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The majority of U.S. citizens say illegal immigrants should be deported. Do you agree or disagree?

In first week of December !"#$% around !" &ouse Democrats urged 'resident (bama to disrupt deportation of illegal immigrants until a comprehensi)e immigration reform plan is passed. *t the other hand% +", )oters think U.S. -o)ernment is not aggressi)e enough in deporting illegal immigrants. Immigrants are poorer compared to the rest of the population% they pay less and are likely to recei)e more benefits than other nati)es. /illions of people are entering the United States legally e)ery year% but they are staying for longer time than they are allowed to stay. The rises in number of illegal immigrants also raise the 0uestion of whether the United States -o)ernment is too aggressi)e or not to aggressi)e enough in deporting the people who are li)ing in the country illegally. It is to be noted that (bama *dministration is the most aggressi)e when it comes to the deportation of illegal immigrants. There ha)e been a number of initiati)es from the -o)ernment in order to deal with the increase in number of illegal immigrants. The -o)ernment has taken a conscious decision to assign e0ual weight to the border security in order to tap the increase in number of illegal immigrants. Increasing border security is the top most agenda of the US go)ernment. There ha)e been a number of re0uests from )arious influential parties about the immigration reforms which will certainly ser)e the society in a better way. The immigration reforms are gi)en a top priority. The go)ernment is finding ways to pre)ent to cross the border illegally. The go)ernment is also trying hard to find whether people are recei)ing /edicare and other benefits improperly or not. The (bama administration has planned a list of regulations and admission processes to remo)e illegal immigrants from the /edicare and other

benefits which can be a)ailed by e.plicitly by the US citizens only. The aggressi)eness of the administration s deportation policies has raised the eyebrow of many people. 'eople are )ocal against the implementation of the deportation policies and ha)e re0uested the go)ernment to ha)e a relook onto it. 1harleston 2egional 3usiness 4ournal carried out a sur)ey in 4un !"#" to find out how US citizens think about affect of illegal immigrants in US on their life. It is pretty clear that people belie)e they are not too happy with the rise in number of illegal immigrants and they belie)e that they are paying higher because of them. Illegal immigrants do not pay ta.% where as the ta. re)enue used for the welfare of illegal immigrants family members. on the other hand% illegal immigrants and their family are getting benefits from social security% medical facilities and few e.pensi)e 5e.pensi)e for the -o)ernment6 welfare packages. 7hich in turn increasing the burden of and duties imposed on the people. Some people belie)e that they are benefitted8 because usually illegal immigrants take jobs that are hard to fill. *gain some people belie)e that they ha)e lost their work because to illegal immigrants% who work for low pay. The number of illegal immigrants in US has increase from ##.# million in !"## to ##.9 millions in !"#$. (ne of the crucial 0uestions is why the number of illegal immigrants is increasing so alarmingly? The possible reasons could be: /e.ico shares a !""" miles land border with the United States. 2elati)ely weak economy of /e.ico is encouraging the people across the border to enter US in search of job and better standard of li)ing. (ne more aspect is the absence of strong immigration laws due to which the -o)ernment is unable to keep a check on the number of illegal immigrants.

/ost of the *merican citizens want to li)e in a safe place. They want to secure the border first. ;specially after the incident of <=##8 the -o)ernment has become )ery cautious too. * recent sur)ey by 'ew 2esearch 1enter &ispanic Trends 'roject estimates that about ##.9 million immigrants are li)ing illegally in the US. Some lawmakers in 7ashington ha)e suggested that the -o)ernment should grant a legal status or citizenship to these illegal immigrants. 3ut the important 0uestion is that do US citizens want illegal immigrants should be deported?

