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Manifestation Intelligence: Laws Of Mind System Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved

Gaining Manifestation Intelligence - What Its All About


This e-book is all about the strategies, tips and tools you can put into place to increase your
manifestations to a new level. With so much hype and misinformation nowadays, its a crucial

Our goal at Mind One Digital is to help you evolve your mind to be the best you can possibly be.
Humanity on planet Earth is at a take-off point in its evolution towards greater consciousness. The
power of the mind is phenomenal, and unleashing this true power will help you to move closer to
your true goals in life.

In this guide, were going to teach you EVERY single secret about manifesting in your life, leaving
no rock untouched and unturned. This has been formulated using years of knowledge, after
researching hundreds of books and spending years in trial and error. It reveals what truly works to
manifest. It will also save you years of time and learning on things that dont matter. We seriously
cut the chase and give you the goods, in a way you can actually understand.

Well start by explaining the Laws of Mind first of all in technical and extremely comprehensive
detail. Then we will move onto the step by step system. If the information is quite in-depth for you,
just take the things you can relate to and apply them. The point of this system is to be incredibly
comprehensive, so theres always more you can learn as you progress upwards in your
manifestation knowledge.

Finally, there is no fluff in this guide so please do not be alarmed if everything is straight to the

Lets begin!

The Laws Of Mind Introduced

The Laws Of Mind is a system of rules, principles and methods which you use to unlock the
power of your mind.

The power of your mind has the creative energy to manifest what you want. All you need to do is
UNLOCK your mind power, to create the manifestation you desire.

Where Does Your Mind Power Come From?

It comes from your unconscious mind, also known as the subconscious mind. The power to
manifest lies deep inside you.

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What Is The True Secret To Manifestation?

A strong mind creates manifestation. A weak mind does not. You build the strength of your mind
through concentrating. Your ability to concentrate is your ability to manifest.

This concentration ability (which is called your intent) allows you to connect to the
subconscious/unconscious mind and makes its creative energy come to the surface. This creative
energy is the force which shapes reality to your desire.

If your concentration level is 3 out of 10, your manifestation level will be 3 out of 10. If your
concentration level is 8 out of 10, your manifestation level will be 8 out of 10. It is a direct
correlation. Manifestation works through the ability to concentrate more than any other factor.

Please read the above again. It is the holy grail of manifestation which took us 500 books of
research and close to 10 years of trial and error to figure out. Congratulations on finding the holy
grail at last.

On the right is a scale of concentration so you can determine more easily what level of
concentration you are at, on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 is the highest). Each level has an explanation.
Concentration Ability

Level 1: This person has lots of different thoughts in their mind i.e. they cannot concentrate and
keep a calm mind. They will not be able to have a completely calm mind with no thoughts for just
15-30 seconds. 99% of all people in the world will find themselves in this category. The
manifestations here will be extremely weak, or zero.
Level 2: This person can focus for several hours on a task but they will have some distracting
thoughts in their mind every minute when doing that task . They can force themselves to have a
completely calm, clear mind for several minutes at most. It is a constant battle to stay focused.
Level 3: This person can concentrate well, but the mind goes out of control sometimes, where
thoughts happen uncontrollably. They can have periods of several hours where the mind is all over
the place with different thoughts. The rest of the time they can concentrate well.
Level 4: Very good ability to concentrate. A very clear, calm and meditative mind. This person has
a calm mind every single day, for most of the day. They will have some distracting thoughts but
they are very few.
Level 5: Excellent concentration ability. Can keep to a task with total focus, living in the moment
and only having relevant thoughts, all day, every day. This person will be extremely successful in
their life and have lucky things happening to them all the time.
Level 6: Amazing concentration ability. Extremely focused, clear and always living in the moment,
all day, every day. This person will be manifesting like crazy. Everything they touch will turn to
gold. Extreme luck and extreme success are standard things at this level.
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Level 7: Extremely gifted and one in a million type of concentration. The type of concentration that
serial and mega entrepreneurs have. These people can create exceptional results very quickly
from scratch because of the strength of their minds.

Level 8: Super genius levels of concentration. This person will be known throughout the world for
their success and true brilliance. They will go down in the history books as one of the greats.
Amazing things are happening all the time with this concentration level.
Level 9: Hyper genius concentration. This type of concentration would cause manifestations to
revolutionise the world. Such a person is extremely rare and would cause huge changes in
society. Large political, economic or religious movements are caused by this.
Level 10: Perfect concentration. This state has yet to be reached by anyone.

You should aim for level 5 or 6. This is realistic if you are just starting your journey, and obviously
you can work on the other levels if you feel you are more ambitious.

Most people will find themselves at level 1 or 2, which is why they are not manifesting as much as
they would like. Remember that the power of concentration is king. You should learn to build your
concentration every single day and aim for level 5 or 6 as this is an extremely abundant and
prosperous life.

What Do We Mean By Concentration?

Concentration is actually a very advanced mental construct with many components to it.
Concentration essentially means:

1. your ability to not have distracting thoughts. If you have even 1-2 distracting thoughts every
minute it means you have very weak concentration.

2. your ability to live in the moment and not think about the future or the past

3. your ability to have your thoughts moving in one direction exclusively

Concentration is the central aspect of intent which we will talk about later on in this course. For
now, this basic introduction to concentration is sufficient.

How Come Some People With Weak Concentration Can Manifest?

It is possible to manifest with weak concentration and some people are doing this. However, this is
happening because of programs which are already installed in the unconscious mind. These
programs come from good childhood experiences. We will talk more about this program aspect
and these points later on. For now, know that whatever you are programmed for in the
unconscious mind is what will happen in the outside reality.

The point of concentration is to connect strongly to the unconscious mind and form NEW
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This last point will make more sense as you understand the system.

The essence of the Laws Of Mind can be further explained in a different way as 3 points:

1. Reality is mental in nature

2. Your unconscious mind is the biggest mental part you have

3. The only way to manifest is to unlock the unconscious mind and access its creative power.

To unlock the unconscious mind effectively, you must:

a) learn to CONTROL your mind, specifically the unconscious mind. Control comes through the
power of concentration and;

b) learn to UNDERSTAND the language of your mind

In other words, you need to control your mind, and to do that, you need to understand how it works
- its rules, principles and methods, which is what the Laws Of Mind is all about. Concentration is
the most important factor, but there are many other things to consider as well.

Additional Point

The unconscious mind is the super processor of your mind and your life. It controls everything
which happens to you. It controls your breathing, how you blink, your digestion, how you walk,
your ability to read, write, talk and communicate. It is doing EVERYTHING in your life. To wire the
unconscious mind as you want is crucial to changing what happens in your life.

The next point is that to send the right signals to the unconscious, is through the 3 steps we will
talk about, called Energy, Intent & Action.

What Does Laws Of Mind Actually Mean?

Laws of Mind is about the mental laws which underpin your mind. Your mind is bound by laws,
much like physical laws such as gravity. To manifest, you must understand the laws which
determine how your unconscious mind is programmed. By doing things correctly, by law you will
manifest what you want.

The reason people fail to manifest their goals is because of unconscious blocks in their mind.
These can only be released by understanding the systems that operate your mind, and using them
efficiently. We will talk in extreme detail about what these points really mean, with specific
examples of how to apply it.
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Key Point: Nothing in your life will change until you can effectively send new signals to the
unconscious mind. The unconscious mind - also referred to as the subconscious mind - is the
main thing you need to change to manifest. Changing your thoughts on the surface level, using
willpower, trying to be motivated etc will never work in the long run, because the way the
unconscious mind is wired is the main determinant of what manifests.

Your Life Trajectory Is Actually Fixed

What happens in your life follows a FIXED trajectory which is determined by how your
unconscious mind is organised. This means that the situations, circumstances, achievements and
success in your life is already determined by what is wired deep inside you.

Crucial Point: The only way to change your trajectory and create a new life for yourself is to
change what is happening in the unconscious mind itself.

This guide is all about giving you the tools to change the unconscious mind, so that you can create
a new trajectory and life for yourself at last. It is the holy grail of manifestation that will explain
everything in a very clear and simple way that anyone can get.

The mind in your head is one unit of consciousness so to speak. It is only one small aspect, of a
huge ocean of consciousness which exists. Your conscious mind is essentially the tip of the
iceberg but there is much more MIND out there than this. We therefore have, conscious mind,
followed by parts of mind you do not see.

This is what the mind looks like.

Why Does Controlling The Mind And Unlocking The Unconscious Lead To Manifestation?

Here are two super crucial points:

1. Controlling the mind leads to MORE MIND POWER. Your thoughts are streamlined when the
mind is controlled, meaning more creative energy is released.

2. Controlling the mind allows the unconscious super processor to be a) accessed and b) re-wired
effectively. This means you are accessing more mind power to contribute to your manifestation

3. The more MIND POWER you have overall, the more MANIFESTATION you have.

You see, by controlling your conscious and unconscious minds, you are allowing more mind power
to be directed to your goal. Mind power is you having more creative mental power at your disposal.
And the more MIND POWER you have, the more MANIFESTATION you have. Its as simple as
that. This is the law.
Manifestation Intelligence: Laws Of Mind System Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved

The next point here is all you are going to be doing is controlling YOUR OWN MIND, and
SENDING THE RIGHT SIGNALS TO THE UNCONSCIOUS. This will allow you to access enough
mind power to manifest the thing you want.

These points are so huge and so significant that it is very easy to underestimate them or not
understand it. We will obviously explain how to do all these things in this guide.
So in essence, manifestation is like this:

Concentrate as much as possible = more mental resources from your unconscious mind =

What Is The Unconscious Mind?

The unconscious mind is that part of your mind which is doing most of the work. It is doing 99% of
the work , for everything which happens in your day to day life. For example, reading this text now
is an unconscious process. Try this experiment and read the text below:

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can
be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos
not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

The reason you are able to read the scrambled text is because the UNCONSCIOUS mind is doing
the work. Driving your car, reading
the paper, doing work, walking, talking, eating and sleeping are all UNCONSCIOUS processes.
EVERYTHING is literally unconscious.

If you had to do everything consciously all the time, your life simply couldnt go ahead. The
unconscious mind allows things to operate automatically and smoothly.

For example, every morning when you wake up, you probably follow the same habits without even
thinking about: going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, getting changed, having breakfast,
turning on the TV or radio etc. This is because the unconscious mind is running the show and
doing the things you have always done. If every morning you woke up and needed to decide how
to open your bedroom door, how the toilet works, how to brush your teeth, what breakfast is, how
to put on your clothes etc, life would be very slow and cumbersome. The unconscious mind takes
away the effort of every day life by forming your habits and automatic behaviors.
Questions Answered

What exactly do we mean by controlling the mind?

Controlling the mind means basically, the following things:

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a) That your mind does not wander from place to place.

A wandering mind is one in which you are thinking about something, but then after a while, you are
thinking about something else completely different without you even knowing about. When your
mind wanders off like this, this shows a lack of control of the mind. The more you stop this from
happening, the more control you have over your own mind, and this leads to HUGE manifestation.

So, if you get distracted, think about different things all the time, go off track, or arent in control of
your thoughts, you need to fix this as it is hindering manifestation. We will talk about this in great
detail as we progress through the guide.

b) That your mind isnt hijacked with external thoughts or things

For example, have you ever been in a situation where you listened to a song, and then later on
you found yourself singing that song and couldnt get it out of your head? Or, how about if you
walked into a room, and forgot why you went there? These are classic examples of the mind being
hijacked, and you DO NOT want this. The more you stop your mind being hijacked like this, the
more control you have over your own mind. Huge manifestation is the result.

c) That your thoughts can be corrected very quickly

Say you have a thought which is displeasing to you. The degree to which you can correct your
own thinking in cases like this shows the degree to how much control you have over your own
mind, and how much you can manifest.

d) That your mind is in overall harmony

That is, the conscious and unconscious minds are saying the same thing, and not conflicting with
one another.

Its like having 3 pairs of wheels on a car. The cars must all be turning in the same direction (ie
forward) for the car to move forward. If one set of wheels is turning forward, and 2 are turning
back, then the car will not move in the way you want it to. The more everything is going in the
same direction, the more harmony and control you have in the mind, leading to manifestation.

If you dont control the mind, you cant send the right signals to move in the right direction.

For a lot of people, the unconscious mind is wired incorrectly so that it opposes your goal. For
example, the unconscious mind might be saying I am small and insignificant, whereas
consciously, you might be saying you are large, confident and important. In this situation, the
person would feel small and insignificant regardless of what they say consciously, because the
unconscious has more power than the conscious mind.

There are many other things to be said here, but we hope you get the picture of what controlling
the mind means. Controlling the mind is essentially YOU making YOUR MIND do what you want
Manifestation Intelligence: Laws Of Mind System Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved

it to do: you are in control of it and directing it correctly, instead of it controlling you.

Here are some more important lessons about your mind:

1. Your mind belongs to you and can be controlled

Yet what most people do is let the mind control them, meaning no progress. You must learn to
control the mind instead. Controlling the mind and organising it to your advantage is how you

2. Your mind can be trained to do what you want it to do

At the moment, it may be the case that your mind is all over the place, with wandering thoughts
etc. This is perfectly normal and every person is at this stage at one point in life. However, it is
possible to train the mind to be more focused, receptive, subordinate and wired to what you want.
The main lesson here is that the mind is not fixed and impossible to change. You can change your
mind completely. Remember, it is the unconscious mind which needs to be changed for
manifestation to happen.

3. You must always be training your mind

Your mind is always there in your waking day. Theres no good in letting the mind control you for
10 hours, when you only control it for 1 hour etc. You must make active, continuous effort to
control the mind, at all times. This is the quickest and easiest way to change your life. To do this,
you need to be programming it constructively (as we shall talk about throughout this guide),
instead of letting it program you.

If you learn anything from this manual, the whole secret is summarised right here in the last few
pages you have just read. It is so so so huge that you will definitely achieve anything you want
when you fully utilise it.

At this stage, here is an awesome quote, from one the worlds richest men of all time. This
basically summarises and says so much to back up what is being said here. This person KNEW
amass a fortune of $295 billion US. Thats right, not million, but billion. That man, was Andrew
Carnegie. This is what he said:

The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of
anything else to which he is justly entitled,

What a sensational quote. The man, who acquires the ability to take FULL POSSESSION of HIS
OWN MIND MAY TAKE POSSESSION of ANYTHING ELSE to which he is justly entitled. Now,
how significant is it to have the worlds second richest man of all time tell you and reinforce what
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That is the secret. It is the holy grail of manifestation and you have it right now in front of you.
Congratulations. The mind and unlocking it is the secret. Remember though, that the unconscious
mind is the most important part of the mind and it is not seen. Everything you are doing and will
learn in this guide is to unlock the unconscious mind.

Experts Only (Advanced) & Additional Points: The Laws Of Mind gives rise to The Unseen
Creation Principle. That is, creation happens in an unseen way. The Unseen Creation Principle
states that the layers of mind behind your unconscious is responsible for creating the world around
you, including the layers of the conscious and unconscious minds. You dont see that, meaning
that creation happens invisibly. The physical world is also not something which exists on its own. It
is a mental construct created and bound by mental laws.

At this stage, it is worthwhile to have a short Q & A session to cover any additional points and
clarify a few things.

Q. What exactly is the unconscious mind and how do we know it has any power anyway?

A. The unconscious mind is the part of your mind which you are not aware of. As mentioned, it is
controlling everything, including what you say, think, act, do. It is responsible for your ability to
drive, eat, sleep, shout or anything else. The unconscious mind allows you to do things
automatically so that you dont have to think about them all the time. If you had to think
consciously about everything, life could simply not go ahead. It is the 99% part of your mind which
you do not see. Its power lies in determining what you think and act.

Q. How big is the unconscious mind and are there really more layers of mind beneath it?

The unconscious mind is huge. There is also, more parts of the mind even beneath this. This is
because mentalness is the nature of things, and it exists in all time and space. It exists outside you
as well as inside you.

Q. I dont understand how controlling the unconscious mind works to manifest. Please explain

A. The unconscious mind is the computer which determines your actions, behavior and what you
focus on. By programming it correctly, you make the right actions and behavior to manifest. You
also direct your creative mental energy to what you want. Remember:

Control and unlocking of mind = more mind power = manifestation

Remember that MIND POWER is the deciding factor in manifestation success. MIND POWER is
the key.

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Mind power being released happens when the unconscious BRAKES which are holding you back
are released. The unconscious can then direct its mental power to your goal. When the brakes are
on, nothing can happen.

Q. What is the essence of the Laws of Mind system in simple terms?

A. To manifest what you want, you must learn to connect more to the unconscious mind, and re-
MANIFESTATION. That is everything summarised in one sentence.

Q. What is the laws part of the Laws Of Mind System all about?

A. The laws refers to the laws which underpin the operation of your unconscious and conscious
minds. Ie how it works, what can influence it, how it thinks etc. The laws are much like physical
laws, except they involve the mind instead of physical things. The conventional manifestation
laws like law of detachment, law of belief etc are all completely useless without understanding the
fundamental laws, which are the Laws of Mind.

Q. Can you just explain the key point about manifestation in really simple baby English, just so I
can understand it properly.

A. Yes. Sending the right signals to your own unconscious mind is the most important thing in
manifestation. You learn to send these signals by living, acting and doing things in a specific way,
which is what we will talk about in Energy, Intent and Action.

Q. What does it feel like when my mind is under control?

A. Your mind will be a) super clear b) have no wandering thoughts all the time c) always be
focused. This is the mindset for success. Every successful person who has ever lived always had
control over their mind. Compare this to the non-manifester: their mind wanders, there is no clarity,
there is no mental precision and the mind is all over the place.

Q. What am I actually controlling here? Am I controlling the conscious mind, the unconscious mind
or what?

A. You are controlling your thoughts. Thoughts happen across both the conscious AND
unconscious minds. Controlling the unconscious means sending it the right thought signals, so
that it becomes unlocked. The right signals are created at the conscious level.

Q. Isnt controlling and unlocking the mind like a really basic, simple concept that is easy to do?

A. The concept is very simple to understand, but it takes time, skill and practise to train your mind
to do what you want it to do. If you havent controlled your mind properly before, you will see that it
is all over the place. This is okay. The mind might seem to be extremely violent and uncontrollable,
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but this is not true. It is through practise and training with the information in this guide which will
set you free.

Also, the most important thing is of course learning to influence your UNCONSCIOUS mind.
However, the unconscious mind cannot be seen by the conscious mind. In other words, we are
unaware of it directly.However, we know it is there and can see its influence through the actions,
behavior, thoughts and habits you have. By looking at these, we can determine how the
unconscious mind is wired.

So, there are many things to consider when attempting to control the mind and unlock its power. A
simple concept yes, but practise and skill is required to master it. Mastering this will lead to
mastery of manifestation!

Q. I am confused. What is the difference between controlling the mind, and unlocking the mind?

A. They are both the same thing. To control the mind is to unlock the mind. You are learning to
unlock the mind by controlling it. By control, we mean using the mind correctly and making it do
what we want it to do.

