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The 7 Seals of Consciousness Workshop

Ascended Master Kuthumi channeled through MICHELLE ELOFF The 7 Seals of Consciousness or!sho" # $a% & '( Ma% '))( CA*E TO +, SO-TH AF.ICA ///0thelight/ea1er *lease !ee" in mind that 2ust reading this information /ill acti1ate a "rocess and shift for %ou0 It is not the same as 3eing in the "resence of the channeling Master, 3ut %ou /ill still 3enefit from reading it and aligning %our consciousness /ith the associated Master0 400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I am Kuthumi and I come for/ard u"on the ra%s of lo1e and /isdom to greet thee at this time and to 3ring unto each of %ou the 3lessings of integration, acti1ation, a/areness and higher !no/ledge0 5reetings 3elo1ed ones0 And it is /ith great 2o% and "leasure in our hearts that /e ma% gather /ith each of %ou u"on this da% as /e hold %ou firml% /ithin the heart of Christ and securel% u"on the hands of 5od0 6elo1ed ones our "resence united /ith the "resence of all that %ou are is creating a manifested tem"late of ne/ 1i3ration for the "ur"ose of facilitating a ne/ /a1e of consciousness, and a ne/ /a1e of ascension for the area of the Ca"e as a /hole0 This ne/ /a1e of a/areness is 1ital, not onl% for %ou as indi1iduals 3ut for the animal, the "lant, the mineral, and in fact the entire nature !ingdom /ithin the area of the Ca"e0 The Ca"e area holds the 1i3ration for the 5olden Mantle, for the 5olden Age 3ringing forth the consciousness re7uired for the sacred union 3et/een the 5od and 5oddess to ta!e "lace0 The 5olden Child cannot come into full 3eing until the sacred marriage has ta!en "lace0 8ou are catal%sts in this "rocess0 8ou are the grounding mechanisms for the release of all the stagnant energ% that has !e"t humanities consciousness se"arate from the 5oddess force and through the shattering of the sheaths of illusion /hich ha1e !e"t %our cha!ric s%stem in a limited state of sensing /ill come into full 3eing, and %ou as a 3eing, /ill come into full 3eing0 8ou shall come into a state of 3eing full of %ourself, 3eing I+ sane, 3eing in a state of $ELI5HT#fullness0 8our energ% s%stem /ill re7uire the 3alance /ithin all as"ects of %our life and %ou shall come to e9"erience the true 2ourne% and the full e9"erience of the full s"ectrum of all of 5ods design and the creation manifested from this design and ho/ %ou too can integrate it0 Each of %ou are reclaiming a ne/ force of "o/er, this is "o/er %ou handed o1er at the onset of the dar! ages0 This reclaiming of isdom and !no/ledge /ill 3ring the "eo"le of %our communit%, into a natural state of needing dee"er understanding, and greater a/areness0 This /ill moti1ate "eo"le to ac7uire dee"er /isdom on order to understand the /orld0 8ou are reflectors of light /ithin the dar!ness # 3earing in mind dar!ness is sim"l% the a3sence of light, light is lo1e, it is !no/ledge, "o/er, /isdom, and truth0 $ar!ness is the antithesis of Lo1e0 8our 2ourne% into the inner /orld %ou ha1e created u" until this "oint, /ill re1eal attachments

%ou ha1e 3een "la%ing out, /hich reflect the matri9es of lo/er 1i3rational consciousness %our /orld has 3een conditioned to 3elie1e as truth and a acce"ta3le realit%0 8our first ste" in the 2ourne% of shattering the 1eils of old /orld 3eliefs and e9"ressions is addressing fear0 As /e s"ea! /ith %ou no/ /rite do/n e1er% fear %ou can feel /ithin %our 3eing0 rite do/n /here in %our 3od% %ou feel it0 Fear is the energ% that holds %ou tra""ed in the lo/er as"ect of %our 3ase cha!ra0 In order to manifest all %our needs as met, %ou must 3e grounded in %our 3od%0 6ecause "eo"le ha1e e9"erienced disem"o/erment the% are detached from their 3od%0 6eing in a state of un# groundedness means %ou are in a state of disconnection0 8ou are in a "h%sical 3od%, li1ing in a "h%sical /orld /hich has "h%sical re7uirements and