The support in fa)or of granting legal status illegal immigrants is getting bigger and bigger. *s per the sur)ey 5as shown in the table below6 made by 'ew 2esearch 1enter &ispanic Trends 'roject across a wide range demographically di)ersified sample%

estimate that around 9#, of *mericans want them to remain in the country if those illegal immigrants meet certain criteria. 7hereas% !9, people want that illegal immigrants should not be allowed to stay legally. In addition to these% many *mericans think that the growing number of outsiders will pose a real threat on the traditional *merican customs and )alues

It is found out that the o)erall attitude towards the illegal immigrants ha)e become more positi)e in spite of country s struggling economy and worldwide concerns for illegal immigrants. *t the same time US citizens are concerned regarding the following issues: The US citizens are not in fa)or of pro)iding benefits to the children of

immigrants% who are li)ing illegally in the US. * growing concern about the safety and security of the people. /ore than anything% they want to secure the border There should be a mechanism to stop further increase in the number of illegal immigrants. The impact of the illegal immigrants on the economy of the country. There are always chance of de)elopment of enmity among illegal immigrants and others due to the conflict of interest There has been a certain dilemma to choose o)er illegal immigrant deportation. It is certain that improper staying is illegal8 but it is unethical to deport them% especially because people will ha)e to suffer a lot and also the absence of guidelines about how to deal with the illegal immigrants. /ost of the people are unaware of the impact and conse0uences of illegal immigrants. (ne more important aspect is this8 e)en though they are illegal by definition% but their children who born in the United States will become US citizen. *ll these suggest that there is a need of pre)enting people from crossing the border illegally or staying in the country for more time than they are allowed to stay. * number of sur)eys suggest that people are against the illegal immigrants but at the same time they are against the deportation policies of the go)ernment. /ajority of the people do not want the deportation of illegal immigrants8 rather they are in fa)or of pro)iding them a legal status or citizenship if they fulfill certain criteria. Ignorance of law is certainly a crime but the aggressi)e deportation policies are not good for the people. *lso% people are )ery concerned about the impact on economy due to the presence of illegal immigrants. 'eople are almost certain that the impact is not so fa)orable and US citizens ha)e to bear the additional e.penses to take care of the families of illegal immigrants. &ence% the -o)ernment is trying hard to find out whether people are getting

benefits improperly in order to ensure that the benefits are e.clusi)ely for the US citizens!"#$=#!=#"=majority>of>americans>belie)e> deportation>of>illegals>not>enforced>enough>n#9+"+9#!"#$="<=!?=us=immigrant>population>shows>signs>of>growth> estimates>show.html?@rA" http:==www.people>!"#$="$=!B=most>say>illegal>immigrants>should>be>allowed> to>stay>but>citizenship>is>more>di)isi)e=!""B="C=!?=illegal>immigrants>cost>e)eryone>but>mainly>ta.payers=!"##="$=#B=how>many>illegal>immigrants>li)e>in>the>united> states>and>where>do>they>come>from=>immigration>and>amnesty>polls!"#?=feb=#9=americans>gi)e>border>security> dealing>illegal>imm=Di.zz!weEF.GTp!"#?=feb=#9=americans>gi)e>border>security> dealing>illegal>imm=

Bibliography: 1. Hanson, Gordon H., and Antonio Spilimbergo. Illegal immigration, border enforcement, and relative wages: Evidence from apprehensions at the USMexico border. No. w5592. National Bureau of E onomi !esear ", 199#.

2. Katie Pavlich, . N.p.. Web. 20 Mar 2014. < atiepavlich/201!/12/10/ma"orit#$o%$ americans$believe$&eportation$o%$ille'als$not$en%orce&$eno('h$ n1)*0*)1+. $. ,-./0 P12345N, . N.p.. Web. 20 Mar 2014. <!/06/24/(s/immi'rant$pop(lation$shows$ si'ns$o%$'rowth$estimates$show.html78r91:+.
%. . N.p.. Web. 20 Mar 2014. <http://www.people$press.or'/201!/0!/2;/most$sa#$ ille'al$immi'rants$sho(l&$be$allowe&$to$sta#$b(t$citi<enship$is$more$&ivisive/+.

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