Q. I dont have too many wandering thoughts and have some control of my mind, but I amnt
manifesting. Are there other things to consider here?

A. Yes. There are different levels of control of the mind which needs to be considered. There is
control of the mind in a general, specific and micro sense. All of these levels of control need to be
in place to maximise manifestation. The system presented here will allow you to unlock your true
focus powers which most people are completely unaware of. When people think of focus and non
wandering thoughts, they dont realise that there are different types and qualities within a thought,
all at the same time. The non-wandering is created within thought itself.

This will all become clearer as you understand the system in this guide.

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How Manifestation Works

As your mind begins to change, everything in your life will also change.

This happens when you apply all the steps we will outline in this guide. Things like passion, value,
intent and action are all components contained within Energy, Intent and Action.

What you must do is continually work to change your mind by changing the unconscious. This will
change your whole life from the inside out.

When you live your life a certain way, you are always re-wiring and sending different messages to
your unconscious. This then matches it in the physical circumstances and situations you get in
your life.

What is going on in your mind determines what is going to happen all around you. When you
change the inside, you change the outside. This happens because the unconscious mind is able to
communicate with the unconscious minds of other people, so that the people and situations you
want are automatically drawn to you, on an unconscious level.

Just as wireless routers can communicate with other electronic devices, your mind is
unconsciously able to communicate with other minds.

Changing your unconscious mind changes the people, situations, circumstances and possibilities
open to you.

As the momentum gains, you will find yourself associating more often with the people who will help
you manifest your goals. This in turn generates more changes in your unconscious mind, as the
influence of other people rubs off on you. In turn, you change yourself even more, propelling
yourself to even heightened states of success and opening more doorways for success.

On the next page, you are given an overview on all the components we will talk about in this
manifestation system.

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You may have heard of the concept of mindset, and that having the right mindset will help you

There are 2 fundamental components of mindset. These are:

1. Thoughts
2. Mental images

Thoughts and images are actually extremely complex things and are very easy to underestimate.

To manifest what you want, a key lesson to know is that you must be using thoughts and mental
images correctly, and in a way which influences the UNCONSCIOUS mind.

By the time you finish reading this whole guide and begin to implement all its steps, everything will
become a lot more obvious. For now, just remember that everything you are doing here is only
about UNLOCKING YOUR OWN UNCONSCIOUS MIND. Nothing else. And that is not difficult to
understand. You can simply leave the technicalities aside, as they are only additional information
that will help you understand things thoroughly.

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The Mind

Lets now talk more about the actual things you need to do.

There are 3 separate sections, which we will call:


The rest of this guide is about these 3 steps, giving you all the tools, strategies and methods to
bring your mind under control and unlock its true power.

As you read this guide and apply the steps, you will transform your life for the better.

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The 3 Steps

As mentioned, the 3 steps we are going to talk about are:

1. Energy
2. Intent
3. Action

That is:

Energy + Mental Intent + Action = Manifestation

Developing this further:

System of energy + system of mental intent + system of action


System of manifestation

So were not creating one-off manifestations here. Were creating a whole system which will
always continue to manifest for you.

In this guide, we will explain the steps as so:

Step 1: Everything You Need To Know About Energy
Step 2: Everything You Need To Know About Intent
Step 3: Everything You Need To Know About Action

Each of these sections is arranged into basic, intermediate and advanced sections. (So for
example, we will talk about basic energy, intermediate energy and advanced energy.) On the other
side is what these words mean.

Basic: Means the fundamentals which you must have. Without these, all of your efforts are 100%
in vain.

Intermediate: These are more advanced components which develop on the fundamentals.

Advanced: These are components to use when you are approaching mastery. They are called
advanced because you will need to have the basics and intermediate parts calibrated and made
automatic in your system before you attempt them.

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Basic, intermediate and advanced does not refer to the difficulty of implementing things. If
anything, the basics are the most important. Also, difficulty does not come into play here. Anything
can be learned, through practise and repetition.

The other thing with this guide is that there are some quotes from famous entrepreneurs, including
some of their net worth figures (ie how much money and wealth they made). This is only to
emphasise the value and importance of the points being made.

The reference quotes made are by no means an exhaustive list, and entrepreneurs are only used
because their manifestations are easily quantified in monetary and numerical value.

At the end of each section, there will be a summary so you can re-cap on the information you have
been given.

Lets get started.

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For a light bulb in your room to light up, you need electricity to flow through it. For a car to move, it
needs a battery + gas/oil to run. In fact, when we look at anything in life, we will realise that for any
system to work, a form of energy needs to flow through it. This also includes your manifestation

Energy is what is required to help us manifest. Energy and using it correctly is a great fundamental
of manifestation.

The energy we are talking about here relates to concepts such as:

Drive and Motivation
Commitment and Dedication
Vision and Innovation
Beliefs and Values
Feelings and Happiness

All of these things are components of ENERGY which are required to manifest.

Just think about it for a moment. Without believing in yourself, having motivation, having a vision
and being dedicated, how are you intending to manifest, out of the blue? It simply doesnt work like
that. All the technology you see around us today did not happen and manifest out of the blue. It
came due to the right beliefs, motivation, vision and many other things we will talk about in this
guide. For you to manifest, we therefore need to address all these components of energy and how
to use them correctly.

The most basic thing you need to do first is determine what your AIM and GOAL (i.e. the thing to
manifest) is going to be. To do this properly:
1. Identify and determine what your true passion and desire is in life.
What is it that you really want to accomplish/manifest in life? What is your true desire that you
really really really want above everything else? If youre having trouble answering these questions
simply ask yourself instead, if I could do anything in my life right now, what would I be doing and
what would I keep wanting to do?. And answer it by being honest with yourself.

Get out a piece of paper and write what you want to achieve. Write down your goal and aim. Do it
without considering any of the limitations that could possibly happen. Just pretend that some
magic fairy is going to grant your wish no matter what. Put aside everything else for the moment,
and just write your goal down. To help you understand the idea of doing what you really want to do
in life, consider Warren Buffett who is said to be the most successful investor of all time who grew
a $50,000 investment to a fortune of $62 billion over 30 years. Warrens true passion is
investments and securities. So even if you were to give him another $62 billion, nothing in his
lifestyle would change! He would still get up early every morning, read the paper and analyse
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securities like he loves to do. Hes doing what he wants to do, and hes following his true passion.
He doesnt need a holiday, because hes already on holiday by following and living his dreams and
passion in life.

Having a goal is crucial to success. You need to have 3-5 goals that you want to achieve, at any
point in life. If you have more than this, your goals are not big enough. So, think to yourself right
now and see what your goals really are. Without goals and expecting things to come out of the
blue, no manifestation will result.

You know you are doing the right thing when you would do it without getting paid for it. So really
think deeply about what your true goal and aim in life is. This might take some time to discover if
you havent paid much attention to setting a goal before, but it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that
you take the time to think about your goal.

So ask yourself, if you could do anything, what would you be doing?. Write a list of things. If you
have 5-6 or 1-2 things on the list, thats fine. Write them down on paper. Set up a lifestyle to aim
for, and not just one thing.

It is always important to aim for A LIFESTYLE instead of individual things or items like a car or a
house for example. These are poor goals to have and dont require any secrets or skill to
achieve. You can slave away at your job all day and eventually you will be able to get these things.
However, if you want to significantly alter your life and take things to much higher levels, having
your goal as a lifestyle is much more effective and rewarding.

Possible answers could be I want to run my dream business in real estate, I want to travel the
world. I want to live in X city, with Y job, and do Z things. etc. etc.

Living your passion and dream must always be the aim. Technical talk: Since living your passion is
an action, your goal and aim must therefore always be a physical act or system of acts and not a
specific thing.

2. With this list of things you could be doing, ask yourself another question:

Out of these true passions and desires, which of these passions do I definitely want to do and
have them manifested in my life? Whatever passions you decide to choose here will be your aim
and goal, and this is exactly what you are going to set as the thing to manifest. The reason you are
asking this question is to determine how honest you are with yourself. You might have put
something on your goal list that isnt really what you want. That thing is probably nice to have, but
it isnt your true goal. And you are looking to find your TRUE GOALS here.
The truth is that you cannot just manifest anything. You can only manifest what you really want
and which you have a genuine desire for deep on the inside. If you lie to yourself and go for
something you dont truly want, you are reducing your manifestations.

In simple terms, do not lie to yourself. Be honest with yourself about what you really want.
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This is your goal now set. This is what you are going to manifest. This is the absolute basic thing

What To Expect

When you have your goal defined, youll have a very basic understanding of your goal and what
you want to manifest. This is totally obvious, but it will surprise you how many people dont even
bother to do this, and wonder why they cant achieve their goals! Writing down the goal and
knowing what it is is crucial, so you are now on the right track.

Also, by setting your goal as your true passion, you will be naturally motivated to pursue the goal,
increasing the manifestation over time. At the moment however, the manifestation is non-existent
until we add additional components to maximise the energy flow, as well as intent and action
areas explored later.

The Importance Of Passion

Your true passions and what you really want to do in life are DEEPLY HELD within you. So when
you are following your passions, you receive much more energy, enthusiasm and drive than non-
passion things. To connect to this source is simply a matter of following your own passion to allow
this energy to flow.

Passion is the fundamental energy which will get you moving towards your goals in the quickest
way. Your true passion is what GENUINELY AND DEEPLY influences you, so this HAS to be the
thing you want to manifest.

End of Basic Energy

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Energy Intermediate

In the basics energy section we learned:

You need to set your goal of what you want to manifest. This should include your genuine
passions and desires, and be set up as a lifestyle you want to live.

However, electricity will only flow to a light bulb continuously when the switch for the light is turned
on, and doesnt go off whenever it feels like. Similarly, we can only keep the energy on to our
goals, through an energy trigger which acts as the switch.

In intermediate energy, we will learn:

Alongside your aim, you need to add PURPOSE. Purpose is the reason you are doing things and
it is your switch to making the energy flow. Without following and living by your own purpose, no
manifestation can occur.

There has to be a reason why you are doing what you are doing. What this comes down to in
basic terms, is doing things with integrity and in accordance with whats important to you, for your
own purpose. If you are wanting to manifest without a purpose, it will not happen.

1. Have a look at the list below and rate the purpose mentioned in an order of importance to you.
(10 being the highest and 1 the lowest)

Examples Of Purpose

Giving others freedom and rights
Becoming the best you can be
Making a better life for yourself
For your family - making your family proud
For your children, spouse, parents etc
For your God
For your country
Representing your country with honor
Inspiring others to greater feats of achievement
Making a difference to the world
Impacting millions of peoples lives
Embracing and revolutionising technology
Living life to the fullest

You can add additional ones if you feel you have other another purpose as this is just a basic list.

2. Once you have rated everything, look back at the list and analyse it. By ordering the information
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from highest to lowest, you can see what your most important purpose is. These are the ones you
should follow. Your true purpose is always what gets your juices and energy flowing. It should
connect to you deep inside and you should feel it affecting you, just by thinking, reading or talking
about it.

This is when you know you have a purpose that is worthy of achieving.

3. Live by that purpose

Now that you know what your most important purpose is, you need to put your priority in that

Examples Of Purpose In The World

If you look at any successful company or person, you will see that they have a purpose which they
live by which is the cornerstone for why they do things and why they get out of bed in the morning.
Companies, organisations and groups have mission statements. People have goals and reasons
to do things.

Without a purpose or reason, there is no motivation to get out of bed. Your goal will then just act
as a wish for Santa Claus and will not come true.

Your purpose will obviously depend on your goal.

Remember, the point of having a purpose is to give yourself a switch to turn on that light bulb. For
now, think carefully about what your purpose is. Remember that without a purpose, you dont even
have a switch to turn on that light bulb!

Your purpose and sticking to it is undoubtedly a huge cornerstone to your success, because it
gives you the energy, deep inside, to move quickly and powerfully to your goals.

The Value In Purpose

Your purpose is something which motivates you deep inside. Therefore, being in tune with that
purpose brings you motivation from within where it really counts. You are much more likely to put
in the hours and real work to get things done, instead of only being half motivated.

This is why it is essential to have a purpose that really connects and is genuine to you. This will
allow you to make maximum progress and give you the motivation you need to succeed.

By setting a true purpose, you are giving yourself the energy and determination needed to persist
if the going gets tough, or when you want to raise your performance to the next level.

You will know after a while if what you have selected is your true purpose or not. The evidence will
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be in how motivated and willing you are to push hard to your goals.

What To Expect

Putting this into place will give you the fundamental motivation you need to succeed. This power
will invigorate and charge you to greater success than you may have imagined. It will push you to
maximum achievements and have you working harder to manifest. This is a basic fundamental of
manifestation, and all your efforts will be meaningless until all the lessons are covered and
accounted for.


Your body is surrounded by an energy force field, and this is called an aura. Your aura acts as
your natural defense mechanism against the negative energy of others.

An example of another force field is the magnetic field around the planet Earth. This force field
acts as a protective shield against the harmful effects of solar radiation, which come from the Sun.
If the magnetic field did not exist around the Earth, no life could exist on this planet. It is that

Your personal force field is just as important and it needs to be kept in good condition to help
maximise your manifestation efforts. The aura should never be allowed to become weak, as this
opens you to the negativity of others, to take on their mindsets, and not maximise manifestation

When you strengthen the aura, you are allowing your mind to become strong without negative
external things bringing it down. This means that you can influence and connect to your
unconscious mind better, meaning more mind power for manifestation.

More On The Aura

The magnetic field of the Earth is generated and maintained, because the earth has a flow of
energy passing through it, right to its molten core. Similarly, you have an aura because your body
has energy flowing through it as well. This energy flows through specific points from your head to
toe, and the major flow points are commonly known as your chakras.

When the flow of energy in your body is good, the aura will also be good. When the energy and
aura is in good condition, you will feel excellent in your body and mind. Focus will be high and
achieving great feats becomes easy. When the aura is weak, you will lack confidence, be affected
by others, take on negativity and generally be less productive in anything you do.

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Benefits Of Strengthening The Aura And Your Energy System
Here are some benefits of having a strong aura:

1. You will be more confident and other people will not affect you

2. You will be more assertive and speak your mind more

3. You will feel more comfortable around people, and begin to associate with high achieving
people naturally

4. You will be able to help people more and make a positive difference

5. You will draw more attention from others and they will gravitate towards you

6. You will feel healthier and happier overall

7. You will boost your immune system and have better health

8. You will improve your finances dramatically

9. You will have more energy and enthusiasm in day to day things

10. Will feel manifest more in every area of your life

It goes without saying that it is absolutely vital that you ensure your aura and energy system is as
strong as you can make it.

Ways To Strengthen The Aura And Your Energy System

There are several things you can do to strengthen the aura, and we will talk about some of them

Cold Showers

A cold shower is a fantastic way to strengthen the aura and dissolve negativity. We have many
more cold receptors on our body than heat receptors, and this is because the body was designed
for a cold shower or bath. For this, you would need to take a cold shower every day, every second
day, or several times a day.

A cold shower is said to be soul building stuff because it strengthens the body and makes you
more of a person. In todays society, we have become used to luxury and ease that many people
use warm showers and cant contemplate the horror of a freezing shower. However, a warm
shower is very bad for your aura and will not help you to ward off the negativity of others.
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Within moments of a cold shower, it will reset your energy centers and lead to an immediate
release of negativity, straight away. It will also dramatically improve your circulation. On stepping
out, make sure you step out into a warm room right away. You will feel the difference within
moments and your overall happiness and clarity will be greater than ever before.


A good way to bring a cold shower into your daily routine comfortably and without causing too
much shock from the coldness of the water, is to try the following schedule. You will need an
adjustable shower head for this:

A. Turn on the shower, but make sure it is warm water and not cold. Stay under this warm shower
for a few minutes, as you would normally do, in a normal warm shower.

B. Next, you want to slowly reduce the temperature of the water, one step at a time. Every 30
seconds, reduce the temperature. The 30 seconds will allow you to get used to the temperature
as it stands without feeling too cold.

C. On getting to the cold levels of water, direct the water to your legs and feet to begin with. Adjust
the shower head to do this. It will be more bearable having cold water on your legs, than on your
stomach, shoulder or back area.

D. Use your hands to gently wash some of the cold water over your shoulders, stomach and back.
This will desensitise you slightly to the coldness.

E. Now put the whole shower head over your whole body. It will be more bearable now, since you
have gradually adjusted in stages.

In any case, the water will still stay cold and you will feel it being chilly and pricking on your body.
This is good, because you are getting a real cleanse of your system. Over time, you will not feel
the coldness as much, and instead, you will feel excellent and confident about the process.

Do this for several minutes at most. It will help your system to clear and make you much more
positive for the day ahead.

Sea Salt To Strengthen The Aura Or Reduce Negativity
Another thing you can do to strengthen the aura is to bathe in sea salt. This is a good idea if a cold
shower is too much for you.

For this, you will need to get real sea salt, which can be purchased in small bags online, and place
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a few tablespoons of it into your bath tub. Bathe in this water regularly and watch your aura get
gradually stronger over time.

You can also use sea salt within a warm or cold shower setting. For this, simply scrub some sea
salt over your whole body and wash off, just as you would with soap.

Another variation to this, is to dissolve negativity in the area around you using sea salt, so that it
doesnt have the chance to affect your aura to begin with. To do this, take a bowl and place sea
salt + water into it. Mix until the sea salt is dissolved. Place this in a negative part of your home or
office and change the salt every 12-24 hours.

You can place one bowl in the center of your room, or you can place smaller bowls (or even
cups/glasses) in the corner of your rooms.

This is also good to do in cases where people have been negative in your home or office.

It is important not to over-do the use of sea salt and use it too often as it may make you feel
lethargic and less comfortable emotionally.

Eat Healthier Foods To Strengthen The Aura And Manifest More

Eating healthy foods is a fantastic way to strengthen the aura and the energy flow in your body.
When you eat healthy foods, you feel lighter and more powerful on the inside. Foods such as
fruits, vegetables, wholemeal breads, brown rice and non-processed meals are excellent for the
body. Stay away from junk foods (e.g pizza, burgers, fries), white foods (such as white rice, white
pasta, white bread) and anything processed. Do this every single day.
To make this work for you, it is important to take a day off and cheat by eating anything you
want. This allows you to be sensible about your diet options. You dont need to sacrifice all the
luxuries you normally consume. Limiting them and changing the focus of your diet will allow you
to get more enjoyment from the luxuries when they come.

Show Love And Appreciation

Showing love and appreciation for a negative situation or feeling will help to dissolve the negative
energy which is there. This is a powerful and natural force that will work for you.

Love and appreciation are powerful positive energies that can walk through anything negative and
dissolve it completely. This means saying thanks and showing love to friends and foes (if you have
them) alike.

It is impossible to feel animosity for someone that says you are excellent and doing everything
well, and that you appreciate them being there and for sharing their time and experience with you.
It is a position of complete abundance that pulls everyone into a positive energy cycle even more.

