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Factory Information System

Release 2.3 October 30, 2007

Table of Contents
Table of Contents................................................................................................................................ i 1 - Introduction to the FIS.................................................................................................................. 1 Functional Overview...................................................................................................................... 1 FIS Applications ............................................................................................................................ 2 Who Benefits from FIS? ................................................................................................................ 4 Quick Start Table ........................................................................................................................... 5 2 - FIS System Architecture............................................................................................................... 7 Network Operation......................................................................................................................... 7 FIS Network Devices..................................................................................................................... 8 Remote Operation .......................................................................................................................... 9 3 - Process Equipment ..................................................................................................................... 11 Plant ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Area.............................................................................................................................................. 12 System.......................................................................................................................................... 12 Machine........................................................................................................................................ 13 Station .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Element ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Message (PLC I/O) ...................................................................................................................... 14 4 Equipment Diagnostics .............................................................................................................. 16 Machine States ............................................................................................................................. 16 Machine Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 17 Logged Events and Active Events ............................................................................................... 18 Cycle Times ................................................................................................................................. 18 Part Counters................................................................................................................................ 18 Accumulator Counters ................................................................................................................. 19 Process Variables ......................................................................................................................... 19 5 Application Navigation.............................................................................................................. 20 Running an Application ............................................................................................................... 20 FIS Analysis Tools ....................................................................................................................... 21 FIS Real Time Applications ......................................................................................................... 21 FIS Tools ...................................................................................................................................... 21 FIS Application Window ............................................................................................................. 22 Title Bar ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Menu Bar ..................................................................................................................................... 23 Tool Bar ....................................................................................................................................... 23 Status Bar ..................................................................................................................................... 23 FIS Application Configuration Files............................................................................................ 24 Saving a File ................................................................................................................................ 25 Loading a File .............................................................................................................................. 25 Closing a File ............................................................................................................................... 25 File Naming Conventions ............................................................................................................ 25 6 FIS Real Time ............................................................................................................................ 26 What Is FIS Real Time?............................................................................................................... 26 User Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 26 Accessing Machine Status ........................................................................................................... 26 00 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc i 10/30/2007

Selecting a Display List ............................................................................................................... 27 6a Accumulator Monitor............................................................................................................... 31 Accumulator List .......................................................................................................................... 31 6b FIS Cycle Time Monitor.......................................................................................................... 33 Cycle Time List ............................................................................................................................ 33 6c FIS Fault Alarm Monitor ......................................................................................................... 35 Fault Alarm List ........................................................................................................................... 35 6d FIS Graphics ............................................................................................................................ 37 Graphics ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Accessing FIS Graphics............................................................................................................... 37 Plant Overview Screen................................................................................................................. 37 Zoom Files ................................................................................................................................... 38 Legend Display ............................................................................................................................ 38 Zoom to an Area .......................................................................................................................... 38 Graphical Zoom Detail Breakdown ............................................................................................. 38 First Level (Area)......................................................................................................................... 39 Second Level (Zoom to Faults).................................................................................................... 40 Single Machine (Zoom to Machine Status) ................................................................................. 41 Element List ................................................................................................................................. 42 6e Process Variables Monitor ....................................................................................................... 44 Process Variable List ................................................................................................................... 44 6f FIS Status and Production Monitor .......................................................................................... 45 Part Counter List .......................................................................................................................... 47 7 FIS Analysis Tools..................................................................................................................... 48 7a FIS Charting ............................................................................................................................. 49 Process Variable Chart................................................................................................................ 49 View / Print Process Variable Chart Data.................................................................................... 52 Process Variable Statistics ........................................................................................................... 52 Accumulators Chart ..................................................................................................................... 52 View / Print Accumulator Chart Data.......................................................................................... 54 Accumulator Statistics ................................................................................................................. 54 Charting from within FIS Graphics ............................................................................................. 55 Auto Update ................................................................................................................................. 55 7b FISMPI..................................................................................................................................... 56 Functional Overview.................................................................................................................... 56 Industry-Standard Performance Indicators .................................................................................. 56 Quality Data ................................................................................................................................. 57 Adjustable Scheduling ................................................................................................................. 57 Production Targets ....................................................................................................................... 57 Aggregate Indicators .................................................................................................................... 57 Machine State Consolidation ....................................................................................................... 58 Machine State Profiles ................................................................................................................. 59 Indicators...................................................................................................................................... 60 Profile-Based Indicator Components........................................................................................... 60 Machine Breakdown Time........................................................................................................... 60 Documented Stoppage Time........................................................................................................ 60 Non-Productive Time................................................................................................................... 60 Setup and Adjustment Time......................................................................................................... 60 Tooling Loss Time....................................................................................................................... 61 Blocked Time............................................................................................................................... 61 00 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc ii 10/30/2007

Cycling Time ............................................................................................................................... 61 Other Indicator Components........................................................................................................ 61 Unplanned Downtime .................................................................................................................. 61 Net Available Time...................................................................................................................... 61 Machine Performance Indicators ................................................................................................. 61 AVAILABILITY ......................................................................................................................... 62 QUALITY.................................................................................................................................... 62 PE................................................................................................................................................. 62 MTTR .......................................................................................................................................... 62 MTBF........................................................................................................................................... 62 OA................................................................................................................................................ 63 PA ................................................................................................................................................ 63 Actual JPH ................................................................................................................................... 63 SAJPH.......................................................................................................................................... 63 SAA.............................................................................................................................................. 63 ISA ............................................................................................................................................... 64 OSA.............................................................................................................................................. 64 DIA .............................................................................................................................................. 64 MPI User Interface....................................................................................................................... 64 Launching the MPI Application................................................................................................... 64 The MPI Analysis Workspace ..................................................................................................... 67 Active Machines List ................................................................................................................... 67 Summary Options ........................................................................................................................ 68 Export to Excel ............................................................................................................................ 68 Sorting Indicators......................................................................................................................... 68 Select / De-Select rows for charting ............................................................................................ 68 Chart Selection List...................................................................................................................... 68 Display Preferences ..................................................................................................................... 69 MPI Trend Chart Features ........................................................................................................... 69 MPI Stacked States Chart ............................................................................................................ 73 Other Charting Features............................................................................................................... 74 Bad Part Data Entry ..................................................................................................................... 75 Aggregate Indicators .................................................................................................................... 77 7c - Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 78 Report Types................................................................................................................................ 78 Starting Reports ........................................................................................................................... 78 Standard Report Option Controls................................................................................................. 80 Machine Selection........................................................................................................................ 81 Viewing Format ........................................................................................................................... 81 Report Type ................................................................................................................................. 81 Production Times ......................................................................................................................... 81 Date Control................................................................................................................................. 82 By Time Interval .......................................................................................................................... 82 Alarms Report.............................................................................................................................. 83 AVI Read Performance Report.................................................................................................... 84 Cycle Time Report....................................................................................................................... 85 Cycle Time Report Examples ...................................................................................................... 87 Cycle Time Report Definitions.................................................................................................... 88 Lost Production Report ................................................................................................................ 89 Machine Status............................................................................................................................. 89 00 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc iii 10/30/2007

Machine Status Report Definitions.............................................................................................. 94 Machine Performance Report ...................................................................................................... 95 Process Variables Report ............................................................................................................. 96 Production Counts........................................................................................................................ 97 Status and Production Report..................................................................................................... 101 Status and Production Report Definitions.................................................................................. 101 Data Integrity Report ................................................................................................................. 102 Data Integrity Report Definitions .............................................................................................. 103 Saving Machine Lists................................................................................................................. 106 Opening A Saved File................................................................................................................ 107




1 - Introduction to the FIS

Functional Overview
The Factory Information System (FIS) is a plant monitoring system that provides for the automatic collection and display of current and historical process data. FIS collects information from Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), archives this information in a database, and then displays the data on demand from desktop PCs, Programmable Workstations (PWS), scrolling marquees, Andon boards, and Pagers. The primary focus of the FIS system is on the performance of process machinery and not on the characteristics or quality of the actual product being manufactured. Another important aspect of FIS is that is serves strictly as a monitoring tool and does not control process machinery. Performance data for process machinery is rendered through the use of real-time displays and analysis tools. The real-time displays permit plant floor personnel to quickly respond to critical process problems as they occur in order to maximize process uptime. The analysis tools allow plant and corporate personnel to analyze long-term performance measures through the generation of detailed and summarized reports, trend charts and graphs. The purpose of the FIS system is to assist plant and corporate personnel in the continuous improvement of the performance of manufacturing processes through the following: Real-time visualization of the operation of plant floor machinery which enables the rapid identification and resolution of process problems and bottlenecks. Trending of shift and daily production data to assist in day-to-day production scheduling decisions. Reporting of long-term machine efficiency indicators to measure the effectiveness of continuous improvement initiatives and to eliminate process bottlenecks.

The following outlines the primary features of the FIS system: Machine States - FIS reports on the state of each piece of plant floor machinery that is controlled from a PLC. The following are examples of commonly used machine states: MACHINE STATE IN CYCLE FAULT OUT OF AUTO POWER OFF STARVED BLOCKED PROD STOP COMM FAULT TYPE Normal Operation Machine Breakdown Machine Breakdown Machine Breakdown Machine Stoppage Machine Stoppage Machine Stoppage Data Collection Problem

Machine states are prioritized when presented in FIS displays. The displays show the current state and state history of monitored equipment including:



- Elapsed time of the current machine state - Total time duration for a given state for the current shift - Number of occurrences for a given state for the current shift Machine Breakdowns A basic feature of FIS is the immediate identification of machine breakdowns. A breakdown is a condition that prevents the machine from running normally and will usually require intervention by maintenance personnel in order to fix the problem. In FIS, each prohibitive I/O is identified and organized in a prioritized display. With the aid of this display, maintenance personnel can "clear" all prohibitive conditions and sequence the machine in order to return it the IN CYCLE state. The original cause of the fault condition is archived in a database so that it is included in all FIS analysis functions. Alarms FIS has the ability to warn plant personnel of impending problems through the alarm feature. Alarms are essentially warnings that may occur while the machine is cycling normally. While they may not require immediate attention, Alarms identify conditions that may eventually result in a machine failure or stoppage. MATERIAL CALL, LOW LUBE LEVEL, and TOOL WARNING are examples of alarm conditions. Cycle Times - FIS keeps a detailed record of machine cycle times, allowing plant personnel to evaluate if the machinery is performing to design specifications. FIS records invalid cycle times (a cycle time that exceeds established high or low limits) based upon a previously determined standard. FIS also displays the number of times an invalid cycle time was detected, making it simpler to establish the probable impact on production. Production Counts - FIS displays a running total of the number of parts produced for the current hour and shift for any machine that has part counters associated with it. The system can show the variance between actual and target production counts. Accumulator Counts - Accumulator counts are displayed in real-time as parts pass in and out of equipment zones. High and low accumulator thresholds can be set in order to signal conditions that may cause process blockages. Process Variables Although the FIS system is primarily concerned with discrete processes, continuous process conditions such as temperatures, pressures, humidity, and volume can be monitored and recorded through the use of Process Variables. Users can display the current readings for any process variable in real time, or launch a historical chart that shows long-term trends associated with such process points.

FIS Applications
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) for FIS runs under Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP, and conforms to Windows-standard design practices. All real-time and historical information can be accessed through the use of five basic FIS applications. Each application is launched from an IWS via the "Start", "Programs", "Factory Information System" menu sequence by Windows. Later in this manual, a detailed explanation of each application is presented. Figures 1.1 1.5 show a typical view of each application with a brief description of the application: 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 2 10/30/2007

Machine Status - A tabular list of a group of machines with real-time display of machine states, current machine events, production counts, machine cycle times, accumulator counts, and process variable readings. Users can select any machine from the list and drill down to obtain detailed statistics for the selected machine. Historical logs can be launched that show machine states, counts and cycles in a chronological list or chart format.

Figure 1.1 Machine Status Application Graphics Real-time animation of CAD-like graphical views of plant areas, departments, lines, and machines. Graphic displays show plant process topology with animation of process machines, interconnecting conveyors, and part accumulation lanes. Users can zoom to detailed graphic displays that show sections of the plant that cannot be fully rendered on a higher level display. All graphics use a standard color coding convention to easily identify process problems.

Figure 1.2 Graphics Application Charting Generates charts from the reading of accumulators and process variables over any selected date/time range. An option to display high/low fault/alarm limits is also included. The application also includes a feature for overlaying trends from various sources for easy comparison. Although charts can be launched by other FIS applications, the Charting Application is offered as a convenient and quick way to launch a chart for a specific type and range of data. Figure 1.3 Charting Application



Reports - Provides the capability for a user to generate, save, and print reports related to machine performance and production statistics. Detailed or summary reports can be selected for any date range up to one year. Results can be exported to any one of a number of popular formats like CSV, XLS, and HTML. All reports are ad hoc in nature, i.e. they are not pre-generated and stored for later retrieval. Reports are generated on demand based on any selection criteria specified. Figure 1.4 Reports Application Machine Performance Indicators (MPI) Used for long-term analysis of machine performance and identification of process bottlenecks to improve plant efficiency. This tool supports trending of many industry-standard indicators such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), and Stand-Alone Jobs Per Hour (SAJPH). Alternate schedules can be applied for short-shift and tag relief events.

Figure 1.5 MPI Application

Who Benefits from FIS?

FIS addresses monitoring requirements common to discrete and continuous manufacturing processes such as stamping, machining, welding, paint and assembly. No restrictions are imposed with respect to "who" can view "what" from "where". All information processed by FIS is available to all plant and corporate personnel from any IWS (desktop or laptop personal computer) that is connected to a plant or corporate network. Skilled Trades, Line Supervisors, Process Engineers, Center Managers and Plant Managers, can all utilize the FIS system. The following outlines just a few of the benefits that can be derived by the various disciplines: Skilled Trades use the Graphics and Machine Status applications for notification of conditions that cause machine downtime. Notification can also be obtained through the observation of marquee displays installed throughout the plant or with personal paging devices. Detailed (or drill-down) screens aid in troubleshooting the exact cause of a problem and steps required for repairing and sequencing the machine. The performance history of the



equipment can also be used to develop Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedules as well as provide data for failure analysis. Line Supervisors can use the part count, trending and production targeting features to determine if there is a need to move an operator up the line or down the line to enhance overall throughput. Predictive part count analysis can aid in making short-term scheduling decisions. Production reports can be used to evaluate long-term production performance. Engineers can fine tune a process based on the analysis of cycle performance. Reports on overall machine performance aid in providing feedback to original equipment manufacturers. Process equipment suppliers can be evaluated on their ability to meet the original performance specifications. The data gathered from cycle time reports can also be used to adjust downstream line speeds and manpower distribution, identify production bottlenecks, and establish optimum equipment cycle time. Plant Managers and Center Managers can use the MPI and Reports applications to evaluate overall system efficiency and throughput. Long-term trend charts can pinpoint performance issues with respect to production or maintenance.

