommissionersD =eport# ,ostonH 1889& Colby R =ich& 1(" pp# /n answer to the skepticism o- the 4eybert Commissioners =eport :188'.& =ichmond published this report o- spiritualistic phenomena that he considered genuine# /t is a collection o- descriptions o- events at the spiritualist town o- %ily ale :Cassadaga %ake in New @ork 4tate.& newspaper articles& editorials& and letters# :see =ichmondDs ,hat 1 sa- at Bassadaga 8a.e, entry number 1*18#. 739

1279% $imonin, AmBdBe H%

4olution du problPme de la suggestion hypnotiJue# %a 4alpOtriPre et lDhypnotisme# %a suggestion criminelle# %a loi doit intervenir# 3arisH ?# entu& 1889& 1"" pp# 729

1254% /o+ro+de, A%
%Dhypnotisme& ses phMnomPnes et ses dangers# ]tude# 3arisH ,loud et ,arrai& :1889.& *'' pp# 729

1251% /+c(ey, "harles *loyd%

3sycho-TherapeuticsI or Treatment by 4leep and 4uggestion# %ondonH ,ailliPre& Tindall and Co0& 1889& 0ii V 8$ pp# This treatise on hypnotism as a therapeutic agent& which went through many greatly e0panded editions& emphasiAes the in-luence o- the mind on the body and the bene-icial e--ects ohypnotic suggestion on many kinds o- diseases# 729

1252% Aide, Hamilton%
F!as / 2ypnotiAedWG Dhe 7ineteenth Bent$ry *' :189$.H +'()81# ,asing his account on contemporary notes& Aide writes o- a sMance with the -amous medium # # 2ome that he attended many years earlier# 4tating that he is not a spiritualist and does not believe that spirits produced the astounding physical events that he observed in 2omeDs presence in -ull lighting& he poses the Juestion o- whether he and the other witnesses were hypnotiAed in some unknown way and in that way deceived about what had taken place# 739

1256% A(sa(oA, Ale5ander @i(olaeAich%

Animismus und 4piritismus# Eersuch einer kritischen pru-ung der mediumistischen 3hdnomene mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung der 2ypothesen der 2allucination und des >nbewussten# Als ?ntgegnung au- r ?d# v# 2artmannDs !erkH F er 4piritismus#G Translated -rom the 8rench by Kregor Constantin !ittig# * vols# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 189$& 0lv V :*. V '(8 pp# Aksakov& /mperial Counsellor to the CAar o- =ussia& was a 4wedenborgian& a spiritualist& and an important psychical researcher# ,ecause o- the censorship o- spiritualistic literature in =ussia& Aksakov centered his work in Kermany# There he -ounded the Psychische +t$dien :later called the 2eitschri%t %3r Parapsychologie?& -or decades KermanyDs chie- periodical opsychical research# Aksakov carried out numerous investigations o- mediums and translated many works on psychical research into =ussian# Animism$s $nd +piritism$s, an important work in the -ield o- psychical research& takes up the issue o- whether or not the dead communicate with the living through mediums& and looks into the genuineness o- other psychic phenomena# Taking ?duard von 2artmannDs #er +piritism$s :188+& entry number 111".& as his point o- departure& Aksakov e0amines the history o- the Fanti-spiritistsG and especially von 2artmannDs contention that all spiritualistic phenomena can be e0plained in

terms o- purely human powers& natural and paranormal# Conceding that natural and paranormal human powers are an important element in the phenomena o- spiritualism& Aksakov nonetheless insists that some phenomena can only be e0plained in terms o- the action o- spirits# /n this he includes both the e0tra-corporeal action o- the spirit o- a living person :animism. and outside intervention -rom disembodied spirits :spiritism.# /n marshalling his evidence& he brings to bear both his own and othersD investigations# Animism$s $nd +piritism$s was originally written in =ussian and then translated into 8rench in 189$# The Kerman version was translated -rom the 8rench# Neither the =ussian or 8rench -irst editions appear to be e0tant# The earliest available 8rench version is dated 189+ :Animisme et spiritisme, 3arisH K# %eymarie.# 739

1257% entiAegni, Adol# Aon%

ie 2ypnose und ihre civilrechtliche ,edeutung# %eipAigH ?# Kunther& 189$& (( pp# 729

1255% inet, Al#red%

;n ouble Consciousness# ?0perimental 3sychological 4tudies# ChicagoH ;pen Court& 189$& 9" pp# A signi-icant contribution to the e0perimental study o- the subconscious# ,inet was the director o- the laboratory o- physiological psychology at the 4orbonne and a psychologist ointernational renown# Although best known -or his work on intelligence testing& his contributions to the study o- arti-icial somnambulism and psychological automatisms are signi-icant# This collection o- essays& originally written in ?nglish and contributed to Dhe *pen Bo$rt during 1889)189$& reports studies o- subconscious states and secondary consciousness carried out with both hysterical and healthy individuals# ,inet believed that his work proved conclusively that doubling o- consciousness takes place in both hysterical and healthy subLects# 739

1256% onLean, Al!ert%

%Dhypnotisme& ses rapports avec le droit et la thMrapeutiJue& la suggestion mentale# 3arisH Kermer ,ailliPre and 8Mli0 Alcan& 189$& i0 V "'( V :6. pp# 729

1257% "ongrDs -nternational de 1339% *e magnBtisme h+main appli?+B a+ so+lagement et N la g+Brison des malades, Rapport )BnBral, d;aprDs le compte rend+ des sBances d+ "ongrDs%
3arisH Keorges CarrM& 189$# The volume& with a pre-ace by Camille 8lammarion& is a collection o- discourses& mostly by practicing 8rench magnetiAers# The emphasis is on the healing power o- magnetism and its physical e--ects# 729

1253% "ongrDs international de psychologie physiologi?+e% "omptes rend+s%

3arisH n#p#& 189$& 1+9 pp# 3roceedings o- the -irst o- the international congresses o- psychology# This congress devoted considerable attention to research on hypnotic phenomena# 729

1259% ,el!oe+#, 9oseph Remi *eopold%

CagnMtiseurs et mMdecins# 3arisH Ancienne %ibrairie Kermer ,ailliPre& 189$& 11+ V :1. pp# Concerned to protect the -reedom o- action o- those who support and practice hypnotism and animal magnetism& elboeu- de-ends the celebrated F onatoG :whose real name was Al-red ?douard dD2ont. against the condemnation o- %adame# 729

1264% ,essoir, Ma5%

?rster Nachtrag Aur ,ibliographie des modernen 2ypnotismus# ,erlinH Carl uncker& 189$& 66 pp# ;rganiAed in terms o- the categories employed in essoirDs !i"liographie des mordernen Hypnotism$s :1888& see entry number 1*$*.& this supplement contains "8* additional titles published between 1881 and 189$# 729

1261% ,+ Prel, :arl *+d0ig A+g+st .riederich Ma5imillian Al#red%

4tudien aus dem Kebiete der Keheimwissenscha-ten# * vols# %eipAigH !# 8riedrich& 189$& viii V *+*I vi V *6' pp# 739

1262% ,+rAille, Hector%

%e magnMtisme humain considMrM comme agent physiJue# 3arisH %ibrairie du magnMtisme& 189$& "( pp# 729

1266% .lo+rnoy, /hBodore%

CMtapsychiJue et psychologie# KenevaH 2# Keorg& 189$& 1"" pp# 8lournoy was pro-essor o- psychology at the >niversity o- Keneva& author o- a number omedical and psychological works& -ounder o- the Archi(es de Psychologie, and a psychical researcher o- some note# This is his -irst book in the area o- psychical research# 739

1267% .oAea+ de "o+rmelles, .ranCois Qictor%

%Dhypnotisme# 3arisH 2achette& 189$& :6. V vi V "*( V :*. pp# ?nglishH Hypnotism) Translated by %aura ?nsor# %ondonH Keorge =outledge and 4ons& 1891# A popularly written description o- animal magnetism and hypnotism# Although the author& a physician& drew his in-ormation -rom interviews with magnetiAers& medical practitioners ohypnotism& and academics& he claims to have been able to test many o- the assertions concerning hypnotism -or himsel-# The -irst part o- the book contains a history that is important -or its description o- the school o- hypnosis o- the 2ospital de la CharitM# 729

1265% .oAea+ de "o+rmelles, .ranCois Qictor%

%e magnMtisme devant la loi# 3arisH Keorges CarrM& 189$& 6$ pp# 729

1266% )ardy, *o+is%

Cherchons# =Mponse au0 con-Mrences de C# le 3ro-esseur ?mile @ung sur le spiritisme# KenevaH =# ,urkhardt& 189$# 739

1267% )iornale del magnetismo ed ipnotismo%

Eol# 1I 189$# Continued asH Magnetismo ed ipnotismo) Eols# *)"I 1891)189*# /n turn& this was continued asH l91pnotismo) Eols# 6)+I 189")1896# This Lournal was the organ o- the 4ocietX medicopsicologica /taliana and published in 8lorence# 729

1263% Home, Madame ,aniel ,+nglas%

The Ki-t o- # # 2ome# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner and Co#& 189$& viii V "88 pp# Two years a-ter her -irst book :#) #) Home His 8i%e and Mission, 1888& entry number 1*$(. on her -amous medium husband& aniel unglas 2ome :18"")188(.& Cadame 2ome published this new collection o- evidence o- his powers& the -irst published records omediumistic sessions 2ome held in America very early in his career# 739

1269% <H+g+eny, "harles%>

=echerche des bases Jui la constituent et des lois Jui gouvernent lDunivers physiJue et moral et lDhomme en particulier& par un Mtudiant de 9$ ans# NancyH ,erger-%evrault& 189$& 000 V 1*8 pp# /ncludes& among other things& the reproduction o- important documents related to the beginning o- the 4ociMtM harmoniJue des amis rMunis de 4trasbourg in 1'8+& a society that was very in-luential in promoting animal magnetism in its early years# 729

1274% 9ames, &illiam%

FThe 2idden 4el-#G +cri"ner9s Maga5ine ' :189$.H "(1)'"# !illiam Names was 3ro-essor o- 3sychology and 3hilosophy at 2arvard >niversity and a scholar& thinker& and writer o- international renown# 2e -ounded the -irst laboratory oe0perimental psychology in the >nited 4tates :18'(. and his monumental Principles o% Psychology :189$& entry number 1*'1. was a maLor -orce in shaping modern American psychology# As a philosopher& he developed the doctrine o- pragmatism and wrote the e0tremely in-luential Farieties o% Religio$s E&perience :19$*.# Names was also an important psychical researcher& helping to -ound the American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in 1886 and later serving a term :1896)189+. as president o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in %ondon# 2is interest in psychical research evolved directly -rom his psychological studies and his desire to pursue every possible avenue -or understanding the nature o- the human psyche and its hidden dynamics# Although skeptical when he began his -irst signi-icant proLect in psychical research& an investigation in 188+ o- the -amous American medium& %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$.& Names eventually concluded that she possessed some power as yet une0plained# /n this important article& Names discusses the -indings o- Nanet& ,inet& and others concerning the e0istence o- the subconscious# ?mphasiAing the importance o- discoveries o- a second stream o- consciousness which can be tapped in certain conditions such as the state ohypnotism& Names sees in this secondary or& as he calls it& Fsubmerged consciousnessG a key to understanding such diverse phenomena as possession and multiple personality# 2e calls the coe0istence o- a secondary sel- or selves with the primary sel- a Fsplitting o- the mind&G and urges -urther investigation to determine more about the relationship between hypnotic trance and these subconscious states# 729

1271% 9ames, &illiam%

The 3rinciples o- 3sychology# * vols# New @orkH 2enry 2olt& 189$& 0ii V (89I vi V (88 V :16. pp# The Principles is a milestone in the -ield o- psychology and an important resource -or those who study hypnotism& consciousness& and the psychological aspects o- psychical research# The chapter on FConsciousness o- 4el-&G with its discussion o- the normal plurality o- selves& delusions& alternating selves& mediumship& and possession& is a classical piece opsychological writing& developing a keen e0amination o- e0perience into a striking psychological synthesis# 729

1272% *ehmann, Al#red )eorg *+d0ig%

ie 2ypnose und die damit verwandten normalen 5ustdnde# Eorlesungen gehalten au- der >niversitdt <openhagen im herbste 1889# %eipAigH ;# =# =eisland& 189$& viii V 196 pp# 729

1276% *+ys, 9+les ernard%

%e[ons cliniJues sur les principau0 phMnomPnes de lDhypnotisme dans leurs rapports avec la pathologie mentale# 3arisH Keorges CarrM& 189$& 0v V :1. V *8' V :1. pp#& with 1* plates#

An important study o- the production o- psychotic symptoms in a nonpsychotic subLect through hypnotic suggestion# %uys was able to reproduce the principal symptoms o- the psychoses& including hallucinations& delirium and irresistible compulsions merely by suggesting them to an entranced individual# 729

1277% Myers, .rederic &% H%, *odge, PliAer, *ea#, &alter, and 9ames, &illiam%
FA =ecord o- ;bservation o- Certain 3henomena o- Trance#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings ( :189$.H 6"()(+9# A detailed e0amination o- the mediumship o- one o- the most remarkable mental mediums othe last centuryH Crs# %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$.& a ,oston housewi-e# ;bserved in sMance over decades and even -ollowed -or a lengthy period by detectives hired by the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& Crs# 3iper was the most thoroughly investigated medium in the annals opsychical research# Although she produced astounding in-ormation about hundreds odeceased people with whom she had had no acJuaintance& at times even providing in-ormation presumably unknown to any living person at the time o- the sMance& no hint otrickery or deceit was ever discovered# This article is the -irst lengthy study o- her mediumship and contains details o- in-ormation given by the medium while in trance& veri-ication o- that material& and a care-ul account o- the time& place& and circumstance o- the sMances# 739

1275% Preyer, &ilhelm /hierry%

er 2ypnotismusH Eorlesungen gehalten an der <# 8riedrich-!ilhelms->niversitdt Au ,erlin# EiennaH >rban R 4chwartAenberg& 189$& vi V *1' V :1. pp# A very good presentation o- the history and description o- the nature o- hypnosis# The history& starting with Cesmer& contains an appreciative look at ,raid# Core importantly& 3reyer also includes his Kerman translation o- a treatise by ,raid on the di--erence between nervous sleep :hypnotism. and normal sleep that he obtained in 1881 -rom ,raidDs estate# The original has never been -ound and no ?nglish version was ever published# 729

1276% Psiche% -pnotismo, magnetismo, spiritismo%

;ne vol# onlyI 189$# 3ublished in =ome and edited by 4ara Carlotta i Capua and then ?-isio >ngher& this periodical continued as a spiritualist organ under the title +%inge) 72 R 39

1277% ReA+e d;hypnologie thBori?+e et prati?+e dans ses rapports aAec la psychologie, les maladies mentales et nerAe+ses%
189$# 4ee 89enc'phale :1881& entry number 1$"9.# 729

1273% Rose, &%

Cesmerism or Animal Cagnetism& 2ypnotism and Thought =eading# %owesto-tH Cickleburgh R Co#& :189$. 1( pp# 72 R 39

1279% $chroeder, H% R% Pa+l%

ie 2eilmethode des %ebensmagnetismus# Theorie und 3ra0is besprochen und mit eine Nachweise Qber den wesentlichen >nterschied Awischen 2ypnotismus und 2eilmagnetismus versehen# %eipAigH n#p#& 189$& 1$6 pp# 729

1234% $mith, R% Percy and Myers, A% /%

F;n the Treatment o- /nsanity by 2ypnotism#G Eo$rnal o% Mental +cience "( :189$.H 191) *1*# 729

1231% $te#anoni, *+igi%

Cagnetismo e ipnotismo svelati# 4toria critica# =omeH Eoghera Carlo& 189$& vii V 6'+ pp# A critical study o- the phenomena o- animal magnetism as described by practitioners such as Kuidi& DAmico& 3ilati& and 5anardelli# Citing evidence he considers indicative o- collusion and trickery on the part o- the practitioners& the author concludes that the phenomena are not genuine# 72 R 39

1232% Annales de psychiatrie et d;hypnologie%
1891# 4ee 89enc'phale :1881& entry number 1$"9.# 729

1236% Annales des sciences psychi?+es% Rec+eil d;o!serAations et d;e5pBriences paraissant to+s les de+5 mois Het mens+ellement consacrB a+5 recherches e5pBrimentales et criti?+es s+r les phBnomDnes de tBlBpathie, l+ciditB, prBmonition, mBdi+mnitB, etc%I
Eols# 1)*9I 1891)1919# Continued asH Re($e m'tapsychi/$e) 1919)19*+V# The most important 8rench Lournal on psychical research& -ounded by Charles =ichet and e# arieu0# 8rom 19$+& the Annales was edited by Cesar ,audi de Eesme& a-ter absorbing his Re($e des 't$des psychi/$es) An ?nglish translation edition o- the Annales called Annals o% Psychic +cience was published -rom 19$+)

191$# /n 19*$ the Annales was replaced by the Re($e m'tapsychi/$e, which took over -or the 1nstit$t m'tapsychi/$e international "$lletin, and -unctioned as the o--icial publication o- the /nstitut CMtapsychiJue /nternational# 739

1237% ernheim, Hippolyte%

2ypnotisme& suggestion& psychothMrapieI Mtudes nouvelles# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 1891& ii V +18 pp# /n this work& ,ernheim places an even greater emphasis on the importance o- suggestion than he did in his earlier writings# A-ter an historical review o- the use o- suggestion in healing among the ?gyptians and the 2ebrews& ,ernheim notes that success-ul treatment by suggestion can be carried out in the waking state and need not involve hypnotism at all# 2e -ollows this with important observations on hallucinations and amnesia& and discusses the problem o- the moral responsibility o- a subLect in the hypnotic state# The -inal section& the largest o- the book& presents observations on the treatment by suggestion o- a variety oillnesses ranging -rom organically based conditions to hysteria# 729

1235% ettoli, Parmenio%

=ivelaAioni ed insegnamento del givoco col simulare i -enomeni magnetici e ipnotici# CilanH Eerri& 1891& '$ pp# A description o- tricks used by individuals who claimed to be able to produce mediumistic phenomena# 72 R 39

1236% ,el!oe+#, 9oseph Remi *eopold%

%Da--aire des magnMtiseurs de ,raine-le-Chateau# ?0amen critiJue du la rapport des mMdecins e0perts# %iPgeH ?mile 3ierre R 8rPre& 1891& 8 pp# 729

1237% ,enis, *Bon%

AprPs la mort# ?0posM de la philosophie des esprits& ses bases scienti-iJues et e0pMrimentales& ses conseJuences morales# 3arisH %ibrairie des sciences psychologiJues& 1891& 6"* pp# 739

1233% <,onaAan, ===%>

=evelations o- a 4pirit CediumI or 4piritualistic Cysteries ?0posed# A etailed ?0planation o- the Cethods >sed by 8raudulent Cediums# 4t# 3aul& CinnesotaH 8arrington R Co#& 1891& vi V ')"*6 pp# A detailed account o- methods used by bogus spiritualist mediums to deceive their audiences# !ritten by a -ake medium& himsel- well acJuainted with those practices# Although there has been some dispute concerning the name o- the author& onavan seems the most likely choice#

The book became very rare& apparently because many copies were destroyed by those trying to protect their trade secrets# 739

1239% .erret, 9%
%a cause de lDhypnotisme# * ed# 3arisH TMJui& 1891& "(( pp# Combines descriptions o- hypnotic sMances with speculations about the nature o- will and its e--ects in the spiritual realm# No in-ormation is available on the -irst edition# 72 R 39

1294% .ronda, R% and )rimaldi, A%

Trasmissione del pensiero e suggestione mentale# 4tudio sperimentale e critico # # # e seguito da alcune indagini -atte sullo stesso soggetto a richiesta# NaplesH n#p#& 1891& 8" pp# 739

1291% <)illes de la /o+rette, )eorge Al!ert%>

Nouveau0 documents satiriJues sur Cesmer# :3aris.H n#p#& :1891.# Containing reproductions o- three eighteenth-century engravings satirically portraying Cesmer and animal magnetism& this work is undoubtedly the seJuel to the earlier :1889& entry number 1*"6. work by Killes de la Tourette which contains thirteen such reproductions# %ike the earlier work& it is e0tremely rare& apparently not to be -ound in any public library or collection# 729

1292% )rossmann, 9onas <ed%>

ie ,edeutung der hypnotischen 4uggestion als 2eilmittel# Kutachten und 2eilberichte der hervorragendsten wissenscha-tlichen Eertreter des 2ypnotismus der Kegenwart# ,erlinH ,ong R Co#& 1891& 0viii V 1($ pp# 729

1296% Hartmann, Ed+ard Aon%

ie Keisterhypothese des 4piritismus und seine 3hantome# %eipAigH !ilhelm 8riedrich& 1891& 1*( pp# An answer to the criticism o- Aksakov concerning von 2artmannDs original book on spiritualism# /n that book :#er +piritism$s, 188+& entry number 111". von 2artmann had argued against the position that spiritualistic mani-estations& such as messages -rom the dead and clairvoyant knowledge& proved the e0istence o- discarnate spirits# /n his Animism$s $nd +piritism$s :189$& entry number 1*+". Aksakov had taken issue with some o- von 2artmannDs points and suggested that von 2artmann had not taken certain data into account# 2ere von 2artmann presents -urther arguments in support o- his original position# 739

1297% :iese0etter, "arl%

Keschichte des neureren ;ccultismus# Keheimwissenscha-tliche 4ysteme von Agrippa von Nettesheym bis Au Carl du 3rel# %eipAigH !ilhelm 8riedrich& :1891.& 0iv V 8$1 pp# /nvestigates Fmodern occultism&G the Kerman eJuivalent o- psychical research# An important re-erence work -or the Kerman tradition in the study and use o- animal magnetism# 72 R 39

1295% :ings!+ry, )eorge "had0ic(%

The 3ractice o- 2ypnotic 4uggestionI ,eing an ?lementary 2andbook -or the >se o- the Cedical 3ro-ession# ,ristolH N# !right& 1891& *$( pp# 729

1296% *a+rent, Emile%

%es suggestions criminelles# Eiols# 8au0 et captations# Eiols morau0& les suggestions en amour# Kabrielle 8enayrou et Kabrielle ,ompard# %yon and 3arisH 4torck and 4ociMtM dDMditions scienti-iJues& 1891& +( pp# 729

1297% *iB!ea+lt, Am!roise A+g+st%

ThMrapeutiJue suggestiveH son mMcanisme# 3ropriMtMs diverses du sommeil provoJuM et des Mtats analogues# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 1891& vii V "$8 pp# %iMbeault continues the discussion o- suggestion undertaken in previous works& relating the e--ectiveness o- suggestion in treatment o- disease to the -luctuation o- Fnervous -orceG it produces in the organism# %iMbeault also discusses legal aspects o- hypnotism& FAoomagnetism&G and FlucidityG or clairvoyance in the hypnotic state :a subLect that he had not previously e0amined in detail.# /n his chapter on FAoomagnetism&G %iMbeault contradicts the conclusions he had reached in his Vt$de s$r le 5oomagn'tisme :188"& entry number 1$(8.# /n that work he had acknowledged the e0istence o- a physical& vibratory agent which& along with suggestion& could be a source o- healing# 2e had become convinced o- the reality o- this agent through e0periments done with in-ants& who were bene-ited through the application oanimal magnetic techniJues# 2ere %iMbeault admits that -urther e0perimentation had revealed to him that& astonishing as it may seem& even in-ants less than two years old have su--icient awareness to respond to suggestion# %iMbeault concludes the book with his Fcon-ession o- a hypnotiAerG previously published :188(& entry number 11+(. in the Re($e de l9hypnotisme) 729

1293% *+ys, 9+les ernard and Enca+sse, )Brard%

u trans-ert X distance X lDaide dDune couronne de -er aimantM& dDMtats nMvropathiJues variMs& dDun suLet X lDMtat de veille sur un suLet X lDMtat hypnotiJue# Clermont :;ise.H ai0 -rPres& 1891& 6 pp# 729

1299% Magnetismo ed ipnotismo%

1891# 4ee 4iornale del magnetismo ed ipnotismo :189$.& entry number 1*('# 729

1644% Marryat, .lorence%

There /s No eath# %ondonH 8arran& 1891& "(+ pp# Carryat was an ?nglish medium and author who knew many o- the most -amous mediums othe day# This book describes sittings with& among others& !illiam ?glinton& Crs# Kuppy Eolckman& and !illiam 8letcher# 739

1641% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

F4cience and a 8uture %i-e#G Dhe 7ineteenth Bent$ry *8 :1891.H (*8)6'# ;n the relationship between science and psychical research# To the Juestion o- whether science can have anything to say about the issue o- human survival a-ter death& Cyers answers that a scienti-ic attitude and scienti-ic methods can be brought to bear upon the study o- supernormal phenomena that seem at -irst glance to indicate that people continue to e0ist a-ter death# Cyers believes that -indings concerning telepathy are relevant to this issue because& i- human beings can communicate at a distance without the bene-it o- the bodily senses& then perhaps communication with those who are at the greater distance involved with death is also possible# 739

1642% Pitres, Al!ert%

%e[ons cliniJues sur lDhystMrie et hypnotismeH -aites X lD2cpital 4aint-AndrM de ,ordeau0# * vols# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 1891& :1*. V +"1I :6. V ++1 pp# 729

1646% RBgnier, *o+is Rao+l%

2ypnotisme et croyances anciennes# 3arisH %ecrosnier et ,abe& 1891& 00iii V **" pp# The author& an adherent o- the 4alpOtriPre school o- hypnotism& provides a long introduction -ocusing on the nature and e--ects o- hypnotism& with many photographic plates showing individuals in various hypnotic attitudes# The main section o- the book is concerned with the history o- hypnotism& with emphasis on the traces o- hypnotic practices to be -ound in ancient religious and occult lore& and is -ollowed by a lengthy bibliography# 729

1647% Reichel, &illy%

er 2eilmagnetismus# ,erlinH <# 4iegismund& :1891.& 6' pp# 729

1645% Reichen!ach, :arl *+d0ig Aon%

?in 4chwerer sensitiv-somnambuler <rankheits-all geheilt ausschliesslich mittelst ein-acher Anwendung der KesetAe des ;des# 8Qr 3hysiker& 3hysiologen& 3sychologen& 3sychiatriker und insbesondere -Qr orAte# 2rgb# von A# 8reiherr von 4chrenck-NotAing# %eipAigH Ambr# Abel& 1891& vii V :1. V 1($ pp# 729

1646% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+ste Al!ert de%

%e -luide des magnMtiseurs# 3rMcis des e0pMriences du ,aron de =eichenbach sur les propriMtM physiJues et physiologiJues& classMes et annotMes par le %t-Colonel A# de =ochas# 3arisH Keorges CarrM& 1891& 18$ pp# 729

1647% $tead, &illiam /homas%

=eal Khost 4toriesH a =ecord o- Authentic Apparitions# ,eing the Christmas Number o- the =eview o- =eviews# Collated and ?dited by !# T# 4tead# %ondonH Carlyle& 1891& 11$ pp# 4tead was a -amous ,ritish Lournalist who was also a champion o- spiritualism# 2e was the editor--ounder o- the Re(ie- o% Re(ie-s and o- !orderland, a Juarterly devoted entirely to psychical matters# This book& along with More 4host +tories published the -ollowing year& constitutes what is probably the -irst systematic collection o- cases o- apparitions& hauntings& astral proLection& premonitions& and clairvoyance in the ?nglish-speaking world# 739

1643% /archano##, 9ean de or /ar(hanoA, -Aan RomanoAich%

2ypnotisme& suggestion et lecture des pensMes# Tr# du =usse par ?rnest Naubert# 3arisH K# Casson& 1891& viii V 1(" V :1. pp# The author taught at the /mperial Academy o- Cedicine in 4t# 3etersburg# A-ter e0amining hypnotism and suggestion& Tarchano-- takes up the issue o- thought reading and concludes that the whole phenomenon is based on sel- deception# ,asing his conclusions on work done by an American investigator named ,ird& Tarchano-- argues that the supposed thought reader in -act gains his in-ormation -rom the minute unconscious muscular movement o- the person who is supposed to be communicating telepathically# 72 R 39

1649% &eatherly, *ionel Ale5ander%

The 4upernaturalW !ith Chapters on ;riental Cagic& 4piritualism& and Theosophy& by N# N# Caskelyne# ,ristolH N# !# Arrowsmith& :1891.& 0v V *'" pp# Concerns itsel- with sense deceptions& how they are produced and how they may account -or such things as visions o- ghosts and the apparently marvellous phenomena o- mediumship# ,oth !eatherly and Caskelyne believe that these things may be e0plained in terms o-

hallucinations or trickery# Caskelyne was a magician by trade and claimed to be able to reproduce any mediumistic -eat through the art o- conLuring# 739

1614% < ath+rst, 9ames%>
Atomic-Consciousness# An ?0planation o- Khosts& 4piritualism& !itchcra-t& ;ccult 3henomena& and All 4upernormal Cani-estations# !himple& ?0eterH 2arris R 2addon& 189*& *86 pp# A highly original& i- eccentric& attempt to account -or everything -rom ghosts to mesmerism in terms o- a philosophy o- a universal mental -orce that pervades the universe and connects all minds# 72 R 39

1611% inet, Al#red%

%es altMrations de la personnalitM# 3arisH ,ailliPre& 189*& viii V "*" V :1. pp# ?nglishH Alterations o% Personality) Translated by 2elen Kreen ,aldwin# !ith Notes and a 3re-ace by N# Cark ,aldwin# New @orkH # Appleton and Co#& 189(# ,inetDs second important work on dissociated subconscious states :see *n #o$"le Bonscio$sness, 189$& entry number 1*++.# ,inet provides a summary o- previous work in this area and discusses his own ongoing e0periments# 2e divides the material into sections on Fsuccessive personalitiesG and Fcoe0istent personalities#G The -ormer contains a description oinduced and natural somnambulism& with an account o- AAamDs -amous case o- multiple personality& 8Mlida e# The latter section includes important material on distraction& unconscious action& automatic writing& and the plurality o- consciousness in healthy subLects# The -inal section o- the book presents descriptions o- ,inetDs e0periments with suggestion and induced hallucination& with a small discussion o- division o- personality in spiritism# 72 R 39

1612% ro##erio, Angelo%

3er lo spiritismo# CilanH omenico ,riola& 189*& 1( pp# 739

1616% ,el!oe+#, 9oseph Remi *eopold%

%Dhypnotisme devant les chambres lMgislatives belges# 3aris& ,russels& and %iPgeH 8Mli0 Alcan :3aris.& 3# !eissenbruch :,russels.& Ch#-Kus# esoer :%iPge.& 189*& 8$ V :1. pp# 729

1617% Ermacora, )ioAanni attista%

8enomeni rimarchevoli di medianitX osservati senAa medi di pro-essione# TurinH ,aglione& 189*& "( pp#


1615% )arrett, 9+lia E%

Cediums >nmasked# An ?0posM o- Codern 4piritualism# ,y an ?0-Cedium# %os AngelesH 2# C# %ee R ,ro#& 189*& +( pp# 739

1616% )reen, 9% H%
F2ypnotic 4uggestion and /ts =elation to the Traumatic Neurosis#G Dhe Rail-ay Age and 7orth-estern Railroader *" :189*.H 1$()1"# The author believes that victims o- railway accidents o-ten end up in a state o- psychological shock& a kind o- trance which makes the victim subLect to hypnotic suggestion# /n the care othese victims& there-ore& it is necessary to guard against suggestions that might lead them to consider their inLuries to be worse than they are# 729

1617% Hodgson, Richard%

FA =ecord o- ;bservations o- Certain 3henomena o- Trance#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 8 :189*.H 1)1('# The continuation o- an article written by 8# !# 2# Cyers et al# in 189$ :see entry number 1*'6. concerning the investigation o- the remarkable mental medium -rom ,oston& Crs# %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$.# /n 188' 2odgson was sent by the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch to ,oston to act as secretary -or the newly -ormed American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# /n Cay o- that year he met Crs# 3iper and began what would be a -i-teen-year investigation oher mediumship# /n this care-ul preliminary report o- his -indings& 2odgson does not reach de-inite conclusions about the genuineness o- the material obtained in the sMances# 2owever& the article is replete with statements o- individuals who sat with the medium and who had no doubt that she had obtained in-ormation -rom or about deceased persons that she could not have come to through ordinary means# 2odgson wrote a second report on Crs# 3iper in an article in the Proceedings in 1898 :see entry number 16"9.# 739

1613% 9anet, Pierre%

]tat mental des hystMriJues# %es stigmates mentau0& and ]tat mental des hystMriJues# %es accidents mentau0# * vols# 3arisH =ue-- et Cie& :189*. and 1896& *"" V :".I "$6 pp# ?nglishH Dhe Mental +tate o% Hystericals) A +t$dy o% Mental +tigmata and Mental Accidents) 2 (ols) in 1) Dranslated "y Baroline Rollin Borson) 7e- Nor. and 8ondon 4) P) P$tnam9s +ons, 19C1) A continuation o- work on subconscious states in hysteria begun by Nanet in his articles in the Re($e philosophi/$e :188(& 188'& 1888& entries 1168& 11'(& 1*11. and 89a$tomatisme psychologi/$e :1889& entry number 1*"+.# As in this earlier work& Nanet attempts& inso-ar as possible& to remain on the level o- description and to avoid metaphysical speculation concerning the nature o- hysteria# 3resenting his theory o- hysteria in descriptive terms& he argues that the central element is a contraction o- the patientDs -ield o- consciousness# This contraction de-ends the patient against the emergence into consciousness o- unacceptable&

disturbing subconscious sensations# Although he makes no attempt to spell out the mechanism& Nanet sees the source o- this contraction as cortical# The -irst volume o- the work& which contains a pre-ace by Nean-Cartin Charcot :18*+)189". indicating that the studies had been carried out at The 4alpOtriPre and -irst described in lectures delivered there by Nanet in 189*& deals with Fmental stigmata#G Cental stigmata are characteristics o- hysteria& essential to the condition& that are e0perienced by the patient as a generaliAed discom-ort di--icult to describe# The second volume considers Fmental accidents&G or symptoms o- hysteria that are superadded to the condition and e0perienced as transient and pain-ul to the patient# Among the Fmental stigmataG Nanet includes anesthesias& amnesias& abulias& motor disturbances& and modi-ications o- character# FCental accidentsG include subconscious acts& -i0ed ideas& attacks& somnambulisms& and deliriums# Although Nanet cites the work o- other researchers copiously& he concentrates on the cases he himsel- has treated and he draws his descriptions -rom his own observations# 72 R 39

1619% 9anet, Pierre%

F%e spiritisme contemporain#G Re($e philosophi/$e "" :189*.H 61")6*# 739

1624% 9oire, Pa+l%

3rMcis thMoriJue et pratiJue de neuro-hypnologieI Mtudes sur lDhypnotisme et les di--Mrents phMnomPnes nerveu0& physiologiJues et pathologiJues Jui sDy rattachentH physiologie& pathologie& thMrapeutiJue& mMdecin lMgale# 3arisH A# Caloine& 189*& "*' pp# 729

1621% *a+rent, *o+is Henri "harles%

es Mtats secondsH variations pathologiJues du champ de la conscience# 3arisH ;ctave oin& 189*& 1'9 pp# 729

1622% <*ero+5, A+g+ste, pse+donym1 Ro+5el%>

=apports du magnMtisme et du spiritisme# 3arisH %ibrairie des 4ciences psychologiJues& 189*& 0iii V "+6 pp# 72 R 39

1626% Moll, Al!ert%

er =apport in der 2ypnose# >ntersuchungen Qber den thierischen Cagnetismus# %eipAigH Ambr# Abel& 189*& *6* pp# This work also appeared as +chri%ten der 4esellscha%t %3r psychologische 0orsch$ng :Eol# "S6H *'')+16.# ,ased largely on original e0periments conducted by Coll& it -ocuses on the

nature o- rapport in hypnosis# Coll points out that although the term FrapportG in its most general sense re-ers to a special connection between hypnotist and subLect& it has been given a bewildering variety o- nuances o- meaning over the previous hundred years& and he hopes to bring some clarity to the con-usion# 2e distinguishes Fisolated rapport&G in which the subLect relates only to the hypnotist& -rom other kinds o- rapport& in which the subLect may be aware o- other persons# Coll also e0amines those instances in which the hypnotiAed individual has rapport with no one& a circumstance arising in autohypnosis# /n the process o- discussing rapport& Coll e0amines an issue that he considers essentially relatedH whether there is such a thing as animal magnetism and whether an animal magnetic -luid e0ists# This Juestion reduces itsel- to the issue o- whether& as the Nancy school teaches& the hypnotic state is brought about through purely psychological means& or whether there is some physical or semi-physical agent involved# Coll states that he has not been able to observe the phenomena so o-ten cited by the magnetists as proo- o- their theory# 2owever& he does not intend this -inding necessarily to imply the disproo- o- the reality o- animal magnetism# 729

1627% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

FThe 4ubliminal Consciousness#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings ' :189*.H *98) "++# The -irst o- -our very important articles by Cyers on the subliminal consciousness published in the Proceedings o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# 2ere Cyers develops his notion o- a hidden part o- the human psyche that -unctions Fbelow the thresholdG o- consciousness and has power-ul e--ects on all -acets o- human li-e# The part o- us that we are aware o-& the supraliminal consciousness or part Fabove the thresholdG o- consciousness& is what we ordinarily consider to be our whole sel-# ,ut in CyersDs view& the subliminal consciousness is a much greater and richer part o- our being# CyersDs concept o- the subliminal sel- goes beyond the notion o- the FsubconsciousG developed by Nanet and the FunconsciousG o- 8reud# 2e includes in it not only subconscious mental activity& instinctual drives& and repressed F-i0ed ideas&G but also those intuitive -lashes that characteriAe genius and even knowledge gained through some kind o- supernormal -aculty# 72 R 39

1625% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

FThe 4ubliminal Consciousness#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 8 :189*.H 6"() +"+# The second o- CyersDs series o- -our articles on the subliminal consciousness :see entry number 1"*6.& rich in case material illustrative o- the action o- a hidden& subliminal mental -aculty# 72 R 39

1626% @i'et, Henri%

%DhypnotismeH Mtude critiJue# ,russelsH C# =oAeA& 189*& "$6 pp# 729

1627% Reichel, &illy%

er Cagnetismus und seine 3hdnomene# ,erlinH 4iegismund& 189*& 86 pp#


1623% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+ste Al!ert de%

%es Mtats pro-onds de lDhypnose# 3arisH Chamuel& 189*& 11' pp# This important little book discusses the stages o- hypnotism derived -rom the authorDs own e0tensive e0perimentation# e =ochas has been underestimated as an investigator o- hypnotic and psychic phenomena& and this& like most o- his works& is highly original and worthy onote# 2ere& e =ochas sets out the stages or phases o- hypnotism as he sees themH 1. a state ocredulity& *. catalepsy& ". somnambulism& 6. rapport& +. a state o- sympathy to contact& (. a state o- lucidity& and '. a state o- sympathy at a distance# ?ach phase& he says& is -ollowed by an intervening state o- lethargy# =e-erring to the latter -our phases as the Fpro-ound states ohypnosis&G he e0amines them in detail# /n addition to a discussion o- these phases& the book contains a chapter on the Fe0terioriAation o- sensibilityG and one on ecstasy# 729

1629% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

ie 4uggestions-Therapie bei <rankha-ten ?rscheinungen des Keschlectssinnes& mit besonderer berQcksichtigung der contrdren 4e0ualemp-indung# 4tuttgartH 8erdinand ?nke& 189*& 0vii V "16 pp# ?nglishH Dherape$tic +$ggestion in Psychopathia +e&$alis) Translated by Charles Kilbert Chaddock# %ondon :W.H 8# A# avis& 189+# 729

1664% $innett, Al#red Percy%

The =ationale o- Cesmerism# ,oston and New @orkH 2oughton& Ci--lin and Company& 189*& :+. V *"* V :(. pp# A general treatment o- animal magnetism by a theosophist which contains a good bibliographical chapter entitled Fthe real literature o- mesmerism#G As was so o-ten the case& however& 4innett gets CesmerDs name wrong& calling him F8rederick Anthony Cesmer#G 72 R 39

1661% $tead, &illiam /homas%

Core Khost 4toriesH A 4eJuel to =eal Khost 4tories# :%ondon. New @orkH 3ublishing o--ice o- the =eview o- =eviews& 189*& 1$6 pp# 4ee Real 4host +tories :1891& entry number 1"$'.# This was the New @earDs number o- the Re(ie- o% Re(ie-s) 739

1662% &+ndt, &ilhelm Ma5imillian%

2ypnotismus und 4uggestion# %eipAigH !ilhelm ?ngelmann& 189*& 11$ pp# 729

1666% Ueitschri#t #Sr Hypnotism+s, $+ggestionstherapie, $+ggestionslehre +nd Aer0andte psychologische .orsch+ngen%
Eols# 1)"I 189*)1896# Continued asH 2eitschri%t %3r Hypnotism$s, Psychotherapie, so-ie andere psychophysiologische $nd psychopathologische 0orsch$ngen) Eols# 6)1$I 189()19$*# Continued asH Eo$rnal %3r Psychologie $nd 7e$rologie) 2$gleich 2eitschri%t %3r Hypnotism$s) 729

1667% A'am, Etienne E+gDne%
2ypnotisme et double conscienceI origine de leur Mtude divers et travau0 sur des suLets analogues# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 189"& viii V "'+ pp# /n this volume& AAam brings together material on hypnotism and Fdouble consciousnessG or multiple personality -rom periodical articles& proceedings o- con-erences& and his own earlier book on the same subLect& Hypnotisme, do$"le conscience et alt'rations de la personalit', published in 188' :see entry number 11+9.# 729

1665% arad+c, Hippolyte .erdinand%

%a -orce vitale# Notre corps vital -luidiJue& sa -ormule biomMtriJue# 3arisH Keorges CarrM& 189"& viii V **6 pp# The -irst o- many books by ,araduc on what he called a Fbiometric vital -orceG that emanates -rom living beings# 2e constructed an instrument called the FbiometerG supposed to detect the presence o- a nervous -orce and other vibrations acting beyond the human body# 72 R 39

1666% r+ni, Em%

/l magnetismo smascherato e svelato# 8lorenceH 4alani& 189"& 1( pp# 729

1667% +B, Alphonse%

%e magnMtisme curati-# Canuel techniJue# 3arisH Chamuel& 189"& 00ii V 19( pp# A manual -or the practitioner o- Fcurative magnetism#G The author describes the best techniJues -or applying this healing art and discusses phenomena associated with arti-icial somnambulism# 729

1663% "oates, 9ames%

2ow to Cesmerise# %ondon and KlasgowH 2# Nisbet R Co#& 189"& viii V 1*$ pp#

Coates& a proli-ic writer o- Fhow toG books& describes how to apply animal magnetism to subLects& both human and animal# 2e also deals with the Fhigher phenomenaG osomnambulism such as clairvoyance and prevision# 2is advice about mesmeriAing animals is both interesting and amusing# /n-ormation on the -irst printing is unavailable# 72 R 39

1669% "oates, 9ames%

2ow to Thought-readH a Canual o- /nstruction in the 4trange and Cystic in aily %i-e& 3sychic 3henomena& /ncluding 2ypnotic& Cesmeric& and 3sychic 4tates& Cind and Cuscle =eading& Thought Trans-erence& 3sychometry& Clairvoyance& and 3henomenal 4piritualism# %ondon and KlasgowH 2# Nisbet R Co#& :189".& 1*8 pp# 72 R 39

1674% "+llerre, Ale5andre%

%a thMrapeutiJue suggestive et ses applications au0 maladies nerveuses et mentales& X la chirurgie& X lDobstMtriJue et X la pMdagogie# 3arisH %ibrairie N# ,# ,ailliPre et 8ils& 189"& i0 V :1. V 11)"18 pp# 729

1671% ,elanne, )a!riel%

%e phMnomPne spiritH tMmoignages des savants# ]tude historiJue& e0position mMthodiJue de tous les phMnomPnes& discussion des hypothPses# Conseils au0 mMdiums& la thMorie philosophiJue# 3arisH Chamuel& 189"& vii V *9( pp# elanne& an eloJuent promoter o- the cause o- spiritualism& made signi-icant contributions to psychical research# /n this book he discusses such phenomena as human levitation& transmission o- thought& apparitions and materialiAations# 739

1672% Ermacora, )ioAanni attista%

AttivitX subconsciente e spiritismo# =omeH ,albi& 189"& 16 pp# 739

1676% .aLn(ind, $tephanie%

u somnambulisme dit naturel :noctambulisme.& ses rapports avec lDhystMrie et lDattaJue hystMriJue X -orme somnambuliJue# 3arisH n#p#& 189"& 1+1 pp# 729

1677% .eyta+d, 8r!ain%

%e spiritisme devant la conscience# 3arisH Chamuel& 189"& *$8 pp#


1675% Hart, Ernest%

2ypnotism& Cesmerism and the New !itchcra-t# %ondonH 4mith& ?lder R Co#& 189"& vii V 18* pp# A collection o- articles& written by 2art -or 7ineteenth Bent$ry and the !ritish Medical Eo$rnal, which contains a strong denunciation o- the -indings o- psychical research and a reLection o- the Fhigher phenomenaG o- magnetic somnambulism# 2art argues that all apparent cases o- supernormal events are simply the result o- intended or accidental suggestions given to persons who are either hysterical or in a hypnotic state# 72 R 39

1676% H+dson, /homson 9ay%

The %aw o- 3sychic 3henomenaH A !orking 2ypothesis -or the 4ystematic 4tudy o2ypnotism& 4piritism& Cental Therapeutics& etc# ChicagoH A# C# CcClurg& 189"& 0vii V :1. V 19)6$9 pp# 2udson was an American thinker who developed a comprehensive e0planation -or a variety o- e0traordinary phenomena based upon a theory that human beings possess two mindsH an obLective mind which -unctions in everyday li-e& and a subLective mind which -unctions on a subconscious level and which has the memory o- all o- the e0periences o- the individual# This book is his -irst and his masterwork# 2udson used his two-mind theory to oppose the spiritualistic view o- the world& insisting that apparent communication with the dead is seldelusion# 2e contended that all o- the in-ormation supposedly coming -rom spirits could be discovered in the subLective minds o- the persons involved in the sMances# This book& widely read& was very in-luential among 2udsonDs contemporaries# 72 R 39

1677% :iese0etter, "arl%

ie ?ntwicklungsgeschichte des 4piritismus von der >rAeit bis Aur Kegenwart# %eipAigH Ca0 4pohr& 189"& +$ pp# 739

1673% :iese0etter, "arl%

8ranA Anton CesmerDs %eben und %ehre# Nebst einer Eorgeschichte des Cesmerismus& 2ypnotismus und 4omnambulismus# %eipAigH Ca0 4pohr& 189"& 18$ pp# <iesewetter was a noted historian o- the occult# This book is a use-ul biography o- Cesmer and a history o- his teaching# <iesewetterDs chie- contribution& however& is an interesting prehistory o- animal magnetism which describes practices and phenomena centuries be-ore Cesmer# 729

1679% *a'are, ernard%

%a tMlMpathie et le nMo-spiritualisme# 3arisH %ibrairie de lDart indMpendant& 189"& "( pp#


1654% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

4cience and a 8uture %i-eH !ith ;ther ?ssays# %ondonH Cacmillan& 189"& *6" pp# A collection o- essays originally appearing in the 7ineteenth Bent$ry and the 0ortnightly Re(ie-) The -irst& entitled F4cience and a 8uture %i-e&G is the only one concerned with psychical research# /t addresses the JuestionH !hat does science have to say about manDs survival o- deathW 739

1651% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

FThe 4ubliminal Consciousness#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 9 :189".H *) 1*8# The third o- -our important articles by Cyers on the subliminal consciousness# 2ere he e0amines the evidence o- subliminal mental activity in hysteria# As is usual with Cyers& the article is replete with case material# 72 R 39

1652% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+ste Al!ert de%

%es Mtats super-iciels de lDhypnose# 3arisH Chamuel& 189"& 169 pp# /n 8es 'tats pro%onds de l9hypnose :189*& entry number 1"*8.& de =ochas listed eight stages or phases o- hypnotism# This volume -ocuses on the -irst threeH 1. credulity& *. catalepsy& and ". somnambulism& which de =ochas calls the Fsuper-icial states o- hypnosis#G /t also includes a long section on the nature o- hypnotic suggestion# 729

1656% $aAage, Minot 9+dson%

3sychicsH 8acts and Theories# ,ostonH Arena 3ublishing Co#& 189"& 0 V :+.)1+8 pp# 4avage was a minister o- the >nitarian church and an early member o- the American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# This is his -irst book on psychical research# 739

1657% $e5t+s, "arl%

2ypnotism& /ts 8acts& Theories and =elated 3henomenaH with ?0planatory Anecdotes& escriptions and =eminiscences# ChicagoH C# 4e0tus& 189"& viii V 9)"$6 pp# A noteworthy publication on hypnotic practice in America# !hile presenting well-known material on the nature o- arti-icial somnambulism and hypnotic states& 4e0tus also includes chapters on unusual subLects such as one on magnetiAation o- snakes in the >nited 4tates and the introduction o- hypnotism into Chicago that make -or interesting reading# 729

1655% $o+ria+, Pa+l%

%a suggestion dans lDart# 3arisH Ancienne librairie Kermer ,ailliPre& 8Mli0 Alcan& Mditeur& 189"& :6. V "68 pp# This unusual contribution investigates the place o- hypnotism& -ascination& and suggestion in art# A-ter discussing how the e0perience o- art can produce hypnotic e--ects& 4ouriau notes the crucial role o- suggestion in visual arts& musical arts& writing& and acting# 2e also e0amines the way a sympathetically attuned individual identi-ies with elements in the artistic presentation& and relates this to a doubling o- the personality and a kind o- possession e0perience# This little known book provides a uniJue perspective on the human e0perience oart# 729

1656% Qincent, Ralph Harry%

The ?lements o- 2ypnotismH the /nduction o- 2ypnosis& /ts 3henomena& /ts angers and Ealue# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 189"& 0iv V *(9 pp# 729

1657% enedi(t, Mori'%
2ypnotismus und 4uggestion# ?ine klinisch-psychologische 4tudie# EiennaH C# ,reitenstein& 1896& ii V 91 pp# 729

1653% "oc(e, 9ames Richard%

2ypnotism& 2ow /t is oneI /ts >ses and angers# ,ostonH Arena 3ublishing Co#& 1896& v V :1. V "'" pp# Cocke covers practically every aspect o- the phenomenon -rom methods o- hypnotic induction to theories on the nature o- hypnotism# !ell researched and eclectic in orientation& this is one o- the best general treatises on hypnotism to appear in the >nited 4tates to its date# 729

1659% "roc?, 9ean%

%Dhypnotisme et le crime# ,russelsH 2# %amertin& 1896& iv V vii V +)"$$ pp# 729

1664% *a c+riositB% ReA+e des sciences psychi?+es%

Eols# 1)6I 1896)1898# ?dited by ?rnest ,osc and published in Nice# 739

1661% ,ailey, A!ram Hoagland%

Colly 8ancher& the ,rooklyn ?nigma# An Authentic 4tatement o- 8acts in the %i-e o- Cary N# 8ancher& the 3sychological Carvel o- the Nineteenth Century# >nimpeachable Testimony oCany !itnesses# ,rooklynH ?agle& 1896& :1. V 0iii V :1. V *(* pp# A case history o- a multiple personality accompanied by clairvoyant e0periences# 72 R 39

1662% ,+ Prel, :arl *+d0ig A+g+st .riedrich Ma5imillian Al#red%

ie ?ntdeckung der 4eele durch die Keheimwissenscha-ten# * vols# %eipAigH ?# Kunther& :1896 and 189+.# 739

1666% ,+rand de )ros, 9oseph Pierre%

%e merveilleu0 scienti-iJue# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 1896& "66 pp# A summary o- the views o- urand de Kros on mesmerism& braidism :as the 8rench sometimes termed hypnotism.& and spiritism# 72 R 39

1667% .+gairon, *o+is $ophrone%

?ssai sur les phMnomPnes MlectriJues des Otres vivants comprenant lDe0plication scienti-iJue des phMnomenPnes dits spirites# 3arisH Chamuel& 1896& *$* pp# 72 R 39

1665% )lendinning, Andre0 <ed%>

The Eeil %i-ted# Codern evelopments o- 4pirit 3hotography# A 3aper by N# Traill Taylor escribing ?0periments in 3sychic 3hotography& %etter by the =ev# 2# =# 2aweis& Addresses by Names =obertson& Klasgow& and Ciscellanea by the ?ditor& Andrew Klendinning# %ondonH !hittaker R Co#& 1896& 0ii V 1(6 pp# A collection o- writings on an unusual phenomenonI the production o- -orms on -ilm which apparently cannot be accounted -or in normal terms# These -orms were thought to be produced by spirits and o-ten were the likenesses o- deceased persons# Taylor& the editor o- the !ritish Eo$rnal o% Photography, describes his investigation o- the photographic medium avid uguid and his inability to account -or certain Fe0trasG that were produced on the -ilms used in the e0periment# ;ther papers in this collection were eJually a--irmative in their views on the matter# 739

1666% *ang, Andre0%

Cock %ane and Common 4ense# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen R Co#& 1896& 0vi V "+' pp# Andrew %ang was a literary genius and author o- over -i-ty books in anthropology& mythology& -olk lore and other -ields# /n 19$(& he Loined the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& contributing many articles to its Eo$rnal and Proceedings and eventually serving as its

president# Boc. 8ane and Bommon +ense is a collection o- essays that had previously appeared in various Lournals# The subLect is spiritualism& ancient and contemporary# %angDs approach is to use material that is as solidly based in true e0perience as possible and in the pre-ace he discusses a number o- problems regarding the truth-ulness in such accounts# These include the inaccuracy o- human testimonyI the possibility o- hallucination& and -raud# Taking these di--iculties into account& %ang presents accounts o- spiritualistic e0periences which he nonetheless considers worthy o- serious consideration# They range -rom ancient neo-platonic spiritistic sMances to the contemporary phenomena o- table turning# 739

1667% *illie, Arth+r%

Codern Cystics and Codern CagicI Containing a 8ull ,iography o- the =ev# !illiam 4tainton Coses& etc# %ondonH 4# 4onnenschein R Co#& 1896& 1'* pp# 4ketches o- the lives and ideas o- some important modern mysticsH 4wedenborg& ,oehme& Cadame Kuyon& the F/lluminati&G Cadame ,lavatsky& and !illiam 4tainton Coses# The latter sketch is by -ar the most valuable and is in -act one o- the most complete descriptions o- the li-e and e0periences o- 4tainton Coses available# As such it is an important contribution to the history o- psychical research# 739

1663% Mesnet, Ernest%

;utrages X la pudeur# Eiolences sur les organes se0uels de la -emme dans le somnambulisme provoJuM et la -ascination# ]tude mMdico-lMgale# 3arisH =ue--& 1896& 00iv V *(' pp# ;n the moral and legal misuse o- hypnotism& with emphasis on se0ual violation# 729

1669% Met'ger, ,aniel%

?ssai de spiritisme scienti-iJue# 3arisH %ibrarie des 4ciences 3sychologiJues& :1896.& 0ii V 6++ pp# A detailed study o- spiritualism and its philosophy# The author discusses the dangers ospiritualism and possibilities o- hallucination and illusion in spiritualistic mani-estations# 3henomena discussed include telepathy& apparitions& automatic writing& spirit photography& and materialiAations# 739

1674% Parish, Edm+nd%

bber die Trugwahrnehmung :2allucination und /llusion. mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung der internationalen ?nJuete Qber !achhallucinationen bei Kesunden# %eipAigH A# Abel& 1896& *6( pp# ?nglishH Hall$cinations and 1ll$sions) %ondonH !alter 4cott& 189'# An important study o- hallucinations based upon the authorDs own e0periments and a study othe literature o- Kermany& 8rance& ?ngland& and America# 2e concludes that all hallucinations arise while the subLect is in a state o- dissociation o- consciousness in which the higher nerve elements that carry on the work o- association are e0hausted# 739

1671% Podmore, .ran(%

Apparitions and Thought-Trans-erenceH An ?0amination o- the ?vidence -or Telepathy# %ondonH !alter 4cott& 1896& 0iv V 6$1 pp# Although a civil servant by occupation& 3odmore devoted a great deal o- time to the -irsthand investigation o- psychical phenomena and became one o- the most important -igures in the early history o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# Although initially a spiritualist& the e0posure o- a number o- well-known mediums as -rauds led him to become an e0treme skeptic# 2e developed such severe criteria -or Ludging the genuineness o- mediumistic e0periences that some believed they were impossible to meet# This skepticism undoubtedly increased the credibility o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch as a seriously critical investigative body# Although 3odmore had contributed to Phantasms o% the 8i(ing :188(& see entry number 1166.& Apparitions and Dho$ght-Drans%erence is his -irst solely authored book# 3odmore provides a solid description o- the history o- the Juestion -rom the time o- the early mesmerists and points out reasons -or caution in accepting the conclusions o- those earlier investigators# 2e then arrives at a position that he was to maintain throughout all o- his worksH that alleged apparitions and communications -rom the dead are e0plicable in terms o- the operation o- telepathy# 739

1672% Renterghem, Al!ert &illem Aan and Eeden, .% Aan%

3sycho-thMrapieH communications statistiJues& observations cliniJues nouvelles# Compte rendu des rMsultats obtenus dans la cliniJue de psycho-thMrapie suggestive dDAmsterdam& pendant la deu0iPme& pMriode# 3arisH 4ociMtMs dDMditions scienti-iJues& 1896& vi V *9" pp# 729

1676% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

er 2ypnotismus im CQnchener <rankenhause :%inks der /sar.# ?ine kritische 4tudie Qber die Ke-ahren der 4uggestivbehandlung# %eipAigH A# Ceiner& 1896& "9 pp# 729

1677% $ociety #or Psychical Research%

F=eport on the Census o- 2allucinations#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 1$ :1896.H *+)6**# The most comprehensive survey o- paranormal e0periences ever published& this statistical study was begun in 1889 by a committee under the chairmanship o- 2enry 4idgwick& and a group o- 61$ collectors o- material# A Juestionnaire was used to which 1'&$$$ replies were received& *&*'* o- which report some kind o- paranormal hallucination# A-ter a long period osi-ting and con-irming the a--irmative replies& 1&($$ o- these were considered reliable enough to be used in the study& which analyAes hallucinations according to type and circumstance and contains a lengthy discussion o- the results# The discussion was illustrated with numerous details o- individual e0perience# 739

1675% $toll, Ptto%

4uggestion und 2ypnotismus in der Ealkerpsychologie# %eipAigH <# 8# <oehler& 1896& 0ii V +*" pp# A very important study in the social psychology o- suggestion# 4toll investigates the place ohypnotic and waking suggestion in the development o- the religious and occult practices and belie-s o- all ages# /n this conte0t& he discusses the phenomena o- hetero-suggestion& autosuggestion& and group-suggestion# The work is e0tremely well researched& a scholarly accomplishment o- the -irst order# 729

1676% Eo+ng, 9% .% and Ro!ertson, R%

The ivining =odH /ts 2istory1!ith 8ull /nstructions -or 8inding 4ubterranean 4prings& and ;ther >se-ul /n-ormation# Also an ?ssay ?ntitledH Are the Claims and 3retensions o- the ivining =od Ealid and TrueW by ?# Eaughan Nenkins# :%ondon.H N# ,aker& 1896& 1"8 pp# 739

1677% AceAedo, M% Ptero%
%os ?spjritus# * vols# CadridH =evista psicologica& F%a /rradiaciin&G 189+& "'1I *+( pp# A history o- spiritism with accounts o- e0periments o- psychical researchers -rom ?ngland& Kermany& 8rance& /taly& and 4pain# 739

1673% inet, Al#red%

FContribution X lDMtude de la soi-disant tMlMpathie#G Annales des sciences psychi/$es + :189+.H 19")99# 739

1679% "oste, Al!ert%

%es phMnomPnes psychiJues occultes& Mtat actuel de la Juestion# Contpellier and 3arisH C# Coulet :Contpellier. and Casson :3aris.& 189+& **( pp# 739

1634% ,+rand de )ros, 9oseph Pierre%

4uggestions hypnotiJues criminelles# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 189+& 1( pp# 729

1631% ,+rAille, Hector%

,ibliographie du magnMtisme et des sciences occultes# 3arisH %ibrairie du magnMtisme& 189+& "( pp# 729

1632% ,+rAille, Hector%

%Denseignement du magnMtisme# 3arisH %ibrairie du magnMtisme& 189+& *' pp# 729

1636% ,+rAille, Hector%

TraitM e0pMrimental de magnMtisme avec portrait de lDauteur et -igures dans le te0te# Cours pro-essM X lDMcole pratiJue de magnMtisme et de massage# 3hysiJue magnMtiJue# * vols# 3arisH %ibrairie du magnMtisme& :189+ and 189(.& "*6I "($ pp# !ith the second two volumes :see urvilleH Drait' e&p'rimental de magn'tisme, entry number 16"+.& this work is one o- the most detailed and complete treatises on the practice oanimal magnetism and magnetic healing ever written# 729

1637% Erny, Al#red%

%e psychisme e0pMrimental& Mtude sur les phMnomPnes psychiJues# 3arisH ?# 8lammarion& 189+& :". V iii V *"* pp# The author attempts to take critical but -air notice o- the phenomena o- spiritualism and to determine their value -or psychical research# 739

1635% H+dson, /homson 9ay%

A 4cienti-ic emonstration o- the 8uture %i-e# ChicagoH A# C# CcClurg and Co#& 189+& "*( pp# !hereas in Dhe 8a- o% Psychic Phenomena :189"& entry number 1"6(. 2udson attempted to show that all o- the phenomena o- spiritualism could be e0plained in terms o- Fthis-worldlyG -actors& in the present work he intends to demonstrate that human beings are nevertheless destined to a li-e beyond death# 2is demonstration is not& however& based on proo-s cited by spiritualists& such as communications -rom the dead& which 2udson considers to be superstition# =ather it is -ounded on an analysis o- the physical& intellectual& and psychical structure o- human beings# 2udson contends that any other conclusion is logically and scienti-ically untenable# 739

1636% 9anet, Pierre%

FN# C# Charcot& son oeuvre psychologiJue#G Re($e Philosophi/$e "9 :189+.H +(9)($6# Nanet criticiAes CharcotDs methodology in his investigation o- hypnotism and hysteria# 2e -inds -ault with CharcotDs attempt to provide a description o- mental conditions based on the

same model as that used to categoriAe organic disease# Nanet also points out that Charcot was misled in his conclusions because o- a lack o- awareness o- what was happening to his patients on the ward# Charcot did not realiAe that his hysterics were o-ten FmagnetiAedG by various individuals and that his Fthree stagesG o- hypnotism were in -act behaviors learned in those magnetic sessions& not organically determined responses# 729

1637% <*ero+5, A+g+ste, pse+donym1 Ro+5el%>

2istoire et philosophie du magnMtisme cheA les anciens et cheA les modernes# * vols# 3arisH %ibrairie du magnMtisme& 189+ and 189(& "+9I "*6 pp# A competent history o- animal magnetism& tracing both ancient precursors and the development o- animal magnetism -rom the time o- Cesmer# 729

1633% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

FThe 4ubliminal 4el-#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 11 :189+.H ""6)+9"# The last o- -our important articles by Cyers on the subliminal consciousness# 2ere he amasses a great many instances o- apparent precognition and retrocognition to show that the subliminal consciousness seems to have access to in-ormation o- a supernormal kind# :8or a description o- CyersDs notion o- the subliminal consciousness& see entry number 1"*6#. 72 R 39

1639% Preyer, &ilhelm /hierry%

?in merkwQrdiger 8all von 8ascination# 4tuttgartH 8erdinand ?nke& 189+& vi V :*. V ++ pp# escription o- a case o- -ascination using the eyes and waking suggestion# The subLect was 8rdulein ?llida 2ill# 729

1694% RiAista di st+di psichici% Periodico mensile dedicato alle ricerche sperimentali e critiche s+i #enomeni di telepatia, chiaroAeggen'a, premoni'ione, medianitN, etc%
Eols# 1)(I 189+)19$1# 3ublished in 3adua and Turin and edited by K# ,# ?rmacora and Kiorgio 8inAi& -ollowed by Cesare di Eesme# 739

1691% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+ste Al!ert de%

%De0tMriorisation de la sensibilitM# ]tude e0pMrimentale et historiJue# 3arisH ,ibliothPJue Chacornac& 189+& viii V *+$ pp# F?0terioriAation o- sensibilityG re-ers to the e0tension beyond the physical body o- the ability to sense or perceive in a manner analogous to sensation# /t was -irst noted and named as such by 3aul Noire in his Pr'cis th'ori/$e et prati/$e de ne$ro-hypnology :189*& entry number 1"*$.# /n the present book& e =ochas discusses the history and nature o- the phenomenon&

his own e0periments with it and its relation to his stages o- hypnotism :see entry number 1"*8.# Asserting that it has been well established that specially sensitive individuals perceive emantions proceeding -rom the organisms o- living beings and pointing out that some investigators believe that a hypnotic subLect in the state o- rapport with the hypnotiAer may be able to e0perience the sensations o- the hypnotiAer& de =ochas is led to the belie- that the power o- sensation may be e0tended beyond the skin o- the body# This phenomenon& he notes& is not new& and he traces the history o- analogous phenomena back hundreds o- years& citing among other sources& literature that treats o- the power o- sympathy and sympathetic medicine in general# /n this regard& he devotes a -ull chapter to the magnetic medicine o- !illiam Ca0well# 72 R 39

1692% $aAino, E%
/l magnetismo& lDipnotismo e lo spiritismo& ovvero 4atana e la moderna magia# ,eneventoH n#p#& 189+# =eports many supernormal phenomena accomplished in the magnetic or hypnotic state and attributes them to the power o- 4atan# 72 R 39

1696% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, A% Aon, )rashey, ===, Hirt, ===, and Preyer, &ilhelm%
er 3roAess CAynski# Thatbestand desselben und Kutachten Qber !illensbeschrdnkung durch hypnotisch-suggestiven ?in-luss abgegeben vor dem oberbayerischen 4chwurgericht Au CQnchen# 4tuttgartH 8erdinand ?nke& 189+& iii V 1$* pp# 739

1697% $oloAieA, QseAolod $ergyeeAich%

A Codern 3riestess o- /sis# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen& and Co#& 189+& 0i0 V :1. V "(( pp# /n 1886 the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch undertook an investigation o- Ftheosophical phenomena#G At that time a committee was set up by the 4ociety to determine the genuineness o- the psychic happenings said to take place around Cadame ,lavatsky# The -inding o- the committee& published in its Proceedings, was basically that she was a charlatan and that many o- the apparently supernormal phenomena were deliberately staged# /n a pre-ace& the 4ocietyDs president& 2enry 4idgwick& states that Cr# 4olovievDs study o- Cadame ,lavatsky& at least in certain parts& constituted a supplement to the statement o- results given by the 4ociety# The original longer version appeared in eight monthly installments in the R$ss.y Fyestni. :=ussian Cessenger. in 189* and was abridged and translated on behal- o- the 4ociety by !alter %ea-# 739

1695% A(sa(oA, Ale5ander @i(olaeAich%

>n cas de dMmatMrialisation partielle du corps dDun mMdiumH enJuOte et commentaires# 3arisH %Dart /ndMpendant& 189(& **1 pp# ?nglishH A Base o% Partial #emateriali5ation o% the !ody o% a Medi$m) Translated by Tracy Kould# ,ostonH ,anner o- %ight 3ublishing& 1898# A description and discussion o- a rarely reported phenomenonH the apparent partial dematerialiAation o- the body o- a medium during a materialiAation sMance# The medium was Cadame dD?spMrance :whose real name was ?liAabeth 2ope.& and the sMance was conducted in ecember o- 189" in 8inland# The 8rench edition was translated -rom Kerman# 739

1696% arad+c, Hippolyte .erdinand%

%Dfme humaine& ses mouvements& ses lumiPres et lDiconographie de lDinvisible -luidiJue# 3arisH Keorges CarrM& 189(& *99 pp# ,araduc claimed he was able to photograph rays emanating -rom the astral bodies o- human beings# The book contains '$ photographic plates# 739

1697% arad+c, Hippolyte .erdinand%

%Diconographie en anses de la -orce vitale cosmiJue et la respiration -luidiJue de lDfme humaine# 4on atmosphPre -luidiJue# 3arisH Keorges CarrM& 189(& 89 pp# 739

1693% "leAeland, &illiam%

The =eligion o- Codern 4piritualism& and /ts 3henomena Compared with the Christian =eligion and /ts Ciracles# CincinnatiH The %ight o- Truth 3ublishing Co#& 189(& 6$$ pp# The author presents spiritualism as a continuation o- Christianity and a puri-ication o- an e0cessive and oppressive orthodo0y# 739

1699% "roc?, 9ean%

%Dhypnotisme scienti-iJue# 3arisH 4ociMtM dDMditions scienti-iJues& 189(& 0i V 6+1 pp# 729

1744% ,+lora de la Haye, ===%

4omnambulisme et magie# 3arisH 8ayard& 189(& *"8 pp# A popularly written book on animal magnetism and hypnotism& with emphasis on the more spectacular phenomena# 72 R 39

1741% Harte, Richard%

The New 4piritualism# :%ondon.H ;--ice o- F%ight&G :189(.& "+ pp#


1742% Hypnotic Maga'ine%

189()189'& Eols# 1)*# ?dited by 4idney 8lower in Chicago# 729

1746% Mo+tin, *+cien%

%e diagnostic de la suggestibilitM# 3arisH 4ociMtM dDMditions scienti-iJues& 189(& 11$ pp# !ritten by a practitioner in the magnetic tradition& this volume is principally concerned with determining the degree o- a subLectDs sensibility to magnetic in-luence# 729

1747% Pictet, Rao+l%

]tude critiJue du matMrialisme et du spiritualisme par la physiJue e0pMrimentale# KenevaH 2# 4tapelmohr& 189(& +9( V :". pp# 739

1745% ReA+e de psychiatrie, de ne+rologie et d;hypnologie% Rec+eil des traAa+5 p+!liBs en .rance et N l;Btranger%
189(# 4eeH 89enc'phale :1881.& entry number 1$"9# 729

1746% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+ste Al!ert de%

%De0tMriorisation de la motricitM# =ecueil dDe0pMriences et dDobservations# 3arisH Chamuel& 189(& viii V 6"* pp# F?0terioriAation o- motricityG re-ers to the e0tension o- motor -orce beyond the periphery othe body# The theory behind this term is that when a telekinetic individual moves obLects without contact& the motor nerves o- that individual are involved# e =ochas wrote this book with the intention o- establishing the -act that inert obLects can be moved through a -orce that emanates -rom the physical organism o- some people# The -irst part o- the book is largely a description o- sMances with the -amous /talian medium& ?usapia 3alladino :18+6)1918.& whose physical mediumship was investigated by more panels o- e0perts than any other medium o- the day# 4he produced some physical phenomena that were never e0plained& but she was also detected in -raud# e =ochas provides detailed accounts o- e0periments and comments by observers present and discusses the occasional presence o- -raud# The second part o- the book deals with the turning tables o- 18+"& the ,ritish investigation o- physical phenomena :the report o- the ialectical 4ociety and the work o- !illiam Crookes.& and the phenomena produced by a number o- mediums such as 2enry 4lade and onald CacNab# 739

1747% $a+sse, Henri%

,iographie dDAllan <ardec# iscours prononcM X %yon& le "1 mars 18+(# ToursH ?# Arrault& :189(.& "* pp# 739

1743% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

bber 4paltung der 3ersanlichkeit :4ogennantes oppel-/ch.# EiennaH 2older& 189(& *" pp# 729

1749% $+ggestiAe /herape+tics%

Eols# 1)"I 189()189'# Continued asH Hypnotic Maga5ine Eols# 6)+I 1898# Continued asH Eo$rnal o% Medical Hypnotism Eol# 1I 1898# Continued asH Eo$rnal o% Magnetism Eol# 1 and Eols# 1$)1*I 19$1# Cerged intoH 7e- Dho$ght Eol# 1 and Eols# 1$)19I 19$1)191$# 729

1714% Qesme, "esare a+di di%

4toria dello spiritismo# * vols# TurinH 8rassati& :189( and 189'.& 0vi V "'9I +'6 pp# ?nglishH A History o% E&perimental +pirit$alism) * vols# %ondonH =ider R Co#& 19"1# This wide-ranging work takes up the history o- spiritualism with the speci-ic aim o- assessing whether Fe0perimental spiritualism&G :the direct e0perience o- the paranormal phenomena ospiritualism& including apparent communication with departed spirits. can show mankind the true meaning o- li-e and inLect a note o- optimism into human e0istence& a task which modern materialism had not been able to accomplish# i Eesme -inds the key in the investigation oparanormal phenomena# These lead to the conclusion that li-e continues beyond the grave and that the events o- this li-e must be understood in terms o- that broader conte0t# Eolume one deals with primitive man and present primitive cultures# Eolume two e0amines spiritualism in antiJuity# 739

1711% Ueitschri#t #Sr Hypnotism+s, Psychotherapie, so0ie andere psycho2 physiologische +nd psychopathologische .orsch+ngen%
189(# 4ee 2eitschri%t %3r Hypnotism$s, +$ggestionstherapie, +$ggestionslehre $nd (er-andte psychologische 0orsch$ngen :189*& entry number 1""".# 729

1712% ernheim, Hippolyte%
%Dhypnotisme et la suggestion dans leurs rapports avec la mMdecine lMgale# NancyH A# CrMpin%eblond& 189'& 1$* pp#

A talk originally delivered at the twel-th CongrPs international de mMdecine held at Coscow in 189'# 729

1716% etiero, /% 9%
3ractical ?ssays on 2ypnotism and Cesmerism# ChicagoH :5elah and Co#.& 189'& 1"9 pp# 729

1717% "oates, 9ames%

2uman Cagnetism or 2ow to 2ypnotise# A 3ractical 2andbook -or 4tudents o- Cesmerism# %ondonH Keorge =edway& 189'& 8$ pp# A reworking o- material contained in CoatesDs Ho- to Mesmeri5e :189"& see entry number 1""8.# The authorDs Fhow toG manuals were very much in demand# 729

1715% ,elanne, )a!riel%

%DMvolution animiJue# ?ssai de psychologie physiologiJue suivant le spiritisme# 3arisH Chamuel& 189'& "(8 pp# elanne presents a guide -or living based on a spiritistic view o- human nature# The sections on arti-icial somnambulism& possession& and madness are o- interest to the psychical researcher# 72 R 39

1716% Enca+sse, )Brard%

u traitement e0terne et psychiJue des maladies nerveuses# Aimants et couronnes magnMtiJues# Cirroirs# Traitement diMtMtiJue# 2ypnotisme# 4uggestion# Trans-erts# 3arisH Chamuel& 189'& *$8 pp# 729

1717% )asc2,es#osses, Edo+ard%

CagnMtisme vitalH contributions e0pMrimentales X lDMtude par le galvanomPtre de lDMlectromagnMtisme vitalI suivies dDinductions scienti-iJues et philosophiJues# 3arisH 4ociMtM dDMditions scienti-iJues& 189'& 0viii V ""( pp# An attempt to relate the phenomena o- animal magnetism to electromagnetism# 729

1713% Hope, Eli'a!eth <pse+donym1 Mme% ,;Esperance%>

4hadowland& or %ight -rom the ;ther 4ide# %ondonH Keorge =edway& 189'& 00ii V 616 pp# A classical autobiographical account o- a non-pro-essional medium who played an important part in e0periments in psychical research# As a child she was aware o- Fshadow people&G individuals who& though not -rightening to her& nevertheless did not have substantial bodies

and seemed to be deceased individuals# As a young woman she accidentally discovered what appeared to be remarkable telekinetic powers& and -rom that time she began to develop as a materialiAation medium# 4he was eventually able to produce what appeared to be misty human -orms in three dimensions# /nvestigated by many psychical researchers& she came to be highly respected -or her honesty# AksakovDs book Gn cas de d'mat'rialsation partielle d$ corps d9$n m'di$m :189(& entry number 1"9+. is about a biAarre incident in her physical mediumship# 4he wrote a second volume o- +hado-land, but the manuscript was destroyed in Kermany during the 8irst !orld !ar# 739

1719% Hodgson, Richard%

FA 8urther =ecord o- ;bservations o- Certain 3henomena o- Trance#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 1" :189'.H *86)+8*# A -ollow-up report on the medium %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$. supplying in-ormation supplementing that o- 2odgsonDs report o- 189* :see entry number 1"1'.# /n this article 2odgson dicusses possible alternative e0planations& e0pressing his opinion that the Fspirit hypothesisG seems most likely# 739

1724% *ang, Andre0%

The ,ook o- reams and Khosts# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen R Co#& 189'& 0viii V "$1 pp# %ang did not intend this book to be Lust a collection o- odd stories# 2e meant it to be a systematic study o- true accounts o- unusual events gathered -rom a literature spanning a number o- centuries and e0amined -rom an anthropological point o- view# /t deals with poltergeists& animal ghosts& crystal gaAing :a subLect o- particular interest to %ang.& bilocation& hauntings and other phenomena# %ang e0amines his material critically& but does not rule out the possibility that the accounts re-er to genuine paranormal e0periences# 739

1721% Mason, R+#+s Psgood%

Telepathy and the 4ubliminal 4el-# New @orkH 2enry 2olt and Company& 189'& :1. V vii V "6" pp# The author& a physician& attempts to bring -indings -rom hypnosis and double personality together with those -rom psychical research proper in a systematic analysis o- the subliminal or subconscious sel-# 2e has researched his subLect well and is success-ul within his own terms o- re-erence# /t is a valuable book and one that must be considered an essential source in tracing the connections between psychical research and investigations arising out o- animal magnetism and hypnosis# 72 R 39

1722% Morselli, Enrico Agostino%

/ -enomeni telepatici e le allucinaAioni viridiche# ;sservaAioni critiche sul neo-misticismo psicologico# 8lorenceH %andi& 189'& +8 pp# A study o- telepathy and apparitions by one o- the most cautious and care-ul o- the /talian psychical researchers# 739

1726% MSller, R+dol#%

as hypnotische 2ellseh-?0periment im ienste der naturwissenscha-tlichen 4eelen-orschung# " vols# %eipAigH A# 4trauch& :189')19$$.# Eolume 1H #er FerLnder$ngsgeset5 :189'.I Eolume *H #as normale !e-$sstsein :1898.I Eolume "H ,illeJ HypnoseJ 2-ec. :19$$.# 72 R 39

1727% Pchoro0ic', 9+lian%

Cagnetismus und 2ypnotismus# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 189'& vi V :*. V 1"8 pp# ;chorowicA presents -irst the history o- animal magnetism and then that o- hypnotism# 2e de-ines animal magnetism as the healing art practiced by using magnetic passes and hypnotism as the special state o- consciousness which is usually called somnambulism# 2e describes the progression -rom 3uysMgur through 3etetin to 8aria& NoiAet& ,ertrand& eleuAe& etc# ;chorowicA acknowledges the importance o- ,raid and his development o- the notion ohypnotism& and investigates the most signi-icant results o- hypnotism# 72N

1725% Parish, Edm+nd%

5ur <ritik des telepathischen beweis Cateriels# %eipAigH n#p#& 189'& 68 pp# A criticism read be-ore the 3sychological 4ociety o- Cunich o- the -indings o- the F=eport on the Census o- 2allucinationsG :see entry number 1"'6.# 3arish contends that there are good reasons to be skeptical o- the evidence -or telepathy presented in that report# 739

1726% Podmore, .ran(%

4tudies in 3sychical =esearch# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 189'& i0 V 6+8 pp# ;ne o- the best books on psychical research written be-ore 19$$# 3odmore treats most o- the maLor areas o- investigation and& as usual& his approach is skeptical in the e0treme# 2is historical and investigative research is e0cellent# /n addition to interesting chapters on secondary personalities and obsession in which he attempts to show how these psychological phenomena cast light on spiritualistic e0periences& subLects include the physical phenomena o- spiritualism& poltergeists& telepathy& ghosts& haunted houses& and premonitions# As in his previous book& 3odmore concludes that only telepathy has so -ar been established as a proven -act# 739

1727% Randall, .ran( H%

3ractical /nstruction in Cesmerism# !estminsterH =o0burge 3ress& 189'& :8. V 11" pp# 729

1723% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+ste Al!ert de%

%a lMvitation# 3arisH 3# K# %eymarie& 189'& 11$ pp# Collects in-ormation regarding the paranormal levitation o- obLects and living beings# Among the incidents described is the bodily levitation o- the -amous medium& aniel unglas 2ome :18"")188(.# 739

1729% /r+#y, "harles%

Causeries spirites# 3arisH Chamuel& 189'& *(" pp# 739

1764% A(sa(oA, Ale5andr @i(olaeAich <ed%>
er 4piritualismus und die !issenscha-t# ?0perimentelle >ntersuchungen Qber die psychische <ra-t& von !illiam Crookes& nebst bestdtigenden 5eugnissen des 3hysikers C# 8# Earley# 3rQ-ungs-4itAungen des Cr# # # 2ome mit den Kelehrten Au 4t# 3etersburg und %ondon# Translated -rom the =ussian into ?nglish by Kregor Constantin and edited by Ale0andr Aksakov# * ed# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 1898& 00iii V 1*+ pp# 739

1761% A(sa(oA, Ale5andr @i(olaeAich%

Eorldu-er des 4piritismus# 2ervorragende 8alle willkQrlicher mediumistischer ?rscheinungen aus den letAten drei Nahrhunderten# Translated -rom the =ussian with a supplement by 8eilgenhauer# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 1898& 0vi V "+( pp# Aksakov attempts to provide a panorama o- spiritistic phenomena -rom 1((1& through the =ochester knockings o- 1868& and up to his own time# 2e recounts many cases o- mediumistic happenings which are drawn -rom the better known literature and includes material& chie-ly =ussian in origin& never be-ore published& some with e0tensive documentation# 739

1762% el#iore, )+ilio%

Cagnetismo e ipnotismo# CilanH >lrico 2oepli& 1898& :1. V :v.)viii V "'' pp# 729

1766% Brillon, Edgar%

%Dhypnotisme et lDorthopMdie mentale# 3arisH =ue--& 1898& 68 pp# 729

1767% inet, Al#red%

F%a suggestibilitM au point de vue de la psychologie individuelle#G Ann'e psychologi/$e + :1898.H 8*)1+*# 729

1765% ,+rAille, Hector%

TraitM e0pMrimental de magnMtisme avec -igures dans le teste# Cours pro-essM X lDMcole pratiJue de magnMtisme et de massage# ThMories et procMdMs# * vols# 3arisH %ibrairie du magnMtisme& :1898)19$6.& "($I ""* pp# !ith the -irst two volumes :see urvilleH Drait' e&p'rimental de magn'tisme, 189+& entry number 1"8".& this work is one o- the most detailed and complete treatises on the practice oanimal magnetism and magnetic healing ever written# 729

1766% Ermacora, )ioAanni attista%

%a telepatia# 3adua H %# Crescini& 1898& 1+$ pp# A collection o- articles on thought trans-erence written by one o- the more important /talian psychical researchers# /t deals largely with the methods and conditions necessary -or a scienti-ic study o- telepathy and also presents a review o- the evidence in -avor o- the reality o- telepathic phenomena# 739

1767% .ontenay, )+illa+me de%

A propos dD?usapia 3aladino# %es sMances de Cont-ort-%DAmaury :*+)*8 Nuillet 189'.# Compte rendu& photographies& tMmoignages et commentaires# 3arisH 4ociMtM dDMditions scienti-iJues& 1898& 000 V *81 pp# This book describes sMances with the -amous /talian medium ?usapia 3alladino :18+6)1918.# 739

1763% <)eley, )+staAe, pse+donym1 ,r% )yel%>

?ssai de revue gMnMrale et dDinterprMtation synthMtiJue du spiritisme# %yonH %# ,ourgeon& 1898& 1*8 pp# A somewhat philosophical investigation o- the doctrine o- spiritism# Keley Juestions the nature o- the soul and its connection with the material world& the e0istence o- a FperispiritG or astral body& and the relevance o- subconscious states to the issue o- mediumship# This was the authorDs -irst book on psychical research# 739

1769% Hodgson, Richard%

FA 8urther =ecord o- ;bservations o- Certain 3henomena o- Trance#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 1" :1898.H *86)+8*#

A continuation o- articles written by 8# !# 2# Cyers et al# in 189$ :see entry number 1*'6. and by 2odgson himsel- in 189* :see entry number 1"1'. describing the investigation o- the remarkable mental medium -rom ,oston& %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$.# 2odgson summariAes the -indings o- the previous articles and proceeds to give a lengthy description and analysis ohis sMances with the medium -rom 189* to 189+# Although in his article o- 189* 2odgson did not state any de-inite conclusions about the genuineness o- Crs# 3iperDs mediumship& in this article he says that he has no doubt that the chie- communicators who mani-est through Crs# 3iper are indeed the deceased persons they claim to be& and that they have survived death and are able to communicate with the living# 739

1774% 9ames, &illiam%

2uman /mmortalityH Two 4upposed ;bLections to the octrine# ,oston and New @orkH 2oughton& Ci--lin R Co#& 1898& '$ pp# 739

