Sei sulla pagina 1di 70


Name of the lab Department Certified that this is a bonafide record of the work done by of

Class in the d rin! the year "##$ % "##& 'NT( E)aminer E,T( E)aminer Name of the E)amination Re!( No(


*taff +ember in char!e


SNo Date 1.

Name of the Experiment Study of UML

Page No 1


2. 3. 4. #. &. (.

Student Mark Analysis Quiz Application Online Course Syste" e!istration

3 11 21 34 4' &3

Online $icket eser%ation Syste" A$M Application Case Study ) *+pert Syste"

Ex: 1 Date:
AIM: ,eneral study of UML


De !ription: $-e -eart of o./ect oriented pro.le" sol%in! is t-e construction of a "odel.

$-e "odel a.stracts t-e essential details of t-e underlyin! pro.le". Se%eral "odelin! roots are 0rapped under UML. "hat i UML# UML -as e"er!ed as t-e soft0are .lueprint lan!ua!e for analysts1 desi!ners and pro!ra""ers alike. 2t pro%ides co""on %oca.ulary to talk a.out soft0are desi!n. UML is applica.le to o./ect oriented pro.le" sol%in!. $-e underlyin! le%el of o./ect oriented pro.le" sol%in! is t-e construction of a "odel. Mo$e%: 2t is an a.straction of t-e underlyin! pro.le" . Model consist of o./ects t-at interact .y sendin! eac- ot-er "essa!es. *%ery o./ect -as attri.utes and t-ey can do operations. $-e %alue of an o./ect attri.ute deter"ines t-e state. Classes are .lueprints for o./ects. $-ere are 3 kinds of "odelin! dia!ra"s4 1& USE 'ASE DIA()AM4 A Use case is a set of scenario t-at an interaction .et0een user and a syste". A Use case dia!ra" displays t-e relations-ip a"on! Actors and Use cases. $-e t0o "ain co"ponents of Use case dia!ra"s are4 Use cases 5unctions Actors6User *& SE+UEN'E DIA()AM4 2t t-e .e-a%ior of a syste" .y %ie0in! t-e interaction .et0een t-e syste" and its en%iron"ent. Se7uence dia!ra" -as t0o di"ensions4 8ertical di"ension represents t-e life ti"e. 9orizontal di"ension represents t-e o./ect. 2 ,& 'LASS DIA()AM4 2t represents t-e class na"e1 attri.utes and list of "et-ods 0-icare !oin! to use t-e soft0are de%elop"ent process. -& A'TI.ITY DIA()AM 4 Acti%ity dia!ra"s focus on t-e flo0 of acti%ities in%ol%ed in a sin!le process and t-e dependencies of t-e acti%ity on t-e".

/& 'OLLA0O)ATION DIA()AM 4 Colla.oration dia!ra"s are also interaction dia!ra"s. $-ey focus on o./ect roles instead of t-e ti"e t-at "essa!es are sent. 1& STATE DIA()AM4 State c-art dia!ra"s s-o0 t-e possi.le states of o./ects and t-e transitions t-at cause a c-an!e in state. 2& 'OMPONENT DIA()AM 4 A co"ponent is a code "odule. Co"ponent dia!ra"s are a p-ysical analo! of class dia!ra"s. 3& DEPLOYMENT DIA()AM4 :eploy"ent dia!ra"s s-o0 t-e p-ysical confi!uration of soft0are and -ard0are.

Ex : * Date :


AIM: $o i"ple"ent t-e Student Mark Analyzin! Syste" usin! Soft0are. )e6uirement Ana%7 i :


8ar$9are )e6uirement 4 AM <rocessor 9ard disk 4 4 4 2#& M; 2ntel <entiu" 28 4= ,;

Soft9are )e6uirement 4 Case tools Lan!ua!es 5ront end ;ack end 4 4 4 4 ational suites 0in runner1 *"pri+. C>C??>@:A1.31 @S:A1 2nternet e+plorer1 UML 8;1 8C??1 :e%eloper 2=== Oracle 1 MS6Access