In summary, FIS is a tool designed to assist plant and corporate personnel in daily troubleshooting and long-term decision-making processes. Improving uptime and productivity is the ultimate goal, and FIS is one part of the strategy to achieve this goal. Like any other tool, however, FIS must be maintained in order for it to convey accurate data. Therefore, keeping the FIS configuration up to date is essential in insuring that the tool is properly used. It is extremely important that parameters such as machine design times, part counts, machine state diagnostic PLC logic, and area production schedules are as accurate as possible. While the purpose of this manual is not to cover the configuration of FIS, it is important that the user understand that only through the proper configuration of FIS will it provide the promised benefits. See the FIS Configuration Manual on the FIS Web site for more information.

Quick Start Table

The following table serves as a quick reference to each of the chapters included in this manual:
If you want to
Gain a general understanding of the purpose of the FIS System Learn more about the infrastructure of the FIS System and the devices that the system supports

See Chapter 1, Functional Overview. This chapter serves as an introduction to FIS for new users. See Chapter 2, FIS System Architecture. This chapter gives the user a high-level description of how FIS collects data from various plant floor devices and explains how FIS information is disseminated to the end-user via the plant and corporate networks. See Chapter 3, Process Equipment. In this chapter, a detailed explanation of the layout of equipment from the highest (plant) level down to lowest (message) level is presented. Sample graphic displays are used to visualize each plant component.

Understand how FIS organizes plant process machinery



Become familiar with the basic diagnostic and monitoring functions offered by the FIS system

See Chapter 4, FIS Diagnostics. This chapter expands on the concepts presented in Chapter 1 with regard to the various monitoring functions supported by the FIS System. It will familiarize the user with terms that are common to FIS such as Active Event, and Logged Event. It will also enable the user to interpret the various displays and reports in FIS. See Chapter 5, Application Navigation. This chapter describes the drill down technique, which is common to most FIS applications. It also illustrates how FIS uses pull down lists, menus, pop-ups and other functions common to Windows compliant applications. See Chapter 6 FIS Real Time. This chapter explains how to launch and interpret the information presented on graphical and tabular real-time displays. Also included are instructions to create user-defined displays and shortcuts to frequently used displays. See Chapter 7, FIS Analysis Tools. This chapter explains the three basic analytical tools supported by FIS: Reports, Charting, and MPI.

Learn how to navigate through FIS applications

Use FIS to monitor the day-to-day performance of the manufacturing process Use FIS to analyze the performance of the manufacturing process



2 - FIS System Architecture

The purpose of this section is to convey an understanding of the FIS System Architecture. Although the average user is generally not concerned with "how it works", a basic knowledge of the underlying data collection process is beneficial. Figure 2-1 shows a typical configuration of the principal hardware components that support the FIS system. The reader should refer to this figure in the following discussion.
Windows 2000/XP


FIS Database Server

AIX 5.3 IBM p520

First PAGE Server

Windows 2000

to: Plant Pagers


Marquee Mgr. Server Windows 2000


WCC #0
AIX 5.3 IBM p520

WCC #1
AIX 5.3 IBM p520

WCC #2
AIX 5.3 IBM p520

WCC #3
AIX 5.3 IBM p520

Terminal Server

Scrolling Marquee

Andon Board
(Line or Full Matrix)

Networked PLCs

Figure 2.1 FIS System Architecture

Network Operation
All communications between devices within the plant is achieved via a Local Area Network (LAN). A LAN is a high-speed network that services various computers, printers, and other intelligent devices within a relatively small area such as a plant or segment of a plant. The jurisdiction of a typical LAN is normally restricted to one building, or between buildings with a radius of no more than a mile. Two Local Area Networks, the Plant Automation Network (PA) and the Office Automation Network (OA), interconnect the plant floor devices and display terminals that service FIS. FIS shares these networks with other standard DaimlerChrysler plant systems such as PFS, PFCS, AVI, SPC, and QAS. The PA network is primarily responsible for communications among plant floor devices that control machinery. The OA network services all office devices such as Application File Servers, Database File Servers and Desktop computers. The OA and PA Networks are interconnected with a Firewall, which serves to prevent unauthorized entry into the PA network from the OA network.



The Wide Area Network (WAN) connects the components of a multiple station computer system on a larger scale. The DaimlerChrysler WAN interconnects all LANs within the corporation. Response time for communications across the WAN is slower than that achieved via the LAN. This is due to the fact that communications packets must traverse through a series of network Routers that are responsible for interconnecting seperate LANs within the WAN.

FIS Network Devices

FIS makes extensive use of the plant LANs and the corporate WAN in order to service a vast user base. All devices that communicate across plant and corporate networks are described here, starting with the plant floor machinery up through to the desktop computer. Plant automation machinery is controlled by Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Each PLC on the plant floor contains special diagnostic logic that is responsible for sending machinerelated data to a Work Cell Controller (WCC). Data packets called "Data Blocks" are sent to the WCC via the Plant Automation (PA) Network. This data is sent any time there is a change in machine status that needs to be annunciated on a display device such as an Intelligent Work Station (IWS), Pager, Marquee Display, or stored in a Historical Database for later retrieval. A typical plant will have hundreds of PLCs and anywhere from 3 to 5 WCCs. The WCC can be thought of as a data concentrator. It stores information provided by the PLCs in a real-time database. The real-time database was specially designed to store and forward realtime data in an extremely efficient manner. The WCC will deliver changes in plant conditions to any display device on the Local Area Network within 2 seconds of the original transition. Naturally, changes delivered to display devices across the corporate WAN will take longer. As data on the WCC ages, it is periodically written to the Historical Database, which currently resides on a Sybase File Server. The frequency at which the Historical Database is updated varies based on the type of data being collected, but generally WCC data is archived within minutes after its initial creation. The Historical File Server has the capacity to store one year's worth of process data. This includes all machine state changes, hour and shift counts, cycle times etc. that occurred during a running year. Access to real-time and historical data is achieved through the use of an IWS, which is simply a desktop computer running Windows 95 or Windows 2000 and connected to the OA Network. When a real-time display is launched by the user, a request for notification is sent to the WCC from the IWS. This request informs the WCC that the IWS should be notified whenever process data on the display changes. Windows software that resides on the IWS is responsible for interpreting all incoming data and updating the appropriate graphic or text objects on the display. When the graphic window is closed, the IWS sends the WCC a request to terminate notifications from the IWS. Although the IWS usually refers to a desktop computer, it can also be a laptop computer. The following chart summarizes the major network devices that contribute to the operation of FIS.



Device Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

Function The device that controls plant machinery. Both the control logic and FIS diagnostic logic reside on the PLC. The FIS diagnostic logic sends event data blocks to the WCC when a change in machine status (i.e. part counters or machine states) occurs. Workcell A data concentrator that interprets the data blocks Controller (WCC) sent by the PLC and converts them to a format usable by the Historical Database and Intelligent Work Stations. Historical File Acts as a storage and distribution center for all Server historical data available to FIS. Intelligent Work Provides the user access to the data and displays Station (IWS) the data as text and graphics

Remote Operation
Typically, a plant IWS will make a default connection to WCCs and File Servers that reside on the plant network in order to launch displays pertinent to that plant. However, the occasion may arise when the user needs to access data from another plant. In fact, this is the typical mode of operation for the mobile user. FIS provides the ability for the user to change the default plant, or make a remote connection to devices outside of the local network. The Change Default Plant Application allows you to change the Plant that is accessed each time any FIS32 Application is started. This may be used by anyone to access and view another plants FIS system. However, the number of remote connections is limited to 32 per WCC. An FIS32 connection is considered remote if you are at one Plant and change the default to another Plant or if you are connecting from your home or a remote site. FIS Change Default Plant can be started using the following method. From Windows taskbar, click Start > Programs > Factory Information System > FIS Tools > FIS Change Default Plant. The following window will open displaying the current default plant at the top of the application window.

Follow these steps to change the default Plant: 1) 2) 3) Close all FIS Applications Click the button Click to Change Default Plant. The following list will appear.



4) Click on the desired plant to select and click OK to change or dbl-click the Plant to change. After you have made a change the window will collapse to save space. 5) You may click Cancel if you do not wish to change the plant. This will cause the window to collapse to save space. 6) Click the X on the upper right hand corner of the window to close the application. Tip You may leave the Change Default Plant Application open if you are switching between multiple plants.




3 - Process Equipment
This section describes the organization of process equipment and defines commonly used terms with regard to FIS. Figure 3-1 shows an example equipment layout of an assembly plant. Notice that the layout follows a natural hierarchy, starting with the Plant at the highest level to Messages (input / output or control point) at the lowest level.

Figure 3-1 Equipment Layout Each level in the hierarchy is described in detail as follows:




Assembly, Component, Power Train, and Stamping plants are some of the obvious examples here. The plant can be selected using the "Change Default Plant" application as was discussed in Section #2 - Remote Operation.

An area of the plant. Examples of areas found in DaimlerChrysler plants are shown in the table below. Usually, areas are assigned by major process or by product line. The most significant aspect of them is that production schedules are configured by area. For example, in an assembly plant, it may be necessary to stagger shift start and end times across the major process areas. The FIS system accommodates this through the use of the FIS Scheduler which is explained in more detail later on in this manual. Powertrain Assembly Stamping Areas are assigned by major machining or assembly area: Engine Assembly, Piston Assembly, Bedplate Machining, Finish, Filters Areas are assigned by major process area: Body in White, Paint Shop, Trim Chassis Final Areas are assigned by product line: JA Hood, JA Left Rear Door, WJ Left Body Side

A System is a logical grouping of machines. The System is used primarily as a criteria for machine selection in FIS, and actually has little significance from a diagnostic standpoint. Figure 3-2 shows an example of a machine selection dialog box that includes a description of each system and their associated machines in tree view form.

Figure 3-2 Machine Selection Dialog using Systems Here, the Glass System in the Assembly Area (ASM) has been expanded so that all of the individual machines under that system are shown. FIS is configured such that machines are 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 12 10/30/2007

grouped according to logical process, line or operation. The generic terminology that FIS uses for these groupings is System. Some examples of Systems are the following: Underbody System, Door System, Head Line Operation #3, Engine Assembly Zone C, Brake System, Paint Oven System, etc.

A Machine is best described as a section of process machinery that runs as a synchronous unit. While a machine may have adjacent upstream or downstream conveyors, it is always identified by the fact that all of its components (transfers, stations etc.) run in synchronism. Conveyors are treated as a separate machine from a process machine because they run independently of the process machine. An example is given in the graphical view of an Aperture Respot Machine shown in Figure 3-3.



Figure 3-3 Aperture Respot Machine The Aperture Respot Machine contains seven individual stations, shown in the figure as S01 S07, interconnected with a shuttle bar or ARS XFER station. S01 and S07 are carrier pushers, which serve to load (S01) and unload (S07) parts from the adjacent conveyors. S02, S03, S05, and S06 are stations where various welding operations take place, while S04 serves as a part positioner. When all stations have completed their work, the shuttle bar transfers each part to the next station where it is clamped after coming to rest. Once clamped, weld robots at each station are permitted to advance, perform the weld sequence, and return. At this point, the cycle starts all over again. The important concept here is that all stations, including the shuttle, run in synchronism with one another, and therefore, the entire operation is treated as a machine. The Aperture Respot 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 13 10/30/2007

machine is cyclical in nature because it runs in discrete cycles. Other machines, such as conveyors, are non-cyclical because they have no discrete machine cycle and are running continuously.

For a cyclical machine, a station is a transfer, center-base, or location where the part comes to rest in order for work to be performed. FIS considers S01 - S07 and the ARS XFER each to be individual stations of the Aperture Respot machine. For a non-cyclical machine such as a conveyor, the station refers to a conveyor section that is controlled by an individual drive motor. FIS performs diagnostics at the station level. States, cycle times, part counters, and accumulator counts are all associated with a station and can be accessed via FIS real-time displays using machine/station selection options. Another important concept is that of a Composite Station. A composite station is an abstract station that is always configured for machines with multiple stations. For example, the Aperture Machine has a composite station in addition to the eight functional stations previously described. The purpose of the composite station is to maintain the state of the station that currently has highest priority. Figure 3-3 is the composite state of the Aperture Respot. For example, the Aperture Respot Machine shows S01 - S07 in WHITE, which indicates that these stations are CYCLING normally. The ARS XFER is shown in RED, which indicates that this station has a FAULT condition that prevents the shuttle bar from moving. The composite station would therefore show RED, since FAULT is the highest priority state present among all stations of the machine. FAULT is also considered to be the state of the Aperture Respot machine. Therefore, the state of the composite station always reflects the state of the entire machine.

An Element is an actual working unit or logical unit of a station. The Aperture Respot machine has 4 working units, or elements, at station S02. They are robots R01, R02, R05, and R06. Other examples of Elements are: panel views, drive units, fixtures, process controllers, etc. Graphical displays can be configured at the element to provide element level diagnostics. In other words, a graphic object may be configured to represent an individual element or composite of several elements.

Message (PLC I/O)

A Message is a detailed textual representation of a machine state or machine event condition. Messages frequently refer to actual I/O points in the PLC. The following table shows the interpretation of the messages and associated machine status given in Figure 3-1. The reader will gain a more thorough understanding of the messages in Section #4, Equipment Diagnostics. MESSAGE MACHINE STATUS INTERPRETATION Critical process problem causing machine to stop running. Requires intervention by maintenance personnel to correct. Downstream process machinery not running, causing back up of parts. Machine will automatically resume cycling once the unload station is emptied. 14 10/30/2007

S01 R02 Tip Dress FAULT Disconnected Blocked BLOCKED Downstream DOWN 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc

S01 Operation Material ALARM Shortage S01 Operator PRODUCTION Over Cycle Load STOP

Parts that feed this machine are loaded manually from a magazine. Alarm condition is triggered when magazine is low of parts. Machine is still running but this condition signals that a critical problem is pending. Machine is waiting for manual load of the next part. Machine will run when part present on fixture.