1771% 9anet, Pierre%

NMvroses et idMes -i0es# /# ?tudes e0pMrimentales sur les troubles de la volontM& dDattention& de la mMmoire& sur les Mmotions& les idMes obsMdantes et leur traitement& par r 3ierre Nanet# //# 8ragments des le[ons cliniJues du mardi sur les nMvroses& les maladies produits par les Mmotions& les idMes obsMdantes et leur traitement# 3ar r 8# =aymond et le r 3ierre Nanet# * vols# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 1898& iii V 69*I 0 V ++9 pp# A classical study o- the subconscious elements at work in the -ormation o- neuroses# Nanet -ormulated the concept o- Fsubconscious -i0ed ideasG in his 89a$tomatisme psychologi/$e :1889& entry number 1*"+.# This is the notion that an idea& e0cluded -rom personal consciousness because o- its disturbing content& can develop unobserved in a hidden part othe personality and work subconsciously to produce all manner o- neurotic symptom# /n the present work he develops this insight into a comprehensive theory o- the neurosis# The -irst volume is NanetDs systematic presentation o- his ideas& while the second constitutes a kind oclinical appendi0 to the -irst& containing short clinical lessons along with a description ocases treated by Nanet and 8# =aymond in their laboratory at the 4alpOtriPre# /n presenting his theory& Nanet discusses the nature o- -i0ed ideas& how they mani-est in symptoms& how they may be uncovered& and the treatment to be used in their management# Nanet distinguishes between FhysteriaG and FpsychastheniaG and describes FpsychastheniaG as a state involving Fmental weaknessG mani-esting in obsessions& phobias& and other symptoms# F2ysteria&G on the other hand& is characteriAed by a narrowing o- the -ield o- consciousness mani-esting in such symptoms as anesthesias& abulias& and amnesias# Treatment o- the neurosis must& Nanet asserts& involve the bringing to consciousness o- the -i0ed ideas& the dissolution o- those -i0ed ideas& and the reeducation o- the patient -or healthy living# 7'(roses et id'es %i&es became an in-luential te0tbook -or the therapy o- the neurosis and helped established Nanet as one o- the nineteenth centuryDs preeminent clinicians# 729

1772% 9o+rnal o# Medical Hypnotism%

1898# 4ee +$ggesti(e Dherape$tics :189(.& entry number 16$9# 729

1776% *ang, Andre0%

The Caking o- =eligion# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen and Co#& 1898& vii V "8$ pp# 3resents anthropological material related to the rise o- religion and e0amines it in a new light# %ang deplored the -act that so many anthropologists did not make use o- recent -indings in the -ield o- psychology and psychical research to throw light on the e0periences o- FsavagesG relevant to the development o- religion# 2e believed that the work o- psychologists on trance states and secondary personalities and the in-ormation gathered by psychical researchers on mediumship& possession& and apparitions should be taken into account in any serious investigation o- primitive attitudes toward the supernatural# That is his goal in Dhe o% Religion) 739

1777% *ehmann, Al#red )eorg *+d0ig%

Aberglaube und 5auberei von den dltesten 5eiten an bis in die Kegenwart# 4tuttgartH 8erdinand ?nke& 1898& 0ii V ++( pp# A study o- superstitions and the occult over the ages# %ehmann believes that most superstitions arose as erroneous attempts to -ind scienti-ic e0planations -or the nature othings# 2e includes among the FoccultistsG modern investigators o- the paranormal such as !illiam Crookes :18"*)1919.& whose investigations o- Fpsychic -orceG he attempts to discredit# Among the superstitions studied& %ehmann includes modern spiritualism& which he considers to be a priori inadmissible# 739

1775% *o+is, E+gDne Qictor Marie%

%es origines de la doctrine du magnMtisme animalH Cesmer et la 4ociMtM de lD2armonie# 3arisH 4ociMtM dDMditions scienti-iJues& 1898& +( pp# A well-researched history o- Cesmer and o- animal magnetism during CesmerDs li-etime# The treatise was written as a doctoral thesis -or the 8acultM de CMdecine de 3aris# 729

1776% Magnetic 9o+rnal%

Eols# l)":W.I 1898)19$$:W.# 3ublished in Nevada& Cissouri# 729

1777% MaLe0s(i, Adrien%

CMdiumnitM guMrissante par lDapplication des -luides MlectriJue& magnMtiJue et humain# 3arisH 3# K# %eymarie& :1898.& (' pp# A discussion o- human magnetism and electricity as it applies to healing# /t is based on the notion o- -luidic emanations proceeding -rom the human body# 72 R 39

1773% Ro!inson, &illiam Els0orth%

4pirit 4late !riting and <indred 3henomena# New @orkH Cunn Co#& 1898& v V 168 pp# A description o- conLuring tricks used in connection with slate writing and other phenomena associated with spiritualistic mediumship# 739

1779% $cho#eld, Al#red /aylor%

The >nconscious Cind# %ondonH 2odder and 4toughton& 1898& 0v V 6"( pp# 729

1754% $idis, oris%

The 3sychology o- 4uggestionH A =esearch into the 4ubconscious Nature o- Can and 4ociety# New @orkH # Appleton& 1898& :*. V 0 V "8( pp# A student o- !illiam Names :186*)191$. at 2arvard& 4idis went on to become a pioneer in psychological e0perimentation in the laboratory# 2is main area o- interest was suggestion and its connection with hypnotism and hypnoid states and this book is one o- the most important works on suggestion written in the ?nglish language# 4idis describes his e0periments with suggestion and his conclusion that within the human mind coe0ist two streams oconsciousness that constitute the waking and the subwaking sel-# The waking sel- is the ruling sel-& having the power to investigate its own nature& create ideals& and struggle -or them# The subwaking sel- is stupid& lacking in critical sense& and highly suggestible# The submerged& subwaking sel- has a broader awareness than that o- the waking sel-& knowing the li-e o- the latter& while the waking sel- knows nothing o- the li-e o- the subwaking sel-# /n addition to this discussion o- the sel- and suggestion& the book includes an important section on social suggestibility and crowd phenomena# 729

1751% Qer0orn, Ma5%

,eitrdge Aur 3hysiologie des Centralnervensystems# ?rster Theil# ie sogenannte 2ypnose der Thiere# NenaH K# 8ischer& 1898& iv V 9* pp# 729

1752% ormann, &alter%
er 4chotte 2ome& ein physiopsychischer 5euge der Transscendenten im 19# Nahrhundert# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 1899& 9* pp# 739

1756% raid, 9ames%

,raid on 2ypnotism# NeurypnologyI or The =ationale o- Nervous 4leep Considered in =elation to Animal Cagnetism or Cesmerism and /llustrated by Numerous Cases o- /ts

4uccess-ul Application in the =elie- and Cure o- isease# A New ?dition& ?dited with an /ntroduction ,iographical and ,ibliographical ?mbodying the AuthorDs %ater Eiews and 8urther ?vidence on the 4ubLect# ,y Arthur !aite# %ondonH K# =edway& 1899& 0ii V "8$ pp# =epublication o- ,raidDs 7e$rypnology which had appeared only in a -irst edition :186"& entry number 6(+.# /t is accompanied by important comments and notes by Arthur !aite :18+')196*.# !aite lists and summariAes all o- the work o- ,raid known to him and e0amines the main themes that run through them# 2e has a very valuable biography o- ,raid at the beginning# 729

1757% ,elanne, )a!riel%

%Dfme est immortelle# 3arisH Chamuel& 1899& 6(8 pp# This study o- the nature o- the soul has as its thesis the -act that human beings have a Fsecond bodyG or Fsubtle bodyG that is a vehicle o- the soul and that survives death# This enveloping -orm is called by elanne the Fperispirit#G /n this book he presents e0perimental evidence -or the e0istence o- such a vehicle& drawing largely on the work o- de =ochas and %uys# 739

1755% ,+ Prel, :arl *+d0ig A+g+st .riedrich Ma5imillian Al#red%

ie Cagie als Naturwissenscha-t# * vols# NenaH 2# Costenoble& 1899# 739

1756% ,+ Prel, :arl *+d0ig A+g+st .riedrich Ma5imillian Al#red%

er Tod& das Nenseits und das %eben im Nenseits# CunichH The Author& 1899& 119 pp# 739

1757% .lammarion, "amille%

%Dinconnu et les problPmes psychiJues# 3arisH ?rnest 8lammarion& :1899.& 0iv V +8' pp# 8lammarion was a -amous 8rench astronomer& spiritualist& and psychical researcher strongly in-luenced by the -irst great 8rench spiritualist& Allan <ardec :2ippolyte =ivail. who thought that human survival o- death was as much a matter o- scienti-ic proo- as o- belie-# /n this book& 8lammarion attempts to establish the reality o- telepathy& clairvoyance& premonitions& and other psychic phenomena# Kiven the genuineness o- such e0periences& one must& 8lammarion believes& conclude that the soul can e0ist apart -rom the body and can act without its bene-it# 739

1753% )eley, )+staAe%

%DOtre subconscient# ?ssai de synthPse e0plicative des phMnomPnes obscurs de psychologie normale et anormale# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 1899& 191 pp#

Keley attempts to e0plain the phenomena o- mediumistic trance in terms o- a vital energy emanating -rom the medium and those around and subconsciously directed by the medium# 72 R 39

1759% )oodrich2.reer, Adela and +te, 9ohn, Mar?+ess o#%

The Alleged 2aunting o- ,111 2ouse& /ncluding a Nournal <ept uring the Tenancy oColonel %emesurier Taylor# %ondonH K# =edway& 1899& *69 pp# ;ne o- psychical researchDs most detailed studies o- an allegedly haunted house# The authors include testimony -rom many -irsthand witnesses& a detailed description o- certain e0periments& including seismographic measurement& carried on within the house to determine the source o- the phenomena# 739

1764% )oodrich2.reer, Adela%

?ssays in 3sychical =esearch& by Ciss e# * ed# %ondonH K# =edway& 1899& 0v V ""$ pp# A collection o- essays by the author concerning subLects related to psychical research# Ciss Koodrich-8reer was a well-respected member o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch and her investigations o- hauntings& crystal gaAing& the divining rod and other subLects were signi-icant contributions to the literature# No in-ormation is available on the -irst edition :1899.# 739

1761% HBlot, "harles%

%e diable dans lDhypnotisme :4oustraction hypnotiJue de la conscience# 2ypnotisme mMdical# ?vocation du dMmon# 4uggestion& etc# # #.# 3arisH ,loud et ,arrai& 1899& (6 pp# 72 R 39

1762% 9age, )+staA%

ie 2eilmethode des %ebensmagnetismus# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 1899# 729

1766% $aAage, Minot 9+dson%

%i-e ,eyond eathH ,eing a =eview o- the !orldDs ,elie-s on the 4ubLect& a Consideration o3resent Conditions o- Thought and 8eeling& %eading to the Tuestion as to !hether /t can be emonstrated as a 8actH to !hich is Added an Appendi0 Containing 4ome 2ints as to 3ersonal ?0periences and ;pinions# New @orkH K# 3# 3utnamDs 4ons& 1899& 0v V ""( pp# A serious study o- the Juestion o- human survival o- death# ,eginning with a discussion o- the nature o- science and a rationale -or the claim that psychical research can be said to be a science& 4avage proceeds to his own personal belie- based on the available evidence that human beings do survive death and that the dead communicate with the living# 2e does not hold& however& that this opinion has been scienti-ically demonstrated# 739

1767% $chroeder, H% R% Pa+l%

Keschichte des %ebensmagnetismus und des 2ypnotismus# Eon >r-ang bis au- den heutigen Tag# %eipAigH Arwed 4trauch& 1899& :1. V :+. V +)(81 pp# The best overall history o- animal magnetism and its predecessors be-ore 19$$# 4chroeder begins with the ?gyptians and includes the chie- 8rench and Kerman -igures in the mesmeric tradition# The work contains *9 portraits# 729

1765% $piritisme moderne% :atie :ing% Histoire de ses apparitions d;aprDs les doc+ments anglais aAec ill+strations par 8n Adepte%
3arisH %ibrairie des sciences psychiJues& 3# K# %eymarie& 1899& 1+$ pp# A collection o- articles -rom the Re($e spirite concerning the ,ritish medium 8lorence Cook and the materialiAed apparition& <atie <ing& who Fmani-estedG in the mediumDs sMances# 739

1766% &e!!, Arth+r *%

4omnambulism# ChicagoH C# 2# <err& 1899& 6+ pp# 729

1767% inet, Al#red%
%a suggestibilitM# 3arisH 4chleicher -rPres& 19$$& :". V "91 V :*. pp# ,inet attempts to draw a clear distinction between suggestion and hypnotism and to concentrate on an e0perimental study o- the -ormer# 8rom e0periments carried out with 6( subLects& ,inet concludes that suggestibility is a normal human Juality in the healthy as well as the ill and that it is possible to measure the degree o- suggestibility and calculate a suggestibility inde0 -or individuals# 2ere& ,inet also describes ingenious methods -or producing automatisms& inducing -ragments o- the organism to act spontaneously and in an automatic way# 729

1763% "oo(, &illiam &esley%

3ractical %essons in 2ypnotism# ChicagoH Thompson R Thomas& :19$$.# 729

1769% ,e *a+rence, *a+ron &illiam%

2ypnotism& a Complete 4ystem o- Cethod& Application and >se# ChicagoH Alhambra ,ook Company& 19$$& 188 pp# e %aurence was a populariAer o- theosophical bent who was sel--described as the FCoses othe 2indus& 2igh-caste Adept and 8amous ;ccult Cagician#G Although this work emphasiAes the supernormal aspects o- hypnotic phenomena& it is a competent and readable summary oin-ormation about hypnotism# 729

1774% .lo+rnoy, /hBodore%

es /ndes X la planPte CarsI Mtude sur un cas de somnambulisme avec glossolalie# Keneva and 3arisH Ch# ?ggiman :Keneva. and 8Mli0 Alcan :3aris.& 19$$& 0ii V 6*$ pp# A classic in the -ield o- psychical research# 8lournoy& 3ro-essor o- 3sychology at the >niversity o- Keneva and highly respected in his -ield& heard about a medium in Keneva who e0hibited phenomena that he thought deserving o- psychological investigation# 2er name was Catherine ?lise Culler :called F2MlPne 4mithG in the book to protect her identity.# 8lournoy was admitted to her circle in 1896 and attended her sMances on and o-- -or -ive years# A number o- Fdeparted spiritsG mani-ested through the medium& including Cagliostro and Carie Antoinette# 8lournoy concluded that these personalities were the subconscious productions othe mediumDs mind and not the actual people they claimed to be# Culler also believed she was in touch with li-e on Cars& and while in trance she spoke a language she claimed to be Cartian# Through a laborious analysis o- the synta0 o- this language& 8lournoy discovered beneath the apparently alien -orm a structure basically 8rench& the native tongue o- the medium# The publication o- the book alienated Culler and her -riends& who considered themselves betrayed by someone they had be-riended# The work is a prototypical study omediumship -rom a psychological point o- view# Although some Juestions remained about sources -or certain obscure historical in-ormation that came through Culler& the overall impression was that she was a sincere but sel--deluded medium# 739

1771% <Hall, "a5ton%>

Cesmerism R 2ypnotism# An ?pitome o- all the ,est !orks on the 2ypnotic 3hases o3sychology in the 8orm o- Tuestion and Answer# ,y an Adept# ,lackpoolH ?llis 8amily& 19$$& '1 pp# 729

1772% *oe0en#eld, *%
4omnambulismus und 4piritismus# !iesbadenH ,ergmann& 19$$& +' pp# A short treatise on the relationship between somnambulism and such spiritualistic phenomena as telepathy& clairvoyance& and the physical phenomena o- mediumship# 72 R 39

1776% @eal, E% Qirgil and "lar(, "harles $% <eds%>

2ypnotism and 2ypnotic 4uggestion# A 4cienti-ic Treatise on the >ses and 3ossibilities o2ypnotism& 4uggestion and Allied 3henomena# ,y Thirty Authors# + ed# =ochester& New @orkH 4tate 3ublishing Company& 19$$& 0iii V *+9 pp#

An e0cellent collection o- essays on hypnotism# 4ubLects range -rom the hypnotism oanimals to various aspects o- hypnotic suggestion# Authors include Ca0 essoir& Thomson Nay 2udson& !illiam Newbold& =obert @erkes and Carl 4e0tus# /n-ormation on the -irst edition is unavailable# 729

1777% Pttolenghi, $alAatore%

%a suggestione e le -acoltX psichiche occulte in rapporto alla pratica legale e medico--orense# TurinH 8ratelli ,oca& 19$$& 0vi V '1* pp# 72 R 39

1775% Pi(e, Richard%

%i-eDs ,orderland and ,eyond# %ondonH 4imkin R Carshall& 19$$& "1* pp# A collection o- e0periences related to dying& death& and the apparition o- the dead to the living# The book was used by !illiam ,arrett in his #eath !ed Fisions :19*(.# 739

1776% Y+ac(en!os, 9ohn ,+ncan%

2ypnotism in Cental and Coral Culture# New @ork and %ondonH 2arper and ,rothers& 19$$& 0i V :1. V *9$ V :1. pp# A signi-icant study o- the use o- hypnotic suggestion as a means o- removing antisocial and criminal impulses and creating responses based on conscience# Among the antisocial impulses treated by Tuackenbos are the cigarette habit& alcoholism& kleptomania& habitual lying& and Fmoral anaesthesia#G 2e also discusses the use o- hypnotic suggestion in treating the insanities and in training Ferratic& backward& and unmanageable children#G At the end o- the book& Tuackenbos includes an e0amination o- hypnotic suggestion as an aid to creative inspiration and the development o- the arts# 729

1777% El $ol% ReAista de historia magnetismo, est+dios ps_?+icos%

;ne vol# onlyI 19$$# 3ublished in %ima and edited by Carlos 3aA 4oldmn# 72 R 39

1773% /o+rnier, Anna Marie Qalentin%

3hilosophie du bon sens# %e spiritisme devant la raison# %e ieu de la =MpubliJue# %Din-aillibilitM papale# TuDMtait NMsusW 4ouvenires inMdits sur la "*me demi-brigade# ?dition posthume# ToursH Anna Tournier& 19$$& 00ii V ''+ pp# 739

1779% Qillari, *+igi Antonio%

4piritismo e magnetismo# Note e con-ronti polemici# TraniH Eecchi& 19$$& (( pp#

72 R 39

1734% o''ano, Ernesto%
%o spiritismo di -ronte alla scienAaH note polemiche# KenoaH >nione tip#& 19$1& +6 pp# 739

1731% "ongrDs international de l;hypnotisme e5pBrimental et thBrape+ti?+e% ProcDs2Aer!a+5 sommaires% Edited !y Edgar Brillon%
3arisH /mprimerie nationale& 19$1# The second /nternational Congress met in 3aris in 19$$# 729

1732% Halphide, AlAan "aAala%

The 3sychic and 3sychism# ChicagoH The Author& 19$1& 0i V :1. V 19)**8 pp# escribing the twentieth century as the Fpsychic century&G the author attempts to provide a sort o- te0tbook o- Fpsychism&G the study o- the inner li-e o- the psychic# This includes an investigation o- the character o- people who produce psychic phenomena& the data o- psychic occurences& and the laws and conditions governing that data# 2alphide believes that all psychic phenomena can be accounted -or as subconscious creations o- the mind# 739

1736% Henry, Qictor%

%e langage martien& Mtude analytiJue de la genPse dDune lange dans un cas de glossolalie somnambuliJue# 3arisH N# Caisonneuve& 19$1& 00 V 1+* pp# 739

1737% H+!!ell, )a!riel )%

8act and 8ancy in 4piritualism& Theosophy and 3sychical =esearch# CincinnatiH Clarke& 19$1& *$8 pp# The author points out -rauds and deceptions o-ten associated with mediumistic phenomena& but concludes that some occurrences cannot be e0plained in these terms# 739

1735% H+tchinson, Horatio )ordon%

reams and Their Ceanings# !ith Cany Accounts o- ?0periences 4ent by Correspondents and Two Chapters Contributed Cainly -rom the Nournals o- the 3sychical =esearch 4ociety on Telepathic and 3remonitory reams# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen R Co#& 19$1& "*$ pp# 739

1736% Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

FA 8urther =ecord o- ;bservations o- Certain Trance 3henomena#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 1( :19$1.H 1)(69# 2yslop writes about his e0periences with the medium %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$. and o- the implications o- those e0periences -or psychical research# 2e includes a lengthy discussion othe FtelepathyG as opposed to the FspiritG hypothesis to account -or the material obtained -rom this remarkable medium and makes it clear that he -avors the latter e0planation# 739

1737% 9ames, &illiam%

F8rederic CyersDs 4ervice to 3sychology#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 1' :19$1.H 1")*"# An eloJuent memoriam that places Cyers in the history o- the psychological study o- the unconscious# Names regarded CyersDs investigation o- the Fsubliminal consciousnessG to be osuch importance that the task o- mapping its e0tent should thence-orth be called Fthe problem o- Cyers#G 739

1733% 9astro0, 9oseph%

8act and 8able in 3sychology# ,oston and New @orkH 2oughton& Ci--lin and Company& 19$1& 0vii V :1. V "'+ V :1. pp# A collection o- essays on subLects relating to psychical research by one o- its most serious critics# /t takes up such subLects as the logic o- telepathy and the psychology o- spiritualism& which Nastrow considered a disease o- society# 739

1739% 9o+rnal o# Magnetism%

4ee +$ggesti(e Dherape$tics :189(& entry number 16$9.# 729

1794% *o0en#eld, *<eopold>%

er 2ypnotismus# 2andbuch der %ehre von der 2ypnose und der 4uggestion& mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung ihrer ,edeutung -Qr Cedicin und =echtsp-lege# !iesbadenH N# 8# ,ergmann& 19$1& 0ii V +** pp# A massive handbook on the use o- hypnotism in medicine and psychotherapy# %owen-eld includes a well-constructed discussion o- the theory o- the nature o- hypnotism# 729

1791% *+ce e om!ra% ReAista mensile ill+strata di scien'e spirit+aliste%

Eols# 1)*+VI 19$1)19*+V# 3ublished in Cilan# /n 19"1 the name was changed to Ricerca psichica ) ) ) 739

1792% Mason, R+#+s Psgood%

2ypnotism and 4uggestions in Therapeutics& ?ducation& and =e-orm# New @orkH 2# 2olt R Co#& 19$1& vii V "66 pp# 729

1796% <Met'ger, ,aniel%>

Autour des F/ndes X la 3lanPte Cars#G Keneva and 3arisH %eymarie& 19$1# 739

1797% @e0 /ho+ght%

19$1# 4ee +$ggesti(e Dherape$tics :189(& entry number 16$9.# 729

1795% Prince, Morton%

FThe evelopment and Kenealogy o- the Cisses ,eauchampH A 3reliminary =eport o- the Case o- Cultiple 3ersonality#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 1+ :19$1.H 6(() 8"# The -irst account o- the -amous FCiss ,eauchampG case o- multiple personality investigated by this important -igure in American psychopathology# 8or the -uller account& see Dhe #issociation o% a Personality& 19$+& entry number 1++9# 729

1796% Y+atriDme congrDs international de psychologie "ompte rend+% Edited !y Pierre 9anet%
3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19$1& iii V 816 pp# At the 4econd /nternational Congress o- 3sychology held at %ondon under the auspices o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in 189*& issues related to psychical research -irst became an important part o- the agenda# Although psychical research continued to be prominent in this& the -ourth congress& Nanet& who was secretary o- the congress& removed "$ articles related to psychical research -or the proceedings# This is indicative o- the then-current struggle between supporters o- psychical research and those members o- the academic establishment who opposed its legitimation# 739

1797% <Ra+pert, 9ohn )od#rey .erdinand%>

The angers o- 4piritualism& ,eing =ecords o- 3ersonal ?0periences with Notes and Comments# ,y a Cember o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# %ondonH 4ands& 19$1& 1+" pp# The author attests to the reality and obLectivity o- many paranormal phenomena& but points out the danger o- prolonged e0perience with these mani-estations# 739

1793% Reid, Hiram AlAin%

>nseen 8aces 3hotographed# A Condensed =eport o- 8acts and 8indings uring a @ear oCost Critical =esearch into the 3henomena Called 4pirit 3hotography# %os Angeles and 3asadenaH n#p#& 19$1& +* pp# 739

1799% "ongrDs international de l;hypnotisme e5pBrimentale et thBrape+ti?+e% "omptes rend+s% Edited !y Edgar Brillon and Pa+l .are'%
3arisH =evue de lDhypnotisme& 19$*& "*$ pp# This second congress& held in 3aris in 19$$& included among its o--icers such prominent -igures as %iMbeault& ,ernheim& =ichet& %iMgeois& 3itres& and =icher# The overall -eeling o- the participants is re-lected in the opening remarks by the president o- the congress& 8# =aymond& who declares that hypnotism has -inally come into its own& being now established as a legitimate branch o- neurology# 729

1544% ,elanne, )a!riel%

=echerches sur la mMdiumnitM# ]tude de travau0 des savants& lDMcriture automatiJue des hystMriJues& lDMcriture mMcaniJue des mMdiums& preuves absolues de nos communications avec le monde des esprits# 3arisH %ibrairie des sciences psychiJues& 19$*& 0ii V +1+ pp# A work o- great signi-icance in psychical research# /n this book& elanne& although writing -rom an avowedly spiritualist point o- view& shows that he is able to bring a keen investigative eye to the study o- mediumship# Recherches s$r la m'di$mnit' is a work o- impressive scholarship in which elanne shows a -amiliarity with the psychological literature relating to automatisms and the in-luence o- the subconscious or conscious acts# ,eginning with a comparison between the productions o- mediums and hysterical automatisms and a discussion o- the light shed on mediumistic phenomena by the work o- ,inet& Nanet& and others& elanne e0amines cases o- mediumship that give evidence o- clairvoyance& telepathy& precognition and other paranormal phenomena and looks at the possible in-luence o- suggestion on these phenomena# The last part o- the book is concerned with proo-s that the dead communicate with the living& bringing to bear evidence that elanne believes can only be e0plained in terms o- spirit communication# 739

1541% ,+##, Ed0ard Macom! and Allen, /homas )ilchrist%

3sychic =esearch and Kospel Ciracles# A 4tudy o- the ?vidences o- the KospelDs 4uperphysical 8eatures in the %ight o- the ?stablished =esults o- Codern 3sychical =esearch# New @orkH Thomas !hittaker& 19$*& 0ii V :*. V +)"9( pp# The -indings o- psychical research to date# The authors then point out the ways they believe these -indings veri-y the miraculous works attributed to Christ# 739

1542% Ells0orth, Ro!ert )%

A <ey to 2ypnotism# A Complete and Authentic Kuide to Clairvoyance& Cesmerism and 2ypnotism# 3hiladelphiaH avid Cc<ay& 19$*& iii V iii V 11)16$ pp# ?llsworth draws a clear distinction between mesmerism and hypnotism& seeing mesmerism as involving a physical e0change and hypnotism as an induced psychological state# Kiven the distinction& he argues that one can mesmeriAe but not hypnotiAe a young child :under three.# !ith regard to hypnotism& ?llsworth seems most strongly in-luenced by the -indings oCharcot# !ith regard to mesmerism& his emphasis is on the physical and curative e--ects# 72 R 39

1546% .lo+rnoy, /hBodore%

Nouvelles observations sur un cas de somnambulisme avec glossolalie# KenevaH C# ?ggimann& 19$*& :1$1.)*++ pp# This study& -irst published in the Archi(es de psychologie de la +$isse Romande, provides -urther observations and re-lections on the mediumship o- F2MlPne 4mithG :see 8lournoyDs #es 1ndes H la planPte Mars, 19$$& entry number 16'$.# 8lournoyDs conclusions remain as he had e0pressed them in the earlier work& but he adds -urther in-ormation concerning various aspects o- the case# Among other things& he Juotes the -indings o- 3ro-essor Eictor 2enry on the FCartianG language developed in 2MlPne 4mithDs mediumship :see 2enry& 8e langage martien, 19$1& entry number 168".# 2enry traced what he believed to be the unconscious origins o- that phenomenon# 8lournoyDs -urther elaboration o- material related to the FpersonalitiesG that communicated through the medium strengthens& in his view& the case -or the unconscious origin o- these -igures# 739

1547% Harte, Richard%

2ypnotism and the octors# * vols# %ondonH %# N# 8owler R Co#& 19$*& 000ii V 1*8I iii V :1. V *+" pp# An e0cellent study o- hypnotism and the response it elicited -rom the medical pro-ession that was originally intended as a three-volume work# ;- the three volumes& however& only two appeared# Eolume one deals with Cesmer& his theory and the history o- his work& and with 3uysMgur and the conseJuences o- his discovery o- arti-icial somnambulism# Eolume two takes up the -indings o- the second 8rench commission& 8rench practitioners such as %a-ontaine and u 3otet& ,raidDs discoveries& and certain American magnetiAers# Eolume three& which never appeared& was to have -ocused on modern hypnotismH %iMbeault& Charcot& the various schools o- hypnotism& and Frecent mesmerism#G 729

1545% 9o+rnal #Sr Psychologie +nd @e+rologic U+gleich Ueitschri#t #Sr Hypnotism+s%
19$*# 4ee 2eitschri%t %3r hypnotism$s, +$ggestionstherapie, +$ggestionslehre $nd (er-andte psychologische 0orsch$ngen :189*.& entry number 1"""# 729

1546% 9+ng, "arl )+staA%

5ur 3sychologie und 3athologie sogenannter occulter 3hdnomene# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 19$*& :*. V 1*1 pp# ?nglishH F;n the 3sychology and 3athology o- 4o-called ;ccult 3henomena#G /n Psychology and the *cc$lt) Translated by =# 8# C# 2ull# 3rinceton& New NerseyH 3rinceton >niversity 3ress& 19''# NungDs dissertation -or his doctorate in medicine& written under the direction o- ?ugen ,leuler :18+')19"9.# 2ere Nung discusses e0amples o- double consciousness and somnambulism and treats in great detail the case a young -emale medium whose sMances Nung had himselwitnessed# 2e attempts to e0plain the phenomena observed in terms o- psychological mechanisms such as Fcryptomnesia&G the emergence into consciousness o- -orgotten in-ormation without the medium recogniAing that in-ormation as memory# 739

1547% Moll, Al!ert%

Kesundbeten CediAin und ;kkultismus# ,erlinH 2# !alther& 19$*& 68 pp# ?nglishH Bhristian +cience, Medicine, and *cc$ltism) Translated by 8# N# =ebman# %ondonH =ebman& 19$*# 72 R 39

1543% Podmore, .ran(%

Codern 4piritualism& a 2istory and a Criticism# * vols# %ondonH Cethuen and Co#& 19$*& 0viii V "$'I 0ii V "'6 pp# 3odmore was a very good historian& and he brings that ability to bear in this work# A-ter providing a brie- survey o- early psychic phenomena& he launches into an investigation o- the era beginning with Cesmer and ending in 19$$ and connects the rise o- modern spiritualism to the spread o- mesmerism throughout 8rance& Kermany& ,ritain& and the >nited 4tates# 8rom its beginnings as a movement with the events that took place in the home o- the 8o0 sisters in New @ork state in 1868& he traces the spread o- spiritualism over the Fground prepared by mesmerismG throughout the >nited 4tates and eventually to ?ngland# 3odmore then categoriAes the various kinds o- mediumship that developed within the movement and discusses the principal mediums o- the nineteenth century -rom the point o- view o- the reliability and genuineness o- their phenomena# As in his earlier writings& 3odmore holds that mediumship may be adeJuately e0plained in terms o- -raud& bad observation& or& in the case osome mental phenomena& unconscious telepathy# 739

1549% <Re!ell, H+ghes%>

%es anglaises cheA elles# %e magnMtisme du 8ouet& ou les indiscrMtions de Ciss arcy& traduit de lDanglais par Nean de Eilliot# 3arisH Charles Carrington& 19$*& *8" pp# 729

1514% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+ste Al!ert de%

%es -rontiPres de la science# * vols# 3arisH %ibrairie des sciences psychologiJues& 19$* and 19$6& 1*(I *1* pp# A valuable collection o- in-ormation on the state o- psychical research at the turn o- the century# 72 R 39

1511% $age, Michel%

Cadame 3iper et la 4ociMtM Anglo-AmMricaine pour les =echerches 3sychiJues# 3arisH %eymarie& 19$*& viii V *'* pp# A rather uncritical treatment o- the phenomena connected with %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$.& one o- the most -amous mental mediums# 739

1512% $aAage, Minot 9+dson%

Can Telepathy ?0plainW =esults o- 3sychical =esearch# New @orkH K# 3# 3utnamDs 4ons& 19$*& 0vi V :*. V *68 pp# 4avage here presents evidence -or the reality o- the spirit world# 2e attempts to show that the -acts cannot be adeJuately e0plained simply by telepathy but must involve the action odiscarnate human spirits# 739

1516% $idis, oris%

3sychopathological =esearchesH 4tudies in Cental issociation# New @orkH K# ?# 4techert& 19$*& 00ii V "*9 V :*$. pp# A signi-icant study o- the nature o- mental dissociation and synthesis& o- material on mani-estations o- the subconscious in conscious li-e# 4idis e0amines issues such as elements o- intelligence in dissociated subconscious systems and subconscious motor operations& and raises Juestions about the place o- mental dissociation in psychotic states# This volume also includes essays on various aspects o- dissociation by !illiam A# !hite and Keorge C# 3arker# 729

1517% Qaschide, @icolas and PiBron, Henri%

FContribution X lDMtude e0pMrimentale des phMnomPnes tMlMpathiJues#G !$lletin de l91nstit$t g'n'ral de Psychologie * :19$*.H 11')61# 739

1515% ennett, Ed0ard /%
The 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearchH /ts =ise and 3rogress and a 4ketch o- its !ork# !ith 8acsimile /llustrations o- Three 3airs o- the Thought-Trans-erence rawings# %ondonH =# ,rimley Nohnson& 19$"& +' pp#

,ennett describes himsel- as Fassistant secretary to the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch -rom 188* to 19$*#G 4ince he was with the 4ociety -rom its inception& he was in a good position to give a sketch o- its history# Cuch o- this little work is devoted to evaluating progress in the investigation o- telepathy& hypnotism& and communication with the dead& but ,ennett also includes a section o- CyersDs concept o- subliminal sel-# 739

1516% o''ano, Ernesto%

/potesi spiritica e teoriche scienti-iche# KenevaH onath& 19$"& +"1 pp# An e0cellent study o- spiritualistic mediumship by the dean o- /talian psychical researchers# ,oAAano discusses& among other things& the mediumship o- ?usapia 3alladino and possible e0planations -or the phenomena that she produced# 2e also includes a philosophical discussion o- alternative -rameworks -or understanding how spiritualistic phenomena are possible# 739

1517% ram0ell, 9% Milne%

2ypnotismH /ts 2istory& 3ractice and Theory# %ondonH K# =ichards& 19$"& 0iv V 6'8 pp# ,ramwell was a practitioner o- medical hypnosis with a strong interest in its history# /n this volume& one o- the most important and in-ormative histories o- hypnotism& he uses an historical analysis to evaluate the true nature o- the phenomenon# ,eginning with Cesmer& he traces developments through the AbbM 8aria& ?lliotson and ?sdaile& to %iMbeault and the -ormation o- the Nancy school& to whose insights along with those o- ,raid& he was obviously partial# 2e did not believe the mesmerists proved their case -or a magnetic -luidI neither did he agree with the pathologically oriented views o- the school o- Charcot# 2e does treat them all& however& and Juite -airly# 2is description o- the history o- medical hypnotism is valuable and his discussion o- the various e0planatory theories o- hypnotism is enlightening# 729

1513% r+ce, H% Addington%

The =iddle o- 3ersonality# New @orkH 8unk and !agnalls& 19$"& *6' pp# ,ruce looks into the Fnature and destiny o- human personalityG as illuminated by psychological and psychic e0periences# rawing mainly on the animal magnetismShypnotism tradition on the one hand and the mediumistic tradition on the other& he comes to the conclusion that human personality not only survives but continues to develop beyond death# 72 R 39

1519% )rasset, 9oseph%

%Dhypnotisme et la suggestion# 3arisH ;# oin& 19$"& +"6 pp# 729

1524% )rasset, 9oseph%

%e[ons de cliniJue mMdicale -aites X lDhcpital 4aint-?loi de Contpellier# Contpellier and 3arisH Koulet R -ils and Casson& 19$"& vi V '++ pp# Krasset& a student o- hypnotism and hysteria& takes up issues related to psychical research& such as spiritualism and hauntings# 72 R 39

1521% H+dson, /homson 9ay%

The %aw o- Cental CedicineH the Correlation o- the 8acts o- 3sychology and 2istology in Their =elation to Cental Therapeutics# ChicagoH A# C# CcClurg& 19$"& 0i0 V *81 pp# A study o- healing through the power o- the mind# >sing his notion o- a double mental organiAation in human beings& 2udson provides a comprehensive view o- healing through suggestion and the action o- the subLective mind# 729

1522% 9anet, Pierre%

%es obsessions et la psychasthMnie# /# ]tudes cliniJues et e0pMrimentales sur les idMes obsMdantes& les impulsions& les manies mentales& la -olie du doute& les tics& les agitations& les phobies& les dMlires du contact& les angoisses& les sentiments dDincomplMtude& la neurasthMnie& les modi-ications des sentiment du rMel& leur pathologie et leur traitement# 3ar le r 3ierre Nanet# //# 8ragments de le[ons cliniJues du mardi sur les Mtats neurasthMniJues& les aboulies& les sentiments dDincomplMtude& les agitations et les angoisses di--uses& les algies& les phobies& les dMlires du contact& les tics& les manies mentales& les -olies du doute& les idMes obsMdantes& les impulsions& leur pathogenie et leur traitement# 3ar le r 8# =aymond et le r 3ierre Nanet# * vols# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19$"& 0ii V '(6I 00iv V +6" pp# Continues the -ormulation o- a comprehensive theory o- the neurosis and therapeutic treatment begun in 7'(roses et id'es %i&es :1898& entry number 1661.# As in that earlier work& the -irst volume provides a systematic presentation o- NanetDs ideas& while the second volume is a sort o- clinical appendi0 to the -irst& containing short clinical lectures along with a description o- cases treated by Nanet and =aymond in their laboratory at the 4alpOtriPre# Among new ideas developed in this work is that o- Fpresenti-ication&G the process o- making present a state o- mind or a group o- phenomena# /t is a synthetic power& one that operates on the highest level o- the psyche and is at the heart o- the ability to grasp reality# This level is at the top o- a -ive-tier hierarchy o- psychic -unctioning# 8unctioning at the top level reJuires a greater degree o- psychological tension# As one descends through lower& less reality-oriented levels o- -unctioning& the tension or -orce reJuired is less# !ith the concept o- hierarchical levels o- psychic -unctioning& Nanet revises his view o- mental energy& paying more attention to the Juality than to the Juantity o- energy e0pended# The concept also provides him with a solid psychological -ramework -or e0plaining the nature o- obsessions and related psychasthenic disturbances# 729

1526% *ang, Andre0%

The EaletDs Tragedy and ;ther 4tudies# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen and Co#& 19$"& 0 V :6. V ""( pp# A collection o- historical mysteries& some o- which have supernatural or paranormal overtones# The accounts are -actual& but the mysteries are not solved# 739

1527% <*+nt, Ed0ard ,%>

Cysteries o- the 4eance and Tricks and Traps o- ,ogus Cediums# A 3lea -or 2onest Cediums and Clean !ork# ,ostonH %unt ,ros#& 19$"& (6 pp# 739

1525% Ma50ell, 9oseph%

%es phMnomPnes psychiJuesH recherches& observations& mMthodes# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19$"& 0i V "1' pp# Ca0well was a distinguished 8rench lawyer who devoted a great deal o- his time to the pursuit o- psychical research# 2e investigated many mediums and came to conclusions that were Juite original# 2e was one o- the -ew researchers to take up the problem o- mediumistic Fpersoni-ication&G that is& the way the phenomena in sMances present themselves as coming -rom an individual intelligence# 2e noted that the personi-ication seemed to vary in its -orm depending on the composition o- the group carrying out the sitting# /n the book Ca0well also introduces a help-ul system o- classi-ication -or psychic phenomena& making a distinction between physical and mental phenomena# Charles =ichet& who had great respect -or Ca0well& took up this classi-ication and it became the accepted one -or many years# 739

1526% *a medianitB1 riAista mensile di scien'e psico2#isiche e morali%

;ne vol# onlyI 19$" ?dited by ?nrico Carreras and published in =ome& this periodical called itsel- Fa monthly review o- spiritualism& telepathy& telekinesis& clairvoyance& premonitions& somnambulism& animal magnetism& hypnotism& and positive philosophy#G 72 R 39

1527% Myers, .rederic &illiam Henry%

2uman 3ersonality and /ts 4urvival o- ,odily eath# * vols# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen& and Co#& 19$"& 0lvi V '$$I 00 V (($ pp# !ithout Juestion the most important single work in the -ield o- psychical research# Cyers& one o- the -ounders o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& served as its secretary -rom 1888) 1899 and its president -or the year 19$$# uring the 188$s and 189$s he authored many articles on psychical research in the 4ocietyDs Proceedings and in other periodicals such as the 7ineteenth Bent$ry and the 0ortnightly Re(ie-) !ith ?dmund Kurney and 8rank 3odmore& he co-authored the monumental Phantasms o% the 8i(ing :188(& entry number 1166.# /n his day Cyers was a noted classical scholar and a poet o- distinction# 2is academic training was at Cambridge >niversity& the birthplace o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# 2e was a -ellow o- the >niversity and a lecturer in classics there -or some years# Cyers was a man ogreat intellectual versatility and accomplishment# ThModore 8lournoy called Cyers one o- the most remarkable personalities o- his time in the realm o- mental science# !illiam Names said o- Cyers that he was a wary critic o- evidence& a skil-ul handler o- hypotheses& a learned neurologist& and an omnivorous reader o- biological and cosmological matter# H$man Personality was published a-ter CyersDs death in 19$1# 2e had nearly completed the writing by that time and he had entrusted the press work to Ciss Alice Nohnson# 4he and =ichard

2odgson carried out whatever editing was still needed a-ter CyersDs death# H$man Personality is eJually a work o- psychology and o- psychical research# Cyers draws upon the vast literature o- both -ields and -inds a place -or every phase o- human e0perience through his uni-ying concept o- the Fsubliminal sel-#G According to Cyers& the supraliminal sel- is that sel- with which we ordinarily identi-y# /t embraces all our conscious& purpose-ul dealings with reality# The subliminal sel-& on the other hand& represents manDs central& greater sel-# Cyers sees the subliminal sel- as the enveloping mother-consciousness in each o- us# 8rom this matri0 our supraliminal conscious sel- is precipitated like a crystal# The supraliminal sel- has as its Lob to deal with the vicissitudes o- the world we live in# /ts task is& there-ore very precise& and over the aeons the supraliminal sel- has evolved to its present -orm to do that task better and better# The supraliminal sel-& the sel- we ordinarily call F/G& is a very limited and specialiAed production o- the greater subliminal sel-# The subliminal sel- is the source o- all those e0periences and impulses which arise unplanned and unbidden -rom within1ranging -rom primitive animal impulses to -lashes o- genius and clairvoyant intuition# /t is the source o- the worst and o- the greatest in us& and its territory is as yet largely une0plored# !illiam Names said& F8or hal- a century now& psychologists have -ully admitted the e0istence o- the subliminal mental region # # # but they have never de-initely taken up the Juestion o- the e0tent o- that region& never sought e0plicitly to map it out# Cyers de-initely attacks the problem which& a-ter him& it will be impossible to ignore# !hat is the precise constitution o- the subliminal1such is the problem which deserves to -igure in our science herea-ter as the pro"lem o% Myers#G /n H$man Personality Cyers puts together a remarkable compendium othe literature o- psychical and psychological research up to the end o- the nineteenth century& with his concept o- the subliminal sel- providing the uni-ying -ramework -or the vast array omaterial# The work -eatures chapters on disintegrations o- personality :including the best summary o- the literature o- multiple personality to that time.& genius& sleep& hypnotism :containing an e0tensive study o- the history and theories o- hypnotism& along with CyersDs own hypotheses about its nature.& sensory automatisms :including the phenomena oclairvoyance& crystal gaAing& telepathy& apparitions o- the living and hallucinations.& motor automatisms :including automatic writing& automatic drawing and automatic speaking.& phantasms o- the dead :hauntings and apparitions o- departed spirits.& and a chapter on trance& possession and ecstasy :with a discussion o- mediumship& spirit-possession& and visionary hypnotic states.# The appendices with e0tensive descriptions o- cases eJual the length o- the main te0t# The publication o- H$man Personality marked a high point in the history opsychical research# Cyers undertook to assimilate and uni-y the work that researchers had carried out over the previous thirty years# 2is book became the point o- re-erence -or every later attempt to synthesiAe the data o- psychical research# 72 R 39

1523% Podmore, .ran( and "oo(, E% &a(e%

4piritualismH /s Communication with the ;ther !orld an ?stablished 8actW 3ro1?# !ake Cook # # # Con18rank 3odmore# %ondonH /sbister R Co#& 19$"& *"8 pp# 739

1529% $chiller, .erdinand "anning $cott%

2umanismH 3hilosophical ?ssays# %ondonH Cacmillan& 19$"& 00vii V *9' pp#

A philosophical study o- human li-e& strongly in-luenced by the pragmatism o- !illiam Names# The authorDs discussion o- the possibility o- a -uture li-e is relevant to the attempt opsychical research to determine whether people survive death& and i- so& in what -orm# 739

1564% $ollier, Pa+l A+g+ste%

%es phMnomPnes dDautoscopie# 3arisH Alcan& 19$"& 1'+ pp# 739

1561% arad+c, Hippolyte .erdinand%
%es vibrations de la vitalitM humaine# CMthode biomMtriJue appliJuMe au0 sensiti-s et au0 nMvroses# 3arisH N# ,# ,ailliPre& 19$6& viii V *8$ pp# ,araduc describes the results o- his e0perimentation with -luidic emanations -rom the human body and interprets them in occult terms# 72 R 39

1562% ennett, Ed0ard /%

Twenty @ears o- 3sychical =esearchH 188*)19$1# !ith 8acsimile /llustrations o- ThoughtTrans-erence rawings# %ondonH =# ,rimley Nohnson& 19$6& (( pp# ,ennettDs long association with the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch is apparent in this little work& which provides a very brie- history o- psychical research to 19$1 and then discusses progress made in telepathy& hauntings& and the physical phenomena o- spiritualism# 739

1566% olton, )am!ier%

3sychic 8orce& an ?0perimental /nvestigation o- a %ittle-known 3ower# %ondonH n#p#& 19$6& 9( pp# 739

1567% "hampAille, )+staAe .a!i+s de%

3our transmettre sa pensMeI notes et documents sur la tMlMpathie ou transmission de pensMe# 3arisH %ibrairie du magnMtisme& :19$6.& 69 pp# 739

1565% "ha+tard, E%
%es rMvMlations dDun magnMtiseur& trucs ingMnieu0 employMs au thMftre pour obtenir les phMnomPnes de la transmission de pensMe& du magnMtisme et de lDhypnotisme# Contceau-lesCinesH :A# %emoine. /mprimerie nouvelle& Charles R elorme& 19$6& vii V (' pp#

72 R 39

1566% ,enis, *Bon%

ans lDinvisible# 4piritisme et mMdiumnitM# TraitM de spiritualisme e0pMrimental# %es -aits& les lois# 3hMnomPnes spontanMs# Typtologie et psychographie# %es -antcmes des vivants et les esprits des morts& la mMdiumnitM X travers les fges# 3arisH %eymarie& 19$6& 6(( pp# 739

1567% .+n(, -saac :%

The !idowDs Cite and ;ther 3sychic 3henomena# New @orkH 8unk and !agnalls& 19$6& 0iv V +"8 pp# 8unk& who was the director and principal owner o- 8unk and !agnalls 3ublishing Company& had a strong personal interest in psychical research# This book& written -rom a peculiarly American point o- view and citing mainly American cases& presents the results o- twenty--ive years o- investigation o- psychical phenomena including telepathy& clairvoyance& clairaudience& apparitions& secondary personalities and possession& communication with the dead& and spirit photography# ;- particular interest is a section that deals with a spiritualist -amily FcircleG which met regularly to e0periment with psychic phenomena# This circle was responsible -or the -inding o- a FwidowDs mite&G an ancient coin which had been put away in a sa-e and -orgotten place# 739

1563% )rasset, 9oseph%

%e spiritisme devant la science# Contpellier and 3arisH Coulet et -ils :Contpellier. and Casson :3aris.& 19$6& 00i0 V "9* pp# 739

1569% H+dson, /homson 9ay%

The ?volution o- the 4oul and ;ther ?ssays# ChicagoH A# C# CcClurg& 19$6& 0i V :1. V "66 pp# A posthumously published collection o- essays that deals with areas touched on in 2udsonDs previous publications& such as science and the -uture li-e& manDs psychic powers& prophecy& and hypnotism# 72 R 39

1574% 9o+rnal de psychologie normal et pathologi?+e%

Eols# 1)**VI 19$6)19*+V# 8ounded and edited by 3ierre Nanet and Keorges umas# Eols# 1")1( :191()1919. were not published# 729

1571% Ma50ell, 9oseph%

>n rMcent procPs spirite# %Daventure du mMdium au0 -leurs# ,ordeau0H K# Kounouilhou& 19$6& 6$ pp# escription o- the trial o- a ,erlin medium& Anna =othe& convicted o- -raud# 739

1572% Ra+pert, 9ohn )od#rey .erdinand%

Codern 4piritismH A Critical ?0amination o- /ts 3henomena& Character& and Teaching in the %ight o- <nown 8acts# %ondonH 4ands R Co#& 19$6& vi V :*. V *68 pp# =aupert e0presses his alarm at the spread o- spiritualism and what he considers its undermining o- religious belie-# 2e denies the truth o- its basic tenet that the spirits o- the dead communicate with the living# A-ter e0amining the phenomena o- spiritualism& the -orm o- mediumistic communications& and their content& =aupert concludes that they cannot be due to the action o- departed spirits and that they directly contradict the -undamental truths o- the Catholic -aith# 739

1576% Renterghem, Al!ert &illem Aan%

<ort ,egrip der psychische KeneeswiLAe voodracht gehouden op uitnoodiging van het ,estur van F;ns 2uis ,uiten de CuiderpoortG # # # AmsterdamH 8# van =osen& 19$6& 1*' V :1. pp# 729

1577% Ri(o, A% 9%
2andbuch Aur ausQbung des Cagnetismus& des 2ypnotismus& der 4uggestion& der ,iologie und verwandter 8dcher# %eipAigH C# Altmann& 19$6& :6. V 1(' pp# A Kerman translation o- the third utch edition# 729

1575% Rossi, Pas?+ale%

%es suggesteurs et la -oule# 3sychologie des meneursH artistes& ovateurs& mystiJues& guerriers& criminels& Mcrivains& en-ants& etc# # # # 3arisH A# Cichalon& 19$6& 0ii V *** pp# 739

1576% $age, Michel%

%e sommeil naturel et lDhypnose# %eur nature& leurs phases# A JuDils nous disent en -aveur de lDimmortalitM de lDfme# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan R %eymarie& 19$6& "(' pp# 72 R 39

1577% $idis, oris and )oodhart, $imon P%

Cultiple 3ersonalityH an ?0perimental /nvestigation into the Nature o- 2uman /ndividuality# New @orkH # Appleton& 19$6#

An important study o- a case o- multiple personality and the nature o- dissociation# The case described is that o- =ev# Thomas Carson 2anna who& in 189'& struck his head in an accident and -rom that time began to live a dual li-e# 2e mani-ested a new state o- consciousness in which he remembered nothing o- his previous li-e and had to relearn basic language and motor skills# A-ter a period o- time& this Fsecondary stateG began to alternate with his Fprimary state&G in which he regained the memories o- his li-e and could e0ercise his normal motor skills# Through intensive therapeutic work& the two states were eventually -used into one# This case is described in the center section o- the book& preceded by 4idisDs discussion oneuron organiAation in its relationship to multiple personality and -ollowed by 4idisDs treatment o- Fconsciousness and multiple personality#G This later section contains e0tremely important material on conscious and subconscious elements in multiple personality and on the place o- FhypnoidG and FhypnoidicG states in e0treme -orms o- dissociation# 2ere 4idis makes some remarkable statements about the normality o- multiplicity in human psychological e0perience& suggesting that the phenomena o- multiple personality& F-ar -rom being mere -reaks& monstrosities o- consciousness& # # # are in -act shown to be necessary mani-estations othe very constitution o- mental li-e# M$ltiple conscio$sness is not the e&ception, "$t the la-) ) ) ) *ne great principle m$st "e at the %o$ndation o% psychology, and that is the synthesis o% m$ltiple conscio$sness in normal, and its disintegration in a"normal mental li%eG :pp# "(6) (+.# 729

1573% Annals o# Psychic $cience%
19$+# 4ee Annales des sciences psychi/$es :1891& entry number 1*8".# 739

1579% aylina, -gnacio Ri!era%

3atologia de las en-ermadades epilMpticas y mentales& con un estudio del hombre en su modo de ser -isico moral# Tratado de psico-terapia practica y racional& en el Jue se determinan las leyes Jue anteceden a los -enimenos del sonambulismo& hipnotismo& sugestiin y su relativa a-inidad con las en-ermedades morales# ,arcelonaH n#p#& 19$+& ""( pp# 729

1554% e(htereA, Qladimir Mi(hailoAich%

ie ,edeutung der 4uggestion im soAialen %eben# !iesbadenH N# 8# ,ergmann& 19$+& i0 V 16* pp# ,ekhterev& -ounder o- the 3sychoneurological /nstitute in 4t# 3etersburg& was renowned -or his system o- Fre-le0ology&G the study o- re-le0 action o- the brain as the source opsychological phenomena# This work e0amines the implications o- the use o- suggestion in groups and in society at large# 729

1551% ennett, Ed0ard /%

Automatic 4peaking and !ritingH A 4tudy# %ondonH ,rimley Nohnson and /nce& 19$+& '* V :*. pp# A valuable discussion o- the phenomena o- automatic speaking and writing written by a care-ul researcher# ,ennett e0amines the literature o- the -ield and the various possible sources -or automatic productions& -rom the writerDs own subconscious mind to departed spirits# 739

1552% "oates, 9ames%

The 3ractical 2ypnotist# Concise /nstructions in the Art and 3ractice o- 4uggestionI Applied to the Cure o- isease& the Correction o- 2abits& evelopment o- !ill-3ower& and 4el-Culture# %ondonH Nichols R Co#& 19$+& iv V +)(6 pp# Coates had written a book on mesmerism in 189" :see entry number 1""8.# /n this Fhow toG manual& a genre -or which Coates was -amous& he takes up the subLect o- suggestion and its practical application to cure problems related to bad habits# 729

1556% ,riesch, Hans Adol# Ed+ard%

er Eitalismus als Keschichte und also %ehre# %eipAigH N# A# ,arth& 19$+& 0 V *6( pp# riesch& elected -or a term as 3resident o- the ,ritish 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in 19*(& was 3ro-essor o- 3hilosophy at the >niversity o- %eipAig and one o- KermanyDs most important psychical researchers# Trained as a biologist& he had become convinced that a mechanistic e0planation o- the nature o- li-e was insu--icient and that a uni-ying& non-material principle must give order and direction to li-e processes# This philosophical orientation led him to tackle basic issues concerning the methodology and the nature o- scienti-ic proo- in psychical research# /n this volume& riesch e0amines the historical and philosophical relevance o- vitalism# 739

1557% .iliatre, 9ean%

2ypnotisme et magnMtisme# 4omnambulisme& suggestion et tMlMpathie# /n-luence personnelle # # # rMsumant # # # tous les connaissances humaines sur les possibilitMs& les usages et la pratiJue de lDhypnotisme # # # du magnMtisme& de la suggestion et de la tMlMpathie# # # # 4aint-?tienneH Kenest& :19$+.& 00ii V 6$+ pp# A very detailed& practical treatise on hypnotism and animal magnetism# 8iliatre describes the techniJues used by Cesmer& 3uysMgur& eleuAe& u 3otet& %a-ontaine& and many others& and provides a long and use-ul discussion o- psychic phenomena sometimes associated with hypnotism# 72 R 39

1555% Harnac(, Erich%

4tudien Qber 2autelektriAitdt und 2autmagnetismus des Censchen# Nach eigenen Eersuchen und ,eobachtungen# NenaH Kustav 8ischer& 19$+& :8. V (+ pp#

A late attempt to test the theories o- <arl von =eichenbach :1'88)18(9.# The author e0amines the -ingertips as a source o- electricity and investigates electrical and magnetic movement originating -rom the body# 729

1556% Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

4cience and a 8uture %i-e# ,ostonH 2erbert Turner R Co#& 19$+& 0i V :1. V "'* pp# 2yslop was one o- the most important American psychical researchers# 2e was pro-essor ologic and ethics at Columbia >niversity -rom 1889)19$*# Although his interest in psychical research began with some striking sittings with the -amous American medium %eonore 3iper in 1888& he did not begin writing on the subLect until a-ter his retirement -rom teaching# /n 19$(& he organiAed the new American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch :there had been an earlier short-lived society -rom 188+ to 189$.& which published its -irst Eo$rnal in Nanuary 19$'# +cience and a 0$t$re 8i%e is 2yslopDs -irst book on psychical research& and it is one ohis most important# 2ere he deals with the issue o- the evidence -or survival a-ter death as -ound in mediumistic communications# Although taking up the problem in its most general -orm& he concentrates on the material received through Crs# 3iper& e0amining the various possible e0planations -or the data& in particular the spiritistic versus the telepathic hypothesis# 739

1557% 9astro0, 9oseph%

The 4ubconscious# ,oston and New @orkH 2oughton& Ci--lin R Co#& 19$+# An important work on subconscious phenomena and the nature o- the subconscious# CriticiAing the notion o- the Fsubliminal sel-G proposed by Cyers to account -or the same set o- mental phenomena& Nastrow sees it as a natural -unction that is a--ected by e0perience much like the conscious mind# 729

1553% Magnin, Emile%

%Dart et lDhypnose# /nterprMtation plastiJue dDoeuvres littMraires et musicales# KenevaH Atar& 19$+& 6(" pp# 729

1559% Prince, Morton%

The issociation o- a 3ersonalityH a ,iographical 4tudy in Abnormal 3sychology# New @orkH %ongmans& Kreen& 19$+& 0 V +'+ pp# 3rince was an important -igure in American psychology and a pioneer in the study o- mental dissociation# 2aving studied at Eienna& 4trasbourg& 3aris& and Nancy& as well as at 2arvard Cedical 4chool& he developed a special interest in the investigations o- Charcot and Nanet related to hypnotism and hysteria& an interest that helped give direction to his own original research# A -ounder and long-time editor o- the Eo$rnal o% A"normal Psychology, president othe American 3sychological Association& and a member o- the American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& 3rince eventually taught at 2arvard and became 3ro-essor o- Neurology at Tu-ts# /n 19$1& in the Proceedings o- the ,ritish 4ociety o- 3sychical =esearch& 3rince

published his -irst essay on one o- his patients& a woman given the -ictitious name o- Ciss ,eauchamp& who e0hibited -our di--erent personalities# ;ne o- the personalities& F4ally&G had a co-conscious e0istence& that is& she persisted as a separate sel- with a di--erentiated sel-conciousness while each o- the others was present# Dhe #issociation o% a Personality, an important account o- an early attempt to understand and determine what should be the outcome o- therapeutic work with multiple personality& describes 3rinceDs discovery o- Ciss ,eauchampDs personalities& the course o- her therapy& and 3rinceDs theoretical re-lections on the nature o- multiple personality# 729

1564% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

F8aut-il Mtudier le spiritismeWG Annales des sciences psychi/$es 1+ :19$+.H 1)61# 739

1561% RiAista delle riAiste di st+di psichici% Rassegna mensile di 644 reAiste di st+di psichici%
Eols# 1)WI 19$+)W A review o- psychical research published in =ome# Complete in-ormation is unavailable# 739

1562% <$idg0ic(, Arth+r and $idg0ic(, Eleanor Mildred%>

2enry 4idgwickH a Cemoir# %ondonH Cacmillan& 19$+& ("" pp# 2enry 4idgwick was a -ounder o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch and its -irst president# A pro-essor o- philosophy at Cambridge and a man o- high reputation& he was an important -igure in establishing the credibility o- the society as a serious and critical investigator o- the paranormal# This biography& written by his wi-e and son& describes the broad range o- his interests and his particular concern -or psychical research& which he considered Fpro-oundly important to mankind#G 739

1566% /homas, @orthcote &hitridge%

Crystal KaAingH /ts 2istory and 3ractice& with a iscussion o- the ?vidence -or Telepathic 4crying# %ondonH Ale0ander Coring& 19$+& 0lvii V 1(* pp# An e0cellent historical study o- FscryingG in its various -orms over the centuries# Although there is a brie- discussion o- the evidence -or telepathy in scrying& the book deals mainly with crystal visions and the use o- the black stone or shew stone to obtain visual images# 739

1567% /homas, @orthcote &hitridge%

Thought Trans-erenceH a Critical and 2istorical =eview o- the ?vidence -or Telepathy& with a =ecord o- New ?0periments 19$*)19$"# %ondonH Ale0ander Coring& 19$+& viii V *16 pp# 739

1565% Qial, *o+is "harles Emile%

%es erreurs de la science# 3arisH The Author& 19$+& *9" pp# Eial& a philosopher and cosmologist& deals with a variety o- issues& including sleep& hypnosis& telepathy& and psychic radiations# 72 R 39

1566% &allace, Al#red R+ssel%

Cy %i-eH a =ecord o- ?vents and ;pinions# * vols# %ondonH Chapman R 2all& %td#& 19$+& 0ii V 6"+I viii V 6+9 pp# Eolume two o- this very readable autobiography contains three chapters on !allaceDs involvement with and his views on spiritualism# !allaceDs support was one o- the maLor -actors in gaining spiritualism wide acceptance in late nineteenth-century ,ritain and obtaining -or it a hearing -rom a number o- the then-prominent men o- science# This& in turn& helped pave the way -or the development o- psychical research# 739

1567% Adam(ie0ic', Al!ert%
3ensMe inconsciente et vision de la pensMe# ?ssai dDune e0plication physiologiJue du processus de la pensMe et de JuelJues phMnomPnes surnaturels et psychopathiJues# 3arisH N# =ousset& 19$(& 98 pp# 739

1563% ennett, Ed0ard /%

The 3hysical 3henomena 3opularly Classed under the 2ead o- 4piritualism& with 8acsimile /llustrations o- Thought Trans-erence rawings and irect !riting# %ondonH T# C# R ?# C# Nack& 19$(& 16$ pp# 739

1569% "hristison, 9ohn $anderson%

The Tragedy o- Chicago# A 4tudy in 2ypnotism# 2ow an /nnocent @oung Can& =ichard ?vans& was hypnotised to the Kallows# ChicagoH The Author& 19$(& 9$ pp# 729

1574% "oates, 9ames%

4eeing the /nvisibleH 3ractical 4tudies in 3sychometry& Thought-trans-erence& Telepathy& and Allied 3henomena# %ondonH %# N# 8owler R Co#& 19$(& 0vi V *98 pp#

Coates was a proli-ic writer o- Fhow-toG books# 2ere he brings together a great deal oin-ormation about psychometry :sensing vibrations -rom obLects. and telepathy# 739

1571% ,algado, ,% )%
CMmoire sur la vie de lDabbM de 8aria# ?0plication de la charmante lMgende du chateau dD/dans le roman FConte-Cristo#G 3arisH 2enri Nouve& 19$(& 0 V 1*6 pp# algado taught at the =oyal Academy o- 4ciences at %isbon# This important book is one othe -ew sources o- in-ormation concerning the li-e o- the abbM NosM Custodio de 8aria& whose #e la ca$se d$ sommeil l$cide :1819& see entry number *96. guaranteed him a central position in the history o- hypnotism# 729

1572% )rasset, 9oseph%

%e psychisme in-Mrieur# ]tude de 3hysiopathologie cliniJue des centres psychiJues# 3arisH Chevalier et =iviPre& 19$(& iii V +1( pp# 739

1576% Hennig, Richard%

er moderne 4puk- u# Keisterglaube# ?ine <ritik und ?rkldrung der spiritistischen 3hdnomene# //# Teil des !erkes F!under und !issenscha-t#G Cit einem Eorwort von r# Ca0 essoir# 2amburgH ?rnst 4chultAe& 19$(& "(' pp# A -riendly critiJue o- spiritualism# 2ennig presents a very thorough treatment o- errors such as the tendency to personi-y the unknown inherent in the spiritualistic evaluation o- certain phenomena& a -ar-ranging e0amination o- trance and spirit possession& and a long section on the medium 2MlPne 4mith# 739

1577% Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

,orderland o- 3sychical =esearch# ,ostonH 2erbert ,# Turner R Co#& 19$(& viii V :*. V 6*+ pp# An attempt to elucidate issues in FnormalG and FabnormalG psychology through the data opsychical research# Areas covered include sense perception& memory& dissociation& hallucinations& secondary personality& hypnotism& and reincarnation :a subLect with which psychical researchers did not o-ten deal.# 739

1575% Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

?nigmas o- 3sychical =esearch# ,ostonH 2erbert ,# Turner R Co#& 19$(& 0 V :*. V 6"* pp# 2yslop here notes that in his -irst book& +cience and a 0$t$re 8i%e :19$+& see entry number 1++(.& he had given only a sketchy description o- phenomena bearing on telepathy& apparitions& and related areas# 2is intention here is not to attempt to amass -acts to prove survival beyond death& but to provide evidence that these phenomena are in need o- -urther

investigation# 4ubLects covered include crystal gaAing& clairvoyance& premonitions& and various mediumistic phenomena# 739

1576% *apponi, )i+seppe%

/pnotismo e spiritismo# * ed# =omeH esclee& %e-ebvre e C#& 19$(& 1( pp# %apponi& a Catholic author& writes o- many remarkable spiritistic phenomena& which he believes to be the work o- the devil# No in-ormation on the -irst edition :189'. is available# 72 R 39

1577% Malgras, 9%
%es pionniers du spiritisme en 8ranceH documents pour la -ormation dDun livre dDor des sciences psychiJues recueillis par N# Calgras# 3arisH %ibrairie des sciences psychologiJues& 19$(& 6'9 pp# 739

1573% Qerrall, Margaret de )a+drion Merri#ield%

F;n a 4eries o- Automatic !ritings#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings *$ :19$(.H 1)6"*# A detailed discussion o- automatic writing produced by the author& including a discussion oFcross-correspondencesG or in-ormation in automatic writings -rom diverse mediums that seem to come -rom a common source# 739

1579% A!!ott, ,aAid Phelps%
,ehind the 4cenes with Cediums# ChicagoH ;pen Court 3ublishing Co#& 19$'& :*. V :iii.)vi V "*8 pp# A compendium o- tricks and deceptions used by some mediums to produce apparent spiritualistic phenomena# !ritten by an astute observer& the book is an e0posM o- techniJues that range -rom -ilching personal papers -rom the pockets o- sitters to switching slates with purported spirit writing# 739

1534% American $ociety #or Psychical Research% 9o+rnal%

Eols# 1)19VI 19$')19*+V# 739

1531% American $ociety #or Psychical Research Proceedings%

Eols# 1)19VI 19$')19*+V#


1532% ayley, &illiam%

F4ome 8acts in Cesmerism#G American +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 1 :19$'.H 8)**# 72 R 39

1536% onnaymB, Ernest%

%a -orce psychiJue& lDagent magnMtiJue et less instruments servant X les mesurer# CussetH /mprimerie ,ouchet& 19$'& "8 V :1. pp# This pamphlet contains descriptions o- devices purportedly capable o- measuring psychic and magnetic -orces# A second edition published in 19$8 was e0panded to **$ pages# 72 R 39

1537% "arrington, Here0ard%

The 3hysical 3henomena o- 4piritualism& 8raudulent and KenuineH ,eing a ,rie- Account othe Cost /mportant 2istorical 3henomenaI a Criticism o- Their ?vidential Ealue& and a Complete ?0position o- the Cethods ?mployed in 8raudulently =eproducing the 4ame# ,ostonH 2erbert 2# Turner R Co#& 19$'& 6*( pp# ,orn in ?ngland& Carrington came to the >nited 4tates at the age o- eighteen and immediately embarked on a long career as a researcher and writer# A-ter a period o- skepticism& he became convinced that some o- the reported spiritualistic phenomena were genuine and went on to establish the American 3sychical /nstitute& which gave weekly lectures& put on monthly demonstrations& and periodically published bulletins on matters related to psychical research# The 4cienti-ic Council o- the /nstitute included many pre-eminent psychical researchers -rom around the world& such as Ca0 essoir& 2ans riesch& 3aul Noire& ;liver %odge& Noseph Ca0well& ?ugPne ;sty& Charles =ichet& 2arry 3rice& and even 3ierre Nanet# Carrington was particularly interested in studying mediums and their psychic -eats# ,ecoming -airly competent at conLuring& he used his knowledge to e0pose the tricks o- -raudulent mediums& but he also believed that he came across much that was genuine# Dhe Physical Phenomena o% +pirit$alism, CarringtonDs -irst book and one o- the best books on the subLect& concentrates on the deceptions employed by some mediums& but also deals with what Carrington thought to be genuine# 739

1535% ,algado, ,% )%
F,raidisme et -ariisme& ou la doctrine du r# ,raid sur lDhypnotisme comparMe avec celle de lDabbM de 8aria sur le sommeil lucide#G Re($e de l9hypnotisme e&p'rimental et th'rape$ti/$e *1 :19$'.H 11()*"& 1"*)6(# algado compares the method and theory o- hypnotism o- two o- the most important -igures in the history o- the subLectH the abbM NosM Custodio de 8aria :1'++)1819. and Names ,raid :1'9+)18($.# Noting that ,raid considered the cause o- hypnotism to be Fpsychophysiological&G whereas 8aria believed the cause to be Fpsychical&G algado makes a statement-by-statement comparison between ,raidDs 7e$rypnology :186"& see entry number

6(+. and 8ariaDs #e la ca$se d$ sommeil l$cide :1819& see entry number *96.# ,ased on this analysis& he argues that 8aria had anticipated ,raidDs ideas on nearly every essential point and that his e0planation o- the cause o- hypnotism and his method o- induction were superior to ,raidDs# 729

1536% .lammarion, "amille%

%es -orces naturelles inconnues# 3arisH ?rnest 8lammarion& 19$'& 0i V ($6 pp# ?nglishH Mysterio$s Psychic 0orces) ,ostonH 4mall& Caynard and Company& 19$'# /n the introduction to this work& 8lammarion re-ers to his book o- the same title written -orty years earlier when psychical research was still in its -ormative stages& points out that things have progressed a great distance since then& and indicates that the aim o- this book is to provide a panorama o- that progression# /n the process 8lammarion discusses the Allan <ardec spiritualist group& the e0periments o- e Kasparin and Thury& the ,ritish investigators& ?usapia 3alladino& mediumistic -raud& and possible e0planations -or psychic phenomena# 739

1537% .+n(, -saac :%

The 3sychic =iddle# New @orkH 8unk and !agnalls& 19$'& viii V *6" pp# 8unkDs second book on psychical research# 2ere he continues the discussion o- psychical research as a science begun in Dhe ,ido-9s Mite :19$6& see entry number 1+"'. and writes at length about the phenomenon o- Fdirect voice#G 739

1533% )rasset, 9oseph%

%Doccultisme hier et auLourdDhui& le merveilleu0 prescienti-iJue# ContpellierH Coulet et -ils& 19$'& 6"+ pp# 73/

1539% 9anet, Pierre%

The CaLor 4ymptoms o- 2ysteria# 8i-teen %ectures Kiven in the Cedical 4chool o- 2arvard >niversity# New @orkH Cacmillan& 19$'& 0 V :*. V "6+ pp# A series o- e0cursions into the realm o- hysteria drawing upon the vast e0perience o- the author# Nanet Lusti-ies his choice o- hysteria as the subLect -or these lectures by pointing out that most o- the maLor contributors to modern psychotherapy took the study o- hysteria as their starting point# 2e e0amines the FmaLor symptomsG o- hysteriaH monoideic somnambulisms& polyideic somnambulisms& dual personalities& convulsive attacks& -its osleep& motor agitations& contractures& paralysis& anesthesias& and disturbances o- vision& speech and alimentation# 2e concludes his lectures with a description o- the chie- characteristics ohysteria and a discussion o- Fcontraction o- the -ield o- consciousnessG and suggestion# 729

1594% *oe0en#eld, *eopold%

4omnambulismus und 4piritismus# !iesbadenH N# 8# ,ergmann& 19$'& '1 pp# 72 R 39

1591% Mo+tin, *+cien%

%e magnMtisme humain& lDhypnotisme& et le spiritualisme moderne considMrMs au0 points de vue thMoriJue et pratiJue# 3arisH 3errin et Cie& 19$'& :6. V 6'' pp# Coutin distinguishes between animal magnetism and hypnotism& claiming that animal magnetism produces phenomena that hypnotism never will# 3ointing out that there is Fnothing new under the sun&G Coutin re-ers to authors be-ore Cesmer who had discussed an animal magnetic -luid& including among CesmerDs precursors the F3ro-essor o- 3hysiology %ecotG :i#e#& Nicolas Claude %e Cat 71'$$)1'(89. who in 1'(' :in his Drait' des sensations et des passions.& twelve years be-ore CesmerDs -irst M'moire :1''9.& wrote o- an Fanimal -luidG with the same characteristics# Coutin claims that too much emphasis has been placed on suggestion& to the detriment o- the study o- a Ftransmissible agentG :magnetic -luid. that passes between operator and subLect# 2e relates psychic phenomena& such as telepathy& clairvoyance& mental suggestion& and other phenomena o- spiritualism& to animal magnetism and claims that they cannot be -ully understood until a thorough investigation o- animal magnetism has been conducted# 729

1592% P#+ngst, Ps(ar%

as 3-erd des 2errn von ;stenI der kluge 2ans# ?in ,eitrag Aur e0perimentellen Tier- und Censchen-3sychologie# %eipAigH Nohann Ambrosius ,arth& 19$'& 19" pp# ?nglishH Ble(er Hans :Dhe Horse o% Mr) Fon *sten? a Bontri"$tion to E&perimental Animal and H$man Psychology) Translated by Carl %# =ahn# New @orkH 2olt& 1911# A study o- one o- the -amous ?lber-eld horses who were supposed to be able to communicate through a code tapped out by their hoo-s# /n 1891 !illiam von ;sten discovered that his horse& <luge 2ans& would count obLects placed be-ore him with his hoo-s# Eon ;sten went on -rom there to develop a more subtle communication with the animal& with the horse apparently able to signal answers to Juestions in Kerman and solve di--icult mathematical problems# ;ver the years the phenomenon was studied by numerous scientists& many o- whom attested to the horseDs remarkable -eats# 2ere& 3-ungst comes down on the negative side o- the controversy& suggesting that when <luge 2ans did give correct answers it was because von ;sten unconsciously provided cues to the animal to indicate when he should start and stop in giving the tapped code# The controversy continued -or many years a-ter the appearance o- this study& and remains an issue among psychical researchers to this day# 739

1596% PiBron, H%
FKrandeur et dMcadence des =ayons NH histoire dDune croyance#G Ann'e psychologi/$e 1" :19$'.H 16")(9# 739

1597% Prince, Morton, MSnster!erg, H+go, Ri!ot, /hBod+le Armand, 9astro0, 9oseph, and 9anet, Pierre%
FA 4ymposium on the 4ubconscious#G Eo$rnal o% A"normal Psychology * :19$'.H **)6"& +8) 8$# An important collection o- articles on the subconscious by some o- the leading minds in the -ield# ;- great interest are the articles by Nanet and 3rince# Nanet& inventor o- the term Fsubconscious&G emphasiAes that he has -rom the beginning used the notion o- the subconscious as a crystalliAation o- the results o- observations& not as a metaphysical theory# 3rince takes up the issue o- an adeJuate e0planation -or subconscious phenomena& insisting that the purely physiological interpretation is insu--icient and that it is necessary to postulate the e0istence o- dissociated ideas# 739

1595% ReA+e gBnBrale des sciences psychi?+es%

Eols# 1)"I 19$')1911# 3ublished in 3aris and edited by ?# ,osc# 739

1596% Ro+!y, ===%

,ien-,oa et Ch# =ichet# %isbonH n#p#& 19$'& ($ pp# 739

1597% $chiller, .erdinand "anning $cott%

4tudies in 2umanism# %ondonH Cacmillan& 19$'& 0vii V 69* pp# A collection o- essays on subLects o- interest to psychical researchersH truth& dreams& dissociation o- personality& and psychical research# 739

1593% &ells, ,aAid &ash!+rn%

3sychology Applied to Cedicine# /ntroductory 4tudies# 3hiladelphiaH 8# A# avis Company& 19$'& 0iv V 161 pp# A good introductory study o- hypnotism and suggestion and their psychotherapeutic applications# 729

1599% U+r!onsen, .riedrich%

as Aweite Kesicht : ie FEorgesichtenG. nach !irklichkeit und !esen# CologneH n#p#& :19$'. 1$8 pp# 739


1644% arad+c, Hippolyte .erdinand%

Ces morts& leurs mani-estations& leurs in-luences& leurs tMlMpathies# 3arisH %eymarie& 19$8& 8( pp# 739

1641% arrett, &illiam .letcher%

;n the Threshold o- a New !orld o- ThoughtH An ?0amination o- the 3henomena o4piritualism# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 19$8& 0v V 1*' pp# !illiam ,arrett& -or over thirty years 3ro-essor o- 3hysics at the =oyal College o- 4cience in ublin& was one o- the -ounders o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& editor o- the societyDs Eo$rnal -rom 1886 to 1899& and a key -igure in the initiation o- the American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in 188+# ,arrett began his study o- psychical research in 18'6 and a-ter a long and thorough investigation became convinced o- the reality o- the phenomena ospiritualism# 2e held there was evidence -or the e0istence o- a spiritual world& survival odeath& and communication with departed spirits# This book& ,arrettDs -irst maLor work on psychical research& has as its basis a lecture delivered some -ourteen years earlier in which he presents evidence regarding the genuineness o- psychic phenomena# This evidence is drawn -rom his own e0periments and -rom investigations undertaken principally by members o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& much o- it having already appeared in the Proceedings o- the 4ociety# ,arrett adopts the spiritualistic e0planation -or the phenomena as a working hypothesis& insisting that obLective students o- the -acts must give this hypothesis serious consideration# A thoroughly revised version o- this work& published in 1918 under the title *n the Dhreshold o% the Gnseen An E&amination o% the Phenomena o% +pirit$alism and the E(idence %or +$r(i(al a%ter #eath, takes the same position but cites the -indings o- ten additional years o- psychical research in con-irmation o- his spiritualistic viewpoint# 739

1642% ates, E% :atharine%

o the ead epartW New @orkH odge& 19$8& *(" V :". pp# An investigation o- spirit return based on twenty--ive years investigation& with an interesting chapter on Fguardian children#G 739

1646% eers, "li##ord &hittingham%

A Cind that 8ound /tsel-H An Autobiography# !ith /ntroductory letters by !illiam Names# New @orkH %ongmans& Kreen& and Co#& 19$8& i0 V "(" pp# 729

1647% ennett, Ed0ard /%

The irect 3henomena o- 4piritualism14peaking& !riting& rawing& Cusic and 3aintingH a 4tudy# !ith 8acsimile /llustrations o- irect !riting& rawing and 3ainting# %ondonH =ider& :19$8.& :1. V (6 pp#

An in-ormative treatment o- these phenomena# ,ennett gives a history o- the subLect& -ollowed by an account o- his witnessing the phenomena produced by avid uguid& Crs# ?veritt& and a -ew other mediums# 739

1645% oirac, Emile%

%a psychologie inconnue# /ntroduction et contribution X lDMtude e0pMrimentale des sciences psychiJues# 3arisH Alcan& 19$8& :6. V "6( pp# ?nglishH *$r Hidden 0orces :@8a Psychologie 1nconn$eA?) An E&perimental +t$dy o% the Psychic +ciences) Translated by !# de <erlor# New @orkH 8rederick A# 4tokes Company& 191'# This book is composed o- writings produced between 189" and 19$"# /t is ,oiracDs intention to answer the JuestionH /s it possible to study so-called FpsychicG phenomena scienti-icallyW 2e divides these phenomena into three main categoriesH hypnoidal phenomena :relating to hypnotism and suggestion.& magnetoidal phenomena :natural but unclassi-ied physical -orces.& and spiritoidal phenomena :resulting -rom the action o- unknown agents.# ,oirac believes the scienti-ic study o- such phenomena is possible and suggests methods -or that study# The book covers everything -rom e0periments in mesmerism and suggestion to the investigation o- spiritism# 739

1646% "arrington, Here0ard%

The Coming 4cience# ,ostonH 4mall& Caynard R Co#& 19$8& 0ii V :1. V "9" pp# CarringtonDs second book on psychical research# /n it he brings together a great deal o- the in-ormation available to that time& not to establish the genuineness o- the -acts& but to e0amine the various hypotheses which might e0plain the -acts# /n the process he covers the whole -ield o- research& -rom e0periments with telepathy to the physical phenomena o- mediumship# 739

1647% "o+rtier, 9+les%

=apport sur les sMances dD?usapia 3alladino X lD/nstitut KMnMral 3sychologiJue en 19$+& 19$(& 19$' et 19$8# 3arisH /nstitut KMnMral 3sychologiJue& 19$8& 8$ pp# A valuable report o- e0periments done with /talian physical medium ?usapia 3alladino at the /nstitut KMnMral 3sychologiJue# The author describes the controls used to prevent -raud& the physical environment o- the e0periments& and the phenomena observed& such as movements o- obLects and luminous phenomena that were observed# 739

1643% .iliatre, 9ean%

%es sciences utiles# 2ypnotisme et magnMtisme# 4omnambulisme& suggestion et tMlMpathie# /n-luence personnelle# 3artie thMoriJue# 3ratiJue :suite.# 2istoriJue# ;ccultisme e0pMrimental# ,ourbon lDArchambaultH %ibrairie Kenest& :19$8.& "18 pp# The second part o- a work begun under the title Hypnotisme et magn'tisme :19$+& see entry number 1++6.# 72 R 39

1649% .o+rnier ,;Al!e, Edm+nd Ed0ard%

New %ight on /mmortality# %ondonH %ongmans& Kreen and Co#& 19$8& 0i0 V ""6 pp# Abstruse theories o- human survival a-ter death& accompanied by an account o- -indings in psychical research which the author o--ers as con-irmation o- his theories# 739

1614% Harris, 9ohn &illiam%

The 3seudo-;ccult# Notes on Telepathic Eision and Auditory Cessages 3roceeding -rom 2ypnotism# %ondonH !ellby& 19$8& "$ pp# 72 R 39

1611% Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

3sychical =esearch and the =esurrection# ,ostonH 4mall& Caynard and Company& 19$8& 0iv V :*. V 6$9 pp# 2yslop considered this book to be a supplement to +cience and a 0$t$re 8i%e :19$+& entry number 1++(. and used it to draw implications -rom material he presented in !orderland o% Psychical Research :19$(& entry number 1+'6. and Engimas o% Psychical Research :19$(& entry number 1+'+.# /n particular& he discusses the involvement in psychic phenomena osubconscious or subliminal consciousness and& in certain cases& o- a Fsecondary personality#G 739

1612% 9oire, Pa+l%

TraitM de lDhypnotisme e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue# 4es applications X la mMdecine& X lDMducation& X la psychologie# 3arisH Eigot -rPres& 19$8& 6+( pp# A general treatment o- hypnotism& its uses and its phenomena# The authorDs view ohypnotism is in-luenced by CharcotDs three-phase schema& but Noire clearly situates himsel- in the tradition o- animal magnetism with the notion that a Fnervous -orceG emanates -rom the body and produces e0ternal e--ects# /ndeed& he even developed a device called the FsthenometerG to measure this Fnervous -orce#G The device consisted o- a dial with a straw needle balanced on a pivot# Noire believed he obtained clear movements o- this needle when a subLectDs hands were placed in the vicinity o- the dial and that these movements were produced by the bodyDs emanations& but other investigators attributed this movement to the action o- radiating heat# 729

1616% :oti(, @a+m%

ie ?manation der psycho-physischen ?nergie# ?ine e0perimentelle >ntersuchung Qber die unmittelbare KedankenQbertragung im 5usammenhang mit der 8rage Qber die =adioaktivitdt der Kehirns# !iesbadenH N# 8# ,ergmann& 19$8& vi V :*. V 1"$ pp# A study o- thought trans-erence viewed in relation to the psycho-physical action o- the brain# 739

1617% *odge, PliAer 9oseph%

Can and the >niverse# A 4tudy o- the /n-luence o- the Advance in 4cienti-ic <nowledge upon our >nderstanding o- Christianity# %ondonH Cethuen R Co#& 19$8& "+( pp# %odge was a physicist and psychical researcher with a long list o- credits# As a physicist he made signi-icant e0periments in electricity& thermo-electricity& thermal conductivity and radio technology& authored many books& served as 3resident o- the ,ritish Association& and was knighted in 19$* in recognition o- his contributions to science# As a psychical researcher& he was 3resident o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch :19$1)19$6. and the author o- maLor works in the -ield# Although dealing largely with science and religion& Man and the Gni(erse, %odgeDs -irst book in the -ield o- psychical research& contains a long section on the immortality o- the soul# 2ere %odge cites the -indings o- psychical research as evidence independent o- -aith that the human spirit persists a-ter death# 739

