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Rikki Wilkin Life, Society and Drugs

History of E-Cigs
Electronic Cigarettes were invented in 2003, by a man in China named Hon Lik. He is a 52 year old pharmacist, inventor, and smoker. He invented it after his father, a heavy smoker as well, died of lung cancer. They were introduced to the U.S. in 2006-2007. In March of 2009, the FDA restricted importation of electronic cigarettes around the country. In 2013, the industry sold $1.5 billion, compared to $500 million the year before.

A cartridge containing liquid form of nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. Heating device (vaporizer) Rechargeable battery

How it works:

All about Nicotine

Nicotine in the brain- Nicotine imitates the acetylcholine neurotransmitter, binding with the nicotinic receptors. Cholinergic neurons are activated, and endorphins are created. This causes the feeling of euphoria, and calmness. Effects include- feeling of calmness, relaxation, stress reduction, and pain or anxiety reduction. The nervous system is stimulated. You become alert, with breathing becoming rapid and shallow. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase as well. Nicotine is very addictive, and it only takes one tenth of a tobacco cigarette to become hooked. Withdrawal reactions can include an increased appetite, insomnia, sleep problems, anxiety, anger, frustration, depression, and irritability.


Health Risks
The specific health effects of e-cigarettes are not known yet. There still need to be concrete tests done to determine whether they are completely safe to use. There are fewer toxins compared to tobacco cigarettes, but that does not mean they are risk free. They contain nicotine, which is very addictive. Since they are unregulated, there are no guarantees of what is in the liquid you are inhaling. In 2009, the FDA found a toxic chemical, commonly used in antifreeze, in e cigarette samples. M. Brad Drummond, an assistant professor of medicine at John Hopkins University School of Medicine said about e-cigarettes:
"E-cigarettes may be less harmful than cigarettes," Drummond says. "But we still don't know enough about their long-term risks or the effects of secondhand exposure. (Griffin, 2014)

Pathway to Quitting? Or a Gateway to addiction?

Electronic cigarettes were initially advertised as a way to quit smoking. Users are able to decrease the amount of nicotine in the solution they are vaping, effectively weaning themselves off their nicotine addiction. Experts now, are not so sure whether this is a safe, efficient way to kick the habit. There is a lot of concern about the correlation between people starting out smoking e-cigarettes, and graduating to tobacco cigarettes and other drugs.

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FDA Regulation
They are not currently regulated by the FDA. Laboratory studies indicated quality issues among the e-cigarettes, that will need to be regulated to insure safety. Such as Cartridges labeled no nicotine, did in fact contain nicotine. 3 differently labeled cartridges contained same amount of nicotine

They are concerned of marketing strategies aimed to young people, increasing nicotine addiction, and encouraging more kids to try other tobacco products. The FDA warned manufacturers of violating the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), for poor manufacturing practices.

E-Cigs and Youth

Because there are no regulations regarding these new forms of smoking, it makes them easily assessable to youth. Individual distributors may deny sale to youth, but there are no such precautions for internet sales. This is a troubling problem, because it will lead to more nicotine addiction, and can promote graduating to tobacco cigarettes. Erika Seward, the assistant vice president of national advocacy for the American Lung Association, said regarding e-cigarettes "With e-cigarettes, we see a new product within the same industry -- tobacco -- using the same old tactics to glamorize their products," she said. "They use candy and fruit flavors to hook kids, they make implied health claims to encourage smokers to switch to their product instead of quitting all together, and they sponsor research to use that as a front for their claims. (Neporent, 2014)

E-Cigs and Youth cont.

More and more youth are deciding to try e-cigarettes, to have fun with friends. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found nearly 1.8 million young people had tried e-cigarettes and the number of U.S. middle and high school students esmokers doubled between 2011 and 2012. (Neporent, 2014) Many people are worried about the enticements placed on e-cigarettes, directed towards younger people. The vibrant flavors can draw in younger users, creating more nicotine addiction. A new study found that students who use the devices are more likely to smoke real cigarettes, and less likely to quit than students who did not smoke e-cigarettes. Environment and friends can have a big impact on those statistics. "We're concerned about the potential for kids to start a lifetime of nicotine use by starting with e-cigarettes," Seward said. (Neporent, 2014)

By a different name
There are many different names for devices that are essentially the same. Hookahs E-cigarettes Vape pens Cigarettes This can be problematic in teaching youth how each of these are very dangerous, and harmful to their bodies.

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Different Nicotine Delivery Devices

These all do essentially the same thing, in delivering nicotine into the body. But each look different, and are specialized for a different crowd.

A starter kit can cost between $30 and $100. Prices vary depending on how much you smoke, what kind of devices you use, and how often you change it up. Devices can be as little as a few dollars for a disposable ecig, up to a $900,000 gold and diamond unit the size of a fountain pen that was made for a Russian oil tycoon. Replacement cartridges are estimated to be around $600 a year. Compared with a pack a day tobacco cigarette habit, which costs more than $1,000 a year, e-cigarettes are more affordable. A 15-millimiter bottle, equivalent to 4 packs of cigarettes, costs $12. One pack of cigarettes can cost from $5 to $15. This is yet another bad thing when considering how available and affordable e-cigarettes are to youth.

Secondhand Vapor
Secondhand vapor is produced from electronic cigarettes. Manufacturers claim it is water vapor and is harmless, but experts want to have concrete research to prove this. Health agencies are unsure about whether this practice is really safe to be doing indoors, and around others- particularly children. There have been reports of individuals getting irritated eyes, noses, and throats from the vapor. It can also affect their breathing, and cause nausea symptoms.

There are many unknowns still about electronic cigarettes. There need to be more studies done regarding their health risks, and what this actually does to the body. E-Cigarettes are growing in popularity, and this is an issue in young adults. The FDA will soon be regulating sale, distribution, use, etc. of e-cigs. Vape at your own risk. 17 Facts about Electronic Cigarettes


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