4 Equipment Diagnostics
FIS reports the current status of every piece of automation equipment. The term "status" means any condition of the machine that is relevant to the diagnoses of equipment performance such as: current and past machine states, machine conditions such as alarms, cycle times, hour and shift production counts, parts in accumulation, process variable readings and set points etc.

Machine States
The Machine State identifies the current state of the machine. Table 4-1 lists the most common states found in DaimlerChrysler production facilities. In order to facilitate the visual interpretation of graphical displays, a common color coding convention is used for each machine state throughout FIS. Shown at the top of the list is the IN CYCLE state. When a machine is in motion it is referred to as being IN CYCLE. All other machine states refer to a condition where the machine is at rest. These inanimate states have various causes such as: operator intervention (PROD STOP), machine problems (FAULT), problems with adjacent machinery (BLOCK UP / DOWN) etc.

Color Code

Machine is running normally. No power to plant floor equipment. Any event that causes a machine failure. For example, a transfer advanced limit switch failure would stop all stations on the machine from cycling until the fault is corrected. Equipment is in manual mode. Any event that drops the machine out of automatic mode is classified with this state. An event that could cause a line stop because of a possible product defect detected from the Quality Alert sub-system. An example of an event that could cause a QUALITY ALERT is a torque tool failure. QUALITY ALERT warnings, or pulls, are reported in the form of ALARMS while QUALITY ALERT failures, or stops, are reported in the form of the QUALITY ALERT state. This state usually occurs on a conveyor system with a sub-system such as a manual-assist hoist that follows a part on the conveyor. An END OF TRAVEL indicates that the operator of the hoist has fallen behind the planned work sequence. Such an event may require a modification to the work routine or it may require an adjustment of the END OF TRAVEL switch location. The machine has been stopped by operator due to a break, lunch, or other condition that requires operator intervention. Waiting the immediate upstream process or conveyor to load a part into the given process machine. The BLOCKED UP state could be caused by a failure or slow condition on an upstream process machine. Waiting for a part on the immediate downstream process machine to advance. The BLOCKED DOWN state could be caused by a failure or slow condition on a downstream process machine. Usually used for production conveyors to flag a condition where a problem could eventually result downstream if the condition is not serviced immediately. Although the conveyor chain is still running, it may stop unless the problem is corrected. An example of a MAINT ASSIST event might be "DRIVERS DOOR OPEN ON CONV. U1" This event warns maintenance that the door must be closed in order for the part to advance through to the next downstream process. The machine was stopped in order to perform preventative maintenance.













Table 4-1 Machine States





Color Code RED



Description This state usually applies to conveyor systems and is used as a way to catch any state of the machine that was not trapped by the diagnostic logic in the PLC. This state has an associated event that is set by the motor starter contact. It is triggered if no other states are present and the conveyor drive is not running. In other words, the SAFETY NET state would occur in the event that the diagnostics were unable to detect the fault condition Flags a problem that occurred with control hardware such as an AVI Reader, I/O Control Racks, or other PLC related hardware. Occasionally, a station with multiple robots might have one of the robots disabled, or in BYPASS, while one of the other adjacent robots is programmed to perform the work of the disabled rob () THIS STATE OCCURS WHEN NO EVENT MESSAGE HAS BEEN CONFIGURED FOR THE ASSOCIATED EVENT BIT. THE PLANT FIS STAFF SHOULD BE NOTIFIED WHEN THIS EVENT IS ACTIVATION IN ORDER THAT THE EVENT MESSAGE CAN BE PROPERLY CONFIGURED.



Table 4-1 Machine States (Continued) Machine states are always accompanied by a state message, which is a detailed description of the state condition. For example, PROD STOP might be accompanied with the message, "CAR PRESENT - WAITING FOR CYCLE START". The message description serves to alert maintenance or production personnel as to the actions required resume the cycle. In most cases, the state message corresponds to an I/O point in the PLC or an error code from an intelligent control device such as a robot. Also, a numeric code associated with each state message is given which serves as a convenient reference for FIS configuration personnel.

Machine Conditions
Machine conditions are used to alert plant personnel of non-critical process problems. Table 4-2 highlights the various machine conditions. For example, a machine condition such as an ALARM serves as a warning that a more critical problem could eventually result if the condition is not corrected in a timely manner.
State ALARM Color Code MAGENTA Description A condition that requires attention but is not critical enough to actually stop the machine or cause an immediate problem. Alarms are not machine states, therefore, they are never treated as logged events. Alarms actually accompany machine states. However, alarms are archived in a special alarm log, which can be examined via the Alarm Report covered in Section 7c. The machine cycle has exceeded the design time specification for the machine. The logged event for the machine in this state is IN CYCLE. Always reported on a machine for the controlling PLC. This condition means that communication was lost between the WCC and the PLC. Although this condition does not represent an actual machine state, it is treated as the logged event for the simple reason that no other state can possibly be reported when communication is lost between the WCC and the PLC. This event could be caused by a failure in the PLC driver, PLC hardware, terminal server hardware, WCC hardware, or WCC driver. Communication lost between the IWS and WCC





Table 4-2 Machine Conditions




Logged Events and Active Events

Every time a machine enters a new state, the state and the associated message, or "logged event", is archived to a historical log used for reporting purposes. The logged event is defined as that event which originally caused the machine to enter the new state. There may be other residual events that occur as a result of the original event, however, these events are not logged. These residual events are called "active events" because they can remain active during and as a result of the logged event. The active events must be "cleared" before the machine reaches a state where it can cycle again. It is important that the logged event be archived so that reporting functions accurately portray the original cause of the new state condition. On the other hand, active events, with the exception of the logged event if it happens to also be active, are not archived because they are usually irrelevant to the cause of the machine originally entering the inanimate state. The active events are important to maintenance personnel as they can aid in the process of returning the machine to a cycling state. Although, active events are not logged, they are shown on the Current Events display that is covered in Section #5 on Components.

Cycle Times
An important feature of FIS is the ability to display and record cycle times of the machine. Generally, FIS measures a machine cycle from the occurrence of a "start event" to the time that this same event occurs again. In other words, machine cycle times are measured from start to start. If at any point in the cycle the machine enters an inanimate state, timing of the cycle is stopped and will not restart until the machine resumes in the cycling state. Thus, the machine cycle time measures only the time that the machine is in motion. All cyclical machines have a configured design time and fault time. When the machine cycle exceeds the design time it is referred to as "slow" and is flagged with the SLOW CYCLE machine condition. When the machine cycle exceeds the fault time, it is referred to as an INVALID CYCLE. An invalid cycle is not treated as an actual machine condition in FIS, however. The reason for this is that in most cases, the machine will enter one of the inanimate states when the fault time is exceeded.

Part Counters
FIS supports two types of part counters: individual part counters and composite part counters. Individual part counters are always associated at the station level whereas composite counters are always associated at the machine level. Using a truck assembly process as an example, an individual part counter might correspond to a particular part type such as short cab, extended cab, short bed, or long bed. On the other hand, a machining operation may use an individual part counter for good parts and another counter for rejected parts. The composite counter is simply a composite representation of some or all of the individual part counters on the stations under a machine. For example, we may want the composite counter in our truck example to include all types of truck beds produced. In this case, the composite counter would be configured to represent the sum of all individual part counters. For the machining example, we may want to report only the good parts at the composite level. In this case, the composite counter would be configured such that it would include only the good part counter and exclude the reject part counter. When generating production reports, it is important that the user distinguish between individual and composite part counters. 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 18 10/30/2007

Part counters in FIS are reported by hour and by shift. Hour and shift counts are accumulated according to the configuration of the FIS schedule. The start and end times of each hour and shift, as well as the scheduled time classification for each hour (Productive, Non-Productive, and Break) are configured in order to instruct how the production reports should be formatted.

Accumulator Counters
Accumulator counters are up/down counters that show the number of parts queued in an accumulation bank or conveyor. Critical threshold limits can be configured in order to flag conditions where the number of parts in the accumulator exceeds a preset maximum or minimum. Accumulator counts are archived into the historical database at ten-minute intervals.

Process Variables
All of the diagnostic information discussed thus far has been concerned with discrete processes. FIS also reports data from continuous processes such as tank levels and oven temperatures etc. Associated with each process variable are high limits, low limits and a set point. Like accumulators, process variable readings are archived to the historical database every 10 minutes and can be later retrieved in the form of a trend chart for any duration of time.




5 Application Navigation
Once FIS is installed on a users PC it becomes integrated with the Start menu and supports features that are often seen among windowing applications. This chapter highlights some the FIS specific elements and how they are used within the Windows environment. For additional help with Windows core tasks, such as, minimizing, maximizing, and exiting applications refer to Windows Help.

Running an Application
To access the FIS Applications begin navigation with the Start Menu: > All Programs > Factory Information Systems > This will produce a menu that allows entry into one of the three main functional areas of FIS; Analysis Tools, Real Time, and Tools. Selecting any one of these will display a sub-menu listing the applications associated with that function. The following figure provides an overview of the FIS applications available to the user through the menus.




FIS Analysis Tools

FIS Real Time Applications

FIS Tools

Figure 5-1 Menu Listings




FIS Application Window

The FIS application features are available through windows with title, menu, and status bars. Figure 5-2 shows these components in a typical FIS application window.
Title Bar Menu bar Tool bar ACTIVE Component Window

INACTIVE Component Window Workspace

Status Bar

Figure 5-2 Typical Application Window To best serve the specialized features of each application the bars and menu items vary across the different FIS applications.

Title Bar
The Title bar varies and provides FIS specific information about what is being displayed. When an application allows for the displaying of different views, the title bar will include additional information that describes that view. For example, the title bar on an FIS Graphics window, displays the name of the graphic file being used along with the plant name. A view showing a Fault/Alarm Listing has a title bar that contains different information, including the element list [*** Plant Summary ***] and the plant name Warren Truck Assembly Plant.




Figure 5-3 Title Bar Examples

Menu Bar
FIS provides menu driven access to the features of each application. Like most Windows applications, the pop-up menus are grouped and organized by the actions that are performed. The menu items can either be accessed by clicking with a mouse interface or by using the Shortcut Keys that are displayed next to each menu item.

Tool Bar
The tool bar offers easy, one-click access to commonly used tasks for that application. Some of them are very simple and others will contain many more options. The tool bar is organized into groups of buttons, each group performing similarly relevant tasks. As the cursor is moved over File Open/Save Launch Other the tool icons, the buttons function is displayed beneath it. Print Screen FIS Apps The group of icons located at the rightmost side of the toolbar is used to launch other FIS applications quickly and easily and is found on many of the FIS applications. Only one instances of each application is allowed to be open at one time and this group makes it easy to switch back and forth between the opened applications. For example, a window is opened for FIS Graphics while the user is actively working in FIS Machine Status. Clicking on the FIS Graphics icon, will bring the FIS Graphics window to the front, where the user can continue that work session where it was last left. To go back to Machine Status, click the Machine Status icon, and the Machine Status application will be reactivated.

Status Bar
The status bar carries a variety of information which may also be of importance to this work session. The example below shows the contents of the status bar for FIS Machine Status.


Local Date

Local Time

Plant short name


The version number is typically included, allowing the user to verify that the latest version is running. This is extremely useful when verifying that the application contains the latest fixes, updates and functionality. Another commonly used feature is the message area. It may contain




additional hints on how to use the application, or what is being pointed to by the cursor. The status bar can be turned off at any time by selecting Status Bar from the View menu.

FIS Application Configuration Files

The user has the ability to define a configuration file used to store information about window positions, machine selections, and personalized settings. The feature to save a users personal arrangement of windows and option selections, such as a machine list, is available for most of the applications. With this feature, users are able to: Arrange windows in any manner they choose and save this configuration into a file. Save personalized settings and selections for each window, using Save File. Open a saved configuration file to reload personalized selections, using Open File. Share files with other users to easily show groups of windows and machines. Use these features to create presets and default lists. There are multiple ways to access the configuration file features: for Open, or for Save operations. Clicking on the tool bar icons Clicking on the File menu and selecting Open, Save or Save As options. Double-clicking on a configuration file or its icon directly. When this occurs the application opens automatically with that configuration file loaded.

The following table shows the Configuration file types extensions, file icons and the applications that will open automatically.
File Icon Configuration File extension Application

.fug .fur .fum .fui

FIS Graphics FIS Reports FIS Machine Status FISMPI

Table 5-1 Application File Extensions




Saving a File
To save a configuration file, choose Save from the file menu, or click the Disk icon on the menubar. The user will be prompted to type a filename and choose a path before saving. The default directory for your files will be the FISRW sub-directory of the installed FIS directory. . Once saved, the path and filename will appear in the title bar after FIS Machine Status. Choosing Save will cause changes to be written to the same file. To save changes as a different file, choose Save as from the File menu and follow prompt to enter a different file name. This feature supports long filenames, and filenames with spaces.

Loading a File
After entering Machine Status, opening a file can by done by selecting Open File from the File menu. The default directory for the files will be the FISRW sub-directory of the installed FIS directory. If files were saved elsewhere on the hard drive, click the drop-down directory selection to choose a different directory. Within the Windows operating system environment, double clicking on an icon will automatically open Machine Status with the contents of that configuration file.

Closing a File
There are a several different ways to close a file. Closing each window individually by clicking the or by choosing Close from the file menu. Choosing Close all from the file menu. Opening another file. icon in the right corner of the window,

Closing all the windows in a file renders the file itself closed. When a file is closed, its name will be removed from the title bar.

File Naming Conventions

FIS configuration file naming supports the use of long, multiple-word, and names with spaces.




6 FIS Real Time

What Is FIS Real Time?
FIS Real Time applications allow the user to monitor the status of a machines operational state and/or its production count when. This capability helps the user to quickly identify production problems as they occur and decrease the amount of non-productive time. The various Real Time applications are discussed in detail in the sub sections of this chapter. This section highlights User Responsibilities and explains the use of controls and parameters common to the Real Time applications.