demands, therefore, 3eing a3le to li1e comforta3l% /ithin in the "h%sical realm means one needs to ha1e as"ects of ones energ% connected to the realm in order to ensure a comforta3le e9"ression /ithin the dimension of choice0 6alance is 1ital, there is onl% one area of life one creates 3alance in and that is 3et/een the masculine and feminine self the 5od and the 5oddess Self0 This means action and 3eing needs to 3e 3alanced, %ou need to "la%, %ou need to /or!, %ou need to 3e acti1e and %ou need to rest0 This is im"ortant in order to ensure %our 3od% can maintain all the ne/ fre7uencies %ou are dra/ing to/ard %ou magneticall%, so that the "ro"er acti1ation can continue to ta!e "lace, and all the ne/ energies 3eing initiated during this "eriod of time can 3e a3sor3ed graciousl%, harmoniousl% and effecti1el%0 hen higher fre7uencies come into a "lace and 3odies are out of alignment, the ne/ energ% usuall% creates disharmon% /ithin an im3alanced 3od%, this is /hen disease manifests # /here misalignments of the energ% manifest0 Humanit% does not reali:e the im"ortance of 3eing conscious and a/are of the "h%sical 3od%0 Humanit% has re2ected the "h%sical 3od% to the degree that the% do not e1en understand /hen the 3od% re7uires fluid rather than solid su3stance to nurture it0 The confusion /ithin the connection of the "h%sical 3od% sim"l% reflects ho/ difficult it is to connect /ith the earth # to connect /ith the "h%sicalness of an e9"erience0 hen one mo1es into another dimension ha1ing dro""ed the organic 1ehicle, that e9"erience is as %ou /ould e9"erience a "h%sical e9"erience, it is not life on earth, %et it is another form of life, and that life 3ecomes as real an e9"erience as earthl% life /as e9"erienced0 6eing in the no/ means %ou must 3e in %our 3od%, a tree is a "erfect e9am"le of 3eing full% rooted to the earth, grounded and solid %et its 3ranches reach to the hea1ens dra/ing sustenance from the sun and dra/ing sustenance from mother earth0 It is rooted on earth and in hea1en0 ;isuali:e %oursel1es as a tree rooted to the s"irit of mother earth and rooted to the s"irit of father s!%0 This creates a s%stem of 3alance /ithin %our 3eing that in itself ser1es as di1ine ins"iration to moti1ate %ou to do /hate1er is re7uired of %ou to manifest 3alance and e1er% other state of 3eing /ithin e1er% area of life0 The light/or!ers are no/ 3eing allocated ne/ sacred "laces to root their energ% s%stems in leading u" to ')&'0 For some the shuffling of energ% /ill 3e "h%sicall% as in a relocation geogra"hicall%, others /ill e9"erience tremendous shifts energeticall% mo1ing out of "erha"s a "redominantl% emotional state and 3ringing 3alance to all the su3tle 3odies0 One /ho has "re1iousl% ma%3e not 3een a3le to connect mentall% ma% find themsel1es raising their energ% into a mental state and 3eing a3le to gras" as"ects of life "re1ious that caused confusion0 6e a/are of ho/ the s%stems of energ% change /ithin Mother Earth<s 3od%0 She is transmuting, transforming and transcending0 She is "urging from her 3eing all that causes her to9icit% "h%sicall%,

emotionall%, mentall% and s"irituall%0 Ca"e To/n holds the 1orte9 of light that feeds the si9th dimension, /hich /e refer to as the dimension of Fluid Lo1e0 This is the dimension of de1otion, it is the si9th ra% /hich Master =esus originall% held office through /hich is no/ 3eing handed o1er to Mother >Mar%? Magdalene0 e call her Mother Magdalene 3ecause she is the 5oddess of all the ladies of Mar% that ma!e u" the full 5oddess of Mar% Magdalene0 *erha"s %ou are a/are of the fact that there /as more than one Mar%0 There /as in fact great confusion during that time as to /ho the Mar%<s /ere in their di1ine e9"ressions of the original 5oddess /hom %ou !no/ as Mar% Magdalene e9"ressed in 1arious as"ects of the Mother Magdalene0 She 3rings the "o/er and the nurturing force of Mother 5oddess through the si9th ra% of