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The aims of the research were to formulate the rules of aristocratic tradition traditional costumary hose base on the

explanation of Panrita balla of Cikoang, to asses changes in the physical appearance of traditional aristocratic house and the factors that influence it, and to know the rules of the tradition of building traditional houses of the nobles in particular. Interview was conducted with 2 Panrita balla who believed in building a manor houses namely Daeng Daeng waste and thief as a resource person. To Determine change of existing traditional village house of Nobleman Cikoang, Compared to the explanation of the rules Panrita balla of local building tradition, and traditional aristocratic house of Cikoang. The result of the research Indicated that Cikoang village has it own custom rules in building houses, s distinctif to others Makassar tribes in other regions. That distinction are; the size of the roof and the body of the house, sambulayang shape, number and position of the fort tangnga, the pattern of the living room, how to measure the hight of siring, wood decay. A change in the physical appearance of a traditional house in the village of Nobleman cikoang is againstthe rules of traditional customs house building.

Keywords: Physical appearance, traditional house, Sayyid

I. Introduction Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ According to Mabaco (2012) the challenge of shifting lifestyles, political and religious Influences Affect greatly the degradation of identity in the values of local wisdom and Similar opinion was also Expressed by your day (2003) that the traditional architecture that has an element of cultural identity will soon be extinct as a result of changes in traditional values. It is feared that it will bring a number of changes, changes that could have an impact on the marginalization of local knowledge on the physical appearance of the cultural work of architecture. Traditional architecture is not just born, but full of philosophy-philosophy among others: consistency of their lives to the values of tradition and lean to the beliefs held (Idawari, 2011). Traditional houses in Indonesia are Often influenced by the social strata of residents, just like the traditional home of Makassar. Cikoang village inhabited by indigenous tribes Makassar where social stratification system is still very strong in it. The Nobility of Cikoang people are descendants of the Laikang Kingdom. In accordance with the expression Wardani (2007) that social changes by the caused by the new ideas that break the old thinking and led to adjustments in all areas of life. Introduction of Islam brought by Sayyid Jalaluddin in 1962 then until now, people recognize three social strata Cikoang namely; Sayyid who also Karaeng, Sayyid derived from ordinary citizens and ordinary people not sayyid. Customary rules of tradition in building a traditional village house Cikoang eventually follow the changes levels of social strata where it gives its own characteristics roomates is different from the traditional rules of building houses Makassar tribes in general The aims of this research to formulate the rules of customary tradition of building traditional houses and villages Cikoang know changes the physical appearance of the traditional Cikoang Nobility and the factors that influence.

Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ I.1. Section *Cambria, 11pt+ Body text *Cambria, 11pt+. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ I.1.1. Sub-section *Cambria, 11pt+ Body text *Cambria, 11pt+. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ II. Literature Review *Cambria Bold, 11pt+ Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ According to Sari 2007, that the physical changes caused by the presence of non-physical force, namely: (a) social factors terdisi the physical environment factors, changes in population, isolation and contact, the structure of society, attitudes and values, needs deemed necessary and cultural basis ( b). Cultural factors consist of: culture as a system of values seen in people's lifestyles that reflect the status, role of power, wealth, and skill. (C). Economic factors, the most dominant force in determining changes in the physical environment is economic strength. (D). Political aspects of the role of political factors through non-physical forms of intervention through regional development policy. Work of architecture is the physical manifestation of the culture of the most vulnerable to change. *Cambria, 11pt+. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+

Figure 1. Please type your figure caption here *Cambria, 11pt+ Source: Please type figure your source here *Cambria, 8pt+ Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+

Body text *Cambria, 11pt+. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ II.1. Section *Cambria, 11pt+ Body text *Cambria, 11pt+. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ II.1.1. Sub-section *Cambria, 11pt+ Body text *Cambria, 11pt+. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ Table 1. Please type your table caption here *Cambria, 11pt+

Source: please type your table source here *Cambria, 8pt+ Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ Body text *Cambria, 11pt+. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ III. Method *Cambria Bold, 11pt+ Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ Case studies are determined by purposive of tabulation traditional homes of Nobility Cikoang, selected based on the manor house that still practice a form of traditional houses or elevated house. Then determined several factors are suspected to Affect a change in the physical appearance of a traditional house that is nobles Cikoang cultural factors, social, economic, environmental, technological progress, the homeowner comprehension factor and function factor, According to the expression Hasan (2002) that one of the important factors in forming the architecture to shape is function. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ III.1. Data Collection Study of literature relevant to the research topic originated from the office of the village, district, and etc lontara. Field observations, make photo documentation. Interview the source community leaders, village heads, builder (Panrita balla), and homeowners. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ III.1.1. Data Analysis Techniques *Cambria, 11pt+ Interview Panrita Balla