User Responsibilities
In order for Machines to report properly in real time there are certain requirements the user must maintain. Standard [design] cycle time must be configured correctly in the FIS data base. Diagnostics must be maintained and accurate. Production schedules must be accurate and assigned correctly. Plant must have a designated individual for maintaining FIS integrity.

Accessing Machine Status

The FIS Real Time application can be accessed a number of different ways: > Factory Information System> FIS Real Time> FIS Accumulator Monitor FIS Cycle Time Monitor FIS Fault Alarm Monitor FIS Graphics FIS Process Variable Monitor FIS Status and Production Monitor From any other FIS application, select the Run menu, and choose Machine Status. From any other FIS application, press the Double-click on a .fum file icon. button located on the toolbar.




Once the user has entered any Real Time window the user may proceed directly to another Real Time application (except FIS Graphics) by selecting File then New from the Menubar.

Note that the windows are placed into groups that are relevant to their purpose. From there, they are generally referred to by level notation.
Fault/Alarm Group Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Level 2

Status/Production Group

Cycle Time Group

Accumulator Process Variable

Selecting a Display List

A User identifies one or more machines that are to be displayed on any of the Real Time screens in the following manner. After selecting the desired application the user will be presented with a condensed list of available machines. By clicking on the desired folder the hierarchy of Department, Lines and Machines will open. When the user double clicks at the desired level all machines within the folder will be selected.




Figure 6-1 Machine Selection Tool Tabular or list screens can be rearranged or added to by right clicking on a row or rows. This will cause a pop-up menu to appear.

Priority Sort - When you turn the priority sort on, it will rearrange the order in which the machines are listed. The rearranged list will have the highest priority fault or alarm at the top. As events occur or clear, they will be inserted or moved to their appropriate prioritized spot. Disabling sort will not restore the list to its original order. Insert Additional Machine(s) - When you select this menu item from the right click menu it will show the machine selection screen. Machines can be selected and the machines now selected will be added to the list of the machines displayed.




Save User-Defined List - This feature saves a list of machines selected either as a local machine list or as a global machine list. If the list is saved as a local machine list it will be visible only from the workstation it was saved on. If the list is saved as global machine list it will be visible from all the workstations. User with appropriate rights can only save machine lists as global list but every FIS user can save a list as a local machine list. State Filter- You have to turn the priority sort on for this feature to be available. When you select the Set State Filter from the right click menu a selection screen will appear, displaying all the possible states. Select the states you dont want to display then press the OK key and it will filter that state. All the machines that are in the selected state wont be displayed anymore. You can undo this by turning the selected state to off.

Navigating To Other Levels and Groups Machine Status follows two approaches to navigate to other groups and levels. To navigate to another group, while preserving the machine list, use the Copy-to toolbar buttons. See Copy-To Group. The other method is a drill down approach. This approach allows you to double-click anywhere within a component window to get to the next level. This allows you to quickly access other component windows while preserving your machine list.




Copy-To Group The group of Copy-to icons is used to traverse between the different groups of screens while preserving the machines you have already selected. If, for example, you have a Fault/Alarm List open, and wish to view the same machines in a Cycle Time List, clicking on the Copy to Cycle Times Display will open that component window with all those machines. The copy-to buttons are level sensitive as well. If you are in a detail level screen such as Fault/Alarm Detail, and click the Copy to Cycle Times Display button, you will be taken to the Cycle Time Detail screen. Traversal options which are not available will be shown by a grayedout button. Chart Group The two buttons in the chart group are used for toggling between text views and chart views of certain components. The left (pie chart) button toggles between the State Monitor and the State Histogram Chart. The State Monitor component is located in the Fault/Alarm Detail and Status/Production Detail windows. The State Histogram chart displays a graphical representation of the total durations a machine was in each cycle during a shift. For more information, see State Monitor. The right (bar chart) button toggles between the Logged Event and the Event Pareto Chart. The Logged Event component is located in the Fault/Alarm Detail window.




6a Accumulator Monitor
Accumulator List
This application tells the user the number of pieces in the selected accumulators and the limits as to the number of parts, maximum and minimum, that will cause a fault condition to be generated.

Figure 6a-1 Accumulator List Component The following information is presented on the Accumulator List:
Column Heading Machine Name Accum. # Accum. Description Actual Abs. Min Min Fault Min Alarm Max Alarm Max Fault Abs. Max Description Description of the machine. If Show Machine Description is selected, the long name will be shown. A number assigned to a desired accumulator. A brief description of the accumulator. Total amount of parts currently available in the accumulator. Absolute lowest amount of parts allowed in the accumulator to still perform the desired cycle. The lowest number of parts that will trigger a fault condition. The lowest number of parts that will trigger an alarm condition. The highest number of parts that will trigger an alarm condition. The highest number of parts that will trigger a fault condition. Absolute maximum amount of parts allowed in the accumulator.

Table 6-1 Process Accumulator List Column Descriptions




Selecting Rows for Charting with Short Cut menu (Right Mouse)

Single process variable charting. Multiple contiguous rows. Multiple non-contiguous rows.

Double-click a single row ORClick to select a single row, right click and select Chart. Click and drag to select a block of rows. Right click and select Chart. Control-click single rows in any order. Right click and select Chart.




6b FIS Cycle Time Monitor

Cycle Time List
The Cycle Time List component lists each cyclical machine for a given system and gives information about the duration of each cycle and other statistics related to machine cycles. When a machine cycle exceeds the standard cycle time, the cycle time turns cyan - the standard color used to indicate a slow machine condition. If the machine cycle exceeds the invalid cycle time, the cycle time turns red. The last 5 machine cycles plus the number of valid, slow and invalid cycles are shown for each row in the list. Also displayed is the total slow time, as well as the low, average and high machine cycles for the current shift. This screen is useful for determining when a machine is having consistent problems meeting a given cycle time design specification. Cycle Time List is useful for identifying causes of production bottlenecks and determining more efficient cycle times for process equipment. Figure 6b-1 below shows the Cycle Time List component.

Figure 6b-1 Cycle Time List Component




The following information is presented on the Cycle Time List:

Column Heading MACHINE NAME STATUS STD TIME INVLD TIME Description A brief description of the machine. A color coded background plus short description of the current status of the machine. The standard time in seconds for which the machine has been designed to achieve one full cycle. The time beyond which the cycle is considered to be invalid. For the most part, invalid cycles are cycles for which a faulting condition was incurred. Invalid cycles are not used in average calculations. The length of time, in seconds, that each of the last five cycles. (Cycles that lasted longer than the STD TIME are considered slow cycles and are highlighted in cyan. Cycles lasting longer than the INVLD TIME are highlighted in red.)


The total number of cycles in the current shift that did not exceed the invalid time. The total number of valid cycles in the current shift that exceeded the standard time. The total number of invalid cycles during the shift. The total amount of time the machine has been in slow cycle for the shift. The shortest machine cycle of the shift. The average length of time for all valid cycles. (Slow cycles are included, invalid cycles are not included in calculating this average.) The longest valid cycle for the shift.

Table 6b-1 Cycle Time List Column Descriptions




6c FIS Fault Alarm Monitor

Fault Alarm List
The Fault Alarm List component is a tabular list of information relating to the current equipment status of a group of machine / stations. Current operating status is displayed for major pieces of equipment as well as a notification of the highest priority active event. This component also includes an indication of any outstanding alarms. Each row in the list represents the status of a single machine / station. The Fault / Alarm List is a real-time display, which means that changes in machine state and primary events are reflected automatically on the display without user intervention. This component supports the drill down feature, which means that a detailed breakdown of any machine in the display can be obtained by double clicking on the associated row. An example of the Fault / Alarm List component is shown in Figure 6c-1.

Figure 6c-1 Fault / Alarm List The following information is presented on the Fault/Alarm List:
Column Heading MACHINE NAME STATUS ALM (ALARM) FAULT/ALARM DESCRIPTION MSG LOC (Location) STA (Station) EVNTS CMTS (Comments) Description Displays either the 15-character short name or the long machine description. The current state that the machine is in (this block is color-coded the same as the graphics color coding for more rapid interpretation of the state). Standard color-coding convention. A flag box to indicate an alarm condition; indicates number of outstanding alarms. A short description of the highest priority fault or alarm currently active for this machine. A five-digit code related to the state description associated with the message description. The physical location of the faulted element or device. The station of the faulted element or device in multi-station machines (mostly used for multiple stations or composite machines.) The total number of currently active events for the machine. A number indicating how many events have associated comments entered for the machine for the current shift.

Table 6c-1 Fault Alarm List Column Descriptions




The Fault Alarm List Sub-Menu allows the user to alter the viewing characteristics of the display. This menu is launched by right-clicking anywhere on the screen. The following options are available on the menu: Insert Blank Row, Delete Row(s), Cut Row(s), Copy Row(s), Paste Rows, Turn Priority Sort On, Insert Additional Machines, Save User-Defined List and Set State Filter. Example: The initial screen will display all the selected machines and for some of them the current state is In Cycle. If the user doesnt want to see the machines that are In Cycle right click anywhere on the screen on the menu select Set Priority Sort On. This will rearrange the list with the machines that have the highest priority fault or alarm at the top. Now right click again and from the menu select Set State Filter a screen with all the states appears, check In Cycle and press OK button on the screen. This will hide all the machines with In Cycle state. Multiple states can be selected to be filtered. The default view for the Fault/Alarm List can be switched to a Trend view that shows the percentage of time in each state. To switch to this view select View then select Trend on the Menu bar.

Fault/Alarm List Trent View

Column Heading MACHINE NAME STATUS ACC. CUR PERCENTAGE OF TIME IN STATE TRGT CNT VAR MIN JPH AVE DIA Description Displays either the 15-character short name or the long machine description. The current state that the machine is in (this block is color-coded the same as the graphics color coding for more rapid interpretation of the state). Standard color-coding convention. Length of time in current state. Bar Chart of times in all states. Jobs per hour rate in minutes times minutes into shift. Current job count for this shift. The difference between the target count and the current count. Number of minutes since start of shift Jobs Per Hour. The line rate, or the number of units the machine has been set to process per hour. Average Jobs Per Hour since the start of the shift. Diagnostic aid for FIS. The DIA should be .1 See Formula below.

Fault/Alarm List Column Descriptions DIA Formula




6d FIS Graphics
The Graphics portion of FIS depicts the real-time status of plant floor process machinery through the use of dynamically changing text and color values.

Accessing FIS Graphics

Graphics is accessed in a slightly different manner than the other Real Time Components. Since there are no parameters associated with a graphics screen and only one screen can be shown at a time the user merely highlights the desired screen than clicks OK. A double click on the desired screen description will also work. FIS organizes graphical displays into two categories: Overviews and Zoom Files.

Figure 6d-1Graphics Screen - Overviews

Plant Overview Screen

Typically the Graphics application contains a Plant Overview Screen that conveys key Pay Point counts and systems statuses (Figure 6d-2). Usually this screen is divided into major areas such as in an assembly plant, Paint, Body, and TCF (Figure 6d-2). Double clicking on one of these areas will bring up an exploded view of that area (Figure 6d-3).




Figure 6d-2 Highest Level Graphic Provided by FIS

Zoom Files
Zoom files contain groupings of machines from a specific area or sub-area within the plant. These displays give the user a finer view of individual machine and conveyor detail. Zoom files are plant specific, and can be changed and modified upon request. The user may choose to Display Zoom Files directly by putting a in the Display Zoom Files Box.

Legend Display
The colors on the legend display are used to determine the status of equipment. The colors listed are plant specific. Colors will remain consistent throughout all displays within a plant FIS installation.

Zoom to an Area
There are two types of zooming, region or area, and actual object zooming. Zooming to an Area is commonly used to access Area Displays through the Plant Overview graphics screen. FIS is set up in some plants to allow the user to zoom in on a graphic for a more detailed look at a specific area of the plant. For example, the user may be able to zoom in on the Framing area of the Body Shop graphic. Even if the Zoom to Area is not possible, it may be possible to zoom to a special view of specific equipment such as accumulators.

Graphical Zoom Detail Breakdown

If the Plant Display is already open, perform the following steps to zoom to an Area Display.





1 2 3 4 Optional

Action Press TAB to outline a section (or Area). Press ENTER to initiate the zoom. (Figure 6d-3) Once you pick an area using the TAB and ENTER keys or by double-clicking with the mouse, you may continue to zoom down to a zone. Next, you can zoom to the desired machine to find out the current state. You can also access the Production Monitor, Cycle Hour Detail, Current Events, and Reports by simply right-clicking over the desired area display (Figure 6d-4).

Figure 6d-3 New Graphic View

First Level (Area)

The new graphic view is similar to the previous; however, it has a greater level of machine detail. Rather than being a broad overview of groups of machines and conveyors, this view is of individual machines, and in some cases, individual stations within a machine. The real-time aspect and the color codes are the same as described in other graphic screens.

The user can also drill down to determine the specific fault or reason codes and view the event log for the machine, conveyors, or group of machines. 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 39 10/30/2007

Figure 6d-4 Component Launch Menu

Second Level (Zoom to Faults)

Drilling down to the second level from an area graphic provides one of two views, depending on which item was selected: If the item selected was a group of machines, the new view is a list of current faults for each machine (See Figure 6d-5). If the item selected was a single machine, the new view is a list giving the current logged event followed by all active events for the machine.




Figure 6d-5 Current Faults

Single Machine (Zoom to Machine Status)

Accessing the machine status, also referred to as drilling down, can be accomplished from the graphics applications one of two ways: First, as discussed previously, an item selected from a graphic view may be a single machine, which results in arriving at the machine status. Second, an individual machine can be drilled into from the Current Faults list. Drill into an individual machine from the Current Faults window by simply double-clicking with the mouse.




Figure 6d-6 Current Logged Events

Element List
Element List is the next lowest level of real-time machine diagnostics. Rather than an overall machine state, this component offers the user diagnostics at the machines element level. This allows users to identify what element within a machine is causing a particular problem. Element List also provides the opportunity to view this diagnostic data in a format that allows the viewing of multiple elements and/or machines at one time (see figure 6d-7.)