There are other methods out there to strengthen the aura, but these are the ones which we use
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and we have seen them to be highly effective. Try them for yourself and see the difference it can
make for you.

Remember, the reason you are strengthening your aura is to stop non-manifesting energies from
affecting your mind and body. When the mind and body is protected, you have more mental
strength to influence your own unconscious mind. When the aura is weak, the mind is also weak,
and the influence you have then is little.

In the basic and intermediate section, we learned:

You need to set the goal of what you want to manifest. This should be something you are
genuinely interested in, and should be set up as a lifestyle which you want to live.

Next, you need to define your purpose, and stick with that purpose at all times. This acts as a
switch for your motivation, so that you push yourself to higher feats and keep going when the road
gets tough.

Finally, you need to strengthen the creative energy flow in your body. This is through
strengthening the aura and removing non-manifesting energies. This gives you real manifestation
power and makes everything work correctly.

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Energy Advanced

In this advanced section, we will deal with:

Ways to ensure that you are always coming from a position of mental strength, power and energy.

How To Always Come From A Position Of Strength

In every single situation which you experience in your life, it is either empowering or
disempowering you towards your goal. The fundamental principle which this lies on is called
Having & Not Having. This can summarised with two points:
a) When you come from a position of having, there is an increase in positive feelings, intensity and
abundance. You interpret things in a positive way, and positive results will happen to you all the

It is a mindset and belief deep inside that no matter what happens, there will always be enough to
do whatever you want to do and get the things you want to achieve.
b) When you feel you do not have something, the very things that you do have will begin to decline
and you will lose them very quickly. This is a mindset of lack, meaning the lack increases even

The Power Of Having

The greatest myth in the world, is that not having something physically means that you dont have
it. The truth of the matter is that owning something is a man made belief, and that is not the same
as natural law, where the true laws and power lies.
To be clear, ownership of anything is based 100% on beliefs made up by people. There is no
natural law by which its bound.

For example, if someone owns a house, that is only because they have a piece of paper which
says they own it. The paper only has value because other people have said it does. If everyone
were to disregard the value in it, or if a more powerful person or entity said it was worthless, it
would be worthless. It is not intrinsically of value in itself, except what people say is its value.

If you ignore the man made and stick to the natural, you will realise that it is just as true to say you
have everything already. It is also your right to achieve anything you can conceive, so you can
have ownership of those things in a man-made way as well.

The essential lesson here is that you must always feel and believe that you have in any situation.
There is always enough for you.

This means that you must never become jealous or feel bad about somebody else having
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something that you want. You must never lust, feel in awe or long for something. These things
signify lack and the not-have position. This is an absolutely crucial point and you need to
understand this.

If you ever feel lacking in any area of your life, your lack is going to increase. If you ever feel
having in any area of your life, your having is going to increase. Lack weakens the mind. Having
strengthens it and makes you feel strong.

How To Practise Having Correctly

There are 3 components to having. These are simple points:

a) you must have the feeling of having for everything in your life. This is the same as saying that
the have-not feeling is not around in your mind or body. To do this: imagine what your life would
be like, if there was always enough power, resources, money and confidence to do whatever you
truly wanted to do. Imagine you grew up, with all the opportunity and resources you needed to
succeed, and there was always enough to do whatever you truly wanted to do. What beliefs would
you have? How would you talk to yourself? How would your voice sound? What would your
posture be like? Who would you hang about with?

Ask yourself these questions and answer them regularly. Imagine the answers were real. Doing
this programs the suggestions into your unconscious mind and makes the having position happen
naturally for you.

b) you must choose to believe that you can have anything you genuinely want

c) you must take more control of your mind and body (ie have the mind and body, instead of
letting it control you)

The exercise above helps to change and control your unconscious thoughts, so that it is geared
for your goals. It will help to bring all of these things into alignment for you.

Remember that what is going on in the unconscious has huge power over your life. You may have
conscious control and be aware at the conscious level, but what is happening deep inside your
unconscious mind is the most determinant of where you will eventually end up.

Your imagination acts as the gateway to re-wire and re-model the unconscious mind, closer to
your goals so it needs to be used as a key tool to changing your unconscious wiring.

If you simply imagine yourself having the thing you want in the present and really get into the
experience, your unconscious mind will very slowly begin to change.

Remember that they key here is consistency, and that your unconscious mind can always be
influenced on a second to second basis. This exercise will only work if you are consistent with it,
and do not offer the opposite or contradictory suggestions to your unconscious mind at the same
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time. Doing that is the same as driving in first gear, but then going into reverse gear and going
back where you started, and then back to first gear, only to reverse again and so forth. You must
be in one gear all the time going forward to your goals, and that means consistently imagining
having your goal already.

Doing the exercise for 5 minutes per day is all that is required.
Having as a feeling can therefore be summarised as not changing your emotion or feeling
depending on the situation youre presented with in your life. When theres a change in your
feeling or emotion, youre in the have-not position.

The essence here in having is to come from a position of abundance. We are already coming
from a position of strength by following our purpose from the intermediate section. But now, we are
increasing it even more from always coming from a position of abundance and believing in the
ability to achieve what we want.

This is totally crucial to your success. You must be coming from a position of strength in your
mind. Do things that make you feel good, and this position of having will increase even more.

Checking Whether You Are Having Or Not
A good way to check whether you are in the have or have-not position is to simply place
yourself in the situation which you wish to analyse. For example, to manifest a relationship, do you
feel happy when you see a happy couple, or do you feel sad? When you see a successful and rich
person, do you feel jealous or do you feel excited?

The way you feel around the things you want will tell you whether, deep inside, you believe you
can have those things or not. You must take the steps to change if you are feeling weak. This will
take time, and at least several weeks to notice significant change. To do this effectively and
permanently, you must take charge of your mind and re-wire it.

Not-having and feeling weak is simply a product of how you have programmed your mind through
the years. It can be changed through active use of your imagination and control of your thoughts.
We should therefore take note, and observe our feelings and emotions in different situations.
When we feel bad in a situation we want to improve in, the chances are we are in the have-not
position. The key is to always feel good, and always come from a position of abundance as much
as possible.

Using Affirmations To Have

Affirmations are thoughts which you say to yourself. This has the effect of helping to re-wire your
unconscious mind if done correctly. It programs the mind to believe in abundance, prosperity and
goodness. It will bring the having position fully into your being.

Reading affirmations every single day is a great way to start changing the internal wiring of your
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mind. It should be used regularly for best results.

You see, the mind you have is a program, and if you arent manifesting, it has been programmed
the wrong way. The mind must be programmed the right way to give you the right mindset to
succeed. With the right programming, your ability to control your mind will increase hugely. You
will always feel good, and you will be making progress all the time. One way to change the
programming is to use affirmations.

As a side note, dont listen to anyone who says affirmations dont work. They do work, and there
are thousands of multi-millionaires out there who can confirm to you that it does. The person that it
isnt working for is perhaps doing other things wrong in their life so that the affirmations are
annulled. Affirmations are a re-programming tool for your mind with guaranteed results. You must
understand this point. Your mind will be better over time, more positive, and form positive
associations with your experiences, bringing them into your reality.

Below are some affirmations which you should use. They will help to reinforce positive thinking, a
positive unconscious mind and lead to positive manifestations.

1. Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better 2. I am becoming a total financial
success 3. I am worth it 4. I deserve success 5. I feel good about my life. 6. My life is getting better
and better every day

You can easily come up with your own affirmations. Just make sure they are short and positively
worded (no negative words should be in it, ever). Repeat your affirmations throughout the day.
Repeating each affirmation at least 20 times daily, with faith, conviction, energy and concentration
will work wonders. Keep doing this and your mind will be re-programmed completely over time.

Adding to this, you need to imagine the affirmation having come true. Imagine what you would be
doing, thinking and feeling if the affirmation came true for real. This helps to add additional fodder
to program the unconscious. Remember that the unconscious mind is influenced by your

Giving Yourself More Energy And Power To Manifest

Another way to improve your manifestation is to focus on doing the things you love, within a task.
For example, say you are doing a project and you are only good at doing certain things in it. You
should focus on your strengths and do the things you like best in the project. This will mean you
will do those things better, with more skill and enjoy yourself more. The other things you can either
delegate to someone else, or remove completely.

The more you concentrate on your strengths and focus on making them stronger, the more you
will be more in tune with who you really are, and what you really want to achieve.

So to conclude this section, advanced energy is about always coming from a positive feeling of
strength, created through belief, affirmations and consistency in re-programming the mind.
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All of these qualities help you to move with maximum motivation and power to the thing you want
to manifest. If you feel weak, you will not manifest. Its as simple as that. You need to feel strong
and come from a position of strength.

Everything Regarding Energy:

You need to set clear goals. These goals should be the things that you genuinely want to achieve
in life. They should include your true desires only. You should also set your goal up as a lifestyle,
rather than an object you want.

You need to know what your purpose is. Your purpose is why you will get out of bed and keep
going when the going gets tough. It will keep you on track and give you a real direction for your

You need to maximise the creative energy flow in your body. This means having a strong aura as
a force field to protect yourself against negative energies.

You need to come from a position of strength, called having, instead of not having. In other
words, you need to come from a position of abundance and strength. You do this through knowing
you can get what you want, talking about things positively and how you want it to be (affirmations)
and following your strengths.

Other Important Lessons From This Section:

You cannot manifest just anything. You can only manifest your true hearts desires.

Do not lie to yourself about what you really want. Doing this is reducing your energy. Be genuine
about what you want and you will feel strong on the inside.

Do not aim for something too high. This is also lying to yourself. You should aim for something that
is 2-3 times greater than the life you currently have. This is because it will seem more realistic in
your unconscious mind. If it is too high, it will seem unrealistic in your mind. Once you reach those
goals, you can aim even higher.

Think clearly about what you want, for a while. Dont just jump into it right away. Be honest at all

Always live by your purpose. They are your source of strength in life. Without this, you will never
manifest to your true potential.

Always protect your aura by consuming good foods, clearing your body with sea salts occasionally
and possibly taking cold or cooler showers.
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Be wary of negative emotion. This eats up manifestation energy. The best way to stop it is to
strengthen the aura, associate only with positive people as much as you can and also work to
create a strong intent (explained in the next section).

If you feel negative about anything, change it as soon as possible. Focus on good things as much
as you can. What you focus on will grow larger and stronger.

Your mind is a program. To manifest, the mind must be programmed the right way.

Affirmations are a powerful way to change the programming of your mind. You can read
affirmations daily to change your mindset.

Your affirmations only have power when they are positive, stated in the present tense and also
evoke your imagination. You need to imagine the affirmation as being true to send a new signal
successfully to your unconscious mind.

This concludes the section on energy. There is a lot more to be said. Lets now move to intent,
which is the second part of manifestation.

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For electricity to flow correctly and light a bulb, we need to have a circuit in place, with the right
current and voltage. The role of intent in manifestation is similar. It is the circuit, current and
voltage of your manifestation efforts.

Your intent is everything which is happening inside your mind. For example, your focus,
concentration, mental thinking, types of thoughts you have and where you put the mental

Intent is related to intention, but slightly different. Your intention itself has already been set, which
is you writing your goal down about what you want to manifest and creating a resolve to achieve it.
Here, we are building some more blocks to make this more solid and powerful.
So in intent, there are several things needed, and we will talk about these one by one:
1. A mental direction
2. A clear image to reinforce the direction
3. A single focus to the goal
All of these are in fact created together and are necessary for manifestation.

Mental Direction & How To Set It
For electric polarity, there are only 2 directions. These are + and -. In manifestation, there are also
only 2 directions, in that we are either moving towards our goal, or moving away from it.

Another way to explain this situation is to think of a car. The car must be put in the right gear if it is
to move forward. If the car is in reverse gear and you are expecting to go forward, what will
happen when you press the accelerator pedal? If the car is in first gear and you want to move in
reverse, what will happen if you press the pedal then?

For you to go where you want to go, the car of your life must be in the right gear.

Translating this, it means that for you to manifest, your mind should always have an emphasis of
moving towards the goal, instead of moving away from it. This is a very subtle thing but experience
will show you that this mental direction exists. For anyone that isnt manifesting, it is because the
mind is wandering about, either in a negative direction, or nowhere at all. This is instead of the
mind moving in a positive direction.

Here are some examples of being in the wrong gear:

Imagining everything that could go wrong in a situation, or negative things in general
Thinking negative things, blaming or complaining

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These things may be happening subtly, but you must pay attention to them, as they are the signal
that you are in the wrong gear.

Here are examples of being in the right gear:

Imagining how good your life will be when you reach your goals
Getting excited about getting your goal
Imagining good things and positive situations in your mind
Imagining everything going perfectly well

To put your mind in the right gear, you will need to make an effort to think about what you want,
instead of what it is you do not want. This is the first step. The next step is that you need to focus
your mind as much as possible on the things you want, and eliminate all other possibilities
(including the things you dont want. )

This needs to be done, day in, day out. It is no use thinking about what you want for 2 days per
week, and then thinking about what you dont want for the other 5 days in the week. You need to
be congruent and keep the direction going positively for the things you want as much as you can.
Over time, this will form as a habit in your mind. You will find it much easier to keep the emphasis
in the right place, and the effects on your life will be huge.

So, if you are not manifesting as you would like, it may be because you are in the wrong gear.

Enter The Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind is the super processor of your brain. You must learn to connect to it, and
re-wire it so that it helps your manifestation efforts. If your mind keeps imagining bad things or
thinking bad thoughts, it is because the unconscious mind is telling it to do so, due to bad
programming in your childhood or through the environment. To change the unconscious mind, you
need to use your imagination, vision and mental imagery. This is the language of how you
connect to the unconscious mind and change it. Using the imagination exercises below, you can
send new signals to your unconscious mind so that it unlocks the old programming and allows
the new to settle in its place.

Exercise 1 - Monitoring & Identifying Your Current Mental Direction

1. How often do you imagine negative things happening? What images are going on in your mind
for those? How often do you imagine good things happening. What images are going on in your
mind for those?

2. How often do you talk or think about negative things in general? How often do you talk or think
about good things in general?

3. Are you thinking about all the bad things that can happen, or all the good things which can
happen in a situation?
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These are absolutely sensational questions and will tell you a lot about what is really happening in
your mind. Answer them honestly, and monitor your thoughts for one whole day to get accurate
answers. Also, monitor the mental images which are going on in your mind. Every day, there are
images and moving pictures happening in your mind. It is important to make sure these are
imagining good things, instead of bad things.

When this is done, you will realise whether you are in the right gear, or the wrong gear. If you are
in the wrong gear or can make improvements to be even more positive, make the effort to begin
changing your wiring now.

To change the gear takes time but it can be done. If you have spent your whole life thinking about
negative things or what you dont want, it may take several months of continuous effort to change
your thinking around properly. We will talk about how to do that on the next page.

In basic terms, you need to begin to imagine things as you want them to be. You need to talk
about things as you want them to be. You need to imagine and talk as much as possible of what
you want, instead of what you do not want.

You need to also catch yourself out when the negative images, thinking or talk comes in, and then
replace those with the good images. Doing this over time will completely transform your thinking,
from the inside out and alter your whole life trajectory completely.
Second Exercise - Changing Your Mental Direction To Be More Positive And Move In The Right
Mental Direction

Imagine what your life would be like, if you had achieved and manifested your goal. What would
you be doing? What would it sound like? Who would you be hanging about with? Who would you
tell or talk to about the manifestation? How would your day start and what would you be doing
every day? What kind of car would you drive? Where would you work? How would you feel about
yourself if you had achieved all of your goals? What beliefs would you have about whats

Close your eyes and imagine this is true and happening right now.

Imagine that all of your closest friends had achieved their goals. Imagine the most unsuccessful
person you know, having achieved their goals.

Imagine doubling your income this year. What would you be doing if that happened? Imagine that
you tripled your income this year. What would you be doing? How would you live? What would you
do every day?

Imagine achieving any other goal you desire. Imagine achieving double of that goal. What would it
be like? Imagine achieving triple of that goal. What would it be like? What beliefs would you have if
you had achieved it?
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These exercises might seem fanciful or not doing very much practically but if you are thinking
that, you have missed the point.

The point of imagining things as you want them to be, is to put your mind in that direction. If you
dont imagine it as you want it to be, the mind has no focus or direction to go for that goal. The
mind will then be at the whims of outside circumstances and other peoples negative thoughts and

Second, it is all good and well writing down on paper what you want, but you must also write it
down and remember it in your unconscious super processor mind, which is through imagining it in

Third, and easily the most important reason, is so you can talk directly to the unconscious mind.
Your unconscious mind will accept and attempt to make true, anything you place into it. Therefore,
when you imagine things as you want them to be, you unlock your unconscious powers and bring
your creative manifestation energies closer to reality.

In essence, you re-wire the unconscious super processor mind using the power of your

These exercises are also powerful for other reasons, and here are some key points:

1. Imagining everyone else being successful, makes it more comfortable for you to imagine
success for yourself as well.

2. Imagining doubling your income (or achieving double of any other goal you have) is great for
challenging the unconscious mind. Your mind over time will start to see the possibilities of what
you can do to double your income or achieve double of any other goal you have.

3. Imagining what you will be doing every day and what beliefs you have brings meat on the
bones and allows you to get a strong and detailed image of what your life would be like.

4. Imagining things as it is happening now, makes it in the present tense (instead of future or
past). This allows it to go straight into the unconscious mind, which relies on the present tense in
order to communicate effectively with it.

So, changing what is happening in your mind will start to move the creative mental energies in the
right direction. The direction of your mind is crucial to achieving success, and you need to have
the right direction, consistently and as much as possible.

Your Questions Answered

Q. I have imagined things as I wanted them to be before and nothing happened. What am I doing
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A. There are several possible reasons for this:

1. You are not imagining in the present. You need to see it as if its real now. Thinking about some
future event does not connect to the unconscious because the unconscious only recognises the
present moment.

2. You have a weak energy flow in your body. For example, having a weak aura is one key reason
for lack of effectiveness on imagining your success. You need to have a strong aura to stand a
chance of correctly influencing the unconscious mind.

3. Having a weak mental focus. You need to have a strong mental focus. This means a silent mind
which is free of wandering thoughts, and which can powerfully concentrate on what its doing
without going off track all the time.

4. Going back into negative thought patterns and images as soon as the session is over. It is no
good imagining your goals for 5 minutes and then going back into negative patterns. You need to
actively catch yourself out when negative patterns happen, and actively imagine yourself as you
want it to be.

Q. Whats the difference between imaginising and visualisation?

A. Visualisation and imagination are two completely different things, and will create completely
different results. It is important to not be confused and think they are the same, because they are
not. We are doing imaginising in our exercises, and not visualisation. Each comes from a
completely different part of the mind and imaginising is infinitely more powerful than visualisation.

