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Teacher Candidate: Cooperating Teacher: Group Size: 25

Ashley Swier

Date: Coop. Initials

Allotted Time 60 Minutes Water

Grade Level Third Grade Section

Subject or Topic:

STANDARD: 3.1.2.C2: Explain that living things can only survive if their needs are being met. Materials & Resources S3.A.3.2.1: Identify what models represent (e.g., simple maps showing mountains, valleys, lakes, and rivers; dioramas). S3.D.1.2.3: Describe the ways living things benefit from the uses of water resources. I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes): The students will be able to use their senses when tasting and describing different types of water. II. Instructional Materials - Guided noted - Inquiry sheet - Bar graph sheet - Water bottle A - Water bottle B - Dixie cups III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea) A. Prerequisite skills 1. Knowledge of the 5 senses 2. Fine motor skills B. Key vocabulary - Aquifer An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing rock. - Desalination The process of taking salt out of water. - Oceans A very large body of water. - Salt water Found in the ocean. - Water - a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.

C. Big idea - Where does water come from? - Why is water so important? IV. Implementation A. Introduction - Did you know that water covers of the Earths surface? - The teacher will tell the students facts about water. o 97% of the Earths water is found in the oceans as salt water. o 2% of water stored as fresh water in glaciers, ice caps and snow covered mountains. o Only 1% is left for our daily supply of water. B. Development - The teacher will say If people did not have enough water to drink they would not survive. About 60% of the human body is made up of water. It is very important that we take water very seriously because it is something that we cannot live without. - The teacher will tell the students about where we can find our daily supply of water. o Stored in the soil which is called an aquifer or beneath the ground which is called ground water or in lakes or rivers (surface water). - After going over the daily supply of water the teacher will go over some uses of water. o 42%of water is used for agricultural purposes (farming) o 39% is used for making electricity o 11% is used in our homes or businesses. o The remaining 8% of water is used for manufacturing and mining. - The teacher will ask the students to name the bodies of water around them. - Next the teacher will show the students a globe or Google earth. - The teacher will tell the students that not all water is safe to drink because of all the pollution that we have in some of our bodies of water. - The teacher will explain that the majority of our water is found as salt water. o We can take the salt out of salt water by the process called desalination but it is very expensive. - The teacher will say sometimes we can purify the water so that it is ready for people to drink and many times that is in the form of a water bottle. - The teacher will say Last year Americans drank 50 billion plastic water bottles which is about 167 water bottles per person per year in the United States. - The teacher will tell the students to get into their science groups. - Next the teacher will give the students two types of water bottles. One from tap water and one from spring water. - Before handing the students their supplies the teacher will make sure the labels of the water bottles are covered and labeled A or B.

- Have the students fill their Dixie cup with water and taste it. Write down what you taste on your inquiry sheet. - They will repeat the same steps with the second water and say which one they liked better. - After everyone has written down their findings they will reveal the water bottles and find out which one they liked better. - As a group the class will be making a bar graph to see what the majority of the class preferred or did not like. o Have each student come up to the board to help fill in the bar graph.

C. Closure - After completing the bar graph the class will go over their findings and talk about why they think there are differences. - The teacher will say Tomorrow we will be taking a closer look at the water cycle. We will be looking into evaporation, condensation and precipitation.

D. Accommodations/Differentiation - John (mild visual impairment) Guided notes will be given in a larger format as well as worksheets for the inquiry. E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan 1. Formative Use a checklist to check completion of bar graph. - Collect inquiry sheet. 2. Summative There is no summative assessment for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is taught) Remediation Plan 1. Should I have included more facts about water? 2. Did this lesson take the allotted amount of time to teach? 3. Did the science inquiry work? B. Personal Reflection VI. Resources All the water in the world. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ban the bottle. (2013). Retrieved from

Water Bottle Tasting

Materials: - Two different types of water bottles labeled A or B. - Dixie cups - Inquiry sheet - Bar graph sheet Procedure - Fill the Dixie cup with water from water bottle A. - Taste the water and write down what you taste in box A. o Use your senses to help you describe. - Fill the Dixie cup with water from water bottle B. - Taste the water and write down what you taste in box B. - Answer the first question on your inquiry sheet. - Once everyone in your group has finished remove the labels on the water bottle and finish the inquiry sheet. - As the class finishes you will be coming up to the front and filling in the class bar graph.

Water Bottle Tasting Name: ____________________________ Water bottle A Date: _____________________________ Water bottle B

Which water bottle did you like better? (Circle one) Water bottle A or Water bottle B

Remove the covers from the water bottles.

Which water did you like better? __________________________

Are you surprised at the outcome? (Circle one)

Yes or No

If so why are you surprised? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ Guided Notes Water

__________ of our planet is cover in water. How much of the human is water? ________________ 97% of the Earths water is found in the _____________ as salt water. 2% is stored as _____________ water in glaciers, ice caps and snow covered mountains. Only ____________ of our water is left for our daily supply of water. When water is stored in the soil or rocks it is called an _________________. Water stored beneath the ground is called ________________________. Surface water is when water is stored in _____________, ______________ or _______________. 42% of water is used for agricultural uses. 39% is used for making _________________. ________________ is used in our homes and businesses. The remaining 8% of water is used for manufacturing and mining.

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