Figure 6d-7 Element List For machines with multiple elements, an overall element is usually also present. This overall element represents the worst condition of all elements of that machine. If all elements are IN CYCLE, except for one that is FAULTED and another is BLOCKED DOWN, the FAULTED condition is the worst of these, so the overall status will reflect this. 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 42 10/30/2007

Elements which are not reporting a current event at the time are assumed to be IN CYCLE, but for clarity, are shown with an - - OK - - state, and the description will read No event present for this element. This special state will not cause an overall state to change. The following information is presented on the Element List:
Column Heading Machine Name Elem. Name Element Description Status Min Alarm ALM (ALARM) Description Msg Loc Events Description Description of the machine. If Show Machine Description is selected, the long name will be shown. Short description of the element. Long description of the element. Current machine event of the element. The lowest number of parts that will trigger an alarm condition. Number of alarms present. Event description. Event message number. Event message location. Total number of events present.

Table 6d-8 Element List Column Descriptions




6e Process Variables Monitor

Process Variable List

Figure 6e-1 Process Variable List The following information is presented on the Process Variable List:
Column Heading Machine Name Element Value Name Actual Units Low Fault Low Alarm Set Point Hi Alarm Hi Fault Description Description of the machine. If Show Machine Description is selected, the long name will be shown. Element name. A brief description of the value being shown. Actual value in real-time. Unit of measure for all values. The lowest value that will trigger a fault condition. The lowest value that will trigger an alarm condition. Set point value. The highest value that will trigger a fault condition. The highest value that will trigger an alarm condition.

Figure 6e-2 Process Variable List Column Descriptions

Show Auto Set Points By selecting Show Auto Set Points from the View menu, you will see values that have been configured as Auto Set Points displayed in bold type. Selecting Rows for Charting with Short Cut menu (Right Mouse)

Single process variable charting. Multiple contiguous rows. Multiple non-contiguous rows.

Double-click a single row ORClick to select a single row, right click and select Chart. Click and drag to select a block of rows. Right click and select Chart. Control-click single rows in any order. Right click and select Chart.




6f FIS Status and Production Monitor

The Status and Production component, figure 6f-1 provides the status of each piece of equipment and the composite production counts for each machine. This component also allows the user to ZOOM in on any individual machine to get increasingly more detailed information about the desired machine.

Figure 6f-1 Status and Production List The following columns appear on the Status and Production List Applet window
Column Heading MACHINE NAME STATUS ALM (ALARM) HR1HR10 SHIFT TOTAL AC1AC3 Description Displays either the 15-character short name or the long machine description. The current state that the machine is in (this block is color-coded the same as the graphics color coding for more rapid interpretation of the state). Standard color-coding convention. A flag box to indicate an alarm condition; indicates number of outstanding alarms. A breakdown by hour of the number of units produced or processed by the machine during the current shift (Three dashes (---) are present if that hour has not yet started.) The mathematical total of the hourly production counts. The number of units in each of a maximum of three accumulators associated with that machine. (At the bottom of the screen are accumulator totals for all the accumulators shown on the list.) Note: Only the first three are shown. The number of currently active events for the machine. A number indicating how many events have associated comments entered for the machine.


Table 6f-2 Status and Production List Column Descriptions




Based on the current trend, the Production Trending function within machine status is a way to predict the outcome of production for the current shift (See Figure 6f-3). To access the production trending chart follow these steps: From the Status and Production screen, go to View menu item Click on Trend

Figure 6f-3 Production Trend View Option of Status and Production The HR1HR10 bar changes to PRODUCTION TREND and TARGET, and the accumulator counts (AC1AC3) bar changes to production data VAR, JPH, and MIN
Column Heading PRODUCTION TREND TARGET Description A single bar divided into color-coded portions, which represent production and nonproduction time thus far during the shift as a percentage of elapsed time. The total number of units that should have been processed or produced by the machine thus far in the shift. (This number is determined by dividing the number in the MIN column by 60 and multiplying the result by the number in the JPH column. See the example below.) The variation between the target and the actual shift total. The line rate, or the number of units the machine has been set to process per hour. The number of elapsed minutes in the shift.


Figure 6f-4 Production Trend Column Descriptions Example: 367 minutes have elapsed in the shift. The JPH is 55. 367 / 60 = 6.1 and 6.1 x 55 = 336. Therefore the target is 336.




Part Counter List

The Part Counter List displays only individual part counter data and is associated at the station level. This component differs from Production Monitor in that Production Monitor displays both production count and part count data (see figure 6f-5.) Note: Part Counter List component can only be launched from Graphics application.

Figure 6f-5 Part Counter List Component

The following columns appear on the Part Counter List component window
Column Heading MACHINE NAME COUNTER NO. COUNTER DESCRIPTION HR1HR10 SHIFT TOTAL Description Displays either the 15-character short name or the long machine description. Part counter Description A breakdown by hour of the number of units produced or processed by the machine during the current shift (Three dashes (---) are present if that hour has not yet started.) The mathematical total of the hourly production counts.

Figure 6f-6. Part Counter List Column Descriptions




7 FIS Analysis Tools

There are three tools associated with the Factory Information System. These are FISCharting, FISMPI and FISReports. The purpose of these tools is to give the user various standard methods for analyzing the data collected by FIS in greater depth.




7a FIS Charting
FIS Charting is a tool used to trend both Process Variable data as well as Accumulator values. These values are typically analog values such as temperatures, fluid levels, etc. This type of data is handled differently than machine state or production counts. Process variables and Accumulator values are sampled and stored at a regular intervals, where the state data is event driven and stored whenever it. Although these process variables and accumulator values may change constantly in realtime, they are archived for in FIS at intervals of 10 minutes.

FIS Charting can be opened from either FIS graphics or from the FIS start menu under FIS Analysis tools. The charting applications are slightly different depending on which method was used to open it. The differences are explained later in the Opening Charting from Graphics chapter. When the Charting window opens, the two available chart types can be selected under the File New menu as shown here

Process Variable Chart

The process variable selection form is similar to the FIS standard machine selection found throughout the FIS suite of applications. The machine list on the left shows the plants configured machine groups PLANT GROUPS, followed by a filtered list for all Process Variable machines ALL PROCESS VARIABLES", as well as a filtered list for all Process Variable machines found at the bottom of the machine list under the ALL Process Variables heading. Prior to viewing a chart, the user must select the Process Variable machines, Date Range, and Shift(s), to include on the chart. Select the ADD button near the bottom right of the form to add the machines to the charting selection at the bottom. This area of the charting application allows you to select multiple machines with the same or different selection criteria. This intermediate selection area allows a chart to contain multiple plot lines for the same machine with different shift/date criteria, or multiple machine over different time ranges on the same chart.




When satisfied with the list, select the View Chart button on the right.




Below is an example of a resulting Process Variable chart.

Chart Window Options

Show Alarms Show Faults Show Set Point Buttons View Raw Data Print Raw Data Print Stats

Places alarm setting values in the chart for the first process variable. Places fault setting values in the chart for the first process variable. Places set point value in the chart for the first process variable. Toggles between chart and chart data. Prints chart data in spreadsheet form. Prints stats data in spreadsheet form.

Process Variables have Alarm and Fault values as well as Set Points configured for each machine. The check boxes on the right of the chart, toggle these values on/off. These values are stored in the FIS database and can be configured at the machine level using the FIS Configurator. Refer to the FIS Configuration manual for more details on setting these values.




View / Print Process Variable Chart Data

The data behind the chart can be accessed by selecting the View Raw Data button located to the right and below the chart. This will display a spreadsheet style view of the data behind the current chart. This is simply a spreadsheet overlay, covering the active chart and can be turned off by selecting the button again. This raw data can be printed by selecting the Print Raw Data button. *NOTE The Print Raw Data button will automatically print to your default windows printer without a printer selection dialog window. The machine information in the spreadsheet at the bottom of the chart screen can also be printed using the Print Stats button. This will print the data displayed in this spreadsheet to the default printer.

Process Variable Statistics

Three additional data fields are calculated for each row in the machine selection list for each chart. The three fields are located to the right of the shift field. These calculations are described below. Average This calculates a simple average for each the Process Variable data over the date range and shift(s) selected in the respective row and subsequent line in the current chart. Range The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum value for the respective process variable over the selected date range and shift(s). STD Dev (Standard Deviation) This is the Standard Deviation calculated for each respective process variable over the selected date range and shift(s).

Accumulators Chart
The Accumulators selection is similar to the Process Variable selection described above. ALL ACCUMULATORS will be listed in the bottom in place of ALL PROCESS VARIABLES. To produce an Accumulators Chart the procedure remains the same as the Process Variables Chart above.




An example of the Accumulator Chart selections follows.

Below is an example of a resulting Accumulators chart.




Chart Window Options

Show Min/Max Alarms Show Min/Max Faults Buttons View Raw Data Print Raw Data Print Stats

Places alarm setting values in the chart for the first Accumulator. Places fault setting values in the chart for the first Accumulator. Toggles between chart and chart data. Prints chart data in spreadsheet form. Prints stats data in spreadsheet form.

Accumulators have Alarm Minimum / Alarm maximum and Fault Minumum / Fault Maximum values configured for each accumulator. The check boxes on the right of the chart toggle these values on/off. These values are stored in the FIS database and can be configured at the accumulator level using the FIS Configurator. Refer to the FIS Configuration manual for more details on setting these values.

View / Print Accumulator Chart Data

The data behind the chart can be accessed by selecting the View Raw Data button located to the right and below the chart. This will display a spreadsheet style view of the data behind the current chart. This is simply a spreadsheet overlay, covering the active chart and can be turned off by selecting the button again. This raw data can be printed by selecting the Print Raw Data button. *NOTE The Print Raw Data button will automatically print to your default windows printer without a printer selection dialog window. The machine information in the spreadsheet at the bottom of the chart screen can also be printed using the Print Stats button. This will print the data displayed in this spreadsheet to the default printer.

Accumulator Statistics
Just like with the Process Variable charts, three additional data fields are calculated for each row in the machine selection list for each chart. The three fields are located to the right of the shift field. These calculations are described below. Average This calculates a simple average for each the accumulator values over the date range and shift(s) selected in the respective row and subsequent line in the current chart. Range The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum value for the respective accumulator over the selected date range and shift(s).




STD Dev (Standard Deviation) This is the Standard Deviation calculated for each respective accumulator over the selected date range and shift(s).

Charting from within FIS Graphics

When charting directly from within FIS Graphics there are a few features that are different then running the FIS Charting application from the FIS menu. Most notably is the count down timer which will update the chart in real-time. This is available only when running directly from FIS Graphics. However, the chart properties menus are not available when running from within FIS Graphics. The chart properties menus are located just above the chart. These chart property menus allow you to change the look and feel of the finished chart, as well as the type of chart. A save option is also available allowing you to save the finished chart on your local machine. When charting Process Variables or Accumulators from FIS Graphics, you simply need to double click on the process variable or Accumulator graphic from the FIS Graphics screen. The accumulator or process variable machine will automatically be populated within Charting. The current shift will be automatically populated.

Auto Update
This Auto Update option is ONLY available when running charting from FIS Graphics. When this timer expires, the chart will update itself with new Process Variable or Accumulator data relevant to the current chart. This value is dynamic depending on how often the machines poll data, most often this value is set to 10 minutes. This value is configurable on the workcell. 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 55 10/30/2007

Functional Overview
Machine Performance Indicators (MPI) is an analysis tool set that is fully integrated into the FIS suite of programs. The purpose of this tool is to facilitate the long-term analysis of machine and process performance through the reporting and trending of performance and throughput statistics, or indicators. Included in the MPI tool set is support for Preventive Maintenance (PM) metrics, which is in support of the corporate-wide PM Standards initiative. All indicators supported by MPI are industry-standard measures that can be used by plant maintenance, engineering, throughput improvement, and process simulation groups. The purpose of this document is to provide the user with the background necessary to effectively use the MPI tool. While the emphasis is primarily on the interpretation and analysis of the indicators, the proper use of MPI also requires the manual entry of production schedules, production targets, and scrap part data. Although there are security restrictions on data entry functions, all plant and corporate users have the ability to generate trend charts and reports. The goal of MPI is to provide a set of metrics by which each plant can measure overall performance with respect to cost and efficiency. MPI achieves this goal by supporting the following important features:

Industry-Standard Performance Indicators

MPI supports a number of indicators that bring clarity to machine efficiency and process bottlenecks. The indicators supported are as follows: Machine Performance Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Availability (AVAIL) Quality Rate (QR) Performance Efficiency (PE) Maintenance Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Operational Availability (OA) Throughput Actual Jobs per Hour (AJPH) Production Availability (PA) Stand Alone Jobs per Hour (SAJPH) Stand Alone Availability (SAA) Schedule Attainment Target JPH In-Line Schedule Attainment (ISA) 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 56 10/30/2007

Overall Schedule Attainment (OSA)

MPI provides the ability to analyze these indicators through the use of trend charts and reports, rendering the data over any desired date range, or for a specified month, day, or shift. Root cause analysis of negative or unusual trends observed in these indicators can then be performed using a drill-down approach that is familiar to FIS users. It also facilitates the comparison of these indicators over multiple shifts as well as ranking the indicators for multiple machines in a department or process line. Raw indicator data can be viewed using various sort criteria in a tabular or chart form, and accommodates the exporting of the data to an EXCEL spreadsheet.

Quality Data
The MPI tool also supports machine quality statistics. It accomplishes this by providing the ability to manually, or automatically, collect the total number of bad parts produced for a given machine and shift. Bad part data can be corrected at a later time, even if it was automatically collected.

Adjustable Scheduling
Plant personnel now have the ability to adjust schedules after the work day has completed in order to apply significant scheduling events such as tag relief, extend shift, short shift etc. This will insure that the schedule accurately reflects the actual time worked. An accurate schedule will improve the accuracy of the MPI indicators, and consequently improve the integrity of the analysis. This control can be accessed through the EDIT menu of MPI through the FIS Schedule application. or

Production Targets
Plant personnel can enter a production target for a particular plant area, system, machine, or part counter. This information is required for the determination of the Schedule Attainment indicators. This control can be accessed through the EDIT menu of MPI through the FIS Schedule application. or

Aggregate Indicators
Each indicator conveys information relevant to the performance characteristics and operating trends of a particular piece of process machinery. By trending an indicator, plant personnel are able to measure the effect of past decisions and actions made toward the goal of improving machine throughput. The purpose of an aggregate indicator is to provide a standard method of trending the overall performance of a given group of process machines. Trending an indicator for a group of machines will convey the effectiveness of all of the decisions and how subsequent actions impact the performance for that group. Typically, the group of machines being analyzed




is comprised of those machines associated with pay points in the overall process. A pay point is a critical junction or merge point in the manufacturing process where the accountability for production transitions from one department to another. MPI allows aggregate indicators to be grouped by a custom MACHINE GROUP created in the FIS List Editor, a predefined AREA, or a predefined SYSTEM.