1615% Mc"om!, $am+el, "oriat, -sador H%, and &orcester, El0ood%

=eligion and CedicineH the Coral Control o- Nervous isorders# New @orkH Co--at& @ard& and Company& 19$8& :(. V 6*' pp# !orcester& the rector o- ?mmanuel Church in ,oston& was a co--ounder with CcComb o- the ?mmanuel Covement o- healing in 19$(# This movement undertook the treatment o- nervous disorders& combining the moral precepts o- Christian teaching with contemporary knowledge o- the subconscious mind# Religion and Medicine was the -oundation volume o- the movement# /t e0amines the nature o- the subconscious mind and its place in the production oF-unctional disorders#G ?mphasis is placed on the value o- hypnotism with suggestion as a treatment techniJue# 739

1616% Morselli, Enrico Agostino%

3sicologia e FspiritismoG& impressioni e note critiche sui -enomeni medianici di ?usapia 3alladino# * vols# TurinH 8ra# ,occa& 19$8& 0lviii V 6("& 0viii V +8( pp# Corselli& a highly respected neurologist and psychologist& describes his impressions o- the -amous /talian medium ?usapia 3alladino# A-ter giving a history o- spiritualism in general and o- 3alladinoDs mediumship in particular& Corselli describes twenty-eight sittings he had with her between 19$1 and 19$'# !hile accepting many o- the phenomena that occurred in these sMances as genuinely supernormal& he reLects the hypothesis that they are due to the action o- discarnate spirits and supports the position that they are produced by unknown -orces or in-luences connected with the human organism# 739

1617% Piddington, 9ohn )eorge%

FA 4eries o- Concordant Automatisms#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings ** :19$8.H 19)61(# A painstaking study o- cross-correspondences& correlations among samples o- automatic writing -rom various mediums which seem to show common elements proceeding -rom one mind# 739

1613% Podmore, .ran(%

The NaturaliAation o- the 4upernatural# New @ork and %ondonH K# 3# 3utnam 4ons& 19$8& viii V "'6 pp# A -urther development o- the thesis o- 3odmoreDs earlier works that all the phenomena opsychical research are e0plicable in terms o- telepathy# As usual& 3odmoreDs grasp o- the historical and e0perimental data is e0cellent and the book is a very use-ul summary o- the material relevant to the issues o- psychical research# 739

1619% Y+ac(en!os, 9ohn ,+ncan%

2ypnotic Therapeutics in Theory and 3racticeH !ith Numerous /llustrations o- Treatment by 4uggestion# New @ork and %ondonH 2arper R ,rothers& 19$8& iii V :+. V ""+ V :1. pp# Tuackenbos describes the use o- hypnotism and suggestion to deal with moral and emotional problems# /n his discussion o- the power o- suggestion& he provides a lengthy treatment oauto-suggestion and its place in healing# Tuackenbos has his own terminology o- hypnotic states& using the term FtransliminalG states& or states Facross the threshold&G to designate the altered consciousness o- hypnotism and the realm remote -rom every day waking consciousness# 729

1624% Qaschide, @icholas%

%es hallucinations tMlMpathiJues# 3arisH ,loud& 19$8& 0 V 9' V :*. pp# A critiJue o- the psychical research classic Phantasms o% the 8i(ing :188(& entry number 1166. based on e0periments personally conducted by the author# 739

1621% Qiollet, Marcel%

%e spiritisme dans ses rapports avec la -olie# 3arisH ,loud et Cie& 19$8& 1*$ pp# Eiollet e0amines mental disturbances that he believes can be linked directly or indirectly to a belie- in spiritualism or participation in spiritualistic sMances# 739

1622% ormann, &alter%
ie Nornen& 8orschungen Qber 8ernsehen in =aum und 5eit# %eipAigH C# Altmann& 19$9& *'1 pp# 739

1626% o''ano, Ernesto%

e casi dDidenti-icasione spiritica# KenevaH A# onath& 19$9& "'$ pp# 739

1627% ram0ell, 9% Milne%

2ypnotism and Treatment by 4uggestion# %ondonH Cassell and Company& 19$9& 0ii V *1( pp# ,ramwell was both an important historian o- hypnotism :see his Hypnotism its history, practice and theory, 19$"& entry number 1+1'. and a capable practitioner o- medical hypnosis# This book re-lects his interest in both o- these areas# A-ter describing the history ohypnotism and techniJues o- hypnotic induction and discussing theories about the nature ohypnotism and suggestion& ,ramwell devotes the bulk o- the book to accounts o- his use ohypnotism in the treatment o- the ill# 729

1625% "arrington, Here0ard%

?usapia 3alladino and her 3henomena# New @orkH ,# !# odge& 19$9& :*. V 0iv V :*. V "+" pp# A detailed description o- e0periments carried out with the -amous /talian medium by medical and academic researchers in many places in ?urope and Kreat ,ritain# Carrington concludes with an e0amination o- the theories put -orward to e0plain the phenomena and a description ohis own hypothesis# 739

1626% ,elanne, )a!riel%

%es apparitions matMrialisMes des vivants R des morts# * vols# 3arisH %ibrairie spirite& 19$9 and 1911& :(. V +*'I :*. V 861 pp# The most important single work on materialiAed apparitions and related phenomena# elanne presents a very thorough e0amination o- the subLect o- apparitions& detailing its history& describing contemporary e0periences and e0periments& and attempting to e0plain the causes# 8ocusing in particular on the phenomenon o- materialiAed apparitions -rom partial materialiAation o- hands to the whole human -orm& he discusses the problem o- the identity othe materialiAation& the possibility o- -raud& and the processes through which materialiAations might take place# The work contains many photographs o- apparent materialiAed -orms# 739

1627% ,+rAille, Hector%

%e -antcme des vivantsH anatomie et physiologie de lDfme# =echerches e0pMrimentales sur le dMdoublement des corps de lDhomme# 3arisH %ibrairie du magnMtisme& 19$9& "+( pp# urville considers the problem o- apparitions -rom the point o- view o- the doubling o- the human body# 2e sees them as mani-estations o- a second non-material body not limited& as is the physical body& by space and time# The -irst part o- the book is a historical summary o- the phenomena# The second describes e0periments with individuals who had a special talent in carrying out this doubling# 739

1623% .eilding, EAerard, aggally, &% &%, and "arrington, Here0ard%

F=eport on a series o- 4ittings with ?usapia 3alladino#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings *" :19$9.H "$9)+(9#

etailed description o- tests carried out with the -amous /talian medium ?usapia 3alladino to determine the genuineness o- the physical phenomena associated with her mediumship# An important study# 739

1629% 9anet, Pierre%

%es NMvroses# 3arisH ?rnest 8lammarion& 19$9& "9' pp# A condensation o- NanetDs ideas about the nature o- the neurosis as developed particularly in his 7'(roses et id'es %i&es :1898& entry number 1661. and 8es o"sessions et la psychasthenic :19$"& entry number 1+**.# 729

1664% 9oire, Pa+l Martial 9oseph%

%es phMnomPnes psychiJues et supernormau0 :leur observation& leur e0pMrimentation.# 3arisH Eigot -rPres& 19$9& +'$ pp# ?nglishH Psychical and +$pernormal Phenomena, their *"ser(ation and E&perimentation) %ondonH !# =ider R 4on& 191(# Noire was a respected 8rench psychical researcher who e0perimented with hypnotism and the relationship between hypnotic states and psychic phenomena# This book is an impressive compendium o- the -indings in many areas o- psychical research# Cost signi-icant is NoireDs work in what was called Fthe e0ternalisation o- sensibilityG by which subLects in the state ohypnosis seem to e0tend the range o- their senses some distance beyond the body# Noire also includes a great deal o- material on e0perimentation done with the -amous /talian physical medium& ?usapia 3alladino# 739

1661% *e )oarant de /romelin, )+staAe Pierre Marie%

%e -luide humain& ses lois et ses propriMtMs# %a science de mouvoir la matiPre sans Otre mMdium# Nombreu0 appareils et moteurs Jue lDon peut construire soi-mOme& mis en mouvement par le -luide humain# %DOtre psychiJue& les -antcmes& doubles des vivants et images -luidiJues# ]tude sur la -orce bioliJue# 3arisH %ibrairie du magnMtisme& :19$9.& *+8 pp# 739

1662% *odge, PliAer 9oseph%

The 4urvival o- CanH a 4tudy in >nrecogniAed 2uman 8aculty# %ondonH Cethuen R Co#& 19$9& 0i V "+' pp# %odgeDs second maLor work on psychical research# /t presents a history o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch and contains lengthy sections on e0perimental and spontaneous telepathy# The bulk o- the book& however& is taken up with an e0amination o- Fautomatism and lucidity#G /n discussing the psychic aspects o- automatic writing and trance speaking& %odge devotes nearly two hundred pages to a discussion o- the medium %eonore 3iper& long considered to be the best e0ample o- a genuine mental medium# 2is conclusion is that the evidence -or the survival o- the human spirit a-ter death& which has been accumulating over the centuries& has now been given a power-ul boost through the remarkable material obtained -rom Crs# 3iper and other contemporary mediums# %odge reveals that he himsel- believes in survival and the communications o- the dead with the living# 739

1666% *om!roso, "esare%

=icerche sui -enomeni ipnotici e spiritici# TurinH >nione tipogra-kco-editrice torinese& 19$9& viii V "19 pp# ?nglishH A%ter #eathO,hatS +piritistic Phenomena and Dheir 1nterpretation) Translated by !illiam 4loane <ennedy# ,ostonH 4mall& Caynard R Company& 19$9# %ombroso was a renowned psychiatrist and criminal anthropologist interested in problems related to hypnotism and hysteria# /n 1891& he turned his attention to psychical research when he was invited by Cavaliere ?rcole Chiana o- Naples to sit in on sMances with the medium ?usapia 3alladino# As a result o- those sittings& %ombroso -elt compelled to accept the -acts ospiritualism& although he still had di--iculty with the theory# A-ter -urther investigations omediums and e0perimentation with thought trans-erence& %ombroso accepted the hypothesis o- spirit communication# This is his most important book in the -ield o- psychical research# The -irst hal- is a study o- hypnotism as it relates to thought transmission& clairvoyance& precognition& and the physical phenomena o- spiritualism# The second hal- is a study omediumship& its conditions& and its limitations# The book concludes with an important chapter on unconscious -raud and telepathy# 72 R 39

1667% Morselli, Enrico Agostino%

/ntorno allDignotoI -akiri e case in-estate in un con-litto sullo spiritismoH prima riposta a Ces# %ombroso# CilanH t# %a Compositrice& +$ pp# 739

1665% Podmore, .ran(%

Cesmerism and Christian 4cienceH a 4hort 2istory o- Cental 2ealing# %ondonH Cethuen& 19$9& 0v V "$( pp# Although not as detailed as might be desired& the treatment o- the evolution o- thought that began with CesmerDs discoveries is readable and accurate# 3odmore adeptly traces the early years o- animal magnetism& the rise o- spiritualistically oriented mesmerism& and the connections between mesmerism and mental healing& culminating in Christian 4cience# 72 R 39

1666% Podmore, .ran(%

Telepathic 2allucinationsH the New Eiew o- Khosts# %ondonH Cilner& :19$9.& vii V 1*8 pp# ;ne o- 3odmoreDs last books# 2ere he reiterates the theory o- ghosts and apparitions he -irst put -orth in Apparitions and Dho$ght-trans%erence :1896& entry number 1"'1.# 739

1667% <Prince, Morton, Hed%I%>

3sychotherapeuticsH A 4ymposium# ,y Corton 3rince& 8rederic 2# Kerrish& Names N# 3utnam& ?# !# Taylor& ,oris 4idis& Keorge A# !aterman& Nohn onley& ?rnest Nones& Tom A# !illiams# ,ostonH =ichard K# ,adger& 19$9#

3apers originally delivered at an American Therapeutic 4ociety symposium in 19$9& published in the Eo$rnal o% A"normal Psychology and in this collection# 729

1663% /0eedale, "harles *a(eman%

CanDs 4urvival a-ter eath& or The ;ther 4ide o- %i-e in the %ight o- 2uman ?0perience and Codern =esearch# %ondonH Krant =ichards& 19$9& *'' pp# Tweedale was a clergyman o- the Church o- ?ngland who believed that spiritualism had an important message -or all Christians# /n this book he discusses the evidence -or communication -rom the dead and its signi-icance -or the living# 2e also e0amines the phenomena o- spiritualistic mediumship and compares them to the events recorded in the ,ible# 739

1669% At(inson, &illan &al(er%
Telepathy# /ts Theory& 8acts and 3roo-# ChicagoH New Thought 3ublishing Co#& 191$& 96 pp# An e0amination o- ,ritish e0periments in telepathy and a lengthy discussion o- a study conducted in the >nited 4tates in 19$' called the F!eltmer ?0periment#G 739

1674% "ongrDs international de psychologie e5pBrimentale% "ompte2rend+ des traAa+5%

?dited by 2enri urville# 3arisH 2# urville -ils& :191$.& *6+ pp# The congress& convened in 3aris in 191$& gathered together a number o- investigators who were interested in human psychology particularly as it related to the more e0traordinary phenomena o- the psyche# Topics discussed included the divining rod& -luido-magnetic photography& and the doubling o- the personality# 72 R 39

1671% ,allas, Helen Ale5andria%

Cors Nanua EitaeW A iscussion o- Certain Communications 3urporting to Come -rom 8rederic !# 2# Cyers# %ondonH !illam =ider R 4on& 191$& 0i0 V 16' pp# ;ne o- the important early women psychical researchers& allas was particularly interested in the issue o- survival a-ter death# 2ere she discusses automatic writing scripts produced by Alice <ipling 8leming :who was called Crs# 2olland. and Cargaret Eerrall that purported to be messages -rom the late 8rederic !# 2# Cyers# 739

1672% ,+chatel, Edmond%

%a vue X distance# ans le temps et dans lDespace# ?nJuOte sur des cas de psychomMtrie :Nanvier) Mcembre 19$9.# 3rM-ace de Noseph Ca0well# 4uivie dDune con-Mrence relative X lDin-luence de lDamour sur lDMcriture& par 3aul de 8allois# 3arisH %eymarie& 191$& 0vi V 1*8 pp# 739

1676% Hart, ernard%

FThe Conception o- the 4ubconscious#G Eo$rnal o% A"normal Psychology 6 :191$.H "+1)'1# 2art e0amines the evolution o- the notion o- the subconscious and grapples with the Juestion o- whether the subconscious is a Fbrain -actG or a Fmind -act&G that is& a subLect -or physiology or -or psychology# 2e concludes that both lines o- investigation yield use-ul results& but it is important not to con-use the two -ields o- inJuiry# 2art also insists that no matter which line o- inJuiry the investigator o- the subconscious pursues& he must clearly distinguish between the phenomenal :observed -acts. and the conceptual :mental constructions.# <eeping this in mind& he points out that NanetDs subconscious is a phenomenal -act& whereas 8reudDs unconscious is a conceptual construct# 729

1677% Hollander, ernard%

2ypnotism and 4uggestion in aily %i-e& ?ducation& and Cedical 3ractice# %ondonH /saac 3itman& 191$& viii V *9+ pp# /n addition to discussing hypnotism and suggestion& the author treats thought trans-erence& clairvoyance and apparitions# 729

1675% Mann, )% A%
%a -orce-pensMeH la -acultM uniJueI mMcanisme de la tMlMpathieI e0tMriorisation de la voluntMI appel et captation des -orces cosmiJuesI thMorie nouvelle de lDin-luence de lDhomme sur lDhomme# 3arisH K# A# Cann& 191$& *"6 pp# 739

1676% MelAille, 9ohn%

Crystal-KaAing and the !onders o- Clairvoyance& ?mbracing 3ractical /nstructions in the Art& 2istory& and 3hilosophy o- This Ancient 4cience# To !hich is Appended an Abridgment oNacob i0onDs F2ygienic Clairvoyance&G with Earious ?0tracts and ;riginal Notes# %ondonH Nichols& 191$& 98 pp# 739

1677% Myers, )+staA+s%

,eyond the ,orderline o- %i-e# ,ostonH ,all& 191$& *69 pp#

A summary o- -indings in psychical research& including ,otaAAiDs e0periments with ?usapia 3alladino and the cross-correspondences in the writings o- the mediums Crs# 3iper and Crs# Eerrall# 739

1673% Pesterreich, /ra+gott :onstantin%

ie 3hdnomenologie des /ch in ihren Krundproblemen# ?rster ,andH as /ch und das 4elbstbewusstsein# ie scheinbare 4paltung des /ch# %eipAigH Nohann Ambrosius ,arth& 191$& 0 V +"* pp# A thorough philosophico-psychological study o- the nature o- the F/G and the apparent splitting o- the F/#G ?mploying the -indings o- a number o- investigators o- personality and consciousness& particularly =ichet and Nanet& ;esterreich attempts to provide a phenomenological analysis o- the F/G that can cast light on such puAAling phenomena as multiple personality& apparitions& hallucinations& and the e0perience o- the double# ;nly one volume was published# 729

1679% Podmore, .ran(%

The Newer 4piritualism# %ondonH 8isher >nwin& 191$& "*$ pp# 3odmoreDs last book on psychical research# /n it he distinguishes between the Folder spiritualism&G in which physical phenomena dominate& and the Fnewer spiritualism&G in which mental phenomena dominate# 3odmore cannot bring himsel- to accept any o- the physical phenomena as genuine& and sees in them a great deal o- sel--delusion and -raud& along with a bit o- telepathic hallucination# ?vidence -or the genuineness o- the mental phenomena o- the Fnewer spiritualismG he -inds to be more compelling& but he cannot accept the notion that they are communications -rom the spirits o- the dead# /nstead he pre-ers to e0plain them in terms otelepathy operating through subtle unconscious mechanisms within the medium# 739

1654% ReA+e d+ psychisme e5pBrimental% MagnBtisme% Hypnotisme% $+ggestion% Psychologie% Medi+mnisme% Mens+elle ill+strBe%
;ne vol# onlyI 191$)1911# 3ublished in 3aris and edited by Kaston and 2enri urville& this periodical was absorbed by the Eo$rnal d$ magn'tisme) 72 R 39

1651% Rothe, )eorg%

ie !Qnschel-=ute# 2istorisch-theoretische 4tudie# NenaH iederich& 191$& viii V 118 pp# 739

1652% $amona, "armelo%

3siche misteriosa -enomeni detti spiritici :FmetapsichiciG del =ichet.# 3alermoH A# =eber& 191$& :(. V *99 V :6. pp#

A study o- the nature o- spiritualistic mediumship and the psychology o- the medium# /t includes a description o- a sitting with the /talian medium ?usapia 3alladino# 739

1656% $tead, Estelle &ilson%

Cy 8atherH 3ersonal and 4piritual =eminiscences# %ondonH Nelson R 4ons& :191$.& 0 V 11) "'8 pp# A biography o- a signi-icant -igure in the psychic world& !illiam Thomas 4tead :1869)191*.# 739

1657% /anner, Amy Eli'a%

4tudies in 4piritism# New @ork R %ondonH # Appleton R Co#& 191$& 000viii V :1. V 6$8 pp# Amy Tanner was an assistant to K# 4tanley 2all :1866)19*6.& who contributed an introduction to this volume& which describes a number o- sittings these two investigators had with the -amous medium %eonora 3iper# Tanner also discusses the material gathered by other investigators o- Crs# 3iper and certain related phenomena& such as the cross-correspondences& where messages received by two or more mediums seem to have a common source# The author is highly skeptical about the involvement o- any truly paranormal elements# 739

1655% &illiams, "%

4piritualism and /nsanity# An ?ssay escribing the isastrous ConseJuences to the Cental 2ealth !hich are Apt to =esult -rom a 3ursuit o- the 4tudy o- 4piritualism# %ondonH The Ambrose Co#& :191$.& +" pp# 739

1656% arrett, &illiam .letcher%
3sychical =esearch# %ondonH !illiams and Norgate& 1911& *++ pp# ,arrett presents a popular account o- some o- the key issues o- psychical research& much othe material being taken -rom the pages o- the +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings) 739

1657% ernheim, Hippolyte%

e la suggestion# 3arisH Aubin Cichel& :1911.& *(' pp# 729

1653% "arrington, Here0ard and Meader, 9ohn%

eathH /ts Causes and 3henomena with 4pecial =e-erence to /mmortality# %ondonH =ider& 1911& i0 V ++* pp# An attempt to e0amine death -rom every aspect# Carrington deals with the scienti-ic aspect odeath& its causes& its signs& e0perience at the moment o- death& and even premature burial# 2e also takes up theories o- immortality -rom various cultures and ages and attempts to show the role psychical research can play in enhancing the understanding o- death and survival# 739

1659% "oates, 9ames%

3hotographing the /nvisibleH 3ractical 4tudies in 4pirit 3hotography& 4pirit 3ortraiture& and ;ther =are but Allied 3henomena# ChicagoH Advanced Thought 3ublishing& 1911& vi V :*. V vii)00i V "96 pp# eals with what Coates calls Fspirit produced or supernormal photographs& portraits& and writings#G Although not as critical o- the data as might be hoped& the book& a later edition& does supply a great deal o- in-ormation about what had been reported in the -ield# 739

1664% "onsta!le, .ran( "hallice%

3ersonality and Telepathy# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 1911& 0v V ""$ pp# A closely reasoned philosophical e0amination o- the nature o- human personality& -ollowed by a discussion o- the implications o- telepathy and clairvoyance -or that subLect# /n the philosophical discussion& in which he e0plicitly acknowledges the in-luence o- <ant& Constable holds that human personality in this world is a partial mani-estation o- a spiritual sel- :the Fintuitive sel-G. e0isting outside o- time and space# /n the second part o- the book& Constable attempts to show that the -indings o- psychical research con-irming the e0istence otelepathy support the truth o- his theory& since telepathy is in itsel- evidence o- the e0istence o- the intuitive sel-# 739

1661% ,+rAille, )aston%

%e sommeil provoJuM et les causes Jui le dMterminent# ?tude MtiologiJue de lDhypnose# 3arisH :%ibrairie du magnMtisme.& 1911& (+ V :*. pp# Kaston urville was a son o- 2ector urville :1869)19*".& a proli-ic writer in the -ield oanimal magnetism# The author e0amines the nature o- arti-icial somnambulism and hypnotism# Concluding that suggestion alone is insu--icient to e0plain the phenomena& he argues -or the notion that a -luid is the principle agent# 729

1662% .lo+rnoy, /hBodore%

?sprits et mediumsH mMlanges de mMtapsychiJue et de psychologie# KenevaH %ibrairie <undig& 1911& viii V +(1 pp# A collection o- articles and treatises on psychical research written by a balanced& i- somewhat skeptical& investigator# 8lournoy e0amines the work o- some o- the principal psychical researchers :such as 8# !# 2# Cyers and Charles =ichet.& discusses the phenomena o- -amous mediums& and e0amines the belie-s o- spiritism -rom a critical point o- view# 8lournoy

distinguishes between Fspiritualism&G the belie- in the immortality o- the soul and Fspiritism&G the belie- that the dead communicate with the living# !hile personally accepting the -ormer belie-& he has serious doubts that the departed communicate through mediums# Nevertheless he does hold that evidence supports the reality o- such phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance# 739

1666% Hill, 9ohn Arth+r%

New ?vidences in 3sychical =esearchH A =ecord o- /nvestigations& with 4elected ?0amples o=ecent 4#3#=# =esults# %ondonH =ider& 1911& 0ii V *18 pp# 3rincipally an account o- sittings with a medium& FCr# !atson&G who& without going into trance& claimed to see spirit -orms and gain in-ormation -rom them# The in-ormation obtained in these sittings is remarkably accurate& but little is said about sa-eguards against the medium obtaining that in-ormation by secret means# 2ill& who believes the medium is genuine& suggests a theory o- mediumshipH the mind o- the medium is placed in rapport with the source o- in-ormation :living or dead. by means o- the presence o- some obLect :in this case the FobLectG is the sitter.# The last part o- the book presents cases o- telepathy and apparitions drawn -rom the investigations o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# 739

1667% :ilner, &alter 9ohn%

The 2uman Atmosphere& or The Aura Cade Eisible by the Aid o- Chemical 4creens# %ondonH =ebman& 1911& 0iii V "*9 pp# A pioneering discussion o- e0periments designed to make visible the -ield o- energy purported to e0ist around living things# 739

1665% :linc(o0strTm, :arl *+d0ig .riedrich Ptto Aon%

,ibliographie der !QnschelruteI mit einer ?inleitung von dr# ?d# AignerH er gegenwdrtige 4tand der !Qnschelruten-8orschung# CunichH <ommissionsverlag von ;# 4chanhuth& 1911& :*. V 16( pp# 739

1666% Mc,o+gall, &illiam%

,ody and CindH a 2istory and a e-ense o- Animism# %ondonH Cethuen& 1911& 0i0 V "86 pp# An attempt on the part o- a psychologist to come to terms with the problem o- Fanimism&G the belie- that some noncorporeal principle animates the bodies o- human beings# The Juestion has importance -or psychical research in that most e0planations o- human survival o- death and the e0istence o- paranormal phenomena are based on some kind o- animistic view ohuman nature# Cc ougall accepts the notion o- animism with Juali-ications& holding that the acceptance o- animism does not imply a belie- in speci-ic metaphysical entities such as the soul# 2e believes that this is the only philosophically sound conclusion and the only way to account -or certain paranormal phenomena such as telepathy# 739

1667% <Mo!erly, "harlott Anne Eli'a!eth and 9o+rdain, Eleana .rances%>

An Adventure# %ondonH Cacmillan& 1911& vi V :1. V 1(* pp# The book describes a visit by the two authors :given assumed names in the book. to 8rance in 19$1# ;n an e0cursion to the 3etit Trianon they saw and heard people and things that they realiAed later were hallucinations# They believed these hallucinations were in -act images othe past that somehow intruded on the present# The book created a sensation at the time o- its publication and went through a number o- editions# 739

1663% Moore, &% 8s!orne%

Klimpses o- the Ne0t 4tate :The ?ducation o- an Agnostic.# %ondonH !atts R Co#& 1911& 00iv V (6* pp# A discussion o- various kinds o- spiritualistic phenomena -rom several mediums that seem to indicate that human beings survive death# 739

1669% Remy, M%
4pirites et illusionnistes de 8rance# 3arisH A# %eclerc& 1911& *+' pp# 739

1674% Rochas d;Aigl+n, E+gDne A+g+ste Al!ert de%

%es vies successives# ocuments pour lDMtude de cette Juestion# 3arisH Chacornac& 1911& +$6 pp# An early attempt to bring about regression to what appears to be Fpast li-eG e0periences through magnetic :hypnotic. somnambulism# e =ochas also employs the somnambulistic state to e0plore prevision and uses the material o- past li-e memory and prevision as a basis -or hypothesiAing an evolution o- the soul through successive lives# A remarkable book -or its time# 72 R 39

1671% /+c(ett, -Aor *loyd%

The ?vidence -or the 4upernaturalH A Critical 4tudy Cade with F>ncommon 4ense#G %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 1911& :6. V 6$9 pp# !ritten in response to the spread o- what the author considered to be a naive and even irresponsible acceptance o- the psychic& this volume is an attempt to provide a critical e0amination o- the -acts# Although Tuckett does not& by his own admission& bring new material to bear on the Juestion and arrives at a sort o- agnostic position with regard to the genuineness o- the matter& the book is use-ul as a readable compendium o- relevant material on the subLect# 739


1672% isson, 9+liette Ale5andre%

%es phMnomPnes dits de matMrialisationH Mtude e0pMrimentale# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 191*& "11 pp# A detailed verbal account o- sittings with the materialiAation medium F?va CG that contains many photographs o- materialiAations at various stages# ,isson includes a chapter on the medium& an e0amination o- the nature o- the phenomena& and a discussion o- controls -or possible -raud# This is an important book -or the history o- materialiAation phenomena that helped establish the credibility o- this area as worthy o- serious consideration by psychical researchers# 739

1676% "aillet, Al!ert *o+is%

Canuel bibliographiJues des sciences psychiJues ou occultes# 4ciences des mages# 2ermMtiJue# Astrologie# <abbale# 8ranc-Ca[onnerie# CMdecine ancienne# CesmMrisme# 4orcellerie# 4ingularitMs# Aberrations de tout ordre# CuriositMs# 4ources bibliographiJues et documentaires sur ces suLets& etc# " vols# 3arisH %ucien orbon& 191*& l0vii V +"1I :6. V +""I :6. V '(' V :-olding table. pp# The best and most comprehensive bibliography o- works on subLects related to psychic science# Caillet consulted earlier bibliographies and a number o- important collections in 8rance# /n the area o- mesmerism& it is the best bibliography o- 8rench work# ;- the more than 11&+$$ entries& a large number are annotated# 72 R 39

1677% "aillet, Al!ert *o+is%

Traitement mental et culture spirituelle# %a santM et lDharmonie dans la vie humaine# 3arisH Eigot -rPres& 191*& 0iii V "99 pp# A wide-ranging work devoted to the application o- all the Fpsychic sciencesG to the healing and well-being o- mankind# Caillet draws -rom every relevant -ield and -rom a number ocultures to put together a comprehensive manual o- healing practices# 4ubLects dealt with include mesmerism& suggestion& eastern philosophies& and psychical research# 739

1675% "arrington, Here0ard%

eath e-erred# New @orkH odd& Cead R Co#& 191*# A book about health and the prolongation o- li-e with some sorties into the area o- psychical research and the light it casts on survival a-ter death# 739

1676% "o+B, Emile%

e la suggestion et de ses applications# Con-erence -aite X Nancy et X Chaumont en Nanvier 191*# ChaumontH Andriot Coissonnier& 191*# 729

1677% "richton2Miller, H+gh%

2ypnotism and iseaseI A 3lea -or =ational 3sychotherapy# %ondonH T# 8# >nwin& 191*& :6. V +)*+* pp# 729

1673% .re+d, $igm+nd%

FA Note on the >nconscious in 3sycho-Analysis#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings *( :191*.H "1*)18# 2ere 8reud speaks o- unconscious but active ideas and relates his notion o- the unconscious to e0periences o- post-hypnotic suggestion# 729

1679% -moda, Enrico%

8otogra-ie di -antasmiH Contributo sperimentale alla constataAione dei -enomeni medianici# TurinH 8ratelli ,occa& 191*& *+6 pp# /moda conducted e0periments with a remarkable /talian medium in Turin at the house o- the CarJuise de =uspoli# The book& illustrated with photographs& describes the strong materialiAation and telekinetic phenomena that were observed# 739

1634% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

ie 3hdnomene des Cediums %inda KaAerra# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 191*& 61 pp# 739

1631% $ta+denmaier, *+d0ig%

ie Cagie als e0perimentelle Naturwissenscha-t# %eipAigH Akademische Eerlagsgesellscha-t& 191*& :6. V 186 pp# 4taudenmaier& chemistry pro-essor at the 8reisinger %yceum& su--ered -rom a kind o- doubling o- the personality and -rom hallucinations& which he determined to use as a starting point to study Fpsychic -orce#G ,elieving that hallucinations were not always a mani-estation ointernal disturbance& but could sometimes correspond to an obLective reality& he contended that by studying the e0perience o- hallucination& knowledge o- FmagicalG powers might be attained# 72 R 39

1632% ergson, Henri%
F3residential Address#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings *( :191".H 6(*)'9#

A discussion o- the relationship between mind and brain by one o- the most eminent philosophers o- the day# ,ergson was elected president o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in 191" and used the occasion to discuss this philosophical problem so relevant to the work opsychical research# 739

1636% o''ano, Ernesto%

es phMnomPnes prMmonitoires# :3ressentiments1rOves prophMtiJues& clairvoyance dans le -uture& etc#. 3arisH Annales des sciences psychiJues& 191"& 6+$ pp# An erudite study o- premonitory phenomena by a man who was one o- /talyDs -oremost psychical researchers and a spiritualist# This work seems to have appeared -irst in 8renchI it was published in /talian in 1916# 739

1637% "arrington, Here0ard%

3ersonal ?0periences in 4piritualism :/ncluding the ;--icial Account and =ecord o- the American 3alladino 4Mances.# %ondonH T# !erner %aurie& :191".& 0vi V *'6 pp# A description o- CarringtonDs personal e0periences with spiritualist mediums and their phenomena# /n the pre-ace& he suggests that genuine physical phenomena are very rare indeed and in the -irst hal- o- the book he writes o- e0periences which were -or the most part -raudulent# 2owever in the second hal- o- the book& he describes his encounters with the /talian medium ?usapia 3alladino during her American tour# 2e states his -irm belie- that in contrast to other phenomena he had seen& some o- her physical phenomena were genuine# Although she was known to resort to trickery and Carrington had himsel- seen that& he had no doubt that she also produced real psychic -eats o- materialiAation and movement o- obLects at a distance# At the end o- the book Carrington emphasiAes the need -or a psychical laboratory which could study such phenomena in a properly controlled setting# 739

1635% Harris, 9ohn &illiam%

;- 4piritismH i#e# 2ypnotic Telepathy and 3hantasms1Their anger# %ondonH 8# Kri--iths& 191"& :+. V ")1*' pp# 72 R 39

1636% Haynes, Edm+nd $idney Polloc(%

The ,elie- in 3ersonal /mmortality# %ondonH !atts R Co#& 191"& viii V 1+( pp# 739

1637% H+de, Anna%

The ?vidence -or Communication with the ead# %ondonH T# 8# >nwin& 191"& viii V "+1 pp# A discussion o- telepathy and the automatic writing o- Crs# A# !# Eerrall :18+9)191(.& FCrs# 2ollandG :whose real name was Alice <ipling 8leming.& and Crs# %eonora 3iper :18+9)

19+$.# The automatic writings o- these individuals were thought to contain evidence ocommunication -rom departed spirits that could not be e0plained through natural causes or by telepathy between the living# 739

1633% Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

3sychical =esearch and 4urvival# %ondonH K# ,ell R 4ons& 191"& 0 V *$8 pp# ,ringing the data o- psychical research to bear on the Juestion o- human survival o- death& 2yslop speaks o- his own personal conviction that death does not end human e0istence# 739

1639% *ancelin, "harles Marie E+gDne%

CMthode de dMdoublement personnel :?0tMriorisation de la neuricitM# 4orties en astral.# 3arisH n#p#& :191".& ++6 pp# 739

1694% Mysteria% ReA+e mens+elle ill+strBe d;Bt+des%

191"# 4ee 89initiation :1888& entry number 1*$9.# 739

1691% Psty, E+gDne%

%uciditM et intuitionI Mtude e0pMrimentale# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 191"& 000i0 V 6'' pp# A summary o- three yearsD research into the possibility o- acJuiring knowledge through supernormal means# /n this important book& ;sty concludes that such acJuisition is possible# 739

1692% Brillon, Edgar%
%Dhypnotisme et la psychothMrapie dans lDoeuvre de umontpallier# 3arisH n#p#& 1916& (8 pp# 729

1696% olton, )am!ier%

Khosts in 4olid 8ormH an ?0perimental /nvestigation o- Certain %ittle-known 3henomena :Caterialisations.# %ondonH =ider& 1916& vii V 1*$ pp# 739

1697% r+ce, Henry Addington%

Adventurings in the 3sychical# ,ostonH %ittle& ,rown& R Co#& 1916& vii V "18 pp# A review o- the -indings o- psychical research by a man who believes that all mental psychic phenomena can be e0plained by telepathy# 739

1695% "arrington, Here0ard%

The 3roblems o- 3sychical =esearchH ?0periments and Theories in the =ealm o- the 4upernormal# New @orkH !# =ickey R Co#& 1916& 0i V 61* pp# Carrington takes an approach that is reminiscent o- that o- his earlier work& Dhe Boming +cience :19$8& see entry number 1($(. in order to bring together a great many o- the -acts established by psychical research and e0amine the various theories that might e0plain them# 2e seems& however& to believe that things are a bit more comple0 than he had originally thought& suggesting that there are many genuine psychic phenomena& mental and physical& but that the spiritualistic e0planation is too simplistic and cannot account -or some o- the -acts# 2e contends that not enough data are available to reach any certain conclusions about what kind o- intelligence might be behind the genuine phenomena produced# 739

1696% ,;a+te2Hooper, /%
4pirit-3sychometry and Trance Communications by >nseen Agencies& Through a !elsh !oman and r# T# Daute-2ooper# %ondonH !illiam =ider R 4on& 1916& 0ii V 1")1($ pp# 8ollowing in the tradition o- ,uchanan and enton& the !elsh medium studied by Daute2ooper provided in-ormation o- a geological or anthropological type while holding some obLect -rom a particular era# >nlike earlier authors& this medium seemed to obtain her in-ormation -rom unseen spirits# The book is an account o- those visions and their accuracy and includes a whole section on -alse or inaccurate material obtained when -orgeries oprehistoric obLects were used# 739

1697% .reimar(, Hans%

Cediumistische <unst# Cit einem ,eitrag Qber den kQnstlerischen !ert mediumistischer Calereien von ?ugen Nohannes Caecker# %eipAigH !# 2eims& 1916& 1"( pp# 739

1693% )eley, )+staAe%

Contribution X lDMtude des correspondences croisMes :documents nouveau0.# Con-erence -aite par le docteur Kustave Keley le samedi *$ dMcembre 191"# 3arisH 2enri urville& 1916& 6' pp# 739

1699% Holt, Henry%

;n the Cosmic =elations# * vols# ,oston and New @orkH 2oughton Ci--lin Company& 1916& 0i V :1. V +1*I :8. V +1")989 pp#

A very ambitious attempt to relate mediumistic phenomena to the philosophy o- a cosmic soul# 8or a philosophical work& the book is surprisingly rich in the data o- psychical research# Cost notably& it contains about 6$$ pages o- matter relating to the medium %eonore 3iper :18+9)19+$.# The author concludes that genuine mediumistic phenomena are the result opossession o- the medium or hypnotic in-luence e0erted on the medium by discarnate souls# 2olt sees these discarnate personalities& as well as all incarnate personalities& as mani-estations o- the one cosmic soul which is sometimes called Kod# 739

1744% :emnit', Mathilde Aon%

Coderne Cedium-orschung# <ritische ,etrachtungen Au r# von 4chrenck-NotAingDs FCaterialisationsphaenomene#G CunichH N# 8# %ehmann& 1916& 9( pp# 739

1741% Prince, Morton%

The >nconsciousH the 8undamentals o- 2uman 3ersonality Normal and Abnormal# New @orkH Cacmillan& 1916& 0iii V +69 pp# An e0tremely important work in psychotherapy& dissociation& and the study o- the unconscious# A-ter discussing the nature o- the subconscious and subconscious processes& 3rince describes his conception o- the unconscious as a Fstorehouse o- neurographic dispositions or residua#G 2e intends the term to indicate an absence o- the attributes oconsciousness# 3rince points out& however& that such Fconserved e0periencesG may at times be activated and -unction as subconscious processes# These subconscious :or& in his terminology& Fco-consciousG. processes do partake o- Jualities o- consciousness& even though they may never emerge into the awareness o- our personal consciousness# 3rince hoped that through these clear distinctions& the con-usions in the use o- the terms Funconscious&G Fsubconscious&G and FconsciousG might be cleared up# 729

1742% Rosacroce, Elia%

%Dipno-magnetismo alla portata di tutti# Canuale pratico di psichismo illustrato# NaplesH 3artenopea& 1916& 19* pp# 72 R 39

1746% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

er <amp- um die Caterialisations-3hdnomene# ?ine Eerteidigungsschri-t# CunichH ?rnst =einhardt& 1916& viii V 1($ pp# /n this work 4chrenck-NotAing answers criticisms leveled against his book on materialiAation by von <emnitA& von Kulat-!ellenburg& Corselli& and others# 739

1747% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

Caterialisations-3hdnomeneH ein ,eitrag Aur ?r-orschung der Cediumistischen Teleplastie# CunichH ?# =einhardt& 1916& 0ii V +*" pp# ?nglishH Phenomena o% Materialisation A Bontri"$tion to the 1n(estigation o% Medi$mistic Deleplastics) Translated by ?# ?# 8ournier dDAlbe# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench R Trubner& 19*$# ;ne o- the most important scienti-ic studies o- the phenomenon o- materialiAation# 4chrenckNotAing was a well-known Kerman psychiatrist who was associated with the Nancy school ohypnotism# 2e -irst became interested in the -ield o- psychical research through his e0perimentation with hypnotism and was drawn -urther in that direction by Charles =ichet& whom he met in 1889# 4chrenck-NotAingDs interest centered on e0perimentation with mediums& especially on mediumistic production o- physical phenomena# 2e participated in e0periments with =ichet& Cyers& and 4ir ;liver %odge o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& and with such well-known psychiatric -igures as C# K# Nung and ?ugen ,leuler# Materialisations-PhLnomene is 4chrenck-NotAingDs best known work in the -ield o- psychical research# /t describes phenomena produced in sittings with two mediumsH ?va C# and 4tanislava 3# ,oth mediums produced remarkable materialiAations o- -igures with human -eatures& along with more amorphous shapes# The book contains over two hundred photographs o- these productions at various stages o- -ormation# 4chrenck-NotAing gives a detailed account o- precautions taken to e0clude trickery and bad observation# 2e also e0plores possible alternate means o- producing the same results# 2is conclusion is that the phenomena o- these two mediums& produced within the stringent conditions which he created& were genuine# The second greatly enlarged edition& published in 19*"& contains added data derived -rom sittings with the same mediums and with !illy 4ch#& Carie 4#& ?nLa Nielsen& 8ranek <luski& and others# The -irst edition in its ?nglish translation was also augmented with additional material# 739

1745% $idis, oris%

The 8oundations o- Normal and Abnormal 3sychology# ,ostonH =ichard K# ,adger& 1916& 11( pp# 4idis believes that knowledge o- the normal arises out o- knowledge o- the abnormal# /n the -irst part o- the volume& he discusses his solution o- the problem o- the brain (ers$s mind in the study o- the psyche& that is& the Juestion o- the place o- physiological inJuiry in psychology# 4idis advocates a -orm o- psycho-physical parallelism& claiming that every psychic change must have its physiological concomitant# The second part o- the book contains an analysis o- the abnormal mind and an e0position o- the authorDs theory o- Fmoment consciousnessG as the basis -or the synthetic unity o- consciousness& a unity which& according to 4idis& must somehow be e0plained# 729

1746% $idis, oris%

4ymptomatology& 3sychognosis& and iagnosis o- 3sychopathic iseases# ,ostonH =ichard K# ,adger& 1916& :*. V 0vii V :(. V 11)668 pp# 2ere 4idis continues to develop his notion o- psychological disturbance as a -orm o- the hypnoidal state& an idea touched upon in his earlier writings :see entry number 16+$.# 2is elaboration o- e0periences with hypnosis and suggestion into a comprehensive system is an important evolution o- ideas that had -irst been -ormulated by Nanet in the 188$s# 729

1747% )raAes, *+cien "hase%
The Natural ;rder o- 4piritI a 3sychic 4tudy and ?0perience# ,ostonH 4herman 8rench R Co#& 191+& "(+ pp# !ritten as a result o- the authorDs e0periences with the medium Crs# Chenoweth and with communications purporting to come -rom the authorDs son& who had been killed in a railway accident# A-ter an historical and philosophical discussion o- communication with the spirit world& the sittings with Crs# Chenoweth are recounted# 739

1743% Philpott, Anthony 9%

The Tuest -or ean ,ridgman Conner# %ondonH !# 2einemann& 191+& *+1 pp# An account o- a -ruitless search -or a young man reported to have died in Ce0ico City but said to be alive by the -amous medium %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$.# A-ter two attempts to -ind the man& depicted by the medium as abducted and hidden away& it was concluded by the searchers that he had been dead all along and that the medium had produced the supposed clairvoyant in-ormation in response to suggestions given her in an initial interview# 739

1749% Prince, &alter .ran(lin and Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

FThe oris Case o- Cultiple 3ersonalityH a ,iography o- 8ive 3ersonalities in Connection with ;ne ,ody and a aily =ecord o- a Therapeutic 3rocess ?nding in the =estoration o- the 3rimary Cember to /ntegrity and Continuity o- Consciousness# 3art /& by !alter 8ranklin 3rinceI The oris Case o- Cultiple 3ersonality# 3art //& by !alter 8ranklin 3rinceI The oris Case o- Cultiple 3ersonality# 3art ///& by Names 2ervey 2yslopI The Cother o- oris& by !alter 8ranklin 3rince#G American +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 9 :191+) 19*".H 1)'$$& 1$H '$1)1619& 11H +)8((& and 1'H 1)*1(# !alter 8ranklin 3rince& a minister o- the ?piscopal Church& was the -ounder o- the ,oston 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& president -or one term o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in ?ngland& and one o- AmericaDs most important American psychical investigators# /n 19$9& a twenty-year-old girl& who was enrolled in the 4unday school o- the ?piscopal Church in 3ittsburgh where 3rince was then rector& came to the attention o- 3rinceDs wi-e# Crs# 3rince was worried about what appeared to be unusual behavior in the girl& called F oris 8ischerG in the account& and kept an eye on her& -inally speaking to her husband about her concern# 3rince had read Corton 3rinceDs Dhe #issociation o% a Personality :19$+& entry number 1++9. and thought oris was su--ering -rom a similar -orm o- dissociation# esiring to do therapy with the girl and believing that she could only be success-ully treated i- she were away -rom her -ather :her mother having died in 19$(.& r# and Crs# 3rince adopted oris in 1911# oris had -ive distinct personalitiesH 1. F=eal oris&G who knew nothing o- the other personalities& *. F4ick oris&G who knew all about F=eal orisG but nothing o- the others& ". FCargaret&G who knew both F=eal orisG and F4ick oris&G and who& although she liked F=eal oris&G would play little tricks on her& such as getting her to see hallucinations& 6. F4leeping Cargaret&G who& when Cargaret was sleeping& would emerge and speak with impressive intelligence and perception& but who ordinarily could not move the limbs o- the body& and +.

F4leeping =eal oris&G who acted very much like an automaton& repeating phrases mechanically# 3rince conducted his treatment with great skill& encouraging =eal oris to handle as much o- daily li-e as possible& and& while allowing the others some e0pression& keeping them asleep -or longer and longer periods# The abilities o- the secondary personalities were gradually absorbed into =eal oris& and& with a single e0ception& the secondary personalities -aded into the background# The e0ception was 4leeping Cargaret& who remained the same throughout this period o- integration# 4leeping Cargaret was something o- a puAAle# 4he was very mature and detached in her view o- things& and unlike the others& she was not subLect to suggestion# 4he eventually depicted hersel- as a guardian spirit who& when oris was three& had come as a result o- the prayers o- orisDs mother# To test the hypothesis that 4leeping Cargaret was a spirit who had come in -rom the outside& Names 2yslop& a psychical researcher and 3rinceDs -riend took oris in 191+ to twenty-three sittings with a FCrs# ChenowethG :a pseudonym.# There had been some evidence o- supernormal phenomena :telepathy& clairvoyance. in orisDs li-e up to this point& but with 2yslopDs intervention& that aspect o- the case received more attention# 2yslop describes the elaborate measures taken to assure that Crs# Chenoweth had no knowledge whatsoever about oris be-ore the sittings# 2e hoped to gain in-ormation -rom the medium that would provide independent con-irmation that she was possessed by a spirit& thus veri-ying 4leeping CargaretDs account o- hersel-# ,ut Crs# Chenoweth indicated instead that 4leeping Cargaret was merely orisDs subconscious sel-# 2yslop accepted this assertion& but 3rince did not& and there the matter stood in 191' at the end o- their account# /n 19*"& however& 3rince wrote another article on the oris 8ischer case& describing communications purporting to come -rom orisDs deceased mother through Crs# Chenoweth# /t contains a detailed account o- the sittings in which those messages occurred# The oris 8ischer case is o- considerable interest both as one o- the most elaborately described cases o- dissociation and multiple personality in the annals o- the phenomenon and as an e0tremely interesting account o- an attempt to distinguish multiple personality -rom possession# 72 R 39

1714% $idg0ic(, Eleanor Mildred al#o+r%

FA Contribution to the 4tudy o- the 3sychology o- Crs# 3iperDs Trance 3henomena#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings *8 :191+.H 1)(+*# A study o- the psychology o- the phenomena produced by the mental medium %eonora 3iper :18+9)19+$.# 4idgwick investigates the nature o- the mediumDs trance& the characteristics oher FcontrolsG or personalities that mani-est through her& and the e--ects o- the sitters on the medium# 739

1711% "ra0#ord, &illiam 9ac(son%
The =eality o- 3sychic 3henomenaH =aps& %evitations& etc# %ondonH Nohn C# !atkins& 191(& vii V *6( pp# Craw-ord was a lecturer in engineering in Tueens >niversity& ,el-ast# ,etween 191( and 19*$& he used his mechanical skills to investigate the physical mediumship o- <athleen Koligher in her -amily circle& and this is the -irst o- a series o- books in which he reported the results o- his investigations# 2ere he claims to have both witnessed and photographed

levitation and the production o- ectoplasmic structures# The book caused a sensation and the remarkable photographs were not easily e0plained away# /t was Craw-ordDs contention that phenomena such as raps and levitation o- -urniture were produced by ectoplasmic FrodsG emanating -rom the medium& and his photographs appeared to con-irm that opinion# 739

1712% ,riesch, Hans Adol# Ed+ard%

%eib und 4eele# ?ine >ntersuchung Qber das 3sycho-3hysische Krundproblem# %eipAigH ?# =einicke& 191(& vi V 1$8 V :*. pp# ?nglishH Mind and !ody) Translated by Theodore ,esterman# %ondonH Cethuen and Co#& 19*$# A sophisticated attempt to come to terms with the problem o- the relationship between body and mind# riesch -irst gives a history o- positions taken on the Juestion and then provides his own solution1positing a kind o- psychophysical parallelism# 2e approaches the problem -rom a phenomenological point o- view and states that e0perience shows that we e0ist in two separate realmsH the realm o- mind and that o- nature# ;ne cannot be reduced to the other# 2owever& we also perceive a relationship between the two realms& a kind o- parallelism# rieschDs solution to the mind-body problem leaves the way open -or accepting the phenomena o- psychical research as valid obLects o- scienti-ic study# 739

1716% Hopp, Ma5%

bber 2ellsehen# ?ine dritisch-e0perimentelle >ntersuchung# /naugural- issertation# ,erlinH 2aussmann& 191(& 1*' pp# 739

1717% *odge, PliAer 9oseph%

=aymond& or %i-e and eathH with ?0amples o- the ?vidence -or 4urvival o- Cemory and A--ection a-ter eath# %ondonH Cethuen& 191(& 0i V 6$" pp# %odgeDs best known contribution to psychical research& this book -ocuses on his son =aymond who had been killed in the 8irst !orld !ar# %odge gives the reader an intimate sketch o- his son as a young soldier through letters written by him -rom the -ront and letters -rom other army men who knew him# 2e then presents a mass o- mediumistically obtained material which provided what %odge considered to be evidence o- =aymondDs survival o- death and his communication with his loved ones on earth# The book concludes with a long philosophical discussion o- the meaning o- li-e and death in the light o- the evidence ohuman survival# 739

1715% McArth+r, Ang+s <pse+donym%>

3sychic 4cience in 3arliament# A 4urvey o- the 4tatutes and the %eading %egal ecisions in =egard to 3sychic 3henomena# %ondonH n#p#& 191(& 18 pp# 739

1716% Prince, &alter .ran(lin%

FThe oris Case o- Tuintuple 3ersonality#G Eo$rnal o% A"normal Psychology 11 :191(.H '") 1**# 4ee entry number 1'$9# 72 R 39

1717% Rogers, *o+is &illiam%

reams and 3remonitions# %os AngelesH Theo ,ook Concern& 191(& 1*1 pp# An attempt to show that dreams may -oretell the -uture and may involve spiritual communication with the departed# 739

1713% Eost, "asper $alathiel%

3atience !orthH a 3sychic Cystery# New @orkH 2enry 2olt& 191(& iv V :*. V *9$ pp# The -irst detailed description o- the case o- a spirit entity called 3atience !orth who purportedly communicated through a 4t# %ouis housewi-e named 3earl Curran in the early 19$$Ds# F3atience !orthG wrote a number o- novels and an e0tremely long poem that puAAled e0perts because it was written entirely in Anglo-4a0on words# 739

1719% aggally, &% &%
Telepathy& Kenuine and 8raudulent# %ondonH Cethuen R Co#& 191'& vii V :1. V 96 V :*. pp# An account o- telepathic e0periments witnessed by the author# ,aggally was something o- an amateur conLurer and made a point o- trying to e0pose trickery# This book gives both cases in which -raud was discovered and success-ul cases in which no deceit could be discovered# 739

1724% ernheim, Hippolyte%

Automatisme et suggestion# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 191'& 0v V :1. V 1(8 pp# ,ernheim reLects the notion o- Funconscious automatic psychism#G 2e asserts that individuals in the state o- arti-icial somnambulism are not automataI they are conscious and know their state# Thus& ,ernheim draws a sharp distinction between the hypnotic state and natural sleep# 2e also denies that people have absolute -ree will& since that notion is contradictory to the -acts o- human suggestibility# 2e concedes& however& that this does not obliterate legal responsibility& since the principle o- responsibility is a Fsocial necessity#G 729

1721% oirac, Emile%

%Davenir des sciences psychiJues# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 191'& :6. V "$$ V :*. pp# ?nglishH Dhe Psychology o% the 0$t$re :@89a(enir des sciences psychi/$esA?) Translated by !# de <erlor# New @orkH 8rederick A# 4tokes& 1918#

,oirac attempts to present a complete picture o- the status o- psychical research at the time# 2e discusses research methodology and deals with -actors that must be taken into account to arrive at sound conclusions# 2is treatment o- hypnotism and animal magnetism& and particularly his discussion o- suggestion in psychical research& -orms the core o- his treatise# 72 R 39

1722% "lodd, Ed0ard%

The TuestionH F/- a Can ie& 4hall 2e %ive AgainWG Nob# 0iv# 16# A ,rie- 2istory and ?0amination o- Codern 4piritualism# !ith a 3ostscript by 2# ?# Armstrong# %ondonH =ichards& 191'& "16 pp# Clodd e0amines the evidence -rom spiritualism and psychical research& and& believing it to be completely e0plicable in terms o- -raud and bad observation& -inds it insu--icient to prove that human beings survive death# 739

1726% "ooAer, 9ohn Edgar%

?0periments in 3sychical =esearch at %eland 4tan-ord Nunior >niversity# 4tan-ord >niversity& Cali-orniaH %eland 4tan-ord Nunior >niversity 3ublications& 191'& 00iv V (61 pp# A-ter %eland 4tan-ord Nunior >niversity was given a signi-icant endowment to study psychical research& Coover engaged in e0periments investigating thought trans-erence& precognition& subconscious phenomena and other subLects# This book& which contains a long catalogue o- books on psychical research held by the >niversity library& was both a result othat endowment and a demonstration o- the use to which the money was being put# 739

1727% ,essoir, Ma5%

Eom Nenseits der 4eele# ie Keheimwissenscha-ten in kritischer ,etrachtung# 4tuttgartH 8erdinand ?nke& 191'& "66 pp# A critical but -riendly study o- the principal Juestions o- psychical research# The title may be translated as F;n the ,eyond o- the 4oulG where FbeyondG re-ers to the unconscious depths to be -ound there# 739

1725% ,oyle, Arth+r "onan%

The New =evelation# New @orkH Cetropolitan CagaAine Co#& 191'& 6$ pp# Conan oyle& best known as the originator o- 4herlock 2olmes& attempts to show the relationship between the revelations o- spiritualism and the tenets o- conventional religion# The American edition seems to be the -irst# 739

1726% Hill, 9ohn Arth+r%

3sychical /nvestigationsH 4ome 3ersonally-;bserved 3roo-s o- 4urvival# %ondonH Cassell R Co#& 191'& viii V *88 pp#

Although it contains chapters on immortality& the nature o- the a-terli-e& and psychical research& Psychical 1n(estigations is mainly a verbatim report o- mediumistic sittings held in 1916)191(# 739

1727% :aplan, *eo%

2ypnotismus& Animismus und 3sychoanalyse# 2istorisch-kritische Eersuche# %eipAig and EiennaH 8ranA euticke& 191'& viii V 1*8 pp# An historical treatment serves as a backdrop to <aplanDs analysis o- the work o- Charcot& ,enedikt& 8reud& and others on the nature o- hysteria and the problem o- animism as it arises in attempts to give a psychological account o- human -unctioning# 729

1723% Maeterlinc(, Ma+rice%

%Dhcte inconnu# 3arisH ?# 8asJuelle& 191'& vii V "*' pp# Caeterlinck& winner o- the Nobel 3riAe in %iterature& was deeply interested in the issues opsychical research# This& his maLor work on the subLect& is a well thought out e0amination ocertain central issues& including phantasms o- the living and dead& psychometry& and knowledge o- the -uture# Cost signi-icant is his long chapter on the F?lber-eld horses#G These were the -amous FtalkingG horses which had been previously discussed in #as P%erd des herrn (on *sten :entry number 1+9*. by ;skar 3-ungst# Caeterlinck himsel- e0perimented with the horses and presents material that casts doubt concerning whether the nature o- the phenomenon has yet to be understood# 739

1729% Mercier, "harles Arth+r%

4piritualism and 4ir ;liver %odge# :%ondon.H Cental Culture ?nterprise& 191'& 0i V 1"* pp# 739

1764% /roland, *eonard /hompson%

A TechniJue -or the ?0perimental 4tudy o- Telepathy and ;ther Alleged Clairvoyant 3rocesses# A =eport on the !ork one in 191()1' at the 2arvard 3sychological %aboratory& under the Ki-t o- Crs# Nohn !allace =iddle and the 2odgson 8und# :Albany& New @ork.H n#p#& :191'.& *( pp# A brie- account o- e0periments that the author describes as a waste o- good techniJue on a hopeless situation# 739

1761% &right, ,+dley%

The ?pworth 3henomenaH To !hich are Appended Certain 3sychic ?0periences =ecorded by Nohn !esley in the 3ages o- his Nournal# Collated by udley !right# %ondonH =ider& 191'& 00ii V 11$ pp#

An historical account o- psychic phenomena that occurred in the house o- the =everend 4amuel !esley in the early eighteenth century# The events were recorded in the Lournal oNohn !esley# This volume is mainly a compilation o- Juotations -rom that Lournal and -rom material related in 4outheyDs biography o- !esley# 739

1762% ond, .rederic( ligh%
The Kate o- =emembranceH the 4tory o- the 3sychological ?0periment which =esulted in the iscovery o- the ?dgar Chapel at Klastonbury# ;0-ordH ,lackwell& 1918& 0 V 1'( pp# ,ond describes an e0periment in automatic writing aimed at discovering in-ormation about buried remnants o- Klastonbury Abbey# The e0periment was success-ul in that it produced in-ormation relevant to the positioning o- the ?dgar Chapel# /n-ormation about a second chapel& the %oretto Chapel& was also produced# The automatist did not accept a spiritualistic interpretation o- the phenomenon but believed that some unknown inner -aculty was activated in the process o- automatic writing# 739

1766% "arrington, Here0ard%

3sychical 3henomena and the !ar# New @orkH odd& Cead R Co#& 1918& i0 V :1. V "(" pp# An unusual study o- psychic phenomena that occur in connection with war& and particularly the 8irst !orld !ar# The -irst part o- the book deals with normal aspects o- the psychology othe war e0perience such as the soldierDs attitude during training and -ighting& shell-shock& and the Kerman war mentality# The second part surveys the whole -ield o- psychical research as it pertains to war& covering everything -rom prophecies o- war to the continued survival o- the war dead and their communications with the living# 739

1767% "oates, 9ames%

2uman Cagnetism or 2ow to 2ypnotise# A 3ractical 2andbook -or 4tudents o- Cesmerism# New and rev# ed# %ondonH 8owler R Co#& 1918& 0vi V *+" pp# A heavily reworked version o- CoatesDs book Ho- to Mesmeri5e :189"& entry number 1""8.# /t was CoatesDs belie- that Fpractically& hypnotism is mesmerism#G 2ere he presents the history o- animal magnetism and hypnotism& the place o- suggestion in hypnotism& and how to use hypnotism# 2e also brings in the old animal-magnetic themes such as human magnetism& phreno-magnetism& and the Fhigher phenomenaG o- somnambulism# 739

1765% "ra0#ord, &illiam 9ac(son%

2ints and ;bservations -or Those /nvestigating the 3henomena o- 4piritualism# New @orkH ?# 3# utton& 1918& :6. V 11$ pp# rawing -rom his own e0perience& Craw-ord describes the measures to be taken to get good results when sitting in a spiritualist circle in which physical phenomena occur# The emphasis

is not on how to avoid -raud& but on how to make dramatic physical phenomena more likely to occur by avoiding things that inhibit the action o- psychic -orces# 739

1766% "+m!erland, $t+art%

That ;ther !orld# 3ersonal ?0periences o- Cystics and their Cysticism# %ondonH =ichards& 1918& *+" pp# ;ne o- a number o- books by Cumberland debunking the phenomena associated with spiritualism and the occult# 2e claims here to believe that all such phenomena are delusions& but he does not hold that conscious deception is always involved# 739

1767% ,aAis, A!ert E%

2ypnotism and Treatment by 4uggestion# %ondonH 4impkin& Carshall& 2amilton& <ent and Co#& %td#& 1918& 1*6 pp# 729

1763% Hill, 9ohn Arth+r%

Can is a 4piritH A Collection o- 4pontaneous Cases o- ream& Eision& and ?cstasy# %ondonH Cassell R Company& 1918& :0ii. V 1")199 V :1. pp# 2ill starts with the assumption that a human being is not Lust a collection o- matter but has a spirit# 2e then proceeds to describe incidents that seem to bear out such an assumption# The book contains original material describing occurrences o-& among other things& clairvoyance& out-o--the-body e0periences& and visions o- the dead# 739

1769% Hill, 9ohn Arth+r%

4piritualismH /ts 2istory& 3henomena and octrine# %ondonH Cassell R Co#& 1918& 00ii V *'$ pp# A sketchy but use-ul history o- spiritualism and a perceptive discussion o- spiritualism as a religion# /t is written by a believer# 739

1774% Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

%i-e a-ter eath# 3roblems o- the 8uture %i-e and /ts Nature# New @orkH ?# 3# utton& 1918& i0 V :". V "6( pp# 2yslop goes one step beyond his earlier works to e0amine the nature o- e0istence a-ter death# 2e describes ancient belie-s and contemporary speculations and evaluates them in terms othe philosophical issues involved# /n the process& 2yslop draws heavily -rom the data opsychical research and -rom mediumistic communications# 739

1771% 9astro0, 9oseph%

The 3sychology o- ConvictionH A 4tudy o- ,elie-s and Attitudes# ,oston and New @orkH 2oughton Ci--lin Company& 1918& :*. V :*$. V "8' V :". pp# A psychological study debunking un-ounded belie- in psychic phenomena# 739

1772% *ilLencrants, 9ohan%

4piritism and =eligionH FCan @ou Talk to the eadWG /ncluding a 4tudy o- the Cost =emarkable Cases o- 4pirit Control# New @orkH The evin-Adair Co#& 1918& :*. V vii V *9+ V :1. pp# A discussion o- modern spiritism written -rom a Catholic point o- view# The material on the phenomena o- spiritualism is well researched and the author admits the possibility that these phenomena are genuine# 2owever& he sees spiritistic practices as illicit and immoral& since they attribute to men what should be attributed only to Kod# The author cites two separate condemnations o- spiritistic practices by the EaticanDs 2oly ;--ice& one in 1898 and one in 191'# 739

1776% *odge, PliAer 9oseph%

ChristopherH a 4tudy in 2uman 3ersonality# %ondonH Cassell& 1918& v V *9" pp# 739

1777% Martin, Al#red &ilhelm%

3sychic Tendencies To-dayH an ?0position and CritiJue o- New Thought& Christian 4cience& 4piritualism& 3sychical =esearch :4ir ;liver %odge. and Codern Caterialism in =elation to /mmortality# New @orkH # Appleton and Company& 1918& vii V :1. V 1(1 pp# Cartin sees the movements mentioned in the subtitle o- the book as arising -rom despair provoked by the crass philosophical materialism o- the mid-nineteenth century# 2e believes that these movements have arrived at belie-s and reached conclusions that go beyond the evidence they present# !hile he himsel- is convinced that death does not end human e0istence& this belie- derives -rom philosophical considerations rather than -rom empirical evidence# 739

1775% Radcly##e2Hall, Miss and /ro+!ridge, 8na%

F;n a 4eries o- 4ittings with Crs# ;sborne %eonard#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings "$ :1918.H ""9)++6# A well-written& detailed study o- an important ,ritish mental medium& Kladys ;sborne %eonard :188*)19(8.# 739

1776% a+do+in, "harles%

4uggestion et autosuggestionI Mtude psychologiJue et pMdagogiJue dDaprPs les rMsultats de la nouvelle Mcole de Nancy# NeuchatelH elachau0 et NiestlM& 1919& *6( pp# ?nglishH +$ggestion and A$tos$ggestion) Translated by ?den and Cedar 3aul# %ondonH K# Allen and >nwin& 19*$# /n-luenced by the Nancy school o- hypnotism and especially by the Fnew Nancy school&G -ounded by ?mile CouM :18+')19*(.& ,audouin -orce-ully separates the concept osuggestion -rom its common identi-ication with hypnotic suggestion& and puts it -orward as the key to a power-ul psychotherapeutic and educational system# ,audouin emphasiAes the importance o- reaching the subconscious through well-constructed suggestions and outlines a techniJue which he claims to be e--ective in treating emotional problems and enhancing learning at every level# This enormously popular book went into a number o- editions and was translated into many languages# 729

1777% ond, .rederic( ligh%

The 2ill o- EisionH A 8orecast o- the Kreat !ar and o- the 4ocial =evolution with the Coming o- the New =ace# Kathered -rom Automatic !ritings ;btained ,etween 19$9 and 191*& and also& in 1918& Through the 2and o- Nohn Alleyne& >nder the 4upervision o- the Author# %ondonH Constable& 1919& 00v V 1"6 pp# escribes a series o- automatic writings produced by the same individual who authored the scripts that lead to the discovery o- the ?dgar Chapel at Klastonbury :see Dhe 4ate o% Remem"rance, entry number 1'"*.# These writings contain in-ormation about the beginning and ending o- !orld !ar ;ne that is apparently precognitive as well as predictions o- events to occur a-ter the war# 739

1773% o''ano, Ernesto%

ei -enomeni dDin-estaAione# =omeH Casa editrice %uce R ;mbra& 1919& **( pp# A study o- hauntings& telepathy& poltergeists& and related phenomena undertaken by an investigator who accepts the reality o- these e0periences# 739

1779% "arrington, Here0ard%

Codern 3sychical 3henomenaH =ecent =esearches and 4peculations# New @orkH odd& Cead R Co#& 1919& 0i V :+. V ""1 pp# A discussion o- the implications o- the -indings o- psychical research -or li-e and -or science# Carrington also reports on some o- his more recent e0periments# 739

1754% "ho0rin, A% @%
?0perimentelle >ntersuchungen au- dem Kebiete des rdumlichen 2ellsehens :der <ryptoskopie und inadaeJuaten 4inneserregung.# Nach dem russischen ;riginal bearbeitet und herausgegeben von 8reiherrn von 4chrenck-NotAing# CunichH =einhard& 1919& '9 pp# 739

1751% "ra0#ord, &illiam 9ac(son%

?0periments in 3sychical 4cience# %evitation& FContact&G and the F irect Eoice#G %ondonH Nohn C# !atkins& 1919& vii V 191 pp# /n this second book on the Koligher Circle& Craw-ord describes -urther e0periments with the physical phenomena o- spiritualism and presents diagrams o- the e0periments and photographs o- his eJuipment# New to this work are e0periments with Fdirect voiceG phenomena# 739

1752% "+m!erland, $t+art%

4piritualism1the /nside Truth# %ondonH ;dhams& :1919.& 1+' pp# A critical look at spiritualistic phenomena# Cumberland dismisses them all as delusion or deception# 739

1756% ,oyle, Arth+r "onan%

The Eital Cessage# %ondonH 2odder R 4toughton& :1919.& **8 pp# !ritten as a seJuel to oyleDs Dhe 7e- Re(elation :191'& entry number 1'*+.& this volume -urther develops oyleDs ideas concerning the coming o- a new age o- knowledge and hope through the revelations o- spiritualism# 739

1757% )eley, )+staAe%

e lDinconscient au conscient# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 1919& 0iii V "6( pp# Keley considered this book to be a continuation o- his 89Wtre s$"conscient :1899& entry number 16+8. published twenty years earlier# Abandoning his previous notion that the phenomena o- mediumship could be attributed entirely to the unconscious operation o- a vital energy within the medium& he here posits an outside directing -orce beyond the medium and those in the immediate vicinity and e0plains this within the -ramework o- a doctrine oindividual and collective evolution# 739

1755% Harris, ,ean &illiam Richard%

?ssays in ;ccultism& 4piritism& and emonology# TorontoH CcClelland& Koodchild R 4tewart& 1919& :(. V vi V :*. V 181 pp# 2arris includes spiritism among the occult sciences# !riting -rom a Catholic point o- view& he admits the genuineness o- many spiritist psychic phenomena& but believes they are produced not by the spirits o- the dead& but by the devil# 739

1756% Henslo0, )eorge%

The 3roo-s o- the Truths o- 4piritualism# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 1919& 0ii V *++ pp#

>sing psychic occurrences witnessed by himsel- and those known to him& the author attempts to prove the genuineness o- mediumistic phenomena# 2is purpose is to show that the spirits othe departed communicate with the living# ata used include spirit communications& automatic writing& and physical phenomena such as apports& poltergeists& and spirit photography# /t is the work o- a believer in spiritualism# 739

1757% Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

Contact with the ;ther !orldH the %atest ?vidence as to Communication with the ead# New @orkH The Century Co#& 1919& :8. V 69" pp# 2yslopDs last book on psychical research# /n a sense this is a summary o- all o- his previous writings& concentrating principally on the issue o- survival a-ter death and a -uture li-e# The intention o- the book& and his personal Fmission&G is summariAed in these words -rom the pre-aceH F/- / succeed in leading intelligent people to take scienti-ic interest in the phenomena while they preserve proper cautions in accepting conclusions / shall have accomplished all that can be e0pected in a work o- this kind& and tho / regard the evidence o- survival a-ter death as conclusive -or most people who have taken the pains to e0amine the evidence critically& / have endeavored in this work to canvass the subLect as tho it had still to be proved#G 739

1753% Psty, E+gDne%

%e sens de la vie humaine# 3arisH %a =enaissance du %ivre& 1919& 0i V *'1 pp# 739

1759% Ra+pert, 9ohn )od#rey .erdinand%

The New ,lack Cagic and the Truth about the ;uiLa-,oard# New @orkH evin-Adair& 1919& vii V :*. V *6" pp# 8urther developing the theme o- previous books& =aupert e0presses his disapproval ospiritualism and its practices# 2e admits that spontaneous apparitions o- the dead may take place& but criticiAes the spiritualistsD deliberate attempt to communicate with the dead# 2is main conclusion is that spiritualism has not& as it claimed& discovered a way o- tapping hidden but normal powers in man which may be legitimately used and by means o- which the dead may communicate with the living# ;n the contrary& spiritualism is a modern revival onecromancy and black magic universally condemned by the Church# 739

1764% $mith, Hester /raAers%

Eoices -rom the EoidH 4i0 yearsD ?0perience in Automatic Communications# %ondonH =ider R 4on& 1919& 0v V 1$8 pp# A-ter describing her e0periences with automatic writing& the author discusses possible sources -or the in-ormation obtained# 4he Juestions whether the subconscious or some e0ternal agent is involved& and concludes that her e0periences involve communications -rom the dead# 739

1761% al#o+r, Arth+r 9ames%
The ?ar o- ionysius# 8arther 4cripts A--ording ?vidence o- 3ersonal 4urvival# New @orkH 2enry 2olt& 19*$& :(. V 1"6 pp# This book reprints an article which appeared in the 3roceedings o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch :1918.# /t is a detailed discussion o- a series o- automatic scripts -rom di--erent mediums which& when cross-re-erenced& appeared to provide strong evidence that they all came -rom one discarnate source# 739

1762% eadnell, "harles Marsh%

The =eality or >nreality o- 4piritualistic 3henomena# ,eing a Criticism o- r# !# N# Craw-ordDs /nvestigations into %evitations and =aps# %ondonH !atts R Co#& 19*$& *" pp# ;ne o- a number o- attempts to evaluate Craw-ordDs striking e0periments and puAAling conclusions# :4ee entry number 1'11#. 739

1766% o''ano, Ernesto%

ei -enomeni di telestesja# =omeH Casa editrice %uce e ;mbra& 19*$& ++ pp# 739

1767% o''ano, Ernesto%

elle appariAioni di de-unti al letto di morte# *a serie# =omeH 4oc# poligr# /taliana& 19*$& 69 pp# 739

1765% o''ano, Ernesto%

%es phMnomPnes de hantise# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19*$& 0ii V "1$ pp# 739

1766% "arrington, Here0ard%

@our 3sychic 3owers and 2ow to evelop Them# New @orkH odd& Cead R Co#& 19*$& 0vii V :". V "+8 pp#

Adopting as a working hypothesis the spiritistic view that people survive death& Carrington brings in-ormation concerning psychic development together -rom various sources to guide readers in realiAing their spiritual potentials# 739

1767% "arrington, &alter &hately, pse+donym1 &% &hately $mith%

A Theory o- the Cechanism o- 4urvivalH the 8ourth imension and /ts Applications# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 19*$& :1*. V 19+ V :1. pp# Assuming that human beings do survive death& the author attempts to e0amine the possible conditions o- that continued e0istence# 2e begins with an analysis o- the dimensions o- space and looks at the possibility that e0istence beyond death takes place in a -ourth dimension# 739

1763% <"arrington, &alter &hately, pse+donym1 &% &hately $mith%>

The 8oundations o- 4piritualism# %ondonH <egan 3aul& 19*$& 1"6 pp# Carrington attempts to indicate the kind o- empirical evidence that would be necessary to establish human survival o- death with reasonable certainty& evidence that some individual personality has undergone death and has yet remained su--iciently intact to warrant being described as the same individual# Contending that the evidence available -rom mediums is su--icient to make survival the most probable hypothesis& Carrington then investigates the process o- mediumistic communication and the various -actors that may in-luence its -orm# 2e concludes by deploring the -act that spiritualists are -or the most part so uncritical about communications -rom mediums that they make the dispassionate study o- the evidence di--icult and give those who undertake such studies a bad name in the minds o- thinking people# 739

1769% "+lpin, Millais%

4piritualism and the New 3sychologyH An ?0planation o- 4piritualistic 3henomena and ,eliein Terms o- Codern <nowledge# %ondonH ?dward Arnold& 19*$& 0vi V 1+9 V :1. pp# 739

1774% ,resser, Horatio &illis%

The ;pen EisionH a 4tudy o- 3sychic 3henomena# %ondonH K# K# 2arrap& :19*$.& 0i V "+* pp# 739

1771% .lammarion, "amille%

%a mort et son mystPre# " vols# 3arisH ?rnest 8lammarion& 19*$)19**# ?nglishH #eath and 1ts Mystery) " vols# Translated by ?# 4# ,rooks# %ondonH T# 8isher >nwin& 19**)19*"# These three volumes are devoted to the attempt to demonstrate the continuity o- human e0istence a-ter death# The -irst volume deals with manDs spiritual nature and the -aculties othe soul that seem to go beyond ordinary material e0istence& such as telepathy and

precognition# The second volume takes up phantasms o- the living& that is& apparitions ovarious kinds& with the emphasis on apparitions o- the dying be-ore or at the moment o- death# The third volume deals with the return o- the dead& describing mani-estations o- the departed -rom a -ew minutes to many years a-ter death# 8lammarion drew his material -rom many sources including& well-attested -irsthand accounts& the writings o- psychical researchers& and the e0periences o- spiritualist mediums# The work was Juite in-luential# 739

1772% )ray, 9ames Martin%

4piritism and the 8allen Angels in the %ight o- the ;ld and New Testaments# ChicagoH The ,ible /nstitute Colportage Association& 19*$& 168 pp# A Christian ministerDs condemnation o- spiritism as the work o- the devil# 739

1776% )r+ne0ald, .rit' Aon%

3hysikalisch-mediumistische >ntersuchungen# 3-ullingenH Nohannes ,aum& 19*$& 11* pp# A-ter generally discussing the methods o- investigating mediums& Krunewald provides a detailed description o- the laboratory and its eJuipment and illustrates the use o- the laboratory through practical e0amples o- the authorDs e0periments with mediums# 739

1777% Henslo0, )eorge%

The =eligion o- the 4pirit !orldH !ritten by the 4pirits Themselves# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench Trubner& 19*$& viii V **" pp# rawing on mediumistic communications gathered -rom various sources& 2enslow attempts to depict the nature o- li-e a-ter death# 739

1775% -nce, Richard asil%

8ranA Anton Cesmer& 2is %i-e and Teaching# %ondonH =ider and 4on& 19*$& +9 V :+. pp# A readable but sketchy biography o- Cesmer and history o- his teachings# 729

1776% -nstit+t mBtapsychi?+e international% +lletin%

Nos# 1)"I 19*$)19*1# Continued asH Re($e m'tapsychi/$e :19*$.# 4ee entry number 1'8'# 739

1777% 9anet, Pierre Marie .Bli5%

%es mMdications psychologiJuesI Mtudes historiJues& psychologiJue et cliniJues sur les mMthodes de la psychothMrapie# " vols in *# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19*$# ?nglishH Psychological Healing) * vols# Translated by ?den and Cedar 3aul# New @orkH Cacmillan& 19*+#

NanetDs most e0haustive statement o- his theory and techniJue o- psychological healing# /n this massive work& Nanet presents a system that results -rom thought evolved through many years o- clinical work# /n this system& psychological energy plays a central role& providing the means -or integrating oneDs e0periences into a -unctioning whole# The work is divided into -our partsH :1. a historical account o- the search -or mental healing through the ages& :*. a description o- the role o- human automatism in the understanding and treatment opsychological disturbances& :". an e0planation o- the place o- mental energy in the -ormation o- an illness and its treatment& and :6. an evaluation o- the utility o- treatment techniJues that have been used by practitioners# Throughout the work& Nanet assigns aplace o- preeminent importance to the animal magnetic and hypnotic traditions in the search to understand and heal mental illness# 729

1773% 9+ng, "arl )+staA%

FThe 3sychological 8oundation o- ,elie- in 4pirits#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings "1 :19*$.H '+)9"# A paper originally read at a general meeting o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch on Nuly 6& 1919 and translated into ?nglish by 2# K# ,aynes# 2ere Nung discusses apparitions& dreams& and nervous disorders as the principle sources -or the primitive belie- in the e0istence ospirits# 8rom a psychological viewpoint& he suggests& the e0perience o- spirits arises -rom the proLection o- autonomous comple0es buried within the psyche# 3roLection outward is to be e0pected& because these Fspirit-comple0esG which belong to the impersonal or collective unconscious& should not ordinarily be associated with the ego# 739

1779% :ind!org, Erich%

4uggestion& 2ypnose und TelepathieI ihre ,edeutung -Qr die ?rkenntnis gesunden und kranken Keisteslebens# CunichH N# 8# ,ergmann& 19*$& vi V 98 pp# 72 R 39

1734% :ing, 9ohn $+mpter%

awn o- the Awakened Cind# New @orkH Names A# CcCann Company& 19*$& 00i0 V :1. V 6+1 pp# <ing was the -ounder and president o- the Canadian 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& which had a brie- eight-year e0istence in the early 19$$s# 2e was a believer in the reality o- spirit communication and was convinced that the evidence provided by good mediums should have a cumulative e--ect ending with conviction on the part o- any impartial investigator# 2ere <ing presents descriptions o- -irsthand e0perience with mediums and letters and notes relevant to those e0periences# /t is an unusual testament and the only early maLor book on psychical research written by a Canadian# 739

1731% :ings#ord, $% M%
3sychical =esearch -or the 3lain Can# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 19*$& vii V :1. V *'1 pp#

A solid treatment o- the subLect o- psychical research -or the layman# 739

1732% *ancelin, "harles Marie E+gDne%

%Dfme humaine& Mtudes e0pMrimentales de psycho-physiologie& par un spiritualiste# 4ubstance de lDfme& -ormes& biologie organiJue& dissection& anatomie& MlMments matMriels& physiologie& propriMtMs physiJues et chimiJues# 3arisH 2# urville& :19*$.& :*. V :'.)*$( pp# The year o- publication o- this work is uncertain# 739

1736% Mc"a!e, 9oseph%

/s 4piritualism ,ased on 8raudW The ?vidence o- 4ir A# Conan oyle and ;thers rastically ?0amined# %ondonH !atts R Co#& 19*$& v V 1($ pp# The author writes scorn-ully o- the adherents o- spiritualism and criticiAes the -indings opsychical research# 2e emphasiAes that -raud is commonplace among mediums and takes upon himsel- the task o- keeping the unwary public in-ormed o- this -act# 739

1737% Mc"a!e, 9oseph%

4piritualismH a 3opular 2istory -rom 186'# New @orkH odd& Cead and Company& 19*$& *6" V :1. pp# A history o- spiritualism written -rom a rather personal point o- view# CcCabe attempts to give a FbirdDs eye viewG o- a movement which he obviously considers to be Juestionable# The book contains use-ul in-ormation# 739

1735% Mitchell, /homas &al(er%

FThe oris 8ischer Case o- Cultiple 3ersonality#G +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings) "1 :19*$.H "$)'6# 72 R 39

1736% *a psychologie appli?+Be%

19*$# 4ee Re($e de l9hypnotisme e&p'rimental et th'rape$ti/$e :188(& entry number 11+(.# 729

1737% ReA+e metapsychi?+e%

19*$# 4ee Annales des sciences psychi/$es :1891& entry number 1*8".# 739

1733% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

3hysikalische 3haenomene des CediumismusH 4tudien Aur ?r-orschung der telekinetischen Eorgdnge# CunichH ?rnst =einhardt& 19*$& 0 V *$1 pp# 4chrenck-NotAing reports on the investigations carried out by a number o- researchers on some o- the most noteworthy physical mediums# 2e includes a discussion o- his own work and that o- N# ;chorowicA with 4tanislawa TomcAyk& presents a lengthy summary oCraw-ordDs investigation o- the Koligher circle& and a -ew remarks on Kustav KeleyDs observation o- the medium ?va C# 739

1739% /ischner, R+dol# E%

bber Telepathie und 2ellsehen# ?0perimentell-theoretische >ntersuchungen# Cunich and !iesbadenH N# 8# ,ergmann& 19*$& :8. V 1** pp# At the time this book appeared it was without Juestion the best work on the subLects otelepathy and clairvoyance yet written in Kermany# Tischner carried out a number o- wellcontrolled e0periments to study these phenomena and came to the conclusion that& under suitable conditions& some individuals do show themselves to possess -aculties which allow them to communicate with other minds and to obtain in-ormation through other than ordinary channels# At the end o- the book& Tischner discusses a number o- theories to e0plain these -aculties but comes to no certain conclusion as to which& i- any& o- these theories is most suitable# 739

1794% /0eedale, Qiolet "ham!ers%

Khosts / 2ave 4eenH and ;ther 3sychic ?0periences# %ondonH 2erbert Nenkins& 19*$& "1" pp# 739

1791% &right, )eorge E%

3ractical Eiews on 3sychic 3henomena# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 19*$& viii V 1"( pp# !right was an advocate o- spiritualism within the conte0t o- the Christian church# 2ere he discusses the evidence -or both the mental and physical phenomena o- spiritualism# 739

1792% o''ano, Ernesto%
Kli enigmi della psicometria# =omeH Casa editrice %uce e ;mbra& 19*1& 86 pp# 739

1796% <"arrington, &alter &hately, pse+donym1 &% &hately $mith and Patric(, "onrad Qincent%>

The Case against 4pirit 3hotographs# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 19*1& 6' pp# 739

1797% "o+B, Emile%

%a matrise de soi-mOme par lDautosuggestion consciente# Nancy and 3arisH n#p#& 19*1& 118 pp# ?nglishH +el% Mastery thro$gh Bonscio$s A$tos$ggestion) New @orkH American %ibrary 4ervice& 19**# 3robably the best known work by this teacher o- sel--suggestion# CouM was a -ollower o- the Nancy school o- hypnotism# 2e helped make principles o- suggestion practical by populariAing the notion that one can productively use the power o- suggestion on onesel-& and that hypnotism is not needed to make suggestion e--ective# 729

1795% "ra0#ord, &illiam 9ac(son%

The 3sychic 4tructures at the Koligher Circle# !ith a Note by avid Krow# %ondonH Nohn C# !atkins& 19*1& vi V 1+1 pp# This last o- Craw-ordDs books on the Koligher circle was published posthumously and edited by avid Krow& editor o- F%ight#G Again Craw-ord presents a detailed description oe0periments with diagrams and photographs# Among the photographs are some o- imprints made by the ectoplasmic FrodsG on clay molds# 739