With visualisation, you actively create only a visual image in your mind and visualise it in detail.
This does not work to change your life because there are more things required to influence the
unconscious mind than just a visual image on its own, because the mind is very complex. Every
person also interprets and perceives things differently, so a one size fits all visual image
situation does not work. Since it is also unnatural, it is laborious and will bog down your creative
energies, meaning nothing happens.

Visualisation is useful though as a meditation exercise that can quieten the mind.

With imaginising, you are imagining things as you want them to be specifically in the present,
including what it looks like, what it sounds like, feels, who you are going to be with, what beliefs
you will have, your posture, voice, what you would be doing every day and many other things. It is
much more holistic, involves more senses and complements your own internal way of perceiving
and interpreting things, because you can imagine it in any way you want (and not necessarily as a
strict image like in visualisation). This makes it natural, draws and accesses more resources
within, and doesnt require you to put too much effort into it.

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Imagination also evokes and connects to different memory parts of the brain, different feelings in
the body and different types of energy flow by default.

It is this holistic, natural and self-complementary imagination way which links into so many aspects
of your being and mind, and this effectively changes and re-wires the unconscious mind, to
therefore change your life.

Q. How often should I do the second exercise?

A. You should do it as often as possible. 5 minute power sessions at various times of the day
though will do the trick. For example, in the morning, lunchtime, early evening and before bed. At
these times, you can remind yourself of what you want

Mental Focus

Alongside imagination, you need to have mental focus. Here are some lessons relating to mental
focus, which you will need to be aware of:

1. You must be aware if you are having wandering thoughts and bring your focus back.

Trying to control the mind directly is not the right way to stop the mind wandering. You need to be
looking at each type of focus, from largest to smallest, and see where you are in alignment, and
where you arent. This means correcting yourself in the 4 areas of overall, task general, task
specific and nano focus, with overall being the largest and first thing you need to fix. Bringing the
largest types of focus into alignment and focus first, will make it easier to bring the other areas up
to scratch when it comes to that.

Improve your focus in each area. Have a relevant lifestyle, do the right tasks by getting on with it,
focus your mind directly on it and nano focus will begin to appear. The more you keep working on
each area of focus, the more your mind will eventually settle down and become more quiet.

2. Follow a set routine

Following a set routine, such as waking up early every morning, doing certain things at certain
times, and retiring at the same time every night, will help to bring mental discipline into your life.
You will develop focus, by virtue of the mental organisation you have brought.

3. Know that your mind wanders because there are secret conversations happening which you are
not aware of

If your mind begins to wander from place to place, it is because there is a secret conversation
happening in your unconscious mind, which you are not aware of consciously. To get back onto
track and focused again, you simply need to change that conversation which is happening. You
can do that by changing your self talk. A wandering mind is a fraudulent type of self talk which
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takes away your power and makes you do the lazy thing. We will talk about this more in the
action section and how to correct it.

For now, know that wandering thoughts is due to hidden conversations in your mind which you are
not aware of.

4. Change your bad focus by changing the unconscious mind.

As you already know, the imagination is the primary tool that needs to be used in order to change
the unconscious mind. Here is another exercise to try:

Imagine a new you, right in front of you, which is totally focused and working hard to its goals. See
what that person is doing. Imagine the beliefs and confidence of that person. Next, step into that
person and be it. See through that persons eyes. Imagine being them. Have the beliefs of that
person and their confidence.

Next, imagine an even more focused and hard working you, in front of you. Repeat the process
again and step into that person. Imagine being it.

Repeat this process again and again for anything you want to do. Do this for 5 minutes every
single day. This type of exercise is talking to the unconscious mind directly, and helping to re-wire
it for the better.

Remember, it is imagination which helps to re-wire the unconscious mind. Over time, you will find
that your actions, behaviors and mindset is fundamentally changed.

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Intent Intermediate

From the intent basics section, you learned:

You need to think about what you want, instead of what you dont want. Think about what you
want, and how you are going to get it, as much as possible. This sets the mental direction
correctly. Otherwise the energy will flow in the wrong direction.

Be aware of what is going on in your head and make sure you are focused on what you want,
instead of anything else. Use your imagination to imagine what it would be like to have your goal.
Use your imagination as your primary tool to re-wire the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is the super processor of your mind. Nothing in your life will change until
you actively re-wire the unconscious mind through use of the imagination.

Next is to develop a single minded focus to the goal. This means doing relevant physical actions to
the goal and removing distractions. You must also re-direct your irrelevant and wandering
thoughts to stay concentrating and focused on these relevant tasks, so that you stay on focus.
Learning to develop focus is a skill which you can gradually get better at.

There are 4 types of focus: overall, task, specific and nano. You should look at each of these
areas one by one, and correct them one by one. As you bring the first 3 into alignment, you will
find that nano focus is possible. This is when you are able to get into the zone and this is where
serious manifestation will begin to happen.

Overall, this means that the more mental resources you can dedicate to the goal, in terms of
having relevant thoughts, and concentrating on relevant tasks, the more the manifestation will

In the intermediate section, we will look at :
1. How to strengthen the intent by raising your internal thermostat
At the moment, we have a basic direction for our mental energies, by thinking about what we want
instead of anything else. Improving your thermostat will allow you to go for new possibilities.
2. How to maintain the correct mindset on a day to day basis.
Your mind is always going to be active on a second to second basis. How you should think and act
on a day to day basis will be explored.

How To Raise The Internal Thermostat

As you already know, we will always act in accordance with our internal blueprint, which is the
unconscious mind.

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If the bleuprint says we will only earn $10k dollars in a year, then no matter what we do, we will
tend to only earn $10k dollars. If the blueprint was set to $500k dollars, then no matter what we
do, we would tend to earn only $500k dollars. And so on.

In essence, whatever is held deeply in the inside is how you will act and achieve on the outside.

The blueprint can also be likened to being a thermostat. By changing the temperature on the
thermostat, you can change what is happening in the unconscious mind, and therefore your life.

To imagine life as you want it to be, and to step into that life with a very clear and focused mind is
to change the thermostat. So, if you imagine yourself earning significantly more than you are used
to, this is creating a new wiring in your unconscious mind which will change your actions and

Ways To Strengthen Your Intent By Raising The Temperature

If you are going through the same cycles over and over, it is because the thermostat has not been
changed. To change the thermostat is to use your imagination.

Wealth Thermostat

To raise your wealth thermostat, imagine doubling your income in the next 12 months. Imagine
how that would feel. What would you be doing? How would you sit, stand and walk? Become
comfortable with that new number and imagine it is real now.

Relationships Thermostat

To raise your relationships thermostat, imagine having the perfect relationship that you desire.
Imagine that other person saying exactly what you want them to say, do exactly what you want
them to do and having all the romance, love, friendship that you could possibly desire. Imagine
that is happening now. Imagine now that it got even better than that and improved even more.

Health Thermostat

To raise your health thermostat, imagine what your life would be like if you had perfect health.
What would you be doing? Who would you hang about with? How would you feel about life?

You can modify these 3 exercises to whatever your specific circumstance or situation is. These
exercises help to send new signals to the unconscious mind so that they can begin to accept
your suggestions as true. The possibility then opens up for you, leading to new behaviors,
thoughts and actions. The manifestation then comes from that.

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How To Strengthen Your Intent Directly

To strengthen your intent is about focusing your energies, behavior and thoughts on one outcome
and one outcome only. This means being single minded and putting all your mental eggs in one
basket. It is this single mindedness and not being choppy in wanting two things at the same time,
that is clarifying your intent.

Thinking of two things at the same time or having two priorities at the same time is not as strong
an intent. By putting 100% in, you get 100% out. That is the law. You cant put 50% in and expect
100% out. You can only guarantee 100% out, when there is 100% in. Clarifying your intent is a
skill that takes time and practise. It can be done when you utilise this power now. We talk about
this more in the next page.

How To Maintain The Correct Mindset On A Day To Day Basis
On day to day things, you are obviously going to use your mind. But where should the mind be on
a day to day basis?

1. Single minded focus to the goal.

This is made up of overall focus, task general focus and task specific focus. What you must do is
work on all of these areas one by one, and bring them into alignment. The largest is overall focus
which needs to be put in line first.

Singleness of purpose is essential for success in life.
John Rockefeller. (Worlds richest man of all time: $325 billion personal fortune)

2. Putting your full attention on what you are doing, as you are doing it

This is how we build our intent. When we are totally focused on what we are doing, you actually
help to re-wire the unconscious mind. This means that information inside the unconscious mind -
such as negative programming - gets slowly deleted automatically. At the same time, you are
allowing positive focus to make your imagination have more impact on the unconscious mind.
There are therefore immense benefits from staying focused. There is not a single disadvantage to
a focused mind.

As you become focused, you will realise that you achieve greater intuition and insight.

3. No fantasising or daydreaming

Fantasising and daydreaming are two things which suck away your creative energy. As you
already know, it is important to focus your mind clearly on what you are doing. When you focus
clearly like this, you achieve greater control and ability to wire the unconscious mind. Fantasising
and daydreaming are not the same as imagining things. Fantasising is uncontrolled thinking.
Imagining is controlled thinking and directing your mind on what you want to achieve in life.
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4. Going for your goal directly with self-discipline.

Self discipline is a skill which is created. It does not happen over night. We will talk about this more
in the Action section, but for now, know that you must write a plan of action of what you are going
to do, every single day. Then, you need to follow through with that plan. The degree to which you
can set a plan and follow it through, is the degree to which your mindset is precise and clear. This
contributes to nano focus and will help you get in The Zone and concentrate better over the short
and long term.

A day plan should be at least 1 page long, on an A4 sheet of paper.

What Is Intuition And What Advantage Does It Provide?

Intuition is a thought which comes from deep within the unconscious mind (technically, its called a
mental manifestation). This type of thought doesnt need justifying or explaining in order to make
sense. Its the deepest and purest form of inspiration and thought which you can have and can
reveal a key lesson, idea or course of action to take.

Intuition like this will happen when your mind is very focused and it can act as an invaluable guide
in situations where you are unsure or require further clarification. This helps you to make the right

As you may be aware, what happens in life is based on your decisions. To make the right
decisions is to transform your life for the better.

Experience has taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good
something sounds on paper.
Donald Trump. (American property tycoon. $2 billion personal fortune)

Living In The Moment Explained

Living in the moment is one aspect of Task Specific Focus which you will need to master, to
achieve real and deep focus. This means that you need to be putting your whole attention on what
you are doing, as you are doing it. This has immense benefits to clarify and strengthen intent. To
re-cap the benefits again, they are:

1. They delete bad programming in the unconscious mind. This means false beliefs and thinking
can be dissolved.

2. They allow your imagination to re-wire the unconscious mind more. This means you can take
on new beliefs and thinking patterns much more easily. Your actions and behavior can be
fundamentally changed. For example, shyness can be replaced with confidence. Laziness can be
replaced with self discipline. Narrow mindedness can be replaced with seeing the possibilities.
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3. You strengthen your overall focus, feel more confident and eventually can enter The Zone of
peak performance. The Zone is an energetic state of mind that has powerful manifestation

4. You can receive more intuition to make better decisions

5. You allow more creative energy to be invested into your goals, so that they can come true.

These benefits are absolutely immense and are very easy to underestimate. They translate to
more wealth, health, better relationships and everything else. In simple terms, living in the moment
is the way to change the course of your life. Without actively changing your mind with momentary
living, your future will be just like your past ie nothing in your life will change.

How To Live In The Moment

Living in the moment is very simple, but if you are not used to it, it does require some practise to
bring fully into being. Follow the steps below:

A. Concentrate fully on what you are doing, as you are doing it. Look directly at what you are
doing, and keep your mind focused on it. Only think about what you are doing and concentrate
your mind on this.

B. Dont focus on the future or the past, fantasise, visualise, contemplate etc whilst you are doing
your task. Just keep your whole mind and body working on it. Dont mess about. Get down to
work, and put your whole mind and soul into it.

The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well. According as you put
something in, the greater will be your dividends of salvation.
John Rockefeller. (Worlds richest man of all time. $325 billion personal fortune.)

This is a sensational quote. What Rockefeller is saying here about doing the common things
uncommonly well is to put your whole mind into what you are doing. This leads to salvation
because it is changing the course of your life. It is dissolving your negative beliefs (held in the
unconscious), and allowing you to create new beliefs which are more in tune with what you wish to

If you find it difficult to focus on something, it may be advised to get a job and work for someone
for a while. If you cannot focus yourself and want quick changes, the only option is to force change
by getting someone else to force you to be focused and disciplined. This is particularly true of
younger people or students who may not have commenced their working lives. After several
months of routine work, you will find it easier to be focused and will be able to keep it up.

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Other Important Points - Comments On Appreciation, Non-Judgement And Forgiveness

These additional things are only added in at waypoints: that is, at certain situations. The beauty
here is that because youre displaying them automatically, theyre still part of your basic mindset.
Its just that theyre not in your state of awareness. We would say these components are situation
specific because you dont need them to manifest directly. They are all covered completely in
process through the other steps in this guide. BUT, its important these are mentioned as many
misconceptions on these components exist.

The Truth About Appreciation Phenomena
Appreciation phenomena can be simplified as gratitude, and almost everyone is unfortunately
doing it completely wrong. Gratitude is something which contributes to happiness. It is the
happiness which contributes to the manifestation and not the gratitude. Anything that makes you
happy will help your manifestations, and not just from gratitude.

The reason happiness has this manifestation quality is because being happy makes you relax and
realise that everything in the moment you are in is just perfect for that moment. This level of
happiness has your creative manifestation energies flowing naturally, and this creates your

There are also several names for showing appreciation, and each displays a unique perspective of
what appreciation actually is. Some names are:
a) Immense fascination
b) Genuine interest
c) Admiration
d) Gratitude
e) Thankfulness
f) Sympathy
g) Intrigue
All the words above have specific meanings, but are all forms of appreciation. These are all done
automatically so there is in fact nothing you have to do in relation to appreciation. For example, if
your goal is to manifest 3 new homes, and you manifest 2 of them, you will obviously be happy
that you are on the way to getting your goal of 3. Happiness here is a form of appreciation which
helps you acknowledge the manifestation in progress. You dont have to do anything, because in
this case, happiness comes automatically as the goal is manifesting.

That is not to say that gratitude should not be done. Being thankful is a position of abundance and
confidence. To be thankful will make you more confident and take the higher and abundant ground
in any situation.
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The Power Of Non-Judgement
Non-judgement basically means you shouldnt judge other people in your life. Judging is the ego in
action, and the ego acts as a barrier to having your intent circuit flowing smoothly. It is a hindrance
to your intent. A controlled and silent mind is what creates manifestation, and not a mind which is
judging other people or what they do.
This means you need:
a) To remove all opinions and judgements that you hold about other people, and the things they

b) To stop controlling other people or trying to impose your will on them

c) To stop assuming things about other people, out of the blue, and without the evidence

So, every time you are making an opinion about someone else or yourself, catch yourself out on it.
This way, you strengthen your new programming and break away from the old.

Also, here are some situations which you are best to avoid at all costs:

1. Any situation where people are complaining or blaming

2. People or situations where others are talked about in a negative way

3. TV, newspapers, magazines and radio

4. Cynical and pessimistic friends, co-workers or family

These situations are not only negative, but they also have harmful energies which can affect your
aura and sense of well being. By being in the right situation and associating with positive,
optimistic, free and happy people, you will boost your confidence and manifestations higher.

The Influence Of Other People On Your Manifestations

Other people can influence your manifestations, by affecting your energy levels and mindset. This
happens because the mind is like a wireless cellphone, which is sending out and receiving signals
all the time.

Just as a cellphone can send signals and receive it, so your mind too can send out and receive
signals. This is actually not unrealistic at all when we think about it. If a piece of metal and plastic
(ie your cellphone) can pick up invisible signals from another piece of metal in outer space (ie a
satellite), surely a living thing can pick up signals from another living thing? Not to mention that the
signals from your cellphone are travelling through brick walls.

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The mind is influenced by those around you. If you surround yourself with very positive people
who have a very strong intent and are working hard to their goals, you will tend to be like them
overtime. You will have similar thoughts, feelings and aspirations as them. If you surround yourself
with negative people who are doing nothing with their lives and lazying about, then you will tend to
gravitate and mimic them as well. You will become lazy, negative and so on.

Therefore, in order to maximise your success, you must choose to learn to associate with very
positive and optimistic people as much as you can. At the same time, you want to minimise the
negative influence which comes from others.

Learning To Forgive Others, If Required

Forgiveness means forgiving people who may have wronged you in the past, or seeking
forgiveness from others, and this is important to dissolve negative energy.

When you dont forgive or seek forgiveness, your manifestation energy is stuck, meaning less
manifestation. With forgiveness, you can heal this and get everything working like normal.
Forgiveness also brings you to a position of strength: and it takes guts sometimes to forgive
someone or ask for it. To bring up your courage and ask someone for forgiveness, or to forgive
someone else is taking the position of strength and courage. These are all essential qualities of a
strong, controllable mind.

Now if youre finding it a bit tricky to embrace this, you simply need to realise that the past
shouldnt hold you back from achieving what you want. The past is gone forever. And no matter
what someone did to you in the past, it cant harm you any more. To forgive that person is you
declaring that you control and are in charge of your life, and that will seriously help your mental
ordering to manifest.

To forgive someone, yourself or something correctly, do these:
1. Remember the situation or person that requires forgiveness

This identifies the image of the situation and allows your mind to see it clearly.

2. Forgive

Simply let go. Say that you forgive this person or situation for whatever happened. This means
also letting go of the internal resistance and aggression which you feel inside. For example, you
might feel tight in your belly or chest when thinking about the situation. Letting go fully and
allowing your natural self to come through is you truly forgiving and letting go completely.

Theres also the emotional aspect to forgiveness, in that you might have lots of emotions which
need to be released and let go of. Therefore, after point 2 you can add an extra step of giving a
statement of forgiveness (i.e. I forgive you) which will help to release the emotions. Remember
also to let go of the emotions. Dont hold on to them. In fact, smile for 30 seconds after forgiving in
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a genuine way and let go of any resistance completely in your body. This will get you feeling great!

So to conclude this section on intermediate intent:

1. Do the basics extremely well, as Rockefeller says. This means living in the moment, in that you
give your full mental attention to what you are doing, as you are doing it.

2. Raise your internal thermostat. See things as you want them to be. Use your imagination to
unlock the unconscious mind.

3. Focus your mind as much as possible on the task at hand. Concentrate on doing one thing at a
time. And re-direct any wandering thoughts to the relevant task at hand. Keep doing this until it
becomes totally automatic. Dont do 10 things at once. Learn to do one thing and keep doing that
until the job is 100% complete.

4. Be completely non-judgemental. Do not judge. Be quiet. Learn to be quiet. Over time, your mind
will become totally quiet and silent. This is a strong, powerful mind.

4. Forgive. Let go. This is taking the high moral ground and a position of strength. It is a strong
mind which forgives. Forgive and let go. Let the feelings of resistance go. You will be left feeling
good, with a silent, calm mind.