Machine State Consolidation

Machine downtime statistics are critical to throughput analysis and, with MPI, machine state events are consolidated for a more accurate rendering of the duration and frequency of machine downtime and their occurrences. Without state consolidation, machine breakdown occurrences are typically skewed artificially high while the corresponding duration time of the breakdown is artificially low. The table below illustrates this point and can be used to understand the concept of machine state consolidation. The example shows a typical machine breakdown starting with the FAULT at 6:10:43 and ending with the IN CYCLE at 6:16:43
Set 05:57:5 06:10:4

Clear 06:10:4 06:11:5 06:13:1 06:15:2 06:16:0 06:21:4 06:16:4

Duratio 00:12:4 00:01:1 00:01:1 00:02:1 00:00:4 00:05:3 00:00:0



06:11:5 06:13:1 06:15:2 06:16:0 06:21:4


MPI will consolidate the states occurring between the FAULT and the PROD STOP into one breakdown with a total duration of 11 minutes. The initial machine breakdown condition, Return Transfer Fault in the example, will be reported as the sole cause of the machine breakdown and credited with the entire 11 minutes of downtime. Thus, all states in the consolidation will include the fault time; the time required to correct the fault, and the time needed to jog the transfer back into a position where the machine can be returned to automatic and restarted. Consolidating these intermediate states enhances the accuracy of indicators such as MTTR and MTBF. Without state consolidation, FIS will report 5 separate downtime occurrences: FAULT (1), OUT OF AUTO (2), POWER OFF (1), PROD STOP(1). With state consolidation, just one occurrence attributed to the FAULT for the Return Transfer is recorded. State consolidation is achieved through the configuration of the breakdown and recovery profiles. This is available through the FIS CONFIGURATOR application. The state(s) that make up a breakdown or recovery condition and the duration time required to enter or exit the




breakdown is configurable on a per-machine basis. This filtering process will also eliminate the noise due to spurious machine state occurrences. The FIS Event Log display also provides for the visualization of all consolidations. State consolidation has been included in a number of FIS applications. The checkbox shown to the right serves to remind the user that the application implements this feature. The default mode for all FIS applications is to apply state consolidation. To emulate the reporting mode for legacy FIS applications, the user can disable state consolidation by deselecting this feature.

Machine State Profiles

All indicator formulas now use indirect references instead of hard-coded references to the various machine states. This is accomplished through the use of machine state profiles. Each profile corresponds to a formula component used in the calculation of the indicator value. The following profiles are currently supported: Machine Breakdown Machine Recovery Documented Stoppage Setup/Adjustment Tooling Loss Non-Productive Blocked Cycling

As an example, the Blocked profile is used to drive the SAJPH indicator and typically contains the STARVED and BLOCKED DOWN machine states. Another example, the Cycling profile, includes all states that represent the condition when the machine is running normally. States such as IN CYCLE and MATERIAL LOW would be included in the Cycling profile. When a new machine/station is configured within FIS, the default setting for each profile is applied to the machine. Plant FIS configuration personnel can then change to a custom profile to reflect the specific operating characteristics of this machine/station. The application of the MAINTENANCE ASSIST state illustrates the flexibility of the machine state profile. This state is primarily used to alert maintenance personnel that a machine needs immediate attention. Often times, this state is used to warn of an impending FAULT condition even though the machine continues to run normally. For high visibility on the main plant graphics display, however, MAINTENANCE ASSIST is usually configured as a state instead of an alarm. The MAINTENANCE ASSIST state, used in this context, should be excluded from the Breakdown profile but included in the Cycling profile. This way, all calculations related to downtime for the machine will exclude all MAINTENANCE ASSIST time and occurrences, while all calculations related to uptime will include all MAINTENANCE ASSIST time and occurrences. In the case that a machine uses MAINTENANCE ASSIST to represent an actual machine down condition, the state should be included in the Breakdown profile but excluded from the Cycling profile. To achieve an accurate analysis, it is important that the configuration of the machine state profiles reflect the actual running characteristics of the machine. 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 59 10/30/2007

The analysis of indicators is what MPI is all about, and it is important that the user gain a thorough understanding of what information each indicator conveys before basing decisions on them. The approach in this section is to first describe the building blocks, or components, of each indicator. Each component, represented by a machine state profile, is presented first. Next, the Unplanned Downtime and Net Available Time components are introduced. Finally, the derivation of each indicator is described in detail along with the corresponding formulas.

Profile-Based Indicator Components Machine Breakdown Time

This component accounts for the time that the machine is down due to electrical/mechanical problems or any other unusual circumstance that requires the machine to be run in manual mode or powered off. The machine breakdown time is determined by applying the state consolidation feature previously described, and is defined by the combination of the Machine State Breakdown Profile and the Machine State Recovery Profile. The Machine State Breakdown Profile contains either an individual machine state or multiple machine states - any one of which can trigger a breakdown occurrence. Typical breakdown states include FAULT, OUT OF AUTO, POWER OFF, and SAFETY NET. A machine is considered to be in a breakdown when any one of the breakdown states configured in the Breakdown State Profile occurs for longer than a pre-configured time duration. Any state excluded from the profile is not considered a candidate to trigger a machine breakdown. The Machine State Recovery Profile identifies those states required to return the machine to normal operation. Typical recovery states include IN CYCLE, IDLE, BLOCKED, and STARVED.

Documented Stoppage Time

This component represents all unanticipated events that stop the machine from running because of dependencies on manual, upstream, or downstream processes. This would include states such as BLOCKED DOWN, STARVED, PROD STOP, and END OF TRAVEL.

Non-Productive Time
This component represents the condition where the machine is ready to run but intentionally left idle. Machine states such as IDLE, ENERGY CONSERVATION, and PM EVENT are included in this category. This component provides the ability to adjust scheduled productive time downward so as to avoid penalizing maintenance or operations for an event that has no impact on overall process throughput.

Setup and Adjustment Time

This component is used to account for machine setup time that routinely occurs during normal production. Setup and Adjustment Time differs from the Non-Productive state, PM EVENT, because it has a direct impact on production. This is especially true if it exceeds a scheduled setup time.




Tooling Loss Time

This component is used to account for the time lost due to a tool breakage. This would include the time required to change the tool and return the machine to normal cycle.

Blocked Time
All machine blockages that are due to dependencies on upstream or downstream automation are included in this component.

Cycling Time
This is the time that the machine is spent in a normal cycling mode. This category will always include the IN CYCLE state. Other states that serve to warn plant personnel of possible future problems or special machine conditions, but do not actually cause the machine to stop are also included in this category. Machine states such as MATERIAL LOW and BYPASS are examples of such a condition.

Other Indicator Components Unplanned Downtime

This is the total of all unanticipated downtime that occurs during the shift and includes all of the inanimate machine state components discussed above.

Net Available Time

This is the total time that the machine was scheduled to be available for production. A machine is considered to be available for production as long as plant personnel are available to attend to its operation and the machine is not intentionally left idle. The value for scheduled productive time is determined using the configured production schedule or the alternate schedule if one was applied.

Machine Performance Indicators

OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness is an aggregate measure of how effective the machine is with respect to production throughput. The analysis of machine performance usually starts by observing the trend of OEE and then analyzing the trends of its three component indicators: Availability, Quality, and Performance Efficiency.




Availability is the total percentage of scheduled productive time that the machine is operating normally and is capable for part production.

The Quality indicator is a measure of the rate of production of good parts. The Quality indicator has no provision for parts that re-circulate due to repair. Total Defective Parts should reflect the value for the actual number of parts that were scrapped as opposed to those that were re-worked and re-introduced into the normal part flow.

Performance Efficiency is a measure of machine throughput during the normal machine cycle. Any deterioration in this measure could likely be attributed to wear on machine tooling, or wear on mechanical / hydraulic machine components. The Design Cycle Time is the suggested time at which the machine is capable of completing one part production cycle. This value is manually entered at the machine/station level through the FIS configuration process. NOTE: Errors in the Design Cycle Time will cause the Performance Efficiency reading to be unrealistically low or high.

Mean Time To Repair is the average time required to return the machine to a normal cycling condition after a breakdown.

Mean Time Between Failure is the average time between machine breakdowns.




Operational Availability is the percentage of productive time that the machine was available and ready for part production. It is a measure of how well the machinery operates while in automatic, how well it is being maintained, and the rate at which maintenance personnel respond to breakdowns. In other words, OA is concerned with the way the machine runs without regard to external dependencies such as manual/auto load/unload operations or operator initiated production stops.

Production Availability is a measure of the overall run time efficiency of the machine. It is especially useful when compared to the OA indicator. Divergences between the OA and PA indicate issues related to plant operations. Specifically, downtime due to manual slow loads and machine blockages can be quickly identified when analyzing OA and PA together.

Actual JPH
Actual Jobs per Hour is the hourly rate of production for the machine during scheduled productive time.

Stand Alone Jobs Per Hour is a measure of throughput capacity of the machine without the dependencies imposed by up and downstream machinery. This indicator is especially useful when analyzing the performance of multiple machines in a process. It will help to identify the machine that is controlling the overall rate of product flow through a production line and can highlight throughput bottlenecks..

Stand Alone Availability measures the availability of a machine without the dependencies imposed by upstream or downstream process machinery. This indicator is useful for determining the machine that controls the overall throughput of multiple machines in a process. SAA and Stand 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 63 10/30/2007

Alone Jobs Per Hour (SAJPH) are similar measures in that they both exclude dependencies on adjacent machines. However, SAA does not convey any information about raw production throughput as does SAJPH. SAA, however, has an advantage over SAJPH in that it can be used to analyze throughput on process lines that contain parallel, redundant operations that may operate at different rates than the overall process.

In-Line Schedule Attainment is used to measure the achievement of the target production during the original scheduled productive hours. ISA excludes all unanticipated overtime or extra time worked due to tag relief occurrences. This assumes that the target production count is based solely on normal operating times. Also, no adjustments will be made to the target production for short shifting. If the original schedule calls for an 8-hour workday and the schedule was terminated early on 7th hour, the target production remains fixed at the original value.

The Overall Schedule Attainment (OSA) measures the performance for the entire work period including overtime, tag relief, and short shifts etc. The formula shows that the OSA is a ratio of the actual rate of production to the target rate of production. If the actual rate exceeds the target rate, the resultant OSA would be greater than 100% whereas an OSA less that 100% would occur when the actual rate is less than the target rate.

The diagnostic health indicator is a measure of the accuracy of the machine diagnostics. Zero is a perfect score. A DIA within the range of -.1 and +.1 is considered good.

MPI User Interface

All MPI Indicators, discussed in section 2 of this document, can be visualized through the MPI User Interface.

Launching the MPI Application

The MPI application is launched through the menu sequence shown below. This sequence is included in the standard Windows menu and is activated by clicking on the Windows Start button.




MPI will first prompt for the desired machine(s), shift(s), and date range using the standard machine selection tool shown below.

**Note** The default setting for the State Consolidation selection is enabled. As previously discussed, it is recommended that this default setting is used for most analysis functions. Once the desired selections are made, press the Add Machine(s) button. This will launch the main MPI display and populate the MPI machine list with the desired machines and date selections. At any time, this criterion can be modified by right clicking on the machine list and selecting the edit/add machine selections option. Initially, the Analysis Workspace window of the MPI display is empty. To populate the workspace with data, simply drag a machine from the machine list into the Analysis Workspace, OR drag the header to add ALL machines in the list. You may also do this by double clicking on the machine or header.




Double click or drag and drop to Analysis Workspace

The analysis workspace has a look and feel similar to a standard spreadsheet. It shows a list of all machines activated for analysis and the associated indicator values for the date range and shifts selected. The Clear button at the top allows the user to clear the workspace at any time and choose another set of machines for analysis. If the user needs to add or delete machines from the original machine list, change the date range, or change the selected shifts, he/she can right-click anywhere in the Machines list to re-activate the machine selection tool.




The MPI Analysis Workspace

The Analysis Workspace serves as the initial launch point for the analysis of all indicators. The Figure below illustrates some of the primary features of the analysis workspace. The figure shows the MPI display as it appears for daily indicator readings with just one active machine.
Active Machine List Summarize by:
Total Time Period Month Day Shift

Export to Spreadsheet

Indicator Chart Selection

Auto De-Select of Unproductive Days

Sort Indicator Data

Active Machines List

The Active Machines List shows all of the machines currently active for analysis for the given date range and shifts. The number in the right hand corner indicates the number of active machines. A maximum of 50 machines can be active for analysis at any one time.




Summary Options
Pressing one of the four buttons - Total, Month, Day, or Shift - will refresh the active workspace and adjust all indicator values accordingly. The Total summary mode is the default mode and will be populated when calculating indicators the first time. Summary options can be selected anytime after data is in the Analysis Workspace. Summary options can be initiated by simply selecting the summary button at the top of the workspace, or by double clicking on any machine in the workspace, double clicking allows a one level drilldown into the next summary level. Drilling down from the default total summary calculates the Summary By Monthly, Drilling down again results in Summary by Day etc.

Export to Excel
Located just above and to the right of the Analysis workspace, is the Export to Excel button. Clicking this button will export the analysis workspace to a Microsoft Excel formatted spreadsheet. Only the data within the Analysis Workspace that is associated with a selected row will be exported.

Sorting Indicators
To sort an indicator within the Analysis Workspace is done by click on the header for any indicator. The sorting feature is toggled between sorting the data from the lowest to highest value (Ascending) to the highest to lowest value (Descending). The original order, chronological by day, shift etc., can be restored by clicking on the machine header.

Select / De-Select rows for charting

Each row can be selected or deselected for charting, exporting etc. By default, all rows that correspond to non-productive days or shifts are initially deselected, while all days/shifts that include productive times are initially selected. The user can then select or deselect any row based on his/her preferences for exporting and charting.

