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3t J^^ickuyctd Av. SlheSA-Tbl^ y tL,

Yes, this is South Africa calling. Thank you for your interest in this country, and in the

spread of the gospel here. Aspecial word of thanks to those who pray for and supporl: our ministry to Cape

Now that I am 60 years of age, I thought it might be good to giveyou a brief survey of my life and

1935 : On May 23rd I was born to Watton Fulford, a sailor on a whaling ship, and his wife, Florrie, a piano

teacher, in Wynberg, a suburb of Cape Town, South


1942 -1 now had a sister. Alma, a brother John, a dog, Jock, and a cat, Toodlesl I also stari:ed school at a Lutheran school up on the hill. 1943 -1 transferred to Aliwal Road Primary School, wearing short pants and (when it rained) long boots, which soon filled up with rain! We also attended the Polo Road Church of Christ in the suburb of Observatory. 1946 - My father died after serving in the South African

1949 -1 was at Wynberg Boy's High School, belonged to the Students Christian Union, attended Boy Scouts, went
camping, accepted Christ as my Saviour, was baptised, taught Sunday School at the church and in the African townships, and lead our church youth group. We also worked with open air services, home studies and other

- <2-

churches, including Baptist, Methodist and Salvation


1953 -1 accepted God's call, eY\co\Araged by our

missionary, Max Randall, to attend Bible College in the

at the University ofCape Town, concentrating on African
Languages, Anthropology and Social Science.

United States. In preparation, I took one year o'f studies

1954 -Aship took me to Boston, and I travelled by train

via Chicago to Minneapolis and the Minnesota Bible

College, and served as student preacher at churches in


1958 -1 married Nancy Woodford, a fellow student from


1959 - Our eldest daughter, Alandra Jo, was born.

1960 - We travelled to South Africa, took a tour of our

1963 -We started mission work in Pretoria, conducting Home Bible Studies in the suburb of Valhalla. Nancys back problems took us to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
and I began additional studies at Lincoln Christian

and opened a church in Wynberg. 1962 - Our younger daughter, Sandra jo, was born.

mission stations throughout South Africa and Rhodesia,

and joined up with the Chicago District Evangelistic Association. My duties included serving as Dean ofjunior
Camp at Cedar Lake, Indiana.

1964 -1 ministered to the Tinley Park Church ofChrist,

1966 - We returned to South Africa, and I commenced

mission work in and around Port Elizabeth. My work

included the training of 12 African ministers. Adrop in


monthly support made it necessary for me to get ajob at

Ford Motor Co.

1969 - Our son, Timothy, was born, but suffered with a

blood tumour that needed special treatment.

1970 - We took Timothy back to the States to Minnesota

Children's Hospital, and I preached at New Brighton

Christian Church near St. Paul, and also attended Bethel Bible Seminary.

1972 - We returned to Port Elizabeth with Timothy's condition on the mend. My mmistry continued in towns,
townships and on farms for a radius of 200 miles. We

also held Bible School and church services in our home,

and published a Bible Newsletter which was mailed to

hundreds of people in the Port Elizabeth area.

1975 - We now moved back to Cape Town to set up the

daily work at the Farmer s Co-op, with my mission work

at nights and on weekends.

wide ranging area. My \ncome was now supplemented by

and again we ministered to farms and townships in a'

Classes were held wherever opportunities came along,

Cape Bible Seminary together with other missionaries.

did not leave me. His word was my light, and his Spirit
sustained me.

none critical - and my mother passed away. But, there was a good side! I was thrown completely onto the mercy ofthe Lord, and, though deserted even by fellow missionaries and several supporting churches, the Lord

1978 -Two years oftragic events now struck. My wife left me and married another man. Timothy and I were involved in several motorcycle accidents, fortunately

-if. -

1981 -1 fell in love again, and married Martha, a South African girl; and God opened a whole new world to mc. A church in Mitchell's Plain invited me to bring Bible lessons and messages. The Gospel Train Ministry called me in to bring them lessons and seminars. Homes opened up for Bible Studies. The Docks Mission invited me to preach to them, and so did the Community Church of Elsies River, the Sunshine Ministry of Lansdowne, and an Anglican Church in Lentegeur. 1989 - Martha and I, together with her son Bradley,
moved to Tuscany Glen.
1993 - We now lived closer to town, in the small but

pretty suburb of Edgemead, with trees and birds and a

majestic view of Table Mountain.