5. Learn to be happy. This is through focusing your mind on the good things in life and being
happy when things are going well.

What To Expect

Remember, the secret to manifestation success is to control your own mind. All of these things are
increasing your degree of control on the mind even more. Your mind is strong, highly responsible,
flexible, flowing and quiet when you add this all in. This is the perfect manifestation state. As your
mind is more controllable, more mentalness is being directed to your goal. The manifestation thus
increases considerably.

Combined with the basics, your manifestations will increase quite a lot when you start to perfect
intermediate intent (assuming the right levels of energy and action are there as well). Youll
experience a rapid increase in knowledge towards the goal and new opportunities will seem to
come out of nowhere. Youll also start to see the truth in a situation and look forward to the
manifestation as it happens. You will feel great about life. You will feel totally focused and on the
ball. Your mind will always be doing relevant things to the goal. The mind will be totally silent,
because it is under control. The true beauty of the mind will then be shown through the
manifestations you will experience.

Advanced: The mental form always precedes the physical. When youve got a single minded focus
to the goal, and live in the moment, what youre actually doing is falling into the perfect mindset to
dig deep and form a solid connection to the deeper layers of mind. You have more mental
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resources to manifest. So what happens then, is that you get much better mental understandings,
meaning more ideas, knowledge, creativity and insight exclusively towards your goal. When the
mental understanding and foundation is there, the physical manifestation happens through the
actions in intermediate action.

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In the basics and intermediate section, we learned:
You need to think about what you want, instead of what you dont want. Think about what you
want, and how you are going to get it, as much as possible. This sets the mental direction
correctly. Otherwise the energy will flow in the wrong direction.

Be aware of what is going on in your head and make sure you are focused on what you want,
instead of anything else. Use your imagination to imagine what it would be like to have your goal.
Use your imagination as your primary tool to re-wire the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is the super processor of your mind. Nothing in your life will change until
you actively re-wire the unconscious mind through use of the imagination.

You need to develop a single minded focus to the goal. This means doing relevant physical
actions to the goal and removing distractions. You must also re-direct your irrelevant and
wandering thoughts to stay concentrating and focused on these relevant tasks, so that you stay on
focus. Learning to develop focus is a skill which you can gradually get better at.

There are 4 types of focus: overall, task, specific and nano. You should look at each of these
areas one by one, and correct them one by one. As you bring the first 3 into alignment, you will
find that nano focus is possible. This is when you are able to get into the zone and this is where
serious manifestation will begin to happen.

You need to raise your internal thermostats but imagining double or triple of your goal. This
stretches the possibilities acceptable within the unconscious mind. You should do this for a few
minutes every day.

In this advanced section we will talk about:

1. Building the direction of your intent further

2. Detaching from your goal fully, and learning to understand when something is wrong to stop you
detaching fully.

3. Learning to use your words and language to reinforce your strong mind

4. Understanding frame control and mental perspective to reinforce your mind
5. Understanding and using mental association to reinforce your mind

Learning To Keep One Direction For Your Intent

The direction of your intent is crucial to success. Your energy needs to be moving in one direction
and one direction only, and that is outward towards your goal.
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When the energy is moving in one direction, the creative energy can manifest your goal. If you are
going backwards and forwards with your direction, it is the same as going into first gear and
reverse gear in your car, continuously.

To keep your intent moving in one direction is to focus directly on what you are doing, and push it
to stay in that direction for as long as possible. You must be doing this every single day, and never
consider any other possibility.

Considering different possibilities is the sign of a weak intent.

True, in any situation, you may need to consider different possibilities, but thinking of too many or
everything that go wrong is a weak intent. Having a strong intent is focusing on the possibility
you want, and using your experience to make sure that outcome comes about.

For example, a successful business person will talk and focus on how his venture will succeed,
instead of talking and thinking about the hundreds or thousands of ways it could possibly mess up.

With experience, the right mindset and all the other variables being in line, a strong intent and
focusing on the outcome wanted is what will allow the venture to succeed. To think of other things
is to diffuse the power of the thoughts and lessen the creative manifestation energies.

Ways To Strengthen Intent Further

1. Get things done once and for all

When something needs to be done, you should get it done. This is a great way to strengthen the
intent. When you make a resolve to do something, you are releasing intention energy to get it
done. The whole task gets complete and you feel good about yourself. Endorphins are also
released in your brain and this helps you motivate yourself to higher intention states even more.

Deciding to get something done once and for all releases huge amounts of energy.

If you are simply doing actions and expecting things to get done, the intent is weak. A strong
intent is developed when things are actually getting done, and that means making the resolve to
make it so.

2. Work, invest and spend extremely long hours to manifest your goals

The more time you spend working to your goals and getting things done as above, the more your
intent is getting stronger.

For example, successful business people routinely spend 80-100 hours per week working to their
goals. That is 9am to midnight, 7 days per week. Only when their venture succeeds do they have
more normal working hours. In simple, long numbers of hours are being invested. This builds
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intent, focus, discipline, true drive and commitment. All of these allow successful entrepreneurs to
manifest very easily.

Professional athletes and sports people spend hours upon hours in the gym or in the field. They
spend even more time imagining their success, improving nutritional practises and adapting their
lifestyle to their goals. Spending these long hours investing in their goals allows them to build
intent, focus, discipline and true drive for manifestation.

Celebrities, top salespeople and people at the top of any field spend long hours investing in their
goals and getting things done. It is only then that they actually manifest for real. The more you are
willing to invest in creating manifestation, the greater the chance it will actually become real.

Building Your Resolve

One word that can sum up the power and feeling of intent is the word resolve. It is your resolve
to get something done no matter what that is accessing that intention energy.

Intention is in fact a flow which exists within the universe. Trees and grass can grow without any
effort because of the latent power of intention. The tree is accessing a hidden force of the universe
that makes it grow upwards and become stronger.

As humans, we too can access the power of intention by creating a resolve to get things done.
When we are getting important and simple things done in succession, we are making true
progress to what we want.

When you get things done, you will feel different on the inside. Your energy will jump up. You will
feel more alive and everything will seem to fall into place. This is because your internal energies
are being used correctly, and your energy is flowing in one direction. The more you can keep your
resolve going and get the energy flowing in one direction, the more it will become a habit that
makes you manifest very easily.

You will know when you are accessing that resolve energy because it will feel different. Your
energy will shoot up and you will want to get things done. This is when you truly know that you are
on the right track to manifest.

How To Refine Your Words, Language And Behavior To Reinforce And Control Your Mind

Refining your language is simply the art of being careful about what you say. Everything which you
say has an effect on the energy levels around you. It also acts as a signal on what type of intent
you have.

The key lesson to learn from language and talk is this:

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Talking about good things in a genuine way will lead to good results. Talk about anything else will
not give you the result you want.

You must always talk about things as you want them to be. Get things done and see and talk
about the possibilities. This might seem different from your normal course but it is the way which
every successful person uses. They talk about what they want, how they are going to get it and
this is the only possibility which is thought about. They have a resolve to achieve something and
they go ahead and do it.

Key points here:

1. Learning to talk super positively is a skill. It can be learned through practise

2. Catch yourself out when you are not talking super positively

Catching yourself out here and turning your speech to be more positive will gradually and surely
re-wire the unconscious mind over time.

Treating Others Correctly

Alongside language, it is important to be careful of how you treat others. Remember: the mind is
bigger than what you think it is. Whatever you say about someone is charged with mind in both
your and their minds. This means there is more mind going into it, meaning more manifestation. If
you are saying something bad, it will mean you will get bad manifestation. (More information on
energy returns can be found in The Laws Of Energy section later on.)

That means you need to always speak highly of others, being appreciative of their situation, and
never see people in a bad light. Treat people kindly. Be compassionate. Be honest. Have the
highest levels of integrity. Smile. Be charitable and do all of these genuinely.
Talking highly of others is always coming from a position of abundance and will make it more of a
reality for you.

Gaining More Knowledge To Boost Intent

Knowledge is crucial to achieving success and can also contribute to your intent. When you learn
something new, you are developing new neuron and glial cell connections in your brain. This
means new mind-pathways which you can use to help your manifestation efforts.

Remember that the more mind you have, the more manifestation you have. By boosting your
knowledge, you will get more thoughts, ideas and understandings on how to achieve your goals.
All of this contributes hugely to helping you manifest once and for all.

In very simple terms, youll need to become an expert in achieving your goal.

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Read books on how to achieve your goal to boost knowledge

There are plenty of books written by people who achieved huge success in their field. It is
important to read these books and gain an understanding of how they did it. This will help you to
understand what you need to do to achieve your own goals.

You will also gain more perspectives and points of view which are crucial for building experience.
Without reading, you are leaving your understanding in the lurch.

Here are some examples:

If your goal was to be a multi-millionaire, it would be important to read books about how to be a
multi-millionaire. You would need to read books about wealth, becoming wealthy, secrets of
wealth, secrets of money etc etc. You would need to read as much of these books as possible,
and continue to read them. You will then get all the mind you need, leading to manifestation.
Reading many books allows you to understand things properly, boost your confidence and make
better decisions. Making action then becomes a lot easier, because you are making action in a
lightened room, instead of a dark room.

If one of your goals is to get a certain type of body (e.g get a 6 pack or become more toned or lose
weight), read books on this. Read books on working out, different techniques, strategies,
nutritional advice etc.

If your goal is to build a real estate empire, read books on building real estate empires. Read all
the books you can from top experts who built real estate empires.

And so on and so forth. In simple terms, whatever you want to get good at, choose to learn the
knowledge from those who are the best in that field.

The final point here is dont just read any books that you find lying on the shelves. Ask for
recommendations from successful people as to what books they read and go from there. Look for
recommendations. Keep your eye open for what everyone is reading. The chances are, if
everyone is reading it, there must be at least some positive value in it.

Also, learn to gain wisdom which will help you make better choices. The more wisdom you have,
the more you will be able to make the best choices when knowing who to listen to.

There is a small e-book on gaining wisdom included as a bonus to this guide, and this will give you
some basic understandings on this topic.

Other Tips To Boost Intent

Here are some other things to look out for and bring in:

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Improve Every Single Day

This means always be improving. Always strive to be the best. Always realise that you can do
things better, in a more efficient way and in a way that is more joyful.

Bringing this improvement mindset as an attitude by default will help catapult your success higher.
So, improve, improve, improve. Get better, get better, get better, every single day.

Continue To Read Affirmations

Affirmations are a great way to help you move forward. You dont necessarily need to say I am
becoming rich or I am becoming slimmer all the time. Even simple comments have the power of
a hypnotic suggestion to change your life.

For example, if running on a treadmill and with 200 metres more to go, you could say to yourself
come on, you can do it, its only 200 metres to go etc. The truth is that we say affirmations all
the time and we dont realise it. Make the simple affirmations you say, reinforce your goals instead
of moving away from it. This will help to send the right hypnotic suggestions into your unconscious

Frame Control and Mental Perspective To Strengthen And Control Your Mind

The frame is a fancy name which means the underlying meaning which exists in any interaction
between two objects. In our case, the frame would involve your interaction with other people,
things and situations.

The frame is a type of mental reality which sets the laws of communication between two objects. It
sets the mental perspective. The frame is something which can be held, or given away to the other
object. So whoever holds the frame or takes it away from another object, holds the laws of
communication between the two objects. Dont worry if it sounds complicated, because actually it
isnt when you get it.

The important thing here is that the frame allows for manipulation of mind and mind reality
between objects. In our case, it allows us to exert mental control over situations and other people,
increasing the strength of our mind even more. This is a standard and basic feature which exists in
all social and object interactions.

In the diagram om the right, two objects are held within a sphere of influence coming from one
object and encompassing the other. The spheres of influence are frame 1 and frame 2. Frame 1 is
the mental reality of object 1. Frame 2 is the mental reality of object 2. Frame 1 is a bigger frame
than frame 2, meaning it will take over and digest frame 2, so that only one frame exists in the

Here, the mental reality of object 1 is the dominant mental reality. Well talk about how to do that in
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a few moments with examples so you fully understand whats going on here. Everything
mentioned just now is theory, without the practical application yet. We will come to that later on.
For now, lets consider your interaction with another person, and see what effect this has if you
hold the frame.

If you hold the frame in relation to another person:

1. Youll be able to show that the other person is wrong whenever you want without any threat or
objection to yourself.
2. Your voice and opinion will be strongly heard by the other person and it will be difficult to
counteract it with a counter-opinion.
3. Youll set the relationship and be able to terminate it.
4. Youll seem to get away with everything, even if it isnt rationally correct
5. Youll gain all the benefits, and the other party will gain nothing.
6. Rationality will take way to mental dominance

In other words, if you hold the frame, youll be the dominant force between the two people or
objects. The above is not an extreme example and is standard in a lot of every day situations.

If you dont hold the frame, the exact opposite is true, and you will be at the command of the
opposite party. This is why its important to understanding the frame, so that you can exhibit social
and manifestation leverage as much as possible, by holding the frame and staying the dominant
mental force.

The beauty of frame control is that when you remain the dominant mental force in social
interactions or any situation, you increase the strength and depth of your mental and manifestation
power. This allows you to exhibit greater control over other people, situations and things, such that
the whole manifestation system can easily manifest your goals.

It also enhances your belief, drive, focus and passion towards your goal, because youre allowing
full mental polarity to specialise in the manifestation of your goal. It allows you to get away with
almost anything in a social situation and make things go your way. Frame control is the underlying
mind system behind this.
So with all that said, here are some typical examples in day to day life where frames exist:

1. A family with the mother or father as the head. The mother or father has more say and influence
than anyone else. This is classic frame control in action. The mother and father can get away with
things, that maybe the children in the household cant. The parents hold the frame.

2. An office with a boss. Another classic example. The boss has more say and power than anyone
else. Sometimes, the boss can put other people down, can get his own way when he/she is clearly
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wrong, always has a bigger opinion and say than anyone else etc. This is all mental in origin.

3. The government. The government can make mistakes left, right and center and still get away
with it. The government can lie and get away with it. This is because the government holds the

4. Peers. When you are with your peers and friends, all parties have roughly equal say. This is
where equal frames exist.

5. Advertising. Where frames and mental realities are being advertised to suck you into their
frame. The advertising wants you to buy their product, service etc, and bring you into their frame of

With all of these examples, what is happening is that the dominant party (ie the party that control
the frame) has a stronger, more controlled mind than the other party. Your objective should always
be to be the dominant party. When you are recessive, you are in a weak mind position, which
reduces your manifestation power.

There will be some cases where you wont need to be the dominant party though. For example,
you wouldnt need to be the dominant party over the government, or your boss. It would be better
to have an equal frame to the other party, but it is a clear disadvantage to have a recessive and
subordinant frame. For example, if your boss were to always put you down, your confidence,
dedication and commitment would all fall, and the chances of manifesting would decrease.

However, there are many every day situations where a dominant frame would help to increase
your mental strength and inner confidence. You should strive to do this as much as possible.

The bottom line is always have an equal or dominant frame.

This will ensure your chances of having a strong mind. Remember, a strong and controlled mind,
with the mental energy flowing in the right direction consistently is what creates manifestation.

Frame Dilution And Expansion

To enhance your frame means you need to expand it as much as possible. The best way to
consolidate anything is to expand it. If you simply maintain the frame, youll end up losing it,
because it gets diluted with the frames of everything else around you.

In the diagram on the right, there are 16 different objects which in our case can be defined as 16
different people. Each person has a frame or a series of frames which they are being influenced
by, represented by the colored oval circles. The frames are mental constructs of reality created by
the dominant frame within each group of people.
Each frame has its unique zone of influence. As other frames expand, weaker frames can die
out. Its your dominant strategy to expand your frame as much as possible, and digest the other
frames, such that you can reach the status of the outer blue square, which is the encapsulating
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frame bounding all interactions. All of these frames lie beneath the level of mental awareness and
exist as mental devices of manifestation depth and control. They link directly to the unconscious
Ways To Expand The Frame

So how do we expand the frame? Here some important things you can do to expand your frame:

1. In a social situation, remain the dominant social voice. Speak louder and deeper than other
people. Speak more than other people. This will allow you to consolidate the frame.

2. Touch or continually touch other people on meeting them. This allows you to gain social
leverage over them instantly, making the other person more passive and subservient to your
mental reality. For example, firm touches on the shoulder or arm. Firm handshakes. Dont overdo
it though or the person will get annoyed.

3. Remain talkative and continue to expand social connections as much as possible. This helps to
build and expand momentum so that it becomes easier to take part in social interaction when you
need to.

4. Ignore advertising and people giving you offers you arent interested in. This means keeping
away from sales calls to your home, being stopped in the street unnecessarily, free promotions etc
etc. None of these will help your frame of reality and will decrease manifestation.

5. Avoid newspapers, radio, music, movies, magazines etc. These things are produced by non-
manifesting people wholl infiltrate and infest your mind with erroneous and contradictory frames.
They will weaken your resolve and belief in your goal and so you need to get rid of them
completely. As society evolves, these devices will change and become much more positive to help
manifest, but it is hundreds of years before that will happen.

6. Regularly follow your hobbies. This will help you to increase confidence and understanding of
your abilities, so you can easily recognise erroneous frames.

7. Dont respond at all to erroneous frames. Instead, ignore them or offer a frame of your own.
Responding to a poor frame is the same as accepting it.

8. Dont become angry at other people or situations. This will make you lose the frame.

9. Avoid chronically negative people. They will give you erroneous frames of reality and weaken
your mind.

10. Avoid inexperienced people or people who have yet to commence their working lives. This is
generally younger people but there are exceptions. Associate with experienced people only. To
associate with inexperienced people will make you think in inexperienced ways yourself.

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The key to holding the frame in all situations is to understand what it is and the level of power it
has. You need to hold the frame well in an interaction or situation, or else the mindset, drive,
clarity etc you have to your goal will decrease, and be replaced with a non-manifesting frame of

Also, as a clarification, you are not trying to be aggressively dominant here. You are trying to
remain mental composure, control and strength within yourself. To do that, you need to interact
with people and situations in a particular, certain way, to make sure you dont end up having a
weak, uncontrolled mind.

You need to think about what you want, instead of what you dont want. Think about what you
want, and how you are going to get it, as much as possible. This sets the mental direction
correctly. Otherwise the energy will flow in the wrong direction.

Be aware of what is going on in your head, including the images and thoughts, and make sure you
are focused on what you want, instead of anything else. Use your imagination to imagine what it
would be like to have your goal. Use your imagination as your primary tool to re-wire the
unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is the super processor of your mind. Nothing in your life will change until
you actively re-wire the unconscious mind through use of the imagination.

You need to develop a single minded focus to the goal. This means doing relevant physical
actions to the goal and removing distractions. You must also re-direct your irrelevant and
wandering thoughts to stay concentrating and focused on these relevant tasks, so that you stay on
focus. Learning to develop focus is a skill which you can gradually get better at.