Chart Selection List

All indicator charts are activated using the Chart selection list box located just below the machine list in MPI. To activate a chart, the user can double click on the desired chart or drag and drop the chart to the Analysis Workspace. The Print Charts button allows the user to print the active charts.




Display Preferences
MPI is installed with default settings for chart properties such as chart types and colors, 3-D effects, plotting attributes etc. The user can change these preferences following the procedure outlined below. First; right click anywhere in the chart window to activate the Chart Properties Menu. Then select the Properties option, which will activate the Chart Properties Settings dialog. Once the properties are changed, they can be permanently saved using the Charts / Save Current Chart(s) as Templates menu item. Chart properties are unique by chart type, i.e., OEE, SAJPH, PE etc. Therefore, the user can save different charting properties for each chart type.

Chart Properties Menu

Chart Properties Settings

Save Chart Properties Menu

MPI Trend Chart Features

MPI allows for two distinct charting options based on summary level. To identify a bottleneck for a group of machines, many machines are selected over a period of time and indicators are calculated using the default Total summary level. This will show machine indicators for multiple machines and quickly identify problem machines from the group. Another type of charting is the trend chart. This is typically one machine over a period of time. This is done by selecting the machine and the date range, then select the summary by DAY option to show indicators for that machine over time. The graphical chart can then be displayed by double




clicking the indicator to trend from the charts list box located just below the machine list. An example OEE trend chart is shown below.

Double Click or Drag and Drop to Activate Chart

Indicator Formula

Window Tabs

Indicator Data Fly-By

Moving the mouse over each indicator plot on the graph will activate a fly-by window which shows the date and indicator value for the associated reading. As charts are added to the display, a new tab is created to hold the chart. As this happens, the existing dataset and other charts are moved to the back. Each chart has a Window Tab, which serves to quickly identify and recall an active chart. Charts can be deleted with a right-click on the Window Tab and then selecting the Delete Chart option in the menu pop-up. However, the Data Set tab, which corresponds to the Analysis Workspace window, is the only window that cannot be deleted. As a reference to the indicator formula, the formula for each indicator can be displayed with a right-click on the indicator name in the Charts selection window.




An example of a typical analysis of a machine would be to start with the OEE trend and look at each of the OEE components in order to find the underlying cause of the OEE trend. The three OEE components are shown below.


Performance Efficiency


Each indicator can be displayed in several ways. The first chart will simply be created on a new tab. Subsequent charts will prompt a selection box with three options.

The first option, Create XX chart on NEW TAB is the same as the first chart created by default. This will create a new TAB and put the new chart on it utilizing the maximum space.




The second option, Add XX chart to XX will divide the current TAB into two horizontal charts with the newest chart on the bottom. This can be done several times allowing up to three separate charts to show on the same tab. These charts will also be represented this way when printed. (See example)

The third option, Overlay chart, superimposes the indicator over the current chart. This is only allowed if the two charts are of similar types. (percentage, time, etc.) A maximum of three indicator charts can be displayed in the same window while there is no restriction as to the number of plots that can be superimposed.




MPI Stacked States Chart

This chart shows the total contribution for each state expressed as a percentage of scheduled productive time. From this chart, the user can drill down to display a detailed event breakdown for any day on the chart. For example, double clicking on the bar for 4/27 produces the Machine

State Pareto chart shown above. The Pareto chart (Below) sorts the percentage of production time of each event from largest to smallest total duration over the given time period.




Finally, the user can next zoom to the Historical Event Log for the given day with a double click on the Machine State Pareto. This produces the Event Log display shown below.

The Event Log is a chronological listing of all events that occurred for the machine in time. The Event Log application shows all component states of a machine breakdown. Each breakdown is highlighted in gray as shown in the figure and emulates the consolidation process discussed in the FIS configuration document. A feature to view the Event Log in consolidated form is also available and can be activated by clicking on the Turn Consolidation View On button in the upper left-hand corner of the display.

Other Charting Features

MPI facilitates the ability to easily compare performance data for any set of selected machines. The only restriction for this feature is that the machine data is rendered using the Total summary display mode. Because of this restriction, the user should be careful to first select the time range associated with the time period being analyzed. An example of the Total summary display mode was shown earlier in this section. Below is an example of two charts - SAJPH and AJPH - that are often used to perform comparative analysis between multiple machines. If the user desires to sort the chart from worst to best performer, or vice versa, the data should first be sorted on the Analysis Spreadsheet. This is done by clicking on the column header of the indicator prior to launching the chart.






The chart below shows an example of a rendering of the AJPH indicator for two separate shifts for a single machine. To generate this type of chart, the user must first activate all shifts in the Analysis Workspace. Also, the Analysis Workspace must be set with the Shift summary display mode so that the data for each shift is displayed separately.

Bad Part Data Entry

MPI allows for the automatic collection, or manual entry, of bad part data. Manual bad part data must be entered with the Shift summary display mode setting of the Analysis Workspace. Bad




Part data cannot be entered for any of the other summary time periods, i.e. total, month, or day. An example display is shown below.

If the bad part counter is collected automatically (See the FIS Configuration Manual for details), the actual value will initially be displayed in the appropriate cell on the spreadsheet. For manual counters, the initial value is always set to zero. After the shift is complete, the user has the opportunity to override the automatic count or enter the manual count. This, of course, assumes that the user has the appropriate security rights. To enter part counts, the user must click on the spreadsheet cell associated with the count value to be altered. He/she will then be required to enter a user name and password. NOTE: Security rights to enter bad part data can be granted by the FIS Security Administrator. Once security has been approved, the user can type in the new counter value and press the Enter key or, alternatively, click in another cell. All indicator values, in particular the Quality indicator, in the row will be automatically recomputed to reflect the new value for bad parts. At this point, the new counter value is immediately saved to the FIS Historical Database. The user can continue to click on all counter values in the spreadsheet that need to be changed until all edits are complete.




Aggregate Indicators
Aggregate indicators are measurements performed on a group of process machines rather than on an individual machine. A group of process machines can be an area, system, or one of the predefined machine groups shown in the Machine Selection dialog. The List Type frame in the Machine Selection dialog shown in the example below provides for the selection of the type of group to be analyzed. In the example below, once the Machine Groups option is selected, the Machine List dialog box shows all of the plant-defined machine groups. Multiple machine groups can be selected by double-clicking on each of the desired machine group descriptions.

Once the Analysis Workspace is launched, the values for each aggregate indicator are shown in a manner similar to that which is shown for a list of individual machines. From here, the user can generate trend charts for each indicator. The determination of a given aggregate indicator is achieved using a weighted-average based on the denominator of the indicator formula. The aggregate OA, for example, is determined by weighting each individual machine OA value by its time contribution to the total productive time for all machines in the group. Using the weighted average calculation insures that a machine with low or high indicator readings will not skew the aggregate, especially if this machine runs to a different production schedule than the other machines in the group. This is particularly relevant in a machining plant, where the product is manufactured at various rates and to different schedules. Regardless of the application, machining or assembly, weighting each machine indicator in this fashion results in an accurate rendering of the aggregate indicator value. \\ICC01_SHAREITM.SERVERS.CHRYSLER.COM\SHAREITM\1705\FIS Users Guide 2007 Update\7c FIS Reports.doc




7c - Reports
Report Types
The FISReports application enables the improvement and problem solving capability of plant operations. It provides a variety of report types that allow for a quick review and/or detailed analysis of the historical machine data collected by FIS. The FISReports features include: A variety of selectable report types that include both detailed and summary information. Parameter saving ability for quick repeats of specific settings. Standard formulas and calculations for ease of analysis and comparisons. Landscape and Portrait format options where applicable. Ability to export report data.

Starting Reports
A user may gain access to FISReports in many ways. One option is to start it directly from the Start menu by selecting Start, then All Programs, then Factory Information Systems, and then FISReports. It may also be started from within any other FIS application by clicking on the report button on the toolbar. After FISReports has started the gray container form with several options will appear at the top.

Figure 7c-1 Tool Bar By clicking on the white page icon a menu of available reports will appear.

Figure 7c-2 Reports Menu




The reports selection menu can also be reached by selecting File then New.

Figure 7c-3 Reports Menu Available reports may vary from plant to plant. FISGraphics offers a direct link to FISReports from the Plant Overview screen. By simply right clicking over a dynamic figure or counter with the mouse, the user will be linked to the FISReports Report Choice Menu. After selecting the desired report the Reports Option Screen will appear with the machine or machines associated with the selected graphics object already selected on the Reports Options Screen. (See FISGraphics for more information.)




Standard Report Option Controls

To create a report the user is presented with the Reports Option Screen. This screen will vary in detail depending upon the report type chosen. The basic format is constant and all Option Screens contain the following (Figure 7c-4) selections. Variations to this screen will be covered with the appropriate report description.

Figure 7c-4 Reports Options Screen




Machine Selection
This control at the top of all Report Option Screens is a common element in all FISReports applications. The user opens the hierarchy by clicking on an element. Double clicking on an element selects that element for inclusion in the report. Report elements are printed in the order of selection.

Figure 7c-5 Machine Selection

Viewing Format
This control allows you to determine if the generated report will be printed in landscape or portrait format.

Figure 7c-6 Viewing Format

Report Type
This appears on most Option Screens and allows for either detailed or summary reporting when applicable.

Figure 7c-7 Report Type

Production Times
This option is used to determine whether data items occurring during non-scheduled times should be included in a report.

Figure 7c-8 Production Times




Date Control
The Date control is consistent with the entire FIS Suite of applications and allows you to select the date or range of dates as well as the shift(s) to be included in the report. Shift names are plant specific, this is an example.

Figure 7c-9 Date Control

By Time Interval
A short cut for defining data date ranges is the Interval option. When the By time Interval box is checked the user may select data from the current date to as far back as defined by the two parameter options.

Figure 7c-10 By Time Interval




Alarms Report
Alarms are a condition that requires attention but is not critical enough to actually stop the machine or cause an immediate problem. Alarms can occur simultaneously with machine states. Low Lube or VMS Out of Auto are just two examples of alarm conditions. Since Alarms are not machine states they are never treated as logged down time events but are logged separately for later reviewing if desired.

Figure 7c-11 Alarm Detail Report

Figure 7c-12 Alarm Summary Report




AVI Read Performance Report

The Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) System is a factory floor system used to deliver plant floor process data to manufacturing machines. Bar code labels are used by the system to identify the vehicle as it moves through the build process. Bar code readers scan the labels and decode the data, which is used by AVI to access build instructions from the Workcell. This report monitors the read performance of the readers and displays them by hour. The report groups the data by Area. (See Figure 7d-13)

Figure 7c-13 AVI Reader Performance Detail Report

Figure 7c-14 AVI Reader Performance Summary Report




Cycle Time Report

FIS records cycle times for all machines with controllers capable of sending the proper signals. The Cycle Time Report feature allows for reporting and comparing these values in several ways. A Cycle Time Report has various options that may not be included or applicable to other reports. The Time/Shift Range Option is one. 1) 2) If Shift Range is selected than all data time stamped for the Shift or Shifts selected during the date range selected will be included. If Time Range is selected than all data time stamped from the data and time of the Start Date and Start Time to the End Date and End Time, crossing shift boundaries if necessary, will be included. If Time Slice is selected than only data time stamped between the Start Time and the End Time for each day in the date range will be selected.


Figure 7c-15 Cycle Time Date and Time Range




A second set of report options are available under the Cycle Time Report Options list. These options allow for data to be displayed in various graphical forms and/or to be delimited. Options will be grayed out when they are mutually exclusive of previously selected options.

Figure 7c-16 Cycle Time Report Options The various options are: 1) Cycle Time Graph is an option that presents the data selected in graphical form. If more than one machine is included each machines data will be presented on separate graphs. 2) Over Cycle Bar Graph (%) is an option that will compare and rank by percent of cycles over cycle the data selected for all machines selected within the time frame selected. The description along the x axis will contain the total amount of over cycle time. More than 10 machines may be included for comparison but only the top 10 will be displayed. 3) Over Cycle Bar Graph (Time) is an option that will compare and rank by amount of over cycle time for the data selected for all machines selected within the time frame selected. The description along the x axis will contain the percent of times over cycle. More than 10 machines may be included for comparison but only the top 10 will be displayed. 4) Include Invalid Cycles is an option which allows invalid cycle times to be included in the report and its subsequent calculations and summaries. Invalid cycle times are determined by the cycle time exceeding the Invalid threshold set in Sybase during configuration. This value can be modified using the FIS Configurator. Invalid Cycle Time is displayed at the top right section of the report header. 5) Include Zero Cycle Times is an option which allows cycle times calculated as 0 (Zero) to be displayed on the report and included in its subsequent calculations and summaries. 6) Invalid Cycles With Events is an option which will create a detailed list of all Invalid Cycles for the data selected for all machines selected within the





time frame selected. The list will include set time, duration and active state for each cycle included in the list. Cycle Time Limits (secs) is an option that allows the user to further define the limits of data to be included in a report. The values of the limits are in 10th of seconds without decimal points. The example in Figure 6d-16 shows limits set as 20 seconds to 30 seconds.

Cycle Time Report Examples

The Cycle Time Detail Report (Figure 7c-17) lists all cycle times recorded within the parameter limits. The detail report creates a summary at the end of the report.

Figure 7c-17 Cycle Time Detail Report Asterisks (*) next to an entry in the detail report indicate Invalid Data. That is data outside of the Valid Times parameters.




When the Summary option is chosen the Cycle Time Summary Report (Figure 6c-18) prints only the summary information for the data selected. The Cycle Time Summary Reports calculate summaries for each Day/Shift/Machine and again at the end of the report for grand total.

Figure 7c-18 Cycle Time Summary Report

Cycle Time Report Definitions

Standard Time: Valid Times: The Design Cycle Time. This value is taken from the data base (Sybase) and is entered through the FIS Configuration Program. The upper and lower Cycle Time Limits that a process may take and still be considered valid time. This value is configured through the FIS Configuration Program. Cycle Times that lie outside of the Valid Time limits. Total number of cycles occurring within the date/time parameters. Total number of cycles occurring within the valid cycle range for the date/time limits. Number of cycles greater than the Invalid Time. Lowest cycle time value in current sample. Average cycle time for all cycle times in current sample. Highest cycle time value in current sample. Total cycle time for sample ranging between the Standard Time and the Invalid high time limit. Total cycle time for all items in the sample. Ratio of total cycle time to total over cycle time. Average over cycle time for sample. Standard Deviation calculated for current sample, using the formula:

Invalid Time : Total: Normal: NA Low: Avg.: High: OT in Min TT in Min % OC Time Avg OC Time Std. Dev:




Lost Production Report

The Lost Production Report summarizes five major areas of lost production time in terms of number of times the production stop occurred and the total length of time the machine was in the out of production state.