1996 - A project, 10 years in the making, reaches the fmaTedifing stageT It is "STRAIGHT TALK FROM GOD", a Bible Summary for young people. Martha and I are

both welcomed by an Assemblies of God Home Study Group in Edgemead. I am involved in teaching and
preaching in the Cape Town suburbs of Greenhaven and

Lentegeur. Martha and I recently made a trip together to the States, where I performed a wedding for my younger daughter. We were also warmly welcomed by

churches and individuals -- several of whom now support

us on a regular basis. God is good!


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tPfitfioosr^ CaPb
luis Soorn


Tel: 01l-^7 ai-57'cr7 AUGUST, 1996


Warm Christian greetings to you, our brothers and sisters in Christ. I must apologize for being so long

in writing, but there's a "fire in my bones" these days, and I spend every available moment with my Bible Summary
"STRAIGHT TALK FROM GOD." I'm jogging through JOHN at the

moment, keying corrections into the computer which they kindly let me use at my day job at the Farmer's Co-op. Martha takes me to work early, so I have an hour before work, 45 minutes at
lunch-time and two hours after work. There are no words to

describe to you the intense excitement of this project, working side by side with God to get His word down in plain

everyday conver53tional English.


It's fire in my bones!

The OLYMPICS is much on our mind these days, with

Cape Town bidding for the 2004 Games.

And what a great chance

to witness to people coming in from all over the globe!.V7ith our own Penny Heyns coming through in the swimming, and Josiah Tongwane in the Men's marathon, it reminds us of Paul who said:
"I have fought the good fight I have kept the faith I have finished my course." We, who have made a commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ, need to keep that commitment firm to the end, and remember your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Thank you each one for your firm commitment to the

missionary outreach of the church and the extension of God's kingdom on earth. There can be no doubt that we are in the
last days; but they are days of exciting opportunities and challenges for the spread of the Gospel. Your prayers and support for missionaries going out with that word is one way that God can use you to accomplish His will in this world. As you know, we are now living in EDGEMEAD, which is

one of the central suburbs of Cape Town.

We have joined the

Asseinblies of God, and are working with a Home Bible Study Group here. Meeting each Tuesday night I have already
brought messages from PSALMS, HOSEA and HABAKKUK. The last lesson emphasized the need for commitment, euid we were so

happy to see one yo\ang couple respond by recommitting their

lives to the Lord. The Pastor of the Assemblies has also

asked me to teach in their CHRISTIAN ACADEMY from next year.

IVice now I have been involved in ALL-NIGHT PRAYER

SESSIONS for Revival here in Cape Town. We are asking God to pour out iiis Holy Spirit on this city as never before.
We live in exciting times. Satan is on the loose. He knows

his time is short so he is pulling out all the stops.

But make no mistake about this, my friends GOD IS ALSO
PULLING OUT ALL THE STOPS! And He who is within us is
GREATER than he who i s in the world!

There has been a remarkable increase in interest in

THE TIME OF THE END in different parts of Cape Town. The people of LENTEGEUR and GREENIJVVEN have asked me to bring a series of lessons on^Bibleprophecies relating to the end time to both places. I have already brought lessons
on OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECIES to both places, and am now preparing lessons on prophecies in the GOSPELS and

EPISTLES. I hope to conclude with an in-depth study of the seven parts of REVELATION, using William Hendricksen's

The Russians have been "invading" my life once again, and I recently performed another wedding ceremony of a Russian man to a South African woman. I had the opportunity to speak to them both, and to bring a message from God's
Word to a number of Russians and South Africans.

While working in the early hours of the morning on my Bib]e Summary, I have had the opportunity of sharing the Scriptures with our tea man, the cleaning lady, and
some of the Security personell.

