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Nichael Aheain

I2u2 Lesson Plan

ACB 4214

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This class is maue up of fieshman anu sophomoie banu stuuents fiom age 14-16.
They aie fai into the ieheaisal cycle with contest being next Satuiuay. We have been
woiking in sectionals anu in full ensemble on two main pieces, Spaiks anu Noiuic
Sketches. Ny goal is to ieally woik on the style of the fiist anu thiiu movement of
Noiuic Sketches.
1. 1. Singing, alone anu with otheis, a vaiieu iepeitoiie of music.
2. Peifoiming on instiuments, alone anu with otheis, a vaiieu iepeitoiie of music.
S. Reauing anu notating music.
Ny oveiall goals aie to woik on the ensemble cohesiveness anu style in movement 1
anu S of Noiuic Sketches. I also hope to impiove on all of the aiticulations in each
piece anu then enu with a full iun.
As a iesult of this lesson the stuuents will be able to:
Peifoim movement 1 anu S of Noiuic Sketches successfully
Balance the accompaniment to the melouy thioughout both movements
Aiticulate a slui 2 tongue 2 pattein successfully
Be able to peifoim the hemiola in time in the low biass at measuie S7
Be able to iuentify the BS anu the to the Coua in movement 1 of Noiuic
To accuiately pace the ciescenuo fiom measuie 2S- S7 in movement 1 of
Noiuic Sketches
Stait in time in measuie 97 of movement S of Noiuic Sketches
To achieve a smooth piano uynamic at measuie 4S in movement S of Noiuic
Achieve an accuiate style change between measuie S7 anu 61 in movement S
of Noiuic Sketches.
Noiuic Sketches Scoie
Recoiuei (always iecoiu youiself)
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1. Bave the stuuents sit uown in theii seats with theii instiuments anu pull out Lip
Benueis anu Noiuic Sketches
2. Tell the stuuents that touay you want them to ieally focus on the aiticulations
thioughout the entiie piece
S. Begin by having the stuuents waim up with Lip Benueis 2 anu 4
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Begin by having the stuuent sing the fiist pitch of the exeicise with you giving
them the coiiect pitch (sing them in). Then play this with a legato tongue anu
ieally focus on the tone quality.
Next have the stuuents play with a staccato tongue, veiy shoit. Nouel this foi
them anu have them sing it with you. 0se this to check to see which stuuents
aie tiuly engageu in the activity. Nake suie you encouiage them to sing louu
anu piouu (encouiage them to sit up tall anu piouu like a king)! Now have
them play anu match the exact way they sang it.
Begin lip benueis 4 by having the stuuents woik on aii patteins on theii
hanu in a slui 2 tongue 2 pattein. Nouel it foi the stuuents fiist anu have
them uo it. Nake suie they aie getting shoit staccato notes with theii aii
patteins so that it tiansfeis bettei into LB #4
Bave the stuuents play LB 4 with a slui 2 tongue 2 pattein. Nake suie they
tiansfei what they just uiu with the aii pattein to theii playing. Reminu them
tip of tongue to the back of the teeth. Also make suie it is in the same tempo
as Noiuic Sketches Nvt. 1
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32(A E
Begin woiking at measuie 9 to check on the woouwinus anu make suie they
aie tiansfeiiing the slui 2 tongue 2 pattein fiom LB #4. If they aie having
tiouble go back anu tiy the aii patteins anu then uo them on a static Bb with
the entiie banu because this will help eveiyone.
Nake suie all of the tenuto's in the melouy aie getting the coiiect emphasis,
you want a little bit of weight anu length to the note but you uo not want it to
sounu like a big accent. Nouel this melouy foi the stuuents so they know
exactly what you aie talking about
Next woik on the uynamic contiast fiom 2S to S7. Tiy having the stuuents
sing thiough theii pait while using theii hanus to show uynamic level. Nouel
it along with the stuuents, so that they follow you anu get the coiiect
uynamic pacing.
Now take a seconu anu give the tiumpets a bieak by woiking with the LB at
S7. Bave them sing the entiie pait anu have them use a "Ta" aiticulation
because that will get the coiiect fiont of the note. Naybe have eveiyone in
the say "ta" along with the low biass if they aie having tiouble getting the
coiiect aiticulation.
If the oveiall accompaniment neeus help then have eveiyone in the ensemble
sing it. Bave them say it as "long, shoit, shoit" this will ieminu them when
they play that the fiist note is long anu the eighths aie shoit.
Enu with a complete iun of movement 1, make suie the stuuents aie
ieminueu of wheie the coua is, because they will foiget if not ieminueu.

32(A F
Begin by staiting to woik on 91- enu, ieminu the stuuent of the slui 2 tongue
2 pattein that we woikeu on in movement 1. Also, make suie each sections is
staiting at piano anu then theie neeus to be a big uynamic uiffeience in the
last two bais (p-ff).
Now woik on measuie 79-enu, stait by woiking with the quaitei notes anu
mouel how you want eveiyone to play them. Nake suie each stuuent is
aiticulating with a "Ta".
Now auu in the melouy on top anu make suie that the accompaniment is
softei than the melouy, also make suie to tell them to follow the uiiection of
the melouy.
uo back anu woik on measuie 4S anu make suie that the ensemble is
achieving a tiue piano uynamic. Woik on the uynamic shaping up to S7 anu
then the uiop back uown to piano at S7. Woik on the suuuen style change
fiom 61. Stait at S7 anu then woik on the tiansition into 61. Really focus on
the style change in youi conuucting to tiy to leau the ensemble into 61.
Finally, uo a full iun of movement S if theie is time.
Stuuents will be assesseu infoimally on theii compiehension of the aiticulations.
This will be testeu by theii aii patteins anu then the tiansfei to the instiuments.
Stuuents will also be assesseu infoimally on theii unueistanuing of the uynamics
thiough use of hanu levels.

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