1796% ,r% eale, or More a!o+t the 8nseen%

%ondonH Nohn C# !atkins& 19*1& 1+* pp# A description o- psychic healing accomplished by a F r# ,ealeG operating through a medium named Ciss =ose# F r# ,ealeG claims to be the discarnate spirit o- a medical man who continues his work with the ill -rom the Fother side#G 739

1797% ,oyle, Arth+r "onan%

The !anderings o- a 4piritualist# %ondonH 2odder R 4toughton& :19*1.& vii V :". V 9)"1' pp# An account o- a long trip to and -rom Australia undertaken by Conan oyle and his -amily and o- psychic events that occurred along the way# Conan oyle o--ers a detailed description o- the psychic milieu o- Australia# 739

1793% .reimar(, Hans%

as Tischriicken# 4eine Jeschichtliche ?ntwicklung und seine ,edeutung# Au- Krund der neuesten 8orschungsergebnisse dargestellt# * ed# 3-ullingenH Nohannes ,aum& 19*1& +1 pp# 739

1799% )rey, Pamela )eneAieAe Adelaide H&yndhamI%

The ?arthen EesselH a Eolume ealing with 4pirit Communications =eceived in the 8orm o,ook-tests by 3amela Klenconner# %ondon and New @orkH Nohn %ane& 19*1& 00vi V :1. V *9) 1++ pp# 739

1344% He+'B, Pa+l R%

%es morts vivent-ilsW ?nJuOte sur lDMtat prMsent des sciences psychiJues# 3arisH %a renaissance du livre& 19*1& *6' pp# 739

1341% *am!ert, R+dol#%

Keheimsvolle Tatsachen# 4tuttgartH 4Qddeutsches Eerlagshaus& 19*1& **6 pp# 739

1342% *+d0ig, A+g+st .riedrich%

;kkultismus und 4piritismus im %ichte der !issenscha-t und des katholischen Klaubens# # # # * ed# CunichH Eerlag Natur und <ultur& 19*1& 6( pp# 739

1346% Mitchell, /homas &al(er%

The 3sychology o- Cedicine# %ondonH Cethuen R Co#& 19*1& vii V 18' pp# A general treatise on psychology with a section on hypnosis and dissociation# 72 R 39

1347% @og+eira de .aria, ===%

; trabalho dos mortos# =io de NaneiroH %ivraria da -edera[ao espirita brasileira& 19*1& 0vii V **1 pp# escribes mediumistic phenomena produced by Cadame 3rado o- ,elMm do 3ara& ,raAil# The phenomena occurred in a spiritualistic circle and included -ull -orm and hand and -ace materialiAations# 739

1345% Pesterreich, /ra+gott :onstantin%

ie ,esessenheit# %angensalAaH !endt R <lauwell& 19*1& 6$" pp# ?nglishH Possession, #emonical M *ther, among Primiti(e Races in Anti/$ity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Dimes) %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench R Trubner& 19"$#

The single most important work yet written on the subLect o- possession and e0orcism# ;esterreich thoroughly e0amines material related to possession -rom ancient to contemporary times and -rom a number o- primitive cultures# Noting that certain themes appear again and again in accounts o- possession& no matter where they originate& he points out that possessing entities appear to be o- two typesH human and non-human spirits# /n his classi-ication and comments& ;esterreich brings to bear a solid grasp o- the then most recent -indings relating to hysteria& multiple personality& and hypnotic trance# 2e distinguishes between involuntary and voluntary possession& the latter being by -ar the most common type& observable every day in primitive trance rituals and spiritualistic sMances# ;esterreich does not claim to have arrived at a -inal conclusion concerning the intrinsic nature o- possession phenomena& but he clearly leans toward a psychological-parapsychological as opposed to a spiritistic e0planation# ,ut regardless o- his personal belie- about possession& his description o- the phenomenon in its various -orms remains the most comprehensive available# 739

1346% Pesterreich, /ra+gott :onstantin%

Krundbegri--e der 3arapsychologie# ?ine 3hilosophische 4tudie# 3-ullingenH Nohannes ,aum& 19*1& ++ pp# 739

1347% Pesterreich, /ra+gott :onstantin%

er ;kkultismus im modernen !eltbild# resdenH 4ibyllen& 19*1& 1'" pp# ?nglishH *cc$ltism and Modern +cience) Translated -rom the second Kerman edition# %ondonH Cethuen and Co#& 19*"# ;esterreichDs -irst work on psychical research :F;kkultismusG.# %ooking chie-ly at the phenomena produced by the mediums 2MlPne 4mith& %eonora 3iper& ?usapia 3alladino& and ?va C& he concludes that the tenets o- spiritualism can be neither proved nor disproved# 2e comments that many have harbored the -ond wish that parapsychology would open the doors to the world beyond the grave and give the race new hope# This& he says& has not happened# 2e insists& however& that progress has been made and promising directions -or research are opening up# 739

1343% Psychica% ReA+e scienti#i?+e d+ psychisme%

Eols# 1)+VI 19*1)19*+V# 3ublished in 3aris and edited by Carita ,orderieu0# 739

1349% Randall, 9ohn Herman%

The New %ight on /mmortality& or The 4igni-icance o- 3sychical =esearch# New @orkH Cacmillan& 19*1& vii V :". V 1'6 pp# =andall& a well-known philosopher& appraises the work o- psychical research to 19*$ and points out the deeper meaning and signi-icance o- its -indings& particularly in regard to human survival a-ter death# 2e makes use principally o- material written by Caurice Caeterlinck& !illiam Names& ;liver %odge& and Names 2yslop# 739

1314% RedgroAe, Her!ert $tanley and *%, -% M%

Noseph Klanvill and 3sychical =esearch in the 4eventeenth Century# %ondonH !illiam =ider& 19*1& 96 pp# !ith some Lusti-ication& the authors view Noseph Klanvill :1("()1(8$. as the -irst true psychical researcher# 739

1311% Ro!!ins, Anne Manning%

3ast and 3resent with Crs# 3iper# New @orkH 2enry 2olt& 19*1& :*. V iv V :*. V *8$ pp# A biographical description o- the mediumship o- Crs# %eonore 3iper :18+9)19+$.& one o- the most important mediums to be investigated by the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# =obbins had been acJuainted with Crs# 3iper -or some 6$ years when she wrote the book# 739

1312% /ischner, R+dol# E%

?in-Qhrung in den ;kkultismus und 4piritismus# Cunich and !iesbadenH N# 8# ,ergmann& 19*1& viii V 16* pp# As is so o-ten the case& FoccultismG in this title is the eJuivalent o- the ?nglish term Fpsychical research#G !riting -rom a critical and scienti-ic point o- view& Tischner describes e0periments he conducted in the areas o- telepathy and clairvoyance with a signi-icant number o- successes but makes no attempt to e0plain the successes and con-esses he does not know how to control conditions to make successes more likely# 739

1316% /ischner, R+dol# E%

Conismus und ;kkultismus# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& :19*1.& 1$6 pp# /n this work Tischner e0amines various kinds o- knowledge& normal and supernormal& and their implications -or philosophy# 739

1317% &arcollier, RenB%

%a tMlMpathieH recherches e0pMrimentales# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19*1& 0vii V "(" pp# !arcollier carried out many e0periments in telepathy over a number o- years be-ore writing this book# /n some o- the most success-ul e0periments& he was himsel- the percipient or FreceiverG o- telepathic in-ormation# 2ere he presents details o- circumstances and results ohis telepathic e0periences and his own view o- telepathy as a psycho-physical process involving the transmission o- vibrations -rom one brain to another# Not surprisingly& he does not accept the notion o- telepathic communication between the living and the dead# 739

1315% &asiele0s(i, &aldemar Aon%

Telepathie und 2ellsehenH Eersuche und ,etractungen Qber ungewahnliche seelische 8dhigkeiten# 2alleH C# Carhold& 19*1& :*. V *'( pp#

An e0cellent study o- telepathy and clairvoyance based on e0periments conducted by the author# 739

1316% &right, )eorge E%

The Church and 3sychical =esearchH A %aymanDs Eiew# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 19*1& 16' pp# A -avorable presentation o- psychical research written -or the clergy# 739

1317% o''ano, Ernesto%
e -enomeni di telekinesia in rapporto con eventi di morte# =omeH Casa editrice %uce e ;mbra& 19**& 6( pp# 739

1313% o''ano, Ernesto%

Cusica trascendentale# =omeH Casa editrice %uce e ;mbra& 19**& +9 pp# 739

1319% ,oyle, Arth+r "onan%

The Case -or 4pirit 3hotography# %ondonH 2utchinson R Co#& :19**.& 0 V 11$ pp# 739

1324% ,oyle, Arth+r "onan%

The Coming o- the 8airies# %ondonH 2odder R 4toughton& 19**& 1"9 pp# Contains& among other things& an account o- a clairvoyantDs e0periences with -airies and the -amous Cottingley photographs :later shown to be -aked. o- two young girls with F-airies#G 739

1321% ,+c(0orth, 9% Her!ert%

Autosuggestion and /ts 3ersonal Application# New @orkH Names A# CcCann Co#& 19**& 18$ pp# An e0planation o- the work o- ?mile CouM :18+')19*(.& whose book 8a matrise de soi-mWme par l9a$tos$ggestion consciente :19*1& entry number 1'96. became the bible o- sel-development through autosuggestion# 729

1322% <Ehren#re+nd, Edm+nd Ptto, pse+donym1 8!ald /artar+ga%>

as 2ellseh-Cedium Cegalis in 4chweden# %eipAigH Tausverlag& 19**& 1*9 pp# ?hren-reund was a lawyer and police o--icial in Eienna who had an interest in psychical research# FCegalisG :<aroline 4teininger. was a Eiennese clairvoyant with whom ?hren-reund worked in criminal cases :see entry number 18*".# /n 19** FCegalisG gave per-ormances in various towns in 4weden# This book describes those apparently success-ul clairvoyant sessions# 739

1326% <Ehren#re+nd, Edm+nd Ptto, pse+donym1 8!ald /artar+ga%>

<riminal-Telepathie und -=etroskopie# Telepathie und 2ellsehen im ienste der <riminalistik# %eipAigH Ca0 Altmann& 19**& iv V *$1 pp# /n this book ?hren-reund combines his e0pertise in criminology with his interest in psychical research in describing the work o- a Eiennese clairvoyant named FCegalisG :<aroline 4teininger.# !hen FCegalisG had been placed in a deep hypnotic trance& induced by r# %eopold Thoma& she was told to go to the scene o- a crime and back to the moment when it was being committed# According to ?hren-reund& she -reJuently produced accurate in-ormation about the crime and its circumstances# 739

1327% .o+rnier ,;Al!e, Edm+nd Ed0ard%

:3sychical =esearch.# The Koligher CircleH Cay to August 19*1# !ith an Appendi0 Containing ?0tracts -rom the Correspondence o- the %ate !# N# Craw-ord and ;thers# %ondonH Nohn !atkins& 19**& 81 pp# 8ournier DAlbe attempted to continue the e0periments begun by !illiam Craw-ord :188$) 19*$. -irst made public in Craw-ordDs 191( work Dhe Reality o% Psychic Phenomena :see entry number 1'11. and -urther described in two other books# The e0periments were conducted with the Koligher -amily# 8ournier DAlbe -ailed to obtain genuine phenomena and discovered what he considered to be evidence o- trickery# The book also contains reports oearlier sMances conducted in the Koligher circle by Craw-ord but never be-ore published# 739

1325% Heredia, "% M% de%

4piritism and Common 4ense# New @orkH 3# N# <enedy R 4ons& :19**.& 0v V **$ pp# An e0amination o- the phenomena o- spiritualism by a man who was both a Catholic priest and an amateur conLurer# 2eredia& having himsel- reproduced many mediumistic -eats through trickery& believed that most o- the phenomena could be attributed to -raud# Admitting that some may not be& however& he counsels Catholics to avoid involvement with spiritualism# 739

1326% He+'B, Pa+l R%

%Dectoplasme# 3arisH %a renaissance du livre& 19**# 739

1327% -llig, 9ohannes%

2istorischen 3ropheAeiungen mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung der !eltkriegspropheAeiungen# 3-ullingenH Nohannes ,aum& :19**.& 8" pp# 739

1323% -nternational "ongress #or Psychical Research% Proceedings%

?dited by Carl Eett# CopenhagenH n#p#& 19**& ++6 pp# These are the Proceedings -or the -irst /nternational Congress -or 3sychical =esearch& held in Copenhagen in 19*1# 739

1329% :linc(o0strTm, :arl *+d0ig .riedrich Ptto Aon%

ie !Qnschelrute als wissenscha-tliches 3roblem# 4tuttgartH <# !ittwer& 19**& 6$ pp# 739

1364% *+d0ig, A+g+st .riedrich%

Keschichte der okkultistischen :metapsychischen. 8orschung von der Antike bis Aur Kegenwart# 1 Teil# Eon der Antike bis Aur Citte der 19# Nahrhunderts# 3-ullingenH Nohannes ,aum& 19**& 1+* pp# An important study o- the Kerman occult tradition that led to the rise o- psychical research in that country# This is the -irst part o- a two-volume series :see entry number 1881. and it covers the period -rom the classical Kreek philosphers to the middle o- the nineteenth century# A most valuable re-erence work -or the historian o- psychical research# 739

1361% Meyer, Adolph .%

Caterialisation und Teleplastie# Cunich and !iesbadenH n#p#& 19**& (* pp# 739

1362% Mitchell, /homas &al(er%

Cedical 3sychology and 3sychical =esearch# %ondonH Cethuen& 19**& vii V *66 pp# Cade up largely o- articles published in the Proceedings o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& this book deals with Juestions o- psychology that have some bearing on the problems o- psychical research# These are principally hypnotism& hysteria& and multiple personality# The -our chapters dealing with the latter subLect are very valuable attempts to understand the problem o- the Fsplitting o- the mind#G 72 R 39

1366% M+hl, Anita M%

FAutomatic !riting as an /ndicator o- the 8undamental 8actors >nderlying the 3ersonality#G Eo$rnal o% A"normal Psychology 1' :19**.H 1(*)8"#

A discussion o- the psychological -actors involved in the phenomenon o- automatic writing& elucidating particularly the dynamics o- dissociation# 729

1367% Randall, Ed0ard "ale!%

8rontiers o- the A-ter %i-e# New @orkH Al-red A# <nop-& 19**& *1" pp# An e0amination o- mediumship and the nature o- the a-terli-e by a con-irmed spiritualist# 739

1365% ReA+e de psychothBrapie et de psychologie appli?+Be%

19**# 4ee Re($e de l9hypnotisme e&p'rimental et th'rape$ti/$e :188(& entry number 11+(.# 729

1366% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

TraitM de CetapsychiJue# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19**& ii V 81( pp# A valuable& remarkably condensed summary o- the psychical research which had been done to date# ,y the time =ichet wrote this book he had accumulated an impressive list o- personal honors# 2e had been pro-essor o- physiology at the >niversity o- 3aris since 188'I he had won the Nobel 3riAe in 3hysiology or Cedicine in 191"I he was a member o- the AcadMmie de CMdecine and the AcadMmie des 4ciencesI and in 19$+ he had been elected president o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# The latter position indicates the depth o- his involvement in studies o- the paranormal# /n 1886 =ichet began his psychical researches with sittings with the /talian medium ?usapia 3alladino and in 1891& he -ounded the Annales des +ciences Psychi/$es, the -irst 8rench periodical devoted to psychical research# =ichet begins his Drait' with a de-inition and discussion o- the term FmetapsychiJue&G the 8rench word :-irst introduced by =ichet. which is the eJuivalent o- the ?nglish Fpsychical research#G A-ter giving a brie- history o- developments in the area& he proceeds to describe& area by area& the present state o- knowledge in research o- the paranormal# =ichetDs book remains to this day one o- the most in-ormative and well-balanced treatments o- psychical research that is available# 739

1367% /homas, "harles ,rayton%

4ome New ?vidence -or 2uman 4urvival# %ondonH Collins& 19**& 00iv V *(1 pp# Thomas was a ,ritish clergyman who interested himsel- in matters o- psychical research# This is a study o- book and newspaper tests1e0periments in which the medium attempts to tell what is on a certain page o- a certain book or newspaper indicated by the e0perimenter# These tests are designed to e0clude telepathy# 739

1363% ird, Malcolm%
Cy 3sychic Adventures# %ondonH Allen R >nwin& 19*"& vii V "$9 pp#

A semi-critical evaluation o- sittings with a number o- mediums& including Crs# Kladys ;sborne %eonard and !illiam 2ope& a spirit photographer# The book includes a chapter on the proLect undertaken by Dhe +cienti%ic American in 19** to determine the genuineness opsychic phenomena# 739

1369% isson, 9+liette Ale5andre%

%e mMdiumisme et la 4orbonne# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19*"& 1"' V :*. pp# 3resents the report o- a group o- 4orbonne pro-essors who investigated the materialiAation medium F?va C#G :Carthe ,eraud.& along with comments by the author and some supplementary material# ,isson had worked with F?va C#G -or ten years be-ore these tests were conducted# /n the book she spells out in great detail the conditions o- the tests and the procedures used# The results were blank and the report o- the investigators was negative# 739

1374% o''ano, Ernesto%

Animali e mani-estaAioni metapsichiche# =omeH Casa editrice %uce e ;mbra& 19*"& 91 pp# 739

1371% ,oyle, Arth+r "onan%

;ur American Adventure# %ondonH 2odder R 4toughton& :19*".& *$+ pp# 739

1372% ,oyle, Arth+r "onan%

;ur 4econd American Adventure# %ondonH 2odder R 4toughton& :19*".& *+$ pp# 739

1376% .lammarion, "amille%

%es maisons hantMes# ?n marge de la mort et son mystPre# 3arisH ?rnest 8lammarion& 19*"& v V 6"+ pp# ?nglishH Ha$nted Ho$ses) %ondonH T# 8isher >nwin& 19*6# /n this& his last maLor work on psychical research& 8lammarion energetically takes up the issue o- survival a-ter death# 2e begins with a discussion o- what he considers to be e0perimental proo-s o- survival& and moves on to consider the continued presence o- the dead in hauntings# !ithin this general survey& 8lammarion scatters a detailed e0amination o- a -ew cases& including FCalvados castle&G the haunted house o- %a Constantinie& and the F-antastic villa oComeada& Coimbra#G A-ter classi-ying true haunting phenomena& he discusses those not attributable to the dead :such as poltergeist occurrences. and spurious hauntings# 8lammarion concludes with an attempt to speci-y how haunting phenomena are produced# 739

1377% .lammarion, "amille%

iscours prMsidentiel X la 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch :%ondon& 19*".& suivi de ?ssais mMdiumiJues# >ranographie gMnMrale# Communication signMes KalilMe& obtenues X lDfge de vingt ans au cercle dDAllan <ardec& X la 4ociMtM spirite de 3aris :18(*)18(".# 3arisH ]ditions de la ,#3#4#& :19*". 89 V :*. pp# 739

1375% .orth+ny, Pascal%

>ne victoire de la photographie psychiJue# %a romanesJue et glorieuse aventure du mMdium !illiam 2ope :de Crewe1Angleterre.# AccusM dDOtre un imposteur# TraZnM une annMe dans la boue# Eictime dDune sombre machination# ?n-in reconnu par-aitement innocent et incontestable mMdium photographe# 3arisH %ibrairie des sciences psychiJues& 19*"& *$ pp# 739

1376% 9anet, Pierre%

FA propos de la mMtapsychiJue#G Re($e philosophi/$e 9( :19*".H +)"*# 739

1377% 9anet, Pierre%

%a mMdecine psychologiJue# 3arisH ?rnest 8lammarion& 19*"& *88 pp# ?nglishH Principles o% Psychotherapy) New @orkH Cacmillan& 19*6# As a pre-ace to describing the principles o- psychotherapeutic practice& Nanet presents a history o- cures accomplished through animal magnetism and religious belie-# ,y so doing& he places himsel- sJuarely in those traditions and acknowledges the importance o- belie- and imagination in therapeutic treatment# 729

1373% :eyserling, Hermann, Harden!erg, :+no, and Happich, "arl%

as ;kkulte# armstadtH n#p#& 19*"& 1+8 pp# An account o- a Kerman mental medium F2# ,#&G who produced phenomena o- medical diagnosis& psychometry& and clairvoyance# 739

1379% *am!ert, R+dol#%

4puk& Kespenster und Apportphdnomene# ,erlinH r# 4chwarA R Co#& 19*"& 186 pp# 739

1354% Mac(en'ie, &illiam%

Cetapsychica modernaH -enomeni medianici e problemi del subcosciente# =omeH %ibreria di scienAe e lettere& 19*"& 6+$ pp#

CackenAie intends through this book to give the /talian reader a solid grasp o- the principles and potentials o- psychical research# !hile making use o- the e0periments and investigations o- others& CackenAie contributes his own critical evaluation o- the reliability and implications o- those -indings# 2e has an unusually lengthy treatment o- supernormal phenomena connected with animals :e#g#& the ?lber-eld horses and the Cannheim dog.& and he seems -airly ready to accept them as genuine# 739

1351% Psty, E+gDne%

%a connaissance supra-normaleH Mtude e0pMrimentale# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19*"& vii V "88 pp# !orking largely -rom original material drawn -rom his own investigations& ;sty& in a work he considers to supersede his earlier 8$cidit' et int$ition :191".& e0plores some o- the most remarkable cases o- clairvoyance ever published# These cases are related in great detail and with minute descriptions o- the circumstances surrounding each# The phenomena described involve knowledge o- unknown events at a distance in both space and time# Any serious criticism o- the validity o- the -indings o- psychical research must deal in some way or other with the material o- this book# 739

1352% Richet, "harles Ro!ert%

F=Mponse X C# 3# NanetH X propos de la mMtapsychiJue#G Re($e philosophi/$e 9( :19*".H 6(*) '1# 739

1356% R+tot, AimB *o+is and $chaerer, Ma+rice%

%e mMcanisme de la survie# ?0plication scienti-iJue des phMnomPnes mMtapsychiJues# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19*"& 1*" pp# 739

1357% $ch0a!, .riedrich%

Teleplasma und TelekineseI ergebnisse meiner AweiLdhrigen ?0perimentalsitAungen mit ,erliner Cedium Caria Eolhart& mit ( te0tAeichnungen# ,erlinH 3yramidenverlag r# 4chwarA R Co#& 19*"& 11+ V :1. pp# A general account o- a sitting with the ,erlin medium Caria Eolhart# The phenomena produced were mainly physical& with movement o- obLects and the production o- Fectoplasm#G 739

1355% $imon, )+staAe Marie $tBphane "harles%

CheA Eictor 2ugoH %es tables tournantes de NerseyH procMs-verbau0 des sMances prMsentMs et commentMs par Kustave 4imon# 3arisH %# Conrad& 19*"& "9" pp# 739

1356% /rethe0y, A% &%

The FControlsG o- 4tainton Coses :FC#A# ;0onG.# %ondonH 2urst R ,lackett& :19*".& *9* pp# /n this unusual book& based on published work and unpublished material made available by the %ondon 4piritualist Alliance& Trethewy attempts an e0haustive study o- the Juestion o- the nature and identity o- the FcontrolsG or FspiritsG that communicated through Coses& one o- the most proli-ic and respected spiritual mediums o- the nineteenth century# 2is controls identi-ied themselves to him on various occasions as biblical characters& ancient philosophers& well-known historical personages& and others# Trethewy considers two possible sources -or these controls& the subliminal or subconscious sel- o- the medium and spirits# !hile admitting that it is impossible to prove either alternative& he indicates that the evidence is such that the second cannot be reasonably ruled out# 739

1357% Andry, 9%
F%e mesmMr et le somnambulisme X %yon avant la =evolution#G M'moires de l9Acad'mie des sciences, "elle-lettres et arts de 8yon) +ciences et lettres) "rd series& 18 :19*6.H +')1$1# 729

1353% esterman, /heodore%

Crystal-KaAingH a 4tudy in the 2istory& istribution& Theory and 3ractice o- 4crying# %ondonH =ider R 4on& 19*6& 0iii V :1. V 18" pp# A scholarly treatment o- scryingH its history& its mechanism& the phenomena associated with it& and its possible e0planations# 739

1359% lac(more, $imon A+g+stine%

4piritismH 8acts and 8rauds# New @ork and CincinnatiH ,enAiger ,ros#& 19*6& +"+ pp# This work& written by an American Nesuit& was meant to be a serious study o- the phenomenon o- spiritualism& but with an eye to disproving its claim that the spirits o- the dead communicate with the living# /t is a combination o- good scholarship and a heavily partisan viewpoint# 739

1364% ond, .rederic( ligh%

The Company o- AvalonH A 4tudy o- the 4cript o- ,rother 4ymon& 4ub-3rior o- !inchester Abbey in the Time o- <ing 4tephen# ;0-ordH ,lackwell& 19*6& 000iv V 1+9 pp# A presentation o- automatic writings obtained by ,ond a-ter the publication o- his 4ate o% Remem"rance :1918& entry number 1'"*. and including the productions o- three new automatists& F4#&G Crs# 3hilip %loyd& and Crs# Travers 4mith# The book deals with script emanating -rom a F,rother 4ymon&G who claims to be an earlier incarnation o- F4#G 739

1361% o''ano, Ernesto%

elle communicaAioni medianiche tra viventi# =omeH Casa editrice %uce e ;mbra& 19*6& 1*+ pp# 739

1362% "arrington, Here0ard%

eathH and /ts 3roblems# Kirard& <ansasH 2aldeman-Nulius Co#& 19*6& (6 pp# 739

1366% *;Btat act+el des recherches psychi?+es d;aprDs les traAa+5 d+ --me "ongrDs -nternational ten+ N QarsoAie en 1926 en l;honne+r d+ ,r% 9+lien Pchoro0ic'%
3arisH %es 3resses universitaires de 8rance& 19*6& vii V :1. V "($ V :1. pp# A collection o- essays on e0periments in psychical research by =ichet& Keley& ,isson& ,rugma ingwall& ,arret& Crs# 4idgwick& ;esterreich& 4chrenck-NotAing& and Krunewald# 739

1367% )eley, )+staAe%

%Dectoplasmie et la clairvoyance# ;bservations et e0pMriences personelles# 3arisH 8Mli0 Alcan& 19*6& iv V 66+ pp# ?nglishH Blair(oyance and Materialisation) A Record o% E&periments) Translated by 4tanley e ,rath# New @orkH Keorge 2# oran& 19*'# !ritten shortly be-ore KeleyDs death in a plane crash and intended to precede a second volume on the meaning o- metapsychic phenomena& 89ectoplasmie et la clair(oyance is made up largely o- e0periments in clairvoyance with 4tephan ;ssowiecki and a Cadame ,#& and e0periments in materialiAation with ?va C#& 8ranek <luski& and Nean KuAik# All e0periments are described in minute detail& presenting an impressive set o- data -or the psychical researcher to ponder# 8ailed e0periments are reported along with success-ul ones# The work contains many photographs o- targets and results in the clairvoyant e0periments and many more photographs relating to the materialiAation e0periments# 739

1365% Hill, 9ohn Arth+r%

8rom Agnosticism to ,elie-H An Account o- 8urther ?vidence -or 4urvival# %ondonH Cethuen R Co#& 19*6& 0i0 V *1" pp# An account o- the authorDs personal odyssey -rom agnosticism to belie- in a spiritual world and li-e a-ter death# 2ill describes how he was particularly in-luenced by the mediumship o- a Cr# !ilkinson& who gave demonstrations o- clairvoyance and spoke -rom trance# /n the process o- describing his conversion& 2ill discusses issues connected with psychology& religion& and psychical research# 739

1366% -nternational "ongress #or Psychical Research Proceedings H&arsa0, 1926I%

3arisH n#p#& 19*6& vii V "($ pp# 739

1367% :ron#eld, Arth+r%

2ypnose und 4uggestion# ,erlinH >llstein& 19*6& 1+8 pp# 729

1363% *odge, PliAer 9oseph%

Caking o- CanH a 4tudy in ?volution# %ondonH 2odder R 4toughton& 19*6& 18+ pp# An investigation into human nature which attempts to take into account both the -indings oevolutionary science and the data o- psychical research# 739

1369% Moll, Al!ert%

er 4piritismus # # # Nebst einem ,eitrag von dr# <# =# <up--er# 4tuttgartH 8ranckh& :19*6.& 9( pp# 739

1374% @orthridge, &illiam *oAell%

Codern Theories o- the >nconscious# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 19*6& :*. V vii)0v V 19" V :1. pp# iscussion o- various theories o- the unconscious& and subconscious& especially those o- 8# !# 2# Cyers& 4igmund 8reud& Corton 3rince& !# 2# =# =ivers& ,oris 4idis and 3ierre Nanet# 729

1371% Pesterreich, /ra+gott :onstantin%

ie philosophische ,edeutung der mediumistischen 3hdnomene# ?rweiterte 8assung des audem 5weiten /nternationalen <ongrMss -Qr parapsychologische 8orschung in !arschau Kehaltenen Eortrags# 4tuttgartH !# <ohlhammer& 19*6& vii V +6 pp# 739

1372% Prince, &alter .ran(lin%

F8ive 4ittings with Crs# 4aunders#G American +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 18 :19*6.H 1)1''#

A lengthy description o- sittings with a New @ork City medium and an evaluation o- the accuracy o- clairvoyant material produced in those settings# /t is a very use-ul account o- a well-conducted e0periment# 739

1376% Prince, &alter .ran(lin%

F4tudies in 3sychometry#G American +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 18 :19*6.H 1'8)"+*# An account o- e0periments conducted by 3rince and others with mediums practicing a psychic techniJue called Fpsychometry#G The techniJue involves the medium gaining FimpressionsG -rom an obLect by which he or she can clairvoyantly produce in-ormation about that obLect or situations connected with the obLect# The e0perimenters describe verbatim the words o- the medium and comment on the Juality o- the in-ormation given# 739

1377% $chiller, .erdinand "anning $cott%

3roblems o- ,elie-# %ondonH 2odder R 4toughton& :19*6. 196 pp# A tutor at Corpus Christi College at ;0-ord -rom 19$" to 19*(& a pro-essor o- philosophy at the >niversity o- 4outhern Cali-ornia -rom 19*9 to 19"(& and a psychical researcher who had close ties with the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch in ?ngland& 4chillerDs interest was largely in the philosophical problems associated with psychical research# /n this work he attempts to classi-y and analyAe the many belie-s that human beings arrive at in the course o- a li-etime# 2e is particularly concerned to establish a philosophical basis -or crediting the -indings oscience& which has to avoid credulity on the one hand and skepticism on the other# ;ne o- the belie-s 4chiller e0amines in detail is the belie- in survival o- death& pointing out the e0treme di--iculty involved in arriving at anything scienti-ic in this matter# 739

1375% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

er ,etrug des Cediums %adislaus %asAlo :Nachahnung von Caterialisationsphdnomenen.# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 19*6& "* pp# An account o- a materialiAation medium who used trickery to produce his e--ects# 739

1376% $chrenc(2@ot'ing, Al!ert Phili!ert .ran' Aon%

?0perimente der 8ernbewegung :Telekinese. im 3sychologischen /nstitut der CQnchener >niversitdt und im %aboratorium des Eer-assers# 4tuttgartH >nion eutsch Eerlag& 19*6& 0v V *'" pp# A discussion o- telekinetic e0periments per-ormed with the medium !illy 4chneider# The e0periments were success-ul in producing movement at a distance o- various obLects without the apparent use o- any normal means o- -orce# 739

1377% $chrTder, "hristoph%

Krundversuche au- dem Kebiete der psychischen KrenAwissenscha-ten# ,erlinH r# 4chwarA R Co& 19*6& (( pp# The -irst publication o- the Kerman 4ociety -or 4cienti-ic ;ccultism :that is& psychical research.& this work contains an account o- (8 sittings with ( FsensitivesG held between 8ebruary 19*$ and 4eptember 19*1# The e0periments were constructed to test -or clairvoyance as distinguished -rom telepathy or simply a heightened natural sensitivity# The results seemed to rule out the latter two e0planations# 739

1373% $tead, Estelle &ilson%

8aces o- the %iving eadH =emembrance ay Cessages and 3hotographs# A 4traight-orward 4tatement by ?stelle !# 4tead# !ith 4upplement 4howing =ecognised F?0trasG ;btained through the Cediumship o- Crs# eane# :%ondon.H 3rivately printed& :19*6.& 8' pp# 739

1379% $+dre, RenB%

%a lutte pour la mMtapsychiJue# >n chapitre passionnant dDhistoire scienti-iJue :19**)*6.# %es FLugementsG de la 4orbonne et la Juestion de la -raude cheA les mediums# 3arisH %ibrairie des sciences psychiJues& 19*6& (( V :1. pp# A passionate de-ense o- psychical research in general and a criticism o- speci-ic e0periments conducted with two mediums at the 4orbonne# 739

1334% /ischner, R+dolph E%

8ern-Qhlen und Cesmerismus :?0teriorisation der 4ensibilitdt.# CunichH N# 8# ,ergmann& 19*6& :'. V 6* pp# An e0cellent study o- Fe0terioriAation o- sensibilityG or sensation at a distance# Tischner begins with an e0amination o- the Fmagnetic -luidG o- Cesmer and the Fodic -orceG o=eichenbach& and traces the notion o- an e0tension o- sensibility beyond the organism that arose -rom those systems# 2e discusses the recent investigations o- de =ochas& Noire& and ,oirac& and then describes his own e0periments# Asserting that the success o- these trials combined with the accumulated evidence o- previous e0perimenters stands strongly in -avor o- the reality o- the phenomenon& Tischner moves on to a general theoretical discussion owhat this Fe0terioriAation o- sensibilityG might be# 2e concludes that there must be something other than suggestion involved in the phenomenon# There must& he believes& be some physical agent at work that is not as yet well understood# This reopens the Juestion o- the validity omesmerism and Fmagnetic -luid&G in some -orm or other# Tischner believes that the appeal to suggestion as an e0planation has not closed that Juestion& as some had believed# 2e also suggests that Fe0terioriAation o- sensibilityG is probably involved in certain phenomena omediumship& such as telekinesis and materialiAations# 72 R 39

1331% /ischner, R+dolph E%

Keschichte der okkultischen :metapsychischen. 8orschung von der Antike bis Aur Kegenwart# //# Teil# Eon der Citte des 19 Nahrhunderts bis Aur Kegenwart# 3-ullingenH Nohannes ,aum& 19*6& "'1 pp# An important and e0cellent re-erence source -or the history o- psychical research# This is the second o- two volumes# The -irst volume :entry number 18"$. covers the period -rom ancient times to the middle o- the nineteenth century# This volume covers the period -rom the middle o- the nineteenth century to the time o- writing# As is so o-ten the case& the Kerman word FoccultG in the title re-ers to psychical research& not to issues related to esoteric magic# Tischner covers the period in Juestion e--iciently& with great accuracy& and with broad coverage that includes the history o- psychical research in America& ?ngland& 8rance& and Kermany# Although the book is& as one might e0pect& particularly strong in its treatment opsychical research in Kermany& its one area o- weakness is the brevity o- its treatment o- work in 8rance# Nevertheless& Tischner gives the reader a clear picture o- the main streams odevelopment o- psychical research in this important period& and provides a clear -ramework -or understanding the interplay o- intellectual currents that in-luenced its course# 72 R 39

1332% <&eiss, Ehrich, pse+donym1 Harry Ho+dini%>

2oudini ?0poses the Tricks >sed by the ,oston Cedium FCargeryG to !in n*+$$ 3riAe ;--ered by the 4cienti-ic American# Also a Complete ?0posure o- Argamasilla& the 8amous 4paniard !ho ,a--led Noted 4cientists o- ?urope and America& with 2is Claim to e-=ay Eision# New @orkH Adams 3ress& 19*6& "9 V :1. pp# 739

1336% <&eiss, Ehrich, pse+donym1 Harry Ho+dini%>

A Cagician Among the 4pirits# New @ork and %ondonH 2arper R ,rothers& 19*6& 00iii V *96 pp# 2ere the -amous magician& who had a particular interest in debunking the phenomena ospiritualistic mediums& discusses the -eats o- such well-known mediums as the avenport brothers& # # 2ome& ?usapia 3alladino& and 2enry 4lade# The book contains a very in-ormative chapter on 2oudiniDs long -riendship with Arthur Conan oyle& whose spiritualist belie-s led to many animated debates between the two men# The chapter reproduces some othe correspondence that was e0changed between them# 739

1337% &ic(land, "arl A+g+st%

Thirty @ears among the ead# /n Collaboration with Nelle C# !atts& Celia %# KoerA& ;rlando # KoerA# %os AngelesH National 3sychological /nstitute& 19*6& "9$ pp# !ickland& a physician working in collaboration with his wi-e who was a spiritualist medium& had a uniJue method -or enticing possessing spirits to communicate# >sing a static electricity machine& sometimes employed by physicians in those days to treat various illnesses& he would drive the spirit -rom the victim and into his entranced wi-e# This enabled him to talk and reason with the spirit through his wi-e# 2e believed that in many cases the invading spirit had entered the victim accidentally& being attracted to the light o- that personDs Faura#G A-ter the spirit had become convinced o- its true condition :that it was no longer in its own body& that it

needed to pass on to another stage o- li-e& etc#.& it would usually leave willingly# 4ometimes& however& !ickland had to call upon -riendly spirits to take the invading entity away -orcibly# !ickland claims to have completely cured individuals who had long been institutionaliAed as insane# /n some cases he was able to con-irm that the cure still held many years a-ter the treatment# 2e also spent some time tracking down and veri-ying in-ormation given by the invading spirits about the circumstances o- their lives on earth# The book is signi-icant as a rare attempt to give practical application to the spiritualist view o- the world through a kind omediumistic psychotherapy# 739

1335% aer0ald, Richard%
ie /ntellektuellen 3hdnomene# :Eol# * o- #er *..$ltism$s in Gr.$nde) ?dited by Ca0 essoir.# ,erlinH >llstein& 19*+& i0 V :1. V "8* V :*. pp# An e0cellent study o- the Fintellectual phenomenaG o- psychical research# These include telepathy& apparitions& clairvoyance& -oreknowledge& and communication with the dead# ,aerwaldDs point o- departure -or the study o- psychical phenomena is psychological& an attempt to probe the realms o- the unconscious through an e0amination o- some o- our most mysterious e0periences# ,aerwald concentrates on e0amples o- these phenomena drawn -rom Kerman psychical researchers and& -or that reason& the book is an e0tremely valuable source o- in-ormation on the history o- psychical research in Kermany# The book is well researched and copiously -ootnoted# :8or the -irst volume o- this work& see Kulat-!allenburg& #er physi.alische Medi$mism$s, 19*+& entry number 189(.# 739

1336% arrett, &illiam .letcher%

The =eligion o- 2ealthH an ?0amination o- Christian 4cience# Completed by =# C# ,arrett# %ondonH ent& 19*+& 0iv V 169 pp# A posthumously published work in which ,arrett e0amines the history o- Christian 4cience and accounts o- cures per-ormed under its in-luence# 2e concludes that its a--ects are e0plained in terms o- suggestive therapeutics# 72 R 39

1337% ird, 9ames Malcolm%

FCargeryG the Cedium# ,ostonH 4mall& Caynard R Co#& 19*+& 0i V +18 pp# A work depicting the mediumship o- FCargery&G whose actual name was Crs# Crandon# FCargery&G the wi-e o- a well-known ,oston surgeon& began producing what appeared to be physical phenomena around 19*"# The book attempts to describe those phenomena& but does so in a disorganiAed and con-using manner# The author believes FCargeryDsG phenomena to be supernormal& but& although attempts were made by obLective persons to test them under laboratory conditions& no concurring conclusions were reached# ;ne o- those attempts was made by a committee o- the +cienti%ic American set up to investigate FCargery&G with ,ird as its secretary# That committeeDs conclusions were negative and the latter hal- o- this book is devoted to a criticism o- its -indings# 739

1333% road, "harlie ,+n!ar%

The Cind and /ts 3lace in Nature# %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co#& 19*+& 0 V ('6 pp# ,road was 3ro-essor o- 3hilosophy at Cambridge and a brilliant philosophical lecturer and writer# 2e developed a particular interest in psychical research and became one o- its most distinguished theorists# This work is an e0panded version o- the Tarner %ectures given at Cambridge in 19*"# /n the -irst part o- the volume& ,road considers the various commonsense theories o- the nature o- mind and raises the mind-body problem# 2e then investigates the ways in which we come to know about things around us& e0amining sense perception& memory& introspection& and knowledge o- other minds# 8rom there& ,road moves on to a discussion o- evidence -or the e0istence o- an Funconscious#G /n the -ourth section o- the book he takes up human survival a-ter death& an issue directly related to psychical research# 3ointing out that the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch has brought -orth a mass o- -acts pertaining to the continued e0istence o- human beings a-ter death& ,road contends that these -acts may Lustly be called FsupernormalG in that they cannot be e0plained through the usual assumptions o- science and common sense about the nature and powers o- the human mind# Taking these -acts into account& ,road discusses -irst the ethical and then the empirical arguments -or survival# 2e does not believe that the various ethical arguments that have been put -orward by philosophers are valid& but he does think that important directions are indicated in the empirical arguments# 2uman survival o- death as a hypothesis& says ,road& goes a long way toward e0plaining supernormal data# Nonetheless& a hypothesis is only that& and although ,road does not believe it possible to disprove survival& neither does he hold that we have what constitutes convincing proo-# ,road believes that any valid philosophical analysis must take into account all the -acts as we know them& and in this vein he develops a philosophical psychology that recogniAes both the -indings o- psychical research and those oscienti-ic psychology# 739

1339% r+c(, "arl%

?0perimentell Telepathie# Neue Eersuche Aur telepathischen bbertrag von 5eichnungen# 4tuttgartH N# 3Qttmann& 19*+& i0 V 8$ pp# An account o- 116 e0periments in telepathic trans-erence o- drawings and diagrams carried out by the author# r# ,ruck himsel- was the FagentG or FsenderG in these e0periments# 2e used easily hypnotiAable subLects as FreceiversG in an attempt to see whether telepathic abilities are in any way related to hypnotic susceptibility# The results o- the e0periments strongly -avored the e0istence o- telepathy# 739

1394% +rnett, "harles /heodore%

4plitting o- the CindH An ?0perimental 4tudy o- Normal Cen# 3rinceton& New Nersey and Albany& New @orkH 3sychological =eview Company& 19*+& 1"* pp# 73sychological Conographs No# 1++#9 A report o- e0periments on the dissociation through hypnosis o- a normal individualDs mental states into two or more groups or systems that -unction separately but simultaneously# ,urnett argues that separate dissociated systems maintain an internal unity through dominating ideas# 729

1391% "amp!ell, "harles, *ang#eld, Her!ert $idney, Mc,o+gall, &illiam, Ro!ac(, A!raham Aaron, and /aylor, E% &% <eds%>
3roblems o- 3ersonality# 4tudies 3resented to r# Corton 3rince& 3ioneer in American 3sychopathology %ondonH <egan 3aul& Trench& Trubner R Co# %td#& 19*+& 0iii V :1. V 6"6 pp# An important collection o- essays on psychological subLects# ;- particular interest are NanetDs F;n Cemories !hich are Too =eal&G CitchellDs F ivisions o- the 4el- and Coconsciousness&G and unlapDs FThe 4ubconscious& the >nconscious& and the Co-conscious#G 729

1392% "+rno0, &% *eslie%

The 3hysical 3henomena o- 4piritualismH A 2istorical 4urvey# CanchesterH Two !orlds 3ublishing Co#& 19*+& 11$ V vi pp# A collection o- articles& originally published in Dhe D-o ,orlds in 19*6& that discuss the history o- the various physical phenomena o- mediumship observed during the rise o- modern spiritualism# The work is rather uncritical and does not deal with e0posures o- -raud# 739

1396% ,e rath, $tanley%

3sychical =esearch& 4cience and =eligion# %ondonH Cethuen and Co#& :19*+. 00iii V *$' pp# e ,rath relates the -indings o- psychical research to religious teachings and advocates the acceptance o- a Fhigher naturalismG in conLunction with -aith# 739

1397% ,riesch, Hans Adol# Ed+ard%

The Crisis in 3sychology# 3rincetonH 3rinceton >niversity 3ress& 19*+& 0vi V *'+ pp# riesch devotes about one third o- a general discussion o- the contemporary state opsychological investigation to psychical research# 2e e0presses his personal conviction that parapsychological or psychic -acts e0ist& and states his belie- that modern psychology must take these human e0periences into account i- it is to remain relevant# There is no prior Kerman edition# 739

1395% Erman, &ilhelm%

er tierische Cagnetismus in 3reussen vor und nach den 8reiheitskriegen# Cunich and ,erlinH =# ;ldenbourg& 19*+& viii V 1*6 pp# A-ter a discussion o- the earliest history o- animal magnetism in Kermany& ?rman concentrates on events that took place in ,erlin and ,onn& touching on the views o- virtually all o- the principal Kerman proponents o- animal magnetism to the time o- Nustinus <erner :1'8()18(*.# 729

1396% )+lat2&allen!+rg, &% Aon, :linc(o0strTm, )ra# "arl Aon, and Rosen!+sch, Hans%

er physikalische Cediumismus# :Eol# 1 o- #er *..$ltism$s in Gr.$nde) ?dited by Ca0 essoir. ,erlinH >llstein& 19*+& 0iii V :". V 696 V :*. pp# The -irst volume o- a scholarly two-volume work on psychical research# The second volume& published in the same year& is entitled #ie intelle.t$ellen PhLnomene and is written by =ichard ,aerwald# There was to have been a third volume& +$ggestion $nd Hypnose by Albert Coll& but it never appeared# The present volume& concerned with the physical phenomena omediumship& begins with a thorough discussion o- the methodology to be used in investigating the phenomena and the sources o- error against which researchers must be guarded# This is -ollowed by a discussion o- the e0periments o- the %ondon ialectical 4ociety and o- !illiam Crookes in the early 18'$s& a brie- treatment o- the 4lade-5allner e0periments& a lengthy section on the physical phenomena o- ?usapia 3alladino :18+6)1918.& a substantial discussion o- 4tanislawa TomcAyk and <athleen Koligher& and shorter studies oother well-known mediums& such as F?va C#&G !illy 4chneider& and %adislaus %asAlo# The book is a -riendly but highly critical study that concludes that every e0periment with physical mediums that had been carried out so -ar -ell short o- the scienti-ic standards necessary to establish the reality o- the physical phenomena o- mediumship once and -or all# 739

1397% )r+!er, :arl%

3arapsychologische ?rkenntnisse# CunichH rei Casken& 19*+& 0 V :1. V ""$ V :1. pp# Kruber a--irms the authenticity o- parapsychological phenomena and states his belie- that the area is worthy o- the attention o- scientists# 739

1393% Holmes, Archi!ald "amp!ell%

The 8acts o- 3sychic 4cience and 3hilosophy Collated and iscussed# %ondonH n#p#& 19*+& 0vi V +1* pp# A massive compendium o- -acts related to psychical research# This collection o- data is drawn rather uncritically -rom a great variety o- sources# /t is -ootnoted& and there-ore use-ul to the student& but re-erences are not always complete# 739

1399% Hyslop, 9ames HerAey%

FA 8urther =ecord o- Cediumistic ?0periments#G American +ociety %or Psychical Research Proceedings 19 :19*+.H 1)6+1# 2yslop describes sittings with the medium Crs# Chenoweth to whom he brought a number oindividuals with whom she had had no previous contact and whom she was not allowed to see during the sitting1a condition pre-erred by her in any case# 2yslop -ound the sittings -ruit-ul not only -or the accuracy o- much o- the material produced by the medium& but also as a study in the progressive psychological development o- the trance state in the medium over the course o- the sittings# This article is an important study o- mental mediumship and the -actors that in-luence its -orm# 739

1944% *am!ert, R+dolph%

ie okkulten Tatsachen und die neuesten Cedienentlarvungen# ?ine ?ntgegnung au- die letAten Eerstasse der Eerachter der 3arapsychologie# 4tuttgart& ,erlin& and %eipAigH >nion eutsche Eerlagsgesellscha-t& 19*+& 9' pp# A critical study o- mediumship with a valuable section on the Koligher circle in /reland# 739

1941% Mattiesen, Emil%

er Nenseitige CenschH eine ?in-Qhrung in die Cetapsychologie der Cystischen ?r-ahrung# ,erlinH !alter de Kruyter& 19*+& viii V 8*+ pp# A learned treatise on the principal phenomena o- psychical research by one o- KermanyDs important investigators# The author covers everything -rom the automatisms and hysteria to mediumistic materialiAations# 739

1942% Moni', Egas%

; 3adre 8aria na 2istoria do 2ipnotismo# %isbonH n#p#& 19*+& 196 V :+. pp# Along with algadoDs M'moire s$r la (ie de l9a""' de 0aria :19$(& entry number 1+'1.& this book is a rare source o- in-ormation about NosM Custodio de 8aria& a central -igure in the history o- hypnotism :see his #e la ca$se d$ sommeil l$cide, 1819& entry number *96.# A-ter summariAing the history o- animal magnetism and somnambulism up to 8ariaDs time& ConiA presents a detailed picture o- 8ariaDs li-e and the development o- his theory o- hypnotism& which he called Flucid sleep#G 729

1946% Price, Harry%

4tella CH an Account o- 4ome ;riginal ?0periments in 3sychical =esearch# %ondonH 2urst R ,lackett& 19*+& 1$( V :1. pp# 3resents a detailed account o- laboratory e0periments done with a physical medium given the pseudonym F4tella C#G 3rice& an e0pert in magic and conLuring& set up his e0periments in such a way that& in his opinion& no deception or -raud was possible# Nonetheless& he -ound that a number o- physical e--ects took place in her presence which could not be reproduced through normal means# Among the phenomena observed wereH a notable elevation in temperature around the medium& strong breeAes in her vicinity& telekinetic movements o- small obLects& raps& and occasional -lashes o- light# 739

1947% Richardson, Mar( &%, Hill, "harles $%, Martin, Al#red &%, Harlo0, $% Ralph, ,e &yc(o##, 9oseph, and "randon, *% R% )%
Cargery 2arvard Eeritas# A 4tudy in 3sychics# ,ostonH ,lanchard& 19*+& 1$9 pp# 739

1945% /ischner, R+dol# E%

as Cedium # # 2ome# >ntersuchung und ,eobachtungen :nach Crookes& ,utlerow& Earley& Aksakow and %ord unraven.# Ausegewahlt und herausgegeben von =udolTischner# %eipAigH ;swald CutAe& 19*+& 1(6 pp#

@ame -nde5
This inde0 provides entry numbers -or the authors& editors& and other persons associated with the publications included in the ,ibliography# Citations are links to entry numbers in the main te0t# Abbott& avid 3helps& 1+'9 Absonus& Ealentine& 19+ Acevedo& C# ;tero& 1"'' Adam& +(6 AdamkiewicA& Albert& 1+(' Adare& !indham Thomas !yndham-Tuin& viscount& 9"1 Adler& Al-red& 116( AgassiA& 111& 9(" Aide& 2amilton& 1*+* Aigner& ?d#& 1((+ Aksakov& Ale0andr Nikolaevich& 9(*& 1*+"& 1*9"& 1"9+& 1618& 16"$)16"1& 19$+ Alembert& Nean %e =ond dD& 111 Ale0ander& 3atrick 3roctor& 9"6 Ale0is# +ee idier& Ale0is Alibert& 111& "*8 Allen& ?dward !#& 1$1$ Allen& Thomas Kilchrist& 1+$1 Alleyne& Nohn& 1'6' Alli0& ?ugene& '$1& '**& '(1

Almaviva& 111& comte& 66 Almignana& AbbM& ++'& '$* Amadou& 111& 8 Amourou0& N# A#& +$( Andry& Charles %ouis 8ran[ois& *()*'& 1$1 Andry& N#& 18+' Angelhuber& N# 8#& +(9 Apis& 111& "$( Archibold& 111& 1*$ Argamasilla& 188* Argenti& 8rancesco& (99 Armitage& Ciss& '86 Armstrong& 2# ?#& 1'** Arndt& !#& *+' Artois& 111& comte dD& 11& *$& +9& "6$ Artois& 111& comtesse dD& 1" Ashburner& Nohn& +($& +8"& +8'& 9$1 AsseAat& Nules& (+1 Assier& Adolphe dD& 1$(* Atkinson& 2enry Keorge& ($+ Atkinson& !illan !alker& 1("9 AugueA& 3aul& '("& '8( AAais& 3ierre 2yacinthe& *'1& 6$" AAam& ?tienne ?ugPne& 6+$& 6(+& 81*& 818& 89(& 98$& 11+9& 1"11& 1""6 ,#& Cadame& 1'1& 1168& 18(6

,1y& Therese von& 6"1 ,aader& 8ranA von& *'$ ,abinet& NacJues& 8'9 ,abinski& N#& 1**" ,acher& Ale0andre AndrM 3hilippe 8rMdMric& *8 ,acot& K# 8#& 9$( ,aerwald& =ichard& 188+& 189+ ,dumler& Christian Kott-ried 2einrich& 1$"+ ,aggally& !# !#& 1(*8& 1'19 ,ahr& Nohann <arl& (+* ,ailli-& %ouis ?rnest& 9$' ,ailly& Nean 4ylvain& "$& "*& (*& *1" ,aker& =achel& *69& *+6& 99* ,aldinger& ?rnst Kott-ried& 1(" ,aldwin& 2elen Kreen& 1"11 ,aldwin& N# Cark& 1"11 ,al-our& Arthur Names& 1'(1 ,allou& Aidin& (*' ,apst& 8# K#& *'1 ,araduc& 2ippolyte 8erdinand& 1""+& 1"9()1"9'& 1+"1& 1($$ ,aragnon& 3# 3etrus& (*8 ,arbeguiPre& N# ,#& "6 ,arberin& Chevalier de& 69& 1""& 1+8& 1'+& "99& 6+1 ,arMty& A#& 1$+1& 11($ ,arlow& !illiam 8rederick& "91

,arrM& 3# @#& "+ ,arreau& 8erdinand& 69* ,arret& 111& 18(" ,arrett& =# C#& 188( ,arrett& !illiam 8letcher& 1*66& 16'+& 1($1& 1(+(& 188( ,arth& Keorge 2#& +88& (+" ,arth& 2enri& 11*6 ,ates& ?# <atharine& 1($* ,athurst& Names& 1"1$ ,auche& Ale0andre& '8'& 88$ ,audot& %ouis Antoine& 6$6 ,audouin& Charles& 1'6( ,aumann& A# C# 8#& +'$ ,ayley& !illiam& 1+8* ,aylina& /gnacio =ibera& 1+69 ,aynes& 2# K#& 1''8 ,eadnell& Charles Carsh& 1'(* ,eale& r#& 1'9( ,eard& Keorge Ciller& 1$"(& 1$+* ,eauchamp& Ciss& 169+& 1++9 ,eaunis& 2enri ]tienne& 89(& 1$'(& 11$1& 11*+& 1186 ,eau0& Nean NacJues& '"' ,eecher& Charles& (+6 ,eecher& !illiam 2#& 69"& +"9 ,eers& Cli--ord !hittingham& 1($"

,eesel& C#& +89 ,ekhterev& Eladimir Cikhailovich& 1++$ ,eiden& %emuel !#& "+' ,el-iore& Kiulio& 11(1& 1**6& 16"* ,ell& Nohn& 1*1& 1'8& *$1& "8$ ,ell& =obert& 81" ,ellanger& Augustin =enM& 1$'' ,elot& Camille& 1$'8 ,enedikt& CoriA& 1"+'& 1'*' ,MnMAet& ?#& '$" ,ennett& ?dward T#& 1+1+& 1+"*& 1++1& 1+(8& 1($6 ,ennett& Nohn 2ughes& ($( ,enoit& NacJues Toussaint& +9$ ,entivegni& Adol- von& 1*+6 ,eraud& Carthe 7F?va C#G9& 1('*& 1'$6& 1'8'& 18$'& 18"9& 18(6& 189+ ,erchem& Nacob 3ierre ,erthout van& 18$ ,ergasse& Nicolas& 1+& "()"8& 6'& 98& 1**)1*6& *$1& *+$& *8* ,ergson& 2enri& 1(8* ,Mrillon& ?dgar& 1$'9& 1**+& 16""& 1681& 1699& 1(9* ,erLon& A#& 11*( ,erLot& ?#& '8' ,erlancourt de ,eauvais& Cademoiselle de& 1( ,erna& idier Nules& "(+& "8"& "9* ,ernard& 3rudence& (*$ ,ernheim& 2ippolyte& *96& 6+$& 89(& 96'& 1$8$& 11*+& 11*'& 11"1& 11+"& 1**8& 1*"*& 1*"'& 1*86& 161*& 1699& 1(+'& 1'*$

,erry& Catherine& 981 ,ersot& ?rnest& 6*$& (*9 ,erthelen& <arl Andreas& 88( ,erti& A#& ("$ ,ertrand& Ale0andre NacJues 8ran[ois& *96& "1"& "*6& '*(& 16*6 ,esterman& Theodore& 1'1*& 18+8 ,etiero& T# N#& 161" ,ettoli& 3armenio& 1*8+ ,ianchi& 111& 1169 ,iat& ChrMtien& +9$ ,illot& K# 3#& "9"& ++9 ,inet& Al-red& 11*8& 11(*& 119+& 1*++& 1*'$& 1"11& 1"'8& 16"6& 16('& 1+$$ ,irchall& Names& 1$('& 1$8( ,ird& 111& 1"$8 ,ird& 8riedrich& 6$+ ,ird& Names Calcolm& 188' ,ird& Calcolm& 18"8 ,irnstiel& 8# 2#& 1(" ,irt& !illiam =adcli--& (++ ,isson& Nuliette Ale0andre& 1('*& 18"9& 18(" ,Larnstram& 8redrik Nohan& 11(" ,lackmore& 4imon Augustine& 18+9 ,lakeman& =u-us& +'1 ,lanc& 2ippolyte& 881 ,lavatsky& Cadame& 11'+& 1"('& 1"96

,leuler& ?ugen& 1+$(& 1'$6 ,loch& Keorge& 1& +& 1$ ,ackmann& Nohann %orenA& 1+' ,oehme& 111& 1"(' ,oin& 111& *6* ,oirac& ?mile& 1($+& 1'*1& 188$ ,oisgelin& %ouis de& 1"8 ,olton& Kambier& 1+""& 1(9" ,ombay& 111& "9 ,ompard& Kabrielle& 1*9( ,onaventura& /sador& '(* ,onavia& ?mmanuel& 919 ,ond& 8rederick ,ligh& 1'"*& 1'6'& 18($ ,onLean& Albert& 1*+( ,onnaymM& ?rnest& 1+8" ,onne-oy& Nean ,aptiste& 6$& 1*+ ,orderieu0& Carita& 18$8 ,oret& 111 de& 8(+ ,ormann& !alter& 16+*& 1(** ,ormes& 111& baron de& 61 ,ory& 111 de& "$)"1 ,osc& ?rnest& 1**'& 1"($& 1+9+ ,ottey& 8ernand& 1$81 ,ourdin& Claude ?tienne& 669 ,ourne& Ansel& 1$$*

,ourneville& MsirM& 96'& 98* ,ourru& 2enri& 11$*& 11*(& 11(6& 119( ,ourAeis& NacJues AimMe de& 19 ,ouvier& Carie AndrM Noseph& 6* ,ouvignier& %# N# # de& 6"+ ,oAAano& ?rnesto& 168$& 1+1(& 1(*"& 1(8"& 1'68& 1'(")1'(+& 1'9*& 181')1818& 186$& 18(1 ,rack& 111& 6")66& 1*( ,rackett& ?dward A#& 11*9 ,rackett& %oraina& "89 ,raid& Names& "*6& 6+$& 6($& 6(+& 681& 68"& +"*& +6$& ++*& +91& +98& ($'& ("1& (+(& (+9& '"8& 8$$& 81*& 819& 8*1& 8*"& 89(& 9$'& 918& 9''& 99"& 1$*9& 1$"+& 1$6'& 1$+(& 11+9& 118"& 1*19& 1*'+& 16*6& 16+"& 1+$6& 1+1'& 1+8+ ,ramwell& N# Cilne& 1+1'& 1(*6 ,randis& N# #& *86 ,rever& 111& 1'+ ,rierre de ,oismont& Ale0andre NacJues 8ran[ois& "+*& +$8 ,righam& A#& "81& "8(& "89 ,rissot de !arville& NacJues 3ierre& 6+ ,ristol Cesmeric /nstitute& +'*& +9* ,rittan& 4# ,#& (+'& 8((& 1$16 ,ritten& ?mma 2ardinge& 9""& 98")986& 1$(" ,rivasac& 111& 1$89 ,road& Charlie unbar& 1888 ,roca& 3aul& 6+$& 6(+& 8$$& 818 ,ro--erio& Angelo& 1"1* ,rooks& ?# 4#& 1''1

,roussais& 111& 6$" ,rown& Nohn& 6(( ,rown-4eJuard& 111& *96 ,rownson& ;restes Augustus& '$6 ,ruce& 2enry Addington& 1+18& 1(96 ,ruck& Carl& 1889 ,rugma ingwall& 111& 18(" ,ruining& Kerbrand& *+" ,runi& ?m#& 1""( ,runo& 111 de& 1*' ,uchanan& Noseph =hodes& +6$& +'"& '$+& 8+6& 1$11& 1$16& 11$"& 1(9( ,uckland& Thomas& ($8 ,uM& Alphonse& 1""' ,uM& 2ector Noseph& 1$+" ,urdin& Charles& 6"( ,urg& Eictor& 1$$" ,urnett& Charles Theodore& 189$ ,urot& 3#& 11$*& 11*(& 11(6& 119( ,urJ& Eictor 2eab Antoine& (+8& 1$+6 ,urr& 111& 918 ,ush& Keorge& +69 ,ute& Nohn& CarJuess o-& 16+9 ,utlerow& 111& 19$+ C#& ?va# +ee ,eraud& Carthe C#& 4tella& 19$"

Cadwell& N# !#& 1$++ Cagliostro& 16'$ Cahagnet& %ouis Alphonse& ++8)++9& +''& +9"& ($9)(1$& '$')'$8& 1$(6 Caille& Claude Antoine& 1$1 Caillet& Albert %ouis& 9**& 1('")1('6 Caldwell& Charles& 6+1 Cambry& NacJues& 6( Campbell& Charles Cac8ie& 1891 Canelle& A#& 86( Capern& Thomas& (11 Capron& ?lias !ilkinson& '"9 Capua& 4ara Carlotta i& 1*'( Caritides& 111& 1$8 Caroli& Kiovanni C#& 8$1& 816 Carpenter& N# ?stlin& 119' Carpenter& !illiam ,enLamin& (+9& 98+& 99"& 1$11& 1$*+& 119' Carra& Nean %ouis& 1*8 Carreras& ?nrico& 1+*( Carrington& 2ereward& 1+86& 1($(& 1(*+& 1(*8& 1(+8& 1('+& 1(86& 1(9+& 1'""& 1'69& 1'((& 18(* Carrington& !alter !hately 7pseud# !# !hately 4mith9& 1'('& 1'(8& 1'9" Carus& Carl Kustav& +""& ''" Castle& 111& 896 Caullet de Eeumorel& 111& 1*9 Cavaignac& 111& +(* Cavailhon& ?douard& 1$+(

CaAaintre& 111& ""+ CaAotte& NacJues 4#& 8(' CMlaphon& 111& "6 Cerise& 111& ''8 Chaddock& Charles Kilbert& 1"*8 Champville& Kustave 8abius de& 1+"6 Chapelain& 111& ""6& "9" Chapman& 111& 1$+' Charavet& 111& ''' Charcot& Nean Cartin& 6+$& 818& 89(& 96'& 9''& 98*& 1$$"& 1$"'& 1$68& 1$+*& 1$+8& 1$8$& 11*'& 11"1& 1168& 11'*& 1*"$& 1*"6& 1*"9& 1"18& 1"8(& 1+$*& 1+$6& 1+1'& 1++9& 1(1*& 1'*' Chardel& Casimir Carie Carcellin 3ierre CMlestin& *8+& "*+& ""*& "69 Charles e :king o- 8rance.& "6$ Charpentier& N# ,# A#& "96 Charpignon& %ouis Noseph Nules& 6"'& 6(')6(8& 81+& 8(8 Chastellu0& 111& marJuis de& "( Chautard& ?#& 1+"+ ChaAarain& %ouis ThModore& 11"$ Chenoweth& Crs#& 1'$'& 1'$9& 1899 Cheveni0& =#& ""9 ChMvillard& Alphonse& 9*$ Chevreul& Cichel ?ugPne& '$9 Chiana& ?rcole& 1("" Chowrin& A# N#& 1'+$ Christ# +ee Nesus Christ Christison& Nohn 4anderson& 1+(9

Christopher& 1'6" Clark& Charles 4#& 16'" Clarke& ?dward 2ammond& 1$$6 Cleveland& !illiam& 1"98 Clodd& ?dward& 1'** CloJuet& 111& 6' Close& 8rancis& (8" Coates& Names& 1""8)1""9& 1616& 1++*& 1+'$& 1(+9& 1'"6 Cocke& Names =ichard& 1"+8 CoddP& %uigi& (1* Cogevina& Angelo& 6+* Cohn-eld& Adalbert 4alomo& ((1 Colas& Albert& 11$6 Coleman& ,enLamin& 8"'& 9"+ Colin& 111& 9$8 Coll& 111& *'" Colley& Thomas& 996 Collyer& =obert 2anham& "9+& 6(9& 9"(& 98( ColJuhoun& Nohn Campbell& ***& "+6& "'*& "9(& 6'$& (1"& ("1 Colsenet& ?dmond& 1$*+ Comet& Charles Nean ,aptiste& 81( Concato& %#& (16 Condillac& 111& "1 Conner& ean ,ridgman& 1'$8 Constable& 8rank Challice& 1(($

Constantin& Comte de& 11(' Constantin& Kregor& 16"$ Conte& 3aolo& 1**6 Cook& ?# !ake& 1+*8 Cook& 8lorence& 16(+ Cook& !illiam !esley& 16(8 Cooke& 111& 1$$1 Coover& Nohn ?dgar& 1'*" Corbau0& 8#& *(1 Cor-e& Keorge& +($ Coriat& /sador 2#& 1(1+ Corson& Caroline =ollin& 1"18 Coste& Albert& 9'1& 1"'9 Coste& Carie %eon& 1**( Coste de %agrave& 111& 1198 Cottin& AngMliJue& +68 Cottingly& 111& 18*$ CouM& ?mile& 1('(& 1'6(& 1'96& 18*1 Coupland& !illiam C& 9*6 Court de KMbelin& Antoine& *9& ($& '1& '' Courtier& Nules& 1($' Cousin& C# E#& "(" Co0& ?dward !illiam& 9"'& 9+1 Co0& Crs#& 1*$9 Crampon& 111& """

Crandon& %# =# K#& 19$6 Crandon& Crs# 7FCargeryG9& 188*& 188'& 19$6 Craw-ord& !illiam Nackson& 1'11& 1'"+& 1'+1& 1'(*& 1'8'& 1'9+& 18*6 Crichton-Ciller& 2ugh& 1('' CrocJ& Nean& *96& 1"+9& 1"99 CroiAet& 111& abbM& ('9 Crookes& !illiam& '66& 8+8& 9"8& 9+9& 9'"& 16$(& 16"$& 189+& 19$+ Crowe& Catherine& "61& +(1 Cruikshank& Keorge& 8+* Crumpe& K# 4#& +1$ Csanady& 4tephan& 81' Cullere& A#& 11"1 Cullerre& Ale0andre& 1"6$ Culpin& Cillais& 1'(9 Cumberland& 4tuart& 1199& 1'"(& 1'+* Curnow& !# %eslie& 189* Curran& 3earl& 1'18 #& Cadame& 116+ ailey& Abram 2oagland& 1"(1 algado& # K#& 1+'1& 1+8+& 19$* allas& 2elen Ale0andria& 1(61 allmer& ;skar& 11$+ alloA& A# %# N#& *8(& "16 al 3oAAo di Combello& ?nrico& ("*& 9*1 DAmico& 3#& 9$*& 1*81

dmmerung& Kottlieb& 88( ampierre& Antoine ?smonin& marJuis de& 69 arcy& Ciss& 1+$9 ardeps& 111& 6$( arieu0& e#& 1*8" arwin& Charles& 9$$ Daute-2ooper& T#& 1(9( avenport& /ra& 8+*& 8'+& 89$& 9"1& 188" avenport& =euben ,riggs& 1*$$ avenport& !illiam& 8+*& 8'+& 89$& 9"1& 188" avey& !illiam& '1$ avid& 3ierre& 11"* avies& Charles Caurice& 9'* avis& Abert ?#& 1'"' avis& Andrew Nackson& '6(& ''6& 9$9 eane& Crs#& 18'8 ebay& A#& 6'1 e ,rath& 4tanley& 18(6& 189" ebuire& 2#& (+1 Mcle& Charles& 11"$ e-er& N# ,# ?#& "9' e Kasparin& 111& 1+8( eher& ?ugen& 11$( elaage& 2enri& ++$& +96& (8(& '(" elandine& Antoine 8ran[ois& 1"$)1"1

elanne& Kabriel& 11$'& 1"61& 161+& 16+6& 1+$$& 1(*( e %aurence& %auron !illiam& 16(9 elboeu-& Noseph =emi %Mopold& 11"")11"6& 11(+& 1*$1& 1**8& 1*+9& 1*8(& 1"1" D?ldir& Alina& "6* eleuAe& Noseph 3hilippe 8ran[ois& *6"& *(1& *9*& *9+& "$1& "*$& "*(& ""$& ""(& "+8& "8'& "9"& 6$*& 6++& ++8& ($*& ($8& 1$89& 16*6& 1++6 e Cainauduc& Nohn ,enoit& *$8& **$ emarJuay& Nean Nicolas& 818 e Corgan& Augustus& 8+" e Corgan& 4ophia ?liAabeth& 8+" endy& !alter Cooper& 6"8 enis& %Mon& 1*8'& 1+"( enton& 111& 1(9( enton& ?liAabeth C# 8#& 8+6 enton& !illiam& 8+6 escartes& =enM& (* D?slon& Charles& 11)1*& 16& 1'& 19)*1& *"& "1& "+& +*& ++& +'& ('& '*& '6& '9& 8*& 86& 8(& 98& 1*9& 1"*& 1''& *$8& "6$& +$* espine& Antoine& 6*1 espine& 3rosper& 91$& 1$*( essoir& Ca0& 11((& 1*$*& 1**9& 1*6$& 1*($& 16'"& 1+'"& 1+86& 1'*6& 188+& 189+ evillers& Charles Noseph& +6& 1"" ewey& ellon Carcus& +9+ e !ycko--& Noseph& 19$6 e0ter& Keorge T#& ((6 ickerson& <# # #& 6'*

idier& Adolphe& '(6& 8"8 idier& Ale0is& +1*& +(*& '(6)'(+& 8$(& 89+& 1$*1 ippel& Noseph& 1$"8 i0on& Nacob& 8$"& 1(6( obler& 2err# +ee 4mith-,uck& Keorge ods& Nohn ,ovee& 6**& 6'"& +9(& ($'& '11& '18& 918 onato# +ee 2ont& Albert ?douard dD onavan& 111& 1*88 onley& Nohn& 1("' onnM& Al-red& "98 oppet& 8ran[ois AmMdMe& ++& 1"6 ouglas& Names 4#& 6+" oyle& Arthur Conan& 1'*+& 1'+"& 1'8"& 1'9'& 1819)18*$& 1861)186*& 188" rake& aniel& 696 rayton& 2# 4#& 1*"$ resser& 2oratio !illis& 1''$ riesch& 2ans Adol- ?duard& 1++"& 1+86& 1'1*& 1896 ubois& 8rMdMric& 61(& 6"( ubois& C# ?# 8#& "8"& "9* ubreuil-Chambardel& 111& 6$' uchatel& ?dmond& 1(6* ucie& 111& earl& +'* uckworth& N# 2erbert& 18*1 u Commun& Noseph& "6$& "8' u-au& Nulien& +(

u-ay& 111& 1*$" u--& ?dward Cacomb& 1+$1 uguid& avid& 1"(+& 1($6 uLardin& ?douard& 11"+ ulora de la 2aye& 111& 16$$ umas& Ale0andre& +(* umas& Keorges& 1+6$ unand& Tony& 819& 1$*' uncan& Keorge !#& +'6 unlap& 111& 1891 unraven& 111& earl o-& 9"* unraven& 111& %ord& 19$+ upau& Nean AmMdMe& "$"& "*8 u 3otet de 4ennevoy& Nules enis& "$*& ""6& "6(& "+9& "('& "'"& "99& 6*")6*6& +11& +18& +"6& (""& '89& 8"1& 8++& 1$89& 1+$6& 1++6 u 3rel& <arl %udwig August 8riedrich Ca0imillian Al-red& 1$8*& 11"(& 1*"1& 1*(1& 1*96& 1"(*& 16++)16+( upuy& Antonin& 8*$ urand de Kros& Noseph 3ierre 7pseud# A# N# 3# 3hilips9& '6$& 8*$)8*1& 911& 1"("& 1"8$ urant& Charles 8erson& "81& "8( ureau& Ale0is& 9** uroy de ,ruignac& Charles Noseph Albert& 8(9 urville& Kaston& 1(+$& 1((1 urville& 2ector& +18& 11"')11"8& 11('& 1*(*& 1"81)1"8"& 16"+& 1(*'& 1((1 urville& 2enri& 1(6$& 1(+$ u Eernet& ,#& '"*

?agle& K# ,arnard& ("6 ?bhardt& K# 8#& *8' ?ckhartshausen& <arl von& 19( ?dard& Kuillaume& 1$8"& 11$8 ?dmonds& Nohn !#& ((6& '11& 9+* ?duard& Kuillaume& 98' ?dwards& #& 188 ?eden& 8# van& 1*6'& 1"'* ?glinton& !illiam& 1$91& 11"9& 1"$$ ?hren-reund& ?dmund ;tto 7pseud# >bald Tartaruga9& 18**)18*" ?lie de la 3oterie& Nean Antoine& 1"+ ?lisabetta& 6+* ?lliotson& Nohn& "$*& ""9& "6(& "'*& "9(& "99& 6*6& 6(6& 6'6& 69$& +1*& +"+)+"(& 9$1& 1+1' ?llsworth& =obert K#& 1+$* ?mma& +'+ ?mmons& 4amuel ,ull-inch& 8$6 ?ncausse& KMrard& 1*98& 161( ?nnemoser& Noseph& *9"& "1(& 6+6& ("+ ?nsor& %aura& 1*(6 ]prMmesnil& Nean NacJues uval dD& "+& +')+8& 1$(& 1"(& 166 ?rmacora& Kiovanni ,attista& 1"16& 1"6*& 1"9$& 16"( ?rman& !ilhelm& 189+ ?rny& Al-red& 1"86 ?schenmayer& Carl Adolph von& *+8& *(9& "6"& "68& "(1 ?sculape& "$(

?sdaile& Names& +"(& +6(& ("()("'& 1+1' ?senbeck& Nees von& *+8 ?spMrance& Cadame dD# +ee 2ope& ?liAabeth ?spinouse& A#& 1$18 ?stelle& 6*1 ?sther& 11'8 ?vans& =ichard& 1+(9 ?veritt& Crs# Thomas& 981& 1($6 8abre& 3ierre 2onorM& '61 8ahnestock& !illiam ,aker& 9*" 8air-ield& 8rancis Kerry& 9'" 8aLnkind& 4tephanie& 1"6" 8alconer& !illiam& *16 8allois& 3aul de& 1(6* 8ancher& Cary N#& 1"(1 8ancher& Colly& 1"(1 8araday& Cichael& (+9& ((( 8areA& 3aul& 1699 8aria& NosM Custodio de& abbM& *96& '*(& 1*"9& 16*6& 1+1'& 1+'1& 1+8+& 19$* 8armer& Nohn 4tephen& 1$(+& 11"9 8auvelle le Kallois& Auguste& 8'$ 8avrye& Cme# de la& 1"'& 1(6 8echner& Kustav Theodor& "(8& (1(& '(9& 8"9& 988 8eilding& ?verard& 1(*8 8eilgenhauer& 111& 16"1

8ellner& 8# von& 1$*8 8enayrou& Kabrielle& 1*9( 8MrM& Charles 4amson& 11*8& 11(* 8erguson& Nesse ,abcock& 88" 8erret& N#& 1*89 8eytaud& >rbain& 1"66 8iard& Nean ,aptiste& **"& ""' 8ichte& /mmanuel 2ermann& 8$+& 1$$+ 8igaro& 66 8iguier& %ouis& 8**& 9"9& 11(8 8iliatre& Nean& 1++6& 1($8 8illassier& Al-red& "+" 8inAi& Kiorgio& 1"9$ 8ischer& oris& 1'$9 8ischer& ?ngelbert %orenA& 1$(( 8ischer& 8riedrich& *'8& 6$8 8ishbough& !illiam& '18 8itAgerald& N#& 1186 8lammarion& Camille& 86'& 89$& 1*+'& 16+'& 1+8(& 1''1& 186")1866 8leming& Alice <ipling :Crs# 2olland.& 1(61& 1(8' 8letcher& !illiam& 1"$$ 8lournoy& ThModore& 1*("& 16'$& 1+$"& 1+*'& 1((* 8lower& 4idney& 16$* 8ludd& 4ir =obert& 96& 11(& 16+& *$8 8oissac& 3ierre& "*1& "*9)""$& "+$& "++

8ontan& Nules& 11(9& 119$ 8ontenay& Kuillaume de& 16"' 8ontette 4ommery& 111& comte de& +9 8onvielle& !# de& 11'$ 8orbes& Nohn& +1* 8ord& A# ?#& 618 8orel& August& 1*"*& 1*6$ 8orthuny& 3ascal& 186+ 8ortia de 3iles& Alphonse& 1"8 8ortlage& 111& '(9 8ouet& 111& 1+$9 8oughet& 3ar& ($ 8ournel& Nean 8ran[ois& 1"9)161& 1+* 8ournier DAlbe& ?dmund ?dward& 1($9& 1'$6& 18*6 8ournier-Cichel& 111& 1( 8oveau de Courmelles& 8ran[ois Eictor& 1*(6)1*(+ 8o0& Nohn #& +9+ 8o0& <ate& "8'& +9+& '"9& ''6& 9(9& 99+& 11**& 1*$$& 1+$8# +ee also Nencken& Catherine 8o0 8o0& Cargaret& "8'& +9+& '"9& ''6& 9(9& 99+& 11**& 1*$$& 1+$8# +ee also <ane& Cargaret 8o0 8rancis& N# K#& ("8 8ranklin& ,enLamin& "1& 6$& (*& (+& 86& 1$1& 1$9& 1''& *$6& *1" 8ranklin& Crs# ,enLamin& "$ 8rapart& 111& 6$9 8reimark& 2ans& 1(9'& 1'98 8rPre& 111& "8*

8reud& 4igmund& 1'+& 91$& 116(& 1(6"& 1('8& 1'*'& 18'$ 8riedlander& 111& *'' 8risA& 111& ((' 8ronda& =#& 1*9$ 8rottM& ?m#& 86$ 8ugairon& %ouis 4ophrone& 1"(6 8ullerton& Keorge 4#& 118$ 8unk& /saac <#& 1+"'& 1+8' 8ustier& abbM& *++& *(+ Kalien& 111& "$( Kalilei& Kalileo& 1''& (1" Kall& 111& "1+ Kallert de ContLoie& Christophe 8Mli0 %ouis& (1)(* Karcin& 111& '6* Kardane& Noseph NacJues de& (" Kardy& %ouis& 1*(( Karrett& Nulia ?#& 1"1+ Kasc- es-osses& ?douard& 161' Kasparin& AgMnor ]tiene& comte de& '$*& '1* Kassner& 111& '& 96& 1$9& 11(& 9(' Kathy& August 8ran[ois 4ervais& ("9 Kauthier& Aubin& 6*+& 6++& 69+& 698& +$1& +1"& +"'& 1$89 Kauthier& %ouis 3hilibert Auguste& 69( KaAerra& %inda& 1(8$ Keley& Kustave 7pseud# r# Kyel9& 16"8& 16+8& 1(98& 1'+6& 1'8'& 18(")18(6

Kentil& Noseph Adolphe& ++1& +(*& (6$& ((8& '1"& '6" KMrard& Nules& '88& 8'*& 891)89*& 916 KMrard& 111& 6' KMrardin& 4Mbastien& (6 Kerrish& 8rederic 2#& 1("' Kessmann& Kustav !ilhelm& 11'1 Kibier& 3aul& 116$& 1*"" Kigot-4uard& NacJues %Mon& 8*" Kilbert& 111& 11+" Kilbert& 111& (+ Kilbert& Nean ?mmanuel& (( Killes de la Tourette& Keorge Albert ?douard ,rutus& *96& 11'*& 1*"6& 1*91 Kirardin& 111& (')(8 Kiraud-Teulon& C# A#& 818 Klanvill& Noseph& 181$ Klenconner& 3amela& 1'99 Klendinning& Andrew& 1"(+ Kley& ?#& 1161& 1186 Kmelin& ?berhard& 1(+& *'8& "61 Kod-rey& Nathaniel 4teadman& ((9)('$ KoerA& Celia %#& 1886 KoerA& ;rlando #& 1886 Koligher circle& 1'+1& 1'8'& 19$$ Koligher -amily& 18*6 Koligher& <athleen& 1'11& 189+

Koodhart& 4imon 3#& 1+6' Koodrich-8reer& Adela& 16+9)16($ Kordon& Names Adam& +9* Korgeret& 3# C# ?#& 6"9 Kougenot des Cousseau0& 2enri =oger& 8*6& 8+( Kould& Tracy& 1"9+ Koupy& 111& ('1 Kragnon& CMlestin& 8$( Krandvoinet& 111 7pseud# Tedinngarov& N# A#9& 6'+& 6'' Krashey& 111& 1"9" Krasset& Noseph& 1+19)1+*$& 1+"8& 1+'*& 1+88 Kraves& %ucien Chase& 1'$' Kray& Names Cartin& 1''* Kreatrakes& 111& 96& 11(& *86 Kreen& N# 2#& 1"1( Kreenhow& Thomas Cichael& +16 Kregory& 4amuel& "'*& 6'( Kregory& !illiam& +8"& (1'& '1$ Krellety& N# %ucien& 989 Krey& 3amela Kenevieve Adelaide :!yndham.& 1'99 Kridley& Nosiah A#& '16 Krimaldi& A#& 1*9$ Krimes& Names 4tanley& +1+& +6$& ($'& ''+& 9'6 Kromier& ?mile& +9' KrosLean& 111& '""& '+8

Krossmann& Nonas& 1*9* Krow& avid& 1'9" Kruber& <arl& 189' Krunewald& 8ritA von& 1''"& 18(" Kuibert& CarJuis de& 6*( Kuidi& 8rancesco& (18& '1+)'1(& '('& 8*+)8*(& 8*8& 861& 9$"& 9+"& 119"& 1*81 Kuigoud-3igale& 3ierre& (9 Kuillard& 111& ('* Kulat-!allenburg& !# von& 1'$"& 188+& 189( Kuldenstubbe& %ouis& baron de& ''( Kuppy& 4amuel& 8+' Kuppy& Crs# 4amuel& 981 Kurney& ?dmund& 1$86)1$8+& 11$9)111$& 116*)1166& 11'")11'6& 1*$6)1*$+& 1+*' Kuthrie& Calcolm& 1$('& 1$8(& 1111 Kuyomar& de la =oche errien& 88* Kuyon& Cadame& 1"(' KuAik& Nean& 18(6 Kyel& r# +ee Keley& Kustave 2# ,#& 1868 2addock& Noseph !#& "'*& +'+& '18 2aldat du %ys& Charles Nicolas Ale0andre de& 6*'& +1(& +"8& (19& (61 2all& Ca0ton& 16'1 2all& K# 4tanley& 1(+6 2all& K# T#& (1+ 2all& 4pencer Timothy& 68"& +1'& +**

2alphide& Alvan Cavala& 168* 2ammard& Charles 3ierre Kuillaume& "(9 2ammond& !illiam Ale0ander& 961& 99$ 2anna& Thomas Carson& 1+6' 2annapier& C# =#& "$6 2appich& Carl& 1868 2ardenberg& <uno& 1868 2ardinge& ?mma# +ee ,ritten& ?mma 2are& =obert& '66 2arlow& 4# =alph& 19$6 2arnack& ?rich& 1+++ 2arris& ean !illiam =ichard& 1'++ 2arris& Nohn !illiam& 1(1$& 1(8+ 2arrison& !illiam 2#& 9'+& 1$19 2arsu& NacJues de& ** 2art& ,ernard& 1(6" 2art& ?rnest& 1"6+ 2arte& =ichard& 16$1& 1+$6 2artmann& ?duard von& +""& 9*6& 1$*+& 1$8*& 111*)111"& 1*+"& 1*9" 2artshorn& Thomas C#& "*$ 2arvey& 111& (1" 2arvier& 8ather& 1'8 2au--e& 8riederike& "61 2aweis& 2# =#& 1"(+ 2aygarth& Nohn& *16