P)O0LEM STATEMENT : Student "arks analyzin! syste" -as to .e de%eloped for analyzin! t-e "arks o.tained .y t-e students 0-o scored in Se"ester *+a"ination $-e Syste" s-ould pro%ide t-e follo0in! functionalities4 1. $-e student enters t-e input for" and t-e details are stored in t-e data.ase. 2. $-e total and percenta!e of eac- student s-ould .e calculated and !raded. 3. $-e total1 percenta!e and !rade are displayed. SPE'IFI'ATIONS : 1& O:;e!ti<e $-e purpose of t-is docu"ent is to define re7uire"ents of t-e Student Mark analysis syste". $-is Supple"entary Specification lists t-e re7uire"ents t-at are not readily captured in t-e use cases of t-e use case "odel. $-e Supple"entary Specifications and t-e use6case "odel to!et-er capture a co"plete set of re7uire"ents on t-e syste". *& S!ope 4 $-is Supple"entary Specification applies to t-e Student Mark analysis Syste"1 0-ic- 0ill .e de%eloped .y t-e OOA: students. $-is Specification defines t-e non6functional re7uire"ents of t-e syste"B suc- as relia.ility1 usa.ility1 performance, and supportability, as well as functional requirements. That is common across a number of use cases. ACTOR*-

1. Staff 2. Student .*E CA*E*1. 2. . !. $. No. of Subjects. Marks. Total. "ercenta#e. %rade.

AL/OR'T0+ 1. Start the application. 2. &reate the required actors and use cases on the browser window. . %o to the new use case 'iew and open a new packa#e. !. (ename the new packa#e with a new name.

.*E CA*E D'A/RA+ )

no of su./ects







CLA** D'A/RA+ )

staff "e".er
int Co.of su. int "arks int total float percenta!e c-ar !rade int re!no displayDE !et"arksDE findtotalDE finda%!DE assi!n!radeDE

c-ar na"e int re!no int collcode displayresultDE


Stu den t detail su ." ission




+ *E1.ENCE D'A/RA+ -



5ind $otal and A%!

Assi!n !rade


14 Co of su./ects

24 ead "arks 34 5ind total and a%! 44 5ind !rade #4 Store

&4 Store "arks


14 Co of su./ects 24 ead "arks Staff Marks

34 5ind total and a%!

5ind $otal and A%!

Assi!n !rade

#4 Store

&4 Store "arks 44 5ind !rade Student

Stu$ent Mar= Ana%7 i

'o$e (eneration Temp%ate : Staff&!pp Finclude GStaff.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Staff44:isplayDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Staff44,et"arksDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Staff445indtotalDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Staff445inda%era!eDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Staff44Assi!ncodeDE I J Staff&h Fifndef S$A55K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine S$A55K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class Staff I pu.lic4


>>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :isplayDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,et"arksDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; 5indtotalDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; 5inda%era!eDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Assi!ncodeDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Co of studentsB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' MarksB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' $otalB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' <ercenta!eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' ,radeB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' e! CoB JB Fendif >L S$A55K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L>



Finclude GStudent.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Student44:isplayresultDE I J Stu$ent&h Fifndef S$U:*C$K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine S$U:*C$K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class Student I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :isplayresultDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' e! CoB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Ca"eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Colle!e CodeB JB Fendif >L S$U:*C$K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L>

)e u%t : $-us t-e UML :ia!ra"s for Students Mark Analysis 0as created.

Ex: , Date:



AIM: $o create a UML dia!ra" of a Quiz application. )e6uirement Ana%7 i 4 8ar$9are )e6uirement 4 AM <rocessor 9ard disk 4 4 4 2#& M; 2ntel <entiu" 28 4= ,;

Soft9are )e6uirement 4 Case tools Lan!ua!es 5ront end ;ack end 4 4 4 4 ational suites 0in runner1 *"pri+. C>C??>@:A1.31 @S:A1 2nternet e+plorer1 UML 8;1 8C??1 :e%eloper 2=== Oracle 1 MS6Access

P)O0LEM STATEMENT : Quiz application -as to .e de%eloped for %erifyin! t-e ans0ers and decidin! t-e 0inner .ased on t-e score. $-e Syste" s-ould pro%ide t-e follo0in! functionalities4 1. $-e participants are di%ided into a no. of tea"s. 2. $-e inter%ie0er asks 7uestions .ased on t-e rules1 %erifies t-e ans0ers and !i%es t-e "arks. 3. ;ased on t-e "arks1 t-e 0inners !et prizes. SPE'IFI'ATIONS : 1. O./ecti%es $-e purpose of t-is docu"ent is to define re7uire"ents of t-e Student Mark analysis syste". $-is Supple"entary Specification lists t-e re7uire"ents t-at are not readily captured in t-e use cases of t-e use case "odel. $-e Supple"entary Specifications and t-e use6case "odel to!et-er capture a co"plete set of re7uire"ents on t-e syste".