Figure 7c-19 Lost Production Report

Machine Status
As each machine changes state FIS records the state change and information about that state in the FIS database. The Machine Status Report allows the user to retrieve this history in several manners and with a variety of delimiters (Figure 7c-20 Machine Status Report Options). These reports contain the machines identification, date/shift, start and end times of the state, and total time in state (Duration), state description, message code, message description, location and I/O address. This report is available in detail, summary and spreadsheet format. Below are examples of the Machine Status Report. They are the Machine Status Detail Report (Figure 7c-20) and the Machine Status Summary Report (Figure 7c-22). Both were run with State Consolidation checked. When this report is run either in detail mode or summary mode transition states of less than some pre-configured parameter (usually 10 seconds) are included in the lapse time of a machine fault. When this has occurred the consolidated fault is highlighted in gray. Figure 7c-21 is an example of the same data run with State Consolidation unchecked, causing all state changes are listed.




Figure 7c-20 Machine Status Detail Report

Figure 7c-21 Machine Status Detail Report




Figure 7c-22 Machine Status Summary Report The Machine Status Report can be executed using several options (Figure 7d-23).

Figure 7c-23 Machine Status Report Options The Report By Message option is a typical option selection.

Figure 7c-24: Message Code Selection Control




After selecting the machines and time periods for the report, select the desired option. The machine or machines selected will appear in the left window. By clicking the machine the list of statuses will appear. Clicking on the desired state will open the list of messages associated with the state selected. Double clicking on the desired message or messages will cause them to appear in the right window. When all the desired messages have been selected click the OK button. Similarly if you check By Reason Code you will see a Reason Code selection control for picking Reason codes.

Figure 7c-25 Reason Code Selection Control Summary Reports allow for additional options. When the Summary Report option is chosen by selecting Spreadsheet from the report options, the data is displayed as a spreadsheet report showing three shifts of data, one calendar week at a time.




Figure 7c-26 Summary Report Options

Figure 7c-27 Day/Shift Report Spreadsheet The Machine Status Report offers a time period option to display data within a certain time period. This option is selected through the menu option (Figure 6c-28).

Figure 7c-28 Time Period Pull Down Option A dialog box will appear with a start and end time field. (See Figure 7c-29) Multiple days may be used with this option, although, the time period is enforced within each day. For example, if a user selects the time period of 1:00PM to 3:00 PM for Monday through Friday, the results will be 2 hours of data for Monday, and 2 hours of data for Tuesday, etc.




Figure 7c-29: Time Period - Time Selection Control

Machine Status Report Definitions

Set Time: Clear Time: Duration: The timestamp associated with the start of the machine state. The timestamp associated with the end of the machine state. The difference in time between the Set Time and the Clear Time.




Machine Performance Report

The Machine Performance Report is designed to give the user a quick look at some of the basic measurements of machine performance. It contains a subset of the more detailed metrics available through the MPI System. The report is created using the common set of time and machine selection parameters found in all FISReports options.

Figure 7c-30 Machine Performance Report Refer to the FISMPI chapter for a definition of terms and formulas.




Process Variables Report

FIS has the ability to collect parameters such as temperatures, pressures, flow rates, etc. inherent in the manufacturing process, when so configured. These variables are collected on ten minute intervals. The Process Variables Report will list the values collected for the time period specified by the options screen.

Figure 7c-31 Process Variables Report The Include Set Points option (See Figure 7c-32) will display the set point next to the actual reading. (See Figure 7c-31) The Set Point is pre-configured using the FIS Configurator tool. The Show 3 Hour Average is a rolling 3 hour average of the machines actual samples. (See Figure 7c-32)

Figure 7c-32 Process Variables Options




Production Counts
Production counts as stored in the data base in hourly increments based upon the production hourly/shift schedule. When a production hour contains both productive and non productive time the counts are separated as to which time the part was counted. This report is available with the standard FIS parameters of date range, shift selection, inclusion or exclusion of non productive time data, detail or summary report. Summary Reports may be formatted with five summary parameters. Detail or summary reports can include either Production Targets or Design Targets. Production Targets are the scheduled production for the machine. Design Targets are the scheduled production time divided by machine Cycle Times. In addition a Production Report can be presented in graphical form: Checking Production Trend option generates the graph. Checking Remove Non-Prod Days eliminates scheduled non-productive days from the data. Entering a Target Value allows the user to establish an hourly rate bench mark production target.

Figure 7c-33 Production Count Options




Figure 7c-34 Detail Production Counts Non Productive Included Note that the total Line in the Detail Production Report differs from the Summary Production Report. This is because the Detail Report has the Include Break/Lunch and Include Non-Production option was also selected.




Figure 7c-35 Summary Production Counts Non Productive Excluded The production count report provides the ability to plot a trend line showing average production counts per hour over multiple days. This option is displayed by selecting the Production Trend option in the Production Trend Options Control. (See Figure 7c33) The Production Trend control also allows a Target Value to be displayed on the graph as a straight target line.(See Figure 7c-36) If Remove Non-Prod Days is selected, any day in the selected date range which has a 0 (Zero) production count, will be eliminated from the graph. To see an example of this, Compare (Figure 7c-36) and (Figure 7c-37)




Figure 7c-36 Production Count Report Graph with Target Line

Figure 7c-37 Production Count Report Graph with Target Line Remove NonProd Days




Status and Production Report

The Status and Production report is a report showing various efficiency calculations for multiple machines. All Status and Production reports are summary reports and displayed in Landscape format. (See Figure 7c-38)

Figure 7c-38 Status and Production Summary by Period report

Status and Production Report Definitions

Gross PCS/HR: Gross Pieces per Hour is derived from: 3600 Cycle Time Blocked: Starved: In Cycle: Total Avail/Time: Machine In Cycle: Total time in Blocked Down State. Total time in Blocked Down State. Total time cycling. Total Available Time is the entire shift duration. Percentage of Total Available Time that the machine was cycling. (Total Available Time / In Cycle Time) * 100 Prod Counts: Total @ 100% Efficiency: Production Counts for selected shift. This is the total number of parts the machine should produce if it was in cycle for the entire available time and completed each cycle in the standard cycle time with the correct Parts per Cycle. Actual Production Count / Total @ 100% Efficiency (Total Time InCycle / Total Available Time) * Actual Efficiency * Parts Per Cycle

Actual Efficiency: Thruput:




Machine Available: Std Cycle Time

Time (InCycle + Blocked Up + Blocked Down) / Available Time Standard Cycle Time from Sybase.

Data Integrity Report

This report is a tool to evaluate the status of data coming into FIS. The majority of the checks performed by this report evaluate PLC data being sent to FIS. This data is evaluated based on a threshold, i.e. within 20% of expected based on calculations of the data in FIS. The intent of the report is to provide direction as to where potential issues could exist either in FIS configuration or PLC logic. A detail and summary report exist.

Figure 7c-39 Data Integrity Detail Report




Figure 7c-40 Data Integrity Summary Report

Data Integrity Report Definitions

When the detail report is run, all of the following fields will be displayed. The detail report fits on an 11x17 size paper. A Summary report will display from Design Cycle Time Configured to the end of the table. Fields highlighted in blue with an asterisk indicate a division by zero would have occurred. Design Cycle Time: Gross PCS/HR: FIS configured design cycle time. Gross Pieces per Hour is derived from: 3600 Cycle Time * Parts Per Cycle

If this field is zero it is highlighted in red. Production Counts/In Cycle Time Hours Calc JPH: If the divisor is zero the field will contain an asterisk and be highlighted blue. Cycle High Limit: FIS configured high limit for cycle time. Cycle Low Limit: FIS configured low limit for cycle time. Total Available Time is the entire shift duration. Available Run




Time: Total Time In State: Total Time In Cycle Time: Total Time Undefined Time: Prod Count: Avg Cycle Time (sec): Cumulative Cycle Time: In Cycle Time Required: Prod Count Estimates: Design vs Avg Cycle Time %:

Sum the amount of time a machine spent in the various states. Time in the In Cycle State. Time in the Undefined State. Production Counts for selected shift. If value is zero, the field is red. Average cycle time over the selected period. If this field is zero it is highlighted in red. If the machine is noncyclic, the field is grey. This is the sum of all the cycle times during the selected date/shift range. Invalid cycle times will be excluded. The amount of time the machine should have spent in a cycling state. Equal to Design Cycle Time x Production Counts. The sum of time spent in the In Cycle State divided by the machines Design Cycle Time. If the divisor is zero the field will contain an asterisk and be highlighted blue. Calculate the difference between design and average cycle time. The difference is divided by Design Cycle Time, and displayed as a percentage. Invalid cycle times will be excluded. If Average Cycle Time is zero, this field fails. If Design Cycle Time is zero and Average Cycle Time is not zero, this field fails. If threshold is exceeded, field will be highlighted yellow. This field evaluates the In Cycle State Time Required against the amount of Total Time in the In Cycle State. Failure causes the field to be highlighted yellow. Reasons for failure include: Design Cycle Time multiplied by Production Counts equals zero, and the time in the In Cycle State does not equal zero (this field is set to 0) Evaluation threshold is exceeded. Compare the cumulative cycle times to the amount of time spent in the In Cycle State. These values should be equal. The difference is divided by In Cycle State time and displayed as a percentage. Invalid cycle times will be excluded. Failure causes the field to be highlighted yellow. Reasons for failure include: Cumulative cycle time does not equal zero and the time in the in cycle state equals zero (this field is set to zero) Evaluation threshold is exceeded. Sum the amount of time a machine spent in the various states. Subtract the amount of available run time from the FIS schedule. The difference is divided by time reported and displayed as a percentage. Failure causes the field to be highlighted yellow. Reasons for failure 104 10/30/2007

In Cycle State Time %:

Cycle Time vs. Cycle State %:

Reported vs Available Time %:


include: The time reported equals zero, and the available run time does not equal zero (this field is set to zero) Evaluation threshold is exceeded Calculate production count estimate (In Cycle State Time/Design Rpt Prod Count Cycle Time). Compare this to the production count the machine vs Est %: reported. The difference is divided by production counts and displayed as a percentage. If machine is non-cyclic the result field is N/A. Failure causes the field to be highlighted yellow. Reasons for failure include: Design Cycle Time is zero. (this field is set to zero) Production count equals zero and time in the In Cycle State is greater than zero. (this field is set to zero) Evaluation threshold is exceeded. Prod Delta Count Evaluate if the production count delta configured in FIS matches what the machine is reporting. Calculated by Number of Cycles x Pieces %: per Cycle configured in FIS. If machine is non-cyclic the result field is N/A. Failure causes the field to be highlighted yellow. Reasons for failure include: Number of cycles multiplied by pieces per cycle is zero and the production count does not equal zero (this field is set to zero) Evaluation threshold is exceeded. An event occurrence is an instance when a machine enters a state. Event Occr Per From all event occurrences, remove the In Cycle occurrences. Count: Evaluate whether or not the ratio of event occurrences to production counts for a machine is greater than a threshold. This is an indication that there is erroneous event activity. If threshold is exceeded, field will be highlighted yellow. For the following - N/A means the machine is non-cyclic and this check is for cyclic machines. X means the check failed. Blank means the check passed. Value is a NA, X, or blank based on Design Cycle Time above. Design Cycle Time Cfg: Value is a NA, X, or blank based on Design vs Avg Cycle Time Design vs Avg above. Cycle Time: Value is a NA, X, or blank based on In Cycle Time Required and In Time In Cycle: Cycle State Time above. Value is a NA, X, or blank based on Cycle Time vs Cycle State above. Cycle Time vs. Cycle State: Reported vs Avail Value is an X or blank based on Reported vs Available Time above. Time: Value is an X or blank. Examine the time the machine reported the Time in Undefined State. If this time is greater than zero, this check fails. Undefined State: This could indicate incomplete configuration of a state on the FIS 0 FIS USERS GUIDE.doc 105 10/30/2007

Prod Count vs Estimates: Prod Count Delta: Event Occr per Count: FIS Status: FIS Status Percent:

workcell or the machine reporting an inaccurate state. Value is an X or blank based on Reported Prod Count vs Est above. Value is an X or blank based on Prod Delta Count above. Value is an X or blank based on Event Occr Per Count above. Sum of Xs above, based on thresholds defined in report options, field will be green, yellow, or red. For any failed field, designated with an X. That field subtracts from 100% the sum of 1* the associated weight (from configuration).

The thresholds defined in the Data Integrity Report Options determine whether or not an item will receive an X. Additionally, the color coding for FIS Status results (green, red, yellow) can also be selected. The selected values print at the bottom of the report. An option to include the formula sheet, as detailed above, is available.

Figure 7c-41 Data Integrity Report Options A plant may choose to change the weight associated with each check. This configuration is on a per plant basis, the default value is for fields to receive an equal weighting when determining FIS Status %. The weights used to run the report are printed at the bottom of the report.

Saving Machine Lists

The user has the ability of saving a list of machines that are frequently used in reporting. This feature saves a list of selected machines either as a local machine list or as a global




machine list. If the list is saved as a local machine list it will be visible only from the workstation from which it was saved. If the list is saved as global machine list it will be visible from all the workstations. User with appropriate rights can only save machine lists as global list but every FIS user can save a list as a local machine list. Saving machine lists uses the Windows Save and Save As functions. After selecting Save As you will be prompted for file name. See Figure 7c-39.

Figure 7c-42 Save Report Dialog Box The saved report parameters will automatically be saved in the C:\FIS32\ FISRW\ Directory with a .FUR extension.

Opening A Saved File

To open a saved file, select Open under the File Menu. See Figure 7c-40




. Figure 7c-43 Open report Menu Select the saved file you wish to load and Select Open. (See Figure 7c-41)

Figure 7c-44 Open Dialog Box




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