2aynes& ?dmund 4idney 3ollock& 1(8( 2ayward& Aaron 4# 7pseud# A Cagnetic 3hysician9& 961 2Mbert& 111& *6$)*61& *6+ 2Mbert de Karnay& %# C#& (6* 2Mbert& 2ippolyte Noseph& 86* 2eidenhain& =udol- 3eter 2einrich& 1$*9 2eineken& N#& *1+ 2ell& Ca0imillian& *)"& 8)9 2ellenbach von 3acAolay& %aAar& 1$$(& 1$*$& 1116 2elmont& 111 van& 96& 16+ 2Mlot& Charles& 16(1 2Mnin de Cuvillers& ?tienne 8Mli0& baron dD& *+9& *98& "$"& "$+)"$(& "$9 2ennig& =ichard& 1+'" 2enry& Eictor& 168"& 1+$" 2enslow& Keorge& 1'+(& 1''6 2eredia& C# C# de& 18*+ 2erholdt& Nohan aniel& *1$ 2Mricourt& N#& 116+& 1186 2ering& Charles ?#& ('" 2ermPs& 89$ 2erter& Christian& 11*' 2ervier& Charles& +(& '1& 88& 9+& *'+ 2euAM& 3aul =#& 18$$& 18*( 2ewlett& ?dgar& '1' 2ill& Charles 4#& 19$6

2ill& ?llida& 1"89 2ill& Nohn Arthur& 1(("& 1'*(& 1'"8)1'"9& 18(+ 2ippocrates& "$( 2irt& 111& 1"9" 2odgson& =ichard& 1$$*& 11'+& 1***& 1"1'& 1619& 16"9& 1+*' 2o--mann& =ath& 1(+ 2o--mann von 8allersleben& 111& (86 2o-rath Carus& 111& '(9 2ohenheim& Theophrastus ,ombastus von 7pseud# 3hilippus Aureolus 3aracelsus9& 96& 11(& 16+& 188 2olland& 2enry& 61$& +$+ 2olland& Crs# +ee 8leming& Alice <ipling 2ollander& ,ernard& 1(66 2olmes& Archibald Campbell& 1898 2olmes& 4herlock& 1'*+ 2olt& 2enry& 1(99 2ome& Ale0andrina& 8+8 2ome& aniel unglas& '9*& 81"& 8+8& 9"*& 9"+& 968& 9+9& 991& 99+& 1*$(& 1*66& 1*+*& 1*(8& 16*8& 16"$& 188"& 19$+ 2ome& Cadame aniel unglas& 1*$(& 1*66& 1*(8 2ont& Al-red ?douard dD& 1$+(& 11+$& 118*& 1*$'& 1*+9 2ope& ?liAabeth 7pseud# Cadame dD?spMrance9& 1"9+& 1618 2ope& !illiam& 18"8& 186+ 2opp& Ca0& 1'1" 2orne& 111 de& 1")16 2orst& Keorg Conrad& "66

2ortensia& 9$9 2oudini& 2arry# +ee !eiss& ?hrich 2oughton& Keorgiana& 1$6$& 1$+9 2ouston& 4am& +9( 2ovey& !illiam Al-red& 111+ 2owitt& !illiam& 8+9& 1$'6 2ubbell& Kabriel K#& 1686 2ubbell& !alter& 1*$8 2ude& Anna& 1(8' 2udson& Captain 111& (6" 2udson& Thomson Nay& 1"6(& 1"8+& 16'"& 1+*1& 1+"9 2ue& Charles& 89" 2uet& Cademoiselle& 86' 2u-eland& Christoph !ilhelm& *"+& *($& *(8 2u-eland& 8riedrich& *"6& *'8 2ugo& Eictor& 18++ 2ugueny& Charles& 1*(9 2uguet& 2ilarion& ''' 2ull& =# 8# C#& 1+$( 2usson& 2enri Carie& "$*& "*6& "+$& "+6& "'6& "8" 2utchinson& 2oratio Kordon& 168+ 2yslop& Names 2ervey& 168(& 1++(& 1+'6)1+'+& 1(11& 1(88& 1'$9& 1'6$& 1'+'& 18$9& 1899 /llig& Nohannes& 18*' /moda& ?nrico& 1('9 /nce& =ichard ,asil& 1''+

/nchbald& ?liAabeth 4impson& 1'9 /reland& !illiam !#& 111( /sis& "$( Nackson& N# !#& '1$ Nage& Kustav& 16(* Names& Constantin& 1*1$ Names& Nohn& 1$*1 Names& !illiam& 1$$*& 1***& 1*'$)1*'1& 1*'6& 166$& 16+$& 168'& 1+*'& 1+*9& 1($"& 18$9 Nanet& 3ierre Carie 8Mli0& 1'+& 91$& 9+6& 9''& 116()1168& 11+"& 11'(& 1186& 1*11& 1*"+& 1*'$& 1"18)1"19& 1"8(& 1661& 169(& 1+$$& 1+**& 1+6$& 1++9& 1+86& 1+89& 1+96& 1(*9& 1(6"& 1(68& 1'$(& 1'''& 186()186'& 18+*& 18'$& 1891 Nastrow& Noseph& 1688& 1++'& 1+96& 1'61 Naubert& ?rnest& 1"$8 Ne--erson& Thomas& *$+ Nencken& Catherine 8o0& 1*$$ # +ee also 8o0& <ate Nenkins& ?# Eaughan& 1"'( Nesus Christ& 6'"& ++'& '16& 8''& 919& 1+$1 Noan o- Arc& ''9 Noan& 4aint& 111( Nohnson& Alice& 1+*' Nohnson& Charles 3#& 69' Nohnson& 8ranklin& 11'' Noire& 3aul Cartial Noseph& 1"*$& 1"91& 1+86& 1(1*& 1("$& 188$ Noly& 2enri& 99( Nones& ?rnest& 1("' Nones& 2enry& +"9

Nourdain& ?leana 8rances& 1((' Nourgniac de 4t-CMdard& 8ran[ois de& 1"8 NoAwik& Albert& "($ Nudel& 111& '9& *"$& ""$ Nung& Carl Kustav& 116(& 1+$(& 1'$6& 1''8 Nung-4tilling& Nohann 2einrich& *"1)*"*& "6"& +69 Nussieu& Antoine %aurent de& '*& 1$1& 16+ <achler& Auguste& +*' <amp-muller& Charles& *1$ <ane& Cargaret 8o0& 1*$$ # +ee also 8o0& Cargaret <ant& /mmanuel& (1(& 1$8*& 1(($ <aplan& %eo& 1'*' <ardec& Allan# +ee =ivail& 2ippolyte %Mon MniAard <ayner& # 3#& 1$16 <emnitA& Cathilde von& 1'$$& 1'$" <ennedy& !illiam 4loane& 1("" <erlor& !# de& 1($+& 1'*1 <erner& Nustinus Andreas Christian& "1'& "61& "6"& "68& "+(& "(1& "'+)"'(& ('6& (86& '((& 1$'6& 11"(& 189( <eyserling& 2ermann& 1868 <ieser& ietrich Keorg& *+8& "1$& "+1 <iesewetter& Carl& 1*96& 1"6'& 1"68 <ilner& !alter Nohn& 1((6 <indborg& ?rich& 1''9 <ing& Nohn 4umpter& 1'8$ <ing& <atie& 16(+

<ing& !illiam& (*" <ingsbury& Keorge Chadwick& 1*9+ <ings-ord& 4# C#& 1'81 <ircher& Athanasius& 11(& ('6 <linckowstram& Kra- Carl von& 189( <linckowstram& <arl %udwig 8riedrich ;tto von& 1((+& 18*9 <linger& Nohann August& *'( <linkosch& Noseph Thaddaus& ' <luge& Carl Ale0ander 8erdinand& *"+ <luski& 8ranek& 1'$6& 18(6 <ore--& 111& "*$ <ornmann& 111& "(& 6'& *$1 <otik& Naum& 1(1" <ra--t-?bing& =ichard von& 1*1* <ramer& 3hillipp !alburg& 9($ <rause& ?rnst %udwig 7pseud# Carus 4tern9& 8($ <rauss& 8riedrich& (66& 9$6 <ron-eld& Arthur& 18(' <uhnholtA& 2enry Carcel& 6*8& 6'' <upi-er& <# =#& 18(9 %#& /# C#& 181$ %a ,reteniere& 111 de& 1+9 %adame& 3aul %ouis& 1$61& 1*+9 %a-arge& 111& +(8 %a-ayette& 111& *$+

%a-isse& 111& '* %a-ont-KouAi& Kabriel KrMgoire& 61* %a-ontaine& Charles& 6+$& ++*& '6+& 8$'& 8"*& 896& 1$89& 1+$6& 1++6 %a KreAie& ,ertrand de& '" %allart& C#& 8'" %ambert& =udol-& 18$1& 1869& 19$$ %ambroso& Cesare& 1*"8 %ancelin& Charles Carie ?ugPne& 1(89& 1'8* %andresse& C# de& '6 %aneri& /nnocenAo& 16+ %ang& Andrew& 1"((& 16*$& 166"& 1+*" %ang& !illiam& 6'8 %ang-eld& 2erbert 4idney& 1891 %angsdor--& Keorg von& 1*"( %apponi& Kiuseppe& 1+'( %a 4alAede& Charles de& ++" %assaigne& Auguste& (*$ %asAlo& %adislaus& 18'+& 189+ %augier& ?sprit Cichel& 16" %aurent& ?mile& 1*9( %aurent& %ouis 2enri Charles& 1"*1 %aurent& 3#& 661& 66"& +19& +(" %ausanne& A# de# +ee 4arraAin de Cont-errier& Ale0andre AndrM Eictor %avater& Nohann <asper& *86 %avoisier& Antoine %aurent& "$)"1

%aAare& ,ernard& 1"69 %ea-& !alter& 1*'6& 1"96 %e Cat& Nicolas Claude& 1+91 %ee& ?dwin& "'$& "86& 6'9& +'(& 89+ %eger& Theodore& +6$ %e Koarant de Tromelin& Kustave 3ierre Carie& 1("1 %ehmann& Al-red Keorg %udwig& 1*'*& 1666 %Mlut& %ouis 8ran[ois& (6+& '+"& 868 %e Noble& 111& abbM& *' %eonard& 111& "(* %eonard& Kladys ;sborne& 1'6+& 18"8 %MJuine& 8#& +99 %erou0& Auguste 7pseud# =ou0el9& 1"**& 1"8' %e =oy& 111& "$ %eroy& Nean ,aptiste& "1 %evade& %ouis& 18$ %ichtenberg& 111& *86 %iMbeault& Ambroise Auguste& 1'+& *96& 6+$& 8$$& 81*& 89(& 96'& 9+6& 1$(8& 1$8$& 11*+& 11+"& 1**8& 1*9'& 1699& 1+$6& 1+1' %iMgeois& Nules& 89(& 11*+& 1**8& 1*"'& 1699 %ilLencrants& Nohan& 1'6* %illbopp& C# 3# ?#& "11 %illie& Arthur& 1"(' %ioy& 3#& 91* %itta ,iumi =esta& Carlo Catteo& *$* %loyd& Crs# 3hilip& 18($

%o-%ooA& =obert de& 181 %odge& ;liver Noseph& 1*'6& 1+86& 1(16& 1("*& 1'$6& 1'16& 1'*9& 1'6")1'66& 18$9& 18(8 %odge& =aymond& 1'16 %oewen-eld& %#& 16'* %oisel& A#& +*$)+*1& +61 %oisson de Kuinaumont& Claude Carie %ouis& +6* %ombard& A#& *9+ %ombroso& Cesare& 1$6*& 1169& 1*"8& 1("")1("6 %ondon ialectical 4ociety& 96* %ondon Cesmeric /n-irmary& '19 %ong& 2#& 61" %ordat& NacJues& ""+ %oubert& Nean ,aptiste& 698& +6"& 8(' %oudun& 111& 8**& 98* %ouis& ?ugPne Eictor Carie& 166+ %outherbourg& Cr# and Crs# 111 de& 189 %ovy& Nules& (6(& 8*' %owen-eld& %eopold& 169$& 1+9$ %udwig& August 8riedrich& 18$*& 18"$ %unt& ?dward #& 1+*6 %uther& 111& 111( %utAelbourg& 111& comte de& 1($& 1('& 18*)18" %uys& Nules ,ernard& 11'8& 1*1"& 1*"9& 1*'"& 1*98& 16+6 %yman& #& 1$11 %yon& Nane& 968

Cabru& K#& '8(& '89 Cacario& Caurice Cartin Antonin& ''8 CcArthur& Angus 7pseud#9& 1'1+ CcCabe& Noseph& 1'8")1'86 CcComb& 4amuel& 1(1+ Cc ougall& !illiam& 1(((& 1891 Cackay& Charles& (6' CackenAie& !illiam& 18+$ CacNab& onald& 16$( CDNeile& 2ugh& 6+$& 6($& 681& +$" Cacnish& =obert& "6+& 1*16 Cac!alter& N# K#& '*$ Cacy& ,enLamin 8ranklin& (*1 Cadden& =ichard =obert& ''9 Caecker& ?ugen Nohannes& 1(9' Caeterlinck& Caurice& 1'*8& 18$9 Caggiorani& Carlo& 9*+& 1$**& 1$"$ Cagini& Kiuseppe& 11'9 Caginot& AdPle& (1$ A Cagnetic 3hysician# +ee 2ayward& Aaron 4# Cagnin& ?mile& 1++8 Cagnin& 3aul de& 1$8' Cahan& Asa& '6( Cahon& 3aul Augustin ;livier& '8)'9 Caine de ,iran& Carie 8ran[ois 3ierre Konthier de ,iran dit& "("

Cais& Charles& *69& *+6 Caitland& 4amuel =o--ey& +'8& '6' CaLewski& Adrien& 166' Calgras& N#& 1+'' Cann& K# A#& 1(6+ Carat& Nean 3aul& 8$& 19' Carcillet& N# ,#& ++1& +(* Cargery# +ee Crandon& Crs# Caricourt& =# de& 1$88 Carie Antoinette :Jueen o- 8rance.& 16'$ Carne& C# ### de la& ""' Carrin& 3aul& 1*"9 Carryat& 8lorence& 1"$$ Cartin& Al-red !ilhelm& 1'66& 19$6 Cartin& Nohn& 191 Cartineau& 2arriet& +**& +++& ($+ Cary Nane& 8+' Caskelyne& Nohn Nevil& 991& 1$$1& 1"$9 Cason& =u-us ;sgood& 16*1& 169* Cassey& Charles Charleton& 1$"6& 1$8*& 1$91& 111"& 118$ Casson& Alphonsine& '8$ Cattiesen& ?mil& 19$1 Cauduyt de Earenne& 3ierre Nean Claude& 1$1 Caury& %ouis 8erdinand Al-red& 86" Ca0well& 111& 8"& 11(

Ca0well& Noseph& 1+*+& 1+61& 1+86& 1(6* Ca0well& !illiam& 1"91 Cayo& 2erbert& "'*& +'9 Cead& =ichard& 1 Ceader& Nohn& 1(+8 Cegalis# +ee 4teininger& <aroline Ceigs& 111& *$9 Ceiners& Christoph& 186 Celtier& 111& 1(9 Celville& Nohn& 1(6( Cercier& Charles Arthur& 1'*9 CMric& Noseph ]lie& 1$6"& 1$66 Cesmer& 8ranA Anton& 1& ")19& *1)*"& *+)*(& *8)*9& "1& "+)"(& "8)"9& 61& 6"& 6()6'& 69) +$& +6& +()+8& (*& ((& '1)'"& '9& 81)9$& 9*& 96)9(& 98& 1$+& 1$9& 111)11*& 11()11'& 1*") 1*6& 1*()1*9& 1"6& 1"(& 166)16+& 1+8& 1''& 181& 19'& *$+& *$8& *11& *1(& **6& **8& *"8& *6"& *+$& *+*)*+"& *+(& *($& *(8& *'+& *96& *9(& *99& "$'& "1+& ""1& "6*& "99& 611& 6+$)6+1& 6++& 6'"& 6'8& 698& +$*& +*'& +"+& +6$& +69& ++8& +("& +(+)+((& +8"& +99)($$& (*9& ("")("6& ("9& (+'& (8+& '((& 8*'& 88+& 891& 9*"& 9('& 1$+1& 1$89& 119"& 1*"6& 1*'+& 1*91& 1""$& 1"68& 1"8'& 166+& 1+$6& 1+$8& 1+1'& 1++6& 1+91& 1("+& 1''+& 188$ Cesnet& ?rnest& 8*9& 9(1& 1181& 1"(8 CetAger& aniel& 1"(9& 169" Ceunier& 111& '89 Ceyer& Adolph 8#& 18"1 Ceyer& N# ,#& 1$(1 Ceyer& Th# N# A# K#& 616 Cialle& 4imon& ""1& "+8& 61+ Cichal& Eictor& '*" Cillet& 8#& '91

Cirville& Nules ?udes& marJuis de& ('(& '$*& '$6 Citchell& K# !#& 99* Citchell& Nohn <earsley& 8$8 Citchell& 4ilas !eir& 1*16 Citchell& Thomas !alker& 1'8+& 18$"& 18"*& 1891 Citchill& 4amuel %atham& *+6& *(* Coberly& Charlott Anne ?liAabeth& 1((' Cocet& 111& "6 Coilin& Tony& 9*( Coll& Albert& 6+$& 1*6$& 1"*"& 1+$'& 18(9& 189+ Congruel& %ouis 3ierre& +8$& ($$)($1& (**& '$( Congruel& Cadame& +8$& ($1& (**& 8$9 ConiA& ?gas& 19$* Contegre& Antoine 8ran[ois Nenin de& *"9& *(" Contius& ?#& 6(1 Coore& !# >sborne& 1((8 Corand& N# 4#& 1*61 CorMty& K#& 118* Corin& Aleide& '*6& '69& 8"$ Corin& AndrM 4aturnin& 8"1)8"* Corley& Charles& 66$ Corogues& 3ierre Carie 4Mbastien ,igot& baron de& '*+ Coroni& %#& 1188 Corisson& 111& *6*& *66 Corselli& ?nrico Agostino& 11+1& 1*6*& 16**& 1(1(& 1("6& 1'$"

Corton& !#& 1$$1 Coses& !illiam 4tainton 7pseud# C# A# ;0on9& 99'& 1$$8& 1$*"& 1$"1& 1$(9& 1*6"& 1"('& 18+( Cotet& Auguste& 1$6+ Couilleseau0& 111& de& 1'$ CouliniM& Charles& 89 Coutin& %ucien& 118"& 16$"& 1+91 Coutinho& An#& 1$89 CoAAoni& K#& '(8 Cuhammed& 111( Cuhl& Anita C#& 18"" Culetier& 111& 9$ Cullatera& Kiovanni Thommaso& 16+ Culler& Catherine ?lise& 16'$ CQller& =udol-& 16*" CQnsterberg& 2ugo& 1+96 Cyers& A# T#& 1*8$ Cyers& 8rederic !illiam 2enry& 1$'$& 1$9$& 111$& 1118& 1166& 116(& 11+*)11+"& 1186& 1*66& 1*'6& 1"$1& 1"1'& 1"*6)1"*+& 1"+$& 1"+1& 1"88& 16"9& 168'& 1+1+& 1+*'& 1++'& 1(61& 1((1& 1'$6& 18'$ Cyers& Kustavus& 1(6' N#& Cademoiselle& 1+*& 1(1)1(*& 1'* Nani& Kiacomo #& ($* Nasse& Christian 8riedrich& *+8& *91 Neal& ?# Eirgil& 16'" Nees von ?senbeck& Christian Kott-ried& *99& ('' Neilson& !illiam& '+$

Nettesheym& Agrippa von& 1*96 Neusser& 111& (86 Newbold& !illiam& 16'" Newman& Nohn ,#& +(6& '18 Newnham& !illiam& "6(& +*" Newton& /saac& (* Nicholls& 111& (9+ Nichols& Thomas %ow& 8'+& 88" Nielsen& ?nLa& 1'$6 NiAet& 2enri& 1"*( Noel& =oden& 1$91 Nogueira de 8aria& 111& 18$6 NoiAet& 111& 16*6 NoiAet& 8ran[ois Noseph& '*( NoiAet& Kal& 9++ Northridge& !illiam %ovell& 18'$ ;chorowicA& Nulian& 116(& 1186& 16*6& 1'8'& 18(" ;egger& E# K# ?#& "1+ ;esterreich& Traugott <onstantin& 1(68& 18$+)18$'& 18("& 18'1 ;lbers& r#& *** ;lcott& 2enry 4#& 1$(* ;livier& Noseph& +81 ;ppert& C#& *'' ;rdinaire& 111& 661 ;relut& 3ierre& 9*

;rioli& 8rancesco& 6+* ;rleans& 111& duke o-& 1" ;D=yan& 111& 9" ;siris& "$( ;ssowiecki& 4tephan& 18(6 ;sten& !illiam von& 1+9* ;sty& ?ugPne& 1+86& 1(91& 1'+8& 18+1 ;tto& ,ernhard& '+1 ;ttolenghi& 4alvatore& 1*"8& 16'6 ;wen& =obert ale& 8""& 96" ;0on& C# A# +ee Coses& !illiam 4tainton 3#& 4tanislava& 1'$6 3aillou0& eavier& 8(1 3alladino& ?usapia& 16$(& 16"'& 1+1(& 1+8(& 1($'& 1(1(& 1(*+& 1(*8& 1("$& 1(""& 1(6'& 1(+*& 1(86& 18$'& 18"(& 188"& 189+ 3anin& 111& "$' 3aracelsus& 3hilippus Aureolus# +ee 2ohenheim& Theophrastus ,ombastus von 3arish& ?dmund& 1"'$& 16*+ 3arker& Keorge C#& 1+1" 3arrot& N# 8#& *(6 3arson& 8rederick T#& 998 3asley& T# 2#& +(+ 3assavant& Nohann Carl& "$8 3atrick& Conrad Eincent& 1'9" 3attie& 8rank& 1& 8 3aul& Cedar& 1'6(& 1'''

3aul& ?den& 1'6(& 1''' 3aulet& Nean NacJues& 8& 16& **& 96)9(& 16' 3aA 4oldmn& Carlos& 16'' 3eano& C#& '+* 3earson& Nohn& 19* 3eaumerelle& C# N# de ,# de& 9' 3edro :king o- 3ortugal.& 1*1$ 3eebles& Names Cartin& 966 3Mlin& Kabriel& 886& 1*6+ 3ellegrino& K# 7pseud# %isimaco Eerati9& +*6& (99 3ennell& 2enry Cholmondeley& 1$91 3erdriau& 111& 89 3erkinean 4ociety& **6 3erkins& ,enLamin ouglas& *$6& *$'& *$9)*1$& *1*& *1')*18 3erkins& ?lisha& *$6)*$'& *$9)*1$& *1*& *16& *1'& **6& (6'& (+8 3erronnet& Claude& 1$9*& 11+6 3erty& Ca0imillian& 866& 8(*& 9*'& 999& 1$6( 3erusson& ?#& 66*)66" 3etetin& NacJues 2enri MsirM& 1+*& 1'1& **1& **+& "+"& +6$& 16*6 3Mtiau& 111& abbM& 98& 99 3eAAani& AndrM& '+" 3-a--& C# 2#& *'8 3-ungst& ;skar& 1+9*& 1'*8 3hilip& 111& *$& *"& *8& 1$$ 3hilips& A# N# 3# +ee urand de Kros& Noseph 3ierre

3hilpott& Anthony N#& 1'$8 3ictet& =aoul& 16$6 3iddington& Nohn Keorge& 1(1' 3iMrart& 5# N#& '9* 3iMron& 2enri& 1+16& 1+9" 3igeaire& Nules& 6$9& 61( 3igeaire& %eonide& "98& 6$9 3ike& =ichard& 16'+ 3ilati& 111& 1*81 3iper& %eonora& 11'+& 1*'$& 1*'6& 1"1'& 1619& 16"9& 168(& 1+11& 1++(& 1("*& 1(6'& 1(+6& 1(8'& 1(99& 1'$8& 1'1$& 18$'& 1811 3itres& Albert& *96& 1"$*& 1699 3lumer& !illiam 4#& 8"6 3odmore& 8rank& 1166& 1"'1& 16*(& 1+$8& 1+*'& 1+*8& 1(18& 1("+)1("(& 1(69 3oe& ?dgar Allan& "8+ 3oincarM& ?mile %Mon& 88+ 3oincarM& 2enri& 88+ 3oissonnier& 3ierre /saac& 1$1 3oli& Kiuseppe 4averio& *"( 3oret& ,Pnigne ?rnest& 9+( 3osse& ,aron Nils& 11(" 3ossin& Auguste& 688 3owell& Names 2enry& 8'( 3oyen 4aint 4auveur& Charles& "'6& "8()"8'& 6'*& 689 3rado& Cadame& 18$6 3ratt& Cary& 189

3ressavin& Nean ,aptist& 1$*)1$" 3retreau0& N# #& +8* 3revorst& 4eeress o-& "61& 11"( 3reyer& !ilhelm Thierry& 6+$& 81*& 1$$9& 1$6'& 11++& 1*'+& 1"89& 1"9" 3rice& 2arry& 1+86& 19$" 3rince& Corton& 1119& 169+& 1++9& 1+96& 1("'& 1'$1& 1'$9& 18'$& 1891 3rince& !alter 8ranklin& 1'$9& 1'1(& 18'*)18'" 3rony& Kaspard Clair 8ran[ois Carie =iche& 1$6 3uel& T#& 9(6 3utnam& Allen& '9"& 9(" 3utnam& Names N#& 1("' 3uysMgur& Antoine 2yacinte Anne de Chastenet& comte de& *6& 69 3uysMgur& Armand Carie NacJues de Chastenet& marJuis de& "9& 6'& 69& 1$+)1$(& 1*1& 1"9& 168& 1+*& 1+8& 1($& 1(9& 1'+& 1'8& 19"& *$1& *11& **8)**9& *"'& *"9)*61& *6"& *6+& *+1& *+6& *86& *96& "18& "*$& ""1& "8'& "99& 6+$)6+1& 6++& ++8& '89& 9+(& 1$89& 1186& 16*6& 1+$6& 1++6 3uysMgur& NacJues Ca0ime 3aul de Chastenet& comte de& 1$(& **8 3yne& Thomas& +$$ Tuackenbos& Nohn uncan& 16'(& 1(19 =abelais& 8ran[ois& 16* =ace& Eictor& 1$+& *+6& 1186 =adau& =udolphe& 9'( =adcly--e-2all& Ciss& 1'6+ =adet& N# ,#& "+ =a-n& 111& *1$ =ahn& Carl %#& 1+9* =ahn& Nohan 2einrich& 19$

=andall& ?dward Caleb& 18"6 =andall& 8rank 2#& 16*' =andall& Nohn 2erman& 18$9 =andolph& 3aschal ,everley& 91" =aue& Charles Kodlove& 1*6( =aupert& Nohn Kod-rey 8erdinand& 169'& 1+6*& 1'+9 =aymond& 8#& 1661& 1699& 1+** =ebell& 2ughes& 1+$9 =ebman& 8# N#& 1+$' =edgrove& 2erbert 4tanley& 181$ =eese& avid Ceredith& 6$$ =egnard& 3aul& 98*& 118+ =Mgnier& %ouis =aoul& 1"$" =eichel& !illy& 1"$6& 1"*' =eichenbach& <arl %udwig von& +"*& +8"& (68& (++& (+'& '11& '*'& '6$& '6(& '(9)''$& '8*& '96& 8+$& 898)899& 9$+& 989& 99"& 1"$+)1"$(& 1+++& 188$ =eid& 2iram Alvin& 1698 =emy& C#& 1((9 =enaud& Cali0te& 8$( =enterghem& Albert !illem van& 1*6'& 1"'*& 1+6" =Msie& comte de& ('9 =Msimont& Charles de& 686 =etA& Noel de =oche-ort& *+& 1$9 =eymond& 111& 1169 =eynier& Nean 8ran[ois& 18$ =eynolds& Cary& *(*& "6+& 8"6& 1*16

=hubarbini de 3urgandis& 111& 11* =iala& 111& "6 =ibot& ThModule Armand& 11*$& 1+96 =icard& Nean Noseph Adolphe& "''& "88& 61'& 666& 68()68'& 698& +$*& +(()+('& '++& 1$89 =ice& Nathan %ewis& +86 =ichardson& Cark !#& 19$6 =ichemont& ?ugPne 3anon esbassayans& comte de& (8$ =icher& 3aul Carie %ouis 3ierre& 1$68& 1699 =ichet& Charles =obert& 6+$& 9''& 1$"*& 1$'1& 1$9")1$96& 116(& 11+'& 1186& 1*1()1*1'& 1*8"& 1699& 1+*+& 1+($& 1+86& 1+9(& 1(68& 1(+*& 1((*& 1'$6& 18"(& 18+*& 18(" =ichmond& Almon ,enson& 1*18& 1*68 =ichmond& ,# !#& (+' =iddle& Crs# Nohn !allace& 1'"$ =ider& Nane C& "+' =ieger& Conrad& 1$9+ =iko& A# N#& 1+66 =iols& N# de# +ee 4antini de =iols& ?mmanuel NapolMon =ivail& 2ippolyte %Mon MniAard 7pseud# Allan <ardec9& '81& '9(& 81$& 86+& 86'& 8''& 88'& 91+& 1$1"& 1*1+& 16$'& 16+'& 1+8(& 1866 =ivers& !# 2# =#& 18'$ =oback& Abraham Aaron& 1891 =obbins& Anne Canning& 1811 =obert& 111& "19 =obert& ?# !#& '1* =obertson& Names& 1"(+ =obertson& =#& 1"'(

=obillard& N# ,# 3#& 888 =obinson& !illiam ?lsworth& 1668 =ochas dDAiglun& ?ugPne August Albert de& 899& 118'& 1"$(& 1"*8& 1"+*& 1"91& 16$(& 16*8& 16+6& 1+1$& 1('$& 188$ =odgers& !# 2#& +8+ =o--& Cary& 1$16 =oger& Cadame& 9$8 =ogers& ?dward Coit& (81& '*$ =ogers& %ouis !illiam& 1'1' =osacroce& ?lia& 1'$* =ose& Ciss& 1'9( =ose& !#& 1*'8 =osenbusch& 2ans& 189( =osenmQller& Nohann Keorg& 18+)18( =ossi& 3asJuale& 1+6+ =ossi-3agnoni& 8rancesco& 1188 =ostan& %ouis& "**& ""*& 88+& 1$89 =othe& Anna& 1+61 =othe& Keorg& 1(+1 =oubaud& Ale0andre 8Mli0& (8* =ouby& 111& 1+9( =ouget& 8erdinand& '9'& 9"" =oullier& Auguste& *'9 =ou0& 8#& +6'& 8("& 8'8 =ou0el# +ee %erou0& Auguste =overe& Nules de& '98

=oy& ?mile& 6"$ =oyce& Nosiah& 1*** =uspoli& 111& marJuise de& 1('9 =utot& AimM %ouis& 18+" =utter& Nohn ;bediah Newell& (*"& '*8 4#& 18($ 4#& Carie& 1'$6 4abatier- esarnauds& ,ernard& 6$1 4age& Cichel& 1+11& 1+6( 4aint- ominiJue& C#& countess de& 9(+ 4aint-Cartin& %ouis Claude de& 1+8 4alaville& Nean ,aptiste& 11$ 4allis& Nohann K#& 1189 4ally& 1++9 4amona& Carmelo& 1(+* 4amson& Keorge !hite-ield& 8"+& 9*9 4andby& Keorge& +$"& '"8 4antini de =iols& ?mmanuel NapolMon 7pseud# N# de =iols9& 1$""& 1$'* 4argent& ?pes& 9*9& 9'8& 1$11 4arraAin de Cont-errier& Ale0andre AndrM Eictor 7pseud# A# de %ausanne9& *89& *9(& 1$89 4aunders& Crs#& 18'* 4ausse& 2enri& 16$' 4auviac& Noseph Ale0andre ,etbeAM %arue de& 196 4avage& Cinot Nudson& 1"+"& 16("& 1+1* 4avile& ,ourchier !rey& 9(+

4avino& ?#& 1"9* 4chade& ;#& (86 4chaerer& Caurice& 18+" 4chauenburg& Carl 2ermann& (86 4cheible& N#& (*6 4chelling& 111& *+8& "'( 4chiller& 8erdinand Canning 4cott& 1+*9& 1+9'& 18'6 4chindler& 2einrich ,runo& '8* 4chieiden& 111& '(9 4chneider& !illy& 1'$6& 18'(& 189+ 4cho-eld& Al-red Taylor& 1669 4chopenhauer& Arthur& "'8& ($"& 1$8* 4chrenck-NotAing& Albert 3hilibert 8ranA von& 1*19& 1"$+& 1"*9& 1"'"& 1"9"& 16$8& 1(8$& 1'$$& 1'$")1'$6& 1'+$& 1'88& 18("& 18'+)18'( 4chrader& Christoph& 18'' 4chroeder& 2# =# 3aul& 1*'9& 16(6 4chwab& 8riedrich& 18+6 4chwarAschild& 2einrich& (8+ 4cobardi& 111& 61+ 4coresby& !#& +8( 4eca& 111& "6 4Mgard& Charles& 11(9& 119$ 4egouin& A#& '+( 4emiramide& 981 4eppilli& Kiuseppe& 1$69 4Mrapis& "$(

4MrM& K# %ouis de& '*9& '+' 4ergi& Kiuseppe& 11*1 4ervan& Noseph Cichel Antoine& 111)11*& 16' 4e0ton& Keorge& 9+' 4e0tus& Carl& 1"+6& 16'" 4eybert& Adam& 1191 4eybert Commission& 1191 4eybert& 2enry& 118$& 1191& 1*18& 1*68 4harp& 111& 6(( 4herwood& 2enry 2all& 66+ 4ibly& ?beneAer& *$" 4idgwick& Arthur& 1+(* 4idgwick& ?leanor Cildred ,al-our& 1+(*& 1'1$& 18(" 4idgwick& 2enry& 1"'6& 1"96 4idis& ,oris& 16+$& 1+1"& 1+6'& 1("'& 1'$+)1'$(& 18'$ 4ierke& ?ugen& 9(' 4ilas& 8erdinand& (8( 4imon& Claude Kabriel& "(6 4imon& Kustave Carie 4tMphane Charles& 18++ 4imonin& AmMdMe 2#& 1*69 4imony& ;skar& 1$9( 4imrock& <#& (86 4innett& Al-red 3ercy& 1""$ 4itwell& 8#& (69)(+$& (8' 4lade& 2enry& 98(& 99'& 1$$1& 1$$(& 1$1+& 1$"6& 1$(1& 1$'"& 118$& 1191& 16$(& 188"& 189+

4mall& 111& 6(( 4mith& Kibson& +*+ 4mith& 2MlPne& 16'$& 1+$"& 1+'"& 18$' 4mith& 2ester Travers& 1'($ 4mith& Crs# Travers& 18($ 4mith& =# 3ercy& 1*8$ 4mith& !# !hately# +ee Carrington& !alter !hately 4mith-,uck& Keorge 7pseud# 2err obler9& 9"$ 4now& 2erman& (88 4ociMtM de lDharmonie de Kuienne& 1+1 4ociMtM ?0MgMtiJue R 3hilantropiJue& 4tockholm& 18( 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& 1$($& 1"'6 4ollier& 3aul Auguste& 1+"$ 4oloviev& Esevolod 4ergyeevich& 1"96 4ommer& 111& 1169 4ouriau& 3aul& 1"++ 4ousselier de la Tour& comte& 11" 4outhey& 111& 1'"1 4picer& 2enry& (89)(9$& 8(6 4taite& ;#& +$6 4taudenmaier& %udwig& 1(81 4tead& ?stelle !ilson& 1(+"& 18'8 4tead& !illiam Thomas& 1"$'& 1""1& 1(+" 4tearns& 4amuel& 198 4te-anoni& %uigi& 1*81

4teininger& <aroline 7FCegalisG9& 18**)18*" 4tephen :king o- ?ngland.& 18($ 4tern& Carus# +ee <rause& ?rnst %udwig 4tevens& ?# !inchester& 1$16 4tieglitA& Nohann& *+*& *($& *(8 4toll& ;tto& 1"'+ 4tone& K# !#& ($6 4tone& !illiam %eete& "81& "8(& "89 4trombeck& 8riedrich <arl von& *6( 4udre& =enM& 18'9 4ue& K# A# T#& ""8 4ully& Names& 1$+$ 4underland& %a=oy& 6+'& 6'*& 689& +*(& +6$& (91)(9*& 91(& 918& 9*" 4uremain de Cissery& Antoine& *(+ 4wedenborg& ?manuel& 18(& *"1& 618& +69& ++9& (1(& ((6& '6(& 111(& 1"(' 4winden& 2an 2endrik van& 116 4ymon& ,rother& 18($ 4Aapary& 8erencA Kro-& 6"1& +*')+*8& (9"& '"$)'"1 Tabor& 2einrich& 19$ Tallmadge& Nathaniel 3#& ((6 Tanchou& 111& +68 Tanner& Amy ?liAa& 1(+6 TanAi& ?#& 1*6* Tarchano--& Nean de& 1"$8 Tardy de Contravel& A# A#& 1+*& 1(1)1(*& 1'1)1'"& "1"& "+"

Tarkhanov& /van =omanovich& 1"$8 Tartaruga& >bald# +ee ?hren-reund& ?dmund ;tto Tascher& 3aul& '""& '+8 Taylor& ?# !#& 1("'& 1891 Taylor& N# Traill& 1"(+ Taylor& %emesurier& 16+9 Tedinngarov& N# A# +ee Krandvoinet& 111 Teed& Crs#& 1*$8)1*$9 Tennent& =ev# r#& *+6 Teresa& 4aint& ''9 TerAaghi& Kiuseppe& ((*& (9')(99 Teste& Alphonse& 6"*& 66'& +*9& +(8 Thackeray& !illiam& 81" Themola& 111& "6 Theobald& Corell& 119* Thoma& %eopold& 18*" Thomas& Charles rayton& 18"' Thomas dD;nglMe& 8ran[ois %ouis& 1+" Thomas& Northcote !hitridge& 1+(")1+(6 Thouret& Cichel Augustin& *()*'& 6*& '(& 8"& 11(& 1*+& 1"*& 1+6)1++ Thouvenel& 3ierre& 18& 11' Thury& Carc& '+9& 1+8( Ti--any& Noel& ''* Timmler& Nulius ?duardus& 9+8& 1*"( Tinterow& Caurice& 1$(& 6+$

Tischner& =udol- ?#& *+$& 1'89& 181*& 181"& 188$)1881& 19$+ Tissart de =ouvres& NacJues %ouis Noel& marJuis de& 118 Tissot& Claude Noseph& 91' Tissot& 2onorM& 66( TiAAani& EincenAo& 6(" Tode& 111& *1$ TomcAyk& 4tanislawa& 1'8'& 189+ Tommasi& C#& (*+ Tonna& Charlotte ?liAabeth :,rowne.& +++ Topham& !illiam& 6(6& 6'6 Tournier& Anna Carie Ealentin& 16'8 Touroude& A#& 1*+$ Townshend& Chauncy 2are& "'*& 6""& (1'& '"6& '"8 Trethewy& A# !#& 18+( Trismegiste& Nohannes 7pseud#9& '($ Troland& %eonard Thompson& 1'"$ Troubridge& >na& 1'6+ Truesdell& Nohn !#& 1$'" Tru-y& Charles& 16*9 Tuckett& /vor %loyd& 1('1 Tuckey& Charles %loyd& 1*+1 Tuke& aniel 2ack& 969& 1$98 Turchetti& ;#& 668 Tuttle& 2udson& 966)96+& 1$16 Tweedale& Charles %akeman& 1("8

Tweedale& Eiolet Chambers& 1'9$ Tweedie& A# C& '86 >lrich& A#& 1'6 >lrici& 2ermann& 1$*6 >nderhill& %eah& 11** >nderhill& 4amuel& "9$& 918 >ngher& ?-isio& 1*'( >nAer& A# C#& + >nAer& Nohann Christoph& +)( >steri& 3aulus& 18' Ealleton de ,oissiPre& 111& 1++ Eallombroso& 111& 119" Earley& C# 8#& 16"$& 19$+ Earnier& Charles %ouis& 16$ Easchide& Nicholas& 1+16& 1(*$ Easseur-%ombard& 111& 811 Eaughan& Nohn& *$' Eay& Adelina :!urnbrand-4tuppach.& 9(8& 1$$$ Eelpeau& 111& 818 EMlye& 111& abbM de& **'& *6' Eennum& Cary %urancy& 1$16 Eentura de =aulica& 111& 8*6 Eerati& %isimaco# +ee 3ellegrino& K# Eernet& Nules& *(( Eerrall& Cargaret de Caudrion Cerri-ield :Crs# A# !#.& 1+'8& 1(61& 1(6'& 1(8'

Eerworn& Ca0& 16+1 Eesme& Cesare ,audi di& 1*8"& 1"9$& 161$ Eett& Carl& 18*8 Eial& %ouis Charles ?mile& 1+(+ EicJ-dDAAyr& 111& 8"& 8+ Eillari& %uigi Antonio& 16'9 Eillenave& Cathieu Kuillaume ThMrPse de& "6* Eillers& Charles de& +6& 1'+ Eilliot& Nean de& 1+$9 Eincent& =alph 2arry& 1"+( Eiollet& Carcel& 1(*1 Eirchow& 2ans& 1$9+ Eires& 111& *96 Eirey& Nulien Noseph& *9$& *9* Eogel& !#& 1$(1 Eoisin& A#& 1$99 Eolckman& Crs# Kuppy& 1"$$ Eolhart& Caria& 18+6 Eollmer& Carl Kott-ried !ilhelm 7pseud# !# 8# A# 5immermann9& '$$& 8+1 Eoltaire& 111 Eoltelen& 8loris Nacobus& 199 !agener& 4amuel Christoph& *19 !agner& A#& +"$ !aite& A# !#& 6+$ !aite& Arthur& 16+"

!allace& Al-red =ussel& 9$$& 9(9& 9'9& 1+(( !allace& Crs# Chandos %eigh :2unt.& 11*" !arcollier& =enM& 1816 !ard& !# 4Juire& 6(6& 6'6 !ashington& Keorge& *$+ !asielewski& !aldemar von& 181+ !aterman& Keorge A#& 1("' !atson& Cr#& 1((" !atson& 4amuel& 9+$& 9'$ !atts& Anna Cary :2owitt.& 1$'6 !atts& Nelle C#& 1886 !eatherly& %ionel Ale0ander& 1"$9 !ebb& Arthur %#& 16(( !eber& Noseph& *('& *8$ !eber& !#& 1$1+ !ebster& aniel& +9( !eir& 4#& 8$8 !eiss& ?hrich 7pseud# 2arry 2oudini9& 188*)188" !eldon& Keorgina& 1$$1 !ells& avid !ashburn& 1+98 !elton& Thomas& 11$$ !endel-!urtA& abbM& *81 !erner& 2einrich& 618 !esermann& 2# C#& "1* !esley& Nohn& 1'"1

!esley& 4amuel& 1'"1 !etterstrand& ;tto Keorg& 1**$ !hite& !illiam A#& 1+1" !ickland& Carl August& 1886 !idemann& Kustav& '"( !ienholt& Arnold& 1(8& 1'(& ***& **( !igan& Arthur %adbroke& +$+ !ilkinson& Cr#& 18(+ !ilkinson& !# C#& '99 !illiams& C#& 1(++ !illiams& Tom A#& 1("' !ilson& Names Eictor& ++( !ilson& Nohn& 619 !inchester& bishop o-& "6( !inter& Keorge& **$ !irth& 8riedrich CoritA& 1$(1 !irth& Nohann >lrich& "'9 !ittig& Kregor Constantin& 1*+" !ol-art& <arl Christian& *""& *+$& *+( !ollny& 8#& 1**1 !ood& Ale0ander& (*( !oodhead& N# ?#& 111' !oodward& 111& *$9 !ooldridge& %# C& 1$*9 !orcester& ?lwood& 1(1+

!orth& 3atience& 1'18 !right& udley& 1'"1 !right& Keorge ?#& 1'91& 181( !undt& !ilhelm Ca0imillian& 1$*6& 1""* !urm& !ilhelm& '8+ !QrtA& Keorg Christophe& 1'' !yld& Keorge& 1$91 !yndham& 3ercy& 1$91 e& 8Mlida& 11+9& 1"11 @erkes& =obert& 16'" @ost& Casper 4alathiel& 1'18 @oung& N# 8#& 1"'( @ounger& #& 1196 @ung& ?mile& 1$'+& 1*(( 5anardelli& #& 11+8& 1*81 5er--i& Keorge Kustavus& 96( 5immermann& !# 8# A# +ee Eollmer& Carl Kott-ried !ilhelm 5allner& Nohann Carl 8riedrich& 1$1+& 1$"6& 1$(1& 118$& 1191& 189+ 5schokke& 111& 9$9 5uccoli& Ant#& 8"( 5urbonsen& 8riedrich& 1+99

/itle -nde5
This inde0 lists the titles o- all publications that appear in the ,ibliography# Citations are links to entry numbers in the main te0t#

Aberglaube und 5auberei von den dltesten 5eiten an bis in die Kegenwart& 1666 AbrMgM de la pratiJue du magnMtisme animal au0 di0-huitiPme et di0 neuviPme siPcles& ou Tableau alphabMtiJue des principales cures opMrMes depuis Cesmer LusJuD X nos Lours& "$' AccPs de somnambulisme spontanM et provoJuM# 3rMvention dDoutrage public X la pudeurI condamnationI irresponsabilitMI appel& in-ormation et acJuittement& 1$6+ Account o- a Case o- 4uccess-ul Amputation o- the Thigh& uring the Cesmeric 4tate& !ithout the <nowledge o- the 3atientH =ead to the =oyal Cedical and Chirurgical 4ociety o%ondon& on Tuesday& the **nd o- November& 186*& 6(6 An Account o- Nane C# =ider& the 4pring-ield 4omnambulistH the 4ubstance o- which was elivered as a %ecture ,e-ore the 4pring-ield %yceum& Nan# **& 18"6& "+' An account o- some e0periments in thought-trans-erence& 1$8( %es actes inconscients et la mMmoire pendant le somnambulisme& 116(& 1*11 %es actes inconscients et le dMdoublement de la personnalitM pendant le somnambulisme provoJuM& 116( An Adventure& 1((' Adventurings in the 3sychical& 1(96 %Da--aire des magnMtiseurs de ,raine-le-Chateau# ?0amen critiJue du la rapport des mMdecins e0perts& 1*8( A-ter eathI or isembodied Can# etc#& 91" A-ter eath1!hatW 4piritistic 3henomena and Their /nterpretation& 1("" AgassiA and 4piritualismH /nvolving the /nvestigation o- 2arvard College 3ro-essors in 18+'& 9(" Alcuni saggi di medianitX ipnotica& 1188 The Alleged 2aunting o- ,111 2ouse& /ncluding a Nournal <ept uring the Tenancy oColonel %emesurier Taylor& 16+9 Allgemeine ?rlduterungen Qber den Cagnetismus und den 4omnambulismus# Als vorldu-ige ?inleitung in das Natursystem# Aus dem Askldpieion abgedruckt& *"8& *+$ %es altMrations de la personnalitM& 1"11 Alterations o- 3ersonality& 1"11 %Dfme est immortelle& 16+6

%Dfme humaine& Mtudes e0pMrimentales de psycho-physiologie& par un spiritualiste# 4ubstance de lDfme& -ormes& biologie organiJue& dissection& anatomie& MlMments matMriels& physiologie& propriMtMs physiJues et chimiJues& 1'8* %Dfme humaine& ses mouvements& ses lumiPres et lDiconographie de lDinvisible -luidiJue& 1"9( American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# Nournal& 1++(& 1+8$& 1($1 American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# 3roceedings& 1***& 1+81)1+8*& 1'$9& 18'*)18'"& 1899 American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch :;ld. 3roceedings& 1*** %Dami de la nature& ou CaniPre de traiter les maladies par le prMtendu magnMtisme animal& 11" AmnMsie pMriodiJue ou dMdoublement de la vie& 98$ Analyse apologMtiJue et critiJue de la brochure du docteur N# A# Tedinngarov& intitulMeH ?sJuisse dDune thMorie des phMnomPnes magnMtiJues& 6'' Analyse du magnMtisme de lDhommeI maniPre de lDadministrer comme guMrison naturelleI des e--ets et des phMnomPnes Jue en rMsultent& "96 Analyse raisonMe de lDouvrage intitulMH %e magnMtisme MclairM& ou /ntroduction au0 Archives du magnMtisme animal& "$" Analyse raisonMe des rapports des commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal& 6$ Analytical =eport o- a 4eries o- ?0periments in Cesmeric 4omniloJuism& 3er-ormed by an Association o- KentlemenH with 4peculations on the 3roduction o- /ts 3henomena& 696 %DanesthMsie systMmatisMe et la dissociation des phMnomPnes psychologiJues& 116( %es anglaises cheA elles# %e magnMtisme du 8ouet& ou les indiscrMtions de Ciss arcy& traduit de lDanglais par Nean de Eilliot& 1+$9 Anhung von einigen ,rie-en und Nachrichten& + Animal ?lectricity and Cagnetism& Rc# emonstrated a-ter the %aws o- NatureI with New /deas upon Catter and Cotion& 1*1 Animali e mani-estaAioni metapsichiche& 186$ er animalische Cagnetismus und die e0perimentirende Naturwissenscha-t& (+* Animalischer Cagnetismus und Cagie& "'8 Animalischer Cagnetismus und moderner =ationalismusH eine kultur-historische ,etrachtung& 1$*8

Animal Cagnetism& 11(* Animal Cagnetism# A ,allad& with ?0planatory Notes and ;bservationsH Containing 4everal Curious Anecdotes o- Animal Cagnetisers& Ancient as well as Codern& 19+ Animal CagnetismH A 8arce& in Three Acts& as 3er-ormed at the Theatre =oyal& CoventKarden& 1'9 Animal Cagnetism# 2istory o- its ;rigin& 3rogress and 3resent 4tateI its 3rinciples and 4ecrets isplayed& as elivered by the %ate r emainauduc# To which is Added& issertations on the ropsyI 4pasmsI ?pileptic 8its # # # with >pwards o- ;ne 2undred Cures and Cases# Also Advice to Those who Eisit the 4ick # # # a e-inition o- 4ympathyI AntipathyI The ?--ects o- the /magination on 3regnant !omenI NatureI 2istoryI and on the =esurrection o- the ,ody& **$ Animal magnetism& or CesmerismI ,eing a ,rie- Account o- the Canner o- 3racticing Animal CagnetismI the 3henomena o- the 4tateI /ts Applications in isease& and the 3recautions to be ;bserved in ?mploying /t& Cade so 3lain that Anyone may 3ractice it& ?0periment upon it and Test /ts ?--ects -or 2imsel-& 6+" Animal CagnetismI or 3sychodunamy& +6$ Animal magnetismH 3ast 8ictions13resent 4cience& "8$ Animal Cagnetism and 2omeopathyI ,eing the Appendi0 to ;bservations on the 3rincipal Cedical /nstitutions and 3ractice o- 8rance& /taly& and Kermany& "'$ Animal Cagnetism and Cagnetic %ucid 4omnambulism# !ith ;bservations and /llustrative /nstances o- Analogous 3henomena ;ccurring 4pontaneouslyI and an Appendi0 oCorroborative and Correlative ;bservations and 8acts& 89+ Animal Cagnetism and 4omnambulism& '(6 Animal Cagnetism and the Associated 3henomena& 4omnambulism& Clairvoyance& etc#& +'( Animal Cagnetism ?0aminedH in a %etter to a Country Kentleman& 191 Animal Cagnetism :Cesmerism. and Arti-icial 4omnambulismH ,eing a Complete and 3ractical Treatise on that 4cience and /ts Application to Cedical 3urposes# 8ollowed by ;bservations on the A--inity ?0isting ,etween Cagnetism and 4piritualism Ancient and Codern& 9(( Animal Cagnetism =epudiated as 4orceryI1Not # # # 4cience # # # !ith an Appendi0 on Cagnetic 3henomena by !illiam 2# ,eecher& # #& +"9 The Animal CagnetiAerH or& 2istory& 3henomena and Curative ?--ects o- Animal CagnetismI with /nstructions -or Conducting the Cagnetic ;peration& 6"6 Animisme et spiritisme& 1*+"

Animismus und 4piritismus# Eersuch einer kritischen pru-ung der mediumistischen 3hdnomene mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung der 2ypothesen der 2allucination und des >nbewussten# Als ?ntgegnung au- r ?d# v# 2artmannDs !erkH F er 4piritismus&G 1*+"& 1*9" Anleitung Aur mesmerischen 3ra0is& ("+ Annales de la sociMtM harmoniJue des amis rMunis de 4trasbourg& ou Cures ou des membres de cette sociMtM ont opMrMes par le magnMtisme animal& 1+( Annales de psychiatrie et dDhypnologie& 1$"9& 1*8* Annales des sciences psychiJues# =ecueil dDobservations et dDe0pMriences paraissant tous les deu0 mois :et mensuellement consacrM au0 recherches e0pMrimentales et critiJues sur les phMnomPnes de tMlMpathie& luciditM& prMmonition& mMdiumnitM& etc#.& 1*8"& 1"'8& 1+68& 1+($& 1'8(& 18"( Annales du magnMtisme animal& *68& *89& *9()*98& "$9& "6$ Annales mMdico-psychologiJues& 98$ Annals o- Animal Cagnetism& "9$& 918 Annals o- 3sychic 4cience& 1*8"& 1+68 AnnMe psychologiJue& 16"6& 1+9" %DantimagnMtisme& ou ;rigine& progrPs dMcadence& renouvellement et rM-utation du magnMtisme animal& 8& **& 96 %DantimagnMtisme animal& ou Collection de mMmoires& dissertations thMologiJues& physicomMdicales& des plus savants thMologiens et mMdecins sur le magnMtisme& la magie& les pratiJues superstitieuses& etc# # # # ;uvrage utile et nMcessaire spMcialment au0 ecclMsiasiJues et au0 mMdecins& 66( %DantimagnMtisme martiniste ou barbMrinisteI observations trouvMes manuscrites su la marge dDun brochure intitulMeH =M-le0ions impartielles sur le magnMtisme animal& -aites aprPs la publication du =apport des commissaires& Rc#& 1"" Aper[u de JuelJues e0pMriences magnMtiJues -aites X Nimes& 6$( Aper[u sur le magnMtisme animal ou rMsultats des observations -aites X %yon sur ce nouvel agent& (( Aphorismen Qber 4ensitivitat und ;d& 898 Aphorismes de C# Cesmer& dictMs X lDassemblMe de ses MlPves& R dans lesJuels ou trouve ses principes& sa thMorie R les moyens de magnMtiserI le tout -orant un corps de doctrine& dMveloppM en trois cents Juarant-Juatre paragraphes& pour -aciliter lDapplication des commentaires au magnMtisme animal# ;uvrage mis au Lour par C# C# de E#& 1*9& +$*

Apologie de C# CesmerI ou& =Mponse X la brochure intitulMeH CMmoire pour servir X lDhistoire de la Longlerie dans leJuel on dMmontre les phMnomPnes du mesmerisme& 81 Apologie der Theorie der Keisterkunde& *"* ApparitionsH a Narrative o- 8acts& 9(+ Apparitions and Thought-Trans-erence H An ?0amination o- the ?vidence -or Telepathy& 1"'1& 1("( %es apparitions matMrialisMes des vivants R des morts& 1(*( Appel au public sur le magnMtisme animal& ou 3roLet dDun Lournal pour le seul avantage du public& et dont il serait le coopMrateur& 1'$ Appel au0 savans observateurs du di0-neuviPme siPcle& de la dMcision protMe par leurs prMdMcesseurs contre le magnMtisme animal& et -in du traitement du Leune 2Mbert& *61& *6+ Appel de lD>nion protectrice X tous les partisans et amis du magnMtisme# 3rotestation en -aveur de la libre mani-estation des croyances et de la libre application de la science de Cesmer# =apport collecti- et o--iciel de la commission pour servir X la dM-ense du somnambulisme& ($$ Application du somnambulisme magnMtiJue au diagnostic et au traitement des maladies& '*9 Application du somnambulisme magnMtiJue au diagnostic et au traitement des maladies& sa nature& ses di--Mrences avec le sommeil et les rOves& '+' AprPs la mort# ?0posM de la philosophie des esprits& ses bases scienti-iJues et e0pMrimentales& ses consMJuences morales& 1*8' A propos de la mMtapsychiJue& 186( A propos dD?usapia 3aladino# %es sMances de Cont-ort-%DAmaury :*+-*8 Nuillet 189'.# Compte rendu& photographies& tMmoignages et commentaires& 16"' A propos dDune observation de sommeil provoJuM X distance& 1161 Arcana o- 4piritualismH a Canual o- 4piritual 4cience and 3hilosophy& 96+ Archives de la sociMtM magnMtiJue de Cambrai& +$' Archives de neurologie& 1**" Archives de psychologie de la 4uisse =omande& 1*("& 1+$" Archives du magnMtisme animal& *68& *+9& *9')*98& "$(& "$9 Archives gMnMrales de mMdecine& 81*

Archiv -Qr den thierischen Cagnetismus& *+8& *(9& "$$& "*"& "6" Archiv -Qr Cagnetismus und 4omnambulismus& 1+' Argus& (6' ArrOt de la cour suprOme touchant le magnMtisme animal& 68( %Dart de -ormer les somnambules& traitM pratiJue de somnambulisme magnMtiJue& X lDusage des gens du monde et des mMdecins Jui veulent apprendre X magnMtiser& +"1 %Dart de magnMtiser ou le magnMtisme animal considMrM sous le point de vue thMoriJue& pratiJue et thMrapeutiJue& ++* %Dart de se magnMtiser ou de se guMrir mutuellement& '88 %Dart et lDhypnose# /nterprMtation plastiJue dDoeuvres littMraires et musicales& 1++8 Arti-icial 4omnambulism& 2itherto called CesmerismI or& Animal CagnetismI Containing a ,rie- 2istorical 4urvey o- CesmerDs ;perations& and the ?0amination o- the 4ame by the 8rench Commissioners# 3hreno-somnambulismI or& the ?0position o- 3hreno-magnetism and Neurology# A New Eiew and ivision o- the 3hrenological ;rgans into 8unctions& with escriptions o- Their Nature and Tualities& etc#& in the 4enses and 8aculties # # # & 9*" Art CagicH or& Cundane& 4ub-mundane and 4uper-mundane 4piritism# A Treatise in Three 3arts& and Twenty-three 4ectionsH escriptive o- Art Cagic& 4piritism& the i--erent ;rders o4pirits in the >niverse <nown to be =elated to& or in Communication with CanI Together with irections -or /nvoking& Controlling& and ischarging spirits and the >ses and Abuses& angers and 3ossibilities o- Cagical Art # # # ?dited by ?mma 2ardinge& 98" Asklepieion Allgemeines medicinish-chirurgisches !ochenblatt& *""& *"8 Astounding 8acts -rom the 4pirit !orld& !itnessed at the 2ouse o- N# A# Kridley& 4outhampton& Cass#& by a Circle o- 8riends& ?mbracing the ?0tremes o- Kood and ?vil# The Kreat octrines o- the ,ible such as the =esurrection& ay o- Nudgment& ChristDs 4econd Coming& e-ended& and 3hilosophically and ,eauti-ully >n-olded by the 4pirits # # # & '16 The Athenaeum& ((( Atomic-Consciousness# An ?0planation o- Khosts& 4piritualism& !itchcra-t& ;ccult 3henomena& and All 4upernormal Cani-estations& 1"1$ An attempt to ?0plain 4ome o- the !onders and Cysteries o- Cesmerism& ,iology& and Clairvoyance& (6" AttestaAioni di illustri scienAiati ed uomini sommi in -avore dellDesistenAa del magnetismo animale e della sua e--icacia& (9' AttivitX subconsciente e spiritismo& 1"6*

AusAug und AnAeig der 4chri-t des 2ernn %eibmedikus 4tieglitA Qber den thierischen Cagnetismus& nebst 5usdtAen& *($& *(8 Automatic 4peaking and !ritingH A 4tudy& 1++1 Automatic !riting& 1118 Automatic !riting# The 4lade 3rosecution# Eindication o- the Truth& 98( Automatic !riting as an /ndicator o- the 8undamental 8actors >nderlying the 3ersonality& 18"" Automatisme et suggestion& 1'*$ %Dautomatisme psychologiJueH essai de psychologie e0pMrimentale sur les -ormes in-Mrieures de lDactivitM humaine& 116(& 1*"+& 1"18& 1661 Autosuggestion and /ts 3ersonal Application& 18*1 Autour des F/ndes X la 3lanPte Cars&G 169" Autres rOveries sur le magnMtisme animal X un acadMmicien de province& 98 %Dautre vie& 1$6" %Davenir des sciences psychiJues& 1'*1 %Davenir mMdical& Nournal des intMrOts de tous& avant pour but la dMmonstration pratiJue du nouvel art de guMrir& lDhomMopathie et le magnMtisme& par la -ondation dDun hcpital homMopathico-magnMtiJue pour 1+$ X *$$ in-ants& 691 %e baJuet magnMtiJue& comMdie en vers et en deu0 actes& (9 ie ,edeutung der hypnotischen 4uggestion als 2eilmittel# Kutachten und 2eilberichte der hervorragendsten wissenscha-tlichen Eertreter des 2ypnotismus der Kegenwart& 1*9* ie ,edeutung der 4uggestion im soAialen %eben& 1++$ ,ehind the 4cenes with Cediums& 1+'9 ,eitrdge Aur 3hysiologie des Centralnervensystems# ?rster Theil# ie sogenannte 2ypnose der Thiere& 16+1 ,eitrag Au den ?r-ahrungen Qber den thierischen Cagnetismus& 1'( ?in ,eitrag Aur therapeutischen Eerwerthung des 2ypnotismus& 1*19 The ,elie- in 3ersonal /mmortality& 1(8( er ,eobachter des thierischen Cagnetismus und des 4omnambulismus& 1'6

,eobachtungen und ,etrachtungen au- dem ,egiete des %ebensmagnetismus oder Eitalismus& ('' ,eschreibung eines mit dem kQnstlichen Cagneten angestellten medicinischen Eersuchs& ( ie ,esessenheit& 18$+ er ,etrug des Cediums %adislaus %asAlo :Nachahnung von Caterialisationsphdnomenen.& 18'+ ,eyond the ,orderline o- %i-e& 1(6' ,eytrage Au den durch animalischen Cagnetismus Aeither bewirkten ?rscheinungen# Aus eigner ?r-ahrung& *+' ,ible& "'9& '16& 1("8 ,ibliographie der !QnschelruteI mit einer ?inleitung von dr# ?d# AignerH er gegenwdrtige 4tand der !Qnschelruten-8orschung& 1((+ ,ibliographie des modernen 2ypnotismus& 1*$*& 1*($ ,ibliographie du magnMtisme et des sciences occultes& 1"81 ,ibliothPJue du magnMtisme animal& par CC# les membres de la 4ociMtM du magnMtisme& *68& *'*& *88 ,ien-,oa et Ch# =ichet& 1+9( ,ien-aits du somnambulisme& ouvrage dMdiM X Cme =oger& au0 amis de la vMritM& et au0 personnes amies dDelle-mOmes& 9$8 ,iographie dDAllan <ardec# iscours prononcM X %yon& le "1 mars 18+(& 16$' A ,iography o- the ,rothers avenport# !ith 4ome Account o- the 3hysical and 3sychical 3henomena !hich 2ave ;ccurred in Their 3resence& in America and ?urope& 8'+ ,latter aus 3revorst# ;riginalen und %eben-ruchte -Qr 8reunde des innen %ebens& "68& 6*9 ,latter -Qr hahere !ahrheitH aus altern und neuern 2andschri-t und seltenen ,uchernI mit besonderer =ucksicht au- Cagnetismus& *8" ,licke in das verborgene %eben des Censchengeistes& 9*' The ,lot upon the ,rainH 4tudies in 2istory and 3sychology& 111( ,ody and CindH a 2istory and a e-ense o- Animism& 1((( The ,ook o- reams and Khosts& 16*$

,ook o- 2uman NatureH /llustrating the 3hilosophy :New Theory. o- /nstinct& Nutrition& %i-eI with their Correlative and Abnormal 3henomena& 3hysiological& Cental& 4piritual& (91 ,ook o- 3sychology# 3athetism& 2istorical& 3hilosophical& 3racticalI Kiving the Technics oAmulets& Charms& ?nchantment # # # Cesmerism # # # 2allucination # # # Clairvoyance& 4omnambulism& Ciracles& 4ympathy& etc#H 4howing 2ow These =esults Cay ,e /nduced # # # and the ,enevolent >ses to !hich This <nowledge 4hould be Applied& (9* ,orderland& 1"$' ,orderland o- 3sychical =esearch& 1+'6& 1(11 The ,ottom 8acts Concerning the 4cience o- 4piritualismH erived -rom Care-ul /nvestigations Covering a 3eriod o- Twenty--ive @ears& 1$'" ,raidisme et -ariisme& ou la doctrine du r# ,raid sur lDhypnotisme comparMe avec celle de lDabbM de 8aria sur le sommeil lucide& 1+8+ ,raid on 2ypnotism# NeurypnologyI or The =ationale o- Nervous 4leep Considered in =elation to Animal Cagnetism or Cesmerism and /llustrated by Numerous Cases o- /ts 4uccess-ul Application in the =elie- and Cure o- isease# A New ?dition& ?dited with an /ntroduction ,iographical and ,ibliographical ?mbodying the AuthorDs %ater Eiews and 8urther ?vidence on the 4ubLect# ,y Arthur !aite& 16+" ,reve saggio sulla calamita e sulle sue virt\ medicinale& *"( ,rie-e Qber die 3hdnomene des thierischen Cagnetismus und 4omnambulismus& 18+ F,ringing it to ,ookHG 8acts o- 4late-writing through Cr !# ?glinton# ?dited by 2# Cholmondeley-3ennell# ,eing %etters !ritten by the 2on# =oden Noel& Charles Carleton Cassey& Keorge !yld& the 2on# 3ercy !yndham& and the ?ditor& 1$91 ,ritish and 8oreign Cedical =eview& +1* ,ritish Nournal o- 3hotography& 1"(+ ,ritish Cedical Nournal& 1"6+ ,ritish 4ociety o- 3sychical =esearch# 3roceedings& 1++9 ,uchananDs Nournal o- Can& +'" as ,Qchlein vom %eben nach dem Tode& "(8 ,ulletin de lD/nstitut gMnMral de 3sychologie& 1+16 ,ulletin magnMtiJue& Nournal des sciences psycho-physiJues rMdigM par une rMunion de magnMtistes& de mMdecines& de savants& sous la direction de C# Congruel& '$( Can Telepathy ?0plainW =esults o- 3sychical =esearch& 1+1*

>n cas de dMmatMrialisation partielle du corps dDun mMdiumH enJuOte et commentaires& 1"9+& 1618 >n cas de somnambulisme X distance& 116+ The Case against 4pirit 3hotographs& 1'9" The Case -or 4pirit 3hotography& 1819 A Case o- 3artial ematerialiAation o- the ,ody o- a Cedium& 1"9+ Cases o- 4uccess-ul 3ractice with 3erkinsDs 3atent Cetallic TractorsH Communicated since Nan# 18$$& the ate o- the 8ormer 3ublication& by Cany 4cienti-ic Characters# To !hich are 3re-i0ed& 3re-atory =emarks # # # & *18 %a cause de lDhypnotisme& 1*89 Causeries mesmMriennesH enseignement MlMmentaire :histoire& thMorie& et pratiJue. de magnMtisme animal& 88$ Causeries spirites& 16*9 The Celestial Telegraph& ++9 Cenni storico-critici sul magnetismo animale& 668 Certi-icates o- the ?--icacy o- r# 3erkinsDs 3atent Cetallic /nstruments& *$+)*$( %a chaZne magnMtiJue# ;rgane des 4ociMtM CagnMtiJues de 8rance et de lD?tranger& echo des salons et cabinets de magnMtisme et de somnambulisme # # # & 1$1' %es charlatans modernes& ou& %ettres sur le Charlatanisme acadMmiJue& 19' er Cheiroelektromagnetismus oder die 4elbstbewegung und das TanAen der Tische :Tischrucken.# ?ine Anweisung in Kesellscha-ten das werkwQrdige 3hdnomen einer neu entdeckten menschlischen >rkra-t hervoAubringen# Nach einigen pract# Eersuchen u# unter Eergleich aller bisher vera--entlichten 3roben mitgeheilt& (($ Chemical News& 9+9 Cherchons# =Mponse au0 con-Mrences de C# le 3ro-esseur ?mile @ung sur le spiritisme& 1*(( CheA Eictor 2ugoH %es tables tournantes de NerseyH procMs-verbau0 des sMances prMsentMs et commentMs par Kustave 4imon& 18++ Christian 4cience& Cedicine& and ;ccultism& 1+$' ChristopherH a 4tudy in 2uman 3ersonality& 1'6"

Chronicles o- the 3hotographs o- 4piritual ,eings and 3henomena /nvisible to the Caterial ?ye& /nterblended with 3ersonal Narrative& 1$+9 The Church and 3sychical =esearchH A %aymanDs Eiew& 181( %e ciel et lDen-er& ou la Lustice divine selon le spiritisme& contenant lDe0amen comparM des doctrines sur le passage de la vie corporella X la vie spirituelle& les peines et les rMcompenses -utures& les anges et les dMmons& les peines Mternelles& etc# # # # suivi de nombreu0 e0emples sur la situation rMelle de lDfme pendant et aprPs la mort& 88' Clairvoyance and Caterialisation# A =ecord o- ?0periments& 18(6 Clever 2ans :The 2orse o- Cr# Eon ;sten.H a Contribution to ?0perimental Animal and 2uman 3sychology& 1+9* CliniJue de psychothMrapie suggestive -ondMe X Amsterdam& 1*6' The Clock 4truck ;ne& and Christian 4piritualistH ,eing a 4ynopsis o- the /nvestigations o4pirit /ntercourse by an ?piscopal ,ishop& Three Cinisters& 8ive octors& and ;thers& at Cemphis& Tenn#& in 18++I Also& the ;pinion o- Cany ?minent ivines& %iving and ead& on the 4ubLect& and Communications =eceived -rom a Number o- 3ersons =ecently& 9+$& 9'$ The Clock 4truck Three& ,eing a =eview o- Clock 4truck ;ne& and reply to /t# 3art //# 4howing the 2armony ,etween Christianity& 4cience& and 4piritualism& 9'$ Cock %ane and Common 4ense& 1"(( %e colosse au0 pieds dDArgille& +6 The Coming o- the 8airies& 18*$ The Coming 4cience& 1($(& 1(9+ Comment lDesprit vient au0 tables& par un homme Jui nDa pas perdu lDesprit& '*6 Communication universelle et instantanMe de la pensMe X JuelJue distance Jue ce soit& X lDaide dDun appareil portati- appelM ,oussole 3asilaliniJue 4ympathiJue& +9$ The Company o- AvalonH A 4tudy o- the 4cript o- ,rother 4ymon& 4ub-3rior o- !inchester Abbey in the Time o- <ing 4tephen& 18($ Compte-rendu du banJuet commMmorati- de la naissance de Cesmer :118Pme anniversaire. cMlMbrM le *" Cai 18+* X 3aris& ("9 Compte rendus et mMmoires des sciences de la 4ociMtM de biologie& 1*1" Comptes-rendus hebdomadiares des sMances de lDAcadMmie des 4ciences& 1$+8 The Conception o- the 4ubconscious& 1(6"

%e concile de la libre pensMe# Abolition des -au0 dogmes et des mensonges sacerdotau0 # # # & '9+ Con-ession dDun mMdecin acadMmicien et commissaire dDun rapport sur le magnMtisme animal avec les remontrances et avis de son directeur& 68& 1** %es con-essions dDun magnMtiseurH suivies dDune consultation mMdico-magnMtiJue sur des cheveu0 de CC# %a-arge& +(8 Con-essions o- a CagnMtiser& being an ?0posM o- Animal Cagnetism& +$9& +*( FCon-essions o- a CagnetiAerG ?0posed& +*( Con-essions o- a Cedium& 1$+' Con-essions o- a Truth 4eeker# A Narrative o- 3ersonal /nvestigations into the 8acts and 3hilosophy o- 4pirit-intercourse& 8$* CongrPs /nternational de 1889# %e magnMtisme humain appliJuM au soulagement et X la guMrison des malades& =apport KMnMral& dDaprPs le compte rendu des sMances du CongrPs& 1*+' CongrPs international de lDhypnotisme e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue# Comptes rendus& 1**+ CongrPs international de lDhypnotisme e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue# Comptes rendus& 1699 CongrPs international de lDhypnotisme e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue# 3rocPs-verbau0 sommaires& 1681 CongrPs international de psychologie e0pMrimentale# Compte-rendu des travau0& 1(6$ CongrPs international de psychologie physiologiJue# Comptes rendus& 1*+8 %a connaissance supra-normaleH Mtude e0pMrimentale& 18+1 Consciousness o- 4el-& 1*'1 %a conservateur # # # de N# 8ran[ois :de Neu-chateau.& *1" ConsidMrations sur le magnMtisme animal& ou sur la thMorie du monde et des Otres organisMs& dDaprPs les principes de C# Cesmer& par C# ,ergasse avec des pensMes sur le mouvement& par C# le CarJuis de Chastellu0& de lDAcadMmie -ran[aise& "( ConsidMrations sur lDorigine& la cause et les e--ets de la -iPvre& sur lDMlectricitM mMdicale& et sur le magnMtisme animal& *"$ Contact with the ;ther !orldH the %atest ?vidence as to Communication with the ead& 1'+' Continuation du traitement magnMtiJue du Leune 2Mbert :mois de 4eptembre.& *6$)*61& *6+

Contribution X lDMtude de la soi-disant tMlMpathie& 1"'8 Contribution X lDMtude de lDhypnotisme cheA les hystMriJues& 1$"' Contribution X lDMtude des correspondences croisMes :documents nouveau0.# Con-erence -aite par le docteur Kustave Keley le samedi *$ dMcembre 191"& 1(98 Contribution X lDMtude e0pMrimentale des phMnomPnes tMlMpathiJues& 1+16 Contributions to Christology& 919 A Contribution to the 4tudy o- the 3sychology o- Crs# 3iperDs Trance 3henomena& 1'1$ Contributo sperimentale alla -isio-psicologia dellDipnotismo# =icherche sul polso e sul respiro negli stati suggestivi dellDipnosi& 1*6* The FControlsG o- 4tainton Coses :FC# A# ;0onG.& 18+( Copie de la reJuOte X nos seigneurs de 3arlement en la grandD Chambre& 8* The Cornhill CagaAine& 81" %e corps aromal& ou =Mponse en un seul mot X lDAcadMmie des sciences philosophiJues X propos du concours proposM par elle sur JuelJues relations X lDandro magnMtisme # # # ?0plication vraie des tables tournantes et parlantes& '*" Correspondance de C# C# # # # sur les nouvelles dMcouvertes du baJuet octogne& de lDhommebaJuet et du baJuet moral& pour servir de suite au0 aphorismes# =ecueillie et publiMe par CC# de 8# # # # I N# # # # et ,# # # # & 1"8 Coup dDoeil sur le magnMtisme& *(6 Coup dDoeil sur le magnMtisme animal et le somnambulisme considMrMs sous le rapport mMdical et religieu0& +6' Coup dDoeil sur le magnMtisme et e0amen dDun Mcrit Jui a paru sous ce titreH %etre sur le magnMtisme X C# # # # X 3aris par C# Corrison de ,ourges& *6* Cours de magnMtisme animal en douAe le[ons& '91 Cours de magnMtisme animal en ' le[ons& augm# dDun rapport sur les e0pMriences magnMtiJues -aites par la commission de lDAcadMmie de mMdecine en 18"1& "+9 Cours thMoriJue et pratiJue de braidisme ou hypnotisme nerveu0H considMrM dans ses rapports avec la psychologie& la physiologie et la pathologie et dans ses applications X la mMdecine& X la chirurgie& X la physiologie e0pMrimentale& X la mMdecine lMgale et X lDMducation& par le docteur N# 3# 3hilips& '6$& 8*1 Cours thMoriJue et pratiJue du magnMtisme animal& 61'

%e cri de la nature& ou le magnMtisme au LourI ouvrage curieu0 et utile pour les personnes Jui cherchent X Mtudier les causes physiJues du magnMtisme ainsi Jue les phMnomPnes Jue sDy rapportent& '6 The Crisis in 3sychology& 1896 The Critics Criticised& '"8 Cronaca del magnetismo animale& ((*& (98 Crystal-KaAingH a 4tudy in the 2istory& istribution& Theory and 3ractice o- 4crying& 18+8 Crystal KaAingH /ts 2istory and 3ractice& with a iscussion o- the ?vidence -or Telepathic 4crying& 1+(" Crystal-KaAing and the !onders o- Clairvoyance& ?mbracing 3ractical /nstructions in the Art& 2istory& and 3hilosophy o- This Ancient 4cience# To !hich is Appended an Abridgment oNacob i0onDs F2ygienic Clairvoyance&G with Earious ?0tracts and ;riginal Notes& 1(6( Curative Cesmerism& 8"8 Curative =esults o- Cedical 4omnambulism& Consisting o- 4everal Authenticated Cases& /ncluding the 4omnambuleDs ;wn Case and Cure& +'$ Cures ?--ected by Animal Cagnetism& 8"8 Cures -aites par C# %e Cte# de %# # # # & 18" %a curiositM# Nournal de lDoccultisme scienti-iJue& 1**' %a curiositM# =evue des sciences psychiJues& 1**'& 1"($ # Arnold !ienholtDs psycholoJuishe Eorlesungen Qber den natQrlichen 4omnambulism# Aus den literarischen Nachlass des Eer-assers besonders abJuedruckt& **( # # 2ome& 2is %i-e and Cission 7Cyers and ,arrett9& 1*66 # # 2omeH 2is %i-e and Cission 72ome9& 1*$(& 1*(8 %es dangers du magnMtisme animal& "(( %es dangers du magnMtisme animal et lDimportance dDen arrOter la propagation vulgaire& *9+ The angers o- 4piritualism& ,eing =ecords o- 3ersonal ?0periences with Notes and Comments# ,y a Cember o- the 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& 169' %a danse des tables& phMnomPnes physiologiJues dMmontrMs par le r# 8Mli0 =oubaud& (8*

%a danse des tables dMvoilMe& e0pMriences de magnMtisme animal& maniPre de -air tourner une bague& un chapeau& une montre& une table& et mOme LusJDeu0 tOtes des e0pMrientateurs et celles des spectateurs& ((" ans lDinvisible# 4piritisme et mMdiumnitM# TraitM de spiritualisme e0pMrimental# %es -aits& les lois# 3hMnomPnes spontanMs# Typtologie et psychographie# %es -antcmes des vivants et les esprits des morts& la mMdiumnitM X travers les fges& 1+"( arstellung der mesmerischen 2eilmethode nach naturwissenscha-tlichen KrundsdtAenI nebst der ersten vollstdndigen ,iographie CesmerDs und einer -asslichen Anleitung Aum Cagnetisiren& '8+ arstellung und ?nthQllung des 4omnambulismus& mit besonderer ,eAugnahme au- den 4omnambulen& 4tahlschmiedegesellen Carl !ilhelm <ohn& +89 awn o- the Awakened Cind& 1'8$ eathH and /ts 3roblems& 18(* eathH /ts Causes and 3henomena with 4pecial =e-erence to /mmortality& 1(+8 eath and /ts Cystery& 1''1 eath ,ed Eisions& 16'+ The eath-,low to 4piritualismH ,eing the True 4tory o- the 8o0 4isters& as =evealed by the Authority o- Cargaret 8o0 <ane and Catherine 8o0 Nencken& 1*$$ eath-,low to 4piritualism1/s itW r 4lade& Cessrs Caskelyne and Cooke& and Cr !# Corton& 1$$1 eath e-erred& 1('+ The ebatable %and between This !orld and the Ne0t# !ith /llustrative Narratives& 96" %es dMbris du baJuet ou %ettres critiJues de la reJuOte de Cesmer& +$ e casi dDidenti-kcasione spiritica& 1(*" Mcouverte de la polaritM humaine& ou dMmonstration e0pMrimentale des lois suivant lesJuelles lDapplication des aimants& de lDMlectricitM& et les actions manuelles ou analogues du corps humain dMterminent lDMtat hypnotiJue et lDordre de succession de ses trois phases # # # & 11"$ Mcret de la -acultM de mMdicine de 3aris& du *6 ao_t 1'86 par leJuel est adoptM le =apport des commissaires :8ran[ais et %atin.& +1 FA e-ence o- Codern 4piritualism&G 9(9 e -enomeni di telekinesia in rapporto con eventi di morte& 181'