*& S!ope 12 $-is Supple"entary Specification applies to t-e Student Mark analysis Syste"1 0-ic- 0ill .e de%eloped .y t-e OOA: students. $-is Specification defines t-e non6functional re7uire"ents of t-e syste"B suc- as relia.ility1 usa.ility1 perfor"ance1 and supporta.ility1 as 0ell as functional re7uire"ents. $-at is co""on across a nu".er of use cases. A'TO)S4 1.2nter%ie0er 2.<articipant 3.Scorer USE 'ASES4 1.Co. of tea"s 2.$ea" na"e 3.Co. of participants 4. ules #. ounds &.Questions and ans0ers (.$i"e 3.Marks '. esults 1=.<rize AL(O)IT8M : 1.Start t-e application. 2.Create t-e re7uired actors and use cases on t-e .ro0ser 0indo0. 3.,o to t-e ne0 use case %ie0 and open a ne0 packa!e. 4. ena"e t-e ne0 packa!e 0it- a ne0 na"e.



C o .o f ro und s C o .o f te a "$e s a " na " e.o f p a rtic ip a Co nts < rize ule s

2nte r%ie 0 e r

Q ue stio ns

< a rtic ip a nt

e s ult

A ns 0 e rs S c o re r M a rk s



7 ui z i n te r%ie 0 e r
c - a r te a " n a " e in t t i" e in t ro u n d s " a in ta in t i" e li" itDE a s k 7 u e s tio n DE

7 ui z p a rti c i p a nt
a n a ly s e t- e 7 u e s tio n s DE ! i%e a n s 0 erDE

7 ui z s c o re r
%e rify a ns 0 e rs DE ! i%e re s u lt DE



:escri.e no.of tea"s1participants1rounds and tea" na"e

*nter round Co Ask 7uestions

,et ans0er C-eck ans0er

Assi!n "arks

2f correct

C-eck end of round 2f yes :eclare result

A0ard prize



2nte r%ie 0 e r

< a rtic ip a nt

M a rk s

o und s

M inne r

1 4 A s k 7 ue s tio n 2 4 A ns 0 e r t-e 7 ue s tio n 3 4 2f a ns 0 e r is c o rre c t1 p ro %id e " a rk 4 4 2f no t c o rre c t1 a s k ne +t 7 ue s tio n # 4 C -e c k e nd o f ro und s & 4 2f ye s 1 a nno unc e 0 inne r

( 4 2f no 1 a s k ne +t 7 ue s tio n



Me a rk 3 4 2f a n s 0 e r is c o rre c t1 p ro %id "s a rk 2n te r%ie 0 er < a rtic ip a nt

1 4 A s k 7 ue s tio n # 4 C - e c k e nd o f ro un d s 4 4 2f no t c o rre c t1 a s k ne +t 7 ue s tio n ( 4 2f n o 1 a s k n e +t 7 u e s tio n 2 4 A n s 0 e r t-e 7 u e s tio n & 4 2f ye s 1 a n no u nc e 0 i n ne r o und s M inn e r

+ui> App%i!ation 'o$e (eneration Temp%ate : Inter<ie9er&!pp Finclude G2nter%ie0er.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; 2nter%ie0er44"aintainti"eli"itDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; 2nter%ie0er44Ask7uestionDE I J Inter<ie9er&h Fifndef 2C$* 82*M* K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine 2C$* 82*M* K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class 2C$* 82*M* I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; "aintainti"eli"itDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Ask7uestionDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' $ea"na"eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& $i"eB


>>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& oundB JB Fendif >L 2C$* 82*M* K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L> Parti!ipant&!pp Finclude G<articipant.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; <articipant44Analyset-e7uestionDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; <articipant44,i%eans0erDE I J PA)TI'IPANT&h Fifndef <A $2C2<AC$K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine <A $2C2<AC$K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class <A $2C2<AC$ I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Analyset-e7uestionDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; ,i%eans0erDEB pri%ate4 JB Fendif >L <A $2C2<AC$K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L> 1'

S!orer&!pp Finclude GScorer.-G 2= >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Scorer448erifyt-eAns0erDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Scorer44,i%eresultDE I J S!orer&h Fifndef SCO * K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine SCO * K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class SCO * I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; 8erifyt-eAns0erDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; ,i%eresultDEB pri%ate4 JB Fendif >L SCO * K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L>

)e u%t

$-us t-e UML :ia!ra"s for Quiz Application 0as created.