There are 4 types of focus: overall, task general, task specific and nano. You should look at each
of these areas one by one, and correct them one by one. As you bring the first 3 into alignment,
you will find that nano focus is possible. This is when you are able to get into The Zone and
where serious manifestation will begin to happen.

You need to raise your internal thermostats but imagining double or triple of your goal. This
stretches the possibilities acceptable within the unconscious mind. You should do this for a few
minutes every day.
Learn to be happy, forgive others and be non-judgemental. Always treat others with respect, in
both words and actions. Show compassion, honesty and integrity in everything you do. Fix the
inside and the outside will change accordingly.

Spend long hours of time investing in your goals. The more time you spend, the more your
creative energies are investing in that goal.

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Make a resolve to get things done no matter what. Make a decision and resolve and do the thing
you need to do now. The word resolve to get something done summarises the feeling of intent

Learn as much as you can about your goal. Read books on how to achieve your goal. This gives
you good ideas, a better understanding and more confidence. It gives you the mind which you
need for manifestation.

Always improve every single day. Improve, improve, improve. Do things even better. Know that
there is an even better way. Have this mindset all the time. You are always growing, improving
and expanding.

Learn to control the frame as much as possible. At least have an equal frame in all situations.
A weak frame in a situation weakens the mind. A strong frame increases manifestation leverage
through composure, strength and control.

Read affirmations every single day, even in simple situations, such as come on, you can do it.

Create positive mental associations. Be empowered in situations, instead of disempowered. When
you are empowered, you have a strong mind. This will constantly re-program your mind and make
positivity and empowerment a natural habit for you.

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The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Walt Disney. Founder of Walt Disney Company.
Manifestation only comes about when we have energy + intent + action. Action is a must for you to
manifest. Nothing is going to come to you miraculously from out of the blue if you sit around and
do nothing. You must be making precise actions. Only with precise actions can precise results
come about. Action is the key to success and the other components like energy and intent will
help your actions be powerful and efficient.

The fundamental component of action is that you must form the right habits so that you
automatically go towards the goal.

The important thing here is constant refinement of your habits. As the habits are refined, over time,
the difference is huge. There is also self discipline to consider here to make sure you are doing the
things you need to do.

To put in effective action, you need to create new habits, eliminate old ones, refine habits and
follow through with precise actions.

The Basics Of Action To Manifest

Action follows a very basic structure which is outlined below. This structure applies to all types of

1. Write a general plan of what you are going to do to achieve your goals

2. Write out the actions you will need to do on a month on month basis

3. Write a daily plan, for daily activities

We will talk about each of these components one by one. Writing several types of plan allows you
to concentrate and organise your mind effectively so that you know what you need to be doing and
when. This organised structure allows for greater progress and development.

The actions you need to perform obviously will depend on your goal. You must then commit to
performing these actions ASAP, using a structured, written plan. You must write out your plan of
action in steps and commit to doing these. This is step 1 of action.

2. As part of your lifestyle and normal behavior, you need to have a system of positive habits. On
the next page is a diagram of most of these. Have a look at each of them and strive to put them
into your life.

In contrast to the diagram below, there are also many negative habits you want to avoid. These
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habits are also across six main areas which are categorised after the first diaggam.

Do not focus too much on the -ve diagram as obviously it is quite negative and dis-empowering.
Your objective is simply to see if you are doing any of these things, and then eliminate it from your
life. If you are doing any of the -ve things in the diagram, its clear why you arent manifesting. You
must instead implement the habits of the first diagram and bring them as part of your lifestyle, and
remove everything from the second.

So the essence here is to follow a plan on reaching your goal and doing all the actions for it, and
at the same time having a default behavior of positive habits.

Writing A General Plan Of What You Need To Do

A general plan is the overall actions of what you need to be doing to manifest. The reason you
write a plan is so you know where you are going. Without a plan, all of your efforts will be in vain.

Every successful person alive today had a plan which they made of what they were going to do,
and how they were going to do it. This plan is your guide that helps organise your thoughts and
actions. It makes your mind more efficient and disciplines the energy flow in your body.

A plan should be written down on paper or typed up on a computer. The plan should have your
goal, and the steps you are going to take in order to achieve it.

These types of plans are general in nature and sets the overall blueprint of what you are going to
do. The level of detail will obviously depend on your goal and what it is you are trying to manifest.

Writing A Month On Month Goal Plan

A month on month plan is plan for the goals you have set on a month to month basis. Essentially,
it is your monthly targets.

For example, in January you may set a target to make 100 sales of your product, call 500 clients,
run 3 times per week on the treadmill to lose 6lbs or similar. Your month on month goals sets your
targets on a monthly basis. By writing these down and keeping it in front of you, it will help you to
keep constantly on track to achieving those goals. If you dont know what youre aiming for every
month, you will tend to go off track and make the wrong decisions. It is vital that you concentrate
fully on what you are doing, and spend long hours investing in the goal and doing the things you
need to do, to create great success.

Writing A Daily Plan

This is the plan you write up for every days actions. You write this plan the night before you make
the actions. For example, the plan for Tuesday should be written up on Monday. The plan for
Wednesday is written on Tuesday and so forth.
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This daily plan will set out what you need to do on a day to day basis.

Each day should have one main focus. If you have too many focal points, you will not effectively
invest your resources correctly. By having one focal point for the day, you can invest 100% in that
goal, without having to think about all the other things you will need to do on that day.

It is vital to write your daily plan in as concise a fashion as possible. This will help you to look at it
comfortably and without confusion.

This plan should be about 1 page long or less, on an A4 sheet of paper.

Clarifications And Pointers

On a monthly basis, you should be creating your overall plan for the month, and your daily plans,
for your daily actions.

For your daily plan and in the margin of the paper, you can write down how long you think each
component will take. This allows you to prioritise and divide up your time effectively, and identify
whether there is enough time to do the tasks, or whether time can be reallocated to be more

Remember, the reason you write your plan is to clarify things in your mind, send new signals to the
unconscious mind, and imagine the possibilities of what it would be like if the whole plan was
operating in reality. When the unconscious mind can accept it, only then can it become real.

The Value In Habits A Fundamental Change In The Mental System

Manifestation and success is all about habits, both positive and negative. When a positive action is
made as a habit, you can automatically move to your goals. Things that happen automatically will
free your time up to do other things.

A habit is a concrete system of neuron and glial cell connections in your unconscious mind. When
you form the positive habits you need to have, youre doing the things which are natural to you,
and which feel easier for you to do.

How To Create New Habits - The Key To Successful Action

It takes 21-30 days to form a habit. By putting in the actions now, you can form the right habits to
manifest. . The key here is to gradually change and re-organise the subconscious mind so the
habit becomes automatic.

Self Discipline - The Most Important Manifestation Quality

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The grand daddy manifestation secret of all time is self-discipline. Without self-discipline, no
amount of manifestation will happen.

The way to manifest is to control your mind and body, strengthen the mind and bring its true power
out. This means making your mind and body do what needs to be done, whether you feel like it or

This is hard for wannabes and the inexperienced to swallow, but the proof is in every successful
person who has ever existed. All of it came through perserverance and self discipline at the end of
the day. This is what created all the right qualities such as greater intent and energy to manifest.

It goes without saying that to achieve your goals, you need to learn to get disciplined.

How To Get More Disciplined To Make Effective Action

Self-discipline is a skill which can be learned, much like any other skill. Just as learning to walk,
read or write are very basic skills that one day you will have needed to learn, raising self discipline
can also be learned.

Why People Go Off Track - The Secret Is Within The Mind

Many people attempt to become self disciplined but sometimes go off track. This happens
because of the way the unconscious mind works and how it is programmed.

Whenever you go off track, it is because the unconscious mind is having a conversation that you
are not aware of, and it is making the decision on your behalf. As you already know, the
unconscious mind is the superprocessor of your brain and whatever decision or thoughts that are
happening within the unconscious will always override the conscious part of the mind.

What you need to do is have the right unconscious conversation to put you back on track.

Ways To Improve Your Unconscious Conversations To Create More Self Discipline

Here are some things you can do right now to maximise the unconscious conversations within.

1. Present tense self talk

Present tense, positive, self talk will send new messages to the unconscious mind, much like
affirmations do. For example, if you wanted to work more on your report, you would say

I am working on my report and keep saying that until your whole body and mind is rivoting to
make you want to write the report.

Doing this over and over will help you to feel disciplined and ready to write your report.
Remember, that it must be present tense.
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2. Resolve to get it done

Resolving to get it done is an intent component. It is you moving the energy in a positive direction
only. As the energy is flowing in one direction, you will find yourself in more control to do the
action. When your energy is moving back and forward (ie when you lack resolve) you will end up
procrastinating. It is vital that you set a resolve and work to get things done once and for all.

3. Imagine things as you want it to be

Imagining things as you want it to be is also sending new signals to the unconscious mind to re-
wire itself. When you imagine yourself being self disciplined, making the right actions and working
hard to the goal, it changes something called the self image. You perceive yourself as disciplined
and it becomes the reality for you.

To imagine things as you want it to be, must be done every single day. Have a 10 minute power
session where you are solely imagining your life as you want it to be. Keep doing this every single
day, and eventually your whole conception and image of what you are capable of doing will
change accordingly. Remember, it needs to be imagined as if it is real now. Imagining in the
present is how the unconscious mind is re-wired.

4. Improve your overall focus

Focus is like a laser beam. Just as you need a focused beam of light to pierce a piece of paper or
create a flame, so too you need a very focused might to pierce and re-wire the unconscious mind.
The more focused you are, the better chance you have of becoming disciplined and changing
yourself more fully.

To get focused, you can try doing focus exercises throughout your day. These are 10 minute
blocks of high intensity focus that you would do every few hours. As your focus improves over
time, you will feel more in control of your mind. The thoughts in your mind will be very calm and
still. This is the ideal state of mind to make concrete changes in your behavior. This happens
because a calm mind contains little internal resistance to change.

5. Get organised

Keeping things in an organised state makes it easier to do the actions you need to do, without
their being obstacles in the way. With organisation, things can be done quicker and require less
effort. This allows you to do the things you need to do more easily.

6. Open your mind to the possibilities

Just as other people are capable of being highly disciplined, so can you too. There are millions of
people who are highly disciplined so it is in great abundance. What other people can do, you can
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do too. Opening your mind to this possibility will make you realise that self discipline can actually
be achieved, using a few simple steps.

7. Surround yourself with disciplined people

Those around you will have the greatest impact on your life. This is because you will take on their
mindsets and be influenced unconsciously by their behavior. When you surround yourself with
people who are working hard and striving to their goals, you will open yourself up to take on their
mindsets and behaviors, to get similar results.

8. Keep things simple

Self discipline creation is a simple process, as outlined by all the other points above. It is important
to keep it simple and realise self discipline is not a 100-step process.

9. Replenish and purify your aura regularly

If you seem to be moving back sometimes, it may be that your aura has picked up and is holding
other peoples thoughts and energies. Use the components in the Intent Section to clear that out.
This will make you free to continue making progress again.

Remember, all of these things are designed to change the unconscious mind. This is because
nothing in your life will change until the unconscious mind is changed. By putting in high levels of
focus, having a strong aura, effectively communicating with the unconscious mind and putting in
strong, fundamental actions, you can change the unconscious mind correctly.

When the unconscious changes, your life changes.

The 5 main areas that you will need to know about are below:

1. Self discipline

2.Progressive conditioning

3. Unconscious harnessing

4. Perseverance

5. Effective planning

All 5 of these areas are very strongly linked, but well talk about each of them one by one. Lets do
that now.

Progressive Conditioning
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An olympic athlete that has trained for a marathan has probably spent months in direct preparation
for it. In fact, a top athlete has like spent years and their whole life in training and competing to be
fit enough to run in a marathon at the top olympic level.

It is months and years of training that creates huge results. What this means for you is that you are
not going to achieve your goals over night. Depending on what situation you are in, it may take
several weeks or months to get the ball rolling. Even then, you will need to keep the ball rolling
and doing the correct thing for as long as possible and for your whole life, if you want to keep
reaping the rewards.

Just as you learn to run one mile first before you can run 26 miles, so too must you begin by taking
a simple step to manifestation, instead of trying to do everything at once. This is the essence of
progressive conditioning. You gradually build more power and momentum into your manifestation
effort as time goes on. As you master the fundamentals, you can add additional things on top.

In any thing you wish to manifest, you must always stick to the fundamentals and make sure you
are covering these first.
How To Make Sure You Make Continuous Upwards Progress

The key to making continuous upwards progress is to continue to re-wire your unconscious mind
so that progress continues to happen.

If you do not continue to actively re-program the unconscious mind all the time, the progress will

Remember that for any thing to change in your life, you must re-wire the unconscious mind for it. If
the unconscious mind is not re-wired, everything will stay the same. This is because the
unconscious mind controls your life and what you can do in it, so it needs to be changed if you
want something different to happen for you.

To make sure you continue to make progress, here are some steps to follow:

1. Focus your mind actively using exercises, for 10 minutes, twice per day

These should be power focus sessions. This means you must intensely focus for 10 minutes
straight, and as much as possible. If this is too much, start with 5 minutes and set up a stopwatch
for it. What you must do is focus on one thing only, and do not let your mind wander.

Obviously, you should be focused throughout your whole day anyway. The point of this exercise is
to give a strict and intense power focus session to help you develop additional focus every day.
This means more power to change your unconscious mind.

2. Imagine your situation as you want it to be, in the present moment for 10 minutes, twice per day
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This is just as essential as the first exercise and provides new information to the unconscious
mind. When you imagine things going perfectly well for your situation, and do this every single
day, you are only going to have positive images and thoughts going on in your mind. Also, make
sure you are imagining it with passion. Passion allows the images to go deeper into the
unconscious mind.

3. Always feel good and remove all negative feelings and energy

It is vital that you learn to feel good, or surround yourself in situations where you are constantly
feeling good about yourself. This means positive emotions, happiness, joy and never negative
emotion. Good emotions wire the unconscious mind favorably, whereas bad emotions do the
opposite. Emotions are always a signal of the types of thoughts you are having.

This also means detaching yourself from those that keep you down, those that are doing nothing
with their lives, and any negative person.

4. Move to your goals with intent and planning

Make a resolve to stick to your plans and do everything you can to achieve the goal. This is
common sense of course, but is being re-stated for additional clarity.

5. Monitor your progress

Monitoring your progress means looking back at your developments once or twice a month. You
will definitely notice changes if you have done everything correctly.

When everything is done right, you should always be making positive progress. You should never
be moving back at all. There should be new developments, more passon and more confidence
every single month you are moving to your goals.

Remember that if you are to move to your goals, you need to be making progress to it. You should
be improving every single month and becoming more effective in action, intent and energy. If
anything is not going to plan, look back at what images and thoughts are going on in your mind.
The images must be positive.

The lesson is that the unconscious mind only needs to see the next step. So long as you are
giving the unconscious mind the next step all the time, you will be gradually moving to your goals.

Key Point

If something is truly embedded in your unconscious mind, you should be compelled to take action
based on that thought or image. The unconscious mind will always act on the information which
goes into it.

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Therefore, if you find yourself not improving or making actions on the thoughts and images which
you are putting into your unconscious mind, you are doing something wrong. Look back at what
you are doing and see if it is correct.

The bottom line here is that you need to realise that you change your unconscious mind one step
at a time.

Additional Notes:
a) Move as quickly as you feel comfortable in doing. There is no such thing as making too fast

b) Make sure you are aware of your habits and are continually changing them. Bad habits can be
changed by imagining what the good habit will be. Think about the good habit and only imagine
yourself doing the good habit. Never consider the bad one. This will send positive signals to your
mind and re-wire it to make that habit a reality.

c) What you are talking about, is what you are actually doing. This means that if you are talking
about something bad or similar, it is because you are actually doing that. If you are talking about
succeeding and achieving or other good things, it is because you are doing that.

Therefore, a good way to monitor your true progress is to look at what you are saying and thinking.
This will help to tell you what the state of the unconscious mind actually is.

Unconscious Harnessing

Unconscious harnessing is all about your ability to do what you say you will do. If you say to
yourself that you will do X, Y and Z, and you actually do it, this has stronger harnessing and
manifestation power than if you didnt.

To maintain the commitment to progressively move upwards and continue to make good progress
is what unconscious harnessing is all about.

For advice:

1. You must be very careful as to what you say you are going to commit to. Know what you are
capable of, and only commit to what you can actually do.

2. Get things done quickly and efficiently. Dont take days to do something that can be done in
seconds. Speed is always important when it comes to manifestation. Getting things done quickly
and efficiently will help you maintain the momentum for success.

3. As you maintain your commitments, you will find yourself finding it easier to work hard and do
the things that need to be done. It will be unacceptable to you then, to not perform action.

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Persistence & Perseverance
When a new habit doesnt form as planned, you must be persistent and try again. You must
always keep going and never give up. Persistence is the quality which separates the winners from
the also-rans. Habits will be formed if you consistently send new signals to the unconscious mind,
and commit to performing action every single day, whilst staying on track.

Here are some additional lessons on persistence:

1. If a habit doesnt form as planned, it is because the mind was not programmed for it

In this case, observe the images and thoughts which you were having in your mind. Were these
positive images which make you feel good and are images of success, or not? Did you form
images in your mind of repeating the habit over and over or not? Remember that sending new
signals to the unconscious mind is how you change your course of action.

2. A habit takes at least 21-30 days to bring fully into being

Habits do not form over night. This is because for something to form in your unconscious mind
takes time, just as it takes time to learn something consciously

3. Imagining the habit as it is is a great way to make quicker change

If you want to make changes quicker, you will need to imagine the habit as you want it to be.
Imagining it in as crystal clear and vivid detail over and over will form it correctly in your mind.

4. Persist and keep pushing. Keep going

If something doesnt go to plan, never stop. Keep pushing and trying to improve yourself even
more. The more you push yourself, the greater your results will be.

Time Harnessing
Successful people realise that time is a very important resource. It needs to be used wisely if you
are going to manifest at top speed. Time must be used to increase your productivity and make it
easier to move quickly to your goals.

You do this by keeping to your commitments and following through with your plans, exactly as you
say you will. This takes time to develop, but as you keep sending new signals to the unconscious
mind, your whole life can change very quickly.

It has been my observation that successful people get ahead during the time that others waste,
Henry Ford. (Founder of Ford Motor Company. $180 billion personal fortune)
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Henry Ford did not make that quote to waste his time. He said it because he realised the genuine
importance of time.

This means you need to be using your time wisely. You do that by improving your overall and task
focus (as mentioned in intent) so you are spending more time doing the things that will help you
manifest. That, and sending new signals to your unconscious mind repeatedly so that it gets re-
wired from the inside out.

Time is the ultimate leverage tool you have to move towards your goals. You need to really learn
to *compress* your time as much as possible to achieve maximum productivity in your life.
The more productive you are, the more you will manifest. Productivity and maximum manifestation
only comes by making the maximum use of your time.