M-ense du magnMtisme animal contre les attaJues dont il est lDobLet dans le dictionnaire des science mMdicales& *9* M-ense thMologiJue du magnMtisme humain& ou le magnMtisme estDil superstition& magieW ?stDil condamnM X =omeW %es magnMtiseurs et les somnambules sont-ils en s_retM de conscienceW 3euvent-ils Otre admis X la participation des sacrementsW& +6" ei -enomeni dDin-estaAione& 1'68 ei -enomeni di telestesja& 1'(" e imperio solis ae lunae& 1 e la baguette divinatoireH du pendule dit e0plorateur et des tables tournantes& au point de vue de lDhistoire& de la critiJue et de la mMthode e0pMrimentale& '$9 e la cause du sommeil lucide& ou Mtude de la nature de lDhomme# Tome premier& *96& 1+'1& 1+8+& 19$* e la mMtalloscopie et la mMtallothMrapie& 1$$" e la multiplicitM des Mtats de conscience cheA un hystMro-MpileptiJue& 11$* e la philosophie corpusculaire& ou des connaissances et les procMdMs magnMtiJues cheA les divers peuples& 1"$)1"1 e la phrMnologie du magnMtisme et de la -olie# ;uvrage dMdiM X la mMmoire de ,roussais& 6$" e la suggestion& 1(+' e la suggestion dans lDMtat hypnotiJue et dans lDMtat de veille& 1$8$& 11*' e la suggestion et de ses applications# Con-Mrence -aite X Nancy et X Chaumont en Nanvier 191*& 1('( e la suggestion et de ses applications X la thMrapeutiJue& 11*' e la suggestion et du somnambulisme dans leurs rapports avec la Lurisprudence et la mMdecine lMgale& 1*"' e la suggestion mentale& 1186 e lDautomatisme de la mMmoire et du sourvenir dans le somnambulisme pathologiJue& considMrations mMdico-lMgales& 9(1 e lDemploi du magnMtisme animal et des eau0 minMrales dans le traitement des maladies nerveuses suivi dDune observation trPs curieuse de nMvropathie& 6*1 e lDMtat actuel du magnMtisme # # # & ""(

e lDinconscient au conscient& 1'+6 e lDin-luence de la magnMtisation sur le dMveloppement de la voi0 et du go_t en musiJue& '"' elle appariAioni di de-unti al letto di morte# *a serie& 1'(6 elle communicaAioni medianiche tra viventi& 18(1 el magnetismo animale& e degli e--etti ad esso attribuiti nella cura delle umane in-ermitX& 16+ el magnetismo animale ossia mesmerismo# /n ordine alla ragione e alla rivelaAione& 8$1 e lDorigine des e--ets curati-s de lDhypnotismeI Mtude de psychologie e0pMrimentale& 11(+ el vero spirito scienti-ico secondo il Juale debbono essere esaminate le ragioni dell -renologia e del mesmerismo# issertaAione di !# C# giX pubblicata nel Kiornale 8renologico di ?dinburgo# 4eguita da alcuni esperimenti -renomesmerici de K# T# 2all tratti dallo stesso giornale& (1+ e magnetismo animali& *'( es Mtats secondsH variations pathologiJues du champ de la conscience& 1"*1 es -acultMs magnMtiJues de lDhomme des moyens divers par lesJuels elles se mani-estentI des conditions JuDe0ige leur emploiI de la responsabilitM morale JuDentraZne leur e0erciceI des services JuDon peut en attendre& 9$( es -orces naturelles inconnues& X propos des phMnomPnes produits par les -rPres avenport et par les mMdiums en gMnMral# ]tude critiJue par 2ermPs& 89$ es hallucinations ou histoire raisonnMe des apparitions& des visions& des songes& de lDe0tase& des rOves& du magnMtisme et du somnambulisme& "+* es hallucinations& ou histoire raisonMe des apparitions& des visions& des songes& de lDe0tase& du magnMtisme et du somnambulisme& +$8 es /ndes X la planPte CarsI Mtude sur un cas de somnambulisme avec glossolalie& 16'$& 169"& 1+$" es origines de la mMtallothMrapie# 3art Jui doit Otre -aite au magnMtisme animal dans sa dMcouverte# %e burJuisme et le perkinisme& 1$+6 es phMnomPnes prMmonitoires# :3ressentiments1rOves prophMtiJues& clairvoyance dans le -uture& etc#.& 1(8" es principes et des procMdMs du magnMtisme animal& et de leurs rapports avec les lois de la physiJue et de la physiologie& *9(

es propriMtMs physiJues dDune -orce particuliPre du corps humain :-orce neuriJue rayonnante. connue vulgairement sous le nom de magnMtisme animal# # # # ?0trait de la KaAette mMdicale de 3aris& annMe 1881& 1$+1 es tables tournantes& du surnaturel en gMnMral et des esprits& '1* es tables tournantes et du panthMisme& '$" Mtail des cures opMrMes X ,uAancy& prPs 4oissons par le magnMtisme animal& 6'& 8' Mtail des cures opMrMes X %yon par le magnMtisme animal& selon les principes de C# Cesmer# 3rMcMdM dDune lettre X C# Cesmer& 9* euteroskoppie& oder merkwQrdige psychische und physiologische ?rscheinungen und 3robleme aus dem Kebiete der 3neumatologie# 8Qr =eligionsphilosophen& 3sychologen und denkende AerAte# ?ine nothige ,eilage Aur dmono-magie& wie Aur 5auber-,ibliothek& "66 eu0 cas de somnambulisme provoJuM X distance& 1*$" eu0iPme note sur le sommeil provoJuM X distance et la suggestion mentale pendant lDMtat somnambuliJue& 116' eu0 mMmoires sur le magnMtisme :=echerches sur lDuniversalitM de la -orce magnMtiJue# =echerches sur lDapprMciation de la -orce magnMtiJue.& +"8 The evelopment and Keneology o- the Cisses ,eauchampH A 3reliminary =eport o- the Case o- Cultiple 3ersonality& 169+ evotional 4omniumI or A Collection o- 3rayers and ?0hortations& >ttered by Ciss =achel ,aker& in the City o- New @ork& in the !inter o- 181+& uring her Abstracted and >nconscious 4tateI To !hich 3ious and >nprecedented ?0ercises is 3re-i0ed& An Account o2er %i-e& with the Canner in !hich 4he ,ecame 3ower-ul in 3raise o- Kod and Addresses to CanI Together with a Eiew o- That 8aculty o- the 2uman Cind which is /ntermediate between 4leeping and !aking# The 8acts& Attested by the Cost =espectable ivines& 3hysicians& and %iterary KentlemenI and the iscourses& Correctly Noted by Clerical 4tenographers# ,y 4everal Cedical Kentlemen& *+6 %e diable dans lDhypnotisme :4oustraction hypnotiJue de la conscience# 2ypnotisme mMdical# ?vocation du dMmon# 4uggestion& etc# # # #.& 16(1 %e diagnostic de la suggestibilitM& 16$" ialogue entre un docteur de toutes les universitMs et acadMmies du monde connu& notamment de la -acultM de mMdecine -ondMe X 3aris dans la rue de la,ucherie& lDan de notre salut 16'* et un homme de bon sens& ancien malade du docteur& "' ialogue entre un magnMtiseur Jue cherche les moyens de propager le magnMtisme et un incrMdule Jui croit lDavoir trouvM& *8* ictionnaire de mMdecine& "**

ictionnaire des science mMdicales& *9$& *9* ieu& lDhomme et la nature& Tableau philosophiJue dDune somnambule& 18* The irect 3henomena o- 4piritualism14peaking& !riting& rawing& Cusic and 3aintingH a 4tudy# !ith 8acsimile /llustrations o- irect !riting& rawing and 3ainting& 1($6 iscours prMsidentiel X la 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch :%ondon& 19*".& suivi de ?ssais mMdiumiJues# >ranographie gMnMrale# Communication signMes KalilMe& obtenues X lDfge de vingt ans au cercle dDAllan <ardec& X la 4ociMtM spirite de 3aris :18(*)18(".& 1866 iscours prononcM X lDinauguration de la 4ociMtM magnMtiJue de 8rance& le ' octobre 188'& 11(' iscours prononcM en lDassemblMe de la 8acultM de CMdicine de 3aris le 18 septembre 1'8$& 11 iscours prononcM par Cme Alphonsine Casson& au banJuet de Cesmer de lDannMe 18+'& '8$ iscours sur le magnMtisme& 8& ** iscours sur le magnMtisme animal& lu X la sMance publiJue de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine de Carseille tenue le 11 novembre 18*'& ""8 iscours sur le magnMtisme animal lu dans une assemblMe du CollPge des mMdecins de %yon le 1+ septembre 1'86& 9" iscours sur le magnMtisme animal prononcM le 1" -Mvrier 18"+ X lDAthMnMe central& "(' iscours sur les principes gMnMreau0 de la thMorie vMgMtative et spirituelle de la nature& -aisant connaZtre le premier moteur de la circulation du sang& le principe du magnMtisme animal et celui de 4ommeil magnMtiJue& dit somnambulisme& *8( iscovery concerning KhostsH !ith a =ap at the F4pirit-rappers#G To which is Added a 8ew 3arting =aps at the F=appers&G Tuestions& 4uggestions& and Advice to the avenport ,rothers& 8+* A iscussion o- the 8acts and 3hilosophy o- Ancient and Codern 4piritualism& (+' The iseases o- 3ersonality& 11*$ issertation by 8# A# Cesmer& octor o- Cedicine& on 2is iscoveries& *11 issertation on the iscovery o- Animal Cagnetism& 1$ issertation sur la mMdecine et le magnMtisme& triomphe du somnambulisme& "*' issertation sur le magnMtisme animal& thPse soutenue X la 8acultM de 3aris le 1" ao_t 18"6& "($

issertatio physico-medica de planetarum in-lu0u& 1& + The issociation o- a 3ersonalityH a ,iographical 4tudy in Abnormal 3sychology& 169+& 1++9& 1'$9 The ivining =odH /ts 2istory1!ith 8ull /nstructions -or 8inding 4ubterranean 4prings& and ;ther >se-ul /n-ormation# Also an ?ssay ?ntitledH Are the Claims and 3retensions o- the ivining =od Ealid and TrueW by ?# Eaughan Nenkins& 1"'( ivisions o- the 4el- and Co-consciousness& 1891 %es docteurs modernes& comMdie-parade en un acte et en vaudeville& suivie du ,anJuet de santM& divertissement analogue mOlM de couplets reprMsentMe pour la premiPre -ois X 3aris par les comMdiens italiens ordinaires du =oy& le mardi 1( Novembre 1'86& "+& +')+8 octrine du magnMtisme humain et du somnambulisme& "'' ocuments satiriJues sur Cesmer& 1*"6 as oppel-/ch& 1**9 The oris Case o- Cultiple 3ersonalityH a ,iography o- 8ive 3ersonalities in Connection with ;ne ,ody and a aily =ecord o- a Therapeutic 3rocess ?nding in the =estoration o- the 3rimary Cember to /ntegrity and Continuity o- Consciousness# 3art /& by !alter 8ranklin 3rinceI The oris Case o- Cultiple 3ersonality# 3art //& by !alter 8ranklin 3rinceI The oris Case o- Cultiple 3ersonality# 3art ///& by Names 2ervey 2yslopI The Cother o- oris& by !alter 8ranklin 3rince& 1'$9 The oris Case o- Tuintuple 3ersonality& 1'1( o the ead epartW& 1($* A double consciousness& or a duality o- person in the same individual& *(* outes dDun provincial& proposMs X messiers le mMdecins-commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal& 111 r# ,eale& or Core about the >nseen& 1'9( reams and 3remonitions& 1'1' reams and Their Ceanings# !ith Cany Accounts o- ?0periences 4ent by Correspondents and Two Chapters Contributed Cainly -rom the Nournals o- the 3sychical =esearch 4ociety on Telepathic and 3remonitory reams& 168+ u -luid-universel& de son activitM et de lDutilitM de ses modi-ications par les substances animales dans le traitement des maladies# Au0 Mtudiants Jui suivent les cours de toutes les parties de la physiJue& **'

u magnMtismeI JuDest-ce Jue le magnMtisme ou Mtude historiJue et critiJue des principau0 phMnomPnes Jue le constituent& suivie de lDe0plication rationelle JuDil convient dDen donner& +9' u magnMtisme animal& "** u magnMtisme animal& considMrM dans ses rapports avec diverses branches de la physiJue gMnMrale& **8 u magnMtisme animal en 8rance& et des Lugements JuDen ont portMs les sociMtMs savantes& avec le te0te des divers rapports -aits en 1'86 par les commissaires de lDAcadMmie des sciences& de la 8acultM et de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine& et une analyse des derniPres sMances de lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecine et du rapport de C# 2ussonI suivi de considMrations sur lDapparition de lDe0tase& dans les traitements magnMtiJues& "1"& "*6 u magnMtisme animal et du somnambulisme arti-iciel& 6$1 u magnMtisme et de ses partisansI ou& =ecueil de piPces importantes sur cet obLet& prMcMdM des observations rMcemment publiMes& *"9 u magnMtisme et des sciences occultes& 8"1 u magnMtisme et du somnambulisme arti-iciel& 6*8 u merveilleu0& des miracles et des pPlerinages& au point de vue mMdical& 99$ u phrMno-mesmMrisme& 86( u sommeil& des rOves& et du somnambulisme dans lDMtat de santM et de maladie& prMcMdM dDune lettre du r Cerise& ''8 u sommeil et des Mtats analogues considMrMs surtout au point de vue de lDaction du moral sur le physiJue& 89(& 1$8$ u sommeil magnMtiJue dans lDhystMrie# ThPse X la -acultM de mMdecine de 4trasbourg et soutenue publiJuement le samedi *$ Luin 18(8& X " heures du soir& pour obtenir le grade de docteur en mMdecine& 9$' u sommeil non naturelH ses diverse -ormes# ThPse prMsentMe au concours pour lDagrMgation& 11*6 u somnambulisme& des tables tournantes et des mMdiums& considMrMs dans leurs rapports avec la thMologie et la physiJue# ?0amen des opinions de CC# de Cirville et Kasparin& '$* u somnambulisme dit naturel :noctambulisme.& ses rapports avec lDhystMrie et lDattaJue hystMriJue X -orme somnambuliJue& 1"6" u somnambulisme provoJuM& 9''& 1$"* u spiritualisme et de la nature& 6*$

u traitement des maladies& ou ]tude sur les propriMtMs mMdicinales de 1+$ plantes les plus usuelles par lDe0tatiJue AdPle Caginot& avec une e0position des diverse mMthodes de magnMtisation& (1$ u traitement et de la guMrison de JuelJues maladie chroniJues au moyen de somnambulisme magnMtiJue& et X propos de CC# Cali0te =enaud& de ,ordeau0 et Ale0is de 3aris& 8$( u traitement e0terne et psychiJue des maladies nerveuses# Aimants et couronnes magnMtiJues# Cirroirs# Traitement diMtMtiJue# 2ypnotisme# 4uggestion# Trans-erts& 161( u trans-ert X distance X lDaide dDune couronne de -er aimantM& dDMtats nMvropathiJues variMs& dDun suLet X lDMtat de veille sur un suLet X lDMtat hypnotiJue& 1*98 u AoomagnMtisme& son e0istence& son utilitM en mMdecine rendues indiscutables par les -aits& 1$18 The ?ar o- ionysius# 8arther 4cripts A--ording ?vidence o- 3ersonal 4urvival& 1'(1 The ?arthen EesselH a Eolume ealing with 4pirit Communications =eceived in the 8orm o,ook-tests by 3amela Klenconner& 1'99 ?bauche de psychologie& 9+6 ?claircissements sur le magnMtisme# Cures magnMtiJues X KenPve& '6+ ?claircissements sur la magnMtisme actuel& (" %Dectoplasme& 18*( %Dectoplasmie et la clairvoyance# ;bservations et e0pMriences personelles& 18(6 The ?--icacy o- 3erkinsD 3atent Cetallic Tractors& in Topical iseases o- the 2uman ,ody and AnimalsI ?0empli-ied by *+$ Cases -rom the 8irst %iterary Characters in ?urope and America# To !hich is 3re-i0ed A 3reliminary iscourse in !hich the 8allacious Attempts or 2aygarth to etract -rom the Cerits o- the Tractors& are etected& and 8ully Con-uted& *1' %es e--luves odiJuesH con-Mrences -aites en 18((& par le baron de =eichenbach X lDAcadMmie des 4ciences de EienneI prMcMdMes dDune notice historiJue sur les e--ets mechaniJues de lD;d& 899 ?in-Qhrung in den ;kkultismus und 4piritismus& 181* ?lectricitM animal& prouvMe par la dMcouverte des phMnomPnes physiJues et morau0 de la catalepsie hystMriJue& et de ses variMtMsI et par les bons e--ets de lDMlectricitM arti-icielle dans le traitment de des maladies& **+ ?lectricitM naturelle& ou CesmMrisme mis en pratiJue X lDusage des -amilles& +8* ?lectro-,iological 3henomena& and the 3hysiology o- 8ascination& '"8

?lectro-biological 3henomena Considered 3hysiologically and 3sychologically& ($' ?lectro-biologyI or& the ?lectrical 4cience o- %i-e& ($6 ?lectro-,iology and Cesmerism& (+9& 99" ?lectro-dynamisme vital ou les ralations physiologiJues de lDesprit et de la matiPre& dMmontrMes par des e0pMriences entiPrement nouvelles et par lDhistoire raisonnMe du systPme nerveu0& '6$ ?lMments de mMdecine suggestive& hypnotisme et suggestionH -aits cliniJues& 11(9& 119$ ?lMments du magnMtisme animal& ou ?0position succinte des procMdMs& des phMnomPnes et de lDemploi du magnMtisme& *89 ?lements o- Animal Cagnetism& or 3neumatology& 66$ The ?lements o- 2ypnotismH the /nduction o- 2ypnosis& /ts 3henomena& /ts angers and Ealue& 1"+( ie ?manation der psycho-physischen ?nergie# ?ine e0perimentelle >ntersuchung Qber die unmittelbare KedankenQbertragung im 5usammenhang mit der 8rage Qber die =adioaktivitdt der Kehirns& 1(1" %es Mmotions cheA les suLets en Mtat dDhypnotisme# ]tudes de psychologie e0pMrimentale -aites X lDaide de substances mMdicamenteuses ou to0iJues impressionnant X distance les rMseau0 nerveu0 pMriphMriJues& 11'8 %DencMphale# Nournal des maladies mentales et nerveuses& 1$"9& 1*''& 1*8*& 16$+ %es endormeurs# %a vMritM sur les hypnotisants& les suggestionistes& les magnMtiseurs& les onatistes& les ,raidistes& etc#& 11'$ ?nigmas o- 3sychical =esearch& 1+'+& 1(11 Kli enigmi della psicometria& 1'9* ?nJuOte sur lDauthenticitM des phMnomPnes MlectriJues dDAngMliJue Cottin& +68 %Denseignement du magnMtisme& 1"8* ie ?ntdeckung der 4eele durch die Keheimwissenscha-ten& 1"(* ie ?ntdeckung des 2ypnotismus& 81*& 1$6' ?ntretiens sur le magnMtisme animal et le sommeil magnMtiJue dit somnambulisme& dMvoilant cette double doctrine et pouvant servir X en porter un Lugement raisonnM& "16 ?ntwickelungsgeschichte des magnetischen 4chla-s und Traums& *99

ie ?ntwicklungsgeschichte des 4piritismus von der >rAeit bis Aur Kegenwart& 1"6' The ?pworth 3henomenaH To !hich are Appended Certain 3sychic ?0periences =ecorded by Nohn !esley in the 3ages o- his Nournal# Collated by udley !right& 1'"1 ?rinnerungen an die letAten Tage der ;dlehre und ihres >rhebers& 989 ie ?rkldrung des Kedankenlesens& 11++ ?rlduterungen Aum Cesmerismus& *+(& *($ %es erreurs de la science& 1+(+ ?ine ?rscheinung aus dem nachtgebiete der Natur& durch eine =eihe von 5eugen gerichtlich bestdtigt und den Natur-orschern Aum ,edenken mitgetheilt& "'+ ?rster Nachtrag Aur ,ibliographie des modernen 2ypnotismus& 1*($ %os ?spjritus& 1"'' ?sprits et mediumsH CMlanges de mMtapsychiJue et de psychologie& 1((* ?sJuisse de la nature humaine e0pliJuMe par le magnMtisme animal prMcMdMe dDun aper[u du systPme gMnMral de lDunivers& et contenant lDe0plication du somnambulisme magnMtiJue et de tous les phMnomPnes du magnMtisme animal& "*+ ?sJuisse de lDhistoire du magnMtisme humain depuis Cesmer LusJuDen 1868& +(( ?sJuisse dDune thMorie des phMnomPnes magnMtiJues& 6'+ ?ssai de psychologie physiologiJue& "69 ?ssai de revue gMnMrale et dDinterprMtation synthMtiJue du spiritisme& 16"8 ?ssai de spiritisme scienti-iJue& 1"(9 ?ssai historiJue sur le magnMtisme et lDuniversalitM de son in-luence dans la nature& (19 ?ssai sur la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal& (1 ?ssai sur la thMorie du somnambulisme magnMtiJue& 1+*& 1(1 ?ssai sur le magnMtisme animal& thPse prMsentMe et soutenue par 2# %ong& 61" ?ssai sur lDenseignement philosophiJue du magnMtisme animal# 3ar le ,aron u 3otet de 4ennevoy& +11 ?ssai sur les phMnomPnes MlectriJues des Otres vivants comprenant lDe0plication scienti-iJue des phMnomenPnes dits spirites& 1"(6

?ssai sur les probabilitMs du somnambulism magnMtiJueH pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal& 1"9 ?ssai sur lDhypnotisme& nouvelle dMcouverte prMcMdM dDe0plications sur le magnMtisme et le somnambulisme& 8'" An ?ssay on 4omnambulism& or 4leep-walking& produced by Animal ?lectricity and Cagnetism& 1'8 ?ssay on 4uperstitionI ,eing and /nJuiry into the ?--ects o- 3hysical /n-luence on the Cind& in the 3roduction o- reams& Eisions& Khosts& and ;ther 4upernatural Appearances& "6(& +*" ?ssays Classical& 1$'$ ?ssays in ;ccultism& 4piritism& and emonology& 1'++ ?ssays in 3yschical =esearch& by Ciss e& 16($ %DMtat actuel des recherches psychiJues dDaprPs les travau0 du //me CongrPs /nternational tenu X Earsovie en 19*" en lDhonneur du r Nulien ;chorowicA& 18(" ]tat mental des hystMriJues# %es accidents mentau0& 1"18 ]tat mental des hystMriJues# %es stigmates mentau0& 1"18 %es Mtats pro-onds de lDhypnose& 1"*8& 1"+* %es Mtats super-iciels de lDhypnose& 1"+* ?therologyI or the 3hilosophy o- Cesmerism and 3hrenologyH /ncluding a New 3hilosophy o4leep and Consciousness& with a =eview o- the 3retensions o- Neurology and 3hrenomagnetism& +1+ %DOtre subconscient# ?ssai de synthPse e0plicative des phMnomPnes obscurs de psychologie normale et anormale& 16+8& 1'+6 ]tude cliniJue et e0pMrimentale sur lDhypnotismeI de gg# e--ets des e0citations pMriphMriJues ches les hystMro-MpileptiJues X lDMtat de veille et dDhypnotisme& 1$8' ]tude critiJue du matMrialisme et du spiritualisme par la physiJue e0pMrimentale& 16$6 ]tude de la vie intMrieure ou spirituelle cheA lDhomme& recherches physiologiJues et philosophiJues sur le magnMtisme& le somnambulisme et le spiritismeI thMorie nouvelle de la pensMe& de lDe0tase& de la luciditM somnambuliJue et mMdianimiJue& rcle du coeur et du cerveau& 88* ]tude du magnMtisme animal sous le point de vue dDune e0acte pratiJue& (*8 ]tude mMdico-lMgale sur le somnambulisme spontanM et le somnambulisme provoJuM& 1181

]tude physiologiJue sur le magnMtisme animal& 88+ ]tude raisonnMe du magnMtisme animal et preuves de lDintervention des puissances in-ernales dans le phMnomPnes du somnambulisme magnMtiJue& ""' ]tude scienti-iJue sur le somnambulisme& sur les phMnomPnes JuDil prMsente et sur son action thMrapeutiJue dans certaines maladies nerveuses du rcle important JuDil Loue dans lDMpilepsie& dans lDhystMrie et dans les nMvroses dites e0traordinaires& 1$*( ]tudes cliniJues sur lDhystMroMpilepsie ou grande hystMrie& 1$68 ]tudes de psychologie e0pMrimentale# %e -Mtichisme dans lDamour# %a vie psychiJue des micro-organismes# %DintensitM des images mentales# %e problPme hypnotiJue# Note sur lDMcriture hystMriJue& 119+ ]tudes e0pMrimentales sur le -luide nerveu0 et solution rationelle du problPme spirite& 9*$ ]tudes physiJues sur le magnMtisme animal soumise X lDAcadMmie des sciences& 6(' ]tudes sur la mMdecine animiJue et vitaliste& 8(8 ]tudes sur le somnambulisme envisagM au point de vue pathologiJue& 8*9 ]tude sur di--Mrents attributs de lDfme humaine& et sur la luciditM dans la veille et pendant le sommeil magnMtiJue& 888 ]tude sur le AoomagnMtisme& 1$(8& 1*9' ]tude sur lDhypnotisme et sur les suggestions cheA les aliMnMs& 1$99 ?usapia 3alladino and her 3henomena& 1(*+ %DMvangile selon le spiritisme contenant lDe0plication des ma0imes morales du Christ& leur concordance avec le spiritisme et leur application au0 diverses positions de la vie& 8'' ?venings at 2ome in 4piritual 4Mance& 3re-aced and !elded Together by a 4pecies oAutobiography& 1$6$ ?vents in the %ive o- a 4eer& 9$9 The ?vidence -or Communication with the ead& 1(8' The ?vidence -or the 4upernaturalH A Critical 4tudy Cade with F>ncommon 4ense&G 1('1 ?vidences o- the ?--icacy o- octor 3erkinsDs 3atent Cetallic /nstruments& *$( %DMvolution animiJue# ?ssai de psychologie physiologiJue suivant le spiritisme& 161+ The ?volution o- the 4oul and ;ther ?ssays& 1+"9

?0amen de la doctrine dD2ippocrate& pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal& 1"+ ?0amen de lDouvrage Jue a pour titreH F%e mystPre des magnMtiseurs et des somnambules dMvoilM au0 droites fmes et virtueuses par un homme du monde&G *(+ ?0amen du Compte rendu par C# Thouret& sous le titre de Correspondance de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecins& relativement au magnMtisme animal& 1*+ ?0amen du magnMtisme animal& "8* ?0amen impartial de la mMdecine magnMtiJue& de sa doctrine& de ses procMdMs et de ses cures& *9$& *9* ?0amen physiJue de magnMtisme animalI analyse des Mloges R des critiJues JuDon en a -aits LusJuDX prMsentI et dMveloppement des vMritables rapports& sous lesJuels on doit en considMrer le principe& la thMorie& la pratiJue R le secret& 1*8 ?0amen raisonnM des prodiges rMcents dD?urope et dDAmMriJue notamment des tables tournantes et rMpondantes& par un philosophe& ((+ ?0amen sMrieu0 et impartial du magnMtisme animal& '8 ?0pMriences et considMrations X lDappui& du magnMtisme animal& thPse prMsentMe et soutenue X la -acultM de 3aris& "(+& "8" ?0periences in 4piritualismH A =ecord o- ?0traordinary 3henomena !itnessed Through the Cost 3ower-ul Cediums& with 4ome 2istorical 8ragments =elating to 4emiramide& Kiven by the 4pirit o- an ?gyptian !ho %ived Contemporary with 2er& 981 ?0periences in 4piritualism with Cr # # 2ome# !ith /ntroductory =emarks by the ?arl ounraven& 9"* ?0pMriences sur le magnMtisme animal& "9' ?0pMriences sur le sommeil X distance& 1*1( ?0pMrience sur le magnMtisme animal& thPse prMsentMe et soutenue X la 8acultM de mMdecine de 3aris& "(9 ?0perimental /nvestigation on the 4pirit Cani-estations& emonstrating the ?0istence o4pirits and Their Communion with Cortals& '66 %De0pMrimentation en psychologie par le somnambulisme provoJuM& 11$1 ?0perimente der 8ernbewegung :Telekinese. im 3sychologischen /nstitut der CQnchener >niversitdt und im %aboratorium des Eer-assers& 18'( ?ine e0perimentelle 4tudie au- dem Kebiete des 2ypnotismus& 1*1*

?0perimentelle >ntersuchungen au- dem Kebiete des rdumlichen 2ellsehens :der <ryptoskopie und inadaeJuaten 4inneserregung.# Nach dem russischen ;riginal bearbeitet und herausgegeben von 8reiherrn von 4chrenck-NotAing& 1'+$ ?0perimentell Telepathie# Neue Eersuche Aur telepathischen bbertrag von 5eichnungen& 1889 ?0periments in Cuscle-reading and Thought-trans-erence& 11(( ?0periments in 3sychical =esearch at %eland 4tan-ord Nunior >niversity& 1'*" ?0periments in 3sychical 4cience# %evitation& FContact&G and the F irect Eoice&G 1'+1 ?0periments with the Cetallic Tractors in =heumatic and Kouty A--ections& /n-lammations& and Earious Topical iseases& as 3ub# by 4urgeons 2erholdt and =a-n # # # tr# into Kerman by 3ro-essor Tode # # # thence into the ?nglish %anguage by Cr# Charles <amp-mullerH also =eports o- about ;ne 2undred and 8i-ty Cases in ?ngland # # # ,y medical and ;ther =espectable Characters# ?d# by ,enLamin ouglas 3erkins& *1$ ?0plication et emploi du magnMtisme& *'1 ?0posM des e0pMriences Jui one MtM -aites pour lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# %u X lDAcadMmie des sciences& par C# ,ailly en son nom R au0 nom de Crs# 8ranklin& %e =oy& de ,ory& et %avoisier& le 6 4eptembre 1'86& "$ ?0posM des e0pMriences sur le magnMtisme animal -aites X lD2ctel ieu de 3aris pendant les mois dDoctobre& novembre et dMcembre 18*$& "$*& +"6 ?0posM o- the avenport ,rothers& 9"1 ?0posM par ordre alphabMtiJue des cures opMrMes en 8rance par le magnMtisme animal& depuis Cesmer LusJuDX nos Lours :1''6)18*(.& ouvrage o\ lDon a rMuni les attestations de plus de *$$ mMdecins& tant magnMtiseurs Jue tMmoins& ou guMris par le magnMtisme# 4uivi dDun catalogue complet des ouvrages -ran[ais Jui ont MtM publiMs pour& sur ou contre le magnMtisme& ""1 ?0position& or a New Theory o- Animal Cagnetism with a <ey to the CysteriesH emonstrated by ?0periments with the Cost Celebrated 4omnambulists in AmericaH also& 4trictures on FCol# !m# %# 4toneDs %etter to octor A# ,righam&G "81& "8( ?0position critiJue du systPme et de la doctrine mystiJue des magnMtistes& "$9 ?0position de la doctrine magnMtiJueI ou& TraitM philosophiJue& historiJue& et critiJue du magnMtisme& (61 An ?0position o- Eiews =especting the 3rincipal 8acts& Causes and 3eculiarities /nvolved in 4pirit Cani-estationsH Together with /nteresting 3henomenal 4tatements and Communications& (*' ?0position physiologiJue des phMnomPnes du magnMtisme animal et du somnambulismeH contenant des observations pratiJues sur les avantages et lDemploi d lDun et d lDautre dans le traitement des maladies aigugs et chroniJues& *'9

%De0tMriorisation de la motricitM# =ecueil dDe0pMriences et dDobservations& 16$( %De0tMriorisation de la sensibilitM# ]tude e0pMrimentale et historiJue& 1"91 ?0trait de la correspondance de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine& relativement au magnMtisme animal& 1+6 ?0trait des Lournau0 dDun magnMtiseur& attachM X la sociMtM des amis rMunis de 4trasbourgI avec des observations sur les crises magnMtiJues& connues sous la dMnomination de somnambulisme magnMtiJue& 1($ ?0trait du Lournal de ce Jue sDest passM concernant le somnambulisme magnMtiJue de Cme& 1+9 ?0trait du Lournal dDune cure magnMtiJue# Traduit de lDallemand& 1(' 8aces o- the %iving eadH =emembrance ay Cessages and 3hotographs# A 4traight-orward 4tatement by ?stelle !# 4tead# !ith 4upplement 4howing =ecognised F?0trasG ;btained through the Cediumship o- Crs# eane& 18'8 8act and 8able in 3sychology& 1688 8act and 8ancy in 4piritualism& Theosophy and 3sychical =esearch& 1686 8acts and 8allacies o- CesmerismI emonstrated to /ts 8riends and ;pponents& +"$ 8acts and 8antasiesH a 4eJuel to 4ights and 4oundsI the Cystery o- the ay& (89 8acts and observations on the mesmeric and magnetic -luids& +8' 8acts in Cagnetism& Cesmerism& 4omnambulism& 8ascination& 2ypotism& 4ycodonamy& ?therology& 3athetism& Rc#& ?0plained and /llustrated& +8+ 8acts in Cesmerism and Thoughts on /ts Causes and >ses& 6+1 8acts in Cesmerism with =easons -or a ispassionate /nJuiry into /t& 6""& (1' The 8acts o- 3sychic 4cience and 3hilosophy Collated and iscussed& 1898 >n -ait de somnambulisme X distance& 11+' 8aits curieu0 et intMressants produits par la puissance du magnMtisme animal& ou compterendus des e0pMriences remarJuable opMrMes en ,elgiJue& 6(1 The 8allacy o- 3hreno-magnetism etected and ?0posed& 6'$ %e -antcme des vivantsH anatomie et physiologie de lDfme# =echerches e0pMrimentales sur le dMdoublement des corps de lDhomme& 1(*'

8ascination& or The philosophy o- Charming& /llustrating the 3rinciples o- %i-e in Connection with 4pirit and Catter& +(6& '18 %a -ascination magnMtiJue& prMcMdMe dDune prM-ace par onato et de son protrait photographiM& 1$+( 8atti relativi a mesmerismo e cure mesmeriche con una pre-aAione storicocritica& 6+* 8aut-il Mtudier le spiritismeW& 1+($ 8enomeni rimarchevoli di medianitX osservati senAa medi di pro-essione& 1"16 / -enomeni telepatici e le allucinaAioni viridiche# ;sservaAioni critiche sul neo-misticismo psicologico& 16** 8ern-Qhlen und Cesmerismus :?0teriorisation der 4ensibilitdt.& 188$ 8iloso-ia dello spirito1ovvero del magnetismo animale& 816 8ive ?ssays& 8$8 8ive 4ittings with Crs# 4aunders& 18'* 8lorentii Nacobi Eoltelen ;ratio de magnetismo animaliH publice habita %ugduni ,atavorum die E//# 8ebruarii a# C CC%eeee/& Juum magistratum academicicum solenniter deponeret& 199 %e -luide des magnMtiseurs# 3rMcis des e0pMriences du ,aron de =eichenbach sur les propriMtM physiJues et physiologiJues& classMes et annotMes par le %t-Colonel A# de =ochas& 1"$( %e -luide humain& ses lois et ses propriMtMs# %a science de mouvoir la matiPre sans Otre mMdium# Nombreu0 appareils et moteurs Jue lDon peut construire soi-mOme& mis en mouvement par le -luide humain# %DOtre psychiJue& les -antcmes& doubles des vivants et images -luidiJues# ]tude sur la -orce bioliJue& 1("1 %es -luides& chapitres e0traits de la KenPse& 1$1" 8oot-alls on the ,oundary o- Another !orld& 8""& 96" %a -orce-pensMeH la -acultM uniJueI mMcanisme de la tMlMpathieI e0tMriorisation de la voluntMI appel et captation des -orces cosmiJuesI thMorie nouvelle de lDin-luence de lDhomme sur lDhomme& 1(6+ %a -orce psychiJue& lDagent magnMtiJue et les instruments servant X les mesurer& 1+8" 8orce psychiJue et suggestion mentale& leur dMmonstration& leur e0plication& leurs applications possible& X la thMrapeutiJue et X la mMdecine lMgale& 11+6 %es -orces naturelles inconnues& 1+8(

%es -orces non dM-iniesH recherches historiJues et e0pMrimentales& 118' %a -orce vitale# Notre corps vitale -luidiJue& sa -ormule biomMtriJue& 1""+ 8ortnightly =eview& 9(9& 1"+$& 1+*' 8otogra-ke di -antasmiH Contributo sperimentale alla constataAione dei -enomeni medianici& 1('9 8oundations o- 2ypnosis& 1$(& 6+$ The 8oundations o- Normal and Abnormal 3sychology& 1'$+ 8oundations o- 4piritualism& 1'(8 %es -ous& les insensMs& les maniaJues et les -rMnMtiJues ne seraient-ils Jue des somnambules dMsordonnMsW& *6$)*61 %a 8rance trompMe par les magnMciens& les dMmonolftres et les magnMtiseurs du di0-huitiPme siPcle& **" 8ranA Anton Cesmer& 2is %i-e and Teaching& 1''+ 8ranA Anton Cesmer aus 4chwaben& ?ntdecker des thierischen magnetismus# ?rinnerungen an denselben& nebst nachrichten von den letAten Nahren seines %ebens Au Ceersburg am ,odensee& '(( 8ranA Anton CesmerDs %eben und %ehre# Nebst einer Eorgeschichte des Cesmerismus& 2ypnotismus und 4omnambulismus& 1"68 8rederic CyersDs 4ervice to 3sychology& 168' 8rom Agnosticism to ,elie-H An Account o- 8urther ?vidence -or 4urvival& 18(+ 8rom Catter to 4pirit# The =esult o- Ten @earsD ?0perience in 4pirit Cani-estations# /ntended as a Kuide to ?nJuirers# ,y C# # !ith a 3re-ace by A# ,# 7Augustus e Corgan.& 8+" %es -rontiPres de la science& 1+1$ 8rontiers o- the A-ter %i-e& 18"6 8ull and Comprehensive /nstructions 2ow to CesmeriAe& Ancient and Codern Ciracles by Cesmerism& also /s 4piritualism TrueW& 1$++ 8urther 3roblems o- 2ypnotism& 11'" A 8urther =ecord o- Cediumistic ?0periments& 1899 A 8urther =ecord o- ;bservations o- Certain 3henomena o- Trance& 1619& 16"9

A 8urther =ecord o- ;bservations o- Certain Trance 3henomena& 168( 8urther =eport on e0periments in thought-trans-erence at %iverpool& 1111 The Kate o- =emembranceH the 4tory o- the 3sychological ?0periment which =esulted in the iscovery o- the ?dgar Chapel at Klastonbury& 1'"*& 1'6'& 18($ KaAette de 4antM& 16 KaAAetta magnetico-scienti-ico-spiritistica& 8'1 Keburt und Tod als !echsel der Anschauungs-orm& oder die oppel-Natur des Censchen& 1116 Kedruckte Antwort des 2errn r Cesmer vom 19# Nanuar 1''+& " Keheimsvolle Tatsachen& 18$1 ie Keisterhypothese des 4piritismus und seine 3hantome& 1*9" The Keneral and 3articular 3rinciples o- Animal ?lectricity and Cagnetism& Rc# in !hich Are 8ound r# ,ellDs 4ecrets and 3ractice& As elivered to 2is 3upils in 3aris& %ondon& ublin& ,ristol& Klocester& !orcester& ,irmingham& !olverhampton& 4hrewsbury& Chester& %iverpool& Canchester& Rc# Rc# 4hewing 2ow To Cagnetise and Cure i--erent iseasesI to 3roduce Crises& as well as 4omnambulism& or 4leepwalkingI and in That 4tate o- 4leep to Cake a 3erson ?at& rink& !alk& 4ing and 3lay >pon Any /nstruments They Are >sed to& Rc# To Cake Apparatus and ;ther Accessaries To 3roduce Cagnetical 8actsI Also To Cagnetise rivers& =ooms& Trees # # # & *$1 %a genPse& les miracles et les prophMties selon le spiritisme& 91+ Kesammelte Acten-4tQcke Au Au-deckung des Keheimnisses des sogenannten thierischen Cagnetismus in einigen -reundscha-tlichen ,rie-en dem 2errn ?rnst Kott-ried ,aidinger mitgetheilet& 1(" Keschichte der okkultischen :metapsychischen. 8orschung von der Antike bis Aur Kegenwart# //# Teil# Eon der Citte des 19 Nahrhunderts bis Aur Kegenwart& 1881 Keschichte der okkultistischen :metapsychischen. 8orschung von der Antike bis Aur Kegenwart# 1# Teil# Eon der Antike bis Aur Citte der 19# Nahrhunderts& 18"$ Keschichte des %ebensmagnetismus und des 2ypnotismus# Eon >r-ang bis au- den heutigen Tag& 16(6 Keschichte des neureren ;ccultismus# Keheimwissenscha-tliche 4ysteme von Agrippa von Nettesheym bis Au Carl du 3rel& 1*96 Keschichte eines allein durch die Natur hervorgebrachten animalischen Cagnetismus und der durch denselben bewirkten KenesungI von dem AugenAeugen dieses 3hdnomens& *6(

Keschichten ,esessener neurerer 5eit# ,eobachtungen aus dem Kebiete kakoddmonischmagnetischer ?rscheinungen# Nebst =e-le0ionen von C# A# ?schenmayer Qber ,essessenseyn und 5auber& "(1 Keschichte Aweyer 4omnambulen# Nebst einigen andern enkwudigkeiten aus dem Kebiete der magischen 2eilkunde und der 3sychologie& "1' Kesundbeten CediAin und ;kkultismus& 1+$' Khost %andH ;r =esearches into the Cysteries o- ;ccultism# /llustrated in a 4eries oAutobiographical 4ketches# Translated and ?dited by ?mma 2ardinge ,ritten& 986 Khosts / 2ave 4eenH and ;ther 3sychic ?0periences& 1'89 Khosts in 4olid 8ormH an ?0perimental /nvestigation o- Certain %ittle-known 3henomena :Caterialisations.& 1(9" The Ki-t o- # # 2ome& 1*(8 Kiornale del magnetismo ed ipnotismo& 1*('& 1*99 Klimpses o- the Ne0t 4tate :The ?ducation o- an Agnostic.& 1((8 Krande belle dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal& *8 %a grande hystMrie cheA lDhomme# 3hMnomPnes dDinhibition et de dynamo-gMnie& changements de la personnalitM& action des mMdicaments X distance# DaprPs les travau0 de CC# ,ourru et ,urot& 11*( Krande isteria ed ipnotismo# 4tudio medico legale su 3aolo Conte imputato di tru--a in danno del dr# 8usco& 1**6 Krand et petit hypnotisme& 1**" Krandeur et dMcadence des =ayons NH histoire dDune croyance& 1+9" The Kreat Amherst Cystery# A True Narrative o- the 4upernatural& 1*$8 KrosLean X son MvPJue au suLet des tables parlantes& '"" Krundbegri--e der 3arapsychologie# ?ine 3hilosophische 4tudie& 18$( Krundversuche au- dem Kebiete der psychischen KrenAwissenscha-ten& 18'' Kuardian 4pirits& a Case o- Eision into the 4piritual !orld& 618 Kuida ?lementare dello studente magnetiAAatore& '$1 Kuida teorico-pratica del magnetismo animale& 9$*

Kuide du magnMtiseur ou procMdMs magnMtiJues dDaprPs Cesmer& de 3uysMgur et eleuAe& mis X la portMe de tout le monde suivi des bien-aits et dangers du somnambulisme& ++8 %es habitants de lDautre monde# ]tudes dDoutre-tombe& 86' 2allucinations& 11$9 2allucinations and /llusions& 1"'$ 2allucinations or& The =ational 2istory o- Apparitions& Eisions& reams& ?cstasy& Cagnetism& and 4omnambulism& +$8 %es hallucinations tMlMpathiJues& 1(*$ 2and-book o- Cesmerism& -or the Kuidance and /nstruction o- All 3ersons who esire to 3ractice Cesmerism& ($8 2andbuch Aur ausQbung des Cagnetismus& des 2ypnotismus& der 4uggestion& der ,iologie und verwandter 8dcher& 1+66 2arpers New Conthly CagaAine& 8"6 The 2arveian ;ration& elivered be-ore the =oyal College o- 3hysicians& %ondon& Nune *'th& 186(# !ith an ?nglish version and Notes& +"+ 2aunted 2ouses& 186" ie 2eilkra-t des %ebensmagnetismus und dessen ,eweiskra-t -Qr die >nsterblichkeit der 4eele& 9+8 2eilkra-t des thierischen Cagnetismus& ***& **( er 2eilmagnetismus& 1"$6 er 2eilmagnetismusI seine Theorie und 3ra0is& 9($ ie 2eilmethode des %ebensmagnetismus& 16(* ie 2eilmethode des %ebensmagnetismus# Theorie und 3ra0is besprochen und mit eine Nachweise Qber den wesentlichen >nterschied Awischen 2ypnotismus und 2eilmagnetismus versehen& 1*'9 as 2ellseh-Cedium Cegalis in 4chweden& 18** 2enry 4idgwickH a Cemoir& 1+(* %D2ermes& Nournal du magnMtisme animal# 3ubliM par une 4ociMtM des CMdecins& ""$ 2errn r Cesmers 4chreiben an die 8rank-urter vom 1$# Cai 1''+& 6

2errn 3ro-essor 5allners ?0perimente mit dem amerikanischen Cedium 2errn 4lade und seine 2ypothese intelligenter vierdimensionaler !esen# Cit einer Antwort an die 2erren 3ro-essoren 2errn# !# Eogel in ,erlin und N# ,# Ceyer in ,onn& 1$(1 The 2idden 4el-& 1*'$ 2igher Aspects o- 4piritualism& 1$"1 The 2ill o- EisionH A 8orecast o- the Kreat !ar and o- the 4ocial =evolution with the Coming o- the New =ace# Kathered -rom Automatic !ritings ;btained ,etween 19$9 and 191*& and also& in 1918& Through the 2and o- Nohn Alleyne& >nder the 4upervision o- the Author& 1'6' 2ints and ;bservations -or Those /nvestigating the 3henomena o- 4piritualism& 1'"+ 2ints on Animal Cagnetism& Addressed to the Cedical 3ro-ession in Kreat ,ritain& "9( 2istoire acadMmiJue du magnMtisme animal accompagnMe de notes et de remarJues critiJues sur toutes les observations et e0pMriences -aites LusJuDX ce Lour& 6"( 2istoire critiJue du magnMtisme animal& *6"& *(1& *9* 2istoire de la mMdecine et des sciences occultes# Notes bibliographiJues pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal# Analyse de tous les livres& brochures& articles de Lournau0 publiMs sur le magnMtisme animal& en 8rance et X lDMtranger& X partir de 1'(( LusJuDau "1 dMcembre 18(8# 3remiPre partieH livres imprimMs en 8rance& 9** 2istoire de magnMtisme en 8rance& de son rMgime et de son in-luence& pour servir X dMvelopper lDidMe JuDon doit avoir de la mMdecine universelle& 6" 2istoire du magnMtisme dont les phMnomPnes sont rendus sensibles par le mouvement& +1( 2istoire du merveilleu0 dans les temps modernes& 8** 2istoire du somnambulismeH cheA tous les peuples sous les noms divers dDe0tases& songes& oracles et visionsI e0amen des doctrines thMoriJues et philosophiJues de lDantiJuitM et des temps modernes& sur ses causes& ses e--ets& ses abus& ses avantages& et lDutilitM de son concours avec la mMdecine& 6++ 2istoire et philosophie du magnMtisme cheA les anciens et cheA les modernes& 1"8' 2istoire vMritable du magnMtisme animal& ou nouvelles preuves de la rMalitMs de cet agent tirMes de lDancien ouvrage dDun vieu0 docteur& 16* 2istorischen 3ropheAeiungen mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung der !eltkriegspropheAeiungen& 18*' 2istorisch-psycholoJische >ntersuchungen Qber den >rsprung und das !esen der menschlichen 4eele Qberhaupt& und Qber die beseelung des <indes insbesondere& "1(

A 2istory o- ?0perimental 4piritualism& 161$ An 2istory o- Cagic& !itchcra-t& and Animal Cagnetism& (1" 2istory o- the 4trange 4ounds or =appings& 2eard in =ochester and !estern New @ork& and >sually Called the Cysterious Noisesh !hich are 4upposed by Cany to be Communications -rom the 4pirit !orld& Together with all the ?0planation than Can as yet ,e Kiven o- the Catter& +9+ The 2istory o- the 4upernatural in All Ages and Nation& and in All Churches& Christian and 3aganH emonstrating a >niversal 8aith& 8+9 %Dhomme et lDintelligence# 8ragments de physiologie et de psychologie& 1$9" 2omo duple0H note physiologiJue sur lDorganisme humain prMsentMe au0 8acultMs de CMdecine et X lDAcadMmie des 4ciences& 1*6+ %Dhcte inconnu& 1'*8 2oudini ?0poses the Tricks >sed by the ,oston Cedium FCargeryG to !in n*+$$ 3riAe ;--ered by the 4cienti-ic American# Also a Complete ?0posure o- Argamasilla& the 8amous 4paniard !ho ,a--led Noted 4cientists o- ?urope and America& with 2is Claim to e-=ay Eision& 188* 2ow to /nvestigate 4piritualism& 1$(+ 2ow to CagnetiAe& or Cagnetism and Clairvoyance# A 3ractical Treatise on the Choice& Canagement and Capabilities o- 4ubLects& with /nstructions on the Cethod o- 3rocedure& ++( 2ow to CesmeriAe& 1""8& 1616& 1'"+ 2ow to Thought-readH a Canual o- /nstruction in the 4trange and Cystic in aily %i-e& 3sychic 3henomena& /ncluding 2ypnotic& Cesmeric& and 3sychic 4tates& Cind and Cuscle =eading& Thought Trans-erence& 3sychometry& Clairvoyance& and 3henomenal 4piritualism& 1""9 The 2uman Atmosphere& or The Aura Cade Eisible by the Aid o- Chemical 4creens& 1((6 2uman ?lectricityH the Ceans o- /ts evelopment& /llustrated by ?0periments# !ith Additional Notes& '*8 2uman /mmortalityH Two 4uppossed ;bLections to the octrine& 166$ 2umanismH 3hilosophical ?ssays& 1+*9 2uman CagnetismH /ts Claims to ispassionate /nJuiryH ,eing an Attempt to 4how the >tility o- /ts Application -or the =elie- o- 2uman 4u--ering& +*" 2uman Cagnetism# /ts Nature& 3hysiology and 3sychology# /ts >ses& as a =emedial Agent& in Coral and /ntellectual /mprovement& etc#& 1*"$

2uman Cagnetism or 2ow to 2ypnotise# A 3ractical 2andbook -or 4tudents o- Cesmerism& 1616& 1'"6 2uman Nature& 996 2uman 3ersonality and /ts 4urvival o- ,odily eath& 1$'$& 1166& 1+*' 2uman 3hysiology& 6*6 2umbugs o- New @orkH ,eing a =emonstrance Against 3opular elusionsI !hether in 4cience& 3hilosophy& or =eligion& 6$$ 2ygienic Clairvoyance& 8$" 2ypnologieH du sommeil et des songes au point de vue physiologiJueH somnambulism& magnMtisme& e0tase& hallucinationI e0posM dDune thMorie du -luide electro sympathiJue& 6'1 ie 2ypnose und die damit verwandten normalen 5ustdnde# Eorlesungen gehalten au- der >niversitdt <openhagen im herbste 1889& 1*'* ie 2ypnose und ihre civilrechtliche ,edeutung& 1*+6 2ypnose und 4uggestion& 18(' 2ypnotic CagaAine& 16$*& 16$9 2ypnotic 4uggestion and /ts =elation to the Traumatic Neurosis& 1"1( 2ypnotic Therapeutics& /llustrated by Cases# !ith an Appendi0 on Table-Coving and 4pirit=apping# =eprinted -rom the Conthly Nournal o- Cedical 4cience -or Nuly 18+"& (+( 2ypnotic Therapeutics in Theory and 3racticeH !ith Numerous /llustrations o- Treatment by 4uggestion& 1(19 as hypnotische 2ellseh-?0periment im ienste der naturwissenscha-tlichen 4eelen-orschung& 16*" as hypnotische Eerbrechen und seine ?ntdeckung& 1*"1 2ypnotism 7Coll9& 1*6$ 2ypnotism 78oveau de Courmelles9& 1*(6 2ypnotism& a Complete 4ystem o- Cethod& Application and >se& 16(9 2ypnotism& 2ow /t is oneI /ts >ses and angers& 1"+8 2ypnotism& /ts 8acts& Theories and =elated 3henomenaH with ?0planatory Anecdotes& escriptions and =eminiscences& 1"+6

2ypnotismH /ts 2istory& 3ractice and Theory& 1+1'& 1(*6 2ypnotismH /ts 2istory and 3resent evelopment& 11(" 2ypnotism& Cesmerism and the New !itchcra-t& 1"6+ 2ypnotism and iseaseI A 3lea -or =ational 3sychotherapy& 1('' 2ypnotism and 2ypnotic 4uggestion# A 4cienti-ic Treatise on the >ses and 3ossibilities o2ypnotism& 4uggestion and Allied 3henomena# ,y Thirty Authors& 16'" 2ypnotism and /ts Application to 3ractical Cedicine& 1**$ 2ypnotism and 4uggestion in aily %i-e& ?ducation& and Cedical 3ractice& 1(66 2ypnotism and 4uggestions in Therapeutics& ?ducation& and =e-orm& 169* 2ypnotism and Telepathy& 1*$6 2ypnotism and the octors& 1+$6 2ypnotism and Treatment by 4uggestion 7,ramwell9& 1(*6 2ypnotism and Treatment by 4uggestion 7 avis9& 1'"' %Dhypnotisme& 1*(6 %Dhypnotisme& compte-rendu des con-Mrences du docteur A# N# 3# 3hilips& 8*$ 2ypnotisme& double conscience& et altMrations de la personnalitM& 11+9& 1""6 2ypnotisme& Mtats intermMdiares entre le sommeil et la veille& 1198 %DhypnotismeH Mtude critiJue& 1"*( %Dhypnotisme& ses phMnomPnes et ses dangers# ]tude& 1*+$ %Dhypnotisme& ses rapports avec le droit et la thMrapeutiJue& la suggestion mentale& 1*+( 2ypnotisme& suggestion& psychothMrapieI Mtude nouvelles& 1*86 2ypnotisme& suggestion et lecture des pensMes# Tr# du =usse par ?rnest Naubert& 1"$8 %Dhypnotisme devant les chambres lMgislative belges& 1"1" 2ypnotisme et croyances anciennes& 1"$" 2ypnotisme et double conscienceI origine de leur Mtude divers et travau0 sur des suLets analogues& 1""6

%Dhypnotisme et la libertM des reprMsentations publiJues& 1*$1 %Dhypnotisme et la psychothMrapie dans lDoeuvre de umontpallier& 1(9* %Dhypnotisme et la suggestion& 1+19 %Dhypnotisme et la suggestion dans leurs rapports avec la mMdecine lMgale& 161* %Dhypnotisme et la volontM& 11$6 %Dhypnotisme et la crime& 1"+9 %Dhypnotisme et les Mtats analogues au point de vue mMdico-lMgal& les Mtats hypnotiJues et les Mtats analogues& les suggestions criminelles& cabinets de somnambules et sociMtMs de magnMtisme et de spiritisme& lDhypnotisme devant la loi& 11'* %Dhypnotisme et lDorthopMdie mentale& 16"" 2ypnotisme et magnMtisme# 4omnambulisme& suggestion et tMlMpathie# /n-luence personnelle # # # rMsumant # # # tous les connaissances humaines sur les possibilitMs& les usages et la pratiJue de lDhypnotisme ### du magnMtisme& de la suggestion et de la tMlMpathie # # # & 1++6 2ypnotisme e0pMrimentalI la dualitM cMrMbrale et lDindMpendance -onctionelle des deu0 hMmisphPres cMrMbrau0& 1$'9 %Dhypnotisme e0pliJuM dans sa nature et dans ses actes# Ces entretiens avec 4# C# lD?mpereur on 3edro sur le arwinisme& 1*1$ 2ypnotismen& dess utveckling och nuvarande 4tandpunkt# 3opular -ramstallning& 11(" %Dhypnotisme scienti-iJue& 1"99 %Dhypnotisme thMoriJue et pratiJue& comprenant les procMdMs dDhypnotisation& 1*"9 2ypnotism in Cental and Coral Culture& 16'( er 2ypnotism or Animal Cagnetism# 3hysiological ;bservations& 1$*9 er 2ypnotismus& 1*6$ 2ypnotismus and 4uggestion& 1""* 2ypnotismus& Animismus und 3sychoanalyse# 2istorisch-kritische Eersuche& 1'*' er 2ypnotismus# 2andbuch der %ehre von der 2ypnose und der 4uggestion& mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung ihrer ,edeutung -Qr Cedicin und =echtsp-lege& 169$ er 2ypnotismus# 3sychiatrische ,eitrage Aur <entniss der sogenannten hypnotischen 5ustande# Nebst einem physiognomischen ,eitrag von r# 2ans Eirchow& 1$9+

er 2ypnotismusH seine ,edeutung und seine 2andhabung# /n kurAge-asster arstellung& 1*"* er 2ypnotismus& seine 4tellung sum Aberglauben und Aur !issenscha-t& 11$( er 2ypnotismusH Eorlesungen gehalten an der <# 8riedrich-!ilhelms->niversitdt Au ,erlin& 1*'+ er 2ypnotismus im CQnchener <rankenhause :%inks der /sar.# ?ine kritische 4tudie Qber die Ke-ahren der 4uggestivbehandlung& 1"'" 2ypnotismus und 4uggestion# ?ine klinisch-psychologische 4tudie& 1"+' %Diconographie en anses de la -orce vitale cosmiJue et la respiration -luidiJue de lDfme humaine# 4on atmosphPre -luidiJue& 1"9' /conographie photographiJue de la 4alpMtriPre :service de C# Charcot.# /# 2ystMro-MpilepsieH description des attaJuesI les possMdMes du %oudunI du cruci-iement# //# ]pilepsie partielle et hystMro-Mpilepsie # # # ///# 2ystMro-MpilepsieH 5ones hystMrogPnesI sommeilI attaJue de sommeilI hypnotismeI somnambulismeI magnMtisme& catalepsieI procMdMs de magnMtisme& 98* /deen und ,eobachtungen den thierischen Cagnetismus und dessen Anwendung betre--end& *1+ /dMes de physiJue ou rMsumM dDune conversation sur la cause des sensations avec la composition de la poudre de sympathie& ouvrage dMdiM au0 dames de 3aris& 1(6 /llusionsH A 3sychological 4tudy& 1$+$ /llustrated %ondon News& (6' The /llustrated 3ractical Cesmerist& Curative and 4cienti-ic& '1$ /llustrations and ?nJuiries =elating to Cesmerism# 3art /& +'8 /llustrations o- Codern Cesmerism -rom 3ersonal /nvestigation& +1* /llustrations o- 3olitical ?conomy& +** /llustrations o- the /n-luence o- the Cind upon the ,ody in 2ealth and isease# esigned to ?lucidate the Action o- the /magination& 969 %Dimagination& Mtude psychologiJue& 99( %DimaginationH ses bien-aits et ses Mgarements sourtout dans le domaine du merveilleu0& 91' /ncidents in Cy %i-e& 8+8& 968 /ncidents in Cy %i-e# 4econd 4eries& 8+8& 968

%Dinconnu et les problPmes psychiJues& 16+' %Dinconscient& Mtude sur lDhypnotisme& 1**( /nde0 7o- -orbidden books9& '1(& 8*+ The /n-luence o- Cetallic Tractors on the 2uman ,ody& in =emoving Earious 3ain-ul /n-lammatory iseases& etc#& by which a New 8ield o- ?nJuiry is ;pened in the Codern 4cience o- Kalvanism or Animal ?lectricity& *$6)*$+ The /n-luence o- Cetallic Tractors on the 2uman ,ody& in =emoving Earious 3ain-ul /n-lammatory iseases # # # %ately iscovered by r# 3erkins # # # and emonstrated in a 4eries o- ?0periments and ;bservations& by 3ro-esors Ceigs& !oodward& =ogers& Rc#& Rc# by which the /mportance o- the iscovery is 8ully Ascertained& and a New 8ield o- ?nJuiry ;pened in the Codern 4cience o- Kalvanism& or& Animal ?lectricity # # # & *$9 /n-luenAa del magnetismo sul cervellettoH discorso accademico& 1$** /n-luenAa del magnetismo sulla vita animale& 1$"$ %Dinitiation& =evue philosophiJue indMpendante des hautes Mtudes& hypnotisme& -orce psychiJue& thMosophie& kabbale gnose& -ranc ma[onnerie& sciences occultes& 1*$9& 1(9$ /nitiation au0 mystPres du magnMtisme# ThMorie du magnMtisme# Connaissance des maladies& causes et remPdes# 8aits magnMtiJues# Eision somnambuliJue# Eision dans lDavenir et dans lDespace& etc# # # # & ++$ /nitiation au0 mystPres secrets de la thMorie et de la pratiJue du magnMtisme rendue simple et -acile Juant X la pratiJue etc#& suivie dDe0pMriences inMdites -aites X Conte Cristo cheA Ale0andre umas& de la biographie de N# ,# Carcillet& de la visite -aite au somnambule Ale0is par le gMnMral Cavaignac& +(* /nsensibilitM produite au moyen du sommeil magnMtiJue# Nouvelle opMration chirurgicale -aite X Cherbourg& +61 /nstitut dynamo-thMrapiJue# u somnambulisme mMdical& ou esJuisse de nososcopie dynamothMrapiJue& ''' /nstitut mMtapsychiJue international# ,ulletin& 1*8"& 1''( /nstruction e0plicative des tables tournantes& dDaprPs les publications allemandes& amMricaines& et les e0traits des Lounau0 allemands& -ran[ais et amMricains# 3rMcMdMe dDune introduction sur lDaction motrice du -luide magnMtiJue& par 2enri elaage& (8( /nstruction pratiJue sur le magnMtisme animal& suivie dDun lettre Mcrite X lDauteur par un mMdecin Mtranger& "*$ /nstructions in Cesmerism Rc# The Cagnetic and ,otanic 8amily 3hysician& and omestic 3ractice o- Natural Cedicine& with /llustrations 4howing Earious 3hases o- Cesmeric

Treatment& /ncluding 8ull and Concise /nstructions in Cesmerism& Curative Cagnetism& and Cassage& 1196 /nstructions pratiJues sur les mani-estations spirites contenant lDe0posM complet des conditions nMcessaires pour commniJuer avec les esprits et les moyens pour dMvelopper la -acultM mMdiatrice cheA les mMdiums& '9( ie /ntellektuellen 3hdnomene& 188+& 189+ /nternational Congress -or 3sychical =esearch :1st& Copenhagen& 19*1. 3roceedings& 18*8 /nternational Congress -or 3sychical =esearch 3roceedings :!arsaw& 19*".& 18(( /ntorno allDignotoI -akiri e case in-estate in un con-litto sullo spiritismoH prima riposta a Ces# %ombroso& 1("6 /ntroduction au magnMtisme& e0amen de son e0istence depuis les /ndiens LusJuDX lDMpoJue actuelle& sa thMorie& sa pratiJue& ses avantages& ses dangers et la nMcessitM de son concours avec la mMdicine& 6*+ /ntroduction au magnMtisme animal par 3# %aurent& suivie des principau0 aphorismes du r Cesmer dictMs par lui X lDassemblMe de ses MlPves& et dans lesJuels on trouve ses principes& sa thMorie et les moyens de magnMtiser& +(" The /ntroduction o- Cesmerism& as an Anaesthetic and Curative Agent& into the 2ospitals o/ndia& ("( An /ntroduction to the 4tudy o- Animal Cagnetism& "99 /ntroduAione allo studio del magnetismo animale e del magnetico sonnambulismo& 861 %Dipnotismo& 1*(' %Dipnotismo e gli stati a--ini& 11(1 %Dipnotismo e magnetismo svelato e spiegato sulle teorie di onato Kuidi e Cesmer& 119" /pnotismo e spiritismo& 1+'( %Dipnotismo-magnetismo alla portata di tutti# Canuale pratico de psichismo illustrato& 1'$* /potesi spiritica e teoriche scienti-iche& 1+1( /sis =evelataI an /nJuiry into the ;rigin& 3rogress R 3resent 4tate o- Animal Cagnetism& "+6& "'*& "9( /s 4piritualism ,ased on 8raudW The ?vidence o- 4ir A# Conan oyle and ;thers rastically ?0amined& 1'8" N# C# Charcot& son oeuvre psychologiJue& 1"8(

er Nenseitige CenschH eine ?in-Qhrung in die Cetapsychologie der Cystischen ?r-ahrung& 19$1 er LetAige 4piritualismus und verwandte ?r-ahrungen der Eergangenheit und Kegenwart# ?in 4upplement Au des Eer-assers Fmystischen ?rscheinungen der menschlichen Natur&G 999 Noseph Klanvill and 3sychical =esearch in the 4eventeenth Century& 181$ Nournal de lDanatomie et de la physiologie normales et pathologiJues de lDhomme et des animau0& 9'' Nournal de la 4ociMtM du magnMtisme animal X 3aris& *88 Nournal de 3aris& 86)8+ Nournal de psychologie normal et pathologiJue& 1+6$ Nournal des dMbats& "98 Nournal du magnMtisme& 1$1*& 1$(8& 1(+$ Nournal du magnMtisme& rMdigM par un 4ociMtM de magnMtiseurs et mMdecins& sous la direction de C# le ,aron u 3otet& +18 Nournal du magnMtisme# 4ous la direction de 2# urville& 611& +18 Nournal du traitement magnMtiJue de la demoiselle N# %eJuel a servi de base X lD?ssai sur la ThMorie du somnambulism magnMtiJue& 1(1 Nournal du traitement magnMtiJue de Cadame ,# # # # pour servir de suite au Nournal du traitement magnMtiJue de la lle# N# ### R de preuve X la thMorie de lD?ssai& 1'* Nournal du traitement magnMtiJue dDun Leune soldat& cavalier dans le rMgiment des lanciers de la garde royale& attaJuM dDun mal X la cheville du pied& dMgMnMrM en ulcPre--istuleu0& "18 Nournal -Qr 3sychologie und Neurologie# 5ugleich 5eitschri-t -Qr 2ypnotismus& 1"""& 1+$+ Nournal o- Abnormal 3sychology& 1++9& 1+96& 1("'& 1(6"& 1'1(& 18"" Nournal o- Cagnetism& 1689 Nournal o- Cedical 2ypnotism& 16$9& 166* Nournal o- Cental 4cience& 1*8$ Nournal o- the 3hreno-magnetic 4ociety o- Cincinnati& 6+( Nustinus <erner und die 4eherin von 3revorst& 11"( er <amp- um die Caterialisations-3hdnomene# ?ine Eerteidigungsschri-t& 1'$"

ie <ataple0ie und der thierische 2ypnotismus& 1$$9 <atechismus des Eital-Cagnetismus Aur leichteren irection der %aien-Cagnetiseurs# 5usammengetragen wdhrend seiner AehnLdhrigen magnetischen %au-bahn nach Aussagen von 4omnambulen und vieler Autoren& +*'& (9" A <ey to 2ypnotism# A Complete and Authentic Kuide to Clairvoyance& Cesmerism and 2ypnotism& 1+$* A <ey to 3hysic& and the ;ccult 4ciences& *$" A <ey to the 4cience o- ?lectrical 3sychology# All its 4ecrets ?0plained& with 8ull and Comprehensive /nstructions in the Code o- ;peration and its Application to isease& with 4ome >se-ul and 2ighly /nteresting ?0periments# ?very 3erson an ;perator# ,y a 3ro-essor o- the 4cience& +98 <ort ,egrip der psychische Keneeswi LAe voodracht gehouden op uitnoodiging van het ,estur van F;ns 2uis ,uiten de CuiderpoortG # # # & 1+6" <riminal-Telepathie und -=etroskopie# Telepathie und 2ellsehen im ienste der <riminalistik& 18*" %e langage martien& Mtude analytiJue de la genPse dDune lange dans un cas de glossolalie somnambuliJue& 168"& 1+$" %ater 3hases o- Caterialisation& with =e-lections to !hich They Kive =ise& 996 The %aw o- Cental CedicineH the Correlation o- the 8acts o- 3sychology and 2istology in Their =elation to Cental Therapeutics& 1+*1 The %aw o- 3sychic 3henomenaH A !orking 2ypothesis -or the 4ystematic 4tudy o2ypnotism& 4piritism& Cental Therapeutics& etc#& 1"6(& 1"8+ %e[ons cliniJues sur les principau0 phMnomPnes de lDhypnotisme dans leurs rapports avec la pathologie mentale& 1*'" %e[ons cliniJues sur lDhystMrie et hypnotismeH -aites X lD2cpital 4aint-AndrM de ,ordeau0& 1"$* %e[ons de cliniJue mMdicale -aites X lDhcpital 4aint-?loi de Contpellier& 1+*$ %e[ons sur les maladies du systPme nerveu0 -aites X la 4alpOtriPre # # # recueillies et publiMes par ,ourneville& 96'& 1$+8 %ecture on Cysterious <nockings& Cesmerism& Rc#& with a ,rie- 2istory o- the ;ld 4tone Cill& and a 3rediction o- /ts 8all& elivered ,e-ore the AntiJuarian 4ociety o3appagassett # # # by ,enLamin 8ranklin Cacy& #8#& # #8#& A#4#4#& 3ro-essor o2yper-lutinated 3hilosophy& (*1 The %ectures o- N# ,# de Cainauduc& C# # 3art the 8irst& *$8

%ectures on ClairmativenessH or& 2uman Cagnetism& +*+ %eib und 4eele# ?ine >ntersuchung Qber das 3sycho-3hysische Krundproblem& 1'1* %e lendemain de la mortI ou la vie -uture selon la science& 96$ %etter -rom C# Cesmer& octor o- Cedicine at Eienna to A# C# >nAer& octor o- Cedicine& on the Cedicinal >sage o- the Cagnet& + A %etter on Animal Cagnetism& 69" %etter on the Truths Contained in 3opular 4uperstitions& with an Account o- Cesmerism& +'9 %etters on Animal Cagnetism& +1$ %etters on Cesmerism& +** %etters on the %aws o- CanDs Nature and evelopment& ($+ %etters to a Candid /nJuirer& on Animal Cagnetism& (1' A %etter to Col# !m# %# 4tone& o- New @ork& on the 8acts =elated in his %etter to r# ,righam& and a 3lain =e-utation o- urantDs ?0position o- Animal Cagnetism& Rc# by Charles 3oyen# !ith =emarks on the Canner in which the Claims o- Animal Cagnetism should be Cet and iscussed# ,y a Cember o- the Cassachusetts ,ench& "8( %etter to octor A# ,righam& on Animal CagnetismH ,eing an Account o- a =emarkable /nterview ,etween the Author and Ciss %oraina ,rackett !hile in a 4tate o- 4omnambulism& "8(& "89 %etter to the =oyal College o- 3hysicians& %ondon& dated Carch *8& 18$*& +"+ %ettre adressMe X C# le CarJuis de 3uysMgur sur une observation -aite X la lune& prMcMdMe dDun systPme nouveau sur le mMcanisme de la vue& 1(9 %ettre adressMe par C# dD?slon au0 auteurs du Nournal de 3aris et voluntairement re-usMe par eu0& concernant lDe0trait de la correspondance de la 4ociMtM royale relativement au magnMtisme animal& rMdigM par C# Thouret et imprimM au %ouvre& 1"* %ettre X la 4ociMtM e0MgMtiJue et philanthropiJue de 4tockholm # # # & 18+ %ettre X C# dD?slon& mMdecin ordinaire de Conseigneur le Comte dDArtois& +9 %ettre X C# lDabbM CroiAet # # # sur le magnMtisme et la danse des tables& ('9 %ettre X C# Cesmer& et autre piPces concernant la maladie de mademoiselle de ,elancourt de ,eauvais& 1' %ettre X Cadame la Comtesse de %# # # # contenant une observation magnMtiJue -aite par une somnambule sur un en-ant de si0 mois& 1((

%ettre X messieurs le membres de lDacadMmie de mMdecine& sur la marche Jue convient de suivre pour -i0er lDopinion publiJue relativement X la rMalitM du magnMtisme animal& au0 avantages JuDon peut en retirer& et au0 dangers JuDil prMsente lorsJuDon en -ait une application inconsidMrMe& "*( %ettre au docteur 8rapart sur le magnMtisme& 6(8 %ettre a un magistrat de province& sur lDe0istence du magnMtisme& '+ %ettre de 8# A# Cesmer& docteur en mMdecine& sur lDorigine de la petite vMrole et le moyen de la -aire cesser& suivie dDune autre lettre du mOme adressM au0 auteurs du Nournal de 3aris& contenant diverses opinions relatives au systPme de lDauteur sur le magnMtisme animal& *1( %ettre de 8igaro au Comte Almaviva sur la crise du magnMtisme animal& avec des dMtails propres X -i0er en-in lDopinion sur lDinutilitM de cette dMcouverteI nouvelle Mdition prMcMdM et suivie des rM-le0ions Jui ont rapport au0 circonstances prMsentes& traduites de lDespangnol& 66 %ettre de lDauteur de la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal X lDauteur des =M-le0ions prMliminaires# 3our servir de rMponse X un imprimM ayant pour titreH 4ommes versMes entre les mains de C# Cesmer pour acJuMrir le droit de publier sa dMcouverte& 166 %ettre de lDauteur de lD?0amen sMrieu0 et impartial du magnMtisme animal X C# Nudel& mMdecin membre de la 4ociMtM de lD2armonie& o\& en rMpondant X la critiJue JuDen a -aite ce docteur& et JuDil a insMrMe dans les a--iches du pays chartrain& on -ait voir Jue les disciples de dD?slon peuvent Otre aussi instruits de la doctrine du magnMtisme animal& Jue ceu0 de C# Cesmer et JuelJue-ois mieu0& '9 %ettre de lDauteur de monde primiti- X messieurs ses souscripteurs sur le magnMtisme animal& *9 %ettre de C# A# X C# ,#& sur le livre intitulMH =echerches R doutes sur le magnMtisme animal de C# Thouret& '( %ettre de C# dD?slon& docteur rMgent de la 8acultM de 3aris& et mMdecine ordinaire de Conseigneur le comte dDArtois& X C# 3hilip& docteur en mMdecine& doyen de la 8acultM& *$ %ettre de C# %DabbM 3# # # # de lDAcadMmie de la =ochelle& X C# # # #de la mOme AcadMmie sur le magnMtisme animal& 99 %ettre de C# le C de C 3 a C# le 3 ? de 4& *6 %ettre de C# le CarJuis de& X un mMdecine de province& *1 %ettre de C# Cesmer X C# %e Cte de C :"1 ao_t 1'86.& 8* %ettre de C# Cesmer X C :EicJ-dDAAyr.& 3aris& 1( ao_t 1'86& 8" %ettre de C# Ealleton de ,oissiPre& mMdecin X ,ergerac& X C# Thouret& mMdecin X 3aris& pour servir de rM-utation X lD?0trait de la correspondance de la 4ociMtM =oyale de CMdecine& relativement au magnMtisme animal& 1++

%ettre dDun Anglais X un 8ran[ais sur la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal et observations sur cette lettre& (6 %ettre dDun mMdecin de la -acultM de 3aris X C# Court de KMbelin& en rMponse X celle Jue ce savant a adressMe X ses souscripteurs et dans laJuelle il -ait un Mloge triomphant du magnMtisme animal& ($ %ettre dDun mMdecin de la 8acultM de 3aris X un mMdecin du CollPge de %ondresI ouvrage dans leJuel on prouve contre C# Cesmer Jue le magnMtisme animal nDe0iste pas& 1+ %ettre dDun mMdecin de 3aris X un mMdecin de province& 8( %ettre du pPre 2ervier au0 habitants de ,ordeau0& '$ %ettres X C# %Mlut sur la Juestion du sommeil& du somnambulisme et des tables tournantes& X propos de son rapport au suLet du dernier concours ouvert X lDAcadMmie des 4ciences morales et politiJues :section de philosophie.& '+" %ettres de C#/#,#d#,#& X C#3#%#K#2# #%#4#& X Carseille& sur lDe0istence du magnMtisme animal et lDagent universel de la nature dont le r Cesmer se sert pour opMrer ses guMrisons # # # avec le moyen de se bien porter sans le secours du mMdecin& 61 %ettres de C# Cesmer& X C# EicJ-dDAAyr& et X messieurs les auteurs du Nournal de 3aris& 8+ %ettres de C# Cesmer X messieurs les auteurs du Nournal de 3aris& et X C# 8ranklin& 86 %ettres dDun magnMtiseur& 68' %ettres physiologiJues et morales sur le magnMtisme animal& contenant lDe0posM critiJue des e0pMriences les plus rMcentes& et une nouvelle thMorie sur ses causes& ses phMnomPnes et ses applications X la mMdecineI addressMes X C# %e 3ro-esseur Alibert& "*8 %ettres pour servir de suite X lDessai sur la thMorie du somnambulism magnMtiJue& 1'" %ettres sur le magnMtisme& 1$* %ettres sur le magnMtisme animal& considMrM sous le point de vue physiologiJue et psychologiJue& X C# le r# e& ++" %ettres sur le magnMtisme animalI ou lDon discute lDouvrage de C# Thouret& intitulMH outes et recherches ### et le rapport des commissaires sur lDe0istence # # # & 6* %ettres sur le magnMtisme et le somnambulisme& X lDoccasion de Cademoiselle 3igeaire& 6$9 %ettres sur le magnMtisme par le docteur de ,oret& publiMes pour la premiPre -ois par lD>nion magnMtiJue& 8(+ %ettre sur la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal X C# Court de KMbelin& '1& 88& *'+ %ettre sur la mort de Court de KMbelin& ''& 8'

%ettre sur la seule e0plication satis-aisante des phMnomPnes du magnMtisme animal et du somnambulisme dMduite des vrais principes -ondMs dans la connaissance du crMatur& de lDhomme& et de la nature& et con-irmMe par lDe0pMrience& 18+)18( %ettre sur le magnMtisme animal& o\ lDon e0amine la con-ormitM des opinions des peuples anciens R modernes& des s[avans R notament de C# ,ailly avec celles de C# CesmerH et o\ lDon compare ces mOmes opinions au rapport des commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal adressM X Consieur ,ailly de lDAcadMmie des 4cience etc#& (* %ettre sur le magnMtisme animal addressMe X C# 3erdriau& pasteur et pro-esseur dDMglise et de lDacadMmie de KenPve& 89 %ettre sur le magnMtisme animal adressMe a C# # # # X 3aris& *66 %ettre sur le secret de C# Cesmer ou rMponse dDun mMdecin X un autre& Jui avait demandM des Mclaircissements X ce suLet& *+& 1$9 %ettre sur un -ait relati- X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal adressMe X C# 3hilip& doyen de la 8acultM de CMdecine de 3aris& *1& *" %a lMvitation& 16*8 %ibrary o- Cesmerism and 3sychology in Two Eolumes& Comprising 3hilosophy oCesmerism& ;n 8ascination& ?lectrical 3sychology& The Cacrocosm& 4cience o- the 4oul& '18 %i-e a-ter eath# 3roblems o- the 8uture %i-e and /ts Nature& 1'6$ %i-e ,eyond eathH ,egin a =eview o- the !orldDs ,elie-s on the 4ubLect& a Consideration o3resent Conditions o- Thought and 8eeling& %eading to the Tuestion as to !hether /t can be emonstrated as a 8actH to !hich is Added An Appendi0 Containing 4ome 2ints as to 3ersonal ?0periences and ;pinions& 16(" %i-eDs ,orderland and ,eyond& 16'+ %ight& 1'9+ %ights and 4hadows o- American %i-e& "9+ %ights and 4hadows o- 4piritualism& 99+ A %ist o- a 8ew Cures 3er-ormed by Cr# and Crs# e %outherbourg o- 2ammersmith Terrace& !ithout Cedicine& 189 %e livre des esprits contenant les principes de la doctrine spirite sur la nature des esprits& leur mani-estation et leurs rapports avec les hommes# # # # ]crit sous la dictMe et publiM par lDordre dDesprits supMrieurs par Allan <ardec& '81& '9(& 86+ %ois physiJues du magnMtisme# 3olaritM humaine# TraitM e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue de magnMtisme& 11"')11"8

%ondon Cedical and 3hysical Nournal& ""9 %uce e ombra# =evista mensile illustrata di scienAe spiritualiste& 1691 %uce magnetica& '(' %uciditM et intuitionI Mtude e0pMrimentale& 1(91& 18+1 %umiPre des morts& ou Mtudes magnMtiJues philosophiJues et spiritualistes dMdiMes au0 libres penseurs du e/ee siPcle& ($9 %a lumiPre sur le magnMtisme& ses dM-enses et ses ennemis& 1*$' %a lutte pour la mMtapsychiJue# >n chapitre passionnant dDhistoire scienti-iJue :19**)*6.# %es FLugementsG de la 4orbonne et la Juestion de la -raude cheA les mediums& 18'9 %a ma[onnerie mesmMrienne& ou le[ons prononcMes par 8r# Cocet& =jala& Themola& 4eca et CMlaphon& de lD;rdre des 8# de lDharmonie& en %oge mesmMrienne de ,ordeau0& lDan des in-luences +#'86& et le premier du mesmMrisme& "6 The Cacrocosm and Cicrocosm& '18 Cadame 3iper et la 4ociMtM Anglo-AmMricaine pour les =echerches 3sychiJues& 1+11 Cademoiselle 3igeaire& somnambulisme et magnMtisme animal& "98 Cagic& !itchcra-t& Animal Cagnetism& 2ypnotism& and ?lectro-,iologyI ,eing a igest othe %atest Eiews o- the Author on these 4ubLects# Third ?dition& Kreatly ?nlarged& ?mbracing ;bservations on N# C# ColJuhounDs F2istory o- Cagic&G Rc#& ("1 A Cagician Among the 4pirits& 188" The Cagic 4ta--I an Autobiography o- Andrew Nackson avis& ''6 ie Cagie als e0perimentelle Naturwissenscha-t& 1(81 ie Cagie als Naturwissenscha-t& 16++ %a magie au0 di0-neuviPme siPcle& ses agents& ses vMritMs ses mensonges# 3rMcMdMe dDune letre adressMe X lDauteur par le 3# Eentura de =aulica& Ancien KMnMrale de lDordre des ThMatins& Consulteur de la 4acrMe CongrMgation des =ites& ?0aminateur des ?vOJues et du clergM romain& 8*6 %a magie dMvoilMe& ou principes de science occulte& ("" Cagie du e/ee siPcle# TMnPbres# TreiAe nuits suivies dDun demi-Lour sur lDhypnotisme& 8"$ Cagie magnMtiJue ou traitM historiJue et pratiJue de -ascination& miroirs cabalistiJues& apports& suspensions& pactes& talismans& possession& envo_tements& sortilPges& etc#& '$'

CagikonH Archiv -Qr ,eobachtungen aus dem Kebiete der Keisterkunde und des magnetischen und magischen %ebens# Nebst andern 5ugeben -Qr 8reunde des /nnern& "68& 6*9 as magische Keistesleben# ?in ,eitrag Aur 3sychologie& '8* Cagnes sive de arte magnetica& ('6 Cagnet& "'1 The Cagnet& 6+'& 699 %a magnete e i nervosiH centuria di osservationi& 9*+ Cagnetic and Cold !ater Cure& +66 Cagnetic Nournal& 166( ie magnetische %ehre der neuen 4chule in 8ragen und Antworten nach den Eorlesungen # # # von ein seiner 2arer& +*8 Cagnetische CagaAin -Qr Nieder-Teutschland& 1(8& *** %e magnMtiseur& Lournal du magnMtisme animal& 8$' %e magnMtiseur amoureu0& par un membre de la sociMtM harmoniJue du rMgiment de CetA& +6& 1'+ %e magnMtiseur praticien& '++ CagnMtiseurs et mMdecins& 1*+9 %es magnMtiseurs LugMs par eu0-mOmes nouvelle enJuOte sur le magnMtisme animal# ;uvrage dMdiM au0 classes letrMes& aus mMdecins& X la magistrature et au clergM& '89 %es magnMtiseurs ont-ils tort ou raisonW That is the Juestionh ApprMciation et solution en deu0 parties& '98 %e magnMtiseur spiritualiste& Nournal rMdigM par les membres de la sociMtM des magnMtiseurs spiritualistes de 3aris& +''& '$8 %es magnMtiseurs sont-ils sorciersW %a 8rance est-elle hMrMtiJueW %es mOmes hommes lDont dit& 6+8 %e magnMtiseur universel# ?cho du monde magnMtiJue& 89' %e magnMtiseur universel& recueil des progrPs spiritualistes ou Mtudes sur les mani-estations du spiritualisme moderne& 8'$ Cagnetism and its 2ealing 3ower& 8"8

%e magnMtisme& 9'( CagnMtisme# Arcanes de la vie -uture dMvoilMs& ou lDe0istence& la -orme& les occupations de lDfme aprPs sa sMparation du corps sont prouvMes par plusieurs annMes dDe0pMriences au moyen de huit somnambules e0tatiJues Jui ont eu Juatre-vingts perceptions de trente-si0 personnes de diverses conditions dMcMdMes X di--Mrentes MpoJues& leur signalement& conversations& renseignement preuves irrMcusables de leur e0istence au monde spirituelh& ++9& '$8 CagnMtisme# ?ncyclopMdie magnMtiJue spiritualiste& traitant spMcialement de -aits psychologiJues& magie magnMtiJue& swedenborgianisme& Mcromancie& magie cMleste& etc#& '$8 CagnMtisme# ?0plication du phMnomPne du seconde vue et de soustraction de pensMe& dont Louissent les somnambules lucides# u magnMtisme au point de vue de la thMrapeutiJue# Carcillet& notice biographiJue& ++1 CagnMtisme# /nsensibilitM produite au moyen du sommeil magnMtiJue# Nouvelle opMration chirurgicale -aite X Cherbourg& +6+ CagnMtisme& insensibilitM produite au moyen du sommeil magnMtiJue# Trois nouvelles opMrations chirurgicales pratiJuMes X Cherbourg& le 6 Luin 186'& en prMsence de plus de ($ tMmoins& ++6 %e magnMtisme# Nournal des sciences magnMtiJue& hypnotiJue et occultes # # # & 869 CagnMtisme# %Dfme de la terre et des tables parlantes& '1" CagnMtisme# %e Christ Juali-iM de magnMtiseur par la synagogue et lDincrMdulitM modernes et le magnMtisme plaidant lui-mOme la cause du Christ& ++' %e magnMtisme& le somnambulisme et le spiritualisme dans lDhistoire# A--aire curieuse des possMdMes de %ouviers# :?0plications et rapprochements avec les -aits actuels& avec les phMnomPnes produits par C# 2ome#.& '9* %e magnMtisme& le spiritisme& et lDMglise& 8(1 CagnMtisme# C# %a-ontaine et les sourds muets& 8"* CagnMtisme& moyen dDa--ermir le magnMtisme dans la voie scienti-iJue& 8(" CagnMtisme# Coyens magnMtiJues pour -aire tourner les tables& les chapeau0& ('+ %e CagnMtisme# =evue gMnMrale des sciences physio-psychologiJues& 11+$ CagnMtisme# 4omnambulisme# Kuide des incrMdules& (6$ CagnMtisme& somnambulisme& hypnotisme& considMrations nouvelles sur le systPme nerveu0& ses -onctions et ses maladies& 819 CagnMtisme& somnambulisme# Canuel MlMmentaire de lDaspirant magnMtiseur& ((8

CagnMtisme& son histoire& sa thMorie& son application au traitement des maladies& mMmoire envoyM X lDAcadMmie de ,erlin& "(* %e magnMtisme# EMritMs et chimPres de cette science occulte# >n drame dans le somnambulisme& Mpisode historiJue& 1$'' %e magnMtisme X Chateaurou0& +$( %e magnMtisme animal 73eronnet9& 1$9* %e magnMtisme animal 7,inet and 8MrM9& 11(* %e magnMtisme animalH X propos dDune visite X lDMcole de Nancy& 1**8 %e FmagnMtisme animalGI Mtude critiJue et e0pMrimental sur lDhypnotisme& ou sommeil nerveu0 provoJuM cheA les suLets sains& lMthargie& catalepsie& somnambulisme& suggestions& etc#& 1$81 %e magnMtisme animal# ]tude historJue et critiJue& 1*61 %e magnMtisme animalH MtudiM sous le nom de -orce neuriJueH rayonnante et circulante dans ses propriMtMs physiJues& physiologiJues et thMrapeutiJues& 11($ CagnMtisme animal# ?0amen et rM-utation du rapport -ait par C# ?# 8# ubois :dDAmiens. X lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecine& le 8 ao_t 18"'& sur le magnMtisme animal& "9* CagnMtisme animal# CMmoires et aphorismes de Cesmer suivis des procMdMs de D?s/on# Nouvelle Mdition avec des notes& +$* CagnMtisme animal& re-us de lDAcadMmie de mMdecine de constater le phMnomPne de la vision X travers les corps opaJues& 66* CagnMtisme animal& suggestion hypnotiJue et post-hypnotiJue# 4on emploi comme agent thMrapeutiJue& 11"* %e magnMtisme animal X lDusage des gens du monde suivi de JuelJues lettres en opposition X ce mode de guMrison& """ %e magnMtisme animal considMrM comme moyen thMrapeutiJueI son application au traitement de deu0 cas remarJuables de nMvropathiJue& 686 %e magnMtisme animal dMvoilM par un AMlM citoyen -ran[ais& '" %e magnMtisme animal e0pliJuM& ou %e[ons analytiJues sur la nature essentielle du magnMtisme& sur ses e--ets& son histoire& ses applications& les diverses maniPres de la pratiJuer& etc#& +*9 %e magnMtisme animal -antaAiM0oussiJue retrouvM dans lDantiJuitM # # # & "$(