Ex: Date:


AIM: $o create a UML dia!ra" of course re!istration syste". )e6uirement Ana%7 i : 8ar$9are )e6uirement : AM <rocessor 9ard disk 4 4 4 2#& M; 2ntel <entiu" 28 4= ,;

Soft9are )e6uirement : Case tools Lan!ua!es 5ront end ;ack end 4 4 4 4 ational suites 0in runner1 *"pri+. C>C??>@:A1.31 @S:A1 2nternet e+plorer1 UML 8;1 8C??1 :e%eloper 2=== Oracle 1 MS6Access

P)O0LEM STATEMENT : Online course re!istration syste" -as to .e de%eloped for ad"issions to a ne0 course. $-e Syste" s-ould pro%ide t-e follo0in! functionalities4 1. $-e student enters t-e lo!in id 1course and su./ect in t-e re!istration for". 2. Usin! t-e details t-e staff starts t-e re!istration. 3. $-e data.ase "aintains staff and student profiles. 4.$-e re!istrar updates t-e !rade and closes t-e re!istration. SPE'IFI'ATIONS : 1& O:;e!ti<e $-e purpose of t-is docu"ent is to define re7uire"ents of t-e Student Mark analysis syste". $-is Supple"entary Specification lists t-e re7uire"ents t-at are not readily captured in t-e use cases of t-e use case

"odel. $-e Supple"entary Specifications and t-e use6case "odel to!et-er capture a co"plete set of re7uire"ents on t-e syste". *& S!ope 22 $-is Supple"entary Specification applies to t-e Student Mark analysis Syste"1 0-ic- 0ill .e de%eloped .y t-e OOA: students. $-is Specification defines t-e non6functional re7uire"ents of t-e syste"B suc- as relia.ility1 usa.ility1 perfor"ance1 and supporta.ility1 as 0ell as functional re7uire"ents. $-at is co""on across a nu".er of use cases. A'TO)S: 1.Student 2.Staff 3. e!ister 4.:ata.ase USE'ASE: 1.Lo!in id 2. e!istration for" 3.Update t-e !rade of student. 4.C-oose t-e su./ect #.C-oose t-e courses &.Start re!istration (.Maintain student profile 3.Close re!istration '.Maintain staff profile. AL(O)IT8M : 1. Start t-e application. 2. Create t-e re7uired actors and use cases on t-e .ro0ser 0indo0. 3. ,o to t-e ne0 use case %ie0 and open a ne0 packa!e. 4. ena"e t-e ne0 packa!e 0it- a ne0 na"e.

U e!a e $iagram:


*nter t-e Me. Site

Select t-e :estination

List of $rains Syste" <assen!er Select t-e $rain

User :etails *+it

Co of Seats

$icket Status

Credit Card Co





:; $rain Ca"e $rain Co Source :estination Arr$i"e :ep$i"e Class 5are :istance ,etcusto"erdetailsDE !ettra%eldetailsDE confir"ationDE reser%eticketDE displayDE <rocessDE

Custo"er Custo"er Ca"e :O; Se+ Address <-one ,i%edetDE a%aila.ilityDE !etconfir"DE reser%eDE !i%ecreditcardnoDE !etticketDE

Co"puter isa%aila.le ticketno "aintaind.DE updated.DE reser%eticketDE deli%erticketDE

A!ti<it7 $iagram:


Lo!in Me. Site Select t-e :estination

Select t-e $rain Co N Co of Seats

Oes 2s A%aila.le


$ry Later Create Custo"er :etails

Credit Card Cu".er



Se6uen!e $iagram:





1. Lo!in Me. Site

2. Select t-e :estination 3. List of $rains

4. ,i%e User :etails

#. ,i%e $rain Co N Co...

&. Credit Card Co

(. ,i%e Status 3. eser%e $icket

'.Confir"ation 1=. 2ssue $icket

'o%%a:oration $iagram:


1 4 2 4 4 4 # 4 & 4 ( 4 < a s s e n ! e r 3 4 1 = 4 ' 4 3 4 S y s te "

: ;

'omponent $iagram:


: ;

Store N U pdate

C o" puter

On%ine 'our e )egi tration S7 tem 'o$e (eneration Temp%ate : D0'%a &!pp


Finclude G:; Class.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :; Class44AddrecordDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :; Class44ModifyrecordDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :; Class44:isplayrecordDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :; Class44MiscellenousDE I J D0 '%a &h

Fifndef :;KCLASSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine :;KCLASSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class :; Class I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; AddrecordDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;;

ModifyrecordDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :isplayrecordDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; MiscellenousDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Stud 2:B >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Stu Ca"eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Stu AddressB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Stu CourseB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Stu MarksB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Stu e+traacti%itiesB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Coursea%aila.leB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' feestructureB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' durationB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' :o.B JB Fendif >L :;KCLASSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L>


Stu$ent&!pp Finclude GStudent.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Student44*nterdetailsDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Student44Su."itfor"DE I J Stu$ent&h Fifndef S$U:*C$K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine S$U:*C$K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class Student I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; *nterdetailsDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Su."itfor"DEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' 2:B >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Ca"eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' AddressB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' CourseB