These are also blessed

My lesson on Old Testament prophecies of the End TdLme

concluded with Psalm 18 from STRAIGHT TALK FROM GOD:-




fort or mountain

You have done so much for meI

You are like a

You're the rock to which I

flee I

You're my Savior my strong Tower. You're my Shield I trust your wordI

Death cannot defeat or harm me.

When I put my trust in GodI

7 Mighty mountains shcike around me;
Fire burns the world at last!

Then my Lord comes down from heaven With a mighty trumpet blast!


0, the hailstones O, the fire!

Listen to that thunder sound!

Every enemy is scattered Lightning flashes all around!


God gives orders to the waters, And the sea just disappears!
All the deep lies bare.and open. But he saves me from my fears.


From the sky he reached and took me; Lifted me from troubles great; Saved my soul from deepest waters.
And the hands of those who hate!


When they saw me at my weakest. They attacked and threatened me; But my Savior didn't leave me
He redeemed and set me free!


To a place of many mansions. To a kingdom high and wide, I was led in great amazement. And my God was at my side!


I will always love and praise him. He has turned my night to dayl He has given me the victory He's been with me all the wayI

In the largely Colored community of DELFT in the BLUE

DOWNS area I have been asked to bring a message at the

Sunday School Anniversary. One of my main tasks will be to encourage the teachers that their labor is not in vain in
the Lord. Sometimes we become discouraged, and ask our

selves the question: "Are ray efforts worth-while 1" If you are sincerely working for the Lord Jesus, then the answer to that question is a resounding YES! Nothing that you do
for the Lord is in vain. As you send out the word of God, it will accomplish its purpose, and you will receive your

In the northern area of BERNADINO HEIGHTS I


brought a message on THE LOVE OF CHRIST to a group family and friends who had gathered for a birthday welcome home party for Martha's neice, Edwina, who been teaching school in Port St. Johns on the Wild
in the TRANSKEI; she has now returned there.

of and has Coast

Our work for the Lord is like ever-increasing

ripples in a pond. We will never fully realize how farreaching it can be. So, as Paul tells us, let us keep on doing good and serving the Lord, because, if we never give up, God will make sure that we will reap a bountiful


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"Unto the Lord be glory, honor and power, and

praise in the highest!" With these words began the Cantata

"WE ARE CALLED" presented by the Edgemead choir, which would soon travel to Constantia. I was the only bass. Called "An

Experjence in Worship," this cantata brought songs like "Abba

Father," and "Oh I want to know Him more."

Another year has gone by too quickly it seems and

we want to thank you from the depth of our hearts for your

prayers and support for our labors in Cape Town, South Africa, May God richly bless you at this Christmas Season a reminder
of the greatest gift ever given to man. And may He guide you through the coming year supplying all your needs by His
riches in glory through Christ Jesus,

I am busy with the final "polishing" on the NEW TESTAMENT of "STRAIGHT TALK FROM GOD," and hope to send the discs off to

your fingers or your toes crossed here just pray

Ron Beers at Tyndale Press for his evaluation.

Now don't keep


the main thing1 The OLD TESTAMENT still needs a little more work, but that'll be done next year, Lord willing.

Recently at MITCHELL'S PLAIN I brought a message on the

Priesthood of Christ. Each of us has an Appointment with

Death, and an Appointment with Judgment, Christ,our High Pjfiest, died to free us from death and will come again to
free us from Judgment,

Sprawling out between Cape Town's suburbs of OBSERVATORY

and PINELANDS, lies the Mental Institution of VALKENBERG. It

is so huge that it is like a city on its own, with a group that makes regular visits there.

I am now working On Sunday


preaching, prayer, and individual counselling. We have seen many come to Christ, and rejoice in souls won to the Lord.
Scriptures. Last week we looked at the book of HEBREWS,
At GREENHAVEN on Wednesday evenings I'm bringing a series of lessons on "THE TIME OF THE END," going through the

afternoons we go around to a number of the wards with songs,

and discovered that there is coming a time when God is going

to shake the entire universe, and everything that can be shaken will be blown to bits. But praise God we belong to a Kingdom that cannot be shaken*. I have also had the opportunity to teach at several groups

meeting in homes. Out at TABLE VIEW (so called because it has a good view of TABLE MOUNTAIN) it was my privilege to bring a message on Commitment i:o Christ, while at EDGEMEAD I brought
summary onthe book Of JOB.

