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Form 13 University of Utah - Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism PRT 3800 !

8"8# $ooperative %ducation && Fina' (tudent Performance )ssessment

Instructions: Please assess the student in comparison to others you have worked with of similar academic level. Your responses will be kept confidential and used for the purpose of student grading and programmatic evaluation. Each performance assessment will determine five percent of the students internship grade, so please answer each uestion as honestly as possible. It may also prove helpful to spend a few moments reviewing the completed performance assessment with the student intern prior to submission. (tudent*s +ame# !ikki "im Date# #pril $, %&'( %mp'oyer# )niversity of )tah #thletics *arketing +epartment (ection &# (tudent ,ack-round &nformation 1. )$)D%/&$ %/P0)(&( ". (%/%(T%R 1F P2)$%/%+T #dventure and ,utdoor Programs "ummer "emester .herapeutic /ecreation 0all "emester 2ospitality *anagement 1 "pring "emester 3 "ustainable .ourism *anagement 3 4ommercial /ecreation *anagement 1 4ommunity /ecreation and "port *anagement 3 !atural /esources /ecreation Planning *anagement (ection &&# Performance )ssessment !. )PP%)R)+$% 1 5ell-groomed appearance #cceptable appearance !eeds improvement 9. (%2F-$1+F&D%+$% 1 "elf-confident )sually self-confident !eeds improvement 10. /)TUR&T< 1 8ery mature *ature !eeds improvement 4. T%)/51R6 1 5orks very well with others 6ets along satisfactorily w7 others !eeds improvement 8. :UD3%/%+T 1 *akes appropriate decisions )sually makes the right decision !eeds improvement 11. ),&2&T< T1 2%)R+ 1 9earns new skills uickly #verage ability to learn new skills !eeds improvement 7. &+&T&)T&8% 1 "eeks out additional responsibility 4ompletes assigned responsibilities !eeds improvement ;. D%P%+D),&2&T&< 1 8ery dependable )sually dependable !eeds improvement 1". PR1,2%/ (128&+3 1 "olves problems independently !eeds help solving most problems !eeds improvement 3. 2%+3T0 1F P2)$%/%+T *id-"emester #ssessment 1 0inal #ssessment

13. =U)2&T< 1F 51R6 1!. 5R&TT%+ $1//U+&$)T&1+ 14. 8%R,)2 $1//U+&$)T&1+ 1 /egularly e:ceeds e:pectations 1 "trong communication skills 1 "trong communication skills /egularly meets e:pectations "atisfactory communication skills "atisfactory communication skills !eeds improvement !eeds improvement !eeds improvement 17. )TT%+D)+$% 1 /egular Irregular !eeds improvement 19. PU+$TU)2&T< 1 8ery punctual )sually punctual !eeds improvement 18. PR1F%((&1+)2&(/ 1 8ery professional )sually professional )nprofessional

1;. 0ave you noticed that the student is particu'ar'y stron- or 'ackin- in any of the areas 'isted in the previous section ;"ection II<> +ikki has ?een a spectacu'ar addition to our marketin- department, and &*m very e@cited for the opportunities she has provided for herse'f. (he has ?een a -reat emp'oyee ?y vo'unteerin- on neA proBects, takin- the 'ead in many different areas of her Bo? and a'Aays ?ein- present and Ai''in- to assist in Ahatever Aay she can. (ection &&&# Performance (ummary "0. 0oA Aou'd you rate this student*s overa'' performance compared to others you have Aorked Aith of simi'ar academic 'eve'> C 4 - /uch more than accepta?'e ;"ignificantly above criteria re uired for successful =ob performance<. ! D /ore than accepta?'e ;6enerally e:ceeds criteria relative to uality and uantity of behavior re uired<. 3 D )ccepta?'e ;*eets criteria relative to uality and uantity of behavior re uired<. " D 2ess than accepta?'e ;6enerally does not meet criteria relative to uality and uantity of behavior re uired<. 1 D /uch 'ess than accepta?'e ;"ignificantly below criteria re uired for successful =ob performance<. "1. 5ou'd you recommend this student for permanent, fu''-time emp'oyment> 1 Yes !o

"". P'ease 'ist anythin- Ahich you fee' the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism cou'd do to ?etter prepare our students and make them more va'ua?'e to your or-aniEation# )s & state on a'' of these eva'uations, the interns Ae take on for the marketin- department for Utah )th'etics are some of the ?est that Ae have ?ecause they a'' Aant to ?e a part of our industry and have a -reat understandin- of the hard Aork and ener-y it takes to run marketin- Aithin the co''e-iate ath'etics industry. &f any are interested in app'yin- for an internship Aith marketin-, p'ease have them contact me at# /att Thomas 801-484-799;

This report has ?een discussed Aith the student intern#

1 Yes


&nternship (upervisor Gp'ease printH# *att .homas Tit'e# #ssistant +irector of *arketing

&nternship (upervisor Gsi-natureH#

Date# (7$7'(

P'ease mai' or fa@ the comp'eted performance assessment form to (teve ,e'', University of Utah, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, "40 (. 1840 %., Rm "00, (a't 2ake $ity, Utah 8!11"I F)C G801H 481-!;30.

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