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Cale Fauver 04-06-13 Persuasive Speech Outline

Persuasive Speech: Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead?

I. Attention A. Attention Getter And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. 1 Corinthians 15:14 B. Connect with the Audience Paul is saying that if Jesus never rose from the dead, then this bible and our faith in Christ; is all worthless! C. Thesis There are many people that continue to drop their faith because they cannot stand and defend their own faith that they have. D. Preview of Points We are going to cover the multiple reasons why we can believe Jesus is alive, ways to be able to defend the faith and gain answers, and finally, why people dont think this is such a big problem. Need There are plenty of reasons why we can believe that Jesus rose from the dead. A. Embarrassing Details About Jesus and His Followers. 1. Dr. Frank Turek of the Southern Evangelical Seminary in NC, states in his book I Dont Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, If you and your friends were concocting a story that you wanted to pass of as the truth, would you make yourselves look dim-witted, uncaring, doubting cowards? Of course not. 2. They are uncaring when they fall asleep on Jesus twice (Mark 14:32-41) - Peter is called Satan by Jesus (Mark 8:33) - They fail to understand what Jesus is saying (John 12:16) - Jesus is considered out of his mind by his mother and brothers (Jn 7:5) - The first two people to see the empty tomb were women! In these times a womans testimony was not considered reliable in the culture, not to mention in the gospel of Luke, Mary Magdalene was at once demon possessed! (Luke 8:2) Jesus Appearances After the Resurrection 1. In Lee Stobels interview with Dr.Gary Habermas, who is a Professor of
Apologetics, Philosophy and chairman of the department of philosophy and theology at Liberty University, says this Nobody questions that Paul wrote 1 Corinthians and we have him . . . personally encountering the resurrected Christ. - 1 Corinthians 15, Paul mentions the people who witnessed the Resurrected Christ: Peter, the 12 disciples, . . . more than five hundred brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living. . . James, then Paul himself. - By saying that most of the 500 witnesses are still alive, Paul is putting the authenticity of his testimony on the line!




Cale Fauver 04-06-13 Persuasive Speech Outline 2. All of the disciples but John, who died of old age, were all martyred (crucified, beheaded, stoned, scourged) for what they claimed they saw and for what they taught was true The Apostle Paul 1. Originally named Saul of Tarsus, was a Pharisee. - A Pharisee was a Jewish leader, who were completely against Jesus and His ministry. - In Philippians 3:6, Paul says that he persecuted the church 2. Pharisees were typically very powerful religious and political leaders (wealthy) - So why would a Christian-killing wealthy Jewish leader, make up a whole story about seeing Christ, join sides with Christianity, become stranded multiple times, chased out of towns, whipped, persecuted and then die for witnessing the very Man we was killing people for following? - He must have had the legitimate experience of seeing the Resurrected Jesus that he claims to have had; there are no other logical explanations.

Transitional sentence- So with all the evidence I have displayed and even more that I havent mentioned, we know that we have a reason to believe in the faith we have III. Satisfaction If we have reasons to believe and back it up, maybe that will pass over to others. A. You Dont Need to be a Theologian to Know Your Faith 1. There are plenty of books and websites that dedicate their work to these evidences. 2. I work at Lifeway Christian bookstore, and we have so many of these resources available right down the road! Defending Your Jesus 1. When we claim we love someone, we want to learn everything about them! We want to spend time with them constantly and learn all about them. 2. So if we claim that we love God or love Jesus, why dont we treat Him the same way as we love our significant others?!


Transitional sentence Many people may not realize or see this as a problem IV. Visualization If Christians continue to drop their faith, whats going to happen in the future? A. Ive heard many people say, There are many ways to God besides Jesus. 1. All are these ways equally valid? a. All religions teach different things, they contradict! b. Some say good deeds plus salvation, others say we become gods, and Christianity says grace and grace alone. 2. What about Jesus? a. If Jesus did resurrect then the NT must be true and Jesus taught that the OT is true which means the bible must be true. If the bible is true then Jesus claims to be God are true. If His claims are true then the resurrection would prove that He is God. And if Jesus is God and He says that I am the way the truth and the life, then Christianity must be the way to God.

Cale Fauver 04-06-13 Persuasive Speech Outline Transitional sentence So in conclusion, if Christianity is true, which I think there is plenty of evidence to show that, then why arent we who claim to be Christians proclaiming the good news V. Action A. Call to Action If we claim to love God, then we need to be telling people about His death for us! B. Review the Main Points There are many reasons why we can believe Jesus resurrection, if we have reasons to believe then that might be contagious in the sharing of our faith and lastly, if we continue to drop our faith then what will happen to Christianity? C. And finally, if Jesus is in fact God in a bod and rose again, then we need to be sharing the good news of the gospel which is Jesus volunterring to die a murderous death and rising again to forgive us from our sins and to impute on us righteousness and justify us from our sins

Cale Fauver 04-06-13 Persuasive Speech Outline

Works Cited
Geisler, Norman L., and Frank Turek. I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2004. Print. Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. Ryrie Study Bible: New International Version. Chicago: Moody, 2008. Print. Strobel, Lee. The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998. Print. Turek, Frank. "Home - Cross Examined - Christian Apologetics | Frank Turek." Cross Examined Christian Apologetics Frank Turek RSS2. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2013.

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