>>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' MarksB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' :o.B JB Fendif >L S$U:*C$K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L> )egform&!pp Finclude G e!for".-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; e!for"44Openfor"DE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; e!for"44C-eckeli!i.ilityDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; e!for"44 e!isterDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; e!for"44Assi!n2:DE I J )egform&h Fifndef *,K5O MK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine *,K5O MK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class e!for"


I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Openfor"DEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; C-eckeli!i.ilityDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; e!isterDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Assi!n2:DEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' 2seli!i.leB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' 5or"2:B JB Fendif >L *,K5O MK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L>


)e u%t: $-us t-e UML :ia!ra"s for Online Course created. e!istration 0as

E) No -2 DateAim:


$o prepare t-e docu"ent and de%elop Online ticket reser%ation soft0are usin! soft0are en!ineerin! "et-odolo!ies. )e6uirement Ana%7 i : 8ar$9are )e6uirement : AM <rocessor 9ard disk 4 4 4 2#& M; 2ntel <entiu" 28 4= ,;

Soft9are )e6uirement 4 Case tools Lan!ua!es 5ront end ;ack end 4 4 4 4 ational suites 0in runner1 *"pri+. C>C??>@:A1.31 @S:A1 2nternet e+plorer1 UML 8;1 8C??1 :e%eloper 2=== Oracle 1 MS6Access

Pro:%em tatement
Syste" is desi!ned for t-e online reser%ation of rail0ay tickets for tra%el .et0een any destinations t-at is a part of t-e net0ork for"ed for ena.lin! t-is acti%ity. $-is syste" is intended to .e pro%ided to t-e 2ndian rail0ay 0-ic- is t-e lar!est rail0ay syste" in Asia. $-is syste" ena.les t-e Ad%ance .ookin! in any class1 a!ainst !eneral and ladies 7uota1 on pay"ent of fare in full for adults and c-ildren1 a "a+i"u" of si+ .ert-s>seats at a ti"e1 for /ourney .et0een any t0o stations ser%ed .y a train. 2t also pro%ides details a.out 1.Acco""odation a%aila.le for a train>date co".ination 2.Current status of reser%ation position 3.$i"e ta.le 4.$rain fares #.$rain a%aila.le .et0een a pair of stations

$-e user of t-is syste" s-ould first re!ister for any interaction 0it- t-e syste". Once re!istered1 -e>s-e 0ill .e pro%ided 0it- a userna"e and pass0ord for t-e user to lo! in. After lo!!in! in t-e user s-ould select t-e kind of acti%ity -e 0ould like to perfor" like .ookin! a ticket1 cancelin! a ticket1 look out for -elp and so on. 2f -e selects t-e .ookin! t-e ticket option1 t-en -e>s-e s-ould select t-e to and fro" stations. After t-is step t-e user s-ould select a particular train t-at runs .et0een t-e specified stations fro" a list of trains t-at is pro%ided .y t-e syste". Once a particular train is selected1 t-e user s-ould specify t-e class of tra%el and date of /ourney. $-en -e can %ie0 t-e %acancy position in t-at train for t-at date. :ependin! upon t-e %acancy position1 t-e user can proceed to .ook -is tickets. 5or reser%in! t-e ticket1 t-e user s-ould fill up t-e reser%ation for" 0it- t-e details like na"e1 a!e1 se+1 class of tra%el1 train nu".er1 train na"e1 preferred seats>.ert-s and ot-ers. After fillin! up t-is for"1 t-e user s-ould su."it t-is for reser%ation. $-en t-e "ode of pay"ent is selected and t-e user fills up t-e correspondin! details. Once t-ese processes are o%er1 t-e syste" auto"atically reser%es t-e ticket for t-e user and it deli%er .y post. $-e ticket nu".er and <C nu".er details 0ould .e inti"ated to t-e user for future reference. $-us t-e Online $rain $icket -as .een .ooked.

SPE'IFI'ATIONS : 1& O:;e!ti<e $-e purpose of t-is docu"ent is to define re7uire"ents of t-e Student Mark analysis syste". $-is Supple"entary Specification lists t-e re7uire"ents t-at are not readily captured in t-e use cases of t-e use case "odel. $-e Supple"entary Specifications and t-e use6case "odel to!et-er capture a co"plete set of re7uire"ents on t-e syste". *& S!ope $-is Supple"entary Specification applies to t-e Student Mark analysis Syste"1 0-ic- 0ill .e de%eloped .y t-e OOA: students. $-is Specification defines t-e non6functional re7uire"ents of t-e syste"B suc- as relia.ility1 usa.ility1 perfor"ance1 and supporta.ility1 as 0ell as functional re7uire"ents. $-at is co""on across a nu".er of use cases.