Beginning interview with 2 Panrita balla ever entrusted to build the manor house as an informant, to formulate the rules of customary tradition of building traditional houses of the Nobility. After learning the rules of customary tradition of building traditional aristocratic houses, techniques used comparative analysis to comparing the existing traditional house Cikoang Nobleman in the village with an explanation of Panrita balla, about the customary rules aristocratic tradition of building traditional houses of Cikoang, to assess changes in the physical appearance of a traditional aristocratic house Cikoang. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ IV. Result Discussion *Cambria Bold, 11pt+ Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ Body text *Cambria, 11pt+. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ IV.1. Customary rules of traditional aristocratic tradition Cikoang Build Homes

Rules regarding the form of traditional roofs Cikoang is isosceles triangular or saddle (Table 1a), pannimbong (high roof) is measured by: half-width of the house divided by 2 plus size sisingkulu and silama 'jo'jo (size of households) (Table 1b ). Type pakkakasa padongko (roofing material) using palm leaves, as well as sambulayang cover (uncover the roof) and the roof ladder (Table 1c), the ceiling material (pammakkang) a plank of wood shaped like a house floor (Table 1d). Sambulayang plain form (without uncover) is for Karaeng descent who is a sayyid (Papyrus leaves bertrap not installed). tappi or ornaments on the roof reserved for the nobility is shaped tendrils (table 2a). *Cambria, 11pt+. Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ IV.1.1. Pammakkang (rooftops) *Cambria, 11pt+ Rules regarding the form of traditional roofs Cikoang is isosceles triangular or saddle (Table 1a), pannimbong (high roof) is measured by: half-width of the house divided by 2 plus size sisingkulu and silama 'jo'jo (size of households) (Table 1b ). Type pakkakasa padongko (roofing material) using palm leaves, as well as sambulayang cover (uncover the roof) and the roof ladder (Table 1c), the ceiling material (pammakkang) a plank of wood shaped like a house floor (Table 1d). Sambulayang plain form (without uncover) is for Karaeng descent who is a sayyid (Papyrus leaves bertrap not installed). tappi or ornaments on the roof reserved for the nobility is shaped tendrils (table 2a). *Cambria, 11pt+ Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ IV.1.2. Kale Balla (National Home) IV.1.2.1Bentuk and material Home based form of traditional community life philosophy called Bugis Makassar sulapa appa ', indicating an effort to perfect itself, this philosophy states that all aspects of human life then perfect if

rectangular, which is the origin of the myth of human events consisting of four elements, namely: soil, water, fire, and wind (tattoos, 2008) in line with the theory of customary law tradition of building traditional houses Cikoang also refers to the principle sulapa appa 'that divides the body horizontally into 3 padaserang as well as the form of a square-shaped window with 2 window coverings (window two wings). In determining the length of the house based on the size of the husband: a long wooden meyesuaikan sirappa plus size (Table 2b) + silama Jo'jo (inch index) + silama 'lompo (a span of little finger). In terms of material, to the wall using wood materials, be it to the floor and outer wall, called a curtain wall in using Conrong. IV.1.2.2. Spatial Pattern Number and Size Tangnga fortress, the castle consists of two ladder bura'ne as a fortress tangnga men as heads of families and the castle as a fortress tangnga tangnga baine women (Table 2c). Placement tangnga fortress located on the second from the side and from the front of the second order (Table 2d). Tangnga fort followed the location of doors, if the door is placed to the right of the castle tangnga placed on the left and vice versa (Table 3a). Patterns of the living room next to the increasingly widespread. take the paralyzed area 2 'or 3 poles (table 3b). Using Tulusu bowl with different floor heights with the main rooms in the house (table 3c), the completeness of the space and buildings contained in the manor house, among others, sideburns, pappaluang, paladang and balla Kambara (Table 3d), paladang (Table 4a ), pappaluang (Table 4b). Way of mounting bowls (decay) leads laterally should not lead to the outside or to the inside as it is often referred to as tau urn Pasu mate and can not exceed the length of the pole width (Table 4c), the tradition of building traditional houses Cikoang not suggest cutting the pole in the house (Table 4d). Shutters numbered two (window two wings) and the number of trellis always an odd number (Table 5a), even numbers are always referred to as the death rate.