%e magnMtisme animal opposM X la mMdecine& CMmoire pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme en 8rance et en Angleterre& 6*" %e magnMtisme animal retrouvM dans lDantiJuitM ou dissertation historiJue& MtymologiJue et mythologiJue sur ?sculape& 2ippocrate et Kalien& sur Apis& 4Mrapis ou ;sisis et sur /sis suivie de recherches sur lDalchimie& "$( %e magnMtisme appliJuM X la mMdecine& 8'* %e magnMtisme catholiJueI ou& /ntroduction X la vraie pratiJue et rM-utation des opinions de la mMdecine sur le magnMtismeI ses principes& ses procMdMs et ses e--ects& 69+ %e magnMtisme curati-# Canuel techniJue& 1""' %e magnMtisme devant la loi& 1*(+ %e magnMtisme MclairM& ou introduction au0 archives du magnMtisme animal& *98& "$"& "$( CagnMtisme et crMdulitM ou solution naturelle du problPme des tables tournantes& (+1 CagnMtisme et hypnotismeH ?0posM des phMnomPnes observMs pendant le sommeil nerveu0 provoJuM au point de vue cliniJue& psychologiJue& thMrapeutiJue et mMdico-lMgal avec un rMsumM historiJue du magnMtisme animal& 11"1 %e magnMtisme et le somnambulism devant les corps savant& le cour de =ome et les thMologiens& 698 %e magnMtisme et le somnambulisme du docteur %aurentI une somnambule maconnaise& 661 CagnMtisme et magnMto-thMrapie& (9" CagnMtisme et somnambulisme& (6( CagnMtisme et somnambulisme# CMthode nouvelle -acile et pratiJue e0pliJuant les principes rMels du magnMtisme& les moyens in-aillables pour arriver promptement X bien magnMtiser suivis de documents historiJues et de nombreuses anecdotes& 1$"" %e magnMtisme e0pliJuM par lui-mOme& ou Nouvelle thMorie des phMnomPnes de lDMtat magnMtiJue comparMs au0 phMnomPnes de lDMtat ordinaire& '6* %e magnMtisme humain& lDhypnotisme& et le spiritualisme moderne considMrMs au0 points de vue thMoriJue et pratiJue& 1+91 %e magnMtisme humain considMrM comme agent physiJue& 1*(* %e magnMtisme humain en cour de =ome& 69* %e magnMtisme militantI origine et histoire des luttes& progrPs et conJuOtes de la scienceI le somnambulisme au0 prises avec les corps savants etc# # # # rMsumM gMnMral des preuves

historiJues& philosophiJues& scienti-iJues et LuridiJues& propres X dMmontrer lDe0istence du magnMtisme et du somnambulisme lucide& etc# # # # & (** CagnMtisme organiJue# %e magnMtisme X la recherche dDune position socialeI sa thMorie& sa critiJue& sa pratiJue& 89* %e magnMtisme triomphantH e0posM historiJue et critiJue de la Juestion& 118* CagnMtisme vitalH contributions e0pMrimentales X lDMtude par le galvanomPtre de lDMlectromagnMtisme vitalI suivies dDinductions scienti-iJues et philosophiJues& 161' /l magnetismo& lDipnotismo e lo spiritismo& ovvero 4atana e la moderna magia& 1"9* Cagnetismo animal# 3rincipios de magnetologia o methodo -mcil de aprender a magnetisar segundo os systemas de Cesmer& 3uysegur& eleuAe& de %ausanne& =ostan& ,rivasac& =icard& u 3otet& Kauthier e %a-ontaine& 1$89 /l magnetismo animal considerato secondo le leggi della natura& ("* /l magnetismo animale& la -ascinaAione e gli stati ipnotici& 11+1 /l magnetismo animale al cospetto deli-AssociaAione Cidica degli 4tati 4ardi& '+* /l magnetismo animale considerato secondo le leggi della natura e principalmente diretto alla cura delle malattie# Con note ed un appendice sull ipnotismo& 8*+ /l magnetismo animale considerato sotto un nuovo punto di vista& (*+ Cagnetismo animale e sonnambulismo magnetico& (18 /l magnetismo animale svelato ossia teoria e pratica dellDantropo-elettromagnetismo ed una nuova meccanica delle sostanAe& (1* Cagnetismo ed ipnotismo& 1*('& 1*99 Cagnetismo e ipnotismo& 16"* Cagnetismo e ipnotismo svelati# 4toria critica& 1*81 %a magnMtismomanie& ComMdie -olie en un acte& mOlMe de couplets& *(( /l magnetismo smascherato e svelato& 1""( Cagnetismus& 4omnambulismus& Clairvoyance# 5wal- Eorlesungen -Qr AerAte und gebildete NichtdrAte& (8+ er Cagnetismus des Censchen& '"( er Cagnetismus gegen die 4tieglitA-2u-elandische 4chri-t Qber den thierischen Cagnetismus in seinum wahren !erth behauptet& *(8

er Cagnetismus im Eerhdltnisse Aur Natur und =eligion& 6+6 er Cagnetismus nach der allseitiger ,eAiehung seines !esens& geschichtlichen ?ntwickelung von allen 5eiten und bei allen Ealkern wissenscha-tlich dargestellt& *9" er Cagnetismus und die allgemeine !eltsprache& "1* Cagnetismus und 2ypnotismus& 16*6 Cagnetismus und 2ypnotismusH eine arstellung dieses Kebietes mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung der ,eAiehungen Awischen dem mineralischen Cagnetismus und dem sogenannten thierischen Cagnetismus oder 2ypnotismus& 11'1 Cagnetismus und Cesmerismus& oder& 3hysische und geistige <rd-te der NaturI der mineralische und thierische Cagnetismus sowohl in seiner wirklichen 2eilkra-t& also in dem Cissbrauch& der von ,etrQgern und Narren damit getrieben worden& im 5usammenhange mit der Keisterklop-erei& der Tischruckerei& dem 4piritualismus& '$$ Cagnetismus und Cesmerismus oder physische und geistige <rd-te der Natur& 8+1 er Cagnetismus und seine 3hdnomene& 1"*' CagnetiAerDs CagaAine and Annals o- Animal Cagnetism& *(1 /l magneto-ilo :4ocietX magnetica di Torino.& '*1 Cagnetoid Currents& Their 8orces and irectionsI with a escription o- the CagnetoscopeI a 4eries o- ?0periments# To !hich is 4ubLoined a %etter -rom !illiam <ing& (*" /l magnetologo& 8*8 %es maisons hantMes# ?n marge de la mort et son mystPre& 186" The CaLor 4ymptoms o- 2ysteria# 8i-teen %ectures Kiven in the Cedical 4chool o- 2arvard >niversity& 1+89 Caking o- CanH a 4tudy in ?volution& 18(8 The Caking o- =eligion& 166" %es maladies de la personalitM& +$+& 11*$ %es maladies MpidemiJues de lDesprit# 4orcellerie& magnMtisme& morphinisme& dMlire des grandeurs& 118+ Can and 2is =elationsH /llustrating the /n-luence o- the Cind on the ,odyI the =elations othe 8aculties to the ;rgans& and to the ?lements& ;bLects and 3henomena o- the ?0ternal !orld& 8((

Can and the >niverse# A 4tudy o- the /n-luence o- the Advance in 4cienti-ic <nowledge upon our >nderstanding o- Christianity& 1(16 Can is a 4piritH A Collection o- 4pontaneous Cases o- ream& Eision& and ?cstasy& 1'"8 CanDs 4urvival a-ter eath& or The ;ther 4ide o- %i-e in the %ight o- 2uman ?0perience and Codern =esearch& 1("8 Canuale del magnetismo animal# 4ua storia1sue teorie1modo di magnetiAAare1 catechismo magnetologico1-enomeni magnetici1applicaAione del magnetismo alla medicina1inconvenienti del magnetismo1conclusione1AppendiceH %e tavole semoventi ovvero i miracoli del secolo e/e& 8'6 Canuale del magnetismo animale& desunto dalle pi\ recenti opere magnetiche& '9$ Canual o- 3sychometryH The awn o- a New CiviliAation& 11$" Canuel bibliographiJues des sciences psychiJues ou occultes# 4ciences des mages# 2ermMtiJue# Astrologie# <abbale# 8ranc-Ca[onnerie# CMdecine ancienne# CesmMrisme# 4orcellerie# 4ingularitMs# Aberrations de tout ordre# CuriositMs# 4ources bibliographiJues et documentaires sur ces suLets& etc#& 9**& 1('" Canuel de lDMtudiant magnMtiseur& ou Nouvelle instruction practiJue sur le magnMtisme& -ondMe sur "$ annMes dDobservationI suivi de la 6e Md# des e0pMriences -aites en 18*$ X lD2ctel- ieu de 3aris& +"6 Canuel du magnMtiseurH e0plication physiologiJue des phMnomPnes magnMtiJues& utilitM du somnanbulisme dans lDe0ercice de la mMdecine& '61 Canuel historiJue MlMmentaire et pratiJue de magnMtisme animal& contenant les principes gMnMrau0 de lDart magnMtiJue& lDe0plication des divers phMnomPnes Jui sDy rattachent& la description des symptcmes des principales maladies chroniJues& leurs causes dMterminantes et les procMdMs reconnus les plus convenables X leur guMrison au moyen du magnMtisme par ?# ,erLot& membre titulaire de la 4ociMtM du mesmMrisme de 3aris& 4uivi dDune dissertation sur le -luide magnMtiJue animal par A# ,auche& membre titulaire de la mOme sociMtM& '8' Canuel pratiJue de magnMtisme animal# ?0position mMthodiJue des procMdMs employMs pour produire les phMnomPnes magnMtiJues et leur application X lDMtude et au traitement des maladies& 6"* %e maraveglie dellDipnotismo# 4ommario dei principali -enomeni del sonnambulismo provocato& e metodi di sperimentaAione& 11'9 Cargery 2arvard Eeritas# A 4tudy in 3sychics& 19$6 FCargeryG the Cedium& 188' %es marveilles du magnMtisme et les mystPres des tables tournantes et parlantes& '($

Cary NaneI or 4piritualism Chemically ?0plained with 4pirit rawingsH also ?ssays by& and /deas :3erhaps ?rroneous. o- FA Child at 4chool&G 8+' Cary =eynoldsH A Case o- ouble Consciousness 73lumer9& 8"6 Cary =eynoldsH a case o- double consciousness 7Citchell9& 1*16 Caterialisations-3hdnomeneH ein ,eitrag Aur ?r-orschung der Cediumistischen Teleplastie& 1'$$& 1'$6 Caterialisation und Teleplastie& 18"1 CaterialiAed ApparitionsH /- not ,eings -rom Another %i-e& !hat are TheyW& 11*9 %a matrise de soi-mOme par lDautosuggestion consciente& 1'96& 18*1 %e mMcanisme de la survie# ?0plication scienti-iJue des phMnomPnes mMtapsychiJues& 18+" The Cechanism o- Can& 9+1 %a mMdecine psychologiJue& 186' CMdecine vitale# =Mhabilitation du magnMtiseur Cesmer& son baJuet& sa doctrine& ses luttes et son triomphe& 891 %a medianitMH rivista mensile di scienAe psico--isiche e morali& 1+*( %es mMdiateurs et les moyens de la magie& les hallucinations et les savantsI la -antcme humain et le principe vital& 8+( Cedical Notes and =e-le0ions& 61$ Cedical 3sychology and 3sychical =esearch& 18"* Cedical =eport o- the Case o- Ciss 2111-C111-& +16 Cedical =epository& *(* Cedical Times and KaAette& 6+$ %es mMdications psychologiJuesI Mtudes historiJues& psychologiJue et cliniJues sur les mMthodes de la psychothMrapie& 1''' Cedicinische 3hilosophie und Cesmerismus& 81' as medium # # 2ome# >ntersuchung und ,eobachtungen :nach Crookes& ,utlerow& Earley& Aksakow and %ord unraven.# Ausegewahlt und herausgegeben von =udolTischner& 19$+ %e mMdiumisme et la 4orbonne& 18"9

Cediumistische <unst# Cit einem ,eitrag Qber den kQnstlerischen !ert mediumistischer Calereien von ?ugen Nohannes Caecker& 1(9' CMdiumnitM JuMrissante par lDapplication des -luides MlectriJue& magnMtiJue et humain& 166' Cediums >nmasked# An ?0posM o- Codern 4piritualism# ,y an ?0-Cedium& 1"1+ CMlanges de philosophie critiJue& 9++ %a mMmoire cheA les hypnotisMs& 11"" CMmoire de 8# A# Cesmer& docteur en mMdecine& sur ses dMcouvertes& *11& +$* CMmoire en rMponse au rapport de CC# les Commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal& (+ CMmoire physiJue et mMdecinal& montrant des rapports Mvidens entre les phMnomPnes de la baguette divinatoire& du magnMtisme et de lDMlectricitM& avec des Mclaircissements sur dDautres obLects non moins importants& Jui y sont relati-s& 18& 11' CMmoire pour C# Charles %ouis Earnier # # # appellant dDun dMcret de la 8acultMI contre les doyen et docteurs de ladite 8acultM& intimMs& 16$ CMmoire pour servir a lDhistoire de la Longlerie dans leJuel on dMmontre les phMnomPnes du mesmerisme# Nouvelle Mdition prMcMdMe dDune lettre sur le secret de C# Cesmer #### ;n y a Loint une rMponse au CMmoire Jui paroit ici pour la premiPre -ois& 1$9 CMmoires 7o- the 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine9& 1''9& *( CMmoires de lDAcadMmie des sciences& belle-lettres et arts de %yon# 4ciences et lettres& 18+' CMmoires dDun magnMtiseurH suivis de lDe0amen phrMnologiJue de lDauteur& par le octeur Castle& 896 CMmoires dDun magnMtiseur contenant la biographie de la somnambule 3rudence ,ernard& (*$ CMmoires pour servir X lDhistoire et X lDMtablissement du magnMtisme animal& 6'& 1$+& 168& 1186 CMmoire sur la dMcouverte des phMnomPnes Jue prMsentent la catalepsie et le somnambulisme& symptcmes de lDa--ection hystMriJue essentielle& avec des recherches sur la cause physiJue des ces phMnomPnes# 3remiPre partie# CMmoire sur la dMcouverte des phMnomPnes de lDa--ection hystMriJue essentielle& et sur la mMthode curative de cette maladie# 4econd partie& 1'1& **+ CMmoire sur la dMcouverte du magnMtisme animal& 8& 1$& *(& 8'& *11& *"8& +$*& 1+91 CMmoire sur la -acultM de prMvisionH suivi des notes et piPces Lusti-icatives recueillis par C# Cialle& "+8

CMmoire sur la vie de lDabbM de 8aria# ?0plication de la charmante lMgende du chateau dD/dans le roman FConte-Cristo&G 1+'1& 19$* CMmoire sur lDMlectricitM mMdicale& 8$ CMmoire sur le magnMtisme animal& prMsentM X lDAcadMmie de ,erlin& en 1818& *8+ CMmoire sur le magnMtisme animal adressM X CC# les membres de lDAcadMmie des sciences et de lDAcadMmie de mMdecine& "*1& "*9& "++ CMmoire sur le magnMtisme animal et sur son application au traitement des maladies mentales& lu au CongrPs scienti-iJue de 3oitiers& le 11 septembre 18"6& "(6 CMmoire sur le sommeil& les songes et le somnambulisme& (6+& 868 CMmoire sur le somnambulisme et le magnMtisme animal adressM en 18*$ X lDAcadMmie royale de ,erlin& '*( CMmoire sur un cas dDhystMrie& traitM par le magnMtisme animal& 669 Cemoirs o- ?0traordinary 3opular elusions and the Cadness o- Crowds& (6' Cemoranda o- 3ersons& 3laces& and ?ventsI ?mbracing Authentic 8acts& Eisions& /mpressions& iscoveries& in Cagnetism& Clairvoyance& 4piritualismH also Tuotations -rom the ;pposition# !ith an Appendi0& Containing 5schokkeDs Kreat 4tory o- F2ortensia&G Eividly 3ortraying the !ide i--erence ,etween the ;rdinary 4tate and that o- Clairvoyance& 9$9 Cental Cagic# A =ationale o- Thought =eading& and /ts Attendant 3henomena& and Their Application to the iscovery o- New Cedicines& ;bscure iseases& Correct elineations oCharacter& %ost 3ersons and 3roperty& Cines and 4prings o- !ater& and All 2idden and 4ecret ThingsH To !hich is Added the 2istory and Cystery o- the Cagic Cirror& 11$$ The Cental 4tate o- 2ystericals# A 4tudy o- Cental 4tigmata and Cental Accidents& 1"18 Cental 4uggestion& 1186 ?in merkwQrdiger 8all von 8ascination& 1"89 %e merveilleu0 dans le NansMnisme& le magnMtisme& le CMthodisme et le ,aptisme amMricainI lDMpidMmie de CorAine& le spiritisme# =echerches nouvelles& 881 %e merveilleu0 et la science& Mtude sur lDhypnotisme& 1$66 %e merveilleu0 scienti-iJue& 1"(" Cesmer R 4wedenborgI or& The =elation o- the evelopments o- Cesmerism to the octrines and isclosures o- 4wedenborg& +69 Cesmer blessM ou rMponse X la lettre du 3# 2ervier sur le magnMtisme animal& 9+

Cesmer et le magnMtisme animal& (*9 %e mesmMr et le somnambulisme X %yon avant la =evolution& 18+' Cesmer guMri ou %ettre dDun provincial au =#3#N# # # # & en rMponse X sa lettre intitulMe Cesmer blessM& 88 %a CesmMriade& ou le triomphe du magnMtisme animal# 3oPme en " chants dMdiM X la lune& 1$$ Cesmeric ?0periences& +1' Cesmeric CagaAineI or Nournal o- Animal Cagnetism& 6+9& 6(9 The Cesmeric Cania o- 18+1& with a 3hysiological ?0planation o- the 3henomena 3roducedH a %ecture& ($( Cesmerism& 1& +& 1$& *11 Cesmerism& a %etter to Ciss Cartineau& +++ Cesmerism& Clairvoyance& and Animal Cagnetism ?0plainedH Also a Treatise on Cesmerism -rom the ?arliest Ages& including the %i-e and eath o- Cesmer& the 8ounder o- the Above 4cienceI with /nstructions to Kentlemen !ishing to /ntroduce the New 4cience o- ?lectrobiology# /ncluding K# ,# ?agleDs 2and-book o- magic # # # # ;ne 2undred ,eauti-ul /llusions are Comprehensively escribed # # # & ("6 Cesmerism& its 2istory& 3henomena& and 3ractice& with =eports o- Cases eveloped in 4cotland& 6'8 CesmerismI /ts 3retensions R ?--ects upon 4ociety Considered& 6(( Cesmerism& or& The New 4chool o- Arts& with Cases in 3oint& +$6 Cesmerism& or Animal Cagnetism& and /ts >sesI with 3articular irections -or ?mploying /t in =emoving 3ains and Curing iseases& in 3roducing /nsensibility to 3ain in 4urgical and ental ;perationsI and in the ?0amination o- /nternal iseases& with Cases o- ;perations& ?0aminations and Cures& 6'( Cesmerism& 4pitirualism& !itchcra-t& and CiracleH A ,rie- Treatise 4tating that Cesmerism /s a <ey !hich !ill >nlock Cany Ciracles and Cysteries& '9" Cesmerism& with 2ints -or ,eginners& 1$*1 Cesmerism R 2ypnotism# An ?pitome o- all the ,est !orks on the 2ypnotic 3hases o3sychology in the 8orm o- Tuestion and Answer# ,y an Adept& 16'1 Cesmerism and Christian 4cienceH a 4hort 2istory o- Cental 2ealing& 1("+ Cesmerism and /ts ;pponentsH with a Narrative o- Cases& +$"

Cesmerism and its =ealities 8urther 3roved by /llustrations o- its Curative 3owers in isease as well as by its evelopment o- 4ome ?0traordinary Cagnetic 3henomena in the 2uman ,ody& '86 Cesmerism and Cedia& with 8ull /nstructions 2ow to evelop the Alleged 4piritual =appings in ?very 8amily& '68 Cesmerism and 3hreno-Cesmerism# Consisting o- Codes o- CesmeriAing& 68$ Cesmerism and 4piritual Agency& ("8 Cesmerism and 4piritualism& Rc# 2istorically and 4cienti-ically Considered# ,eing Two %ectures elivered at the %ondon /nstitution& 99" Cesmerism Considered& (69 CesmMrisme X lDaide dDun bassin et dDun ventilateur inventM par 8# %MJuine& +99 Cesmerism in /ndia& and /ts 3ractical Application in 4urgery and Cedicine& +"( Cesmerism in /ts =elation to 2ealth and isease and the 3resent 4tate o- Cedicine& '+$ Cesmerism or Animal Cagnetism& 2ypnotism and Thought =eading& 1*'8 Cesmerism 3roved True& and the Tuarterly =eviewer =eviewed& '"6 Cesmerism the Ki-t o- KodH in =eply to F4atanic Agency and Cesmerism&G a 4ermon 4aid to 2ave ,een 3reached by the =ev# 2ugh CDNeileH in a %etter to a 8riend by a ,ene-iced Clergyman& 681 Cesmerism Tried by the Touch-stone o- TruthH ,eing a =eply to r# AshburnerDs =emarks on 3hrenology& Cesmerism& and Clairvoyance& +($ Cesmerism True1Cesmerism 8alseH A Critical ?0amination o- the 8acts& Claims& and 3retentions o- Animal Cagnetism# !ith an Appendi0 Containing a =eport o- Two ?0hibitions by Ale0is& +1* Cesmerismus# ;der 4ystem der !echselwirkungen& Theorie und Anwendung des thierischen Cagnetismus als die allgemeine 2eilkunde Aur ?rhaltung des Censchen# 2erausgegeben von # <arl Christian !ol-art& *+$& *+(& *($ Cesmerismus und ,elletristik in ihren schddlichen ?in-lQssen au- die 3sychiatrie& 6$+ The Cesmerist# A !eekly Nournal o- Eital Cagnetism& 68* /l mesmerista& '** The CesmeristDs Canual o- 3henomena and 3racticeI with irections -or Applying Cesmerism to the Cure o- iseases& and the Cethods o- 3roducing Cesmeric 3henomena# /ntended -or omestic >se and the /nstruction o- ,eginners& +88

Cesmer Lusti-iM& 9( Ces morts& leurs mani-estations& leurs in-luences& leurs tMlMpathies& 1($$ CMtallothMrapieI traitement des maladies nerveuses& paralysies& rhumatisme chroniJue& etc# # # # du cholMra& etc# # # # & (+8 Cetapsychica modernaH -enomeni medianici e problemi del subcosciente& 18+$ CMtapsychiJue et psychologie& 1*(" CMthode de dMdoublement personnel :?0tMriorisation de la neuricitM# 4orties en astral.& 1(89 The Cighty Curative 3owers o- CesmerismH 3roved in >pwards o- ;ne 2undred and 8i-ty Cases o- Earious iseases& (11 Cind& 11'" Cind and ,ody& 1'1* The Cind and /ts 3lace in Nature& 1888 Cind and Catter& 1$$' Cind in NatureH a 3opular Nournal o- 3sychical& Cedical and 4cienti-ic /n-ormation& 111' Cind-=eading and ,eyond& 111+ A Cind that 8ound /tsel-H An Autobiography# !ith /ntroductory letters by !illiam Names& 1($" %es miracles de Cesmer& 16 The Cissing %ink in Codern 4piritualism# =evised and Arranged by a %iterary 8riend& 11** / misteri del moderno spiritismo e lDantidoto contro le superstiAioni del secolo e/e& 9$" Codern American 4piritualism# A Twenty @earsD =ecord o- the Communion ,etween ?arth and the !orld o- 4pirits& 9"*& 1$(" Coderne Cedium-orschung# <ritische ,etrachtungen Au r# von 4chrenck-NotAingDs FCaterialisationsphaenomene&G 1'$$ Coderne 3robleme& 111* er moderne 4puk-u# Keisterglaube# ?ine <ritik und ?rkldrung der spiritistischen 3hdnomene# //# Teil des !erkes F!under und !issenscha-t#G Cit einem Eorwort von r# Ca0 essoir& 1+'"

Codern Cysteries ?0plained and ?0posed# /n 8our 3arts# /# Clairvoyant =evelations o- A# N# avis# //# 3henomena o- 4piritualism ?0plained and ?0posed# ///# ?vidence that the ,ible is Kiven by /nspiration o- the 4pirit o- Kod& as Compared with ?vidence that These mani-estations are -rom the 4pirits o- Cen# /E# Clairvoyant =evelations o- ?manuel 4wedenborg& '6( The Codern CysteryH or& Table-tapping& /ts 2istory& 3hilosophy& and Keneral Attributes& '*$ Codern Cystics and Codern CagicI Containing a 8ull ,iography o- the =ev# !illiam 4tainton Coses& etc#& 1"(' A Codern 3riestess o- /sis& 1"96 Codern 3sychical 3henomenaH =ecent =esearches and 4peculations& 1'69 Codern 4piritismH A Critical ?0amination o- /ts 3henomena& Character& and Teaching in the %ight o- <nown 8acts& 1+6* Codern 4piritualism& a 2istory and a Criticism& 1+$8 Codern 4piritualismH a 4hort Account o- /ts =ise and 3rogress& with 4ome ?0posures o- 4ocalled 4pirit Cedia& 991 Codern 4piritualismH /ts 8acts and 8anaticisms& /ts Consistencies and Contradictions& '"9 Codern Theories o- the >nconscious& 18'$ Colly 8ancher& the ,rooklyn ?nigma# An Authentic 4tatement o- 8acts in the %i-e o- Cary N# 8ancher& the 3sychological Carvel o- the Nineteenth Century# >nimpeachable Testimony oCany !itnesses& 1"(1 %e monde occulte& ou mystPres du magnMtisme et tableau de somnambulisme& +96 Conde primiti-& *9 Conismus und ;kkultismus& 181" %a moral chrMtienne vengMe& ou rM-le0ions sur les crimes commis sous les prMte0tes spMcieu0 de la gloire de ieu et des intMrOts de la religion et observations historiJues et philosophiJues sur les -au0 miracles opMrMs par le magnMtisme animal& "$+ %e moraliste mesmMrien ou lettres philosophiJues sur lDin-luence du magnMtisme& 11$ /l morbo-cholera curabile col magnetismoH memoria& '1+ Core Khost 4toriesH A 4eJuel to =eal Khost 4tories& 1"$'& 1""1 Cors Nanua EitaeW A iscussion o- Certain Communications 3urporting to Come 8rom 8rederic !# 2# Cyers& 1(61

%a mort et son mystPre& 1''1 %es morts vivent-ilsW ?nJuOte sur lDMtat prMsent des sciences psychiJues& 18$$ >n mot X lDoreille des acadMmiciens de 3aris& 6+ Cotive 3ower o- ;rganic %i-e& and Cagnetic 3henomena o- Terrestrial and 3lanetary Cotions& with the Application o- the ?ver-active and All-pervading Agency o- Cagnetism to the Nature& 4ymptoms and Treatment o- Chronic iseases& 66+ Cr# 4lades Au-enthalt in !ien& 1$$( Cultiple 3ersonalityH an ?0perimental /nvestigation into the Nature o- 2uman /ndividuality& 1+6' Cultiple0 3ersonality& 11+* Cusica trascendentale& 1818 Cy 8atherH 3ersonal and 4piritual =eminiscences& 1(+" Cy %i-eH a =ecord o- ?vents and ;pinions& 1+(( Cy 3sychic Adventures& 18"8 %e mystPre de la danse des tables dMvoilM par ses rapports avec les mani-estations spirituelles dDAmMriJue par un CatholiJue& (8$ %e mystPre des magnMtiseurs et des somnambules& dMvoilM au0 fmes droites et vertueuses& *++& *(+ %es mystPres de la science& 11(8 %es mystPres du magnMtisme animal et de la magie dMvoilMs ou la vMritM sur le mesmMrisme& le somnambulisme dit magnMtiJue et plusieurs phMnomPnes attribuMs X lDintervention des esprits dMmontrMs par lDhypnotisme& 8*" %es mystPres du sommeil et du magnMtisme& 6'1 Cysteria# =evue mensuelle illustrMe dDMtudes& 1(9$ Cysteria# =evue mensuelle industrMe dDMtudes initiatiJues& 1*$9 Cysterien des innern %ebensI erldutert aus der Keschichte der 4cherin von 3revorst& mit ,erQcksichtigung der bisher erschienenen <ritiken& "6" ie Cysterien 4chla-es und Cagnetismus oder 3hysik un 3hysiologie des magnetischen 4omnambulismus# ?ine au- naturwissenscha-tliche 3rincipien guestutAte rationelle ?rkldrung der 3hdnomene der 4chla-es und Traumes& der ?kstase und Kehergabe& der 2allucinationen und Eisionen& der electrobiologischen ?rscheinungen der ,ewegung unbelebter <arper u#v#&

durch 5urQck-Qhrung au- ihre natQrlichen >r-achen# Nach eban& Carpenter v# A#& sowie nach eignen ,eobachtungen& '(* The Cysteries o- 2uman Nature ?0plained by a New 4ystem o- Nervous 3hysiologyH to !hich is Added& a =eview o- the ?rrors o- 4piritualism& and /nstructions -or developing or =esisting the /n-luence by !hich 4ubLects and Cediums are made& ''+ The Cysteries o- the 2ead and the 2eart ?0plainedH /ncluding an /mproved 4ystem o3hrenologyI a New Theory o- the ?motions& and an ?0planation o- the Cysteries oCesmerism& Trance& Cind-reading& and the 4pirit elusion& 9'6 Cysteries o- the 4eance and Tricks and Traps o- ,ogus Cediums# A 3lea -or 2onest Cediums and Clean !ork& 1+*6 Cysteries o- the Eital ?lement in Connection with reams& 4omnambulism& Trance& Eital 3hotography& 8aith and !ill& Anaesthesia& Nervous Congestion and Creative 8unction# Codern 4piritualism ?0plained& 9"' Cysterious 3sychic 8orces& 1+8( The Cystery o- Animal Cagnetism =evealed to the !orld& Containing 3hilosophical =e-lections on the 3ublication o- a 3amphlet ?ntitled& A True and Kenuine iscovery oAnimal ?lectricity and CagnetismH also& an ?0hibition o- the Advantages and isadvantages that may Arise in ConseJuence o- 4aid 3ublication& 198 Cystic %ondonH or& 3hases o- ;ccult %i-e in the Cetropolis& 9'* ie mystischen ?rscheinungen der menschlichen Natur& 866 Nachricht von dem Eorkommen des ,esessenseyns eines ddmonisch-magnetischen %eidens und seiner schon im Alterthum bekannten 2eilung durch magisch-magnetisches ?inwirken& in einem 4endschreiben an den 2errn ;bermedicinalrath r# 4chelling in 4tuttgart& "'( Natural and Cesmeric Clairvoyance with the 3ractical Application o- Cesmerism in 4urgery and Cedicine& ("' The NaturaliAation o- the 4upernatural& 1(18 The Natural ;rder o- 4piritI a 3sychic 4tudy and ?0perience& 1'$' Natur-Analogien& oder die vornehmsten ?rscheinungen des animalischen Cagnetismus in ihrem 5usammenhange mit den ?rgebnissen der gesammten Naturwissenscha-ten& mit besonderer 2insicht au- die 4tandpunkte und ,edur-nisse heutiger Theologie& 616 Nature and Can& ?ssays 4cienti-ic and 3hilosophical# !ith an /ntroductory Cemoire by N# ?stlin Carpenter& 119' The Nature o- Cind and 2uman Automatism& 1119 ie naturgeschichte der Kespenster# 3hysikalisch-physiologisch-psychologische 4tudien& 8($

Neue Kespenster kurAe ?rAdhlungen aus dem =eiche der !ahrheit& *19 er Neuere 4piritismus& 1$"8 er neuere 4piritualismus& sein !erth und seine Tauschungen# ?ine anthropologische 4tudie& 1$$+ Neuer gelehrter Cercurius& +)( Neues Archiv -Qr den thierischen Cagnetismus und das Nachtleben Qberhaupt& "$$ Neuro-hypnotism& 6+$ Neurypnology or The rationale o- nervous sleep considered in relation with animal magnetism# /llustrated by numerous cases o- its success-ul application in the relie- and cure odisease& 6+$& 6(+& 16+"& 1+8+ %a nMvrose hypnotiJue& ou %e magnMtisme dMvoilM# ]tude de physiologie pathologiJue sur le systPme nerveu0& 1$61 %es NMvroses& 1(*9 NMvroses et idMes -i0es# /# ]tudes e0pMrimentales sur les troubles de la volontM& dDattention& de la mMmoire& sur les Mmotions& les idMes obsMdantes et leur traitement& par r 3ierre Nanet# //# 8ragments des le[ons cliniJues du mardi sur les nMvroses& les maladies produits par les Mmotions& les idMes obsMdantes et leur traitement# 3ar r 8# =aymond et le r 3ierre Nanet& 1661& 1(*9 The New ,lack Cagic and the Truth about the ;uiLa-,oard& 1'+9 Newer 4piritualism& 1(69 New ?vidences in 3sychical =esearchH A =ecord o- /nvestigations& with 4elected ?0amples o=ecent 4#3#=# =esults& 1((" New %ight on /mmortality& 1($9 The New %ight on /mmortality& or The 4igni-icance o- 3sychical =esearch& 18$9 The New 3sychic 4tudies in their =elations to Christian Thought& 11'' The New =evelation& 1'*+& 1'+" The New 4piritualism& 16$1 New Thought& 16$9& 1696 A New Eiew o- /nsanity# The uality o- the Cind 3roved by the 4tructure& 8unctions& and iseases o- the ,rain& and by the 3henomena o- Cental erangement& and 4hown to be ?ssential to Coral =esponsibility& +$+

New @ork Cagnet& 6+'& 699 The Night 4ide o- NatureH or& Khosts and Khost 4eers& +(1 The Nineteenth Century& 1*+*& 1"$1& 1"+$& 1+*' Nineteenth Century CiraclesI or& 4pirits and Their !ork in ?very Country o- the ?arth# A Complete 2istorical Compendium o- the Kreat Covement <nown as FCodern 4piritualism&G 1$(" as normale ,ewusstsein& 16*" ie Nornen& 8orschungen Qber 8ernsehen in =aum und 5eit& 1(** Note on a 4uggested Code o- 3sychical /nteraction& 1166 A Note on the >nconscious in 3sycho-Analysis& 1('8 Notes and 4tudies in the 3hilosophy o- Animal Cagnetism and 4piritualism# !ith ;bservations upon Catarrh& ,ronchitis& =heumatism& Kout& 4cro-ula& and Cognate iseases& 9$1 Note sur le magnMtisme animal et sur les dangers Jue -ont courir les magnMtiseurs X leurs patients& *(" Note sur le magnMtisme et sur lDhomMopathie& ou rMponse X tout ce Jui MtM imprimM dans les Lournau0 de Nantes contre le magnMtisme et contre lDhomMopathie& 6"9 Note sur le sommeil nerveu0 ou hypnotisme& 81* Note sur JuelJues phMnomPnes de somnambulisme& 1168 Nothgedrungene 8ortsetAung meines Nothschrei gegen meine Eergi-tung mit concentrirtem %ebensdther und grQndliche ?rkldrung der maskirten ?inworkungsweise desselben au- Keist und <arper Aum 4cheinleben& 9$6 Nothschrei eines Cagnetisch-Eergi-tetenI Thatbestand& erkldrt durch ungeschminkte ,eschreibung des "( Ldhrigen 2ergangs& belegt mit allen ,eweisen und 5eugnissen#5ur ,elehrung und !arnung besonders -Qr 8amilienvater und Keschd-tsleute& (66& 9$6 Notice historiJue sur les systPmes et les Mcrits anciens Jui se rapportent au magnMtisme animal& 1"1 Notice sur le magnMtisme ou maniPre de se magnMtiser soi-mOme& 6"+ Nouveau mMcanisme de lDMlectricitM -ondM sur les lois de lDMJuilibre et du mouvement& dMmontrM par des e0pMriences Jue renversent le systPme de lDMlectricitM positive et nMgative et Jui Mtablissent ses rapports avec le mMcanisme cachM de lDaimant et lDheureuse in-luence du -luid MlectriJue dans les a--ections nerveuses& **1

Nouveau0 documents satiriJues sur Cesmer& 1*91 Nouveau0 e0traits des Lournau0 dDun magnMtiseur depuis 1'8( LusJuDau mois dDavril 1'88& 18" Nouvel almanach du magnMtiseur& '+( %e nouvel hypnotisme& 118" Nouvelle considMrations sur le sommeil& les songes et le somnambulismeI mMmoire posthume de C# Caine de ,iran& lu X lDAcedMmie des sciences morales et politiJues& le "1 mai 18"6& par C# E# Cousin& "(" Nouvelle dMcouverte sur le magnMtisme animalI ou& %ettre addressMe X un ami de province& par un partisan AMlM de la vMritM& 16( Nouvelles cures opMrMes par le magnMtisme animal 73rony9& 1$6 Nouvelles cures opMrMes par le magnMtisme animal 7Tissart de =ouvres9& 118 Nouvelles observations sur un cas de somnambulisme avec glossolalie& 1+$" Numerous Cases o- 4urgical ;perations without 3ain in the Cesmeric 4tateH with =emarks upon the ;pposition o- Cany Cembers o- the =oyal Cedical and Chirurgical 4ociety and ;thers to the =eception o- the /nestimable ,lessings o- Cesmerism& 6'6& +"( Nuovi studi sullDipnotismo e sulla credulitX& 1*"8 ;bservation concernant une Leune -ille de di0-sept ans amputMe dDune Lambe X Cherbourg le * octobre 186+& pendant le sommeil magnMtiJue& +*$ ;bservation de magnMtisme occulte& 6"$ ;bservations adressMes X messieurs les commissaires de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine& nommMs par le =oi # # # 4ur la maniPre dont ils on procMdM& et sur le rapport JDils en ont -ait# 3ar un mMdecin de 3111-# 3our servir de suite X celles Jui ont MtM adressMes sur le mOme obLet X CC# les commissaires tirMs de la 8acultM de mMdecine R de lDAcadMmie royale des science de 3aris& (8 ;bservations adressMes X Crs# les commissaires chargMs par le =oi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animalI sur la maniPre dont ils y ont procMdM& R sur leur rapport# 3ar un mMdecin de province& (' ;bservations adressMes au0 mMdecins Jui dMsireraient Mtablir un traitement magnMtiJue& "$1 ;bservations de lDauteur de lD?sJuisse de la nature humaine sur lDarticle magnMtisme animal& insMrM dans le 1"e volume du dictionnaire de mMdecine par le dr =ostan& ""* ;bservations de C# ,ergasse sur un Mcrit du docteur Cesmer& ayant pour titreH %ettre de lDinventeur du magnMtisme animal X lDauteur des =e-le0ions prMliminaires& 1*"

;bservations et recherches sur lDusage de lDaimant en mMdecineI ou CMmoire sur le magnMtisme mMdicinal& *( ;bservations o- Animal ?lectricity& /n ?0planation o- the Cetallic ;peration o- r# 3erkins& *$' ;bservations on the 3rincipal Cedical /nstitutions and 3ractice o- 8rance& /taly and KermanyI with Notices o- the >niversities& and Cases -rom 2ospital 3ractice# To !hich is Added& An Appendi0& on Animal Cagnetism and 2omeopathy& "86 ;bservations on TranceH or& 2uman 2ybernation& +91 ;bservations relatives X la lettre de C# 8riedlander& sur lDMtat actuel du magnMtisme en Allemagne& *'' ;bservations sur le -luide organo-MlectriJue et sur les mouvements MlectromMtriJues des baguettes et des pendules& '*+ ;bservations sur le magnMtisme animal& 1*& 16 ;bservations sur le rapport des commissaires chargMs par le =oi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal# 3ar C#K#C# Cembre de diverses acadMmies& 91 ;bservations sur les deu0 rapports de CC# les commissaires nommMs par sa maLestM pour lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal& +* ;bservation trPs-importante sur les e--ets du magnMtisme animal& 19 %es obsessions et la psychasthenic /# ]tudes cliniJues et e0pMrimentales sur les idMes obsMdantes& les impulsions& les manies mentales& la -olie du doute& les tics& les agitations& les phobies& les dMlires du contact& les angoisses& les sentiments dDincomplMtude& la neurasthMnie& les modi-ications des sentiment du rMel& leur pathologie et leur traitement# 3ar le r 3ierre Nanet# //# 8ragments des le[ons cliniJues du mardi sur les Mtats neurasthMniJues& les aboulies& les sentiments dDincomplMtude& les agitations et les angoisses di--uses& les algies& les phobies& les dMlires du contact& les tics& les manies mentales& les -olies du doute& les idMes obsMdantes& les impulsions& leur pathogenie et leur traitement# 3ar le r 8# =aymond et le r 3ierre Nanet& 1+**& 1(*9 ;ccultism and Codern 4cience& 18$' %Doccultisme hier et auLourdDhui& le merveilleu0 prescienti-iJue& 1+88 ;dische ,egebenheiten Au ,erlin in den Nahren 18(1 und 18(*& 8+$ ;dische ?rwiederungen an die 2erren 3ro-essoren 8ortlage& 4chieiden& 8echner und 2o-rath Carus& '(9 ie odische %ohe und einige ,ewegungserscheinungen als neuentdeckte 8ormen des odischen 3rincips in der Natur& 9$+

;disch magnetische ,rie-e& (68 ;- 4piritismH i#e# 2ypnotic Telepathy and 3hantasms1Their anger& 1(8+ ;- the /magination& as a Cause and as a Cure o- isorders o- the ,odyH ?0empli-ied by 8ictitious Tractors& and ?pidemic Convulsions& *16 as ;kkulte& 1868 ie okkulten Tatsachen und die neuesten Cedienentlarvungen# ?ine ?ntgegnung au- die letAten Eerstasse der Eerachter der 3arapsychologie& 19$$ er ;kkultismus im modernen !eltbild& 18$' er ;kkultismus in >rkunde& 188+& 189+ ;kkultismus und 4piritismus im %ichte der !issenscha-t und des katholischen Klaubens # # # & 18$* ;m-2ypnotismens anvandande i den praktiska medicinen& 1**$ ;n Animal Cagnetism& or Eital /nduction& 8$8 ;n a 4eries o- Automatic !ritings& 1+'8 ;n a 4eries o- 4ittings with Crs# ;sborne %eonard& 1'6+ ;n a Telepathic ?0planation o- certain so-called 4piritualistic 3henomena& 1118 ;n a Telepathic ?0planation o- 4ome 4o-called 4piritualistic 3henomena& 1$9$ ;n ouble Consciousness# ?0perimental 3sychological 4tudies& 1*++& 1"11 ;n Cemories !hich are Too =eal& 1891 ;n Cesmerism& /mproperly enominated Animal Cagnetism& ""9 ;n Ciracles and Codern 4piritualism# Three ?ssays& 9'9 ;n Telepathic 2ypnotism& and its =elation to ;ther 8orms o- 2ypnotic 4uggestion& 11+" ;n the Cosmic =elations& 1(99 ;n the 3sychology and 3athology o- 4o-called ;ccult 3henomena& 1+$( ;n the Threshold o- a New !orld o- ThoughtH An ?0amination o- the 3henomena o4piritualism& 1($1 ;n the Threshold o- the >nseenH An ?0amination o- the 3henomena o- 4piritualism and the ?vidence -or 4urvival a-ter eath& 1($1

;n the Treatment o- /nsanity by 2ypnotism& 1*8$ The ;pen Court& 1*++ ;pen EisionH a 4tudy o- 3sychic 3henomena& 1''$ ;pinion prononcMe par C# 2usson X lDAcadMmie de mMdecine sMance du ** ao_t 18"' sur le rapport de C# ubois :dDAmiens. relati- au magnMtisme animal& "8" ;raison -unPbre du cMlPbre Cesmer& auteur du magnMtisme animal et prMsident de la %oge de lD2armonie& 1"6 ;rgan du progrPs philosophiJue et religieu0& '9+ ;rgane de lD/nstitut magnMtologiJue de 3aris et New @ork # # # & 89' %Dorigine dei -enomeni psichici e loro signi-icaAione biologica& 11*1 %es origines de la doctrine du magnMtisme animalH Cesmer et la 4ociMtM de lD2armonie& 166+ ;rthodo0ie magnMtiJue# CatMchisme raisonnM de lDaspirant magnMtiseur& suivi dDun simple coup dDoeil sur le triple Mlectro-galvaniJue et du pilori du magnMtisme& '6" ;ur American Adventure& 1861 ;ur 2idden 8orces :F%a 3sychologie /nconnueG.# An ?0perimental 4tudy o- the 3sychic 4ciences& 1($+ ;ur 4econd American Adventure& 186* ;utlines o- %ectures on the Neurological 4ystem o- Anthropology& as iscovered& emonstrated and Taught in 1861 and 186*& '$+ ;utrages X la pudeur# Eiolences sur les organes se0uels de la -emme dans le somnambulisme provoJuM et la -ascination# ]tude mMdico-lMgale& 1"(8 ; 3adre 8aria na 2istoria do 2ipnotisma& 19$* >ne page nouvelle de magnMtisme# 4orcier malgrM lui& 98' 3amphletH /# es origines de la mMtallothMrapie& part Jui doit Otre -aite au magnMtisme animal dans sa dMcouverte# %e ,urguisme et le 3erkinisme& 1$1( 3arallPle entre le magnMtisme animal& lDMlectricitM et les bains mMdicinau0 par distillation& Rc# appliJuMs au0 maladies rebelles# ;n a Loint X ce prMcis lDart de conserver la santM& R de guMrir les maladies le plus rebelles # # # & 16" 3arapsychologische ?rkenntnesse& 189' 3arerga und 3aralipomena# <leine philosophische 4chri-ten& ($"

3ast and 3resent with Crs# 3iper& 1811 3athetismH with 3ractical /nstructionsH emonstrating the 8alsity o- the 2itherto 3revalent Assumptions in =egard to !hat has been Called FCesmerismG and FNeurology&G and /llustrating Those %aws which /nduce 4omnambulism& 4econd 4ight& 4leep& reaming& Trance& and Clairvoyance& with Numerous 8acts Tending to 4how the 3athology oConomania& /nsanity& !itchcra-t& and Earious ;ther Cental or Nervous 3henomena& 689 3atience !orthH a 3sychic Cystery& 1'18 3atologia de las en-ermadades epilMpticas y mentales& con un estudio del hombre en su modo de ser -isico moral# Tratado de psico-terapia practica y racional& en el Jue se determinan las leyes Jue anteceden a los -enimenos del sonambulismo& hipnotismo& sugestiin y su relativa a-inidad con las en-ermedades morales& 1+69 3eculiarities o- Certain 3ost-hypnotic 4tates& 116* 3ensMe inconsciente et vision de la pensMe# ?ssai dDune e0plication physiologiJue du processus de la pensMe et de JuelJues phMnomPnes surnaturels et psychopathiJues& 1+(' 3er lo spiritismo& 1"1* 3ersonal ?0periences in 4piritualism :/ncluding the ;--icial Account and =ecord o- the American 3alladino 4Mances.& 1(86 %a personalitM et la mMmoire dans le somnambulisme& 1$'1 3ersonality and Telepathy& 1(($ 3ersonal =ecollections o- the %ittle Tew Khost& =eviewed in Connection with the %ancashire ,ogie& and the Table-Talking and 4pirit-=apping o- the 3resent ay& '1' 3etit catMchisme magnMtiJue ou notions MlMmentaires du mesmMrisme& (6* 3etit traitM sur le magnMtisme animal& contenant 1# un prMcis historiJue sur la matiPreI *# une dissertation succincte sur les in-luences occultes Jui dominent lDhommeI "# une courte apprMciation de lDavenir du magnMtismeI 6# une notice sur la sibylle moderne et sur ses -acultMs somnambuliJuesI +# des preuves positives dDune luciditM prodigieuse et incontestableI (# des conseils X ceu0 Jui veulent la consulter avec -ruit& etc#& ($1 as 3-erd des herrn von ;sten :der kluge 2ans.& ein e0perimentellen tier-und Censchenpsychologie& 1+9*& 1'*8 ie 3-lanAenwelt in ihren ,eAiehungen Aur 4ensitiEitat und Aum ;de# ?ine physiologische 4kiAAe& '96 ie 3hdnomene des Cediums %inda KaAerra& 1(8$ ie 3hdnomenologie des /ch in ihren Krundproblemen# ?rster ,andH as /ch und das 4elbstbewusstsein# ie scheinbare 4paltung des /ch& 1(68

3hantasmata or /llusions and 8anaticisms o- 3rotean 8orms 3roductive o- Kreat ?vils& ''9 3hantasms o- the %iving& 1166& 1"'1& 1+*'& 1(*1 %es phantises& 11"+ 3henomena o- CaterialisationH A Contribution to the /nvestigation o- Cediumistic Teleplastics& 1'$6 %es phMnomPnes dDautoscopie& 1+"$ %es phMnomPnes de hantise& 1'(+ %es phMnomPnes dits de matMrialisationH Mtude e0pMrimentale& 1('* %e phMnomPne spiritH tMmoignages des savants# ]tude historiJue& esposition mMthodiJue de tous les phMnomPnes& discussion des hypothPses# Conseils au0 mMdiums& la thMorie philosophiJue& 1"61 %es phMnomPnes psychiJuesH recherches& observations& mMthodes& 1+*+ %es phMnomPnes psychiJues et supernormau0 :leur observation& leur e0pMrimentation.& 1("$ %es phMnomPnes psychiJues occultes# ]tat actuel de la Juestion& 9'1& 1"'9 A 3hilosophical ?ssay on Credulity and 4uperstitionI and also on Animal 8ascination& or Charming& +'1 ie 3hilosophie der Cystik& 1$8* 3hilosophie des >nbewussten& 9*6 %a philosophie des vapeurs ou Correspondance dDune Lolie -emme& nouvelle Mdition& augmentMe dDun petit traitM des crises magnMtiJues X lDusage des mesmMriennes& 9' 3hilosophie du bon sens# %e spiritisme devant la raison# %e ieu de la =MpubliJue# %Din-aillibilitM papale# TuDMtait NMsusW 4ouvenires inMdits sur la "*me demi-brigade# ?dition posthume& 16'8 3hilosophie magnMtiJue# %es rMvolutions du temps& synthPse prophMtiJue du e/ee siPcle& '69 %a philosophie physiologiJue et mMdicale X lDAcadMmie de CMdecine& 911 ie philosophische ,edeutung der mediumistischen 3hdnomene# ?rweiterte 8assung des audem 5weiten /nternationalen <ongress -Qr parapsychologische 8orschung in !arschau Kehaltenen Eortrags& 18'1 The 3hilosophy o- Animal Cagnetism Together with the 4ystem o- Canipulating Adopted to 3roduce ?cstasy and 4omnambulism1The ?--ects and =ationale# ,y a Kentleman o3hiladelphia& "8+

3hilosophy o- ?lectrical 3sychologyH /n a Course o- Twelve %ectures& +9(& '18 The 3hilosophy o- Cesmerism& or Animal Cagnetism# ,eing a Compilation o- 8acts Ascertained by ?0perience& and rawn -rom the !ritings o- the Cost Celebrated Cagnetisers in ?urope and America# /ntended to 8acilitate the 2onest /nJuirer A-ter Truth& and 3romote the 2appiness o- Cankind& ,y i--using the <nowledge o- NatureDs !isest %aws and Cost ,enevolent /nstitutions& 6'* 3hilosophy o- Cysterious Agents& 2uman and CundaneH or the ynamic %aws and =elations o- Can& embracing the Natural 3hilosophy o- 3henomena styled F4piritual Cani-estations&G (81 The 3hilosophy o- Cystery& 6"8 The 3hilosophy o- Cysticism& 1$8* The 3hilosophy o- 4leep& "6+& 1*16 3hilosophy o- the >nconsciousI 4peculative =esults According to the /nductive Cethod o3hysical 4cience& 9*6& 111* The 3hilosophy which 4hows the 3hysiology o- Cesmerism& and ?0plains the 3henomenon o- Clairvoyance& +(+ %a photographie mentale des esprits dMvoilMe# Connaissance de la cause Jui produit les e--ets naturels et magnMtiJues du spiritisme depuis lDantiJuitM LusJuDX nos Lours& 9"6 3hotographing the /nvisibleH 3ractical 4tudies in 4pirit 3hotography& 4pirit 3ortraiture& and ;ther =are but Allied 3henomena& 1(+9 3hrenology ?0amined& and 4hown to be /nconsistent with the 3rinciples o- 3hysiology& Cental and Coral 4cience& and the octrines o- ChristianityH also an ?0amination o- the Claims o- Cesmerism& +86 3hreno-Cagnet& and Cirror o- NatureH a =ecord o- 8acts& ?0periments and iscoveries in 3hrenology& Cagnetism& Rc#& 68" 3hreno-magnetic vindicator& 6(* 3hysical Cedia in 4piritual Cani-estations# The 3henomena o- =esponding Tables and the 3lanchette& and Their 3hysical Cause in the Nervous ;rganism& /llustrated -rom Ancient and Codern Testimonies& 9*9 3hysical-Cedical Treatise on the /n-luence o- the 3lanets& 1 The 3hysical 3henomena o- 4piritualismH A 2istorical 4urvey& 189* The 3hysical 3henomena o- 4piritualism& 8raudulent and KenuineH ,eing a ,rie- Account othe Cost /mportant 2istorical 3henomena& a Criticism o- Their ?vidential Ealue& and a Complete ?0position o- the Cethods ?mployed in 8raudulently =eproducing the 4ame& 1+86

The 3hysical 3henomena 3opularly Classed under the 2ead o- 4piritualism& with 8acsimile /llustrations o- Thought Trans-erence rawings and irect !riting& 1+(8 er physikalische Cediumismus& 188+& 189+ 3hysikalische 3haenomene des CediumismusH 4tudien Aur ?r-orschung der telekinetischen Eorgange& 1'8' 3hysikalisch-mediumistische >ntersuchungen& 1''"& 1'9$ 3hysikalish-physiologische >ntersuchungen Qber die ynamide des Cagnetismus& der ?lectriAitdt& der !drme& des %ichtes& der <rystallisation& des Chemismus in ihren ,eAiehungen Aur %ebenskra-t& +8" 3hysiologie& mMdecine et mMtaphysiJue du magnMtisme& 6"' 3hysiologie de la pensMe# =echerche critiJue des rapports du corps avec lDesprit& 868 3hysiologie et hygiene du magnMtiseurI rMgime diMtMtiJue du magnMtisMI CMmoires et aphorismes de Cesmer& avec des notes& +$* 3hysiologie transcendantale# Analyses des choses# ?ssai sur la science -uture& son in-luence certain sur les religions& les philosophies& les sciences et les arts& 1*"" The 3hysiology o- 8ascination& and The Critics Criticised& '"8 The 3ioneers o- the 4piritual =e-ormation# %i-e and !orks o- r Nustinus <erner :Adapted -rom the Kerman.# !illiam 2owitt and his !ork -or 4piritualism# ,iographical 4ketches& 1$'6 %es pionniers du spiritisme en 8ranceH documents pour la -ormation dDun livre dDor des sciences psychiJues recueillis par N# Calgras& 1+'' >ne plaie pro-essionelle& ou la mMdecine e0ploitMe par le somnambulisme& 86$ A 3lain and =ational Account o- the Nature and ?--ects o- Animal CagnetismH in a 4eries o%etters# !ith Notes and Appendi0 by the ?ditor& 19* 3lanchetteH or& The espair o- 4cience# ,eing a 8ull Account o- Codern 4piritualism& /ts 3henomena& and the Earious Theories =egarding /t# !ith a 4urvey o- 8rench 4piritism& 9"$ 3neumatologie# es espirits et de leurs mani-estations -luidiJues& ('(& '$6 3neumatologie positive et e0pMrimentaleH la rMalitM des esprits et le phMnomPne merveilleu0 de leur Mcriture directe dMmontrMs& ''( 3olyAoisme ou pluralitM animale dans lDhomme& 911 3ossession& emonical R ;ther& among 3rimitive =aces in AntiJuity& the Ciddle Ages& and Codern Times& 18$+

The 3ossibilities o- Cal-observation and %apse o- Cemory -rom a 3ractical 3oint o- Eiew& 11'+ 3osthumous 2umanityH A 4tudy o- 3hantoms& 1$(* 3our transmettre sa pensMeI notes et documents sur la tMlMpathie ou transmission de pensMe& 1+"6 The 3ower o- the Cind over the ,odyH an ?0perimental /nJuiry into the Nature and Cause othe 3henomena Attributed by ,aron =eichenbach and ;thers to a FNew /mponderable&G +"* A 3ractical isplay o- the 3hilosophical 4ystem called Animal Cagnetism& in !hich is ?0plained i--erent Codes o- Treating iseases& 19" 3ractical ?ssays on 2ypnotism and Cesmerism& 161" The 3ractical 2ypnotist# Concise /nstructions in the Art and 3ractice o- 4uggestionI Applied to the Cure o- isease& the Correction o- 2abits& evelopment o- !ill-3ower& and 4el-Culture& 1++* 3ractical /nstruction in Animal Cagnetism& "*$ 3ractical /nstruction in Cesmerism& 16*' 3ractical /nstruction in Table-moving& with 3hysical emonstrations& ('8 3ractical %essons in 2ypnotism& 16(8 3ractical Eiews on 3sychic 3henomena& 1'91 The 3ractice o- 2ypnotic 4uggestionI ,eing an ?lementary 2andbook -or the >se o- the Cedical 3ro-ession& 1*9+ 3rMcis historiJue de magnMtisme animal& depuis Cesmer LusJuDX prMsent& 611 3rMcis historiJue des -aits relati-s au magnMtisme animal LusJue en Avril 1'81# Tr# de lDallemand& 11& 1( 3rMcis thMoriJue et pratiJue de neuro-hypnologieI Mtudes sur lDhypnotisme et les di--Mrents phMnomPnes nerveu0& physiologiJues et pathologiJues Jui sDy rattachentH physiologie& pathologie& thMrapeutiJue& mMdecin lMgale& 1"*$& 1"91 3reliminary =eport o- the Commission Appointed by the >niversity o- 3ennsylvania to /nvestigate Codern 4piritualism in Accordance with the =eJuest o- the %ate 2enry 4eybert& 118$& 1191 3residential Address& 1(8* 3rincipes universels du magnMtisme humain appliJuMes au soulagement et X la guMrison de tous les Otres malades& 811

3rinciples o- Cental 3hysiology& with Their Applications to the Training and iscipline o- the Cind& and the 4tudy o- /ts Corbid Conditions& 98+ The 3rinciples o- 3sychology& 1*'$)1*'1 3rinciples o- 3sychotherapy& 186' 3rinciples o- the 4cience in Animal Cagnetism& **$ 3rivate /nstructions in the 4cience and Art o- ;rganic Cagnetism& 11*" as 3roblem des Kedankenlesens& 11$+ The 3roblem o- 2ypnotism& 1$86 3roblems o- ,elie-& 18'6 3roblems o- 3ersonality# 4tudies 3resented to r# Corton 3rince& 3ioneer in American 3sychopathology& 1891 The 3roblems o- 3sychical =esearchH ?0periments and Theories in the =ealm o- the 4upernormal& 1(9+ 3rocMdMs du magnMtisme animal& "9 3rocPs verbal du traitement par Tactions magnMtiJue dDune -emme malade :par la rapture dDun vaisseau dans la poitrine. de prPs 4oissons& **9 3rodiges et merveilles de lDesprit humain sous lDin-luence magnMtiJue& +8$ 3ro-essor 8arady on Table Coving& ((( 3rogress o- Animal Cagnetism in New ?ngland# ,eing a Collection o- ?0periments& =eports and Certi-icates& -rom the Cost =espectable 4ources# 3receded by a issertation on the 3roo-s o- Animal Cagnetism& "8' 3rolusione sul magnetismo animale letta al Circolo 3opolare di ,rera in Cilano la sera del + maggio 18($& 8*( The 3roo- 3alpable o- /mmortalityI ,eing an Account o- the Caterialisation 3henomena oCodern 4piritualismH with =emarks on the =elations o- the 8acts to Theology& Corals& and =eligion& 9'8 The 3roo-s o- the Truths o- 4piritualism& 1'+( %e propagateur du magnMtisme animal# Nournal destinM X la publication des -aits et des e0pMriences& etc#& de lDhistoire du magnMtisme etc#& de la critiJue des ouvrages etc# etc#& par une 4ociMtM de mMdecins& ""6

ie prophetische <ra-t des magnetische 4chla-es& oder wunderbare ?nthQllungen des 5ukun-t durch 4omnambulen psychologische dargestellt und durch Aahlreiche ,eispiele bestdtigt# Nebst 8ingerAeigen& die Aum 2ochschla- geeigneten 3ersonen in den 5ustand der clairvoyance Au versetAen& +(9 3rospectus dDun nouveau cours thMoriJue et pratiJue de magnMtisme animal& rMduit X des principles simple de physiJue& de chymie& et de mMdecine# ans leJuel on dMmontrera le systPme de C# Cesmer& et ses procMdMsI on recti-iera JuelJues unes de ses erreursI on analysera la cause et le mMcanisme par le Juel les di--Mrents e--ets magnMtiJues sont produitsI on prouvera en-in lDanalogie JuDils ont avec beaucoup dDautres e--ets naturels& et pourJuoi ils ne prMsentent rien dDopposM au0 connaissances Jue nous avions LusJuDici de lDMconomie animale& 1'' er 3roAess CAynski# Thatbestand desselben und Kutachten Qber !illensbeschrdnkung durch hypnotisch-suggestiven ?in-luss abgegeben vor dem oberbayerischen 4chwurgericht Au CQnchen& 1"9" The 3seudo-;ccult# Notes on Telepathic Eision and Auditory Cessages 3roceeding -rom 2ypnotism& 1(1$ 3siche# /pnotismo& magnetismo& spiritismo& 1*'( 3siche misteriosa -enomeni detti spiritici :FmetapsichiciG del =ichet.& 1(+* 3sicologia e Fspiritismo&G impressioni e note critiche sui -enomeni medianici de ?usapia 3aladino& 1(1( %o psicologico# =epertorio di magnetismo ad uso di chiunJue voglia e debba essere al -atto dellDorigine dello scopo e dei -rutti di Juesta scienAa& '(8 3syche# eutsche 5eitschri-t -Qr ;dwissenscha-t und Keisteskunde& 88( 3syche& Aur ?ntwicklungsgeschichte der 4eele& +"" 3sychica# =evue scienti-iJue du psychisme& 18$8 3sychical and 4upernormal 3henomena& their ;bservation and ?0perimentation& 1("$ 3sychical /nvestigationsH 4ome 3ersonally-;bserved 3roo-s o- 4urvival& 1'*( 3sychical 3henomena and the !ar& 1'"" 3sychical =esearch& 1(+( 3sychical =esearch& 4cience and =eligion& 189" :3sychical =esearch.# The Koligher CircleH Cay to August 19*1# !ith an Appendi0 Containing ?0tracts -rom the Correspondence o- the %ate !# N# Craw-ord and ;thers& 18*6 3sychical =esearch and 4urvival& 1(88

3sychical =esearch and the =esurrection & 1(11 3sychical =esearch -or the 3lain Can& 1'81 The 3sychic and 3sychism& 168* 3sychic 8orce& an ?0perimental /nvestigation o- a %ittle-known 3ower& 1+"" 3sychic 8orce and Codern 4piritualismH A =eply to the FTuarterly =eviewG and ;ther Critics& 9"9 3sychic =esearch and Kospel Ciracles# A 4tudy o- the ?vidences o- the KospelDs 4uperphysical 8eatures in the %ight o- the ?stablished =esults o- Codern 3sychical =esearch& 1+$1 The 3sychic =iddle& 1+8' 3sychicsH 8acts and Theories& 1"+" 3sychic 4cience in 3arliament# A 4urvey o- the 4tatues and the %eading %egal ecisions in =egard to 3sychic 3henomena& 1'1+ The 3sychic 4tructures at the Koligher Circle# !ith a Note by avid Krow& 1'9+ 3sychic Tendencies To-dayH an ?0position and CritiJue o- New Thought& Christian 4cience& 4piritualism& 3sychical =esearch :4ir ;liver %odge. and Codern Caterialism in =elation to /mmortality& 1'66 3sychische 4tudien# Conatliche 5eitschri-t& vorAQglich der >ntersuchung der wenig gekannten 3hdnomene des 4eelenlebens& 9(*& 1*+" %e psychisme e0pMrimental& Mtude sur les phMnomPnes psychiJues& 1"86 %e psychisme in-Mrieur# ]tude de 3hysiopathologie cliniJue des centres psychiJues& 1+'* 3sychographyH a Treatise on ;ne o- the ;bLective 8orms o- 3sychic or 4piritual 3henomena& 1$$8 3sychography& or The ?mbodiment o- ThoughtI with an Analysis o- 3hreno-magnetism& FNeurology&G and Cental 2allucination& /ncluding =ules to Kovern and 3roduce the Cagnetic 4tate& 6(9 The 3sychological 8oundation o- ,elie- in 4pirits& 1''8 3sychological 2ealing& 1''' 3sychological =eview& 1$1$ %a psychologie appliJuMe& 11+(& 1'8(

%a psychologie du raissonnement# =echerches e0pMrimentales par lDhypnotisme& 11*8 %a psychologie inconnue# /ntroduction et contribution X lDMtude e0pMrimentale des sciences psychiJues& 1($+ 3sychologie naturelle# ]tude sur les -acultMs intellectuelles et morales dans leur Mtat normal et dans leurs mani-estations anomales cheA les aliMnMs et cheA les criminels# Tome premier& 91$ 3sychologyI or the 4cience o- the 4oul& Considered 3hysiologically and 3hilosophically& '18 3sychology and the ;ccult& 1+$( 3sychology Applied to Cedicine# /ntroductory 4tudies& 1+98 3sychology as a Natural 4cience Applied to the 4olution o- ;ccult 3sychic 3henomena& 1*6( The 3sychology o- ConvictionH A 4tudy o- ,elie-s and Attitudes& 1'61 The 3sychology o- Cedicine& 18$" The 3sychology o- 4uggestionH A =esearch into the 4ubconscious Nature o- Can and 4ociety& 16+$ The 3sychology o- the 8uture :F%Davenir des sciences psychiJuesG.& 1'*1 3sychopathological =esearchesH 4tudies in Cental issociation& 1+1" 3sycho-physiological =esearches on the ynamides or /mponderables& Cagnetism& ?lectricity& 2eat& %ight& CrystalliAation& and Chemical Attraction& in Their =elation to the Eital 8orce& +8" The 3sycho-3hysiological 4ciences and Their Assailants# ,eing a =esponse by A# =# !# ### N# =# ,uchanan& # # # # %yman& # # # ?# 4argent # # #I to the Attacks o- !# ,# Carpenter& # # #and ;thers& 1$11 3sychotherapeuticsH A 4ymposium# ,y Corton 3rince& 8rederic 2# Kerrish& Names N# 3utnam& ?# !# Taylor& ,oris 4idis& Keorge A# !aterman& Nohn onley& ?rnest Nones& Tom A# !illiams& 1("' 3sycho-TherapeuticsI or Treatment by 4leep and 4uggestion& 1*+1 3sycho-thMrapieH communications statistiJues& observations cliniJues nouvelles# Compte rendu des rMsultats obtenus dans la cliniJue de psycho-thMrapie suggestive dDAmsterdam& pendant la deu0iPme pMriode& 1"'* 3uissance de lDMlectricitM animale& ou& du magnMtisme vital et de ses rapports avec la physiJue& la physiologie et la mMdecine& 61( %es 3uysMgur# %eurs oeuvres de littMrature& lDMconomie politiJue et de science# ]tude& 9+(

Tuaere et invenies& ('1 Tuarterly Nournal o- 4cience& 9"9& 9+9 Tuarterly =eview& (+9& 99" TuatriPme congrPs international de psychologie# Compte rendu& 169( TuelJues -aits et considerations pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme animal# ThPse No# *6"& "+" TuelJues mots sur le magnMtisme animal& suivis dDune observation de variole congMnitale& 6$6 TuelJues rM-le0ions sur le magnMtisme animal& thPse& 6$' TuDest-ce-Jue le spiritismeI introduction X la connaissance du monde invisible ou des esprits& contenant les principes -ondamentau0 de la doctrine spirite et la rMponse au0 JuelJues obLections prMLudicielles& 81$ The Tuest -or ean ,ridgman Conner& 1'$8 The TuestionH F/- a Can ie& 4hall 2e %ive AgainWG Nob# 0iv# 16# A ,rie- 2istory and ?0amination o- Codern 4piritualism# !ith a 3ostscript by 2# ?# Armstrong& 1'** Tuestions du Leune octeur =hubarbini de 3urgandis& adressMs X Cessieurs les docteursrMgents& de toutes les -acultMs de mMdecine de lDuniverse& au suLet de C# Cesmer R du magnMtisme animal& 11* The =ailway Age and Northwestern =ailroader& 1"1( =apport au public de JuelJues abus en mMdecinI avec des rM-le0ions R notes historiJues& critiJues R mMdicales& 1+" =apport con-identiel sur le magnMtisme animal et sur la conduite rMcente de lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecine adressM X la congrMgations de lD/nde0& et traduit de lD/talien du =# 3# 4cobardi& 61+ =apport de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine sur lDouvrage intiulMe =echerches et doutes sur le magnMtisme animal& etc#& 1$' =apport de lDun des commissaires chargMs par le =oi& de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal& '* =apport des commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal& "1 =apport des commissaires de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine nommMs par le =oi pour -air lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal& imprimM par ordre du =oi& 1$1

=apport des cures opMrMes X ,ayonne par le magnMtisme animal& adressM X C# lDabbM de 3oulouAat& conseiller clerc au 3arlement de ,ordeau0& par le comte de 3uysMgur& avec notes de C# uval dD?spremenil& conseiller au 3arlement de 3aris& 1$( =apport du magnMtisme avec la Lurisprudence et la mMdecine lMgale& 81+ =apport du rapport de CC# les Commissaires nommMs par le =oi& etc# par un amateur de la vMritM e0citM par lDimagination& lDattouchement et magnMtisM par le bon sens et la raison# AdressM X C# Caritides& -ils de cet illustre savant Jui avait con[u lDingMnieu0 proLet de mettre toutes les cctes du royaume en port de mer& actuellement rMsident au Conomotapa& 1$8 =apport -ait X la 4ociMtM des 4ciences 3hysiJues de %ausanne& sur un somnambule naturel& 18$ er =apport in der 2ypnose# >ntersuchungen Qber den thierischen Cagnetismus& 1"*" =apporto della Commissione nominata dalla seAione medica della 4ocietX di /ncoraggiamento de 4cienAe& %ettere ed Arti in Cilano per lDesame delle memorie di concorso al premio proposto pel 18++ sopra un argomento di magnetismo animale& '+6 =apports du magnMtisme et du spiritisme& 1"** =apport secret prMsentM au ministre et signM par la commission prMcMdente& "*& *1" =apport secret sur le mesmMrisme& *1" =apports et discussions de lDacadMmie royale de mMdecine sur le magnMtisme animal& recueillis par un stMnographe& et publiMs& avec des notes e0plicatives& "+$& "++ =apport sur les aimans prMsentMs par C# lDabbM %e Noble& lu dans la sMance tenus au %ouvre& le mardi premier avril 1'8"& *' =apport sur les epMriences magnMtiJues -aites par la commission de lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecin& lu dans les sMances des *1 et *8 de Nuin& par C# 2usson& rapporteur& "+$& "+6& "'6& "8" =apport sur les sMances dD?usapia 3alladino X lD/nstitut KMnMral 3sychologiJue en 19$+& 19$(& 19$' et 19$8& 1($' The =ationale o- Cesmerism& 1""$ =aymond& or %i-e and eathH with ?0amples o- the ?vidence -or 4urvival o- Cemory and A--ection a-ter eath& 1'16 =eal Khost 4toriesH a =ecord o- Authentic Apparitions# ,eing the Christmas Number o- the =eview o- =eviews# Collated and ?dited by !# T# 4tead& 1"$'& 1""1 ie =ealitdt magischer <rd-te und !irkungen des Censchen gegen die !idersacher vertheidigt# ?in 4upplement Au des Eer-assers FCystischen ?rscheinungen der menschlichen Natur&G 8(*

The =eality o- 3sychic 3henomenaH =aps& %evitations& etc#& 1'11& 18*6 The =eality or >nreality o- 4piritualistic 3henomena# ,eing a Criticism o- r !# N# Craw-ordDs /nvestigations into %evitations and =aps& 1'(* =ecent ?0periments in 2ypnotism& 1*$+ >n rMcent procPs spirite# %Daventure du mMdium au0 -leurs& 1+61 =echerche des bases Jui la constituent et des lois Jue gouvernent lDunivers physiJue et moral et lDhomme en particulier& par un Mtudiant de 9$ ans& 1*(9 =echerches& e0pMriences et observations physiologiJuesH sur lDhomme dans lDMtat de somnambulisme naturel& et dans le somnambulisme provoJuM par lDacte magnMtiJue& *"' =echerches et considMrations critiJues sur le magnMtisme animal avec un programme relatiau somnambulisme ariti-iciel ou magnMtiJue traduit du latin du docteur CetAger accompangnM de notes et suivi de rM-le0ions morales ou pensMes dMtachMes applicables au suLet& "19 =echerches et doutes sur le magnMtisme animal& *(& 8"& 11( =echerches e0pMrimentales sur les conditions de lDactivitM cMrMbrale et sur la physiologie des ner-sI Mtudes physiologiJues et psychologiJues sur le somnambulsiem provoJuM& 1$'( =echerches historiJues sur lDe0ercice de la mMdecine dans les temples& cheA les peuples de lDantiJuitM& suivies de considMrations sur les rapports Jui peuvent e0ister entre les guMrisons JuDon obtenait dans les anciens temples& X lDaide des songes& et le magnMtisme animal& et sur lDorigine des hcpitau0& 69( =echerches physiJues et mMtaphysiJues sur les in-luences cMlestes& sur le magnMtisme universel et sur le magnMtisme animal dont on trouve la pratiJue de temps immMmorial cheA les Chinois& 181 =echerches physiJues sur le magnMtismeI insMrMes dans le Nournal des 4avans& en lDannMe 1'9$& 196 =echerches psychologiJues sur la cause des phMnomPnes e0traordinaires observMs cheA les modernes voyans improprement dits somnambules magnMtiJues ou Correspondance sur le magnMtisme vital entre un salitaire et C# eleuAe& bibliothMcaire du CusMum X 3aris& "9" =echerches sur la direction du -luide magnMtiJue& 1*' =echerches sur la mMdiumnitM# ]tude de travau0 des savants& lDMcriture automatiJue des hystMriJues& lDMcriture mMcaniJue des mMdiums& preuves absolues de nos communications avec le monde des esprits& 1+$$ =echerches sur lDhypnotisme et ses causes& suivies dDun discours prononcM dans lDassemblMe des chirurgiens-dentistes du mois de dMcembre 18($& 86*

=echerches sur lDhypnotisme ou sommeil nerveu0& comprenant une sMrie dDe0pMriences instituMes X la maison municipale de santM& 818 =echerches sur JuelJues phMnomPnes du magnMtisme& le -antcme magnMtiJue& et sur la di--raction comple0e& 6*' =Mcit de lDavocat-gMnMral de 1& au0 chambres assemblMes du public& sur le magnMtisme animal& 169 =ecord o- ?0periments in Thought-trans-erence& 1$(' A =ecord o- ;bservation o- Certain 3henomena o- Trance 7Cyers9& 1*'6 A =ecord o- ;bservations o- Certain 3henomena o- Trance 72odgson9& 1"1' =ecueil de mMmoires sur lDanalogie de lDMlectricitM et du magnMtismeH couronnMs R publiMs par lDAcadMmie de ,aviereI traduits du %atin R de %DAllemand& augmentMs de notes& R de JuelJues dissertations nouvelles& 116 =ecueil des e--ets salutaires de lDaimant dans les maladies& 8& ** =ecueil des piPces le plus intMressantes sur le magnMtisme animal& 8"& 8( =ecueil dDobservations et de -aits relati-s au magnMtisme animal& prMsentM X lDauteur de cette dMcouverte& et publiM par la sociMtM de Kuienne& 1*$ =ecueil dDobservations et des -aits relati-s au magnMtisme animal prMsentM X lDauteur de cette dMcouverte et publiM par la 4ociMtM de lDharmonie de Kuienne& 1+1 =ecueil dDopMrations chirurgicales pratiJuMes sur des suLets magnMtisMs& +*1 =M-le0ions impartiales sur le magnMtisme animal& -aites aprPs la publication du rapport des commissaires chargMs par le roi de lDe0amen de cette dMcouverte& 69 =M-le0ions prMliminaires X lDoccasion de la piPce intitulMe %es docteurs modernes LouMe sur le ThMftre /talien& le seiAe& Novembre 1'86& +' =M-le0ions sur le magnMtisme animal& dDaprPs lesJuelles on cherche X Mtablir le degrM de croyance Jue peut mMriter LustJuDici le systPme de C# Cesmer& 9$ =e-le0ions sur le magnMtisme animal& et sur le systPme de C# Cesmer& 116 =M-orme mMdicaleH compMrage magnMtiJue rMprimM& Juestions et observations dDordre public sur la pratiJue du magnMtisme& du mesmMrisme et du somnambulisme& considMrMe comme e0ercice de la mMdecine& etc# # # # & +"' =elation de diverses e0periences sur la transmission mentale& la luciditM& et autres phMnomPnes non e0plicables par les donnMes scienti-iJues actuelles& 1*1' =elaAione di una interessantissima cura magnetica -atta in ,erlino& 9+"

=eligion& magnMtisme& philosophie# %es Mleus de lDavenir ou le progrMs rMalisM par le Christianisme& '(" =eligion and CedicineH the Coral Control o- Nervous isorders& 1(1+ The =eligion o- 2ealthH an ?0amination o- Christian 4cience# Completed by =# C# ,arrett& 188( The =eligion o- Codern 4piritualism& and /ts 3henomena Compared with the Christian =eligion and /ts Ciracles& 1"98 The =eligion o- the 4pirit !orldH !ritten by the 4pirits Themselves& 1''6 =emarks on animal magnetism& "91 =emarJues sur la conduite de sieur Cesmer et de son commis le 3# 2ervier& et de ses autres adhMrentsI o\ lDon tache de venger la mMdecine de leurs outrages& +( =emonstrances des malades au0 mMdecins de la 8acultM 3aris& 161 =Mponse X la lettre de C# le octeur CaAaintre sur un cas de transposition des sens& ""+ =Mponse X lDauteur des outes dDun provincial& proposMs X CC# les mMdecins commissaires chargMs par le =oi de lDe0amen du mangMtisme animal& 16' =Mponse X C# 3# NanetH X propos de la mMtapsychiJue& 18+* =Mponse au0 articles du Nournal des Mbats& contre le magnMtisme animal& *+9 =Mponse au0 obLections contre le magnMtisme& *'6 =Mponse dDun mMdicin de 3aris X un mMdicin de province& sur le prMtendu magnMtisme animal de C# Cesmer& 1")16 =eport o- cures by animal magnetism occurring at ,ayonne with veri-ications& 1$( =eport o- the Annual Ceeting& Cay 18+$I Names Adam Kordon& ?sJ#& Eice-3resident& in the Chair& +9* =eport o- the Annual Ceetings 7o- the %ondon Cesmeric /n-irmary9& '19 =eport o- the Committee Appointed by Kovernment to ;bserve and =eport upon 4urgical ;perations by r# N# ?sdaile& upon 3atients under the /n-luence o- Alleged Cesmeric Agency& +6( =eport o- the ?0periments on Animal Cagnetism& Cade by a Committee o- the Cedical 4ection o- the 8rench =oyal Academy o- 4ciencesH =ead at the Ceetings o- the *1st and *8th o- Nune& 18"1& Translated and Now -or the 8irst Time 3ublishedI with an 2isotrical and ?0planatory /ntroduction& and an Appendi0& "+6& "'*

=eport o- the 8irst 3ublic CeetingI the =t# 2on# ?arl ucie& 3resident& in the Chair& +'* =eport on a series o- 4ittings with ?usapia 3alladino& 1(*8 =eport on 4piritualism o- the Committee o- the %ondon ialectical 4ociety& Together with ?vidence ;ral and !ritten& and a 4election -rom the Correspondence& 96* =eport on the Census o- 2allucinations& 1"'6& 16*+ =eport on the Cagnetical ?0periments Cade by the Commission o- the =oyal Academy oCedicine& o- 3aris& =ead in the Ceetings o- Nune *1 and *8& 18"1# by Cr# 2usson& the =eporter& Translated -rom the 8rench& and 3receded with an /ntroduction& by Charles 3oyen 4t# 4auveur& "'6 =eports o- about ;ne 2undred and 8i-ty Cases in ?ngland emonstrating the ?--icacy o- the Cetallic 3ractice in a Eariety o- Complaints ,oth upon the 2uman ,ody and on 2orses& *1* =eport upon the 3henomena o- Clairvoyance or %ucid 4omnambulism :8rom 3ersonal ;bservation.# !ith Additional =emarks# An Appendi0 to the Third ?dition o- FAnimal Cagnetism&G 6'9 =eJuOte burlesJue et arrOt de la cour du parlement& concernant la suppression du magnMtisme animal& 1+$ =esearches in the 3henomena o- 4piritualism :=eprinted -rom the Tuarterly Nournal o4cience.& 9"9& 96*& 9+9 =Msultat des opMrations magnMtiJues de C# le CarJuis de Kuibert X 8ontchfteau commune de Tarascon& 6*( A =eturn o- eparted 4pirits o- the 2ighest Character o- istinction& as well as the /ndiscriminate o- All Nations& into the ,odies o- the F4hakers&G or F>nited 4ociety o,elievers in the 4econd Advent o- the Cessiah#G ,y an Associate o- 4aid 4ociety& 68+ %a rMvMlateur# Nournal de magnMtisme animal publiM par une sociMtM de magnMtiseurs& "88 %es rMvMlations dDun magnMtiseur& trucs ingMnieu0 employMs au thMftre pour obtenir les phMnomPnes de la transmission de pensMe& du magnMtisme et de lDhypnotisme& 1+"+ =evelations o- a 4pirit CediumI or 4piritualistic Cysteries ?0posed# A etailed ?0planation o- the Cethods >sed by 8raudulent Cediums& 1*88 =evenants et 8antcmes# ?ssais sur lDhumanitM posthume et le spiritisme& 1$(* %es rOves dDune -emme de province sur le magnMtisme animal& ou ?ssai thMoretiJue R pratiJue sur la doctrine X la mode& 1"' =eview o- =eviews& 1"$'& 1""1

A =eview o- the F4piritual Cani-estations#G =ead ,e-ore the Congregational Association oNew @ork and ,rooklyn& (+6 >ne rMvolution en philosophie& rMsultant de lDobservation des phMnomPnes du magnMtisme animal# ]tude physiologiJue et psychologiJue de lDhomme& 1$*' =evue de lDhypnotisme et de la psychologie physiologiJue& 1$"9& 1$'9 =evue de lDhypnotisme e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue& 11+(& 1*9'& 1'8+& 18"+ =evue de psychiatrie& de neurologie et dDhypnologie# =ecueil des travau0 publiMs en 8rance et X lDMtranger& 1$"9& 16$+ =evue de psychiatrie# CMdecin mentale& neurologie& psychologie& 1$"9 =evue de psychiatrie et de psychologie e0pMrimentale& 1$"9 =evue de psychologie e0pMrimentale# ]tudes sur le sommeil& le somnambulisme& lDhypnotisme et le spiritualisme& 9(6 =evue de psychothMrapie et de psychologie appliJuMe& 1$"9& 11+(& 18"+ =evue des deu0 mondes& 1$9" =evue des Mtudes psychiJues& 1*8" =evue des sciences hypnotiJues& 118( =evue dDhypnologie thMoriJue et pratiJue dans ses rapports avec la psychologie& les maladies mentales et nerveuses& 1$"9& 1*'' =evue du psychisme e0pMrimental# CagnMtisme# 2ypnotisme# 4uggestion# 3sychologie# Cediumnisme# Censuelle illustrMe& 1(+$ =evue gMnMrale des sciences psychiJues& 1+9+ =evue magnMtiJue# Nournal des -aits et des cures magnMtiJues et somnambuliJues& des thMories& recherches historiJues& discussions scienti-iJues et progrPs gMnMreau0 du magnMtisme en 8rance et dans les pays Mtrangers& +$1 %a revue magnMtiJue& Lournal des malades& '88& 891& 916& 9*8 %a revue magnMtiJue# ;rgane du Cercle Mlectro-magnMtiJue de 3aris& 1$1* =evue mMdical historiJue et philosophiJue& "$" =evue mMtapsychiJue& 1*8"& 1''(& 1'8' =evue philosophiJue& 1$"*& 1$'1& 1$9"& 11$1)11$*& 11""& 1161& 116+)1168& 11+'& 11'(& 1186& 119(& 1*11& 1*1(& 1*"+& 1"18)1"19& 1"8(& 186(& 18+*