3# A!tor
1.<assen!er 2.Syste" :;


U e !a e 1. $rain info 2. eser%e ticket 3. $rain A%ail 4. Cancel $icket AL(O)IT8M : 1. Start t-e application. 2. Create t-e re7uired actors and use cases on t-e .ro0ser 0indo0. 3. ,o to t-e ne0 use case %ie0 and open a ne0 packa!e. 4. ena"e t-e ne0 packa!e 0it- a ne0 na"e.

U e!a e $iagram:


*nter t-e Me. Site

Select t-e :estination

List of $rains Syste" <assen!er Select t-e $rain

User :etails *+it

Co of Seats

$icket Status

Credit Card Co





:; $rain Ca"e $rain Co Source :estination Arr$i"e :ep$i"e Class 5are :istance ,etcusto"erdetailsDE !ettra%eldetailsDE confir"ationDE reser%eticketDE displayDE <rocessDE

Custo"er Custo"er Ca"e :O; Se+ Address <-one ,i%edetDE a%aila.ilityDE !etconfir"DE reser%eDE !i%ecreditcardnoDE !etticketDE

Co"puter isa%aila.le ticketno "aintaind.DE updated.DE reser%eticketDE deli%erticketDE

A!ti<it7 $iagram:


Lo!in M e. Site Select t-e :estination

Select t-e $rain Co N Co of Seats

Oes 2s A%aila.le


$ry Later Create Custo"er :etails

Credit Card Cu".er



Se6uen!e $iagram:





1. Lo!in Me. Site

2. Select t-e :estination 3. List of $rains

4. ,i%e User :etails

#. ,i%e $rain Co N Co...

&. Credit Card Co

(. ,i%e Status 3. eser%e $icket

'.Confir"ation 1=. 2ssue $icket

'o%%a:oration $iagram:


1 4 2 4 4 4 # 4 & 4 ( 4 < a s s e n ! e r 3 4 1 = 4 ' 4 3 4 S y s te "

: ;

'omponent $iagram:


: ;

Store N U pdate

C o" puter

43 On%ine ti!=et regi tration 'o$e (eneration Temp%ate : D0&!pp Finclude G:;.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :;44,etcurrentdetailsDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :;44,et$ra%eldetailsDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :;44Confir"ationDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :;44 ecei%eticketDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :;44:isplayDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :;44<rocessDE I J D0&h Fifndef :;K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33

Fdefine :;K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class :; I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,etcurrentdetailsDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,ettra%eldetailsDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Confir"ationDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; eser%eticketDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :isplayDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; <rocessDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' $rain Ca"eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' $rain CoB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' SourceB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' :estinationB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Arr ti"eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' :ep ti"eB


>>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' ClassB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' 5areB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' :istanceB JB Fendif >L :;K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L> 'u tomer&!pp Finclude GCusto"er.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Custo"er44,i%edetailsDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Custo"er44A%aila.ilityDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Custo"er44,etconfir"DE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Custo"er44 eser%eDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Custo"er44,i%ecreditcardinfoDE I J


>>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Custo"er44,etticketDE I J 'u tomer&h Fifndef CUS$OM* K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine CUS$OM* K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class Custo"er I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,i%edetailsDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; A%aila.ilityDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,etconfir"DEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; eser%eDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,i%ecreditcardinfoDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,etticketDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Custo"er Ca"eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' :O;B >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Se+B


>>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' AddB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' <-oneB JB Fendif >L CUS$OM* K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L> S7 tem&!pp Finclude GSyste".-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Syste"44Maintaind.DE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Syste"44Updated.DE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Syste"44 eser%eticketDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Syste"44:elei%erticketDE I J S7 tem&h Fifndef SOS$*MK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine SOS$*MK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class Syste" I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;;


"aintaind.DEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Updated.DEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; eser%eticketDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; :eli%erticketDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' 2s A%aila.leB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' $icket CoB JB Fendif >L SOA$*MK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L>


)e u%t : $-us t-e UML :ia!ra"s for Online $icket eser%ation 0as created.