IV.1.3. Siring (under the house) IV.1.3.1. Form, Materials, Layout, number and size Types of stairs or in Makassar language called ulcers, ulcers using sapana (picture 4a). Building materials such as bamboo for the entire household, be it pole ladders, railings and staircases, while the buffer material to use stone pillar. Types of stone can be anything as long as it looks to shore up the pole meets the house. Placement position is located at the front of the stairs facing the direction of orientation of the body (attonrang) (Fig. 4b). Number Anrong ulcers (main mast) as Tallu Anrong (three) and the number of baringang (stairs) should be 11-13 odd number of stairs (figure 4c). High siring horses with their riders as high as plus size elbow homeowners throughout (Fig. 5d). Based on the explanation Panrita balla then form the traditional rule-based noble tradition of building traditional houses can be seen in (Fig. 1,2 and 3).

IV.2. Change and influence factor analysis IV.2.1. Changes in pamakkang

Of 8 cases there are only 2 homes that still use the form gable (isosceles triangles), and 6 other houses using safari roof forms or models they call "Bugis". In terms of the height of the roof is not a single house roof height in accordance with the rules of tradition. Types of materials used in 8 cases are zinc as roofing and teak wood to cover sambulayang. For ceiling material, from 8 cases there are only 2 houses that still uses wood, 1 home using cloth materials, as well as 1 home use gypsum materials, other uses plywood .. Changes in the shape occur sambulayang in all cases it is influenced by cultural factors. Of 8 cases, there are 3 types of tappi 'who still follow the rules of tradition, the other 3 home wearing a plain square shape no wear carved moon and there is not, 3 home wearing ornaments adapted from a horn shape, changes in the election tappi' influenced by cultural factors . IV.2.2. Analysis of Changes in kale balla IV.2.2.1. Plan form and Form Window Of 8 cases, there were 7 homes that still divides his top 3 and 1 other padaserang only split on 2 padaserang, this change in cultural factors and social factors. Of 8 cases only 2 homes that have window form in accordance with the rules of tradition, these changes are influenced by cultural factors as well as technological advances make diverse choice of form. IV.2.2.2. Pakkakasa Balla (material) For exterior wall material of 8 cases of 6 houses still use wood on the front only, the sides and back using zinc materials, 2 other houses still use wood materials on all exterior walls of the house. Dominated by the use of plywood in the walls though there is one house that still uses conrong the dugout. Changes in the choice of the wall material is influenced by environmental factors (climate) and technological advances. No change in flooring material selection occurs only in the form of additional ornament carpet at home 5 of 8 cases it is influenced by cultural factors and economic factors. For this type of material doors throughout the house are still using wood although there are blends with glass materials, and for almost the entire house window using the window glass, both glass and glass Nako die, especially on the home front. 1 remaining houses still use wood from sum up the windows, sills and bars located on the side of the house. These changes are influenced by cultural factors and technological advances. IV.2.2.3. Spatial patterns Changes in the amount and tampa fort tangnga 'toanang (living room), including 7 of the 8 cases still follow the rules of tradition, one other house has only one castle tangnga, these changes are influenced by cultural factors are closely related to the elements of trust that are believed to owner house. Rules of the living room area of 2 paralyzed '(3 pole house) was followed by the entire case. No change, the whole case is still following the rules of tradition, because it is still adhering to the cultural values of public life in this village. Perunahan on placement tangnga fortress against the pole position and the position of the door, six houses from 8 cases still follow the rules of tradition and 2 of them do not put fort tangnga in proper position, these changes are influenced by cultural factors. If the position of the doors associated with the placement position tangnga fortress against the door position does not change. Changes in terms of the availability of pot, tamping, and the completeness of space, only 2 of 8 cases of houses, which provide tamping, none provide the whiskers, these changes are influenced by cultural