de1otion0 As this consciousness of the 5oddess comes to life through the si9th ra% and through the si9th cha!ra >@rd e%e? so the shattering of the seal of illusion ta!es "lace0 As this seal shatters man% /ill 3egin to see /ith ne/ e%es and connect /ith the inner sight, /hich re1eals to all the "o/er of Mother 5oddess, and ho/ Master =esus and Mar% Magdalene re"resented the Sacred Marriage and union of the male 5oddess and feminine 5od0 +o/, the fears %ou ha1e /ritten do/n are fears %ou /ill release from the cellular im"rint of %our 3asic cha!ra ## %our 3ase, see %our 3ase cha!ra as the 3asis from /hich e1er%thing else is 3uilt /ithin %our "h%sical realit%, it is also %our earth>ing? element0 If %ou are to 3e full% in touch /ith Mother Earth, her light, her "o/er and her lo1e, %ou must 3e in touch /ith %our 3ase cha!ra0 8ou see, 3od% denial religions manifested great success in creating negati1e emotions related to the 3ase cha!ra, this !e"t %ou se"arate and disconnected from the 3asis from /hich %ou create %our /isdom, %our light and that energ% center that %ou dra/ sustenance and "o/er /isdom and life from the Mother 5oddess0 8ou are ste""ing into a ne/ /orld of solidit%, %et the solidit% is of a cr%stalline nature not of a densit% that /ill hold %ou in an% limited state of "aral%sis in an% /a% or form0 Fear feeds off fear, therefore focusing on %our fear /ill create more fear, and energies that li1e off fear /ill sniff %our fear out li!e a dog sniffs a 3one and /ill li1e off %ou fear, and in order to maintain the regular su""l% of fear sustenance it /ill ensure that %our fear 7uotient is !e"t at a high le1el0 Therefore %our res"onsi3ilit% to %ourself as a 3eing of the light, is to ta!e res"onsi3ilit% for the fact that fear is an illusion /hich %ou are shattering through %our si9th cha!ra, and that e1er%thing %ou "ercei1e /hich results in a fearful feeling is in fact the "erce"tion of an illusion, and that /hich causes %ou a sense of "eace and harmon% is the "erce"tion of truth0 8ou are 3eing mo1ed out of the lo/er astral 3elt of fourth dimension, and %ou as a grou" >and those /ho read this? are 3eing mo1ed out of the "s%chic realm 3% the masters of the Light, and /e are mo1ing %ou into the s"iritual realm0 6rea!ing a/a% from the "s%chic realms remo1es %ou from an% neediness to !no/ %our future in order to !no/ e9actl% /hat %ou are doing, /h% %ou are doing it and /here it /ill ta!e %ou0 hen %ou mo1e into the s"iritual realm %ou mo1e into a realm of surrender /hereas the "h%sic realm still feeds the need to control0 The s"iritual realm is the realm /here %ou can surrender and gro/ /ith the flo/ %our s"irit has created /ith %ou and for %ou0 8ou are 3ringing into %our self that full "o/er that moti1ates %ou into a ne/ /a% of e9"ressing and e9"eriencing the creati1e force of the 5oddess /ithin %ou0 -nderstanding the foundation %ou ha1e 3uilt %our life u"on, namel% the fears that moti1ate %ou /hich %ou ha1e /ritten do/n, /ill hel" %ou gain clarit% regarding %our 3elief s%stems /hich /ere set in "lace as a result of %our conditioning0 8our conditioning came into 3eing

3ased u"on those /ho came 3efore %ou and their conditioning and 3elief s%stems0 8ou are the catal%sts /ho ha1e come to change the /orld for the future0 8ou are the mechanisms /ho ha1e 3een "laced on earth to ensure the "attern does not 3ecome one that "la%s itself o1er and o1er and o1er again0 8ou are 3rea!ing the old records0 8ou are shutting doors to the histor% of the "ast0 8ou are creating the ne/ stor% for the future, and %ou are accessing ne/ dimensional records of light0 These records of light ma% at times lea1e %ou feeling as if %ou do not understand clearl% /ere %ou are going and /hat %ou are doing, or /h% %ou are doing it, 3ut that is not im"ortant0 hat is im"ortant is ho/ %ou feel /ithin as %ou ma!e the changes, as %ou mo1e through the old densit% /ith the soul "ur"ose of finding the truth, and finding the ne/ /a% /hich /ill create the ne/ /orld0 The seals of old "aradigm consciousness are not loc!ed onl% in %our 3od%, it is loc!ed /ithin the cellular structure of Mother Earth<s 3od%0 This has resulted in dead s"ots on %our "lanet /here the earth itself is com"letel% de"leted in minerals and nutrients and nothing is "ercei1ed to gro/ in that s"ace0 As each of %ou 3ring life to the dead s"ots /ithin %ourself, so %ou /ill /itness Mother Earth<s 3od% reclaiming a ne/ life force0 As the "rocess of shattering the se1en seals of old consciousness for Mother 5oddess ta!es "lace, ne/ s"ecies of life /ill manifest0 This /ill 3e disco1ered in the animal !ingdom in the mineral !ingdom as /ell as the "lant !ingdom0 8ou ha1e alread% e9"erienced a ne/ s"ecies of human 3eing coming forth in the form of the great Masters and Lords ta!ing on "h%sical human 3odies again at this current time0 8ou can see it 1er% clearl% in their e%es0 The% are not of the old /orld the% are a com"letel% ne/ race of 3eings0 These 3eings coming into "h%sical form at this time are man% of the great Master Teachers0 Some of them are coming through to %ou as %our children, as %our grand children, as nieces and ne"he/s and children /hom %ou /ill /or! /ith0 8our Masters are coming to %ou through the form of the child to remind %ou of %our "o/er, of %our truth and the im"ortance of reclaiming %our di1ine right to 3ecome %our fullest "otential0 +o/ mo1e %our attention to the fears %ou ha1e /ritten do/n and as! %ourself ho/ real are the% trul%0 *ut them into conte9t0 hat are the chances of them 3ecoming a realit%A 8ou ma% ha1e had an e9"erience in %our "ast that causes %ou to fear a re"etition of the "attern in the future, 3ut does it ha1e to 3e a future manifestationA 8ou ha1e the "o/er to decideB e ta!e %our energ% no/ 3elo1ed ones into the fourth cha!ra >Heart Cha!ra? It is in this cha!ra that each of %ou 3egin to release the grief of %our inner child through0 This is the grief related to e1er%thing it e9"erienced in the first se1en %ears of %our "h%sical earth life0 It is the grief as a result of the se"aration %ou e9"erienced from s"iritC the s"irit /ithin %ou and the s"irit of MotherDFather 5od0 An% form of se"aration that %ou e9"erience at this current time is reflected in some or other area of %our life0 I /ould li!e %ou no/ to ta!e a moment to consider /here %ou e9"erience a sense of se"aration in %our life or a sense disconnectedness /ithin %our 3od% and ma!e a note of /here %ou feel it in %our 3od%, or /hat area of %our life %ou are currentl% e9"eriencing the disconnectedness or se"aration /hich manifests in a sense of grief0 ith the assistance of %our Full% Mastered Self of the Light /e /ill hel" %ou reclaim those as"ects of %ourself /hich %ou /ere disconnected from /hen the seals of old "aradigm consciousness /ere set in "lace0 e are also /or!ing /ith %ou energeticall%, and /ill trans"ort %ou energeticall% through the timelines 3ac! to the 3eginning of the time /hen %ou

"ersonall% /ere "ut to Eslee"0E This is %our "rocess of resurrection0 This is %our time of 3rea!ing a/a% from Kali 8uga F the dee" slee"0 e suggest to all of %ou to read the stor% of sno/ /hite and the se1en d/arfs0 She re"resents the higher consciousness of humanit%0 The d/ar1es re"resent the cha!ric s%stem0 And ho/ through the fear of the dar! ones the higher self is "ut to slee" through a "oisoned a""le, a""les re"resent a3undance # the "oison re"resenting fear0 Fearing a3undance is a sure /a% to !ee" humanit% limited, for a3undance is not onl% of a financial nature, a3undance is related to e1er%thing %ou can imagine0 *oisoning the consciousness to/ard a3undance is /hat created the original se"aration0 So some souls ha1e an a3undance of finance 3ut are star1ing /ith the a3sence of lo1e or 2o% or "eace0 Others ma% 3e a3undant in lo1e 3ut cannot manifest "eace 