In practical terms, this may mean getting up earlier than everyone else, doing important tasks
earlier, prioritising your time, following a timetable, working longer and more efficient hours at work
or in the gym etc.

Also, when you use your time more productively, you actually become hundreds of times more
efficient than a non-manifesting person. This also correlates to earning hundreds of times more
wealth, health, success and relationships. In the diagram on the next page, a non-manifesting
person sits on a $25k income for their whole life. They stay on that level and dont go anymore. A
manifester makes maximum use of their time and earns more in less time. This is the first
component of leverage to give the manifester the advantage. Since you are earning more in less
time, you have the capacity to earn even more.

This is not the same as trading time for money or anything else. It is about leveraging your
resources as much as possible. By unlocking your unconscious mind continuously and changing
its wiring, everything else you wish to achieve also becomes unlocked.

In the diagram on the right, the productivity between a normal person and a time harnessing
person is clear. At the start, everything will appear to be the same and you wont notice that much
difference, but as you make maximum use of your time, be very strict with your time, and
compress your duties and actions as much as possible, you end up being much more productive
than anyone else. Ie you manifest more than anyone else, and at a greater rate. Thats just in the
actions, and not even considering the other positive effects through mental manifestations.

What To Expect
Everything you need to change your habits around completely is contained in this basic section of
action. When you begin to change your habits, you will change your life.

The things that need to be done, will get done. Everything will move much quicker and progress
will be the hallmark of the day. As the mind is constantly being changed and re-wired, new
possibilities are opening up to you. You see things differently and have new interpretations of
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You also break away from old programming, and create new neuron and glial cell combinations in
your brain.

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In the basics action section, you learned:
You need to have a plan of what you want to achieve, and how you are going to do it. This means
writing down on paper, your annual and month on month goals. This sends new signals to the
unconscious mind, as you clarify the goal and understand what it would be like if it were a reality.

You need to improve and maximise your self discipline as much as possible. Self discipline is
actually simple to achieve, since millions of people are highly disciplined. All it requires is sending
the right signals to the unconscious mind, so that it is wired for discipline and does the things that
needs to be done.

You achieve self discipline by effectively wiring it in your unconscious mind, whilst continuing to
perform the actions. If the unconscious is not re-wired at the same time as the actions, nothing will

Doing things correctly will ensure that you continue to make continuous progress upwards.
Strengthening your aura, doing power focus sessions and getting organised are fundamentals to
making effective action and forming new habits successfully.

You must maintain your commitments as much as possible. By being committed, quick changes in
mind can come about.

You must make maximum use of your time. Always strive to be more efficient, more productive
and more organised. Create deadlines if appropriate and stick to them at all costs. This will
increase your efficiency even more.

In intermediate you will learn:

1. How to use your habits more effectively
2. How to change your beliefs

The Truth About Habits

Habits are formed in many different ways. Habits are most commonly formed when you are
surrounded by people who have that habit, or when you are doing things to re-wire the
unconscious, such as focus, momentary living or imagining.

Bad habits come about through lack of focus, being at the whim of others, not removing foreign
energies linked to your aura, or associating with the wrong people.

Over your whole life, many habits can come about which might not be conducive to the
achievement of your goals. If you want to succeed as best as you can, it is important to weed out
those habits that may be hindering your positive progress.
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Beliefs and Their Effect On Your Habits

Sometimes a bad habit is formed due to a bad belief. This bad belief may have come from your
childhood, when you were susceptible and suggestible to anything that people told you.

When we are young, our unconscious minds will take on anything. Those that grow up being
highly successful naturally, will always have had some positive or life changing experience in their
childhood that allowed them to achieve qualities for getting huge success.

What Is A Belief?

A belief is simply a thought in your unconscious mind. Any thought that goes into the unconscious
mind becomes a belief. Just as reading this text is or thinking about what you will be doing
tomorrow are thoughts, so too a belief is a thought just like that.

The difference with beliefs is that you are not aware of those thoughts, because they are
happening in the unconscious. You can however see their effect through all the actions and
behaviors that you are performing.

Removing Erroneous Beliefs In Your Unconscious To Create Better Habits

Just as you can think new thoughts and come to new realisations about life, so too your
unconscious mind can think new thoughts and create new neuron and glial cell pathways.

There are many ways to change deeply held beliefs, but many of them wont hit at the root cause,
and still give you the wrong beliefs in the unconscious.

The only way to effectively re-wire bad beliefs from your childhood is to provide your unconscious
mind with an alternative childhood.

If your interpretation of your childhood stays as it is, your unconscious mind is still basing its
decisions and thoughts based on that wrong childhood.

Your real childhood is completely unaffected of course. All we are doing is providing new
information to your unconscious mind, so that it can base its decisions on that, instead of wrong
childhood beliefs you may have picked up unknowingly.

Exercise To Change Beliefs From The Inside Out

Imagine how your life would be if you grew up in a place where everyone had the habit you
wanted to put into place. What would you be doing? What would you hear and see around you?
What beliefs would you have? How would you grow up and what would you believe was possible?
Imagine this all in the present.

This exercise will challenge your unconscious mind, or might even make you confused. This is
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good, because it means the unconscious mind is changing. The trick is to keep doing this exercise
over and over. A few minutes every day is all thats needed. The unconscious mind can be
influenced just as easily as the conscious mind, It does not take too much effort.

Counteracting Bad Habits With Positive Thoughts

Another thing you can do is to change your conscious mind. This is that mind which you are aware
of. Whenever a bad habit happens, you can simply give yourself the positive thoughts that
counteract the bad thinking.

This will have limited effectiveness, unless of course the unconscious mind is in alignment with the
new habit you are trying to create.

Changing habits may take some time, and consistently offering the right thoughts is the best way
to ensure that new thinking is programmed into the mind.

Other Ways To Spot And Remove Bad Habits

The additional points below will help you figure out what is going on and what changes you can

1. Critically examine your life
Its very important to critically examine your life from time to time. Sit down and be totally honest
with yourself about what is happening in your life and what can be changed. Write down all your
main habits and what you need to put even more good habits into place. Be totally honest here
and be critical. Doing this will allow you to see where you truly are and what needs to be done.

With this monitoring, you can be aware of what is going on and make the right changes
accordingly. Otherwise you will not know what is going on.

2. Pay attention to what you are saying on a day to day basis.
Next to examining your behaviors as above, also examine your words. What is it that youre saying
on a day to day basis? How do you treat other people? What words constantly come up? What
thoughts and feelings are constantly coming up? Is what you are saying, good things or bad
things? Are you feeling good or are you feeling bad?
If you speak negatively, youre creating negative manifestation. If you speak positively, you are
creating positive manifestation. Its as simple as that. So pay attention to what youre saying and
make changes accordingly.

3. Change your body posture and physiology
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Some habits, both good and bad, are created simply through the physiological way you do things,
so they go completely unnoticed. For example, slouching in your chair will lead to a slowdown in
your thought processes, whereas sitting up in your chair and head upright will put you in an action
and decision poise. So be mindful of your physiology as this is an easy way to change your habits
and make

them even better than before.

If you lack confidence, walk with your head high and spine straight. Smile more during the day.
This will make you feel good and increase your confidence easily.

4. Remember all the basics and simple things

All change comes from sticking to fundamentals. Complicated things lead to complicated results.
Simple things lead to simple and powerful results. Keep things simple and stick to the
fundamentals and you will make real progress.

So, always think about what fundamentals you have put into place and what you can do to put
them into place even more. Ignore all the complicated things that people tell you.

With solid fundamentals comes solid manifestation success.

What To Expect
Putting in the right intermediate actions is a good way to ensure that progress continues upwards.

By this stage, your manifestations should be moving very quickly and solid action will be in place.
You will be self-disciplined and moving quickly.

If this has not happened, you will need to look back at what you are doing, in the basics and
intermediate level. Remember that simple things are always the most powerful. By getting the
simple fundamentals into place now, you can totally transform your life.

Concentrate on the fundamentals and bring these into your being. Remember once again that you
must rewire your unconscious mind every single day if you are to change your life.

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In the basics action section, you learned:
You need to have a plan of what you want to achieve, and how you are going to do it. This means
writing down on paper, your annual and month on month goals. This sends new signals to the
unconscious mind, as you clarify the goal and understand what it would be like if it were a reality.

You need to improve and maximise your self discipline as much as possible. Self discipline is
actually simple to achieve, since millions of people are highly disciplined. All it requires is sending
the right signals to the unconscious mind, so that it is wired for discipline and does the things that
needs to be done.

You achieve self discipline by effectively wiring it in your unconscious mind, whilst continuing to
perform the actions. If the unconscious is not re-wired at the same time as the actions, nothing will

Doing things correctly will ensure that you continue to make continuous progress upwards.
Strengthening your aura, doing power focus sessions and getting organised are fundamentals to
making effective action and forming new habits successfully.

Maintain your commitments as much as possible and use your time effectively. This will happen
more easily when you are taking the steps to wire your mind effectively.
In the intermediate section, you have learned:
Habits can come from many different places. Some habits are created due to your beliefs, where
beliefs are simply thoughts held in the unconscious mind. To change habits, send an alternative
childhood to your unconscious mind. Imagine what your childhood would be like if you had the
habit you wanted. Doing this over time will have the unconscious mind accepting the new

Critically examine your life on a regular basis. Doing this, you will see which bad habits still
exist and then be able to act accordingly. Sit down and examine your life, honestly and see
where you can make improvements. This will allow you to change more quickly.

Critically examine your thoughts, words, and feelings on a regular basis. As above, it will allow you
to change them to be positive and empowering. If you think, say and feel bad things, bad things
will happen. If you think, feel and say good things, good things will happen. Good things happen
from a position of mental strength and control.

In the advanced section, we will cover:
1. How to know what to do on a day to day basis

2. Actioning points of wealth
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3. How to act to complement the laws of energy

How To Know What To Do On A Day To Day Basis

To know what to do can only come about through strong energy, intent and action. As you act
towards your goal, the next few steps to take will always be shown. This will generally be in the
form of

a) inspiration in that you will receive the right thoughts in your mind

b) increased focus and mental clarity in action resulting in the right thoughts

c) increased creativity, productivity and vision resulting in the right thoughts

d) increased number of opportunities being presented to you

In other words, mental manifestation will take place. Its important to act on the information
diligently and efficiently, as well as to record the steps for the actions down (so that you dont
forget). In other words, to write out a plan and write down good things which you must do.

The mental manifestation can come at any time, and so you must be prepared for it. This is why it
is important to always have a pen and notepad with you at all times, so you can record useful
ideas as they come.
Go as far as you can see. When you get there, youll be able to see further.
J.P Morgan ($40 billion personal fortune)
When working to your goals, always take the first step which you see immediately in front of you.
When that step is done, take the next step and so forth. At the same time, you are also expanding
your knowledge and understanding how to get your goals. This will help you constantly stay on
track and make the right decisions over and over.

Being Of Service And Coming From A Position Of Abundance

A good way to be of service and come from a position of abundance is tithing. Tithing means
giving a portion of your income or possessions away, for the benefit of those in need (e.g. the
poor, homeless etc.) . You would tithe in a situation in which:
a) youre genuinely unsure of what actions to take to reach your goal or
b) when you encounter an obstacle (e.g. financial) or
c) youre in need of additional inspiration or
d) when you wish to keep the momentum towards your goal going
The returns to the tither are always greater and include:
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a) increased material wealth
b) increased number of opportunities (especially unexpected ones)
c) increased creativity, intuition and insight into situations
d) increased level of drive, motivation and clarity towards your goals
Some people say that tithing doesnt work but this is incorrect. Tithing is a great secret and is
mentioned in all the ancient religious scriptures. You see, money is a form of energy, just like any
other energy. When you tithe, you expand the money and create a space which needs to be
fulfilled. The universe is full of balance.

To tithe successfully requires a certain mindset and way of doing things, which is explained below:
1. The means by which you give are insignificant. This means check (or cheque), cash and
electronic money transfers are all just as acceptable.
2. It is important to give for the sake of giving, and not for the sake of receiving. This means you
only concentrate on the giving aspect of the tithing.

3. It is important to be unconscious when giving. In other words, to be unaware of the process and
do it automatically. Tithing has to be a normal event for it to be of any use. If you are expecting
some reward because of giving, you are on the wrong track completely and nothing will happen.
So it is vital to never concentrate or think about any returns.

4. It is important to feel good when giving. If you feel at any point you are making a loss, are
unsure of yourself or feel tight in your body, you are doing it completely wrong. Tithing is about the
joy of giving, sharing and being of service. It will make you feel good, powerful and abundant on
the inside.

5. It is important to be sporadic and random about the process. Dont set a particular time of day or
follow a rigid timescale. The best times to give are when you feel its right and you genuinely want
to give.

6. You should begin by tithing 3% of your income. This means $3 for every $100 you earn. This
should be done initially over a 60 day trial period to allow you to fully adjust to the concept.
Thereafter, you should increase your tithes to 5%, 7%, 10%, 12%, 15% etc. This is done very
slowly over time and as the returns take place. If it is a large sum of money you have, break it
down into smaller sizes. E.g $50 can be broken into $5 individual tithes.

7. A tithe is always a seed and investment which grows when done properly. Its not a financial
loss in anyway whatsoever.

What I know for sure is that what you give comes back to you.
Oprah Winfrey. (Americas richest black woman)
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Giving comes back to you. This is law. When you give from a position of abundance, you are
giving from a position of mental strength. The mental strength increases even more, leading to
more manifestation for you. Its as simple as that.

Advanced: More About How And Why Tithing Works
Tithing works because when you feel good about giving your possessions and being of service to
others, this sends positive signals to your unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is affected by
positive emotion and positive thought, and re-wires itself accordingly.

The re-wiring means you have a stronger belief that you are financially rich and abundant. Your
actions change accordingly, making you see more possibilities, act more abundantly and move
closer to even greater wealth and opportunity.

How To Complement The Laws Of Energy
There are several laws of energy at your disposal, which you can use on a day to day basis to
help you act efficiently towards your goals. Its compulsory to know these laws, because theyre
the foundation by which your results happen. For you to complement the laws is about
understanding them properly. A brief explanation is given of the laws, and then youre told how to
apply it on a day to day basis. More fuller descriptions are given in our guide called The Laws Of
Energy. There are many other laws, but these laws relate specifically to actions.
The Law Of Mind (singular)
The law of mind states that everything is mental. That is, consciousness is the nature of things.
This is the fundamental and most important law which we have already expanded on to create the
Laws of Mind system. Everything else is derived from this law.
How To Apply see the true secret at the beginning of this e-book.
The Law of Resonance
The law of resonance states that everything which is happening in your life, is a result of they way
you thought, did, felt and believed about things in your life. You must therefore acknowledge that
the situation you are in right now is because of the way you were in the past.
How To Apply It is important to constantly reset your energy by strengthening and purifying your
aura. You can also change the unconscious mind by living in the moment, being focused and
offering new thoughts.

The Law Of Diligence

The law of diligence states that incredible physical manifestation outcomes can only come about
through diligence. Diligence is the activity of doing what is pure work, and what is right. Pure work
means working where the returns are going to be from. Doing whats right means implementing
and executing the work correctly, efficiently, in a planned way.

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How To Apply: Dig where the gold is at and focus on your abilities. Implement plans which are
precise, efficient and executed well.

The Law Of Vision

The law of vision states that a vision is a must to manifest. Without a vision, no manifestation will
happen. A vision here means having a clear plan of what you want to achieve and how you are
going to achieve it, and then sending images of that to your unconscious mind continuously, so it
can accept that possibility. This is vision.

How To Apply: Write clear, detailed plans of what you are going to achieve. Then imagine that the
plan had worked out correctly and you were living with the goal achieved. This sends signals to
the unconscious.
The Law Of Decision/Intention
The law of decision states that any decision or truth you make in your mind will have a direct
impact on the nature and ordering of the existence around you. This re-ordering will occur in any
situation. The power to decide is at your direct command at all times.
How To Apply you must know that you have the power to decide to change your situation at any
moment. However, decisions must occur at the unconscious level to be effective. Constantly
imagine making that decision and the results you want from it, over and over again.

The Law of Detachment
The law of detachment states that you need to be living in the moment and unaware of your goal
for it to manifest. This means allowing it to form fully in the unconscious mind by focusing on the
tasks you need to do, and getting on with those tasks/

How To Apply - live in the moment every day. Improve your focus and do focus exercises every

The Law of Correspondence
The law of correspondence states that your state of body is also your state of mind, and vice
versa. You can therefore analyse your mental states simply by the physiologies and mannerisms
you hold. You can also analyse your state of spirit, by looking at the state of mind.
How To Apply be mindful of your diet and sleeping patterns. Always get a good nights sleep
every night, maintain regular exercise, and ensure you have a healthy diet to protect your mind.
Also ensure your environment is free from uncleanliness.
The Law of Polarity
The law of polarity states that every negative or positive situation has an equal opposite, and also
that every situation can be brought to an extreme. This means that every negative situation has an
equal positive opportunity, and every positive opportunity has an even more positive opportunity.
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You must therefore ensure that you see the bigger picture of things, and not take a situation at
face value.
How To Apply realise and know that every situation you are experiencing in your life can be
improved even more, no matter what the situation may be. In other words, there is always room for
improvement, in all of mindset, behavior, attitude and action. Bring this as a mindset. See the
opportunity in everything.

You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes.
Make all you can. Because, remember thats where youll find success. On the far side.
Thomas Watson Senior. (Founder of IBM)
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the
wind, not with it.
Henry Ford. (Founder of Ford Motor Company. $180 billion personal fortune)
The Law of Reflection
The law of reflection states that your internal environment will be directly reflected in your external
environment. So whatever your viewpoint, opinion or judgement about any situation is, it will be
shown to be true in your physical environment.
How To Apply make sure that you always say and do positive things which will move you directly
towards your goal. Everything else must be eliminated.
The Law of Energy Transmutation
The law of energy transmutation states that energy is always moving into, through and out of form.
This means your life and situation by nature can change at any moment, and is always changing.
However, what changes is down to you, in practising the power of decision.
How To Apply always make sure that you are constantly striving towards your goal. The world is
always moving and changing, and therefore so should you.
The Law Of Harness
The law of harness states that continued accumulation and momentum towards a goal, will
increase the resources available to reach the goal. These new resources are always mental to
begin with. But then it creates an increase in physical, behavioral and time resources.
How To Apply always make sure that you perform the actions you have committed to. Total
dedication and total commitment is how you can guarantee total success.
Also, be 100% focused on your goal and do one thing at a time.

These laws are easily to complement when you apply this guide.

What To Expect
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At this stage, you will be closer to mastery of the goal. You will be moving quickly, feeling good
about yourself and making good progress all the time. You will feel light and energised on the
inside, and progress will become easy for you.

If this is not happening, go back to the basics and intermediate section to see what could possibly
be wrong. Remember that fundamentals are everything.


You need to have a plan of what you want to achieve, and how you are going to do it. This means
writing down on paper, your annual and month on month goals. This sends new signals to the
unconscious mind, as you clarify the goal and understand what it would be like if it were a reality.