=evue 4cienti-iJue& 1*$" =evue 4pirite# Nournal dDMtudes psychologiJues& 1*1+& 16(+ =evue spiritualiste# Nournal principalement consecrM X lDMtude des -acultMs de lDfme et X la dMmonstration de son immoralitM par lDe0amen raisonnM des divers genres de mani-estations mMdianimiJues et de phMnomPnes psychiJues tels Jue le somnambulisme& lDe0tase& la vue X distance& etc#& '9+ =icerca psichica # # # & 1691 =icerche sui -enomeni ipnotici e spiritici& 1("" The =iddle o- 3ersonality& 1+18 =i-lessioni sul magnetismo animaleI -atte ad oggetto di illuminare i suio cittadini aveudodo trovato salutare in molti mali& *$* The =ise and 3rogress o- 4piritualism in ?ngland& 9"( =ivelaAioni ed insegnamento del givoco col simulare i -enomeni magnetici e ipnotici& 1*8+ =ivista delle riviste di studi psichici# =assegna mensile di "$$ reviste de studi psichici& 1+(1 =ivista di studi psichici# 3eriodico mensile dedicato alle richerche sperimentali e critiche sui -enomeni di telepatia& chiaroveggenAa& premoniAione& medianitX& etc#& 1"9$ =ussky Eyestnik :=ussian Cessenger.& 1"96 %a salute# Kiornale dDigiene populare e di altre cogniAioni utili& 889 4alute :4ocietX magnetica dD/talia residente in ,ologna.& 8'1 4ammlung der neuesten gedruckten und geschriebenen Nachrichten von Cagnet-Curen& vorAQglich der Cesmerischen& ")6& 9 4ammlung von ActenstQcken& als da sindH ?ingaben und Adressen in 4achen der gemeinge-dhrlichen ?inwirkungen durch Cagnetisation au- telepathischen !ege& an verschiedene ,eharden& Eereine Rc# gerichtet& 1**1 4anctuaire du spiritualisme# ?tude de lDfme humaine& ses rapports avec lDunivers& dDaprPs le somnambulisme et lDe0tase& +9" 4atan et la magie de nos Lours& rM-le0ions sur la magnMtisme& le spiritisme et la magie& 8(9 4atanic Agency and Cesmerism# A 4ermon& 6($& +$" 4atanic Agency and Cesmerism =eviewed& 6+$& 6($& 6(+& 681

4atanic Agency and Table Turning# A %etter to the =ev# 8rancis Klose& in =eply to 2is 3amphlet& FTable-turning not iabolical&G (8" 4chediasma& de Cesmerismo ante Cesmerum& *+" er 4chotte 2ome& ein physiopsychischer 5euge der Transscendenten im 19 Nahrhundert& 16+* 4chreiben den Thier# Cagnetismus u# die sich selbst weider ersetAende <ra-t ,etre--end& ' 4chreiben Qber die Cagnetkur von 2errn# A# Cesmer& oktor der ArAneygelahrtheit& an einen auswdrtigen ArAt& "& + 4chri-ten der Kesellscha-t -Qr psychologische 8orschung& 1"*" ie 4chutAgeister& oder merkwQrdige ,licke Aweier 4cherinnen in die Keisterwelt& nebst der wunderbaren 2eilung einer Aehn Nahre stumm Kewesenen durch den %ebensmagnetismus& und einer vergleichenden >ebersicht aller bis LetAt beobachteten ?rscheinungen desselben& 618 4chwdrmer und 4chwindler Au ?nde des 18# Nahrhunderts& 9(' ?in 4chwerer sensitiv-somnambuler <rankheits-all geheilt ausschliesslich mittelst ein-acher Anwendung der KesetAe des ;des# 8Qr 3hysiker& 3hysiologen& 3sycholgen& 3sychiatriker und insbesondere -Qr orAte# 2rgb# von A# 8reiherr von 4chrenck-NotAing& 1"$+ 4cience and a 8uture %i-e 7Cyers9& 1"$1& 1"+$ 4cience and a 8uture %i-e 72yslop9& 1++(& 1+'+& 1(11 4cience and a 8uture %i-eH !ith ;ther ?ssays& 1"+$ %es 4ciences ;ccultes au 19e siPcleH les tables tournantes et les mani-estations prMtendues surnaturelles& considMrMes au point du vue des principes Jui servent de guide dans les sciences dDobservation#1 es tables tournantes au point de vue de la mMcaniJue et de la physiologie& 8'9 %es sciences utiles# 2ypnotisme et magnMtisme# 4omnambulisme& suggestion et tMlMpathie# /n-luence personnelle# 3artie thMoriJue# 3ratiJue :suite.# 2istoriJue# ;ccultisme e0pMrimentale& 1($8 4cience vs# Codern 4piritualism# A Treatise on Turning Tables& the 4upernatural Agent in Keneral& and 4pirits& '1* 4cienti-ic American& 18"8& 188*& 188' The 4cienti-ic Aspect o- the 4upernaturalH /ndicating the esirableness o- an ?0perimental ?nJuiry by Cen o- 4cience into the Alleged 3owers o- Clairvoyants and Cediums& 9$$ A 4cienti-ic emonstration o- the 8uture %i-e& 1"8+

%e scienAe occulte# Cagnetismo& elletrobiologia& spiritualismo e negromanAia ossia la duplice scienAa dDuna levatrice # # # & 8"( 4cribnerDs CagaAine& 1*'$ 4econd lettre de KrosLean X son MvPJue& '+8 4econd CMmoire physiJue et mMdicinal& montrant des rapports Mvidents entre les phMnomPnes de la baguette divinatoire& du magnMtisme& et de lDMlectricitM& avec des Mclaircissements sur dDautres obLets non moins importants& Jui y sont relati-s& 11' 4econd mMmoire sur le magnMtisme animal# ;bservations particuliPres sur une somnambule prMsentMe X la commission nommMe par lDAcadMmie royale de mMdecine pour lDe0amen du magnMtisme animal& "*9 4econd 4ightH 3roblems Connected with 3rophetic Eision and =ecords /llustrative o- the Ki-t& ?specially erived -rom an ;ld !ork not now Available -or Keneral >se& 1*6" %es secrets du magnMtisme& 1$'8 4eeing the /nvisibleH 3ractical 4tudies in 3sychometry& Thought-trans-erence& Telepathy& and Allied 3henomena& 1+'$ 4eeress o- 3revorst# ,eing =evelations Concerning the /nner-%i-e o- Can& and the /nteri--usion o- a !orld o- 4pirits in the ;ne !e /nhabit& "61& "6" ie 4eherin von 3revorstI ?ra--nungen Qber das innere %eben des Censchen und Qber das 2ereinragen einer Keisterwelt in die unsere& "61& "6" 4el- Castery through Conscious Autosuggestion& 1'96 %e sens de la vie humaine& 1'+8 er sensitive Censch und sein Eerhalten Aum ;de# ?ine =eihe e0perimentellen >ntersuchungen Qber ihre gegenseitigen <rd-te und ?igenscha-ten mit =Qcksicht au- die praktische ,edeutung& welche sie -Qr 3hysik& Chemie& Cineralogie& ,otanik& 3hysiologie& 2eilkunde& gerichtliche Cedicin& =echtskunde& <riegswesen& ?rAiehung& 3sychologie& Theologie& /rrenwesen& <unst& Kewerbe& hdusliche 5ustdnde& Censchenkentniss und das gesellscha-tliche leben im weitesten An-ange haben& '*' A 4eries o- Concordant Automatisms& 1(1' 4even %ectures on 4omnambulism& ***& **( 4-inge& 1*'( 4hadowland& or %ight -rom the ;ther 4ide& 1618 ie sichtbare und die unsichtbare !elt# ieseits und Nenseits& 1$6(

4ights and 4oundsH the Cystery o- the ayH Comprising an ?ntire 2istory o- the American F4piritG Cani-estations& (89)(9$ 4i0 %ectures on the 3hilosophy o- Cesmerism& '18 4i0 %ectures on the 3hilosophy o- Cesmerism& elivered in the Carlboro Chapel& ,oston# =eported by a hearer& 6'" The 4lade CaseI /ts 8acts and /ts %essons# A =ecord and a !arning& 99' 4leep-walking and 2ypnotism& 1$98 The 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearchH /ts =ise and 3rogress and a 4ketch o- its !ork# !ith 8acsimile /llustrations o- Three 3airs o- the Thought-Trans-erence rawings& 1+1+ 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# 3roceedings& 1$($& 1$('& 1$86)1$8(& 1$9$& 11$9)1111& 1118& 116*)116"& 11+*)11+"& 11((& 11'+& 1*$6)1*$+& 1*1'& 1*'6& 1"1'& 1"*6)1"*+& 1"((& 1"'6& 1"88& 1"96& 1619& 16"9& 168()168'& 169+& 1+*'& 1+'8& 1($1& 1(1'& 1(*8& 1(+(& 1('8& 1(8*& 1'1$& 1'6+& 1'(1& 1''8& 18"* 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch# Nournal& 1$9'& 1*66& 1"(( er sogenannte animalische Cagnetismus oder 2ypnotismusH unter 5ugrundelegung eines -uer die Akademische Kesellscha-t Au 8reiburg i# ,# gehaltenen populdren Eortrages& 1$"+ er sogenannte %ebensmagnetismus oder 2ypnotismus& 1$(( 4oirMes magnMtiJues de Consieur %aurent X Chalin-sur-4acne& 66" ?l 4ol# =evista de historia magnetismo& estudios psjJuicos& 16'' 4olution du problPme de la suggestion hypnotiJue# %a 4alpOtriPre et lDhypnotisme# %a 4uggestion criminelle# %a loi doit intervenir& 1*69 4ome 8acts in Cesmerism& 1+8* 4ome 2igher Aspects o- Cesmerism& 111$ 4ome New ?vidence -or 2uman 4urvival& 18"' %e sommeil et les rOves& 86" %e sommeil magnMtiJue e0pliJuM par le somnambule Ale0is en Mtat de luciditM& '(+ %e sommeil naturel et lDhypnose# %eur nature& leurs phases# A JuDils nous disent en -aveur de lDimmortalitM de lDfme& 1+6( %e sommeil normal et le sommeil pathologiJue& magnMtisme animal& hypnotisme& nMvrose hystMriJue& 1$'+

%e sommeil provoJuM et les causes Jui le dMterminent# ]tude MtiologiJue de lDhypnose& 1((1 %e sommeil provoJuM et les Mtats analogues& 89( 4ommes versMes entre les mains de monsieur Cesmer pour acJuMrir le droit de publier sa dMcouverte& 1"(& 166 %e somnambule# Nournal de magnMtisme& 688 ie 4omnambulen Tische# 5ur Keschichte und ?rkldrung deiser ?rscheinung& ('6 4omnambulism& 16(( 4omnambulisme et magie& 16$$ 4omnambulisme magnMtiJue& 8'8 4omnambulisme ou supplMment au0 Lournau0 dans lesJuels il a MtM Juestion de ces phMnomPnes physiologiJues& *6' %e somnambulisme provoJuMH Mtudes physiologiJues et psychologiJues& 11*+ er 4omnambulismus& 6$8 4omnambulismus und 4piritismus& 16'*& 1+9$ 4omnolism and 3sycheism& ;therwise Eital Cagnetism& or CesmerismH Considered 3hysiologically and 3hilosophically# !ith an Appendi0 Containing Notes o- Cesmeric and 3sychical ?0perience& +'+ 4omnologie magnMtiJue& ou recueil de -aits et opinions somnambuliJues pour servir X lDhistoire du magnMtisme humain& +6* er soJenannte thierische magnetismus# 3hysologische ,eobachtungen& 1$*9 4oul o- ThingsH or 3sychometric =esearches and iscoveries& 8+6 4ouvenires dDun magnMtiseur& 1$88 4ouvenirs des banJuets de Cesmer& toastes et chansons& 8*' 4pecimen bibliothecae criticae magnetismi sic dicti animalis& 18' 4phin0H Neues Archiv -Qr den thierischen Cagnetismus und das Nachtleben Qberhaupt& *(9& "*" 4pirit rawingsH A 3ersonal Narrative& '99 4pirites et illusionnistes de 8rance& 1((9

4pirit-/dentity& 1$*" 4pirit-intercourseH Containing /ncidents o- 3ersonal ?0perience while /nvestigating the new 3henomena o- 4pirit Thought and ActionI with Earious 4pirit Communications Through 2imsel- as Cedium& (88 4piritism& 111" 4piritismH 8acts and 8rauds& 18+9 4piritism and Common 4ense& 18*+ 4piritism and =eligionH FCan @ou Talk to the eadWG /ncluding a 4tudy o- the Cost =emarkable Cases o- 4pirit Control& 1'6* 4piritism and the 8allen Angels in the %ight o- the ;ld and New Testaments& 1''* %e spiritisme& la dMmonologie et la -olieI e0plication de tous les -aits magnMtiJues& 886 %e spiritisme contemporain& 1"19 %e spiritisme dans ses rapports avec la -olie& 1(*1 %e spiritisme devant la conscience& 1"66 4piritisme devant la science& 11$' %e spiritisme devant la science& 1+"8 4piritisme et tables tournantes# Nouvelle mMthode -acile et complPte& e0pliJuant les principes rMels du spiritisme& les moyens in-aillilbes pour arriver promptement X MvoJuer les esprits et se mettre en rapport avec eu0& suivie de la dMmonstration thMoriJue et pratiJue du pendulee0plorateur et de la baJuette divinatoire& 1$'* 4piritisme e0pMrimental# %e livre des mMdiums ou guide des mMdiums et des Mvocateurs& contenant lDenseignement spMcial des esprits sur la thMorie de tous les genres de mani-estations& les moyens de communiJuer avec le monde invisible& le dMveloppement de la mMdiumnitM& les di--icultMs et les Mcueils Jue lDon peut rencontrer dans la pratiJue du spiritisme# 3our -aire suite au %ivre des ?sprits& 86+ %e spiritisme :-akirisme occidental.H Mtude historiJue& critiJue et e0pMrimentale& 116$ 4piritisme moderne# <atie <ing# 2istoire de ses apparitions dDaprPs les documents anglais avec illustrations par >n Adepte& 16(+ %o spiritismo di -ronte alla scienAaH note polemiche& 168$ 4piritismo e magnetismo# %etture -atte a EincenAa& 91* 4piritismo e magnetismo# Note e con-ronti polemici& 16'9

er 4piritismus& 111"& 1*+"& 1*9" er 4piritismus# ?ine sogenannte wissenscha-tliche 8rage# ;--ener ,rie- an 2errn 3ro2ermann >lrici in 2alle& 1$*6 er 4piritismus # # # # Nebst einem ,eitrag von dr# <# =# <up--er& 18(9 The 4pirit %and& 8$6 4pirit Cani-estations ?0amined and ?0plained# Nudge ?dmonds re-utedI or& an ?0position othe /nvoluntary 3owers and /nstincts o- the 2uman Cind& '11 4pirit Cediums and ConLurers# An ;ration elivered in the Cavendish =ooms& %ondon& on 4unday ?vening& Nune 1+th& 18'"# To !hich is Appended =ules to be ;bserved at the 4pirit Circle& 9+' 4pirit 3eopleH a 4cienti-ically Accurate escription o- Cani-estations =ecently 3roduced by 4pirits& and 4imultaneously !itnessed by the Author and ;ther ;bservers in %ondon& 9'+ 4pirit-3sychometry and Trance Communications by >nseen Agencies& Through a !elsh !oman and r# T# Daute-2ooper& 1(9( 4pirit-rapperI an Autobiography& '$6 4pirits ,e-ore our ?yes& 1$19 4pirit 4late !riting and <indred 3henomena& 1668 4pirit Teachings& 1$(9 4piritualismH A Narrative with a iscussion& 9"+ 4piritualismH a 3opular 2istory -rom 186'& 1'86 4piritualismH /s Communication with the ;ther !orld an ?stablished 8actW 3ro1?# !ake Cook # # # Con18rank 3odmore& 1+*8 4piritualismI /ts 8acts and 3hases# /llustrated with 3ersonal ?0periences& 8'( 4piritualismH /ts 2istory& 3henomena and octrine& 1'"9 4piritualism1the /nside Truth& 1'+* 4piritualism# !ith an Appendi0 by Nathaniel 3# Tallmadge& ((6 4piritualism and Allied Causes and Conditions o- Nervous erangement& 988 4piritualism and Animal Cagnetism# A Treatise on reams& 4econd 4ight& 4omnambulism& Cagnetic 4leep& 4piritual Cani-estations& 2allucinations& and 4pectral Eisions& 96(

4piritualism and /nsanity# An ?ssay escribing the isastrous ConseJuences to the Cental 2ealth !hich are Apt to =esult -rom a 3ursuit o- the 4tudy o- 4piritualism& 1(++ 4piritualism and 4ir ;liver %odge& 1'*9 4piritualism and the New 3sychologyH An ?0planation o- 4piritualistic 3henomena and ,eliein Terms o- Codern <nowledge& 1'(9 4piritualism Answered by 4cience& 9"8 4piritualisme& -aits curieu0 prMcMdMs dDune lettre X C# K# Cabru suivis de lDe0trait dDun compte rendu de la -Ote CesmMrienne du *" Cai 18+8& et dDune relation amMricaine des plus e0traordinaire publiMs& '8( 4piritualism ?0plainedH ,eing a 4eries o- Twelve %ectures delivered ,e-ore the New @ork Con-erence o- 4piritualists& ''* 4piritualism in America& 8"' 4piritualism TestedI or&1the 8acts o- /ts 2istory Classi-ied and Their Cause in Nature Eeri-ied -rom Ancient and Codern Testimonies& 8"+ er 4piritualismus und die !issenscha-t# ?0perimentelle >ntersuchungen Qber die psychische <ra-t& von !illiam Crookes& nebst bestdtigenden 5eugnissen des 3hysikers C# 8# Earley# 3rQ-ungs-4itAungen des Cr# # # 2ome mit den Kelehrten Au 4t# 3etersburg und %ondon& 16"$ The 4piritualistH ,eing a 4hort ?0position o- 3sychology ,ased upon Caterial Truths and othe 8aith to !hich /t %eads& '8" 4piritual Tracts& No# 1)No# 1"& 9+* 4pirit !orkers in the 2ome Circle# An Autobiographic Narrative o- 3sychic 3henomena in 8amily aily %i-e ?0tending over a 3eriod o- Twenty @ears& 119* 4plitting o- the CindH An ?0perimental 4tudy o- Normal Cen& 189$ ie 4prache der Eerstorbenen oder das Keisterklop-en# 4timmen aus dem Nenseits und enthQllte Keheimnisse des Krabes# ?in unumstasslicher ,eweis -Qr die 8ortdauer der 4eele nach dem Tode und deren !iedervereinigung mit ihren %ieben# Noch gesammelten authentischen Thatsachen dargestellt& '+1 4puk& Kespenster und Apportphdnomene& 1869 4tages o- 2ypnotic Cemory& 116" The 4tages o- 2ypnotism& 1$8+ 4tella CH an Account o- 4ome ;riginal ?0periments in 3sychical =esearch& 19$"

4toria& teoria e practica del magnetismo animale& +*6 4toria dello spiritismo& 161$ 4tranger Than 8iction& 81" 4trange Things Among >s& 8(6 4tudien aus dem Kebiete der Keheimwissenscha-ten& 1*(1 4tudien Qber die Keisterwelt& 9(8 4tudien Qber 2autelektriAitdt und 2autmagnetismus des Censchen# Nach eigenen Eersuchen und ,eobachtungen& 1+++ 4tudies in 2umanism& 1+9' 4tudies in 3hyschical =esearch& 16*( 4tudies in 3sychometry& 18'" 4tudies in 4piritism& 1(+6 Kli studi recenti sul cosi detto magnetismo animale& 1$69 4tudi sull Uipnotismo& con richerche o-talmoscopiche del =eymond e dei pro-# ,ianchi e 4ommer sulla polariAAaAione psichica& 1169 The 4tudy o- Trance& Cuscle-reading and Allied Nervous 3henomena in ?urope and America& with a %etter on the Coral Character o- Trance 4ubLects& and a e-ence o- r# Charcot& 1$+* The 4ubconscious& 1++' The 4ubconscious& the >nconscious& and the Co-conscious& 1891 The 4ubliminal Consciousness& 1"*6)1"*+& 1"+1 The 4ubliminal 4el-& 1"88 %es suggesteurs et la -oule# 3sychologie des meneursH artistes& ovateurs& mystiJues& guerriers& criminels& Mcrivains& en-ants& etc# # # # & 1+6+ %a suggestibilitM& 16(' %a suggestibilitM au point de vue de la psychologie individuelle& 16"6 4uggestion& 2ypnose und TelepathieI ihre ,edeutung -Qr die ?rkenntnis gesunden und kranken Keisteslebens& 1''9

4uggestion and Autosuggestion& 1'6( %a 4uggestion dans lDart& 1"++ %a suggestione e le -acoltX psichiche occulte in rapporto alla pratica legale e medico--orense& 16'6 4uggestion et autosuggestionI Mtude psychologiJue et pMdagogiJue dDaprPs les rMsultats de la nouvelle Mcole de Nancy& 1'6( %a suggestion mentale et lDaction X distance des substances to0igues et mMdicamenteuses& 11(6 %a suggestion mentale et le calcul des probabilitMs& 1$96 %es suggestions criminelles# Eiols# 8au0 et captations# Eiols morau0& les suggestions en amour# Kabrielle 8enayrou et Kabrielle ,ompard& 1*9( 4uggestions hypnotiJues criminelles& 1"8$ ie 4uggestions-Therapie bei <rankha-ten ?rscheinungen des Keschlectssinnes& mit besonderer berQcksichtigung der contrdren 4e0ualemp-indung& 1"*9 4uggestion und 2ypnose& 189+ 4uggestion und 2ypnotismus in der Ealkerpsychologie& 1"'+ 4uggestive Therapeutics& 11*'& 16$9& 166*& 1689& 1696 4uite de la correspondance de Consieur 3ressavin graduM etc#& avec les magnMtiseurs de la mOme ville& 1$" 4uite des mMmoires pour servir X lDhistoire et X lDMtablissement du magnMtisme animal& 1$+& 168& *61 4uite des rM-le0ions prMliminaires X lDoccasion des octeurs modernes& +8 4uite du traitement magnMtiJue de la demoiselle N#& leJuel a servi de base X lD?ssair sur la thMorie du somnambulisme magnMtiJue& 1(* 4ulla causa dei 8enomeni Cesmerici& ''1 4ulla potenAa motrice tras-usa dallDuomo nella materia bruta# 8enomeno comunemente noto sotto il titolo di Tavola Kirante# ?sperimenti ed osservaAioni# Aggiunge alcune dellDillustre magnetologo pro-# %isimaco Eerati ed altre del dottor 8rancesco Argenti& giX decano della -acoltX medica dellD>niversitX di 3adova e membro di varie accademie& (99 4ulla trasmissione del pensiero& 1$6* 4ullDaAione del magnetismo animale nellDumano organismo& (16

4ul magnetismo animale& discorso istorico-critico# %etto allDAccademia di =eligione Cattolica il di *1 %uglio 186*& 6(" 4ul magnetismo animale e sul metodo per istudiarlo& ("$ 4upermudane 8acts in the %i-e o- =ev# Nesse ,abcock 8erguson& A#C#& %%# #& /ncluding Twenty @earsD ;bservation o- 3reternatural 3henomena& 88" The 4upernaturalW !ith Chapter on ;riental Cagic& 4piritualism& and Theosophy& by N# N# Caskelyne& 1"$9 4uperstition and 4cienceH and ?ssay& '6' 4uperstitions et prestiges des philosophes& ou les demonolatres du siPcle des luminiPres par lDAuteur des 3rMcurseurs de lDAnte-Christ& *81 4upplMment au0 deu0 rapports de CC# les commissaires de lDAcadMmie et de la 8acultM de mMdecine et de la 4ociMtM royale de mMdecine& "" 4upplMment au0 ;bservations de C# ,ergasse& ou =Pglamens des sociMtMs de lDharmonie universelle& adoptMs par la sociMtM de lDharmonie de 8rance dans lDassemblMe gMnMrale tenue X 3aris& le 1* Cai 1'8+I avec des notes pour servir X lDintelligence du te0te& 1*6 4ur lDanesthMsie chirurgicale hypnotiJue# Note prMsentMe X lDAcadMmie des sciences le + dMcembre 18+9 suivie dDune lettre adressMe au rMdacteur en che- du Coniteur des sciences mMdicales& 8$$ 4ur les diverse Mtats nerveu0 dMterminMs par lDhypnotisation cheA les hystMriJues& 1$+8 4ur les -aits Jue semblent prouver une communication des somnambules avec let Otres spirituels et sur les consMJuences JuDon peut tirer de ces -aits# :?0trait dDune lettre d C#& X C# eleuAe.& 6$* 4ur lDMtat de -ascination dMterminM cheA lDhomme X lDaide de sur-aces brillantes en rotation :action somni-Pre des miroirs X alouettes.& 1*1" The 4urprising Case o- =achel ,aker& !ho 3rays and 3reaches in her 4leepH with 4pecimens o- her ?0traordinary 3er-ormances Taken own Accurately in 4hort 2and at the TimeI and 4howing the >nparalleled 3owers 4he 3ossesses to 3ray& ?0hort& and Answer Tuestions& uring 2er >nconscious 4tate# The !hole Authenticated by the Cost =espectable Testimony o- %iving !itnesses& *69& *+6 The 4urvival o- CanH a 4tudy in >nrecogniAed 2uman 8aculty& 1("* ie sympathetisch-magnetische heilkunde in ihrem ganAen >m-angeH oder die %ehre von der Transplantation der <rankheiten& die Amulete& die 4ignaturen u#s#w# Aum ersten Cale aus-Qhrlich nach den 4chri-ten der 3aracelsisten erldutert und mit einer reichhaltigen 4ammlung von Eorschri-ten sympathetischen <uren ausgestattet # # # die sogenannten Aauberischen <rankheiten und die magisch-magnetischen 2eilungen bei den alten 2ebrdern& (*6

A 4ymposium on the 4ubconscious& 1+96 4ymptomatology& 3sychognosis& and iagnosis o- 3sychopathic iseases& 1'$( A 4ynopsis o- CesmerismI or& Animal Cagnetism& 3athetism& ?lectrical 3sychologyI or the 3hilosophy o- /mpressions& +'6 4ystem des Tellurismus oder thierischen Cagnetismus# ?in 2andbuch -Qr Natur-orscher und AerAte& "1$ %e systPme de la rose magnMtiJue& 11+ 4ystPme des passes magnMtiJues& ou ensemble des procMdMs de magnMtisation& +19 4ystPme raisonnM du magnMtisme universel# DaprPs les principes de C# Cesmer& ouvrage auJuel on a Loint lDe0plication des procMdMs du magnMtisme animal accomodMs au cures des di--Mrentes maladies& tant par C# Cesmer Jue par C# le Chevalier de ,arberin et par C# de 3uysMgur& relativement au somnambulisme ainsi JuDune notice de la constitution des 4ociMtMs dites de lDharmonie # # # 3ar la 4ociMtM d lDharmonie dD;stende& 1+8 Table Coving& its causes and phenomenaH with directions how to e0periment# 3ro-usely illustrated& on plate paper& by Nicholls& (9+ Table-Coving# 4omnambulish-Cagnetische Traumbedeutung& '"1 Table Coving by Animal Cagnetism demonstratedH with directions how to per-orm the ?0periment# Also& A -ull and detailed account o- the e0periments already per-ormed& (96 Table-Coving 3opularly ?0plainedI with an /nJuiry into =eichenbachDs Theory o- ;d 8orceI Also an /nvestigation into the 4piritual Cani-estations known as 4pirit-rappings& (++ Table-Coving Tested and 3roved to be the =esult o- 4atanic Agency& ((9 %a table parlante# Nournal des -aits merveilleu0& tables tournantes& mesmMrisme& somnambulisme magnMtiJue # # # & '"* Table Jui danse et table Jui rMpond& e0pMriences X la portMe de tout le mond& ('* %es tables et les tOtes Jui tournent& ou la -iPvre de rotation en 18+"# Cent et un croJuis& ((' %es tables tournantes considMrMes au point de vue de la Juestion de physiJue gMnMrale& Jui sDy rattache& '+9 Table-Turning& the evilDs Codern Caster-piece# ,eing the =esult o- a Course o?0periments& ('$ Table Turning and Table Talking& Containing etailed =eports o- an /n-inite Eariety o?0periments 3er-ormed in ?ngland& 8rance& and Kermany& with Cost Carvellous =esultsI also Cinute irections to ?nable ?very ;ne to 3ractise Them& and the Earious ?0planations

Kiven o- the 3henomena by the Cost istinguished 4cienti-ic Cen o- ?urope# 4econd ?dition with 3ro-essor 8aradayDs ?0periments and ?0planation& (9( A TechniJue -or the ?0perimental 4tudy o- Telepathy and ;ther Alleged Clairvoyant 3rocesses# A =eport on the !ork one in 191()1' at the 2arvard 3sychological %aboratory& under the Ki-t o- Crs# Nohn !allace =iddle and the 2odgson 8und& 1'"$ Telepathic 2allucinationsH the New Eiew o- Khosts& 1("( %a tMlMpathieH recherches e0pMrimentales& 1816 %a tMlMpathie et le nMo-spiritualisme& 1"69 Telepathie und 2ellsehenH Eersuche und ,etractungen Qber ungewahnliche seelische 8dhigkeiten& 181+ Telepathy& Kenuine and 8raudulent& 1'19 Telepathy# /ts Theory& 8acts and 3roo-& 1("9 Telepathy and the 4ubliminal 4el-& 16*1 %a telepatja& 16"( Teleplasma und TelekineseI ergebnisse meiner AweiLdhrigen ?0perimentalsitAungen mit ,erliner Cedium Caria Eolhart& mit ( te0tAeichungen& 18+6 TMmoignage spiritualiste dDoutre tombe sur le magnMtisme humain& -ruit dDun long pPlerinage par N#4#C& publiM et annotM par lDabbM %oubert& 8(' Ten @ears with 4piritual mediumsH an /nJuiry Concerning the ?tiology o- Certain 3henomena Called 4piritual& 9'" TMratoscopie du -luide vital de la mensambulance& ou dMmonstration physiologiJue et psychologiJue de la possibilitM dDune in-initM de prodiges rMputMs -abuleu0& ou attribuMs par lDignorance des philosophes et par la superstition des ignorants X des causes -ausses et imaginaires& "$6 Tertium TuidH Chapters on Earious isputed Tuestions& 11'6 Testament politiJue de C# Cesmer& ou la precauciin dDun sage& avec le dMnombrement des adeptesI le tout traduit de lDAllamand par un ,ostonien& 1*( That ;ther !orld# 3ersonal ?0periences o- Cystics and their Cysticism& 1'"( Theologische und philosophische raisonnements in ,eAug au- den animalischen Cagnetismus nebst einer ,eleuchtung Qber =ealitdt und /rrealitdt# ;derH ,licke au- Kott& Natur und den Censchen& *8'

Theorie der Keister-<unde& in einer Natur-& Eernun-t- und ,ibelmdssigen ,eantwortung der 8rageH !as von Ahnungen& Kesichten und Keisterrerscheinungen geglaubt und nicht geglaubt werden mQsse& *"1)*"* Theorie des 4omnambulismus oder des thierischen Cagnetismus# ?in Eersuch& die Cysterien des magnetischen %ebens& den =apport der 4omnambulen mit dem CagnMtiseur& ihre 8erngesichte und Ahnungen& und ihren Eerkehr mit der Keisterwelt vom 4tandpunkte vorurtheils-reier <ritik aus Au erhellen und erkldren -Qr Kebildete Qberhaupt& und -Qr Cediciner und Theologe insbesondere& "'9 ThMorie du mesmMrisme& par un ancien ami du Cesmer& o\ lDon e0pliJue au0 dames ses principes naturels& pour le salut de leurs -amillesI et au0 sages de tous les pays& ses causes et ses e--ets& comme un bien-ait de la nature JuDils sont invitMs X rMpandre avec les prMcautions convenable& et dDaprPs lesJuelles plusieurs rois de lD?urope en ont encouragM lDusage dans leurs Mtats& *'+ ThMorie du monde et des Otres organisMs suivant les principes de C# # # # & "8 A Theory o- the Cechanism o- 4urvivalH the 8ourth imension and /ts Applications& 1'(' Therapeutic 4uggestion in 3sychopathia 4e0ualis& 1"*9 ThMrapeutiJue du magnMtisme et due somnambulisme appropriMe au0 maladies les plus communesI aidMe par lDemploi des plantes les plus usuelles en mMdecine# =enseignements sur la compositions et sur lDapplication des remPdes conseillMs 3lanches anatomiJues avec e0plication philosophiJue& 1$(6 ThMrapeutiJue magnMtiJue& rPgles de lDapplication dit magnMtisme X lDe0pMrimentation pure et au traitement des maladies# 4piritualisme& son principe et ses phMnomPnes# 3ar C# %e ,aron u 3otet& 8++ ThMrapeutiJue suggestiveH son mMcanisme# 3ropriMtMs diverses du sommeil provoJuM et des Mtats analogues& 1*9' %a thMrapeutiJue suggestive et ses applications au0 maladies nerveuses et mentales& X la chirurgie& X lDobstMtriJue et X la pMdagogie& 1"6$ There /s No eath& 1"$$ Thirty 4hort 4ermons on Earious /mportant 4ubLects& ,oth octrinal and 3ractical& 6** Thirty @ears among the ead# /n Collaboration with Nelle C# !atts& Celia %# KoerA& ;rlando # KoerA& 1886 A Thought-=eaderDs ThoughtsH ,eing the /mpressions and Con-ession o- 4tuart Cumberland& 1199 Thought Trans-erenceH a Critrical and 2istorical =eview o- the ?vidence -or Telepathy& with a =ecord o- New ?0periments 19$*)19$"& 1+(6

Three %ectures on Animal Cagnetism& as elivered in New @ork& at the 2all o- 4cience& on the *(th o- Nuly& *d and 9th o- August& "6$& 918 er tierische Cagnetismus& oder das Keheimnis des menschlichen %ebens aus dynamischpsychischen <rd-ten gemacht& *(' er tierische Cagnetismus in 3reussen vor und nach den 8reiheitskriegen& 189( er tierische Cagnetismus und seine Kenese# ?in ,eitrag Aur Au-kldrung und eine Cahnung an die 4anitdtsbeharden& 1189 Times :%ondon.& ((( as Tischrucken& ('" as TischrQcken# :8ortsetAung#. Keistige Agapen# 3sychographische Cittheilungen der 3ariser eutsch-Cagnetischen 4chule& '"$ as TrischrQcken# 4eine Jeschichtliche ?ntwicklung und seine ,edeutung# Au- Krund der neuesten 8orschungsergebnisse dargestellt& 1'98 Tischrucken und Tischklop-en eine Thatsache# Cit ocumenten von den 2errenH <# 4imrock& 2o--mann von 8allersleben& ;# 4chade und Neusser& (86 er Tod& das Nenseits und das %eben im Nenseits& 16+( ; trabalho dos mortos& 18$6 Traces du magnMtisme& 6( The Tragedy o- Chicago# A 4tudy in 2ypnotism# 2ow an /nnocent @oung Can& =ichard ?vans& was hypnotised to the Kallows& 1+(9 TraitM complet de magnMtisme animal& "+9 TraitM de lDhypnotisme e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue# 4es applications X la mMdicine& X lDMducation& X la psychologie& 1(1* TraitM de magnMtisme& suivi des paroles dDun somnambule& et dDun recueil de traitements magnMtiJues& +81 TraitM de CetapsychiJue& 18"( TraitM des sensations et des passions& 1+91 TraitM du magnMtisme animal considMrM sous le rapport de lDhygiPne& de la mMdecine lMgale et de la thMrapeutiJue& 61* TraitM du somnambulisme& et des di--Mrentes modi-ications JuDil presente& "1"& "*6

TraitM MlMmentaire& thMoriJue et pratiJue du magnMtisme contenant toutes les indications nMcessaires pour traiter soi-mOme& X lDaide du magnMtisme animal& les maladies les plus communes& 9*( TraitM e0pMrimental de magnMtisme avec -igures dans le teste# Cours pro-essM X lDMcole pratiJue de magnMtisme et de massage# ThMories et procMdMs& 1"8"& 16"+ TraitM e0pMrimental de magnMtisme avec portrait de lDauteur et -igures dans le te0te# Cours pro-essM X lDMcole pratiJue de magnMtisme et de massage# 3hysiJue magnMtiJue& 1"8"& 16"+ TraitM e0pMrimental et thMrapeutiJue de magnMtisme& 11"')11"8 Traitement magnMtiJue suivi dDune guMrison remarJuable opMrMe par C# Coli& archiprOtre du canton de angM& prPs Chatellerault& dMpartement de la Eienne& *'" Traitement mental et culture spirituelle# %a santM et lDharmonie dans la vie humaine& 1('6 TraitM philosophiJue sur la nature de lDfme et des -acultMs& o\ lDon e0amine le rapport JuDont avec la morale& le magnMtisme de C# Cesmer et le systPme de Kall& "1+ TraitM pratiJue de magnMtisme humain& ou rMsume de tous les procMdMs du magnMtisme humain& pour rMtablir et dMvelopper les -onctions physiJues et les -acultMs intellectuelles dans lDMtat de maladie& '9' TraitM pratiJue du magnMtisme et du somnambulismeH ou& rMsumM de tous les principes et procMdMs du magnMtisme& avec la thMorie et la dM-inition du somnambulisme& le description du caractPre et des -acultMs des somnambules& et les rPgles de leur direction& +1" TraitM thMoriJue et pratiJue du magnMtisme animal 7 oppet9& ++ TraitM thMoriJue et pratiJue du magnMtisme animal& ou CMthode -acile pour apprendre X magnMtiser 7=icard9& 666 The Trance and Correlative 3henomena& 91( Trance and Trancoidal 4tates in the %ower Animals& 1$"( Transactions du magnMtisme animal& 66' Transactions o- the College o- 3hysicians o- 3hiladelphia& 1*16 Transactions o- the 3erkinean 4ociety& Consisting o- a =eport on the 3ractice with the Cetallic Tractors& at the /nstitution in 8rith-4treet& and ?0periments Communicated by 4everal Correspondents& **6 Transcendental 3hysicsH An Account o- ?0perimental /nvestigations# 8rom the 4cienti-ic Treatises o- Nohann Carl 8riedrich 5allner# Translated -rom the Kerman& with an 3re-ace and Appendices& by Charles Charleton Cassey& 1$"6

Transmissione del pensiero e suggestione mentale# 4tudio sperimentale e critico ### e seguito da alcune indagini -atte sullo stesso soggetto a richiesta& 1*9$ Trattato pratico del magnetismo animale& 9*1 Trattato teorico-pratico di magnetismo animale considerato sotto il punto di vista -isiologico e psicologico& con note illustrative e appendice& '1(& 8*+ Trattato teorico-pratico sul magnetismo animale& ($* Traume eines Keistersehers& (1( A Treatise on Animal Cagnetism 7Nohnson9& 69' Treatise on Animal CagnetismI iscovering the Cethod o- Caking the 4aid Cagnets& -or the Cure o- Cost iseases /ncident to the 2uman ,ody& 8rom the !riting o- 3aracelsus 7?dwards9& 188 Trials o- Animal Cagnetism on the ,rute Creation& 619 Twenty @ears o- 3sychical =esearchH 188*)19$1# !ith 8acsimile /llustrations o- ThoughtTrans-erence rawings& 1+"* UTwi0t Two !orldsH a Narrative o- the %i-e and !ork o- !illiam ?glinton& 11"9 Two !orlds& 189* bber das ,esessenseyn oder das aseyn und den ?in-luss de boesen Keisterreichs in der alten 5eit# Cit ,erQcksichtungung ddmonischen ,esitAungen der neuen 5eit& "+( bber den 2ypnotismus& 1$6' bber den thierischen Cagnetismus 7Ceiners9& 186 bber den thierischen Cagnetismus 74teiglitA9& *+* bber den !illen in der Natur# ?ine ?rarterung der ,estdtigungen& welche die 3hilosophie des Eer-assers& seit ihrem Au-treten& durch die empirischen !issenscha-ten erhalten hat& "'8 bber die eigenthumliche 4eelenstorung der sogenannten F4cherin von 3revorst&G "+1 bber die ?0tase oder das EerAucktseyn der Cagnetischen 4chla-redner& *'$ bber die 4eelen-rage# ?in Kang durch die sichtbare !elt& um die unsichtbare Au -inden& 8"9 bber die Trugwahrnehmung :2allucination und /llusion. mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung der internationalen ?nJuete Qber !achhallucinationen bei Kesunden& 1"'$ bber 2ellsehen# ?ine dritisch-e0perimentelle >ntersuchung# /naugural- issertation& 1'1"

bber %egensmagnetismus und Qber die magischen !irkungen Qberhaupt& ''" bber Naturerkldrung Qberhaupt und Qber die ?rkldrung der thierisch magnetischen ?rscheinungen aus dynamish psychischen <rd-ten inbesondere# ?in ergdnAender ,eitrag Aum Archiv den thierischen Cagnetismus& *8$ bber psychische 2eilmittel und Cagnetismus& *86 bber 4paltung der 3ersanlichkeit :4ogennantes oppel-/ch.& 16$8 bber spiritistische Cani-estationen vom naturwissenscha-tlichen 4tandpunkt& 1$9( bber 4ympathie& *"6 bber 4ympathie und Cagnetismus# Aus den %ateinischen QbersaAt und mit anmerkungen begleitet von 2einrich Tabor& 19$ bber Telepathie und 2ellsehen# ?0perimentell-theoretische >ntersuchungen& 1'88 bber thierischen Cagnetismus# /n einem ,rie- an 2errn Keheimer =ath 2o--mann in CainA& 1(+ bber und gegen den thierischen Cagnetismus und die LetAt vorherrschende TendenA au- dem Kebiete desselben& *'8 The >nconsciousH the 8undamentals o- 2uman 3ersonality Normal and Abnormal& 1'$1 The >nconscious Cind& 1669 >nderhill on Cesmerism& with Criticisms on /ts ;pposers& and a =eview o- 2umbugs and 2umbuggers& with 3ractical /nstructions -or ?0periments in the 4cience& 8ull irections -or >sing it as a =emedy in isease # # # the 3hilosophy o- /ts Curative 3owersI 2ow to evelop a Kood ClairvoyantI the 3hilosophy o- 4eeing !ithout ?yes# The 3roo-s o- /mmortality erived -rom the >n-oldings o- Cesmerism # # # & 918 %Dunion magnMtiJue# Nournal de la 4ociMtM philanthropico-magnMtiJue de 3aris& '"+ %D>niversitM de Contpellier et le magnMtisme animal& ou une vMritM nouvelle en prMsence de vieilles erreurs& "'" >npartheyischer ,ericht der allhier gemachten ?ntdeckungen der sonderbaren !Qrkung der kQnstlichen 4tahlmagneten in verschiedenen Nervenkrankheiten& * >nseen 8aces 3hotographed# A Condensed =eport o- 8acts and 8indings uring a @ear oCost Critical =esearch into the 3henomena Called 4pirit 3hotography& 1698 >ntersuchungen Qber den %ebensmagnetismus und das 2ellsehen& "$8 Eade mecum du magnMtiseur& +('

The EaletDs Tragedy and ;ther 4tudies& 1+*" Eariations de la personnalitM& 119( Earieties o- =eligious ?0perience& 1*'$ The Eeil %i-ted# Codern evelopments o- 4pirit 3hotography# A 3aper by N# Traill Taylor escribing ?0periments in 3sychic 3hotography& %etter by the =ev# 2# =# 2aweis& Addresses by Names =obertson& Klasgow& and Ciscellanea by the ?ditor& Andrew Klendinning& 1"(+ er EerdnderungsgesetA& 16*" %a veritX sullDipnotismo# =ivelaAioni& 11+8 %a veritX sul magnetismo animale& '(1 %a vMritM au0 mMdecins et au0 gens du monde sur le diagnostic et la thMrapeutiJue des maladies& MclairMs par le somnambulisme naturel lucide# e la catalepsie& observations de -acultMs surnaturelles de clairvoyance& dDintuition& de prMvision et dDe0tase# u magnMtisme animal et de ses e--ets# /nstruction pratiJue sur son application au traitement des maladies& 81( %a vMritM du magnMtisme prouvMe par les -aitsI e0traits des notes et des papiers de Cme Alina D?ldir& nMe dans lD2indoustan& par un ami de la vMritMI suivie dDune notice inMdite sur Cesmer& Jui avait MtM composMe et mise en page pour la F,iographie >niverselle&G "6* %es vMritMs cheminent& tot ou tard elles arrivent& *+1 Eerschiedenes Aum >nterricht und Aur >nterhaltung -Qr %iebhaber der Kauckeltasche& des Cagnetismus& und anderer 4eltenheiten& Kesammelt und herausgegeben von dem 2o-rath von ?ckhartshau-en.& 19( Eersuch die scheinbare Cagie des thierischen Cagnetismus aus physiologischen und psychischen KesetAen Au erkldren& *+8 Eersuch einer arstellung des animalischen Cagnetismus& als 2eilmittel& *"+ Eersuch Qber das Keistersehn und was damit Ausammenhdngt& ($" %es vibrations de la vitalitM humaine# CMthode biomMtriJue appliJuMe au0 sensiti-s et au0 nMvroses& 1+"1 >ne victoire de la photographie psychiJue# %a romanesJue et glorieuse aventure du mMdium !illiam 2ope :de Crewe1Angleterre.# AccusM dDOtre un imposteur# TraZnM une annMe dans la boue# Eictime dDune sombre machination# ?n-in reconnu par-aitement innocent et incontestable mMdium photographe& 186+ %a vie et la santM& ou la mMdecine est-elle une scienceW& 1$+" %a vie inconsciente de lDesprit& 1$*+

%a vie par la magnMtisme et lDMlectricitM& 1$8" %es vies successives# ocuments pour lDMtude de cette Juestion& 1('$ %a vision contenant lDe0plication de lDMcrit intitulMH Traces du magnMtisme& et la thMorie des vrais sages& 119 Eisionen im !asserglase& 1$$$ %e visionnaire& ou la victime imaginaire du magnMtisme# 2istoire vMritable& contenant la description dDune monomanie sans e0emple et dans laJuelle sont consignMs les lettres autographes& ainsi Jue les rM-le0ions& traits de dMmence et rMcits du monomaneI le tout prMcMdM dDune esJuisse sur sa vie et ses actions LusJuDX ce Lour& "6' EisionsH A 4tudy o- 8alse 4ight :3seudopia.& 1$$6 >ne visite X la 4alpOtriPre& 11"6 Eitalisme curati- par les appareils Mlectro-magnMtiJues& 11$8 er Eitalismus als Keschichte und also %ehre& 1++" Eital Cagnetic CureH an ?0position o- Eital Cagnetism and /ts Application to the Treatment o- Cental and 3hysical isease# ,y a Cagnetic 3hysician& 961 Eital CagnetismH A =emedy& +$$ Eital CagnetismH /ts power over isease# A 4tatement o- the 8acts eveloped by Cen who 2ave ?mployed This Agent under Earious Names& as Animal Cagnetism& Cesmerism& 2ypnotism& etc#& -rom the ?arliest Times down to the 3resent& 998 The Eital Cessage& 1'+" Eoices -rom the EoidH 4i0 @earsD ?0perience in Automatic Communications& 1'($ %es voi0 de lDavenir dans le prMsent et dans le passM& ou les oracles et les somnambules comparMs& 8$9 Eom Nenseits der 4eele# ie Keheimwissensha-ten in kritischer ,etrachtung& 1'*6 Eorldu-er des 4piritismus# 2ervorragende 8alle !illkQrlicher mediumistischer ?rscheinungen aus den letAten drei Nahrhunderten& 16"1 ie Eorurteile der Censchheit& 1$*$ %e vrai et le -au0 magnMtisme& ses partisans ses ennemis& thPse prMsentMe X la 4ociMtM de magnMtisme de 3aris& prMcMdMe dDun avant propos sur le -luide magnMtiJue suivie dDaphorismes ou opinions de ($ docteurs& mMdecins& praticiens& prOtres& et du 3ape& sur le magnMtisme et le somnambulisme& et de notions sur lDorigine du magnMtisme& sur la 4ociMtM de magnMtisme et sur un proLect de dispensaire& 89"

%a vue X distance# ans le temps et dans lDespace# ?nJuOte sur des cas de psychomMtrie :Nanvier- Mcembre 19$9.# 3rM-ace de Noseph Ca0well# 4uivie dDune con-Mrence relative X lDin-luence de lDamour sur lDMcriture& par 3aul de 8allois& 1(6* The !anderings o- a 4piritualist& 1'9' !as / 2ypnotiAedW& 1*+* The !atseka !onderH a 4tartling and /nstructive 3sychological 4tudy& and !ell Authenticated /nstance o- Angelic Eisitation# A Narrative o- the %eading 3henomena ;ccurring in the Case o- Cary %urancy Eennum# !ith Comments by Noseph =odes ,uchanan& # 3# <ayner& 4# ,# ,rittan& and 2udson Tuttle& 1$16 !er ist sensitiv& wer nichtW ;der kurAe Anleitung& sensitive Censchen mit %eichtigkeit Au -inden& ''$ !hat Am /W 3opular /ntroduction to the 4tudy o- 3sychology& 9+1 !hat / saw at Cassadaga %akeH 1888# Addendum to a =eview in 188' o- the 4eybert CommissionersD =eport& 1*68 !hat / saw at Cassadaga %akeH A =eview o- the 4eybert CommissionersD =eport& 1*18& 1*68 !hat is CesmerismW& (8' !hat is CesmerismW An Attempt to ?0plain its 3henomena on the Admitted 3rinciples o3hysiological and 3sychical 4cience& (*( !hat is CesmerismW and !hat its Concomitants Clairvoyance and NecromancyW& (+$ !hat is CesmerismW The Tuestion Answered by a Cesmeric 3ractitioner& or& Cesmerism not CiracleH An Attempt to 4how that Cesmeric 3henomena and Cesmeric Cures are not 4upernaturalI to !hich is Appended >se-ul =emarks and 2ints -or 4u--erers !ho are Trying Cesmerism -or a Cure& (+" The !idowDs Cite and ;ther 3sychic 3henomena& 1+"'& 1+8' !illieI 2ypnoseI 5weck& 16*" !issenscha-tlichen Abhandlungen& 1$1+& 1$"6 !onder-ul !orks o- Kod# A Narrative o- the !onder-ul 8acts in the Case o- Ansel ,ourne& o- !est 4helby& ;rleans Co#& N# @#& !ho& in the Cidst o- ;pposition to the Christian =eligion& was 4uddenly 4truck ,lind& umb and ea-I and A-ter ?ighteen ays was 4uddenly and Completely =estored in the 3resence o- 2undreds o- 3ersons& in the Christian Chapel& at !esterly on the 1+th o- November& 18+'# !ritten under 2is irection& 1$$* !onders and Cysteries o- Animal Cagnetism isplayed& or the 2istory& Art& 3ractice& and 3rogress o-that >se-ul 4cience& -rom /ts 8irst =ise in the City o- 3aris& to the 3resent Time# !ith 4everal Curious Cases and New Anecdotes o- the 3rincipal 3ro-essors& *$$

?in !ort Qber animalischen Cagnetismus& 4eelenkorper und %ebensessenAI nebst ,eschreibung des ideo-somnambulen 5ustandes des 8rduleins Therese von ,1y Au Easarhely im Nahre 18"8& und einem Anhang& 6"1& +*' ie !under des Christentums und deren Eerhdltnis Aum tierischen Cagnetismus& mit ,erQcksichtigung der neuesten !underheilungen nach ramisch-<athol# 3rincipien& "11 ie !under-?rscheinungen des EitalismusI Tischdrehen& Tischklop-en& Tischsprechen u# nebst ihrer rationellen ?rkldrung in ,rie-en an eine ame& ((1 ie !Qnschel-=ute# 2istorisch-theoretische 4tudie& 1(+1 ie !Qnschelrute als wissenscha-tliches 3roblem& 18*9 e V @ l 5I or The 4leeping 3reacher o- North Alabama# Containing an Account o- Cost !onder-ul Cysterious Cental 3henomena& 8ully Authenticated by %iving !itnesses& 99* The @ear ,ook o- 4piritualism -or 18'1I 3resenting the 4tatus o- 4piritualism -or the Current @ear Throughout the !orldI 3hilosophical& 4cienti-ic& and =eligious ?ssaysI =eview o- /ts %iteratureI 2istory o- American AssociationsI 4tate and %ocal 4ocietiesI 3rogressive %yceumsI %ecturersI CediumsI and other Catters =elating to the Comentous 4ubLect& 966 @our 3sychic 3owers and 2ow to evelop Them& 1'(( 5eitschri-t -Qr die Kesammte 4tra-rechtswissencha-t& 1*"* 5eitschri-t -Qr 2ypnotismus& 3sychotherapie& sowie andere psycho-physiologische und psychopathologische 8orschungen& 1"""& 1611 5eitschri-t -Qr 2ypnotismus& 4uggestionstherapie& 4uggestionslehre und verwandte psychologische 8orschungen& 1"""& 1611& 1+$+ 5eitschri-t -Qr 3arapsychologie& 9(*& 1*+" 5eitschri-t -Qr psychische AerAte& *91 5eitschri-t -Qr psychische AerAte& mit besonderer ,erQcksichtigung des Cagnetismus& *91 5end-Avesta oder Qber die inge des 2immels und des Nenseits& von 4tandpunkt der Naturbetrachtung& (1( The 5oist# A Nournal o- Cerebral 3hysiology R Cesmerism& and their Applications to 2uman !el-are& 6*6& 69$& 9$1 5oistic CagnetismH ,eing the 4ubstance o- Two %ectures& escriptive o- ;riginal Eiews and /nvestigations =especting This Cysterious AgencyI elivered& by =eJuest& at TorJuay& on the *6th o- April and 1st o- Cay& 1869& +8(

5allner# An ;pen %etter to 3ro-essor Keorge 4# 8ullerton o- the >niversity o- 3ennsylvania& Cember and 4ecretary o- the 4eybert Commission -or /nvestigating Codern 4piritualism& 118$ 5ur ?in-Qhrung in das 4tudium des Cagnetismus& 2ypnotismus& 4piritualismus nebst <ritik von drei ,roschQren und eines ,uches des magnetischen 2eilers r# Nul# ?d# Timmler in Altenburg& 1*"( 5ur <ritik des telepathischen beweis Cateriels& 16*+ 5ur 3sychologies und 3athologie sogenannter occulter 3hdnomene& 1+$( 5ur seelen lehre# ?in philosophische Con-ession& 8$+ as Aweite Kesicht : ie FEorgesichtenG. nach !irklichkeit und !esen& 1+99

$+!Lect -nde5
Citations are links to entry numbers in the main te0t# Alterations o- personality& 1$+ Alternating selves& 1*'1 American 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& 1++(& 1++9& 1($1 Fold&G 1***& 1"1' Amnesia& 91$& 98$& 1$'1& 1*86& 1"18& 1661 Anesthesia animal magnetism& "+9& 6(6& 6'"& 6'6& +*$& +*1& +"(& +61& +6+& +6(& ++6& ("(& ("'& (+"& 1$"* chemical& +"( hypnotism& 818 hysterical& 1"18& 1+89 Animal electricity& 1*1& 196& 198& *$'& *11& **+& *"8& +6$ Animal gravitation& 1 Animal magnetism

abuse o-& 1+*& *1"& *'6& *9+& +$(& +$9& 81+ dangers o-& *"'& *("& *9+& "((& 61*& +$"& +$(& (66& 9$6 history o-& 1'& 6(& 8"& 96& 11(& 1"1& 1"+& 16+& 1'+& *$$& ***& **8& *6"& *+"& *9(& *98& "$9& "1$& "'*& "99& 6*+& 6"6& 6"(& 666& 6+1& 6+6& 6++& 6'(& 6'8& 69(& +*6& +*9& +((& (1"& (*9& (8+& '1(& '((& '8'& '89& 8**& 9('& 1$18& 1$8$& 1*61& 1"68& 1"8'& 16*1& 16(6& 1+$6& 1+$8& 1''+& 18+'& 189( legal implications& 11'* the occult and& "6& "8& 69& 1""& 1+8& 18+& 18(& *11& **"& **8& *"8& *+8& "6"& "68& 6"$& 6+6& 6+8& +"9& +8(& +96& ($9& (1"& (""& 8"1& 1$'' paranormal phenomena& "1"& "**& "+$& "(+& "'9& "91& 6"(& +69& +'+& 11+1& 118"& 1*81 procedures -or& "9& 69& 18*& 18"& ***& **8& ++8 psychotherapy and& 1($& 1'+& *6$& *61& *6+& *6( scienti-ic study o-& 1'$& 1'6 social implications& 6+& 69& *+$ theory o-& 1& "& 6& +& '& 1$& 11& *"& *+& "1& "8& 6+& ++& (*& 96& 11(& 1*8& 1'+& 18(& **8& *+$& *($& *(6& *(8& *'+& *9(& "1*& 61'& 6*+& 6+$& +1"& +*"& +*6& +*9& +"6& ++$& ++*& ($*& ($(& (1*& (61& ''1 AnimalsH animal magnetism and& 1$(& 619& 6'8& +1" Animism& 1((( Apparitions& +$8& +(1& ($"& ('(& 91+& 9(+& 1$19& 1$(*& 1166& 11''& 1"$'& 1"61& 1"(9& 1"'1& 16**& 166"& 16'+& 1+*'& 1+"'& 1(*(& 1(*'& 1(66& 1(68& 1(("& 1''1& 1''8& 188+ Apports& 1'+( Astral proLection& 1"$'& 1(89 Aura& 1((6 Automatic writing& ((6& '99& 8+"& 9(8& 98(& 99'& 1$(9& 1$9$& 1116& 1118& 1**9& 1"(9& 1+*'& 1++1& 1+'8& 1(8'& 1'"*& 1'6'& 1'+(& 1'($& 18""& 18($ Automatisms& 91$& 9''& 1$*(& 1$68& 1119& 119'& 1*$+& 1**9& 1*"+& 1*++& 16('& 1+$$& 1+*'& 1("*& 1''' ,aJuet& magnetic& "+& "9& +$& (9& +99& 8*' ,ook tests& 18"'

,oston 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& 1'$9 ,raidism& 8*$& 8*1& 969& 118(& 1"("& 1+8+ ,rain& dual hemispheres& 61$& +$+& 1$'9 Canadian 4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& 1'8$ Christian science& 1("+& 188( Clairvoyance& 1"9& 1+*& 1($& *11& **8& *"8& "$8& "1'& "61& "66& "+'& "81& "8'& "89& 6$8& 6$9& 61(& 6'"& 6'9& +$8& +1+& ++$& +($& +(+& +(9& +'(& +'8& ("'& (+9& (8+& (9*& '6'& '+$& '(6& ''1& ''6& ''+& '8*& '86& 8$"& 8*6& 8+8& 8((& 9$9& 1$*1& 1$"6& 111$& 11''& 1*1'& 1*6"& 1"$'& 1"(1& 16+'& 16'*& 1+$$& 1+*(& 1+*'& 1+"'& 1+'+& 1+99& 1(""& 1(6*& 1(66& 1((*& 1(91& 1'$8& 1'1"& 1'"8& 1'+$& 1'88& 181*& 181+& 18**& 18*"& 1868& 18+1& 18(6& 18(+& 18'"& 188+ diagnostic& 1+*& 1+8& *11& *"8& "8'& 6'(& 88+ Co-consciousness& 1++9& 1'$1& 1891 CommissionH =oyal Academy o- Cedicine& "$*& "*1& "*6& "*9& "6$& "+$& "+6& "++& 61(& 6"(& 6++& +6$& 1+$6 CommissionH =oyal Academy o- 4ciences& "$)""& 6$& +*& (*& (+& ('& (8& 8*& 8(& 1$1& 1$9& 111& 1**& 16+& 1''& *$+& *1"& *"9& "*6& 6"(& 698 CommissionH =oyal 4ociety o- Cedicine& "1& ""& +$& ('& (8& '*& 1$1& 111& 16+& *"9& "*6& 6"(& 698 Contraction o- -ield o- consciousness& 1"18& 1+89 Controls :spirit.& 18+( Critical sleep& *11& *"8 Cross-correspondences& 1+'8& 1(1'& 1(+6& 1(98 Cryptomnesia& 1+$( Crystal gaAing& 16*$& 1+*'& 1+("& 1+'+& 1(6(& 18+8 eath-bed e0periences& 1$19 irect voice& 1+8' isaggregation& 1*"+ issociation& 91$& 911& 1$$*& 11'(& 1**9& 1+1"& 1+6'& 1+'6& 1+96& 1+9'& 1'$1& 1'$9& 18$"& 18""& 189$

istanceH animal magnetism at a& +'8 istraction& 1*11& 1*"+ ivided consciousness& 1$+# +ee also ouble consciousness ivination& 6++ ivining rod& 18& 11'& +'9& '*+& 1"'(& 1(6$& 1(+1& 1((+& 18*9 ouble consciousness& 1$+& "+'& 6'8& +$+& 1$'(& 1$98& 1116& 1**9& 1*++& 1""6& 1+$( ouble ego& 1$8* ouble memory# +ee ouble consciousness oubling o- the personality& 9''& 1$8$& 116(& 11+9& 11'(& 11'8& 1*11& 1"++& 16$8& 1(6$& 1(81 reams& "$8 ual personality& 11*$& 11'*& 1+89 ?cstasy& "1"& "1'& "+*& +$8& ++9& +''& +9"& ('(& 8++& 118( ?ctoplasm& 1'11& 1'9+& 18*(& 18+6 ?lber-eld horses& 1+9*& 1'*8& 18+$ ?lectrical psychology& +'6& +9(& +98& '18 ?lectro-biology& ($6& ($'& '"8& 8"( ?longation o- the body& 8+8& 9"1 ?therology& +1+& +6$& +8+ ?0egetic and 3hilanthropic 4ociety o- 4tockholm& 18+& 18( ?0terioriAation o- motricity& 16$( ?0terioriAation o- sensibility& 1"*8& 1"91& 1("$& 188$ 8airies& 18*$ 8ascination& +(6& +8+& '$8& '18& '"8& 8((& 11+1& 118*& 118(& 1*1"& 1"89 8ire-immunity& 8+8& 9"1 8i0ation o- the eyes& 9$& 1$"*

8i0ed ideas& 9+6& 1*"+& 1"18& 1"*6& 1661 8ranklin Commission# +ee CommissionH =oyal Academy o- 4ciences 8ree love& ''* Kerman 4ociety -or 4cienti-ic ;ccultism& 18'' Khosts& 6"8& +'1& +'9& '1'& 8+*& 1$(*& 1*$8& 1""1& 16*(& 1("(& 1'9$& 1869 animal& 16*$ Koligher circle& 1'11& 1'+1& 1'88& 1'9+& 18*6& 19$$ Kyro-magnetism& (9" 2allucinations& "+*& 6$8& +$8& (9*& 8"1& 86"& 8((& 9''& 1$19& 1$"*& 1$6'& 1$8$& 11$9& 111(& 11*8& 1166& 1*"+& 1*'"& 1*86& 1"$9& 1"11& 1"(9& 1"'$& 1"'6& 16**& 1+*'& 1+'6& 1(68& 1(('& 1(81 2auntings& "68& +(1& 11''& 1"$'& 16*$& 16*(& 16+9& 16($& 1+*$& 1+"*& 1'68& 1'(+& 186" 2ealing by animal magnetism& 1$& 1*& 1(& *9& "1& ""& 6*& 6'& 69& +(& ($& ((& '1& '"& '6& 89& 9+& 1$6) 1$(& 111& 11"& 11(& 16+& 1+8& 1+9& 1('& 1'+& 1''& 18*& 189& *$8& *11& **$& ***& **'& **9& *86& "$1& "$'& "1$& "*$& ""1& """& "68& "(6& "96& "9(& 6$6& 61(& 618& 6*1& 6"'& 666& 6(1& 6'8& +16& +1'& +**& +*'& ++$& ++*& +(6& +'$& +''& +98& (11& (+"& (9"& '*9& '+$& '+'& '8+& 8$(& 811& 8(8& 969& 98'& 111$& 1*+'& 1""'& 1"8"& 16"+& 1+$* by hypnotism& 6+$& (+(& 818& 89(& 9$'& 118"& 1*+1& 1++*& 1(*6 by spiritualism& 9(8& 1'9( by suggestion& 1*86& 1+*1 2ibernation& +91 2igher phenomena o- somnambulism :or animal magnetism.& "*8& +'9& (1'& ("' 2uman electricity& +68& '*8& 166' 2ypnoid states& 1+6' 2ypnotic rapport& 89(& 91$& 1"*"& 1"*8& 1"91 2ypnotic sleep& 6+$& 89( 2ypnotic trance& 6'

2ypnotism abuse o-& 11'*& 1"(8 animals and& 16'" dangers o-& 1*+$& 1"+( history o-& 1*6$& 1*(6& 1"+6& 16*6& 1+1'& 1(*6 legal implications o-& 11'*& 1*"'& 1"+8& 1"(8& 161* memory and& 116" procedures -or& 6(+& +98& 11*+& 11("& 1*"9& 1"+8& 1(*6 se0 and& 1"(8 stages o-& 96'& 1$8$& 1$8'& 11(*& 11("& 11'8& 1*"9& 1"*8& 1"+*& 1"8(& 1"91& 1(1* theory o-& 6+$& 6(+& +6$& 81*& 1$+8& 1$8$& 1$86& 1$8+& 1*6$& 169$ 2ysteria& 669& ''9& 818& 8*9& 9$'& 9*+& 96'& 98*& 1$"'& 1$68& 1$'9& 1$8$& 11*()11*8& 1**6& 1**9& 1*"+& 1*++& 1*86& 1"18& 1"6"& 1"8(& 1661& 1+*$& 1+89& 1(""& 1'*'& 18$+& 18"* /lluminati& the& 1"(' /magination& *+& "1& +6& (*& '*& *16& **$& **8& "*8& "91& 6"8& 6+$& +*"& ''9& 8$6& 91'& 99(& 11'$& 186' /nner sense& *"8& *+$& *99 /nsanity& *6$& *61& *6+& +$+& 1*8$& 161+& 16'(& 1+1"& 1(++ /nstitut mMtapsychiJue international& 1*8" %evitation o- the body& 8+8& 9"1& 1"61& 16*8 o- obLects& '1*& 16*8& 1'11 %ondon ialectical 4ociety& 96*& 16$(& 189+ %ower phenomena o- somnambulism :or animal magnetism.& (1'& ("' %ucid sleep& *96& 19$* %uminous phenomena& 8+8& 99'& 1($'

Cagic& "$8& "'8& "91& '8*& 8*"& 8"1 Cagicians :stage.& 1$*' Cagnetic crisis& 69& 1+8& 1($& 1'$& *$1& *11 & *1"& **8 Cagnetic -luid& 1$& 1"& "1& +6& (*& ((& '*& 96& 1*1& 1*'& 1+*& 1+8& 1'+& *11& *"8& *9$& *96& "1"& "*$& "*6& "69& "99& 6"'& 666& 6(+& 689& +"*& +8"& +8'& +9(& +99& (""& (+(& ('6& ('(& '1*& '*(& '"8& '6*& '81& '89& 8*6& 88+& 91+& 1$*'& 1$*9& 1$(8& 1*6$& 1"*"& 1+91& 1((1& 188$ Cagnetic passes& 1$+& 1+8& 1$(8 Cagnetic rapport& 1$+& 168& 1+*& 1'8& *"6& *"'& *"8& *61& 616& 6"1& 696& +9(& (66& ''1 and love& 1+*& 1'+& 1$+( and se0& *1"& *'6 and trans-erence& *61 Cagnetic sleep& 6'& 1$+& *$1& "6+& 6+$& (+"& (8+& 818& 11($ Cagnetic somnambulism& 6'& 1$+& 1*1& 1"9& 168& 1+*& 1+8& 1(1& 1''& 1'8& 18(& *11& **'& *"'& *"8& *61& "$*& "+'& "8+& "89& 6""& +1"& ++9& +8$& 8('& 89+ CagnetiAed trees& "9 CagnetiAed water& "9 CagnetiAing at a distance& (*& 1+8& *$1 Cannheim dog& 18+$ CaterialiAations& 8+8& 9'8& 996& 111"& 11*9& 1"61& 1"(9& 1"9+& 1618& 1(*(& 1('*& 1('9& 1(9"& 1'$$& 1'$"& 1'$6& 18$6& 18"1& 18(6& 188$& 19$1 Cedical electricity& 8$& *$"& **1 Cediums and -raud& 86+& 8'+& 991& 99+& 99'& 1$"6& 1$'"& 11"9& 1199& 1*$$& 1*'6& 1*8+& 1*88& 1"1+& 16$(& 1686& 1+*6& 1+'9& 1+86& 1+8(& 1($'& 1(*(& 1(*8& 1('*& 1(86& 1'8"& 18'+& 188'& 19$" mental& 11'+& 1+11 physical& '66& 9*8 Cediumship& (9"& '68& ''*& 8"1& 866& 86+& 86'& 8+8& 9'"& 99'& 1$9$& 11"9& 1*'1& 16'$& 1+$$& 1+$"& 1+$8& 1+*+& 1(+*& 1(("& 1(9'& 1(99& 1'$$& 1'*(& 1886& 19$$

dangers o-& 86+ phenomena o-& '81& 81"& 8+"& 88"& 9$$& 9+'& 1*66& 1*6(& 16'*& 1+*+& 1+"(& 1+'+& 1($(& 1''6& 1'88& 18+(& 189+ scienti-ic investigation o-& 16'$& 1'88& 19$" trance and& 16+8& 1899 Cesmeric sleep# +ee Cagnetic sleep Cesmerism# +ee Animal magnetism Cetallotherapy& (+8& 1$$"& 1$1(& 1$+6& 118( Cineral magnetism& *& "& (& 1$& *(& *'& *"(& "1$& 6('& 9*+ Cultiple personality& *+6& *(1& "6+& +$+& +'9& 8"6& 11$*& 11+9& 119(& 1*16& 1"11& 1""6& 1"(1& 169+& 1+*'& 1+6'& 1++9& 1(68& 1'$9& 1'8+& 18$+& 18"* Cuscle-reading& 1$+*& 11((& 1"$8 Nancy school o- hypnotism& 89(& 96'& 1$8$& 11*'& 1**8& 1*"*& 1*"'& 1"*"& 1+1'& 1'96 FNew&G 1'6( Negative hallucinations& 11'( Neurasthenia& 1$+* Neuric -orce& 1$+1& 11($ Neuro-hypnotism# +ee 2ypnotism ;d :odic& odyle. emanations& +"*& +8"& (68& (++& (((& (81& '6(& '(9& '96& 898& 899& 9$+& 988& 188$ 3ainH immunity to& 1($& +8( 3aracelsus& 96& 11(& 16+& 188 3aranormal phenomena& "6(& "'9& +$8& '6'& 866& 8++& 89$& 89+& 9+1& 9++& 1$9$& 1118& 1166& 1*66& 1"$1& 1"'6& 1"96& 161$& 16*$& 169'& 1(((& 18+$& 18+1& 188+& 1888 and animals& 1+9*& 1'*8& 186$& 18+$ and somnambulism& 61(& 6"' scienti-ic investigation o-& 1166& 1"'6& 1'$6& 1'"$& 1'"6& 1'61& 1'66

3arapsychology& 18$'& 1896& 189' 3athetism& 689& +1+& +6$& +'6& +8+& (9*& 918& 9*" 3endulum& (*"& '*+ 3erkinism& *$6)*$'& *$9& *1$& *1*& *16& *1'& *18& **6& (+8& 1$1(& 1$+6 3ersonality& 1$'1 3hotographyH spirit& 9"" 3hreno-hypnotism& 1$6' 3hrenology& "9+& 6$"& 6'8& 68"& 689& +1+& +1'& +($& +86& '89 3hreno-magnetism& 6'$& 6'8& 68$& 689& +*"& 1'"6 3itiM school o- hypnotism& 1$'9& 1$8' 3oltergeists& +(1& 1*$8& 16*$& 16*(& 1'68& 1'+(& 186" 3ossession :spirit.& "+(& "(1& "'(& 6$8& ('(& '9*& 8**& 91+& 1$16& 1$68& 11*$& 1*"+& 1*'1& 1"++& 161+& 166"& 1+*'& 1+"'& 1'$9& 18$+& 1886 3owder o- sympathy& 1$9& 1"91 3recognition& "61& "+8& +$8& +(1& 8+8& 91+& 1"$'& 16*(& 16+'& 1+$$& 1+*(& 1+"9& 1+'+& 1(""& 1(8"& 1'1'& 1'*" 3remonition# +ee 3recognition 3resenti-ication& 1+** 3resentiments# +ee 3recognition 3revision# +ee 3recognition 3rophecy& "$8& 6++& +(9& '8* 3sychasthenia& 1661& 1+** 3sychic -orce& 968& 9+9& 9'"& 1666& 1+""& 1+8"& 1(81 3sychic phenomena& 8""& 8(6& 89$& 9$'& 98"& 168*& 1++6& 1($1& 1($+& 1(11& 1("$& 1'"1& 1'"" 3sychical research& +(1& (((& '99& 8**& 88"& 899& 9"'& 9+1& 9(9& 1166& 1*+"& 1*("& 1*'$& 1*96& 1"$1& 1"61& 1"+"& 1"((& 1"''& 1"86& 161+& 1618& 16*1& 16**& 16*(& 16"8& 166"& 16+9& 16($& 1688& 169(& 1+$$& 1+$1& 1+1$& 1+*$& 1+*'& 1+*9& 1+"'& 1++"& 1++(& 1+(1& 1+((& 1+'6&

1+8(& 1+8'& 1+9'& 1($1& 1($(& 1(16& 1(18& 1(*$& 1("$& 1("*& 1(""& 1(6'& 1(69& 1(+(& 1(+8& 1(($& 1((*& 1('*& 1('6& 1('+& 1(8*& 1(88& 1(96& 1(9+& 1'$6& 1'1*& 1'16& 1'*1)1'*6& 1'*(& 1'*8& 1'6$& 1'69& 1'+'& 1'(1& 1''1& 1'81& 18$9& 181$& 181*& 181(& 18"$& 18"*& 18"(& 18+$& 18+1& 18("& 18(+& 18(8& 18'6& 18'9& 1881& 188+& 1888& 189")189+& 1898& 19$1 3sychodunamy& +6$ 3sychometry& 8+6& 11$"& 1+'$& 1(9(& 1'9*& 1868& 18'" 3sychophysics& (1(& 988 3sychotherapy& 1"'*& 1+**& 1("'& 1(''& 1(9*& 1'$1& 1'6(& 1'''& 1886 =e-le0ology& 1++$ =eincarnation& '81& 1+'6& 1('$ =etrocognition& 1((' 4alpOtriPre school o- hypnotism& 818& 96'& 1$8$& 1$8'& 11*'& 11"6& 11(*& 11'*& 11'8& 1*1$& 1**8& 1"$"& 1"18 4econdary consciousness& 1*'$ 4econdary personalities& 116(& 1*'$& 166"& 1+"'& 1+'6& 1(11& 1'$9 4econdary states& 1"*1 4econd sight# +ee Clairvoyance 4ecret report o- the <ingDs Commission& "*& *1"& *"9& 6"(& +$( 4eeress o- 3revorst& "61& "6"& "+1 4eybert Commission& 118$& 1191& 1*18& 1*68 4hakers& 68+& 88" 4i0th sense& 1+*& 1(1& 1'8& *$1 4late writing& 1668 4leep-talking& *69& "6+ 4leep-walking& 1$+& "6+& 6""& 6"8& +8(& (+"& 1$98 4nails& as telepathic telegraph& +9$ 4ociMtM des amis rMunis de 4trasbourg& 1+(& 18+& 18(& 1*(9

4ociety -or 3sychical =esearch& (((& ('(& 9"'& 9+9& 1$($& 1$86& 1$9$& 1$9'& 111+& 1166& 11'+& 1***& 1*'6& 1"1'& 1"((& 1"'1& 1"'6& 1"96& 16($& 168+& 169(& 1+1+& 1+*'& 1+"*& 1++9& 1+(*& 1($1& 1(16& 1("*& 1(("& 1(8*& 1'(1& 1''8& 1811& 18"(& 1866& 18'6& 1888 4ociety o- 2armony other& 6"& 1*$& 1**& 1+1& **8 3aris& "(& 6"& 1**& *$1 4omnambulism arti-icial& 1$+& ***& *"1& *"'& *+$& *+6& *96& "$8& "*'& 6$1& 6$8& 666& '*(& '89& 8$+& 8((& 9''& 1$'(& 1$''& 1$9"& 1$98& 11$1& 1161& 11+9& 11($& 118(& 1*++& 1""'& 161+& 1((1& 1('$ higher phenomena o-& 1""8& 1"6+& 1'"6 induced at a distance& 1161& 116+& 116'& 1168& 11+"& 11+'& 1*$"& 1*1( legal implications o-& 1181 natural& 1$+& 1"9& *"'& *"8& *+$& "$8& 6$8& 666& '*(& 11*6& 118(& 1"6" paranormal phenomena& "+$ 4pirit photography& 1"(+& 1"(9& 1698& 1+"'& 1(+9& 1'+(& 1'9"& 1819& 186+& 18'' 4piritism& *"1& 68+& 8**& 1$'*& 1"19& 1"'' 4pirits communication with& *"1& "9"& 6$*& 618& +69& ++8& ++9& +9+& (*'& (""& (((& '6(& '81& '99& 8$*& 8$6& 9$1& 1$*"& 1$9$& 1"6(& 1"8+& 161$& 16"9& 16("& 1+$$& 1+1*& 1+1+& 1+"'& 1+6*& 1++(& 1("*& 1("8& 1((*& 1(8'& 1'""& 1'+(& 1'($& 1'(8& 1'8$& 1'99& 188+ evil :the devil& 4atan.& *81& 6($& 681& ((+& ((9& ('$& ('(& (8"& 8(9& 1"9*& 16(1 4piritual -orce& '66 4piritualism& *"1& "9"& 666& 6'"& ++9& +9+& ($"& (1(& (((& (89& (9$& '$$& '1*& ''*& ''6& ''(& '8"& '8(& '9*& '9"& 8$*& 81$& 8""& 8+'& 8+9& 88"& 9$$& 9$1& 9$'& 9*9& 96"& 966& 96+& 96(& 9+$& 9+*& 9++& 9+'& 9(6& 9'$& 9'*& 9'9& 98"& 99+& 99'& 1$$1& 1$$+& 1$"1& 1$"8& 1$'"& 111"& 116$& 1*6+& 1+*8 American& "8'& (*9& '16& '"9& 8"'& 9"*& 1$("& 11** ,ritish& 9"+& 1$(" dangers o-& 1"(9& 1'+9& 1''*& 18+9

-raud and& 6"8& 961& 1"((& 18*+ 8rench& '81& '9(& 1$("& 116$ general history o-& 1"6'& 1"((& 161$& 16"1& 1+$8& 1'"9& 1'86 Kerman& 1$(" other countries& 1$(" phenomena o-& "9"& (+6& ('$& (81& (88& '1*& ''+& 81"& 8"+& 8'(& 96*& 9(8& 99$& 99"& 1$*"& 1$*6& 111"& 1118& 11'+& 1199& 1*"+& 1*68& 1*+"& 1*9"& 1"86& 1"8+& 16*(& 1+1(& 1+"*& 1+'(& 1+86& 1+91& 1($1& 1($6& 1(""& 1("8& 1(69& 1((8& 1'6*& 1'+6& 1'++& 1''"& 1'91& 189*I see also Cediumship& phenomena oscienti-ic investigation o-& (((& '66& '6(& 96*& 9+9& 9(9& 1191& 18*6 sel--delusion and& (((& 1"6(& 1'"(& 1'+* 4plitting o- the F/&G 1(68 4plitting o- the mind& 1*'$& 18"*& 189$ 4ubconscious& 1$+& 116(& 1"*6& 1661& 1+1"& 1++1& 1+96& 1(11& 1(1+& 1(6"& 1891 4ubconscious acts& 1*11& 1*"+& 1"18& 1"6(& 1+$$& 1+6'& 1++'& 1'$1& 1'*" 4ubconscious sel-& 16*1 4ubconscious states& 1"18& 1661 4ubliminal consciousness& 1$+& 11+*& 1"*6& 1"*+& 1"+1& 1"88& 168'& 1+*'& 1(11 4ubliminal sel-& 16*1& 1+1+& 1+*'& 1++' 4ubwaking sel-& 16+$ 4uggestibility& (+"& 9(1& 9'6 in animal magnetism& 1$+& 1'+& *'8& *96& "*6& "81& "8(& 6"8& 1$"*& 1$(8 auto& 1"'+& 1'6(& 1'96& 18*1 history o-& 1*86 hysteria and& 116( in hypnotism& ($'& 89(& 1$68& 1$+*& 11*+& 11*'& 11"*& 11(*& 11(9& 11'*& 118'& 119$& 1*"*& 1*"+& 1*"'& 1*66& 1*69& 1*+1& 1*'"& 1*9*& 1*9+& 1"1(& 1"+*& 1"+'& 161*& 16+$& 16'(& 169*& 1+19& 1+98& 1(*6

legal implications& 1*9(& 1"8$ mental& 11+6& 1186& 1*$6 movement and& 119' od emanations and& +8" post-hypnotic& 1'$& 1$8$& 11"*& 116*& 1*11& 1*"+& 1*"'& 1*6$& 1('8 in psychical research& 1'*1 sociology o-& 1"'+& 16+$& 1+6+& 1++$& 1'*$ in spiritualism& 99" in table-moving& (+9 therapeutic& 1*9'& 1696& 1(1+& 1(19& 1(+'& 1('(& 1'"'& 188( waking& 1$8$& 11*'& 1*"'& 1"++& 1"89& 16(' 4upernormal -aculty& 1"*6& 1"88 4upernormal phenomena# +ee 3aranormal phenomena 4upraliminal consciousness& 1"*6& 1+*' 4upraliminal sel-& 1+*' 4urvival o- death& *"1& "(8& (1(& '+1& 1$9$& 1"$1& 1"+$& 16"9& 16+'& 16("& 1+18& 1+*9& 1++(& 1($9& 1(16& 1("*& 1(61& 1(+8& 1((8& 1('+& 1(88& 1'16& 1'**& 1'""& 1'+'& 1'(()1'(8& 1''1& 18$9& 18"'& 186"& 18+"& 18'6 4ympathy& 6+$& +9(& 1$"+& 1"91 diagnosis by& 1+8 healing by& 1$9& 1"$& 19$& (8+& 1"91 rapport and& *"6& "$8& 689 Table-knocking& (86 Table-moving& (+"& (++& (+(& ((1& (((& ((9& ('*& ('6& ('8& ('9& (81& (8*& (9")(9+& '"$& 8+"& 9*8 Table-talking& (*9& (+9& ((+& ('1& (9(& '1"& '1'& '"*& '""& '+1 Table-tapping& '*$& '81

Table-turning& (*8& (+1& (+"& (+9& (($& ((*& (('& ('$& ('"& ('+& ('(& (8"& (86& (8(& (9(& '$$& '$*& '1*& '*"& '6'& '+"& '+9& '($& '81& '89& 8**& 8"1& 88$& 899& 9$$& 1$'*& 1"((& 1'98& 18++ Telekinesis& 1618& 1+*(& 1('9& 181'& 18+6& 18'(& 188$& 19$" Telepathy& +9$& 1$8(& 1$9$& 1$96& 1118& 1166& 11+"& 11((& 1"$1& 1"61& 1"69& 1"'1& 1"'8& 16*1& 16**& 16*+& 16*(& 16"(& 16+'& 16'*& 1+$$& 1+$8& 1+1*& 1+16& 1+1+& 1+*(& 1+*'& 1+"*& 1+"6& 1+"'& 1+("& 1+(+& 1+'$& 1(1$& 1(18& 1(""& 1("(& 1("9& 1(69& 1(($& 1((*& 1(("& 1(((& 1(8'& 1(96& 1'19& 1'"$& 1'68& 1'89& 181*& 1816& 181+& 1889I see also Thought trans-erence Thought trans-erence :thought reading.& 1$+& (*$& 1$6*& 1$('& 1$8(& 11$$& 11$+& 1111& 1166& 11++& 1*$6& 1*1'& 1"$8& 1"'1& 16"(& 1(1"& 1(""& 1(66& 1'*"I see also Telepathy Tongues& speaking in& '"$ Transposition o- senses& 1+*& 1'1& "+"& 88+ >nconscious& the& 1$+& +""& ''"& 9*6& 1$*+& 1$8*& 1**(& 1"*6& 1669& 1('8& 1'$1& 18'$& 1888& 1891 >nconscious acts& '6$& '6(& 99"& 111"& 116(& 1*11& 1+$"& 1(69 >nconscious cerebration& 98+ >nconscious& collective& 1''8 >nconscious -raud& 1("" >nconscious thought& 1+(' Eeridical phenomena& 1$9$ Eisions& ++9& +9"& ($"& 1$$6 Eital electricity& 8$6 Eital -luid& '*( Eital -orce& 1""+& 1"9(& 1"9' Eitalism& 1++" Eital magnetism& 68*& +$$& 96$& 998& 161' !aking sel-& 16+$ !ill in animal magnetism& 1*1& 168& 1+8& 19"& *$1& "'8& 6+1& ''1

in hypnotism& 11$6& 1198& 1*89 the unconscious and& 9*6 !illing and the paranormal& 111$ 5oistic magnetism& +8( 5oomagnetism& 1$18& 1$(8& 1*9'

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