3ecause material needs are not 3eing met0 8our 2ourne% through the cha!ras is re#esta3lishing a3undance in all its forms and through all le1els of consciousness and life0 -nderstanding this fair% tale and the "ersonalit% of each d/arf, its role and ho/ it "la%s it, /ill hel" %ou understand ho/ each of %our cha!ras "la%s out a d%namic # a !ind of "ersonalit% as"ect0 8our cha!ras influence %our 3eha1ior in e1er% area of %our life and either %ou are gi1ing %our "o/er to the lo/er de3ilitating as"ects of %our cha!ric s%stem or %ou are /ithdra/ing into the higher as"ects of %our higher cha!ras and den%ing the "h%sical /orld0 This is %our time to feel the freedom of e9"eriencing e1er% as"ect of %our cha!ric s%stem0 As %ou shatter the /orld of illusion so %ou 3egin to shatter the /orld of lies, 3etra%al, corru"tion and all le1els of its a3use and /hat it has 3rought into 3eing0 This ta!es %ou to the matri9 of the fifth cha!ra, the throat cha!ra, through /hich communication is utili:ed to "er"etuate man% of the illusions in the form of lies0 Shattering this "articular seal is 1er% im"ortant for all to come into a state of understanding the necessit% to acce"t the "ast as ha1ing 3een a state of illusion and 3eing a3le to mo1e into a ne/ state of higher a/areness0 As "eo"le acce"t the lies /ere used for a "ur"ose and the fact that the% 3elie1ed the lies is certainl% not a reflection of their le1el of intelligence 3ut rather a 1er% cle1er "lan that the collecti1e consciousness 3rought themsel1es into 3eing /ith and 3ought into for the "ur"ose of /a!ing u" from it so it can not 3e done again0 Man% "eo"le /ill re2ect the "rocess initiall% 3elo1ed ones0 8ou ma% e1en find as"ects of %our lo/er ego re2ecting the "rocess 3% choosing to remain in denial rather than o/n the fear, grief or acce"t that %ou 3ought into other "eo"le<s lies, that %ou ha1e 3een feeding a lie !ee"ing it ali1e and telling lies %ourself, 3ecause %ou thought the lie /as a truth0 Let it go, let it 3e and acce"t the ne/ /a% has found %ou and %ou can continue to /al! /ith it0 Toda% /e shall /or! /ith these three energies to shatter the seals fear, grief and lies0 This in itself /ill hel" %ou understand /hat %ou ha1e manifested in this current time in %our life and /hat %ou are re7uired to ste" out of and into0 8ou need to /or! /ith the other !ingdoms of light, namel% the animal !ingdom, the mineral and "lant !ingdom0 The animal re"resenting "o/er is the horse0 Ha1e %ou 3een a/are of the horse# "o/er ma!ing itself heard /hile /e ha1e 3een tal!ing to %ouA Ha1e %ou heard the horse in the 3ac!ground 3elo1ed onesA This is the confirmation of %our horse#"o/er, the energ% /ithin %ou that /ill "ro"el %ou for/ard, the stamina, the 1italit% and the "erse1erance re7uired to raise %our consciousness safel% out of the old matri9 3e%ond the old fears and into the ne/ /orld0

e no/ need each of %ou to 3egin a creati1e release "rocess 3% dra/ing %our 3ase cha!ra, %our heart cha!ra and %our throat cha!ra0 As %ou dra/ each cha!ra "ro2ect %our consciousness full% into the cha!ra and "ut to "a"er /hat %ou e9"erience, /hich shall 3ecome the creati1e Ge9"ression of the shattering seal in those cha!ras0 This e9ercise ser1es as an a1enue of release through /hich the energ% /ill flo/ and 3e transformed0 6elo1ed ones en2o% this time of mo1ing a/a% from the old /orld, 3e at "eace !no/ing %ou are the catal%sts mo1ing consciousness into a ne/ /orld0 8ou are 3ringers of light0 8ou are light /arriors, light /or!ers and light /ea1ers and ma% %ou 3e 3lessed0 I shall communicate /ith %ou again 3efore the closing of this /ee!ends /or!sho" # if there is an%thing %ou /ould li!e to discuss /ith s"irit "re"are %our 7uestion carefull% and /e shall go into greater de"th /ith each one of %ou0 I am Kuthumi, Lord of lo1e and /isdom and I greet and 3less %ou in lo1e Adonai

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