Ex No: 1 Date: AIM :



$o de%elop an A$M syste" usin! soft0are en!ineerin! "et-odolo!ies. Pro:%em Statement? $o de%elop an A$M Syste" for 9:5C ;ank $-e syste" de%eloped s-ould contain t-e follo0in! features4 1. $-e Custo"er -as to lo!in into t-e syste" usin! Credit Card or Card nu".er and <in Cu".er. $-e syste" s-ould c-eck for %alidation. 2. $-e Syste" 7ueries t-e custo"er for t-e type of account eit-er Sa%in!s Account or Current Account. After !ettin! t-e type of account1 t-e syste" s-o0s t-e a"ount left. 3. $-e Syste" t-en 7ueries t-e custo"er for t-e re7uired a"ount. $-e user enters t-e a"ount and !ets t-e "oney. )e6uirement Ana%7 i : 8ar$9are )e6uirement : AM <rocessor 9ard disk 4 4 4 2#& M; 2ntel <entiu" 28 4= ,;

Soft9are )e6uirement : Case tools Lan!ua!es 5ront end ;ack end 4 4 4 4 ational suites 0in runner1 *"pri+. C>C??>@:A1.31 @S:A1 2nternet e+plorer1 UML 8;1 8C??1 :e%eloper 2=== Oracle 1 MS6Access

SPE'IFI'ATIONS : 1& O:;e!ti<e $-e purpose of t-is docu"ent is to define re7uire"ents of t-e Student Mark analysis syste". $-is Supple"entary Specification lists t-e

re7uire"ents t-at are not readily captured in t-e use cases of t-e use case "odel. $-e Supple"entary Specifications and t-e use6case "odel to!et-er capture a co"plete set of re7uire"ents on t-e syste". *& S!ope $-is Supple"entary Specification applies to t-e Student Mark analysis Syste"1 0-ic- 0ill .e de%eloped .y t-e OOA: students. $-is Specification defines t-e non6functional re7uire"ents of t-e syste"B suc- as relia.ility1 usa.ility1 perfor"ance1 and supporta.ility1 as 0ell as functional re7uire"ents. $-at is co""on across a nu".er of use cases. A!tor
1. <assen!er 2. Syste" :;

U e !a e 1. $rain info 2. eser%e ticket 3. $rain A%ail 4. Cancel $icket AL(O)IT8M : 1. Start t-e application. 2. Create t-e re7uired actors and use cases on t-e .ro0ser 0indo0. 3. ,o to t-e ne0 use case %ie0 and open a ne0 packa!e. 4. ena"e t-e ne0 packa!e 0it- a ne0 na"e.

#= U e!a e $iagram: #1

2n s e r t C a r d * n t e r < 2C 2n % a l i d < 2C A p p ro %a l : e p o s it A " o u n t $ y p e o f $ ra n s a c t io n C lie n t A d " i n is t r a t o r

M it - d r a 0 A " o u n t e " o %e t- e C a rd $ ra n s a c tio n C o " p lte d * + it

A!ti<it7 $iagram:


insert card display in%alid enter pin no. in%alid %alid

c-eck pin no.

c-eck transaction type 0it-dra0al 0it-dra0al a"t appro%al


deposit a"t

transaction co"pleted

Se6uen!e $iagram:
Client A$M Ad"inistrator ;ank


1. 2nsert Card

2. *nter <2C Co 3. Send <2C Co 4. 8erify <2C Co

#. 8alidate Messa!e

&. ,et $ransaction $ype

(. ,et A"ount 3. Send A"ount '. Update Account

1=. Success 11. $ransaction Co"pleted

'o%%a:oration $iagram: .


14 24 &4 (4 C lie n t 114 1=4 34 34

A $M


A d" inis tra t or

44 '4

; a nk

'omponent Diagram :


A$M Ser%er


5ront <anel

ATM App%i!ation 'o$e (eneration Temp%ate : ATM 'ar$&!pp Finclude GA$M Card.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; A$M Card44,et<2CDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; A$M Card44,i%e2:DE I J ATM 'ar$&h Fifndef A$MKCA :K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine A$MKCA :K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class A$M Card I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,et<2CDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; ,i%e2:DEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Card CoB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& <2C 2:B JB


Fendif >L A$MKCA :K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L>

'u tomer$etai% &!pp Finclude GCusto"er details.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Custo"er details44,etCardDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Custo"er details44C-an!e%alidityDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Custo"er details44C-an!e<2CDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Custo"er details44<2C*ntryDE I J 'u tomer$etai% &h


Fifndef CUS$OM* K:*$A2LSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine CUS$OM* K:*$A2LSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class Custo"er details I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,et CardDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; C-an!e %alidityDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; C-an!e <2CDEB

>>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; <2C *ntryDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Ca"eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& AddressB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& <-one CoB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& <2C CoB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& Card 2:B JB


Fendif >L CUS$OM* K:*$A2LSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L> MainD0&!pp Finclude GMain:;.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Main:;44,i%e.alanceDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Main:;44C-eck0it-dra0alDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Main:;44Appro%alorCotDE I J