You need to improve and maximise your self discipline as much as possible. Self discipline is
actually simple to achieve, since millions of people are highly disciplined. All it requires is sending
the right signals to the unconscious mind, so that it is wired for discipline and does the things that
needs to be done.

You achieve self discipline by effectively wiring it in your unconscious mind, whilst continuing to
perform the actions. If the unconscious is not re-wired at the same time as the actions, nothing will

Doing things correctly will ensure that you continue to make continuous progress upwards.
Strengthening your aura, doing power focus sessions and getting organised are fundamentals to
making effective action and forming new habits successfully.

Maintain your commitments as much as possible and use your time effectively. This will happen
more easily when you are taking the steps to wire your mind effectively.

Habits can come from many different places. Some habits are created due to your beliefs, where
beliefs are simply thoughts held in the unconscious mind. To change habits, send an alternative
childhood to your unconscious mind. Imagine what your childhood would be like if you had the
habit you wanted. Doing this over time will have the unconscious mind accepting the new

Critically examine your life on a regular basis. Doing this, you will see which bad habits still
exist and then be able to act accordingly. Sit down and examine your life, honestly, and see
where you can make improvements. This will allow you to change more quickly.
Critically examine your thoughts, words, and feelings on a regular basis. As above, it will allow you
to change them to be positive and empowering. If you think, say and feel bad things, bad things
will happen. If you think, feel and say good things, good things will happen. Good things happen
from a position of mental strength and control.

Always learn as much as possible. Persist. Understand why things arent working out when they
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dont and try new things and learn more to combat these situations.

Perform the actions that you see immediately ahead of you. Once those are done, new actions
and new things to do will appear for you. You will receive more thoughts, intuitions, ideas and
inspirations on your plan as you continue to work to achieve it.

Be of service to others and be charitable. This programs the unconscious mind correctly as you
feel good about doing these things for others. This will help you to come up with good new ideas,
motivation, additional revenue etc. You must do it genuinely to give and never to get. You must be
sincere about this for the effects to work

Complement the laws of energy as much as possible. These are natural laws of the universe that
can transform your life. The most important laws are the laws of diligence, the law of vision, the
law of resonance and the law of detachment The law of diligence states that you must dig where
the gold is. Law of Vision states you must have a vision and images of what you want, being
brought into the unconscious mind. Resonance states that you need to strengthen your aura and
focus for new unconscious programming. Detachment states you need to live in the moment all
the time.

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You need to set clear goals. These goals should be the things that you genuinely want to achieve
in life. They should include your true desires only. You should also set your goal up as a lifestyle,
rather than an object you want.

You need to know what your purpose is. Your purpose is why you will get out of bed and keep
going when the going gets tough. It will keep you on track and give you a real direction for your

You need to maximise the creative energy flow in your body. This means having a strong aura as
a force field to protect yourself against negative energies.

You need to come from a position of strength, called having, instead of not having. In other
words, you need to come from a position of abundance, rather than lack. You do this through
knowing you can get what you want, talking about things positively and how you want it to be and
following your strengths.

Other Important Lessons From This Section:

You cannot manifest just anything. You can only manifest your true hearts desires.

Be honest about what you really want. Only then can you honestly make change.

Aim for something that is, at most, 2-3 times greater than the life you currently have. This is
because it will seem more realistic in your unconscious mind. If it is too high, it will seem
unrealistic in your mind. Once you reach those goals, you can aim even higher.

Think clearly about what you want, for a while. Spend time thinking it through in an honest fashion.
Going for something you really want will make it easier to achieve.

Always live by your purpose. They are your source of strength in life. Your purpose helps you to
push further and generate positive energy. This positive energy re-wires the unconscious mind

Always protect and strengthen your aura every day by consuming good foods, clearing your body
with sea salts, and taking cold or cooler showers.

Remove all negative energy. This is by strengthening the aura and by creating a strong intent
(explained in the next section). It is also by associating with positive, optimistic people all the time.

Check your reaction to daily life situations to monitor whether you are feeling negative or positive
energy. Make the changes accordingly.
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Your mind is a program. To manifest, the mind must be programmed the right way. It is the
unconscious mind which needs to be programmed to manifest. To change the unconscious mind
is to change your life. Remember that everything in your life will stay the same unless the
unconscious is changed.

Affirmations are a powerful way to change the programming of your mind. You can read
affirmations daily to change your mindset and send new suggestions to your unconscious.


You need to think about what you want, instead of what you dont want. Think about what you
want, and how you are going to get it, as much as possible. This sets the mental direction
correctly. Otherwise the energy will flow in the wrong direction.

Be aware of what is going on in your head, including the images and thoughts, and make sure you
are focused on what you want, instead of anything else. Use your imagination to imagine what it
would be like to have your goal. Use your imagination as your primary tool to re-wire the
unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is the super processor of your mind. Nothing in your life will change until
you actively re-wire the unconscious mind through use of the imagination, having a strong aura
and strong focus.

You need to develop a single minded focus to the goal. This means doing relevant physical
actions to the goal and removing distractions. You must also re-direct your irrelevant and
wandering thoughts to stay concentrating and focused on these relevant tasks, so that you stay on
focus. Learning to develop focus is a skill which you can gradually get better at over time. Focus
acts as a tool to connect deeper to the unconscious mind and change its wiring.

There are 4 types of focus: overall, task general, task specific and nano. You should look at each
of these areas one by one, and correct them one by one. As you bring the first 3 into alignment,
you will find that nano focus is possible. This is when you are able to get into The Zone and
where serious manifestation will begin to happen.

You need to raise your internal thermostats but imagining double or triple of your goal. This
stretches the possibilities acceptable within the unconscious mind. You should do this for a few
minutes every day.

Learn to be happy, forgive others and be non-judgemental.
Always treat others with respect, in both words and actions. Show compassion, honesty and
integrity in everything you do. Fix the inside and the outside will change accordingly.

Spend long hours of time investing in your goals. The more time you spend, the more your
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creative energies are investing in that goal.

Make a resolve to get things done no matter what. Make a decision and resolve and do the thing
you need to do now. The phrase resolve to get something done summarises the feeling of intent

Learn as much as you can about your goal. Read books on how to achieve your goal. This gives
you good ideas, a better understanding and more confidence. It gives you the mind and mental
thought force which you need for manifestation.

Always improve every single day. Improve, improve, improve. Know that there is an even better
way than what you are doing. Have this mindset all the time. You are always growing, improving
and expanding.

Learn to control the frame as much as possible. At least have an equal frame in all situations.
A weak frame in a situation weakens the mind. A strong frame increases manifestation leverage
through composure, strength and control.

Read affirmations every single day, even in simple situations and in simple ways, such as come
on, you can do it.

Create positive mental associations. Be empowered in situations, instead of disempowered. When
you are empowered, you have a strong mind. This will constantly re-program your mind and make
positivity and empowerment a natural habit for you. These positive emotions help to re-wire the
unconscious mind as well.


You need to have a plan of what you want to achieve, and how you are going to do it. This means
writing down on paper, your annual and month on month goals. This sends new signals to the
unconscious mind, as you clarify the goal and understand what it would be like if it were a reality.

You need to improve and maximise your self discipline as much as possible. Self discipline is
actually simple to achieve, since millions of people are highly disciplined. All it requires is sending
the right signals to the unconscious mind, so that it is wired for discipline and does the things that
needs to be done.

You achieve self discipline by effectively wiring it in your unconscious mind, whilst continuing to
perform the actions. If the unconscious is not re-wired at the same time as the actions, nothing will

Doing things correctly will ensure that you continue to make continuous progress upwards.
Strengthening your aura, doing power focus sessions and getting organised are fundamentals to
making effective action and forming new habits successfully.
Manifestation Intelligence: Laws Of Mind System Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved

Maintain your commitments as much as possible and use your time effectively. This will happen
more easily when you are taking the steps to wire your mind effectively.

Habits can come from many different places. Some habits are created due to your beliefs, where
beliefs are simply thoughts held in the unconscious mind. To change habits, send an alternative
childhood to your unconscious mind. Imagine what your childhood would be like if you had the
habit you wanted. Doing this over time will have the unconscious mind accepting the new

Critically examine your life on a regular basis. Doing this, you will see which bad habits still
exist and then be able to act accordingly. Sit down and examine your life, honestly, and see
where you can make improvements. This will allow you to change more quickly.
Critically examine your thoughts, words, and feelings on a regular basis. As above, it will allow you
to change them to be positive and empowering. If you think, say and feel bad things, bad things
will happen. If you think, feel and say good things, good things will happen. Good things happen
from a position of mental strength and control.

Always learn as much as possible. Persist. Understand why things arent working out when they
dont and try new things and learn more to combat these situations.

Perform the actions that you see immediately ahead of you. Once those are done, new actions
and new things to do will appear for you. You will receive more thoughts, intuitions, ideas and
inspirations on your plan as you continue to work to achieve it.

Be of service to others and be charitable. This programs the unconscious mind correctly as you
feel good about doing these things for others. This will help you to come up with good new ideas,
motivation, additional revenue etc. You must do it genuinely to give and never to get. You must be
sincere about this for the effects to work

Complement the laws of energy as much as possible. These are natural laws of the universe that
can transform your life. The most important laws are the laws of diligence, the law of vision, the
law of resonance and the law of detachment The law of diligence states that you must dig where
the gold is. Law of Vision states you must have a vision and images of what you want, being
brought into the unconscious mind. Resonance states that you need to strengthen your aura and
focus for new unconscious programming. Detachment states you need to live in the moment all
the time.

Manifestation Intelligence: Laws Of Mind System Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved


1. Create notes of inspirational lessons and ideas and put it up in an obvious place where you can
see it

This will help you to stay on track, because you are exposing yourself to positive information all
around. For this, you can use sticky paper, or print out A4 sheets of inspirational lessons. For
example, Live In The Moment, or Focus Your Mind are 2 good lessons to put up.

2. Dont rely on your memory. Write things down.

When something important crops up in your mind, write it down as soon as you can. Writing things
down frees your mind to focus and concentrate on other things.

3. Perform weekly and monthly activity reviews

A Weekly Activity Review is good to help you monitor your progress and see what you did right,
and what could be done better. This allows you to monitor your progress and make good

4. Dont obsess about little insignificant things

It is important to focus on the bigger tasks you need to do to succeed. Keep your mind on track
and remove any distractions in your thoughts.

6. Quit your job if need be and go it alone

If you were always thinking about setting up your own business or giving yourself more freedom,
you need to get thinking about this now. Think about what you are going to do, what you have to
offer to the world and create a plan of action for your financial and life freedom.

7. Save your money. Spend only to invest

Until you know what you really want to do with your life, and where you want to invest your money,
dont spend or do anything with it at all. Simply save it for when you will need it and when you
know where you want to invest it. Always save, save, save. The more money you save, the more
you will have in your bank account to feel good about. This programs your unconscious mind
positively even more, and the cycle repeats itself.

8. Dont be an over-giver

Many people go to huge feats to help others but get nothing in return. You must value your service
and time. Its okay to give, but you must always remember to consider yourself directly at times as

9. Dont be self-centred and only ever see things from your point of view
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It is important to have a balance between seeing other points of view and your own. This will help
to communicate and relate to people better. You will make better decisions and make more
progress over the long run.

10. Stand your ground when you know you are right

Never just go at the whims of others. Stand your ground when you believe you are right about
something. Feel strong and confident about your life and what you want to achieve in it.

11. Be careful of who you associate with

Associate with positive, hard working, confident and great people, and you will become one
yourself. Associate with the turkeys instead and you will become one.

You must guard constantly against those who lack vision. You must guard against the reactionary
mind. Always cultivate and associate with persons of vision and with persons who believe that
things are going to be better. When you do this, you take on the kind of vision, backed by the right
kind of inspiration that you need if you are going to grow in this business or any other business.
Thomas Watson, (Founder of IBM. $90 billion annual turnover)

12. Always aim for more wisdom, knowledge and understanding

This is the most important of all the points. Always learn, learn, learn. As the saying goes, the
more you learn, the more you will earn. This means not just financially, but also in happiness,
relationships and health. Millions of people are manifesting left, right and center, and you can too.
You simply need to understand, learn and apply. Keep learning and always keep learning. This
means reading books, re-reading things you have already learned and increasing your knowledge.

As you increase your knowledge and apply it, you will understand success even more and reach
for even higher goals.

Manifestation Intelligence: Laws Of Mind System Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved

Other Applications Of The True Secret
Now that you understand the true secret, and know how to use it to achieve your dreams, we can
cut through error and lies very quickly. This is because the true secret is the core truth.
We can use this core truth to see the truth in a situation, therefore empowering us to stick to the
laws of our true nature, allowing us to achieve our dreams along these natural principles. Below
you will find an extract from The Complete Guide To Genius which talks about stationary
intelligence and its application to the The True Secret:
The Highest Form Of Intelligence
(extracted from The Complete Guide To Genius)
The most valuable form of intelligence is not logic, grammar, spatial, creativity etc. It is none of
these conventional forms. If this were the case, everyone with an IQ of 180 would reach the top,
but this is not true. History is full of stories of high IQ people who unfortunately achieved nothing in
their lives and died having been ridiculed by their peers and society.
The highest form of intelligence is something called stationary intelligence. Stationary intelligence
is the ability to see a situation independent of beliefs. So by removing your beliefs about a
situation, you can get to the truth of it straight away.
Also, THE MASTER SECRET IS THE CORE TRUTH. So if you apply the master secret to any
situation, you will understand the additional natural truth (independent of man made bias) about it
as well. The natural truth is what is actually true, and what is true also relates directly to your true
nature through the secret above.
Here are some real life examples which lack stationary intelligence. We will also apply the Master
Secret Truth to reinforce our position about what is true:
1. The Queen of England is the Queen. She is very powerful
If we apply stationary intelligence to this matter and the Master Secret, we see the truth of the
matter: The truth is that the comment above is man made. What is man made is made up. There
is no England. There is no queen. People have simply called this place England, and people have
simply called her the queen! Everything is based 100% on made up belief! Any power is man
made and made up. The Master Secret is that the Power is laying within you. This means that You
are the king (or you are the queen) just as much as she is the queen. There is no additional
natural power which she has. You are the king. You are the king by law, because access to
manifest any reality lies within you by natural law. This means, that you have just as much natural
right to walk into the palace and call yourself the King of the land.
2. Other people are richer than me
If we apply stationary intelligence and the Master Secret: Money is man made. What is man made
is made up. And made up things are impossible to be natural truth. The natural truth is that the
power to manifest reality lies within you. Therefore you are the richest person in the world,
alongside everybody else! No matter what other people say or do, and even if you have 0.000
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dollars in your bank account, you are still the richest. Just because another person who looks,
senses, and does things just like you says you have this and that amount of money has no bearing
on it being naturally true. What another person says is made up from their own whims. They have
100% made up the concept of money, and you having X, Y or Z. This is why we read stories in the
Bible, Koran etc about Prophets dressed in rags, but who were richer than a king possessing
mountains of gold (that said, by applying the master secret, prophets generally amassed huge
fortunes anyway). Their nature, like yours, is one of infinite wealth. You have a mind, and this mind
is connected to deeper layers of mind which creates reality. The powers behind your mind are
directly creating the world around you.

These two matters should set some light into various situations in your life. Here are some other
examples of life situations, where the truth is derived when applying The Master Secret and
stationary intelligence:
1. Your boss is your boss
Again, this is man made. What is man made is made up. The belief that he/she is your boss is
also made up. You are the most powerful person in the world, by law, because the powers behind
your mind directly create the world. Every second is an opportunity to use your power to get what
you want. Your boss is an equal, who has no more power than you. Also, they are not a boss in
any way shape or form in the first place. It is made up! You are just as much their boss as a truth.
The lesson here is that you should always see yourself as your own boss. You are the boss, and
you control what happens in your life. You also determine the profits you take home, and your
wages. To say they are the boss, is them holding the frame against you.
2. I only have $500 in my bank account
Again, this is man made. It is made up by other people, who have simply said you have $500. To
think you only have $500, is ignoring your true nature. Your true nature is that you have infinite
wealth by natural law because in your mind has the power to manifest the physical world directly.
The correct manner of action is to focus on your goal and achieve it in The Secret Way described
above. To say you only have $500 is to cut yourself off from your true nature. You are the most
powerful person in the universe that already has everything. Your unconscious has it! So to say
someone has $500 or $5 billion is no different in wealth terms in anyway whatsoever. Any
difference is completely made up by people who have used a completely 100% made up system
to claim you have this or that. The natural truth is that everything around you is created in your
own mind, and you are richer than $100 zillion. Anything man made which people say is
completely made up.

The lesson to learn here is NEVER think of things in money terms. Money is a 100% man made lie
with no bearing on the laws of consciousness or the laws of reality. Think in terms of vision, goals
and actions. These are natural resources where the true power lies and will lead to you amassing
real fortunes in dollars and pound sterling. Obviously, you must use your money to get by life
(since it is entrenched belief in society) but to let it define you to say you have this or that is a
100% lie. Keep an eye on your money, and spend to invest, but NEVER think in money terms.
Also, do not count your money. Think in terms of the steps explained.
Manifestation Intelligence: Laws Of Mind System Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved

If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.
John Rockefeller. (Worlds richest man of all time: $325 billion personal fortune)
If you work just for money, youll never make it, but if you love what youre doing and you always
put the customer first, success will be yours.
Ray Croc. (Founder of McDonalds)

3. He has X, Y or Z. I dont.
Again. Completely made up and 100% false by natural law. The made up part is that having
something is actually having it. This is made up! The layers of mind behind your mind is directly
creating the physical world. This means that you have everything already in your mind whether
you have it physically or not!! The lesson to learn here is NEVER feel that you dont have
something. You definitely 100% have it, by natural law. Always feeling that you have it will bring it
to you physically by law, guaranteed 100%.
I hope the above sheds some strong light into the power of The Master Secret and the highest
forms of stationary intelligence. It is these types of intelligence and way of thinking which lead to
the brilliance and GENIUS of every single genius who has ever lived. (end of extract from The
Complete Guide To Genius)

Manifestation Intelligence: Laws Of Mind System Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved


The true secret to manifestation success is to control your own mind and re-wire the unconscious
mind. When the unconscious mind is re-wired, you can actually do the things you need to do to

The unconscious mind by far is the most important thing in your life. It controls and does
everything. With the secrets throughout this guide, you change the thoughts which happen in your
unconscious, to therefore change your life.

Congratulations on finding true manifestation knowledge. The Laws Of Mind is the true secret to
manifestation success!!

It is now the time for action. Re-read the guide again if need be, and keep re-reading it until you
understand what needs to be done. Set a plan of action and get moving on that plan.

Best of luck in your manifesting, and may you be favored in the pursuit of Manifestation

Good luck!
The Mind One Digital and Team

Manifestation Intelligence: Laws Of Mind System Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved

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