factors. 3 of 8 cases balla Kambara has built several years after the main house was built, these changes are influenced by cultural factors. IV.2.3. Analysis of Changes in Siring IV.2.3.1. Form ulcers (stairs) Only 2 of the 8 cases that form the ladder according to the rules of tradition, 6 others have stairs that matched strata form below. 5 of the 8 cases that had banisters and 1 homes with modern appliances form. Changes that occur in the selection of this ladder is influenced by economic factors and cultural factors. IV.2.3.2 Pakkakasa ulcers (material) and the layout of the ulcer (stair layout) Seven of 8 cases using wood and 1 house using concrete materials. Changes in the choice of material is influenced by factors stairs cultural, technological advancement, and environmental factors (climate). In no ladder placement orientation changes, the whole house still follow the tradition of the rule that adjusts the direction of orientation of the ladder as a function of the circulation path to get into the house. IV.2.3.3. The number and size of ulcers and high siring (under the house) Two of the 8 home use 3 main poles on the stairs and to the whole house had rung rung the 11-13 odd number of stairs, there is one house with the number of steps 7 baringang. No changes in the number of steps in the application. Looking at the existing condition of high siring all cases none of the high house in accordance with the rules of tradition, siring high average range 170-220 cm. These changes are influenced by cultural factors and technological advances factors function / utilization. Discussion Based on the above analysis concluded that the most powerful factor affecting the change in the traditional house village nobleman Cikoang are cultural factors. Cultural factors consists of several parts: religion, family structure, perceptions / tastes and lifestyle homeowners, from all the perceptions / tastes of homeowners is the most dominant reason for effecting change, especially in the form of a roof, high roof, the ridge ornaments roof, and high under the house. Besides lifestyle changes that are part of the culture is also quite influential factors, such as lack of whiskers on the whole object of research is replaced with a dining room, it is following the occurrence of a change in the lifestyle of the homeowner vacancy. In addition to cultural factors, technological advancement and environmental factors (climate) is the material enough to affect the election. Factors that have the least impact in changing the physical appearance of traditional houses in the village nobleman Cikoang is social factors. Of the three variables namely pammakkang (roof), kale balla (the body), siring (under the house), the elements of the physical form most likely to change is the pammakkang (roof), changes occur in all elements of the form pamakkang ie, pannimbong (high roof ), material, number sambulayang up in the form of ornaments. The result was your day (2003) of the traditional houses in the village minahasa Tonsealama (Tondano City) and the village Rurukan (Tomohon), built in 1897 to 1945 showed the biggest change was after 1900, the spatial pattern and function space, then change the material and construction. Factors

influencing physical changes Minahasa traditional home construction is a factor house and land ownership status, as well as economic factors inhabitants. Factors influencing changes in land use and spatial patterns in the home is a factor space requirements and factors technological advances. In the study Umar (2003). Characteristics of the traditional Makassar horizontally rectangular (sulapa appa), consisting of the front room (ri padaserang olo), living room (ri padaserang stairs), the back room (ri padaserang boko), supporting space consisting of, tamping, paladang and appaluang . Vertically consists of a house on stilts under the house (siring), the body (kale balla), and the attic (pamakkang). Different forms of social stratification according to the number of formations can be seen on the pole, the magnitude of the house, use of kitchen, use of tamping on both sides of the building, the number of ladder rungs and covers, the number of window bars, shutters, sila bucket arrangement, use of roof ornaments, and the use of roof twins (balla Kambara). The existence of traditional forms of home Makassar by strata can not be separated from the presence of the royal government system as a foundation stone of social stratification in society Makassar tribes.

V. CONCLUSION *Cambria bold, 11pt+ Blank Space *Cambria, 11pt+ B Cikoang village has its own rules of customary tradition in building homes that have differences with Makassar tribes in other areas, namely: a). House roof and body size, b). Sambulayang form, c). Amount and placement position of the fort tangnga d). Parlor pattern e). Way high menukur siring, f). Way of mounting bowls (decay). A change in the physical appearance of a traditional aristocratic houses (Karaeng) in the village of Cikoang Takalar against home rule tradition of building traditional customs. Of the entire population of the manor house in the village Cikoang 8 of them there is a change in some parts of its elements, and 10 of them turned into a home in the modern form. Factors influencing changes in the physical appearance of the house is traditional aristocratic cultural factors, technological advances, economic factors, environmental factors, factors function / utilization and social factors. Of the three variables namely pammakkang (roof), kale balla (the body), siring (under the house), the elements of the physical form most likely to change is the pammakkang (roof), changes occur in all elements of the form pamakkang ie, pannimbong ( roof height), material, number sambulayang up in the form of ornaments.

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