Last week, at another home, I spoke on DISCIPLESHIPi JDur Lord-said; "If-any-man-^w^vts- to-Gome-af-ter me, let him

deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."
What did the cross mean to. the Master?
the cross tell us:-

His own words from

(1) Forgiveness,

"Father, forgive them."

(2) Care for others. "Mother, behold thy-son." (3) Salvation. "Today you'll be with me in Paradise." (4) Thirst for righteousness. "I thirst."
(5) Finishing God's work. "It is finished. (6) Complete commitment to God. "Father, into your
hands I commit my Spirit."

But there is something else.

Every servant of Christ

has to go through a horrible time of deep blackness and despair a time when he will sense that God Himself has
forsaken him. That is ultimately what the cross meant to our Lord Jesus. He cried out: "My God, my God, why have YOU forsaken me?" Oh, but don't miss that precious word "MY'J If, in the midst of that horrible darkness, you can

i^l cry out "My God," and know that He is your God, then
there is hope and it is nothing less than the hope of


I have been invited to teach a course at the


in the second quarter of 1997.

me is "God's Plan of Salvation."
forward to i t .

The subject assigned to

I am eagerly looking

A feature of South Africa life is the so-called

"street children." You see them on many street corners.

Young people who virtually live on the streets, looking

for hand-outs wherever they can get them. At our service last Lord's Day a young brother who works with these street kids, introduced us to one who had come to know Christ. He stood shyly at the front, and said: "I'm a little nervous. I look out and see all these faces. It is tough out on the streets. We get

tjie f0eling nobody cares about us.

This man does care.

He helped us. He taught us that Jesus loved us, and died for us. I gave my life to Jesus. But it's hard.
There are a lot of temptations. Sometimes I don't know what to do. But Jesus helps me. Thank you for your help/'
Last Thursday Martha and I had just been to the gym for our weekly session of Aquarobics, walked across to
MacDonalds for our weekly filet o' fish,and taken our

newsletter labels to Lara for printing, when suddenly

our 1984 Opel Rekord decided it wasn't going any further. This meant only one thing to me PUSH.... which I did
for about half a mile, while Martha steered.
great time I

She had a

In the morning a neighbor helped me jump start the car (with another neighbor's cables) and I was rolling

again, until I reached a stop light with about a mile of

cars behind me. I got out to push again, but they were

already streaming by on the inside lane, until one driver

kindly let me push across. By then two youngsters were

helping me push, and I hopped in to steer across to the

service station which God had arranged to be right

there. Oh yes He is in charge of everything'. The workshop wasn't open yet, so I sat on a chair


j^indly offred to iiie by the C^shiejT/ a young African man

named Small One. As he worked I took my Bible Summary out

of my briefcase, and continued editing. During a lull at the pumps I spoke to him about God*s love for us through
Christ. He told me that he was already a Christian, and

how it grieved him to see the crime and violence in South

Africa. He often rebuked those who were involved in evil. I thought to myself how large in spiritual stature was this youngster known as "Small One."

The Gospel has not changed, but times have changed,

and I believe that time is running out. In the titanic

has stepped up his campaign

struggle between "the forces of good and evil, the Devil


last ten years crime and violence have shot up at an alarming rate, but in THAT SAME PERIOD more people have come to Christ than in all the previous years since Christ
walked on earthI
Lord Jesus I

In Brazil alone, in tdiree revival

meetings, over 200,000 people gave their hearts to the

Praise his wonderful n^e I

the occas- Ion.

We,, who name tdie name of the Lord, need to rise to Let us pray and work. Let us spread His

word to every corner of the globe. Let us put the emphasis where it belongs, as we wait for the return of our Lord
Jesus Christ from heaven.

There are many different versions of the Scripture,

and many different commentaries on them - but in the

Great Commission, which our Lord Jesus Christ gave to

his disciples, which part of the words "Go and tell" do

you not understand? ,



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