>>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Main:.44,i%eA"ount%alueDE I J MainD0&h Fifndef MA2C:;K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine MA2C:;K9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class Main:; I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; ,i%e.alanceDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; C-eck0it-dra0alDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Appro%alorCotDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; ,i%eA"ount%alueDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Custo"er detailsB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& Card detailsB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& $ransaction detailsB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& ;alance A"ountB JB


Fendif >L MA2C:;K:*$A2LSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L>

&= 'ar$$etai% &!pp Finclude GCarddetails.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; Carddetails44C-eck%alidityDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Carddetails44 eadinfor"ationDE I J 'ar$$etai% &h Fifndef CA :K:*$A2LSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine CA :K:*$A2LSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class Carddetails I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; C-eck%alidityDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; eadinfor"ationDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' Ca"eB >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& Card 2:B >>FFModel2dH424&*#2C=33& Account CoB JB



>L CA :K:*$A2LSK:*$A2LSK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L> )eport &!pp Finclude G eports.-G >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; eports44C-eck"oneya%aila.ilityDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; eports44 eada"ountDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; eports44Count"oneyDE I J >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; eports44:ispatc-"oneyDE I J )eport &h Fifndef *<O $SK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 Fdefine *<O $SK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2==3A# class eports I pu.lic4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#34=2;; C-eck"oneya%aila.ilityDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; eadina"ountDEB

>>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; Count"oneyDEB >>FFModel2dH424&*#3;===; :ispatc-"oneyDEB pri%ate4 >>FFModel2dH424&*#2'==&' A"ountB Fendif >L


*<O $SK9K9*A:* K2CCLU:*:K;:;33(33 L>

)e u%t : $-us t-e UML :ia!ra"s for A$M Application 0as created.

E@:2 Date:

'a e Stu$7 ? Expert S7 tem

A.stract <ro.le" :efinition e7uire"ent Analysis 5unctional Analysis :esi!n <-ase Code ,eneration Conclusion 5uture Usa!e


A: tra!t: Creatin! of a e+pert syste" 0-ic- pro%ides $-e na"e of t-e disease Sy"pto"s of t-e disease <rice of t-e "edicine *fficiency of t-e "edicine C-e"ical contents of t-e "edicine 0-en t-e na"e of t-e "edicine is inputted in t-e syste". Pro:%em Definition: $o create an e+pert syste" 0-ic- pro%ides t-e infor"ation a.out t-e "edicine 0-en t-e na"e of it is inputted to t-e syste". )e6uirement Ana%7 i : 8ar$9are: 1". "e"ory <entiu" 133?1 24 M; AM <lease use 32 .its D&##3& colorsE of screen color dept- or -i!-er. Soft9are: Mindo0s '#>'3>Me>C$>2===>P< ational ose *nterprise *dition

Fun!tiona% )e6uirement Ana%7 i : $-e functions re7uired to pro%ide t-e re7uired infor"ationQs are diseaserelatedDE 6 "ust c-eck pro%ide t-e na"es of t-e disease cured .y t-is "edicine. sy"pto"sDE ) "ust pro%ide t-e sy"pto"s of eac- diseases related to t-e "edicine. priceDE ) pro%ide price of t-e "edicine efficiencyDE ) pro%ide efficiency of t-e "edicine to cure t-e disease c-e"icalcontentsDE ) pro%ide c-e"ical contents of t-e "edicine $-ese are t-e functions 0-ic- run in t-e data.ase of t-e syste" to pro%ide t-e ans0ers for t-e re7uired 7uery. De ign Pha e: U e 'a e Mo$e%4

"edicine na"e

disease related





"edicine efficiency co"pany "edicine contents



Diagr am:


c-ar disease c-ar sy"pto"s int efficiency float price c-ar contents diseaseDE sy"pto"sDE efficiencyDE priceDE c-e"icalcontentsDE

c-ar "edna"e c-ar co"pna"e

A!ti<it7 Diagram:


enter "edicine na"e enter co"pany na"e

if found Ca"e of disease



not found



Se6uen!e $iagram:


user 14 "edicine na"e


24 co"pany na"e

34 Ca"e of disease related

44 sy"pto" #4 price &4 efficiency (4 contents

'o%%a:oration $iagram:


1 4 " e dicine na " e 2 4 co" pa ny na" e use r 34 C a" e of d isea se re la ted 4 4 sy" p to " #4 p rice & 4 efficiency (4 co nte nts syste"

'on!%u ion: $-erefore .y follo0in! t-e a.o%e "et-od a 0ell for"ed p-ar"aceutical e+perts syste" can .e "ade. Future u age: $-e "edicines found later can .e "ade a%aila.le to t-e syste" .y updatin! t-e data.ase of t-e syste".

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