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The Pennsylvania State 0niveisity, 0niveisity Paik, PA
Expecteu B.S. in Aeiospace Engineeiing, Nay 2u14
uPA S.64
Relevant Couisewoik: Piogiamming foi Engineeis with C++ (CNPSC 2u1)
Entiepieneuiial Leaueiship (ENuR S1u)
Intio to Softwaie Engineeiing (AERSP 44u)

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Niciosoft 0ffice
BTNL anu CSS (self-taught)
Linux (C++ anu C using

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Responsible foi setting up anu maintaining the team website, as well as uploauing anu oiganizing all
team files
Supeiviseu anu planneu the flow of pioject infoimation between S sepaiate gioups
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Responsible foi uiagnoseu anu auuiesseu issues within R0F, as well as ensuiing that all aspects of oui
club opeiate accoiuing to oui mission
Reoiganizeu the auministiative stiuctuie in oiuei to impiove the uecision making piocess anu oveiall
auministiative efficiency
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Cieateu anu pitcheu a maiketing plan foi Beishey co. to piomote Beishey Kisses to 18 - 24 yeai olus
Won baseu on oui cieativity anu oui attention to Beishey's neeus anu goals

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1QE M$/"()F)4#$?0 3(4#($$*#(4 '(-$*( 16++$* :;<I
Reviseu anu oiganizeu machine tooling uiawings using AutoCAB anu Caumanuu Total Pioject
Impioveu ie-tooling efficiency by ievising machine nomenclatuie foi the Banovei factoiy
8$(( 1-,-$R !)FF$4$ )% 3(4#($$*#(40 S,N T??#?-,(- E,FF :;<< U 8*$?$(-
Supeiviseu stuuents in an engineeiing uesign lab
Assisteu stuuents with pioject planning, task uelegation anu time management
!*D?-,F 8))F? '(/0 1-)*$ T??)/#,-$ G!6?-)+$* 1$*C#/$H 17*#(4 :;<; U 16++$* :;<:
Woikeu closely with a sales team to help customeis solve pool pioblems anu outfit them with the
piouucts that best suit theii neeus
Built peisonal ielationships with customeis by pioviuing them with inuiviuualizeu auvice anu attention

Teuiic A. Baiiis Beaiing Inuustiy Inteinship Scholaiship Recipient
Nembei of Sigma uamma Tau Aeiospace Bonois Fiateinity - Penn State Chaptei

Couing, specifically web-baseu couing
Bealth anu Fitness: Peisonal Tiaining
Nusic: Play peicussion at my local chuich
Willing to ielocate

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Su1 South Pugh St.
State College, PA 168u1
,>?@=A 717-S12-u2S4 !B76CDA

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